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Lee. 1 - Pg.

Beloved Neophyte:
I am very glad to have been assigned by the Council as
your teacher in these early grades, and I am sure that we shall have a
pleasant and profitable association. However, the part you have to play
is most important; without your sincere cooperation little can be done,
yet this part you have to play is very simple, is easily done without In­
terfering with your usual duties. All things are possible if you do the
work I give you faithfully and well.
As an Illustration of what I am referring to, let us
turn to the radio for an example, for most of us are familiar with it.
The other evening a series of experiments were conducted between this
country and Australia. Altho separated by 16,000 miles, voices came in a
flash from KDKA the famous station located in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
with loud speaker volume, into that room in Australia where the receiv­
ing set was located. But the point is this, that receiving set was TUNED
to just that 63 meter wave length. Had the electrical condensers in that
radio set been set in capacity, a tiny fraction, more or less, nothing
would have happened; no matter how much KDKA had increased its sending
power, no sound would have been heard from the horn of that receiving
set unless it was tuned exactly to that point in the Cosmic Keyboard
representing 63 meters.
And so you too, must tune yourself, make yourself recept-
tive to the power of the Great Cosmic Mind whence comes all power, all
knowledge, all that we need or can possibly use. You have many times
read and heard the saying, "As a man thinketh, so is he." Did you ever
ponder just why and how this should be so? It is true in two ways; one
the usual way, that thru his creative power, he creates conditions and
shapes Destiny; and it is true in another sense, the sense I would use
now--that, as a man thinks so he changes the electrical polarity of his
aura, and as he changes the electrical polarity from pure negative on
one side thru various degrees and fine graduations to pure positive on
the other, so he tunes in and makes himself receptive to, or tunes out,
and makes himself non-receptlve to, the millions of wave vibrations that
are playing around and about him every moment of time. Just as the radio
in Australia when set exactly to a wave length of 63 meters becomes re­
ceptive to Pittsburgh, so you can become receptive at will to any of the
vibrations which are about you. Later in your work you will be able to
see the aura which surrounds your body and the bodies of others. This
cloud of vlabrating mist radiates a short distance from your body and is
constantly a changing mass of varl-colors.The color tone changes as you
think. Thoughts of love produce one predominant color tone, thoughts of
hate, envy, etc., produce other color tones. It is the electrical charac­
ter of this vibratory shield surrounding the body which allows some wave
lengths to come thru and affect your thinking and your judgement and
- * which turns others aside. So that they do not even exist so far as you
are concerned to the fact, "As a man thinketh, so is he."
One of the best and easiest ways to begin to receive the
kind of vibrations you wish, the help you want, is to begin to be recep­
tive to them. You do this by first believing that this help, this know-
edge, this inspiration is available and is coming to you, that these
waves are being broadcast to you from a source. So as the first step,as­
sume that all this is true. Do not doubt it for a moment. Should doubt
enter your mind, cast it aside and at once think "It is True." This
faith, belief, call it what you will, constantly held in the Objective
Mind, will gradually impress the Subconscious Mind until it accepts the
new thoughts of your outer self and changes the electrical qualities of
Lee. 1-Pg. 2

your aura so that you begin to receive the things you wish to have
come in and begin to keep out the things you do not wish to receive.
But remember you cannot fool this Subconscious Mind, it knows when you
are in earnest. If you allow the other kind of thoughts a part of the
time, it will refuse to do anything until it is sure that you have made
up your mind and really know what you do want. As soon as it is sure, it
will act. So this is one way in which you may become receptive to the
help, the inspiration, and the instruction which I am sending you, and
which is always available from the Great Cosmic Mind. As good a way as
any to help accomplish this mental attitude of trust and expectancy is
to repeat many times during the day a little short affirmation, for
that is what affirmations are for. The moment anything goes wrong, the
moment someone makes you angry, the times when apparently the thing you
hoped for doesn’t turn out that way, the times when you become discour­
aged and say, "There is nothing to it", the times when nothing at all
has happened, but you feel blue and down-hearted, at all times, just re­
peat this, "Divine Love, Infinite Wisdom, and Supreme Intelligence are
now active in my affairs and they are working out to the satisfaction
of all concerned."
Repeat this, memorize it, have it on the tip of your
tongue at all times, meditate over it, think out what it means, count on
it to your last dollar and your last ounce of strength. The blacker
things look, the worse they get, say it and keep saying it, with a smile,
and suddenly you will know that it is true, and that it has been true
all of the time, only you did not understand that what was happening
was Divine Love, Infinite Wisdom and Supreme Intelligence at work and
that It knew better than you how to work the problems out.
And so you must now understand that you are under Su­
preme Guidance. There is naught in the world but Good, and Good is the
Supreme. Naught can possibly come to you but what is good, for your good
ultimately. Of course, you cannot always see that this is so, but it is
true. Even if you fail to comprehend all that this Involves, accept it
now with complete assurance.Lay aside forever all thoughts of Fear,
Lack and worry. Simply assume that the Cosmic and the Masters know
best, that they have complete charge over you, that you are not to
worry about the outcome, so long as you follow your inspirations and
faithfully do your best.
You are to assume a happy expectant attitude, you are
to rise each morning with gladness, and with your first- conscious
breath repeat the affirmation above,and mean it and believe it as you
say it, and with the second breath you are to wonder what good the Cos­
mic has in store for you today. Each hour of the day you are to watch
and look and search,in all that occurs,in every place you go and every
person you meet,for the blessings in store for you so you may not pass
them by.
So your first task for this week and the weeks to
come, will be to cultivate this mental attitude of searching for good,
an ever present good,yes,that is here now for you,and to render thanks
for all that you find,no matter how small. It will not be easy,thoughts
of doubt will come,things will go wrong that you think should have
gone some other way,but repeat this affirmation and keep on repeating
it until it gets fixed and so deeply imbedded in the subconscious that
it becomes instinctive to say it and think it. So the help that is be­
ing sent you will pass thru the outer guard and into your Inner Self,
where you will receive the ideas,inspiration and assistance you need,
and can utilize in solving your problems.
I stated above that there is naught but good in the
World.That is true;the entire Universe is but the Manifestation of the
Supreme and he is essentially good. He cannot be otherwise.But,man him­
Lee. 1 - Pg. 3

self produces the discord, the inharmony that appears to be evil and
which the old writers laid to the Devil who was supposed to have power
only a little less than Dlety. Nov/ we know that we do not need to pray
for delivery from a personal Devil who tries to ensnare us and cause us
misfortune, but we do need to pray for knowledge to keep us from misusing
the "Freedom of Choice" which is our Heritage - dominion over the earth
and all that is in it. We have freedom to choose and we are responsible
for our choice.
And so we will close the first lecture, for you will
find there is a great deal to think about during the coming week and a
great deal to do. It will be a good idea if you retire to your Sanctum
several times during this period before your next communication and read
and reread these pages slowly and thoughtfully. Then remain sitting quiet­
ly for a few moments longer,and while you are thinking over what you have
read and trying to reason things out, you will find ideas, inspiration,
and many, many things coming to you; yes literally pouring in upon you,
as you learn to tune them by developing your Inner Power,
These lectures may seem short, but I must stress that it
is not a matter of intellectual knowledge, of new facts,but that you
are learning a new process of thinking. For each hour spent in reading
you should spend three hours at various times during the day analyzing
what you have read, thinking it over and then in watching your actions,
the things you do and say, that they accord with the things you learn.'
If, for instance, you truly believe this first lesson, it would be im­
possible for you to ever be discouraged, to ever worry, to ever doubt.
If you do, then it means you have not worked out this first lesson and
do not believe it Inwardly, regardless of your Intellectual belief. This
shows how you must dig into each lesson, how you must think and above
all how you must reason it out and then guide yourself, watching that
you do not fall into the old ways of thinking and doing, forcing your­
self to be just opposite until the new habits are formed and the effort
is no longer required. This is the way you are to co-operate. When you
start to talk, to act or even to think and memory flashes a thought
that this is not right, not in accord with your lessons, then change it
Immediately. Remember you are building a foundation, we must go slowly
and build carefully, but the principle part of the work is the build­
ing you do, yourself, the points in the lessons are only the guidance.
Now, having read this communication, you will rise and
repeat the following softly:
Divine Cosmic Mind, I am greatful for the knowledge
that has come to me at this time. Shed upon me now the Ray of Cosmic
Understanding that I may be more readily attuned to Thee."
Remain standing, quietly, for a moment and then leave
your Sanctum.
(For additional reading use a large UNABRIDGED Diction­
ary or Encyclopedia and look up the statements regarding the words in
this communication v/hich may be strange to you. These definitions are
not always correct from our viewpoint, but they are interesting and
helpful. See if you understand Aura, Vibration, Tuned, Manifestation,
Mystical, Psychic; it is illuminating to look them up and of course
look up any other words that may be somewhat new to you.)
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,
Sri Dayananda,
S. C.
Multigraphed in U. S. A. (Non-Commercial)
Lecture 2- Page 1

Beloved Neophyte:

Last week your communication covered several very important points

very important inasmuch as they covered such basic principles in our
work, and are so very necessary for rapid and easy progress thru th®
steps that follow.I trust you have faithfully put them into practice
and that no matter how many times you have found yourself thinking
along the old lines,you have each time repeated the affirmations,and
AT ONCE CHANGED YOUR THINKING. If you have succeeded even a little,
that little has thus far affected your aura, that outer guard of the
real You, and made it that much easier to receive 'the right kind of
impre ssions.
I spoke, also, in that lesson about another way in which "AS a
man thinketh, so is he," the creative way. But we will not go into
this just yet. After your practice along the lines given you has be­
come instinctive by constant use during these early phases of your
work, then will be the time to go into the work of actually creating
out of the Cosmic and materializing in your life the things' desired
according to your highest aspirations; but before the Neophyte is en­
trusted with the secret control of this creative power, he must have
developed to a point where he will be very sure to use it without harm
to those around him,and with safety to himself. There is no more po­
tent or powerful force in the Universe than the human phase of Mind
when it is unshackled and set free with a fully developed dynamic Will
back of it. The human Mind, so-called, is a part of the Mind of the
Creator, and is like unto Him in Power, as a part is always- like,in
characteristics, to the whole from whence it came.
So it is very important that you review again and again your
first communication and fix the principles firmly in your mind,thus
training your thoughts properly,and as you do this faithfully day af­
ter day you will find it becomes more and more easy to do.
Now,laying aside the purely mental and psychic work for tonight,
and while you are practicing and perfecting yourself in what has al­
ready been given, I will turn to the physical side, to some of the
foundation work preliminary to the vast amount of psychic work to be
given as you develop.Right here let me suggest the value of a good
unabridged dictionary or encyclopedia.Have it handy in your Sanctum,
and after reading your di scour se , after you have closed your Convoca­
tion with the final Invocation,then go over it again , looking up the
meaning of those words which may be strange to you. Of course, the
dictionary does not always give the meaning which I intend shall be
conveyed; in fact, some are frequently woefully short of any adequate
conception of the inner meaning of many of the usual Occult words. .
But,nevertheless,there are many times when they will help you. Per­
haps they give you another side to a word which you had only thought
of in a certain limited sense.
So the exercise or experiment for this, week has to do with the
breathing. "In the Beginning, God breathed into man,and he became a
Living Soul." From this and other statements you see that the writers
in the old days were conscious of the value of breathing and the fact
that breathing was in some way connected with life itself. The subject
of breathing,from an Occult viewpoint alone,is so large that to cov­
er it even briefly would take many lecturesjtherefore,at this time,
I shall only sketch some phases of it so that you may have an idea of
the real reason for the exercises which constitute your next work.
Later on we will go into detail and cover, each important point so
Lecture 2 - Page 2

that you may have a full and complete knowledge of this important sub­
ject which has so much to do with psychic work and is so necessary to
its success.
Oxygen is usually considered the vital substance within air which
is the life-giving element, but the mystics of old knew, just as Sci­
ence is beginning to concede today, that there is something back of
the Oxygen which is the real Life Essence, just as the Electron lies
back of the Atom. Matter, as you see it today, is resolved into the
elements composing it, as Water is resolved into two parts of the ele­
ment Hydrogen and'one part of the element Oxygen. These in turn sepa­
rate into the molecules and then the atoms. The atom was for a long
time the smallest part into which we could divide matter, but now it is
known, as it always has been known to the Mystics, that the atom is
composed of many electrons. And electrons are not matter, but the pure
spirit of creative force.
So this vital essence, so necessary to life,and which is,in fact,
life in one sense, is in the air around us, FREE, AVAILABLE TO ALL WHO
NEED IT; a wonderful remedy---the real "Fountain of Youth" supplied by
the Creator to all who will, take it. Another example of the fact that
All we need, of whatever nature, HAS BEEN ALREADY PROVIDED' BY THE First
Great Cause, ready for us if we will but reach out and take it. But
our training, our teaching and schooling during the formative period
of our life has been so material that our psychic side has been neglec­
ted; yes, we have been taught that such a side does not exist, and the
result is that we have become blind and in a Universe of abundance;—
we declare there is lack.' The human body in health takes enough of
this energy from the air, thru the lungs, to maintain life and revit­
alize every cell within the body. When more is taken into the body
than may be needed the over-supply radiates from the body principally
thru the large Radial Nerves, the two trunk nerves which run along
the arms terminating in the end of the thumb and first finger of each
hand. There is also a branch of these nerves in the second fingers
on the side next to the thumb but this is not important for your work.
This will explain to you why some persons in super-health seem to
fairly radiate their physical condition when you are near them and
why these, same persons have such a magnetic handshake. This force is
sometimes called personal magnetism, but this term is not correct and
the explanation just given you will give a much better picture of what
it really is and the real reason why such persons are magnetic. The
Mystics know- that It is possible to voluntarily increase the amount
of Life Energy within the body, and also how to radiate large quanti­
ties of it without depleting the supply necessary for the body itself.
The Masters use this knowledge in many ways. By increasing the
supply in the body of the Neophyte, they bring him to better and more
perfect health a requisite before going far along the Path. Thus after
a short period every red blood cell in his body is brimming over with
energy carrying its load of life essence to every organ until these
organs are functioning with new zest, until the brain is stimulated
and every brain center is functioning anew with power. In addition,
the nerve energy is increased and sent along to the purely psychic
organs, which thru non-use from childhood have shrunk or atrophied
and which must again be enlivened and set to functioning as they were
intended, before the Neophyte can use his psychic sight, hearing and
other senses which are duplicates of the physical senses but operat­
ing on a plane many times higher and finer than the plane on which the
Lecture 2 - Pg. 3

five material sense organs operate.

Another way in which the Masters use this knowledge is by incre­
asing the radiations from the body of the Neophyte, placing them • un­
der his control and then teaching him their use in the treating and
healing of so-called diseases in others as vzell as himself. Fortunate­
ly } the methods are so simple and the results are so marvelous that
this important, work constitutes the first important psychic work
given the Neophyte., - His success is practically assured., no matter
who he may be. He will make many successful demonstrations, even in
the beginning,and thus he is encouraged and given confidence.Now, as
the first steps in using this wonderful knowledge of the Masters of
Old as well as of the Mystics and Masters of today., read and practice
the first steps given you. Practice them each time just before you
seat yourself in your easy chair to commence the quiet periods before
opening your convocations. Do them the first thing on arising in the
morning and whenever opportunity affords, , Do them at least
three times each and every day. More will not hurt,but make the mini­
mum number three. At each of the three periods., seven full deep
breaths inhaled., held and exhaled, constitutes a complete exercise.
Remember no harm can come to you for this is not in any way similar
to Rhythmic Breathing. Here., then., are the first steps:
FIRST: See that the air where you are is fresh and pure., - if not
open a window slightly.
SECOND: Stand erect, arms extended in front of you, hands extended
also, palms downward.
THIRD: Very slowly inhale a full deep breath, thru the NOSTRILS. As
you do this and while inhaling slowly swing the arms around
in a quarter circle outstretched from the sides. This tends
to enlarge the chest. Pull the air down deeply to the very
FOURTH: Hold the air in the lungs as long as possible WITHOUT DISCOM­
FORT. Fifteen seconds, then twenty, thirty or a minute - as
long as you can WITHOUT STRAINING, commencing easily, in­
crease slowly.
FIFTH: Exhale, VERY SLOWLY, thru the MOUTH,swinging the arms slowly
back again,in front of youj thus contracting the chest.
SIXTH: After you have become adept in this routine so that you can
do it easily and well, add this mental power to the work. As
you inhale, picture to yourself that you are DRAWING IN with the air,
the Life Essence from every corner of the room, ceiling and floor. As
you hold the breath, picture your inner self absorbing every particle
of the Life Essence from the air and storing it up in the body. Then
as you slowly exhale, picture to yourself this surplus energy, which
you have just stored in the body, rushing down both arms in a ting­
ling current of power, and rushing out the tips of the thumbs and
first fingers into space again. Picture this again and again until
you can feel the force as it flows down the radial nerves and causes
the finger tips to feel slightly warm.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 3 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight’s communication will be along somewhat different lines
than that of your first two and you will, notice as you progress that
your work is carefully planned and so systematized that three very im­
portant phases are being carried along together. First, you were given
work and development exercises in the mental field; then you were giv­
en work in the physical and psychic fields with co-related experiments;
and while you are practicing these two sets of exercises and slowly
but surely DEVELOPING THE CONTROL OF THE MIND, the tuning of your psy­
chic organs and developing your aura, you are also stimulating the sym­
pathetic nervous system and vitalizing the body. It is also necessary
that the intellect be enlightened and carried along to keep pace with
the other work.
Of course,intellectually you can grasp this mystical work and un­
derstand it very much faster than the mind can be trained or the neces­
sary functioning of, the organs be actually developed. Therefore, I
shall give you four or five very important communications on basic prin­
ciples before the next set of exercises, tho this will depend some­
what on the progress you make. Before I leave this part of the lesson,
I wish to speak again of the first lecture; I feel sure you understand
the second lesson and its importance for it is more material, more like
what you may have been used to, but the first is different - it is men­
tal and psychic also, and I wish to be very sure that you practice the
affirmation given and cover the points made until you have extracted
the full meaning from this lesson. Go over it again and again, think
about it frequently, until you have PERFECT FAITH and CONFIDENCE and
are able to keep that attitude always.
Tonight I shall proceed to discuss several points so that you may
understand the sense in which I shall use them. Remember if you have
any set conviction on any subject you are to retain it so long and so
far as it continues to serve you or until your changing viewpoint
broadens and goes beyond it. There are as many opinions and concepts
of God as there are people and this will always perhaps be true, for as
we learn and progress and grow we find oui* previous ideas and convic­
tions changing also. I cannot however, conceive of a Neophyte proceed­
ing far with a thoughtful study of Psychic or Cosmic phenomena and
still holding to the ancient ideas of God like those of the early Bib­
lical writers. This old conception of God has had a very firm hold on
the minds of the people to their own great harm and hindrance. But now
a broader,a better idea is spreading amongst the Churches and people in
general,a conception of God as Mind,Cosmic Mind;and some have progress­
ed to the point where they see that Power is merely Mind in action,and
that Power or Spirit Energy is the life force back of creation,or the
electron. They further see that there is thus a sense in which God is
manifested in and as His creation,without personality,in the usual
sense,and another sense in which He remains always the Unmanifested
We are taught that the ’’Kingdom of Heaven is Within” and the Oc­
cult student is taught that ”Man must know himself.” Another way of
putting this Mystical Truth is from that little book called ’’Light on
the Path.” It says ’’The way to advance without,is by retreating with­
in.” So you should think of God as contacted WITHIN YOURSELF,as speak­
ing thru the still,small Voice Within your own Soul,and realize that
it is only by retreating within that he can in any way be made to man­
ifest to your Consciousness,objectively at least.
Consider the towering oak,with its mighty,widespread branches;you
know that it grew from a tiny acorn. A little stream of Life and Intel­
Lee. 3 - Pg. 2

ligence flowed out of that small seed and gradually formed the giant
tree. The oak was not created in the sense that it was made full-
fashioned at a single fiat of will,but it grew from the tiny slip into
the towering tree thru the inherent potentialities of that little seed.
So the Spark of Divinity,call it God if you wish to use that terra, is
the seed thru which we grow and develop and expand thru countless ages
yes aeons of Time. Thus you see that we do not find the Creator the
First Cause by searching on the outside, away from us, but that you
must retreat within and contact the Supreme thru the very center of
yourself»4s I have said,however,retain your own convictions,be they
what they may,until the time comes when they no longer serve you.
Having arrived at a working understanding of what I mean when I
use these terms, the next point to be covered is that of Vibrations.I
have used this word several times,particularly in your first lesson,
and it is well that you now obtain a general knowledge of just what
Vibrations are. I stated in a former communication that Electrons were
a spark of primal substance which was not yet mattei* in manifestation,
but rather the pure Creative Force of the Universe,one of the many man­
ifestations or out-pourings of the First Cause.
James Kendall, in ”At Home among the Atoms,” for the first time
explains the structure of the Electron like the Mystic’s explanation
and says, ”It is merely an electrical hole in the middle of a pulsat­
ing aura.” At l^ast science is agreeing with our Mystics and getting
away from electrons as small,round hard balls. These electrons are vi­
brating with a rhythmic power of energy. They are of two kinds,magnetic
or negative electrons and the positive or electric electrons, both
sent forth from God and representing the Father-Mother phases of God.
Both are alike except for the difference in the vibratory rate which
differentiates them into the two groups. Each of these two kinds of
electrons attract the opposite kind and repulse their own kind. Thus
is the building up of complex forms commenced - a positive electron
attracts and captures a negative electron and they cling together,Sup­
pose the positive electron had a positive charge,force or rate of vi­
bration of 100,and the negative electron had a charge of only 60 -
this 60 charge of the one would offset part of the positive charge of
the other, but it would leave the combined group still 40 percent posi­
tive and we call this difference POLARITY - it would be POSITIVE in
POLARITY. If the positive charge of the first electron was 100 while
the negative electron it attracted had a negative charge of 120, the
combined group would be 20 percent negative in Polarity. So the new
combined group would be 20 percent negative in Polarity and would al­
ways be seeking another electron to offset the difference. Thus is
built up a mass and it finally reaches a point where it is so nearly
in balance that the last few electrons attracted to it do not unite
with the center neucleus but,tho captured by the force of the mass,ro­
tate around the center just as do the planets around the central sun.
This Mass is now an atom and we can illustrate the matter better
perhaps by taking an atom of gold as an illustration. Science tells us
this group called an atom of gold, has a mass of 197 and its atomic
number is 79. Its neucleus therefore,consists of 197 positive elec­
trons and 118 negative electrons and to balance the mass are 79 free
or somewhat free electrons rotating around the center group. It is
this difference of the Polarity of the center group and the number of
rotating electrons which determines the physical and chemical proper­
ties of the atom.
Remember always that the male or positive aspect of God is the
embodiment of the Electrical Force while the female or negative aspect
is the embodiment of the Magnetic Force. And it is the constant attrac­
tion and repulsion between these forces which builds up the world
Lee. 3 - Pg. 3

