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Resource Book
Maria Karyda


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MyEnglishLab A resource bank Downloadable coursebook resources such as video clips,

audio files, extra practice activities and supplementary Reading bank,
Writing bank and Functional language bank.
Dual access to Online workbook
and Resources An interactive workbook for assigning practice and tests.
access code inside

Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-level business
English course for learners and professionals who want to communicate
effectively in English in the workplace. Business Partner offers a holistic
approach to teaching language and communication skills through video
and communicative tasks.

Business Partner Teacher’s Resource Book provides:

• A detailed introduction and unit walkthrough explaining the approach
and methodology behind the course.
• Detailed teacher’s notes with suggestions on how to use the
material effectively.
• A business brief for each unit with information on the business
topics covered.
• A Reading bank with additional reading texts and activities,
a Writing bank with supplementary models of professional
communication, and a Functional language bank with
useful phrases for a range of business situations such
as presentations, meetings and interviews.
• Photocopiable activities for extra classroom practice.
• All coursebook resources and extra teacher’s
resources are available for download in
MyEnglishLab (access code
inside this book)

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Course components Level 8: C1
Level 7: B2+
• Coursebook with Digital Resources
Level 6: B2
• Coursebook with MyEnglishLab Level 5: B1+
(Online workbook and Resources)
Level 4: B1
• Workbook with audio and answer key Level 3: A2+
• Teacher’s Resource Book with Level 2: A2
MyEnglishLab Level 1: A1
CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
• Pearson English Portal
Learn more about the Global Scale of English at

Find out more about the course, the resources and the digital components
on the Business Partner website:

CVR Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 2 27/06/2019 14:30

To download all the coursebook resources and access the interactive
workbook register for

To access MyEnglishLab, via the Pearson English Portal:

1 Go to

2 Sign in or create an account.

If you have an existing MyEnglishLab account, please use the same email
and password to access the Portal.

3 Enter the access code below and click Activate


This code can only be used once and the user subscription is valid
for 36 months from the date of registration.

Go to for support with:

• creating your account,

• activating your access code,

• checking technical requirements,

• using apps.

CVR IFC Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 1 09/07/2019 16:28

Resource Book
Maria Karyda


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Coursebook contents
UNIT 1 TRAVELLING FOR WORK p.7 Videos: 1.1 Business travel 1.3 Making small talk

1.1 Business travel 1.2 Events 1.3 Communication 1.4 Business skills: 1.5 Writing: Email – Business workshop 1
management skills: Small talk Dealing with problems Asking for information A business trip (p.88)

Video: Business travel Listening: Interview Video: Making Listening: Talking Model text: Email asking Reading: Website of
Vocabulary: Transport, with an Events Manager small talk about problems for information a music talent agency
accommodation and Grammar: Comparatives Pronunciation: Functional language: Functional language: Listening: Phone call
travel and superlatives Showing interest in Explaining and solving Phrases for writing to arrange a business trip
Project: Helping a Speaking and writing: small talk (p.114) IT problems an email Task: Rearrange plans
business traveller Choose a venue for a party Functional language: Task: Practise explaining Grammar: L can
Pronunciation: Making small talk and solving an IT problem and could to ask for
The letter ‘r’ (p.114) Task: Practise making information
small talk with colleagues Task: Write an email
asking for information

Review p.104

UNIT 2 BUSINESS LOCATION p.17 Videos: 2.1 Choosing a business location 2.3 Clarifying information

2.1 Dovetailed in 2.2 Visiting Singapore 2.3 Communication 2.4 Business skills: 2.5 Writing: Short Business workshop 2
Cambridge skills: Checking and Starting a meeting communications A new location (p.90)

Video: Choosing a Pronunciation: Video: Clarifying Listening: A meeting Model text: Short Listening: New office
business location Stress in noun phrases information Functional language: messages locations
Vocabulary: Location (p.114) Functional language: Opening a meeting, Functional language: Reading: Magazine report
Pronunciation: Reading: Singapore Checking and clarifying referring to the agenda Abbreviations Task: Choose a location
Syllables and stress creates a tropical wildlife Task: Checking and and stating purpose Grammar: L Present
(p.114) paradise clarifying information Task: Opening a meeting Continuous
Project: Researching the Grammar: enough in a meeting Task: Informal and formal
location of a company and too messages
Speaking and writing:
Describing problematic

Review p.105

UNIT 3 RETAIL p.27 Videos: 3.1 An unusual café 3.3 Dealing with a problem

3.1 The Ziferblat café 3.2 The retail 3.3 Communication 3.4 Business skills: 3.5 Writing: An online Business workshop 3
experience skills: Solving workflow Presenting results review form Pop-up stores (p.92)

Video: An unusual café Listening: Shopping Video: Dealing with Listening: Model text: An online Reading: Article about
Vocabulary: Shops and experiences a problem A presentation review a famous retailer
the shopping experience Grammar: Past Simple Functional language: Functional language: Functional language: Listening: Market
Project: A survey about and Past Continuous Solving problems Signposting a Phrases from a review research interviews
shopping habits Pronunciation: Pronunciation: Stress presentation Grammar: L Types Task: Design your own
Past Simple (p.115) in short sentences (p.115) Task: A presentation of adverbs pop-up store
Writing: Writing a tweet Task: Dealing with a Task: An online review
workflow problem

Review p.106

UNIT 4 WORK PATTERNS p.37 Videos: 4.1 The working day 4.3 Approaches to decision-making

4.1 My working life 4.2 Executives at work 4.3 Communication 4.4 Business skills: 4.5 Writing: Business workshop 4
skills: Making group Phoning to change Confirming arrangements The Holsted way (p.94)
decisions arrangements

Video: The working day Reading: Women in Video: Approaches Listening: Changing Model text: Emails Listening: Presentation
Vocabulary: Describing Business to decision-making an appointment on the making and confirming about company culture;
jobs and contracts Grammar: Present Perfect Functional language: phone arrangements Meeting about work
Simple Facilitating a Functional language: Functional language: patterns
Vowel sounds: British Pronunciation: decision-making meeting Rescheduling Phrases for confirming, Task: Negotiate changes
English and American Present Perfect Simple Task: Discussing proposals appointments on inviting questions, Writing: Reply to an email
English (p.115) (p.116) in a meeting the phone thanking, apologising and
Task: Roleplay a phone concluding in an email
Project: Researching work Speaking: Asking and
patterns answering questions call to confirm Grammar:
using the Present Perfect an appointment L Prepositions of time
Simple Task: An email to confirm

Review p.107

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UNIT 5 MONEY p.47 Videos: 5.1 Cashless payments 5.3 Negotiating roles

5.1 Going cashless 5.2 Consumer 5.3 Communication 5.4 Business skills: 5.5 Writing: Letter Business workshop 5
spending skills: Negotiating Presenting facts and about a price increase Local economy boost
team roles figures (p.96)

Video: Cashless Listening: Podcast Video: Negotiating Listening: Presentation Model text: Formal letter Listening: A town
payments about money roles about retail banking Functional language: council meeting
Vocabulary: Money; Grammar: First Functional language: Functional language: Reasons, explanations, Reading: Information
Collocations conditional Agreeing on team roles Quoting figures in enclosures, conclusions on a local government
Project: Creating an Pronunciation: in meetings presentations Grammar: L because, website
advertising campaign Intonation in Task: Team Tasks Game Pronunciation: so, so that Speaking: Choose
to persuade people to conditionals (p.116) Numbers and figures Task: A letter explaining a project
go cashless Speaking: Talking about (p.116) price increases Writing: Announcement
yourself Task: Give a presentation for the town council
on equal pay website

Review p.108

UNIT 6 TEAMWORK p.57 Videos: 6.1 Teamwork in extreme situations 6.3 Offering support to a colleague

6.1 Working together 6.2 Team building 6.3 Communication 6.4 Business skills: 6.5 Writing: Making Business workshop 6
skills: Supporting Being positive in meetings requests The Amazing Chair
a colleague Company (p.98)

Video: Teamwork Reading: The rise of sport Video: Offering Listening: Model text: Email making Listening: Employees
in extreme situations at work support to a colleague A recruitment problem requests talk about their jobs
Pronunciation: Pronunciation: Functional language: Functional language: Functional language: Reading: Business emails
Vowel sounds: /ɪ/, /iː/, Linking between words Encouraging and Supporting, building on Making requests Task: Rearrange
/aɪ/ and /ɪə/ (p.117) (p.117) motivating and questioning ideas Grammar: L Linking team roles
Vocabulary: Teamwork; Grammar: Pronouns with Task: Supporting Task: Supporting, building words for sequence
Word building – verbs some- and every- a colleague on and questioning ideas Task: An email making
and nouns Speaking and writing: in a meeting a request
Project: Plan and make Describing people, places,
a schedule for a meeting things, jobs and studies

Review p.109

UNIT 7 RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT P.67 Videos: 7.1 Developing a new product 7.3 Giving explanations

7.1 A nimble company 7.2 Innovation 7.3 Communication 7.4 Business skills: 7.5 Writing: Preparing Business workshop 7
skills: Giving explanations Dealing with technical slides Zapatos Trujillo S.A.
problems (p.100)

Video: Developing Reading: Henn na Hotel Video: Giving Listening: Problems Model text: Presentation Listening:
a new product Grammar: can, have to, explanations and solutions in a webinar slides Conversation about
Vocabulary: Research need to Functional language: Functional language: Functional language: shoe manufacturing
and development Pronunciation: Explaining a procedure Signalling and dealing Language used in slides Reading: Progress report
Project: Planning product can and can’t (p.117) clearly and effectively with technical problems Grammar: Task: Manage production
testing Speaking and writing: Pronunciation: Task: Dealing with L Wh- questions Writing: Email explaining
Explanation of a process Phrasing and pausing technical problems in Task: Slides for a the board’s decision
when giving instructions an online meeting presentation
Task: Explain how to use
an app

Review p.110

UNIT 8 GREEN SOLUTIONS p.77 Videos: 8.1 Tourism in Punta de Lobos 8.3 Feedback in a review meeting

8.1 Green business 8.2 Transport 8.3 Communication 8.4 Business skills: 8.5 Writing: An Business workshop 8
solutions skills: Giving and Managing questions intranet update Walsh Ryan’s green office
receiving feedback (p.102)

Video: Tourism in Listening: An interview Video: Feedback in Listening: A Q&A Model text: An intranet Reading: Report about
Punta de Lobos about public transport a review meeting session in a presentation update office energy use
Pronunciation: Grammar: should and Functional language: Functional language: Functional language: Listening: Ways to
Vowel sounds : /ɜː/, could for advice and Giving and receiving Managing a Q&A session Language for giving an reduce energy costs and
/ʊ/, /uː/ and /əʊ/ (p.118) suggestions feedback Task: Roleplay a Q&A update waste
Vocabulary: The Pronunciation: Task: Practise giving and session Grammar: L Future Task: Present ideas
environment should and could receiving feedback forms on waste and energy
Project: Protecting the (p.118) Task: Write an intranet reduction
environment Writing: Email offering update
advice and suggestions

Review p.111

Pronunciation p.112 Grammar reference p.119 Additional material p.127 Videoscripts p.142 Audioscripts p.148 Glossary p.156

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Introduction 4

Unit 1 Travelling for work 20

Unit overview 20
Business brief 21
Teaching notes 22–33

Unit 2 Business location 34

Unit overview 34
Business brief 35
Teaching notes 36–46

Unit 3 Retail 47
Unit overview 47
Business brief 48
Teaching notes 49–61

Unit 4 Work patterns 62

Unit overview 62
Business brief 63
Teaching notes 64–75

Unit 5 Money 76
Unit overview 76
Business brief 77
Teaching notes 78–89

Unit 6 Teamwork 90
Unit overview 90
Business brief 91
Teaching notes 92–103

Unit 7 Research & development 104

Unit overview 104
Business brief 105
Teaching notes 106–117

Unit 8 Green solutions 118

Unit overview 118
Business brief 119
Teaching notes 120–130
Resource bank 132

Videoscripts 192

Audioscripts 198

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Overview Business Partner is a flexible course designed for a variety of learners. It is suitable for
students with mixed abilities, requirements and interests and for varied class sizes where
the common requirement is to learn professional English language and develop key skills
for the workplace.
When talking to learners, their reasons for studying business English almost always relate
to their employability. Many tertiary students want to maximise their chances of finding
a job in an international environment, while in-work professionals want to communicate
more effectively in their workplace and improve their future career prospects. Other
learners may simply need to study and pass a business English exam in order to complete
their overall degree.
In all three cases, teachers need to be able to engage and motivate by providing learning
materials which:
• are interesting and relevant to their life experiences.
• match their learning needs and priorities.
• are appropriate for the amount of study time available.
Business Partner has been designed to enable teachers to meet these needs without
spending many hours researching their own materials. The content and structure of the
course is based on three key concepts: employability, flexibility and learner engagement.

Course aims and Employability

key concepts Balance between language and business skills training
In order to achieve their employability goals, learners need to improve their knowledge
of English language as it is used in the workplace and also develop key skills for the
international workplace. Business Partner provides this balance.
In addition to building their vocabulary and grammar and developing their writing skills,
Business Partner trains students in Communication and Business skills. Language being
only one aspect of successful communication, students also require an understanding
of different business situations and an awareness of different communication styles,
especially when working across cultures.
• ‘Communication skills’ (Lesson 3) provides the soft skills needed in order to work
effectively with people whose personality and culture may be different from your own.
This includes teamwork, decision-making and influencing skills.
• ‘Business skills’ (Lesson 4) provides the practical skills needed in different business
situations, such as taking part in meetings, presentations and negotiations.

The modular approach means that Business Partner can be adapted to suit a variety of
teaching requirements from extensive lessons to intensive short courses. In addition to the
Coursebook, a wide variety of additional optional activities and resources are provided
which can be used to focus on and extend material which is most useful to learners’ needs.

Extra activities and extra grammar points

You can extend your lessons or focus in more depth on certain areas by using the large
bank of extra activities in MyEnglishLab (clearly signposted for you throughout the
Coursebook). These include extra vocabulary and grammar practice exercises for use in
class as well as activities which draw attention to useful language in reading texts.

T Teacher’s resources: extra activities L

The text messages and email contain examples of the Present
Continuous. Go to MyEnglishLab for optional grammar work.
These are PDFs in MyEnglishLab that you can download and
print or display on-screen. Business Partner offers a flexible approach to grammar depending on
whether you want to devote a significant amount of time to a grammar
topic, or focus on consolidation only when you need to. There is one
T Teacher’s resources: alternative video and activities main grammar point in each unit, presented and practised in Lesson 2.
Alternative videos with worksheets are available for lessons 3.1 In addition, the Writing section (Lesson 5) includes a link to an
and 8.1 and are clearly signposted. You can use them in the optional second grammar point in MyEnglishLab, where students
classroom as an alternative approach to the topic in Lesson 1, can watch short video presentations of the grammar points and do
depending on your students’ needs. interactive activities.

page 112 See Pronunciation bank Pronunciation activities are included at the back of the book. This allows teachers
to focus on aspects of pronunciation which are most useful for their students.

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Teacher’s Resource Bank: Photocopiables, Writing bank, Reading bank and

Functional language bank
You can use these resources as and when needed with your classes. The Photocopiables
further activate and practise, vocabulary from Lesson 1 and grammar from Lesson 2 as and
when needed.
The Reading bank for each unit gives students more reading practice and can be also used
for self-study. The activity types reflect those found in a range of business English exams.
The Writing bank provides supplementary models of professional communication and the
Functional language bank extends useful phrases for a range of business situations.

Learner engagement
Video content: We all use video more and more to communicate and to find out about
the world and we have put video at the heart of Business Partner. There are two videos in
every unit with comprehension and language activities:
• an authentic video package in Lesson 1, based on real-life video clips and interviews
suitable for your learners’ level of English.
• a dramatised communication skills training video in Lesson 3 which follows characters
in an international team as they deal with different professional challenges.
Authentic content: Working with authentic content really helps to engage learners,
and teachers can spend many hours searching for suitable material online. Business
Partner has therefore been built around authentic videos and articles from leading media
organisations such as the Financial Times and news channels. These offer a wealth of
international business information as well as real examples of British, U.S. and
non-native-speaker English.
Relevance for learners without work experience: Using business English teaching
materials with learners who have little or no work experience can be particularly
challenging. Business Partner has been carefully designed to work with these students
as well as with in-work professionals. In the case of collaborative speaking tasks and
roleplays, the situation used will either be:
• one that we can all relate to as customers and consumers; OR
• a choice of situations will be offered including a mix of professional and everyday
Both will allow learners to practise the skill and language presented in the lesson, but in
a context that is most relevant to them.
Business workshops: Learners have the opportunity to consolidate and activate the
language and skills from the units in 8 business workshops at the end of the book. These
provide interesting and engaging scenarios where students simulate real-life professional
situations such as roleplaying meetings, negotiations or presentations.

Approach to Business Partner offers fully integrated skills, including the essential critical thinking and
higher-order thinking skills, which are built into the activities.
language and skills
Vocabulary and video The main topic vocabulary set is presented and practised in Lesson
1 of each unit, building on vocabulary from the authentic video. Teachers are given lots of
opportunities to use the vocabulary in discussions and group tasks, and to tailor the tasks
to their classroom situations.
Functional language (such as making small talk, solving problems, rescheduling
appointments on the phone, ) supports learners’ capability to operate in real workplace
situations in English. Three functional language sets are presented and practised in every
unit: in Lessons 3, 4 and 5. You will be able to teach the language in group speaking and
writing tasks. There is a Functional language bank at the back of this Teacher’s Resource
Book which students can also find in MyEnglishLab so that they can quickly refer to useful
language support when preparing for a business situation, such as a meeting, presentation
or interview.
Listening and video The course offers a wide variety of listening activities (based on both
video and audio recordings) to help students develop their comprehension skills and to hear
target language in context. All of the video and audio material is available in MyEnglishLab
and includes a range of British, U.S. and non-native-speaker English. Lessons 1 and 3 are
based on video (as described above). In four of the eight units, Lesson 2 is based on audio.
In all units, you also work with a significant number of audio recordings in Lesson 4 and the
Business workshop.

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Grammar The approach to grammar is flexible depending on whether you want to devote
a significant amount of time to grammar or to focus on the consolidation of grammar
only when you need to. There is one main grammar point in each unit, presented and
practised in Lesson 2. There is a link from Lesson 5 to an optional second grammar point
in MyEnglishLab – with short video presentations and interactive practice. Both grammar
points are supported by the Grammar reference section at the back of the Coursebook
(p.118). This provides a summary of meaning and form, with notes on usage or exceptions,
and business English examples.
Reading Business Partner offers a wealth of authentic texts and articles from a variety
of sources, particularly the Financial Times and the Nikkei Asian Review. Every unit has
a main reading text with comprehension tasks. This appears either in Lesson 2 or in the
Business workshop. There is a Reading bank at the back of this Teacher’s Resource Book
which students can also find in MyEnglishLab and which has a longer reading text for
every unit with comprehension activities.
Speaking Collaborative speaking tasks appear at the end of Lessons 1, 3, 4 and the
Business workshop in every unit. These tasks encourage students to use the target
language and, where relevant, the target skill of the lesson. There are lots of opportunities
to personalise these tasks to suit your own classroom situation.
Writing Business Partner offers multiple opportunities to practise writing. Lesson 5
in every unit provides a model text and practice in a business writing skill. The course
covers a wide range of genres such as slides, letters, intranet updates and emails, and for
different purposes, including formal and informal communication, explaining, confirming
arrangements, making updates. There are also short writing tasks in Lesson 2 which
provide controlled practice of the target grammar. There is a Writing bank at the back of
this Teacher’s Resource Book which students can also find in MyEnglishLab and which
provides models of different types of business writing and useful phrases appropriate to
their level of English.
Pronunciation Two pronunciation points are presented and practised in every unit.
Pronunciation points are linked to the content of the unit – usually to a video or audio
presentation or to a grammar point. The pronunciation presentations and activities are at
the back of the Coursebook (p.112), with signposts from the relevant lessons. This section
also includes an introduction to pronunciation with British and U.S. phonetic charts.

Approach to A key aspect of Business Partner is the innovative video-based communication skills
training programme.
The aims of the Communications skills lessons are to introduce students to the skills
skills needed to interact successfully in international teams with people who may have different
communication styles from them due to culture or personality. Those skills include dealing
with a problem, negotiating roles, giving explanations.
These lessons are based on videos that provide realistic examples of work situations. This
is particularly important for pre-service learners who may not have direct experience of
the particular situations they are about to see. In each of these videos students watch
two videos (Video A and Video B) in which a different communication style is used. These
options give students the opportunity to engage in critical viewing of each option and gain
awareness of the impact of different communication styles.

Approach to testing Business Partner provides a balance of formative and summative assessment. Both types of
assessment are important for teachers and learners and have different objectives. Regular
and assessment review and on-going assessment allows students to evaluate their own progress and
encourages them to persevere in their studies. Formal testing offers a more precise value
on the progress made on their knowledge and proficiency.
Formative assessment: Each Coursebook lesson is framed by a clear lesson outcome which
summarises the learning deliverable. The lesson ends with a self-assessment section which
encourages students to reflect on their progress in relation to the lesson outcome and to
think about future learning needs. More detailed self-assessment tasks and suggestions
for further practice are available in MyEnglishLab. (See also section on the Global Scale of
English and the Learning Objectives for Professional English.)
The Coursebook also contains one review page per unit at the back of the book to recycle
and revise the key vocabulary, grammar and functional language presented in the unit;
they are structured to reflect the modularity of the course.

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Summative assessment: Unit tests are provided and activities are clearly labelled to show
which section of the unit they are testing to reflect the modular structure of the course.
The tests are available in PDF and Word formats so that you can adapt them to suit your
purposes. They are also available as interactive tests that you can allocate to your students
if you wish to do so.
These Unit tests are based on task types from the major business English exams. There is
also an additional LCCI writing task for professional English for every unit. This approach
familiarises learners with the format of the exams and gives them practice in the skills
needed to pass the exams.
MyEnglishLab also contains extra professional English practice activities. The content and
level of the tasks match the Coursebook so they can also be used as additional revision

The Global Scale The Global Scale of English (GSE) is a standardised, granular scale from 10 to 90 which
measures English language proficiency. The GSE Learning Objectives for Professional
of English English are aligned with the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Unlike
the CEFR, which describes proficiency in terms of broad levels, the Global Scale of English
identifies what a learner can do at each point on a more granular scale – and within a CEFR
level. The scale is designed to motivate learners by demonstrating incremental progress in
their language ability. The Global Scale of English forms the backbone for Pearson English
course material and assessment.

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
Learn more about the Global Scale of English at

Business Partner has been written based on these Learning Objectives, which ensure
appropriate scaffolding and measurable progress. Each Lesson outcome in each lesson in
the Coursebook encapsulates a number of specific Learning Objectives which are listed
in this Teacher’s Resource Book in the Teaching notes. These Learning Objectives are also
listed in the Self-assessment sheets available to students in MyEnglishLab. (See also Self-
assessment above in Approach to testing and assessment.)

Course structure Business Partner is an eight-level course based on the Global Scale of English (GSE) and
representing the CEFR levels: A1, A2, A2+, B1, B1+, B2, B2+, C1.

For the teacher For the student

Teacher’s Resource Book with Coursebook with Digital Resources

MyEnglishLab Workbook

blended Pearson English Portal Coursebook with MyEnglishLab

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MyEnglishLab Introduction

Business Partner is a fully hybrid course with two digital dimensions that students and
teachers can choose from. MyEnglishLab is the digital component that is integrated with the
book content.
Access to MyEnglishLab is given through a code printed on the inside front cover of this book.
As a teacher, you have access to both versions of MyEnglishLab, and to additional content in
the Teacher’s Resource folder.
Depending on the version that students are using, they will have access to one of the following:

A resource bank Downloadable coursebook resources such as video clips,
Downloadable coursebook resources such as video clips, audio tracks, audio tracks, practice activities and supplementary Reading bank,
Digital Resources with language bank.

CoursebookOnline Workbook and Resources MyEnglishLab

practice activities and supplementary Reading bank, Writing bank Writing bank and Functional
access code inside and Functional language bank. access code inside
Digital Resources
An interactive workbook for self-study with automatic gradebook.
Online Workbook and Resources
Margaret O’Keeffe access code inside Margaret O’Keeffe access code inside
Lewis Lansford Lewis Lansford
Ros Wright Ros Wright
A2+ Mark Powell A2+ Mark Powell
Lizzie Wright

Lizzie Wright

Discover the innovative world of Business Partner. This new eight-level Discover the innovative world of Business Partner. This new eight-level
business English course is for learners and professionals who want to business English course is for learners and professionals who want to

Business Partner
communicate effectively in English in the workplace. The articles from
Business Partner

communicate effectively in English in the workplace. The articles from

the Financial Times offer a wealth of international business information
the Financial Times offer a wealth of international business information
on a wide variety of topics.
on a wide variety of topics.

• The modular approach gives the flexibility to focus on specific learning outcomes.
• The modular approach gives the flexibility to focus on specific learning outcomes.
• Interesting real-life business stories in the authentic videos keep you motivated.
• Interesting real-life business stories in the authentic videos keep you motivated.
• The key business topics include Work patterns, Teamwork, Research and
• The key business topics include Work patterns, Teamwork, Research and
development and Green solutions.
development and Green solutions.

A2+ A2+
• The integrated video-based Communication skills training programme
• The integrated video-based Communication skills training programme
includes Small talk, Clarifying information, Solving problems, Making
includes Small talk, Clarifying information, Solving problems, Making
decisions, and Giving feedback.
decisions, and Giving feedback.
• Business skills lessons include Dealing with problems, Meetings,
• Business skills lessons include Dealing with problems, Meetings,
Telephoning and Presenting.
Telephoning and Presenting.
• Business workshops are case studies based on real-life professional
• Business workshops are case studies based on real-life professional situations to practise skills in a professional context.
situations to practise skills in a professional context.
• Self-assessment helps you check your progress against
• Self-assessment helps you check your progress against the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for
the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for Professional English.
Professional English.
• Exam tasks in the Workbook and on the
• Exam tasks in the Workbook and on the MyEnglishLab help practise for BEC,
MyEnglishLab help practise for BEC, BULATS, and LCCI.
Coursebook + Digital Resources

Coursebook + MyEnglishLab

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Level 8: C1
Level 8: C1 Level 7: B2+
Level 7: B2+ Level 6: B2
Level 6: B2 Level 5: B1+
Level 5: B1+ Level 4: B1
Level 4: B1 Level 3: A2+
Level 3: A2+ Level 2: A2
Level 2: A2 Level 1: A1
Level 1: A1 CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2 Learn more about the Global Scale of English at
Learn more about the Global Scale of English at

CVR Bus Part CB A2+ GLB MEL 47755.indd 1 02/06/2019 20:36

CVR Bus Part CB A2+ GLB DR 90952.indd 1 02/06/2019 20:35

Digital Resources includes downloadable MyEnglishLab includes all of the Digital

coursebook resources, all video clips, all Resources plus the full functionality and
audio files, Lesson 3 additional interactive content of the self-study interactive workbook
video activities, Lesson 5 interactive grammar with automatic gradebook. Teachers can
presentation and practice, Reading bank, also create a group or class in their own
Functional Language bank, Writing bank, MyEnglishLab and assign workbook activities
and My Self-assessment. as homework.

F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 9 15/07/2019 14:04

Components for the learner

Coursebook with
Downloadable coursebook resources such as video clips, audio tracks,

A resource bank Downloadable coursebook resources such as video clips,
audio tracks, practice activities and supplementary Reading bank,
Digital Resources with bank.

Coursebook MyEnglishLab
practice activities and supplementary Reading bank, Writing bank Writing bank and Functional language

(with access code for MyEnglishLab)

Online Workbook and Resources
access code inside and Functional language bank. access code inside
Digital Resources
An interactive workbook for self-study with automatic gradebook.
Online Workbook and Resources
Margaret O’Keeffe access code inside Margaret O’Keeffe access code inside
Lewis Lansford Lewis Lansford
Ros Wright Ros Wright
A2+ Mark Powell A2+ Mark Powell
Lizzie Wright
Lizzie Wright


Discover the innovative world of Business Partner. This new eight-level Discover the innovative world of Business Partner. This new eight-level

Eight units, each containing five lessons

business English course is for learners and professionals who want to business English course is for learners and professionals who want to

Business Partner
communicate effectively in English in the workplace. The articles from

Business Partner
communicate effectively in English in the workplace. The articles from
the Financial Times offer a wealth of international business information the Financial Times offer a wealth of international business information

(see pages 2–3 for unit overview)

on a wide variety of topics. on a wide variety of topics.

• The modular approach gives the flexibility to focus on specific learning outcomes.

• The modular approach gives the flexibility to focus on specific learning outcomes.

Eight Business workshop lessons relating

• Interesting real-life business stories in the authentic videos keep you motivated. • Interesting real-life business stories in the authentic videos keep you motivated.

• The key business topics include Work patterns, Teamwork, Research and • The key business topics include Work patterns, Teamwork, Research and
development and Green solutions. development and Green solutions.

to each of the eight units

A2+ A2+
• The integrated video-based Communication skills training programme • The integrated video-based Communication skills training programme
includes Small talk, Clarifying information, Solving problems, Making

includes Small talk, Clarifying information, Solving problems, Making
decisions, and Giving feedback. decisions, and Giving feedback.

A one-page Review per unit to revise key

• Business skills lessons include Dealing with problems, Meetings,
Telephoning and Presenting.
• Business skills lessons include Dealing with problems, Meetings,
Telephoning and Presenting.

language and grammar • Business workshops are case studies based on real-life professional
situations to practise skills in a professional context.
• Business workshops are case studies based on real-life professional
situations to practise skills in a professional context.

• Self-assessment helps you check your progress against

A Pronunciation section which practises

• Self-assessment helps you check your progress against
the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for the Global Scale of English Learning Objectives for
Professional English. Professional English.

two points from each unit

• Exam tasks in the Workbook and on the • Exam tasks in the Workbook and on the
MyEnglishLab help practise for BEC, MyEnglishLab help practise for BEC,

Coursebook + Digital Resources


Coursebook + MyEnglishLab
• A Grammar reference with detailed
explanations and examples
• Videoscripts and audioscripts

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

A glossary of key business vocabulary

Level 8: C1 Level 8: C1
Level 7: B2+ Level 7: B2+
Level 6: B2 Level 6: B2

from the book

Level 5: B1+ Level 5: B1+
Level 4: B1 Level 4: B1
Level 3: A2+ Level 3: A2+
Level 2: A2 Level 2: A2

Coursebook video and audio material is

Level 1: A1
CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
Level 1: A1
CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
Learn more about the Global Scale of English at Learn more about the Global Scale of English at

available on MyEnglishLab.

CVR Bus Part CB A2+ GLB DR 90952.indd 1 CVR Bus Part CB A2+ GLB MEL 47755.indd 1 02/06/2019 20:35 02/06/2019 20:36

MyEnglishLab digital component

Accessed using the code printed on the inside cover of
the Coursebook. Depending on the version of the course
that you are using, learners will have access to one of the
following options:
Digital resources powered by MyEnglishLab
• Video clips
• Audio files and scripts
• Extra Coursebook activities (PDFs)
• Lesson 3 extra interactive video activities
• Lesson 5 interactive grammar presentation and practice
• Reading bank
• Writing bank
• Functional language bank
• Extra professional English practice
• My Self-assessment
• Workbook audio files and scripts
Full content of MyEnglishLab
• All of the above
• Interactive self-study Workbook with automatic feedback
and gradebook

Madeleine Williamson
Discover the innovative world of Business Partner, a new eight-level
business English course for learners and professionals who want to
communicate effectively in English in the workplace. Partnering with the

Financial Times means that this course also offers a wealth of international

Additional self-study practice activities, reflecting the structure of

business information on a wide variety of topics.

Business Partner allows for personalization of the learning experience

with a structured modular approach that gives the flexibility to focus

the Coursebook. Activities cover vocabulary, grammar, functional on specific needs and learning outcomes.
Business Partner

The Business Partner Workbook offers flexible self-study practice:

language, reading, listening and writing. • Vocabulary and grammar activities help to consolidate the language covered
in the coursebook

• Reading, listening and writing activities extend the skills developed

Additional self-study practice activities for points presented in the in the coursebook
• Functional language activities help to reinforce the language learned in
the Communication skills training lessons and in the Business skills lessons

Coursebook Pronunciation bank. A2+

• Pronunciation activities help to improve speaking and communicate
better in English

• Task-types reflect business English exam tasks such as BEC, BULATS

Answer key
and LCCI.

• Audioscripts
Course components
• Coursebook with Digital Resources
• Coursebook with MyEnglishLab (Online workbook
and resources)

Workbook audio material is available on MyEnglishLab. • Workbook with audio and answer key
• Teacher’s Resource Book with MyEnglishLab
• ActiveTeach

10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
Level 8: C1
Level 7: B2+
Level 6: B2
Level 5: B1+
Level 4: B1
Level 3: A2+
Level 2: A2
Level 1: A1
CEFR <A1 A1 A2 + B1 + B2 + C1 C2
Learn more about the Global Scale of English at

Find out more about the course, the resources and the digital components
on the Business Partner website:

CVR Bus Part WB A2+ GLB 91027.indd 1 21/02/2019 12:24


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 10 15/07/2019 14:04

Components for the teacher Introduction

Teacher’s Resource Book (with access code for MyEnglishLab)

Resource Book
Maria Karyda
• Teaching notes for every lesson • Photocopiable activities – two per unit
including warm-ups, background with teaching notes and answer keys
/culture notes and answer keys • Reading bank – an extended reading
• Business brief for every unit with text for every unit with comprehension
background information on the activities (+ answer keys)
A2+ unit topic and explanations of • Writing bank – models of different
key terminology; it gives teachers types of business writing with useful
an insight into contemporary phrases
business practices even if they have • Functional language bank – useful
not worked in these particular phrases for different business
environments situations, e.g. meetings, interviews
• Videoscripts and audioscripts

CVR Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 1 25/06/2019 20:25

MyEnglishLab digital component

Accessed using the code printed on the inside
cover of the Teacher’s Resource Book.

Coursebook resources
• Video clips and scripts
• Audio files and scripts
• Extra Coursebook activities (PDFs)
• Lesson 3 extra interactive video activities
for self-study
• Lesson 5 interactive grammar
presentation and practice for
• Extra professional English practice
• My Self-assessment: a document that
students can use to record their progress
and keep in their portfolio
Teacher’s Book resources Tests
Workbook resources
• Alternative video (Units 3 and 8) • Unit tests (PDFs and Word), including
• Self-study interactive version of the
and extra activities exam task types
Workbook with automatic feedback
• Photocopiable activities + teaching • Interactive Unit tests, with automatic
and gradebook
notes and answer keys gradebook
• Teachers can assign Workbook activities
• Reading bank + answer keys • Tests audio files
as homework
• Writing bank • Tests answer keys
• Workbook audio files and audioscripts
• Functional language bank

Pearson English Portal

• Digital version of the

Teacher’s Resource
• Digital version of the
Coursebook with
classroom tools for
use on an interactive
• Video clips and scripts
• Audio files and scripts
• Extra Coursebook
activities (PDFs)


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 11 15/07/2019 14:04

A unit of the Coursebook

Unit overview page

1 A well-known or provocative quote related to the unit topic is provided as a talking point. There
are suggestions for how to use the quote in the Teacher’s Resource Book notes for each unit.
2 The Unit overview summarises the contents of each lesson as well as the lesson outcomes.
3 Content at the back of the book which extends the unit is highlighted: the Business workshop,
Review, Pronunciation bank and Grammar reference.

Business location 2

‘Be sure you put

your feet in the
right place, then
stand firm.’
Abraham Lincoln

2 Unit overview
2.1 Dovetailed in Cambridge Video: Choosing a business location

Lesson outcome: Learners can use vocabulary related to places of Vocabulary: Location
work and business locations. Project: Researching the location of a company

2.2 Visiting Singapore Reading: Singapore creates a tropical wildlife paradise

Lesson outcome: Learners can use enough and too to express Grammar: enough and too
sufficiency and insufficiency. Speaking and writing: Describing problematic situations

2.3 Communication skills: Checking and clarifying Video: Clarifying information

Lesson outcome: Learners can check, confirm and clarify Functional language: Checking and clarifying
information using a range of expressions. Task: Checking and clarifying information in a meeting

2.4 Business skills: Starting a meeting Listening: A meeting

Functional language: Opening a meeting, referring to the agenda
Lesson outcome: Learners are able to use a variety of expressions to
and stating purpose
open meetings.
Task: Opening a meeting

2.5 Writing: Short communications Model text: Short messages

Functional language: Abbreviations
Lesson outcome: Learners can communicate by text message,
write short emails and use abbreviations and shortened forms Grammar: Present Continuous
appropriately. Task: Informal and formal messages

3 Business workshop 2: p.90 Review 2: p.105 Pronunciation: 2.1 Syllables and stress Grammar reference: p.119
2.2 Stress in noun phrases p.114


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Lesson 1
The aims of this lesson are:
• to engage students with the unit topic through a video based on authentic material.
• to present and practise topic business vocabulary, drawing on vocabulary from the video.
• to encourage students to activate the language they have practised in a group project.

2.1 Dovetailed in Cambridge 2.1 Dovetailed in Cambridge

6 Replace the underlined phrase in each sentence using the words and phrases
in the box.
1 Lesson outcome Learners can use vocabulary related to places of work and business locations.
car park convenient facilities headquarters (HQ) port warehouse

1 This is the place where we store large quantities of our products.

2 Lead-in 1 Discuss these questions.
2 The transport company is close to the place where the ships arrive and leave.
1 What is good or bad about the location where you live, work or study? Use some of the
expressions in the box to help you. 3 The place with spaces for people to leave their vehicles outside the office is very small.
4 The train station is very close and easy to reach.
I (don’t) really like (my town) because … It’s (not) a very (interesting, nice, etc.) place. 5 Google’s main offices are in Mountain View, California.
It’s full of (parks, etc.). There are lots of good (shops, etc.). 6 The conference rooms, equipment and services at the hotel are excellent.
I think it’s very (quiet, noisy, etc.). It’s near (the station, etc.).
3 7 Match the facilities with the examples. Can you think of another example
2 Which factors are most important to you when choosing a place to live, work or study? for each?
1 office facilities a 24-hour reception, car park, room service, free wi-fi
VIDEO 2 2.1.1 Watch the video interview with Dr Vaiva Kalnikaitė about her
2 hotel facilities b swimming pool, gym, football stadium, park
company, Dovetailed. Tick (✓) the five reasons she says Cambridge is a good
location for her business. 3 sports and leisure facilities c car park, printers, meeting rooms, staff kitchen

☐ cheap location ☐ can work with the university

8A Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences.
☐ international city ☐ salaries lower than other places
1 Where are the most expensive rents / locate for office space in your town or city?
☐ can work with other companies ☐ nice place to live Where are the cheapest? Why is this?
☐ good public services (schools, hospitals, etc.) ☐ easy to travel to London 2 Which part(s) of your town or city have good access / close to an airport / a port /
a motorway? How does this help a business?
3 Watch the video again and answer the questions. 3 What are the best headquarters / facilities where you work or study?
1 When did Dr Kalnikaitė start her company? 4 What sports and leisure facilities are there close / access to your home?
2 Which company did she work for as an intern in Cambridge? 5 Where would you locate / convenient a new hotel in your town or city? Why?
4 3 What help does she get from her business contacts? funding / products / advice 6 How good are the transport links / ports in your town? What would make them better?
Teacher’s resources:
4 What help does she get from Judge Business School? funding / products / advice T extra activities B Work in pairs or small groups. Discuss the questions in Exercise 8A.
Teacher’s resources: 5 How long does it take Dr Kalnikaitė to get to work?
T extra activities 6 How long does it take to get to London by train? And by car?
4 Based on what you saw in the video, would you like to live and work in a city
like Cambridge? What would you like most? What would you like least? 7 PROJECT: Location, location, location

Vocabulary Location 5 9A Work in pairs or small groups. You are going to research the location
of a company in your town or city. Choose from one of these
5 Look at these extracts from the video. Match the words in bold with the definitions. options or use your own idea.
a a special room or building in which a scientist does tests
1 where to locate the
b a room where an artist, photographer or designer regularly works an airport a bank a factory a gym
c a very wide road for travelling fast over long distances, especially between cities the headquarters of a company a hospital
2 access to skilled staff
d something that makes travel between two places possible a luxury hotel a restaurant a shop
3 good transport links
4 reasonable rents for e a building in which goods are produced in large quantities, using machines a transport company a university a warehouse
factory or office space f put or build something in a particular place
5 a technology design g how easy or difficult it is for people to enter a public building, to reach a place or to talk to B Find out why the company chose that location.
studio and innovation lab someone or contact them Describe the advantages of the location. Are
6 it’s very close to London h money that is paid regularly to use office buildings, etc.
there any disadvantages?
7 drive to London on a i not far from something C Present what you found out about the
motorway location to another pair or group.
page 114 See Pronunciation bank: Syllables and stress

• How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score
from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).
• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.
18 19

M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 18 21/02/2019 16:53 M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 19 21/02/2019 16:53

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for every lesson. Each Lesson outcome encapsulates
a number of specific Learning Objectives for Professional English which are listed in this Teacher’s Resource
Book in the Teaching notes.
2 Every lesson begins with a short Lead-in activity to engage learners with the lesson topic on a personal level.
3 Lesson 1 is based on an authentic video of about 4 minutes with comprehension activities.
4 T Teacher’s resources: extra activities Extra activities are clearly signposted. These are PDFs in
MyEnglishLab to display on-screen or print. They can be used to extend a lesson or to focus in more depth on
a particular section.
T Teacher’s resources: alternative video and activities Alternative videos with worksheets are available for
some units and are clearly signposted.
5 The main unit vocabulary set is presented and practised in Lesson 1, building on vocabulary from the video.
Extra activities are available in MyEnglishLab.
6 Follow-up questions provide an opportunity for personalisation.
7 The Project at the end of Lesson 1 is a collaborative group task with a strong emphasis on communication
and fluency building. It can be done in class or in more depth over several weeks in and out of class.
8 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section which encourages learners to think about the
progress they have made in relation to the lesson outcomes. More detailed self-assessment tasks and
suggestions for extra practice are available in MyEnglishLab.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 13 15/07/2019 14:04


Lesson 2 Reading or Listening

The aims of this lesson are:
• to provide students with meaningful reading or listening skills practice based on engaging, relevant and up-to-date content.
• to present and practise the unit grammar point, drawing on examples from the text.
• to encourage students to activate the grammar point they have practised through communicative speaking
or writing activities.

2.2 Visiting Singapore 2.2 Visiting Singapore

Grammar enough and too 4

1 Lesson outcome Learners can use enough and too to express sufficiency and insufficiency. 4 Look at the underlined phrases (1–4) in the article. Match them with the
meanings (a–d).
a it is as big as it needs to be c it is not as big as it needs to be

2 Lead-in 1A Work in pairs or small groups. Do you ever visit any of these places? b it is more than needed or wanted d it is a good amount of time to do what is needed
or wanted
1 Great theme park
aquarium bird park city zoo ski resort theme park wildlife park with enough 5 Look at these comments on a review site about a theme park. Which visitors were
attractions for all ages! satisfied? Which visitors were not? Why?
B Tell each other about a visit to one of these places.
3 A day isn’t long enough to 4 Too many shops 5 My children weren’t tall
page 114 See Pronunciation bank: Stress in noun phrases 2 There are too many and not enough rides!
do and see everything. Fantastic! enough to go on the best rides.
people in summer! It’s too
Reading 2 Read the article quickly and choose the best headline. hot to queue for hours.
6 Look at the underlined phrases in the article and the sentences in Exercise 5.
1 Singapore opens more parks in the city centre Choose the correct options.

2 1 (not) adjective / noun + enough 4 too many + countable / uncountable noun

Singapore creates a tropical wildlife paradise
2 (not) enough + adjective / noun 5 too much + countable / uncountable noun
3 Singapore offers more shopping experiences 3 too + adjective / noun

3 Read the article again and answer the questions. page 119 See Grammar reference: enough and too
1 What are the names of the five parks in the Mandai project?
2 Which of the Mandai parks are already open?
7 Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

3 How long do tourists usually stay in Singapore? 1 This office for six people. 4 There to finish the presentation.

4 Why is the government creating the Mandai project? enough / big / isn’t time / wasn’t / enough

5 What type of rooms will the Banyan Tree resort offer? 2 The station to walk. 5 There are waiting.
Teacher’s resources: 6 Why does Singapore want to change its image? too / is / far customers / many / too
T extra activities
7 What type of tourists will go to Mandai? 3 Are there everyone? 6 It’s for one person.
attractions / for / enough too / work / much

8A Complete the dialogue with (not) enough, too, too many and too much.
A: Is there 1 space in this room for the meeting?
B: Yes, but I think there are 2 chairs.
A: You’re right! I’ll move some next door.
B: And it’s 3 hot in here, isn’t it? Let’s open the windows.
A: Oh no! There’s 4 noise from outside. I’ll put the air conditioning on.
B: OK! I see there are 5 glasses. I’ll get some more from the kitchen.
A: Is there 6 time to make some photocopies?
Teacher’s resources: B: Yes! We have lots of time. It’s still 7 early for people to arrive.
T extra activities
3 2.01 Listen and check your answers to Exercise 8A.

JUSTINA LEE, Nikkei staff writer

5 Speaking and 9 Work in pairs or small groups. What would you say in these situations? Use too
writing and (not) enough.
Singapore is creating an eco-tourism Singapore is a stopover for visitors able to stay in treehouses and cabins
hub* with five wildlife parks in going to other parts of Asia or that will provide a unique experience.
Mandai, in the northern part of the travelling from Europe to Australia. 35 Visitors can also go on nature walks. 1 You went to bed at 2 a.m. last night 2 You arrived late for lunch in the canteen. There
country. Mandai is already home to 20 Most holidaymakers feel three or The government wants Singapore and got up at 7 a.m. this morning. You was one person serving a long queue of customers.
5 the Singapore Zoo, the Night Safari four days is 3enough time to see the to offer more than the usual shopping are having difficulties concentrating The only dessert option was apples. All the tables
and the River Safari, which opened country. The government wants to and dining experiences to attract on your work/studies now. were occupied or had dirty plates on them.
in 2014. The famous Jurong Bird attract tourists to less visited parts tourists. Today there is 4too much
Park in the southwestern side of the of the city and get them to stay 40 competition from online shopping
country is now 1too small. It will soon 25 longer. It hopes the Mandai project and bigger destinations in Asia. 10 Choose one of these options. Write 80–100 words and use too and (not) enough.
10 relocate to a site in Mandai, which is will receive more than 10 million Seshan Ramaswami, associate 1) Write an email complaining to the canteen manager at work. Explain some
big enough for the 5,000 birds that visitors each year. professor of marketing education at recent problems with the canteen. 2) Write a short online review for a tourist
come from 400 species. In addition Luxury resort operator Banyan Singapore Management University, attraction (e.g. a park or museum), hotel or restaurant.
the new Rainforest Park will open Tree will open its eco-resort with 45 said the Mandai project and Banyan

in a few years. Within the hub, there
will also be conservation projects for
30 around 400 rooms in Mandai by
2023. Apart from the standard and
Tree resort will appeal to travellers
who want ‘to experience nature in a
endangered species. family rooms, visitors will also be sophisticated urban environment.’ • How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score
from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).
• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.
20 *hub: the most important part of an area, system or activity that other parts are connected to 21

M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 20 21/02/2019 16:53 M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 21 21/02/2019 16:53

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for every lesson.
2 Every lesson begins with a short Lead-in activity to engage learners with the lesson topic on a personal
level. This section includes pre-teaching of vocabulary needed for the reading or listening to come.
3 The reading text is generally an article, often from the Nikkei Asian Review or Financial Times. The text
focuses on a particular aspect of the unit topic which has an interesting angle, and it contains examples
of the grammar point presented.
4 There is one grammar point in each unit, presented in Lesson 2. In general a guided discovery (inductive)
approach has been taken to the presentation of grammar. The grammar is presented with reference to
examples in the reading (or listening) text, followed by controlled practice.
5 Discussion questions and communicative practice of vocabulary and grammar is provided in the final
Speaking or Writing section of this lesson.
6 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section which encourages learners to think about the
progress they have made in relation to the lesson outcomes.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 14 15/07/2019 14:04


Lesson 3 Communication skills

The aims of this lesson are:
• to introduce students to the skills needed to interact successfully in international teams.
• to encourage students to notice different communication styles and the misunderstandings that can
arise as a result, by watching the scripted skills training video.
• to present and practise functional language associated with the communication skill in the lesson.

2.3 Checking and clarifying
7 2.3 Communication skills: Checking and clarifying

Functional Checking and clarifying

language 7A Watch Video B again and complete these expressions for checking and clarifying.
1 Lesson outcome Learners can check, confirm and clarify information using a range of expressions.
1 So Nick, you want someone
with logistics experience?

2 Lead-in 1A Work in pairs. Think about the last meeting or discussion you took part in at
2 And
with a good language level?
, you’re looking for someone
your place of work or study. How many of these people attended your meeting?
Think of two or three more. 3 you want to hire someone locally?

1 The person who always arrives late. 3 The person who takes lots of notes. 4 Yes, you said that, but ?

2 The person who talks a lot but is 4 The person who spends a lot of time looking 5 There’s an international airport not far from Poznań, ?
very unclear. at their mobile phone. 6 , it’s a sensitive topic.

B In small groups, discuss where on the line you would put the people in Exercise 1A. B Match the responses (a–f) with the correct questions in Exercise 7A.
Explain your choice. a No, not necessarily, but they must be prepared to move.
Tip b Exactly; fluent in English and Polish.
Least annoying Most annoying You can use Right, c That’s right, Poznań has its own airport.
That’s right, Correct d Yes, of course. We understand.
3 VIDEO 2A 2.3.1 Watch the video as Shaun and Alex prepare to meet their client, Nick and Exactly to confirm
e Correct, but they also need a diploma in management.
from Zapna Clothing. Answer the questions. information.
f I mean there’s a good bonus scheme and a subsidised staff canteen.
1 What is the purpose of the meeting?
2 What type person in Exercise 1A does Shaun say Nick is? 8 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.
B How easy do you think it will be for Shaun and Alex to get the information they 1 you / for / confirm / us / just / can / that / ?

want from Nick? 2 I / what Tim / think / means / is / the best candidate / that / won’t live locally
3 relocation / what / package / you / by / do / mean / ?
Video A 2.3.2 3A Watch Video A and complete as much of the information sheet as you can. How
do you think Shaun and Alex feel about the meeting now? Why? Teacher’s resources: 4 right / that / is / ?
T extra activities 5 you say / it’s a / what / sensitive topic / when / you / do / mean / ?
Candidate Profile Form TGC THE GALLAGHER

Company name Zapna Clothing

Job title Assistant Manager TASK
Location Poznań, Poland 9 9A Work in two groups. Group A: Look at page 128; Group B: Look at page 138. Read your scenario
Contract type replacement / maternity cover / new post
(circle) and prepare for the meeting in your group.
Contract length 2
months B In pairs, roleplay Scenario 1 using expressions from Exercises 7 and 8 to check, clarify and
Experience 3
, confirm information. Student A, take the role of the client. Student B, take the role of the TGC
Language(s) spoken English and 4 staff member and complete the Candidate Profile Form. Exchange roles and roleplay Scenario 2.

4 Language level basic knowledge / working knowledge / fluent (circle) C When you have finished, discuss how easy or difficult it was to check, clarify and confirm

Package offered 6
(tick) information in English. Share your experience with the class.
bonus scheme □
subsidised staff canteen □
gym membership □
private healthcare □
pension □
Relocation package Yes / No / Needs further discussion
No. of candidates for interview 6 maximum

B What can Shaun and Alex do to get the information they need from Nick?

Video B 2.3.3 4A Watch Video B and complete the rest of the information sheet in Exercise 3A.
How do you think Shaun and Alex feel about the meeting now?

B What did Shaun and Alex do to improve their communication with Nick?
Compare your answers with your ideas in Exercise 3B.

5 2.3.4 Watch the Conclusions section of the video and note the main points
the speaker makes about checking and clarifying information.

5 Reflection 6 Think about how you check and clarify information in English. In pairs, discuss
how you could improve your skills.
10 • How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score

from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).

• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.
22 23

M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 22 21/02/2019 16:53 M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 23 21/02/2019 16:53

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for 5 Students work alone on a short reflection activity. The
every lesson. approach to this reflection activity may change to suit each
2 Every Communication skills lesson begins with a short Lead-in lesson. The idea is to encourage students to think about
activity to engage learners with the lesson topic on a personal communication styles and their implications.
level and to set-up the video which follows. 6 The lesson to this point works as a standalone lesson for
3 The Communication skills training video introduces learners teachers who have a limited amount of time to work on
to the skills needed to interact successfully in international communication skills. In other teaching situations, the lesson
teams, with people who may have different communication can be extended using the activities on functional language.
styles due to culture or personality. There is a storyline 7 This page presents and practises a set of useful functional
running through the eight units, with the main characters language from the video in the Communication skills lesson.
appearing in different situations. Note: Each clip, however, can 8 T Teacher’s resources: extra activities The optional
be watched separately and each lesson done independently extension activities for this lesson provide controlled practice
without the need to watch the preceding video clips. of the functional language.
4 In each Communication skills lesson, you will: 9 The lesson ends with a collaborative group task designed to
a watch a set-up video which introduces the main characters practise the functional language and the communication
and challenge of the lesson; skill presented in the lesson. There is a scenario or scenario
b watch the main character approach the situation in two options which pre-work students can relate to, as well as
different ways (Options A and B); an element of personalisation in the scenario to help with
c answer questions about each approach (Option A and mixed-ability classes.
Option B) before watching the conclusion. 10 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section which
encourages learners to think about the progress they have
made in relation to the lesson outcomes.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 15 15/07/2019 14:04


Lesson 4 Business skills

The aims of this lesson are:
• to give students exposure to a functional business skill or sub-skill using a listening comprehension,
encouraging them to notice successful and unsuccessful techniques.
• to present and practise relevant functional language drawing on examples from the listening.
• to encourage students to activate the skill and language they have practised by collaborating on a group task.

2.4 Starting a meeting
2.4 Business skills: Starting a meeting

3A 2.03 Listen to part of the meeting and decide if the sentences are true (T)
or false (F). In pairs, correct the incorrect sentences.
1 Lesson outcome Learners are able to use a variety of expressions to open meetings.
1 Everyone is on time for the meeting 4 Ellen doesn’t want to take the minutes.
except Josh. 5 The team discussed the micro-kitchen idea
2 Harry has just joined the team. during the last staff meeting.
3 Harry agrees to manage the timing 6 The budget for the micro-kitchen is more
of the meeting. than 500 pounds a month.

B Listen again and complete the expressions.

1 Right, so let’s . 4 And could I have a volunteer to ?
2 Does anyone want to add anything 5 So, to item 5: this is Deirdre’s
? point, I think.
3 Harry, you to be 6 The reason discuss this
time-keeper? agree on a budget.

2 Lead-in 1A In pairs, discuss the questions.

1 What kind of meetings do you attend at your place of work or study? 5 Functional Opening a meeting, referring to the agenda and stating purpose
2 What topics do you usually discuss during meetings in your place of work or study? language 4A Look at these expressions from the meeting. Match the beginnings (1–8) with
3 Are your meetings always successful? Why? / Why not? the endings (a–h).

B Look at the list of reasons why meetings are sometimes unsuccessful. Discuss 1 I’d like to start a item 1, Matters Arising.
whether you agree or disagree, and why. Add two or three more reasons. 2 Nice to see everyone, and b to item 2?
1 The meeting doesn’t have a clear purpose. 3 So, one reason for meeting is to c introduce you all to Harry.
2 Some people are not invited to the meeting. 4 Does everyone have d on time.
3 The chairperson has no control over who speaks, or for how long. 5 The main aim today is to e a copy of the agenda?
4 People are not prepared for the meeting. 6 Could I have a volunteer f catch up before the holidays.
7 Let’s look at g welcome back to Ellen.
C Discuss your ideas in Exercise 1B with another pair. What can make meetings
more successful? 8 Sorry, can we just go back h to take the minutes?

3 Listening 2A Josh and Samia are discussing the next staff meeting. Before you listen, match B Complete the table with the expressions from Exercise 4A.
the words and phrases (1–6) with the correct definitions (a–f). Opening a meeting Stating purpose Giving tasks Referring to the agenda
1 action point a a written record of what people say during a meeting I’d like to start on
2 agenda item b the time when something must be finished by time.


3 AOB (Any Other c something that will be discussed during the meeting
4 Business) d the time when you can ask questions about the previous meeting
4 deadline e a task for someone to do after the meeting
5 minutes f things that need to be discussed but are not included on the agenda Teacher’s resources:
T extra activities C Add the expressions in Exercise 3B to the correct section of the table.
6 matters arising

B 2.02Listen to Josh and Samia discussing the meeting and complete the
agenda (a–f). How do you think they feel about the meeting?
7 5A Work in groups of four. Write up an agenda for a meeting. TASK
B Work in different groups of four. You are going to take turns to chair the opening
Staff Meeting of a meeting. Use your agendas from Exercise 5A to chair your meetings.
8 December (15.00–16.30) Room 2. Chair: Don A.
• Open the meeting
DRAFT AGENDA • Welcome and introduce everyone
Item Responsible Time • Give roles – minute-taker, time-keeper
1 Matters arising 15.00–15.10 • Discuss the agenda
• Explain the purpose of the meeting and/or one or two agenda items
2 Staff reports All 15.10–15.25
3 a
Mike 15:25–15.35
C When you have finished, discuss how easy or difficult it was to open
4 b c
a meeting in English. Share your experience with another group.
5 Micro-kitchen Deirdre 15.45–16.00
6 d e
7 AOB 16.15–16.30
8 f
8 • How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score
from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).
• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.
24 25

M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 24 21/02/2019 16:53 M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 25 21/02/2019 16:53

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for every lesson.
2 Every Business skills lesson begins with a short Lead-in activity to engage learners with the lesson topic on
a personal level.
3 An original listening comprehension introduces the business skill and related key techniques and key
functional language.
4 Listening comprehension activities check that students have understood the meaning of key concepts or
vocabulary, and move on to listening for detail.
5 The section on Functional language offers presentation and practice of a set of useful functional language
related to the business skill of the lesson. The language exponents come from the audioscript, and
common tasks include gap-fill activities.
6 T Teacher’s resources: extra activities The optional extension activities for this lesson provide controlled
practice of the functional language and additional listening practice using the lesson listening text.
7 The lesson ends with a significant collaborative group task to practise the target business skill and provide
an opportunity to use the functional language presented. A scenario or several scenario options are
provided to help with mixed classes, and often include an opportunity for personalisation.
8 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section which encourages learners to think about the
progress they have made in relation to the lesson outcomes.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 16 15/07/2019 14:04


Lesson 5 Writing
The aims of this lesson are:
• to present and practise a specific aspect of business writing, focusing on either genre, function or register.
• to present and practise relevant functional language, drawing on examples from the model text.

2.5 Short communications
Learners can communicate by text message, write short emails and use
1 Lesson outcome abbreviations and shortened forms appropriately.

2 Lead-in 3 Functional language

1A Read the messages between an estate agent and his 2A What do you think the underlined abbreviations
secretary and answer the questions. in Exercises 1A and 1B mean?
1 What is the problem?
B Match the abbreviation in each sentence to the
2 Why does Jeff, the estate agent, want to contact his meaning in the box.
client, Dana, urgently?
by the way close of business
end of day to be announced
Hi Jeff. Where are you?

1 We should get an answer by COB.

Waiting outside Duke St offices
for Dana Matthews. 2 Will complete report by EOD.
3 Product ready for markets. Launch date TBA soon.
FYI Dana sent email last night to cancel. 4 Thanks for finishing presentation. BTW, it looks good.
She’s in Rome. Didn’t you see it?
C Look at the table and complete the gaps. Use two to
No. She needs to see offices ASAP. Other three words in each gap.
companies interested, appointment times
TBC. Emailing her now. Formal Informal

Use full forms Use shortened forms

Are you coming back now? 1
outside the Waiting outside Duke St
Duke St offices. offices.
Yes. With you in 20. Other companies Other companies interested.

Use pronouns Don’t use pronouns

B Read the email reply to Jeff from Dana. What does
she want to do? Sorry I had to cancel. 3
to cancel.

Use articles Don’t use articles

She sent 4
last Sent email last night.
Hi Jeff,
Use all words Don’t use unnecessary words
Thanks for your email and sorry I had to cancel our I will be with you With you in 20.
meeting today. I’m working in Rome at the moment. .

Back tomorrow, ETA 1800 hrs, so can we rearrange the

appointment for Thurs? About 4 p.m.? I’m WFH that
day and Duke Street is very close to my apartment. T Teacher’s resources: extra activities

I hope this is OK for you. The text messages and email contain examples of the
5 L Present Continuous. Go to MyEnglishLab for optional
grammar work.
Dana Matthews
page 120 See Grammar reference: Present Continuous

3A Work in pairs. Read the email on page 127. Discuss how you could shorten it.

B Look at the notes on page 127 and write both an informal text message and a
6 TASK more formal email. Use no more than 50 words for the text and 80 for the email.
Abbreviations like BTW (by the way) count as one word.

C Exchange text messages and emails with your partner. Did your partner use the same
abbreviations as you? Did your partner use all the techniques in Exercise 2C?

7 • How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score
from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).
• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.

M02 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 26 21/02/2019 16:53

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for 5 L The text messages and email contain examples of
every lesson. the Present Continuous. Go to MyEnglishLab for
optional grammar work.
2 Every Writing lesson starts with a writing model with an
associated task. The task often requires students to notice There is a signpost to the optional second grammar point.
or do something with the language within the model text. Some examples of the target language point are included in
3 The functional language is presented in a table the writing model. The teacher’s notes include instructions
summarising useful language associated with the target to focus students on the examples before directing them to
writing skill, and includes a related activity. The table the activities in MyEnglishLab if they choose to do so.
is likely to be categorised according to the different 6 The lesson ends with at least two writing tasks, from
sections of the writing model. Tasks include completing controlled to freer practice.
exponents in the table or identifying which ones are 7 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section
formal and informal. which encourages learners to think about the progress they
4 T Teacher’s resources: extra activities The optional have made in relation to the lesson outcomes.
extension activities for this lesson provide controlled
practice of the functional language.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 17 15/07/2019 14:04


Business workshops
The aims of the Business workshops are:
• to simulate a real-life professional situation or challenge which is related to the theme of the unit.
• to provide multiple opportunities for free, communicative practice of the language presented in the unit.

Business workshop 2
WORKSHOP 2 A new location A trip to Berlin 4A BW 2.02 Listen to Ewa and Mark discussing the three offices after their visit.
Complete the notes.

1 Lesson outcome
Learners can identify the main points in short presentations about business
locations and participate in a short meeting to choose a new location.

Pros Pros Pros

Background 1 Read the background and answer the questions with a partner.
1 Why do EM Animations need to leave London?
Cons Cons Cons
2 Why is Berlin a good place for the company to go?
3 What situation(s) would make you want to move to another country to live and work?

B What do you think they should do?

2 BACKGROUND 5 Ewa reads this report in a magazine on the flight back to London. What are the
Ewa Kowalska and Mark Anderson started EM Animation Studios four years ago. They possible advantages/disadvantages of Estonia?
began their animation partnership at university, where Ewa studied business and Mark
studied animation. After finishing university, they moved to London, where they have
a small team of staff. They work on many animation projects including advertisements,
software apps and video games. The company now needs more space but rents for
bigger offices in the capital are too expensive for them.
World’s best places
Ewa, now CEO, is thinking about moving the company to Berlin. With a population of to locate your business
3.5 million, Berlin is an exciting, international city in the heart of Europe which offers
excellent value. EM Animation Studios will still be able to hire great people from all over Estonia is a small country with a population of just 1.3 million. This country in
the world. Also, with the money they save on rent and other costs, they can attract staff northern Europe, which is becoming well-known for advances in technology,
with better salaries and invest more in their business. was the first in the world to introduce an e-residency scheme with a digital ID
card. It allows an e-resident to access digital services without living in Estonia.
3 4 In business-friendly Estonia, most people speak more than one language and
younger people in particular have a high level of English. About one in four
Offices for rent 2A Listen to Ewa presenting three possible locations for the new office
BW 2.01 residents come from countries close by, including Russia and Finland, as well
in Berlin. Put her slides in the correct order. as professionals from other EU countries and the USA. The capital, Tallinn,
famous for its medieval old town, has one of the highest number of start-ups
Teacher’s resources:
per person in the EU.

• Co-working space in an old

in the south of the city.
• 2
m2 in total with workstations
for 3 people and meeting rooms. 5 TASK
• Includes high-speed internet, use of
, shared kitchen.
• Rent €5 per workstation/month.
6A Work in groups of three or four. You’re going to decide on the Choose
new location for EM Animation Studios. Decide who is going to be a location
No deposit required. Min. rent period
. One-month cancellation. Ewa and who Mark. The other students choose from the roles as
other employees. Look at your information and prepare for the
Ewa: Look at page 138.
Mark: Look at page 131.
• Office room in modern building in the Paul: Look at page 133.
of Berlin.
• Has no 1 . Office in
old building in 2 Berlin. Yelena: Look at page 139.
• 2
m2 large room and • 3
m2 including two
m2 small office for meetings. B Hold a meeting and agree on the new location.
• Includes furniture, high-speed internet, Consider these points in your discussion.
service, shared kitchen.
• Includes kitchen, two toilets.
• Rent €5 /month plus • The size and type of the space
• Rent € 5
/month plus one- 6
deposit. Min. rent period • The cost and conditions of rent
month deposit. Min. rent period six months. Three-month cancellation.
. One-month cancellation. • The pros and cons of each location
• Your personal preferences

Teacher’s resources: B Listen again and complete Ewa’s presentation slides. Use one to two words in
T extra activities each gap.

3 Discuss the good and bad points of each location. Which would you choose for
the company? Why? 6
• How successfully have you achieved the lesson outcome? Give yourself a score
from 0 (I need more practice) to 5 (I know this well).
• Go to My Self-assessment in MyEnglishLab to reflect on what you have learnt.
90 91

Z01 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 90 20/02/2019 16:14 Z01 Bus Part CB A2+ GLB 90952.indd 91 20/02/2019 16:14

1 The Lesson outcome defines a clear learning outcome for every lesson.
2 The workshop begins by providing some background information on the company and the situation or
challenge the scenario focuses on.
3 Business workshops always include a significant additional listening or reading practice. In many of the
workshops, both skills are practised.
4 This section includes an activity to check understanding.
5 The task is a practical, collaborative task which addresses the challenge set out in the background
section. It focuses on speaking, but usually also includes an element of writing. The Business workshops
provide a good variety of output task types.
6 Every lesson ends with a short Self-assessment section which encourages learners to think about the
progress they have made in relation to the lesson outcomes.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 18 15/07/2019 14:04


Extra material
Extra coursebook activities (PDFs)
go to MyEnglishLab, Teacher’s Resources

Photocopiables (PDFs)
at the back of this Teacher’s Resource Book, and on MyEnglishLab, in the Teacher’s Resources

Resource Bank: Reading bank, Writing bank, Functional language bank (PDFs)
at the back of this Teacher’s Resource Book, and on MyEnglishLab, in the Teacher’s Resources

Unit tests, with audio files and answer keys (PDFs and Word documents)
go to MyEnglishLab, Teacher’s Resources; also available as Interactive tests.


F02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 19 15/07/2019 14:04

1 Travelling for work
Unit overview

1.1 Lead-in Students discuss different aspects of travel. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s

resources: extra activities
Video Students watch a video about different aspects of business travel.
Business travel
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to transport, accommodation Teacher’s book: Resource bank
and travel. Photocopiable 1.1 p.134

Project Students roleplay a conference call giving advice to a colleague Workbook: p.4 Exercises 1–3
who is visiting from overseas.

1.2 Lead-in Students talk about planning different corporate and

social events.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Events Listening Students listen to an interview with an Events Manager.
Reading bank
management Grammar reference: p.119
Grammar Students study and practise comparatives and superlatives.
Comparatives and superlatives
Speaking Students practise the grammar from the lesson by talking and
writing about venues for a party. Pronunciation bank: p.114 The
letter ‘r’
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 1.2 p.135
Workbook: p.5 Exercises 1–4,
p.6 Exercises 1–3

1.3 Lead-in Students discuss their views on making small talk. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Video Students watch a video giving a model for making small talk in
Communication professionally related social contexts.
Interactive video activities;
skills: Small talk Functional language bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and discuss
their own small-talk skills. Pronunciation bank: p.114
Showing interest in small talk
Functional Students look at useful questions for making small talk.
language Workbook: p.7 Exercises 1 and 2
Task Students practise making small talk with colleagues in different

1.4 Lead-in Students talk about the first day at a new college/job. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Listening Students listen to conversations between a new employee and
Business skills: some of his colleagues.
Functional language bank
Dealing with
Functional Students look at useful language for explaining and solving IT Workbook: p.7 Exercises 3A–B
language problems.
Task Students roleplay a telephone call where they explain and solve
IT problems.

1.5 Lead-in Students read and complete an email asking for information. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Functional Students look at useful language for writing emails asking for
Writing: language information.
Interactive grammar practice;
Email – Asking for Writing bank
information Task Students write an email asking for information.
Grammar reference: p.119 can
and could to ask for information
Workbook: p.8 Exercises 1–3

Business Reading Students read about an Australian music talent agency. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
workshop 1 Listening Students listen to phone communications about the details of a
resources: extra activities

A business trip business trip.

Task Students write an email rearranging travel plans.


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 20 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concept of travelling for work. Many
employees travel for work; this can be divided into commuting, travelling daily to get to and
from their place of work, and business travel, where certain roles within a company require
employees to travel outside the office for research, promotion, meetings, etc.

Recent surveys show that the countries where workers spend the longest time commuting
are Kenya, Hong Kong, India and the United Arab Emirates. In these places people commute
for around one and a half hours each day. In the UK there has been a significant rise in
those who now spend more than two hours on their daily commute in the last decade. In
contrast, employees in Japan are likely to have the shortest commute globally, with an
average of less than forty minutes daily.

While the majority of commuters still rely on traditional means of transport like trains and
buses to get to work, there has been a rise in the last fifteen years in the use of car-pooling
and ridesharing apps. These apps allow people who are travelling in the same direction
to travel in one car. In the case of car-pooling, they are usually work colleagues who live
in the same area. Ridesharing apps, on the other hand, allow people who don’t know
each other to share a car. This is often quicker and less stressful than public transport and
reduces the impact of traffic pollution as it means there are fewer cars overall on the road.

Mobile technology has also had an impact on travelling for work, making it possible
for commuters to use some of their journey time to work. Employees can check
and reply to emails, make calls to clients, and even write reports using their smart
phones, tablets and laptops while on the move. Some companies also now allow their
employees to work remotely part of the time, usually from home, in order to avoid
travel delays due to long commutes. Effective working from home allows them to
manage their time more efficiently.

Although the volume of business travel traffic continues to increase worldwide,

recent technological advances mean that video conferencing is now frequently used
to communicate instead, making it unnecessary for people to meet face-to-face.
However, because human communication is both verbal and non-verbal, time invested
in actually meeting people and getting to know them still plays a vital role in the
success of negotiations. This is particularly true in cross-cultural business situations
where nuances in communication can be difficult to pick up or via a computer screen.
Furthermore, in some cultures the small talk which precedes a face-to-face business
meeting is extremely important and this type of networking can build stronger
business relationships.

Business travel can come at a high price for both companies and employees. For
businesses, sending employees abroad to do business in person is an expensive part of
their budget which they are sometimes forced to reduce to contain costs. Employees who
travel a lot for work find that the experience is often far from glamorous. The reality can
consist of frustrating delays, flight cancellations and sitting in long meetings while coping
with jetlag!

Travelling for work Many students regard travel as an attractive part of a corporate role but they should also
and your students be aware of its wider implications. Pre-work students need to understand the effects of
commuting and business travel on employees’ lives, as well as their professional success,
when applying for jobs. Students who are in work also need to be aware of the high costs of
travel to their employer and the need to measure this against the desired business outcomes.


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 21 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in Video

Elicit a brief description of the photo and draw students’ Students watch a video about different aspects of business
attention to the unit title. Look at the quote with the class and travel.
check that they understand the meanings of modest and occupy.
Briefly discuss the quote as a class: Can students explain it in
3 1.1.1 Explain to students that they are going to watch
a video where businesspeople talk about different aspects of
simpler words? Do they agree with it? Why? / Why not?
travelling for work. Give them a minute to look at the list of
topics, play the video then check answers with the class.

1.1 Business travel a, b, d, e, g

GSE learning objectives

4 1.1.1Before you play the video again, give students
• Can understand simple informal advice on a work- two minutes to go through the questions and options and
related situation. ask you about any words they do not understand. To check
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue answers, you could play the video again and tell students to ask
or narrative. you to pause when an answer is heard.
• Can identify simple information in a short video,
provided that the visual supports this information and 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 b 6 a
the delivery is slow and clear.
• Can give simple opinions using basic fixed expressions.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
Extra activities 1.1
• Can ask for basic advice using simple language.
A 1.1.1 Explain to students that the sentences in this
exercise are from the video. Get them to match the sentence
Warm-up halves individually or, in weaker classes, in pairs, then play
Put students in pairs or small groups and dictate or write the video again to check answers. Get students to tell you
the following questions on the board: How often do which words in each half helped them match the two parts
you travel? Where to? What for? What do you like about of each sentence: was it a grammatical or lexical clue? Do
travelling? Give pairs/groups 3–5 minutes to discuss the not focus on the meanings of the words in bold at this point
questions, then invite brief feedback from the class. as students will look at them in the next exercise.

1 c 2 d 3 a 4 f 5 e 6 b

Students discuss different aspects of travel. B This activity practises useful vocabulary from the video.
Students could do it individually or in pairs. Encourage them
1 Go through the words in the boxes with students and check to read the sentences carefully, thinking about the meaning
understanding. Give them a minute to tick the items they have of the whole sentence each time. This will help them work
used, then get feedback from the class. If time allows, you could out the meanings of the words in bold. Allow them to use
get students to discuss their answers in pairs or small groups first. their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check answers
with the class and clarify meanings as necessary.
2 Go through the questions with students and teach or elicit
the meanings of comfort and location. Then put them in groups
and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss the questions. Invite i stay overnight ii the locals iii timings iv overseas
a few students to share their answers with the class. If time v organisation vi workplace
allows, you could draw a table on the board with rows for the
criteria (see example below) and invite volunteers to tick the
criteria they each use to choose transport and accommodation. 5 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them 3–4
For the other items, get students to explain what each criterion minutes to discuss the question. As feedback, invite students
is and why it is important for them. from different pairs/groups to share their ideas with the class,
giving reasons.
price Possible answers
speed Probably. They all speak about it with enthusiasm.

Vocabulary: Transport, accommodation
and travel
price Students look at vocabulary related to transport,
accommodation and travel.
6 Go through the words in the box with students before they
location begin, or let them use their dictionaries to check any unknown
vocabulary. Get them to complete the exercise individually
something else
and compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.
During feedback, clarify any vocabulary items as necessary.


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 22 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

You could then ask students to categorise the sentences: write 9B Students now roleplay their conference calls in pairs.
the headings Air travel, Accommodation and Travelling around Explain the task and read through the example exchange with
town on the board and ask them to match each sentence with students. Set a time limit and remind students to talk about all
the correct heading (Air travel: 2, 5, 7; Accommodation: 1, 6, 8; the categories in Exercise 9A and refer to their notes. During
Travelling around town: 3, 4, 9). the activity, monitor and note down any points to highlight
during feedback, but do not interrupt the conference calls.
1 reservation 2 flight 3 vehicle 4 ridesharing app When students have finished, have a brief feedback session,
5 gate 6 stay 7 lounge 8 location highlighting any points you noted while monitoring.
9 public transportation
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities

Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 1.1 p.134

7A You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking
answers and meanings as you go. Alternatively, get students Workbook: p.4 Exercises 1–3
to complete it individually or in pairs, then check answers with
the class.

1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 d
1.2 Events management
GSE learning objectives
7B Students could do this individually or in pairs, using their
• Can identify specific events from short spoken
dictionaries if necessary. Check answers with the class and
encourage students to record the pairs of opposites in their
vocabulary notebooks. • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or
• Can form the superlative of longer regular adjectives
1 short-haul 2 landing 3 departure 4 delayed
with most.
5 abroad
• Can form the superlative of regular adjectives with -est.
• Can use all forms of comparatives and superlatives of
Extra activities 1.1
• Can make simple, direct comparisons between two
C This activity practises key vocabulary from the lesson. It people or things using common adjectives.
is a consolidation exercise, so you may prefer students to • Can give an extended description of everyday topics
do it individually. Get students to compare answers in pairs (e.g. people, places, experiences).
before class feedback. • Can make simple comparisons between people, places
or things.
1 flight 2 delayed 3 reservation 4 gate
5 vehicle 6 departure lounge 7 location 8 local
9 arrival 10 on time Warm-up
Ask students to think about the last social or corporate
event they went to and put them in pairs or small groups
to discuss the following questions: What was the event?
8 Put students in pairs or small groups, explain the activity Do you think it was well organised? Why? / Why not?
and refer them to the example sentence. Check that they What did you like/dislike about it? Give pairs/groups 3–5
understand the meanings of the phrases on the left before minutes to discuss, then get brief feedback from the class.
they begin. You could also elicit a few opinion adjectives they
could use in their sentences (interesting, boring, easy, difficult,
helpful, exciting, etc.) and list them on the board for students
to refer to during the activity. To help students, you could give Lead-in
them a couple more example sentences, using the adjectives
Students talk about planning different corporate and social
on the board (e.g. Using a ridesharing app is easy because you
can book in advance. Driving when you’re abroad is exciting
because you get to see new places.) Allow pairs/groups 3–5 1 Put students in pairs or small groups for this activity. Check
minutes to make the sentences, then invite students from that they understand the meaning of the events in the box
different pairs/groups to share their ideas with the class. before they begin. You could get students who understand
some of the more difficult terms (e.g. anniversary celebration,
grand opening of a new business, launch of a new product) to
Project: Helping a business traveller explain them in their own words to the rest of the class. This
Students roleplay a conference call giving advice to activity can also be done with the whole class, asking for
a colleague who is visiting from overseas. a show of hands for each event.
9A Put students in pairs or small groups and explain the task. 2A Do this as a whole-class discussion, inviting different
Go through the list of categories with students, refer them to students to share their views. Make sure they give reasons for
the example sentence and set a time limit. Encourage students their answers.
to make notes and remind them that they can refer to Exercises
1, 6 and 7 for useful vocabulary to use in their advice. During
the activity, monitor and help as necessary.


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Teacher’s notes

Suggested answers Extra activities 1.2

organised, able to pay attention to details, good with
budgets A 1.01 This activity practises key vocabulary from
the listening. Explain to students that the sentences are
things Alicia said in her interview, and give them 3–4
2B If time allows, let students discuss the question in pairs or minutes to complete the exercise. Play the recording
groups first, then broaden this into a class discussion. Again, again for students to check their answers. Pause after
remind them to give reasons for their answers. In weaker classes, each sentence is heard, eliciting the correct answer and
before students discuss the question, you could help them by clarifying meanings as necessary.
writing some prompts on the board, e.g. I’m (not very) … , I’m (not
very) good at/with … , I (don’t) like … , I can/can’t … , I enjoy … . 1 plan 2 client 3 venue 4 guests 5 arrange
6 organise 7 staff 8 manage
Possible answers
No. I’m not organised. I don’t like budgets.
Yes. I enjoy paying attention to details. 6 Depending on time available, you could let students discuss
this in small groups first, then get brief feedback from the class.

Listening Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives

Students listen to an interview with an Events Manager. Students study and practise comparatives and superlatives.
3 Explain the activity and give students 2–3 minutes to note 7A Before students do the exercise, write the following
down ideas for each category, individually or in pairs. Go over sentences on the board: Planning a business lunch is easier
the answers with the class to get the biggest possible pool of than planning a wedding. Planning a small party is the easiest
ideas before students listen. List students’ ideas on the board. event. Underline easier than and the easiest, explain or elicit
If your students are not familiar with circuses, draw their that they are comparative/superlative adjectives and check
attention to the photo and elicit what they know about them, students understand meaning. At this point, you may wish
so they have a general idea before they listen to the interview. to refer students to the Grammar reference on page 119, go
through the explanations and examples with them and answer
See answers to Exercise 4. any questions they may have. Alternatively, students can look
at the Grammar reference after Exercise 7B. The exercise can be
done individually or in pairs.
4 1.01 Explain the activity and remind students to refer to
the list on the board and/or their notes as they listen. Play the Sentences 1, 5, 7 and 8 are comparatives.
recording, then check answers with the class. Sentences 2, 3, 4 and 6 are superlatives.

The types of events she plans: parties, conferences,

corporate hospitality events, not weddings, events for 7B Do this as a quick whole-class activity.
corporate clients, parties for individual people, grand
openings, welcoming new employees 1 superlative 2 comparative 3 irregular
Important things to think about: type of event, schedule,
budget, location, theme – an original idea, entertainment,
food, tables and chairs, sound system for speeches and 8 Get students to do the exercise individually and then
music compare answers in pairs. Check answers with the class and go
over any points that need clarification.
Important skills for an Events Manager: attention to detail,
organisation, people skills
1 the most 2 less difficult 3 harder 4 the worst
5 more 6 easier than 7 The best 8 The least
5 1.01 Allow students to read through the statements
before they listen again, then play the recording. In weaker
classes, students may need to listen twice for this activity: once 9 Explain the activity and point out that students may need
to decide whether the statements are true or false and then to add than or the in some items. Go over the answers with the
a second time to correct the false statements. Get students to class, checking that they have spelt the adjectives correctly.
compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. If there are any difficulties with spelling, refer students to the
table on page 119 again.
1 F – She doesn’t help people plan weddings because
they’re usually done by people who only plan weddings. 1 the biggest 2 worse than 3 easier than
She helps people plan parties, conferences, corporate 4 the least expensive 5 the cheapest 6 better than
hospitality events, etc. 7 smaller than 8 the best
2 T
3 F – She talks about budget in the first meeting.
4 F – She once planned an event that had a circus theme.
5 T
6 T


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 24 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

Extra activities 1.2 Pronunciation bank

B This activity gives further practice of comparatives and p. 114: The letter ‘r’
superlatives and can be done individually or in pairs. As an
extension, after checking answers, you could ask students Warm-up
to underline the comparative/superlative adjectives in the P1.01 Refer students to the explanation in the
sentences and use them to make their own sentences. box and go through it with them. Play the recording
for students to just listen and compare the rhotic
1 We want the cheapest option. and non-rhotic pronunciation. Do not focus on
2 A party for 50 is cheaper than a party for 500. students’ own pronunciation at this point.
3 We need the biggest dining room.
4 We want to hire the best staff.
1 Get students to do this exercise individually. You
5 An informal meal is easier than a formal meal.
may wish to copy or project the sentences onto the
6 Rain is the worst weather for an outdoor party.
board, and record the answers there.
7 Orange juice is more expensive than water.
8 Managing three people is less difficult than
managing twenty people. 1 A party for 50 is cheaper than a party for 500.
2 The better option is a big tent in the park.
3 Some people think this is the worst hotel in
4 The barbecue is bigger than the restaurant.
Speaking and writing 5 A circus theme is more fun than just having a
Students practise the grammar from the lesson by talking and meal.
writing about venues for a party. 6 Are some venues better than others?

