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The definitive guide to creating rich and diverse settlements

for storytelling and fantasy roleplaying games.

Legal Credits
Nord Games LLC is not affiliated with Wizards of the Coast™. Author: Andrew Geertsen
We make no claim to or challenge to any trademarks held by Lead Designers: Andrew Geertsen, Chris Haskins
Wizards of the Coast™. Proofing and Editing: Lou Fryer, Ralph Stickley
Nord Games LLC., 2020, all rights reserved. Product Identity: Interesting NPCs Authors: Dan Masucci, Arthur Wright
The following items are hereby identified as Nord Games LLC.’s Interesting NPCs Editors: Spike Murphy-Rose, James Vacca
Product Identity, as defined in the Open Game License version
Art Director: Ralph Stickley
1.0a, Section 1(e), and are not Open Game Content: product and
product line names, logos and identifying marks including trade Layout and Typesetting: Chris van der Linden, Ralph Stickley
dress; artifacts; creatures; characters; stories, storylines, plots, Illustrators: Tugsbayar Jamts, Dan Martin, Karen Petrasko,
thematic elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, Sam White
symbols, designs, depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, Cartographers: Robert Altbauer, George Mason, Karl Schmahl
concepts, themes and graphic, photographic and other visual or Project Management: Andrew Geertsen
audio representations; names and descriptions of characters, Brand and Marketing: Chris Haskins, Megan Roy
spells, enchantments, personalities, teams, personas, likenesses
and special abilities; places, locations, environments, creatures, Pre-Generated Settlement Builder Backers: Tim Beese,
equipment, magical or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, Michael Ciraulo, Zain Day, Jeremy Kear, Jason Kiser, Kevin
LaCroix, Earl Shearin, Greg Spanier, Blake Snortland, Silje
symbols, or graphic designs; and any other trademark or
Starheim & Jon Gulliksen, Dave Stifter, Cooper Sulma, Zach
registered trademark clearly identified as Product Identity.
Previously released Open Game Content is excluded from the
above list. Other Pre-Generated Settlements: Devon Chulick, Lou Fryer,
Andrew Geertsen, Chris Haskins, Thomas Koch, Matthew
Lastimosa, Spike Murphy-Rose, Greg Peterson, Steve Peterson,
Amy Puzia, Rachel Rose-Murphy, Jennifer Roy, Megan Roy, Ralph
Stickley, Paul Thomlinson, Beau Christian Williams, Jack Wilmes
Playtesters: Aaron, Scott Avick, Byron, Axel Cholewa, Daniel,
Lucas Darnell, Steve Davies, Nate Dumont, Bob Huss, Ingjald, Nick
J, Andrew James, Jiri, Josh, Justin, Kevin, Kyra, John Marquardt,
Kenneth McClain, Micah, Scott Pinnow, Michael Ramirez,
Chris Read, Ryan Schultz, Sean Shannon, Eric Smiley, Boyd
Stephenson, Brian Strauch, Tony, Adam Toulmin, Chris Waldrip

Table of Contents
Foreword p. 4 Chapter 6: Capitals p. 205
Chapter 1: Introduction p. 5 Pre-generated Capitals p. 252
Chapter 2: Trading Posts p. 9 Chapter 7: Fortresses p. 293
Pre-generated Trading Posts p. 26 Pre-generated Fortresses p. 322
Chapter 3: Villages p. 45 Chapter 8: Interesting NPCs p. 391
Pre-generated Villages p. 67 Appendix A: Location Information p. 438
Chapter 4: Towns p. 91 Appendix B: Encounters p. 442
Pre-generated Towns p. 113 Appendix C: Rumors p. 444
Chapter 5: Cities p. 137 Appendix D: Useful Tables p. 446
Pre-generated Cities p. 172

Dearest Reader...
When we launched the Kickstarter campaign for Spectacular Settlements in the summer of 2018,
we had no idea what would happen. We were fairly confident it would fund but, beyond that, it was
anybody’s guess. We certainly had no idea it would reach the heights that it did, and it was only the
first in a string of successes that have allowed Nord Games to make the leaps it was able to make in
2018 and 2019.

For all this and more, our deepest gratitude goes out to everyone in our community who contributed
to making this a reality. We have all learned so much throughout this process and, through it all, you
remained steadfast, patient, kind and encouraging. That you care enough about our work to contribute
in such meaningful ways is at once a blessing and incredibly humbling. The simple fact is that, without
you, there would be no Nord Games. With any success we enjoy, we hope that you feel at least some
small measure of pride as well.

Spectacular Settlements has been, at its very core, a labor of love. Like most of the settlements that
will come from these pages, this book was not built in a day. The words, pictures, and ideas you’re
about to see are the results of hundreds of hours of combined talent, effort and hard work. This
effort was not about making a product. It was to make something we all need, something we can
always use a little more of: inspiration.

Lastly, and most importantly, we need to say thank you to our loving families. Our spouses, partners,
and children who dealt with parents who were busier than was sometimes convenient, and extended
families who were always there when we needed them. We couldn’t do what we do without your love,
patience, and encouragement. There is no end to the love and gratitude we hold in our hearts for you.

With the words written above and what I am about to write, I speak for every member of the
Nord Games team:

You are all why this book exists. This book is dedicated to each and every one of you and we hope
most deeply that it sets your imaginations alight and inspires you to no end.

With Utmost Sincerity,

Andrew Geertsen
Director of Game Design

This book is filled with resources to help you generate ideas for,
dare we say, spectacular settlements. All of the content you will find Everything Else
is meant to be malleable and may be tweaked to fit your needs. This book comes equipped with several other useful parts which
Ultimately, this book should be an engine of inspiration. can be used to augment different elements of your settlements.
Ideas for every aspect of settlement creation are generated on • Pre-generated Settlements Each builder chapter also
random tables. Most of these tables are found in the builder contains 8 premade settlements, generated using the builder
chapters but there are also tables of NPCs to populate your chapters, which include a map, description, and the results
world and, in the Appendices at the back of the book, a glossary that were rolled to create that settlement.
of location information, encounter tables, rumors that could be
permeating through your settlement, as well as a whole host of • Interesting NPCs: Tables and Details (p. 391). Contains
other useful tables. Short on time or creativity? Each chapter tables to generate a whole host of characters to populate
also includes eight pre-generated settlements that you can slot your new settlement, from shopkeepers and market traders,
right into your game world. to nobility, leadership, beggars, and everything in between,
sorted by type. There are over 100 NPCs to select from, each
containing stat and background information, ready for us in
Builders your game world.
Each builder chapter is full of all the necessary elements • Appendix A: Location Information (p. 438). Contains
needed for GMs to build their own particular kind of settlement. a glossary covering the different location terms found
The settlement builder chapters are: throughout the book. There are also lists of locations (such as
• Trading Posts (p. 9). Small settlements focused on shops and services) sorted by theme.
trade and accommodating the needs of those who are • Appendix B: Encounters (p. 442). Contains tables
travelling or, perhaps, living wild. designed for use in-game. The first table, personnel issues,
• Villages (p. 45). Small, rural settlements focused on allows you to randomly determine an issue a given person
community and the production of some form of resource. may be struggling with, which could be potential plot
hooks in your campaign. The second tables determine the
• Towns (p. 91). Medium-sized settlements where the likelihood of the PCs experiencing an urban encounter.
commercialism of trading posts meets the community Rolls for these are often augmented by modifiers found
living aspect of villages. within the builders.
• Cities (p. 137). Large, urban settlements, split into • Appendix C: Rumors (p. 444). Contains a massive 50-
districts, with potential for social stratification. item table of possible rumors that you can apply to your
• Capitals (p. 205). Huge, urban settlements with the settlement. These are designed to be as general as possible
societal and governmental infrastructure to oversee and rule for ease-of-use (though a small number can only be used
over a region. in certain settlement types). Do remember that these are
rumors, so how much truth there is to them is completely up
• Fortresses (p. 293). Fortified bastions, found in both rural
to you, and can completely change the situation within your
and urban settings, including keeps, castles and strongholds.
settlement, depending on the choice you make.
Builders are worked through table-by-table, in order, rolling
• Appendix D: Useful Tables (p. 446). Contains a multitude
on each or choosing the options you like (but we think using the
of different tables that can be rolled on to randomly
tables is just more fun!). Each result will give you one more detail
determine a number of aspects relating to, or happening
about your settlement, and some will provide you with one or
within, a settlement. Examples include: character classes,
more modifiers which will affect later tables.
character races, types of crops, food, drinks, animals,
Once you have finished the builder, look back at all of your smells, emotions, problems, and a whole host more.
results and start to think about how your results mesh together, Within this appendix is a group of tables that can act as a
including any inconsistencies or oddities that may have been hook/situation builder. These are designed to be more
rolled, and start to weave a story for your settlement. generic than those in Appendix B, but may help give your
encounters variety.
R es o u r c es f o r S et t lem ent B u ilding
Sheets similar to RPG character sheets called ‘Settlement
Sheets’ can be photocopied for personal use from the
pages at the back of this book and printable sheets, as well
as form-fillable digital versions and other assets, can be
downloaded from These have been
designed to aid you in staying organized during your build,
with spaces to record modifiers, copy and paste results and
add your own notes, description and flavor.

C h apt er O ne | I nt r o du c t io n 5
Contradictions 5-10 Mildly Successful. The town has attained a mild
degree of success and visibility.
When rolling up your settlements, you will almost certainly
run into contradictions, or results from tables that conflict. You (-1 to visitor traffic roll)
may find yourself thinking that things “wouldn’t make sense”. (-3 to population wealth roll)
Of course, you could simply choose an alternative option that Important: With the exception of building a Stronghold using
you feel makes more sense, but we have found that often the the Fortresses chapter (the specifics of which are explained at the
most unique and interesting settlements are created when start of the builder), modifiers will never modify previous tables
these inconsistencies are embraced, not rejected. Try accepting or their results, only tables and results that come later. The table
that your roll is how it is, and take on the creative challenge of or result to be modified may be one that comes much later in the
explaining why it might be that way. builder, so if you don’t see it right away, don’t worry.
Imagine that the builder process is not actually creating a ‘new’
place, but instead revealing a place that already exists, but is yet to be
discovered. With each table, you see a little bit more than you did
Key Settlement Info
moments before, and your thoughts and opinions shift ever-so- Below is some basic information that can help to inform how you
slightly to accommodate this new information. By questioning think about the different settlement types.
your rolls, you make sense of them.
You always have the answer. The builder will tell you what’s there Trading Posts
but it is up to you to determine why things are the way they are. Trading posts are small settlements, built in specific locations, to
When you do, life will be breathed into the places you create. create an opportunity for trade coming from multiple locations, but
with few individuals residing permanently. These can be havens for

Using the Tables travelers as they often have, at least, a simple place to rest, eat and
resupply. Trading posts are often located in well-trafficked areas
The explanation below will help you navigate the chapters in that may be unsuitable for larger types of settlements.
this book. Important ideas:
Table. A table is a group of columns and rows that looks • Small location focused heavily on hospitality and trade
something like this:
• Potentially remote
d10 Table Title
1-2 Result 1
Villages are typically small, rural communities with populations
3-9 Result 2 in the low hundreds at most. They provide food and land-
10 Result 3 stability to the domains they’re a part of. Often an established
kingdom will have a great many villages scattered throughout a
Left Column. The top left column of a table will show you what
region. Here, generations of families form communities based
to roll (in the example above, a 10-sided die or ‘d10’). Below it
on farming and other resource harvesting, and so villages tend to
will be a row for each number that can be rolled on that die (or,
be established in rural locations where these are plentiful. These
sometimes, a number range). Then, look to the right for the result
are places that have little-to-no commercial element and do not
of your roll (this is what you’d record on your settlement sheet,
often expect visitors.
note paper, etc.).
Important ideas:
Dice. Dice are represented with a lowercase ‘d’ followed by its
number of sides. The dice you will find referenced in the book are • Rural community
d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and d100. They look like this: • Non-commercial
• Focused on resource harvesting and production

Towns are larger and more developed than villages and trading
To get a d100, simply roll two d10s, using one as the 1s digit, the posts. Usually, populations will be in the low thousands.
other as the 10s digit. If you roll double 10s (some dice use 0s), Towns are more structured places, and it is very unlikely that
you roll 100. an individual would be personally familiar with every other
Modifiers. Sometimes the result of a roll may influence a table resident. Towns bring together the commercial aspects of trading
later in the builder. Often it will be by adding or subtracting from a posts and the community aspects of villages and will likely have
future roll (such as ‘-2 to population wealth roll’). A modifier can their own form of local government.
also tell you to add a certain kind of location or district, or even to Important Ideas:
use a different die on a later table than what that table normally
• Market place is central
uses (such as telling you to roll a d6 on a table that normally uses
a d10). Some roll results even provide more than one modifier. • Hub-location for travel
These are always written after the result itself, like this: • Basic industry or processes

6 C h apt er O ne | I nt r o du c t io n
Cities Freedom
Cities, by virtue of size and scope, tend to be much more spread out This book contains what amount to thousands and thousands
than towns or villages. They will often have specialised locations, of suggestions. If you notice a detail you don’t like, or something
such as academies, great temples or government buildings. Cities that just doesn’t fit within the campaign setting you’re using,
are more likely to be centres of culture and may have a packed
or the area you need your settlement in, change it! This applies
calendar of local events. Adventurers could also reasonably expect
to anything you find in a table, within an NPC description, or
most kinds of item for sale by someone, if they know where to look
anything else. We have gone to great lengths to ensure that the
or whom to ask. This does not guarantee the presence of rare items,
information provided remains as general and widely applicable
but they are certainly be more likely to be present.
as possible, but we also know that every campaign is unique, and
Important Ideas: sometimes there are details that couldn’t have been predicted.
• Greater stratification within the community The most important thing to remember is that you have complete
• Industrialization freedom when making your settlement. If you opt to select
things from a table instead of roll, that is up to you. If you roll
• Nobility something up and don’t like it and want to make changes, do it.
• Districts If you find an NPC that mentions something in their background
that doesn’t quite fit where you need them, you’re free to adjust
• Cultural pursuits
as needed. The ultimate purpose of this entire book is to inspire.

Capitals N o t e: Alr eady h av e an idea?

Capitals are cities that have the infrastructure and bureaucracy
You may already have an idea for a settlement, which is
necessary to be a ruling power, and will be the seat of a nation’s
great! If that is the case, you may decide that you don’t want
head of state (perhaps, the monarch). It’s importance and centrality
to roll on the tables and instead pick-and-choose.
often means more people, more large structures, and more things
to find and places to explore. Populations would likely range in We strongly advise that you still go through the appropriate
the mid-to-high tens-of-thousands, based on historical European builder chapter, step-by-step. If you have not read the
examples. In rare cases, large cities might reach over 200 thousand chapter before, ensure that you read everything. There are
(though, depending on your setting, and considering wider history, important notes and clarifications that may help to alleviate
populations could reach well over a million). any confusion. We have worked very hard to make things as
clear as possible, so in electing to skip around, or just give
Important Ideas:
certain things a quick glance, you do risk missing something
• Central seats of power important.
• Presence of royalty or national leadership as well as nobility The ‘Settlements Sheets’ mentioned earlier in this section
• Powerful non-noble figures such as self-made merchant lords will also help organize the process and keep things clear and
easy to reference. This will go a long way to eradicating the
• Highly structured civilization possibility of getting confused or lost.
• Many districts
• The possibility of a range of cultures One last thing...
None of the content in this book works without you. Whether
Fortresses you end up building a trading post or capital, keep or stronghold,
Fortresses are robust, secure locations generally built to be they will always be unique and yours. They will always be
defensible. In this book, a fortress may be a keep (a single something you find intriguing or interesting because, while it
fortified building), a castle (multiple fortified buildings within might not be something you would normally have thought of, it
a wall, or walls, with towers), or a stronghold (a much larger, did still come from your mind. No one else would interpret your
extremely-fortified castle). Fortresses have the potential to be results quite the way you will. So, with that in mind, use this book
the most varied settlement type, as some are remote, some are knowing that whatever comes out of it for you is genuinely and
urban and central, some are family homes, some are organisation completely yours. We just helped (a bit).
headquarters and some are just plain bizarre. Living in the
shadow of a castle can provide a sense of security and can also be
indicative of living in an area with resources to protect.
Important Ideas:
• Places of strength
• Possible residence of powerful figures
• Great set-pieces for campaigns
• Builders feature precise measurements to aid with creating
on a battle map

C h apt er O ne | I nt r o du c t io n 7
8 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s

ou step out from the shade of the trees, weary and aching. Your blistered feet finally bring you within reading distance of a sign
Your rations have been stretched thin, and your bedroll hanging high on the building, decorated with kindly images promising
somehow doesn’t feel quite as comfortable as it used to. rest and good food. Below is a propped-open door, spilling a flickering,
With your thoughts dominated by the need to collapse, yellow light out into the twilight.
you almost do just that but then, in your periphery, you catch a glimpse A long bar inside is manned by a kindly innkeep pouring drinks and
of something off to the west. A building of some kind. A house, maybe? chatting away with patrons who, in turn, gossip and exchange coin.
Your feet start moving mechanically, once again. You are jostled by a red-faced young woman hurriedly ferrying an
Walking steadily forward, the view begins to sharpen. The shape does, impossible number of laden plates and frothing pitchers to one well-
indeed, appear to be a building, and looks increasingly like it might be an populated table. They enthusiastically receive the fare and send the
inn. A lazy plume of smoke drifts into the evening sky and, with it (you lady off with a profusion of gratitude. You approach the innkeep, who
note, with your mouth watering), the savory smell of roasting chicken. pauses their conversation to happily accept a few coppers for a hot bath
As the evening gloom descends on the countryside, the windows of the and a room upstairs.
building emit a welcoming glow, illuminating a small trading post in The following morning, a rooster crows loudly. Opening the shutters
the not-too-far distance. As you pass along the road leading toward reveals carts lining up along the road, canvas pulled back, revealing
it, you note campsites and wagon rings set back from the path, and all manner of items. Colorful stands and signs are erected, and
cookfires crackling merrily. Peals of roaring laughter can be heard from merchandise is placed on display. Trappers, traders, hunters, caravan
disparate pockets of fellow travelers and, from others, the twanging of guards, performers, adventurers - folk from all walks of life, some with
strings and whistle of reeds produces the tinkle of faint music on the air. their families, start emerging from doors and alleyways, perusing
what’s available, buying, talking, and sharing. You rub the sleep from
your eyes and take in the scene, wondering what the day will bring.

10 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Trading posts are the most rudimentary, and most prevalent, of
all the settlement types, with some of the smallest comprised of Step 1: Basic Information
only a handful of structures and few permanent individuals. They Below you will find a variety of attributes such as age, condition
have been established all over the world, and can theoretically be and size. Using these attributes and their tables, you will be able
found just about anywhere, so long as there is enough foot traffic to build out the basic information for your trading post. Some
through the area to make them viable. They’re often created with attributes might have an effect on others via modifiers which are
little forethought, sometimes popping up along well-used routes written into the tables. For example, the condition of the trading
at regular intervals, usually at intersections of busy roads, or even post modifies its population wealth.
rivers. Prime locations for trading posts are places where there
Keep in mind that any modifiers are completely optional and
are few, or no, other options for resupply or rest, but there are
are not required if you have an existing vision for your trading
people around who need both. These are the places where weary
post. When rolling for outcomes with modifiers, results of 0 or a
travelers, intrepid adventurers and other individuals of all stripes
negative number should be considered an outcome of 1. Equally
could chance to meet. What better opportunity for adventure?
so, outcomes over the highest number on a given table should
be considered equal to the highest possible number (i.e. on a d20
Overview table, a 24 would be a 20).
In this chapter you will go through sections called steps. Each
step will include tables. You will roll a die (unless they have you Origin
reference previous information about your settlement, such as How did this trading post come to be? Some trading posts could
its size). Find your roll (or appropriate information) in the left- have started as a collection of wagons, parked at a crossroads,
hand column. In the right-hand column will be your result. We while others may have been a farm house where weary travelers
encourage you to make a note of these results; the Trading Posts could take refuge from the weather, and purchase a few much-
Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can needed provisions.
be found in the back of this book and at
Certain results will give you modifiers. Most modifiers will d8 Origin
add or subtract from a future roll (though some may have you 1 Accidental. The trading post came about due to
roll a different die, or tell you to add a feature or location to an accident, such as a caravan breaking down or
your settlement). mistaken directions. What was set up to deal with
No matter how high or low a modifier makes a roll, your result the accident eventually became the trading post.
can never be higher or lower than the highest and lowest results 2 Business Venture. The trading post was established
on a table. by a wealthy entrepreneur specifically to be a trading
post from the start.
I m po r t ant 3 Crossroads. The trading post is at the intersection
Modifiers will never have you modify previous tables or of more than one major trade route.
results. Anything being modified will always come after.
4 Military Outpost. The trading post was built on
Progress through this chapter by going through these steps: the remnants of an old fortress or watchtower, the
structures of which have long since fallen down or
• Step 1: Basic Information. The tables in this section will been repurposed by the locals.
provide broad or fundamental details about
your settlement. 5 No Man’s Land. The trading post was established as
a neutral place where opposing forces could purchase
• Step 2: Community. The tables in this section will provide
wares, without encroaching on enemy territory.
details about the people that live here and certain aspects of
society. 6 Native. The trading post was started by someone
• Step 3: Points of Interest. The tables in this step determine native to the area, who saw potential in trade with
what locations are in your settlement, including shops, passersby.
services and places of worship. 7 Overnight Stop. The trading post was originally
• Extra Intrigue. This is an optional step, filled with tables a single, large house for overnight stays for weary
that can add additional flavor to the settlement. travelers, which soon grew, along with the demand
for accommodations.
M o dif ier s t o W at c h F o r 8 Wilderness Expert. The trading post was started
when a trapper, hunter or guide set up a camp, in
Free Locations. Some of the table results in this step give order to aid those passing through the area.
you a free location. These are in addition to whatever locations
you roll in Step 3: Points of Interest.
Default Locations. All trading posts automatically feature
a general store and an inn, as detailed in Step 3: Points of
Interest. If you see a result referring to a ‘default’ location,
these are the locations it applies to.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 11
Specialty Age
The trading post’s specialty is the main thing that it is known Trading posts can vary greatly in age, depending on where in
for. Trading posts tend to favor things relating to the flow of the world they’re located and how good business is. After all, the
goods and information. There may be a particular crop available, main purpose of a trading post is to provide a place to facilitate
or the craft of a certain item. They may also be known for a kind trade. Some may be brand new, or so old their founding date has
of service they specialize in. been long-forgotten. Over time, a trading post could have grown
and expanded. It could also have dwindled away, depending on
Roll on the following table, and note the trading post’s specialty.
the circumstances surrounding the location.
d6 Specialty
d20 Age
1 Atypical Shipping Methods. This trading post is
1-3 Recent. The trading post was established within the
known for having unique and effective ways to
past year.
move goods.
(-1 to visitor traffic roll)
2 Food & Drink. This trading post is known for [d6]:
4-8 Established. The trading post has been around for
1-3: excellent and unique food.
at least a couple of years.
4-6: plentiful and varied high-quality beverages.
(+0 to visitor traffic roll)
3 Hospitality. The main inn here is particularly good,
offering excellent service, comfortable rooms, and 9-13 Mature. The trading post was originally built
good food. decades ago.
(If you roll for the inn’s quality using the quality (+1 to visitor traffic roll)
table found in step 3, ignore results that would make
14-17 Old. The trading post was built around a hundred
it ‘poor’)
years ago.
4 Information. This trading post is known as a (+2 to visitor traffic roll)
source for reliable information. They may not know
everything, but your chances of finding solid gossip, 18-19 Ancient. The trading post was built hundreds of
lore, news, or an intriguing tidbit here is good. years ago.
5 Purchasing Connections. This trading post is (+3 to visitor traffic roll)
known for having folks who can find things. If they 20 Unknown. No one really knows when the trading
don’t have (or know about) what you’re looking for, post was established.
they can direct you to someone who does.
(+4 to visitor traffic roll)
6 Unscrupulous Contractors. This trading post is
known for having people who can get just about
anything done, if the coin is right.
(Free Location: Service - Hired Help [Roll 1d10]):
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers,
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine

12 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Condition Visitor Traffic
The condition of a trading post sends a message to travelers; A trading post’s success is largely dependent on the amount of
one of welcome, or one of warning. The trading post may be visitor traffic it has received. It encompasses the typical amount
beautiful, with fresh paint and clean walkways, or dirty and of non-residents seen in the trading post. How many folk are
falling apart. The table below refers to the state of the buildings, passing through? How crowded are the streets?
roads, and other elements of the trading post. Modified by: age
d20 Condition
H o w D o es Age M o dif y V is it o r T r af f ic ?
1-2 Ramshackle. A few of the buildings look to be
falling down. There are no formal roads, only Trading posts thrive off of reputation, which is something
trodden paths. that grows over time. These are places that are often remote,
and two trading posts are not terribly likely to be near to one
(-6 to population wealth roll) another. This means that the longer it’s around, the more
3-6 Poor. The buildings and surroundings are rough and word will spread, and the more it will be used by people in
dirty. Roads are uneven dirt and dust. that region who need rest and supplies.

(-3 to population wealth roll)

d20 Visitor Traffic
7-14 Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated.
1-2 Vacant. No one seems to be visiting this place.
Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel.
(+0 to size roll)
(+0 to population wealth roll)
(+2 to crime roll)
15-18 Good. Most of the structures are exceptionally
3-6 Groups. Visitors are a rarity, though a few might
well kept and moderately decorated. Roads are
be around.
cobblestone or, perhaps, cheap brick.
(+1 to size roll)
(+3 to population wealth roll)
(+1 to crime roll)
19-20 Immaculate. The shops and houses are spotless,
7-14 Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors
and well-adorned with tasteful decorations. Roads
most days.
are made of fine, smooth, well-placed flagstones.
(+2 to size roll)
(+6 to population wealth roll)
(+0 to crime roll)
15-18 Droves. There are lots of new faces on a regular basis.
(+3 to size roll)
(-1 to crime roll)
19-20 Masses. New people are everywhere, coming and
going at all times.
(+4 to size roll)
(-2 to crime roll)

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 13
A trading post’s size is largely dependent on the amount of
traffic it has received. Rare is the trading post that is remote, but
also great in size. As you roll on this table and find the size of
your trading post, think about what that says about how well it is
doing, and why it might be the size it is.

d20 Size
1-2 Very Small. Up to 20 standing structures.
3-6 Small. Up to 40 standing structures.
7-14 Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
15-18 Large. Up to 80 standing structures.
19-20 Very Large. Up to 100 standing structures.

Trading posts can be found in all manner of environments.
From a warm, coastal paradise, to a cold, harsh mountain
passage, trading posts are scattered all over the world.
The tables and options available in this book are designed to allow
settlements to be placed anywhere, regardless of environment.
If you have an environment in mind for your settlement already,
feel free to skip, or manually select from, this table.

d10 Environment
1 Coastal. The trading post is near a large body of
water, such as a lake or ocean.
2 Forest. The trading post is nestled among the trees.
3 Mountains. The trading post is found on stony
passes or soaring peaks.
4 Plains. The trading post is in the wide, open fields.
5 River. The trading post is near a steadily flowing
stream, or other watercourse.
6 Swamp. The trading post is in, or near, a vast area of
stagnant water.
7 Underground. The trading post is within a large
network of caves.
8 Valley. The trading post is found within, or on the
edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to
the landscape around it.
9 Tundra. The trading post is in a very cold
10 Desert. The trading post is in a dry and arid
environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes.

14 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Step 2: Community Demographics
Who lives in the trading post? Depending on where it is, the
A trading post is nothing without its people. The population residents may be a single race, such as a mountain trading post
is made up of both permanent residents, and visitors who populated only by dwarves, or many, such as in a bustling port.
are passing through. Places with lots of traffic tend to have These distributions are meant to be adapted to wherever you
something to offer, or be placed at key locations. You can use decide the settlement will be. Base what races you choose to use
your trading post’s population as a guide or indicator of where it on the surrounding environment and/or politics.
might be, and what it might mean for the surrounding area.
d20 Demographics
Resident Population 1-5 Only One. 100% primary race.
How large is the population that lives there? This usually has a
relationship with the size of the trading post, but in some cases 6-10 Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.
they may be disproportionate. Perhaps the trading post was once 10-14 Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
thriving but, after some time (or for some reason), its population secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
started leaving. Perhaps there are few permanent structures but
many people are trying to stay, perhaps making camp outside the 15-17 Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others
settlement. Why might this be? Seasonal traffic? A large refugee reasonably well represented.
population? Aspects that initially appear to be at odds can lead to 18-19 High and Low. 80% primary race, 20% secondary
interesting opportunities for storytelling. race.

d20 Resident Population 20 Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution.

Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical
1-2 Nearly Deserted. There are many empty houses dominance.
and businesses.
(+2 to crime roll) Disposition
3-6 Sparse. There are some empty houses and businesses. The residents of a trading post will typically have a prevailing
(+1 to crime roll) opinion of visitors, which will affect their disposition towards
them. The table below will suggest an overall attitude that visitors
7-14 Appropriate. Homes and businesses are might experience when arriving. This does not mean all residents
comfortably populated. hold this perspective, but it will simply be the most common.
(+0 to crime roll) Trading posts live and die based on visitor traffic, so you may
feel a particular disposition does not make sense. A trading post
15-18 Congested. Movement is difficult. Homes and
hostile toward visitors should have a very good reason, as their
common buildings are often at capacity.
prosperity requires the business of visitors.
(-1 to crime roll)
d20 Disposition
19-20 Overwhelmed. The trading post cannot support
this many people. Movement is extremely difficult. 1-2 Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward
Tent and shanty towns have cropped up along the visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners
outskirts of the settlement. feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness,
(-2 to crime roll) passive-aggressiveness, or even violence.
3-6 Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
7-14 Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the
outside, but can be friendly, if you get to know them.
15-18 Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming,
and slow to take offense.
19-20 Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 15
Law Enforcement Leadership
Does the trading post have a law enforcement presence? Who Separate from law enforcement, who guides the trading post?
oversees it? Is it enough to affect the chances of being assaulted Sometimes this could be one person, or a group. Most successful
on the streets, in a tavern, or in a back alley? How close should settlements will naturally require a hand of leadership to make
a traveler hold onto their coin purse? How might this affect the important decisions relating to the overall direction it will take.
behavior of party members who are prone to pick a pocket from
time to time? d20 Leadership
1 No Leader. The trading post operates with no
d20 Law Enforcement
leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes.
1-2 None. This could be good or bad, depending on one’s
2-4 Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
point of view. Good, if the folk here are just that. Bad
virtue of their bloodline.
when mob justice is carried out on a petty thief.
(-8 to crime roll) 5-7 Merchant Monarch. The wealthiest shop owner in
the trading post leads by default.
3-6 Sheriff. A single sheriff and a deputy keep things civil.
8-10 Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A criminal,
(-4 to crime roll) or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately,
7-14 Small Local Watch. A sheriff, a deputy, and a controls the trading post.
handful of volunteer residents make up a token 11-13 Oligarchy. A few individuals hold sway, collectively,
watch presence. over the trading post.
(+0 to crime roll) [Roll1d4]:
15-18 Well-Equipped. Law enforcement is very common. 1: merchants (plutocracy);
2: mages (magocracy);
(+4 to crime roll) 3: priests (theocracy);
19-20 Overwhelming Presence. Law enforcement is 4: other small group.
always around in public, no matter what. 14-16 Local Council. Prominent members of the
(+8 to crime roll) community were chosen to lead the trading post
17-19 Single, elected leader. The locals democratically
voted for their current leader.
20 Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members
of the trading post take turns as a sort of executive
officer for the week.

16 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Population Wealth Crime
How wealthy is the population in general? How does this affect Crime encompasses activities such as robbery, confidence
the happiness of the general population and the prices for goods games, and muggings, sometimes even murder. How likely are
and services? these kinds of things to happen in the trading post? Do coin
purses and trinkets go missing often? Are there grifters running
The wealth of the population could have an effect on crime.
cons on the street? How frequently are people being assaulted
The motivations for crime have a lot to do with two ends of a
while walking home at night?
spectrum: desperation and greed. Imagine a trading post which
is destitute. The thieves there are, most likely, stealing out of Modified by: resident population, visitor traffic, law
desperation, rather than greed. On the other hand, in an affluent enforcement, population wealth
trading post, it is more likely to be the other way round.
d20 Crime
A trading post that is destitute or impoverished could mean that
the majority of crimes are perpetrated by residents, trying to 1-2 Regular. The streets are crawling with criminals,
survive. One that is wealthy or affluent could lead to more crime and a purse unstowed is almost sure to be snatched.
carried out by visitors, drawn in by talk of the riches of residents.
(+4 to urban encounter rolls)
Modified by: condition
3-6 Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble
d20 Population Wealth every day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s
been a victim of crime.
1-2 Destitute. Most of the population consistently lacks
(+3 to urban encounter rolls)
the barest essentials of what they need to survive.
(-4 to crime roll) 7-14 Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from
(-2 to quality rolls) time to time. Best to keep an eye out.
(+2 to urban encounter rolls)
3-6 Impoverished. Around half of the population
struggles to carve out even a meager existence. 15-18 Uncommon. Some in the trading post have run into
(-2 to crime roll) a pickpocket or heard about a robbery but, when
(-1 to quality rolls) they do, it’s a noteworthy occurrence.
(+1 to urban encounter rolls)
7-14 Average. Most of the population have enough to live
a modest life. 19-20 Rare. Most in the trading post have had no personal
(+0 to crime roll) experience of crime, and know few people that have.
(+0 to quality rolls) (+0 to urban encounter rolls)
15-17 Prosperous. Most of the population has enough to
live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even U r b an E nc o u nt er s
live comfortably. Urban encounters are intended to happen in-game while
(-1 to crime roll) players are in your settlement and, as such, are not intended
(+0 to quality rolls) to be planned as part of game preparation or world
building. The table for these can be found in Appendix B:
18-19 Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they need to live Encounters (p. 442).
comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are
very prosperous.
(-2 to crime roll)
(+2 to quality rolls)
20 Affluent. Nearly everyone is able to live comfortably,
with a significant portion living in luxury.
(-4 to crime roll)
(+3 to quality rolls)

All M inu s es ?
The minuses to crime on this table represent reasons why
there might be more crime, based on population wealth. If
wealth is low, crime is likely due to desperation. If wealth is
high, it’s likely due to greed.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 17
Step 3: Points of Interest Shop Types
What sort of shops are in the trading post? Below are the
Points of interest are places of significance in a settlement. These categories the shops can fall into:
fall into three categories, each with a certain priority:
Basic: Simple shops which serve the basic functions needed in a
• Shops. Prioritizes selling items before offering a service (eg. settlement.
Smithy) Specialty: Shops that deal in a particular category of item(s).
• Services. Prioritizes offering a service before selling items Exotic: Shops that deal in rare, or exceedingly special item(s).
(eg. Stables)
• Places of Worship. Trading posts may have places where Shops Table
travelers can tend to their faith. The table below allows you to randomly generate your shops. Roll
There is a distinction made between shops and services for each shop location your trading post has.
based on their primary function. A smithy may be able to repair
something, but primarily they sell tools and equipment. A stable d100 Shops
may sell horses, but primarily provides the service of boarding 1-4 Baker (B). Bakes and sells fresh bread and,
mounts owned by someone else. A church may offer healing, but possibly, pastries.
serves primarily as a place of worship.
5-8 Butcher (B). Processes and sells fresh and/or
Working your way through this section will flesh out which of dried meat.
these points of interest your settlement has.
9-12 Cooper (B). Crafts wooden vessels held together
F r ee S t u f f ! with metal hoops, including barrels, buckets, etc.

Each trading post comes with the following ‘default’ locations 13-16 Carpenter (B). Builds with or carves wood, as well as
for free. They do not count among the commercial locations to carrying out repairs.
be rolled on the following tables. If you are using the Trading 17-24 General Store (B). Sells basic supplies, groceries,
Posts Settlement Sheet, you will see them already noted. If you and various odds and ends.
are using a notebook, or other blank paper, write these down.
25-28 Herbalist (B). Sells common herbs and natural, non-
Shops: General Store
magical remedies.
Services: Inn
29-36 Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and
equipment, including very basic weapons and armor.
Shops 37-40 Tailor (B). Makes and sells of clothing, including
Shops are establishments where you can purchase something. In hats and cloaks. Also sells general items made from
this section, you will determine how many your trading post has, cloth, such as blankets, and carries out repairs and
and what each one is. alterations of cloth goods.
41-44 Tanner/Taxidermist (B). Processes animal hides
D o u b les for practical or ornamental purposes.
If you roll more than one of a location, treat it as 45-48 Thatcher (B). Builds roofs using layers of dried
another location. straw, reeds, rushes, etc.

Number of Shops 49-52 Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons.

As might be expected, a trading post will always have at least a 53-56 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets.
few shops. 57-59 Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as
Find your trading post’s size on the table below. Your trading mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients.
post will have the respective number of shop locations. Roll on
60-62 Artist (S). Encompasses painter, sculptor or other
the table below to determine the available locations your trading
visual art as appropriate.
post has for shops.
63-65 Bank & Exchange (S). Encompasses auctions,
Trading Post Size Number of Shop Locations banking, and the specific selling of gems or
exchange of currency.
Very Small 1d8 +2 shop locations
Small 1d8 +4 shop locations
Medium 1d8 +6 shop locations
Large 1d8 + 8 shop locations
Very Large 1d8 +10 shop locations

18 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
d100 Shops R ar er M agic S h o ps
66-68 Cobbler (S). Makes and mends boots and shoes. Typically, magic shops are very rare. The shops table gives a
69-71 Foundry/Smelting (S). Ore processing and metal roughly 10% chance of there being one but, if desired, you
fabrication. can change that. See Appendix D: Useful Tables (p. 446)
and use the Alternate Magic Shop Rarities tables. They can
72-74 Mill (S). Facilities for milling grain. be reduced to 6%, 1% or 0%.
75-77 Textile Production (S). Larger scale than a single Magic Shop Specialization. All magic shops offer base-level
weaver, offering a wider array of materials in larger magical items, such as basic potions and masterwork items but,
quantities. otherwise, all magic shops specialize. To find exceptionally rare or
78-80 Shipwright (S). Builds and launches boats and/ unique magical items, one would need to seek out one specialized
or ships. [Reroll if settlement is not bordering a in that category. If you would like to roll your own alternative
significant source of water] magic shop specialization, you can do so on the table below.

81-82 Rare Botanicals (E). Cultivates and sells herbs rare d6 Magic Shop Specialization
to the region.
1 Armor
83-84 Luxury Furnishings (E). Procures and sells all
manner of home items for fine living, including 2 Books
furniture, art, and other high-quality goods. 3 Clothing
85-86 Rare Libations & Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps, 4 Jewelry
makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing
quality or rarity to the region. 5 Weapons

87-88 Rare Trade Goods (E). Procures and sells items and 6 Miscellaneous & Curiosities
materials, such as ores or textiles, that are rare to the
89-90 Magic Shop - Armor (E). Sells magical items with a
focus on armor and protective equipment.
91-92 Magic Shop - Books (E). Sells magical items with
a focus on literature, arcane tomes and lore. They
may also carry books and documents (such as maps
and records) of a rare and significant nature, though
93-94 Magic Shop - Clothing (E). Sells magical items with
a focus on clothing of all types which bear magical
95-96 Magic Shop - Jewelry (E). Sells magical items with a
focus on enchanted, or otherwise magically imbued,
97-98 Magic Shop - Weapons (E). Sells magical items
with a focus on weapons with mystic properties and,
perhaps, shields.
99-100 Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities (E).
Procures and sells magical items with a focus
on strange and rare artifacts of a wondrous or
intriguing nature.

Lo c at io n G lo s s ar y
For clarification about the meanings and functions of
different locations, please refer to Appendix A: Location
Information (p. 438).

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 19
Services d100 Services

Services are establishments where something can be done for 69-80 Tavern. Provides food and drink.
you - for a price. In this section, you will determine how many 81-82 Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers. Thugs, ruffians
your trading post has, and what each one is. and muscle.
83-84 Hired Help - Cloak and Dagger. Assassins, thieves
Number of Service Locations and spies.

D ef au lt S er v ic es 85-86 Hired Help - Bows and Slings. Archers and ranged

attack specialists.
87-88 Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks. Masters of
In addition, if your trading post has the Food & Drink
history, literature, mathematics and/or business.
specialty, add , a tavern as a default service (does not count
against your number of service locations). 89-90 Hired Help - Guides and Trackers. Scouts, rangers
and wilderness experts.
If you have the Unscrupulous Contractors specialty, make sure
to note the kind of hired help your unscrupulous contractors 91-92 Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Specialists in
are. Following the services table is a hired help size table. You transportation and journeys to various locations as
can roll on this to see whether your unscrupulous contractors well as expedition organization and management.
are an individual, team or guild.
93-94 Hired Help - Arcane Academics. Experts in
Depending on its size, your trading post will have the respective matters of magic and lore (may also be natural magic
number of service locations below. or something else; it need not be exclusively arcane).
95-96 Hired Help - Magic Mercenaries. Specialists
Trading Post Size Number of Service Locations
trained the use of arcane or non-divine magic in
Very Small 1d6 combat and practical mission scenarios.
Small 1d6 +1 97-98 Hired Help - Priestly Guidance. Sages offering
counsel in all matters of religion and the divine.
Medium 1d6 +3
99-100 Hired Help - Hands of the Divine. Specialists
Large 1d6 +5 trained in the use of divine magic in combat and
Very Large 1d6 +7 practical mission scenarios.

Services Table Hired Help Size

The table below allows you to randomly generate your services. Hired help can be an individual, a team, or an organized guild.
Roll for each service location your trading post has. Roll on the table below for each hired help service your
settlement has.
d100 Services
1-8 Barber. Provides grooming services, such as d12 Hired Help Size
haircuts or shaves.
1-6 Individual Person. The hired help is a single person
9-16 Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing. hiring out their services.
17-24 Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care. 7-10 Team. The hired help is a team of individuals who
25-32 House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or work together.
relaxation (GM may decide what kind). 11-12 Guild. An organized guild is hiring out their
33-44 Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to services. When hired, a portion of the guild’s
have a bath and a decent meal. members handle the job, not the entire guild (unless
the job is very large).
45-52 Club. Provides entertainment via comedic, dramatic or
musical performance.
53-60 Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and
prophecy - sayers of sooth!
61-68 Stable. Provides boarding accommodation for
mounts, as well as selling carts, animals, and their tack.

20 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Optional: Quality
You can roll on this table for any location’s quality. To do so,
simply use the table below.

Q u alit y C an Apply t o Any t h ing!

Quality is simply a general descriptor of the state that a
place is in. It can be any kind of establishment (rolled shops
and services, default locations, or even non-commercial
places like places of worship). The table never changes,
so you can even roll on elements that you add later, if
you’d like.

Modified by: population wealth

d12 Quality
1-4 Poor. The location is a substandard version of what is
typically expected. Its offerings are likely limited, or
of bad quality. The location itself may be in disrepair,
dirty, or have any number of other issues present.
5-10 Good. The location is a standard version of what
is typically expected. Its offerings are likely not
terrible, but often not particularly remarkable either
(though sometimes there may be exceptions). The
location itself is likely in a serviceable state, though
probably not flawless.
11-12 Fine. The location is an exceptional version of
what is typically expected. Its offerings are likely
extensive, or of surpassing quality. The location
itself is likely remarkable in some way (or, possibly,
many ways) such as being very clean or well-built.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 21
Place of Worship Fervency of Local Following
Trading posts, as predominantly mercantile settlements, don’t Roll on the following table to determine the degree of veneration
typically have many non-commercial locations, apart from a that is visible to any outsider who visits the trading post.
place of worship. Roll below to see if your trading post has one.
d20 Fervency of Local Following
d6 Place of Worship 1-3 Unseen. To those outside the following, it is not
1-3 No (proceed to extra intrigue section) clear that the group exists.

4-6 Yes (continue on to the following tables) 4-7 Quiet. Adherents to the faith are inconspicuous,
unless one knows what to look for (perhaps
If you rolled ‘Yes’ on the table above, your trading post has a particular gestures, items of clothing, or phrases).
place of worship. The following tables will help you establish
what kind it is. 8-12 Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable,
but remain very reserved.
Place of Worship Size 13-16 Moderate. The pious are confident and unafraid to
Roll on the table below to determine the size of the place of display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon
worship. the wider populus uncalled for.
17-19 Fervent. Followers are outspoken, with little or no fear
d20 Place of Worship Size of reproach. They may sing or speak to the masses.
1 Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the 20 Zealous. Adherents are utterly and unthinkingly
location is not publicly known. devout, forcing their doctrine upon their
2-8 Altar. A small shrine or, perhaps, a tiny shack, surroundings and peers, or taking actions that
usually evincing some various items or images further their cause regardless of personal cost.
relating to that which the faith venerates. Though typically seen as negative, this could also be
a positive, such as a church of light rising up in an
9-14 Oratory. A modest building with seating for evil kingdom, helping those in need, even if it puts
attendees, appointed with various items or images themselves in peril.
relating to that which the faith venerates.
15-17 Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to V is ib ilit y
comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people. What is shown above represents what can be seen by an
18-19 Temple. A grand building, replete with elements outsider visiting the trading post. Each and every person
like high ceilings, plush furnishings, and other who holds a faith will express it in their own way, but what is
impressive ornamental and/or architectural represented here is generally how bold that show of faith is.
features. It can hold nearly a thousand attendees. The overall degree of veneration may be quiet, but there may
be a few adherents that, while very passionate, may keep it
20 Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted quiet when in public. Why would they do this? That’s part of
to that which it venerates. No expense was spared your trading post’s story.
in its construction. It might display such elements
as stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes,
and towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great Alignment of the Faith
temple is a rare and striking experience for those Roll on the table below for each place of worship in the
who do not live near one. settlement to find out its alignment.

d10 Alignment of the Faith

1 Evil
2-5 Neutral
6-10 Good

22 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Extra Intrigue Politics
What is the current political climate of the trading post? Are any
trade deals politically motivated? How does this affect what is
Recent History going on within the trading post itself?
What events have happened in the trading post within recent
memory? These events may be having an impact on the here and d6 Politics
how. For example, if the trading post was once under the control
1 On the Brink of War. Tension is in the air, and
of a tyrannical mayor who was ousted by the residents and exiled
rumors of impending conflict can be heard in
from the region, there may be long-lasting effects which could
hushed tones within the trading post.
help with storytelling and roleplaying the NPCs.
2 Lawless Region. With the trading post outside the
d6 Recent History regularly frequented borders of any established
1 Benevolence of Yesteryear. The trading post was kingdom, the generally accepted standards of justice
run by a benevolent leader, or council, but a corrupt don’t seem to apply here.
individual, or group, has taken over. 3 Embattled. Opposing enemy forces surround the
2 Construction. Certain parts of the trading post have trading post on all sides, and it finds itself located in
been (or currently are) under construction. Tools, the midst of (though not necessarily participating
scaffolding, and other such elements can still be seen, in) an ongoing conflict.
as well as individuals working throughout the day. 4 Revolution. A nearby kingdom is in the throes of an
3 Crime Central. Some of the older population uprising. Members of either side may be present in
remember when the trading post was run by a criminal the trading post.
organization, but they were ousted some time ago. 5 Peace. All is quiet, almost suspiciously so...
4 Neutrality. The trading post has always professed 6 New Governance. A new and unknown power has
neutrality, setting itself apart as a safe haven, even if moved in to control the surrounding area. Locals
pressured by nearby settlements. may be in favor of, against, or neutral about it.
5 Popular Producer. The trading post was known Depending on the kind of governance, speaking out
for the production of a unique and/or popular item against the leadership may not be permitted.
or service, which is now unavailable or no longer in
demand. Events
6 Wartorn. The trading post was occupied by military Trading posts always seem to have something going on, no matter
forces, and suffered damages, during wartime in the the time. What is currently happening at this very moment? Roll
recent past. on the table below for a few suggestions.

d6 Events
1 High-Class Visitor. A wealthy aristocrat is passing
through and throwing their money around. It seems
like anything can be bought, and no price is too high.
2 Troublemakers. A pack of ruffians is making
themselves a nuisance to the locals. Hostile
encounters are escalating and might become violent.
3 Fool’s Festival. It’s the day of the fool. Many folk
are dressed as jesters and tumblers. The drink is
flowing and the mood is merry.
4 Caught Red-Handed. A shop owner has caught a
thief, and is threatening them with a weapon in the
street as they beg for mercy.
5 Strangers. A large trade caravan just arrived, full of
people locals have never seen, and some don’t know
what to make of them.
6 Public Emergency. There is an emergency situation
in town, such as a fire. There is lots of commotion as
people rush to help, or get a look at what’s going on.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 23
Opportunities Danger Level
Trading posts are known to have capable adventurers passing The places trading posts exist in are typically uncivilized or
through every so often. When an issue needs handling, word gets wild. Is the surrounding area dangerous? Understand that this
around quickly. Below is a table of different types of situations is a relative term, and the possibilities presented in the table
that could crop up in a trading post. below will need to be adapted to your campaign and/or current
adventure path, based on character level. Danger could refer to
d6 Opportunities crime, environmental hazards, or other things present that could
make life difficult.
1 Political Intrigue. A locally-known noble has
gone missing recently. Perhaps they were traveling
d20 Danger Level
through and never made it to their destination?
Perhaps no one even saw them leave at all... 1-2 Ever-Present. The trading post is constantly in peril.
Encountering some form of hardship or adversity,
2 Missing Person. A local has gone missing, possibly
when in the area, is almost guaranteed. It is never
a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters,
safe to go anywhere alone. Preparation and caution
but their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales.
(even in and around the trading post) are critical.
Others have theories, but none have yielded fruit.
3-6 Frequent. Traveling near the trading post and
3 Monster. A monster has been causing trouble for
not encountering danger or hazards is a rarity.
the locals. Someone in the trading post is asking for
Preparation and caution are strongly advised.
help to deal with it.
7-14 Common. Danger or hazards are commonplace.
4 Guard Duty. The local constabulary are in need of
Preparation and caution are advised.
more hands for an upcoming event, and capable
adventurers are prime candidates. 15-18 Uncommon. Danger or hazards are not encountered
often, though preparation is encouraged.
5 Transportation. A visitor feels they’ve outstayed
their welcome, or urgently needs to leave, for some 19-20 Rare. This trading post is built in a place known to
reason. They need help leaving and getting to their be extremely safe; danger or hazards are a rarity.
6 Acquisition. Rumours abound that an item of Danger Type
value is hidden nearby, perhaps one tied to the When danger does occur here, what does it tend to be? Below are
trading post’s history. Several locals are interested in possible occurrences that could threaten adventurers in the area.
acquiring it, but not all for the same reason.
d10 Danger Type
Weather 1-2 Suspicious Locals. Outsiders are often considered
How is the weather when the players arrive? It might be untrustworthy, and may be prime suspects in the
wonderful, or it could be a nightmare. Depending on the setting event of crime.
and the environment, consider what the options below might
3-4 Raids. The trading post is often raided by nearby
mean for you. Roll to see what the weather is like when the
groups of bandits, or packs of marauding creatures.
adventurers arrive at the trading post.
5-6 Monster. The trading post is terrorized by a monster
Note: If you want the weather to change, simply roll on this table
that roams the local area.
again, whenever necessary.
7-8 Environmental. The environment in which
d20 Weather the trading post exists is hazardous. It could be
1-2 Good. Unseasonably excellent. A warm day in subject to frequent earthquakes, volcanoes, floods,
winter, a cool day in summer, etc. mudslides, avalanches, frequent storms, or the like.

3-6 Mild. The best kind of day that could be expected 9-10 Cult. There is a cult within the trading post. The cult
for the season. Rain or snow is light, if at all. may be known, and present a direct form of threat,
Winds are soft. or they may be unknown, and the dangers they
present may seem to stem from another source, or
7-14 Fair. A normal day for the season. Rain, snow or be unrelated.
wind are average and manageable.
15-18 Harsh. A rough day for the season. Rain, snow and
wind are strong and could make things difficult.
19-20 Bad. Most folk are staying indoors. Travel is
dangerous in these conditions. Rain is torrential, snow
is blinding. Winds potentially reach hurricane force.

24 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
T h e G r eat R u m o r T ab le
On page p. 444 you will find Appendix C: Rumors,
which contains a 50-item table of rumors that may be
floating around your settlement. This table is made up of
political rumors from the Villages chapter, as well as rumors
from both Cities and Capitals. Most of the rumors in the
Appendix have been altered to make them fit any settlement,
with the exception of a small few. Try it out and see what
kind of flavor you discover!

What’s next?
You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not
yet complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing so
already, your final task awaits. Look back at all of your rolls and
the information that gives you and think about why things are
the way they are, and what that means for your trading post.
Think of every detail that you rolled as another clue to revealing
the true identity of this place. Be creative, let your imagination
wander and don’t tell yourself, “no”. As we said in Chapter 1,
embrace the contradictions and oddities, and you will see your
trading post come to life.

I nt er es t ing N P C s
If you need to populate your trading post with some
pre-generated characters, head on over to Chapter 8:
Interesting NPCs. You can find tables for different types
of NPCs and, following the tables, details on the NPCs
themselves, arranged by profession.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 25
Baruk’s Crossing
By Chris Haskins
Baruk’s Crossing is a trading post nestled
at the bottom of a wide valley that runs
east-to-west. A beautiful meadow slopes
gradually down for several hundred feet,
then back up to the adjacent side. A river winds its
way gently through the valley, providing fresh water to
the residents of the area. The trading post is
nestled comfortably in one of the many bends
of the river. Though there are around a dozen
ranch houses peppered along the slopes of
the valley, the majority of the settlement lies
within the river bend.
The trading post was named for the first
prospector to occupy the area and
establish a small panning operation.
His cousin, Dannel, soon joined him and
word spread of the beauty of the valley and
abundance of gold in its river. The most notable
location within Baruk’s Crossing is the Green
Gables Inn, whose proprietor boasts
the most hospitable lodgings for one
hundred miles in any direction. It’s a
three-story manor house, well kept, and
with over two dozen rooms. Most of the
house is painted elaborately in shades of
white and gold, all but the gables, whose
deep, emerald hue gives the inn its name.
There was once a lucrative gold panning
operation further up the valley, but rumor and
legends enticed prospectors to seek greater
fortunes elsewhere. Most of the gold reserves
are kept at Dannel’s Bank & Exchange, which
simultaneously acts as a currency exchange, and
a high-security storage vault for precious metals
and gems, under guard day and night.
The residents who call this place home are mostly simple folk with
simple lives. They own and operate the various shops and service
establishments, attend to travelers who are passing through, or Condition: Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated.
tend to the livestock. An outspoken sheriff enforces the rules in Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel.
an honorable and just manner, acting as both the peacekeeper and Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
judge. His deputy and the local volunteers keep the peace, which is
usually only disrupted by rowdy passers-through who’ve had too Environment: Valley. The trading post is found within, or
much strong drink at one of the local inns or the corner tavern. on the edge of an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
Recently, however, harsh weather and atypical levels of danger landscape around it.
have given the sheriff, as well as the general population, more than
a little to worry about. It seems these simple folk may soon have a
problem or two on their hands.
Resident Population: Appropriate. Homes and businesses are
comfortably populated.
Basic Information Visitor Traffic: Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors
Origin: No Man’s Land. The trading post was established as most days.
a neutral place where opposing forces could purchase wares,
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
without encroaching on enemy territory.
others reasonably well represented.
Specialty: Hospitality. The main inn here is a particularly good,
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
offering excellent service, comfortable rooms, and good food.
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
Age: Mature. The trading post was originally built decades ago.
Law Enforcement: Small Local Watch. A sheriff, a deputy, and
a handful of volunteer residents make up a token watch presence.

26 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Leadership: Oligarchy (Priests). A few individuals hold sway,
collectively, over the trading post. Extra Intrigue
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have History. Popular Producer. The trading post was known for
enough to live a modest life. the production of a unique and/or popular item or service, which
is now unavailable or no longer in demand.
Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
time. Best to keep an eye out. Politics. Lawless Region. With the trading post outside the
regularly frequented borders of any established kingdom, the
generally accepted standards of justice don’t seem to apply here.
Points of Interest Events. Caught Red-Handed. A shop owner has caught a thief
Number of Shop Locations: 10 and is threatening them with a weapon in the street, as they beg
Shops: Artist, Bank & Exchange, Butcher, Cobbler, Cooper, for mercy.
(2) General Store, Magic Shop - Books, Magic Shop - Misc. & Opportunities. Monster. A monster has been causing trouble
Curiosities, Smithy for the locals. Someone in the trading post is asking for help to
Number of Service Locations: 7 deal with it.

Services: Bathhouse, Doctor/Apothecary, Hired Help - Brutes & Weather. Harsh. A rough day for the season. Rain, snow and
Brawlers, (2) Inn, Soothsayer, Tavern. wind are strong and could make things difficult.

Place of Worship: Danger Level. Common. Danger or hazards are commonplace.

Preparation and caution are advised.
• Size: Oratory. A modest building with seating for
attendees, appointed with various items or images relating Danger Type. Cult. There is a cult within the trading post. The
to that which the faith venerates. cult may be known, and present a direct form of threat, or they
may be unknown, and the dangers they present may seem to
• Fervency of Local Following: Moderate. The pious are stem from another source, or be unrelated.
confident and unafraid to display their faith openly, but do
not encroach upon the wider populus uncalled for.
• Alignment: Good.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 27
By Thomas A. Koch
Three years ago, Chrimston didn’t even exist but, almost
out of nowhere, it has become a large trading post run by
the infamous Tanner crime family. Rumor has it that the
Tanners were smuggling a shipment of stolen mithral, when
a freak storm brought the fury of lightning upon several of
their wagons, splitting wheels from axles and leaving them
stranded. They set up a small encampment surrounded
by the wrecks of their remaining wagons, and Chrimston
quickly grew into a busy trading post out of those first
few shacks.
Chrimston is located along a major trading route
through the plains and, nowadays, contains nearly
eighty ramshackle buildings sprawling from either
side of the wide road. At one point the road was
wide enough to handle the traffic of the route, but
now the congestion caused by those on foot is nearly
unbearable. So intolerable is the overcrowding,
in fact, the traders are openly hostile to casual
visitors, though will begrudgingly take the coin
of serious buyers.
Though visitor numbers soar, few permanently
live in the settlement; the majority of the
shacks are not housing but storehouses, or
meeting places for deals and trades approved
of by the Tanners. Those that do reside here
are primarily human, with half-orcs and
tieflings mixed in, all bound together in shared
destitution. A shack is no one’s ideal living
There are a number of basic goods and service
vendors to be found in Crimston, such as a
smithy, cobbler, butcher and carpenter, as
well as a few other industries. Notably (and
slightly oddly) an area of thriving textile
production has been established, along with
a magical weapons store. While the textiles are
lovingly made by dedicated craftspeople (only in
this ramshackle tenement to take advantage of the foot traffic), Visitor Traffic: Droves. There are lots of new faces on a regular
the weapons are, no doubt, stolen, most likely from the bodies basis.
of adventurers who had dungeon-delved to obtain them the Size: Large. Up to 80 standing structures.
old-fashioned way. In fact, you can be almost certain that most
Environment: Plains. The trading post is in the wide, open
goods going through Chrimston are second-hand, at best - and
it’s probably safer to avoid thinking about ‘at worst’.
Origin: Accidental. The trading post came about due to
an accident, such as a caravan breaking down or mistaken Community
directions. What was set up to deal with the accident eventually Resident Population: Nearly Deserted. There are many empty
became the trading post. houses and businesses.
Specialty: Unscrupulous Contractors (Brutes and Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race. 25%
Brawlers). This trading post is known for having people who secondary race. 15% tertiary race. 10% other.
can get just about anything done, if the coin is right.
Disposition: Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward
Age: Established. The trading post has been around for at least visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners feel unwelcome.
a couple of years. This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even
Condition: Ramshackle. A few of the buildings look to be violence.
falling down. There are no formal roads, only trodden paths. Law Enforcement: Small Local Watch. A sheriff, a deputy, and
a handful of volunteer residents make up a token watch presence.

28 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Leadership: Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A
criminal, or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately, Extra Intrigue
controls the trading post. History: Construction. Certain parts of the trading post have
Population Wealth: Destitute. Most of the population been (or currently are) under construction. Tools, scaffolding,
consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they need to and other such elements can still be seen, as well as individuals
survive. working throughout the day.
Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble every Politics: New Governance. A new and unknown power has
day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s been a victim of moved in to control the surrounding area. Locals may be in
crime. favor of, against, or neutral about it. Depending on the kind of
governance, speaking out against the leadership may not be
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls) permitted.
Events: Strangers. A large trade caravan just arrived, full of
Points of Interest people locals have never seen and some don’t know what to make
Number of Shop Locations: 12 of them.

Shops: Smithy, General Store, Cobbler, Thatcher, Carpenter, Opportunities: Political Intrigue. A locally-known noble has
Herbalist, Butcher, Tanner/Taxidermist, Miller, Textile gone missing recently. Perhaps they were traveling through and
Production, Magic Shop - Weapons, Alchemist never made it to their destination? Perhaps no one even saw
them leave at all...
Number of Service Locations: 6
Danger Level: Ever-Present. The trading post is constantly in
Services: Inn, Stables, Barber, Hired Help - Hands of the Divine, peril. Encountering some form of hardship or adversity when
Hired Help - Caravan, House of Leisure. in the area is almost guaranteed. It is never safe to go anywhere
alone. Preparation and caution (even in and around the trading
post) are critical.
Danger Type: Suspicious Locals. Outsiders are often
considered untrustworthy, and may be prime suspects in the
event of crime.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 29
By Lou Fryer
In the beginning, The Temple of the Exalted Spire
of Offering was a place of prayer and tribute. The
temple lent its name to the surrounding settlement,
though locals mostly called it ‘Godspire’. The site
of a large and mysterious teleportation circle,
sequestered on a remote mountaintop, multi-faith
worshippers from all over would visit to send
tribute directly to the Astral Plane to honor their
gods. The Cult of the Exalted Spire of Offering
had maintained the temple and the ancient spells
that preserve the circle as long as any of them
could remember, and meticulously catalogued and
organised the tributes – a full-time responsibility
that all members of the hundreds-strong community
were utterly devoted to. Cultists rarely left their
insular society; contact with the outside world
was only to trade with pilgrims bringing gold and
supplies in exchange for the transport of their
The turning point for Godspire, however, was
when a merchant couple of no particular import
arrived to make tribute, bringing their sick baby
son. The cultists held and cooed at the infant,
while his parents laid offerings in the circle. They,
in their isolation, were taken totally by surprise
by the contagion the child brought, which quickly
swept through the sect, decimating their numbers
down to a mere dozen. Wracked with guilt, the
couple decided to stay and assist the cultists with
the teleportation of tributes, slipping in the odd
goods parcel and sending it across the mortal
plane, to keep their eye in the trading game.
After multiple reliable and instant (not to mention,
cheap) deliveries, several of their mercantile
contacts began to see the value of having goods
teleported, and word spread. Soon, there was a
steady trickle of merchants to the trading post.
While the sect were initially delighted by a seeming
boom of new pilgrims, joy soon turned to annoyance when
the visitors’ true purposes became clear. Caravans arrived in
Basic Information
ever-increasing sizes, with the savings made on long-distance Origin: Accidental. The trading post came about due to
transport enabling them to pay for huge retinues of guards to an accident, such as a caravan breaking down or mistaken
protect their precious merchandise. By that point, however, it directions. What was set up to deal with the accident eventually
was too late to deny them, and the sect were too impoverished became the trading post.
(and too few in number) to say no to the influx of goods and Specialty: Atypical Shipping Methods. This trading post is
coin regardless. Crime trickled in as thieves flocked to a rich known for having unique and effective ways to move goods.
new vein of goods, and commerce, not piety, became Godspire’s
main focus. Nevertheless, the cultists remained in their meagre Age: Established. The trading post has been around for at least
numbers, refusing to abandon the circle entrusted to their care, a couple of years.
and determined to serve the few remaining supplicants that visit. Condition: Poor. The buildings and surroundings are rough and
Now there is an uneasy truce between the merchants and the sect dirty. Roads are uneven dirt and dust.
and, while the latter do their very best to discourage the former, Visitor Traffic: Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors
the word is out now, and there will always be traders looking to most days.
save coin on transport.
Size: Very Large. Up to 100 standing structures.
Environment: Mountains. The trading post is found on stony
passes or soaring peaks.

30 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Number of Service Locations: 2
Community Services: Inn, Tavern
Resident Population: Nearly Deserted. There are many empty
houses and businesses.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
Extra Intrigue
others reasonably well represented. Recent History: Neutrality. The trading post has always
professed neutrality, setting itself apart as a safe haven, even if
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
pressured by nearby settlements.
looking upon them with contempt, fear or suspicion.
Politics: Embattled. Opposing enemy forces surround the
Law Enforcement: Well-Equipped. Law enforcement is very
trading post on all sides, and it finds itself located in the midst of
(though not necessarily participating in) an ongoing conflict.
Leadership: No Leader. The trading post operates with no
Events: Caught Red-Handed. A shop owner has caught a thief
leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes.
and is threatening them with a weapon in the street, as they beg
Population Wealth: Destitute. Most of the population for mercy.
consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they need to
Opportunities: Missing Person. A local has gone missing,
possibly a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters, but
Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble every their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales. Others have
day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s been a victim of theories, but none have yielded fruit.
Weather: Mild. The best kind of day that could be expected for
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls) the season. Rain or snow is light, if at all. Winds are soft.
Danger Level: Rare. This trading post is built in a place known
Points of Interest to be extremely safe; danger or hazards are a rarity.
Number of Shop Locations: 12 Danger Type: Cult. There is a cult within the trading post. The
cult may be known, and present a direct form of threat, or they
Shops: Baker, Bank and Exchange, Butcher, Cooper, General may be unknown, and the dangers they present may seem to
Store, Herbalist, Rare Trade Goods, Smithy, Tailor, (3) Wainwright stem from another source, or be unrelated.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 31
Keel Crossing
By Ralph Stickley

A few generations back, the trading vessel Guillemot, holds

packed with cargo, was swept upriver by a freak storm and Basic Information
wedged in the narrows. Without hope of shifting the ship, the Origin: Accidental. The trading post came about due to
crew set out to alert nearby settlements of the goods they had to an accident, such as a caravan breaking down or mistaken
offer. As luck would have it, the Guillemot had come to ground at directions. What was set up to deal with the accident eventually
the perfect place to act as a makeshift bridge across the river and, became the trading post.
after selling off their original stock, the crew remained, extorting
a toll from those who would cross, and setting up the modest Specialty: Information. This trading post is known as a source
trading post of Keel Crossing. for reliable information. They may not know everything, but
your chances of finding solid gossip, lore, news, or an intriguing
Further fortune followed, for the dam created by the ship tidbit here is good.
(makeshift as it may be) created the perfect environment
for a rare waterweed, invaluable for certain potions. After Age: Established. The trading post has been around for at least
this discovery, the population boomed, spreading from the a couple of years.
repurposed cabins and hold onto pontoons floating in the Condition: Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated.
dammed lake and the surrounding banks (though bank-side Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel.
establishments are held in lesser esteem than those on the true
Visitor Traffic: Groups. Visitors are a rarity, though a few might
crossing). The settlement’s only tavern, The Wrack and Ruin,
be around.
is located in the captain’s quarters and, while a little damp
and listing at an alarming angle (much like everything in the Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
settlement), it is decently maintained. Environment: River. The trading post is near a steadily flowing
The residents of Keel Crossing have developed a reputation for stream, or other watercourse.
knowing a little about everything when it comes to the state
of the world, a benefit born of their contacts in the shipping
industry, and their own steady stream of visitors. The settlement Community
is small enough that there are few spots where a visitor’s words Resident Population: Congested. Movement is difficult.
cannot be overheard by some snooper eager for some tidbits they Homes and common buildings are often at capacity.
can pass on later.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
Leadership is held by the descendants of the ship’s captain, with others reasonably well represented.
the progeny of the other officers passing for nobility within
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
Keel Crossing. Pure-bred Keelers are funny folk, coming from
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
superstitious sailor stock and (if the rumors are true) suffering
from one or two generations of inbreeding among the small Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single sheriff and a deputy keep
crew. While suspicious of outsiders, their mercantile spirit will things civil.
generally outweigh any misgivings.

32 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
virtue of their bloodline. Extra Intrigue
Population Wealth: Prosperous. Most of the population has Recent History: Popular Producer. The trading post was
enough to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even known for the production of a unique and/or popular item or
live comfortably. service, which is now unavailable or no longer in demand.
Crime: Uncommon. Some in the trading post have run into Politics: Revolution. A nearby kingdom is in the throes of an
a pickpocket or heard about a robbery but, when they do, it’s a uprising. Members of either side may be present in the trading
noteworthy occurrence. post.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls) Events: Caught Red-Handed. A shop owner has caught a thief
and is threatening them with a weapon in the street, as they beg
for mercy.
Points of Interest Opportunities: Political Intrigue. A locally-known noble has
Number of Shop Locations: 10 gone missing recently. Perhaps they were traveling through and
Shops: Alchemist, Artist, Butcher, Carpenter, General Store, never made it to their destination? Perhaps no one even saw
Herbalist, Magic Shop - Clothing, Rare Botanicals, Tailor, them leave at all...
Wainwright Weather: Fair. A normal day for the season. Rain, snow or wind
Number of Service Locations: 5 are average and manageable.

Services: Apothecary, Bathhouse, Hired Help - Brutes and Danger Level: Common. Danger or hazards are commonplace.
Brawlers, Inn, Soothsayer Preparation and caution are advised.
Danger Type: Suspicious Locals. Outsiders are often
considered untrustworthy, and may be prime suspects in the
event of crime.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 33
By Greg Spanier
Narb’s Trading Post has been around for… well,
no one really knows. If he was being honest,
even Narb himself would likely tell you he
doesn’t really remember and, for one of his
great age, wisdom and intellect, that’s saying
For Narb is, in fact, a green dragon. Unlike
many of his kin, he has taken a great liking to
people (in the ‘enjoying their company’, sort of
way, not the ‘eating them, their families and their
sheep’, sort of way). He enjoys being around them,
hearing their stories and learning about their lives.
As the average green dragon doesn’t tend to fit in
conventional buildings, Narb has taken to
altering his shape to a more convenient size. He
assumes the appearance of a tall humanoid with
a portly belly, but retains many of his draconic
features, including his tail. His three-clawed
hands can often be seen cleaning mugs, serving
food or gesturing merrily to customers old
and new while they talk. His face (identical to
his typical draconic head, only down-sized
appropriately to match his body) seems to
always be smiling.
Narb owns both the local inn and tavern; both are,
like the settlement, simply and collectively called
‘Narb’s’. The two establishments are built side by
side and are a haven of welcome for all, be they
hungry, thirsty, weary, or even lonely. Guests can
expect to be greeted with cheer as well as good food,
better drinks, and comfortable lodgings.
Over the years, Narb has also brought in other
merchants and traders who have now set up
permanent businesses in the trading post. These
vendors have become like family to Narb and they
do their best to extend that welcome to all visitors.
Everyone living in the trading post abides by the same
Whoever you are, wherever you roam; Basic Information
As long as you’re here, you’ll feel like you’re home. Origin: Crossroads. The trading post is at the intersection of
more than one major trade route.
At Narb’s, the rule is as good as law. Trading posts, by virtue of
their out-of-the-way nature, can sometimes attract some rough Specialty: Unscrupulous Contractors. This trading post is
or unsavory folk. If anyone at all, however, causes disruption, known for having people who can get just about anything done,
a local will likely swoop in to inform them that such behavior if the coin is right.
isn’t acceptable or tolerated. Troublemakers quickly fall in line Age: Unknown. No one really knows when the trading post was
or are sent packing. Though the settlement has no official law established.
enforcement to speak of, it’s fared well enough. It does, after all,
Condition: Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated.
have an ancient green dragon watching over it.
Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel.
So come on down to Narb’s. You’ll feel like you’re home.
Visitor Traffic: Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors
most days.
Size: Small. Up to 40 standing structures.
Environment: Valley. The trading post is found within, or
on the edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
landscape around it.

34 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Number of Service Locations: 5
Community Services: Inn, Tavern, Stable, Hired Help - Hands of the Divine,
Resident Population: Congested. Movement is difficult. Hired Help - Guides and Trackers
Homes and common buildings are often at capacity.
Demographics: Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution.
Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical dominance.
Extra Intrigue
Recent History: Neutrality. The trading post has always
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly,
professed neutrality, setting itself apart as a safe haven, even if
welcoming, and slow to take offense.
pressured by nearby settlements.
Law Enforcement: Well-Equipped. Law enforcement is very
Politics: Peace. All is quiet, almost suspiciously so...
Events: Troublemakers. A pack of ruffians is making
Leadership: Heredity. A non-elected leader is in power, by
themselves a nuisance to the locals. Hostile encounters are
virtue of their bloodline.
escalating and might become violent.
Population Wealth: Affluent. Nearly everyone is able to live
Opportunities: Missing Person. A local has gone missing,
comfortably, with a significant portion living in luxury.
possibly a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters, but
Crime: Uncommon. Some in the trading post have run into their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales. Others have
a pickpocket or heard about a robbery but, when they do, it’s a theories, but none have yielded fruit.
noteworthy occurrence.
Weather: Mild. The best kind of day that could be expected for
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls) the season. Rain or snow is light, if at all. Winds are soft.
Danger Level: Uncommon. Danger or hazards are not
Points of Interest encountered often, though preparation is encouraged.
Number of Shop Locations: 10 Danger Type: Raids. The trading post is often raided by nearby
groups of bandits, or packs of marauding creatures.
Shops: Baker, Butcher, General Store, Tanner/Taxidermist,
Herbalist, Magic Shop - Jewelry, Bank & Exchange, Magic Shop -
Weapons, Tailor, Rare Libations & Fare

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 35
By Devon Chulick
Travel through the tundra,
where the trading post is now
located, used to be rare but,
one day, a small merchant
caravan set out to traverse the
icy region. They hoped to cut
some meaningful time off what
would otherwise be a very long
journey. While the merchants
trundled across the ice, a great
sinkhole gave way, exposing
an intricate labyrinth of
caves. It turned out that these
caves were littered with rare
minerals and exotic plant life.
It was also harboring dozens of
hostile creatures, who were none
too happy at the disturbance.
Because of Noved’s remote
location, no other local powers
seem to be interested in laying claim
to either the settlement or to the
frozen region itself. Doing so would
involve establishing law enforcement
miles from any other civilisation,
which would demand a substantial
commitment. Occupation of
the area would also require
various, necessary goods and supplies to
be transported in, so setting up a long-
term residency would prove costly.
However, despite these difficulties, the founding of Noved
has allowed for more reliable trade between the regions on either Basic Information
side of the icy expanse surrounding it. Unfortunately, due to
the monstrosities that wander the land, the journey is still quite Origin: Accidental. The trading post came about due to
unsafe. Many are aware of the threats present in the tundra and an accident, such as a caravan breaking down or mistaken
most opt to avoid it, but the allure of a more direct route for their directions. What was set up to deal with the accident eventually
goods and services can make the dangerous passage tempting. became the trading post.
Specialty: Unscrupulous Contractors (Arcane Academics).
Noved itself is also not immune to struggle, even from within.
This trading post is known for having people who can get just
It lacks real leadership due to rampant crime, and the hostile
about anything done, if the coin is right.
creatures living within the caves. Because of these constant
dangers, no single power has, so far, risen and stayed in a Age: Established. The trading post has been around for at least
position of authority for long before meeting an untimely a couple of years.
demise. Locals general respond to the question, "What happened Condition: Ramshackle. A few of the buildings look to be
to X?" with a stoic, and sometimes weary, "bigger fish”. Even the falling down. There are no formal roads, only trodden paths.
bigger fish don’t sit idly, though, because the wise know that in
Noved, even the biggest fish isn’t the biggest for long. Visitor Traffic: Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors
most days.
One recent occurrence of interest is the fact that some foreign
mages have unexpectedly emigrated to Noved. When locals asked Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
their new neighbours the reason for their move, they were told Environment: Tundra. The trading post is in a very cold
the mages wished to study, as the font of magic in the area is environment.
strong. Most folk, however, having little to no idea how to prove
this either way, just nod, pretending to have any idea what the
arcane scholars are talking about. Those mages who are native to Community
the area, however, lend these outsiders some credibility. They too Resident Population: Congested. Movement is difficult.
have noticed their abilities are heightened and bolstered in and Homes and common buildings are often at capacity.
around the trading post - but by what? Perhaps these newcomers
are on to something that could change Noved forever... Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20%
secondary race.

36 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion. Extra Intrigue
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single sheriff and a deputy keep Recent History: Construction. Certain parts of the trading
things civil. post have been (or currently are) under construction. Tools,
scaffolding, and other such elements can still be seen, as well as
Leadership: Local Council. Prominent members of the individuals working throughout the day.
community were chosen to lead the trading post collectively.
Politics: Lawless Region. With the trading post outside the
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have regularly frequented borders of any established kingdom, the
enough to live a modest life. generally accepted standards of justice don’t seem to apply here.
Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble every Events: Strangers. A large trade caravan just arrived, full of
day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s been a victim of people locals have never seen, and some don’t know what to
crime. make of them.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls) Opportunities: Missing Person. A local has gone missing,
possibly a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters, but
Points of Interest their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales. Others have
theories, but none have yielded fruit.
Number of Shop Locations: 11
Weather: Mild. The best kind of day that could be expected for
Shops: (3) General Store, Thatcher, Magic Shop - Jewelry, Rare the season. Rain or snow is light, if at all. Winds are soft.
Botanicals, Smithy, Herbalist, Tailor, Magic Shop - Weapons,
Textile Production, Weaver Danger Level: Common. Danger or hazards are commonplace.
Preparation and caution are advised.
Number of Service Locations: 10
Services: (2) Inn, Doctor/Apothecary, Hired Help - Hands of the Danger Type: Cult. There is a cult within the trading post. The
Divine, Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers, Hired Help - Bows and cult may be known, and present a direct form of threat, or they
Slings, House of Leisure, Hired Help - Assassins, Thieves and may be unknown, and the dangers they present may seem to
Spies, Bathhouse. stem from another source, or be unrelated.

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 37
By Thomas A. Koch
Hidden deep within a forest full of dangerous
monsters, Villitharnia is a trading post only accessible
to the most experienced adventurers (as well as
anyone with enough coin to hire an escort there).
The entire settlement is magically built into
several huge redwood trees, some with trunks as
wide as forty feet in diameter, scattered around
a large clearing. At the very center is the largest
of them - the heart of Villithrnia, a house of
leisure called Villy’s Sanctuary.
Villy’s is an all-encompassing establishment
of entertainment that features high-stakes
gaming, musical entertainment, and
treatments for relaxation. Up from the main
hall is a massive chamber thick with gaming
tables, and guests who carry on upstairs will
find a bar and a performance stage with
seating for some sixty guests or so. The
uppermost floors feature various rooms
for weary travelers.
Ten trees, smaller than Villy’s but still
massive, border the edge of the trading
post’s clearing. Here, high-quality goods
and services can be found, particularly
ones centred around magic. These
include The Symbiotic Scroll,
providing arcane texts that offer
access to the highest levels of magic,
The Black Wand, dealing in magic
focused on the spheres of life
and death, and The Open Hand,
offering divine assistance and
spells in the service of good. The
Guild of Mages offers enchantment
of arms and armor, adventuring
assistance, and access to their
library. The largest company in
Villitharnia, however, is the Blue
Sapphire Mercenary Company,
which supports caravans in and out of
Villithania, escorting anyone incapable of
making the trip themselves. Given the trading post’s dangerous
location, business is booming. Insurance policies guarantee that all measures are taken to
Villitharnia was originally founded by a group of elves hundreds complete a mission, no matter the obstacle. Without it, if an
of years ago, and they remain the majority of its resident HRA dies while on a mission, so too does your contract. But, with
population. The other, smaller portion are halflings (no pun insurance, ever more seasoned halflings will be sent out to finish
intended). Their presence here has grown, as they find it to be a the task until the object of the job is successfully retrieved and
place where the adventurous, or perhaps the foolhardy, thrive. delivered. If a client knows the job is likely to be life-threatening,
it is recommended that clients purchase this optional extra,
Indeed, halflings have become an integral part of the trading despite the premium price tag.
post; Villitharnia’s motto, ‘If we don’t have it, we can find it’,
generally refers to sending halflings out on a scavenger hunt. Villitharnia’s administration does not record halfling mortality
Each shop employs ‘Halfling Recovery Agents’; scouts, clerics, rates, nor the halfling’s opinion on it, yet the petite creatures
wizards, fighters and rogues capable of delving into any continue applying for positions with great enthusiasm, so the
dungeon and confronting any enemy. HRAs can accompany industry is likely to remain a staple, at least for the foreseeable
clients on missions, or can be hired to retrieve an item (or items) future.
themselves. Prices are set by difficulty, with the optional addition
of halfling life insurance.

38 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
Basic Information Points of Interest
Origin: Military Outpost. The trading post was built on the Number of Shop Locations: 6
remnants of an old fortress or watchtower, the structures of Shops: Blacksmith, General Store, Magic Shop - Books, Rare
which have long since fallen down or been repurposed by the Libations and Fare, Rare Trade Goods, Bank & Exchange
Number of Service Locations: 8
Speciality: Purchasing Connections. This trading post is
known for having folks who can find things. If they don’t have Services: Inn, Tavern, Hired Help - Hands of the Divine, Hired
(or know about) what you’re looking for, they can direct you to Help - Magic Mercenaries, Hired Help - Hands of the Divine,
someone who does. Hired Help - Caravan and Mount, House of Leisure, Soothsayer.
Age: Old. The trading post was built around a hundred years ago.
Condition: Fair. The buildings are clean and sparsely decorated. Extra Intrigue
Roads are flattened earth, possibly with gravel. History: Construction. Certain parts of the trading post have
Visitor Traffic: Crowds. It is typical to see some new visitors been (or currently are) under construction. Tools, scaffolding,
most days. and other such elements can still be seen, as well as individuals
working throughout the day.
Size: Small. Up to 40 standing structures.
Politics: New Governance. A new and unknown power has
Environment: Forest. The trading post is nestled among moved in to control the surrounding area. Locals may be in
the trees. favor of, against, or neutral about it. Depending on the kind of
governance, speaking out against the leadership may not be
Community permitted.
Events: Strangers. A large trade caravan just arrived, full of
Resident Population: Congested. Movement is difficult.
people locals have never seen, and some don’t know what to
Homes and common buildings are often at capacity.
make of them.
Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20%
Opportunities: Political Intrigue. A locally-known noble has
secondary race.
gone missing recently. Perhaps they were traveling through and
Disposition: Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward never made it to their destination? Perhaps no one even saw
visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners feel unwelcome. them leave at all...
This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even
Danger Level: Ever-Present. The trading post is constantly in
peril. Encountering some form of hardship or adversity, when
Law Enforcement: Small Local Watch. A sheriff, a deputy, and in the area, is almost guaranteed. It is never safe to go anywhere
a handful of volunteer residents make up a token watch presence. alone. Preparation and caution (even in and around the trading
Leadership: Oligarchy (Merchants). A few individuals hold post) are critical.
sway, collectively, over the trading post. Danger Type: Monster. The trading post is terrorized by a
Population Wealth: Prosperous. Most of the population has monster that roams the local area.
enough to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even
live comfortably.
Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
time. Best to keep an eye out.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls)

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 39

40 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s
By Megan Roy
Let's be honest: adventurers have a tendency to
get cocky. They spend so much time shining their
swords and waxing lyrical about their tragic
backstories that, more often than not, they forget
to simply... look down. If those errant travelers
happen to find themselves stuck in a maze of dry river
beds, whose fault is it really? If those haughty do-
gooders happen to fall into a little pit trap, or find
themselves relieved of their resources and shelter,
who's to blame? The good folks of Wichapti are
happy to help adventurers on their merry way,
should they pay a decent price for their services.
Though, as a Wichapti local was overheard saying,
“It doesn't hurt to slap 'em with reality in the
process; two birds, one stone, you know?”
Wichapti is not your average trading post filled
with whiny villagers pawning off rancid sheep's
milk. It is filled with powerful people that know
what they're good at and what they want. They
spend most of their days in perpetual celebration,
drinking away at the Wichap and dropping coin
they’ve been ‘graciously’ gifted by travelers less
wise than themselves. They make games of
thieving to pass the time, playing hot potato with
whatever magical goodies they can swipe from
Takoda's Counter. Wichapti enforces no law and answers
to no official power, and that suits them just fine.
Some of them do, however, answer to someone...
a presence or, possibly, even a deity. They don't
speak of it much, but the temple that was
discovered deep below Wichapti was too magnificent
to ignore. A lone path through the back wall of
their cave slopes down to a hundred-foot-deep
open-air chasm, at the bottom of which sits the
temple. The entire roof of the temple is carved
into the likeness of a screaming man, shouting
into the empty space above him. Somehow, even
in total darkness, the roof can be seen as clear
as day. Inside the temple there are no pews,
no decorations - nothing, aside from a single,
stone table. All they’ve learned in decades is that
whatever gets placed on this table disappears the following
Wichapti’s moral code may be questionable to some, but
they're not heartless, and certainly not stupid. There's more to
this temple than they know, that much is clear. But, just to be
safe, the more superstitious types will take a trip down from time
to time and leave an offering of sorts. Fruit, candy, a spoon, some
leaves - whatever. They always disappear, and nothing good or
bad has happened yet - or, at least, it hadn't - until Bemidii and
Honani Pluck's daughter disappeared down there last week. Old
Ayana at the general store watched her sneak down in the night,
and she's yet to be seen since...

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 41
Number of Service Locations: 8
Basic Information Services: (2) Inn, Hired Help - Guides and Trackers, (2)
Origin: Wilderness Expert. The trading post was started when Apothecary, Hired Help - Caravan and Mount, Hired Help - Bows
a trapper, hunter or guide set up a camp, in order to aid those and Slings
passing through the area.
• Tavern. Unlike a traditional tavern building, Wichap (the
Specialty: Unscrupulous Contractors. This trading post is tavern after which the trading post was founded & named) is
known for having people who can get just about anything done, a large open-air unwalled bar at the center of the settlement.
if the coin is right. Most everyone in the settlement spends more time here
Age: Mature. The trading post was originally built decades ago. than in their own homes (if they have one there at all).

Condition: Immaculate. The shops and houses are spotless, • Hired Help (all). Wichapti does not hide the fact that it
and well-adorned with tasteful decorations. Roads are made of thrives off of capitalizing on the misfortunes of others. The
fine, smooth, well-placed flagstones. dry river bed that many are forced to traverse outside of the
post is kept unprotected (or intentionally trapped) to force
Visitor Traffic: Vacant. No one seems to be visiting this place. travelers to hire guides, protectors, or mounts for a very high
Size: Small. Up to 40 standing structures. price.
Environment: Underground. The trading post is within a large Places of Worship:
network of caves. Size: Temple. A grand building, replete with elements like high
ceilings, plush furnishings and other impressive ornamental
Community and/or architectural features. It can contain nearly a thousand
Resident Population: Appropriate. Homes and businesses are
Fervency of Local Following: Fervent. Followers are
comfortably populated.
outspoken with little or no fear of reproach. They may sing or
Demographics: Only two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary speak to the masses.
Alignment: Neutral.
Disposition: Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward
visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners feel unwelcome.
This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even Extra Intrigue
violence. History: Wartorn. The trading post was occupied by military
Law Enforcement: None. This could be good or bad, depending forces, and suffered damages, during wartime in the recent past.
on one’s point of view. Good, if the folk here are just that. Bad Politics: Lawless Region. With the trading post outside the
when mob justice is carried out on a petty thief. regularly frequented borders of any established kingdom, the
Leadership: No Leader. The trading post operates with no generally accepted standards of justice don’t seem to apply here.
leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes. Events: High-Class Visitor. A wealthy aristocrat is passing
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have through and throwing their money around. It seems like
enough to live a modest life. anything can be bought, and no price is too high.
Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble every Opportunities: Missing Person. A local has gone missing,
day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s been a victim of possibly a child, and rumors abound. Some talk of monsters, but
crime. their whispers are quickly dismissed as fairy tales. Others have
theories, but none have yielded fruit.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
Weather: Fair. A normal day for the season. Rain, snow or wind
are average and manageable.
Points of Interest Danger Level: Ever-present. The trading post is constantly in
Number of Shop Locations: 6 peril. Encountering some form of hardship or adversity, when
Shops: General Store, Herbalist, General Store, Alchemist in the area, is almost guaranteed. It is never safe to go anywhere
alone. Preparation and caution (even in and around the trading
• Thatcher. Pluck’s Thatchery, run by Bemidii and Honani post) is critical.
Pluck. Locals credit them for creating the poorly-patched
sinkholes in the dry river bed outside of Wichapti, Danger Type: Environmental. The environment in which the
warranting many injured travelers to pay for guidance and trading post exists is hazardous. It could be subject to frequent
assistance at the trading post. The Plucks get a 10% share of earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, mudslides, avalanches, frequent
all hired help earnings because of this. storms, or the like.
• Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities. There is little
rhyme or reason to the magic-touched odds and ends that find
their way to Takoda’s Counter. Just pay no mind to whatever
signs of wear or personalization the goods might possess —
they’re humanely sourced, they promise.

42 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s

C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s 43
44 C h apt er T w o | T r ading P o s t s

he door of a tiny cottage opens onto a misty morning. You explain that you’ve seen some difficulty in the past few days and
A villager goes to draw water to start the day. A pair of ask for lodging. As the village is unused to, and ill-equipped for, visitors,
chickens kick up the dust around his feet, in a flurry of there is nothing akin to an inn here, but the fieldworker kindly invites
feathers, and he shoos them away, goodnaturedly. As you to stay in their little cottage in exchange for an extra pair of hands
he arrives back to the cottage, he finds his daughter outside, starting to bring in the harvest.
a cookfire. He pours his water into a pot and hangs it up over the Over the next few days, you get a taste of rural life, meeting the members
crackling wood. of the community, hearing stories, and enjoying the simplicity that such
All around, other individuals and families are partaking in this familiar a life can provide. You learn of the village’s own hardships, and those of
morning routine. Mothers barely throw a jacket over their little one’s their neighbors; none are spared life’s difficulties in these parts. Just last
shoulders before they scamper off to play around the feet of their older year, a storm ravaged the area for four days without ceasing. The floods
siblings, who have already begun their chores, and the adults are destroyed crops, drowned animals and, even more tragically, a child.
beginning their day’s work. Recovery has been difficult, but their determination and resourcefulness
You wander into the village as the sun begins dissolving the mists, has always seen them through.
greeted by the occupants on their way to the fields, one of whom asks After what feels like an all-too-brief stay, you decide it is time to depart,
about the journey that brought you here. Observations about the and it is not without some sorrow. The villagers have begun to feel like
weather are shared, as well as some news from where you were. family, and you readily vow to return soon.

46 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Found in the backcountry, scattered hither and yon within the
realms, villages are commonplace settlements most adventurers Overview
will come across frequently, during their travels. They can exist In this chapter you will go through sections called steps. Each
almost anywhere, so long as there are basic resources available to step will include tables. You will roll a die (unless they have you
sustain them. Villagers often, by virtue of a rural existence, live reference previous information about your settlement, such
an arduous life and experience hardships many other settlers as its size). Find your roll (or appropriate information) in the
are spared from. Their life is a simple one and, while it demands left-hand column. In the right-hand column will be your result.
immense effort, the satisfaction and fulfillment they enjoy is that We encourage you to make a note of these results; the Villages
of fresh air, community, and self-sufficiency. Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can
Villages are communities vital to the lifeblood of a kingdom. The be found in the back of this book and at
dominant feature of a village is what it produces, which defines Certain results will give you modifiers. Most modifiers will add
its value to those outside of it. These are communities that are or subtract from a future roll (though some may have you roll
small, and not heavily developed. A village is not where one a different die, or tell you to add a feature or location to your
goes to get resupplied, or to take up a great quest, rather it is a settlement).
place that may be in need of able bodies, whether it be to fulfill a
No matter how high or low a modifier makes a roll, your result
task that no one else is qualified for, such as driving away a local
can never be higher or lower than the highest and lowest results
threat, or something more mundane like some extra hands to
on a table.
help to fetch in the harvest. Some folks may even end up there
by accident. A village’s people might show their gratitude with
lodging in their homes, or by providing a home-cooked meal. I m po r t ant
Certain members of the village will make regular trips to the Modifiers will never have you modify previous tables or
nearest town to sell their goods on market day, usually to those results. Anything being modified will always come after.
who will refine it. They will then take their earnings and buy
Progress through this chapter by going through these steps:
what their family, or perhaps the whole village, needs and bring
it back home. These earnings may also be used to hire help, in
the form of farmhands, or even guards for the return journey, • Step 1: Basic Information. The tables in this section will
depending on how dangerous it is. provide broad or fundamental details about your settlement.
• Step 2: Community. The tables in this section will provide
details about the people that live here and certain aspects of
• Step 3: Points of Interest. The tables in this step determine
what locations are in your settlement, including shops,
services and places of worship.
• Extra Intrigue. This is an optional step, filled with tables
that can add additional flavor to the settlement.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 47
Step 1: Basic Information d20
Old. The village was founded decades ago.
Below you will find a variety of attributes such as age, condition
Production has reached peak performance, with the
and size. Using these attributes and their tables, you will be
elder members of the community being old hands at
able to build out the basic information for your village. Some
the work. There are many adults in the village who
attributes might have an effect on others via modifiers which are
were born there.
written into the tables. For example, the condition of the village
modifies its population wealth. (+0 to population density roll)
(+2 to hardship likelihood roll)
Keep in mind that any modifiers are completely optional and
are not required if you have an existing vision for your village. 19-20 Ancient. The village was established near to, or
When rolling for outcomes with modifiers, results of 0 or a more than, a century ago.
negative number should be considered an outcome of 1. Equally (+0 to population density roll)
so, outcomes over the highest number on a given table should (+4 to hardship likelihood roll)
be considered equal to the highest possible number (i.e. on a d20
table, a 24 would be a 20).

How old is this village? Of all the settlement types, a village is
possibly the most fragile. If a village is new, that will also often
indicate a smaller population, intent on working the land they’ve
settled. If it is old, the population may be larger, due to growing
families and increased generation of whatever they produce. It
could, however, have dwindled. As a village’s age increases, so too
does the likelihood that it has encountered hardships.

d20 Age
1-5 Recent. The village was established within the past
year. Those within the village are newly settled.
(-5 to population density roll)
(-4 to hardship likelihood roll)
6-10 Established. The village has been settled for a few
years. They have been able to successfully sustain
themselves, and the families have started to grow.
(-2 to population density roll)
(-2 to hardship likelihood roll)
10-14 Mature. The village has been around close to a
decade or so. Production has been honed, and
practices are optimized. Children born in the
settlement may be old enough to start to lend a hand.
(+0 to population density roll)
(+0 to hardship likelihood roll)

48 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Hardships E xam ple
Villages are, quite possibly, the most vulnerable of all settlement A 17 is rolled on the hardship likelihood table, giving
types. Unfortified, largely unarmed (unless you count farming the village three hardships. This means we will roll on the
and/or mining implements), and lacking sophisticated medical hardship type and the hardship outcome tables 3 times.
aid, a village can be ripe for disaster. The longer a village has been Here are our results:
around, the more likely that it has seen its share of hardships.
(3) Raid / (6) Catastrophic losses.
One would hope that if hardship had struck a significant enough (-5 to: settlement size, population wealth and
time ago, the village may have recovered from it or, at least, population density)
worked toward doing so. The hardship tables will modify later
attributes which reflect the current state of the village. If you decide (4) Famine / (7) Moderate losses.
(-2 to: population density)
that a hardship happened a long time in the past, it is up to you to
explain why the village may not have returned to the status quo. (6) Inter-community conflict/violence / (5) Heavy losses.
(-3 to population density and disposition)
Hardships, depending on whether they happened weeks,
months, years, or even decades ago, will leave a lasting The attributes affected are shown in each ‘type’ box.
impression on the villagers. This could help shape the backstories Identical modifiers are added together. For example,
and dialogue options for your NPCs. population density is affected by all, so the cumulative
population density modifier will be -10 (-5 plus -2 plus -3).
I dy llic V illages When you roll your population density, note the roll prior
If your intended goal is to create a village that is happy, to modification. Imagine that roll is the state of the village
serene, or simply uncomplicated by difficulties, you may opt before the hardships happened, and then each hardship took
out of rolling for hardships. These are meant to add history it down to its current size.
and texture to the fabric of your village’s story but, if you
Hardships are never easy and, for a village, it is nigh-
have other ideas, those are what’s most important.
impossible to emerge from one without some kind of loss.
Below are three tables. Roll on these to see what has happened to Even in the best circumstances, something will be lost. This is
the village up until the present. why even the most positive outcomes have some detriment.
How you apply these losses tells a story.
Hardship Likelihood
How much hardship has the village seen? Has it been through a
great deal of strife, or perhaps got lucky and had an easy time so
far? Roll on the table below to find out. Your result will determine
how many times you roll on the two tables that follow.
Modified by: age

d20 Hardship Likelihood

1-2 No Hardship. The village has been lucky, and
nothing has troubled it so far.
3-6 One Hardship. The village has experienced one
notable time of difficulty.
7-14 Two Hardships. The village has gone through a
couple of hardships.
15-18 Three Hardships. The village has experienced three
difficult situations.
19-20 Four Hardships. The village has been beset by four
trying times.
Two tables follow: hardship type and hardship outcome. Roll
once on each table for each hardship your village has experienced.
The ‘type’ determines what the hardship was, while ‘outcome’
determines how harsh the losses were.
Important: Each entry in the hardship type table ends with one
or more attributes that will be modified by hardship outcome.
The following example will show how this works:

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 49
Hardship Type Hardship Outcome
If your village did endure any hardships, what were they? Roll on When hardship struck the village, how did it fair? Roll on the
the table below once per hardship to find out. table below once per hardship to find out.
Reminder: The modifiers listed below apply to the attributes
d8 Hardship Type
from hardship type.
1 Plague. The community fell victim to disease.
d10 Hardship Outcome
Modified attributes: population density
1-2 Catastrophic Losses. The village’s losses were
2 Bandits on the Road. On the way to or from market,
brutal, and excruciatingly difficult, or even
the village’s caravan was set upon by bandits.
impossible, to recover from.
Modified attributes: population wealth
Modifier: -5 to roll(s) to hardship type ‘Modified
3 Raid. The village was raided by marauders. attributes.’
Modified attributes: size, population wealth, 3-4 Terrible Losses. The village’s losses were crushing,
population density and incredibly difficult to recover from.
4 Famine / Food Shortage. If the village normally Modifier: -4 to roll(s) to hardship type ‘Modified
produces some kind of food, it did not produce. If attributes.’
they typically get their food from the market, they
5-6 Heavy Losses. The village’s losses were awful, and
had difficulties doing so for a time.
recovery is proving difficult.
Modified attributes: population density
Modifier: -3 to roll(s) to hardship type ‘Modified
5 Harsh Weather. The region was beset by nature’s attributes.’
7-8 Moderate Losses. The village’s losses were rough
Modified attributes: condition, size but recovery is likely, though may be tough.
6 Inter-Community Conflict/Violence. A conflict Modifier: -2 to roll(s) to hardship type ‘Modified
between members of the community broke out and attributes.’
split the village, with dire consequences.
9-10 Minimal Losses. The village’s losses were as little as
Modified attributes: population density, could have been hoped for, and recovery should be
disposition very possible, or even inevitable.
7 Loss of Community Leader. A key member of the Modifier: -1 to roll(s) to hardship type ‘Modified
community died or went missing. attributes.’
Modified attributes: disposition
O pt io n: At t r ib u t e S pec if ic O u t c o m es
8 Victim of War. The village was struck by the ravages
of war (passing or foraging armies, collateral battle As written, a hardship outcome roll modifies all the
damage, disease from war-related issues such as attributes affected by one hardship type. If you’d like
camp hygiene or illness from dead bodies). an additional layer of granularity, you could roll on the
hardship outcome table for each individual attribute within
Modified attributes: condition, size, population a given hardship type. Exploring why some attributes were
density affected more or less than others could provide interesting
story opportunities.

50 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Size d20 Condition
The size of a village is the number of currently standing 15-18 Hearty. Everything here appears to be well-built
structures. This means that you could have a village that was and robust. The village seems mindful of cleanliness
previously very large, but experienced an event that destroyed and the settlement’s upkeep. Roads and paths are
half of its buildings, reducing its present-day size to ‘medium’. well-groomed and flattened.
Think about your roll on this table as the village’s original or (+3 to population wealth roll)
natural size. Once you apply any modifiers from previous tables
to that roll, imagine the village changed from its original size to 19-20 Immaculate. The village is very well organized, and
the one the modifier(s) adjust it to. Wherever they came from is there is clearly a concerted effort to keep the village
what caused the change. in the best shape possible. Cleanliness is a priority,
as is maintenance. Roads and paths are plainly
Modified by: hardship type/outcome (if rolled) surfaced and clean.

d20 Size (+6 to population wealth roll)

1-2 Very Small. Up to a dozen standing structures.

3-6 Small. Up to 30 standing structures. Villages tend to be rural by their very nature. As established
7-14 Medium. Up to 60 standing structures. settlements attract more and more traffic, they grow and become
towns and cities, so it would make sense that small villages
15-18 Large. Up to 90 standing structures. would be in places without that kind of traffic. When placing a
19-20 Very Large. Up to 120 standing structures. village in its environment, start thinking about how that village
would survive, or even thrive, there. This can help to color what
your village will ultimately be.
H am let s
The tables and options available in this book are designed to allow
Hamlets are similar to villages, but on the smaller side.
settlements to be placed anywhere, regardless of environment.
If your village is on the lower end of the size table, perhaps
If you have an environment in mind for your settlement already,
it’s a hamlet; just one or two families and little else other
feel free to skip, or manually select from, this table.
than dwellings?
Suggested Resources. Later in this step you will determine
resources for your village. While you are not restricted in
Condition any way, keep in mind that certain environments may lend
The condition is, perhaps, the key feature that gives your village themselves better to certain resources. For example, coastal
a real visual identity. This paints a picture of what one would environments are more likely to have fishing as a resource, while
immediately notice when they walk in. Are things falling apart, underground environments are more suited to mining.
or are they well-maintained and built to last? Is the current
condition the normal state of the village, or has something d10 Environment
happened to alter it? 1 Coastal. The village is near a large body of water,
Modified by: hardship type/outcome (if rolled) such as a lake or ocean.
2 Forest. The village is nestled among the trees.
d20 Condition
3 Mountains. The village is found on stony passes or
1-2 Ruined. The village is little but rubble and debris
soaring peaks.
with, perhaps, a few exceptions. This could have
been the result of a war, raid, earthquake, or storm. 4 Plains. The village is in the wide open fields.
(-6 to population wealth roll) 5 River. The village is near a steadily flowing stream,
or other watercourse.
3-6 Dilapidated. The village is in a state of disrepair. Some
buildings may be coming down, or may have been built 6 Swamp. The village is in, or near, a vast area of
in a shoddy fashion. Cleanliness is not a priority. stagnant water.
(-3 to population wealth roll) 7 Underground. The village is within a large network
7-14 Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem of caves.
sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. 8 Valley. The village is found within, or on the edge
The streets are clear enough to move through, but of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
may be uneven and rutted. landscape around it.
(+0 to population wealth roll) 9 Tundra. The village is in a very cold environment.
10 Desert. The village is in a dry and arid environment,
likely covered with vast sand dunes.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 51
Specialty Resources
A village’s specialty is likely the reason it exists in the first place How do the villagers get by from day to day? What do they
and is, potentially, the main thing, that the village is known for, spend their time doing? How do they put food on the table and
such as a particular crop, or the craft of a certain item. It may keep a roof over their heads? This can be related to the village’s
even simply be an aspect of the place itself, such as being a place specialty, but does not have to be.
where one can do or see something. A hallmark of a village is that they are often self-sufficient, for
Roll on the following table, and note the specialty. Once you the most part, but resources can also be considered what the
add points of interest to the village, make sure to have an village exports. These are typically sent in bulk to a recipient
appropriate place for your facet (i.e. if you’re known for good (such as a liege lord, or as part of a trade agreement with another
drinks, you need a place to get a decent pint). village) or taken to market at the nearest town or city.

d6 Specialty P r o v iding f o r t h e V illage

1 None. The village is unremarkable, or not widely Villages have resources they revolve around. Often, whole
known for any particular thing. portions of the community may be involved in some, or
2 Food or Drink. Someone in the village makes all, aspects of processing that resource. As a result, it can
a particular food or drink (such as bread, stew, be expected that goods-producing villages will feature an
produce, ale, wine, etc.) that has gained some establishment where one might acquire some of those
notoriety. They may own an establishment, but could particular items. This differs from a trading post, where a
easily just sell it out of their home. variety of shops are likely to be found regardless of where
the trading post is, or who lives there.
3 Location Proximity. The village itself may not be
Below, if you roll a resource, you’ll also find locations
very special, but it is near somewhere that is, such as
directly related to that resource. Your village may have one
a stunning vista, or a site of historical significance.
or more of the locations noted, depending on the resource.
4 Livestock. The village is known for breeding strong These can take whatever form you wish (shop, storage, etc.)
and healthy (perhaps, even pedigree) animals, such or simply just flavor for your village.
as horses, cattle, sheep, etc.
5 Crop. The village is known for a particularly notable
crop. This could mean rare, high-quality, plentiful,
or a mix of the three.
6 Crafted Goods. The village is known for the craft
of a certain item, or type of goods, widely liked and
highly valued, such as hand-crafted furniture, a
category of clothing item, etc.

52 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
d10 Resource d10 Resource
1 Crops. The village is surrounded by fields or 7 Livestock (Shearing): Llamas, sheep, goats, and/or
orchards that produce wheat, barley, grapes, yaks are shorn in the village, the wool bundled and
vegetables, fruit, etc. These are harvested in their taken to market. The village may also produce its
raw forms, and the excess is sold or traded. own woolen goods for sale.
Location(s): farm(s), mill(s) and/or storage locations Location(s): shearing shed, storage, fields/barn,
(silos or barns). small stall/shop
2 Dairy. Pastures contain cows, goats, or sheep for 8 Logging and Lumber. Trees are planted and
milk, or chickens (or similar) for eggs. Additional harvested, sustainably. Harvested trees are hand-
animals may also be bred for sale. Due to milk’s trimmed of branches, and logs are used, traded,
tendency to spoil quickly, it might only be sold at and sold. Villagers may also process wood to craft
nearby towns or markets. If the produce needs to wooden goods.
travel longer distances, perhaps the village makes
Location(s): logging camp, carpenters workshop
butter, cream, or cheese instead.
9 Mining. Raw metal ores are excavated from the
Location(s): cellar, creamery, field/barn/coop
ground, cleaned and sorted, and then used, traded,
3 Herbs. Herbs grown in the village are used for or sold. It is possible the mine is owned by a noble or
alchemy, medicine or, simply, cooking, and are kingdom, who sends transport to pick up excavated
typically tended by an individual, due to their more materials. Ores may be processed in the village and
specialized, and potentially dangerous, nature. The turned into metal goods.
individual may have had some degree of medical,
Location(s): foreman’s station, mine, smithy
or arcane, training. Note: Unless the village is
extremely small, it is unlikely that herbs are a 10 Quarrying and Masonry. Stone is removed from
village’s sole focus. the landscape in either raw, unrefined pieces, or cut
into blocks for various purposes. It is possible the
Location: herbalist’s hut and gardens
quarry is owned by a noble or kingdom, who sends
4 Fishing. The villagers utilize the bounty of the transport to pick up excavated materials. A local
nearest stream, river, lake, or ocean. The village’s mason may build using the excavated stone.
proximity to neighboring settlements dictates how
Location(s): mason or foreman’s station
the fish can be sold. If remote, the fish might be
dried and salted; if nearby, they could be sold fresh.
O pt io nal R es o u r c e
Location(s): fisherman’s stand, wharf/pier
(You may choose this if it appeals to you and/or makes sense
5 Livestock (Labor). Animals are bred here to perform for your village.)
a particular job. These include plough and war
Ice. Keeping certain items cold is a necessity, and a village
horses, donkeys, cattle, and oxen. The breeding and
with access to ice would be in a great position to store meat,
raising of these animals can be a long process, so
fish and dairy products. If your village is located in a very
trade is likely seasonal, and the animals expensive.
cold region, it may even be possible to collect and sell this
Location(s): stable or barn valuable resource to those in warmer climes.
6 Livestock (Meat and Hides). Animals are raised to Ice would likely be cut in huge blocks in the mountains or
be slaughtered for meat, including cattle, pigs, and frozen lakes. It would be transported insulated in a material
sheep. Some may be kept to feed the village, but excess such as straw or sawdust (or kept cool by the regular
animals (live or butchered) would be sold or traded. addition of fresh snow). At the destination, it would be
placed in an insulated ice house, dug into the earth, and kept
Location(s): barn or pens, small butcher’s shop
raised off the ground. From here, ice could be sold or used.
Location: ice house

B ar t er
Some villages may be so remote that gold and silver is of
little value to them. It may be that in order to ‘purchase’
something from a villager, an exchange of goods would be
required, rather than money. This could pose a challenge to
wealthy adventurers who have plentiful coinage on hand,
but not much in the way of disposable resources.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 53
Recent History d12 History
Village gossip is a major aspect of day-to-day life. What do the 8 Infestation. Some form of vermin, or pest, has
villagers talk about? What topics are discussed by the village recently beset the village, and has become an
elders, or folks gathered around the local well? These are events ongoing issue.
that may have occurred within the past few weeks or months, up
to a year, at most. 9 Poor Production. A staple resource of the village
has yielded poorly of late.
d12 History 10 Power Vacuum. The death, or absence, of a local
1 Animal Issues. Livestock, or pets, may have been leadership figure, or figures, has led to internal strife
ravaged by local wildlife, or monsters, or animals within the community.
may have been struck by sickness or pestilence. 11 Safe Haven. The village has become a sanctuary for
2 Attacks. Members of the community have been refugees, or those in need.
attacked, either by briggands or, perhaps, monsters. 12 Wartorn. The village was occupied by military
3 Bumper Production. A staple resource of the forces, and suffered damages, during wartime in the
village has yielded very well, recently. recent past.

4 Out of Favor. The village has been subject to the ire

of a nearby ruler, or entity.
5 Entertainment. A certain form of entertainment
is proving popular, whether a game or pastime, the
arrival of a storyteller or musician, or something else.
6 Fear. Something unnerving, or frightening, has
happened recently.
7 Good Fortune. The village has received favorable
notice from a nearby ruler, or entity of note.

54 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Step 2: Community Demographics
Depending on where the village is, and its proximity to other
A village, more than any other kind of settlement, is closest destinations, one might find different people within its borders.
to a family. It is typically small enough that most folks know
everyone else, or near enough. The bonds between most who The table below presents different distributions of fantasy
live in the village are very tight and, often, many residents are races that could be residing in your village. These races can be
related, either through blood, or marriage. These tight-knit whatever you like, however we suggest using the locations and
bonds create a dependence within the community upon each and regions near the village as a reference for what the race or races
every person, and it can be difficult to find individuals who don’t might be.
contribute in some way.
d20 Demographics
This also means that when something happens to a small portion
of the community, it easily affects the whole. 1-8 Only One. 100% primary race.
9-12 Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.
Population Density
13-15 Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
Village populations are among the smallest of all settlement secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
types. They can be as small as just a few families up to, in rare
cases, around a thousand people. The amount of people in a 16-17 Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others
village is tied closely with its age and opportunities for work, as reasonably well represented.
villages are founded by individuals intent on utilising the local 18-19 High and Low. 80% primary race in high social
resources, later populating the area with family and friends. standing, 20% secondary race, in lower social
External forces and hardship types, such as war or disease, may standing.
impact a village’s population. 20 In Flux. No discernible distribution. Racial diversity
Modified by: hardship type/outcome (if rolled) seems random, with no sense of organization or
numerical dominance.
d20 Population Density
1-2 Skeleton. There are only enough people here for the
village to function at its most basic level.
(+2 to crime roll)
3-6 Sparse. People are living here, but not many. They
are able to handle all tasks that need doing but,
perhaps, with some difficulty.
(+1 to crime roll)
7-14 Populous. There are enough people here for the
village to manage all tasks without difficulty.
(+0 to crime roll)
15-18 Dense. The village seems to have a large amount of
people for its size. There are many hands available to
help with any work that needs doing.
(-1 to crime roll)
19-20 Congested. The village has as many people in it as
it can hold, and camps may be cropping up on the
outskirts. There are plenty of hands available to help
with work but, unless the work is very large-scale (such
as quarrying), there may be at least some idle people.
(-2 to crime roll)

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 55
Disposition d20 Law Enforcement
Villages, being relatively small groups of people, tend to have 15-18 Sheriff. A single, officially sanctioned sheriff looks
very unified overall dispositions. Their attitudes can be the to maintaining order within the village. If they
result of recent events, past history, regional issues, or tensions require additional help, they request it from the
common in the area. villagers, who may assist in a temporary capacity.
Modified by: hardship type/outcome (if rolled) (+1 to crime roll)

d20 Disposition 19-20 Sheriff and Deputies. A sheriff and a handful of

deputies, who are officially sanctioned authorities,
1-2 Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward maintain a firm hold on the village. They maintain
visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners civility in an official capacity.
feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness,
(+2 to crime roll)
passive-aggressiveness, or even violence.
3-6 Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors, Leadership
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
Village leadership can sometimes be formal, but can also be
7-14 Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the organic or unorganized.
outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
15-18 Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming, d6 Leadership
and slow to take offense. 1 No Leader. The village operates with no leadership,
which could lead to unresolved disputes.
19-20 Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is 2 Natural Village Elder. The village recognizes a wise
welcome. individual, and informally acknowledges them as an
authority figure.
Law Enforcement 3 External Ruler. The village owes fealty to a ruler
Since villages are rural communities, formally established who is located outside the village itself.
officers or organizations are rare. You are most likely to see a
4 Local Council. Prominent members of the
group of the locals who have taken it upon themselves to enact
community were chosen to lead the village collectively.
order, but likely have little, or no, official sanction.
5 Single, Elected Leader. The locals democratically
d20 Law Enforcement voted for their current leader.
1-3 None. This could be good or bad, depending on one’s 6 Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members of
point of view. Good if the folk are honest enough the village take turns as a sort of executive officer for
that policing is unnecessary, but bad when you need the week.
to call for help.
(-2 to crime roll)
4-10 Disorganized Rabble. The quintessential village
mob, with little to no organization. This is usually
formed on the spur-of-the-moment to address a
particular issue.
(-1 to crime roll)
11-14 Organized Rabble. Perhaps better than the
alternative, this group has guidance and leadership
in the form of an individual, or small group. They
may or may not be competent.
(+0 to crime roll)

56 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Population Wealth Crime
The wealth of a village may present differently to that of other Villages have the benefit of being relatively unattractive to
settlements. Being typically rural communities, obtaining large criminals (at least, for the typical reasons). A thief is rarely going
quantities of expensive and ornamental possessions may be to waste their time stealing sacks of grain in a backwater village
more difficult, simply due to lack of availability, and may not be a when towns and cities are nearby, ripe for the picking. Also,
priority, whether or not one has the coin. In well-trafficked areas, a as previously mentioned, villagers likely all know each other,
wealthy villager, or village leader, could potentially have a collection and one is less likely to steal from, or cheat, a friend or family
of things, purchased from, or traded with, traveling merchants. member, without adequate cause. Crime is likely to be rare and,
In more remote villages, a wealthy individual might own more if and when it does occur, swiftly dealt with.
land, or have more animals. A village where business is booming Depending on a community’s size and the frequency of criminal
might also attract traffic to the region from traveling merchants, or activity, a certain group or groups may be linked to the crimes,
adventurers looking to make good coin for their wares. such as a local trouble-making family, or gang. The community
Consider how the resource from Step 1 may affect the population may well be familiar with them, which could mean that, while
wealth. For example, if the resource is mining, and the population crimes take place, they are also resolved quickly.
wealth is ‘prosperous’, then perhaps the mine produces precious Modified by: population density, law enforcement, population
metals instead of just iron ore. Another example might be if the wealth
resource is livestock, and the population wealth is ‘impoverished’,
the livestock may have contracted an illness, or may have been d20 Crime
stolen, and the community has yet to recover.
1-2 Average. Theft or violence can happen from time to
Modified by: hardship type/outcome (if rolled)
time. Best to keep an eye out.
d20 Population Wealth (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
1-2 Destitute. Most of the population consistently lacks 3-5 Uncommon. Crime does not occur often but, when
the barest essentials of what they need to survive. it does, it is a noteworthy occurrence.
(-2 to crime roll) (+2 to urban encounter rolls)
3-6 Impoverished. Around half of the population 6-10 Rare. Most villagers have had no personal experience
struggles to carve out even a meager existence. with crime, and few know people that have.
(-1 to crime roll) (+1 to urban encounter rolls)
7-14 Average. Most of the population have enough to live 11-20 Little-to-None. Most, or all, of the villagers believe
a modest life. the village is totally safe, and certainly haven’t
experienced any crime personally.
(+0 to crime roll)
(+0 to urban encounter rolls)
15-17 Prosperous. Most of the population has enough to
live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even
live comfortably. U r b an E nc o u nt er s
(-1 to crime roll) Urban encounters are intended to happen in-game while
players are in your settlement and, as such, are not intended
18-19 Wealthy. The villagers are well off, perhaps even to be planned as part of game preparation or world
able to indulge once in a while. building. The table for these can be found in Appendix B:
(-2 to crime roll) Encounters (p. 442).

20 Affluent. The villagers have plenty of disposable

income and want for absolutely nothing.
(-3 to crime roll)

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 57
Step 3: Points of Interest d20
Place of Worship Size
Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to
Points of interest in a village will be very different to what
comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people.
one would expect to find in a trading post, or even a small
town. The folks that live in a village live simple, self-sufficient 18-19 Temple. A grand building, replete with elements
lives, generally keeping to themselves. Because of this, there like high ceilings, plush furnishings, and other
are often few points of interest, save those that facilitate this impressive ornamental and/or architectural
sustainability. features. It can hold nearly a thousand attendees.
20 Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted
D o u b les to that which it venerates. No expense was spared in
If you roll more than one of a location, treat it as its construction. It might display such elements as
another location. stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes, and
towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great temple
is a rare and striking experience for those who do
Village Staple Buildings not live near one.
Residents of a village do more than just work and sleep; other
places are important, and in regular use. There are two in Fervency of Local Following
particular: places of worship, and places of gathering. You may Roll on the following table to determine the degree of veneration
simply elect to have one, or both, of these within your village, as that is visible to any outsider visiting the village.
they both usually make sense. When selecting, think about their
importance in the community, and where they might be located. d20 Fervency of Local Following
Traditionally, many villages are built around a central point,
which could certainly be one of these. Below, you will find tables 1-3 Unseen. To those outside the following, it is not
for how many of each might be found in villages of various sizes. clear that the group exists.
4-7 Quiet. Adherents to the faith are inconspicuous,
Places of Worship unless one knows what to look for (perhaps
particular gestures, items of clothing, or phrases).
The gods must have their due and, in communities like this,
it is almost a sure thing that they do. One or more gods may 8-12 Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable,
be revered, with at least a shrine devoted to the deity, if not a but remain very reserved.
chapel, or even full temple. 13-16 Moderate. The pious are confident and unafraid to
display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon
A d2 ? the wider populus uncalled for.
Try using a coin as a 2-sided die. Count one side as 1, 17-19 Fervent. Followers are outspoken, with little or no fear
the other as 2. of reproach. They may sing or speak to the masses.
20 Zealous. Adherents are utterly and unthinkingly
Village Size Places of Worship devout, forcing their doctrine upon their
Very Small 1 surroundings and peers, or taking actions that
further their cause regardless of personal cost.
Small / Medium 1d2 Though typically seen as negative, this could also be
Large / Very Large 1d2+1 a positive, such as a church of light rising up in an
evil kingdom, helping those in need, even if it puts
themselves in peril.
Place of Worship Size
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in your V is ib ilit y
settlement to determine their size.
What is shown above represents what can be seen by an
d20 Place of Worship Size outsider visiting the village. Each and every person who
holds a faith will express it in their own way, but what is
1 Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the represented here is generally how bold that show of faith is.
location is not publicly known. The overall degree of veneration may be quiet, but there may
2-7 Altar. A small shrine or, perhaps, a tiny shack, be a few adherents that, while very passionate, may keep it
usually evincing some various items or images quiet when in public. Why would they do this? That’s part of
relating to that which the faith venerates. your village’s story.

8-14 Oratory. A modest building with seating for

attendees, appointed with various items or images
relating to that which the faith venerates.

58 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Alignment of the Faith Places of Gathering
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in the These are places that are primarily social in nature, where
settlement to find out its alignment. the resident community can get together for events, or other
d10 Alignment of the Faith
d4 Places of Gathering
1 Evil
1 Amphitheater. Outdoor space with a stage and
2-5 Neutral tiered seating.
6-10 Good 2 Dance Hall. Location for dances and festive events.
3 Gathering Hall. General building used for
Places of Gathering community-organised activities.
Social interaction is mightily important in a close-knit 4 Outdoor Recreational Area. A tended space
community, but it doesn’t take long to realize that having where locals might eat, take leisure time, or duel to
gatherings in individual homes can make things difficult. That is the death...
where gathering places, such as long halls and other communal
buildings, come in. These might be used for all manner of N o I nns o r T av er ns ? !
activities, from sharing meals together, to playing games,
singing, teaching, celebrating or, sometimes most importantly, This book assumes that most villages are places that have
discussing serious matters regarding the village. These are places a heavy focus on community, being remote and rural, and
where a forum can be held, or news can be disseminated, more are not intended to have a commercial focus. The structures
easily. A gathering place usually amounts to a large building, populating the village are homes or buildings purpose-built
capable of containing all the village’s residents, with some room for the village’s needs. A village would not typically attract
to move about. They might contain fire pits or fireplaces, tables, enough traffic to warrant an inn or tavern. Instead, if a
benches, and chairs. traveler did need a room, a local may offer them a place to
stay in their home. If someone wanted a drink, they may go
to a neighbor’s fireside and drink a homemade brew, or a
Number of Places of Gathering beverage purchased at market.
On the following table, find the row that matches your village’s
size and take the presented value.

Size Gathering Places

Very Small 1d2-1
Small 1
Medium 1d2
Large 1d2
Very Large 1d2+1

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 59
Other Locations Other Locations
Unlike trading posts, whose existence revolves around trade Roll on the table below once for each of your village’s other
and commerce, a village does not. Villages exist to produce locations, per the previous table. Remember that even if any of
and manage a small number of resources, and those who live these might usually be a typical shop or service establishment,
there hope to live as comfortably and trouble-free as their it may not be managed as such in the village; it may not accept
circumstances will allow. typical payment, may do business in an atypical way, or may be
run out of someone’s home.
As a result, the likelihood of finding formal shops or services in a
village is very slim (though not impossible). What you might find
are people willing to barter goods, or do you a favor, in return for
S h o p T y pes
something you could offer. Villages are not focused on commerce, so there is no
individual shop section in this chapter. However, from time
Below are two tables to help you determine what, if any, other
to time, some do show up. The shops within this table are
locations might be in your village.
followed by (B), (S) or (E). These are explained below:
Shops fall into three general categories:
Number of Other Locations
Basic (B). Basic shops serve the simple, everyday needs of a
Roll on the table below to determine how many rolls to make on
settlement. Basic shops are owned and run by professionals
the other locations table.
with widely-available training, and offer goods that are not
Note: For Very Small, it is possible to have zero. wildly different to those in other, similar locations.
Specialty (S). Specialty shops deal specifically in a particular
Size Number of Other Locations
category of item(s). Specialty shops are run by specially
Very Small 1d2-1 trained individuals, supplying goods that are less common.
Small 1d2 Exotic (E)*. Exotic shops deal in rare, or exceedingly special
item(s). They offer goods that are not locally available,
Medium 1d2+1 or reach a level of expense, uniqueness, or expertise that
Large 2d2 exceed even that of specialty shops.

Very Large 2d2+1 *Magic Shops. Magic shops are always considered exotic.
They are not catch-all shops for magic items but, instead,
specialized dealers (and sometimes crafters) of particular
things. To find exceptionally rare or unique magical items,
one would need to seek out a magic shop specialized in the
appropriate category.

60 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
d100 Other Locations d100 Other Locations
1-4 Baker (B). Bakes and sells fresh bread and, possibly, 66 Magic Shop - Armor (E). Sells magical items with a
pastries. focus on armor and protective equipment.
5-7 Butcher (B). Processes and sells fresh and/or dried 67 Magic Shop - Books (E). Sells magical items with
meat. a focus on literature, arcane tomes and lore. They
may also carry books and documents (such as maps
8-11 Cooper (B). Crafts wooden vessels held together
and records) of a rare and significant nature, though
with metal hoops, including barrels, buckets, etc.
12-15 Carpenter (B). Builds with or carves wood, as well as
68 Magic Shop - Clothing (E). Sells magical items with
carrying out repairs.
a focus on clothing of all types which bear magical
16-19 General Store (B). Sells basic supplies, groceries, properties.
and various odds and ends.
69 Magic Shop - Jewelry (E). Sells magical items with a
20-23 Herbalist (B). Sells common herbs and natural, non- focus on enchanted, or otherwise magically imbued,
magical remedies. jewelry.
24-27 Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and 70 Magic Shop - Weapons (E). Sells magical items
equipment, including very basic weapons and armor. with a focus on weapons with mystic properties and,
perhaps, shields.
28-31 Tailor (B). Makes and sells of clothing, including
hats and cloaks. Also sells general items made from 71 Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities (E).
cloth, such as blankets, and carries out repairs and Procures and sells magical items with a focus
alterations of cloth goods. on strange and rare artifacts of a wondrous or
intriguing nature.
32-35 Tanner/Taxidermist (B). Processes animal hides
for practical or ornamental purposes. 72-73 Barber. Provides grooming services, such as
haircuts or shaves.
36-39 Thatcher (B). Builds roofs using layers of dried
straw, reeds, rushes, etc. 74-75 Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing.
40-43 Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons. 76-77 Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care.
44-47 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets. 78-79 House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or
relaxation (GM may decide what kind).
48-50 Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as
mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients. 80-84 Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to
have a bath and a decent meal.
51-52 Artist (S). Encompasses painter, sculptor or other
visual art as appropriate. 85-89 Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and
prophecy - sayers of sooth!
53-55 Cobbler (S). Makes and mends boots and shoes.
90-94 Stable. Provides boarding accommodation for
56-58 Mill (S). Facilities for milling grain.
mounts, as well as selling carts, animals, and their tack.
59-61 Shipwright (S). Builds and launches boats and/
95-99 Tavern. Provides food and drink.
or ships. [Reroll if settlement is not bordering a
significant source of water] 100 Burned down or abandoned business. This used
to be a place of business, but isn’t anymore. Roll
62 Rare Botanicals (E). Cultivates and sells herbs rare
once more on this table to see what it was.
to the region.
63 Luxury Furnishings (E). Procures and sells all
manner of home items for fine living, including
furniture, art, and other high-quality goods.
64 Rare Libations & Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps,
makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing
quality or rarity to the region.
65 Rare Trade Goods (E). Procures and sells items and
materials, such as ores or textiles, that are rare to the

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 61
Extra Intrigue Political Rumors
Depending on where a village is located, its involvement in (or
A little extra intrigue never hurts. It can help turn a vaguely even general awareness of) political happenings can vary greatly.
interesting village into a deeply captivating one. The following When one hears political events being discussed in a village (such
tables can add additional layers to your village. as those listed below), it may be a good idea to take the discussion
with a grain of salt. The more remote the village is, the larger the
Events grain of salt, as news may get skewed as it travels.
In a village, time is marked by celebrating rites of passage. The
lives of those who live there are closely woven with those of d6 Political Rumors
their neighbors. It follows, then, that these would be gatherings 1 Mighty Misfortune. Misfortune has fallen upon a
where most, if not all, would participate in almost all aspects. prominent figure residing near to, but outside the
Depending on the season, or the other particular happenings, bounds of, the settlement (stripped of title, robbed,
there could be any sort of event going on. Are visitors welcomed murdered, lost at cards, etc).
warmly or are they seen as crashing the party?
2 Fealty. A new power is claiming rights of fealty over
Roll on the table below to see what events are currently taking the village, at the culmination of a long conflict.
place, imminent, or coming to a close.
3 Drums of War. Neighboring cities are preparing to
d10 Events go to war with one another.

1 Birth or Birthday. Blessings are sought for 4 Noble Wedding. A local noble has just married the
individuals on the day of their birth. son or daughter of a well-loved (or greatly-loathed)
2 Party. These are fun events that bring the community
together for fellowship and camaraderie, and could be 5 More Taxes. An increase in taxes is about to
happening for a number of reasons. implemented, to pay for an expensive and
ambitious project.
3 Funeral. A gathering to remember those from the
community who passed away, either in mourning or 6 Missing Taxman. Taxes have not been collected in
in celebration of their life, with a party reflecting the quite some time, and no one has seen the collector
things that meant most to the deceased. for weeks.

