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HRM Mini Test 1

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1) A manager engaged in the management function of ____ is monitoring progress toward goal
achievement and taking corrective action when needed.
A) planning
B) organizing
C) leading
D) controlling

2) Southern Living magazine was forced to pull an issue off newsstands and mail warnings to 2.5 million
subscribers after it became clear that a recipe for dinner rolls described as "little pillows from heaven"
was considered controversial. The management function of ____ was used when the warnings were
mailed to subscribers.
A) planning
B) organizing
C) controlling
D) motivating

3)As the human resources manager for Spring Engineering and Manufacturing Corp. in Canton,
Michigan, Kim Radeback had to find inexpensive ways to reward and to motivate high performing
employees and bolster morale during a sales-flattening economic downturn. Radeback had to engage in
which management function?
A) Planning
B) Organizing
C) Leading
D) Controlling

4) Jane is in charge of her Rotary Club’s annual fund-raising auction. She will decide who will ask local
businesses for prizes, and she will determine the site, and she will decide who will sell tickets to
customers, and who will work the night of the auction. She is engaged in the management function of:
A) Planning
B) Controlling
C) Leading
D) Organizing

5) Robert Rothschild Farm boosted morale and showed its gratitude to its 75 employees at its retail
store, by hosting its first employee appreciation week. It used the management function of ____ to
boost morale.
A) Leading
B) Commanding
C) Organizing
D) Controlling

6) To achieve its goal of increased market share, Krispy Kreme launched a program in Palm Beach
County, Florida, that awards grade-school students a free doughnut for every A on their report cards.
Creating this program was primarily the function of which management function? Which management
function was used to create this program?
A) controlling
B) leading
C) planning
D) organizing

7) Nestlé was unsuccessful in early attempts to sell its chocolate in India. It discovered its chocolate bars
were not suitable for the Indian markets because the candy had to sit in direct sunlight without benefit
of air conditioning and became messy. Nestlé adopted an innovation strategy and developed Chocostick,
a liquid chocolate, which is very popular. Solving this problem involved what management function?
A) planning
B) meeting the competition
C) making things happen
D) leading

8) A manager engaged in the management function of ____ is determining organizational goals and the
means for achieving them.
A) planning
B) organizing
C) leading
D) controlling

9) After the makers of Wonder bread, declared bankruptcy, their objectives were to increase its
revenues by at least 5 percent and reduce its net losses by at least 80 percent. Which management
function was used to set these goals and will help the company meet them?
A) planning
B) organizing
C) controlling
D) leading

10) A business school administrator who is determining what classes will be offered in which rooms and
who will teach each specific class is involved in which classical management function?
A) organizing
B) controlling
C) motivating
D) leading

11) A U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which
management function?
A) planning
B) organizing
C) controlling
D) leading

12) Hormel Foods had to recall 104,000 pounds of Stagg canned chili—labeled "hearty beef with a kick
of green chilies"—after the kick turned out to come instead from the ground-up parts of a plastic
handheld calculator. The recall was the application of which management function?
A) controlling
B) leading
C) planning
D) organizing

13) Hormel Foods had to recall 104,000 pounds of Stagg canned chili—labeled "hearty beef with a kick
of green chilies"—after the kick turned out to come instead from the ground-up parts of a plastic
handheld calculator. What function helped the company to set the goals and methods to do the recall?
A) controlling
B) leading
C) planning
D) organizing

14) The four primary functions of management are:

A) controlling; planning; strategizing; disciplining
B) communicating; planning; evaluating; disciplining
C) planning; organizing; leading; controlling
D) hiring; firing; evaluating; motivating

15) Management means______________

A) controlling; planning; strategizing; disciplining
B) Setting goals and try to achieve goals through others
C) planning; organizing; leading; controlling
D) hiring; firing; evaluating; motivating

16) Planning is ultimately based upon ____.

A) how a planner deals with bounded rationality
B) choosing a goal and developing a method or strategy to achieve that goal
C) the relationship between organizational line and staff personnel
D) whether the mission statement is internally or externally oriented

17) What are the three main steps of HRM process?

