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Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019

ISSN NO: 0377-9254


D. SHASIKANTH , MBA , Urumu Dhanalakshmi College, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu

ABSTRACT 2. Personal Selling

This paper To improve skills in the research and 3. Sales Promotion, and
analysis of customer segments, demand, and market
potential. To utilize knowledge of the Buyer 4. Publicity
Behavior to enhance strategic decision-making. To
1. Advertising is the dissemination of information by
analyze the Buying Behavior of the customer when
non-personal means through paid media where the
selecting a particular brand. Bridging the gap
source is the sponsoring organization.
between performance expectations of the customers
and Most of the people looking for Mileage in cars 2. Personal selling is the dissemination of
and Next preference are given to the Style and Look information by non-personal methods, like face-to-
of the .product. face, contacts between audience and employees of
the sponsoring organization. The source of
Performance delivered to them will ensure customer
information is the sponsoring organization. 2
delight. It is advised that the customers are educated
about the services and employees updated on the 3. Sales promotion is the dissemination of
expectations of the customers. Even the employees in information through a wide variety of activities other
the retail outlets have to be well trained to help the than personal selling, advertising and publicity which
customers. stimulate consumer purchasing and dealer
The data for the study has been obtained from
secondary sources i.e., from various books and 4. Publicity is the disseminating of information by
journals fact sheets of different cars and websites. personal or non-personal means and is not directly
From this it can be seen that 96.77% of customers paid by the organization and the organization is not
are satisfied with their products. the source.

I. INTRODUCTION Importance of Advertising

Adverting is only one element of the promotion mix, Generally, advertising is a relatively low-cost
but it often considered prominent in the overall method of conveying selling messages to numerous
marketing mix design. Its high visibility and prospective customers. It can secure leads for
pervasiveness made it as an important social and salesmen and middlemen by convincing readers to
encomia topic in Indian society. Promotion may be request more information and by identifying 8 outlets
defined as “the co-ordination of all seller initiated handling the product. It can force middlemen to stock
efforts to set up channels of information and the product by building consumer interest. It can help
persuasion to facilitate the scale of a good or train dealers salesmen in product uses and
service.” Promotion is most often intended to be a applications. It can build dealer and consumer
supporting component in a marketing mix. Promotion confidence in the company and its products by
decision must be integrated and co-ordinated with the building familiarity. Advertising is to stimulate
rest of the marketing mix, particularly product/brand market demand
decisions, so that it may effectively support an entire
marketing mix strategy. The promotion mix consists While sometimes advertising alone may succeed in
of four basic elements. They are:- achieving buyer acceptance, preference, or even
demand for the product, it is seldom solely relied
1. Advertising upon. Advertising is efficiently used with at least one
other sales method, such as personal selling or point- Page No:82
Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254

of-purchase display, to directly move customers to

buying action. Advertising has become increasingly
important to business enterprises – both large and
small. Outlay on advertising certainly is the voucher.
Non-business enterprises have also recognized the
importance of advertising. The attempt by army
recruitment is bases on a substantial advertising
campaign, stressing the advantages of a military
career. The health department popularizes family
planning through advertising Labour organizations
have also used advertising to make their viewpoints
known to the public at large.

Advertising assumes real economic importance too.