4 Harvest and Productivity. Villagers seek blessings

for upcoming work, such as a harvest, or thanks are
given for bountiful yields.
5 Love. Festivities to encourage pairing, celebrating
couples and family.
6 Political. A celebration honoring events of national
significance, such as remembering a great victory, or
gaining independence.
7 Religious. Events relating to and honoring a venerated
deity are often regular and steeped in tradition.
8 Wedding. Celebrating the formal joining of two families.
9 Local. Celebration revolving around a major local
event or the deeds of a local hero.
10 Travel & Welcome. Festivities welcome someone new
to the community, or someone well on a journey.

62 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Superstitions d20 Superstitions
Villagers believe a lot of things, some of which can get rather… 10 Knowing your full name allows those who wish you
odd. What folks believe and why is almost anyone’s guess but, in ill to put a curse on you, so keep your middle names
a village, those superstitions tend to be centred around health, secret.
productivity, luck, and romance.
11 A carrion bird landing in front of you means you, or
someone close to you, will die soon.
Random Superstitions
12 A single magpie is bad luck, but saluting the lone
Roll on the table below to see if there are any superstitions held
magpie (‘Good morning Mr. Magpie, how’s your
by the locals. Also, remember to consider the question: is the
wife?’) will turn bad luck into good.
superstition true?
13 In games, never grab the dice. The owner of the dice
d20 Superstitions must give them to the first person who must roll,
who must pass them on and so on. Doing otherwise
1 Burying a dead cat under the doorstep is essential
will curse the dice for a fortnight.
for a building’s prosperity.
14 A pregnant woman must not go out in the evenings,
2 Half a chicken will cure any number of ailments (from
lest the overwhelming darkness taint the child.
plague, to pimples) when tied to the afflicted area.
If she must go out, she must carry a second lamp
3 Placing mirrors, or large reflective objects, opposite directly in front of her stomach, to protect the baby.
one another in a room can open an invisible doorway
15 When making a wish at a well, the value of coin
for devils.
you throw in should be commensurate with that of
4 Hanging mistletoe above the lintel is a sacred oath your wish.
that the host will harm none who enter.
16 When speaking with adult men or women, it is bad
5 Never stick a knife point-down into wood, or a luck to not address them as ‘sir’ or ‘madam’, at least
cutting block, as it invites acts of violence among once, during the exchange.
those nearby.
17 When mining or cutting stone, the chips from the
6 Evil spirits can lurk within the leaves of cabbages first strike of the day must be pocketed by the one
and sprouts; you must carve a holy sign into the who struck, lest earth spirits feel taken for granted.
bottom before cooking them.
18 Proclaiming new love at dawn or dusk is bad luck.
7 After visiting a grave or cemetery, one must take a
19 Kissing the door frame of your house upon entry or
winding path home, making stops along the way, in
exit asks the gods’ protection upon it.
order to lose any tag-along spirits.
20 Never leave an empty spirits glass or cup right-
8 Giving a knife as a gift will sever a friendship, so
side-up, lest an actual spirit attempt to fill the void,
they must always be symbolically paid for.
inhabiting the body of the next drinker.
9 Never use dull scissors as, if you do, you risk
accidentally cutting the thread tethering your soul to
your body.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 63
Goings On Opportunities
What are some interesting occurrences that are happening What potential problems are the villagers currently dealing with,
at the moment? that they may need help with?

d6 Goings On d6 Opportunities
1 Worker’s Compensation. A worker has been injured 1 Thief. Someone has been absconding with large
on the job, and folks are rushing to help them. amounts of the village’s major crop, or resource.
2 Road Merchant. A travellng merchant just arrived 2 Wildlife. Local wildlife has been harassing the
in town, and has all kinds of unique things to show villagers, or animals.
and sell.
3 Monster(s). Something worse than simple wildlife
3 Children Missing. Some of the younger villagers is terrorizing the village.
have gone missing. How long have they been gone?
4 Haunting. A spirit haunts some place within the
What were they last seen doing?
village. Something was done to this person while
4 Fallen Rider. A severely injured man in armor they were alive that has tied the spirit to this place.
has ridden into the village, late at night, and fallen,
5 Party Time. A festival is coming up soon, and a
unconscious, from his horse. He is wearing a tabard
shipment carrying something important for the
displaying an unfamiliar coat of arms.
event has not arrived.
5 They’re Mine. Two villagers are competing for the
6 Shady Doings. Strange symbols are discovered
hand of a local heartthrob.
written on the walls of certain homes, or other
6 Echoes in the Deep. A villager swears they can hear buildings. Bits of bones, or piles of stones, placed
sounds like voices coming from underground. just-so have been found. Something, or someone, is
trying to send a message, or accomplish a less-than-
savory task. What is it and why is it happening?

64 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Harsh Weather I n t h is env ir o nm ent ?
Whereas weather in towns or cities can potentially be negligible In the event that you roll on the harsh weather table above
(and avoidable), weather in a village is almost always of major and get a result that you feel conflicts too much with
importance. Weather can affect every aspect of life in a village, your village’s environment (such as hail in the desert),
from its ability to harvest its crops, to threatening the stability of simply re-roll.
the very buildings themselves.
The table below presents weather based scenarios.
Danger Level
d10 Harsh Weather What makes this place dangerous? Understand that this is
a relative term, and the possibilities presented in the table
1 Ideal. Recent conditions have been as good as
below will need to be adapted to your campaign and/or current
possible. Work has been able to progress better than
adventure path, based on character level. Danger could refer to
usual, and any grown resource may be having a
crime, environmental hazards, or other things present that could
richer yield than normal.
make life difficult.
2 Heavy Precipitation. Rain or snow have been
significantly heavier than usual. There has either d20 Danger Level
been sufficient flooding, or snow has been deep 1-2 No Danger or Hazards. The village is a perfectly
enough, to cause damage, perhaps even trapping safe place to be (skip danger type table).
folk inside their homes.
3-6 Low. Danger or hazards are a rarity.
3 Drought. It has been warm, maybe even pleasantly
so, but it also has not rained in some time. Things 7-14 Medium. Danger or hazards are not unheard of, but
are getting dry and brittle. Unless water storage not everyone has experienced them.
solutions are in place, and water distribution (such
15-18 High. Danger or hazards are common.
as irrigation) is available, this doesn’t bode well.
19-20 Extreme. Danger or hazards abound. It is never safe
4 Thunderstorms or Blizzards (non-arid region).
to go anywhere alone.
The precipitation hasn’t been the problem so much
as the severity of the storms. It is impossible to work,
or travel, in these conditions, so village residents are
holed up inside, waiting out the storms, which have
been occurring much more frequently.
5 Wildfires. There have been fires, either nearby
or some ways off. Either way, they’re too close for
comfort. Ash can be seen on the ground, smoke
can be smelled in the air, and forests nearby are in
danger, if not ablaze already.
6 Hail. Storms dropping chunks of ice at great speeds
have been devastating the village, possibly damaging
crops, structures, or even people and animals caught
7 Dust Storms (arid region). Dust storms have been
passing through in a choking haze, making it
difficult to travel, or do extended work outside. Air
quality is awful, and some folk are getting sick.
8 Hurricane (coastal region). A hurricane is
approaching, or has arrived. Forceful wind,
pounding rain, flooding, and hail have all been seen.
Some folks may be fleeing.
9 Tornado. A whirling cyclone is approaching, or has
careened through or near, the village, uprooting
crops, destroying buildings, or worse.
10 Earthquake. Shifting earth beneath the village
is causing, or has caused, structural collapse and,
possibly, even sinkholes and cave-ins.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 65
Danger Type T h e G r eat R u m o r T ab le
What are some of the situations that could happen here? Below On page p. 444 you will find Appendix C: Rumors,
are possible dangerous occurrences that adventurers could run which contains a 50-item table of rumors that may be
into. floating around your settlement. This table is made up of
political rumors from the Villages chapter, as well as rumors
d6 Danger Type from both Cities and Capitals. Most of the rumors in the
1 Wildlife Attack. Wildlife lives in close proximity to Appendix have been altered to make them fit any settlement,
the village, which may be open, or have little in the with the exception of a small few. Try it out and see what
way of defenses. Wildlife may be free to roam the kind of flavor you discover!
village, especially in low-traffic hours.
2 Misunderstanding. For new arrivals in the village,
What’s next?
especially those not from the region, communication You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not
can be hard. Miscommunication can lead to yet complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing so
dangerous situations. already, your final task awaits. Look back at all of your rolls and
the information that gives you and think about why things are the
3 Workplace Accidents. Depending on the kind of way they are, and what that means for your village. Think of every
work being done, there may be some omnipresent detail that you rolled as another clue to revealing the true identity
danger, from mishaps with animals, to issues with of this place. Be creative, let your imagination wander and don’t tell
equipment, especially if it is in poor condition. yourself, “no”. As we said in Chapter 1, embrace the contradictions
4 Disease. Villages can lack rigorous standards of and oddities, and you will see your village come to life.
cleanliness or, due to their rural placement, can
sometimes be prone to issues with disease-carrying I nt er es t ing N P C s
If you need to populate your village with some pre-
5 Unwanted Attention. Being a tight-knit community generated characters, head on over to Chapter 8:
has the benefit of everyone being very familiar with Interesting NPCs. You can find tables for different types
everyone else. This makes visitors stick out like a of NPCs and, following the tables, details on the NPCs
sore thumb. This could draw attention from the themselves, arranged by profession.
villagers, or anyone who might be watching.
6 Monster Prey. Large monsters, who might view a
town or city as too threatening a target, may view a
village as a much easier source of food.

66 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Ersatz Canopy
By Megan Roy
Ersatz Canopy was formerly the peaceful village
of Ersatz, a quaint halfling settlement nestled
amongst the towering redwood trees. Its people -
comprised mainly of the Barktap family and the
Knucklefuzz family - were tight-knit, trusting,
and supportive. Most of them spent their days
simply raising livestock, spinning wool yarn,
traveling to and from market days in various
towns, or raising the village's many children.
Even when problems arose, there was nothing that
simple conflict resolution or prayer to their forest
god couldn't fix. Truly, Ersatz was a lovely place
to live.
This tranquility was fragile, however, and
shattered as soon as Ersatz was ransacked by
a violent band of thieving marauders. The
elders were killed, most women and children
taken, the livestock slaughtered or stolen, and
every building burned to the ground. After a small
band of Ersatz villagers left to rescue the captives
(and never returned), the peace was broken in
the village. The few that remained were horribly
shaken, hopeless, and divided. Disagreements on
how to move forward soon turned to violence between
the families. To try and prevent even further bloodshed,
the last villagers of Ersatz took their settlement to the
trees, rebuilding among the branches to leave their
former lives behind on the ashen floor.
Now, Ersatz Canopy is comprised of a few dozen
haphazard wooden treehouses, suspended 20+
feet above the forest floor. The Barktaps and
Knucklefuzzes live on their respective sides of
the lazy river, barely withstanding each others'
presences when they cross paths to pray at the
meadow shrine. Unbeknownst to the majority, a
secret collection of family members from both sides
meet regularly at a hidden shrine downriver, praying
that the gods will help their people reunite once more.
To complicate matters further, the people of Ersatz Basic Information
Canopy are now also faced with a strange dilemma. Just a few
Age: Established. The village has been settled for a few years.
weeks prior, two caravans of competing traveling circus troupes
They have been able to successfully sustain themselves and the
wandered through the forest and into the burned remains of old
families have started to grow.
Ersatz. Feeling drawn to the beautiful meadow, Tarragon and his
Traveling Tricksters made an offer to pay the people of Ersatz Hardships Likelihood: Two Hardships. The village has gone
Canopy for their land to repurpose into a permanent circus through a couple of hardships.
site. The people of Bumble's Tumblemeisters, however, see this Hardships:
opportunity to thwart their competitors, and now seek to strike
a better deal with the villagers. Who knows how the people of • Raid. The village was raided by marauders.
Ersatz Canopy will decide the fate of their village, if they manage • Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The
to come to an agreement at all? village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly
difficult to recover from.
• Inter-Community Conflict/Violence. A conflict between
members of the community broke out and split the village,
with dire consequences.
• Hardship Outcome: Heavy Losses. The village’s
losses were awful, and recovery is proving difficult.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 67
Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures. Place of Worship 2
Condition: Dilapidated. The village is in a state of disrepair. • Size: Altar. A small altar or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
Some buildings may be coming down, or may have been built in a evincing some various items or images relating to that which
shoddy fashion. Cleanliness is not a priority. the shrine venerates.
Environment: Forest. The village is nestled among the trees. • Fervency of Local Following: Quiet. Adherents to the
faith are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for
Specialty: Location Proximity. The village itself may not be
(perhaps particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases).
very special, but it is near somewhere that is, such as a stunning
vista, or a site of historical significance. • Alignment: Good.
Resources: Livestock (Shearing): Llamas, sheep, goats, and/ Places of Gathering:
or yaks are shorn in the village, the wool bundled and taken to • Outdoor Recreational Area. This unnamed meadow
market. The village may also produce its own woolen goods for sale. bisected by a lazy river used to be the site of village
• Resource-related locations: Shearing Shed, Storage, celebrations. Now that the village has moved to the treetops,
Livestock Fields its people gone and its people divided, the meadow remains
Recent History. Animal Issues. Livestock, or pets, may have
been ravaged by local wildlife, or monsters, or animals have been Other Locations: Burned-down general store
struck by sickness or pestilence. • Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities. Tarragon’s
Traveling Tricksters, a magic caravan/circus, happened upon
Community the village months after the marauders ransacked the ground
structures. Tarragon now hopes to purchase or repurpose the
Population Density: Skeleton. There are only enough people land as a permanent circus site.
here for the village to function at its most basic level.
• Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities. Belinda’s
Demographics: Only One. 100% primary race. Tumblemeisters, another traveling circus troupe (and
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard Tarragon’s sworn enemy) followed Tarragon to the site of
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them. this burned village, and now swears to take control of the
land first, by whatever means necessary.
Law Enforcement: Organized Rabble. Perhaps better than the
alternative, this group has guidance and leadership in the form of
an individual or small group. They may or may not be competent. Extra Intrigue
Leadership: No Leader. The village operates with no Events: Religious. Events relating to and honoring a venerated
leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes. deity are often regular and steeped in tradition.
Population Wealth: Impoverished. Around half of the Political Rumors: Fealty. A new power may be claiming rights
population struggles to carve out even a meager existence. of fealty over the village after the end of a long conflict.
Crime: Rare. Most villagers have had no personal experience Superstitions: Giving a knife as a gift will sever a friendship, so
with crime, and few know people that have. they must always be symbolically paid for.
Goings On: Road Merchant. A traveling merchant just arrived
Points of Interest in town, and has all kinds of unique things to show and sell.

Places of Worship: 2 Opportunities: Thief. Someone has been absconding with large
amounts of the village’s major crop, or resource.
Place of Worship 1
Harsh Weather: Wildfires. There have been fires, either nearby
• Size: Altar. A small altar or perhaps a tiny shack, usually or some ways off. Either way, they’re too close for comfort. Ash
evincing some various items or images relating to that which can be seen on the ground, smoke can be smelled in the air, and
the shrine venerates. forests nearby are in danger, if not ablaze already.
• Fervency of Local Following: Zealous. Adherents are Danger Level: Medium. Danger or hazards are not unheard of,
utterly and unthinkingly devout, forcing their doctrine upon but not everyone has experienced them.
their surroundings and peers or taking actions that further
their cause regardless of personal cost. Though typically Danger Type: Unwanted Attention. Being a tight-knit
seen as negative, this could also be a positive, such as a community has the benefit of everyone being very familiar with
church of light rising up in an evil kingdom, helping those everyone else. This makes visitors stick out like a sore thumb.
in need even if it puts themselves in peril. This could draw attention from the villagers, or anyone who
might be watching.
• Alignment: Good.
• Description: After the raid and schism within the
village, almost all villagers pray daily to this god of the
forest, asking for divine intervention to heal their broken
settlement (or at least prove that their side of the schism is
in the right).

68 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Ersatz Canopy

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 69
Fishinston Village
By Andrew Geertsen

Settling in a cave could potentially have many perks; at least, that beneficial at first. He built them new homes and storehouses, and
was the logic the founders of Fishinston Village went with. The provided better fishing equipment - even small boats for the lake.
added security provided by the rock and earth gave a sense of He followed this up by extravagantly taxing the fishers’ earnings.
seclusion where the locals could fish in peace. For Fishinston is A local sheriff was installed to monitor the villagers and ensure
exactly that: an underground fishing village. there would be no problems. The lord vigilantly keeps the
village in excellent working order (it’s that or no more fish) but
Decades ago, the caves were discovered by natives of the area
otherwise only permits Fishinston the tiniest percentage of their
seeking shelter. Within the caves, they happened upon an
earnings, ensuring they are utterly dependent upon him.
underground lake. Needing to eat, they cast out into the lake and
reeled in a surprisingly successful catch. For in this underground Worse, as word of the infamous flipperfish got out, opportunistic
lake, it transpired, dwelt the unique Fishinston flipperfish. visitors started showing up and locals quickly learned to treat
newcomers with suspicion. The village was even raided by
The Fishinston flipperfish has a unique property: it is utterly
marauders, intent on pillaging the fish stores. During the attack,
bland, boring, and tasteless to all who consume it. But in
many villagers died and the sheriff was seen fleeing the cave. He
addition, and yet more mystifying, is the fact that, when
was dragged back, but the mob justice escalated into a village-
incorporating the fish into even the most intensely flavorful
wide altercation where still more died. Fishinston’s lord decided
dishes, it appears to draw the flavor out of whatever it comes
a change of sheriff was necessary, after this, and the village has
into contact with, rendering any meal as dull, insipid and
since been slowly recovering.
unappetizing as the fish itself. No spice, seasoning, additive or
ingredient seems to be able to overpower the savourless fish. Recently, as a side enterprise, some locals have used a portion of
their meager profits to buy some breeding pigs to raise, figuring
An alchemist learned later that this effect is no accident; the
they could be easily fed with the readily available and prolific
fish actually secretes an enzyme ostensibly to keep predators
cave mushrooms growing in the village. This seemed to work out
from coming back for more. Sadly (especially if you happen to
for a while, until some of the wildlife outside the caves (as well as
be a Fishinston flipperfish) it turns out that this enzyme is very
some living deep within) supposed that fresh pork might make for
valuable to all manner of alchemists and potioneers who want
better eating than bland fish. Altogether too many eyes are now
their creations to be tasteless.
pointed towards Fishinston - and there seems to be very little
With hindsight, it’s clear the Fishinston flipperfish is the cause they can do about it.
of many of the tiny village’s troubles. A regional lord saw the
value of the fish and claimed rights of fealty. This seemed

70 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Leadership: External Ruler. The village owes fealty to a ruler
Basic Information who is located outside the village itself.
Age: Old. The village was founded decades ago. Production Population Wealth: Impoverished. Around half of the
has reached peak performance with the elder members of the population struggles to carve out even a meager existence.
community being old hands at the work. There are many adults
in the village who were born there. Crime: Rare. Most villagers have had no personal experience
with crime, and few know people that have.
Hardships Likelihood: Two Hardships. The village has gone
through a couple of hardships.
Points of Interest
Place of Worship: 1
• Raid. The village was raided by marauders.
Place of Worship
• Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The
village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly • Size: Oratory. A modest building with seating for
difficult to recover from. attendees, appointed with various items or images relating
to that which the faith venerates.
• Inter-Community Conflict/Violence. A conflict between
members of the community broke out and split the village, • Fervency of Local Following: Unseen. To those outside the
with dire consequences. following, it is not clear that the group exists.
• Hardship Outcome: Minimal Losses. The • Alignment: Neutral.
village’s losses were as little as could have been Places of Gathering: None.
hoped for, and recovery should be very possible, or
even inevitable. Other Locations: None.
Size: Very Small. Up to a dozen standing structures.
Condition: Immaculate. The village is very well organized, and Extra Intrigue
there is clearly a concerted effort to keep the village in the best Events: Travel & Welcome. Celebration to welcome someone
shape possible. Cleanliness is a priority, as is maintenance. Roads new to the community, or to wish someone well on a journey.
and paths are plainly surfaced and clean.
Political Rumors: Mighty Misfortune. Misfortune has fallen
Environment: Underground. The village is within a large upon a nearby prominent figure residing outside the bounds of
network of caves. the village (stripped of title, robbed, murdered, lost at cards, etc).
Specialty: Livestock. The village is known for breeding strong Superstitions: In games, never grab the dice. The owner of the
and healthy (perhaps, even pedigree) animals, such as horses, dice must give them to the first person who must roll, who must
cattle, sheep, etc. pass them on and so on. Doing otherwise will curse the dice for a
Resources: Fishing. The villagers utilize the bounty of the fortnight.
nearest stream, river, lake, or ocean. The village’s proximity to Goings On: Road Merchant. A traveling merchant just arrived
neighboring settlements dictates how the fish can be sold. If in town, and has all kinds of unique things to show and sell.
remote, the fish might be dried and salted; if nearby, they could
Opportunities: Wildlife. Local wildlife has been harassing the
be sold fresh.
villagers, or animals.
• Resource-related locations: Fisherman’s Stand, Wharf/
Harsh Weather: Drought. It has been warm, maybe even
pleasantly so, but it also has not rained in some time. Things
Recent History. Animal Issues. Livestock, or pets, may have are getting dry and brittle. Unless water storage solutions are in
been ravaged by local wildlife, or monsters, or animals have been place, and water distribution (such as irrigation) is available, this
struck by sickness or pestilence. doesn’t bode well.
Danger Level: Medium. Danger or hazards are not unheard of,
Community but not everyone has experienced them.
Population Density: Dense. The village seems to have a large Danger Type: Unwanted Attention. Being a tight-knit
amount of people for its size. There are many hands available to community has the benefit of everyone being very familiar with
help with any work that needs doing. everyone else. This makes visitors stick out like a sore thumb.
This could draw attention from the villagers, or anyone who
Demographics: Only One. 100% primary race. might be watching.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single, officially sanctioned
sheriff looks to maintaining order within the village. If they
require additional help, they request it from the villagers, who
may assist in a temporary capacity.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 71
Fishinston Village

72 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
By Paul Thomlinson

Kelpore is a charming, half-century-old coastal village known Kelpore is currently in a state of recovery. A year or so ago, after
for harvesting kelp and running a nearby mine. The locals are months of frenzied mining activity, a disturbingly large amount
friendly and diverse, evidenced by the fact that only a fifth of the of rodents fled the mine, right into the settlement. They carried
population seem like they’re originally from the local area. An with them a plague that struck the village hard. To make matters
elder, who has lived there since birth, governs the village and the worse, the villagers long-held superstition a dead cat under the
local sheriff takes his work quite seriously. Their commitment doorstep brought good luck did nothing to halt the spread of
to village life renders crime nearly non-existent. Generally contagion. It turns out that a dead cat is a useless cat at best, and
speaking, the village is livelier than most, with boats and the odd a hive of bacteria at worst. Thankfully, since the plague passed,
ship frequently stopping to stock up on supplies, particularly the recovery progresses, albeit slowly. An upcoming fair is even
nutrient-rich kelp, used to help keep scurvy at bay. being planned to celebrate their survival against the odds.
Locals, when not working, like to spend time at the local Worryingly, another problem has recently materialised: the
amphitheater, which can hold a good few hundred people, or in mining stores were pillaged. Villagers are perplexed as to who
the village sanctuary worshipping. The most popular local spot, could have moved all that ore and where they could have taken it.
however, is The Miner’s Nook. This local tavern was established The incident was reported to the sheriff, but rumors have started
after locals realized that having a bunch of filthy miners gather to circulate that he may have already been aware of the theft,
at one of their homes for post-shift drinks invariably led to an perhaps even before it happened... Speculation, for now, but a
uncomfortable clean-up effort. secret of that magnitude is not likely to remain so for long.
‘The Nook’, as some tend to shorten it, is actually communally Perhaps the villagers should be more concerned with other
funded and owned. The miners were authorized by the elder gossip, in any case. Someone swears they heard that a city some
to use village funds to establish and run the place. This means ways away had some failed diplomatic relations and war might
that any miner may be found tending the bar, and that miners be on the way because of it. But then, in these little villages, who
typically aren’t asked to pay for drinks (though outside visitors knows if that’s all true?
make up for the deficit). The Miner’s Nook is now a thriving
village hub.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 73
Basic Information Points of Interest
Age: Old. The village was founded decades ago. Production Places of Worship: 1
has reached peak performance with the elder members of the Place of Worship
community being old hands at the work. There are many adults
in the village who were born there. • Size: Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to
comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people.
Hardships Likelihood: One Hardship. The village has
experienced one notable time of difficulty. • Fervency of Local Following: Moderate. The pious are
confident and unafraid to display their faith openly, but do
Hardships: not encroach upon the wider populace.
• Plague. The community fell victim to disease. • Alignment: Good.
• Hardship Outcome: Moderate Losses. The Places of Gathering: Amphitheater
village’s losses were rough but recovery is likely,
though may be tough. Other Locations: Soothsayer
Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem Extra Intrigue
sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The streets Events: Local. Celebration revolving around a major local event
are clear enough to move through, though possibly uneven and or the deeds of a local hero.
Political Rumors: Drums of War. Neighboring cities are
Environment: Coastal. The village is near a large body of water, preparing to go to war with one another.
such as a lake or ocean.
Superstitions: Burying a dead cat under the doorstep is
Specialty: Crop. The village is known for a particularly notable essential for a building’s prosperity.
crop. This could mean rare, high-quality, plentiful, or a mix of
Goings On: They’re Mine. Two villagers are competing for the
the three.
hand of a local heartthrob.
Resources: Mining. Raw metal ores are excavated from the
Opportunities: Thief. Someone has been absconding with large
ground, cleaned and sorted and then used, traded or sold. It is
amounts of the village’s major crop, or resource.
possible the mine is owned by a noble or kingdom who sends
transport to pick up excavated materials. Ores may be processed Harsh Weather: Tornado. A whirling cyclone is approaching
in the village and turned into metal goods. or has careened through, or near, the village, uprooting crops,
destroying buildings, or worse.
• Resource-related locations: Foreman’s Station, Mine,
Smithy Danger Level: No Danger or Hazards. This village is a
perfectly safe place to be.
Recent History. Infestation. Some form of vermin, or pest, has
recently beset the villag,e and has become an ongoing issue.

Population Density: Dense. The village seems to have a large
amount of people for its size. There are many hands available to
help with any work that needs doing.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
others reasonably well represented.
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming
and slow to take offense.
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single officially sanctioned
sheriff looks to maintaining order within the village. If they
require additional help, they request it from the villagers, who
may assist in a temporary capacity.
Leadership: Natural Village Elder. The village recognizes
a wise individual, and informally acknowledges them as an
authority figure.
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have
enough to live a modest life.
Crime: Little-to-None. Most, or all, of the villagers believe
the village is totally safe, and certainly haven’t experienced any
crime personally.

74 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 75
By Thomas A. Koch
Krageton is an ancient dwarven village located high in a rugged
mountain pass. It has survived four major hardships,
from disease and war, to political corruption and the
assassination of its leadership. The most recent, and most
transformative, event was a plague that swept through
and devastated the resident population nearly
twenty years ago. This was the final straw for the
surviving dwarves; they abandoned the village,
believing it to be cursed.
Ten years later, a tribe of nomadic orcs
discovered the abandoned village as while
hunting in the surrounding mountains.
The tribe claimed the village as its own
and began restoring the buildings.
Currently, only fifteen percent of the
village on the southern end is occupied
and maintained by the tribe.
The heart of Krageton today is the
gathering hall, a large open building near
the southern entrance. Twice a week,
tribe members bring the products of their
labors to market. A bartering system has
been established and is working well; hunters
and trappers can trade or sell their meat and furs
while procuring grain from the mill, or general
goods from their mercantile kin. These rare,
commercially-minded orcs have set up a tenuous
trading system with a nearby settlement,
selling on their tribes goods and wares while
topping up their own supplies.
The village is ruled by a council of elders, who are slowly
allowing orcs from other tribes to claim a residence in the village.
They are openly hostile to any non-orc attempting to relocate
Basic Information
there, but visitors are welcome to trade and pass through, albeit Age: Ancient. The village was established near to, or more than,
with a wary eye. a century ago.
North of the gathering hall is largely unexplored, for fear is rife Hardships Likelihood: Four Hardships. The village has been
of the strange sounds and voices coming from the seemingly- beset by four trying times.
empty buildings that populate the rest of the village. To the Hardships:
northeast, a mountain wall rises up over a hundred feet.
Great iron bolts affix three enormous wooden doors onto the • Victim of War. The village was struck by the ravages of
mountainside, rumored to be entrances to a vast underground war (passing or foraging armies, collateral battle damage,
cavern. Whether the doors are keeping something out or disease from war-related issues such as camp hygiene or
something else in is a subject the council are reluctant to discuss, illness from dead bodies).
though the idea of hiring adventurers to explore the unoccupied • Hardship Outcome: Heavy Losses. The village’s
portion of the village has been put on the table. losses were awful, and recovery is proving difficult.
• Loss of a Community Leader. A key member of the
community died or went missing.
• Hardship Outcome: Catastrophic Losses. The
village’s losses were brutal, and excruciatingly
difficult, or even impossible, to recover from.

76 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
• Inter-Community Conflict. A conflict between members
of the community broke out and split the village, with dire Points of Interest
consequences. Places of Worship: 1
• Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The Place of Worship
village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly
difficult to recover from. • Size: Temple. A grand building, replete with elements
like high ceilings, plush furnishings and other impressive
• Plague. The community fell victim to disease. ornamental and/or architectural features. It can contain
• Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The nearly a thousand attendees.
village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly • Fervency of Local Following: Subtle. Followers of the
difficult to recover from. faith may be identifiable, but remain very reserved.
Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures. • Alignment: Neutral.
Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem Places of Gathering: Gathering Hall.
sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The streets
are clear enough to move through, but may be uneven and rutted. Other Locations: Stable, Thatcher, Mill

Environment: Mountains. The village is found on stony passes

or soaring peaks. Extra Intrigue
Specialty: None. The village is unremarkable, or not widely Events: Religious. Events relating to and honoring a venerated
known for any particular thing. deity are often regular and steeped in tradition.
Resources: Livestock (Meat and Hides). Animals are raised Political Rumors: Missing Taxman. Taxes have not been
to be slaughtered for meat, including cattle, pigs, and sheep. collected in quite some time. Rumors abound as to why.
Some may be kept to feed the village, but excess animals (live or Superstitions: When speaking with adult men or women, it is
butchered) would be sold or traded. bad luck to not address them as ‘sir’ or ‘madam’ at least once,
• Resource-related locations: Barn or pens, Small Butcher’s during the exchange..
Shop Goings On: Echoes in the Deep. A villager swears they can hear
Recent History. Infestation. Some form of vermin, or pest, has sounds like voices coming from underground.
recently beset the village, and has become an ongoing issue. Opportunities: Wildlife. Local wildlife has been harassing the
villagers, or animals.
Community Harsh Weather: Tornado. A whirling cyclone is approaching
Population Density: Sparse. People are living here, but not or has careened through, or near, the village, uprooting crops,
many. They are able to handle all tasks that need doing but, destroying buildings, or worse.
perhaps, with some difficulty. Danger Level: No Danger or Hazards. The village is a
Demographics: Only One. 100% primary race. perfectly safe place to be (for an orc).

Disposition: Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward

visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners feel unwelcome.
This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single officially sanctioned
sheriff looks to maintaining order within the village. If they
require additional help, they request it from the villagers, who
may assist in a temporary capacity.
Leadership: Local Council. Prominent members of the
community were chosen to lead the village collectively.
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have
enough to live a modest life.
Crime: Uncommon. Crime does not occur often but, when it
does, it is a noteworthy occurrence.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls)

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 77

78 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Midway Village
By Chris Haskins

The village of Midway

has never been anything
special to outsiders but, to
the folk who live there, it has
been a safe haven and provided them a
meager existence. The village was named for the simple fact of
its position at the foot of Midway Mountain, halfway between
two large allied settlements. Many decades ago, it’s central
location rendered it a good place to stop for those traveling
along the main road running east to west, and citizens eked
out a small income from their mines to the north. They had a Basic Information
steady, long-standing trade agreement, so caravans heavily Age: Old. The village was founded decades ago. Production
burdened with goods were frequent along the road. Midway has reached peak performance with the elder members of the
Mountain was a logical stop as it provided a reprieve from the community being old hands at the work. There are many adults
harsh weather coming out of the west and it was close to streams in the village who were born there.
where fish could be netted easily. Since then, larger, more well-
equipped settlements have been established nearby with better Hardship Likelihood: No Hardship. The village has been
accommodations, so most travelers find they need not visit. lucky, and nothing has troubled it so far.

The mountain holds many mysteries. For hundreds of years, it’s Size: Small. Up to 30 standing structures.
been mined by locals, explored by visitors from far and wide, Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem
and been home to multitudes of creatures both strange and sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The streets
mundane. Legends tell of a whole civilization of dwarves who are clear enough to move through, but may be uneven and rutted.
inhabited the mountain many centuries ago, but were driven
Environment: Mountains. The village is found on stony passes
out by creatures from the underworld. It’s certainly true that a
or soaring peaks.
contingent of dwarves lived in Midway for a time but, nowadays,
there is but one left. He is old, and mostly blind, but he continues Specialty: Location Proximity. The village itself may not be
daily to explore a small, independent mine shaft just north of very special, but it is near somewhere that is, such as a stunning
the village, leaving each morning at sunrise and returning before vista, or a site of historical significance.
sundown with a bucket of precious things. Precious to him, that Resources: Mining. Raw metal ores are excavated from the
is. The old dwarf won’t allow anyone a close enough view of the ground, cleaned and sorted and then used, traded or sold. It is
bucket’s contents to determine their actual value. possible the mine is owned by a noble or kingdom who sends
Life for the locals continues at a slow pace, much as it always transport to pick up excavated materials. Ores may be processed
has. The population is slowly aging as the majority of children in the village and turned into metal goods.
grow up and leave, whether out of a desire for something better, • Resource-related locations: Mine, Foreman’s Station.
or just simply something different. Those who stay do so out
of stubbornness, habit, fear of the wider world, or concern (or History: Fear. Something unnerving, or frightening, has
responsibility) for those they would leave behind. happened recently.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 79
Community Points of Interest
Population Density: Sparse. People are living here, but not Places of Worship: 1
many. They are able to handle all tasks that need doing but, Place of Worship
perhaps, with some difficulty.
• Size: Altar. A small shrine, or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
Demographics: Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary evincing some various items or images relating to that which
race. the faith venerates.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish or perhaps hard on • Fervency of Local Following. Subtle. Followers of the
the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them. faith may be identifiable, but remain very reserved.
Law Enforcement: None. This could be good or bad, depending • Alignment of Faith. Good.
on one’s point of view. Good if the folk are honest enough that
policing is unnecessary, but bad when you need to call for help. Places of Gathering: Gathering Hall
Leadership: No Leader. The village operates with no Other Locations: Smithy, Inn, Alchemist
leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes.
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have Extra Intrigue
enough to live a modest life.
Events: Funeral. A gathering to remember those from
Crime: Little-to-None. Most, or all, of the villagers believe the community who passed away, either in mourning or in
the village is totally safe, and certainly haven’t experienced any celebration of their life, with a party reflecting the things that
crime personally. meant most to the deceased.
• (+0 to urban encounter rolls) Political Rumors: More Taxes. An increase in taxes is coming.
What for?

80 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
By Lou Fryer

War and winter raged for years. The garrison at the Northwestern with hopes of forming a village of their own. On their way, the
Combat Outpost had long grown apathetic towards the uncaring commander found herself at her old outpost, to the surprise and
lords they had fought hard for, so news of an uneasy truce that delight of her former subordinates, and the visiting party soon
would end the conflict came as a blessed relief. When most of made Northcop home.
the army went home, those with nothing to go back to decided Village life is tough and some relationships are strained. Several
to stay and form the village that they named ‘Northcop’, as a soldiers are uneasy about the commander’s decision to bring
reminder of it’s military origins. The village has not had the ‘enemies’ into their new village, particularly in light of the
most auspicious of beginnings, having been recently raided by devastating raid by those supposedly allied to her new love. The
desperate deserters in search of weapons and supplies for their two sides do not openly quarrel, one side out of respect for their
long journey home, and suffering defeats as well as hard-fought commander and the other due to being vastly outnumbered. The
victories during wartime. The most significant of these failures strangers, therefore, live a slightly separate existence as second-
lead to the death or capture of several commanding officers. class citizens of the settlement. So far leaderless out of lack of
Northcop boasts only a few dilapidated structures in the glacial necessity (remoteness of location and military camaraderie
valley, but the soldiers are grateful for peacetime and a place to generating little to no crime), they have made the commander
call their own. They live a quiet, rural existence and utilise their their defacto sheriff in deference to her former position, as well
military fitness and patience ice-fishing on the frozen lake. as her vested interest in keeping all relations amicable.
Upon the cessation of hostilities, the two sides released their The happy couple recently announced their engagement,
prisoners of war, including one of Northcop’s surviving and preparing for their first wedding seems to be keeping the
commanders. During her incarceration, she had been made villagers distracted and in good spirits. The commander hopes
comfortable by virtue of her rank, and had struck up an unlikely and prays that, when they see their sheriff living happily with
friendship-turned-romance with her captors’ guard captain. her wife and not her captor, tensions will begin to dissolve and
Upon her release, the two of them, along with a small contingent the community will become truly united.
of soldiers and guards from both sides, decided to strike out

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 81
Basic Information Community
Age: Recent. The village was established within the past year. Population Density: Populous. There are enough people here
Those within the village are newly settled. for the village to manage all tasks without difficulty.
Hardships Likelihood: Two Hardships. The village has gone Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race in high
through a couple of hardships. social standing, 20% secondary race in lower social standing.
Hardships: Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome.
• Victim of War. The village was struck by the ravages of
war (passing or foraging armies, collateral battle damage, Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single officially sanctioned sheriff
disease from war-related issues such as camp hygiene or looks to maintaining order within the village. If they require
illness from dead bodies). additional help, they request it from the villagers, who may assist
• Hardship Outcome: Catastrophic Losses. The in a temporary capacity.
village’s losses were brutal, and excruciatingly Leadership: No Leader. The village operates with no
difficult, or even impossible, to recover from. leadership, which could lead to unresolved disputes.
• Raid. The village was raided by marauders. Population Wealth: Average. Most of the population have
• Hardship Outcome: Catastrophic Losses. The enough to live a modest life.
village’s losses were brutal, and excruciatingly Crime: Little-to-None. Most, or all, of the villagers believe
difficult, or even impossible, to recover from. the village is totally safe, and certainly haven’t experienced any
Size: Very Small. Up to a dozen standing structures. crime personally.

Condition: Dilapidated. The village is in a state of disrepair. • (+0 to urban encounter rolls)
Some buildings may be coming down, or may have been built in a
shoddy fashion. Cleanliness is not a priority. Points of Interest
Environment: Valley. The village is found within, or on the Places of Worship: 1
edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape
around it. Place of Worship
Speciality: Crop. This village is known for a particularly notable • Size: Altar. A small shrine, or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
crop. This could mean rare, high-quality, plentiful, or a mix of evincing some various items or images relating to that which
the three. the shrine venerates.
Resources: Fishing. The villagers utilize the bounty of the • Fervence of Local Following: Unseen. To those not within
nearest stream, river, lake, or ocean. The village’s proximity to the following, it is not clear that the group exists.
neighboring settlements dictates how the fish can be sold. If • Alignment of the Faith: Neutral
remote, the fish might be dried and salted; if nearby, they could
be sold fresh. Gathering Places: Gathering Hall

Ice. Keeping certain items cold is a necessity, and a village with Other Locations: None.
access to ice would be in a great position to store meat, fish and
dairy products. If your village is located in a very cold region, it
may even be possible to collect and sell this valuable resource to
Extra Intrigue
those in warmer climes. Events: Wedding. Celebrating the formal joining of two
• Resource-related locations: Fisherman’s Stand (Ice-
fishing Holes), Wharf/Pier (Fishing Huts), Ice House Political Rumours: Missing taxman. Taxes have not been
collected in quite some time. Rumors abound as to why.
Recent History: Attacks. Members of the community have been
attacked, either by briggands or, perhaps, monsters. Goings on: Echoes in the Deep. A villager swears he can hear
sounds like voices coming from underground.
Opportunities: Monster(s). Something worse than simple
wildlife is terrorizing the village.
Harsh Weather: Tornado. A whirling cyclone is approaching
or has careened through, or near, the village, uprooting crops,
destroying buildings, or worse.
Danger Level: Medium. Danger or hazards are not unheard of,
but not everyone would have experienced them.
Danger Type: Disease. Villages can lack rigorous standards of
cleanliness or, due to their rural placement, can sometimes be
prone to issues with disease-carrying vermin.

82 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 83
By Ralph Stickley
Stonesthrow was founded by a small group of entrepreneurial
dwarves, for it was only they who saw the opportunity the
area offered. As far as they are concerned, the fact of their
banishment from the subterranean hold of Kharaz-Surgoz
is neither here nor there (though, honestly, if they weren’t
allowed to test their experimental explosives in the tunnels,
someone should have at least put up some signs...).
Finding a rich deposit of marble just a stone’s throw away
from their former home, the dwarves set about doing
what they do best, and were soon selling marble to buyers
far and wide. Recently, a noble of some renown contracted
them to supply stone for a fortified palace, a wedding
present for his daughter; hard work to be sure, but well-
paid, and the village has prospered as a result.
While the citizens of Stonesthrow no longer fear falling
into the open sky, they are still newcomers to the surface
and, as such, are somewhat unprepared for some of its
trials. Being originally composed of a fairly disparate
group of long-time troublemakers (the rulers of
Kharaz-Surgoz had, understandably,
been trying to get rid of them for a
while), it is not surprising that their
ideas of governing were not exactly
cohesive. This slightly anarchic
atmosphere does not lend itself
to particularly effective long-
term planning. Indeed, without
the unquestioned authority of
the mine’s foreman, order may
well collapse entirely.
Chief amongst the village’s
worries is that dangerous beasts
frequently wander in from the surrounding forest.
With little experience in tracking, trapping, or discouraging
them, the dwarves simply hope for the best and trust to good
Basic Information
stone to protect them at night. A small group of villagers have Age: Established. The village has been settled for a few years.
even taken up worship of elven forest gods in an attempt to They have been able to successfully sustain themselves, and the
curtail the animal menace, though their worship is kept secret families have started to grow.
for the shame it would bring upon them. The success of their Hardship Likelihood: No Hardship. The village has been
efforts are yet to be seen, but the fact that they are willing to meet lucky, and nothing has troubled it so far.
in secret to burn offerings and clumsily attempt ritual dance
speaks to both their desperation and their devotion to their new Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures.
home. Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem
sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The streets are
clear enough to move through, but may be uneven and rutted.
Environment: Forest. The village is nestled among the trees.
Specialty: None. The village is unremarkable, or not widely
known for any particular thing.

84 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
Resources: Quarrying and Masonry. Stone is removed from
the landscape in either raw, unrefined pieces, or cut into blocks Extra Intrigue
for various purposes. It is possible the quarry is owned by a noble Event: Local. Celebration revolving around a major local event
or kingdom who sends transport to pick up excavated materials. or the deeds of a local hero.
A local mason may build using the excavated stone.
Political Rumor: Noble wedding. A local noble has just
• Resource-related locations: Foreman’s Station married the son or daughter of a well-loved (or greatly-loathed)
Recent History: Good Fortune. The village has received noble family.
favorable notice from a nearby ruler, or entity of note. Superstition: Proclaiming new love at dawn or dusk is bad luck.
Goings On: Fallen Rider. A severely injured man in armor has
Community ridden into the village, late at night, and fallen, unconscious,
from his horse. He is wearing a tabard displaying an unfamiliar
Population Density: Populous. There are enough people here
coat of arms.
for the village to manage all tasks without difficulty.
Opportunities: Wildlife. Local wildlife has been harassing the
Demographics: Only One. 100% primary race.
villagers, or animals.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish or perhaps hard on
Harsh Weather: Tornado. A whirling cyclone is approaching
the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
or has careened through, or near, the village, uprooting crops,
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single officially sanctioned sheriff destroying buildings, or worse.
looks to maintaining order within the village. If they require
Danger Level: High. Danger or hazards are common.
additional help, they request it from the villagers, who may assist
in a temporary capacity. Danger Type: Wildlife Attack. Wildlife lives in close proximity
to the village, which may be open, or have little in the way of
Leadership: Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members
defenses. Wildlife may be free to roam the village, especially in
of the village take turns as a sort of executive officer for the week.
low-traffic hours.
Population Wealth: Wealthy. The villagers are well off, perhaps
even able to indulge once in a while.
Crime: Rare. Most villagers have had no personal experience
with crime, and few know people that have.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls)

Points of Interest
Non-Commercial Locations: Dance Hall, Gathering Hall
Places of Worship: 2
Place of Worship 1
• Size: Altar. A small shrine, or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
evincing some various items or images relating to that which
the faith venerates.
• Fervency of Local Following. Unseen. To those not within
the following, it is not clear that the group exists.
• Alignment: Good.
Place of Worship 2
• Size: Oratory. A modest building with seating for
attendees, appointed with various items or images relating
to that which the faith venerates.
• Fervency of Local Following. Quiet. Adherents to the
faith are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for
(perhaps particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases)..
• Alignment: Neutral.
Other Locations: Bank & Exchange, Wainwright

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 85

86 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages
By Earl Shearin
Xiabre (Sah-bree) is a small village near the borders
of the realm. It is ruled by a woman named Esoldeh
Longbranch, their first new chieftain in quite some
time, whose strong leadership has been a boon to the
community. Longbranch proved her mettle and ability
to command when the village came under attack,
mounting a valiant defense and helping to lift them
out of a past beset by misfortune and hardship.
Decades past, Xiabre was a small hamlet that grew
up around a hunting lodge called The Griffon’s Roost
(which, rumor has it, was built upon the abandoned
resting place of a true griffon). The chieftain would
entertain visitors in the lodge, namely traveling
nobility. During their stay, he would take them on
hunting excursions, escorting them in the wilds.
Four decades past, war struck. Tribes of orcs and
giants came from the wilderness, intent on wiping out
the civilized folk they saw as their enemies. This was
leagues away from remote Xiabre, but still they were
affected. Refugees fleeing the war came to the village
in droves, which rapidly lead to overcrowding, but
also bustling trade.
In the war’s final year plague struck, wiping out
much of Xiabre’s livestock, as well as two-thirds of its
population. Edun, the liege lord to whom Xiabre owed
fealty and ruled it directly while their chieftain, Parlin,
was away at war, also perished from the disease. None
were sure what became of Parlin, or his kin.
In these dire times, Xiabre struggled to survive. Its
vulnerability made it an easy target for bandits and
raiders, and the once-friendly locals became bitter and
distrusting of any newcomers.
With the war’s end, many refugees returned to their homelands
and the population dwindled and, with them, so too did trade.
Those that did stay, however, embraced their survival against the
odds, farming and raising sheep, hogs, and cattle. Xiabre even
Basic Information
became known for the excellent quality of its wool. Age: Old. The village was founded decades ago. Production
has reached peak performance, with the elder members of the
In the years since, Xiabre has encountered its share of trouble
community being old hands at the work. There are many adults
but, with the courage and resourcefulness of the locals, it is
in the village who were born there.
clawing its way out of the darkness.
Hardships Likelihood: Two Hardships. The village has gone
through a couple of hardships.
• Plague. The community fell victim to disease.
• Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The
village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly
difficult to recover from.
• Loss of a Community Leader. A key member of the
community died or went missing.
• Hardship Outcome: Terrible Losses. The
village’s losses were crushing, and incredibly
difficult to recover from.

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 87
Size: Medium. Up to 60 standing structures. Place of Worship 2
Condition: Simple. Most buildings are organized and seem • Size: Altar. A small shrine, or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
sturdy enough, though there is nothing remarkable. The streets evincing various items or images relating to that which the
are clear enough to move through, but may be uneven and rutted. faith venerates.
Environment: River. The village is near a steadily flowing • Fervency of Local Following. Moderate. The pious are
stream or other watercourse. confident and unafraid to display their faith openly, but do
not encroach upon the wider populus uncalled for.
Specialty: Crafted Goods. The village is known for the craft of
a certain item, or type of goods, widely liked and highly valued, • Alignment: Good.
such as hand-crafted furniture, a category of clothing item, etc. Places of Gathering: Outdoor Recreational Area
Resources: Livestock (Shearing). Llamas, sheep, goats and/ • Gathering Hall. Griffon’s Roost. Built prior to the village
or yaks are shorn in the village, the wool bundled and taken to and said to be built atop an actual griffon’s nest.
market. The village may also produce its own woolen goods for
sale. Other Locations: Herbalist, General Store, Magic Shop - Books
• Resource-related locations: Shearing Shed, Storage
Recent History. Wartorn. The village was occupied by military Extra Intrigue
forces, and suffered damages, during wartime in the recent past. Events: Harvest and Productivity. Villagers seek blessings
for upcoming work, such as a harvest, or thanks are given for
Community bountiful yields.
Political Rumors: More Taxes. An increase in taxes is coming.
Population Density: Dense. The village seems to have a large What for?
amount of people for its size. There are many hands available to
help with any work that needs doing. Superstitions: Groaning Cheese (author created). Expectant
mothers make
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
others reasonably well represented. what they call a ‘groaning cheese’, a large wheel of cheese that
matures for nine months as the unborn baby grows. When
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard the ‘groaning time’ or time of birth comes, the whole family
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them. celebrates by eating the cheese until nothing but the outer rind is
Law Enforcement: Sheriff. A single officially sanctioned left. The newborn is then passed through the rind on its naming
sheriff looks to maintaining order within the village. If they day to be blessed with a long and prosperous life.
require additional help, they request it from the villagers, who Goings On: Children Missing. Some of the younger villagers
may assist in a temporary capacity. have gone missing. How long have they been gone? What were
Leadership: Natural Village Elder. The village recognizes they last seen doing?
a wise individual, and informally acknowledges them as an Opportunities: Monster(s). Something worse than simple
authority figure. wildlife is terrorizing the village.
Population Wealth: Impoverished. Around half of the Harsh Weather: Heavy Precipitation. Rain or snow have been
population struggles to carve out even a meager existence. significantly heavier than usual. There has either been sufficient
Crime: Little-to-None. Most, or all, of the villagers believe flooding, or snow has been deep enough, to cause damage,
the village is totally safe, and certainly haven’t experienced any perhaps even trapping folk inside their homes.
crime personally. Danger Level: Medium. Danger or hazards are not unheard of,
• (+0 to urban encounter rolls) but not everyone has experienced them.
Danger Type: Wildlife Attack. Wildlife lives in close proximity
Points of Interest to the village, which may be open, or have little in the way of
defenses. Wildlife may be free to roam the village, especially in
Places of Worship: 2 low-traffic hours.
Place of Worship 1
• Size: Oratory. A modest building with seating for
attendees, appointed with various items or images relating
to that which the faith venerates.
• Fervency of Local Following. Quiet. Adherents to the
faith are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for
(perhaps particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases).
• Alignment: Good.

88 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages

C h apt er T h r ee | V illages 89
90 C h apt er T h r ee | V illages

horse snorts in your ear as a merchant in front of you in the town’s square. The horses appear to have been stabled, and the
tugs on their reins from their position atop their wagon, merchant is busying himself under the canvas, retrieving the contents of
stopping at the town gates. The guards approach, lazily his stall. Poles go up, signs and banners are hung, tables are set out, and
probing for information about his cargo in the bored goods are placed upon them in as fine an array as possible.
tones of those who go through this question and answer charade a As the daylight floods the town in earnest, the place begins to
thousand times a day, making a show of throwing up the heavy canvas transform. The square, usually mere cobbles and dirt, is now swathed
and giving it a cursory glance. Once satisfied, they wave the merchant in fabric, filled with stalls in myriad colors. Signs proclaim the many
on and, with a “chk-chk”, the horses once more lumber into motion. The different wares being sold, folks of all stripes begin roaming between
iron-hooped wheels clatter along the cobblestones as the cart maneuvers the stalls nearby, and the taverns are soon full to bursting. Coin flows,
through the narrow streets and out of sight. laughter echoes, and music begins to play. Decorations stream overhead
You approach the gate and are similarly asked your business by one of as children careen down the avenues, laughing and playing. You
the guards. Your answer doesn’t seem to surprise them in the least, and chuckle as two of them bump into your shins, mid-run, yelling a hasty,
they are satisfied enough to let you by. As you walk into town, the newly giggling apology. You shake your head with a smile, pat your pockets to
rising sun starts to cast rays of yellow and pink across the ground. You check that they didn’t make off with your coins, and remember there are
draw a deep breath through your nose, and smile. After a short walk, a few supplies you’ve been needing. You head towards one of the stalls,
you recognise the merchant from the gate, his wagon pulled into a spot the magic of market day swirling all around you.

92 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
A town may be an idyllic, colourful oasis of commerce, like the one
described above, or the bustling mercantile comings and goings I m po r t ant
might be a front for criminal activity. A town can be tiny, perhaps Modifiers will never have you modify previous tables or
no larger than an average village, or can be huge, almost a city in results. Anything being modified will always come after.
its own right, with blossoming elements of culture and ceremony.
Towns are built around their regular market days. On market day, Progress through this chapter by going through these steps:
a town becomes a hive of activity, where folk from miles around • Step 1: Basic Information. The tables in this section will
come to both buy what they need, and to sell what they can, in provide broad or fundamental details about your settlement.
order to provide for their families (or, perhaps, just pay off their
tavern tab). • Step 2: Community. The tables in this section will provide
details about the people that live here and certain aspects of

• Step 3: Points of Interest. The tables in this step determine
Towns truly merge the singular aspects of villages and trading what locations are in your settlement, including shops,
posts, taking the long-term residential nature of a village and services and non-commercial locations.
adding a commercial marketplace. This creates a settlement type
• Extra Intrigue. This is an optional step, filled with tables
that is, perhaps, the most versatile of all. As you proceed, do so
that can add additional flavor to the settlement.
knowing that the place you're about to build will be uniquely
yours and unlike anything else you've ever created thus far. It’s
time to build.

Adapt ab le
A town, unlike a city (and, certainly, unlike a capital) is
nimble, if you could call a settlement such. A town can
spring up in places a city simply would not fit or function.
Yet, a town also harnesses some of the most crucial elements
of its larger cousins: the beginnings of a true economy and
developing society.

In this chapter you will go through sections called steps. Each

step will include tables. You will roll a die (unless they have you
reference previous information about your settlement, such
as its size). Find your roll (or appropriate information) in the
left-hand column. In the right-hand column will be your result.
We encourage you to make a note of these results; the Towns
Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can
be found in the back of this book and at
Certain results will give you modifiers. Most modifiers will add
or subtract from a future roll (though some may have you roll
a different die, or tell you to add a feature or location to your
No matter how high or low a modifier makes a roll, your result
can never be higher or lower than the highest and lowest results
on a table.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 93
Step 1: Basic Information d8
Rapid. Fueled by ambition, strong will and, perhaps,
Below you will find a variety of attributes such as age, condition
access to certain excellent products or resources, a
and size. Using these attributes and their tables, you will be able
group of people set their minds to creating this town
to build out the basic information for your town. Some attributes
in an important location. Witnesses express how it
might have an effect on others via modifiers which are written
almost seemed to spring up overnight.
into the tables. For example, the condition of the town modifies
its population wealth. 8 Steady. Built piece by piece over time, this town
Keep in mind that any modifiers are completely optional and are not was a labor of commitment and devotion. It may
required if you have an existing vision for your town. When rolling have taken years, or even decades, until it reached
for outcomes with modifiers, results of 0 or a negative number fruition, but now it stands, such as it is.
should be considered an outcome of 1. Equally so, outcomes over the
highest number on a given table should be considered equal to the Priority
highest possible number (i.e. on a d20 table, a 24 would be a 20).
What is the town’s top priority? A great deal can be understood
about a place, and the people in it, when one finds out what
M o dif ier s t o W at c h F o r they care about most. A town’s priority is an idea of particular
Included locations: All towns automatically feature two importance within the town itself, and it may have been founded
shops (a general store and a smithy) and two services around it. Some ways this may manifest are in the form of laws
(an inn and a tavern), as detailed in Step 3: Points of which accommodate the idea (such as laws allowing for easy
Interest. Some of the tables in this step, as well as Step 2: trade), or physical representations of the idea (such as places that
Community, may have modifiers that modify a location produce a particular product).
such as the ‘default inn’. If you see a result referring to a
Roll on the table below below to discover your town’s priority.
‘default’ location, these are the locations it applies to.
d6 Priority
Origin 1 Military. The town prioritizes defenses and law
To begin to imagine your town and make it real in your mind, it enforcement.
helps a great deal to understand the circumstances surrounding (+1 to fortification roll)
the initial settling of the site. Roll on the table below to find out (+1 to law enforcement roll)
what those circumstances were.
2 Government. The town prioritizes structure, order,
d8 Origin and law.
1 Accidental. The town was never meant to be (+1 to law enforcement roll)
anything more than a camp or minor settlement, at (When rolling on the leadership table, reroll any
most. Fate saw to it that things happened differently. results from 91-100.)
Outsiders found the place, some stayed, some left (Free location: Non-Commercial - Place of Government)
and told others and, over time, more and more came,
3 Production. The town prioritizes generation and
more and more stayed, and the place grew.
movement of resources.
2 Decree. It was decided by some authority that a (Roll a d4 instead of a d8 on the specialty table.)
town was needed here, funds and materials were set
aside for its founding, and it was established. 4 Economic. The town prioritizes their market, ensuring
a large area, wide streets, more shops, and lodging.
3 Exodus or Exile. A group of settlers left (or were
forced to leave) their home. They found this place (+2 to market square roll)
and decided to build. (When checking the commercial locations table,
consider your town 1 size category larger)
4 Key Crossroads. The town was established on a
crossroads frequented by travelers from all over. 5 Religious. The town contains substantial temples in
prominent locations.
5 Military Camp. A deployment wound up lasting
longer than anticipated, so the camp began (Free location: Non-Commercial - Place of Worship
building more solid fortifications in an increasingly and +5 to its place of worship size roll)
permanent fashion. Either the original members
6 Magic. The town is focused on some form of
of the encampment still reside here, or it was
magical pursuit.
otherwise occupied after they departed.
(Free location: Shop - Magic Shop [d6]
6 Port. The town established itself on the water where : 1: Armor
none had done so previously, sprouting worn piers
2: Books
and roads taken by merchants and travelers alike.
3: Clothing
(The environment your port is in is [d6]: 4: Jewelry
1-3: coastal 5: Weapons
4-6: river.) 6: Misc. & Curiosities)

94 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Specialty Age
The town’s specialty is the main thing it is known for. Towns Towns vary widely in age but, due to the time it takes for towns
are a significant step up from trading posts and villages as they to come into being, they will likely be longer established than
have the potential to have a bit of everything, from trade to such settlements as trading posts or villages. This time frame
agriculture, industry, or even government. assumes the ‘beginning’ was when the first actions were taken to
establish the town.
Roll on the table below, and note your town's specialty.
d10 Age
d8 Specialty
1-2 Recent. Established within the past year, the town
1 Craft. The town is known for being a place to find
has not been around long. Awareness has likely not
high-quality, hand-crafted goods.
spread beyond the immediate surrounding area.
2 Farming or Resource Gathering. The town is
(-2 to population density roll)
known for the resource(s) it produces. Base this on
what kind of environment and climate the town is 3-4 Established. The town has been around for a few
in. If farming wouldn’t work as well, perhaps they years. Folk within a few dozen miles may have heard of
mine or harvest lumber instead. it. It has most likely been added to major official maps.
(+1 to farms and resources roll. Reroll if 1-8.) (-1 to population density roll)
3 Industry. This town is known for certain industrial 5-6 Mature. The town has been around for decades,
processes such as milling, textiles, or smelting. and may have developed some sort of reputation,
depending on its community, location, and what
(Free Location: Shop - [d6]:
goes on in the town.
1-2: Mill
3-4: Textile Production (+0 to population density roll)
5-6: Foundry/Smelting)
7-8 Old. The town has been around near enough to a
4 Unique Shipping Methods. These people know century, or so. Families have grown up here. Some
how to get things from one place to another by businesses have grown, folded, and been replaced
strange or innovative means. by new ones. Features have likely been added, or it
may have expanded outwards. It may also have seen
5 Connections. This town is full of people who can
through many events that could have altered the
find and obtain almost anything (or, perhaps, anyone).
town’s course.
6 Drink. The town is known for having a wide (+1 to population density roll)
variety of (or excellent quality) beverages available
throughout. 9-10 Ancient. The town is hundreds of years old, or
more. It may still be thriving, or in ruins, remaining
7 Education. The town is known as the location of a much like it has always been, or may have drastically
widely-renowned educational institution. changed, for better or worse.
(Free Location: Non-Commercial - Place of (+2 to population density roll)
8 Hospitality. The town is known as a welcoming,
desirable place to stay.
(The default inn is of [d6]:
1-3: good quality
4-6: fine quality)

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 95
Size Condition
A town’s size can differ greatly, as can the number of people The town’s condition includes how well it is maintained,
around. The town’s boundary also includes the surrounding and what the town may have gone through historically, or be
countryside, so among the structures numbered here, a fair experiencing in the present. It can also somewhat reflect the
number can be small communities of thatched-roof cottages personality of its population.
or wattle-and-daub houses for folk who aren’t wealthy enough A town’s condition may also be the result of something that is not
to live in the town proper. It also includes the town’s farms and under its control. For instance, if it came under attack, it could be
other outlying buildings. badly damaged, through no direct fault of the town itself.
d20 Size d20 Condition
1-2 Very Small. Up to a few hundred standing 1 Derelict. Buildings may be coming down, or in
structures in an area able to support up to around ruins. Refuse may line the streets, which, if they
1000 people. were ever maintained to begin with, are nigh
(+2 to population overflow) unrecognizable now. Everything seems broken,
filthy, or both. This place might benefit from
3-6 Small. Up to 500 standing structures in an area able
complete destruction and a re-build. The smells are,
to support around 2000 people.
likely, vile.
(+1 to population overflow)
(-6 to population wealth roll)
7-14 Medium. Up to 1000 standing structures in an area
2-4 Lousy. Things are in rough shape. Most structures
able to support around 4000 people.
seem unsound, or are just in poor condition.
(+0 to population overflow roll) Windows, if there are any, may be broken or boarded
up. Walls are stained, and streets are rutted or
15-18 Large. Up to 1500 standing structures in an area
cracked. The smells are an affront to the senses.
able to support around 6000 people.
(-3 to population wealth roll)
(-1 to population overflow roll)
5-12 Moderate. Structures seem sound enough though
19-20 Very Large. Up to 2000 standing structures in an
are, perhaps, not attractive. It is likely that most
area able to support around 8000 people.
homes keep occupants dry. Roads are relatively clear,
(-2 to population overflow roll.) if not clean. The smells are not pleasant, but tolerable.
(+0 to population wealth roll)
C o m m er c ial Lo c at io ns
13-19 Robust. Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams
These are places of business (shops/services) occupying protruding from structure walls look to be sturdy
permanent physical structures in your town. In Step 3: and hard-wearing. While possibly lacking in true
Points of Interest (p. 105), you will determine what types, refinement, the town bears a strength and sense
and how many of each kind, of establishment are present. of reliability. Roads are maintained, though not
obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and
filth. The smells are those of smoke and sawdust,
leather and sweat.
(+3 to population wealth roll)
20 Superb. The town is exemplary in all aspects. The
buildings are built with exquisite skill and flair,
leaving no doubt as to their quality. The roads
are immaculately kept, with little to no detritus
anywhere. The smells are those of fresh air and
flowers, grass and trees, or cool sea mist.
(+6 to population wealth roll)

96 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Environment W at er
While a trading post or village could be established almost Regardless of environment, one critical element to any
anywhere, towns are large enough to be the first settlement type settlement is water. The fact that the place exists is evidence
to have more limitations on their placement. that they are getting water somehow, but what that might be
The tables and options available in this book are designed may not be obvious. This can be a creative challenge for you.
to allow settlements to be placed anywhere, regardless of Perhaps your settlement is in a desert, or deep in a forest.
environment. If you have an environment in mind for your Perhaps they have deep wells? Maybe they actually purchase
settlement already, feel free to skip, or manually select from, water from elsewhere? Or it could even be that it’s generated
this table. magically. Either way, a plentiful source of water is an
important thing to think about.
O r igin: P o r t
If you rolled ‘Port’ for your origin, your environment is
either Coastal or River. Skip the table below.

d10 Environment
1 Coastal. The town is near a large body of water, such
as a lake or ocean.
2 Forest. The town has been established in area
cleared of the surrounding trees.
3 Mountains. The town is found on a plateaux of a
stony pass or soaring peak.
4 Plains. The town is encircled by wide, open fields.
5 River. The town is near or built around a steadily
flowing stream, or other watercourse.
6 Swamp. The town is in, or near, a vast area of
stagnant water.
7 Underground. The town is within a vast network of
8 Valley. The town is found within, or on the edge
of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
landscape around it.
9 Tundra. The town is in a very cold environment.
10 Desert. The town is in a dry and arid environment,
likely flanked by vast sand dunes.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 97
Prosperity Market Square
A town’s degree of success is intimately tied to its commercial The market square is often the beating heart of a town. On
traffic. Ideally, people from all around will visit for market day(s) market days, vendors from all over will come to ply their wares.
and whatever else the town may have to offer, and any coin It is also where hoards of travelers will come to find anything
changing hands is excellent for the economy. they could need (or be convinced they do). Buildings around the
market square are typically considered prime real estate, due to
However, the inverse can be true, too. If a town is badly placed,
the amount of traffic they see.
or something is making trade difficult, it could be detrimental
to its success.
d6 Market Square
d20 Prosperity 1-2 Tight. Only room for a few, key vendor stalls.
1 Abysmal Failure. The town has had little to no 3-4 Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls.
business, or has been very unfortunate.
5-6 Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.
(-8 to visitor traffic roll)
(-13 to population wealth roll)
Vendor Stall Acquisition
2-4 Failure. The town has struggled to generate Merchants depend on having a great location from which to
meaningful wealth or notoriety. sell. With finite space in the market square, how does a town
(-6 to visitor traffic roll) determine who gets a space?
(-6 to population wealth roll)
d4 Vendor Stall Acquisition
5-10 Mildly Successful. The town has attained a mild
degree of success and visibility. 1 First Come, First Served - No Fee. Merchants line
up prior to market day. Those at the front of the line
(-1 to visitor traffic roll)
are given the spaces. No fees are charged.
(-3 to population wealth roll)
2 First Come, First Served - Fee. Merchants line up
11-16 Successful. The town is functional and generates a
prior to market day. Those at the front of the line are
modest to good amount of coin.
given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided
(+0 to visitor traffic roll) they can pay the fee for the day.
(+0 to population wealth roll)
3 Lease. Merchants pay in advance (sometimes far in
17-19 Very Successful. The town has achieved real financial advance) for the right to a space in the market square.
success and attracts a large number of visitors.
4 Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces are auctioned off.
(+2 to visitor traffic roll)
(+3 to population wealth roll)
20 Incredibly Successful. The town attracts huge
amounts of wealth for its citizens and visitors flock
to be part of it.
(+6 to visitor traffic roll)
(+6 to population wealth roll)

98 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Merchant Overflow d20 Fortification
Does the town allow merchants unable to acquire a vendor 9-15 Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a
stall in the market square to sell their wares outside of town? substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to
Overflow areas would typically be along the major road(s), be patrolled by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to
potentially out through the main gate(s). the city pass through a main gate that can be barred
in the evenings. A few watch towers may be placed
d4 Overflow around the town, though they are likely sporadic.
1 Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up (+3 to disposition roll)
stalls outside the town. Town guards will enforce this.
16-19 Heavily Fortified. The town proper is surrounded
(+1 to law enforcement roll) by a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several
2 Unpatrolled. Excess vendors are allowed to set up watchtowers built along its length. The gate is
stalls but, as the town guard do not patrol or monitor double-thickness and reinforced with metal bands.
these areas, the risk is higher. The spaces available There are additional watchtowers built at various
are unkempt. points throughout the surrounding countryside.
(+5 to disposition roll)
3 Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to set up
stalls, and the town guard patrols through regularly, 20 Extremely Fortified. The town proper is
but the areas themselves are less-maintained and surrounded by an imposing wall of wood or stone,
traffic is lighter. with many fully-staffed watchtowers at regular
intervals along its length. The gate is double-
4 Encouraged. Excess vendors are encouraged to set
thickness, reinforced with metal bands, augmented
up stalls outside the town, if they are unable to get
with a portcullis, and is always manned. A
a spot in the square. There are maintained areas
supplementary wall of wood or stone encompasses
available for use, and provided on a first-come,
the surrounding countryside, with its own
first-served basis. When in use by vendors, this area
watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out without the
is regularly patrolled, if law enforcement personnel
watch’s knowledge or permission.
can be spared.
(+7 to disposition roll)
As settlements grow, they begin to attract more attention. As
S u gges t io n: F o r t r es s es
they draw in well-intentioned visitors, they also bring all kinds If your town has substantial fortifications, you might
of ne’er do wells, and the need for defenses may quickly become consider adding a fortress (whether it be a keep, castle or
apparent. stronghold). You can find the fortress builder in Chapter 7.
Fortifications can include walls, heavy gates and watchtowers.
As well as acting as protection, fortifications can have an effect
on how the populace feels. If one feels safer, it is much easier to
feel happier to stay and spend or, at the very least, unafraid to
walk alone back to your inn.

d20 Fortification
1 Unfortified. The town’s perimeter is open, allowing
entry from almost any point.
(-5 to disposition roll)
2-8 Lightly Fortified. The town proper is surrounded
by a light wall of wood or stacked stone. The
fortifications pose only a mild inconvenience to
outside forces, but they easily keep out wild animals.
(+1 to disposition roll)

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 99
Step 2: Community d20
Population Density
Populous. A moderate amount of people live here.
The community is the core of a successful town. Stout walls,
Walking through the streets, you will see plenty
cobbled streets, cozy homes and gaily colored market stalls all
of people, but never so many that it would feel
mean little and less without the bustling throngs that occupy
them. A town shelters the first community of its kind: one that
merges the industriousness and commercial awareness of a (+0 to population overflow roll)
trading post, with the familial nature of a village, into a whole (+0 to night activity roll)
that reaches even higher pegs on the ladder of civilization. 15-18 Dense. There is a large amount of people living here.
Below, you will find tables representing the many and varied There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high
aspects of a town’s community, which will shape its personality. traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but not
much more.
Population Density (+1 to population overflow roll)
Population density is meant to be a scalable visual (+1 to night activity roll)
representation of the people living in a settlement. Towns, cities, 19-20 Crowded. The town is filled with jostling throngs.
and capitals have so many people that it’s easier to visualize how Practically all structures are occupied. Some may
the people might appear, rather than actually numbering them. even camp outside town. Moving about can be
These larger settlements require a certain amount of people to difficult, and bumping into other people is typical in
function, so the table below contains options that take this into higher traffic areas.
account, and then build upon it. (+2 to population overflow roll)
(+2 to night activity roll)
D es er t ed
We assume that a town will need to function and needs a Population Overflow
certain amount of people to do that. If, however, you are There are often times when the demand for space within the
ok with the idea of a town being almost (or even totally) town exceeds the capacity. This leads to population overflow,
deserted, you could treat any result of 0, or negative, as where people who would have liked to live in the town, but
being deserted. This is entirely optional, but something that aren’t able to, establish themselves outside of it, either in camps
could be interesting. or small adjoining neighborhoods. Roll below to see what
percentage of your resident population falls into this category.
Modified by: age
Modified by: size, population density,
d20 Population Density
d20 Population Overflow
1-2 Skeleton. The town only has enough people to
function at its most basic level. 1 <10%. Less than a tenth of the town’s population is
outside the town proper. This typically means that
(-2 to population overflow roll)
the only people who live outside the town are those
(-2 to night activity roll)
that do so out of necessity, due to requirement of
3-6 Sparse. Folk live here, but it would never be called duties (such as owning a farm).
bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll typically
2-4 10%. A tenth of the town’s population is outside the
only see a few people.
town proper.
(-1 to population overflow roll)
5-12 20%. A fifth of the town’s population is outside the
(-1 to night activity roll)
town proper.
13-17 30%. A third of the town’s population is outside the
town proper.
18-19 40%. Just under half the town’s population is
outside the town proper.
20 50%. Around half the town’s population is outside
the town proper.

100 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Farms and Resources Visitor Traffic
As the mechanical combination of a village and a trading post, a Visitor traffic encompasses the typical amount of non-residents in
town often has resources or work that it specializes in. They may town. Keep in mind that this is on a day-to-day basis. Market days
have farms or resource gathering hubs established that bolster tend to attract more people, but how many more would be up to you.
the town’s economy and support the town itself.
Roll on the table below to see if the town has any farming or I s o lat ed
harvesting operations. Towns, by their nature, tend to attract at least some visitors,
at least those interested in selling their wares on market
Town Size Farms & Resources Rolls day(s). However, should you desire, treat any result of 0, or
Very Small 1 roll less, as meaning the town gets no visitors. This would mean
that, for whatever reason, the only folks in town are the
Small 2 rolls ones who live there. This is entirely optional, but usable, if
Medium 2 rolls you’d like.

Large 3 rolls
d20 Visitor Traffic
Very Large 3 rolls
1-3 Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are typically
a few from out-of-town, though not enough to
d20 Farms & Resources impact congestion.
1-4 None. If you have any remaining rolls to make on (+0 to night activity roll)
this table, proceed with them.
4-9 Groups. There are generally a fair amount of
5-11 Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which visitors. May slightly increase congestion.
provide food, are found on the nearest hospitable
(+1 to night activity roll)
land under the town’s control.
10-14 Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come
12-16 Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, which
through town on a regular basis. Congestion is
provide livestock, are found on the nearest
hospitable land under the town’s control.
(+2 to night activity roll)
17-20 Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, 15-17 Droves. Large groups of people regularly frequent
etc.), a logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town. Congestion is significantly increased.
the town has been built nearby to harvest resources (+3 to night activity roll)
for use or sale.
18-19 Masses. Huge groups of people always seem to be
N o ne? visiting. Congestion could cause difficulties, if the
town is unable to cope with very large amounts of
It is possible to have no farms or resources within the people.
geographical boundaries of the town. This means that the
town likely supports itself in other ways, whether through (+4 to night activity roll)
trade or services. Another option to consider would be 20 Multitudes. Massive groups of people throng the
things such as support from an external source, like a streets, likely spilling out onto the roads outside
political ally or, perhaps, if the town is part of a larger town. Congestion is an ever-present reality, and a
kingdom, the ruler allocates resources for the town for some regular issue.
reason. Rolling ‘none’ forces you to ask, “How does this town
function without these things?” (+5 to night activity roll)

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 101
Night Activity Demographics
Where population density and visitor traffic give an ample Towns are known for being much bigger than either villages or
idea of the daytime activity, a town’s night-life can vary greatly, trading posts. How diverse are the people that live here? Is it
depending on how many people are staying over. When only a an entirely elven community, or is it populated by folk from all
few folks are around, there is little need for establishments to corners of the world?
be open after dark. On the other hand, if people are coming and Roll on the table below to determine what people reside in your
going at all hours, it’s far more likely that shops and services city. When deciding what those races are, be sure to use the
would be open to accommodate them. setting and environment of the town to help you.

W e’ r e C lo s ed! d20 Demographics

Even if the vast majority of shops and services are open, this 1-4 Only One. 100% primary race.
doesn’t mean that all would be. It is perfectly reasonable to
expect that some shopkeepers would keep regular business 5-8 Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.
hours and close up for the night. 9-14 Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
Roll on the table below to see the town’s level of activity once the
sun goes down. 15-17 Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others
reasonably well represented.
Modified by: population density, visitor traffic
18-19 High and Low. 80% primary race, 20% secondary
d20 Night Activity race.
1-2 Dark. By the time the sun goes down, the streets 20 Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution.
are nearly empty and the town closes up. All is quiet Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical
and peaceful. If the town has a gate, it is closed dominance.
and barred. Guards may, or may not, allow night
travelers inside.
3-6 Quiet. Everything is closed except for inns and Disposition is the general attitude or impression a visitor would
taverns, which remain open until midnight. Late get from interacting with the locals and noting their behavior
guests would have to wake an innkeeper to get a toward visitors. This is how the locals seem (whether they truly are
room. If the town has a gate, it is closed and barred. is up to you).
Guards will usually let visitors in, but will discourage
wandering. Modified by: fortification

7-14 Slow. Almost everything is closed except for taverns, d20 Disposition
which may be open until early morning, and inns,
which stay open perpetually. If the town has a gate, 1-2 Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward
it is closed, but guards will generally be ready to visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners
open it, as needed. feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness,
passive-aggressiveness, or even violence.
15-18 Active. Inns and taverns remain open perpetually.
Some shops and services may be open, catering 3-6 Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
to late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
establishments may still be closed. If the town has a 7-14 Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the
gate, it is kept open, but guarded, ready to be closed, outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
if needed.
15-18 Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming,
19-20 Lively. There is little difference between day and and slow to take offense.
night traffic. There are always people on the streets
and it may seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops 19-20 Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
and services remain open constantly. If the town has culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is
a gate, it remains open and is only closed under the welcome.
most dire of circumstances.

102 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Leadership Law Enforcement
Towns are large enough that it is nigh-impossible for one to exist In order for a town to run effectively, those within the walls
without some form of local leadership. Roll on the table below to must feel safe. Law enforcement plays a big role in this. Town
see who is in charge at present. policing, if there is any, is always sanctioned by a higher legal
authority. This may be a lord to whom the town owes fealty or, if
(If priority is Government, remember to reroll any results 91-100)
the town was established independently, whoever makes up its
d100 Leadership rulership.
Modified by: priority (if applicable), merchant overflow
1-15 Town Council. Prominent members of the
(if applicable), leadership (if applicable)
community were chosen to lead the town collectively.
(Free Location: Non-Commercial - Town Hall) d20 Law Enforcement
16-30 Mayor. The locals democratically voted for their 1 None. This could be good or bad, depending on one’s
current leader. point of view. Good if the folk here are trustworthy,
but bad if a situation gets out of hand.
31-45 Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
virtue of their bloodline. (-8 to crime roll)
46-60 Merchant Monarch. The wealthiest shop owner in 2-4 Sheriff. A sheriff, as well as a handful of deputies, is
the town leads by default. sanctioned by the town’s governing entity.
(+2 to your commercial locations number) (-4 to crime roll)
61-75 Military Rule. The town is controlled by a current 5-9 Small Town Watch. The watch is run by a
or ex-leader of a military group. nominated captain, and employs a small number
of guards. Presence may be scattered, or lacking, at
(+1 to law enforcement roll)
76-90 Oligarchy. A few individuals hold sway, collectively, (-2 to crime roll)
over the town.
10-16 Town Watch. The watch is run by an appointed
[Roll 1d4]:
captain, with one lieutenant, and enough guards, to
1: merchants (plutocracy);
adequately guard key points in the town with token
2: mages (magocracy);
3: priests (theocracy);
4: other small group. (+0 to crime roll)
(Free Location: Non-Commercial - [choose one
17-19 Strong Town Watch. The watch is run by a seasoned
appropriate type and roll on that table])
captain with two lieutenants, a few corporals, and
91-99 Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A criminal, an ample quantity of boots on the ground. Presence
or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately, allows for extra patrols and well-rested guards.
controls the town. (+4 to crime roll)
(-1 to crime roll)
20 Extensive Town Watch. The watch is overseen by
100 Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members a decorated captain with three lieutenants, several
of the town take turns as a sort of executive officer corporals and more than enough guards. Presence
for the week. allows for the watch to maintain an ever-present
appearance. A guard is never more than a shout away.
(+8 to crime roll)

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 103
Population Wealth Crime
How wealthy are most folks in town? Market days may be Crime encompasses acts such as robbery, confidence games, and
successful, but this does not necessarily mean that the general muggings; things not typically resulting in loss of life. How likely
population sees this wealth. It may be funneled into one place, are these kinds of things to happen in town? Must visitors keep
widely distributed, or anywhere in between. a tight hold of their purses and purchases in the market square?
Are there grifters running cons on the street? How frequently are
As settlements reach sizes of significance, the distribution of
people being assaulted while walking home at night?
wealth within the community begins to vary more. The table
below will tell us how the wealth it commands (whatever it Modified by: leadership, law enforcement, population wealth
may be) is distributed among the populace. It is up to you to
determine why. d20 Crime
Modified by: condition, prosperity, 1-2 Regular. The streets are crawling with criminals,
and a purse unstowed is almost sure to be snatched.
d20 Population Wealth
(+4 to urban encounter rolls)
1-2 Destitute. Nearly everyone in town consistently lacks
3-6 Common. Most are used to hearing about trouble
the barest essentials of what they need to survive.
every day or two. Everyone knows someone who’s
(-4 to crime roll) been a victim of crime.
(-2 to quality rolls)
(+3 to urban encounter rolls)
3-6 Impoverished. Around half of the town struggles
7-14 Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from
to carve out even a meager existence.
time to time. Best to keep an eye out.
(-2 to crime roll)
(+2 to urban encounter rolls)
(-1 to quality rolls)
15-18 Uncommon. Crime does not occur often but, when
7-14 Average. Most of the town’s population have enough
it does, it is a noteworthy occurrence.
to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
(+1 to urban encounter rolls)
(+0 to crime roll)
(+0 to quality rolls) 19-20 Rare. Most in the town have had no personal
experience of crime in the town, and know few
15-17 Prosperous. The majority have enough to live a
people that have.
good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
comfortably. (+0 to urban encounter rolls)
(-1 to crime roll)
(+1 to quality rolls) U r b an E nc o u nt er s
18-19 Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they need to live Urban encounters are intended to happen in-game while
comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are players are in your settlement and, as such, are not intended
very prosperous. to be planned as part of game preparation or world
building. The table for these can be found in Appendix B:
(-2 to crime roll) Encounters (p. 442).
(+2 to quality rolls)
20 Affluent. The entire town is able to live comfortably,
with a significant portion living in luxury.
(-3 to crime roll)
(+3 to quality rolls)

All M inu s es ?
The minuses to crime on this table represent reasons why
there might be more crime, based on population wealth. If
wealth is low, crime is likely due to desperation. If wealth is
high, it’s likely due to greed.

104 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Step 3: Points of Interest Non-Commercial Location Type
Roll on the table below for each non-commercial location your
Points of interest are places of significance in a settlement. town has.
These fall into three categories, each with a certain priority:
• Non-commercial Locations - Encompassing places of d4 Non-Commercial Location Type
education, gathering, government and worship.
1 Place of Education
• Shops - Prioritizes selling items before offering a service.
2 Place of Gathering
(i.e. Smithy)
• Services - Prioritizes offering a service before selling items. 3 Place of Government
(i.e. Stables) 4 Place of Worship
Working your way through this section will flesh out which of
these points of interest your settlement has. R em em b er F r ee Lo c at io ns !
Your rolls on previous tables (such as specialty) may have
Ab s t r ac t ing given you free non-commercial locations. Don’t forget
Towns are settlements large enough that it may be necessary about those!
to abstract your points of interest. Depending on the
towns’ actual size, there could be more points of interest
than what is rolled here. For example, the amount of people
Places of Education
in a town may mean one general store likely wouldn’t be These are places whose focus is around learning, the exploration
able to adequately supply the population, even if only one is of knowledge, or the practise of a particular skill or discipline.
rolled. Whether you take that to literally mean there is only
a single general store for the town, or that it is simply the d4 Places of Education
most successful or prominently located one, is up to you.
1 Academy/University. A conservatory devoted to
the pursuit of higher knowledge, sometimes of a

Non-commercial Locations specific area of study.

2 Archives/Library. A structure devoted to housing
Towns are typically considered to be the most urban of the
records and written information.
settlement types explored thus far. Most thriving communities of
this scale have locations that are not predominantly for business. 3 Forum. A place designated for the use of intellectual
These might be churches, libraries, schools, courthouses, and debate and discussion.
government buildings, amongst many other examples.
4 Schoolhouse. An institution focused on educating
D o u b les
If you roll more than one of a location, treat it as S pec ializ ed E du c at io n and T r aining
another location.
Many academies and universities are not general
institutions. Instead, they will tend to focus on a specific
Non-Commercial Locations pursuit (such as a Mage’s Academy, for those who wish to
study magic). If you would like to be more specific about
Check the table below for the number of non-commercial your place(s) of education, try looking at the different kinds
locations relating to your town size. This will be how many times of hired help in the services table later in this section.
you roll on the non-commercial location type table.
Refer to the table below to determine the number of non-
commercial locations your town has.
Determined by: size

Town Size Non-Commercial Locations

Very Small 1
Small 2
Medium 3
Large 4
Very Large 5

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 105
Places of Gathering d20 Place of Worship Size
These are places that are primarily social in nature. 20 Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted
to that which it venerates. No expense was spared in
d4 Places of Gathering its construction. It might display such elements as
1 Amphitheater. Outdoor space with a stage and stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes, and
tiered seating. towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great temple
is a rare and striking experience for those who do
2 Dance Hall. Location for dances and festive events. not live near one.
3 Gathering Hall. General, open-use building, such as
a community center, used for local activities, or where Fervency of Local Following
locals may simply socialize on a day-to-day basis. Roll on the following table to determine the degree of veneration
4 Outdoor Recreational Area. A tended space where that is visible to any outsider visiting the town.
locals might eat, take leisure time, or duel to the
death... d20 Fervency of Local Following
1 Unseen. To those outside the following, it is not
Places of Government clear that the group exists.
These are places used by town officials and workers to deal with 2-5 Quiet. Adherents to the faith are inconspicuous,
official matters. unless one knows what to look for (perhaps
particular gestures, items of clothing, or phrases).
d4 Places of Government
6-10 Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable,
1 Chancery. Used as an office for official but remain very reserved.
documentation and administrative tasks.
11-16 Moderate. The pious are confident and unafraid to
2 Courthouse. Used to hold trials or dispense justice. display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon
the wider populus uncalled for.
3 Town Hall. Used for official town business,
audiences, and meetings. 17-19 Fervent. Followers are outspoken, with little or no fear
of reproach. They may sing or speak to the masses.
4 Treasury. Used as a centralised place to manage the
town’s funds. 20 Zealous. Adherents are utterly and unthinkingly
devout, forcing their doctrine upon their
Places of Worship surroundings and peers, or taking actions that
further their cause regardless of personal cost.
Places of worship are a given in most settlements; there Though typically seen as negative, this could also be
are often at least one, if not multiple, places where devotees a positive, such as a church of light rising up in an
congregate to celebrate and practice their faith. These can be evil kingdom, helping those in need, even if it puts
huge, grandiose temples or small, possibly even secret, shrines. themselves in peril.
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in your
settlement to determine their size. V is ib ilit y
d20 Place of Worship Size What is shown above represents what can be seen by an
outsider visiting the village. Each and every person who
1 Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the holds a faith will express it in their own way, but what is
location is not publicly known. represented here is generally how bold that show of faith is.
2-5 Altar. A small shrine or, perhaps, a tiny shack, The overall degree of veneration may be quiet, but there may
usually evincing some various items or images be a few adherents that, while very passionate, may keep it
quiet when in public. Why would they do this? That’s part of
relating to that which the faith venerates.
your town’s story.
6-10 Oratory. A modest building with seating for
attendees, appointed with various items or images
relating to that which the faith venerates. Alignment of the Faith
11-16 Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to Roll on the table below for each place of worship in the
comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people. settlement to find out its alignment.

17-19 Temple. A grand building, replete with elements d10 Alignment of the Faith
like high ceilings, plush furnishings, and other
1 Evil
impressive ornamental and/or architectural
features. It can hold nearly a thousand attendees. 2-5 Neutral
6-10 Good

106 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Commercial Locations Shop or Service
These are shops and services. Your town’s size determines how There is a distinction made between shops and services
many commercial locations your town will have. based on their primary function. A smithy may be able to repair
something, but primarily they sell tools and equipment. A stable
may sell horses, but primarily provides the service of boarding
F r ee S t u f f ! mounts owned by someone else. A church may offer healing, but
Each town comes with the following ‘default’ locations for serves primarily as a place of worship.
free. They do not count among the commercial locations to Roll on the shop or service table below. The amount of times
be rolled on the following tables. If you are using the Towns you roll is equal to your result from the commercial locations
Settlement Sheet, you will see them already noted. If you are table. This will determine how many of your locations are shops
using a notebook, or other blank paper, write these down. and how many are services.
Shops: General Store, Smithy
Services: Inn, Tavern d6 Shop or Service

Check the table below for the number of commercial locations 1-3 Shop
relating to your town size. This will be how many times you roll 4-6 Service
on the shop or service table.
Note: If your priority is ‘Economic’, consider your town’s size to H alf ‘ n’ H alf
be 1 step larger for this table (to a max of ‘Very Large’).
We enjoy the creative challenge and interesting scenarios
presented by randomly determining how many shops and/
Town Size Commercial Locations
or services there are, but if you would like things to be more
Very Small 4 even, you can simply divide your commercial locations
result in half, taking one half for shops, the other half
Small 6 for services.
Medium 8
Large 10
Very Large 12

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 107
Shops Shops Table
Shops are establishments whose primary purpose is selling The table below allows you to randomly generate your shops.
some form of goods or items. Roll on the table below for each shop your town has (the portion
of your commercial locations that were shops).
Shop Types
d100 Shops
Shops fall into three general categories:
1-4 Baker (B). Bakes and sells fresh bread and, possibly,
Basic (B). Basic shops serve the simple, everyday needs of a pastries.
settlement. Basic shops are owned and run by professionals with
widely-available training, and offer goods that are not wildly 5-8 Butcher (B). Processes and sells fresh and/or dried
different to those in other, similar locations. meat.
Specialty (S). Specialty shops deal specifically in a particular 9-12 Cooper (B). Crafts wooden vessels held together
category of item(s). Specialty shops are run by specially trained with metal hoops, including barrels, buckets, etc.
individuals, supplying goods that are less common.
13-16 Carpenter (B). Builds with or carves wood, as well as
Exotic (E)*. Exotic shops deal in rare, or exceedingly special carrying out repairs.
item(s). They offer goods that are not locally available, or reach a
level of expense, uniqueness, or expertise that exceed even that 17-24 General Store (B). Sells basic supplies, groceries,
of specialty shops. and various odds and ends.

*Magic Shops. Magic shops are always considered exotic. They 25-28 Herbalist (B). Sells common herbs and natural, non-
are not catch-all shops for magic items but, instead, specialized magical remedies.
dealers (and sometimes crafters) of particular things. To find 29-36 Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and
exceptionally rare or unique magical items, one would need to equipment, including very basic weapons and armor.
seek out a magic shop specialized in the appropriate category.
37-40 Tailor (B). Makes and sells of clothing, including
hats and cloaks. Also sells general items made from
cloth, such as blankets, and carries out repairs and
alterations of cloth goods.
41-44 Tanner/Taxidermist (B). Processes animal hides
for practical or ornamental purposes.
45-48 Thatcher (B). Builds roofs using layers of dried
straw, reeds, rushes, etc.
49-52 Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons.
53-56 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets.
57-59 Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as
mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients.
60-62 Artist (S). Encompasses painter, sculptor or other
visual art as appropriate.
63-65 Bank & Exchange (S). Encompasses auctions,
banking, and the specific selling of gems or
exchange of currency.
66-68 Cobbler (S). Makes and mends boots and shoes.
69-71 Foundry/Smelting (S). Ore processing and metal
72-74 Mill (S). Facilities for milling grain.
75-77 Textile Production (S). Larger scale than a single
weaver, offering a wider array of materials in larger
78-80 Shipwright (S). Builds and launches boats and/
or ships. [Reroll if settlement is not bordering a
significant source of water]
81-82 Rare Botanicals (E). Cultivates and sells herbs rare
to the region.

108 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
d100 Shops
83-84 Luxury Furnishings (E). Procures and sells all Services are establishments where something can be done for
manner of home items for fine living, including you - for a price.
furniture, art, and other high-quality goods.
85-86 Rare Libations & Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps, Services Table
makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing
The table below allows you to randomly generate your services.
quality or rarity to the region.
Roll on the table below for each service your town has (the
87-88 Rare Trade Goods (E). Procures and sells items portion of your commercial locations that were services).
and materials, such as ores or textiles, that are rare
to the region. d100 Services
89-90 Magic Shop - Armor (E). Sells magical items with a 1-8 Barber. Provides grooming services, such as
focus on armor and protective equipment. haircuts or shaves.
91-92 Magic Shop - Books (E). Sells magical items with 9-16 Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing.
a focus on literature, arcane tomes and lore. They
may also carry books and documents (such as maps 17-24 Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care.
and records) of a rare and significant nature, though 25-32 House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or
non-magical. relaxation (GM may decide what kind).
93-94 Magic Shop - Clothing (E). Sells magical items with 33-44 Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to
a focus on clothing of all types which bear magical have a bath and a decent meal.
45-52 Club. Provides entertainment via comedic, dramatic or
95-96 Magic Shop - Jewelry (E). Sells magical items with a musical performance.
focus on enchanted, or otherwise magically imbued,
jewelry. 53-60 Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and
prophecy - sayers of sooth!
97-98 Magic Shop - Weapons (E). Sells magical items
with a focus on weapons with mystic properties and, 61-68 Stable. Provides boarding accommodation for
perhaps, shields. mounts, as well as selling carts, animals, and their tack.
99-100 Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities (E). 69-80 Tavern. Provides food and drink.
Procures and sells magical items with a focus 81-82 Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers. Thugs, ruffians
on strange and rare artifacts of a wondrous or and muscle.
intriguing nature.
83-84 Hired Help - Cloak and Dagger. Assassins, thieves
N o Ar m o r er o r W eapo ns m it h ? and spies.

Historically, towns were too small to warrant such a 85-86 Hired Help - Bows and Slings. Archers and ranged
specialized kind of smithing, or provide those craftsmen attack specialists.
sustainable business. These specialists tended to be found in 87-88 Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks. Masters of
cities and capitals, as those were the places where the need history, literature, mathematics and/or business.
was, and many wealthy patrons could be found.
89-90 Hired Help - Guides and Trackers. Scouts, rangers
However, here is an option if you would like to have one
and wilderness experts.
anyway: for any extra smithy you have beyond your one
‘free’ default smithy, roll a d10. 1-6: they’re a normal smith. 91-92 Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Specialists in
7-8: they’re an armorer. 9-10: they’re a weaponsmith. transportation and journeys to various locations as
well as expedition organization and management.
93-94 Hired Help - Arcane Academics. Experts in
matters of magic and lore (may also be natural magic
or something else; it need not be exclusively arcane).
95-96 Hired Help - Magic Mercenaries. Specialists
trained the use of arcane or non-divine magic in
combat and practical mission scenarios.
97-98 Hired Help - Priestly Guidance. Sages offering
counsel in all matters of religion and the divine.
99-100 Hired Help - Hands of the Divine. Specialists
trained in the use of divine magic in combat and
practical mission scenarios.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 109
Optional: Quality Hired Help Size
You can roll on this table for any location’s quality. To do so, Hired help can be an individual, a team, or an organized guild.
simply use the table below. Roll on the table below for each hired help your settlement has.

Q u alit y C an Apply t o Any t h ing! d12 Hired Help Size

Quality is simply a general descriptor of the state that a 1-6 Individual Person. The hired help is a single
place is in. It can be any kind of establishment (rolled shops person hiring out their services.
and services, default locations, or even non-commercial
places like places of worship). The table never changes, so 7-10 Team. The hired help is a team of individuals who
you can even roll on elements that you add later, work together.
if you’d like. 11-12 Guild. An organized guild is hiring out their
services. When hired, a portion of the guild’s
Modified by: population wealth
members handle the job, not the entire guild (unless
the job is very large).
d12 Quality
1-4 Poor. The location is a substandard version of what is V endo r S t alls
typically expected. Its offerings are likely limited, or
of bad quality. The location itself may be in disrepair, Who comes to sell on market day may be in constant flux.
dirty, or have any number of other issues present. Perhaps some come every week, while some make an annual
pilgrimage and come once a year.
5-10 Good. The location is a standard version of what is
Most of the tables in Step 3 can be used to generate stalls
typically expected. Its offerings are likely not terrible,
just as easily as permanent locations. We encourage rolling
but often not particularly remarkable either (though
to see what the stalls might be, as sometimes it can be really
sometimes there may be exceptions). The location
interesting. For example, what if one of the stalls was a
itself is likely in a serviceable state, though probably
foundry/smelting operation? In a world where magic exists,
not flawless.
anything is possible!
11-12 Fine. The location is an exceptional version of
what is typically expected. Its offerings are likely
extensive, or of surpassing quality. The location itself
is likely remarkable in some way (or, possibly, many
ways) such as being very clean or well-built.

P o o r / F ine S er v ic e N am es ?
Here are some suggestions for service names whether
they’re poor/fine.

Barber: Dirt Knife/Coiffeur

Bathhouse: Tubs/Private Baths
Doctor/Apothecary: Sawbones/Physician
House of Leisure: Den of Leisure/Hall of Leisure
Inn: Tents or Hostel/Lodge
Club: Stage/Theater
Soothsayer: Fortune Teller/Diviner
Stable: Stalls/Livery
Tavern: Pub/Taphouse

110 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Extra Intrigue Noteworthy Official
As settlements become more complex, the need for
administration and individuals able to manage it becomes more
Recent History apparent. Whether these people do a fair job of it is another
What’s gone on in town recently? What do people talk about in matter altogether.
the streets or in the tavern? These are events that have taken
Roll on the table below to see who in the town administration
place within the past year.
might be notable, and on the second table to see how competent
the individual in that position truly is.
d8 Recent History
1 Defended. There was a failed attack on the town by A W ell- O iled M ac h ine
a local force.
For complex settlements to function, multiple positions
2 Pickpockets. Invisible, sticky hands at work? Many need to be filled. The assumption is that there are people
reports have surfaced of pickpockets in the market, performing all essential roles in the town, ably and quietly,
but none have been found. but the tables below allow you to single out one (or a few)
3 No Adventurers. Get out! A tavern in town has as being of particular note, with their level of competence
perhaps telling you why.
instituted a no-adventurer policy, after sustaining
one bar fight too many.
d8 Officials
4 Asleep. Working hard, or hardly working? One of
the guards manning the main gate was found asleep 1 Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors.
at his post.
2 Clerk. Recordkeeper for the town.
5 Spiders. One of the local children has been catching
3 Exchequer. Responsible for taxes.
and breeding spiders. The spiders have grown
very large, broken out, and have scattered all over 4 Jailer. In charge of confining prisoners.
town. Townspeople are finding them in homes,
5 Judge. Decision-maker in legal matters.
businesses... everywhere.
6 Liner. Determines property boundaries.
6 Tunnel. What’s this then? On the outskirts,
someone has discovered a tunnel leading towards 7 Master of Revels. Lead organizer of festivals and
town. Even stranger, it’s incomplete; not even special events.
reaching halfway. Who has dug the tunnel? Why?
8 Master of Stores. Oversees the town’s stores of
7 Obstruction. If a tree falls on the road, and no one’s supplies such as grain or building materials.
around to hear it, does it stop market day? News
has reached that a massive tree, stone, or other big d6 Official Competence
natural object, fell and is blocking the main route to
town a few miles away. 1 Corrupt. Taking advantage of the position for
personal gain.
8 Event Night. To boost town morale, the local leader
has proposed ‘a night on the town,’ a sanctioned 2-3 Incompetent. Doesn’t truly understand how to
date-night for all locals where sponsored food and execute the position.
entertainment vendors provide deep discounts to
4-5 Committed. Utterly committed to the job, truly
romantic couples who visit their establishments.
feeling it is of vital importance.
6 Overqualified. Based on skills and experience,
ought to be in a higher or more challenging position.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 111
Market Day d12 Market day events
As the nucleus of a thriving town, the market carries with it a 9 A local wedding is taking place in town, and the
special responsibility. It must facilitate vendors from near and reception is being set up alongside the merchants
far buying and selling, but must also entertain and delight, and in the square, supplementing all the hubbub with
offer excitement worth coming back for. There’s always a chance happy music and dancing.
for something special to show up on market day. What might
there be this time? 10 One of the taverns, facing onto the market square,
has announced a market day special, and now has an
Note: Some of these scenarios mention a merchant or ever-growing line out their door.
establishment that you may not have rolled as a shop or service.
It is up to you how you work these individuals in. You could add 11 An injured guard has ridden into the marketplace,
them, substitute for someone you have created, or simply use the looking around frantically. They have promptly
rolled event as a framework to build upon. passed out, falling from their horse.
12 One of the merchants’ wagon loads is infested with
R o ll M o r e! some kind of pest, and the guards are working to
remove the cart and its cargo to be burnt outside
This table is full of fun things that might be there on market
day. Feel free to roll on this a few times, if you want multiple of town, before it spreads. The merchant is arguing
special things happening on a single day, or just reuse the loudly and desperately.
table for other market days later on in your story.
T h e G r eat R u m o r T ab le
d12 Market day events On page p. 444 you will find Appendix C: Rumors,
which contains a 50-item table of rumors that may be
1 A merchant selling lively, little monkeys has arrived, floating around your settlement. This table is made up of
and whipped both the local, and visiting, children political rumors from the Villages chapter, as well as rumors
into an excited frenzy. from both Cities and Capitals. Most of the rumors in the
2 It’s raining. Hard. Many of the vendors are fighting Appendix have been altered to make them fit any settlement,
to get their wares covered so they remain unspoiled. with the exception of a small few. Try it out and see what
kind of flavor you discover!
3 Fruits and vegetables have been in easy supply
recently, so are being sold at half the usual price.
4 A cattle merchant’s pen has broken, and cows now
What’s next?
roam all over town. The merchant is trying their best You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not yet
to round them up. complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing so already,
your final task awaits. Look back at all of your rolls and the
5 A cookfire has sparked a blaze, setting one of the information that gives you and think about why things are the way
stalls alight, and is now threatening to spread to they are, and what that means for your town. Think of every detail
neighboring tables. that you rolled as another clue to revealing the true identity of
6 A traveling puppet show is in town, performing a this place. Be creative, let your imagination wander and don’t tell
political parody of some famous regional figures to yourself, “no”. As we said in Chapter 1, embrace the contradictions
rapturous applause. and oddities, and you will see your town come to life.

7 Bandits, posing as merchants, are stealing goods

from the other, legitimate merchants nearby.
I nt er es t ing N P C s
If you need to populate your town with some pre-generated
8 A small child has swiped an apple from a fruit cart. The characters, head on over to Chapter 8: Interesting
merchant has noticed, and is yelling after the small, NPCs. You can find tables for different types of NPCs
fleeing figure, calling for someone to catch them. and, following the tables, details on the NPCs themselves,
arranged by profession.

112 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Aetherdell Basic Information
By Jason Kiser Origin: Decree. It was decided by some authority that a town
was needed here, funds and materials were set aside for its
Aetherdell is oft considered a valley of gods, and a cradle of founding, and it was established.
ideas and discovery. Happened upon centuries ago by treasure
seekers, stories of the valley reached a neighboring kingdom. Its Priority: Military. The town prioritizes defenses and law
lord, both militant and philosophical, organized a decades-long enforcement.
expedition to rediscover the site. Little is written of this time Specialty: Education. The town is known as the location of a
other than the concluding decree of Aetherdell’s establishment widely-renowned educational institution.
upon rediscovery.
• Free Location: Non-Commercial - Place of Education
Aetherdell residents are mostly non-human. Money is not a [Archives/Library]
precursor to enjoy its treasures, merely a desire to learn. It is
Age: Mature. The town has been around for decades, and
unsurpassed in its literature and art with collections of lore,
may have developed some sort of reputation, depending on its
languages, and arcane writings awaiting the inquisitive and
community, location, and what goes on in the town.
erudite alike. A single structure towers above, housing countless
tombs; rumors suggest further secrets lie beneath the archive. Size: Small. Up to 500 standing structures in an area able to
support around 2000 people.
Nestled within a dense mountain range, surrounded by
waterfalls and jagged cliffs, Aetherdell rests atop a rocky expanse Condition: Superb. The town is
in a misted valley. Its natural boundary is further enhanced exemplary in all aspects. The buildings
by alabaster walls. These ornately decorated palisades house are built with exquisite skill and flair,
scripture, artwork, and other curiosities. They are further leaving no doubt as to their quality. The
defended by watch towers, unique in their artistic and strategic roads are immaculately kept, with little
mastery. A tower with massive, reinforced metal doors and to no detritus anywhere. The smells are
portcullises ensures controlled passage. those of fresh air and flowers, grass
and trees, or cool sea mist.
Beyond this, a lone bridge spans a chasm 200 feet across and
twice that deep, connecting to an outer segment where most
residents and visitors live. Deep, emerald walls, even higher than
their alabaster cousins within, encompass the remainder of the
town, halting upon reaching the chasm. A lone outer entrance
prevents unwelcome guests.
The city is immaculate, buildings equal parts art and function,
adorned in effigies sculpted from manicured botanicals. It is
said that one can purchase anything in Aetherdell, if one knows
where to look. The market square allows for but a few vendors
daily, but the adjoining streets house merchants unable to secure
Though Aetherdell certainly presents beautifully, the town
doesn’t feel as serene as it looks during daylight hours, though
the cramped atmosphere settles once the market subsides. Petty
crime is also no stranger in town; while a captain and modest
number of guards maintain protection within the main walls,
only a few officers and a volunteer residential watch maintain
the outer section. Those that fall victim to schemers and
opportunists can, come morning, seek refuge and solace in
the grand church. Others may satisfy their curiosity at the
Seeker’s Lodge, a gathering hall for parties, politics, or other
festivities. Theses are frequently led by the great Master
of Revels, Duchene Gerard, famed for his adventures,
oration, rumors, and charismatic charm.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 113
Environment: Valley. The town is found within, or on the edge
of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape Points of Interest
around it. Non-Commercial Locations: Lodge
Prosperity: Incredibly Successful. The town attracts huge Places of Worship: 1
amounts of wealth for its citizens and visitors flock to be part of
it. Place of Worship

Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few, key vendor stalls. • Size: Oratory. A modest building with seating for
attendees, appointed with various items or images relating
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces to that which the faith venerates.
are auctioned off.
• Fervency of Local Following: Quiet. Adherents to the
Merchant Overflow: Encouraged. Excess vendors are faith are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for
encouraged to set up stalls outside the town, if they are unable to (perhaps particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases).
get a spot in the square. There are maintained areas
• Alignment: Neutral.
available for use, and provided on a first-come, first served basis.
Shops: General Store, Smithy, Cobbler, Rare Trade Goods
When in use by vendors, this area is regularly patrolled, if law
enforcement personnel can be spared. Services: (2) Inn, (2) Tavern.
Fortification: Extremely Fortified. The town proper is
surrounded by an imposing wall of wood or stone, with
many fully-staffed watchtowers at regular intervals along its
Extra Intrigue
length. The gate is double thickness, reinforced with metal Recent History: Obstruction. If a tree falls on the road, and
bands, augmented with a portcullis, and is always manned. no one’s around to hear it, does it stop market day? News has
A supplementary wall of wood or stone encompasses the reached that a massive tree, stone, or other big natural object, fell
surrounding countryside, with its own watchtowers. Nothing and is blocking the main route to town a few miles away.
goes in or out without the watch’s knowledge or permission. Noteworthy Official: Master of Revels. Lead organizer of
festivals and special events.
Community • Official Competence: Overqualified. Based on skills and
experience,ought to be in a higher or more challenging
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people position.
live here. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. Market Day: An injured guard has ridden into the marketplace,
looking around frantically. They have promptly passed out,
Population Overflow: 30%. A third of the town’s population is falling from their horse.
outside the town proper.
Farms and Resources: None.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased.
Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which
stay open perpetually. If the town has a gate, it is closed, but
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
others reasonably well represented.
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming
and slow to take offense.
Leadership: Town Council. Prominent members of the
community were chosen to lead the town collectively.
Law Enforcement: Small Town Watch. The watch is run by
a nominated captain, and employs a small number of guards.
Presence may be scattered, or lacking, at times.
Population Wealth: Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they
need to live comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are
very prosperous.
Crime: Regular. The streets are crawling with criminals, and a
purse unstowed is almost sure to be snatched.
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls)

114 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 115
By Blake Snortland
The ancient town of Cragholde is a thriving dwarven
settlement residing in the frozen reaches
of the world; snow blankets a floor of
stone and thick, glacial ice. Led by monks
and clerics sworn to the god of the forge, the
Blazingbrow Clan followed elemental ley lines
into the tundra and founded the town at the
convergence of four such lines: a volcanic hot
spring on a cliff overlooking the icy sea. To
shelter from the elements and dangerous
wilderness, they cut down into the rock face
in a tier-stepped semicircle, gradually carving
buildings and narrow streets, as their iron
mines bored deeper into the rock.
The town center is home to the Temple of the
Forge, and it was here that the clerics and
cunning dwarven engineers combined their
skills to harness the awesome energy of the ley
lines. Within the temple, the elemental forces
are channeled into a locus of power, generating
a protective aura that permeates the city,
maintaining a temperate climate most days and
hedging out the bitter cold winds. In addition,
magical runes carved into the town walls and
cliff face can be temporarily amplified by the
clerics, hardening the aura's outer edge into a barrier
to keep threats at bay.
The lowest level is home to one of Cragholde’s
defining features: The Flying Harbor. The dwarven
engineers, in their mad genius, have constructed
a series of dry docks which overlook the sea far
below. Great gantry cranes stand ready to reach
out over the edge and lift vessels out of the
water and into the docks. Visitors say the view of
Cragholde from the sea is a breathtaking sight - a
beacon of welcome and safety.
The Blazingbrow Clan has ruled in unbroken
succession from the prominent town hall since the
founding of Cragholde. The hall overlooks the town’s
ample marketplace, a commercial hub that thrives on
the work of many craftsmen. None would claim, however, to
compare to Geln Stonebreaker, master craftsman of magical
weaponry. Many travel great distances to avail themselves of his
work, and he remains a constant lure to the settlement.
Basic Information
Origin: Steady. Built piece by piece over time, this town was a
Activities, such as games of prowess at the Frozen Field arena,
labor of commitment and devotion. It may have taken years, or
are also a regular draw, as are the many inns and taverns
even decades, until it reached fruition, but now it stands, such as
supplying relaxing hot spring baths, and dwarven ale more than
it is.
worthy of the name. Thanks to the atmosphere, crowds always
fill the streets, but this has, unfortunately, created a playground Priority: Magic. The town is focused on some form of magical
for pickpockets. The town watch, supplemented by paladins of pursuit.
the forge, do what they can to curtail the issue, but some worry • Free location: Shop - Magic Shop [Weapons]
that the problem may be getting out of hand.
Specialty: Unique Shipping Methods. These people know how
to get things from one place to another by strange or innovative

116 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Age: Ancient. The town is hundreds of years old, or more. It may Law Enforcement: Town Watch. The watch is run by an
still be thriving, or in ruins, remaining much like it has always appointed captain, with one lieutenant and enough guards to
been, or may have drastically changed, for better or worse. adequately guard key points in the town with token patrols.
Size: Large. Up to 1500 standing structures in an area able to Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough
support around 6000 people. to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
Condition: Robust. Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams
protruding from structure walls look to be sturdy and hard- Crime: Regular. The streets are crawling with criminals, and a
wearing. While possibly lacking in true refinement, the town purse unstowed is almost sure to be snatched.
bears a strength and sense of reliability. Roads are maintained, • (+4 to urban encounter rolls)
though not obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and filth.
The smells are those of smoke and sawdust, leather and sweat.
Environment: Tundra. The town is in a very cold environment. Points of Interest
Prosperity: Successful. The town is functional and generates a Non-Commercial Locations: Dance Hall.
modest to good amount of coin. • Amphitheater. The Frozen Field Arena, location for
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor gladiatorial games.
stalls. • Town Hall. The Blazingbrow Clan rules from this location.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: First Come, First Served - Fee. Places of Worship: 1
Merchants line up
Place of Worship
prior to market day. Those at the front of the line are given first
• Size: Temple. A grand building, replete with elements
pick of the available stall spaces, provided they can pay the fee
like high ceilings, plush furnishings and other impressive
for the day.
ornamental and/or architectural features. It can contain
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed nearly a thousand attendees.
to set up stalls, and the town guard patrols through regularly, but
• Fervency of Local Following: Moderate. The pious are
the areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.
confident and unafraid to display their faith openly, but do
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a not encroach upon the wider populace.
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled
• Alignment: Neutral.
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers • Description: The temple is dedicated to the dwarven god of
maybe placed around the town, though they are likely sporadic. the forge.
Shops: General store, Smithy, Butcher, Foundry/Smelting,
Community Shipwright

Population Density: Crowded. The town is filled with jostling • Cooper. Supplies the taverns with dwarven ale barrels.
throngs. Practically all structures are occupied. Some may even • Carpenter. As there are no trees in the area, treat this as a
camp outside town. Moving about can be difficult, and bumping stonemason.
into other people is typical in higher traffic areas. • Thatcher. The houses are all stone. What is this thatcher
Population Overflow: <10%. Less than a tenth of the town’s actually doing?
population is outside the town proper. This typically means that • Magic Shop - Weapons. Geln Stonebreaker’s shop. Widely
the only people who live outside the town are those that do so renowned expert magical weapon-crafter.
out of necessity, due to requirement of duties (such as owning a
farm). Services: (2) Inn, Tavern, Stable, Soothsayer, Barber
Farms and Resources: None.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly Extra Intrigue
frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased. Recent History: Pickpockets. Invisible, sticky hands at work?
Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open Many reports have surfaced of pickpockets in the market, but
perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to none have been found.
late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may Noteworthy Official: Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors.
still be closed. If the town has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded,
• Official Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
ready to be closed, if needed.
position for personal gain.
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
Market Day: An injured guard has ridden into the marketplace,
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
looking around frantically. They have promptly passed out,
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their falling from their horse.
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome in town.
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
virtue of their bloodline.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 117

118 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
The Exiled Companies
By Andrew Geertsen

During wartime, the war priest leaders of the 7th, 8th and 9th As an ex-military company, citizens are universally qualified for
companies, convinced that they were doing the right thing, guard duty. The town’s moderate fortifications are well-defended
disregarded direct orders from command, in an effort to secure at all times, and patrols through town are regular. Some might
ultimate victory. Unfortunately for them, their efforts were in think that the sparse population would not warrant such
vain, and victory was snatched from them. For this failure, the watchfulness but, as the companies would remind them, an idle
7th, 8th, and 9th companies, along with their well-intentioned soldier can soon become a dead soldier.
leaders, were exiled as traitors. Within the town, there are three places of worship, though most
After much wandering, they came upon the ample plains which citizens are only aware of those under the jurisdiction of two
would become home. The plains were rich in fodder for animals, of the ranking priests. Most locals attend a prominent, good-
soil for farming, and natural resources for logging and mining. aligned sanctuary, though perhaps more out of habit than true
The war priests established their town while maintaining devotion. The second is a small, dark shrine devoted to giving the
military rank as their governing structure. They set to building in war’s less savory elements, like pestilence and famine, their due.
earnest, anticipating that many folks would gravitate toward it. The third is unique because it is secret. This good-aligned place
Sadly, that was not the case. of worship is visited only by true adherents to the faith to serve
the cause of righteousness, but who keep themselves and their
The war priests lacked the knowhow to run a thriving town and meeting place hidden, so as to avoid any who might interfere
only the diversity of available resources kept the town afloat. The with their efforts.
sheep they procured, for example, started to breed, so textiles
seemed an obvious business to pursue. Affinity for woolen goods,
however, was not prevalent in a group of military types, and thus Basic Information
a saleable product could not be produced. They have survived up Origin: Exodus or Exile. A group of settlers left (or were forced
‘til now, but are becoming increasingly destitute, and the general to leave) their home. They found this place and decided to build.
flow of gold into the town’s coffers has all but dried up.
Priority: Military. The town prioritizes defenses and law
One thing that has attracted folks to this place has been 7th, 8th enforcement.
and 9th companies themselves. Word travels, and though many
are simply curious about the soldiers and their stories, more Specialty: Industry (Textile Production). This town is known
commercially minded folk see potential and profit in their skills. for certain industrial processes such as milling, textiles, or
Some seek information or show interest in hiring some martial smelting.
types. The three senior chaplains, per their privilege of rank, set • Free location: Shop - Textile Production
the rates that members of their own companies may be hired at,
with the town siphoning a portion of all profits.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 119
Age: Mature. The town has been around for decades, and Leadership: Oligarchy (Priests; Theocracy). A few
may have developed some sort of reputation, depending on its individuals hold sway, collectively, over the town.
community, location, and what goes on in the town. Law Enforcement: Strong Town Watch. The watch is run by a
Size: Large. Up to 1500 standing structures in an area able to seasoned captain with two lieutenants, a few corporals, and an
support around 6000 people. ample quantity of boots on the ground. Presence allows for extra
patrols and well-rested guards.
Condition: Moderate. Structures seem sound enough though
are, perhaps, not attractive. It is likely that most homes keep Population Wealth: Destitute. Nearly everyone in town
occupants dry. Roads are relatively clear, if not clean. The smells consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they need to survive.
are not pleasant, but tolerable. Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
Environment: Plains. The town is encircled by wide, open fields. time. Best to keep an eye out.
Prosperity: Abysmal Failure. The town has had little to no • (+2 to urban encounter rolls)
business, or has been very unfortunate.
Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few, key vendor stalls. Points of Interest
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Lease. Merchants pay in advance Non Commercial Locations: Dance Hall, Amphitheater.
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the
market square. Places of Worship 1:

Merchant Overflow: Unpatrolled. Excess vendors are allowed • Size: Sanctuary. large, well-appointed structure, able to
to set up stalls but, as the town guard do not patrol or monitor comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people.
these areas, the risk is higher. The spaces available are unkempt. • Fervency of Local Following: Unseen. To those outside the
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a following, it is not clear that the group exists.
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled • Alignment of Faith. Good.
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a
Place of Worship 2:
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers
may be placed around the town, though are likely sporadic. • Size: Altar. A small altar or perhaps a tiny shack, usually
evincing some various items or images relating to that which
the shrine venerates.
Community • Fervency of Local Following: Subtle. Followers of the
Population Density: Sparse. Folk live here, but it would never faith may be identifiable, but remain very reserved.
be called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll typically only
see a few people. • Alignment of Faith: Evil.

Population Overflow: 20%. A fifth of the town’s population is Place of Worship 3:

outside the town proper. • Size: Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
Farms & Resources: location is not publicly known.

• Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, which provide • Fervency of Local Following: Quiet. Adherents to the faith
livestock, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for (perhaps
town’s control. particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases).

• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and • Alignment of Faith: Good.

available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a Shops: General Store, (2) Smithy, Baker, Bank & Exchange,
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town has Herbalist, Magic Shop - Armor, Carpenter, Rare Botanicals, Butcher
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or
Services: Inn, (2) Tavern, Club
• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which provide
food, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the Extra Intrigue
town’s control. Recent History: Event Night. To boost town morale, the local
Visitor Traffic: Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come leader has proposed ‘a night on the town,’ a sanctioned date-
through town on a regular basis. Congestion is increased. night for all locals where sponsored food and entertainment
vendors provide deep discounts to romantic couples who visit
Night Activity: Quiet. Everything is closed except for inns and their establishments.
taverns, which remain open until midnight. Late guests would
have to wake an innkeeper to get a room. If the town has a gate, Noteworthy Official: Judge. Decision-maker on legal matters.
it is closed and barred. Guards will usually let visitors in, but will • Official Competence: Committed. Taking advantage of
discourage wandering. the position for personal gain.
Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race. 20% Market Day: A cattle merchant’s pen has broken, and cows
secondary race. now roam all over town. The merchant is trying their best to
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors, round them up.
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.

120 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
The Exiled Companies

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 121
By Amy Puzia
The northern logging town of Lanalor,
named for the first sawmill owner,
George Lanalor, was built by decree
from the planning and management
magistrate for the kingdom. As the
kingdom grew, additional resources were
needed to supply lumber for housing
and ship building. So it was that Lanalor
was built, downstream of the mill on the
river Callum, whose waters offer quick
passage to ships full of lumber.
The town is surrounded by a substantial
wooden wall, with elaborately carved
totems flanking each gate. To access the
city through the main gate, visitors must
pass the historic Windmill Inn, just over
the bridge. The main source for income
and employment for the town is logging
and mining. The Lanalor Saw Mill is
located east of town, and the iron mine
on the road to the south. A few farms
are located on the outskirts of town;
cattle grazing is the primary agricultural
enterprise, though a couple have
branched out into corn and wheat. The
soil is sandy and, with the short growing
season, farming is difficult, so most
vegetation is brought in from the south.
The majority of the 4000 citizens
live within the town walls. More than
half are human, mostly miners and
lumberjacks. The remainder of the
town proper are halflings, mostly
filling service industry positions.
Outside the walls, the indigenous
wood elf population live and work,
as they have since long before the
mill’s establishment. Though keeping
themselves somewhat separate, they
are still seen by those inside the walls
as citizens, and are valued as specialist
sellers of magical items, as well as
trusted fortune tellers.
Though the wealthier residents live on the northeastern hill,
the heart of Lanalor is the town’s main central intersection,
where workers from the southern, river-facing industrial and
Basic Information
market districts, come to spend their hard-earned money. As Origin: Decree. It was decided by some authority that a town
well as the shops, the small amphitheater outside the city walls was needed here, funds and materials were set aside for its
on the riverbank is a regularly-frequented spot for those in need founding, and it was established.
of entertainment, particularly in the summer, when the town Priority: Production. The town prioritizes generation and
empties into it for the annual lumberjack festival. movement of resources.
Age: Old. The town has been around near enough to a century, or
so. Families have grown up here. Some businesses have grown,
folded, and been replaced by new ones. Features have likely been
added, or it may have expanded outwards. It may also have seen
through many events that could have altered the town’s course.

122 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Specialty: Industry (Mill). This town is known for certain Leadership: Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A
industrial processes such as milling, textiles, or smelting. criminal, or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately,
controls the town.
• Free Location: Shop - Mill
Law enforcement: Small Town Watch. The watch is run by
Size: Medium. Up to 1000 standing structures in an area able to
a nominated captain, and employs a small number of guards.
support around 4000 people.
Presence may be scattered, or lacking, at times
Condition: Moderate. Structures seem sound enough though
Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough
are, perhaps, not attractive. It is likely that most homes keep
to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
occupants dry. Roads are relatively clear, if not clean. The smells
are not pleasant, but tolerable.
Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
Environment: River. The town is near or built around a steadily
time. Best to keep an eye out.
flowing stream or other watercourse.
Prosperity: Successful. The town is functional and generates a
modest to good amount of coin. Points of Interest
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor Non Commercial Locations: Courthouse, Amphitheater.
stalls. Places of Worship: 1
Vendor Stall Acquisition: First Come, First Served - No Fee. Place of Worship
Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the
line are given the spaces. No fees are charged. • Size: Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
location is not publicly known.
Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up
stalls outside the town. Town guards will enforce this. • Fervency of Local Following: Quiet. Adherents to the
faith are inconspicuous, unless one knows what to look for
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a (perhaps particular gestures, items of clothing or phrases)
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a • Alignment: Good.
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers Shops: Blacksmith, General Store, Magic Shop - Weapons
may be placed around the town, though are likely sporadic.
Services: Inn, Tavern, Club, Barber, Bank and Exchange,
Population Density: Dense. There is a large amount of people Extra Intrigue
living here. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high traffic
Recent History: Obstruction. If a tree falls on the road, and
areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more.
no one’s around to hear it, does it stop market day? News has
Population Overflow: 20%. A fifth of the town’s population is reached that a massive tree, stone, or other big natural object, fell
outside the town proper. and is blocking the main route to town a few miles away
Farms and Resources: Noteworthy Officials: Clerk. Recordkeeper for the town.
• Resource Harvesting, Trees. Depending on the landscape • Official Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a understand how to execute the position.
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town has
Market Day Events: A cookfire has sparked a blaze, setting
been built nearby to harvest resources for use or sale.
one of the stalls alight, and is now threatening to spread to
• Resource Harvesting, Mine. Depending on the landscape neighboring tables.
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town has
been built nearby to harvest resources for use or sale.
Visitor Traffic: Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are
typically a few from out-of-town, though not enough to impact
Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which
stay open perpetually. If the town has a gate, it is closed, but
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
on the outside, but can be friendly once get to know them.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 123

124 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Meredydd Anchorage
By Lou Fryer

There’s a sucker born every minute - and don’t the Gairelli take advantage of it in tribute to their dark patron. Finally
Family know it. They’ve been running the same con in different moving in for a closer look, the order has followed the family
locations across the world for generations, and always in the to Meredydd Anchorage, with hopes of attracting the wayward
same way: integrate themselves into a settlement, and then work, souls of prominent members that may be sympathetic to their
bribe or cheat their way up until they sit in a position of wealth, nefarious cause. It would seem a stroke of unparalleled genius
power and influence in the community. Over the years, they have - if they were the only group to have taken notice. Remarkably,
been restaurateurs, civil servants - even a well-renowned bardic an entirely different, but no less discreet, unholy sect has had
troupe several generations ago. Never ones to turn their noses exactly the same idea and is keeping tabs on the family, similarly
up at too much of a good thing, the various family members sit unaware that they are not the only players in town.
pretty for as long as they can until, inevitably, they start to lose
All moving parts remain hidden to all the other ones, and it’s
their grip. Murmurs of discontent have to be stifled, someone
only a matter of time before this melting pot bubbles over.
is spotted where they shouldn’t be, a secret communication is
intercepted - something triggers the beginning of the end, and
the Gairelli’s know when to cut their losses and run, caring not a Basic Information
jot for the people and power vacuums they leave behind.
Origins: Exodus or Exile. A group of settlers left (or were
Recently, several members of the Gairelli family (under various forced to leave) their home. They found this place and decided to
pseudonyms, of course) simultaneously won landslide victories build.
in the local elections in the small, coastal town of Meredydd
Priority: Production. The town prioritizes generation and
Anchorage. They are enjoying the fresh sea air, the temperate
movement of resources.
climate, and utilizing the lucrative foundry to finance and front
their underground, less reputable business interests. They are Specialty: Industry (Foundry/Smelting). This town is known
absolutely confident, as always, that their operation is airtight; for certain industrial processes such as milling, textiles, or
utterly sure that they have gotten away with it once again. smelting.
Unfortunately for them, this is only mostly true. Meredydd • Free location: Shop - Foundry/Smelting
Anchorage, once simply quaint and industrious (underneath Age: Recent. Established within the past year, the town has not
the soot) is now overflowing with secrets. Hooded eyes are been around long. Awareness has likely not spread beyond the
turned towards the Gairelli’s, operating even further beneath immediate surrounding area.
the surface than they are. An evil religious order has has been
watching the family from afar for generations, admiring their Size: Large. Up to 1500 standing structures in an area able to
particularly despicable brand of deception, and wishing to support around 6000 people.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 125
Condition: Moderate. Structures seem sound enough though Law Enforcement: Town Watch. The watch is run by an
are, perhaps, not attractive. It is likely that most homes keep appointed captain, with one lieutenant and enough guards to
occupants dry. Roads are relatively clear, if not clean. The smells adequately guard key points in the town with token patrols.
are not pleasant, but tolerable. Population Wealth: Average. Most of the town’s population
Environment: Coastal. The town is near a large body of water, have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
such as a lake or ocean. Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
Prosperity: Mildly Successful. The town has attained a mild time. Best to keep an eye out.
degree of success and visibility.
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. Points of Interest
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces Non-Commercial Locations: Gathering Hall, Chancery
are auctioned off.
Places of Worship: 2
Merchant Overflow: Encouraged. Excess vendors are
encouraged to set up stalls outside the town, if they are unable to Place of Worship 1
get a spot in the square. There are maintained areas available for • Size: Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
use, and provided on a first-come, first-served basis. When in use location is not publicly known.
by vendors, this area is regularly patrolled, if law enforcement
• Fervency of Local Following: Unseen. To those outside the
personnel can be spared.
following, it is not clear that the group exists.
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a
• Alignment: Evil
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a Place of Worship 2
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers • Size: Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
may be placed around the town, though are likely sporadic. location is not publicly known.
• Fervency of Local Following: Unseen. To those outside the
Community following, it is not clear that the group exists.
Population Density: Sparse. Folk live here, but it would never • Alignment: Evil
be called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll typically only
Shops: Artist, Foundry/Smelting, General Store, Rare Libations
see a few people.
& Fare, (2) Smithy, Thatcher
Population Overflow: 10%. A tenth of the town’s population is
Services: Club, Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers, (2) Inn,
outside the town proper.
Soothsayer, (2) Tavern
Farms and Resources:
• (2) Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a
Extra Intrigue
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town has Recent History: Asleep. Working hard, or hardly working? One
been built nearby to harvest resources for use or sale. of the guards manning the main gate was found asleep at his
• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which provide
food, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the Noteworthy Official: Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors.
town’s control. • Official Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
Visitor Traffic: Multitudes. Massive groups of people throng the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
the streets, likely spilling out onto the roads outside town. Market Day: Fruits and vegetables have been in easy supply
Congestion is an ever-present reality, and a regular issue. recently, so are being sold at half the usual price.
Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open
perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to
late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may
still be closed. If the town has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded,
ready to be closed if needed.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
others reasonably well represented.
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome in town.
Leadership: Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A
criminal, or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately,
controls the town.

