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Prabhat Kids School, Akola

Session: 2021 – 2022


This is to certify that

Mast. / Miss ______________________________ Class /
Section ______________ has satisfactorily completed the
practical’s prescribed by CBSE (Skill Education) for Std. X
course in the laboratory.

Subject: Information Technology

Subject Code: 402

Date of submission: ______________


Pr. Date of Page

Name of Practical
No. Submission No.
1. Explain the styles given in the Styles and Formatting Window for
writer and paste the screen shot of the window.

Ans. supports the following types of styles:

1. Page styles
2. Paragraph styles
3. Character styles
4. Frame styles
5. Numbering styles
6. Cell styles
7. Graphics styles
8. Presentation Styles

Styles given for writer are shown below:

Fig.: Styles and Formatting Window

✓ Page styles: include margins, headers and footers, borders and

backgrounds. In Calc, page styles also include the sequence for printing
✓ Paragraph styles: control all aspects of a paragraph’s appearance, such
as text alignment, tab stops, line spacing, and borders, and can include
character formatting.
✓ Character styles: affect selected text within a paragraph, such as the
font and size of text, or bold and italic formats.
✓ Frame styles: are used to format graphic and text frames, including
wrapping type, borders, backgrounds, and columns.
✓ Numbering styles: apply similar alignment, numbering or bullet
characters, and fonts to numbered or bulleted lists.
2. Write the steps to create new style in Open Office Writer.

Ans.: We can create New (Custom) Styles in two ways

Creating a new style from a selection:

1. Open the Styles and Formatting window and choose the type of style
you want to create.
2. In the document, select the item you want to save as a style.
3. In the Styles and Formatting window, click on the New Style from
Selection icon

4. After Clicking on New Style from Selection, create style dialog box
5. Write the name for the new style and click on OK.
3. How to insert image from Computer in OO Writer?

1. Place a cursor where picture is required and Click on insert menu.
2. Select Picture option.
3. Click on From File option.

4. An insert picture dialog box appears.

5. Select any picture from desired location.

6. Click on open button to insert. A picture will be placed into document.

The Internet is one of the large source of insert and use images in document.
4. Write a Mail Merge process in OO Writer.

1. Create your email the way you want it with the roll-your-own approach.

2. Save it. But keep it open.

3. In Writer set up email configuration. Choose Tools > Options > Writer > Email. Key settings are the outgoing server name
and the port number. You just need to do this once. If you have security
on your email, like requiring a password to send, you will have to click the
Server Authentication button and enter additional information.
4. Choose Tools > Mail Merge Wizard and check Use the Current Document.
Or else browse to your document, and click Next.
5. Choose E-mail message and click Next.
6. Select the database you are using and the table. Click OK and click Next.
7. Keep clicking Next until you are here. Fill it in by selecting the field from
the database that has the emails in it, and anything else you want. Click
Send Documents.

You will see the progress window. And you are done!
5. Write steps to create table using the Insert Table dialog box.

Ans.: To insert a table with more control over the settings and properties, use
the Insert Table dialog box.To open the dialog box, select Table → Insert →
Table or Ctrl + F12 or left click the Table icon.

From this dialog box you can:

▪ Select the number of rows and columns of the table
▪ Give a name to the table to later distinguish it in the Navigator
▪ Select the Heading option to define the first row in the table as the
▪ Select the Repeat heading option to repeat the heading row if the table
spans more than one page
▪ Select the Don't split table option to prevent the table from spanning more
than one page
▪ Select the Border option to surround each cell of the table with a border

The AutoFormat button at the bottom of the dialog box opens the AutoFormat
dialog box:

From here it is possible to choose between different predefined formats.

If none of the predefined autoformats have the desired characteristics for your
table, you can tune the format of the table or of a particular cell with the
contextual Table toolbar. Open the toolbar by placing the cursor inside a table
cell or select View → Toolbars → Table. If you wish to save the formatting you
just created, place your cursor inside the table, and select Table → AutoFormat
and then press Add . Provide a name for the new AutoFormat so you can find it
6. Write the steps to consolidate data of two sheets in Open Office Calc.


1. Open a new file in Open Office Calc and write the following data:

Sheet1 Data Table

2. Open another file in Open Office Calc and write the following Data:

Sheet2 Data Table

3. Open the third sheet and click on Data → Consolidate. The following
dialog box appear

4. Click to select Source data range of first sheet and then click on Add
5. After adding Source data range from both the sheets, the dialog box
will appear like shown below:

6. Click on the green button and select the Cell where you want the
consolidated data.
7. After adding both the range and selecting the cell where we want the
result, click on OK button
8. After clicking OK button, we will get the consolidated data as shown
7. Write the steps to record Macro in open office calc.

Ans.: Following steps create a macro that performs paste special with
1. Open a new file in calc.
2. Enter the following data.

3. Select cell A3, which contains the number 3, and copy the value to the
4. Select the range A1:C3. 5. Use Tools > Macros > Record Macro to start
the macro recorder.
5. The Record Macro dialog is displayed with a stop recording button.

