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This Agreement, dated December 1 2020, by and between an individual known as Kevin Durand of
2100 Rebsamen Park Road, 114, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202, hereinafter known as the


An individual known as Karrie Griffin, hereinafter known as the "Tenant(s)", agree to the following:

OCCUPANT(S): The Premises is to be occupied strictly as a residential dwelling with only the
Tenant(s) mentioned above as the Occupant(s).

OFFER TO RENT: The Landlord hereby rents to the Tenant(s), subject to the following terms and
conditions of this Agreement, an apartment with the address of 2908 Wolfe Street, Little Rock,
Arkansas, 72206 consisting of 1 bathroom(s) and 1 bedroom(s) hereinafter known as the
"Premises". The Landlord may also use the address for notices sent to the Tenant(s).

PURPOSE: The Tenant(s) and any Occupant(s) may only use the Premises as a residential
dwelling. It may not be used for storage, manufacturing of any type of food or product, professional
service(s), or for any commercial use unless otherwise stated in this Agreement.

FURNISHINGS: The Premises is furnished with the following:

Bedroom Set(s), Dining Room Set(s), Living Room Set(s) and all other furnishings to be provided
by the Tenant(s). Any damage to the Landlord's furnishings shall be the liability of the Tenant(s),
reasonable wear-and-tear excepted, to be billed directly or less the Security Deposit.

APPLIANCES: The Landlord shall provide the following appliances:

Dishwasher, Dryer (for Laundry), Hot Water Heater, Oven(s), Radiator(s), Refrigerator, Stove(s),
Washer (for Laundry), and all other appliances to be provided by the Tenant(s). Any damage to the
Landlord's appliances shall be the liability of the Tenant(s), reasonable wear-and-tear excepted, to
be billed directly or less the Security Deposit.

LEASE TERM: This Agreement shall be a fixed-period arrangement beginning on December 1

2020 and ending on November 30 2021 with the Tenant(s) having the option to continue to occupy
the Premises under the same terms and conditions of this Agreement under a Month-to-Month
arrangement (Tenancy at Will) with either the Landlord or Tenant having the option to cancel the
tenancy with at least thirty (30) days notice or the minimum time-period set by the State, whichever
is shorter. For the Tenant to continue under Month-to-Month tenancy at the expiration of the Lease
Term, the Landlord must be notified within sixty (60) days before the end of the Lease Term.
Hereinafter known as the "Lease Term".

RENT: Tenant(s) shall pay the Landlord in equal monthly installments of $600.00 (US Dollars)
hereinafter known as the "Rent". The Rent will be due on the First (1st) of every month and be paid
by sending payment to the Landlord's aforementioned mailing address.

Page 1
NON-SUFFICIENT FUNDS (NSF CHECKS): If the Tenant(s) attempts to pay the rent with a
check that is not honored or an electronic transaction (ACH) due to insufficient funds (NSF) there
shall be a fee of $25 (US Dollars).

LATE FEE: If rent is not paid on the due date, there shall be a late fee assessed by the Landlord in
the amount of:

$25 (US Dollars) per occurrence for each month payment that is late after the 5th Day rent is due.

FIRST (1ST) MONTH'S RENT: First (1st) month's rent shall be due by the Tenant(s) upon the
execution of this Agreement.

PRE-PAYMENT: The Landlord shall not require any pre-payment of rent by the Tenant(s).

PRORATION PERIOD: The Tenant(s) will not move into the Premises before the start of the
Lease Term.

SECURITY DEPOSIT: A Security Deposit in the amount of $600.00 (US Dollars) shall be
required by the Tenant(s) at the execution of this Agreement to the Landlord for the faithful
performance of all the terms and conditions. The Security Deposit is to be returned to the Tenant(s)
within 60 days after this Agreement has terminated, less any damage charges and without interest.
This Security Deposit shall not be credited towards rent unless the Landlord gives their written

POSSESSION: Tenant(s) has examined the condition of the Premises and by taking possession
acknowledges that they have accepted the Premises in good order and in its current condition except
as herein otherwise stated. Failure of the Landlord to deliver possession of the Premises at the start
of the Lease Term to the Tenant(s) shall terminate this Agreement at the option of the Tenant(s).
Furthermore, under such failure to deliver possession by the Landlord, and if the Tenant(s) cancels
this Agreement, the Security Deposit (if any) shall be returned to the Tenant(s) along with any other
pre-paid rent, fees, including if the Tenant(s) paid a fee during the application process before the
execution of this Agreement.