126 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Meredydd Anchorage

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 127
By Cooper Sulma
Rootstone, nestled deep in a dense forest, is a town
of old wood, older stone, and new people. It has
been occupied by many different groups over the
centuries. The current incarnation was established a
generation ago after conquest by its current rulers,
and has been thriving under their rule.
The ancient stone structures underpin more
recent additions made from the abundant local
lumber and shape their style. The most imposing
structures cluster around the large central
market square. A courthouse, town hall, and
records office all support the town's focus on local
government, while a formidable bank and an
ornate exchange house bolster confidence in the
town’s commercial life.
Trade in the town is vigorous, but strictly
regulated. Each week, an auction is held where
sellers bid on market stall locations. No commerce
is permitted outside the walls and any sellers
there, or otherwise, without a permit are shut
down promptly. This organization and safety,
provided by clear laws and a vigilant town
watch, create a safe and friendly environment for
visitors. The town bustles with activity night and
day. Many establishments cater at all hours to
travelers and locals alike.
Rootstone is a town of two halves. The town within
the stone walls is a place of refinement, devoted
to culture and commerce. The inn and stores cater
to an upper-class clientele, including one of the
finest furniture crafters in the region. Nearby is
the forum; what may have once been a villa has
been converted into a small library and chamber
for the discussion of all matters academic,
economic, and political.
Outside the sturdy walls is where the common folk live and work.
Roads wind in organic paths through a hodgepodge of homes
and workshops built in all manner of styles; here, one might find
a low-rate barber or sawbones. Near the main gate is a timber- Basic Information
framed performance hall. Local groups of muscle-for-hire are
Origin: Key Crossroads. The town was established on a
always looking for work with few (if any) questions asked.
crossroads frequented by travelers from all over.
Rootstone is a place of dichotomies: wood and stone, rich and
Priority: Government. The town prioritizes structure, order,
poor, order and disorder. In such a place, it is no surprise that
and law.
Abel Trilby, Rootstone’s Master of Stores, has been slowly
diverting supplies to his own endeavors for years. Taking these • Free location: Non-Commercial - Place of Government
liberties has been possible thanks to the blistering incompetence [Town Hall]
of Squire Urthryn Fern, Head Record Keeper of the chancery. Specialty: Connections. This town is full of people who can
Rumor also has it that a tunnel has been found, dug into a rise find and obtain almost anything (or, perhaps, anyone).
in the woods and directed toward Rootstone. It lies unfinished, Age: Ancient. The town is hundreds of years old, or more. It may
however, with no sign of recent work. Who did this? Why? still be thriving, or in ruins, remaining much like it has always
been, or may have drastically changed, for better or worse.
Size: Small. Up to 500 standing structures in an area able to
support around 2000 people.

128 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Condition: Robust. Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams Population Wealth: Average. Most of the town’s population
protruding from structure walls look to be sturdy and hard- have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
wearing. While possibly lacking in true refinement, the town Crime: Uncommon. Crime does not occur often but, when it
bears a strength and sense of reliability. Roads are maintained, does, it is a noteworthy occurrence.
though not obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and filth.
The smells are those of smoke and sawdust, leather and sweat. • (+1 to urban encounter rolls)
Environment: Forest. The town has been established in area
cleared of the surrounding trees. Points of Interest
Prosperity: Very Successful. The town has achieved real Non Commercial Locations: Forum, Dance Hall, Courthouse,
financial success and attracts a large number of visitors. Chancery, Bank & Exchange
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor Shops: Blacksmith, General Store, Luxury Furnishings
Services: Inn, Tavern, Barber, Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers,
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces Doctor/Apothecary
are auctioned off.
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed
to set up stalls outside the town. Town guards will enforce this.
Extra Intrigue
Recent History: Tunnel. What’s this then? On the outskirts,
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a
someone has discovered a tunnel leading towards town. Even
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled
stranger, it’s incomplete; not even reaching halfway. Who has
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a
dug the tunnel? Why?
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers
may be placed around the town, though they are likely sporadic. Noteworthy Official: Master of Stores. Oversees the town’s
stores of supplies such as grain or building materials.

Community • Official Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the

position for personal gain.
Population Density: Crowded. The town is filled with jostling
Noteworthy Official 2: Clerk. Recordkeeper for the town.
throngs. Practically all structures are occupied. Some may even
camp outside town. Moving about can be difficult, and bumping • Official Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
into other people is typical in higher traffic areas. understand how to execute the position.
Population Overflow: 50%. Around half the town’s population
is outside the town proper.
Farms & Resources:
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the town has
been built nearby to harvest resources for use or sale.
• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which provide
food, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the
town’s control.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased.
Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and
night traffic. There are always people on the streets and it may
seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain
open constantly. If the town has a gate, it remains open and is
only closed under the most dire of circumstances.
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming
and slow to take offense.
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
virtue of their bloodline.
Law Enforcement: Strong Town Watch. The watch is run by a
seasoned captain with two lieutenants, a few corporals, and an
ample quantity of boots on the ground. Presence allows for extra
patrols and well-rested guards.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 129

130 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
By Megan Roy

Until recently, the name ‘R'ozbog’ meant nothing to most, its Deepdrought (a dark stout beer with notes of licorice and
swampy, uninhabited coast barely explored or thought of. And wildflowers), and Mallows (sweet, fluffy dessert puffs made with
yet, as of just a few years ago, R'ozbog is now a site on many folk's the gelatinous goo found in swamp horse hooves). It should
bucket lists as a thriving, trendy hotspot for shopping, racing, be noted that exploration of The R'ozboggery is possible only
and constant celebration. by swamp horse — an intentional ploy that brings much joy to
R'ozbog was founded only four years ago via collective effort Waytha and her mount-rental shops across town.
between local half-orcs and half-elves. Their powers combined; Although R'ozbog is already incredibly popular, its creators
the half-elves mind for business and the half-orcs ability to believe it can be so much more. In-town construction is
domesticate wild swamp horses resulted in a fascinating, constantly expanding R’ozbog outwards, even beyond the
lucrative venture. The town was a staggering testament to their bounds of the swamp. At this rate, the town is on track to
amalgamated efforts: a seamless mix of both half-elven and half- become a powerful, wealthy city in but a short number of
orc values, architecture, and lifestyle. Every bit of land above the years - something that many other competing settlements are
swamp water was utilized and built upon, with houses, shops, increasingly aware of, and may soon take action to prevent...
farms, and even a stadium, just waiting to be filled. Enthralled by
word of this fast-growing settlement, R'ozbog immediately saw
visitors and settlers from all over, and continues to be the hot Basic Information
gossip on the tongues of folk from all over. Origins: Port. The town established itself on the water where
Every day in R'ozbog is a celebration of culture and beautiful none had done so previously, sprouting worn piers and roads
difference. The Water Round, its main attraction, is where taken by merchants and travelers alike.
most festivals and events of all kinds are held, and each night Priority: Government. The town prioritizes structure, order
culminates with the swamp horse races. Audience members and law.
can buy flags and signs for their favorite jockeys as they watch
• Free location: Non-Commercial - Place of Government
the horses gallop through the murk from the stands. Many who
visit R'ozbog do so to train and try out for these races, hoping to
win big, or simply make a name for themselves. Others prefer Specialty: Drink. The town is known for having a wide variety
to simply bet on the races (whether through official channels or of (or excellent quality) beverages available throughout.
otherwise) and hope their luck will guide them to riches. Age: Recent. Established within the past year, the town has not
Laymen and connoisseurs alike are drawn to The R'ozboggery, been around long. Awareness has likely not spread beyond the
a collection of eateries, bars, and shops. The Mud Mane is its immediate surrounding area.
most famous tavern, with options such as Cobblepot Stew (an Size: Large. Up to 1500 standing structures in an area able to
orcish favorite paired with half-elven vegetables and herbs), support around 6000 people.

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 131
Condition: Robust. Buildings in the town appear solid. Beams Population Wealth: Affluent. The entire town is able to live
protruding from structure walls look to be sturdy and hard- comfortably, with a significant portion living in luxury.
wearing. While possibly lacking in true refinement, the town
Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
bears a strength and sense of reliability. Roads are maintained,
time. Best to keep an eye out.
though not obsessed over, and are largely free of refuse and filth.
The smells are those of smoke and sawdust, leather and sweat.
Environment: Swamp. The town is neighbouring a vast area of Points of Interest
stagnant water. Non-Commercial Locations: Dance Hall, (2) Treasury, Outdoor
Prosperity: Very Successful. The town has achieved real Recreational Area.
financial success and attracts a large number of visitors. • Outdoor Recreational Area. The Water Round is the main
Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few, key vendor stalls. attraction for almost all that visit R’ozbog. The arena is used
for duels, festivals, and — most importantly — swamp horse
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces races on the submerged, muddy race track.
are auctioned off.
• Chancery. The chancery is shared by both the half orcs and
Merchant Overflow: Encouraged. Excess vendors are the half elves as they take turns with administrative duties
encouraged to set up stalls outside the town, if they are unable to and handling government business from week to week.
get a spot in the square. There are maintained areas available for
use, and provided on a first-come, first-served basis. When in use Shops: General Store, Smithy, Cooper
by vendors, this area is regularly patrolled, if law enforcement • Herbalist. Abernathy’s is famous within town and beyond
personnel can be spared. for his strange concoctions of herbs and tinctures, which are
Fortification: Fortified. The town proper is surrounded by a used by local brewers to give R’ozbog’s unique selection of
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled drinks their trademark flavors.
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a • Magic Shop - Armor. Unlike the majority of shops
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers and services that are easily accessible to visitors, Tippo’s
may be placed around the town, though are likely sporadic. Adornments is a hidden shop know only by more morally-
gray swamp horse racers and some noble investors. Tippo
and his assistants work tirelessly to manufacture magical
Community armor that boosts both rider and swamp horse in ways that
Population Density: Dense. There is a large amount of people are largely undetectable.
living here. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high traffic Services: (2) Inn, Hired Help: Bows and Slings, Hired Help:
areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more. Guides and Trackers, Soothsayer, Club, Stable
Population Overflow: 20%. A fifth of the town’s population is • Tavern. The Mud Mane is the hottest spot in town for locals
outside the town proper. and visitors alike. All kinds can be found there sampling
Farms and Resources: Og’lick’s signature stout, Deepdrought: a dark, murky beer
with strangely licorice and floral notes, said to bring luck to
• (2) Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, which all who drink it.
provide food, are found on the nearest hospitable land
under the town’s control. • Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Although small
bridges connect most of the town’s small landmasses, the
• Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, which provide easiest way to travel is by rented swamp horse (it also helps
livestock, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the that riding one is quite the status symbol.)
town’s control.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
frequent the town. Congestion is significantly increased. Extra Intrigue
Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and Recent History: Asleep. Working hard, or hardly working? One
night traffic. There are always people on the streets and it may of the guards manning the main gate was found asleep at his
seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain post.
open constantly. If the town has a gate, it remains open and is Noteworthy Official: Judge. Decision-maker in legal matters.
only closed under the most dire of circumstances.
• Official Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
Demographics: Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary position for personal gain.
Market Day: An injured guard has ridden into the marketplace,
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming looking around frantically. They have promptly passed out,
and slow to take offense. falling from their swamp horse.
Leadership: Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members
of the town take turns as a sort of executive officer for the week.
Law Enforcement: Town Watch. The watch is run by an
appointed captain, with one lieutenant and enough guards to
adequately guard key points in the town with token patrols.

132 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 133
By Ralph Stickley
Straddle was a town built with great expectations, brought low
by disappointing reality. Originating as a military camp with
a chokehold on a strategically important and well-trafficked
mountain pass, it grew rapidly, providing a safe, fortified area
for trade in the war-ravaged area. A huge marketplace was
constructed in anticipation of the vast crowds which would no
doubt frequent it come peacetime. However,
fate had different plans and, in the last days
of the war, disaster struck. A devastating
magical barrage triggered an enormous
rockslide and, while the town itself was
unharmed, trade was cut off from the other
Now, Straddle barely manages to scrape
by on the merits of quality wool from the
herds of goats and mountain
oxen, which thrive in
the rugged surrounds,
but its huge, drafty
marketplace exists mostly
as an empty monument
to lost potential. The
people themselves remain
cheerful, however (even
if it is tinged with more than
a little desperation), with a large
population of ex-soldiers who have
endured far worse and are good at
making do with the hand dealt to
them. Straddle’s vibrant nightlife has more to
do with this quiet, shared despair than it does the
quality of local ale (the best brewers were on the other
side of the pass) and, while the meager town watch tries to
keep things from getting too out of hand, they tend to turn
something of a blind eye to the odd bit of drunk and disorderly
behavior as long as it doesn’t get violent.
The town council have tried a couple of different schemes to
kick start Straddle’s economy, with varying levels of success.
Currently, housing is available at incredibly reduced prices to Basic Information
those who wish to move to the town and start a business. This has Origins: Military Camp. A deployment wound up lasting
elicited some grumbling from the residents, but most see it as a longer than anticipated, so the camp began building more solid
savvy move, even if it is one they don’t entirely agree with. fortifications in an increasingly permanent fashion. Either the
Particular attention has been paid towards attracting a original members of the encampment still reside here, or it was
neighbouring dwarf clan who specialize in moving cargo across otherwise occupied after they departed.
rough, mountainous terrain, with the hope that their expertise Priority: Production. The town prioritizes generation and
could help grow Straddle’s wool trade. While the dwarven movement of resources.
delegates are happy to be wined, dined, and wooed (with a
sizeable contingent taking up temporary residence in town), they Specialty: Farming or Resource Gathering. The town is
have been cagy about striking a deal, remaining unconvinced of known for the resource(s) it produces. Base this on what kind
Straddle’s long-term prospects. The council’s official position is of environment and climate the town is in. If farming wouldn’t
that they are on the cusp of a deal, and simply looking to dot a work as well, perhaps they mine or harvest lumber instead.
few i’s and cross a few t’s on the agreement. However, more than Age: Recent. Established within the past year, the town has not
a few have begun to mutter that the dwarves are taking them for been around long. Awareness has likely not spread beyond the
fools and simply want to squeeze a few more free meals out of immediate surrounding area.
them while the going is good.
Size: Very Large. Up to 2000 standing structures in an area
Straddle’s position, it would seem, is precarious in more ways able to support around 8000 people.
than one.

134 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns
Condition: Moderate. Structures seem sound enough though
are, perhaps, not attractive. It is likely that most homes keep Points of Interest
occupants dry. Roads are relatively clear, if not clean. The smells Non-Commercial Locations: (2) Archive/Library,
are not pleasant, but tolerable. Amphitheater, Courthouse, Town Hall
Environment: Mountains. The town is found on a plateaux of Shops: Alchemist, Carpenter, Cobbler, Foundry/Smelting,
a stony pass or soaring peak. General Store, Herbalist, Smithy, Textile Production
Prosperity: Failure. The town has struggled to generate Services: Barber, Doctor, (3) Inn, Stable, (2) Tavern
meaningful wealth or notoriety.
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.
Extra Intrigue
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces
Recent History: No Adventurers. Get out! A tavern in town has
are auctioned off.
instituted a no-adventurer policy, after sustaining one bar fight
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed too many.
to set up stalls outside the town. Town guards will enforce this.
Noteworthy Official: Liner. Determines property boundaries.
Fortification: Heavily Fortified. The town proper is
• Official Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
surrounded by a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several
the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
watchtowers built along its length. The gate is double-thickness
and reinforced with metal bands. There are additional Market Day: An injured guard has ridden into the marketplace,
watchtowers built at various points throughout the surrounding looking around frantically. They have promptly passed out,
countryside. falling from their horse.

Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
live here. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.
Population Overflow: 30%. A third of the town’s population are
outside the town proper.
Farms and Resources:
• (3) Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, which provide
livestock, are found on the nearest hospitable land under the
town’s control.
Visitor Traffic: Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are
typically a few from out-of-town, though not enough to impact
Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and
night traffic. There are always people on the streets and it may
seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain
open constantly. If the town has a gate, it remains open and is
only closed under the most dire of circumstances.
Demographics: Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome in town.
Leadership: Town Council. Prominent members of the
community were chosen to lead the town collectively.
Law Enforcement: Small Town Watch. The watch is run by
a nominated captain, and employs a small number of guards.
Presence may be scattered, or lacking, at times.
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the town’s population
have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
Crime: Average. Theft or mild violence can happen from time to
time. Best to keep an eye out.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls)

C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns 135

136 C h apt er F o u r | T o w ns

ou gaze across an open plain. In the distance, a black cautiously and, after you answer a question or two under his suspicious
imperfection mars what would be an unbroken line gaze, you are allowed past. As quick as a handwave, the guard is already
between land and sky. As you make your way closer, the speaking with the next person in line.
imperfection grows and stretches, starting to dominate The city is a hive of activity. Folk move from here to there, navigating
the horizon, gaining definition and clarity. Sharp forms jutt upward, down streets and alleys, up steps and over bridges. Carts rattle along
reaching toward the sky. down cobbles, while stray cats and dogs dodge around the wheels. Your
Days of travel pass, and still the form grows little by little until, still senses are almost overwhelmed as you’re jostled by bodies, assaulted by
miles away, it can be made out quite clearly: a true city. smell and sound. You duck into a nearby tavern to catch a breath, but
Nearing the city, you notice the change in surface underfoot, the duck out moments later after a flying chair misses you by inches.
beginnings of a worked road and, before long, you are no longer walking After a few days spent walking around, you gain a better appreciation
alone. Other figures fall into step, some flowing along with you toward of the scale of this place. You hear of better and worse districts, go-to
the gates, some away from them. places for anything you could need, and hear whispered names of
As you approach, a cacophony of shouting voices, braying animals, several noteworthy people. Now that the overwhelming nature of it all is
and squawking children rings out. The smells of cooking, dirt, smoke, passing, you begin to consider the possibilities and opportunities… then
and livestock linger in the air. Before long, you see a line forming, as narrowly miss being doused in the contents of an upturned bucket from
folks await being granted passage through the gates. A guard eyes you a second storey window. You are reminded that, while exploration might
be rewarding, you’d still best watch your step.

138 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

A city is large enough to be seen from great distances, with
enough foot traffic and trade to provide nearly anything one could I m po r t ant
hope to find. Home to all manner of people, and all manner of Modifiers will never have you modify previous tables or
opportunities, one’s first visit can swell the heart with hope and results. Anything being modified will always come after.
wonder, or cripple the mind under the weight of intimidation.
Progress through this chapter by going through these steps:
Conversely, one living in a city all their life might feel differently.
Some cities are glorious testaments to the ingenuity and • Step 1: Basic Information. The tables in this section will
perseverance of their people, but some are certainly not. Cities provide broad or fundamental details about your settlement.
can be cesspits, assemblages of the most wretched scum and • Step 2: Community. The tables in this section will provide
villainy. Vast amounts of people often means vast amounts of details about the people that live here and certain aspects of
filth, a great challenge that many cities don’t manage very well. society.
The fight against crime can be an uphill battle, as agents of the
law do their best to keep a lid on a sprawling criminal underworld • Step 3: Districts. The tables in this step determine what
burgeoning all around them. Travelers from all corners of the specific areas your city has, as well as the locations within
world may well pass through the gates, and there’s rarely any sure
way to know who are the good ones, and who aren’t. • Extra Intrigue. This is an optional step, filled with tables
that can add additional flavor to the settlement.
The cities chapter is a grand amalgamation of all settlement
types before it, with further organisational additions that allow
you to construct a place of much greater scale. As you proceed, do
so knowing that the place you're about to build will be uniquely
yours and unlike anything else you've ever created thus far. It’s
time to build.
In this chapter you will go through sections called steps. Each
step will include tables. You will roll a die (unless they have you
reference previous information about your settlement, such
as its size). Find your roll (or appropriate information) in the
left-hand column. In the right-hand column will be your result.
We encourage you to make a note of these results; the Cities
Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can
be found in the back of this book and at
Certain results will give you modifiers. Most modifiers will add
or subtract from a future roll (though some may have you roll
a different die, or tell you to add a feature or location to your
No matter how high or low a modifier makes a roll, your result
can never be higher or lower than the highest and lowest results
on a table.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 139

Step 1: Basic Information d10
Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to
Below you will find a variety of attributes such as age, condition
take advantage of desirable geographical features,
and size. Using these attributes and their tables, you will be able
like a strategic choke point, or an ideal high-ground
to build out the basic information for your city. Some attributes
posting. As the location proved itself, it grew.
might have an effect on others via modifiers which are written
into the tables. For example, the condition of the city modifies 8 Prison. The site was originally a holding colony for
its population wealth. criminals. Over time, events transpired allowing
the place to become a legitimate city in its own
Keep in mind that any modifiers are completely optional and are
right. Was this thanks to a successful revolt?
not required if you have an existing vision for your city. When
Perhaps the entity that controlled the prison colony
rolling for outcomes with modifiers, results of 0 or a negative
was conquered and the colony was left to its own
number should be considered an outcome of 1. Equally so,
devices? Maybe something made the colony’s
outcomes over the highest number on a given table should be
kingdom change its mind and legitimize it?
considered equal to the highest possible number (i.e. on a d20
table, a 24 would be a 20). 9 Agriculture. A dense farming community attracted
many people with knowledge and a strong work
Origin ethic. Production was high, at least for a while, and
the area became more and more populous. Structures
Where did this city come from? Even small ones are substantial sprang up to house the new folks and account for
and do not show up overnight (unless magic is involved). Even the needs of its growing group of residents, until the
if the final stone has only just been laid, it is likely that the city desire for convenience, security, and comfort spurred
has had folks living in it for years already. A city’s origin is what the establishment of a proper city.
sparked the journey it took to become what it is now.
10 Magical. The city’s inception stemmed from
d10 Origin something magical. It may have been the influence
of magical beings, the presence of magical
1 Invading Occupation. The builders of the city were
structures, or the convergence of magical energies at
a foreign, occupying force, who initially set up a
that specific place. It could also have been from the
camp. As time went on, more and more permanent
deliberate influence of a specific individual.
structures were built. Their foothold in the region
remained solid, and the settlement grew.
2 Tribal Home. The city site was originally home to a
group of natives in the region. The settlement built
upon itself until it became the city it is now.
3 Natural Progression - Trading Post. A small
trading post steadily attracted enough business to
warrant expansion. It grew into a town, but demand
and traffic did not stop.
4 Repurposed History. The city was founded and
built on top of ancient ruins. Standing ruins might
have been left as statues and tributes to the past but,
more often, they have either been used (if still stable)
or incorporated into new structures.
5 Natural progression - Village. A handful of
hovels, inhabited by simple folk, grew as more and
more people came and made it their home too. More
space was soon necessary, and the village grew into
a town, then a city. Despite this expansion, evidence
of its humble beginnings are likely still visible in
many places.
6 Haven. The location attracted a group seeking
refuge from some crisis. They could have been
persecuted by some great oppressor or, perhaps,
they fled a natural disaster. Conversely, they could
be a society of rebels or outlaws who desired an
independent settlement of their own.

140 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Priority Age
A city’s priority is an idea of particular importance within How old is your city? It may have been built up gradually over
the city itself. It may even have been founded around this idea. decades, even centuries, or its inception could have been a
Some ways this may manifest are in the form of laws which monumental effort over a shorter period of time. The older a city
accommodate the idea (such as laws allowing for easy trade), or is, the more time people have had to find it, join it, and settle down.
physical representations of the idea (such as a faith-focused city
having a temple district). Age and C it y Lay o u t .
d6 Priority Throughout history, the peoples of the world have
continuously learned, adapted, and changed their minds
1 Control. The city has established itself as a about how to plan and structure the places in which they
power in the region, establishing a network of are going to live. You can consider this when thinking about
patrolled roads, but also military presence, in other your city’s layout. Older cities may be more disorganized,
local settlements. The city itself is a strong and developing organically with little thought given to creating
formidable presence. an easy system by which to get around. Younger ones may
(+3 to law enforcement roll) have been developed with more forethought, possibly
designed with something like a grid or wheel-and-spoke
2 Trade. The city was made to move goods. Coin flows layout to make navigation easier.
from hand to hand, and the city wholeheartedly
encourages this. It likely collects a tax from any That being said, given that many of these settlements
trade, but the benefits should far outweigh the costs. resemble the Middle-Ages (or older), it could also be that
those developing your city (even if it is young) may simply
(+1 to population wealth roll)
not have known to try structuring the city in this way.
3 Enlightenment. The leadership prides itself on
its intelligence and wisdom, typically making d10 Age
choices that preserve their society and reinforce the
community’s access to knowledge and culture. 1-2 Recent. The city’s final work was completed within
the past 10 years.
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Scholar District’ as
one of them) (-2 to population density roll)
4 Entertainment. Whatever this place was before 3-4 Established. The city has been around for at least
the city was founded properly, it was known for fun. 10, but up to 100, years.
Perhaps it was a place of grandiose performances, (-1 to population density roll)
raucous pubs, or dancing and festivities. On the
other hand, maybe it became known for more 5-6 Mature. The city has been around at least 100, but
disreputable pursuits, such as underground fighting up to 300, years.
or gambling, among many other possibilities. (+0 to population density roll)
(When rolling for additional locations in your 7-8 Old. The city has been around for 300 to 1000 years.
districts, manually select one place you would
consider an entertainment venue for each). (+1 to population density roll)

5 Production. This settlement was built around 9-10 Ancient. The city is older than living, and possibly
producing a particular good or resource. This could be even recorded, memory.
raw materials, like crops or mining ore, but could also (+2 to population density roll)
be the manufacture of a certain product or products.
(For your first roll on the outside the city table, roll
a d10, rerolling any results 1-4).
6 Faith. The city is a nexus for the faithful. For one
reason or another, folk may undertake pilgrimages
here. There are likely at least a few places of worship,
perhaps many more than usual. The city may
have been founded around the site of a miracle or
visitation. It could be the holding place of a special
artifact, or the residence of a particular person
of religious import. The city may be dominated
by a single faith or, perhaps, multiple faiths are
represented here.
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Temple District’ as
one of them).

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 141

Size O pt io nal T ab le
The size of a city can be hard to truly visualize. Even small cities The following table can help you increase or decrease the
can dwarf a village, and the vast amount contained within a amount of people your settlement has structures to support.
city can beggar the mind. Roll on the table to get an idea of the Feel free to roll, or choose what you feel is appropriate.
physical space your city occupies.
Take the number of people your settlement has structures
to support (i.e. ‘Very Small’ has structures to support around
I m po r t ant : S iz e ≠ P o pu lat io n! 8,000 people) and change it by the stated amount.
Your city’s size refers to the physical space it occupies, and Note: If you are using a campaign or story setting with city
the capacity of its structures (how many people it could population information available, you can use those as
likely support, under ideal circumstances). It does not mean reference for how many people tend to be in that world’s
there are actually that many people. You could have a very cities or capitals.
large city with a sparse population. That just means lots of
vacant buildings or open spaces. d20 Population Capacity
1 Half. Divide the number by 2.
d20 Size
2-3 Half-Again. Multiply the number by 1.5.
1-2 Very Small. Structures in the city are likely able to
support around 8,000 people. 4-10 Double. Multiply the number by 2.
(-4 to number of districts roll) 11-14 Triple. Multiply the number by 3.
3-6 Small. Structures in the city are able to support 15-17 Quintuple. Multiply the number by 5.
around 16,000 people.
18-19 Ten-Fold Increase. Multiply the number by 10.
(-1 to number of districts roll)
20 20-Fold Increase. Multiply the number by 20.
7-14 Medium. Structures in the city are able to support
around 24,000 people.
(+0 to number of districts roll)
15-18 Large. Structures in the city are able to support
around 32,000 people.
(+2 to number of districts roll)
19-20 Very Large. Structures in the city are able to support
around 40,000 people or more.
(+6 to number of districts roll)

P o pu lat io n C apac it y
There are certainly examples of cities and capitals that had
vast populations, both historical and fictional, which could
range from the hundreds of thousands to over a million. A
few examples of this would be Rome, whose population was
over 450,000, and ancient Baghdad reached over a million.

142 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Outside the City d20 Outside the City
Cities, by virtue of being more expansive than towns, have the 14 Event Grounds. Tended grounds for games, duels,
advantage of being able to house greater numbers of people ceremonies, or other events.
within the settlement proper. Cities are places offering jobs and
opportunities which attract people in their hundreds, or even 15 Family Estate. A wealthy family’s large estate is
thousands, often resulting in creative housing solutions like situated in the neighboring countryside.
multi-level or stacked dwellings to mitigate what would be, in 16 Hermit’s Cottage. A hermit lives near the city
dire situations, extreme overcrowding. limits, beneath the notice of most of the inhabitants.
However, a variety of infrastructure or locations could be found They keep to themselves, but who are they? What do
outside the city walls for any number of particular reasons other they gain by their close proximity?
than simple lack of space (though that could still be the case). 17-18 Makeshift Settlement. A large mass of hovels,
Roll on the table below to see what, if anything, is outside the lean-tos, tents, and other improvised shelters have
city proper. been built in the shadow of the city’s walls. Why? Do
the leaders and residents care?
T h at ’ s N o t All, F o lk s ! 19 Medical Camp. A set of makeshift or, depending
The locations rolled on this table are not necessarily the only on the nature of what is being treated, permanent
locations outside the city but are, instead, the prominent structures have been erected to tend to, or even
ones. If you imagine part of the population living out there, quarantine, the sick or injured.
or other things not listed here, by all means incorporate 20 Prison. Some sort of structure out here has been
those into your vision. designated for holding prisoners or captives (for
whatever reason) either temporarily or, perhaps,
City Size Number of Outside the City Rolls much longer term.
Very Small 5
Small 4
Medium 3
Large 2
Very Large 1

d20 Outside the City

1-4 None. If you have any remaining rolls to make on
this table, proceed with them.
5-6 Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms,
providing food for the city, are found on the nearest
hospitable land under its control.
7-8 Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, providing
livestock for the city, are found on the nearest
hospitable land under its control.
9-10 Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone,
etc.), a logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging
to the city, has been built nearby to harvest them,
which it then uses or sells.
11-12 Barrows. An area devoted to burial sites.
13 Caravan Community. A nomadic group of people
have taken to living on the surrounding land nearby.
Does the city’s leadership have an issue with this?
What about its residents?

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 143

Stewardship d20 Stewardship
A city must be managed well to thrive. This includes collecting 11-16 Adequate. The city’s fundamental elements are
taxes, maintaining streets and utilities (if any), and having all taken care of relatively competently, but some
enough people to fill all necessary roles and offices. If any of these room for improvement still exists. Lack of capital,
are lacking, it can quickly have a visible impact on the city itself. or involvement in more pressing matters such as
Stewardship (or lack thereof) can be demonstrated through external conflicts or disaster management, are
the state of roads and buildings, as well as in the visibility or possible explanations.
number of guards. It can also be seen in the overall welfare of the (+0 to general condition roll)
resident population. Evidence of poor stewardship may also lie (+0 to population wealth roll)
hidden beneath the surface. It is possible, if a shift in leadership (+0 to law enforcement roll)
or priorities has taken place, for things to still look as if they are
going very well, even if they are headed in a disagreeable direction. 17-19 Managed. The city’s fundamental elements are
all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is
d20 Stewardship responsible is doing an admirable job.
(+1 to general condition roll)
1 Neglected. All of the fundamental elements of the
(+3 to population wealth roll)
city are being ignored, or are unable to be addressed.
(+4 to law enforcement roll)
(-7 to general condition roll)
(-13 to population wealth roll) 20 Disciplined. The city’s fundamental elements are
(-9 to law enforcement roll) firmly in hand, providing what it needs to perform
at peak functionality. There is little to no room for
2-4 Minimal. The fundamental elements of the city are improvement. Whoever is managing things is doing
being tended to, but at the bare minimum. This may so expertly.
be because of inexperienced leadership, misplaced
(+5 to general condition roll)
priorities, lack of resources, or simple laziness, to
(+6 to population wealth roll)
name a few possible reasons.
(+8 to law enforcement roll)
(-4 to general condition roll)
(-6 to population wealth roll)
(-5 to law enforcement roll)
5-10 Passing. The city’s fundamental elements are taken
care of to a serviceable degree, though an inequality
of attention is noticeable, and some areas seem to
take priority over others. It could be that resources
are not plentiful enough to cover everything, but
those in charge are doing the best they can.
(-1 to general condition roll)
(-3 to population wealth roll)
(-2 to law enforcement roll)

144 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

General Condition Environment
General condition is the overall state of the city. While Cities are huge settlements, so placing one in any environment
individual districts may deviate slightly from the norm, the takes considerable effort. Think about this when you discover
general condition is the baseline for everything. If the city as a what kind of environment yours will be in. How was it built?
whole is in a state of squalor, a district can only be elevated so What might it look like? Why would they want a city in a place
much before the city’s universal issues bring it down. General like this? Where did the people come from?
condition is significant because it gives important visual cues, The tables and options available in this book are designed to allow
and is one of the first things to make an impression upon settlements to be placed anywhere, regardless of environment.
visitors, such as parties of adventurers. If you have an environment in mind for your settlement already,
Modified by: stewardship feel free to skip, or manually select from, this table.

d20 General Condition d10 Environment

1 Squalid. The city is in a deplorable state. Things 1 Coastal. The city is near a large body of water, such
are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who doesn’t as a lake or ocean.
live there, seems positively unlivable. Most of
2 Forest. The city is nestled among the trees.
the buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in
terrible need of help. 3 Mountains. The city is found on stony passes or
(-2 to district condition rolls) soaring peaks.

2-4 Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a widespread 4 Plains. The city is in the wide open fields.
state of disrepair, though some token effort 5 River. The city is near a steadily flowing stream, or
may have been made at cleanliness. Streets are other watercourse.
probably packed dirt or broken stone. They may be
uneven, rutted or muddy. Structures have likely 6 Swamp. The city is in, or near, a vast area of
received similar low levels of care, though there stagnant water.
could be some disparity. 7 Underground. The city is within a large network
(-1 to district condition rolls) of caves.

5-12 Decent. The city is passable. While not offensive 8 Valley. The city is found within, or on the edge
to the senses of one that is well traveled, it could of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations. landscape around it.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but 9 Tundra. The city is in a very cold environment.
are generally functional.
10 Desert. The city is in a dry and arid environment,
(+0 to district condition rolls)
likely covered with vast sand dunes.
13-19 Impressive. The city is well taken care of, and
cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are W at er
maintained, though signs of wear may still be
apparent. It feels lived-in, but of a respectable Regardless of environment, one critical element to any
quality in every regard. settlement is water. The fact that the place exists is evidence
that they are getting water somehow, but what that might be
(+1 to district condition rolls) may not be obvious. This can be a creative challenge for you.
20 Magnificent. The city is incredible. Cleanliness, Perhaps your settlement is in a desert, or deep in a forest.
maintenance and structural integrity are all of the Perhaps they have deep wells? Maybe they actually purchase
highest standard. Loving attention seems to have water from elsewhere? Or it could even be that it’s generated
been lavished on as many aspects as is possible. magically. Either way, a plentiful source of water is an
important thing to think about.
(+2 to district condition rolls)

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 145

Fortification Vendor Stall Acquisition
Fortifications are the structural defenses surrounding the city If a vendor wishes to set up a stall in the market square, how do
proper. Those who live there do so within these boundaries. they go about finding a space?
The more heavily fortified the city, the more likely it is that the
residents will feel happy (or, at least, safe in their beds from d4 Vendor Stall Acquisition
outside invaders or influences).
1 First Come, First Served - No Fee. Merchants line
up prior to market day. Those at the front of the line
d20 Fortification
are given the spaces. No fees are charged.
1 Unfortified. The city is exposed on all sides, save for
2 First Come, First Served - Fee. Merchants line up
any barriers created by the presence of buildings or
prior to market day. Those at the front of the line are
natural land formations.
given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided
(-5 to disposition roll) they can pay the fee for the day.
2-8 Lightly Fortified. The city has bare-bones 3 Lease. Merchants pay in advance (sometimes far in
fortifications which are a minimal obstacle for advance) for the right to a space in the market square.
enemy forces, but are adequate to deter wild
animals. A simple gate, which can be barred in the 4 Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces are auctioned off.
evenings, sits astride the main road.
(+1 to disposition roll)
Merchant Overflow
Does the city allow merchants to sell outside the city itself?
9-15 Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled d4 Merchant Overflow
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city
pass through a main gate that can be barred in the 1 Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up stalls
evenings. A few watch towers may be placed around outside the town. City guards will enforce this.
the city, though are likely sporadic. (+1 to law enforcement roll)
(+3 to disposition roll)
2 Unpatrolled. Excess vendors are allowed to set up stalls
16-19 Heavily Fortified. The city is surrounded by a heavy but, as the city watch do not patrol or monitor these areas,
wall of wood or stone, with several watchtowers the risk is higher. The spaces available are unkempt.
built along its length. The gate is double-thickness
3 Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to set up stalls,
and reinforced with metal bands. There are
and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the areas
additional watchtowers built at various points
themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.
throughout the surrounding countryside.
4 Encouraged. Excess vendors are encouraged to set up
(+5 to disposition roll)
stalls outside the city, if they are unable to get a spot
20 Extremely Fortified. The city is surrounded by an in the square. There are maintained areas available
imposing wall of wood or stone, with many fully- for use, and are provided on a first-come, first-served
staffed watchtowers at regular intervals along its basis. When in use by vendors, this area is regularly
length. The gate is double-thickness, reinforced with patrolled, if law enforcement personnel can be spared.
metal bands, augmented with a portcullis, and is
always manned. A supplementary wall of wood or
stone encompasses the surrounding countryside,
with its own watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out
without the watch’s knowledge or permission.
(+7 to disposition roll)

Market Square
All cities have a non-district market square where typical goods
can be found, though by no means is this all it has to offer.

d6 Market Square
1-2 Tight. Only room for a few vendor stalls.
3-4 Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls.
5-6 Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.

146 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Underground Passages
Are there any structures or passages through the underside of
the city? Perhaps the city has expanded on top of previously
existing tunnels that pre-date the current settlement, or passages
were an intended addition on the original plans. More intriguing
still, perhaps secret throughways have been constructed in the
more recent past, and their existence is not widely known...

d20 Underground Passages

1-8 None. There are no significant passages underneath
the city.
9-14 Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, and trenches
lies beneath the city. Base the sewer’s condition
upon that of the settlement, if they were built
concurrently. They may pre-date the current city.
15-17 Natural Caves. Below the city, natural cave systems
can be found that may, or may not, have been
discovered yet.
18-19 Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist beneath the
city. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or
clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have
been purpose-built for the current settlement. They
could potentially have been dug by enemy forces,
either recently or long ago.
20 Forgotten Crypts. Old burial chambers and tombs
are housed deep beneath the city, likely unknown to
the general populace.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 147

Step 2: Community d20
Population Density
Dense. There is a large amount of people living in
Who lives here? A city is as much its people as its buildings.
the city. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In
Within this section are tables designed to flesh out the populous
high traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but
and their day-to-day lives.
not much more.
(+1 to night activity roll)
Population Density
A city is a place usually characterized by its larger size and 19-20 Crowded. The city is filled with jostling throngs.
population. Population density is a scalable representation Practically all structures are occupied. Some may
intended to abstract the idea of all the people living in the city, even camp outside the walls. Moving about can be
boiling it down to an easily visualized image. difficult, and bumping into other people is typical in
higher traffic areas.
O pt io nal R u le: D es er t ed (+2 to night activity roll)
In order for a city to come into being, the major requirement
is people. A city cannot be established without anyone Demographics
to kickstart the process. However, this does not always As a settlement’s size grows, so too does the makeup of its
necessarily mean that the people stay. population. A village with only a few score residents may well be
If you would still like there to be a chance (or certainty) that entirely or mostly homogenous but, as more and more people
there are only a few folks living in the city, or for it to be make their home there, this becomes far less likely. The expanded
utterly abandoned, include the following option: nature of cities often make them very diverse places, though
location, politics or other factors could make the opposite true.
0 (or less) Deserted. The city was once home to a great
many people, but now it is as if its soul has fled. Hollow Roll on the table below to determine what people reside in your
breezes drift through the streets and alleys, causing shutters city. When deciding what those races are, be sure to keep its
of abandoned homes to bang against walls, and doors to setting and environment in mind.
creak on neglected hinges. If any people are here, they are
the very last vestiges of a once-considerable population, or d20 Demographics
they are squatters and interlopers occupying homes now 1-2 Only One. 100% primary race.
strangers to the warmth of permanent occupation. (-5 to
night activity roll) 3-6 Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.

Modified by: age 7-14 Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
d20 Population Density 15-17 Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others
1-2 Skeleton. The city only has enough people to reasonably well represented.
function at its most basic level. 18-19 High and Low. 80% primary race, 20% secondary
(-2 to night activity roll) race.
3-6 Sparse. Folk live in the city, but it would never be 20 Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution.
called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical
typically only see a few people. dominance.
(-1 to night activity roll)
7-14 Populous. A moderate amount of people live in
the city. Walking through the streets, you will see
plenty of people, but never so many that it would
feel cramped.
(+0 to night activity roll)

148 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Population Wealth Visitor Traffic
As settlements grow, the distribution of wealth within the To those who’ve rarely left the confines of their own village or
community begins to vary. There may be contradictions that town, a city can be daunting, or even terrifying. The masses of
arise here when rolling the city’s stewardship or condition, people can be so overwhelming as to make the knees buckle.
but think about what could cause contradictions. Over-taxation However, these great waves of humanity can also be awe-
could rob the people of their resources, but allow the city to have inspiring. Roll on the table below to see how many frequent your
plenty. A city could be in awful condition, but the riches of its city on a temporary basis.
people could be being spent in other ways.
O pt io nal R u le: F o r s ak en
Roll on the table below to see how the available wealth (whatever
it may be) is distributed among the residents. It is up to you to Cities come into being because there are enough people to
determine why. justify their existence. What cities have to offer in terms of
resources, power, protection and possibilities can’t help but
Modified by: stewardship act as a lodestone to all kinds of folks. As such, the chances
of a city having very low numbers of visitors are extremely
d20 Population Wealth slim. However, visitor traffic may have been cut off for some
1-2 Destitute. Nearly everyone in the city consistently reason. Perhaps something (or someone) is preventing
lacks the barest essentials of what they need to survive. outside access? Perhaps something has happened within the
city that has entirely deterred visits from any but the very
(-2 to general crime roll) brave, desperate, foolish or curious...
3-6 Impoverished. Around half of the city struggles to If you would like there to be a chance for visitor traffic to
carve out even a meager existence. have ceased altogether, include the following option:
(-1 to general crime roll) 0 or less: Forsaken. Once a nexus for people from all
over, whatever drew them is long since gone. Loose debris
7-14 Average. Most of the city’s population have enough
tumbles through the streets devoid of new footsteps. The
to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
rare visitors who still come to the city are likely here for
(+0 to general crime roll) a very specific reason, which they may or may not want
15-17 Prosperous. The majority have enough to live a to divulge.
good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
comfortably. d20 Visitor Traffic
(-1 to general crime roll) 1-2 Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are typically
a few from outside the city, though not enough to
18-19 Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they need to live
impact congestion.
comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are
very prosperous. (+0 to night activity roll)
(-2 to general crime roll) 3-6 Groups. There are generally a fair amount of
visitors to the city. May slightly increase congestion.
20 Affluent. The entire city is able to live comfortably,
with a significant portion living in luxury. (+1 to night activity roll)
(-3 to general crime roll) 7-12 Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come through
the city on a regular basis. Congestion is increased.
(+2 to night activity roll)
13-17 Droves. Large groups of people regularly frequent
the city. Congestion is significantly increased.
(+3 to night activity roll)
18-19 Masses. Huge groups of people always seem to be
visiting. Congestion could cause difficulties if the city
is unable to cope with very large amounts of people.
(+4 to night activity roll)
20 Multitudes. Massive groups of people throng the
streets, likely spilling out onto the roads outside
the city. Congestion is an ever-present reality and a
regular issue.
(+5 to night activity roll)

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 149

Disposition Night Activity
Disposition is the general attitude or impression a visitor would Where population density and visitor traffic give ample idea
get from interacting with the locals and noting their behavior regarding daytime activity, a city’s night-life can vary greatly,
toward visitors. This is how the locals seem (whether they truly are depending on how many people are staying over. When only a
is up to you). few folks are around, there is little need for establishments to
be open after dark. On the other hand, if people are coming and
Modified by: fortification
going at all hours, it’s far more likely that shops and services
d20 Disposition would be open to accommodate them.

1-2 Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward W e’ r e C lo s ed!

visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners
feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness, Even if the vast majority of shops and services might be
passive-aggressiveness, or even violence. open, this doesn’t mean that all would be. It is perfectly
reasonable to expect that some shopkeepers would keep
3-6 Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors, regular business hours and close up for the night.
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
Roll on the table below to see the city’s level of activity once the
7-14 Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the
sun has gone down.
outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
Modified by: population density, visitor traffic
15-18 Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming,
and slow to take offense. d20 Night Activity
19-20 Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their 1 Dark. By the time the sun goes down, the streets are
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is nearly empty and the city closes up. All is quiet and
welcome. peaceful. If the city has a gate, it is closed and barred.
Guards may, or may not, allow night travelers inside.
2-3 Quiet. Everything is closed except for inns and
taverns, which remain open until around midnight.
Late guests would have to wake an innkeeper to
get a room. If the city has a gate, it is closed and
barred. Guards will usually let visitors in, but will
discourage wandering.
4-12 Slow. Almost everything is closed except for taverns,
which may be open until early morning, and inns,
which stay open perpetually. If the city has a gate, it
is closed, but guards will generally be ready to open
it, as needed.
13-17 Active. Inns and taverns remain open perpetually.
Some shops and services may be open, catering
to late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of
establishments may still be closed. If the city has a
gate, it is kept open, but guarded, ready to be closed,
if needed.
18-19 Lively. There is little difference between day and
night traffic. There are always people on the streets,
and it may seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops
and services remain open constantly. If the city has
a gate, it remains open and is only closed under the
most dire of circumstances.
20 Raucous. When the day ends, the city truly comes
to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and
going at all hours. Parties, and other commotion,
can often be heard. One might expect things to close
down after dark but, in this city, there are locations
that only open in the evenings. There is likely a sort
of ‘night market’ throughout the city, with goods,
services, or curiosities of all kinds available for those
keep alternative hours (or scoff at the need for sleep).

150 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Leadership Law Enforcement
Who controls the city? Roll on the table below to see what kind of A city is a daunting place in which to maintain order. With the
leadership is present. right people, it can be done but, with the often large amounts of
people in close proximity and large variance in activity, keeping
d100 Leadership crime levels low can be extremely challenging.
1-15 Elected Council. Prominent members of the Roll below to see what the city has to maintain order and uphold
community were chosen to lead the city collectively. the law.
16-30 Mayor. The locals democratically voted for their Modified by: priority (control), stewardship, merchant overflow
current leader. (banned), leadership (military officer)

31-45 Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by d20 Law Enforcement

virtue of their bloodline.
1 None. If not openly opposed by the collective
46-60 Merchant Monarch. The wealthiest merchant in population, crime can easily run amok. This could
the city leads by default. (Regardless of population manifest itself in subtle or obvious ways.
wealth, they are, at least, considered wealthy.)
(-5 to general crime roll)
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Market District’ as
one of them) 2-4 Skeleton City Watch. Run by a sergeant, a minimal
staff is able to man the gates and watchtowers in shifts.
61-75 Military Officer. The city is controlled by a current
or ex-leader of a military group. (-3 to general crime roll)

(+1 to law enforcement roll) 5-11 City Watch. Run by a single captain, the watch
has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
76-90 Oligarchy. A few top individuals hold sway, establish a patrol once or twice a day.
collectively, over the city.
(-1 to general crime roll)
[Roll 1d4]:
1: merchants (plutocracy); 12-17 Robust City Watch. Run by a captain and two
2: mages (magocracy); sergeants, the watch are able to place extra support
3: priests (theocracy); at key points, as well as establish three or four
4: other small group. patrols a day.
(When rolling districts, choose one that best fits (+0 to general crime roll)
your leadership as one of them) 18-20 Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and several
91-99 Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A criminal, sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded.
or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately, The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city
controls the city. patrols happen regularly.
(-2 to general crime roll) (+2 to general crime roll)
(Roll on organized crime table regardless of
general crime table result) U t ilit ies and P u b lic S er v ic es
100 Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members of Depending on the level of sophistication and organization
the city take turns as a sort of executive officer for in your city, you may decide to have representations
the week. of public services and the like, such as fire-fighters or
hospitals. If the city watch is robust enough, there could be
physical offices in different districts. On the other hand, if
there appears to be little-to-no city watch presence, consider
the possibility of private militias or enforcement groups.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 151

General Crime Organized Crime*
Due to the sheer size of a city, it is near impossible for there to be no *Skip this section if the general crime table did not specify to ‘Roll on
crime. With so many people and so many conflicting interests, there organized crime table’ (unless you rolled ‘Underworld’ or ‘Criminal
are bound to be folks who can’t (or won’t) abide by society’s rules. Enterprise’ on the leadership table).
General crime can be petty offenses like pickpocketing, grifting, When crime thrives, it is natural for power structures to emerge,
or wanton jaywalking. It can also be transgressions of a much and hierarchies to form. These organizations exert their influence
more serious nature, such as grand larceny, murder, and large- on the society around them, but they do so in different ways.
scale organized crime. Perhaps they’re covert, remaining an unseen player in the game.
On the other hand, they could be brazen, forgoing any semblance
If general crime is higher than ‘Infrequent’ (a roll of 1-14), roll
of secrecy in exchange for expedience, or as a show of power.
on the succeeding table to establish your additional organized
crime presence.
d20 Organized Crime
Modified by: leadership (underworld or criminal enterprise),
law enforcement, population wealth, 1-2 Completely Secret. The organization has operated
incognito, beneath any form of public notice. Any
d20 General Crime contacts with public officials are dealt with through
redundant channels, always maintaining multiple
1-2 Dangerous. The streets are crawling with crime. degrees of separation. Remaining unknown is of
Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries. paramount importance.
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurrence, and
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’. 3-6 Whispers. There are hushed rumors of criminal
organization, but most folks keep these suspicions
(Roll on organized crime table) to themselves, for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The
(+4 to urban encounter rolls) organization has a few operatives within the city and
3-6 Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a purse in they work hard to keep a very low profile.
plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism 7-14 Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that most folk
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
travel alone. criminal element in the city. They operate quietly but
(Roll on organized crime table) ambitiously, carrying out frequent high-profile jobs.
(+4 to urban encounter rolls) They could also have ties to government officials, or
may even attempt to control elements of the city itself.
7-14 Common. Most are used to hearing about some
sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows 15-18 Barely Hidden. The organization is a looming
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft shadow within the city. None are entirely sure where
or, sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. it is based, or who their operators are, but it’s clear
that the organization is real. Obstacles that would
(Roll on organized crime table)
be contrary to the ‘hypothetical’ organization’s
(+3 to urban encounter rolls)
interests are quickly resolved. Bodies are found,
15-18 Uncommon. Theft or mild violence happens from messages sent and, one way or another, their will is
time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in case. always made known.
(+2 to urban encounter rolls) 19-20 Open. Though key members may be unknown, the
presence of the organization is common knowledge
19-20 Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any crime,
and, though it may not have been fully proved, it’s
and certainly haven’t experienced any.
clear they have a direct hand in running the city. They
(+1 to urban encounter rolls) operate with impunity, with little fear of reprisal or
repercussion, likely taking no steps to mask their
U r b an E nc o u nt er s presence to ensure compliance, such as with a sigil on
a sealed envelope. How did it get to this point? How
Urban encounters are intended to happen in-game while do the people of the city feel about this?
players are in your settlement and, as such, are not intended
to be planned as part of game preparation or world
building. The table for these can be found in Appendix B:
Encounters (p. 442).

152 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Step 3: Districts Number of Districts
Your city’s number of districts can indicate many things, including
Districts develop within a city for a myriad of reasons, but what the city feels is important, or what groups have enough of a
foremost among them is simple commonality. Businesses and presence in the city that it warrants a section of the settlement.
establishments of a similar or unifying nature begin to cluster
together, often in an effort to either aid and complement one Roll on the table below to find out how many districts are in
another, or to take advantage of a prime location (such as close your city.
proximity to resources or materials, or, simply, foot traffic to Modified By: size
another place). They can also develop due to the coalescing of
groups, such as those with little or great wealth, or people who all d20 Number of Districts
do the same kind of work.
1-2 2
This section will take you through making various districts.
3-10 3
T ip: G ener al C o ndit io n and C r im e 11-15 4
In this section, note your capital’s general condition and 16-19 5
general crime in the boxes provided on your Cities Sheet, if
using, to reference more easily. 20 6

M o r e D is t r ic t s ?
General District Information When designing this material, we found 6 districts to be a
The general district information section covers things that good maximum, without crossing the line into potentially
pertain to all districts. Many of the tables here are to be rolled on being overwhelming. However, if you are someone who
multiple times, usually once for each district you have (decided by yearns for an added workload or, perhaps, just really, really
the number of districts table). likes districts (or numbers higher than 6…), there is nothing
stopping you from adding more districts. Simply print
as many additional copies of pages 3 and 4 of the Cities
O pt io n: Q u alit y R o lls settlement sheet at the back of this book as you need to aid
Some of the table results in this section have modifiers to you in the hyper-districtification of your settlement.
quality rolls (the quality table can be found on p. 167).
You may roll on the quality table for any location. Rolling for
quality is not mandatory, but can be a lot of fun, and it adds
a surprising amount of flavor and helpful information to
any location.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 153

District Types d12 District Type
Based on your number of districts result above, roll below to 11 Temple. This district has a focus on religion and/or
see what districts your city has. When rolling on the tables in the spiritual enlightenment.
following section, only roll within the portions for the districts
you have, skipping any others. 12 Upper Class. This district is an area where those
with greater means might live.
Note: You can have multiples of a district type (such as 2 market
districts). After you’ve completed the district related sections and (+3 to its district condition roll)
tables, you are free to decide whether you want them as separate (+3 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
districts, or to make them one large district.
Number of Rolls = result from number of districts table.
T ip: U s ing t h e F o llo w ing T ab les
We suggest that when rolling on a table in this general
district information section, roll for all your districts at
D is t r ic t s f r o m P r io r it y & Leader s h ip once. This will reduce the need for backtracking.
Certain priority and leadership entries say, ‘When rolling
districts, choose ____ district as one of them.’ Double check
to see whether you have any of these. District Conditions
Every city in the world has places best avoided, as well as places
If you do, before rolling on the district types table below, everyone wants to see. These all exist within the bigger whole of
set one or two of your districts to those given to you. Each the city itself. This means that because each district is a part of
district added in this way will take up one of your district the city, the condition of those districts is impacted by the city’s
types rolls (i.e. if number of districts gave you 3, and you got general condition.
a market district from your leadership, you would have 2
districts left).
N o t e: ‘ B es t ’ and ‘ W o r s t ’
d12 District Type If a city’s general condition is particularly good or bad, it
may not be possible to go one or two levels higher or lower.
1 Administration. This district has a focus on If that is the case, stop at the best or worst available.
government and civil matters.
2 Arcane. This district has a focus on magical matters. District Condition Modifier
3 Botanical. This district has a focus on nature. Find your city’s general condition on the table below. Apply
4 Craft. This district has a focus on the creation of the associated district condition modifier to each of your district
different goods. condition rolls.

5 Docks. This district has a focus on all naval and General District Condition Modifier
seafaring matters. (reroll if your city is not adjacent Condition
to water)
Squalid -2 to district condition roll
6 Industrial. This district has a focus on large-scale
production facilities. Dilapidated -1 to district condition roll

7 Market. This district has a focus on the sale of Decent +0 to district condition roll
practical goods. Impressive +1 to district condition roll
8 Merchant. This district has a focus on business and Magnificent +2 to district condition roll
non-essential goods.
9 Scholar. This district has a focus on education and
the pursuit of knowledge.
10 Slums. This district is an area where those with
lesser means might live.
(roll a d4 on district condition)
(-1 to quality rolls for locations in this district)

154 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Roll once on the following table for each of your districts to
determine its district condition.
District Entry
Can one simply walk into the district, or is there some level
d20 District Condition of security? Roll once on the following table for each of your
districts to determine how restricted traffic is in and out of the
1-3 Far Worse. 2 steps worse than general condition district.
(-2 to quality rolls for locations in this district) d12 District History
4-7 Worse. 1 step worse than general condition level. 1-4 Open. Entrance to the district is unrestricted.
(-1 to quality rolls for locations in this district) (+0 to district crime roll)
8-13 Equal. Same as general condition level. 5-7 Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has a token
guard presence.
(+0 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
(+1 to district crime roll)
14-17 Better. 1 step better than general condition level.
8-10 Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard
(+1 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
18-20 Far Better. 2 steps better than general condition (+2 to district crime roll)
11-12 Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by
(+2 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
a gate with guards.

District Condition Crime Modifier (+3 to district crime roll)

Find each district’s condition on the table below. Apply the

associated district crime modifier to that district’s crime roll.
District Crime
Compared to the rest of the city, how is crime in this district?
District Roll once on the following table for each of your districts to
District Condition Condition Crime determine whether crime is better or worse here.
Below the district crime table is the crime degrees reference.
Squalid. The district is in a deplorable -2 to district Refer to this for a reminder of the crime levels and urban
state. Things are falling apart, filthy crime roll encounter modifiers.
and, to anyone who doesn’t live here,
seems positively unlivable. Most of the
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace,
N o t e: ‘ B es t ’ and ‘ W o r s t ’
or in terrible need of help. If a city’s general crime level is particularly good or bad, it
may not be possible to go one or two levels higher or lower.
Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a -1 to district If that is the case, stop at the best or worst available.
widespread state of disrepair, though crime roll
some token effort may have been made at Modified by: district condition, district entry
cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, d20 District Crime
rutted or muddy. Structures have likely
received similar low levels of care, though 1-3 Far Worse. 2 steps worse than the city’s general
there could be some disparity. crime level.

Decent. The district is passable. While not +0 to district 4-7 Worse. 1 step worse than the city’s general crime
offensive to the senses of one that is well crime roll level.
traveled, it could still be off-putting to 8-13 Equal. Same as the city’s general crime level.
those with lofty expectations. Structures
may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are 14-17 Better. 1 step better than the city’s general crime
generally functional. level.

Impressive. The district is well taken care -1 to district 18-20 Far Better. 2 steps better than the city’s general
of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. crime roll crime level.
Structures are maintained, though signs
of wear may still be apparent. It feels
lived-in, but of a respectable quality in
every regard.
Magnificent. The district is incredible. -2 to district
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural crime roll
integrity are all of the highest standard.
Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as possible.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 155

Crime Degrees Reference W h at if N o D is t r ic t s H av e H o u s ing? !
The reference table below reminds you what the crime degrees Within your city, there is always space that is not part of any
are. When rolling for urban encounters in any district, use the particular district; it is just considered the ‘general area’ of
modifier relating to the crime degree of the district instead of the the city. If none of your districts have housing, this is where
general crime. your people would likely live.

Crime Degrees Urban Encounter Modifier*

Dangerous +5 to urban encounter rolls
District Notable Locations
Often (but not always), even the worst areas will have places
Frequent +4 to urban encounter rolls worth visiting, that draw traffic or, at least, are noteworthy for
Common +3 to urban encounter rolls some reason.

Uncommon +2 to urban encounter rolls Notable Locations. In the individual district sections, you will
roll for additional locations (these are the shops, services,
Infrequent +1 to urban encounter rolls etc). Some of these additional locations may be designated as
*The urban encounter table is found in Appendix B: notable. This means they are known for a special reason (which
Encounters, and is intended to be used in-game. will be determined later).
Roll on the table below once per district to find how many notable
D is t r ic t U r b an E nc o u nt er s places that district has (if any). If the district has notable
locations, they are always the first 1, 2 or 3 additional locations
Cities and capitals both have districts, but there are usually
rolled for the district (depending on your table result below).
portions of the settlements that are just ‘general’ areas.
When having an urban encounter take place, always use d10 District Notable Locations
the urban encounter modifier that relates to the specific area
the action may take place in. 1 None. There are no notable locations in the district.
For example, say that the city’s general crime degree may 2-5 One. The first additional location in the district is
be ‘Uncommon’. This means that if the party is in a non- notable.
district part of the city, you would only add +1 to urban
encounter rolls there. Now say the party is in the slums 6-9 Two. Up to the first 2 additional locations in the
(which is a district) and its crime degree is ‘Dangerous’. You district are notable.
would add +5 to urban encounter rolls here. 10 Three. Up to the first 3 additional locations in the
district are notable.
Housing Important: Later in the chapter you will find the location
notability table (p. 166). Roll on this table for each notable
Do many people live in this district and, if so, how many? Roll
location your districts have to see why they are notable.
once on the following table for each of your districts to determine
how many people are living in them.
‘U pT o … ’
The third and fourth results in the table above state, ‘Up
d12 Housing to the first _____rolled additional location(s)...’ because it is
1-5 None. No one lives in this district. possible that a district has fewer additional locations than
the number of notable locations allow for.
[If ‘Slums’ or ‘Upper Class’ district, reroll]
Example: If you roll a 10, it allows for up to the first 3
6-9 Limited. Only a few live here; the district may be additional locations in the district to be notable. However,
predominantly a place of business or functionality, if your district is very small, you may only have 1 additional
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less location rolled in that district. In that case, simply make that
innocent reason. 1 additional location notable.
10-11 Moderate. A fair amount of the buildings in the
district house residents.
12 Extensive. A significant amount of the district’s
buildings are housing for residents.

156 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Note: District Terms Location Details
Each specific district contains included locations and As you roll on the following tables, you may roll, or have
additional locations. We have defined and explained these in included, a magic shop, service, or hired help. After the
detail in the coming tables. individual districts section, you will find the following tables
that you can roll on if required:
G ener al Ar ea • Magic Shop Specialization - d6 table (for determining
Districts are areas of the city that are centred around a specialization of unspecified magic shops).
particular focus. However, there is always space that is not • Services - Reference table showing all different service
part of a specific district that can just be considered the types, including hired help.
‘general area’. If there is something you really need or want
• Optional: Quality - Table for determining the quality of
in the city, but have not rolled it into any of your districts,
any location.
you can simply say it’s in the general area.
• Guilds - Table for determining whether shops or services
are members of a guild within the settlement.
• Location Notability - Table for determining the reason
for notable locations. The number of notable locations was
determined by the district notable locations (back on p.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 157

Individual Districts Administration District
This section contains the following for each district type: Included locations.

Included Locations (list). The district automatically has these Non-Commercial (no-guild): Courthouse, Chancery, Town Hall,
locations. These may be non-commercial locations, as well as Treasury
shops or services. Non-commercial locations do not form guilds. Shops: [None]
Additional Locations (list). These are the locations types that Services: Hired Help: Scribes and Clerks
may show up in the district. For each district in your city, you will
Additional Locations
roll on its additional locations table a number of times based
on your city’s size (see the following table). d20 Additional Locations
City Size Additional Location Rolls 1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality.
Very Small 1 roll per district.
2 Baker (shop)
Small 2 rolls per district.
3 Tailor (shop)
Medium 3 rolls per district.
4 Alchemist (shop)
Large 4 rolls per district.
5 Cobbler (shop)
Very Large 5 rolls per district.
6 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
Do not roll additional locations for the individual districts you did
not roll. Skip them and move on to the next individual district 7 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
that you do have.
8 Barber (service)
D o u b les 9 Bathhouse (service)
If you roll more than one of a location, treat it as 10 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
another location.
11 House of Leisure (service)
12 Inn (service)
Individual District Tables
13 Club (service)
Administration (p. 158)
Arcane (p. 159) 14 Tavern (service)

Botanical (p. 159) 15 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:

Craft (p. 160) 1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
Docks (p. 160) 3: Bows & Slings,
Industrial (p. 161) 4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers,
Market (p. 161)
6: Caravan & Mount,
Merchant (p. 162) 7: Arcane Academics,
Scholar (p. 162) 8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
Slums (p. 163) 10: Hands of the Divine
Temple (p. 163) 16 Archives/Library (non-commercial)
Upper Class (p. 164)
17 Academy/University (non-commercial)

R em em b er D is t r ic t N o t ab ilit y ! 18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)

Earlier, you rolled to see how many of your additional 19 Amphitheater (non-commercial)
locations in each district can be deemed notable, per the
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
district notable locations table. Now you will see which
up in quality.
locations these are.

158 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Arcane District Botanical District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no-guild): Archives/Library, Academy/University Non-Commercial (no guild): Outdoor Recreational Area
Shops: 2 Magic Shops [Roll 1d6 for each]: 1: Armor, 2: Books, 3: Shops: [None]
Clothing, 4: Jewelry, 5: Weapons, 6: Misc. & Curiosities Services: Inn, Stable
Services: Hired Help: [Roll 1d6]: 1-3: Arcane Academics, 4-6: Magic Additional Locations.
Additional Locations. d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
d20 Additional Locations
down in quality.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
2 Baker (shop)
down in quality.
3 Tailor (shop)
2 General Store (shop)
4 Weaver (shop)
3 Tailor (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
4 Weaver (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
7 Rare Botanicals (shop)
9 Rare Libations and Fare (shop)
8-9 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
1: Armor, 10 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
2: Books, 1: Armor,
3: Clothing, 2: Books,
4: Jewelry, 3: Clothing,
5: Weapons, 4: Jewelry,
6: Misc. & Curiosities 5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities
10 Barber (shop)
11 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
11 Soothsayer (service)
12 House of Leisure (service)
12 House of Leisure (service)
13 Inn (service)
13 Club (service)
14 Soothsayer (service)
14 Tavern (service)
15 Tavern (service)
15 Hired Help (Arcane Academics) (service)
16 Hired Help: Guides & Trackers (service)
16 Hired Help (Magic Mercenaries) (service)
17 Outdoor Recreational Area (non-commercial)
17 Forum (non-commercial)
18 Dance Hall (non-commercial)
18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)
19 Altar (non-commercial)
19 Lodge (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.
up in quality.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 159

Craft District Docks District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Shops: Smithy, Carpenter, General Store, Tailor, Magic Shop [Roll Shops: Shipwright, Weaver
1d6]: 1: Armor, 2: Books, 3: Clothing, 4: Jewelry, 5: Weapons, 6: Services: House of Leisure, Inn, Tavern
Misc. & Curiosities
Additional Locations.
Services: [None]
Additional Locations. d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
d20 Additional Locations
down in quality.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
2 Cooper (shop)
down in quality.
3 Carpenter (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
4 Smithy (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
5 Bank & Exchange (shop)
4 Thatcher (shop)
6 Shipwright (shop)
5 Wainwright (shop)
7 Rare Botanicals (shop)
6 Armorsmith (shop)
8 Rare Libations and Fare (shop)
7 Artist (shop)
9 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
8 Bank & Exchange (shop)
10 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
9 Cobbler (shop)
1: Armor,
10 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
2: Books,
11 Miller (shop) 3: Clothing,
4: Jewelry,
12 Textile Production (shop) 5: Weapons,
13 Shipwright (Reroll if not near water) (shop) 6: Misc. & Curiosities

14 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]: 11 Barber (service)

1: Armor, 12 Bathhouse (service)
2: Books,
13 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
3: Clothing,
4: Jewelry, 14 House of Leisure (service)
5: Weapons,
15 Inn (service)
6: Misc. & Curiosities
16 Club (service)
15 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
17 Tavern (service)
16 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
18 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
17 Weaponsmith (shop)
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
18 Tavern (service)
2: Cloak & Dagger,
19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]: 3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
5: Guides & Trackers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
6: Caravan & Mount,
3: Bows & Slings,
7: Arcane Academics,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
5: Guides & Trackers,
9: Priestly Guidance,
6: Caravan & Mount,
10: Hands of the Divine
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries, 19 Altar (non-commercial)
9: Priestly Guidance,
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
10: Hands of the Divine
up in quality.
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

160 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Industrial District Market District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Shops: Smithy, Industrial Location [roll 1d6]: 1-2: Foundry/ Shops: Baker, Butcher, General Store, Smithy, Tailor
Smelting; 3-4: Textile Production; 5-6: Miller
Services: [None]
Services: [None]
Additional Locations.
Additional Locations.
d20 Additional Locations
d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step down in quality.
down in quality.
2 Wainwright (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
3 Weaver (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
4 Alchemist (shop)
4 General Store (shop)
5 Artist (shop)
5 Smithy (shop)
6 Bank & Exchange (shop)
6 Tailor (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
7 Thatcher (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
8 Wainwright (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
9 Weaver (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
10 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
11 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
11 Miller (shop)
12 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
12 Textile Production (shop)
1: Armor,
13 Shipwright (Reroll if not near water) (shop) 2: Books,
3: Clothing,
14 House of Leisure (service)
4: Jewelry,
15 Club (service) 5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities
16 Tavern (service)
13 Barber (service)
17 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
14 Inn (service)
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger, 15 Club (service)
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks, 16 Soothsayer (service)
5: Guides & Trackers, 17 Stable (service)
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics, 18 Tavern (service)
8: Magic Mercenaries, 19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine 1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
18 Gathering Hall (non-commercial) 3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
19 Treasury (non-commercial)
5: Guides & Trackers,
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step 6: Caravan & Mount,
up in quality. 7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 161

Merchant District Scholar District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): Archives/Library, Academy/University,
Forum, Schoolhouse
Shops: Bank & Exchange, Tailor, Artist, Cobbler, Magic Shop -
Miscellaneous & Curiosities Shops: [None]
Services: [None] Services: Hired Help: Scribes and clerks
Additional Locations. Additional Locations.

d20 Additional Locations d20 Additional Locations

1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step 1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality. down in quality.
2 General Store (shop) 2 General Store (shop)
3 Wainwright (shop) 3 Tailor (shop)
4 Alchemist (shop) 4 Thatcher (shop)
5 Artist (shop) 5 Weaver (shop)
6 Bank & Exchange (shop) 6 Alchemist (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop) 7 Bank & Exchange (shop)
8 Luxury Furnishings (shop) 8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
9 Rare Libations & Fare (shop) 9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
10 Rare Trade Goods (shop) 10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
11-12 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]: 11 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
1: Armor, 12 Magic Shop - Books (shop)
2: Books,
3: Clothing, 13 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
4: Jewelry, 14 Hired Help: Scholars & Clerics (service)
5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities 15 Archives/Library (non-commercial)

13 Barber (service) 16 Academy/University (non-commercial)

14 Bathhouse (service) 17 Forum (non-commercial)

15 House of Leisure (service) 18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)

16 Inn (service) 19 Gathering Hall (non-commercial)

17 Club (service) 20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.
18 Tavern (service)
19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers,
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

162 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Slums District Temple District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): [Roll 1d6] 1-4: Temple, 5-6: Great
Temple; Archives/Library
Shops: Butcher
Shops: [None]
Services: House of Leisure, Inn, Tavern
Services: Hired Help: Scribes, Hired Help: Priestly Guidance, Hired
Additional Locations.
Help: Hands of the Divine
d20 Additional Locations Additional Locations.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
d20 Additional Locations
down in quality.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
2 Baker (shop)
down in quality.
3 Butcher (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
4 General Store (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
5 Smithy (shop)
4 Tailor (shop)
6 Thatcher (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
7 Weaver (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
8 Alchemist (shop)
7 Bank & Exchange (shop)
9 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
10 Miller (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
11 Textile Production (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
12 Barber (service)
11 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
13 Bathhouse (service) 1: Armor,
14 Doctor/Apothecary (service) 2: Books,
3: Clothing,
15 House of Leisure (service) 4: Jewelry,
16 Inn (service) 5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities
17 Club (service)
12 Barber (service)
18 Soothsayer (service)
13 Bathhouse (service)
19 Tavern (service)
14 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality. 15 Inn (service)
16 Soothsayer (service)
17 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d6]:
1-3: Priestly Guidance,
4-6: Hands of the Divine
18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)
19 Amphitheater (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 163

Upper Class District d20 Additional Locations
Included locations. 11 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] 1: Armor,
Shops: Bank & Exchange, Baker, Tailor, Luxury Furnishings 2: Books,
3: Clothing,
Services: Doctor/Apothecary 4: Jewelry,
Additional Locations. 5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities
d20 Additional Locations 12 Barber (service)
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
13 Bathhouse (service)
down in quality.
14 House of Leisure (service)
2 Butcher (shop)
15 Inn (service)
3 Tailor (shop)
16 Club (service)
4 Weaver (shop)
17 Soothsayer (service)
5 Alchemist (shop)
18 Stable (service)
6 Artist (shop)
19 Tavern (service)
7 Cobbler (shop)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
up in quality.
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)

164 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Location Details
• Magic Shop Specialization
• Services
• Optional: Quality
• Guilds
• Location Notability

Magic Shop Specialization Services

If directed to, or if you simply need to determine the
specialization of a magic shop, roll on the table below. Hired Help - Guides and Trackers. Scouts, rangers and
wilderness experts.
d6 Magic Shop Specialization Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Specialists in
1 Armor transportation and journeys to various locations as well as
expedition organization and management.
2 Books
Hired Help - Arcane Academics. Experts in matters of magic
3 Clothing and lore (may also be natural magic or something else; it need
4 Jewelry not be exclusively arcane).

5 Weapons Hired Help - Magic Mercenaries. Specialists trained the use

of arcane or non-divine magic in combat and practical mission
6 Miscellaneous & Curiosities scenarios.
Hired Help - Priestly Guidance. Sages offering counsel in all
Services matters of religion and the divine.
Services are establishments whose primary purpose is doing
Hired Help - Hands of the Divine. Specialists trained in the
something for you. The table below shows the different kinds of
use of divine magic in combat and practical mission scenarios.
services that could be in your city.

Services Hired Help Size

Barber. Provides grooming services, such as haircuts or Hired help can be an individual, a team, or an organized guild.
shaves. Roll on the table below for each example of hired help your
Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing. settlement has.

Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care. d12 Hired Help Size

House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or relaxation 1-6 Individual Person. The hired help is a single person
(GM may decide what kind). hiring out their services.
Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to have a bath 7-10 Team. The hired help is a team of individuals who
and a decent meal. work together.
Club. Provides entertainment via comedic, dramatic or 11-12 Guild. An organized guild is hiring out their
musical performance. services. When hired, a portion of the guild’s
members handle the job, not the entire guild (unless
Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and prophecy -
the job is very large).
sayers of sooth!
Stable. Provides boarding accommodation for mounts, as well
as selling carts, animals, and their tack.
Tavern. Provides food and drink.
Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers. Thugs, ruffians and
Hired Help - Cloak and Dagger. Assassins, thieves and spies.
Hired Help - Bows and Slings. Archers and ranged attack
Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks. Masters of history,
literature, mathematics and/or business.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 165

Location Notability d20 Location Notability
Roll on the table below for any district’s additional locations 10 Favoritism. Certain people are given particularly
that are deemed notable (according to the district notable good service here, and it incentivizes them to
locations table) to find out why this is the case. frequent this location.

d20 Location Notability 11 Superstition. Those who frequent this location do

so out of the belief that if they don’t, something will
1 Generous Spirit. The location owner is known (or won’t) happen.
in the community for their generosity (this could
be financial, but could also be with their time, 12 History. This location is notable for its links to
knowledge, or resources). local history. Perhaps it belongs to a family with a
particular reputation? Maybe it has ties to events
2 Top-Notch Marketing. All around the city you can from long ago?
see signage, or hear people mentioning, the location.
13 Rumors. Something intriguing has been heard
3 Excellent Offerings. Whatever product or service about this place that, for some reason, has piqued
the location offers, it’s good enough to draw notice. visitor’s curiosity.
4 Vested Interests. A third party (not the shopkeeper 14 Expansion. This place has grown recently.
or an employee) has a stake in whether this location
is successful, and has done something to ensure the 15 Important Person. Someone directly involved with
populus know about it. this location (owner, employee, etc) is a major figure
in the community.
5 Unique Offering. This location has a product or
service that no one else in the city has. 16 Nearby Curiosity. There is something in very close
proximity that draws attention, thereby increasing
6 More-Than-Meets-the-Eye. This location may foot traffic.
seem to be one thing, but the right people know what
else is there. 17 Local Loyalty. People who live nearby know this
place and stick to it out of a deep-seated loyalty,
7 Meeting Place. The establishment is in a particular even if there would seem to be better alternatives.
location which is a prime landmark for people to
easily meet. This tends to generate business by 18 Exciting. There always seems to be something
proximity. thrilling going on here, so those seeking to be free of
boredom show up in droves.
8 Entertaining Service. Something about the folk
that work here is very entertaining. Perhaps they’re 19 Organization Affiliation. Association with certain
funny, or maybe they do demonstrations, or even people has generated traffic to this location.
have a bard who plays there regularly. 20 Magic. Some form of magic plays a role in what
9 Coercion. Customers, who might otherwise go is drawing people here. It could be on purpose or
somewhere else, are pressured into coming here accidental, innocent or malicious.
instead. This could be the owner’s doing, but could
also be the work of another interested party.

166 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Optional: Quality Optional: Place of Worship Tables
Quality can add a great amount of flavor and interest to Your districts may contain one or multiple places of worship.
locations. You may roll on the table below to determine any The tables below can be rolled on to determine (or change) the
location’s quality. size, fervency of the local following and the alignment of the
faith practiced in that place of worship. You may roll on these as
R em em b er Y o u r I nc lu ded Lo c at io ns ! needed for any of your places of worship.

Each district comes with a various locations. Remember that

you can roll quality for those as well! Place of Worship Size
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in your
Modified by: district condition settlement to determine their sizes.

d12 Quality d20 Place of Worship Size

1-4 Poor. The location is a substandard version of what is 1 Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
typically expected. Its offerings are likely limited, or location is not publicly known.
of bad quality. The location itself may be in disrepair,
dirty, or have any number of other issues present. 2-5 Altar. A small shrine or, perhaps, a tiny shack,
usually evincing some various items or images
5-10 Good. The location is a standard version of what relating to that which the faith venerates.
is typically expected. Its offerings are likely not
terrible, but often not particularly remarkable either 6-10 Oratory. A modest building with seating for
(though sometimes there may be exceptions). The attendees, appointed with various items or images
location itself is likely in a serviceable state, though relating to that which the faith venerates.
probably not flawless. 11-16 Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to
11-12 Fine. The location is an exceptional version of comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people.
what is typically expected. Its offerings are likely 17-19 Temple. A grand building, replete with elements
extensive, or of surpassing quality. The location like high ceilings, plush furnishings, and other
itself is likely remarkable in some way (or, possibly, impressive ornamental and/or architectural
many ways) such as being very clean or well-built. features. It can hold nearly a thousand attendees.
20 Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted
P o o r / F ine S er v ic e N am es ? to that which it venerates. No expense was spared in
Here are some suggestions for service names whether its construction. It might display such elements as
they’re poor/fine. stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes, and
towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great temple
Barber: Dirt Knife/Coiffeur is a rare and striking experience for those who do
Bathhouse: Tubs/Private Baths not live near one.
Doctor/Apothecary: Sawbones/Physician
House of Leisure: Den of Leisure/Hall of Leisure
Inn: Tents or Hostel/Lodge
Club: Stage/Theater
Soothsayer: Fortune Teller/Diviner
Stable: Stalls/Livery
Tavern: Pub/Taphouse

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 167

Place of Worship Fervency Guilds
Roll on the following table to determine the degree of veneration Guilds are formal organizations made up of shops or services of a
that is visible to any outsider visiting the city. given type (such as blacksmiths). These organizations are city wide.
All shop and service locations (included and additional) can be
d20 Fervency of Local Following
part of a guild.
1 Unseen. To those outside the following, it is not Roll on the table below for each shop or service to see if they are
clear that the group exists. part of a city-wide guild.
2-5 Quiet. Adherents to the faith are inconspicuous, Important: When rolling to determine whether a business
unless one knows what to look for (perhaps (such as a smithy) is in a guild, the ‘Yes’ range on the table below
particular gestures, items of clothing, or phrases). increases by +1 for each existing guild member of that type, to a
6-10 Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable, maximum of +3 (a 1 will always be a ‘No;).
but remain very reserved.
11-16 Moderate. The pious are confident and unafraid to
G r o w ing ‘ Y es ’ R ange
display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon There is strength in numbers and, as a guild grows, so
the wider populus uncalled for. does its power. The growing ‘Yes’ range reflects a guild’s
increasing influence. It is more likely that a large guild can
17-19 Fervent. Followers are outspoken, with little or no fear persuade (or force) potential competition to join.
of reproach. They may sing or speak to the masses.
Example: You roll 6, which is a ‘Yes’ for a blacksmith in your first
20 Zealous. Adherents are utterly and unthinkingly district. They are officially in a blacksmith's guild. There is another
devout, forcing their doctrine upon their blacksmith in your second district. You roll 4 for them, which is now a
surroundings and peers, or taking actions that ‘Yes’ because the range is now 4-6 (to account for the fact that there
further their cause regardless of personal cost. is already one guilded blacksmith). There are now two in the guild.
Though typically seen as negative, this could also be Another blacksmith is in your third district and you roll 1 for them
a positive, such as a church of light rising up in an (which is always ‘No’) and so they are not in the guild.
evil kingdom, helping those in need, even if it puts
If there were no other blacksmiths to roll for, you could
themselves in peril.
now come up with a reason why the third smith is not in
the guild.
Place of Worship Alignment
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in the d6 Guild Member?
settlement to find out its alignment.
1-4 No.
d10 Alignment of the Faith 5-6 Yes.
1 Evil With 1 member in the city: Yes = 4-6
2-5 Neutral With 2 members in the city: Yes = 3-6
6-10 Good With 3+ members in the city: Yes = 2-6

D et er m ining R es u lt s
Once you have determined whether the shops and services
are in guilds, you can interpret the results.
All ‘No’. No guild for this kind of business in the city, and all
places of this type operate independently.
All ‘Yes’. There is a guild for this kind of work in the city,
and all places of this type are members.
Some of both. Not all businesses of this type are
members. Why? Were they kicked out? Were they denied
membership? Perhaps they didn’t want to be in the guild or
actively oppose it? It’s all up to you.

168 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Extra Intrigue d20
Recent History
A particular resource, that is very important to the
city, has had fantastic yield.
Recent History
What has happened in or to the city recently? What do people 14 Large amounts of adventurers frequenting the city,
talk about in the streets or in the tavern? These are events that lately, has caused massive inflation.
have happened within the last year. 15 Someone within the city has recently gained
incredible fame.
d20 Recent History
16 Illegal substances, or goods, have been making
1 Some element of city-sponsored construction appearances around the city, but their origin
collapsed, and several people have been killed. remains undiscovered.
2 A gang of hooligans have started making trouble 17 Taxes have just been raised.
around the market.
18 Taxes have just been abolished.
3 Adventurers visiting the city started a bar brawl, and
the tavern they were in was burned down. 19 A neighboring kingdom has been attacked. The city
leadership is deciding what, if anything, to do about it.
4 An inventor in the city came up with an incredible
contraption that has dramatically impacted the lives 20 A deity has made a physical appearance in the city.
of the city’s residents.
5 Ongoing heavy thunderstorms or blizzards are
wracking the city.
6 A visitor to the city brought something with them
that has started a new craze or fashion.
7 The city received word recently that a representative
from a neighboring kingdom will be visiting. They
should be arriving any day.
8 Some form of illness has been sweeping through the
city, and none are sure what it is, or how it started.
9 The city’s main gate has broken and needs extensive
repairs. In the meantime, the gate is open and
additional guards are needed to staff it at all times. If
guards are not available, citizens may have been called.
10 A group of citizens are calling for a new form of
leadership. How do others in the city respond?
11 An item of local cuisine has suddenly been rendered
inedible. Whatever is causing the problem seems to
be persisting.
12 An unusual, and intriguing, contest is being held
by a major figure in the community. Tryouts began
a week ago, but none that have participated have
mentioned what it is, whether or not they succeeded,
or what’s next.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 169

Noteworthy Officials d6 Official’s Competence
As settlements become more complex, the need for 1 Corrupt. Taking advantage of the position for
administration, and individuals able to manage it, becomes more personal gain.
apparent. Whether these people do a fair job of it is another
2-3 Incompetent. Doesn’t truly understand how to
matter altogether.
execute the position.
Roll on the table below to see who in the city’s administration
might be notable, and on the second table to see how competent 4-5 Committed. Utterly committed to the job, truly
the individual in that position truly is. feeling it is of vital importance.
6 Overqualified. Based on skills and experience,
d20 Noteworthy Official ought to be in a higher, or more challenging,
1 Adviser. Second in command of the city. Can be an position.
official, or unofficial, position.
2 Ambassador. Regularly acts as a representative for
Beneath the Surface
the city/nation when traveling abroad. Cities are large enough places where goings on can be hidden
from the knowledge of all but a few. There can often be things
3 Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors. happening that not everyone is aware of. Roll on the following
4 Champion. Ready to stand in for the city table to see if there is something beneath the surface in your city.
leadership for any martial matters, either
ceremonially or officially. d12 Beneath the Surface

5 Clerk. Recordkeeper for the city. 1 Pack. A pack of particularly feral animals roams
the city.
6 Exchequer. Responsible for taxes.
2 Monster. A monster lurks somewhere in the city.
7 Guildmaster. Oversees one of the official (or
underground) guilds, or factions, within the city. 3 Markings. Strange markings have been showing up
around the city.
8 Herald. Responsible for disseminating official edicts,
and other news, to the general populace. If serving in 4 Fight Club. A fight club has started somewhere in
a courtly capacity, bears responsibility for knowing the city, and may be gaining more participants.
the names and titles of important individuals, and 5 Secret. Some portion of the populace is not as
announcing them, when appropriate. they seem.
9 High Priest/Druid. The primary representative of 6 Outside Contact. Someone in the city is in regular
the faithful to the city leadership. communication with an interesting external contact.
10 High Mage. The representative of the practitioners 7 Tampering. Someone is interfering with forces best
of arcane arts to the city leadership. left alone.
11 Jailer. In charge of confining prisoners. 8 Unsafe. There is a structural problem with a
12 Judge. Decision-maker in legal matters. location within the city (or, possibly, the land,
or environment, it is built on). The longer it goes
13 Liner. Determines property boundaries. unnoticed, the more damaging it could be.
14 Master of Intelligence. Responsible for seeking and 9 Parties. A guerilla party scene has been emerging
utilizing information vital for city/nation’s security. within the city, with semi-frequent, secret,
15 Master of Revels. Lead organizer of festivals and invitation-only parties being held at ever-changing
special events. locations.

16 Master of Stores. Oversees the city’s stores of 10 Black Market. An underground black-market has
supplies, such as grain or building materials. been established, dealing in the movement of illicit
goods or services.
17 Master of Trade. Responsible for the management
of imports and exports. 11 Races. A racing circuit has been established outside
the city.
18 Master of the Treasury. Responsible for the city’s
expenditures and paying contracts and debts. 12 Haunted. The city is being haunted by some kind
of spirit.
19 Master of the Wild. Surveys the surrounding areas,
mapping the wilderness, looking for monsters or
other threats, and regulating hunting.
20 Roadwarden/Dockwarden. In charge of some, or
all, of the city’s transportation systems.

170 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Beneath the Surface - Awareness T h e G r eat R u m o r T ab le
Things happening in a city do not happen in a vacuum. On page p. 444 you will find Appendix C: Rumors,
Eventually, things get around; someone talks, something falls which contains a 50-item table of rumors that may be
apart, or someone sees something they shouldn’t (or, perhaps, floating around your settlement. This table is made up of
wish they hadn’t). If you rolled on the above beneath the political rumors from the Villages chapter, as well as rumors
surface table, roll on the table below to see how much (if any) from both Cities and Capitals. Most of the rumors in the
awareness there is of what’s going on. Appendix have been altered to make them fit any settlement,
with the exception of a small few. Try it out and see what
d12 Beneath the Surface - Awareness kind of flavor you discover!
1 Utterly Oblivious. The public has not seen, or
heard, any hint of whatever is going on. It will go What’s next?
unchecked until something triggers a change.
You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not yet
2 Single, Subtle Occurrence. Someone has noticed complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing so already,
some kind of evidence, but doesn’t quite know what your final task awaits. Look back at all of your rolls and the
to make of it. They just know it’s strange. information that gives you and think about why things are the way
3 Disparate, Subtle Occurrences. A few people have they are, and what that means for your city. Think of every detail
passively encountered some evidence of what’s that you rolled as another clue to revealing the true identity of
going on, though they are not aware of one another, this place. Be creative, let your imagination wander and don’t tell
and are not sure about what they’ve encountered. yourself, “no”. As we said in Chapter 1, embrace the contradictions
and oddities, and you will see your city come to life.
4 Many Subtle Occurrences. A fair amount of people
have encountered something related to what’s going
on and, while firm conclusions have not been drawn,
I nt er es t ing N P C s
there may be rumors. If you need to populate your city with some pre-generated
characters, head on over to Chapter 8: Interesting
5 Single Occurrence. Someone has noticed NPCs. You can find tables for different types of NPCs
something, and has formed some ideas. They have and, following the tables, details on the NPCs themselves,
started to ask questions, or poke around a bit. arranged by profession.
6 Disparate Occurrences. A few people have
noticed evidence, and are beginning to ask serious
7 Many Occurrences. A fair amount of people have
noticed evidence, and are beginning to ask serious
questions. Some may even have found one another
and pooled their knowledge.
8 Single, Direct Occurrence. Someone has had a
direct, first-hand experience involving the issue,
and is trying to deal with it somehow.
9 Disparate, Direct Occurrences. A few people have
had direct, first-hand experiences involving the
issue, and word is starting to spread. Claims have
become difficult to dismiss.
10 Many Direct Occurrences. A fair amount of people
have had direct, first-hand experiences involving
the issue. Talk seems to be all over the place, and
some of the witnesses have grouped together.
11 Willfully Ignorant. The public is fully aware of
most, or all, of the issue, but deliberately avoids
addressing it or dealing with it in any way.
12 Actively Aware. The public is fully aware, and
actively addressing whatever is going on.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 171

By Chris Haskins

Even from its beginning, Barflat has been a safe haven for weary crime family who secretly oversee the black market trade in and
travelers on the great road. It started as a handful of small out of the city. Some suspect that even some of the more clean-
buildings, which included an inn and stables, but quickly grew cut merchant families may be involved, but no one knows for
as more and more people found its location suitable for farming sure, and no one has been accused, as yet.
and ranching to the west, and mining in the hills to the east.
Barflat is a melting pot of all kinds of folk. Looking down the streets,
The majority of the city is contained within a sturdy wall crafted and into the windows of inns and shops, the diversity is obvious,
from timber, stone, and brick. The buildings immediately outside thanks to the thriving iron and steel industry, which attracts folk
the walls, close to the gates, are mostly small huts and simple from hither and yon to come and barter. The city is positioned at
houses. Most of the residents are vendors and small-time traders the base of Red Mountain Ridge, which has many bountiful iron
looking to sell their wares to travelers coming or going from one ore mines. The profligacy of good-quality steel has resulted in the
of the main gates. armories of the city being utilized by the local government when the
There are three main gates in the city wall. The north and south realm is in need of weapons and armor for war.
gates are massive, able to allow three wagons to pass abreast. The
west gate is slightly smaller, but no less fortified. Barflat is rarely
threatened, so the gates are usually open, even at night. There is a
Basic Information
city watch on duty at all times, who are especially vigilant around Origin: Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to take
these entrances. Trade is a huge portion of the city’s revenue, and advantage of desirable geographical features, like a strategic
sheer volume of incoming traffic means trade caravans are rarely choke point, or an ideal high-ground posting. As the location
checked for contraband. proved itself, it grew.

The buildings within the city are well-constructed and looked Priority: Trade. The city was made to move goods. Coin flows
after. The majority of residents are relatively wealthy and enjoy from hand to hand, and the city wholeheartedly encourages this.
a comfortable existence, attributable at least partially to the fact It likely collects a tax from any trade, but the benefits should far
that residents share a pragmatic and practical attitude when outweigh the costs.
it comes to whatever fortunes they have. This affluence has Age: Old. The city has been around for 300 to 1000 years.
attracted several unsavory to Barflat, keen to carve their own
Size: Medium. Structures in the city are able to support around
slice of the pie, so crime such as petty theft is common, but there
24,000 people.
have also been a small number of incidences which were much
more serious. Whispers are starting to surface of an organized

172 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Outside the City: Leadership: Elected Council. Prominent members of the
community were chosen to lead the city collectively.
• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, providing food
grown for the city, are found on the nearest hospitable land Law Enforcement: City Watch. Run by a single captain,
under its control. the watch has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
• Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, providing establish a patrol once or twice a day.
livestock for the city, are found on the nearest hospitable General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
land under its control. some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a mugging, or worse.
logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to the city, has • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city,
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or but outside a district)
Organized Crime: Whispers. There are hushed rumors of
Stewardship: Managed. The city’s fundamental elements are criminal organization, but most folks keep these suspicions to
all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is responsible is themselves, for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The organization has
doing an admirable job. a few operatives within the city and they work hard to keep a very
General Condition: Impressive. The city is well taken care of, low profile.
and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are maintained,
though signs of wear may still be apparent. It feels lived-in, but
of a respectable quality in every regard.
Administration District. This district has a focus on
Environment: Plains. The city is in the wide open fields. government and civil matters.
Fortification: Heavily Fortified. The city is surrounded by • District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken
a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several watchtowers built care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
along its length. The gate is double-thickness and reinforced with maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
metal bands. There are additional watchtowers built at various feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
points throughout the surrounding countryside.
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls guard presence.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in • District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
advance (sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
in the market square. someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter. district)
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
and trenches lies beneath the city. Base the sewer’s condition buildings in the district house residents.
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They
may pre-date the current city. • District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable.

Community • District Included Locations: Courthouse, Chancery, Town

Hall, Treasury
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people • District Additional Locations: Inn, Academy/University
live in the city. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. • Tavern - Notable: Coercion. Customers, who might
otherwise go somewhere else, are pressured into
Demographics: Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution. coming here instead. This could be the owner’s doing,
Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical dominance. but could also be the work of another interested party.
Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough Industrial District: This district has a focus on large-scale
to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live production facilities.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
frequent the city. Congestion is significantly increased.
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome.
Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open
perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to
late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may
still be closed. If the city has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded,
ready to be closed, if needed.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 173

• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it non-essential goods.
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
generally functional.
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
a token guard presence.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence unrestricted.
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
district) alone.
• District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
buildings in the district house residents. district)
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
locations in the district are notable. buildings in the district house residents.
• District Included Locations: Foundry/Smelting, Smithy • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the district are notable.
• District Additional Locations: Thatcher
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Tailor
• General Store (Guild Member) - Notable: Meeting
(Guild Member), Artist (Guild Member), Cobbler (Guild
Place. The establishment is in a particular location
Member), Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities (Guild
which is a prime landmark for people to easily meet.
This tends to generate business by proximity.
• District Additional Locations: Club (Guild Member)
• Tavern (Guild Member) - Notable: Organization
Affiliation. Association with certain people has • Cobbler (Guild Member) - Notable: Excellent
generated traffic to this location. Offerings. Whatever product or service the location
offers, it’s good enough to draw notice.
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
goods. • Artist - Notable: Rumors. Something intriguing has
been heard about this place that, for some reason, has
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
piqued visitor’s curiosity.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. Extra Intrigue
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is Recent History. Illegal substances, or goods, have been
unrestricted. making appearances around the city, but their origin remains
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a undiscovered.
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism Noteworthy Official: Judge. Decision-maker on legal matters.
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel • Official’s Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
alone. position for personal gain.
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this Beneath the Surface: Black Market. An underground black-
district) market has been established, dealing in the movement of illicit
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the district goods or services.
may be predominantly a place of business or functionality, • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Many Subtle
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less Occurrences. A fair amount of people have encountered
innocent reason. something related to what’s going on and, while form
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable conclusions have not been drawn, there may be rumors.
locations in the district.
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
Smithy, Tailor
• District Additional Locations: Magic Shop - Jewelry,
Soothsayer, Stable (Guild Member)

174 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies


C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 175

By Ralph Stickley
Kharnat was once a place of songs. Its
river festivals were the stuff of legend, and
it was the jewel in the crown of the
empire. Those days are long gone;
even the name of the empire is long
forgotten, but the bones of Kharnat
remain, mute witnesses to its fall
from grace.
Even after the empire’s fall,
Kharnat’s location on the banks of
a well-trafficked river meant it was
not long before trade began to flow once
more and, bit by bit, the city grew to
match its former size, if falling short
its splendor. The initial scramble
for wealth never seemed to subside,
and the vast majority of those who have
profited from trade are far more interested
in keeping a tight grip on their meager
fortunes than working to improve the
The city’s current governance is
the result of this environment,
where flexibility and the ability
to seize hold of an opportunity
and not let go are rewarded over
all else. The Noble Council of Kharnat is
made up primarily of the descendents of
those original re-settlers: those who saw the
opportunity Kharnat presented, and got in
early to gain a stranglehold on core businesses.
They are petty and jealous individuals and, thus, believe all
others to be equally so; any perceived threats to their monopolies
are dealt with brutally. Such is the poverty of Kharnat that one
never need look far for a willing catspaw.
Yet the city continues to grow regardless, and now fetid shacks
and shanty towns squat amongst the mouldering ruins of Origin: Repurposed History. The city was founded and built
palaces and amphitheaters. No district has managed to pull on top of ancient ruins. Standing ruins might have been left as
itself entirely out of squalor; even the upper class of the city statues and tributes to the past but, more often, they have either
would likely be unremarkable in any other settlement. The been used (if still stable) or incorporated into new structures.
slums of Kharnat, however, are its foulest feature. Kept gated Priority: Entertainment. Whatever this place was before the
and guarded, as much to keep residents contained as to check city was founded proper, it was known for fun. Perhaps it was a
traffic passing through, the slums continue to sink deeper place of grandiose performances, raucous pubs, or dancing and
into wretchedness, both metaphorically and literally as, each festivities. On the other hand, maybe it became known for more
year, the floods cover more and more of the district, while the disreputable pursuits, such as underground fighting or gambling,
population only grows. Rumors have begun to spread that at among many other possibilities.
least one potshop has begun serving human flesh and, while it
Age: Ancient. The city is older than living, and possibly even
may just be a story for now, it seems only a matter of time before
recorded, memory.
it becomes desperate reality.
Size: Large. Structures in the city are able to support around
Worse still, pestilence is beginning to spread. Whether it began
32,000 people.
in the fouled water of the slums, or was brought in by a passing
caravan, the result is much the same. The guard have done their Outside the City:
best to contain all the afflicted in a makeshift medical camp • Medical Camp. A set of makeshift or, depending on the
outside the city limits (though they fall short of providing nature of what is being treated, permanent structures have
substantive aid), yet those in the city still sicken and die been erected to tend to, or even quarantine, the sick or
regardless, from the loftiest temple, to the meanest shack. injured.
And through it all, the river continues to rise…

176 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Stewardship: Minimal. The fundamental elements of the Organized Crime: Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that
capital are being tended to, but at the bare minimum. This may most folk don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
be because of inexperienced leadership, misplaced priorities, criminal element in the city. They operate quietly, but
lack of resources, or simple laziness, to name a few possible ambitiously, carrying out frequent, high-profile jobs. They could
reasons. also have ties to government officials, or may even attempt to
control elements of the city itself.
General Condition: Squalid. The city is in a deplorable state.
Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who doesn’t live
there, seems positively unlivable. Most of the buildings, if not
all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need of help.
Upper Class District. This district is an area where those with
Environment: River. The city is near a steadily flowing stream greater means might live.
or other watercourse.
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
Fortification: Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled by guards doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a main gate buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers may be of help.
placed around the town, though are likely sporadic.
• Entry: Open. The district entrance is unrestricted.
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls.
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
are auctioned off. and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to alone.
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter. district)
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
and trenches lies beneath the city. Base the sewer’s condition buildings in the district house residents.
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They
may pre-date the current city. • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the district notable.
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Baker,
Community Tailor, Luxury Furnishings, Doctor
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people • District Additional Locations: Rare Botanicals
live in the city. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. • Bathhouse - Notable: Magic. Some form of magic
plays a role in what is drawing people here. It could be
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All on purpose or accidental, innocent or malicious.
others reasonably well represented.
• Weaver (Guild Member) - Notable: Nearby
Population Wealth: Destitute. Nearly everyone in the city Curiosity. There is something in very close proximity
consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they need to that draws attention, thereby increasing foot traffic.
Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and
Visitor Traffic: Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come non-essential goods.
through the city on a regular basis. Congestion is increased.
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them. doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, of help.
which stay open perpetually. If the city has a gate, it is closed, but • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed. unrestricted.
Leadership: Oligarchy (Merchants; Plutocracy). A few top • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
individuals hold sway, collectively, over the city. crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
Law Enforcement: City Watch. Run by a single captain, Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
the watch has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
establish a patrol once or twice a day. • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
General Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with district)
crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurrence, and discoveries district may be predominantly a place of business or
of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’. functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city, another, less innocent reason.
but outside a district)

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 177

• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional • District Included Locations: Great Temple, Archives/
location in the district is notable. Library, Hired Help - Priestly Guidance, Hired Help - Hands
of the Divine
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Tailor,
Artist, Cobbler, Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities • District Additional Locations: Amphitheater, Artist, Hired
Help - Arcane Academics
• District Additional Locations: Bathhouse, Hired Help -
Magical Mercenaries (Guild Member) • Apothecary - Notable: Unique Offering. This
location has a product or service that no one else in the
• Hired Help - Caravan & Mount - Notable:
city has.
Important Person. Someone directly involved with
this location (owner, employee, etc) is a major figure in • Doctor - Notable: Unique Offering. This location has
the community. a product or service that no one else in the city has.
Slums District. This district is an area where those with lesser Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of
means might live. different goods.
• District Condition. Squalid. The district is in a deplorable • District Condition. Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
of help. of help.
• Entry. Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by • Entry. Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard
a gate with guards. presence.
• District Crime. Common. Most are used to hearing about • District Crime. Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and discoveries
sometimes, even a mugging or worse. of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) district)
• District Housing. Extensive. A significant amount of the • Housing. None. No one lives in this district.
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional location in the district is notable.
location in the district is notable.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure, Store, Tailor, Magic Shop - Books
Inn, Tavern
• District Additional Locations: Cooper, Miller, Rare Trade
• District Additional Locations: General Store (Guild Goods
Member), Thatcher, Soothsayer
• Luxury Furnishings - Notable: Local Loyalty.
• Foundry - Notable: Excellent Offerings. Whatever People who live nearby know this place and stick to it
product or service the location offers, it’s good enough out of a deep-seated loyalty, even if there would seem to
to draw notice. be better alternatives.
Temple District. This district has a focus on religion and/or
spiritual enlightenment. Extra Intrigue
• District Condition. Squalid. The district is in a deplorable Recent History: Some form of illness has been sweeping
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who through the city, and none are sure what it is, or how it started.
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need Noteworthy Official: Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors.
of help. • Official Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
• Entry. Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
presence. Beneath the Surface: Some portion of the populace is not as
• District Crime. Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a they seem.
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Many Occurrences.
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel A fair amount of people have noticed evidence, and are
alone. beginning to ask serious questions. Some may even have
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this found one another and pooled their knowledge.
• District Housing. None. No one lives in this district.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the district notable.

178 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies


C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 179

New Hope
By Flieg Hollander

New Hope is an ironically-named city of 22,000 souls, located Outside the walls is The Squalor, a recently built shanty town of
along a desert coast. To the north of the city is an area of shifting shacks and crude shelters. It lies between the graveyard barrows
dunes, but bordering the city in the other direction is rock, and the city’s main gate. The people living there are eager to
gravel, and sparse, scrub vegetation. The city has a magnificent please and help anyone - that is, until someone with more money
harbor that was underused until recently. comes along. In contrast, on the opposite side of New Hope, is
The city itself lies within fortifications that would withstand an a single shack whose owner shuns almost all contact. No one is
attack by a large force. However, all towers face inwards. For fifty quite sure why this figure chooses not to participate in the usual
years, the city was an open-air prison. Captives were expected practises of The Squalor, or even why he is there at all, but are
to build their own shelters and govern themselves, under the happy enough to leave him alone.
supervision of the guards standing watch. The government that
ran the prison collapsed, however, so it was up to the guards (and Within the city are the usual districts: the docks, where the
the most co-operative prisoners) to make things work. Their ships and their cargo come and go and the taverns are bright
descendants, mostly humans and elves, still live there 75 years later. and expensive; the walled and guarded market district, where
one can buy and sell most things; The Craftmoot, where artisans
New Hope is ruled (if you can call it that) by a freely elected create their various items; and lastly, there are The Soundings, a
mayor, a dwarf named Billings Hammerfast. His father was slum that backs up against the city wall, opposite the main gate.
mayor before him, and his uncle before that. For some reason,
possibly attributable to the ‘purely hypothetical’ crime lords At the center of The Soundings is The Golden Baths, a building
that truly run the city, only Hammerfasts ever run for mayor. in stark contrast to its surroundings. It has built a reputation as
The mayor supervises the fee collection for the market stalls and a safe meeting point for anyone. It is also rumored that beneath
also the room tax for the inns throughout the city. The money these walls there are cells and corridors where prisoners were
collected pays most of the city guard’s salaries, but no one really kept in isolation and secrets were buried.
likes to ask about where the rest of the required coin comes from. Two years ago, gold was discovered in the mountains some three
Some might even wonder what, exactly, the guards are paid for, days outside the city proper. Prospectors arrived to investigate,
as the few guards that do roam the streets do little to discourage by both land and sea, and continue to do so. Some wait for their
any but the most violent crimes. moment in The Squalor or The Soundings, some got in quick
and are already planning their trip home with their fortune. In
any case, New Hope knows that visitors mean money, and so are
happy to play host to any and all.

180 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Basic Information Community
Origin: Prison. The site was originally a holding colony for Population Density: Dense. There is a large number of people
criminals. Over time, events transpired allowing the place to living in the city. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high
become a legitimate city in its own right. Was this thanks to a traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more.
successful revolt? Perhaps the entity that controlled the prison Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20%
colony was conquered and the colony was left to its own devices? secondary race.
Maybe something made the colony’s kingdom change its mind
and legitimize it? Population Wealth: Average. Most of the city’s population
have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
Priority: Trade. The city was made to move goods. Coin flows
from hand to hand, and the city wholeheartedly encourages this. Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
It likely collects a tax from any trade, but the benefits should far frequent the city. Congestion is significantly increased.
outweigh the costs. Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly,
welcoming, and slow to take offense.
Age: Established. The city has been around for at least 10, but
up to 100, years. Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns,
Size: Small. Structures in the city are able to support around
which stay open perpetually. If the city has a gate, it is closed, but
16,000 people.
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Outside the City: Leadership: Mayor. The locals democratically voted for their
• Makeshift Settlement. A large mass of hovels, lean-tos, current leader.
tents, and other improvised shelters have been built in Law Enforcement: Skeleton City Watch. Run by a sergeant, a
the shadow of the city’s walls. Why? Do the leaders and minimal staff is able to man the gates and watchtowers in shifts.
residents care?
General Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a purse in
• Barrows. An area devoted to burial sites. plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism and muggings
• Hermit’s Cottage. A hermit lives near the city limits, are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel alone.
beneath the notice of most of the inhabitants. They keep to Organized Crime: Barely Hidden. The organization is a looming
themselves, but who are they? What do they gain by their shadow within the city. None are entirely sure where it is based, or
close proximity? who their operators are, but it’s clear that the organization is real.
Stewardship: Minimal. The fundamental elements of the Obstacles that would be contrary to the ‘hypothetical’ organization’s
capital are being tended to, but at the bare minimum. This may interests are quickly resolved. Bodies are found, messages sent and,
be because of inexperienced leadership, misplaced priorities, one way or another, their will is always made known.
lack of resources, or simple laziness, to name a few possible
General Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a Docks District. This district has a focus on all naval and
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may seafaring matters.
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. • District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, though widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
there could be some disparity. have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy.
Environment: Desert. The city is in a dry and arid environment, Structures have likely received similar low levels of care,
likely covered with vast sand dunes. though there could be some disparity.
Fortification: Heavily Fortified. The city is surrounded by • District Entry: Open. The district entrance is unrestricted.
a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several watchtowers built
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
along its length. The gate is double-thickness and reinforced with
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
metal bands. There are additional watchtowers built at various
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
points throughout the surrounding countryside.
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance district)
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market
• District Housing: None. No one lives in the district.
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed locations in the district.
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this.
• District Included Locations: Shipwright, Weaver, House of
Underground Passages: Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist Leisure, Inn, Tavern
beneath the city. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or
clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have been purpose- • District Additional Locations: Bank & Exchange,
built for the current settlement. They could potentially have been Carpenter
dug by enemy forces, either recently or long ago.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 181

Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of Slums. This district is an area where those with lesser means
different goods. might live.
• District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a • District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed doesn’t live there, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, of help.
though there could be some disparity.
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is guard presence.
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism case.
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
district may be predominantly a place of business or
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the functionality, or perhaps people.
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional locations in the district.
locations in the district are notable.
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General Smithy, Tailor
Store, Tailor, Magic Shop (Armor, Misc. & Curiosities)
• District Additional Locations: Barber, Stable
• District Additional Locations: Wainright, Carpenter,
Tavern, Thatcher
• General Store (Guild Member) - Notable: Meeting
Extra Intrigue
Place. The establishment is in a particular location Recent History. A particular resource, that is very important to
which is a prime landmark for people to easily meet. the city, has had fantastic yield.
This tends to generate business by proximity. Noteworthy Official: Master of the Wild. Surveys the
• Tavern (Guild Member) - Notable: Organization surrounding areas, mapping the wilderness, looking for
Affiliation. Association with certain people has monsters or other threats, and regulating hunting.
generated traffic to this location. • Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
goods.. Beneath the Surface: Parties. A guerilla party scene has been
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. emerging within the city, with semi-frequent, secret, invitation-
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of only parties being held at ever-changing locations.
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Single, Direct
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. Occurrence. Someone has had a direct, first-hand
• District Entry: Open. The district entrance is unrestricted. experience involving the issue, and is trying to deal with it
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the district
may be predominantly a place of business or functionality,
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less
innocent reason.
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
locations in the district.
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
Smithy, Tailor
• District Additional Locations: Magic Shop - Jewelry,
Soothsayer, Stable (Guild Member)

182 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

New Hope

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 183

Rahalla Schzaskhol
By Lou Fryer
When hobgoblins want something,
they generally take it, do so by force,
and not by halves.
So when Warlord Zaskhol’s sizeable legion
took El Rahalla, they did it properly. Within
a week, the once-great cultural centre was
ground under the heel of the hobgoblin war
machine, and renamed Rahalla Schzaskhol.
The city’s resources were consumed and its
people enslaved to the last child. Of course,
the main body of the legion, never the types
to stand still for long, soon moved out toward
the next prize, leaving only a skeleton
garrison made up of fat trimmed from their
ranks to maintain peak efficiency.
Zaskhol’s contemptible youngest son
was nominally left in charge, primarily to
remove him and his deplorable decadence
and distaste for warfare from the legion.
He is happy to live with the dishonor of
spending his days in his palatial estate
outside the city, barely sparing his office
a second’s thought, and so rarely giving
his people any trouble. He shirks any kind
of responsibility, delegating a startling
number of matters of state to his personal
slaves, who are now ostensibly stewards
of the city and can surreptitiously act in
the interest of their indentured kin. As it
happens, this suits the remaining hobgoblins
perfectly, facilitating their lives of leisure
without pressure (or disciplinary action)
from the higher-ups. For years, they have
grown rich, content, and complacent.
The promotion of the junior Zaskhol
was also a definite improvement for the
thousands of enslaved citizens: grim as it may
be, life under the slippered foot of a sedentary
hobgoblin is far better than life under the
hobnailed boot of one on the warpath. In fact, as long as the
populace generally keep their heads down, they are more or
the city limits. Hundreds of slaves slink out over the rooftops
less allowed to get on with their lives once the working day is
every racemeet to watch their fellows hurtle around on whatever
done. How much of this is down to disinterest on the part of the
mounts they can smuggle out, revelling in their shared rebellion.
slavers, and how much is their lack of numbers depends on who
you ask. One is forced to wonder if the slovenly hobgoblins are truly
unaware of these goings on, or are forced to feign ignorance for
In spite of their captivity, individuals have, inevitably, started to
fear of confirming there is nothing they can do to stop them.
push boundaries. The forerunner in this regard is a mysterious
figure known only as ‘The Queen of Slaves’. She arranges petty
misdemeanours and acts of civil disobedience to tweak the
noses of the slavers; small displays, to be sure, but each one
Basic Information
cracks the facade of control, and shines a little more light on Origin: Repurposed History. The city was founded and built
the inadequacy of their overlords. A full-scale revolt has never on top of ancient ruins. Standing ruins might have been left as
been attempted, but The Queen’s actions suggest it may be statues and tributes to the past but, more often, they have either
unnecessary; she will unmake their authority piece by piece. been used (if still stable) or incorporated into new structures.

Her latest insurgence has been introducing the Brokechains Priority: Control. The city has established itself as a power in
Chase, an ambitious, and dangerously illegal racing track outside the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also
military presence, in other local settlements. The city itself is a

184 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

strong and formidable presence. virtue of their bloodline.
Age: Established. The city has been around for at least 10, but Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain
up to 100, years. and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The
city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
Size: Medium. Structures in the city are able to support around
24,000 people.
Outside the City: General Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, providing food Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and discoveries
grown for the city, are found on the nearest hospitable land of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
under its control.
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city,
• Family Estate. A wealthy family’s large estate is situated in but outside a district)
the neighboring countryside.
Organized Crime: Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that
Stewardship: Managed. The city’s fundamental elements are most folk don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is responsible is criminal element in the city. They operate quietly, but
doing an admirable job. ambitiously, carrying out frequent, high-profile jobs. They could
General Condition: Impressive. The city is well taken care of, also have ties to government officials, or may even attempt to
and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are maintained, control elements of the city itself.
though signs of wear may still be apparent. It feels lived-in, but
of a respectable quality in every regard.
Environment: Mountains. The city is found on stony passes or
Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and
soaring peaks.
non-essential goods.
Fortification: Unfortified. The city is exposed on all sides, save
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken
for any barriers created by the presence of buildings or natural
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
land formations.
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few vendor stalls. feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Lease. Merchants pay in advance • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market unrestricted.
• District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. Vandalism, muggings seem to happen all the time and even
murders are not what one would call ‘rare’.
Underground Passages: Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist
beneath the city. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have been purpose- district may be predominantly a place of business or
built for the current settlement. They could potentially have been functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
dug by enemy forces, either recently or long ago. another, less innocent reason.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first two
Community additional locations in the district are notable.

Population Density: Skeleton. The city only has enough people • District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Tailor,
to function at its most basic level. Artist (Guild Member), Cobbler (Guild Member), Magic
Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities
Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20%
secondary race. • District Additional Locations: Rare Trade Goods

Population Wealth: Affluent. The entire city is able to live • Tavern (Guild Member) - Notable: Generous Spirit.
comfortably, with a significant portion living in luxury. The location owner is known in the community for
their generosity (this could be financially, but could also
Visitor Traffic: Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come be with their time, knowledge, or resources)
through the city on a regular basis. Congestion is increased.
• Rare Libations & Fare - Notable: Favoritism. Certain
Disposition: Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward people are given particularly good service here and it
visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners feel unwelcome. incentivizes them to frequent this location.
This could manifest as coldness, passive-aggressiveness, or even
Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns,
which stay open perpetually. If the city has a gate, it is closed, but
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 185

Upper Class District. This district is an area where those with • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
greater means might live. unrestricted.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
of the highest quality. Loving attention seems to have been Vandalism, muggings seem to happen all the time and even
lavished on as many aspects of the district as was possible. murders are not what one would call ‘rare’.
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
barred by a gate with guards. district)
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
some trouble every day or two. Everyone knows a person buildings in the district house residents.
who’s run into some degree of crime, either in the way of
• District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
theft or sometimes even a mugging, or worse
additional locations in the district are notable.
• District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
• District Included Locations: Hired Help - Scribes, Hired
buildings in the district house residents.
Help - Priestly Guidance (Guild Member), Hired Help -
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional Hands of the Gods (Guild Member)
location in the district is notable.
• District Additional Locations:
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Baker,
• Barber - Notable: Superstition. Those who frequent
Tailor (Guild Member), Luxury Furnishings (Guild Member),
this location do so out of the belief that if they don’t,
something will happen.
• District Additional Locations: Tavern, Bathhouse (Guild
• Rare Libations & Fare - Notable: Coercion.
Customers, who might otherwise go somewhere else,
• Weaver - Notable: Organization Affiliation. are pressured into coming here instead. This could
Association with certain people has generated traffic to be the owner’s doing, but could also be the work of
this location. another interested party.
Slums District. This district is an area where those with lesser • Carpenter (Guild Member) - Notable: Top-Notch
means might live. Marketing. All around the city you can see signage, or
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While hear people mentioning, the location.
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it Administration District. This district has a focus on
could still be off-putting to some with lofty expectations. government and civil matters.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken
generally functional.
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
a token guard presence. feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
some trouble every day or two. Everyone knows a person guard presence.
who’s run into some degree of crime, either in the way of
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
theft or sometimes even a mugging, or worse.
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
district) alone.
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district’s buildings house residents. district)
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable • District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
locations in the district.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure location in the district is notable.
(Guild Member), Inn, Tavern (Guild Member)
• District Included Locations: Courthouse, Chancery,
• District Additional Locations: Barber, Foundry/Smelting, Town Hall, Treasury, Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks (Guild
Doctor (Guild Member) Member)
Temple District. This district has a focus on religion and/or • District Additional Locations: Amphitheater, Tavern
spiritual enlightenment. (Guild Member)
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While • Rare Libations & Fare - Notable: Nearby Curiosity.
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it There is something in very close proximity that draws
could still be off-putting to some with lofty expectations. attention, thereby increasing foot traffic.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
generally functional.

186 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Beneath the Surface: Races. A racing circuit has been
Extra Intrigue established outside the city.
Recent History: Someone within the city has recently gained • Beneath the Surface - Evidence: Disparate, Subtle
incredible fame. Occurrences. A few people have passively encountered
Noteworthy Officials: Master of Stores. Oversees the city’s some evidence of what’s going on, though they are not
stores of supplies, such as grain or building materials. aware of one another, and are not sure about what they’ve
• Official Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
understand how to execute the position.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 187

By Jeremy Kear
Retravese began with such promise. The
deep cold of the region lacked the bright
spark of civilisation until the ruins were
found: evidence that a flourishing city
once existed there. An intrepid few set out
to take advantage of what they had found,
to build a thriving settlement once more.
They succeeded… for a while.
The ruins held a wealth of information,
drawing in seekers of knowledge from
all around. An arcane district was quickly
created, with an archive established for
the regularly discovered records, and
an academy for their study. Following
swiftly in its wake, the rest of the city
developed, and this time of bustle and
growth is remembered fondly.
Since then, things have gone dramatically
downhill. Multiple catastrophes occurred
one after another, driving the city into
a state of squalid ruin. Some say the
land itself is cursed, perhaps the same
that claimed the old city upon whose
bones this one was built. A criminal
organization now has the city by the
throat, their influence apparent in nearly
all aspects of life. Life remains civil and
relatively ordered during the day but, in
the evenings, the city becomes a sinner’s
playground. The remaining good folk,
who lacked the sense to leave, at least
know to lock their doors after dark.
The criminal organization’s power extends
to the city watch and beyond. There is ‘law’,
but it seems reliably malleable to suit the
needs of those in control. The disreputable
leadership are becoming well-known as
a major player in the region. Any caught
trying to unsettle the good thing they have
going is dealt with in absolute fashion.
Recently, there has been a marked rise in
what was previously considered to be illegal substances
(though perhaps not so much anymore). Congruently, there though he is currently the only member. The competitive business
seems to have been a rise in traffic into the settlement, leading practices of the two polar opposites are an ongoing source of local
one to suspect the two are connected… and one would probably amusement; almost enough to distract them from the far-more-
be right. The magical oddities shop in the market district and pressing and immediate concerns they have with their city...
the old alchemist in the arcane district seem to be benefiting
particularly well from this increased traffic, though no
wrongdoing has been proved—or charges brought—against Basic Information
either establishment.
Origin: Repurposed History. The city was founded and built
Another strange bit of business revolves around the two magical on top of ancient ruins. Standing ruins might have been left as
jewelry stores in the arcane district. Locals know them to be statues and tributes to the past but, more often, they have either
ardent business rivals but, outside of work, also the best of been used (if still stable) or incorporated into new structures.
friends. One runs a shop full of eccentric pieces of a strange,
Priority: Control. The city has established itself as a power in
experimental nature, offering unique, one-of-a-kind adornments
the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also
which are… interesting, to say the least. The other strives to
military presence, in other local settlements. The city itself is a
run a clean, professional shop. He has even established a guild,
strong and formidable presence.

188 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Age: Mature. The city has been around at least 100, but up to Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
300, years. virtue of their bloodline.
Size: Small. Structures in the city are able to support around Law Enforcement: City Watch. Run by a single captain,
16,000 people. the watch has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
Outside the City: establish a patrol once or twice a day.

• Barrows. An area devoted to burial sites. General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a mugging, or worse.
logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to the city, has
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city,
sells. but outside a district)

• Barrows. An area devoted to burial sites. Organized Crime: Open. Though key members may be
unknown, the presence of the organization is common
Stewardship: Passing. The city is in a deplorable state. Things knowledge and, though it may not have been fully proved, it’s
are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who doesn’t live there, clear they have a direct hand in running the city. They operate
seems positively unlivable. Most of the buildings, if not all, are with impunity, with little fear of reprisal or repercussion, likely
likely a disgrace, or in terrible need of help. taking no steps to mask their presence to ensure compliance,
General Condition: Squalid. The city is passable. While not such as with a sigil on a sealed envelope. How did it get to this
offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it could still be point? How do the people of the city feel about this?
off-putting to those with lofty expectations. Structures may not
be aesthetically pleasing, but are generally functional.
Environment: Tundra. The city is in a very cold environment.
Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and
Fortification: Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial non-essential goods.
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled by guards
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a main gate
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers may be
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
placed around the town, though are likely sporadic.
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. of help.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
(sometimes far unrestricted.
in advance) for the right to a space in the market square. • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
Merchant Overflow: Unpatrolled. Excess vendors are allowed crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
to set up stalls but, as the city watch do not patrol or monitor Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
these areas, the risk is higher. The spaces available are unkempt.
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Underground Passages: None.
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
Community • District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
Population Density: Skeleton. The city only has enough people locations in the district.
to function at its most basic level.
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Tailor,
Demographics: Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary Artist, Cobbler, Magic Shop - Misc. and Curiosities
• District Additional Locations: Luxury Furnishings,
Population Wealth: Average. Most of the city’s population Wainwright
have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
Visitor Traffic: Groups. There are generally a fair amount of
visitors to the city. May slightly increase congestion.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
Night Activity: Raucous. When the day ends, the city truly
comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and going
at all hours. Parties, and other commotion, can often be heard.
One might expect things to close down after dark but, in this city,
there are locations that only open in the evenings. There is likely
a sort of ‘night market’ throughout the city, with goods, services,
or curiosities of all kinds available for those keep alternative
hours (or scoff at the need for sleep).

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 189

Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of Arcane District. This district has a focus on magical matters.
different goods.
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need of help.
of help.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong unrestricted.
guard presence.
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
locations in the district. • District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, General Store, Tailor
(Guild Member), Magic Shop - Clothing • District Included Locations: Archives, Academy, Magic
Shop - Jewelry, Magic Shop - Jewelry (Guild Member), Hired
• District Additional Locations: Cobbler, Cooper
Help - Magic Mercenaries (team) (Guild Member)
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
• District Additional Locations: Club (Guild Member)
• Alchemist - Notable: Vested Interests. A third
• District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
party (not the shopkeeper or an employee) has a stake
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
in whether this location is successful, and has done
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. something to ensure the populus know about it.
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care,
though there could be some disparity. Extra Intrigue
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has Recent History: Illegal substances, or goods, have been
a token guard presence. making appearances around the city, but their origin remains
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any undiscovered.
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. Noteworthy Official: Master of Intelligence. Responsible for
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this seeking and utilizing information vital for city/nation’s security.
district) • Official’s Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district. position for personal gain.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional Beneath the Surface: Races. A racing circuit has been
location in the district is notable. established outside the city.
• District Included Locations: Baker (Guild Member), • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Actively Aware. The
Butcher, General Store, Smithy (Guild Member), Tailor public is fully aware, and actively addressing whatever is
going on.
• District Additional Locations: Weaver (Guild Member)
• Magic shop - Misc. and Curiosities - Notable:
Organization Affiliation. Association with certain
people has generated traffic to this location.

190 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies


C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 191

By Megan Roy
For as long as anyone can remember,
the arid desert skyline has featured the
swooping curves of the beautiful, ruthless
city of Skald. Most know this mystical
settlement as a tempting desert siren that
calls those who hope to strike it rich. She is
often far more harsh than she is forgiving,
but perhaps her sandy tides are turning…
Tales say that Skald was founded by the
ancient mage, Gudlaug, stranded amidst
the hills of the gorgeous, scorching desert.
On the precipice of death, the mage used
the last of his waning powers to pray for
salvation, pledging his eternal service
to whatever god would save his life. Just
breaths from departing the mortal plane,
a massive thunderstorm swept across
the desert, and the hard earth around
Gudlaug suddenly sprang to life. He was,
at once, surrounded by towering flowers
and vibrant foliage, the likes of which he’d
never seen nor knew existed at all. On that
very spot, Gudlaug kept his promise and
devoted his life to the gods of water and
storm - and as inquisitive mages and rare
goods hunters gathered around him, so
was founded the city of Skald.
Though its fairytale origins and outward
appearance make Skald seem like a desert
paradise, those who live there would scoff
at the idea. In reality, most who live in
Skald are impoverished, cramped, and
willing to do anything to make it big. The
majority spend long hours doing menial
labor in the industrial district, refining
mineral materials for paltry coin. Slightly
more fortunate folk might find an opening
in the craft district to hone their skills,
maybe even someday creating coveted
high-end garments, woven from precious,
‘storm-magicked’ flower silks. Those lucky
enough to achieve their fortune can earn
a spot in the magnificent upper class district - although, the rise
of a powerful, thieving criminal underbelly has paved a much
Basic Information
darker, yet far more fruitful, road to a life of luxury. Origin: Tribal Home. The city site was originally home to a
group of natives in the region. The settlement built upon itself
Living outside of the daily class struggle of Skald are the mages,
until it became the city it is now.
who reside in the arcane district and dedicate themselves to
study at Skald's acclaimed university. Many of them worship the Priority: Production. This settlement was built around
gods of water and storm as their ancestor Gudlaug did, to which producing a particular good or resource. This could be raw
an entire temple district is dedicated. materials, like crops or mining ore, but could also be the
manufacture of a certain product or products.
However, a small sect of mages has recently broken off from
their university kin to imagine a world where those precious Age: Ancient. The city is older than living, and possibly even
storms aren't prayed for, but created. After months of secret recorded, memory.
practice and planning, their sacrilege was recently discovered by Size: Very Large. Structures in the city are able to support
the head of the university - just as a strange storm began to brew around 40,000 people or more.