around us for the meeting of single electrons slowly but surely builds
up the atoms, and the atoms in turn into larger groups, the molecules
and eventually the elements of which there are but 144 in all, re­
presenting every primal substance in the' Universe, tho Science today
has found and classified less than one hundred of them. As Matter
builds up, so the reverse is constantly taking place; an atom loses an
electron, the nature of the atom is changed, the mass is out of balance,
and further electrons are thrown off. Peroxide of Hydrogen is combined
of two elements which are in a very unstable combination, atoms are
constantly thrown off as the mass seeks balance and you notice the
bubbles and even the noise as you uncork the bottle. - Peroxide of Hy­
drogen consist of two parts of hydrogen and two parts of oxygen.HpOp
but the free electrons being thus thrown off rapidly break it up Into
simple water, which is a balanced element HgO, two parts hydrogen and
one part oxygen. A balanced mass does not change except thru the intro­
duction of outside force of some kind, as heat thru the sun’s rays, or
cold thru the addition of other dissolving forms around it.
Now, with this brief sketch of what Matter is and how it is form­
ed, and of the two different forces at work in the world, the negative
and the positive Spirit Energy, you are beginning to get a better idea
of things. It may be hard for you at first to realize that every piece
of wood in your Sanctum, for instance, is vibrating with this Spirit
Energy. You cannot see or feel it to be sure, but neither can you see
or feel the odor of the flowers as it passes you on its way to the
nose,yet you know that something does pass thru space. Now, all this
is to bring you as a student of the Unseen, to realize one thing,that
every material thing about us is in vibration, space around us is
filled with vibrations. It is only thru these vibrations that matter
manifests to our senses at all. We see colors, hear sounds, feel heat
and cold, smell ostdors, in fact, everything our Five Senses bring to
us our awareness of the world, is brought to us thru,and by means of vi­
brations . Yet the Physical Senses cover only a tiny part of the vibra­
ting manifestations around us. There is an infinite number higher than
the range of any physical sense and an infinite number below the range
of any sense and your work is to open up dormant organs to sense these
higher vibrations and reveal a new world of limitless power, beauty,
and peace and enjoy the Highest Intelligence, who will aid and assist
You, as a Mystic will perform your wonders,not by dealing with
many thousands of different substances, but by dealing with only one.
Prof. Einstein, brilliant scientist,now proves by mathematical for­
mulae that Matter is not the hard, dead substance as always thought,
but it is something that ”is happening” in other words, something
that is always becoming something else. Hear him on molecules. ”Their
solidity is an illusion, they are really portions of Space in which
whirl at great distances particles of energy or electricity called
electrons.” One law, one substance, alike above as below. Now, you
know what the desk really is. Outside of the illusion of the senses it
resolves into electrons; electrons are Spirit Energy, or Power, and as
I said in the forepart of this lesson, Power is Cosmic Mind in action,
and Mind is God, the Supreme. But of course, this is not all of God,
merely one of an infinite number óf outpourings, or manifestations,
with an infinite number still unmanifested, so far as our Intellect is
capable of conceiving. So now I shall close this, your third Convoca­
tion, leaving it for you to ponder over.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 4 - Page 1
Beloved Neophyte:
This is your fourth communication, and marks the end of the lunar
period of four weeks. It is now your privilege to write me a short re­
view of the success and failure you may have had during this period. I
say success and failure, for it is most sure that during the past month
you have had some pleasant, helpful things occur, and also that you
have not had happen some things that might have been unpleasant had
they occured; and it is also true that in some of your expectations you
have been disappointed. This is always true of the early stages of your
progress, and you will note a steady improvement as you go along, and
gradually gain Self-Control and Self-Mastery. But you should now write
me fully, and in addition to these personal things on which you wish
enlightenment and help, write me if there are any points in the communi­
cations that are not perfectly clear and understandable to you. I would
also like to know the success and improvement you have noticed thru the
use of the affirmations and mental viewpoint of the first lesson and any
general improvement, in your health from the use of the breathing exer­
cises of the second lesson. Particularly, if you have noticed or felt
the exhilaration from the Life Energy or its flow out the finger tips.
Second, at the end of each lunar period your Scribe Alms should be
sent to the Brotherhood. This is outlined in the Explanation Booklet
sent you with your first lesson. It is only fitting that your offerings
should be sent cheerfully, thankfully and promptly, as a token of appre­
ciation, not alone for the privileges you enjoy, but as and for, in
small measure, compensation for that which you ask to receive. The ser­
vice rendered you by the Brotherhood cannot be paid for except in kind.
That is, by the help, of whatever nature, you give to others, whom you
may meet from day to day. The actual material expenses of your lessons,
however, will be lessened by your Alms. Therefore, prepare your first
Scribe Alms, making your check, draft, or money order payable to the
Arch Director, M. B., and place same in the envelop enclosed,writing
your name and address on the blank line left for that purpose. You may
then seal the envelope, enclosing it with your letter to us. All of
these communications should be addressed to your Teacher, in care of
The Mystic Brotherhood University, Tampa, Florida.
Now, we will proceed with the work of this lecture,for there are
many points which I wish to clear up, and of which I must give you a
general understanding at this time. I want you to understand and ap­
preciate that you are always surrounded day and night by an unlimited
supply of all that you need or can desire. This supply, or source, is
Universal Mind, for, as your third lesson told you, reducing matter from
the visible to the invisible it ends in the electron, merely a center
of energy,which is the thought of God in action. It is but the thought
of God. Everything that is manifest is made from this Universal Mind.
Another thing that I want you to realize is that this Universal Mind
is everything in Potentiality, and that it has a powerful urge, or
surge, to manifest thru you, thru your* Subconscious Mind as direct­
ed by your Will. This Mind is Love,all that is of Love in the Universe,
but it is not loving. It has to express as Loving, thru you, and thru
the other children of God. This Mind is Wisdom, all the Wisdom there
is, but it is striving to manifest itself thru you as Knowledge, It
is pressing, pushing, thru you to express as Knowledge, but it, in
itself, is Widsom-Knowledge in Potentiality. Now, all this requires
that you mold, or shape, this unlimited Source of Supply, which is
Lecture 4 Page 2
striving to express thru you, nothing more. This you do thru your
thoughts,practically your affirmations.All this work is covered later
on, but I just wanted to give you at this point a few of the basic
laws of Metaphysics,that, thru understanding them your faith would be
strengthened in a realization that the words you speak and the thoughts
you think are reproduced in your circumstances, your affairs, and your
I want you to read the above very carefully,taking it clearly,sen­
tence by sentence,until a conscious realization of the meaning dawns
upon you.Do not read it hastily,for mere intellectual understanding is
not enough,you must dwell upon it in the quiet of your Sanctum,until
you appreciate all that it means to you.
You have heard a great deal about the Subjective Mind. You know
that this Mind is very efficient,taking care of the body,the function­
ing of the organs,the beating of the heart,your breathing,and all of
your other Unconscious Reactions. You know that it takes care of these
matters without your paying any Objective attention to them. What I
want you to realize is that the Subjective Mind also takes care of,
literally molds and creates, all of your outer affairs, circumstances,
environment,financial conditions,everything that you contact in the
material world. You can hardly appreciate all that sentence means at
this time,but I want you to think it over and gradually a realization
of the fact that the Subjective Mind is the most powerful force in the
world will dawn upon you,and you will realize that in this subjective
Mind of yours,you have the way and the means to make life what you
will,to create your highest aspirations and make your dreams come true.
In talking about the Subjective Mind, I want you to realize that it
neither reasons or is merely a very willing and obedient ser­
vant, highly efficient in its own field,but subject to the limitations
imposed by its often erroneous interpretation of the exact significance
of a great variety of long continued routine of events,that are the
effect of causes concerning which it is wholly ignorant;events that it
contacts by means of one or more of the five Senses. If we know how to
reach the Subjective Mind,and if our efforts to reach it are endowed
with sufficient faith and tenacity of purpose,then that complacent In­
telligence will,sooner or later,inevitably obey us. As an illustration,
let us assume that,after a long siege of laborious manual practice and
close mental application,you have become a good piano player,able to
play well even when your attention,your conscious attention,is direct­
ed elsewhere,and what formerly seemed difficult has now become easy.
Doubtless you believe,while engaged in the arduous drudgery of practice,
that you were training your fingers to perform in a certain manner,
but you were,in reality,employed in the business of educating the Sub­
jective Mind thru a process of monotonous repetition,to force on those
fingers a faculty of skilled manipulation which before they did not
possess. Now this,if you are discerning,will open up an important vista,
for your own habits,all those things which make up your personality,
good or bad,rise and thrive in the precise measure that you impress
them on the Subjective Mind by prolonged and persistent reiteration.
So the first step is to become mentally still,quiet,poised,and calm,
and know that all things you desire are yours already in Essence, in
Supply, and knowing this,or recognizing it,becoming aware of it, sets
into motion the Power bringing the invisible Good, the Innermost Sub­
stance of all things forth into visible manifestation in just the form
you need.
But in order to attain this position of commanding Power you must
take the preliminary steps,faithfully,earnestly,trustingly - tho these
steps,at first,seem to you as useless and ridiculous,as do the ceremoni­
al forms and religious observances of the ritualistic churchman.
Lecture 4 - Page 3
You know that to affirm anything is to assert positively that it
is so,even in the face of all contrary evidence.You may not be able to
see how,by your simple affirming a thing to be true,a thing which to
all your human reasoning or sight does not seem to be true at all, you
can bring that thing to pass. But you can do this, you can compel your­
self to cease all doublings and go to work to prove the rule for your­
The Universal Ethers of the Scientist,the Universal Spirit of the
Orthodox,or the Universal Mind of the Mystic are all one and the same,
the beautiful Presence all about us,and within,which is the substance
of all the good we can desire,yes,infinitely more than we are capable
of desiring,for ”Eye hath not seen,nor ear heard,neither hath entered
into the heart of man,the things that God has prepared for them that
Love Him.”
So you speak the word,you confidently affirm,but you have nothing
to do with the establishing of the word or bringing it to pass. ”Thou
shalt also decree a thing,and it shall be established unto thee. You
decree or affirm unwaveringly,steadfastly,and you hold God by His own
unalterable Laws to do the establishing or the fulfilling.
This Subjective Mind is creating every moment of the day and night,
but perhaps you have not been directing it Objectively, selecting and
planning the things you would have it create, and therefore, it has
been acting according to the inharmonious, conflicting thoughts which
you may have been having in your mind, instead of holding one clear-cut
picture as a pattern for this mind to work uponjyour mind has been
filled with fear,doubt,and worry,with changing ideas,a prey to all of
the impulses and the emotions,and the result could be nothing less
than inharmony. It is all a matter of being selective to what you de­
sire, just as the radio selects one wave out of the mass of literally
hundreds of waves pouring down to the instrument,and this learning to
be selective is vitally important to you in your study of Mental Science.
I trust you are beginning to get a clear realization of the fact that
Universal Mind has made full provision for you - provision for peace,
happiness, prosperity,and success,all that you can ever need or use;
but you must always remember to analyze your needs and desires,and to
work in harmony with the constructive forces of the Universe. To ask,
for instance,for your property to be sold is not in accord with law.
You must go further back;why do you wish the property sold? Is it to
obtain money? If so,for what purpose? Perhaps you desire the money to
pay your debts. This, then,is really what you desire, that your debts be
paid.That is a request in accordance with law,and you should make your
prayer to Universal Mind,asking that your debts be paid,not that the
property be sold,leaving to the Cosmic just how it is to be accomplish­
ed, and then you should affirm, ”My debts are completely settled now.”
For other affirmations you will find that any adaption of ”1 have
plenty, etc., or ”1 am equal to,etc.,” or ”1 am well and strong,etc.,”
will be very effective. Thus you decree and affirm and no longer beg
and beseech a remote God for what you need,knowing that the Kingdom of
Heaven is within yourself.
Next week you will be given your first Psychic Initiation. In pre­
paration for this, have four ounces of common alcohol. If you cannot
obtain pure alcohol, get four ounces of rubbing alcohol, labelled 70$
Pure,and it will do nicely.Also secure from your druggist a half tea­
cup of pulverized salt peter, and a half teacup of pulverized copper
sulphate.You should also have ready a tin or metal dish about as large
around as a saucer and perhaps four inches deep.Secure these during
the coming week and have them ready. Then,when I have received your re­
port,! will send you the fifth lesson with additional chemicals to be
used. In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 5 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight we shall have an experiment of the kind used in the Sacred
Schools of Old. These types of experiments have been known to all ages
as the Mystic Fires. They were used in most of the Mystery Temples of
Ancient Egypt,where the worship of the one God first came to Humanity.
There,when his initiation night was at hand,the Neophyte walked alone
across the sands under the full moon, down a long avenue of silent
Sphinxes and entered the small dark doorway in the side of the Great
Pyramid into a small bare antechamber with walls and floor of stone
in front of him was a dark archway leading apparently into a dim pass­
ageway. Over the top of the archway,carved deep into the solid stone
was the single word ’’Courage.n
For the experiment tonight,you have prepared and now have on hand
a small bottle containing four ounces of common alcohol, a scant half
teacup of saltpeter and a scant 1/2 teacup of copper sulphate, powder­
ed and mixed together. (Any druggist will crush the ingredients for
you.) You should also have on hand, the envelope which I am enclosing
with this communication and a tin or metal dish which will not be af­
fected by heat. It should be about half as large around as a pie tin
and perhaps three or four inches deep. You will also need a box of
matches, a common brick or pie tin and a half sheet of newspaper.
When the night for this convocation arrives, place the metal dish
on the brick or on a pie tin turned upside down and set them in front
of where you will sit in the easy chair. They should be some EIGHT or
TEN FEET in front of you, and between you and some dark part of the
room. Do not face the windows as any faint glow or beam of light,after
the shades are down will,if you are facing them,interfere with your
work. Place the chemicals in the metal dish and then carefully open
and pour in the chemicals in the small envelope which I am sending you
with this lesson. Mix these chemicals with those from the paper bag,
using the end of a match for the purpose. After you have stirred them
together pour into the pan the alcohol from the bottle. Roll the news­
paper half sheet into a long tight lighter so you can light the chem­
icals without getting too close.
Let the chemicals and the alcohol soak for fifteen minutes, while
you continue to read. Your work tonight is to accomplish several im­
portant things. The subtile vibrations radiated from the sound waves
and the burning chemicals impinge upon the vibratory rate of your Psy­
chic Body and that of the physical organs having to do principally
with the High Vibrations. The impingement of the waves you create
striking as stated will set up a slightly different polarity. As we
continue our work gradually adding to and building up the key number
of your psychic self, tuning it to a higher scale as it were, it will
not be long before psychic sight and hearing will dawn upon you. And
in addition to this,the vibrations from the burning chemicals plus
the vibrations from the intoned vowel sounds register a very distinct
call upon the Inner Planes. This call is always answered by one from
the Esoteric Schools,who will be present with you during the experi­
ment for the purpose of tuning certain of your psychic centers and
setting them into rotation, further aiding in the work of developing
your Inner Faculties.
I will take up in coming communications the form and nature of
this Psychic Body of yours,which constitutes your real personality,
and which is the deathless vehicle of the Soul, the personality you
have built up thru the ages, in thousands of lives, as differentiated
from your mere individuality.
Please remember also that the Brotherhood has naught to do with
Lee. 5 - Pg. 2
Spiritualism. It has nothing to do with seances, and it has no con­
nection with disembodied spirits. As the Compte de Gabalis told the
waiting Neophyte, ’’Fear naught, Courage shall be Thy Password. You are
to be taught command over all the forces of Nature, the Highest Pow­
ers of Celestial Spheres shall be happy to wait on your wishes, and
the Life of the Astral Plane shall in no wise harm you.” You are un­
der the guidance and protection of the Masters,each step is carefully
guarded,you will be allowed to proceed only so far and so fast as
your development warrants. Therefore,put all thoughts of fear from
your mind. Courage is your Password.
Now for the Sound Vibrations you are to use tonight; in the
Avesta language God was called ”ra” and the people made their morn­
ing and evening salutations,calling upon Ra,the Life Giver. The Tem­
ple Mysteries,however ,used the word in a different manner in many
of their ceremonies and convocations,for the mystic word ”Ra” has
many strange powers when properly used and it attunes you with the
group of the Spiritual Forces having to do with Initiation. Tonight
you shall use it in the following manner: (it is pronounced with the
”a” as in Father.) First you inhale a full breath,thru the nose,and
as you VERY SLOWLY EXHALE thru the mouth you softly sound the word,
drawing out the ”R” and then drawing out the ”a” as rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
aaaaaaaaaa. You pause a moment while you take perhaps three or four
normal breaths,then you repeat the sound again,and again pause, and
so on, until you have repeated it seven times. Draw the sound out quite
long and sound it softly but clearly.
If this is plain,you are ready to proceed. Close the door,draw
the window shades so the room is dark, or nearly so. Light your paper
lighter from a match and then light the alcohol and chemicals. (Turn
your reading or other lights out.) Seat yourself in your easy chair,
facing the burning chemicals, and be as comfortable as possible so you
may sit with AS LITTLE MOVEMENT to distract your attention as you can.
Open your convocation with your usual Prayer,softly. Then in a
moment or two,sound the first intonation of the word ”Ra”. After the
pause for three or four normal, slow breaths, repeat and so continue
until you have sounded it seven times.
Now remain FULLY RELAXED, IDLY and CASUALLY noting what may oc­
cur watching the flames, or any part of the room to which you seem to
be directed. Don’t reason,let go and drift almost as if falling as­
leep. After the flames die out,continue to watch and wait for at
least ten minutes. DO NOT wait in a TENSE MANNER OR REASON ABOUT ANY­
THING that may happen. Note well,remember,and afterwards write down
what you have seen,felt or sensed. BUT DO NOT TRY TO REASON IT OUT AT
FERE WITH WHAT YOU ARE RECEIVING. Read this slowly several times.
ly satisfied if I find mention in your report of only slight things
such as warmth,coolness,or dampness,as of fog in the room,or men­
tion something of sparks of light,stars or luminous clouds. You will
note something,no matter how slight,and must write it down soon
afterwards while it is fresh in your mind. Send this report to Sri
Dayananda,P. 0. Box 425, Tampa, Florida.
After sitting ten minutes in the darkness,you may rise and close
your convocations in usual form. Continue your breathing exercise and
affirmations faithfully thru the coming week.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee» 6 - Pg . 1
Beloved Neophyte;
There is one matter that I want to speak to you about at this time
and that is the Subconscious Mind»’ I want you to realize that your
Subconscious Mind has no reasoning power or judgment of any kind» Con­
sequently whatever impressions slip by the conscious reasoning of your
Objective Mind, and thus reach the Subconscious Mind are acted upon by
this Subconscious Mind just as tho they were absolute fact and law, re­
gardless of whether there is any truth or fact in them or not. When
you realize that thruout your whole life the Subconscious Mind has re­
ceived countless impressions of a negative, untrue and unsound nature
and further that this Mind attracts and MOLDS EVERY PHASE of your OUT­
ER CIRCUMSTANCES AND ENVIRONMENT just as well as your bodily well be­
ing- then you will realize the tremendous effect these negative and
unsound impressions may have » The term 'Subjective Mind' refers to a
sort of vestibule leading into the Subconscious Mind» For the present
both are included in Subconscious»
The Subconscious Mind is working continually to bring into mani­
festation objectively all the ideas and impressions which it has» Ob­
viously the thing to do is to give this Subconscious Mind the kind of
thoughts, ideas and impressions, which when manifested by this Mind
will bring harmony into your affairs, as well as Health, Happiness and
Prosperity» You do this by forming the habit of repeating affirmations»
You take the conditions in your life, which you do not like, and you
make up an affirmation asserting exactly the opposite, and you assert
that you already have it, further on I explain how this is- Usually
any adaptation of "I have plenty,” etc», or ”1 am equal to,” etc», or
”1 am well and strong,” etc-, will be found to be very effective» Un­
less you have an unusual amount of Faith you may not understand en­
tirely in the beginning the affirmation you are using» You may say "I
have plenty” and yet you may lack the necessities of life, that is,
apparently, tho you have all things in raw material, Divine Essence,
ready to mold as you will» Nevertheless, if you will keep on repeat­
ing affirmations continually, you will actually have plenty»
In addition to this you do not want to aimlessly repeat the affir­
mation, you want to think about it as you repeat it, and you must ab­
sorb the ideas, and dream about it as having been accomplished» You
want to say it with so much faith and conviction that you actually
feel that you have that condition» So along with verbally repeating
the words, begin to think the Affirmation mentally, also»
I want you to forget the past, and to eliminate the future concen­
trating upon the one day that is yours» Do not allow yourself to wor­
ry about anything, think of only one day at a time» Then cut this
down to each hour, and when the trivial and irritating things come up,
use your affirmation stating the exact opposite, and repeat it again
and again, and put as much faith and confidence id it as you can, and
you will find that things will Work out as you desire.
Now you will see that in the use of Affirmations there are three
steps that must be taken» First, you must know what you want; second
you must state what you want in the form of a short,powerful affirma­
tion; and third you must state that you have it now (in substance or
essence») It is very necessary that you have understanding also.YoU
cannot expect direct results if you simply recite the formula, you must
thoroly understand it» It is a science, and a science which was well
known by the Ancients» When I speak of the 'consciousness of plenty5
I do not mean that you must know that there is plenty of money'busi­
ness, or any other form, but that there is an abundance of essence
out of which forms come » Let me give you a few simple illustrations»
A woman may have the material to make a dress without having the dress
Lee o 6 =■ Pg o 2
in formo She is pleased to know that there is sufficient material out
of which to make the dress. In a bakery, some time ago, there was not
a loaf of bread in the store but there was plenty of dough to be made
into loaves, back in the bake shop» Now you may ask whether the dress
or the loaves of bread come into form unless someone makes them,and I
answer "No." But no one can do it WITHOUT MIND and so you must not
be idle and wait passively for all things to come to you without ef­
fort o YOUR THOUGHTS FORM YOUR GOOD, and you will have success as you
DIRECT BY MIND» You will find as jou develop this consciousness of
plenty (plenty of essence,) you will be magnetic and attract many de­
sirable things in an unconscious way» The DIFFICULTY with most people
is MENTAL LIMITATION» Ÿou may reasonably expect forms to manifest in
proportion to your capacity to receive therm Wealth is created men­
tally first, the stream of plenty will not flow towards anyone holding
thoughts of poverty, or keeping in touch with poverty producing condi­
tions» YOU ARE A CENTER, and according to your thoughts YOU RECEIVE.
It was believed at one time that something was made out of nothing
that is not scientific an<4 therefore cannot be true. All things of
the Visible Universe are made out of something, and that something is
invisible to your physical sense of sight» THE INVISIBLE BECOMES VIS­
IBLE THRU YOUR MENTAL ACTIVITY» Spirit is the only actuality, and
there is no matter but all is Spirit, visible or invisible» Spirit as
essence never changes0 (See Lee» 3)o When one speaks of changing his
mind he means that he has changed the action of mind, or stopped
thinking in one way and started thinking in another» SPIRIT NEVER
CHANGES, but the FORM of it may change from one expression into anoth­
er» As you understand this action, you can see how true scientific
thinking as I am teaching it to you changes the form of what has been
called illness, poverty and unhappiness, into health, wealth and hap­
piness» Many people succeed in attaining the thing they want wholly
unconscious of the law by which it is attained» This being true still
does not release the many who have suffered because they did not know
the law» It is far better to know it and consciously apply it in re­
alizing the thing you want, for by this understanding you may say ,!I
am a Creator,” and not merely ”A creature » ”
Now, at this point let me answer any doubt in your mind as to the
process» Since you have the essence and have furnished the pattern or
mold, by knowing DEFINITELY what you want, let me repeat that you must
be active and not wait for things to come to you. Remember that as
the mind receives the influence of these ideas of abundance there will
e a breaking up of the old ideas of poverty and lack, and as these
are broken up under the positive influence of the truth, outer circum­
stances will also break up and OUTER CIRCUMSTANCES WILL IMPROVE» The
payment of money long deferred will take place, new business will come
to you, new opportunities for gain, people will be attracted to you,
your circle of friends will widen» Money will come more easily and
freely, people will seem to be kinder, not wishing to wrong you, but
instead to help you» All things will work together for good IN YOUR
If you have not already done so, write me fully regarding the
Mystic Fire Experiment and remember that we will be getting into the
Psychic Work just as soon as you straighten out and harmonize the ma­
terial things and gain something of self control and self mastery»
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Sr i Dayananda 5

S» C


1 Have you performed your Breathing Exercise today? 5 Points

Have you walked or otherwise exercised today? 5 Points

2 Have you eaten some green food today? 2 Points

Have you avoided too much starchy food0 2 Points
Have you been careful to avoid over-eating0 2 Points
Have you taken at least two quarts of liquids? 2 Points
Have you eaten slowly and masticated your food well? 2 Points

3 Have you remained poised and calm today? 10 Points

Have you cultivated Optimism and Faith? 10 Points
Have you Decreed and Affirmed on all occasions? 10 Points
4 Have you unselfishly performed one good deed? 10 Points
5 Have you strengthened the Faith and lightened the
Heart of each with whom you have 'talked today? 10 Points
6 Have you done every task today to the best of your
ability and left nothing undone that should
have been done ? 10 Points
7 Have you immediately replaced every negative
thought and every criticism with a constructive
'thought and a word of Praise? 10 Points
8 Have you carried all day a firm conviction of your­
self as a true Cosmic Child of God? 10 Points

Each night before you retire allow yourself five minutes in

Self Analysis» Review the events of the day carefully and al­
low yourself the total credits indicated or any part you
think you are entitled to. Be fair with yourself, add up the
total and use what percent you score each day„ Mark on a card
thus: Monday, Jan. 13, 70%; Tuesday, Jan. 14, 65%; Wednes­
day, Jan. 15, 85%9 and so forth» Do this faithfully until the
fixed habit is formed and you watch these things» If you would
be successful you must have the power to make yourself do what
you know you should do regardless of obstacles, or the excuses
of the Lower Self»' Are you the Intellect, the Master? Or, are
these parts of you, the physical, mental and emotional Self
the Real Master?


