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Name:______________________________ Grade/Section: _____________

Allocates budget for basic and social need such as:
1.1.1 Food and clothing
1.1.2 Shelter and education TLE6HE0b-4
1.1.3 Social needs: social and moral obligations (birthday, baptisms, etc.),
family activities, school affairs, saving/emergency budget (health, house repair)
1.2 Prepares feasible and practical budget
1.2.1 Manages family resources efficiently TLE6HE0b-4
1.2.2 Priorities needs over wants

Objectives: At the end of the week, the learner shall be able to:
1. Define budget
2. Enumerate the elements of family budget
3. Allocate budget for basic and social needs
4. Prepare a family budget
Item Budget allocated
5. Manage family resources efficiently
6. Prioritize needs over wants

Schedul Activities Reference/Resourc

e e
Day 1 Activity 1 Total

Direction: Make an allotted budget for the following situation.

A. Mr. Abadilla will celebrate his son’s birthday. He managed to have a budget of Php
15, 000.00. He invited his friends and neighbors to celebrate this with his family.

Items Percentage Budget allocated

Allocate Decorations
this budget Souvenirs/invitations Enclosure:
Php 5,000
Other expenses
Information Sheet,
budget of Page 5-8
this Total
below for a Christmas Party. (Food, games/prizes, decorations)

Cake, balloons, candy, ball, ice cream, gift, lantern, coke, series, letters, milk,
Tupperware, Pencil, shoes, slippers, dress, tshirt, calculator, lechon, rice, bag
and chocolate.

Day 2 Activity 2

Direction: Prepare a monthly family budget using the total income of your family for
one month. See figure 1 in enclosure for your guide.

Monthly Income of your Family:

Family Members:


% of budget
ITEM Amount

Information Sheet,
Page 5-8


Day 3 Activity 3

Direction: Interview a parent (A) and a relative (B) about their family budget. Fill up
the chart with the data you’ve collected from them. Tell them that their names will be
held confidentially.

Family A
Monthly Income: Php
Family Members:
Family B
Monthly Income: Php Enclosure:
Family Members: Information Sheet,
Page 5-6
Items Family A (Amount) Family B (Amount)


Shelter ( Repair and maintenance)


Utilities (Water, electricity, Load,




Recreation (Family outing,


Day 4 Self Check of all the activities

Ask help from anyone at home.(parent, guardian, elder sister/brother) to review all
the activities you’ve answered.
Rubric, Page 5

Day 5 Perfomance task
Direction: Write your personal thoughts about the lesson, activities and exercises
given to you this week. You can write it whatever dialect you’re comfortable of.

Guide Question
Direction: Use a check mark in the appropriate column. YES if the statement is true,
NO if the statement is false.

1. I save a part of my daily allowance for future use.
2. I buy only the things which is needed and within the allotted
3. I stick to my market list when buying.
4. I recycle my used notebooks, pens, etc. so that I can use it
5. I mend tears on my clothes right away to avoid buying a new
6. I avoid buying unnecessary things like toys, if they’re out of the
7. I buy unlabeled canned goods with dents and scratches to save
8. I always wash my hands before and after eating to avoid
sickness and buying expensive medicine.
9. I switch off the lights, TV, and electric fan if it is not being
10. I find some income-generating activity like selling snacks to
my friends, selling bottles to the junk shop and etc.

Rubric for Grading

Rubric of Activity 1 2 & 3

CATEGORY Expert Accomplished Capable Beginner

 Balance  Balance  Balance  Balance
Balance & completely contains 2-3 contains 4 contains 5+
Calculation accurate. Unit inaccuracies accuracies inaccuracies
costs and
 The student  The student  The student  The student
Effort put in lots of put in some put in little put in no
effort in the effort in the effort in the effort in the
activity activity activity activity
 Budget was  Budget was  Budget was  Budget was
realistic and realistic but realistic but not realistic.
expenses the expenses no And no
were less than were greater components necessary
or equal to than income for a complete components
income budget. for a complete
 Design is well  More detail  There are  Design is
thought out, could have many items minimal, no
the budget has been added to that appear on effort has
Quotation &
been used to better match the tables that been made to
its full the budget. are not in the use the
potential budget budgeted

Enclosure: Information Sheet

A budget is the amount of money set aside for planned expenses. It is a plan specifying how much
money will be spent or allocated during a particular period.