192 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Outside the City: Law Enforcement: Robust City Watch. Run by a captain and
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and two sergeants, the watch are able to place extra support at key
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a points, as well as establish three or four patrols a day.
logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to the city, has General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone
sells. who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a
Stewardship: Adequate. The city’s fundamental elements mugging, or worse.
are all taken care of relatively competently, but some room • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city,
for improvement still exists. Lack of capital, or involvement but outside a district)
in more pressing matters such as external conflicts or disaster
Organized Crime: Barely Hidden. The organization is a
management, are possible explanations.
looming shadow within the city. None are entirely sure where
General Condition: Impressive. The city is well taken care of, it is based, or who their operators are, but it’s clear that the
and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are maintained, organization is real. Obstacles that would be contrary to the
though signs of wear may still be apparent. It feels lived-in, but ‘hypothetical’ organization’s interests are quickly resolved.
of a respectable quality in every regard. Bodies are found, messages sent and, one way or another, their
Environment: Desert. The city is in a dry and arid environment, will is always made known.
likely covered with vast sand dunes.
Fortification: Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial Districts
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled by guards Arcane District. This district has a focus on magical matters.
on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a main gate
that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers may be • District Condition: Magnificent. The city is incredible.
placed around the town, though are likely sporadic. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few vendor stalls.
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. First Come, First Served - No Fee.
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is
Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the
barred by a gate with guards.
line are given the spaces. No fees are charged.
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to • District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter. someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes,
and trenches lies beneath the city. Base the sewer’s condition • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They district)
may pre-date the current city. • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
buildings in the district house residents.
Community • District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable.
Population Density: Crowded. The city is filled with jostling
throngs. Practically all structures are occupied. Some may even • District Included Locations: Archives/Library, Academy/
camp outside the walls. Moving about can be difficult, and University, Magic Shop - Armor, Magic Shop - Weapons
bumping into other people is typical in higher traffic areas. (Guild Member), Hired Help - Academics
Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20% • District Additional Locations: Hired Help - Magic
secondary race. Mercenaries, Forum, Magic Shop - Miscellaneous
Curiosities, Weaver
Population Wealth: Impoverished. Around half of the city
struggles to carve out even a meager existence. • Magic Shop - Books (Guild Member) - Notable:
History. This location is notable for its links to local
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
frequent the city. Congestion is significantly increased. history. Perhaps it belongs to a family with a particular
reputation? Maybe it has ties to events from long ago?
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming
and slow to take offense. Industrial District: This district has a focus on large-scale
production facilities.
Night Activity: Raucous. When the day ends, the city truly
comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and going • District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
at all hours. Parties, and other commotion, can often be heard. not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
One might expect things to close down after dark but, in this city, could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
there are locations that only open in the evenings. There is likely Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
a sort of ‘night market’ throughout the city, with goods, services, generally functional.
or curiosities of all kinds available for those keep alternative • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
hours (or scoff at the need for sleep). guard presence.
Leadership: Oligarchy (Mages; Magocracy). A few top
individuals hold sway, collectively, over the city.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 193

• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
case. Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurrence, and
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
buildings in the district house residents.
location in the district is notable.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
• District Included Locations: Smithy (Guild Member),
location in the district is notable.
Foundry (Guild Member)
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
• District Additional Locations: Tavern (Guild Member),
Inn (Guild Member), Tavern
General Store, Miller, Treasury
• District Additional Locations: (2) Doctor (Guild Member),
• Club (Guild Member) - Notable: Meeting Place.
House of Leisure, Miller
The establishment is in a particular location which is a
prime landmark for people to easily meet. This tends to • House of Leisure - Notable: Coercion. Customers,
generate business by proximity. who might otherwise go somewhere else, are pressured
into coming here instead. This could be the owner’s
Temple District: This district has a focus on religion and/or
doing, but could also be the work of another interested
spiritual enlightenment.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The city is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of Upper Class District: This district is an area where those with
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been greater means might live.
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. • District Condition: Magnificent. The city is incredible.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
unrestricted. the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows • Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, a gate with guards.
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. • District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district may be predominantly a place of business or
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for district)
another, less innocent reason. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional district may be predominantly a place of business or
location in the district is notable. functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
another, less innocent reason.
• District Included Locations: Great Temple, Archives/
Library, Hired Help - Scribes (Guild Member), Hired Help - • District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
Priestly Guidance, Hired Help - Hands of the Divine additional locations in the district are notable.

• District Additional Locations: Bathhouse (Guild Member), • District Included Locations: Fine Quality Bank &
Artist, Artist (Guild Member), Carpenter (Guild Member) Exchange, Baker (Guild Member), Tailor, Fine Quality
Luxury Furnishings, Doctor/Apothecary
• Luxury Furnishings - Notable: Unique Offering.
• District Additional Locations: Tavern, Magic Shop -
This location has a product or service that no one else in
Jewelry (Guild Member).
the city has.
• Cobbler (Guild Member) - Notable: Nearby
Slums District: This district is an area where those with lesser
Curiosity. There is something in very close proximity
means might live.
that draws attention, thereby increasing foot traffic.
• District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may • House of Leisure (Guild Member) - Notable:
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed Entertaining Service. Something about the folk that
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. work here is very entertaining. Perhaps they’re funny,
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, or maybe they do demonstrations, or even have a bard
though there could be some disparity. who plays there regularly.
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is • Fine Quality Alchemist (Guild Member) - Notable:
barred by a gate with guards. Magic. Some form of magic plays a role in what
is drawing people here. It could be on purpose or
accidental, innocent or malicious.

194 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Craft District: This district has a focus on the creation of • Rare Trade Goods - Notable: Superstition. Those who
different goods. frequent this location do so out of the belief that if they
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken don’t, something will (or won’t) happen.
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
Extra Intrigue
Recent History. Ongoing heavy thunderstorms are wracking the
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has city.
a token guard presence.
Noteworthy Official: Champion. Ready to stand in for the
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about city leadership for any martial matters, either ceremonially or
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows officially.
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. • Official’s Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
understand how to execute the position.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) Beneath the Surface: Tampering. Someone is interfering with
forces best left alone.
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Disparate, Subtle
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional Occurrences. A few people have passively encountered
location in the district is notable. some evidence of what’s going on, though they are not
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General aware of one another, and are not sure about what they’ve
Store (Guild Member), Tailor (Guild Member), Magic Shop - encountered.
Armor (Guild Member)
• District Additional Locations: Cobbler, Cooper (Guild
Member), Textile Production, Tavern

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 195

By Beau C. Williams

In the upper reaches of the mountains, surrounded by harsh new talent and bring them to be educated (and supervised) at
terrain and violent, unrelenting weather sits Uzlium, a city the Mage’s College, safely honing their craft and all manner of
devoted to the practice and perfection of magic. A gently swirling practices that not only could be of service to Uzlium, but to the
sphere of magic encases the city, shielding its inhabitants world at large. Once their training reaches completion, they
from the elements and allowing them to pursue their studies emerge as enforcers of Uzlium, ambassadors that go out into the
in relative tranquility. Unfortunately, this peace comes at a world to be the extended hand of the Archmagus Council.
price. Given how horrendously difficult the city is to reach via The residents of Uzlium live very well, provided for by the
traditional means, the only known and used way to enter the city Archmagus Council. The mages consistently reinvest into the city
is via teleportation circle, which takes you to the ‘docks’. itself, and into the betterment of the lives of all who live there,
The ‘docks’ are truly no docks at all; at least, not in the traditional who in turn can pay it forward. While some might argue that any
sense. Instead of moorings for ships, Uzlium’s docks sport an pursuit aimed at controlling a major aspect of the natural world
organized layout of teleportation circles. Other than this key is megalomaniacal, the Archmagus Council would truthfully
difference, however, the docks function much like those of tell any who ask that they have the world’s best interests at
any settlement, with warehouses for storing and transporting heart, and care deeply for its people. The world seems, at best,
goods. The city itself is run by a group of high mages called the somewhat conflicted about this.
Archmagus Council, who govern from the Great Spire, located
in the city’s administration district. Here, the mages control
differing aspects of the city, including how to deal with outsiders, General
such as the select few merchants they do business with (this Origin: Magical. The city’s inception stemmed from something
honor is only extended so far; visiting traders are only allowed in magical. It may have been the influence of magical beings, the
the docks and market districts). presence of magical structures, or the convergence of magical
The scholar district is the pride and joy of High Archmage Aewyn energies at that specific place. It could also have been from the
(arguably the highest of the High Magi), for it exemplifies that deliberate influence of a specific individual.
which she cares about most deeply: knowledge, education, and Priority: Control. The city has established itself as a power in
perfection through the pursuit of magical prowess. None know the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also
her true age; she has certainly surpassed the living memory of all military presence in other local settlements. The city itself is a
other inhabitants of Uzlium, if not the world. strong and formidable presence.
The main purpose of the city is the control and regulation of
Age: Old. The city has been around for 300 to 1000 years.
arcane magics, to ensure that wanton death and destruction
they have the potential to inflict are never unleashed upon the Size: Large. Structures in the city are able to support around
innocent. All over the known world, they seek out potential 32,000 people.

196 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Outside the City: None.
Stewardship: Disciplined. The city’s fundamental elements
are firmly in hand, providing what it needs to perform at peak Administration District. This district has a focus on
functionality. There is little to no room for improvement. government and civil matters.
Whoever is managing things is doing so expertly. • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
General Condition: Magnificent. The city is incredible. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished lavished on as many aspects as possible.
on as many aspects as possible. • Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by
Environment: Mountains. The city is found on stony passes or a gate with guards.
soaring peaks. • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
Fortification: Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled by guards • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a main gate district)
that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers may be
• District Housing: Limited. No one lives in this district.
placed around the town, though are likely sporadic.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls.
location in the district is notable.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Lease. Merchants pay in advance
• District Included Locations: Town Hall, Courthouse,
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market
Chancery, Treasury
• District Additional Locations: Amphitheater, Archives,
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this.
• Bathhouse - Notable: Important Person. Someone
Underground Passages: None. There are no significant
directly involved with this location (owner, employee,
passages underneath the city.
etc) is a major figure in the community.
Scholar District. This district has a focus on education and the
Community pursuit of knowledge.
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
live in the city. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25% lavished on as many aspects as possible.
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other. • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
Population Wealth: Affluent. The entire city is able to live unrestricted.
comfortably, with a significant portion living in luxury. • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
Visitor Traffic: Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
typically a few from outside the city, though not enough to • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
impact congestion. district)
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them. district may be predominantly a place of business or
Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
night traffic. There are always people on the streets, and it may another, less innocent reason.
seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
open constantly. If the city has a gate, it remains open and is only locations in the district notable.
closed under the most dire of circumstances.
• District Included Locations: Archives/Library, Academy/
Leadership: Oligarchy (Mages; Magocracy). A few top University, Forum, Schoolhouse, Hired Help - Scribes and
individuals hold sway, collectively, over the city. Clerks
Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain • District Additional Locations: Doctor/Apothecary,
and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The Schoolhouse
city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
• Forum - Notable: Important Person. Someone
directly involved with this location (owner, employee,
General Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any etc) is a major figure in the community.
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• Gathering Hall - Notable: Generous Spirit. The
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city, location owner is known in the community for their
but outside a district) generosity (this could be financial, but could also be
with their time, knowledge, or resources).

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 197

Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
different goods. goods.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as possible. lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard • Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard
presence. presence.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) district)
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the • Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional locations in the district notable.
location in the district is notable.
• District Included Locations: General Store, Butcher,
• District Included Locations: Smithy (Guild Member), Smithy, Tailor
Carpenter, General Store, Tailor, Magic Shop - Misc. &
• District Additional Locations: Inn, Bank & Exchange
• Magic Shop - Weapons - Notable: Local Loyalty.
• District Additional Locations: Rare Trade Goods, Foundry/
People who live nearby know this place and stick to it
Smelting, Armorsmith, Apothecary (Guild Member), Hired
out of a deep-seated loyalty, even if there would seem to
Help - Arcane Academics (Guild Member)
be better alternatives.
• Tavern - Notable: Unique Offering. This location has
• Barber - Notable: More-Than-Meets-the-Eye. This
a product or service that no one else in the city has.
location may seem to be one thing, but the right people
Docks District. This district has a focus on all naval and know what else is there.
seafaring matters.
Temple District. This district has a focus on religion and/or
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. spiritual enlightenment.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
lavished on as many aspects as possible.
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
• Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by lavished on as many aspects as possible.
a gate with guards.
• Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is unrestricted.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
• Limited. Only a few live here; the district may be
district may be predominantly a place of business or
predominantly a place of business or functionality, or
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
perhaps people avoid living here for another, less innocent
another, less innocent reason.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
locations in the district notable.
locations in the district.
• District Included Locations: ‘The Docks’ (Teleportation
• District Included Locations: Great Temple, (5) Temple,
Circles - author custom), Weaver, Tavern
Hired Help - Scribes (Guild Member), Hired Help - Priestly
• District Additional Locations: Rare Libations and Fare Guidance (Team), Hired Help - Hands of the Divine
• House of Leisure - Notable: Expansion. This place (Individual)
has grown recently. • District Additional Locations: Tailor, Hired Help - Priestly
• Inn - Notable: Vested Interests. A third party (not Guidance, Amphitheater, Bathhouse
the shopkeeper or an employee) has a stake in whether
this location is successful, and has done something to
ensure the populus know about it.

198 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Beneath the Surface: Outside Contact. Someone in the city is
Extra Intrigue in regular communication with an interesting external contact.
Recent History: A neighboring kingdom has been attacked. The • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Single, Subtle
city leadership is deciding what, if anything, to do about it. Occurrence. Someone has noticed some kind of evidence,
Noteworthy Official: High Mage. The representative of the but doesn’t quite know what to make of it. They just know
practitioners of arcane arts to the city leadership. it’s strange.
• Official Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 199

Verdant Falls
By Tim Beese
The city of Verdant Falls lies nestled in a valley at
the base of the waterfalls from which it takes its
name. A group of local druids who venerated
the falls gravitated to the site thanks to the
lushness of the forest itself, as well as its
abundance of rare herbs. Unfortunately, the
hidden, picturesque places of the world rarely
stay so for long. A permanent settlement
was established and, before long, traders were
coming and going and Verdant Falls grew to
accommodate them.
Attracted by its scenic landscape and the
therapeutic properties of the surrounding
nature, doctors, herbalists, and sages flocked
to the falls to hone their craft and build their
supplies. Many wealthy lords also chose them
as a peaceful place to live out their twilight
years. To ensure its continued success, and
to satisfy the wellbeing of its burgeoning
populace, the citizens organized a council of
elected members to govern them.
Once the city was established proper, and
those with wealth had a foothold, yet more
visitors began to arrive in droves. Whether
they were there to procure substances
outlawed in other lands, or looking to harvest
rare herbs to sell on at a steep price hike, Verdant
Falls was becoming overwhelmed by the sheer number of
visitors. To keep order and handle crime, the city
watch had to be tripled, and guard posts were built
at several key places in the city. It seemed that
the once-pristine oasis was being transformed
into… well, just another city.
Today, Verdant Falls is still a beautiful place to
visit. It provides a plethora of rare herbs to those
who can brave the deep forest to seek them out. The
wealthy and upper-class citizens keep the city well maintained,
but the general population has become impoverished, as the
resources they used to trade as specialists are stripped by out-
of-towners who undercut their prices. Organized crime racquets
have started to take notice, forcing the city watch to be that much
more vigilant. Tourists come for the pleasures that the city can Basic Information
offer, but locals have become unfriendly and resentful towards
Origin: Haven. The location attracted a group seeking refuge
visitors, who have turned their peaceful, waterfall paradise into a
from some crisis. They could have been persecuted by some great
bustling center of activity.
oppressor or, perhaps, they fled a natural disaster. Conversely,
But, like any city, typical or otherwise, Verdant Falls has its share they could be a society of rebels or outlaws who desired an
of secrets. In the forest beyond the boundary walls lives a hermit,
independent settlement of their own.
rumored to be one of the original settlers. She keeps to herself,
but can sometimes be seen at a distance, looking out towards the Priority: Control. The city has established itself as a power in
city... her city. Likewise, despite the heaving population, very the region, establishing a network of patrolled roads, but also
few citizens are aware of the caverns obscured by the cascading military presence, in other local settlements. The city itself is a
waters of the falls. Within these caverns lies an ancient crypt strong and formidable presence.
from a civilization long since lost. What treasures or horrors Age: Established. The city has been around for at least 10, but
these crypts hold are yet to be discovered but, with the very up to 100, years.
existence of the city of Verdant Falls serving as a prime example,
one has to wonder if some things are best left alone. Size: Medium. Structures in the city are able to support around
24,000 people.

200 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Outside the City: perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to
late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments may
• Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, providing
livestock for the city, are found on the nearest hospitable still be closed. If the city has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded,
land under its control. ready to be closed, if needed.

• Hermit’s Cottage. A hermit lives near the city limits, Leadership: Elected Council. Prominent members of the
beneath the notice of most of the inhabitants. They keep to community were chosen to lead the city collectively.
themselves, but who are they? What do they gain by their Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain
close proximity? and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a regularly.
logging camp, mine, or quarry belonging to the city has been General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or sells. some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone
Stewardship: Managed. The city’s fundamental elements are who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a
all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is responsible is mugging, or worse.
doing an admirable job. • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the city,
General Condition: Decent. The city is passable. While not but outside a district)
offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it could still be Organized Crime: Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that
off-putting to those with lofty expectations. Structures may not most folk don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
be aesthetically pleasing, but are generally functional. criminal element in the city. They operate quietly, but
Environment: Valley. The city is found within, or on the edge ambitiously, carrying out frequent, high-profile jobs. They could
of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape also have ties to government officials, or may even attempt to
around it. control elements of the city itself.

Fortification: Fortified. The city is surrounded by a substantial

wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled by guards Districts
on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a main gate Botanical District. This district has a focus on nature.
that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers may be
placed around the town, though are likely sporadic. • District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
stalls. dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance Structures have likely received similar low levels of care,
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market though there could be some disparity.
square. • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed guard presence.
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. • District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
Underground Passages: Forgotten Crypts. Old burial some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
chambers and tombs are housed deep beneath the city, likely someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
unknown to the general populace. sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Community district)
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
live in the city. Walking through the streets, you will see plenty of
people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other. • district are notable.:
Population Wealth: Impoverished. Around half of the city • District Included Locations: Outdoor Recreational Area,
struggles to carve out even a meager existence. Inn, Stable
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly • District Additional Locations: Hired Help - Guides &
frequent the city. Congestion is significantly increased. Trackers
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 201

• Weaver (Guild Member) - Notable: Unique Offering. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
This location has a product or service that no one else in district may be predominantly a place of business or
the city has. functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
another, less innocent reason.
• Doctor/Apothecary (Guild Member) - Notable:
Rumors. Something intriguing has been heard about • District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
this place that, for some reason, has piqued visitor’s additional locations in the district are notable.
curiosity. • District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Baker
Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and (Guild Member), Tailor, Luxury Furnishings, Doctor/
non-essential goods. Apothecary (Guild Member)
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While • District Additional Locations:
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it • House of Leisure - Notable: Exciting. There always
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations. seems to be something thrilling going on here, so those
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are seeking to be free of boredom show up in droves.
generally functional.
• Stable - Notable: Favoritism. Certain people are given
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong particularly good service here and it incentivizes them
guard presence. to frequent this location.
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about • Inn - Notable: Superstition. Those who frequent
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
this location do so out of the belief that if they don’t,
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
something will (or won’t) happen.
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) Extra Intrigue
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the Recent History: Taxes have just been abolished.
district may be predominantly a place of business or Noteworthy Official: Master of Trade. Responsible for the
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for management of imports and exports.
another, less innocent reason.
• Official’s Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional understand how to execute the position.
location in the district is notable.
Beneath the Surface: Fight Club. A fight club has started
• District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange, Tailor, somewhere in the city, and may be gaining more participants.
Artist (Guild Member), Cobbler, Magic Shop - Misc. and
Curiosities • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Actively Aware. The
public is fully aware, and actively addressing whatever is
• District Additional Locations: Luxury Furnishings, Rare going on.
Trade Goods (Guild Member)
• Alchemist - Notable: Local Loyalty. People who live
nearby know this place and stick to it out of a deep-
seated loyalty, even if there would seem to be better
Upper Class District. This district is an area where those with
greater means might live.
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
guard presence.
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this

202 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

Verdant Falls

C h apt er F iv e | C it ies 203

204 C h apt er F iv e | C it ies

ou step through towering gates onto streets designed At the sound of a trumpet blast and a cry of, “Make way!” you are
and built to make those walking them feel insignificant. quickly shoved to the side, as the crowd parts. Thundering hoofbeats
There is a palpable sense of power and vision on display pound up the street as a man, clad in blindingly polished armor, rides
here that is unlike anything you have ever seen. What past, a great cape of deepest, richest purple streaming behind him.
surrounds you inspires sensations of awe and wonder (or, is that terror
and suffocation?) as the monumental weight of what fills your view In his wake ride more like him, but still more richly adorned, and at a
presses in around you. more leisurely pace. In their midst trundles a gilded wagon, with crests
and motifs demarcating, what can only be, nobility, or even royalty. The
Vast waves of people are funneled through the streets. Above you, escort of guards vigilantly shields the carriage from any approach, as
buildings reach skyward and, as you walk, you note the intricate and they move steadily along. Off into the crowd to your right, a little boy
precisely laid paving stones being tread under your boots. You are sits astride a man’s shoulders, watching the carriage pass, with eyes
bombarded by sights, sounds, and smells to such a degree that, before wide and mouth agape. As the procession dwindles down the boulevard,
long, they all seem to merge into one great sensory assault. With the you can’t help but think that you must have come to one of the truly
sprawling streets, businesses, people, services, merchandise, sights, great places of the world.
refreshments, entertainment... there must be something for, quite
literally, everyone.

206 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Capitals are the very pinnacle of what a settlement can be.
They are the greatest of the great cities, the driving force of I m po r t ant
civilization, culture, and society as a whole. A capital’s very Modifiers will never have you modify previous tables or
existence can’t help but exert influence upon all around it, results. Anything being modified will always come after.
reaching its tendrils out for leagues in all directions, affecting
everything it touches. Progress through this chapter by going through these steps:
In some ways, a capital might be seen as just another city and, in - Step 1: Basic Information. The tables in this section will
some regards, they are. Similarities abound, so sometimes it seems provide broad or fundamental details about your settlement.
that the only differentiation is in terms of scale: more people, - Step 2: Government & High Society. The tables in this
thicker walls, taller buildings, greater wealth, etc. But the real and section target the things that make capitals particularly
marked differences are where the soul of a capital is to be found. unique. The presence of powerful figures such as
A capital is a lodestone for power. Those seeking power are government and nobility.
invariably drawn to it. The wealthiest, the most talented, the - Step 3: Community. The tables in this section will provide
most ruthless; all gather here. The capital is where one would details about the people that live here and certain aspects of
justifiably expect to find the very best, not just in goods, but also society.
in people. It can also, however, be where one can find the worst...
- Step 4: Districts. The tables in this step determine what
kind of specific areas your city has, as well as the locations
Overview within them.
Capitals is the largest, most robust builder in this book. The - Extra Intrigue. This is an optional step, filled with tables
newest elements you will encounter are centred around that can add additional flavor to the settlement.
power, influence, and nobility. The capitals chapter presents a
significant amount of the same tables as cities, though individual
elements have sometimes been altered. As you proceed, do so
knowing that the place you're about to build will be uniquely
yours and unlike anything else you've ever created thus far. It’s
time to build.
In this chapter you will go through sections called steps. Each
step will include tables. You will roll a die (unless they have you
reference previous information about your settlement, such
as its size). Find your roll (or appropriate information) in the
left-hand column. In the right-hand column will be your result.
We encourage you to make a note of these results; the Capitals
Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can
be found in the back of this book and at
Certain results will give you modifiers. Most modifiers will add
or subtract from a future roll (though some may have you roll
a different die, or tell you to add a feature or location to your
No matter how high or low a modifier makes a roll, your result
can never be higher or lower than the highest and lowest results
on a table.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 207

Step 1: Basic Information d12
Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to
Below you will find a variety of attributes such as age, condition
take advantage of desirable geographical features,
and size. Using these attributes and their tables, you will be
like a strategic choke point, or an ideal high-ground
able to build out the basic information for your capital. Some
posting. As the location proved itself, it grew which,
attributes might have an effect on others via modifiers which are
in turn, created a stronger hold, and so on.
written into the tables. For example, the condition of the capital
modifies its population wealth. 10 Prison. The site was originally a holding colony
for criminals but, over time, events transpired
Keep in mind that any modifiers are completely optional and
allowing the place to become a legitimate city in its
are not required if you have an existing vision for your capital.
own right. Was this thanks to a successful revolt?
When rolling for outcomes with modifiers, results of 0 or a
Or perhaps the kingdom that held the prison colony
negative number should be considered an outcome of 1. Equally
was conquered and the colony was left to its own
so, outcomes over the highest number on a given table should
devices? Maybe something made the colony’s
be considered equal to the highest possible number (i.e. on a d20
kingdom change its mind and legitimize it?
table, a 24 would be a 20).
11 Agriculture. Once a dense farming community,
Origin it’s production was such that wealth and population
rapidly grew, necessitating the need for a larger
What was this place before it became the capital? How did it presence.
become one? Learning how a place started out can help to inform
why things are in their current state. Roll below to discover your 12 Magical. The capital was founded around
capital’s origin. something related to magic (perhaps a theory,
rumor, or massive spell event). The draw of the
d12 Origin original idea proved to be very strong indeed.
1 First Settlement. This location was the first one
settled in the region, and continued to grow as a Age
central location, outpacing all others. How old is the capital? It may have been built up gradually
2 Holy City. The site was of religious significance, over decades, even centuries, or its inception could have been
and was settled with the intent of growing it into a a monumental effort over a shorter period of time. The older a
capital. capital is, the more time people have had to find it, join it, and
settle down.
3 Military Camp. A force, with a lengthy posting in
the region, struck their tents in favor of permanent Age and C apit al Lay o u t .
Throughout history, the peoples of the world have
4 Invading Occupation. The settlement was continuously learned, adapted, and changed their minds
previously smaller and of little significance. It about how to plan and structure the places in which they
was sacked and conquered by an invading force, are going to live. You can consider this when thinking about
who chose to make the place their own centre of your capital’s layout. Older cities may be more disorganized,
operations, for better or worse. developing organically with little thought given to creating
5 Natural Progression - Trading Post. The capital an easy system by which to get around. Younger ones may
was originally a trading post which attracted enough have been developed with more forethought, possibly
business to warrant expansion. It managed to grow designed with something like a grid or wheel-and-spoke
layout to make navigation easier.
to the point where it held commercial power over
the entire region. That being said, given that many of these settlements
resemble the Middle-Ages (or older), it could also be that
6 Resurrected Ruins. The capital is built on the
those developing your capital (even if it is young) may
bones of an ancient capital city. Those first exploring
simply not have known to try structuring the city in this way.
pioneers knew of its former glory, and sought to use
the remnants of history to their advantage.
7 Homegrown Inspiration. A tiny village gradually
blossomed into a great community. They became a
beacon, looked to by all others in the region.
8 Haven. The location attracted multitudes of people
seeking refuge from external crisis. They could
have been persecuted by some great oppressor or,
perhaps, they fled a natural disaster. Conversely, the
newcomers could have been a society of rebels or
pirates who desired an independent settlement of
their own.

208 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

d10 Age P o pu lat io n C apac it y
1-2 Recent. The capital’s final work was completed There are certainly examples of cities and capitals that had
within the past 10 years. vast populations, both historical and fictional, which could
(-2 to population density roll) range from the hundreds of thousands to over a million. A
few examples of this would be Rome, whose population was
3-4 Established. The capital has been around for at over 450,000, and ancient Baghdad reached over a million.
least 10, but up to 100, years.
(-1 to population density roll)
O pt io nal T ab le
5-6 Mature. The capital has been around at least 100, The following table can help you increase or decrease the
but up to 300, years. amount of people your settlement has structures to support.
(+0 to population density roll) Feel free to roll, or choose what you feel is appropriate.
7-8 Old. The capital has been around for 300 to 1000 Take the number of people your settlement has structures
years. to support (i.e. ‘Very Small’ has structures to support around
8,000 people) and change it by the stated amount.
(+1 to population density roll)
9-10 Ancient. The capital is older than living, and Note: If you are using a campaign or story setting with city
possibly even recorded, memory. population information available, you can use those as
reference for how many people tend to be in that world’s
(+2 to population density roll) cities or capitals.

Size d20 Population Capacity

Capital cities are among the most impressively huge places 1 Half. Divide the number by 2.
someone would ever visit. Historically, only a few great cities
2-3 Half-again. Multiply the number by 1.5.
held hundreds of thousands of people.
4-10 Double. Multiply the number by 2.
Your capital can encompass an area bigger or smaller, depending
on what feels right for you. Roll on the table to get an idea of the 11-14 Triple. Multiply the number by 3.
physical space your capital occupies.
15-17 Quintuple. Multiply the number by 5.
I m po r t ant : S iz e ≠ P o pu lat io n! 18-19 Ten-fold increase. Multiply the number by 10.
Your capital’s size refers to the physical space it occupies, 20 20-fold increase. Multiply the number by 20.
and the capacity of its structures (how many people it could
likely support, under ideal circumstances). It does not mean
there are actually that many people. You could have a very
large capital with a sparse population. That just means lots
of vacant buildings or open spaces.

d20 Size
1-2 Very Small. Structures in the capital are likely able
to support up to 20,000 people.
(-4 to number of districts roll)
3-6 Small. Structures in the capital are able to support
around 35,000 people.
(-1 to number of districts roll)
7-14 Medium. Structures in the capital are able to
support around 50,000 people.
(+0 to number of districts roll)
15-18 Large. Structures in the capital are able to support
around 100,000 people.
(+2 to number of districts roll)
19-20 Very Large. Structures in the capital are able to
support over 150,000 people or more.
(+6 to number of districts roll)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 209

Capitals are the biggest of the big. The time, resources, and effort
extended in order to not only build but sustain a place like this,
demands careful thought when it comes to its placement. Think
about this when you find out what environment yours will be
in. How was it built here? What might it look like? Why would a
key city like this be in this particular place? Where did the people
come from?
The tables and options available in this book are designed
to allow settlements to be placed anywhere, regardless of
environment. If you have an environment in mind for your
settlement already, feel free to skip, or manually select from, this

d10 Environment
1 Coastal. The capital is near a large body of water,
such as a lake or ocean.
2 Forest. The capital is nestled among the trees.
3 Mountains. The capital is found on stony passes or
soaring peaks.
4 Plains. The capital is in the wide open fields.
5 River. The capital is near a steadily flowing stream,
or other watercourse.
6 Swamp. The capital is in, or near, a vast area of
stagnant water.
7 Underground. The capital is within a large network
of caves.
8 Valley. The capital is found within, or on the edge
of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
landscape around it.
9 Tundra. The capital is in a very cold environment.
10 Desert. The capital is in a dry and arid environment,
likely covered with vast sand dunes.

W at er
Regardless of environment, one critical element to any
settlement is water. The fact that the place exists is evidence
that they are getting water somehow, but what that might be
may not be obvious. This can be a creative challenge for you.
Perhaps your settlement is in a desert, or deep in a forest.
Perhaps they have deep wells? Maybe they actually purchase
water from elsewhere? Or it could even be that it’s generated
magically. Either way, a plentiful source of water is an
important thing to think about.

210 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Outside the Capital d100 Outside the Capital
Capitals are places developed with some purpose, or direction, 65-68 Exploration. Explorers have been investigating
in mind. There may well be elements of infrastructure they something at this site, a fair distance outside the
would rather construct outside the capital, instead of within its capital.
bounds. Some places, like farms or resource gathering operations,
typically belong outside of an urban setting out of necessity.
1-3: The exploration is still active.
Roll on the table below to see what, if anything, is outside the 4-6: It has been abandoned/completed.
capital proper.
69-73 Family Estate. A wealthy family’s large estate is
situated in the neighboring countryside.
T h at ’ s N o t All, F o lk s !
74-78 Makeshift Settlement. A large mass of hovels,
The locations rolled on this table are not necessarily the only
lean-tos, tents, and other improvised shelters have
locations outside the city but are, instead, the prominent
been built in the shadow of the capital’s walls. Why?
ones. If you imagine part of the population living out there,
Do the leaders and residents care?
or other things not listed here, by all means incorporate
those into your vision. 79-82 Medical Camp. A set of makeshift or, depending
on the nature of what is being treated, permanent
Capital Size Number of Outside the Capital Rolls structures have been erected to tend to, or even
quarantine, the sick or injured.
Very Small 5
83-87 Prison. Some sort of structure out here has been
Small 4 designated for holding prisoners or captives (for
Medium 3 whatever reason) either temporarily or, perhaps,
much longer term.
Large 2
88-91 Subterranean Warrens. Something is under the
Very Large 1 capital (below even the sewer system, if the capital
has one). These could be the ruins of another city,
d100 Outside the Capital the crude dwelling place of simple beasts, or the
residence of another active civilization.
1-20 None. If you have any remaining rolls to make on
this table, proceed with them. [d6]:
1-3: It is known to the capital.
21-30 Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, 4-6: It is not known about.
providing food grown for the capital, are found on
the nearest hospitable land under its control. 92-95 Tended Nature. An area of nature outside the
capital has been preserved and tended to. This
31-40 Farming [Livestock]. A group of farms, providing may be a park, preserved forest, animal reserve, or
livestock for the capital, are found on the nearest something else. It may, or may not, be controlled by
hospitable land under its control. the capital.
41-50 Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape 96-99 Training Grounds. Land was set aside for the
and available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, training of large groups of people. If the capital has
etc.), a logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to its own military force, they may use this. It could also
the capital, has been built nearby to harvest them, be under the leadership of a mercenary company.
which it then uses or sells.
100 Unusable. This area cannot be used, for some
51-55 Barrows. An area devoted to burial sites. reason. There may have been a disaster with
56-59 Caravan Community. A nomadic group of people lingering effects, or perhaps a past enemy has salted
have taken to living on the surrounding land nearby. the ground. There may be foul beasts or monsters
Does the capital’s leadership have an issue with residing there, or some magical deterrent. One way
this? What about its residents? or another, folks don’t come here anymore.

60-64 Event Grounds. Tended grounds for games, duels,

ceremonies, or other events.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 211

Stewardship d20 Stewardship
A capital is a leader among settlements, and can be an example 11-16 Adequate. The capital’s fundamental elements are
of what to do, or what not to do. Managing a capital city is a all taken care of relatively competently, but some
monumental effort, and is never the work of a single person. room for improvement still exists. Lack of resources
Good stewardship of something on this scale requires attention or involvement in more pressing matters, such
to detail, a finger on the pulse of the city, and an understanding as external conflicts or disaster management, are
not only of what the city needs, but also how to prioritize if not possible explanations.
all those needs can be met at once. This includes collecting taxes,
(+0 to general condition roll)
maintaining streets and utilities (if any), and having enough
(+0 to population wealth roll)
people to fill all necessary roles and offices. If any of these are
(+0 to law enforcement roll)
lacking, it can quickly have a visible impact on the capital itself.
Stewardship (or lack thereof) can be demonstrated through 17-19 Managed. The capital’s fundamental elements are
the state of roads and buildings, as well as in the visibility or all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is
number of guards. It can also be seen in the overall welfare of the responsible is doing an admirable job.
resident population. Evidence of poor stewardship may also lie (+1 to general condition roll)
hidden beneath the surface. It is possible, if a shift in leadership (+3 to population wealth roll)
or priorities has taken place, for things to still look as if they are (+4 to law enforcement roll)
going very well, even if they are headed in a disagreeable direction.
20 Disciplined. The capital’s fundamental elements
d20 Stewardship are firmly in hand, providing what it needs to
perform at peak functionality. There is little to
1 Neglected. All of the fundamental elements of no room for improvement. Whoever is managing
the capital are being ignored, or are unable to be things is doing so expertly.
(+5 to general condition roll)
(-7 to general condition roll) (+6 to population wealth roll)
(-13 to population wealth roll) (+8 to law enforcement roll)
(-9 to law enforcement roll)
2-4 Minimal. The fundamental elements of the capital
are being tended to, but at the bare minimum.
This may be because of inexperienced leadership,
misplaced priorities, lack of resources, or simple
laziness, to name a few possible reasons.
(-4 to general condition roll)
(-6 to population wealth roll)
(-5 to law enforcement roll)
5-10 Passing. The capital’s fundamental elements are
taken care of to a serviceable degree, though an
inequality of attention is noticeable, and some
areas seem to take priority over others. It could be
that resources are not plentiful enough to cover
everything, but those in charge are doing the best
they can.
(-1 to general condition roll)
(-3 to population wealth roll)
(-2 to law enforcement roll)

212 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

General Condition Fortification
A capital’s general condition is of particular concern because Fortifications are the structural defenses surrounding
these cities tend to represent a people overall, and so act as their the capital proper. Those who live there do so within these
face to the world. boundaries. The more heavily fortified the capital, the more
likely it is that the residents will feel happy (or, at least, safe in
General condition is the overall state the capital is in. It is also
their beds from outside invaders or influences).
the foundation upon which the districts are built upon and exist
within. While individual districts may deviate slightly from the
d20 Fortification
norm, the general condition is the baseline for everything. If the
capital as a whole is in a state of squalor, a district can only be 1 Unfortified. The capital is exposed on all sides, save
elevated so much before the city’s universal issues bring it down. for any barriers created by the presence of buildings
General condition is significant because it gives important visual or natural land formations. There may still be gates
cues, and is one of the first things to make an impression upon across main thoroughfares, but no fortification of
visitors, such as parties of adventurers. substance surrounds the city.
Modified by: stewardship (-5 to disposition roll)

d20 General Condition 2-8 Lightly Fortified. The capital has bare-bones
fortifications which are a minimal obstacle for
1 Squalid. The capital is in a deplorable state. Things enemy forces, but are adequate to deter wild
are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who doesn’t animals. A simple gate, which can be barred in the
live there, seems positively unlivable. Most of evenings, sits astride the main road.
the buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in
(+1 to disposition roll)
terrible need of help.
(-2 to district condition rolls) 9-15 Fortified. The capital is surrounded by a substantial
wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled
2-4 Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a widespread by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the capital
state of disrepair, though some token effort may pass through a main gate that can be barred in the
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably evenings. A few watch towers may be placed around
packed dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, the city, though are likely sporadic.
rutted or muddy. Structures have likely received
(+3 to disposition roll)
similar low levels of care, though there could be
some disparity. 16-19 Heavily Fortified. The capital is surrounded
(-1 to district condition rolls) by a heavy wall of wood or stone with several
watchtowers built along its length. The gate is
5-12 Decent. The capital is passable. While not offensive double-thickness and reinforced with metal bands.
to the senses of one that is well traveled, it could There are additional watchtowers built at various
still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations. points throughout the surrounding countryside.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
(+5 to disposition roll)
generally functional.
(+0 to district condition rolls) 20 Extremely Fortified. The capital is surrounded
by an imposing wall of wood or stone, with many
13-19 Impressive. The capital is well taken care of, fully-staffed watchtowers at regular intervals along
and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures its length. The gate is double-thickness, reinforced
are maintained, though signs of wear may still with metal bands, augmented with a portcullis, and
be apparent. It feels lived-in, but of a respectable is always manned. A supplementary wall of wood
quality in every regard. or stone encompasses the surrounding countryside,
(+1 to district condition rolls) with its own watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out
without the watch’s knowledge or permission.
20 Magnificent. The capital is incredible. Cleanliness,
(+7 to disposition roll)
maintenance and structural integrity are all of the
highest standard. Loving attention seems to have
been lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
(+2 to district condition rolls)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 213

Market Square Merchant Overflow
All capitals have a non-district market square where typical Does the capital allow merchants to sell outside the capital itself?
goods can be found, though by no means is this all it has to offer.
d4 Overflow
d6 Market Square
1 Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed to set up stalls
1-2 Tight. Only room for a few vendor stalls. outside the town. City guards will enforce this.
3-4 Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls. (+1 to law enforcement roll)
5-6 Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. 2 Unpatrolled. Excess vendors are allowed to set up stalls
but, as the city watch do not patrol or monitor these areas,
Vendor Stall Acquisition the risk is higher. The spaces available are unkempt.

If a vendor would like to set up a stall in the market square, how 3 Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to set up stalls,
do they go about finding a space? and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the areas
themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.
d6 Vendor Stall Acquisition 4 Encouraged. Excess vendors are encouraged to set up
1 First Come, First Served - No Fee. Merchants line stalls outside the capital, if they are unable to get a spot
up prior to market day. Those at the front of the line in the square. There are maintained areas available for
are given the spaces. No fees are charged. use, and are provided on a first-come, first-served basis.
When in use by vendors, this area is regularly patrolled,
2 First Come, First Served - Fee. Merchants line up if law enforcement personnel can be spared.
prior to market day. Those at the front of the line are
given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided
they can pay the fee for the day.
Underground Passages
Are there any structures or passages through the underside of
3 Lease. Merchants pay in advance (sometimes far
the city? Perhaps the capital has expanded on top of previously
in advance) for the right to a space in the market
existing tunnels that pre-date the current settlement, or passages
were an intended addition on the original plans. More intriguing
4 Bid. Prior to market day, the spaces are auctioned off. still, perhaps secret throughways have been constructed in the
more recent past, and their existence is not widely known...
5 Sponsored Referral Only - No Fee. A stall may only
be acquired if the vendor is sponsored by a citizen d20 Underground Passages
of the capital. The sponsor assumes responsibility
for the vendor. The space is granted once proof of 1-4 None. There are no significant passages underneath
sponsorship is submitted and approved. the capital.

6 Sponsored Referral Only - Fee. A stall may only be 5-14 Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, and trenches lies
acquired once the vendor pays a fee, and the vendor beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition upon
is sponsored by a citizen of the capital. The sponsor that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently.
assumes responsibility for the vendor. The space is They may pre-date the current capital city.
granted once payment and proof of sponsorship is 15-17 Natural Caves. Below the capital, natural cave
submitted and approved. systems can be found that may, or may not, have
been discovered yet.
18-19 Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist beneath the
capital. This could be for maintenance, defensive,
or clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have
been purpose-built for the current settlement. They
could potentially have been dug by enemy forces,
either recently or long ago.
20 Forgotten Crypts. Old burial chambers and tombs
are housed deep beneath the capital, likely unknown
to the general populace.

214 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Step 2: Government & High Leadership Unity
Are those in charge, along with their executors and subordinates,
Society presenting a unified front, or do they appear divided? Roll on the
following table to learn how unified the rulership is.
A critical difference between capitals and cities is that a capital is
the driving force behind its society. Its greatest defining feature W h o Ar e W e T alk ing Ab o u t ?
is being a nexus of power. Due to this difference, leadership gains
a place of prominence. If your leadership is a single person, the following relates to
that person and one (or a few) of the people close to them,
Closely affiliated with the government is high society. The very such as advisors or relatives directly involved in ruling. If
powerful (or very rich) tend to be drawn to these places as centers rule is shared, the following relates only to the ruling group
of control. Being close often makes it easier to influence matters itself (in the case of a large group, such as a senate, perhaps
that could affect their position. consider it being a few of them, or thinking about things
such as factions with leaders).
Who controls the capital? Roll on the table below to see what d20 Leadership Unity
kind of leadership is present.
1 Rank Animosity. There is open and blatant
hostility. Outbursts, threats, and physical violence
d100 Leadership
are possible (or, even, common).
1-15 Elected Council. Prominent members of the
community were chosen to lead the capital collectively. 2-3 Thinly-Veiled Discord. There is barely disguised
hostility. Muttering, sarcasm, and spiteful
16-30 Governor. The locals democratically voted for their comments are likely, but blatant actions, such as
current leader. yelling or violence, has not occurred.
31-45 Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by 4-6 Strained. Tension can be felt in the room, and
virtue of their bloodline. overly polite disagreements are frequent.
46-60 Merchant Monarch. The wealthiest merchant in the 7-9 Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just be that
capital leads by default. (Regardless of population someone is having a bad day.
wealth, they are, at least, considered wealthy.)
10-14 Calm. Things are peaceful.
(When rolling districts, choose Merchant District
for one of them) 15-17 Close-Knit. Communication is open. Disagreements
are constructive.
61-75 Military Officer. The capital is controlled by a
current or ex-leader of a military group. They may 18-19 Accord. Most of those involved are on the same
have been elected or taken control by force, such as wavelength, and can often anticipate one another.
part of a coup. (+1 to law enforcement roll) 20 United. The bond between those in power is pretty
76-90 Oligarchy. A few top individuals hold sway, ironclad. They are all of one mind, wholly and
collectively, over the capital. equally committed to one vision.

[Roll 1d4]:
1: merchants (plutocracy);
2: mages (magocracy);
3: priests (theocracy);
4: other small group.
(When rolling districts, choose one that best fits your
91-99 Underworld or Criminal Enterprise. A criminal,
or group of criminals, either publicly, or privately,
controls the capital.
-2 to general crime roll)
(Roll on organized crime table regardless of
general crime table result)
100 Anarcho-Syndicalist Commune. The members of
the capital take turns as a sort of executive officer
for the week.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 215

Governing Priority Priority Approach
What is of greatest importance to those running the capital? By what means does the leadership attempt to further their
priority when dealing with other entities outside the capital?
d10 Governing Priority
d8 Priority Approach
1 Humanitarian. The leadership’s goal is to truly do
right by its people. Care and compassion are their 1 Peaceable (Strong). An agreeable stance is taken,
highest priorities. preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible,
through negotiating and dealing for the best non-
2 Control. Absolute control is of utmost importance.
aggressive outcome.
All decisions are made with the aim of maintaining
an iron grip on the capital and its people. 2-4 Peaceable (Moderate). An agreeable stance is
taken unless heavily provoked, when an aggressive
(+1 to military force roll)
response is carefully deliberated. Deals and
3 Isolationist. The capital has no desire to get negotiations are preferred, but shows of force, or
involved in the dealings of other sovereign entities. use of leverage, are not completely unheard of.
They are open and clear about this.
5-7 Aggressive (Moderate). A defensive stance is taken,
4 Expansionist. The capital wishes to expand its though opportunity is provided for good faith. If
reach, bringing more regions into itself. that opportunity is squandered, dealings can become
(+1 to military force roll) much more difficult. Shows of force are typically
relied upon but peaceful or, at least, agreeable
5 Cloak & Dagger. The government heavily favors resolutions are usually considered.
pursuing its goals through the liberal use of secrecy
and intrigue. These operations could be secret to 8 Aggressive (Strong). A defensive stance is taken,
all but the inner circle, or the use of these types assuming and preparing for conflict at all times.
of operations may be blatant and open within the Negotiation is considered only if the offer is
governing body itself. extremely appealing. More often than not, the
preference is to use ultimatums or physical force.
(When rolling for spy network size, 1-16 = Few)
6 Economic. The capital’s leadership concerns itself Priority Success
largely with economic prosperity, with the further How successful has the leadership been in pursuing its priority?
acquisition of wealth and resources the deciding
factor in matters of state. d20 Priority Success
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Market District’ as
1 Failing. The leadership has been unsuccessful in
one of them)
achieving anything meaningful in relation to their
7 Enlightenment. The leadership prides itself on priority. Every success that furthers the priority
intelligence and wisdom, typically making choices is not the doing of the leadership, and likely came
that preserve culture and heritage, or reinforce the about in spite of the leadership’s actions.
community’s access to knowledge and understanding.
2-4 Mediocre. The leadership has made small steps in
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Scholar District’ as realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single
one of them) milestone.
8 Industry & Innovation. Those in charge are 5-14 Successful. The leadership has been successful at
intent on staying ahead of the curve, pursuing and pursuing its priority, achieving several of its overall
prioritizing modernization and new practical ideas goals.
in an effort to make the capital, and its people, more
15-19 Very Successful. The leadership has made great
productive and efficient.
strides at achieving its initial vision, and looks like
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Industrial District’ their success will continue.
as one of them)
20 Incredibly Successful. The leadership has
9 Release. Those at the top do not actually want to be gone above and beyond in pursuit of its priority,
in power. Perhaps they were elected and carried to achieving more than it ever thought possible.
the position by momentum, or they inherited it from
birth. They might have simply been an individual (or
group) the people rallied behind, but never desired
to rule. Now, they just want out.
10 Religious. The leadership is dedicated to a deity
(or deities) and to following their tenets and core
(When rolling districts, choose ‘Temple District’ for
one of them)

216 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Lifestyle & Residence Lifestyle
How those in power live their life (and where they spend their How does the leader in question go about their life? Do they
money) says a lot about them and their values, and may influence throw wealth around and act frivolously? Or perhaps they are
their immediate surrounding area. We can glean interesting frugal and reserved?
information about these people by looking at how they live
(lifestyle), where they live (residence) and why they live the way Roll once on the table below for each leader your settlement has.
they do (intent).
d20 Lifestyle
You will find tables below which reflect these three things. Roll
once on each for your leader(s) or any key individuals you might 1-2 Humble. The leader requires only what is necessary
have involved in the capital’s government (the number of which to live and function basically. Minimal attention is
is up to you). paid to their comfort.

Keep in mind that a roll applies to a specific person in the (-6 to residence roll)
leadership (and their immediate family, unless you decide 3-10 Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is unassuming,
otherwise). If you have multiple leaders (such as a committee), but comfortable, appropriate to one in their position.
you would roll for each (or, perhaps, group them) as they wouldn’t
necessarily all live the same way. (+0 to residence roll)
11-15 Distinguished. The leader aspires to quality and
H o w M any Leader s ? high-functionality, but without concern for needless
luxury or vanity.
Certain types of leadership have multiple people in power
at the same time (council, oligarchy, criminal enterprise (+0 to residence roll)
etc.). You get to choose exactly how many commanding
16-17 Exquisite. The leader quietly enjoys the luxuries
individuals there are (we recommend low-single digits).
afforded to one in their lofty position, and presents a
If you have multiple leaders, roll for each when rolling on
refined, well-maintained appearance.
lifestyle (unless you want them living in the same place),
residence and intent. (+1 to residence roll)
18-19 Luxurious. The leader takes unrestrained advantage
of the comforts and luxuries available to one in their
position, and presents a striking, or flamboyant,
(+2 to residence roll)
20 Ostentatious. The leader revels in comfort and
luxury, probably to excess, or endeavours to project
such an image. They aim to inspire awe and jealousy
in all who see them.
(+3 to residence roll)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 217

Residence W h er e t o P u t T h em ?
In what kind of residence does the leader (or leaders) live? Given the multiple configurations, environments and
Roll once on the table below for each leader your settlement has. situations in which your settlement can be imagined in,
it would be difficult to dictate where your leadership’s
d10 Residence residences should be placed. However, we would suggest
waiting to place them until you’ve figured out your capital’s
1 Modest House. The leader’s residence is just enough districts. Once you’ve done this, you’ll have an idea of the
to accommodate their needs. This may garner condition and wealth of different places in the city, which
positivity among the poor or frugal, but may also areas are most trafficked, where they stay away from, etc.
draw derision from the wealthy or extravagant. These elements could give you ideas about where these
2 Large House. The leader’s residence is large enough residences could be placed.
to make an impression and, potentially, have some Always remember that the descriptions are suggestions.
spare rooms. If you picture a ‘Small Estate’ as different to what we’ve
written here, we encourage you to follow where your
3 Small Mansion. The leader’s residence likely
imagination takes you!
has several spare rooms, as well as space for a
recreational room or two.
4 Large Mansion. The leader’s residence likely has Intent
many spare rooms, as well as plenty of space for Why does a given leader live the lifestyle that they do?
recreational rooms.
Roll once on the table below for each leader your settlement has.
5 Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The leader’s
main residence is notable, and on a small amount of d20 Intent
land. The property is likely bordered with hedges,
1-8 Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
fencing, or a wall.
they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live
6 Small Estate (Outside the Capital). The leader’s this way. This (whether positive or negative) might
main residence is notable, with generous grounds, be based on influences from their life, such as how
large enough to graze livestock or ride for leisure. The they were raised, or even a sense of entitlement.
property may or may not be walled, depending on the
9-13 Positive Deception. The individual would not
danger of the area and the disposition of the resident.
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because
7 Large Estate (Inside the Capital). The leader’s they believe it will have a positive impact, such as
main residence is substantial, and surrounded by inspiring those who see them.
modest grounds. Staff probably have apartments
14-18 Negative Deception. The individual would not
within the property. The property is likely bordered
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of
with hedges, fencing, or a wall.
selfish motives, or because they are somehow being
8 Large Estate (Outside the Capital). The leader’s forced into this lifestyle against their will.
main residence is substantial, with considerable
19-20 Unknown Alternative. The individual is living this
grounds large enough to graze large quantities of
lifestyle because they simply do not really know (or
livestock, or even hunt. Staff probably have small
have forgotten) how to live any other way.
dwellings on the property. The property may, or may
not, be walled, depending on the danger in the area
and the desires of the residents.
9 Palace (Inside the Capital). The leader’s main
residence is grand and palatial, with a great many
opulent and comfortable rooms. It occupies a
significant amount of the land in the capital. Staff
probably have their own wing, or floor, within
the property. The palace is designed as a luxury
residence, not a defensible military structure.
10 Palace (Outside the Capital). The leader’s main
residence is grand and palatial, with a great many
opulent and comfortable rooms, as well as massive
amounts of land used for a mixture of practical
and leisurely uses. The estate also contains multiple
smaller dwellings, probably for staff. The palace
is designed as a luxury residence, not a defensible
military structure.

218 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Connections Intrigue & Espionage
No capital is an island (unless, of course, it is an island...). With governmental, as well as political and social, interests
Growth, productivity, and survival are all made easier with that may overlap or be in opposition, the desire for reliable and
help from trusted allies. On the other hand, these things exclusive intelligence increases. Knowledge is usually power,
become exponentially more difficult with bitter enemies. power is often money, but talk isn’t always cheap. The following
Connections represent both allies and enemies, and rolling on tables determine different aspects of the intelligence gathering
the following two tables will tell you how many there are, and operations the capital may be involved in (as well as those it may
what the relationship is. These connections could be other cities be the target of). Each of the following tables is from the capital’s
or capitals, foreign powers, organisations or even powerful perspective (i.e. The capital’s spy network size)
individuals - the choice is yours.
Spy Network Size
Number of Connections How many spies does the capital have in the field?
How many entities is the capital involved with? Roll on the table Note: If governing priority is ‘Cloak & Dagger’, treat all rolls of
below to find out. 1-16 as ‘Modest’.
d4 Number of Connections d20 Spy Network Size
1 One. 1-10 None. The capital is not engaged in any intelligence
2 Two. gathering operations.
(Skip to counterintelligence on p. 220.)
3 Three.
11-16 Modest. The capital has up to a few spies working
4 Four. outside its borders.

S ignif ic ant C o nnec t io ns 17-19 Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen spies
working outside its borders.
It would be realistic to think that a capital would have
far more than four connections to outside entities. We 20 Ample. The capital has over a dozen spies working
have limited to four for the purposes of keeping things outside its borders.
manageable. These 1-4 connections are intended to be
the significant ones that would potentially have the most
tangible effect on the capital, or be the source of major plot
points. It is actually very likely that your capital has a dozen
or more minor connections and relationships, but we will
leave those up to you.

Connection Relation
How does the capital’s leadership view their connections? Roll
on the table below for each connection received in the number of
connections table.

d4 Connection Relation
1 Enemy - Hated. The relationship is bitter and,
barring an amazing turn of events, unsalvageable.
This hatred could have stemmed from a perceived
(or actual) insult, an attack, or opposing interests.
2 Enemy - Friendly. Relations are civil enough, but
there is a fundamental and irreconcilable rivalry,
or difference of opinion, that prevents any real
3 Ally - With Reservations. The entity is considered
a friend, but treated with care, possibly not fully
trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove
their loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle.
4 Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and unlikely
to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 219

Infiltration Depth Counterintelligence
How deeply embedded are the spies in their current placements? How many operatives are devoted to finding and dealing with
Each entry in the table below will have the following: spies within the capital?
- Goals and pursuits for spies at that level
d20 Counterintelligence
- Repercussions for the spy (individual) and the capital
(their employer) if operations were discovered by an 1-10 None. The capital does not have counterintelligence
unsympathetic party. operatives working within its borders.(Skip to
notable visitors on p. 221.)
Note: Each successive level of depth assumes the previous levels’
goals and repercussions are included and active. (Reroll if governing priority is ‘Cloak & Dagger’)
(Skip counterintelligence effectiveness table.)
d20 Infiltration Depth
11-16 Modest. The capital has up to a few operatives
1-10 General. working within its borders.
Goals: Gathering general intelligence involving 17-19 Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen operatives
identification of key places, figures, routines and working within its borders.
20 Ample. The capital has over a dozen operatives
Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity working within its borders.
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information
about discovered spy’s efforts. Counterintelligence Watchfulness
11-15 Deep. If the capital has counterintelligence operations, how observant
Goals: Ingratiating selves with individual targets, are they?
monitoring and noting relationships and actively
guarded information. d20 Counterintelligence Watchfulness

Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity, 1-10 Passing. Obvious threats to the capital are found
imprisonment/ransom or attempts to turn operative and dealt with. Threats with any serious degree of
subtlety (if there are any) go undetected.
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information
about discovered spy’s efforts, difficult negotiations. 11-15 Wary. Efforts are diligent and concerted, though not
taken to extreme. Moderate efforts at secrecy are
16-19 Immersed. often caught and dealt with.
Goals: Establishing and building deeper connections
16-19 Vigilant. Pursuit of threats is ongoing and
with key figures.
thorough. Skilled efforts at secrecy are often caught
Repercussions: Individual - mortal peril or possible and dealt with.
attempts to turn operative
20 Paranoid. Caution could not be higher. All potential
National - ultimatums, deals highly in favor of the threats are taken seriously and investigated with
target. utmost dedication. Even the very best efforts at
20 Embroiled. secrecy are often discovered. However, this zealous
level of caution can lead to interrogation (or even
Goals: Deep cover into the heart of the target’s incarceration) of innocents, if care and restraint are
operations, gaining the highest levels of trust, not shown.
achieving positions of power within the target’s
Repercussions: Individual - mortal peril
National - war.

220 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Notable Visitors Reason for Visit
A capital is a busy place and, at any given time, it is quite possible Why is the visitor in the capital? Roll once on the table below for
there are noteworthy people visiting from a foreign location each visitor.
(outside the capital and immediate territory).
d20 Reason for Visit
Roll on the following tables to determine how many visitors
there are, what their roles are, and the reasons for their visit. 1 Escape. They are trying to get away from something.
2 Diplomacy. They are here to negotiate some kind of
Number of Notable Visitors agreement.
How many notable visitors are in the capital at the moment? 3 Looking for Fun. They came here to enjoy
d4 Number of Notable Visitors
4 An Important Meeting. They are here for a critical
1 One. meeting with an individual or group.
2 Two. 5 Grudge. They are here looking to settle a score.
3 Three. 6 Tricked. They wound up here after being deceived.
4 Four. 7 Visiting an Old Friend. They are in the capital to
meet with someone they haven’t seen in a long time.
Visitor Roles 8 In Need of Help. They are beset by a problem and
Who or what is the visitor? Roll once on the table below for each have come here looking for aid.
9 Lost. They wound up here trying to find their way
somewhere else.
d20 Visitor Roles
10 Took Wrong Transportation. They wound up here
1 Escaped Prisoner
thinking they were traveling to another location.
2 Ambassador They’re now lost.
3 Banker 11 Angry. They’re upset about something, and are
looking to deal with it.
4 Ruler’s Child
12 Interesting Place. Word of a noteworthy place
5 Ruler’s Spouse
reached them, and they mean to see it.
6 Ruler
13 Seeking Advice. They are here to gain
7 Explorer understanding about an issue that has been affecting
8 Assassin
14 Following Prophecy. They are here because they
9 Famed Craftsperson
feel they were meant to be.
10 Priest or Priestess
15 Had a Vision. They saw something in a dream that
11 Adventurer involved coming here.
12 Scribe 16 Lost a Bet. The visitor is here for some particular,
unpleasant reason as the losing penalty of a wager.
13 Bard/Storyteller
17 Doing a Favor. A friend or loved one asked them to
14 Military Commander come here and resolve some kind of business.
15 Soldier 18 Collecting a Debt. Someone owes the visitor (or
16 Messenger someone connected to them), and it’s time to collect.

17 Spy 19 Looking for a Change. They are here because they

want to change something significant in their life.
18 Sentient Small Monster
20 On the Hunt. They are in pursuit of someone or
19 Sentient Large Monster something.
20 Otherworldly Being

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 221

Military Recruitment Type
Strength of arms, as well as an ability to defend itself from What is the preferred method for enlistment in the forces? This
external threats, are integral to the sustainable existence of a does not necessarily mean it is the only method used, as many
capital city. This is usually in the form of some kind of militia. employ a mix of the options below, but may account for the
Your capital may or may not have a military force but, if it largest portion of servicepeople. It could, instead, be the method
does, its presence may affect operations significantly. Roll on the by which they obtain their very best troops, focusing on quality
tables below to learn about the different aspects of your capital’s instead of quantity.
d6 Recruitment Type

Military Force 1 Mercenary. The force is bought and paid for until
such time as their contract ends, at which point the
Does the capital have a military force? One is not always mercenaries renew or move on.
necessary, and some leaders may choose to go without. Roll on
the table below to see. 2 Mandatory. Law states all able-bodied citizens must
spend a certain amount of time serving in the military.
Modified by: governing priority (control or expansionist)
3 Volunteer. Forces are made up of individuals who
d6 Military Force joined up willingly, and of their own volition.
1-2 No. The capital does not employ its own military 4 Hand-Picked. The capital hand picks individuals
force. from its populace, based on certain criteria.
(Skip to nobility on p. 224.) 5 Criminals. Convicts are enlisted, either as a
3-6 Yes. The capital has some kind of military force. compulsory part of their sentence or, quite possibly,
voluntarily, as a way of commuting their sentences.
(Continue onto next table.)
6 Conscripted. Troops are levied from regions owing
fealty to the capital. This type of conscription is
Standing or disbanded? typically for a specific purpose which, once fulfilled,
What is the current state of the military force? disbands, so troops can return to their homelands.

d6 Standing or disbanded?
Size of Force
1-3 Disbanded. When the military is not on active How large is the military? Maintaining a military force is not
campaign, it disbands. While disbanded, members certainly not cheap, especially when one desires top efficiency.
may contribute to the city watch, work a trade, or The size of the force could strongly influence other aspects of
undertake any number of other activities, but can be the capital. If the population wealth is low and the general
called upon to reform at a moment’s notice. condition is bad, yet it manages to maintain a huge, well-
4-6 Standing. The capital’s military is ever at the ready fortified military, imagine what that says about the priority and
and active. Their training is ongoing, and they are attitude of the leaders, and about what the populous might think
kept well-supplied. They may double as a garrison about these.
for the capital or bolster city defenses.
d20 Size of Force.
1-4 Insignificant. The force’s size is extremely small,
likely requiring few commanding officers.
5-10 Modest. The force’s size is respectable, but not what
anyone would call large. Open warfare would likely
be risky.
11-16 Strong. The force’s size is large, and likely solid
enough to consider going into battle.
17-19 Grand. The force’s size is considerable. As massing
these kinds of numbers is uncommon, it would
likely have a numerical advantage in the field.
20 Vast. The force’s size is staggering and awe-
inspiring. Opposing nations may be loathe to risk
invasion or open conflict, for fear of being utterly

222 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Specialization Military Facilities
Many military forces have specialist units that are particularly What does the capital have in terms of places to house and train
effective in certain situations, or against particular targets. its forces?
Think about your capital and their priority as a society. Are Note: For illustrative purposes, if the facilities are located inside
they industrial? What is their attitude to magic? Perhaps they the city, these can be considered their own district, if they are of
breed excellent horses or other beasts? Maybe they’re just an appropriate size to warrant this.
incredibly savage! Use what you know already to flavor portions
of your armed forces. If you’re not sure (or would just like to d6 Military Facilities
keep things random), roll on the table below for some different
specializations: 1 Temporary Shelters Outside the Capital. This
encompasses tents for all troops, and few, quickly-
d20 Specialization built minimal structures. Training grounds have
been established in the landscape around the
1-9 None.
10 Mounted. A section of the military force is most
2 Simple Structures Outside the Capital. This
effective while riding.
encompasses bunkhouses for troops, and quarters
11 Engineering. A section of the military force uses for officers. Training grounds have been established
knowledge of materials and structure to exploit enemy in the landscape around the encampment.
weaknesses or create their own advantages. They may
3 Moderate Structures Outside the Capital. This
also employ devices such as explosives or traps.
encompasses barracks for the troops, and separate
12 Berserker. A section of the military force is made structures for officers. Training grounds are
up of warriors that hurl themselves fearlessly into equipped yards with light walls.
the fray, terrifying defenders and punching holes in 4 Simple Structures Inside the Capital. This
enemy lines.
encompasses barracks facilities for the troops, and
13 Covert. A section of the military force is trained quarters for officers. Training grounds are equipped
in subtlety, going behind enemy lines and drilling yards within light walls.
accomplishing tasks unsuited to large groups. 5 Moderate Structures Inside the Capital. This
14 Theatrics. A section of the military force uses encompasses well-equipped and outfitted barracks
display to distract enemy attention and sow chaos facilities, as well as quarters for officers. Training
(such as starting strategically-placed fires). grounds are well-maintained, with separate,
specialist facilities, all surrounded by moderate walls.
15 Magical. A section of the military force is made up
of magic-users, or arcane specialists are placed in 6 Robust Structures Inside the Capital. This
every squad. encompasses extremely well-equipped and outfitted
barracks facilities, and quarters for officers. Training
16 Biological. A section of the military force has grounds are expansive and contain anything that
expert knowledge of diseases and chemicals, could be required for high-level military training.
manufacturing and distributing disruptive, or even All is protected by heavy walls.
deadly, munitions.
17 Calculation. A section of the military force are
experts at analysis and coordination, increasing the
efficiency of the entire force.
18 Unconventional. A section of the military force
employs unorthodox thinking and methods, taking
advantage of the enemy’s preconceived notions to
achieve unexpected results.
19 Transport-Based. A section of the military force
are trained in warfare from a particular type of craft
(sailing vessels, airships, etc.).
20 Defensive. A section of the military force (or the
entire force) is weighted towards strong defense as
the best offense, favoring shields and unbreakable

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 223

Nobility d20 Primary Nobles

The nobility are a group of powerful people within society. 1 2

Whether by action or inheritance, these individuals have found 2-3 3
themselves at the top of the social pecking order.
4-6 4
D o n’ t W ant ‘ N o b ilit y ’ ? 7-10 5
Depending on what kind of society you’re imagining or the 11-14 6
parameters of the setting you’re using, you may not have
traditional nobility. In that case, simply treat ‘nobility’ as 15-17 7
whatever the top tier of the society may be. 18-19 8
20 9
Type of Nobility
The people in the upper echelons and the way nobility, or elite O pt io n: Les s er N o b les
status, is determined can differ from place to place. Perhaps you’re looking for a bit more granularity, and
Roll on the table below to see how it is determined in your capital. you want some tiers of nobility. Perhaps there are some
who are not as influential as the ‘primaries’ but are still
d4 Type of Nobility important in their own ways. All you need to do is roll on the
primary nobles table again, but note it down on your sheet
1 Egalitarian. The nobility is comprised of self- or notepad as ‘lesser nobles’, or whatever you’d like to call
made people. Theoretically, anyone could attain this them. You can then find places for them to live the same way
degree of notability, as there are few (if any) rules that you do for primary nobles.
that would prevent social climbing. Typically, those
in this group have some agreed-upon metric they
use to judge suitability, such as a challenging, but Relationship to the Leadership
achievable, goal.
What is the general attitude of the nobility towards the
2 Blood. Title and status are hereditary, passed down leadership?
by birth or through marriage. Positions were likely
originally awarded to the ancestors of current d20 Relationship to the Leadership
nobility by a powerful individual, perhaps to reward
1 Rancorous. The nobility openly loathe and revile
or purchase loyalty.
the leadership with impunity.
3 Deeds. Status is granted in relation to deeds
2-3 Opposed. The nobility are in contention with the
accomplished, or values displayed, typically
current leadership, making the job of ruling even
reflective of those held to be most important by the
more difficult.
society itself.
4-6 Disliked. The nobility are not fond of the
4 Wealth/Possessions. Those granted noble status
leadership, but have yet to truly cause a problem.
within the upper echelons are the wealthiest
citizens, either monetary, or those with the most 7-9 Tolerated. The nobility put up with the leadership,
property, goods, livestock etc, dependent on culture. at least for the moment.
(+2 to population wealth roll) 10-14 Liked. The nobility like the leadership well enough;
some may even be friends.
Primary Nobles 15-17 Supported. The nobility support what the
Most capitals will have some amount of nobility or members leadership is doing, and generally agree with their
of high society (always a tiny fraction of the entire population). goals and priorities.
The primary nobles are the influential members of this class of
18-19 Defended. The nobility not only support the
society; the ‘movers and shakers’, if you will.
leadership, but actively seek to subdue any who
Roll on the table below to see how many primary nobles your would challenge them.
capital has. You will use this number later when determining the
20 Loved. The nobility are devoted to the leadership,
district these primary nobles live in.
and stand ever-ready to do their bidding.

H is t o r ic al v s . P r ac t ic al Q u ant it ies
Historically speaking, a country’s proportion of nobility
in relation to common folk might top out at around 15%
(roughly 3 in 20 people), though these kinds of ratios
would be rare.

224 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Relationship with the People Root of Relationship with the People
What is the relationship between the noble class and the Where are the origins of this overarching relationship? Below
common folk? Note that these tables do not favor either social are some suggestions of the root causes that could be at the core
group, or imply the right or wrongness of either; they merely of the two classes’ feelings towards each other.
suggests what the emotional state may be between the classes. The root of relationship to the people is written as a general
theme, followed by the positive/negative connotations regarding
d20 Relationship with the People
that theme. Depending on whether your nobility’s relationship
1 Awful. Hatred is almost universally shared. to the people is positive or negative, select the appropriate option.
Relations are so poor that lethal brawls can break
out at the slightest provocation. d10 Root of Relationship with the People
(root of relationship to the people: negative) 1-2 Hardship. A difficult and trying hardship has
happened or is currently happening. The nobility...
2-3 Very Bad. Tension is high, and bad feelings run
deep. Dealings between nobles and commoners Positive: ...are sharing in the hardship, or are
usually result in harsh words, though serious actively working to ease the burden on the common
violence is uncommon. folk.
(root of relationship to the people: negative) Negative: ...are not enduring the same hardship as
the common folk, and/or are looking after their own
4-8 Bad. Dislike is pervasive. Dealings between nobles interests ahead of supporting others in need.
and commoners usually result in mutterings and
barely-concealed curses, but open hostility is rare. 3-4 Resources. The common folk feel the nobles...
(root of relationship to the people: negative) Positive: ...take an appropriate share of resources,
and give charitably when able.
9-13 Tepid. Both classes feel ambivalent towards one (+2 to population wealth roll)
another. Nobles and commoners generally keep out
of each other’s way, and largely ignore each other Negative: not distribute resources fairly,
when they come into contact. prioritizing plenty for themselves over making sure
there is enough for all.
(root of relationship to the people: positive) (-2 to population wealth roll)
14-17 Good. Relations are generally friendly. When a 5-6 Manipulation. An individual or group has
noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or tip orchestrated the sentiment between the two classes.
of the hat is typical. The manipulator is looking out for...
(root of relationship to the people: positive) Positive: ...the capital’s interests.
18-19 Very Good. The relationship between the two Negative: ...their own interests.
classes is very positive. The two classes greet each
other warmly, and deal with each other frequently. 7-8 Opinion of Leadership. When it comes to their
opinion of the leadership, both sides...
(root of relationship to the people: positive)
Positive: ...agree.
20 Incredible. The two classes don’t view each other
as fundamentally different, but as parts of a single Negative: ...disagree.
whole. The two classes share moments of levity, and 9-10 Leadership Treatment. The leadership treats the
friendships, business partnerships, and romantic people and the nobility...
relationships that span the divide are common.
Positive: ...equally.
(root of relationship to the people: positive)
Negative: ...differently.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 225

Step 3: Community Pursuit of Culture
How important are these cultural ideals to the citizens of the
The community is the life blood of a capital city. The people who capital? Any cultural pursuit, when enjoyed in moderation, can
live in the capital reside in a location of great authority within be pleasant and fulfilling but, if taken too far, could evolve into
their region. The physical proximity to the powerful can have a fanaticism.
considerable impact on their lives, as well as on their approach
to life in general. The influence of these commanding figures is Roll on the table below to see just how much culture matters to
rather direct and immediate; certainly more so than those living the capital.
in villages or towns far removed from their capital.
d20 Pursuit of Culture
Living with an ongoing military presence, amongst the cultural
or social elite, or in the shadow of important governmental 1-10 Moderate. Culture is viewed as passingly important.
buildings are all potential elements of daily life for a capital’s Most enjoy cultural activities, but they do not
citizens. Powerful foreign figures may visit regularly. Perhaps dominate to the detriment of other aspects of life.
the presence of nobility creates a demand for certain social 11-16 Keen Interest. Interest is deep and far-reaching,
practices that may not be the norm elsewhere. These are just a but not overwhelming. Many folks incorporate some
few examples, though there are certainly more. aspect of cultural endeavor into their daily life.

Culture 17-19 Obsession. Interest is pervasive, and talk of the

culture seeps into regular conversation frequently.
The culture of the capital is the favoured aspect of daily life its The pursuit of culture tends to dominate many
people tend to place value or stock in. aspects of daily life.

d8 Culture 20 Rabid Fanaticism. The pursuit of culture has overrun

the capital and, even to visitors, is likely inescapable.
1-2 Non-Specific. Culture within the capital is shaped Local speech is dominated by it, and events honoring
simply by their environment and current events. it are ongoing. It seems to be represented, in some
(Skip rolling on pursuit of culture table) way, almost everywhere one looks.

3 Art & Beauty. Citizens believe life finds its meaning

in the appreciation of the world and its beauty,
exploring it through creative pursuits.
4 Music. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in
the making and experiencing of music, the true
language of the soul.
5 Cuisine. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in
the creation and consumption of excellent food, and
the joy it can bring to all.
6 Self-Improvement. Citizens believe life finds its
meaning through the endless pursuit of bettering
oneself, inside and out.
7 Enjoyment. Citizens believe life finds its meaning
in the pursuit of happiness and fun.
8 Challenge. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in
struggle and overcoming obstacles.

226 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Population Density d20 Population Density
A capital will often have the capacity for more people than 15-18 Dense. There is a large amount of people living in
any other place could conceivably hold. As such, and because the capital. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In
a capital requires so many more people in order to function high traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but
properly, one could expect these to be the most populous not much more.
(+1 to night activity roll)
Population density is a scalable representation, intended to
abstract the idea of all the people living in the city, boiling it 19-20 Crowded. The capital is filled with jostling throngs.
down to an easily visualized image. Practically all structures are occupied. Some may
even camp outside the walls. Moving about can be
difficult, and bumping into other people is typical in
O pt io nal R u le: D es er t ed higher traffic areas.
A capital is a centre of government, commerce and society, (+2 to night activity roll)
but the world can be unpredictable, and the status quo can
change. Something momentous could have cleared the
population from the capital, turning it into a ghost of its Demographics
former self. As a settlement’s size grows, so too does the makeup of its
If you would like there to be a chance (or a certainty) that population. A village with only a few score residents may well be
there are only a few folks living in the capital, or for it to be entirely or mostly homogenous but, as more and more people
utterly abandoned, include the following option: make their home there, this becomes far less likely. The large and
opportunity-rich nature of capital cities often make them very
0 (or less) Deserted. The capital was once home to a great diverse places, though location, politics or other factors could
many people, but now it is as if its soul has fled. Hollow make the opposite true.
breezes drift through the streets and alleys, causing shutters
of abandoned homes to bang against walls, and doors to Roll on the table below to determine what people reside in your
creak on neglected hinges. If any people are here, they are capital. When deciding what those races are, be sure to keep its
the very last vestiges of a once-considerable population, or setting and environment in mind.
they are squatters and interlopers occupying homes now
strangers to the warmth of permanent occupation. (-5 to d20 Demographics
night activity roll) 1 Only One. 100% primary race.
Modified by: age 2-4 Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary race.
5-12 Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
d20 Population Density
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
1-2 Skeleton. The capital only has enough people to
13-17 Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All others
function at its most basic level.
reasonably well represented.
(-2 to night activity roll)
18-19 High and Low. 80% primary race, 20% secondary
3-6 Sparse. Folk live in the capital, but it would never race.
be called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll
typically only see a few people. 20 Ever-Changing. No discernible distribution.
Racial representation lacks any sense of numerical
(-1 to night activity roll) dominance.
7-14 Populous. A moderate amount of people live in the
capital. Walking through the streets, you will see
plenty of people, but never so many that it would
feel cramped.
(+0 to night activity roll)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 227

Population Wealth Visitor Traffic
As settlements grow, the distribution of wealth within the Capitals, by their very nature and often-influential world
community begins to vary. There may be contradictions that position, will almost always draw large amounts of people,
arise here when rolling the capital’s stewardship or condition, though there are, invariably, exceptions. Roll on the table below
but think about what could cause contradictions. Over-taxation to see how many frequent the capital on a temporary basis.
could rob the people of their resources, but allow the capital to
have plenty. A capital could be in awful condition, but the riches O pt io nal R u le: F o r s ak en
of its people could be being spent in other ways.
As much as cities cannot help but attract people, that is
Roll on the table below to see how the available wealth (whatever doubly true for capitals. These are the central hubs of
it may be) is distributed among the residents. It is up to you to nations. However, if you are very set on the idea of a capital
determine why. having as minimal visitor traffic as possible (or none at all)
you may include the following option:
Modified by: stewardship, type of nobility (wealth/possessions),
root of relationship to the people (resources) 0 or less: Forsaken. Once a nexus for people from all
over, whatever drew them is long since gone. Loose debris
d20 Population Wealth tumbles through the streets devoid of new footsteps. The
rare visitors who still come to the capital are likely here
1-2 Destitute. Nearly everyone in the capital for a very specific reason, which they may or may not want
consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they to divulge.
need to survive.
(-2 to general crime roll) d20 Visitor Traffic
3-6 Impoverished. Around half of the capital struggles 1 Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are typically
to carve out even a meager existence. a few from outside the capital, though not enough to
(-1 to general crime roll) impact congestion.
(+0 to night activity roll)
7-14 Average. Most of the capital’s population have
enough to live a modest life. Those without are a 2-3 Groups. There are generally a fair amount of visitors
minority. to the capital. May slightly increase congestion.
(+0 to general crime roll) (+1 to night activity roll)
15-17 Prosperous. The majority have enough to live a 4-10 Crowds. A noticeable amount of people come through
good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live the capital on a regular basis. Congestion is increased.
(+2 to night activity roll)
(-1 to general crime roll)
11-17 Droves. Large groups of people regularly frequent
18-19 Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they need to live the capital. Congestion is significantly increased.
comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are
(+3 to night activity roll)
very prosperous.
(-2 to general crime roll) 18-19 Masses. Huge groups of people always seem to be
visiting. Congestion could cause difficulties if the
20 Affluent. The entire capital is able to live capital is unable to cope with very large amounts of
comfortably, with a significant portion living in people.
(+4 to night activity roll)
(-3 to general crime roll)
20 Multitudes. Massive groups of people throng the
streets, likely spilling out onto the roads outside the
capital. Congestion is an ever-present reality and a
regular issue.
(+5 to night activity roll)

228 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Disposition Night Activity
Disposition is the general attitude or impression a visitor would Where population density and visitor traffic give ample idea
get from interacting with the locals and noting their behavior regarding daytime activity, a capital’s night-life can vary greatly,
toward visitors. This is how the locals seem (whether they truly are depending on how many people are staying over. When only a
is up to you). few folks are around, there is little need for establishments to
be open after dark. On the other hand, if people are coming and
Modified by: fortification
going at all hours, it’s far more likely that shops and services
d20 Disposition would be open to accommodate them.

1-2 Hostile. Locals seem very unfriendly toward W e’ r e c lo s ed!

visitors, and would likely make out-of-towners
feel unwelcome. This could manifest as coldness, Even if the vast majority of shops and services might be
passive-aggressiveness, or even violence. open, this doesn’t mean that all would be. It is perfectly
reasonable to expect that some shopkeepers would keep
3-6 Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors, regular business hours and close up for the night.
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
Roll on the table below to see the capital’s level of activity once
7-14 Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard on the
the sun has gone down.
outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.
Modified by: population density, visitor traffic
15-18 Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming,
and slow to take offense. d20 Night Activity
19-20 Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their 1 Dark. By the time the sun goes down, the streets
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is are nearly empty and the city closes up. All is quiet
welcome. and peaceful. If the capital has a gate, it is closed
and barred. Guards may, or may not, not allow night
travelers inside.
2-3 Quiet. Everything is closed except for inns and taverns,
which remain open until around midnight. Late guests
would have to wake an innkeeper to get a room. If the
capital has a gate, it is closed and barred. Guards will
usually let visitors in, but will discourage wandering.
4-9 Slow. Almost everything is closed except for taverns,
which may be open until early morning, and inns,
which stay open perpetually. If the capital has a gate,
it is closed, but guards will generally be ready to
open it, as needed.
10-14 Active. Inns and taverns remain open perpetually.
Some shops and services may be open, catering
to late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of
establishments may still be closed. If the capital
has a gate, it is kept open, but guarded, ready to be
closed, if needed.
15-18 Lively. There is little difference between day and
night traffic. There are always people on the streets,
and it may seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops
and services remain open constantly. If the capital
has a gate, it remains open and is only closed under
the most dire of circumstances.
19-20 Raucous. When the day ends, the capital truly
comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers
coming and going at all hours. Parties, and other
commotion, can often be heard. One might expect
things to close down after dark but, in the capital,
there are locations that only open in the evenings.
There is likely a sort of ‘night market’ throughout
the capital, with goods, services, or curiosities of all
kinds available for those keep alternative hours (or
scoff at the need for sleep).

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 229

Law Enforcement General Crime
In a capital, it is incredibly unlikely to not have a city watch, Due to the sheer size of a capital city, it is near impossible
given the presence and concentration of power there. There are for there to be no crime. With so many people and so many
always odd circumstances that could arise, but these are rarities conflicting interests, there are bound to be folks who can’t (or
that would require explanation. won’t) abide by society’s rules.
Roll below to see what your capital has in terms of law
General crime can be petty offenses like pickpocketing, grifting,
or wanton jaywalking. It can also be transgressions of a much
Modified by: governing priority (control), stewardship, more serious nature, such as grand larceny, murder, and large-
merchant overflow (banned), leadership (military officer) scale organized crime.

d20 Law Enforcement If general crime is higher than ‘Infrequent’ (a roll of 1-14), roll
1 None. If not openly opposed by the collective on the succeeding table to establish your additional organized
population, crime can easily run amok. This could crime presence.
manifest itself in subtle or obvious ways. Modified by: leadership (underworld or criminal enterprise),
(-5 to general crime roll) population wealth, law enforcement

2-8 City Watch. Run by a single captain, the watch d20 Crime
has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
establish a patrol once or twice a day. 1-2 Dangerous. The streets are crawling with crime.
Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
(-3 to general crime roll) Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
9-13 Robust City Watch. Run by a captain and two discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
sergeants, the watch are able to place extra support (Roll on organized crime table)
at key points, as well as establish three or four (+5 to urban encounter rolls)
patrols a day.
3-6 Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a purse in
(-1 to general crime roll) plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
14-20 Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and several and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to
sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. travel alone.
The city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city (Roll on organized crime table)
patrols happen regularly. (+4 to urban encounter rolls)
(+0 to general crime roll)
7-14 Common. Most are used to hearing about some
sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
U t ilit ies and P u b lic S er v ic es someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft
Depending on the level of sophistication and organization or, sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
in your capital, you may decide to have representations (Roll on organized crime table)
of public services and the like, such as fire-fighters or (+3 to urban encounter rolls)
hospitals. If the city watch is robust enough, there could be
physical offices in different districts. On the other hand, if 15-18 Uncommon. Theft or mild violence happens from
there appears to be little-or-no city watch presence, consider time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in case.
the possibility of private militias or enforcement groups. (+2 to urban encounter rolls)
19-20 Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any crime,
and certainly haven’t experienced any.
(+1 to urban encounter rolls)

U r b an E nc o u nt er s
Urban encounters are intended to happen in-game while
players are in your settlement and, as such, are not intended
to be planned as part of game preparation or world
building. The table for these can be found in Appendix B:
Encounters (p. 442).

230 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Organized Crime*
*Skip this section if the general crime table did not specify to ‘Roll on
organized crime table’ (unless you rolled ‘Underworld’ or ‘Criminal
Enterprise’ on the leadership table).
When crime thrives, it is natural for power structures to emerge,
and hierarchies to form. These organizations exert their influence
on the society around them, but they do so in different ways.
Perhaps they’re covert, remaining an unseen player in the game.
On the other hand, they could be brazen, forgoing any semblance
of secrecy in exchange for expedience, or as a show of power.

d20 Organized Crime

1-2 Completely Secret. The organization has operated
incognito, beneath any form of public notice. Any
contacts with public officials are dealt with through
redundant channels, always maintaining multiple
degrees of separation. Remaining unknown is of
paramount importance.
3-6 Whispers. There are hushed rumors of criminal
organization, but most folks keep these suspicions
to themselves,for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The
organization has a few operatives within the capital
and they work hard to keep a very low profile.
7-14 Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that most folk
don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
criminal element in the capital. They operate quietly,
but ambitiously, carrying out frequent, high-profile
jobs. They could also have ties to government
officials, or may even attempt to control elements of
the capital itself.
15-18 Barely Hidden. The organization is a looming
shadow within the capital. None are entirely sure
where it is based, or who their operators are, but
it’s clear that the organization is real. Obstacles
that would be contrary to the ‘hypothetical’
organization’s interests are quickly resolved. Bodies
are found, messages sent and, one way or another,
their will is always made known.
19-20 Open. Though key members may be unknown, the
presence of the organization is common knowledge
and, though it may not have been fully proved,
it’s clear they have a direct hand in running the
capital. They operate with impunity, with little fear
of reprisal or repercussion, likely taking no steps
to mask their presence to ensure compliance, such
as with a sigil on a sealed envelope. How did it get
to this point? How do the people of the capital feel
about this?

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 231

Step 4: Districts M o r e D is t r ic t s ?
When designing this material, we found 6 districts to be a
Districts develop within a capital for a myriad of reasons, but
good maximum, without crossing the line into potentially
foremost among them is simple commonality. Businesses and
being overwhelming. However, if you are someone who
establishments of a similar or unifying nature begin to cluster
yearns for an added workload or, perhaps, just really, really
together, often in an effort to either aid and complement one
likes districts (or numbers higher than 6…), there is nothing
another, or to take advantage of a prime location (such as close
stopping you from adding more districts. Simply print
proximity to resources or materials, or, simply, foot traffic to
as many additional copies of pages 3 and 4 of the Cities
another place). They can also develop due to the coalescing of
settlement sheet at the back of this book as you need to aid
groups, such as those with little or great wealth, or people who all
you in the hyper-districtification of your settlement.
do the same kind of work.
This section will take you through making various districts. District Types
Based on your number of districts result above, roll below to
T ip: G ener al C o ndit io n and C r im e see what districts your capital has. When rolling on the tables
In this section, note your capital’s general condition and in the following section, only roll within the portions for the
general crime in the boxes provided on your Capitals Sheet, districts you have, skipping any others.
if using, to reference more easily.
Note: You can have multiples of a district type (such as 2 market
districts). After you’ve completed the district related sections and
General District Information tables, you are free to decide whether you want them as separate
districts, or to make them one large district.
The general district information section covers things that Number of Rolls = result from number of districts table.
pertain to all districts. Many of the tables here are to be rolled on
multiple times, usually once for each district you have (decided by
the number of districts table). Leader s h ip & G o v er ning P r io r it y
Certain leadership and governing priority entries say,
O pt io n: Q u alit y R o lls ‘When rolling districts, choose ____ district as one of them.’
Double check to see whether you have any of these.
Some of the table results in this section have modifiers to
quality rolls (the quality table can be found on p. 246). If you do, before rolling on the district types table below,
You may roll on the quality table for any location. Rolling for set one or two of your districts to those given to you. Each
quality is not mandatory, but can be a lot of fun, and it adds district added in this way will take up one of your district
a surprising amount of flavor and helpful information to types rolls (i.e. if number of districts gave you 3, and you got
any location. a market district from your leadership, you would have 2
districts left).

Number of Districts
Your capital’s number of districts can indicate many things,
including what the capital feels is important, or what groups
have enough of a presence in the capital that it warrants a
section of the settlement.
Roll on the table below to find out how many districts are in
your capital.
Modified By: size

d20 Number of Districts

1-2 2
3-10 3
11-15 4
16-19 5
20 6

232 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

d12 District Types District Conditions
1 Administration. This district has a focus on Every capital in the world has places best avoided, as well as
government and civil matters. places everyone wants to see. These all exist within the bigger
whole of the capital itself. This means that because each district
2 Arcane. This district has a focus on magical matters.
is a part of the capital, the condition of those districts is
3 Botanical. This district has a focus on nature. impacted by the capital’s general condition.
4 Craft. This district has a focus on the creation of
different goods. N o t e: ‘ B es t ’ and ‘ W o r s t ’
If a capital’s general condition is particularly good or bad,
5 Docks. This district has a focus on all naval and
it may not be possible to go one or two levels higher or lower.
seafaring matters.
If that is the case, stop at the best or worst available.
[Reroll if your capital is not adjacent to water]
6 Industrial. This district has a focus on large-scale District Condition Modifier
production facilities.
Find your capital’s general condition on the table below. Apply
7 Market. This district has a focus on the sale of the associated district condition modifier to each of your district
practical goods. condition rolls.
8 Merchant. This district has a focus on business and
General District Condition Modifier
non-essential goods.
9 Scholar. This district has a focus on education and
Squalid -2 to district condition roll
the pursuit of knowledge.
Dilapidated -1 to district condition roll
10 Slums. This district is an area where those with
lesser means might live. Decent +0 to district condition roll
(roll a d4 on district condition) Impressive +1 to district condition roll
(-1 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
Magnificent +2 to district condition roll
11 Temple. This district has a focus on religion and/or
Roll once on the following table for each of your districts to
spiritual enlightenment.
determine its district condition.
12 Upper Class. This district is an area where those
with greater means might live. d20 District Condition
(+3 to its district condition roll) 1-3 Far Worse. 2 steps worse than general condition
(+3 to quality rolls for locations in this district) level.
(-2 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
T ip: U s ing t h e F o llo w ing T ab les
4-7 Worse. 1 step worse than general condition level.
We suggest that when rolling on a table in this general
district information section, roll for all your districts at (-1 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
once. This will reduce the need for backtracking. 8-13 Equal. Same as general condition level.
(+0 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
14-17 Better. 1 step better than general condition level.
(+1 to quality rolls for locations in this district)
18-20 Far Better. 2 steps better than general condition
(+2 to quality rolls for locations in this district)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 233

District Condition Crime Modifier District Entry
Find each district’s condition on the table below. Apply the Can one simply walk into the district, or is there some level of
associated district crime modifier to that district’s crime roll. security? Roll once on the following table for each of your districts
to determine how restricted traffic is in and out of the district.
District Condition Condition Crime d12 District Entry
1-3 Open. Entrance to the district is unrestricted.
Squalid. The district is in a deplorable -2 to district
(+0 to district crime roll)
state. Things are falling apart, filthy crime roll
and, to anyone who doesn’t live here, 4-6 Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has a token
seems positively unlivable. Most of the guard presence.
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, (+1 to district crime roll)
or in terrible need of help.
7-9 Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard
Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a -1 to district presence.
widespread state of disrepair, though crime roll
some token effort may have been made (+2 to district crime roll)
at cleanliness. Streets are probably 10-11 Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by
packed dirt or broken stone. They may be a gate with guards.
uneven, rutted or muddy. Structures have
likely received similar low levels of care, (+3 to district crime roll)
though there could be some disparity. 12 Gated & Guarded with Toll. The district entrance is
Decent. The district is passable. While +0 to district barred by a guarded gate, and a fee is charged for entry
not offensive to the senses of one that crime roll or exit (or both), which may be based on personage,
is well traveled, it could still be off- method of transport, or goods being transported.
putting to those with lofty expectations. (+4 to district crime roll)
Structures may not be aesthetically [Reroll if ‘Slums’ or ‘Upper Class’ District]
pleasing, but are generally functional.
Impressive. The district is well taken -1 to district District Crime
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a crime roll Compared to the rest of the capital, how is crime in this district?
priority. Structures are maintained,
though signs of wear may still be Roll once on the following table for each of your districts to
apparent. It feels lived-in, but of a determine whether crime is better or worse here.
respectable quality in every regard. Below the district crime table is the crime degrees reference.
Magnificent. The district is incredible. -2 to district Refer to this for a reminder of the crime levels and urban
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural crime roll encounter modifiers.
integrity are all of the highest standard.
Loving attention seems to have been N o t e: ‘ B es t ’ and ‘ W o r s t ’
lavished on as many aspects as possible. If a capital’s general crime level is particularly good or bad,
it may not be possible to go one or two levels higher or lower.
If that is the case, stop at the best or worst level available.

Modified by: district condition, district entry

d20 District Crime

1-3 Far Worse. 2 steps worse than the capital’s general
crime level.
4-7 Worse. 1 step worse than the capital’s general
crime level.
8-13 Equal. Same as the capital’s general crime level.
14-17 Better. 1 step better than the capital’s general
crime level.
18-20 Far Better. 2 steps better than the capital’s general
crime level.

234 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Crime Degrees Reference Noble Residence Locations
The reference table below reminds you what the crime degrees What districts do your primary nobles live in? Roll once on
are. When rolling for urban encounters in any district, use the the following table for each of your primary nobles (from
modifier relating to the crime degree of the district instead of the Step 2). This will determine which district that noble (and their
general crime. immediate family) lives in.
Note: The builder allows for up to 6 districts. If you roll higher
Crime Degrees Urban Encounter Modifier*
than the number of districts you have (i.e. if you only have 4
Dangerous +5 to urban encounter rolls districts, but you roll a 6), simply reroll until you get below or
equal to the number you do have.
Frequent +4 to urban encounter rolls
Common +3 to urban encounter rolls N o D is t r ic t H o u s ing?
Uncommon +2 to urban encounter rolls Nobles can still live in districts that don’t have ‘normal’
housing. Consider a situation such as the nobles took the
Infrequent +1 to urban encounter rolls
only available space, so no other housing was possible (or
*The urban encounter table is found in Appendix B: they just try to keep other folks out, on purpose).
Encounters, and is intended to be used in-game.
d6 Noble Residence Locations
D is t r ic t U r b an E nc o u nt er s
1 District 1
Cities and capitals both have districts, but there are usually
portions of the settlements that are just ‘general’ areas. 2 District 2
When having an urban encounter take place, always use 3 District 3
the urban encounter modifier that relates to the specific area
the action may take place in. 4 District 4
5 District 5
For example, say that the capital’s general crime degree
may be ‘Uncommon’. This means that if the party is in a non- 6 District 6
district part of the capital, you would only add +1 to urban
encounter rolls there. Now say the party is in the slums
(which is a district) and its crime degree is ‘Dangerous’. You
F o llo w t h e Leader
would add +5 to urban encounter rolls here. Where do all the non-primary nobles live? Use the districts
the primary nobles live in as a guide. These are the nobles
that are notable, like trend-setters. Chances are, if they live
Housing in a district, other nobles live around or near them. That’s
Do many people live in this district and, if so, how many? Roll how you can approximate where your capital’s nobility
once on the following table for each of your districts to determine resides as a whole.
how many people are living in them.

d12 Housing
1-5 None. No one lives in this district.
[If ‘Slums’ or ‘Upper Class’, reroll]
6-9 Limited. Only a few live here; the district may be
predominantly a place of business or functionality,
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less
innocent reason.
10-11 Moderate. A fair amount of the buildings in the
district house residents.
12 Extensive. A significant amount of the district’s
buildings are housing for residents.

W h at if N o D is t r ic t s H av e H o u s ing? !
Within your capital, there is always space that is not part of
any particular district; it is just considered the ‘general area’
of the capital. If none of your districts have housing, this is
where your people would likely live.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 235

District Notable Locations ‘U pt o … ’
Often (but not always), even the worst areas will have places The third and fourth results in the table above state, ‘Up
worth visiting, that draw traffic or, at least, are noteworthy for to the first _____rolled additional location(s)...’ because it is
some reason. possible that a district has fewer additional locations than
Notable Locations. In the individual district sections, you will the number of notable locations allow for.
roll for additional locations (these are the shops, services, Example: If you roll a 10, it allows for up to the first 3
etc). Some of these additional locations may be designated as additional locations in the district to be notable. However,
notable. This means they are known for a special reason (which if your capital is very small, you may only have 1 additional
will be determined later). location rolled in that district. In that case, simply make that
Roll on the table below once per district to find how many notable 1 additional location notable.
places that district has (if any). If the district has notable
locations, they are always the first 1, 2 or 3 additional locations
rolled for the district (depending on your table result below).
Note: District Terms
Each specific district contains included locations and
d10 District Notable Locations additional locations. We have defined and explained these in
detail in the coming tables.
1 None. There are no notable locations in the district.
2-5 One. The first additional location in the district is G ener al Ar ea
Districts are areas of the city that are centred around a
6-9 Two. Up to the first 2 additional locations in the particular focus. However, there is always space that is not
district are notable. part of a specific district that can just be considered the
‘general area’. If there is something you really need or want
10 Three. Up to the first 3 additional locations in the
in the city, but have not rolled it into any of your districts,
district are notable.
you can simply say it’s in the general area.
Important: Later in the chapter you will find the location
notability table (p. 245). Roll on this table for each notable
location your districts have to see why they are notable.

236 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Location Details Individual District Tables
As you roll on the following tables, you may roll, or have
Administration (p. p. 238)
included, a magic shop, service, or hired help. After the
individual districts section, you will find the following tables Arcane (p. p. 238)
that you can roll on if required: Botanical (p. p. 239)
• Magic Shop Specialization - d6 table (for determining Craft (p. p. 239)
specialization of unspecified magic shops).
Docks (p. p. 240)
• Services - Reference table showing all different service
types, including hired help. Industrial (p. p. 240)
• Optional: Quality - Table for determining the quality of Market (p. p. 241)
any location. Merchant (p. p. 241)
• Guilds - Table for determining whether shops or services Scholar (p. p. 242)
are members of a guild within the settlement.
Slums (p. p. 242)
• Location Notability - Table for determining the reason
for notable locations. The number of notable locations was Temple (p. p. 243)
determined by the district notable locations (back on p. 236). Upper Class (p. p. 243)

Individual Districts R em em b er D is t r ic t N o t ab ilit y !

This section contains the following for each district type: Earlier, you rolled to see how many of your additional
locations in each district can be deemed notable, per the
Included Locations (list). The district automatically has these district notable locations table. Now you will see which
locations. These may be non-commercial locations, as well as locations these are.
shops or services. Non-commercial locations do not form guilds.
Additional Locations (list). These are the locations types that
may show up in the district. For each district in your city, you will
roll on its additional locations table a number of times based
on your city’s size (see the following table).

City Size Additional Location Rolls

Very Small 1 roll per district.
Small 2 rolls per district.
Medium 3 rolls per district.
Large 4 rolls per district.
Very Large 5 rolls per district.
Do not roll additional locations for the individual districts you did
not roll. Skip them and move on to the next individual district
that you do have.

D o u b les
If you roll more than one of a location, treat it as
another location.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 237

Administration District Arcane District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no-guild): Courthouse, Chancery, Town Hall, Non-Commercial (no-guild): Archives/Library, Academy/University
Treasury Shops: 2 Magic Shops [Roll 1d6 for each]: 1: Armor, 2: Books, 3:
Shops: [None] Clothing, 4: Jewelry, 5: Weapons, 6: Misc. & Curiosities
Services: Hired Help: Scribes and clerks Services: Hired Help: [Roll 1d6]: 1-3: Arcane Academics, 4-6: Magic
Additional Locations
Additional Locations.
d20 Additional Locations
d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality. 1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality.
2 Baker (shop)
2 General Store (shop)
3 Tailor (shop)
3 Tailor (shop)
4 Alchemist (shop)
4 Weaver (shop)
5 Cobbler (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
6 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
7 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
7 Rare Botanicals (shop)
8 Barber (service)
8-9 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
9 Bathhouse (service)
1: Armor,
10 Doctor/Apothecary (service) 2: Books,
11 House of Leisure (service) 3: Clothing,
4: Jewelry,
12 Inn (service) 5: Weapons,
13 Club (service) 6: Misc. & Curiosities

14 Tavern (service) 10 Barber (shop)

15 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]: 11 Soothsayer (service)

1: Brutes & Brawlers, 12 House of Leisure (service)

2: Cloak & Dagger, 13 Club (service)
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks, 14 Tavern (service)
5: Guides & Trackers,
15 Hired Help (Arcane Academics) (service)
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics, 16 Hired Help (Magic Mercenaries) (service)
8: Magic Mercenaries,
17 Forum (non-commercial)
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine 18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)
16 Archives/Library (non-commercial) 19 Lodge (non-commercial)
17 Academy/University (non-commercial) 20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.
18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)
19 Amphitheater (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

238 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Botanical District Craft District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): Outdoor Recreational Area Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Shops: [None] Shops: Smithy, Carpenter, General Store, Tailor, Magic Shop [Roll
1d6]: 1: Armor, 2: Books, 3: Clothing, 4: Jewelry, 5: Weapons, 6:
Services: Inn, Stable
Misc. & Curiosities
Additional Locations.
Services: [None]
d20 Additional Locations Additional Locations.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
d20 Additional Locations
down in quality.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
2 Baker (shop)
down in quality.
3 Tailor (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
4 Weaver (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
4 Thatcher (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
5 Wainwright (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
6 Armorsmith (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
7 Artist (shop)
9 Rare Libations and Fare (shop)
8 Bank & Exchange (shop)
10 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
9 Cobbler (shop)
1: Armor,
10 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
2: Books,
3: Clothing, 11 Miller (shop)
4: Jewelry,
5: Weapons, 12 Textile Production (shop)
6: Misc. & Curiosities 13 Shipwright (Reroll if not near water) (shop)
11 Doctor/Apothecary (service) 14 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
12 House of Leisure (service) 1: Armor,
2: Books,
13 Inn (service)
3: Clothing,
14 Soothsayer (service) 4: Jewelry,
5: Weapons,
15 Tavern (service)
6: Misc. & Curiosities
16 Hired Help: Guides & Trackers (service)
15 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
17 Outdoor Recreational Area (non-commercial)
16 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
18 Dance Hall (non-commercial)
17 Weaponsmith (shop)
19 Altar (non-commercial)
18 Tavern (service)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
up in quality.
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers,
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 239

Docks District Industrial District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Shops: Shipwright, Weaver Shops: Smithy, Industrial Location [roll 1d6]: 1-2: Foundry/
Smelting; 3-4: Textile Production; 5-6: Miller
Services: House of Leisure, Inn, Tavern
Services: [None]
Additional Locations.
Additional Locations.
d20 Additional Locations
d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality. 1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality.
2 Cooper (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
4 Smithy (shop)
4 General Store (shop)
5 Bank & Exchange (shop)
5 Smithy (shop)
6 Shipwright (shop)
6 Tailor (shop)
7 Rare Botanicals (shop)
7 Thatcher (shop)
8 Rare Libations and Fare (shop)
8 Wainwright (shop)
9 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
9 Weaver (shop)
10 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
10 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
1: Armor,
2: Books, 11 Miller (shop)
3: Clothing,
4: Jewelry, 12 Textile Production (shop)
5: Weapons, 13 Shipwright (Reroll if not near water) (shop)
6: Misc. & Curiosities
14 House of Leisure (service)
11 Barber (service)
15 Club (service)
12 Bathhouse (service)
16 Tavern (service)
13 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
17 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
14 House of Leisure (service)
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
15 Inn (service) 2: Cloak & Dagger,
3: Bows & Slings,
16 Club (service)
4: Scribes & Clerks,
17 Tavern (service) 5: Guides & Trackers,
6: Caravan & Mount,
18 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
7: Arcane Academics,
1: Brutes & Brawlers, 8: Magic Mercenaries,
2: Cloak & Dagger, 9: Priestly Guidance,
3: Bows & Slings, 10: Hands of the Divine
4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers, 18 Gathering Hall (non-commercial)
6: Caravan & Mount, 19 Treasury (non-commercial)
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries, 20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
9: Priestly Guidance, up in quality.
10: Hands of the Divine
19 Altar (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

240 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Market District Merchant District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [None] Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Shops: Baker, Butcher, General Store, Smithy, Tailor Shops: Bank & Exchange, Tailor, Artist, Cobbler, Magic Shop -
Miscellaneous & Curiosities
Services: [None]
Services: [None]
Additional Locations.
Additional Locations.
d20 Additional Locations
d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality. 1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
down in quality.
2 Wainwright (shop)
2 General Store (shop)
3 Weaver (shop)
3 Wainwright (shop)
4 Alchemist (shop)
4 Alchemist (shop)
5 Artist (shop)
5 Artist (shop)
6 Bank & Exchange (shop)
6 Bank & Exchange (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
8 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
9 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
10 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
11 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
11-12 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
12 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
1: Armor,
1: Armor,
2: Books,
2: Books,
3: Clothing,
3: Clothing,
4: Jewelry,
4: Jewelry,
5: Weapons,
5: Weapons,
6: Misc. & Curiosities
6: Misc. & Curiosities
13 Barber (service)
13 Barber (service)
14 Bathhouse (service)
14 Inn (service)
15 House of Leisure (service)
15 Club (service)
16 Inn (service)
16 Soothsayer (service)
17 Club (service)
17 Stable (service)
18 Tavern (service)
18 Tavern (service)
19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
19 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d10]:
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
1: Brutes & Brawlers,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
2: Cloak & Dagger,
3: Bows & Slings,
3: Bows & Slings,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
4: Scribes & Clerks,
5: Guides & Trackers,
5: Guides & Trackers,
6: Caravan & Mount,
6: Caravan & Mount,
7: Arcane Academics,
7: Arcane Academics,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
8: Magic Mercenaries,
9: Priestly Guidance,
9: Priestly Guidance,
10: Hands of the Divine
10: Hands of the Divine
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.
up in quality.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 241

Scholar District Slums District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): Archives/Library, Academy/University, Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Forum, Schoolhouse Shops: Butcher
Shops: [None] Services: House of Leisure, Inn, Tavern
Services: Hired Help: Scribes and clerks Additional Locations.
Additional Locations.
d20 Additional Locations
d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step down in quality.
down in quality.
2 Baker (shop)
2 General Store (shop)
3 Butcher (shop)
3 Tailor (shop)
4 General Store (shop)
4 Thatcher (shop)
5 Smithy (shop)
5 Weaver (shop)
6 Thatcher (shop)
6 Alchemist (shop)
7 Weaver (shop)
7 Bank & Exchange (shop)
8 Alchemist (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
9 Foundry/Smelting (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
10 Miller (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
11 Textile Production (shop)
11 Rare Trade Goods (shop)
12 Barber (service)
12 Magic Shop - Books (shop)
13 Bathhouse (service)
13 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
14 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
14 Hired Help: Scholars & Clerics (service)
15 House of Leisure (service)
15 Archives/Library (non-commercial)
16 Inn (service)
16 Academy/University (non-commercial)
17 Club (service)
17 Forum (non-commercial)
18 Soothsayer (service)
18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial)
19 Tavern (service)
19 Gathering Hall (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step up in quality.
up in quality.

242 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Temple District Upper Class District
Included locations. Included locations.
Non-Commercial (no guild): [Roll 1d6] 1-4: Temple, 5-6: Great Non-Commercial (no guild): [None]
Temple; Archives/Library Shops: Bank & Exchange, Baker, Tailor, Luxury Furnishings
Shops: [None] Services: Doctor/Apothecary
Services: Hired Help: Scribes, Hired Help: Priestly Guidance, Hired Additional Locations.
Help: Hands of the Divine
Additional Locations. d20 Additional Locations
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
d20 Additional Locations
down in quality.
1 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
2 Butcher (shop)
down in quality.
3 Tailor (shop)
2 Cooper (shop)
4 Weaver (shop)
3 Carpenter (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
4 Tailor (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
5 Alchemist (shop)
7 Cobbler (shop)
6 Artist (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
7 Bank & Exchange (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
8 Rare Botanicals (shop)
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
9 Luxury Furnishings (shop)
11 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
10 Rare Libations & Fare (shop)
1: Armor,
11 Magic Shop (shop) [Roll 1d6]:
2: Books,
1: Armor, 3: Clothing,
2: Books, 4: Jewelry,
3: Clothing, 5: Weapons,
4: Jewelry, 6: Misc. & Curiosities
5: Weapons,
12 Barber (service)
6: Misc. & Curiosities
13 Bathhouse (service)
12 Barber (service)
14 House of Leisure (service)
13 Bathhouse (service)
15 Inn (service)
14 Doctor/Apothecary (service)
16 Club (service)
15 Inn (service)
17 Soothsayer (service)
16 Soothsayer (service)
18 Stable (service)
17 Hired Help (service) [Roll 1d6]:
1-3: Priestly Guidance, 19 Tavern (service)
4-6: Hands of the Divine 20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
18 Schoolhouse (non-commercial) up in quality.

19 Amphitheater (non-commercial)
20 Roll again, but consider the next location to be a step
up in quality.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 243

Location Details Services

• Magic Shop Specialization Hired Help - Brutes and Brawlers. Thugs, ruffians and
• Services
Hired Help - Cloak and Dagger. Assassins, thieves and spies.
• Optional: Quality
• Guilds Hired Help - Bows and Slings. Archers and ranged attack
• Location Notability
Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks. Masters of history,
literature, mathematics and/or business.
Magic Shop Specialization
If directed to, or if you simply need to determine the Hired Help - Guides and Trackers. Scouts, rangers and
specialization of a magic shop, roll on the table below. wilderness experts.
Hired Help - Caravan and Mount. Specialists in
d6 Magic Shop Specialization transportation and journeys to various locations as well as
1 Armor expedition organization and management.

2 Books Hired Help - Arcane Academics. Experts in matters of magic

and lore (may also be natural magic or something else; it need
3 Clothing not be exclusively arcane).
4 Jewelry Hired Help - Magic Mercenaries. Specialists trained the use
5 Weapons of arcane or non-divine magic in combat and practical mission
6 Miscellaneous & Curiosities
Hired Help - Priestly Guidance. Sages offering counsel in all
matters of religion and the divine.
Hired Help - Hands of the Divine. Specialists trained in the
Services are establishments whose primary purpose is doing
use of divine magic in combat and practical mission scenarios.
something for you. The table below shows the different kinds of
services that could be in your city.
Hired Help Size
Services Hired help can be an individual, a team, or an organized guild.
Barber. Provides grooming services, such as haircuts or Roll on the table below for each example of hired help your
shaves. settlement has.
Bathhouse. Provides spaces for bathing.
d12 Hired Help Size
Doctor/Apothecary. Provides medical care. 1-6 Individual Person. The hired help is a single person
House of Leisure. Provides entertainment and/or relaxation hiring out their services.
(GM may decide what kind). 7-10 Team. The hired help is a team of individuals who
Inn. Provides accommodation, as well as a place to have a bath work together.
and a decent meal. 11-12 Guild. An organized guild is hiring out their services.
When hired, a portion of the guild’s members handle
Club. Provides entertainment via comedic, dramatic or
the job, not the entire guild (unless the job is very large).
musical performance.
Soothsayer. Provides magical prediction and prophecy -
sayers of sooth!
Stable. Provides boarding accommodation for mounts, as well
as selling carts, animals, and their tack.
Tavern. Provides food and drink.

244 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Location Notability d20 Location Notability
Roll on the table below for any district’s additional locations 14 Expansion. This place has grown recently.
that are deemed notable (according to the district notable
locations table) to find out why this is the case. 15 Important Person. Someone directly involved with
this location (owner, employee, etc) is a major figure
d20 Location Notability in the community.

1 Generous Spirit. The location owner is known 16 Nearby Curiosity. There is something in very close
in the community for their generosity (this could proximity that draws attention, thereby increasing
be financial, but could also be with their time, foot traffic.
knowledge, or resources). 17 Local Loyalty. People who live nearby know this
2 Top-Notch Marketing. All around the capital place and stick to it out of a deep-seated loyalty,
you can see signage, or hear people mentioning, even if there would seem to be better alternatives.
the location. 18 Exciting. There always seems to be something
3 Excellent Offerings. Whatever product or service thrilling going on here, so those seeking to be free of
the location offers, it’s good enough to draw notice. boredom show up in droves.

4 Vested Interests. A third party (not the shopkeeper 19 Organization Affiliation. Association with certain
or an employee) has a stake in whether this location people has generated traffic to this location.
is successful, and has done something to ensure the 20 Magic. Some form of magic plays a role in what
populus know about it. is drawing people here. It could be on purpose or
5 Unique Offering. This location has a product or accidental, innocent or malicious.
service that no one else in the capital has.
6 More-Than-Meets-the-Eye. This location may
seem to be one thing, but the right people know what
else is there.
7 Meeting Place. The establishment is in a particular
location which is a prime landmark for people to
easily meet. This tends to generate business by
8 Entertaining Service. Something about the folk
that work here is very entertaining. Perhaps they’re
funny, or maybe they do demonstrations, or even
have a bard who plays there regularly.
9 Coercion. Customers, who might otherwise go
somewhere else, are pressured into coming here
instead. This could be the owner’s doing, but could
also be the work of another interested party.
10 Favoritism. Certain types of folk are given
particularly good service here, and it incentivizes
them to frequent this location.
11 Superstition. Those who frequent this location do
so out of the belief that if they don’t, something will
(or won’t) happen.
12 History. This location is notable for its links to
local history. Perhaps it belongs to a family with a
particular reputation? Maybe it has ties to events
from long ago?
13 Rumors. Something intriguing has been heard
about this place that, for some reason, has piqued
folks’ curiosity.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 245

Optional: Quality Optional: Place of Worship Tables
Quality can add a great amount of flavor and interest to Your districts may contain one or multiple places of worship.
locations. You may roll on the table below to determine any The tables below can be rolled on to determine (or change) the
location’s quality. size, fervency of the local following and the alignment of the
faith practiced in that place of worship. You may roll on these as
R em em b er Y o u r I nc lu ded Lo c at io ns ! needed for any of your places of worship.

Each district comes with a various locations. Remember that

you can roll quality for those as well! Place of Worship Size
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in your
Modified by: district condition settlement to determine their sizes.

d12 Quality d20 Place of Worship Size

1-4 Poor. The location is a substandard version of what is 1 Secret. The place of worship’s size is unclear, as the
typically expected. Its offerings are likely limited, or location is not publicly known.
of bad quality. The location itself may be in disrepair,
dirty, or have any number of other issues present. 2-5 Altar. A small shrine or, perhaps, a tiny shack,
usually evincing some various items or images
5-10 Good. The location is a standard version of what relating to that which the faith venerates.
is typically expected. Its offerings are likely not
terrible, but often not particularly remarkable either 6-10 Oratory. A modest building with seating for
(though sometimes there may be exceptions). The attendees, appointed with various items or images
location itself is likely in a serviceable state, though relating to that which the faith venerates.
probably not flawless. 11-16 Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure,
11-12 Fine. The location is an exceptional version of able to comfortably accommodate up to a few
what is typically expected. Its offerings are likely hundred people.
extensive, or of surpassing quality. The location 17-19 Temple. A grand building, replete with elements
itself is likely remarkable in some way (or, possibly, like high ceilings, plush furnishings, and other
many ways) such as being very clean or well-built. impressive ornamental and/or architectural
features. It can hold nearly a thousand attendees.
P o o r / F ine S er v ic e N am es ? 20 Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure, devoted
Here are some suggestions for service names whether to that which it venerates. No expense was spared in
they’re poor/fine. its construction. It might display such elements as
stunning frescos, elaborate stained-glass scenes, and
Barber: Dirt Knife/Coiffeur towering, gilded statues. Walking into a great temple
Bathhouse: Tubs/Private Baths is a rare and striking experience for those who do
Doctor/Apothecary: Sawbones/Physician not live near one.
House of Leisure: Den of Leisure/Hall of Leisure
Inn: Tents or Hostel/Lodge
Club: Stage/Theater
Soothsayer: Fortune Teller/Diviner
Stable: Stalls/Livery
Tavern: Pub/Taphouse

246 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Place of Worship Fervency Guilds
Roll on the following table to determine the degree of veneration Guilds are formal organizations made up of shops or services of
that is visible to any outsider visiting the city. a given type (such as blacksmiths). These organizations are city
d20 Fervency of Local Following
All shop and service locations (included and additional) can be
1 Unseen. To those outside the following, it is not part of a guild.
clear that the group exists. Roll on the table below for each shop or service to see if they are
2-5 Quiet. Adherents to the faith are inconspicuous, part of a city-wide guild.
unless one knows what to look for (perhaps Important: When rolling to determine whether a business
particular gestures, items of clothing, or phrases). (such as a smithy) is in a guild, the ‘Yes’ range on the table below
6-10 Subtle. Followers of the faith may be identifiable, increases by +1 for each existing guild member of that type, to a
but remain very reserved. maximum of +3 (a 1 will always be a ‘No;).

11-16 Moderate. The pious are confident and unafraid to

display their faith openly, but do not encroach upon
G r o w ing ‘ Y es ’ R ange
the wider populus uncalled for. There is strength in numbers and, as a guild grows, so
does its power. The growing ‘Yes’ range reflects a guild’s
17-19 Fervent. Followers are outspoken, with little or no fear increasing influence. It is more likely that a large guild can
of reproach. They may sing or speak to the masses. persuade (or force) potential competition to join.
20 Zealous. Adherents are utterly and unthinkingly Example: You roll 6, which is a ‘Yes’ for a blacksmith in your first
devout, forcing their doctrine upon their district. They are officially in a blacksmith's guild. There is another
surroundings and peers, or taking actions that blacksmith in your second district. You roll 4 for them, which is now a
further their cause regardless of personal cost. ‘Yes’ because the range is now 4-6 (to account for the fact that there
Though typically seen as negative, this could also be is already one guilded blacksmith). There are now two in the guild.
a positive, such as a church of light rising up in an Another blacksmith is in your third district and you roll 1 for them
evil kingdom, helping those in need, even if it puts (which is always ‘No’) and so they are not in the guild.
themselves in peril.
If there were no other blacksmiths to roll for, you could
now come up with a reason why the third smith is not in
Place of Worship Alignment the guild.
Roll on the table below for each place of worship in the
settlement to find out its alignment. d6 Guild Member?

d10 Alignment of the Faith 1-4 No.

1 Evil 5-6 Yes.

2-5 Neutral With 1 member in the city: Yes = 4-6

6-10 Good With 2 members in the city: Yes = 3-6

With 3+ members in the city: Yes = 2-6

D et er m ining R es u lt s
Once you have determined whether the shops and services
are in guilds, you can interpret the results.
All ‘No’. No guild for this kind of business in the capital, and
all places of this type operate independently.
All ‘Yes’. There is a guild for this kind of work in the capital,
and all places of this type are members.
Some of both. Not all businesses of this type are
members. Why? Were they kicked out? Were they denied
membership? Perhaps they didn’t want to be in the guild or
actively oppose it? It’s all up to you.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 247

Extra Intrigue d20
Recent History
A block of buildings caught fire in the district with
the lowest district condition, devastating multiple
Recent History businesses and/or residences.
What has happened to, or in, the capital recently? What do
people talk about in the streets or in the tavern? These are events 12 The owner of a bank & exchange (if one is present, a
that have happened within the last year. shop if not) has discovered a tunnel entrance down
in their cellar that they swear wasn’t there before.
d20 Recent History Where did it come from?

1 A known thief was found dead, and on display, in the 13 The highest quality tavern in the city experienced a
market square. The murderer has not been found. particularly nasty bar brawl, and everyone is talking
about it. What happened? How did it end?
2 Passionate protests against a leadership decision
took place recently, but fell silent extremely quickly. 14 The district with the most housing recently
Why? assembled its own private security force, acting
independently from the watch. Why did they deem
3 A particularly odd fashion trend has been adopted it necessary? How has local law enforcement and
by the wealthiest citizens of the capital. leadership responded?
4 A contingent of soldiers from a known enemy 15 A public building, in a key location, has collapsed, and
(if no known enemies, unknown) country have an investigation is underway to determine the cause.
deserted their commanders and come to the
capital, forswearing past allegiances and seeking 16 A local tavernkeep is starting something called
citizenship. How have they been received? What are ‘Smashy Hour’, a controlled and sanctioned weekly
they doing now? bar-brawl. The event is in partnership with a local
furniture maker, who supplies old stock to be used as
5 Questions have been asked about the legitimacy of make-shift weapons. Guards are, so far, not getting
the leadership, as well as their fitness for the role. involved, so long as the chaos stays contained. The
The detractors are gaining momentum, though no only rule: don’t destroy the tavern.
one has yet been able to prove the truth either way, or
determine whether there are ulterior motives at play. 17 Someone within the city has been breeding chickens,
and numbers are getting out of control. The streets
6 Refugees have traveled a great distance to seek are filled with poultry, and no one knows where
sanctuary in the capital. How has the capital they’re coming from, or who started breeding them.
received them? Are the nobility and common folk
divided, or united, in their opinion of the situation? 18 Leadership delegates were invited to an extremely
important-sounding summit, hosted by a foreign
7 Graffiti has been appearing across the capital, power. This was months ago, and the delegates have
advertising some kind of underground competition. not been heard from since they left the capital.
The competition is a legal gray area, but the promise
of glory is an enticing prize for even some of the 19 Someone in the capital has developed new urban
most upstanding citizens. farming practises, which have been slowly catching on.

8 A feud between two of the capital’s nobles, or major 20 A deity has made a physical appearance in the city.
figures, came to blows very publicly, leaving each party
dissatisfied and, possibly, looking to exact revenge.
9 A well-known, well-liked nobleman was recently
unexpectedly stripped of his rank and title. Were the
leadership’s grievances justified, or is there more
going on than meets the eye?
10 A shipment of fresh produce arrived at market from
a neighboring city. To all intents and purposes, the
contents seemed perfectly fine initially but, as more
and more people have fallen ill, it is now clear the
crates were infected with a terrible disease.

248 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Noteworthy Officials d20 Noteworthy Officials
As settlements become more complex, the need for 13 Liner. Determines property boundaries.
administration, and individuals able to manage it, becomes more
apparent. Whether these people do a fair job of it is another 14 Master of Intelligence. Responsible for seeking
matter altogether. and utilizing information vital for capital/national
Roll on the table below to see who in the capital’s administration
might be notable, and on the second table to see how competent 15 Master of Revels. Lead organizer of festivals and
the individual in that position truly is. special events.
16 Master of Stores. Oversees the capital’s stores of
A W ell- O iled M ac h ine supplies, such as grain or building materials.
For complex settlements to function, multiple positions 17 Master of Trade. Responsible for the management
need to be filled. The assumption is that there are people of imports and exports.
performing all essential roles in the city, ably and quietly,
but the tables below allow you to single out one (or a few) 18 Master of the Treasury. Responsible for the capital’s
as being of particular note, with their level of competence expenditures and paying contracts and debts.
perhaps telling you why. 19 Master of the Wild. Surveys the surrounding areas,
mapping the wilderness, looking for monsters or
d20 Noteworthy Officials other threats, and regulating hunting.
1 Adviser. Second in command of the city. Can be an 20 Roadwarden/Dockwarden. In charge of some, or
official, or unofficial, position. all, of the capital’s transportation systems.
2 Ambassador. Regularly acts as a representative for
the capital/nation when traveling abroad. d6 Official’s Competence

3 Catchpole. Catches and brings in debtors. 1 Corrupt. Taking advantage of the position for
personal gain.
4 Champion. Ready to stand in for the leadership for
any martial matters, either ceremonially or officially. 2-3 Incompetent. Doesn’t truly understand how to
execute the position.
5 Clerk. Recordkeeper for the capital.
4-5 Committed. Utterly committed to the job, truly
6 Exchequer. Responsible for taxes. feeling it is of vital importance.
7 Guildmaster. Oversees one of the official (or 6 Overqualified. Based on skills and experience,
underground) guilds, or factions, within the capital. ought to be in a higher, or more challenging,
8 Herald.. Responsible for disseminating official position.
edicts, and other news, to the general populace. If
serving in a courtly capacity, bears responsibility for
knowing the names, titles of important individuals
and announcing them when appropriate.
9 High Priest/Druid.. The primary representative of
the faithful to the capital leadership.
10 High Mage.. The representative of the practitioners
of arcane arts to the capital leadership.
11 Jailer. In charge of confining prisoners.
12 Judge. Decision-maker in legal matters.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 249

Beneath the Surface Beneath the Surface - Awareness
Cities and capitals are large enough places where goings on can Things happening in a capital city do not happen in a vacuum.
be hidden from the knowledge of all but a few. There can often Eventually, things get around; someone talks, something falls
be things happening that not everyone is aware of. Roll on the apart, or someone sees something they shouldn’t (or, perhaps,
following table to see if there is something beneath the surface wish they hadn’t). If you rolled on the above beneath the
in your capital. surface table, roll on the table below to see how much (if any)
awareness there is of what’s going on.
d12 Beneath the Surface
d12 Beneath the Surface - Awareness
1 Pack. A pack of particularly feral animals roams
the capital. 1 Utterly Oblivious. The public has not seen, or
heard, any hint of whatever is going on. It will go
2 Monster. A monster lurks somewhere in the capital.
unchecked until something triggers a change.
3 Markings. Strange markings have been showing up
2 Single, Subtle Occurrence. Someone has noticed
around the capital.
some kind of evidence, but doesn’t quite know what
4 Fight Club. A fight club has started somewhere in to make of it. They just know it’s strange.
the capital, and may be gaining more participants.
3 Disparate, Subtle Occurrences. A few people have
5 Secret. Some portion of the populace is not as passively encountered some evidence of what’s
they seem. going on, though they are not aware of one another,
and are not sure about what they’ve encountered.
6 Outside Contact. Someone in the capital is in regular
communication with an interesting external contact. 4 Many Subtle Occurrences. A fair amount of people
have encountered something related to what’s going
7 Tampering. Someone is interfering with forces best on and, while firm conclusions have not been drawn,
left alone. there may be rumors.
8 Unsafe. There is a structural problem with a 5 Single Occurrence. Someone has noticed
location within the capital (or, possibly, the land, something, and has formed some ideas. They have
or environment, it is built on). The longer it goes started to ask questions, or poke around a bit.
unnoticed, the more damaging it could be.
6 Disparate Occurrences. A few people have noticed
9 Parties. A guerilla party scene has been emerging evidence, and are beginning to ask serious questions.
within the capital, with semi-frequent, secret,
invitation-only parties being held at ever-changing 7 Many Occurrences. A fair amount of people have
locations. noticed evidence, and are beginning to ask serious
questions. Some may even have found one another
10 Black Market. An underground black-market has and pooled their knowledge.
been established, dealing in the movement of illicit
goods or services. 8 Single, Direct Occurrence. Someone has had a
direct, first-hand experience involving the issue, and
11 Races. A racing circuit has been established outside is trying to deal with it somehow.
the capital.
9 Disparate, Direct Occurrences. A few people have
12 Haunted. The capital is being haunted by some kind had direct, first-hand experiences involving the
of spirit. issue, and word is starting to spread. Claims have
become difficult to dismiss.
10 Many Direct Occurrences. A fair amount of people
have had direct, first-hand experiences involving the
issue. Talk seems to be all over the place, and some
of the witnesses have grouped together.
11 Willfully Ignorant. The public is fully aware of
most, or all, of the issue, but deliberately avoids
addressing it or dealing with it in any way.
12 Actively Aware. The public is fully aware, and
actively addressing whatever is going on.

250 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

T h e G r eat R u m o r T ab le
On page p. 444 you will find Appendix C: Rumors,
which contains a 50-item table of rumors that may be
floating around your settlement. This table is made up of
political rumors from the Villages chapter, as well as rumors
from both Cities and Capitals. Most of the rumors in the
Appendix have been altered to make them fit any settlement,
with the exception of a small few. Try it out and see what
kind of flavor you discover!

What’s next?
You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not
yet complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing so
already, your final task awaits. Look back at all of your rolls and
the information that gives you and think about why things are
the way they are, and what that means for your capital. Think of
every detail that you rolled as another clue to revealing the true
identity of this place. Be creative, let your imagination wander
and don’t tell yourself, “no”. As we said in Chapter 1, embrace the
contradictions and oddities, and you will see your capital come
to life.

