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2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Mobile Health Nutrition Book Design to Prevent

Stunting at Childreen <5 years

Vilda Ana Veria Setyawati Bambang Agus Herlambang

Public Health Department Informatic Engineering
Dian Nuswantoro University Universitas PGRI
Semarang. Indonesia Semarang. Indonesia
[email protected] [email protected]

Through the national health work meeting, stunting is one of Health problems that inhibit the growth and development of
three health problems that are prioritized to be handled holistically children, namely stunting. Even according to the results of the
by several ministries. However, the treatment are preventive and national health work meeting (RAKERKESNAS), stunting is
curative from one party only (the government). Laymen, often do one of the priorities besides tuberculosis and improving the
not understand things related to stunting itself. Stunting is a growth
quality of immunizations. Cross-sector handling, involves
disorder that affects children's growth and development. Efforts
can be made to support the program by providing health education many components and costs are not small. However, being a
for mothers. In the digital era, almost everyone has a smartphone problem in the region, many people do not understand stunting
that can be used for health education media. This study aims to [4]. One example when stunting was the topic of discussion in
compile a mobile book design that is expected to help mothers to a regional head debate, there were several regional heads who
monitor children's growth and development. The approach used in were still not exposed to this term. Therefore, education is
this study is an object-oriented approach. The method used is the needed for the community to understand stunting.
method of developing SDLC prototyping models with usability Children have the right to foster care, compassion, and
testing. The steps taken are Requirement Analysis, Design & sharpening with a maximum age of gold. These three things
Development, and Application and Testing. Based on the results
will have a good impact on the growth and development of
obtained, the mobile health nutrition book can be produced and
used on mobile phones that have an Android form plate. children if given appropriately according to their age and sex.
People who play a role in child development are mothers.
Keywords : Health nutrition, mobile book, SDLC, prototyping Generally mothers provide education to their children since
they were born. Mother is the first and most important teacher
I. INTRODUCTION for children. A housewife is not a nutritionist, but must be able
Toddlers are children aged 0-59 months. Infancy is a golden to compile and assess the dishes that will be served to family
period in the process of growth and development. In its time members. Knowledge of health nutrition for mothers is needed
Growth and development will be decisive in the success of so that children get proper care. Lack of knowledge and
child growth and development in the next period. Growth is a misconceptions about food needs and food values are common
process of increasing the size / dimensions of the body due to problems. One of the causes of stunting problems is lack of
the increasing number and size of cells. Development is the knowledge about nutrition or the ability to apply that
process of organ function maturation, which is shown by the information in daily life [5].
development of abilities, intelligence and behavior [1]. Previous studies have tested the effectiveness of nutritional
Factors that influence the growth and development of children education in several ways. Like books, counseling, counseling.
after birth are poverty, infectious diseases, reduction or But in these ways, the media used for nutritional education is
deprivation of rights, injustice, limited access to health service no longer used after the research is completed. Expectations
resources, food and nutrition information, and ignorance of the from researchers, media for nutritional education is also used
relationship between food and health or body needs [2]. onward for companions in monitoring children's growth and
Based on Riskesdas 2013 there was an increase in stunting development. So it is necessary to use nutritional education
children from 36.8% in 2010 to 37.2% in 2013. Over the past media in accordance with the character of the mother today.
20 years, handling stunting problems has been very slow. The special feature is that it cannot be separated from the
Globally, the percentage of children who are stunted has gadget.
declined by only 0.6% per year since 1990. WHO proposes a Mother's character is increasingly following the times. At
global target of a decrease in the incidence of stunting in present, almost all mothers already have cellphones that can
children under five years of age by 40% by 2025, but it is be used as health education media. The purpose of this study
predicted that only 15-36 countries meet the target [3]. is to compile a mobile health book that can be used as