Budgeting – is a related to the wise use of family resources. It is based on the system by which wages or
salaries are received and how these are to be spent by itemizing the needs of the family and how much
money is needed to meet such needs.

Components or elements of a family budget:

1. Food – groceries, raw and cooked food, staples, condiments, and spices.
2. Shelter – if not renting, includes taxes, repair, and maintenance.
3. Clothing – uniforms, clothes, and accessories.
4. Education – tuition fee, books, daily food, transportation allowance of children.
5. Household operations – things needed in the house, beddings, curtains, furniture, and other
paraphernalia to make members comfortable.
6. Utilities – electric, water, telephone bills, gas, and salaries of helpers.
7. Health – medicine, check-up.
8. Recreation – family outings, outside dining, and watching movies.
9. Savings – the amount set aside or deposited in the bank.

Allocation of family budget

A family budget may differ from one family size and composition, family values and standards of
living. Some families may spend more on food, others on clothing and still others on education. The values
of the family influence its priorities.

Sample of Monthly Budget
Monthly Income: Php 25,000.00
Family Members: 4
ITEM % of budget allotted Amount
Food 40% 10,100.00
Education 16% 4,000.00
Shelter 15% 3,750.00
Utilities 12% 3,000.00
Household Operation 6% 1,5000.00
Clothing 3% 750.00
Recreation 3% 750.00
Savings 5% 1,250.00
TOTAL 100% 25,000.00

How to manage family resources efficiently?

1. Inform all the members of the family about the budget.

2. Make adjustments to your budget as necessary. Keep within the amount allocated for budget items.
3. Choose a simple lifestyle that you can sustain with your earnings.
4. Buy only things that are needed.
5. Schedule your expenses.
6. Follow a shopping and marketing schedule.
7. Avoid making unscheduled, unplanned purchases especially at a store you are not familiar with.
8. Teach the children to spend their allowance wisely.
9. Conserve energy and other utilities..
10. Recycle or reuse materials.
11. Repair appliances and furniture as needed.
12. Take good care of your belongings.
13. Buy products that are of good quality and reasonable price.
14. Develop the habit of walking short distances.

Factors affecting the family budget:

The following are some factors that can affect a personal or family budget.

1. Amount of Income – the higher the income of the family, the greater the amount that the family members
can spend for their needs and wants. But the greater the income, the more savings the family can have for the
future. On the other hand, the smaller the income of a family, the more it needs to spend for what is most
important and immediate needs. Food, shelter clothing, education, and utilities are some of immediate needs
of most families today.

2. Size and Composition of the family – the more family members are there, the bigger amount of income
is spent on food, clothing, schooling, and for their other basic needs. Also when family members are still
young and growing up, the more expenses are needed for their food, health and medical expenses, clothing
and other basic needs.

3. Values of the family – different families and different individuals have different values so they have
different priorities on how to spend their money.

4. Needs and wants of the family – needs are materials which the family members need to survive on a day
to day basis. Food, shelter, and clothing are basic needs. Today, however, education, transportation, lights,
and water are also considered needs. Wants, on the other hand are materials that the family members desire
to have. They can be postponed if the budget is not enough but can be purchased if the budget allows it.
Jewelry, new dresses, cellphones and other electronic gadgets, appliances, and cars are some of the wants
most families would like to buy.

Needs and Wants

Our needs and wants motivate us to work hard. They encourage and inspire us to get involved in
productive endeavors that will help our families live better. It is important for family members to distinguish
clearly their needs from their wants. In family budgeting, we must prioritize our needs and not wants.


The Basic of Better family Living 6

Prepared by:

Leonora S. Lago
EPP Teacher


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