10A Put students in pairs, explain the activity and go over

the example sentences with them. With weaker classes, you
2A P1.02 Play the recording, twice if necessary,
and get students to compare their answers in pairs
may wish to do another example on the board or write some
before checking with the class. If you have the
possible adjectives for students to use in their sentences (e.g.
sentences written or projected on the board, invite
large, expensive, good, bad). During the activity, monitor and
students to come to the board and circle the ‘r’s that
note down any errors students make with comparatives and
are pronounced.
superlatives, for some brief class feedback afterwards.

1 A party for 50 is cheaper than a party for 500.

Possible answers
2 The bette r option is a big tent in the pa rk.
The ballroom is the most expensive. 3 Some people think this is the wo rst hotel in
The barbecue is the least expensive. town.
The ballroom is the biggest. 4 The barbecue is bigger than the restau rant.
The barbecue is bigger than the restaurant. 5 A circus theme is more fun than just having
The ballroom has the most staff. a meal.
The barbecue has the least staff. 6 A re some venues bette r than othe rs?
The country band is more exciting than the jazz band.

2B You may wish to play the recording again for this

10B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 10A. To activity. Remind students of the explanation in the
help them explain their reasons for choosing a venue, you could box: ‘r’ is usually pronounced by American, Irish and
list some prompts on the board, e.g. location, price, entertainment, Scottish English speakers; British English speakers
size. Give pairs 2–3 minutes to discuss the question, then invite usually only pronounce ‘r’ after a vowel.
different pairs to share their ideas with the class.
British: 1, 4, 5
11 Depending on the level of your class, students could do this American: 2, 3, 6
individually or in the same pairs as the previous two exercises.
Before they begin, you could do an example on the board: write
three different venues from the students’ town on the board and 3 Put students in pairs. Before they begin, make sure
some details about each one (e.g. capacity, location, price). Then they understand that pronouncing or not pronouncing
write (or elicit from stronger students) one comparative sentence the letter ‘r’ is something native speakers do, but that
and one superlative sentence about each venue. During the does not mean students, as non-native speakers, have
activity, go round monitoring and correcting students’ sentences to do it. Also point out that an advantage of rhotic
as necessary. pronunciation is that it makes it easier for listeners to
identify words.
Possible answers
Metropole Hotel, city park, community centre
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank
The community centre is smaller than the park.
The Metropole Hotel is bigger than the community centre. Grammar reference: p.119 Comparatives and superlatives
The city park is worse than the others in bad weather. Pronunciation bank: p.114 The letter ‘r’
The Metropole is the most expensive hotel in town. Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 1.2 p.135
The city park is the least formal venue. Workbook: p.5 Exercises 1–4, p.6 Exercises 1–3
The community centre is the most boring option.


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 25 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

1.3 Communication skills Notes

• Your home town, music, the place you are in, sports,
Small talk travel and the weather are considered safe topics
in most countries/cultures. The weather is a good
GSE learning objectives starter as it is something that affects everyone and is
an immediate context.
• Can follow a simple conversation or narrative about
familiar, everyday activities. • Asking about someone’s family often means you
are making assumptions about the other person,
• Can extract key details from conversations between
e.g. ‘Do you have children?’ may be interpreted as
colleagues about familiar topics.
discourteous in some cultures.
• Can make basic inferences in simple conversations on
familiar everyday topics. • Health, personal finances, politics and religion are
generally considered as subjects too personal to
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
discuss with someone you have just met.
• Can initiate, maintain and close simple, restricted
face-to-face conversations.
• Can participate in short conversations in routine
contexts on topics of interest. Video
• Can use fixed expressions to keep a conversation going Students watch a video giving a model for making small talk
(e.g. I see., right). in professionally related social contexts.
• Can show interest in conversation using fixed
expressions. 2 1.3.1 Before students watch the video, briefly explain
the context and characters’ roles (or refer students to page 6 of
the coursebook). The Gallagher Consultancy (TGC), an Irish HR
consultancy firm, have recently hired four new people. Senior
management have invited the new starters to a welcome
Write the following questions on the board: How do you dinner. Play the video and ask students to make notes in answer
feel about small talk? Do you think you’re good at it? to the questions. Check answers with the class. In weaker
Underline small talk and check that students know what it classes, students may need to watch the video a second time to
means. Then put them in pairs or small groups to discuss check/complete their answers.
the questions. After 2–3 minutes, invite different students
to share their answers with the class. If time allows, ask
1 trainee at TGC, an HR consultancy
for a show of hands on who has had to make small talk in
2 It gives advice to companies about recruitment,
English. Invite students who raise their hand to share their
company strategy, etc.
experience with the class: What was the situation? How
3 They are new recruits and their managers/bosses.
did they feel?
It’s a welcome dinner for the new recruits.
4 She is stuck in traffic.

3A 1.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch the
Students discuss their views on making small talk. next part of the welcome dinner. Give them a minute to read
1A Put students in pairs and refer them to the comment on the questions and check that they understand the meaning of
small talk. Give pairs 2–3 minutes to discuss whether they typical. Play the video and get students to compare answers in
agree or disagree, then get brief feedback from the class. pairs before checking with the class.
Encourage students to give reasons for their answers.
1 home town, the place they are in (the restaurant)
1B Depending on time available, students could discuss the 2 Turkey, Dublin
questions in pairs or small groups first, then as a whole class. 3 a It sometimes takes him hours to get home because
For questions 1 and 3, list students’ ideas on the board. there is a lot of traffic.
b Los Angeles: the traffic was bad and he missed the time
Possible answers to give his presentation. Bangkok: the airline lost his
1 in a lift, on a bus/train/plane, in the staff canteen, in luggage.
a queue, by the coffee machine, before a meeting, at
a conference
2 to be polite as they are waiting for a meeting, etc., to 3B Put students in pairs and give them time to discuss the
learn about the other person, to develop new contacts, question. Check the answer with the class.
i.e. for business
3 Students’ own answers b

1C Put students in small groups and give them 3–4 minutes to 4A 1.3.3 Explain that Video B will show the next part
rank the topics on the line. Then invite a few students to share of the dinner and a different approach to making small talk.
their answers with the class, giving reasons. Are there any Explain the activity and encourage students to make notes
other topics they definitely would or wouldn’t talk about? about each character. Check answers with the class.


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Teacher’s notes

1 She’s an American from Boston. She went to university in Functional language: Making small talk
Boston. She met Orla at her interview. She thinks Orla is Students look at useful questions for making small talk.
a nice person.
2 He’s never been to Boston, but would like to go. His 7A You could do this as a whole-class exercise, checking
name is Brazilian, but he’s from Italy. His father is answers as you go. Alternatively, get students to do the
Brazilian. He doesn’t know much about working at TGC. matching individually, then check answers with the class.
3 Azra is originally from Turkey. She was born in Istanbul,
but moved to London when she was five. She returns 1 g 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 f 6 h 7 c 8 e
regularly to Istanbul to see family. She loves London and
Istanbul, and it is difficult to say which she prefers.
4 Alex knows Turkey a bit. He went to Turkey on holiday 7B Students could do this individually or in pairs. Encourage
three years ago. them to think about the type of information after each
expression in bold to help them do the matching (e.g. Is it a
place? A verb? A name?). Point out that more than one answer
4B 1.3.3 Before students watch again, go through the may be possible in some items.
table with them and check that they understand the meanings
of lean forward and eye contact. Use this as an opportunity 1 live
to teach body language (= changes in your body position and 2 David / the company / the food / the project / Angelina’s
movements that show what you are feeling or thinking), which Pizzeria / fashion / the town / Prague or Barcelona
will come up in the Conclusions video in Exercise 5. Play the 3 flight
video and check answers with the class. 4 David / Angelina’s Pizzeria / the company / the food / the
project / the town / fashion / Prague or Barcelona
All four speakers do all the things in the table, so students 5 David / Angelina’s Pizzeria / the company / the town /
should tick all the boxes. Prague or Barcelona
6 Prague or Barcelona
7 David / Angelina’s Pizzeria / the company / the town /
5 1.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the Prague or Barcelona / the project
last section of the video, with conclusions on the different 8 in Boston
approaches to small talk they looked at in Videos A and B. Play
the video and elicit the answer. With stronger classes, you
could ask students to watch the video a second time and note 7C Give students time to write their questions individually,
down the four tips the speaker gives for making small talk (1 then get them to compare answers in pairs. Monitor and help
Choose your topic carefully and don’t be too negative. 2 Listen as necessary. If time allows, you could put students in pairs to
and show interest in what the other person is saying. 3 Don’t practise asking and answering their questions.
dominate the conversation and change the subject if the other
person looks bored. 4 Follow the AAA model.). 8A Students should do this individually. To check answers, you
could play the extract from the video again.
The AAA model is:
Answer the speaker’s question, 1 you from 2 That’s right 3 to university
Add new information and then 4 you know it 5 I’d like to
Ask him or her another question.

8B Elicit or remind students of the AAA model: when someone

asks you a question, answer, add some new information and
Reflection ask another question. If time allows, put students in pairs
Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and to discuss the questions and come up with suggestions for
discuss their own small-talk skills. question 2. Then discuss the answers with the class.

6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they 1 Yes. She answers Thiago’s question, adds some more
can reflect on what they do when they make small talk and information (I’m from Boston.) and then asks him
whether they notice any difference in doing this in their native a question (Do you know it?).
language and in English. Ask them to think about their answers 2 Yes. He could ask Jasmine another question after … but
and make notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss and compare I’d like to, e.g. Have you ever been to Italy?
their ideas. Get brief feedback from the class.

Possible answers 8C Play Video B again and elicit the answers. Alternatively,
Don’t talk about personal finances, politics or religion, and you could refer students to the videoscript on page 142 and ask
don’t be too negative. them to find the examples there – this option might be easier
Show interest in the other person and their views. for weaker classes. There are three examples in the video; in
Don’t dominate the conversation and if the other person stronger classes, you could ask students to find all three.
looks bored, change the subject.
Use the AAA model.


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 27 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

Possible answers Extra activities 1.3

1 Jasmine: Thiago, that’s a Brazilian name, isn’t it?
Thiago: It is. My father’s from Brazil, but I’m Italian. So … A This activity practises the functional language from
Do you know Orla? the lesson. As it is a consolidation exercise, you may
Jasmine: Yeah, I met her at the interview. wish to ask students to work individually. Weaker classes
2 Alex: So, I heard you come from Turkey. Whereabouts? could compare answers in pairs before class feedback.
Azra: Well, I was born in Istanbul, but my parents moved Depending on time available, students could also practise
to London when I was five. We go back there quite often the conversation in pairs.
to see family. Do you know Turkey?
3 Alex: A little. I went there on holiday about three years a 4 b 6 c 2 d 3 e 1 f 5
ago. Which do you prefer, London or Istanbul?

B Let students write their questions individually, then get

9 Put students in pairs and explain the activity. Allow 3–4 them to compare them in pairs. Monitor while they are
minutes for pairs to ask and answer the questions, then invite writing, correcting any errors as necessary. As feedback,
different pairs to act out their AAA exchanges to the class. If elicit questions from different students for each answer.
your students need more practice, you could put them in new
pairs and get them to repeat the activity with the questions 1 Do you know (Zurich)?
from Exercise 7B and/or the ones they wrote in Exercise 7C. 2 Do you know (Carla)?
3 How long was your trip?
4 What are you doing in Paris?
Pronunciation bank 5 Which do you prefer, Dublin or Belfast?
p. 114: Showing interest in small talk 6 What do you know about Buenos Aires?
7 Where do you live?
Warm-up 8 What do you think about (this hotel)?
P1.03 Elicit or remind students that
intonation is how we say things to create
expression and variation in speech. Explain that
intonation can convey our attitude and emotions. Task
Refer students to the information in the box and Students practise making small talk with colleagues in
go through it with them. Play the recording and different situations.
ask: In which version did the speaker sound more
interested? (the second one) How do you know? 10A Put students in pairs and ask them to imagine they are
(The intonation was different – the speaker used colleagues. In weaker classes or if your students find roleplays
falling intonation to sound interested.) Model the challenging, you could tell them that they invent their own
question again and drill it around the class. character for the roleplay. Explain the activity and go through
the list of situations with them. You could also ask students to
suggest more situations, list them on the board and let them
1 P1.04 Play the recording, twice if necessary, choose from those. Give pairs a minute to choose the situation
and check answers with the class. they want to roleplay.

10B Let pairs choose their topic and remind them of the
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a
AAA model again. Write Answer, Add and Ask on the board
for students to refer to during the activity. Remind pairs to
2 P1.05 Play the recording for students to listen use phrases from Exercise 7A and to think about their body
and repeat. If time allows, put them in pairs to practise language, make eye contact and remember to smile. Set a time
saying the questions while you monitor and correct limit of 5–10 minutes for the activity. Monitor and check that
their intonation as necessary. students are using the functional language correctly, and make
notes for any points to highlight during feedback.
3 Put students in pairs and set a time limit for the
activity. Keep the focus on intonation rather than 10C Students repeat the steps in Exercises 10A and 10B in
speaking and, again, monitor and correct students’ new pairs.
intonation as necessary.
10D Invite different students to share with the class what they
found out about their partners. Did anything surprise them?
Was there anything they found particularly interesting? Finally,
highlight any points you noted while monitoring.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive

video activities; Functional language bank
Pronunciation bank: p.114 Showing interest in small talk
Workbook: p.7 Exercises 1 and 2


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 28 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

1.4 Business skills 3A 1.03 To help students, you could tell them that they
need to listen for three things Jakob is having problems with.
Dealing with problems Play the recording, then check answers with the class.

5 connecting to the company intranet

GSE learning objectives
2 his user name
• Can extract key details from conversations between 3 his email address
colleagues about familiar topics.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative. 3B 1.03 Give students a minute to read the questions
and play the recording. To check answers, you could play the
• Can follow the sequence of events in a short, simple
recording again, telling students to ask you to pause each time
dialogue or narrative.
an answer is heard.
• Can suggest possible solutions to a problem using
simple language.
1 intern32
• Can describe how often a work-related problem has
2 He couldn’t read Sue’s writing and thought his username
occurred using simple language.
was intern82.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
4 5182

Write the following statement on the board: Starting a Extra activities 1.4
new job is scary – it’s like the first day of school. Discuss
the statement as a class. Do students agree? Why do many A 1.03 Play the recording, twice if necessary, then
people feel scared in this situation? check answers with the class. Students could then work in
pairs and practise the conversation.

Lead-in 1 having problems with 2 kind of

3 can’t connect to 4 how to log on 5 need to use
Students talk about the first day at a new college/job. 6 Can you try 7 it’s not working 8 just check your
1A If time is short, discuss this briefly with the whole class,
nominating a few different students to answer. Alternatively,
let students discuss in pairs or small groups first, then get
feedback from the class. Functional language: Explaining and
1B Put students in pairs and give them 3–4 minutes to note solving IT problems
down their advice. You could provide or elicit a few examples Students look at useful language for explaining and solving
before they begin or, if students are struggling, you could go IT problems.
round and help them with prompts/ideas (see possible answers
below). Then invite different pairs to share their advice with the 4A 1.03 This exercise can be done individually or, in weaker
class. Once students have shared their ideas, the class could classes, in pairs. With stronger classes, you could ask students to
draw up a list of ‘Top tips for your first day at work’. try to do the exercise first, then listen again to check/complete
their answers. During feedback, check that students understand
the meaning of all the expressions and point out the verb +
Possible answers
infinitive or -ing patterns in some of the items (e.g. can’t / know
smile at everyone, ask questions, apologise if you forget how to + infinitive; try / have trouble + -ing).
someone’s name, offer to make coffee, reflect on the day
1 the IT 2 connect to the intranet 3 log on
4 use your login details 5 logging on 6 ‘intern32’
Listening 7 a company email address 8 set up my email account
9 set that up 10 finding my extension number
Students listen to conversations between a new employee
and some of his colleagues.

2 1.02 Go through the instructions and list of tasks 4B Ask students to do this individually and compare answers
with students and check that they understand the meaning in pairs before checking with the class. Then look at the tip on
of induction briefing – ask them what kind of information is page 15 with students. Explain/Clarify as necessary and elicit
shared at one (details about a new job or a new employee’s examples for each pattern from different students.
role, values of the organisation, terms of employment, etc.).
Play the recording, then check answers with the class.

1 Go to the induction briefing

2 Meet the team
3 Do the health and safety training
4 Set up his email account


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 29 12/07/2019 12:42

Teacher’s notes

Explaining a problem Task

I’m having problems with the IT. Students roleplay a telephone call where they explain and
I can’t connect to the intranet. solve IT problems.
I don’t know how to log on.
I need to get a company email address.
6A Put students in pairs and explain that they are going to
roleplay a phone call where they explain and solve IT problems.
How do I set up my email account?
Assign roles (or let students choose) and give students a minute
I’m having trouble finding my extension number.
to read their information. Answer any vocabulary questions
Solving a problem they may have and make sure they are clear about what they
You need to use your login details. have to do.
Can you try logging on again?
Try ‘intern32’.
6B Set a time limit for the preparation stage. Remind students
to refer to the table in Exercise 4B and the information in the
I’ll set that up for you.
Tip box, then set a time limit for the roleplay and ask them to
begin. During the activity, monitor and check students’ use of
the functional language. Note down any errors to highlight
Extra activities 1.4 during feedback but do not interrupt the phone calls. When
students finish the first phone call, they should swap roles and
B Quickly go through the expressions in the box with roleplay a different situation. Again, allow some preparation
students and check understanding. Point out that more
time and set a time limit for both stages.
than one answer may be possible in some items. Get them
to compare answers in pairs, then check with the class. 6C Do this as a whole-class discussion, inviting different
students to share their experience with the class. Finally,
Possible answers highlight any points you noted during Exercise 6B.
1 a company email address / logging on /
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional
my password / the internet / the login details
language bank
2 connect to the intranet / log on / set that up /
Workbook: p.7 Exercises 3A–B
set up my email account / use your login details
3 connect to the intranet / log on / set up my email
account / set that up
4 connect to the intranet / log on / set up my email
account / use your login details
1.5 Writing
5 finding my extension number / ‘intern32’ /
logging on
Email – Asking for information
6 a company email address / finding my extension
number / ‘intern32’ / logging on GSE learning objectives
7 connect to the intranet / log on / set up my
• Can understand standard emails on work-related
email account
8 connect to the intranet / set that up
• Can write a simple email requesting work-related
9 finding my extension number / logging on /
with that

5A Do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers and Ask students if they’ve ever written emails in English to ask
clarifying meanings as you go. Note that more than one answer for information. If so, what kind of information have they
is possible in some cases. asked for? Who did they write to?

1 b/c/d 2 a 3 b/c 4 b/c

Students read and complete an email asking for information.
5B Explain the activity and look at the example with students.
While they are practising their conversations, monitor and make 1 Ask students to read the email quickly and answer the
sure they are using the expressions from Exercise 4A correctly. If following questions: Who is it from/to? (from a conference
time allows, invite a few pairs to act out their conversations to manager, to a hotel manager) Why did the writer send the
the class and highlight any errors/difficulties during feedback. email? (to ask for information about the hotel) Is the style
formal or informal? (formal) Then ask them to read the email
again and do the exercise individually. Get them to compare
answers in pairs before class feedback.

1 conference facilities 2 two large rooms 3 50 people

4 city centre 5 walk 6 book 7 five nights 8 desk
9 lunch 10 price


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Teacher’s notes

Functional language 3B Go through the information on page 130 with students

and, if time allows, put them in pairs to plan their email. If
Students look at useful language for writing emails asking
there is no time to do the writing task in class, it can be set for
for information.
2 Before students complete the table, look at the structure of
the email with them. Refer them to the headings in the table Model answer
and then get them to match the headings with the different Dear Sir/Madam,
parts of the email in Exercise 1. Then ask students to complete
I am writing to ask for information about your hotel as
the table individually. During feedback, check that students
I am staying there for three nights next month. Please
understand the meanings of all the expressions in the table.
could you confirm that my room is a double room? I also
need to have a large desk in the room. I would also like to
1 Dear Sir/Madam, 2 I am writing to ask for know if meals are included in the price. Can you also let me
3 We are looking 4 We need 5 We would like to know how far the hotel is from the AXCentre? In addition,
6 would also like 7 Please can you confirm could you tell me if there is parking, because I am driving
8 Could you tell 9 I look forward to 10 Kind regards, to the hotel? Finally, I would like more information about
other facilities you have. Do you have a swimming pool
and gym for your guests?
Extra activities 1.5 I look forward to hearing from you.
A This exercise provides students with a second model Kind regards,
answer and practises useful language for emails asking
for information. Before they begin, tell students that they
should look carefully at the words around each gap – this 3C If students write their emails for homework, this exercise
will help them decide what type of word is missing. can be done in the next lesson. Put students in pairs and ask
them to read each other’s emails, underline the functional
language phrases from Exercise 2 their partner has used and
1 writing 2 for 3 Please 4 know 5 would
give their partner feedback: How many / Which phrases did
6 Can/Could 7 confirm 8 long 9 hearing
they use? Did they use them correctly? In addition, they could
10 best
discuss what their partner did well and if there is anything in
their email that could be improved.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive

Optional grammar work grammar practice; Writing bank
The email in Exercise 1 contains examples of can and Grammar reference: p.119 can and could to ask for information
could to ask for information, so you could use it for Workbook: p.8 Exercises 1–3
some optional grammar work. Refer students to the
Grammar reference on page 119 and use the exercises in
MyEnglishLab for extra grammar practice.
Business workshop 1
A business trip
Students write an email asking for information. GSE learning objectives
3A Put students in pairs and refer them to the questions on • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
page 127. Explain that for each question, they should write brochures and short articles.
a sentence asking for the information, using the language in • Can understand the key details of hotel, restaurant,
Exercise 2. Check that they understand the questions before and transport reservations.
they begin. Monitor, checking students are using the phrases • Can understand simple work-related questions asked
correctly. Have a brief feedback session to highlight any errors. on phone calls.
• Can make basic inferences in simple conversations on
Suggested answers familiar everyday topics.
1 Please can/could you confirm / Can/Could you tell me / • Can make simple future arrangements and plans with
Please can/could you let me know how big your main reference to a diary or schedule.
conference rooms are? • Can describe plans and arrangements.
We would also like more information about the size of • Can discuss what to do next using simple phrases.
your main conference room.
• Can write a simple email, giving details of work-related
2 Can/Could you tell us / Please can you let me know
events or plans.
which hotels you recommend?
3 Please can/could you tell us if you offer other facilities?
We would also like more information about other
facilities you have.
4 Please can/could you confirm / Can/Could you tell me if
you are near the city centre?
5 Can/Could you please confirm / Can/Could you let me
know how many parking spaces are available?


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Teacher’s notes

Background A business trip

Students read about JK Talent Spot, a talent management Students listen to phone communications about the details
agency in Japan. of a business trip.

1 Go through the questions with the class. Then put students 3A BW 1.01 Explain the activity and ask students to look
in pairs and ask them to read the background and answer the at the notes carefully and think about the type of information
questions. Check answers with the class. they need to listen for (a date, a number, a place, etc.). Play the
recording, then check answers with the class.
1 music/entertainment 2 Australia
3 Students’ own answers 1 2 June 2 one 3 Brisbane 4 bed and breakfast / B&B
(in Spring Hill) 5 5 June

Making contacts
Extra activities Business workshop 1
Students read about an Australian music talent agency.

2A Ask students to look at the title of the text and explain that
B BW 1.01 This activity looks at useful language for
discussing travel plans. Check students understand the
Oz is a nickname for Australia. Pre-teach Down Under, another
verbs in the box and ask them to complete the exercise
nickname for Australia, which is used in the text. Ask them
individually. Play the recording for students to check their
how they think these names originated. (See Notes below.) Set
answers and clarify meanings as necessary.
a time limit for the reading task and get students to compare
answers in pairs before class feedback.
Answers in parentheses are possible because they
are logical and grammatical, but they aren’t the
a 2 b 4 c 6 d 1 e 5 f 3
words that are used in the recording.
1 finalise 2 arrive 3 book (or arrange)
4 recommend (or book/arrange)
Notes 5 arrange (or book/recommend) 6 depart
An informal reference to Australia is the first three
letters of its name, Aus; and an informal reference to
a resident of the country is Aussie. When Australians
pronounce these words it sounds as though they are 3B BW 1.01 Go through the instructions with students and

saying Oz and Ozzie, which has resulted in the country check that they understand the meaning of itinerary. Give them
being nicknamed Oz. time to read the email and correct the mistakes, then play the
recording again. In weaker classes, you may need to play the
The nicknames Down Under or the Land Down Under
recording twice and/or pause at short intervals for students to
derive from the country’s position in the Southern
complete their answers.
Hemisphere: looking at a globe, Australia is below the
equator and many other countries, which is how the
nickname originated. The term is often also used to The dates are June 2–5.
refer to New Zealand. In Sydney, she needs one room, not two.
In Brisbane, she wants a bed and breakfast, not a town-
centre hotel.
2B Do this as a whole-class activity. On June 5 she flies to Singapore, not back to Japan.

Yes, it’s exactly what Junko needs.

4 BW 1.02 Ask students to read the questions first so they
know what they need to listen for. Play the recording, then
check answers with the class.
Extra activities Business workshop 1
1 Junko’s flight is going to land at Canberra, not Sydney.
A This activity provides students with extra reading
2 a computer problem
practice. Give them time to read the statements first. Ask
3 He is going to make new arrangements for Canberra.
students to underline the parts of the text that give them
the answers.
1 F – Australia’s biggest cities
2 F – Bands don’t need to do their own marketing. Task: Rearrange plans
OzMusicNow deals with the advertising and promotion. Students write an email amending travel plans.
3 T
4 T 5A Put students in pairs and give them time to read the
5 F – OzMusicNow offers professional advice. They help scenario. Point out that Junko is trying to save money but also
entertainers learn to manage their time, money and wants to use her time in Australia well. Ask them what they
image. think the implications of this might be for her travel plans.
6 T Then refer students to 1–3. Point out that there are two choices
for each item and explain that students should first compare
the two choices and then decide on the best one. Draw their
attention to the example exchange. Before they begin, give
them time to read the options and check they understand


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Teacher’s notes

them. If time allows, they could make notes for each option
individually first, then discuss in their pairs. Finally, allow pairs Review 1
3–4 minutes to discuss the three items, while you monitor and
help as necessary. 1 1 reservation 2 public transportation 3 long-haul
4 stay 5 abroad 6 ridesharing 7 vehicle
Students’ own answer (but see Note, below) 8 delayed
2 1 more difficult than 2 happier than 3 The worst
4 the best 5 the least expensive 6 less important
Note 3 1 That’s right 2 you come from 3 How long was
Although the company doesn’t have a lot of money, 4 About six hours 5 do you live 6 Do you know
Junko’s priority is to use her time well. The taxi is more 7 Yes, a little 8 What are you 9 visiting
expensive, but it’s quicker. Savings can be made on 4 1 having 2 how 3 need/have 4 can’t 5 Try
the hotel. Although the coach (3hr30m) is quicker and 6 Can 7 How 8 do
cheaper than the train (4–4hr30m), the train leaves 5 1 Dear 2 ask 3 looking 4 would 5 need
earlier than the coach. Therefore, Junko would arrive in 6 confirm 7 look 8 Kind
Sydney earlier if she took the train.

5B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 5A.

Give them plenty of time to write their emails and offer help
where necessary.

Model answer
Dear Junko,
Thanks for your messages. I’m sorry your arrival airport
has changed. I’m writing to confirm your new travel
arrangements. Please don’t worry – everything is going to
go well on your trip. Here’s the new itinerary:
2nd June
Evening: Take taxi to Canberra Lodge Hotel. It takes about
10 minutes and costs $30. The hotel is near the city centre
and costs $150 per night.
3rd June
Morning: Take 7:00 train from Canberra to Sydney. I will
meet you at the train station at 11:10. It costs $80 for a
I’ll send you the train ticket and the hotel reservation in
a separate email. Let me know if you have any questions.
I’m looking forward to meeting you!
Best regards,

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities


M01 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 33 12/07/2019 12:42

2 Business location
Unit overview

2.1 Lead-in Students discuss the importance of location. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s

resources: extra activities
Video Students watch a video about how the owner of a company chose
Dovetailed in its location. Pronunciation bank: p.114
Cambridge Syllables and stress
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to places of work and business
locations. Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Project Students prepare and give a presentation about the location of a Photocopiable 2.1 p.136
company in their area.
Workbook: p.9 Exercises 1–3,
p.11 Exercises 1–3

2.2 Lead-in Students talk about visiting places of interest. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Reading Students read an article about Singapore.
Visiting Reading bank
Singapore Grammar Students study and practise enough and too.
Pronunciation bank: p.114
Speaking Students talk about how they would react in problematic Stress in noun phrases
and writing situations and write an email or review.
Grammar reference: p.119
enough and too
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 2.2 p.137
Workbook: p.10 Exercises 1–3

2.3 Lead-in Students discuss meeting etiquette. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s

resources: extra activities;
Video Students watch a video about the importance of asking questions
Communication in order to check and clarify information.
Interactive video activities;
skills: Checking Functional language bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and discuss
and clarifying Workbook: p.12 Exercises 1
their own clarification skills.
and 2
Functional Students look at useful language for checking and clarifying
language information.
Task Students roleplay a meeting where they check, clarify and confirm

2.4 Lead-in Students discuss reasons why a meeting might be successful or

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Business skills: Listening Students listen to a conversation between colleagues preparing
Functional language bank
Starting a meeting for a meeting and then to part of a staff meeting. Workbook: p.12 Exercise 3
Functional Students look at useful language for opening a meeting, referring
language to an agenda and stating the purpose of a meeting.
Task Students write the agenda for a meeting and then practise
chairing a meeting.

2.5 Lead-in Students read text messages and an email and answer
comprehension questions.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Writing: Interactive grammar practice;
Functional Students look at abbreviations and shortened forms often used in Writing bank
language short communications.
communications Grammar reference: p.120
Task Students write an email and a text message using abbreviations Present Continuous
and shortened forms.
Workbook: p.13 Exercises 1–4

Business Listening Students listen to people discussing possible new locations for MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
workshop 2 a company. resources: extra activities

A new location Reading Students read a report on good business locations.

Task Students roleplay a meeting to choose a business location.


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Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concept of location in business.
The decision about where to locate a business can have a marked impact on its success,
so it is a very important consideration for any firm. The main factors influencing where
to locate a business are ease of access (how convenient is it for customers, clients or
employees to reach the site) and proximity to the services or facilities needed to support
the organisation.

Costs are a big consideration when selecting a good site for a business. Prime locations in
a town centre are considerably more expensive to buy or rent than sites on the outskirts
of urban areas. However, the choice of location also depends on the type of business in
question. For example, most retail outlets or restaurants need to be conveniently located
in central areas to attract the passing customers who make up most of their business.
In contrast, adequate space is likely to be the most important requirement for a factory
or warehouse, so an out-of-town location where rents are lower and large units more
affordable would be more suitable. Some areas might offer incentives such as lower rents
in order to attract businesses to a particular region and boost local employment. Other
areas might develop a reputation as a good location for a particular industry and therefore
attract more businesses of the same type to set up there. When similar or complementary
businesses group together they create a hub. Examples of this include Silicon Valley in
California and Bangalore in India which are well known for the hi-tech organisations
based there. Wall Street in New York and The City in London are famous for the number of
financial services companies they are home to.

An organisation also needs to take into account its potential workforce. Staff need to be
able to get to their place of work easily, so access to motorways and bus or rail transport
links can be also an important factor in choosing where to locate a company. The number
and type of roles that need to be filled can also be a factor in this. Some firms require a
large pool of reliable workers to fill unskilled or low-skilled roles. In this case it would
make sense to hire from the local area to keep salary costs stable and minimise commuting
costs for lower-paid workers. Transport links would therefore be less of an issue as many
of the workers would live nearby. Other companies may need to recruit specially skilled
staff with particular experience or expertise. In this scenario good transport links to major
centres are vital to allow the firm access to potential candidates living further away. Inter-
city transport links are also very important for businesses that have to meet regularly with
international clients and customers, or with colleagues from other domestic or overseas
branches of the same organisation.

Depending on the type of company, local infrastructure may also be a key consideration.
To allow goods to reach their markets quickly and economically, an effective transport
network often needs to include airports and ports as well as road and rail links. An efficient
infrastructure also refers to the amenities that support a business, such as electricity, gas
or broadband, which can vary in cost and efficiency from one area to another. In a wider
context, local infrastructure can have an impact on the employees a company can attract
and keep: people are more likely to want to work in a location which is not only well
connected but offers affordable housing, good schools, reliable medical services and good
leisure facilities, than one which is remote and poorly served.

Larger organisations, such as a company’s headquarters, or industrial plants and

factories which are usually located at some distance from the nearest town, may decide to
provide facilities for their staff on site, for example a canteen or restaurant, car parks and
recreational facilities like a gym. Some companies also now provide crèches for staff with
young children if adequate childcare facilities are not available locally.

Business location and It is important that students are aware of the concept of work location and its effects. Both
your students pre-work and in-work students need to appreciate the importance of a company’s location
when making their own employment choices. In addition, some students may eventually
consider starting their own businesses and will need to give the concepts outlined in this
unit serious consideration.


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Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in 3 2.1.1 Give students a minute to read the questions and
check they understand intern and funding. Check answers with
Elicit a brief description of the photo and a definition/
the class. If time allows, you could play the video again and ask
translation of location in the unit title. Then look at the quote
students to tell you to pause when the answers are mentioned.
with the class. Teach or elicit the meaning of stand firm, and
ask how the quote might be related to business location. 1 in 2010 2 Microsoft 3 funding 4 advice
5 three minutes (by bike) 6 50 minutes by train and just
over an hour by car

2.1 Dovetailed in Cambridge

Extra activities 1.1
GSE learning objectives A This activity practises useful vocabulary from the video.
Play the video, then get students to compare answers in
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
pairs before checking with the class. During feedback,
aimed at a general audience.
clarify meanings as necessary and write (or invite students
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
to write) the answers on the board, to make sure they have
or narrative.
spelt them correctly.
• Can identify simple information in a short video,
provided that the visual supports this information and
1 get right 2 launched 3 human
the delivery is slow and clear.
4 design software 5 vibrant 6 start-ups
• Can give simple opinions using basic fixed expressions. 7 set up 8 attracted 9 support 10 journey
• Can use language related to location and position. 11 amazing 12 grow
• Can use language related to places of work.
• Can use language related to public buildings and
4 Put students in pairs or groups and give them 2–3 minutes to
• Can make and respond to suggestions. discuss the questions. Make sure students give reasons for their
• Can give an extended description of everyday topics answers. In stronger classes, you could also ask students to
(e.g. people, places, experiences). number their choices in order of preference; e.g. if they mention
four things they would/wouldn’t like about living and working
in Cambridge, they could number them 1–4 (1 = what they
Warm-up would like least, 4 = what they would like most).
Write the following statement on the board: Location is the
most important factor in buying a home. Teach or elicit the Vocabulary: Location
meaning of factor. Ask students to think about their area. Do
they agree with the statement? How important is location Students look at vocabulary related to places of work and
to them? Elicit ideas and reasons from different students. business locations.

5 In stronger classes, you could ask students to complete the

exercise individually or in pairs using their dictionaries to check
Lead-in any unknown words, clarifying meanings as necessary during
feedback. In weaker classes, you could do this as a whole-class
Students discuss the importance of location.
activity, checking answers and clarifying meanings as you go.
1 Put students in pairs or groups and give them 2–3 minutes
to discuss the questions. Get brief feedback from the class and a lab b studio c motorway d transport links
ask students what sort of places or facilities the phrases in the e factory f locate g access to h rents i close to
box could refer to (e.g. sports centres, shopping centres, green
spaces). Then do a quick class survey for question 2: What is the
most important factor in the class when choosing a place to
live, work or study? Pronunciation bank
p. 114: Syllables and stress
Video Warm-up
Students watch a video about how the owner of a company
chose its location. P2.01 Go through the explanation in the box
with students and play the recording for them
2 2.1.1 Explain that students are going to watch a video to listen to the examples. Get them to repeat the
about Dovetailed, a Cambridge-based company, and how words, to make sure they can hear and imitate
its owner chose where to locate it. If desired, pre-teach the the stress patterns. Then check understanding by
following vocabulary from the video: brand, business network, asking them to give you examples of words they
collaborate, investment group, global recognition. Play the know which are stressed on the first syllable (e.g.
video, then check answers. popular, conference, travel, personal), and words
which are stressed on the second syllable (e.g.
international city, can work with other companies, can expensive, location, machine, important).
work with the university, nice place to live, easy to travel
to London


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Teacher’s notes

Project: Location, location, location

1 Put students in pairs to complete the exercise.
Encourage them to say the words aloud to check Students prepare and give a presentation about the location
which syllable is stressed each time. Do not confirm of a company in their area.
answers yet as students will check them in the next 9A Put students in pairs or small groups, explain the task and
exercise. give them a minute to decide on a company to research.
2 P2.02 Play the recording for students to check
9B Pairs/Groups now carry out their research. Allow plenty
their answers, then play it a second time for students of time for this stage and encourage students to make notes
to listen and repeat. for their presentation. If there is no time to do this in class, or
if your students do not have access to the internet, you could
1 access 2 convenient 3 facilities 4 hotel ask them to do their research at home and do Exercise 9C in
5 studio 6 transport the next lesson. As an alternative approach to the activity,
instead of asking students to research a particular company’s
reasons for choosing a location, you could get them to say
3 P2.03 Put students in pairs to practise saying why they think the company they chose in Exercise 9A chose
the sentences. Monitor and check for any errors in their location, and what are its advantages and disadvantages.
word stress, then play the recording for them to check. You may also wish to do some research before the class, in
As feedback, highlight any errors you noted while order to be able to help students with ideas if they struggle. A
monitoring and, if necessary, get pairs to practise web search for why companies choose a location or business
saying the sentences again. location strategy should return some useful results.

9C If students did their research at home, give them a few

6 Go through the words in the box with students and get them minutes to discuss their notes, decide on information to include
to complete the exercise individually. Check answers with the and plan their presentation. In either case, encourage them to
class, clarifying meanings as necessary. use vocabulary from Exercises 5–7 (is close to, is convenient
for, has easy access to, etc.). Point out that both/all students in
1 warehouse 2 port 3 car park 4 convenient each pair/group should speak, so they should decide between
5 headquarters (HQ) 6 facilities them who will give which part of their presentation.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities

7 This could be done as a whole-class activity, checking Pronunciation bank: p.114 Syllables and stress
answers as you go. Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 2.1 p.136
Workbook: p.9 Exercises 1–3
1 c 2 a 3 b
Other items:
Office facilities: canteen, vending machines, staff gym, 2.2 Visiting Singapore
photocopy service, toilets
Hotel facilities: restaurants, spa, sauna, bar, fitness room,
GSE learning objectives
business centre, rooftop terrace
Sports and leisure facilities: tennis courts, golf club, sports • Can scan a simple text, identifying the main topic(s).
arena/hall, hockey pitch, ice rink, skateboard park • Can identify specific information in a simple
factual text.
• Can express sufficiency and insufficiency with enough
8A This exercise looks at vocabulary covered in previous
and too.
exercises, so students should be able to do it individually. Check
• Can qualify adverbs with enough and too.
answers with the class and ask students to explain why the
incorrect option cannot be used each time. • Can make a complaint.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
1 rents 2 access 3 facilities 4 close 5 locate 6 links • Can write a letter or email of complaint with
supporting details.
• Can write a short review of a restaurant, movie, etc.
8B Put students in pairs or small groups and give them using simple language.
3–5 minutes to discuss the questions. Encourage them to use
vocabulary from Exercises 4–7. Get brief feedback from the class.
Extra activities 2.1 Put students in pairs and ask them to tell each other about
the most interesting place they have ever visited. What was
B Get students to do this individually as a quick it like? What did they like about it? After 3–4 minutes, invite
vocabulary quiz. You could get them to compare answers different students to share their experience with the class.
in pairs before checking answers with the class.

1 c 2 b 3 a 4 b 5 a 6 c 7 c 8 a


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Teacher’s notes

Lead-in Notes
Students talk about visiting places of interest.
1A–B Put students in pairs or small groups and teach or elicit Location: island city-state south of Malaysia, Southeast
the meanings of the words in the box. Give them 3–4 minutes Asia
to discuss in their pairs/groups, then get brief feedback from Size: 722 km2 (main island and 62 other islands)
the class. If time is short, do this as a whole-class activity,
eliciting answers around the class. Population: 5.6 million, estimate in 2019
Languages: four official languages: English, Malay,
Pronunciation bank Mandarin, Tamil; Singlish widely spoken (Singlish = an
English-based language which incorporates elements
p. 114: Stress in noun phrases
of Chinese and Malay)
Cultures: major ethnic groups are Chinese, Malay and
Tamil (the largest Indian ethnic group in Singapore)
P2.04 Write city centre on the board and Climate: tropical
elicit or explain that it is a noun phrase (two or
Economy: global financial centre
more words which join together to make a single
noun). Refer them to the information in the box
and play the recording for them to listen to the
examples. See if students can give you more 3 Get students to read the questions first and teach or elicit
examples of noun phrases, stressing the correct the meaning of image. Ask them to complete the exercise
word each time. If your students are keeping individually, underlining the parts of the text where they find
vocabulary notebooks, tell them that when they the answers. Get them to compare answers in pairs, then check
learn new noun phrases, it may be useful to note answers with the class.
which word is stressed each time.
1 Singapore Zoo, the Night Safari, the River Safari, the
Jurong Bird Park, the new Rainforest Park
1 P2.05 With stronger classes, you could ask 2 Singapore Zoo, the Night Safari, the River Safari (the
students to try and complete the exercise before they Jurong Bird Park is open, but in a different part of the
listen, then play the recording for them to check. Go country)
over the answers with the class. 3 three or four days
4 to attract visitors to other parts of the city and to get
city zoo tourists to spend more time in Singapore
5 standard rooms, family rooms, treehouses and cabins
6 because online shopping and other destinations
2 P2.05 Students may need to listen twice for compete on shopping and dining experiences
this activity: once to underline the stressed word in 7 those who want to ‘experience nature in a sophisticated
each noun phrase, then a second time to underline the urban environment’ – i.e. people who want the comfort
stressed syllable in each stressed word. Check answers of hotels and shops as well as an opportunity to see
with the class. wildlife and nature

1 ski resort 2 bird park 3 city zoo

5 wildlife park 5 shopping experience Notes
The Mandai area is next to the large Central
3 P2.05 Play the recording for students to listen Catchment Nature Reserve on the main island of
and repeat. Drill the words around the class. Singapore. An eco-bridge, for both humans and
animals, links the two areas.
4 Put students in pairs, explain the activity and do an
example with a stronger student. Monitor and correct
students’ pronunciation as necessary. Extra activities 2.2
A This exercise practises useful vocabulary from the
reading text. Students could do it individually or in pairs,
using their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check
Reading answers with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary.
Students read an article about Singapore.
1 relocate 2 conservation 3 stopover
2 Tell students they are going to read an article about 4 holidaymakers 5 attract 6 cabins 7 appeal
Singapore. Before they read, you could show a map and elicit
or give students some basic information about the island (see
Notes below) to raise interest. Give students time to read the B Students could do this individually or, if time is short,
headlines and teach or elicit the meanings of tropical and you could do it with the whole class, checking answers as
paradise. Ask students to read the article quickly and choose you go.
the best headline, then check the answer with the class.
1 attract 2 relocate 3 conservation 4 cabins
2 5 stopover 6 appeal 7 holidaymakers


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Teacher’s notes

Grammar: enough and too Extra activities 2.2

Students study and practise enough and too.
C Get students to complete this exercise individually and
4 Do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers as you go. then check their answers in pairs before class feedback.
Do not focus on the grammar details yet – students will look at the
patterns for enough and too in Exercise 6. After checking answers, 1 Malay is too hard for her to learn.
ask students which of the options express positive ideas (a and d) 2 There wasn’t enough space in the plane for the
and which express negative ideas (b and c). luggage.
3 You aren’t old enough to stay out late.
a 2 (big enough) b 4 (too much competition) 4 It was too much effort to walk so they took the lift.
c 1 (too small) d 3 (enough time) 5 There were too many people to manage on the
6 Is there enough money to buy some new office
5 You may wish to let students work in pairs for this activity
to discuss their answers. To check answers, write the headings
7 Is the theme park interesting enough for very
Satisfied and Not satisfied on the board, eliciting answers from
young children?
students and writing them under the correct heading.
8 There are too many cars and too much pollution in
the city.
1 satisfied – There was the right number of attractions.
2 not satisfied – There were more people than he/she
wanted, the temperature was hotter and the queues
were longer than he/she liked. Speaking and writing
3 satisfied – He/She wanted more time to see everything
Students talk about how they would react in problematic
because it was enjoyable.
situations and write an email or review.
4 not satisfied – There were more shops than he/she
wanted and fewer rides. 9 Put students in pairs or small groups. Explain the activity,
5 not satisfied – His/Her children were not the right height give students time to read the scenarios and teach or elicit the
to enjoy the best rides so they were probably unhappy meanings of concentrate, queue and occupied. Allow
about the experience. 2–3 minutes for pairs/groups to come up with one response
for each scenario, then invite different students to share their
answers with the class.
6 Again, you could get students to work in pairs so that they
can discuss and compare their answers. If you wrote the answers
Possible answers
to Exercise 5 on the board, underline the too/enough phrases
1 I went to bed too late last night and got up too early
in them (or invite students to come to the board and underline
this morning. I’m too tired to concentrate (on my work/
them). After checking answers, refer students to the Grammar
studies) today.
reference on page 119, go through the explanations and
2 There weren’t enough staff serving in the canteen,
examples with them and clarify any points as necessary.
and there were too many people in the queue. There
weren’t enough dessert options, only apples. There were
1 adjective 2 noun 3 adjective 4 countable
too many dirty plates on the tables and there weren’t
5 uncountable
enough tables for everyone.

7 Get students to complete the exercise individually, then check

answers with the class. Word order with enough is often a problem
10 This writing task can be done in class or for homework. If
there is enough time to do it in class, you could set the second
area for students, so during feedback, highlight that it is used after
option (the one students did not write in class) as homework.
adjectives but before nouns.

1 isn’t big enough 2 is too far 3 enough attractions for Model answers
4 wasn’t enough time 5 too many customers 1
6 too much work Dear Mrs O’Donnell,
I’m writing to you because I feel the canteen service is not
good enough at the moment. Firstly, there aren’t enough
8A–B 2.01 Give students 3–4 minutes to complete the
staff and the service isn’t fast enough. Yesterday, only one
exercise and refer them to the Grammar reference on page 119
person was serving food and the queue was too long.
if they need help. Play the recording for them to check their
Secondly, on most days, there aren’t enough clean tables
answers, then clarify any errors or queries as necessary.
for staff to have their lunch. Finally, there aren’t enough
dessert options. When clients come for lunch, they like to
1 enough 2 too many 3 too 4 too much have a choice.
5 not enough 6 enough 7 too
I hope you can offer a quick solution to these problems.
Best regards,


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Teacher’s notes

1B Put students in small groups and explain the activity. Point
out that they should give reasons for their opinions and try
I went to the national museum to see the new animal to reach agreement as a group. As feedback, invite students
wildlife photography exhibition at the weekend. The from different groups to share their decisions with the class,
exhibition is so large that there isn’t enough time to see explaining their reasons.
all the photos! There were also too many photos of birds
so it felt too similar to the birdlife exhibition last year. I still
enjoyed it, and I think it’s interesting enough for everyone, Video
not just animal lovers! However, there were too many Students watch a video about the importance of asking
people in the afternoon. The waiting time in the queue is questions in order to check and clarify information.
too long if you’re busy, so go early.
2A 2.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 1 video, ask
them to give you a short summary of the situation and the
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank main characters. If this is the first communication skills video
Pronunciation bank: p.114 Stress in noun phrases for your class, briefly set up the context and/or refer students to
Grammar reference: p.119 enough and too page 6 of the Coursebook. Encourage students to make notes
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 2.2 p.137 in answer to the questions while watching, and play the video.
You could get students to compare answers in pairs before
Workbook: p.10 Exercises 1–3, p.11 Exercises 1–3
discussing them with the class. During feedback, check that
students understand the meaning of maternity leave.

2.3 Communication skills 1 to help the client, Nick from Zapna Clothing, to find
someone to cover maternity leave for an Assistant
Checking and clarifying Manager in Poland
2 someone who talks too much and is unclear about what
he wants
GSE learning objectives
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative. 2B Discuss the question with the whole class. Make sure
• Can recognise when a speaker is checking that the students give reasons for their answers.
listener has understood something in a conversation
conducted slowly and clearly. Possible answer
• Can make basic inferences in simple conversations on They will have problems getting Nick to provide clear
familiar everyday topics. information about what he wants.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
• Can use language related to agreement or
disagreement. 3A 2.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch the

• Can explain what they like or dislike about something. first part of Alex and Shaun’s meeting with Nick. Give them
time to read the candidate profile form and ask you about any
terms they do not understand. Point out that they will only
be able to complete some of the information in the form – the
Warm-up rest will come the next video. In weaker classes, you may wish
Ask the following questions, eliciting answers from to tell them which items they need to watch for now (1 and
different students: How often do you take part in 2). Play the video and check answers with the class. To extend
meetings in your place of work/study? When you don’t the activity, you could refer students back to their answer to
understand information during a meeting, are you more question 2 in Exercise 2A and ask them what things Nick said /
likely to ask someone to explain it or try to figure it out didn’t say / did / didn’t do which confirm that answer. Students
yourself? When someone asks you to explain something, may need to watch the video again for this.
how easy is it for you to give a clear answer? Why?
1 maternity cover 2 15

3B If time allows, let students discuss their ideas in pairs/
Students discuss meeting etiquette. groups first, then invite different students to share them with
1A Put students in pairs and give them 3–4 minutes to discuss the class. Alternatively, discuss the question as a class. Ask
the questions, then get feedback from the class. If time is short, students to make notes so they can refer to them in Exercise 4B.
do this as a whole-class activity: ask for a show of hands for
each of the points 1–4, then elicit more ideas around the class. Ask questions to check/clarify what he says; Ask closed
questions (where the answer is only one word or Yes/No)
Possible answers to clarify

The person who: asks lots of questions / hates meetings /

thinks he/she is more important than everyone else / never 4A 2.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch the
takes meetings seriously / takes meetings too seriously. next part of the meeting to complete the rest of the candidate
profile form in Exercise 3A. Play the video and check answers
with the class. Finally, discuss as a class how Shaun and Alex
might feel about the meeting now.


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saw in the responses (That’s right in sentence c and Correct in

3 experience of logistics, diploma in management
sentence e), they can use Right and Exactly in the same way, to
4 Polish
confirm information.
5 fluent
6 bonus scheme, subsidised staff canteen
7 Needs further discussion a 3 b 2 c 5 d 6 e 1 f 4

4B Refer students to their notes from Exercise 3B. Let them 8 Get students to complete the exercise individually and then
discuss the question in pairs/group first, then broaden this into to compare answers in pairs. During feedback, check that they
a class discussion. understand the meaning of each expression.

They asked questions to check and clarify. They asked very 1 Can you just confirm that for us?
specific questions to complete the candidate profile form. 2 I think what Tim means is that the best candidate won’t
live locally.
3 What do you mean by relocation package?
5 2.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the last 4 Is that right?
section of the video, with conclusions and learning points on 5 What do you mean when you say it’s a sensitive topic?
the importance of checking and clarifying information in
a business context. They should watch carefully and note the
main points the speaker makes. If necessary, play the video Extra activities 2.3
a second time for students to check/complete their notes.
Discuss the answers with the class. A–B Students can do both activities individually, as
consolidation exercises. You could get them to compare
Possible answer answers in pairs before checking with the class.

It is important to check and ask for clarification in

communication to understand each other. A

Be careful how you ask for clarification. ‘What?’ may not 1 saying 2 meant 3 check 4 right 5 specific
give you the answer you want. Use expressions from the 6 think 7 mean
unit and rephrase questions to be more specific. B
Closed questions are useful in getting the other person to 1 Can I just check you have all the information you need?
confirm their needs. Or, you can repeat the other person’s 2 I think what she means is, she wants someone with lots
question and ask ‘Is that right?’. of experience.
The listener’s body language and facial expressions will 3 I think what they meant is, a knowledge of logistics
show you if he/she understands. If not, give clarification. is important.
4 So what you’re saying is, you need more staff to get the
job done.
Reflection 5 Does that mean you need to provide French lessons
Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and for staff ?
discuss their own clarification skills. 6 Could you be more specific about the details of the role?
7 You’re looking for someone with an MBA, is that right?
6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can
reflect on their own skills and ideas first. Ask them to make
notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss and compare their
answers. Get brief feedback from the class. Task
Students roleplay a meeting where they check, clarify and
Functional language: Checking and confirm information.

clarifying 9A Divide the class into two groups, A and B, and explain that
Students look at useful language for checking and clarifying they are going to hold a meeting where they will need to check,
information. clarify and confirm information. This will be done in pairs in
the next stage, and students in each pair will take turns being
7A 2.3.3 Play Video B for students to complete the clients and TGC staff members. Refer groups to their respective
questions. Check answers with the class, clarifying meanings information on pages 128 and 138 and explain that in Scenario 1,
as necessary. Point out or elicit the function of the expressions: Group A will be the clients and Group B will be TGC staff members.
checking and clarifying. They will then swap roles for Scenario 2. Ask groups to read the
information and look at the forms for both scenarios. Check that
1 what you’re saying is 2 can I just check both groups understand the categories on the forms. Allow
3 Does that mean 4 could you be more specific plenty of time for students to prepare for both meetings while
5 right 6 What I mean is you monitor and help as necessary.

9B Students now hold their first meeting. Put them in A/B pairs,
7B This activity can be done individually or, in weaker classes, set a time limit and remind them to use phrases from Exercises
in pairs. After checking answers with the class, refer students 7 and 8. During the meetings, monitor, checking students are
to the tip box. Explain that in addition to the two phrases they


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using the functional language correctly and noting any points

to highlight during feedback. When students have finished, ask Warm-up
them to swap roles and do the same for the second meeting. Put students in pairs or groups and draw their attention
to the photos. Ask them to say what kind of meetings they
Scenario 1 Group B think they show, giving reasons. Give them 3–4 minutes to
1 temp discuss their ideas, then elicit ideas from the class. Accept
2 accountancy all answers, as long as students can justify them.
3 Cardiff
4 12 months
5 experience of small or medium-sized companies
6 Welsh
7 basic knowledge Students discuss reasons why a meeting might be successful
8 free tea/coffee and lunch vouchers (students can invent or unsuccessful.
salary details)
1A Put students in pairs and give them 3–4 minutes to discuss
9 No
the questions. Invite different students to share their answers
10 3–5
with the class.
Scenario 2 Group A
1 temp 1B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 1A. Go
2 Dublin through the instructions and list of reasons with them before
3 18 months to begin with they begin and remind them to give reasons for their answers.
4 generate more business in Europe
5 graduate preferred / knowledge of html / number of Possible answers
years not specified There is no agenda.
6 Spanish or French The meeting is too long.
7 fluent The meeting isn’t necessary.
8 18-month contract / lunch vouchers / cheaper Bike-co The meeting doesn’t have a clear purpose.
tours / free travel card Too many people have been invited.
9 Yes – must be willing to travel in Europe at least once a No clear decisions.
month Minutes are inaccurate.
10 5 Technical problems.
It’s unclear who carries out the action points.
There is no time limit set for the meeting.
9C In their pairs, students now discuss their meetings: Did they There is no consensus or conclusion to the meeting.
find checking and clarifying easy or difficult? Why? Did they Action points for attendees for the next meeting are not
use the functional language correctly? Did it help them get the set or are unclear.
clarification they needed? Get brief feedback from the class and
highlight any points you noted while monitoring.
1C Join pairs together into groups of four to discuss the
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive question. If you did the Lead-in activity, remind them of the
video activities; Functional language bank
ideas mentioned there. Give students 3–4 minutes to discuss
Workbook: p.12 Exercises 1 and 2 in their groups, then get brief feedback from the class.

Possible answers

2.4 Business skills Have a time-keeper.

Start and finish on time.
Starting a meeting Set an agenda.
Invite only the people who need to be at the meeting.
Check all technical equipment before and at the beginning
GSE learning objectives of the meeting.
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
if provided with written supporting material.
• Can identify the main points in a work-related meeting Listening
on a familiar topic.
Students listen to a conversation between colleagues
• Can use language related to greeting, meeting,
preparing for a meeting and then to part of a staff meeting.
introducing, and leave-taking
• Can use language related to focusing. 2A This activity pre-teaches some vocabulary from the
• Can understand the main information in the agenda for listening Exercises 2B and 3A. Get students to complete it
a work-related meeting. individually or in pairs, using their dictionaries if necessary,
• Can write the agenda for a meeting on a work-related then check answers with the class.
topic in a simple way.
• Can explain what they like or dislike about something. 1 e 2 c 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 d


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2B 2.02 Explain that students are going to listen to Josh Giving tasks
and Samia preparing the agenda for the meeting. Give them Could I have a volunteer to take the minutes?
time to look at the agenda and check that they understand the
Referring to the agenda
meanings of arise, staff report and AOB (Any Other Business).
(Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?)
Play the recording, then check answers with the class. Then
Let’s look at item 1 – Matters Arising.
invite different students to say how they think Josh and Samia
Sorry, can we just go back to item 2?
feel about the meeting, giving reasons for their answers.

a Financial report b Results of market survey c Josh 4C Again, get students to complete the table individually or in
d Office party e Samia f Close pairs and check answers with the class. Encourage students to
Possible answers record the phrases in their notebooks.
They are not very interested in the meeting. Samia says that
item 6 is the only item she is interested in. Josh says he is Opening a meeting
looking forward to Close, which is the end of the meeting. Right, so let’s start.
Stating purpose
The reason I want to discuss this is to agree on a budget.
3A 2.03 Ask students to do this individually. Give them
time to read through the statements before listening. Get them Giving tasks
to compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. Harry, can I ask you to be time-keeper?
In weaker classes, students may need to listen twice for this And could I have a volunteer to take the minutes?
activity: once to decide whether the statements are true or Referring to the agenda
false and then a second time to correct the false statements. Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda?
So, moving on to item 5: this is Deirdre’s point, I think.
1 F – Samia is late.
2 T
3 T Extra activities 2.4
4 F – She agrees.
5 T A Get students to complete the exercise individually.
6 F – 500 pounds is suggested for the maximum budget. Point out that the first letter of each word is given and
do an example with the class if necessary. To extend the
activity, you could ask students to write one example
3B Play the recording again for students to complete the sentence for each word.
expressions. Check answers with the class, clarifying meanings
as necessary. 1 minutes 2 chair/chairperson 3 action point
4 agenda item 5 time-keeper 6 close
1 start 2 to the agenda 3 can I ask 4 take the minutes 7 deadline 8 matters arising
5 moving on 6 I want to, is to

B Again, as this is a consolidation exercise, students

should work on it individually, referring back to the table
Functional language: Opening a meeting, in Exercise 4B if necessary. After checking answers, you
referring to the agenda and stating could put students in pairs to practise the conversation.
1 I’d like to start on time
Students look at useful language for opening a meeting,
2 can I ask you to be
referring to an agenda and stating the purpose of a meeting.
3 Could I have a volunteer to take the
4A Ask students to do this individually, then confirm the 4 want to add anything to the
answers or play the recording again for students to check. Go 5 let’s look at item 1
over the expressions and check students understand them but
do not focus on their functions yet as students will do this in
the next exercise.

2 g 3 c 4 e 5 f 6 h 7 a 8 b
Students write the agenda for a meeting and then practise
chairing a meeting.
4B This exercise can be done individually or in pairs. Before
students begin, check they understand the headings in the 5A Put students in groups of four. Start by explaining the
table. Check answers with the class. scenario and give them a couple of minutes to decide (a) what
type of company they work for and (b) why they are having
Opening a meeting the meeting. Then ask them to think about their roles in the
I’d like to start on time. company: what does each group member do? When they have
Nice to see everyone, and welcome back to Ellen. finished, give them time to write their agendas. Allow plenty
Does everyone have a copy of the agenda? of time for this stage and remind students that they can use
the agenda in Exercise 2B as a model. Point out that they will
Stating purpose all need a copy of their agenda in the next exercise, so they
So, one reason for the meeting is to introduce you all to Harry. should all make notes. During the activity, monitor and help as
The main aim today is to catch up before the holidays. necessary.


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5B Put students in new groups of four. Make sure that each 1A

group does not have more than one student from the original 1 The estate agent didn’t get an email which said his client
groups of four (so that there are four different agendas per can’t come because she’s in Rome.
new group). Explain the activity: students are now going 2 Because his client needs to see some offices as other
to take turns to chair the opening of a meeting, using their companies are interested in renting them, too.
agendas from Exercise 5A. Refer them to the points in the box
and explain that they only need to follow the steps in the box 1B
as they are only chairing the opening of their meeting. Before She wants to make a new appointment for Thursday at 4 p.m.
they begin, refer them to the table in Exercise 4B, and allow
some time for them to prepare: they should think about what
they are going to say, who the participants are, who they will
assign the roles of minute-taker and time-keeper to, and which
Functional language
of the phrases in the table they could use for each step. Set a Students look at abbreviations and shortened forms often
time limit and point out again that they will not be holding the used in short communications.
full meeting each time – the aim of this activity is for them to
practise using the functional language from Exercise 4.
2A If it did not come up in the Warm-up activity, explain
or elicit the meaning of abbreviation. Ask students if they
5C Give groups 3–4 minutes to discuss the activity. What did know any abbreviations in English like LOL (laugh out loud)
they find easy about opening their meeting? What did they find or ASAP (as soon as possible). Elicit a few examples and what
difficult? Did they use the phrases from Exercise 4 correctly? they mean. Tell students that abbreviations are often used in
What would they do differently next time? Join groups business communications to keep them short. Refer them to
together into new groups of eight and give them 3–4 minutes the underlined abbreviations in Exercises 1A and 1B and elicit/
to share their experiences. Finally, if time allows, get brief confirm the answers.
feedback from the class.
FYI = for your information
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional ASAP = as soon as possible
language bank TBC = to be confirmed
Workbook: p.12 Exercise 3 ETA = estimated time of arrival
WFH = working from home

2.5 Writing 2B Students could do this individually or in pairs. Encourage

them to look at the first letter of each word in the box to help
Short communications them match them with the abbreviations. Check answers with
the class and clarify meanings as necessary.
GSE learning objectives
1 close of business 2 end of day 3 to be announced
• Can understand short, simple emails on work-related
4 by the way
• Can infer the meaning of abbreviations in emails from
the context. 2C It may be better to do this exercise as a whole class,
• Can write a simple email requesting work-related explaining and checking answers as you go. Try to elicit one
information. or two more examples for each technique.
• Can write short, simple notes, emails and messages
relating to everyday matters. 1 I am waiting 2 are interested 3 Sorry had
4 an email 5 in 20 minutes

Dictate or write the following questions on the board: How Extra activities 2.5
often do you write short communications in English? How
do you shorten information in messages when writing in A Explain the activity and get students to complete it
your own language? Put students in pairs or small groups individually. Remind them to refer to the table in Exercise
to discuss the questions and invite different students to 2C. During feedback, ask students to say which technique
share their answers with the class. they used in each item.

1 FYI 2 appointment 3 TBC 4 Going to visit

5 email (me) plans 6 ASAP 7 WFH today 8 BTW
Lead-in 9 COB 10 check order 11 Have 12 in 10
Students read text messages and an email and answer
comprehension questions.

1A–B Get students to read the messages and email quickly,

Optional grammar work
then briefly discuss the answers with the whole class.
The text messages and email in Exercises 1A and 1B
contain examples of the Present Continuous, so you could
use them for some optional grammar work. Refer students
to the Grammar reference on page 120 and use the
exercises in MyEnglishLab for extra grammar practice.


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Task Business workshop 2

Students write an email and a text message using
abbreviations and shortened forms. A new location
3A Put students in pairs and refer them to the email on page
127. Remind them to use abbreviations and the techniques in GSE learning objectives
Exercise 2C. Monitor and help as necessary. • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
brochures and short articles.
Model answer • Can make and respond to suggestions.
Morning, Suki. How are you today? • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
Good news! Basixlife going to rent offices. Email them if provided with written supporting material.
contract by COB. • Can explain what they like or dislike about something.
BTW thanks for report. Very helpful. Also need sales figures • Can explain what they like or dislike about their job or
by EOD. workplace.
John Welles to send payment but TBC when. Apologises • Can write short, simple notes, emails and messages
for delay. Problem with his bank. relating to everyday matters.

3B This writing task can be done in class or for homework.

Refer students to the notes on page 127 and explain the
activity. Make sure they understand that their email should Students read about EM Animation Studios, a London-based
be more formal and that they should not use abbreviations or company whose owners are considering relocating to Berlin.
shortened forms.
1 Put students in pairs and ask them to read the background
and discuss the questions. Check answers with the class.
Model answers
Text message 1 Because they need more space, but rents in London are
Hi Jack. Meeting my office 2.30 today confirmed. Need too high.
short presentation on new office location, with reasons 2 It’s exciting, international, and offers excellent value.
for moving. BTW don’t forget appointment with building They will be able to hire people from all over the world.
owner tomorrow AM. Time TBC. Call me if you need more They can save money on rent and offer higher salaries
information before meeting. and invest more in their business.
3 Students’ own answers
Hi Susana,
How are you today?
Offices for rent
This is to confirm our appointment for tomorrow morning.
Could you tell me what time would be good for us to Students listen to a conversation about possible new
meet? I am out of the office today, so if you’d prefer to locations for EM Animation Studios.
call me to make the arrangements, please call my mobile.
2A BW 2.01 Draw students’ attention to the slides and
I would also be grateful if you could send the contract
photos and elicit brief descriptions of the photos in slides A,
details before the close of business today.
C and E. Explain that Ewa and Mark are discussing possible
I’m looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and signing locations for their Berlin office and that students should listen
the contract. and number the slides in the order they talk about them. Tell
Best wishes, them not to worry about the gaps for now. You may wish to
José pre-teach the following from the recording: trendy, fashionable
(as in trendy/fashionable neighbourhoods), workstation,
multicultural, bohemian, buzz (as in a buzzing neighbourhood).
3C If students do the writing task for homework, you could do Play the recording, then check answers with the class.
this exercise in the next lesson. Put them in pairs and ask them
1 A 2 F 3 E 4 B 5 C 6 D
to read each other’s text message and email and think about
whether their partner has used (a) the same abbreviations and
(b) all the techniques in Exercise 2C. 2B BW 2.01 Students now listen again and complete the
gaps in the slides. Point out that they should not use more than
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive two words in each gap.
grammar practice; Writing bank
Grammar reference: p.120 Present Continuous Prenzlauer Berg office
1 furniture 2 northeast 3 120 4 meeting rooms
Workbook: p.13 Exercises 1–4
5 2,600 6 7,800
Kreuzberg office
1 factory/building 2 400 3 40 4 printer 5 300
6 two months
Mitte office
1 heart/centre/middle 2 25 3 15 4 cleaning
5 1,200 (one room), 1,800 (two rooms) 6 three months


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Teacher’s notes

Extra activities Business workshop 2 Possible answers

A BW 2.01 Refer students to the three office locations advances in technology – might be good for an animation
on page 90 and ask them to listen again and match start-up; most people speak more than one language,
statements 1–6 with the office locations. Check answers including high levels of English; there are lots of
with the class. Additionally, you could refer students to the professionals from other countries; Tallinn has the highest
audio script and ask them to find the point that led them number of start-ups per person in the EU which their
to the correct answer. company might work with

1 PB 2 M 3 PB 4 K 5 K 6 M The biggest advantage would be the e-residency, which

allows businesses access to digital services without living
in Estonia – this means they could potentially rent office
B BW 2.01 This activity practises useful vocabulary
space anywhere in the world.
from the listening. You could go through the words in the
boxes with students before they begin or let them use
No disadvantages appear in the magazine report, but in
their dictionaries to look up unknown words and clarify
the discussion we learn that Mark thinks he’ll miss London
meanings during feedback.
and is a little unsure about going to Berlin.
1 estate agents 2 wooden 3 fashionable
4 distance 5 reach 6 properties 7 bright
8 trendy 9 arts 10 bohemian 11 floor
Extra activities Business workshop 2
12 sights 13 prestigious 14 lifts, views
C BW 2.02 Students could do this individually or in
pairs (the second option may be easier for weaker classes).
Before they begin, teach or elicit the meanings of three
flights of stairs, distracted and terrace. Play the recording
3 If there is time, put students in pairs or small groups to
for students to check their answers.
discuss the question, then invite different students to share
their ideas with the class. Alternatively, do this as a whole-class
activity. Remind students to give reasons for their answers. 1 d 2 e 3 c 4 h 5 b 6 a 7 f 8 g

A trip to Berlin
Students listen to a conversation and read a magazine report Task: Choose a location
on good business locations. Students roleplay a meeting to choose a business location.

4A BW 2.02 Explain that Ewa and Mark have now visited 6A Put students in groups of three or four, explain the activity
three of the offices and are discussing their pros and cons. To and let them select their roles. Refer each student to their role
help them, you could tell them that they need to listen for two card and give them time to read the information. Teach or elicit
or three pros and two or three cons for each office and think the meaning of digital nomad in the information for Yelena.
about the sort of language which would introduce these in the Give students 2–3 minutes to think about their preferences and
conversation. Play the recording, twice if necessary, then check prepare for the meeting.
answers with the class.
6B Students now hold their meetings. Before they begin, go
Mitte office through the list of points to consider with them and set
Pros: location/address, love the idea of working in the city a time limit. Remind students to cover all of the points in their
centre discussion. After the meetings, invite students from different
Cons: nothing in common with finance company, expensive groups to tell the class which location they chose and why.
flat rents in the area
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
Prenzlauer Berg office
Pros: great old building, room to grow, save money in
Cons: expensive, darker than expected, three flights of
Review 2
stairs and no lift
Kreuzberg office 1 1 studios 2 lab 3 leisure 4 close 5 links
Pros: lot of fun people (make friends quickly), terrace, 6 warehouse 7 port 8 convenient
cheapest option 2 1 not big enough 2 too many changes
Cons: get distracted from work, no privacy, difficult to book 3 too much money 4 too small 5 too far
the meeting room 6 enough space 7 enough parking spaces
3 1 check 2 Correct 3 right 4 Exactly 5 specific
6 mean 7 saying
4B Do this as a whole-class discussion. Encourage students to
4 1 see 2 copy 3 agenda 4 start 5 reason
give reasons for their opinions.
6 volunteer 7 minutes 8 time-keeper 9 add 10 item
5 Give students time to read the report and ask you about 5 1 working from home 2 by the way
anything they do not understand. Put them in pairs or groups 3 as soon as possible 4 to be confirmed
to discuss the question, then invite different students to share 5 estimated time of arrival
their answers with the class. Again, remind them to give 6 1 I am very sorry I can’t come to the meeting.
reasons. 2 I will be with you in 15 minutes.
3 We know other suppliers are interested.
4 John sent a message to the boss yesterday.
5 I’m reading the document now.

M02 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 46 12/07/2019 12:43

Retail 3
Unit overview

3.1 Lead-in Students talk about going to cafés. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s

resources: alternative video and
Video Students watch a video about a café with an unusual business
The Ziferblat model.
extra activities
café Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to shops and shopping.
Photocopiable 3.1 p.138
Project Students carry out a class survey to find out each other’s shopping
habits. Workbook: p.14 Exercises 1–3

3.2 Lead-in Students talk about different types of shopping experience. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Listening Students listen to people talking about recent shopping
The retail experiences.
Reading bank
experience Grammar reference: p.120 Past
Grammar Students study and practise the Past Simple and Past Continuous.
Simple and Past Continuous
Writing Students practise the Past Simple and Past Continuous by writing
short tweets. Pronunciation bank: p.115 Past
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 3.2 p.139
Workbook: p.15 Exercises 1–4,
p.16 Exercises 1–3

3.3 Lead-in Students discuss possible workflow problems and causes. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Video Students watch a video about different approaches to solving
Communication workflow problems.
Interactive video activities;
skills: Solving Functional language bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and their own
workflow problems Pronunciation bank: p.115
approach to problem-solving and decision-making.
Stress in short sentences
Functional Students look at useful language for solving problems.
language Workbook: p.17 Exercise 1
Task Students roleplay resolving different workflow problems.

3.4 Lead-in Students read and discuss advice on structuring a presentation. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Listening Students listen to a presentation about the results of a customer
Business skills: service survey.
Functional language bank
Presenting results
Functional Students look at useful language for signposting a presentation. Workbook: p.17 Exercises 2–4
Task Students give a presentation with a colleague.

3.5 Lead-in Students read and complete an online review form. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Functional Students look at useful phrases in online review forms.
Writing: language
Interactive grammar practice;
An online review Writing bank
form Task Students complete an online review form.
Grammar reference: p.121 Types
of adverbs
Workbook: p.18 Exercises 1–3

Reading Students read articles about the benefits of pop-up retail.

Business MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
workshop 3 Listening Students listen to extracts from market research interviews. resources: extra activities

Pop-up stores Task Students design and present their own pop-up store and then
create an advertisement for it.


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Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce the concept of retail business and some issues
affecting it. In recent years there have been many changes in consumer expectations and
the way we buy goods, which have drastically changed the retail industry.

A few decades ago the opening hours of most retail businesses were similar to those
of other types of business – 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday to Friday. In many countries, shops
also had shorter opening hours on Saturdays and were closed on Sundays and festivals.
However, in the last twenty years, evolving working hours and changes in shopping habits
have in turn led to changes in the legislation affecting trading hours. There has been a
huge increase in the number of retail outlets like supermarkets which are open 24 hours a
day, seven days a week (24/7), and a marked increase in shops which offer longer opening
hours overall. Customers now expect trading hours to fit around their work and lifestyle,
and the overall trend is towards trading that allows them to shop day or night.

Another major change is that many larger retail chains sell a wider range of goods than
in the past, as customers’ expectations about product choice have increased. For example,
when food shopping forty years ago, people would buy fruit and vegetables that were
largely local to their area and in season. In contrast, a supermarket today can offer its
customers the same produce all year round, imported from many countries. Items which
were once seen as luxury are now bought as part of the standard weekly shop. As a
consequence of offering more products, retail chains need more space and there has been
a rise in the number of large-scale outlets like superstores and hypermarkets. The large
sites needed to build these mean that many businesses have relocated to out-of-town
shopping malls and retail parks where land is cheap. These changes have had a big impact
on traditional high street shopping areas.

Conditions for smaller retail businesses are becoming extremely challenging. In some areas
independent shops are being forced off the High Street by chain stores due to high rents.
They are also facing stiff competition from online retailers. Customers may visit a shop
on the High Street to browse products, but often go online to buy them more cheaply. A
decline in retail businesses on the High Street also impacts on other local businesses which
provide facilities for shoppers, such as cafés, restaurants and hairdressers.

The USA, the UK, Sweden, France, Germany and Japan currently spend the most on online
shopping among developed nations, with e-commerce in the USA now making up 10 percent
of all retail sales. However, although e-commerce may be changing the retail landscape, it’s
not all bad news for smaller operations. For instance, new retailers can now start up online
with much lower overheads than in the past since they no longer need to rent premises
to display their goods. In the online marketplace all you need is a website to showcase
your products and a contract with a reliable delivery company to ensure they get to your

The rise of e-commerce has also led to changes in attitudes towards customer service.
Customer feedback from surveys is now extensively used to inform retail business
strategies such as which new products or services to offer and how to promote them.
Businesses that wish to survive in a competitive marketplace have to find effective ways
to respond to customer opinions and complaints in the very public forum created by social
media. Technology means that the relationship between the retailer and the customer is
more important than ever before.

Retail and your Pre-work students may have experience of retail business through part-time or holiday
students jobs they have had while studying. Some in-work students may be employed in the retail
environment in customer-facing roles or administrative roles. All students will be familiar
with some of the aspects of retail from the point of view of the customer. This unit will
build on that experience and expand their understanding of the how the industry works
and the challenges it faces in the modern world.


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Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in 3 3.1.1 Play the video again for students to complete the
notes, then check answers with the class. You could ask students
Refer students to the unit title and check they understand retail
to complete as many of the gaps as they can before watching, then
(the sale of goods to customers for their own use). Look at the
watch again to check/complete their answers.
quote and photo with the class and ask how they might be
related (e.g. being able to buy certain things can make us feel
happier). Discuss the quote with the class. Do they agree? Why? 1 free 2 hotel 3 minute 4 German 5 three
/ Why not? Can shopping make us feel happier? Can money buy 6 writing 7 month 8 expensive
happiness? How?

Extra activities 3.1

3.1 The Ziferblat café
3.1.1 This activity looks at useful vocabulary from
the video. You could go through the words in the box
GSE learning objectives with students before they begin, or let them use their
dictionaries to look up unknown words. While checking
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
answers, elicit what part of speech each gapped word is –
aimed at a general audience.
this will help students with Activity B.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or
1 help yourself 2 unique 3 stopwatch 4 abuse
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
5 pocket 6 counts 7 atmosphere 8 uploading
• Can use language related to shops and the shopping
9 loo 10 laptop
• Can use language related to money.
• Can recognise phrases and content words related to B Get students to match the words with the definitions
familiar topics (e.g. shopping, local geography). individually, then check answers with the class and clarify
• Can describe habits and routines. meanings as necessary.
• Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines.
• Can explain what they like or dislike about something. a laptop b loo c uploading d atmosphere
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual text. e pocket f help yourself g unique h stopwatch
• Can write simple lists as part of a work-related task. i abuse j counts

Warm-up 4 Put students in pairs or small groups and let them discuss the
Dictate or write the following questions on the board: question for 2–3 minutes, then elicit answers around the class.
When was the last time you went out with a friend or
colleague? Where did you go? What did you do there? Get Alternative video worksheet: Pop-up shops
students to discuss the questions in pairs or small groups,
then invite some to share their answers with the class. 1 If time is short, discuss the questions with the whole
class, nominating a few different students to answer.
Alternatively, let students discuss in pairs or small groups
Lead-in first, then get feedback from the class. Teach or elicit the
meanings of bricks-and-mortar store and publicise before
Students talk about going to cafés. students discuss the questions (refer them to the definition
of publicise at the end of the activity).
1 Go through the questions with the class and check students
understand the activities in question 2. If time allows, let them
discuss the questions in pairs or small groups first, then elicit Students’ own answers
answers around the class. For question 2, you could ask for
a quick show of hands to find the most popular activity. 2 ALT 3.1.1 Tell students that they are going to watch
a video about pop-up shops. Do not explain the term yet
Video or how pop-up shops work – the video will explain this.
Explain the activity and give students a minute to read the
Students watch a video about a café with an unusual
statements before they watch. Play the first part of the
business model.
video (0:00–0:29), then check answers with the class.
2 3.1.1 Explain the activity and go through statements 1–3
with the class. Draw their attention to retailer and remind them 1 long 2 days 3 customers 4 products
of the word retail from the unit Lead-in. Check they understand
the meaning of both. Play the video, then check answers with
the class. Be prepared to check the meaning of the following 3 ALT 3.1.1 Explain that students are going to watch

phrasal verbs if students ask about them: fit in (manage to do the next part of the video and decide if the statements are
something in a short period of time), work out (calculate), dash true or false. Give them time to read the statements and
in (go in a place very quickly), wolf down (eat something very check that they understand skincare in question 2. Play the
quickly), mount up (gradually increase in amount). next part of the video (0:30–3:24), then check answers with
the class. Students may need to watch the video twice for
this activity: once to decide if the statements are true or
3 false, then a second time to correct the false statements.


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Teacher’s notes

Vocabulary: Shops and the shopping

1 F – The Dirt Creative was a successful online
business before its pop-up shop opened.
2 T Students look at vocabulary related to shops and shopping.
3 T
4 F – Customers cannot visit the shop on Monday. 5 Get students to do the matching exercise individually or
5 F – The Dirt Creative did not pay a lot of rent to in pairs. Encourage them to underline the key words in each
open the shop. definition before they do the matching. Check answers with
6 T the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. Explain what VAT
stands for if students ask (value-added tax, a tax added to the
price of certain goods and services in Britain and the EU).
4 ALT 3.1.1 Tell students they are going to watch
the whole video again, and give them time to read the 1 customers 2 bill 3 branch 4 chain 5 serves
questions and options before they watch. Make sure they 6 charge 7 VAT 8 profit
understand that they need to choose two correct options
in each question. Play the video and get students to
compare answers in pairs before class feedback. 6 3.01 Check students understand the words before
playing the recording. To check answers, you could play the
1 a, c 2 b, c 3 a, b recording again and pause after each extract, asking students
which words helped them choose the correct answer.
5 Put students in pairs or small groups to discuss the
questions. After 3–4 minutes, invite some students to share 1 butcher’s 2 department store 3 bookshop 4 pharmacy
their answers for question 1 with the class. For question 2, 5 clothes shop 6 shopping centre 7 bakery
elicit ideas and list them on the board. Ask students which
types of products are / would be popular in their country.
7 Before students do the matching exercise, check they
understand the meaning of verbs 1–8. Give them a minute to
Students’ own answers
look at the nouns/phrases in a–h and ask you about any they
do not understand. Check they understand JP¥ (Japanese yen).
6 ALT 3.1.1 Get students to do the matching activity Point out that in order to match a verb with a set of phrases, all
individually or in pairs. Play the video and check answers the words in the set must be possible with the verb. Students
with the class. may be tempted to choose h for 1, but it is not possible to
charge nothing – you can only charge an amount, e.g. He
charged me £1. However, it is possible not to charge someone
1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 f 6 c
at all: They didn’t charge me. Check answers with the class,
clarifying meanings as necessary.
7 Ask students to do this individually and get them to
compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. 1 c 2 d 3 b 4 a 5 h 6 e 7 g 8 f

1 attract customers 2 open a pop-up store

3 test the market 4 financial risk 5 target market Extra activities 3.1
6 expand the business
C This activity looks at key vocabulary from the lesson.
Students should be familiar with the words, so it might be
8 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them
better for them to work individually. Encourage them to
a minute to read the questions. Remind them of the
look at the words around each gap to help them choose
meanings of target market and attract customers if
the correct word. Check answers with the class.
necessary. Give pairs/groups plenty of time to discuss
their ideas and encourage them to make notes. Then get 1 spend 2 chains 3 bakery 4 customers
feedback from the class – make sure students give reasons 5 order 6 serve 7 charge 8 cost 9 VAT 10 bill
for their answers.