I nt er es t ing N P C s
If you need to populate your capital with some pre-
generated characters, head on over to Chapter 8:
Interesting NPCs. You can find tables for different types
of NPCs and, following the tables, details on the NPCs
themselves, arranged by profession.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 251

By Jennifer Roy & Megan Roy
Situated on the cusp of a verdant valley against the rising hills
lies Duskmire, an ancient capital founded upon a well of magic.
Its awe-inspiring skyline is peppered with a unique arrangement
of towers and spires, built from all manner of stones, crystals,
lumber, clockwork, and even vegetation. Towering, well-
patrolled walls surround the magnificent city
and elicit a defined sense of security for all
inhabitants, temporary or permanent. However, no
great concentration of creatures will ever be purely
peaceable, and Duskmire's seedy underbelly, based
out of the slums, is proof.
Renowned for its University of Magic and devotion
to all facets of knowledge, Duskmire is host to a
steady stream of travelers year-round, and home
to all manner of races. Of particular celebrity
are the gnomes, whose cleverness and ingenuity
have birthed two of Duskmire’s main attractions.
At the heart of the capital's botanical district
one can find the first: the Clockwork Gardens,
a sanctuary where plants of metal and gears
are perfectly syncopated to bloom with the sunrise
and sleep with the sunset. As mesmerizing as the
gardens are, it is the second attraction that more
often inspires gossip and intrigue. This attraction
is the club, Gnomish Nights. Admittance to the
raucous night haunt is limited to shortfolk only,
with fliers lining the bottom of every building
and fence calling them to attend. Club proprietor
and sorcerer extraordinaire, Xarzival, can often be
found there of a night, delighting guests with his
magic and his dancing automatons. Many suppose
it is the rarest magic of all that allows Xarzival to
maintain both this extravagant night-life and his
position as the University’s headmaster.
Duskmire prides itself on being a hub for diversity in
populace, study, and thought. As such, it never ceases
to amaze its denizens. In need of entertainment?
Try an ale at the market district’s Mage Hand Inn,
where wait staff line the walls and provide all service with
Basic Information
ethereal disembodied hands! While you're at it, pop into the Origin: Magical. The capital was founded around something
Market Theatre next door to see what hot tickets are on sale related to magic (perhaps a theory, rumor, or massive spell
for the night's performances. Hoping to strike a lucky bet, event). The draw of the original idea proved to be very strong
or release some pent up aggression? Vartak’s Arena has you indeed.
covered as a spectator or contender, and even has open positions Age: Ancient. The capital is older than living, and possibly even
for security detail (they promise it pays well). In need of an recorded, memory.
adventure? Rumor even has it that below the relative modernity
of Duskmire lies an ancient web of caverns, though who can Size: Large. Structures in the capital are able to support around
say if such whispers bear truth? There have been those strange 100,000 people.
occurrences… could the mages just be experimenting again? Environment: Valley. The capital is found within, or on the
edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape
around it.

252 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Outside the Capital: Leader 1
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and • Name: Bobdon Hightide. Head of the Arcane.
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a
• Lifestyle: Distinguished. The leader aspires to quality and
logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to the capital, has
high-functionality, but without concern for needless luxury
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or
or vanity.
• Residence: Large House. The leader’s residence is large
• Exploration. Explorers have been investigating something
enough to make an impression and, potentially, have some
at this site a fair distance outside the capital. It has been
spare rooms.
• Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
Stewardship: Managed. The city’s fundamental elements are they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is responsible is way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
doing an admirable job. influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
General Condition: Impressive. The capital is well taken even a sense of entitlement.
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are Leader 2
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It feels
lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard. • Name: Quintus Finewire. Head of the Merchants.

Fortification: Extremely Fortified. The capital is surrounded • Lifestyle: Ostentatious. The leader revels in comfort and
by an imposing wall of wood or stone, with many fully-staffed luxury, probably to excess, or endeavors to project such an
watchtowers at regular intervals along its length. The gate is image. They aim to inspire awe and jealousy in all who see
double-thickness, reinforced with metal bands, augmented with them.
a portcullis, and is always manned. A supplementary wall of • Residence: Large Mansion. The leader’s residence
wood or stone encompasses the surrounding countryside, with likely has many spare rooms, as well as plenty of space for
its own watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out without the watch’s recreational rooms.
knowledge or permission. • Intent: Unknown Alternative. The individual is living this
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor lifestyle because they simply do not really know (or have
stalls. forgotten) how to live any other way.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance Leader 3:
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market • Name: Vartak Grimwrath. Head of the Arena.
• Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the position.
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.
• Residence: Modest House. The leader’s residence is just
Underground Passages: Natural Caves. Below the capital, enough to accommodate their needs. This may garner
natural cave systems can be found that may, or may not, have positivity among the poor or frugal, but may also draw
been discovered yet. derision from the wealthy or extravagant.
• Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
Government & High Society they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
Leadership: Elected Council. Prominent members of the
influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
community were chosen to lead the capital collectively. even a sense of entitlement.
Leadership Unity: Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just Connections: 3
be that someone is having a bad day.
• Connection 1: Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and
Governing Priority: Enlightenment. The leadership prides unlikely to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
itself on intelligence and wisdom, typically making choices that elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared interest.
preserve culture and heritage or reinforce the community’s
access to knowledge and understanding. • Connection 2: Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and
unlikely to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
Priority Approach: Peaceable (Moderate). An agreeable elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared interest.
stance is taken unless heavily provoked, when an aggressive
response is carefully deliberated. Deals and negotiations • Connection 3: Enemy - Hated. The relationship is bitter
are preferred, but shows of force, or use of leverage, are not and, barring an amazing turn of events, unsalvageable. This
completely unheard of. hatred could have stemmed from a perceived (or actual)
insult, an attack, or opposing interests.
Priority Success: Mediocre. The leadership has made small
steps in realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 253

Spy Network Size: Ample. The capital has over a dozen spies
working outside its borders. Community
Infiltration Depth: Deep. Culture: Self-Improvement. Citizens believe life finds its
meaning through the endless pursuit of bettering oneself, inside
• Goals: Gathering general intelligence involving
and out.
identification of key places, figures, routines and
infrastructure, ingratiating selves with individual targets, Pursuit of Culture: Obsession. Interest is pervasive, and talk
monitoring and noting relationships and actively guarded of the culture seeps into regular conversation frequently. The
information. pursuit of culture tends to dominate many aspects of daily life.
• Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity, Population Density: Dense. There is a large amount of people
imprisonment/ransom or attempts to turn operative living in the capital. There are few, if any, vacant buildings. In high
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about traffic areas, one generally has elbow room, but not much more.
discovered spy’s efforts, difficult negotiations. Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
Counterintelligence: Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen others reasonably well represented.
operatives working within its borders. Population Wealth: Average. Most of the capital’s population
Counterintelligence Watchfulness: Vigilant. Pursuit of have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
threats is ongoing and thorough. Skilled efforts at secrecy are Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
often caught and dealt with. frequent the capital. Congestion is significantly increased.
Priority Success: Mediocre. The leadership has made small steps Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming
in realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single milestone. and slow to take offense.
Number of Notable Visitors: 1 Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and
Notable Visitor 1: Sentient Large Monster. night traffic. There are always people on the streets, and it may
seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain
• Reason for Visit: Lost. They wound up here trying to find
their way somewhere else. open constantly. If the capital has a gate, it remains open and is
only closed under the most dire of circumstances.
Military Force: Yes (Standing). The capital’s military is ever at
the ready and active. Their training is ongoing, and they are kept Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain and
well-supplied. They may double as a garrison for the capital or several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The city
bolster city defenses. perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen regularly.

Recruitment Type: Volunteer. Forces are made up of General Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence happens
individuals who joined up willingly, and of their own volition. from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in case.

Size of Force: Strong. The force’s size is large, and likely solid • (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the
enough to consider going into battle. capital, but outside a district)

Specialization: Magical. A section of the military force is made

up of magic-users, or arcane specialists are placed in every squad. Districts
Military Facilities: Moderate Structures Inside the Capital. Scholar District. This district has a focus on education and the
This encompasses well-equipped and outfitted barracks facilities, pursuit of knowledge.
as well as quarters for officers. Training grounds are well- • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
maintained, with separate, specialist facilities, all surrounded by Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
moderate walls. the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
Type of Nobility: Egalitarian. The nobility is comprised of lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
self-made people. Theoretically, anyone could attain this degree • District Entry: Gated & Guarded with Toll. The district
of notability, as there are few (if any) rules that would prevent entrance is barred by a guarded gate, and a fee is charged for
social climbing. Typically, those in this group have some agreed- entry or exit (or both), which may be based on personage,
upon metric they use to judge suitability, such as a challenging, method of transport, or goods being transported.
but achievable, goal.
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
Primary Nobles: 7 purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
Relationship to Leadership: Tolerated. The nobility put up and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
with the leadership, at least for the moment. alone.
Relationship with the People: Good. Relations are generally • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or district)
tip of the hat is typical. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
Root of Relationship with the People: Opinion of district may be predominantly a place of business or
Leadership. When it comes to their opinion of the leadership, functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
both sides… another, less innocent reason.
• Positive. ...agree. • Noble Residents: 1

254 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional • (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
location in the district is notable. district)
• District Included Locations: Academy/University, • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
Archives/Library, Hired Help - Scholars and Clerics, district may be predominantly a place of business or
Schoolhouse, Forum functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
• District Additional Locations: Rare Trade Goods, another, less innocent reason.
Alchemist, Schoolhouse • Noble Residents: 2
• Magic Shop - Books - Notable: Local Loyalty. People • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
who live nearby know this place and stick to it out of locations in the district are notable.
a deep-seated loyalty, even if there would seem to be
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
better alternatives. Smithy, Tailor
Slums District: This district is an area where those with lesser • District Additional Locations: Rare Libations & Fare,
means might live. Magic Shop - Clothing
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While • Inn - Notable: Important Person. Someone directly
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it involved with this location (owner, employee, etc) is a
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
major figure in the community.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
generally functional. • Club - Notable: Excellent Offerings. Whatever
product or service the location offers, it’s good enough
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is
to draw notice.
barred by a gate with guards.
Botanical District. This district has a focus on nature.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
district may be predominantly a place of business or
guard presence.
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
another, less innocent reason. • District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
• Noble Residents: 3
• District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
additional locations in the district are notable.
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
Inn, Tavern
district may be predominantly a place of business or
• District Additional Locations: Club functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
• House of Leisure - Notable: Important Person. another, less innocent reason.
Someone directly involved with this location (owner, • Noble Residents: 1
employee, etc) is a major figure in the community.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
• Butcher - Notable: Rumors. Something intriguing has locations in the district are notable.
been heard about this place that, for some reason, has • District Included Locations: Outdoor Recreational Area,
piqued visitor’s curiosity. Inn, Stables
• Doctor/Apothecary - Notable: Organization • District Additional Locations: Soothsayer, Cobbler
Affiliation. Association with certain people has
generated traffic to this location. • Club - Notable: Top-Notch Marketing. All around the
capital you can see signage, or hear people mentioning,
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical the location.
• Hired Help - Guides and Trackers - Notable: Magic.
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken Some form of magic plays a role in what is drawing
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are people here. It could be on purpose or accidental,
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It
innocent or malicious.
feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard.
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has
a token guard presence.
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 255

Administration District. This district has a focus on • District Additional Locations: Hired Help - Priestly
government and civil matters. Guidance, (2) Doctor/Apothecary
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • Club - Notable: Local Loyalty. People who live
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of nearby know this place and stick to it out of a deep-
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been seated loyalty, even if there would seem to be better
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. alternatives.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
unrestricted. Extra Intrigue
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about Recent History. Someone within the city has been breeding
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows chickens, and numbers are getting out of control. The streets
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, are filled with poultry, and no one knows where they’re coming
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse. from, or who started breeding them.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this Noteworthy Official: Master of Trade. Responsible for the
district) management of imports and exports.
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the • Official’s Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
district’s buildings are housing for residents. understand how to execute the position.
• Noble Residents: None Beneath the Surface: Unsafe. There is a structural problem
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional with a location within the capital (or, possibly, the land, or
location in the district is notable. environment, it is built on). The longer it goes unnoticed, the
more damaging it could be.
• District Included Locations: Courthouse, Chancery, Town
Hall, Treasury, Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Single, Direct
Occurrence. Someone has had a direct, first-hand
experience involving the issue, and is trying to deal with it

256 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

The Free City of Salus
By Lou Fryer

When the greater part of your entire world is five paces wide, the The Firsts know their people need a purpose (and see the danger
mind has little else to do but wander. One might start to make of their attentions turning inward), so have sent their army to
plans and formulate schemes with no real hope of success, just as ‘liberate’ other oppressed settlements. Their great host sweeps
a way of breaking the monotony of incarceration. One might well through prisons, plantations, and labor camps, freeing any that
be surprised when hypothetical plans actually bear fruit, and you have no control of their own destiny. Taking a portion of any
are one of thousands given, as if by providence, a second chance. wealth pillaged and setting up smaller councils owing fealty to
This is the situation that inmates found themselves in twenty years the Firsts, The Free City of Salus has become the capital of a free
ago, when an escape attempt from their enormous prison colony nation, a haven for the deposed, oppressed and subjugated.
unexpectedly spiralled into a full-scale revolt. Prisoners fought
tooth and nail, destroying everything obstructing their path out
into the sun. The shocked ‘Firsts’ (as the escape plan’s originators
Basic Information
came to be called) let their erstwhile captors leave; after all, they Origin: Prison. The site was originally a holding colony for
were as surprised as anyone that their plan had succeeded. criminals but, over time, events transpired allowing the place
to become a legitimate city in its own right. Was this thanks to a
Revered as heroes, the Firsts were immediately elected the ruling successful revolt? Or perhaps the kingdom that held the prison
council of the new ‘Free City of Salus’, whose first act was to colony was conquered and the colony was left to its own devices?
handpick a grand militia from thousands of crooks to fortify the Maybe something made the colony’s kingdom change its mind
city and act as a standing army against inevitable repercussions. and legitimize it?
The great majority of former captives stuck around to carve out
a place in this new nation, for their own lands only knew them Age: Established. The capital has been around for at least 10,
as criminals. The Firsts, still giddy with fresh power, deemed but up to 100, years.
all citizens pardoned, praying that none would jeopardize Size: Large. Structures in the capital are able to support around
the do-over they’d all been granted. They fervently pushed a 100,000 people.
message of ‘self-improvement’, encouraging their people to
Environment: Plains. The capital is in the wide open fields.
take up a trade, educate themselves and each other, or enlist
to guard their newfound freedom. They established a city Outside the Capital:
watch and, determined to set themselves apart from other • Makeshift Settlement. A large mass of hovels, lean-tos,
‘oppressed’ nations, opened their doors to visitors for pleasure tents, and other improvised shelters have been built in the
and commerce, transforming the old exercise quadrangle into shadow of the capital’s walls. Why? Do the leaders and
an enormous marketplace and reestablishing, as legitimate residents care?
businesses, the old offices, forges, mills and factories that
inmates had formerly laboured in. Stewardship: Adequate. The capital’s fundamental elements
are all taken care of relatively competently, but some room for
Of course, a utopia it is not. Such was the damage caused by improvement still exists. Lack of resources or involvement in
the initial revolt that many buildings are beyond repair and the more pressing matters, such as external conflicts or disaster
populous, accustomed to routine and dictatorship, grow restless. management, are possible explanations.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 257

General Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a Leader 2
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may • Lifestyle: Exquisite. The leader quietly enjoys the luxuries
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed afforded to one in their lofty position, and presents a
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. refined, well-maintained appearance.
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, though
there could be some disparity. • Residence: Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The
leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
Fortification: Heavily Fortified. The capital is surrounded by land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing,
a heavy wall of wood or stone, with several watchtowers built or a wall.
along its length. The gate is double-thickness and reinforced with
metal bands. There are additional watchtowers built at various • Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
points throughout the surrounding countryside typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. lifestyle against their will.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: First Come, First Served - Fee. Leader 3
Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the
line are given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
they can pay the fee for the day. unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. • Residence: Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The
leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing,
and trenches lies beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition or a wall.
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They
may pre-date the current capital city. • Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
Government & High Society who see them.
Leadership: Elected Council. Prominent members of the Leader 4
community were chosen to lead the capital collectively. • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
Leadership Unity: Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
be that someone is having a bad day. position.
Governing Priority: Isolationist. The capital has no desire to • Residence: Large Mansion. The leader’s residence
get involved in the dealings of other sovereign entities. They are likely has many spare rooms, as well as plenty of space for
open and clear about this. recreational rooms.
Priority Approach: Peaceable (Moderate). An agreeable • Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
stance is taken unless heavily provoked, when an aggressive typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
response is carefully deliberated. Deals and negotiations motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
are preferred, but shows of force, or use of leverage, are not lifestyle against their will.
completely unheard of. Leader 5
Priority Success: Mediocre. The leadership has made small • Lifestyle: Exquisite. The leader quietly enjoys the luxuries
steps in realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single afforded to one in their lofty position, and presents a
milestone. refined, well-maintained appearance.
Leader 1 • Residence: Large Estate (Inside the Capital). The
• Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is leader’s main residence is substantial, and surrounded by
unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their modest grounds. Staff probably have apartments within
position. the property. The property is likely bordered with hedges,
fencing, or a wall.
• Residence: Modest House. The leader’s residence is just
enough to accommodate their needs. This may garner • Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
positivity among the poor or frugal, but may also draw typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
derision from the wealthy or extravagant. believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
who see them.
• Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
who see them.

258 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Connections: 1 Primary Nobles: 5
• Connection 1: Ally - With Reservations. The entity is Relationship to the Leadership: Liked. The nobility like the
considered a friend, but treated with care, possibly not leadership well enough; some may even be friends.
fully trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove their
Relationship with the People: Good. Relations are generally
loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle.
friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or
Spy Network Size: Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen tip of the hat is typical.
spies working outside its borders.
Root of Relationship with the People. Manipulation. An
Infiltration Depth: General. individual or group has orchestrated the sentiment between
• Goals: Gathering general intelligence involving the two classes. The manipulator is looking out for the capital’s
identification of key places, figures, routines and interests.
• Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity Community
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about Culture: Self-Improvement. Citizens believe life finds its
discovered spy’s efforts.Gathering general intelligence involving meaning through the endless pursuit of bettering oneself, inside
identification of key places, figures, routines and infrastructure. and out.
Counterintelligence: None. The capital does not have Pursuit of Culture: Rabid Fanaticism. The pursuit of culture
counterintelligence operatives working within its borders. has overrun the capital and, even to visitors, is likely inescapable.
Local speech is dominated by it, and events honouring it are
Number of Notable Visitors: 4
ongoing. It seems to be represented, in some way, almost
Notable Visitor 1: Ambassador. everywhere one looks.
• Reason for visit: Looking for a Change. They are here Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
because they want to change something significant in their live in the capital. Walking through the streets, you will see
life. plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.
Notable Visitor 2: Sentient Small Monster Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
• Reason for visit: Doing a Favor. A friend or loved one others reasonably well represented.
asked them to come here and resolve some kind of business. Population Wealth: Average. Most of the capital’s population
Notable Visitor 3: Sentient Large Monster have enough to live a modest life. Those without are a minority.
• Reason for visit: Doing a Favor. A friend or loved one Visitor Traffic: Groups. There are generally a fair amount of
asked them to come here and resolve some kind of business. visitors to the capital. May slightly increase congestion.
Notable Visitor 4: Spy Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome.
• Reason for visit: Seeking Advice. They are here to gain
understanding about an issue that has been affecting them. Night Activity: Active. Inns and taverns remain open
perpetually. Some shops and services may be open, catering to
Military Force: Yes. The capital has some kind of military force. late travelers or night owls. A fair amount of establishments
Standing or Disbanded: Standing. The capital’s military is may still be closed. If the capital has a gate, it is kept open, but
ever at the ready and active. Their training is ongoing, and they guarded, ready to be closed, if needed.
are kept well-supplied. They may double as a garrison for the Law Enforcement: City Watch. Run by a single captain,
capital or bolster city defenses. the watch has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
Recruitment Type: Hand-Picked. The capital hand picks establish a patrol once or twice a day.
individuals from its populace, based on certain criteria. General Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
Size of Force: Strong. The force’s size is large, and likely solid some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows someone
enough to consider going into battle. who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or, sometimes, even a
mugging, or worse.
Specialization: Unconventional. A section of the military
force employs unorthodox thinking and methods, taking • (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the capital,
advantage of the enemy’s preconceived notions to achieve but outside a district)
unexpected results. Organized Crime: Whispers. There are hushed rumors of
Military Facilities: Temporary Shelters Outside the criminal organization, but most folks keep these suspicions to
Capital. This encompasses tents for all troops and few, quickly- themselves, for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The organization has
built minimal structures. Training grounds have been established a few operatives within the capital and they work hard to keep a
in the landscape around the encampment. very low profile.
Type of Nobility: Egalitarian. The nobility is comprised of
self-made people. Theoretically, anyone could attain this degree
of notability, as there are few (if any) rules that would prevent
social climbing. Typically, those in this group have some agreed-
upon metric they use to judge suitability, such as a challenging,
but achievable, goal.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 259

• District Additional Locations: Foundry/Smelting, Textile
Districts Production
Administration District. This district has a focus on the sale of • Hired Help - Magical Mercenaries - Notable:
practical goods.. History. This location is notable for its links to local
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable history. Perhaps it belongs to a family with a particular
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who reputation? Maybe it has ties to events from long ago?
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the • Rare Trade Goods - Notable: Expansion. This place
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need has grown recently.
of help.
Industrial District. This district has a focus on large-scale
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong production facilities.
guard presence.
• District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
• District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries. have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy.
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’. Structures have likely received similar low levels of care,
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this though there could be some disparity.
district) • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district. guard presence.
• Number of Noble Residents: 2 • District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
location in the district is notable.
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
• District Included Locations: Courthouse, Chancery,
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Town Hall, Treasury, Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks (Guild
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the district
• District Additional Locations: Alchemist (Guild Member),
may be predominantly a place of business or functionality,
Club, Luxury Furnishings (Guild Member)
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less
• Baker - Notable: Coercion. Customers, who might innocent reason.
otherwise go somewhere else, are pressured into
• Number of Noble Residents: 3
coming here instead. This could be the owner’s doing,
but could also be the work of another interested party. • District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable.
Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of
different goods. • District Included Locations: Smithy, Foundry/Smelting
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable • District Additional Locations: Treasury, Cooper (Guild
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who Member), Weaver
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the • Carpenter - Notable: Local Loyalty. People who live
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need nearby know this place and stick to it out of a deep-
of help. seated loyalty, even if there would seem to be better
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong alternatives.
guard presence.
• District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
Extra Intrigue
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and Recent History: A block of buildings caught fire in the district
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’. with the lowest district condition (Administration), devastating
multiple businesses and/or residences.
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) Noteworthy Official: Master of the Treasury. Responsible for
the capital’s expenditures and paying contracts and debts.
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
district may be predominantly a place of business or • Official Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for position for personal gain.
another, less innocent reason. Beneath the Surface: Pack. A pack of particularly feral animals
• Number of Noble Residents: 0 roams the capital.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Single, Direct
locations in the district are notable. Occurrence. Someone has had a direct, first-hand
experience involving the issue, and is trying to deal with it
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General somehow.
Store, Tailor (Guild Member), Magic Shop - Armor (Guild

260 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

The Free City of Salus

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 261

By Ralph Stickley
The dwarf hold of Surgoz is not the largest, or the
wealthiest, but it holds an important place in
dwarf culture for its connections and location,
acting as a route through an otherwise-
treacherous mountain range and as access
to Kharaz-Surgoz, The Singing Mountain
(named for the rock formations which
create otherworldly music in the howling
winds), sacred to the little-worshiped
dwarf god of music.
In days gone by, the dwarves here were a
secretive people, more than happy to deal only
with their own kind, and the traditionalists
amongst the nobility would much rather it had
stayed that way. As it transpired, a young
and rebellious heir (for a conservative
dwarven hold at least) inherited the
throne, and opened Surgoz to the wider
world. King Mjothi had nothing but the
people’s interests and prosperity in mind
- a goal he still places above all others.
Indeed, he was willing to sell off his
mansion to fund exploratory expeditions
into the city’s underlying tunnels to
potentially improve infrastructure - the
entrenched nobility, however, did all in
their power to prevent this, suggesting it
would be entirely improper for a king to
relinquish his ancestral hall and that he
would lose the people’s respect (though
their tone implied it was theirs on the line).
Outnumbered by his nominal advisors, the
king was forced to relent, as he was on many of
his proposed edicts.
The old guard hold particular sway on
Surgoz’s production and business, and
there are therefore strict rules on who can
trade within the city proper. Until that is
no longer the case, it will never be the most
welcoming place to outsiders, yet outsiders
come nonetheless, and in great numbers.
Surgoz also harbours deeply entrenched
suspicions of neighbouring dwarf holds, and rivalries have been
bubbling for centuries. Historically, these have been mercantile
Basic Information
affairs, for the most part, wars fought with levies and tariffs Origin: Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to take
rather than soldiers. Indeed, representatives from rival cities are advantage of desirable geographical features, like a strategic
positively encouraged to attend the markets which take place choke point, or an ideal high-ground posting. As the location
outside the city gates (where they can get a good impression of the proved itself, it grew which, in turn, created a stronger hold, and
immaculate and impressive architecture on the other side of the so on.
walls, leaving little doubt who is and is not welcome in the nicer, Age: Mature. The city has been around at least 100, but up to
main city). The inner market is reserved for residents alone, and, 300, years.
even then, strict rules dictate who can trade there - any would-be
merchant must gain sponsorship, thus lining the pockets of the Size: Medium. Structures in the city are able to support around
nobility and spreading their influence further. 50,000 people.
Environment: Mountains. The capital is found on stony passes
or soaring peaks.

262 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Outside the Capital: Priority Success: Very Successful. The leadership has made
• (2) Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, providing great strides at achieving its initial vision, and looks like their
food grown for the capital, are found on the nearest success will continue.
hospitable land under its control. Leader 1
• Subterranean Warrens. Something is under the capital • Name: King Mjothi
(below even the sewer system, if the capital has one). These
• Lifestyle: Distinguished. The leader aspires to quality and
could be the ruins of another city, the crude dwelling
high-functionality, but without concern for needless luxury
place of simple beasts, or the residence of another active
or vanity.
civilization. It is not known about.
• Residence: Large Mansion. The leader’s residence
Stewardship: Managed. The capital’s fundamental elements
likely has many spare rooms, as well as plenty of space for
are all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is
recreational rooms.
responsible is doing an admirable job.
• Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
General Condition: Magnificent. The capital is incredible.
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the
motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished lifestyle against their will.
on as many aspects as is possible.
Connections: 3
Fortification: Fortified. The capital is surrounded by a
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled • Connection 1: Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a unlikely to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared interest.
may be placed around the city, though are likely sporadic. • Connection 2: Enemy - Friendly. Relations are civil
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. enough, but there is a fundamental and irreconcilable
rivalry, or difference of opinion, that prevents any real
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Sponsored Referral Only - Fee. alliance.
A stall may only be acquired once the vendor pays a fee, and
the vendor is sponsored by a citizen of the capital. The sponsor • Connection 3: Enemy - Friendly. Relations are civil
assumes responsibility for the vendor. The space is granted once enough, but there is a fundamental and irreconcilable
payment and proof of sponsorship is submitted and approved. rivalry, or difference of opinion, that prevents any real
Merchant Overflow: Encouraged. Excess vendors are
encouraged to set up stalls outside the capital, if they are unable Spy Network Size: Modest. The capital has up to a few spies
to get a spot in the square. There are maintained areas available working outside its borders.
for use, and are provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Infiltration Depth: Deep. Ingratiating selves with individual
When in use by vendors, this area is regularly patrolled, if law targets, monitoring and noting relationships and actively
enforcement personnel can be spared. guarded information.
Underground Passages: Tunnels. A series of tunnels exist • Goals: Ingratiating selves with individual targets,
beneath the capital. This could be for maintenance, defensive, or monitoring and noting relationships and actively guarded
clandestine purposes and may, or may not, have been purpose- information.
built for the current settlement. They could potentially have been
• Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity,
dug by enemy forces, either recently or long ago.
imprisonment/ransom or attempts to turn operative
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about
Government & High Society discovered spy’s efforts, difficult negotiations.
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by Counterintelligence: Modest. The capital has up to a few
virtue of their bloodline. operatives working within its borders.
Leadership Unity: Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just Counterintelligence Watchfulness: Wary. Efforts are diligent
be that someone is having a bad day. and concerted, though not taken to extreme. Moderate efforts at
secrecy are often caught and dealt with.
Governing Priority: Humanitarian. The leadership’s goal
is to truly do right by its people. Care and compassion are their
highest priorities.
Priority Approach: Aggressive (Moderate). A defensive
stance is taken, though opportunity is provided for good faith. If
that opportunity is squandered, dealings can become much more
difficult. Shows of force are typically relied upon but peaceful or,
at least, agreeable resolutions are usually considered.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 263

Number of Notable Visitors: 4 Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
Notable Visitor 1: Ambassador taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which
stay open perpetually. If the capital has a gate, it is closed, but
• Reason for Visit: Lost a Bet. The visitor is here for some guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
particular, unpleasant reason as the losing penalty of a
wager. Law Enforcement: Robust City Watch. Run by a captain and
two sergeants, the watch are able to place extra support at key
Notable Visitor 2: Military Commander points, as well as establish three or four patrols a day.
• Reason for Visit: Collecting a Debt. Someone owes the General Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a purse in
visitor (or someone connected to them) and it’s time to plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism and muggings
collect. are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel alone.
Notable Visitor 3: Scribe • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the
• Reason for Visit: Visiting an Old Friend. They are in the capital, but outside a district)
capital to meet with someone they haven’t seen in a long Organized Crime: Whispers. There are hushed rumors of
time. criminal organization, but most folks keep these suspicions to
Notable Visitor 4: Sentient Small Monster themselves, for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The organization has
a few operatives within the capital and they work hard to keep a
• Reason for Visit: In Need of Help. They are beset by a very low profile.
problem and have come here looking for aid.
Military Force. No. The capital does not employ its own military
force. Districts
Type of Nobility: Blood. Title and status are hereditary, Scholar District. This district has a focus on education and the
passed down by birth or through marriage. Positions were likely pursuit of knowledge.
originally awarded to the ancestors of current nobility by a • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
powerful individual, perhaps to reward or purchase loyalty. Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
Number of Primary Nobles: 4 the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
Relationship to the Leadership: Disliked. The nobility are not
fond of the leadership, but have yet to truly cause a problem. • Entry: Open. The district entrance is unrestricted.

Relationship with the People: Bad. Dislike is pervasive. • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
Dealings between nobles and commoners usually result in crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
mutterings and barely-concealed curses, but open hostility is Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
rare. discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.

Root of Relationship with the People: Leadership • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Treatment. The leadership treats the people and the nobility… district)

• Negative. ...differently. • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the

buildings in the district house residents.
• District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
Community additional locations in the district are notable.
Culture: Music. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in the • District Included Locations: Archives/Library, Academy/
making and experiencing of music, the true language of the soul. University, Forum, Schoolhouse, Hired Help - Scribes and
Pursuit of Culture: Moderate. Culture is viewed as passingly Clerks
important. Most enjoy cultural activities, but they do not • District Additional Locations:
dominate to the detriment of other aspects of life.
• Academy/University - Notable: Organization
Population Density: Sparse. Folk live in the capital, but it Affiliation. Association with certain people has
would never be called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll generated traffic to this location.
typically only see a few people.
• Luxury Furnishings - Notable: More-Than-Meets-
Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25% the-Eye. This location may seem to be one thing, but
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other. the right people know what else is there.
Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough to live • Weaver - Notable: Vested Interests. A third party (not
a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live comfortably. the shopkeeper or an employee) has a stake in whether
Visitor Traffic: Multitudes. Massive groups of people throng this location is successful, and has done something to
the streets, likely spilling out onto the roads outside the capital. ensure the populus know about it.
Congestion is an ever-present reality and a regular issue.
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.

264 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Slums District. This district is an area where those with lesser Craft District. This district has a focus on the creation of
means might live. different goods.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• Entry. Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by • Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is barred by
a gate with guards. a gate with guards.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any • District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing. Moderate. A fair amount of the
buildings in the district house residents.
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
locations in the district are notable.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
locations in the district are notable.
Inn, Tavern
• District Included Locations: Carpenter, General Store,
• District Additional Locations: Soothsayer
Magic Shop - Books, Tailor
• Weaver (Guild Member) - Notable: History. This
• District Additional Locations: Smithy, Wainwright
location is notable for its links to local history. Perhaps
it belongs to a family with a particular reputation? • Armorsmith - Notable: Vested Interests. A third
Maybe it has ties to events from long ago? party (not the shopkeeper or an employee) has a stake
in whether this location is successful, and has done
• Performance Entertainment - Notable: Unique
something to ensure the populus know about it.
Offering. This location has a product or service that no
one else in the capital has. • Foundry/Smelting (Guild Member) - Notable:
Coercion. Customers, who might otherwise go
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
somewhere else, are pressured into coming here
instead. This could be the owner’s doing, but could also
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. be the work of another interested party.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. Extra Intrigue
• Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong guard Recent History: The owner of a bank & exchange (if one is
presence. present, a shop if not) has discovered a tunnel entrance down
in their cellar that they swear wasn’t there before. Where did it
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
come from?
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
Noteworthy Official: Judge. Decision-maker in legal matters.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) • Official Competence: Incompetent. Doesn’t truly
understand how to execute the position.
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
district may be predominantly a place of business or Beneath the Surface: Strange markings have been showing up
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for around the capital.
another, less innocent reason. • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Willfully Ignorant.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional The public is fully aware of most, or all, of the issue, but
location in the district is notable. deliberately avoids addressing it or dealing with it in any
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
Smithy, Tailor
• District Additional Locations: Stables, Tavern (Guild
• Rare Libations and Fare (Guild Member) - Notable:
Top-Notch Marketing. All around the capital you can
see signage, or hear people mentioning, the location.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 265


266 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

By Kevin LaCroix

The pungent smell of rotting vegetation is the main indicator than the other. This street, as well as the myriad branching
alerting visitors to their destination’s proximity. The seemingly alleyways around it, is where the apprentices come, meal in
endless tracks of swamp around the city break as the first hand, to listen to local gossip. The capital’s leadership triad is
building comes into sight, the first of many clusters in a maze strained, with one member of the oligarchy caring more about
of dilapidated stilt dwellings, connected by rotting and broken their own hide than the city, and the other two competing for as
walkways. Each cluster looks worse for wear than the last. big a share of the capital’s assets as they can get, ostensibly for its
Visitors to Klopani can be seen visibly tucking, hiding, or covering own good. Only a few nights ago, some buildings in the merchant
up anything of even meager value before entering the city. The district caught fire, and there are some believe it may have been
half-sunken Merchant district houses, amongst pools of stagnant collateral in a scheme orchestrated by one leader or another.
water, Dunkers, the magical clothing shop; outside, patrons test And, of course, everyone knows about the spirit haunting the
the merchandise by rolling around in the mud and grime of the city, though linking that to their erstwhile leaders is tenuous, at
swamp before returning to their feet and finding their clothes best. In any case, it seems a storm is brewing; perhaps it will wipe
perfectly clean. Most seem happy customers, faces smiling with the capital clean, if it doesn’t wipe it out entirely.
incredulity through green-brown gunk (the enchanted garments
doing nothing to repel the swamp from exposed skin). Those
impressed enough bundle inside to proffer their gold as, in the
Basic Information
distance, the decaying walls of the crafts district loom. Origin: Invading Occupation. The settlement was previously
smaller and of little significance. It was sacked and conquered by
Some of the only armed guards in the city patrol the scholar an invading force, who chose to make the place their own centre
district. Built on what little dry land can be found in the swamp, of operations, for better or worse.
it is in far better condition than the rest of the city. The relative
success of the district is due, in no small part to Frank, the Age: Established. The capital has been around for at least 10,
capital’s self proclaimed head scholar. Whatever his actual but up to 100, years.
qualifications may be, he cares about his city in the people in Size: Medium. Structures in the capital are able to support
it. Students mill around attending seminars and holding study around 50,000 people.
groups, and Frank invites them daily to pick up a discount token
Environment: Swamp. The capital is in, or near, a vast area of
for the capital's rare food and drink shop as a philanthropic
stagnant water.
gesture to let them know he is looking out for them.
Outside the City: None
The path to a plate of warm food and a decent beverage leads
past the homes of the capital’s leadership; two great mansions Stewardship: Neglected. All of the fundamental elements of
dominate the otherwise-unremarkable street, one slightly nicer the capital are being ignored, or are unable to be addressed.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 267

General Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a Leader 2
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may • Lifestyle: Luxurious. The leader takes unrestrained
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed advantage of the comforts and luxuries available to one
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. in their position, and presents a striking, or flamboyant,
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, though appearance.
there could be some disparity.
• Residence: Large Estate (Inside the Capital). The
Fortification: Unfortified. The capital is exposed on all sides, leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
save for any barriers created by the presence of buildings or land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing,
natural land formations. There may still be gates across main or a wall.
thoroughfares, but no fortification of substance surrounds the city.
• Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market who see them.
square. Leader 3
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed • Lifestyle: Humble. The leader requires only what is
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. necessary to live and function basically. Minimal attention is
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, paid to their comfort.
and trenches lies beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition • Residence: Modest House. The leader’s residence is just
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They enough to accommodate their needs. This may garner
may pre-date the current capital city. positivity among the poor or frugal, but may also draw
derision from the wealthy or extravagant.
Government & High Society • Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
Leadership: Oligarchy (Other small group; Rebels). A few
believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
top individuals hold sway, collectively, over the capital.
who see them.
Leadership Unity: Strained. Tension can be felt in the room,
Connections: 1
and overly polite disagreements are frequent.
• Connection 1: Enemy - Hated. The relationship is bitter
Governing Priority: Cloak & Dagger. The government heavily
and, barring an amazing turn of events, unsalvageable. This
favors pursuing its goals through the liberal use of secrecy and
hatred could have stemmed from a perceived (or actual)
intrigue. These operations could be secret to all but the inner
insult, an attack, or opposing interests.
circle, or the use of these types of operations may be blatant and
open within the governing body itself.. Spy Network Size: Modest. The capital has up to a few spies
working outside its borders.
Priority Approach: Peaceable (Moderate). An agreeable
stance is taken unless heavily provoked, when an aggressive Infiltration Depth: General.
response is carefully deliberated. Deals and negotiations • Goals: Gathering general intelligence involving
are preferred, but shows of force, or use of leverage, are not identification of key places, figures, routines and
completely unheard of. infrastructure.
Priority Success: Mediocre. The leadership has made small • Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity
steps in realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single
milestone. National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about
discovered spy’s efforts.
Leader 1
Counterintelligence: Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen
• Lifestyle: Exquisite. The leader quietly enjoys the luxuries operatives working within its borders.
afforded to one in their lofty position, and presents a
refined, well-maintained appearance. Counterintelligence Watchfulness: Wary. Efforts are diligent
and concerted, though not taken to extreme. Moderate efforts at
• Residence: Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The secrecy are often caught and dealt with.
leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing, Number of Notable Visitors: 2
or a wall. Notable Visitor 1: Spy.
• Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because • Reason for visit: Lost a Bet. The visitor is here for some
they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this particular, unpleasant reason as the losing penalty of a
way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on wager.
influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
even a sense of entitlement. Notable Visitor 2: Priest or Priestess.
• Reason for visit: Seeking Advice. They are here to gain
understanding about an issue that has been affecting them.

268 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Military Force: Yes. Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which
Standing or Disbanded: Disbanded. When the military is not
stay open perpetually. If the capital has a gate, it is closed, but
on active campaign, it disbands. While disbanded, members
guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
may contribute to the city watch, work a trade, or undertake any
number of other activities, but can be called upon to reform at a Law Enforcement: None. If not openly opposed by the
moment’s notice.. collective population, crime can easily run amok. This could
manifest itself in subtle or obvious ways.
Recruitment Type: Mandatory. Law states all able-bodied
citizens must spend a certain amount of time serving in the General Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
military.. crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and discoveries
Size of Force: Strong. The force’s size is large, and likely solid
of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.
enough to consider going into battle.
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the capital,
Specialization: None.
but outside a district)
Military Facilities: Simple Structures Inside the Capital.
Organized Crime: Whispers. There are hushed rumors of
This encompasses barracks facilities for the troops, and quarters
criminal organization, but most folks keep these suspicions to
for officers. Training grounds are equipped drilling yards within
themselves, for fear of ridicule, or reprisal. The organization has
light walls.
a few operatives within the capital and they work hard to keep a
Type of Nobility: Egalitarian. The nobility is comprised of very low profile.
self-made people. Theoretically, anyone could attain this degree
of notability, as there are few (if any) rules that would prevent
social climbing. Typically, those in this group have some agreed- Districts
upon metric they use to judge suitability, such as a challenging, Merchant District. This district has a focus on business and
but achievable, goal. non-essential goods.
Number of Primary Nobles: 3 • District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
Relationship to the Leadership: Liked. The nobility like the state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
leadership well enough; some may even be friends. doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
Relationship with the People: Good. Relations are generally
of help.
friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or
tip of the hat is typicalRoot of Relationship with the People: • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
Manipulation. An individual or group has orchestrated the unrestricted.
sentiment between the two classes. The manipulator is looking • District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with
out for.... crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
• Positive. ...the capital’s interests. Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’.

Community • (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this

Culture: Art & Beauty. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in
• District Housing: None.
the appreciation of the world and its beauty, exploring it through
creative pursuits. • Number of Noble Residents: None.
Pursuit of Culture: Keen Interest. Interest is deep and far- • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
reaching, but not overwhelming. Many folks incorporate some locations in
aspect of cultural endeavor into their daily life. • the district are notable.
Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people • District Included Locations: Bank & Exchange (Guild
live in the capital. Walking through the streets, you will see Member), Tailor, Artist (Guild Member), Cobbler, Magic
plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped. Shop - Misc. and Curiosities
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All • District Additional Locations:
others reasonably well represented.
• Magic Shop - Clothing - Notable: Top-Notch
Population Wealth: Destitute. Nearly everyone in the capital Marketing. All around the capital you can see signage,
consistently lacks the barest essentials of what they need to or hear people mentioning, the location.
• Inn - Notable: Organization Affiliation. Association
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly with certain people has generated traffic to this
frequent the capital. Congestion is significantly increased. location.
Disposition: Neutral. Locals are standoffish, or perhaps hard
on the outside, but can be friendly if you get to know them.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 269

Craft District: This district has a focus on the creation of • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the district
different goods. may be predominantly a place of business or functionality,
or perhaps people avoid living here for another, less
• District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
innocent reason.
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed • Number of Noble Residents: Two.
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. • District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, locations in the district.
though there could be some disparity.
• District Included Locations: Library, University, Forum,
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is Schoolhouse, Hired Help - Scribes and Clerks
barred by a gate with guards.
• District Additional Locations: Library, Schoolhouse, Rare
• District Crime: Dangerous. The streets are crawling with Libations & Fare
crime. Having things stolen is the least of folks’ worries.
Vandalism and muggings are a daily occurence, and
discoveries of bodies are not what one would call ‘rare’. Extra Intrigue
• (+5 to urban encounter rolls taking place within Recent History: A block of buildings caught fire in the district
within this district) with the lowest district condition, devastating multiple
• District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the businesses and/or residences.
district may be predominantly a place of business or Noteworthy Official: High Mage. The representative of the
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for practitioners of arcane arts to the capital leadership.
another, less innocent reason.
• Official’s Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
• Number of Noble Residents: None. position for personal gain.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional Beneath the Surface: Haunted. The capital is being haunted by
location in the district is notable. some kind of spirit.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Actively Aware. The
Store (Guild Member), Tailor, Magic Shop - Weapons (Guild public is fully aware, and actively addressing whatever is
Member) going on.
• District Additional Locations: Carpenter, Luxury
• Rare Trade Goods - Notable: Favoritism. Certain
people are given particularly good service here, and it
incentivizes them to frequent this location.
Scholar District. This district has a focus on education and the
pursuit of knowledge.
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
generally functional.
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
guard presence.
• District Crime: Common. Most are used to hearing about
some sort of trouble every day or two. Everyone knows
someone who’s been a victim of crime, either a theft or,
sometimes, even a mugging, or worse.
• (+3 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this

270 C h apt er S ix | C apit als


C h apt er S ix | C apit als 271

By Zach Zimmerman
The capital city of Leorda is found hidden deep in a complex cave
system, and is truly a place of darkness and mystery. Its focus
has always been on exploring magic but, truth be told, it may be
to an unhealthy degree. The raw magic present there is evidenced
in many ways, such as the simple fact that there are many
strange plants that seem magical in nature and, as far as anyone
knows, are not found anywhere else in the world. Magical fires,
in shades of blue and purple, light the streets at all hours, and
architecture is found here in styles and configurations that
would be unachievable without magical aid. To an outsider, the
cave appears to be a wondrous spectacle of bizarre and amazing
gothic styles, all lit with flickering, magical flame. The most
notable feature is the arcane district at its center,
which is completely contained within a massive
central pillar that dominates all sightlines in the
Leorda’s government consists of an
isolationist group of archmages; because of
this, outsiders are generally not welcome. To
enforce their segregation, the city has both
a substantial city watch and a volunteer
military presence. Due to these two groups,
as well as the strict punishment, crime
rates are extremely low. Military units
always travel in groups of three to five
soldiers, and there is always at least
one present possessing some magical
abilities. The magical power here is
arcane focussed, not divine; religion
does not seem to affect the political
environment, and judicial law is
held above that of any deity, though
shrines and altars to just about all
of them can be found in one place or
another. The citizens of Leorda are
also as diverse as their places of
worship. Many and varied are the
lifestyles and cultures on display.
What might concern folks, were
they to know, are the activities of
the leaders themselves. The mages
are constantly tinkering and
experimenting with dark magic
in ways that many would insist
are crimes against nature itself.
Those who have had their suspicions, or even concrete knowledge, One remarkable local legend (and popular, fireplace tale) is
have thus far turned away, likely feeling powerless to stop it. that a deity of chaos and trickery once visited Leorda in the
Rumor even has it that the archmages tricked a powerful and all- flesh. While the common folk gasp and chuckle, embellishing
knowing demon into visiting the capital, striking deals of terrible all their favorite parts, the archmages know the story is not
consequence in exchange for access to the wisdom it possessed. mere legend. Not only did the deity’s materialisation actually
happen, but it does so regularly. The mages are content with the
For good or ill, Leorda is home to vast stores of knowledge. Vast wives’ tales, knowing full well that it is easier to hide secrets
collections of books, housing all manner of rare and esoteric amongst half-truths, and none but they know the true purpose or
knowledge, have been amassed and fill the many libraries within reason behind the visitations. Further secrets are lying dormant
the capital. The rarest and most-prized are kept off-limits to within a mine local to the capital, filled with magical crystals
anyone besides the archmages and nobility but, with so many called ‘soul stones’. Within, a collapsed tunnel conceals an
books, keeping track of all of them has to be somewhat difficult… otherworldly, crystalline castle, long since abandoned and, thus
far, undiscovered.

272 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Leader 1
Basic Information • Lifestyle: Ostentatious. The leader revels in comfort and
Origin: First Settlement. This location was the first one settled luxury, probably to excess, or endeavours to project such an
in the region, and continued to grow as a central location, image. They aim to inspire awe and jealousy in all who see
outpacing all others. them.
Age: Ancient. The capital is older than living, and possibly even • Residence: Palace (Inside the Capital) - (shared with
recorded, memory. other leaders). The leader’s main residence is grand and
Size: Very Large. Structures in the capital are likely able to palatial, with a great many opulent and comfortable rooms.
support over 150,000 people. It occupies a significant amount of the land in the capital.
Staff probably have their own wing, or floor, within the
Environment: Underground. The capital is within a large property. The palace is designed as a luxury residence, not a
network of caves. defensible military structure.
Outside the Capital: None. • Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
Stewardship: Managed. The capital’s fundamental elements they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
are all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
responsible is doing an admirable job. influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
even a sense of entitlement.
General Condition: Magnificent. The capital is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of the Leader 2
highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been lavished • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
on as many aspects as is possible. unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
Fortification: Fortified. The capital is surrounded by a position.
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled • Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers • Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
may be placed around the city, though are likely sporadic. typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
Market Square: Tight. Only room for a few vendor stalls. who see them.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. First Come, First Served - Fee. Leader 3
Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the
line are given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided • Lifestyle: Humble. The leader requires only what is
they can pay the fee for the day. necessary to live and function basically. Minimal attention is
paid to their comfort.
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed
• Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this.
• Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
Underground Passages: None.
they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
Government & High Society influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
even a sense of entitlement.
Leadership: Oligarchy (Mages). A few top individuals hold
sway, collectively, over the capital. Leader 4
Leadership Unity: Accord. Most of those involved are on the • Lifestyle: Humble. The leader requires only what is
same wavelength, and can often anticipate one another. necessary to live and function basically. Minimal attention is
paid to their comfort.
Governing Priority: Isolationist. The capital has no desire to
get involved in the dealings of other sovereign entities. They are • Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
open and clear about this. • Intent: Unknown Alternative. The individual is living this
Priority Approach: Aggressive (Strong). A defensive lifestyle because they simply do not really know (or have
stance is taken, assuming and preparing for conflict at all forgotten) how to live any other way.
times. Negotiation is considered only if the offer is extremely Leader 5
appealing. More often than not, the preference is to use
ultimatums or physical force. • Lifestyle: Distinguished. The leader aspires to quality and
high-functionality, but without concern for needless luxury
Priority Success: Incredibly Successful. The leadership has or vanity.
gone above and beyond in pursuit of its priority, achieving more
• Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
than it ever thought possible.
• Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
even a sense of entitlement.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 273

Leader 6 Number of Primary Nobles: 6
• Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is Relationship to the Leadership: Supported. The nobility
unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their support what the leadership is doing, and generally agree with
position. their goals and priorities.
• Residence: (shared, see Leader 1) Relationship with the People: Bad. Dislike is pervasive.
• Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not Dealings between nobles and commoners usually result in
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish mutterings and barely-concealed curses, but open hostility is
motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this rare.
lifestyle against their will. Root of Relationship with the People: Opinion of
Connections: 1 Leadership. When it comes to their opinion of the leadership,
both sides...
• Connection 1: Ally - With Reservations. The entity is
considered a friend, but treated with care, possibly not • Negative. ...disagree.
fully trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove their
loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle. Community
Spy Network Size: Ample. The capital has over a dozen spies Culture: Non-Specific. Culture within the capital is shaped
working outside its borders. simply by their environment and current events.
Infiltration Depth: Deep. Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
• Goals: Ingratiating selves with individual targets, live in the capital. Walking through the streets, you will see
monitoring and noting relationships and actively guarded plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.
Demographics: Wide Distribution. 20% primary race. All
• Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity, others reasonably well represented.
imprisonment/ransom or attempts to turn operative
Population Wealth: Wealthy. Nearly everyone has what they
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about
need to live comfortably, many are able to live well, and some are
discovered spy’s efforts, difficult negotiations.
very prosperous.
Counterintelligence: Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen
Visitor Traffic: Mostly Locals. On any given day, there are
operatives working within its borders.
typically a few from outside the capital, though not enough to
Counterintelligence Watchfulness: Vigilant. Pursuit of impact congestion.
threats is ongoing and thorough. Skilled efforts at secrecy are
Disposition: Unfriendly. Locals don’t care much for visitors,
often caught and dealt with.
looking upon them with contempt, fear, or suspicion.
Number of Notable Visitors: 1
Night Activity: Lively. There is little difference between day and
Notable Visitor 1: Otherworldly Being. night traffic. There are always people on the streets, and it may
• Reason for visit: Tricked. They wound up here after being seem like no one ever sleeps. Most shops and services remain
deceived. open constantly. If the capital has a gate, it remains open and is
only closed under the most dire of circumstances.
Military Force: Yes.
Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain
Standing or Disbanded: Standing. The capital’s military is and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The
ever at the ready and active. Their training is ongoing, and they city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
are kept well-supplied. They may double as a garrison for the regularly.
capital or bolster city defenses.
General Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
Recruitment Type: Volunteer. Forces are made up of crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
individuals who joined up willingly, and of their own volition.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the capital,
Size of Force: Grand. The force’s size is considerable. As but outside a district)
massing these kinds of numbers is uncommon, it would likely
have a numerical advantage in the field.
Specialization: Magical. A section of the military force is
made up of magic-users, or arcane specialists are placed in every
Military Facilities: Robust Structures Inside the Capital.
This encompasses extremely well-equipped and outfitted
barracks facilities, and quarters for officers. Training grounds are
expansive and contain anything that could be required for high-
level military training. All is protected by heavy walls.
Type of Nobility: Blood. Title and status are hereditary,
passed down by birth or through marriage. Positions were likely
originally awarded to the ancestors of current nobility by a
powerful individual, perhaps to reward or purchase loyalty.

274 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

• District Additional Locations: Miller, Gathering Hall,
Districts Treasury
Arcane District. This district has a focus on magical matters. • House of Leisure - Notable: Entertaining Service.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. Something about the folk that work here is very
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of entertaining. Perhaps they’re funny, or maybe they do
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been demonstrations, or even have a bard who plays there
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. regularly.
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is • Carpenter - Notable: Favoritism. Certain people are
barred by a gate with guards. given particularly good service here, and it incentivizes
them to frequent this location.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. Scholar District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district. the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
• Number of Noble Residents: 1. lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3 • District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is
additional locations in the district are notable. barred by a gate with guards.
• District Included Locations: Library, University, Magic • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
Shop - Jewelry, Magic Shop - Misc. and Curiosities, Hired crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
Help - Arcane Academics • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Additional Locations: Lodge, Forums district)
• Soothsayer (Guild Member) - Notable: Rumors. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
Something intriguing has been heard about this place district may be predominantly a place of business or
that, for some reason, has piqued visitor’s curiosity. functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
another, less innocent reason.
• Alchemist (Guild Member) - Notable: Unique
Offering. This location has a product or service that no • Number of Noble Residents: None.
one else in the capital has. • District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
• Schoolhouse - Notable: Important Person. Someone additional locations in the district are notable.
directly involved with this location (owner, employee, • District Included Locations: Library, University, Forum,
etc) is a major figure in the community. Schoolhouse
Industrial District. This district has a focus on large-scale • District Additional Locations: Schoolhouse, Rare
production facilities. Botanicals (Guild Member)
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • Rare botanicals (Guild Member) - Notable: Nearby
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of Curiosity. There is something in very close proximity
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been that draws attention, thereby increasing foot traffic.
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• Archives - Notable: Vested Interests. A third party
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is (not the shopkeeper or an employee) has a stake in
unrestricted. whether this location is successful, and has done
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any something to ensure folk know about it.
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. • Library - Notable: Rumors. Something intriguing has
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this been heard about this place that, for some reason, has
district) piqued visitor’s curiosity.
• District Housing: Moderate. No one lives in this district.
• Number of Noble Residents: 1
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the district are notable.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Foundry

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 275

Market District: This district has a focus on the sale of practical Botanical District: This district has a focus on large-scale
goods. production facilities.
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible. • District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been
lavished on as many aspects as is possible. lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
a token guard presence. guard presence.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) district)
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district. • District Housing: Moderate. A fair amount of the
buildings in the district house residents.
• Number of Noble Residents: None.
• Number of Noble Residents: None
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
locations in the district are notable. • District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
additional locations in the district are notable.
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
Smithy, Tailor • District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
Inn, Tavern
• District Additional Locations: Rare Trade Goods, Artist,
Bank & Exchange • District Additional Locations: Altar, Apothecary (Guild
• Magic Shop - Armor - Notable: More-Than-Meets-
the-Eye. This location may seem to be one thing, but • Rare botanicals (Guild Member) - Notable: Magic.
the right people know what else is there. Some form of magic plays a role in what is drawing
people here. It could be on purpose or accidental,
• Magic Shop - Weapons - Notable: More-Than-
innocent or malicious.
Meets-the-Eye. This location may seem to be one thing,
but the right people know what else is there. • Alchemist (Guild Member) - Notable: Unique
Offering. This location has a product or service that no
Craft District: This district has a focus on large-scale production
one else in the capital has.
• Doctor (Guild Member) - Notable: Excellent
• District Condition: Magnificent. The district is incredible.
Offerings. Whatever product or service the location
Cleanliness, maintenance and structural integrity are all of
the highest standard. Loving attention seems to have been offers, it’s good enough to draw notice.
lavished on as many aspects as is possible.
• District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has Extra Intrigue
a token guard presence. Recent History: A deity has made a physical appearance in the
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any city.
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. Noteworthy Official 1: High Mage. The representative of the
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this practitioners of arcane arts to the capital leadership.
district) • Official’s Competence: Overqualified. Based on skills
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the and experience, ought to be in a higher, or more challenging,
district’s buildings are housing for residents. position.
• Number of Noble Residents: None. Noteworthy Official 2: Master of Stores. Oversees the capital’s
stores of supplies, such as grain or building materials.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable. • Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General
Store, Tailor, Magic Shop - Books (Guild Member) Noteworthy Official 3: Master of Intelligence. Responsible
for seeking and utilizing information vital for capital/national
• District Additional Locations: Smithy (Weapons), Smithy
(Armor), Magic Shop - Clothing (Guild Member), Rare Trade
Goods • Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
• Tavern - Notable: Generous Spirit. The location
owner is known in the community for their generosity Beneath the Surface: Tampering. Someone is interfering with
(this could be financial, but could also be with their forces best left alone.
time, knowledge, or resources). • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Wilfully Ignorant.
The public is fully aware of most, or all, of the issue, but
deliberately avoids addressing it or dealing with it in any way.

276 C h apt er S ix | C apit als


C h apt er S ix | C apit als 277

By Silje Starheim
In a lush forest, tucked between, around,
atop, and underneath huge trees, at the
junction of a dozen streams, lies the
capital city of Potemgrad, a place that
embraces the idea of the open market
like no other. Business obsessed to
the core, the leadership implemented
a unique, unusual (and lucrative)
Decades ago, they decided to sell
shares in the capital itself, and openly
continue to do so to this day. The capital
and, by extension, the area it governs, is
now owned by investors. Shares grant the
holder various services and benefits,
the most significant of which being
the right to vote in matters of state
and the running of the capital itself.
The greater their percentage, the
more votes so, of course, the original
leaders ensured they bought in to
their own scheme early to remain
majority shareholders. This system
has been responsible for generating
substantial income, taxes, and levies
for the capital.
Potemgrad is a city that revolves
around the rich and powerful,
and areas frequented by these
people are the priority when
it comes to maintenance and
upkeep. The rest are largely
tended by the local residents,
resulting in a place where the
general physical state of homes,
roads, and bridges (to name a few)
can range wildly from superb to
flat-out dangerous, just within
the radius of a few streets.
The capital is certainly a tourist
The city guards (or ‘Potemguardians’) uphold a strict
destination. Advertisements and recommendations are
trade curfew, banning any sort of trade of goods outside market
everywhere. A visitor might take a leisurely stroll along the
business hours (sunrise to sunset). Due to this, many local
hanging bridges which connect the city’s major trees. They might
establishments focus on offering services instead of physical
visit the ‘Sense-ation Spa’ to have their fortune told, all while
goods. Apart from the usual barbers, healing houses, and
the magnificent handlers make sure to pamper all their senses.
massage institutes, tutoring is a popular offering. No matter the
One extremely famous location is ‘Magic McHale’s Weapons
subject, chances are good there’s someone teaching it.
and Ammunition’, self proclaimed home of the ‘Wondrous
Warhammer’. Another Potemgrad favorite is ‘Holly Monotik’s Exciting Tours’,
which offer excursions into unmapped areas. Rumor has it that
A favorite pastime for those with refined tastes is the Amphi
Holly’s last trip uncovered a forgotten elven tomb, but she won’t
Opera, a stage so prestigious that prospective entertainers
say a thing. Her customers on the other hand, just might.
have to put their wellbeing on the line and duel for the right
to perform (of course, tickets for these initial duels and tickets
to the opera are sold separately). For those looking for a more
visceral experience (or an excuse to test their new Wondrous
Warhammer), folks go down to Dusty’s Inn for their famous
‘Smashy Hour’, a fully sanctioned bar brawl. Bets are taken and
the winnings are always terrific.

278 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Basic Information Government & High Society
Origin: First Settlement. This location was the first one settled Leadership: Oligarchy (Merchants). A few top individuals
in the region, and continued to grow as a central location, hold sway, collectively, over the capital.
outpacing all others. Leadership Unity: Strained. Tension can be felt in the room,
Age: Mature. The capital has been around at least 100, but up to and overly polite disagreements are frequent.
300, years.
Governing Priority: Release. Those at the top do not actually
Size: Very Small. Structures in the capital are likely able to want to be in power. Perhaps they were elected and carried to
support up to 20,000 people. the position by momentum, or they inherited it from birth. They
Environment: Swamp. The capital is in or near a vast area of might have simply been an individual (or group) the people
stagnant water. rallied, behind but never desired to rule. Now, they just want out.
Outside the Capital: Priority Approach: Peaceable (Moderate). An agreeable
stance is taken unless heavily provoked, when an aggressive
• Event Grounds. Tended grounds for games, duels,
ceremonies, or other events. response is carefully deliberated. Deals and negotiations
are preferred, but shows of force, or use of leverage, are not
• Resource Harvesting. Depending on the landscape and completely unheard of.
available resources (trees, minerals, ore, stone, etc.), a
logging camp, mine, or quarry, belonging to the capital, has Priority Success: Successful. The leadership has been
been built nearby to harvest them, which it then uses or successful at pursuing its priority, achieving several of its overall
sells. goals.

• Exploration. Explorers have been investigating something Leader 1

at this site a fair distance outside the capital. • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
• Family Estate. A wealthy family’s large estate is situated in unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
the neighboring countryside. position.

• Farming [Agriculture]. A group of farms, providing food • Residence: Large Estate (Inside the Capital) - (shared
grown for the capital, are found on the nearest hospitable with other leaders). The leader’s main residence is
land under its control. substantial, and surrounded by modest grounds. Staff
probably have apartments within the property. The property
Stewardship: Managed. The capital’s fundamental elements is likely bordered with hedges, fencing, or a wall.
are all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is
responsible is doing an admirable job. • Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
General Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may who see them.
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. Leader 2
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, though • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
there could be some disparity. unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
Fortification: Lightly Fortified. The capital has bare-bones
fortifications which are a minimal obstacle for enemy forces, but • Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
are adequate to deter wild animals. A simple gate, which can be • Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
barred in the evenings, sits astride the main road. typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
Market Square: Spacious. Room for lots of vendor stalls. motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
lifestyle against their will.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. First come, first served - Fee.
Merchants line up prior to market day. Those at the front of the Leader 3
line are given first pick of the available stall spaces, provided • Lifestyle: Exquisite. The leader quietly enjoys the luxuries
they can pay the fee for the day. afforded to one in their lofty position, and presents a
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to refined, well-maintained appearance.
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the • Residence: (shared, see Leader 1)
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter.
• Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
and trenches lies beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They who see them.
may pre-date the current capital city.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 279

Connections: 3 Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
• Connection 1: Ally - With Reservations. The entity is live in the capital. Walking through the streets, you will see
considered a friend, but treated with care, possibly not plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.
fully trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove their Demographics: Only Two. 60% primary race, 40% secondary
loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle. race.
• Connection 2: Enemy - Friendly. Relations are civil Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough
enough, but there is a fundamental and irreconcilable to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
rivalry, or difference of opinion, that prevents any real comfortably.
Visitor Traffic: Droves. Large groups of people regularly
• Connection 3: Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and frequent the capital. Congestion is significantly increased.
unlikely to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared interest.
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome.
Spy Network Size: None. The capital is not engaged in any
Night Activity: Slow. Almost everything is closed except for
intelligence gathering operations.
taverns, which may be open until early morning, and inns, which
Counterintelligence: Adequate. The capital has up to a dozen stay open perpetually. If the capital has a gate, it is closed, but
operatives working within its borders. guards will generally be ready to open it, as needed.
Counterintelligence Watchfulness: Passing. Obvious threats Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain
to the capital are found and dealt with. Threats with any serious and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The
degree of subtlety (if there are any) go undetected. city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
Number of Notable Visitors: 2 regularly.

Notable Visitor 1: Sentient Large Monster. General Crime: Uncommon. The streets are unsafe, and a
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism and
• Reason for visit: Lost a Bet. The visitor is here for some muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel alone.
particular, unpleasant reason as the losing penalty of a
wager. • (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the
capital, but outside a district)
Notable Visitor 2: Assassin.
• Reason for visit: Doing a Favor. A friend or loved one
asked them to come here and resolve some kind of business. Districts
Military Force: No. Industrial District. This district has a focus on large-scale
production facilities.
Type of Nobility: Deeds. Status is granted in relation to deeds
accomplished, or values displayed, typically reflective of those • District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
held to be most important by the society itself. not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
Number of Primary Nobles: 6 Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
Relationship to the Leadership: Supported. The nobility generally functional.
support what the leadership is doing, and generally agree with • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
their goals and priorities. guard presence.
Relationship with the People: Bad. Dislike is pervasive. • District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
Dealings between nobles and commoners usually result in happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
mutterings and barely-concealed curses, but open hostility is case.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
Root of Relationship with the People: Resources. The district)
common folk feel the nobles...
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• Negative. not distribute resources fairly, prioritizing
• Number of Noble Residents: 1.
plenty for themselves over making sure there is enough for
all. • District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable.

Community • District Included Locations: Smithy, Foundry

Culture: Self-Improvement. Citizens believe life finds its • District Additional Locations:
meaning through the endless pursuit of bettering oneself, inside • General Store (Guild Member) - Notable: History.
and out. This location is notable for its links to local history.
Pursuit of Culture: Keen Interest. Interest is deep and far- Perhaps it belongs to a family with a particular
reaching, but not overwhelming. Many folks incorporate some reputation? Maybe it has ties to events from long ago?
aspect of cultural endeavor into their daily life.

280 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Slums District: This district is an area where those with lesser Slums District 2: This district is an area where those with lesser
means might live. means might live.
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable • District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
of help. of help.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is • District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong
unrestricted. guard presence.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any • District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
district) • (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the
district’s buildings are housing for residents. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
district may be predominantly a place of business or
• Number of Noble Residents: 1.
functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional another, less innocent reason.
location in the district is notable.
• Number of Noble Residents: 4.
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
Inn, Tavern
location in the district is notable.
• District Additional Locations:
• District Included Locations: Butcher, House of Leisure,
• General Store (Guild Member) - Notable: Generous Inn, Tavern
Spirit. The location owner is known in the community
• District Additional Locations:
for their generosity (this could be financial, but could
also be with their time, knowledge, or resources). • House of Leisure (Guild Member) - Notable:
Important Person. Someone directly involved with
Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
this location (owner, employee, etc) is a major figure in
the community.
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
could still be offputting to those with lofty expectations. Extra Intrigue
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are Recent History: A public building, in a key location, has
generally functional. collapsed, and an investigation is underway to determine the
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong cause.
guard presence. Recent History 2: A local tavernkeep is starting something
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence called ‘Smashy Hour’, a controlled and sanctioned weekly
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in bar-brawl. The event is in partnership with a local furniture
case. maker, who supplies old stock to be used as make-shift weapons.
Guards are, so far, not getting involved, so long as the chaos stays
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
contained. The only rule: don’t destroy the tavern.
Noteworthy Official: Adviser. Second in command of the
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
capital. Can be an official, or unofficial, position.
• Number of Noble Residents: None.
• Official’s Competence: Corrupt. Taking advantage of the
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional position for personal gain.
location in the district is notable.
Beneath the Surface: Unsafe. There is a structural problem
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store, with a location within the capital (or, possibly, the land, or
Smithy, Tailor environment, it is built on). The longer it goes unnoticed, the
• District Additional Locations: more damaging it could be.

• Magic Shop - Weapons - Notable: Top-Notch • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Disparate, Direct
Marketing. All around the capital you can see signage, Occurrence. A few people have had direct, first-hand
or hear people mentioning, the location. experiences involving the issue and word is starting to
spread. Claims have become difficult to dismiss.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 281


282 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

By Spike Murphy-Rose

Long ago, Selunaria was the capital of an elven kingdom That changed when a recent cosmic event mysteriously caused
renowned for their incredible works of magically wrought glass the last Selunarian scion to reappear. Bewildered, finding herself
which could capture moonlight and starlight. The city was made a stranger out of time, she has been trying to make her way
up of marble and glass towers which rose from the verdant, but through an unfamiliar world. When she sleeps under the moon’s
well-tended, tropical fields and surrounding jungle. The towers light, she dreams of Selunaria. At first, she believed that these
had pillared domes and long, delicate bridges made from the glass, were only visions of what could have been, but she has come to
which emitted their light in vivid constellations, making it appear realize that they are real; she truly travels to Selunaria in her
as if any who walked in the evenings did so among the stars. dreams. The city now exists in a state of limbo and perpetual
Selunaria’s most impressive structure has always been the Lunar night, citizens repeating the patterns of what they did in their
Lighthouse, a massive 240-foot tall piece of marble intricately daily lives, unaware of what has befallen them, or how much
shaped by elven artisans. Sat atop was an immense glass crescent time has passed. During full moons and other lunar events, those
moon that stored and emitted moonlight, creating a beacon sleeping within a few miles of the scion also find themselves
visible for hundreds of miles. The beacon’s stored moonlight travelling to Selunaria in their hours of slumber, in visions so
also fueled powerful enchantments that created air currents tangible that they even find items they acquired on their travels
throughout the towers of the city, allowing people to literally made manifest upon waking. And wake they must for, as several
walk on the winds. The vision of the Selunarians dancing across unfortunate souls have discovered, any who remain in the city
bridges of stars and running through moonlit skies must have past dawn become trapped within it, their bodies fading like
made quite a spectacular picture to newcomers. dreams in the morning light.

But that was then. Thousands of years ago, an ancient sorcerer-

king of immense power and evil assaulted Selunaria. He had Basic Information
nearly succeeded in destroying the city when the last scion of Origin: Advantageous Position. The site was chosen to take
the royal line activated the lighthouse, using its stored energy advantage of desirable geographical features, like a strategic
to defend it. The sorcerer-king tried to stop her, but only choke point, or an ideal high-ground posting. As the location
managed to disrupt the beacon and cause the city to become proved itself, it grew which, in turn, created a stronger hold, and
partially stranded in the dimension of time. For millennia, no so on.
sign of Selunaria remained except for the solitary, aging marble
lighthouse. Age: Ancient. The capital is older than living, and possibly even
recorded, memory.
Size: Large. Structures in the capital are able to support around
100,000 people.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 283

Outside the City: Leader 1
• Tended Nature. An area of nature outside the capital has • Lifestyle: Humble. The leader requires only what is
been preserved and tended to. This may be a park, preserved necessary to live and function basically. Minimal attention is
forest, animal reserve or something else. It may, or may not, paid to their comfort.
be controlled by the capital.
• Residence: Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The
Stewardship: Passing. The capital’s fundamental elements leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
are taken care of to a serviceable degree, though an inequality land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing,
of attention is noticeable, and some areas seem to take priority or a wall.
over others. It could be that resources are not plentiful enough to • Intent: Genuine. The individual lives this lifestyle because
cover everything, but those in charge are doing the best they can. they truly believe it is good/right/acceptable to live this
General Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a way. This (whether positive or negative) might be based on
widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may influences from their life, such as how they were raised, or
have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed even a sense of entitlement.
dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy. Connections: 1
Structures have likely received similar low levels of care, though
there could be some disparity. • Connection 1: Enemy - Hated. The relationship is bitter
and, barring an amazing turn of events, unsalvageable. This
Environment: Coastal. The capital is near a large body of hatred could have stemmed from a perceived (or actual)
water, such as a lake or ocean. insult, an attack, or opposing interests.
Fortification: Extremely Fortified. The capital is surrounded Spy Network Size: Modest. The capital has up to a few spies
by an imposing wall of wood or stone, with many fully-staffed working outside its borders.
watchtowers at regular intervals along its length. The gate is
double-thickness, reinforced with metal bands, augmented with Infiltration Depth: General.
a portcullis, and is always manned. A supplementary wall of • Goals: Gathering general intelligence involving
wood or stone encompasses the surrounding countryside, with identification of key places, figures, routines and
its own watchtowers. Nothing goes in or out without the watch’s infrastructure.
knowledge or permission.
• Repercussions: Individual - revelation of identity
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor
National - diplomatic tension, divulging information about
discovered spy’s efforts.
Vendor Stall Acquisition: Sponsored Referral Only - Fee.
Counterintelligence: None. The capital does not have
A stall may only be acquired once the vendor pays a fee, and
counterintelligence operatives working within its borders.
the vendor is sponsored by a citizen of the capital. The sponsor
assumes responsibility for the vendor. The space is granted once Number of Notable Visitors: 3
payment and proof of sponsorship is submitted and approved. Notable Visitor 1: Famed Craftsperson.
Merchant Overflow: Banned. Excess vendors are not allowed • Reason for visit: Had a Vision. They saw something in a
to set up stalls outside the town. City guards will enforce this. dream that involved coming here.
Underground Passages: Forgotten Crypts. Old burial Notable Visitor 2: Adventurer.
chambers and tombs are housed deep beneath the capital, likely
unknown to the general populace. • Reason for visit: Lost (Trapped). They wound up here
trying to find their way somewhere else.

Government & High Society Notable Visitor 3: Priest/Priestess.

• Reason for visit: Following Prophecy. They are here
Leadership: Hereditary. A non-elected leader is in power, by
because they feel they were meant to be.
virtue of their bloodline.
Military Force: Yes.
Leadership Unity: Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just
be that someone is having a bad day. Standing or Disbanded: Disbanded. When the military is not
on active campaign, it disbands. While disbanded, members
Governing Priority: Release. Those at the top do not actually
may contribute to the city watch, work a trade, or undertake any
want to be in power. Perhaps they were elected and carried to
number of other activities, but can be called upon to reform at a
the position by momentum, or they inherited it from birth. They
moment’s notice.
might have simply been an individual (or group) the people
rallied behind, but never desired to rule. Now, they just want out. Recruitment Type: Volunteer. Forces are made up of
individuals who joined up willingly, and of their own volition.
Priority Approach: Peaceable (Strong). An agreeable stance
is taken, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible, through Size of Force: Modest. The force’s size is respectable, but not
negotiating and dealing for the best nonaggressive outcome. what anyone would call large. Open warfare would likely be risky.
Priority Success: Mediocre. The leadership has made small Specialization: Magical. A section of the military force is
steps in realizing its priority, achieving, perhaps, a single made up of magic-users, or arcane specialists are placed in every
milestone. squad.

284 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Military Facilities: Simple Structures Inside the Capital.
This encompasses barracks facilities for the troops, and quarters Districts
for officers. Training grounds are equipped drilling yards within Docks District: This district has a focus on all naval and
light walls. seafaring matters.
Type of Nobility: Deeds. Status is granted in relation to deeds • District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
accomplished, or values displayed, typically reflective of those state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
held to be most important by the society itself. doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
Number of Primary Nobles: 5 buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
of help.
Relationship to the Leadership: Tolerated. The nobility put
up with the leadership, at least for the moment. • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
Relationship with the People: Good. Relations are generally
friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
tip of the hat is typical. crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.

Root of Relationship with the People: Hardship. A difficult • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
and trying hardship has happened or is currently happening. district)
The nobility... • District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• [Positive] ...are sharing in the hardship, or are actively • District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
working to ease the burden on the common folk. locations in the district are notable.
• District Included Locations: Shipwright, Weaver, House of
Community Leisure (abandoned), Inn (abandoned), Tavern (abandoned)
Culture: Art & Beauty. Citizens believe life finds its meaning in • District Additional Locations: Altar, Doctor/Apothecary
the appreciation of the world and its beauty, exploring it through • Lighthouse (author custom) - Notable: More-Than-
creative pursuits. Meets-the-Eye. The Lunar Lighthouse stores lunar
Pursuit of Culture: Obsession. Interest is pervasive, and talk energy, acting as an immense magical battery, and, in
of the culture seeps into regular conversation frequently. The certain circumstances, can be unleashed to defend the
pursuit of culture tends to dominate many aspects of daily life. capital.
Population Density: Sparse. Folk live in the capital, but it • Rare Trade Goods - Notable: Unique Offerings. The
would never be called bustling. Walking down the street, you’ll shop specialises in rare and exotic objects, some from
typically only see a few people. thousands of years ago, and many from lost or dead
civilizations, making them incredibly rare and unique.
Demographics: High and Low. 80% primary race, 20%
secondary race. Botanical District: This district has a focus on nature.
Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough to live • District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live comfortably. not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
Visitor Traffic: Forsaken. Once a nexus for people from all Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
over, whatever drew them is long since gone. Loose debris generally functional.
tumbles through the streets devoid of new footsteps. The rare
visitors who still come to the capital are likely here for a very • District Entry: Lightly Guarded. The district entrance has
specific reason, which they may or may not want to divulge. a token guard presence.
Disposition: Friendly. Locals are generally friendly, welcoming • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
and slow to take offense. crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.

Night Activity: Raucous. When the day ends, the capital truly • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and going district)
at all hours. Parties, and other commotion, can often be heard. • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
One might expect things to close down after dark but, in the district may be predominantly a place of business or
capital, there are locations that only open in the evenings. There functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
is likely a sort of ‘night market’ throughout the capital, with another, less innocent reason.
goods, services, or curiosities of all kinds available for those keep
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
alternative hours (or scoff at the need for sleep).
locations in the district are notable.
Law Enforcement: City Watch. Run by a single captain,
• District Included Locations: Outdoor Recreational Area,
the watch has sufficient strength to cover key points, as well
Inn, Stable
establish a patrol once or twice a day.
General Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the capital,
but outside a district)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 285

• District Additional Locations: Rare Botanicals, Bathhouse • District Included Locations: Archives/Library, Academy/
University, Magic Shop - Weapons, Magic Shop - Clothing,
• Altar - Notable: History. This is a shrine to a long-
Hired Help - Arcane Academics
forgotten local non-elven nature deity. The last
worshippers passed on long ago. • District Additional Locations: Magic Shop - Misc. and
• Weaver - Notable: Unique Offering. The weaver
makes items of living, woven plants. • Lodge - Notable: Important Person. The lodge is run
by the Archmage of Selunaria, and is where they train
Market District: This district has a focus on the sale of practical
students of the arcane arts.
• Glassworks (author custom) - Notable: Unique
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While
Offering. The glassworks of Selunaria are unrivaled
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it
in all the multiverse, producing glass sculptures and
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations.
structures of incredible strength and intricacy, both
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are
generally functional. enormous and miniscule, able to capture the light of the
moon and stars.
• District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
unrestricted. • Magic Shop - Books - Notable: Excellent Offerings.
The magical bookshop has a large variety of tomes of
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any knowledge and magical lore that have long since been
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. lost of destroyed.
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this Temple District: This district has a focus on religion and/or
district) spiritual enlightenment.
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the • District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
district’s buildings are housing for residents. state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
locations in the district are notable. buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
of help.
• District Included Locations: Baker, Butcher, General Store,
Smithy, Tailor • District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is
barred by a gate with guards.
• District Additional Locations: Rare Libations and Fare,
Stable • District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any.
• Luxury Furnishings - Notable: Unique Offering. The
luxury furnishings here are primarily made of glass • (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
that is as strong as steel and intricately wrought in such district)
a way as to be able to capture light. The shop even sell • District Housing: Limited. Only a few live here; the
items made of glass fabric, woven from ultra fine, ultra district may be predominantly a place of business or
strong strands of glass. functionality, or perhaps people avoid living here for
• Artist - Notable: Unique Offering. This artist another, less innocent reason.
specializes in making incredible, artistic items of • District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
all kinds, made of glass. All Selunarians carry a additional locations in the district are notable.
glass trinket or piece of jewelry that has some of
• District Included Locations: Great Temple (Abandoned),
the moonlight or starlight at the time of their birth
Archives/Library, Hired Help - Scribes
captured in it.
• District Additional Locations: Alchemist
Arcane District: This district has a focus on magical matters.
• Amphitheater - Notable: Magic. The amphitheater
• District Condition: Squalid. The district is in a deplorable
is magically enchanted to enhance the voices and
state. Things are falling apart, filthy and, to anyone who
instruments of performers, and to allow control of the
doesn’t live here, seems positively unlivable. Most of the
lighting in the amphitheater, as well as the creation of
buildings, if not all, are likely a disgrace, or in terrible need
illusory sets and costumes made of moonlight.
of help.
• Schoolhouse - Notable: Generous Spirit. All citizens
• District Entry: Gated & Guarded. The district entrance is
barred by a gate with guards. of Selunaria are offered an education, both in matters
spiritual and mundane.
• District Crime: Infrequent. Most don’t believe there is any
crime, and certainly haven’t experienced any. • Tailor - Notable: Unique Offering. The tailor here
carries clothing made of woven strands of extremely
• (+1 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this fine glass found nowhere else, as the craft has been lost
district) to time.
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• District Notable Locations: Three. Up to the first 3
additional locations in the district are notable.

286 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Noteworthy Official 2: Archmage. The representative of the
Extra Intrigue practitioners of arcane arts to the capital leadership.
Recent History. The city was recently (for its residents) stranded • Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
in a limbo state partially in the dimension of time. The capital the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
was assaulted by an incredibly powerful Sorcerer-King, and
the Lunar Lighthouse was activated by the last female scion of Beneath the Surface: The capital has not been completely freed
the royal family in an attempt to stop the madman. This event from its unmooring in time. All of its citizens are caught in a
stranded all of Selunaria but the lighthouse partially in the state of limbo, repeating the patterns of their lives again and
dimension of time for thousands and thousands of years. again. Outsiders may notice this, but will get nothing but blank
stares from Selunaria's citizens if they ask about it.
Noteworthy Official 1: Master of the Wild. Surveys the
surrounding areas, mapping the wilderness, looking for • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Disparate, Subtle
monsters or other threats, and regulating hunting. Occurrences. While there are many strange occurrences
that indicate the unique nature of Selunaria's time-curse,
• Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to the patterns that its citizens find themselves locked into also
the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance. keeps the vast majority of them from becoming aware of
their affliction, though there are a few rare exceptions.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 287

By Zain Day
Xandraxos is a grand capital city, founded not too long ago,
when three guilds built upon an ancient ruined city in the frozen
regions of the world. Xandraxos is located at the site of an arcane
anomaly, and it is this that has brought visitors from far and
wide. Within the anomaly is a desolate area of land, resembling
nothing so much as the blasted wastes of hell. But, at its edge, in
stark contrast to the desolate area, a strange ‘garden’ has grown.
Flowers and trees of pure, crystalline ice have formed here;
the foliage is frozen to the touch and clear as glass, yet
sways in the breeze as any other plant would. The area
has come to be known as the Glacial Garden.
At the center of Xandroxos or, rather, above
the centre, is the arcane district, floating
high above the capital and accessible
only by way of teleportation or flight.
If one were to look down upon the
city from this vantage, they would see that the
rest of the settlement spreads out from
it, like the petals of a flower.
Drawn by the palpable arcane
energy and mysteries of the
place, various adventurers guilds
have established themselves in
Xandraxos. If one seeks answers,
they might well look to the three
guild leaders who rule the capital
together. One of them has taken up
residence within the ancient
city’s only original standing
structure - a massive
palace of ice.
‘The Glacial
Palace’, as
it has come
to be known,
poses more
than it
answers, in a manner It is only a matter of time before someone asks the right
similar to the capital’s garden. Who were the original inhabitants questions, turns the right corner, or uncovers just the right clue
of the capital? What happened to them? Why build such grand to set them off on a path of discovery. Who knows, someone may
structures way out in the wastes of the world? Alas, for most of yet glean just what the extensive tunnels and passages might
the populace, it is the infamous nights of revelry in the Glacial have actually been for, and may again utilize the routes that
Garden and surrounding establishments that interest them, and wind their way from the surface down into the very bowels of the
not the deeper mysteries of their city. earth. Any that do might just find that not only was this city built
Adventurers tend, however, to like a good mystery, and the guilds on the bones of an old one, but that the old one was built upon
of the three leaders pursue various goals, from the theoretical something else...
and academic exploration of ancient tomes, to plumbing the
city’s literal depths, venturing into the ancient sewers that lie
beneath. Multiple exploration efforts have been attempted, yet
Basic Information
something about Xandraxos’ sewers confounds search parties Origin: Magical. The capital was founded around something
of all kinds. Indeed, the complexity of the sewers beneath the related to magic (perhaps a theory, rumor, or massive spell
settlement is such that none are yet aware of how far they extend event). The draw of the original idea proved to be very strong
beyond the capital. It also has not occurred to anyone that these indeed.
‘sewers’ may actually have been used for something else entirely. Age: Established. The capital has been around for at least 10,
What purpose might they have served all those years ago? but up to 100, years.
Size: Medium. Structures in the capital are able to support
around 50,000 people.

288 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Environment: Tundra. The capital is in a very cold
environment. Government & High Society
Outside the Capital: Leadership: Oligarchy (Other; Adventurer’s Guild). A few
top individuals hold sway, collectively, over the capital.
• Unusable. This area cannot be used, for some reason. There
may have been a disaster with lingering effects, or perhaps a Leadership Unity: Uneasy. Something feels off, but it may just
past enemy has salted the ground. There may be foul beasts be that someone is having a bad day.
or monsters residing there, or some magical deterrent. One Governing Priority: Isolationist. The capital has no desire to
way or another, folks don’t come here anymore. get involved in the dealings of other sovereign entities. They are
• Tended Nature. An area of nature outside the capital has open and clear about this.
been preserved and tended to. This may be a park, preserved Priority Approach: Peaceable (Strong). An agreeable stance
forest, animal reserve, or something else. It may, or may not, is taken, preferring to avoid conflict whenever possible, through
be controlled by the capital. negotiating and dealing for the best nonaggressive outcome.
• Subterranean Warrens (Not known to the capital). Priority Success: Very Successful. The leadership has made
Something is under the capital (below even the sewer great strides at achieving its initial vision, and looks like their
system, if the capital has one). These could be the ruins of success will continue.
another city, the crude dwelling place of simple beasts, or
the residence of another active civilization. Leader 1
Stewardship: Managed. The capital’s fundamental elements • Lifestyle: Respectable. The leader’s lifestyle is
are all accounted for and well attended to. Whoever is unassuming, but comfortable, appropriate to one in their
responsible is doing an admirable job. position.

General Condition: Decent. The capital is passable. While not • Residence: Palace (Outside the Capital). The leader’s
offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it could still be main residence is grand and palatial, with a great many
off-putting to those with lofty expectations. Structures may not opulent and comfortable rooms. It occupies a significant
be aesthetically pleasing, but are generally functional. amount of the land in the capital. Staff probably have
their own wing, or floor, within the property. The palace is
Fortification: Fortified. The capital is surrounded by a designed as a luxury residence, not a defensible military
substantial wall of wood or stone. The wall is able to be patrolled structure.
by guards on a raised walkway. Visitors to the city pass through a
main gate that can be barred in the evenings. A few watch towers • Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
may be placed around the city, though are likely sporadic. typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
Market Square: Ample. Room for a fair number of vendor stalls. lifestyle against their will.
Vendor Stall Acquisition. Lease. Merchants pay in advance Leader 2
(sometimes far in advance) for the right to a space in the market
square. • Lifestyle: Distinguished. The leader aspires to quality and
high-functionality, but without concern for needless luxury
Merchant Overflow: Monitored. Excess vendors are allowed to or vanity.
set up stalls, and the city watch patrols through regularly, but the
areas themselves are less-maintained and traffic is lighter. • Residence: Small Estate (Inside the Capital). The
leader’s main residence is notable, and on a small amount of
Underground Passages: Sewers. A network of drains, pipes, land. The property is likely bordered with hedges, fencing,
and trenches lies beneath the capital. Base the sewer’s condition or a wall.
upon that of the settlement, if they were built concurrently. They
• Intent: Positive Deception. The individual would not
may pre-date the current capital city.
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so because they
believe it will have a positive impact, such as inspiring those
who see them.
Leader 3
• Lifestyle: Luxurious. The leader takes unrestrained
advantage of the comforts and luxuries available to one
in their position, and presents a striking, or flamboyant,
• Residence: Large Estate (Inside the Capital). The
leader’s main residence is substantial, and surrounded by
modest grounds. Staff probably have apartments within
the property. The property is likely bordered with hedges,
fencing, or a wall.
• Intent: Negative Deception. The individual would not
typically live this lifestyle, but is doing so out of selfish
motives, or because they are somehow being forced into this
lifestyle against their will.

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 289

Connections: 4 Number of Primary Nobles: 2
• Connection 1: Enemy - Friendly. Relations are civil Number of Lesser Nobles: 6
enough, but there is a fundamental and irreconcilable
Relationship to the Leadership: Liked. The nobility like the
rivalry, or difference of opinion, that prevents any real
leadership well enough; some may even be friends.
Relationship with the People: Good. Relations are generally
• Connection 2: Ally - With Reservations. The entity is
friendly. When a noble and commoner pass in the street, a nod or
considered a friend, but treated with care, possibly not
tip of the hat is typical.
fully trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove their
loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle. Root of Relationship with the People: Manipulation. An
individual or group has orchestrated the sentiment between the
• Connection 3: Ally - With Reservations. The entity is
two classes. The manipulator is looking out for...
considered a friend, but treated with care, possibly not
fully trusted. They could be a friend yet to truly prove their • Positive. ...the capital’s interests.
loyalty, or one who is unpredictable or fickle.
• Connection 4: Ally - Trusted. The relationship is solid and
unlikely to be shaken. Trust is likely founded on concrete
elements, such as mutual admiration and/or shared interest. Culture: Self-Improvement. Citizens believe life finds its
meaning through the endless pursuit of bettering oneself, inside
Spy Network Size: None. The capital is not engaged in any and out.
intelligence gathering operations.
Pursuit of Culture: Moderate. Culture is viewed as passingly
Counterintelligence: None. The capital does not have important. Most enjoy cultural activities, but they do not
counterintelligence operatives working within its borders. dominate to the detriment of other aspects of life.
Number of Notable Visitors: 2 Population Density: Populous. A moderate amount of people
Notable Visitor 1: Spy. live in the capital. Walking through the streets, you will see
plenty of people, but never so many that it would feel cramped.
• Reason for visit: Looking for Fun. They came here to
enjoy themselves. Demographics: Normal Distribution. 50% primary race, 25%
secondary race, 15% tertiary race, 10% other.
Notable Visitor 2: Ruler’s Child.
Population Wealth: Prosperous. The majority have enough
• Reason for visit: Visiting an Old Friend. They are in the
to live a good life and, of them, a fair amount can even live
capital to meet with someone they haven’t seen in a long
Visitor Traffic: Masses. Huge groups of people always seem to
Military Force: Yes.
be visiting. Congestion could cause difficulties if the capital is
Standing or Disbanded: Standing. The capital’s military is unable to cope with very large amounts of people.
ever at the ready and active. Their training is ongoing, and they
Disposition: Open. The locals actively enjoy visitors, and their
are kept well-supplied. They may double as a garrison for the
culture incorporates this. Just about anyone is welcome.
capital or bolster city defenses.
Night Activity: Raucous. When the day ends, the capital truly
Recruitment Type: Mandatory. Law states all able-bodied
comes to life. Inns and taverns have customers coming and going
citizens must spend a certain amount of time serving in the
at all hours. Parties, and other commotion, can often be heard.
One might expect things to close down after dark but, in the
Size of Force: Insignificant. The force’s size is extremely small, capital, there are locations that only open in the evenings. There
likely requiring few commanding officers. is likely a sort of ‘night market’ throughout the capital, with
Specialization: Unconventional. A section of the military goods, services, or curiosities of all kinds available for those keep
force employs unorthodox thinking and methods, taking alternative hours (or scoff at the need for sleep).
advantage of the enemy’s preconceived notions to achieve Law Enforcement: Extensive City Watch. Run by a captain
unexpected results. and several sergeants, all key points are thoroughly guarded. The
Military Facilities: Simple Structures Inside the Capital. city perimeter is patrolled constantly, and city patrols happen
This encompasses barracks facilities for the troops, and quarters regularly.
for officers. Training grounds are equipped drilling yards within General Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a purse in
light walls. plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism and muggings
Type of Nobility: Deeds. Status is granted in relation to deeds are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel alone.
accomplished, or values displayed, typically reflective of those • (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within the
held to be most important by the society itself. capital, but outside a district)
Organized Crime: Talk. Enough incidents have occurred that
most folk don’t have trouble believing there is an organized
criminal element in the capital. They operate quietly, but
ambitiously, carrying out frequent, high-profile jobs. They could
also have ties to government officials, or may even attempt to
control elements of the capital itself.

290 C h apt er S ix | C apit als

Market District. This district has a focus on the sale of practical
Districts goods.
Arcane District. This district has a focus on magical matters. • District Condition: Dilapidated. Things are dirty and in a
• District Condition: Impressive. The district is well taken widespread state of disrepair, though some token effort may
care of, and cleanliness is clearly a priority. Structures are have been made at cleanliness. Streets are probably packed
maintained, though signs of wear may still be apparent. It dirt or broken stone. They may be uneven, rutted or muddy.
feels lived-in, but of a respectable quality in every regard. Structures have likely received similar low levels of care,
though there could be some disparity.
• District Entry: Gated and Guarded with Toll. The district
entrance is barred by a guarded gate, and a fee is charged for • District Entry: Open. Entrance to the district is
entry or exit (or both), which may be based on personage, unrestricted.
method of transport, or goods being transported. • District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence
• District Crime: Uncommon. Theft or mild violence happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in
happens from time to time. Best to keep an eye out, just in case.
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this
• (+2 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this district)
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district.
• District Housing: Extensive. A significant amount of the
• Number of Noble Residents: None.
district’s buildings are housing for residents.
• District Notable Locations: Two. Up to the first 2 additional
• Number of Noble Residents: 2 (primary), 6 (secondary).
locations in the district are notable.
• District Notable Locations: One. The first additional
location in the district is notable. • District Included Locations: Baker (Guild Member),
Butcher (Guild Member), General Store, Smithy (Guild
• District Included Locations: Archives, Academy, Magic Member), Tailor
Shop - Weapons (Guild Member), Magic Shop - Jewelry,
Hired Help - Arcane Academics (Guild Member) • District Additional Locations: Cobbler

• District Additional Locations: Tailor, Soothsayer • Artist - Notable: More-Than-Meets-the-Eye. This

location may seem to be one thing, but the right people
• Rare Botanicals (Guild Member) - Notable: know what else is there.
Superstition. Those who frequent his location do so
out of the belief that if they don’t, something will (or • Inn (Guild Member) - Notable: More-Than-Meets-
won’t) happen. the-Eye. This location may seem to be one thing, but
the right people know what else is there.
Craft District: This district has a focus on large-scale production
• District Condition: Decent. The district is passable. While Extra Intrigue
not offensive to the senses of one that is well traveled, it Recent History: Graffiti has been appearing across the capital,
could still be off-putting to those with lofty expectations. advertising some kind of underground competition. The
Structures may not be aesthetically pleasing, but are competition is a legal gray area, but the promise of glory is an
generally functional. enticing prize for even some of the most upstanding citizens.
• District Entry: Guarded. The district entrance has a strong Noteworthy Official: Master of Revels. Lead organizer of
guard presence. festivals and special events.
• District Crime: Frequent. The streets are unsafe, and a • Official’s Competence: Committed. Utterly committed to
purse in plain sight is almost sure to be stolen. Vandalism the job, truly feeling it is of vital importance.
and muggings are fairly regular. It’s dangerous to travel
alone. Beneath the Surface: Unsafe. There is a structural problem
with a location within the capital (or, possibly, the land, or
• (+4 to urban encounter rolls taking place within this environment, it is built on). The longer it goes unnoticed, the
district) more damaging it could be.
• District Housing: None. No one lives in this district. • Beneath the Surface - Awareness: Single, Direct
• Number of Noble Residents: None. Occurrence. Someone has had a direct, first-hand
experience involving the issue, and is trying to deal with it
• District Notable Locations: None. There are no notable
locations in the district.
• District Included Locations: Smithy, Carpenter, General
Store, Tailor, Magic Shop - Books
• District Additional Locations: Bank & Exchange, Thatcher
(Guild Member), Smithy (Armor) (Guild Member)

C h apt er S ix | C apit als 291


292 C h apt er S ix | C apit als


ou approach the towering edifice; the sheer weight of the The stone path abruptly ends. Dark, murky water swirls a distance
structure seems to press down upon the ground it sits on. below; you might even swear you saw something move, disturbing the
Mortared stone, wooden beams, and pieces of iron make algae on the surface. Stepping back, you crane your neck to take in a
up the bastion in front of you, and you idly thank the gods massive construction of timber, banded in iron, currently raised, and
that you are here as a guest, and not laying siege to the place. waiting to span the gap. A whistle and a wave triggers the sound of
As you approach the looming gate of the barbican leading inside, a shout more chains and grinding mechanisms as the drawbridge lowers into
rings out from a guard above, asking your business. Explanations are place, ushering you inside.
given, prompting the sound of a massive chain groaning into life inside Your bootsteps reverberate through the wood of the bridge as you cross.
the gatehouse. The iron portcullis that bars entry creaks and screeches Ahead, a large wooden gate creaks open in welcome, and you step
as it is slowly raised to allow you inside. Beneath the open maw of the through into the castle bailey.
portcullis, a shudder escapes your body. You find yourself surrounded by all of the hustle and bustle that makes a
Upon entering through the gatehouse, you catch yourself looking place like this function. All manner of people are busying themselves at
around, observing the intricate architecture on display. Stone cunningly various tasks; animal husbandry, hammering away with various tools,
fits with stone to form a high, arched tunnel. Regularly positioned repairing woodwork and chipped stone, carrying buckets of water and
within the stone, murder holes, spouts, and arrow slits defend the walls, bushels of produce to the kitchens... On and on, the relentless stream of
ready to deal punishment and death to intruders foolish enough to those applying their trade pass by you. In these moments, you stand and
find themselves trapped in this forboding space. An unintended sigh of bear witness to those breathing life into a real fortress.
relief escapes as you reach the opposite end of the tunnel, under another
portcullis, and out into the sunlight.

294 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Whether moldering old towers surrounded by countryside, or
gigantic bastions atop mountain peaks, fortresses of all kinds dot
Building your fortress:
the landscape. 1. Decide what you want to make: keep, castle or stronghold
(if you are not sure about the difference, check the
‘Important: What’s the difference? box found after this
W h at ’ s t h e D if f er enc e? chapter’s introduction.
Keeps, castles and strongholds are all kinds of fortifications;
2. Always start with the General section.
this chapter allows you to build each on the foundations
of the one before, stopping when you reach your desired 3. Continue on to the Keep section. This is the most basic
fortress type. fortress (a single structure). If a keep is all you need, stop
A keep is a single, fortified structure, like a tower or other after completing this step.
large, heavy-duty building. A keep is also the central, 4. Continue on to the Castle section. This is the quintessential
main building of a castle. This means you can build a keep fortress, with outer walls, towers, extra defenses, etc. If a
without a surrounding castle, but you cannot have a castle castle is all you need, stop after completing this step.
without a keep.
5. Continue on to the Stronghold section. Within this section
A castle has a central keep, and the whole structure is are tables that, depending on your result, will modify certain
surrounded by a ‘curtain wall’. The yard inside the curtain aspects of your Keep and/or Castle.
wall, where the keep and other smaller buildings (things like
We encourage you to make a note of these results; the Fortresses
stables, blacksmith, etc.) are found, is called the bailey.
Settlement Sheet is available for you to record your rolls, and can
A stronghold is, essentially, a super castle. Converting a be found in the back of this book and at
castle into a stronghold involves expanding its defenses and
making it bigger and/or harder to conquer. In order to make
a stronghold, you must first build a castle, which is itself
built onto an existing keep.

In this chapter, you will find the following sections:
• General. These tables provide flavor and overall
information relevant to all types of fortresses. You will
roll on these, regardless of the type of fortress you will be
• Keep. These tables generate the physical details of a keep,
including its size, number of floors, rooms, etc.
• Castle.. These tables add the additional defenses needed to
turn a keep into a castle. These include curtain walls, towers,
gates, defenses, etc.
• Stronghold. Roll on these tables if you intend to make a
stronghold. They modify elements of your keep and castle.
Note: In the stronghold section, you may need to go back and roll
again on a few previous tables to add additional features. If this
is needed, the result in the table will inform you.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 295
General Age
How old is the fortress? Has it endured centuries, or was the
This section contains information that can apply to any type final stone placed just recently? Fortresses are meant to last
of fortress, such as where the fortress is in relation to the and endure. Some even become monuments in their own right.
settlement, how old it is, what it’s primarily made from, who its However, with age comes deterioration, and maintenance is key
residents are, what they do, and what is going on in their lives. in keeping these structures around. Roll on the table below to see
This is the portion that will start engaging your imagination and how long this one has been standing.
start you thinking about what makes this place special.
d20 Age
Location in Relation to Settlement 1 New. The fortress was completed within the past
Many fortresses are located in, or around, another settlement, 20 years.
with the fortress providing defense (or a deterrent to being
(+4 to condition roll)
attacked in the first place), and the settlement keeping the
(-5 to residents roll)
fortress supplied with resources. Where is your fortress located?
Roll on the table below to find out. 2-3 Recent. The fortress was completed between 20 and
100 years ago.
Alr eady K no w ? (+2 to condition roll)
If you already have a place in mind where you want, or need, (-5 to residents roll)
the fortress to go, feel free to skip this table. 4-8 Old. The fortress was completed between 100 and
200 years ago.
d20 Location in Relation to Settlement (+0 to condition roll)
1-3 Remote. The fortress is located a significant distance
9-17 Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200
away from the nearest settlement.
and 500 years ago.
4-7 Outskirts. The fortress is located on the very fringes (-2 to condition roll)
of the settlements’ occupied land, perhaps within
farming country, or the stretch of land between the 18-20 Ancient.. The fortress was completed more than 500
settlement proper and the wilderness. years ago.

8-14 Edge of Settlement. The fortress is located on the (-4 to condition roll)
outer border of the settlement proper, perhaps
connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
possesses one.
15-19 Central. The fortress is located in the middle of an
established settlement.
20 Prominent. The fortress is not only located in a
central location, but is highly visible, as if it is (or
was) being showcased or featured. The settlement
was probably built around it.

296 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Condition d20 Condition
What state is the fortress in now? An ancient structure may be 20 Impeccable. The fortress could not be in better
falling apart due to age and weathering, or a new one could be shape, presenting an imposing and immaculate
still under construction. The ravages of the elements, warfare, or image to observers. It is either brand-new or
even plain laziness and neglect, can have a large impact on the impressively well-maintained. Fixtures show
fortress’ condition. minimal or no weathering, and interiors appear
Modified by: age spotless. If recently under construction, everything
is, for all intents and purposes, complete. Final
d20 Condition inspections and touch-ups may be underway, but
any remaining work could be easily completed
1-2 Ruin or Bare Bones. The majority of the structure within a week. Most laborers have left, and regular
is exposed to the elements,ruin and damages are day-to-day life is fully underway.
no longer repairable; a rebuild would be the only
option. If under construction, it is a long way from (When building your keep, +2 to number of
completion. Residence within the fortress would be rooms roll)
incredibly uncomfortable, if even possible.
(When building your keep, -2 to number of
rooms roll) The environment in which a fortress is built needs to be considered
(-5 to furnishings roll) before anything else. It will determine what was used in its
construction, and what natural features can be utilized as defensive
3-6 Poor or Incomplete. The fortress is in disrepair, advantages (and, perhaps, those which will act as drawbacks).
with loose stones or timbers, gaps, holes, rot, or other
issues that might adversely affect the structure’s Note: If the fortress will be utilised in or near a previously-made
integrity. The exterior is not completely intact. If or established settlement, use that settlement’s environment.
under construction, it may be nearing completion, Roll on the table below to see where your fortress is built.
or up to a few years from being finished. Residence
within the fortress would prove inconvenient, at best. d10 Environment
(When building your keep, -1 to number of 1 Coastal. The fortress is near a large body of water,
rooms roll) such as a lake or ocean.
(-2 to furnishings roll)
2 Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.
7-14 Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or 3 Mountains. The fortress is found on stony passes or
a good clean may be needed. If under construction, soaring peaks.
the basics are complete and allow residents to, at 4 Plains. The fortress is in the wide open fields.
least, live and function adequately. Further work or
repairs should take no more than a year. 5 River. The fortress is near a steadily flowing stream,
or other watercourse.
(When building your keep, +0 to number of
rooms roll) 6 Swamp. The fortress is in, or near, a vast area of
stagnant water.
15-19 Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and
presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is 7 Underground. The fortress is within a large
of a significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings network of caves.
or other elements may have been added, updated,
8 Valley. The fortress is found within, or on the edge
or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the
construction, the fortress is very nearly complete,
landscape around it.
perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative
elements, and completion is likely within the month. 9 Tundra. The fortress is in a very cold environment.
The residents are able to live comfortably.
10 Desert. The fortress is in a dry and arid
(When building your keep, +1 to number of environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes.
rooms roll)

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 297
Expense Unique Building Material
Even a modest fortress is a sizeable investment. However, The following table contains examples of unusual, rare, and
there is an enormous difference in price between a basic, but special building materials that a unique kind of fortress
serviceable, keep, and a luxuriant and well-equipped stronghold. could be built from. This is, by no means, an exhaustive list of
How much expense was leveraged for your fortress? possibilities, but they do cover a wide range. If your fortress is
built using any of these, it will certainly be remarkable.
d20 Expense
Note: Only roll on this table if you rolled ‘Unique Materials’
1-2 Paltry. The fortress was built on a shoestring on the primary building material table. Otherwise, skip this
budget, barely sufficient to build even the most basic table.
and rudimentary version, possibly cutting corners
by necessity. d6 Unique Building Materials
(-5 to furnishings roll) 1 Bone. The fortress could be located in a place with
plentiful (or, even, constantly replenishing) dead, or
3-8 Modest. The fortress was constructed with a
in some form of natural graveyard where bone is an
small budget, enough to build something simple,
abundant resource.
but functional.
(-2 to furnishings roll) 2 Coral. If the fortress is located somewhere tropical,
coral could be a potential replacement for stone
9-15 Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium (especially if the fortress - or the settlement it is in -
budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two. is underwater!).
(+0 to furnishings roll) 3 Crystal. Those mining deep in the earth (or on alien
16-19 Significant. The fortress was built with a large planes) might find crystal in great enough abundance
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and that it could be used to build large structures.
some luxury elements. 4 Living Plant. Certain fantastic cultures are known
(+2 to furnishings roll) to build their structures amongst, or even inside,
living plants, such as great trees. Whether the plants
20 Extravagant. Little or no expense was spared in the are trained into shape by natural, or magical, means
construction. Materials are of top-quality, and the depends on the builders.
fortress feels grand and splendid.
5 Ice. Ice is an infinite resource in the frozen tundra;
(+5 to furnishings roll) huge blocks could be cut and shaped to build a great
fortress in such a location. While it might not be
Primary Building Material quite as tough as stone, repairs and replacements are
Fortresses, by their very nature, need to be strong structures but, far simpler.
dependent on environment, culture, availability, and budget, the 6 Magic. How prevalent is magic in your world?
materials used in their construction can vary greatly. Roll on the The background of your builders will determine
table below to determine your primary building material. what kind of methods they would have had at their
disposal. Magic could have been utilized either to
d20 Primary Building Materials generate the materials for the fortress, assemble it
1-4 Brick. Man-made blocks, comprised of mud, clay, or or, perhaps, keep it all held together.
sand, mixed with a binding material such as straw,
baked hard.
5-8 Timber. Hewn logs and planks, milled to fit
together tightly.
9-18 Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed and shaped,
typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together.
19 Salvage. Found materials, such as repurposed stone
from crumbled ruins, or timbers from wrecked ships.
20 Unique Materials. Roll on the unique building
materials table. If your result conflicts with your
environment or campaign setting, reroll. If none
work, use ‘Salvage’.

298 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Resource Origin Reason for Construction
The very existence of a fortress naturally assumes that the What was the ultimate reason the decision was made to build
builders had access to the necessary resources. Where did they this fortress?
come from?
d10 Reason for Construction
d20 Resource Origin
1 Anticipation. Aggression from somewhere was
1-7 Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved expected.
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced
2 Mortal Command. It was the dying wish of
from the site of the structure itself, and from
someone important to the builder.
nearby areas, but sustainably, without depleting any
harvesting locations. 3 Immortal Command. A god, or powerful
otherworldly being, commanded it be built.
8-10 Locally Made/Harvested [Stripped
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced 4 Vanity. The fortress was commissioned as a
from the site of the structure itself, and from nearby demonstration of power, wealth, or self-importance.
areas, entirely depleting the harvesting locations
(natural surroundings needed for the structure, 5 Protection. It was built to keep a particular thing, or
natural defenses, etc. are unaffected). place, safe or hidden.

11-12 Partially Local, Partially Imported. Building 6 Panic. The construction was motivated by fear of
materials that were unable to be obtained locally were what would happen if they didn’t.
purchased and brought in from an outside source. 7 Prophecy. It was foretold that a fortress would be
13-14 Imported. Building materials were purchased and needed on this site.
brought in from an outside source in their entirety. 8 Decree. A ruler, or governing group, ordered that it
15 Partially Salvaged. Some new materials were be built.
obtained locally, but a significant portion was 9 Life’s Work. It was built as a labor of love by a
salvaged from ruins and other destroyed structures. dedicated craftsperson and their team.
16 Entirely Salvaged. Building materials were all 10 Conversion. The building was formerly used
salvaged from various demolished structures. for another purpose, but constant additions and
17 Partially Stolen. Building materials were gathered changes made it what it is today.
illicitly over time, perhaps by hijacking ships and
other cargo transports, or commandeering materials Design Theme
from a quarry not under the builders’ control. What did the builder want to project in the design of the
18 Completely Stolen. Building materials were fortress? What values does it display, or what sensations should
looted from one or more rightful owners, either someone feel when approaching it?
openly or covertly.
d8 Design Theme
19 Partial Magic. Standard building materials were
partially augmented by magic. Mundane materials 1 Power. Strength and fortitude.
may have been acquired or even created by magic. 2 Glory. Prestige and triumph.
20 Completely Magic. Magic was used to either 3 Refuge. Welcome and safety.
acquire an entire slew of mundane building
materials, or create fantastical ones. 4 Fear. Dread and insignificance.
5 Grace. Beauty and elegance.
6 Wealth. Luxury and opulence.
7 Piety. Righteousness and ascendence.
8 Practicality. Utility and function.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 299
Alternate Entries Local Impact
Are there other ways into the fortress? Perhaps they’re regularly A fortress is a substantial place and often one of power and
used by some residents, but they may be blocked, or even have influence. It cannot help but impact its surroundings in tangible
been forgotten about altogether. ways, especially when initially established. This impact can be
positive or negative. Roll on the table below to see what general
Note: If you roll an alternate entry, wait until you’ve finished
kind of impact the creation, and early presence, of the fortress
rolling your settlement to decide where it will be. The details you
had on the local area.
establish as you build may change your thinking.
d6 Local Impact
d20 Alternate Entries
1 Hostile. The fortress was constructed in direct
1-10 None. There are no alternate entries into the fortress.
opposition to the wishes of those in the area, and
11 Back Door, Blocked. A small, rear-access door was relations immediately turned sour.
built into the exterior wall. For security reasons, it
2 Disruptive. The fortress disturbed the area in which it
has been blocked from the inside.
was built. This may or may not have been intentional.
12 Back Door, Exposed. A small, rear-access door
was built into the exterior wall. The door may still 3 Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or presence,
caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the
be in regular use, and no attempt has been made to
local area.
disguise or conceal it. It may be guarded.
4 Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little
13 Back Door, Hidden. A small, rear-access door was
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but
built into the exterior wall. The door may be used
also not any great benefit.
infrequently, and has been intentionally obscured or
covered. It may also be guarded. 5 Beneficial. The fortress proved a boon to the
local area, perhaps serving as a compromise to a
14 Secret Door in Exterior Wall. A hidden, or
pre-existing issue, or demonstrating some small,
invisible, door is built into the exterior wall, to
positive impact.
allow for covert comings and goings. It is probably
monitored, but discreetly. 6 Advantageous. The fortress immediately benefited
the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious
15 Secret Door in Exterior Wall, Forgotten. A hidden,
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence.
or invisible, door was built into the exterior wall, to
allow for covert comings and goings, but those who
built and/or knew about it are no longer around. Optional: Local Impact Change
16 Drain, with Grating. A drain pipe emerges Local impact refers to the circumstances around the fortress’s
somewhere in the landscape outside the fortress. Its establishment. If time has passed, it is possible that things may
opening is covered by metal grating. have changed for better or worse since then.

17 Drain, Blocked. A drain pipe emerges somewhere Note: If your fortress is recent, you may wish to skip this table.
in the landscape outside the fortress. Its final several
d6 Change
yards are entirely filled with large stones to allow
water to easily pass, but not intruders. 1-2 Negative. Things have gotten worse.
18 Drain, Blocked, with Grating. A drain pipe emerges 3-4 Stable. Things have stayed roughly the same.
somewhere in the landscape outside the fortress. Its
final several yards are entirely filled with large stones 5-6 Positive. Things have gotten better.
to allow water to easily pass, but not intruders. Its
mouth is also covered with metal grating.
19 Old, Forgotten Tunnel. A tunnel was dug out of
the fortress quite some time ago, but has since fallen
into disrepair. There is a possibility that no one
knows about it. Use of the tunnel might risk collapse
or cave-in.
20 Maintained Tunnel. A tunnel leads out of the
fortress, which is well-maintained and in good
repair. It shows signs of recent (but not heavy) use.

300 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Residents Resident Relations
Who currently occupies the fortress? How are things within the household? Is everyone getting along
with one another? Is there scheming or plotting? What about
d20 Residents strong bonds?
1-8 Original. The original residents, their descendants,
or successors are in residence. This might be the F o r t r es s R es ident s
person responsible for building the fortress and/or Historically, plenty of fortresses were staffed by people who
their family, or the people they stationed there (or worked there, but did not actually live in the fortress itself.
their descendants/successors). Guards, or other workers, may have had homes in a nearby
9-14 New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in town, which they returned to after their shift. The individual
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps who owns your fortress may not be there all the time (or
the fortress was purchased, inherited, or was a ever!), instead leaving the management to a trusted party.
gift. These new residents could also be allies of the Some fortresses are simply built as military emplacements,
original residents, acting as stewards. The fortress not residences. These are things to consider when thinking
could even have been found abandoned, so the new about your fortress.
residents moved in.
d12 Resident Relations
15-20 New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside
in the fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or 1 Irritated. A ranking resident (or owner of the fortress)
illegitimate means. This does not necessarily mean is fed up with the antics of a member of the staff.
that those occupying the fortress took forceful
2 Outside Ties. An important individual in the
action themselves, but rather that the way the
fortress is in a relationship with someone living
fortress changed hands was through, or after, some
outside the fortress.
kind of conflict.
3 Struggle. Two staff members are at odds with
O pt io nal: Ab ando ned F o r t r es s one another.

There are many circumstances that could suddenly (or 4 Clandestine. Someone in the fortress is engaged in
gradually) empty a fortress. Perhaps it was conquered, secret dealings with an external entity.
and temporarily occupied, by an invading force, who have
5 Expecting. The ranking, or most important, resident
since moved on, or maybe the water or food supply was
of the fortress is expecting a child soon. If they are
compromised, leaving the residents no choice but to retreat
unwed, take into account what this might mean.
to another allied settlement.
6 New Blood. Someone new has been brought on, and
If you would like there to be a chance (or a certainty) that
the fortress is almost, or entirely, abandoned, include the there is more to them than it initially seemed.
following option: 7 Family Squabbling. There has been arguing among
0 or less: Deserted. The fortress is vacant and the resident family of late, regarding a recurring
non-functioning. issue. If the primary, or ranking, resident is not
there with family, their arguments have been with
(Skip any future rolls that relate to, or determine, occupancy family, or close relations, outside the fortress, either
in the keep, such as garrison. There could be evidence of via correspondence or during a recent visit.
previous residents, or individuals squatting in the fortress
that are not contributing to its functionality). 8 Secret Love. A staff member has been receiving secret
notes, messages, or gestures of a romantic nature.
9 Diplomatic Tensions. Relations between the
ranking resident and their liege (or superior, of some
sort) have been strained lately. If they owe fealty to no
one, the relationship is with someone close to them.
10 Diplomatic Harmony. Relations between the
ranking resident and their liege (or superior, of
some sort) have been going exceedingly well lately.
If they owe fealty to no one, the relationship is with
someone close to them.
11 Problem Guard. A member of the guard is at odds
with the resident(s).
12 Favored Guard. A member of the guard is being
shown preferential treatment by the resident(s).

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 301
Resident Hobbies Resident Attitude
What do the people in the fortress enjoy doing in their spare How do the current residents feel about daily life in the fortress?
time? You could roll once for the entire occupancy of the keep, or
for each major individual or group - it’s up to you. d6 Resident Attitude
1 Angry. The residents hate being here. Not a day goes
d20 Resident Hobbies
by where they don’t actively think about leaving,
1 Hunting but they have stayed for some reason, perhaps one
outside their control.
2 Cooking
2 Irritated. The residents are perturbed by this place.
3 Strategy Games
Something about it, or their situation, is irksome
4 Gambling (cards or dice) and grates on them daily.
5 Art (any discipline) 3 Ambivalent. The residents could take or leave this
place. They have other things on their minds, and do
6 History (domestic or foreign) not devote much thought to the fortress.
7 Knitting/Sewing 4 Content. The residents like the fortress well enough.
8 Carving The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be
ideal, but things aren’t so bad.
9 Botany/Study of Nature
5 Happy. The residents like the fortress, or are pleased
10 Outdoor Games - Throwing or Shooting (archery, with their situation (or both). Things are good and
throwing axes or hammers, etc) spirits are up.
11 Outdoor Games - Martial (mock combat, jousting, 6 Enthused. The residents are thrilled to be here.
tourneys, wrestling, etc) The fortress, or their circumstances (or both) are
12 Outdoor Games - Ball-Based (golf, bowls, tennis, etc) wonderfully suited to them, and convincing them to
leave would be extremely difficult.
13 Feasting
14 Music (listening or playing) Garrison Size
15 Craft (creation of decorative items like jewellery or How many guards defend the fortress?
d20 Garrison Size
16 Hawking
1-4 Minimum. The garrison is the smallest necessary
17 Martial Training to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to
18 Brewing handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this
size requires few commanding officers.
19 Reading/Storytelling
5-12 Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
20 Poetry sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for
reasonable guard shifts.
13-19 Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is more
than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all
times. Guards are able to stay well-rested.
(When building a keep, add ‘Guard Bunks’ to the
listed starting rooms)
20 Maximum. The garrison’s size is the highest the
fortress can sustain.
(When building a keep, add ‘Guard Bunks’ to the
listed starting rooms)

302 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Garrison Equipment d20 Current Issue
Does the garrison have what it needs to function effectively? 13 Stolen Goods. Some of the food and/or supplies
have been swiped.
d20 Garrison Equipment
14 Structural Damage [Weather]. An area of the
1-2 Poor. Guards are equipped with substandard kit and fortress has been damaged by the elements.
lack a dedicated training area.
15 Structural Damage [Neglect]. An area of the
3-8 Standard. Guards are equipped with standard fortress has been overlooked for too long, and has
kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic now collapsed.
practice equipment (simple targets, poles for combat
dummies, etc.). 16 Structural Damage [Someone’s Mistake]. An area
of the fortress has been compromised and someone is
9-13 Decent. Guards are equipped with standard kit, and at fault (perhaps a repair, or element of construction,
have a dedicated training area and equipment for was attempted with unsuitable tools or materials).
use. They demonstrate refined practice techniques,
such as specific drills, for a variety of situations. 17 Infestation. Pests have encroached on the fortress
and become a nuisance.
14-18 Good. Guards are equipped with above-standard kit,
and have a dedicated training area and equipment for 18 Magical Anomaly. An area of magical disturbance
use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, is causing problems. Residents may, or may not, be
such as specific drills, for a variety of situations. aware of what caused the anomaly.

19-20 Exemplary. Guards are equipped with the best 19 Creature. A strange beast, or monster, has been
kit available, and have a dedicated training area, roaming inside, or near to, the fortress’ boundary.
complete with the best of any and all training 20 Unwanted Attention. Unfriendly outsiders have
equipment and practices that would be required. recently become interested in the fortress (or those
inside it).
Current Issue
Never a dull moment. Does it seem like there's always something Issue Severity
going wrong? Perhaps residents despair and are constantly How bad is the current issue? Is it a nagging irritation, or
awaiting the next issue, or maybe, at present, everything is rosy. something that is causing everyone tremendous concern. Roll
Roll on the table below to see what might be causing problems on the table below to determine the severity of any problems
for your fortress at the moment. determined in the table above.
NOTE: If your condition is ‘Ruin or Bare Bones’, roll [1d6]: 1-3: Note: If you rolled ‘Peaceful’ on the current issue table, skip this
Structural Damage [Weather] ; 4-6: Structural Damage [Neglect]. table.
After, in addition, roll on the current issue table as normal
(which may give you a second issue). Once finished, roll severity d6 Issue Severity
for both. 1 Trivial. The issue does not pose much, if any,
real concern.
d20 Current Issue
2 Manageable. The issue requires attention, but is no
1-6 Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the moment. cause for great alarm.
(Skip issue severity table)
3 Tough. The issue is causing notable hardship, or
7 Entryway Malfunction. A door, gate, portcullis, or inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing with it.
drawbridge is experiencing an issue.
4 Serious. The issue is a cause of real concern and
8 Hurt on the Job. A guard, or staff member, has been requires attention soon, lest it worsen.
recently injured while performing their duties.
5 Critical. The issue is pressing and dangerous, posing
9 Poachers. Evidence of poaching was discovered on a very real threat to all involved.
the lands surrounding the fortress.
6 Dire. The issue is a major problem and needs
10 Family Illness. A member of the ranking resident’s addressing immediately. Failure to resolve the issue
immediate family has gotten sick. If they are not in quickly enough will likely result in irreversible
residence, then a close friend or associate. consequences, or potential loss of life.
11 Worker Illness. A member of the household staff or
guard has gotten sick.
12 Spoiled Food. Some (or all) of the fresh food items
have gone bad.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 303
History Secrets
What significant event happened before, or just after, the What secrets lie within the fortress? How long have they lain
fortress was built? dormant? What implications would there be if it was discovered?

d10 History d12 Secrets

1 Previous Residents. Someone of note lived here 1 Ancient Resting Place. A body was buried here
before the fortress was built. before the fortress was built.
2 Notable Family Tree. A resident within the fortress 2 Hidden Gravesite. A body was buried here after the
has (or had) very interesting lineage. fortress was built.
3 Accursed. The site of the fortress was cursed, either 3 Ancient Treasure. A treasure was buried here
during construction, or since. The curse effects may before the fortress was built.
vary greatly in scope and severity.
4 Secret Hoard. A treasure was buried here after the
4 In Their Footsteps. A very powerful being once fortress was built.
walked where the fortress now stands.
5 Unknown Power. Someone in the fortress has an
5 Convergence. A pivotal meeting happened here. item they believe is mundane. It is actually special
and/or important.
6 Dig Site. An intriguing discovery was made here.
6 Prized Tome. A book of great value is within the
7 Protests. Prior to construction, there were strong
objections to building the fortress.
7 Secret Rites. An ancient ritual was performed here
8 Ensured Silence. The architect of this fortress was
before the fortress was built.
imprisoned (before or after the fortress was built).
8 Tryst. Two people within the fortress got married in
9 Traditional Home. A family of creatures, or beings,
secret, and have been trying to keep it quiet ever since.
has lived within the fortress since it was built,
appearing in records as far back as any have been 9 Enchantment. An unnoticed spell, or spell-like-
kept. They may be seen as simple mascots, or may effect, lingers over a portion of the fortress.
serve some deeper purpose.
10 Moonlighting. Someone within the fortress is
10 Hallowed Ground. When the fortress was built, secretly doing a job, or activity, in their off-hours.
a central area of the site featured markings that
11 Back Door. Someone has been sneaking out of the
someone viewed as being of great importance. As
fortress in a way that would not be approved of.
such, it was built around and preserved.
12 Interloper. Someone living within the fortress does
not actually belong, but has remained unnoticed.

304 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Oddities d12 Oddities
Are there any weird or inexplicable things about your fortress? 10 Watchful Beast. A local small creature (squirrel,
Roll on the table below to find out. rabbit, weasel, or similar), has been seen sitting
on windowsills (even those that are, seemingly,
d12 Oddities inaccessible) or in open doorways, (sometimes, even
1 Haunted. A local spirit occupies the fortress - interior doorways) doing nothing but staring, making
perhaps an ex-resident, or someone linked to the unblinking eye contact with any in the room who
fortress grounds somehow. look at it, never looking away, never moving unless
approached. Once approached, it vanishes without a
2 Mystery Door. A door is and, as far as anyone can trace, and reappears another day.
remember, has always been, stuck shut. No matter
what anyone does, they can’t get it unstuck. Stranger 11 Missing Things. Small, miscellaneous items seem to
still, plans of the fortress show no room there. go missing without notice. Simple absentmindedness
surely can’t account for everything...
3 Breeze. Even in closed rooms with no external
doors, there always seems to be a tiny breeze that 12 Inexplicable Furnishings. One substantial item
makes cloaks swirl lightly around feet. in the castle has been there since it was built,
and no one knows who put it there or where it came
4 Phantom Sounds. While standing in specific areas from. Whatever it is, people feel vaguely uneasy in
of the fortress, indistinct snippets of conversation its presence, but can never bring themselves to get
and activity can often be heard from nearby rooms rid of it.
yet, upon investigation, nothing is ever there.
5 Rumbles.. On rare occasions, soft reverberations can
be felt from deep underground beneath the fortress.
6 Moody Room.. A particular chamber in the fortress
tends to put those inside it into a particular mood,
regardless of how they were feeling prior to entering.
7 Dead End.. There is a hallway in the fortress that,
oddly, leads to a dead end with no discernible purpose.
8 Strange Visitors.. On occasion, the fortress
experiences visits from unusual beings or creatures.
If anyone is aware of these visitors (they may stay
hidden), no one knows where they come from.
9 Creaky Step.. A single step on a certain stairwell
is the cause of much befuddlement. It’s common
enough for old and well-used stairs to make some
noise, but this one seems to creak regardless of
maintenance, to say nothing of the fact the step is
made of solid stone.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 305
Special Feature Feature Specifics
What makes this place worthy of notice? Within the context of Find the table below that matches your special feature and roll
a game, any kind of fortress will draw attention of not only the on it for further depth.
characters, but the players as well. These are places that hold a
very dear place in the public consciousness. The special feature Resident - Great Person
of your fortress could well be a driving factor in making your
fortress a set-piece in your story. d8 Resident - Great Person
Roll on the table below to find the category of your fortress’ 1 Hero. A person known for their good deeds,
special feature. After doing so, find the feature specifics table to performed selflessly for the benefit of others.
learn exactly what the special feature is.
2 Villain. A person known for committing dreadful
d8 Special Feature atrocities.
1 Resident - Great Person. A person of significance, 3 Thinker. A person known for their wisdom and
or renown, lives here. enlightenment (such as a philosopher, naturalist,
scientist, etc).
2 Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast, monster,
or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the 4 Artist. A person known for creating works of
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to exceptional beauty.
make its home here, or is a captive.
5 Writer. A person who is known for their exquisite
3 Magical Properties. The structure and/or its written prowess, having spun riveting tales or
surroundings have magical properties. accounted pivotal events.
4 Unknown Origin. No one knows where this 6 Warrior. A person known for their martial prowess,
structure came from, or how it was built. or valor, in battle.
5 Intriguing Purpose. The structure was built to do 7 Arcanist. A person known for their magical ability
something unusual. or expertise.
6 Catastrophic Event. The structure was the site of a 8 Priest. A person known for having a special
terrible or tragic incident. connection to the divine.
7 Miraculous Event. The structure was the site of
something miraculous or amazing. Resident - Creature or Monster
8 Bizarre Location. The structure is built in an d10 Resident - Creature or Monster
atypical kind of location.
1 Beast. A noteworthy, but non-sentient, beast.
2 Beast (Sentient). An animal that can think and speak.
3 Elemental. A being of a single, pure elemental energy.
4 Fey. A resident of the fey realm.
5 Savage Humanoid. A gnoll, orc, or other brutal
6 Goblinoid. A goblin, hobgoblin, or bugbear.
7 Giant. An ogre, giant, or troll.
8 Kobold. A bipedal reptile with distant draconic
9 Monstrosity. A terrifying, unnatural creature.
10 Undead. A zombie, vampire, spirit, or other
creature linked with undeath.

306 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Magical Properties Intriguing Purpose
d10 Magical Properties d6 Intriguing Purpose
1 Flying. The fortress can be, or is always, airborne. 1 Protection. The fortress was built to keep something
The magic is likely sustained by a ritual, enchanted safe. Whatever that something is, it is no secret that
object, or individual, who may or may not command it resides in the fortress.
the fortress
2 Hiding. The fortress was built to keep something
2 Dreamer. The fortress is mentally tethered to the from being found.
imagination of a mortal mind. While they dream,
3 Hint. The fortress was built to act as a clue to some
the fortress appears nearby. If the individual dies,
greater mystery.
the fortress transfers to another.
4 Instruction. The fortress was built with a lesson in
3 Spells of Binding. Magic augmented the building
mind, to teach those who would look upon it.
process to more-thoroughly bind the materials
together, strengthening the overall structure 5 Imprisonment. The fortress was built to prevent
exponentially. something from getting into others’ hands, or from
being unleashed on the wider world.
4 Speech. The fortress itself is sentient, and is able to
communicate telepathically to those it chooses. Any 6 Connection. The fortress was built to accommodate
excesses of personality are at the discretion of the GM! a magical or extraplanar portal.
5 Exuding Presence. The fortress exudes an unseen
aura which influences the emotional state of Catastrophic Event
visitors, both friend or foe.
d6 Catastrophic Event
6 Desecrated Ground. The bodies of the fallen tend to
rise and turn against their living comrades. 1 Natural Disaster. A major storm, earthquake, or
other calamity struck this place.
7 Deceptive. The fortress appears differently
to onlookers outside of its walls than to those 2 Battle. This was the site of a brutal, devastating
inside them. conflict.