Lee. 7 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:

Tonight I shall take up the subject of the Psychic

Body in man, just touching upon the subject of Reincarnation, which is
dealt with more fully a little later on. Before I start on this,how­
ever, I wish to again remind you to be very sure to continue the prac­
tice work in your first two communications. I have not forgotten
these, and very shortly I shall go back to them with work for you to
do, and the success of this work will depend entirely upon your Faith­
fulness in regularly performing the experiments given you. It is ne­
cessary that the Mental Outlook, or Viewpoint, described in your very
first communication be held firmly in mind, until it becomes a fixed
habit and upon your thus remolding your thoughts, and thru them your
Polarity, will depend much of your success in remolding your Life
along the lines you desire. But do not expect to have things change­
in one short month or two. First you must clear the weeds and rubbish
that have accumulated, then you must carefully plant the new seed.Then
follows loving culture and care; all this before even a sign of the
new crop is seen. But one day you see the first visible manifestation
of the change, and then, day by day, it will grow stronger and strong­
er. Then, too, the breathing exercises must be carefully practiced.
By this time some five weeks have elapsed, and you should already note
some changes in your vitality. You should already be able to feel’the
flow of the Life Energy from the finger tips in an ever increasing
stream. You should be able to plainly feel this flow and tingle,pro­
vided you have .faithfully practiced the Exercises each day during the
past weeks.
It is an inflexible rule that the student of the Mys­
teries must take the first step, must first perform the work himself.
There is always something for him to do, and he must do it first.
"Knock and it shall be opened unto you; seek and ye shall find; ask
and ye shall receive." Always the action first on .his part. And the
reason for this is that Man is a Free Moral Agent. He is a Master by
Divine Decree and he must learn to master himself, the Physical Self
and the Mental Self, as well as to master the earth and all that is up
on it. Help-is given freely and gladly, but he must learn to walk '
alone, he must not be forced to do anything. So you must, of your own
free will, with zeal and enthusiasm, take advantage of the work given
you, and as you use what is given you, automatically more and still
more will come to you always.
Man is dual, Body and Soul. Our methods of Education
our training, and the habits of Thought thus formed, all tend to em­
phasize the Actuality of the Material Man, and at the same time to ne­
gate the Inner Man, and in fact, to doubt or deny his very existence.
This Inner, or Psychic Body, is often referred to as the Astral Body,
the Spirit, or Solar Body, and many other terms. Use which ever term
you are accustomed to think of, but Psychic Body is the term I shall
use in speaking of the Spiritual Man. It is a nebulous cloud-like
form, finer than the finest mist or vapor. Outside the body, which
it may leave during sleep, or in moments of abstraction or deep thot,
or when it is voluntarily projected by the Mystic, it may be oval in
shape, about the size of the Physical Body, or it may condense into
a ball some two or three feet in diameter. It has the appearance of
fine mist, with a faintly glowing translucid fire in the center. It
may be any hue - usually the colortone is blue or violet, but this
(Mimeographed in U.S.A. - Non-Commercial)
Lee. 7 - Pg. 2

depends upon the degree of Development to which the Soul has progress­
The Mystic knows that this Psychis Body is the cover­
ing form of the Soul, that it is deathless, and that it carries with
it, as part of its functions and attributes, the character of the Soul
which it has built up thru the long series, of lives since it first
left the Cosmic and entered upon its journey which will still require
endless of eons of time to complete. During that period following the
death of the physical body, the Soul, on leaving it, returns to the
Cosmic. I shall not at this time go into the matter of the Soul’s ex­
periences in the Cosmic, it is a long and very interesting subject,
but at this time you are to study the Soul, or Psychic Body, while in
the Physical Borm. However, as the time for rebirth in a new physical
body draws near, the Soul begins to experience a material influx,that
is, thru desire for further experiences, negative matter flows into
its essence and it becomes defiled and heavy, and is drawn to the ter­
rene location where the new formed body is waiting its moment of birth.
That Starry Cup, between Cancer and the Lion, is the symbol of this
Mystic Truth that descending Souls first experience intoxication in
that part of the Heavens, thru the influx of matter, and soon oblivion
that companion of intoxication, begins to silently flow into the re­
cesses of the Soul. Bor if Souls retained, in their descent to bodies,
the memory of Divine concern of which they were conscious in the Cos­
mic, there would be no misunderstanding and denials among men concern­
ing immortality or the survival of the Personality. And so this old
Soul, old with all the experiences of its past lives, but so veiled
that they may not interfere with the lessons to be gained and in this
new body, it is drawn, with the infant's first breath into this form
and that body now becomes a Living Entity.
Tho always, during its existence within the body,
connected to it by a "Silver Cord," which term describes the luminous,
glowing, the very intangible connection, yet the Psychic Body fre­
quently leaves the material form. The Great Initiate, St. Paul, II
Corinthians Xii, 3, is speaking of the Psychic Body when, he says, "And
I knew such a man, (whether in the body, or out of the body, I cannot
tell? God knows)." Here he describes a Psychic form projected, or
sent out by a' Master, and formed by his will into so close a semblance
of the physical vehicle that St. Paul was in doubt as to which it real­
ly was. This is part of the work that lies before you, but such per­
fection is only possible after the dawn of that day of Illuminât ion,to
which all Neophytes look forward with the keenest anticipation. That
St. Paul was an Initiate, one of the Illumined Ones,is found in the
statement (l Corinthians, II, 6, 7, ) "How be it we speak wisdom
among them that are perfect, yet not the wisdom of the world, nor of ■
the Princes of this world, that come to naught." The word in the orig­
inal Greek here interpreted "Perfect" means rather "Bully Developed,"
or as we would say "Initiated," Swendenborg, the Mystic speaks in
his writings of his first experience in projecting his psychic body,
saying his first astral flight was guided by an angel, and it is always
true that the Neophyte is carefully guarded and guided on his. first
short projections by one of the Masters, tho that Master may not always
be seen.
But you must know that as a Neophyte, must accom­
plish many things before you may expect to project your psychic body
in full consciousness to distant lands or nearby places, to make
yourself conversant with what is going on there, and make yourself
Lee. 7 - Pg. 3

seen, heard and understood. Not in a few short months can you ac­
complish so much, and even if you have the will, the noble aspiration,
which the map of your* horoscope does, not permit me to seriously doubt,
still is required sufficient time for your changed thoughts and pur­
poses to awaken and energize the ganglia a.nd minor brain centers of
the sympathetic and spinal nervous systems, especially that center of
the sympathetic nervous system called the Pineal Gland. All these must
be awakened and. brought again to life, that they may function as they
did when you were a child, that is during the first five or six years
of life. Later, during the next twenty, thirty or more years, they
have lain idle, atrophied, shrunken, their very existence laughed at,
and denied. Now it requires the exercise for the mind, the breathing
exercises, the voluntary control of the Life energy, that the constant
stream of re-vitalized red blood corpuscles, flowing to them and thru
them, may restore them to their pristine strength a.nd. functioning.And
with this development must come the growth also, of a Purity of Pur­
pose, of High Ideals, and of Noble Moral and Spiritual Aspirations,
that the Neophyte may be entrusted with the Power to command all Nature
and her forces, with safety to others, without interfering with their
rights or with their free wills,as well as with safety to himself.
Your- psychic self, the Master Within, Oh Neophyte,
has stirred himself in his long sleep, has felt the first slight trem­
bles of reawakened, life, as you sat before the Mystic Fire, and blend­
ed with its Occult Emanations the fine vibrations of the sounds pro­
duced when you vocalized the Avesta name of God. This much has been
gained, and what is gained is never lost. No matter if you were to
stop your- study now, and never again in this incarnation resume it,
still this mighty Master Within has been quickened, ever so slightly
and never again will his sleep be quite so deep. The Pineal Gland has
felt the Hush of the newly vitalized blood stream with its burden of
Solar Force, or Life Energy. It too, has trembled, vibrated, felt with
in itself the first faint d.awnings of the influx of glorious Divine
Power. Its sleep too, will never be quite so deep again, never quite
so undisturbed. But you are not to stop now. With resistless Will
and. invincible Energy, with death defying zeal, you are to go on and
on until the day of your Illumination dawns upon you, and. you become
Master of your own Destiny, one of the ’’Children of Wisdom,’’ thruout
Continue your experiments. New work will come to you
next week. Continue your affirmations; rely on them, count on them,
so you can throw your troubles entirely off your mind. If you desire,
you may repeat the experiment of the fifth communication one more
time. This may be of benefit to you if you were nervous or tense at
the time you performed it. If you so desire, write me for another
envelope of the chemicals which you can only secure thru us as they
are compounded ano prepared in the laboratories of the Brotherhood. I
will gladly send them to you.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 8 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte;

Tonight I shall proceed to explain some of the very fi-»

rst steps in the application of the Life Essence, sometimes erroneous­
ly called Personal Magnetism, in the correcting of diseased conditions.
Bight at this point let me say that the Neophyte should be the first
to call a regular physician in cases of acute and serious illness.
The Brotherhood does not advocate the elimination of Medicine, nor the
doing away with the trained services of experts. The Medical World as
a whole, is however, relying less and less upon Medicine, and concen­
trating mor-e and more upon rest, diet, and trained care, letting Nat­
ure do most of the restoring to Health, helping her, not hindering her.
The elements taken into the System from the food you
eat and the liquids you drink are of a Negative Polarity, as they are
of and from the Earth, earthly and material, and the Earth is the huge
Beservoir of the Life Stream, having a Negative Polarity. So these El­
ements constitute the source of supply for the body’s Negative Essence
these Elements absorbed into the blood stream proceed in the red blood
corpuscles to the heart, thence to the lungs where the cells receive
the Positive Essence from the air you breathe. They are then highly
charged, each tiny cell being in fact a Magnetic Storage Battery and
they proceed thru the System, giving off this Force in the building
and maintaining of the body, until, finally, fully discharged, now
Negative in Polarity, they proceed again to the lungs for the new sup­
ply of Positive Energy. Thus Breathing Exercises and the use of your
Mind and Will in aiding the Natural Processes have given the blood
stream additional quantities of positive and Negative Essence. The
red blood cells charged to their highest capacity have been able to
give greater Power to every organ and every part of the Body vitaliz­
ing them and stimulating them to a greater extent than usual, thus
aiding the cell groups to correct inharmony or disease wherever it may
have existed. The surplus, the supply of Life-Essence, whether Nega­
tive or Positive in Polarity, escapes thru the Radial Nerves as I
stated before.
The Essence separates according to its Polarity, the
Negative Polarity escaping thru the left Radial Nerve, while the Pos­
itive Polarity escapes thru the right Radial Nerve. So make a note
that you are to use the right hand for Positive treatments, and the
left for Negative treatments. The Mystic, reasoning backwards from
effect to cause, reasons that all disease makes its appearance in the
Body of Man thru a lack of Balance between the Positive and Negative
Supply of the Essence in the body. This in turn has its inception in
the Mind of Man affecting his Psychic Body first, before it is objec­
tively apparent in the Physical Body. The Mind of Man, his Material
Objective Mind, allows him to do so many things he should not, and
fails to make him do so many things he should that you may safely say
that Disease has its origin in the Mind. The statement i< even more
apparent when you consider the thoughts and emotions of this Mind,
the gross misinformation it has, all of which it impressed upon the
Subconscious Mind which is guiding the body's functions. The confus­
ion thus set up is impressed upon the Psychic Body and Disease becomes
apparent in the Physical. You can realize this more readily, perhaps,
if you consider the immediate effect of fright or fear, how it af­
fects the blood supply, paralyzes motion, and while only a
(Mimeographed in U.S.A. - Non-Commercial)
Lee. 8 - Pg. 2

thought, perhaps, with only an imaginary danger at that, produces Phys

ical change at once.
So the treatment work thus falls into several classes.
First, the system as a whole, or some part in particular must have its
balance restored, the missing quantity of negative or positivei essence
added. Second, the mind must be restored to proper thinking,cleansed
of the unhealthy destructive thoughts it has been holding, and con­
structive positive thoughts put in their place. Third, the body it­
self,must be cleansed,inside as well as out,and rid of all its accumu­
lated impurities,and Fourth,the body must be given a pure wholesome
food supply.
Most of these things should go without saying,but I • am
impressed with the necessity of repeating the effects of Mind.You have
been taught the first principles of right thinking in your first com­
munication. It would seem that your mind, occupied with wholesome, in­
vigorating, optimistic,creative thoughts,as outlined in that lesson,
would instinctively avoid ovei' eating, or under eating. That it would
naturally avoid the wrong kind of foods for the work that body and
mind have to do. That it would, as a matter of course,see that the
body is kept clean inside,as well as outside. And that it would auto­
matically avoid excess in any and everything. Thus your foundation
work should have been done,and if you did not grasp this from that les
son,study it over now. Sit down for a while and confess to yourself
the errors you are making,and correct them. Knowing these things does
no good - you must apply it,you must do what you should do,and not do
what you shouldn't. The world and all that is in it is yours if you
can do that. When treating others,look well to these fundamental fac­
tors,they are present in part or whole in all cases.
However,! must not go too deeply into these different fac­
tors at this time. I wish to sketch over in a general outline the work
of your mind and body and the treatments to be given both,and then we
will add to this skeleton framework complete details as we go on. POS­
ITIVE TREATMENT: Proceed as.follows; - first take several deep full
breaths, holding the air in the lungs as long as convenient,extract­
ing and filling the body to overflowing with the Life Essence. Then
place the ball of the right forefinger or the thumb,or bothxover the
part of the body to be treated,firmly but not too tightly pressing
against the skin. After establishing this finger contact with the skin
take a long full breath,hold the air as long as possible without dis­
comfort,then exhale slowly,repeating the syllable "RA” as you did in
your fifth communication work. Draw the sound out as long as the
breath exhales. You may say the word softly,out loud,or if not Conven­
ient to do that,mentalize,or say the word mentally,exactly the same
as if you were vocalizing the sound, As you exhale and repeat the
sound.picture in your mind the flow of the current down'the right arm
and out the finger tips. Do this so vividly that you can feel and al­
most see the current passing out the tips of the thumb and forefinger.
After you have taken and exhaled the breath as stated,continue to
breathe naturally for perhaps two minutes,still keeping the contact
with the thumb or finger. During this period,continue also to imagine
vividly the flow of the positive Life Essence. Do not wonder if it is,
or if you are doing the work right,keep your mind positive,that you
are doing it correctly,that the essence is flowing, that it is being
guided to the right spot,etc. Faith is never more required than right
here. In such work,the slightest doubt or fear or mental confusion
will retard the out-flow of this subtle manifestation of the Supreme
Power. (Mimeographed in U.S.A. - Non-Commercial)
Lee. 8 Pg. 3

As an experiment for you to practice until your next

communication you may try the following: Place the ball of the fore­
finger of the right hand firmly on 'the eyelid of the left eye,over the
ball of the eye, and the thumb of the same hand on the right eyelid,
over the eye ball. Press lightly but firmly. Take your deep breath,ex­
hale with the intoned syllable as directed, and continue to hold the
finger and thumb tips in place for two or three minutes. Turn your
face from the light, towards a darker side of the room. Perhaps you
will need, at first, to have the room dark. After a moment or so you
should begin to see a violet or bluish glow.apparently on the inside
of the eyelids. This is the stimulated aura from your finger tips.Then
you should see small sparks and perhaps very fine lines of light or
fire across the eyes. This is the Life Essence flowing in from your
finger tips. This is,of course, psychic sight,not physical sight. Tho
you apparently see these manifestations with your eyes against the eye
lids,yet it is really being registered by the pineal Gland and the
high vibrations cut down to the rate which the brain centers can re­
ceive. It will not matter if in this experiment or in your treatment
work,if you repeat the long breath and the syllable more than once.It
would be a good idea when you are first commencing the study of treat­
ments to repeat the long breath twice or even three times and also the
sound of "BA". This repetition may extend the time of the treatment
to three or even four minutes but that will do no harm and will, in
fact, make up for your inexperience.
Next week I shall devote considerable time to treatment
de tails,giving you the negative applications,diagnosis and some at
least of the work with the sympathetic ganglia.
If,after the experiment I have just given you with the
eyes, you should find,when you open them,after you have finished,that
everything seems blurred, or in other words that they are out of focus,
do not be alarmed,this is usually the case and after a few moments
rest they will adjust themselves. This is very effective in strength­
ening the eyes and will do them a great deal of good. If you-continue
the practice regualrly,you will find„if you are wearing glasses, that
they will no longer fit you,and in fact’,that shortly you should be
able to lay them aside entirely.
Be very careful with the treatment work, not to dis­
cuss it with outsiders. If there is someone very close to you whom you
wish to help,you may work with them after the next lectures given you
more of the facts,te11ing them only some little thing without going in­
to detail. The laws of most states are very strict and do not allow un­
licensed practitioners to treat.
This lesson then ends the second lunar period,and you
should now report to me the results and happenings of the past four
weeks. You should have seen some changes in general conditions from
your mental affirmations. They will be slight,as you have not yet got­
ten into the positive phase of this work. But no matter how slight,
they should be very encouraging to you. Write me fully about any of
the communications in which there is any point not clear to you, es­
pecially this preliminary treatment work.
This is the second Lunar Period of four weeks and you
will find the Alms envelope enclosed for your Offering. These are Free
will Offerings and are only to cover the actual expenses of postage,
stationary and the typing cost of the long personal letters,unless you
wish to aid your fellows by including a little extra for those unable
to cover their own expenses. After this lesson no future mention is
made to the matter of Alms,as you are now familiar with our methods.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood, Sri Dayananda, S.C.
Lee. 9 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:

Tonight I shall resume the instructions with regard to the heal­

ing work, so very important to the Mystic in keeping himself free from
disease, and in aiding others. Do not allow these new communications
to prevent you from constantly reviewing the work for the previous
lessons. By all means continue the Mental Work of the first lecture
and the Affirmation should be used many times daily with real Faith
and Expectation. Retire to your Sanctum and read and reread these in­
structions, extracting all of the meaning from what is said, and analy­
zing the statements for yourself.


For a Negative Treatment, proceed as follows: Exhale the breath

from the lungs, making them as nearly empty as conveniently possible.
Stop breathing, thus, for as long as possible without undue discomfort
This polarizes the body to a Negative Polarity. After breathing again
lightly, for a few moments, repeat again. You are now ready to start.
Place the forefinger of the left hand, or the thumb, or both, firmly
not too tightly, upon the skin, over the part treated. While
holding thus, exhale the breath, as above, and stop breathing; picture
the Life Essence flowing out the finger-tips into the part to be thus
treated. After it is necessary to breathe again, do so lightly, just
taking a little air into the upper part of the lungs, continue to hold
the fingers in place after you resume breathing, for two minutes, or
a trifle more.
Treatments should be repeated once or twice a day, or if necessary
every hour. You cannot do any harm by using the wrong Treatment such
as Negative instead of Positive, etc., nor by applying the Treatment
to the wrong location. Have no fear on these points. As a general
rule, the type of person will indicate the kind of treatment, outside
of the simple ills which you will learn quickly.
Nervous type, - thin, wirey, strung taut, over stimulated, hence
the Negative Treatments will soothe and calm them and adjust many dif­
ferent manifestations of too much Positive.
Phlegmatic type, - well nourished, slower moving, too sluggish in
body functioning, hence too Negative and requiring Positive Treatment
for many of their ailments.
Study over case after case and reason out in your mind which would
be required, Negative or Positive.
Diseases fall generally into two classes, over stimulation, need­
ing Negative work, and under stimulation, needing Positive work. For
instance, a common cold, with the head stopped up and congested. The
inflammation of the mucous membrane, the over-activity of its cells,
requires Negative Treatments. Place the finger tip or ball of the
left forefinger and thumb on either side of the nose, just below the
corner of the eyes. Hold the breath after exhaling, as shown above.
Picture to yourself, or occupy your mind with the thought, that the
Negative Essence is flowing out the finger tips, into the nose, and
spreading all thru it. If you are treating yourself it will be but a
moment before you will feel the slight tingle and crackling in the
nose as the congestion breaks loose and air can again be breathed thru
the side of the nostril which has been closed. Asthma, a condition
which Doctors do not cure , and for which there is only Relief avail­
able at a drug store, not Cure, will respond to these Negative Treat­
ments, with the finger and thumb tip on either side of the throat
Lee, 9 - Pg. 2

above the Adam’s apple, or just below this pointy or at the juncture
of the throat and chest,if the trouble be in the bronchial tubes. Now,
your finger and thumb should be perhaps three inches apart. Locate on
yourself the position for cold Treatment,Asthma in throat,and Asthma
in the bronchial tubes.
Of course, a condition which has continued for,perhaps, years,
cannot be corrected in a short period of a few Treatments or of a few
weeks, not at your present stage of development. I have seen one very
bad case of Chronic Asthma which required one year of twice daily
Treatments by the Neophyte Student before the condition Was cured. Of
course,improvement was noticed and relief given in a short time,but a
year was required to erase it entirely. In such a condition, also the
Mind, as previously stated, must be kept in a healthful condition, a
constructive, not destructive attitude. The Diet should be sane and
sensible, both in quality and quantity. Here sane common sense is all
that is required, you know instinctively what to eat and how much. But
serious acute cases require the trained services of a physician.
Burns respond as rapidly as even the Neophyte could desire. For
them, use the forefinger and thumb or either, of the left hand, placing
it upon the burn, and proceed with the Negative Treatment. If you are
treating yourself, and the burn is upon the left hand,out of reach of
either the forefinger or thumb of the Left Hand, then you will have to
use the thumb or forefinger of the right hand, instead; but proceed
with the regular Negative Treatment, otherwise, In this case, the Nega­
tive Essence will not have quite so strong a Negative Polarity but it
will do very nicely. You will be greatly amazed how quickly the fire
and sting will be drawn out of the place, and in a short time it will
not be noticed. In case of serious burns,involving a large area, call
a physician. However, keep using the Treatments until he arrives.This
is because of the toxic condition arising when there is a large area,
of burned tissue.
The Sympathetic Nervous System is the nervous system of the
Psychic Body and Subconscious Mind,and is similar to the Spinal Nervous
System of the Physical Body. The main trunks of this Sympathetic System
follow down both sides of the spine, a short distance to the right or
left side. At the joints of the spine, between the vertabrae, small
nerves called Rami come out from the spinal trunk, in the center of
the spine and join the sympathetic trunks on either side of the spine.
Where they join the sympathetic trunks on either side, with this trunk,
the Sympathetic Trunk is enlarged into a center called Ganglion. From
these centers run the sympathetic nerves to all parts of the body,end­
ing there in Plexuses, like the frayed end of a rope, over and around
the organ or part reached. The study of all this in detail requires
many years, all that is required for you is a general knowledge of the
Now locate on some person’s neck, which is. not too thick or fat,
the very prominent vertabra at the base of the neck.It is the largest
of all. This is the First Thoracic Vertabra of the Thoracic section
of the Spine. Having found it, then move your finger tip up to the
place where it joins the next bone of the Spine above it.This is where
the First Thoracic Rami come out on either side,,Now,move your finger
to the left or right about 3/4 inch, and you will be upon the first
Thoracic Ganglion of either the left trunk or of the right trunk
Lee. 9 - Pg. 3

depending on which way you moved. By placing the hand of the right
arm around back of your neck you can reach this s^ot with the forefin­
ger of the right hand (the ganglion on the left of the spine) or by
putting the left arm and hand around the back of your neck you can
reach the right side ganglion with the forefinger of the left hand.
Try this now, use one hand or the other} find the large vertebra3move
up to the top of the bone where there is a sunken place between it and
the next bone, then move out to one side 1 inch according to whether
you are reaching the right ganglion or left. This pair of Ganglia are
very important and have many important plexuses. Their great use in
this work is because they have a plexus covering the Aorta, the giant
blood stream coming up from the heart and hence positive treatments ón
the left side affect at once the entire blood stream, vitalizing it as
a general tonic treatment. Or in case of high fever or nervous condi­
tions use the left hand negative treatments over the right side gang­
Looking at the back of a person’s neck you would find the
points mentioned as follows:
Left Side (h) ’ Right Side
Î (e) '
! (a) ’
Sympathetic Trunks 1 (d) ’
on either side ? is) ’ J oint
marked ’ Î (p)
Ganglia marked 0 t ( i) One of Vertebra
Rami marked ------ ’ o--- - (n) -O’ 0
t (e) ’

The left side ganglia are treated with the right hand posi­
tive treatments, the ganglia on the right are treated with the left
hand negative treatments.
In most cases you can secure good results from simply putting
the finger tips over the part where the pain or trouble is, this is
easy and effective, but in some cases you will want to use the ganglia
and so later I will give you others of the more important ones for our
work, The pair given you above are most important, and you should
learn to find them, taking steps as outlined above, this will not be
difficult. Sometimes you use these in combination with the treatment
over the parts,, For instance, I have told you how to treat a cold by
the left finger tips on either side of the nose. This will clear up
the congestion. But, if the subject is run down, the real cause of
taking the cold, then apply the right hand positive treatments on the
left side ganglion of the first Thoracic Vertbra to vitalize and
build up the patient. If there is a high fever with the cold, then
use a left hand negative treatment on the right side to cool the
blood, or to calm a highly nervous condition, Use the application
first and when thru with that treatment, then go ahead immediately
with the one on the ganglia if needed..