Students’ own answers

8 This activity should be done in two stages. First, get students
to choose the correct options individually and check answers
with the class. Then put students in pairs or small groups to
discuss the questions. Encourage them to give reasons for
their opinions. Give them 3–5 minutes to discuss in their pairs/
groups, then elicit ideas around the class.

1 shop 2 chains 3 pay 4 charge 5 make

6 bookshops


M03 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 50 12/07/2019 12:43

Teacher’s notes

Project: Shopping habits Warm-up

Students carry out a class survey to find out each other’s Put students in pairs or small groups and ask them to tell
shopping habits. each other about their favourite place to shop. What kind
of shop is it? How often do they shop there? What do they
9A Put students in pairs or small groups, explain the
like about shopping there? Allow them 3–4 minutes to
activity and go through the questions with them. Check they
discuss in their pairs/groups, then invite different students
understand discount card. Refer them to the survey on page
to share their answers with the class.
129 and give them 3–4 minutes to choose the correct questions
for the gaps. Check answers with the class.

1 b 2 g/j 3 i 4 j/g Lead-in

Students talk about different types of shopping experience.

9B Allow plenty of time for pairs/groups to decide on 1A Put students in pairs to match the photos with the words in
additional questions for their survey. Explain that they can the box, using their dictionaries if necessary. Explain that they
choose from the questions in Exercise 9A or use their own need to match two words to each photo. Go over the answers
ideas. Monitor and, if students are writing their own questions, with the class, checking that students understand
help them with any vocabulary they may need. the vocabulary in the box.

9C Put students in new groups to conduct their surveys.

Photo 1: bazaar, covered market
Make sure that each new group does not have more than one
Photo 2: magic mirror, try something on
student from the original pair/groups, so that each student
Photo 3: convenience store, self-service
answers a different set of questions. Allow plenty of time for
them to ask and answer their questions, and encourage them
to make notes of the other students’ answers – they will need
1B Read out the question and check that students understand
these for Exercise 9D. For a more extensive survey, you might
augmented reality (see Notes below). If time allows, let
like students to use an online survey tool. Students could then
students discuss in the same pairs as Exercise 1A first, then
survey more people and present their findings in graphical
invite them to share their shopping experiences with the class.

9D Put students back in the same pairs/groups as Exercise 9A. Notes

Explain that they will now discuss their findings and go through
questions 1–3 with them. Allow plenty of time for students Students may have used augmented reality (AR) or virtual
to discuss in their pairs/groups, then broaden this into a class reality (VR) for gaming and/or on their phones.
discussion. Invite different students to share their findings with • AR overlays digital information on real-world
the class. What did they find out from their survey? Did any of elements like maps or photos. Pokémon GO is among
the answers surprise them? the best-known examples.
• VR is full immersion in a totally computer-generated
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities environment, usually wearing a headset.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 3.1 p.138 • MR (mixed reality) allows you to interact with and
Workbook: p.14 Exercises 1–3 manipulate both physical and virtual items and
environments. It provides the ability to have one
foot (or hand) in the real world and the other in an
imaginary place.
3.2 The retail experience
GSE learning objectives Listening
• Can follow the sequence of events in a short, simple Students listen to people talking about recent shopping
dialogue or narrative. experiences.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue 2 3.02 Explain the activity and pre-teach the following
or narrative. words: QR code (Quick Response code – a code with black and
• Can identify specific events from short spoken white square patterns that is machine-readable), scan (e.g. scan
descriptions. the QR code), self-service, browse, carpet. Play the recording,
• Can distinguish between the Past Simple and Past then invite different students to share their ideas with the class,
Continuous. giving reasons. Accept any reasonable answers as long
• Can use when to link two clauses in the past simple. as students can justify them.
• Can ask and answer questions about past times and
past activities. Possible answers
• Can write short basic descriptions of past events and The man who visited the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul seems
activities. to have had the most positive experience. The woman who
visited the automated shop seems the most dissatisfied
with her retail experience.


M03 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 51 12/07/2019 12:43

Teacher’s notes

3 3.02 Give students a minute to read the questions. Let

Extra activities 3.2
them answer as many of the questions as they can, then play the
recording again for them to complete/check their answers. B This activity gives further practice of the Past Simple.
Get students to complete it individually and then to
1 b 2 a 3 a 4 c 5 c 6 b compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.

1 bought 2 didn’t go 3 Did you go 4 saw, visited

Extra activities 3.2 5 took, was 6 rang, heard 7 did you catch
8 couldn’t, weren’t
A 3.02 This activity looks at useful vocabulary from
the recording. It can be done individually or in pairs. To
check answers, play the recording again, pausing at each
answer, and clarifying meanings as necessary. Pronunciation bank
p. 115: Past Simple
1 dinner, evenings 2 browsing 3 seller 4 bargain Warm-up
5 putting on 6 queues, changing rooms 7 cashier
P3.01 Go through the information in the
8 choose 9 ordering 10 QR 11 bar 12 complain
box with students. Before playing the recording,
give an example for each of the vowel sounds
mentioned in the box: /aɪ/: tried; /eɪ/: made; /iː/:
Grammar: Past Simple agreed; /ɜː/: hurt; /ɔː/: taught. Play the recording
for students to notice the differences between
Students study and practise the Past Simple.
the spelling and the sound actually pronounced.
4A 3.03 Before students do the exercise, write the
following sentence from the recording on the board: Yes, we had 1 P3.02 Depending on the strength of your class,
a great time. Underline had and ask students what tense it is in you could put them in pairs first and get them to
(Past Simple). Refer students to the Grammar reference on page choose their answers before listening. Encourage them
120. Go over the section on the Past Simple (but not the Past to say the words aloud in order to decide, then play the
Continuous) with them and make sure they understand why the recording for them to check. If time allows, play the
tense is used and how it is formed. Give them a few minutes to recording again for students to listen and repeat.
do the exercise individually, then play the recording for them to
check their answers.
1 different 2 different 3 same 4 different
5 same 6 same 7 same 8 different 9 same
1 Did, have 2 served, sat 3 could 4 left, sent 10 different
5 didn’t speak, arrived 6 went, chose

2 Do the first item as an example with the class.

4B–C Do these as quick whole-class activities. Remind students Then give students a few minutes to do the exercise
that there is a list of common irregular verbs on page 126 of individually, and get them to compare answers in
the Student’s Book. After Exercise 4C, you could refer them to pairs before checking with the class. During feedback,
audioscript 3.03 on page 149 to find more examples of regular you could draw a table on the board with one column
and irregular verbs in the Past Simple. for each vowel sound and list the different spellings
students identify for each one.
4B We use didn’t + infinitive to make negative sentences
in the Past Simple. heard – served
We use Did + subject + infinitive … ? for questions in the saw – thought
Past Simple. agreed – received
came – played
4C Regular verbs: serve, arrive arrived – cried
Irregular verbs: have, sit, can, leave, send, speak, go,
3 Put students in pairs and explain the activity. Do
an example with a stronger student if necessary.
5 3.04 Get students to work individually for this exercise.
While students are working, monitor and correct their
Remind them that they can use the Grammar reference on page pronunciation as necessary.
120 and the list of irregular verbs on page 126 if they need help.
Play the recording for them to check their answers.

1 were 2 got 3 Did , pay 4 wrote 5 rang 6 said

7 did, meet 8 didn’t see 9 didn’t come 10 thought


M03 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 52 12/07/2019 12:43

Teacher’s notes

Past Continuous (college)

Students study and practise the Past Continuous. I was still writing my #economics essay last night when
6 Do this as a whole-class activity. Look at the examples with I heard that we got a deadline extension. Great news!
students and elicit the form of the Past Continuous. You might We completed our case study project and gave our
like to write the patterns for the positive (subject + was/were + presentations in the morning so tonight I can focus on the
-ing), negative (subject + wasn’t/weren’t + -ing) and question essay. What time does the library close this evening?
(was/were + subject + -ing) forms on the board, for students @collegelibrary @businessstudiesgroup
to refer to during Exercise 7. Refer students to the Grammar
reference on page 121 and go over the explanations and 3
examples with them. Answer any questions they may have. Last weekend I went to Madrid with friends. We visited
the Prado Museum and Parque Retiro, ate tapas and went
shopping in the #Salamanca neighbourhood. We also went
We use was/were + verb + -ing to make the positive form to a football match at #Atletico_Madrid – but I missed the
of the Past Continuous. only goal because I was getting a drink!
We use wasn’t / was not / weren’t / were not + verb + -ing @placestovisit @longweekend
to make the negative form.
We use (question word) + was/were + subject + verb + -ing
to make the question form. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank
Grammar reference: p.120 Past Simple and Past Continuous
7 Put students in pairs, explain the activity and do an example Pronunciation bank: p.115 Past Simple
with a stronger student before they begin. While they are Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 3.2 p.139
working, monitor and note down any errors students make Workbook: p.15 Exercises 1–4, p.16 Exercises 1–3
with the Past Continuous. Highlight these during feedback.
With a stronger class an alternative way to do this activity
would be to get them to give unlikely-sounding answers
(e.g. A: What were you doing yesterday at 7 o’clock in the 3.3 Communication skills
morning? B: I was doing karate in the garden.), with their
partner guessing whether these are true or false. Solving workflow problems

Extra activities 3.2 GSE learning objectives

C This activity gives further practice of the Past • Can follow the sequence of events in a short, simple
Continuous. Get students to complete it individually, then dialogue or narrative.
check answers with the class. • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative.
1 were preparing 2 was raining 3 was writing • Can identify specific events from short spoken
4 wasn’t listening 5 Were you reading descriptions.
6 weren’t working, were chatting 7 was living • Can make and respond to suggestions.
8 Was she listening • Can explain what they like or dislike about something.

Writing Ask students to think about a time they worked in a team
Students practise the Past Simple and Past Continuous by when not everything went well. What problems were there?
writing short tweets. What do they think caused these problems? How could
these problems have been avoided? Put students in groups
8 Explain the activity and give students a minute to look at and give them a few minutes to discuss, then invite different
the example tweets. Before they begin, teach or elicit the students to share their experiences with the class. Ask the
meaning of tweet (a short message on social media) and point class if they like working in teams and why / why not.
out the character limit for each tweet. If time is short, students
can write some or all of their tweets as homework. If they
write them in class, monitor and help as necessary, checking Lead-in
students’ use of the Past Simple and Continuous.
Students discuss possible workflow problems and causes.

Model answers 1A Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss
2 the question. Teach or elicit the meaning of deadlines in
(work) question 3. As feedback, invite different students to share their
Yesterday I was presenting product prototypes at the views with the class, giving reasons.
#VideoGames industry conference. We presented some
incredible new features in our games and were very happy
1B Students could do this in the same pairs as Exercise 1A or
in new pairs. Go through the definition of workflow with them
with the audience response! We met some interesting
and also check they understand the phrases in the box. Once
customers and got some great feedback. Thanks to all!
students have discussed in their pairs, broaden this into a class
@videogamesconference @Stargames
discussion. In stronger classes, you could also ask students to
suggest possible solutions for the problems (see below).


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Teacher’s notes

Possible answer 3B Elicit ideas around the class for this question.

A lot of time is wasted trying to contact people who don’t

return their phone calls or answer their emails and this Shaun should be less aggressive towards Thiago. Thiago
negatively affects workflow. As working in project teams is so also needs to be less defensive and try to make some
common these days, missing deadlines is even more serious. suggestions of his own to complete his task.
If others are waiting for you to complete your task before they
can begin theirs, you may be holding up an entire project.
When projects fall behind schedule, it can cost a company a
3C 3.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch
another version of Thiago’s meeting with Shaun, where Shaun
large amount of money. People who don’t work well in teams
approaches the situation differently, and answer the same
probably cause the biggest problems of all. With so much
questions they answered for Video A. Play the video, then check
work now involving teams (and virtual teams), it is probably
answers with the class.
not a good idea to employ such people.

1 Thiago. By going to see Shaun in his office Thiago takes

Video responsibility for his failure to meet the deadline. This
Students watch a video about different approaches to puts him in a stronger position to explain why he has
solving workflow problems. failed and what he needs to complete the report.
2 b) Shaun listens and tries to think of ways to help.
2A 3.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 2 video, ask
3 Shaun doesn’t blame Thiago for anything directly, but he
them to give you a short summary of the situation and the does make it clear that he urgently needs the report to
main characters. If this is the first communication skills video be finished.
your class have watched, briefly set up the context and/or refer 4 Shaun makes two suggestions: 1) that he talks to
students to page 6 of the Coursebook. Encourage students to Accounts about getting the figures Thiago needs and 2)
make notes in answer to the questions while watching, and that he gets another trainee to share some of Thiago’s
play the video. Check answers with the class. workload for a few days. Later he also suggests that
Jasmine helps, as well as giving Thiago a three-day
1 Thiago is worried about a project he’s doing for Shaun. extension to complete the report. Thiago suggests that
He’s nearly a week late with it. he produces an executive summary of the main points in
2 Azra suggests he asks for an extension because a few the report for Shaun to show at the directors’ meeting.
days won’t make much difference. But the report is They both agree on these suggestions.
already a week overdue, so this may not be a great idea. 5 Thiago is very happy with the outcome of the meeting.
3 Thiago jokes about it, but it seems Shaun was angry. Shaun is also satisfied that he will finally get the report
he needs, but he realises that he needs to talk to Thiago
about time management.
2B Check that students understand avoid and discuss the
question as a class.
4A–B Discuss the questions as a class. Invite different students
By avoiding Shaun, Thiago is probably making things to share their views, giving reasons.
worse. At some point, he will have to face him, so the
sooner he does this, the better. 4A In most cases, the most important question to ask is
‘How can we fix it?’ Looking back at what went wrong is
less useful than looking forward at what needs to go right.
3A 3.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch
Thiago’s conversation with Shaun and give them time to read 4B It can be useful to ask ‘What is going wrong?’ if you
the questions. Check they understand reject, excuse, blame, are worried that the same problem may happen again or if
workflow problem and outcome. Play the video, twice if the problem is a technical one (e.g. software that doesn’t
necessary, then check answers with the class. work properly). ‘Whose fault is it?’ is only useful if one
person in a team is repeatedly causing workflow problems
1 Shaun. By catching Thiago and making him discuss the and holding up the others. This person may need to be
problem, he is in a strong position to question Thiago’s retrained or replaced.
ability to complete the task and get him to him do things
he doesn’t want to do.
2 a) Shaun rejects Thiago’s explanations as excuses. (He 5 3.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the
tells him that time management is part of the job, and last section of the video, where the speaker talks about the
criticizes Thiago for not asking him to help with getting advantages and disadvantages of the different approaches they
the figures from Accounts.) watched in Videos A and B. They should watch and compare
3 Yes (He blames Thiago for 1) not being able to manage what is said with their answers to Exercise 4. Play the video
his time, 2) holding up the whole project team, 3) being and, if time allows, let students discuss briefly in pairs or small
a week late with the report, 4) leaving him with nothing groups first. Round up ideas in a class discussion.
to show the directors at the meeting he has the next day,
and 5) not asking for help to get the figures he needs for
the report yet.)
4 Shaun suggests that Jasmine helps Thiago finish the
report by tomorrow afternoon. Thiago doesn’t like this,
but has to accept it. (Thiago suggests that Shaun gives
him an extension, but Shaun rejects this idea.)
5 Shaun


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Teacher’s notes

Reflection 1 Thanks, I’m not great with numbers!

Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and their Let me deal with Accounts.
own approach to problem-solving and decision-making. What if / How about I bring in [someone] to help you out?
How about asking [someone] to help you with some of
6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can the figures?
reflect on their own preferred style and ideas. Ask them to think Why don’t I get you some help? / give you an assistant?
of their own answers to the questions and to make notes. Then 2 Someone to assist with the paperwork would be a big
put them in pairs to discuss and compare their answers. Get help.
brief feedback from the class. I’ll see if I can get [someone] to share some of your
Functional language: Solving problems What else can we do to get this report finished?
What if / How about I bring in [someone] to help you out?
Students look at useful language for solving problems. What else can I do to help? / do we need to do?
7 Draw students’ attention to the diagram and explain that it How about adding more people to the project team?
shows three steps for asking someone about their progress with Why don’t I get you some help? / give you an assistant?
a task, and that items 1–6 are useful questions/phrases they can 3 Having a couple more people on the team would really
use in each step. Let them complete the exercise individually or speed things up.
in pairs, then check answers with the class, clarifying meaning as What else can we do to get this report finished?
necessary. What if / How about I bring in [someone] to help you out?
How about asking [someone] to help you with some of
the figures?
1 b 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 c 6 a What else can I do to help? / do we need to do?
How about adding more people to the project team?
Why don’t I get you some help? / give you an assistant?
8A Explain that the phrases in the box are different ways to
4 Good, I’m having problems with some of the software.
make suggestions. Let students try to complete the exercise
Let me try and get you some IT support.
individually, then get them to compare answers in pairs before
5 Great, another five days should be enough.
checking with the class. During feedback, clarify meanings
What if / How about we make the deadline later?
as necessary and point out the different patterns used with
What if / How about I give you an extension?
each of the phrases in the box (let me + infinitive, how about +
How about rethinking the schedule?
-ing, etc.). This will help students select the correct phrases in
6 An extra 10 percent would make a big difference.
Exercise 8B.
I’ll see if we can increase the budget / if there’s any
flexibility in the budget.
1 Let me 2 I’ll see 3 What else 4 What if / How about
5 How about 6 Why don’t I
Extra activities 3.3
8B Explain the activity and get students to complete it A This activity practises the functional language from
individually. Remind them to think about the pattern used the lesson. Ask students to do it individually and get
with each phrase. Check answers with the class. You might also them to compare answers in pairs before class feedback.
like to teach/check understanding of some useful vocabulary If time allows, you could put students in pairs to practise
here: increase the budget, rethink the schedule, flexibility, (give the conversations. In stronger classes, you could also ask
someone an) extension, assistant. them to choose one of the conversations and rewrite it
using different phrases from Exercises 7 and 8. If time is
1 Let me 2 I’ll see 3 What else 4 What if / How about short, divide the class into three groups, get each group
5 How about 6 Why don’t I to look at one conversation, then go over all of them
during feedback.

8C Tell students that 1–6 are all ways to respond to the Conversation 1:
suggestions they looked at in Exercises 8A and 8B. Point out a 1 b 6 c 9 d 2 e 8 f 7 g 5 h 4 i 3
that some responses may match more than one suggestion.
Conversation 2:
Let them complete the exercise individually and allow them
a 1 b 6 c 5 d 8 e 9 f 3 g 7 h4 i 2
to compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.
During feedback, check understanding of each response, Conversation 3:
focusing on the words in bold. a 1 b 9 c 3 d 5 e 8 f 7 g 6 h 2 i 4


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Speaker 1 and page 131 for Speaker 2). If time allows, you could
Pronunciation bank get a few pairs to act out their conversation for the class.
p. 115: Stress in short sentences
10 Do this activity as a whole class, inviting students to share
their experiences. You could also ask them to rate themselves
Warm-up for each point (e.g. out of 5). In stronger classes, students could
P3.03 Write the following phrase from discuss what could be done to avoid a problem next time.
Exercise 7 on the board: Any progress with that Finally, discuss any points you noted while monitoring.
report? Invite a different student to read out each
of the words in isolation. Then say the sentence MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
yourself, using the correct sentence stress (Any video activities; Functional language bank
progress with that report?). Ask students if they Pronunciation bank: p.115 Stress in short sentences
notice anything about the way you said the Workbook: p.17, Exercise 1
sentence. Are any words stressed more than
others? Refer students to the information in the
box to explain the concept of sentence stress.
Play the recording for them to hear the examples
and drill them around the class.
3.4 Business skills
Presenting results
1A–B Let students work individually, then compare
GSE learning objectives
answers in pairs. Encourage them to say the sentences
aloud, tapping the desk or snapping their fingers on • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
each stressed word. To help them, you could tell them aimed at a general audience.
that there are two stressed words in sentences 1–4 • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
and three in sentences 5–8. Do not confirm answers or narrative.
yet, as students will check them in the next exercise. • Can extract the key details from a presentation if
delivered slowly and clearly.
1A • Can use basic discourse markers to structure a short
1 How’s it going? presentation.
2 You look a bit worried. • Can make and respond to suggestions.
3 I’m sure he’ll understand.
4 I’m still having problems.

5 I’m going as fast as I can. Discuss the following questions with the class: Have you
6 How about asking someone to help? ever given a presentation? Have you ever been to
7 I’ll see if I can get you some support. a presentation? What was it like? What do you think went
8 How are you doing with that report? well? What do you think makes a presentation successful?

2 P3.04 Play the recording for students to check Lead-in

their answers. Students read and discuss advice on structuring
a presentation.
3 Put students in pairs and demonstrate the activity
with a stronger student. During the activity, monitor 1 Put students in pairs and give them 1–2 minutes to read the
and check students are stressing the correct words. text. Check they understand audience, destination, move on,
go back and change direction. Once students have discussed
their ideas, elicit answers as a class. Ask students what ‘GPS
for presenters’ might mean. (It is what you need to do in order
Task to make it clear to your audience where you are going in your
Students roleplay resolving different workflow problems. presentation. The basic idea is: tell them what you’re going to
tell them, tell them, tell them what you told them!)
9 Put students in pairs and ask them to read situation 1 and
decide on their roles. Refer Speaker 1s to page 133 and Speaker
2s to page 139 to read the details of their roles. Monitor while 1 Like a journey, a presentation has a starting point and
students are reading and answer any questions. Tell students a destination. On the way to your destination you
that they need to make sure they do all three things outlined usually want to keep moving on, but sometimes you
for their role. Remind them of the three steps in Exercise 7 for may want to change direction or go back. It’s a good
asking someone about their progress with a task and tell them idea to indicate when you want to do this.
that they should use language from Exercises 7 and 8 in their 2 The text says you need to provide a clear map of your
roleplays. Allow students 4–5 minutes to prepare, while you talk. What this means is that, at the start of your
monitor and help as necessary. Set a time limit for the meetings presentation, you explain the different stages that your
and ask students to begin. During the activity, monitor and note presentation will go through and the order you will go
down any points to highlight during feedback. When pairs have through them.
finished the first meeting, they swap roles. Repeat the same
steps for situation 2 (students should refer to page 129 for


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Teacher’s notes

Listening 1 how the company’s sales advisers can improve their

Students listen to a presentation about the results of a service
customer service survey. 2 Fifteen. The research team asked them to list ten
adjectives to describe the ideal mobile phone Sales
2A Put students in pairs and give them a minute to look Adviser.
at the slides and ask you about any vocabulary they do not 3 They were expecting more people to want
know. Check they understand the following words: customer a ‘knowledgeable’ and ‘informative’ sales consultant to
satisfaction, ratings, in-store, focus group, data collection and help them with their purchase. But the focus groups were
people skills and the adjectives in the word cloud. Let students more interested in having ‘helpful’ and ‘friendly’ service.
discuss in their pairs for 1–2 minutes, then elicit ideas around 4 The company’s sales consultants have sufficient product
the class. Do not confirm the answer yet as students will check knowledge, but insufficient people skills to deal with their
their ideas in the next exercise. customers, and Inés recommends training in this area.

2B 3.05 Give students a minute to read the questions,

then play the recording and check answers with the class.
Functional language: Signposting
1 last month’s customer service survey a presentation
2 a Carl b Carl c Inés
Students look at useful language for signposting a
3 after the talk
4 from the in-store customer feedback stations (in
megastores) 5 Draw students’ attention to the heading and check
understanding. Explain that they are going to look at useful
phrases for presenting information in a clear, organised way.
2C Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss Do this activity with the whole class, clarifying meanings as
the question, then discuss as a class. Make sure students give necessary.
reasons for their answers.
1 First of all, … 2 Secondly, … 3 Then … 4 Finally, …
Carl’s overview is very clear. He tells listeners the subject of
the presentation and why it’s important. He then describes
each stage of the presentation in advance and tells us who 6 For weaker classes, students could work in pairs for this
will speak about each stage. activity. Let them try to work out the answers themselves,
using dictionaries if necessary, clarifying answers during
3A 3.06 Check students understand recommend, then
play the recording and check answers with the class.
1 start 2 move 3 brings 4 hand 5 sum 6 look
7 recap 8 jump 9 wrap 10 started
1 Lots of customers don’t use the customer feedback
stations at all. And even customers who rate the service
as ‘great’ don’t say why, and don’t say if they recommend
the company to others.
Extra activities 3.4
2 On average, each happy customer recommends the store A This activity looks at the functional language from
to five other people. Exercise 6. Get students to complete it individually, then
3 1 out of 12 unhappy customers leave feedback, so 11 out check answers with the class.
of 12 unhappy customers don’t leave any feedback at all.

1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 i 7 j 8 g 9 h 10 f
3B 3.06 Do this as a whole-class activity. Play the
recording, then elicit ideas from different students. B This activity looks at useful vocabulary from the
listening activities. Depending on the strength of your
Possible answer class, you could ask students to work individually or in
Pauses give the audience (and Carl) more time to think pairs. Alternatively, you could do this as a whole-class
before moving on. activity, checking answers and clarifying meanings as you
go. If this is done with students working individually / in
pairs, check students’ understanding of the words during
4 3.07 Explain that students are going to hear the last feedback.
part of the presentation and give them a minute to read the
questions. Weaker students may need to listen a second time. 1 in-store interview 2 customer satisfaction ratings
3 focus group 4 research team 5 people skills
6 product knowledge 7 knowledgeable
8 Sales Adviser


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Teacher’s notes

Task (yes) Are they generally happy with the food and service?
(yes, although the service is sometimes slow). Ask students to
Students give a presentation with a colleague. complete the review individually and get them to compare
7A Put students in groups of four and divide each group answers in pairs before class feedback.
into two pairs, A and B. Explain that each pair is going to give
a presentation, and refer the pairs to their information for 1 eat 2 ate 3 brought 4 were celebrating 5 bring
Presentation A or B (page 127). 6 changes 7 didn’t arrive 8 have 9 offers
10 recommend
7B Give pairs time to read their information while you monitor
and help them with any questions they may have. Let students
decide who will be Presenter 1 and Presenter 2 and make Functional language
sure they are clear about what they have to do. Point out that Students look at useful phrases in online review forms.
they need to structure their presentations carefully, using the
signposting phrases from Exercises 5 and 6. You might also like 2A Go through the headings in the box with students and ask
to refer them to the bullet points in Exercise 7D (or write these them to complete the exercise individually. Alternatively, if
on the board) and tell them that they should do these things in time is short, you could do this as a quick whole-class activity,
their presentations. Set a time limit for the preparation stage checking answers as you go along.
and tell students that they can also prepare some simple slides
if they like. Monitor and help as necessary. 1 Background 2 Good points 3 Bad points
4 Recommendation
7C In their groups, students take turns to give their
presentations. Set a time limit for each presentation and
ask students to begin. Monitor and note down any points to
2B Again, this can be done as a whole-class activity,
highlight during feedback.
nominating a different student to name the correct category
7D Go through the bullet points and let students discuss in for each phrase, and confirming answers as you go along.
their groups. Again, monitor and note down any points to
discuss during feedback. After 3–4 minutes, invite different Background
students to share their experience with the class. Finally, We sometimes have company lunches there.
discuss any points you noted while monitoring. We had dinner there two days ago.
Good points
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional The view from the restaurant is wonderful.
language bank The food is always excellent.
Workbook: p.17 Exercises 2–4 Bad points
It is too expensive.
The food was terrible.
3.5 Writing I’m afraid I cannot recommend your restaurant to other
An online review form

GSE learning objectives Extra activities 3.5

• Can identify specific information in simple letters, A–B These activities look at useful language for online
brochures and short articles. review forms. First, ask students to match the sentence
• Can use language related to reviews, success and halves and check answers with the class. Then get them to
awards. match each sentence with the correct category. They could
• Can write a simple review of a film, book or TV do this individually or in pairs. Weaker classes could refer
programme using a limited range of language. to the table on page 36 if they need help.

Warm-up 1 e 2 g 3 a 4 f 5 d 6 h 7 c 8 b
Dictate or write the following questions on the board: Do B
you ever complete online review forms? If yes, what was 1 Background: 1, 2 2 Good points: 3, 4
the last one you completed for? Do you ever read online 3 Bad points: 5, 6, 7 4 Recommendation: 8
reviews? If yes, how useful do you think they are? Why do
you think companies ask for them? Put students in pairs
or small groups and give them 3–4 minutes to discuss the
questions, then get brief feedback from the class.
Optional grammar work
The review in Exercise 1 contains examples of adverbs, so
Lead-in you could use it for some optional grammar work. Refer
students to the Grammar reference on page 121 and use
Students read and complete an online review form.
the exercises in MyEnglishLab for extra grammar practice.
1 Ask students to read the review quickly before attempting
the exercise. You might like to ask a few questions, e.g. What is
this a review of? (a restaurant) Is the writer a regular customer?


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Teacher’s notes

Task has used phrases from the table in Exercise 2 and if yes, if he/
she has used them correctly. Students could then rewrite their
Students complete an online review form. reviews (or write a new review on the basis of their partner’s
3A Put students in pairs, refer them to the review form on feedback).
page 130 and give them 3–4 minutes to complete the exercise.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
After checking answers, you could ask students to match grammar practice; Writing bank
the reviewer’s comments with the categories in the table in
Grammar reference: p.121 Types of adverbs
Exercise 2A.
Workbook: p.18 Exercises 1–3

How often do you stay here?

Our company sometimes has conferences at the Flamingo
Palace and has visitors staying there almost every week.
When did you last stay here?
Business workshop 3
Two of our clients stayed there a few days ago. Pop-up stores
What was the purpose of your last visit?
They were visiting our new factory and attending meetings
in our offices. GSE learning objectives
What do/did you like about the hotel? • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
Our clients are usually happy with the Flamingo. The brochures and short articles.
location of the hotel is very convenient for our company.
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual
The food is always good in the restaurant and the price is
• Can communicate in routine tasks requiring simple,
Is/Was there anything you aren’t/weren’t happy with?
direct exchanges of information.
The rooms are a little small and sometimes they are not
cleaned very well, so we think it is a little bit too expensive. • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
Would you recommend us? aimed at a general audience.
We recommend the Flamingo Palace for low-cost business • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
trips in the area, but unfortunately, we cannot recommend if provided with written supporting material.
it to everyone. • Can make and respond to suggestions.

3B Explain the writing task and remind students that they Background
should use phrases from Exercises 2A and 2B. Tell them that Students read about plans to open pop-up stores in an area
they can use the reviews on pages 36 and 130 as models if they of Vancouver, Canada.
need help.
1 Draw students’ attention to the main title and teach or elicit
Model answer the meaning of pop-up stores (temporary retail stores which
open suddenly and usually exist for a short amount of time).
How often do you eat here?
Ask students if pop-up businesses are common in their country/
I usually eat in the Flame once a week. city/area and if yes, what type of products they usually sell. You
When did you last eat here? could mention that a a pop-up store may also be referred to as
I last ate there yesterday lunchtime. pop-up shop (usually in the UK or Australia), pop-up retail or
flash retail. Ask students to read the background and discuss
What was the purpose of your last visit? the questions in pairs. Check answers with the class. (Note that
We often bring our clients to the restaurant and yesterday it is not necessary to spend long on question 4 as more answers
I had a meeting with one of our biggest clients. are given in the next section.)
What do/did you like about the restaurant?
The food is always excellent at the Flame and the location 1 It was an old industrial part of the city with empty
is perfect for us as it is close to our office. Also, our clients warehouses and factories. Today it is a popular area
are always amazed because the view from the restaurant with new high-rise offices and apartments and some old
is wonderful. buildings.
2 It is a temporary shop that can be open for a day or
Is/Was there anything you aren’t/weren’t happy with?
several months.
Sometimes the service can be quite slow and yesterday 3 four types: people starting a new business, existing small
the restaurant was very busy and the food didn’t arrive businesses, online businesses and large retailers
very quickly. Unfortunately, our client had to leave before 4 Possible answers: It’s cheaper than a long rental lease.
dessert was served. It’s a lower-risk way to see if a business idea will work.
Would you recommend us?
I’m afraid I cannot recommend your restaurant to other
businesses at this time.
Pop-up stories
Students read articles about the benefits of pop-up retail.
3C If students do the writing task for homework, you could
do this exercise in the next lesson. Put students in pairs and
2A Check that students understand experimenting and give
them time to read the article and discuss the question in pairs.
ask them to read their partner’s review and think about the
Check the answer with the class.
questions. You could also ask them to check if their partner


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They are opening pop-up stores and collection points in 3B In their groups, students take turns to tell each other about
city centres and small stores in some areas. They are trying their text. They can refer to their notes but they should use
these types of store because their big warehouse stores their own words and not read from the text. When they have
outside of city centres are losing popularity. finished, discuss the answers to Exercise 3A with the class.

3C If there is time, let students discuss the questions in their

groups first, then elicit ideas around the class.
Students may be surprised to read that IKEA is based in Suggested answers
the Netherlands. The company was founded in Sweden Richard’s Pop-up Chocolates
(in 1943) but its headquarters is actually in Leiden, He mentions that the chocolates are expensive so people
Netherlands. who are happy to pay for high-end handmade chocolates.
This might be a good gift that people would buy for others.

2B If there is time, let students discuss the question in pairs or Angelica’s Fashion Jewellery
groups first, then broaden this into a class discussion. Again, these might make good gifts. Also people who are
interested in art who go to the exhibitions where she has
Possible answer her pop-up events, and people who are looking for nice
jewellery to buy in the clothes stores where she has her
It seems likely that pop-up stores are a good way to create
pop-ups, might be interested.
more interest in retailers’ new products. However, it’s more
of a marketing strategy than a way to create huge sales. Martine’s Coffee Shop
Office workers and shoppers who like good coffee and pass
her van on the way to work or the shops during the day.
3A Put students in groups of three and refer them to their Yaletown is potentially a good place for all three pop-ups
articles on pages 93, 132 and 137. Explain that they are each as there are a lot of office workers.
going to read a different article but answer the same set of
questions. Get them to read their article and make notes to
answer the three questions. Monitor and help as necessary but
do not discuss the answers with the class yet, as students will
Extra activities Business workshop 3
talk about their texts in the next exercise. A This activity looks at useful vocabulary from the
reading texts. With stronger classes, you could let students
Richard’s Pop-up Chocolates use their dictionaries to complete the exercise, then clarify
1 He left his office job to start his business three years ago. meanings during feedback. With weaker classes, you
2 He sells artisan handmade chocolates which he makes at may prefer to do this as a whole-class activity, checking
home. (He also sells online.) answers and clarifying meanings as you go along.
3 He doesn’t have to pay for a permanent store, he can
plan his pop-up shops around major ‘chocolate’ holidays, 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 f 6 d 7 h 8 i 9 g 10 l
he can have face time with customers, offer them 11 k 12 j
samples to taste and get repeat customers. He can’t do
this when he sells online.
Angelica’s Fashion Jewellery
1 She studied art and design at university. What people want
2 She creates and sells her own jewellery and makes Students listen to extracts from market research interviews.
personalised jewellery. (She also sells online.)
3 She can sell her products at other people’s stores, art 4 BW 3.01 Explain that students are going to listen to
galleries and temporary exhibitions, she doesn’t have extracts from market research interviews and correct the
fixed retail opening hours and she likes the flexibility. mistakes in the notes for each interview. Give them time to read
People will come to her pop-up events to see her the notes, then play the recording, twice if necessary. Check
new designs. Retail habits are changing and younger answers with the class.
customers want more urban boutique-style shopping
experiences like pop-ups. Also there is a movement One young person I interviewed said all some of the places
away from big stores towards shopping small and local. to go in the evening were expensive. He said he and his co-
Martine’s Coffee Shop workers liked to have dinner socialise together after work.
1 She started her own business last week. Before that, she One office worker I spoke to said she likes to buy natural
was a barista in a large coffee chain. health personal care products. The price of the products
2 She sells top-quality coffee. was more less important to her than the quality.
3 She can move around the city with the van. It’s quick
Another shopper I interviewed told me she likes doesn’t
and easy to park and open for business. She often makes
like to go to shopping malls. She always wears doesn’t
many stops in a day. Weekdays she focuses on the office
want to wear the clothes fashions and colours that are
workers and shoppers. Weekends she parks near big
events. She’s finding out the best places to be.


M03 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 60 12/07/2019 12:43

Teacher’s notes

Extra activities Business workshop 3 Model answer

Angelica’s Fashion Jewellery
B BW 3.01 This activity provides students with extra
Winter Pop-up Store
listening practice. Give students a minute to read the
statements and check they understand personal care, Hamilton Street, Yaletown
fragrance and unique. Play the recording, then check Come and shop in my new pop-up store.
answers with the class. With stronger classes, you could Special new designs for the winter from an independent
ask students to correct the false statements – they may designer. You will not find these designs in any other
need to listen again for this. stores. It’s the perfect place to browse for an unusual item
for yourself or an original gift for someone.
1 True 2 False 3 False 4 True 5 False 6 True From 1 November to 21 December only.
7 True 8 False 9 True
For more information about my designs and the pop-up
event visit:

Task: Design your own pop-up store MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
Students design and present their own pop-up store and
then create an advertisement for it.

5A Put students in small groups and explain that they are

Review 3
going to design their own pop-up store. Go through the
‘Remember to’ points with them and check any unknown 1 1 pharmacy 2 bill 3 branch 4 charges 5 by
words. Then allow groups 3–5 minutes to discuss and decide on 6 spend 7 stores 8 ordered
the type of pop-up store they are going to open. Ask students 2 1 decided 2 did not / didn’t want 3 caught
to make notes as they will need to present their ideas in the 4 arrived 5 went 6 rang 7 did not / didn’t have
next activity. 8 told
3 1 were you doing 2 was having 3 were you talking
5B Now put students in pairs with someone from a different 4 were discussing 5 Were you visiting
group. They take it in turns to present their group’s ideas to 6 was not / wasn’t 7 were sitting
their partner, who then gives them feedback. To help them, 4 1 just 2 looking 3 moment 4 How are 5 with
you could list some points on the board to think about and 6 about 7 Having 8 help
comment on, e.g. the suitability of the location for the types 5 1 Second = First 2 be = get 3 start = move
of good sold; the layout of the inside of the shop; the type of 4 give = hand/pass 5 hand = recap 6 sum = wrap
special offer chosen. You could add any other details as a fourth 6 1 once a week 2 last 3 was visiting
point, so that students can be more creative. Remind them that 4 always excellent 5 Unfortunately 6 highly
they can refer to their notes from Exercise 5A.

5C Put students back into their original groups. They now

take it in turns to report the other students’ reactions to their
group’s special offer, and decide what changes/improvements
they need to make to their original plan. Again, encourage
them to make notes.

5D Students now design an ad for their pop-up store. Remind

them to refer to the ‘Remember to’ points and the notes they
made during the previous stages. Groups share their adverts and
present their ideas, and the class can vote on the best ad / the
best pop-up store.


M03 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 61 12/07/2019 12:43

4 Work patterns
Unit overview

4.1 Lead-in Students talk about their working week. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities
Video Students watch a video of people talking about their working day
My working life and working lives. Pronunciation bank: p.115
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary to describe jobs and contracts. Vowel sounds: British English
and American English
Project Students research work patterns in their country.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 4.1 p.140
Workbook: p.19 Exercises 1–3

4.2 Lead-in Students talk about an average day in their working week. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Reading Students read two interviews with successful businesswomen.
Executives at Reading bank
work Grammar Students study and practise the Present Perfect Simple.
Grammar reference: p.122
Speaking Students practise the Present Perfect Simple by interviewing Present Perfect Simple
a partner.
Pronunciation bank: p.116
Present Perfect Simple
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 4.2 p.141
Workbook: p.20 Exercises 1–4

4.3 Lead-in Students discuss different approaches to decision-making. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s

resources: extra activities;
Video Students watch a video about different approaches to
Communication decision-making.
interactive video activities;
skills: Making Functional language bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and discuss
group decisions Workbook: p.21 Exercises 1–4,
their own approaches to decision-making.
p.22 Exercises 1 and 2
Functional Students look at useful language for decision-making meetings.
Task Students roleplay discussing proposals in a meeting.

4.4 Lead-in Students talk about making arrangements over the phone. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Listening Students listen to phone calls where the speakers change
Business skills: arrangements.
Functional language bank
Phoning to change
Functional Students look at useful language for rescheduling appointments Workbook: p.22 Exercise 3
language on the phone.
Task Students roleplay a phone call to reschedule a meeting.

4.5 Lead-in Students read and complete two emails making and confirming
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities;
Writing: Functional Students look at useful language for making and confirming
Interactive grammar practice;
Confirming Writing bank
language arrangements in formal emails.
arrangements Grammar reference: p.122
Task Students write emails making and confirming arrangements.
Prepositions of time
Workbook: p.23 Exercises 1–3

Business Listening Students listen to a presentation about company culture. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
workshop 4 Students listen to a meeting between senior managers about
work patterns.
resources: extra activities

The Holsted way

Task Students roleplay a meeting negotiating new work patterns for
Writing Students write an email summarising decisions made at
a meeting.


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Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concept of work patterns and
different ways of working.
A work pattern describes the days, hours and regularity that a person works in their job.
A typical pattern for a full-time position with a fixed schedule might be 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
(nine-to-five) from Monday to Friday. In contrast, someone working part-time would be
employed for fewer hours or days, usually between 10 and 20 hours a week.
The consistency or security in work patterns varies from country to country. For example
in the UK, for those on zero-hours contracts, an employer is not obliged to provide a
minimum number of working hours at all. A employee simply signs a contract to say that
they will be available for work when required. Around three percent of the population
currently work on these controversial contracts, which are widely used in the hospitality
and health sectors.
In shift work the work block is divided into set periods of time (shifts) during which
employees carry out their duties. Shift workers usually work regular hours or days, but
outside the nine-to-five work pattern. Shift work may include working during the night or
early hours of the morning, the pattern rotating depending on requirements.
Whereas shift work allows an organisation to provide cover over a 24-hour period, flexible
hours (or flexitime) allow employees to adapt their work hours to fit with their lifestyle.
They need to be present in the workplace during core hours (usually 10 a.m.–3 p.m.) but
outside of this can work longer or shorter days, depending on their commitments outside
work as well as their workload. This popular work pattern can provide a better work-life
balance. A variation of flexitime is compressed hours, where employees work the same
number of weekly hours as their colleagues, but over fewer days.
Some countries have experimented with work patterns in recent decades. In France
companies are encouraged to issue guidelines stating that staff should not read work
communications in the evening or at weekends. In New Zealand and Sweden reduced
working-hour trials have been conducted in order to improve working conditions
and reduce stress – in New Zealand by switching to a four-day week and in Sweden
by switching to a six-hour day. The results of both trials were positive, with increased
employee productivity and improved well-being being reported. However, these strategies
have not yet been adopted on a wider basis.
Work patterns often depend on the mode of employment. A person who is self-employed
has greater flexibility regarding their working hours compared to a person who works in
a company. However, a self-employed person’s position might be less secure since regular
hours are not guaranteed, contracts are often short-term, and they must make their own
pension and healthcare contributions.
Another big change in recent years has been around people’s employment history. In the
past, an employee might join a company after school or university and then stay there for
decades, or even until they retired. Now it is more usual for a person to have a number
of jobs during their working life. There has also been a rise in the number of temporary
workers, those working for a company on fixed short-term contracts. These are often
used where a company has a project to complete within a specific time-frame and
therefore requires more staff for a limited period.
In many countries, rising unemployment means that candidates need to show relevant
work experience on their CV, as well as the right qualifications, in order to be considered
for a full-time position. One result of this has been the increase in the number of
internships being taken up in the workplace. An intern is usually a younger person who
works unpaid for a limited time in order to gain work experience, which will eventually
help them get started in their chosen career.
Work patterns and It is important that students are aware of the concept of work patterns. It is helpful for pre-
your students work students to begin thinking about what type of work pattern would suit them and for
in-work students to describe their own work patterns. As work patterns differ from country
to country, it may be useful for both pre-work and working students to be aware that what is
normal in their country might not be the same elsewhere.


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Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in answers with the class. Ask some follow-up questions, e.g. Who
gets up earliest/latest? Who has the shortest journey to work/
Draw students’ attention to the unit title and elicit or give class? Who has the longest (working) day?
a brief explanation of the term work patterns (see Note
below). Use this as an opportunity to pre-teach vocabulary
for the video in Lesson 1, e.g. part-time/full-time, Video
temporary/freelance work, flexible working hours. Refer Students watch a video of people talking about their working
students to the quote and discuss it briefly. What does it day and working lives.
mean? Do students agree? Why? / Why not? How important
is it to do a job you love? Can your feelings about a job 2 4.1.1 Draw students’ attention to the photos and explain
change the way you do it? that they are going to watch a video in which these people talk
about their working lives. Play the video, then check answers with
the class.
The term work patterns refers to the type of Sharni has one job. Lauren and Laurie both do various jobs.
employment contracts people have and also how However, Lauren works in one job for a short time and then
their contractual hours are split across the days of another in sequence, whereas Laurie has several jobs at
the working week (e.g. part-time work, temporary the same time.
work – these and other related words are presented
and practised in the unit). See the Business brief
introduction for more information. 3 4.1.1 Give students a minute to read the statements and
teach or elicit the meaning of security in question 6. Play the video
and get students to compare answers in pairs before checking with
the class. In weaker classes, students may need to watch the video

4.1 My working life twice: once to decide whether the statements are true or false and
then a second time to correct the false statements. Depending on
time available, you could discuss the following questions with the
GSE learning objectives class, as a follow-up: Which person do you think enjoys their work
most? Which job would you most/least like to do? Why?
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
aimed at a general audience. 1 T
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or 2 F – Today’s global economy needs more flexible work
narrative. patterns, not nine-to-five jobs.
• Can use language related to the working day. 3 F – Sharni works flexible hours. Some days she starts
• Can use language related to work activities. early and finishes early, and some days she starts later
• Can use language related to places of work. and finishes later.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or 4 T
narrative. 5 T
6 F – Lauren doesn’t have job security.
• Can take notes while researching a familiar topic.
7 F – Laurie says he does lots of different jobs for different
• Can ask and answer questions about habits and routines.
• Can answer simple questions and respond to simple 8 T
statements in an interview.
• Can ask what an employee likes or dislikes about their
• Can explain what they like or dislike about something.
Extra activities 4.1
• Can explain what they like or dislike about their job or
A 4.1.1 Ask students to complete the exercise
individually and get them to compare answers in pairs
• Can ask what an employee likes or dislikes about their before class feedback. Then play the video for them to
job or workplace. check their answers. Do not focus on the meaning of the
words in bold yet – students will do this in the next activity.

Warm-up 1 b 2 d 3 h 4 a 5 i 6 g 7 j 8 f 9 c 10 e
Write the following questions on the board: How do you
feel at the start of your working/study week? Are there
any days of the week you prefer at work / your place of B Students now look at the meaning of the words in bold
study? Why? Put students in pairs or groups to discuss in Exercise A. They could do this individually or, in weaker
the questions, then get brief feedback from the class. classes, in pairs. To help them match the words with their
Encourage students to give reasons for their answers. definitions, encourage them to read the whole sentence
carefully and think about a) the meaning of the whole
sentence and b) the type of word: is it a noun, a verb, an
adjective, etc.? Check answers with the class and clarify
Lead-in meanings as necessary.
Students talk about their working week.

1 If time allows, let students discuss the questions in pairs/ 1 e 2 d 3 b 4 g 5 c 6 a 7 f

groups first, then invite different students to share their


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Teacher’s notes

Vocabulary: Describing jobs and contracts you could give each student a number from 1 to 6 and ask them
to write a sentence using the incorrect option corresponding
Students look at vocabulary to describe jobs and contracts.
to their number (so students numbered 1 would use working
4A Students may already be familiar with some of these lives, students numbered 2 would use part-time, etc.).
collocations from previous activities. Let them complete the
exercise individually or in pairs, then check answers with the 1 working day 2 full-time 3 part-time 4 shifts
class, clarifying meanings as necessary. 5 temporary 6 permanent

1 patterns 2 employees 3 jobs 4 day 5 lives

6 hours 7 schedule 8 worker Extra activities 4.1
C This activity gives further practice of vocabulary
4B This can be done individually or as a whole-class activity, from Exercises 4A, 5 and 6. Get students to complete it
checking answers as you go along. individually and then to compare answers in pairs before
class feedback.
a working lives b working day c permanent employees
d fixed schedule e full-time jobs f work patterns 1 c 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 6 a 7 c 8 c
g flexible hours h temporary worker

7A 4.01 Explain that students need to make notes about

Pronunciation bank each speaker’s job and working hours. To help focus students’
p. 115: Vowel sounds: British English and listening before playing the recording, ask them what type
American English of information they expect to hear. Elicit a few ideas and list
them on the board (e.g. type of job, part-time/full-time work,
Warm-up shifts, hours, days per week), then play the recording. Students,
P4.01 Explain that there are differences especially in weaker classes, may need to listen twice in order
between British and American pronunciation, to check/complete their notes. Check answers with the class.
and ask students if they have noticed any, (e.g.
when watching films). Elicit any ideas, then Speaker 1 is a nurse, she works part-time three days
refer students to the information in the box. Go a week, her nine-hour shifts are often 11 or 12 hours, she
through it with them and play the recording for often can’t take her breaks.
them to listen to the examples. Speaker 2 is a university student. She does temporary jobs
for an agency in hotels, and for conferences and events.
1–3 P4.02, P4.03, P4.04 For each exercise, play She starts work next week as an intern in a hotel and wants
the recording and check the answers with the class to get a permanent job there.
but do not focus on students’ own pronunciation yet. Speaker 3 works as a taxi driver through an app. He has
a flexible schedule, decides his own working hours and
likes to work five or six hours a day. He retired last year and
the job supplements his pension.
1 A 2 A 3 B 4 A 5 B 6 A 7 A 8 B
1 A–B 2 B–A 3 B–A 4 A–B 5 B–A 6 A–B 7B Put students in pairs and explain the activity and give them
7 B–A 8 A–B 9 A–B 10 B–A 11 A–B 1–2 minutes to prepare. Encourage them to use vocabulary
from Exercises 4A, 5 and 6. Monitor and help as necessary. As
feedback, invite a few students to share their answers.
1 A 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 6 B 7 A 8 B 9 A
10 B 11 A
Project: Researching work patterns
Students research work patterns in their country.
4 Put students in pairs and let them practise saying
the words. If time allows, you could put them in new 8A–B This research project can be done in various ways.
pairs and get them to repeat the activity. Students could go out to companies and interview people,
send emails, or research the companies online. Pre-work
students could investigate the work patterns of the staff in
their institution as well as family members and friends. In-
5 Depending on the strength of your class, you might like to
work students could talk about companies they, their family
go through the words in the box with students before they do
members or friends have worked for or have knowledge of.
the exercise or let them use their dictionaries to complete the
Students could research job adverts/job conditions on company
sentences, then clarify meanings during feedback.
recruitment pages and job sites. Some of these list benefits
or conditions of employment such as hours, holiday leave
1 staff 2 employer 3 intern 4 unemployed or minimum commitment required. Whatever their choice,
5 self-employed 6 retired 7 employee encourage students to interview at least 2–3 people from each
company to make their research more meaningful. Point out
the categories in the box and remind students to try to find out
6 Ask students to complete the exercise individually, then this information during their research. For the discussion in
check answers with the class. During feedback, check students Exercise 8B, students could use notes they have made during
understand the meaning of the incorrect options. To do this,


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Teacher’s notes

their research, or you may wish to get them to prepare a more Association of Business Schools (see Note below), associate
concrete record, e.g. flipchart notes, slides or a chart. fellow, civilised, facilitate, ingredient, the tube, voluntary role.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities Student A text

Pronunciation bank: p.115 Vowel sounds: British English and Kathryn Bishop: 1 b 2 a 3 d
American English Student B text
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 4.1 p.140 Anne Kiem: 1 b 2 c 3 e
Workbook: p.19 Exercises 1–3

4.2 Executives at work The Chartered Association of Business Schools is
an organisation that represents the interests of
120 business schools and higher education institutions
GSE learning objectives in the UK, providing professional training and
networking opportunities.
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual
• Can scan a simple text, identifying the main topic(s). 3 Give students a minute to read the questions and ask you
• Can identify the main topic and related ideas in a simple about anything they do not understand before they read.
structured text. During the activity, monitor and check students’ answers, but
• Can give a short, basic description of events and do not discuss them with the class as students will tell each
activities. other about their interview in the next activity. You could ask
• Can make and respond to suggestions. the A students to sit on one side of the classroom, and the B
• Can use the Present Perfect to refer to personal students on the other, so you can feed back the correct answers
experiences in the past. to each group separately. Then students can return to their
pairs for the next activity.
• Can ask questions using the Present Perfect with ever.

Student A text
Kathryn Bishop
1 She studied English and American Literature for a degree
Discuss the following questions with the class: What is in the USA and English Studies for a Masters in Oxford, UK.
your busiest day of the week? Do you prefer to keep busy 2 She has worked for financial services companies,
or do you like to have an easy schedule? Do you make universities and government.
a schedule for every week/day? Do you have enough time 3 She seems busiest on teaching days – she says ‘I am on
to do the things you like to do? Elicit answers around the the go from breakfast until after dinner each night.’
class, encouraging students to give reasons. 4 She has three jobs and two voluntary roles.
5 Working in boardrooms (implying the members are
mostly men) and in her marriage.
Lead-in 6 She tries to manage her energy and ‘only do what only
she can do’, meaning that she tries to do the most
Students talk about an average day in their working week.
important tasks that only she is capable of doing.
1A Go through the phrases in the box with students and check Student B text
they understand escape and heavy in this context. Give them Anne Kiem
2–3 minutes to make their lists. Monitor and help them with 1 She was a maths teacher.
any vocabulary they may need. 2 The tube is less busy and she has ‘quiet time’ to work
1B Put students in pairs to compare and discuss their lists, and 3 It is when managers leave their office door open to
then to ask each other questions about their average day. Give encourage the employees in that company to come and
them 2–3 minutes to discuss, then nominate a few students to talk when they want.
tell the class about their partner’s day: does their partner do 4 By going outside at lunchtime.
anything unusual during their day? 5 The question ‘Why?’
6 She got up at 3 a.m. and then couldn’t concentrate in her
Reading maths classes at university.

Students read two interviews with successful

businesswomen. 4A In the same pairs, students tell each other about their text.
2 Put students in pairs and tell them that they will each read Go through the ideas in the box before they begin and teach or
an interview with a successful businesswoman and complete elicit the meaning of country of residence. Point out that they
it with the questions she was asked. Refer them to their text should use their own words and not read from their text. After
(Student A: page 132, Student B: page 40) and exercise and give they have told each other about their texts, they should try to
them plenty of time to read it and complete the task. Confirm find some similarities and differences between the two women.
the answers but do not discuss either of the texts with the Discuss the answers with the class.
class yet. You might like to pre-teach the following words: The


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Teacher’s notes

Possible answers be – been; buy – bought; give - given; meet – met; read
Similarities /riːd/ – read /red/; see – seen; sell – sold; speak – spoken;
Both women went to university; have teaching experience; think – thought; take – taken; win – won; write – written
have worked in finance; live in the UK; spend a lot of time
at work communicating with their staff, other people and
departments. 8A Get students to do the exercise individually. Ask them to
use full forms. Do not confirm answers yet as students will
check them in the next exercise.
Kathryn teaches now and Anne works in an office.
Kathryn has various jobs and Anne only mentions one
current job. 1 Have you ever bought 2 have never bought
Kathryn is probably from the USA and Anne is from 3 have read 4 have seen 5 has written 6 has won
Australia. 7 have never seen 8 have started 9 have never finished
Kathryn works in Oxford and Anne works in London.

8B 4.02 Ask students to look at their answers in Exercise 8A

4B This question can be discussed with the whole class or, if again and change the full forms to short forms where possible.
time allows, students could discuss it in their pairs first. You could Play the recording for them to check their answers.
also ask students which woman they think has a busier working
day and why. (Both women are clearly very busy, but Kathryn 1 no contractions in questions 2 ’ve never bought
Bishop mentions three jobs and two voluntary roles, so that 3 ’ve read 4 ’ve seen 5 ’s written 6 ’s won
makes her seem even busier than Anne Kiem.) 7 ’ve never seen 8 ’ve started 9 ’ve never finished

Extra activities 4.2

Extra activities 4.2
A This activity looks at useful vocabulary from the
reading texts. Get students to work in the same pairs B Students complete the activity individually. Do not
as Exercises 2–4. They should each look for the words/ confirm answers yet as they will check them in the next
phrases in the texts they read, then work together to exercise.
match the words with their definitions. Check answers
with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. 1 They have won the contract.
2 I have been to the trade fair.
1 chief executive 2 free time 3 afraid 3 I have not seen the report.
4 successful 5 delivering 6 stay awake 7 degree 4 He has worked in a bank.
8 development 9 boardrooms 10 marriage 5 He has never learnt to type.
11 advice 12 manage 6 She has not been to head office.
7 Has she ever met the Chief Executive?
8 Have you ever read a business book?
9 We have never been in the boardroom.
5 Keep students in the same pairs for this activity. Give them 10 You have never worked in a big company.
3–5 minutes to interview their partner, then invite different
students to share their answers with the class.
C Again, ask students to work individually, then check
answers with the class. You could get students to write
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple the sentences out again or ask them to just note down the
Students study and practise the Present Perfect Simple. short forms next to the full forms in the sentences they
have already written. Elicit both the full forms and the
6 Do this as a whole-class activity, checking and clarifying short forms when checking answers.
answers as you go along. When discussing question 2, tell students
that these forms are called past participles. Elicit/Give students
1 They’ve won the contract.
the form of the Present Perfect and write it on the board: have/has
2 I’ve been to the trade fair.
+ past participle. Refer students to the Grammar reference on
3 I haven’t seen the report.
page 122 and go through it with them, clarifying any points
4 He’s worked in a bank.
as necessary. Also remind them that there is a list of common
5 He’s never learnt to type.
irregular verbs on page 126.
6 She hasn’t been to head office.
7 – (no contractions in questions)
1 no 8 – (no contractions in questions)
2 Learn, have and teach are all irregular verbs. 9 We’ve never been in the boardroom.
3 ever 1
10 You’ve never worked in a big company.

7 Students complete the exercise individually, referring to page

126 if necessary. Alternatively, this can also be done as a whole-
class activity, checking answers as you go along.


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Teacher’s notes

Pronunciation bank 4.3 Communication skills

p. 116: Present Perfect Simple
Making group decisions
GSE learning objectives
P4.05, P4.06, P4.07 Refer students to
the first sentence in the box and play recording • Can follow a simple conversation or narrative about
P4.05 for them to hear the examples. Explain familiar, everyday activities.
that auxiliary verbs like have/has in the • Can extract key details from conversations between
Present Perfect have no stress and so are often colleagues about familiar topics.
‘weakened’ in speech. These forms are called • Can make basic inferences in simple conversations on
‘weak forms’. Model the example sentences familiar everyday topics.
again, then move on to the next sentence in • Can make and respond to suggestions.
the box. Explain that the weak form is used in
• Can use language related to decision or indecision.
questions because have/has have no stress, as
• Can summarise the main ideas in a meeting using
mentioned above. However, when have/has
simple language.
are used in short answers, they are stressed
and pronounced with the strong forms. Play • Can present a conclusion in a meeting using simple
recording P4.06 for students to hear the language.
examples. Finally, look at the last sentence in the
box and explain that strong forms are also used
if we want to stress or emphasise something. Let Warm-up
them hear the examples in recording P4.07. Ask students to think about situations in their working
or personal lives when they have had to make important
decisions. Dictate or write the following questions on the
1 P4.08 Play the recording for students to complete board: Do you think you make better decisions alone or in
the sentences. After checking answers, if time allows, a team / with someone else? Why? When do you ask for
play it a second time for them to listen and repeat help? Put students in pairs / small groups to discuss the
before they practise on their own in the next exercise. questions, then get brief feedback from the class.

1 I’ve, I have 2 I’ve 3 I’ve, he’s 4 he has, He’s

5 Have you, I’ve 6 I’ve
Students discuss different approaches to decision-making.
2 Put students in pairs to practise saying the sentences.
1A Refer students to the diagram and go through it
Monitor and correct students’ pronunciation, modelling
with them. Check they understand hands-on, hands-off,
the strong/weak forms again if necessary.
consultative and democratic. Before they discuss situations
1–6, ask them if they or anyone they work/study with has ever
used any of these styles during a decision-making process.
Speaking Invite students who answer ‘yes’ to share their experiences
Students practise the Present Perfect Simple by interviewing with the class: What was the situation? Which style did they
a partner. use? Why did they choose to use this particular approach?
Did it work? Then give them a minute to read the situations
9A Get students to complete the exercise individually and and check they understand input, go ahead, full responsibility
remind them that they can refer to page 126 if they need help. and relevant. Put them in pairs and give them 3–4 minutes to
Check answers with the class. discuss, then get feedback from the class.

1 written 2 visited 3 spoken 4 been 5 sold/written 1 approach 2 2 approach 1 3 approach 4

6 given 7 thought 8 wanted 4 approach 3 5 approach 2 6 approach 1

9B Put students in pairs, explain the activity and draw their 1B Join pairs together into groups of four to discuss the
attention to the example dialogue. Remind students that when advantages and disadvantages of each approach, then
we give details about an experience, we use the Past Simple, not broaden this into a class discussion. As students provide their
the Present Perfect. If necessary, refer them again to page 122 suggestions, you could get the rest of the class to vote on
in the Grammar reference. You might also like to do an example whether each one is a pro or a con, and write them in two
with a stronger student before they begin. Fast-finishers or columns on the board.
stronger students can ask their own Have you ever … ? questions.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities;

Reading bank
Grammar reference: p.122 Present Perfect Simple
Pronunciation bank: p.116 Present Perfect Simple
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 4.2 p.141
Workbook: p.20 Exercises 1–4


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 68 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

Possible answers 1 Hands-on. The junior staff are not there to give their
Approach 1 (Hands-on) – Pros: it’s quicker and less views on the decision itself, just to discuss how the
complicated; you get the result you want. Cons: you may coaching can be done and who will work with whom.
not get your team’s support; they may feel undervalued; 2 He says it will be fun, they’ll be working with the top
your team may not want to implement your decision. people in the company and it will be good for their
careers. They don’t seem persuaded: the second two
Approach 2 (Consultative) – Pros: you get more
points, at least, may be true, but it may not be fun, and
commitment from your team; you create a better
the junior staff may not like the responsibility.
atmosphere as people feel more valued. Cons: it can take
3 a T b J c E d T
longer; your team may not have much to contribute;
4 Shaun tells the junior staff that they have to go ahead
people may feel ‘manipulated’ because they are still not
with the coaching because Léana expects it now. Shaun
actually making decisions.
has got the decision he wanted, but does not have the
Approach 3 (Democratic) – Pros: you get even more support of the group, and this may create problems
commitment from your team than by using Approach 2; when the coaching begins.
you become accepted more as one of the team. Cons: it
may be difficult to get agreement; disagreements can hold
up the decision. 3B Discuss the question with the whole class. Invite different
Approach 4 (Hands-off ) – Pros: it saves you time; it gives students to answer, giving reasons. As a follow-up, ask: Do you
your team a sense of responsibility and helps train them in think a hands-on approach is always a bad idea? Would
decision-making. Cons: you lose control of the decision to a different approach have worked better in this meeting? Why?
a great extent; your team may make a bad decision; some
people don’t like responsibility or delegation. Possible answer
Shaun’s main mistake was probably not mentioning his
idea to the junior staff before taking it to Léana. But he
Video doesn’t listen enough to their concerns after he has told
them either.
Students watch a video about different approaches to

2A 4.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 3 video, ask 4 4.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch another

them to give you a short summary of the situation and the version of the meeting, where Shaun takes a different approach
main characters. If this is the first communication skills video to decision-making. Encourage them to make notes in answer to
for your class, set up the context and/or refer students to page the questions, and play the video. Check answers with the class.
6 of the Coursebook. Explain that in the video, Shaun is talking
to Orla after a meeting he had with Léana, the Managing 1 Shaun’s approach to decision-making in this version of
Director. Play the video, then check answers with the class. the meeting is more consultative. The decision has been
taken, but the details can be changed.
1 The meeting went well. Léana liked Shaun’s idea and 2 He listens to the group’s concerns, makes a note of them
she’s already spoken to some of the other directors and tries to think of possible solutions.
about his idea. 3 Thiago is concerned that the junior staff are too busy to
2 ‘Reverse coaching’ involves getting younger members fit the coaching into their usual work schedules. Shaun
of staff who know a lot about technology to help older suggests that it should be programmed into their usual
members of staff to use it. work schedules. Jasmine is concerned that the junior
3 Orla thinks it’s a great idea. staff do not have any training as coaches. Shaun agrees
4 The junior staff don’t know about the idea yet – Shaun that basic training could be arranged.
has a meeting with them later this afternoon. 4 (1) Mike suggests that the scheme should simply be
called ‘tech assistance’ rather than ‘coaching’. The idea
is that the junior staff will be less nervous about this.
2B Do this as a whole-class discussion, eliciting ideas from Jasmine agrees with him.
different students. (2) Ethan suggests that the coaching could be two-
way: the directors coaching the junior staff in the HR
3A 4.3.2 Explain that students are now going to watch consultancy business and the junior staff coaching the
Shaun’s meeting with the junior staff. Give them a minute to directors in how to use everyday business technology.
read the questions and check they understand the meanings
of sell and persuaded in question 2. Refer them back to the
diagram in Exercise 1 and remind them of the four approaches 5 If time allows, get students to discuss the question in small
to decision-making. Then play the video, twice if necessary, and groups before discussing it as a class. Point out that they need
check answers with the class. to think about both similarities and differences in the group’s
response. You could provide points to consider based on the
questions they discussed in Exercise 4, e.g. Shaun’s response to
the group’s concerns, ways to deal with Thiago’s and Jasmine’s
concerns, ideas that come out of the meeting, involvement of all
the people at the meeting.


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 69 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

Possible answers 9 Give students time to attempt the exercise individually, then
confirm the answer. Again, check students’ understanding of
Shaun’s approach in Video A is to simply tell the junior staff
each expression. You may also wish to point out that in English
about the decision he and Léana have taken and ask them
to just say No, I don’t agree is considered rude. It is important
to decide who they would prefer to work with. As a result,
to use expressions like the ones here, which are a more
they resist the proposal, and Shaun has to defend his idea.
‘diplomatic’ way of rejecting someone’s point/idea.
In Video B, Shaun is open to comments about the decision
from the beginning and this creates a much more positive
atmosphere. The junior staff even start to think of ways point
the idea could be improved. The decision itself (to do the
coaching) is still fixed, but everything about the way it is
put into action is open to discussion.
10 Explain the activity and the meaning of delay making
a decision (stop and take time to think before deciding).
a) Both versions of the meeting end with the junior staff Let students complete the exercise individually, then check
planning who they are going to coach, but in Video A answers with the class.
nobody feels they have had any choice in the matter.
b) In Video B their concerns and suggestions have been 1 b 2 c 3 a
listened and responded to.

11 Put students in small groups. Ask them to imagine

6 4.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the that they all work for the same company and would like to
last section of the video, where the speaker discusses the two introduce one of the ideas to their colleagues. They are now
approaches to decision-making they looked at in Videos A and having a discussion with their colleagues and will take turns to
B. Play the video and, if time allows, let students discuss the lead it. Remind them to use expressions from Exercises 8–10,
question in pairs or small groups before discussing it as a class. set a time limit for each discussion and ask them to swap roles
when the time is up. During the activity, monitor and check
Reflection students are using the expressions correctly. Highlight any
errors during feedback.
Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and
discuss their own approaches to decision-making.
Extra activities 4.3
7 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can
reflect on their own skills and preferred approach(es). Ask them A This activity gives further practice of the functional
to think about their answers to the questions and to make language from Exercises 8–10. Get students to complete it
notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss and compare their individually and compare answers in pairs before checking
answers. Get brief feedback from the class. with the class. If time allows, after checking answers,
students could practise the conversation in groups of four.

Functional language: Facilitating

1 your input 2 everybody think 3 your thoughts
a decision-making meeting 4 fair point 5 your point 6 said anything
Students look at useful language for decision-making 7 hear what 8 a point 9 rush into 10 go away
meetings. 11 immediate decision 12 anything else

8A Explain that these are all expressions students can use

when they want to encourage someone to speak during a
decision-making meeting. Get them to complete the exercise Task
individually or, in weaker classes, in pairs, then check answers
Students roleplay discussing proposals in a meeting.
with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary.
12A Put students in groups of three. Explain the activity
1 to get your input and draw their attention to the meeting plan. Make sure they
2 what does everybody understand that they can choose to make a final decision or
3 are your thoughts on defer it. Let groups choose their proposals (1–3) and allow
4 you haven’t said anything plenty of time for them to read the details of each one. Monitor
5 to hear what you and help with any unknown vocabulary. In weaker classes, you
6 do you think of might like to briefly discuss the details of each proposal with
7 they’d like to add the class first. Another option for weaker classes would be to
8 thanks for your input divide the class into three groups (1–3) first and allocate one
proposal to each group. Students can prepare together for their
meetings, and then be divided into groups of three, where each
8B Do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers and student has a different proposal, to hold their meetings.
clarifying meanings as you go.
12B Set a time limit for the preparation stage and for each
to say (7) meeting. Remind students to refer to the meeting plan and to
do you think about (3, 6) use expressions from Exercises 8–10. You could also suggest
to hear your views (1) that each group appoints a student as a time-keeper. During
to know what you (5) the activity, monitor and note down points to highlight during
we haven’t heard much from you (4) feedback, but do not interrupt the meetings.


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Teacher’s notes

12C Let students discuss in their groups first, then broaden 1 on Wednesday the 17th
this into a class discussion. Remember to highlight any points 2 Sally can’t make it. She’s in Vienna all that week.
you noted while monitoring. 3 Sooner. She’s going to the Berlin Expo the week after
their original appointment.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities;
Interactive video activities; Functional language bank
4 a Ian b Lou c Lou d Ian
5 Ian offers to find out if he can move his training session
Workbook: p.21 Exercises 1–4, p.22 Exercises 1 and 2
on Wednesday afternoon.

4.4 Business skills 2B 4.03 Explain the activity and make sure students
understand apologise. Ask them to listen for phrases Lou uses
Phoning to change arrangements which show she is apologising, and phrases Ian uses which
show he is being helpful. You might like to elicit an example
GSE learning objectives phrase for each attitude before students listen (e.g. I’m very
sorry. No problem.). In weaker classes, students may need to
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording listen twice in order to check/complete their answers.
aimed at a general audience.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue Lou: Sorry to bother you; I’m afraid; It’s my fault;
or narrative. I appreciate it; I know it’s a bit short notice; Oh dear;
• Can write short, simple notes, emails and messages I’m really sorry about this
relating to everyday matters. Ian: Sure; No problem; Let me see if I can move the training
• Can make an appointment on the phone. session; Leave it with me

Warm-up 3A 4.04 Explain that Ian is now phoning his assistant to

Dictate or write the following questions on the board: make changes to his schedule. To help students, you might
How often do you phone or email people to make like to tell them that they need to listen for four changes. Give
arrangements? In what situations do you prefer to phone students a minute to familiarise themselves with the schedule,
rather than send an email? Put students in pairs or then play the recording and check answers with the class.
groups and ask them to discuss the questions, referring
to their working (or study) life (rather than personal Performance review
arrangements). After 3–4 minutes, invite a few students moves from Wednesday 10th morning to Friday 12th
to share their answers with the class. morning.
Meeting with IT team
moves from Friday 12th morning to Friday 12th afternoon.
Lead-in Staff training
Students talk about making arrangements over the phone. moves from Wednesday 10th afternoon to Wednesday
1A Explain the activity and check students understand 10th morning.
teleconference, reschedule and figures. Put them in pairs and Meeting with Lou & Sally
give them 3–4 minutes to complete the exercise, then check moves from Wednesday 17th afternoon to Wednesday
answers with the class. 10th afternoon.

Whether you prefer to phone or send an email is partly

cultural. But in these situations, most people would 3B Discuss the question with the whole class.
probably choose:
1 email 2 phone 3 email 4 phone 5 phone James is Ian’s assistant. Lou is from head office. You can be
a little more direct with people you know well and who
work for you, as long as you’re still polite. Ian makes sure
1B Let students think about the question in their pairs first, to thank James at the end of their conversation.
then invite different students to share their ideas with the class.

Possible answer 4 4.05 Explain that Ian is calling back Lou to confirm the

Situations 2, 4 and 5 seem more urgent, so it’s probably details of their meeting. Students should listen and complete
better to communicate by phone in these cases. Ian’s Meeting planner. Again, you could tell them that they
need to listen for four arrangements. Play the recording, then
check answers with the class.

Listening Date: Wednesday 10th Time: 3 p.m.

Students listen to phone calls where the speakers change Location: my office Attending: Lou, Sally, Tom
arrangements. Arrangements: set up presentation, book meeting room,
reserve restaurant table for four
2A 4.03 Give students a minute to read the questions so
they know what to listen for, then play the recording. To check
answers, you could play the recording again, pausing after each
answer is heard to elicit it from students.


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 71 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

Functional language: Rescheduling Task

appointments on the phone Students roleplay a phone call to reschedule a meeting.
Students look at useful language for rescheduling 7A Put students in pairs, let them choose their roles and give
appointments on the phone. them time to read the scenario and the information on pages
5A Let students complete the exercise individually and get 131 and 135. Help them with any unknown vocabulary and
them to compare answers in pairs before checking with the check they understand what they need to do by asking a few
class. During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary. questions (e.g. (Where do you work? Who is calling to confirm
the appointment? Do you need to reschedule the meeting?).

1 c 2 d 3 e 4 b 5 a 6 g 7 h 8 f 9 j 10 i 7B Allow time for students to prepare while you go round

and provide help as necessary. In weaker classes, you may wish
to group Student As and Student Bs together first, to briefly
5B You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers discuss their roles and prepare for their phone calls together
as you go along. Encourage students to read the whole sentence before returning to their original pairs. Remind students to
carefully each time to help them match the words/phrases to their use phrases from Exercises 5 and 6 and set a time limit for the
meanings. In weaker classes, you could write the sentences from phone calls. During the activity, monitor and note down any
Exercise 5A on the board, underlining key phrases which will help points to highlight during feedback.
students with the matching task (see answers below).
7C Let students discuss the questions in their pairs, then
1 (Friday’s/It’s) out for me, I’m afraid. check answers as a class. Highlight any points you noted while
2 How does the afternoon suit you? monitoring.
3 I’m free on Wednesday morning.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities;
4 Let me just check my schedule.
Functional language bank
5 I’m busy all day Thursday.
Workbook: p.22 Exercise 3
6 Let me just check my schedule. 
7 Do you mind if we fix another time to meet?
8 I know it’s a bit short notice.

4.5 Writing
6 Look at phrases 1–8 with the class and check students
understand them. Then get them to complete the table,
Confirming arrangements
individually or in pairs, and check answers with the class.
Alternatively, you could do this as a whole-class activity, GSE learning objectives
checking answers and clarifying meanings as you go along.
• Can understand standard emails on work-related topics.
• Can understand short, simple emails on work-related
Making appointments: 2, 4 topics.
Changing appointments: 6, 8
• Can reply to a work-related email confirming
Apologising: 1, 5
Thanking: 3, 7

Extra activities 4.4
Discuss the following questions with the class: Have
A Point out the first item in the activity and then get you ever had to write an email to make arrangements?
students to complete the exercise individually. Check What was it for? Why do you think emails confirming
answers with the class. arrangements are important?

1 j 2 d 3 a 4 e 5 l 6 b 7 g 8 k 9 i 10 f
11 h 12 c Lead-in
Students read and complete two emails making and
B Put students in pairs to practise the conversation in confirming arrangements.
Exercise A. Encourage them to cover up the answers
1 Get students to complete the exercise individually, using
and try to remember the conversation by looking at the
their dictionaries if they need help. Get them to compare
‘scrambled’ version.
answers in pairs, then check with the class. Clarify any
C 4.04 Get students to complete the exercise unknown words as necessary. After checking answers, highlight
individually. Before they begin, make sure they understand or elicit that both emails are written in a formal style.
that the pairs of words in the box are grouped together
and that each pair completes one sentence. Play the 1 confirm 2 discuss 3 place 4 invite 5 Feel 6 very
recording for students to check their answers. 7 Thank 8 attend 9 am unable 10 meeting

1 can + do 2 change + plan 3 time + free

4 day + thinking 5 scheduled + then
6 forgot + tell 7 that + wait 8 leaves + free


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 72 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

Functional language 3B Depending on the time available, students could plan their
emails in class and write them for homework. Highlight the word
Students look at useful language for making and confirming
limit and remind students to use the emails in Exercise 1 (and
arrangements in formal emails.
Extra activity A) to help them if necessary. Also remind them to
2 Explain the activity and check students understand the include phrases from Exercise 2.
words in the box and the headings in the table. Get students to
complete the exercise individually, then check answers with the Model answer
class. Clarify meanings as necessary, highlighting the function Dear Mr Contini,
of each phrase. Draw students’ attention to the fact that look
Thank you for your email. I am delighted to confirm that
forward to in the Concluding section can be followed by both
I am able to attend the meeting with you at your factory
an -ing form (e.g. seeing you) and a noun (e.g. our meeting).
in Milan. Unfortunately, I am unable to stay for lunch after
the meeting because I have a flight to Australia in the
1 This 2 delighted 3 contact 4 free 5 Many
afternoon. Could you book a taxi to take me from your
6 Unfortunately 7 meeting 8 seeing
factory to Milan Linate Airport, please?
I look forward to our meeting on Wednesday.
Extra activities 4.5 All the best,
John Bankes
A This activity practises the functional language from
the lesson. It can also serve as a second model answer,
which students can refer to when they complete the 3C If students write their emails for homework, you could do
writing task in Exercise 3B. The exercise can be done this exercise in the next lesson. Put them in pairs and ask them
individually or in pairs. to read each other’s emails and answer the questions. You
could also write the following questions on the board and get
1 This 2 feel 3 questions 4 much 5 Thank students to copy them: Did your partner open and close his/her
6 delighted 7 attend 8 Unfortunately 9 look email appropriately? Did he/she use the right register? What
did he/she do well? What could he/she improve?

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive

grammar practice; Writing bank
Optional grammar work
Grammar reference: p.122 Prepositions of time
The emails in Exercise 1 contain examples of prepositions
Workbook: p.23 Exercises 1–3
of time, so you could use them for some optional grammar
work. Refer students to the Grammar reference on page
122 and use the exercises in MyEnglishLab for extra Business workshop 4
grammar practice.
The Holsted way

Task GSE learning objectives

Students write emails making and confirming arrangements. • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
if provided with written supporting material.
3A Refer students to the email on page 128 and explain the • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
activity. Give them a minute to read the email and tell them aimed at a general audience.
they should use phrases from Exercise 2 in their email. Ask
• Can recognise when speakers agree in a conversation
them which sections of the table the phrases will come from
conducted slowly and clearly.
(Confirming, Inviting questions and Concluding). Set a time
• Can recognise when speakers disagree in a
limit for the activity and remind them that they can also refer
conversation conducted slowly and clearly.
to the emails in Exercise 1 (and Extra activity A). While students
are writing, monitor and help as necessary. • Can describe habits and routines.
• Can explain what they like or dislike about something.
Model answer • Can write short, simple notes, emails and messages
relating to everyday matters.
Dear Mr Bankes,
• Can write a simple email/letter in response to a request
This is to confirm our meeting at 11 a.m. next Wednesday. for information.
It will take place at our factory in Milan. The meeting will
• Can write simple texts giving key information about
last until 12.30 p.m. I would like to invite you to stay for
their culture (e.g. food, national holidays, festivals).
lunch after the meeting. Please feel free to contact me if
you have any questions.
I very much look forward to meeting you on Wednesday.
Kind regards,
Marco Contini Students read about a Danish pharmaceutical company.

1 Put students in pairs and give them time to read the

background and discuss the questions. Check answers with
the class and clarify any unknown vocabulary.


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 73 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

1 It’s an area with a lot of pharmaceutical and 3B BW 4.02 Play the part from the recording (0:00–0:36)
biotechnology companies and research institutions. again for students to complete the extract and check answers
2 The company manufactures and markets with the class. Then draw students’ attention to the bar chart.
pharmaceutical products and services. Explain that they should complete it using information from
3 Holsted recently bought a Spanish pharmaceutical the extract. To help them, you could tell them that they need to
laboratory based in Madrid and the Vice President plans write times for the x (horizontal) axis and percentages for the y
to investigate the work culture and present Holsted’s (vertical) axis. Get students to compare answers in pairs before
work culture to the managers in Madrid. class feedback.
4 Students’ own answer
1 half / 50% / fifty percent 2 six/6 3 seven/7
4 20/twenty 5 10/ten 6 8/eight (o’clock)

The Holsted way

Students listen to a presentation about company culture. 50%
2A BW 4.01 Remind students of Clara Olsen’s role at
Holsted (Vice President for Europe) and explain the activity.
Give them a minute to read the points, then play the recording,
twice if necessary. Check answers with the class.
2 They are often not expected to work long hours.
3 The working hours are fixed flexible for most employees. 10%
4 The work culture is very strict relaxed but effective.
5 Managers are aren’t responsible for how employees
organise their time and projects. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m.
6 Senior All staff in the company can tell us their ideas
and opinions.
7 It’s important to arrive on time for work meetings; it 3C Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to
shows you are professional. brainstorm ideas, then elicit ideas around the class. For weaker
classes, or if students struggle to come up with ideas, you could
turn this into a multiple-choice exercise and give them three or
2B Depending on time available, you could let students four options to choose from (e.g. A Percentage of staff arriving
discuss the questions in pairs/groups first, then as a class. early; B Percentage of staff leaving early; C Percentage of staff
working late; D Percentage of staff at work).
Extra activities Business workshop 4
Suggested answer
A BW 4.01 Give students a minute to read the Percentage of staff at work (in the evening)
sentence halves and check the meanings of adapt,
openness and collect. Get students to complete the
exercise individually, then play the recording for them to 3D BW 4.02 Ask students to make notes in answer to the
check their answers. questions and play the rest of the recording (0:37–2:24). In
weaker classes, students may need to listen twice in order to
1 e 2 c 3 g 4 f 5 a 6 h 7 d 8 b complete their answers.