A) Attracting, developing and retaining qualified employees
B) Training, compensating and motivating employees
C) Planning, organizing and controlling
D) None of the above

18) Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A) HRM is the main responsibility of the HR department
B) HRM is one of the key activities of every managers
C) HRM is the most important department in a company
D) None of the above

19) HRM activities are most related to the following functions:

A) Planning and controlling
B) Planning and organizing
C) Controlling and leading
D) Leading and organizing

20) Which level of management is most responsible for leading function?

A) Top
B) Middle
C) First line
D) All types of managers

21) What is the order of the contents of Gung Ho clip?

A) Values of works, controlling of works and motivating employees
B) Cheering, giving controlling and rewarding employees
C) Timely, responsive, unconditional and enthusiasm
D) None of the above

22) According to the clip, the squirrels work hard not only because the job is important but_____
A) Worthwhile
B) Valuable
C) Meaningful
D) Rewarded

23) What is the first step of HRM process?

A) Attracting qualified employees
B) Training, compensating and motivating employees
C) Planning, organizing and controlling
D) None of the above

24) To make an employee see the job important, we should_________

A) Make him or her understand the importance of the job
B) Talk about the benefits and losses of doing the job well or bad to self and to others
C) Promise the rewards
D) Tell the punishes

25) What are the two components of a value system?

A) A system of goals including for self and for others
B) The systems of rewards from the company
C) A good emotional feeling of doing something good for someone
D) The intrinsic and extrinsic rewards

26) What is the extrinsic reward?
A) A system of goals for self and others and a systems of “to do” and “not to do”
B) The systems of rewards from the company
C) A good emotional feeling of doing something good for someone
D) The salary

27) What is the intrinsic reward?

A) A system of goals for self and others and a systems of “to do” and “not to do”
B) The systems of rewards from the company
C) A good emotional feeling of doing something good for someone
D) The salary

28) Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A) A system of goals for self and others and a systems of “to do” and “not to do” are required for all
B) Gung Ho is not a quick fix
C) A good emotional feeling of doing something good for someone is extrinsic reward
D) None of the above

29) Besides telling benefits and losses, how we can make a job important?
A) Tell the employees about system of goals for self and others
B) Talk to them systems of rewards from the company
C) Tell good emotional feeling of doing something good for someone
D) Tell how important the job is for self and for others.

30) Who should be first in the list of “others” in life?

A) A person or the people we want to make them happy most
B) The person who are most important to our benefits
C) The people we supervise
D) All people working in the same department

31) Who should be first in the list of “others” in work?

A) A person or the people we want to make them happy most
B) The person who are most important to our benefits
C) The people we supervise
D) All people working in the same department

32) According to the clip, what we need to do first if we want to let the employees do the jobs by
A) Train them
B) Tell the rewards
C) Tell them that we trust them
D) Clarify the goals

33) Autonomous means ______________

A) Give the employees the freedom to make decision how they will perform the job
B) Let the employee do whatever they want
C) Tell the employees that we trust them
D) Help the employees recognize their weaknesses

34) According to the clip, what we need to do after goal clarification if we want to let the employees do
the jobs by themselves?
A) Train them
B) Tell the rewards
C) Tell them that we trust them
D) Clarify the goals

35) According to the clip, how should the goal of the job be?
A) Able to do but little challenge
B) Clear
D) Within the ability of the employees

36) The first “C” in E = MC2 represent for

A) Cash
B) The rewards
C) Car
D) Congratulations

37) The second “C” in E = MC2 represent for

A) Cash
B) The rewards
C) Car
D) Congratulations

38) The “R” in the T.R.U.E principle of cheering people represent for?
A) Realistic
B) Responsive
C) Reward
D) Recruitment

39) The “U” in the T.R.U.E principle of cheering people represent for?
A) Unique
B) Unbelievable
C) Unconditional
D) Undo

40) The last question in the clip is?

A) Is the story true?
B) Is Gung Ho true?
C) Is Gung Ho a quick fix?
D) Is the Gung Ho story true for whom watching the clip?

41. What are the role of research and development?
A. Designing, material, characteristics, new uses.
B. Including the research, improvement and improvement of existing product quality.
C. Seeking optimum production and processing technologies to produce products (both old and
new) with optimum quality and price.
D. All of the above.

42. In the organization’s functions, which function plays an important role in finding new ones more
effectively than the old ones?
B. Marketing.
C. R & D.