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood

Lee. 10 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
Reincarnation is the subject I now take up, and it is
one that has caused probably more Mental upsets on the part of Neophy­
tes than almost any other one Truth. It seems if the Race-thought on
this subject, created by the various Churches, Schools, and Early Wri­
ters, has become so strong that it is hard to break away; the moment
the subject is discussed it also opens way for a veritable flood of
que stions.
Reincarnation, briefly, is the Teaching that each
Soul goes thru many lives on this Earth-plane, each so adapted to its
needs that each affords new lessons, and new opportunities for Growth
and Development. In the periods of several years between Incarnations
the Soul is on the Cosmic Plane. Less developed Souls spend this per­
iod in a Dream State, others as they progress, spend more and more
time in conscious Work and Growth. As the end of its cycle approaches
the Soul is drawn again to earth, entering the body of a new born
child with the first breaththe infant takes. The time and place are
such as yet afford this soul the lessons it needs to learn in its
Progress back to the First Cause from whence it came. There is no oth­
er logical reason that can be offered, considering the Universe as ru­
led by Law and Order, by a God of Love, which will explain the inequal­
ities in the lives we see all around us. Some have Health, Wealth,
Happiness thrust upon them, others thru no fault of their own, appar­
ently, have suffering and sorrow, misery, poverty, and disease as their
lot. Again there is the apparent futility of life with its lessons,
if just as we have learned something of them, we die and pass on to a
place called Heaven, where the things we have learned are of no furth­
er use tous; I am giving you, briefly, short sketches of the various
ideas presented, and I want you to ponder long and earnestly over
the subject until you work it out in your own Mind, with the aid of
the help that will come to you as you sit in your Sanctum and meditate
upon it.
Reincarnation is a logical explanation of aarthly
conditions and the inequalities we find. If we know that each Soul has
lived many lives on this Plane and that it has failed to learn many
lessons it should have learned, then we see why the Eternal Law of
Compensation demands Justice. We see that the Soul which expresses
cruelty is brought again and again into conditions which will, thru
its own suffering, teach it the lesson of Love and Kindness. And so
like little children, when the day is done at school, we go home and
come again in the morning — some to take up the new lessons, and spme
who have failed yesterday find a new chance is given them to review
the old work,, and finally they, too, pass on to other work. Humanity
learned in the past thru Misery and Suffering brought upon them by
their infraction of the Law; now some are learning by the Experience
•f others, thus avoiding much of the penalty they would otherwise
bring upon themselves. As the Souls in the Cosmic feel the first in­
flux of Negative Matter and sink slowly earthward for another experi­
ence on this Plane, it is a kindly Law that drugs the 'Senses, so they
lose memory of that Cosmic World they are leaving for a time, and are
thus free and unhindered to take up the lessons before them.
Therefore, you, beloved Neophyte ,‘ are dual, you are
Body and Soul, and this old, old, Soul within you has its Psychic Body
which you are starting to loose a little from its fetters of Matte-r.
This Psychic Body is the Covering of the Real You, the Divine Spark
and is the misty form around it. This Psychic Body carries with it ^s
part of its attributes, the Memory. This Memory is the complete rec­
ord of all you have experienced since the Dawn of Time, everything,
Lee. 10 - Pg. 2

no matter,how slight,is recorded there, all you need is the proper

key and proper index to find whatever you wish. Part of your work
later on will be the bringing from this wonderful Memory House, pic­
tures and scenes from former lives in which you, of course played the
important part. It is fascinating and wonderfully instructive.
Another attribute of this Psychic Body of which you
have been learning so much, is the Personality. I wish you to be sure
to differentiate between Personality and Individuality. Often they
are taken as being almost alike, again with different meanings.. But
this is the meaning you are to attach to them in this work. Personal­
ity is the Character of the Inner Self, the Real you, which is the
sum total of all the accumulated things you have experienced and learn­
ed thru all the many Lives since you first started upon your journey.
On the other hand, Individuality is the Outer Self, the result of En­
vironment, Study, Association, in this one Life; it is merely the
outer coat you have put on here, and which will later be laid aside.
You ví ill realize the di ff erence^f rom a moment’s
thought. You have seen some very coarse, illiterate person and have
been surprised to find within him a fine, spiritual nature, unexplain­
able in such surroundings from any other standpoint than that of Per­
sonality and Individuality. Again, in some family, a child prodigy
will come forward, a natural Musician, and tracing back that family
on both sides you eliminate Heredity for there have been none who were
musical, yet that child of perhaps six without training and without
inheritance, is a finished Musician. What other explanation is there
than that previous Incarnation was spent in the study and practice of
Music. Looked at from the viewpoint that while the child’s Individual­
ity is but six years old, yet his Personality is old in Experience,
the problem and wonder vanishes. It is logical,the only explanation
So, we are about to work with this Psychic Self with­
in your body, loosening it from the fetters that bind it so closely,
opening its Memory Storehouse with all its vast store of knowledge and
experience, and preparing to have it, the Inner Self, assume command
ef this new Individuality and assert its rightful Authority. The more
you study and learn, the more you meditate and practice and perform
the Experiments given you, just that much more closely do you á.tune
your Objective Self with this hidden Self Within, and find power,
Guidance and Help flowing to you.
Tonight, for the remainder of the evening's Convoca­
tion, I want you to place a mirror before your easy chair, supporting
it on a table or perhaps the mirror on the dressing table will do.
Have it so placed, and at such a height that while you sit comforta­
bly without effort, in your easy chair, your head and shoulders will
be reflected to you from the mirror, about five or six feet in front
of you. Have also, an ordinary candle with a small dish in.
Place the candle on the dish and set it in front of the mirror, about
six or eight inches away, and to one side, so that the flame is not
reflected in the mirror. Have it on the right side as you look towards
the mirror, so that it does not interfere with the reflection of your
image .
Having prepared your Sanctum as I have just stated
turn out all the lights and draw the shades so the room is dark; light
the candle, and seat yourself in your chair. After a few moments of
rest and relaxation, speak the following, forcefully but softly,Iook-
ing at your image in the mirror: (make it a forcible command.)
"Reveal, Reveal, Thyself to me, 0 Cosmic Soul, here
and now
And then, still looking at your image in the mirror
Lee . 10 - Pg. 3

say, "Aum," softly, (pronounce the "au" as the "ow" in "how" — draw­
ing it out quite long, then the "m" as the "m" in "murmur" -- drawing
it out also — owowowowmmmmm —■ repeat the sound three times, still
looking at your image in the mirror. Now sit quietly for five minutes
and watch the figure in the mirror — do not stare, partly close the
eyes and relax,watching the image without effort.Note if you see a
haze around the image,if so it is from the aura. Note the startling
change as the Soul responds and shows you the self you have built up
thru the ages, the likeness in previous lives, etc. You may repeat
this experiment once or twice thru the week.
When you do experiments of this kind it is necessary
for you to be very sure that you understand the instructions,as it is
impossible for me to reiterate and repeat as I would if I were sitting
talking to you. For instance I say, your easy chair, now you are apt
to read that over hurriedly perhaps, and not attach much significance
to the word easy, yet in experiments of the kind and those that will
be given to you, it is very essential that your position in the chair
be very easy and comfortable, - a rocking chair, or a chair with a
back, which will let you recline just a little, will help you greatly
in attaining a borderline condition, a subjective condition, just as
if you were almost falling asleep. Whereas, if you were sitting in a
straight back chair that is very uncomfortable, or not the right
height from the floor it is impossible for you to relax your body and
to let go as you could otherwise, and this will mitigate against suc­
cess of the experiment. Now another thing in this experiment is the
fact that you will have to try possibly several different positions
for the chair. Do not get too close to the mirror, nor too far away,
with a little experimenting you can determine the correct position.
Then too, the candle has to be placed far enough to one side so that
the light is not in your eyes, and not in the mirror, and you may have
to experiment a little with this. (Try several different combinations.)
Then you must understand also that it is the Subjec­
tive Mind which you are trying to allow to speak to your Consciousness.
This it can only do if your Objective Mind is dormant. If you see
something in the mirror and begin to reason about it, or analyze it,
then you are calling the Objective Mind into action.And as it swings
into action, it breaks the connection you have had with the Subjective.
Again possibly, your Objective Mind is running rampant with thoughts,
wondering whether the experiment is going to work, wondering what is
going to happen etc. You must still this Mind, and not allow it to be
active, but just casually watching in a detached disinterested sort of
way, without thinking of anything at all, objectively.
You must remember that in your work as an Occultist,
you will use the trained mind as the instrument of your research, and
you must accept the fact that the phenomena you are considering be­
longs to another order of manifestations, one with which natural sci­
ence is not equipped to deal. Just as the scales and measuring rod
were useless in dealing with electricity in its own terms. So in deal­
ing with the phenomena of the Subjective World or the Invisible Plane
the ordinary resources of the laboratory are useless, and you have to
devise a means of testing these forms on their own planes, so the re­
actions of consciousness are used in measuring the phenomena of the
Inner Plane.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,
Sri Dayananda,
S. C.
Le c. 11 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
The matter that has been given to you with Regard to
the application of Life Essence in the restoring of Body Harmony or
Health covers many, many points and it is advisable that I leave the
third part until your next lecture so you may have another week to re­
view and assemble that which has been given you. If you will take
several small cards and write down upon them the ganglia, positive on
one card, negative on the other, and then the treatment, with short
notes about the various conditions to be treated thru the ganglia, you
will have it all in condensed form and where you may quickly refer to
it when needed. From time to time add other items as they are given.
Use a separate pair of cards for each ganglion as it is given.
While you are going over and practicing your Treat­
ment Work, I am going to talk to you tonight about Thought, and Creat­
ing, a companion lecture to the very first lecture given you. • In
that communication you were taught the value of right thoughts, the
polarization of your Aura in attracting the things which you aspire
to and correcting conditions which are not in harmony. You have been
trying for the past two months and using the Affirmation which was
given you at that time. Now I wish to stress a few more points.
Let us suppose that you have before you a small
acorn. You have learned that if this acorn is planted in the ground
it will, with the addition of the moisture and elements from the
ground grow into an Oak Tree and reproduce acorns. You know that it
will never, under any circumstances grow into a cherry tree or a
peach tree. Let us take this acorn and examine it. Cut it open. It
is filled with a hard white matter, which, when dry, is a powder. In
one end, the flower end, you note a small form separated from the
rest, a little seed within the seed. It is at the flower end, I said.
This is important, for putting the end of a galvanometer point into
this, you will note that it registers a positive polarity, while the
rest of the matter in the acorn, when tested, registers negative. As
you think about this you will realize that from the flower end is ab­
sorbed from the air, the positive Life Essence, while from the stem
end is brought up the negative Essence from the Earth. So we have in
this acorn a small battery with its positive point and its negative
point. Test an apple. You will find as you cut it, that the core
part is open to the flower end, while the bulk of the apple is open
to the stem end, again negative and positive. And in both cases, or
all cases, you will find this positive part is walled off from the
Negative part by a thin insulating skin, which is very apparent.
You know, again, that planted as stated, the acorn
will grow -- that is, the positive end, when quickened with negative
moisture which penetrates the insulating skin, will swell and expand
and feed for a time on the white matter of the acorn, until its roots
go outward into the earth for a larger supply of negative elements.
When I say swell and expand, I mean that the cells of that small part
begin to multiply and increase thru cell division.
Now, considering all this, the question I wish to
ask you is this, "What causes the cells to grow into the form of an
Oak Tree? Why not something else? Why does not luck or chance shape
the form of that tree, or why should it not be a turnip or cabbage
instead of a tree?"
As you think this over you must agree that there is
something in that acorn, or in that smaller positive part, in the
shape of a DOMINATING THOUGHT-FCBM, and as the acorn has no ability
as man has, to reason, it has no power to change or interfere with
Lee. 11 - Pg. 2

that Cosmic Thought Form. Now, remember this point,read the above again
and get it clear in your mind.
I will now lay aside the acorn and we will think of another illus­
tration to carry my point a step further-Let us consider a man who is
crazy ;there are many types of Insanity,but the man we will consider
has that form known as an Obsession. One fixed, dominating thought
controls his Life and Actions. This man may imagine he is a King,and
it is interesting to note how this dominating idea controls him.Nev­
er for a moment,day or night, is.he anything but a King. His cell is
his private room, his guards are not guards to confine him,but to pro­
tect.him,the King,from his enemies.The building is his Castle, His
walk,his actions,his manner of speaking,all are kingly.His Reasoning
Powers do not function,his memory does not function,only the Objec­
tive Mind,enslaved by this powerful DOMINATING THOUGHT is active.
Now where is the difference between the man under these condi­
tions and the acorn? Is there any?Both grow and fulfill the thought
that shapes their li ve s ,ne ither can change his Destiny,both are slaves.
Again let us change our study and consider a normal man, endowed
by the Creator with his own Mind,which operates on three Planes. I
shall not go into this Mind action now,for later you will have detail­
ed information and valuable insight given you on this interesting sub­
ject. Man's Subjective Mind has charge of the body functions ,the work­
ing organs,the assimilation of food,or the Negative Elements therein,
the breathing and all the actions of the body. It,too,has the DOMINAT­
ING IDEA or THOUGHT-FORM within it,but with this difference —. Man,
Normal Man,has the Power of Creating as a function of his Mind,for he
is made in the likeness and image of God.The Material Phase of Mind
in Normal Man,therefore ,continually holds Thoughts which impinge upon
and interfere with this dominating Thought-Form of the Subjective Mind.
This is something that is impossible with the acorn,but man is a free
agent,he has this Power.If the thoughts were helpful and constructive
they would stimulate and build up the dominating Thought-Form of the
Subjective and help it to run the body better.
But what happens? The Mind of the Man,in youth,is filled with
false information,wrong ideas,error is taught him as Fact,supersti-
tion is poured into his Mind,and by the time he has left school he is
arrogant,assertive ,dominating,believing he knows how everything is to
be done.Imagine the plight of the Subjective Mind,assailed and bat­
tered from all sides with the endless torrent of destructive thoughts
of this Objective Mind. No longer can it quietly and peacefully ful­
fill its dominating thought of body life and function. What is the
result? Fight as it may,it is disturbed and many times overcome.Hence
the dominating Thought-Form wavers,fluctuates,weakens under the storm,
and the body cells sense the confusion,the lack of Authority,and re­
bel,and soon inharmony,disease is rampant. Before long, the confusion
is reflected outwardly,in all Material Affairs.
The point I have illustrated to you is the necessity of a clear
cut,forceful Thought in a peaceful,calm Mental Soil. Given this kind
of a thought and this condition,it will as surely manifest as does the
acorn manifest the Oak. If it does not,it is simply and solely because
it is continually changed in character. It is as if the Thought-Form
in the acorn one day set in directing the Life Forces to build an Oak
Tree,and tomorrow decided a Cherry Tree would be better,and after di­
recting Forces along those lines for a few weeks decided it couldn’t
build a Cherry Tree anyway,and quit,leaving the cells to each suit
themselves and do as they pleased without any direction at all.
What is true with regard .to the DOMINATING THOUGHT in the matter
of body or form growth,in Harmony or so-called Health, or in Inharmony
Lee. 11 - Pg. 3

or so-called Disease,is equally true in Man as regards his Outer Life

the affairs outside his body. This is carrying the matter just another
step forward,and brings us to the crux of the entire problem,the real
reason for the statements in your first communication,and for this
communication at this time.
In the Beginning,we are told,"God said, ’let there be Light and
there was Light'" Before the spoken wo rd,God must have had a clear
conception of what He was to create, in other words,a clear,forceful
Dominating Thought-Form preceded the spoken word. Man is created in
the Form and Image of the God principle,1 ike unto It in Power and in
Ability. The entire trouble with Man,and the difficulty as he tries
to improve himself,is the scattering and dissipating of his Thought.
Given a single purpose,a single aim in Life,with all Man’s Energies
concentrated upon this Ideal,dauntless,undismayed by re verses,the re
is no Power in Heaven or upon Earth that can stop the fulfillment of
that Creation.
"All-Seeing Faith" is that form of Faith which can look into the
Future and visualize the attainment of a definite specific ambition,
it is the Power which creates DOMINATING THOUGHT-FORMS, and which uti­
lizes the Image-making faculty of the Mind. It does not ordinarily
spring spontaneously into Creative Activity, but with most persons
must be consciously cultivated.
There is,in every Human Soul, a Faith that looks for Deliverance
from unwanted conditions, a Faith that somewhere,somehow,sometime,
suffering or wanting Mankind will come into better conditions. This
you may call Blind Faith,but All-Seeing Faith does not wait to take
advantage of circumstances; it manufactures circumstances. You find
that every advance of Humanity has come from this All-Seeing Faith,
and the DOMINATING THOUGHT-FORMS it builds. Langley,the Wrights,Curt­
is and all their predecessors literally saw people flying thru the air
long before they built their machines. The All-Seeing Faith that thus
prompted their efforts, drew out and developed and intensified their
mental Capacities,until their Faith-seen visions took form in wood,
steel and fabric. This All-Seeing Faith calls out from the depths of
Being Forces and Powers that you never knew you had. It attunes your
system to sustained efforts, and it brings into play in exactly the
right proportion, all the elements of Creative Force.
Thus the All-Seeing Faith that hás in mind a definite Objective
will carry one farther and faster by manufacturing its own circum­
stances and conditions than can blind Faith,which depends on taking
advantage of circumstances created by others. On the Spiritual Plane,,
the results of All-Seeing Faith are even more pronounced. The Peace
that passesth Understanding may become an established fact if one will
only see that Peace state of Mind, and persistently refuse to see any­
thing else. The All-Seeing Faith begets self help, it puts one on
one's own feet,dependent upon one's self, thru absolute Reliance on
the Spirit of God Within. But above all, remember, that All-Seeing
Faith flooding your whole being with its Divine Power, literally makes
things come, never mind that things seem sometimes to come indirectly,
they do come.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Sri Dayananda,

S. C.
Lee„ 12 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight I shall resume the treatment work,continuing the
first steps in the practical application of the Vital Essence,which
you’ve been learning to store up in your body and expel at will,for the'
relief of inharmonious conditions within your physical organism<.
Your success will depend entirely on how well and how
faithfully you have practiced the breathing exercises and the mental
picturization of the extracting, .storing and releasing of the Life Es­
sence. I have covered much ground in.the preceding eleven communications.
You have learned the proper polarization of your aura thru your mental
attitude,and have set into motion this powerful magnet to attract and
create the right kind of thots and conditions.You have learned the ex­
istence of and the nature of the basic life element and now are learn­
ing the principles of its directed application to the perpetuating and
sustaining of your physical organism You have learned the proper method
of prayer,how to attune yourself with the God Principle,and your rights
and privileges as a Son of Him from Whom you,the inner,real you, came
into existence.You have learned His Nature,and the nature of His Crea­
tion, and your position in it.You have taken the first steps in loosing
the Master Within,of freeing the Psychic Body from the physical ties
that bind it so closely,in preparation for its development and growth;
and finally you have learned,not only of the existence of this Psychic
Body,but its purpose and something of its uses,its attributes and pow­
ers .
All this covers a wide,wide field of thot,and I have cov­
ered it only with such detail as was necessary to straighten out your
mental conceptions of these many topics,harmonize your physical body,
and set the psychic centers into proper motion for the work at hand.The
results,Oh Neophyte,are as certain as the fact that the Sun will rise
tomorrow morning,provided only that you have the aspiration,the desire
the whole hearted cooperation,the inflexible will to succeed.This is
the power that will drive you on and on,practicing,going over and over
these communications,extracting every particle of Knowledge,not alone
from the written word,but from between the lines as well as concealed
behind the phrases.
The human family is proceeding to the top of the Moun­
tain by the fairly easy road that winds around and around and which
rises only a little in each term.At the end of countless ages each ex­
tending a period beyond your conception,the race of men will reach
the summit. But those fearless,dauntless souls who chafe at the race
Karma,those of invincible will,’who turn aside from the broad highway,
from its human throngs and disregarding the steepness of the rugged
way,proceed to climb straight up the Mountain Side,accomplish in a few
short incarnations wnat the race gains only after unlimited time,The
path is rugged,steep and rough,Will and Courage are necessary;the in­
flexible determination that nothing can discourage,nothing cause to
falter.But the rewards Oh Neophyte,are in proportion to the task.Won­
drous power,joy and happiness are yours,early in your journey and an
ever-increasing shower of blessings as you proceed.Your struggle wins
the admiration of the Cosmic,the highest Intelligence hastens to aid
you,and all nature cooperates with you.All that is needed is that you
falter not,but press ever onward and upward,.
Two weeks ago I spoke of the very prominent vertabra or
spinal bone at the base of the neck,which on account of its size is
easy to locate.This is the 1st Thoracic Vertabra and commences that sec­
tion of the spine known as the Thoracic Section.Above this section that
Lee. 12 -

is, between the 1st Thoracic Vertebra which you have located, and the
skull;, is the section known as the Cervical Section. In this section,
the bones and ganglia lie deeper beneath the flesh and are more diffi­
cult to locate. However there are only two of the ganglia in this sec­
tion which I shall use. The first Cervical is the most important. The
plexuses frora this ganglion cover almost every part of the head and
face and the various organs of the head, the eyes,ears,etc.This gang­
lion is not reached from the back of the neck as with the 1st Thoracic}
but directly on either side of the neck,just back of the ears, perhaps
half an inch and directly on a line with the center of the mouth.Treat­
ments given here,left finger or thumb on the right side for negative;
or right finger and thumb or either on the left side for positive,will
affect the face, and head, the eyes, forehead, ears and brain.Headache
is one of the effects which you will want to treat'and you should use
this particular Ganglion for the purpose.Headaches are of many widely
different causes, try and find the cause and treat that as well as the
headache which is the result. For instance, there is a Sick headache,
caused from the improper functioning of the stomach. Nov/ this parti­
cular ganglion has a very important plexus running to the stomach, so
in such a case, or in fact, in case of gas, indigestion or stomach
trouble of almost any kind, use this ganglion with a positive treatment.
For cold causing headache, you have the treatment,for a nervous head­
ache use a negative treatment. Reason these things out, sit in your
Sanctum and quietly meditate. It is almost impossible to give you all
the details you wish,and it is necessary for you to learn to secure all
the information you need from the Cosmic, and this wonderful practice
will aid you in attuning yourself and getting the ideas, inspiration
and additional knowledge you need. Not alone information on this parti­
cular work, but on any problem that may arise before you.
The other Cervical ganglion which I shall speak of at this
time is the Lower Cervical. Looking at the side of the neck,right in
the middle between the front and back, and where the neck joins the
body, right here is the Lower Cervical on either side. A treatment
here,right finger or thumb on the left side for positive and left fin­
ger or thumb on the right side for negative,greatly affects the heart,
the arms,hands and shoulders. Hence,for weak heart or fainting,use
positive treatments. For neuritis of the arms or shoulders use a nega­
tive treatment here. This is about all the Cervical Ganglia you will
need now.
Going back to the Thoracic Section, there is a very import­
ant ganglion below the 1st Thoracic which I want you to find on your­
self, and use for the special treatment work I am about to give you.
This Ganglion is known as the 3rd Thoracic Ganglion.Reach your right
•forefinger around back of your neck to the 1st Thoracic Ganglion on the
left side.To do this,reach back of the neck on the right side and let
your hand and finger cross the spine and reach the necessary three-
fourths inch past the spine on the left side. You may now put your fin­
ger on the 1st Thoracic Vertebra itself,slip the finger down to the
joining place with the next bone.Put your finger on this next bone,it
is the 2nd Thoracic Vertebra .Nov/ slip the finger down this bone to the
joining place with the next or 3rd Vertebra.The 3rd Ganglion (Thoracic),
the one I am speaking of,is located just out from the spine three-
fourths inch,between this 3rd Thoracic Vertebra and the second Thoracic
Vertebra which you are just leaving as your finger comes down the spine.
Of course, the Ganglion is on both sides of the spine. It is the left
side Ganglion you are to use with a positive treatment. If you are
not sure of this location write for further explanation. Nov/ this
Lee., 12 - Pg- 3

