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Nature of the Boxer Movement

No fruitful inquiry into the Boxer was a natural outcome of the economic
Movement would be possible without changes that took place in China following
answering 3 questions: the arrival of these imperialist powers.
Christian missionary activity too was not de-
(1) Whether the Boxer Movement was anti- linked from this economic exploitation by
foreign or anti-Christian; the foreigners in China.
(2) Whether the Boxer organization was a On the 2nd contention, George
militia or a heretical sect; Steiger firmly denied that the Boxers were a
(3) Whether the Boxer Movement was pro- religious sect with a heretical organization.
or anti-dynastic. Queen Tzu Hsi’s decree of 1898-99, gave the
Boxer organization an official status. The
Touching upon the 1st controversy Victor sole purpose of this organization was to
Purcell’s conclusion is that, “The Boxer control the growing advance of foreign
movement was anti-foreign and therefore imperialist powers. Heretical would suggest
anti-Christian.” The Chinese did not relish that the movement was unorthodox, anti-
the demonstration of cultural and racial government and anti-state, which Steiger
superiority by Western Christians in China. pointed out that, it was not.
The Western Christian drive to destroy
China’s cultural identity also invited anti- Victor Purcell has divided the Boxer
Western and anti-Christian feelings. But Movement into phases, where at different
Purcell pointed out that the Chinese were times the movement developed a religious
against the missionaries not because of their and heretical character and adopted an anti-
religion, but because they were foreigners Manchu stand, and at times a character
and all foreigners were symbols of similar to the militia. He treats the Boxer
imperialism. Movement as a continuation of and follow-
up of the White Lotus and the Nian
Centering on the Boxer Movement is rebellions. He pointed out similarities
the Western historians’ argument that, there between the White Lotus Society and the
took place the unprecedented demonstration Boxers such as the practice of calisthenics,
of xenophobia by the Chinese people. belief in equality of sexes, the reliance on
However, Purcell argues that the Boxer Buddhist and Taoist ideology, anti-Manchu
Movement was essentially a peasant leanings and Ming links.
movement – a struggle of the rural and
urban social strata against the feudal forces. Using a dialectic approach, Purcell
Further, though through the phases of said that in the early stages, the Boxer
merchant capitalism, industrial capitalism Movement was anti-Manchu, their slogan
and finance imperialism, foreign being “Overthrow the Qing, restore the
encroachments had increased, leading to a Ming.” At this stage, the Boxer organization
simultaneous increase in the hatred felt by did have a heretical character. But with the
the Chinese masses towards the foreigners, growth of foreign intrusion, Boxers became
this hatred cannot be called xenophobic. It pro-Manchu and at this stage adopted a
militia-like character, in response to the
Nature of the Boxer Movement

willingness shown by the Manchus to help model of modernization, pressurized the

the Boxers. Manchus into supporting the Boxers.

Finally, regarding the last contention, Hu Sheng follows a different dialectic

the authors of “Yi He Tuan” indicates that in approach to the Boxer Movement. He argues
the confrontation between the people and that the Boxers had no definite leadership,
the church, the Manchu government was not even a dominant class and therefore, did
basically pro-church and anti-people, not have a prominent ideology or a definite
because the Qing rulers had all along character (anti-dynastic or pro-dynastic).
followed a capitulationist line in foreign The Boxers were, therefore, vulnerable to
affairs, selling out China’s sovereign rights to any kind of strategy applied upon them by
the imperialists in exchange for the latter’s the imperial court (proved by the way a
support of their own rule and bloody simple decree that managed to change their
suppression of the masses. It was this basic essential character).
pro-church and anti-people stand, which
decided the anti-dynastic nature the Boxer The Manchus remained non-
committal in their support to the Boxers till
very late. They were not genuinely interested
Victor Purcell says that in the initial in the Boxer cause and were merely trying to
stages, the Boxer struggle was directed strike a balance between the traditionalist
against the Manchus and so was heretical and pro-modern factions within the imperial
and also anti-dynastic. This anti-dynastic court. Outside, they wanted to strike a
character emerged because of the growing balance between the Boxers and the
pre-eminence of the hardcore secret society foreigners. Their superficial and farcical
leadership, particularly the White Lotus involvement can be found in the decree
Society. However, at a later stage, the Boxers passed in 1900, which declared war on the
allied with the Manchus in their supposed foreigners to win the goodwill of the Boxers,
struggle against the imperialist powers and but the decree never reached the foreigners.
so assumed the character of a pro-dynastic
Hu Sheng opined that as the
foreigners continued to acquire gains in
This was the result of circumstantial China, the Manchus, faced by a threat to
changes: (1) the extermination of the their own authority, arrived at a compromise
hardcore anti-dynastic leadership following with the Boxers. Besides, Tzu Hsi realized
the Pin Yuan conflict of 1899. In the course that the foreigners might otherwise align
of this leaderless period, the Manchus with the opposing pro-western faction.
decided to win over the rebels, so that their Sheng concluded by saying that since the
only target would be the foreigners and not Boxers kept changing their stance vis-a-vis
the Manchus themselves and; the Manchus, one cannot put them in any
one category – different phases saw different
(2) within the imperial court, the responses to the activities of the Manchus
traditional reactionary faction, completely and the foreigners.
against the foreigners and the Western
Nature of the Boxer Movement

According to the Chinese historians,

the historical significance of the Boxer
Movement lies in the fact that: it scared the
imperialist aggressors out of their wits and
put the brakes on imperialist designs to
partition China; it awakened Chinese
patriotic consciousness and; they regarded
the Boxer Movement as a cornerstone of the
victory of the Chinese Communist

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