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1. Complete the sentences with a suitable adjective. The first letter is given and
there is one space for each letter.

1. I was absolutely d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ to hear that you’re coming to see us next month

– it’s very good news.

2. He’s very s _ _ and only chats to people he knows well.


3. That was a horrible thing to say – you shouldn’t be so n _ _ _ _.


4. She’s a great actor and kind and friendly to everybody she meets – she’s really c _
_ _ _ _ _ _.

5. It was r _ _ _ of him to walk away without saying goodbye.


6. When Amy first moved to the city, she didn’t know anyone there and often felt quite
l _ _ _ _ _.

7. It’s important for people to do their jobs properly and always be p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

_ _.

8. Mark is m _ _  a _ _ _ _ that band – he listens to their music all the time!
mad about

2. Use the prepositions below to complete the sentences. You will need to use
some of the prepositions twice.

According to | despite | Besides | because of | instead of | instead of | despite |


1. Why don’t we stay in and watch a film instead of going out for a walk?
2. We had to leave the beach and go home early because of the rain.

3. Melissa wanted to play tennis despite the wind.

4. According to the school website, someone famous is coming to give a talk to the
students next month.

5. I enjoyed seeing all the celebrities walk into the theatre, despite the long wait
before they finally arrived.

6. Besides getting photos of all the band members, I also spoke to the drummer!

7. The lead guitarist wasn’t well, so someone else had to play instead of him.

8. I do like other things besides classical music!


3. Put the words in the right order and the verb in brackets in the correct form
to make sentences.

1. hair / Sonia / her / had / (cut) / has

Sonia has had her hair cut.

2. his / (repair) / last week / Charlie / camera / had

Charlie had his camera repaired last week.

3. likes / (paint) / Mike / having / face / his

Mike likes having his face painted.

4. is / car / to / Jill / have / going / her / (fix)

Jill is going to have her car fixed.

5. his / is / (deliver) / having / Jack / dinner

Jack is having his dinner delivered.
6. (take) / has / picture / Ann / often / her
Ann often has her picture taken.

7. Ian / his / (mend) / had / has / bike

Ian has had his bike mended.

8. her / may / (paint) / nails / have / Helen

Helen may have her nails painted.

4. Rewrite the sentences using have something done.

1. Someone cleans Sandra’s windows every month.

Sandra has her windows cleaned every month.

2. Someone watered John’s plants while he was away on holiday.

John had his plants watered while he was away on holiday.

3. Someone booked Lucia’s plane ticket for her.

Lucia had her plane ticket booked for her

4. Someone opens film stars’ letters for them.

Film stars have their letters opened for them.

5. Someone has washed Zack’s car.

Zack has had his car washed.

6. Someone is going to record Anna’s new song.

Anna’s/is going to have her new song recorded.

7. Someone could move Freddie’s piano for him.

Freddie could have his piano moved for him.
8. Someone has improved Jana’s dance video for her.
Jana has had her dance video improved for her.

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