Ganglion is quite peculiar. It is looped up,or connected with the 1st

Thoracic Ganglion so that it about duplicates that effect of treat­
ments ° on that particular Ganglion,but the important point is that in
addition to this connection with the 1st Thoracic Ganglion,it also
has a_very peculiar Psychic Effect in some subtle way affecting the
psychic sight,hearing and the other psychic senses and making them
very^sensitive to the high rates of vibration from the Cosmic Plane.
The Neophyte in going thru his preparatory work in the old schools
was always given the special work on this important ganglion.Therefore
in addition to your regular work you are to faithfully practice once,
only once each day the sound of RA as you exhale the long breath.
Remember that this treatment on this Psychic Ganglion
must be given only once during the same twenty-four hours.We are ap­
proaching the mystical and psychic work of attuning ourselves to the
Cosmic Plane making ourselves at one with the Mind of the God Princi­
ple. You have been previously taught Right Living,Common Sense Eating,
sane Hygiene, so your physical body should be in very fair condition
for such work as is now before you,the work you have been waiting for,
by which you create the things you desire.With the body in condition
the next step is the Mind.You of course have been filling your mind
with high noble thots,you have learned thru affirmations,to control
your emotions and keep them subdued and will gradually learn not to
have them at all,letting the baser die out,and transferring the high­
er to the realm of the soul.You have eliminated worry and substituted
reliance upon the ”God WithinV You have learned all these things,but
you must constantly watch,that you do not fall back into the old ways.
I have confidence in you,confidence that you will do
exactly as I tell you,confidence that you deserve to go ahead.
So I have given you the first development exercise,
and I ask you to keep it confidential—do not,under any circumstances,
discuss or reveal it to another who may not be prepared as you have
Also there is another exercise to be given you now.
Suppose when you first go into your Sanctum each evening you first
take the exercise given above,then sit in silence for perhaps five
minutes,going over your affirmations or meditating,then do the follow­
ing: Place the ball of each forefinger against the side of your head,
just at the top of your ears,so your finger rests lightly on the top
of the ear.Place the ball of the thumb against the forefinger,as if
you were adding the current from the thumb to the side of the fore­
finger at its base. The right hand finger against the right side of
the head,the left forefinger against the left side of the head.Nov;
take a full deep breath thru the nose,hold it as long as convenient,
exhale very,very slowly thru the mouth and as you do so,make the sound
of !th! as in ’this’,drawing the sound almost like a long drawn hiss,
only with this sound,you will note as you start the tongue slips for­
ward with its tip between the teeth,while with a hiss it is different.
Repeat this experiment but once each twenty-four will vita­
lize and tune the pineal gland in a wonderful manner.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood
_ 1'h.o two " Rami '*
Connecting the ganglion
spinal nerves.
extending from each ganglion
The spinal nerve /
Branching from the spinal cord, on
The sympathetic nervous cord
either side of the vertebra between
or ’’Trunk1, on each side of the
vertebrae, with 'the ganglia and
their nerves.
Passing through the vertebrae of
Lee. 13 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
I shall now leave the treatment work for the pre sent .while
you continue to practice and study the work given you.Especially will
the mental visualizing require time and practice.But if you will lay
all doubt or question aside from your mind when you start treatment
work,simply assuming it will work,just as you assume the electric light
will light when you pull the switch,and if you will devote your mind
wholly to building up a thot of the essence being- taken from the air
and stored up,then released and flowing strongly into the various parts
you may be treating,forgetting yourself in the idea and the picture so
strongly you lose all thot of where you are—then you will have success
far beyond your imaginâtion,and this will be such a very great help in
your psychic work,for it is teaching you meditation and concentration
without your knowing it.You hardly realize what is happening to you.
One thing I must straighten out and explain to you now, is
the difference in meaning between Actuality and Reality.A very clear
understanding of the two words is necessary.But here again is the nec-
essicty of building up a vocabulary of words meaning certain things to
you so that you know what I mean when I use them."Reality"-the diction­
ary says-"The state or quality of being real" while of "Actuality" it
says "That which is actual--as the actuality of Miracles."
In other words,the two words are given almost the same mean­
ing while for this work you have to apply a different me aning.Therefore
I want you to understand that "Reality"shall apply to things or facts
that are real,reali tie s to you.But"Actuality"shall apply to the fact,re­
gardless of your conception of it.To Illustrate: in the days of Colum­
bus the world was regarded as being flat,there was no doubt,no question
about it.It was regarded as being an absolute"reality" by every living
person,the actuality was the fact that the world was round,but that had
no effect whatever upon the lives of the people at that time,nor upon
their idea of life,their conversation or thoughts.As far as they were
concerned the reality was the thing that affected them--the fact of the
actuality being different or their reality wrong,made no dif f erence ; the
reality affected them just as much as tho it were an actuality.They wou­
ld sail only so far,for said they':"Tf we go farther we shall fall off;"
and when Columbus proposed to sail due west and keep on going they in­
sisted that he was crazy.
The point I am making is that you have molded your life,en­
tirely by reason of the things that are realities to you,regardless of
the actual!ties,the things that are actually so.For instance you have
read that God cursed the ground and ordained that henceforth man should
earn his bread by the sweat of his brow—and so hard work has become a
virtue,a"reality"to you,which because it is so real to you it is not
que st ioned, when you hear of a God of Love ,who has provided enough to
spare of everything needful which is yours if you will but take it;if
you do not say such ideas are the work of a crazed mind,at least you
doubt it enough to give it only a half hearted thought.Bernard Shaw in
his latest writings says"Death is a Habit."A startling enough statement,
he follows it with another-"01d Age is also Habit"-He goes on to show
how the race consciousne ss,accepting death as inevitable ,has held the
thot from generation to generation,ever growing stronger and stronger,
until it is an absolute"reality’,land so long has it been held a reality
that it has impressed itself upon the subjective mind with this error,
just as it does other Dominating Thought-Form,penetrating.permeating
and filling that mind with error,in the very same way that it does with
Lee. 13 Pg. 2
that other idea that old age is inevitable ,and so,as a matter -od caurne
this mind begins to prepare for old age,orders the body to grow old,
and in time the body breaks down from no reason at all except the race
idea,for medical science has been unable to find any reason,outside
of accidents,and the Mystic eliminates even them,why this self-renew­
ing body should not go on and renew and rebuild itself indefinitely,
provided the person lives rightly.That is,there is no fore-ordained
reason provided proper food is given and proper care taken,why the
heart,for example,should wear out at any time.I am speaking,for course,
of those cases where a person otherwise healthy,just naturally grows
old and finally dies of so called senility,or as the doctors say "Old
Age,'"just as if old age were a disease.
Here, then is a case where "reality" is what counts,and this
idea does actually kill people,all who reach old age,without regard to
the "actuality"that death does not necessarily need to occur.But we
are learning,life today is some fifteen or twenty years longer than a
century ago due of course to improvement in sanitary conditions,con­
trol of epidemics and disease,and due,also,to the improved thinking of
the human race in general.Who knows what the future holds,when he not­
es the improvements over the past,and we have only touched the fringe
of the unknown powers of the mind,Now,pause for a few minutes.How ma­
ny fake Realities are saaping your life and guiding your Destiny?Cou-
nt them,search for them,and throw them away.
Man has three minds,or rather three phases of the mind.Do
not confuse mind with brain.Man's brain is tne material thing with whi­
ch he thinks and reasons.For countless ages man has done all his think­
ing and reasoning thru the brain center located in his head,for some
reason he started that way,but science knows there are dozens of other
brain centers located over the body that should be used and developed
as well as the one in the head,the Solar Plexus,to mention just one.
But mind is Universal,it is the thing that in the aggregate is called
Cosmic Mind or Mind of God, it is .everywhere just as is the air you
breathe,and like air a portion of it is in you,but still unseparated
from the rest,as the air in your lungs is still a part of the air in
your room.This Cosmic Mind,then is in your entire body,not your head
alone.Still,as I stated,due to the fact that man reasons and inter­
prets only with the brain center in his head instead of all of them
these sense impressions from mind go back to the brain before you be­
come objectively conscious of them. This Mind in man, as I said, has
three phases. There is the part that has grown so strong from con­
stant use, the part called the objective Mind, the middle mind, that
receives all the sense impressions from the eyes, the ears , touch,
taste and is full of misinformation ,of false knowledge, wrong
ideas, mi sconcept ions.You have learned not to believe your sight when
it tells you the horizon bends down and touches the sea,you pay no at­
tention when looking down a railroad track it tells you the rails run
together just a little farther on;in many ways you have learned your
eyes do not always tell the truth,and the same is true of hearing and
the other senses.What with the physical limitations of the organs them­
selves,plus the limitations of the nerves which carry the impressions
to the brain centers,and the mistakes of the brain in translating nerve
impulses into consciousness of facts,it is a wonder we have not long a-
go either discarded the crude work of this part of mind and turned to
other,more accurate ways of obtaining the correct information we need..
This is the first or middle mind in man.The second or lower mind is the has to do with the bodily functioning work which it carr­
ies on without being told by. the other mind, but somehow or other the
ncc. 13 .“-g. 3

first mind seems to delight in impressing all sorts of misinformation

upon this second mind and filling it full of its own mistaken ideas.In
many ways this lower mind recognizes the authority of the middle mind
and obeys it, to your sorrow and misery. Fortunately,there are some
things,such as the action of the organs, glands,etc., which as yet the
middle mind cannot control,tho the thoughts and emotions which sweep
over it do interfere with and hinder their proper functioning. The low­
er mind is also"Keeper of the ?1ecords"for in it is the storehouse of me­
mory, where is stored everything you have contacted in any way,thru si­
ght,hearing feeling,etc.,in this life and in previous is to
this Keeper in his great library that the middle mind telegraphs in
haste when it is facing an unknown situation,or does not know what to
do; but when the Keeper answers that there is no similar experience on
record,no previous situation by which to draw conclus!ons,the material
middle mind turns to the upper mind,which is more closely in touch
with the entire mind of God,and it,drawing upon the experience of the
whole race of men,flashes back an intuition, an inspiration that just
fits the case.
While I have spoken here of three, minds, do'not think of three
minds but of three divisions. The great reasoning material mind,filled
with wrong thoughts,false ideas,the ories,all the accumulated misinform­
ation of environment,education and associât!on,this is the middle mind.
Below this is the realm of the subjective, or lower mind, which rules
the inner activities of the body,and as we are now learning rules also
the outer affairs of man,creating his destiny according to the pattern
stamped upon it at birth. But,as I have told you in this and the prev­
ious lessons,the middle mind can change this impress of birth and man's
destiny for better or worse. Then there is the as yet little known up­
per mind, which is less changed by its abode within the body,more clear­
ly like the great cosmic mind of which it is a part. You, as a Neophyte
student,are learning to turn to this mind more and more for the inspi­
rations, the ideas, you need, for it is the only thing which is a true
source of information. Having received this information the ideas from
the upper mind, the great middle mind should turn to the lower mind
and impress upon it,thru affirmation,the course to follow,the pattern
on which to build.Here is the difficulty,for having contacted the upper
mind and received the information,the great reasoning middle mind looks
it over and says "I don't believe that,I don't see how that can be true,
I don't believe that idea came from the upper mind, it must have slipp--.
ed in from my lower mind,I am afraid to try that,it doesn't sound rea­
sonable to me,etc."and if it finally does pass it on to the lower mind
it does so in a half-hearted way,saying "Here it is,go ahead if you
like but I don't think it will work anyhow"and, of course, the lower
mind calmly ignores that kind of advice and goes on as before.
In your next lesson I shall tell you of yet other ways in
which you may contact this wonderful uupper mind,.' using the knowledge
and advice in straightening out your own affairs, and creating the act­
ual conditions you desire in this life. There is much food for thought
in this communication,heed it well and read and reread it until you are
sure you have made it a part of you.
In the Bonds of the Sternal Brotherhood,

Sri Dayananda,

S. C.

Lee. 14 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
The Key to Practical Occultism is in the Mind - but no Occult
Work can be accomplished unless it is brought thru to the Plane of
Matter - even tho your bringing-thru consists only of a recollection
in the Brain-consciousness.You must therefore take into consideration
the Physical Condition of the Body.In other words to be successful
with your Affirmâtions,your Prayers, your Decrees, you must be in fair­
ly good health and if not the physical condition must be brought into
more perfect functioning.
The link between Matter and Mind is to be found in the Etheric
Sub-Planes of existence of which the three denser Sub-Planes of the
Ethers are associatedrespectively with Heat,Lightzand Electricity, and
the fourty of which modern science knows the Akasha or As­
tral Light of the Ancients,the point of contact of Mind with Matter -
it is the Raw Material you use as an Occultist.
The Akasha is capable of being molded by Emotional Forces from
the Astral Plane and in its turn is capable of influencing the other
Etheric Sub-Planes,but it cannot influence Dense Matter.The Ethers in
their kinetic states as Heat, Light and Electricity can affect Dense
Matter, and so if we know how to use it we have a direct line of com­
munication between Mind and Matter,via the Akasha or Astral Light.
Every manifested form has a certain amount of Akasha built into
its substance,some more, some less. About every form, whether it is
an electron or a planet there is an electric field of magnetic stress­
es. It is this electro-magnetic field, plus a small amount of Astral
Light,which is the vehicle of the Life Forces,and the transmitter of
the messages of Mind.And so as you perform your Psychic operation and
experiments it is this Etheric Body you are working with and not dense
matter. And so it is that in this work you aim at making your body a
vehicle that shall not hamper you or hold you back in your development.
It must become finer,more sensitive,yet it must develop also a stren­
gth and toughness for it must endure the exceptional Forces which lat­
er you will use in the higher work.A Master is not an Etherialized
person looking like a Conventional Saint in a stained glass window,hut
is,by virtue of his training capable of great physical endurance.
The Occultist does not regard the brain as the vehicle of Mind,,
but rather as the organ of Motor-co-ordination and Sensation which is
a very different matter - for him the vehicles of Mind are the seven
major ganglia spoken of in your eighth and ninth lessons and used in
the treatment work. A little thought on this point will reveal many
interesting implications.
The ductless glands pour their secretions into the blood stream
and the blood is literally the essence of the man - alter the chemi-.
cal composition of the blood and you alter Consciousness as you see in
the phenomena of both anaesthesia and insanity, many types of the lat­
ter clearing up entirely when septic foci,such as tonsils 3,nd teeth
are eradicated.So you,for the delicate work ahead of you,must begin,
now to take care of the body as you would any other piece of finr
machinery for later for the delicate processes of specialized con­
sciousness in which you will indulge,it will be necessary for you to
have an absolutely pure blood stream; one that will not in any way dis­
tort or falsify Consciousness. It is the neglect of this elementary
caution which is at the root of most of the psychic difficulties.
The question of diet is an exceedingly vexed one in occult cir­
cles and I have not heretofore taken the matter up with you. The
scope of this lesson will not allow a full discussion but briefly,from
Lee. 14 - Pg. 2
the standpoint of sound and practical Occultism the first requisite is
a Sane Mind in a Sound Body and whatever diet produces that result is
a satisfactory diet. It will be found that the presence of food in the
stomach, even in small quantities renders work of a psychic nature
more difficult or even impossible, therefore do not undertake any of
your experiments of these higher lessons until perhaps two hours after
The Eastern Traditions and those Organizations that derive from
these teachings teach strict Vegetariani’Rjoth on Psychic and Humanitar­
ian grounds. The Western Traditions do not. The effect of a Vegetarian
diet is increase the Sensitiveness of the nervous system
and thereby render easier the perception of Psychic Forces. The draw
back to the use of this Sensitising method in the West is that the
resulting Sensitiveness unfits one for the rush and drive of our mo­
dern city life and unless seclusion can be secured, the subject is
very apt to become neurasthenic and to suffer from neuritis, neuralgia,
nervous dyspepsia and similar complaints. You will, as an Initiate of
the Western Traditions, overcome this comparative lack of Sensitiveness
and also the density of the atmosphere in which you live$ by concen­
trating the forces by methods to be made known later.
I am taking the time in this lesson tonight to bring before you
several points not hereto touched upon because of the general interest
in them as evidenced by the many questions on these points - the sub­
ject of Health and Diet mentioned above and the matter of Posture
which I will speak of now. Great attention is paid to meditation-pos­
ture in the East, but the attitudes therein described are again not
practical for the Westerner. Posture, nevertheless, is of importance.
The principle to bear in mind is that the Physical Body is literally
an electric battery and that during meditation it must be a closed cir­
cuit* Any position in which the body is symmetrically disposed or placed
in poised balance will be found satisfactory so long as the spine is
straight, the feet together and the hands either joined or touching
some part of the body. To cross the limbs is bad because it is not
symetrical, for the same reason lying on one side or curled up is al­
so unsatisfactory. Either flat on the back on a bed or couch or sitting
upright in an easy chair is best. The position should always be such
that if the meditation deepens there will be no risk of a fall, and
the sense of insecurity under other conditions is quite enough to
rouse Consciousness and prevent Psychic visions and experiences. The
two best positions therefore, for meditation,are either flat on the
back, legs straight and heels together, a low pillow and hands lightly
folded over the solar plexus or crossed on the breast; or sitting bolt
upright, heels together and also the knees and with the hands laid
along the thighs, in the position in which the Gods of Old are seen
sculptured. These are the Postures of the West.
Color is also of importance in Occult Work; for one thing it has
considerable influence upon the State of Consciousness, and for anoth­
er it acts largely as a means of bringing a force from the etheric to
the physical Plane. There is no such thing as a best color for this
purpose. Each person according to their Ray-Type will find one or an­
other color best for the purpose of his private meditation, and should
make use of that color in the decoration of his Sanctum.
I am sure you have plenty of work sorting out and arranging in
your Mind the work of the last several lessons and the thoughts I have
given you tonight.Occasionally review your treatment work - the var­
ious experiments and next week I shall go into the matter of the first
steps in the Mystic Chamber of the Alchemist.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 15 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight I am going to talk to you on several different subjects
for there are many points that I want to bring out in this general dis­
cussion. In the early lessons you learned of the existence of Univer­
sal Mind as a Substance from which everything is created. This was
covered in the fourth lesson;then in the sixth lesson you were told
how the Subjective Mind is continually working on the Patterns you give
it,molding this Universal Mind into the forms and manifestations you
desirejthen in the eighth;ninth,and twelfth lessons you learned of
another work of this great Substance,Universal Mind,as Life-Essence
and its use in maintaining the balance of the Human Organism.
Gradually this is opening up for you the door to almost unlimited
Power. Suppose,for instance,that you fully understood this Universal
Mind, this Primal Substance,and could control it. What Power on earth
would there be that would not be yours? You would, even be able to move
the Sun and Stars out of their places and to control everything in the
Universe, from the Atom to the biggest Suns, because you would control
thru Universal Mind. This was what the Master Jesus referred to when
He said, "If ye have Faith,even as a grain of mustard seed, you can
move mountains" - Faith, in this case, being Conviction,built on Know­
ledge. And as the Occultist becomes perfect, there will be nothing in
Nature not under his control. If he asks the Gods to come,they come,at
his bidding;if he asks the Departed to come,they come,also, at his
bidding. All the Forces of Nature obey him as his slaves. When the ig­
norant see these Powers of the Occultist they call them Miracles.
All this training and exercise is for the one purpose, and each
Neophyte must begin where he now stands. He must learn how to control
the things that are nearest to him. His body is the nearest thing to
him, nearer than anything in the Universe, and his Mind is the nearest
of all. The Universal Mind which is working thru his Brain and Body is
the nearest to him of all the Universal Mind i« the Universe. This
little Wave of Universal Mind which represents his own Energies,mental
and physical,is the Wave nearest to him,of all the infinite ocean of
Universal Mind,and if he can succeed in controlling that little Wave,
he can hope to control the Whole. He will become almost all-mighty.
In this country there are Mind Healers,Faith Healers,Spiritualists
Christian Scientists,Hypnotists,etc.,and if you analyze these differ­
ent groups you will find, that the background of each is this control
of Universal Mind,whether they know it or not; if these Theories are
all boiled down,the residuum will be the same,they are manipulating
the same Force,only unknowingly. They stumbled,perhaps,on the dis­
covery of a Force,they may not know its nature,but they are unconscious­
ly using the same Powers which the Occultists use,the Powers of Uni­
versal Mind.
This Universal Mind is the Vital Force in every being,and the very
finest and highest action of Universal Mind is thought,which,as I have
told you,is divided into the three classes: There is the Lower Mind,or
form of Thought,which we call Instinct,or Unconscious Thought,the low­
est Plane of Action,Where you do things without thinking or understand­
ing, automatically or instinctively. All reflex actions of the body be­
long to this Plane of Thought. Then there is the Middle Mind,a Higher
Plane of Thought,the Conscious Part which says "I reason" - "I judge"
- "I think" - "I see the ’pros and cons’ of certain things."And again
we know that that is not all,for we know that Reason is limited,there
is only a certain extent to which Reason can go,beyond that it cannot
reach,and the circle within which Reason runs is very,very limited and
yet,at the same time,as we think and study,we find thoughts do rush
into this circle,like the coming of Comets,different things are coming
Lee. 15 - Pg. 2

into this circle,and it is certain that they come from out-side the
limit altho our Reason cannot go beyond. So we know of the Upper Mind,
for we know that Mind does exist on a still higher Plane,the Super­
conscious Plane,and the Mind which has attained thaï, state of Perfect
Concentrât!on,or Superconsciousness ,goes beyond the limits of Reason,
and comes face to face with facts which no Instinct or Reason can know.
All these manipulations of the Subtile Forces of the body, the
different manifestations of Universal Mind . are , during', and, by your
training changed to give an upward Urge to the Mind. Thus,the Mind
goes higher and higher and becomes Superconscious,and there,sees all
and knows all.
You have also learned from the third lesson,and from your Medi­
tation in the meantime,that in this Universe there is one continuous
mass on every Plane of Existence. Physically this Universe is one,
there is no difference between the Sun and you. Scientists will tell
you that it is only fiction to say the contrary. There is no real dif­
ference between the table and me,the table is one thing in the mass of
Matter,or Universal Mind and I another thing. Each form represents,as
it were, one whirlpool in the Infinite Ocean of ■ Matter,and these are
not constant. It is just as in a rushing stream where there may be
millions of whirlpools and the water in each of these whirlpools is
fresh,new water every few minutes,turning round and round for a few
moments,then passing out at the other end,as the next particles of
water come in. The whole Universe is one constantly changing mass of
matter,or Universal Mind,in which we are little whirlpools. A mass of
matter enters them,turns round and round,and turns,for a few years in­
to the body of a man,becomes changed,and goes out into the form,maybe
of an animal in which it rushes around,to get,after a few years,into
another whirlpool called a lump of mineral.
It is a constant change,not one body is constant,there is no
such thing as my body or your body,except in words,all are one huge
mass of Matter; one point is called the Moon,another a mineral,another
a plant,another a man,another the Earth,another the Sun; but not one
is really constant. On the other hand, everything is changing,Matter i-s
eternally concreting and disintegrating,and so it is with Mind.
Many of you remember, .perhaps, the experience of Sir Humphrey
Davy,as he was performing an Experiment,when the "Laughing Gasi! over­
powered him. During that time, he remained motionless, stupefied,, and
after that he said that the whole Universe was made up of ideas; for
the time being,the coarser vibrations had ceased and only the subtile
vibrations which we call the Mind were present to him. He could only
see the very subtile vibrations around him, everything had become
thought, the Universe was an ocean of Thought,and he and everyone else
had become little Thought whirlpools.
Thus you see that even in the Universe of Thought we find this
Unity,and at last,when we get to the Source,we know that the Source
can only be One. These facts can no more be denied. Modern Science has
now demonstrated them. Modern Physics.also,has demonstrated that the
sumtotal of the Energies of the Universe is the same thruout,and your
work in this part of these lessons is being given to you to teach you
the control of this Universal Mind,thru controlling the little Wave of
the Universal Mind which is nearest you--the Wave which is yourself,
which is your Mind,your Thoughts,your Emotions,and Desires--and as you
learn to control this little part of Universal Mind, you will learn to
control the Whole.
So,I have made plain to you many things,the reason for your ex­
ercises,and the reason for the fact that the Law of Karma brings les­
sons , tes ts , and opportunities to you,both to test your fitness and your
control of yourself. Refuse to react under annoying remarks,under lack
Lee, 15 -Pg. 3

and limitation,under pain or grief, Refuse to fly to nieces,refuse to

doubt or worry; instead, maintain your Poise and Calm., Like a capable
General,as his far-flung battle lines waver and bend,concentrates his
energies and brings up his reserves,so you,too,must call up from the
depths of your Being resources and strength you never knew you had,
With this attitude on your part,the help of the Brotherhood will flow
to you,for the Psychic Help you receive is even more valuable than the
lessons themselves; your Membership brings to your side the Occult Pow­
ers of the Unseen Worlds; maintain this connection now that you have
it, the Magnetic lines are being built stronger and more powerful week
by week, be patient and do your best and keep your close Contact.
And now,as the next step in acquiring control,! want to tell you
of the Secret Chamber of the Alchemist,for it is within this Chamber
that the real work of the Mystic commences; creating your Destiny by
decreeing is done here. Attunement with the Cosmic and Psychic Planes
is thus started, while the Projection of your Psychic Body,which you
loosened a little in the experiment of the fifth lesson,Psychic Sight
and Hearing,all hove their beginning here. So,it must be learned well
and much practice must be given to it, over many months.
Each successful student works out a method for himself - the ac­
tual acquiring of the knack will come to you as you practice. You may
not be successful the first few times,or the first half dozen,but if
you persist,you will succeed. One student found this method to be,best
for hims Sitting quietly and comfortably in an easy chair, so that the
body does not tire; in the dark,with eyes closed,he pictures within
his Mind, a Sanctum. A small room, perhaps with an Altar in the center;
he fills in all the details of this room as he imagines it, and he
learns to picture it so well that after a few times,when he closes his
eyes,the picture forms with all its details just as a dream picture
appears; and it is so real to him,he can walk into his dream picture
and kneel at the Altar, While he is picturing this room and filling in
the details,he is so interested in his work that he forgets where he
is in actuality,even who he is, or that he has a body or anything else
of the Material World. And there,kneeling at this Altar,he talks with
the Father about the things he needs,the conditions that need adjust­
ing,mentally attuning himself with the God-Principle that he pictures
around him,so strongly that he can feel the Presence,even tho he can­
not see it as yet. There,too,if you see this plan,you may repeat your
affirmations,dwelling upon them and absorbing them,making them literal­
ly a part of you. As you do either,or both,of these things,under the
conditions stated,you thru your Meditation (for this is what Medita­
tion is) raise the rate of your Vibrations closer and closer to the
High Vibratory rate of the Cosmic Plane,the Home of the Upper Mind,and
some day,Illumination will break upon you with an unspeakable Glory.
You are commencing Psychic Work and your success will depend
upon your faithfulness in practicing the work,and your success will
especially depend upon your mastering this Art of Retreating Within
and stilling the Objective Mind and Material Affairs. Especially, in
picturing this room and the Altar,and the work you do there,must you
avoid remembering that it may not be real - you must think and imagine
it is real and avoid thinking or reasoning in any other way, for after
all, you do not know that for the time being it is not real, more real
at that time, than the Material World behind you.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 16 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte:
You have been practicing faithfully, I trust, during the past week
upon the art of Visualizing that Inner Shrine, with its Altar and other
furniture,and it should by now have become very real to you. §ome find
the Mental Control necessary for this work very easy while others find
it more difficult,but practice makes perfect,and that is the reason
you are to continue for yet another week upon this foundation work of
the Secret Chamber,learning to erect it within the workshop of your
Creative Mind,and learning,likewise,to endow it with Life and vivid
Reality to your Imagination. When properly practiced it becomes so that
the room you picture has depth and width (perspective is the more tech­
nical term) or as the artist would say, it has feeling and atmosphere,
it is not dead and lifeless as a flat drawing might be. As I told you
before keep the furnishing and walls of the room simple,not too much de­
tail, and thus you can carry it in your mind very much better.
During the coming week,therefore,continue to practice creating
your Sanctum,adding the qualities of realness as mentioned above. Now,
practice standing in your pictured Sanctum or Temple; picture yourself
standing there in front of its Altar;view the room as it is directly
ahead of you,then see if you can,in that pictured room,turn slowly a
about and view the wall or side of the room as it would be on the left,
then turn to the back,then to the right and around to the front again.
This is a difficult task,it is not so hard to visualize or picture a
room if in your pictured room you are facing the same direction as
your body is actually facing,but to so lose Consciousness, to immerse
yourself so deeply in your created picture that you lose a sense of
direction is rather difficult at best until you do become really ab­
sorbed in what is the Reality of your Consciousness.
In the Bible we are told,when we pray,to ”go into your closet and
close the door.” Do you now see what was meant,do you see how 'th±s In­
ner ' Shrine or Secret Chamber really does wall off the Material. World
and brings you closer to the Psychic Plane? Mind is a wonderful imma­
terial thing,really the basic material of which we shape the pattern
of the ’’things to be” thru the Creative Power of the Imagination fully
vitalized by the Will. But this Creative Power is so delicately at­
tuned and the material you are working on,the Mind,is so susceptible
that the slightest thought of fear,doubt,or disbelief,even wondering
if it will work,or trying to reason Objectively about the matter,des­
troys the Pattern even as it forms under your patient v/ork. On the
other hand,Confidence,Faith in your Ability,and in the Ability of
those helping you,furnishes a quickening impulse that,when strongly
felt,provides almost immediate demonstration. So,when you commence to
talk things over with God,when you wish to meditate over some Thought
or Problem in your Mind,when you wish to attune yourself closer to
the Cosmic Maters,build up this Secret Chamber,and close the door to
all outward,Material things. Practice,and continue to practice until
it becomes easy to you.
Now,laying aside for a moment this Secret Chamber,! wish to give
you another exercise in picturing,for you will have much of this as
you progress thru the Psychic Work. This time I wish to have you pic­
ture the room of a friend,some room you know well,so well you can re­
call the furniture,pictures,all the details of that room.If it so be
there is none you can recall,go somewhere and while sitting for a few
moments,look around you and take note of the room and its details,so
you can recall them later when you commence this practice. But it is
better',at first,if you can remember some room already acquainted with
so well that you could almost walk around in it in the dark.
Lee. 16 - Pg. 2.

