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By Purisima D. Bagsawan
3 to 5 PM Class

I. Objective: At the end of 20 minutes, the students will be able to:

1) explain the differences and functions of the simple tenses of verbs;
2) appreciate the importance of verb tenses in communication by knowing how to formulate
sentences using the different tenses;
3) write complete sentences using the past, present and future tenses.

II. Review: The teacher will review the previous lesson on verbs.

III. Instructional Aid:

1) Materials: A PowerPoint presentation of the lesson
2) References:

IV. Subject Matter: Verb Tenses

1) Preparation – the teacher will check attendance, collect assignments, and explain what is
expected of the students after the lesson.
2) Motivation – group the students into three and ask each group to answer one of the
questions below. Have them present their answers in class after 3 minutes.
a) Group 1 – what did you do yesterday?
b) Group 2 – What are you doing at the moment?
c) Group 3 – What will you do tomorrow?
3) Presentation
a) Start the lesson by showing the verb tense chart.
b) Explain the functions of each tense. Make use of the results of their group work as
c) Practice formulating sentences using the past, present and future tenses.
4) Assessment – the teacher will write two sentences on the board in present tense and asks
the students when the event (verb) is taking place: yesterday, today, or tomorrow. Then
have the students give examples of actions taking place tomorrow and yesterday. The
teacher will also ask the students to explain how the tenses of the verbs will help them to
communicate with others.

V. Summary. When the students are finished with this lesson, they should be able to formulate
sentences using the past, present and future tenses. They should also be able to identify the tense
of the verb that is used in a given sentence.

VI. Homework. The teacher will ask the students to formulate fifteen sentences using the past, present
and future tense

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