1 It’s usual to have a two-hour lunch break from 2 p.m.

to 4 p.m.
Investigating work patterns 2 If staff like the long lunch break or not. Álvaro believes
Students listen to a meeting between senior managers about they like to have a good meal and socialise with
work patterns. colleagues, but Marina thinks most staff would prefer
a shorter lunch break and the chance to go home earlier.
3A BW 4.02 Explain that Clara is now having a meeting
3 She thinks staff won’t get so much work done later in
with the company’s senior managers to discuss work patterns. the day, when they do a long working day, because they
Students should listen and decide which questions in Clara’s are tired.
notes they are discussing. Get them to identify the key words 4 She thinks there could be accidents at work and more
in the list of questions first and then listen for these or words sick leave because staff are tired (and probably stressed).
associated with them. Play the recording, then check answers
with the class.
3E Explain the activity and remind students of the two issues
3 and 5 being discussed (working hours, duration of lunch break). If
there is time, let students discuss their answers in pairs or small
groups first, and then as a class. Accept any reasonable answers
as long as students can justify them. To help students, you
could use the Note below to make some suggestions to start
the discussion.


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 74 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

Note Writing
Students write an email summarising decisions made at a
Some of the more radical suggestions are switching
off lights and blocking computers so people can’t work
late. Clearly, managers need to take the initiative and 5 Give students time to read the email and points they need
make changes. Often employees work late because to include. Teach or elicit the meaning of official. If time is
they are worried that they will lose their jobs and they short, students could plan their emails in class and then do the
don’t want to leave before the boss. ‘Presenteeism’ writing task for homework. For weaker classes, you may wish
is a problem in some companies and cultures where to let students plan their emails in pairs.
unemployment is high and the best workers are seen as
those who spend the longest time in the office. Model answer
Hello Carlos,
I’m writing to tell you about the new work patterns. Firstly,
Extra activities Business workshop 4
we decided to introduce an intensive working day from 7 a.m.
B This activity practises useful vocabulary from the to 3.30 p.m. every day from Monday to Friday.
listening. Ask students to do it individually, then get them We are introducing a more flexible timetable. Employees can
to compare answers in pairs before checking with the decide what time they start work (from 7 a.m. to 8.30 a.m.)
class. During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary. and finish (from 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.). Everyone must work
37 hours a week.
1 b 2 f 3 c 4 d 5 g 6 e 7 h 8 a We also decided to make the lunch break flexible with a
minimum break of 30 minutes and a maximum of two hours.
Lunchtime can be any time between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. We
decided not to introduce working from home. Please don’t
tell anyone about these changes until it is official.
Task: Negotiate changes Let me know if you have any questions.
Students roleplay a meeting negotiating new work patterns Best regards,
for Holsted.
4A Explain the activity, put students in groups of three and let
them choose their roles.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
4B Refer students to their role cards and give them time to
read and check the information. Allow them to ask you about
anything they are not clear about, and teach or elicit the
meanings of intensive and split working day (working for one
Review 4
part of the day, then having a long break, then working again
later in the day. Many workers have this working pattern in 1 1 intern 2 temporary 3 unemployed 4 retired
Spain, including shop workers, cleaners, restaurant staff and 5 self-employed 6 flexible
some office staff.). Draw their attention to the four negotiation 2 1 have/’ve spent 2 Have (you) worked 3 has taught
points in the box and explain that students need to think about 4 has/’s gone 5 have/’ve, been 6 has/’s visited
what they want to say about each one. Students could prepare 7 has/’s won 8 have/’ve learnt
for their meetings individually or you may prefer to group all 3 1 think 2 input 3 add 4 point 5 go 6 heard
the students with one role together, and then ask them to 7 into 8 thoughts
return to their original groups for their meetings. 4 1 calling about 2 if we fix 3 postpone 4 bring it
5 check 6 free 7 suit 8 out for me 9 better for
4C Students hold their meetings. Remind them to discuss all 10 for being 11 set for
the points on the agenda and try to reach agreement on them. 5 1 to confirm 2 contact me 3 to seeing
4 am delighted 5 unable to 6 our meeting
4D Put students in pairs with someone from a different group.
Give them 3–5 minutes to discuss the questions, then get
feedback from the class.


M04 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 75 28/06/2019 09:43

Teacher’s notes

5 Money
Unit overview

5.1 Lead-in Students discuss different types of cashless payment. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
Video Students watch a video about cashless payment systems
Going cashless in India. Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to money and the Photocopiable 5.1 p.142
economy and collocations related to money, the economy Workbook: p.24 Exercises 1–3
and personal finance.
Project Students create an advertisement to promote cashless

5.2 Lead-in Students talk about their spending habits. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
activities; Reading bank
Listening Students listen to a podcast about money.
Grammar Students study and practise the first conditional. Grammar reference: p.123 First conditional
Speaking Students practise using the first conditional. Pronunciation bank: p.116 Intonation in
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 5.2 p.143
Workbook: p.25 Exercises 1–3, p.26
Exercises 1–3

5.3 Lead-in Students talk about the skills needed in a good team. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
activities; Interactive video activities;
Video Students watch a video about negotiating roles in a team.
Communication Functional language bank
skills: Negotiating Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and discuss
their preferred approach to negotiating roles in a team. Workbook: p.27 Exercises 1 and 2
team roles
Functional Students look at useful language for discussing team roles
language in meetings.
Task Students practise the functional language from the lesson
by playing a game.

5.4 Lead-in Students look at different ways of presenting facts and

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
activities; Functional language bank
Business skills: Listening Students listen to a presentation about retail banking. Pronunciation bank: p.116 Numbers and
Presenting facts and
Functional Students look at useful language for quoting figures in figures
language presentations. Workbook: p.27 Exercise 3
Task Students give a presentation on equal pay.

5.5 Lead-in Students read and complete a formal letter explaining

a price increase.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
activities; Interactive grammar practice;
Writing: Letter Functional Students look at useful language for a formal letter
Writing bank
about a price language explaining a price increase. Grammar reference: p.123 because, so,
increase so that
Task Students write a formal letter explaining a price increase.
Workbook: p.28 Exercises 1–3

Business Reading Students read about three community projects. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra
workshop 5 Listening Students listen to a town council meeting and to local
Local economy residents discussing different community projects.
Task Students roleplay a meeting to discuss three community
projects and decide on the best one.

Writing Students write an announcement for the town council



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Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to various concepts related to money,
including the economy, methods of payment and personal finance.

Global banks, which form part of the wider financial system, have experienced many
challenges in the last decade. These started in 2007 with a crisis in the mortgage market
in the USA, then developed into an international banking crisis after the collapse of the
investment bank Lehman Brothers in 2008. Massive bail-outs for financial institutions
and emergency fiscal policies were introduced by governments to try and prevent a
possible collapse of the world financial system. The crisis was nonetheless followed
by a global economic downturn now known as The Great Recession. The European
debt crisis, a crisis in the banking system of the European countries who use the euro,
followed soon after.

One result of the financial crisis of 2008 was a credit crunch, where banks and financial
institutions became much less willing to lend money to individuals or corporations. In
particular, the credit crunch created problems for smaller businesses which found it
increasingly difficult to raise the funds they needed to operate in an adverse economic
climate which was impacting their revenues and cash flow. The recovery since 2008 has
been slow and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) reports that global debt is now
worse than it was prior to the global financial crisis.

An important recent change in the banking industry is the move towards a cashless economy
where financial transactions (buying goods and services, paying bills) are made digitally
using credit or debit cards, store cards or mobile wallets. Other cashless methods used
between businesses or individuals include bank transfers, direct debits and online payment
methods like PayPal. One big advantage of cashless payments is that they make it easier to
follow money; it is more difficult for people and companies to avoid paying taxes, or to use
funds for criminal purposes, when all transactions are recorded online.

This move towards online banking and mobile banking means that although we might
still see a queue at the cash dispenser (ATM), people rarely need to go into local branches
to carry out financial transactions. As a result, many local bank branches have become
under-used and some have closed. It also means that fewer businesses now use petty cash
to pay for small expense items, or to pay casual workers cash in hand.

Another way of moving money without cash is by using a crypto currency. This is an
encrypted, person-to-person system of making payments online that works outside a
centralised banking system. Most digital payment systems use a central authority (such as
a bank) to verify the payments, whereas crypto currencies use a peer-to-peer network. As
a result, international transaction fees are much lower than those charged by banks. The
first crypto currency is believed to have been Bitcoin, created in 2009, but there are now
over 4,000 other crypto currencies. Although crypto currencies have gained in popularity,
they are still not seen as stable or reliable enough for mass use.

The move towards a cashless economy has been enthusiastically adopted by some
countries. Sweden is forecast to become completely cashless by 2030 and 900 of the
country’s 1600 banks no longer accept cash deposits. Canada is currently the country
which uses credit cards most widely, with approximately two per person. China has
experienced the highest growth in cashless payments over the last five years, while in the
UK only 3.9 percent of payments are now made in cash.

Money and your It is important that students are aware of the concept of money in relation both to
economics and personal finance. The financial world is changing rapidly and transaction
students methods are constantly evolving. However, both pre-work and in-work students should
be able to talk about how they make personal payments. In-work students may also
have experience of making financial transactions for their company. It’s useful for
students to be aware that the circulation of money will continue to change and that
methods of payment already exist which may differ from those that are the norm in their


M05 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 77 27/06/2019 15:27

Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in (payment) gateway (an e-commerce service which authorises

the transfer of funds from the customer’s credit card to the
Ask students to look at the photo and unit title, then draw online retailer), queue and buy something upfront. Also check
their attention to the quote. Elicit or explain that it refers to students understand notes and track in question 1.
the fact that a bank will only approve a loan after confirming
a borrower will be able to repay it. Ask students what things a
1 Possible answer
bank will usually check before approving a loan (e.g. financial
All of the answers are reasonable except for b. Thieves
status, annual income, type of employment, savings, assets,
can steal electronic money in various ways, including
credit history). If your students are comfortable discussing the
identity theft.
topic, you could ask them if they or someone they know have
2 Students’ own answers
ever tried to take out a loan and how easy or difficult it was.
Ask volunteers to share their experience with the class.

5.1 Going cashless In November 2016, India’s Prime Minister Narendra
Modi announced the demonetisation of all 500 and
1,000 rupee banknotes in one of a series of moves
GSE learning objectives to make India a cashless society. The two notes
accounted for approximately 85 percent of the
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording currency in circulation, and their ban forced everyone
aimed at a general audience. to turn to alternative transaction methods, such as
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue digital payments and credit and debit cards. Since the
or narrative. ban, the government has been promoting cashless
• Can use language related to money. transactions, offering consumers incentives for their
• Can use language related to household finance. use (e.g. discounts, free product insurance, service tax
• Can use language related to buying and selling. exemption).
• Can use language related to banking and insurance.
• Can write a short, simple marketing document,
describing products or services.
4 5.1.1 Play the video, then discuss the question as
a class.

1 c and d 2 buy street food, buy vegetables, (you can’t)

pay for a taxi
Refer students to the lesson title and elicit or give a brief
definition of the word cashless – help students understand
by pointing out the suffix -less (= without). Introduce the 5 5.1.1 Go through the statements with students and
concept of a cashless economy (an economy where all check they understand the options in italics before they watch
transactions are carried out through digital means rather again. Then play the video and check answers with the class.
than with money in the form of coins and notes). Ask what
students know about cashless payments and whether
1 cash 2 at the time of delivery 3 credit card 4 a lot
they think moving away from physical money is a good
5 in cash 6 cash
idea. Keep the discussion brief at this point – students will
discuss different aspects of the topic in more detail in the
exercises that follow.
Extra activities

A 5.1.1 This activity practises useful collocations

Lead-in from the video. Get students to match the words
individually, then play the video for them to check their
Students discuss different types of cashless payment.
answers. During feedback, teach or elicit the meaning of
1 Go through the words in the box with students and check each collocation. If time allows, you could play the video
that they understand them. Give them a minute to tick the again during feedback, pausing after each collocation, so
methods they have used in the past month, then invite students can hear it used in context again.
different students to share their answers with the class.
1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 b
2 Get students to discuss the question in pairs or small groups
first, then elicit answers around the class. Encourage students
to give reasons.
B Get students to complete the exercise individually and
then compare answers in pairs before class feedback.
Students watch a video about cashless payment systems 1 small business 2 everyday item
in India. 3 a common sight 4 difficult times 5 street corner

3 Explain to students that they are going to watch a video

about cashless payments in India. Before they discuss the
questions, you may wish to give them some background 6 You may wish to get students to discuss the question in pairs
information (see Notes above). Some useful vocabulary or groups first, and then as a class. Remind students of their
from the video which could be pre-taught includes: abolish, answers to question 2 in Exercise 3.


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Teacher’s notes

Vocabulary: Money Extra activities 5.1

Students look at vocabulary related to money and the
economy. C This activity gives further practice of vocabulary from
Exercises 7 and 8. Get students to complete the activity
7 Students could do this exercise individually or in pairs. individually and then compare answers in pairs before
During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary. In weaker class feedback.
classes, this can also be done as a whole-class activity, checking
answers and clarifying meanings as you go along. 1 petty cash 2 cash flow 3 cash dispenser
4 cash register 5 cash in hand 6 cash crunch
1 b 2 a 3 f 4 d 5 c 6 e 7 g 7 short of cash 8 withdraw 9 pay cash
10 cash on delivery

Students look at collocations related to money, the economy Project: Let’s go cashless!
and personal finance. Students create an advertisement to promote cashless
8A Give students time to read the sentences, then elicit the payments.
answer. Do not focus on meanings yet as students will do this 10 Explain the activity and go through the expressions in the
in the next exercise. box with students. Check they understand convenient. Give
them 2–3 minutes to complete the table individually, then
cash briefly discuss the answers as a class.

Possible answers
8B Put students in pairs and give them 4–5 minutes to
complete the exercise, using their dictionaries if necessary. Cash
During feedback, point out that pay in cash in question 4 can Advantages: convenient, you know how much you have
also be used without the preposition in (pay cash). Disadvantages: easy to lose, people can steal it
Cashless payments
Advantages: convenient, no need for correct change
cash crunch: not having enough coins and paper notes in the
Disadvantages: not every seller accepts it, people can steal it
economy; this is what happened in India in 2018
cash flow: the movement of money coming into a business as
income and going out as wages, materials, etc. 11A Put students in pairs, go through the instructions with
cash register: a machine used in shops to keep the money in them and get them to copy the table into their notebooks so
and record the amount of money received from each sale that they can make notes. Before they begin, remind them of
the vocabulary in Exercises 1 and 3. During the activity, monitor
pay (in) cash: pay for something using paper notes and coins
and help pairs with any vocabulary they may need. When they
withdraw cash: take money out of a bank account have finished, elicit ideas around the class and encourage
cash in hand: pay someone directly and not into their bank students to add other pairs’ ideas to their tables.
petty cash: a small amount of money that is kept in an office
11B Pairs choose the type of advert they are going to create.
List the types from the activity rubric on the board (magazine,
for making small payments
newspaper, television, radio) and go through the list of points
cash on delivery: pay for something with paper notes and to think about. Give pairs 3–4 minutes to agree on how they
coins as soon as you receive it want to present their information. Bear in mind that students
cash dispenser: another name for a ‘cash machine’ or ‘ATM’; a will present their adverts to the class in Exercise 11D, so you
machine from which customers can get money might like to specify the format of the advert to avoid practical
short of cash: not having enough cash issues (e.g. avoid a TV/radio advert if students cannot access the
equipment needed for one).

9A Teach or elicit the meaning of small charge and get 11C Students now create their adverts. Draw their attention
students to complete the exercise individually. Remind them to the list of points and remind them to use their ideas
that they may need to change the form of some words. from Exercises 10 and 11A. Consider specifying the size of
the advert (including the amount of text) if it’s a poster, or,
if in another format, stipulate a suitable length (i.e. for an
1 mobile wallet 2 withdraw cash 3 short of cash interview, story, commercial) so that students know the level
4 cash dispenser 5 currency of detail (and language) required for the task. This will help to
minimise variations in what is produced by each group.

9B Put students in pairs or small groups and give them 3–5 11D Students present their adverts to the class. Ask them to
minutes to discuss the questions. Then invite different students divide up their presentation so that both students in each pair
to share their answers with the class. Some students might be get a chance to speak. As a follow-up, you could do a class vote
reluctant to talk about question 3, so you may prefer not to ask on which advert students think would be the most effective.
this question in open class.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 5.1 p.142
Workbook: p.24 Exercises 1–3


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Teacher’s notes

5.2 Consumer spending Because we literally add up when we look after our money,
but also because the show gives advice about how to make
small changes that will save lots of money over time.
GSE learning objectives
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording 4 5.01 Give students a minute to read the sentences, then
aimed at a general audience. play the recording and check answers with the class.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative. 1 take your lunch 2 with your credit card
• Can describe possible future outcomes of a present 3 cinema tickets 4 borrowing 5 Mortgages
action or situation using the first conditional. 6 buy Chinese electronics

Warm-up Extra activities

Ask: What sort of things do you like / not like to spend
money on? Put students in pairs or small groups to discuss A 5.01 This activity looks at useful vocabulary from
the question. Then elicit answers around the class. the listening. Ask students to complete it individually, then
play the recording for them to check their answers. Clarify
meanings as necessary during feedback.
1 hundreds 2 thousands 3 borrowing 4 savers
Students talk about their spending habits.
5 imports
1A Look at the pie chart with students and check they
understand the words for the different segments. Demonstrate
or elicit the correct pronunciation of debt. Get students to
discuss the question in pairs or small groups, then invite a few 5 Get students to discuss the questions in pairs or small groups
students to share their answers with the class. first, then elicit answers around the class. Encourage students
to give reasons.
1B Go through the words in the box and clarify any unknown
vocabulary, then get students to complete the exercise
individually or in pairs before checking with the class. Grammar: First conditional
Alternatively, this can be done as a quick whole-class activity. Students study and practise the first conditional.

6A–B Do these as whole-class activities. Refer students to

Housing: mortgage payment, rent
the sentences in the table and draw their attention to a) the
Food, clothes, entertainment: business suit, cinema ticket, fact that each sentence has two parts and b) the verb forms
meals at work in bold in each part. Check that they understand the meaning
Transport: bicycle, bus ticket of condition (something that must exist or happen before
Debt repayment: mortgage payment, paying a car loan, something else can happen), then elicit the answers. Explain
paying interest on a credit card bill or elicit the main use of the first conditional: to talk about
an action/a situation (= the condition) with a possible result
Savings: pension payment, putting money in the bank for in the future.

6A 1 a 2 b
2 Again, students could discuss the questions in pairs or small 6B 1 a possible result in the future 2 a condition
groups before sharing their answers with the class.

6C Let students think about the structures individually first,

Listening then check answers with the class. Explain or elicit that when
Students listen to a podcast about money. a sentence starts with the condition (the if clause), we use
a comma between the two clauses; when the result clause
3A 5.01 Explain that students are going to listen to a comes first, we do not use a comma.
podcast about money and go through the topics with them.
Check they understand emergency expenses, interest rates, 1 If 2 will 3 infinitive 4 Present Simple
currency exchange rates and changing money. Do not focus on the
meaning of It all adds up! yet as students will do this in the next
exercise. Play the recording, then check answers with the class. 7 Before students do the exercise, refer them to the Grammar
reference on page 123 and go through it with them, clarifying
b, d, e any points as necessary. Then get them to complete the
sentences individually and compare answers in pairs before
checking with the class.
3B Give students time to read the information and check
they understand the different uses of add up. Then discuss the 1 will/’ll save 2 don’t start 3 go down 4 sell 5 stops
answer with the class. 6 will/’ll have


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Teacher’s notes

8C–D Ask students to write their sentences individually.

Extra activities 5.2
Monitor and make sure they are using the first conditional
B This activity gives further practice of the first correctly. Then put them in small groups (in a different group to
conditional. Do the first item as an example with the class, the students they worked with in Exercise 8A) to compare and
then get students to complete the exercise individually; discuss their sentences.
remind them to use commas where necessary. Check
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank
answers with the class.
Grammar reference: p.123 First conditional
Pronunciation bank: p.116 Intonation in conditionals
1 If you save money this year, you will be able to go on
a nice holiday. Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 5.2 p.143
2 If he pays off his credit card bill next month, he won’t Workbook: p.25 Exercises 1–3, p.26 Exercises 1–3
have any more debt.
3 If she buys a new house, she will have more debt.
4 If I get a pay rise at work, I’ll buy a new car.
5 If I don’t prepare for the interview, I won’t get the job.
5.3 Communication skills
6 If interest rates go up next month, savers will earn Negotiating team roles
more money.

GSE learning objectives

• Can use language related to agreement or
Pronunciation bank disagreement.
p. 116: Intonation in conditionals • Can make and respond to suggestions.
• Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest.
P5.01 Write the first example sentence
from the box on the board (If I buy a car, I’ll
buy a second-hand one.). Get students to read
the sentence aloud and ask: Which words are Put students in pairs and ask them to tell each other about
stressed? (car and hand). Play the first sentence a good team they have been part of. What do they think
and ask students if they notice anything about made it a good team? What skills did the members of the
the speaker’s intonation. Elicit answers but do team have? Give students 3–4 minutes to discuss in their
not confirm them yet; instead, refer students pairs, then elicit answers around the class.
to the explanation in the box and go through it
with them. Play the full recording and drill the
sentences around the class. To help students, you
could write the sentences on the board and mark Students talk about the skills needed in a good team.
the rising and falling intonation using arrows.
1A–B Draw students’ attention to the chart and check they
understand the words challenge and comfort. Then go through
1 P5.02 Play the recording, twice if necessary, skills 1–9 with them and elicit or give an example for each:
then check answers with the class. planning projects (e.g. a project for their place of study or
work), working with figures (e.g. managing personal finance),
1 money, English 2 cycle, thousands personal communication (e.g. talking to / messaging friends),
3 money, bigger 4 car, bicycle leading teams (e.g. at work or in sport), using technology (e.g.
5 weather’s, walk 6 lunch, hundreds online shopping), public speaking (e.g. giving a presentation
7 transport, money 8 deposit, house at work/college), doing research (e.g. for a project), managing
your time (e.g. creating/keeping a deadline), making decisions
(e.g. at work or in their personal life). Give students a minute
2 Put students in pairs to practise saying the to rate themselves, then put them in groups to compare and
sentences. If necessary, play the recording again for discuss their charts. Get brief feedback from each group: are
them to listen and repeat before they practise on they different enough to make a good team?
their own. During the activity, monitor and correct
students’ intonation as necessary. Video
Students watch a video about negotiating roles in a team.
Speaking 2A 5.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 4 video, ask
Students practise using the first conditional. them to give you a short summary of the situation and the main
characters. If this is the first communication skills video for your
8A–B Get students to do the matching task individually and class, briefly set up the context and/or refer students to page 6
check answers with the class. Then put them in pairs to discuss of the Coursebook. Pre-teach client pitch: refer students to the
the statements. After 3–4 minutes, invite different students to definition on the page. Give students time to read the questions,
share their answers with the class. then play the video and discuss the answers with the class.

1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 f 6 d


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Teacher’s notes

1 It’s the first time all the members of the team have 5 Alex and Azra have swapped roles as pitch leader
worked together. and lead presenter. Alex and Thiago are now sharing
2 The purpose of today’s meeting is to allocate the team responsibility for both the presentation and the
roles. PowerPoint slides.
3 Orla is trying to decide whether to simply tell the team
what their roles are or to get them to decide among
themselves. 4B Discuss the questions with the whole class.
4 Shaun recommends the first option.
Possible answers

2B Discuss the questions as a class. Ask students who agree People are much more polite about their objections. They
with Shaun’s advice to say what advantages they think this suggest roles rather than impose them. They say ‘no’
approach may have (e.g. making sure that all roles are covered, diplomatically and give reasons for saying ’no’.
avoiding people all opting for the interesting roles).

5 5.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch

Possible answer the Conclusions section of the video, which discusses the
People generally prefer to be allowed to organise their advantages and disadvantages of the two approaches in Videos
workload according to their personal strengths. If Orla A and B. Play the video and put students in pairs or small
imposes roles on people without asking for their input, this groups to compare the advice the speaker gives with their own
may give rise to objections / a negative reaction. reaction to each approach. Get brief feedback from the class.

3A 5.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch the Reflection

meeting where Orla allocates roles to the team members Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and discuss
and give them a minute to read the questions. Check they their preferred approach to negotiating roles in a team.
understand the different roles in question 2 and play the video.
As a brief follow-up, you could ask students if they would react 6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can
in the same way to Orla’s approach. reflect on their own ideas. Ask them to answer the questions
and to make notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss and
compare their answers. Get brief feedback from the class.
1 Yes, she does. The reaction is mostly negative.
2 pitch leader: Alex; tech support: Thiago; lead presenter:
Azra; learning designer: Jasmine Functional language: Agreeing on team
3 Alex has the most project management experience;
Thiago is good with technology; Azra wants to develop
roles in meetings
her presentation skills; Jasmine is a learning and Students look at useful language for discussing team roles
development specialist and a responsible person. in meetings.
4 Azra doesn’t think she’s a good enough presenter for
7A Ask students to do this exercise individually. Before they
such an important pitch to a new client; Jasmine is
begin, check they understand exchange/swap roles and head
anxious about the level of responsibility involved in
up (a project). Check answers with the class.
being the learning designer; Thiago thinks he shouldn’t
have to always do the tech support.
1 d 2 c 3 f 4 b 5 a 6 e 7 g 8 h

3B Get students to discuss the questions in pairs or groups

first, then elicit ideas around the class. 7B You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking
answers as you go along.
Suggested answer
Checking agreement
Orla was too directive and not prepared to listen to the
group’s objections. The group were too direct in their Is that OK with everyone?
objections. How would you feel about that?
If you don’t mind.
If you’re both happy to exchange roles, then that’s fine
4A 5.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch with me.
another version of the meeting, where Orla uses a different
Making suggestions
approach. Encourage students to make notes while watching,
and play the video. Check answers with the class. I was thinking you could head up the project.
Perhaps Azra and I could swap roles.
I’d like you to be the learning designer.
1 Because, although it’s their first time together as a team,
How would you like to do the PowerPoint for us again?
they already know each other quite well.
2 Azra thinks the situation is too important for her to be
practising her presentation skills.
8A Ask students to work individually. Explain that they
3 Because, although it’s a new client and, therefore,
have to use different pieces of the puzzle and that different
especially important, Jasmine has the expertise and Orla
combinations are possible. Give them 3–4 minutes to write
will be there to support her.
their sentences and then put them in pairs to compare their
4 He won two public speaking competitions at university.
answers. Elicit different combinations around the class.


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Teacher’s notes

Possible answers B Ask students to write the word CHECKING and the word
I’d rather not be the lead presenter. SUGGESTING on two pieces of paper/card. Explain that you
Sorry, but I’d rather not be the lead presenter. are going to read out possible sentences from activity A and
Sorry, but I’d rather not be the lead presenter if that’s OK. students need to decide if each one is making a suggestion,
Sorry, but I’d rather not be the lead presenter if that’s OK with checking agreement or both. They should hold up the
you. correct card for each sentence (or both cards if they think the
I’d prefer not to do it again. sentence is doing both). Do an example with the class, then
I don’t mind, but I’d prefer not to do it again. read out the sentences below, pausing after each one.
I don’t mind, but I’d prefer not to do it again if I have a choice.
I’d like you to give the presentation (suggestion) (if you
don’t mind). (both)
8B Go through the instructions with the class and draw their How would you like to give the presentation? (both)
attention to the example sentences. Before students attempt I was thinking you could give the presentation
the exercise, elicit the different ways to talk about strengths/ (suggestion) (if you don’t mind). (both)
weaknesses shown in the puzzle and list them on the board. Perhaps you could give the presentation (suggestion) (if
Help students with the structures used: you don’t mind). (both)
Strengths: I’m good / quite good with + noun; I’m good / quite Is that OK with you? (checking)
good at + -ing; he/she is (much) better than me at/with … . Is that OK with everyone? (checking)
Weaknesses: I’m not very good with + noun; I’m not very good at How would you feel about that? (checking)
+ -ing; She’s (much) better than me at/with … . How would you feel about giving the presentation? (both)
Elicit or give examples of ways to end each sentence, e.g. If you are happy to give the presentation, it’s fine by me.
different skills (I’m good at solving problems on my own, I’m not (checking)
very good with numbers, etc.). Ensure students avoid boastful It’s fine by me if you’re happy to give the presentation.
comparisons to others (e.g. I’m much better at ... than ... ). Then (checking)
ask students to work individually to write their sentences, If you don’t mind (giving the presentation), it’s fine by me.
while you monitor and help them as necessary. Finish by asking (checking)
different students to share their sentences with the class. It’s fine by me if you don’t mind (giving the presentation).
Possible answers
I’m (quite) good at presenting.
I’m good with technology.
I’m not very good at presenting.
She’s/He’s (much) better than me at presenting / at Students practise the functional language from the lesson by
presenting than me. playing a game.
He/She is much better with technology than me.
9A Put students in pairs and tell them that they are going to play
a game. Refer them to the grid on page 132 and remind them
of the three ‘zones of ability’ in Exercise 1A. Explain that in their
Extra activities 5.3 pairs, they should each choose five ‘comfort zone tasks’ and five
‘danger zone tasks’. The remaining six tasks on their grid will be
A Put students in pairs and tell them that they are going their ‘challenge zone tasks’. Go through the tasks on the grid and
to play a game. Go through the instructions with the class
clarify meanings as necessary, then give them 1–2 minutes to
and elicit one or two example sentences from students.
select their tasks. Tell them not to show their grid to their partner.
Give pairs two minutes to write their sentences, then invite
In weaker classes, or if time is short, you could ask students to
them to read out their sentences in turn and give them
choose fewer tasks for each category (e.g. three from each zone,
one point for each correct sentence – you could note their
finishing with three challenge zone tasks).
scores on the board. In bigger classes, or if time is short,
students could play in small groups so there are fewer lists 9B Go through the rules of the game with students. Make sure
to check during feedback. they understand what they need to do and how to keep score. You
could note the following on the board for them to refer to:
Possible answers • comfort zone: +2 points (agree to do task)
I’d like you to give the presentation (if you don’t mind). • danger zone: -1 point (say ‘no’ → explain why not → suggest
How would you like to give the presentation? someone else)
I was thinking you could give the presentation (if you • challenge zone: +2 points (if you can say why it would be good
don’t mind). to learn how to do task).
Perhaps you could give the presentation (if you don’t You may wish to do an example for each zone with a stronger
mind). student to demonstrate.Remind them to use language from
Is that OK with you? Exercises 7 and 8. Stop the game after 10 minutes and ask
Is that OK with everyone? students to count up their score.
How would you feel about that?
How would you feel about giving the presentation? 9C Let students discuss this in their pairs first, then get feedback
If you are happy to give the presentation, it’s fine by me. from the class. If time allows, they could play again in new pairs.
It’s fine by me if you are happy to give the presentation.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive video
If you don’t mind (giving the presentation), it’s fine by
activities; Functional language bank
It’s fine by me if you don’t mind (giving the presentation). Workbook: p.27 Exercises 1 and 2


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Teacher’s notes

5.4 Business skills It may be better to do this as a whole-class activity,
clarifing meanings of the words in bold as you go along.
Alternatively, in stronger classes, students could work
Presenting facts and figures individually or in pairs, using their dictionaries if necessary.
Elicit or explain that all the words in bold except under and
GSE learning objectives over mean ‘about’. If you did not do the Warm-up activity,
check that students understand the meanings of exact figures
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
and approximate figures.
aimed at a general audience.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
1 e 2 a 3 f 4 c 5 g 6 d 7 b
or narrative.
• Can use basic discourse markers to structure a short
2B Get students to complete the exercise individually and
• Can make and respond to suggestions. compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.

a ≈ (approximately) b < (less than) c ≈ (approximately)

Warm-up d < (less than) e < (less than) f > (more than)
Keep this stage brief. Ask students to think about g ≈ (approximately)
presentations they have attended at their place of work or
study, or articles they have read which contained statistical
information. Ask them if they find it hard to follow 2C Do this as a whole-class activity. Write well over/under …
numbers in presentations/articles and if so, why. Use this and just over/under … on the board and check the answers with
as an opportunity to teach exact figure and approximate the class. Elicit or give examples for each phrase (e.g. just under/
figure and ask students which they find easier to follow. over three percent, well under/over ten centimetres long).
Do not go into detail about the different ways to present
figures yet – students will look at these in the exercises a well (over/under) b just (over/under)
that follow.

Students listen to a presentation about retail banking.
Students look at different ways of presenting facts and
figures. 3A 5.02 Go through the instructions and questions with
the class. Refer students to slide 1 for question 2 and check they
1A Look at the three sentences with students and explain understand the meaning of ‘b.’ (= born). With weaker classes,
what is meant by effective in the instructions: if these were you may need to play the recording a second time or pause
extracts from a presentation, which one would they find easier briefly after each answer is given, to allow students time to
to remember? Why? Elicit answers around the class. process the information and make notes.

Possible answer 1 She asks the audience a simple yes/no question, asks
1 is a bit vague – how many is ‘a lot’? 2 is the most accurate them to raise their hands if the answer is ‘yes’ and makes
– some audiences (e.g. those whose jobs involve working a little joke – all good ways of getting their attention.
with a lot of data) may prefer this. But 3 is generally the 2 Generation X (b. 1964–79), Generation Y (= Millennials)
most effective because whole numbers are easier to (b. 1980–1994), Generation Z (b. 1995–2012)
remember than decimals. 3 Generation Z because they are already over a quarter
of the population and will soon be the bank’s biggest
1B Again, look at the statements with students and check they 4 Lifestyle – live for today (perhaps don’t plan for the
understand the phrases in bold. Put them in pairs to discuss the future); Technology – always online (perhaps not much
question, then invite different students to share their answers face-to-face contact); Work – don’t like to work (perhaps
with the class. Encourage them to give reasons. more interested in leisure activities); Money – no idea
about money (perhaps spend more than they save).
Possible answer
Both of these options are probably more effective than 1–3
3B Let students complete as much of the information as they
in Exercise 1A because they don’t just give the audience
can remember and if necessary, play the recording again for
a figure – they also put that figure in context to show
them to complete their answers. Check answers with the class.
how significant it is. Twelve million sounds a lot, but is
it? Statement 1 tells us how many American women out
of the total female population of the USA are business 2 early twenties 3 mid-nineteen-sixties 4 late seventies
owners. It would be easy to design a simple visual aid to 5 early eighties 6 early twenty-tens
show this. Statement 2 compares the number of women
business owners in the USA with the entire populations of
three economically developed countries and is perhaps an
even more surprising statistic than 1.


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Teacher’s notes

4A 5.03 Go through the instructions with students and 6 Again, if students cannot remember the answer, play the
refer them to slide 2. Check they understand the meanings of recording again or refer them to the audio script on page 151.
savings account, account-holder, retirement and opposed to.
Point out that they need to listen for approximate figures in Possible answer
order to write the numbers as percentages in the slide. Refer Liz adds impact to the figure of 10.6 hours by putting it in
them to the example and play the first part of the recording. context in two ways. First, she multiplies this figure by the
Pause it after ‘some kind of full- or part-time employment’ number of Generation Z-ers in the USA to give the total
and ask students which approximate figure Liz uses which number of hours this generation spends online – a billion.
translates to ‘76%’ (roughly three-quarters). Explain that they That’s a surprising and easy-to-remember number. To give
will need to do the same for the other approximate figures Liz it even more meaning, Liz also tells her audience what
uses, i.e. match them with the exact figures given and write they could do in that amount of time – watch every movie
them in slide 2. Finally, pre-teach a billion and a trillion before ever made (about 500,000 movies) one thousand times.
playing the rest of the recording. This kind of information makes figures memorable and the
presentation more interesting.
own savings account 64%
account-holders since age 10 21%
already saving for retirement 12%
opposed to all forms of debt 29% Functional language: Quoting figures in
Students look at useful language for quoting figures in
4B 5.03 Give students time to read the questions before
they listen. Again, you may need to play the recording a second
time and/or pause after answers are given, to give students 7 Students complete the activity individually or in pairs,
enough time to process the information and make notes. using their dictionaries if necessary. During feedback, clarify
meanings and encourage students to highlight the completed
1 The employment figures for Generation Z, which are expressions (or record them in their vocabulary notebooks).
almost the same as for the older Generation Y, prove
that they are not afraid of work. 1 look, shows 2 see 3 context, figure 4 idea 5 thing
2 The most surprising figure is that 12% of Generation Z is 6 takeaway 7 summary 8 terms, means
already saving for their retirement, even though most of
them will not retire for fifty years or more.
3 They are especially against college debt, which has been 8 Explain the activity and refer students to the language they
a major problem for Generations X and Y in the USA. looked at in Exercises 2A and 2B. Give or elicit an example
4 The good news for banks is that 16–21-year-olds like for the first figure, then ask students to write their sentences
to save money. The bad news is that they don’t like to individually. Weaker students may need more than one minute
borrow it. for this. Then put students in pairs to compare their sentences.
Monitor, checking answers and helping as necessary.

5A 5.04 Tell students that they are going to listen to the

Possible answers
last part of Liz’s presentation, and explain the activity. Check
they understand the abbreviation for billion (bn) in the slide, 33.4% – more than / just over 33% / a third / one in three
then play the recording. Check answers with the class. 27.8% – well over 25% / a quarter / one out of five
99.9 – nearly / almost / around / about / approximately 100
€21m – over / above / around / about / roughly /
1 10.6 = the average number of hours each member of
approximately 20m euros
Generation Z spends online per day
11% – just over / roughly / more than 10% / one in ten
2 1 billion = the total number of hours Generation Z in the
¥497 – roughly / around / about / approximately / almost
USA spends online per day
500 yen
3 53% = the percentage of Generation Z who say
48.9% – nearly / almost / less than 50% / half
they prefer face-to-face communication to online
£995bn – nearly / almost / around / about / approximately
/ roughly a trillion pounds
4 42 million = the total number of members of Generation
Z who say they prefer face-to-face communication to
online communication
Extra activities 5.4

5B If students cannot remember the answer from the first

A Draw students’ attention to the diagram and
explain that it outlines three steps for quoting figures
listening, play the recording again. Discuss the answer as a class.
in presentations to make them easier for audiences to
remember. Go through it with the class, then explain
Liz points out that, because more than half of Generation Z the activity and look at the examples with students. The
prefer face-to-face communication, the bank needs to exercise can be done individually or pairs.
connect with them on a personal level. This means doing
more than just social media marketing.
a 1 b 7 c 3 d 5 e 8 f 4 g 9 h 6 i 2 j 10


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Teacher’s notes

B Put students in groups of four and tell them that they

are going to play a game using phrases for exact and Students give a presentation on equal pay.
approximate numbers. Let groups choose their cards
and explain that each speaker reads out an approximate 9A–B Put students in pairs or small groups and go through the
number. The rest of the group looks for the corresponding instructions. Check they understand equal pay and HR (Human
exact number on their cards. The student who has that Resources) and refer them to the notes and slides on page 136.
number reads and crosses it out and then reads the next Give them time to read the information and ask any questions,
number on their card. The game continues until Speaker and let them decide which slides each student will present. You
1 reads out the last number on their card. If time allows, could project the slides onto the board, copy the images onto a
students can swap cards and play again. screen or save them onto a document and scale them up onto
paper. Allow groups 4–5 minutes’ preparation time, and set
a time limit for each stage in Exercise 9B. Students should do
Speaker 1: 1 → Speaker 4: 1 stages 1 and 2 as group practice. For stage 1, they take turns to
Speaker 4: 2 → Speaker 3: 1 read the information directly from the notes. For stage 2, they
Speaker 3: 2 → Speaker 2: 1 should refer to the notes, but not read from them. Stage 3 is
Speaker 2: 2 → Speaker 1: 2 where groups give the presentation to the class, referring to
Speaker 1: 3 → Speaker 4: 3 their slides. During the activity, monitor and check students are
Speaker 4: 4 → Speaker 2: 3 using the functional language from the lesson correctly. Note
Speaker 2: 4 → Speaker 3: 3 down any errors to highlight during feedback.
Speaker 3: 4 → Speaker 1: 4
Speaker 1: 5 → Speaker 4: 5 9C Allow groups 4–5 minutes to discuss the points, then get
Speaker 4: 6 → Speaker 2: 5 feedback from the class. What do they think went well? What
Speaker 2: 6 → Speaker 3: 5 did they find difficult? Finally, discuss any errors you noted
Speaker 3: 6 → Speaker 1: 6 while monitoring.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional

language bank
Pronunciation bank Pronunciation bank: p.116 Numbers and figures
p. 116: Numbers and figures Workbook: p.27 Exercise 3

P5.03, P5.04, P5.05, P5.06, P5.07 Refer 5.5 Writing
students to the information in the box and look
at the points in turn, pausing after each one to Letter about a price increase
drill the pronunciation. If students struggle with
the pronunciation of years and the number 0, do GSE learning objectives
a few more examples on the board (e.g. 2003,
1908; room 103, 22.09). • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
brochures and short articles.
• Can write a simple work-related email/letter to
1–2 P5.08 Ask students to work individually someone outside their company.
first, then get them to compare answers in pairs. Play • Can write a basic formal email/letter requesting
the recording for them to check. information.

1 room one oh one

2 forty-six point oh nine two / forty-six point Warm-up
nought nine two
Discuss the following questions with the class: Have you
3 the years sixteen oh five to sixteen fifteen
ever received a letter informing you of a price increase?
4 oh point five percent / nought point five percent
What was it for? How did you feel? How important is it for
5 oh seven two, four six oh, seven oh five
companies to explain why they are increasing prices?
6 ten-to-twelve-year-olds
7 eighteen point oh seven percent / eighteen
point nought seven percent Lead-in
8 below zero
9 twelve forty five to fourteen oh five Students read and complete a formal letter explaining
10 rooms four oh five to four oh nine a price increase.
11 oh three seven one, oh five oh, three six eight, 1 Before students complete the exercise, ask them to read the
two eight oh letter and answer the following questions: What reason does
12 the years two thousand and six to twenty the writer give for the price increase? (rising costs) What else is
eighteen she sending with the letter? (a new price list). Check students
understand remain competitive and ask them to complete the
exercise individually. Check answers with the class.
3 Put students in pairs to practise saying the numbers
and figures. If necessary, play the recording again before
they practise on their own. During the activity, monitor 1 increase our prices by 5 percent from 1st October
and correct students’ pronunciation as necessary. 2 if we do not raise prices 3 we will continue to use the
best materials 4 our prices remain competitive


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Teacher’s notes

Functional language Model answer

Students look at useful language for a formal letter Dear Sir/Madam,
explaining a price increase. As you know, we have not raised our prices for two years.
2A Do this as a whole-class activity. After discussing the Unfortunately, we now need to increase our prices by
answers, you may wish to draw students’ attention to the 7 percent from 9th September. This is because of the new
structure of a formal letter. Ask: Where does the address go? design which improves our product line. However, the new
(top left) Where does the date go? (right-hand side of the page, design also uses more expensive materials.
before the greeting). Also point out the sender’s name and title We know that quality is very important to our customers
at the bottom. so we need to use the best materials. We are keeping the
price rise small so our prices still remain competitive.
1 b 2 a Enclosed with this letter is the new price list. If you have
any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We thank you for your business and look forward to
2B Go through the headings in the table with students and supplying you in the future.
check they understand each one. Then get them to complete
Yours faithfully,
the exercise individually or, for weaker classes, in pairs,
and check answers with the class. During feedback, clarify (name)
meanings as necessary.

3C If students write their letters for homework, you could do

1 Unfortunately 2 rise 3 remain 4 Quality 5 enclose
this exercise in the next lesson. Put students in pairs and ask
6 with 7 for 8 supplying
them to read their partner’s letter and discuss the questions.
You could then ask them to write a final, improved version of
their letter in class or for homework.
Extra activities 5.5
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
A Get students to complete the activity individually and grammar practice; Writing bank
compare answers in pairs before class feedback. Grammar reference: p.123 because, so, so that
Workbook: p.28 Exercises 1–3
1 Dear 2 prices 3 increase 4 keeping
5 remain 6 Enclosed 7 appreciate 8 supplying
9 in 10 sincerely
Business workshop 5
Local economy boost
Optional grammar work
The letter in Exercise 1 contains examples of the linking GSE learning objectives
words because, so and so that, so you could use it for
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
some optional grammar work. Refer students to the
if provided with written supporting material.
Grammar reference on page 123 and use the exercises in
MyEnglishLab for extra grammar practice. • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
aimed at a general audience.
• Can identify specific information in simple letters,
brochures and short articles.
Task • Can identify specific information in a simple factual
Students write a formal letter explaining a price increase. text.
• Can communicate in routine tasks requiring simple,
3A Refer students to page 133 and get them to complete the direct exchanges of information.
exercise individually. After checking answers, you could also
• Can make simple, direct comparisons between two
ask them to organise the letter into paragraphs, referring to the
people or things using common adjectives.
table in Exercise 2B (Para 1: e, g; Para 2: c, d, f; Para 3: h; Para 4: a).
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
• Can write short, simple notes, emails and messages
1 e 2 g 3 c 4 d 5 f 6 h 7 a 8 b
relating to everyday matters.
• Can write a simple email/letter in response to a request
3B Explain the task and refer students to the notes on page for information.
135. Remind them to use phrases from Exercise 2B and organise
the information in four paragraphs, referring to the model
answer in Exercise 1 if necessary. If time is short, the writing
task can be set as homework.
Students read about a community who want to improve the
local economy and quality of life.

1 Go through the questions with students. Put them in pairs

and give them time to read the background and answer the
questions. Check answers with the class. During feedback, check
they understand town council and pre-teach town councillor.


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Teacher’s notes

1 the local economy and quality of life 5A BW 5.03 Explain that two residents are now discussing
2 Some people want to encourage cash-only businesses the projects students read about in Exercise 4. Play the
and others want to avoid money in some situations. recording and check the answers with the class.
3 other towns and cities around the world
Ellen: Saturday market
David: local currency

Students listen to a town council meeting. 5B BW 5.03 Explain the activity and give students time
to read the statements before they listen. Point out that the
2A BW 5.01 Draw students’ attention to the heading
speakers give a reason for their opinion in each statement. To
in the notes, check they understand it and elicit what ideas/ check answers, you could play the recording again and pause
solutions the people are looking for (how to improve the after each speaker expresses each opinion to elicit the answer.
local economy and quality of life in the community). Play the
recording, then check answers with the class.
1 a D b E c N
2 a N b E c D
1 (more) tourists 2 currency 3 time 3 a E b D c N
4 exchange (marketplace) 5 market

2B BW 5.01 Give students time to read a–e and check Extra activities Business workshop 5
they understand the word trade. Play the recording again, then
A Ask students to work individually, then to compare and
check answers with the class.
discuss their answers in pairs before class feedback.

1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 c
1 Saturday market 2 local currency
3 Saturday market 4 time bank 5 time bank
6 local currency
3 BW 5.02 Explain to students that they are going to listen
to the last part of the meeting and that they need to choose
answers from the ideas in Exercise 2A. Play the recording, twice
B BW 5.03 Play the recording for students to match
if necessary, then check answers with the class.
the statements with the responses, then clarify meanings
as necessary during feedback.
local currency, time bank, Saturday market
1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 f 6 c

Looking more closely at options

C You could do this as a quick whole-class activity,
Students read about three community projects and listen checking answers as you go along.
to local residents discussing them.

4A–B Explain to students that the town council have put Agreeing: 2 a 4 e 5 f
information on their website about the three community Disagreeing: 1 d 3 b 6 c
projects they are considering more seriously. Explain the activity
and go through the advantages and disadvantages in the boxes.
Clarify any unknown vocabulary and give students time to read
the information and complete the task. Do not confirm answers
yet as students will check them in the next exercise. Put students
Task: Choose a project
in pairs and give them time to compare their notes from Exercise Students roleplay a meeting to discuss three community
4A. Then discuss the answers as a class. projects and decide on the best one.

6A Put students in groups of four. Explain that they are

Local currency members of the community and are going to hold a meeting
Advantages: increases the exchange of goods and services; in order to decide which of the three projects is the best. As far
helps small, cash-only businesses; keeps money in the as possible, try to give role A, the meeting leader, to a stronger
local economy student. If your class does not divide up into fours, role B (the
Disadvantage: some businesses might not like the idea shopkeeper) could be doubled (e.g. it could be a married couple
or two business partners); they attend the meeting together but
Time bank
they only get one vote. Assign roles and refer students to their
Advantages: makes all people’s skills the same value; information. Give them time to think about their arguments and
encourages people to get to know each other; gives the advantages and disadvantages of the project they support,
unemployed people a work opportunity giving reasons for their opinions. Monitor and assist as necessary.
Disadvantage: some people may think it isn’t fair
6B Students hold their meetings. Set a time limit, and remind
Saturday market
them that their aim is to convince other community members
Advantages: allows people to sell things they make; to vote for the project they prefer, so they need to present their
encourages people to make their own local products; arguments clearly. If you did Extra activity B, you may wish to
encourages people to get to know each other refer them to the language there, which they can use to respond
Disadvantage: might require expensive insurance to other members’ arguments. Make sure the meeting leaders


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Teacher’s notes

understand that they need to open the meeting, then move

through each point on the agenda (so that the other participants Review 5
can make the points given on their role cards). Remind leaders to
keep the meeting on track and ensure each idea is discussed. 1 1 cashless 2 financial 3 mobile 4 currency
5 revenues 6 payment
6C Invite students from different groups to say which project
2 1 hand 2 short 3 dispensers 4 delivery 5 petty
their group voted for. Encourage them to give reasons.
6 withdraw
3 1 will not / won’t have, provides
Writing 2 don’t pay, will / ’ll need 3 walk, will/’ll save
4 will increase, get 5 eat, will not / won’t feel
Students write an announcement for the town council
6 will stop, goes
4 1 with 2 mind 3 prefer 4 at 5 how 6 rather
7 Explain the activity and if time allows, elicit phrases students 7 feel 8 with
could use in their announcement (e.g. We would like to confirm 5 1 look 2 shows 3 see 4 quarter 5 context
the result of … , The people present at the meeting voted 6 third 7 thing
for … , They believe … , We hope that …). List these on the 6 1 Sir 2 know 3 raised 4 Unfortunately 5 keeping
board for students to refer to during the activity. In weaker 6 We enclose 7 list 8 appreciate 9 supplying
classes, students could do the task in pairs. It can also be set for 10 faithfully

Model answer
We would like to confirm the result of the recent vote on
which project our town will support. The people present
at the meeting voted to support the local currency project.
They believe this will encourage people to shop locally and
will make people feel proud of our town. Local currencies
have been very successful in other places. We hope
everyone in town will support the project and benefit from
it. If this project is successful, we may try one of the other
two projects that we discussed.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities


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6 Teamwork
Unit overview

6.1 Lead-in Students talk about activities they have done with other people. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities
Video Students watch a video about a mountain rescue team.
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to teamwork and word Pronunciation bank: p.117 Vowel
together sounds: /ɪ/, /iː/, /aɪ/ and /ɪə/
building with verbs and nouns.
Project Students plan and make a schedule for a meeting. Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 6.1 p.144
Workbook: p.29 Exercises 1–3

6.2 Lead-in Students look at parallels between sport and business. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Reading bank
Reading Students read an article about the importance of sport in the
Team building workplace. Pronunciation bank: p.117 Linking
Grammar Students study and practise indefinite pronouns with between words
some- and every-. Grammar reference: p.123
Speaking Students practise describing people, places, things and jobs Pronouns with some- and every-
and writing and studies using indefinite pronouns.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 6.2 p.145
Workbook: p.30 Exercises 1–3, p.31
Exercises 1–3

6.3 Lead-in Students talk about ways of offering support. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive video
Video Students watch a video about different approaches to offering
Communication support to colleagues.
activities; Functional language
skills: Supporting bank
Reflection Students think about their own approach to supporting
a colleague Workbook: p.32 Exercises 1 and 2
a colleague.
Functional Students look at useful language for encouraging and
language motivating a colleague.
Task Students roleplay conversations where they offer support to

6.4 Lead-in Students discuss the importance of feeling safe in teams. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Functional
Listening Students listen to a meeting about a recruitment problem.
Business skills: language bank
Being positive in Functional Students look at phrases for supporting, building on and
language questioning ideas in a team. Workbook: p.32 Exercises 3–5
Task Students hold a meeting where they support, build on or
question each other’s ideas.

6.5 Lead-in Students read and complete an email making requests. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive
Functional Students look at useful phrases for making requests.
Writing: Making language
grammar practice; Writing bank
Task Students write an email making requests. Grammar reference: p.123 Linking
words for sequence
Workbook: p.33 Exercises 1–3

Business Listening Students listen to employees talking about their jobs. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
workshop 6 Reading Students read three business emails.
extra activities

The Amazing Chair Task Students have a group discussion about rearranging team roles
Company and responsibilities.


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Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concept of teamwork. Job
applications often ask candidates to demonstrate the ability to work well in a team, or
lead a team, as a key requirement for a role, and interview questions often focus on this.

Some companies encourage activities which foster collaboration and teamwork and
encourage good working relations. These can be in the form of social events such as
company picnics, popular in the USA, which often include sporting competitions or
teambuilding activities.

While it is true that many roles require employees to work independently, most
employers want to be confident that a new employee has the right skills to work
effectively with colleagues when necessary. The concept of teamwork can vary
according to the degree of hierarchy in a particular work culture, or the communication
style within a company. For example, in Scandinavia many companies have a flat
management structure where it is common for everyone to contribute ideas and
suggestions in a team environment, regardless of their status or position. In other
cultures, respect for authority is key and the management structure is much more
hierarchical. Team members may have more defined roles and important decisions
might be made by the manager without much input from them.

Teamwork involves working collaboratively with others to complete a range of tasks

and achieve a common goal. It is therefore important for each member to have some
understanding of the roles and skills of the other people in the team. For effective working
it is essential that team members meet regularly to communicate key information about
what they are working on and to agree next steps towards their shared objectives.
Colleagues might approach tasks in a variety of ways, so an important factor in successful
teamwork is the ability to respect different perspectives and methods.

As individuals it is useful to be aware of differences in communication styles without

making assumptions as to which ones are best. For example, some team members might
be extroverted and keen to push their ideas forward, whereas more introverted people
may need time and space to process theirs. A good leader will be able to bring together
team members with different communication styles and foster a sense of cooperation in
working towards common goals. It can, be useful to agree some ground rules early on in
a shared project, for example, sending regular group emails to update everyone. A team
leader who promotes a respectful interchange of ideas makes it easier for the team to
work effectively.

Team management systems differ from business to business. In the linear approach or
Waterfall system, each stage in a project is completed before the next begins. In contrast,
the Agile system is based on an inter-departmental approach. Each project is divided into
short blocks of time called sprints. After each of these, progress is evaluated by the whole
team and the information is used to prioritise goals and tasks for the next sprint. Team
members often have flexible roles and one person who has less to do during a particular
sprint may pick up tasks for a colleague with a heavy workload to help achieve the team’s
common goals within the time frame.

Expectations of how a team operates may also depend on context. While some will
emphasise the importance of collaboration, others, in areas such as sales, might
encourage a sense of competitiveness between team members. When disagreements
occur, it’s useful to have conflict management strategies in place. Conflict can be a useful
way of airing differences and allowing diverse opinions and approaches to be heard.
Understanding different viewpoints can be a key factor in resolving issues within a team.

Teamwork and It is important that students are aware of the concept of teamwork as it is an essential skill
in most business environments. Pre-work students may be able to talk about teamwork
your students in relation to their studies, playing sport or taking part in theatrical productions. Students
who are in-work will probably have experience of working in a team. It’s useful for
students to understand various communication styles and learn to value the contribution
of people with different approaches to their own.


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Unit lead-in Explain that they are now going to watch the whole video,
which is about the mountain’s rescue team. You may wish to
Ask students what the photo shows (a school of fish) and how pre-teach rescue (v, n,) context, access (n), stretcher, reliable,
they think it relates to the unit title. (A possible answer might conflict (management) and respect (v, n).
be that working in a team helps members face challenges more
effectively – as swimming in schools helps fish to better protect
1 dangerous 2 difficult 3 prepared to work 4 hurt
themselves from predators.) Refer students to the quote and
5 careful 6 communication skills 7 trust 8 relaxes
briefly discuss it as a class. Do they agree? Is ‘staying together’
important in the workplace? Does ‘working together’ always
lead to success? Why? / Why not?
Table Mountain is a flat-topped mountain in South Africa,
6.1 Working together overlooking the port city of Cape Town. It is one of Cape
Town’s most famous landmarks and a very popular
tourist attraction. Its highest point is Maclear’s Beacon
GSE learning objectives
at 1,086 metres, named after Sir Thomas Maclear, an
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording, astronomer who built a stone cairn at the site in 1865.
if provided with written supporting material. It got its distinctive shape as layers of sandstone were
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording exposed through wind and water erosion.
aimed at a general audience.
• Can use language related to aptitude, ability,
knowledge, and skills. Extra activities 6.1
• Can describe skills and abilities using simple language.
• Can write simple sentences about personal skills.
A 6.1.1 This activity practises useful vocabulary from
the video. Ask students to complete it individually or, in
• Can identify specific information in simple letters,
weaker classes, in pairs, using their dictionaries if necessary.
brochures and short articles.
Play the video for students to check their answers.

1 b 2 a 3 d 4 f 5 c 6 e
Discuss the following questions with the class: Do you
prefer to spend time alone or with friends/family? What B You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking
sort of things do you prefer to do alone? What do you like answers and clarifying meanings as you go along.
to do with other people?
i training ii to safety iii a solution iv hiker
v patient vi at risk
Students talk about activities they have done with other
people. 6 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them
2–3 minutes to discuss the questions. Then invite different
1 Ask students to do this task individually. students to share their answers with the class, giving reasons.
2 Put students in groups and ask them to tell each other
about the things they ticked in Exercise 1 (e.g. if they’ve ticked Possible answer
play music, they should explain a little about it: ‘When I was They probably enjoy their work. They need a lot of special
in high school, I played the trumpet in the school band.’ ). Give skills. These skills take a long time to learn, so they are
them 3–4 minutes to discuss in their groups, then invite a few probably very interested in the job and in using their skills.
students to share their experiences with the class. Helping people probably feels good.

Students watch a video about a mountain rescue team. Pronunciation bank
p. 117: Vowel sounds: /ɪ/, /iː/, /aɪ/ and /ɪə/
3 Draw students’ attention to the photo and, if time allows,
get them to discuss the questions in pairs first, then as a class.
Do not refer to the topic of the video yet.
P6.01 Refer students to the information in
4 6.1.1 Tell students that they are going to watch the the box, play the recording for them to listen to
first part of the video with the sound off and try to guess the the example words and drill the pronunciation.
answers to questions 1–4. Play the video (0:23–1:08), then To check students recognise the phonetic
check answers with the class. symbol for each vowel sound, you could write
the four example words on the board and with
1 b 2 b 3 a 4 b books closed, invite different students to come
and write the correct symbol next to each one.

5 6.1.1 Ask students if they remember the name of the

mountain in the video (Table Mountain – see Notes below).


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9A Get students to complete the exercise individually.

1 Put students in pairs to complete the table. Do not Encourage them to read the sentences first and think about
confirm answers yet as students will check them in the what type of word is needed for each gap.
next exercise.
1 argue 2 argument 3 communication
/ɪ/ busy, city, issue, simple 4 communicate 5 cooperate 6 Cooperation
/iː/ believe, complete, metres, people
/aɪ/ climbing, high, hiker, reliable
/ɪə/ clearly, experienced, realise, zero 9B Put students in pairs or groups and give them 3–4 minutes
to discuss the statements. Invite students from different pairs/
groups to share their views with the class.
2 P6.02 Play the recording for students to check
their answers. Then play it again for them to listen and
repeat. As an optional extension for stronger classes, Extra activities 6.1
or for fast-finishers, you could ask students to add two
or three more words to each group. They could then C This activity gives further practice of key vocabulary
check their answers in a dictionary. from the lesson. It is a consolidation exercise, so it would
be better for students to do it individually. Check answers
3 P6.03 Play the recording, then put students with the class.
in pairs to practise saying the sentences. Monitor
and check their pronunciation, modelling the vowel 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b
sounds if necessary.

Vocabulary: Teamwork Project: Organising a team

Students look at vocabulary related to teamwork.
Students plan and make a schedule for a meeting.
7A Explain the activity and do the first item as an example
10A Put students in pairs or small groups and explain that
with the class. Draw students’ attention to the grammatical
they are going to read an email from the CEO of ProgramsPro,
clues in each sentence which can help them decide what part
a software development company, to all employees. Give them
of speech is needed each time (e.g. Can they find a main verb
time to read the email and ask the following questions: Who
in the sentence? What type of word comes before/after the
is tomorrow’s surprise visit from? (XYQ Global, an important
gap? What usually follows or precedes that word?). Then get
client) What does the CEO of ProgramsPro hope to do in
students to complete it individually or, in weaker classes, in
tomorrow’s meeting? (improve their relationship with the
pairs, and check answers with the class.
client; give a formal presentation of their new products) Explain
that students should make a list of everything that needs to
1 verb 2 verb 3 noun 4 noun 5 noun 6 noun be organised for the meeting. During the activity, monitor and
7 verb 8 adjective 9 adjective 10 verb help students as necessary.

Possible answers
7B Students could do this activity individually or in pairs.
With stronger classes, ask students to use their dictionaries to decide who will attend the meeting; choose a location for
check any unknown words. With weaker classes, go through the meeting; plan the material of the presentations and
the words in the box before students complete the text. Check what will happen in the two hours – who will speak and
answers with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. when; plan lunch; set specific goals for the meeting

1 cooperate 2 disagree 3 conflict management

10B Allow 5–7 minutes for this stage. During the activity,
4 agreement 5 respect 6 argument 7 trust
monitor and help as necessary. If students are struggling, help
8 reliable 9 experienced 10 deal with
them with questions, e.g. If ProgramsPro are unhappy, what will
the people at the meeting need to find out? What will they need
to explain? What skills will they need for this? Once students
Word building – verbs and nouns have discussed their ideas, elicit answers around the class.
Students look at word building with verbs and nouns.
Possible answers
8 You could do this as a whole-class activity or ask students
to complete the table individually and then check answers The people who attend the meeting will need to
with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. If appropriate, explain the new products, including a formal product
you could briefly focus on noun suffixes: ask students to look presentation, and will need to help repair the relationship
at nouns 1–6 and point out that they all end in -ment or -tion. with XYQ Global. They will need to listen to XYQ Global
Explain that these are called suffixes and are often used to to understand why they’re unhappy with the product
form nouns from verbs. Ask students if they know more nouns support. They will need to be good at communication and
which end in -ment or -tion, or provide examples yourself conflict management.
(e.g. employment, improvement, development, presentation,
information, organisation).
10C Explain that the CEO has chosen five people to plan the
meeting but only two will attend the meeting. Refer students
1 agree 2 argue 3 communicate 4 cooperation to page 139 and give them time to read the information.
5 disagreement 6 manage 7 respect 8 trust Answer any vocabulary questions they may have. Then explain


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what they need to do: a) decide who will attend the meeting
and b) refer to their lists from Exercise 10A and assign the Warm-up
tasks to the other three people. Draw students’ attention to Write sport and business on the board, then discuss the
the example dialogue, set a time limit for their discussion and following with the class: More and more companies are
encourage them to make notes. encouraging employees to take part in team sports. Why
do you think this is? How could it help a company or its
Possible answers employees? (Possible answers might include: improved
communication and employee relationships, improved
• A new Sales Manager – should attend the meeting to team spirit, lower stress levels, improved physical health,
give the product presentation increased productivity.)
• An Engineer – should explain the products to the new
Sales Manager to prepare for the meeting
• A Vice President – should attend the meeting to listen to
XYQ Global’s complaints about product support Lead-in
• A Sales Representative – should help the Engineer
Students look at parallels between sport and business.
to explain the products to the new Sales Manager to
prepare for the meeting 1A Start by teaching or eliciting the meanings of the words
• A Project Manager – should organise the food, meeting in the box. Put students in pairs, explain the activity and refer
room and all other logistical details of the meeting them to the example sentence. Give pairs 3–4 minutes to come
up with their own examples, then elicit ideas around the class.

10D Students now prepare a schedule for the meeting.

Possible answers
Remind them to refer to their notes from the previous stages
and, if you think it will help them, list the points they need to Teams and athletes compete against each other, for
consider on the board, e.g. example in the Olympics. Companies compete against each
other in the marketplace, like Apple competing against
2 hours
other computer makers.
• how many parts?
• how long is each part? A football team needs to cooperate to score a goal because
• person responsible for each part? several team members must move the ball nearer the net
before the striker shoots. Businesspeople need to cooperate
When groups are ready, you could ask them to share their
to win new business, salespeople need the support of
schedules with other groups.
product people to create good products and explain them.
Being good at football is a collection of skills. Players must
Possible answer
learn about moving the ball well, strategy, teamwork and
11.30–11.40 – Introduction and welcome – CEO so on, and these skills can always improve. Being good
11.40–12.10 – Discussion of problems that XYQ Global has at business means communicating well, understanding
with product support – Vice President money, managing time and so on. But businesspeople can
12.10–13.00 – Lunch, with formal product presentation – always improve on these things, too.
Sales Manager
Athletes must train and practise to win. Successful
13.00–13.30 – Questions and answers, planning for the
companies train their employees in new skills – and allow
future – CEO
them to practise and develop those skills so they can
perform their jobs well.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
Pronunciation bank: p.117 Vowel sounds: /ɪ/, /iː/, /aɪ/ and /ɪə/ 1B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 1A.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 6.1 p.144 Again, check they understand the meanings of the verbs in the
Workbook: p.29 Exercises 1–3 box and draw their attention to the example sentence before
they begin. Give them 3–4 minutes to share their sentences,
then elicit a few examples around the class.
6.2 Team building
Possible answers
At work, I’m trying to develop my skills as a salesperson.
GSE learning objectives
I’m reading a lot of books about sales.
• Can scan a simple text, identifying the main topic(s). I’ve challenged myself to compete in a golf tournament
• Can identify specific information in simple letters, next month, so I practise every weekend.
brochures and short articles. I want to reduce the amount of fast food I eat, so I’m taking
• Can use a range of indefinite compound pronouns a cooking course.
prefixed with some-.
• Can use a range of indefinite compound pronouns
prefixed with every-. Reading
• Can give an extended description of everyday topics
Students read an article about the importance of sport in
(e.g. people, places, experiences).
the workplace.
• Can make simple comparisons between people, places
or things. 2 Draw students’ attention to the photos and title of the article
and ask what they think it might be about. Before they read, pre-
teach: competitive, triathlon (see Notes below) and tonnes (of
evidence). Give students time to read the text and complete the


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exercise individually, then check the answer with the class.

2 Put students in pairs to complete the sentences. Do
2 not confirm answers yet as students will check them in
the next exercise.

Notes 1
Do you have ‿ everything you need?
Print ‿ out ‿ an ‿ extra copy.
Most triathlons are for individuals and involve 3 I’ve looked ‿ everywhere for ‿ it.
swimming, cycling and running. In an Olympic triathlon, 4 A copy of the report ‿ and ‿ a pen ‿ or pencil.
competitors swim 1.5 km, cycle 40 km and run 10 km, 5 I’m glad you’re ‿ all here.
though shorter events are often put on at non-Olympic 6 Just ‿ ask ‿ if you need help.
levels. A team triathlon is done as a relay, where each
athlete does a segment of swimming, cycling and
running. 3 P6.07 Play the recording for students to check
their answers. Then play it again for them to listen and
3 Ask students to work individually and encourage them to
underline the parts of the text that give them the answers. Get 4 Put students in pairs to practise saying the
them to compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. sentences. Explain that they should listen to their
partner, check they are linking consonant and vowel
1 get fit 2 improve employees’ fitness 3 talk to sounds correctly, and correct their pronunciation
4 became more competitive 5 some if necessary. Monitor and help/correct students,
modelling the linked sounds again if necessary.

Extra activities 6.2

A This activity practises useful vocabulary from the text.
Grammar: Pronouns with some- and every-
Students could do it individually or in pairs. Encourage Students study and practise indefinite pronouns with some-
them to read the sentences carefully, thinking about the and every-.
meaning of the whole sentence each time. This will help
them work out the meanings of the words in bold. Check
5A Ask students to complete the exercise individually. During
feedback, elicit the meaning of the indefinite pronoun in each
answers with the class and clarify meanings as necessary.
sentence, but do not go into detail about the grammar of
indefinite pronouns yet.
1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c
1 something 2 everyone 3 somewhere 4 everywhere
5 someone
4 Put students in pairs or small groups, give them 2–3 minutes
to discuss the question, then invite a few students to share their
answers. Encourage them to give reasons.
5B Students could do this individually or in pairs. After
checking answers, refer them to the Grammar reference on
page 123, go through it and clarify any points as necessary.
Pronunciation bank
p. 117: Linking between words a 1, 3, 5 b 2, 4

6 You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers
P6.04, P6.05 Check students understand
as you go along.
the meaning of consonant and vowel by asking
them to give you a few examples. Write come in
on the board and ask them to say it quickly. Ask if 1 b 2 d 3 a 4 c 5 g 6 e 7 h 8 f
they notice anything about the two words (they
join together). Refer them to the information
in the box, play recording P6.04 and drill the
7 Ask students to do this individually, then check answers with
the class.
pronunciation of the example phrases. Then
play recording P6.05 for them to compare the
pronunciation in linked and unlinked words. 1 everyone/everybody 2 everything 3 something
4 somewhere 5 everywhere 6 someone/somebody

1 P6.06 Play the recording for students to listen

and repeat. Point out that in Phrase 1, although the
last letter in you’re is a vowel, the sounds are linked
because you’re ends in a consonant sound.


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Extra activities 6.2 Lead-in

Students talk about ways of offering support.
B This activity gives further practice of indefinite
pronouns. Get students to do it individually and then to 1A–B Tell students that they are going to do a quiz to find
compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. out how good they are at understanding and sharing other
people’s feelings. Go through the quiz questions with them,
1 Did everyone get my email? check they understand emotional in question 2, and give them
2 Someone is waiting for you. 3–4 minutes to answer the questions. Then refer them to page
3 Did somebody take my pen? 129 and ask them to add up their score and read their results.
4 I’ve looked everywhere for my car keys. Invite a few students to tell the class what they thought of their
5 I want to show you something. results: Did they surprise them? Is there anything they disagree
6 They want to go somewhere that’s quiet. with? Finally, check who has the highest score in the class and
7 Everything is ready for the meeting. ask them the question on page 131.
8 Can everybody see the front of the room?
Students watch a video about different approaches to
offering support to colleagues.
Speaking and writing
Students practise describing people, places, things and jobs 2A 6.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 5 video, ask
using indefinite pronouns. them to give you a short summary of the situation and the main
characters. If this is the first communication skills video for your
8A–B Explain the activity and refer students to the examples. class, briefly set up the context and/or refer students to page 6 of
Give them sufficient time to prepare their sentences while you the Coursebook. Give students time to read the questions, then
monitor and help/correct them as necessary. Then put them in play the video and discuss the answers with the class.
pairs or small groups and get them to say their sentences for
their partner to guess each word.
1 Jasmine is on her phone and thinking about a proposal
9 This exercise could be assigned as homework if there is no she submitted to give a talk at the Global HR Leadership
time to do it in class. conference in Miami.
2 The email is from the conference organisers. It’s
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank important to Jasmine because Orla encouraged her to
Pronunciation bank: p.117 Linking between words send in a proposal, and it will look good on her résumé if
she is a presenter.
Grammar reference: p.123 Pronouns with some- and every-
3 Her proposal wasn’t accepted. She is very upset about it.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 6.2 p.145
Workbook: p.30 Exercises 1–3, p.31 Exercises 1–3
2B Put students in pairs to discuss the questions. Ask them
to think about what they would do in a similar situation. After
6.3 Communication skills 2–3 minutes, invite students from different pairs to share their
answers with the class.
Supporting a colleague
Possible answer
GSE learning objectives Thiago should show that he’s sorry and listen as much as
possible without trying too hard to make Jasmine feel
• Can follow a simple conversation or narrative about better. He should not say that everything’s OK or that she’ll
familiar, everyday activities. get over it.
• Can extract key details from conversations between
colleagues about familiar topics.
• Can make and respond to suggestions. 3A 6.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch Thiago
• Can use language related to reassuring and encouraging. and Azra trying to support Jasmine and give them time to read
• Can use some basic interjections to express the questions. Check they understand positive side, pretend
understanding, surprise, disappointment, and and change the subject. You may also wish to pre-teach the
excitement. following vocabulary from the video: look on the bright side,
• Can initiate, maintain and close simple, restricted it’s no big deal, reject and cheer up. Play the video and get
face-to-face conversations. students to compare answers in pairs before class feedback.
• Can give or seek personal views and opinions in
discussing topics of interest. 1 a 2 b 3 c 4 d 1 e 5
2 Thiago is not very successful at all, but saying something
positive about Jasmine at the end of their conversation
works best.
3 Azra is much more sympathetic than Thiago – perhaps
Ask the following questions: Who is the most supportive too sympathetic. By telling Jasmine how sorry for
person you know? How do they show their support? How Jasmine she is, she actually makes her feel worse rather
does it make you feel to be around this person? Why? If than better. If anything, her approach is less successful
time allows, get students to discuss the questions in pairs than Thiago’s, although she obviously cares more.
or small groups first, then invite a few students to share
their answers with the class.


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3B Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss 5 6.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the
the questions, then get brief feedback from the class. last section of the video, which discusses the advantages
and disadvantages of the approaches in Videos A and B. They
Possible answer should watch and compare what is said with their answers
Thiago is probably trying too hard to pretend that to Exercises 3B and 4B. Play the video and, if time allows, let
Jasmine’s bad news is not important and that she students discuss briefly in pairs or small groups first. Round up
shouldn’t be so upset. Trying to cheer her up by inviting ideas in a class discussion.
her to go out with him and some friends for a drink seems
a bit insensitive. He probably wants to help Jasmine forget Reflection
about the Miami conference, but that’s precisely what she
Students think about their own approach to supporting
can’t do. Azra, on the other hand, is too sympathetic. She
a colleague.
knows how much Jasmine wanted to give her presentation
in Miami but two people being really sorry about 6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can
something they can’t change isn’t very helpful. reflect on their own approach first. Ask them to think about the
questions and make notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss
and compare their answers. Get brief feedback from the class.
4A 6.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch
Jasmine sharing her news with Alex and give them time to read
the questions. You may wish to pre-teach work out (develop in Functional language: Encouraging and
a successful way), put something behind you and move on. Play motivating
the video, then check answers with the class.
Students look at useful language for encouraging and
motivating a colleague.
1 Alex is quite careful about how he introduces the subject
of the Miami conference, which he has already heard 7A Tell students that you are now going to look at useful
about from Thiago. When Jasmine says that’s it’s no big expressions to encourage and support someone. Ask them to
deal, he is quick to tell her that her disappointment is complete the exercise individually, then check answers with
totally understandable. This relaxes Jasmine who is still the class. Clarify meanings as necessary.
upset from receiving the news.
2 Alex says that Jasmine had the right topic (and therefore 1 feel 2 big 3 bright 4 so 5 bad 6 up
the organisers liked it), but the problem was that it
didn’t fit the conference theme for this year. It’s a fairly
obvious point, but one that Jasmine appreciates. 7B Put students in pairs and give them 1–2 minutes to label
3 Alex mentions that he had to apply to engineering each of the phrases, then invite students to share their answers
school three times before he finally got in. He does this with the class.
to show Jasmine that he knows how she feels – and his
situation was worse than hers.
4 Alex says everyone likes Jasmine, but suggests that she 1 2 3 4 5 6
expects too much of herself, too soon. Compliments
can be difficult – sometimes it’s not a good idea to give
them, but in this case Jasmine responds positively. In 8 Explain the activity and point out that the comments are
this case, compliments are a good way to balance the grouped according to their meaning/function. Ask students to
negative feelings of Jasmine’s disappointment, so it was complete the exercise individually and get them to compare
a good idea. answers in pairs before checking with the class. During
5 Alex’s main advice is for Jasmine to put the Miami feedback, clarify meanings as necessary.
experience behind her and move on. He says this quite
directly, but because he has already been supportive and 1 sorry, work 2 hope, disappointed 3 sounds, work
understanding, Jasmine accepts it. He also suggests that 4 know, important 5 understand, feel 6 can, try
she think about what she can learn from the situation. 7 makes, better 8 behind, move 9 question, learn
6 The good news is that because Jasmine is not going to 10 Look, way
Miami later in the year she’ll be able to work with him on
the Ferguson pitch as his co-presenter. Because he told
her after she explained her disappointment, it probably 9 Put students in pairs, give them time to read the statements
had a more positive impact – because the conversation and check they understand scholarship and back up. In weaker
ends with some positive news. classes, you could demonstrate the activity with a stronger
student. Once they have practised in their pairs, invite a few
pairs to act out their conversations to the class.
4B Put students in pairs to discuss the different approaches in
Videos A and B, then broaden this into a class discussion.

Possible answer
At times Thiago seems not to care about Jasmine’s
situation, and Azra cares too much. Alex achieves a good
balance. He is sympathetic but professional. He pays her
a compliment, but is honest and is not afraid to talk about
his own failures. Jasmine feels a lot better at the end of
their conversation.


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Extra activities 6.3 6.4 Business skills

A This activity practises the language of offering
support and encouragement. Ask students to complete Being positive in meetings
it individually and get them to compare answers in pairs
before class feedback. Point out that they should only refer
GSE learning objectives
to page 63 in their books if they need to.
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
aimed at a general audience.
F E E L O • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative.
5 6
D E A L W O R K • Can make basic inferences from simple information in a
7 8
short text.
• Can use language related to advising and suggesting.
H D S • Can use language related to agreeing with a statement
or opinion.
H I M P O R T A N T • Can understand standard emails on work-related
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
Ask: How comfortable are you sharing suggestions and
ideas or expressing your opinion in a team? Why? What
Task helps you to feel comfortable about sharing ideas /
expressing your opinion? Elicit answers around the class,
Students roleplay conversations where they offer support making sure students give reasons.
to colleagues.

10A Put students in groups of three. Explain the task

and the three different roles: the Speaker will describe Lead-in
a disappointment; the Helper will offer support and
encouragement to the Speaker; the Observer will listen and Students discuss the importance of feeling safe in teams.
take notes on the conversation. Allocate roles (or let students 1 Put students in pairs and give them time to read the blog
select them), refer students to their information and give post. Before they discuss the questions, check they understand
them time to read it. Explain that Speakers may choose one of a safe place to be great in (a place (team) where people feel
the scenarios on page 134 or talk about a real situation they comfortable contributing without having to worry about
are comfortable discussing. Remind Helpers that they need negative reactions, conflict, etc.). Once students have discussed
to use language from Exercises 7 and 8. Finally, make sure in their pairs, check answers with the class.
Observers understand that they need to take notes on each of
the questions on their form. Note that there are two scenarios
1 Possible answer
on page 134, so for the third conversation, the Speaker should
The feeling that it’s safe to ask questions, share ideas
either a) repeat one of the two options or b) talk about a real
and make mistakes without negative reactions.
(or imaginary) situation.
Possible answer to ‘Do you agree?’
Allow students plenty of time to prepare, while you monitor
It’s also possible that a certain amount of conflict and
and help with any questions they may have. In weaker classes,
risk in a team can sometimes make it perform better.
you may wish to group all Speakers, Helpers and Observers
together first to discuss their roles and prepare before 2 Students’ own answers
returning to their original groups. Before students begin their 3 Possible answer
conversations, make sure they understand that they will be The main thing a team leader can do to make a team
rotating roles: there will be three different conversations, with feel a ‘safe’ place in which to share ideas and take risks,
students taking turns to be the Speaker, Helper and Observer. is to encourage team members to welcome and build on
Set a time limit for each conversation. each other’s ideas and not compete with each other to
see whose idea is best.
10B Students now discuss the Observers’ feedback. Make sure
students do this after each conversation, before swapping roles
for the next scenario. Allow plenty of time for this stage and
class feedback at the end of the activity. Ask students what they Listening
found most challenging and how they think they could improve Students listen to a meeting about a recruitment problem.
next time. Invite Observers to share any points they found
interesting with the class. 2 6.01 Go through the instructions and questions with
students and check they understand recruitment/recruiter
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive and work culture. You may also wish to pre-teach graduate
video activities; Functional language bank application and management trainee, which students will hear
Workbook: p.32 Exercises 1 and 2 on the recording. Play the recording, twice if necessary, then
check answers with the class.


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Teacher’s notes

1 The company is having problems recruiting recent Possible answers

graduates. a Most young people use their mobiles to hunt for jobs
2 As a result, they are not recruiting the number of these days.
management trainees they need. b Young people prefer to work for smaller companies. By
3 c, d, f working in project teams, even in a large company, they
get the feeling of being part of a smaller company.
c Erin pointed out that new graduates prefer a more
3A 6.02 Explain that students are going to hear the
informal, fun work culture.
second part of the meeting and give them time to read d Insurance is not a popular career choice for new
the suggestions and responses. Pre-teach the following graduates. But getting paid internships is harder than
vocabulary: careers fair, video promotion, sponsored diploma, getting a job, so by offering internships to students,
MBA, internship. After checking answers, ask students what all the company can attract them before they graduate.
five responses have in common (they are negative). Hopefully, some of them will then stay at the company.
e There are professional skills students need which they
1 d 2 a 3 e 4 c 5 b don’t learn at university, which the company could
coach them in.
f Currently, a quarter of the graduates they offer jobs to
3B Discuss the question as a class. Play the recording again if have taken another job by the time they make the offer.
necessary. Mobile recruiting is a much faster way to stay in contact
with job applicants.
Anatol suggests they stop the meeting and meet again in
a couple of days when they’ve had time to think about the
issue a bit more. He says there’s too much negativity. 5D Discuss the questions as a class.

Possible answer
4 Get students to complete the exercise individually or, in
Anatol sees a problem with the cost of offering student
weaker classes, in pairs. After checking answers, elicit or
internships, but Erin suggests some of the money spent
explain that in his text, Anatol is trying to be positive.
on graduate recruitment could be used for this instead.
Michael wonders how the reorganisation of parts of the
1 positive 2 possibilities 3 problem company into project teams can be managed, but Anatol
says the board of directors can make a decision on that.

