Agric Grade 7 Paper 1 and 2-1

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Agriculture Paper 1
Answer all questions on this paper
1. What is agriculture?
A. rearing of animal and growing of crops B. Study of soil and how is it formed C.
Construction of farm building D. Eating what is produced from farms

2. Which of the following was the earliest trade in agriculture?

A. Barter trade B. Marketing C. Exchanging for money
D. Rainfall

3. Tools are kept a …………………….

A. Bedroom B. Tool rack C. Fowl run D. Shelves

4. A hoe is used for ……………………………………………

A. Cutting B. Digging C. Levelling D. Loading

5. Which crop is grown in winter under irrigation in Zimbabwe?

A. Rapoko B. Potatoes C. Rice D. Wheat

6. A growing crops and keeping animals for sale is called……………….

A. Subsistence farming B. Commercial farming C. Peasant farming D.
Shifting cultivation

7. How many branches are in agriculture?

A. 2 B. 3 C.4 D. 5

8. Which branch of agriculture deals with AGRICULTURE

business aspects? PAPER 1
A. Soil science B. Animal husbandry C. Soil science D. Agricultural

JULY 2017
9. Who treats animals which are sick or injured?
A. Nurse B. Farmer C. Veterinary doctor D. Meat inspector

10. Who builds and repair farm tools?

A. Agricultural engineersB. Agricultural economists
C. Lecturers D. Agronomists
11. Which town is in natural region 5?
A. Harare B. Gweru C. Mutare D. Chiredzi

12. Which natural region receives a highest amount of water?

A. 11 B. 1 C. 5 D. 4

13. What is climate?

A. The daily recordings of temperature, rainfall and humidity
B. Condition of the atmosphere at a given time
C. The average weather conditions recorded over a very long period
D. The average weather condition recorded on weekly basis
14. Which crop are drought resistance?
A. maize and rice
B. Wheat and potatoes
C. Groundnuts and round nuts
D. Rapoko and sorghum
15. Which climate hazard is controlled by building dams?
A. Cyclone
B. Frost
C. Drought
D. Water logging
16. Which season is associated with lighting and heavy rainfall?
A. Summer B.Winter C. Autumn D. Spring

17. Study the table below and answer the question that follows?

A 40 degrees Celsius
B 37 degrees Celsius
C 18 degrees Celsius
D 0 degrees Celsius
Which area is suitable for growing wheat?

18. Air contains which percentage in the soil

A. 5% B. 45% C. 50% D. 25%

19. Organic matter in the soil is made of …………………….

A. Decomposed animal and plant matter
B. Mineral matter in the soil
C. Small rock particle
D. Air and water in the soil
20. What is weathering?
A. Washing away of top soil.
B. Break down of soil particles to form soil
C. Average atmospheric condition
D. Covering the top soil with manure, compost or plant remains
21. ……………………. Is agent of weathering
A. Heat B. Stones C. A leaf D. Fire

22. Washing away of top soil is called ………………….

A. Leaching B. Weathering C. Soil erosion D. Mulching

23. ……………………… is used to measure wind speed.

A. Wind vane C. Cup anemometer C. Dry and wet bulb thermometer
D. Rain gauge

24. Which one is soil component?

A. Weathering B. Plastic C. Pesticides D. Water

25. Which soil type has big particles?

A. Loam B. Sand C. Clay D. Silt

26. Which soil constituent is shown by bubbles coming out of the soil when water is
A. Air B. Moisture C. Organic matter D. Mineral salts

27. How do industries break the ozone layer?

A. By emitting gases like carbon monoxide
B. By making good products
C. By making expensive gases
D. By emitting gases which are environment friendly
28. What is evaporation?
A. Change of water from liquid to gaseous state
B. Change of water from gaseous state to liquid
C. Loss of water by tree through leaves
D. Sinking of water into the soil

29. Study the diagram below and answer the question below
What is the diagram above?

A. Store room B. Tool rack C. Shoe rack C. Hoe

30. The process where water falls to the ground as rain is called ……………………..
A. Evaporation B. Condensation C. Precipitation D. Transpiration

31. A major source of water pollution in urban area is?

A. Farming activities B. Fishing C. Bathing D. Sewages

32. Which state of water is used for farming?

A. Solid B. Gas C. Liquid D. Rainfall

33. A source of water which supplies us with pure water is ………..

A. Aquifers B. Dams C. Springs D. Wells

34. The contamination of surface or ground water with impurities is called ……………..
A. Evaporation B. Transpiration C. Pollution D. Condensation

35. Study the diagram below and answer the following question

part X is a …………………………………

A. Branches B. Leaves C. Roots D. Leaves

36. What is the function of leaves of a plant?
A. It is where plant food is made.
B. It is where plant food is stored
C. It absorbs water from the ground
D. It is where evaporation takes place
37. Which of the following is not a major plant nutrient?
A. Nitrogen B. Phosphorus C. Baron D. Potassium
38. The lake of ………………………….. results in plant leaves turning yellow.
A. Vitamins B. Nitrogen C. Potassium D. Proteins

39. Which of the following is an indigenous tree?

A. Gumtree B. Mango tree C. Guava D. Mutamba

40. Lack of phosphorus cause plants to turn ………………

A. Purple B. Red C. Yellow D. Green

41. A plants leaf with scorched margins is a sign of lack of ……

A. Phosphorus B. Potassium C. Nitrogen D. Calcium

42. Which of the following is a leguminous vegetable?

A. Cabbages B. Tomatoes C. Peas D. Rape

43. Which of the following is not a root vegetable?

A. Groundnuts B. Carrots C. Onion D. Garlic
44. Growing of different crops on a planned sequence on a same piece of land is
A. Crop rotation
B. Shifting cultivation
C. Monoculture
D. Gardening
45. Which of the following is a fruit vegetable?
A. Pumpkin
B. Spinach
C. Carrots
D. Beans
46. Study the following table

Crop rotation
For good crop rotation X must be……………………..
A. Corn
B. Groundnuts
C. Spinach
D. Garlic
47. Growing crops under natural rainfall is
A. Dry land farming
B. Irrigation farming
C. Gardening
D. Commercial farming
48. Which of the following is not a cereal crop?
A. Maize
B. Sorghum
C. Wheat
D. Groundnuts
49. What name is given to a cattle farmer?
A. Rancher
B. Sheppard
C. Herd boy
D. Agronomist
50. The green colouring of leaves is called …………………..
A. Photosynthesis
B. Chlorophyll
C. Respiration
D. Transpiration

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