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Terminology of the Wild Southwest Page 1

Some examples of the common terminology and slang of the Southwest

The BD - Scavenger Slang - The former city of Bunbury. Short for "Bunbury Detonation

The Desert - The vast sandy desert that spread towards the coasts after the war,
engulfing many towns. Travel more than 100km into the Desert is considered impossible
due to the lack of water sources.

The Dragon - Scavenger Slang - A legendary statue deep within the Dead Forest of the
PD. To "Name the Dragon", that is reach the statue and carve one's name on it, is the
ultimate test of bravery and skill for Scavs.

DZ - Scavenger Slang - The area of almost total detestation surrounding a nuclear crater
for about a kilometre. Nothing remains in this area except blackened and burnt ground and
occasional rubble and foundations of large or strongly constructed buildings. Still
dangerously radioactive. Short for "Detonation Zone".

The FD - Scavenger Slang - The former port city of Fremantle. Short for "Fremantle
Detonation Zone".

Field - Scavenger Slang - An open area in the Rubble Sea or DZ, usually the remains of a
park or sports field. Generally considered slightly safer to camp in than amongst the ruins.

Grease Merchant - Derogatory term for an inhabitant of Porongurup State. A reference to

the whale oil trade. Sometimes "Grease Monkey" or "Greaser" is used instead. Rural
Porongurupans use this term exclusively for the inhabitants of Albany.

Grease Monkey - See Grease Merchant.

Hamlet - Derogatory term for an inhabitant of Denmark State. A reference to an obscure

pre-war play of the same name, although many think it derives from the state's pigeries.

Hapgood Expedition - A group of explorers who set sail on board the specially fitted out
Desert Jaxx to explore eastwards of Cape Le Grande in August 2089. They passed out of
radio range a week later, and have not been heard from since. All are presumed

The Island - Scavenger Slang - Garden Island. A long thin island off the coast of the
Radlands. Location of a pre-war naval base. Devastated (and cut in half) by a nuclear
strike, although numerous underground facilities are rumored to have survived.

Kalgoorlie - Semi-legendary pre-war city where the streets were paved with gold and beer
flowed freely. Supposed to exist many week's journey into the Desert. Considered entirely
mythical by many.

© Copyright 2007 James Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.

Terminology of the Wild Southwest Page 2

The Leeuwin - The STS Leeuwin II is the largest sailing vessel in the southwest. A pre-
war replica ship that made an epic voyage from the far north town of Broome to Albany in
the immediate aftermath of the war, carrying 100 survivors. It set the yet to be broken
record for the Windy Harbour to Albany timber run in 2077, completing the journey in just
under 12 hours.

The MD - Scavenger Slang - The former city of Mandurah. Short for "Mandurah
Detonation Zone".

PAF-B - See Pearce AFB.

Paper Maker - Derogatory term for an inhabitant of D'Entrecasteaux State. A reference to

the state's paper industry.

The PD - Scavenger Slang - The former CBD of the city of Perth. Short for "Perth
Detonation Zone".

Pearce AFB - Scavenger Slang - RAAF Pearce, a prewar air force base. Hit by a nuclear
strike, but large parts of the actual base survived relatively intact due to the missile being a
few kilometres off target. Sometimes called PAF-B.

Pirate Coast - The coast east of Albany as far as Cape Le Grande.

Pirate War – A series a raids and battles fought by the Porongurup Rangers against sea
going raiders along the coast east of Albany between 2062 and 2066.

The Radlands - The coastal strip from Bunbury northwards and inland to the Darling
range. Badly contaminated by radiation, chemical weapons and biological agents, and
inhabited by vicious mutants. At least six nuclear detonations took place at Perth,
Fremantle, Garden Island, Mandurah, RAAF Pearce and Bunbury. The northern extent of
the Radlands are unknown, although they are presumed to run into the Desert beyond the
northern end of the Darlings.

The Resurgam – The Porongurup Rangers Ship (PRS) Resurgam. The most powerful
warship in the Southern States, and possibly the entire world. Constructed during the
Pirate War in 2062. It regularly patrols the south coast and makes occasional trips around
Cape Leeuwin to keep an eye on the Warlords. The name is Latin for “I Rise Again”.

© Copyright 2007 James Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.

Terminology of the Wild Southwest Page 3

Roo Money – Something worthless. Usually used during bartering to disparage

someone's offer - “That's roo money!”. Refers to the scrip issued by the Kangaroo Savings
and Loan Company of Albany, which went bankrupt in 2080.

Rubble Sea - Scavenger Slang - Area of severe to partial devastation surrounding a

nuclear impact site for around ten kilometres. On the fringes are partially destroyed houses
and buildings, which soon degenerate to piles of undifferentiated rubble in the sea proper.
Radiation risk is variable. "The" Rubble Sea generally refers to the former suburban strip
between the Garden Island, Fremantle and Perth DZs.

Satellite Plague - A devastating plague that passed through the Independent Settlements
and States in 2066 and 2067. It was triggered by the crash landing of a satellite near
Maradup - either a biological weapons platform, or carrying viruses mutated from exposure
to radiation. Thousands were killed before the Albany Hospital developed a vaccine.

Scav - See Scavenger

Scavenger - A person who makes a living salvaging pre-war materials from the Radlands
or Desert. Given the hazardous nature of this occupation Scavengers tend either to be
very good at what they do, or dead. Despite the many precautions they take, most
Scavengers tend to die fairly young, often from TRICs. Also called Scavs.

Sheep-Shagger - Derogatory term for an inhabitant of Pallinup State. A reference to the

state's wool and mutton industry.

TRIC - Scavenger Slang - Terminal Radiation Induced Cancer - a common cause of death
among Scavs. Sometimes erroneously spelled "trick".

Throat Trouble - Slang - Hanging is the standard form of execution in the southern states,
hence "to die of throat trouble" is to be executed. Execution is the standard penalty for
murder, attempted murder, rape, treason and engaging in the slave trade.

War of 2081 – A major offensive carried out against the southern Warlord Realms by an
alliance of D'Entrecasteaux and the Independent Settlement of Nannup in 2081. It wiped
out close on a dozen warlord camps and villages and broke the power of the Southern
Warlords, who are still to recover. Known in D'Entrecasteaux simply as “the war” (as
opposed to 'The Great War').

War and Winter - A common expression of exasperation, frustration or shock, referencing

the Great War and the nuclear winter that followed. "War and winter! What's wrong with
you!?" or "War and winter that's big!" for example.

© Copyright 2007 James Nicholls. All Rights Reserved.

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