5A 6.03 Pre-teach mobile advertising and personal

coaching and play the recording. Check answers with the class.
Functional language: Supporting,
a 3 b 5 c 6 d 1 e 2 f 4 building on and questioning ideas
Students look at phrases for supporting, building on and
questioning ideas in a team.
5B Discuss the question as a class. Ask students to think about
how the people at each meeting respond to each other’s ideas. 6A Get students to complete the exercise individually. Confirm
the answers or play recording 6.03 again for students to check
Possible answer them, and clarify meanings as necessary.
In the first meeting, people are dismissing each other’s
ideas before there is a chance to discuss them. In the 1 like, idea 2 subject, don’t 3 problem, about
second meeting, a more positive atmosphere encourages 4 might, idea 5 What, idea 6 doing, could
people to build on other’s ideas by thinking of further 7 think, idea 8 do, can 9 wondering, manage
possibilities. Anatol and Michael both see possible
problems with Erin’s ideas, but they ask questions rather
than criticising. In one case, a good idea comes from this. 6B Put students in pairs and give them 1–2 minutes to label
And in the other case, it becomes clear that this is each of the phrases, then invite students to share their answers
a decision for the board of directors. with the class.

1 ✔ 2 3 ? 4 ✔ 5 ✔ 6 7 ✔ 8
5C 6.03 You may wish to ask students to copy the 9 ?
suggestions from Exercise 5A into their notebooks and make
notes there. With weaker classes, you may need to pause after
each answer is heard to give students time to make notes, and/
or play the recording a second time.


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Teacher’s notes

Extra activities 6.4

7B Allow students plenty of time to prepare for their
meetings. Depending on the strength of your class, you might
A Explain to students that this is an extract from like to group all students with each role together for the
a meeting about making the workplace more fun. Get preparation stage, to briefly discuss their roles and brainstorm
them to complete the exercise individually and then to ideas before returning to their original groups. Set a time limit
compare answers in pairs before class feedback. After and ask students to begin their meetings.
checking answers, you could put students in groups of
three to practise the conversation.
7C Allow groups 5–7 minutes to discuss the questions, then
invite students from different groups to share their experience
with the class. Encourage students to talk about what they
a 1 b 8 c 7 d 4 e 9 f 6 g 2 h 5 i 3 j 10 found difficult and why.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional

B Students could do this exercise individually or in pairs. language bank
You could also ask them to label the expressions according Workbook: p.32 Exercises 3–5
to their function (✔ = supporting an idea; = building
on an idea; ? = questioning an idea).

Of course, there is the question of cost. ? 6.5 Writing

What can we do about that? ?
You know, that might not be such a bad idea. ✔
Making requests
I really like that idea! ✔
I’m just wondering about … ? GSE learning objectives
How can we manage that? ?
• Can write basic instructions with a simple list of points.
Actually, I think that’s a great idea! ✔
And while we’re on the subject • Can write a simple email requesting work-related
why don’t we information.
What a good idea! ✔ • Can edit and improve a simple text.
And socialising more means

C This activity looks at useful vocabulary from the lesson.
Discuss the following questions with the class: Have you
Depending on the level of your class, it can be done
ever had to write an email making a request? If yes, what
individually or in pairs. During feedback, clarify meanings
was it about? How important do you think it is to receive
as necessary.
requests in writing?

1 recruitment problem 2 negative reactions

3 reputation 4 salaries 5 employee benefits
6 work culture 7 career fairs 8 sponsor Lead-in
9 internships 10 personal coaching Students read and complete an email making requests.

1 Before students complete the email, ask them to read

it quickly and answer the following question: What three
things does the writer ask his team to do? (visit new venue
Task for product launch, check guest list and contact people who
Students hold a meeting where they support, build on or haven’t replied, write a press release by the end of the week).
question each other’s ideas. Ask students to complete the email individually and then
compare answers in pairs before class feedback. If you think
7A Put students in groups of 3–6 and explain the scenario: your students need additional support, you could write the
they all work for an advertising agency in Los Angeles and are prepositions required (for (x2), in, of (x2), on, to (x3), with) on
going to hold a meeting. Check that they understand creative the board before they do the exercise.
department (the department of an advertising agency where
advertisements are conceived, developed and produced). Give
1 to 2 for/of 3 in 4 of 5 to 6 with/about 7 to
them time to read the email and then assign roles A–F in each
8 for 9 on 10 of
group. Note that the meetings can be held in groups of 3–6;
roles D–F are optional. Try to give roles A (the Chair) and B (the
Note-taker) to stronger students. Refer each student to their
information and give them time to read it, while you monitor Functional language
and help with any unknown vocabulary or questions. Make
sure that the students playing the Chairs are clear that they Students look at useful phrases for making requests.
have to open the meeting, explain the rules, contribute ideas 2A Ask students to complete the exercise individually, then
during the meeting and close the meeting. Also check that check answers with the class. Point out that we can be used in
Note-takers understand they need to record everyone’s ideas updates to help people feel part of a team, even though the
(on a flipchart or large piece of paper) and contribute ideas team leader may not be doing any of the tasks themselves.
themselves. Remind everyone that they should use language
from Exercise 6.


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Teacher’s notes

1 possible, I’d like 2 would you mind 3 Please Model answer

4 think I could Hi all,
I am writing to update you for the conference.
2B Explain to students that they are now going to look at Unfortunately, the international trade speaker has
different ways to say the things in the first column of the table cancelled, so we have to find out who else is available and
in Exercise 2A. You could do this as a whole-class activity, book a new speaker. Please let me know if you have any
checking answers as you go along, or get students to work ideas. We are already over budget, so if possible, I’d like
individually and then check answers with the class. Luis to try and make savings somewhere in the budget.
Claire, would you find out how many people are coming?
40 percent of people have not replied to our invitations
5 Could 6 can you / would you 7 Would you / Can you
and we need to find out who’s coming by the end of the
8 if I could have
week. After that, we need to look for 50 rooms in another
hotel because the Blossom Hotel has closed. David, would
you mind doing that? And finally, could you tell me what
Extra activities 6.5 equipment we need in the venue?
A This activity gives further practice of the language of Thank you for your hard work.
making requests. Ask students to complete it individually, Regards,
then check answers with the class. (name)

1 Can you / Could you / Would you

2 can you / could you 3C If students do the writing task as homework, this exercise
3 grateful if can be done in the next lesson. Put them in pairs and ask them to
4 can you / could you / would you read each other’s emails and think about the question. You could
5 can you / could you / would you also ask them to answer the following questions: Did your partner
6 Do you think open and close their email appropriately? Did he/she organise the
information in paragraphs? Did he/she make all requests using
functional language phrases? Can any more be used?

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive

Optional grammar work
grammar practice; Writing bank
The email in Exercise 1 contains examples of linking Grammar reference: p.123 Linking words for sequence
words for sequence, so you could use it for some optional
Workbook: p.33 Exercises 1–3
grammar work. Refer students to the Grammar reference
on page 123 and use the exercises in MyEnglishLab for
extra grammar practice.
Business workshop 6
Task The Amazing Chair Company
Students write an email making requests.
GSE learning objectives
3A Put students in pairs to complete the email extract on
page 139. Ask them to only refer to the phrases in the table in • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
Exercise 2A if they need to. brochures and short articles.
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual
Suggested answers
• Can understand standard speech on familiar matters,
1 Alex and Miguel, would you mind doing with some repetition or reformulation.
2 Please contact them
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
3 Do you think you could update me
or narrative.
4 Please send me a meeting invite.
5 Would anyone like to help with these two tasks? • Can ask and answer questions about basic plans and
• Can describe plans and arrangements.
3B Give students time to read the notes on page 129 and • Can discuss what to do next using simple phrases.
check they understand international trade speaker and • Can make and respond to suggestions.
delegate. Remind them to use phrases from Exercise 2A in
their emails and point out the word limit before they begin.
You may also wish to remind them to organise the information
in paragraphs and make sure they open and close their email Background
appropriately. If time is short, the writing task can be assigned Students read about a furniture retailer in the USA.
as homework.
1 Ask students to read the background and discuss the
answers in pairs. Check answers with the class. Check students
understand accountant and bookkeeper.


M06 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 101 27/06/2019 15:34

Teacher’s notes

1 She made a chair as a hobby and her friends loved it and Extra activities Business workshop 6
wanted to buy one.
2 designer, accountant/bookkeeper, director A BW6.01, BW6.02, BW6.03 Give students time to
3 Possible answer: read the statements before they listen, then play all three
As it’s a busy, small business, they’re probably all working recordings. Alternatively, if you think your students may
very hard. Their jobs may feel insecure, as the business is remember some of the information from the first listening,
just barely successful. They may not get along well on a you could ask them to answer as many of the questions as
personal level. João might wish for a full-time position. they can before listening again, then play the recordings
for them to check/complete their answers. Check answers
with the class.

Team roles
1 F 2 T 3 T 4 F 5 F 6 T
Students listen to employees talking about their jobs.

2A BW 6.01 Explain that students are going to listen to the

three people who work for The Amazing Chair Company talking
about their jobs. Ask them what João’s role is in the company Natalya’s email inbox
(part-time accountant and bookkeeper). Before students listen,
Students read three emails to The Amazing Chair Company’s
you may wish to pre-teach or check understanding of can
afford, deal with and supplier. Play the recording, then check
answers with the class. 5A Ask students to complete the exercise individually, then
check answers with the class. Ask: What do you think Natalya
1 maths 2 not completely happy might do next? Elicit answers from a few students and tell
them that they will check their ideas in the next exercise.

2B BW 6.01 Check students understand being creative A hotel group has placed an order for 20 chairs
and play the recording. Check answers with the class. immediately, and 200 more in the next year.

Likes: solving problems, being creative

Isn’t very interested in: numbers, accounting 5B BW 6.04 Ask students to listen to check their ideas
from Exercise 5A. Play the recording, then elicit the answer.

3A BW 6.02 Ask students what Leila’s role is in the She plans to hire a part-time employee to help manage
company (furniture designer) and play the recording. Check the business.
answers with the class.

She liked working in a team. 5C Explain that students are going to read two more of
Natalya’s emails and remind them of Leila’s and João’s roles
(designer, part-time accountant and bookkeeper). Ask them
3B BW 6.02 Go through the words in the box with to complete the exercise individually and then to compare
students and check they understand bother, concentrate and answers in pairs. Check answers with the class.
on time. Play the recording, then check answers with the class.
1 She’s having a few problems with the new designs.
1 bothers 2 talks to 3 concentrate 4 share ideas 2 She needs someone to talk to and she wants this person
to be Natalya.
3 His other part-time job has ended.
4A BW 6.03 Ask students what Natalya’s role is in the 4 He may look for a full-time job somewhere else.
company (founder, director). Play the recording, then check
answers with the class.
Extra activities Business workshop 6
not completely
B This activity looks at some useful phrases for informal
emails. Ask students to do it individually. When they have
4B BW 6.03 Check students understand challenge and finished, refer them to the emails on page 99 to check their
play the recording. Check answers with the class. answers, then confirm the answers.

1 difficult 2 are not really happy 1 touch 2 together 3 talk 4 free

3 making a great product 5 conversation 6 call


M06 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 102 27/06/2019 15:34

Teacher’s notes

Task: Rearrange team roles 6D Explain to students that they will now make further
suggestions for improving teamwork at The Amazing Chair
Students have a group discussion about rearranging team
Company. Go through the list of points with them and check
roles and responsibilities.
they understand shared social space. During the activity,
6A Put students in small groups and explain the activity. Tell monitor and help students with any vocabulary they may
them that if they need help, they can refer to the emails on need (you may need to provide words such as open-plan
page 99 and audio scripts BW6.01, BW6.02 and BW6.03 on office, seating arrangement, etc.). Finally, invite students from
page 154. Give them 3–5 minutes to match the descriptions different groups to share their ideas with the class.
with the names, then check answers with the class.
Model answer
1 J 2 L 3 J 4 N 5 N 6 J 7 L 8 N They could find an office where they can have an open-
plan seating arrangement to make communication easier,
or they could find an office with a shared social space if
6B Explain the activity and go through the list of tasks with they want to keep their private rooms. However, this might
students. Remind them that they should base their decisions be difficult because it might be more expensive. They
on the information in the table in Exercise 6A, thinking about could arrange to go out of the office at certain times, or
each person’s skills, abilities and preferences. Give groups 3–5 for certain meetings – maybe for lunch – for more informal
minutes to discuss, then get brief feedback from the class. Ask interaction. They could consider going out for a meal or
students to explain their choices. a drink after work occasionally. As the Director, Natalya
could arrange for occasional Friday afternoon trips to
Possible answers galleries or design companies, to inspire their work and
1 J 2 N 3 J 4 J 5 L help develop ideas. João has expressed an interest in being
more creative; it might help the team if everyone discussed
new chair designs together.
6C Groups now make recommendations on how best to make
use of each team member’s skills and address their needs and
preferences. Go through the list of points with students and MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
remind them to think about the information for each team
member from the previous exercises. Allow 3–5 minutes for the
discussion. Again, ask students to explain their choices. When
Review 6
groups have finished, elicit ideas around the class.
1 1 cooperated 2 reliable 3 respect
Model answer 4 arguments (disagreements) 5 Experienced
6 dealing 7 agree/communicate 8 disagree (argue)
João wants a full-time job and Natalya can now offer
2 1 everyone 2 everybody 3 everything 4 something
another part-time job. So João could turn the two part-
5 somewhere 6 everywhere 7 something
time jobs into one full-time job by taking over managing
8 Someone 9 everyone
some of the business – solving problems with suppliers,
3 1 You must be so disappointed.
for example – so Natalya can concentrate on selling. João
2 I know how important it was to you.
could also work with Leila, listening to her and helping
3 You can always try again.
her develop her ideas. This makes sense because he has
4 I’m sorry it didn’t work out for you.
expressed an interest in being more creative and problem-
4 1 really 2 wondering 3 subject 4 why don’t
solving, and because Natalya has said she really wants to
5 might 6 such 7 doing 8 could
focus on sales.
5 1 If possible, I’d like 2 please 3 would you mind
4 could you let 5 can you 6 Do you think


M06 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 103 27/06/2019 15:34

7 Research & development
Unit overview

7.1 Lead-in Students talk about special products for elderly and disabled
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s
resources: extra activities
A nimble Video Students watch a video about a special product for elderly and Teacher’s book: Resource bank
company disabled people. Photocopiable 7.1 p.146
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to the research and Workbook: p.34 Exercises 1–3
development of new products.
Project Students plan the development, testing and launch of a new

7.2 Lead-in Students talk about innovation and technological advances in

everyday life.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Reading bank
Innovation Reading Students read an article about a hotel run by robots. Grammar reference: p.123 can,
Grammar Students study and practise modal verbs of obligation, have to, need to
necessity and possibility. Pronunciation bank: p.117 can
Speaking Students talk and then write about a process. and can’t
and writing
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 7.2 p.147
Workbook: p.35 Exercises 1–4, p.36
Exercises 1–4

7.3 Lead-in Students talk about what makes a good presentation. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive video
Video Students watch a video about giving clear and effective
Communication explanations.
activities; Functional language
skills: Giving bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions and learning points from
explanations Pronunciation bank: p.118
the video.
Phrasing and pausing when giving
Functional Students look at useful phrases for explaining things clearly and
language effectively.
Task Students practise explaining how to use an app. Workbook: p.37 Exercise 1

7.4 Lead-in Students talk about ground rules in meetings. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Functional language
Listening Students listen to part of a webinar where technical problems
Business skills: occur.
Dealing with
Functional Students look at useful expressions for signalling and dealing Workbook: p.37 Exercises 2 and 3
technical problems
language with technical problems.
Task Students roleplay an online meeting where they have to deal
with technical problems.

7.5 Lead-in Students complete slides for a presentation. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive
Functional Students look at tips for preparing effective presentation slides.
Writing: Preparing language
grammar practice; Writing bank
Task Students prepare slides for a presentation. Grammar reference: p.124
Wh- questions
Workbook: p.38 Exercises 1–4

Business Listening Students listen to conversations about shoe manufacturing. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
workshop 7 Reading Students read a progress report.
extra activities

Zapatos Trujillo S.A. Task Students discuss options for a production process and choose
one to put in place.
Writing Students write an email explaining a decision.


M07 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 104 27/06/2019 15:37

Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concepts of innovation and
research and development, and their roles in enabling a business to create successful
products. Innovation is an important part of helping a company to grow and develop its
business. Research and development (R&D) involves exploring ways in which new services
or products could be created, or how existing services and products could be improved.

The first step in the R&D process is often noticing a problem or a lack in a business’s
products or services, and then examining different ideas to find the one with the most
potential to provide an effective solution. The innovations resulting from R&D can have
far-reaching consequences, benefitting not only the organisation carrying out the research,
but also extending the knowledge (or know-how) in the industry as a whole. Sometimes
innovations which arise as part of a company’s specific research into a localised problem
can develop to change the way people live, or improve the quality of their health. Examples
of game-changing innovations resulting from initial research with more modest aims are
the development of the driverless car and the smart technology that allows people to
regulate the lighting and heating in their homes remotely.

Some influential innovations can be more controversial. The use of robots in factories,
which increase production and profits but reduce the need for human workers, is a good
example of this. Another is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. This allows more
personalised learning for the student and unbiased grading, but it also removes the valuable
element of personal interaction from the learning experience.

Fields in which it is most common to have a dedicated company R&D department include
the pharmaceutical industry, science, engineering and the design and technology sectors.
Organisations which don’t have dedicated R&D teams usually outsource this work to
specialist companies or university departments which have particular expertise in the
required area. Although scientists or engineers are likely to be involved in R&D research,
it can involve experts, from software designers to dieticians, depending on the sector.
Research can be of different types and have diverse aims. Basic research usually aims to
build general knowledge while applied research usually has a specific goal in mind.

Note that there is a difference between research and development and product
development. Whereas the focus of R&D is more conceptual and may only consist of
gathering and processing information, product development has more practical outcomes.
It is usually undertaken with the goal of developing or improving the features of an existing
product. As well as an initial research phase, it includes successive phases of product
design, prototyping and testing. The results of the initial research are used to develop trial
versions of the product (prototypes) which are then tested and refined. During the testing
phase feedback is given on the prototype by focus groups or reviewers who represent the
target users/customers. Feedback is often guided by the design team though the use of
questionnaires or interviews in which participants comment on the functions or aspects of
the design which are of interest. During the testing phase developers identify the aspects
of the proposed design which work well and those which require improvements or further
research. The results are analysed and used to inform the final product brief which is the
basis for the eventual new product/feature. After final adjustments have been made the
product is then launched into the market.

Research & Although students might not work in the field of research and development, it is important
for them to be aware of how this process affects goods and services developed. Even pre-
work students will have encountered a range of products which have been researched and
and your students developed. As consumers, all students will be able to discuss aspects of products which
they think are well or badly-designed and to reflect on the processes which drove their
development. Students who are in-work may not have direct experience of R&D, but the
goods or services that they interact with are likely to have gone through the process of
development, testing and refining outlined in this unit.


M07 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 105 27/06/2019 15:37

Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in Video

Elicit a brief description of the photo and refer students to the Students watch a video about a special product for elderly
unit title. Check that they understand the meaning of moving and disabled people.
forward and explain or elicit that going forward (which appears in
the quote) has a similar meaning of progression. Draw students’
3 Draw students’ attention to the photo and invite ideas for
its use from around the class. It is OK if students cannot guess
attention to the quote and teach or elicit the meaning of standing
what the product is used for because it is not obvious. If you
still (in this context, the opposite of going forward). Discuss the
want to help students to guess the right answer, you could
quote with the class: what do they think it means? (One possible
make some suggestions or ask related questions, e.g. How big
answer might be that, as long as you make an effort and work
do you think it is? Do you think you can drink from it? Do you
towards your goals, progress can come in many forms; if you don’t,
think it’s a child’s toy? What do you think it is made of?
you will not develop, get better or achieve any of your goals.)
4A 7.1.1 Explain that students are going to watch a video
about the product in the photo. Ask them to watch the first
7.1 A nimble company part of the video and answer the questions individually. Play
the video (00:00–01:26), then check answers with the class.

GSE learning objectives

1 It cuts things. (opens boxes and packages)
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue 2 elderly and disabled people
or narrative.
• Can identify a simple chronological sequence in a
recorded narrative or dialogue. 4B 7.1.1 Get students to complete the exercise

• Can make and respond to suggestions. individually and then compare answers in pairs or small groups.
Play the next part of the video (01:27–03.22) for students to
• Can communicate in routine tasks requiring simple,
check their answers.
direct exchanges of information.
• Can describe what something is used for, using basic
fixed expressions. 1 c 2 a 3 d 4 b 5 f 6 e 7 h 8 g

4C 7.1.1 Ask students to watch the final part of the video

Warm-up and answer the question. Play the video (03:23–03:41), then
Ask students to think about the everyday tasks they do check the answer with the class.
(e.g. making food, washing-up, house-cleaning, doing
laundry, writing, typing, using a phone/computer). Ask: a clip to help keep cables organised
What kind of clever products (gadgets) do you or would
you like to have to help you with these tasks? What kind
of products do you wish existed to help you with everyday 5 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them 3–4
tasks? Elicit ideas around the class. minutes to discuss the questions. Round up their ideas in a class
discussion. They could also vote for the best suggestion.

Lead-in Possible answers

Students talk about special products for elderly and disabled 2 cutting material from newspapers and magazines,
people. cutting paper for wrapping presents, opening mail, for
kids to use instead of scissors
1 Draw students’ attention to the picture and discuss the
question with the whole class. Be prepared to explain nimble in
the lesson title if students ask (a nimble company is one that can Extra activities 7.1
quickly and effectively respond to changes in the marketplace).
A 7.1.1 This activity looks at vocabulary from the
Possible answers video. Get students to complete it individually, then play
making food, eating and drinking, getting dressed, writing, the video for them to check their answers. Do not focus
typing, using a phone on the meanings of the words in bold yet as students will
check them in the next exercise.

2 Teach or elicit the meanings of the following words from 1 c 2 b 3 a 4 e 5 f 6 i 7 d 8 h 9 g

the questions: visual impairment, partially sighted, elderly and
disabled. You may also wish to pre-teach these words from
the video: research and development, trade show, 3D printing, B Get students to complete the exercise individually
prototype, user-testing, one-size-fits-all. or in pairs. Encourage them to read the whole sentence
carefully each time, as this will help them work out
the meanings of the words in bold. You could also refer
Possible answers
them to video script 7.1.1 on page 146 so they can read
1 cane / walking stick, glasses, special writing (Braille) that the sentences in context. Check answers with the class,
they can feel with their fingers clarifying meanings as necessary.
2 cane / walking stick, walking frames, stair lifts, wheelchairs,
hearing aids
i one-size-fits-all ii tangling iii blade iv blind
3 cane / walking stick, walking frames, stair lifts, wheelchairs
v arthritis vi struggling vii perspectives


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Teacher’s notes

Vocabulary: Research and development 1 What is the product used for? What problem does it solve?
2 Who will use it?
Students look at vocabulary related to the research and 3 User testing: How? What does the company need to know?
development of new products. 4 Who should test the product?
6 Tell students that they are going to look at useful vocabulary Allow time for pairs/groups to discuss the questions and
related to research and development (R&D) and draw their encourage them to make notes. During their discussions,
attention to the diagram. Explain the activity and let students monitor and help as necessary.
complete it individually or in pairs, using their dictionaries to
help them if necessary. Go through the answers and clarify 10B Students now choose a product and make their plan.
meanings as necessary. Alternatively, with weaker classes, you Explain that it can be one of the products in Exercise 10A or
could go through the words in the box with students before their own idea, and remind them of the points they discussed
they begin, then check answers with the class. in the previous stage. Refer them to the notes on the board and
add: 5 Where and how should the product be launched?

1 brief 2 solutions 3 sketches 4 prototype Point out that for this they need to think about the type of
5 challenges 6 improvements 7 feedback 8 Launch stores that will sell their product and how the product should
be advertised. Tell them that they should discuss each of the
points in detail and be prepared to present their ideas. Allow
7 You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers plenty of time for this stage and, again, monitor and provide
and clarifying meanings as you go. help as necessary.

10C Students now present their plans to another pair/group

1 b 2 c 3 a or, if time allows, to the whole class.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities

8 This exercise practises vocabulary from Exercises 6 and 7, so Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 7.1 p.146
you could ask students to complete it individually and get them
Workbook: p.34 Exercises 1–3
to compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.

1 designer 2 create 3 function 4 brief 5 feedback

6 challenge 7.2 Innovation
9 In this activity students choose which set of questions to GSE learning objectives
discuss based on their previous experience in the R&D process. • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
Put students in pairs to discuss the questions. As far as possible, brochures and short articles.
try to get students with the same level of experience to work
• Can make basic inferences from simple information in a
together. Give them 4–5 minutes to discuss in their pairs, then
short text.
have a whole-class round-up.
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual
Extra activities 7.1 • Can express obligation and necessity in the present and
near future with have to.
C This activity gives further practice of key vocabulary
from the lesson. Get students to complete the exercise • Can convey simple relevant information emphasising
individually and then check their answers in pairs before the most important point.
class feedback. • Can make and respond to suggestions.
• Can describe the sequence in a process when writing a
1 sketches 2 launch 3 usefulness simple text, using common discourse markers.
4 improvements 5 product testers 6 prototype
7 function 8 develop
Ask students to think about machines they use in their
everyday lives (e.g. ATMs, snacks/drinks machines, ticket
machines). Ask: Do you ever have to use a machine
Project: Planning product testing when you’d rather communicate with a person? Do you
Students plan the development, testing and launch of ever have to deal with a person when you’d rather use
a new product. a machine?

10A Put students in pairs or small groups and explain

that they are going to make a plan for developing, testing
and launching a product. First, give them time to read the Lead-in
descriptions of the three products and check that they
Students talk about innovation and technological advances
understand the meanings of container and store. Then explain
in everyday life.
that they need to answer questions 1–4 about each of the
products. You could list the points they need to consider on the 1 Give students a minute to read the definitions and clarify
board as a reference: meanings as necessary. Put them in pairs or small groups and
give them 3–4 minutes to discuss the questions. Get feedback
from the class.


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Teacher’s notes

Reading 6 Get students to complete the sentences individually, then

check answers with the class. To extend the activity, you could
Students read an article about a hotel run by robots.
ask them to match each sentence with the functions in Exercise 5
2 Ask students to look at the title and the photo and tell (see answers in brackets in the answer key below).
you what they think the article might be about. Elicit ideas
from a few students and check they understand the meaning 1 can (possible) 2 don’t need to (not necessary)
of run the show. Pre-teach the following words from the 3 don’t have to (not necessary) 4 need to (necessary)
article: unique, check in (v) / check-in (n), innovation, lifestyle 5 have to (necessary) 6 can’t (not possible)
choice. Get students to read the article quickly and answer the
questions, then check answers with the class.
Extra activities 7.2
1 They are receptionists. / They check in guests.
2 Guests are attracted to the hotel because it is different – C This activity gives further practice of modal verbs
innovation attracts guests. of possibility, obligation and necessity. Get students to
complete it individually, then check answers with the class.

3 Give students time to read the statements and elicit or teach 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 f 6 c

the meaning of human contact in question 6. Then ask students
to read the article and complete the exercise, underlining the
parts of the text that help them decide if a sentence is true or
false. Check answers with the class. 7 Students can complete the exercise individually or, in weaker
classes, in pairs. Check answers with the class.
1 F 2 F 3 T 4 T 5 T 6 T
1 don’t have to 2 can 3 need to 4 can’t 5 have to
6 can 7 can’t 8 don’t need to
4 If time allows, get students to discuss the questions in pairs
or small groups first, then invite a few students to share their
answers with the class.
Pronunciation bank
p. 117: can and can’t
Extra activities 7.2
A This activity practises opinion and commenting adverbs Warm-up
from the article. Start by getting students to complete P7.01 Refer students to the explanation
it individually or in pairs, using their dictionaries to help in the box and go through it with them. Model
them if necessary. Check answers with the class but do not the strong and weak forms of can/can’t, then
focus on the function of the adverbs in bold yet. play the recording. Drill the pronunciation of the
example sentences.
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 a 5 b

1 P7.02 Play the recording for students to

B Give students enough time to find the adverbs in the complete the sentences, then check answers with the
article, then discuss the answer with the class. Depending class. Do not focus on students’ pronunciation yet.
on the level of your class, you could ask students to write
their own example sentences using the adverbs. 1 can’t 2 can 3 can’t 4 Can 5 can’t, can
6 can

2 P7.03 Explain that students will hear the

sentences with can from Exercise 1 and decide if they
hear the weak form or the strong form. Remind them
Grammar: can, have to, need to again of the pronunciation of each form, then play the
recording and check answers with the class.
Students study and practise modal verbs of obligation,
necessity and possibility.
Sentence 2: You can use the check-in kiosk. W
5 Get students to complete the exercise individually. During Sentence 4: Can I check in without my ID? W
feedback, ask students which word(s) in each sentence show Sentence 5: This robot can’t talk, can it? S
that something is 1) possible (can), 2) not possible (can’t), Sentence 6: Yes, it can! S
3) necessary (have to and need to) and 4) not necessary (don’t
have to and don’t need to). Refer students to the Grammar
reference on page 123, go through it with them and clarify any 3 Put students in pairs to practise saying the
points as necessary. sentences in Exercise 1. You might like to play
recording P7.02 before they begin, so that they can
1 d 2 f 3 a, c 4 b, e hear the sentences once again before they practise
on their own. During the activity, monitor and check/
correct students’ pronunciation as necessary.


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Teacher’s notes

Speaking and writing 7.3 Communication skills

Students talk and then write about a process.
Giving explanations
8A Draw students’ attention to the photo and elicit or explain
what it shows (a vending machine). Put them in pairs, explain
the activity and give them time to read the instructions and GSE learning objectives
ask any questions before they begin. They should then take • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
turns to tell their partner how to use the machine using the or narrative.
correct forms of can, have to or need to. Monitor and check that
• Can identify a simple chronological sequence in a
students are using the modal verbs correctly. In weaker classes,
recorded narrative or dialogue.
you could do an example with the class before students begin
(see answer key below for model answers). • Can make and respond to suggestions.

Model answer
You can’t use a card with this machine – you have to use
cash. If you want to pay by card, you can go to a shop. Ask students to think about a time when they’ve had to
First, you have to put your money in the machine. You give instructions or explain a process to someone. Ask:
don’t need to have the exact amount, because the Do you think you are good at explaining things to others?
machine can give change. You need to press the correct What do you find easy or difficult? What do you think
button to make your choice. You don’t have to hold it or makes an explanation clear and easy to understand?
press it more than once. You have to wait for the product Discuss the questions with the class, eliciting ideas and
to come out, then you need to press the change button to reasons from different students.
get your change.

8B Join pairs together into groups of four and explain the activity.
After groups have compared their answers, invite a few students Students talk about what makes a good presentation.
to share their explanations with the class.
1 Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss
9 Explain the activity and point out that students should try to the question, then elicit ideas around the class. Alternatively, if
use each modal verb in the box at least once. Weaker students you think your students will struggle, you could do this as
could plan their answers in pairs, then write their explanations a whole-class discussion, suggesting points to consider (e.g. the
individually. If there is no time to do the writing task in class, it length of the presentation, engaging/addressing the audience,
can be assigned as homework. using visuals, structuring the presentation, the way the speaker
uses their voice).

Model answer
Possible answer
Buying a train ticket at a self-service ticket machine
First, you need to choose your destination. Touch the Use pictures, speak to the audience and ask them
screen to make your selection or you can find your questions, speak slowly, vary your tone of voice to sound
destination by spelling it in the search area. Then, you have more interesting.
to choose the ticket type; for example, a day return ticket
or a single journey. After that, you need to pay: insert your
debit card and enter your PIN. You don’t have to pay by Video
card – you can also insert cash. Be aware that you can’t get
a refund after payment. Finally, wait for your ticket and Students watch a video about giving clear and effective
receipt, and collect your change if necessary. explanations.

2 7.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 6 video, ask

them to give you a short summary of the situation and the
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank
main characters. If this is the first communication skills video
Grammar reference: p.123 can, have to, need to for your class, briefly set up the context and/or refer students
Pronunciation bank: p.117 can and can’t to page 6 of the Coursebook. Before students watch, refer them
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 7.2 p.147 to the definition of expenses claim and pre-teach expenses
Workbook: p.35 Exercises 1–4, p.36 Exercises 1–4 system and receipt. Encourage them to make notes in answer
to the questions while watching, and play the video. You could
get them to compare answers in pairs before discussing them
with the class.

1 It’s complicated, and he doesn’t like carrying receipts

with him.
2 Something easy to use, like an app, would be an
3 He thinks it might be boring.
4 Possible answer: An interesting, interactive session.


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Teacher’s notes

3A 7.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch 5 7.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the last
Thiago’s training session with Shaun. At this point, you might section of the video, with conclusions and learning points from
like to pre-teach the following words from Videos A and B: Videos A and B. They should watch and note the four main
spreadsheet, expense item, currency, drop-down menu, points the speaker makes about giving explanations. Play the
manually, default setting, submit, enter (the date). Again, video, then check the answers with the class. In weaker classes,
encourage students to make notes while watching. Play the you may need to play the video a second time or pause after
video, then check answers with the class. each main point to give students time to make notes.

1 It’s an app, it’s user-friendly, there’s no need to fill in 1 Speak clearly and make sure you sound interested in
Excel spreadsheets or keep paper receipts. what you’re saying.
2 Shaun’s explanation is unclear, and she doesn’t 2 Divide the procedure into smaller pieces of information
understand it. to make it easier to understand.
3 Use sequencing words/expressions to order the
explanation clearly (e.g. First, next, etc.).
3B You could play the video again before students discuss the 4 Use examples and encourage listeners to ask questions
questions. Put them in pairs and allow 3–4 minutes for their to check they have understood.
discussions, then have a whole-class round-up.

1 His description is unclear. His voice is monotonous, he

just reads from his notes, he doesn’t check to see that
everyone understands, and the session is not interactive. Students reflect on the conclusions and learning points from
2 They find his explanation difficult to follow, become the video.
bored and frustrated, and start to switch off.
6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they
3 He should divide the explanation into steps or short
can reflect on their own skills first. Draw their attention to the
sections, use sequencing expressions (First, next, etc.) to
tip before they begin. Then put them in pairs to discuss their
order the information, check the listeners understand,
answers. Get brief feedback from the class.
not assume everyone understands him, and make sure
his tone of voice is lively and sounds interesting.
Functional language: Explaining
a procedure clearly and effectively
4A 7.3.3 Explain that students are now going to watch
Azra’s training session with Orla. Give them a minute to read the Students look at useful phrases for explaining things clearly
questions, then play the video. Check answers with the class. and effectively.

7A Ask students to complete the activity individually, then

1 a 5 b 6 c 7 d 3 e 1 f 4 g 2 check answers with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary.
2 Azra will explain it to him. Draw their attention to the patterns used in 1 (start by + -ing
form), 5 and 7 (once/when + have + past participle).

4B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 3B.

2 d 3 a 4 f 5 g 6 c 7 e
Give them 3–4 minutes to discuss the questions, then discuss
the answers as a class.
7B You could do this as a whole-class activity, eliciting the
Possible answers correct category for each expression as you go along.
1 Very clear. The session is interactive and practical,
she speaks clearly, checks the audience is following Starting
her explanation, uses sequencing expressions, gives You start by …
information in short sections that are easy to follow, and
invites questions from the audience.
Then, you … , After that, … , The next step is to … , Once
2 They are able to understand immediately and enjoy the
you’ve done that, …
training session.
The last step is to … , When you’ve completed all the steps, …
4C 7.3.3 Refer students to the tip box and go through it
with them. Elicit or explain that these are techniques for giving
clear explanations. Check that they understand the meaning of 7C Ask students to complete the exercise individually and get
sequencing words by eliciting or giving a couple of examples them to compare answers before checking with the class.
(First, then, next, after that, etc.). Do not go into detail about
each technique yet, as this would pre-empt the task as well Starting
as Exercise 8B. Play the video for students to identify each The first thing you do is … , To begin, (you should) …
technique, then check answers with the class. Ordering
When you finish that, then … , Next, … , Once you’ve
Orla uses all of the techniques. finished …
Finally, … The last thing you do is  … ,


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Teacher’s notes

8A This can be done as a whole-class activity: read out each

sentence (or invite a student to read it) and elicit the function 1 P7.05 Before students listen, you could ask
of the underlined expression before moving on to the next one. them to mark where they think the speaker will use
Write the functions in four columns on the board and elicit the pauses, then play the recording for them to check
phrases to write in each column. Encourage students to record their answers.
them in their notebooks.
The first step / is to sign in to your account. / To
1 like this 2 Any questions so far? 3 Do you see that? do this / you’ll need to enter your name / and
4 because it’s the easiest thing to do ID number. / When you’ve done this, / go to the
drop-down menu / in the top right-hand corner
of the screen, / and select ‘Create new report’. /
8B Refer students to video script 7.3.3 on page 146 and ask Then / you can type your report / or paste it in.
them to find the examples, individually or in pairs. Check
answers with the class and add them to the columns on the
board. 2 Put students in pairs to practise the instructions in
Exercise 1. You could let them listen once again before
Give an example: So in this case, … practising on their own. For further practice, you could
Give an opportunity to ask questions: Any questions? also write the sentences from the Warm-up above on
Check the listener has understood: Does everybody the board, model them for students using appropriate
understand? phrasing and pausing, then get them to practise the
Give a reason: Accounts need the information for reporting instructions in their pairs.

Extra activities 7.3
Students practise explaining how to use an app.
A–B These activities give further practice of the
9 Put students in pairs and explain the activity. Make it clear
functional language from the lesson. Students should
that they can use the app in their Student’s Book or another
complete them individually and then compare answers in
app of their choice (e.g. one on their phone). For the app in
pairs before checking with the class. Exercise B could also
the Student’s Book, make sure they understand what type of
be done as a whole-class activity.
information is needed for each box (a date, a place, a number,
etc.). Refer them back to the tip box on page 72 and remind
A Possible answers them of the four learning points from the video in Exercise 5.
(answers 2–5 in any order) Also tell students that they should use phrases from Exercises
1 You start by 2 Then, you 7 and 8 in their explanations. In weaker classes, you could
3 After that, 4 The next step is to demonstrate the activity using an app on your phone (or
5 Once you’ve done that, 6 The last step is to another procedure). Set a time limit and ask students to begin.
7 When you’ve completed all the steps, When they have finished, give them another 3–4 minutes for
B 1 e, g, k 2 b, d, j 3 f, h 4 a, c, i the self-/peer-assessment stage: they should discuss how
well they think they explained the procedure to their partner.
You could do a whole-class round-up at the end if you feel
that it would be useful What did students find easy/difficult
Pronunciation bank about explaining the procedure? Did they use the functional
language? What can they do better next time?
p. 118: Phrasing and pausing when giving
instructions MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
video activities; Functional language bank
Warm-up Pronunciation bank: p.118 Phrasing and pausing when giving
P7.04 Read out the following sentence fast instructions
and without pauses: Start by selecting ‘Create Workbook: p.37 Exercise 1
an expense report’, then enter the expense item
and after that select the calendar and enter the
date. Ask students if they notice anything about
the way you read the instructions (too fast and 7.4 Business skills
without pauses). Ask: Was this helpful? Was it
easy for you to understand the instructions? Dealing with technical problems
(They will probably say no.). Refer students
to the explanation in the box and go through GSE learning objectives
it with them. Play the recording and drill the
example around the class. • Can understand standard speech on familiar matters,
with some repetition or reformulation.
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.


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Teacher’s notes

Warm-up 2B 7.01 Go through the instructions with students and

give them a minute to read the sentences. Teach or elicit the
Put students in pairs and ask them to make a list of things
meanings of webinar and division. Play the recording, then
that can go wrong during a meeting. Give or elicit a few
check answers with the class.
examples before they begin (e.g. presentation tools not
working, no internet access, problems with audio/video
conferencing equipment, attendees arrive late, heating in 1 name, before 2 brief, speak 3 slowly, clearly
meeting room not working). Allow 2–3 minutes for this, 4 button, noise
then elicit ideas around the class and write them on the
board. Ask students if any of the things on the board have
ever happened during a meeting they attended. Invite Extra activities 7.4
those who answer ‘yes’ to share their experience with the
class. What happened? How was the problem managed/ A 7.01 This activity gives further practice of useful
resolved? How could it have been avoided? expressions for setting ground rules in meetings. It is
a consolidation exercise, so it might be better to ask
students to complete it individually. Give them 3–4
minutes to complete the expressions, then play the
Lead-in recording for them to check their answers. Go through the
Students talk about ground rules in meetings. answers with the class and clarify any points as necessary.

1A Refer students to the definition of ground rules. Elicit or

1 We’ve got about 2 a few ground rules
give a few examples of ground rules in your classroom (e.g.
3 name and division 4 keep your questions brief
arrive on time, try to speak as much English as possible in
5 slowly and clearly
class). Then put students in pairs and give them 3–4 minutes to
discuss the questions. Elicit ideas around the class.

Possible answers 3A 7.02 Explain that students are now going to hear
1 Ground rules help meetings run smoothly. the beginning of the Q&A session, where the participants
2 The group should agree on the ground rules together. are having some technical problems. Play the recording for
3 Students’ own answers students to match the speakers with the problems – point
out that they need to use one of the problems twice. Check
answers with the class.
1B Students could do this individually or in pairs, then share
their ideas with another student/pair. Elicit ideas around the 1 Donna c, b
class and list them on the board. As a round-up, you could ask 2 Paul d, b
students if they agree with all the ideas on the board. Are some 3 Karl f, e
more important than others? Why? 4 Lena a

Possible answers
Give everyone the chance to speak.
3B 7.02 Put students in pairs and ask them to note down
the solution to each of the problems in Exercise 3A. Explain that
Announce your name and position / job title (especially
they should complete the information they remember from
if you are new or meeting people who don’t know each
the first listening and will then have chance to check/complete
other well).
their answers when they listen again. Play the recording, then
Ask everyone to speak slowly.
check answers with the class.
Use people’s names to indicate who you want to speak to.
Press ‘mute’ when you are not speaking to stop
background noise. 1 Donna turns off her camera.
2 Paul hangs up and Sam calls him back.
3 Karl moves closer to the microphone / checks the
volume settings / moves his mobile phone away from his
Listening computer.
Students listen to part of a webinar where technical 4 Lena uses the mute button.
problems occur.

2A This activity pre-teaches some useful vocabulary from the

listening and also from the Functional language section that Functional language: Signalling and
follows. Do it as a whole-class exercise, checking answers and dealing with technical problems
clarifying meanings as you go along. Ask students what all
Students look at useful expressions for signalling and
these things have in common (they are all technical problems)
dealing with technical problems.
and, if time allows, ask if any students have ever faced any of
these problems during an online meeting/conversation. 4A Get students to complete the exercise individually and
then to compare answers in pairs before checking with the
1 echo 2 volume settings 3 mute button 4 cut out class. To check answers, you could play recording 7.02 again
5 blank (screen) 6 hang up or go through the sentences with the class. During feedback,
clarify meanings as necessary.

See 4B below.


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Teacher’s notes

4B Students now look at the function of the sentences A: There’s a bit of an echo.
in Exercise 4A. You could let them complete the exercise
B: Would you mind hanging up and I’ll call you back? /
individually and then check answers in pairs. Alternatively, you
Would you mind using the mute button?
could do this as a whole-class activity, checking answers as you
go along. You could draw two columns on the board, headed A: I’m afraid we can’t hear you very well.
Signalling a problem and Dealing with a problem, and record B: If you can just check your volume settings, please? / Can
the correct answers there. Students could then refer to the list you move closer to the microphone?
on the board when they do Exercise 4C. A: My screen is blank.
B: Have you switched on your webcam? / Would you mind
1 Have you switched on your webcam? D hanging up and I’ll call you back?
2 Your screen is blank. S
3 You keep cutting out. S
4 The connection is bad. S
5 Would you mind hanging up and I’ll call you back? D Task
6 I’m afraid we can’t hear you very well, either. S
Students roleplay an online meeting where they have to deal
7 Could you move closer to the microphone? D
with technical problems.
8 If you can just check your volume settings, please? D
9 There’s a bit of an echo. S 5A Put students in groups of three. Explain that they are
10 Can you move your mobile phone away from your colleagues working for the same company, but they are not in
computer? D the office today and so are going to hold an online meeting.
11 I can hear a lot of background noise. S First, they have to choose a topic for their meeting. Point out
12 Would you mind using the mute button? D that they should also decide on other details, (e.g. what type
of company they work for, their roles if appropriate, the reason
they are holding a party (for topic 1), the topic of the next
Extra activities 7.4 conference (for topic 2), the ideas for the team-building activity
(for topic 3)). Make it clear that they can use one of the three
B This activity practises expressions to describe technical topics given in their Student’s Book or choose one of their own.
problems. Get students to match the sentence halves Allow 3–5 minutes for this stage.
individually, then check answers with the class.
5B Allocate roles. Try to give role B to a stronger student. If
1 c 2 f 3 a 4 e 5 b 6 d your class does not divide into threes, roles A and C could be
doubled. Give students time to read the information, think
about their roles and decide on any further details that are
C 7.02 Students now match the problems in Activity B specific to the scenario they chose in the previous stage. During
with possible solutions. Explain that some solutions may the discussions, monitor and help students as necessary, and
match more than one problem. Ask students to complete let them ask you any questions they may have.
the exercise individually and compare answers in pairs
before class feedback. If necessary, you could play recording
5C Refer students to the Problem cards on page 138. Explain
that during their meeting, a different technical problem will
7.02 again for students to confirm their answers. Note
arise every 60 seconds. Students take it in turns to choose a
that doing this activity at this point in the lesson will help
Problem card and use the functional language from Exercise
students with Exercise 4C, below.
4 to signal and deal with that problem before continuing
with their meeting. During the meetings, monitor and check
Possible answers
students’ use of the functional language but do not interrupt –
1 Could you use the mute button? note down any errors to highlight during feedback.
2 If you can just move your mobile phone away from
your computer … 5D When students have finished their meetings, they change
3 Could you just move closer to the microphone? / roles, choose a different topic and hold a second meeting.
Would you mind checking your volume settings? Before they do, they should repeat the steps in stages 5A–5C to
4 Why don’t you switch on your webcam? prepare for their meetings. Again, remind them to use phrases
5 If you hang up, I’ll call you back. from Exercise 4 to signal and deal with the technical problems.
6 If you hang up, I’ll call you back.
5E Students now assess their performance. Go through
the instructions and give a few additional questions to help
them: Did they use the functional language (correctly)? When
4C Put students in pairs and explain that they should take it signalling a problem, was it easy for the other participants to
in turns to signal a problem, using expressions from Exercise understand what was wrong? Did they manage to suggest
4A.Their partner should respond with a suitable solution, again appropriate solutions to each problem? What went well? What
from Exercise 4A. Refer students to the example and point out could they do better next time? Give students 3–5 minutes
that there may be more than one possible problem-solution to discuss in their groups, then invite students from different
combination each time. You may also wish to do an example with groups to share their experience with the class. Finally,
a stronger student. If you listed the answers to Exercise 4B on the highlight any errors or difficulties you noted while monitoring.
board, encourage students to refer to it during the activity.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional
language bank
Possible answers
Workbook: p.37 Exercises 2 and 3
A: I can hear a lot of background noise.
B: Would you mind using the mute button? / Can you
move your mobile phone away from your computer?


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Teacher’s notes

7.5 Writing Extra activities 7.5

Preparing slides A In this activity, students practice the tips from Exercise
2. Before they complete the exercise, you could get them
to match each slide with a tip from the table in Exercise
GSE learning objectives 2. Ask: How can slide 1 be improved? (by using similar
• Can understand standard speech on familiar matters, grammar forms for all the bullet points) Slide 2? (by
with some repetition or reformulation. cutting the articles) Slide 3? (by correcting the spelling
mistakes) Slide 4? (by arranging the information with
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
bullet points). Get students to complete the exercise
or narrative.
individually and then compare answers in pairs before
• Can write bullet points to summarise key points in a
class feedback.
structured text.

Slide 1
• do market research
• get feedback from customers
Discuss the following questions with the class: What types • give information to designers / inform designers
of visual aids can be used in presentations? (possible • get schedule ready
answers: PowerPoint slides, flip charts, handouts, video)
Slide 2
What type of information do you think should be included
• find a new supplier
on slides? (possible answers: an agenda, key takeaways:
• consult an international expert
summary of key points, charts/diagrams, infographics).
• update the computer system
Slide 3
welcom = welcome
Lead-in contract = contact
Students complete slides for a presentation. speek = speak
langauge = language
1A 7.03 Draw students’ attention to the slides. Tell them
buy = by
that they are going to hear the first part of a presentation and
number the slides in the correct order (1–3). Tell them not to Slide 4
worry about the gaps at the moment. Play the recording, then • Why?
check answers with the class. – sales increasing in USA and domestic market
• What?
– buy, rent or build new factory
1 C 2 B 3 A
– move HQ to NY or London
• When?
– by end of year
1B 7.03 Give students time to look at the slides again
and think about the type of word needed for each gap. Play the
recording, then check answers with the class.

Optional grammar work

1 colours 2 production 3 line 4 yellow 5 colours
6 Why 7 What 8 When The presentation in Exercise 1 contains examples of Wh-
questions, so you could use it for some optional grammar
work. Refer students to the Grammar reference on page
124 and use the exercises in MyEnglishLab for extra
Functional language grammar practice.
Students look at tips for preparing effective presentation

2 Explain the activity. Before students find examples in the Task

slides, go through the table with them. For the first tip, check
Students prepare slides for a presentation.
that they remember the grammar forms listed by eliciting one
example of each (e.g. infinitives: work / to work; -ing forms: 3A Put students in pairs and refer them to the slides on page
working; nouns: product; Past Simple: increased; comparatives: 140. Explain that they are examples of bad slides and that
lower). Allow plenty of time for students to complete the table, students should think about how they can be improved using
then check answers with the class. In weaker classes, students the tips in Exercise 2. Point out that they should first identify
may find it easier to complete the activity in pairs. what can be improved in each slide and then think about how
to improve it. Give pairs 3–5 minutes for the activity and then
1 decide, choose, start, send (out), launch discuss the answers with the class.
2 keeping, making, adding
3 (negative) customer feedback, falling sales, (eco-friendly)
packaging, colour change, (use of) recycled materials,
(three) months
4 decide on (the) colours, choose (the) material, start (the)
production, launch (the) rebranded product line, keeping
(the) yellow
5 choose (a) material, send out (a) press release


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Teacher’s notes

Possible answer MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive

grammar practice; Writing bank
Slide 1 uses full sentences. It’s what the presenter
Grammar reference: p.124 Wh- questions
should be saying, not what they should be showing their
audience. A bulleted approach like Slide C in Exercise 1 Workbook: p.38 Exercises 1–4
would be far more appropriate here.
Slide 2 has too much information on it. The font is too
small and there is a spelling mistake (qwality = quality). Business workshop 7
The title is also something the presenter would say, not
something they should show their audience. Zapatos Trujillo S.A.
Slide 3 mixes different sorts of grammar in the ‘What?’
list. Bullet points are used erratically and there are three GSE learning objectives
spelling mistakes (bying = buying, enqueries = enquiries,
• Can identify specific information in simple letters,
mutlinational = multinational). The first and last points are
brochures and short articles.
expressed as full sentences.
• Can identify specific information in a simple factual text.
The slides are also all different in terms of style, so would
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or
need unifying if they are to be used in sequence in a
• Can recognise when speakers disagree in a conversation
conducted slowly and clearly.
3B 7.04 Explain that students are going to listen to a • Can recognise when speakers agree in a conversation
presentation about the redesign of a walking frame for elderly conducted slowly and clearly.
people and then create three slides for it. Teach or elicit the • Can identify specific information in a simple factual text.
meaning of walking frame. You may also wish to pre-teach • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue or
mobility, slip and non-slip, which students will hear on the narrative.
recording. After listening, refer them to audio script 7.04 on
• Can ask and answer questions about basic plans and
page 151 and ask them to prepare their slides. Remind them to
follow the tips in Exercise 2. During the writing task, monitor
• Can explain what they like or dislike about something.
and help students as necessary.
• Can describe plans and arrangements.
• Can discuss what to do next using simple phrases.
Model answer
• Can write a simple email, giving details of work-related
Slide 1
events or plans.
Reasons for redesign
• new technology available
• new competitors in the market
Slide 2 Background
Key features Students read about a shoe factory in Mexico.
• lighter
• stronger 1 Put students in pairs and get them to read the background and
• more moveable discuss the questions. Check answers with the class. Students may
• better non-slip feet want to know the meanings of product line and consultancy.
• more stable
Slide 3 1 producing shoes/footwear
2 well-known global shoe companies
Sales forecast 3 producing their own line of shoes
4 shoe manufacturing consultancy
5 deciding what type of footwear to produce, and the best
production processes to use
£ millions

2 Discussing processes and products
1 Students listen to conversations about shoe manufacturing.
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 2A BW 7.01 Remind students of Oscar and Sofia’s roles
quarter quarter quarter quarter (Oscar is the CEO of Zapatos Trujillo S.A., Sofia is the consultant
from Due Scarpe). Explain that Oscar has just given Sofia a
tour of the factory and they are now discussing the company’s
production process. Play the recording, then check answers
3C Put students in pairs and explain the activity. Allow plenty with the class.
of time for them to read and assess their partner’s slides while
you monitor and help as necessary. As a follow-up, you could
How long it takes to complete a shoe order; Making costs
ask students to rewrite their slides based on their partner’s
feedback; they could do this in class or for homework.


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Teacher’s notes

2B BW 7.01 Give students time to look through the notes 4B You could do this as a whole-class activity. Get students to
and think about the type of information needed for each gap. read the report again, then discuss the answer with the class.
Teach or elicit the meaning of automation and speed up, then Ask students to justify their answers.
play the recording. Check answers with the class.
2 (because the business would not make a profit)
1 3,000 2 12 3 20/twenty 4 30/thirty 5 skill

5 BW 7.03 Play the recording, twice if necessary, then

3A BW 7.02 Explain to students that Sofia, Oscar and check answers with the class. Encourage students to make
Mario are now talking about shoe designs. Ask what Mario’s notes in answer to the questions while listening.
role is at Zapatos Trujillo S.A. (Head of Design) and give students
time to read the sentence halves before they listen. Play the Sofia’s worried that Oscar won’t accept the idea of
recording, then check answers with the class. automation. John recommends that she share some
stories of other factories that have automated, but also
Sofia: 1, 6 Oscar: 2, 4 Mario: 3, 5 points out that the decision is Oscar’s. He recommends
that Sofia give Oscar different options.

3B BW 7.02 Play the recording again and quickly check

the answer with the class. Extra activities Business workshop 7

b D This activity looks at collocations with production.

Get students to complete it individually, using their
dictionaries if necessary, then check answers with the
class. During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary.
Extra activities Business workshop 7

A BW 7.01 BW 7.02 This activity looks at useful 1 time 2 rate 3 line 4 process 5 annual
phrasal verbs and prepositional phrases from the
recordings. Get students to complete it individually or
in pairs, using their dictionaries if necessary. Point out
that they should read the whole sentence each time to Task: Manage production
help them work out the meaning needed. Then play the Students discuss options for a production process and choose
recording for students to check their answers and hear one to put in place.
the words in context. This will help them with the next
exercise, where they have to think about meanings. 6A Put students in pairs or small groups. Explain the activity
and give them time to read the options and ask you about any
1 up, down 2 on 3 on 4 into 5 of unknown words. Remind or ask them what Mario’s design is
in Option 1 (he describes it as ‘very high quality – with some
really nice details that are finished by hand’) and give them
B This can be done as a whole-class activity, or with 3–4 minutes to discuss the questions. Encourage them to give
students working individually and then checking answers reasons. You might like to discuss the answers with the class
in pairs. Check answers with the class, clarifying meanings before the next stage or let students continue in their groups.
as necessary.

1 Option 1 (The other two simpler options, with cheaper

a take on b speed up c work on
materials, wouldn’t result in a premium shoe.)
d be proud of e cut down on f break into
2 Option 3 (Oscar is against automation, prefers his staff
to make shoes with their hands and doesn’t want to lay
C Get students to complete the exercise individually, then off workers.)
check answers with the class. 3 Probably Option 1. In theory, the company would be
proud of any shoe it decides to produce. However,
1 take on 2 speed up 3 be proud of 4 work on Option 1 is the most complex design and probably
5 break into 6 cut down on the one Oscar would feel the most proud of. It could
be argued that Option 2, also a handmade shoe,
would make the company proud because producing it
includes hiring ten additional workers, which is good
Considering options for local people.
Students read a progress report.

4A Get students to read the report quickly and answer the 6B Put students in groups of 3–6 and explain that they are
questions. When checking answers, check that students members of the board of Zapatos Trujillo S.A. and are each
understand the difference between wholesale price (the price going to argue for one of the options in Exercise 6A. Depending
at which Zapatos Trujillo S.A. sell the shoes to stores) and on the size of your class, and of each group, assign each role to
recommended retail price (the price at which stores sell the one or two students and give them time to think about their
shoes to the public). Students may also ask about the meanings arguments. They should think of reasons why their option is
of workforce and cut down. better than the other two. You could group students who have
the same role together for this stage – this would be particularly
useful for weaker classes. Set a time limit and point out that
Sofia wrote the report for her boss, John McDermott.


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Teacher’s notes

students need to come up with convincing arguments and do

Option 3 – Automated simple
not necessarily need to base them on how financially viable each
Number of pairs: 20,000
option is; they can refer to other factors as well the profit (e.g.
Material: 36.00
quality, automation, how many people will lose their jobs). While
Material total: 720,000.00
students are working, monitor and help as necessary. Encourage
Workers: 40
them to make notes.
Rate: 5,000
Total labour: 200,000
Possible answers Mat + Lab: 920,000
Role A Fixed overheads: 300,000
This option will produce the highest quality shoe. Zapatos Cost per shoe: 61.00
Trujillo S.A. will be proud to produce high-quality footwear. Wholesale price: 91.50
The workers will feel happy and comfortable because they Retail price: 164.70
will continue working in the same way. Options 2 and 3 Income: 1,830,000
aren’t good because they produce a shoe of lower quality. Profit: 610,000
Option 3 uses automation, which Oscar García wanted to
avoid. Also, ten people will lose their jobs.
6C In their groups, students now take it in turns to present
Role B their arguments, trying to convince the rest of the group that
This is a good option because it is in the middle of the their option is the best choice. Remind them to refer to their
other two. The shoes will be handmade, but they will not notes from the previous stage. When everyone in the group has
be so expensive, so they will sell more easily. Also, it will had a chance to present their arguments, they should choose
give ten people a job. Option 1 isn’t good because the one option to put in place. If time allows, do a whole-class
expensive shoe may be difficult to sell. Sofia said it could round-up at the end: ask a few groups to tell the class which
be hard to enter the market at the high end. Option 3 uses option they chose and why.
automation, which Oscar García wanted to avoid. Also, ten
people will lose their jobs.
Role C
This option creates the most profit. The company could Students write an email explaining a decision.
use the extra money from this option to produce the
7 If there is no time to do this in class, it can be assigned as
Option 1 shoe in the future. It would be a good way to
homework. Explain to students that as board members, they
make the business grow. Option 1 isn’t good because the
are now going to write an email to Mario, informing him of
expensive shoe may be difficult to sell. Sofia said it could
their decision. Go through the list of points to remember with
be hard to enter the market at the high end. Option 2
them and also point out the word limit. In weaker classes, you
isn’t good because of the expense of hiring new workers.
could let students plan their email in pairs, then complete the
Both Option 1 and Option 2 are bad because they don’t
writing task individually, in class or for homework.
produce as much profit for the company.
Here are the calculations on overheads and profit:
Model answer
Option 1 – Mario’s design I’m writing to let you know that we’ve discussed the
Number of pairs: 12,000 options for producing a new line of shoes. We think
Material: 50.00 Option 1 is the best option. Although it doesn’t produce
Material total: 600,000.00 the most profit, it will allow Zapatos Trujillo S.A. to make
Workers: 50 a shoe that the company will be proud of, to continue
Rate: 5,000 making shoes by hand and to keep its full workforce. We
Total labour: 5,000 hope that the new line of shoes will be a big success.
Mat + Lab: 850,000
Fixed overheads: 200,000
Cost per shoe: 87.50 MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities
Wholesale price: 131.25
Retail price: 236.25
Income: 1,575,000
Profit: 525,000
Review 7
Option 2 – Simpler shoe and more workers 1 1 product tester 2 feedback 3 launched
Number of pairs: 15,000 4 usefulness 5 challenges 6 purchased
Material: 38.00 2 1 have to / need to 2 have to / need to
Material total: 570,000.00 3 can’t / have to / need to 4 can 5 have to / need to
Workers: 60 6 have to / need to 7 can
Rate: 5000 3 1 start by 2 next step 3 Do you see 4 like this
Total labour: 300,000 5 Any questions 6 Once you’ve 7 you’ve completed
Mat + Lab: 870,000 8 because
Fixed overheads: 200,000 4 1 background 2 mute 3 connection 4 hanging up
Cost per shoe: 71.33 5 echo 6 switched on 7 volume 8 cutting out
Wholesale price: 107.00 5 1 report 2 new 3 recruited 4 very lightweight
Retail price: 192.60 5 easy-to-use
Income: 1,605,000
Profit: 535,000


M07 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 117 27/06/2019 15:37

8 Green solutions
Unit overview

8.1 Lead-in Students talk about places of natural beauty in their country. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities
Video Students watch a video about tourism in Punta de Lobos, Chile.
Green business
Vocabulary Students look at vocabulary related to environmental issues. Pronunciation bank: p.118 Vowel
sounds: /ɜː/, /ʊ/, /uː/ and /əʊ/
Project Students interview each other on their attitudes towards
environmental issues. Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 8.1 p.148
Workbook: p.39 Exercises 1–3

8.2 Lead-in Students talk about the transport system in their city/town. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Reading bank
Listening Students listen to an interview about public transport.
Grammar Students study and practise should and could for advice and Grammar reference: p.124
solutions should and could for advice and
Writing Students write an email giving advice and suggestions.
Pronunciation bank: p.118 should
and could
Teacher’s book: Resource bank
Photocopiable 8.2 p.149
Workbook: p.40 Exercises 1–3, p.41
Exercises 1–3

8.3 Lead-in Students talk about their own approach to giving and
responding to feedback.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive video
Communication Video Students watch a video about feedback in a review meeting. activities; Functional language
skills: Giving and bank
Reflection Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and think
receiving feedback Workbook: p.42 Exercises 1–3
about their own approach to giving and receiving feedback.
Functional Students look at useful phrases for giving and receiving
language feedback.
Task Students roleplay a review meeting.

8.4 Lead-in Students look at tips for managing the Q&A session of
a presentation.
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Functional
Business skills: Listening Students listen to the Q&A session of a presentation. language bank
Managing questions
Functional Students look at useful phrases for managing the Q&A session Workbook: p.42 Exercise 4
language of a presentation.
Task Students roleplay the Q&A session of a presentation.

8.5 Lead-in Students read and complete an intranet update. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
extra activities; Interactive
Functional Students look at useful phrases for a short intranet update.
Writing: An language
grammar practice; Writing bank
intranet update
Task Students write a short intranet update. Grammar reference: p.125 Future
Workbook: p.43 Exercises 1–3

Business Reading Students read a report about office energy use. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources:
workshop 8 Listening Students listen to a discussion about ways to reduce energy
extra activities

Walsh Ryan’s green costs and waste.

office Task Students give a presentation about waste and energy reduction
in an office.


M08 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 118 27/06/2019 16:53

Teacher’s notes

Business brief The main aim of this unit is to introduce students to the concept of environmental issues
and the increasing drive in modern business to find green solutions to these.

Whether due to specific government legislation or consumer pressure, it is difficult for

today’s businesses not to engage with environmental issues. For some companies, ‘going
green’ is good PR they can use as a visible part of their marketing strategy and corporate
branding. Other businesses might have pressures (e.g., shareholders’ expectations, or
industry-specific legislation which limits the ways they can operate) to engage more fully
with environmental issues. In these cases, an organisation may decide to draw up and
publish corporate policies on issues such as recycling, CO2 emissions or sustainability.
Practical ways that organisations can improve their green credentials include promoting
paperless offices, where employees are discouraged from printing documents and store
everything online instead, opting to use energy from renewable sources, and using video
conferencing instead of corporate travel in order to reduce their carbon footprint.

Research indicates that an organisation’s commitment to sustainability can improve

employee engagement and motivation. Consequently, some companies now encourage
their employees to take part in green initiatives by offering them rewards such as extra
days off work. Experts believe that introducing green practices which have obvious
benefits for others can make workers feel more positively towards their company. Unilever
and IBM are examples of companies successfully boosting employee engagement through
an involvement in sustainability.

In some sectors, having green credentials is a crucial factor in attracting and retaining
business. In the travel industry, a rising awareness of the impact that mass development
can have on the environment has created the phenomenon of green tourism where hotels,
travel companies and tourist attractions agree to adhere to environmentally friendly
policies to protect the areas they operate in. These include trying to minimise the impact
of visitors on indigenous cultures, creating jobs for local people, using local suppliers and
produce, and supporting local conservation projects.

In other industries such as fashion, there is growing concern about production methods
which cause environmental pollution or harm to communities involved in the
manufacturing process. Consumers are increasingly aware that the ever-changing nature
of the clothing industry, allied with an increase in cheap stores selling disposable items,
leads to large increases in items which end up in landfill sites. Consumer groups are now
putting pressure on big retail chains to account for the ecological damage that is done
when manufacturing their goods. A direct result of this is that some clothing retailers now
reward customers for recycling old clothes in the outlets where they buy new ones.

The technology industry is also being pressurised both by governments and consumers
to find solutions to the pollution and toxic waste which often results from methods of
production such as built-in obsolescence and using large amounts of non-recyclable
materials in the production of goods.

Green solutions and It is important that students are aware of the concept of environmental issues as they are
your students becoming increasingly central to business policies. Pre-work students may be aware of
green issues which have had an impact in their own country. Those who are in-work might
already have seen changes in their company’s attitude or policies regarding environmental
issues in the workplace.


M08 Bus Part TB A2P GLB 90990.indd 119 27/06/2019 16:53

Teacher’s notes

Unit lead-in 3 8.1.1 Explain the activity, give students time to read

Elicit a brief description of the photo and draw students’ the information and teach or elicit the meaning of construction
attention to the unit title. Teach or elicit the meaning of green projects in item e. You might also like to pre-teach the
(environmentally friendly), then discuss the quote with the following words from the video: (huge) density, develop (use
class. What do students think it means? How important do they land for construction), developers, development, developing
think it is for companies to be environmentally responsible? country, highway, resort, threatening. Play the video, then
Are companies more or less environmentally responsible today check answers with the class.
than they were in the past? Why?
1 d 2 e 3 a 4 c 5 b

8.1 Green business 4 8.1.1 Give students a minute to read the statements
before playing the video. In stronger classes, you could ask
students to correct the false statements – they may need to
GSE learning objectives watch the video again for this.
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
aimed at a general audience. 1 T
• Can make and respond to suggestions. 2 F – A ‘huge density’ of construction was planned,
• Can use language related to environmental issues. including a large resort.
• Can answer simple questions and respond to simple 3 T
statements in an interview. 4 F – It wants to keep the cliffs open to the public.
5 F – One problem was there were traffic jams on the road
/ too much traffic / there were no bathrooms.
6 T
Warm-up 7 F – 12 rooms
Put students in pairs or small groups and ask them to tell 8 T
each other about a natural place in the world they’d like to
visit. Why do they want to go there? What do they know
about the place? Give students 3–4 minutes to discuss in 5 Put students in small groups, give them 4–5 minutes to
their pairs/groups, then elicit ideas around the class. discuss the questions, then have a whole-class round-up.

Pronunciation bank
Lead-in p. 118: Vowel sounds: /ɜː/, /ʊ/, /uː/ and /əʊ/
Students talk about places of natural beauty in their country.
P8.01 Refer students to the box and play the
1 Teach or elicit the meanings of the words in the box, then
discuss both questions as a class. Ask students why they think recording for them to hear the examples. Drill
these are some of the best places to visit and why they get/ the pronunciation of the example words.
don’t get many visitors. If all your students are from the same
region or country, they could vote on the most beautiful
natural place. If you have a multinational group, students could
1 P8.02 Explain that students are going to hear
sentences which contain the vowel sounds in the box
give mini-presentations about places in their countries, with
and that they should listen and identify the sound in
internet images or videos.
each sentence. Point out that they should listen for the
sound rather than similarities in the way the words are
Video spelt – e.g., the sound /ɜː/ is not always spelt -ir as in
Students watch a video about tourism in Punta de Lobos, the example word bird. Play the recording, then check
Chile. answers with the class. Do not focus on students’
pronunciation yet.
2A 8.1.1 Tell students that they are going to watch the
first part of a video about Punta de Lobos, a town in Chile which 1 surf 2 looking 3 improved 4 coast
is a popular tourist destination, with the sound off. Go through
the items and check that they understand the meanings of
cacti, fence, surfers and waves. Play the video from 00:00 to 2 P8.02 Play the recording for students to listen
00:49, then check the answers with the class. After feedback, and repeat.
you could ask students about other things they spotted in
the video (e.g. a family sitting on the other side of the fence, 3 Put students in pairs and explain the activity:
tourists on the cliffs, birds). they should take it in turns to say one of the
words in brackets in Exercise 1, their partner
cacti, cliffs, fence, rocks, surfers, waves saying the sentence next to it, paying attention
to the pronunciation of the vowel sounds. During
the activity, monitor and check/correct students’
2B Discuss the questions as a class. Encourage students to give pronunciation of the vowel sounds as necessary.
reasons why they would or wouldn’t like to visit a place like
Punta de Lobos.


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Teacher’s notes

Extra activities 8.1 1 plastic 2 Brazil, Peru, Chile

3 No. He thinks we need solutions from all types of
A 8.1.1 Explain the activity and give students time
businesses as well as governments.
to read the sentences. You could ask them to complete
as much of the information as they can remember before
watching again, then play the video for them to check/
7 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them
complete their answers. Check answers with the class.
2–3 minutes to discuss the questions, then elicit answers
around the class. For question 2, encourage students to
1 P 2 P 3 M 4 M 5 P 6 M 7 P 8 P 9 J 10 M give reasons for their answers.

Students’ own answers

Alternative video worksheet: Recycling

8 Students complete the activity individually or in pairs,
1 Discuss the questions as a whole class. Encourage
using their dictionaries to help them if necessary. If time is
students to give reasons for their answers to question 3.
short, you could do this as a whole-class activity, checking
answers and clarifying meanings as you go along.
Students’ own answers
1 toxic 2 pollution 3 e-waste 4 environment
5 recycle 6 resources 7 rubbish dump
2 ALT 8.1.1 Tell students that they are going to watch
a video about recycling electronic waste ,or e-waste.
Teach or elicit its meaning and ask for a few examples
9 Get students to complete the sentences individually,
(phones, computers, appliances like refrigerators, smaller
then check answers with the class.
appliances like irons, etc.). Then explain the activity, refer
them to the list and ask them which words they expect
to hear in the video. Elicit ideas as a class and ask them to 1 resources 2 rubbish dump 3 toxic
watch and check their predictions. Play the first part of the
video (0:00–0:55), then check answers with the class.
10 Students discuss the questions in pairs or small groups
first, then as a class. Make sure students give reasons for
1, 2, 6, 7, 8 their answers.

3 ALT 8.1.1 Students complete the activity Students’ own answers

individually or in pairs, using a dictionary if necessary. Play
the first part of the video again (0:00–0:55) for them to
check their answers. Then go over the answers, checking
that they understand the meanings of the words in italics. Vocabulary: The environment
Students look at vocabulary related to environmental issues.
1 opportunity 2 consumers 3 computer 4 away
6 Get students to complete the exercise individually. Check
5 electronic 6 pollution 7 Recycling 8 business
that they understand the meaning of harm and damage in the
definitions before they begin. Check answers with the class,
clarifying the meanings of the words in bold as necessary.
4 ALT 8.1.1 Students watch the second part of the
video and choose the correct answers to questions 1–5.
Give them time to read the questions and options before 1 b 2 d 3 c 4 a
they watch, then play the video (0:56–2:58) and check
answers with the class.
7 You could go through the words in the box with students
before they begin or let them use their dictionaries to look up
1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 b
unknown words and clarify meanings during feedback.

5 ALT 8.1.1 Go through the instructions and 1 environment 2 pollution 3 damage 4 reduction
sentences with the students, then play the video (2:59– 5 destruction
4:00) and check answers with the class.

8 You might like to check the meanings of the nouns once

1 d 2 a 3 c 4 b
again before students complete the table. You could also point
out that for one of the items (damage), the verb and noun
forms are the same. Ask them to work individually using their
6 ALT 8.1.1 Encourage students to make notes to
dictionaries if necessary, then check answers with the class.
answer the questions while watching. Play the whole
Alternatively, you could do this as a quick whole-class activity,
video, twice if necessary, then check answers with the
checking answers and clarifying meanings as you go along.

conserve, damage, destroy, protect, pollute, recycle, reduce


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Teacher’s notes

9A This is a consolidation exercise, so students should do it

individually. You could get them to compare answers in pairs 8.2 Transport solutions
before checking with the class.
GSE learning objectives
1 recycle 2 pollution 3 reduce 4 protect 5 reduce
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
if provided with written supporting material.
9B Put students in pairs or small groups to discuss the • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
questions. After 4–5 minutes, invite students from different or narrative.
pairs/groups to share their answers with the class. • Can make and respond to suggestions.
• Can use should(n’t) to offer or ask for advice or
Extra activities 8.1
• Can make offers and suggestions using could.
B This activity practises key vocabulary from the lesson. • Can make basic informal suggestions in writing.
Get students to complete the exercise individually and
compare answers in pairs before checking with the class.
1 a 2 c 3 b 4 c 5 a 6 b 7 c Write public transport on the board and ask students to
give you examples (e.g. bus, train, taxi, tram, ferry, coach,
underground). Discuss the following questions with the
class: How often do you use public transport? Do you only
Project: Protecting the environment use it for travelling where you live or for going to other
Students interview each other on their attitudes towards towns/cities? Do you use it on holiday? What is your least
environmental issues. favourite form of public transport? Why?

10A Divide the class into A B and C groups. Explain that

they are going to prepare a questionnaire and then interview
other students to find out how much they do to protect the
environment. Before they begin, ask everyone to read the Students talk about the transport system in their city/town.
questions on all three cards and ask about any unknown words.
You might like to check the words unplug, heating and towels. 1A Discuss the question as a class, inviting different students
Set a time limit and ask students to think of 2–3 more questions to share their views. To help them, you could give them a few
to add to their card. In weaker classes, you could circulate and ideas to think about (e.g. cost, punctuality, cleanliness).
help students with ideas, e.g.
1B Teach or elicit the meanings of the words in the box (see Note
• Habits at home (Group A): Do you buy fresh or packaged below). You could ask students if they think a congestion charge
food? How much meat do you eat? Do you buy organic would be a good idea in the major cities in their country/-ies.
food? Do you use plastic supermarket bags? How much food
do you throw away? What do you recycle at home? Do you
use a lot of cleaning products?
• Habits where you work/study (Group B): What do you recycle Congestion is the problem of too much traffic in a
at work? How much paper do you use every day? How much place. A congestion charge is a fee most motor vehicles
do you travel for meetings? Do you drive an electric or have to pay to enter a central zone in a city. London
hybrid car? Do you drink bottled water or tap water? introduced a congestion charge in 2003 in order to
reduce high traffic flow and pollution in the central area
• Habits on holiday (Group C): How do you conserve water on
and raise finance for the city’s transport system.
holiday? What type of accommodation do you stay in? Do
you buy a lot of souvenirs? What type of souvenirs do you
buy? Do you do any activities on holiday which pollute the
environment? Do you eat locally produced food? Listening
10B Put student in groups, with one student from each of the Students listen to an interview about public transport.
original groups (A, B and C). They take turns to interview each
other using the questions on their cards. Encourage them to
2 8.01 Explain that students are going to listen to an
interview with an expert in public transport. You might like
make notes of the other two students’ answers as they will
to pre-teach urban areas and urban congestion from the
need to refer to them in the next stage.
recording. Give them a minute to read the options, play the
10C Students return to their original groups and report back recording and check answers with the class.
on what they found out about their classmates. As a group,
they then decide which of the students they interviewed has 2
the ‘greenest’ habits for each of the three categories. Remind
them that they should give reasons for their answers. Set a
time limit for students’ discussions, then ask each group to tell 3 8.01 Go through the instructions with students and
the class what they decided. give them time to read the information. Encourage them to
think about what type of word is needed for each gap so that
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities they will know what to listen for. Play the recording, twice if
Pronunciation bank: p.118 Vowel sounds: /ɜː/, /ʊ/, /uː/ and /əʊ/ necessary, then check answers with the class.
Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 8.1 p.148
Workbook: p.39 Exercises 1–3


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Teacher’s notes

1 consultant 2 car 3 space 4 city streets 5 noise 5B Do this as a whole-class activity. Elicit the answers and
6 technology 7 not enough 8 spend more ask students what the verbs they underlined are called (modal
9 cleaner energy 10 quality of life verbs). Refer them to the Grammar reference on page 124 and
go through it with them, answering any questions they may
have and clarifying any points as necessary.

Extra activities 8.2

1 shouldn’t 2 could 3 should 4 should
A 8.01 This activity practises useful vocabulary An infinitive verb form comes after each.
from the listening. In weaker classes, go through the
words in the box with students before they begin. In
stronger classes, ask them to work individually, using Pronunciation bank
their dictionaries to check any unknown words. Play the
p. 118: should and could
recording for students to check their answers, then clarify
meanings as necessary.
P8.03 Refer students to the explanation in
1 way to work 2 get around 3 convenient,
efficient 4 driverless, software apps 5 satellite the box and go through it with them. Model
navigation 6 mass transit 7 promoting the strong and weak forms of should and could
in isolation, and then the pronunciation of
shouldn’t. Play the recording for students to
hear the examples, then drill the pronunciation
4 Put students in pairs or small groups and give them 3–5 of the example sentences.
minutes to discuss the questions. Ask them to make notes in the
table for question 1. Point out that for question 2, they should
give their own opinions. Invite students from different pairs/ 1 P8.04 Play the recording for students to
groups to share their answers with the class. As an optional complete the sentences, then check answers with the
follow-up, you could ask students the following questions: Do class. Do not focus on students’ pronunciation yet.
you think the government should promote walking and cycling
more in your country/area? How? What do you think would 1 could 2 shouldn’t 3 should 4 could
encourage people to use public transport more? 5 should 6 should

Suggested answers
2 P8.05 Explain that students will hear the
Private transport
sentences with should and could from Exercise 1 and
Advantages: door-to-door, safer at night, faster, possible
need to decide if they hear the weak or the strong
to stop whenever and wherever you like, can carry lots of
form. Remind them of the pronunciation of each
form, then play the recording and check answers with
Disadvantages: cost of fuel, maintenance and insurance,
the class. Note that as sentence 2 contains shouldn’t
time and stress of driving, problems finding parking spaces,
students should ignore this.
dangerous drivers
Public transport
Advantages: time to relax during the journey, cheaper, gets 1 We could catch a bus or get a taxi. (W)
you to the centre quicker than a car, no parking costs, saves 2 N/A – contains ‘shouldn’t’
money on fuel, maintenance and insurance 3 Do you think I should walk more? (W)
Disadvantages: slower, not door-to-door, crowded, smelly, 4 Yes, and you could, easily. (S)
no privacy, no seats 5 They should spend more on public transport.
6 Yes, they definitely should. (S)

Grammar: should and could for advice

and suggestions 3 Put students in pairs to practise saying the
sentences in Exercise 1. You might like to play
Students study and practise should and could for advice and recording P8.05 before they begin, so that they can
suggestions. hear the sentences once again before they practise
on their own. During the activity, monitor and check/
5A Ask students to complete the exercise individually, then to
correct students’ pronunciation as necessary.
compare answers in pairs before class feedback.

1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d 6A–B Ask students to work individually for both exercises.

For Exercise 6B, point out that there may be more than one
possible answer for some questions.


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Teacher’s notes

6A Writing
1 b 2 e 3 d 4 c 5 a Students write an email giving advice and suggestions.
Possible answers
8 Go through the instructions with students and give them
time to read the email. Check that they understand the
1 You could/should take your CV to shops and restaurants
meanings of capital and hire. Point out the word limit and
in town. (Situation 2)
remind students to use could and should to give advice and
2 You could/should think about the job you want to do in
make suggestions. Allow time for students to plan their answer
the future. (Situation 1)
and set a time limit for the writing task. Monitor and help as
3 You shouldn’t lie when they ask you questions.
necessary. If time is short, students can write their emails for
(Situation 5)
4 You could/should ask if you can work from home some
days. (Situation 3)
5 You shouldn’t work so hard. It’s bad for your health. Model answer
(Situation 4) Hello Jenny,
It’s a great idea to visit Spain in spring because it’s not
too hot or crowded with tourists. After the conference
6C Students could do this individually or in pairs. In weaker you should spend a few days sightseeing in Madrid. The
classes, monitor and if students are struggling, help them with museums and restaurants are great.
ideas (e.g. 1 You should think about what you enjoy doing /
After that you could take the high-speed train to Valencia
what you’re good at. 2 You could look online. 3 You should
or Barcelona, spend some time in the city and go to the
check if taking the train can save you time. 4 You should join
beach to relax. Then you could fly to Seville. If you want to
a gym. 5 You could talk about your previous experience.). Do
explore Andalusia and other cities in the south, you could
not conduct class feedback at this stage – students will discuss
hire a car. There are so many beautiful places to see. Enjoy!
their answers in the next exercise.
Best wishes,
6D Put students in groups and ask them to compare and Sandra
discuss their ideas and vote on the best ones. After
4–5 minutes, invite students from different groups to tell the
class which ideas they thought were the best and why. MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Reading bank
7A–B Put students in pairs and explain that they are going to Grammar reference: p.124 should and could for advice and
ask for and give advice and suggestions to each other. First, they
have to write three questions for another pair. Give them 3–4 Pronunciation bank: p.118 should and could
minutes to do this, while you monitor and help/correct them as Teacher’s book: Resource bank Photocopiable 8.2 p.149
necessary. Then join pairs together into groups of four and ask Workbook: p.40 Exercises 1–3, p.41 Exercises 1–3
students to swap questions and answer the ones they are given.
Again, monitor and check that students are using the target
language correctly.