Having decided on your room,relax quietly,free from interruption,

and without having to in any way hurry, build up in your mind a dupli­
cate of the room you have decided upon;imagine you are standing in the
door of that room and looking around;put the pictures where they be­
long the furniture,rugs,etc.,make that room real and alive to your
Imaginâtion,with all the depth and feeling of the real room if you
were there.
Do not, at this time,change around from one pictured room to
another.Select the one room which you know best and work with that,al­
ways practicing on it each evening when you can; five or ten minutes
will be enough if you do it often.Perhaps you will want to build up
the Secret Chamber for your Meditation or Prayer,first,and then start
on this room you know,this room which really exists.Or you may wish
to do on3 room on one evening and the other room on another evening.
The other exercise is this: Secure a glass tumbler of pure cold
water,such water as you ordinarily drink.Fill the tumbler perhaps
three-fourths full. Retire to' your Sanctum,the room where you sit and
work.Have the room fairly dark,not exactly*’ jet black,but so that,af­
ter you have been sitting there for awhile and your eyes have become
well accustomed to the darkness,the room will appear gray rather than
black,and the furniture will be seen as a darker smudge or shadow.With
a little practice you can arrange the window shades so as to get about
the right amount of light. Nov/ sitting in your easy chair,hold the
glass of water between your two hands,so that the palms of the hands
are around the glass,and the fingers,also.The fingers of one hand do
not want to rest on top of the fingers of the other hand or the hand
itself.After passing around the glass,let the fingers fit in between
the fingers of the other hand,thus the balls of all the fingers will
be on the glass as well as the palms of the hand.This is the only
reason for this very precise position,so that you may have as much of
the hands and fingers on the glass as possible. You should have on a
dark dress or suit to look against;if not,throw something over your
lap that is dark and hold your glass over it,which will give you a
dark background.
Now,sitting there quietly,take a deep breath and after holding
it,as in your regular Breathing Exercise,slowly exhale with the long
drawn out sound of RrrrrrrAaaaaaaa,softly but clearly.Repeat this
three times then sit and watch for five minutes as the Magnetized wa­
ter draws the Aura from around the body and concentrates it around the will condense it so you should be plainly able to see the
heavy haze,like smoke,only blue or violet;and you should,also,be able
to see the effect of the Life-Essence sent into the water,for as the
water becomes charged you will see sparks,flashes of light,lines and
swirls of Fire.All of these will become more plain to you as yo,ur Psy­
chic Sight is tuned and opened.Remember this is new work,but you will
be able to get/some of it,I know.So,whenever you can,practice on the
glass of water,for it is an exercise for your Psychic Sight and Cen­
ters which are learning to translate these things to you. If you can do
this just before retiring at night,then,when you are thru slowly drink
the charged water and retire,you will feel the tingle and thrill,as
the Essence fills the blocd stream,and during the night you may have
other Psychic Phenomena of different will refresh you wonder­
fully in mind and body.
Nov; is the time to write me frequently - say each ten days - and
tell me how you are doing and ask questions, thus personalizing the
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 17 - Pg, 1
Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight I shall have many things to speak of, and after
you have opened your convocation and have thoroly relaxed,read slowly
and thoughtfully the brief statements I make. They are each fraught
with significance, vital to your comprehension at this critical period.
First, speaking for a moment of your problems, your daily
affairs. Have you learned the fine art of facing them with a smile?
Immediately you face life as it is, instead of trying to ’’get away
from it,” immediately you study the annoyances, the lack, as a pro­
blem, impersonally, just as if your opponent had made a move in a game
of checkers, immediately comes the power, the knowledge, the under­
standing with which to make the counter-move, to solve the need, to
control the situation. Mind, when freed of doubt, of worry, of fear,
can solve any riddle in your life. Mind, when stimulated with confi­
dence in a Leading Intelligence, with Faith in its own Divinity, can
move mountains, for ’’according to your Faith, so shall it be” was the
answer the Elder Brother gave, and it is the answer of every lesser
Master since. Therefore, try now to master all situations. If one
arises in finance, or in health, or in the household, stand erect,take
a deep breath, hold it, and as you exhale, forcibly throw out the will
and dynamic energy within you, as you say ”1 conimand you, my Inner
Mind, to harmonize this condition. I deny that it exists. I have plenty
of money, or I am in good health, or I am peaceful, calm or poised.
You readily see the application - first the command of harmony, the
denial, then of the positive statement of the opposite. Try it all day
long, in every little thing that comes up, - if you are going on a
picnic and it is raining or looks like rain, command harmony, deny the
rain (never mind if it is rain to you) affirm that the sun is shining
bright and clear; and then thank God for warmth and brightness of the
dazzling day - if a bill comes in and you are wondering how to pay it,
don’t sit and bemoan your hard luck, Rise and command harmony, deny
the lack of money, affirm that you have plenty, that it is coming to
you, is in fact, yours now and that you have plenty; thank God again.
Practice these little things, with practice comes Faith, with Faith,
greater success and with successful application comes Mastery over
Life. But as in all Occult Mysteries the Master points the ’’Way,” and
yours is the action.
And as this Confidence within grows and accumulates, the
people you meet sense the dynamic power of your changing Personality.
They tend to accede to your requests, they are eager to assist you;
things truly begin to come your way, money, power friends, knowledge,
all that you need. But, if you have (and who has not?) any little man­
nerisms, habits of thought, peculiarities, carelessness in dress,traits
of speech which jar or cause inharmony with your fellows correct them,
tear them out root and branch. It is a good thing right at this time
to make a careful study of some very successful man or woman you know,
analyze this person and see that you, yourself adopt the things which
make one successful. Then select another model, find the point there,
then adopt that, and so on until you are literally reborn, or remade,
leaving out all the bad, using all the good. Then this new Individual­
ity, plus the new dynamic Mind is indeed a Master of Destiny, a Cosmic
Son of the Most High, spiritually awakened. And the Brotherhood’s first
promise will come true. All Nature will obey your wishes and the High­
est Intelligences will be eager to serve you. The Demons will not dare
approach you.
Lee. 17 - Pg. 2

Second, going back again to the Secret Chamber, let me call your atten­
tion to the ninety-first Psalm; the Secret Chamber is referred to in
these words: "He that dwelleth in the Secret Place of the most High
shall abide under the shadow7 of the Almighty. Thou shall not be afraid
of the terror by night nor the Arrow that flieth by day, nor the pes­
tilence that walketh in darkness nor the destruction that wasteth at
noonday. A thousand shall fall at thy side and ten thousand at thy
right hand, but it shall not come near thee."
Can you imagine a stronger statement? Thus is the pro­
mise given to them who have learned of the Secret Chamber and who re­
treat to it daily for the help and strength to be found there - and as
you acquire the habit and gain in ability you will find that the wonder­
ful Cosmic Peace, the Courage and Faith which grow and develop within
the walls of this retreat, gradually stay with you (for longer and yet
longer periods) until they spread over your entire daily affairs and
fully manifest in your outer world as they manifest in your inner. That
inspired little book"Light on the Path" says, "The way to advance with­
out is to retreat within." - these past lessons have been gradually
teaching you to retreat within, using simple terms and language instead
of the involved Hindoo and Sanskrit terms of the Orient where so much
of this work is taught and which is so confusing to the Neophyte.
Third, there is now before you the new work. You are ap­
proaching the point where your spiritual eyes and hearing will need ex­
ercises that you may see where there is no physical sight, that you may
hear where there is no physical voice, where you may project your psy­
chic body to distant lands, there to make yourself seen and heard. (Re­
fer to the seventh lesson, revievz again St. Paul’s statement on seeing
a projection of this kind.)
So the first exercise in setting loose the Master Within
and sending Him on his way thru space under your will and direction is
this. It is merely preliminary. You are to do this and no more. If
you have been reading other studies or books, or other methods, lay
aside those for the time being, you can go back to them later, but
for the present I wish your undivided attention on the instructions
being given you.
Seated quietly in your Sanctum, in the darkness,sitting
so comfortably in your easy chair that you have no awareness of the
chair in any way to distract your attention, after a few moments of
relaxation, open your convocation with the usual prayer. Then place
your feet on the floor, but out in front of you side by side, not un­
der the chair; your hands separated in your lap, but the arms straight.
You are to mentally become aware of your inner self, and you do it
thus: start with the feet, the very toes of the feet, both at the
same time; become aware of, by paying attention to the toes, the feel­
ing in them, the pressure of the shoes, picture the blood in them,the
skin and tissue; as the awareness becomes vivid, move your attention
along the feet, feel the soles (both at the same time), pausing a mom­
ent at each place until you become aware of that spot and the life and
mind in it. Then the ankles, the calf, the knee, up to the hips, front
and back - try to feel the principal organs, the bowels, the liver,
stomach, the two lungs, the two kidneys, the heart up to the shoulder;
then pause in your bringing up process and drop back to the finger
tips, all at the same time, having the fingers and arms straight so
your thought can move in a straight line;coming up to the hands, the
vzrists, the forearms, the elbows, the upper arms; back to the shoul­
ders where you left off; then the neck, the head, back and face, ears,
eyes, nose; right on up to the hair, the very top of the head.
Lee. 17 - Pg. 3
This work must be done without your mind wandering3 and
without interruption of any kind. If you lose the thought or are in­
terrupted by some noise so that you break the subjective thought and
become objectively awakened, you will have to go back to the toes and
start over again. The practice you have had picturing, the concentra­
tion you have thus been taught, will now come into play and you will
have no difficulty in sitting down and simply losing yourself in this
work, unconscious and unaware of any other world or any other folks in
it} unaware even of yourself, that is, physical self except only the
little part you are visualizing.
Practice this many times during the weeks to come.. After
you have awakened the Ptychic Self and freed it from its fetters of
flesh, you will not need to do this each time you wish to leave the
body but at first practice faithfully.
This is all of the lesson for this evening, but I want to
talk to you for a few moments before closing, and to emphasize the
word ’’Patience." I have used the illustration of the piano before,
nevertheless, let me call your attention to it again. If you were
learning to play the piano, you would expect to have to put in many
weary weeks and months on the fingering exercises in order to. acquire
the necessary touch and to so train the mind that it could handle the
fingers with ease and without necessity of constant thought. You are
familiar with material laws, you understand this, and would not expect
to go into deeper work of harmony until you have put in time on fin­
gering practice. It is the same way with anything that you take up in
the material world. How long does it take a man to learn to walk a
tight rope, how long does it take him to learn to do anything which we
know the human organism is capable of doing and which you see frequent­
ly on the Vaudeville stage? There is no argument but what these
things can be done but it takes time. In doing these Psychic things,
in going over these lessons, you must not lose sight of the fact that
you are going thru a very special and thorough course of training. If
the Brotherhood were not sincere many of these features could be eli­
minated and much matter could be given you which would absorb your at­
tention and interest you thru its intriguing philosophies and its
. wonderful statements. But that is not the object of this work, nor is
it the sole object of any of the few genuine Mystery Schools, for the
object of these is real development, not intellectualism, as such.
Therefore, it is necessary that little by little the change be wrought
within yourself. Little differences of viewpoint must be brought out
and made clear, you must attain to that control of the Mind and its
functions which is so necessary before you can expect to become a Mag­
us of Power, or a very real Master of Destiny.
After you have gone thru this gradual training, this dis­
cipline, this preliminary work, bringing1 the component parts of your
Self under control} and after you have strengthened and developed the
Will} after you have learned to concentrate, the ability to focus your
thoughts, inhibiting all unwanted ideas} then the Ethical Truths of the
Inner World, the Forces, Hierarchies, Entities of the Inner Worlds,the
wonderful Evolutions,that move on those Planes,will be revealed to you
and there will come,also, in due season, and as you prove your worthi­
ness and development, the mighty words of Power by which you can sum­
mon to your bidding the vast Hosts of the Angelic Kingdom; you can
speak and the mighty Archangels whom St. John saw standing in the Sun
will serve you;all the Forces of the visible and invisible worlds will
obey your commands'} and you will indeed be a Master of Destiny. Be
patient, therefore, and trust the Brotherhood's guidance in Faith and
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lecture 18 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
Again it is time for us to review some of the work you have
been doing and add a few more points to the structure of complete un­
derstanding which you are building with the help of the Brotherhood.
I sincerely trust you are following the procedure laid down
in the very first instruction sheet; that you read and studied these
lessons in the quiet of your Sanctum, where you may be alone and where
naught can interrupt you. Alone, and in Peace and quiet,reading slowly
and thoughtfully, with unbiased interest, the Soul unfolds and blossoms
as does the Lotus on the Nile.
You are beginning to realize,! am sure,how much can be pack­
ed into the small compass of two or three pages of written instruction.
And you are also beginning to realize that a week is all too brief for
the necessary work of reading,reviewing and rereading,as well as for
the several interesting demonstrations and experiments you have had.
The glass of water experiment should be done from time to
time,for the condensing of the aura around the magnetised water makes
it stronger and greatly aids in the projection work as well as in
making the projection visible to others later on.
The mirror experiment is also interesting and reveals many
startling things as you call upon the age-old Soul within,which is the
real you, to manifest some of its past individualities.
There is also the necessity of visualizing from time to time
the picture of that real room you selected,and training your mind to
rebuild it in your mind,item by item, until it becomes real to your
imagination. The work with the Visualized Sanctum with its Altar,and
the time you love to spend there quietly tuning yourself with the Cos­
mic, shut out from all the world and its cares and problems, alone with
God. Truly you have obeyed His Command, ’’When ye Pray, enter into your
closet and shut the door.”
Months could be well and profitably spent upon the work that
has now been given you, but I must hasten on, leaving to you the pro­
blem of keeping it all well in mind and filling in your odd moments
with this work, as well as the affirmations and the task of applying
them in your outer daily affairs.
Then, there is the new work given you only last week, the
awakening of ’’something” within yourself,in the toes and feet,up to the
very top of your head. How have you succeeded with this? Have you been
able to produce a vivid,conscious awareness in all the parts as your
mind pauses upon them for a moment? The psychic self has been so dense­
ly entwined with the flesh,so long ignored and negated,its very exist­
ence denied,that it takes quite an effort to separate it at will. Yet,
whether you realize it or not,so long as you practice this experiment
faithfully,you are succeeding;just the effort is accomplishing what I
wish,and if you will add Faith that it is so to your work, it will has­
ten the effect a great deal.I am going to have you practice for yet an­
other week upon this "awareness,” then I will give you the first step
in loosening the Master within and sending him into space.
So this week I shall clear up several points which I wish
you to thoroughly understand at this time. When I speak of the Psychic
Body,you must not think of a material body of some kind which floats
off slowly thru is not a body at all,but a kind of "mind con­
sciousness” which may be seen at times as the finest of fine mist,or
again as a ball or cloud of different colors,wonderful blues and vio­
lets, or other colors,and sometimes with a scintillating light in the
Lec-ture .18- Pg- 2
center•Some times it is egg shaped or may appear as a part of the face
or body of the person. It is certainly not material in any sense.
Another important point is the fact that,when viewed by one
whose psychic sight is well developed,the psychic body snows within
itself rudimentary organs,as in the physical self,which,when the psy­
chic body is within the physical,overlap the physical organs themselv­
es. Another point is that just as the physical organs,flesh and blood
are supplied with nerve energy thru the spinal nervous system, so the
organs,flesh and blood are supplied thru the sympathetic nervous sys­
tem with psychic energy.This proves the statements of the Mystics of
old that just as there is di sease,disorder and inharmony in the physi­
cal,so there can also be psychic disease,psychic disorder and psychic
inharmony ; and it is also true that thé former in many cases have their
primary cause in the latter.
Here,then, is an explanation of Astrology and its Laws and
Theories.for it is easy to see how the delicate vibrations from the
Solar Bodies and the planets and Sun,penetrating the protective aura,
may impinge upon the immaterial psychic organs,setting up disturbanc­
es that may result in abnormal conditions in the physical body itself.
As you know,if you have studied astrology ,there are some planets af­
fecting the mental qualities,some the'emotions,and others the psychic
body itself.As I stated before in an earlier lesson,the unawakened
men and women are largely ruled by their stars,swayed by them in every
field of mental,physical or psychic action.But the spiritually awaken­
ed,those in whom the Master within is in charge,do not respond to the
planetary vibrations ; they have risen above their stars and create des­
tiny for themselves.
Now,leaving the subject of the psychic body and the exercis­
es you are to do again thru the coming week,I wish to touch again up­
on the subject of prayer.All of the matter which has been given you
during the past half dozen or more communications has been preparing
you for a deeper understanding of this vital subject than which was
given you in your fourth communication.
You have learned that back of all matter as you see it is
the atom,and that the atom is composed of electrons,which are in fact
but the negative and positive principles of God,the First Cause.That
is,in other words,the Father-Mother Principles of the creative power
of God,and you have learned,too,that the interaction of these two pri­
mal forces,two phases of the one mind,builds up the world and the Uni­
verse .
Mind,then,is everywhere in creation,and is creation, and
there is,also,an unmanifested supply of mind in the Source.You also
know that you use this mind,yourseIf,just as you use the air in the
room.It is yours,but unseparated from all mind,therefore,constantly in
touch with all mind everywhere.
Now,following the Biblical command that when ye pray ye shall
enter your closet and close the door,praying to the Father in Secret,
that ye may be answered in public,"you proceed to erect the Secret
Chamber within your mind.entering in and shutting out all material th­
ings . Immediate ly that you formulate your request,your prayer,force ful­
ly and clearly,what happens? The request registers within yourself
and thru that mind within you is felt in all mind everywhere, both in
the flesh and unmanifested,as well as is a characteris­
tic of the Mind of the First Cause to have an immediate surge or urge
towards answering a request,a demand upon it,provided that demand is
constructive,interferes in no way with the rights of others, or in
other words.harmonizes with the nature of mind.
Lee. 18 - Pg. 5
Hence as you ask,you set into motion the urge to answer,and
we are then told,’’according to your Faith shall it be done.” Others say,
”God helps those who help themselves. ’’What does this mean? It means
that Mind usually responds strongest thru the mind in the one who prays
and if that one sets forth immediately to try and answer his own pray­
er, diligently doing all things possible to answer it,or bring it into
effect,he will find ready response in the minds of all those with whom
he comes in contact.The demand,registering in all mind, has created a
willingness to answer in all mind,and subconsciously,in the minds of
those who are asked,is already the desire to grant. In many cases it is
strong enough to set into motion the physical part of those who sub­
consciously receive the demand or prayer,and they,without solicitation,
send the check,pay the bill or award the work; but in many cases it is
necessary to go and search and ask,knowing the preparation has been
made,that somewhere is a portion of Cosmic Mind,ready and willing and
able to answer.And then£oo,there is the mind within the one who prays,
which,contacting the intuitive mind in the unmanifested source,flashes
across into the objective consciousness of the one who asks that in-
tutive knowledge of where to go and how to proceed - the inspiration,
the ideas, the help of the Master Within.
This is one of the many ways in which prayer is effective,
and I want you to use it and to cultivate the habit of earnest and sin­
cere prayer. You must approach the Throne of Grace bodily,yet reverent­
ly, as a true Cosmic Child of God; Claiming your birthright as a Child
of the Living God; and knowing absolutely that in the invisible Univer­
sal Substance in which we all live and move and have our being, is
every Good and Perfect Thing that you can desire, awaiting only your
Faith and your Demand to bring it into visible form of manifestation.
Much of the dogmas,the forms,the ceremonies that have stood as religion
are rapidly dying out,and never more rapidly than they are today;and
yet the Divine Breath is filling the hearts of Mankind as never before.
The first faint rays of the ineffable glories of the Aquarian Age are
touching the brow of the Children of Light,and you,Avatar of the new
race,are awaking to the potent powers and forces within yourself.With­
in you, this new realization,this new manifestation of the fact that
you are a Child of God,is pushing out the old. As in the spring, the
newly awakened life in the tree pushes out the old lifeless leaves that
have clung on during the winter,and makes way for the new ones, - so in
the same way,this old,dead leaf of religion is being pushed out from
every heart to make way for the new and more glorious conception.
So,whenever you are in doubt as to the course you should
pursue,enter into the Inner Chamber and shut the door, let the inward
eye see,let the inward ear hear,and allow the simple,natural,beautiful
process to go on unimpeded by questionings or doubts.In all dark hours
and times of unwonted perplexity,follow this one simple direction. It
does not mean that you must betake yourself to a private closet, with
a key in the door; but wherever you are,at any time,entirely undisturb­
ed by what is going on about you,draw the mental curtains of privacy
so completely about you that you are fully enclosed in your own psy­
chic aura, and take your difficulty into the Mystic Silence in the form
of a direct question,to which you expect a direct answer,and ’’according
to Thy Faith,so shall ye receive.”If you have perfect Faith and Confi­
dence and Conviction,you will never once be disappointed nor mislead.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lee. 19 - Pg..1
Beloved Neophyte:
Tonight I wish to touch lightly upon the matter of freeing the
Master Within or Travelling in the Astral,as it is called by some writ­
ers. Before giving you the Brotherhood method I am going to quote from
an English Investigator along these lines,whose deductions and explan­
ations have been the basis for many experiments and found good.
Successful projecting is an aid in building sensitivity, and in
building Faith thru personal knowledge. It aids later in raising con­
sciousness up the Planes to conscious contact with the Masters.
The Matter of projecting the Psychic Self, is a faculty you have
and can use if you desire to spend the time necessary to perfect the
method. When you are awake,the Psychic Self interpenetrates the physi­
cal body. Each and every part of the Psychic Body is exactly in line
with its corresponding part in the physical body. When sleeping the
two separate more or less.Remember,you do not fall asleep, you really
rise to sleep,for as you enter the zone of quietude, the Psychic Self
moves slightly upward and out of the Physical Body. The condition of
the Physical Body determines how far it moves,for if the Physical is
vital and full of health, the Psychic Self will move upward, perhaps
only an inch or so, just partly disengage,enough to throw itself out
of line with the various parts of the Physical,or out of coincidence,
if you prefer to call it that.
But if you are very tired,the Psychic Self will rise perhaps two
feet as you enter sleep, and as a rule, while the Psychic Self moves
upwards only a little as you enter the sleep, yet after you have been
asleep for several hours, the Psychic Self will be found to have risen
a foot or two, as the Physical Body becomes more relaxed and more pas­
sive. The idea may be new to you that every time you sleep your own
Psychic Self and the Real You move out just a little from the body,but
it is a fact5 and remember, all the theories which try to account for
sleep have been shown insufficient to account for the phenomena of
sleep. One never arrives at a satisfactory explanation until he admits
the presence of a Life-Essence, and the presence of an individual hu­
man spirit - the Psychic Self - which withdraws more or less complete­
ly from the body and derives Spiritual invigoration and nourishment
during its sojourn in the Lower Astral Plane. Normally, the Psychic
Self slides out of coincidence and back again unnoticed by the person
going off to sleep or awaking.Sometimes,however,due to some noise or
perhaps a light,the person,especially if tired,wavers between sleep
and wakefulness,dozes off,and the Psychic Self rises a little,then as
Consciousness is regained,suddenly,the Psychic Self,instead of slowly
coming into coincidence drops quickly and the person at the same
moment awakens with a jerk or kick. You have no doubt done this fre­
quently, dreaming at the same time that you are falling.
There is another thing you must remember, and that is that you
are always operating under Subconscious Will while you are out of the
body.You may have thought that you might become separated from your
Physical Self and wander into some strange place in the Astral Plane,
and be unable to find your way back again,in other words, "get lost."
This is impossible,for the Subconscious will at all times shoot you
back into the Physical Body almost before the thought of going back
has completed itself. You may think that the Conscious Mind is rapid
but it works at a snail’s pace, compared to the functioning of the
super-intelligence which is the Subconsciousness. You need never be
at all afraid of not getting back.
Lee. 19 - Pg. 2