ACCESS: Upon the beginning of the Proration Period or the start of the Lease Term, whichever is
earlier, the Landlord agrees to give access to the Tenant(s) in the form of keys, fobs, cards, or any
type of keyless security entry as needed to enter the common areas and the Premises. Duplicate
copies of the access provided may only be authorized under the consent of the Landlord and, if any
replacements are needed, the Landlord may provide them for a fee. At the end of this Agreement all
access provided to the Tenant(s) shall be returned to the Landlord or a fee will be charged to the
Tenant(s) or the fee will be subtracted from the Security Deposit.

MOVE-IN INSPECTION: Before, at the time of the Tenant(s) accepting possession, or shortly
thereafter, the Landlord and Tenant(s) shall perform an inspection documenting the present
condition of all appliances, fixtures, furniture, and any existing damage within the Premises.

SUBLETTING: The Tenant(s) shall not have the right to sub-let the Premises or any part thereof
without the prior written consent of the Landlord. If consent is granted by the Landlord, the
Tenant(s) will be responsible for all actions and liabilities of the Sublessee including but not limited
to: damage to the Premises, non-payment of rent, and any eviction process (In the event of an
eviction the Tenant(s) shall be responsible for all court filing fee(s), representation, and any other
fee(s) associated with removing the Sublessee). The consent by the Landlord to one sub-let shall not
be deemed to be consent to any subsequent subletting.

Page 2
ABANDONMENT: If the Tenant(s) vacates or abandons the property for a time-period that is the
minimum set by State law or seven (7) days, whichever is less, the Landlord shall have the right to
terminate this Agreement immediately and remove all belongings including any personal property
off of the Premises. If the Tenant(s) vacates or abandons the property, the Landlord shall
immediately have the right to terminate this Agreement.

ASSIGNMENT: Tenant(s) shall not assign this Lease without the prior written consent of the
Landlord. The consent by the Landlord to one assignment shall not be deemed to be consent to any
subsequent assignment.

PARKING: The Landlord shall provide the Tenant(s) 1 Parking Space.

The Landlord shall not charge a fee for the 1 Parking Space. The Parking Space(s) can be described
as: Carport

RIGHT OF ENTRY: The Landlord shall have the right to enter the Premises during normal
working hours by providing notice in accordance with the minimum State requirement in order for
inspection, make necessary repairs, alterations or improvements, to supply services as agreed or for
any reasonable purpose. The Landlord may exhibit the Premises to prospective purchasers,
mortgagees, or lessees upon reasonable notice.

SALE OF PROPERTY: If the Premises is sold, the Tenant(s) is to be notified of the new Owner,
and if there is a new Manager, their contact details for repairs and maintenance shall be forwarded.
If the Premises is conveyed to another party, the new owner shall not have the right to terminate this
Agreement and it shall continue under the terms and conditions agreed upon by the Landlord and

UTILITIES: The Landlord agrees to pay for the following utilities and services:

Electricity, Heat, Natural Gas, Trash Removal, Water, with all other utilities and services to be the
responsibility of the Tenant(s).

MAINTENANCE, REPAIRS, OR ALTERATIONS: The Tenant(s) shall, at their own expense

and at all times, maintain premises in a clean and sanitary manner, and shall surrender the same at
termination hereof, in as good condition as received, normal wear and tear excepted. The Tenant(s)
may not make any alterations to the leased premises without the consent in writing of the Landlord.
The Landlord shall be responsible for repairs to the interior and exterior of the building. If the
Premises includes a washer, dryer, freezer, dehumidifier unit and/or air conditioning unit, the
Landlord makes no warranty as to the repair or replacement of units if one or all shall fail to
operate. The Landlord will place fresh batteries in all battery-operated smoke detectors when the
Tenant(s) moves into the premises. After the initial placement of the fresh batteries it is the
responsibility of the Tenant(s) to replace batteries when needed. A monthly "cursory" inspection
may be required for all fire extinguishers to make sure they are fully charged.

EARLY TERMINATION: The Tenant(s) may not be able to cancel this Agreement unless the
Tenant is a victim of Domestic Violence, in such case, the Tenant may be able to cancel in
accordance with any local, state, or federal laws.