43. Whom does the marketing function manages?

A. Customer.
B. Non-customer.
C. Community.
D. All of the above.

44. Which function of organization distributes data for other functions?


45. Which of the following statement does not describe management information system?
A. A system helps firms manage effectively.
B. Distribute information about finance for human resource department.
C. Provide data for a marketing department.
D. May not be existed in firms.

46. In which step is the current demand forecast and analysis of human resources in the organization?
A. Human Resource Planning.
B. Recruitment.
C. Training and developing.
D. Staff assessment.

47. How to know the organization's human resources management is good or not?
A. Rely on the number of disputes in the business.
B. Based on the satisfaction, the level of enthusiasm of the workers.
C. Rely on the organization's average productivity.
D. All of the above.

48. Which factor can be used to appraise the effect of operation or production function?
A. The quality of products or services.
B. Minimizing the operating expenses.
C. The labor productivity.
D. Changing in the design or packaging of products.

49. Which of the following statements is NOT true when we mention the relationship of operation
department with the others in a company?
A. The operation department uses the results of R&D department to mass-produce.
B. Marketing department provides information about new technologies for operation department
to improve operational efficiency.
C. Marketing and operation department have conflict about the quality of products, lower prices,
delivery time,… while there are restricted technologies.
D. The operation department is one of the departments needs money most.

50. What are the functions of Finance & Accounting ?

A. It is used to create, keep and satisfy the customer. 
B. It gathers and summarizes financial data to prepare financial reports such as balance sheet and
income statement for the organization's management, investors, lenders, suppliers, tax
authorities, and other stakeholders.
C. It includes conducting job analyses, planning personnel needs, recruiting the right people for the
job, orienting and training, managing wages and salaries.
D. It applied research, and aimed at discovering solutions to problems or creating new goods.



1) When a sales job is being filled by an untrained individual, the job specifications list will most likely
include ________ as a way to predict which candidate will perform the job well.
A) age and gender
B) past job performance
C) relevant certification
D) the expected competencies

2) Which of the following questions will most likely be addressed by a manager who is writing a job
description based on a competency-based job analysis?
A) What are the typical duties associated with this job?
B) What are the working conditions and safety issues related to this job?
C) What opportunities for advancement are available to an employee in this job?
D) What should the employee be able to do in order to competently perform this job?

3) All of the following are major areas in which an HR manager assists and advises line managers EXCEPT
A) recruiting
B) hiring
C) strategic business planning
D) compensation

4) Which of the following refers to the authority a manager has to advise other managers or employees?
A) staff authority
B) line authority
C) functional authority
D) corporate authority

5) Which of the following is most likely a line function of the human resource manager?
A) ensuring that line managers are implementing HR policies
B) advising top managers about how to implement EEO laws
C) representing the interests of employees to senior management
D) directing the activities of subordinates in the HR department

6) One of the ________ functions of a human resource manager includes directing the activities of his or
her subordinates in the HR department.
A) coordinative
B) corporate
C) staff
D) line

7) Human resource managers generally exert ________ within the human resources department and
________ outside the human resources department.
A) line authority; staff authority
B) staff authority; line authority
C) functional authority; line authority
D) staff authority; implied authority

8) All of the following are examples of human resource responsibilities EXCEPT ________.
A) job analyst
B) financial advisor
C) compensation manager
D) labor relations specialist

9) Ralph works in the HR department and is in charge of developing the plans for how people are paid
and how the employee benefits program is run. Ralph is most likely holding the position of:
A) training specialist
B) recruiter
C) compensation manager
D) job analyst

10) Which of the following human resource management specialties calls for collecting data to write job
A) job analyst
B) job training specialist
C) compensation manager
D) EEO coordinator

11) Which of the following areas is NOT a major area where human resource managers assist and advise
line managers?
A) recruiting
B) hiring
C) compensation
D) operational management

12) Which HR position involves preparing job descriptions?

A) compensation manager
B) EEO coordinator
C) job analyst
D) recruiter

13) What is the first step in the recruitment and selection process?
A) performing initial screening interviews
B) building a pool of candidates
C) performing candidate background checks
D) deciding what positions to fill

14) Which results of job analysis process is mainly used in training employees?
A) job description
B) job specification
C) job identification
D) job title

15) Which results of job analysis process is mainly used in recruitment?
A) job description
B) job specification
C) job identification
D) job title

16) Which results of job analysis process is mainly used in selection?

