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A BRM doing a project on billing and receivables

A Charther is a document that provides purpose, goals
A PDCA improvemete project was initiated for
A pilot implamantion of the designed
A process has a mesma = 10 and standard deviation = 2
A project ABC is a long running support project
A team estimated 3 months effort
A telecom company was losing customers because of repeated
An application form has five fields and the form is
An application support team had issues with resolution
An ecommercer application was struggling

An important project lead collect data to improve ticket

An improvement project lead collected data to improve ticket
An improvement project lead is interested to understand the logical flow of
Choose the correct relationship to create more defects
Collection of continuous data is
Control phase in a DMAIC project is similar to
Control plan in a deliverable of
Difference between the highest and lowest value
Different phases of SPS
DMAIC methodology is used to
Find the ood one out
Following are the measures of Centrak tendendy
Given the following statement from a customer
Going from a 2 sigma to 6 sigma
Histogram is used to
How many metric can be addressed in one SPS
How many metrics can be addressed in one SPS project
In _____phase, you measure how effective the pilot

In one of the engagements, customer raised a concern with

In one of the help desk engagements, delivery
In one of the help desk engagements, manager is interested to understand
In PDCA cycle analysing the causes are during
In the software development process, the value stream
Lean systems use the standartization of components because
Mistake proofing is known by the term
PDCA is based on the following principles

Pick the ones wich represent discrete data

Place the 5S´s in the proper order
Potential solutions ares generated
Products with low demand should be

Project manager of a production support project

Reducing variation
Run chart with 7 or more increasing
Select the chart with helos us to illustrate project schedules
Shape of a normal distribution is impacted
Shared service cebter for a telecom company prints
SPS helps in eliminating defects and improv
SPS stands for
Statistical processo controle chart is used to
The Pareto chart for causes of missing FTR SLA
The process control plan consists of a response plan

Tool(s) often used to help identify possible cause

Visualization of the relationship between two variables

What aspect of the KANO MODEL

What is a major possibel barrier for the value flow

What would the activity of testing in a software

When an improvement project team comes up

When in the process of trying to identifiy the critical X´s

When selecting your "Project Y"

When using the PDCA cycle, it´s not important

Whenever a Project team is collecting requirements
Which graphical plot provides relationship

Which of the following are parts of a CTQ

Which of the following are true about 5 WHY

Which of the following is /are true
Which of the following statements is TRUE

Which of the following tool(s) is/are used to organize brainstormed

Which of the following tools are used for organizing information

Which of the following tools help in prioritizing CTQs

Which of the goal statement is adhering to SMART rule
Which of these activities in NOT part of a 5S
Which one of these is not a role in Six Sigma team
Which part of the SMART rule is clearly missing from rhe goal

Which tool is used to narrow down

Why shoul I know the capability of my processes

Why understandig VOC

You are managing a development project and your team has delivered

You are managing a production support project and yur customer

You are the PL of a development project and the UAT
You are trying to explain basic statisitc to your team
You can not usse de Rootcause
OBS: perguntas com mais de duas oções corretas

Ishikawa diagram
10 and 4
Quick fix of problem
Improvement team missed the window of opportunity
5 and 2
Application of SPS can improve the performance
Root cause of payment failure was not identified
Improvement was not monitorade for sustenance
Draw process flow diagram
Mean - USL
Sustain phase
Incremental improvement to existing processes
All of the above
User interface should not requires extensive
Exponential reduction in defects
Tell relative frequency of occurrence
Depending upon the problem in hand
Depending upon the problem in hand

Associates skill set

Plot scatter diagram to understand the relationship between

25 mins
Treat this as value enabling and find ways to reduce time for this step
Increases worker productivity
Poka yoke
Customer satisfaction, managemente by fact, respect for people

No of failed orders
Defects in delivered code
Performance bands
Sort, set in order, shine, standardize, sustain
Produced in the quantify needed
Response time
Resolution time
Reduces defects
Makes the process narrow
Gantt Chart
Structered problem solving
Discriminate between random fluctuation
Plot a cascading pareto for effort estimation
Monitoring plan

Fish bone
Sub process Mapping
Pareto analysis
Scatter diagram
One dimensional
Competitive priority
A non value adding but necessary activity
Milestone dates must be realistic
Milestone dates must be aggressive enough
Pareto Chart

Select a measuure tha the customer

Use an outside in approach
Measure the amemetric as the customer
Select a measure that is at least
Qualify at source
Scatter diagram

Y metrics
It helps to get to the root cause
You may not need to ask why 5 times
A capable process is also stable
It is based on Pareto principle that 80% comes from 20% of the causes
It is specialized version of histogram least
Affinty diagram
Check sheet, afinity diagram
Kano model
Reduce cycle time from 8hs to 4hs by dec 2016
Time bound

Hypothesis testing
Regression analysis
Control impact matrix

All the above

It helps us understandig what the customer feels
Without understanding VOC, it is difficult to identify the CTQs
Value added activity
incident priority
10 inches

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