There is a Dream World. When you are dreaming you are

not really in the same world as when you are awake, that is, not the
same Plane of Consciousness. While dreaming,you are in the Astral Plane
and usually your Psychic Self is raised a little and in the Zone of
Quiet.The distance of separation has nothing to do with this,once de­
tached, even slightly,or remotely,you are in the Astral State,or Plane
of Consciousness.Realize that every time you go to sleep you actually
do project and enter the Astral Plané.Even if the Psychic Self only
rises an inch,or just slightly out of coincidence,you are attuned with
or in harmony with,or in vibration with,the Astral World as well as
the Physical World.In a Dream State,you are partly conscious,and with
the Psychic Self slightly out of coincidence,your mind becomes a re­
ceiving station for vibratory waves,ether waves,carrying with them
Thots, Sounds,Influence,Music,Voices,and many other things from the two
different Planes or Worlds,the Psychic and the is from
these that many dreams are conceived.
When you fall,or really rise,to sleep,if the Conscious
Mind be only partially locked up, it functions with the Subjective,and
the Material for Dreams is obtained from the thoughts,noises,etc.,of
the two Worlds.If the Conscious Mind be tightly locked up aed you do
not dream,or I should say,you do not remember having dreamed when you
Now,up to this point,Spiritual Development and Projec­
tion take the same path.From here on they divide.As you learn perfect
concentration you throw the Psychic Self slightly out of coincidence,
just as when rising to sleep.In your Meditation and Visualization you
are learning to keep the Consciousness only slightly locked,you bring
across much from the Inner Worlds.First,you contact the Astral,as you
of course know;then,later,you learn to raise Consciousness again and
enter a New World,and so on; until you have earned the right to raise
yourself from Plane to Plane and reach that High Spiritual Plane,meet­
ing the Master of Masters face to face,bringing back' with you a Con­
sciousness of an experience beyond words to describe.As St. Paul said,
”a memory of things unlawful to utter.” All this without necessarily
having sent out the Psychic Self to explore the strange Plane of Quie­
tude between the Physical World and the Astral,functioning in the one
yet seeing the other.
There are many ways and rules for wilfully starting the
Psychic Self out of the body and sending it to great distances. The
next step,and please note it is a separate and distinct step,is to
awaken in the Psychic Self and see all that is going on.First,you must
acquire the art of sending the Psychic Self out into Space - then
learning to awaken yourself in that body.Two steps,both requiring
practice,and yet nearly anybody can learn to do both of these things
with little trouble,if they will practice and write me frequently of
their experiences,then study my replies until the whole matter is
clear.Here again, is the guidance of a Teacher required, for merely
reading,trying to figure out these things alone,will hardly do,I have
had contact with the students of perhaps every Organization in this
country.After years of study,many six to ten years,what have they to
show for it? Certainly not full projection and full awaking Conscious­
ness at the same time - no,usually,if anything at all,merely flashes
or glimpses,for the true methods of awakening to Consciousness after
Projection has been made is rarely taught,and then only to the pure
in heart,the Children of God awakened to their own Responsibilities.
Now, the Dream State is the in-between state,as I have
said.If you awaken in the Physical Body your reception ability is well
attuned to the Physical World, as every day; but if you awaken from
Lee. 19 - Pg. 3
that dream while the Psychic Self is projected, then your reception
ability covers both the Astral and the Physical Planes. The Psychic
Self is frequently called the Dream Body, for it is in that body that
you dream,in other words,you are in the Psychic Body,out of the Physi­
cal a little every time you dream. So, you see,a dream is an excellent
place to start our work from - by inducing a dream you slightly .-pro­
ject the Psychic Self, then you send it out, and then you awaken your­
self to full Consciousness in it. It is not difficult, but remember
this rule;
’’When the action of the Self in a dream corresponds with
the normal action of the Psychic Self, the dream will cause the Psychic
Self to move upwards and out.”
As you are lying in bed,resting comfortably on your back,
and go to sleep in that position, the Psychic Body moves up a little
above the Physical. If there is a real Projection, it continues to
float upwards,just as if your Physical Body were to rise towards the
ceiling several feet, above the Physical surroundings,fac e up,as you
are when lying on the bed.Then,after several feet above the Physical
Body,the Psychic Self begins to erect itself - the head rises,and fac­
ing forward,the body soon stands erect.The Silver Cord,the connecting
link is seen attached to the top of the head of the Psychic Self, and
to the forehead of the body on the bed.
Now,our first task is to send out this Psychic Self at
Will.As we know how it leaves,it is not difficult to make it do so,
provided we have it follow the same course it does naturally. The first
thing to do is to have the right kind of dream and so the first step
is to practice carrying your Consciousness as far into sleep as possi­
ONE - For several nights or weeks watch yourself during
the process of going to sleep. Keep close watch on yourself as Con­
sciousness grows dim.Try to remember that you are awake,but still going
to sleep. Thus you learn to keep Consciousness from closing down at
the commencement of sleep, but instead you learn to keep partial Con­
sciousness way into the Sleep State. Remember to think only of your­
self, keep your thoughts within yourself.
TWO - Nov; go a step further and construct the proper
kind of dream to hold in mind while you are going to sleep.Remember
that the dream must be constructed so that you are active in it,and it
must be constructed so that the action you go thru corresponds with the
action or route taken by the Psychic Self as it leaves the body.What
do you like to do?Swin,ride in an aeroplane,go up in a balloon,a Ferris
Wheel or elevator? Select something you enjoy, for the sensation,if not
agreeable to you,will send you back into the body.If it is something
you enjoy you will,when you later become conscious,enjoy the sensation
you get from floating in the air.So,it is important that you like it.
You understand now to start the practice as given in ONE
and now I shall illustrate TWO.Let us suppose you enjoy going up in
elevator.You have,by your practice,learned to hold Consciousness right
up to the moment you go to sleep,so lie upon your back on the bed - or
perhaps the floor will be more real to you for this exercise. Concen­
trate within yourself,now visualize (this shows the importance of your
past week’s work in picturing and visualizing) you are lying on your
back on the floor of an elevator, and you see the iron slides,you look
straight up the long shaft,which looks to you almost like a tunnel,you
see light at the top,just a spot,almost like a star - you are going to
lie there quietly and go to sleep,and,as you enter sleep, :the elevator
is going to move up the shaftj you are going to enjoy the sensation of
going up as you lie there. It is trembling a little,getting ready to
go up to the top. It is a large,high building,the shaft is long.During
Lee. 19 - Pg. 4
this work you actually pass from Consciousness into sleep,carrying the
dream with you;the Subjective carries on the dream. You are aware that
you and the elevator have started;slowly and quietly it is going up;
you are enjoying the sensation, it is pleasant;it is nearing the top;
it has now stopped. You rise to your feet and walk out of that elevator
and look around at everything from the roof of that high building.Then
you walk back to your elevator,lie down again on your back, and the
elevator very slowly starts down the shaft,and you watch the shaft re­
cede, then it has stopped and you are lying on your back on the floor
of the elevator at the bottom of the building.This one dream, or what­
ever one you choose,must be worked over and over. It takes time to
impress all this on the Subjective Mind, so you cannot use first one
and then another. Select one plan and keep to it.
THREE - Have your dream all worked out in your mind and
hold it before you as your Consciousness slowly dims; shift yourself
into the elevator,drop asleep,and just as the moment of ’’unknowingness”
comes,the Astral will move upwards as you do in your dream, it will
aright itself above the physical body as you do in the Dream when you
get to the top,it will move outward and around,just as you dream you
do, and then it will come back as you enter the elevator and will
assume a position over the Physical Body. As you lie down, so will
the Astral Body and .as the elevator lowers itself,so will the Psychic
Self lower itself into the Physical again.
Remember,it is not necessary for you to use the exact
dream I have outlined.You can construct your own dream, making it ap­
proximate in all respects. If you like to swim,you must plot the dream
so you are in the water.The water must rise,bearing you upward with it.
So,imagine you are floating in a pool hardly half full of water, and
that it is filling.You rise with the water,coming closer to the top;
then it overflows and you float out over the sides with the out-pour­
ing water,and over the country.Then return to the pool and sink as the
water is drawn out until you are at the bottom.
It is not difficult to cause the Projection of the
Psychic Body by this Dream Method as you might. Once the Astral Body
begins to rise there is a double action that carries on the work.
The dream impresses the action of the dream body and the action of
that body impresses the dream. You do not have to start the body, for
it will start itself as you enter sleep, but you must get into the
dream and keep the body moving outward. If you should become conscious
before you learn the details, you will find yourself in some place cor­
responding to the last details of the dream.If you use the elevator
dream and become Conscious just as you upright yourself,you will find
yourself in the Astral Body,uprighted directly over the Physical Body.
Now learn these steps carefully - teach yourself to
keep Conscious right up to the moment of rising to sleep. Construct
your dream, hold it in mind clearly, project yourself right into it,
that is, start doing it, and carry it right on into sleep. This is no
idle or foolish phantasy, but a tried and proved method,and the awaken­
ing of yourself in the Astral is equally sure.
Remember that the Proper Dream will always project
the Psychic Self. Don’t imagine that you can dream this kind of dream
and not have it work,for it will,even tho you are not fully conscious.
It will take time and practice to be ready for the moment you awaken
yourself, and I expect your cooperation if you desire to succeed.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 20 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
This coming week I wish you to continue your experiments
with the Projections of the Psychic Body and your Consciousness. Per­
haps it will be much better if you write me fully of what experiences
you may have had,no matter how vague or subtile they may seem to you.
I shall,therefore,wait to hear from you and thru the letter and your
questions I can give to you the needed explanations. So continue faith­
fully, willing out this ’’Master Within” and visualizing mentally that
you are OUT,not in the body. Forget the body,do not in any wise become
conscious of it,or that you have one;simply be a ’’Mind Consciousness,”
a mist in Space and wait,floating,for such impressions as may come to
you,gradually also, Psychic Sight and Hearing will open to you.
So,for tonight,! shall give you no new experiments, but on
the other hand,you are going to have a very rare treat of another kind
—right at this critical period of your Development and Growth you are
given a special message,a Soul-searching,clarion call,from the Vener­
able Master, H. H. Rajeswarananda. This is the Master’s Message in his
own words:
I KNOW THYSELF: Know yourself and you know all. Touch your
Soul and you touch all. Realize your Soul and you realize all. Soul
known,all is known. Be ignorant of your Soul and you are ignorant of
everything. So face your Soul and you have Light,ignore your Soul and
you have darkness. Hence the great Precept rings right. ’’KNOW THYSELF.”
II YOU MAKE OR MAR YOURSELF. In the armory of your own
you also fashion there the tools with which you build yourself a celes­
tial mansion of Joy and Strength. You ascend to Divine Understanding
and Perfection by right and true application of Thought and also des­
cend below the level of the beast by its misuse. You evolve all stages
of character between these two extremes. Hence, YOU ARE THEIR MAKER AND
MASTER. You are the molder of character and shaper of conditions.
He is a being full of Intelligence and Love,and he is the Lord of his
thoughts. It is he who holds the Key to every situation. HE IS THE
FRIEND AND THE FOE TO HIMSELF. None else exists outside himself. This
is a stern Truth. He is always the Master,to fashion his thoughts to
fruitful experiences. He discovers within himself the Laws of Thought
by effective application,self-analysis,and expert experience. Let him
thus dig into the mine of his Soul and obtain Gold and Diamonds,Gems and
Jewels of Life.
YOU OUGHT EVER TO BE - YOU. So make up your mind to look facts in the
face. Decide your own Destiny and shape your own Future. See that Hu­
manity receives from you something in return for what it gives you.
Break thru today’s Failures and accomplish Success. Let the Success of
yesterday be but a spur of today’s achievements. BUILD UP PERSONALITY
which is your medium of contact with the Supreme,and shine with this
Life. It is the one Key to unlock the hidden treasures,the one thing
to be obtained. So collect all your energies,focus them on the Most
High and go into states of deep Samadhi (enter the closet). Develop
your latent Potentialities by this clear and steady Concentration.
Make of yourself a radiant reservoir of revolving magnetism. Make
yourself a storehouse, of Power. Reach into the Rhythm of Life and en­
joy the music and harmony of the whole Universe,tending towards per­
fection and beauty of the Self.
VI YOUR MIND IS A GARDEN wherein you may cultivate the soil
Lee. 20 - Pg. 2
or aimlessly allow it to lie fallow. If you put into it no useful seed
useless weed seed will fall therein and produce their kind. You may
make the garden of your mind a Paradise by growing flowers and fruits
of right and pure thoughts, conducive to the Life of Truth, or a Hell by
allowing wrong and impure thoughts to grow more and more, a short cut
to Perdition. You are yourself the Master Gardener of your Soul and the
Director of your Life.
VII DON’T IMAGINE, even for a moment, that any of your
thoughts can be kept Ineffectual. No,it cannot be. Thoughts rapidly cry-
ghts bear good fruits and bad thoughts bear bad fruits. You simply
ghts sink the body in disease and decay. Right and beautiful thoughts
clothe it with youthfulness and beauty.LIVE IN FEAR OF DISEASE AND YOU
SURELY GET IT.Anxiety demoralizes the whole body and the impure thou­
ghts shatter the Nervous System and poison the blood. THOUGHT IS THE
perfect the body. Then build up the body with vigor and grace, by virtu­
ous thoughts.
IX DO NOT CARRY useless,unprofitable Mental burdens that sag
your Intellect and weigh down your brain,lest you come to the point
where clear,constructive thought becomes impossible. Otherwise, you get
mentally tired, the world looks gray,and progress fails, because every­
thing in this world must either help or hinder progress,under the Law,
so conquer Fear,Doubt,and Worry,and try to keep it from hampering and
hindering you in the dirt and dust of Mental Agony.
They are just little seeds in a corner of our mind. Drop a match in a
forest,which after all,is a small thing,yet it burns for a thousand
miles,consuming the entire forest before the flames it starts die down.
The way to prevent the forest fire is to put the match out in the be­
ginning. So,also,to combat Fear,Doubt,and Worry,the way is not to fight
them but to prevent them. That is why prevention is better than cure.
They are Mental Diseases. They stretch out their restless fingers for
the brushes to paint their terrible pictures on the Mental Canvas.Stop
them there. Take the brushes and paint a constructive picture where
they would paint a destructive one. Divest them of tools to work with
and canvas to paint upon. You will thus find,in place of the troubles
of tomorrow,the joys of today,and Life becomes bright instead of dark.
sum of all his thoughts. His every act springs from a hidden seed of
his thought. His act is the blossom of that thought. Joy or Suffering is
its fruit. Life is a growth by Law,and not a creation by Artifice. A no­
ble or Godlike character is not of accident or chance, but is the very
natural result of right thinking. A THOUGHT OFT REPEATED BECOMES AN ACT;
a bundle of thoughts,fair or foul,floating topmost on the surface of
the lake of his mind. In other words,MAN IS MIND, shaping what he wills
with the bricks of his thoughts.AND HE WEAVES THE INNER GARMENT OF
has hitherto woven in ignorance and darkness,he may unweave in Enlight­
enment and Brightness,if he likes,for HE IS MASTER OF HIMSELF --
This concludes the first part of the Master’s Message.Study
it well and later on I shall give you another portion of his Message.
Lee. 20 - Pg. 3
Now sitting quietly in your Sanctum.lay aside outer thoughts
and visualizing your own Soul before you in judgment,read the follow­
ing, from the Book of the Dead,answering yes or no softly as your Soul
responds to the question. Read slowly,softly,carefully; pause after
each statement; apply it to modern life and conditions,and taking the
evident meaning, make your reply.

Taking from the confession said in the Chamber of Maat in the
Egyptian Temple of Initiation as recorded in the Book of the Dead.
(Maat is the Egyptian word for Truth,the Chamber of Maat is the Temple
of Truth.)
Homage to Thee,Oh Great God,Thou Master of all Truth,I have
come to Thee,Oh my God,and have brought myself hither that I may be­
come conscious of Thy decrees. I know Thee and am attuned with Thee
and Thy two and forty laws which exist with Thee in this Chamber of
In Truth I come into Thy Attunement, and I have brought Maat
in my mind and Soul.
I have destroyed wickedness for Thee.
I have not done evil to mankind.
I have not oppressed the members of my family.
I have not wrought evil in place of right and Truth.
I have not demanded first consideration.
I have had no intimacy with worthless men.
I have not decreed that excessive labor be performed for me.
I have not brought forward my name for exaltation to honors.
I have not defrauded the oppressed of Property.
I have made no man to suffer hunger.
I have made no one to weep.
I have caused no pain to be inflicted upon man or animal.
I have not defrauded the Temple of their obations.
I have not diminished the bushel.
I have not filched away land.
I have not added to the weights of the scales to cheat
the seller and I have not misread the pointer of the scales to cheat
the buyer.
I have not encroached upon the fields of others.
I have not kept milk from the mouths of children.
I have not turned back the water at the time it should flow.
I have not extinguished the fire when it should burn.
I have not repulsed God in His manifestations.
I am Pure’, I am Pure! I am Pure!
My purity is the purity of the Divinity of the Holy Temple.
After meditating upon the Confession,you may close your con­
vocation in due form. Do not make the mistake of failing to read and
reread the communications sent to you. They are full of meaning and
require careful,thoughtful study. They are intended to stimulate your
thoughts and your meditation period. In these later sessions you
should read a sentence or two and stop and reason and think it out
inductively and deductively,until the Truth flashes upon your compre­
hension. The thoughts in one communication could be expanded and en­
larged,. into several lessons,but it is better to compel you to think
for yourself.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 21 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
You thoroughly enjoyed the message of the Venerable Master
last week,and you found in it a summary in brief form of most of your
instructions to this point,I am sure.The entire lesson will stand read­
ing and rereading many times.In fact,following the explanation of the
potent power of mind,let me review for a moment and refresh your mem­
ory on the two ways in which mind works. As you recall,mind is in
three important phases in man.The Objective,reasoning,logical Mindjthe
lower or Subjective Mindjand the upper or Cosmic Mind.
Realize that the Subjective Mind, one of the most powerful
forces in your life,has no reasoning power or judgment of any kind and
that whatever impressions it has ever received have been accepted by
it as Truths also that ary statement which had not the slightest grain
of truth or sense in it,if given often enough to this Subjective Mind,
would be accepted by it as absolute fact,and that it would act forever­
more in absolute conformity' with this impression.
Realize,also,as I have said,before,that thruout life the Sub­
jective Mind has received countless impressions of a negative, untrue,
or unsound nature,and you come to realize the truth of the Master’s
message for thoughts held in the Reasoning Mind slip by and the Sub­
jective Mind accepts them as fact and law. Actuated by them the Subjec­
tive Mind attracts and molds every phase of the outer life. Thus you
will realize the tremendous effect these negative and unsound impres­
sions may have. Everything which reaches the Subjective unquestioned it
accepts as logical and absolute fact. So one learns to alter its view
by giving it endlessly a series of sound constructive affirmations,as
well as by watching the thoughts held in the Objective Mind during the
It does not matter how great the accumulation of error may
be in this Subjective Mind.If the desire to overcome the negative ele­
ments be great enough,it can be done;in fact,it must be done as one of
the first steps on this road leading to Mastership. Even tho there may
have been but a faint desire at first,this has been strengthened and
is becoming an all-powerful driving force.
Some of the most powerful negative impressions or ideas
found in this Subjective Mind,ones which directly and strongly hold
back the Neophyte in his progress,are of three simple classes: 1st
Ideas or Impressions of POVERTY. 2nd, Ideas or Impressions of INFERI­
ORITY. 3rd, IDEAS or Impressions of Ill-Health.
I. Ideas or impressions of poverty are simply the natural re­
sult of an environment where all of those surrounding you had, or have
a poverty complex or poverty psychology,. This causes one to think of
self only on a low financial plane,and while he thinks that others can
work and live in an atmosphere of plenty,he thinks, he himself, is not
of that plane, at all.
II. Ideas or impressions of Inferiority are of many kinds;
for instance,Physical Inferiority,Lack of Knowledge or Education, In­
ferior Parentage and Home Surroundings,Moral or Religious Inferiority,
Lack of Social Qualities,Inferiority in Dress and Clothes, and many,
many others. Here too,as with all of these complexes, the first step
to overcome them should be constructive suggestion - AFFIRMATIONS.
III. Ideas as to Ill-Health are as follows: Because sickness
has been in the family for generations,and therefore, of course, ill-
health is to be expected. Because one actually has had pain and sick­
ness and has come to feel that well-being is impossible. And,last, be­
cause thruout life others have given suggestions negatively,of sickness
and have assured one that he is certain to have such and such a thing.
Lee. 21 - Pg. 2

Every fixed conviction of Ill-Health is in one of these classes. In the

first class no help is possible until the conviction is rejected; all
the others will find speedy relief in the Affirmations3held in the Ob­
jective Mind.
The entire basis of Affirmations as regards this Subjective
Mind are simple and to further aid you in understanding the matter,re­
member these laws:
1st. The Subjective Mind governs the body and all of one’s
automatic reactions to life.
2nd.. External circumstances of life and bodily well-being
exactly reflect the condition of the Subjective Mind.
3rd. The Subjective Mind has no reasoning power.
4th. Ary thing which passes down to it,unrejected by the
counscious Reason,is accepted as absolute Truth.
FESTATION all ideas and impressions which it has.
6th. Obviously the thing to do is to give this Subjective
Mind ideas and impressions that will bring harmony
into one’s affairs,health,happiness and prosperity.

Now the weight of your affirmations,the effect they will

have upon the Subjective Mind,depends upon several things. There is re­
sistance depending upon the strength of the false ideas already in
the Subjective. Any doubts of the Conscious Reasoning Self which may
cast aside the Suggestions. Then there is the. degree of subjectivity
when the Conscious Reasoning self is off guard,and also the degree of
attention paid to the affirmation at the moment it is being said. The
clearness and definiteness of the statement,as well as the positive
manner in which it is said,are other important considerations.And of
course,affirmations said during concentration,as for instance, when
within the Visualized Sanctum which you have been learning to create
within the mind operate with greater potency for the conditions are
such as to deeply etch the impression upon the Subjective. However, it
is equally well to form the habit of making your affirmations as you
walk along the street or ride down town in the cars. Usually any adap­
tation of ”1 have plenty” or ”1 am equal to” or ”1 am well and strong”
will be found to be effective. Naturally in the beginning one does not
believe the affirmations he is using. He may say, ”1 have plenty,” and
yet he knows better, because he may lack the necessities of life,never­
theless,if he keeps on repeating it endlessly the Subjective accepts
it,believes it,then externally reflects it,and he actually HAS PLENTY.
To the degree that the suggestion or affirmation is pounded in endless­
ly, or in ratio to the detachment from surroundings (as in the Sanctum)
when giving complete fixation of attention to the affirmâtion,will the
results be rapidly seen.
Do not,however use Affirmations for another person unless
you are certain on this point: Has that person asked you to help
him?. If so, all right; but if not, be very sure that you have the right
to affect his life or to change it in any way. Naturally each of us
thinks our viewpoint is about correct,but the person does not live who
has the right to arbitrarily change another’s life,when that person is
of thinking age and is ignorant of what is being done. The more one
learns of the Psychic and Occult Laws of life,the more cautious he be­
comes as to when to take upon himself the responsibility for using
them. If you go out of your way to arbitrarily cure a Kleptomaniac for
instance,you will suffer for it. If it is time,he.will be brought to
you. Remember the Master Jesus,who,with His Divine inner sight saw
thousands in dire need,yet never offered aid,never lifted his Hand.
Lee o 21 - Pg. 3