7C Students now read each other’s answers and decide on the

8.3 Communication skills
best suggestions. In smaller classes, this can also be done as Giving and receiving feedback
a whole-class activity, with the class voting on the best advice
and suggestions.
GSE learning objectives

Extra activities 8.2 • Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue
or narrative.
B This activity gives further practice of could and should • Can identify a simple chronological sequence in a
for advice and suggestions. Ask students to complete recorded narrative or dialogue.
the exercise individually and, if there is time, get them to • Can make and respond to suggestions.
compare answers in pairs before checking with the class. • Can use language related to reassuring and
1 We shouldn’t arrive late for the meeting.
2 … you could/should speak English with your
colleagues. Warm-up
3 I shouldn’t eat all this chocolate.
4 You should go to bed early tonight. Refer students to the lesson title and start by teaching
5 Should I ask for a higher salary? or eliciting the meaning of feedback – you could refer
6 How many people should we invite to the students to the definition next to Exercise 1A. Then briefly
conference? discuss the importance of feedback with them: Is feedback
7 We could/should open a window … a powerful influence on learning? Why? / Why not? What
8 When should we have the next meeting? are the benefits or problems with feedback?


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Teacher’s notes

Lead-in 1 He believes he is doing well.

Students talk about their own approach to giving and 2 He’s enthusiastic and works hard; he’s great with
responding to feedback. technology; he is warm and has good interpersonal
skills; he’s supportive of colleagues; he has an excellent
1A Discuss the questions as a class. Invite different students sense of humour.
to share their views with the class. Encourage them to give 3 When he tried to help Jasmine after her application for
reasons for their answers to questions 2 and 3. the Miami conference was turned down.

1B Put students in pairs and before they begin, go through the

points in the diagram with them. Check that they understand 3B Put students in pairs to discuss their answers, then check
the meanings of praise, compliment and on a positive note, but with the class. Students may need to watch the video again in
do not explain corrective feedback yet as students will discuss order to check/complete their answers.
this in question 1. Give pairs 3–4 minutes to discuss
the questions, then broaden this into a class discussion.
1 positive feedback
2 She explains what will happen during the feedback
1 feedback that gives examples of areas where the session.
employee needs to improve 3 parts 1, 2 and 3
2 Possible answers:
a) to feel secure in your job, to understand your
strengths and weaknesses, to understand when you 4A 8.3.3 Explain that students are going to watch Orla
are doing something well, to understand how you can give Thiago some corrective feedback. Play the video, then
improve, it can be rewarding check the answers with the class.
b) it reduces turnover of employees, it helps increase
productivity, it indicates training needs for employees 1, 3, 5
3 Possible answer:
It shows a balanced approach for giving feedback. It
encourages a positive experience. 4B Students should do this in the same pairs as Exercise 3B.
Again, give them time to discuss their answers in their pairs,
then check them with the class. During feedback, you may wish
to play the video again, pausing after each answer is given to
Video confirm and discuss it with the class.
Students watch a video about feedback in a review meeting.
1 She gives an example.
2A 8.3.1 If your students watched the Unit 7 video, ask
2 pay more attention to how he speaks to colleagues in
them to give you a short summary of the situation and the
the future
main characters. If this is the first communication skills video
3 positively
for your class, briefly set up the context and/or refer students
to page 6 of the Coursebook. Explain that Thiago is about
to have a review meeting with Orla. Ask students to watch
5 8.3.4 Explain that students are going to watch the
carefully and pay attention to the flashback scenes in the video.
last section of the video, which discusses the advantages
Give them time to read the questions, then play the video and
and disadvantages of the approaches in Videos A and B. They
discuss the answers with the class.
should watch and compare what is said with their answers
to Exercises 3B and 4B. Play the video and, if time allows, let
1 As shown in the flashbacks, he knows his performance students discuss briefly in pairs or small groups first. Round up
over the past six months has not been perfect. ideas in a class discussion.
2 He feels pressured after receiving emails from Della.
3 She was concerned, and only following the usual
1 Prepare the person for the feedback and ask for their
2 Provide clarification or examples if necessary.
3 Then invite the person to assess their own performance.
2B Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss
4 Try to stay positive and diplomatic when receiving
the question. If necessary, play the flashback scenes again.
corrective feedback. Always thank the other person for
Invite different students to share their ideas with the class.
their feedback, positive or corrective.

Possible answers
He doesn’t have good time-management skills, he can
seem disorganised, he can seem rude and disrespectful Reflection
and he doesn’t have good admin skills. Students reflect on the conclusions from the video and think
about their own approach to giving and receiving feedback.

3A 8.3.2 Explain that students are going to watch 6 Allow students to work individually on this so that they can
Thiago’s review meeting with Orla and give them time to read reflect on their own skills first. Ask them to think about the
the questions. Play the video, then discuss the answers with question and make notes. Then put them in pairs to discuss and
the class. In weaker classes, you may need to play the video a compare their answers. Get brief feedback from the class.
second time or pause briefly after answers are given, to allow
students enough time to make notes.


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Teacher’s notes

Functional language: Giving and Extra activities 8.3

receiving feedback
A This activity gives further practice of the expressions
Students look at useful phrases for giving and receiving for giving feedback. Ask students to complete the exercise
feedback. individually, then check answers with the class.
7 Ask students to complete the exercise individually or in
pairs, using their dictionaries to help them if necessary. Check 1 pleased 2 interpersonal 3 great
answers with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. After 4 enthusiastic/positive/supportive 5 supportive,
feedback, you could ask students to mark each sentence P if it great/important 6 enthusiastic/positive
gives positive feedback or C if it gives corrective feedback.

1 pleased with (P) 2 great with (P) 3 were (P) B This activity practises the key expressions for
4 have (P) 5 for improvement (C) 6 could improve (C) responding to feedback. It is a consolidation activity so,
again, it would be better for students to do it individually.
Check answers with the class.
8A You could do this as a whole-class activity, checking that
students understand each heading and expression as you go 1 d 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 g 6 f 7 h 8 c
along. You could also write the expressions in four columns on
the board, under the correct heading, and encourage students
to record them in their notebooks.

1 b 2 c 3 a 4 d
Students roleplay a review meeting.

9A Put students in A–B pairs and explain that they are going
8B Again, this can be done as a whole-class activity.
to hold review meetings, where they will give feedback to their
Alternatively, ask students to work individually and then check
partner. Refer students to their information, give them time to
answers with the class, clarifying meanings as necessary. Add
read it and answer any vocabulary questions. Point out that
the expressions to the four columns on the board and, again,
there are two gaps in each student’s table, which they will
encourage students to record them in their notebooks.
have to fill in with positive qualities for their partner. Make sure
students understand that there will be two meetings, and that
Suggested answers they will take turns giving and receiving feedback. Help them
Preparing someone for the feedback prepare for the meeting by referring them back to the diagram
Let me explain the process. in Exercise 1B again. Then remind them of the main points from
We’ll start with the positive feedback, then we’ll move on the Conclusions section of the video in Exercise 5. Finally, tell
to areas for improvement. students to use expressions from Exercises 7 and 8 to give and
Asking for consent (agreement) respond to feedback. Allow plenty of time for this preparation
How about that? stage, monitoring and helping them as necessary.
Giving clarification
A good example of that was … 9B Students now hold their meetings. Go through the steps
Let me explain why we’re concerned. with them and check they understand the meanings of
One example of this is  … consent and carry out a self-assessment. Set a time limit for
We’re worried because … each meeting and remind students again to use appropriate
Encouraging self-assessment expressions to give and respond to feedback.
How did you feel it went?
9C Students now assess their performance. Did they follow
What are your thoughts?
the steps in Exercise 9B? Was their feedback clear, but also
What do you think about … ?
tactful and balanced? How easy was it to do this in English?
Allow some time for them to discuss in their pairs and then,
as a round-up, ask students from different pairs to share their
8C This activity is best done in two stages. Start by asking
experience with the class.
students to form the sentences individually and check the
answers with the class. Then, once students have the complete MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
sentences, they can classify them individually or in pairs. video activities; Functional language bank
Workbook: p.42 Exercises 1–3
2 I mostly agree with your assessment. (C)
3 That’s an interesting idea, but … (C)
4 I’d like to try and do that in the future. (C)
5 I accept that this is a problem for me sometimes. (C)
6 I’m glad to hear that. (P)
7 Your feedback is very helpful, thank you. (B)
8 That’s good to know. (P)


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Teacher’s notes

bus, allocate (space), hot-desking, policy, storage space. Tell
Business skills the students that one person mentions two topics. Play the
recording, then check answers with the class.
Managing questions
1 b 2 c, d 3 a
GSE learning objectives
• Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording,
2C 8.02 Ask students to work individually first. Give them
if provided with written supporting material.
time to read the statements, and play the recording for them to
• Can identify key details in a simple recorded dialogue listen and decide if they are true or false. Check answers with
or narrative. the class. Put students in pairs to correct the false statements
• Can use basic discourse markers to structure a short and let them listen again if necessary.
• Can make and respond to suggestions. 1 T 
2 F (five rooms on each floor)
3 T
Warm-up 4 F (It’s a 20-minute ride.)
Teach or elicit the meaning of Q&A session (question 5 T
and answer session – the part of a presentation where
a speaker answers questions from the audience).
Refer students to the photo on page 84 and say: Many 3A 8.03 Explain that students are going to listen to
people find the Q&A session the most difficult part of the next part of the Q&A session. Give them time to read the
a presentation. Imagine you are the presenter in the questions and ask them to make notes as they listen. Play the
photograph. How do you feel? Why? Put students in pairs recording, then check answers with the class.
and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss the questions, then
elicit answers around the class. 1 She doesn’t like it / thinks it will create lots of problems.
2 working in an open-plan office / who will sit where
3 She checks she has understood the question by asking
for clarification, explains she can’t answer it, thanks Jen
Lead-in for the question and asks Ted to respond.
Students look at tips for managing the Q&A session of 4 to keep the office tidy / for their files
a presentation. 5 She wants to talk to someone and complain about the
procedure for allocating desks.
1 Put students in small groups and go through the advice with
them. Give them 3–4 minutes to discuss in their groups, then get
feedback from the class. Encourage students to give reasons. 3B Put students in pairs and give them 2–3 minutes to discuss
the questions, then discuss the answers as a class.
Listening 1 wait a few seconds before you answer a question; repeat
Students listen to the Q&A session of a presentation. the question to check you have understood and make
sure the audience have heard it
2A Put students in small groups and explain the activity. Teach
2 Students’ own answer
or elicit the meaning of open-plan office and closed office. Give
them a few minutes to brainstorm ideas, then invite different
students to share them with the class. You could give them
some prompts to think about (e.g. privacy, communication, Functional language: Managing
noise levels). To extend the activity, you could ask the following a Q&A session
question around the class: Would you prefer to work in an open Students look at useful phrases for managing the Q&A
plan office or a closed office? Why? session of a presentation.

Possible answers 4A Get students to complete the sentences individually and

then to compare answers in pairs before checking with the
Open-plan office: encourages collaboration between
class. During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary. Do not
colleagues; stops colleagues feeling isolated; companies
focus on the functions of the phrases yet as students will look
can save space and reduce costs; companies can be more
at these in the next exercise.
eco-friendly – staff share printers, etc.; space can be used in
a more creative way – e.g. for communal activities
1 have a question 2 is about 3 good question
Closed office: easier to concentrate; staff can design their
4 answer your question 5 you’re asking, that right
own work space; staff don’t have to keep their desks tidy;
6 not sure
people can hold confidential meetings in their office;
people can play music, etc. without disturbing colleagues
4B Go through the headings and examples in the table with
students and check that they understand them. Then get them
2B 8.02 Go through the instructions and topics with the
to complete the exercise individually. Alternatively, do this as
class and check they understand the meanings of timing and
a whole-class activity, eliciting the correct category for each
temporary. You may also wish to pre-teach the following words
phrase as you go along.
from the recordings: reserve, be scheduled for, branch, shuttle


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Teacher’s notes

1 Does anyone have a question? 6C Students now return to their original groups of three and
2 So the question is about meeting rooms. roleplay Q&A session 1. Set a time limit before they begin.
3 It’s a good question, thanks. When they have finished, ask them to swap roles and repeat
4 Sorry, you’re asking how we allocate space. Is that right? the steps in Exercise 6B for Q&A session 2. When they are ready,
5 Does that answer your question? set a time limit again and let them begin their roleplays. Repeat
6 I’m not sure I can answer that. the process one final time for Q&A session 3.

6D Students should do this final stage in their original groups

of three. Ask them to talk about how easy or difficult it was for
5 Put students in pairs and explain the activity. Reassure them
them to manage the Q&A session. Did they use the functional
that more than one answer is possible each time – they can
language phrases? What would they change next time? After
choose expressions from different categories and then answer
students have discussed in their groups, you could broaden this
the questions using their own ideas. You could demonstrate the
into a class discussion.
activity with a stronger student. During the activity, monitor
and check that students are using the functional language MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Functional
correctly. Go over any errors during feedback. language bank
Workbook: p.42 Exercise 4
Extra activities 8.4
A–B These activities gives further practice of the
functional language from the lesson. Ask students to 8.5 Writing
complete both exercises individually, then check answers
with the class. An intranet update
A GSE learning objectives
1 d 2 f 3 e 4 a 5 b 6 c
• Can make basic inferences from simple information in a
short text.
1 We just have time for one more question.
2 So Sara asked when the move will happen. • Can write a simple email, giving details of work-related
3 Thank you, that’s an interesting question. events or plans.
4 Sorry, you’re asking about the deadline. Is that • Can write a description of a future event or activity.
right? • Can write a simple email, giving details of work-related
5 I hope that answers your question? events or plans.
6 Can I get back to you about that?

Discuss the following questions with the class: What is
Task a company’s intranet? What is it used for? (a private
network for exchanging information within an
Students roleplay the Q&A session of a presentation. organisation, accessible only to the organisation’s staff ).
6A Put students in groups of three and explain that they are Ask if any students have ever used an intranet. Ask those
going to take part in a Q&A session of a presentation. One of them who have if they have ever read (or written) an intranet
will manage the session. The other two students in each group update and if yes, what it was about.
will be asking the questions. At this point, you may wish to tell
them that they will all get the chance to be the Presenter as each
group will hold three different Q&A sessions. Give students time to
read the scenario and ask you any questions they may have. Check
that they understand the meanings of improved communication, Students read and complete an intranet update.
savings on equipment costs, heating bills, creativity, reserve and
1 If you did not do the Warm-up activity, refer students to the
relaxation area. Before they select their roles, you may wish to give
lesson title and teach or elicit the meaning of intranet. Then
them some time to add a couple of ideas of their own to the two
refer them to the text in Exercise 1 and get them to complete
boxes. Let students select their roles.
the exercise individually and compare answers in pairs. Go
6B Divide the class into two groups: Presenters and over the answers with the class, clarifying the meanings of the
Questioners 1 and 2. Refer all the Presenters to their words in italics as necessary.
information on page 136 and all the Questioners to the
information for Q&A session 1 on page 137. Give them time to 1 know 2 more 3 suggestions 4 propose 5 result
read their information. Point out to the Presenters that their 6 Firstly 7 introduce 8 holding 9 put 10 questions
role is to make sure that the session runs smoothly. Explain or
elicit that in order to do this, they need to use strategies from
Exercise 1, follow some of the steps (1–6) on their role card
and use expressions from Exercise 4. Give students plenty of
Functional language
time to prepare for their sessions: the Presenters should try Students look at useful phrases for a short intranet update.
to anticipate some of the questions they will be asked and
prepare their answers; the Questioners should prepare the 2 Before students look at the table, point out that the
questions they are going to ask. During this stage, monitor and information in the update in Exercise 1 is organised in three
provide help as necessary. paragraphs and ask them if they can work out what each


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Teacher’s notes

paragraph is about. Elicit ideas, then refer them to the headings

Model answer
in the table to confirm answers. Finally, get students to
complete the table individually or in pairs, and check answers Update on proposed changes
with the class. During feedback, clarify meanings as necessary. As you know, we are trying to provide a more eco-friendly
Tell students that when writing intranet updates, they should environment by moving to smaller offices outside the city
try to follow the structure given in the table and also include a centre. The company has found offices and we are now
title where possible. ready to give you details.
Firstly, we are going to provide a free company bus service
1 As you know 2 ready 3 has decided from the city centre to the new offices. This will mean that
4 are going to 5 This will reduce 6 also plan staff can leave their cars at home and arrive at work more
7 is planning to 8 Finally 9 therefore 10 is arranging relaxed. It will also reduce the amount of pollution in the
11 will answer 12 can explain city. We also plan to allow people to work from home,
which also means that there will be fewer cars on the road.
You can find out more about the new scheme soon.
Optional grammar work We are holding a meeting next Friday to discuss the
The intranet update in Exercise 1 contains examples changes and answer any questions you have.
of future forms, so you could use it for some optional
grammar work. Refer students to the Grammar reference
on page 125 and use the exercises in MyEnglishLab for 3C If students write their intranet updates for homework, this
extra grammar practice. exercise can be done in the next class. Get students to do the
exercise in pairs. Encourage them to suggest corrections if they
think there is an error in their partner’s text. During the activity,
monitor and help as necessary.
Extra activities 8.5
MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities; Interactive
A This activity gives further practice of useful expressions grammar practice; Writing bank
for the different parts of an intranet update. Ask students to
Grammar reference: p.125 Future forms
complete it individually, then check answers with the class.
Workbook: p.43 Exercises 1–3

1 g 2 f 3 a 4 i 5 e 6 h 7 c 8 d 9 b

Business workshop 8
Task Walsh Ryan’s green office
Students write a short intranet update.
GSE learning objectives
3A Refer students to the intranet update on page 140 and
point out the types of mistakes they need to look for. If you • Can identify specific information in simple letters,
think it will help them, give them an example of each (e.g. brochures and short articles.
grammar: We have deciding decided to set up … ; spelling: We • Can identify specific information in a simple factual text.
will discus discuss all ideas during … ; missing words: We also • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording
plan to introduce a new system … ; unnecessary words: We aimed at a general audience.
have made a number of the changes to …). In weaker classes, • Can follow the main points in a simple audio recording, if
you may wish to do the first item as an example. Get students provided with written supporting material.
to complete the exercise individually and then to compare • Can communicate in routine tasks requiring simple,
answers in pairs before checking with the class. direct exchanges of information.
• Can make and respond to suggestions.
we trying = we are trying • Can use basic discourse markers to structure a short
are we = we are presentation.
Fristly = Firstly
changing = change
planning us to = planning to
theirfore = therefore Background
answered = answer Students read about Walsh Ryan, an insurance company in
Dublin, Ireland.

3B Refer students to the notes on page 140 and explain 1 Put students in pairs and ask them to read the background
the writing task. Remind them to use a title, organise the and discuss the questions. Check answers with the class.
information into paragraphs and use the functional language
from the table in Exercise 2. If there is no time to do the writing 1 It’s an insurance company.
task in class, it can be assigned as homework. 2 It’s six kilometres from the city centre. It’s on four floors
and is designed to save energy.
3 It’s responsible for day-to-day operations such as energy
use, security, cleaning and maintenance.
4 to reduce costs and help protect the environment (and
to give the company a better reputation)


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Teacher’s notes

The green office report 3B Do this as a quick whole-class activity.

Students read a report about office energy use.
cloud computing, multifunctional printers, recycling
2A Ask students to work individually. Explain the activity and scheme
tell them to focus on understanding the general idea of each
section rather than any words they don’t know. After checking
answers with the class, you could refer them to the pie chart 3C Give students time to read the notes and point out the
and ask them to think about possible items in the Other word limit before they listen. Play the recording, twice if
office & kitchen equipment and Other categories. (Possible necessary, then check answers with the class.
answers include: Other office & kitchen equipment: printers,
photocopiers, meeting room equipment such as projectors; 1 lights 2 toilets 3 car park 4 servers/machines
a kitchen and canteen equipment such as coffee makers, 5 right temperature 6 (print) quality 7 image
fridges, cookers, dishwashers and microwaves; Other: vending 8 reputation (as a green company)
machines, lifts, external lighting.)

1 Energy use 2 Paper use 3 Waste

Task: Present ideas on waste and energy
2B If there is time, put students in pairs or small groups
Students give a presentation about waste and energy
to brainstorm ideas, then get feedback from the class.
reduction in an office.
Alternatively, do this as a quick whole-class activity, eliciting
a few ideas around the class. 4A Put students in groups of six and divide the students in
each group into, A, B and C pairs. Explain that they all work
Extra activities Business workshop 8 in the Facilities Department of Walsh Ryan and are going
to present ideas for the G.O project. Refer them to their
A This activity provides students with extra reading information on pages 130, 134 and 128 and give them time
practice. It can be done individually or, in weaker classes, to read it. Monitor and help with unknown vocabulary or any
in pairs. Encourage students to underline the parts of the questions, then set a time limit and ask students to begin
text that gave them the answers each time, and elicit the preparation; tell them that they can prepare slides or use
these during class feedback. flipcharts if they wish. Allow plenty of time for this stage and,
again, monitor and provide help as necessary. If your class does
1 c 2 c 3 a 4 c 5 a not divide into groups of six, allow stronger students to work
individually or less confident students to work in groups of
three rather than pairs. In smaller groups students can work in
B This activity looks at useful vocabulary from the report groups of three and prepare their presentations individually.
in Exercise 2. Students could do it individually or, in weaker
classes, in pairs. Encourage them to find the words in the
4B In their groups, students now take turns to present their
ideas. Refer them to the points in the box before they begin and
report before matching them with their definitions, so that
set a time limit for the presentations.
they can see them used in context – this will help them
work out their meanings. Check answers with the class. 4C When everyone has presented their ideas, groups should
decide on the best option for the G.O project, giving reasons
1 budget 2 savings 3 waste 4 bill 5 utilities for their opinions. As a follow-up, invite students from different
6 disposal groups to tell the class which option they chose and why.

MyEnglishLab: Teacher’s resources: extra activities

The Facilities Department meeting Review 8

Students listen to a discussion about ways to reduce energy
costs and waste.
1 1 pollutes 2 recycled 3 impact 4 destruction
3A BW 8.01 Draw students’ attention to the pictures 5 protect 6 damage
and elicit what they show (from left to right: printer, cloud 2 1 should 2 shouldn’t 3 could/should 4 could
computing, recycling bins, motion sensor). You may wish to 5 shouldn’t 6 should/could
pre-teach the following words from the recording: corridor, 3 1 e 2 g 3 a 4 d 5 f 6 b 7 h 8 c
detect, equipment, install, look into (the options), motion 4 1 anyone have 2 good question 3 you’re asking
sensor, multifunctional, run (machines), storeroom, toner. Play 4 Does that 5 question, about 6 the answer
the recording, then check answers with the class. 5 1 you know 2 now ready 3 are going to
4 will reduce 5 also plan to 6 therefore
7 are holding
1 motion sensors 2 cloud computing 3 printers
4 recycling scheme


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Resource bank


1.1 Vocabulary: Transport, accommodation and travel 134

1.2 Grammar: Comparatives and superlatives 135

2.1 Vocabulary: Location 136

2.2 Grammar: enough and too 137

3.1 Vocabulary: Shops and the shopping experience 138

3.2 Grammar: Past Simple and Past Continuous 139

4.1 Vocabulary: Describing jobs and contracts 140

4.2 Grammar: Present Perfect Simple 141

5.1 Vocabulary: Money; Collocations 142

5.2 Grammar: First conditional 143

6.1 Vocabulary: Teamwork; Word building – verbs and nouns 144

6.2 Grammar: Pronouns with some- and every- 145

7.1 Vocabulary: Research and development 146

7.2 Grammar: can, have to, need to 147

8.1 Vocabulary: The environment 148

8.2 Grammar: should and could for advice and suggestions 149

Photocopiables teacher's notes 150


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Resource bank

Reading bank

Unit 1 Leading airlines planning to expand 158

Unit 2 Asia-Pacific closes gap as best location to do business 160

Unit 3 Online retailers face growing problem of returned goods 162

Unit 4 Should you follow your dreams? 164

Unit 5 It’s the data, stupid. 166

Unit 6 From teamwork to soft skills 168

Unit 7 Where does innovation come from? 170

Unit 8 China now the leading player in green energy 172

Reading bank Answer key 174

Writing bank

1 Letters 176

2 Online reviews 178

3 Emails 179

4 Giving updates 181

5 Short communications 182

6 Presentations 184

Functional language bank

1 Presentation skills 186

2 Meeting skills 187

3 Telephone skills 188

4 Dealing with technical problems 190


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1 Travelling for work Photocopiables

1.1 Vocabulary
1 Brainstorm words and phrases connected to business travel.

public travel
transport accommodation

airports and

2 Match the questions (1–6) with the answers (a–f).

1 Shall we eat at the airport? a It’s not great, I think we should take
2 Is the public transport from the airport a taxi.
good? b In a small hotel in the city centre.
3 Do you know when the departure time c Yes, the airport lounge has some good
is? restaurants.
4 How are we getting to the hotel? d I’ll check, but I think it’s gate five.
5 Which gate number do we go to? e The plane leaves at 13.45.

✁ 6 Where are we staying? f I think we should use a ridesharing app.

Student A Student B
3 You are arranging a business trip to Stockholm with your 3 You are arranging a business trip to Stockholm with
partner. Write the questions you will need to find out your partner. Write the questions you will need to find
the missing information on your card. out the missing information on your card.

excellent restaurants / Place to eat

Place to eat
airport lounge Question:
Departure and arrival ?
Departure and departure 13.20 / arrival
arrival time 16.50
Terminal 2? 3? / not sure / will email
Travel to
Question: Travel to
taxi or ridesharing app
business hotel / reservation /
Accommodation Question:
two nights
Travel to client’s office
Question: 30 km / train or taxi / traffic
Travel to client’s office
bad in city centre

4 Call your partner. Find out the missing information in

4 Call your partner. Find out the missing information in the table and give him/her the information you know.
the table and give him/her the information you know.

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1 Travelling for work Photocopiables

1.2 Grammar
1 Are the sentences correct or incorrect? Correct the incorrect sentences.
1 The wi-fi in that hotel is the worst I’ve 6 The venue’s further from the airport
experienced. than we’d like.
2 Public transport in Europe is more 7 The facilities are the best I’ve ever seen.
better than in the USA. 8 What is the more expensive hotel
3 Videoconferencing is easiest than you’ve stayed in?
teleconferencing. 9 This is most exciting conference I’ve
4 I thought the conference was more been to.
interesting than last year. 10 What is the best thing about attending
5 Hotels in that city are a lot better they conferences?
were in the past.

2 Work in pairs. You are planning a conference for your company and must choose
a venue. First, read about three venues and complete the sentences with the
correct venue.
1 is the closest to the city centre.
2 Marrakesh Conference Centre is closer to the city centre than but
further away than .
3 has the most conference rooms.
4 is closer to the airport than the other two.
5 has the most bedrooms.

Paradise Hotel & Marrakesh Sydney House Hotel

Conference Centre Conference Centre and Conference Centre
Location: 20 minutes from the Location: Central Sydney,
Location: 2 hours outside
centre of Marrakesh, Morocco Australia
London, UK
Nearest Airport: Gatwick, Nearest Airport: Marrakesh Nearest Airport: Sydney,
30-minute taxi ride. No public International, 45-minute taxi 45-minute taxi ride. Train and bus
transport available. Airport ride. No public transport transfer available.
pickup available on request. available. This luxury hotel and conference
This luxury hotel and This modern conference centre centre offers everything you need
conference centre offers in the heart of Marrakesh for your business conference.
everything you need for your provides facilities for small- and Facilities:
business conference. large-scale conferences. Deals • 400 budget bedrooms;
Facilities: available with local hotels. 50 luxury bedrooms
• 200 bedrooms Facilities: • 15 conference rooms with full
• 25 conference rooms with • 20 large conference rooms IT equipment
full IT equipment • 15 small conference rooms • 3 restaurants
• Free tea and coffee • Air conditioning in all • Pool and gym
• 2 restaurants conference rooms • Walking distance to all Sydney
• Pool, sauna and gym • 5G wi-fi in all areas attractions
• Five-star restaurant

3 Make three more comparisons about the venues.

4 Look at your company’s conference information. In pairs, discuss which venue to

choose. Give reasons for your choice.

Jackie Jackson Fashion Corporation

Conference dates: January 14–16
Attendees: 200 Sales Managers (from Europe, North America and Asia)
Conference purpose: to share sales information and improve staff relationships

Business Partner A2+ © Pearson Education 2019 135

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2 Business location Photocopiables

2.1 Vocabulary
1 Complete the article with the words in the box.

access close facilities headquarters labs locate rents transport

Do you want your city to be the next Silicon Valley?

Think carefully about where to 1 your tech centre. Start-ups
generally have weak finances, so an area with reasonable 2 for
office space is a good choice. However, if you manage to attract a lot of start-ups, big
tech players may want to have their regional 3 in your city, so
make sure the area has enough space.
Tech companies require two key things: ideas and money. Try to create links with
universities and innovation 4 , and make sure banking
are available. Good university links will also make sure there
is 6 to skilled staff.
Finally, tech is an international business, so make sure your new tech centre is
to good 8 links.

2 Match 1–5 with a–e to make sentences.

1 This is why you should locate a offering excellent banking facilities.
2 We can offer office space b offering access to very skilled staff.
3 We have lots of finance companies c your tech centre in our city.
4 We have six universities d global transport links.
5 Our airports provide e for reasonable rent.

3 Work in groups. You are representatives of a city and are attending an event
to attract tech start-ups to your city. Read the information about your city and
prepare a short presentation.

Bangalore, India Paris, France Hanoi, Vietnam

Transport Transport Transport
• International airport • 2 international airports • International airport
• Trains, metro (41 stations), • Fast train network across • Trains, buses and
taxis and auto rickshaws Europe (motorbike) taxis
• Over 30 bus stations, cheap • Metro (245 stations), buses • Metro system (not finished;
fares and taxis 229 stations planned)
Business and innovation Business and innovation Business and innovation
• Many technology companies • Global business centre • Important business centre
• Indian banks • All major international • Vietnamese and Japanese
• Many science research banks banks
institutes • Famous and historic • Over 20 universities (10 of
Infrastructure universities them science universities)
• Good internet Infrastructure Infrastructure
• Electricity supply not good • Fast internet • Good internet
• Good roads in some places • Good electricity supply • Electricity supply OK
• Office rent OK • Great transport • Busy roads

• Expensive office rent • Cheap office rent

4 Present your city to the class.

5 Work in different groups of three. Discuss which city you think is the best choice for
tech start-ups and why.

136 Business Partner A2+ © Pearson Education 2019

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2 Business location Photocopiables

2.2 Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with too or enough.
1 There are many problems with this place.
2 There’s much traffic in the city centre.
3 It’s hot in summer. We need air conditioning.
4 It’s not big . We need more space.
5 The rent’s expensive.
6 It’s big. Can we look for somewhere smaller?
7 The area’s busy in rush hour.
8 There are transport links.
9 There aren’t parking spaces.
10 Are there meeting rooms?

2 Your company is moving offices. The management board has found two possible
locations and has asked you to make the final choice. Read the information about
the company’s needs and the two options. Then think of one positive and one
negative opinion about each option using too or (not) enough. Make some notes.

The new office must:

• be close to the city centre but not in it.
• have air conditioning.
• have space for 1,500 employees.
• have good transport links.
• have car parking spaces for at least 700 cars.

Option A Option B
• 50 minutes from city centre • 20 minutes from the city centre
• 3 bus stops and a train station • No public transport
within walking distance • Air conditioning on all floors
• Air conditioning on some floors • Accommodates 1,700 employees
• Accommodates 1,450 employees • 450 car parking spaces
• 1,000 car parking spaces

3 Work in small groups. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Options A

and B. Then choose the best option.

It has … It is …
It doesn’t have … There are …

4 Present your choice to the rest of the class.

Business Partner A2+ © Pearson Education 2019 137

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3 Retail Photocopiables

3.1 Vocabulary
1 Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

bill branches chain charges cost offer order pay serve shop

1 We have 300 across the country.

2 Customers can in cash or by card.
3 You can online and collect in store.
4 We a 5 percent discount when you spend over €50.
5 Many customers prefer to online.
6 Our branches over 3,000 customers a day.
7 The of food shopping is increasing every year.
8 Our town has lots of big stores, and I don’t like them.
9 The total is $56.30.
10 My phone company 6 cents a minute for calls to outside Europe.

2 Work in small groups. Place your counter on Start. Take turns to roll the dice and
move your counter. When you land on a square, use the prompts to say a sentence
about your own shopping experience or about a company you know well.
• You must use all the words in your square.
• Your sentence must use four words or more.
• Your sentence cannot be a question.
• If you cannot make a sentence, you miss your next turn.

1 2 3 4
pay / cash offer / 100 / serve /
Start discount branches / customers

9 8 7 6 5
shop / charge / fee High Street / cost / bill / cash /
online chain supplies card

10 11 12 13 14
pay / card / make / shop / charge / cost / too
online profit clothes wi-fi much

19 18 17 16 15
branch pay / bill spend / make / order / (type
/ small money mistake / of tea or
towns bill coffee)

20 21 22 23
offer / good serve / spend / $10 popular / Finish
service slowly chain

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3 Retail Photocopiables

3.2 Grammar
1 Choose the correct option in italics to complete the email.

Dear Sir/Madam,
I’m writing to complain about the bike I bought from your shop.
I 1rode / was riding my new bike home when a car 2came / was coming towards me. I 3tried /
was trying to stop, but when I 4pulled / was pulling on the brake, I 5heard / was hearing
a strange noise. The brake cable 6snapped / was snapping, and I had to jump off the bike.
I 7phoned / was phoning your company, but I 8waited / was waiting for hours until someone
answered / was answering.
I would like my money back or a new bike.
Michael Jones

2 Complete the reply email. Use the Past Simple or Past Continuous form of the verbs
in brackets.

Dear Mr Jones,
I’m sorry you 1
(have) problems with your new bike.
(check) our records, and we 3 (ask) you to give us
your bank details for the refund when you called us. But you didn’t give us that information.
We 4 (wait) for that information.
Please give me a call.
Best regards,
Rachel Watson
Customer Services Manager

Student A Student B
3A You recently paid for an internet service for your 3A You are a Customer Service Assistant at Nyssan Net, an
home from Nyssan Net, but the internet connection internet service provider. A customer (Student A) will call
is bad. You will phone customer service (Student to make a complaint. Listen to the complaint carefully
B) to complain and negotiate a solution. Use the and make notes. Then repeat the information to check
information below to help you. Don’t forget to use you understand and suggest a solution.
both the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
B You recently bought a used car from Caroo, a large
technician / install / internet connection car dealership. However, the passenger door mirror
is not working. Phone customer service (Student
A) to complain and negotiate a solution. Use the
important work / internet stopped information below to help you. Don’t forget to use
both the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.
phone / technical support
used car – bought – good condition
internet – working
moved mirror / mirror stopped working
after phone call / internet stopped
phoned dealer / wait – long time
(What solution do you want?)
serviced car / mirror – working
B Make your call.
moved mirror (yesterday) / stopped working
C You are a Sales Assistant at Caroo, a large car
dealership. Student B will call to make a complaint.
Listen to the complaint carefully and make notes. (What solution do you want?)
Then repeat the information to check you
understand and suggest a solution. C Make your call.

Business Partner A2+ © Pearson Education 2019 139

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4 Work patterns Photocopiables

4.1 Vocabulary
1 Complete the questions with the words in the box.

day flexible interns patterns permanent retired self

shifts time unemployed

1 Are most people -employed, or do they work for a company?

2 Do most people prefer having hours or a fixed schedule?
3 How many hours do full- employees work?
4 Do get paid, or do they work for free to get experience?
5 Do most people have a or a temporary job?
6 Is the normal working 9 a.m.–5 p.m.?
7 Do people work night in factories, or is it common in other
8 How are working changing?
9 What do people do in the later part of their lives?
10 How many people are there in your country?

2 Work in small groups. Ask six questions from Exercise 1 and ask four questions of
your own. Write your own questions in the boxes for each topic.

Pay Hours

Retirement (Another topic)

3 Give a short presentation on the differences in work between the people in your
group. Use these three stages for your presentation.

Introduction Main points Conclusion

What is your Three pieces of What does the information mean?
presentation information you Is it surprising?
about? learnt from your
Is it different from your experience/country?

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4 Work patterns Photocopiables

4.2 Grammar
1 Write sentences using the Present Perfect Simple. Use the phrases to help you.
1 They both / work / in sales.
2 He / manage / a small team.
3 She / manage / a big team.
4 He / not work / in finance.
5 She / work / in finance.
6 She / not set / sales targets.
7 They both / do / sales negotiations.
8 He / set / sales targets.
9 She / manage / sales budgets.
10 He / not give / presentations.

2 Work with a partner. Your company wants to hire a new Sales Manager. Read the
job description and tell your partner what you think are the two most important
qualities for this job.

Sales Manager
Full-time, permanent
Responsible for managing the sales team, the Sales Manager will have experience of leading
sales teams, setting targets and preparing sales forecasts.
The successful candidate must have sales experience, negotiation skills and leadership ability.
Financial knowledge and presentation skills are desirable but not essential.

✁ Student A Student B
3 Read the achievements section of 3 Read the achievements section of your
your candidate’s CV and explain his candidate’s CV and explain her experience
experience to your partner (Student B). to your partner (Student A).

John James Maria Delvechi

Key achievements Key achievements
- led a four-person sales team - led a 40-person sales team
- created forecasts - created forecasts
- set targets - managed the sales budget
- negotiated with clients (5 yrs+) - negotiated with clients (3 yrs+)
- met sales targets ($2 million+) - met sales targets ($1 million+)
- presented to clients - prepared financial statements
Main qualifications Main qualifications
- Business degree - Tourism and hospitality degree
- Accounting certificate
4 Make some comparisons between the
candidates with your partner. Ask the
questions in the Present Perfect Simple
4 Make some comparisons between the
candidates with your partner. Ask the
and think about the answers.
questions in the Present Perfect Simple
1 Who / manage / a bigger team? and think about the answers.
2 Who / set / sales targets? 1 Who / have / presentation experience?
3 Who / have / negotiation experience? 2 Who / study / finance?
3 Who / meet / sales targets?
5 Look at the job description in Exercise 2
again. Decide who should get the Sales
Manager job. Give reasons for your
5 Look at the job description in Exercise 2

again. Decide who should get the Sales

Manager job. Give reasons for your answer.

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5 Money Photocopiables

5.1 Vocabulary
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.

1 I normally pay by on 6 Do you accept payment

the internet. by card?
a cash card b credit card c bank card a debit b direct c balance
2 The U.S. dollar is the world’s most 7 Pay for your purchases at the
important . cash .
a currency b cash c money a machine b register c box
3 I need to some cash 8 Banking provides a lot of tax
from the ATM. for the government.
a pull out b remove c withdraw a profit b turnover c revenue
4 Taxi companies in India have introduced a 9 I need to get some money out of the
cashless system. cash .
a pay b paying c payment a service b dispenser c device
5 Restaurant staff like to be paid cash 10 Online payments are an important part of
in . the system.
a pocket b hand c bank a financial b money c business

2 Reorder the phrases to make questions.

1 do people use / in your country? / what currency 4 by credit card / in restaurants? / can you pay
2 accept / does public transport / credit cards? 5 you tip / how should / waiters?

✁ 3 pay for / taxis? / how can you 6 withdraw cash? / easy to / is it

Student A Student B
3A Work in pairs. You are visiting Buenos Aires. 3A You work in Buenos Aires. Your partner is visiting
Use the questions in Exercise 2 to ask your on business. Use the information to answer his/her
partner how to pay. questions.
Currency: Argentine peso
Currency: Trains: cash only
Public transport: Taxis: most = pesos; some = U.S. dollars
Restaurants: luxury restaurants = cashless
Restaurants: Tipping: waiters = cash (but cashless tipping also
Tipping: possible)
Cash dispensers: Cash dispensers: ✔ (city centre); ✘ (outside centre)
Other information: Other information: (give some extra information)

B Work in pairs. You are visiting Melbourne. Use the

B You work in Melbourne, Australia. Your partner
questions in Exercise 2 to ask your partner how to pay.
is visiting you on business. Use the information
to answer his/her questions.

Currency: Australian dollar

Trains: cash and cashless payments
Public transport:
Taxis: cashless payments (some)
Restaurants: all restaurants = cashless
payments Restaurants:
Tipping: waiters = cash (but cashless tipping Tipping:
also possible) Cash dispensers:
Cash dispensers: ✔ (many)
Other information:
Other information: (give some extra information)

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5 Money Photocopiables

5.2 Grammar
Student A Student B
1 Read each phrase aloud. Your 1 Read each phrase aloud. Your
partner (Student B) will tell you partner (Student A) will tell
the matching phrase. you the matching phrase.
use less water make staff happy
buy new equipment can travel quickly to clients
get company car find ways to save money
offer higher salary help the environment
spend more on advertising get more customers

hire a new accountant need new software

2 Use the phrases to make suggestions using the first conditional.
1 We can change electricity supplier. (save $300+)
2 Let’s reduce the number of employees. (cut costs)
3 We reduce the amount of materials. (reduce the quality)
4 Change supplier (be cheaper)
5 We can buy cheaper paper. (save money)

3 You run a small coffee shop with your partner. You need to make your business
more successful. Look at the proposals in the table. Using the first conditional, say
how each proposal will have a positive or negative effect on the business. Then
add three proposals of your own.

Proposal Effect

move: beach ➞ railway station get more customers

coffee in each cup – reduce %

cleaning staff – two cleaners one cleaner

cheaper cake supplier

hire a new accountant

4 Work with another pair. Discuss the effect of each proposal on your coffee shop
and try to agree on the two best ways to make more money.

If we move from the beach to

railway station, ...

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6 Teamwork Photocopiables

6.1 Vocabulary
1 Which of the words in the box are the three most important things for building
a great team?

argument cooperation communication disagreement

experience reliability respect trust

2 Rewrite the phrases in bold using the correct form of the words in Exercise 1. Some
words are not used.
1 I have to work together with the IT team, but they don’t answer our
phone calls.
2 I don’t think very highly of my colleagues. They leave the office early when we are very
3 I don’t believe her when she promises to meet deadlines. She’s always late.

4 My boss doesn’t really say much when he is busy.

✁ 5 He is often late with his work – I can’t depend on him.

Student A Student B Student C

3A Work in groups of three. Read 3A Work in groups of three. Read 3A Work in groups of three. Read
your information. your information. your information.

B Before you have the meeting,

work with other Student As to You work in the finance You manage the finance
department. You manage orders department. You know that two of
You work in the finance from the purchasing department. your employees don’t work very
department. You need to process well together. You have asked to
You need to give information to
invoices to pay suppliers every meet them to help with conflict
your colleague (Student A) every
Friday. management.
week so that he/she can pay the
You are having problems getting supplier invoices. You often can’t You need to start the meeting.
information about the invoices give him/her the information on Then, listen to each person explain
from your colleague (Student B). time because purchasing are slow their problems. Give two solutions
You have experienced the following to send you the information. for Student A and two solutions for
problems with your colleague. You know your colleague is Student B.
PROBLEM 1 is about unhappy about the situation. You Think about these questions when
communication – information have experienced the following giving solutions.
often late and missing problems with your colleague. - How can they communicate in
PROBLEM 2 is about cooperation – PROBLEM 1 is about arguments – a friendlier way?
(give example) doesn’t communicate in a friendly - How can they solve disagreements?
PROBLEM 3 is about trust – way
- How can they cooperate better?
(give example) PROBLEM 2 is about
PROBLEM 4 is about reliability – disagreements – (give example)
(give example) PROBLEM 3 is about respect –
You are going to meet your (give example) B Before you have the meeting,
colleague and the Finance Manager work with other Student Cs
PROBLEM 4 is about experience –
(Student C) to discuss the problems. to prepare some phrases that
(give example)
you can use for managing a
You are going to meet your meeting and for giving advice.
prepare what you are going to colleague (Student A) and the
say. Finance Manager (Student C) to C Have the meeting.
discuss the problems.
C Have the meeting.
B Before you have the meeting,
work with other Student Bs to
prepare what you are going to

C Have the meeting.

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6 Teamwork Photocopiables

6.2 Grammar
1 Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
1 likes finishing work early on Friday.
a Everyone b Someone
2 Can you tell me about the clients?
a someone b something
3 I’ve looked for my phone. Have you seen it?
a somewhere b everywhere
4 Do you know with sales experience?
a someone b everyone
5 The CEO has told the company is moving.
a someone b everyone
6 I’m looking for to have a video call. Is there a room free?
a somewhere b everywhere

2 Work in pairs or small groups and use the clues on your cards for a quiz.

Clues: Clues: Clues: Clues:

1 Everyone has probably tried 1 It’s somewhere you can buy 1 This person usually sits 1 It’s a good way to give
it. shares in a company. somewhere away from other everyone information at the
2 People can find 2 Everyone talks about it in workers. same time.
advertisements for this drink the news. 2 He/She is someone who 2 It’s something you see a lot
everywhere around the world. 3 It’s something companies talks to the board of directors. of at conferences.
3 Someone invented it in the use to raise money. 3 He/She might be 3 Nearly everyone uses
19th century in the USA. Answer: the stock market responsible for everything in a PowerPoint to make them.
Answer: Coca-Cola company. Answer: a presentation
Answer: a CEO
Clues: Clues: Clues: Clues:
1 It’s something in a company 1 Someone started this 1 Someone with a computer 1 It’s somewhere that is not
that organises contracts and company with a drawing of an or smartphone might use it. a city or a town, but a region.
helps employees. animal around 100 years ago. 2 You can use it to look up 2 Nearly everyone who works
2 It’s involved everywhere in 2 Everyone has probably something you want to know. there thinks about the future
the company. watched one of its cartoons. 3 Nearly everything on the of the world.
3 Everyone in the UK and USA 3 There are shops everywhere internet can be found here. 3 It’s somewhere with a lot
used to call this department around the world that sell its Answer: Google (search of tech companies.
’personnel’. characters, including a famous engine) Answer: Silicon Valley
Answer: HR bear.
Answer: (The Walt) Disney
Clues: Clues: Clues: Clues:
1 It’s something you use to 1 You can speak with and see 1 It’s something that helps 1 It’s something no one wants
sell products. someone far away with this a company grow. to pay.
2 It’s everywhere on TV, the technology. 2 Everyone wants this number 2 You have to pay it
internet and in magazines. 2 Everyone can meet together to be high. everywhere in the world, but
3 It’s somewhere you can online with this. 3 If someone doesn’t help you don’t have to pay so much
explain your products to 3 It’s something you need a make this, that person might in some countries.
customers. microphone and a webcam for. lose their job. 3 The government uses this to
Answer: advert(s)/ Answer: video conference(s) Answer: profit pay for everything.
advertisement(s)/advertising (brand names such as Skype Answer: tax
and Google Hangouts
Clues: Clues: Clues: Clues:
1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
Answer: Answer: Answer: Answer:

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7 Research & development Photocopiables

7.1 Vocabulary
1 Put the R&D stages in a suitable order.
a Think about possible solutions. f Test the product.
b Develop a prototype. g Make improvements to the design.
c Identify a problem.. 1 h Deal with design challenges.
d Make simple sketches. i Create a design brief.
e Get feedback. j Launch the product.

2 Complete the sentences with the words in bold in Exercise 1.

1 We would like to the product with some small groups to check the
functions work well.
2 The development of the is exciting – it’s the first opportunity to see
what it might look like.
3 One of the design will be to ensure all of the product functions are
4 The plan is to the product in the shops in six months.
5 We received the brief for the new phone, and we have made some

6 It’s important to get customer so that we can make improvements to
the next model.

Student A 3 Work in pairs. You are developing a new app for your company. Discuss progress
with a Salesperson (Student B). Update him/her on stages 1–3 and make notes on
stages 4–6. Try to agree new dates if necessary.

Stage and task(s) Due date Problems New due date

progress update 1 Write product information 14th Nov (done)
meeting with – design brief
Sales - 22 2 Develop first product design 27th Nov design problems – delayed by
November – prototype 2 weeks
– sketches
3 Develop second product design 16th Dec if first product delayed
– make improvements ➞ this stage = delay

Student B 3 Work in pairs. You are a Salesperson for your company. Discuss the progress of a
new app with a Product Developer (Student A). Make notes on progress in stages
1–3 and explain the deadlines in stages 4–6. Try to agree new dates if necessary. If
there are any delays, negotiate new due dates with your partner.

Stage and task(s) Due date Problems New due date

progress update 1
with Developer 2
- 22 November 3
4 Check if product works 17th Dec development delayed /
– test delay task?
2 weeks maximum
5 See what customers think of 8th Jan date fixed
– feedback
6 Start selling product 1st Feb maximum delay – end March
– launch

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7 Research & development Photocopiables

7.2 Grammar
Student A
1 Write questions to ask your partner about where he/she works or a company
he/she knows using the information and can, have to or need to.

Questions Notes

1 wear formal clothes:

2 work from home:

3 use your own phone:

4 check social media:

5 give presentations:

6 meet clients:

7 work late:

8 start late on Mondays:

2 Ask your partner your questions and make notes about his/her answers.
Ask follow-up questions. Use your current company or a company you know to
answer your partner’s questions. Use can, can’t, (don’t) have to or (don’t) need to.

3 Work with a different partner. Tell your new partner three pieces of information
about your previous partner, such as something interesting, something funny and

✁ something unusual.

Student B
1 Write questions to ask your partner about where he/she works or a company
he/she knows using the information and can, have to or need to.

Questions Notes

1 wear jeans:

2 work flexible hours:

3 bring/use your own computer:

4 use special equipment:

5 write emails:

6 work with other departments:

7 work weekends:

8 leave early on Fridays:

2 Ask your partner your questions and make notes about his/her answers. Ask
follow-up questions. Use your current company or a company you know to answer
your partner’s questions. Use can, can’t, (don’t) have to or (don’t) need to.

3 Work with a different partner. Tell your new partner three pieces of information
about your previous partner, such as something interesting, something funny and
something unusual.

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8 Green solutions Photocopiables

8.1 Vocabulary
1 Complete the solutions with the words in the box. Some words may be used more
than once. Then match each solution to an environmental issue.

collect create conserve damage destroy develop

impact increase pollute protect recycle reduce

Environmental issue Solution

a air pollution 1 the number of cars in the city.
b plants and animals 2 spaces for wildlife.
c recycling 3 rubbish and process it into new materials.
4 solar and wind power.
5 old and rare trees.
6 greenhouse gases.

2 Work in groups. You have entered a competition to develop ideas to improve the
environment of your city. The prize is $100,000. Read the information on your card.
Underline words and phrases in Exercise 1 that are connected to your idea. Then
prepare answers to the questions on your card. Prepare to give your presentation
or to listen and choose ideas.

Idea A: Marketing campaign to encourage bicycle use in Idea B: Making city parks friendlier for wildlife
the city How will it help the environment?
How will it help the environment? What will it change about the city?
What will it change about the city? How will it improve peoples’ lives?
How will it improve peoples’ lives? (your own idea)
(your own idea)

Idea C: Pay people to recycle more Idea D: Free solar panels for every house in the city
How will it help the environment? How will it help the environment?
What will it change about the city? What will it change about the city?
How will it improve peoples’ lives? How will it improve peoples’ lives?
(your own idea) (your own idea)

Notes for judging Notes for judging

Idea A: Marketing campaign to encourage bicycle use in Idea B: Making city parks friendlier for wildlife
the city How will it help the environment?
How will it help the environment? What will it change about the city?
What will it change about the city? How will it improve peoples’ lives?
How will it improve peoples’ lives? (other idea)
(other idea)

Notes for judging Notes for judging

Idea C: Pay people to recycle more Idea D: Free solar panels for every house in the city
How will it help the environment? How will it help the environment?
What will it change about the city? What will it change about the city?
How will it improve peoples’ lives? How will it improve peoples’ lives?

(other idea) (other idea)

3 Give your presentation or listen to the ideas and select a winner.

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8 Green solutions Photocopiables

8.2 Grammar
1 Complete the sentences with should(n’t) or could. There may be more than one
possible answer.
1 We use energy-saving light bulbs to help the environment.
2 In my opinion, we leave computers on overnight because it wastes
3 I guess we stop using air conditioning so much, but it does get hot
in here.
4 We make sure the lights in the meeting room are turned off when
we finish.
5 Well, we put solar panels on the roof to reduce electricity costs.
6 We use the heating in the summer, it’s not necessary.

2 Play the board game in small groups. Take turns to throw a dice and move your
counter. You can start from any square you like.

lights – on/off solar power roof garden

(2 green points) MISS 2 TURNS
(3 green points) (5 green points)

Can you help

heating bicycles
(1 green point) Green Solutions, Inc. (2 green points)

to save the environment?

When you land on a square, make a sentence about
computers how the company, Green Solutions, Inc., can help the organic lunch menu
(2 green points) environment. (3 green points)
Use the words in the square, and if your dice number
is even (= 2, 4, 6), use should or shouldn’t. If your dice
number is odd (= 1, 3, 5) use could.
If you make a correct sentence, you can collect the
recycle paper green points for that square. electric cars
(1 green point) Your sentence must have more than seven words in it. (2 green points)
You must not repeat another player’s sentence.
Continue playing for _____ minutes. The player with
the most green points is the winner.
Start in any square.
energy-saving light bulbs coffee machine
(2 green points)
ve this way (1 green point)

car-sharing recycled paper air conditioning printers and photocopiers

(4 green points) (3 green points)
(1 green point) (2 green points)

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Photocopiables teacher’s notes
Writing bank

1.1 Vocabulary 1.2 Grammar

• Tell students that they are going to practise using • Tell students that they are going to practise using
vocabulary related to business travel. comparatives and superlatives related to the topic of
• Give everyone a copy of Exercises 1 and 2. company conferences.
• Explain that students will review travel vocabulary and then • Ask the class to think of some reasons why companies hold
look at some questions and answers related to travelling in conferences. Write some of their ideas on the board.
the first two activities. • Ask students which cities in the world they think are good
• Ask students to work in pairs or small groups and look at places to hold a conference and why. Add these ideas to the
Exercise 1. Ask them to take turns to choose a category and board.
say as many words for that category as they can think of • Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet.
within one minute. • Ask students to read the instruction for Exercise 1. Tell
• Move on to Exercise 2. Ask students to work individually and them that the errors involve comparative and superlative
match the questions to the correct answers. grammar structures. Get them to complete the exercise
• Check answers as a class. individually.
• Introduce Exercise 3. Divide the class into two halves and • Check the answers as a class.
give half of the class the information for Student A and half • Explain that students are going to read about some
of the class the information for Student B. conference venues in Exercise 2 and that they will then
• Tell students they are going to discuss arrangements for choose a suitable venue for their company conference.
a business trip with a partner. They have to ask their partner • Ask students to read the information in Exercise 2 about the
questions to find out missing information. three venues and complete the sentences.
• Ask students to work individually, look at the information • Ask students to check their answers in pairs and then check
in the table and write questions to find out the missing the answers as a class.
information. They can use the language in Exercise 2 to • For Exercise 3, ask students to make three more comparisons
help them. with their partner. Monitor that they use comparative and
• Ask students to think about what questions their partner superlative structures.
will ask them and how they can respond. • In Exercise 4, ask students to work with a different partner
• Get students to check their questions with someone from and look at the conference information at the bottom of the
the same group (A or B). page. Tell them to discuss the suitability of each venue for
• Walk around and help individual pairs if necessary. the conference.
• Put the class into new pairs of Student A and Student B. • Walk around and prompt students to give reasons for their
answers if they are not already doing so.
• Ask students to ask and answer the questions and complete
the table. • Ask each pair to present which venue they chose and why to
the class.
• If some students had difficulties sharing information, review
possible questions and answers. • As an extra activity, ask students if they can remember
three comparisons of the venues on the worksheet without
1 Possible answers
Public transport: train, bus, boat, car hire
Airports and flights: gate, arrival, departure, take off, 1 correct
landing, lounge, short-haul, connection 2 more better than
Accommodation: (five-star) hotel, room service, budget 3 easier than
hotel, self-catering apartment, reservation 4 correct
2 5 a lot better than
1 c 2 a 3 e 4 f 5 d 6 b 6 correct
7 correct
3 Possible answers
8 the most expensive
Student A
9 the most exciting
When does the flight take off and land?
10 correct
How do we travel to our accommodation?
How do we get to the client’s office? 2
1 Sydney House Hotel
Student B
2 Paradise Hotel & Conference Centre, Sydney House Hotel
Where can we eat?
3 Marrakesh Conference Centre
What terminal do we (need to) go to?
4 Paradise Hotel & Conference Centre
Where are we staying?
5 Sydney House Hotel

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Photocopiables teacher’s notes

2.1 Vocabulary 2.2 Grammar

• Tell students that they are going to practise using • Tell students that they are going to practise using enough
vocabulary on the topic of location in the context of and too to make decisions about a suitable place for a new
locations for technology (tech) start-up companies. office building.
• Put students into small groups and ask them to make • Write the words too and enough on the board. Ask the class
a list of things a city needs in order to attract technology what makes an office building a good place to work. Elicit
start-ups. Do not spend too long on this. phrases that use too or enough, for example, too much
• Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet. noise.
• Ask students to read the article in Exercise 1 and complete it • Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet.
with the words in the box. Get them to work individually. • Ask students to work individually and complete the
• Check the answers as a class. sentences in Exercise 1.
• Ask students if any of the ideas in the list they made before • Check answers as a class. If students are getting the answers
Exercise 1 were the same as in the article. wrong, review the grammar rules from Lesson 2.
• Ask students to match the two parts of each sentence in • Move on to Exercise 2. Explain to students that their
Exercise 2 individually. company is moving offices and the management board has
selected two options.
• Students should check their answers in pairs. Then check the
answers as a class. • Ask students to read the information from the board and the
two options individually.
• Explain that students will work in groups to prepare
a short oral presentation about a city. After giving the • Then, ask students to make notes about one positive
presentations, they will decide which city is the best choice and one negative point about each option. They can
to locate technology start-ups. use the sentence starter prompts on the page as well as
the sentences from Exercise 1 to help them. Remind the
• Divide the class into small groups (there can be three groups
students to use too and enough.
for a small class or six groups in the case of a larger class)
and give each group information about one of the cities • For Exercise 3, divide the class into small groups and ask
from Exercise 3. each group to discuss the advantages and disadvantages
of each option together. Allow enough time for all group
• Tell students they can use the information on their paper,
members to contribute ideas.
or if they have internet access, they can research extra facts
about the cities. • Monitor and offer support if necessary.
• Give each group time to prepare their presentation and offer • Once the groups have made a decision, explain that for the
support if necessary. next exercise, they must present their decision to the rest of
the class. Give them a couple of minutes to prepare.
• For Exercise 4, ask each group to give their presentation to
the class. • Ask each group to present their decision and note examples
of good language and errors. As a class, agree on which
• Finally, in Exercise 5, students should change groups and
option is the best one.
discuss which city they think is the best choice for tech
start-ups. Walk around and encourage students to give • Lead a feedback session highlighting good language usage
reasons for their choices. and clarifying any errors.
• As a class, elicit the preferred city.
1 too 2 too 3 too 4 enough 5 too 6 too 7 too
8 enough 9 enough 10 enough
1 locate 2 rents 3 headquarters 4 labs 5 facilities
6 access 7 close 8 transport 2 Possible answers
Option A
It has enough car parking spaces.
1 c 2 e 3 a 4 b 5 d
It doesn’t have enough air conditioning.
It’s too far from the city centre / not big enough.
There are enough car parking spaces / transport links.
Option B
It has enough space / air conditioning.
It doesn’t have enough transport links / car parking spaces.
It’s close enough to the city centre.
The car park is too small / not big enough.

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Photocopiables teacher’s notes

20 Some telecoms companies don’t offer a good service

3.1 Vocabulary when you contact them about a problem.
• Tell students that they are going to practise language to talk 21 My garage always serves its customers so slowly – last
about retailing. time I waited several hours to get my car fixed.
22 You can get free delivery if you spend over $10 on an
• Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet. online purchase.
• Ask students to complete the sentences in Exercise 1 23 MOS Burger is a very popular Japanese fast-food chain.
• Ask students to check their answers in pairs.
• Introduce the board game in Exercise 2. Divide the class
into groups of three to four. Give each group a dice and one
3.2 Grammar
counter for each player. • Tell students that they are going to practise using the
Past Simple and Past Continuous in the context of making
• Read the instructions and rules together with the class. As
complaints to a company.
an example, write charge / delivery on the board. Elicit a
sentence that uses those words, such as Amazon doesn’t • Ask students if they often make complaints about products
charge for delivery on orders over 29 euros. and services they buy.
• If you have a confident class, you could ask the group • Give everyone a copy of Exercises 1 and 2.
members who are listening to the player whose turn it is to • Tell students that they are going to review the two different
judge if each sentence is correct and follows the rules. If the tenses presented in Lesson 2. As a class, elicit the correct
sentence is incorrect, the student who is speaking misses options for the first sentence in the email in Exercise 1. Elicit
his/her next turn. why the first answer uses the Past Continuous (it describes
• Once students understand the rules, ask them to play it in a longer action), and why the second answer uses the Past
groups. Help individual groups where necessary. Simple (it describes a shorter action).
• During the activity, monitor and note down good language • Ask students to complete Exercise 1 in pairs.
and errors. • Check the answers as a class.
• Lead a feedback session with the whole class at the end of • Explain that Exercise 2 is an email reply to the complaint in
the game. Exercise 1. Ask students to complete the email in pairs.
• As an extension, you could use the sentences in the Possible • Check the answers as a class.
answers section of the key and turn them into a quiz. Divide • Move on to Exercise 3. Divide the class into two halves,
the class into two halves. Read a sentence from the Possible with half of the class being Student A and the other half
answers, but don’t read the words in bold. Students need to of the class being Student B. Give students their respective
say what the missing words are. information cards and tell them to read their information.
• Explain that Student A will call Student B and make a
1 complaint about his/her internet service. Then Student B
1 branches 2 pay 3 order 4 offer 5 shop 6 serve will call Student A and make a complaint about his/her
7 cost 8 chain 9 bill 10 charges car. The student who is listening to the complaint should
2 Possible answers make notes and offer a solution as part of his/her response.
1 I pay in cash at the supermarket. Remind students to consider using the Past Simple or Past
2 Costco often offers big discounts on products. Continuous.
3 Starbucks has over 100 branches in my country.
• Before students start their roleplay, they should work with
4 My company always serves customers quickly.
other students with the same role (i.e. all Student As work
5 Utility companies usually allow you to pay a bill by cash
together, etc.) to prepare what they are going to say.
or card.
6 The cost of basic supplies is rising. • Put students into A–B pairs and ask each pair to roleplay the
7 On every High Street, you can find the same chains. phone calls.
8 My phone company charges a large fee when I use my • At the end, invite one or two pairs to perform their roleplays
phone overseas. for the class. Other students should listen for examples of
9 I don’t shop online very much. the Past Simple and Past Continuous and report them back
10 I pay by card when I shop online. to you.
11 My company made a profit last year.
12 I normally shop for clothes on Amazon.
13 Many coffee shops don’t charge customers for wi-fi. 1
14 Shopping at the airport costs too much. 1 was riding 2 came 3 tried 4 pulled (’was pulling’
15 When I stay in a hotel, I always order a cappuccino after also possible if we consider it a longer action against ’heard
my meal. a strange noise’) 5 heard 6 snapped 7 phoned
16 I know a restaurant that often makes mistakes with the 8 was waiting (’waited’ also possible because ’for hours’
bill, and charge customers twice. already implies a longer action) 9 answered
17 I like to spend money on designer brands. 2
18 One time, I had lunch at the Ritz, and I didn’t have 1 had 2 checked 3 asked 4 were waiting
enough money to pay the bill.
19 Many bank branches have closed in small towns.

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4.1 Vocabulary 4.2 Grammar

• Tell students that they are going to practise talking about • Tell students that they are going to practise using the
jobs and contracts. Present Perfect Simple by talking about people’s work
• Ask the class if they can remember any of the key words experience.
from Lesson 1. Write them on the board. • Give everyone a copy of Exercises 1 and 2.
• Give each student a copy of the worksheet and compare • Ask students Have you worked in sales? Elicit Yes, I have
how many words they remembered with the words in the or No, I haven’t. Elicit what tense the questions and
box in Exercise 1. answers use (Present Perfect Simple). Remind students
• Ask students to work in pairs to complete the questions. that the Present Perfect Simple can be used to talk about
• Check answers as a class.
• Ask students to complete Exercise 1 individually.
• Explain that in Exercise 2, students will practise using the
key words and the questions from Exercise 1 by asking other • Check answers as a class.
students the questions. Students can answer the questions • Explain that the students will read a job description and
either with information about their own company, or if later they will choose a suitable person for that job.
they are not currently working, they can imagine a suitable • Ask students to read the job description in Exercise 2, and
response. then ask them to work in pairs to discuss what two qualities
• Divide the class into groups of three or four. If you have they think are the most important for this job.
a mixed-nationality class, try to have mixed nationalities in • Split the class into two halves, A and B.
each group.
• Hand all the Student As and Student Bs their respective
• Ask students to read the instructions for Exercise 2, and information card for Exercises 3–5.
highlight that they need to create four questions of their
• Explain that for Exercise 3, each student has information
own. They should look at the topics in the boxes and write
about a job candidate. They need to tell their partner about
one question in each box connected to those topics.
the information on their card.
• Give students enough time to write the questions. Monitor
• In Exercise 4, students should make some comparisons
and give individual support where necessary.
about the candidates using the prompts. Monitor and check
• When groups are ready, ask students to interview their that students are including examples of the Present Perfect
group members and make notes about the replies. Simple in some of their responses.
• Walk around and encourage students to give details in their • For Exercise 5, students should discuss who they think
responses. should get the job.
• When groups have finished, move on to Exercise 3. Tell • Ask each pair to present which candidate they would choose
students to prepare a short presentation about the and why.
information they found out. They can use the guidelines
on the worksheet to help them. They should not spend too
much time preparing. 1
1 They’ve (They have) both worked in sales.
• When students are ready, they should give a short
2 He’s (He has) managed a small team.
presentation, either to their groups, or to the whole class.
3 She’s (She has) managed a big team.
4 He hasn’t (has not) worked in finance.
1 5 She’s (She has) worked in finance.
1 self 2 flexible 3 time 4 interns 5 permanent 6 She hasn’t (has not) set sales targets.
6 day 7 shifts 8 patterns 9 retired 10 unemployed 7 They’ve (They have) both done sales negotiations.
2 8 He’s (He has) set sales targets.
9 She’s (She has) managed sales budgets.
Possible questions
10 He hasn’t (has not) given presentations.
Pay: What is the average salary for Sales Managers?
Hours: How many hours a week do interns normally work? 2
Retirement: When do you receive a pension? Students’ own answers
Training (Another topic): Do employers usually pay for 4
training in your company? Student A
1 Who has managed a bigger team?
2 Who has set sales targets?
3 Who has (had) negotiation experience?
Student B
1 Who has (had) presentation experience?
2 Who has studied finance?
3 Who has met sales targets?

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5.1 Vocabulary 5.2 Grammar

• Tell students that they are going to practise language • Tell students that they are going to practise using the first
around the topic of money. conditional.
• To review some key vocabulary, ask the class how they pay • Write the clause If we work hard … on the board and ask
for things such as restaurant meals, books, bus/taxi fares. the class for ideas to complete this sentence using the first
Write some of their ideas on the board. conditional structure. (For example, If we work hard, we will
• Give everyone a copy of Exercises 1 and 2. get more rewards.) Ask the class what verbs and tenses are
used in each clause (work – Present Simple, will).
• Tell students to look at Exercise 1. Tell them that they need
to fill in the missing word in each sentence from the list of • Divide students into A and B pairs and give each student
options. To make the exercise more interactive, students their respective information card for Exercise 1. Ask students
could work in pairs and take turns to ask each other what to take turns to read out a phrase from their paper. Their
the gaps in the sentences are in the form of a quiz. You could partner will then find and say a suitable matching phrase.
ask students to cover up either sentences 1–5 or sentences • Check answers as a class. Ask students which student had
6–10 depending on which sentences their partner is asking phrases that were causes (Student A), and which student
them to complete. had phrases that were effects (Student B).
• Check the answers as a class. • Give everyone a copy of Exercises 2 and 3.
• Tell students that the next exercises will involve discussing • Ask students to read the instruction for Exercise 2 and write
payment systems in different countries. To prepare for this, their answers individually. Monitor and check that students
Exercise 2 will provide some examples of questions that can are using the first conditional correctly.
be used to discuss this topic. • Students check their answers in pairs.
• Ask students to look at Exercise 2 and reorder the phrases to • For Exercise 3, ask students to work in pairs. They need to
make questions. Decide whether students should make the imagine they are running a coffee shop, and they need to
questions orally or if they should write them down. have ideas about how to improve their business and make
• Check the questions as a class. more money. They should use the phrases in the table and
• Introduce Exercise 3. Divide students into A and B pairs and use the first conditional to discuss their ideas. Then they
give each student their respective information card. Ask need to think of three ideas of their own.
students to read their information. • After students have finished discussing their ideas in
• Explain that they are visiting the other city for the first time Exercise 3, tell them to join with another pair and do
and need to ask their partner questions to complete the Exercise 4. Read the instruction for Exercise 4 with the class
information card. Ask students to think about the questions and highlight that they need to agree on two ideas.
they need to ask and how they will reply. Remind them • When the groups have finished discussing, ask each group to
that they can look at Exercise 2 for ideas. For the ’Other explain their decision to the rest of the class.
information’ line on their information cards, you could tell
students to research some extra information, or they could
imagine some extra information. You could give them the
use less water – help the environment
following categories to help them if they find it difficult to
buy new equipment – need new software
think of ideas: shopping, accommodation, wi-fi, transport
get company car – can travel quickly to clients
from airport.
offer higher salary – make staff happy
• Students ask and answer the questions. spend more on advertising – get more customers
• As an extra activity, you could ask students to share hire a new accountant – find ways to save money
information about how they pay for things in their 2
town/city. Possible answers
1 If we (can) change electricity supplier, we’ll save over
1 $300.
1 b 2 a 3 c 4 c 5 b 6 a 7 b 8 c 9 b 10 a 2 If we reduce the number of employees, it’ll/we’ll cut
3 If we reduce the amount of materials, it’ll reduce the
1 What currency do people use in your country? quality.
2 Does public transport accept credit cards? 4 If we change supplier, it'll be cheaper.
3 How can you pay for taxis? 5 If we buy cheaper paper, it’ll/we’ll save money.
4 Can you pay by credit card in restaurants?
5 How should you tip waiters?
Possible answers
6 Is it easy to withdraw cash?
If we change to a different location, we will get more
If we reduce the amount of coffee in each cup, customers
won’t like it.
If we cut the number of cleaning staff, for example from two
cleaners to one cleaner, the coffee shop will not be so clean.
If we use a cheaper cake supplier, we will save at least $100
every month.
If we hire a new accountant, we'll find ways to save money.

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every question contains a pronoun beginning with some- or

6.1 Vocabulary every-, and that every answer is connected to business. The
• Tell students that they are going to practise using the verbs first team should choose one of the squares and give the
and nouns from Lesson 1. first clue in that square. Tell the teams that if they get the
correct answer after the first clue, they get three points. If
• Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet. they get the correct answer after the second clue, they get
• To prepare for Exercises 1 and 2, ask the class if the words in two points, and if they get the correct answer after the third
the box in Exercise 1 are nouns or verbs (nouns). Then write clue, they get one point. The team with the most points
the word disagreement on the board and ask students what wins.
the verb form of this word is (disagree). • Before they start asking the quiz questions, ask each team to
• Ask students to work in pairs and choose the three attributes create two questions of their own in the empty cards.
from the box in Exercise 1 that they think are the most • When teams are ready, they can play together.
important for building a great team.
• Teams conduct the quiz and keep track of the points. At the
• Lead a short feedback session asking a few students which end, they declare the winner.
ideas they chose and why.
• Ask students to look at Exercise 2 and read the instruction.
Point out that they need to decide if they need to use a word 1
in noun form or if they need to change a word into a verb. 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 b 6 a

• Ask students to complete Exercise 2 individually and then

check their answers in pairs.
• Check answers as a class. 7.1 Vocabulary
• For Exercise 3, tell students that they are going to roleplay • Tell students that they are going to practise language on the
a situation which is connected to the topic of teamwork. topic of research and development.
• Divide students into groups of three and give each student • Ask the class if they can remember any stages of the R&D
the role of Student A, B or C. Explain that students A and B process. Elicit some ideas and write these on the board.
are having problems working together. Student C is their • Give everyone their own copy of Exercises 1 and 2.
manager and needs to manage the meeting and suggest
solutions. • Ask students to work in pairs. Tell them to read the stages in
Exercise 1 and put the stages in a suitable order.
• Before the groups start their discussion, students should
first work together with students who have the same role • Check answers as a class. Note that there could be more
(i.e. all Student As should work together, etc.) to complete than one correct order.
Exercise 3B. • Ask students to complete Exercise 2 using the words in bold
• Give students some time to prepare individually and offer in Exercise 1.
help if necessary. • Ask students to check their answers in pairs, and then check
• When the groups are ready, ask them to conduct their answers as a class by selecting students to read out their
meeting. answers.

• When the groups have finished, lead a feedback session • Divide the class into A and B pairs and give each student
eliciting solutions that were discussed. a copy of their respective role for Exercise 3.
• Explain that the students work for a company developing
a new app and they are going to have a meeting to
1 discuss development of the product. Their partner has
Students’ own answers the information they need to complete the table. Tell the
2 students that they need to ask and answer questions to get
1 cooperate 2 respect 3 trust 4 communicate 5 rely the missing information and agree deadlines for stages 4–6.
• Before students start their ’meetings’, give them some time
to work individually and to read the information on their
6.2 Grammar card and to make some notes about questions they might
want to ask. When students feel ready, they can start their
• Tell students that they are going to practise using pronouns discussion with their partner.
beginning with some- and every-.
• Monitor and help individual pairs and record examples of
• Give everyone a copy of Exercise 1. good language and errors.
• Ask students to complete Exercise 1 by choosing the correct • Lead a short feedback session highlighting good language
word to complete each sentence. and correcting errors.
• When students have finished, ask them to check their
answers in pairs and then check the answers as a class. 1 Possible answers
• Divide the class into teams of pairs or small groups. Tell 1 c 2 i 3 a 4 d 5 b 6 h 7 g 8 f 9 e 10 j
them that they are going to do a quiz. 2
• Give each team eight cards from Exercise 2. The eight cards 1 test 2 prototype 3 challenges 4 launch 5 design
should include two ’empty’ cards. Tell the teams not to show 6 feedback
their cards to other teams.
• Ask each team to look at their questions. Tell them that

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Writing bank teacher’s notes

Student B
7.2 Grammar 1 Can you wear jeans?
2 Can you work flexible hours?
• Tell students that they are going to practise using can, have
3 Do you have to / need to/Can you bring / use your own
to and need to in a discussion about working practices
in their company or (if students are not working at the
4 Do you have to use special equipment?
moment) in a company they know.
5 Do you have to / need to write emails?
• Write can, have to and need to on the board. Ask students 6 Do you have to / need to work with other departments?
what the negative forms of these phrases are (can’t/cannot, 7 Do you have to / need to work weekends?
don’t have to, don’t need to). Elicit a sentence with can, such 8 Can you leave early on Fridays?
as I can wear informal clothes at work. Remind the students
that the use of can in this sentence means it’s possible (so
that it is not confused with can for ability).
• Divide the class into A and B groups and give a copy of the 8.1 Vocabulary
Student A questionnaire to half the class and the Student B • Tell students that they are going to practise using words and
questionnaire to the other half. Tell the class that A and B phrases from Lesson 1 to talk about the environment.
have different questions to ask each other.
• Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet. You will
• Ask students to read the instructions for Exercise 1. need to cut up the cards in Exercise 2 in advance.
• Tell students that they will first need to make their • Ask students to look at Exercise 1 and complete the
questions. They should write these on their paper next to solutions with a suitable verb in the box.
each prompt. Each question must include can, have to or
• Then ask students to match each solution to an issue.
need to. To help them, work through the first question on
each card as a class. Write wear formal clothes on the board, • Check answers as a class.
and ask the class what question they can make using this • Explain that for Exercises 2 and 3, there will be a
phrase. Elicit an answer such as Do you need to wear formal competition to win money for an idea to improve the
clothes (at work)? Elicit another question for the phrase environment. Tell students that they will either need
wear jeans, for example, Can you wear jeans? to prepare a short presentation or they will judge the
• Ask students to work with other students who have the presentations. Ask students to read the instructions for
same questions and to prepare the questions together. Walk Exercise 2.
around and check that students are using can, have to and • Divide the class into five groups. There should be four
need to. presentation groups (A–D) and one group who will play the
• When students have prepared their questions, they should role of judges. Depending on your class size, you might need
work in a Student A–B pair for Exercise 2. Tell them to take to configure the groups differently. For example, you might
turns to ask and answer each others’ questions. They should have fewer than four presentations (you could just use two
make notes about the answers they hear. They should be or three of the presentation roles) and/or you might have
encouraged to make notes rather than write down complete a whole-class presentation or small group presentations
answers. Tell the students that the answers can use negative with one or more judges.
forms (can’t, don’t have to or don’t need to). • Give a role card from Exercise 2 to each student in each
• When students have finished Exercise 2, ask them to work group.
with a different partner for Exercise 3 and report three • Ask students to read their role and identify sentences from
things they found out about another company. Exercise 1 that might help them with their presentation.
• As an extra activity, you could ask the class who found out If students have the ’judge’ role, ask them to match the
the most interesting information, the funniest information environmental issues to each of the presentation topic
and the most unusual information, and choose one piece of ideas A–D.
information from each category to write on the board. • Ask students to make notes about the answers to the
questions on their role card individually or in a group. The
judges can work together to discuss how they are going to
Possible questions
judge the presentations.
Student A
1 Do you have to / need to wear formal clothes? • Ask each group to give a short presentation of their idea.
2 Can you work from home? The judges should take notes while they listen.
3 Do you have to / Do you need to / Can you use your own • For Exercise 3, ask the judges to vote for the best idea(s).
4 Can you check social media?
1 Possible answers
5 Do you have to / need to give presentations?
1 Reduce, a 2 Create/Conserve/Increase/Protect, b
6 Do you need to / have to meet clients?
3 Collect, c
7 Do you have to work late?
4 Develop, a 5 Protect/Conserve, b 6 Reduce, a
8 Can you start late on Mondays?

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1 Possible answers
8.2 Grammar 1 could/should 2 shouldn’t 3 could/should
• Tell students that they are going to practise using should 4 could/should 5 could/should 6 shouldn’t
and could in a board game about how companies can help 2 Possible answers
the environment. The company should turn lights off when no one is in the
• Elicit some of the ways a company can help the building.
environment (e.g. Companies should turn off heating If the company installed solar power, they could save
systems when the weather is not very cold.). Write some of electricity costs.
the ideas on the board. A roof garden could be a nice place to relax and could
provide a space for wildlife.
• Give everyone their own copy of the worksheet. Employees should come to work on their bicycles to reduce
• Ask students to work in pairs to complete the sentences in air pollution.
Exercise 1 using should(n’t) or could. Point out that both An organic lunch menu could encourage employees to eat
should or could is possible for some of the sentences. more healthily.
• Check the answers as a class. Elicit that sentences with Electric cars should be given to employees for short
should sound stronger and more certain than sentences journeys to cut petrol use.
with could. Staff shouldn’t use the coffee machine frequently because
it uses a lot of energy.
• Move on to Exercise 2. Explain that students are going to
Printers and photocopiers should be turned off when
play the board game in small groups. Divide the class into
nobody is using them.
small groups and give each group a dice and one counter
Green Solutions should install more modern air
per player.
conditioning that uses less electricity.
• Tell students that they can start on any square, and they The company could use more recycled paper to help
must follow the rules of the game. Give students a few conserve forests.
moments to look at the rules in Exercise 2. The company should encourage car-sharing because this
• When students have read and understood the rules, tell helps to reduce the number of cars on the road.
them how much time they have to play the game. They If the company uses more energy-saving light bulbs, it
should note this on their worksheet. The students can keep could save more energy and more money.
moving around the board and making sentences until the In my opinion, employees should recycle paper because
time is up. they throw away too much good paper.
• Tell the students who are listening to the person making a Computers shouldn’t be left on during the night because
sentence to ensure that the sentence is correct. If a sentence this wastes energy.
is not correct, the person making the sentence cannot The company could have a smart heating system so that
collect the points for that sentence. Also remind students the temperature indoors changes with the temperature
that they need to keep track of the points that they collect. outdoors.
• Allow students to start playing.
• Walk around and check that students are making suitable
sentences and are following the rules of the game. Record
examples of good language use.
• When time is up, tell the students to stop playing. The
player with the most points is the winner.
• Lead a short feedback session highlighting examples of
good language that was used during the game.

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Reading bank

Unit 1
1 Match the words in the box with their definitions.

capacity demand efficient expansion fuel hub merger

1 when two companies join to form one larger one:

2 an increase in size:
3 the amount that can fit inside a building, space or container:
4 something such as oil that produces power when it is burnt:
5 the central and most important part of a system or activity:
6 the amount of a product that people want:
7 working well, without wasting time, money or energy

2 Read the article quickly and find and underline the following information.
1 The percentage increase in air travel in July.
2 One type of airline cost that is rising.
3 The name of a new industrial area outside of Beijing.
4 The amount of money that LATAM will spend on its aircraft.
5 The two airlines that merged to form LATAM.

3 Read the article carefully. Which statement is the best summary of the article?
1 Air travel is increasing at the moment, but will decrease later in the year because of
rising costs. China Southern Airlines is building a new departure lounge at Baiyun
International Airport. Meanwhile, LATAM Airlines is buying new planes and will soon
become the world’s largest airline.
2 Air travel is increasing, and airlines are getting more efficient in filling seats on planes.
At Baiyun International Airport, China Southern Airlines is making life easier for people
who have connecting flights. Meanwhile, LATAM Airlines is improving the passenger
experience on all its flights.
3 Air travel is increasing, and airlines are buying more planes to meet the growing
demand. China Southern Airlines has had problems moving its hub airport from
Guangzhou to Beijing. Meanwhile, LATAM Airlines has changed the interiors of its
aircraft to provide extra legroom for all its passengers.

4 Complete the table with words from the article.

Noun Verb




strength 5


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Reading bank

5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Check your answers in the

at between for from in (x2) of to

1 According the IATA, there was a 6.2 percent growth in air travel this
2 Airlines are getting better filling the seats on each flight.
3 The growth air travel is reflected in the expansion plans of two leading
4 Passengers who connect international to domestic flights no
longer need to collect their baggage and check it in again.
5 The Xiong’an New Area is about 50 miles southwest Beijing.
6 LATAM Airlines will invest $400 million improving the interiors of its
7 LATAM Plus passengers will be able to pay more extra legroom.
8 LATAM Airlines was formed from a merger Chile’s LAN Airlines and
Brazil’s TAM Airlines.

