Campbell Rotary: Group Enjoys A Great Day On The Bay

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Campbell Rotary
An Occasional Newsletter May 10, 2011

Coming Events Saturday, Sunday, May Monday, June 13 Monday, June 20

21 & 22
May 21-25 Feeding the Next Week’s
“Boogie on the Homeless @ Final Board of
Bayou” Directors’ Meeting Speaker
Rotary International Convention in Emergency Tuesday, May 17:
New Orleans “Fresh, Hot Roasted
Housing !
Corn!!” and other
Consortium’s By tradition, Eric Andrew,
delicious treats will President Chari Superintendent of
be served up by our will treat this Campbell Union
club at this year’s Sign up with Jerry year’s Board of School District
annual Spring street Cummings and Directors to a
fair in downtown join a most sumptuous dinner
Campbell. Sign up worthwhile (hint, hint!) and a
for a shift with Bill community service final meeting of
Ellington. The 2 day activity. It’s an his Presidential
event will require a hour you won’t Term.
host of volunteers. soon forget.
Join in--it’s fun!

Group Enjoys a Great Day on the Bay

On Saturday, April 30, a group of intrepid adventurers met in the parking lot at EMQ/FF for a fun-
filled “Mystery Trip.” The travelers were told only to bring comfortable shoes, as there may be (con’t
on page 2) 1

(from pg. 1)
walking involved. Not much to go on, Marj Bonsall
but with the event having been planned Busy Weekend for
by veteran social event planner, Kit Celebrated as
Whitney, Rotarians knew they would be Rotarians
heading for fun. Campbell’s ! District 5170 held it’s annual
! The bus arrived and soon our
thrill seekers were on board and heading “Unsung Hero.” Celebration at the Santa Clara Marriott
over the last weekend. The Charis,
North on highway 280. The bus exited ! Long time and pioneering Davises, Crowleys, Highleys, and several
the road and headed for the beautiful Rotarian, Marj Bonsall was honored at a other Campbell Rotarians attended
mansion and gardens on the peninsula, recent meeting as our club’s first ever various sessions of this annual gala event.
Filoli. Psych! No, not Filoli. The bus “Unsung Heroes.” Being among the (Ed. note: Sorry, but had no info on the
continued North to the China Basin area “first” is nothing new to Marj. She was details of the event by press time.)
in San Francisco. AT&T Park, home of one of the first female members of District
the World Champion SF Giants! Yes? ... 5170 back in the 1980s when IR, at long ! Also on Saturday, Jerry
No. last, welcomed women into the fold. Cummings represented our club at the
! Our final and real destination Marj was also the second female club City of Campbell’s Great American Litter
was Pier 3 to board the beautiful “Santa President when she took the helm of the Pick Up Day at John D. Morgan Park.
Rosa” for a wonderful Champagne club in 1989. Not only has Marj been a This was a community wide effort to help
Brunch and glorious views of “Bagdad by consistent contributor to all things Rotary clean up around Campbell parks, freeway
the Bay.” over the years, she also was the exits and railroad tracks. Jerry was joined
Chairperson for the District Speech by other civic groups and hoards of high
Contest, traveling to more than thirty school student volunteers. Thanks for
clubs to promote the contest. She also being there, Jerry!
took part in numerous local vocational
! Another community service
fairs, inspiring young people.
opportunity last Saturday was taken
! On hand to present the award to advantage by other members of our club
Marj, was none other than District 5170 (John Shannon, Emilie Highley, Chris
Governor, Roger Hassler (in photo Young and Mike Anderson pictured
! Entertainment on the bus above). above) were on hand to help out at the
included trivia questions on the ‘60s Willow Glen 5K Run/Walk. Cheering on
along with jokes provided by our hostess ! Marj can be counted on to be at the more than 2,000 runners and walkers,
and other volunteers. all of our fundraising street fairs doing our members also cheered them on to
whatever needs to be done to boost our
! The weather cooperated to make complete the 3.1 mile course. Proceeds of
sales and bring a level of fun to all she
it a perfect outing. Thank you, Kit, for a the days run will go to help out Willow
does. At last year’s signature event, Marj
great outing! Glen Elementary School and other
and Judy Armstrong were the “stars of educational affiliates in the area.
the show” as they entertained the crowd
and pumped up the bids on all of our
auction items.

2 Nullam arcu leo, facilisis ut

Upcoming Speakers

5/10/11 Bob Harper, Campbell Adult & Community Education Dr. Sue Klear
5/17/11 Eric Andrew, Superintendent of Campbell Union School District Janine Payton
5/24/11 Larry Reed, Sierra Club Phil Nielsen
5/31/11 Harry Mavrogenes, Exec. Director, San Jose Redevelopment Agency Bill Highley
6/7/11 Marilyn Priel, Producer/Director/Host, Weekly Cable TV, “The Better Part” Bill Highley
6/14/11 TBD, National Hispanic University
6/21/11 Amy Sigbia, Graduate of SCU New Entrepreneurial Program Jerry Cummings
6/28/11 Ted Ko, Renewable Energy & Economics Stimulus Act Neil Reid

Bumper Stickers

Thought for the day:

"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."
— Mark Twain
Club Roster