6. Use Edit > Paste Special to open the Paste Special dialog.

7. Set the operation to Multiply and click OK. The cells are now multiplied
by 3.
8. Click Stop Recording to stop the macro recorder. The
Basic Macros dialog opens and save the macro at specified place with a
particular name.
8. What is Subtotal? Write procedure to create subtotal of given data.

Ans.: Subtotal is used to display your formula results according to columns

group and row labels.

Using subtotal option:

1. Click on Data → Subtotals.

2. A subtotals dialog box appears as displayed in the following screenshot:

3. There are 3 group tab buttons given, so you can group your columns from
data up to 3 groups. The options tab contains different options as
displayed in the following screenshot:

4. Select the group options and functions and click on OK.

Now observe the following output screen.

9. Write a procedure to create reference.

Ans.: To create the reference with the mouse, both spreadsheets need to be
open. Select the cell in which the formula is going to be entered.
1. Click the = icon next to the input line.
2. Switch to the other spreadsheet.

Fig.: Savings account cell reference

3. Select the sheet and then the reference cell.

4. Switch back to the original spreadsheet.
5. Click on the green check mark on the input line.

You will get a good feel for the format of the reference if you look closely at the
input line as in:

Based on this line you can create the reference using the keyboard.
10. Explain OLE. Write steps to embed the object using OLE.


The major benefit of an OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) object is that it is
quick and easy to edit the contents just by double-clicking on it. You can also
insert a link to the object that will appear as an icon rather than an area showing
the contents itself.
OLE objects can be linked to a target document or be embedded in the target
document. Embedding inserts a copy of the object and details of the source
program in the target document. If you want to edit the embedded spreadsheet,
double-click on the object.

To add an OLE object:

1. Place the cursor in the document and location you want the OLE object
to be.
2. Select Insert > Object > OLE Object.

Fig.: Insert OLE object dialog

To create a new object:

1. Select Create new and select the object type among the available
2. Click OK. An empty container is placed in the slide.
3. Double-click on the OLE object to enter the Edit mode of the object. The
application devoted to handling that type of file will open the object.
11. Write the steps to create table with minimum five fields on an entity
"STUDENT" in design view.

Ans.: We will design the following table.

Field Name Data Type Constraint

ID Integer Primary Key
Name Varchar
Address Varchar
Phone Varchar
DOB Date

1. Click on Create Table in Design View option available under Tasks and a
Table Design window appears as shown below.

2. Specify the field name and data type of the field to be created as shown
3. In the gray box at the left of the line, right-click and select Primary Key,
bringing up a key icon in the box.

4. Save the table (File > Save).

12. Write the command for the following table Student.

Rollno Class Name Phone_no

1 XII Sumit 1234565
2 X Amit 3564583
3 X Anuj 1236589
4 XI Mini 5869542

1. Display all the records of table Student.

2. Insert record of your choice
3. Display record of student whose roll number is 3
4. Display record of students who are in class 'X
5. Display the record of 'Anuj'.


1. SELECT * FROM student;

2. INSERT INTO student VALUES(5, 'XI' , 'Suman' , 6953245);

3. SELECT * FROM student WHERE Rollno = 3;

4. SELECT * FROM student WHERE class = 'X';

5. SELECT * FROM student WHERE name = 'Anuj';

13. Write a procedure to create relationship among two tables.

1. Define relationships by Tools > Relationships.
2. Relation design window opens. The icons we will use are Add
Tables and New Relation.

3. Click the Add Tables icon. The Add Tables window opens.

There are two ways to add a table to the Relation design window.
1. Double-click the name of the table. In our case, do this for both Vacations
and Fuel.
2. Or, click the name of the table and then click Add.
3. Click Close when you have added the tables you want.

Defining the relationship between the Vacations and Fuel tables

• Click and drag the Date field in the Fuel table to the Date field in the
Vacations table. When you release the left mouse button, a connecting line
forms between the two date fields.
14. Write steps to create a Form using the Wizard.

In the main database window, click the Form icon. Double-click Use Wizard to
Create Form to open the wizard.

Select fields:
1. Under Tables or queries, select Vacations as the table. Available fields lists
the fields for the Vacations table.
2. Click the right double arrow to move all of these fields to the Fields in the
form list. Click Next.

Set Primary Key:

1. Select Date column to set Primary Key constraint.
2. Click Next.

Arrange controls:
1. Arrangement of the form: Click Columnar - Labels on top
2. Click Next.

Set data entry:

1. Unless you have a need for any of these entries to be checked, accept the
default settings.
2. Click Next.

Apply styles:
Select the color you want in the Apply Styles list.
Select the Field border you want.
Click Next.

Enter the name for the form and save it.

15. Write a procedure to create query using the Design View.

1. Click Create Query in Design View.

2. Click Add.
3. Click Close.

Move the cursor over the bottom edge of the Fuel table. The cursor become
a single arrow with two heads. Drag the bottom of the table to make it longer
and easier to see all of the fields in the table.

Add fields to the table at the bottom.

1. Double-click the FuelID field in the Fuel table.

2. Double-click the Odometer field.

3. Double-click the FuelQuantity field.

The table at the bottom of the query window should now have three columns.

Close, save, and name the query.

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