6 Choose the correct option in italics to complete the sentences about the text.
1 Airline fuel costs are becoming higher / highest.
2 Airlines are becoming less efficient / more efficient at using their capacity to meet
3 The main reason for the growth in travel was lower / lowest ticket prices.
4 China Southern is one of the world’s largest / more large airlines.

Leading airlines planning to expand

According to the IATA (International Air Transport Association), there was a 6.2 percent
growth in air travel this summer. As well as air travel growing overall, airlines are also getting
better at filling the seats on each flight. “The industry posted another month of solid traffic
growth, and airlines are becoming more efficient in terms of using their capacity to meet
5 demand,” said IATA Director General Alexandre de Juniac. Lower ticket prices were the main
reason for the growth in travel, but de Juniac added a warning for the rest of the year: “Rising
costs, particularly fuel, will likely limit the increase in travel we expect from lower airfares.”
The growth in air travel is reflected in the expansion plans of two leading airlines, one Chinese
and one Latin American. China Southern Airlines has moved to Terminal 2 of Guangzhou’s
10 Baiyun International Airport and offers an improved system. Passengers who connect from
international to domestic flights no longer need to collect their baggage and check it in again.
China Southern will also use Beijing’s new international airport as its second hub. This new
airport services the Xiong’an New Area, which is about 50 miles southwest of Beijing. In the
future, this area will be the location of several big businesses. These developments will help
15 strengthen the position of China Southern as one of the world’s largest airlines.
Meanwhile, LATAM Airlines – Latin America’s leading airline – is investing $400 million
in improving the interiors of its aircraft. For long-haul routes there will be fully flat seats
in Business class, and in Economy class there will be fast-charging USB ports and large
touchscreens on the seat backs. All flights will have a strong wi-fi connection, and LATAM Plus
20 passengers will be able to pay more for priority check-in and extra legroom. LATAM Airlines has
gone from strength to strength since it was formed from a merger between Chile’s LAN Airlines
and Brazil’s TAM Airlines in 2012.

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Reading bank

Unit 2
1 Match the phrases (1–6) with their definitions (a–f).
1 Global Competitiveness Index a a place where there are lots of new businesses
2 renewable energy b a measure of how successfully a country can offer a good
3 logistics business and living environment
4 artificial intelligence c the practical arrangements to move goods from one
place to another
5 quality of life
d the level of health, comfort and happiness of a person
6 start-up location
or group
e power from natural processes, such as solar power
and wind power
f computer systems that do tasks that people normally do
(and usually do them faster and better than people)

2 Guess which location is number one in the world for phrases 1–6. Then read the
article to find out if your guesses were correct.
1 top of the Global Competitiveness Index Dubai / Switzerland / Canada
2 renewable energy Germany / India / China
3 logistics Hong Kong / Rotterdam / Seoul
4 artificial intelligence Japan / Singapore / USA
5 quality of life Vienna / New York / Sydney
6 start-up location California / London / Singapore

3 Read the article again and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 The World Economic Forum produces a report every year about business sectors such as
renewable energy and logistics.
2 The Asia-Pacific region is good for start-ups because of its educated workforce and
access to ports and shipping.
3 Professor Wong believes that innovation is closely connected to the number of new
businesses in a region.
4 Professor Wong believes that Hong Kong will be less successful in the future. This is
because in the old days manufacturing and trading were easy, but now innovation is
more difficult.

4 Match the sentence halves.

1 The magazine produces a report about various a pool of skilled young people.
2 Artificial intelligence and robotics are key industries b business sectors.
3 Asia has a talent c manufacturing and trading.
4 The Asia-Pacific region also has a business- d friendly culture.
5 Start-ups are part of the e of the future.
6 Hong Kong has always been good at f process of innovation.

5 Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Use correct punctuation.
1 such as banking, logistics and retail / different areas of business / are called industry

2 compared to something else / a ranking is a position on a list / to show how good

something is

3 workers in a country or city / can be called a talent pool / a large group of skilled

4 of business in a country or region, / when there is a positive view / we can say there
is a business-friendly culture

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6 Choose the correct answer, a, b or c, to complete the sentences. Then check your
answers in the article.
1 The Asia-Pacific region has closed the gap on the USA and Europe in terms
of business .
a markets b industries c opportunities
2 The Global Competitiveness Index how successful a country is at doing business.
a measures b provides c leads
3 China, the USA and Brazil lead the world in in renewable energy.
a reports b logistics c investments
4 The Asia-Pacific has access to major sea .
a manufacturers b routes c applications
5 Professor Wong said that start-ups are important in the of innovation.
a trading b process c rankings

Asia-Pacific closes gap as best location to do business

A series of reports over recent months have shown that the Asia-Pacific region has closed the gap on
the USA and Europe in terms of business opportunities.
Every year, the World Economic Forum produces the Global Competitiveness Index. This index
measures how successful a country is at doing business and providing a good life for its people.
5 The latest index shows Switzerland at number one, followed by the USA and Singapore.
Other reports highlight how Asia-Pacific now leads in many sectors. For example, Business
Facilities magazine reports that China, the USA and Brazil lead the world in investments in
renewable energy, and the world’s top locations for logistics are Hong Kong, Memphis and
Shanghai. Top of the table for artificial intelligence and robotics – key industries of the future –
10 are Singapore, Shanghai and Dubai. Europe still dominates in the quality of life rankings,
however, and Vienna, Zurich and Munich get the top three places.
Asia-Pacific benefits from a big talent pool of skilled graduates from top institutions such as the
National University of Singapore and Tsinghua University in Beijing, among others. It also has
a business-friendly culture and access to major sea routes, making it a great environment for
15 new businesses. The consultancy Deloitte looked at the fastest growing start-ups in Asia. The top
two were Devsisters, a South Korean mobile game developer, and Hi-Target Digital Cloud, a
Chinese manufacturer specialising in 3D laser applications.
Compass, a San Francisco-based research firm, recently ranked the top four global start-up
locations in the world as: Singapore, Bangalore, Hong Kong and Kuala Lumpur. In the Compass
20 report, Professor Richard Wong from the University of Hong Kong said that start-ups are
important in the process of innovation, and this process is moving from the USA and Europe to
Asia-Pacific. He takes Hong Kong as an example. According to him, it has always been good at
manufacturing, trading and services, but now it is starting to be good at innovation as well.

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Unit 3
1 Match the phrases (1–6) with their definitions (a–f).
1 High Street shop a the number of products waiting to be sold in a shop
2 stock levels b a large building for storing products before they are sold
3 goods c a shop found on a main street of a town
4 warehouse d a store where manufacturers sell directly to the public
5 manufacturer e things that are made to be sold
6 outlet store f a company that makes a particular type of product

2 First read the title of the article. Guess which sentence (a, b or c) summarises the
article. Then read the article quickly to check your answer.
a Customers buy goods online, receive them, but then decide they don’t want them. The
goods are returned, but often cannot be sold again at full price.
b Delivery companies like DHL, FedEx and UPS try to take goods to the customer’s house.
But the customers are often not at home, and the goods are returned to the warehouse.
c Because online shopping is growing so fast, the quality of products is going down. Many
items have to be returned to the manufacturers because of quality control.

3 Read the article carefully. According to the article, which of these things can
happen to returned goods?
They can be …
1 damaged by the delivery company that takes them back.
2 inspected and cleaned if necessary.
3 thrown away.
4 given free to people who work for the manufacturer.
5 sold again in cheap supermarkets.
6 sold in street markets in poor countries.
7 sold on eBay.
8 sold again by some of the top 20 U.S. retailers.

4 Look at the phrases in bold in the article. Then choose the meaning (a or b)
of each phrase.
1 a The goods move from a warehouse by boat.
b The goods move from a warehouse by any kind of transport.
2 a Eight percent of all bought things, measured by the number of items.
b Eight percent of all bought things, measured by the amount of money that people
3 a It costs so much money to process the returned items – manufacturers make
no profit.
b It costs a lot of money to process the returned items – this reduces the profit a lot.
4 a Optoro’s technology shows the retailer where to sell the goods a second time in
order to make the most profit.
b Optoro’s technology finds someone else in the same town who really wants
the goods.
5 a Many retailers get 15–30 cents instead of 100 cents.
b Many retailers get 115–130 cents instead of 100 cents.

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5 Write the missing letters to make words from the article.

1 If a High Street shop does not look modern, we can say it is old-fa __ __ __ __ __ ed.
2 The way that the store is arranged and looks inside is its d __ __ __ gn.
3 If a returned product is packaged again, it is __ __-packaged.
4 If a product is sold at less than the normal price, we can say it is sold at a dis __ __ __ nt
5 To say ’less than 50 percent’, we can say ’less than h __ __ f’.
6 A website where users give the content – like Optoro, Facebook or YouTube – is called
a pl __ __ __ __ rm.
7 If goods are not wanted, we can say they are __ __ wanted.
8 To say something is two times the size, we can say it is d __ __ ble.

Online retailers face growing problem of returned goods

It’s a well-known story: retail is moving online. Shopping districts in towns and cities are
suffering as old-fashioned High Street shops close down. Costs on the High Street are just too
high: staffing, rent, store design, transporting goods to the store, managing stock levels, etc. It’s
so much easier for customers to order online – 1the goods are shipped from a large
5 warehouse straight to their home. But wait. There is something that is starting to cause real
headaches for online retailers – the increasing number of returned goods.
How big is the problem? Last year, Americans returned $260 billion in unwanted goods, and
that represents 28 percent of all purchases. But in specific areas the problem is much worse –
for example, clothing returns can be up to 40 percent. People order three or four items of
10 clothing in different colours and sizes when they only plan to buy one. They try them at home,
choose one, and return the rest.
Returns cut deeply into manufacturers’ profits. The items have to be checked, cleaned if
necessary, and then re-packaged to sell again. The processing costs are so high that many goods
are simply thrown away. Others are sold at a discount price in cheap supermarkets and outlet
15 stores, and some find their way onto Amazon or eBay as ’Like new’ items. In general, less than
half of returned goods bought online are re-sold online at the full price.
The problem of returned goods is giving new opportunities for start-up companies such as
Washington, DC-based Optoro. 4They provide a technology platform that finds the ’next
best home’ when a product is returned to a warehouse or store. The unwanted goods are sent to
20 wherever offers the best resale price. Tobin Moore, CEO of Optoro, says ’5Many retailers are
getting 15 cents to 30 cents on the dollar for these returns because they’re having such
trouble economically processing them and getting them to the next best markets.’ Moore says he
can double or triple this figure. Optoro is used by sixteen of the top 20 U.S. retailers.

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Unit 4
1 Read the article quickly and choose the statement that sums up the main idea.
1 Everyone should follow their dreams. If you have a passion for something, then in the end
you will find a way to make your dreams come true.
2 ’Follow Your Dreams’ only happens in movies. In real life you wake up and your dream has
gone. Dreaming just wastes your time.
3 It’s better to get a regular job first and then see how realistic it is to follow your dreams.

2 Read the article again and find words that match the definitions below.
1 student who does a job for a short time to get experience (Para. 1)
2 no longer working because you are old (Para. 1)
3 working for yourself rather than a company (Para. 2)
4 protection from bad things that could happen to you (Para. 2)
5 detailed study of something in order to discover new facts (Para. 3)
6 one of a series of actions you take to reach your goal (Para. 3)
7 based on facts as they really are (Para. 5)
8 money that you pay to live in a house that belongs to someone else (Para. 5)

3 Match 1–5 with a–e and 6–10 with f–j to make phrases used in the article.
1 ask a some money before you follow your dreams
2 suffer b a question
3 make c a lot of research
4 save d a mid-life crisis
5 do e a choice about which road to go down

6 enter f with friends

7 spend g your passion just as a hobby
8 go out h a new market
9 make i a small start
10 keep j time on everyday things

4 Decide if the two phrases have a similar (S) or different (D) meaning.
1 follow your dreams / do what your heart tells you
2 time to spare / time to waste
3 it sounds nice / it seems like a nice idea
4 need more experience / need to get more contacts
5 do research / get more information
6 understand the market / develop your ideas
7 existing company / current workplace
8 a passion / a part-time job
9 a steady salary / regular payment for your job
10 a ’nine-to-five’ job / an exciting job full of new challenges

5 Correct the one incorrect word in each sentence to make phrases from the article.
1 You might be a young intern working while you stutter at university.
2 In our lives we can make a chance: to go down the safe road or the risky road.
3 Maybe you need to save some money first, or you need more experiments.
4 You have to really underline the new market you are going to enter.
5 Look for small ways to drive your ideas before you take a big step.
6 Some people prefer to spell time on everyday things like going out with friends.
7 In the end the best clue may be to find a stable job with a steady salary.
8 You can keep your passion just as a hotel.

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6 Complete the dialogues with have or did.

1 A: Akari, you leave your job and start as a yoga teacher? You were talking
about it the last time we met.
B: Yes, I . It was difficult at first, but now I give lessons three times a week
at a health centre.
2 A: Riku, you ever worked as a yoga teacher? You are so good at explaining
all the different positions.
B: Yes, I actually. I did some yoga teaching last summer during
the holidays.

Should you follow your dreams?

Should you follow your dreams? This is a question just about everyone asks at some stage
in their life. You might be a young intern working while you study at university. Or a
manager suffering a mid-life crisis. Or a retired person with lots of time to spare. At any
point in our lives we can make a choice: to go down the safe, boring road or the risky,
5 exciting road.
’Follow your dreams’ is certainly the message we get in movies and popular culture, and is
often what our friends tell us. But let’s think about why it might not be the best idea. For
one thing, being a self-employed yoga teacher might sound nice, but it does not give much
financial security – at least not in the beginning. Maybe you need to save some money first,
10 or you need more experience, or you simply need more contacts to open doors.
Jonathan Black gives career advice in the Financial Times. He says that you need to do a lot
of research before you follow your dream. If your dream is to start a new business, you
have to really understand the new market you are going to enter. He suggests that you look
for small ways to develop your ideas before you take a big step. Perhaps you can do
15 something inside your existing company.
And what about those of us who don’t have any big dreams? In her blog post ’The Problem
with “Follow Your Dreams”’, Melissa Kirk says that most people don’t really have one
particular passion. People might actually be happier spending time on everyday things like
raising children, going out with friends or cleaning the house.
20 In the end, the best solution may be to find a stable job with a steady salary, and at the
same time find a way to research your dreams and perhaps even make a small start. Then,
if you find your dreams are not realistic, you still have your ’nine-to-five’ job to pay the
rent. You can keep your passion just as a hobby.

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Unit 5
1 Match the words (1–5) with their definitions (a–e).
1 data a money that a company receives
2 revenues b an amount of money that you borrow
3 loan c information that a computer or a human can use
4 interest d a measurement of how good someone or something is
5 rating e the extra money you must pay back (in addition to what you borrow)

2 Complete the paragraph using words 1–5 from Exercise 1.

If you want to borrow money, for example to buy a car or get a mortgage, you go to
a bank and ask for a 1 . You then make monthly repayments
to the bank until you pay back everything. Of course, the bank will also charge you
, so you pay back more than you borrow. This extra money
that the bank receives is an important part of their 3 and helps
them to be successful as a business. Does the bank lend to everyone? Of course not. It
depends on your credit 4 , which is a measurement of how good
you have been with money in the past. To give a fair measurement, the bank will use
all sorts of 5 such as your salary, your payment history for past
loans, how much money you owe at the moment, etc.

3 Read the article quickly and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 Facebook and Google use data from your internet activity to help advertisers give you
personalised ads. But they don’t collect every word you type – it would be too complicated as
there are so many words.
2 At the moment, we get loans from banks. In the future, we might get loans in very different ways.
3 Most people don’t worry about how their data is used. They are happy to get a free service and
ads that are interesting to them.

4 Find the underlined words in the article that match these definitions.
1 a short description that gives the main details about a person
2 a short phrase that is easy to remember and is used in advertising or politics
3 the freedom to do things without other people knowing
4 the person who gives you a loan
5 the way a situation is developing or changing
6 to believe that someone is good and honest

5 Match the sentence halves.

1 Many successful companies have a business a of risk using data.
2 Google and Baidu have powerful search b a negative.
3 Companies can pay for data and then give you c personalised ads.
4 Different lenders might offer a different rate of d model based on data.
5 Artificial intelligence would calculate the level e interest.
6 Most people see personalised ads as a bonus, not f engines.

6 In each sentence, fill one gap (a or b) with will and leave the other gap empty.
1 If you a search for ’Paris hotels’ on Google, then for many days after you b
get ads for hotels in Paris when you use the internet.
2 In the future, fintech a use artificial intelligence and huge amounts of data – if the
ideas in the article b happen.
3 If you a ask me, no one really knows what b happen in the future.
4 How a regular banks continue to make a profit if they b make fewer loans?

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It’s the data, stupid.

The 1992 U.S. presidential campaign was won by candidate Bill Clinton, who had
the slogan ’It’s the economy, stupid.’ These days, in modern business, ’It’s the data,
The most successful companies in the world have a business model based on data.
5 Facebook and WeChat, for example, give you a service that’s impossible not to like
– the ability to connect and share with friends and family. The service is free, but
these companies know your personal profile, your interests and all the words in
your posts. Advertisers pay them for this data. Google and Baidu offer powerful
search engines, and it’s hard to imagine life without them. Again, their services are
10 completely free, but the companies have very high revenues. Every word you type
into the search engine is recorded, and this means that companies can pay for that
data and then give you personalised ads at the top of your search results.
This trend to put data at the heart of business is going to grow and grow. Let’s take
the example of finance, with ’fintech’ (financial technology) one of the hottest new
15 industries. In the future, to get a loan to buy a new car, you might use fintech rather
than a regular bank. A fintech app could use data to find people all over the world
who can lend you money, perhaps at different rates of interest. How would the
lender trust you to repay? Easy. Artificial intelligence would calculate the level of
risk using data. This data would come from your bank of course, but might also
20 come from unusual places like your star rating on eBay, your career history on
LinkedIn, the kind of people you have as connections on social media, etc.
Data, about you, is one of the world’s most precious resources, perhaps more
important than oil, diamonds or gold. And yes, privacy may be an issue, but users
of websites and apps are happy to exchange their personal data for the free service
25 they get. In fact, many see the personalised ads as a bonus, not a negative.

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Unit 6
1 Match the soft skills 1–5 with the definitions a–e and the soft skills 6–10 with
the definitions f–j.
1 emotional intelligence a we look at things in a fresh, new way
2 creative thinking b we look at something complicated and understand it
3 analytical abilities c we keep positive and think that good things will happen
4 decision-making d we understand our feelings and the feelings of others
5 optimism e we look at the facts and then make the right choices
about what to do

6 problem solving f we are confident of success and not afraid of

difficult jobs
7 flexibility g we look at a difficult situation and know what to do
8 can-do attitude h we understand how people behave with each other
9 collaboration i we can easily change when a situation changes
10 interpersonal awareness j we can work together with other people to produce

2 Read the article quickly and choose the best summary.

a Teamwork is becoming less important in business. At job interviews, they will ask you
about soft skills.
b Soft skills are becoming more important in business. At job interviews, they will ask you
about teamwork and other things that show your personal qualities.
c Soft skills like teamwork or collaboration or interpersonal awareness are all the same
and are not very important. At job interviews, try not to answer questions about soft

3 Find and underline each phrase in the article. Then look carefully at the context
and decide if the meaning is a or b.
1 operational skills (Para. 1)
a the knowledge and ability to do the basic, technical, day-to-day tasks in a job
b the ability to operate complicated equipment in a factory
2 face to face (Para. 2)
a talking to another person close together and directly
b sitting on the other side of the desk in the office
3 conflict with another team member (Para. 3)
a serious disagreement between you and one of your colleagues
b poor communication between you and one of your colleagues
4 the company’s values (Para. 4)
a the company’s ability to make money
b beliefs about what is important in the company and how people should behave
5 your background and experience (Para. 5)
a the education and training you received at school and at work
b all the things you have done in your life that are important for the job

4 Decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).

1 Teamwork is about working with people near you.
2 Soft skills are connected with personality.
3 Many CVs contain examples of why candidates are good team players.
4 In job interviews, you need to explain difficult situations to the interviewer.
5 Theresa McHenry does not value soft skills.
6 McHenry suggests that employees at Microsoft will not stay in the same positions.

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5 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Then check your answers in
the article.

about across from in of to under with

1 You might be working different time zones.

2 Soft skills relate your personality.
3 Soft skills include staying positive pressure.
4 Soft skills are difficult to identify and test a job interview.
5 This presents a problem to the interviewer on the other side
the desk.
6 her point of view she needs some evidence.
7 She is likely to ask a job candidate to talk some concrete examples.
8 Go to a job interview prepared stories that show your personal qualities.

6 Decide which sentence (a or b) makes the most sense.

1 a These days, someone in business needs soft skills.
b These days, everyone in business needs soft skills.
2 a In a job interview, someone might ask you to tell a story that shows your soft skills.
b In a job interview, everyone will ask you to tell a story that shows your soft skills.
3 a Is emotional intelligence something you are born with?
b Is emotional intelligence everything you are born with?
4 a In modern business, teamwork is something.
b In modern business, teamwork is everything.
5 a Show interest in other cultures. Everyone comes from somewhere.
b Show interest in other cultures. Someone comes from everywhere.

From teamwork to soft skills

The speed of change in modern business is fast. These days you will need other skills besides the
operational skills related to the job itself.
So what are these other skills? Well, the first is definitely teamwork. You will be working with
people on a variety of projects, from different departments, and from different cultures. You
5 might be working across different time zones, and meeting your colleagues via the internet
rather than face to face. So you will need things like emotional intelligence and communication.
These qualities are often referred to as ’soft skills’ because they relate to your personality. Other
soft skills include creative thinking, analytical abilities, decision-making, staying positive under
pressure, problem solving and flexibility.
10 One feature of soft skills is that they are very difficult to identify and test in a job interview. This
presents a problem to the interviewer on the other side of the desk. For example, many of the
CVs and résumés that she receives will include the phrase ’good team player’, but from her point
of view she needs some evidence. She is very likely to ask a job candidate to talk about some
concrete examples. She might ask: ’Can you give me an example of when you solved a problem
15 as part of a team?’ Or perhaps: ’Can you give me an example of conflict with another team
member? How did you handle it?’ You will need to have stories ready to demonstrate your soft
skills, not simply say that you have them.
Theresa McHenry, a director of Human Resources at Microsoft, puts soft skills in another context
– whether a candidate’s personality fits with the company’s values. In a Financial Times article,
20 she says: ’Everyone we hire is Microsoft first and the job second.’ Although their jobs change, an
employee might stay at Microsoft for years. She identifies the core Microsoft values as a can-do
attitude, optimism, interpersonal awareness and collaboration.
The lesson is clear: go to a job interview prepared with stories that show your personal qualities
in action, and don’t just talk about your background and experience.

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Unit 7
1 Match the words in bold with the correct definition (a or b).
1 The key to long-term success in business is innovation.
a new ideas, new methods, new technologies, new products
b leaving a large, old-fashioned company to start a new company
2 Steve Jobs was well known for his strong views on market research.
a designing a new product through research and development
b collecting and analysing information about customers
3 People are interested in new challenges.
a strange things that nobody can explain
b things that need a lot of skill and energy to do, especially things you have never
done before
4 Only large companies have the resources and time.
a things you can use to reach a goal, such as money, people and equipment
b long-term strategy and plans

2 Read the article and choose the best summary.

a Steve Jobs thought that innovation comes from small companies. Anne Marie Knott also
thinks this.
b Steve Jobs thought that innovation comes from small companies. Anne Marie Knott
thinks that innovation comes from market research.
c Steve Jobs thought that innovation comes from creative leaders. Anne Marie Knott thinks
that innovation comes from R&D in large companies.

3 Match the sentences halves. Then check your answers in the article.
1 Rival companies were investing lots of money in a microwave oven.
2 Apple was the one to innovate and create a b places.
3 You need a culture where people are interested in c R&D.
4 Most start-ups try to innovate but don’t survive in the d market-leading product.
5 Innovation can come from many different e market.
6 It took over 20 years to launch a successful f new challenges.

4 Complete the sentences. Put the letters in the brackets in the correct order.
1 Steve Jobs had strong views on market . (rearsech)
2 You need people who are interested in new challenges and new .
3 Anne Marie Knott does not reject the of R&D. (imtanporce)
4 Only large companies have the and time to do R&D. (rercsoues)
5 By the time consumers see a ’new’ product, it has probably already been
under for years. (deopmvelent)

5 Complete each sentence with one of these words: innovate, innovation, innovative.
1 The reality is that can come from many different places.
2 People think that small companies are better at creating new ideas, but in fact, large
companies can also be .
3 In the technology sector, Apple is often the one to and create
market-leading products.

6 Complete each sentence with one of these words/phrases: can, can’t, don’t have to.
1 You launch a high-technology product until it’s been fully tested.
2 Different people have different opinions about market research, and you
agree with Steve Jobs completely.
3 New ideas in business come from market research, R&D or the
minds of creative leaders.

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Where does innovation come from?

The key to long-term success in business is innovation. But where does innovation
come from? There are several possible answers: market research, the R&D
department, or the minds of creative leaders.
Steve Jobs was well known for his strong views on the first of these, market
5 research. He didn’t think it worked, and used the quote (which many people say
comes from Henry Ford): ’If I’d asked customers what they wanted, they would
have said faster horses!’ Jobs also didn’t believe in R&D. When Apple invented the
Mac, rival companies were investing lots of money in R&D, far more than Apple.
But Apple was the one to innovate and create a market-leading product. Jobs
10 thought new ideas came from the minds of creative leaders – people like him –
rather than R&D. As well as that, he thought there has to be a company culture
where people get excited by new products, and where people are interested in new
challenges and new solutions.
Anne Marie Knott, a Professor at the Olin Business School, does not reject the
15 importance of R&D. She wrote an article for Harvard Business Review called ’There’s
No Good Alternative to Investing in R&D’. In it, she says that many beliefs about
innovation are not true – for example the belief that start-ups are more innovative.
In fact, most start-ups try to innovate but don’t survive in the market. She believes
that large companies are more innovative, either because they have R&D
20 departments, or because creative people come from other large companies where
they were not happy. She says that only large companies have the resources and
time to create a market for the new product.
So it looks like innovation can come from many different places. And by the time
consumers see a ’new’ product, it’s probably already been under development for
25 years. It took over 20 years to launch a successful microwave oven, for example.

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Unit 8
1 Match the words/phrases (1–6) with their definitions (a–f).
1 fossil fuel a equipment that collects the sun’s energy to make electricity
2 renewable b a large factory where an industrial process happens
3 solar panel c able to replace itself naturally or easily
4 turbine d a source of energy like oil or gas that was formed millions of years
5 battery ago from dead plants

6 plant e a large machine that produces power by using wind to turn a wheel
f an object that provides electricity for something such as
a smartphone or car

2 Read the article quickly. Match the figures in the box with the information.

7 45 50 85 318 930

1 global investment in fossil fuels last year ($bn)

2 global investment in renewable energy last year ($bn)
3 typical price of a barrel of oil between 2005 and 2014 ($)
4 China’s share of total global investment in solar power (%)
5 number of green cars that the Chinese government wants by 2025 (million)
6 Asia’s share of energy use in the world in the next 20 years (%)

3 Read the article again and decide if these statements are true (T) or false (F).
1 The world is rapidly changing to renewable energy like solar and wind.
2 The fall in the price of oil to $50 a barrel was good for green energy.
3 The most difficult part of solar energy is installing the solar panels in hot, dry deserts.
4 China is an expert in the study of batteries.
5 Many consumers do not like electric vehicles because they have to connect the car to
an electricity supply every few days.
6 Tesla does not have battery farms outside of the USA.
7 Tesla is working with a Chinese company to build a huge battery plant in Qinghai
8 In the future, Asia might use little of the world’s energy.

4 Look at the phrases in bold in the article. Then choose the meaning (a or b) of each
1 a not using as many fossil fuels as before
b not being able to find enough fossil fuels
2 a Green energy is now more expensive in relation to oil.
b Green energy is now cheaper in relation to oil.
3 a very easy
b quite easy, compared to other things
4 a China is in front of another country, and is going faster and faster.
b China is behind another country, but is going fast and will soon be at the same level.
5 a The amount of electricity and other forms of power that people want.
b When there isn’t enough electric power and so people ask the government for more.

5 Fill in the missing letters to make words from the article.

1 The fi es show that the world is slowing shifting from fossil fuels.
2 The price of oil fe to around $50 a barrel.
3 China holds 45 percent of the total global invest in solar power.
4 Electric vehicles are a major green business opp unity of the future.
5 The market for EVs will be limi .
6 The f us of the world economy is slowly moving to the Asia-Pacific.

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Reading bank

6 Sofia is giving some advice to her friend Miguel. Complete what she says using
should, shouldn’t and could.
1 Miguel, your car is so old. It keeps breaking down. You really drive
it anymore.
2 Miguel, you know you were talking about electric cars the other day? And you said they
were too expensive? Well, how about asking your parents to help with the money? Or
maybe you get a loan from the bank?
3 Miguel, an electric car would be perfect for you. You only drive a short distance to work.
I really think you think about buying one.

China now the leading player in green energy

The International Energy Agency (IEA) has released a new energy report. The
figures in it show that the world is 1slowly shifting from fossil fuels such as oil,
gas and coal, to renewables such as solar and wind. But the pace of change is
slower than you might think. Last year, businesses invested $930bn in fossil fuels,
5 while investment in renewables was much less, at $318bn.
One reason why green energy is not growing so fast is the price of oil. From 2005 to
2014, oil was around $85 a barrel, but after that it fell to around $50 a barrel. Of
course, this created problems for companies like ExxonMobil, Shell and Chevron.
But it also created problems for 2green energy, which is now less competitive.
10 Another issue for green technology is batteries. It 3is relatively easy to place tens
of thousands of solar panels in a hot desert area, or hundreds of wind turbines just
off the coast. The problem is storing the energy that is produced in batteries. China
has become a world leader in research into battery technology, and is a clear leader
in green energy more generally. For example, China holds 45 percent of the total
15 global investment in solar power, according to the IEA report.
It is a similar story with electric vehicles (EVs), a major green business opportunity
of the future. The car itself is not so difficult to build, but the market for EVs will
always be limited if cars need recharging every few days. Tesla has giant EV battery
farms in California and South Australia, but 4China is catching up. BYD, China’s
20 largest EV maker, has opened a huge battery plant in Qinghai province. As part of
its long-term plans, the Chinese government is hoping for 7 million eco-friendly
cars by 2025.
It is well known that the focus of the world economy is slowly moving to the Asia-
Pacific and Indian Ocean regions. The IEA report confirms this – Asia could
25 represent half of the total global 5energy demand within 20 years.

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Reading bank
bank Answer
Answer key key

Unit 1 Unit 3
1 1 merger 1 1 c 2 a 3 e 4 b 5 f 6 d
2 expansion 2 a
3 capacity 3 2, 3, 5, 7
4 fuel 4 1 b 2 b 3 b 4 a 5 a
5 hub 5 1 old-fashioned
6 demand 2 design
7 efficient 3 re-packaged
2 1 6.2 (Para. 1) 4 discount
2 fuel (Para. 1) 5 half
3 Xiong'an (New Area) (Para. 2) 6 platform
4 $400 million (Para. 3) 7 unwanted
5 Chile’s LAN and Brazil’s TAM (Para. 3) 8 double
3 2
4 1 expansion Unit 4
2 growth 1 3
3 increase 2 1 intern
4 development 2 retired
5 strengthen 3 self-employed
6 connection 4 security
5 1 to 5 research
2 at 6 step
3 in 7 realistic
4 from 8 rent
5 of 3 1 b 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 c 6 h 7 j 8 f 9 i 10 g
6 in 4 1 S 2 D 3 S 4 D 5 S 6 D 7 S 8 D 9 S 10 D
7 for 5 1 stutter study
8 between 2 chance choice
6 1 higher 3 experiments experience
2 more efficient 4 underline understand
3 lower 5 drive develop
4 largest 6 spell spend
7 clue solution
Unit 2 8 hotel hobby
1 1 b 2 e 3 c 4 f 5 d 6 a 6 1 did, did
2 1 Switzerland 2 have, have
2 China
3 Hong Kong Unit 5
4 Singapore 1 1 c 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 d
5 Vienna 2 1 loan
6 Singapore 2 interest
3 1 F – The report is about global competitiveness. 2 T 3 T 3 revenues
4 F – Hong Kong has always been good at manufacturing, 4 rating
trading and services, but now it is starting to be good at 5 data
innovation as well. 3 1 F – Every word you type into the search engine is recorded.
4 1 b 2 e 3 a 4 d 5 f 6 c 2 T
5 1 Different areas of business such as banking, logistics and 3 T
retail are called industry sectors. 4 1 profile
2 A ranking is a position on a list to show how good 2 slogan
something is compared to something else. 3 privacy
3 A large group of skilled workers in a country or city can be 4 lender
called a talent pool. 5 trend
4 When there is a positive view of business in a country or 6 trust
region, we can say there is a business-friendly culture. 5 1 d 2 f 3 c 4 e 5 a 6 b
6 1 c 2 a 3 c 4 b 5 b 6 1 a – b will
2 a will b –
3 a – b will
4 a will b –

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Reading bank Answer key

Unit 6 Unit 8
1 1 d 2 a 3 b 4 e 5 c 6 g 7 i 8 f 9 j 10 h 1 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 e 5 f 6 b
2 b 2 1 930 2 318 3 85 4 45 5 7 6 50
3 1 a 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 b 3 1 F – The world is slowly shifting from fossil fuels.
4 1 F – Teamwork is about working with people in different 2 F – It also created problems for green energy, which is now
places. less competitive. 3 F – It is relatively easy to place tens of
2 T thousands of solar panels in a hot desert area. 4 T 5 T
3 F – Many CVs don’t contain examples/evidence of why 6 F – Tesla has giant EV battery farms in California and South
candidates are good team players. Australia. 7 F – BYD, China's largest EV maker, has opened
4 T a huge battery plant in Qinghai province. 8 F – Asia could
5 F – She identifies the core Microsoft values as represent half of the total global energy demand within 20
a can-do attitude, optimism, interpersonal awareness and years.
collaboration. 4 1 a 2 a 3 b 4 b 5 a
6 T 5 1 figures
5 1 across 2 fell
2 to 3 investment
3 under 4 opportunity
4 in 5 limited
5 of 6 focus
6 From 6 1 shouldn’t
7 about 2 could
8 with 3 should
6 1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b 5 a

Unit 7
1 1 a 2 b 3 b 4 a
2 c
3 1 c 2 d 3 f 4 e 5 b 6 a
4 1 research
2 solutions
3 importance
4 resources
5 development
5 1 innovation
2 innovative
3 innovate
6 1 can’t
2 don’t have to
3 can

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Writing bank

1 Letters
Lead-in Business letters usually have a more formal style than emails. The opening and closing
of a letter changes when you know the name of the person you are writing to. Different
countries may have different requirements when writing letters. This example shows
a typical UK formal letter, with the name of the person you are writing to on the left and
the sender’s name and address on the right.

Model answer
Marek Dabrowski Adams and Wright Ltd
Link Communications 201 Park Road
3 Booth Business Park Lynwood
Limerick Norfolk
V94 W983 NT1 7NP
Ireland England

5th September 2018

Dear Mr Dabrowski,
Thank you for your recent order. As you are a regular client, we
would like to give you some news about the company.
We are improving our delivery service. Customers can now receive
their orders seven days a week. Goods will also be delivered in five
days instead of eight days. We hope that these changes will help all
our business customers.
Because of this new service, we need to increase our prices by
3 percent from 1st November. As you know, we have not raised our
prices for three years. We are keeping the rise small so that our prices
remain competitive.
Enclosed with this letter is the new price list. Please contact us if you
have any questions.
We thank you for your business and look forward to supplying you in
the future.
Yours sincerely,
Mia Green
Enclosed: price list

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Writing bank

Functional language Opening and closing a letter

You know the name of the person You don’t know the name of the
you are writing to person you are writing to

Opening Dear Ms/Mrs/Miss/Mr Mills, Dear Sir/Madam,

Closing Yours sincerely, Yours faithfully*,

Kind regards, Kind regards,

*Yours faithfully is not used in the USA. Yours truly or Sincerely would be used instead.

Getting started
Opening sentence Thank you for your recent order.

Reason for writing As you know, (the recent rise in fuel costs makes deliveries more
We now need to (increase our prices).
Thank you for your recent order.
I am writing to (ask for details about your products).

Explanation We are keeping the price rise small so that our prices remain
The order was late because of a technical problem.
We are improving our delivery service so customers can now
receive their orders seven days a week.

Ending a letter
Referring to Enclosed with this letter is (the new price list).
documents We enclose (the application form) with this letter.
Please find (the new brochure) enclosed.

Closing remarks Please contact us if you have any questions.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
We thank you for your business and look forward to supplying
you in the future.
We appreciate your business and hope you will understand our

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Writing bank

2 Online reviews
Lead-in Reviews can be important to businesses. You can find online review forms for products
or services for travel, hotels, restaurants, etc. Some forms ask customers to rate their
experience using numbers, stars or symbols. Other forms ask a series of short questions and
writers can write their own reply, or sometimes they can choose from a list of responses.
When leaving comments, it is a good idea to think about what was positive and negative
about the experience. The responses on an online form are often short.

Model answers Short online reviews

How many stars do you give your hotel experience?

(5 stars = excellent, 1 star = bad)

What did you experience when you arrived at the hotel?

Check-in was quick ✔
Someone took my bags to the room
Staff were friendly ✔
Receptionist gave me an information brochure ✔

Longer online review forms

How often do you stay at this hotel?
I stay here once a month.
What was the purpose of your visit?
A business trip to a conference in the city centre.
What did you like about the hotel?
The location of the hotel is perfect for the city centre. The staff are always friendly and helpful. The rooms are large and clean.
Was there anything you weren’t happy with?
There was an event at the hotel and it was very noisy. I ate in the hotel restaurant in the evening and the service was slow.
Would you recommend us?
I highly recommend the hotel because it’s comfortable and in a great location. It’s a great place to stay on business.
However, I won’t use the restaurant again.

Functional language Background Good and bad points

Saying how I stay at the Merlin Hotel once a Talking about The staff are always friendly and helpful.
often you visit month. good points The rooms are (large and clean).
We usually eat in the restaurant at The location of the (restaurant) is perfect.
least once a week.
The (food) is always excellent.
We (ate) there on Monday with some
The view (from the hotel) is wonderful.
I visited last week with (some friends). Talking about There was (an event at the hotel) and it was
bad points very noisy.
We often bring our clients (to the
Lodge). (I ate in the hotel restaurant in the evening
and) the service was slow.
We had dinner there (two days ago).
We waited too long for our food.
We sometimes have company lunches
there. It is too expensive.
I won’t use the restaurant again.
Talking about It was a business trip to (a conference
purpose in the city centre). Recommending We highly recommend it (because it’s
We were celebrating (a sales contract comfortable and in a great location).
with clients). I’m afraid I cannot recommend (your
It was for (a company event). restaurant).

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Writing bank

3 Emails
Lead-in Emails can be informal (more like spoken English) or formal (like a business letter). The
subject line of the email helps the reader to understand what the email is about. Emails
usually use polite or friendly phrases to start and end the communication. When writing
to people outside of the company, the first email may be more formal or longer. When an
email conversation develops, the style may become more informal and similar to the style
of internal emails.

Model answers

From: Anton Lewis, Events Manager

To: Rosa Santos, Jenson International Hotels
Subject: Conference arrangements
Dear Ms Santos,
I am writing to enquire about conference facilities at your venue. We are looking for
a venue for a conference for our international sales team next July. We need to have
a large room for the presentations and also 50 rooms for the delegates for two
We would like breakfast, lunch and dinner and also tea and coffee during the
conference. Could you confirm that the hotel can provide transport from the
If possible, I’d like to see a plan of the hotel, and please could you send a brochure
with details about the conference facilities?
I would like to arrange a visit to the hotel next Thursday. Are you available then?
Please contact me if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you.
Kind regards,
Anton Lewis

Dear Mr Lewis,
Thank you for your email and for your interest in our hotel.
I am delighted to confirm that we can meet next Thursday. Would you like to meet
in reception at 2 p.m.? I can show you the hotel facilities, and we can discuss your
conference needs.
Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. I very much look forward to
meeting you next week.
Kind regards,
Rosa Santos
Hotel Manager

Hi Rosa,
Many thanks for your email. This is to confirm that Thursday at 2 p.m. is fine.
I look forward to meeting you next week.
All the best,

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Writing bank

Functional Starting an email

Formal Informal

Dear Sir/Madam, Hi Miku, Hi Team, To all staff,

Dear Ms/Mrs/Miss/Mr/Dr Bell, Dear Tonya,

Asking for information

Reason for writing I am / I’m writing to enquire about (the sales conference).
I am / I’m asking for information about (your courses).

Asking for information Could you tell me (when the project starts)?
Please can/could you let me know (who to contact in HR)?
Can/Could you confirm that (this information is correct)?
I would like to know (how far it is to the hotel).
We would also like more information about (conference rooms).

Giving information We are looking for (a venue).

We need to have (a large room for the meeting).
We would like to book (four rooms).

Making requests
Saying what you want Kate, could you (check the dates)?
done Could Liam (meet the client at the airport)?
If possible, I’d like (to see the plans).
Would you (contact the team)?
Please (send me a copy of the report).

Saying when you want the I’d be grateful if you could send me (the data) by (Friday).
action completed Do you think I could have (a reply) by (Monday)?

Making and confirming arrangements

Making arrangements Are you free on (the 12th) for (a meeting)?
Could we (have a conference call) to discuss (the project)?
Can we meet on (Wednesday afternoon)?
Are you available (next week)?
Would you like to meet (on the 8th) to discuss (the presentation)?

Thanking someone for Thank you for your email.

writing Many thanks for your email.

Confirming that the This is to confirm that (Monday at 3 p.m. is fine for the meeting).
arrangement is possible I am delighted to confirm (that I can come to the training course).

Apologising because I’m sorry but I cannot/can't (go the meeting next week).
the arrangement is not Unfortunately, I am unable to attend (the conference).
possible I can go to the (morning session), but I can’t go to the (afternoon
session) because (I have a meeting).

Ending an email
Inviting questions Feel free to call me / contact me if you have any questions.

Concluding I am looking forward to hearing from you.

I hope to hear from you soon.
I look forward to our meeting on Tuesday.
I very much look forward to meeting you (next month).

Ending Formal Informal

Kind regards, Regards, Best wishes, All the best, Best,

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Writing bank

4 Giving updates
Lead-in It is common to give a written update about a project or task. Updates are often used in
a range of internal communications such as emails, reports, intranet posts or company

Model answer

Update on plans for new factory in India: location and changes

As you know, we are going to build a new factory in India. Last month in the staff
meeting, we had presentations to discuss ideas for three possible locations and
we also discussed staff working hours. We are now ready to update you on these
Firstly, we are going to build a new factory in Noida. We will also open new
offices in Gurgaon. The company is planning to employ more than 300 staff in
Noida and 150 in Gurgaon.
Secondly, we want to introduce new working hours for all employees. Staff in IT,
HR and Marketing will be able to work from home one day a week. We also plan
to give other departments flexible hours to start and finish work from Monday to
We know that you will want to have more information about these plans.
Therefore, we are holding a meeting next Wednesday to answer questions. We
will explain how we are going to put these proposals into action.
This is an exciting time for the company. We are growing and changing, and we
hope that this will help all our teams around the world.

Functional Requesting an update

language Asking for an update Could you let me know how (the project) is going?
Can we have an update (on the tasks)?
I would appreciate (some news about progress).

Giving an update
Purpose of the As you know, (we are looking at new locations).
update We are now ready to (open the new factory).
The company is planning to (employ more staff ).
In this update, we will (give staff information about the

Giving details and Firstly, (we are going to buy new machines).
explanations Secondly, we are (going to) introduce (safety regulations).
We also plan to (build new offices).
(The board of directors) has decided to (close the city centre
We are ready to propose a number of changes (as a result of
our research).
This will reduce (the cost of the products).

Next steps We are therefore (holding a meeting next week).

Therefore we (are having a team meeting to answer
We will explain how we are going to put these proposals into

Concluding in This is an exciting time for our company.

a positive way We hope this will help all our teams.

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Writing bank

5 Short communications
Lead-in • Short communications at work can be electronic emails, short emails or short notes.

• When we communicate with colleagues, we often use informal language.

• We use more formal expressions with senior staff or people from outside the company.
This can be both in emails, texts and electronic messages.

• We sometimes use abbreviations to keep communications short or leave out some

words so that the information can be read quickly.

• Emails usually use normal punctuation, but messages and notes sometimes miss out
full stops, commas, etc.

Model answers More informal

Are you at the conference, Jamal?

On my way. Flight late. In taxi now.

What’s your ETA?

Approx. 15 mins. OK?
Presentation ready to go.

No prob. FYI boss here. Good

idea to message him?
Thanks. Will do!

More formal

Apologies, my flight was late.

I am on my way.
Thanks for letting me know,
Jamal. Will you be here in time
for the presentation?

Yes, I’ll be with you in 10 minutes.

The presentation is ready to go.

Excellent. Message me when you

arrive at reception.

Hi Jamal,
Messages for Jamal
Well done with your presentation last week.
The CEO would like a report on the sales – Louisa phoned. Has to cancel
conference. Can you arrange this by EOD?
meeting Friday. New date
I am in Dubai until Wednesday and WFH on
Thursday. Can we meet on Friday to discuss the TBA.
next conference? We want you to give another
presentation. – CEO wants report by COB.
Regards, – BTW sales team are
Louisa celebrating tonight. Want to
join us for dinner?

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Writing bank

Functional language Messages


Use shortened forms no prob (instead of no problem)

approx. (instead of approximately)
On my way. (instead of I'm on my way.)

Don’t use pronouns She Has to cancel meeting on Friday.

Don’t use articles In a taxi now.

The Sales team are celebrating tonight.
The CEO wants report.

Don’t use unnecessary Flight late. (instead of My flight was late.)


More formal

Use full forms No problem.

I’m on my way.

Use pronouns My flight was late.

Use articles The presentation is ready to go.

The CEO would like a report.

Use all words I’ll be with you in 10 minutes.

Abbreviation Meaning

ETA estimated time of arrival

FYI for your information
EOD end of day
COB close of business
WFH working from home
BTW by the way
TBA to be arranged
TBC to be confirmed
ASAP as soon as possible

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Writing bank

6 Presentations
Lead-in Some presentation slides are visual, using pictures or charts to illustrate information. Other
slides contain key information that the speaker wants to communicate to the audience.
When you prepare slides, it is useful to think about the language you want to use and the
amount of information you put on each slide.

Model answers
Step 1
Communicate with customers. Finding solutions
Step 2
Making a difference
Ask questions and listen to feedback.

Step 3 Changing the world of IT

Research new ideas.

Who visits the sports centre?

– Morning – Aernoon – Evening
• young families • schools • young professionals
• older people • clubs • students
What transport do they use?

use bicycle other

(15%) (5%)

take bus use car

(35%)' (45%)

What do we really spend time on in the office every day?

Writing emails Eating snacks, Meetings Completing tasks

= 1 hour making hot = 2 hours = 4 hours
drinks = 30 mins

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Writing bank

Functional language Preparing slides

When you are preparing slides for a presentation, it is a good idea to use a dictionary to
check spelling. Use of colour, pictures, charts and diagrams can make the slides more
interesting. However, think about the colours and pictures that you choose. Are they easy
to read and understand? Here are some more tips when preparing slides.

Tips Examples
Use similar grammar forms infinitives: communicate with customers, ask questions
on each slide gerunds: finding solutions, making a difference
nouns: cars, businesses, emails
Drop articles definite (the): make product (not make the product)
indefinite (a/an): send email (not send an email)
Use bullet points use (•) for main lists: • use car
use ( ) for secondary lists: students
Use pictures and charts • picture, photo
• diagram, table or chart
• symbols (e.g. ©)

Talking about slides

When you are presenting a slide, it is a good idea not to just read the words on the slide.
Use the slide to help communicate your ideas. Here are some useful phrases for using slides
in a presentation.

Introducing a slide Here you can see (three steps for helping customer
If you look at this slide, you can see that (more people use
cars than bicycles).
This slide shows (that we are not always working when we
are in the office).
Moving from slide to slide This next slide shows (what we want the company to
focus on).
Moving on, let’s look at (some details about our

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Functional language bank

1 Presentation skills
Lead-in Presentation styles can differ from country to country. Here are some questions to research
before you prepare a presentation:
1 What information can you present in slides or pictures? What information is better spoken?
2 When you present data, how much detail do you need to give? Will the audience prefer
exact and detailed facts and figures or approximate information?
3 Will people expect you to answer questions during the presentation or at the end?

Getting started Welcoming Thank you for coming today.

your audience I’d like to thank everyone for being here.

Providing an I’m here to talk about (our latest sales figures).

outline of the The talk is in (three) main parts.

Telling the Feel free to ask questions (during) the presentation.

audience when I’ll be happy to answer questions (at the end) of the presentation.
they can ask

Structuring a Getting started So, let’s get started.

presentation I’d like to start off by talking about (the survey).

Focusing on Let’s look at (the figures) in more detail.

a point

Moving from Now let’s move on to (the sales for July).

point to point Next we’ll look at (the results).

Signposting First of all,


Introducing I’ll hand you over to Alex (to look at the data).
a co-presenter Now, Kim will (explain how we did the survey).

Summing up To recap the main points, (we need to sell more products).
So, just to sum up, (we will do more research).
In summary, (this was a very successful year).

Finishing That brings me to (the end of my presentation).

Thank you for listening.

Presenting facts Referring to As you can see, (sales increased in November).

and figures figures in Have a look at (this chart), which shows (profits for last year).

Explaining data To put that in context, that’s (the best result for five years).
To give you an idea of how much that is, it comes to (over a million).

Highlighting The key takeaway here is that (our products are too expensive).
main points This clearly means that (customers like the new design).

Giving More than > over (half)

approximate Less than < almost (a third), nearly (one in three), under (5 percent)
Approximately roughly (3/4), around (40 percent), about (1/4)

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Functional language bank

Managing Inviting Does anyone have a question?

questions questions Any questions?
Are there any (further) questions?

Thanking That’s an interesting question, thanks.

It’s a good question, thanks.
Thank you for your question.

Repeating So the question was (why are we opening a new office).

and checking Claire asked (about the computers), right?
So you want to know about (the costs).

Asking for Sorry, can you repeat your question, please?

clarification I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.
What do you mean exactly?

Making sure Does that help?

the question is I hope that answers your question.

2 Meeting skills
Lead-in Meeting styles may differ from country to country. Here are some questions to research before
you prepare for a meeting:
1 Will the meeting have a leader?
2 Is it likely to be formal or informal?
3 Is there an agenda or other documents that will be used in the meeting?
4 Will the meeting have someone to take notes?
5 Are you expected to comment on ideas during the meeting?

Opening a Welcoming Nice to see everyone.

meeting people Thank you all for coming today.

Getting started Let’s start.

I’d like to start (on time).

Stating purpose One reason for the meeting is to (discuss the new computers).
The main aim today is to (agree on the IT budget).
The reason I want to (discuss this) is to (decide on where to move the
sales team).

Allocating tasks Could I have a volunteer to (take notes)?

(Meg), can I ask you to be time-keeper?

Referring to the Does anyone want to add anything to the agenda?

agenda Let’s look at (Item 3, the sales results).
Sorry, can we just go back to (Item 1)?
So, moving on to (Item 4).

Asking for and Asking for What do you think, Austin?

giving opinions opinions Does anyone have any ideas?

Giving an opinion I think it’s a good idea to (open a new store in Milan).
We can (talk to the New York office).
I’m not sure about that.

Agreeing/ I agree with Vincent.

Disagreeing Sorry, I don’t agree.

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Functional language bank

Responding Supporting What a good idea!

to ideas an idea I really like that idea.
I think that’s a great idea.
That might not be such a bad idea. Let’s do it!

Building on While we are on the subject of (design), why don’t we (decide on

an idea a new logo colour)?
(And) doing that means we could also (arrange to meet the team in
If we do that, we can also (buy new desks for the office).

Questioning (Of course) there is the question of (price). What can we do about
an idea that?
I’m just wondering about the amount of (people at the event). How
can we manage that?
It’s a good idea, but (do we need more time)?

Closing a That’s everything on the agenda.

meeting Thanks for coming to the meeting.
Thanks, everyone. See you at the next meeting (on Friday).

3 Telephone skills
Lead-in Some ways of making a phone call may differ from country to country. Here are some
questions to research before you make telephone calls:
1 Are calls usually short and factual or is some small talk expected?
2 Is it usual to speak to a receptionist first?
3 Is it usual to give explanations when an appointment changes? Do you just apologise or
give details about why you need to change?

Starting a call Starting a call Hello, my name is Martin Becker. Can I speak to the Finance
Manager, please?
Hi, this is Luiza from Marketing.

Receiving a call Hello, Bowbrick Engineering.

Hi, Himari Tanaka speaking.

Saying why you are Can we arrange a meeting to talk about the project?
calling I’d like some information about your products.

Making Asking for an I’m calling to arrange an appointment (to look at the new offices).
arrangements appointment Can we meet to discuss (the new brochure)?

Suggesting dates I’m free on (Tuesday afternoon).

How does (2 p.m.) suit you?
How about (Friday)?

Saying a date is not I’m busy all day (Monday).

possible (Thursday)’s out for me, I’m afraid.
Sorry, (Wednesday afternoon) isn’t possible.

Agreeing on a date Yes, (Thursday morning) is fine.

See you on (Friday at 3 p.m.).

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Functional language bank

Changing Explaining that you I’m calling about our meeting on the (28th).
arrangements need to change Do you mind if we fix another time to meet?

Apologising I’m really sorry about this.

I know it’s a bit short notice.
Sorry to bother you.

Talking about the Can we bring it forward?

change Do you want to postpone (the meeting)?
Let me just check my schedule.
I’ll check my diary.

Suggesting new date Is (Wednesday afternoon) possible for you?

Which is better for you: (mornings) or (afternoons)?

Fixing a new date So, just to confirm (we’ll change the meeting to the 12th).
We’re all set for the (19th).

Thanking Thanks for being so flexible.

Thank you for your help.

Leaving a message Taking a message Can I take a message?

Do you want to leave a message?
Would you like to leave a message?

Responding No, thanks. I’ll call back later.

Yes, please. That’d be great.

Leaving a message Can you tell (her) that (Fabio Russo) called?
Ask (him) to call me back (this afternoon), please.
Tell (Mrs Deakin) that (Shelly) phoned about (the meeting).

Asking for and Asking for clarification Sorry, I can’t hear you.
giving clarification The line is bad.
Can you speak up/louder, please?
Could you repeat that, please?
Did you say (4231 3218)?

Giving clarification Yes, that’s 4231 3218.

Yes, that’s right.
I said the hotel is in (Lille) not (Lyon).
No, it’s (fifty) not (fifteen).
Do you want me to spell that?

Ending a call Thanks for calling.

Thank you for your call.
Good to speak to you, bye.

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Functional language bank

4 Dealing with technical problems

Lead-in Technical problems can occur at work while using a computer. When dealing with technical
problems, consider the following:
1 Is the best way to report a problem by telephone, online or in person?
2 What information will the person need to help you?
3 What will help you explain a problem clearly? (For example, write notes and use
a dictionary to help with technical vocabulary.)

Dealing with the Explaining a problem I’m having a problem with (my computer).
IT department I can’t connect (to the internet).
I need to get (into my account).
How do I (open the file)?
I’m having trouble (opening a document).
Solving a problem You need to (shut down the computer).
Can you try (shutting it down)?
Try (your name and password).
I’ll (come and) do it for you.
Checking the problem Does it work now?
is solved Do you need any more information?
Is there anything else I can help with?
Responding to help Yes, it works.
It’s fine now.
No, there’s still a problem.
That didn’t work.
Thanking Thank you for your help.

Dealing with Explaining a problem I’m afraid I can’t hear you very well.
problems in online The connection is bad.
meetings You keep cutting out.
I can hear a lot of (background noise).
There’s (a bit of) an echo.
The screen is blank.
Solving a problem Have you switched on (your webcam)?
If you can just check (your volume), please.
Would you mind (hanging up) and I’ll (call you back)?
Could you move closer to the microphone?
Would you mind using the (mute button)?
Can you move (your phone) away from (the computer)?
Checking the problem Is it working?
is solved Is that better? Can you (hear/see me) now?

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1.1.1 G: Jasmine just sent me a text – she’s stuck in Dr Vaiva Kalnikaitė launched her company,
N = Narrator A1 = Alex A2 = Alessio A3 = Amira traffic but she’ll be here soon. In the meantime, Dovetailed, in 2010. It’s a technology design studio
N: In a global economy, many companies do welcome to TGC. Cheers! and innovation lab.
business overseas. This means that workers often V: We tend to work on projects that have human
travel to see their colleagues or clients abroad. 1.3.2 interaction so often it will be projects where we
There are many reasons why people travel for work. O = Orla A = Azra S = Shaun J = Jasmine design software or, for example, an app, or it could
A1: I go abroad to complete projects which are set O: Where do you come from? also be a physical object – for example, we designed
by my company. Those projects can include setting A: I’m from Turkey. But … I’ve lived in Dublin for years. a 3D printer for printing food.
up certain systems, laptops, docking stations, etc. O: Ah. You’re basically a native now. What do you P: When Vaiva set up her company, she decided
A2: I need to travel for work because sometimes the think about this restaurant? to locate it in Cambridge – a city famous for its
projects I do are based somewhere outside London, A: It’s … a nice place. university.
where I live, so I’ve been travelling to France, to Italy, S: Ah, the traveller is here! V: I was an intern in Cambridge with Microsoft
to Spain, to Romania. J: Sorry I’m late. The traffic was a nightmare. and I really liked Cambridge because it’s a very
A3: I need to travel because we work with big S: Friday night traffic. Always terrible. It can be like international city, it’s a very vibrant city; it’s full of
brands and multinationals, and they want to a car park out there sometimes. It can take me hours really interesting companies from very small start-
understand different people in the different markets to get home. ups to well-established companies, and that’s a
and countries, so we travel across the world. J: Really? So you live outside the city? really good reason to set up a business in that kind
N: An important part of business travel is S: Not as bad as Los Angeles, though. I was at a of environment.
organising transportation. When people travel conference there last year. The traffic was so bad I P: Dovetailed is now a member of several business
internationally, they often fly, though in some cases arrived late and missed my presentation. The boss networks, which has clear benefits for the company.
taking the train is an option. was not happy. But that’s nothing compared to my V: Being part of these networks, we have access to
A1: I travel for work once or twice a month, on a flight from Dublin to Bangkok a few years back. Did local investment groups and we’ve been successful
regular basis. I tend to fly short haul and I use two I ever tell you that story? They lost all my luggage. I in getting some funding for some of our products.
different airlines. tell you, I’m never flying with that airline again. P: Many companies based in Cambridge are
N: Alex makes the most of his travel time and attracted by the chance to connect with the
keeps busy during the flight. 1.3.3 university.
A1: When I’m flying for business I tend to get my T = Thiago J = Jasmine Al = Alex Az = Azra V: We were really interested in working with the
laptop out and do some work during the flight, T: Hi. I’m Thiago. university, so we talked to various departments to
and half an hour before my plane lands I remove J: Jasmine. Nice to meet you. see if we can collaborate on something.
my laptop, put it back in my bag, and get ready for T: You too. How long was your trip? P: Today Dovetailed is part of a business
the landing. J: About an hour. programme at Cambridge University’s Judge
N: On business trips, you may need to stay T: Shaun says you’re American. Where are you Business School and receives advice and support
overnight. It’s important to book accommodation from? from the school.
that is suitable for your trip and has everything you J: That’s right. I’m from Boston. I went to V: We also work with, for example, engineering
need, so you can keep working during your stay. university there. Do you know it? department and we have summer interns who
A2: The accommodation where I like to stay when I T: No, I’ve never been, but I’d like to. come and work at Dovetailed. It’s been really helpful
travel for work is … is hotels, usually, but they need J: Thiago, that’s a Brazilian name, isn’t it? to have an association to Cambridge University
to be very close to the place where I need to go to T: It is. My father’s from Brazil, but I’m Italian. So ... because it’s given us, as a brand, global recognition.
work. What I expect at my location is wi-fi because do you know Orla? P: For Dovetailed, locating the company in
I need to work most of the time when I’m back in J: Yeah, I met her at the interview. She’s really Cambridge has helped to attract talented staff, who
my room. And, of course, parking, because usually I nice. Hey … What do you know about working at want to work in a lively town.
need to hire cars or a vehicle from the airport to the TGC? V: Cambridge is a really nice place to live in,
workplace. T: Not much. people can cycle everywhere, walk everywhere. My
N: When travelling for work, you may not know Al: So, I heard you come from Turkey. journey to work is three minutes by bike. There’s lots
much about the local area and how to get around. Whereabouts? of social things happening, lots of interesting cafés
Find out about transportation before you go. And Az: Well, I was born in Istanbul, but my parents opening and it’s very close to London.
when you get there, ask for help if you need it, or ask moved to London when I was five. We go back quite P: Dovetailed has clients in London, so good
for directions. often to see family. Do you know Turkey? transport links are important.
A3: When I have to go from a business meeting to Al: A little. I went there on holiday about three V: It’s very important for us to be able to travel
another meeting, I either use public transportation, years ago. Which do you prefer, London or Istanbul? to London very quickly. It takes about 50 minutes
because it’s a really good way to mix with the locals, Az: Hmmm. That’s difficult! I love them both. by train or we can drive to London on a motorway.
or I use a ridesharing app. I always worry about Al: No more difficult questions, I promise. We’re Again, it takes just over an hour.
getting lost but it’s part of the adventure. I carry an supposed to be relaxing. P: So how does Vaiva feel about her decision to
online map on my phone and, if I do get lost, I just Az: No problem. locate Dovetailed in Cambridge?
ask people and they’re really helpful. V: I’m very happy to have chosen Cambridge
N: Even if you’ve planned ahead, things can still go 1.3.4 as a location to set up my business. I think it’s an
wrong. Your flight could be delayed or there might Let me give you some advice when making small talk. amazing place to live and work, and it’s given us a
be a mistake with your hotel reservation. It’s rare, Number one: choose your topic carefully and don’t lot of opportunity to grow.
however, to find a problem that cannot be solved. be too negative. Don’t talk about personal finances,
A3: I remember once, I was at the airport lounge politics or religion, or more personal topics. Be 2.3.1
waiting for my flight, and I got really confused with prepared to listen and remember to show interest S = Shaun A = Alex
timings; and then I get to the gate and it’s written in in the other person and their opinions. Showing S: Here it is. Your first assignment. Ready?
huge red letters ‘gate closed’, and I start panicking. interest is simple. If you’re sitting down, move your A: Yes, I …
Thankfully, the staff were really helpful and they body forward a little, use eye contact and of course S: Don’t worry, you’ll be fine. Alright. Here’s the
helped me through. And they rushed me to the smile as you speak. Watch the other person’s body situation. We’re meeting Nick from Zapna. They’re
plane through a back door, and I made my flight. language and if they start to look bored, change a clothes manufacturing firm with a distribution
N: Like anybody who’s done the same thing the subject. Most importantly, don’t dominate the centre in Poland. Their Assistant Manager is going
several times, regular business travellers have conversation. on maternity leave and they need to find someone
advice they can offer to others. Follow the AAA model that Azra used earlier in the to cover. Now, Nick’s a nice guy, but he talks too
A2: My top travel tip when travelling for work is video. AAA is a simple formula. Answer the speaker’s much and he can be unclear about what he wants.
to be very efficient in organisation. Because this question, add new information and then ask him I can get impatient with him sometimes. Come on.
gives you time also to enjoy the place where you are or her another question. The conversation will run Let’s do this.
going, after you’ve done your business. smoothly if you follow this model. Try it and see.
1.3.1 2.1.1 N = Nick S = Shaun A = Alex
J = Jasmine D = Driver G = Graham P = Presenter V = Vaiva Kalnikaitė N: So Marta’s post will be vacant soon. And as
J: Is it always this busy? P: When a new company launches, or an her post is vacant, we need someone to fill it. We’ll
D: Not always. It depends. So, what are you doing established company opens, a new branch, there’s need someone for about a year, as that’s how long
in Dublin? a decision to be made about where to locate the she’s away. She’s on maternity leave. Did I tell you
J: I am starting a new job on Monday. I’m a trainee business. that? I should also add that we did talk about taking
at TGC. They’re an HR consultancy firm. They advise It’s an important decision to get right, and there are someone on for longer, maybe eighteen months, so
companies on different aspects of their business – a number of factors which could influence it. These they could …
recruitment, company strategy, that kind of thing. might include access to skilled staff, good transport S: Cover the handover period. Yeah. Great.
They’ve invited all the new recruits to a welcome links and reasonable rents for factory or office space. Understood.
dinner. And it’s happening … right about now.


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N: That’s right. But … is a six-month handover information you need. Instead, ask ‘What do you A: Why don’t you ask him for an extension?
really needed? It’s expensive. And … mean by …?’, or ‘Could you be more specific?’ Alex T: Shaun? Are you joking? Last time I missed a
A: Sorry to interrupt … but I think a handover also rephrases questions to help Nick be more deadline, he nearly put me on the next flight home
period is important. But how about two months specific. And this works nicely. You can start by to Milan! It’s Shaun. You haven’t seen me …
instead of six? saying ‘What I mean is …’. Closed questions will A: Shaun …
N: That could work. Or three months, maybe. then encourage the other person to confirm their
Shaun? needs. Closed questions will force the other person 3.3.2
S: I agree with Alex. So, that’s a fourteen-month to answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’, or give a simple direct S = Shaun T = Thiago
contract. Can you just confirm that for us, Nick? answer. Finally, repeating the other person’s words S: Ah, Thiago! There you are! Just the person
N: Yes, I suppose I … fifteen months. Just to be on and adding the expression ‘Is that right?’ is useful I was looking for! Have you got a moment? Any
the safe side. to ask if you are still unsure. progress with that report?
S: Great. Fifteen months. Now, about the benefits And if you are the speaker, notice the body T: Er … well …
package you’re offering … language of the listener. Often, the listener’s facial S: Right. Sounds like there’s a problem.
N: Well … And as you know, I’m really busy at the expression will tell you if he or she has understood. T: I’m just really busy with two other projects,
moment. Also, I’m not a logistics expert, so I don’t So, if necessary, offer to clarify. Use expressions like and …
always know which technical questions to ask. The ‘What I mean is …’ or ‘Let me clarify’. S: Thiago, it’s no good making excuses. Time
last time I interviewed … Remember, conversation is two-way. It’s not management is part of the job.
S: Let me just clarify once more. Alex is your always your responsibility to understand! T: I know, I know.
dedicated HR Consultant. Anything you need, he S: You’re holding everyone up. The report is a
can help you. No need to worry. 3.1.1 week late, and I need it for tomorrow’s meeting
N: I really appreciate it. It’s wonderful to have CS = Colin Shenton M = Man W = Woman with the directors. So, what’s the delay?
you with us, Alex. We’ve always had an excellent P = Presenter I = Interviewer C = Customer T: Figures. I, er, still need some figures from
service from your firm. Are you enjoying your time CS: We like to describe it as home. Accounts, you …
there so far? M: You can help yourself to snacks along the way. S: Why didn’t you ask me to get the figures?
S: I’m dying for a coffee. Coffee break? Back here W: You really concentrate how much work you Any time over the past seven days? Right, that’s
in fifteen minutes. can fit in. enough. I’m bringing in Jasmine.
A: Great. CS: Everything in Ziferblat is free, except for the T: Shaun, I just need a bit more time.
S: See? On and on. Drives me crazy. time that you spend. S: You’ve had time. I’m calling Jasmine now. And
A: I could ask the questions when we go back in. P: Ziferblat is a café and social space with an I want that report on my desk by 2 p.m. tomorrow.
S: Sure. Be my guest. unusual business model. You check in and out at a No excuses.
hotel-style desk, stay as long as you want, use the T: Jasmine’s going to go crazy when she finds out
2.3.3 wi-fi and eat and drink as much as you like. Your that we have to do overtime tonight. I guess I’m Mr
A = Alex N = Nick S = Shaun bill is calculated at 6p a minute, including VAT. The Popular around here …
A: So, Nick, what you’re saying is you want largest branch of this international retail chain is S: Was I hard on him? A little. But he has to learn.
someone with logistics experience? here in Manchester, in northern England. He can’t keep missing deadlines. Anyway, Jasmine
N: Correct, but they also need a diploma in CS: Ziferblat is a Russian word, it means ‘clock should be able to help him out.
management. face’, uh it’s the same in German, and it’s simply
A: Great. And can I just check, you’re looking for because our pricing mechanism is completely 3.3.3
someone with a good language level? unique. We charge six pence a minute. Start your T = Thiago S = Shaun
N: Exactly; fluent in English and Polish. stopwatch on your iPhone if you like, and work out T: Shaun. Do you have a minute?
A: Does that mean you want to hire someone to the penny what your bill’s gonna be. S: For you, Thiago? I’ve got two. Now. How are
locally? I: You must get some people who try to abuse you doing with that report?
N: No, not necessarily, but they must be prepared the system, ‘I’ve only got 20p in my pocket, I can T: I’m still having some problems, I’m afraid.
to move. dash in, wolf down coffee and cake and leave,’ does S: Right. You realise I have a meeting with the
A: And what would make this appeal to that happen? directors tomorrow afternoon? I wanted it done by
applicants? CS: It happens and it’s absolutely fine. I’m not even then.
N: Well, we’re offering an excellent package. sure I’d call it abuse, what we offer is no minimum, T: I’m really sorry. I’m so busy with other projects
S: Yes, you said that, but could you be more no minimum charge, so if somebody feels they at the moment. And Accounts didn’t get back to me
specific? want to come in and eat as much as humanly with the figures I need …
N: I mean there’s a good bonus scheme and a possible – that’s absolutely fine. S: OK. Let me deal with Accounts. And I’ll see if I
subsidised staff canteen. I: You feel under time pressure because you can get one of the other trainees to share some of
S: And there’s an international airport not far know that each minute counts. your workload. Just for a few days. Does that help?
from Poznań, right? C: I don’t personally worry too much about T: Yes, it helps a lot.
N: That’s right, Poznań has its own airport. that, although I, I think it’s mounted up a bit this S: Now, what else can we do to get this report
S: And is there a relocation package? morning. finished? What if I bring in Jasmine to help you
N: What do you mean by a relocation package W: You do think about it after a couple of hours out?
exactly? here, but I think it’s really good because you T: No, no, I can manage.
S: Well, you know, help with moving costs … concentrate how much work you can fit in. S: Look, we don’t have much time. Let’s speed
A: I think what Shaun means is, the best person M: Such a nice creative atmosphere, and the things up. How about asking Jasmine to help you
may not live locally. Are you happy to cover the wi-fi is really good, so for uploading things, that’s with some of the figures?
cost for the right candidate to move to Poznań? perfect. T: Yes. OK.
N: Possibly. What I mean is, it’s a sensitive topic. CS: I think our smallest spend was three minutes, S: Good. I’ll give you three more days. But no
We need to keep costs down. which is 18p – somebody wanted to go to the loo. more. Don’t let me down. Of course, this doesn’t
S: Yes, of course. We understand. Our longest stay was 11 hours, which was a guy help me with the directors’ meeting tomorrow.
A: And you’re looking to interview a maximum of based on his laptop who’s writing a book. We ask T: Why don’t I just write an executive summary of
six people. Is that right? that people respect the space, but this has been a the main points? You can give them that.
N: Six is perfect. really positive experience in human nature. S: Alright, yes. Good idea.
A: So, I think that covers everything. We’ll get to P: The business makes a profit. This branch serves I like Thiago’s attitude. He definitely has potential.
work and send you a list of candidates as soon as 12,000 customers each month. We just need to work out how to improve his time
possible. I: You’ve got one of these in London, but you’ve management. Easier said than done, maybe.
N: Great, thanks, Shaun. got several in the north – in Manchester and T: Result! I can’t believe it. I got the extension I
S: Nick. Liverpool – and you’re rolling out more. Why is it needed. Problem solved! Well, until the next one
N: Thanks, Alex. you’re able to expand up here? comes along …
A: Nick. CS: One principle reason, which is rent. We could
S: Good work, Alex. Well done. do it in London if we were charging 20 or 25 pence 3.3.4
A: Thanks. a minute, but that adds up pretty fast, £15 an hour When you’re trying to solve problems at work, you
starts to sound expensive. have two basic options – focus on the problem or
2.3.4 focus on the solution.
In professional situations, we sometimes meet 3.3.1 Now, focusing on the problem can be very effective
people, like Nick, who are unclear about what A = Azra T = Thiago when it’s a simple technical problem. But workflow
they want. Checking and asking for clarification is A: Thiago. Is everything OK? problems are usually people problems, and they’re
a good way to guide the other person so you can T: It’s just this report I’m doing. For Shaun. It’s more complex. In Video A, Shaun made a big
understand exactly what they want. such a lot of extra work. And I’m nearly a week late mistake. He dealt with a people problem as if it
But how do you do this in English? Saying ‘What do with it. If I don’t finish the report soon, Shaun is was a technical problem. He focused on what went
you mean?’ may not be enough to clarify the going to kill me! wrong. He blamed Thiago for not completing the
report, so it’s no surprise there was an argument.


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And when Shaun asked Thiago and Jasmine to do patterns than in the past. It’s also clear that our J: That’s a great idea. We’re helping them, they’re
overtime, it was not the best solution. working lives will continue to change in the future, helping us.
In Video B, Shaun was much better. He focused on and we will have to adapt to that. S: OK. I’ll mention it to Léana. Right, well, thanks
the solution from the start. Instead of asking what for your input, everybody. Now we just have to
went wrong, he asked questions that focused on 4.3.1 decide which directors you’re working with. Graham,
help: ‘What can we do to get this report finished?’ O = Orla S = Shaun anybody?
and ‘What if I bring in Jasmine to help you out?’ As a O: Good meeting with Léana?
result, we saw Shaun and Thiago working together S: Great, thanks. She’s already spoken to some of 4.3.4
to complete the report. Shaun also offered to help the other directors about my idea. In business, it’s important to make good decisions.
Thiago get the figures he needed from the Accounts O: What do you call it again? Reverse coaching? But when those decisions affect other people, it’s
department. And Thiago offered to write a short S: Yes. A lot of companies are doing it. I don’t know really important to make sure you involve them
summary for Shaun to give to the Board of Directors. if you’ve noticed … but a few of the directors before going ahead.
It was a win–win situation. sometimes have problems with office technology. In Video A, Shaun discovered that having a great
The thing is, we have all these people in junior idea is not enough. You need to persuade your team
4.1.1 positions working for us, who practically live their that it’s a great idea, too. Often, the best way to
P = Presenter S = Sharni L1 = Lauren L2 = Laurie whole lives online. Social media, apps, you name it. do this is to ask for their input and let them see for
P: The way we work is changing fast and one So, the idea is they spend some time with the themselves how good your idea really is.
clear example of this is our work patterns. This directors who need a bit of help using business apps, Of course, involving others in your decisions can
includes the hours people work, the type of contract social media and so on. It’s basically take a little longer. You took time to develop your
employees have, and even the number of different one-on-one coaching. idea. So your team needs time to think about it, too.
jobs they work in. The traditional work pattern was O: Perfect. What do they think? And sometimes people don’t have much input to
based on permanent employees doing full-time jobs S: Well, I’m meeting them later this afternoon. give. But by showing them you value what they say,
and fixed working hours. The typical office worker in I guess we’ll find out! as Shaun did in Video B, you may find they can make
the UK and North America worked from Monday to your idea even better! In fact, we saw that Michael
Friday and had a working day of nine o’clock to five 4.3.2 and Ethan were able to do this. More importantly,
o’clock. Indeed, people talk about ‘nine-to-five jobs’ S = Shaun E = Ethan M = Michael (‘Mike’) your idea will become the team’s idea. And because
to describe traditional office work. However, that T = Thiago J = Jasmine it’s now the team’s idea, everyone on the team will
is changing. Today’s global economy needs more S: Ideally, you’d meet with the directors, say, once want to make it work.
flexible work patterns, not nine-to-five jobs. We a week. What do you think? Sounds good? Great. So
talked to some people about their working lives. … 5.1.1
S: I’m Sharni, and I’m an Accountant. I work full- E: Shaun? Erm, sorry to interrupt, but I thought we I’m here in Mumbai where queues like this outside
time flexible hours, so that means some days I start were here to discuss this. banks have become a common sight. And that’s
early and finish early, and some days I start later S: We are. We’re discussing how to do it right. So, the story across the country. Last week, the Indian
and finish later. And I’ll take breaks depending on Thiago. You’re our tech guru. Do you want to work government announced that 500- and 1,000-rupee
what I need to deliver for the day. Some days I work with Léana? notes would be completely abolished. So I want to
in the office and some days I work at home. I have M: So … we’re doing this? You’ve already made the find out how far I can get without a single penny in
my office set up at home, so I have everything I decision? my wallet.
need to work as if I was in the office. I like working S: Well … yes. Léana has approved it. Come on, it’ll A lot of people who have suffered from this cash
flexible hours – it gives me the ability to manage my be fun! You get to work with the people running the crunch are small businesses who have to buy their
career but also be there for my children. This type company. It’s great for your career! goods up front.
of working isn’t for everybody. Some people will T: Sorry, Shaun, but how do we find time for this? Now, businesses like this stall, something that you
work better with a fixed schedule and set hours. The We’re all really busy. find on every street corner in a city like Mumbai.
advantages for my employer for me to be a flexitime S: It’s an hour a week. That’s all. Paan is a stuffed betel leaf chewed by millions
worker means that I’m a much happier employee. I J: Um, Shaun. We’re not trained coaches. I’m not of Indians.
can still maintain all aspects of my personal life and sure I’d be comfortable working with people like Thank you.
still pursue my career. Léana and Graham. Great. So, he accepts credit cards, so I don’t have
P: Some people don’t have permanent jobs E: Look, Shaun, let’s not rush into anything. We to give cash. I’ve got away with it here. Mobile
with one employer but work for employment don’t have to take an immediate decision on this. wallets, where you can load money onto an
agencies that find them temporary jobs in different Can we go away and think about it? app, have been around for years and have been
companies. S: Think about what? These people pay your gaining in popularity, too. But since the currency
L1: My name is Lauren. I’m a temporary worker salaries. They need your help. It’s that simple. announcement has come in, some payment
and that basically means that I work for an agency T: Will we get paid extra? I’m just asking … gateways have been seeing a rise of up to 400
that sends me on different assignments in different S: I’m disappointed, guys. Really disappointed. percent in customers.
companies. I started temping during university, and I have a great idea … and this is how you react! OK, that’s great. So he’s accepting money via mobile
I am still temping whilst I’m looking for a permanent Anyway. I’ve told Léana about it. It’s going ahead. wallets, but vegetables are an everyday item
role. The contracts that I’m assigned on last from So, you can either like it or learn to like it. Right. normally paid in cash. So are customers ready to go
around a couple of days to a few months, and this Who’s going to work with Graham? cashless?
can include a range of different roles, such as clerical By taking this step, the government is hoping to
as well as reception work. The advantages of being 4.3.3 get more people and businesses into the financial
a temp worker are … it gives you insight into loads S = Shaun T = Thiago J = Jasmine system. And this will also help increase tax revenues.
of different industries and it allows me to see what M = Michael (‘Mike’) E = Ethan Cash? So there you have it. I managed to do most
kind of permanent roles I’ll be interested in. There S: Now, we already have the go-ahead from of the things without cash. But then I need cash
are some disadvantages to working as a temporary Léana. But I’d like to get your input before we for something that millions of Indians do every
worker and these include lack of job security, and finalise anything. So, what does everybody think? day – getting around town. And without everyone
it makes it difficult for career progression. Being Thiago, you’re our tech guru, what are your willing to turn to technology even in these difficult
adaptable is a very important skill in the job market, thoughts on this? times, the Indian government’s hopes of becoming
and … erm, temp work definitely allows me to build T: Will we have time for it? a hundred percent cashless economy could still be
upon that skill. S: OK, it’s a fair point. We’ll figure out a way to fit it far off.
P: Freelance work for more than one company at into your schedules. Any other thoughts?
the same time is also more common today. J: We’re not trained coaches. Are we qualified to 5.3.1
L2: My name’s Laurie. I’m a gig worker. And … gig be doing this? S = Shaun O = Orla
working means when you do lots of different types S: Hmm, I take your point. How about we arrange S: Orla. On your way to the project meeting?
of jobs to earn a living. I work in the television some kind of training for you? Just the basics. O: Yes.
industry, and a typical week for me might involve … It shouldn’t be too hard. Mike, you haven’t said S: It’s the first time this team’s worked together,
I might write a script, I might direct a film or I might anything so far. I’d like to hear what you think. isn’t it? No pressure …
do some camera work. Depending on how many M: Why don’t we call it ‘tech assistance’ instead O: Well, we’re really just working out team roles
projects I have, I may work 20 hours one week and of coaching? It sounds more informal. More today. The client pitch is not for another six weeks.
40 hours another week. One advantage of being comfortable. The question is, do I just tell them what I’d like them
a gig worker is that it allows a lot of variety in my S: Mm, you may have a point. Jasmine, what do to do or let them figure it out themselves? Part of
working life. Another advantage is that it allows you think of Mike’s idea? me wants to let them decide. Part of me just wants
me to do things, in my free time, that I wouldn’t J: I like it. ‘Tech assistance’ sounds fun. to tell them …
ordinarily be able to do if I had a full-time job. One S: It will be! Does anyone have anything else S: Well, there are some strong personalities in that
of the disadvantages to gig working is that there’s they’d like to add before we move on? team, so I wouldn’t give them too much freedom. I’d
not that much income security, so you don’t always E: If we’re going to be coaching the directors, just tell them if I were you.
know where your next pay cheque is coming from. maybe they could coach us, too? They could teach O: I’ll let you know how it goes …
P: It’s clear that today there are many more work us a lot about the business.