Business #
Home/cell #
Mike Anderson (Nancy)! Safeguard Bus. Syst.! 408-938-4204! 408-972-1184! [email protected]
Paul Bacosa (Mary Lou)! Retired! 408-773-8233! 408-480-6235! [email protected]
Jason Baker (Mairead)! Audet & Partners, LLP! 415-568-2555! 408-839-6669! [email protected]
Marv Bamburg (Bonnie)! MBA Architects! 408-297-0288 ! 408-375-8103! [email protected]
Adam Beck! Beckʼs Shoes! 408-559-1601! 408-464-0286! [email protected]
Marj Bonsall (Gary)! Foot Solutions! 408-376-0495! 408-218-5210! [email protected]
Barbara Brann (Mitchell)! Bank of the West! 408-998-6549! !
James Burgard (Helen)! Environetics! 408-727-4274! 408-313-9696! [email protected]
Patrick Calhoun! Attorney-General Law! 408-279-2288! 408-729-8260! [email protected]!
Ravi Chari (Meera)! Oracle! 408-341-6618! 408-375-4293! [email protected]
Kay Chleboun! BBB! 408-278-7420! 408-396-7420! [email protected]!
Frank Cliff! ! 415-494-2826
Dave Crowley (Carolyn)! Pacific News Bureau! 408-997-0819! ! [email protected]
Jerry Cummings (Patty)! Robinson Oil Corp.! 408-517-4333! 408-639-3172! [email protected]
Sharon DʼAmico! BBB! 408-278-7440! 408-255-8741! [email protected]!
Debbie Davis! Property Management! ! 408-691-6903! [email protected]
Rick Davis (Doris)! ! 408-209-4091! ! [email protected]
Bill Ellington (Pat)! Devco Inc.! 408-288-6928! 408-629-6794! [email protected]
James Evertts! Trust Admin Atty.! 408-292-1692! 408-578-2576! [email protected]
Derek Fujikawa (Mari)! CPA! 408-260-7977! 408-832-4519! [email protected]
Dick Garland (Pat)! Casualty Insurance! 408-268-7874! 408-307-2762! [email protected]!
Warren Gilbert (Terttu)! Architecture! 831-722-6770! 831-722-2668! [email protected]
Ann Height! Banking! 408-248-8824! 408-345-1553! [email protected]
Bill Highley (Emilie)! ! 408-892-0205! 408-892-0205! [email protected]
Del Hocker! Business Retired! ! 408-921-0069!
David Keller (Karen)! ! 408-373-7702! ! [email protected]
Sue Klear (Robert)! Klear Your Mind! 408-249-3270! 408-307-9033 ! [email protected]
Ruth Kohan! SJ Public Library! 408-996-1536! 408-768-4226! [email protected]
Bettina Kohlbrenner (Carmelo)EMQFamiliesFirst! 408-364-4051! 408-623-4886! [email protected]
William Mahan (Sherri)! Attorney! 408-371-4211! ! [email protected]
Fred Meyer (Alice)! ! 408-268-4712! ! [email protected]
Carl Middione (Helen)! The Property Network! 408-374-9500! 408-377-1040! [email protected]
Jim Morelan (Milly)! Architect! 408-247-3322! 408-464-4436! [email protected]
Jim Neal! Real Estate! 408-370-1020! 408-313-7973! [email protected]!
Phil Nielsen (Linda)! Attorney! 408-294-9700! 408-252-8284! [email protected]
Rex Osborn (Gerri)! ! 408-268-2246! ! [email protected]
Janine Payton (Don)! Moreland Ed. Found.! 408-378-3493! ! [email protected]
Neil Reid! Wells Fargo Mort.! 408-335-2533! 408-391-6244! [email protected]
Perry Ropp ! Farmers Insurance! 408-377-8686! 408-693-5775! [email protected]!
Jerry Ross (Judy)! WG Insurance Comp.! 408-369-9090! 408-408-687-5542! [email protected]!
Steve Salmon! Real Estate Investor! 415-601-0797! ! [email protected]
Jerry Scott (Jo-Ann)! Probate Referee! 408-295-5468! 408-266-7909!
Mary Beth Seratt! Business Consultant! ! 408-368-1938! [email protected]!
John Shannon (Pamela)! ! 408-204-2604! 408-294-8050! [email protected]
Alan Tanenbaum (Georgette)! 408-358-3160! ! [email protected]
David Tripp ! Jeweler! 408-296-0808! 408-655-4350! [email protected]!
Ed Von Nordeck! Artist! ! 408-267-0780! [email protected]!
Marc Wagner (Cindy)! CPA! 408-283-9631! 408-666-1719! [email protected]
Kit Whitney (Robb)! ! 408-515-3441! ! [email protected]
Kathy Williamson! C.L. Lott & Assoc.! 408-264-5680! 408-832-3307! [email protected]
Bob Yager (Marion)! Financial Advisor! 408-978-2214! 408-867-9747! [email protected]
Chris Young! Petrinovich Pugh & Co.! ! 408-287-7911! [email protected]!
Club Board Members 2010-2011
President: Ravi Chari Secretary: Steve Salmon Treasurer: Marc Wagner
President-elect: Susan Klear Membership: Carl Middione TRF: Bill Highley Public Relations: Dave Crowley
Club Service: Kit Whitney International Service:Bill Mahan Community Service: John Shannon
Fundraising: Bill Ellington New Generations: Janine Payton Past President: Rick Davis
Vocational Service: Sue Klear Programs: Jerry Cummings Socials: Marj Bonsall Future Vision: Bill Mahan

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