8 Nexus. Magic here seems to be more potent and 3 Genocide. An attempt was made to wipe a people, or
effective, but the veil between worlds also seems creature, from existence here.
thin. Otherworldly entities may be drawn to magic 4 Betrayal. A significant trust was broken here.
used here which resonates with their home plane.
5 Curse. The fortress, or the area in general, was
9 Teleportation. The fortress can magically change placed under a vindictive spell.
location instantly, blinking out of one place and
into another. 6 Summoning. A terrible creature, or otherworldly
being, was summoned to this plane from within the
10 Phasing. The fortress can shift from one plane of fortress, and may remain nearby.
existence to another, but always remains in the same
physical location.

Unknown Origin
If there is a conflict between a rolled unknown origin and any
previous rolls, the unknown origin will take precedence.

d4 Unknown Origin
1 Extraplanar. The fortress popped into existence
2 Unseen Hands. The fortress was built without
anyone ever seeing a builder. It seemed to grow,
unobserved, each day until it was finished.
3 Stranger. Someone integral to the inception of the
fortress was unknown to anyone else involved.
4 No Records. The fortress was built by people who
are no longer around, and no records give clues as to
who they were.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 307
Miraculous Event d8 Bizarre Location
5 Mobile. The fortress is built in such a way as to allow
d8 Miraculous Event
it to move. It could be on wheels, organic legs, the
1 Found Anew. Something (or someone) of incredible back of a massive beast, a manufactured platform,
significance was rediscovered here. or magical landmass, to name a few options.
2 Salvation. Someone in dire peril was saved here. 6 Nested Environment. The fortress is built within a
separate environment that exists within the primary
3 Odds Defied. Victory was snatched from the jaws of
environment. This nested environment may be
defeat here, when all hope seemed lost.
contained within a physical barrier, such as a dome
4 Divine Intervention. A god made their will known or bubble. In any case, there are discernible borders
directly here. between it and the primary environment.
5 Sacrifice. Someone gave up something very dear to 7 Beast Colony. The fortress is built in the midst of a
them here, in service to a higher cause. colony of uncivilized creatures or animals.
6 Prophecy Fulfilled. Events previously foretold saw 8 Unnatural Object. The fortress is built upon,
their culmination here. or around, a strange, foreign item, that has,
perhaps, fallen from the heavens or from another
7 Death Refused. Someone, who should have died,
plane of existence.
managed to retain their grasp on life here.
8 Quest Accomplished. A great mission was
concluded here.
If you only needed general ideas for your fortress, stop here. If
Bizarre Location you want to build a keep, castle or stronghold, continue on to
the keep, and other relevant, sections.
d8 Bizarre Location
1 Abyss or Chasm. The fortress is built on a platform
B u ilder T er m s
suspended directly over a deep hole or crevasse. Throughout the keep, castle, and stronghold sections, some
terms are used. Below is a list of ones to be aware of:
2 Sky. The fortress is built in such a way as to allow
it to float, or hover in mid-air, above ground level Square - refers to a square on a typical RPG battle grid.
(you decide how high). It could be on something like For our purposes, 1 square equals a 5-foot by 5-foot
a cloud, or a manufactured platform, suspended by amount of space.
magic or technology. BSM - Base Size Modifier. Keeps and castles each have their
3 Active Volcano. The fortress is built on, or even own base size modifiers which are found on their respective
inside, an active volcano. Assume that the fortress section size tables and used within their sections (you do not
is built from materials, and has the resources, that use the keep’s BSM in the castle section).
would allow it exist here. K - Within the castle section, there are diagrams displaying
an example layout. Within these diagrams, a bold letter K
4 Beneath the Surface. The fortress is located under
can be seen. This denotes where the keep might be.
some kind of environment where one might not
think a fortress could be, such as underwater, under
sand, or even soil or mud. There may, or may not,
be something keeping the surrounding material out
of the immediate fortress (such as a bubble keeping
water out of an underwater fortress).

308 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Keep M ap S iz e Alt er at io n
Battle map sizes are suggestions only and, as always, can be
The keep is a fortress’ most important structure (and may indeed
adjusted, or changed, if needed.
be it’s only one). It is where the most important residents dwell
when in residence, where most important business is conducted, For instance, the ‘Small’ 5x5 size provides 25 squares
and, often, where gatherings are held. It is also the last defensible of usable space. Choosing instead to make the keep a 6x4
location to which defenders can fall back. rectangle equates to a similar area, and so is an entirely
fair substitution. To get your desired room shape, don’t be
In this next section, you will roll up your keep and determine
afraid to add or remove a few squares if needed.
what’s inside it.

Different shapes of keep have their own advantages and
disadvantages. Roll on the table below, or simply choose the
option you prefer.

d6 Shape
1-3 Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes
internal space and is easier to construct. Furnishing,
outfitting and decorating straight walls is
considerably simpler.
4-6 Round. A circular keep can offer defense against
certain weather and attacks, as the curved surface
(depending on its extremity) will deflect weak or
glancing blows. However, the interior can be limited,
especially in an overall small keep.

Size will determine the flat area the keep occupies. If the keep
has multiple floors, it is assumed that each floor takes up roughly
Exterior Wall Thickness
the same space. How thick are the outer walls of the keep?
On the table, you will note two additional columns:
W all T h ic k nes s and F lo o r Ar ea
Base Size Modifier (BSM). This is needed when determining
elements such as number of rooms and additional spaces. The building’s floor area does not include wall thickness.
The wall occupies space outside your room’s dimensions.
Battle map size (square/diameter) - For simplicity if/when
laying out your fortress on a battle map or grid, this column
gives a suggestion in squares (1 square = 5 ft.) of the interior area d10 Exterior Wall Thickness
inside the keep (not counting internal walls you may place). 1 1 ft. (Single Line, 0 squares)
The dimensions for square and round floors are given as the 2-3 2.5 ft. (1/2 a square)
lengths of the sides or the diameter, respectively, and are
represented like this: 4-7 5 ft. (1 square)
(__x__ / ___ squares) 8-9 10 ft. (2 squares)
Example: (7x7 / 9 squares) would be a room that is 7 squares long 10 15 ft. (3 squares)
and 7 squares wide, if square or, 9 squares across, if round.

d20 Base Size Base Size Floor Space (square

M apping W alls 5 F eet o r Les s
Modifier / diameter)
1-6 Small 1 (5x5 / 7 squares)
7-14 Medium 2 (7x7 / 9 squares)
15-19 Large 3 (9x9 / 11 squares)
20 Very Large 4 (11x11 / 13 squares)

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 309
Number of Floors Inside the Keep
How many floors high is the keep? The following section covers the type of rooms within the keep.
It is up to you to decide how much of the interior area is given
d20 Number of Floors
over to each room. These tables will guide you in deciding which
1-2 One. One above-ground floor, no cellar. areas to combine, and which to make separate.
3-6 Two. One above-ground floor and a cellar.
Starting Rooms
7-13 Three. Two above-ground floors and a cellar.
All keeps start with the following rooms:
14-17 Four. Three above-ground floors and a cellar. Starting Rooms: (1) Bedroom; (1) Kitchen; (1) Dining and
18-19 Five. Four above-ground floors and a cellar. Receiving
20 Six. Five above-ground floors and a cellar.
S t ar t ing R o o m s C o u nt !
Raised Entrance Starting rooms must be included in the fortress and do
count toward the total room count allowed for the fortress
As a security measure, a keep with two or more floors above (found in the next part). If that is all that is able to fit, that is
ground level may have decided to place the keep’s main entrance all that fits.
on a higher floor.
Note: Skip if this table if you have only one above-ground floor.

d20 Raised Entrance?

1-8 Entrance is on ground level.
9-20 Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping around
the structure, if necessary.

Entry Defenses
As the main thoroughfare into the keep, the entry point usually
requires special defensive consideration. These could be a:
Portcullis. A heavy grate of metal that can be raised, and
lowered, as needed.
Drawbridge. A bridge that can be raised, and lowered, as needed.
For raised entrances, a gap is left between the stairs and the entry. At
ground level, a pit is usually dug immediately in front of the entry.
Roll below to see what entry defenses your keep has.

d20 Entry Defenses

1 Simple heavy door.
2-10 Reinforced heavy door.
11-14 Portcullis.
15-18 Drawbridge.
19-20 Portcullis and drawbridge.

310 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Rooms T I P : R o o m s and C o m b ined S pac es
A keep can feature a variety of different rooms, dependent on Historically, it was likely (unless a fortress was built and
its size, priority and residents. Roll on the table below as many inhabited by the particularly wealthy) that a keep would
times as you have rooms, to determine which you have. have few separate rooms. Instead, areas would be combined
Number of rooms = BSM x number of floors* and serve multiple purposes.
*Cellar does count as a floor. The most rudimentary of keeps would be no more than a
one-room, single-floor structure with an area for sleeping, a
d20 Rooms cooking hearth and, perhaps, a table, and some chairs.

1-3 Bedroom. Area designated for resting, containing a Keep this in mind when laying out your rooms. Look at your
bed or beds. expense and consider what you could put where and if it
would make sense to combine any rooms. Ultimately, the
4-5 Dining and Receiving. General area with tables, as choice is yours.
well as benches and/or chairs.
6-7 Kitchen. Area for cooking and food preparation. Furnishings
(additional rolls may be spent to generate a ‘Larder’) How well-furnished is the keep? How comfortable are the beds?
8 Chapel. Area designated for worship, meditation, or Is there a stove or just a basic hearth? Roll on the table below to
spiritual instruction. determine the quality of the furnishings and amenities in the keep.

9 Guard Bunks. Quarters for guards and their Modified by: expense, condition
d20 Furnishings
10 Cell. Holding area for prisoner(s).
1-2 Poor. The contents of the keep are very simplistic, of
11 Closet. Storage for clothing. inferior quality, or are in a state of disrepair.
12 Equipment Storage. Storage for household 3-6 Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
equipment, as well as defensive implements, if there basic, of poor quality, or in poor condition, though
are no barracks. some may be decent.
13 General Storage. Storage for non-food, non- 7-14 Decent. The contents of the keep are of serviceable
equipment supplies. quality, or in good condition.
14 Guest Quarters. Area set aside for guest occupation. 15-19 Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of decent
quality, or in good condition, and some may be
15 Larder. Food storage, typically placed in the cellar
excellent or in fine condition.
where it stays cool.
20 Fine. The contents of the keep are all of superlative
16 Library. Area for records, books, and/or study.
quality, or are in excellent condition.
17 Privy. Indoor alternative to a separate outhouse.
18 Solar. Living/recreational room for the main STOP!
If you are only building a keep stop here. If you want to
19 Stables. Houses mounts for residents and visitors. upgrade your keep into a castle or stronghold, continue onto
the next section.
(attached to the outer wall of the keep)
20 Servant Quarters. Area for a servant (or servants)
to sleep and store their possessions.

R o o m C o nt ent s
Each of these rooms is assumed to be furnished with the
items necessary for it to function. The quality of these items
are accounted for in the furnishings table.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 311
Find your environment (from Step 1) in the table below. Roll a
Castle d4 and consult the environment’s geographic advantages to
the left.
A castle is a place of strength and protection. It makes a show
of power simply by existing, and often provides a great sense of
Environment Geographic Advantages (roll d4 within
security to those living nearby. Built with walls, towers, gates,
your environment)
and other defenses, it is a strong, reliable place to retreat to in
times of crisis. Coastal 1: none
2: hill
In this next section, you will roll up your castle and determine
3: cliff
what’s inside it.
4: surrounded by natural water

Geographic Advantages Forest 1: none

2: hill
Castles are almost always built in the most strategically 3: cliff
defensible location (though there were certainly vanity projects 4: congested approach(es)
built for fun or pleasure, with little regard for military matters).
Often, the geography of the area will lend itself to particular Mountains 1: narrow approach(es)
defensive strategies, or act as a layer of defense in its own right, 2: treacherous approach(es)
and a canny builder will be certain to capitalise on them. The 3: cliff
following table will tell you what, if any, natural geographic 4: carved
advantage is prominent where the fortress is built [this does not
Plains 1-2: none
include any man-made things to achieve a similar effect].
3: hill
Special Feature: Even if your special feature was ‘Bizarre 4: narrow approaches
Location’, still select the general environment your fortress is
in. If the ‘Bizarre Location’ was ‘Nested Environment’, use that River 1; congested approach(es)
environment. 2: narrow approach(es)
3: treacherous approach(es)
4: surrounded by natural water
G eo gr aph ic Adv ant ages
Swamp 1-2: none
None. There were no natural advantages that could
3: treacherous approach(es)
be exploited.
4: congested approach(es)
Hill. The fortress is built on a naturally occuring hill.
Underground 1: none
Carved. The fortress has been at least partially carved into 2: narrow approach(es)
its surrounding environment. 3: congested approach(es)
Cliff. The castle has been built at the top of a tall cliff. 4: carved

Surrounded by natural water. The water in the Valley 1-2: none

environment either partially, or completely, surrounds the 3: narrow approach(es)
site the castle is built on. 4: cliff
Congested approach(es). Natural obstacles are spaced close Tundra 1: treacherous approach(es)
together so as to make quick and direct movement difficult. 2: narrow approach(es)
Narrow approach(es). The castle is built in a place that 3: cliff
takes advantage of formations, such as tight canyons 4: carved
and ravines. Desert 1: narrow approach(es)
Treacherous approach(es). The ground and environment 2: treacherous approach(es)
may be difficult, uncomfortable, painful, or even deadly 3: hill
to pass through, such as a murky bog, burning sands or 4: cliff
loose rocks.

312 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Style d20 Style
The castle’s style is its form of overall layout. Those described 7-16 Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within
below can be configured in an enormous array of variations (or connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are
(longer walls, more towers, different building arrangements, typically placed along the wall.
etc.), but tend to have general commonalities.

d20 Style
1-3 Motte-and-Bailey. The keep is built on an earthen
mound, or hill, and surrounded by a high fence
or wall. The wall extends down the hill to form
a large, circular yard (the bailey), where other
buildings are located.

17-20 Concentric. Similar to a fortified keep, but with a

second, additional wall surrounding everything.
Additional outbuildings (typically of lesser
4-6 Shell Keep. The keep is surrounded by a circular strategic value) may be placed in this additional
wall, with lightweight buildings built against the space.
inside of the wall.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 313
Size Curtain Wall Towers
The castle’s size refers as much to a visitor’s general impression Towers are tall structures used for defensive purposes. These can
of the castle as it does to the land mass it occupies. be found built into the walls, or standing alone. Towers would be
built from the same material as the walls.
Base Size Modifier (BSM). This is needed when determining
elements such as the number of towers, outbuildings, etc. Number of towers along your wall = BSM + 1d4

d20 Base Size Base Size Modifier (BSM) d6 Tower Shape

1-6 Small 1 1-3 Box
7-14 Medium 2 4-6 Round (Cylinder)
15-19 Large 3
d20 Tower Size / Height Floor area
20 Very Large 4 (= to wall height +[ ]) (square / diameter)
1-4 Small [+0 ft.] (5x5 / 7 squares)
Curtain Walls
The following tables will provide details regarding your walls. 5-12 Medium [+10 ft.] (5x5 / 7 squares)

Measurements are listed for stone and wooden walls, but can be 13-18 Large [+20 ft.] (7x7 / 9 squares)
representative of other building materials as well. Use your own 19-20 Very Large [+30 ft.] (7x7 / 9 squares)
judgement on which measurement feels appropriate.
If you are building a ‘Concentric’ castle, you may either use your d8 Tower Roofs
rolls for both sets of walls, or roll on the tables twice. Keep in
mind that in a concentric castle, the inner walls might be the 1-2 Uncovered
same height as the outer walls, but would not be shorter, so we 3-4 Flat Roof
suggest, if rolling separately, making the higher of the two your
inner wall. 5-7 Shallow Slope Roof
8 Steep Slope Roof
Curtain Wall Thickness
How thick are your walls? A very thick wall may even be wide
enough to have a hallway and stairs inside.

d20 Curtain Wall Thickness (Stone/Wood)

1-6 (10 ft. / 5 ft.)
7-14 (15 ft. / 10 ft.)
15-19 (20 ft. / 15 ft.)
20 (25 ft. / 20 ft.)

Curtain Wall Height

How tall are your walls?

d20 Curtain Wall Height (Stone / Wood)

1-6 (10 ft. / 10 ft.)
7-14 (20 ft. / 15 ft.)
15-19 (30 ft. / 20 ft.)
20 (40 ft. / 25 ft.)

314 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Roll on the table below for each time you rolled ‘Magical Defenses.’
Curtain Wall Defenses
(If you did not roll ‘Magical Defenses’, skip this table.)
All walls can be assumed to have crenelations (or some form of
basic cover, to allow for firing down on attackers), but what else
d6 Magical Defenses
might the walls have that could aid in the castle’s defense?
Find your expense (from Step 1) in the table below and note the 1 Blocking Wards. These wards prevent creatures,
number of rolls to make on the curtain wall defenses table. or objects, from entering or passing a certain point.
They can fail if the ward sustains too much damage
Expense Number of rolls in a short span of time.

Paltry 0 2 Aggressive Wards. These wards are designed to

unleash offensive attacks on unfortunate victims,
Modest 1 such as bolts of fire or force.
Moderate 2 3 Unliving Sentinels. The castle is guarded by spirits,
Significant 3 shades, wraiths, or some other form of undead.

Extravagant 4 4 Alarm Wards. Zones of magic create a warning

sound if someone outside of a predefined group
Roll equal to the amount determined above. enters the area.

d6 Curtain Wall Defenses 5 Relocation Wards. These wards teleport anyone in

the area somewhere else. This may be somewhere
1 Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes benign, but far enough away that they will cause no
outward and is, therefore, much thicker. This further mischief, or somewhere harmful.
hinders the approach of siege towers, makes
undermining difficult, and stretches siege ladders to 6 Unnatural Elemental Presence. An element that
breaking point, if they can bridge the distance at all. does not naturally occur in the local area is present.
In addition, it removes a blindspot for defenders - Perhaps a castle in a non-volcanic region has a moat
the area directly beneath them. filled with lava, or one in a tropical region has areas
of extreme cold.
2 Bossing. Various stones protrude from the wall’s
surface. These effectively reduce impacts, like
catapult shots, that hit the bossing. A potential
drawback could be making the wall easier to climb This is a forward structure acting as a checkpoint and, for
(unless the protrusions are sufficiently rounded). attackers, a forced navigation of lethal obstacles leading up to the
castle’s main gate. If the castle is concentric with a second wall,
3 Hoardings. Temporary, wooden shelters are
this is the entry through the outer wall.
constructed, protruding out on top of the walls,
allowing defenders to fire directly down on d20 Barbican
attackers. These would require fireproofing (such
as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be 1-5 None.
deconstructed and stored in peacetime.
6-11 The gatehouse leads to a walled approach.
4 Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a
12-17 The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in
permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders
a drawbridge.
to fire directly down on attackers. If you already have
hoardings, treat them as providing overhead cover. (+2 to moat roll)

5 Brattice. A singular projecting space (similar to 18-20 The gatehouse, preceded by a drawbridge, leads
machicolations), placed over a vulnerable area, to a walled approach, ending in an additional
such as a passage. Like machicolations, this allows drawbridge.
defenders to rain down attacks on an enemy directly (+2 to moat roll)
below them, and also allows for flanking fire along
the wall.
6 Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by
something magical. If your setting allows for this
level of magic, roll on the next table. If for any
reason there would not be magical defenses, re-roll.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 315
Gatehouses Moat
A gatehouse guards a primary passage through a castle wall, and A moat is a trench dug around a fortification designed to present
is often one of the best protected parts of the castle. A gatehouse a very difficult obstacle, and to make undermining the walls, or
has, at the very least, large, heavy doors, able to be barred when approaching them with siege equipment, difficult or impossible.
necessary. There could also be a portcullis (a large grill made of Often they are filled with water (usually by diverting a nearby
heavy wood or metal) to be dropped to seal attackers out (or in!). stream or river), but they can also be left dry. Moats are also an
excellent place for other hazards, such as dangerous animals or
Roll below to find out what kind of gatehouse you have.
hazardous objects.
Note: If you have a barbican or an additional outer wall (for
Modified by: barbican
example, in a concentric castle), these would also have their own
gatehouses, so roll again for those.
d10 Moat
Each result is assumed to encompass, or build upon, any lower-
number options. 1-2 None.
3-5 Dry Moat. The moat is not filled with water and is,
d20 Gatehouse instead, a deep pit encircling the fortification. This
1-6 Standard Gatehouse. The same height as the wall could be purposeful, or the lack of water could be
and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy doors. due to drought.

7-16 Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the height 6-7 Dry Moat [Trapped]. The moat is dry, but filled with
and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy some extra defensive measures, such as spikes or
doors and a portcullis. vicious animals.

17-20 Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and thickness 8-9 Filled Moat. A standard moat, filled with water.
of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a 10 Filled Moat [Trapped]. The moat is filled with water
portcullis. and is trapped somehow. Perhaps there is a natural
or artificial current, or perhaps it is filled with
Addit io nal F eat u r es vicious, aquatic animals.
Gatehouses were built to be brutally effective; both the
attackers and defenders knew that battering down the gate Moat Width
was often the most realistic way of achieving entry. As such, How wide is the moat?
the gatehouse often harbored many nasty surprises. Below
are some additional features you may want to add, if they d20 Moat Width
feel appropriate.
1-10 15 ft.
Second portcullis. Allows for the trapping of enemies
inside the gatehouse, or simply acts as another obstacle for 11-14 20 ft.
the attackers, one which the defenders can fire though (only
15-17 25 ft.
available on ‘Strong’ or ‘Grand’ gatehouses).
18-19 30 ft.
Murder holes. Allows soldiers above, or to the sides of, the
gatehouse interior to fire shots through the walls at enemies 20 35 ft.
within the gatehouse from complete cover.
Spouts. Allows for the pouring of unpleasant things Moat Depth
(usually liquids or heated sand) onto enemies within How deep is the moat?
the gatehouse.
Other traps. The gatehouse is also a great place for d20 Moat Depth
fantastical traps thanks to the fact that intruders are more
1-10 20 ft.
or less forced to move through it if they want to proceed. Be
fiendishly creative! 11-14 25 ft.
15-17 30 ft.
18-19 35 ft.
20 40 ft.

316 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Barracks Location O pt io nal: F r eef o r m B u ilding
Where do the castle guards or military personnel reside? Roll Instead of treating your table rolls as individual buildings,
on the table below to find out where their quarters are situated you can note down the total squares of area your rolls give
within the castle’s structure. you, adding them together as you roll. Treat them like a floor
area ‘pool’, and use that pool to build in a more freeform way.
d20 Barracks Location.
Example: Your castle size is ‘Small’, meaning BSM + 1 = 2, so
1 Simple Room(s). Members of the garrison simply you roll twice on the table. Your rolls were a 5 and a 14. The 5
sleep where there is space in the castle. gives you 36 squares, the 14 gives you 64 squares, for a total
of 100 squares of space. With that, you could build a 10x10
2-5 Multiple, Separate Structures. The barracks are
square, single-floor building, or a bunch of much smaller
made up of multiple, smaller buildings arranged near
buildings, or a few multi-floor buildings, just so long as the
one another, housing the garrison. The separation
total floor area is equal to 100 squares.
could be based on rank, or simple practicality.
6-12 Single, Separate Structure. The barracks are Outbuilding purposes. The building, or buildings, can cover
situated in a single, large building in the bailey of the one or multiple purposes, depending on need and space.
castle, housing the garrison. Within, there could be - Servant’s Quarters* (min. space: 3x5 squares)
separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there
could simply be common areas, used as needed. - Kitchens (min. space: 3x5 squares)
- Bake House
13-16 Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached to the
fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there - Chapel/Priest’s Home
could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), - Stables (always bottom floor or separate structure)
or there could simply be common areas used as needed.
- Storage
17-20 Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities are attached
to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick - Forge
enough, attached to them if not), and house the *If there are no ‘Servants Quarters’ in the keep itself, there must
garrison. Within, there could be separate quarters be space given to these in the outbuildings. If your keep does have
(for officers, training, etc.), or there could simply be them, but you would like to move them (or anything else) to an
common areas, used as needed. outbuilding to free up space for something else in your keep, feel
free to do so.
Bailey Outbuildings
The bailey is the space within the castle’s innermost walls.
In this space are located any additional buildings needed by
the residents.
BSM + 1 = Number of bailey outbuildings
Roll on the following table for each of your bailey outbuildings
to see what size they are.

d20 Outbuilding Size Floor area (square area /

total squares)
1-6 Small 6x6 / 36 squares
7-14 Medium 8x8 / 64 squares
15-19 Large 10x10 / 100 squares
20 Very Large 12x12 / 144 squares

M u lt iple F lo o r s f o r O u t b u ildings
If you would like multiple floors, you can do this a
number of ways.
1. Split-n-stack. Divide up the floor area available to your
outbuilding between however many floors you would like
(i.e. take squares away from the bottom floor and use those
to make upper floors).
2. Multi-building. Add one of your outbuildings on top of
another (i.e. combine a single-floor 12x12 building with a
10x10 single floor building on top of it, making a 12x12 first
floor and a 10x10 top floor).

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 317
Stronghold Additional Curtain Wall Towers
How many more towers does your fortress have?
IMPORTANT! The following section is only necessary if you will
be building a stronghold. If you only needed a keep or castle, +1d8 towers to your Castle: Curtain Wall Towers.
you’re done!
Style Amplifications
Upgrade Roll below to find out how upgrading to a stronghold will amplify
This chapter will build upon attributes you have rolled in the the style of your castle.
previous sections. This means that elements you have in place
may change. d12 Style Amplifications
1 Additional Curtain Wall. The entire fortification is
Curtain Wall Reinforcement surrounded by an additional wall.
The curtain walls of a stronghold are generally larger than an Castle: Thickness and height of this new curtain
average castle’s would be. wall are equal to (or, if you prefer, less than) that of
your other curtain walls.
V ar io u s H eigh t s / T h ic k nes s es ? 2 Low Hulk. The fortress favors reinforcement over
Historically, fortresses would not necessarily be built with height, creating a low-slung, brutish construction.
a standard wall-height or thickness around the entire
perimeter. Each fortress would be designed and built with a
particular, or general, defensive strategy in mind. • -1 floor (min. 1 above-ground floor, 1 cellar)
• If box-shaped, increase floor area by 2x2
For example, shorter walls might be employed part way up a squares.
slope, with taller walls at the top, forcing would-be attackers
to slog uphill and over the outer defenses, all the while being • If round-shaped, increase floor area by 2
shot at by defenders on the high ground, who have a clear squares in diameter.
line of fire over their own defenses. • Increase exterior wall thickness by 5 feet.
As you progress through the builder, remember that the
values provided by the tables are, ultimately, suggestions • Reduce curtain wall height and tower height
and can be altered once you’re done with the builder. by 10 feet (to a minimum of 10 feet)
• Increase curtain wall thickness by 5 feet.
Additional Thickness • Additional curtain wall defenses: Batters
Roll on the table below to see how much thicker your castle’s
curtain walls will be. 3 Great Drums. The keep, towers, and curtain walls
are all built with curving surfaces to help deflect
+___ to your Castle: Curtain Wall Thickness. both weaponry and weather.
(When building your castle and keep, increase all
d20 Thickness thickness rolls by one step)
1-6 +5 ft. (1 square) Keep:
7-14 +10 ft. (2 squares) • If box-shaped, shape is now round (use
diameter for floor area).
15-19 +15 ft. (3 squares)
• Increase exterior wall thickness by 5 feet.
20 +20 ft. (4 squares)
Additional Height • If box-shaped, all curtain wall towers are now
Roll on the table below to see how much taller your castle’s round (use diameter for floor area).
curtain walls will be. • Increase curtain wall thickness by 5 feet.
+___ to your Castle: Curtain Wall Height.

d20 Height
1-6 +20 ft. (4 squares)
7-14 +25 ft. (5 squares)
15-19 +30 ft. (6 squares)
20 +35 ft. (7 squares)

318 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
d12 Style Amplifications d12 Style Amplifications
4 Tiered. A heavy wall surrounds the perimeter, 9 Mighty Keep. The stronghold’s keep is especially
at ground level, and the fortress rises in stepped robust.
elevation to a high peak. Fortifications and internal Keep:
structures line the steps.
• If box-shaped, increase floor area by 2x2
Keep: squares.
• +1 floor. • If round-shaped, increase floor area by 2
Castle: squares in diameter.
• Increase curtain wall thickness of outermost • Increase exterior wall thickness by 5 feet.
curtain wall by 5 feet. • +1 floor.
• Increase curtain wall height and tower height
10 Watchful. Vigilance is of paramount importance.
by 5 feet.
5 Massive Curtain Walls. The fortress’ curtain walls,
and keep exterior walls, are huge. • +2 towers.
Castle: • If box-shaped, increase floor area for all
towers by 2x2 squares.
• Increase curtain wall thickness by 10 feet.
• If round-shaped, increase floor area of all
• Increase curtain wall height and tower height towers by 2 squares in diameter.
by 10 feet.
• +10 feet to tower height.
6 Bristling Defenses. There are more defenses than
there otherwise might be. 11 Under Cover. The wall-walks are covered with
permanent fortifications, allowing for safer patrols
and easier defense.
• Roll 1 additional time on the curtain wall
defenses table.
• Increase curtain wall thickness by 5 feet.
7 Fortified Entries. Special focus has been placed on
protecting what would be the weakest points: the • Add ‘Machicolations’ to curtain wall defenses.
Keep: 12 Magical Forms. Magical runes, symbols, or patterns
were planned and worked into the construction of
• Entry has a reinforced heavy door with a
the stronghold itself.
portcullis and drawbridge.
• Roll once on the magical defenses table.
• Barbican. The approach to your castle goes
over a drawbridge, through a gatehouse,
through a walled approach and across another
drawbridge, before passing through the
outermost wall.
• Your castle gatehouses are ‘Grand’ Gatehouses.
(These are optional maximums - GMs may choose to
select lesser options)
8 Great Moat. The exterior perimeter of the
stronghold is surrounded by a massive moat.
• Choose a moat type (dry, dry [trapped], filled or
filled [trapped]).
• Your moat is 35 feet across and 40 feet deep.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 319
Brutal Defenses d20 Brutal Defenses
Attacking a stronghold can be a particularly gruelling endeavor. 17 Mighty Adhesive. The defenses are covered in a
As well as walls, towers, and defenders, many strongholds have gelatinous adhesive that reduces impacts and holds
particularly nasty tricks up their sleeves The awe-inspiring onto anything that touches it. This turns projectiles
degree of ingenuity and brutality can be things of song and (such as catapult stones, arrows, etc.) and even fellow
legend (or terrifying bedtime stories), and these tales might even attackers, into obstacles on the ascent to the top.
be enough to dissuade an attack in the first place.
18 Tar Fields. The open areas leading up to the
Roll on the table below to see what additional brutal defenses stronghold are saturated with tar, and can be lit on
your stronghold harbors. fire, if the need arises.

d20 Brutal Defenses 19 Melded Guardians. Creatures dwell within the

defensive structures, or the surrounding area. These
1-8 Stalwart Defenders. A portion of the fortress’ might be magically animated constructs, or natural
defenders are extremely well-trained in general beasts, which have been encouraged to live there.
warfare and siegecraft, and are particularly loyal When attackers reach them, the guardians emerge.
(GM’s discretion on stats and abilities).
20 Thunder Horn. A massive horn takes pride of place in
9 Shards. The walls have fragments of metal, glass, the fortress. When sounded, it bolsters the resolve of
and broken pottery built into them, so any climbing defenders, and batters attackers with gale-force winds.
becomes an eviscerating nightmare.
10 Scythe.. A massive blade, covering a large amount
of vertical space, sheers across the face of the wall,
shaving any enemies, or equipment, from its surface.
11 Quake.. A subterranean device of magic, or technology,
is able to send shivering impacts up through the area
surrounding the stronghold’s outer wall.
12 Rolling Pin.. Massive timbers, or rounded,
stone cylinders, are held horizontally, with an
axle running through the center. When released,
the massive cylinders roll down the face of the wall
and, potentially, out across the ground, crushing all
in its path. The axle ends are connected to chains,
allowing the cylinders to be raised back to their
original position.
13 Oiled Surface.. The surface of the wall is oiled,
making it slick and very difficult to climb. It can also
be set ablaze, if need be.
14 Gas Spouts.. Pipes built into the wall expel noxious
fumes, from deep in the earth, that cascade down
the walls and over the ranks of the enemy.
15 Wall of Darts.. The walls are set with dart traps that
can be triggered when the walls are being swarmed.
16 Vertigo.. The architecture is designed using forced
perspective. An example could be cunningly placed
stones of differing sizes, tricking the eye to make walls
appear much higher than they are, and triggering
bouts of dizziness and disorientation in attackers.

320 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Room Capacity. A single-occupant bed occupies 5 feet (1 square).
Mapping If a feature says it comes with X people, but the room does not
have space for that many beds, the number of beds is the room
Once you have all of your information locked in, you can, if you
capacity limit.
wish, try to map your fortress. In the back of the book, you can
find a sheet of grid paper which you can copy and use.
I nt er es t ing N P C s
Mapping Your Keep If you need to populate your fortress with some pre-
generated characters, head on over to Chapter 8: Interesting
The keep will likely be a series of interior maps. Traditional
NPCs. You can find tables for different types of NPCs and,
practice is making a map for each floor. Simply look at your
following the tables, details on the NPCs themselves,
keep’s floor area, counting your squares (remember, 1 square = 5
arranged by profession.
feet), and draw the edge of the floor area. Once you’ve done that,
you can begin playing with wall placement and room layout.
Drawing. At this point, we suggest creating some form of sketch, Mapping Your Castle or Stronghold
or basic plan, on graph paper or a virtual tabletop, as it can be Simply follow the same practices as the keep, but on a larger
helpful for visualizing your keep. This will help you consider scale. Towers can have mapped interiors like keeps. Walls, if
room arrangement, interior walls, doors, stairs, or ladders. they’re big enough, could have mapped interiors as well (tunnels,
Example: stairs, even small rooms).
Maps can be as detailed, or simple, as you need them to be. We
suggest only mapping the areas you think you’ll need for your
campaign, as mapping can be time-consuming.

Y o u ’ r e do ne!
You’ve reached the end of the builder, but the process is not
yet complete. Though you have undoubtedly started doing
so already, your final task awaits. Look back at all of your
rolls and the information that gives you and think about why
things are the way they are, and what that means for your
fortress. Think of every detail that you rolled as another clue
to revealing the true identity of this place. Be creative, let
your imagination wander and don’t tell yourself, “no”. As we
said in Chapter 1, embrace the contradictions and oddities,
and you will see your fortress come to life.
Room Notes
Happy adventuring!
Each room will have a purpose. Note that certain rooms have
reduced capacity, if shared (which might be thematically
appropriate for you). We suggest reading through the notes and
suggestions below before configuring all the elements of your keep.
Multiples of the same room. If you roll any room more than
once, you may either decide to have multiples (either the same or
different versions) or, instead, you may consider the original to
occupy more space, or be of higher quality.
Servants. If you rolled a room that is being used exclusively as
‘Servants Quarters’, your keep has a number of servants equal
to your BSM. If your ‘Servant’s Quarters’ are in a shared-purpose
room, your number of servants is equal to BSM-1 (minimum 1).
Bedroom. Can sleep up to two people (in two singles, or one
double, bed).
Privy. A privy is a free room in all keeps. We suggest something like
a 5ft. x 5ft. (one square) room, somewhere along the exterior wall.
Solar. Comes with a bed, can sleep up to 2 people.
Windows. As a security measure, the lowermost floors of a keep
generally did not have windows. Typical window coverings would
be cloth or hide curtains, parchment, wooden shutters, or even
animal horn, soaked and pressed into extremely thin sheets.
Glass would be a possibility, but very expensive.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 321
Balagor’s Mausoleum
By Steve Peterson

When the great mage Balagor felt that his days were numbered, one is even sure what will happen if the ritual is performed,
he ordered his magical servants to prepare his final resting place. though interested parties fantasize about the unimaginable
The creatures – spirits bound into humanoid bronze sculptures rewards that may await those who succeed in doing so. Rituals
– used local, dark clay to make bricks and built his tomb below a protecting a mausoleum are often best left alone, but greed and
massive keep. The servants still dwell within the keep, guarding the lure of power are difficult to resist. Balagor was powerful,
against intruders who might upset their master’s rest. However, and it is not outside the realm of reason to think that his spirit
few dare disturb the eerie quiet of the mausoleum, thanks to may yet have plans; perhaps those who consider undergoing the
dark tales of travelers who have disappeared in the area. ritual are playing right into his spectral hands...
The mausoleum’s bricks are inscribed with unusual runes, and
an aura of magic surrounds the place. The runes are clearly
ritualistic in nature and, with the right information, a potentially
mighty arcane force could be unleashed here by one with Location in Relation to Settlement: Outskirts. The fortress
the know-how. Perhaps a scroll with such information even is located on the very fringes of the settlements’ occupied land,
lies inside the mausoleum itself but, alas, retrieving it would perhaps within farming country or the stretch of land between
mean entering the mausoleum and dealing with the powerful, the settlement proper and the wilderness.
animated sculptures. Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
Confronting these metallic sentinels is useless, as they do not years ago.
speak; they simply stand, ready to keep intruders from desecrating Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and
or carrying off items from within the mausoleum. Strangely, they presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a
do allow visitors to enter, though at least one servant follows every significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements
stranger closely at all times. One unmoving servant stands vigil may have been added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept
before a door that none are seen entering, which seems likely to relatively clean. If under construction, the fortress is very nearly
lead downstairs, perhaps even to Balagor’s rest. Perhaps one could complete, perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative
outwit the sculptures by overwhelming their number; they can elements, and completion is likely within the month. The
only follow so many, after all. So far, none have tried. residents are able to live comfortably.
If one was entirely set on discovering a hypothetical scroll, a Environment: Mountains. The fortress is found on stony
good place to start would be with a diligent search in the nearby passes or soaring peaks.
library, though significant dedicated time and study would
Expense: Extravagant. Little or no expense was spared in the
certainly be required to even find reference to the symbols
construction. Materials are of top-quality, and the fortress feels
carved into the bricks, let alone translate and utilize them. No
grand and splendid.

322 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Primary Building Materials. Brick: Man-made blocks,
comprised of mud, clay or sand, mixed with a binding material Keep
such as straw, baked hard. Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Size:
without depleting any harvesting locations.
• Base Size: Large
Reason for Construction: Prophecy. It was foretold that a
fortress would be needed on this site. • BSM: 3

Design Theme: Power. Strength and fortitude. • Floor Space: 9x9 squares

Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the Exterior Wall Thickness: 2.5 ft. (1/2 a square)
fortress. Number of Floors: Two. One above-ground floor and a cellar.
Local Impact: Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but also not any
Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
great benefit.
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
• Local Impact Change: Negative. Things have gotten
and Receiving).
Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 6
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This Rooms: (2) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining & Receiving, Equipment
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took Storage
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress • Library. The library contains mostly scrolls, with a few
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict. large tomes. Some contain ancient lore, some may have
Resident Relations: Secret Love. A staff member has been spells.
receiving secret notes, messages, or gestures of a romantic Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
nature. decent quality, or in good condition, and some may be excellent
Resident Hobbies: Carving or in fine condition.
Resident Attitude: Content. The residents like the fortress well
enough. The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be ideal,
but things aren’t so bad.
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires
few commanding officers.
Garrison Equipment: Good. Guards are equipped with above-
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as
specific drills, for a variety of situations.
Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the
History: Traditional Home. A family of creatures, or beings,
has lived within the fortress since it was built, appearing in
records as far back as any have been kept. They may be seen as
simple mascots, or may serve some deeper purpose.
Secrets: Ancient Resting Place. A body was buried here before
the fortress was built.
Oddities: Phantom Sounds. While standing in specific areas
of the fortress, indistinct snippets of conversation and activity
can often be heard from nearby rooms yet, upon investigation,
nothing is ever there.
Special Feature: Catastrophic Event. The structure was the
site of a terrible or tragic incident.
• Catastrophic Event: Curse. The fortress, or the area in
general, was placed under a vindictive spell.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 323
Balagor's Mausoleum

324 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Bloke’s Keep
By Andrew Geertsen

Long and bloody is the history of the fortress known now as bolt everytime he shifts into bear form, and enjoying himself
Bloke’s Keep. It was originally known as Ruin, a title given it by immensely. Thanks to these four, Ruin has became known
its maker, a warlord of ill repute and great power who had built as Bloke’s Keep, an outsized bastion for goblins of outsized
it solely from the broken stones of the dwellings destroyed in personalities.
his conquests. He would pay good gold to have the stones and
Life is interesting in the keep. The foursome found, in one of the
fragments transported to his favorite, cozy woodland location.
warlord’s old storage closets, an ancient tome, power cascading
The building of Ruin took a long time but, when the warlord from it in waves. They are also questioning their sanity more
retired (having survived to a surprisingly old age for one in his regularly than usual, thanks to a petty phantom sound curse
line of work), it stood four stories tall, with walls a full ten feet on the keep - each blames the others for all manner of noises,
thick, built one-hundred percent from the scavenged remains of and loud protestations and denials accompany each incident,
destroyed lives. drowning out their initial cause of concern.
Rumoured to be sustained by magic, the warlord persisted One of the goblins swears that the keep is stalked by a beast
for centuries, living out his extended retirement, enjoying an in the night, and is beginning to speculate what it could be,
uncharacteristically peaceful life, by contrast. One day, while given it’s great size and powers of stealth. As the keep walls
out riding one of his many horses through his woods, he was are so massively thick, the others naturally feel it is not a
secretly followed home by a small goblin named Bloke. Bloke pressing concern. However, in a home so large, and with each
was a curious, ambitious sort and, one evening, while the old goblin occupied, none have yet noticed that Gorgon has been
man slept, he was assailed by the small goblin. The warlord had conspicuously absent at the time of every sighting...
always hoped he would die in his sleep but didn’t, perhaps, have
this particular end in mind.
With that, Ruin acquired a new owner and Bloke was now
in possession of a domicile quite oversized for one of his Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The
diminutive race. He quickly brought back his best goblin pals: fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
Gorgon Gamsay, a raving mad goblin with a sentient frying pan, perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
took over the kitchens; Kivöl took up guard duty, lounging on possesses one.
the tall roof of the keep with his bow and playing with his pet Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years
wolf; Goofus, a druid, began spending all his time in the massive ago.
stables with the horses, trying desperately to train them not to

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 325
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and History: Accursed. The site of the fortress was cursed, either
presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a during construction, or since. The curse effects may vary greatly
significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements in scope and severity.
may have been added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept
Secrets: Prized Tome. A book of great value is within the
relatively clean. If under construction, the fortress is very nearly
complete, perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative
elements, and completion is likely within the month. The Oddities: Phantom Sounds. While standing in specific areas
residents are able to live comfortably. of the fortress, indistinct snippets of conversation and activity
can often be heard from nearby rooms yet, upon investigation,
Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.
nothing is ever there.
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast,
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury
monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed home here, or is a captive.
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
• Resident - Creature or Monster: Goblinoid. A goblin,
mortared together. hobgoblin, or bugbear.
Resource Origin: Entirely Salvaged. Building materials were
all salvaged from various demolished structures.
Reason for Construction: Vanity. The fortress was
commissioned as a demonstration of power, wealth, or self- Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
importance. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
Design Theme: Power. Strength and fortitude. interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the Size:
• Base Size: Large
Local Impact: Hostile. The fortress was constructed in direct
opposition to the wishes of those in the area, and relations • BSM: 3
immediately turned sour. • Floor Space: 11-square diameter
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This
Number of Floors: Five. Four above ground floors and a cellar.
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict. around the structure, if necessary.
Resident Relations: Family Squabbling. There has been Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
arguing among the resident family of late, regarding a recurring Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
issue. If the primary, or ranking, resident is not there with and Receiving).
family, their arguments have been with family, or close relations,
outside the fortress, either via correspondence or during a recent Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 16
visit. Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Guard Bunks, Solar, Servant
Resident Hobbies: Hunting Quarters, Bedroom, General Storage, Privy, Guest Quarters,
Privy, General Storage
Resident Attitude: Enthused. The residents are thrilled
to be here. The fortress, or their circumstances (or both) are • Great Hall. ((2) Dining & Receiving). One floor of the keep is
wonderfully suited to them, and convincing them to leave would entirely devoted to dining and entertaining.
be extremely difficult. • Massive Stables. ((3) Stable). The stable space is incredibly
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest generous, though aged and worn now. There is room for as
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to many as 20 horses.
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
few commanding officers. basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
Garrison Equipment: Exemplary. Guards are equipped decent.
with the best kit available, and have a dedicated training area,
complete with the best of any and all training equipment and
practices that would be required.
Current Issue: Creature. A strange beast, or monster, has been
roaming inside, or near to, the fortress’ boundary.
• Issue Severity: Manageable. The issue requires attention,
but is no cause for great alarm.

326 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Bloke's Keep

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 327
Castello Di Capua
By Lou Fryer
Elegant tapestries adorn the walls, and fine silks drape
from the four posts of a great oak bed tucked in the
sleeping chamber. A cookfire downstairs produces the
delicious smell of roasting game, as well as providing
heat to the roaring hearth that warms the toes of the
great lord lounging across a chaise. He sips a glass of
vintage red while stroking the delicate curls of his
sweetheart, spilling across his lap… at least, that is the
scene Inneas Di Capua imagined when he used every
penny he had to purchase the shell of what he dubbed
Castello Di Capua (Inneas imagined that, in its
heyday, the keep must have been named after a
great person of vision, and so should be again). It
was the kind of romantic notion, not uncommon
in writers, that allowed him to overlook the keeps
multiple very real and immediate flaws.
Whether Inneas’ summation of Castello Di Capua’s original
condition and use is accurate or not (great age and poor
record keeping render proving the matter either way nigh
impossible), the keep’s current state is far from the fantasy
he had in mind. It doesn’t have, for example, what one
might call ‘complete’ walls, or an entire roof. Located
centrally in town, the ruin had been left to rot for years;
built as it was on hallowed ground, the superstitious
townsfolk were reluctant to tear it down. The building,
therefore, became nothing more than a local curiosity, a
playground for local children by day and a meeting point for
shady dealings by night, until Inneas arrived in town and was
inspired to possess his own slice of history.
Of course, a period property will always have its quirks, and a
bit of elbow-grease is to be expected to make it comfortable, but
the ‘castello’ may provide a little more of a renovation challenge
than Inneas is prepared for. One of the ‘elegant’ tapestries is
draped from one of the bed’s three remaining posters and tied to
a nearby pillar - bedrooms (even sleeping bags laid across rotting
bed slats) are traditionally in need of a ceiling. The ‘open-plan’ Condition: Ruin or Bare Bones. The majority of the
living and dining area is, in fact, open to the elements in one structure is exposed to the elements, and damages are no
corner, and open to the kitchen in the cellar in the places where longer repairable; a rebuild would be the only option. If under
the floor has collapsed. construction, it is a long way from completion. Residence within
Monsignore Di Capua, however, is still very much in the the fortress would be incredibly uncomfortable, if even possible.
honeymoon phase, seeing potential for his ‘palace’, and takes Environment: Valley. The fortress is found within, or on the
great joy in lowering his drawbridge and raising his portcullis edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape
before walking into town of a morning, ignoring the shrieks of around it.
protest from rusting metal hinges. He strolls past his eye-rolling
Expense: Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium
neighbours, local residents irritated by the constant parcels of
budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two.
nick-nacks delivered to ‘update’ the keep when wagons of cut
stone and the services of a mason would be more appropriate. Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
The curiosity, nowadays, is less the building and more the man and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
who sits content amongst the ruins, quill in hand, as though he mortared together.
were a ruler surveying a vast and bountiful kingdom. Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site
General of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably,
without depleting any harvesting locations.
Location in Relation to Settlement: Central. The fortress is
located in the middle of an established settlement. Reason For Construction: Conversion. The building was
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and
Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500 changes made it what it is today.
years ago.
Design Theme: Wealth. Luxury and opulence.

328 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the Oddities: Strange Visitors. On occasion, the fortress
fortress. experiences visits from unusual beings or creatures. If anyone
is aware of these visitors (they may stay hidden), no one knows
Local Impact: Disruptive. The fortress disturbed the area in
where they come from.
which it was built. This may or may not have been intentional.
Special Feature: Resident - Great Person. A person of
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better.
significance, or renown, lives here.
Residents: New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in
• Resident - Great Person: Writer. A person who is known
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps the fortress
for their exquisite written prowess, having spun riveting
was purchased, inherited, or was a gift. These new residents
tales or accounted pivotal events.
could also be allies of the original residents, acting as stewards.
The fortress could even have been found abandoned, so the new
residents moved in. Keep
Resident Relations: Irritated. A ranking resident (or owner of Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
the fortress) is fed up with the antics of a member of the staff. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
Resident Hobbies: Art (any discipline) extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
Resident Attitude: Content. The residents like the fortress well
enough. The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be ideal, Size:
but things aren’t so bad. • Base Size: Small
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
• BSM: 1
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard
shifts. • Floor Space: 7 square diameter
Garrison Equipment: Decent. Guards are equipped with Exterior Wall Thickness: 2.5 ft. (½ square)
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment Number of Floors: Two. Ground floor and cellar.
for use. They demonstrate refined practice techniques, such as
specific drills, for a variety of situations. Raised Entrance? Entrance is on ground level.
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Weather]. An area of the Entry Defenses: Portcullis and drawbridge.
fortress has been damaged by the elements. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
• Severity: Manageable. The issue requires attention, but is and Receiving).
no cause for great alarm. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 2
History: Hallowed Ground. When the fortress was built, a Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving
central area of the site featured markings that someone viewed
as being of great importance. As such, it was built around and Furnishings: Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
preserved. basic, of poor quality, or in poor condition, though some may be
Secrets: Enchantment. An unnoticed spell, or spell-like-effect,
lingers over a portion of the fortress.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 329
By Megan Roy

The denizens of Eureka know all too well that bad folk run When you revitalize your life in Eureka, you're more than a
rampant all across the world. But what of those who aren’t, or resident: you're family. It matters not a bit who comes chasing you
don’t want to be? What of those souls who realized the error of down or tries to drag you back to that old life of yours; your new
their ways and desire to atone? In Eureka, they believe “no gal brothers and sisters will fight tooth and nail to protect you and,
or fella is too far gone to change”. They welcome all who wish even if they didn’t, the keep itself will hold most antagonizers at
to leave their lives of thieving and crime behind in favor of bay. Residents will happily taunt any intruders that attempt to
righteousness and devotion to good. reach the 45-foot-tall raised keep entrance without using Eureka’s
state-of-the-art drawbridge stairs. Most won’t even get the chance
Eureka was founded by beloved leader Doc Maynard, former
to try, since a 10-foot-thick wall, under constant guard, surrounds
crime boss turned benevolent priest. This savior of all manner
the keep itself. And those are just the structural obstacles...
of ne’er-do-wells built Eureka from the ground up, right on top
There's no telling what fresh hell would await any trespasser that
of his former criminal headquarters. He did so in hopes that
ever actually got in. Eureka is full of former bad guys, after all.
others like him could right their past wrongs through concerted
effort and love — and so many have. In the 34 years since it was
founded, crime rates in the area have dropped to almost nothing.
It’s no real surprise, seeing as their criminal rehabilitation
program touts a mighty 96.2% success rate. Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
New residents are immersed in culture and learning from the
moment they arrive to their towering home among the trees. Age: Recent. The fortress was completed between 20 and 100
Schedules are regimented, but fair, and various classes are years ago.
offered in Eureka’s three on-site libraries, from history and Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
writing to performance and knitting! Curly Watson is a favorite habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
professor, a former resident who now teaches stargazing and may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
seafaring. Skarbrough, another teacher, is a kind troll rescued and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
by Doc himself. Previously a bodyguard for a competing crime Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
lord, Skarbrough now spends his days teaching residents how to
Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.
cook up ‘mean bean stew’ (his favorite, and only, dish). Outside of
schooling, residents take turns maintaining Eureka’s cleanliness Expense: Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium
and guarding the keep to ensure that all duties are fairly budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two.
distributed and understood. Even Doc himself makes the rounds Primary Building Materials. Timber. Hewn logs and planks,
because, in his eyes, he’s no better than anyone else (a display of milled to fit together tightly.
humility all residents strive to emulate).

330 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site Keep
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
without depleting any harvesting locations. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
Reason for Construction: Conversion. The building was extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
changes made it what it is today. Size:
Design Theme: Refuge. Welcome and safety. • Base Size: Very Large
Alternate Entries: Back Door, Hidden. A small, rear-access • BSM: 4
door was built into the exterior wall. The door may be used
infrequently, and has been intentionally obscured or covered. It • Floor Space: 13-square diameter
may also be guarded. Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Local Impact: Beneficial. The fortress proved a boon to the Number of Floors: Four. Three above ground floors and a
local area, perhaps serving as a compromise to a pre-existing cellar.
issue or demonstrating some small, positive impact.
Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. around the structure, if necessary.
Residents: New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in Entry Defenses: Drawbridge.
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps the fortress
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
was purchased, inherited, or was a gift. These new residents
and Receiving).
could also be allies of the original residents, acting as stewards.
The fortress could even have been found abandoned, so the new Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 16
residents moved in. Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, (2) Guard
Resident Relations: New Blood. Someone new has been Bunks, Guest Quarters, Larder, (2) General Storage, Stables, Solar
brought on, and there is more to them than it initially seemed. 1
Resident Hobbies: Knitting/Sewing, Poetry, Carving • Chapel. Located on the top floor, surrounded by Solar 1 (an
open-air rooftop garden). Unlike the majority of chapels,
Resident Attitude: Enthused. The residents are thrilled
Eureka’s is sectioned off to form various prayer areas
to be here. The fortress, or their circumstances (or both) are
dedicated to almost every known deity — even the not-so-
wonderfully suited to them, and convincing them to leave would wonderful ones.
be extremely difficult.
• Library 1. Located on the second floor. Dedicated to
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is historical, magical, religious, and geographical studies.
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times.
Guards are able to stay well-rested. • Library 2. Located on the second floor. Dedicated to stories,
theatrical history, and rehearsal. Features a small stage
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with in-the-round at the far end, where performances are often
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic held.
practice equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies,
etc.). • Library 3. Located on the second floor. Dedicated to
crafting, knitting, sewing, painting, and general education
Current Issue: Unwanted Attention. Unfriendly outsiders for those with school-age children.
have recently become interested in the fortress (or those inside
it). • Solar 2. Located on the first floor — an outer garden area
surrounding the bailey of the keep, next to the stables.
Issue Severity: Tough. The issue is causing notable hardship, or Common location for birthday parties or group therapy
inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing with it. sessions.
History: Convergence. A pivotal meeting happened here. Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
Secrets: Interloper. Someone living within the fortress does basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
not actually belong, but has remained unnoticed. decent.
Oddities: Strange Visitors. On occasion, the fortress
experiences visits from unusual beings or creatures. If anyone
is aware of these visitors (they may stay hidden), no one knows
where they come from.
Special Feature: Resident - Great Person. A person of
significance, or renown, lives here.
• Resident - Great Person: Hero. A person known for their
good deeds, performed selflessly for the benefit of others.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 331

332 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Fancy-Tusk Keep
By Rachel Murphy-Rose
A large, well-maintained keep sits next to a river that runs
through a nearby settlement. The keep was built a century ago
by a greedy priest who sought to take advantage of the locals. It
started as a chapel on the settlement outskirts, on a site that he
claimed had been touched by the God of Light (a falsehood that
drew visitors from near and far). With his new wealth and power,
he expanded the chapel into The Keep of the Eternal Sunshine of
the Empty Mind. The priest expressed how important devotions
were. Any locals or visitors who did not wish to pay tithes
(whether they actually attended worship or not) would receive a
visit from his muscle, when it would be gathered by force. This
practice was even preserved through the years, continued by the
priest’s successors - until recently.
Ten years ago, the keep was raided by an orcish warband. The
guards and their despot lord had become overconfident and
lax in their defenses. They were driven out, but the warband’s
shaman leader was killed in the process. This left
the orcs without direction, lacking a connection
to their bloodthirsty gods. Surrounded by
the tempting comfort and finery of the
well-appointed keep, they decided to stay
for a while. As time passed, the orcs grew
comfortable, and even the most reticent
locals were happy not to be strong-armed into going to sham
services or giving up their coin.
The current head of the orc warband and the
new lord of the keep is Xurl Fancy-tusk. He has
taken to wearing the fine, colorful clothes left
behind by the previous lord, as well as adorning
his tusks with gold and silver rings. He and
most of the warband are content to spend
their time feasting and partying. However,
one particular orc is disgusted with how lazy
and soft his comrades have become. Lobnar
Bloodcarver, Xurl’s second-in-command, briefly
enjoyed their spoils, as one might any novelty,
but has now grown restless. He tries to provoke
his fellows into activity, and tests their battle-
readiness by sparring or inciting drunken brawls
during feasts, usually unsuccessfully. Recently, he has been
sneaking out, trying to hire adventurers to attack the keep,
hoping that a good fight will return the orcs to their bad old ways.
The residents of nearby settlements have taken a liking to the General
orcs and have an amicable relationship with them. The orcs, too Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The
lazy to hunt, buy food and supplies using the funds from the fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
chapel coffers. The locals prefer this arrangement and try to hush perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
any talk of the keep’s new residents to outsiders, with the desire possesses one.
to avoid another greedy tyrant. In private, thanks to its current
ruler, the locals fondly refer to the keep as Fancy-Tusk Keep. Age: Old. The fortress was completed between 100 and 200
years ago.
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents
no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough
age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been
added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting
on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is
likely within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 333
Environment: River. The fortress is near a steadily flowing Oddities: Orcs. The keep is inhabited by orcs.
stream or other watercourse.
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast,
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its
elements. home here, or is a captive.
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed • Resident - Creature or Monster: Savage Humanoid. A
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and gnoll, orc, or other brutal marauder.
mortared together.
Resource Origin: Imported. Building materials were
purchased and brought in from an outside source in their
entirety. Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Reason for Construction: Conversion. The building was decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and
changes made it what it is today. Size:

Design Theme: Wealth. Luxury and opulence. • Base Size: Large

Alternate Entries: Old, Forgotten Tunnel. A tunnel was dug • BSM: 3

out of the fortress quite some time ago, but has since fallen into • Floor Space: 10 squares by 8 squares
disrepair. There is a possibility that no one knows about it. Use of
Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
the tunnel might risk collapse or cave-in.
Number of Floors: Five. Four above ground floors and a cellar.
Local Impact: Disruptive (Positive). The fortress disturbed
the area in which it was built. This may or may not have been Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
intentional. around the structure, if necessary.
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the Entry Defenses: Drawbridge. A bridge that can be raised and
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This lowered as needed. For raised entrances, a gap is left between
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took the stairs and the entry. At ground level, a pit is usually dug
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress immediately in front of the entry.
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Resident Relations: Diplomatic Tensions. Relations between and Receiving).
the ranking resident and their liege (or superior, of some sort) Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 13
have been strained lately. If they owe fealty to no one, the
relationship is with someone close to them. Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Guard Bunks,
Library, General Storage, (2) Guest Quarters, Servants Quarters,
Resident Hobbies: Feasting Larder, Privy, Solar, Chapel
Resident Attitude: Content. The residents like the fortress well Furnishings. Fine. The contents of the keep are all of
enough. The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be ideal, superlative quality, or are in excellent condition.
but things aren’t so bad.
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic practice
equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies, etc.).
Current Issue: Unwanted Attention. Unfriendly outsiders have
recently become interested in the fortress (or those inside it).
• Issue Severity: Tough. The issue is causing notable
hardship, or inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing
with it.
History: Protests. Prior to construction, there were strong
objections to building the fortress.
Secrets: Moonlighting. Someone within the fortress is secretly
doing a job, or activity, in their off-hours.

334 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Fancy-Tusk Keep

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 335
The Forsaken Tree
By Greg Peterson
The exact origin of the massive tree known as
Forsaken is shrouded in mystery and lost to the
annals of time. Many are the tales told of Forsaken,
and it is known by many names in many languages.
As far as can be made out, the tree took root during a war of
the gods, and was hollowed out to act as an outpost for
divine soldiers. The tree is referenced in the earliest
written records, well over a thousand years ago. From all
accounts, the tree was immensely large even then,
but it has continued to grow over the long march of
centuries to a colossal scale. The entire plant is enormous;
over 85 feet wide at the base, it does not narrow, and is
estimated to stand around 300 feet tall.
It is entirely possible that the Tree is the only one of
its kind, as it does not appear to belong to any known
species. The leaves are oval-shape, ranging in size from a
man’s hand to several feet long. The bark is dark red, thick
and rigid. While relatively soft on the surface, the bark hardens
quickly underneath and becomes very dense. A heavy, iron-
reinforced door, made of the same deep red wood as the tree
itself, is set into its base. Inside, a number of rooms are
arranged around a central spiral staircase made,
along with the walls, of the same deep-red
heartwood, apparently either grown or carved
out of the tree, showing no obvious seams,
nails, or joinery. The outside walls are over
ten feet thick and are effectively fireproof, at
least against natural flames.
The Tree is a living organism, albeit one
that has more than a bit of magic
in it. As such, nothing about it is
entirely unchanging. Compared to
historic accounts, it would seem that
the size and arrangement of the rooms
may have altered and moved around
somewhat over time. The staircase leads to
a dead end above the fifth floor, though it
looks like there is plenty of space for more
rooms above – and it looks as though the staircase may have
continued onward, though now there is a blank panel of wood
in the way. It’s possible that more rooms are yet to be uncovered,
either through magic, or brute force, or the mysterious workings
of the tree’s innate magic. General
Legends say a great treasure lies buried deep beneath the tree, Location in Relation to Settlement: Outskirts. The fortress
sequestered by its ancient inhabitants. However, there is an is located on the very fringes of the settlements’ occupied land,
evil darkness that lurks within. Most adventurers that have perhaps within farming country or the stretch of land between
attempted to excavate the treasure have not returned, and the the settlement proper and the wilderness.
few that have left most of their wits behind. Whatever secrets it
conceals, the Tree is keen to keep them. Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years
Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
Environment: River. The fortress is near a steadily flowing
stream or other watercourse.

336 Chapter Seven | Fortresses

Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury Keep
elements. Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
Primary Building Materials: Unique Materials [Living weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
Plant]. Certain fantastic cultures are known to build their extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
structures amongst, or even inside, living plants such as great interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
trees. Whether the plants are trained into shape by natural or Size:
magical means depends on the builders.
• Base Size: Very Large
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site • BSM: 4
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, • Floor Space: 13x13 squares
without depleting any harvesting locations.
Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Reason for Construction: Immortal Command. A god, or
Number of Floors: Five. Four above-ground floors and a cellar.
powerful otherworldly being, commanded it be built.
Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
Design Theme: Practicality. Utility and function.
Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
fortress. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
and Receiving).
Local Impact: Hostile. The fortress was constructed in direct
opposition to the wishes of those in the area, and relations Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 20
immediately turned sour. Rooms: (4) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Privy,
• Local Impact Change: Stable. Things have stayed roughly Library, (3) General Storage, Larder, Guest Quarters, Equipment
the same. Storage, Solar, Servant Quarters, Guard Bunks, Closet, Cell
Residents: Deserted. The fortress is vacant and nonfunctioning. • Chapel. What was once an obvious spot for prayer now
looks like anything but. The Tree has reclaimed this area
History: Hallowed Ground: When the fortress was built, a
with growth and any symbol of a God has been destroyed in
central area of the site featured markings that someone viewed
the process.
as being of great importance. As such, it was built around and
preserved. Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
Secrets: Secret Hoard. A treasure was buried here after the
or in fine condition.
fortress was built.
Oddities: Dead End. There is a hallway in the fortress that,
oddly, leads to a dead end with no discernible purpose.
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast,
monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its
home here, or is a captive.
• Resident - Creature or Monster: Monstrosity. A
terrifying, unnatural creature.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 337
The Forsaken Tree

338 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Gorm’s Place
By Ralph Stickley
The monastic order of Mull, patron saint of second
chances, had an uncomplicated lot in life until the
ogre came. Their isolated monastery, while rich in
self-reflection and religious spirit, was somewhat
poorer in terms of defensibility and, with the scent
of malt wafting from the monks’ brewery, it proved
too tempting a target. Thankfully, there were no
deaths, for the ogre was intent on getting its hands
on the ale kegs (largely destroying the monastery
to get them) and, before it could turn its attention
to the monks, Brother Cornelius was able to strike
it a terrible blow with an ornamental candlestick,
rendering it unconscious.
Upon awakening, the creature was entirely
changed. Far from a violent and dim-witted brute, the
injury had seemingly transformed the ogre into a
peaceable and even pious creature, though still as
dim-witted. A quick ceremony and hastily-stitched
habit later, the ogre (who went by the name of
‘Gorm’) was inducted into the order. How better to
show their devotion to the ideal of second chances?
With most of the monastery destroyed, the order
traveled for a while, taking alms where they
could (along with many a suspicious glare at their
enormous novice), but news of their plight reached
the town council of Althorp, a once-prosperous
settlement, now struggling to keep its coffers filled.
The council offered the order not only welcome, but
a purpose-built manse on the outskirts of town specifically
tailored for Gorm’s needs. While their public motives were pious,
it was truly a mercantile decision, fuelled by the anticipation of
the extra tourism such a unique sight would bring to the town.
Gorm’s Place, as it was imaginatively titled by Gorm himself
after much coaxing, is as much an enclosure as it is a home. The Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
walls are perhaps thicker than one might strictly need for a and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
single-storey construction, and the guard barracks unusually mortared together.
well-equipped and staffed for, as much as the monks might insist Resource Origin: Partially Salvaged. Some new materials
that Gorm is a changed ogre, the council (and citizens) do not put were obtained locally, but a significant portion was salvaged
so much faith in Mull as to entirely trust their newest citizen. from ruins and other destroyed structures.
Reason For Construction: Decree. A ruler, or governing group,
General ordered that it be built.
Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The Design Theme: Piety. Righteousness and ascendence.
fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
possesses one.
Local Impact: Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little
Age: New. The fortress was completed within the past 20 years.
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but also not any
Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and great benefit.
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants,
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
or successors are in residence. This might be the person
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors).
Environment: Plains. The fortress is in the wide open fields.
Resident Relations: Secret Love. A staff member has been
Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small receiving secret notes, messages, or gestures of a romantic
budget, enough to build something simple, but functional. nature.
Resident Hobbies: Art (any discipline)

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 339
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by • Resident - Creature or Monster: Giant. An ogre, giant, or
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and troll.
grates on them daily.
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times.
Guards are able to stay well-rested. Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Garrison Equipment: Good. Guards are equipped with above- decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as Size:
specific drills, for a variety of situations. • Base Size: Medium
Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the • BSM: 2
• Floor Space: 7x7 squares
History: Ensured Silence. The architect of this fortress was
Exterior Wall Thickness: 15 ft. (3 squares)
imprisoned (before or after the fortress was built).
Number of Floors: One. Ground floor, no cellar.
Secrets: Tryst. Two people within the fortress got married in
secret, and have been trying to keep it quiet ever since. Entry Defenses: Portcullis and drawbridge.
Oddities: Inexplicable furnishings. One substantial item Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
in the castle has been there since it was built, and no one and Receiving, 1 Guard Bunks).
knows who put it there or where it came from. Whatever it is, Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 2
people feel vaguely uneasy in its presence, but can never bring
themselves to get rid of it. Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Guard Bunks
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast, Furnishings: Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the decent quality, or in good condition, and some may be excellent
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its or in fine condition.
home here, or is a captive.

340 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Hatfield Manor
By Chris Haskins

The once-great Hatfield Manor has stood for centuries atop though seldom allowing their presence be known. Sometimes,
its hill, surrounded in all directions by fields of ash trees, low these spirits enter the lord’s dreams, offering hints shrouded in
shrubs, and bright-green grass. However, running low on riddles, suggesting ways in which he might restore his name and
resources, the current owner has let it lapse into disrepair. the manor to its former glory. To their chagrin, he has proved
The roof no longer keeps the weather out, and many of the unworthy, taking their wisdom as naught but incessant vexation.
beautifully hewn stones of the outer wall lay in small piles on the
ground, each slowly being covered in a thick layer of moss.
Originally built as a gift from the king to one of his noble subjects,
the manor served as both a home and, more importantly, a Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
symbol of the lord’s status as a land owner and leader. The family located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
ruled with honor and compassion for many generations, and Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
the people under their stewardship were happy and prosperous. years ago.
However, as is all too often the case, there came a decline.
Condition: Poor or Incomplete. The fortress is in disrepair,
Through the lens of hindsight, one can now see that the manor’s with loose stones or timbers, gaps, holes, rot, or other issues that
fall due not to poor craftsmanship or stewardship but, instead, to might adversely affect the structure’s integrity. The exterior is
avarice and opportunism, and outside parties taking advantage not completely intact. If under construction, it may be nearing
of generosity. Over many decades, a once open and optimistic completion, or up to a few years from being finished. Residence
attitude toward others shifted to one of selfishness and sorrow. within the fortress would prove inconvenient, at best.
A bleak attitude about the wide world overwhelmed the manor’s
Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.
current lord at a young age and he resolved to lock himself away
and watch from his tower. Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small
budget, enough to build something simple, but functional.
The manor is now cold, damp, and drafty, perpetuating a nagging
illness that plagues its lord. Though he comes from a notable Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
lineage, and has accomplished many noteworthy deeds in his and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
study and writings of lore and history, he is a poor substitute for mortared together.
his sires. In his twilight years, he has grown even more bitter than Resource Origin: Partially Local, Partially Imported.
he was in his youth, and now with more zeal. Despite his growing Building materials that were unable to be obtained locally were
weariness, his utter disdain grows as well, permeating everything purchased and brought in from an outside source.
around him and seeping into the very foundations of his home.
Reason for Construction: Decree. A ruler, or governing group,
A single guard protects the manor, patrolling the grounds and ordered that it be built.
seeing to his lordship’s needs, though they are few these days.
Most locals think it wise to avoid the place, kept at bay by both Design Theme: Power. Strength and fortitude.
the manor’s loathsome owner and by rumors of haunting. The Alternative Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into
drifting souls of previous lords and ladies do indeed roam the the fortress.
halls, keeping a watchful eye on the house and its caretakers,

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 341
Local Impact: Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or presence, Special Feature: Resident - Great Person. A person of
caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the local area. significance, or renown, lives here.
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, • Resident - Great Person: Writer. A person who is known
or successors are in residence. This might be the person for their exquisite written prowess, having spun riveting
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the tales or accounted pivotal events.
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors).
Resident Relations: Family Squabbling. There has been
arguing among the resident family of late, regarding a recurring
issue. If the primary, or ranking, resident is not there with family, Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
their arguments have been with family, or close relations, outside space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
the fortress, either via correspondence or during a recent visit. decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
Resident Hobbies: Reading/Storytelling Size:
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by • Base Size: Large
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and
• BSM: 3
grates on them daily.
• Floor Space: 9x9 squares
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to Number of Floors. Four. Three above ground floors and a cellar.
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires
Raised Entrance. Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
few commanding officers.
around the structure, if necessary.
Garrison Equipment: Poor. Guards are equipped with
Entry Defenses. Reinforced heavy door.
substandard kit and lack a dedicated training area.
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Neglect]. An area of the
fortress has been overlooked for too long, and has now collapsed. and Receiving).

Issue Severity: Tough. The issue is causing notable hardship, or Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 12
inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing with it. Rooms: Larder, General Storage, Dining and Receiving, Kitchen,
History: Notable Family Tree. A resident within the fortress Guard Bunks , Library, (5) Bedroom
has (or had) very interesting lineage. • Stables. The stables are attached to keep’s outer wall.
Secrets: Secret Hoard. A treasure was buried here after the Furnishings. Poor. The contents of the keep are very simplistic,
fortress was built. of inferior quality or are in a state of disrepair.
Oddities: Haunted. A local spirit occupies the fortress - perhaps
an ex-resident, or someone linked to the fortress grounds somehow.

342 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
The Castle of Conjunctum
By Zach Zimmerman

Eons ago, in a time lost to myth where all the races of the world the accord between the great leaders crumbled. Each turned
were at perpetual war, a prophecy foretold of a final end to against the other, and all tried to take control of the castle for
hostilities, and of a fortress built in commemoration, as a symbol themselves. It is unclear how the residents stayed within the castle
of their commitment. The prophets were proven right, the without being drawn into the crystal, but mystery runs deep in
legends have it, and a castle rose, as hope rises in the heart, on Conjunctum, and there are stranger things than this to ponder.
the site where peace was struck. Whatever the truth of it, a castle,
A disproportionately small storage outbuilding conceals yet
made of a strange crystal known as soul stone, does indeed stand
more intrigue; it is, in truth, a hidden library filled to bursting
alone in the snow.
with books in varying degrees of decay, and only accessible
The truth of the The Castle of Conjunctum’s origin may never be through a hidden door. Indeed the castle has a warren of hidden
known; the crystalline structure stands vigil alone in the frozen tunnels that meander through a network of underground cave
tundra, ancient as memory, and long since abandoned by the systems, some even functioning as an alternative entrance into
living. In its early days, the castle was said to have been visible the castle though, perhaps, residents may have found more than
from miles away but, many years ago, a great snow storm ravaged one reason to need a way out...
the area and never ceased. There are now large ice plateaus
surrounding the castle (one wall is even embedded into one) and
constant snowfall which, generally, hides the structure from view. General
However, old as the castle is, the residual magic of its Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
construction has not waned in power. In fact, it is leaching located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
outwards, into the previously mundane castle moat, which now Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years
will not freeze, even by sorcerous means. The arcane energy is ago.
so potent and unpredictable that but a splash of the water, or a
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and
fingertip touch to the walls, risks being drawn in and trapped
presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a
in the crystal itself, forced to wander the castle for all eternity.
significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements
Whispers of ghostly forms visible within the crystal by the light
may have been added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept
of a full moon do nothing to quell these fears.
relatively clean. If under construction, the fortress is very nearly
Mentions of the Castle of Conjunctum are peppered through complete, perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative
rare, old tomes; perhaps hidden within these tattered pages are elements, and completion is likely within the month. The
tales about what happened after the castle was built. Accounts residents are able to live comfortably.
are rare and varied, but almost all speak of an end to peace when
Environment: Tundra. The fortress is in a very cold environment.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 343
Expense: Extravagant. Little or no expense was spared in the Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 16
construction. Materials are of top-quality, and the fortress feels
Rooms: (5) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining, Chapel, Closet, Library,
grand and splendid.
Solar, Privy, General Storage, Receiving Area, Guest Quarters,
Primary Building Materials. Unique Materials [Crystal]. Equipment Storage
Those mining deep in the earth (or on alien planes) might find
Furnishings. Fine. The contents of the keep are all of
crystal in great enough abundance that it could be used to build
superlative quality, or are in excellent condition.
large structures.
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site Castle
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Geographic Advantages: Tundra. Treacherous approaches.
without depleting any harvesting locations.
Style: Concentric Castle. Similar to a fortified keep, but with
Reason for Construction: Prophecy. It was foretold that a a second, additional wall surrounding everything. Additional
fortress would be needed on this site. outbuildings (typically of lesser strategic value) may be placed in
Design Theme: Power. Strength and fortitude. this additional space.

Alternate Entries: Old, Forgotten Tunnel. A tunnel was dug Size:

out of the fortress quite some time ago, but has since fallen into • Base Size: Very Large
disrepair. There is a possibility that no one knows about it. Use of
• BSM: 4
the tunnel might risk collapse or cave-in.
Curtain Walls:
Local Impact: Advantageous. The fortress immediately
benefited the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious • Thickness: 25 ft.
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence. • Additional Height: 40 ft.
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 8
Residents: Deserted. The fortress is vacant and nonfunctioning. • Tower Shape: Round
History: In Their Footsteps. A very powerful being once • Tower Size / Height: Large [60 ft.]
walked where the fortress now stands.
Tower Floor Area: 9-square diameter
Secrets: Ancient Treasure. A treasure was buried here before
the fortress was built. Tower Roofs: Steep Slope Roof
Oddities: Strange Visitors. On occasion, the fortress Curtain Wall Defenses:
experiences visits from unusual beings or creatures. If anyone • Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes outward
is aware of these visitors (they may stay hidden), no one knows and is, therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach
where they come from. of siege towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches
Special Feature: Miraculous Event. The structure was the site siege ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the
of something miraculous or amazing. distance at all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for
defenders - the area directly beneath them.
• Miraculous Event: Prophecy Fulfilled. Events previously
foretold saw their culmination here. • Bossing: Various stones protrude from the wall’s surface.
These effectively reduce impacts, like catapult shots, that
hit the bossing. A potential drawback could be making the
Keep wall easier to climb (unless the protrusions are sufficiently
Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and • Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something
decorating straight walls is considerably simpler. magical.
Size: • Unliving Sentinels. The castle is guarded by spirits,
shades, wraiths, or some other form of undead.
• Base Size: Large
Barbican: The gatehouse, preceded by a drawbridge, leads to a
• BSM: 3
walled approach, ending in an additional drawbridge.
• Floor Space: 9x9 squares
Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
• Gatehouse 1: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and
Number of Floors: Five. Four above-ground floors and a cellar. thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a
Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level. portcullis.

Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door. • Gatehouse 2: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining portcullis.
and Receiving).

344 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Moat: Filled Moat [Trapped]. The moat is filled with water
and is trapped somehow. Perhaps there is a natural or artificial
current, or perhaps it is filled with vicious, aquatic animals.
• Moat Width: 20 ft.
• Moat Depth: 40 ft.
Barracks Location: Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities
are attached to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick
enough, attached to them if not), and house the garrison. Within,
there could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or
there could simply be common areas, used as needed.
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
Outbuildings): 5
• Storage/Bakehouse/Kitchens
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 2 floors
• Description: Bakehouse and kitchens are downstairs,
storage is upstairs.
• Servants Quarters
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Forge
• Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
• Storage
• Very Large, 12x12, 144 squares, 1 floor

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 345
By Ralph Stickley

The present residents of Makhtum-Iina

know little of their family history, and care
even less. They see the castle and its incomes
simply as their right, with little thought spared
to what might have furnished their ancestors
with such a lofty seat (“oh, some war or
other; dreary stuff if you ask me”, being the standard
response, if pushed). However, new information recently
unearthed makes the ghosts of the past significantly harder to Unwilling to leave anything to chance, Maranya ordered
ignore – not the least of which being the literal ghost… herself entombed as well, a guardian even in death. Leaving her
adventuring fortune to a favored nephew, she commanded him
The trouble started with a vanity project gone awry: Lady Satha
to construct a fortress around the chamber to ensure the secrets
Shethann announced her pregnancy and Lord Barkha (her
contained within would never again fall into the wrong hands,
brother and heir apparent to the castle itself) declared that he
and that Elthane could never return.
would add a new wing to the keep, in honor of the child. The
fact that the wing would primarily be used for gaudy dances With the collapse of the chamber and the breaking of the seal,
and extravagant musical performances (his two great passions) the restive spirit of Maranya has been pulled back to the mortal
was beyond the point. However, eager for work to commence, realm along with, she fears, the malignant shade of Elthane. He
he rushed the hired laborers through the initial surveys and may not have taken physical form yet but, should he do so, he
checks and, almost as soon as excavation began, a catastrophic could wreak further chaos on an unprepared world, with only
structural collapse revealed a hidden chamber beneath the her spoilt and entitled relatives to stand against him.
courtyard, sealed off and forgotten about for centuries. Barkha laments, mostly, for his unfinished music hall.
Immediately, the castle’s residents began reporting spectral
activity – the ghost of a mournful woman in ragged mail
wandering the bailey. Soon the ghost appeared to Barkha General
himself, and related the history of the chamber. Location in Relation to Settlement: Central. The fortress is
In life, she had been Maranya Shethann, an adventurer of located in the middle of an established settlement.
modest renown. Her life would have been an unremarkable one, Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
as such lives go, were it not for her adventuring partner, Elthane, years ago.
coming across a trove of forbidden magical artifacts. Corrupted
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and
by their maddening whispers and immeasurable power, Elthane
presents no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a
cut a swathe of death and destruction in a search for a ritual
significant enough age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements
he believed would grant him godhood. Eventually, it became
may have been added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept
clear that Maranya was the only one who could put him down.
relatively clean. If under construction, the fortress is very nearly
Utilising the small modicum of trust that remained between
complete, perhaps waiting on some superficial or decorative
them, she lured Elthane into a trap and slew her former friend
elements, and completion is likely within the month. The
in a sealed and warded chamber designed to prevent him from
residents are able to live comfortably.
resurrecting, should he have achieved his goal of immortality.

346 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Environment: River. The fortress is near a steadily flowing Special Feature: Miraculous Event. The structure was the site
stream or other watercourse. of something miraculous or amazing.
Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small • Miraculous Event: Sacrifice. Someone gave up something
budget, enough to build something simple, but functional. very dear to them here, in service to a higher cause.
Primary Building Material: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together.
Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
Resource Origin: Partially Local, Partially Imported. space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Building materials that were unable to be obtained locally were decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
purchased and brought in from an outside source.
Reason for Construction: Protection. It was built to keep a
particular thing, or place, safe or hidden. • Base Size: Large

Design Theme: Wealth. Luxury and opulence. • BSM: 3

Alternate Entry: Drain, blocked, with grating. A drain pipe • Floor Space: 9x9 squares
emerges somewhere in the landscape outside the fortress. Its Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)
final several yards are entirely filled with large stones to allow
Number of Floors: Three. Two floors and cellar.
water to easily pass, but not intruders. Its mouth is also covered
with metal grating. Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
around the structure, if necessary.
Local Impact: Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but also not any Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
great benefit. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
• Local Impact Change: Negative. Things have gotten worse. and Receiving).
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 12
or successors are in residence. This might be the person Rooms: (4) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Guard
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the Bunks, Solar, Privy, Guest Quarters, Larder, Library
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors).
Furnishings: Decent. The contents of the keep are of
Resident Relations: Expecting. The ranking or most important serviceable quality, or in good condition.
resident of the fortress is expecting a child soon. If they are
unwed, take into account what this might mean.
Resident Hobbies: Music (listening or playing) Castle
Resident Attitude: Ambivalent. The residents could take or Geographic Advantages: River. Narrow Approaches
leave this place. They have other things on their minds, and do Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
not devote much thought to the fortress. connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to along the wall.
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard Size:
• Base Size: Large
Garrison Equipment: Exemplary. Guards are equipped
• BSM: 3
with the best kit available, and have a dedicated training area,
complete with the best of any and all training equipment and Curtain Walls:
practices that would be required. • Thickness: 15 ft.
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Someone’s Mistake]. • Height: 30 ft.
An area of the fortress has been compromised and someone
is at fault (perhaps a repair, or element of construction, was • Number of Curtain Wall Towers (BSM + 1d4): 7
attempted with unsuitable tools or materials). • Shape: Box
• Issue Severity: Dire. The issue is a major problem and • Tower Size / Height: Medium [40ft.]
needs addressing immediately. Failure to resolve the
issue quickly enough will likely result in irreversible • Tower Floor Area: 5x5 squares
consequences, or potential loss of life. • Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
History: Protests. Prior to construction, there were strong Curtain Wall Defenses:
objections to building the fortress.
• Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes outward
Secrets: Ancient Treasure. A treasure was buried here before and is, therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach
the fortress was built. of siege towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches
Oddities: Haunted. A local spirit occupies the fortress - perhaps siege ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the
an ex-resident, or someone linked to the fortress grounds somehow. distance at all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for
defenders - the area directly beneath them.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 347
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a • Storage
drawbridge. • Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
• Description: This building is used for general storage,
• Gatehouse 1: Standard Gatehouse. The same height including an increasing number of decorative items for
as the wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy social events.
• Servants’ Quarters
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into barbican.
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse 2: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and
• Description: Most of the servant’s live in the
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a
surrounding settlement, but the few that live in the
castle permanently, or are working particularly late,
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey. lodge here.
Moat: Dry Moat. The moat is not filled with water and is, • Kitchen
instead, a deep pit encircling the fortification. This could be
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
purposeful, or the lack of water could be due to drought.
• Description: This building is used for cooking for
• Moat Width: 30 ft.
larger gatherings, as well as smoking, curing, and
• Moat Depth: 20 ft. pickling.
Barracks Location: Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached • Gazebo
to the fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there could
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there could
simply be common areas used as needed. • Description: This building serves as an outdoor
performance space, as well as a spot to sit and relax in
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
the shade. It is currently in a state of disrepair, having
Outbuildings): 4
collapsed into the underground chamber.

348 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
By Michael Ciraulo
The enchanted (some prefer ‘cursed’) castle,
Oasis, lies in its forest, seemingly abandoned. The
gatehouse that would allow passage through its
great, gold-flecked ebony wall has been filled in with
brick. To reach the gatehouse, one would need to
cross over a moat of crystal clear water via a bridge
that only occasionally exists. The moat itself is filled
with all manner of freshwater fish and flows,
seemingly of its own volition, in a constant
clockwise direction around the fortress.
The truth about the castle and its myriad
oddities all stem deeply from magic, and
can be traced back to the last recorded
lord, a man who was ever a lover of
tales, and always enjoyed good company.
Perhaps it was a combination of those two
that spurred him, in that long-past age, to
wish for life unending. Stories vary; some
say he contacted a hedge witch, some that
he wished on a star, or even made a bargain
with dark forces. In any case, all agree his
wish was granted. When his body perished, his
soul was transported into the very stones of his
beloved home.
As a magical presence within the castle, he has absolute
power over the structure and its surroundings. He
has had the gateway sealed, but can dematerialize
the bricks at will to allow passage. He can similarly
materialize the bridge to allow guests to cross.
Another enchantment pervades the surrounding forest.
It not unheard of to see, at the forest edge, the odd tree
or boulder, apparently sliced vertically in half. The castle,
along with the surrounding acreage, can teleport, allowing an
unnaturally precise and defined circle of forest to suddenly
appear in any location.
Inside the castle bailey, a large courtyard contains five buildings
constructed of ebony similar to that of the outer walls, but
speckled with tiny, glowing sapphires. A slim, stone path
leads through emerald grass from the gate to the keep at the Location in Relation to Settlement: Outskirts. The fortress
courtyard’s rear, branching off to each building on the way. To is located on the very fringes of the settlements’ occupied land,
the right of the path, near the gatehouse, is a stone well. At the perhaps within farming country or the stretch of land between
northern side of the yard, a large, shady tree stands next to a tall the settlement proper and the wilderness.
keep, with balconies facing east, south and west. Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and
The buildings in the yard are a guard barracks, servant’s 500 years ago.
quarters, and stables. A larger one with a chimney houses Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
the kitchens and bakehouse on its upper floor and storage habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
downstairs; all once housed living, working people, but now all may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
lie dormant and empty, save for one. The castle’s soul occupant and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
watches and waits, lord of nothing and noone, longing to share Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
stories with good company once again, even if it’s from within
Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.
the walls and not the comfort of his favourite armchair.
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 349
Resource Origin: Partial Magic. Standard building materials • Bizarre Location: Nested Environment. The fortress
were partially augmented by magic. Mundane materials may is built within a separate environment that exists within
have been acquired or even created by magic.. the primary environment. This nested environment may
be contained within a physical barrier, such as a dome or
Reason for Construction: Conversion. The building was
bubble. In any case, there are discernible borders between it
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and
and the primary environment.
changes made it what it is today.
Design Theme: Grace. Beauty and elegance.
Alternate Entries: Old, Forgotten Tunnel. A tunnel was dug
out of the fortress quite some time ago, but has since fallen into Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
disrepair. There is a possibility that no one knows about it. Use of space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
the tunnel might risk collapse or cave-in. decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
Local Impact: Advantageous. The fortress immediately Size:
benefited the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious • Base Size: Large
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence.
• BSM: 3
• Local Impact Change: Negative. Things have gotten worse
(believed to be haunted). • Floor Space: 9x9 squares

Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (1 square)
or successors are in residence. This might be the person Number of Floors: Four. Three above-ground floors and a cellar.
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the
Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
people they stationed there (or their descendants/successors)..
around the structure, if necessary.
Resident Relations: None.
Entry Defenses: Drawbridge.
Resident Hobbies: Reading/Storytelling
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by and Receiving).
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and
Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 8
grates on them daily.
Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Larder, Guest
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest
Quarters, Atrium, Library, Ballroom
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires Furnishings. Fine. The contents of the keep are all of
few commanding officers. superlative quality, or are in excellent condition.
Garrison Equipment: Good. Guards are equipped with above-
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as
specific drills, for a variety of situations. Geographic Advantages: Forest. None.

Current Issue: Magical Anomaly. An area of magical Style: Shell Keep. The keep is surrounded by a circular wall,
disturbance is causing problems. Residents may, or may not, be with lightweight buildings built against the inside of the wall.
aware of what caused the anomaly. Size:
• Issue Severity: Tough. The issue is causing notable • Base Size: Large
hardship, or inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing
• BSM: 3
with it.
Curtain Walls:
History: Hallowed Ground. When the fortress was built, a
central area of the site featured markings that someone viewed • Thickness: 15 ft.
as being of great importance. As such, it was built around and • Additional Height: 20 ft.
• Number of Curtain Wall Towers (BSM + 1d4): 7
Secrets: Unknown Power. Someone in the fortress has an item
they believe is mundane. It is actually special and/or important. • Tower Shape: Round
Oddities: Haunted. A local spirit occupies the fortress - perhaps • Tower Size / Height: Medium [20 ft.]
an ex-resident, or someone linked to the fortress grounds • Tower Floor Area: 7-square diameter
• Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
Special Feature: Magical Properties. The structure and/or its
surroundings have magical properties. Curtain Wall Defenses:

• Magical Properties: Teleportation. The fortress can • Magical Defenses: The castle is protected by something
magically change location instantly, blinking out of one magical.
place and into another. • Relocation Wards. These wards teleport anyone in the
Special Feature: Bizarre Location. The structure is built in an area somewhere else. This may be somewhere benign,
atypical kind of location. but far enough away that they will cause no further
mischief, or somewhere harmful.

350 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
• Magical Defenses: The castle is protected by something Barracks Location: Single, Separate Structure. The barracks
magical. are situated in a single, large building in the bailey of the castle,
• Blocking Wards. These wards prevent creatures, or housing the garrison. Within, there could be separate quarters
objects, from entering or passing a certain point. They (for officers, training, etc.), or there could simply be common
can fail if the ward sustains too much damage in a short areas, used as needed.
span of time. Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
• Brattice: A singular projecting space (similar to Outbuildings): 4
machicolations), placed over a vulnerable area, such as a • Bakehouse/Kitchen, Storage
passage. Like machicolations, this allows defenders to rain
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 2 floors
down attacks on an enemy directly below them, and also
allows for flanking fire along the wall. • Description: Bakehouse and kitchen are on the top
floor, storage is on the bottom floor. Bakehouse and
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a
kitchens have not been in use for some time.
• Servants’ Quarters
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy • Description: Larger building for any servants who would
doors and a portcullis. not sleep directly in the keep. Quarters have not been
inhabited for some time.
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey.
• Stables
Moat: Filled Moat. A standard moat, filled with water (but with
a constant magical current). • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Moat Width: 15 ft. • Description: Stables have not been in use for some
• Moat Depth: 20 ft.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 351
Simoom Castle
By Steve Peterson

When viewed at a great distance, Simoom Castle is often castle, in the guise of welcoming them to the oasis, but it is often
mistaken for a mirage appearing, through the heat haze, to float out of a desire for useful information or because they possess
in mid-air. Closer examination, however, does nothing to change something powerful he wants.
the picture; the fortress does, in fact, truly hover high above the Simoom’s guards and staff are locals taken unceremoniously
desert sands. Centuries ago, a great wizard of one of the desert from the oasis and kept for years with little opportunity to leave
tribes subjugated the air elementals of the local oasis. The wizard the castle for the duration of their tenure. Personnel and supplies
commanded the elementals to build a castle to protect the oasis are transferred via massive lifts, powered by camels harnessed to
and the tribes that defended it. They built a sturdy castle of brick their mechanisms. Locals can usually find a passerby to present
and the elementals lifted it, along with the massive chunk of earth an opportunity to, or beg for aid from, as the oasis is always an
and rock upon which it stood, into the sky. The magical winds they enticing place for travelers to rest and resupply. Some visitors
wrought hold it aloft above the oasis’ center to this day. have even begun to arrive with more than recuperation on their
Most locals think that the castle floats via strange natural minds, as rumors of a great treasure in the fortress, supposedly
phenomena, as the castle has been suspended as long as any of guarded by a djinn, seep out into the wider world.
them have lived, and they themselves see only formless swirling
winds between the castle and the sands. The truth is that the
elementals are still present, both upholding and defending the General
castle, enslaved by grim magic, the nexus of which is a jewel Location in Relation to Settlement: Central. The fortress is
hidden deep within the castle. Were that to be destroyed, the located in the middle of an established settlement.
spell would be broken, the elementals freed, and the castle
Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
would crash into the oasis below, likely killing everyone inside
years ago.
and out. A wise liberator might attempt to persuade or compell
the elementals to aid in lowering the castle once freed, however Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
Simoom’s new ruler, Taragu, has no intention of allowing this habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
simple weakness to be widely known. may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
Taragu is said to possess powerful magic (though none seem
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
to know for sure, and the taciturn ruler is happy for rumors to
run rampant) and he cultivates a fearsome persona. His favorite Environment: Desert. The fortress is in a dry and arid
display is receiving audiences from a throne the shape of a environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes.
massive demon’s head, carved from bloodstone, in whose maw Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small
Taragu sits. He has been known to invite travelers up to the budget, enough to build something simple, but functional.

352 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Primary Building Materials. Brick: Man-made blocks,
comprised of mud, clay or sand, mixed with a binding material Keep
such as straw, baked hard. Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
Resource Origin: Entirely Salvaged. Building materials were space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
all salvaged from various demolished structures. decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
Reason for Construction: Vanity. The fortress was Size:
commissioned as a demonstration of power, wealth, or self- • Base Size: Medium
• BSM: 2
Design Theme: Refuge. Welcome and safety.
• Floor Space: 7x7 squares
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
fortress. Exterior Wall Thickness: 1 ft. (Single Line, 0 squares)

Local Impact: Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little Number of Floors: Four. Three above-ground floors and a cellar.
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but also not any Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
great benefit. around the structure, if necessary.
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
or successors are in residence. This might be the person and Receiving).
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the
Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 8
people they stationed there (or their descendants/successors).
Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining & Receiving
Resident Relations: New Blood. Someone new has been
brought on, and there is more to them than it initially seemed. • Larder. Contains herbs that may have narcotic properties,
as well as food.
Resident Hobbies: Outdoor Games — Martial (mock combat,
jousting, tourneys, wrestling, etc). • Servant Quarters. The servants are large, heavily built
natives who have their hair greased into odd shapes.
Resident Attitude: Angry. The residents hate being here. Not
a day goes by where they don’t actively think about leaving, but • General Storage. This includes desert travel gear, water
they have stayed for some reason, perhaps one outside their containers, and long ropes.
control. • Library. The library contains mostly scrolls, with a few
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to large tomes. Some contain ancient lore, some may have
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard spells.
shifts. • Stables. There are camels kept here, and some even have
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with massive wings.
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic practice Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies, etc.). decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
Current Issue: Worker Illness. A member of the household or in fine condition.
staff or guard has gotten sick.
• Issue Severity: Critical. The issue is pressing and Castle
dangerous, posing a very real threat to all involved.
Geographic Advantages: Desert. Cliff
History: Ensured Silence. The architect of this fortress was
Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
imprisoned (before or after the fortress was built).
connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
Secrets: Secret Rites. An ancient ritual was performed here along the wall.
before the fortress was built.
Oddities: Inexplicable furnishings. One substantial item
• Base Size: Medium
in the castle has been there since it was built, and no one
knows who put it there or where it came from. Whatever it is, • BSM: 2
people feel vaguely uneasy in its presence, but can never bring Curtain Walls:
themselves to get rid of it.
• Thickness: 15 ft.
Special Feature: Bizarre Location. The structure is built in an
atypical kind of location. • Height: 10 ft.
• Bizarre Location: Sky. The fortress is built in such a way • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 6
as to allow it to float or hover in mid-air, above ground • Tower Shape: Round
level (you decide how high). It could be on something like a
cloud, or a manufactured platform suspended by magic or • Tower Size / Height: Small [10 ft.]
technology. • Tower Floor Area: 7-square diameter
• Tower Roofs: Steep Slope Roof

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 353
Curtain Wall Defenses: Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
Outbuildings): 3
• Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something
magical. • Kitchens
• Magical Defenses: Unnatural Elemental Presence. • Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
An element that does not naturally occur in the local
• Description: The kitchens are located in this building
area is present. Perhaps a castle in a non-volcanic
separated from the keep, located in the bailey. It is
region has a moat filled with lava, or one in a tropical
almost always staffed with at least one person.
region has areas of extreme cold.
• Barracks
Barbican: None.
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Description: The barracks are attached to the wall, and
• Gatehouse: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
include washing areas and privies.
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
doors and a portcullis. • Barn
Moat: None. • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
Barracks Location: Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities • Description: This large building includes stables for
are attached to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick camels and other beasts, a large area for storage, and a
enough, attached to them if not), and house the garrison. Within, large work area for smithing and other crafts.
there could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or
there could simply be common areas, used as needed.

354 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Tu Vong Castle
By Lou Fryer
Anyone who’s anyone owns a castle.
The Proctor Family were,
therefore, utterly thrilled
to find out they were
‘anyone’. Only recently
ennobled, they could never
in their wildest dreams
have hoped to be granted
such a jewel as Tu Vong Castle, a
sprawling and opulent fortress
in a secluded forest grove.
They were even granted
a contingent of soldiers
as their new garrison
and given help in moving
expediently. The family feigned
teary goodbyes to their old
neighbours (after all, nobles must
be benevolent to those beneath
them) before practically leaping
aboard the wagons and setting off
without looking back.
Their sense of joy and awe did not
wane as they approached the gatehouse,
drooling at its size and grandeur as
they passed through - it even looked like
someone was already patrolling the walls
in anticipation of their arrival (though
that might have been their tired eyes playing
tricks in the moonlight). Their enthusiasm
remained high when the top of their
wagon, too tall for the archway into the
ornamental courtyard, took a small chunk of
stonework off the underside. They were even
unperturbed when said stonework proceeded
to spring back and reattach itself in a shower of sparks. A castle
by the ‘less brave and noble’ family members. Some ‘stout-
was bound to have eccentricities. One must expect these things.
hearted’ relations are rather determinedly ignoring the whole
It would make for small talk at parties.
affair, directing musicians to play louder when the wailing in
The unopenable door into the basement level was an oddity, the basement reaches a crescendo, and citing a “lively party” as
certainly, a mystery to ponder idly over a glass of spiced wine. explanation for the vibrating walls. What other option is there?
Until, all of a sudden, it wasn’t. One perfunctory tug on a non- Return to their simple, peasant life?! A deeply haunted, evil castle
descript day was all it took to reveal the secret library and is better than no castle at all.
underground sanctum; almost as if the castle wanted it to be found.
After all, anyone who’s anyone owns a castle.
You see, the castle’s former occupants (and, in fact, originators)
had been of quite different stock to the Proctor family. Centuries
ago, an order of evil monks, driven out of their lands and into the General
sanctuary of the forest, set about constructing a castle fortified Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
against all the world in order to practice their dark magics in located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
peace. Into it, they poured all their malice and power; even the
stones were magically bound. Necromantic rituals shackled the Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years
spirits of those unfortunate enough to wander too close, dooming ago.
them to forever protect the grounds they saw as defiled... Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
This little revelation has caused something of a tiff amongst the habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
Proctors. While most agree that perhaps Tu Vong is not quite the may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
prize they had initially imagined, several prominent voices decry and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
ideas of hiring exorcists or, worse, leaving, as nonsense spouted Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
Environment: Forest. The fortress is nestled among the trees.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 355
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large Special Feature: Magical Properties. The structure and/or its
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury surroundings have magical properties.
elements. • Magical Properties: Spells of Binding. Magic augmented
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed the building process to more-thoroughly bind the materials
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and together, strengthening the overall structure exponentially.
mortared together.
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
without depleting any harvesting locations. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
Reason for Construction: Panic. The construction was interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
motivated by fear of what would happen if they didn’t.
Design Theme: Piety. Righteousness and ascendence.
• Base Size: Very Large
Alternate Entries: Back Door, Hidden. A small, rear-access
door was built into the exterior wall. The door may be used • BSM: 4
infrequently, and has been intentionally obscured or covered. It • Floor Space: 13-square diameter
may also be guarded.
Exterior Wall Thickness: 2.5 ft. (Half a square)
Local Impact: Hostile. The fortress was constructed in direct
Number of Floors: Three. Two above ground and a cellar.
opposition to the wishes of those in the area, and relations
immediately turned sour. Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Residents: New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps the fortress and Receiving, 1 Guard Bunks).
was purchased, inherited, or was a gift. These new residents Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 12
could also be allies of the original residents, acting as stewards.
The fortress could even have been found abandoned, so the new Rooms: Guard Bunks, (4) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and
residents moved in. Receiving, Library, General Storage, Stables, Solar
Resident Relations: Family Squabbling. There has been • Library: In addition to the more traditional collection of
arguing among the resident family of late, regarding a recurring reference books, literature and maps on the second floor, Tu
issue. If the primary, or ranking, resident is not there with Vong’s basement contains a sprawling, labyrinthine library
family, their arguments have been with family, or close relations, dedicated to necromancy and the black arts. Not only books
outside the fortress, either via correspondence or during a recent and scrolls, but grotesque artefacts, ritual objects and unholy
visit. effigies fill the shelves, and large, dark stains coat the floors
and tabletops.
Resident Hobbies: Carving
Furnishings: Decent. The contents of the keep are of
Resident Attitude: Happy. The residents like the fortress, or are serviceable quality, or in good condition.
pleased with their situation (or both). Things are good and spirits
are up.
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is Castle
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times. Geographic Advantages: Forest. None
Guards are able to stay well-rested.
Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or connected
Garrison Equipment: Poor. Guards are equipped with to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed along the wall.
substandard kit and lack a dedicated training area.
Current Issue: Infestation. Pests have encroached on the
• Base Size: Very Large
fortress and become a nuisance.
• BSM: 4
• Issue Severity: Serious. The issue is a cause of real concern
and requires attention soon, lest it worsen. Curtain Walls:
History: Convergence. A pivotal meeting happened here. • Thickness: 15 ft.
Secrets: Back Door. Someone has been sneaking out of the • Height: 10 ft.
fortress in a way that would not be approved of. • Number of Curtain Wall Towers (BSM + 1d4): 8
Oddities: Rumbles. On rare occasions, soft reverberations can • Tower Shape: Round
be felt from deep underground beneath the fortress.
• Tower Size / Height: Medium [20 ft.]
• Tower Floor Area: 7-square diameter
• Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof

356 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Curtain Wall Defenses: Barracks Location: Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached
to the fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there could
• Hoardings. Temporary, wooden shelters are constructed,
protruding out on top of the walls, allowing defenders to fire be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there could
directly down on attackers. These would require fireproofing simply be common areas used as needed.
(such as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
deconstructed and stored in peacetime. Outbuildings): 5
• Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a • Guard Barracks
permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders to fire
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 2 floors
directly down on attackers. If you already have hoardings,
treat them as providing overhead cover. • Stables
• Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
magical. • Servants Quarters
• Unliving Sentinels. The castle is guarded by spirits, • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
shades, wraiths, or some other form of undead.
• Storage
Barbican: None.
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 2 floors
• Gatehouse: Standard Gatehouse. The same height as the
wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy doors.
Moat: None.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 357
The Vault
By Andrew Geertsen

Long ago, an excavation team was contracted by a monastic order Now, the castle is inhabited by brigands who happened to
seeking a long-lost tome of sacred prophecy and lore. The team took stumble across the open hatch. After an initial scout to make
the information, tracked it to a spot on a remote valley floor, and sure the place was truly deserted, the intruders began to see their
began digging. After what most would have said was far too long, lucky find as a fantastic opportunity to establish a covert base
they found the vault it was locked in. Word was sent to the order of operations, so that’s exactly what they did. Unfortunately for
and they came quickly. After being sworn to secrecy, the excavation them, the tome still wants out, and the bandits now hear voices
team was sent on their way and the order began planning. whispering proclamations of eternal significance in their ears.
The monks did not have much money and castles are expensive,
so they had to make do. The order built the fortress with the
salvaged remains of wrecked ironwood ships salvaged from
different nearby regions. The timbers were often intact, having Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
given way at the joins, and sometimes whole panels were found located a significant distance
to be salvageable. away from the nearest settlement.
The castle was built totally encompassed within the deep dig site, Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years
below ground level. Once complete, support structures were built ago.
across the top of the dig site cavity, which they then re-covered.
Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
The steep roofs of the castle’s two towers were topped with soil
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
and local vegetation, forming small mounds. Panels were laid
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
in the same way, effectively making the valley appear as if there
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
had never been a dig site there at all. Several soil-and-plant
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
panels placed at the edge of the dig site were built to be movable
and replaceable. When removed, they would reveal stairs that Environment: Valley. The fortress is found within, or on the
descended down into the earth. edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape
around it.
After hundreds of years living underground in their hidden
fortress, the order waned. The tome remained protected in its Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small
vault, untouched for ages. Power always desires release though budget, enough to build something simple, but functional.
and, after an undetermined amount of time, it’s power began Primary Building Materials: Timber. Hewn logs and planks,
seeping into the minds of its protectors, filling them with milled to fit together tightly.
visions. Some of their minds broke and, in their madness, they
either perished or fled.

358 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Resource Origin: Entirely Salvaged. Building materials were
all salvaged from various demolished structures. Keep
Reason for Construction: Protection. It was built to keep a Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
particular thing, or place, safe or hidden. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
Design Theme: Practicality. Utility and function. interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
Alternate Entries: Secret Door in Exterior Wall, Forgotten. Size:
A hidden, or invisible, door was built into the exterior wall, to
allow for covert comings and goings, but those who built and/or • Base Size: Large
knew about it are no longer around. • BSM: 3
Local Impact: Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or • Floor Space: 11 square diameter
presence, caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the
local area. Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)

• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. Number of Floors: Three. Two above-ground floors and a cellar.

Residents: New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps the fortress Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
was purchased, inherited, or was a gift. These new residents
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
could also be allies of the original residents, acting as stewards.
and Receiving).
The fortress could even have been found abandoned, so the new
residents moved in. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 9
Resident Relations: New Blood. Someone new has been Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Servant
brought on, and there is more to them than it initially seemed. Quarters, Bedroom, Kitchen, Solar, Cell, Guard Bunks
Resident Hobbies: Reading/Storytelling, Martial Training, Furnishings: Decent. The contents of the keep are of
Feasting serviceable quality, or in good condition.
Resident Attitude: Angry. The residents hate being here. Not
a day goes by where they don’t actively think about leaving, but Castle
they have stayed for some reason, perhaps one outside their
control. Geographic Advantages: Valley. None.

Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
shifts. along the wall.

Garrison Equipment: Decent. Guards are equipped with Size:

standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment • Base Size: Small
for use. They demonstrate refined practice techniques, such as
• BSM: 1
specific drills, for a variety of situations.
Curtain Walls:
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Weather]. An area of the
fortress has been damaged by the elements. • Thickness: 5 ft.
• Issue Severity: Trivial. The issue does not pose much, if • Height: 10 ft.
any, real concern. • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 2
History: Dig Site. An intriguing discovery was made here. • Tower Shape: Box
Secrets: Prized Tome. A book of great value is within the • Tower Size / Height: Large [30 ft.]
• Tower Floor Area: 7x7 squares
Oddities: Phantom Sounds. While standing in specific areas
of the fortress, indistinct snippets of conversation and activity • Tower Roofs: Steep Slope Roof
can often be heard from nearby rooms yet, upon investigation, Curtain Wall Defenses
nothing is ever there.
• Hoardings. Temporary, wooden shelters are constructed,
Special Feature: Bizarre Location. The structure is built in an protruding out on top of the walls, allowing defenders to fire
atypical kind of location. directly down on attackers. These would require fireproofing
• Bizarre Location: Beneath the Surface. The fortress (such as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be
is located under some kind of environment where one deconstructed and stored in peacetime.
might not think a fortress could be, such as underwater, Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a
under sand, or even soil or mud. There may, or may not, drawbridge.
be something keeping the surrounding material out of the
immediate fortress (such as a bubble keeping water out of an
underwater fortress).

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 359
Gatehouses: • Additional Quarters
• Gatehouse: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the • Very Large, 12x12, 144 squares, 1 floor
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
• Description: Additional sleeping and dining
doors and a portcullis.
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey.
• Tome Containment
Moat: Filled Moat [Trapped]. The moat is filled with water
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
and is trapped somehow. Perhaps there is a natural or artificial
current, or perhaps it is filled with vicious, aquatic animals. • Description: This building is the locked holding
vault for the tome.
• Moat Width: 30 ft.
• Moat Depth: 20 ft.
Barracks Location: Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities
are attached to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick
enough, attached to them if not), and house the garrison. Within,
there could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or
there could simply be common areas, used as needed.
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
Outbuildings): 2

360 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
By Matthew Lastimosa & Megan Roy
Over two centuries ago, a large convict ship crashed along a
narrow river bend. The only prisoner it carried, a goblin warlock
of unusual prowess named Glaavek, took control of the crashed
ship and made prisoners of his captors.
With the might of a heinous otherworldly patron at his back,
Glaavek oversaw the building of a new settlement on the river,
centered around the upturned vertical frame of that crashed
convict ship. He captured and enslaved all travelers who
attempted to ford the river bend, forcing them to continue
construction of his ever-expanding castle. Over decades, dual
layers of stone and wooden walls were erected, with a deep moat
behind the river entrance and sloped, weaponized outer walls.
Carvings, statues, and decorations in Glaavek’s golbin-y honor
amplified the imposing might of his cultish castle.
Now, centuries later, Glaavek’s people (those descended from his
initial captives) are, strangely, universally devoted to him. All
who live in Vesselra have never seen the world beyond the walls.
They know nothing of Glaavek’s patron, instead worshipping
Glaavek himself as their powerful, immortal deity who will,
one day, summon them to board his ship and guide them
upwards to the heavens.
To prove their worthiness to Glaavek, Vesselra’s
people train tirelessly for a competition at the
turn of each season called ‘The Undertaking’.
All residents age 16-22 are allowed (read:
required) to participate in these grueling
week-long ‘games’ that test the wit, strength,
and emotional fortitude of its participants.
The champion of each Undertaking, called a
‘Vessel’, is honored in a day-long celebration
before being ritually sacrificed in the castle
square. The body is discarded as fertilizer
for the surrounding trees, while the blood is
collected and gifted to Glaavek. Those who
aren’t granted the honor of being a Vessel
(and who survive the games at all) dedicate
themselves to the community in other ways by
bearing many children, joining the garrison, or simply working Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
the castle farms. habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
Unbeknownst to his captives, the blood of these sacrifices does and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
naught but extend Glaavek’s life, slowly magnifying his (and his Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
patron’s) power.
Environment: River. The fortress is near a steadily flowing
Dark rumors surround this mysterious settlement from the stream or other watercourse.
outside, though few inside ever hear of them, cut off from
civilisation as they are. Locals theorize as to who the thick walls Expense: Moderate. The fortress was constructed with a small
of that hyper-fortified castle protect, and who they intend to budget; enough to build something simple, but functional.
keep out. In reality, those walls are instead designed to keep Primary Building Materials. Salvage. Found materials, such
people in: the sheltered and brainwashed slaves of Vesselra. as repurposed stone from crumbled ruins, or timbers from
wrecked ships.
General Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site
Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably,
located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
without depleting any harvesting locations.
Age: Old. The fortress was completed between 100 and 200
Reason for Construction: Conversion. The building was
years ago.
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and
changes made it what it is today.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 361
Design Theme: Glory. Prestige and triumph. Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Alternate Entries: Drain, Blocked. A drain pipe emerges Number of Floors: Three. Two above ground floors and a cellar.
somewhere in the landscape outside the fortress. Its final several
Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
yards are entirely filled with large stones to allow water to easily
pass, but not intruders. Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Local Impact: Disruptive. The fortress disturbed the area in Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
which it was built. This may or may not have been intentional. and Receiving).
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 3
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, Rooms: Kitchen
or successors are in residence. This might be the person • Bedroom. Top floor, belongs to Glaavek only — never been
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the seen by any resident, as it is a temple to his patron, and
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors). the other residents do not know his power is granted by an
Resident Relations: Diplomatic Harmony. Relations between external deity.
the ranking resident and their liege (or superior, of some sort) • Dining and Receiving. First entry floor. Used four times
have been going exceedingly well lately. If they owe fealty to no a year after each Undertaking, where residents come in to
one, the relationship is with someone close to them. feast and celebrate the Vessel before their sacrifice.
Resident Hobbies: Outdoor Games - Martial (mock combat, Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
jousting, tourneys, wrestling, etc.) decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by or in fine condition.
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and
grates on them daily.
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard Geographic Advantages: River. Narrow approaches.
shifts. Style: Concentric Castle. Similar to a fortified keep, but with
Garrison Equipment: Good. Guards are equipped with above- a second, additional wall surrounding everything. Additional
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment outbuildings (typically of lesser strategic value) may be placed in
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as this additional space.
specific drills, for a variety of situations. Size:
Current Issue: Entryway Malfunction. A door, gate, • Base Size: Large
portcullis, or drawbridge is experiencing an issue.
• BSM: 3
• Issue Severity: Manageable. The issue requires attention,
but is no cause for great alarm. Curtain Walls:

History: Ensured Silence. The architect of this fortress was • Thickness: 20 ft.
imprisoned (before or after the fortress was built). • Additional Height: 30 ft.
Secrets: Prized Tome. A book of great value is within the • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 5
• Tower Shape: Round
Oddities: Breeze. Even in closed rooms with no external doors,
• Tower Size / Height: Large [50 ft.]
there always seems to be a tiny breeze that makes cloaks swirl
lightly around feet. • Tower Floor Area: 9-square diameter
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast, • Tower Roofs: Flat Roof
monster, or uncivilized entity resides here. Depending on the Curtain Wall Defenses:
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its
home here, or is a captive. • Brattice: A singular projecting space (similar to
machicolations), placed over a vulnerable area, such as a
• Resident - Creature or Monster: Goblinoid. A goblin, passage. Like machicolations, this allows defenders to rain
hobgoblin, or bugbear. down attacks on an enemy directly below them, and also
allows for flanking fire along the wall.
Keep • Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes outward and
Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal is, therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach of siege
space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches siege
decorating straight walls is considerably simpler. ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the distance at
all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for defenders - the area
Size: directly beneath them.
• Base Size: Small
• BSM: 1
• Floor Space: 5x5 squares

362 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Barbican: The gatehouse, preceded by a drawbridge, leads to a Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
walled approach, ending in an additional drawbridge. Outbuildings): 5
Gatehouses: • Servant’s Quarters/Kitchens
• Gatehouse 1: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 2 floors
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
• Description: Quarters and cooking area for those that
doors and a portcullis.
have survived the Undertaking. Almost always full.
• Gatehouse 2: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
• Chapel
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
doors and a portcullis. • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
Moat: Filled Moat. A standard moat, filled with water. • Description: A crude temple-like structure facing the
keep, dedicated to worshipping Glaavek. Residents visit
• Moat Width: 20 ft.
to pray to him twice a day.
• Moat Depth: 25 ft.
• Forge
Barracks Location: Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached
• Small, 6x6, 36 Squares, 1 floor
to the fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there could
be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there could • Description: Used to forge the weapons and armor
simply be common areas used as needed. used for the Undertaking at the turn of each season.
Used only by the head blacksmith and her apprentice.
• Storage/Museum
• Large, 10x10, 100 Squares, 1 floor
• Description: Storage for Undertaking materials,
weaponry, armor, and a small victor’s dedication

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 363
Whitebluff Castle
By Chris Haskins

After years of hardship, war and toil, the lord of the realm The other residents of Whitebluff are far more concerned about
declared that all hostilities were to end, and that a great castle the rumblings felt in the ground below the castle. They have
was to be built in honor of diplomacy, commitment to peace, and always been there, and nothing terrible has happened thus far,
the goal of prosperity for all. The castle was to be set upon the but just when it has been long enough between reverberations
highest of the great cliffs that looked out over the edge of the sea for everyone to forget about them, another one gently shakes the
so as to be a beacon for those traveling from distant shores, as stones of the walls, and the residents worry anew that everything
well as to those from inland. may not be exactly as it seems, far below their feet.
Beside this castle, the lord desired a city to be built. The city was
to be a place that would enrich and sustain all who visited. It
would be known for merriment and cheer, and all whose lives
were touched by it would be made better. And so it was that these Location in Relation to Settlement: Prominent. The fortress
things came to pass. Whitebluff Castle was built, bright and is not only located in a central location, but is highly visible, as
mighty upon the rise and, in its shadow, a city by the sea, built for if it is (or was) being showcased or featured. The settlement was
the people by their lord who rejected conflict and suffering, and probably built around it.
with the pure and simple goal of enriching their lives. Age: New. The fortress was completed within the past 20 years.
The castle is encircled by five towers. Three of the towers are Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents
the permanent residences of the lord’s surviving children, no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough
while the remaining two were built in dedication to his much- age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been
beloved eldest son and youngest daughter, who gave their lives in added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
glorious battle before the end to fighting. The lord’s third child, a construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting
son crassly exhibiting all the classic symptoms of being a middle on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is likely
child, has convinced himself he is desperately in love with one of within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably.
the stable hands, and spends his days in his tower overlooking
Environment: Coastal. The fortress is near a large body of
the bailey, loudly pining and sighing dramatically every time
water, such as a lake or ocean.
anyone, whether one of his siblings or a servant bringing him
some lunch, comes in or near his doorway. Down in the stables, Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large budget,
the stable hand remains blissfully unaware, having never met allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury elements.
the lord’s middle son in person, and just gets on with her job. Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together.

364 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site Keep
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
without depleting any harvesting locations. space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Reason for Construction: Decree. A ruler, or governing group, decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
ordered that it be built. Size:
Design Theme: Grace. Beauty and elegance. • Base Size: Very Large
Alternate Entries: Maintained Tunnel. A tunnel leads out • BSM: 4
of the fortress, which is well-maintained and in good repair. It
shows signs of recent (but not heavy) use. • Floor Space: 11x11 squares

Local Impact: Advantageous. The fortress immediately Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)
benefited the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious Number of Floors: Six. Five above-ground floors and a cellar.
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence.
Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, around the structure, if necessary.
or successors are in residence. This might be the person
Entry Defenses: Portcullis and drawbridge.
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the
people they stationed there (or their descendants/successors). Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
and Receiving).
Resident Relations: Secret Love. A staff member has been
receiving secret notes, messages, or gestures of a romantic nature. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 24
Resident Hobbies: Feasting Rooms: (5) Bedroom, (2) Kitchen, (4) Dining and Receiving,
(2) Guard Bunks, Privvy, (2) General Storage, (2) Closet, Solar,
Resident Attitude: Happy. The residents like the fortress, or are
Equipment Storage, (2) Larder, Chapel, Cell
pleased with their situation (or both). Things are good and spirits
are up. Furnishings: Fine. The contents of the keep are all of
superlative quality, or are in excellent condition.
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times.
Guards are able to stay well-rested. Castle
Garrison Equipment: Good. Guards are equipped with above- Geographic Advantages: Coastal. Cliff.
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
specific drills, for a variety of situations. connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
along the wall.
Current Issue: Unwanted Attention. Unfriendly outsiders have
recently become interested in the fortress (or those inside it). Size:

• Issue Severity: Manageable. The issue requires attention, • Base Size: Large
but is no cause for great alarm. • BSM: 3
History: Convergence. A pivotal meeting happened here. Curtain Walls:
Secrets: Unknown Power. Someone in the fortress has an item • Thickness: 10 ft.
they believe is mundane. It is actually special and/or important.
• Height: 20 ft.
Oddities: Rumbles. On rare occasions, soft reverberations can
• Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 5
be felt from deep underground beneath the fortress.
• Tower Shape: Box
Special Feature: Resident - Great Person. A person of
significance, or renown, lives here. • Tower Size / Height: Medium [30 ft.]
• Resident - Great Person: Hero. A person known for their • Tower Floor Area: 5x5 squares
good deeds, performed selflessly for the benefit of others. • Tower Roofs: Uncovered
Curtain Wall Defenses:
• Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a
permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders to fire
directly down on attackers. If you already have hoardings,
treat them as providing overhead cover.
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 365
Gatehouses: • Kitchens
• Gatehouse: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a
• Description: The kitchens are located in this building
separated from the keep, located in the bailey. They are
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey. almost always staffed with at least one person.
• Additional Features: Second portcullis, murder holes, • Stables
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
Moat: None.
• Description: A stable hand is always on duty to receive
Barracks Location: Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities horses coming in or to prepare horses going out.
are attached to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick
• Forge
enough, attached to them if not), and house the garrison. Within,
there could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or • Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
there could simply be common areas, used as needed. • Servant’s Quarters
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
Outbuildings): 4

366 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
The Cottage
By Andrew Geertsen

After years of suffering in silence while marauders and brigands However, nothing is ever perfect. The former elder’s son, the
overan his peaceful people, a tribal elder lay in the cot in his tent, inheritor of his father’s title, has grown somewhat restless. The
covered in furs and blankets, speaking to his young son. He told tribe having always been nomadic, he feels as though he has
him that their time of being at the mercy of those who would bring sacrificed some of his best years, locking himself and his people
harm upon them was at an end. Before he passed, the elder set his away behind stone walls. His wanderlust nags at him, and he
son a task: to build a refuge for their people, a place of safety, peace, takes any opportunity presented to travel, and regularly hosts
and stability. As he lay dying, he asked to be handed a smooth block adventuring parties who sometimes happen through the valley,
of stone, roughly the size of a loaf of bread, which the son dutifully eager to hear tales from parts far and wide.
unwrapped from its rags among his father’s limited belongings. On The Cottage itself has attracted visitors as well. Tiny elementals
it, a shaman had carved delicate symbols and patterns, and it was of stone and earth make themselves known from time to time.
this he held to his heart as he made his final request. “When I have They are not hostile; they are, in fact, often friendly and playful.
left this body, take this stone and, with it, build our new home.” None are entirely sure where they came from, but some think
Holding both the stone and his father’s now-lifeless hand in his they may have been among the imported stones.
own, the elder’s son vowed to do as he had been asked.
To ensure the safety of those staying within The Cottage,
The tribe took what funds they had amassed through trade and trees have been planted and the approaches to it narrowed
gifts and imported the stone they would need. Stone by stone as effectively as possible without giving away any signs that
they began to build a new home, nestled in their valley. As anything is truly there. Should an assault occur, any who would
instructed, the first stone laid was that of the former elder, and be foolish enough to scale the walls would be subject to waves of
they soon saw that the stone granted their settlement a unique poisonous darts, housed secretly amongst the stones.
power. The tribe had built a mighty stronghold, fronted by a
grand, seventy-foot-tall gatehouse with great timber doors. To
outsiders, however, some enchantment of the stone had made General
their refuge appear as nothing but a small, overgrown stone Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The
cottage. Only by entering through the quaint, peeling, ivy- fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
covered doorway did the true, towering structure become visible, perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
dwarfing the tiny entryway behind. possesses one.
The genius disguise of their fortress has protected tribe from the Age: Recent. The fortress was completed between 20 and 100
day the last stone was laid. Preferring the outdoors as a general years ago.
rule, day to day they live humble, happy lives in their tents in the
valley but, in times of peril and need, they are able to retreat to
the safety of The Cottage, leaving little sign of their presence.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 367
Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and Special Feature: Magical Properties. The structure and/or its
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean surroundings have magical properties.
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
• Magical Properties: Deceptive. The fortress appears
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately. differently to onlookers outside of its walls than to those
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year. inside them.
Environment: Valley. The fortress is found within, or on the
edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape
around it. Keep
Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
budget, enough to build something simple, but functional. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together. Size:

Resource Origin: Imported. Building materials were • Base Size: Medium

purchased and brought in from an outside source in their • BSM: 2
• Floor Space: 9-square diameter
Reason for Construction: Mortal Command. It was the dying
Exterior Wall Thickness: 2.5 ft. (Half a square)
wish of someone important to the builder.
Number of Floors: Two. One above ground and a cellar.
Design Theme: Refuge. Welcome and safety.
Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
fortress. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
and Receiving).
Local Impact: Beneficial. The fortress proved a boon to the
local area, perhaps serving as a compromise to a preexisting Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 4
issue or demonstrating some small, positive impact. Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining & Receiving, Larder
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
or successors are in residence. This might be the person basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the decent.
people they stationed there (or their descendants/successors).
Resident Relations: Expecting. The ranking or most important
resident of the fortress is expecting a child soon. If they are Castle
unwed, take into account what this might mean. Geographic Advantages: Valley. Narrow approach(es).
Resident Hobbies: Knitting/Sewing Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and along the wall.
grates on them daily. Size:
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest • Base Size: Small
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to
• BSM: 1
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires
few commanding officers. Curtain Walls :
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with • Thickness: 35 ft.
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic practice • Height: 35 ft.
equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies, etc.).
• Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 4
Current Issue: Worker Illness. A member of the household
staff or guard has gotten sick. • Tower Shape: Box
• Issue Severity: Tough. The issue is causing notable • Tower Size / Height: Medium [45 ft.]
hardship, or inconvenience, that is affecting those dealing • Tower Floor Area: 5x5 squares
with it.
• Tower Roofs: Flat Roof
History: Previous Residents. Someone of note lived here
before the fortress was built. Curtain Wall Defenses:

Secrets: Ancient Resting Place. A body was buried here before • Brattice. A singular projecting space (similar to
the fortress was built. machicolations), placed over a vulnerable area, such as a
passage. Like machicolations, this allows defenders to rain
Oddities: Strange Visitors. On occasion, the fortress down attacks on an enemy directly below them, and also
experiences visits from unusual beings or creatures. If anyone allows for flanking fire along the wall.
is aware of these visitors (they may stay hidden), no one knows
where they come from.

368 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a
drawbridge. Stronghold
Gatehouses: Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
• Gatehouse: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and • Additional Thickness: +10 ft.
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a • Additional Height: +25 ft.
• Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 1
Moat: Filled Moat. A standard moat, filled with water.
Style Amplifications: Watchful. Vigilance is of paramount
• Moat Width: 15 ft. importance.
• Moat Depth: 30 ft. Brutal Defenses: Wall of Darts. The walls are set with dart
Barracks Location: Multiple, Separate Structures. The traps that can be triggered when the walls are being swarmed.
barracks are made up of multiple, smaller buildings arranged
near one another, housing the garrison. The separation could be
based on rank, or simple practicality.
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
Outbuildings): 2
• Stable
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Bunks
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 369
Rothe Hall
By Ralph Stickley
Walfred Rothe was always something of the black sheep
of his family. While his siblings practised rules of
decorum or crossed swords in the training yard,
he was busy studying and categorizing beetles,
and when they left their ancestral stronghold
to become governors, or to achieve great
military acclaim, Walfred set off for
the wilds, butterfly net in hand.
His parents were hardly sorry to
see him go; a bookish son might
be acceptable for some families,
but not the Rothes of Rothe
Hall, whose glorious history
deserved to be carried forward
by only the most prestigious
figures. However, prestigious
figures make plenty of enemies,
and have a habit of meeting
sticky ends. Misfortune and
death seemed to dog the Rothe
brood until, by the time of
their father’s passing, the aged
dowager baroness had no choice
but to send for her estranged son
(and now only child) to aid her
running the estate.
It took barely any time at all for
Walfred to fall
short of even
his mother’s
low expectations. The
taxidermy she could just
about abide; after all, a collection
of stuffed beasts is an acceptable
choice of decor. No, the troubles Extended bouts of travel are taking their toll on the fortress;
started with the birds – Walfred stone and plaster are beginning to flake, and it is only a matter of
had brought cages of exotic time before major and irreparable harm is done to the structure.
birds, collected on his travels, The inhabitants, too, suffer for Walfred’s eccentricities; aside
and soon they were competing from the dangerous beasts stalking the grounds, a multitude
with the hunting hawks for space in the mews. Shipments of of stowaways have made their home in the walls and floors of
larger creatures followed, and space had to be found for them; Rothe Hall – pests from around the world. Walfred, of course,
some in their own bespoke enclosures, some in repurposed views these as just another part of his collection.
outbuildings, and a few allowed to roam the grounds (Walfred
insists these are tame, though opinions amongst the staff vary),
and it quickly became clear he had no intention to stop there. General
Rothe Hall, while capable of flight, had remained earthbound Location in Relation to Settlement: Outskirts. The fortress
for the better part of a century; the dowager baroness is located on the very fringes of the settlements’ occupied land,
despised flying and, besides, had become fond of the present perhaps within farming country or the stretch of land between
view. Walfred, however, was not about to let the benefits of the settlement proper and the wilderness.
owning a flying castle go to waste, and saw no reason that his Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and
responsibilities meant he could not continue his travels. To his 500 years ago.
mother’s horror, Walfred now takes Rothe Hall on extended
flights to all manner of godsforsaken hinterlands in search of Condition: Poor or Incomplete. The fortress is in disrepair,
more animals to add to his collection. Worse, when they make with loose stones or timbers, gaps, holes, rot, or other issues that
port near centers of civilization, Walfred allows the gates to might adversely affect the structure’s integrity. The exterior is
be opened, and for guests to be admitted. Fellow academics not completely intact. If under construction, it may be nearing
come to discuss theories, and common folk come to gawk at the completion, or up to a few years from being finished. Residence
menagerie (admitted for a few copper pieces, or a cat or dog to within the fortress would prove inconvenient, at best.
feed the beasts).