Advertising strategies that increase the number of
units sold stimulate economies in the production
Consumer oriented promotions:
process. The production cost per unit of output is
lowered. It in turn leads to lower prices. Lower Consumer oriented sales and advertising is
consumer prices then allow these products to become targeted to the ultimate consumer of a product or
available to more people. Similarly, the price of service and includes couponing, sampling, premiums,
newspapers, professional sports, radio and TV rebates, contests, sweepstakes, and various point of
programmes, and the like might be prohibitive purchase materials. These promotional tools
without advertising. In short, advertising pays for encourage consumers to make an immediate purchase
many of the enjoyable entertainment and educational and thus can stimulate short term sales. These are
aspects of contemporary life. designed to offer consumers an incentive to try a
brand for the first time, to switch back to it, or to
repurchase. Consumer-oriented promotions are part
In the promotional mix sales and advertising , has of a promotional pull strategy; they work along with
been defined as “a direct inducement that offers an advertising to encourage consumers to purchase a
extra value or incentive to the sales force, the particular brand and thus create demand for it.
distributors, or the ultimate consumer with the Consumer promotions are also used by retailers to
primary objective of creating an immediate sales.” encourage consumers to shop in their particular
Sales and advertising is generally broken into two stores. Many grocery stores use their own coupons or
major categories: sponsor contests and other promotions to increase
store patronage.
1. Consumer oriented sales and advertising s
Sampling: sampling involves a variety of procedures
2. Trade oriented sales and advertising s where by consumers are given some quantity of a
product for no charge to induce trial. Sampling is
TYPES OF ADVERTISING AND SALES generally considered the most effective way to
generate trial, although it is also the most expensive.
As a sales and advertising technique, sampling is
often used to introduce a new product or brand to the
market. Samples are different types like door-to-door
sampling, sampling through the mail, in-store
sampling, on package sampling, event sampling etc.

Coupons: This is a certificate that gives buyers a

saving when they purchase a specific Page No:83

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254

product. Coupons can be useful promotional devices price, with the reduction coming out of the
for established products. They can encourage manufacturer’s profit margin, not the retailer’s.
nonusers to try a brand, encourage repeat purchase
among current users, and get users to try a new, Frequency programs: One of the fastest-growing
improved version of brand. areas of sales and advertising is the use of frequency
programs also referred to as continuity or loyalty
Premium: Premiums are a sales and advertising programs. Loyalty programs that offers members
device used by many marketers. A premium is an discounts, a chance to accumulate points that can be
offer of an item of merchandise or service either free also redeemed for rewards, newsletters, and other
or at a low price that is an extra incentive for special services.
purchasers. The two basic types of offers are the free
premium and the self-liquidating premium. Event marketing: event marketing is a type of
promotion where a company or brand is linked to an
Contests and sweepstakes: contests and event or where a themed activity is developed for the
sweepstakes are an increasingly popular consumer- purpose of creating experiences for consumers and
oriented promotion. A contest is a promotion where promoting a product or service. Marketers often do
consumers compete for prizes or money on the basis event marketing by associating their product with
of skills or ability. The company determines winners some popular activity such as a sporting event,
by judging the entries or ascertaining which entry concert, fair, or festival
comes closest to some predetermined criteria. A
sweepstakes is a promotion where winners are Trade oriented sales and advertising:
determined purely by chance:
Trade oriented sales and advertising is targeted
It cannot require a proof of purchase as a condition toward marketing intermediaries such as wholesalers,
for entry. Entrants need only submit their names for retailers, distributors. Promotional and merchandising
the prize drawing. allowances, price deals, sales contests, and trade
shows are some of the promotional tools used to
Refunds and rebates: Refunds are offers by the encourage the trade to stock and promote a
manufacturer to return a portion of the product company’s products.
purchase price, usually after the consumer supplies
some proof of purchase. Consumers are generally Contests and dealer incentives: These are usually
very responsive to rebate offers, particularly as the targeted to sales personnel at the wholesale or retail
size of the savings increases. Rebates are used by level. The producer provides incentives such as
makers of all types of products, ranging from prizes for travel or expensive goods like televisions,
packaged goods to major appliances, cars, and computers and cars.
computer software.
Trade allowances: This promotion offers channel
Bonus packs: Bonus packs offer the consumer an partners price breaks for agreeing to stock the
extra amount of a product at the regular price by product. In most cases the allowance is not only
providing larger containers or extra units. Bonus given as encouragement to purchase the product but
packs result in a lower cost per unit for the consumer also as an inducement to promote the product in other
and provide extra value as well as more products for ways such as by offering attractive shelf space or
the money. store location, highlighting the product in company-
produced advertising or website display, or by
Price-off deals: Another consumer-oriented agreeing to have the retailer’s sales personnel “talk-
promotion technique is the direct price-off deal, up” the product to customers.
which reduces the price of the brand. Price off
reductions are typically offered right on the package Point-of-purchase displays: Point of purchase
through specially marked price packs. Typically, (POP) displays are specially designed materials
price-offs range from 10 to 25 percent off the regular intended for placement in retail stores. These Page No:84

