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Doc Ref No: SPI-HSE-FR-02


Release Date:20/11/2018
Project Name: Line/section: Channel partner:
Sub-contractor: Manpower Strength: Tower Type :
Date: Loc No.:
Description Observations (Yes
Sl No Action taken
/ No)

1 Whether all site workers have been gone through Tool Box talk prior to start of work?
2 Whether Gang evaluation has been done properly and are all fit for their job?
3 Whether all fitters have been gone through medical examination & having height pass?

4 Have all required PPEs been provided to all concern workers as per requirements?
5 Whether Sufficient Manpower (Fitter & ground helper) has been engaged for erection work?
6 Is the work being properly and effectively supervised?
Is the work area suitably cordoned off? Adequate signage, posters, banners & caution tape are
present at site for public address?
8 Is adequate first-aid box available at site & emergency contact No. available with gang ?
If any, LT/HT is coming near to erection work, proper shut down has been taken and discharge
rod anchored properly?
If any road is coming near to erection activity, traffic controller should be deployed on both side
of the road?
Whether all Tools & tackles (Pulley, D-Shackles, PP Ropes, Derrick poles, steel wire ropes,
11 crow-bars, etc) have been inspected, validated & found in healthy condition and in sufficient
qty. present
Whether at site
Derrick ? is checked for any defect and properly tighten / fitted & it is provided as
12 per tower type & color code (green) done?
Derrick pole properly tied with tower leg & during lifting of tower materials appropriate angle
13 is maintained between leg & derrick?
14 Whether back filing of tower was properly done prior to start of erection work
Is ascending on and descending on from the tower done through the steps bolts with using Fall
Arrestor clamp. Is Fall arrestor clamp provided in sufficient quantity? Is practice of ascending on
and descending from the tower through the tower members stopped?
16 Whether retractable fall arrestor provided in sufficient nos.?
Whether Assembly of tower parts is being done outside of tower & No one is allowed to work
under suspended load ?
Are lifting of Assembled Tower parts carry out by steel wire rope(12 mm) and power Winch
18 machine only and member of tower is being lifted with proper guying and also maintain safe
work load during lifting?
All tower material should be lifted from outside of tower and if any part is being lifted from
inside of tower, it is being lifted from center of the tower and not through diagonals?
20 Is proper Backstay arrangements done for winch machine?
21 Is winch machine being operated by trained operator & has a valid ID card?
Whether winch machine has load indicator & placed at suitable distance from where proper
22 communication is easily made to fitter & operator?
Whether a signalman with flag has been deputed for proper communication between winch
operator & fitters?
Are 3 guy ropes for derrick pole made and also been checked for the proper size of the PP ropes
and crowbars which been fixed at hard surface in case of sandy or loose soil?
Whether all guys ropes have been anchored to at least two or three crowbars arrangements at
45 degree & each guy is anchored with separate same arrangement?
Are all guys ropes & crowbars been checked & verified for any malfunction by any external
person prior to start of work on daily basis?
Are all pulleys tied to the leg members through wire rope & sharp edges of tower members been
27 protected by providing a padding of old tyres / folded gunny bags? Are all pulley having latches
or close type?
Are towers being erected in sequential manner; like work on upper section must not be allowed
28 to start until all the members and bracings of lower tower section been fully erected and nut
bolts are properly tightened?
29 Are all workmen working at heights using properly secured safety harness and helmets?
30 Whether Horizontal life line is being used properly by fitters?
31 Whether all fitters secured their tools and Nut & Bolt to prevent from falling?
Whether Tac welding is going on:-
i) The Welding machine should be effectively grounded to protect against any leakage of current
ii) Welding should be carried out by trained welder
iii) Welder must wear welding shield
iv) Welding cable with lugs should be properly tightened in the secondary terminal

Channel Partner Engineer/ Supervisor (Name & signature) SPTL

Name & signature

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