370 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Environment: Valley. The fortress is found within, or on the Special Feature: Magical Properties. The structure and/or its
edge of, an area of recessed elevation in relation to the landscape surroundings have magical properties.
around it. • Magical Properties: Flying. The fortress can be, or is
Expense: Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium always, airborne. The magic is likely sustained by a ritual,
budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two. enchanted object, or individual, who may or may not
command the fortress
Primary Building Material: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together. Keep
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
without depleting any harvesting locations.
Reason for Construction: Immortal Command. A god, or
powerful otherworldly being, commanded it be built. • Base Size: Small

Design Theme: Glory. Prestige and triumph. • BSM: 1

Alternate Entries: Back Door, Blocked. A small, rear-access • Floor Space: 5x5 squares
door was built into the exterior wall. For security reasons, it has Exterior Wall Thickness: 2.5 ft. (half a square)
been blocked from the inside.
Number of Floors: Four. Three above ground floors and a
Local Impact: Hostile. The fortress was constructed in direct cellar.
opposition to the wishes of those in the area, and relations
Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
immediately turned sour.
Entry Defenses: Simple heavy door.
• Local Impact Change: Negative. Things have gotten worse.
Inside the Keep. (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants,
and Receiving, Guard Bunks).
or successors are in residence. This might be the person
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 4
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors). Rooms: Bedroom, Dining & Receiving, Guard Bunks, Kitchen
Resident Relations: Family Squabbling. There has been Furnishings: Poor. The contents of the keep are very simplistic,
arguing among the resident family of late, regarding a recurring of inferior quality, or are in a state of disrepair.
issue. If the primary, or ranking, resident is not there with family,
their arguments have been with family, or close relations, outside
the fortress, either via correspondence or during a recent visit. Castle
Resident Hobbies: Botany/Study of Nature Geographic Advantage: Valley. None
Resident Attitude: Content. The residents like the fortress well Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
enough. The place itself, or their circumstances, may not be ideal, connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
but things aren’t so bad. along the wall.
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is Size:
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times. • Base Size: Medium
Guards are able to stay well-rested.
• BSM: 2
Garrison Equipment: Poor. Guards are equipped with
substandard kit and lack a dedicated training area. Curtain Walls:
Current Issue: Infestation. Pests have encroached on the • Thickness: 35 ft.
fortress and become a nuisance. • Height: 30 ft.
• Issue Severity: Serious. The issue is a cause of real concern • Number of Curtain Wall Towers (BSM + 1d4): 9
and requires attention soon, lest it worsen.
• Tower Shape: Round
History: Hallowed Ground. When the fortress was built, a central
area of the site featured markings that someone viewed as being of • Tower Size / Height: Medium [40 ft.]
great importance. As such, it was built around and preserved. • Tower Floor Area: 7-square diameter
Secrets: Ancient Treasure. A treasure was buried here before • Tower Roofs: Uncovered
the fortress was built. Curtain Wall Defenses:
Oddities: Rumbles. On rare occasions, soft reverberations can • Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a
be felt from deep underground beneath the fortress. permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders to fire
directly down on attackers. If you already have hoardings,
treat them as providing overhead cover.
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach, ending in a

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 371
Gatehouses: • Enclosure 2
• Gatehouse 1: Standard Gatehouse. The same height as the • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy doors.
• Description: This building was previously a chapel. It
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into barbican. currently serves as overnight shelter for the creatures
• Gatehouse 2: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and allowed to roam the ground freely.
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors, a • Enclosure 3
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey.
• Description: This building was previously a
Moat: Filled Moat. A standard moat, filled with water. greenhouse. It currently houses a giant sloth lemur in a
• Moat Width: 25 ft. jungle environment.
• Moat Depth: 25 ft.
Barracks Location: Single, Separate Structure. The barracks Stronghold
are situated in a single, large building in the bailey of the castle, Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
housing the garrison. Within, there could be separate quarters
(for officers, training, etc.), or there could simply be common • Additional Thickness: +10 ft.
areas, used as needed. • Additional Height: +20 ft.
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 6
Outbuildings): 3
Style Amplifications: Under Cover. The wall-walks are
• Enclosure 1 covered with permanent fortifications, allowing for safer patrols
• Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor and easier defense.
• Description: This building was previously a storehouse Brutal Defenses: Stalwart Defenders. A portion of the
for outdoor sporting gear. It currently houses a variety fortress’ defenders are extremely well-trained in general warfare
of marmosets, tamarins and other small monkeys, a and siegecraft, and are particularly loyal. (GM’s discretion on
few of which have mildly magical properties, in a jungle stats and abilities)

372 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Sanctum Sakrath
By Lou Fryer
A solitary, ligneous edifice stands vigil in an ocean
of sand. If it were possible to scale the enormous,
wooden curtain wall and take a peek through
the windows of the keep, or one of the various
outbuildings, you might be surprised by the
wildly disparate images you’d be presented with.
If you looked into the window of the small
kitchen built into the western wall, for example,
you would see some very fed-up and frightened
librarians. If you looked into any other window
you might, if you were unlucky, receive a
sharp, stinging jab between the eyes and your
peeking days would be cut abruptly short...
The deserts of the world are home to
many nomadic populations travelling
across the sands, seeking, amongst other
things, adventure, enlightenment, or war.
The Shaanti, though currently confined
to a hastily-fortified kitchen, are an ancient
group of wanderers, travelling far and wide
in search of truth and knowledge to chronical
in their walking library. They are a peaceful
and unobtrusive people, and maybe that
was what irked those who now lay siege to
them outside the collosal walls. Knowing
only war and violence, the Yodha tribe
of warriors seemed to take offense at
their cultural differences, and began
to pursue the book-keepers
across the dunes.

Carrying with them only their hive of information, the Shaanti walls of the stronghold’s kitchen. They are running out of options
took it as a good omen when tracks of a meerkat mob led them and supplies, and may soon need to decide which foe they’d rather
to the concealed tunnel entrance of a seemingly abandoned face, unless providence removes one (or both) for them.
stronghold. Emerging into the kitchen, the Shaanti believed
themselves saved; if they could bed down in the fortress for a
week or so, the Yodha would pass on, and they could resume General
their wandering in peace. Some even believed the tracks of the Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The
meerkat (their totem animal) might be a signal that, after years fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
of travel, fate had led the tribe to it’s forever home. That was perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
before those sent to scout out the lay of their gifted fortress possesses one.
encountered the lair of the stronghold’s current sovereign.
Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
The Shaanti were not the first to discover the fortress. For many years ago.
decades, it has been the sanctuary of a gigantic scorpion, larger
Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
than the largest camel and twice as foul-tempered. Used to
habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
having its lair to itself, the scorpion did not take kindly to the
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
intrusion, and is now a constant menace to the tribe. Able to
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
squeeze through the crevices and tunnels known only to itself,
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
it attacks from nowhere and disappears just as quickly if any
Shaanti dares to cross the threshold of the kitchen door. The Environment: Desert. The fortress is in a dry and arid
Shaanti quickly came to refer to the scorpion as Sakrath-Tarl: environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes.
Death-In-Darkness. Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small
Now, stuck between a rock and a hard place (or a tribe of budget, enough to build something simple, but functional.
bloodthirsty warmongers and an inordinately large arthropod), the Primary Building Materials. Timber. Hewn logs and planks,
Shaanti’s entire sphere of existence is contained within the four milled to fit together tightly.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 373
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Preserved
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, but sustainably, Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
without depleting any harvesting locations. weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
Reason for Construction: Anticipation. Aggression from
interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
somewhere was expected.
Design Theme: Piety. Righteousness and ascendence.
• Base Size: Small
Alternate Entries: Maintained Tunnel. A tunnel leads out
of the fortress,which is well-maintained and in good repair. It • BSM: 1
shows signs of recent (but not heavy) use. • Floor Space: 7 square diameter
Local Impact: Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or Exterior Wall Thickness: 1 ft. (Single Line, 0 squares)
presence, caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the
local area. Number of Floors: One. One floor above ground, no cellar.

• Local Impact Change: Negative. Things have gotten Entry Defenses: Portcullis.
worse. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Residents: New (Peaceful). Non-original residents reside in and Receiving).
the fortress, after obtaining it peacefully. Perhaps the fortress Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 1
was purchased, inherited, or was a gift. These new residents
Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving
could also be allies of the original residents, acting as stewards.
The fortress could even have been found abandoned, so the new Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
residents moved in. decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
or in fine condition.
Resident Relations: Diplomatic Tensions. Relations between
the ranking resident and their liege (or superior, of some sort)
have been strained lately. If they owe fealty to no one, the Castle
relationship is with someone close to them.
Geographic Advantages: Desert. Treacherous approach(es).
Resident Hobbies: History (domestic or foreign)
Style: Shell Keep. The keep is surrounded by a circular wall,
Resident Attitude: Happy. The residents like the fortress, or are with lightweight buildings built against the inside of the wall.
pleased with their situation (or both). Things are good and spirits
are up.
• Base Size: Medium
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard • BSM: 2
shifts. Curtain Walls:
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with • Thickness: 25 ft.
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic
practice equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies, • Additional Height: 50 ft.
etc.). • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 7
Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the • Tower Shape: Round
• Tower Size / Height: Medium [60 ft.]
History: Previous Residents. Someone of note lived here • Tower Floor Area: 7-square diameter
before the fortress was built.
• Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
Secrets: Tryst. Two people within the fortress got married in
secret, and have been trying to keep it quiet ever since. Curtain Wall Defenses:
Oddities: Watchful Beast. A local small creature (squirrel, • Batters. The bottom portion of the wall slopes outward
rabbit, weasel, or similar), has been seen sitting on windowsills and is, therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach
(even those that are, seemingly, inaccessible) or in open of siege towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches
doorways, (sometimes, even interior doorways) doing nothing but siege ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the
staring, making unblinking eye contact with any in the room who distance at all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for
look at it, never looking away, never moving unless approached. defenders - the area directly beneath them.
Once approached, it vanishes without a trace, and reappears Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach.
another day.
Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast,
• Gatehouse 1: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its
doors and a portcullis.
home here, or is a captive.
• Gatehouse 2: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
• Creature or Monster: Beast. A noteworthy, but non-
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
sentient, beast.
doors and a portcullis.

374 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Moat: None. • Stables
Barracks Location: Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
to the fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there could
• Description: Clearly designed to function
be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there could
predominantly for overnight or similarly short stays,
simply be common areas used as needed.
the stable block has room to tether 3-4 horses, as well as
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey a small combined tack and boot room.
Outbuildings): 3
• Bedrooms Stronghold
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
• Description: More akin to a dormitory than the stately • Additional Thickness: +5 ft.
suites of a military stronghold, two entrances lead
to separate sections of the building; the larger part • Additional Height: +30 ft.
sleeping the former permanent residents and staff, the • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 2
smaller a guest annex.
Style Amplifications: Massive Curtain Walls. The fortress’
• Kitchen curtain walls, and keep exterior walls, are huge.
• Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor Brutal Defenses: Tar Fields. The open areas leading up to the
• Description: The external kitchen is modestly stronghold are saturated with tar, and can be lit on fire, if the
furnished and functional, though lack of recent use has need arises.
left it smelling and feeling stale. Here, a maintained
tunnel, accessed through a floor grate, slopes down and
out beyond the curtain wall.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 375
Selarun - The Tower of Spirits
By Devon Chulick

Located in the dunes, surrounded by sand, Selarun dominates frustration that it manifests as a physical presence, a breeze that
the horizon. When construction began hundreds of years can be felt anywhere in the fortress, whether inside or out.
ago, the land was vibrant, its soil dark and rich. As the forest Though the spirits can manifest into ethereal, humanoid forms,
was cut down for building materials, the land became dry and they haven’t been able to focus their efforts to affect the material
arid, giving way to the dunes found there today. The khan, who world, maliciously or otherwise. Nonetheless, the superstitions
had constructed the fortress, did it as a sign of strength after of khan’s descendants, currently living locally at what they deem
conquering the land. Indeed, the foundations were laid at the site
to be a safe distance from their old, now-haunted residence, have
of the fateful deciding battle.
proven sufficient to keep them from attempting to move back in.
The khan had been fighting an enemy rumored to be invincible
The settlement around the stronghold is still lively and active
but, in the final battle which culminated in single combat, the lie
(for a desert), thanks to the general shelter it provides from
was proved once and for all when the adversary met their demise
the sands, and the locals (never having been fond of the khan’s
and was defeated. In a deliberate effort to wipe away the area’s
practises anyway) are simply grateful for the fortress’ wind-
natural beauty as one last insult, the khan set to building. The
breaking capabilities, more than anything. The rumors of
construction was a show of power, and a testament to the gods
spectral activity serve to keep out those who might move in
of the conqueror. No expense was spared in making sure the
and cause trouble, which they see as an added bonus. However,
fortress was an ode to this brutal strain of piety. In his arrogance,
reassuring as its overall presence might be to the neighbors,
the khan had the body of his adversary buried beneath the
none of Selarun’s ex-residents have yet summoned the courage
fortress so he would forever be at the khans feet.
to attempt to retake the bastion, or deal with the affronted souls
In the last decade, things have changed. The khan’s descendents who now call it home.
and their forces, who had held the fortress since its construction,
left the fortress (though less generous observers might
instead use the word fled). For years, six generations of the General
khan’s bloodline had continued to pillage the land around the Location in Relation to Settlement: Central. The fortress is
stronghold, conquering surrounding settlements in service to located in the middle of an established settlement.
their bloodthirsty gods, before suffering any consequences for
Age: Old. The fortress was completed between 100 and 200
their savagery. What prompted their return is unclear, but the
years ago.
spirits of hundreds of fallen soldiers, battle victims of centuries
past, have risen and returned to reclaim the resting place of their Condition: Average. The fortress is usable, sound, and
fallen leader, slain and humiliated by the khan. habitable, though minor issues may be present, or a good clean
may be needed. If under construction, the basics are complete
Once the spirits arrived in the tower, they were unable to leave,
and allow residents to, at least, live and function adequately.
trapped there by the ancient, spiteful magic of the old khan. The
Further work or repairs should take no more than a year.
new residents retained their personalities and the memories of
their past lives and so, once bound to this place by their despised Environment: Desert. The fortress is in a dry and arid
foe, a great frustration grew within them. So palpable is their environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes.

376 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury Keep
elements. Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
Primary Building Materials. Timber. Hewn logs and planks, weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
milled to fit together tightly. extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Stripped
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site Size:
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, entirely depleting • Base Size: Medium
the harvesting locations (natural surroundings needed for the
structure, natural defenses, etc. are unaffected). • BSM: 2

Reason for Construction: Vanity. The fortress was commissioned • Floor Space: 9 square diameter
as a demonstration of power, wealth, or self-importance. Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)
Design Theme: Piety. Righteousness and ascendence. Number of Floors: Four. Three above-ground floors and a
Alternate Entries: Secret Door in Exterior Wall, Forgotten. cellar.
A hidden, or invisible, door was built into the exterior wall, to Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
allow for covert comings and goings, but those who built and/or
Entry Defenses: Portcullis.
knew about it are no longer around.
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Local Impact: Advantageous. The fortress immediately
and Receiving, 1 Guard Bunks).
benefited the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 8
• Local Impact Change: Stable. Things have stayed roughly Rooms: General Storage, (2) Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and
the same. Receiving, Guard Bunks, Library, Solar
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took or in fine condition.
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict.
Resident Relations: Irritated. A ranking resident (or owner of
the fortress) is fed up with the antics of a member of the staff. Geographical Advantages: Desert. Treacherous approaches
(burning sands).
Resident Hobbies: Music (listening or playing), Brewing
Style: Shell Keep. The keep is surrounded by a circular wall,
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by with lightweight buildings built against the inside of the wall.
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and
grates on them daily. Size:

Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is • Base Size: Small
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times. • BSM: 1
Guards are able to stay well-rested.
Curtain Walls:
Garrison Equipment: Poor. Guards are equipped with
• Thickness: 15 ft.
substandard kit and lack a dedicated training area.
• Height: 35 ft.
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Neglect]. An area of the
fortress has been overlooked for too long, and has now collapsed. • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 3
• Issue Severity: Critical. The issue is pressing and • Tower Shape: Round
dangerous, posing a very real threat to all involved. • Tower Size / Height: Medium [45 ft.]
History: Hallowed Ground. When the fortress was built, a • Tower Floor Area: 7 square diameter
central area of the site featured markings that someone viewed
as being of great importance. As such, it was built around and • Tower Roof: Flat
preserved. Curtain Wall Defenses:
Secrets: Ancient Resting Place. A body was buried here before • Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something
the fortress was built. magical.
Oddities: Breeze. Even in closed rooms with no external doors, • Blocking Wards. These wards prevent creatures, or
there always seems to be a tiny breeze that makes cloaks swirl objects, from entering or passing a certain point. They
lightly around feet. can fail if the ward sustains too much damage in a short
Special Feature: Miraculous Event. The structure was the site span of time.
of something miraculous or amazing.
• Miraculous Event: Quest Accomplished. A great mission
was concluded here.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 377
• Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something Barracks Location: Simple Room(s). Members of the garrison
magical. simply sleep where there is space in the castle.
• Aggressive Wards. These wards are designed to Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
unleash offensive attacks on unfortunate victims, such Outbuildings): 2
as bolts of fire or force.
• Temple
• Hoardings. Temporary, wooden shelters are constructed,
• Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 2 floors
protruding out on top of the walls, allowing defenders to fire
directly down on attackers. These would require fireproofing • Description: A shrine to all things warlike and cruel,
(such as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be the khan had a temple dedicated to his barbaric gods
deconstructed and stored in peacetime. constructed in the bailey. Rumors of a secret stairway
leading underground to his great adversary’s final
Barbican: None.
resting place have never been confirmed (or disproved).
• Gatehouse: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy
doors and a portcullis. Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey. • Additional Thickness: +15 ft.
• Additional Features: Spouts. • Additional Height: +25 ft.
Moat: Dry Moat. The moat is not filled with water and is, • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 1
instead, a deep pit encircling the fortification. This could be Style Amplifications: Bristling Defenses. There are more
purposeful, or the lack of water could be due to drought. defenses than there otherwise might be.
• Moat Width: 15 ft. Brutal Defenses: Stalwart Defenders. A portion of the
• Moat Depth: 20 ft. fortress’ defenders are extremely well-trained in general warfare
and siegecraft, and are particularly loyal.

378 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
By Jack Wilmes and Megan Roy
A crumbling structure of unknown origin lies in the heart of
the flat, high desert. Its massive 25-foot-thick walls would be
impressive were they not largely toppled and reduced to pebbles.
Its few surviving hexagonal watchtowers would seem imposing
if they weren't brittle and deteriorated. The entirety of Skitteree
feels like a strange relic to some long-forgotten time, and it may
well have been, if not for its new inhabitants.
Skitteree is now 100% inhabited by desert insects. Millions of
beetles, spiders, fire ants, centipedes,
mosquitos, flies, wasps, and scorpions
fill the crumbling walls, and seem
quite content with the current state
of disrepair. They find their homes in
all the nooks and crannies of its
tumbled form, and have created
their own honeycomb-like walls
within the stronghold. Amongst
the small bugs are a selection of
larger ones as well - too large to
be natural. In fact, these large,
sentient insects are some of the
only living beings to know the
secret of Skitteree's construction,
since it was that secret that
created them.
A few decades prior, a small
tarantula found its way into
a large well-like hole in the
basement of the stronghold
keep. The tarantula lost
its grip on the slick walls
and tumbled, what
seemed like miles
down, before hitting a
strange, viscous liquid.
As soon as it made contact, the tarantula began to consider the strange, bipedal lifeforms, Triktik emerged from his keep and
strangeness of the situation because, for the first time ever, the chased after the naturalists, begging them to stay a little longer
tarantula could think. It clumsily scurried up the walls, taking and teach him about themselves and the wider world. In an act of
larger and larger steps as its legs morphed and twisted, until the curiosity few but folk of science could muster, the group agreed
spider emerged a conscious, seven-foot version of its former to return. They learned of the many magic wards surrounding
self. The tarantula became immediately fascinated by its own the stronghold that only humanoids could trigger, and became
existence, and by the newly expansive world around itself, and fascinated by Skiteree’s inhabitants and their origins. The six
decided to build its first home there in the keep ruins, so as to be naturalists have remained to investigate alongside Triktik and
close to the substance that granted its new awareness. his crew ever since.
Over time, Triktik (the freshly self-named super tarantula)
created several other oversized companions from other insect General
species that happened by the ruins: Jitter, the banded desert
Location in Relation to Settlement: Outskirts. The fortress
centipede; Yool, the tarantula hawk (a deadly wasp-like bug);
is located on the very fringes of the settlements’ occupied land,
Prick, the scorpion; and Hugs, the assassin bug. Together,
perhaps within farming country or the stretch of land between
these five now watch over Skitteree and its millions of tiny
the settlement proper and the wilderness.
residents while attempting to learn more about themselves, the
environment, and the magic that created them. Age: Ancient. The fortress was completed more than 500 years ago.
A few years ago, a small team of naturalists studying desert flora Condition: Ruin or Bare Bones. The majority of the
and fauna happened upon Skitteree. One of them attempted to structure is exposed to the elements, and damages are no
approach the structure, and was quickly incinerated by a magical longer repairable; a rebuild would be the only option. If under
fire ward that had somehow survived since Skitteree's ancient construction, it is a long way from completion. Residence within
beginnings. After observing from afar, and intrigued by the the fortress would be incredibly uncomfortable, if even possible.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 379
Environment: Desert. The fortress is in a dry and arid • Resident - Creature or Monster: Beast (Sentient). An
environment, likely covered with vast sand dunes. animal that can think and speak.
Expense: Modest. The fortress was constructed with a small
budget, enough to build something simple, but functional. Keep
Primary Building Materials: Unique Materials [Magic]. Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
How prevalent is magic in your world? The background of your weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
builders will determine what kind of methods they would have
extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
had at their disposal. Magic could have been utilised either to
interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
generate the materials for the fortress, assemble it or, perhaps,
keep it all held together. Size:
Resource Origin: Locally Made/Harvested [Stripped • Base Size: Small
Surroundings]. Building materials were sourced from the site • BSM: 1
of the structure itself, and from nearby areas, entirely depleting
the harvesting locations (natural surroundings needed for the • Floor Space: 7-square diameter
structure, natural defenses, etc. are unaffected). Exterior Wall Thickness: 10 ft. (2 squares)
Reason for Construction: Panic. The construction was Number of Floors: Five. Four above ground floors and a cellar.
motivated by fear of what would happen if they didn’t.
Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
Design Theme: Practicality. Utility and function. around the structure, if necessary.
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Local Impact: Innocuous. The fortress’ construction had little and Receiving, Guard Bunks).
impact on its surroundings, causing no trouble, but also not any
great benefit. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 5
• Local Impact Change: Stable. Things have stayed roughly Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Guard Bunks
the same. • Bedroom. Located in the basement floor of the keep. Home
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the of the sentient, giant tarantula, Triktik, that governs the
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This insectoid population of Skitteree and communicates with
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took the humanoids on their behalf.
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict.
basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
Resident Relations: Clandestine. Someone in the fortress is decent.
engaged in secret dealings with an external entity.
Resident Hobbies: Botany/Study of Nature Castle
Resident Attitude: Irritated. A ranking resident (or owner of Geographic Advantages: Desert. Treacherous Approach(es).
the fortress) is fed up with the antics of a member of the staff.
Style: Shell Keep. The keep is surrounded by a circular wall,
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is
with lightweight buildings built against the inside of the wall.
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times.
Guards are able to stay well-rested. Size:
Garrison Equipment: Exemplary. Guards are equipped • Base Size: Small
with the best kit available, and have a dedicated training area, • BSM: 1
complete with the best of any and all training equipment and
practices that would be required. Curtain Walls:
Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the moment. • Thickness: 30 ft.
History: Traditional Home. A family of creatures, or beings, • Additional Height: 30 ft.
has lived within the fortress since it was built, appearing in • Number of Curtain Wall Towers (BSM + 1d4): 7
records as far back as any have been kept. They may be seen as
simple mascots, or may serve some deeper purpose. • Tower Shape: Round
Secrets: Prized Tome. A book of great value is within the fortress. • Tower Size / Height: Large [50 ft.]
Oddities: Mystery Door. A door is and, as far as anyone can • Tower Floor Area: 9-square diameter
remember, has always been, stuck shut. No matter what anyone • Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
does, they can’t get it unstuck. Stranger still, plans of the fortress
show no room there. Curtain Wall Defenses:

Special Feature: Resident - Creature or Monster. A beast, • Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something
monster, or uncivilised entity resides here. Depending on the magical.
other residents of the fortress, it may have chosen to make its • Aggressive Wards. These wards are designed to
home here, or is a captive. unleash offensive attacks on unfortunate victims, such
as bolts of fire or force.

380 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Barbican: The gatehouse leads to a walled approach. • Forge
Gatehouses: • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the • Description: Facility used to create all weapons and
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy protections used by the garrison, as well as those
doors and a portcullis. built into the stronghold walls. The forge was present
Moat: Dry Moat [Trapped]. The moat is dry, but filled with long before the stronghold’s current inhabitants, and
some extra defensive measures, such as spikes or vicious produces mysteriously high-quality weapons and
animals. protections, no matter who uses it.

• Moat Width: 30 ft.

• Moat Depth: 30 ft.
Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
Barracks Location: Built-In [Walls]. The barracks facilities
are attached to the fortress walls (in the walls if they are thick • Additional Thickness: +10 ft.
enough, attached to them if not), and house the garrison. Within, • Additional Height: +25 ft.
there could be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or
there could simply be common areas, used as needed. • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 3
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey Style Amplifications: Tiered. A heavy wall surrounds the
Outbuildings): 2 perimeter, at ground level, and the fortress rises in stepped
elevation to a high peak. Fortifications and internal structures
• Storage line the steps.
• Very Large, 6x6, 144 squares, 2 floors Brutal Defenses: Scythe. A massive blade, covering a large
• Description: A greenhouse. Used as the main storage amount of vertical space, sheers across the face of the wall,
facility to protect plants from the harsh desert climate. shaving any enemies, or equipment, from its surface.
Often populated with humanoids that study the nature
and growth of these plants.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 381
By Dave Stifter
Anyone who visits the heavily fortified mountain
stronghold of Subitus will learn of the woman to which
its grand keep museum is dedicated. Both history books and
children's songs tell the tale of an evil deity who dreamt of
controlling the mountain range on which Subitus now sits. The
range was highly valued due to a single peak: a sacred location
that amplified all magic cast there. The people of the nearby
kingdom, who regarded the mountain as holy, were horrified
when they saw a swirling, black portal begin to form at its
peak, but Queen La Brezzia felt no fear whatsoever. Legend
says the queen, as if bolstered by the gods themselves, built
the entire stronghold of Subitus in a single day, 30-foot-thick
and 50-foot-tall walls, all
equipped with the best
defenses imaginable. When
the evil monsters began
to pour through the portal, not
one creature made it through
the fortifications. Just 24
hours later, the kingdom
cheered in triumph and
support of their queen as
they watched the portal
slowly fall shut.
Actually, very
little of this is
true - but only
the tight-lipped royal
archivist might be able
to tell you so. In reality,
410 years ago, greedy
Queen La Brezzia secretly
sought far and wide for the best
wizards in the region. She paid them handsomely to
conjure the illusion of a black portal above the sacred mountain magical wards and a hefty garrison protects the precious royal
peak. She paid them more still to manifest further portals, inhabitants at all times. Residents of the kingdom below Subitus
through which brick and stone were stolen, to build such a visit often to honor the nobles, and visit the keep museum
protective fortress in just a day. Once her ruse of defeating dedicated to the stronghold's (fabricated) origins. However, if
the deity and his army was complete, the casters dispelled the Subitus' true history was discovered, the knowledge could wreak
portal, and Queen La Brezzia possessed both the adoration of havoc among its people and La Brezzia's false descendants -
her people and an impenetrable fortress on her kingdom’s sacred something the royal archivist is well aware of...
It wasn’t long, however, before the wizards unleashed their own
grand plan. As they materialized the fake image of the portal, they
also began to open a real one beneath the castle courtyard. When Location in Relation to Settlement: Edge of Settlement. The
Queen La Brezzia visited to revel in ‘her’ work, the wizards opened fortress is located on the outer border of the settlement proper,
the true portal, and sent La Brezzia falling to her doom into a dark, perhaps connected to, or surrounded by, its border wall, if it
dangerous plane. The wizards then took it in turns assuming La possesses one.
Brezzia's form, enjoyed her spoils, and led the kingdom’s people in Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
her stead. Strangely enough, although La Brezzia was overthrown years ago.
through morally questionable means, the impostors turned out to
be far better rulers than corrupt La Brezzia ever could have been. Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents
no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough
Today, hundreds of years later, most of ‘La Brezzia's’ descendants age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been
live in Subitus and are revered for their benevolence (the people added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
assume that their queen took many lovers, as her legion of construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting
offspring have always bore little resemblance to each other on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is likely
or, indeed, their mother). Their unusual arcane prowess is within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably.
thought to be a gift from the gods for La Brezzia’s deeds, and

382 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Environment: Mountain
Mountain. The fortress is found on stony passes
or soaring peaks. Keep
Expense: Significant. The fortress was built with a large Shape: Round. A circular keep can offer defense against certain
budget, allowing for high-quality materials and some luxury weather and attacks, as the curved surface (depending on its
elements. extremity) will deflect weak or glancing blows. However, the
interior can be limited, especially in an overall small keep.
Primary Building Materials: Brick. Man-made blocks,
comprised of mud, clay, or sand, mixed with a binding material Size:
such as straw, baked hard. • Base Size: Medium
Resource Origin: Completely Stolen
Stolen. Building materials were • BSM: 2
looted from one or more rightful owners, either openly or covertly.
• Floor Space: 9 square diameter
Reason for Construction: Panic. The construction was
motivated by fear of what would happen if they didn’t. Exterior Wall Thickness: 15 ft. (3 squares)

Design Theme: Glory. Prestige and triumph. Number of Floors: Four. Three above-ground floors and a
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
fortress. Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
around the structure, if necessary.
Local Impact: Advantageous
Advantageous. The fortress immediately
benefited the local area in a big way, perhaps resolving a serious Entry Defenses: Portcullis and drawbridge.
issue, or exerting an extremely positive influence. Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
• Local Impact Change: Positive. Things have gotten better. and Receiving, Guard Bunks).

Residents: New (Forceful)

(Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 8
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving, Guard Bunks,
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took Equipment Storage, Stables, Receiving Room, Privy
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress
Furnishings. Good. Most of the contents of the keep are of
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict.
decent quality or in good condition, and some may be excellent
Resident Relations: Secret Love
Love. A staff member has been or in fine condition.
receiving secret notes, messages, or gestures of a romantic nature.
Resident Hobbies: Knitting/Sewing Castle
Resident Attitude: Ambivalent
Ambivalent. The residents could take or Geographic Advantages: Mountain. Carved.
leave this place. They have other things on their minds, and do
not devote much thought to the fortress. Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
Garrison Size: Large. The garrison’s size is substantial, and is along the wall.
more than enough to keep the fortress well-defended at all times.
Guards are able to stay well-rested. Size:
Garrison Equipment: Good Good. Guards are equipped with above- • Base Size: Medium
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment • BSM: 2
for use. They utilize highly refined practice techniques, such as
specific drills, for a variety of situations. Curtain Walls:

Current Issue: Peaceful. Everything seems alright at the moment. • Thickness: 20 ft.

History: In Their Footsteps. A very powerful being once • Additional Height: 30 ft.
walked where the fortress now stands. • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 8
Secrets: Hidden Gravesite. A body was buried here after the • Tower Shape: Round
fortress was built.
• Tower Size / Height: Large [40 ft.]
Oddities: Watchful Beast. A local small creature (squirrel,
• Tower Floor Area: 9 square diameter
rabbit, weasel, or similar), has been seen sitting on windowsills
(even those that are, seemingly, inaccessible) or in open doorways, • Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
(sometimes, even interior doorways) doing nothing but staring, Curtain Wall Defenses:
making unblinking eye contact with any in the room who look at
it, never looking away, never moving unless approached. Once • Batters: The bottom portion of wall slopes outward and is,
approached, it vanishes without a trace, and reappears another day. therefore, much thicker. This hinders the approach of siege
towers, makes undermining difficult, and stretches siege
Special Feature: Magical Properties. The structure and/or its ladders to breaking point, if they can bridge the distance at
surroundings have magical properties. all. In addition, it removes a blindspot for defenders - the area
• Magical Properties: Nexus. Magic here seems to be more directly beneath them.
potent and effective, but the veil between worlds also seems • Magical Defenses: The castle is protected by something
thin. Otherworldly entities may be drawn to magic used here magical.
which resonates with their home plane.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 383
• Blocking Wards. These wards prevent creatures, or • Chapel
objects, from entering or passing a certain point. They • Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
can fail if the ward sustains too much damage in a short
span of time. • Bake House
Barbican: The gatehouse, preceded by a drawbridge, leads to a • Small, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
walled approach, ending in an additional drawbridge. • Forge
Gatehouses: • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a
Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
• Location of Gatehouse: Entrance into bailey.
• Additional Thickness: +10 ft.
Moat: Dry Moat [Trapped]. The moat is dry, but filled with
some extra defensive measures, such as spikes or vicious • Additional Height: +20 ft.
animals. • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 4
• Moat Width: 25 ft. Style Amplifications: Fortified Entries. Special focus has
• Moat Depth: 20 ft. been placed on protecting what would be the weakest points: the
Barracks Location: Multiple, Separate Structures. The
barracks are made up of multiple, smaller buildings arranged Brutal Defenses: Melded Guardians. Creatures dwell within
near one another, housing the garrison. The separation could be the defensive structures, or the surrounding area. These might
based on rank, or simple practicality. be magically animated constructs, or natural beasts, which have
been encouraged to live there. When attackers reach them, the
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
guardians emerge.
Outbuildings): 3

384 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Synian’s Stronghold
By Steve Peterson

The fortification known as Synian’s Stronghold was constructed some thin, strong substance, so climbing the walls would require
over 400 years ago by Synian the Sorcerer, a powerful mage some sort of anchor at the top, or magical assistance.
with a mysterious past who dwelled in the region. Legend says
The walls are also not built at right angles; instead they veer and
the stronghold was constructed in a very short period of time,
swoop in disturbing ways. In sunlight, staring at the wall can
between spring and fall of one year. As it was built, and after it
make you dizzy. Some can see glimmers inside the walls, with
was occupied, it was guarded by odd men with grayish skin and
odd shadows and movements. The dry moat is made of crystal
bowed legs, their heads covered in dark cloth.
and, even after rain or snowfall, it quickly dries again. Those who
The crystalline stronghold was built by kobolds who brought unwisely attempt to enter or cross the moat without the consent of
the crystal from the mountains. The kobolds were said to be the current overseer are attacked by small, green, shadowy serpent-
ensorcelled by Synian to build the stronghold and, afterwards, shapes that seem to slither right out of the crystal and attack.
slaughtered, perhaps to fuel a dark ritual. Luckily for the reptilians,
The curtain wall contains a warning magic that flashes light
Synian later disappeared under mysterious circumstances, and the
inside the walls when entities approach with ill intent. The
fortress was occupied for more than a century by the Gray Men.
location and number of flashes shows the direction and number
One dark night the Gray Men disappeared as suddenly as their old of enemies approaching. To facilitate another set of ‘unexplained
master, leaving behind only smears of blood across the courtyard. circumstances’ that might oust the current regime would
The stronghold was abandoned for over a century until re- certainly require more than a little creativity.
occupied by a charismatic cleric, Astokus, and his followers. They
have remained for 150 years, with new recruits from distant places
keeping their ranks full. The current leader is also named Astokus, General
which his new generation of followers cite as a naming convention Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
in their order, but it seems to some that the new Astokus bears a located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
startling resemblance to his predecessors.
Age: Very Old. The fortress was completed between 200 and 500
Synian’s Stronghold itself is constructed of a translucent purple years ago.
crystal. The hue varies from very dark to nearly transparent, with
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents
veins of dark green. The crystal blocks vary in size from three
no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough
feet or more to less than a foot. Perhaps the stronghold’s history
age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been
of mysterious disappearances can be attributed to the fact
added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
that it is built in such a way as to be very difficult to conquer by
construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting
traditional means. The surfaces of the walls are smooth, and the
on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is likely
spaces between blocks are very narrow, bonded as they are with
within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 385
Environment: Mountains. The fortress is found on stony
passes or soaring peaks. Keep
Expense: Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximises internal
budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two. space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
decorating straight walls is considerably simpler.
Primary Building Materials: Unique [Crystal]. Those mining
deep in the earth (or on alien planes) might find crystal in great Size:
enough profusion that it can be used to build large structures. • Base Size: Small
Resource Origin: Imported. Building materials were purchased • BSM: 1
and brought in from an outside source in their entirety.
• Floor Space: 5x5 squares
Reason for Construction: Conversion. The building was
formerly used for another purpose, but constant additions and Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)
changes made it what it is today. Number of Floors: Three. Two above ground floors and a cellar.
Design Theme: Grace. Beauty and elegance. Raised Entrance: Stairs lead to an upper-floor entry, wrapping
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the around the structure, if necessary.
fortress. Entry Defenses: Reinforced heavy door.
Local Impact: Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
presence, caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the and Receiving).
local area.
Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 3
• Local Impact Change: Stable. Things have stayed the
Rooms: Bedroom, Kitchen, Dining and Receiving
Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
Residents: New (Forceful). Non-original residents reside in the
basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
fortress, after obtaining it by conquest or illegitimate means. This
does not necessarily mean that those occupying the fortress took
forceful action themselves, but rather that the way the fortress
changed hands was through, or after, some kind of conflict. Castle
Resident Relations: Clandestine. Someone in the fortress is Geographic Advantages: Mountains. Narrow approach.
engaged in secret dealings with an external entity.
Style: Fortified Keep. The keep is positioned within (or
Resident Hobbies: Poetry connected to) a surrounding wall. Towers are typically placed
Resident Attitude: Irritated. The residents are perturbed by along the wall.
this place. Something about it, or their situation, is irksome and Size:
grates on them daily.
• Base Size: Large
Garrison Size: Modest. The garrison’s size is large enough to
sufficiently defend the fortress and allow for reasonable guard • BSM: 3
shifts. Curtain Walls:
Garrison Equipment: Standard. Guards are equipped with • Thickness: 10 ft..
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area with basic
• Additional Height: 20 ft.
practice equipment (simple targets, poles for combat dummies,
etc.). • Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 6
Current Issue: Worker Illness. A member of the household • Tower Shape: Box
staff or guard has gotten sick. • Tower Size / Height: Large [40 ft.]
• Issue Severity: Serious. The issue is a cause of real concern • Tower Floor Area: 7x7 squares
and requires attention soon, lest it worsen.
• Tower Roofs: Shallow Slope Roof
History: Dig Site. An intriguing discovery was made here.
Curtain Wall Defenses:
Secrets: Back Door. Someone has been sneaking out of the
fortress in a way that would not be approved of. • Magical Alarm Wards: Zones of magic create a warning
sound if someone outside of a predefined group enters the
Oddities: Mystery Door. A door is and, as far as anyone can area.
remember, has always been, stuck shut. No matter what anyone
does, they can’t get it unstuck. Stranger still, plans of the fortress • Hoardings: Temporary, wooden shelters are constructed,
show no room there. protruding out on top of the walls, allowing defenders to fire
directly down on attackers. These would require fireproofing
Special Feature: Catastrophic Event. The structure was the (such as a covering of soaked animal skins), but can be
site of a terrible or tragic incident. deconstructed and stored in peacetime.
• Catastrophic Event: Genocide. An attempt was made to Barbican: None.
wipe a people, or creature, from existence here.

386 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Gatehouses: • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse 1: Standard Gatehouse. The same height • Baths and Privies
as the wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy
• Small, 6x6, 36 squares, 1 floor
• Dining Hall, Kitchen and Larder
• Gatehouse Location: Inner wall.
• Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse 2: Grand Gatehouse. Twice the height and
thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy doors and a • Barn and Workshop Area
portcullis. • Medium, 8x8, 64 squares, 1 floor
• Gatehouse Location: Outer wall.
Moat: Dry Moat (Trapped). The moat is dry, but filled with Stronghold
some extra defensive measures such as spikes or vicious animals.
Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
• Moat Width: 15 ft.
• Additional Thickness: +5 ft.
• Moat Depth: 35 ft.
• Additional Height: +25 ft.
Barracks Location: Single, Separate Structure. The barracks
are situated in a single, large building in the bailey of the castle, • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 5
housing the garrison. Within, there could be separate quarters Style Amplifications: Additional Curtain Wall. The entire
(for officers, training, etc.), or there could simply be common fortification is surrounded by an additional wall.
areas, used as needed.
Brutal Defenses: Vertigo. The architecture is designed using
Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey forced perspective. An example could be cunningly placed stones
Outbuildings): 4 of differing sizes, tricking the eye to make walls appear much
• Barracks and Armory higher than they are, and triggering bouts of dizziness and
disorientation in attackers.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 387
By Megan Roy

Zzyzx was always called on last. Be it lessons, sports, or simply and to the small basement bed, where a card sat with only the
alphabetically, Zzyzx was always last to be noticed, if at all. Her words, ‘For One Who is Worthy’.
parents worried greatly about their little, silver dragonborn
Zzyzx has remained alone in the stronghold for the last 32 years.
girl who was slow to think, slow to speak, and too innocent to
She spends most of her time cooking, preserving foods, studying
understand the bullying. But Zzyzx carried on all the same,
the clockwork creatures (or trying to create her own), and playing
smiling unfazed through her school years, seldom speaking
music on the pristine piano that sits atop the keep. Zzyzx, still a
unless it was about her three favorite topics: cooking, music, and
loving and innocent soul, welcomes all visitors that happen upon
the great general Celakra Kerrhylon.
the stronghold. She will cook, entertain, and beg you for whatever
Celakra the Ice Spike was Zzyzx' great grandmother, a decorated stories you're willing to share. When you leave, she'll always send
war hero and master tactician credited with saving a large you off with a jar of jam, a giant smile, and her accented, “Zee
portion of their race from a demonic invasion. Celakra paid the you zoon!" The stronghold itself, however, has its own ideas
ultimate price in the final battle of the war, using herself as bait as to who, and who not, to welcome. If anyone of impure heart
while her forces flanked the remaining demons and finally ended approaches the stronghold, an alarm horn blares, the bridge lifts,
the scourge. Zzyzx loved stories of Celakra more than anything, and the bright foliage lining the moat turns to jagged icicles and
and dreamt of someday traveling to that last battle site in the briars. Though the stronghold's origin is still a mystery, it's very
tundra to play music in Celakra's honor. clear to whom it (or, perhaps, Celakra) intends to protect.
When Zzyzx was just 13, her hometown was invaded while she
was away in the forest. With little left of her ransacked home and
no parents or townsfolk to be found, Zzyzx could only think of
one place to escape to, and so she travelled northward towards Location in Relation to Settlement: Remote. The fortress is
the frozen tundra. When she arrived there a year later, Zzyzx located a significant distance away from the nearest settlement.
discovered something strange: a giant, empty stronghold in the Age: Old. The fortress was completed between 100 and 200 years
middle of the icy wasteland, just where Celakra was rumored to ago.
have fallen.
Condition: Strong. The fortress is well-maintained and presents
The fortress was an absolute marvel. The giant outer moat, which no obvious vulnerabilities. If the fortress is of a significant enough
should have been filled with snow, was instead filled with bright age, doors, timbers, fixings or other elements may have been
flowers, fruits, and vegetables. As she passed over the bridge and added, updated or replaced. It is likely kept relatively clean. If under
through the unlocked outer gate, she saw a giant courtyard filled construction, the fortress is very nearly complete, perhaps waiting
with small clockwork creatures that flitted about, tending to on some superficial or decorative elements, and completion is likely
small plants and even playing tiny instruments. Upon seeing her, within the month. The residents are able to live comfortably.
the clockwork creatures flew over and guided Zzyzx into the keep

388 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
Environment: Tundra. The fortress is in a very cold environment.
Expense: Moderate. The fortress was built with a medium
budget, perhaps allowing for a small comfort or two. Shape: Box. A square or rectangular keep maximizes internal
space and is easier to construct. Furnishing, outfitting and
Primary Building Materials: Stone. Rough-cut or smoothed decorating straight walls is considerably simpler..
and shaped, typically built on and around a timber frame and
mortared together. Size:

Resource Origin: Completely Magic. Magic was used to either • Base Size: Small
acquire an entire slew of mundane building materials, or create • BSM: 1
fantastical ones. • Floor Space: 5x5 squares
Reason for Construction: Life’s work. It was built as a labor of Exterior Wall Thickness: 5 ft. (1 square)
love by a dedicated craftsperson and their team.
Number of Floors: Two. One above-ground floor and a cellar.
Design Theme: Refuge. Welcome and safety.
Raised Entrance: Entrance is on ground level.
Alternate Entries: None. There are no alternate entries into the
Entry Defenses: Simple heavy door.
Inside the Keep (Starting rooms: 1 Bedroom, 1 Kitchen, 1 Dining
Local Impact: Irritating. The fortress’ construction, or
and Receiving).
presence, caused some annoyance, or small issue, within the
local area. Number of Rooms (BSM x Number of Floors): 3
• Local Impact Change: Stable. Things have stayed roughly Rooms:
the same. • Bedroom. The basement bedroom is inhabited by Zzyzx
Residents: Original. The original residents, their descendants, alone, though she is rarely ever there. It is the messiest place
or successors are in residence. This might be the person in the entire stronghold and features self-drawn colored
responsible for building the fortress and/or their family, or the crayon illustrations plastered all over the walls.
people they stationed there (or their descendents/successors). • Kitchen/Dining and Receiving Area. These rooms were
Resident Relations: Problem Guard. A member of the guard combined to save space, especially since Zzyzx is the only
is at odds with the resident(s). one in the stronghold who eats. What time she doesn’t spend
building, repairing, or playing the piano is spent in the
Resident Hobbies: Cooking, Music (listening or playing) kitchen, cooking or preserving food.
Resident Attitude: Happy. The residents like the fortress, or are Furnishings. Basic. Most of the contents of the keep are very
pleased with their situation (or both). Things are good and spirits basic, of poor quality or in poor condition, though some may be
are up. decent.
Garrison Size: Minimum. The garrison is the smallest
necessary to do the job, so is likely overworked, or unable to
handle more than absolutely vital tasks. A force this size requires
few commanding officers. Geographic Advantages: Tundra. Treacherous approaches.

Garrison Equipment: Decent. Guards are equipped with Style: Motte-and-Bailey. The keep is built on an earthen
standard kit, and have a dedicated training area and equipment mound, or hill, and surrounded by a high fence or wall. The wall
for use. They demonstrate refined practice techniques, such as extends down the hill to form a large, circular yard (the bailey),
where other buildings are located.
specific drills, for a variety of situations.
Current Issue: Structural Damage [Weather]. An area of the
fortress has been damaged by the elements. • Base Size: Small
• Issue Severity: Manageable. The issue requires attention, • BSM: 1
but is no cause for great alarm. Curtain Walls:
History: Notable Family Tree. A resident within the fortress • Thickness: 10 ft.
has (or had) very interesting lineage.
• Additional Height: 30 ft.
Secrets: Ancient Resting Place. A body was buried here before
• Number of Curtain Wall Towers: 7
the fortress was built.
• Tower Shape: Box
Oddities: Rumbles. On rare occasions, soft reverberations can
be felt from deep underground beneath the fortress. • Tower Size / Height: Medium [40 ft.]
Special Feature: Miraculous Event. The structure was the site • Tower Floor Area: 5x5 squares
of something miraculous or amazing. • Tower Roofs: Uncovered
• Miraculous Event: Quest Accomplished. A great mission Curtain Wall Defenses:
was concluded here.
• Machicolations. Similar to hoardings, but built as a
permanent part of the structure, allowing defenders to fire
directly down on attackers. If you already have hoardings,
treat them as providing overhead cover.

C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es 389
• Magical Defenses. The castle is protected by something Bailey Outbuildings (BSM + 1 = Number of Bailey
magical. Outbuildings): 2
• Unnatural Elemental Presence. Perhaps a castle in • Servant’s Quarters/Forge
a non-volcanic region has a moat filled with lava, or a • Large, 10x10, 100 squares, 2 floors
tropical region has areas of extreme cold.
• Description: The ‘servant’s quarters’ is the 1st floor
Barbican: None. space where all of Zzyzx’s constructs reside. The
Gatehouses: ‘forge’ is her 2nd floor laboratory where she creates
• Gatehouse 1: Strong Gatehouse. One and a half times the the constructs and other inventions that pepper the
height and thickness of its wall. Entry is covered by heavy stronghold.
doors and a portcullis.
• Location of Gatehouse: Outer wall. Stronghold
• Gatehouse 2: Standard Gatehouse. The same height as the Curtain Wall Reinforcements:
wall and slightly thicker. Entry is covered by heavy doors. • Additional Thickness: +5 ft.
• Location of Gatehouse: Keep wall. • Additional Height: +20 ft.
Moat: Dry Moat [Trapped]. The moat is dry, but filled with • Additional Curtain Wall Towers: 3
some extra defensive measures, such as spikes or vicious
animals. Style Amplifications: Great Moat. The exterior perimeter of
the stronghold is surrounded by a massive moat.
• Moat Width: 35 ft.
Brutal Defenses: Thunder Horn. A massive horn takes pride
• Moat Depth: 40 ft. of place in the fortress. When sounded, it bolsters the resolve of
Barracks Location: Built-On [Keep]. The barracks are attached defenders, and batters attackers with gale-force winds.
to the fortress’ keep, and house the garrison. Within, there could
be separate quarters (for officers, training, etc.), or there could
simply be common areas used as needed.

390 C h apt er S ev en | F o r t r es s es
This chapter contains many different NPCs from across the social Babettte devotes much of her time to sourcing and developing
strata of any settlement. They can be owners and/or operators new treatments for her father’s injuries. When she returns to the
of an establishment, nobles, servants, or other important and shabby home she shares with him, she often finds it empty. To
useful people. both their shame, she usually has to collect her father from the
streets, where he spends his days begging.
The NPCs are grouped by profession/type. For each NPC
required, roll on the appropriate table or select from the available
options. Feel free to alter and adapt the NPCs in this chapter Game Statistics
to match your settlement and its needs. The game statistics Babette is a 15 year old human commoner with the following
provided are for use with the 5th Edition Basic Rules. Note that changes:
in these statistics, unless otherwise specified, characters can read
and write the languages they speak. • Babette is neutral good.

Apothecaries (p. 391) Artists (p. 412) • She has a Dexterity of 12 (+1) and a Wisdom of 12 (+1).

Curators (p. 393) Beggars (p. 416) • She has proficiency with alchemist’s supplies.

Grooms (p. 396) Commoners (p. 418) • She speaks Common.

Innkeepers (p. 398) Mayors (p. 423)

Shopkeepers (p. 400) Moneylenders (p. 425)
Dargon Scroggs
“No cleric in your party? I don’t recommend that, but I’ve got you
Smiths (p. 402) Nobles (p. 428)
covered for now.”
Tailors (p. 404) Priests (p. 430)
Dargon understands the plight of adventuring parties without ready
Tanners & Taxidermists (p. 406) Servants (p. 432) access to healing magic. The half-orc traveled with such a group, and
Tavernkeepers (p. 409) Watch Commanders (p. 436) he believes he and his companions never became legendary because
of it. He decided to retire before a life of adventuring got him cursed,

maimed, killed, or some combination thereof.
Using his accumulated gold, Dargon opened an apothecary in
The following NPCs all own or run shops in the settlement. In hopes of helping others live up to their dreams. He spent long
general, the fact that they are proprietors has more weight than hours learning how to craft his wares, and his potions of healing are
their social standing, but sometimes those lines cross. Whether exceptionally potent. This makes his shop quite popular and his
ownership or class is more important is up to your settlement. business is going so well that he’s thinking of hiring some help.
Dargon enjoys talking with his patrons, and he’s willing to let
Apothecaries adventurers haggle. Dargon most enjoys the company of these
wandering heroes but, due to their transience, he finds himself
Most apothecaries make potions of one kind or another, but they
frequently yearning for companionship. He often prays at a small
also sell herbs and alchemical ingredients.
shrine in his home, built in honor of his fallen comrades.
d6 (reroll 1s) Name
Game Statistics
2 Babette Monrova
Dargon Scroggs is a 35 year old half-orc commoner with the
3 Dargon Scroggs following changes:
4 Ezmirylda Rixile • Dargon is neutral.
5 Marvelous Marvelo • He has an Intelligence of 13 (+1) and a Strength of 16 (+3).

6 Mortimus Grenshee • He has proficiency in the Intimidation skill, as well as with

alchemist’s supplies.

Babette Monrova • He has the following racial traits:

• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
“I may be young but my mother taught me all I need to know.”
• When he scores a critical hit with a melee weapon attack,
A sad, shy teenager, Babette is the victim of tragedy. Her father, he can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional
Grim, was injured by a manticore long ago and her mother, time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Eloise, was killed by bandits. Now, Babette runs her parent’s
apothecary and tries to make ends meet. • If he is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright,
he can drop to 1 hit point instead. He can’t use this
feature again until he finishes a long rest.
• He speaks Common and Orc.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 391

Ezmirylda Rixile Marvelous Marvelo
“Tell me, how long did the swelling last? “Get your own vial of Marvelous Marvelo’s Magical Elixir before
And what color was it? Fascinating.” supplies run out!”
Soft-spoken and frail-looking, Ezmirylda is a skilled alchemist Marvelo is a traveling apothecary who claims his potion,
and poison maker. In her youth, the halfling traveled widely, Marvelous Marvelo’s Magical Elixir, is a wondrous cure-all.
making her living as an apothecary and discreetly selling poisons. He makes sure to tell buyers that the elixir takes twenty-four
While able to stay ahead of consequences from her nefarious hours to work - just long enough for him to get out of town.
trade, she eventually tired of constant travel, and decided to settle Marvelo has made some powerful and wealthy enemies, so he is
down in an unsuspecting community in need of an apothecary. constantly looking over his shoulder.
Since opening her shop, Ezmirylda has stopped selling poisons, Rotund, red-faced and congenial, Marvelo travels in a small,
so as not to be discovered, but she hasn’t stopped experimenting colorful cart pulled by his donkey, Barney. After setting up in a
and trying to improve her potions and medicines. This does market square, he draws a crowd with his great, booming voice.
mean that sometimes the local populace becomes reluctant test Marvelo always displays his goods in the back of his cart just in
subjects, but most of the settlement tolerates this because her case he has to make a quick escape. He enjoys life on the road,
visiting new places, and never stays in a location for long.
treatments do work, even if they are a strange color.
Marvelo may not be entirely honest, but his affection for his
Game Statistics donkey is true. Not only is he a friend and companion on the
road, but Marvelo believes that Barney can tell the future.
Ezmirylda is a 130 year old lightfoot halfling commoner with Whenever he asks the donkey a question, Barney seems to nod or
the following changes: shake his head in response. So far, Barney hasn’t been wrong.
• Ezmirylda is neutral.
• She has an Intelligence of 14 (+2). Game Statistics
• She has proficiency with alchemist’s supplies. Marvelo is a 40 year old human commoner with the following
• She has the following racial traits:
• Marvelo is chaotic neutral.
• Her size is Small and she has a speed of 25 feet.
• He has a Charisma of 15 (+2).
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill, as well as with
alchemist’s supplies.
• She can move through the space of any creature that is
• He speaks Common.
larger than her.
• When she rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll she can reroll the die and must use the new roll. Mortimus Grenshee
• She can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a “My elixirs can restore you, so you needn’t bow and scrape to the gods.”
creature that is a least one size larger than her. Mortimus looks far older than he should, due to an unfortunate
• She speaks Common and Halfling. accident with one of his experiments that left him with gray
skin and withered flesh. He hides most of this with loose, drab
clothing but his best defense is a surly demeanor. People joke that
Mortimus looks like a ghoul but, given the remarkably restorative
nature of his wares, folk might not even care if he really was.
Thus far, Mortimus hasn’t found a way to reverse his condition.
He’s visited numerous temples and spent more coin than he’d
like to admit on clerics who weren’t able to do anything for him.
This has left him with a strong dislike and distrust for those of the
cloth; he won’t even allow them into his shop. He believes the gods
are cruel masters that allow terrible evil to be visited upon mortals.

Game Statistics
Mortimus is a 59 year old human commoner with the following
• Mortimus is neutral.
• He has an Intelligence of 12 (+1) and a Constitution of 14 (+2).
• He has advantage on saving throws against poison.
• He has proficiency with alchemist’s supplies.
• He speaks Common.

392 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

• Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History)
Curators check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or
technological devices, he adds +4.
Shops that specialize in enchanted items, scrolls, books of
spells, and other such magical paraphernalia are a wide-ranging • He can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth of materials to
category of establishment. Some are stuffed to the rafters with construct a Tiny clockwork animal, monster, or person
wondrous items, while some have but one genuine grimoire (AC 5, 1 HP). When placed on the ground, the toy moves
amongst their mundane books. The people that run such shops 5 feet across the ground in a random direction. It makes
are often called curators, since their establishments sometimes noises as appropriate to the creature it represents. The
resemble museums more than shops. device ceases to function after 24 hours.
• He speaks Common and Gnomish.
d8 (reroll 1s) Name
2 Amfridius Burrowshine
Corara Lilygild
3 Corara Lilygild
“I recommend you don’t open the box. Anyone with a wit of arcane knowledge
4 Foxtail Moondrake should be able to clearly see that it is a magical prison for a demon.”
5 Godfrey Brimble Corara’s adventures have taken her to distant lands and she has
seen much that the world has to offer. During those years, Corara
6 Mack Jarshack developed a keen eye for discerning magical objects. That’s all in
7 Remy Underwood the past now, and Corara focuses instead on raising her daughter
with her wife, Alice.
8 Yemmic Vizzir
To provide a stable home life, the elf and human couple opened a
shop to sell the objects Corara had obtained during her travels. As
Amfridius Burrowshine her daughter grows, Corara no longer feels the wanderlust that so
captivated her previously. The new adventure of being a parent to
“No, I haven’t attempted to use it yet, but what could go wrong?”
a wildly unpredictable girl both satisfies and infuriates her.
While Amfridius’ shop has a variety of potions and items for
sale, most of the space is taken up by a growing number of Corara displays the unearthly beauty of her kin, and can seem
experimental goods, waiting to be tested. The gnome is usually at haughty, but she means no ill will. In fact, despite her seemingly
his workbench, drawing up plans or tinkering, when visitors enter arrogant demeanor, Corara is both generous and kind. She
his shop. He talks as fast as his mind runs, and gets frustrated shares her knowledge with those who are good of heart, and has
when others can’t keep up. If asked to slow down, Amfridius been known to lend special items to worthy friends.
rolls his eyes and speaks in a slow, drawn-out manner for a few
sentences, before building back up to his rapid-fire dialogue. Game Statistics
Amfridius has wild, unkempt, white hair, scruffy mutton chops, Corara Lilygild is a 176 year old high elf mage with the following
and a thick mustache that covers his mouth. His spectacles have changes:
several lenses of varying size and thickness attached to the rim.
• Corara is chaotic good.
For Amfridius, each patron is a potential test subject, and he is
open to wheeling and dealing with folk brave enough to take his • She has proficiency in the History and Perception skills.
speculative products for a trial run. • She has proficiency with jeweler’s tools, longswords,
Amfridius befriends anyone who believes in the work he does shortswords, longbows, and shortbows.
and returns to try more of his items. The gnome values these
• She has the following racial traits:
friendships, and promises that true friends will not be forgotten
when he comes into his own. • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
Game Statistics charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Amfridius Burrowshine is a 140 year old rock gnome commoner • Instead of sleeping, she meditates deeply for 4
with the following changes: hours a day.
• Amfridius is chaotic neutral. • She knows mending as an additional cantrip.
• He has a Dexterity of 12 (+1) and an Intelligence of 14 (+2). • She speaks Common, Elvish and Primordial.
• He has proficiency in the Arcana and Persuasion skills,
as well as with carpenter’s tools, glassblower’s tools, and
tinkerer’s tools.
• He has the following racial traits:
• His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma saving throws against magic.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 393

Foxtail Moondrake Godfrey Brimble
“When conventional wisdom and research offer no answers, perhaps we “Welcome to my shop of curios. Let me pour you a cup of tea while you tell
can finally look to the strange and extraordinary for the truth?” me what you’re looking for.”
Foxtail spent decades with his nose in tomes, studying anything Godfrey is a perfect picture of charm and decorum, sophisticated
and everything he could find about the creatures of the world. He and worldly. The elderly gentleman’s slight frame is always
spent some time as an adventurer, enhancing his academic learning garbed in elegant finery, and he greets each guest with a warm,
with practical experience. Traveling far and wide, the elf became a flawless smile.
leading authority on monsters and his Encyclopedia of Monstrosities is Godfrey’s tidy shop is sparsely decorated; all of his items are
highly sought after by explorers and adventurers alike. Interested stowed in an ornately carved chest, so guests are encouraged to
buyers can find copies of these volumes in his shop. browse through his meticulously maintained catalogue to see
Foxtail is quick witted, sarcastically funny (usually at what he currently has to offer. This allows him to keep everything
inappropriate times) and passionate about his work. Mundane secure while still paying attention to his patrons. Purchasing one
conversation is difficult for Foxtail, due to his keen interest in his of Godfrey’s items is almost a ritual. He serves tea and cakes,
field to the exclusion of all else. He assumes that everyone shares chats amiably about trivial matters, all to set his patrons at ease
his fervor for monster lore. and make the shopping experience one of luxury and class.
A consummate salesman, Godfrey doesn’t rush a sale but he
Game Statistics makes the offer too good to pass up. If a customer is still not
Foxtail Moondrake is a 250 year old high elf mage with the certain, he encourages them to return later, once they’ve thought
following changes: it through. Such folks usually find they can think of nothing else
but their potential new item.
• Foxtail is chaotic good.
• He has proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as Game Statistics
with calligrapher’s supplies, longswords, shortswords,
shortbows, and longbows. Godfrey Brimble is a 50 year old human noble with the following
• He has the following racial traits:
• Godfrey is lawful neutral.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He has proficiency in the History skill, as well as with
• He has advantage on saving throws against being calligrapher’s supplies and jeweler’s tools.
charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
• He speaks Common and Draconic.
• Instead of sleeping, he meditates deeply for 4
hours a day.
• He knows mending as an additional cantrip.
Mack Jarshack
“Welcome to my shop. Feel free to browse while I dust.”
• He can speak Common, Draconic, and Elvish.
Mack wears a woolen, short-brimmed hat that covers his balding
head. His red beard is streaked with silver and trimmed neatly
just below his jaw, and he wears a long leather coat. The older
man is a master of occult lore and spent his younger years
fighting evil cults. His shop is filled with trinkets and antiquities
but his main goal is tracking down and acquiring cursed items.
In his rooms above the shop, Mack often falls asleep poring over
tomes and researching cursed artifacts. Aged and weary after a
lifetime of battling evil, Mack searches for ways to undo twisted
enchantments that imprison unwary folk. He does spend some
evenings frequenting his favorite tavern, but most nights he is
working to find new ways of breaking curses.

Game Statistics
Mack Jarschak is a 53 year old human priest with the following
• Mack is lawful good.
• He has an Intelligence of 14 (+2).
• He has proficiency in the Arcana skill.
• He speaks Celestial and Common.

394 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Remy Underwood Yemmic Vizzir
“Within these pages, I have many friends that I can visit whenever I wish.” “I’ve been known to wander from time to time. Tell me what it is you seek
and, if I don’t have it, I’m certain that I can procure it.”
Remy owns a picturesque shop that caters to book lovers. The
petite, bespectacled shopkeeper has pointed features, and his Attired in eclectic raiment pieced together from his collection,
meticulously maintained robes are hopelessly out of date. Like Yemmic always seems to be returning from a journey or leaving
his establishment, Remy smells of musty parchment and always on another one. The tiefling has been the guest of royalty,
has a book in hand. merchants, mercenaries, and despots in all reaches of the world.
Everyone is equally worthy in Yemmic’s strange, golden eyes.
In his shop, Remy sells books on every subject and genre; if
customers need help finding a book, he guides them with his Yemmic has several favorite settlements on the Material Plane
extensive knowledge. Female patrons, as well as large, burly that he visits from time to time. He doesn’t own his own shop,
men, make Remy stammer and avert his eyes, but he makes an but rather has a bag of holding he uses to store his collection of
effort to be courteous to all. In the rare case that Remy doesn’t items for sale.
have a particular book on a subject, he will know the best place to The tiefling doesn’t budge on his prices, but will accept magic
obtain the information needed.
items in trade if he believes they will be of interest to future
Above all, Remy longs for companionship and an end to his buyers. Yemmic initially meets with customers in public spaces,
loneliness; his fear keeps him imprisoned in a life of isolation. but conducts final transactions in the privacy of a quiet room, an
Instead of building a life with others, he loses himself in his out-of-the-way alley, a hidden glen, or similar.
passion for reading, living vicariously through the characters
within his books. Game Statistics
Yemmic Vizzir is a 32 year old tiefling mage with the following
Game Statistics changes:
Remy Underwood is a 45 year old human commoner with the • Yemmic is chaotic neutral.
following changes:
• He has a Charisma of 16 (+3).
• Remy is neutral good.
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
• He has an Intelligence of 16 (+3) and a Wisdom of 14 (+2).
• He has the following racial traits:
• He has proficiency in the Arcana, History, Nature, and
Religion skills, as well as with calligrapher’s supplies. • He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He can speak Common and Elvish. • He has resistance to fire damage.
• He knows thaumaturgy as an additional cantrip.
• He can cast hellish rebuke as a 2nd-level spell once, and
regains the ability to do so when he finishes a long
rest. He can cast darkness once, and regains the ability
to do so when he finishes a long rest. Charisma is his
spellcasting ability.
• He can speak Common and Infernal.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 395

Grooms Drazzit
Grooms board and sell mounts and their accompanying “Listen, you look like you’ve got more than two coppers to scrape together.
equipment, such as tack and harnesses, as well as wagons. If you’d like, I know how to get my hands on some beasts other than horses,
Because visitors can arrive at any time, day or night, it can be if you’re the adventurous type.”
hard work that requires dedication and patience. Thin and somewhat scrawny looking, Drazzit left his kin after
years of being shunned and bullied. He found peace wandering
d4 Name through forests and swamps near his homeland, before he found
1 Alyce Fark a new, more welcoming home elsewhere.
Before he left, Drazzit managed stables for his people, and he
2 Drazzit
has experience riding all sorts of creatures, from lizards, spiders,
3 Dederick Frothe bats, frogs and slugs to giant insects, cave bears and more. The
green-scaled dragonborn has a knack for finding and training
4 Thilliam Entwhistle
strange and unusual mounts, but his main stock is still mainly
comprised of horses. In addition to selling land-based mounts,
Alyce Fark Drazzit also sells watercraft to interested parties.
“You can borrow the horses and all the equipment you need, just give me If asked about himself, Drazzit often deflects or declines to
ten percent of your haul.” answer. He doesn’t want to relive his dark times, and would much
rather focus on his new life.
When Alyce was young, she and her father were thrown from
a horse; her father died and Alyce’s leg was crushed. Alive, but
maimed and bitter, Alyce inherited the stable her father owned. Game Statistics
Now, Alyce’s wife, Cassandra, does the work of the stables while Drazzit is a 16 year old dragonborn scout with the following
Alyce handles the business side of things. Unfortunately for one changes:
in her line of work, she can’t look at a horse without thinking of
• Drazzit is neutral.
the day that left her crippled and fatherless.
• He has proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.
Alyce would get out of the business, if she could, but is in need
of an income. She feels trapped, and is constantly seeking • He has the following racial traits:
opportunities to earn wealth, all in the hope of selling the stables • As an action, he can breath a 15-foot cone of poison gas;
and washing her hands of it all. She tries to make deals with each creature in the area of the exhalation must make
adventurers, loaning them horses, wagons and whatever else in a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 2d6 damage
exchange for a share of whatever loot they might find. on a failed save or half as much damage on a successful
one. After he uses his breath weapon, he cannot use it
Game Statistics again until he completes a short or long rest.
Alyce Fark is a 25 year old human commoner with the following • He has resistance to poison damage.
changes: • He can speak Common and Draconic.
• Alyce is chaotic neutral.
• She has a Dexterity of 8 (-1).
• She speaks Common.

396 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Dederick Frothe Thilliam Entwhistle
“Well, this horse is a bit used, as you can see. I’ll be selling him at a loss “Oh, of course the cart ride is free for the children! The laughter is
already, but tell you what… I’ll throw in the saddle and bags. They look like payment enough.”
they’d fit you perfect. Heh heh.” A kindly halfling with prominent side-whiskers, Thilliam is a
Dederick’s beady eyes are so closely perched above his colossal carriage driver for hire and runs a small stable. He takes care of
nose that he appears cross-eyed. His teeth are large and his animals and equipment and has considerable experience as a
crooked and if he had any hair to speak of, he’d grow it out to driver. For years, Thilliam’s career has involved taking travelers
conceal his unusually small ears. Most of his life was spent as of all stripes hither and yon, making a fair wage while doing so.
a highwayman, but now Dederick owns a small stable and sells In the odd moments when he’s not working, Thilliam hitches up
second-hand horses and tack at affordable prices. an open wagon instead of a carriage and takes local children for
free rides around the settlement.
Though he’s left his life of crime behind, Dederick not averse to
turning his head while others dabble in illicit activities. Though Thilliam has lived in the same house and worked in the same
he doesn’t steal mounts himself, he’s adept at covering up stable his whole life. He learned about animals from his
distinguishing features or brands and is always happy to make grandfather, who owned stable before him. A long time has passed
a deal with no questions asked. His wife, Beatrix, is a skilled, since then, and Thilliam is not the young lad he used to be, though
amateur forger, and can create contracts, invoices, and other his mind and eyes are as sharp as they’ve ever been. His wife
important documents if necessary. Their young sons, Abel and suggests from time to time that he should retire, but Thilliam just
Marth, are responsible for mucking out the stables, feeding and smiles, gives her a kiss, and says “It’s no hardship. The job is one of
watering the mounts, and grooming them. the two things I love most in this world.”
If confronted about his shady dealings, Dederick smiles
knowingly but will never admit to any wrong-doing. If pressed, Game Statistics
he may attempt to try to strike a deal to alleviate some pressure. Thilliam Entwhistle is a 125 year old lightfoot halfling
commoner with the following changes:
Game Statistics • Thilliam is lawful good.
Dederick Frothe is a 32 year old human scout with the following • He has a Dexterity of 14 (+2) and a Wisdom of 14 (+2).
• He has proficiency in the Animal Handling skill, as well as
• Dederick is chaotic neutral. with land vehicles.
• He has a Charisma of 14 (+2). • He has the following racial traits:
• He has proficiency in the Animal Handling and • His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet.
Deception skills.
• He has advantage on saving throws against being
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature. frightened.
• He speaks Common.
• He can move through the space of any creature that is
larger than him.
• When he rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
• He can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is at least one size larger than him.
• He speaks Common and Halfling.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 397

Innkeepers Meech Dilton
Inns are places for rest and recuperation. Some may be shabby, “We got one kind of ale. It’s wet enough for the likes of me and you.”
perhaps no more than a hodgepodge of tents with cots, or a large Meech Dilton’s inn, A Frank Word, is perfect for those down
room with multiple beds. Others may be grandiose structures on their luck or without a shred of self-respect. The ale is little
filled with the finest sleeping arrangements one could imagine, more than warm swampwater, the food practically inedible and
with all the possible comforts of home. the smell revolting. The greasy looking innkeeper makes no
apologies for his fare, or the stench for that matter, but the inn
d6 (reroll 1s) Name is undoubtedly the cheapest place in the settlement. For a few
2 Alabaster Beerbristle coppers, patrons can fill their bellies and sleep beneath a roof.
There are no private rooms for rent at the inn; guests pay for the
3 Meech Dilton
privilege of sleeping on a straw-covered floor that reeks of sour
4 Ileana Spearwise ale, sweat, dog, and sometimes worse things. The air inside A Frank
Word is filled with greasy smoke, both from the kitchen and the
5 Parsefal Sneeks
tapers burning in the rusty fixtures. The inn is drafty, and nothing
6 Roswen Woodin does much to warm the place. Dilton’s shaggy-haired hound,
Abernathy, prowls among the chairs and tables, begging for food.

Alabaster Beerbristle Dilton doesn’t put on airs. He drinks the same ale as his guests,
eats the same food, and sleeps alongside them. At A Frank Word,
“Alright my friend, I think you’ve had enough. Yes, I know you’ve not even no one asks questions and it’s easy to find a quiet corner to be
finished your first tankard.” ignored in.
A beautiful blonde with a charming smile, Alabaster is sharp-
tongued with a razor wit. She runs an inn called The Otyugh’s Game Statistics
Lair and takes no guff from anyone about the name. While not
Meech Dilton is a 43 year old human commoner with the
spotless, Alabaster keeps her place respectably turned out, and
following changes:
the inn has a modest crowd on most nights.
• Meech is neutral.
Cunning, but easily riled, Alabaster lets her temper out through
carefully crafted insults that always teeter on the cusp of • He has a Wisdom of 12 (+1).
offensive. But to those who stay on her good side, the woman can • He has proficiency in the Animal Handling skill, as well as
be sweetness itself, providing cozy rooms with crackling fires. with brewer’s supplies and cook’s supplies.
• He speaks Common.
Game Statistics
Alabaster Beerbristle is a 30 year old human commoner with
the following changes:
• Alabaster is chaotic good.
• She has a Charisma of 16 (+3).
• She has proficiency in the Intimidation skill, as well as with
brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils.
• She speaks Common.

398 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Parsefal would like nothing more than to be rid of the criminals
Ileana Spearwise in his establishment. He fantasizes about getting enough gold to
“You remind me of someone I knew so long ago.” retire, but he has no idea how to obtain that kind of wealth in his
current predicament.
Many years ago, Ileana fell in love with a human warrior she was
traveling with. He was fierce and full of spirit and, though Ileana
knew his life would be a brief flame compared to her long elven Game Statistics
life, she took him as her husband. Parsefal Sneeks is a 42 year old human thug with the following
Not wanting to watch her husband’s strength dwindle on the field changes:
of battle, she used her considerable wealth to construct an inn for • Parsefal is neutral.
them to run while they raised their family. A stay at The Spearwise
Inn is pricey, but those who can afford it find a peaceful respite • He has a Strength of 10 (+0) and a Charisma of 14 (+2).
with exquisite accommodations and delicious cuisine. • He has proficiency in the Deception skill, as well as with
Ileana’s husband is long dead, as are her children and brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils.
grandchildren. She doesn’t much involve herself in the day-to- • He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
day affairs of the inn, leaving that to her staff. Instead, she often
sits in the common room in a plush chair overlooking the great • He speaks Common.
hearth, sipping wine and looking at the magnificent silver spear
hanging above the flickering fire, lost in memories of her family.
She welcomes conversation, and listens to tales of adventure
Roswen Woodin
with keen interest. “Come wash off the dust of the road and be at ease while a room is readied.”
Owner of the The Enchanted Garden, Roswen Woodin puts
Game Statistics customers at ease with a calm voice, a gentle touch, and
Ileana Spearwise is a 500 year old high elf mage with the pragmatic solutions to their problems. She has a pretty, dimpled
following changes: face, lined with care. No matter how happy she seems, the hint of
sorrow is forever fixed in her eyes.
• Ileana is neutral good.
Roswen ran the inn for years with her husband, Teodric, until
• She has proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as with he answered a call to arms. She managed the inn alone while he
longswords, shortswords, longbows, and shortbows. was away, praying for his safe return, but those prayers were not
• She has the following racial traits: answered. Teodric and his company were among those missing
and presumed dead at the conflict’s conclusion. Those who know
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Roswen well will tell you she hasn’t been the same since a herald
• She has advantage on saving throws against being delivered that unhappy news, five years ago. With each evening
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep. meal, Roswen pours a splash of dwarven spirits in a cup for
• Instead of sleeping, she meditates deeply for 4 herself, her guests and, lastly, into Teodric’s favorite old mug,
hours a day. resting in a place of honor on her mantle. Once this ritual is
done, she makes a toast to his memory.
• She knows mending as an additional cantrip.
• She speaks Common, Elvish, Draconic, and Sylvan. Game Statistics
Roswen Woodin is a 34 year old human commoner with the
Parsefal Sneeks following changes:
“Apologies, sire, but those back rooms are off limits to guests.” • Roswen is neutral good.
Parsefal Sneeks, a wiry, black-haired man, runs The Mad Raven, • She has a Wisdom of 14 (+2) and a Charisma of 12 (+1).
well-known among certain circles as a place where shady • She has proficiency in the Diplomacy skill, as well as with
activities of all sorts take place. Family-owned for generations, brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils.
Parsefal inherited the inn from his parents, but he lacked
the sense needed to run a successful enterprise and business • She speaks Common.
dropped off quickly. Desperate to hold onto the place at any cost,
Parsefal struck a bargain with a local criminal racket. While the
deal saved the inn, it has done little to put coin in his own purse,
which has made him deeply resentful.
A variety of illicit operations are run out of The Mad Raven’s
backrooms; fencing stolen goods, high stake games of chance,
the sale of illicit substances, and more. Parsefal covetously
watches coin change hands but is far too fearful to interfere
or complain. Scurrying about the inn with stooped shoulders,
Parsefal barely meets the gaze of guests when they address him.
The innkeeper bows and scrapes to customers, simpering in
feigned deference and seeing to their needs under the scrutiny of
his oppressors’ watchful eyes.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 399

Shopkeepers Esme Fogg
A general store is often a hub of activity and a primary location “Don’t mind Rusty, he’s suspicious of everyone.”
for all who live in the area. They supply basic supplies, groceries, Once an adventuring wizard herself, Esme Fogg knows how hard
and various odds and ends. that kind of life can be. She gave it up when her betrothed, James,
suffered a terrible fate that Esme has never spoken of. Taking
d6 Name what coin she had earned, Esme opened a general goods store in
1 Ermin Brooks the settlement.
Esme lives alone in an apartment above her store with her cat,
2 Esme Fogg
Rusty. In actuality, the cat is James, polymorphed by a magical
3 Gammy Bernewelt trap. Esme does not have the means to dispel the powerful
enchantment so she cares for Rusty, hoping to find a way to
4 Gudgen Edgecombe
restore her lover.
5 Josep Papley Rusty has almost no memory of who he really is but is extremely
6 Margery Blount protective of Esme. If someone seems to be threatening Esme or
upsetting her in some way, Rusty hisses and scratches the offender.

Ermin Brooks Esme has a soft spot for down-on-their-luck adventurers, and is
likely to undercharge for items she sells to them. The shopkeep
“I think the packs are in that crate. Just look through and help yourself.” enjoys talking with these customers, but won’t share her own
A rickety, old man in a rickety, old store, Ermin is generous to a adventures unless specifically asked. She would pay well over
fault. Unfortunately, for a shopkeep, he is also bad with finances. asking price for anything that might turn Rusty back into his
He sleeps in the supply room and barely earns enough to keep former self.
the debt collectors at bay.
When Ermin’s husband, Gerard, was alive, their store was
Game Statistics
profitable. Gerard was shrewd and knew his way around Esme Fogg is a 25 year old human commoner with the following
numbers, while Ermin often forgets the prices of his own changes:
merchandise. He gets flustered when trying to remember and • Esme is lawful good.
always undercuts himself.
• She has an Intelligence of 14 (+2).
The befuddled shopkeeper isn’t as strong as he once was, so
much of his merchandise is remains unpacked in crates, sacks, • She is a 2nd level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is
and barrels. He allows people to search through for what they Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks).
need, and trusts to their honesty. Unfortunately, this has resulted She has the following wizard spells prepared:
in more things being stolen than are paid for. He has just about • Cantrips (at will): acid splash, mending, prestidigitation
enough gold to pay his taxes but, the next time the debt collectors
• 1st level (3 slots): detect magic, identify, unseen servant
show up, he’s going to be out of luck.
• She speaks Common.
Ermin is too proud to beg, so he recently took a job washing
dishes and cleaning privies at the local inn. If his fortune doesn’t
change soon, Ermin will have to sell his beloved shop just to pay
his bills, before seeking an alley to live in.
Gammy Bernewelt
“You poor dear, you look hungry. Ol’ Gammy just baked some fresh cookies
that’ll make you right as rain.”
Game Statistics
Everyone in the settlement knows of Gammy’s generosity,
Ermin Brooks is a 59 year old human commoner with the
advice, and compassion. She’s the salt of the earth; a
following changes:
grandmother who tidies up, offers fresh-baked cookies, and gives
• Ermin is neutral good. sage counsel.
• Ermin has disadvantage on any Intelligence checks he Gammy runs the store she inherited when her husband passed
makes to recall something. away. After her parents were killed by bandits, Gammy took in
• He speaks Common. a girl named Ginny to help around the place. Now, Ginny does
most of the work of the shop while Gammy sits in her chair by
the window, greeting customers, knitting, and dozing. Gammy
always offers to get up and help when needed, but Ginny is happy
to let her rest.

400 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Game Statistics Game Statistics
Gammy Bernewelt is an 80 year old human commoner with the Josep Papley is a 68 year old human commoner with the
following changes: following changes:
• Gammy is neutral good. • Josep is neutral.
• She has proficiency in the Insight skill, as well as with cook’s • He has an Intelligence of 14 (+2).
utensils. • He has proficiency in the History skill.
• She speaks Common. • He speaks Common.

Gudgen Edgecombe Margery Blount

“Kobolds? Not bad for a bunch of greenies, I suppose. Come back when “Didn’t you read the sign? No half-orcs allowed!”
you’ve grown some hair on your chins.”
Margery, or Marge, as her friends call her, is a hard-bitten hill
After Gudgen retired from a life on the road, he opened up a dwarf that took over running their store after her husband, Gard,
shop catering to sellswords and hung up his shield behind the was killed by a half-orc in a bar fight more than one hundred
counter. Rough and plain-spoken, Gudgen has little patience for years ago. The old dwarf’s memory is long and bitter on that
pretentious behavior. He swaps stories with adventurers and, if account; she refuses to allow half-orcs into her store.
their stories don’t measure up, he laughs at them for being green.
Marge isn’t easily impressed and doesn’t care for flashy
While he might get a chuckle at their expense, Gudgen does personalities. Pragmatic and sensible, she doesn’t have time
sincerely want to help his customers come back in one piece. for any bluster. She isn’t afraid to offend anyone with gruff
After all, how else will they buy more things from his store? The talk, when she bothers to talk at all. Marge is happy to conduct
heavy-set and hairy man often points to his own vast network business with minimal conversation.
of scars while suggesting pieces of armor that can help prevent
such injuries. He’s even been known to make deals for an Marge’s great-great niece, Teffany, helps her run the store. The
adventurer down on their luck. pretty dwarf maid works dutifully for her aunt, but yearns for a
life of adventure. When she encounters heroes, she eagerly asks
about them and their exploits, but not within earshot of Marge.
Game Statistics
Gudgen Edgecombe is a 42 year old human veteran with the
following changes:
Game Statistic
Margarey Blount is a 339 year old hill dwarf commoner with the
• Gudgen is neutral good.
following changes:
• He has proficiency in the Intimidation and Survival skills.
• Margarey is lawful neutral.
• He speaks Common.
• She has a Wisdom of 14 (+2).
• She has proficiency in the Insight skill, as well as with
Josep Papley smith’s tools, battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers, and
“Can I help you, sir? Oh, I’m sorry, I meant can I help you, miss? All done warhammers.
up in that iron, I couldn’t tell.” • She has the following racial traits:
Hard-nosed and set in his ways, Josep Papley doesn’t budge • She has a speed of 25 feet and her speed isn’t reduced by
on prices at his store under any circumstances. He doesn’t wearing heavy armor.
gouge customers, but he doesn’t do them any favors, either. The
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
stoop-shouldered man is old-fashioned and does little to hide
his contempt for female adventurers. In his opinion, a woman’s • She has advantage on saving throws against poison,
career is to rear children and make a home for her family. and resistance against poison damage.
Josep’s view of the wandering life is tainted by the fate that • Whenever she makes an Intelligence (History) check
befell his only daughter, Anilla. The girl fell in love with a related to the origin of stonework, she adds +4
swashbuckler and ran off to join him on adventurers. The last he to the check.
heard, Anilla and the company she traveled with were captured • She speaks Common and Dwarvish.
and presumably eaten by a red dragon. The pain of this loss
sharpened Josep’s outlook on a woman’s place in the world.
Despite his gruff nature, Josep misses his departed daughter and
prays for her daily at the local shrine. Besides his shop, he spends
his time at his favorite tavern.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 401

Smiths Aunara d’Autunno
Usually hot and loud, smithies are places where metal of all “Just leave your gold and choose a sword. I’ll know if you try to cheat me.”
kinds is forged into basic armor, weapons and other goods, such Hailing from a lost elven kingdom, Aunara rarely speaks of her
as tools, horseshoes and eating utensils. past. She spends her days forging deadly and beautiful weapons in
an open-air shop in the center of a small grove of trees. Spectators
d6 Name come to the grove to watch the high elf as she works, enraptured
1 Alyn Smithey by her otherworldly beauty. Aunara pays them scant attention.
Most of her days are spent crafting longswords and shortswords
2 Aunara d’Autunno
on the stump of a petrified tree. Aunara strives to forge the
3 Benjin Meers perfect pair of swords, seeking the ultimate expression of her
craft and art. Since she has no use for the blades she rejects, she
4 Ernald Hammerdown
sells them at a significant profit. Aunara cares little about who
5 Galt Rhon purchases her weapons, so long as they pay.
6 Zhi Rho Some of her frequent observers have become fascinated by Aunara,
and tell anyone that will listen that she is the exiled princess of a
lost fey realm, deposed by some court intrigue. Some say that she’s
Alyn Smithey trying to learn the secrets of forging a blade that will trap souls.
“Adventurers are you? I would be glad of any tales you could share!” Whatever stories people tell, Aunara gives thought only to her work.

Alyn Smithey is a solemn, gray-haired man whose shop is full

of pots and pans, horseshoes and tools. As needed, he can make
Game Statistics
weapons and armor but doesn’t have any on hand. He lives and Aunara d’Autunno is a 159 year old wood elf mage with the
works alone in his shop, dreaming of an adventuring life that following changes:
he knows he would be unsuited to. When Alyn was young, he • Aunara is chaotic neutral.
found a map that supposedly leads to a great treasure, but self-
doubt and fear have always kept him from setting out, and the • She has proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as with
parchment remains buried at the bottom of a drawer. smith’s tools, longswords, shortswords, longbows, and
Alyn is soft-spoken and charges fair prices for his work. If
adventurers come into his shop, he takes special notice, asking • She has the following racial traits:
them questions and listening to their stories with rapt interest. • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Perhaps one day, Alyn will gather his courage and set out on his
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
own adventure.
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.

Game Statistics • Instead of sleeping she meditates deeply for 4

hours a day.
Alyn Smithey is a 40 year old human commoner with the
following changes: • She speaks Common, Elvish and Sylvan.

• Alyn is neutral good.

• He has proficiency with smith’s tools. Benjin Meers
• He speaks Common. “Something special? Oh I don’t know about that. What about these lovely
Unlike many apprentice smiths, who start to learn their trade
as children, Benjen came to his trade relatively late in life. An
orphan with no inheritance, Benjen was taken on by an aging
smith out of pity when he was already a man grown, but his
master quickly saw that the lanky lad had no skill with hammer
and anvil. Unfortunately, the old smith died suddenly before
finding a more suitable trade for his inexperienced trainee and,
with no children of his own to pass it down to, Benjin took over
the forge. Benjin knows he’ll never be a master smith, but he
turns a profit by peddling the few things he’s been able to reliably
create. He does, on occasion, try his hand at more ambitious
projects but, most of the time, these end in failure.
Friendly and always ready to chat with customers, Benjin is
generally happy with how things have turned out for him. If
he applied himself a bit more, he could earn his maker’s mark,
but he doesn’t much see the point. Benjin thinks that it’s up to
whomever buys his tools to make a mark in the world, not him.

402 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Game Statistics Galt Rhon
Benjin is a 33 year old human commoner with the following “My past is exactly where I left it - behind me. If you can’t respect that,
changes: leave.”
• Benjin is neutral. Galt is a gray dwarf, but is always quick to explain how he’s
• He speaks Common. denounced his evil kindred, and that his faith in the gods of forge
and hammer has made him a better dwarf. Strangely thin for
both a dwarf and a smith, Galt can swing a hammer with the best
Ernald Hammerdown of them, but his faith is not quite as sure. He strives to present
“Listen to the hammer chime, hear the bellows swell. With fire in the forge himself as truly reformed but, really, he just wants to be left alone.
and steel in the hand, all will be well.” To be sure, Galt isn’t like other duergar. He met and married a
Boisterous and always ready with an appropriate quote, Ernald dwarf widow named Gemira, whose husband died in a failed
is piously devoted to working the dwarven gods’ will at his anvil. attempt to reclaim a lost dwarven mine. After a rocky start, the
Patrons of his shop will always hear two things, the ringing of two found a deep bond forming between them, and Galt left his
hammers, and dwarven hymns sung in a deep, beautiful voice. homeland to make a new life for himself.
Ernald won’t be interrupted while he sings. If someone tries, he Galt specializes in forging tools and he puts a small symbol
raises his voice louder and strikes his hammer harder, ignoring of the dwarf gods on each one he makes. By creating reliable,
whoever talks to him. ordinary tools that are useful for the community, Galt hopes to
Stroking his long beard, Ernald proselytizes while making deals, cast off doubts about his evil past.
hoping to lead others to faith. His favorite stories are about the
Gift of Creation and how the dwarf gods taught his people the Game Statistics
art of crafting. Ernald’s son, Ginnison, grunts and mumbles
Galt is a 32 year old duergar with the following changes:
at his father’s orations and can usually get him to relent and
actually make a sale. • Galt is neutral.
Ernald charges an additional 10 gp to the price of every piece of • He has proficiency with smith’s tools.
armor and shield he sells, which he donates to the local temples. • He speaks Common, Dwarvish, and Undercommon.

Game Statistics
Ernald Hammerdown is a 45 year old hill dwarf acolyte with the
Zhi Rho
following changes: “Meet me around the back, but don’t let the master see you.”
• Ernald is lawful good. Zhi spent her early life as a thief, but she was caught in the act
by a dwarven locksmith. He was impressed that Zhi had been
• He has proficiency with smith’s tools, battleaxes, handaxes, able to get past his security measures and reach his strongroom,
light hammers, and warhammers. and so the dwarf offered her a choice; be arrested, or quit crime
• He has the following racial traits: and learn his craft. The thief chose the latter. To her surprise, Zhi
found she had greater aptitude for designing keys, crafting locks,
• He has a speed of 25 feet and his speed isn’t reduced by
and building safes than she did for her larcenous activities.
heavy armor.
Zhi still has numerous, friendly contacts in the criminal
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
underworld, and she makes thieves’ tools and skeleton keys on
• He has advantage on saving throws against poison, and the side. Her master knows nothing about this, and sometimes
resistance against poison damage. Zhi considers giving in and returning to her old life, but she
• Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History) check doesn’t want to disappoint the dwarf that took her in and gave
related to the origin of stonework, he adds +4 her a new start.
to the check.
• He speaks Common and Dwarvish. Game Statistics
Zhi is a 29 year old human spy with the following changes:
• Zhi is neutral.
• She has a Dexterity of 16 (+3).
• She has proficiency with tinker’s tools and thieves’ tools.
• She knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
• She speaks Common.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 403

Tailors Curzon Switt
Tailors and cobblers handle all things related to cloth and “I don’t make specialty garments, but we may have some cloaks that
clothing. A tailor who mainly serves the rich and the nobility is interest you.”
likely to be of higher social standing than one who serves the Like the garments he sells, Curzon likes to keep things simple.
masses, even more so than with other kinds of shops. What you see is what you get when visiting his small, rundown
shop. The dresses, breeches, tunics and cloaks are all made from
d6 Name the same material and in the same color. The garb he makes may
1 Andrewe Crugg not be inspired, but at least it all matches, and is reasonably priced.
Trying to expand his shop, Curzon recently took on an
2 Curzon Switt
apprentice, a local halfling named Randyllryn Bandersnitch.
3 Hervret Cloyd The halfling has learned the basics of garment construction
from Curzon, but really wants to experiment with some bold,
4 Llewellynn Moonsorrow
new designs. Resistant to change and somewhat jealous of
5 Millie Swan Randyllryn’s growing skill, Curzon has only allowed her to
create a limited number of new items, thus far.
6 Vittoria della Morte
Since launching the new designs, business has picked up and
Curzon has been reluctantly forced to admit that adding a splash
Andrewe Crugg of variety to his designs has helped profits. One day, he might even
“Yes, yes, you are a vision in that coat! Who could resist you?” unbend enough to allow Randyllyrn to add new colors to his palette.

Andrewe is a homely, well-dressed man who kindly greets guests

visiting his shop. He has clothing to offer anyone, on any budget,
Game Statistics
and guarantees his patrons will leave the store looking like a Curzon Switt is a 38 year old human commoner with the
king or queen. following changes:
The tailor often repeats the first word in a sentence and bobs • Curzon is lawful neutral.
his head up and down, bowing deferentially, while presenting • He has proficiency with cobbler’s tools and weaver’s tools.
his wares. Andrewe always manages to find his customers
something of interest. Although he’s not aware of it, Andrewe • He speaks Common.
doesn’t see colors in the way most others do, and cannot readily
distinguish between most shades of red and green. This leads to
him assembling some ensembles that patrons find off putting
Hervret Cloyd
but, occasionally, he stumbles upon a truly genius combination. “The old methods still work. If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.”
Given his genial nature and competitive prices, Andrewe’s A frail man with large, thick-lensed spectacles, Hervret moves
regular customers are happy to take the chance of walking out with measured steps. He believes that anything worth doing is
wearing clashing separates. worth doing right. His hands may not be as steady as they once
were, but his needle has yet to miss its mark.
Game Statistics Hervret has been a tailor for sixty years and is a familiar face to
Andrewe Crugg is a 59 year old human commoner with the many of the locals in the settlement, having clothed them from
following changes: youth to adulthood. Unfortunately, his once-prominent shop
been losing business recently. Younger tailors are beginning to
• Andrewe is neutral good. offer a quicker turn-around for garments, utilising fancy new
• He has a Charisma of 12 (+1). machinery as they do, and also tend to be abreast of the latest
fashions. Hervret is a traditionalist, and ardent hand-finisher so,
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill, as well as with
rather than try to keep up with his competitors, he’s considering
cobbler’s tool and weaver’s tools.
retiring and spending his days with his feet up.
• He speaks Common.
Game Statistics
Hervret Cloyd is a 78 year old human commoner with the
following changes:
• Hervert is lawful neutral.
• He has proficiency with cobbler’s tools, leatherworker’s
tools, and weaver’s tools.
• He speaks Common.

404 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Llewellynn Moonsorrow Millie Swan
“There’s no magic in my armor, just pure elvish skill.” “Tell me what you want so I can get to work.”
Llewellynn Moonsorrow was once a ranger, wandering the Millie is a hard-bitten, gray-haired widow who is tough as an
forests and fashioning garments from the hides and natural old bone. She can be abrasive and curt when talking, but isn’t
materials he would find. Now, the elf lives in a settlement far intentionally rude. You’ll get no bargains at Millie’s shop, but she
from home, nursing a broken heart for his lost love, Milandria. A won’t rip you off either. The seamstress has plenty of garments
courageous, if reckless, young woman, Milandria was slain while on hand, and can make anything, given enough time and for the
she and Llewellynn were hunting a monster that was harassing right price.
their community. He now lives a life far from those unhappy Folk would be surprised to learn that there was a time when the
memories and, while enjoys the company of visitors in short seamstress had a sunny disposition. As a young woman, Millie
bursts, he ultimately favors solitude. was both happy and optimistic until she and her husband,
Llewellynn lives and works in a simple, unmarked shop in the Benfort, were swindled out of their life savings. The couple
settlement and generally does work by referral only. With skillful gave every last coin they had to a charlatan to purchase an elixir
craft, the elf makes jackets, shirts, gloves, armor, and more. He he claimed would heal Benfort of a wasting sickness he was
even makes antlered headdresses that are popular among druids. suffering from. When the potion didn’t work, Millie’s last bit of
The quality of his craftsmanship is so high that some speculate resolve was broken and she lost faith in people.
he imbues each work with magic. In truth, it is pure artistry, and Now, Millie focuses on her work. She is highly skilled, but is a
not the arcane, that make his garments so exquisite. woman exhausted and drained, her life of joy gone when Benfort
passed away. She would never admit it, but all she really wants is
Game Statistics to believe in people again.
Llewellynn Moonsorrow is a 190 year old wood elf scout with the
following changes: Game Statistics
• Llewellynn is neutral good. Millie Swann is a 37 year old human commoner with the
• He has proficiency in the Perception skill and with following changes:
leatherworker’s tools, woodcarver’s tools, and tinker’s tools. • Millie is neutral.
• He has proficiency with longswords, shortswords, • She has a Wisdom of 14 (+2).
shortbows, and longbows.
• She has proficiency in the Insight skill, as well as with
• He has the following racial traits: cobbler’s tools and weaver’s tools.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. • She speaks Common.
• He has advantage on saving throws against being
charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep.
• Instead of sleeping, he meditates deeply for 4
hours a day.
• He can speak Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 405

Vittoria della Morte Tanners and Taxidermists
“Pardon me, but I do believe I know better when it comes to what looks Tanning hides and preparing them for use is a dirty, smelly job,
good on you.” but one that is vital to a settlement (even if it is one that generally
Vittoria is elegant, sophisticated, and fashionable. Whether at takes place on the outskirts).
the theater or dining at one of the settlement’s premier inns, A far more specialist, though somewhat related, skill is the
she charms everyone she meets with her unearthly beauty. preparing and preserving of animal hides to give an impression
Unfortunately, her true personality isn’t nearly as beautiful as of their appearance in life. Stuffed animals may form the basis of
her exterior. a scholar’s research, or simply serve as reminders of a successful
Vittoria is always quick with a well-crafted witticism or turn of hunting trip.
phrase designed to reduce someone to tears. She delights in the
gaggle of sycophants she’s attracted, and often holds court at a d6 Name
local tavern, casting judgement on all she sees. 1 Daxerath Hiltneedle
Vittoria has several young seamstresses that work in her
2 Gallimaufry
boutique; Aliza, Jarella, and Pansy. The girls were once sweet and
good-natured but they have become catty, vindictive and ruthless 3 Hamon Oxbrigg
as they compete for Vittoria’s favor. The girls design and make
4 Hendry Lond
the clothing she sells while Vittoria stays busy with numerous
social engagements. 5 Korella Goran
6 Smite
Game Statistics
Vittoria della Morte is a 22 year old tiefling cultist with the
following changes: Daxerath Hiltneedle
• Vittoria is chaotic neutral. “Bigger creatures are much trickier; they’ll cost you extra.”

• She has a Charisma of 18 (+4). Daxerath never wanted a life of shaping steel, much to the
disappointment of his clan. His interests were always more
• She has proficiency in the Persuasion skill, as well as with macabre; he stuffed deceased family pets and slaughtered
weaver’s tools. livestock in an old laboratory. When the dwarf’s father discovered
• She has the following racial traits: what was going on, he punished his son harshly and forced
him to copy tales detailing his proud lineage from old tomes, to
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
remind him of who he was. Daxerath, who knew exactly, decided
• She has resistance to fire damage. to leave his clan and seek out a more welcoming community.
• She knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is her Now that he’s found a place to settle, Daxerath has bloomed as a
spellcasting ability. taxidermist. His creations are so lifelike that some local farmers
• She can speak Common and Infernal. have paid him to create scarecrows and other such deterrents. These
efforts have made the dwarf a trusted member of the community.

Game Statistics
Daxerath Hiltneedle is a 32 year old hill dwarf commoner with
the following changes:
• Daxerath is chaotic neutral.
• He has proficiency with leatherworking supplies and smith’s
• He has proficiency with battleaxes, handaxes, light
hammers, and warhammers.
• He has the following racial traits:
• He has a speed of 25 feet and his speed isn’t reduced by
wearing heavy armor.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He has advantage on saving throws against poison, and
resistance against poison damage.
• Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History) check
related to the origin of stonework, he adds +4
to the check.
• He can speak Common and Dwarvish.

406 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Gallimaufry Game Statistics
“What is bizarre to you may be beautiful to others.” Hamon Oxbrigg is a 55 year old human commoner with the
following changes:
Gallimaufry is a tiefling who works in a hodgepodge shop as
mismatched as his work. His short, stocky frame is covered in • Hamon is neutral good.
lizard scales and he makes no attempt to hide this, flaunting • He has a Strength of 16 (+3) and a Constitution of 14 (+2).
his infernal heritage. His creations are strange amalgams; wild
• He has proficiency with the Arcana and History skills, as
boar bodies with shark heads and horse hooves; hawks with well as with leatherworker’s tools and woodcarver’s tools.
chipmunk heads and the wings of pseudodragons; bears with owl
heads and flippers in place of paws. Most think that Gallimaufry • He speaks Common.
is insane, but he has attracted a small cadre of wealthy, eccentric
buyers for his odd fabrications.
Hendry Lond
Gallimaufry is happy to talk about his work, but even he can’t
“Who’s there? Oh, you have a beast you need stuffed? Give me a moment
exactly say what drives his art. Why he feels compelled to
and I’ll let you in.”
create these mismatched animals is a question he’s never really
found an answer to, but he enjoys the process, and he’s found a Emaciated and gaunt, Hendry is a strange man. He taxidermies
delicious thrill in making folks uneasy and shaking up their drab all manner of beasts, dragons and other creatures for his
lives with a bit of oddness. clientele, finding a strange form of art in the preparation of
his specimens. His shop is in an out-of-the-way area of the
Game Statistics settlement, and he keeps the door locked at all times.

Gallimaufry is a 35 year old tiefling commoner with the Hendry’s father was a tanner and taught his son the trade. When
following changes: his family died in an outbreak of disease while Hendry was still
young, something inside the boy snapped and he preserved his
• Gallimaufry is neutral. kin instead of giving them funeral rites. Hendry never bothers to
• He has a Dexterity of 12 (+1) and a Charisma of 14 (+2). get close to anyone, instead engaging in lengthy discussions with
his ‘family’.
• He has proficiency with leatherworking tools.
When speaking with others, Hendry rarely blinks and says as
• He has the following racial traits:
little as possible. He avoids talking about himself at the best of
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. his times but will stay resolutely silent if anyone enquires about
• He has resistance to fire damage. his relations. If pressed, Hendry firmly suggests sticking with the
business at hand.
• He knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is his
spellcasting ability.
Game Statistics
• He can speak Common and Infernal.
Hendry Lond is a 41 year old human commoner with the
following changes:
Hamon Oxbrigg • Hendry is neutral.
“One foot always wants to take me back the way I came. I don’t mind it, so • He has an Intelligence of 16 (+3).
long as that means heading back for another pint!”
• He has proficiency with leatherworker’s supplies.
Hamon is a club-footed man who moves with a very pronounced
• He speaks Common.
limp, but has no time for anyone feeling sorry for him. Growing
up, he voraciously consumed every book related to adventure and
monster hunting that he could find. He trained and strengthened
his body as well, and now looks more like a blacksmith than a
typical tanner.
Hamon prefers to work with great beasts, aberrations, and
monstrosities; his shop is filled with such creatures, stuffed and
mounted in life-like dioramas. He researches creatures that
capture his imagination, and pays adventurers to bring them
back to add to his menagerie. Perhaps, one day, Hamon will head
out on his own adventure and bring back something for his shop.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 407

Korella Goran Smite
“Wouldn’t you love a stuffed monkey? Look how adorable it is. You can “I know all there is to know about dragons. Did you know there are long
almost imagine it capering about your home!” lost, magical orbs that control them?”
Korella is a passable tanner but an even better fence. She is When a dragon attacked his village, Smite was the only survivor.
adept at finding creative ways to hide stolen goods in her stuffed A kindly, wandering knight took him in, and the tiefling grew up
creations, and has developed strong ties to the local underworld. with one purpose: the destruction of dragons. Smite trained hard
and slew many dragons, but he found himself increasingly awed
With a round face and chestnut curls, Korella looks like a typical,
and amazed by the wondrous creatures. When he encountered a
cheerful hafling and she works to keep it that way. She spends
patient and understanding brass dragon, Smite learned to let go
a good deal of time carousing at the local tavern, which both
of his anger and rage and start a new chapter in his life.
allows her to keep up appearances, as well as find new clients.
When he first arrived at his current settlement, Smite took on
Korella doesn’t concern herself worrying about the repercussions
odd jobs and eventually found steady work as an apprentice
for her crimes. She lives in the moment and, right now, loves the
tanner. He found an unexpected sense of peace in memorializing
life her ill-gotten gains can give her.
slain creatures, and has a knack for lifelike poses that make even
the most perceptive observer wonder if the creatures are still
Game Statistics alive.
Korella Goran is a 45 year old lightfoot halfling spy with the Smite has his own shop now and his greatest desire is to acquire
following changes: a dragon egg. He hopes that by raising a dragon with love he can
• Korella is chaotic neutral. atone for his early life of hate.
• She has proficiency with leatherworker’s tools and thieves’
tools. Game Statistics
• She knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature. Smite is a 25 year old tiefling veteran with the following changes:
• She has the following racial traits: • Smite is neutral good.
• Her size is Small and she has a speed of 25 feet. • He has proficiency in the Arcana skill, as well as with
leatherworker’s tools and woodcarver’s tools.
• When she rolls a 1 for an attack roll, ability check,
or saving throw, she can reroll the die and must use • He has the following racial traits:
the new roll. • He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being • He has resistance to fire damage.
• He knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is his
• She can move through the space of any creature that is spellcasting ability.
of a size larger than hers.
• He can speak Common, Draconic, and Infernal.
• She can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is at least one size larger than her.
• She can speak Common and Halfling.

408 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Tavernkeepers Chernock Hornbolt
Pubs and taprooms are the heart of any settlement. People from “Hrrrummph.”
all walks of life gather to share a round of ale, listen to a song, eat Chernock is a one-armed dwarf of few words and fewer
a hot meal, and generally forget about their troubles. pleasantries. If he bothers to acknowledge guests at all, he’s
usually brusque. His tavern, Faultline, isn’t fancy, but the food
d6 Name and drink are passable and fairly priced. Over the bar hangs a
1 Avana Flowerfair big sign that reads, ‘DON’T ASK ABOUT THE ARM.’ If someone
makes that mistake, Chernock gives one warning (there are
2 Chernock Hornbolt always jokers) and then retrieves a stout club from its place
3 Ilberd Munt behind the bar.
Chernock has never told anyone how he lost his arm and his
4 Kurasa Mabawe
customers have a secret, on-going wager about what happened.
5 Twarby Littcot The favored odds are for the theory that a monstrous snapping
turtle bit it off when Chernock explored the reptile’s shell. A
6 Willow Hambard close second is that he actually does have a right arm but, due to
a birth defect, it grew from his chest and is concealed beneath his
Avana Flowerfair beard. The winner of this pool stands to win a large amount of
gold, if the truth is ever revealed. Chernock has no intention of
“What a tale! Reminds me of when… well, never mind, that’s a story for ever doing that.
another time. Cheers!”
Though Chernock is gruff with everyone, his staff are mostly
In her youth, Avana was part of a famous adventuring company all pleasant and attentive. To hear them tell it, Chernock pays
and her tavern, The Familiar Table, is decorated with her trophies. well, and keeps a watchful eye on riffraff. The dwarf lives at the
The halfling treats all guests as though she were their mother, tavern, sleeping in a small backroom that’s as cheerless as the
hanging up cloaks, straightening robes, and cleaning smudges landlord himself.
from their faces. Even if guests find the halfling cleaning up
overturned tables or broken crockery, she’ll greet them warmly.
Game Statistics
Avana has a soft spot for adventurers and will exchange tales
Chernock Hornbolt is a 137 year old hill dwarf commoner with
of exploits, often buying a round or two if the conversation is
the following changes:
especially good. She also employs a rotating cast of orphaned
children of varying ages, formally beggars and pickpockets. When • Chernock is lawful neutral.
they are not clearing tables or washing glasses, the children share • He has proficiency in the Intimidation skill, as well as with
a loft above the common room. Avan is very protective of her brewer’s supplies, cook’s utensils, and smith’s tools.
adopted charges, and never works them harder than is needed. She
may be a veteran of a hundred dangerous expeditions and seen her • He is proficient with battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers,
share of trouble, but she dreams of a better life for her kids. and warhammers.
• He has the following racial traits:
Game Statistics • He has a speed of 25 feet and his speed isn’t reduced by
Avana Flowerfair is a 90 year old lightfoot halfling commoner wearing heavy armor.
with the following changes: • He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• Avana is lawful good. • He has advantage on saving throws against poison, and
• She has a Wisdom of 14 (+2) and a Charisma of 12 (+1). resistance against poison damage.
• She has proficiency in the Performance skill, as well as with • Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History) check
brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils. related to the origin of stonework, he adds +4
to the check.
• She has the following racial traits:
• He speaks Common and Dwarvish.
• Her size is Small and she has a speed of 25 feet.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
• She can move through the space of any creature that is
larger than her.
• When she rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw,
or attack roll, she can reroll the die and must use the
new roll.
• She can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is at least one size larger than her.
• She speaks Common and Halfling

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 409

Ilberd Munt Kurasa Mabawe
“Would any of you care to start a friendly game of cards or dice? I have “Funny, I’ve never heard that joke about my nose before.
either, and would be happy to seed the pot!” Boys, take out the trash.”
While flattering his guests, Ilberd constantly blinks his rheumy With ugly, gaunt features and an abnormally large, hooked nose,
eyes and licks his thin, dry lips. He doesn’t like staying behind most people have a difficult time looking at Kurasa. Raised more
the bar, instead circulating among tables checking to see if drinks by her orc mother than her human father, Kurasa learned to
need to be freshened, or paying compliments to anyone if there dislike elves and half-elves. They aren’t welcome at her tavern,
seems to be a chance to gain further custom. However, he doesn’t The Broken Tree.
have time for skinflints. If it’s clear that his sycophantic behavior Since she took up ownership, effort spent on upkeep has
won’t help him fill his coffers, Ilberd moves on. dwindled at the tavern. Windows are broken and boarded, chairs
Games of chance are encouraged at Ilberd’s tavern, The Stacked and stools precarious to sit on, and all the tables are wobbly. Her
Deck, and he’ll even seed the pot with a few coppers of his own food is marginal, the drinks watered down, and the clientele
if guests are hesitant to begin. He considers it an investment, extremely shady. What folks don’t know is that Kurasa has
knowing winnings will be spent on food and drink. quite a racket running out of the back of her place. If there’s
something crooked going on in the settlement, it probably was
Game Statistics agreed in her tavern.

Ilberd Munt is a 55 year old human commoner with the Kurasa employs a pair of thugs that she refers to as her ‘boys’
following changes: to help with illicit activities as well as provide her personal
protection. Wherever she is, they are not far.
• Ilberd is neutral.
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill, as well as with Game Statistics
brewer’s supplies, cook’s utensils, dice, and playing cards.
Kurasa is a 24 year old half-orc thug with the following changes:
• He speaks Common.
• Kurasa is chaotic neutral.
• She has proficiency with brewer’s supplies and cook’s
• She knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
• She has the following racial traits:
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• When she scores a critical hit with a melee weapon
attack, she can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one
additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
critical hit.
• If she is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright,
she can drop to 1 hit point instead. She can’t use this
feature again until she finishes a long rest.
• She speaks Common and Orc.

410 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Twarby Littcot Willow Hambard
“You saw a rat? That’s good luck!” “My husband may have the manners of a boar, but he is a good man
at heart.”
Twarby may be short but he has an enormous personality, and
claims he was once the most notorious buccaneer to sail the seas. Willow is plump and pretty, with a cute, turned-up nose. Her
According to him, after a life of piracy, all he wants now is to black hair is streaked through with silver, and her eyes have a
settle down with a strong mug of ale and a comfy chair by the fire. nest of crow’s feet from years of smiling. She and her husband
have owned their tavern for many years, and Willow is always
Twarby’s black eyes are set close together above a pointed nose
fluttering through the common room, serving guests cheerfully.
and pronounced front teeth, and he laughs when folks call him a
wererat, as he believes the notoriety generates business. In fact, Her ill-mannered husband, Fark, stays behind the bar, or in the
he encourages such comments, often nibbling wedges of cheese kitchen with their son, Ebrus, who prepares most of the meals.
and avoiding touching silver coins. Fark is churlish, taciturn and quick to anger, fiercely protective
of his family and their home. In contrast, Willow is kind and
There are even a number of rat-sized passages hidden in the
outgoing, acting as a perfect balance to her husband. Ebrus is
walls throughout his tavern, The Wheel of Cheese, but these
somewhere between his parents’ temperaments, depending on
were built as storage corridors, and you are more likely to find
the situation.
local urchins running through them than genuine lycanthropes.
Twarby enjoys the rumors and laughter he provokes from his If Willow was being honest, she might admit that her pleasant
patrons, and he’s glad that he can give them a good evening out. demeanor isn’t always genuine; she does occasionally struggle.
Running the tavern and raising Ebrus hasn’t always been easy,
Game Statistics and Fark’s gruff nature has made it hard to keep quality help
around. Still, Willow tries to stay cheerful and keep hope alive for
Twarby Littcot is a 43 year old lightfoot halfling commoner with her and her family.
the following changes:
• Twarby is neutral. Game Statistics
• He has proficiency in the Performance skill, as well as with Willow Hambard is a 36 year old human commoner with the
brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils. following changes:
• He has the following racial traits: • Willow is neutral good.
• His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet. • She has a Charisma of 14 (+2).
• He has advantage on saving throws against being • She is proficient in the Persuasion skill, as well as with
frightened. brewer’s supplies and cook’s utensils.
• He can move through the space of any creature that is • She can speak Common.
larger than him.
• When he rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
• He can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is a least one size larger than him.
• He speaks Common and Halfling.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 411

General Population Game Statistics
Alynna is a 17 year old half-elf spy with the following changes:
Instead of owning a shop, people in a settlement might work for
nobles or wealthy employers. Some folks make a living with their • Alynna is chaotic good.
artistry, or specialize in a service they can offer. These people • She has proficiency in the Acrobatics and Performance skills.
might have a small establishment of some kind, but owning a
• She knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
shop isn’t as much a part of their identity as it is for a proprietor.
And, at the other end of the scale at the lowest rung of society, • She has the following racial traits:
the destitute depend on charity. • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.

Artists • She has advantage on saving throws against being

charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Some artists have their own establishment, some combination of • She can speak Common, Elvish, and Gnomish.
a gallery and a workroom, while others work out of their homes
and sell directly to patrons.
Anthologius Murngle
d10 (reroll 1s) Name “After getting your first tattoo, you’ll leave here already thinking about
2 Alynna your next one.”

3 Anthologius Murngle Anthologius, or ‘Ant’ as his friends call him, was once a
silversmith, living in the rocky lands of his people. He became
4 Beelynda Glimmerglam infatuated with tattoos, getting several inked before becoming a
5 Charmeine tattoo artist himself. The rock gnome found way to liquefy silver
without heat and he uses it to create exquisite body art.
6 Heleyna Hillfellow
Ant works on the first floor of the modest building where he
7 Lazlo Barnym lives. He is friendly and generous, but values his time and skill.
He charges 20 gold pieces per hour, for his tattoos, with a one
8 Ruprict Stone
hour minimum. He often pays bards and minstrels to perform
9 Skarmos Andoulan lively tunes while he works.
10 Yorlo As the sole pioneer of his tattooing technique, Ant has plenty
of friends and rivals who would love to learn how he does it.
However, the gnome has vowed to take his secret to the grave.
“Watch and be amazed and, if you ARE amazed, drop a coin in my hat!” Game Statistics
Alynna is a street performer; tumbling, juggling, and executing Anthologius Murngle is a 50 year old rock gnome commoner
daring acrobatics for coin. The half-elf grew up in a gang of with the following changes:
thieves but, with the help of an elderly priest, she managed to • Ant is neutral.
escape that life.
• He has a Dexterity of 16 (+3).
Slender and sleight of build, Alynna is barely five feet in height. She
has short, choppy hair that accentuates her unusually large, pretty • He has proficiency with calligrapher’s tools and tinker’s
eyes and pert lips. The half-elf speaks her mind freely and without tools.
filter. She isn’t afraid of insulting people, mostly because it never • He has the following racial traits:
occurs to her that what she says would be considered offensive.
• His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet.
Though she makes a decent living with her skills, Alynna doesn’t
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
ever have two coppers to rub together. She doesn’t see the value
of being loaded with coin (especially when she is out performing • He has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and
all day), so spends what she earns helping needy neighbors and Charisma saving throws against magic.
paying tithes to temples. • Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History)
check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or
technological devices, he adds +4 to the roll.
• Using his tinker’s tools, he can spend 1 hour and 10 gp
worth of materials to construct a fire starter which can
light a candle, torch, or campfire.
• He speaks Common and Gnomish.

412 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Beelynda Glimmerglam Charmeine
“The laughter of children is as good as gold!” “Faith is the pillar of strength that supports everything.”
Beelynda Glimmerglam comes from a family of famous and Charmeine is a singer of extraordinary beauty and radiance.
well-respected illusionists, but proved a disappointment to her She performs in the local temple, and her voice always draws a
family when she abandoned her studies to become a professional crowd. She believes her voice is a gift from the gods, and so feels
fool. To save her father from further embarrassment by obligated to repay them by using her talent to help others rejoice
association, Beelynda gave up her life of affluence and took the in their benevolence.
name ‘Truffles’ when she started performing. Charmeine sings for the crippled and homeless, for sailors setting out
Although lacking in significant magical skill, the slender and on their ships, for the sick and lame, and for anyone who might need
lithe gnome can still cast a few, little spells to assist in her to hear her song. Whether it is the quality of her voice or the words
she sings, Charmeine’s songs lift spirits and chase away despair.
foolery. Truffles often conjures comedic illusions to add flair to
her brand of humor. Her jests may sting, but they are seldom
cruel, unless she feels like the recipient is deserving. Game Statistics
Truffles has a soft spot for children, and delights in making Charmeine is a 17 year old human acolyte with the following changes:
them laugh. Optimistic and bubbly, she enjoys conversation • Charmeine is lawful good.
and is liberal with her friendships, but seldom talks about her
• She has proficiency in the Performance skill.
childhood and family. She travels from settlement to settlement
performing on street corners, or in taverns, even staging shows • She speaks Celestial and Common.
for wealthy folk in manors and estates.

Game Statistics
Heleyna Hillfellow
Heleyna is a shy and soft-spoken halfling. Words may not always
Beelynda Glimmerglam is a 32 year old gnome commoner with come easy for her, but her music speaks volumes. There isn’t an
the following changes: instrument she can’t play or write for, but the harp is her first and
• Beelynda is chaotic good. great love. She spent countless hours, while growing up, exploring the
wilderness and playing her harp for any animals that would listen.
• She has a Dexterity of 16 (+3) and an Intelligence of 14 (+1).
Heleyna never imagined playing for people, let alone making
• She has proficiency in the Acrobatics and Performance a living at it, and she likely never would have, were it not for a
skills, as well as with tinker’s tools. traveller that wandered into one of her wilderness performances
• She is a 2nd level spellcaster. Her spellcasting ability is one day and insisted she come with him to perform at his friend’s
Intelligence (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). inn. Heleyna’s music was an instant hit, and she soon found her
She has the following wizard spells prepared: skills in regular demand.

• Cantrips (at will): dancing lights, mage hand, prestidigitation Despite her newfound success as a musician, she still prefers
the company of nature and its many creatures to that of a rapt
• 1st level (3 slots): color spray, silent image, unseen servant crowd, and sneaks away to isolated places of natural beauty
• She has the following racial traits: whenever she can. Lately, she’s begun to suspect that some of the
creatures listening to her songs are fey-touched, though what
• Her size is Small and she has a speed of 25 feet. this means she does not know.
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• She has advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Game Statistics
Charisma saving throws against magic. Heleyna Hillfellow is a 30 year old lightfoot halfling commoner
with the following changes:
• Whenever she makes an Intelligence (History)
check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or • Heleyna is neutral good.
technological devices, she adds +4 to the roll. • She has a Charisma of 14 (+2).
• Using her tinker’s tools, she can spend 1 hour and • She has proficiency with the harp.
10 gp worth of materials to construct a Tiny clockwork
music box. • She has the following racial traits:

• She speaks Common and Gnomish. • Her size is Small and she has a speed of 25 feet.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
• She can move through the space of any creature that is
larger than her.
• When she rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll, she can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
• She can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is at least one size larger than her.
• She speaks Common and Halfling

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 413

Lazlo Barnym Ruprict Stone
“Come one, come all! The Sky Dancers will amaze you!” “Ah yes, that’s one of my early works. You can see the roughness of the
chisel in some spots.”
Squat and slender for a halfling, with a shock of bright red
hair, Lazlo owns a traveling carnival of halfling performers. An Ruprict was apprenticed to a local mason who made an honest
affable showman, Lazlo loves his audience, especially the coin living providing for the needs of the community. He learned
in their pouches. As he greets people coming to his carnival, he his craft begrudgingly, only putting in the effort necessary to
makes a point to note some likely targets with noticeable wealth. learn the most basic skills of the trade. When his master passed
Then, when the carnival packs up, some of his performers away suddenly, with no family or relatives, Ruprict inherited his
remain behind to steal valuables from the marks, catching up master’s home and business.
afterwards. Ruprict was shocked to discover a secret storeroom within his
Lazlo prefers that his thieves not hurt anyone unless in great master’s home completely filled with a collection of sublimely
need; he knows it would likely mean their deaths if they were beautiful sculptures that must have taken decades to create. After
caught and tried for a violent crime. If given the choice between reading his master’s journals, Ruprict learned that the man he
fight or flight, the showman flees. The halfling holds a grudge had known for years had always been too embarrassed to show
though, and isn’t likely to forget insults about himself or his his art to anyone else, or even admit that he created such pieces
show. in the first place.
Ruprict, on the other hand, has no such qualms, and has been
Game Statistics making a tidy profit selling the old mason’s life’s work and
Lazlo Barnym is a 58 year old lightfoot halfling spy with the passing it off as his own. Ruprict is worried though; his collection
following changes: is emptying, albeit steadily, and his own attempts to replicate the
work has only further demonstrated how poorly he learned his
• Lazlo is chaotic neutral. craft. He is now covertly investigating the possibility of buying
• He has a Dexterity of 18 (+4). (or stealing) relics recovered by explorers or adventurers that
come through the area, to resell as his own work.
• He has proficiency in the Acrobatics and Performance skills.
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature. Game Statistics
• He has the following racial traits: Ruprict Stone is a 48 year old human commoner with the
• His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet. following changes:
• He has advantage on saving throws against being • Ruprict is neutral.
frightened. • He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
• He can move through the space of any creature that is • He speaks Common.
larger than him.
• When he rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
• He can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
creature that is at least one size larger than him.
• He speaks Common and Halfling.

414 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Skarmos Andoulan Yorlo
“Words can be dangerous when spoken, and more dangerous when “The wood’s beauty isn’t revealed until you remove the layers hiding it.”
left unspoken.” Yorlo is tolerated in the settlement because he was raised in the
Skarmos is a recent arrival to the settlement, and the young orphanage. As a child, he spent hours carving figurines as gifts
tiefling has won over much of the populace with his devilish for other orphans. Many of his wooden statues were crafted in the
charm. He can easily pass as human; only close inspection likeness of elven nobles and knights. Yorlo believed that if he were
reveals nub-like horns, and patches of scaly skin. He normally a tall and beautiful elf, he might find someone to care for him
dresses to conceal these features, and some of his acquaintances Now, Yorlo makes a living fashioning toys, jewelry boxes,
don’t even realize he isn’t human. birdhouses, pipes, musical instruments, and more. He lives and
Skarmos’ mother never revealed the details of the tryst that works in a shabby shed near the docks. Soft-spoken and self
produced him, and his devilish sire disappeared after his conscious, Yorlo has no knowledge of his own kind and has,
conception. His mother blamed the entire male gender, including in fact, never seen another goblin. He keeps mostly to himself,
Skarmos, for being left alone to care for her son. They spent most taking on enough commissioned work to live humbly.
of Skarmos’ youth traveling from town to town. His mother would
seduce men and take what she wanted from them before leaving Game Statistics
town abruptly, telling Skarmos that all men deserve such treatment.
Yorlo is an 18 year old goblin commoner with the following
Skarmos escaped from his mother and channeled his angst and changes:
emotional turmoil into evocative and moving poetry, generating
a modest living for himself. Not content with modest, and • Yorlo is chaotic good.
despite his lifelong distaste for her way of life, Skarmos has • He has proficiency with woodcarver’s tools.
grown up seeing his mother’s profits for himself, and has now
• He has the following racial trait: he can take the Disengage
also taken to the art of seduction and thievery in the night. He
or Hide action as a bonus action on each of his turns.
tells himself he is different from his mother as he wishes no ill
will on his marks; he’s just struggling to make ends meet.

Game Statistics
Skarmos Andoulan is a 25 year old tiefling commoner with the
following changes:
• Skarmos is neutral.
• He has a Charisma of 16 (+3).
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
• He has the following racial traits:
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He has resistance to fire damage.
• He knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is his
spellcasting ability.
• He can speak Common and Infernal.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 415

Beggars Chawls de Ponty
A common, if depressing, feature of almost all settlements, “I miss my brothers-in-arms even more than my leg.”
beggars haunt the streets and alleyways, hoping to receive aid Chawls de Ponty is a nobleman and wealthy landowner with
from those more fortunate. They often know more about the no duties requiring his attention. The extreme affluence and
goings on of the settlement than anyone else. privilege in which Chawls was raised has led to a boredom he
constantly strives to alleviate.
d6 (reroll 1s) Name
His latest diversion is disguising himself as a ragged beggar and
2 Bandon working the streets as a one-legged man with a pox-scarred
face. He hobbles along using a decrepit crutch while holding
3 Chawls de Ponty
out a threadbare hat to collect coins. To make sure his character
4 Dumphrey is complete, Chawls has concocted an alias and backstory for
himself, as Herbet Doddle.
5 Gesper Gravenhold
Herbet stormed a siege tower, and single handedly slew ten
6 Katie Rein orcs, but lost his leg in the process. He tried to find work, but
had a hard time adjusting to life without both legs. The veteran
Bandon is grateful for any generosity but those who drop coins into his
worn-out cap find it hard to look into once-proud eyes, now
“Polish yer armor for a copper? You’ll see your reflection when I’m done.” clouded with quiet shame...
Bandon knows every street and alley in the settlement. He knows Chawls gambles away his considerable ‘earnings’ on dice, cards
where to find generous folk free with coin or food, and where he and daggers. Never taking a single copper back to the de Ponty
is most likely to receive a clout on the head. Bandon knows the estate, if he happens to win, he buys rounds of ale for everyone
safest places to sleep, and the ones to avoid. He may be young, but at whatever tavern he finds himself in.
has more street sense than most adults. If approached, Bandon
will not let anyone get within arm’s reach until he’s certain of
their intentions.When he gets upset he stutters, making him
Game Statistics
difficult to understand. Chawls de Ponty is a 29 year old human spy with the following
Bandon prefers to earn his keep with his own hands; most of the
begging he does is for jobs. He will run errands, clean privies, • Chawls is chaotic neutral.
and even gather information. He is extremely hard working and • He has proficiency with disguise kits.
completely trustworthy to other folk good of heart. Trying to live
up to the memory of his father, Bandon won’t work for anyone he • He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
believes to have nefarious intentions. • He speaks Common.