PETS: The Tenant(s) shall be allowed to have:

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Three (3) pets on the Premises consisting of Cats, Dogs, Fish, Hamsters, Rabbits, Reptiles, with no
other types of Pet(s) being allowed on the Premises or common areas, hereinafter known as the
"Pet(s)". The Tenant(s) shall not be required to pay a fee for any pet allowed on the Premises. The
Tenant(s) is responsible for all damage that any pet causes, regardless of ownership of said pet and
agrees to restore the property to its original condition at their expense. There shall be no limit on the
weight of the pet. pounds (Lb.).

NOISE/WASTE: The Tenant(s) agrees not to commit waste on the premises, maintain, or permit to
be maintained, a nuisance thereon, or use, or permit the premises to be used, in an unlawful manner.
The Tenant(s) further agrees to abide by any and all local, county, and State noise ordinances.

GUESTS: There shall be no other persons living on the Premises other than the Tenant(s) and any
Occupant(s). Guests of the Tenant(s) are allowed for periods not lasting for more than 1 week unless
otherwise approved by the Landlord.

SMOKING POLICY: Smoking on the Premises is prohibited on the entire property, including
individual units, common areas, every building and adjoining properties.

COMPLIANCE WITH LAW: The Tenant(s) agrees that during the term of the Agreement, to
promptly comply with any present and future laws, ordinances, orders, rules, regulations, and
requirements of the Federal, State, County, City, and Municipal government or any of their
departments, bureaus, boards, commissions and officials thereof with respect to the premises, or the
use or occupancy thereof, whether said compliance shall be ordered or directed to or against the
Tenant(s), the Landlord, or both.

DEFAULT: If the Tenant(s) fails to comply with any of the financial or material provisions of this
Agreement, or of any present rules and regulations or any that may be hereafter prescribed by the
Landlord, or materially fails to comply with any duties imposed on the Tenant(s) by statute or State
laws, within the time period after delivery of written notice by the Landlord specifying the non-
compliance and indicating the intention of the Landlord to terminate the Agreement by reason
thereof, the Landlord may terminate this Agreement. If the Tenant(s) fails to pay rent when due and
the default continues for the time-period specified in the written notice thereafter, the Landlord may,
at their option, declare the entire balance (compiling all months applicable to this Agreement) of
rent payable hereunder to be immediately due and payable and may exercise any and all rights and
remedies available to the Landlord at law or in equity and may immediately terminate this

The Tenant(s) will be in default if: (a) Tenant(s) does not pay rent or other amounts that are owed in
accordance with respective State laws; (b) Tenant(s), their guests, or the Occupant(s) violate this
Agreement, rules, or fire, safety, health, or criminal laws, regardless of whether arrest or conviction
occurs; (c) Tenant(s) abandons the Premises; (d) Tenant(s) gives incorrect or false information in the
rental application; (e) Tenant(s), or any Occupant(s) is arrested, convicted, or given deferred
adjudication for a criminal offense involving actual or potential physical harm to a person, or
involving possession, manufacture, or delivery of a controlled substance, marijuana, or drug
paraphernalia under state statute; (f) any illegal drugs or paraphernalia are found in the Premises or
on the person of the Tenant(s), guests, or Occupant(s) while on the Premises and/or; (g) as
otherwise allowed by law.

MULTIPLE TENANT(S) OR OCCUPANT(S): Each individual that is considered a Tenant(s) is

jointly and individually liable for all of this Agreement's obligations, including but not limited to
rent monies. If any Tenant(s), guest, or Occupant(s) violates this Agreement, the Tenant(s) is
considered to have violated this Agreement. Landlord’s requests and notices to the Tenant(s) or any

Page 4
of the Occupant(s) of legal age constitutes notice to the Tenant(s). Notices and requests from the
Tenant(s) or any one of the Occupant(s) (including repair requests and entry permissions)
constitutes notice from the Tenant(s). In eviction suits, the Tenant(s) is considered the agent of the
Premise for the service of process.

DISPUTES: If a dispute arises during or after the term of this Agreement between the Landlord and
Tenant(s), they shall agree to hold negotiations amongst themselves, in "good faith", before any

SEVERABILITY: If any provision of this Agreement or the application thereof shall, for any
reason and to any extent, be invalid or unenforceable, neither the remainder of this Agreement nor
the application of the provision to other persons, entities or circumstances shall be affected thereby,
but instead shall be enforced to the maximum extent permitted by law.