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254

displays allow products to be prominently presented, Sale Promotions

often in high traffic areas, and thereby increase the
probability the product will standout. POP displays Sale promotion consists of a set of various and
come in many styles, though the most popular are different and often short period motive tools which is
ones allowing a product to stand alone, such as in the used for consumer’s or buyer’s provocation to buy
middle of a store aisle or sit at the end of an aisle more and faster (Gupta, 1988; Boddewyn, 1989;
(i.e., end-cap) where it will be exposed to heavy Neslin, 2002). Promotion tools consist of coupon,
customer traffic. rewards, free samples, discounts, advertising goods
and etc.
Training programs: Manufacturers provide sales
training for a retailer's sales personnel. This can mean Conceptual model of research
providing classes (including an instructor), or
Conceptual model is starting point and basis for
providing training materials
implementing studies and researches so that it is
Trade shows: One final type of trade promotion is the specified desired parameters of the research and their
industry trade show (a.k.a. exhibitions, conventions). relationship (Edwards et al, 2000).
Trade shows are organized events that bring both
the relationship between advertising and sale
industry buyers and sellers together in one central
promotions with brand equity dimensions and
location. Spending on trade shows is one of the
brand equity
highest of all sales and advertising s.

Cooperative advertising: A system by which ad

costs are divided between two or more parties.
Usually, such programs are offered by manufacturers
to their wholesalers or retailers, as a means of
encouraging those parties to advertise the product.

Along with the above promotional tools Direct

marketing and Internet/interactive marketing also can
be useful for promoting a product.
To fulfill above objectives the data collection is done
by using,
Advertising is any paid form of non-personal
Primary method of data collection.
presentation and promotion of ideas, goods and
services and it is required price (Kotler, 2003). Secondary method of data collection.
Among components of marketing integrated The
conceptual framework of this research includes Primary data:
independent parameters (advertising and sale
promotion) and dependent parameters (brand equity Primary method includes meeting the
and its dimensions). communication model, consumers directly and interviewing them. The
advertising has more identified position than the primary data is collected through questionnaire by
other marketing components, because costumers selecting 100 respondents on random basis. A
informed new products through advertising (Ryans structured questionnaire was developed to interview
and Ratz, 1987). In addition, advertising is the customers. This questionnaire responses was used
minimized barriers between costumers and as primary data.
organization (Blech, 2001; Lopez et al, 2002).
Secondary data: Page No:85

Vol 10, Issue 9, Sept / 2019
ISSN NO: 0377-9254

It is the information that is collected for a purpose

other than to solve the specific problem under
investigation. It is the data which is in the form of
documents already existing in the form of records,
magazines, books, manuals etc. it is the indirect way
of data collection. Secondary method includes
collecting data regarding the company that is done
with the material provided by the organization.


In this paper that there is a strong relationship

between advertising and sales. This is supported by a
positive relationship established by Pearson
correlation (0.9) together with the positive responses
from the questionnaires. They feel that cost effective,
comfort, easy maintenance, stylish are the main
attributes to purchase a product. The relationship
between advertising and sales is very strong. The
results are indicating that sales promotions are really
affecting the sales by stimulating the consumers.


1. Advertising Management – concepts and cases

Mahendra Mohan.

2. Marketing Management – Philip Kotler

3. Branding – Geoffrey Randoll

4. Strategic Brand Management – Kapferer

5. Advertising and Sales Promotion Management –

S.L.Gupta, V.V.Ratra

6. Principles and Practice of Marketing – C.B.

Memoria and R.L.Joshi

7. Edwards, M. et al., (2000), “ NGOs in a global

future: Marrying local delivery to world wide
leverage”, NGOs Conference

8. Kotler P. (2003), Marketing Management:

Analysis, Planning, And Control, PrenticeHall, Inc,
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey

9. Blech, George and Blech, Michael, (2001),

“Advertising And Promotion", McGraw-Hill, New
NY: York, Fifth Edition. Page No:86

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