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Aircraft Setup


1. FLP - Direct to the airport

2. PROC - Select Procedure
3. Select waypoint & Direct to
4. Turn to the Waypoint & Track it - Match Bearing & track
5. OBS - set course to inbound track
6. Plan
a. entry
b. Outbound & Inbound Tracks
c. Distance
7. First passage over the waypoint - Call Entering the hold
8. Second passage over the waypoint - Call Established in the hold


1. FLP - Direct to the airport

2. PROC - Select Procedure
3. Activate it
4. Radio Frequencies
5. Nav Frequencies
6. VLOC/GPS Select
7. Course set

Note: Once you select the approach & activate it for the ILS initially HSI the screen shows
GPS info and once you are closer to the final approach course it switches to Localizer info.
You do not set the VLOC in the gps. But double check it before starting the ILS.

Standard Operating Procedure


1. Before starting the approach

a. Fuel to mains
b. Mixture rich
2. Announce Localizer alive & intercept
3. Announce Glide slope alive
a. Dot above
i. Wheels down
ii. Reduce power to 15"
iii. Pitch up to slow to 130
iv. on the glide slope pitch slightly below horizon & start decent.
3. Confirm
a. Green, Nose gear indicator down, See the nose wheel in the mirror
b. Final Landing check
c. GUMPS (props fine when you do this)

Note: Configurations

Scenario Setup

Two engine

RNAV (Circling or straight in) / ILS Wheels down before starting Descends

Single engine

RNAV (Straight-in)/ILS Wheels down before starting descend

RNAV (Circling) Wheels down once landing is assured (on


Note: Changes need to be made based on density Altitude, Headwinds/Tailwind, Traffic, etc.

Pre-Approach Briefing

Do the Approach setup from Page 1 and then do the below.

A – Approach Plates Correct & Current

M – Minimums
a. 100 Safe
b. Sector Altitude
c. Altitude over FAF
d. Minimums
O – Overshoot
R – Radios
a. Com (Next freq on backup, normally Tower)
b. Nav (Localizer/VOR freq set & identify)
T – Trackbar
a. Both VOR set to the inbound course
b. GPS/VLOC mode selected accordingly
S – Special Procedures
A – Altimeter Setting (Not more than an hour old)
C – Cold weather corrections if temp is below Zero
T – Time to threshold
a. Select Approach from GPS
b. Check Waypoints
c. If the database has a waypoint for the missed approach waypoint timing is
not required.

HOLD Checklist

T – Tune (load the Approach)

I – Identify (Check the Waypoint spelling confirming its the correct waypoint)
T – Test (Only if doing a VOR/Localizer/NDB hold and not tested before.)
T – Turn Direct (After turning direct Track it to the waypoint)
E – Entry (Parallel/Offset/Direct)

Once the above is dine closer to entering the hold do the below

T – Think
a. Winds (how are they going to affect the holding pattern)
b. Outbound-inbound track
c. Distance on the outbound leg to turn inbound
d. Fuel for the Hold
T – Turn
a. Such a way that outbound leg is atleast 2.0nm on the crosstrack
b. Half way through the track crosscheck distance on the crosstrack
T – Throttle
a. 18” Manifold
b. 7GPH
T – Talk
a. First Passage – Entering the hold
b. Second passage – Established in the hold
T – Time
a. If using GPS distance then not required.
b. Keep track of fuel

- Matching Desired Track (DTK) with aircraft Track (TRK) and keeping the CDI
centered or
- Selecting a Bearing (BRG) and matching the aircraft track (TRK) with it.

- Setting you heading (on the heading indicator) to the bearing. As the bearing
changes change the heading to match it.


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