SURRENDER OF PREMISES: The Tenant(s) has surrendered the Premises when (a) the move-
out date has passed and no one is living in the Premise within the Landlord’s reasonable judgment;
or (b) Access to the Premise have been turned in to Landlord – whichever comes first. Upon the
expiration of the term hereof, the Tenant(s) shall surrender the Premise in better or equal condition
as it were at the commencement of this Agreement, reasonable use, wear and tear thereof, and
damages by the elements excepted.

RETALIATION: The Landlord is prohibited from making any type of retaliatory acts against the
Tenant(s) including but not limited to restricting access to the Premises, decreasing or cancelling
services or utilities, failure to repair appliances or fixtures, or any other type of act that could be
considered unjustified.

WAIVER: A Waiver by the Landlord for a breach of any covenant or duty by the Tenant(s), under
this Agreement is not a waiver for a breach of any other covenant or duty by the Tenant(s), or of any
subsequent breach of the same covenant or duty. No provision of this Agreement shall be
considered waived unless such a waiver shall be expressed in writing as a formal amendment to this
Agreement and executed by the Tenant(s) and Landlord.

EQUAL HOUSING: If the Tenant(s) possess(es) any mental or physical impairment, the Landlord
shall provide reasonable modifications to the Premises unless the modifications would be too
difficult or expensive for the Landlord to provide. Any impairment of the Tenant(s) is/are
encouraged to be provided and presented to the Landlord in writing in order to seek the most
appropriate route for providing the modifications to the Premises.

HAZARDOUS MATERIALS: The Tenant(s) agrees to not possess any type of personal property
that could be considered a fire hazard such as a substance having flammable or explosive
characteristics on the Premises. Items that are prohibited to be brought into the Premises, other than
for everyday cooking or the need of an appliance, includes but is not limited to gas (compressed),
gasoline, fuel, propane, kerosene, motor oil, fireworks, or any other related content in the form of a
liquid, solid, or gas.

WATERBEDS: The Tenant(s) is not permitted to furnish the Premises with waterbeds.

INDEMNIFICATION: The Landlord shall not be liable for any damage or injury to the Tenant(s),
or any other person, or to any property, occurring on the Premises, or any part thereof, or in
common areas thereof, and the Tenant(s) agrees to hold the Landlord harmless from any claims or
damages unless caused solely by the Landlord's negligence. It is recommended that renter's
insurance be purchased at the Tenant(s)'s expense.

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COVENANTS: The covenants and conditions herein contained shall apply to and bind the heirs,
legal representatives, and assigns of the parties hereto, and all covenants are to be construed as
conditions of this Agreement.

NOTICES: Any notice to be sent by the Landlord or the Tenant(s) to each other shall use the
following mailing addresses:

Landlord's/Agent's Mailing Address

Kevin Durand
2100 Rebsamen Park Road, 114, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72202

Tenant(s)'s Mailing Address

Karrie Griffin
2908 Wolfe Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72206

AGENT/MANAGER: The Landlord does not have an Agent or Manager and all contact in regards
to any repair, maintenance, or complaint must go through the Landlord through the following
contact information:

Landlord's Phone Number: (870) 403-2143 Email: [email protected].

PREMISES DEEMED UNINHABITABLE: If the Property is deemed uninhabitable due to

damage beyond reasonable repair the Tenant(s) will be able to terminate this Agreement by written
notice to the Landlord. If said damage was due to the negligence of the Tenant(s), the Tenant(s)
shall be liable to the Landlord for all repairs and for the loss of income due to restoring the Premises
back to a livable condition in addition to any other losses that can be proved by the Landlord.

SERVICEMEMBERS CIVIL RELIEF ACT: In the event the Tenant(s) is or hereafter becomes, a
member of the United States Armed Forces on extended active duty and hereafter the Tenant(s)
receives permanent change of station (PCS) orders to depart from the area where the Premises are
located, or is relieved from active duty, retires or separates from the military, is ordered into military
housing, or receives deployment orders, then in any of these events, the Tenant may terminate this
lease upon giving thirty (30) days written notice to the Landlord. The Tenant shall also provide to
the Landlord a copy of the official orders or a letter signed by the Tenant’s commanding officer,
reflecting the change which warrants termination under this clause. The Tenant will pay prorated
rent for any days which he/she occupies the dwelling past the beginning of the rental period.