Game Statistics Dumphrey

Bandon is a 12 year old human commoner with the following
“Charity for an unfortunate soul, milord? I’ll do anythin’ for a copper or
two, and I do mean anythin’.”
• Bandon is chaotic good.
Dumphrey is a sad but charming old man, deeply ashamed by his
• He has a Wisdom of 12 (+2). circumstances. He fritters away coins on all manner of tat and
• He has proficiency in the Insight skill. trinkets, for which he has no need, adding to the odd collection
of belongings he hides in his sleeping furs. Buying things makes
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature. Dumphrey feel better, but this only lasts briefly before he has to
• He speaks Common. crawl from his wretched alley and beg for more coins.
However, Dumphrey’s destitution is not the real source of his
shame. After Dumphrey’s wife passed away twenty-five years
ago, he gambled his son and daughter away into servitude while
in drunken grief. This secret pain haunts the old man and each
day, Dumphrey tells himself that he will save the money he earns
to track down his children. However, once he obtains his first
coin of the day, he rushes to spend it.
The old man earns most of his money at the expense of his dignity.
Some cruel people who pass through the settlement pay good silver
to see just how much self-respect Dumphrey is willing to abandon.

416 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Game Statistics Katie Rein
Dumphrey is a 60 year old human commoner with the following “I am not crazy, or maybe I am. I’m not sure anymore.”
Raised in the settlement’s orphanage since she was eight years
• Dumphrey is neutral. old, Katie never fit in with others. Her speech is proper, her
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature. manners impeccable; the other children called her ‘princess’
• He speaks Common. when she told them she was the orphaned child of a noble family.
She was made fun of often and, on occasion, assaulted, but never
lost her refined manner. After four years, Katie was turned out
Gesper Gravenhold onto the streets and forced to find a place for herself.
“May the gods bless you for your kindness to an old man.” Katie spends her days wandering the settlement, begging for
coppers. Her dirty face, filthy, tangled hair and ragged clothes
Most people would say Gesper Gravenhold is not a day under
belie her gentle and eloquent words. Constantly surveying her
70, but it is life, and not age, that has made him appear thus.
surroundings, Katie has a difficult time looking people in the eyes.
His bone-white hair falls in greasy, limp strands and his ancient
If someone gives her more than a silver piece, Katie is immediately
face is creased with wrinkles and coated in grime. One gnarled
wary and runs. Most people think she is crazy, and she herself has
hand clutches a rusted hearing trumpet while the other grasps a
begun to question whether or not that might be true.
beggar’s bowl. Gesper is an old beggar, struggling to earn enough
coppers to live through to the next day.
Game Statistics
Gesper doesn’t recall much of how he got to his current position
in life (probably ‘coz of toxins from the factories in the docks he Katie Rein is a 19 year old human commoner with the following
frequents, he says). He focuses as much as he can on just getting changes:
through each day and maybe finding somewhere warm to sleep • Katie is chaotic good.
at night. Fortunately, he’s struck up a cordial friendship with
one or two acolytes at most of the temples and shrines in the • She has an Intelligence of 16 (+3) and a Charisma of 18 (+4).
settlement, and can usually count on them for help. • She has proficiency in the History skill.
In addition to begging, Gesper does sometimes make a bit of coin • She knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
selling information to the local thieves and other shady types. On
• She speaks Common.
good days, his mind is still sharp enough that he can keep a good
ear to the ground for all that happens in the city, and he’s happy
to pass on what he knows in exchange for a hot meal.

Game Statistics
Gesper Gravenhold is a 50 year old human commoner with the
following changes:
• Gesper is neutral.
• He has a Wisdom of 12 (+1).
• He has proficiency in the Insight and Perception skills.
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.
• He speaks Common.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 417

Commoners Bogdan
The life and soul of the settlement, commoners make up the vast “Storms are brewing out there in the wild. Best to be prepared.”
majority of people in the community. They are farmers, laborers, Tall, and lanky for a half-orc, Bodgan is a skilled guide and
dockworkers, and other such down-to-earth folk. hunter more often found out in the lands around the settlement
than on its roads and byways. He brings back game to sell to local
d20 (reroll 1-5) Name taverns, collects hides for the tanners, and generally makes a
6 Bandit good living.
Even though Bodgan has been living in the settlement for some
7 Bogdan
time now, he still doesn’t seem to quite fit in with the populace.
8 Byrn Taciturn and grim, the half-orc rarely loosens up, even when he’s
working on his third tankard of ale. He always seems to be on
9 Crayton Tanglais
guard, ready to strike.
10 Crispin To some, Bogdan has a bad reputation because he’s most often
11 Crystal Snow the first person to bring tidings of threats and dark times for the
settlement. While he can be a bringer of gloom, he’s also the first
12 Dinghy Pete to leap to the settlement’s defense. Those who know better see
13 Felix Scriviner Bogdan’s true value.

14 Gemma Dwile
Game Statistics
15 Gervil Bogdan is a 25 year old half-orc scout with the following
16 Hogarth changes:

17 Pells • Bogdan is chaotic good.

18 Penry • He has proficiency in the Intimidation skill.

• He has the following racial traits:
19 Rotundo Wingfoot
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
20 Thalassa Aquatica
• When he is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed
outright, he can drop to 1 hit point instead. He can’t use
Bandit this feature again until he finishes a long rest.
“Woof!” • When he scores a critical hit with a melee weapon
Loved by all, Bandit is a friend to children, and patron of many attack, he can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one
taverns. Called Bandit because of the mask-like fur pattern over additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
his eyes, he can charm a chicken leg, ham-bone, or meatball from critical hit.
even the hardest of landlords. With no true home, Bandit sleeps • He can speak Common and Orc.
in the alleys behind his favorite establishments.
The mutt wanders throughout the settlement and is generally
seen as a mascot for the community. Most folks will give him a
friendly pat as he goes by and, during the colder months, he can
always find a friendly hearth.
Bandit is surprisingly intelligent and can be a good source of
information for those who can communicate with animals.
He knows much about what happens in the settlement, albeit
filtered through the lens of a dog’s mind.

Game Statistics
Bandit is a 2 year old mastiff with the following changes:
• He has an Intelligence of 6 (-2).
• He can understand Common, though he can’t speak,
read or write it.

418 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Byrn Game Statistics
“Afraid to throw knives with me, you coward?” Crayton Tanglais is a 30 year old half-elf spy with the following
Byrn thrives on confrontation and can back it up. Barrel-chested
and squat, with short, unkempt hair, he can drink the stoutest • Crayton is chaotic neutral.
dwarves under the table. Though assigned female at birth, Byrn • They have the following racial traits:
has lived as a man for years and is almost always found at the
• They have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
tavern, working, drinking, or throwing his daggers.
• They have advantage on saving throws against being
Locals have learned not to challenge Byrn’s mastery of knife
charmed, and magic can’t put them to sleep.
throwing, but quietly chuckle when strangers accept Byrn’s
challenge. If outsiders refuse to throw knives against him, he • They can speak Common, Draconic, Dwarvish, and Elvish.
heckles them mercilessly. Byrn’s only real companion is a mangy,
three-legged dog named Mooch. Always angling for a treat, the
dog latched onto Byrn early in his life and follows him everywhere.
“You need the 5th edition of that particular text. All the others are
Byrn grew up in the settlement and has never been more than a
full of errors.”
stone’s throw beyond the walls. Generally happy with his life, he
isn’t much interested in what lies beyond. Crispin’s mother took him to an orphanage when he was only six
years old and told him to wait at the front gate until she returned.
Game Statistics The monks who ran the place found him asleep the following
morning and took him in when his mother never returned. The
Byrn is a 30 year old human commoner with the following boy grew into a gangly youth with chestnut hair and brown eyes,
changes: along with a deep well of pain and loss.
• Byrn is neutral. Crispin is incredibly perceptive, but very naive about the
• He has a Dexterity of 14 (+2). workings of the real world. All of his knowledge comes from the
scrolls and books he loves to read. Not everyone knows how to
• He has proficiency in the Performance and Sleight of Hand
take Crispin’s unemotional and matter-of-fact way of speaking.
skills, as well as with daggers.
He may know what small talk is, but has no skill in it. If engaged
• He speaks Common and Dwarvish. in casual conversation, the boy often leaves others struggling to
fill the silence.
Crayton Tanglais Game Statistics
“They say not all that glitters is gold, but gold does glitter best.”
Crispin is a 12 year old human commoner with the following
Crayton makes heads turn and hearts ache wherever they go. changes:
The half-ef’s voice is as smooth as silk and they are highly
sought after for their ability to navigate delicate social situations. • Crispin is lawful neutral.
Crayton has developed a taste for high society and while they can • He has an Intelligence of 12 (+1).
make almost anyone believe they are friends, Crayton’s only true
• He has proficiency with calligrapher’s supplies.
friend is cold, hard coin.
• He speaks Common.
Crayton plans to save enough gold to move far away and live like
a noble. The problem is they spend their coin nearly as fast as
they earn it. Eating, drinking and wearing the best that money
can buy requires significant expenditures.
Despite their flaws, Crayton makes an excellent associate.
A charming conversationalist, they are skilled in etiquette,
and fluent in Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, and Draconic.
Furthermore, if paid well, the half-elf can keep a secret and
has no scruples about who they work for. Once coin has passed
hands, Crayton remains loyal unless their life is at stake.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 419

Crystal Snow Felix Scrivner
“I see a man in your future between the ages of 20 and 40 with or without “If you don’t mind, I’m working here. Take your foolery elsewhere.”
facial hair. He beckons you forth…” Face locked in a permanent scowl, some folks whisper that
Some think that Crystal’s fiendish heritage comes from an ice Felix was born with an inability to smile. While the man can
devil, which explains her strikingly pale skin. In fact, Crystal is indeed smile, he rarely finds reason to do so. Practically nothing
pale everywhere, from her toes to the tips of her small horns. measures up to Felix’s high standards of perfection, and he sees
She embraces her striking appearance, trading on rumors and no reason to humor those of lesser abilities.
superstition to earn coin as a fortune teller. The balding and drab-looking man runs a small establishment
In truth, the tiefling has no magical means of divination. Her where he provides his skills, writing and copying historic
true gift is for gathering gossip and news. She is happy to buy chronicles, holy texts, and legal documents. His shop is quiet,
rounds of drinks to loosen tongues and get stories flowing. When stuffy, and filled with mouldering texts of one kind or another.
not reading cards for someone, Crystal is most often found at a Felix doesn’t enjoy having to interact with the outside world, but
local tavern, gently guiding conversation to the happenings of the need to make a living means that he does sometimes have to
the settlement. let in customers.
So long as his patrons stay in the small waiting area of his shop,
Game Statistics Felix grudgingly accepts their coins for his services. But the
Crystal Snow is a 25 year old tiefling spy with the following moment a single one of his pens walks out his door, Felix is quick
changes: to summon the guards.

• Crystal is chaotic neutral.

Game Statistics
• She has the following racial traits:
Felix Scrivner is a 34 year old human commoner with the
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. following changes:
• She has resistance to fire damage. • Felix is lawful neutral.
• She knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is her • He has proficiency in the History and Perception skills, as
spellcasting ability. well as with calligrapher’s supplies.
• She speaks Common and Infernal. • He speaks Common, Dwarvish, Draconic, and Elvish.

Dinghy Pete Gemma Dwile

“I have a stout little vessel and the sky for a roof. What more could I want?” “They told you I was crazy, and still you came. Do you have the courage to
Dinghy Pete has been a waterman all his life, ferrying people hear my wisdom?”
along the local waterways in the plywood dinghy he calls home. Gemma is an old crone that lives in a hut on the outskirts of the
Dressed in filthy clothes and generally unwashed, he is, none- community. What family she had either died or moved on years
the-less, a personable fellow, who always has a kind word. ago. Something of a local historian, Gemma will sit and talk for
Pete is helpful and friendly for the sake of being friendly. If hours, but lately fewer and fewer folks are willing to listen.
offered coin Pete won’t say no, but he won’t take more than what Most will tell you Gemma is crazy, and has been since she started
is fair, and often will take less. talking about visions of the future. Some folk say Gemma has so
Wherever Pete has sailed, and whatever he has or hasn’t done, many stories in her head that she is lost in her own mind. Others
the old man never lies about what matters. Not everyone takes say evil spirits have possessed her in order to frighten people.
the chance to get to know Dinghy Pete. Most people in the There are some, however, that believe the old crone.
settlement think he’s a crazy, old kook, but he is a stalwart ally Gemma wants to entrust the histories and tales she knows
who stands by friends to the bitter end. to someone who can take over when she passes, so she treats
anyone brave enough to visit her with warmth. She provides
Game Statistics food and drinks to guests, and offers to read the future of
anyone willing to listen. Her knowledge about the local region is
Dinghy Pete is a 75 year old human commoner with the
incredible and, if respected, she will share what she knows.
following changes:
Gemma takes a particular liking to human women with red her;
• Pete is neutral good.
they remind her of her favorite daughter. The girl ran off many
• He has a Wisdom of 12 (+1). decades ago to dance with the faeries and was never seen again.
• He has proficiency with water vehicles.
• He speaks Common.

420 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Game Statistics Hogarth
Gemma Dwile is an 86 year old human acolyte with the “Some of your peck buddies invited me over for a little get together.”
following changes:
Hogarth is the local bully, picking on anyone he can, and he
• Gemma is neutral. favors harassing halflings, gnomes, and children (‘pecks’, as he
• She has a Wisdom of 16 (+3). calls them) most of all. Unfortunately for his victims, Hogarth is
both wildly strong, and has a creative wit for insults.
• As a ritual, she can cast augury. Charisma is her spellcasting
ability. He has no regular job so, to make ends meet, Hogarth takes on
odd jobs around the settlement. The brawny youth will haul and
deliver goods, muck out stables, dig ditches, drive wagons, or
Gervil do any other manual work for quick coin. Whether on the job or
“Accept my pardons for our vulgar ways. We are not fit for such company.” spending what he earns, Hogarth can’t keep his blistering insults
to himself.
Gervil is a man of routine. He wakes before sunrise, breaks his
fast on a heel of bread, washed down with weak ale, and gets to The youth doesn’t have any real friends, just some cronies
work. He and his family earn just enough coin to subsist - a few that suck up to him to receive less abuse than others. These
coppers a year - and they praise the gods each morning for what sycophants are cowardly losers that would run at the first sign of
they have. trouble, if given a real fight. However, Hogarth has yet to meet
his match in brawn or mockery, so his companions have yet to
Years of hard labor have filled out Gervil’s frame with slabs
flee from his side. The bully typically intimidates folks around
of muscle and weathered his face. His hands are rough and
town into giving his crew free food and ale.
calloused, and he takes a quiet pride in that. In Gervil’s mind, all
people have a place in the plans of the gods, and he’s happy to Hogarth steers clear of any entanglements with nobles and
be where he his. Now he just needs to drill that into his starry- wealthy merchants, but he sees almost anyone else as fair game
eyed dreamer of a son, Dann. The family once hosted a traveling for harassment. No one that can actually stand up to him has
adventurer who told wild stories of his exploits and filled Dann confronted Hogarth yet, and the lad might be too stupid to
with wanderlust. Gervil and Shannyn worry that Dann may run realize its happening until its too late.
off in the night.
Game Statistics
Game Statistics Hogarth is a 19 year old human thug with the following changes:
Gervil is a 33 year old human commoner with the following • Hogarth is neutral evil.
• He doesn’t have a heavy crossbow.
• Gervil is neutral good.
• He speaks Common.
• He has a Constitution of 18 (+4).
• He has proficiency with brewer’s supplies.
• He speaks Common.
“Need a message delivered, sir? Or a package taken somewhere?
Anything like that?”
Bright-eyed and cheerful, Pells is a naive, young lad, often found
running through the streets of the settlement. The young boy
lacks propriety and common sense, and craves a life of storybook
adventure. He often hangs around the taverns and inns, hoping
to hear tales of bravery and peril.
Pells works in his parents’ shop most of the time, but he makes
any and every excuse to get out and scamper through the streets.
If necessary, he runs messages and does other errands for folks,
just so he can stay on the move.

Game Statistics
Pells is a 10 year old human commoner with the following
• Pells is neutral good.
• He has a Charisma of 16 (+3).
• He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
• He speaks Common.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 421

• He has the following racial traits:
Penry • His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet.
“If you whistle while you work, you carry a tune wherever you go.”
• He has advantage on saving throws against being
Penry has been the settlement’s street sweeper for as long as most frightened.
people can recall. Even if the streets are in a hopeless state and
sweeping won’t help one bit, the optimistic, stoop-backed old man • He can move through the space of any creature that is
whistles while he shuffles along with his broom. Some folks look larger than him.
down their nose at Penry, but most everyone knows that, without • When he rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
him, life in the settlement would be odious in the extreme. attack roll, he can reroll the die and must use the new
Penry’s small hovel is surprisingly clean, with an earthen floor, fire roll.
pit, and a bent chimney pot on the roof. An old barrel serves as his • He can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
table, and he sleeps in a pile of furs. Somewhat fearful of the dark, creature that is at least one size larger than him.
Penry rises early to make sure he’s home before sundown, without
• He speaks Common and Halfling.
compromising quality of service. He tightly laces the weather-
stained fabric door of his shack, stokes his fire, and makes sure he
has a lamp lit for the evening, before heading to bed. Thalassa Aquatica
“I. Hate. Pirates.”
Game Statistics
In her youth, Thalassa was captured by pirates and sold as a
Penry is a 60 year old human commoner with the following slave. With the help of a kindly sailor, she escaped with just a
changes: small pouch of coins and the clothes on her back. She hitched
• Penry is neutral good. rides on wagons, slipped into caravans, and tried to get as far
away from the sea as possible.
• He is proficient in the History skill.
Ironically, Thalassa found that her abilities on the water were a skill
• He speaks Common.
set she was able to leverage, selling her services as a navigator and
advisor for sailing expeditions. Her instincts are second to none,
Rotundo Wingfoot and have prevented many voyages from ending in complete disaster.

“We halflings are optimists. We’re always looking up.” As a traveling companion, Thalassa is stalwart and loyal. When
at sea, she considers anyone she shares the ship with to be family,
Born and raised in a traveling carnival, Rotundo grew up and would gladly give her life if she knew it would get the rest of
tumbling, and performing acrobatics and high-wire balancing them home safely. To those that hire her, she focuses on being the
acts. He was still a child when his troupe was imprisoned for best they will ever work with.
some token offense, and he was placed in an orphanage before
being turned out onto the streets. For herself, Thalassa dreams of saving up enough gold to buy a
home for herself, far inland, and never set foot on a ship again.
It wasn’t long before Rotundo put his exceptional talents to use
to provide what he needed to live, and to get what he wanted.
Agile as a cat, Rotundo is quick and silent, stealing through the
Game Statistics
shadows like an unseen wraith. When it comes to picking locks, Thalassa Aquatica is a 23 year old half-elf druid with the
cracking safes, and disabling traps (magical or otherwise), there’s following changes:
no one more qualified. • Thalassa is neutral good.
Thieves guilds, crime families and corrupt officials have all tried • She has a Charisma of 16 (+3).
to stake their claim on Rotundo, but he insists on remaining a
free agent. He works for whom he wants, does jobs that interest • She has proficiency with navigator’s tools.
him, and never sells out his employer. • She has the following racial traits:
Rotundo won’t do any job that involves killing or causing harm • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
to others. He also won’t work for anyone he doesn’t like; pushy,
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
loud-mouthed braggarts, bullies, and those that love to hear
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
themselves talk.
• Instead of entangle, Thalassa prepares fog cloud.
Game Statistics • She can speak Common, Deep Speech, and Elvish.
Rotundo Wingfoot is a 35 year old lightfoot halfling spy with the
following changes:
• Rotundo is neutral.
• He has a Dexterity of 18 (+4).
• He has proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
• He knows Thieves’ Cant, as per the rogue class feature.

422 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Mayors Giles Tullet
Leaders of the settlement, mayors can potentially come from any “Oh my, where did I leave my spectacles? They must be around
social strata, as long as they have the backing of the people. Most here somewhere.”
often, nobles take on the role since they can afford to support Stooped and portly, with sparse, gray hair, Giles is as absent-
themselves while in office. minded as they come. He is well meaning, but forgets things unless
he writes them down. Then he forgets where puts his notes, notes
d6 Name which can include pardons or other important documents. His
1 Glastoff Ironblade poor eyesight does little to help matters; without his eyeglasses the
mayor is blind. With them, his vision is sketchy at best.
2 Giles Tullet
If visitors make a good impression on the mayor he invites them
3 Ignatius Chudderly to his home for dinner and regales them with long-winded
stories. His husband, Albert, is a simple but sweet man, that
4 Lord Ursiniel Fall
believes the best of everyone, even if presented with evidence
5 Raston Plinth to the contrary. He can’t conceive of people doing wrong unless,
perhaps, they were enchanted.
6 Rosewyn Trickelbank

Game Statistics
Glastoff Ironblade Giles Tullet is a 50 year old human commoner with the
“Strength is meaningless without the wisdom to wield it.” following changes:
Glastoff is a large and imposing dragonborn, with brilliant gold • Giles is neutral good.
scales, and he is dedicated to serving his community. He started • He has proficiency in the History skill.
out as a member of the local watch, became a commander, and
was eventually named mayor. • He speaks Common.
While in command of the watch, Glastoff grew accustomed to
using his towering height and brute strength to resolve matters. Ignatius Chudderly
Now that he’s the leader of the community, he’s having to
“Was that a spell? By the gods, if I see anyone throwing that devilry
learn how to approach matters with diplomacy and tact, as well
around there will be thrashings, do you hear me? Thrashings!”
as coming to terms with making difficult compromises. This
sometimes chafes against Glastoff’s principles, but he’s trying to Ignatius will never forget the day his wife, Lady Mildreth
find ways to adapt without losing his morals. Chudderly, died. The couple were touring a series of lovely
waterfalls, accompanied by a traveling bard who regaled them
Game Statistics with songs relating the history of each location they visited.

Glastoff Ironblade is a 40 year old gold dragonborn veteran with The trio paused near a precipice, overlooking a staggeringly high
the following changes: waterfall, the cascading water plunging three hundred feet to a
rocky pool below. Trying to add to the moment, the Chudderly’s
• Glastoff is lawful good. bard finished a song by conjuring a shower of sparks. The
• He has a Wisdom of 14 (+2) and a Charisma of 12 (+1). mystical flash alarmed Lady Mildreth and she reflexively stepped
back into empty air, plunging to her death. Since then, Ignatius
• He has proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
has never been the same.
• He has the following racial traits:
Now Lord Chudderly, and clad in black from head to toe, Ignatius
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. is a just and fair mayor for the settlement, as long as people
• He can use his action to exhale a 15-foot cone of fire. obey his rules. He has outlawed all foot traffic near waterfalls,
Each creature in the cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity deeming them unsafe for the public, and works hard to severely
saving throw. A creature takes 2d6 fire damage on a curtail the rights of those who use magic.
failed save, and half as much damage on a successful one.
• He has resistance to fire damage.
Game Statistics
Ignatius Chudderly is a 50 year old human noble with the
• He can speak Common and Draconic.
following changes:
• Ignatius is neutral.
• He speaks Common and Dwarvish.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 423

Lord Ursiniel Fall Raston Plinth
“I prefer to deal in gold, rather than lesser coins. I don’t think you’ll be “Caught violating the law, hmmm? That is a grave offense. Perhaps we can
disappointed if I round up.” reach a profitable agreement and I’ll overlook your indiscretion.”
Lord Fall is everything a hero is supposed to be. Handsome beyond Raston doesn’t like trouble. He prefers his settlement to be
words, and brave beyond measure, he has had more than a few peaceful, and often overlooks the law so he can quickly get rid of
exploits and adventures over the years. Some time ago, Ursiniel troublemakers. If they pay good coin and leave fast, Raston finds
and his companions were caught in a dangerous storm and sought that to be fine agreement.
shelter in a cave. Instead of comfort, they found a massive bear Raston hastens through official duties so he can spend his time
who was none too happy at being disturbed. The young noble and in the local taverns, sampling wine and other delights. Indecisive
his companions managed to escape; but not unscathed. and easily cowed, he relies on the aid of his advisors to get
His resolve shaken, the half-elf returned to his family’s residence through the day. Raston only maintains his position of authority
and assumed control of their ancestral holdings, taking up because of his vast inheritance, guarded from his excesses by a
the reins of leadership when the opportunity came. He finds network of legal protections.
the challenges of running the settlement equal to that of the
adventuring life, but with far less threat to life and limb. Game Statistics
Charismatic and outgoing, Lord Ursiniel Fall strives to be just and Raston Plinth is a 30 year old human noble with the following
even-handed. He depends on his advisers for day-to-day business, changes:
and often retreats to a local tavern when the pressures of the
office become too much. Sometimes, he doesn’t think through his • Raston is chaotic neutral.
decisions as mayor, and his wealth can make it hard for him to • He is proficient in the Intimidation skill, as well as with
understand the plight of the common folk, but he has a good heart. brewer’s supplies.
• He speaks Common and Elvish.
Game Statistics
Lord Ursiniel Fall is a 75 year old half-elf noble with the
following changes:
Rosewyn Trickelbank
“I do hope you will stay longer. Tomorrow is one of our favorite
• Ursiniel is neutral good.
lunar festivals.”
• He has proficiency in the History and Perception skills.
A plump and matronly woman, Rosewyn oversees the settlement
• He has the following racial traits: with a strong, but fair, hand. Whether conducting duties as
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. mayor, or in personal matters, Rosewyn is gregarious and
charming, but her private life is problematic.
• He has advantage on saving throws against being
charmed, and magic can’t put him to sleep. Rosewyn’s husband spends each day in his cups to drown out the
grief of their teenaged daughter’s death. The girl was executed
• He speaks Common, Draconic, and Elvish. for being a member of an evil cult, but Rosewyn is convinced that
her daughter was charmed. The Trickelbanks’ twin sons blame
their parents for their sister’s subversion and death. Both boys
have been the cause of embarrassing deeds for the family, and
Rosewyn is at her wits’ end with them.
If treated with courtesy, Rosewyn is polite and friendly. However,
insightful guests see she is under great stress, and could use help.

Game Statistics
Rosewyn Trickelbank is a 34 year old human commoner with
the following changes:
• Rosewyn is lawful neutral.
• She has a Wisdom of 16 (+3).
• She has proficiency in the Insight skill.
• She speaks Common.

424 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Moneylenders Bertrand Gros
Bankers and speculators, moneylenders keep the wheels of “Butter and gold; two things that make the world go smoother.
commerce flowing in the settlement. Some of them have an Wouldn’t you agree?”
establishment, with clerks and a locked safe, while others operate Bertrand loves food and coin in almost equal measure, and is
out of taverns or their homes, depending on the local constabulary seldom seen without a fork in hand. A minor noble, Bertrand
or a bodyguard to protect their, and their client’s, wealth. focuses on using his title to ensure his path through life is
as comfortable as possible, with many stops along the way
d6 Name for a quick bite. He has found that investing his gold in local
1 Lord Aumery Cammish restaurants and taverns ensures that he will always have a
private table prepared for him, wherever he goes.
2 Bertrand Gros
A large, but surprisingly spry, man, Bertrand prefers to conduct
3 Gildor Coinpress the business of lending over many cups of tea and slices of cake.
He keeps the wheels of the settlement greased with a steady
4 Peridot Mountaindeep
flow of coins.
5 Sebastian Hatch While some see Bertrand as the picture of the excess of the
6 Snivfel Ling nobility, he does have the welfare of the community at heart. He
tries to invest wisely and help the settlement grow and prosper.
If he can, he’ll make arrangements with debtors who are having
Lord Aumery Cammish trouble paying, and he’s always willing to back-date a month’s
“I grieve for the poor. I want to help each one of them.” payment in return for some new, delicious delicacy.

Lord Cammish is a vocal advocate for the plight of the

downtrodden, but quietly nurtures their oppression. Always
Game Statistics
willing to lend a hand in the name of a PR stunt, the seemingly Bertrand Gros is a 40 year old human noble with the following
generous moneylender assists the needy with financial struggles. changes:
When the majority of people find they can’t afford his interest • Bertrand is neutral good.
rates, Lord Cammish often seizes their homes and possessions to
make up the difference, donating a token portion to charity, to keep • He has a Constitution of 16 (+3).
up appearances. Because he works under the guise of liberality, • He has proficiency with cook’s utensils.
and is a known philanthropist, few believe the “slanderous and
defamatory rumors of misconduct”, as he calls them. • He speaks Common and Dwarvish.

Lord Cammish relies on his charm to win friends who will do

his bidding. Should that fail, he throws around his considerable
wealth. He’s well-spoken, but that’s nothing more than a
pretence. If insulted or provoked, Lord Cammish’s facade
crumbles. He has tremendous influence and power, most
watchmen and judges are in his service, and those who provoke
him are often run out of town.

Game Statistics
Lord Aumery Cammish is a 50 year old human noble with the
following changes:
• Lord Cammish is lawful evil.
• He has a Charisma of 18 (+4).
• He has proficiency in the Deception skill.
• He speaks Common and Dwarvish.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 425

Gildor Coinpress Peridot Mountaindeep
“Fudge the numbers? You must be joking. I would just as soon “There’s more to you than you realize. You have the stuff of heroes inside you.”
shave my beard.” Peridot is a lovely dwarf, with sorrowful eyes and a streak of
Gildor and his siblings grew up working for their father, whom silver running through her dark red hair; her father called it her
he always admired. His father taught him to be meticulous, ‘vein of mithril’.
cautious, and a stickler for details. Now, Gildor has shrewd Unfortunately, Peridot’s husband and sons perished while
business sense and a knack for turning one coin into two. Ever attempting to reclaim their clan’s mine. What’s left of her kin are
focused on his work, Gildor has never had much interest in scattered throughout the lands after the disastrous effort. While
helping others, and even the most emotionally conveyed stories she doesn’t like to talk about her loss, she hopes to one day finish
won’t turn his heart. It isn’t that Gildor is unfeeling but, in this the work her family started.
line of work, rules are rules.
Although she has a sizable fortune, Peridot lives a simple life.
The young dwarf is more comfortable with ledgers and coffers She spends her days meeting with clients about matters of
than looking people in the eyes. In social situations, Gildor coinage, and she’s a shrewd investor. Peridot often visits nearby
stutters and stammers; when behind his desk, his tongue taverns to take the measure of visitors. Nursing a solitary drink,
sharpens and his confidence soars. the dwarf hopes to find valorous folk with integrity to help her in
Gildor can’t be bought or bribed. During his limited free time, he her quest.
can be found reading in a local tavern, beneath a tree, or in his
home. The dwarf has no interest in fanciful tales; he prefers dry Game Statistics
histories without dramatic embellishment.
Peridot Mountaindeep is a 100 year old hill dwarf commoner
with the following changes:
Game Statistics
• Peridot is neutral good.
Gildor Coinpress is a 75 year old hill dwarf commoner with the
following changes: • She has an Intelligence of 12 (+1) and a Wisdom of 16 (+3).
• Gildor is lawful neutral. • She has proficiency in the History and Insight skills, as well
as with smith’s tools.
• He has an Intelligence of 12 (+1) and a Wisdom of 12 (+1).
• She is proficient with battleaxes, handaxes, light hammers,
• He is proficient with the History skill, as well as with and warhammers.
brewer’s supplies.
• She has the following racial traits:
• He has proficiency with battleaxes, handaxes, light
hammers, and warhammers. • She has a speed of 25 feet and her speed isn’t reduced by
wearing heavy armor.
• He has the following racial traits:
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He has a speed of 25 feet and his speed isn’t reduced by
wearing heavy armor. • She has advantage on saving throws against poison,
and resistance against poison damage.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• Whenever she makes an Intelligence (History) check
• He has advantage on saving throws against poison, and related to the origin of stonework, she adds +5
resistance against poison damage. to the check.
• Whenever he makes an Intelligence (History) check • She can speak Common and Dwarvish.
related to the origin of stonework, he adds +5
to the check.
• He can speak Common and Dwarvish.

426 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Sebastian Hatch Snivfel Ling
“Of course I can spare a coin. Let me just write out a receipt and get your “Trust me friend, whoever has the most gold is king, and it’s good to
mark on it.” be the king.”
Sebastian Hatch looks every bit the banker. His wispy hair At home in gambling dens, Snivfel has as much gold as a man
is combed neatly over his balding pate, his wee mustache is could ever want, and it’s all for loan with a modest interest rate.
trimmed tightly along a thin upper lip, and the eyeglasses Short, thin, and constantly rubbing his hands, Snivfel is easy to
perched on his nose magnify already large eyes, giving them a overlook, and he likes it that way. He relies on his unassuming
bulging appearance. presence to set his clients at ease, making it easier for them to
agree to his outrageous interest rates.
Fastidious and precise, Hatch does have a wild side, small though
it is. He carefully alotts himself a small purse of coins every week Snivfel frequents places where there is no shortage of desperate
to spend on games of chance and delightful company. He knows and greedy people. He never forces anyone, but is always
he’s anything but a maiden’s fantasy, but what he lacks in looks available for those who want to borrow more and more. Snivfel
and brawn he makes up for with gold. often collects personal heirlooms and other belongings to cover
debts, holding his victims to the strict terms of his contracts.
On the whole, Sebastian is kind to those he deals with and
does what he can to help those in need. He accounts for every While Snivfel can be charming, usually the only ones fooled by
charitable donation, and deducts it from his taxes accordingly, this act are those that are willing to believe anything if it means
happy to do his part for the good of others. getting rich.

Game Statistics Game Statistics

Sebastian Hatch is a 46 year old human commoner with the Snivfel Ling is a 34 year old human noble with the following changes:
following changes: • Snivfel is lawful neutral.
• Sebastian is lawful good. • He has proficiency with dice and playing cards.
• He has an Intelligence of 16 (+3) and a Wisdom of 14 (+2). • He knows thieves’ cant, as per the rogue class feature.
• He has proficiency in the Insight skill, as well as with • He speaks Common and Infernal.
calligrapher’s tools.
• He speaks Common.

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Nobles Lady Cecilia Leafwright
Whether through inheritance or savvy deals, nobles usually “Without the soul, there is no art.”
have access to large quantities of gold. They are also generally at A dignified and refined elf matron with long, golden hair, Lady
the top of the local power structure. Sometimes, though, nobles Cecilia is a devoted patron of the arts. Her estate is filled with,
trade on their good name and lineage to cover up destitution. and surrounded by, the most incredible works of art; visitors
often speak of her residence more like a museum than a home.
d6 (reroll 1s) Name
Lady Cecilia often invites friends and other art-lovers to viewings
2 Dillard Addicock and concerts, and her lavish parties often showcase up-and-
coming talents who have caught her attention. Once introduced
3 Lady Cecilia Leafwright
by her ladyship, these virtuosos rise quickly to prominence, so
4 Helewyse Dibble many would-be artists seek her favor. Some have even gone as
far as to break into her home or pursue her in the streets. Out of
5 Lord Padrick Swern
necessity, her mother, the Dowager Countess, has employed a
6 Royston Honeybun small retinue of guards, on her daughter’s behalf.
The lady’s favorite pieces are artifacts and relics of bygone eras,
Dillard Addicock so she often finds herself dealing with adventurers. Cecilia
does not care for the coarse manners of these sorts of people,
“My good man, or woman, or whatever you are, where might I find an but she remains coolly polite and pays well, as long as they
elephant and a small hat? I have the most smashing idea.” deliver. Adventurers that come from a noble background are a
Dillard Addicock is a likeable fop that prefers the company of puzzlement to the elf. She cannot understand why anyone of
rowdy tavern goers, tramps and adventurers. Often found drunk, noble blood would choose a life of danger and poor hygiene.
gambling, or both, the young man has plenty of gold to toss Lady Cecilia places great value on integrity, honor, and nobility
around. He begins each evening immaculately groomed and attired of the soul. Anyone that shows these qualities is someone who
but he ends each night disheveled and reeking of booze. Dillard will earn the elf’s respect and friendship.
doesn’t always make it home after his nights of debauchery, and
has been known to awaken in some house of leisure, or perhaps
under a bar stool (or in the stables, just that one time).
Game Statistics
Lady Cecilia Leafwright is a 589 year old high elf noble with the
Dillard knows every seedy location in the settlement, and
following changes:
most of the shady characters as well. As if he has a divining
rod for vice, he can uncover games of chance and cheap drinks • Lady Cecilia is chaotic good.
anywhere. Dillard has his good points though; he is good for • She has proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as with
a laugh, never forgets a favor (or that it’s his round), and is longswords, shortswords, shortbows, and longbows.
stubbornly loyal to anyone that shows him true friendship.
• She has the following racial traits:
Game Statistics • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Dillard Addicock is a 26 year old human noble with the following • She has advantage on saving throws against being
changes: charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
• Dillard is chaotic neutral. • Instead of sleeping, she meditates deeply for 4
hours a day.
• He speaks Common.
• She knows the prestidigitation cantrip. Intelligence is her
spellcasting ability.
• She speaks Celestial, Common, Elvish, and Primordial.

428 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Helewyse Dibble Royston Honeybun
“I’m throwing a party to raise money for the orphanage. It would be “Alas! This kiss may be only a moment in time, but know that you hold my
delightful to see you there. And, perhaps later, we could speak in private?” heart forever!”
Helewyse is an unassuming half-elf, living an extremely Second son of a wealthy landowner, Royston has no interest
comfortable life due to the fabulous wealth she inherited or head for business. As his older and younger brothers like to
from her parents. She dwells in a luxurious house within the remind him, Royston can largely choose what he wants to do in
settlement, and is known as a generous philanthropist that life, rather than what is expected of him. For the time being, at
helps noteworthy, local causes. Devoted to promoting peace least, he is allowed to pursue his own interests, and rents a lavish
and prosperity, Helewyse covertly funds adventurers willing to apartment far from his countryside homestead.
complete dangerous quests for the cause of good. Royston spent several years as a professional thespian, and he
Adventurers and would-be heroes are most likely to meet Helewyse once portrayed a legendary thief who not only stole the crown
by invitation. She knows the risks that adventurers take, and jewels, but the hearts of nobles and peasants alike. The shame
worries about each and every hero sent forth on a quest. Helewyse proved to be a tad too much for his hidebound parents, and
is likely to develop strong attachments to those that are humble and Royston was forced to leave a life treading the boards behind,
act with nobility, no matter what background they come from. though he still dreams of himself as his dashing stage character.
He chafes under the knowledge that, at any time, his father can
Game Statistics cut his pursestrings and call him home, but Royston hasn’t yet
found a good alternative that doesn’t involve actual work.
Helewyse is a 100 year old half-elf noble with the following
Game Statistics
• Helewyse is neutral good.
Royston Honeybun is a 20 year old human noble with the
• She has the following racial traits: following changes:
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. • Royston is chaotic neutral.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being • He has proficiency in the Acrobatics and Performance skills,
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep. as well as with disguise kits.
• She can speak Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish. • He speaks Common and Elvish.

Lord Padrick Swern

“I say, how do you allow yourself to be seen in public while wearing that?”
Lord Swern is something of a recluse, content to spend most of
his time in his manor house on his vast holdings of land. When
he does spend a significant amount of time in the more urban
areas of the settlement, he often takes long carriage rides to visit
local parks or other green spaces, so that he can get away from all
the hustle and bustle.
The only thing that can persuade Lord Swern to suffer coming
into town is fashion. He is dedicated to keeping up with the latest
trends, and always has some poor tailor diligently sewing up
something new for him. When he decides to grace the settlement
with his presence, he’s always bedecked in the finest of garb.
While he is arrogant and condescending, Lord Swern does
recognize good work and pays handsomely for it. He has some
notion that being kind to the lower classes is expected of him, so
he does what seems required but, really, it’s only the thrill of a
new kind of fabric or a rakish new hat that makes him sit up and
take notice.

Game Statistics
Lord Padrick Swern is a 38 year old human noble with the
following changes:
• Lord Swern is neutral.
• He has proficiency in the History skill.
• He speaks Common and Elvish.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 429

Priests Cyril Mastem
Churches, be they small shrines or massive temples, are always “Rain falls on the just and unjust alike.”
centers of the community. They are places one can go for Cyril cares about balance in all things, from matters of heaven
guidance and counsel, blessings or even divine healing. Churches and hell, down to the way he eats, even writing equally with both
often stand as a beacon of hope in an otherwise dark world. hands. He doesn’t judge others for their actions, rather he lives
his life as an example for others to follow.
d8 (reroll 1s) Name
The only child of a wealthy family, Cyril’s father, a renowned
2 Az’Relik doctor and good man, was poisoned by his mother, who
was executed for her evil crime. The whole affair left a deep
3 Cyril Mastem
impression on Cyril, who sought to find a reason for what had
4 Hobbart the Preacher happened. After much thought, he concluded that balance must
be the answer, and this gave him comfort. Cyril strives to achieve
5 Father Michal
total equilibrium in all areas of life, although sometimes he takes
6 Sybbyl Talonthrone things a bit too far.
7 Zadoch Skean Cyril welcomes all visitors to his shrine, with respect, but he can
come off as a bit odd. He sometimes deliberately changes his
8 Zinnia Reed mood to balance his behavior with earlier conduct. He can see
both sides to every debate, and argues for both with equal skill.
“Justice, unlike lightning, strikes as often as needed.”
Game Statistics
Cyril Mastem is a 50 year old human acolyte with the following
Devoted to his god, Az'Relik is a fierce foe of injustice. His silver
scales are scarred and he is missing one eye, all injuries he
suffered in the cause of righteousness. While it’s obvious that the • Cyril is lawful neutral.
dragonborn doesn’t lack for courage, he is getting on in years and • He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.
can no longer take the fight to evil as he once did.
• He speaks Celestial and Common.
Az’Relik is charismatic and eloquent, using his words to inspire
a new generation of faithful warriors. Sometimes his oration
verges into zealotry, but Az’Relik truly wants what is best for Hobbart the Preacher
his community. He is fiery and forceful, but equally ready with a “Prayer is not for the asking of things. It is opening yourself up and
helping claw for those in need. listening for what is needed of you.”
Occasionally, Az’Relik has half a mind to pack up and set out on Fifty years ago, Hobbart was a squire in service to a paladin. The
the road once more to strive against the darkness, but he knows boy enjoyed his faith, and the reading of holy texts, but had no
those days are behind him. He contents himself with fighting love for swordplay. His master saw that Hobbart’s true calling
against the small injustices in the settlement, making it safe for all. was in temples, and not on the battlefield, and encouraged him to
take up the priestly life. Overjoyed, Hobbart did so.
Game Statistics Hobbart has no delusions of grandeur, rather he exalts the
Az’Relik is a 45 year old silver dragonborn priest with the downtrodden and impoverished. He works to nourish the bodies
following changes: and souls of his flock. When he is not teaching or preaching
• Az’Relik is chaotic good. about his god, Hobbart serves soup and bread to any who ask.
While they eat together, he gently shares stories of his faith,
• He has proficiency in the Intimidation skill. doing what he can to guide people to a good life. The cheerful
• He has the following racial traits: priest would never force those he helps to adopt his beliefs, but
instead hopes to be an example of what his faith means.
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• He can use his action to exhale a 15-foot cone of ice. Each Game Statistics
creature in the cone must make a DC 12 Dexterity saving
throw. A creature takes 2d6 cold damage on a failed save, Hobbart is a 40 year old human acolyte with the following
and half as much damage on a successful one. changes:

• He has resistance to cold damage. • Hobbart is chaotic good.

• He speaks Common and Draconic. • He has proficiency in the Persuasion skill.

• He speaks Celestial and Common.

430 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Father Michal Zadoch Skean
“I’m not drunk, the innkeeper just spilled a bit of wine on my table.” “Tell me what troubles you. If I can help, I will.”
Michal was a priest until someone he gave spiritual advice to Zadoch is a generous benefactor. He’s adopted orphans, fed and
was killed while following it; he blames himself and has never sheltered the homeless, and given shiftless souls purpose with
gotten over the loss. Now, he lives and works in a dilapidated his faith. The charismatic priest appeals to any and all with words
and ramshackle shop. His breath reeks of booze and his robes of comfort and advice, crafting each message so the listener feels
are stained; his white scraggly hair frames watery, sad eyes that it was meant especially for them.
droop toward a weak chin, covered in stubble. Aging and increasingly crippled by arthritis, Zadoch is looking
Many folks still know and refer to him as Father Michal, but he forward to a quiet retirement. He spends more and more of his
brushes the title off with equal parts grief and shame. He spends days resting, watching the young folk go by. A kindly carpenter
most of his profits on whiskey, which has crippled his personal made him a wheeled chair, so that he can get around with less
and professional life. pain, and Zadoch is grateful for the mobility this affords him.
Even so, most days he is content to wheel himself to a sunny spot
If someone were to help the former priest overcome his guilt,
and read, or maybe nap instead.
Father Michal might rediscover his faith in his deity, and finally
forgive himself.
Game Statistics
Game Statistics Zadoch Skean is a 65 year old human priest with the following
Father Michal is a 62 year old human acolyte with the following
changes: • Zadoch is neutral good.
• Michal is neutral good. • He has proficiency in the Insight skill.
• He has a Constitution of 12 (+1). • He speaks Celestial and Common.
• He speaks Common.
Zinnia Reed
Sybbyl Talonthrone “We do not inherit the land from our ancestors, rather we borrow it from
our children.”
“Faith tested in the darkest hours is rewarded in the brightest sunlight.”
As a child, Zinnia helped her human mother tend a large garden
Strikingly beautiful, Sybbyl doesn’t hide her fiendish appearance
in front of their cottage, and it was there that she developed
behind heavy vestments. The priestess uses her devil’s face as a
her love of growing things. She never knew her father, and her
cautionary message to those tempted by evil. She warns those
mother never spoke of him. Locals were suspicious of Zinnia’s
who listen that only through prayer and good deeds will one be
elven heritage, but she took comfort in nurturing her garden and
rewarded by the gods. in the company of animals.
No matter how menial the task, Sybbyl is happy to work Now an adult, Zinnia has become a competent druid. She is
alongside her acolytes. She is reluctant to touch or embrace still soft-spoken, and more at ease with flora and fauna, but
others because her body radiates an intense heat, a mark of her dangerous to those who would threaten the natural order. To her
ancestry. The priestess has devoted her life to serving the gods friends, she is warm and always happy to help.
but still gets lonely, though she sometimes feels guilty about her
desire for earthly companionship. Sybbyl is deeply ashamed by Zinnia spends her days in her temple, or the nearby wilds. She
the jealousy she sometimes feels when in the presence of lovers. speaks to animals in their own language and treats them as
family. When she is away, the forest animals watch over any
grove Zinnia has deemed sacred, defending it fiercely.
Game Statistics
Sybbyl Talonthrone is a 25 year old tiefling priest with the Game Statistics
following changes:
Zinnia Reed is a 22 year old half-elf druid with the following
• Sybbyl is neutral good. changes:
• She has the following racial traits: • Zinnia Reed is neutral.
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. • She has proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.
• She has resistance to fire damage. • She has the following racial traits:
• She knows thaumaturgy as an additional cantrip. • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• She can cast hellish rebuke as a 2nd-level spell once, and • She has advantage on saving throws against being
regains the ability to do so when she finishes a long rest. charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
Charisma is her spellcasting ability.
• She speaks Common, Elvish, and Sylvan.
• She can speak Common and Infernal.

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Servants Game Statistics
Bilb Buzzbottle is an 89 year old lightfoot halfling commoner
Some servants take great pride in their work, while others chafe with the following changes:
against the restrictions of their position. All servants work long,
tiring hours and must try to find ways to make the toil bearable. • Bilb is neutral.
• He has a Dexterity of 14 (+2) and a Constitution of 14 (+2).
d10 Name
• He has proficiency in the Stealth skill, as well as with
1 Bilb Buzzbottle brewer’s supplies.
2 Cayree Selwyn • He has the following racial traits:
3 Emerlee Peacock • His size is Small and he has a speed of 25 feet.

4 Hardlee • He has advantage on saving throws against being

5 Helisent Stokely
• He can move through the space of any creature that is
6 Nimmy March larger than him.
7 Osbet Switch • When he rolls a 1 for any ability check, saving throw, or
attack roll, he can reroll the die and must use the new roll.
8 Mrs. Prunella Crutchley
• He can attempt to hide even when obscured only by a
9 Ronald Cooke creature that is at least one size larger than him.
10 Snedly Ratcliff • He speaks Common and Halfling.

Bilb Buzzbottle Cayree Selwyn

“Two beers is fine, I guess, but you lads and lasses know me tongue isn’t fit “Don’t worry, Cinnamon, there’s plenty for you to eat.”
to yarn on unless at least three beers have passed me lips.”
Cayree is a plain-faced half-elf girl who lives and works in the
Bilb has been a butler since he was a young halfling, and is local stables. She wears loose-fitting clothes, that are constantly
a notorious eavesdropper. His age, stature and station often dirty, and her face and hands are usually grimy. If asked why she
make him privy to many conversations not meant for his ears. doesn’t clean herself up, she just smiles, shrugs, and says that
Bilb enjoys gossip as much as a stout beer, but he’s not in it for she’ll just get dirty again before she knows it.
financial gain; he just loves the rapt attention he gets when
telling others what he has heard and knows. The half-elf deeply loves the animals she works with, and is
careful to give them the attention and respect they deserve.
Only when serving the great and the good does Bilb prefer to Normally quiet and reserved, Cayree becomes extremely
listen rather than talk. At all other times, it’s hard to get a word talkative and excited with people she trusts. There isn’t a single
in edgewise. When he’s not working, Bilb spends much of his task at the stable Cayree can’t handle, and works with the sure
time at the nearest local drinking spot, where he allows folks to hand and sharp eye of an expert who knows her business.
coax tales out of him with free drinks. Bilb doesn’t lie, but he may
leave out bits that don’t make for worthy gossip. His opinion is
that sometimes what’s left unsaid has greater effect than what is.
Game Statistics
Cayree Selwyn is a 78 year old half-elf acolyte with the following
• Cayree is neutral good.
• She has proficiency in the Animal Handling and Nature
• She has the following racial traits:
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
• She has advantage on saving throws against being
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
• Instead of cleric spells, Cayree has the following druid spells
• Cantrips (at-will): druidcraft, mending
• 1st level (2): animal friendship, speak with animals.
• She speaks Common and Elvish.

432 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Emerlee Peacock Game Statistics
“Not a problem; I’ll get it done, don’t you worry.” Hardlee is a 20 year old half-orc commoner with the following
Garbed in a stained, patchwork dress with a mop of wild,
sweat-matted hair, Emerlee Peacock is a diamond in the rough. • Hardlee is neutral.
Overworked, and easily pushed around, Emerlee works to • She has proficiency in the Intimidation and Persuasion skills.
support her ailing mother and younger siblings.
• She has the following racial traits:
Though Emerlee often does dirty and difficult work, she never
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
complains and is grateful for what she has. Sadly, her mother’s
failing health is beginning to take a toll on Emerlee. She prays • When she is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed
earnestly every morning for her mother to be strong again. outright, she can drop to 1 hit point instead. She can’t
Though she has no spare coin to give, she works to help those in use this feature again until she finishes a long rest.
need whenever she can, finding a quiet joy in serving the needs • When she scores a critical hit with a melee weapon
of others. attack, she can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one
additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
Game Statistics critical hit.
Emerlee Peacock is a 20 year old human commoner with the • She can speak Common and Orc.
following changes:
• Emerlee is neutral good. Helisent Stokely
• She has a Constitution of 14 (+2). “Beg pardon, might I scrub the floor ‘round your table?”
• She has proficiency in the Medicine and Religion skills. Helisent is a quiet wisp of a girl, with delicate horns. She is a
• She speaks Common. hard worker; serving tables, laundering clothes, scrubbing floors
and emptying chamber pots. Helisent comes from a long line
of tieflings, and her parents were killed because of it, thanks to
Hardlee the all-too-common prejudices tieflings face. She fled and found
“Me, a half-orc? Why do you say that?” work in the settlement, working hard to survive in a cruel world
where people often shun her because of her diabolic heritage.
Hardlee is a charming lass with bright-green eyes, strawberry-
blonde hair and a cute, heart-shaped face. Self conscious of her The tiefling has a small room at a local inn where she keeps some
small, tusk-like teeth, Hardlee seldom smiles. Attentive and personal items, including a small pouch with a few gold pieces,
respectful, Hardlee fits in easily; cursing with roughnecks one a potion of invisibility and a disguise kit. Helisent is ready to run
moment then politely discussing current events with other guests again at a moment’s notice.
the next. Although petite, Hardlee is stronger than she looks, and
has tossed more than one unruly guest out on their ear in her time. Game Statistics
Hardlee goes to great efforts to keep people from discovering her Helisent Stokely is a 16 year old tiefling commoner with the
orcish heritage. If someone guesses at her ancestry, Hardlee will following changes:
fiercely deny it or angrily storm away. She might let her guard
• Helisent is neutral.
down after getting to know someone who shows her sincere
kindness but, as yet, no one realizes the inner turmoil that she • She has a Wisdom of 12 (+1).
struggles with. • She has proficiency in the Insight skill.
The half-orc dreams of studying the arcane arts, but knows she • She has the following racial traits:
is beyond the age of apprenticeship and has no coin for such
education anyway. Saddened, she has resigned herself to life as a • She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
tavern server, praying each night for her fortunes to change. • She has resistance to fire damage.
• She knows the thaumaturgy cantrip. Charisma is her
spellcasting ability.
• She can speak Common and Infernal.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 433

Even if they don't entirely understand the nature of his
Nimmy March uniqueness, Osbet loves and appreciates those who have taken
“I don’t mind the work. It’s honest and needs doing.” him in and accepted him for who he is. While his demeanor and
habits can be a little off-putting to travelers visiting the stables,
Nimmy is a young, average-looking half-elf scullery maid, working they quickly warm to the boy when he is allowed to care for their
contentedly in a kitchen, cleaning and scouring floors, stoves, mounts and interact with any familiars or animal companions
pots, sinks, and an endless array of dishes. There isn’t any task too that may be with them.
demeaning for the girl; she feels lucky to serve. She can almost
always be found in the kitchen, where she sleeps, eats and works.
Game Statistics
Nimmy is soft-spoken and shy, but responds to commands
diligently and doesn’t complain. When fetching water, she Osbet Switch is a 12 year old human commoner with the
steals moments to peek at her master’s youngest son, Jon, as following changes:
he practices swordplay. She once caught him sneaking into the • Osbet is neutral.
kitchen at night, and ended up sharing a pastry with him; she’s
• He has a Wisdom of 14 (+2) and a Charisma of 8 (-1).
been smitten ever since.
• He has proficiency in the Animal Handling skill.
The young half-elf maid is loyal to her master’s family and has
no aspirations of rising in rank; her life is much more than she • He speaks Common, but doesn’t know how to read or write.
ever thought it could be. The only dream she allows herself to
have is one where Jon returns to the kitchens again, to share a
secret pastry.
Mrs. Prunella Crutchley
“My dear, if you are to remain in service here, you must dedicate yourself to
Game Statistics your duties which, in this case, means learning that silverware must be placed
in an even line, exactly two fingers from the edge of the table. Are we clear?”
Nimmy March is a 16 year old half-elf commoner with the
following changes: Immaculately groomed and with perfect posture, Prunella is the
undisputed head of the female staff in the noble house she runs.
• Nimmy is neutral good. Pragmatic and dependable, she keeps order in the house, and
• She has a Dexterity of 16 (+3). manages her subordinates with a firm grip.
• She has proficiency in the Stealth and Survival skills. On the surface, Prunella (Mrs. Crutchley, to practically everyone)
is a terrifying woman whose mere glance causes any beneath her
• She has the following racial traits:
authority to wither in fright. The woman is not without kindness,
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. she just lacks the time and patience for softness. Her face is
• She has advantage on saving throws against being almost always set in a stern expression, and her life is focused on
charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep. service and structure. Besides emotional nuance, little escapes
Mrs. Crutchley’s notice, not a spoon out of place or a spec of dust
• She speaks Common, Elvish, and Halfling. on a bannister.
Proper etiquette is paramount, and Mrs. Crutchley would never
Osbet Switch do anything that would demean herself, those under her charge,
or those she serves. Visitors are expected to obey protocol and
Osbet rubs his hands together.
show proper decorum. If she ever let her hair fall free of her
Osbet is a boy of average appearance and height, who works at a tightly wound bun, and learned how to smile, people would see
local stable. He cleans stalls, stacks bales of hay and straw, waters just how handsome she is.
and feeds horses, grooms and readies mounts for owners, and
more. If given an order, or asked a question, Osbet stares dumbly Game Statistics
until the command or query is repeated. The stable boy wears a
dim expression, and nods his understanding, rather than talking. Prunella Crutchley is a 44 year old human commoner with the
However, when he is interacting with horses and other animals, following changes:
his face lights up, and it's clear he has a deep empathy with the • Prunella is lawful neutral.
• She has a Wisdom of 14 (+2).
No one knows what the nature of this bond is, and no one knows
who his parents were. Osbet’s never said what happened to them, • She has proficiency in the Intimidation skill.
or anything else for that matter. Some have speculated that Osbet • She speaks Common.
may be some kind of changeling or fey-touched due to his quiet
nature and bond with animals, though the truth is likely more
mundane. His parents were travelers that met an unfortunate
fate on the road, and Osbet managed to escape. He showed up at
the stables, bedraggled and emaciated, seeking comfort from his
favorite animals, and has not said a word since.

434 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Ronald Cooke Snedly Ratcliff
“I cook with dwarf spirits. I’ll even put some in the food, from time to time!” “I am Snedly Ratcliff, my master’s personal valet.
They will be with you shortly.”
After serving for years as a ship’s cook, Ronald’s mouth is
filthy but his knives are spotless. Crass and good-natured, the As a valet for a local lord, Snedly sees to his master’s personal
short, brawny man runs his kitchen as efficiently as any galley. needs and private domestic arrangements. The hawk-nosed
Assistants and scullions jump when he directs them and, if man is seldom far from his master’s side, and even has a room
needed, Ronald doles out discipline to those who slip up. His adjacent to their quarters. Snedly is not just a servant, but a
bark is worse than his bite, however; he always feels guilty about trusted friend as well. He is privy to nearly all of his master’s
punishing others too harshly. private conversations and meetings, but would never betray
those confidences.
Ronald doesn’t let visitors leave his kitchen without eating,
whether they are hungry or not. Servants or dignitaries, the cook Snedly is a kind and loyal servant, who has the respect of all
quickly provides a bowl, trencher, or platter of food. He’ll often within the household, but his master sometimes thinks he works
sit down with his guests and, quite literally, break bread with a bit too hard. Of late, Snedly has been encouraged to take a few
them, digging into a dish of fresh butter to slather over a crusty nights off and relax, which he’s not particularly good at. Most
heel, his favorite part of the loaf. He wears his love of food and often, he sits at a tavern, primly nursing a single glass of beer
cooking on his sleeve and ample belly. and trying not to touch anything.
Despite his crude language and gruff personality, Ronald is a
great listener and almost always gives good advice. However, he Game Statistics
finds it much harder to navigate his own life. The poor man is Snedly Ratcliff is a 35 year old human commoner with the
desperately in love with the resident housekeeper, but has not following changes:
been able to express his feelings to her. He won’t talk about any of
this, without being prodded, but it is clear to everyone, except the • Snedly is lawful neutral.
housekeeper in question, how the cook cares for her. • He has an Intelligence of 14 (+2).
• He has proficiency in the History and Perception skills.
Game Statistics
• He speaks Common.
Ronald Cooke is a 39 year old human commoner with the
following changes:
• Ronald is chaotic good.
• He has a Wisdom of 16 (+3).
• He has proficiency with cook’s utensils.
• He speaks Common.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 435

Watch Commanders Game Statistics
Gunthar is a 20 year old half-orc gladiator with the following
Watch commanders oversee the guards, and other keepers of the changes:
peace, for the settlement. It’s often a boring and thankless job,
but they ensure the safety of all. • Gunthar is neutral.
• He has the following racial traits:
d6 Name
• He has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
1 Elsbeth Mullens
• When he is reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed
2 Gunthar outright, he can drop to 1 hit point instead. He can’t use
this feature again until he finishes a long rest.
3 Graza ir’Phain
• When he scores a critical hit with a melee weapon
4 Lathlaeril Zylee attack, he can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one
5 Mert Ruggwain additional time and add it to the extra damage of the
critical hit.
6 Tyrian Blount
• He can speak Common and Orc.

Elsbeth Mullens Graza ir’Phain

“Welcome. I do hope we can sit down for dinner and break bread together.”
“I’m very sorry you were robbed, but that is a risk one takes in this
Visitors to the settlement see Elsbeth as little more than a settlement.”
country bumpkin, mothering over the locals; her calm, slow,
and polite nature makes her seem naive and simple-minded. Commander Graza is new to her office, only recently promoted,
Nothing could be farther from the truth; the middle-aged human and is less interested in the law than she is in staying alive. Her
is honorable, wise, and shrewd. predecessor wasn’t in his position for very long before dying on
duty, and Graza wants to make sure she lasts longer. This makes
When on duty, she tries to make people look inward and reflect her easy to bribe and intimidate.
on their wrongdoing. She sees the best in others, even when no
one else can, and often lets people off the hook with a warning, Short and dark-haired, Graza isn’t particularly clever and is a
including those who have been warned half-a-hundred times. rather ineffective leader. Smart enough to know that she’s in a
dangerous position, the half-elf delegates as much as possible.
While her authority is a bit laid back, her leadership and Her first concern is keeping her head on her shoulders, and she
willingness to give some time to everyone, from the poorest will renege on any deal if there is even the slightest chance she’ll
to richest, has made her a pillar of the settlement. She is be at risk.
extraordinarily patient and encouraging with her small team of
deputies, guiding them to grow as leaders in the community. The half-elf isn’t evil, just weak-willed and scared. Under the
right guidance she could be something greater, but it would
require overcoming her fear. For now, Graza isn’t concerned so
Game Statistics much with her job, as with survival.
Elsbeth Mullens is a 38 year old human knight with the
following changes: Game Statistics
• Elsbeth is neutral good. Graza ir’Phain is a 24 year old half-elf guard with the following
• She has proficiency in the Insight skill. changes:
• She speaks Common. • Graza is neutral.
• She has proficiency in the Perception skill, as well as with
Gunthar playing cards.
• She has the following racial traits:
“Break the law, I break you.”
• She has darkvision out to a range of 60 feet.
Gunthar is a big fish in a small pond; monstrous and
unbelievably strong. The half-orc has a penchant for violence • She has advantage on saving throws against being
and, when he first joined the watch, it was just for the chance charmed, and magic can’t put her to sleep.
to be allowed to hit people legally. But, now that he’s in charge, • She speaks Common, Dwarvish, and Elvish.
Gunthar is trying to take his role seriously.
Gunthar is supremely confident in his strength, and for good
reason. It would be easy to assume that the half-orc is all brawn
and no brains, but that’s a dangerous mistake. Gunthar may not
be able to understand great arcane texts, or even which fork is for
salad and which is for dessert, but he isn’t easily fooled. People
that try to do so end up clapped in irons, or worse.

436 C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s

Lathlaeril Zylee Mert Ruggwain
“Ah yes, you were the burglar running down the side-alley three nights ago. “I’m not interested in arresting you for some petty theft, just let me get a
Your footsteps are the same. Please don’t resist arrest, it won’t go well for you.” piece of the action and you can be on your way.”
Tall and clear-eyed, Lathlaeril doesn’t seem like a typical watch Mert doesn’t care who butters his bread, as long as it’s slathered
commander, at first. The elf wears fine robes instead of armor, on thick. Balding and heavyset, the man is happy to take bribes
and carries a small bandolier of wands and pouches instead of a from criminal groups and affluent citizens alike. Most guards
sword. To those in the know, these are just as much the tools of under Mert’s command are in on his illicit activities, and are
law and order as any truncheon or badge. usually happy to take their cut and look the other way. Mert
prefers to handle affairs reasonably before resorting to threats or
Lathlaeril has been in command of the settlement’s
violence; the commander would rather do things, “the easy way”.
peacekeeping force for generations, watching guards rise
through the ranks and retire, over and over. They have seen Mert regularly makes the rounds, just like any other guard. After
almost every possible attempt at bureaucratic mismanagement, all, free drinks, meals, and other such perks are all part of the
embezzlement, and general corruption, and are dedicated to job. Friendly and always ready with a joke, the watch commander
keeping the guard as an institution that citizens can trust. remembers almost everything he’s told. He’s smart enough to
know that information can be a precious commodity.
Aloof and intellectual, Lathleril mostly stays in their office,
collating and filing massive amounts of reports from various Surprisingly, Mert performs his duties admirably, fulfilling the
patrols. They have developed a number of magical devices great majority of his oaths of office to a good standard, except
and spells over the years that help them create a vast web of when he can profit from a situation. To his mind, everything has
information that they can review at a moment’s notice. a price, including the law.

Game Statistics Game Statistics

Lathlaeril Zylee is a 610 year old high elf mage with the Mert Ruggwain is a 29 year old human thug with the following
following changes: changes:
• Lathlaeril is lawful neutral. • Mert is chaotic neutral.
• They have proficiency in the Investigation and Perception • He speaks Common.
• They are proficient with longswords, shortswords,
longbows, and shortbows.
Tyrian Blount
“If the law isn’t obeyed, there is only chaos.”
• They have the following racial traits:
Tyrian isn’t a man interested in politics; he has seen leaders come
• They have darkvision out to a range of 60 feet. and go. All he concerns himself with is the rule of law. An angel
• They have advantage on saving throws against being or a demon could take over rule of the settlement and it wouldn’t
charmed, and magic can’t put them to sleep. matter to him one bit. He upholds the law religiously.
• Instead of sleeping, they meditate deeply for 4 hours a Whether riding his steed or walking the streets, the watch
day. commander’s bearing is ramrod straight. He addresses people
with curt, short answers and isn’t prone to speaking at great
• They know message as an additional cantrip.
length, unless duty requires it.
• They speak Common, Elvish, and Infernal.
There is no middle ground for Tyrian. Even if there is good cause
to break the law, he will arrest any and all offenders. The court,
or proper authority, determines the fate of the individual, and
Tyrian abides by these decisions.
This isn’t to say that Tyrian doesn’t have personal feelings that
are sometimes at odds with what duty calls for. He does, but he
puts personal opinions aside and shows no partiality, and expects
the same from any who serve under him. He has no tolerance for
insubordination and, if he discovers any wrongdoing among his
guards, he will not hesitate to arrest them.

Game Statistics
Tyrian Blount is a 37 year old human veteran with the following
• Tyrian is lawful neutral.
• He has proficiency in the History and Insight skills.
• He speaks Common.

C h apt er E igh t | I nt er es t ing N P C s 437

Appendix A: Location Information
This appendix contains: Textile Production. Larger scale than a single weaver, offering a
• A glossary of the location types found in the book. Services wider array of materials in larger quantities.
are listed with their poor and fine versions in parenthesis. Shipwright. Builds and launches boats and/or ships.
• A list of locations, sorted by category. This can be useful if
you would like a shop, service or non-commercial location Exotic Shops
that fits within a certain theme. Rare Botanicals. Cultivates and sells herbs rare to the region.
• A glossary of fortress terms to explain specialist vocabulary Luxury Furnishings. Procures and sells all manner of home
relating to keeps, castles and strongholds. items for fine living, including furniture, art, and other high-
quality goods.
Location Glossary Rare Libations and Fare. Sells (and, perhaps, makes or brews)
drinks and/or food of surpassing quality or rarity to the region.
Basic Shops Rare Trade Goods. Procures and sells items and materials, such
Baker. Bakes and sells fresh bread and, possibly, pastries. as ores or textiles, that are rare to the region.
Butcher. Processes and sells fresh and/or dried meat. Magic Shop. Sellers of magical items or minor magical assistance.
Cooper. Crafts wooden vessels held together with metal hoops,
including barrels, buckets, etc. Services
Carpenter. Builds with or carves wood, as well as carrying out Barber (Dirt-Knife, Coiffeur). Provides grooming services,
repairs. such as haircuts or shaves. Historically, these businesses were
also known to perform minor surgery.
General Store. Sells basic supplies, groceries, and various odds
and ends. Bathhouse (Tubs, Private Baths). Provides spaces for bathing.
Cleanliness itself is often, but not always, secondary to the
Herbalist. Sells common herbs and natural, non-magical social aspect.
Doctor (Sawbones, Physician). Provides medical care.
Smithy. Sells and crafts metal tools and equipment, including
very basic weapons and armor. House of Leisure (Den of Leisure, Hall of Leisure). Provides
entertainment and/or relaxation.
Tailor. Makes and sells of clothing, including hats and cloaks.
Also sells general items made from cloth, such as blankets, and Inn (Tents or Hostel, Lodge). Provides accommodation, as well
carries out repairs and alterations of cloth goods. as a place to have a bath and a decent meal.

Tanner/Taxidermist. Processes animal hides for practical or Club (Stage, Theater). Provides entertainment via comedic,
ornamental purposes. dramatic or musical performance.

Thatcher. Builds roofs using layers of dried straw, reeds, Soothsayer (Fortune Teller, Diviner). Provides magical
rushes, etc. prediction. Practitioners of greater skill may also provide minor
charms or other similar services.
Wainwright. Builds carts and wagons.
Stable (Stalls, Livery). Provides boarding accommodation for
Weaver. Weaves raw fabric and baskets. mounts, as well as selling carts, animals, and their tack.
Tavern (Pub, Taphouse). Provides food and drink.
Specialty Shops
Hired Help. Skilled individuals who can be hired.
Apothecary. Seller of potions, mundane herbs, and alchemical
Artist. Encompasses painter, sculptor or other visual art as
Bank & Exchange. Encompasses auctions, banking, and the
specific selling of gems or exchange of currency. Differs from a
treasury in that it is a privately owned business.
Cobbler. Makes and mends boots and shoes.
Foundry/Smelting. Facilities which fabricate large amounts of
metal goods and process ore, respectively.
Mill. Facilities for milling grain. Farmers may bring their own
grain and have it milled in exchange for a percentage of the
ground flour.

438 Appendix A | Lo c at io n I nf o r m at io n
Non-Commercial Locations Locations By Category
We have arranged the locations by category below.
Academy/University. A conservatory devoted to the pursuit of Crafted Items
higher knowledge, sometimes of a specific area of study. • Cooper
Archives/Library. A structure devoted to housing records and • Carpenter
written information.
• Smithy
Forum. A place designated for the use of intellectual debate and
discussion. • Tailor
Schoolhouse. An institution focused on educating children. • Thatcher
• Wainwright
Gathering • Weaver
Amphitheater. Outdoor space with a stage and tiered seating. • Apothecary
Dance Hall. Location for dances and festive events. • Artist
Gathering Hall. General, open-use building such as a • Cobbler
community center used for local activities or where locals may • Shipwright
simply socialize on a day-to-day basis.
• Luxury Furnishings
Outdoor Recreational Area. A tended space where locals might
eat or take leisure time… or duel to the death... • Magic Shop - Armor
• Magic Shop - Weapons

Chancery. Used as an office, for official documentation and Intellectual
administrative tasks. • Artist
Courthouse. Used to hold trials or dispense justice. • Magic Shop - Books
Town Hall. Used for official town business, audiences and • Doctor
meetings. • Performance Entertainment - Theater
Treasury. Used as a centralized place to manage the town’s • Hired Help - Scribe
funds. Differs from a bank and exchange in that it is owned by
the government. May also serve as a mint, if the need arises. • Archives/Library
• Academy/University
Worship • Forum
Altar. A small shrine or perhaps a tiny shack, usually evincing • Schoolhouse
some various items or images relating to that which the faith • Amphitheater
• Courthouse
Oratory. A modest building with seating for attendees,
appointed with various items or images relating to that which the • Chancery
faith venerates.
Sanctuary. A large, well-appointed structure, able to Industrial/Heavy Production
comfortably accommodate up to a few hundred people. • Foundry/Smelting
Temple. A grand building, replete with elements like high • Miller
ceilings, plush furnishings and other impressive ornamental
and/or architectural features. It can contain nearly a thousand • Textile Production
Great Temple. An awe-inspiring structure devoted to that
which it venerates. No expense was spared in its construction.
This might display such elements as stunning frescos, elaborate
stained-glass scenes and towering, gilded statues. Walking into
a great temple is a rare and striking experience for those who do
not live near one.

Appendix A | Lo c at io n I nf o r m at io n 439
Rest & Relaxation Religion
• House of Leisure • Archives/Library
• Tavern • Forum
• Inn • Schoolhouse
• Performance Entertainment • Altar
• Outdoor Recreational Area • Oratory
• Dance Hall • Sanctuary
• Temple
Transport • Great Temple
• Wainwright
• Shipwright Health & Hygiene
• Stable • Barber
• Hired Help - Caravan and Mount • Bathhouse
• Doctor
Food & Drink • Inn
• Baker
• Butcher Nature
• General Store • Apothecary
• Miller • Rare Botanicals
• Rare Libations & Fare • Outdoor Recreational Area
• Tavern • Shrine

Materials & Components Social

• General Store • House of Leisure
• Apothecary • Inn
• Rare Botanicals • Performance Entertainment
• Rare Trade Goods • Tavern
• Magic Shop - Misc. • Forum
• Hired Help - Guides and Trackers • Hall
• Outdoor Recreational Area
Government & Business • Dance Hall
• Bank & Exchange • Amphitheater
• Archives/Library
• Forum
• Amphitheater
• Town Hall
• Courthouse
• Treasury
• Chancery

440 Appendix A | Lo c at io n I nf o r m at io n
Crenellation. Consist of crenels (openings allowing a defender
Magic to see and shoot) and merlons (taller sections to provide cover
• Apothecary from enemy projectiles).
• Rare Botanicals Curtain Wall. The outer walls surrounding and protecting the
inner parts of the fortress.
• Magic Shop - Armor
Drawbridge. A bridge (typically spanning a moat) leading to a
• Magic Shop - Books
gateway, which may be raised and lowered.
• Magic Shop - Clothing
Drum Tower. A round tower partially or entirely integrated into
• Magic Shop - Jewelry a curtain wall.
• Magic Shop - Weapons Gatehouse. The defensive structures clustered around the
• Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities main gate, typically consisting of brattices, flanking towers and
interior defenses, such as portcullises and murder holes.
• Soothsayer
Hoardings. Wooden structures which overhang the front face of
• Hired Help - Arcane Academics the wall, allowing defenders to shoot directly down on attackers
• Hired Help - Magic Mercenaries at the base, as well as to easily drop stones and other projectiles.
Typically, hoardings also enclose the top of the wallwalk, and can
• Archives/Library
be removed when not in use.
• Academy/University
Machicolations. Stone structures which overhang the front
face of the wall, allowing defenders to shoot directly down on
Hired Help attackers at the base, as well as to easily drop stones and other
projectiles - in effect, permanent hoardings.
• Brutes & Brawlers - Martial Melee
Moat. A trench around the perimeter of a fortress, often (but
• Cloak & Dagger - Stealth and subterfuge not always) filled with water, which prevents attackers and siege
• Bows & Slings - Martial Ranged engines from getting too close, as well as making undermining
the walls difficult or impossible.
• Scribes & Clerks - Educators
Murder Holes. A series of openings along the interior walls and
• Guides & Trackers - Urban and wilderness experts
ceiling of a passageway (typically in the gatehouse), allowing
• Caravan & Mount - Transportation and locomotion projectiles (as well as hot liquids etc.) to be shot at attackers from
• Arcane Academics - Magical education or counsel cover.

• Magic Mercenaries - Martial Arcane Palisade. A wooden defensive wall. Usually temporary,
constructed while a permanent stone structure is erected, or as
• Priestly Guidance - Divine education or counsel an additional outer line of defense, if the situation calls for it.
• Hands of the Gods - Martial Divine Portcullis. A wooden or metal grate which can slide vertically to
block an entryway or reinforce a gate.
Fortress Terms Postern. A secondary, smaller gateway allowing access in
Arrow loop. Also referred to as an arrow slit. A narrow, vertical and out of the fortress when the main gate is closed. Typically
window, allowing projectiles to be shot at attackers from cover. hidden, disguised, or too small to be worth committing numbers
Where crossbows are in common use, a horizontal slot may be to attack.
added to the arrow loop to facilitate their use. Turret. A smaller tower projecting from the top of a larger one.
Bailey. Also referred to as a ward. An exterior space defined by Wallwalk. The area at the top of the curtain wall.
the walls of the fortress.
Barbican. A fortified gateway beyond the main fortress
defenses, commonly attached to the main defenses by a walled
corridor (referred to as the ‘neck’). More broadly, any tower
located over a gateway or bridge.
Battlement. Also referred to as the parapet. A wall on the outer
side of the wallwalk, protecting those on it from attackers. Most
commonly takes the form of crenellations.
Brattice. A projecting space either at the top of the wall or
part way down, allowing defenders to shoot directly down on
attackers at the base of the wall, as well as to easily drop stones
and other projectiles. Additionally, a brattice allows defenders to
shoot along the length of the wall and provide support from the

Appendix A | Lo c at io n I nf o r m at io n 441
Appendix B: Encounters
These tables are intended to be used either in game preparation
time to inspire possible future encounters, or can be rolled on
during a session to create an instant, surprise plot hook or quest.
Urban Encounters
Use one of the tables below to determine whether your party
experiences an urban encounter. If your settlement is a Trading
Personnel Issues Post or Town, use the first table; if your settlement is a City or
Capital, use the second (and note the relevant modifier).
Roll on the table below to determine if someone the party
is interacting with has a personal or life issue that they are
currently dealing with. This could help to inform the NPC’s N o T ab le f o r V illages ?
character better, create an opportunity, or even provide You’ll note that villages are not listed below. That is
something the PCs could exploit. because villages are assumed to be small, tight-knit, rural
communities whose very makeup inherently discourages
d20 Personnel Issues the kind of disturbances you would see in more urban
1 Arrogant. They think they are above their situation settlements. However, if you would like to try the chart
and want (or believe they deserve) better. anyway, feel free to roll on the trading posts/towns table to
see if one occurs (or just roll directly on the encounter table
2 Gullible. They are naive or trusting. itself). If the result you get feels like it wouldn’t fit, try to
think of a related situation that might seem more applicable
3 Grudging. They are bitter about something.
to a village setting.
4 Greedy. They are willing to sacrifice their
convictions if the price is right.
5 Lazy/Undisciplined. They are unfocused and Trading Posts/Towns
unmotivated, doing the minimal amount they can Modified by: crime
get away with.
d20 Urban Encounters
6 Tired. They have not slept for a while, due to an
intense work or life situation. 1-16 No Urban Encounter.
7 Mistreated. They feel they have been treated poorly or 17+ Urban Encounter. Roll on the table below.
inappropriately by someone they regularly deal with.
8 Underequipped. They do not have the best tools for Cities / Capitals
a situation.
Modified by: crime
9 Impoverished. They do not have enough money for
what they need. d20 Urban Encounters
10 Undertrained. They did not receive adequate 1-14 No Urban Encounter.
instruction for a task or job they must complete.
15+ Urban Encounter. Roll on the table below.
11-20 No issues. They are satisfied, know their place, and
like their life.

442 Appendix B | E nc o u nt er s
Urban Encounters Table
If your party does indeed have an urban encounter, roll on the d20 Urban Encounters
table below to see what it is.
13 Robbery in Progress. The party sees a thief or
d20 Urban Encounters thieves exiting a building nearby with stolen goods
1 Alms for the Poor. The party is asked for money by
a beggar who is not actually in need. 14 Snake-Oil Salesman. A merchant offers the party
a great deal on what they claim is an exceptional
2 Bait-and-Switch. A person, posing as a victim or item. At least, it would be a great deal if the item was
someone in need of help, asks the party for aid and genuine...
lures them into a vulnerable position where a trap is
sprung. 15 Sticky Fingers. A thief attempts to reach their hand
into the pocket or pack of a party member. If caught,
3 Boisterous Drunk. A weaving drunk approaches the thief tries to run.
and challenges someone in the party to a one-on-
one duel (the drunk sets the terms). 16 Stop, Thief! The party witnesses a thief pickpocket
someone, but no law enforcement is around to
4 Disturbance of the Peace. A wide-eyed figure handle the situation.
shouts at anyone who will listen (and a large number
of people who will not) about their many, specific 17 Street Fight. The party is embroiled in, or comes
grievances against the ruling powers. upon, a group of people in a violent altercation.

5 Distraction. A charming stranger attempts to 18 They Went Thataway! The party hears a scream
distract the party while a thief tries to steal their from nearby, and comes across a battered and
belongings. groaning figure on the ground. A retreating form can
be seen rounding a corner.
6 Graffiti. Someone has been painting inflammatory
images or slogans on a victim’s home, place of 19 Thief in Need. A pursued thief runs into the party,
business or in a public place. asking for help or protection, in return for a cut of
their plunder.
7 Grifter. An individual approaches the party and
suggests they partake in a simple game (such as 20 Toss and Burn. A lit torch is thrown into a nearby
following a ball placed under one of three cups, establishment, causing commotion and panic.
which are then moved around) and proposes a
wager. The game is rigged, either with specialized
equipment, sleight of hand, or a well-placed
8 Hand it Over. Thugs accost the party, demanding
valuables be handed over.
9 Impersonating an Officer. One or more persons
approach the party claiming to be law enforcement,
accusing them of breaking a law but confiding
that they won’t take them in (if the price is right,
naturally). More committed swindlers may
even have a fake holding cell, or other elaborate
equipment, to help sell the deception.
10 Mugging. The party sees an individual or small
group being threatened, beaten, and robbed.
11 Murder. The party witnesses a murder take place, or
happens upon a freshly slain victim.
12 Rare Opportunity. Someone in the settlement
is selling counterfeit items, while an accomplice,
claiming to know the item’s true value, offers a
large amount of money. The seller talks to the party
privately, expressing doubts about the potential
‘buyer’ and offers them a better deal if they’d like to
buy it now.

Appendix B | E nc o u nt er s 443
Appendix C: Rumors
Rumors fly around settlements like chaff in the wind. Of course, d100 Rumors
the great majority of them ultimately prove to be false, but
some may have more to them. Sometimes, a rumor may hold the 31-32 Overuse of healing potions can cause addiction.
tiniest grain of truth or, as the bard says, sometimes truth can After a certain point, the body begins to shut down
be stranger than fiction. Below is a table of rumors that could be unless imbibed frequently.
drifting around your settlement. Most are general in nature and 33-34 Someone in the settlement hosts a secret high-
could be applied to just about any settlement, though a handful stakes gambling table.
are specific to certain settlement types. They may be utter
rubbish, gospel truth, or anywhere in between. 35-36 A tavernkeep in the settlement is actually a famous
ex-adventurer trying to keep a low profile.
Lo t s o f R u m o r s ! 37-38 A local, who lives modestly, has recently inherited a
There is no reason you could not have more than one rumor. vast fortune.
If you want more, feel free to keep rolling! 39-40 A storm’s a-brewin’.
41-42 A local blacksmith has been working on a new
d100 Rumors forging technique that would make the current
1-2 Misfortune has fallen upon a prominent figure methods obsolete.
residing near to, but outside the bounds of, the 43-44 A local official has been taking bribes.
settlement (stripped of title, robbed, murdered, lost
at cards, etc). 45-46 There is a door in the settlement leading to a realm
with thousands of other doors to other planes. The
3-4 Neighboring cities are preparing to go to war with last person to go through it hasn’t been seen since.
one another.
47-48 A local eatery has established an exclusive, secret
5-6 A local noble has just married the heir of a well- location where only a select few are able to eat. It is
loved (or greatly-loathed) family. by invitation only, and the offerings are of a quality
7-8 An increase in taxes is about to implemented, to pay surpassing the finest food and drink otherwise
for an expensive and ambitious project. available in this corner of the world.

9-10 Taxes have not been collected in quite some time, 49-50 Information has come to light that will tarnish the
and no one has seen the collector for weeks. legacy of a well-loved, long-dead hero.

11-12 A well-known local has been seen stepping out with 51-52 A thief with a romantic streak has been stealing into
someone outside their usual circle, and there is the the rooms of their targets in the dead of night. They
possibility that romance is on the cards. take nothing, wake no one, and leave behind a love
letter and flower.
13-14 A strange beggar has been seen telling any who will
speak with them, predictions about their future, and 53-54 An expedition into dwarven ruins found evidence of
some have come true. a ritual predating living memory. Findings suggest
dwarves used to be quite tall (which made cave-living
15-16 A local official has been skimming from the difficult) and lacked facial hair. Elves were short
settlement’s coffers. (and possessed long, luxurious beards). It seems
17-18 A grain shortage is imminent, the wisest in the the dwarves performed a ritual to steal the elves’
settlement are filling their storage sheds before the shortness. It worked, and they took the beards too.
price jumps. 55-56 A local tavern, that has just raised its prices, has been
19-20 A local residence is haunted by a mischievous spirit. watering down their beverages to stretch their supply.

21-22 A local has been selling orphans into slavery. 57-58 A member of the local leadership is romantically
involved with someone of criminal repute.
23-24 A particular vegetable sold by a traveling merchant
is claimed to bear superior nutritional value to all 59-60 A member of the local leadership is involved in
other vegetables. private dealings with an outside entity.

25-26 Someone in the settlement is running a secret 61-62 A tax collector has been charging more than
underground fighting pit. necessary, and has engaged the services of ruffians
to ‘encourage’ those who are uncooperative.
27-28 Research has come to light that gnomes are actually
another form of elf, simply lacking the trait 63-64 An abandoned building in the settlement’s worst
responsible for typical elven height. area is the home to strange creatures.

29-30 A monstrous beast prowls outside the settlement 65-66 The settlement has recently experienced a lot of
at night, always slinking in the shadows. It’s said to bad weather, which is divine punishment for some
have glowing red eyes and a taste for blood. wrongdoing.

444 Appendix C | R u m o r s
d100 Rumors
67-68 The settlement has experienced a stretch of
unusually perfect weather, the result of a dark ritual
that must soon be paid for.
69-70 The settlement’s defenses have a fatal flaw.
71-72 A recent disease outbreak was caused by magical
73-74 Someone in the settlement is selling illicit goods or
using objectionable materials.
75-76 A well-known, well-liked local whom everyone
thought was born and raised in the settlement may
actually be of foreign stock.
77-78 The settlement is considering ditching traditional
gold and silver currency in favour of government-
created promissory notes.
79-80 A portion of taxes collected are being used for
nefarious purposes.
81-82 Someone in the settlement has opened a gateway to
another plane and lacks the knowledge to close it.
83-84 (Village Only) A new power is claiming rights of
fealty over the village, at the culmination of a long
85-86 (Not Village) A few of the guards have been charging
traveling merchants more than usual for entrance
into the settlement.
87-88 (City/Capital Only) A local shop or service owner
who is not part of a guild is stealing trade secrets
from those who are.
89-90 (City/Capital Only) A nearby nation or powerful
entity has spies in the city.
91-92 (Capital Only) A foreign power has spies in the
93-94 (Capital Only) Two noble families are feuding due to
foolish decisions made by their children.
95-96 (Capital Only) The leadership is just a puppet of
another entity.
97-98 (Capital Only) The person within the leadership
with the most power may themselves be an agent of
outside forces.
99-100 (Capital Only) An underground rebellion is forming
to overthrow the leadership, threatening the
security of the entire region.

Appendix C | R u m o r s 445
Appendix D: Useful Tables
This appendix is filled with tables that may come in handy for
any number of reasons.

Characters, People & Monsters

d12 Classes d12 Monstrous Races
1 Barbarian 1 Orc
2 Bard 2 Goblin
3 Cleric 3 Kobold
4 Druid 4 Gnoll
5 Fighter 5 Giant
6 Monk 6 Hobgoblin
7 Paladin 7 Bugbear
8 Ranger 8 Troll
9 Rogue 9 Lycanthrope
10 Sorcerer 10 Lizardfolk
11 Warlock 11 Ogre
12 Wizard 12 Vampire

d10 Races
1 Dragonborn
2 Dwarf
3 Elf
4 Gnome
5 Half-Elf
6 Halfling
7 Half-Orc
8 Human
9 Tiefling
10 Monstrous Race

446 Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les

Tavern Builder
d6 Establishment Reputation d20 Tavern Name (Second Half)
1 Hidden / Secret 1 Vagabond
2 Abhorred 2 Tyrant
3 Disreputable 3 Giant
4 Of No Consequence 4 Halfling
5 Respectable 5 Mare / Stallion
6 Well-Regarded 6 Bear
7 Pig / Boar
d20 Tavern Name (First Half)
8 Elk
1 Red
9 Moose
2 Yellow
10 Unicorn
3 Green
11 Mouse
4 Blue
12 Cat
5 Violet
13 Dog
6 Disreputable
14 Hen / Rooster
7 Mischievous
15 Sword
8 Hungry
16 Shield
9 Thirsty
17 Spear
10 Tuckered
18 Banner
11 Frantic
19 Cartwheel
12 Bloated
20 Dragon
13 Rank
14 Fussy d8 Patrons
15 Exuberant 1-2 Few-to-None. Only 1d4 - 1 patrons.
16 Irate 3-6 The Usual Crowd. The establishment is moderately
busy, up to roughly half capacity.
17 Jolly
7-8 Crowded. The establishment is extremely busy and
18 Laughing
is at or near full capacity.
19 Crying
20 Screaming d8 Establishment Staff
1-2 Short-Staffed. The establishment staff is stretched
3-6 Appropriate. The establishment has enough staff to
get the work managed the right way.
7-8 Overstaffed. The establishment has too much staff,
with some potentially standing around idly or with
little to do.

Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les 447

Food d8 Extravagant Fare
1 Worse Than Usual. Roll once on the rich fare table;
d8 Humble Fare if 10 is rolled, reroll.
1 Acorn Paste 2 Live songbirds contained in a pie crust
2 Pottage 3 Roast peacock in its feathers
3 Rye Bread 4 Roast sturgeon in syrup
4 Blood Pudding 5 Roast capon clad pastry armor trimmed with gold
leaf, mounted upon a roast suckling pig
5 Pickled Fish
6 Boar, cooked and sauced in a variety of ways without
6 Mashed Turnips
being cut
7 Porridge
7 Pie in the shape of a castle, containing a whole roast deer
8 Better Than Usual. Roll once on the standard fare
8 Roast ox, prepared so as to appear to be breathing
table; if 1 is rolled, reroll.
fire, garnished with fruits, vegetables and fine sauces

d6 Standard Fare
1 Worse Than Usual. Roll once on the humble fare
table; and if an 8 is rolled, reroll on the humble fare
table. d12 Non-Alcoholic Drinks

2 Roast Lamb 1 Water (may or may not be clean; if in an area where

it may not be clean, water would often be mixed with
3 Brown Bread a small amount of alcohol to clean impurities)
4 Roast Goose 2 Citrus Water (such as lemon)
5 Suckling Pig 3 Flower Water (such as rose or lavender)
6 Meat Pie 4 Spiced Water (such as sage or coriander)
7 Roast Beef 5 Clarea from Water (honey, spices, water)
8 Better Than Usual. Roll once on the rich fare table; 6 Sekanjabin (vinegar, honey, water)
if 1 is rolled, reroll.
7 Tea

d10 Rich Fare 8 Apple Juice

1 Worse Than Usual. Roll once on the standard fare 9 Small Beer (low-alcohol beer or ale, drank as an
table; and if 1 is rolled, reroll. alternative to water)

2 Stewed Pheasant 10 Milk (cow)

3 White Bread 11 Milk (goat)

4 Chicken in Spiced Breadcrumbs 12 Grenadine (red syrup, both tart and sweet)

5 Roast Venison
d12 Alcoholic Drinks
6 Roast Larks
1 Ale
7 Fruit in Syrup
2 Beer
8 Lamprey Pie
3 Mead
9 Roast Pike
4 Cider
10 Better Than Usual. Roll once on the extravagant
5 White Wine
fare table; if 8 is rolled, reroll.
6 Red Wine
7 Whiskey
8 Rum
9 Vodka
10 Gin
11 Schnapps
12 Hippocras
448 Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les
Animals Crops & Minerals
d10 Beasts of Burden d20 Crops
1 Destrier (warhorse) 1 Wheat (baked goods)
2 Palfrey (travel/hunting horse) 2 Barley (bread, alcohol)
3 Courser (speed/endurance horse) 3 Oats (staple food item, animal feed, alcohol)
4 Draught Horse (heavy work) 4 Corn (staple food item, animal feed)
5 Donkey 5 Rye (baked goods, animal feed, alcohol)
6 Llama 6 Potatoes (staple food item)
7 Camel 7 Rice (staple food item, alcohol)
8 Ox 8 Sugarcane (sweetener, textiles, animal feed, alcohol)
9 Yak 9 Peas (staple food item)
10 Elephant 10 Beans (staple food item)
11 Carrots (staple food item)
d8 Farm Animals (Meat)
12 Cabbages (staple food item)
1 Cow
13 Onions (staple food item)
2 Sheep
14 Garlic (staple food item)
3 Chicken
15 Turnips (staple food item)
4 Turkey
16 Herbs (seasoning)
5 Pig
17 Apples (staple food item, alcohol)
6 Rabbit
18 Lemons (staple food item)
7 Duck
19 Grapes (staple food item, alcohol)
8 Goose
20 Berries (staple food item)
d6 Farm Animals (Wool)
d10 Minerals
1 Sheep
1 Iron
2 Goat
2 Tin
3 Yak
3 Lead
4 Llama
4 Clay
5 Rabbit
5 Lime
6 Muskox
6 Coal
d8 Game (Hunted Animals) 7 Salt
1 Large and Swift. Deer, antelope, ibex, giraffe, 8 Copper
kangaroo, emu
9 Silver
2 Large and Tough. Boar, rhino, hippo, elephant,
10 Gold
tapir, buffalo
3 Small and Swift. Hare, squirrel, monkey
4 Small and Tough. Badger, wolverine, porcupine
5 Fowl. Grouse, pheasant, quail, pigeon, duck, goose,
heron, guineafowl, peacock
6 Large Predator. Bear, wolf, lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar
7 Small Predator. Fox, hyena, lynx
8 Fish. Pike, trout, salmon, marlin, shark

Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les 449

Art & Literature d20 Smells
11 Wood
d10 Arts
12 Iron
1 Painting
13 Leather
2 Sketching
14 Ammonia
3 Etching
15 Decay
4 Carving
16 Compost
5 Whittling
17 Blood
6 Tapestry
18 Perfume
7 Mosaic
19 Ozone
8 Stained Glass
20 Fear
9 Tattooing
10 Embroidery Touch
d6 Writing d10 Touch
1 History 1 Rough
2 Local Records 2 Sharp
3 Myths and Legends 3 Thorny
4 Romance 4 Smooth
5 Natural History 5 Wet
6 The Magical Arts 6 Dry
7 Soft
Smells 8 Spongey
d20 Smells 9 Hot
1 Soil 10 Cold
2 Sweat
3 Garbage
4 Waste
5 Flowers
6 Something baking
7 Wood smoke
8 Pipe smoke
9 Alcohol
10 Animal

450 Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les

d10 Street Debris
1 Broken toy
2 Sticks or leaves
3 Pottery shards
4 Torn cloth
5 Lone shoe
6 Feather
7 Single coin
8 Half-eaten food
9 Waste
10 Broken shingle

d12 How much you love Nord Games

1 A lot
2 Like, so much
3 More than dinosaurs
4 You have no idea
5 I would fight for you
6 Walk the wire for you
7 I’d die for you
8 You know it’s true
9 Everything I do
10 I do it for you
11 I love you, Nord Games
12 Nord loves you, too ;)

d8 Time of Day
1 Dawn
2 Morning
3 Noon
4 Afternoon
5 Dusk
6 Evening
7 Midnight
8 Very early morning

Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les 451

Hook/Situation Builder
These tables below have elements that can often be combined to
d10 Appearance
create a quick situation. The tables are:
• People who might need help (various) 1 Filthy

• Problems (issues that a person might need help with) 2 Shabby

• Appearance (the way someone looks) 3 Homely
• Feelings (what emotion a person is experiencing) 4 Rugged
• Clothing (various items of clothing) 5 Simple
• Pets (animals who could be kept as companion animals) 6 Refined
• Verbs (actions that a person might be doing)
7 Handsome
• Items of Value (things that might be important to a person)
8 Gorgeous
d12 People who might need help 9 Resplendent
1 Baby 10 Otherworldly
2 Little boy
d20 Emotions
3 Little girl
1 Disgusted
4 Young man
2 Happy
5 Young woman
3 Angry
6 Old man
4 Aloof
7 Old woman
5 Irritable
8 Mother
6 Distraught
9 Father
7 Confused
10 Grandmother
8 Distracted
11 Grandfather
9 Sad
12 Third party (the person in need of help isn’t there,
you’re hearing about it from another source) 10 Scared
11 Embarrassed
d12 Problems
12 Worried
1 Lost something
13 Surprised
2 Can’t reach something
14 Impatient
3 Can’t find someone
15 Tired
4 Owe someone something
16 Excited
5 Unfairly in trouble for something
17 Curious
6 Justly in trouble for something
18 Proud
7 Trying to get away
19 Uncomfortable
8 Trying to get in
20 Relaxed
9 Need to convince someone
10 Need to get rid of something
11 Need advice
12 Heartbroken

452 Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les

d20 Clothing d20 Verbs
1 Shirt 1 Eating
2 Trousers 2 Walking
3 Vest 3 Running
4 Dress 4 Talking
5 Coat/Jacket 5 Yelling
6 Boots 6 Whispering
7 Shoes 7 Grabbing
8 Socks 8 Crying
9 Gloves 9 Fighting
10 Scarf 10 Laughing
11 Cap 11 Screaming
12 Hat 12 Bargaining
13 Belt 13 Thinking
14 Glasses 14 Sleeping
15 Ring 15 Drinking
16 Pendant 16 Cleaning
17 Bracelet 17 Checking
18 Earring 18 Looking
19 Skirt 19 Working
20 Toga 20 Playing

d10 Pets d12 Items Of Value

1 Cat 1 Money
2 Dog 2 Pet
3 Bird 3 Document
4 Fish 4 Reminder
5 Frog 5 Item from deceased loved one
6 Rodent 6 Gift for loved one
7 Lizard 7 Key
8 Bug 8 Item to be delivered
9 Monster or mythical creature (safe) 9 Important ingredient
10 Monster or mythical creature (unsafe) 10 Medicine
11 Equipment
12 Something magical

Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les 453

Alternate Magic Shop Rarity d100 Shop

These tables below are shop tables that vary the rarity of magic 87-88 Rare Botanicals (E). Cultivates and sells herbs rare
shops, depending on how rare you might need them to be. to the region.

Magic Shop Chance: 6% 89-90 Luxury Furnishings (E). Procures and sells all
manner of home items for fine living, including
d100 Shop furniture, art, and other high-quality goods.
1-5 Baker (B). Bakes and sells fresh bread and, possibly, 91-92 Rare Libations & Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps,
pastries. makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing
quality or rarity to the region.
6-10 Butcher (B). Processes and sells fresh and/or dried
meat. 93-94 Rare Trade Goods (E). Procures and sells items and
materials, such as ores or textiles, that are rare to the
11-15 Cooper (B). Crafts wooden vessels held together region.
with metal hoops, including barrels, buckets, etc.
95 Magic Shop - Armor (E). Sells magical items with a
16-20 Carpenter (B). Builds with or carves wood, as well as focus on armor and protective equipment.
carrying out repairs.
96 Magic Shop - Books (E). Sells magical items with
21-28 General Store (B). Sells basic supplies, groceries, a focus on literature, arcane tomes and lore. They
and various odds and ends. may also carry books and documents (such as maps
29-33 Herbalist (B). Sells common herbs and natural, non- and records) of a rare and significant nature, though
magical remedies. non-magical.

34-41 Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and 97 Magic Shop - Clothing (E). Sells magical items with
equipment, including very basic weapons and armor. a focus on clothing of all types which bear magical
42-45 Tailor (B). Makes and sells of clothing, including
hats and cloaks. Also sells general items made from 98 Magic Shop - Jewelry (E). Sells magical items with a
cloth, such as blankets, and carries out repairs and focus on enchanted, or otherwise magically imbued,
alterations of cloth goods. jewelry.

46-50 Tanner/Taxidermist (B). Processes animal hides 99 Magic Shop - Weapons (E). Sells magical items
for practical or ornamental purposes. with a focus on weapons with mystic properties and,
perhaps, shields.
51-54 Thatcher (B). Builds roofs using layers of dried
straw, reeds, rushes, etc. 100 Magic Shop - Miscellaneous & Curiosities (E).
Procures and sells magical items with a focus
55-58 Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons. on strange and rare artifacts of a wondrous or
59-62 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets. intriguing nature.

63-65 Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as Magic Shop Chance: 1% or 0%
mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients. There are two 100 results on this table. The first is a magic shop.
66-68 Artist (S). Encompasses painter, sculptor or other
visual art as appropriate.
69-71 Bank & Exchange (S). Encompasses auctions,
banking, and the specific selling of gems or
exchange of currency.
72-74 Cobbler (S). Makes and mends boots and shoes.
75-77 Foundry/Smelting (S). Ore processing and metal
78-80 Mill (S). Facilities for milling grain.
81-83 Textile Production (S). Larger scale than a single
weaver, offering a wider array of materials in larger
84-86 Shipwright (S). Builds and launches boats and/
or ships. [Reroll if settlement is not bordering a
significant source of water]

454 Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les

The second 100 is a Traveling Exotic Goods Merchant. If you d100 Shop
roll a 100 and are doing a completely no-magic setting, use the
traveling merchant instead. 92-93 Rare Botanicals (E). Cultivates and sells herbs rare
to the region.
d100 Shop
94-95 Luxury Furnishings (E). Procures and sells all
1-5 Baker (B). Bakes and sells fresh bread and, possibly, manner of home items for fine living, including
pastries. furniture, art, and other high-quality goods.
6-10 Butcher (B). Processes and sells fresh and/or dried 96-97 Rare Libations & Fare (E). Sells (and, perhaps,
meat. makes or brews) drinks and/or food of surpassing
quality or rarity to the region.
11-15 Cooper (B). Crafts wooden vessels held together
with metal hoops, including barrels, buckets, etc. 98-99 Rare Trade Goods (E). Procures and sells items and
materials, such as ores or textiles, that are rare to the
16-20 Carpenter (B). Builds with or carves wood, as well as
carrying out repairs.
100 Magic Shop (E) - Roll [1d6] for specialization:
21-28 General Store (B). Sells basic supplies, groceries,
and various odds and ends. 1: Armor
2: Books
29-33 Herbalist (B). Sells common herbs and natural, non- 3: Clothing
magical remedies. 4: Jewelry
34-41 Smithy (B). Sells and crafts metal tools and 5: Weapons
equipment, including very basic weapons and armor. 6: Misc. & Curiosities

42-46 Tailor (B). Makes and sells of clothing, including 100 Traveling Exotic Goods Merchant. (E) This
hats and cloaks. Also sells general items made from traveling merchant has things never seen in this part
cloth, such as blankets, and carries out repairs and of the world, almost guaranteed to amaze… and also
alterations of cloth goods. guaranteed to be expensive.

47-51 Tanner/Taxidermist (B). Processes animal hides

for practical or ornamental purposes.
52-56 Thatcher (B). Builds roofs using layers of dried
straw, reeds, rushes, etc.
57-61 Wainwright (B). Builds carts and wagons.
62-66 Weaver (B). Weaves raw fabric and baskets.
67-70 Alchemist (S). Brews and sells potions, as well as
mundane herbs and alchemical ingredients.
71-73 Artist (S). Encompasses painter, sculptor or other
visual art as appropriate.
74-76 Bank & Exchange (S). Encompasses auctions,
banking, and the specific selling of gems or
exchange of currency.
77-79 Cobbler (S). Makes and mends boots and shoes.
80-82 Foundry/Smelting (S). Ore processing and metal
83-85 Mill (S). Facilities for milling grain.
86-88 Textile Production (S). Larger scale than a single
weaver, offering a wider array of materials in larger
89-91 Shipwright (S). Builds and launches boats and/
or ships. [Reroll if settlement is not bordering a
significant source of water]

Appendix D | U s ef u l T ab les 455

“Distribute” means to reproduce, license, rent, lease, sell, broadcast,
Legal Appendix publicly display, transmit or otherwise distribute;(d)”Open Game
Content” means the game mechanic and includes the methods,
Designation of Product Identity: The following items are hereby
procedures, processes and routines to the extent such content
designated as Product Identity as provided in section 1(e) of the
does not embody the Product Identity and is an enhancement
Open Game License: Any and all material or content that could
over the prior art and any additional content clearly identified as
be claimed as Product Identity pursuant to section 1(e), below, is
Open Game Content by the Contributor, and means any work
hereby claimed as product identity, including but not limited to: 1.
covered by this License, including translations and derivative
The name “Nord Games” as well as all logos and identifying marks
works under copyright law, but specifically excludes Product
of Nord Games, LLC, including but not limited to the Nord Games
Identity. (e) “Product Identity” means product and product
logo as well as the trade dress of Nord Games products; 2. The
line names, logos and identifying marks including trade dress;
product name “Game Master’s Toolbox,” “Spectacular Settlements,”
artifacts; creatures characters; stories, storylines, plots, thematic
as well as any and all Nord Games product names referenced in
elements, dialogue, incidents, language, artwork, symbols, designs,
the work; 3. All artwork, illustration, graphic design, maps, and
depictions, likenesses, formats, poses, concepts, themes and
cartography, including any text contained within such artwork,
graphic, photographic and other visual or audio representations;
illustration, maps or cartography; 4. The proper names, personality,
names and descriptions of characters, spells, enchantments,
descriptions and/or motivations of all artifacts, characters, races,
personalities, teams, personas, likenesses and special abilities;
countries, geographic locations, plane or planes of existence, gods,
places, locations, environments, creatures, equipment, magical
deities, events, magic items, organizations and/or groups unique
or supernatural abilities or effects, logos, symbols, or graphic
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designs; and any other trademark or registered trademark clearly
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“Trademark” means the logos, names, mark, sign, motto, designs
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This printing is done under version 1.0a of the Open Game
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The following text is the property of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. and “Your” means the licensee in terms of this agreement.
is Copyright 2000 Wizards of the Coast, Inc (“Wizards”). All Rights
2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game Content
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Notice of Open Game Content: This product contains Open may only be Used under and in terms of this License. You must
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Designation of Open Game Content: Subject to the Product may be applied to any Open Game Content distributed using
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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content You
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indicate Your acceptance of the terms of this License.
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6. Notice of License Copyright: You must update the
1. Definitions: (a)”Contributors” means the copyright and/or COPYRIGHT NOTICE portion of this License to include the exact
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(b)”Derivative Material” means copyrighted material including You are copying, modifying or distributing, and You must add the
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which an existing work may be recast, transformed or adapted; (c)

456 Legal Appendix

7. Use of Product Identity: You agree not to Use any Product
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10. Copy of this License: You MUST include a copy of this License
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regulation then You may not Use any Open Game Material
so affected.
13. Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You
fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach
within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses
shall survive the termination of this License.
14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be
unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent
necessary to make it enforceable.
Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.
System Reference Document, 5.1 Copyright 2016, Wizards of the
Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins,
Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb,
Bruce R. Cordell, Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on
original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.
Spectacular Settlements, Copyright 2020, Chris Haskins, Nord
Games LLC.

Legal Appendix 457

Trading Post Name: 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Specialty Age

Condition Visitor Traffic Size

Modified by: Age Modified by: Visitor Traffic

Environment Notes

Step 2: Community
Resident Population Demographics Disposition

Law Enforcement Leadership Population Wealth

Modified by: Condition

Crime Notes
Modified by:
Visitor Traffic
Resident Population
Population Wealth
Total Crime Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Law Enforcement = Modifier Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Trading Posts Page 1 (Find Step 3 on the next page)

If your Specialty was Unscrupulous Contractors, you got a free Sercive - Hired Help
Step 3: Points of Interest (and rolled for what kind). Don’t forget to put that under service locations.
It does not count towards your “number of service locations.”

Number of Shop Locations = Number of Service Locations =

Included General Store does not count toward your “number of shop locations.” Included Inn does not count toward your “number of service locations.”

Shops: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc): Services: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc):
General Store Inn

Place of Worship
If there is no Place of Worship in the trading post, skip these boxes.

Size Fervency of Local Following Alignment of Faith Notes

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Politics Events

Opportunities Weather Danger Level

Danger Type Notes

Trading Posts Page 2

Village Name: 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Age Hardship Likelihood

For each hardship your village has experienced,
Modified by: Age use one of the lines below. Some hardship types - [#] to this
will modify only 1 attribute, others will modify
Number of Hardships (0-4) hardship’s
2 or 3, so it’s ok if you don’t need all the boxes.
Hardship Type Modified Attributes Hardship Outcome attributes
1 1. 2. 3.

2 1.

2. 3.

3 1. 2. 3.

4 1. 2. 3.

Total your modifiers of the same type here. Once totaled, apply to the Hardship modifier box on the appropriate attribute.
(Example: Hardship 1 gives -5 to Size; Hardship 2 gives -2 to Size. Hardship modifier for Size is -7)
Size Condition Population Density Disposition Population Wealth

Size Condition Environment

Modified by: Hardship Modified by: Hardship

Specialty Resources Recent History

Step 2: Community
Population Density Demographics Disposition
Modified by: Hardship Modified by: Hardship

Law Enforcement Leadership Population Wealth

Modified by: Hardship

Crime Notes
Modified by:
Population Density
Law Enforcement
Population Wealth
= Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Total Crime Modifier Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Villages Page 1 (Find Step 3 on the next page)

Step 3: Points of Interest
Places of Worship
Number of Places of Worship
Size Fervency of Local Following Alignment of Faith Notes

Places of Gathering
Number of Places of Gathering

1 2 3

Other Locations
Number of Other Locations

1 2 3
4 5

Extra Intrigue
Events Political Rumors Superstitions

Goings On Opportunities Harsh Weather

Danger Level Danger Type Notes

Villages Page 2
1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Priority Specialty

If your Priority is “Production,” remember to roll a d4 for this.

Priorities can modify a very wide range of things. Use the

box below to note what the priority you rolled modifies.

Age Size Condition

Environment Prosperity
If your origin is “Port”, remember to roll a [d6]
here. 1-3 = coastal, 4-6 = river

Market Square Vendor Stall Acquisition Merchant Overflow

Modified by: Priority

Modified by: Priority

Step 2: Community
Population Density Population Overflow Farms & Resources
Modified by: Age Modified by: Size
Number of rolls:

Farms & Resources 1

Farms & Resources 2 Farms & Resources 3 Notes

Towns Page 1 Step 2 continued on Page 2

Step 2: Community ( cont. )
Visitor Traffic Night Activity Demographics
Modified by: Prosperity Modified by: Population Density Visitor Traffic

Modified by: Fortification

Leadership Law Enforcement

If your Priority is “Government,” remember Modified by:
to reroll any results 91-100.
Merchant Overflow
Total Law Enforcement

Population Wealth Crime

Modified by: Modified by:
Condition Prosperity
Law Enforcement
Population Wealth
Total Crime Modifier

Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.

Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Towns Page 2 Find Step 3 on Page 3

Step 3: Points of Interest Attributes that provide Free Locations:

Priority (Government): 1 Non-Commercial - Place of Government

Number of Non-Commercial Locations = Priority (Religious): 1 Non-Commercial - Place of Worship (+5 to its size roll)
Non-Comm. Locations Notes (quality, hired help size, etc): Priority (Magic): 1 Magic Shop [d6 for type]
1: Armor, 2: Books, 3: Clothing, 4: Jewelry, 5: Weapons, 6: Misc.
Specialty (Industry): 1 Shop [d6 for type]
1-2: Mill, 3-4: Textile production, 5-6: Foundry/Smelting
Specialty (Education): 1 Non-Commercial - Place of Education
Leadership (Town Council): Non-Commercial - Town Hall
Oligarchy: Non-Commercial - Choose one appropriate type, roll on that table.

Quality Table Reference: Hired Help Size Reference:

The location is of... [d12]: Hired help is... [d12]:
Number of Commercial Locations = 1-4 = Poor Quality 1-6 = an individual.
5-10 = Good Quality 7-10 = a team.
If your leadership is Merchant Monarch, you have +2 commercial locations. 11-12 = Fine Quality 11-12 = a guild.

Number of Shops = Number of Services =

Shops: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc): Services: Notes (quality, hired help size, etc):
General Store Inn
Smithy Tavern

(Optional) Quality
Modified by: Population Wealth

You can roll quality for any location, if you would like to find out just how good (or not) it is.

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Noteworthy Official/Competence Market Day


Towns Page 3
City Name 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Priority Age


Optional: Population Capacity

Outside the City Number

of rolls:
Outside the City 1 Outside the City 2 Outside the City 3

Outside the City 4 Outside the City 5 Stewardship

General Condition Environment

Modified by:


Market Square Vendor Stall Acquisition Merchant Overflow

Modified by: Priority

Underground Passages Notes

Cities Page 1 Find Step 2 on Page 2

Step 2: Community
Population Density Demographics Visitor Traffic
Modified by: Age Modified by: Age

Population Wealth
Modified by: Priority Stewardship

Disposition Night Activity

Modified by: Fortification
Modified by: Population Density Visitor Traffic

Leadership Law Enforcement

Modified by:
If your Priority is “Government,” remember
to roll a [d6] for this. Priority
Merchant Overflow
Total Law Enforcement

Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Modified by: Table found in Appendix B (p.###).

Population Wealth
+ Organized Crime
Law Enforcement
Total Crime Modifier


Cities Page 2 Find Step 3 on Page 3

Step 3: Districts Attributes that provide Automatic Districts (they still count
toward your total number of districts)
Number of Districts: Size + roll = Priority (Enlightenment): One of your districts is a Scholar District

Remember to double check your modifier Priority (Faith): One of your districts is a Temple District
to this roll from your Size result!
Leadership: One of your districts is a Merchant District
Note General Condition here: Leadership (Oligarchy): For one of your districts, choose a district
that best fits your oligarchy (Arcane for mages, Temple for
theocracy. Merchant or Market for merchants, etc)
Note General Crime here:
District Condition Modifier: This modifier applies to ALL district condition rolls.

District: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Quality Mod.
Crime Mod.
Crime Mod.
Add Crime Modifiers from “District Condition” and “Entry” to your District Crime roll to find each district’s crime level.

Notable Locs.
District Notes:

Quality Table Reference: Crime Degrees (Worst > Best): Guilds:

The location is of... [d12]: Dangerous > Frequent > Common All shops and services can be in guilds for their own type of business.
1-4 = Poor Quality Uncommon > Infrequent (i.e. - Blacksmiths would be in a blacksmith’s guild).
5-10 = Good Quality
11-12 = Fine Quality Roll a [d6] to see if they are in a guild:
1-4 = No
5-6 = Yes
Hired Help Size Reference: Magic Shop Specializations [d6]:
Hired help is... [d12]: 1. Armor 4. Jewelry The Yes range (5-6) increases by 1 (to a maximum of 2-6) for every existing
1-6 = an individual. 2. Books 5. Weapons guild member of that establishment’s type in the *city.*
7-10 = a team. 3. Clothing 6. Misc. & Curiosities (i.e. If two blacksmiths in the city were both in a guild together, the Yes range
11-12 = a guild. would be 3-6).

Cities Page 3 Find Individual Districts Section on Page 4

Number of Additional Locations We recommend handling your district locations in this order:
(ALL districts get this many additional locations) 1. Roll up all locations. 2. Roll to see if they are in guilds. 3. Roll for notable location reasons.

District 1: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 2: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 3: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 4: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 5: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 6: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

Cities Page 4 Find Extra Intrigue on Page 5

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Noteworthy Official/Competence Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface - Awareness Rumor(s)

The rumor table can be found in Appendix C: Rumors (p.###).


Cities Page 5
Capital Name 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

Step 1: Basic Information 2. A modifier will NEVER apply to a previous attribute.

Origin Age Size

Age modifies Population Density on page 3 of this

character sheet. Make sure to put your modifier in
there before continuing.

Optional: Population Capacity Environment

Outside the Capital Outside the Capital 1 Outside the Capital 2

Number of rolls:

Outside the Capital 3 Outside the Capital 4 Outside the Capital 5

Stewardship General Condition Fortification

Modified by: Stewardship

As well as General Condition (which follows on this page),

Stewardship modifies Population Wealth and Law Enforce-
ment, which are found on page 3 of this character sheet. Fortification modifies the Disposition roll on page 3 of this
character sheet. Make sure to put that in before continuing.

Market Square Merchant Overflow Vendor Stall Acquisition

Modified by: Priority

“Banned” overflow modifies the law enforcement roll on

page 3 of this character sheet. Make sure to put that in
before continuing.

Underground Passages Notes

Capitals Page 1 Find Step 2 on Page 2

Step 2: Government & High Society
Leadership Leadership Unity Governing Priority

Many Governing Priorities (though not all) provide some kind

of modifier, such as adding to or changing a roll, or specifying what
one of your districts will be. Be sure to note it before moving on.

Priority Approach Priority Success

Lifestyle & Residence Multiple Leaders:

The Lifestyle & Residence tables refer to an individual in power. If you have multiple individuals who are in power (such as an oligarchy), roll on the
tables for each of them. One exception could be “Residence” if you decided you wanted them all living in the same place.

leader’s name:
Lifestyle Residence Intent

leader’s name:
Lifestyle Residence Intent

leader’s name:
Lifestyle Residence Intent

Leader Sheet:
Depending on the place you’re imagining, you may want a ton of leaders. In the book, and on our website, you can find a leader-sheet, which has spaces for more. You can print off as many of these as you need.

Connections These are intended to be general connections that the capital has
Number of Connections: to other nations, powers or other broad entities, not individuals.

Connection 1 Connection 2 Connection 3 Connection 4

Intrigue & Espionage

Spy Network Size Infiltration Depth Notes

Counterintelligence Counterintelligence Watchfulness

Capitals Page 2 Step 2 continued on Page 3

Step 2: Government & High Society ( cont. )
Notable Visitors
These are individuals who’ve come to the capital from somewhere else.
Number of Connections:
Visitor 1 Visitor 2 Visitor 3 Visitor 4

Reason for visit Reason for visit Reason for visit Reason for visit

Military Force (Yes or No): If “Yes,” Standing or Disbanded?
Recruitment Type Size of Force Specialization Military Facilities

Type of Nobility Relationship to the Leadership
Number of
Primary Nobles
Optional: Number
of Lesser Nobles
Relationship with the People Root of Relationship with the People
Positive or Negative?

Step 3: Community
Culture Pursuit of Culture Population Density
Modified by: Age

Demographics Population Wealth Type of Nobility Root of Relationship to the Total Population
Modified by: Stewardship + (wealth/possessions) + People (resources) = Wealth Modifier

Capitals Page 3 Step 3 continued on Page 4

Step 3: Community
Disposition Night Activity
Visitor Traffic Modified by: Fortification Modified by: Population Density Visitor Traffic

Law Enforcement General Crime

Modified by: Modified by:
Stewardship Population Wealth
+ +
Merchant Overflow Leadership
+ +
Governing Priority Law Enforcement
+ =
Leadership Total Crime Modifier
= Note Urban Encounter Modifier here.
Total Law Enforcement
Modifier Table found in Appendix B (p.###).
Organized Crime

Step 4: Districts Attributes that provide Automatic Districts (they still count toward
your total number of districts)
Number of Districts: Size + roll =
Leadership (Merchant Monarch): One of your districts is a Merchant District
Remember to double check your modifier to this roll from your Size result! Leadership (Oligarchy): For one of your districts, choose a district that best fits
your oligarchy (Arcane for mages, Temple for theocracy. Merchant or Market
Note General Condition here: for merchants, etc)
Gov. Priority (Economic): One of your districts is a Market District.
Note General Crime here: Gov. Priority (Enlightenment): One of your districts is a Scholar District.
Gov. Priority (Industry & Innovation): One of your districts is an Industrial
This modifier applies to ALL District.
District Condition Modifier: district condition rolls. Gov. Priority (Religious): One of your districts is an Industrial District.

District: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Quality Mod.
Crime Mod.
Crime Mod.
Add Crime Modifiers from “District Condition” and “Entry” to your District Crime roll to find each district’s crime level.

Noble Resid.
Notable Locs.
Quality Table Reference: Crime Degrees District Urban Guilds:
(Worst > Best): Encounter Modifiers:
The location is of... [d12]: All shops and services can be in guilds for their own type of
1-4 = Poor Quality Dangerous > Frequent > Dangerous = +5 business. (i.e. - Blacksmiths would be in a blacksmith’s guild).
5-10 = Good Quality Common > Uncommon > Frequent = +4
11-12 = Fine Quality Infrequent Common = +3 Roll a [d6] to see if they are in a guild:
Uncommon = +2 1-4 = No
Infrequent = +1 5-6 = Yes
Hired Help Size Reference: Magic Shop
Specializations [d6]:
Hired help is... [d12]: When rolling for urban encounters The Yes range (5-6) increases by 1 (to a maximum of 2-6) for
1-6 = an individual. 1. Armor 4. Jewelry when party is in a district, use the every existing guild member of that establishment’s type in
7-10 = a team. 2. Books 5. Weapons modifier for the district, NOT the the *city.* (i.e. If two blacksmiths in the city were both in a
11-12 = a guild. 3. Clothing 6. Misc. general urban encounter modifier. guild together, the Yes range would be 3-6).

Capitals Page 4 Find Individual Districts Section on Page 5

Number of Additional Locations We recommend handling your district locations in this order:
(ALL districts get this many additional locations) 1. Roll up all locations. 2. Roll to see if they are in guilds. 3. Roll for notable location reasons.

District 1: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 2: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 3: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 4: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 5: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

District 6: Type: Number of Notable Locations:

Included Locations Guild? Additional Locations Guild? Notable Location Reasons

Capitals Page 5 Find Extra Intrigue on Page 6

Extra Intrigue
Recent History Noteworthy Official/Competence Beneath the Surface

Beneath the Surface - Awareness Rumor(s)

The rumor table can be found in Appendix C: Rumors (p.###).


Capitals Page 6
Fortress Name 1. When a result on a table gives you a modifier (such as “+1 to Visitor Traffic roll”),
find that on your sheet, and write it in the attribute’s apprpriate “Modifiers” box.

2. Some attributes modify rolls on other attributes found on later sheets. Be sure to
note those modifiers as you notice them, to minimize forgetting or losing track.
Step 1: General
Location in Relation to Settlement Skip this if you know where you want your fortress to go.

Modified by: Age Condition can modify the Number of Rooms roll or Furnishings roll in the Keep section, found on the next page.

Expense modifies the Furnishings This is just the main thing your
Environment Expense roll in the Keep section, Primary Building Material fortress is built out of,
found on the next page. not the only thing.

Resource Origin Reason for Construction Design Theme

Alternate Entries Local Impact Optional: Local Impact Change

Modified by: Age Resident Relations Resident Hobbies Resident Attitude

May add guard bunks to the Keep

Garrison Size section found on page 2. Garrison Equipment Current Issue

Issue Severity History Secrets

Oddities Special Feature Feature Specifics

Fortresses Page 1 Find Step 2: Keep on Page 2

Step 2: Keep
Shape Base Size Modifier (BSM) Both the Keep and Castle sections each have their own BSM (base size modifier),
which impact certain things within their respective sections.
Neither sections will EVER use the other’s BSM.

Size Keep’s Floor Space or Diameter The floor space or diameter of the keep is measured in squares.
This makes drawing your keep on a battle-map or grid much easier.
For our purposes, 1 square is a 5-foot by 5-foot area.

Exterior Wall Number of

Thickness Floors Raised Entrance? Entry Defenses

Inside the Keep

Number of Rooms
x + or -
Starting Rooms. Your keep comes with the following (you can put these in rooms #1-3):

= A Bedroom/Sleeping Area
A Kitchen/Cooking Area
Base Size Number Condition Number A Dining/Receiving Area
Modifier of Modifier of In Step 1: General, if your Garrison Size was “Large” or “Maximum”, your keep also includes:
(BSM) Floors Rooms Guard Bunks (you can put this in room #4)

Starting rooms DO count against your total number of rooms!

1. 13.

2. 14.

3. 15.

4. 16.

5. 17.

6. 18.

7. 19.

8. 20.

9. 21.

10. 22.

11. 23.

12. 24.

Furnishings Keep Notes

Modified by: Expense Condition

Fortresses Page 2 Find Step 3: Castle on Page 3

Step 3: Castle If your fortress Special Feature was “Bizarre Location,” note that Geographic Advantage
below, and think about it when you roll your Geographic Advantage.
Note your fortress’ Environment (from Step 1)

The following pictures are examples of what a castle of the named style could look like, but are not the only possible layouts or
configurations. Use them for inspiration, but we also encourage doing your own investigation into what these kinds of castles were like!

Motte & Bailey Shell Keep Fortified Keep Concentric Castle

The keep is built on a high point (man- A circular wall surrounds the The keep is positioned within As a fortified keep but surrounded by one or
made if necessary) overlooking a yard keep. Other buildings are built (or connected to) a surrounding more additional curtain walls.
(the bailey) in which other buildings re- against the inside of the wall wall. Towers are usually placed
side. A wall encircles the keep, the bailey for support and protection. along the wall. (Historically
and the approach in between. referred to as a Stone Keep Castle).


(side view) (top view) (top view) (top view)

Size Base Size Modifier (BSM) Curtain Wall Thickness Curtain Wall Height

Curtain Wall Towers

Number of Towers Tower Shape Tower Size Tower Roof Tower Floor Area or Diameter
+ = squares
BSM 1d4 Number of
Curtain Wall
Curtain Wall Defenses
Number of Rolls
1. 2. 3.

Barbican(s) May modify the Moat roll found on page 4.

These are the structures guarding the approach to a fortress’ entry. Doors into Approach to
Wall Gatehouse castle yard enter castle Drawbridge

1. None. There is no 2. A gatehouse leads 3. As above, but approach 4. As above, but gatehouse
barbican before the into a walled approach. ends in a drawbridge. is also preceded by a
main castle entry drawbridge.


Gatehouses For each curtain wall your fortress has, check the box for it’s gatehouse. A gatehouse fortifies the passageway through a wall.
A gatehouse would be desireable on each wall.

Entry into Curtain Curtain Curtain Entry into Curtain Curtain Curtain Entry into Curtain Curtain Curtain
Bailey Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Bailey Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4 Bailey Wall 2 Wall 3 Wall 4
1. 2. 3.
Same height as wall, entry Half-again as high and thick as the Twice the height and thickness as the
covered by heavy doors. wall. Gateway also has a portcullis. wall. Gateway also has a portcullis.

(Front View) (Top View) (Front View) (Top View) (Front View) (Top View)

Fortresses Page 3 Step 3 continues on Page 4

Step 3: Castle ( cont. )
Moat Moat Width Barracks Location
Modified by: Barbican

Moat Depth

Bailey Outbuildings Number of Bailey Outbuildings: +1 =

Outbuilding 1 Outbuilding 1 Description Outbuilding 2 Outbuilding 2 Description

Size Size
Floor Area Floor Area
Squares Squares
# of Floors # of Floors

Outbuilding 3 Outbuilding 3 Description Outbuilding 4 Outbuilding 4 Description

Size Size
Floor Area Floor Area
Squares Squares
# of Floors # of Floors

Optional: Freeform Building Roll 3: Calculation/Notes Area:

Instead of treating your table rolls as individual buildings, you can note down the total
Total Squares from:
squares of area your rolls give you and add them all together. This will give you a pool of
squares which you can draw from and build your outbuildings as you see fit. Roll 1: Roll 4:
Below are boxes for calculating your rolls and totals. Use them as needed
(you may not need all of them) and have fun building! Roll 2: Roll 5: TOTAL:

Step 4: Stronghold Like building an actual castle into a stronghold, this chapter will build upon attributes you have rolled in the previous sections.
This means that elements you have in place may change.

Curtain Wall Reinforcement

These modifiers will apply to the thickness, height, and the number of curtain wall towers in the Castle section. They do NOT affect anything in the Keep section.

Curtain Wall Thickness Curtain Wall Height Additional Curtain Wall Towers

Style Amplifications
Your roll here may potentially alter your keep and/or your castle. A space has been provided for you to note the changes for each as needed.

Keep Castle

Brutal Defenses Fortress Notes

Fortresses Page 4
Map The grid below can be used for mapping out your structures. We typically treat squares as
5-foot areas, but we’ve left a space where you can note your own scale if you’d like.
Map Title:
Scale: 1 square =
An Engine of Inspiration
Spectacular Settlements will help you create all manner of places to populate the
worlds in which you play, be they existing settings, or your very own.
Inside, you’ll find easy-to-use settlement builder chapters, interesting NPCs, and a
wide variety of other useful tables. For GMs in a hurry, 64 fully realized
pre-generated settlements, each with their own unique artwork and full color map,
are ready to be slotted in to any game world in seconds.
With the help of this book, realize the places that have been locked
within your imagination!

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