2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

reference material for mothers to provide care, compassion, users are expected to be able to display the material / title
proper teaching so that children avoid stunting. selection menu, search for titles and there is a menu showing
content content. From the results of functional analysis, the
II. HEALTH EDUCATION researcher conducts a Development requirement analysis
Nutrition and health education is an educative approach to which includes the need for tools in building a mobile book
produce improvement or to maintain good health status. The application system. Tools used in building application systems
objectives of nutrition and health education are as follows: include Android Studio 3.0 for development and UML for
a. Can form a positive attitude towards health. modeling. At the design stage, the design of a general system
b. Knowledge and skills in selecting and using food design is done with Use Case Diagrams, Activity Diagrams
ingredients. and Class Divisions. In this stage also created a User Interface
c. The formation of good eating habits Design to facilitate application users in knowing the menu
d. There is motivation to find out more about things related to layout and layout of this mobile book application system.
health. Some displays that are designed and built include Splash
Nutrition education in particular to increase the knowledge of Screen, home page, and pages that display material content.
mothers aims to change wrongdoing which results in the The prototype construction was built using Android Studio
danger of malnutrition. Media for nutrition and health 3.0. Usability testing is done to obtain feedback from potential
education is equally important in the process of delivering users. As for some things that are tested, the user is asked to
health information. This media serves as an extension tool. test the menu button function, usabiliy testing scenario is done
Based on its function, the media is divided into 3, namely [6]: by the user is asked to try to select the material title to see
a. Print media, consisting of: booklets, leaflets, flip charts, whether the content of the title can appear on the screen or not.
rubrics, posters Prototype is carried out by usability test for users with criteria
b. Electronic media is a medium for delivering health for Men / Women aged 25-35 years and familiar with
information through television, radio, video, or slides, smartphone usage. The results of the feedback of potential
smartphones users in conducting usability testing are that most prospective
c. Media boards (bill boards) usually installed in public users want the menu display that was originally designed with
places can be used as a medium to convey health messages text display in a row list to be displayed with the tile model
/ information. with an image icon to facilitate the selection of titles and
display of material content with images to facilitate
III. METHOD understanding of the material. From the results of the
The approach used in this study is an object-oriented feedback, a user interface design is created and builds
approach. In addition, the SDLC method prototyping model is prototype construction with the tile menu model and the
used with usability testing. The steps taken in the prototyping addition of images to material content as desired by the
model include planning by performing Requirement Analysis, prospective user.
Design & Develoment Application and Testing (Testing) to
obtain returns from prospective users. These stages can be IV. RESULT
done overlap and cycle. The system design tool used is UML (Unifield Modeling
Language) which is a graphical language for documentation,
specifications, visualization, and building software systems.
UML provides standards in notations and diagrams that can be
used to model a system [7].

Manage Title
Select Title


View Content Manage Content Login

User <<include>>
Search Title &
Content Manage Image

Figure 1: Prototyping Model Diagram

Figure 2 : Use Case Diagram
At the planning stage, the requirements analysis is done by
Use Case Diagram
using interviews and observations, the program is conducted
The use case diagram above serves to explain the interactions
for prospective application users about what functions are
that occur in the application system, the series of interactions
desired from this mobile book application system, in the
between users and application systems that occur for more
category of Functional analysis, namely the needs related to
details will be described in the use case scenario as follows.
the functions obtained by the application system prospective

2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Nama Use Case : Select Title User Aplication System

Function Select the selection of titles

provided in the menu and
sub menu according to the Open Aplication Main Menu Display
theme in the mobile book
prevention stunting
Select Tema View Content
Use Case Scenario Users on the main menu
page first select a title or
subtitles from the menu Read Content Main Menu Display
icon. To be able to see the
content the user must
choose a title in which there Search Display Tema
are several options such as
Toddler Growth and
Development, Stunting, Main Menu Display
Sharpening, Care and
Actors Involved User
Figure 3 : Activity Diagram