The damage/security deposit will be promptly returned to Tenant, provided there are no
damages to the Premises.

LEAD PAINT: The Premises was constructed before 1978 and therefore the Lead-Based Paint
Disclosure that is attached to this Agreement must be authorized.

GOVERNING LAW: This Agreement is to be governed under the laws located in the State of

ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS: There are no further terms or conditions that will
be added to this Agreement other than any attachments or addendums attached.

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ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This Agreement contains all the terms agreed to by the parties relating
to its subject matter including any attachments or addendums. This Agreement replaces all previous
discussions, understandings, and oral agreements. The Landlord and Tenant(s) agree to the terms
and conditions and shall be bound until the end of the Lease Term.

The parties have agreed and executed this agreement on December 1 2020.


Landlord's Signature


Tenant's Signature

Page 7

Security Deposit: $600.00

First (1st) Month's Rent: $600.00

Page 8
Move-in Checklist
Property Address: 2908 Wolfe Street, Little Rock, Arkansas, 72206
Unit Size: 1 Bedroom(s)
Move-in Inspection Date: _______________ Move-out Inspection Date: _______________

Write the condition of the space along with any specific damage or repairs needed. Be sure to write
any repair needed such as paint chipping, wall damage, or any lessened area that could be
considered maintenance needed at the end of the lease, and therefore, be deducted at the end of the
Lease Term.

Living Room
Floors Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Walls Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Ceiling Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Windows Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Lighting Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Electrical Outlets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

Dining Room
Floors Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Walls Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Ceiling Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Windows Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Lighting Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Electrical Outlets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

Kitchen Area
Stove/Oven Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Refrigerator Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Sink/Faucets Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Floors Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Walls Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Ceiling Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Windows Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Lighting Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Electrical Outlets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Cabinets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Closets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Exhaust Fan Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Fire Alarms Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

Page 9
Doors/Locks Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Closets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Floors Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Walls Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Ceiling Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Windows Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Lighting Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Electrical Outlets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

Sink/Faucets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Shower/Tub Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Curtain/Door Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Towel Rack Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Toilet Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Doors/Locks Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Floors Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Walls Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Ceiling Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Windows Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Lighting Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Electrical Outlets Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

Heating Condition _____________ Specific Damage________________________
AC Unit(s) Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Hot Water Heater Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Smoke Alarm(s) Condition _____________ Specific Damage_________________________
Door Bell Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________
Other Condition _____________ Specific Damage__________________________

I, a Tenant on this Lease, have sufficiently inspected the Premises and confirm above-stated
information. (only 1 Tenant required)

Tenant's Signature _______________________

I, the Landlord on this Lease, have sufficiently inspected the Premises and confirm above-stated

Landlord's Signature _______________________

Page 10
Lead-Based Paint Disclosure
Disclosure of Information on Lead-Based Paint and/or Lead-Based Paint Hazards Lead Warning
Statement Housing built before 1978 may contain lead-based paint. Lead from paint, paint chips,
and dust can pose health hazards if not managed properly. Lead exposure is especially harmful to
young children and pregnant women. Before renting pre-1978 housing, lessors must disclose the
presence of known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the dwelling. Lessees must
also receive a federally approved pamphlet on lead poisoning prevention.

Lessor’s Disclosure

(a) Presence of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards

(check (i) or (ii) below)

(i) ______ Known lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards are present in the housing
(explain). ______________________________________________________________

(ii) _____ Lessor has no knowledge of lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the

(b) Records and reports available to the lessor

(check (i) or (ii) below)

(i) ______ Lessor has provided the lessee with all available records and reports pertaining to lead-
based paint and/or lead-based paint hazards in the housing (list documents below).

(ii) _____ Lessor has no reports or records pertaining to lead-based paint and/or lead-based paint
hazards in the housing.

Lessee’s Acknowledgment (initial)

(c) ________ Lessee has received copies of all information listed above.

(d) ________ Lessee has received the pamphlet Protect Your Family from Lead in Your Home.

Agent’s Acknowledgment (if any) (initial)

(e) ________ Agent has informed the lessor of the lessor’s obligations under 42 U.S.C. 4852(d) and
is aware of his/her responsibility to ensure compliance.

Certification of Accuracy The following parties have reviewed the information above and certify, to
the best of their knowledge, that the information they have provided is true and accurate.

Tenant's Signature ___________________________

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