A) job description
B) job specification
C) job identification
D) job title

17) Which results of job analysis process is mainly used in performance appraisal?
A) job description
B) job specification
C) job identification
D) job title

18) Which results of job analysis process is mainly used in compensation?

A) job specification
B) job description
C) job identification
D) job title

19) Attracting the qualified candidates to submit application is____________

A) training
B) recruitment
C) selection
D) job analysis

20) The performance standards is included in__________

A) job description
B) job specification
C) job identification
D) job title

21) Which of the following terms refers to the procedure used to determine the duties associated with
job positions and the characteristics of the people to hire for those positions?
A) job description
B) job specification
C) job analysis
D) job context

22) The information resulting from a job analysis is first used for writing ________.
A) job descriptions
B) job specifications
C) personnel questionnaires
D) training requirements

23) All of the following types of information will most likely be collected by a human resources specialist
through a job analysis EXCEPT ________.
A) work activities
B) human behaviors
C) performance standards
D) employee benefits option

24) A manager uses the information in a job analysis for all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) assessing training requirements
B) designing the medical and social insurance package
C) determining appropriate compensation
D) providing accurate performance appraisals

25) Which of the following most likely depends on a job's required skills, education level, safety hazards,
and degree of responsibility?
A) employee compensation
B) organizational culture
C) annual training requirements
D) training and development plans

26) Allison, a manager at a large clothing retail store, needs to determine essential duties that have not
been assigned to specific employees. Which of the following would most likely provide Allison with this
A) work activities
B) job context
C) job analysis
D) performance standards

27) The ________ lists a job's specific duties as well as the skills and training needed to perform a
particular job.
A) organization chart
B) job analysis
C) work aid
D) job description

28) Jennifer, a manager at an engineering firm, has been assigned the task of conducting a job analysis.
What should be Jennifer's first step in the process?
A) determining what job or position will be analyzed
B) collecting data on job activities and working conditions
C) selecting representative job positions to assess
D) reviewing relevant background information

29) Which of the following is a written statement that describes the activities, responsibilities, working
conditions, and supervisory responsibilities of a job?
A) job specification
B) job analysis
C) job description
D) job context

30) Which of the following refers to the human requirements needed for a job, such as education, skills,
and personality?
A) job specifications
B) job analysis
C) job placement
D) job descriptions

31) All of the following requirements are typically addressed in job specifications EXCEPT ________
A) desired personality traits
B) required education levels
C) necessary experience
D) working conditions

32) Which of the following indicates the division of work within a firm and the lines of authority and
A) process chart
B) employee matrix
C) organization chart
D) corporate overview

33) The fourth step in conducting a job analysis most likely involves collecting data about all of the
following EXCEPT ________.
A) required employee abilities
B) typical working conditions
C) employee turnover rates
D) specific job activities

34) During the job analysis process, the primary purpose of having workers review and modify data
collected about their current positions is to ________.
A) confirm that the information is correct and complete
B) provide a legal benchmark for employer lawsuits
C) encourage employees to seek additional job training
D) validate the job specification list provided by HR

35) What is the final step in conducting a job analysis?

A) writing a job description and job specifications
B) validating all of the collected job data
C) collecting data on specific job activities
D) reviewing relevant background information

36) Murray, Inc. emphasizes a desire for detail-oriented, motivated employees with strong social skills as
indicated in the firm's job ________.
A) specifications
B) analysis
C) reports
D) descriptions

37) The primary concern of performing a job analysis regards the ________.
A) unverifiable data a job analysis typically provides
B) certification required to conduct a job analysis
C) amount of time a job analysis takes to complete
D) redundant information gathered during a job analysis

38) Most job descriptions contain sections that cover all of the following EXCEPT ________.
A) performance standards
B) working conditions
C) responsibilities
D) required overtime

39) What type of information is contained in the job identification section of a job description?
A) job title
B) job summary
C) major functions or activities
D) standards of performance

40) Which of the following is the primary source of information an employer uses to write a job
A) job summary
B) job analysis
C) performance standards
D) personnel replacement chart

41) The instructor of this course wishes his students .

A) A high grade on this course
B) A successful quarter
C) All the best wishes for future career
D) All of the above (This is the right answer, also what I want to say at the end of this course.)


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