Nama Use Case : View Content In the activity diagram, the user first opens the application
then the system application will display the Main Menu E-
Book Prevention Stunting, User then selects the theme or title
Funtion Display the contents of the to be read, from the user system application options will then
material that has been display the content of the theme or title that the user has
selected by the user selected . The user reads the content that has been selected, the
Use Case Scenario After the user chooses the application system provides facilities for searching the title or
title, the user will be able to theme that the user wants and will display search results
directly read the content of performed by the user.
each title that has been Class Diagram
selected. The relationships between classes that occur in the design of
the stunting prevention e-book application system can be
Actors Involved User
described as follows:
Nama Use Case : Search 1..1
Id_Title Name_Content
Name_Title Content
Fungsi Look for Titles in mobile + View ()
+ Select()
1..n Id_Title
+ get_id_Content ()
book +Search() + Select()
+ View()

Use Case Scenario Users / users can search the

content based on the Image
desired title Id_Image
Actors Involved User 1..n
+ get_id_Image ()
+ Select()
Activity Diagram + View()
Activity diagram is a depiction of the work flow of the E- Figure 4 : Class Diagram
Book stunting prevention application. Activities described in
the activity diagram are not activities carried out by the user Menu Design
but activities carried out by the system from what the user Menu design is used to facilitate searching when running a
does. The activity diagram is as follows: stunting prevention book mobile application program will be
created, the menu structure design on the mobile-based mobile
book prevention stunting application program can be
described as shown above. The menu consists of the main

2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

Menu (Theme / Material, Sharpening, Asih, Foster and material sub menu content
Search). In the material menu there are sub menus, among 5 User clicks the Asih Appearance icon Valid
others, toddler growth, development and development, menu on the main icon
stunting (prevention and impact of stunting) and the right 3A. menu
Main Menu
6 User clicks on the Look at the Valid
menu icon content of the
Tema Materi Asah Asih Asuh Search original material
Tumbuh Kembang
complete with the
Balita slider model
Tumbuh Kembang
7 User click the menu Show the Valid
on the main menu sharpening menu
8 Users click the menu Appear the Valid
icon sharpening
3A Yang Tepat material content
Figure 5 : Menu Design complete with the
Implementation Result slider model
Is the result of the steps that have been taken before. The image
results of the making of the stunting prevention e-book can be 9 Users click the Foster Show Foster Valid
seen in the picture below as a sample user interface, which menu on the main menu icon
includes the display of the main menu display material and the menu
appearance of the stunting material. 10 User clicks on the Show foster Valid
foster icon material content
complete with
slider model

There are different ways through which parental education can
affect their children’s health status. Education might have a
direct impact on child health because it increases the ability to
acquire and process information. This helps parents to prevent
stunting and make better health investments for themselves
Figure 6: User Interface View and their children and may result in better parenting in
general. Alternatively, education can affect child growth and
Black Box Testing development through indirect pathways. An increased level of
Black box testing is conducted to determine the functional education can give access to more skilled work with higher
validity of the mobile book application system that was built, earnings and these resources could be used to invest in growth
the test results can be seen in the following table: and development to cushion the impact of adverse health
shocks [8].
No Testing Scenarion Expected result Testing Health education is needed by parents as early as possible. If
conclusions necessary health workers should provide health education
1 Users click the List material with Valid since the mother is still pregnant. According to research
material menu button the menu tile conducted in Nigeria, maternal education provided since the
on the main menu model fetus is still in the womb, effectively increases knowledge and
2 Users click the sub Show material for Valid changes health attitudes (p <0.05) [9].
menu of the Toddler, User, Toddler & The development of technology in the era of globalization is
Grow & Grow Grow very rapid as it is today, technology is used to help human
material work, where in this case mobile-based applications are used to
3 Users click the Show stunting Valid facilitate or help users to find out nutritional status. Based on
stunting material sub material content these conveniences, mobile-based applications are currently
menu complete with very popular because they are easy to use and easy to access
slider model anytime and anywhere.
image The development of information and communication
4 User clicks the 3A Show 3A material Valid technology (ICT) today has penetrated into various aspects of

2018 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and Communication (iSemantic)

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