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5.3.2 the team. When Orla gave Alex and Thiago roles J: Hopefully, yeah. I put in a proposal for a talk
O = Orla J = Jasmine A1 = Azra A2 = Alex she knew they were good at, she didn’t consider at the Global HR Leadership Conference. Orla said
T = Thiago S = Shaun if they might like to develop new skills. And with I should give it a try. And … I don’t believe it. That’s
O: That’s the project covered. Now, team roles. Azra and Jasmine, Orla went too far in the other an email from them. The conference organisers. Ah
Alex, I’d like you to be pitch leader. You’ve got direction. She gave them challenges they didn’t … this could be so great for my résumé.
the most project management experience. Now, feel prepared for. ‘No’. They said ‘no’.
Azra, I thought lead presenter for you this time. But both of these problems were solved in Video
We’ve talked about you wanting to develop your B. This is because they negotiated their own team 6.3.2
presentation skills. Jasmine, I’m going to ask you to roles. Jasmine kept the role Orla suggested, but T = Thiago J = Jasmine A = Azra
be the learning designer. the others changed or shared roles. In this way, T: I’m sorry, Jasmine. That’s too bad. But … look
J: Oh, erm … there was room for them to improve their skill set on the bright side.
O: Problem? without challenging them too much. J: What bright side?
J: Well, no, it’s just quite a lot of responsibility. When you’re building a team, you want people to T: Erm …
O: You’re a Learning and Development Specialist, do things they’re good at, and also excited about. J: Exactly.
and you’re a responsible person. You’ll be fine. You can trust each team member to know what T: Come on, it’s no big deal. It’s just a conference,
Finally, Thiago. Tech support. You’re so good with these things are. And if you show that you trust after all.
technology. them to be involved in the decisions about their J: Thiago, it’s the biggest HR conference in the
A1: Actually, Orla, I’m really not comfortable roles, it gives them confidence, and builds their world! And I should be speaking at it. Now I’ve got
presenting. Especially in front of a new client. trust in you. This is the ideal scenario. to tell Orla they rejected me.
A2: I agree. Azra should be the pitch leader on T: Orla will understand. Come on. Cheer up! Look
this one, and I can take care of the presentation. 6.1.1 … some of us are going for a drink after work. Why
And maybe Thiago could help me out. He needs P = Presenter R = Roy White B = Brent Jennings don’t you come along?
something bigger than tech support. T = Team member Dr R = Dr Rick de Decker J: You know what? I don’t really feel like hitting
T: Yeah, why do I always get tech support? P: Whether we play team sports in our free time, the pub right now.
A1: And … well … maybe Jasmine also feels like I work on joint projects or are part of a team at T: Harry’s Bar. At six. You know … if you change
do. About her role. work, most of us have to cooperate with others on your mind. And, hey, Orla thinks you’re great. We
J: I am worried. It’s a big responsibility. a regular basis. But there is one context in which all do. Don’t worry so much.
A2: Perhaps Thiago can help me present and do teamwork is especially important ... and that’s A: Jasmine! Thiago told me your news. You must
the slides. when danger is involved. At more than 1,000 be so disappointed!
T: Wait a minute. I’m doing the presentation and metres high, Table Mountain towers over Cape J: Well. Life goes on.
the slides? Town in South Africa. Easy access from the city A: Oh, poor you! I know exactly how you feel!
O: Everyone! Please! Your first time together as makes it very popular with tourists and hikers. Listen, if you need someone to talk to about it, just
a team and you’re arguing about everything! Let’s But with over eighty rescues a year, it is more let me know, OK?
just think about this. dangerous than people realise. J: Thanks, Azra.
S: Sounded lively in there. R: Table Mountain is not a simple mountain, it’s
O: I don’t think this is going to be easy. not an easy mountain. 6.3.3
P: This is why the Table Mountain Rescue team A = Alex J = Jasmine
5.3.3 is always ready. If someone has an accident on the A: Miami?
O = Orla A1 = Azra A2 = Alex T = Thiago mountain, it’s the team’s job to get them down. J: Thiago. He told you.
O: OK, you all know each other quite well. So let’s This hiker was on his way down from the mountain A: No secrets in this place. I’m sorry it didn’t work
decide the team roles among ourselves. Is that OK with a friend when he fell and hurt his leg. He can’t out for you. I hope you’re not too disappointed.
with everyone? Alex. Azra. I was thinking you could walk, so the rescue team has to get him to safety. J: Thanks. Maybe Thiago was right. It’s no big
head up the project together as pitch leader and With the sun going down, the team has to work deal.
lead presenter. How would you feel about that? in the dark. They need to be very careful and very A: It sounds like you put a lot of work into it.
A1: Me as pitch leader? patient or they will put everyone at risk. J: Yeah, well …
O: If you don’t mind. B: The main problem is that you don’t ever get A: And I know how important it was to you. So I
A1: Actually, Orla, sorry, but I’d rather not be the two people carrying a stretcher. You’ll have maybe can understand how you feel. Did the organisers
lead presenter if that’s OK with you. I’m really not nine, ten people carrying a stretcher at any one tell you why they didn’t accept you? They can be
comfortable with that role. point; and that whole group has got to make its very selective.
O: But … don’t you want to develop your way down safely. J: They said I had an interesting topic, but it
presentation skills? P: By working together, the team has reached the didn’t really fit this year’s theme.
A1: I do! But one step at a time. I’m quite good at bottom safely. The members of the Table Mountain A: So. You had the right topic. You just picked the
communicating one on one – but presenting to a rescue team have faced many difficult situations wrong year. It happens.
new client? I’m not sure I’m the best person. together, but it takes more than practice and J: Looks like it. I didn’t really think about the
A2: Perhaps Azra and I could swap roles. experience to work well as a team. conference theme. Stupid of me.
O: Well, I did want you as pitch leader, Alex, but B: You can’t just expect rescue experience alone A: You can always try again. You’ll know next
if you’re both happy to exchange roles, then that’s to give you what you need in a rescue team. time. If it makes you feel any better, I had to apply
fine with me. Right, Jasmine, I’d like you to be the P: Lots of personal skills are necessary for a good to engineering school three times before I finally
learning designer. Relax! You have the expertise, team worker. But being a good communicator – got in. My advice? Put it behind you and move on.
and I’ll be here to help you out if you need it. knowing what to say, when to say it, and how to J: I guess I just wanted to impress Orla.
Just look at it as a challenge. Now, Thiago, you’re say it clearly – is one of the most important. And A: Orla likes you. Everyone does. But you haven’t
our tech expert, so how would you like to do the connected to that, of course, is the ability to listen been here long. Don’t try to run before you can
PowerPoint for us again? to others. walk. The question to ask yourself is: What can I
T: I don’t mind. But I’d prefer not to do that again T: Woah, woah, woah, slowly guys! learn from this?
if I have a choice. P: You also need to be reliable, so the rest of the J: Yeah, I see that now.
A2: Actually, Orla, I think Thiago might do a team can trust you. A: Look at it this way: you missed out
good job as co-presenter with me. Didn’t you win Dr R: If you get that level of trust with somebody on a trip to Miami, but now you’ll be free to help
a public speaking competition at university or who is on the ledge above you, then you’ve got a me with the Ferguson pitch.
something? really good team going. But that takes some doing, J: The Ferguson pitch?
T: I won two of them. it takes quite a lot of training to get to that level. A: Yeah. Shaun thinks you’re ready to start
O: Nice idea, Alex, but who’s going to do the P: Even in experienced teams, people may presenting to clients face to face. So you’ll be my
PowerPoint? No offence, but it’s not really your disagree, so good team members need to know co-presenter to start with. What do you think?
strong point, is it? how to deal with arguments, stay calm and help More fun than talking to a roomful of strangers in
A2: Maybe Thiago and I could work together on everyone reach agreement – in other words, they Miami?
both? Thiago’s a lot better with technology than I need to be good at conflict management. If team
am, but I can help him with some of the other stuff. members show each other respect, a solution can 6.3.4
O: OK. Great. I think we’ve got the team roles usually be found. When the work is finished, the Business life can have its disappointments as well
covered. So, just to summarise … team can relax, talk about what went well and get as its successes. When the presentation doesn’t go
ready for the next rescue. well, or we don’t get the promotion, what do we
5.3.4 do? Well, we might turn to the colleague we trust
It’s a key question when building a team: do you simply 6.3.1 the most for support and advice.
tell people what you want them to do, or do you let T = Thiago J = Jasmine In Video A, Thiago’s response to Jasmine’s bad
them decide? After all, they know what they’re best at, T: Coffee? Hell-o! news was to avoid it. Then, he tried to change the
and what skills they still need to develop. J: What? Oh, thanks. Sorry, I’m just thinking subject by inviting her out for a drink with the
In Video A, we saw Orla taking the first approach. about this Miami thing. group. He didn’t seem to care very much.
And immediately we saw a negative reaction from T: You’re going to Miami? Azra did the opposite. She showed too much


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emotion, and it was annoying for Jasmine. 7.3.1 invite the other person to ask questions, to check
In Video B, Alex got the balance right. He said he T = Thiago A = Azra they have understood or need more detail.
understood how Jasmine felt, but he didn’t pretend T: Whose training session are you in? I’m with There you go – a very simple and effective
to know exactly what she was feeling. He looked for Shaun. procedure.
positive things while accepting her disappointment. A: Orla. I’m looking forward to hearing about this
Most importantly, he was able to empathise – which new expenses system. 8.1.1
means to share the experience of another person – T: Me, too. The current one is so complicated. And I P = Presenter M = Matías Alcalde
and this can make the other person feel better. hate having to keep my receipts when I’m travelling. J = Juan Pablo Alvarez
It should be an app – something easy to use. P: Punta de Lobos in Chile is one of the best places
7.1.1 A: Exactly. Anyway, enjoy the training. to surf in South America. In the summer months,
P = Presenter S = Simon Lyons T: I just hope it’s not too boring. 5,000 visitors arrive every day at this popular surf
P: Any company offering goods for sale is under and tourist destination. In recent years, developers
constant pressure to improve existing products and 7.3.2 have made plans for large construction projects
to bring new products to market. But any product, S = Shaun T = Thiago C = Caroline along the cliffs. However, many in the community
whether it’s a mobile phone, a new medicine or S: What would your ideal expenses system look were not happy about this. The Punta de Lobos
a washing machine, must go through a period like? Foundation is an organisation created by local
of research and development – R&D – to make T: An app? people to fight these plans. We spoke to Matías
improvements to the design, ensure that it’s safe, S: You’re in luck. Say hello to Expenses 220. Alcalde, the Foundation’s director about why they
and that consumers will want to buy it. Simon A new app – really easy to use. No more Excel are against the building projects.
Lyons runs a small design company, Version 22, in spreadsheets. No more paper receipts. Let me take M: Uh, a lot of private projects, uh, real-estate
Loughborough, a town north of London. In 2016, the you through the process. So, to create an expense projects – big ones – were wan-, wanted to be
company launched a clever product called Nimble. report, you enter the expense item and date, choose developed here, like where we’re standing here,
S: Nimble is a one-finger safety cutter. You put it the currency and enter the amount, take a photo of there will be uh, houses hanging on the cliffs, uh,
on your finger tip; it’s got a tiny blade at the tip, and any receipts … four buildings, seven stories high like a surf resort,
you can use it to cut open boxes and parcels that T: Are you following any of this? or not even a surf resort, but huge density of
come through the post, food packaging, product S: Additional comments in the comment box, and construction and people coming in here. We have
packaging. then save it. So, you can go back to your claim as a real threatening situation for such a special place
P: Simon first had the idea when he was studying many times as you like ... all you need to do is use like … like this one.
at university and entered a competition. the drop-down menu … P: The Punta de Lobos Foundation works with
S: The brief was to look at these videos of elderly C: Sorry, Shaun. None of this is clear to me. other conservation groups, such as Save the Waves.
and disabled people describing problems they T: Yeah, I didn’t follow everything either. Together, they want to stop private construction on
had at home, and to pick one of those problems S: Come on, guys, it’s not that difficult! OK … the coast and to keep the cliffs open to the public.
and to design a solution. The one problem that one more time. Use the drop-down menu to make They also want to solve other problems caused by
kept coming up the most was people with arthritis changes – but make sure your settings are put to the the large number of visitors.
in their hands, really struggling to open food relevant currency. Got it? Of course you have. Now, M: It was a mess here, if you put a thousand or
packaging in the kitchen. moving on to … fifteen hundred cars here, uh, you … you can take an
P: After he had the idea, Simon began the research hour, hour and a half to just go a mile out back to the
and development process. 7.3.3 highway. And the second thing is that there were no
S: Starting the R&D process is quite simple – just a O = Orla A = Azra T = Thiago bathrooms here.
pen and paper. So, really rough sketches, coming up O: OK, so you start by selecting ‘Create an expense P: The foundation is looking for solutions to these
with as many different ideas as possible. I then try report’. Do you see that? Then, enter the expense problems. They’ve already improved the traffic
and make a very, very low-cost prototype. This was item – like this: ‘hotel bill’. After that, enter the date. situation and installed eco-bathrooms for visitors.
the first ever prototype I made of Nimble, which was Don’t enter it manually, just select the ‘calendar’; They’ve also put a fence along the cliff to protect
made out of a finger of a kitchen glove cut off, some because it’s the easiest thing to do. Any questions so it from visitors’ feet. Some local businesses see
plastic from an A4 folder, and the tip of a knife blade. far? The next step is to choose the type of expense – conservation as important, too. This small hotel is
P: Simon’s design won the competition. The prize select this from the menu. You must do this because by the beach at Punta de Lobos. Designed to have as
money allowed him to produce more advanced Accounts need the information for reporting little impact as possible on the area, it was built with
prototypes. reasons. So, in this case you’re going to choose local and recycled materials. I spoke to Juan Pablo
S: I started doing 3D-printed prototypes of lots of ‘Business meal with client’. Right. Once you’ve done Alvarez, the hotel manager.
different designs before I got to a final design that I that, choose your currency, and enter the amount. J: It’s only in the archi-, architecture, we don’t
was happy with. One of the main design challenges The default setting is euros, so be careful if you need want it to be uh, like a big hotel five-star resort, we
I had with Nimble was designing it so it could be another currency. Then, save your claim and you’re have 12 rooms, we could have, like, 40, 50, but we
worn and used by as many people as possible, so almost finished. The last step is to take a photo of wanted to offer something different, something
having it as a one-size-fits-all design. your receipt and it’ll be saved automatically with special. This is a very sensitive and special place and
P: And how did Simon decide on the colour? your electronic claim. When you have completed spot for us, so we wanted to … to protect it.
S: Yellow’s a brilliant colour for people with visual all the steps, press ‘Submit’, and you’re done! Any P: Matías Alcalde sees Punta de Lobos as an
impairments; and as Nimble’s especially useful for questions? important conservation project for the rest of Chile.
people who are blind or partially sighted, yellow A: When should we send in our claims? It is not only about protecting one favourite surfing
was the obvious choice there. O: By the end of the month. Oh, and also, the app location in the country.
P: Once Simon was confident with the design, will remember your data, and that will really save M: We’re very eager that Punta de Lobos is
Nimble was ready for user-testing. you time! Does everybody understand? Now, it’s not successful, because it’s the example in order to scale
S: It was important to user-test Nimble to get perfect and there might be teething problems, but I this project throughout Chile, uh, there’s a need on
as many perspectives on the product’s usefulness, think … conservation in Chile, we are a developing country,
design and function as possible. I found users to test A: How did it go? we’re just getting started and we can learn from so
Nimble by attending a few trade shows, and this way T: Don’t ask. You? many mistakes that, through Punta de Lobos, we
I got about 150 people signed up. I sent out early A: Great. So I’m guessing you need a lesson from can set the example for future developments along
prototypes of the product to these people, and they me on how this thing works? the coast.
used them for about a month and gave me their T: I’ll buy you a cappuccino! With chocolate!
feedback. Thankfully, the feedback we got from our A: It’s a deal. 8.3.1
testers was positive, which meant that we didn’t have S = Shaun T = Thiago D = Della
to make many changes to the design at all. 7.3.4 S: You’re holding everyone up. The report is a
P: With the R&D stage successfully completed, To explain a procedure clearly, follow these four week late, and I need it for tomorrow’s meeting with
Nimble was ready to be launched. steps. the directors. So. What’s the delay?
S: Nimble’s been commercially available for about Step 1: Speak clearly and make sure you sound T: Figures. I, er, still need some figures from
one and a half years, and it’s been selling really well. interested, even if you’re not, or you’ve already Accounts, you …
We’ve shipped around 30,000 units to about 80 explained the same procedure a hundred times. S: Why didn’t you ask me to get the figures? Any
countries around the world so far. Step 2: Divide the stages of the procedure into small time over the past seven days? Right, that’s enough.
P: So, what’s the next product from Version 22? parts or pieces of information. It’s a lot easier for I’m bringing in Jasmine.
S: So, the next product we’ve got coming out is someone to understand small pieces of information T: I’m sorry, Jasmine. That’s too bad. But … look on
something quite different. It’s called Mobu, and it’s a than the whole procedure all at once. the bright side.
tiny little cable clip which will stop your earphones Step 3: Use words like ‘first’, ‘second’ and ‘next’ to Della.
tangling in your pocket, and it works together with order your explanation, just like Orla did. These will D: Yes?
another product to keep your cables organised help the listener remember the different steps. T: You sent me a load of emails.
around your desk and around the house. Step 4: Use examples where necessary and always D: The reminder about your expenses claim, yes. I
think I only sent two. The first, and a follow-up.


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T: No, you sent at least three. 8.3.3 O: I can see that. But I would like you to pay more
D: Ah. Yes. Three. Well, I was worried. O = Orla T = Thiago attention to this in the future.
T: Well, it’s quite stressful receiving all these O: So, there are a couple of areas for improvement T: Yes, yes, of course.
emails. If I didn’t respond, there’s a reason. … like your time-management skills. Shaun O: And we really love your enthusiasm. So, more
D: Well, I’m sorry you feel that way, Thiago. This is mentioned that you were late finishing a report for of that, please. Do you have any questions about the
our normal procedure. So … him. And you’ve missed other deadlines. How do feedback?
you feel about this aspect of your work? T: No, I don’t think so. I appreciate your comments,
8.3.2 T: I guess I am sometimes late. thanks.
O = Orla T = Thiago O: You’ve been late a few times with your O: OK. So, in summary, we have agreed your goals.
O: Come in! Nervous? Don’t worry. Let me explain expenses claims, too. We think you could improve
the process. We’ll start with the positive feedback, your admin skills more generally. 8.3.4
then we’ll move on to some areas for improvement. T: Yeah, OK, admin’s not my strong point. In our professional lives, we all have to receive
Is that OK with you? So … you’ve been with us for six O: Well, OK, but the reason we’re concerned is that corrective feedback from time to time and some of
months. How do you feel it’s gone so far? it creates problems for other people. The company us might also have to give corrective feedback. So
T: I think I’m doing well. I don’t think there have could miss a deadline with a client. So we really here’s some advice.
been any problems, but I’d be interested to hear need you to respect all your deadlines from now First of all, how to give corrective feedback. Here, you
what you think. on. And please remember to submit your expenses can follow a simple model. Prepare the person before
O: Well, in general, we’re pleased with your claims on time. Now we have the new app, there are giving the feedback and then ask for their agreement.
progress. no excuses. Say something like, ‘We need to discuss some areas
T: OK. I’m glad to hear that. T: Sure. Will do. for improvement. Is that OK with you?’ As you give
O: You’re enthusiastic and you work hard. You’re O: Now … about your relations with some of the the feedback, give clarification or examples where
great with technology – that’s always a benefit. older members of staff … Della in particular. possible. Then end by inviting the person to assess
You’re warm and in general you have good T: I get on well with Della. their own performance. Phrases such as ‘Would
interpersonal skills. We saw how you tried to help O: Well, she thinks you’re sometimes a little that be a fair assessment?’ encourage the person to
Jasmine after the Miami conference issue – you disrespectful. remain positive about the feedback.
were very supportive. T: Really? Are you sure she means me? Secondly, receiving corrective feedback. One of
T: That’s good to know, thanks. O: I think it’s your tone of voice. So, it’s not what the most difficult things is to stay positive and
O: And, of course, you have an excellent sense of you say, it’s how you say it. You can sound a bit diplomatic if someone is giving you feedback. ‘Your
humour. However, I have to point out some areas impolite, even aggressive at times. What do you feedback is very useful, thanks.’ is a good expression
for development. It’s important to give what we think? Would that be a fair assessment? to use. Or when you want to apologise for negative
call ‘corrective’ feedback. To support you in your T: Well, I try to respect everyone … behaviour, say, ‘Yes, I accept that is sometimes a
professional development. O: We’re worried because the way you problem for me.’
T: Everyone can improve, right? communicate could have a negative impact on the Finally, I would always suggest you thank the person
O: Exactly. team and also on relations with our clients. for their feedback. That way you end on a positive
T: I never meant to upset anyone. note.


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1.01 B: For sure. You really need to get on with people A: Oh no! There’s too much noise from outside. I’ll
A: Welcome, Alicia. Thanks so much for taking the – you need to manage people well, because the job put the air conditioning on.
time to talk with us on World of Work today. is all about people – about making people happy. B: OK! I see there are not enough glasses. I’ll get
B: It’s my pleasure, Marek. Thanks so much for My top priority is client satisfaction. some more from the kitchen.
inviting me on the show. It’s exciting! A: And for you, are any of the skills more A: Is there enough time to make some
A: I’d like to start by asking this: What does an important – or less important? photocopies?
Events Manager do? B: Honestly, I don’t think so. You need all of them. B: Yes! We have lots of time. It’s still too early for
B: I manage events … If you love people but you can’t organise, then you people to arrive.
A: Oh, right – OK, so the job title says it all: Events can’t do this job. If you pay attention to detail but
Manager. can’t manage a budget – forget it! 2.02 J = Josh S = Samia
B: Right. So what that means is that I help people A: OK, well, that makes sense. This is really useful J: Hey, it’s Josh, how are you?
plan events: parties, conferences, corporate for our listeners, thanks Alicia. Please stay with us. S: Fine, thanks, Josh. How are you?
hospitality events – that kind of thing. We’re going to take a short break. When we come J: Good, thanks. Listen, did you get the agenda for
A: What about weddings? back, we’ll be asking Alicia about … this afternoon?
B: No – not at all. Weddings are harder than S: Yes. You didn’t get it?
business lunches and are usually done by people 1.02 L = Laura J = Jakob J: No.
who only plan weddings. L: How are you doing, Jakob? S: I’ll send it to you. And the minutes from the last
A: OK, so who are your clients? J: OK so far, thanks. I’m looking forward to meeting. Got them?
B: I’d say about ninety percent of my work involves meeting everyone. J: Thanks. Oh, no, Don’s chairing again; that
businesses – planning events for corporate clients. I L: Great. So, first, I’ll explain the schedule for the day. means it’ll go on and on.
sometimes do parties for individual people, but not J: Sure. S: Yes, probably. So you’re going to present the
very often. L: So, we’ll start with the induction briefing, results of your market survey?
A: OK. So when you plan an event, what do you where you learn about the company. And then you J: Which item is that? Oh, yes, four. It’s quite
do? Where do you start? can meet the team. The health and safety training interesting actually.
B: First, I have to find out what the client wants. with the other interns is at 10.45. That gives us S: Really? And did you prepare anything for Item 3?
That means finding out what type of event it is, and plenty of time. J: The financial report? No, that was an action point
also when they want to have it. Because usually, an J: How many other interns are there? from the last meeting for Mike. Anyway, what’s Item
event is for some reason, like a grand opening, or L: Five. They’re mostly from abroad, so it’s a really 5 all about? Micro-kitchen? What’s that?
welcoming new employees or something – so the international group this year. S: Dierdre wants to set up an office kitchen. I think
timing is usually important. J: Right, OK. it’s quite a good idea.
A: OK, I see. And what about money? L: And this afternoon you can set up your email J: I see you’re organising the office party again
B: Yes, of course. We have to talk about budget at account. Our IT technician, Sue, has created a this year, Samia!
the first meeting, because I have to think about the username for you, and temporary login details are S: Yes, that’s me, Item 6 – it’s the only item I’m
cost for every decision I make. I try to find the best on your desk. Sue’s really helpful. Just call her if interested in.
location for each event. I can’t choose the most you have any problems. J: No surprises. What are you planning?
expensive hotel in town for an event for someone S: Ah, you’ll have to wait and see.
with a small budget. For a cheap event, we choose 1.03 S = Sue J = Jakob J: Item 8 – Close – that’s my favourite item … Do
the least expensive venue possible. So we have to S: IT help desk. Sue speaking. you think we’ll leave on time, though, with Don in
choose a venue – a location – carefully. J: Hello, Sue. This is Jakob Davis. I’m … the chair?
A: Sure. And for you, are some venues better than S: … one of the new interns. Hi, Jakob. How can
others? I help you? 2.03 Don = Don J = Josh E = Ellen S = Samia
B: Definitely. Planning an event outdoors is always J: I’m having problems with the IT. H = Harry De = Deirdre
the biggest challenge. S: Ah, what kind of problems? Don: Everyone ready?
A: Because … J: I can’t connect to the intranet. I don’t know J: Samia will be a little late. She’s on another call.
B: Because of the weather. You can’t control that! how to log on. Don: OK, but I’d like to start on time; it’s a full
A: Sure, of course. So after you’ve talked about S: It should be quite simple. You need to use your agenda today. Can you tell her what we said, Josh?
schedule, budget and venue, what then? login details. J: Sure.
B: They usually want me to think of something J: I tried my username and password, but … Don: Right, so let’s start. Nice to see everyone and
special – you know, to come up with an original idea. S: Can you try logging on again? welcome back to Ellen.
A: Like … J: Er, just a minute … no, it’s not working. E: Thanks, it’s lovely to see everyone.
B: Well, I did a tenth anniversary party for a S: OK, no problem. Can I just check your username? Don: So, one reason for meeting is to introduce
software company, and we did a circus theme. J: Intern82. you all to Harry. He started on Monday and he’ll be
A: A circus theme? S: Are you sure? 82 or 32? helping us with our finances.
B: Yeah – we had clowns, a guy who did magic J: Er, it looks like 82. All: Hello, Harry. / How are you doing? / Nice to
– and the location was actually a big tent – like a S: Sorry, it’s my writing, it’s difficult to read. Try meet you.
circus tent – in a park. We had about five hundred ‘intern32’. Don: Does everyone have a copy of the agenda?
people there – five hundred guests. It was amazing. J: Ah, that works, thanks. The other thing … I need Does anyone …
Everyone had a great time. to get a company email address. How do I set up S: Hi, everyone. Sorry I’m late.
A: Was the circus event more difficult than your my email account? Don: Samia, hello. Take a seat. The main aim today
usual events? S: I’ll set that up for you. Can you just remind me is to catch up before the holidays. Does anyone
B: No, not really. We usually have some kind of of your family name? want to add anything to the agenda?
entertainment, but we also have to arrange food, J: Davis. All: Not really. / No. / I’m fine.
tables and chairs … S: D-A-V-I-S? Don: We have AOB if anything comes up. Harry, can
A: Wow. J: That’s right. And Jakob is J-A-K-O-B. I ask you to be time-keeper?
B: I usually have to organise a sound system for S: J-A-K-O-B, thanks. So your email address will H: OK.
the speeches and music … be Jakob dot Davis at Give me a few Don: And could I have a volunteer to take the
A: So there are a lot of details. minutes and I’ll call you back. What’s your minutes? Josh, Ellen?
B: It’s all details! extension number? E: OK, sure. I can do that.
A: Well, that’s a good introduction to my next J: Er … sorry, Sue, I’m having trouble finding my Don: Thanks for agreeing. I know it’s a busy time. So,
question. extension number. I was going to ask my colleague let’s look at Item 1, Matters Arising from the last ...
B: OK. for help, but she’s just gone into a meeting and … E: Sorry, can we just go back to Item 2? What
A: What skills are necessary for an Events S: That’s OK. I can help you with that. Just a minute, was the decision? I didn’t quite understand it …
Manager? er, – here we are, Jakob Davis – extension 5182. Don: So, moving on to Item 5: this is Deirdre’s point,
B: Well, we’ve already talked about attention J: 5-1-8-2 – got it. I think. Harry, how are we doing for time?
to detail. S: I’ll call you back in a few minutes to confirm H: We’re on time for the moment.
A: What else? your email address. Don: Great. Deirdre, over to you.
B: Organisation – the ability to organise is super De: Thanks. I’d like to talk about the micro-kitchen
important. 2.01 we agreed on at the last meeting.
A: Organising what? A: Is there enough space in this room for the J: Did we?
B: Everything: Schedules, budgets, food orders, meeting? De: Ah, yes.
teams of people … . Getting the right staff for an B: Yes, but I think there are too many chairs. S: … And you even agreed to help set it up.
event is really important – you need the right A: You’re right! I’ll move some next door. J: Did I? Oh, OK, sorry.
people. B: And it’s too hot in here, isn’t it? Let’s open the De: Right. The reason I want to discuss this is to
A: Ah, yes, people. Do you need people skills? windows. agree on a budget. I found some possible suppliers,
but of course we need to get some quotes.

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Audioscripts Audioscripts

H: What did you include in the budget? D: So, what did you get? C: Inés has joined us today to help me present the
De: It seems contractors for micro-kitchens supply C: Well, there were a couple of nice suits, but results of last month’s customer service survey. As
everything. I think a maximum of 500 pounds a I didn’t know which style or colour I liked best, so you know, improving customer service is one of our
month is reasonable. What do you all think? I didn’t buy anything. But I have the store’s app on main objectives this year. Now, as you can see, this
my phone. was a three-stage survey. So, first of all, I’d like to
3.01 D: What’s that for? start off by talking about stage one, the customer
1 C: Well, when I left the store, they sent me a list satisfaction ratings. Secondly, I’ll go on to talk
A: We need something for dinner. of the clothes I tried on to my phone, and I can about the in-store interviews. And then I’ll hand
B: OK, I’ll get some chicken on my way home this order online when I decide. Have a look and help you over to Inés to talk about stage three, the focus
evening. me choose. group results. Finally, there’ll be time for questions
2 D: Ah, oh is that the time? What was I thinking? at the end. OK? So, let’s jump right in. Have a look
A: Where shall we get the presents for the family? I was talking to Martin earlier and I agreed to help at this. This is the customer feedback station we
B: I just want to buy everything in one place. You him with something. I’ll see you later. now have in all our megastores. Customers simply
know I hate going around different shops all day. Extract 3 press the button that shows how satisfied they
3 F: Hello, Rafa! Sorry! Did I interrupt you? Were you were with our service. Was it great, good, not good
A: You know it’ll be Noah’s birthday soon. He’s five eating? or bad? Then we process their feedback. Here’s a
on Thursday. E: No, no, I was having a coffee. full breakdown of the figures by region and store.
B: That’s right! Let’s get him some children’s F: So, how are you?
stories for his birthday. E: Very well, and you? How’s it going in Shanghai? 3.06
4 F: Not bad, not bad. OK, now let’s move on to the in-store interviews.
A: Are you all right? You look a bit tired. E: How’s your Chinese? First of all, why did we do them? Well, when we
B: Yeah, I’ve got a terrible headache. I need to get F: Don’t ask! I didn’t speak much Chinese when sent our researchers into the stores, they noticed
something for it. I arrived here a month ago and I don’t speak any that a lot of people weren’t using the customer
5 more today. It’s fine in the office because everyone feedback stations at all. So, obviously, these people
A: I should get something to wear for that job speaks English. But shopping is more of a problem. do not show up in our customer satisfaction
interview but I haven’t got much money. E: What about ordering in restaurants? figures. Fortunately, plenty of people were leaving
B: Try Zara or H&M. Their prices are reasonable. F: Oh, that’s easy. Lots of restaurants here in China positive feedback. But why were they positive? And
6 have picture menus. They’re great! how many other people were they telling about
A: Where did you say we’re going again? E: So you can see exactly what you’re ordering? us? Again, we had no data for this. So we organised
B: Bluewater. It says on the website that there are F: That’s right! Anyway, the other day I heard a team of interviewers to stop customers as they
330 stores and 40 cafés under one roof. about these new automated convenience stores. were coming out of the store, and this is what we
7 E: Automated? You mean with robots? Artificial found. First, the good news. Every customer who
A: I love that fresh bread you bought in that new intelligence? rated our service as ‘great’ told us they regularly
place. Let’s go there again. F: No, not exactly, just self-service with no human recommend us to others – on average, five other
B: Yes, and they have a really nice selection of staff. I was walking to the metro yesterday when people, which is very encouraging. But, now, the
cakes as well. I saw one. When I went in, I chose my food, paid bad news. For every customer who rated our
and didn’t interact with a single person. service as ‘bad’, and explained the reasons, eleven
3.02 E: How does it work? other unhappy customers were not leaving any
Extract 1 F: First you give the company all your personal feedback. They were just going home unhappy.
A: Hello, Tony. Did you have a nice holiday? details. Then you can use your phone to enter the And, frankly, that’s a disaster! OK, let’s look at the
B: Yes, we had a great time, thanks Sonia. shop with a QR code and you scan the bar codes on interview data in
A: Where did you go? I can’t remember if you products and pay with your phone, too. You also more detail.
told me. scan another QR code to leave the store.
B: Istanbul. E: Wow! But don’t some people leave without 3.07 C = Carl I = Inés
A: Ah, yes, that’s right. paying? C: So, just to recap on the main points so far.
B: You see my wife went to a conference there last F: I don’t think so. There are security cameras and The in-store interviews now give us much more
week. And I decided to go with her. Well, I didn’t go an alarm system. They’re watching you and they accurate figures for customer satisfaction. But they
to the conference. I spent the day visiting the city have your personal details! still don’t tell us what we can do to improve our
when Barbara was at work. Then we had dinner E: Ah! I see. So, it sounds like a good option for you. service. OK, that brings me to the end of my part of
together in the evenings. She was working Monday F: Well, yes and no. There’s not much fresh food, the presentation this morning. Inés, over to you.
to Friday but she wasn’t working at the weekend. it’s mostly snacks and instant noodles. I was I: Thanks, Carl. Well, now, let me try to answer
We went to the Grand Bazaar on Saturday. looking for something healthy. And my soft drink Carl’s question. As you know, last month we set
A: Oh, the Grand Bazaar, I heard it’s fabulous. was warm but I couldn’t return it or complain to up fifteen focus groups in different cities around
B: Yes, it is. Did you know it’s one of the largest anyone. I’m not sure I like the future of shopping. the country. And one thing we did was ask them
and oldest covered markets in the world? to text us ten adjectives to describe the ideal
A: Really? 3.03 mobile phone Sales Adviser. Here’s a diagram of
B: Yeah, there are, I don’t know, thousands of 1 Did you have a nice holiday? the results. Now, to help them choose a mobile
shops. I mean, we were browsing for hours but we 2 ...the carpet seller served us tea when we phone, we were expecting people to want a
weren’t looking for anything specific and we didn’t sat down … ‘knowledgeable’ and ‘informative’ Sales Adviser.
see half of it. 3 I could try on different styles and colours … But, as you can see, mostly what they wanted was
A: Did you buy anything in the end? 4 when I left the store, they sent me a list … someone ‘helpful’ and ‘friendly’. And that’s where
B: Yeah, a Turkish carpet. You know, the carpet 5 I didn’t speak much Chinese when I arrived here some of our sales teams are failing.
seller served us tea when we sat down, and then … So, just to sum up: Too many of our customers are
we negotiated the price. 6 when I went in, I chose my food … currently leaving our stores unhappy with the
A: Sounds interesting. Did you get a bargain? service they received. This is not because our Sales
B: No, I don’t think so, but we really liked the 3.04 T = Tony S = Sonia Advisers don’t have complete product knowledge.
carpet and the experience was fun. T: So, how was work when I was away last week? They do. It’s because they simply don’t have the
Extract 2 S: We were very busy without you. We got people skills they need to give helpful and friendly
C: Hey! Did I tell you I went to that new shopping another big order from Piotr. service. And that’s why I’m recommending that we
mall yesterday? T: Again? Did he pay us for the last order? now make people skills training a priority. OK, let’s
D: No, what’s it like? S: No, not the full amount. I wrote him an email wrap it up there. Any questions? Yes, Hugo …
C: It’s cool. One clothes store had magic mirrors. about it when I received the new order. He rang me
D: Magic mirrors? What are those? immediately and said he’ll pay us this week. 4.01
C: It’s basically augmented reality. So I could try T: That sounds good. And did you meet the new 1
on different styles and colours without putting on Marketing Manager when she started last week? I thought it was a good idea to go part-time at the
clothes. It uses special computer software. S: No, I didn’t see her. She definitely didn’t come to hospital when my daughter was born, but it’s hard
D: Like a video game. the office. In fact, I think she starts this week. work. It sounds nice to say I only work three days a
C: Yeah! You know how I really don’t enjoy T: Yes, you’re right! I thought it was last week. week, but nurses work long hours and a nine-hour
shopping for clothes. The stores are always busy shift usually turns into 11 or 12 hours. That’s more
and there are long queues for the changing rooms. 3.05 C = Carl I = Inés than most people who work in full-time jobs. And it
Then you spend hours trying on clothes. Then more C: Right, morning, everyone. Thanks for coming isn’t always possible to take my breaks if there is a
long queues to pay the cashier. But with a magic in. OK, let’s get started. This is Inés from customer lot of work to do.
mirror I can try different clothes and colours in less research …
time, which makes shopping a bit easier. I: Hello, everyone.


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2 I: Change of plan. We need to change the training D: Right – a little bit here, a little bit there. It all
I’m studying for my degree in tourism management to another day, I’m afraid. I’ve got an important adds up!
and I work for an agency in my free time. Doing meeting with Lou and Sally from head office and E: It all adds up! So, Dan, what can consumers
temporary jobs is a good way to earn money at it’s the only time we’re all free. expect in the next few months?
weekends and in the holidays. It’s the time when J: Oh. Well, it’s a bit last minute, but, OK, what day D: Well, the first thing we’re looking at is a
hotels need extra staff. If there’s a big event or were you thinking? possible small increase in interest rates.
conference on in the city, I miss classes for a few I: Well, why don’t we just move the training to E: But that’s not official yet, is it?
days. But next week I’m starting as an intern with the morning? I think that’s the easiest. D: No, the government hasn’t confirmed it, but it
a big hotel chain so I’m leaving the agency work. I J: Wednesday morning? Ah, I think I’ve scheduled looks very likely.
know the hotel is a good employer and I hope they’ll the staff performance reviews for then ... Sorry, I E: What will that mean for consumers?
offer me a permanent contract after my internship. forgot to tell you … yeah. Performance reviews: D: If interest rates increase, borrowing will go
3 Wednesday morning. down. People borrow more when loans are cheaper.
I’m a self-employed driver and I get my work from I: Well, move those to Friday! E: So if people are thinking of borrowing … ?
a taxi service app on my phone. I don’t have a fixed J: Friday. All right. Which is better for you: D: They should do it now, before interest rates
schedule and I decide my own working hours. I can morning or afternoon? go up.
work as much or as little as I want and I’m paid for I: Erm, morning’s better. Oh, wait a minute. I’ve got E: OK. Anything else?
each job I do. But after a ten-hour shift, drivers have a meeting with the IT team on Friday morning. OK, D: Housing costs will go up – people who own a
to take a six-hour break, by law. But my working that can wait. Let’s postpone it till the afternoon! home will pay a little more each month.
day is typically five or six hours. I don’t want to work J: Postpone … IT meeting … OK, so that’s training E: So, not great news.
more than that, you see, I retired last year, and this is on Wednesday the 10th in the morning. D: No, but it is good news for people with savings.
just some extra money on top of my pension. I: Uh-huh. If banks raise the interest rate on savings, savers
J: Performance reviews on the Friday morning, will earn more. That means it’s a great time to start
4.02 the 12th. saving, or to increase saving.
A: Have you ever bought a good business book? I: Fine. E: It all adds up!
B: No, I’ve never bought one but I’ve read a few J: IT meeting in the afternoon. And that leaves D: It all adds up, Ella!
from the library and I’ve seen some business you free on Wednesday afternoon for your meeting E: Anything else?
experts on YouTube, like Daniel Kahneman. He’s with the people from head office. D: Just one more thing before I go. International
written a lot about how we make decisions and I: Brilliant! I knew there was a reason I made you exchange rates. We’re watching China closely,
how we don’t think as clearly as we believe we do. my assistant. Thanks a lot, James. because its economy is really strong at the
A: Ah, yes! What was the title of that famous book moment. Electronics imports here will be more
of his? 4.05 expensive if China’s currency becomes stronger.
B: Thinking, Fast and Slow. You know, he’s a L = Lou I = Ian E: OK, so if you’re thinking of getting a new TV …
psychologist but he’s won a Nobel Prize for L: Good afternoon, Lou Klein speaking. D: … now may be the time. We’ll probably start to
Economics. I: Hi, Lou. It’s Ian again. see prices go up in a couple of months.
A: Really? That’s interesting. I’ve never seen him L: Hi, there. Any luck changing your schedule? E: Thanks, Dan. Some great tips!
talk. You know, I’ve started that book several times, I: Yes. We’re all set for the 10th. D: Thank you, Ella.
but I’ve never finished it. L: Fantastic. So, just to confirm – we’re meeting E: That’s it on money saving for this show, but
in your office on Wednesday the 10th at, erm, how now we’re going to move on to …
4.03 L = Lou I = Ian about 3 p.m.?
L: Hello, Ian? I: Sounds good. 5.02 L = Liz M1 = Male 1 F1 = Female 1
I: Speaking L: That gives you time to set up for the M2 = Male 2 F2 = Female 2
L: Hi, Ian, it’s Lou. presentation before we arrive. Oh, and I invited L: Good morning! Could I just ask you to raise
I: Hi, Lou. What’s up? Tom Banks to join us. He works for Sally in research. your hand if you have children in their late teens
L: Listen, sorry to bother you. I’m calling about So, there’ll be four of us in all. or early twenties? You’re probably the ones with
our meeting on Wednesday the 17th. I: Fine. Hm, with four of us I’d better ask James to the largest debts. Hm, quite a lot of you. And
I: Uh-huh. book a meeting room. And how about something that’s not really surprising because, like me, you’re
L: I’m afraid Sally can’t make it. to eat afterwards? There’s a nice restaurant just the right age. Most of us in this room belong to
I: Ah. near the office. I could book us a table if you like. what we call Generation X – the generation born
L: Yes, it’s my fault. I forgot she’s in Vienna all L: Perfect. Thanks a lot for being so flexible, Ian. somewhere between the mid-nineteen-sixties and
week. Do you mind if we fix another time to meet? I: No problem. See you on Wednesday. the late seventies. Of course, the younger ones
I: Sure. Let me just check my schedule. among us, born between the early eighties and
L: Thanks. I appreciate it. 5.01 E = Ella D = Dan I1 = Interviewee 1 the mid-nineties, are Generation Y, also known as
I: Do you want to postpone the meeting till the I2 = Interviewee 2 I3 = Interviewee 3 the Millennials. You still have teenage kids to look
following week? I4 = Interviewee 4 I5 = Interviewee 5 forward to! And it’s teenagers and young adults
L: Actually, no. That’s Berlin Expo week. I5 = Interviewee 6 that I’m here to talk about today. Born between
I: Oh, right, of course. E: Hello, listeners, and welcome to It all adds up!, the mid-nineties and the early twenty-tens, we
L: So, I was wondering if we could bring it the programme that talks about money. I’m your call them Generation Z. They are already about
forward. How about the week beginning the 8th? host, Ella Leeson. Today we’re going to start with a quarter of the total population and they will
I: Wait a minute, that’s next week, isn’t it? more tips for saving money. Dan Parks went into soon be our biggest customers. Now, when I say
L: Yeah, sorry. I know it’s a bit short notice. That’s the street to talk to people and get ideas for saving Generation Z, what words and phrases can you
why I’m calling. money on living expenses. Dan? think of to describe them? Anybody? Yeah … ?
I: Well, er, let’s see. I’m free on Wednesday D: Thanks, Ella. I went to London’s Oxford Street M1: Live for today!
morning. That’s the 10th. Any good? earlier this week and asked people how they spend L: Uh-huh.
L: Erm, could we make it the afternoon? less and save more. Here’s what they said. F1: Always online.
I: Mm, no good, I’m afraid. I’ve got a staff training I1: Make your own food, so you don’t spend money L: Right.
session. on lunch.. If you take your lunch to work, you will M2: Don’t want to work!
L: Well, … How about Thursday the 11th? save hundreds a year. F2: No idea about money!
After lunch? I2: I don’t have a car now – I sold it! You will save L: Oh, dear. We’re getting a bit negative, aren’t
I: I’m busy all day Thursday. Friday might be OK ... thousands – and become healthier – if you cycle to we? Well, I think some of the research I’m going to
How does the afternoon suit you? work instead of driving. share with you this morning may just surprise you.
L: Friday the 12th? No, Friday’s out for me, I’m I3: Stop using your credit card. Pay it off. Only
afraid. Oh, dear, I’m really sorry about this. spend money you already have – don’t borrow it. 5.03
I: No problem. Look, let me see if I can move the I4: Save money every month for emergencies. Now, just a moment ago some of you suggested
training session and call you back. Then, when you have a problem with your house, that Generation Z ‘lives for today’, ‘doesn’t want to
L: Good idea. or you need a new car, the money will be ready. work’ and ‘has no idea about money’. So let’s see if
I: OK, leave it with me. Talk to you later. I5: Don’t buy a new car. If you buy a car that’s just that’s true. Have a look at this chart, which shows
L: Thanks, Ian, bye. one year old instead of a new one, you will save a the results of our survey of the financial habits of
I: Bye, now. lot of money. people aged sixteen to twenty-one. As you can see,
I6: Go to the cinema on a discount day. My local roughly three-quarters of them are already earning
4.04 I = Ian J = James cinema is cheaper on Mondays. There are special their own money through some kind of full- or
I: Hello, James. It’s Ian. prices online. part-time employment. To put that in context,
J: Oh, hi, Ian. What can I do for you? D: Smart people out there in Oxford Street, Ella. that’s almost the same as the figure for Generation
I: It’s about our training session next Wednesday. E: You’re right. Lots of great ideas for spending Y. So that shows Generation Z is certainly not afraid
J: Ah, yes, … less and saving more. of work! You can also see that nearly two-thirds


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of them have their own savings account. In fact, 6.03 A = Anatol E = Erin M = Michael S: We still can’t hear you properly. The connection
around one in five has had one since the age of A: So, Erin. Let’s start with you. is bad. Would you mind hanging up and I’ll call you
ten. But perhaps the most surprising thing is that E: OK, well, we all agree that our biggest problem back. Hi, Paul, are you there?
over one in ten of them are already saving for is getting new graduates to think about insurance P: Yes. Can everyone hear me now?
retirement! A retirement which may be over fifty as a career. So I suggest we introduce twelve- All: Yes. / Loud and clear.
years away! Another interesting thing is that just month internships. Believe it or not, it’s actually K: Karl here, HR. Sam, did everyone receive my
under three out of every ten are strongly against harder to get a paid internship these days than notes from earlier?
any kind of debt – especially, college debt. Let’s to get a job! I think we’ll find it easier to recruit L: Karl, I’m afraid we can’t hear you very well,
not forget that college debt is currently over one students before they graduate rather than after. either. You’re very quiet. Could you move closer to
and a half trillion dollars in this country and has A: Mm. I really like that idea. And twelve months the microphone?
been a major financial problem for Generations X is long enough for them to learn something about K: OK … Is that better?
and Y. The key takeaway here is that Generation Z our business. S: Not really. If you can just check your volume
likes to save, but doesn’t like to borrow. Obviously, E: Exactly. And while we’re on the subject of settings, please?
that’s good news for those of you running savings learning the business, why don’t we provide K: Sure. Any better?
accounts. But maybe not such good news for those personal coaching as well? Teach them the S: Yes, but now there’s a bit of an echo. Can
of you working in the loans department! professional skills they don’t learn at university. you move your mobile phone away from your
A: Good idea. Of course, there is the problem of computer?
5.04 cost. What can we do about that? K: There we go, how about that?
So, how do we market personal banking services E: Couldn’t we just spend more on student S: Much better, thanks. I got your notes, by the
to Generation Z? Well, you were right about one internships and less on graduate recruitment? way, so thanks for those. If we … Sorry, is someone
thing. Generation Zers are ‘always online’. On A: You know, that might not be such a bad idea. in a café? I can hear a lot of background noise.
average, they are currently spending over ten and Now, Michael, you’re looking at how we market L: Sorry, it’s me: R&D. I’m not in the office today.
a half hours a day working or playing with digital ourselves to graduates. What have you got so far? S: No worries. Would you mind using the mute
content. To give you an idea of just how much that M: Yes, well, the first thing is: we need to go button? I can almost smell the coffee.
is, multiply it by the total number of Generation mobile with our advertising. Most students prefer L: Yeah, of course. Sorry, everyone.
Zers in the USA, and it comes to around a billion to use their mobiles to look for work. So, this is the S: That’s better, thanks. Now, just one last
hours of online activity every day! That’s enough perfect way to reach them as soon as we have job request before we start. I know it’s getting close to
time to watch every movie ever made – one opportunities. lunchtime for some of you. So if anyone is hungry,
thousand times! But here’s the really surprising E: What a good idea! And doing that means we please feel free to eat your lunch as we speak, but
thing. Our studies show that more than half of could also make job offers a lot faster – direct to just remember to use that mute button!
Generation Z say they actually prefer face-to-face the applicant’s phone. Did you know that at the
communication. That’s over forty million people moment, a quarter of the people we offer work 7.03
who want to talk to us in person! So, in summary, to have already taken another job by the time we Good morning everyone, and thank you for
if we want to attract this new generation of contact them? coming. Firstly today, I’m going to answer the
customers, we need to make sure we connect with A: Really? But that’s terrible … question you’re all asking – why did we decide to
them on a personal level. And, in terms of selling E: OK, as we know, another difficulty we have is our make changes to the product packaging? Now,
banking services, this clearly means that we need size. So the question is: how do we make our large there are three main reasons for this.
to be doing a lot more than just social media company feel like a small one? And I think the answer One, we have received a lot of negative customer
marketing. is to put our trainees into smaller project teams. feedback about the packaging this year. Customers
A: Actually, I think that’s a great idea. And if we do say it looks very old-fashioned and many have
6.01 A = Anatol M = Michael E = Erin that, perhaps we can also create a bit of friendly suggested they’d like it to be more colourful.
A: Right, I’ll get straight to the point. New competition between teams. Might make things Two, as a result of the issues customers identified,
graduate applications are almost 30 percent down more … fun. As you say, Erin, that seems to be we’ve seen falling sales over the last twelve months.
this year. And, as a result, we’re not recruiting the important nowadays. And finally – three – we feel we should be using
number of management trainees we need. Now, M: Mm, it’s a nice idea, Erin. I’m just wondering more eco-friendly packaging.
we have a good reputation. We pay well. And we about the amount of reorganisation it’ll need. How So, what are we going to do? Well, we’ve already
offer excellent benefits. So what’s happening? can we manage that? decided to change the colour and to make use of
M: It’s a new generation, Anatol. Graduates today A: Mm, good point. Let’s see what the board thinks. recycled materials for the packaging. And we plan
just don’t want to work for big organisations like to do all this in just three months.
us anymore. Besides, most twenty-one-year-olds 7.01 S = Sam A = Andrea But, before we look at the details of the schedule,
simply aren’t interested in insurance as a career. S: … So, on behalf of the team, I’d like to thank let’s look more closely at the colours we’re thinking
E: To be honest, it’s also a question of the work Andrea for such an informative presentation. of. Obviously we’re keeping the yellow, but we are
culture. College-leavers these days prefer the Thank you very much, Andrea, it was really making it much brighter and we are thinking of
workplace to be informal and … well, fun! interesting – I learnt a lot. adding one or two other colours, such as green or
A: Fun? We’re an insurance company, Erin. A: No problem. orange, which you can see here on this slide.
What do you want? Music on the TV and pinball S: Now, we’ve got about fifteen minutes for So, when exactly is all this going to happen? The
machines in reception? questions, but before we go into the question first month, we’re going to decide on the colours
and answer session, I just want to mention a few and the designers will produce the final design.
6.02 A = Anatol M = Michael E = Erin ground rules. Firstly, could you just give your We’ll also choose the new material. In the second
A: OK, so, let’s get some ideas written up on name and division before you speak, so that we month, we will set up and start production. There’ll
the flipchart. ‘How … do… we … attract … new … know who you are? Can you keep your questions be a press release, and we’ll let everyone know
graduates?’ How about attending more careers brief, so everyone has the chance to speak? Also, about the launch date. And finally, in three months,
fairs? please help your colleagues by speaking slowly we will launch our rebranded product line.
M: No, that’s a complete waste of time. Students and clearly … and loudly enough. And lastly, don’t
can find out all they need to know about us online. forget to use the mute button when you’re not 7.04
A: More talks at universities, then? speaking, to stop any background noise. Today I’m going to talk about redesigning our
E: No, there’s no point. Michael’s right. Job- All:Yeah, no worries. / Sure, yeah, no problem. / Yeah. best-selling product, the walking frame for people
hunting’s all online these days. Now, a video who need support when walking. Some people
promotion on YouTube – that might be more 7.02 S = Sam D = Donna P = Paul K = Karl might ask: why change it if it’s selling well? Well,
effective. L = Lena everything can be improved so, firstly, I’ll talk about
M: We tried that before and it didn’t work. S: Right, is everyone ready? Donna, have you the reasons for doing this. New developments in
A: We’re not doing very well, are we? Erm, let’s switched on your webcam? I can’t see you. Your technology have made it possible to make a product
look at what more we can offer as an employer. screen is blank. which is much lighter and stronger than before.
Erin, any ideas? D: Sorry, my camera doesn’t work properly. I’ll Secondly, new competitors are coming into the
E: Well, most of the people I interview tell me switch it off anyway because it slows down my market and will begin to take some of our market
they expect training. internet connection. share if we don’t do as well as them.
M: Yeah, but we’re already doing that. S: Oh, OK. That’s fine. Now, let’s look at the most important parts of this
E: Real training, Michael. Like sponsored diplomas, P: Hello … can, can I ask … easily, and … so that’s a new design. As I said before, the new design means
MBAs. problem if … that is much lighter and stronger. This makes it
M: You want us to pay for trainees to do MBAs? We S: Paul, Paul? Paul, you keep cutting out. much easier for older people or weaker people to
don’t have the budget for that! P: Sorry, what ... say … Sam? … hear you … well. move about. They don’t have to pick up a heavy
A: OK, look, there’s far too much negativity in this S: You keep cutting out, Paul. object. Also, there’s a new non-slip material on the
meeting. I suggest we go away and think about this P: OK, ju … moment. Is that … better now? … I … bottom of the frame, which makes it much harder
a bit more and meet again in a couple of days. can hear, hear … you. to push over than others on the market.


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Finally, I want to look more closely at the sales S: Personally, I don’t mind working in an open- E: I’m sorry, I’m not sure what you mean.
forecast for next year. As you can see from this plan office, I’ve done it before. But I know it’s not J: Well, basically, I want to know who I can
graph, we expect sales to increase rapidly once the for everyone. Most of our communication with complain to ...
new product is on sale. In the first quarter we are clients is by email, so noise really isn’t a problem
expecting sales of around £1.5 million, doubling to anymore. My question is about meetings. BW1.01
nearly 3 million by the end of the second quarter. E: What do you mean, exactly? A: Hi, Junko.
The next-quarter sales may slow down a bit as they S: Well, I just want to know if there will be rooms B: Hello, Sam.
always do in summer, but we expect them to reach provided to hold meetings? A: We need to go over a couple of the details
£4 million by the end of the year. E: I believe so. So, the question is about meeting of your visit next month before we finalise the
rooms. Ted, can I pass this one to you? arrangements.
8.01 M = Matt K = Kyra T: Sure. In the new building there’ll be five closed B: Sure, OK.
M: The time now is ten to eight and I’m sure many meeting rooms on each floor, as well as some open A: You want to arrive in Sydney on the second of
of our listeners sitting in traffic jams on their way space for more informal one-to-one meetings. You June, right?
to work will be interested in what my guest today can reserve the closed meeting rooms using an B: Yes, that’s right. I’m flying from Osaka to Sydney
has to say. Kyra Sharma, university lecturer and online booking system. It should work very well. I on the second.
consultant in public transport, is here with me hope that answers your question, Steve? A: OK, good. And for the hotel, how many rooms
to talk about her new book, Travel Chaos. Kyra, S: Yes, it does, thanks. do you need? Are you coming on your own?
welcome. E: Kiera, do you have a question? B: Yes, that’s right – it’s just me this time. So I need
K: Thank you, Matt. K: Yeah. Can I ask about the timing? When does a single room.
M: Kyra, you say in your book that people the move take place? A: No problem. There’s a great hotel downtown –
shouldn’t drive in cities. So, why is the car the worst E: It’s a good question, thanks. I didn’t mention it’s next to our offices in the city centre. We’ll book
way to get around? that, you’re right. The final stage of the move is one room for two nights.
K: Well, a car feels convenient for the person scheduled for the end of May. I’m not sure about B: Great. Thanks.
driving, but it’s not the most efficient use of space. the exact dates; it will depend on the team. But A: Now, after we’ve had our meeting in Sydney
In busy urban areas there isn’t enough space for you’ll be told a long time before you have to move. and seen some of the venues here, we can visit one
everyone to drive around. Cars cause massive Does that answer your question? other city. We need to choose either Melbourne or
congestion on city streets, which causes serious air K: Not quite. You said we’d have to move into Brisbane.
pollution as well as noise problems. temporary office space first. B: OK, well … what’s the difference?
M: You talk in your book about the impact of E: That’s right. Most of you will go straight to the A: Well, Melbourne is bigger than Brisbane …
technology and the transport solutions it offers. new site, but some people will move temporarily B: OK …
For example, electric vehicles, driverless cars, car to the Oxford Road office while they finish the A: But for us, Brisbane is slightly better.
sharing and software apps to help us get around. building work. OK? B: Why is that?
K: Yes, there’s a lot of fantastic technology K: Yeah, thanks. A: The venues we use in Brisbane are better than
now: electric cars help us to reduce air pollution, B: I have a question, Elena. Can I … ? the ones we use in Melbourne. We use the two
satellite navigation helps us to find quicker routes, E: Yes, Ben, of course. most popular live music venues – medium-sized live
and software apps allow us to share cars with B: How do we get to and from the Oxford Road music venues. We have a great community there.
people doing similar journeys. It’s great that branch? It’s quite a long way from here. Don’t misunderstand me – our venues in Melbourne
technology is giving us more efficient ways to E: Thanks for your question. Yes, the company will are good, but in Brisbane, they’re the best.
travel and power our vehicles, but these things put on a shuttle bus service between the two sites B: OK, I see. So … are Brisbane audiences smaller?
aren’t enough. Our city streets are too crowded for which should make it easier. I understand it takes A: Ah, well, that’s a great question. Brisbane
the number of cars we have these days. There is around twenty minutes. Does that help? audiences may be a bit smaller, but they really love
not enough space. We have to reduce traffic on the B: Sure. And do you know who’s actually moving music. Honestly, for me, Brisbane is probably the
roads – driverless technology, satellite navigation over there? best place to start.
and electric cars don’t solve that problem. E: So, Ben asked who’s moving to Oxford Road, B: That sounds fine, Sam. Let’s go to Brisbane.
M: Doesn’t car sharing reduce car use? right? A: OK, great. Now, in Brisbane, you have a couple
K: If it’s real ridesharing with several people sharing B: Yes. of choices of places to stay. I can recommend
a car, not one person hiring a car, then yes, but it’s E: As I understand it, it’s only the payroll and a hotel in the city centre very near one of our
much better to ‘rideshare’ on buses and trains. finance departments. Anyone who is moving has music venues, but it’s a bit expensive. If you want
M: So, what is the solution? How should already been told about this. a cheaper place – maybe a bit quieter – we can
governments plan urban mobility? B: So I guess I’m not on the list. That’s good. arrange a bed and breakfast. There’s one we like in
K: Well, they should simply spend more on public I really didn’t want to move twice! Spring Hill.
transport. I mean mass transit systems including B: Oh, let’s see – actually, maybe the quieter
urban trains, underground or metro, buses and 8.03 E = Elena J = Jen T = Ted option? The B&B?
trams. It’s the most efficient way to get around E: OK. Are there any more questions? It looks like A: OK, that’s fine. And finally, when are you
in a big city. As I explain in the book, there are we’ve got time for one more. returning to Japan?
excellent examples in developed countries in Asia: J: Yes, I have a question. B: Well, I want to depart on June fifth, but I’m not
for example, in Hong Kong, Korea and Singapore. E: OK, Jen, go ahead. going back to Japan. I’m going to Singapore.
Most European cities are now using cleaner energy J: To be honest, Elena, I’m really not happy about A: Oh, great. OK. I’ll make a note of that.
in public transport, and finding ways to reduce the this move and I’m definitely not happy about B: Sure. Is there anything else?
number of cars on the roads. For example, London moving from my own office into an open-plan A: I don’t think so. We’re really looking forward to
has a congestion charge and other cities could office. Unlike Steve, I can see lots of problems with seeing you!
use a similar method to reduce the number of that. Who decides who sits where, for example? B: Yes, me too.
cars in the centre. Major cities are now promoting E: Sorry, you’re asking how we allocate space. Is
walking as part of a healthier lifestyle, and cycling that right? BW1.02
by having more cycle lanes and public bike-hire J: Yeah, because I don’t see that working very 1 Sam, there’s a serious technical problem
schemes. Our cities are growing very fast and we well. I think the best places will all be reserved, at Sydney airport. Our flight is going to land at
need solutions that improve the quality of life for anyway. Canberra, not Sydney! The problem may continue
the people living and working in them. E: Well, … I’m not sure I can answer that, but until tomorrow!
M: Kyra, thank you for coming to talk to us today. thanks for the question. Ted, can I ask you to 2 Hi Junko. I got your message. Yes, I saw it on the
So, that was Kyra Sharma talking about her new respond to this one? news. It’s a computer problem. Don’t worry! We
book, Travel Chaos. Coming up next the latest T: Of course. So to answer your question, Jen, can make new arrangements for Canberra. I’ll send
travel news … we’re not talking about hot-desking, … you another message soon!
J: Oh, right, because that’s what I’d heard.
8.02 E = Elena S = Steve T = Ted K = Kiera T: No, not at all. Everyone will have their own BW2.01 E = Ewa M = Mark
B = Ben desk. And these will be allocated fairly; no one Extract 1
E: So it looks like we’re running out of time will be allowed to reserve the ‘best desk’. We’re E: Now, I’ve done an online search and spoken to
and I do want to give you a chance to ask a few also introducing a clean-desk policy. So this means some estate agents and I’ve made a selection of
questions. If I can answer your questions, I will, but we need to keep the space as tidy as possible, but three places we can see on our trip to Berlin this
please understand I may have to get back to you everyone will have storage space for their files; we week.
on certain points. I hope that’s OK. So, does anyone hope that will help. M: OK! Great! Good work!
have a question? Yes, Steve. J: So, not only do I have to share my office with E: So, take a look at the photo of this first office.
S: Thanks. I had a question about the open ten other people, but now I can’t even choose It’s empty at the moment so you have to imagine
space issue. my own desk. What if I don’t like where I’ve been it with furniture. We’d need to buy office desks,
E: Sure. What did you want to say? placed? Who can I speak to about that? chairs, and everything.


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M: Yes, those old wooden floors, doors and E: For the big office room it’s 1,200 euros a month Extract 3
window frames look lovely. Where is it? and there’s a 1,200-euro deposit to pay. There’s A: Thank you for your time. Can I ask you one
E: It’s in Prenzlauer Berg. It’s a fashionable a three-month minimum period only to rent the final question? Is there any particular kind of store
neighbourhood in northeast Berlin. It’s in a place and just one month cancellation. missing from this area?
beautiful old building and various creative and M: So, the same price as the co-working office. And B: Erm, well, I’m a big fan of small fashion
media start-ups are already using the building. if we rent the two rooms? boutiques and good-quality second-hand clothes.
M: How big is it? E: That’s another six hundred a month. So, for two I go all over the city to find stores that I like. I prefer
E: The space is 120 square metres, and that rooms we’re talking about 1,800 a month rent and not to shop in big chain stores and shopping malls
includes two meeting rooms, a kitchen and two 1,800 deposit. because I don’t want to see the same shirt I’m
toilets. Oh, and the agent says there’s a nice park in M: Could we just rent the small office and the four wearing on someone else. I like to browse for
front of the building; we could sit and relax in the of us work in there for a few months instead? original clothes, things that you can’t buy
lunch break. And lots of cafés, bars and restaurants E: No way Mark! Don’t be crazy! anywhere else. And I like to mix and match styles,
are within walking distance. I don’t want to just wear the fashions and colours
M: What about transport links? BW2.02 E = Ewa M = Mark that are popular right now.
E: The location is close to public transport. Actually E: OK, so let’s make a list of the pros and cons of
it’s never really a problem in Berlin. All these offices each office and see if we have a clear winner. BW4.01 C = Clara Olsen A = Álvaro Martínez
I’m showing you are well connected and easy to M: OK, I’ll start with the Mitte office. It’s in a great C: So, at this point I’d like to talk about the work
reach from the main train station and airports. location, prestigious address but the company culture of Holsted Pharmaceuticals. There are four
M: Sounds good. And the rent? there is in finance, so we have nothing in common main areas I want to mention.
E: That’s 2,600 euros a month. There’s a deposit with them. It’d be better to be in a place with other First of all, I want to talk about the working hours
to pay of 7,800 – that’s three months’ rent. Then new creative companies I think. at Holsted. The usual working week is 37 hours
there’s a six-month minimum period to rent the E: True! Being around other start-ups makes from Monday to Friday. That’s typical of Denmark in
place, with a three-month cancellation period. more sense for us. I wouldn’t rent a flat in that area general. You aren’t expected to work long hours.
M: Um! It’s quite expensive. Maybe we don’t need either. It’s too expensive. Though that’s not a major As for the working day, the timetable at Holsted is
so much space. We could probably find something problem because the public transport network is so quite flexible for most employees. Staff can decide
somewhere in the UK for that price … good. I love the idea of working in the city centre. their start times, finish times and lunch breaks
Extract 2 M: What about the Prenzlauer Berg office? Great depending on their individual needs.
E: Well, wait a minute … I’ve looked at properties old building! It would certainly give us room to We understand when employees need to collect
in other parts of Berlin, too – what do you think of grow. Having a big office would be expensive now, children from school or have to leave early for
this one? but we could save money in the future if we didn’t personal reasons, like a dentist’s appointment. It’s
M: I love it. Nice big windows, the office looks very have to move again soon. completely acceptable to do that. Whenever possible
bright in the photo. And this one has furniture! E: True! I liked the office, but it was a bit darker we give employees the opportunity to adapt their
E: The place is a co-working space in an old than I expected. That concerns me. I like a bright working hours to their family’s needs. Our company
factory building in Kreuzberg. That’s a trendy space to work in. work culture is very relaxed but effective.
neighbourhood in the south of the city. M: I guess we could buy some bright lights. There’s Secondly, I want to talk about how we organise
M: How big is it? no lift though and it’s three flights of stairs up – not work and the relationship between managers and
E: In total it’s 400 square metres on two floors. all our clients might like that. staff. There is a tradition that employees have a lot
Freelancers pay to rent workstations and there’s E: And the co-working space in Kreuzberg? There of individual responsibility for how they organise
space for around 40 people. Lots of independent were certainly a lot of fun people there and I loved their own time and work. It is not generally the
creative workers are based there. the terrace. Great to have some outside space. manager who decides how employees do their
M: Workstations? M: Yes, but I wonder how much work we’d get work. It is very important that staff meet deadlines
E: It means desks. And there is a room we can book done. It would be easy to get distracted and spend and do their job well, but exactly how employees
for free for private conferences and meetings. We all day chatting in that office! organise their time or projects is their responsibility.
also get high-speed internet, use of the printer and E: And I’m worried about the lack of privacy. And a third important point to mention is that all
also a shared kitchen with free coffee and water. I mean, our projects are confidential. I don’t employees in Holsted are encouraged to tell us
M: And it would be easy to talk to people we might think clients would feel happy about us being in their ideas and opinions. This is very important
want to work with. a co-working space. And trying to book that one because a level of staff participation and openness
E: That’s right! meeting room when we need it could be difficult. helps us to make better decisions.
M: What can you tell me about the neighbourhood? M: Still, it is the cheapest option, and we’d make And finally, I should say a word about meetings.
E: Very multicultural with exciting arts events. friends quickly in Berlin. We should decide soon. It’s very important at Holsted to arrive on time
Lots of graffiti on the walls and bohemian cafés, Rents are rising fast in the city. But do you really think to meetings. It shows you are professional and
that sort of thing. Berlin is the place for us? I’m still not sure about this organised.
M: Sounds like a nice place to live, too. I could walk move abroad and I’m not sure what Paul, Yelena and A: Sorry, sorry I’m late. I’ve just come from another
or cycle to work every day. And the rent? the rest of the team are going to say about it …. meeting. So, what have I missed?
E: It costs just 300 euros per workstation, per month. E: I’m sure they’ll love the idea! Berlin is really
J: So, as there are four of us, we could have a multicultural. It has a real buzz about it. BW4.02 C = Clara Olsen M = Marina Beltrán
shared work space for just 1,200 euros a month, and M: I’m not sure. I think I’d miss London, you know. A = Álvaro Martínez
we could rent more workstations as the team grows. Oh … time to go or we’ll miss our flight. C: So, Marina, can you tell us more about the
E: Yes, it’s an option with lots of choices. There’s research your department has done?
no deposit to pay, a two-month minimum period to BW3.01 M: Yes, well, you can see from this bar graph: the
rent a workstation and just one month cancellation. Extract 1 working day is very long here in the Madrid office.
Extract 3 A: Just one last question. What kind of stores do On an average day only half of our employees
E: So … That brings me to the third option. Here’s you want to see in this area? leave work by six o’clock. At seven o’clock twenty
the photo. It’s an ‘office room’. Basically, that B: Well, I don’t really go to stores much. I do most percent of the staff are still here in the office and
means a company is offering a separate room on of my shopping online. But I think this area needs ten percent are still at their desks at eight in the
the tenth floor of their company offices. It’s in the some more nightlife. There are places to go in the evening.
heart of the city, the Mitte district – that means evening after work but some of them are really C: That’s incredible! When do they spend time with
‘in the middle’ and it’s where all the main tourist expensive and the others get really busy. We’re a their families? What time do they have dinner?
sights are – the Brandenburg Gate, the Potsdamer young group in my office and we like to socialise M: Yes, these working hours are obviously a
Platz and lots of big companies. around here after work sometimes, but when you disaster for family life.
M: Sounds like a prestigious location for the leave the office in the evening, it’s hard to find A: Well, it is fairly normal to do this in Spanish
company address. somewhere to go in the local area. companies. And people have dinner late. We have
E: Yes! This one is in a big modern office building Extract 2 a ‘split’ working day where we start at 8.30 and go
with lifts and views over Alexanderplatz. The office A: I just want to ask you one final thing. What type of for lunch about two o’clock. We have two hours for
room is 25 square metres, so it’s probably big store does this neighbourhood need, in your opinion? lunch so you get back to work at four.
enough for five or six people. B: Well, I don’t live around here, I work in an It’s a good time to be sociable with co-workers, or
M: But there isn’t a separate meeting room? office over there but I like to go shopping in my go home for lunch if you don’t have to travel far, or
E: No, but I thought of that. They also have a lunch hour. You know, last week, I wanted to buy have business lunches. A long lunch break means
15-square-metre office room for rent on the same some personal care products, like shampoo and finishing work late. It’s always been part of our
floor, so we could rent two rooms and use one deodorant, but couldn’t find anything I liked. work culture.
as a meeting room. The rent includes furniture, I prefer to buy products that are 100 percent M: I agree with Álvaro. It is traditional but I think
internet, cleaning service and use of the company’s natural. It’s something that I don’t mind paying many employees would prefer a shorter lunch
shared kitchen and bathrooms. extra for if the quality is good. There are a few break and the opportunity to go home an hour
M: So, how much is the rent? stores around here but there isn’t much variety. earlier.


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A: I don’t think so. It’s the way we do things. People E: Maybe that’s what scares me! I have a job – I’m O: More automation. We take pride in working with
like to have a good lunch, not have a sandwich at too busy for extra work. our hands. We really value our workers’ skill. I’m not
their desks like they do in other countries. D: I’m with you. I’m the same. I’m not sure I want sure we’re ready to make any big changes there.
M: Perhaps, but a lot of our employees are to trade any of my skills. Sometimes it’s easier just S: OK, well, that gives us something to talk about!
probably tired because of the long working hours to pay people.
and they won’t get so much work done late in the E: Yeah, definitely. BW7.02 S = Sofia M = Mario O = Oscar
day. Long hours can also be a cause of accidents at D: I think if we create a local currency, local S: Before we decide on your shoe designs, we
work and sick leave. businesses will definitely get a boost. need to know how you’re going to make them.
C: Has that been a problem here? E: Maybe – but I’m not so sure. M: Sure.
M: I don’t know about our company, but D: Well, I think that one’s going to get my vote. S: So if you’re going for a more handmade style,
international studies show people do more work production will be slower, and there will be less
within shorter hours. I mean, just look at Germany. BW6.01 automation. I’m not sure I’d recommend it at this
C: Yes, that’s true. Who has ever done their best I studied maths at university, but I didn’t really point. It may not be very cost-effective. I think more
work when they’re very tired? think about what kind of job I could get. Everyone automation is the best thing to do. Oscar, do you
thinks if you study maths, then accounting is a agree with what I am saying?
BW5.01 natural job to do afterwards. So that’s why I’m O: Well, OK … . But these machines aren’t cheap.
Welcome, everyone. We’re really happy to see so doing this now. But you know what? It isn’t the If we don’t improve the factory, we could probably
many people here, so much interest in making numbers that I love – it’s solving problems. When take on a few more workers. And that will only cost
our town a better place. The purpose of today’s you study maths at university, you realise that us money if we really need to increase production.
meeting is to discuss practical ideas and real actually, it’s a very creative subject – almost like S: Sure. I think we’re probably talking about the
solutions. We’ve had discussions with quite a few some kind of art, or poetry. And for me, accounting highest quality footwear in that case. And to make
of you already, and there are five main ideas we’d just isn’t very creative. So I’m not that happy in my it work financially, I’m pretty sure you’re going to
like to discuss today. So I’ll introduce the ideas, and work, but I just don’t know what I should do – what need to be able to deliver more shoes more quickly.
then after that, we’ll have about ten minutes to job I want to get. But something needs to change. O: OK, I understand that. Mario – what are you
discuss each of them. thinking?
So, here we go. The first idea is to get more BW6.02 M: The designs I’m working on are definitely very
tourists here. We would hire an advertising I love the work I do – I love design. But in my last high quality – with some really nice details that are
agency and advertise nationally or internationally job, I was part of a team. Now, in this company, I’m finished by hand.
about our great town. Tourists would come and the designer – I work alone. One good thing is that S: They sound great, Mario, but I think breaking into
spend money here. I can concentrate – because everyone is busy doing the market – you know, starting to sell a new product
Two. Create a local currency. Towns and cities all their own job – no one bothers me … or talks to – may be harder with a really high-quality shoe …
over the world have done this. It doesn’t replace me. Natalya can’t afford another designer. But to M: Yeah, I understand that. But it’s like this:
our national currency – it’s money you can spend have good, creative ideas, I really need to talk with Zapatos Trujillo S.A. have made other people’s
in local businesses. This encourages people to shop someone – share my ideas – see what other people shoes for forty years, and we’re good at it. Now
here in town. think about my work. That’s what was great about we’d like to make some shoes that we are all really
Three. A time bank. In a time bank, anyone can my last job. I’m not sure what we can do, though. The proud of – something we can take to the big trade
offer their skills – a doctor, a car mechanic, a company isn’t going to hire a new employee now. shows, the big fashion footwear shows – you know,
cleaner. If you work for someone for two hours, Paris, Berlin – and really show people what we can
then you get credit for it, and you can ask someone BW6.03 do. Those are the shoes we want to make.
to work for you for two hours. It isn’t easy running a small company. I’m very lucky S: OK, that’s clear. So let’s see how we can make it
Four. An online exchange – probably on social to have João and Leila working for me. They work happen.
media – for second-hand goods. There are a few hard and they care a lot – but I know they aren’t
marketplaces that people use online, but we could completely happy. The truth is, I’m not completely BW7.03 S = Sofia J = John
have our own, just for people in this area, and happy, either. I started this company because S: Hi, John.
people could trade things for other things. I wanted to make and sell amazing chairs, not J: Sofia, hello. How’s everything going in Mexico?
Five. Start a Saturday market for local goods in the because I wanted to be a full-time manager. Every S: Good, mostly. Zapatos Trujillo S.A. are doing a
town centre. This could be vegetables, things you day there are problems to solve with suppliers, lot of things right already, so I feel good about the
make at home, possibly second-hand items. We could emails to write, phone calls to make. I need help, company …
do this every Saturday, or maybe once a month. but I can’t afford to hire a new employee. J: But something’s bothering you.
So, those are the main ideas to discuss today. Now S: Well, I really think automation is the answer
we’ll take about ten minutes for each idea, and BW6.04 here. If they want to increase their annual
after that we’ll vote and choose three that we think I had some great news today – we’ve made a big production, they really need to buy some
are the ones that are the best … sale to a hotel group – two hundred and twenty machines.
chairs in the next year. That’s wonderful, because J: But they want to keep making handmade shoes.
BW5.02 it will give me enough money to hire someone S: Right.
OK, so now we’ve counted the vote, and we’ve part-time to help me manage the business. I really J: Well, from our own experience, we can offer
decided to consider the following three options need someone to get things organised – someone plenty of success stories about automation, right?
more seriously. First, we’ll look at creating a local who can deal creatively with the suppliers and I mean, most shoe makers who finally try it agree
currency. Second, we’ll see about setting up a time schedules and all that. afterwards that it’s helped their business. So
bank. Finally, we’ll consider the idea of a Saturday maybe you need to tell them about some of the
market in town. Thanks a lot, everyone. We’ll BW7.01 S = Sofia O = Oscar other companies we’ve worked with.
contact you all by email before the next meeting. S: That factory tour was really interesting, Oscar. S: Yeah, that’s a good idea. I haven’t tried that, but
Thanks. I will.
BW5.03 E = Ellen D = David O: You’re welcome. I think we’ve got a great team J: And give them some options. You can show
E: So, what do you think of the proposed projects? here. And our customers are some of the biggest them exactly what automation can do for their
D: They’re interesting ideas. international companies. They must have quality. profit, but the final decision has to be theirs. In
E: Yeah. Will you vote? S: I can see that you’re giving them that. But some cases, it really isn’t about the money, and
D: Sure, yeah. But I haven’t decided yet – I think they what’s your production time? that’s OK.
could all be useful. The local currency idea is definitely O: From our three production lines, we can do S: Yeah, you’re right. OK, well, I’ll get back to
interesting. It would be good for local business. 3,000 pairs in twelve weeks. That’s a high-quality working out some of these numbers. Always good
E: Do you think? It seems kind of a strange idea shoe with nice details. to talk to you!
to me – kind of weird – and I know other people S: You mean twelve from order? J: Good luck Sofia. I’m around if you want to talk
who think it’s strange, too. But maybe we’re just O: Yes, usually. Maybe a bit longer. again.
old-fashioned. S: OK. Well, I think we can probably make some
D: You may have a point there! savings there – speed up production time and cut BW8.01 P = Patricia D = Davy J = Joe
E: I like the sound of the Saturday market. down on costs – you know, find ways to lower them P: Now that we’ve measured our energy use and
That’s just a good, honest idea that everyone can – spend less in general. waste, we can use that to help us plan the GO
understand. People will see it as a social event. O: Well, maybe. What do you suggest? project and decide what our priorities are.
D: Yeah, maybe. But I think it’s a bit boring S: I think there are some new machines you might D: Yes, it’s very important to have this data.
compared to the other two. I mean – it’s easy to be interested in. More automation could increase Obviously, I can see lighting is a big cost at the
sell old stuff, right? Why not just sell it online? your rate of production by maybe twenty or thirty moment but the LED lights in the new building will
Don’t you think the time bank could be good? I percent. help reduce costs there.
mean, you’re an accountant. If you join a time bank, O: I was afraid you were going to say that. P: And the new motion sensors they’re installing.
people will definitely want your services. S: What? D: Motion sensors?


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Audioscripts Audioscripts

P: Yes, these can detect movement in certain areas it is clear they are not cost-effective. I think we P6.02
and switch the lights on and off without anyone need new multifunctional machines that print, /ɪ/ give busy city issue simple
having to touch them. Places like the toilets, photocopy and scan. /iː/ feel believe complete metres people
corridors, storerooms, the stairs and in the car park. P: I agree! There’ll be costs to upgrade, obviously, /aɪ/ price climbing high hiker reliable
But the new building will have them everywhere. but we will save money, too. Joe, would you find /ɪə/ near clearly experienced realise zero
D: Good idea. That’s the lighting cost reduced. out more about those for us? Get some prices and
What else can we do? see how we could do this? P6.07
P: Well, as you can see from the pie chart in my J: OK, Pat, I’ll do that. 1 Do you have everything you need?
report, the computer servers are costing us quite P: Right, so Davy, you’ll find out more about 2 Print out an extra copy.
a lot of money. First of all there’s the cost of the cloud computing, Joe, you’ll work on the printers 3 I’ve looked everywhere for it.
electricity to run the machines and second, there’s and I want to look at a new recycling scheme to 4 A copy of the report and a pen or pencil.
the cost of cooling and ventilation to keep the find out how we can recycle more of our waste. I 5 I’m glad you’re all here.
server room at the right temperature. Are there mean, two kilos of waste per person per day is not 6 Just ask if you need help.
any possible savings there? good. I know we won’t make big savings, but it is
D: What about ‘cloud computing’? I mean, do we important for our image and our reputation as a P7.02
need servers in the office now? It’s possible to use a green company to help protect the environment. 1 I can’t open my door with my key card.
cloud computing service. Sorry. Hello! Really? OK, I’ll come down. Sorry, we’ll 2 You can use the check-in kiosk.
P: Do we know what the options are? What are have to end there. There’s a problem at reception. 3 You can’t go directly to the gate.
the security risks? And the costs of the service? D: OK, sure 4 Can I check in without my ID?
D: I understand there are fewer risks with cloud J: No problem. See you later. 5 This robot can’t talk, can it?
computing than having our own servers. I’ll talk 6 Yes, it can!
to the IT department, Patricia. We’ll look into the P4.08
options and the costs and tell you what we find 1 I’ve never bought any good business books. But P8.04
out. I have read a few. 1 We could catch a bus or get a taxi.
P: Thank you. Now what about waste, especially 2 I’ve read a few, too. I read some when I was a 2 We shouldn’t wait here any longer.
paper use? I know that paper itself is not very student. 3 Do you think I should walk more?
expensive for the company compared to other 3 I’ve heard of Daniel Kahneman. I think he’s won 4 Yes, and you could, easily.
costs, but everyone is printing too much. The a Nobel Prize. 5 They should spend more on public transport.
current printers are old, always break down and 4 Yes, he has. He’s written a lot about how we 6 Yes, they definitely should.
some employees complain they have to print make decisions.
documents three or four times because the print 5 Have you read this book? I started it once or
quality is so terrible. twice, but I’ve never finished it.
J: They are terrible! When you think about the 6 I’ve just finished it. I liked it.
paper and toner we waste because of this, then


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