Well He knew the Occult Laws. First they must ask - and then - ’’Accord­
ing to their Faith, shall they receive.
We will leave this now,for tonight I am going to give you
another method in sending the Master within out thru space,and then
later will come the directing of your Psychic Body to ary place you
desire,and the development of Psychic sight and hearing,so you may see
and know what is going on. But first must come the actual getting out
of your own electric field and the loosening and freeing of the Master.
The work of becoming aware of the underlying life in the body thru the
concentration exercise given you before will have helped very much in
the preparation for tonight’s work, but whether you have had conscious
results from the Dream Method of Projection or not,you can now start
the new way.
Selecting a time when you are not tired or nervous, but feel
rested and relaxed, open your convocation in the usual form,then sit­
ting in the total darkness,begin your awakening process, as given you
in Lesson 17, commencing with the very toes and slowly to the top of
the head; this should take perhaps five minutes. As soon as you have
done this, take a deep breath, full breath, holding it as long as con­
veniently possible (inhale thru the nostrils) then close the eyes,
sound the rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, slowly and softly and
as the last of the air is going out, VIVIDLY IMAGINE that the real you
is going out into space in this cloud-like misty form and floating in
the air - as you imagine this,put your consciousness with it,in space
where the cloud form is,and not in the body. Do it just as if you
were picturing all this in your mind, and just as you transfer your
thought and consciousness to the real room you selected to visualize
so,as the psychic form goes out jour consciousness goes with it, and
you IMAGINE you are out there in the air looking down, and suddenly
the transmutation occurs and it becomes so. But at no time must your
thoughts return to the body. Even a flash of a thought and you will be
back in the flesh. Learn to live in your picture, forgetting the mater­
ial world even where and who you are in that world.
Try this experiment whenever you can - you may succeed the
first time, or it may take fifteen or twenty trials before you acquire
the knack,but even if it should take fifty,keep right on trying and
you will succeed sooner or later. You may,however,select either this
method or the ’’Dream Method” whichever seems the most natural to you,
or you may use one for a few nights and then the other. Do not use
both of the methods the same evening tho. Experience is the best guide
here. Each will develop his own technique or method of doing this work
each will vary more or less from the instructions I give you,as each
finds ways that seem better to him and his personality. You should
practice this faithfully,for it is nearly time now for psychic therapy
or psychic treatments, the healing of the sick at distances.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lee. 22 Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte;
Life is not and cannot be made up of an unbroken series of
new realizations, manifestations9 and triumphs gleaned on your travels
up the ’’Path of Unfoldment.” For every group of new manifestations,
successful demonstrations in inward understanding as well as outward,
material affairs, time must elapse which apparently is void of results.
During this I!fill-inSÎ time., one feels that little progress is being
made and. that they are not succeeding as well as they should., so this
explanation of the Occult principles involved is being given to you
now, that you may realize as you, too, pass thru these periods of
quiet, that if you but work faithfully and wait, the cycle will turn
and you will again find yourself upon the open ’’Path” better fitted by
your time of rest and the lessons you have learned, to go on.
So, in- order that your Inner Conscious realization may have
time to absorb and manifest that Occult and Mystical Work heretofore
given youj* and. that your constant practice with the visualizing and
the Projection work may also have time to tune and vitalize those pure­
ly physical centers which have lain dormant so long:; I am leaving this
part of your work and continuing for a short period the work started
in the last two lessons, the power of thoughts and mind and the very
important part they play in your creative work.
Thru the twentieth lesson you learned that thoughts are the
things by which you create your inward personality and also your out­
ward circumstances. In the twenty-first lesson you learned something
of how the Subconscious Mind acted upon these thoughts and. manifested
them into actuality .
I trust you have now seen that in order to create thru this
Subjective Mind, you, thru affirmations and pictured, desires, must
create the thing desired, so vividly, so realistically,that it becomes
a Reality to you - and when it has been so impressed, so vividly
thought of that it does thus become a reality to your Consciousness,
then it will be produced by the Power of the Subconscious in actuality
and you will actually have that which you have made first in thought
and Consciousness.
And reasoning deductively, from the points given you, you
have also seen that the entire Universe is but the expression of an
idea, and is composed of ideas. The laws which govern the expression
of an Ideal or a center of Ideation, are identically the same whether
it manifests in the Mineral Plane, the Vegetable Plane or thru the
human mind in human action. These principles are fixed, changeless,
Thus, tho you have always known and. realized, that you were a
Child of God, and in some way created ”In His Image” - yet now you are
beginning to sense and understand a part, tho it is as yet but a small
part, of the tremendous Powers and Abilities resident within you, ..and
which are attributes of the Master Within. And you are beginning to
realize that ’’Master of Destiny” is no catch phrase but a stern reali­
ty to the spiritually awakened Soul.
And during this work of unfoldment and. development, with its
successes and failures, you must learn to stand aside from your emo­
tions and. desires,attaining a detached,impartial viewpoint,that you
may now govern them,rather than be swayed by them.In all phiases of
nature you will observe the endless procession of opposites following
upon opposites, always and eternally so far as this Plane is concerned.
It is said, that nothing is certain but uncertainty and that nothing is
sure but change. This is true, for the ever-shifting panoramic scene
is but an unending series of shuttling, alternating opposites.And just
Lee. 22 - Pg, 2
as it is certain that the one side of the opposites will manifest, so
is it, too certain that the other side must follow in turn,
You observe the opposites in positive and negative, the day
and the night, the winter and the summer, the rise and fall of tides
in action and reaction. So the great lesson Life has offered you, is
that you should attain, as far as possible, a neutral frame of Mind
The more nearly you follow in the middle road, the more continually
will you reap Peace, Plenty, and Harmony, for it is a truth that for
every passing shade of emotional joy, elation, etc,, over passing
events, at some time you experience an exactly equal compensating shade
of emotional pain. Hence you must learn to maintain a compensating
balance - being neither elated nor depressed, observing and learning,
bound to no earthly things, yet living as those who are bound to life,
experiencing and developing, but always as the Master, never the Slave.
Nov/ in connection with the practical application of the
principles of the Subconscious Mind as given you in the last lesson
going a step further, add pictures to your affirmation. By this, I
mean to add to the affirmation which you have been expressing in words
visualizing a picture of yourself enjoying and using the thing or con­
dition you are affirming. If it is Health you are affirming—then be­
sides endlessly repeating ”1 am well and strong” also spend much time
in your Sanctum, picturing yourself in perfect health, consciously
feeling just how good you would feel in perfect health,how you would
enjoy things and what you would do, the benefits that would, go with
Health, and see yourself enjoying life as you would in perfect health.
In this manner you will gradually carry over into your daily life the
CONSCIOUSNESS OF HEALTH. Or if the affirmation is ”1 have plenty” then
picture and feel the benefits you would feel if this were true. If
you actually had plenty to pay all obligations and had the little
things you desire, you can imagine how your heart would lighten,how a
load would slip off your shoulders, how much brighter and more beauti­
ful, the world would look. Well, visualize the fact so clearly that
you can actually feel that condition. It is not difficult. Haven’t you
many times had a vivid dream and awakened to feel a keen disappoint­
ment that it was not true, when you would almost have to convince
yourself it was not true, so realistic was the conviction? You can
willfully produce this same sense of enjoyment, and by presenting this
to the Subconscious Mind, along with keeping the affirmations in the
Objective Mind to crowd out the opposite kind of thoughts, you are
maintaining ideal conditions under which the Subconscious Mind can
produce and express, reflecting soon into the outward affairs as well
as in the Inner feeling these conditions you have affirmed and express­
And now I want to touch again Upon Karma, for in the past
two lessons you have been given a deeper understanding of how you actu­
ally make your Destiny, building into the etheric psychic body, as
well as the Soul, the memory, the Consciousness, or in other words,
the Personality, which includes all these, the condition which will at­
tract and repel future circumstances and lessons.In considering Karma,
or to use the English term, Compensation, with reference to the Life
of an individual, you simply mean the harvest now maturing in that
Life, or that did mature or will later. This harvest is directly
the result of thought,for the thoughts you allow, are the hidden seed
that mature into the harvest.
The delicate, subtle essences of the Soul, the Memory, and
the psychic body, blended in their polarities and representing the
total of all the thoughts and acts of many past lives, are affected
Lee. 22 Pg. 3
by the Cosmic Rays and forced into rebirth at such a time and place as
will bring like conditions again to that Soul. The attraction of the
new born body also effects and draws that Soul, adding yet another fac­
tor .
Now that the body is born, the Soul drawn into its physical
organism with the first indrawn breath, what do we find? We find that
the symphony of the myriad vibrations from the various planets, the
fixed stars, and the sun and moon, acting and reacting upon the inher­
ent weaknesses and strengths of that combined entity, which have been
sweeping it to rebirth and which have reached their crux at the actual
moment of the blending of that Soul and its attributes with the new
body show by their various positions at that moment an infallible
sign-post as the make-up of that entity. They show the weaknesses and
strengths of the personality, its probable tendencies to emotions,and
the kind and amount of susceptibility or the amount of resistence to
the future Cosmic Rays, whether they will irritate and arouse emotion­
al storms or pass harmlessly; the probable strength and weakness built
into that body physically, its future tendencies to inharmony, its
probable reaction physically to the emotions and harmful thoughts, and
so on thru all the phases of the combined man and his attributes, the
Now in these facts there are several important points. First,
in all of the above there is no indication of any per sonal Lord of
Karma, Angel, or Deity at work, dictating, deciding or judging that
Soul. Thru your thoughts you build the warp and woof of your personal­
ity, and.the fixed laws respond with their fixed reactions. Second,
the various factors combined and represented by the word Astrology do
not produce the results se«n in that new born Personality and its body,
they show the operation of the law set into motion by these character­
istics in the Personality, which have been produced by the individual
thru thought.
Of course you may say, for instance, what of Neptune high in
the Heavens and square to Venus, does not every future aspect disturb
and set into motion the results of such an aspect? In the first place,
the natal horoscope showing such an aspect proves that in the past
that Individual has built into his Personality the conditions thus in­
dicated at birth, these having been self-made and being in the person­
ality allow it to be acted upon in such a way as to be brought into rei-
birth at a time when Venus is high in the heavens, and square to Nept­
gain be set into motion as various bodies swing int.o new positions thru
progression and stimulate or negate this condition. If the horoscope
shows much stimulation, then that Soul will tend, only to have its in­
herent condition stimulated again and again, and this is what one
would call a bad condition, then it must suffer under these impulses a-
gain and again until it learns thru exercise of its Will to change the
polarity of its Personality and have these irritating urging Cosmic .
Rays sweep by harmlessly without any reaction or effect. If the condi­
tion were what we call good, then personality must learn to strengthen
that polarity to cause it to react more fully at all times.
And thus you see that Karma is but the result—thought the
cause. Thought planted in the Subconscious Mind is brought by that Mind
into manifestaion first,in the Personality and thru the Laws of Karma,
which are but the .laws of nature,the laws of both the Cosmic Plane and
the Material Plane,changing,snifting polarity of this personal!
trats to itself daily the experiences of Life and even attracts Death,
itself,and then,thru this same attracting,finds its place in the Cos- •
mos,attracts to itself there its Cosmic lessons,at tracts and fixes its
own rebirth and again starts the round over again. Such is Karma.
In the Bonds of Eternal Brotherhood,Sri Dayananda,

Lee. 23 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
You have had much to study and think about during the last fexv
weeks, in becoming consciously aware of the fundamental facts,and the
basic laws by which you, as a part of God Made Manifest,shape your Des­
tiny, and in fact, create it.
You have learned much of the potential power of Thought, and you
have learned much of the Subjective Mind in which your thoughts act as
the blue prints,or patterns,by which this part of mind strives to dup­
licate your patterns in your body and in your outer affairs, and thus
you have come to realize that if Thoughts of sickness,poverty,lack or
discord,occupy your waking hours,they are transferred to the Sub­
jective Mind and sooner or later they will become objectified in your
own body your affairs, and your environment.
Now, we are to discuss another step — how all this is done,and it
carries us into another phase of study,that of Metaphysics. Psychology
stops with an explanation of the Subjective Mind and its Powers, then
Metaphysics takes up the story of the Laws of the Subconscious part of
Mind,or Universal Mind,and I want you to remember that these two terms
are practically the same,just as the wave and the ocean are the same,
The Subconscious part of Mind is part of All Mind, Uni ver sal Mindi, but
is expressing thru you, still being part of the whole, as the wave is
but a manifested part of the ocean of which it is still a' part.
The Subconscious,or Higher Mind,is the Creative part of the Mind
you use;it is that part of Mind,reached thru the Subjective,by which
the Conscious Reasoning contacts tho Whole of Mind,Universal Mind, or
God,and in thus doing,draws on that Infinite source of All Knowledge;
the Records of the Past,called the Akashic Records or God’s Book of
Remembrance,and the Mind thru which the Psychic Plane is contacted.
Therefore,let me now talk to you about Universal Mind, of which
the Subconscious Mind is a part,for in learning of the whole,you will
understand the unseparated part manifesting in you.Universal Mind is
everywhere and everything;everything is but a manifestation of this
Let me illustrate: You have a piece of ice in your hand, it is
but the visible manifestation of Universal Mind,our expression of God.
You first melt the ice,that is, you apply heat and raise the rates of
vibration of that ice and it turns into water;again you raise the vi­
bration and the water becomes steam;again you raise the vibratory rate
of the steam and it becomes vapor - almost has the visible become in­
visible, simply thru increasing the rates of its vibrations. Now repeat
with the vapor,and you find in your tube two parts of the element Hy­
drogen and one part of the element Oxygen,both gases,both invisible,
and so on.The elements raised to the rates at which they separate
again into the atom and thus the atoms become the simple electrons
vihich are,as your third lesson told you, but centers of Force, the
Thought of God in action. Thus you have seen how the visible becomes
invisible, going back into its Source, and understand by this how ap­
parently solid matter may be thus created from the invisible.
Thus you are always surrounded, day and night, by an unlimited
Supply of all that you need or can desire,an .Abundance supplied by the
Father,and which Supply is the Father in part - thus He is both the
Giver and the Gift. All that is required of you is that you tap the
Source and mold or shape this Universal Mind according to your wishes.
This you are doing;but your changing thoughts,vacillating from this to
that,jumping from one field to another of Investigation and Action,so
quickly change that little is ordinarily accomplished. The Patterns
Lee. 23 - Pg. 2
in the Subjective part of Mind are torn up and destroyed before they
can be produced.On the other hand,the strong dominating thoughts al­
lowed to remain there do reproduce their kind and shape this Unlimit­
ed Source almost without further thought or knowledge,until the cir­
cumstance, the loss,the illness,the unhappy conditions,are upon you;or
the gain,the health,the happiness — as your Pattern has been.
Another thing I want you to realize is the fact that this Univer­
sal Mind is everything in potentiality.For instance,the electric light
plug in your room - there is no evidence of its being alive with Power
but in faith and confidence,thru knowledge,you may take that Power
manifest,and you may do it in many ways.For instance,you may attach a
fan and make motion manifest;you may attach a stove and make heat man­
ifest or you may attach a lamp and make light flash into brightness.
All these are different rates of vibration,only they manifest as en­
tirely different things and here is the important point,they are all
of the same Source .You have simply directed the latent Power,the urge
to manifest,into different Channels or Molds.
And this Universal Mind has the same powerful Urge or Surge,as I
told you before,to manifest thru you, thru your Subconscious Mind, as
directed by the workings of the Subjective. Remember that this Mind,
which is God in potential action,is Love;but it is not loving;it will
manifest in you and your affairs as the action loving, but it is Love,
it alone cannot love,it is Love,striving to manifest as the quality
Loving. Also,this Mind is Wisdom,all the Wisdom there is;but it is not
knowledge;it is pushing,pressing thru you to express as Knowledge, but
it in" itself is Wisdom.So this Mind,or God,the Source in which we live
and move and have our being,is Power,surging to express thru you its
Potentialities.Everything is here,not just waiting,but pushing,shoving
crowding you to let it manifest,all one Source,all one Supply,and you
are the Master,to mold and shape it according to your Patterns.
Henry Ford,in the old Dearborn Independent,said, ”If you can ima­
gine a world in which the Source of Supply will be so plentiful that
people will worry about not using it enough,instead of worrying,as we
do now,about using too much,you will have a picture of the world that
is soon to be.” And he spoke truer words then he perhaps knew,for even
now,there is surrounding us on all sides,everywhere,an unlimited Sup­
ply, more than we can ever use.As we walk,and talk,and think,and act,we
register upon it,act and react upon it,shaping our destiny,our circum­
stances, our environment,everything that we are or have.
You have been working and trying for many weeks,yes,months,and
years. Do people smile at you because you have tried and failed to ma­
terialize just the conditions you wanted?Do you smile back and try to
hide the Inner sense of paralyzing discouragement that makes your best
efforts less potent and effective? Do you long, sometimes, to take an
easier road,and yet go on,refusing to give in because of an Inner Urge
a mysterious Hope,which will not be denied? Then smile from your heart
for you have not failed,nor will you,so long as you but keep on trying.
And now,with this further insight,this newer knowledge,this deeper Un­
derstanding, face again your problems,and remember there is but one
Mind all-embracing,and there is naught outside of the one. Consciously
begin to think in this one Mind.Learn to live in its Strength,its All-
Sufficiency, its Abundance.
Try and maintain the middle of the road,as I told you in the last
lecture,facing life’s problems and recognizing your debt to society,
for you must earn the right to leisure time,which is so essential to
real personal advancement.You are urged to face and settle each pro­
blem of your life,for the lessons will come again and again,until you
Lee. 23 - Pg. 3
do,and in solving them at once,perplexities are eliminated and more
leisure is available for ethical Progress. The prosaic duties of daily-
life are,after all,the finest builders of character.
But now let us consider Dreams for a moment.This is a question of
general interest,and fits in well now that you have had several les­
sons on Mind,and while they are fresh in your memory.As sleep,or volun­
tary Subjectiveness,gradually stills the Objective Functionings and
you approach the Borderline, you reach a point where the Pattern-shop
closes for a time,the Forms and Blue Prints are laid away, and count­
less pictures,scenes and impressions come trooping thru from the Sub­
conscious,or Universal Mind,uncolored and unbiased, and you become
aware of them. They fall into many classifications which I shall brief­
ly state here.
There are some of these impressions,contacted thruout the world
thru all Mind,which are reflections of Thought-Forms,working to shape
Mind into their particular desires and forms of expression. This is
just as you might catch a glimpse of the work going on at a great
blast furnace when the doors are thrown open for a moment,or when the
molten iron strikes cold molds in a sudden glare of light. Thus your
Consciousness becomes aware of the activity,the energy,of the Great
Work of Creating,which was not finishes in seven days,but which is be­
ing done by man continuously,everywhere,as well as all other forms of
life,for the Egos in them are working, also. This is the Workshop of
the World.
Then there are the things we receive under certain other circum­
stances. Thru the raising of our Vibratory Rate we attune,or are uncon­
sciously attuned,with the book-keeping department of the World, the
Great Books of God’s Remembrance,the Akashic Records,into whose thin
Etheric Substance is recorded every thought and every passing reflec­
tion since Time was. Under such circumstances of attunement you may
turn back the pages connected with any life,any place,or event,and in
picture,or voice or simply in Conscious Cognition,find presented the
chapters you are attuned with.Of course,there are also the scenes,im­
pressions,or voices,coming to your Consciousness during a projection,
which you are now at work upon,and which you understand.
Then,too,there are the phases of Universal Mind that we call the
Astral Plane,wherein there are many vibratory manifestations,prepared
by the Cosmic Hierarchy for ’’Treaders of the Path,” Neophytes and Ad­
vanced Students everywhere,and here are sensed many lessons,many ex­
periences, ’’real” but perhaps not ’’actual” tho who can say that any
Cosmic experience is not actual?
Again,but very seldom,except in the case of the highly advanced
students,the Vibratory Rate of the person,thru purity of Personality
and flawless desire,is so elevated that it automatically opens the
barriers which the Masters draw about themselves,and the glory of that
contact flashes across to the Consciousness as an ineffable joy which
is hardly to be put into words.
Again there is the voice,the picture presented by Conscious Intel­
ligence acting under volition. That phase called excarnate communica­
tion, or subhuman,as the case may be. Thru mental rapport,under stress
of circumstances,mental contact between this Plane and the Cosmic
Plane may thus be established, just as it is with the Highest Intelli­
gences — the Masters. In either or both cases,neither personality is
present with you,it is a mental contact,just as you might call or be
called upon the long distance telephone,and listen to the voice of one
far away,or you might attach to the phone one of the new Television
Machines,in which case you would both see and hear that person, — all
but another phase of the great Universal Mind.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 24 - Pg. 1
Beloved Neophyte:
I have been spending considerable time on the subject of Thought,
Mind,and the functions and powers they both have. I have done this for
I want you to realise that Thought and Mind are the principle powers
in the world.They are more important to you than any other thing and a
full and thoro knowledge of them and the way they work is absolutely
necessary in the material,wordly advancement you are to make, as well
as absolutely necessary in psychic or spiritual advancement.
In the past ages brawn and hard work were man’s heritage.These af­
forded the lessons by which he learned and evolved,but with the dawn
of the Aquarian Age a new epoch commenced; you must grow and change,or
drop out of the race and stagnate.On,ever onward is the Inner Urge.
Egypt,Rome,Greece,the great Empires of Antiquity,perished when they
ceased to grow.The Gigantosaurus of old was well over a hundred feet
long,the Tyrannoasaurus had the strength of a Locomotive,but all the
monsters of the Prehistoric Ages are gone.They failed to meet changing
conditions,they stood still while Life passed them by.
Today is the Age of Mindj thru his reasoning powers man has con­
quered the earth,the water,and now the air.Still there is no limit to
his genius,for another field is opening before him,with possibilities
greater and vaster than any he has yet conquered - it is the field of
Mind,the Subjective and Subconscious Realms.Those few .who have conquer­
ed these immense fields have risen to heights undreamed,while others
are yet groping in darkness,taking fortune as it comes,good or bad,
powerless to do anything about it^instead of being Masters they are
yet is so common a trait of human nature to think that know­
ledge and power are always hidden far away. Few realize that the great­
est treasures,the greatest powers are close at hand,and that right in
their own Subjective and Subconscious Mind lies that for which every
man and woman yearns^Happiness,Health,Wealth,Knowledge,Power, and the
ability to Know God.
So you see the importance of the lessons you have hadj the simple
concise manner in which these vast fields of knowledge and power are
gradually opening to you is such that you are hardly aware of what is
taking place until you pause and review,meditate and think.When once
there dawns upon your Consciousness an Inner Realization of the fact
that you are a Cosmic Child of God,that you are created in your Fathers
Image, that you have His Powers and Abilities, and that you have His
own Creative Mind within you, ready to function, build and create, yes,
which is building, functioning, and creating now - when this Conscious­
ness in all its fullness actually dawns upon you, you will be eager to
rise and assert yourself, you will be anxious and eager to prove your­
self worthy,to take command of this vast power and direct it wisely and
well, not alone for yourself and your affairs, but for others all your
brothers and sisters as well.
But to realize your heritage is no small task,suppose the Prince
of Wales had been kidnapped when a child and brought up in some lowly
home until he was of age. And suppose someone should come to him and
tell him that he was a Prince,that all of the wealth and power of his
Father was at his command - do you suppose he could realize all that
the simple statement contained? Not alone would it require time for
him to believe,but time,also to realize,to open his mind to the full
scope of his powers,for the limitations of his life would have formed
habits not easily broken in a day or two. Saturn is called malefic be­
cause he is the God of Limitations,and the real evil in this world is
the limitations man builds about himself.China built a wall around her­
self and stood still for a thousand years,yet today she is the play-
Lee. 24 - Pg. 2

thing of the Power.

As you grasp the power of the Divine Mind within you and study
the laws and principles I am giving you,I want you to realize also
that it is not alone Truth,but scientifically demonstrable Truth,agreed
to by Science today. As Sir William Crookes says, ”We (Science) have
gotten so far as to admit the possibility of resolving the chemical
elements of matter into simpler forms of matter (elements into Atoms)
or even of refining them all together away into ethereal vibrations
of electrical energy.” And, as you know, ’’Electric Energy” is the
recognized basic element underlying matter and is but the Mind of God
in Action. In a word, Universal Ether is but Universal Mind,the Mother-
Father Manifestation of God,the Matrix of the phenomena of the Mater­
ial Universe.
This conception is comparatively ,new amongst even advanced scienti­
fic thinkers. The Mystic, since the days of Atlantis, conceived of this
Truth, brft so spiritualized the doctrine as to mákè. it hard of accept­
ance by the modern scientific physicist. The Mystic,however, knew that
Spirit,Mind,Diety,or whatever the term used,was uniform Being, the
source from which all Things came. So, while the modern scientists re­
jects all anthropomorphic conceptions in his understanding of Nature,
nevertheless,he means exactly what the Mystic Philosophers meant when
he uses the modern terms of Ether,Energy,Vibration,and the like.In
scientific usage these mean the same qualifications that Spirit means
in Theology, or that Universal Mind means in Occultism.
Thus,I want you to realize that advanced scientific thinking is
thoroly in line with Occultism, and Mysticism which schools have had
these Teachings for untold ages. Prof. Crookes says further,’’Before mat­
ter reaches its primary state,all of its distinguishing qualities dis­
appear except certain pulsations,which are alone detectable by means
of the electroscope. "In short,matter reduced to a final analysis,as I
have told you many times before,dissolves into merely pulsations or
rhythmic vibrations. When we have attained this final analysis we real­
ize the truth of the Mystic’s statements that Mind and Matter are one,
Spirit and Substance are one,for they easily merge,' one into the other.
The traditional notion of matter vanishes,it consists of a single
basic Substance - Mind.
I have told you that logically this Universal Mind adheres in'’all
things;therefore,it must be that these rhythmic pulsations or vibra­
tions are primitive phases of that Mind,are,in fact,but Mental Activity
the activity of God’s Mind inaaction,producing the primitive vibrations.
Thus,we have not only the intuitive and psychic knowledge of the Mys­
tic as a base for the laws and principles I have given you, but we have
further proof in the sound analysis and reasoning of the advanced
scientific thinkers of today.But when we go further and study Mind,
Scientifically or Mystically,we find,indeed,that we live in a world of
Illusion.Because Reality has been accepted as Actuality,many still
live in utter delusion and ignorance. The lesson I gave you concerning
Reality and Actuality should be reviewed,that these terms may be clear
to you,for in dealing with Mind,Man thinks it is an organ of human
property,and he reads the Universe in the Light of this property with­
out first understanding the property itself. Man thinks of his Mind as
the theatre of his thoughts;he does not seem capable of thinking of
MIND at .all,but only of his thoughts,and this creates confusion,for
thoughts are mental pictures.Thoughts of Objects we know are mental
pictures,but so are thoughts of Ideas. The Idea must take on some form
or the mind cannot grasp it.Thus we do not think of Beauty,but of the
Beautiful,and man lives in a mental picture gallery. It is because he
reviews the pictures that hang on the walls of his mental picture gal­
lery that he misinterprets and misunderstands,because he interprets
Lee. 24 - Pg. 3

them the way he feels about them, not as they actually are.
Now,all of this will require much thought,study,and
is not enough to merely read these lectures intellectually,they must be
absorbed,you must live them and become consciously aware of their full
meaning.I do not want you to think that I am teaching you some new
kind of Therapeutics or some sort of a religious fad.This religion
which I am teaching you is based upon certain principles just as gravi­
ty or any of the Exact Sciences are based upon a principle.This basic
principle I am desirous of having you actually become aware of is this:
God is a great Mind Principle,working under Mind Laws.This principle
will fit any Religion,that is,it will point out the real in any Reli­
gion. It will show where the false >s and where the true is,for when you
know this Principle you can sift the real from that which is not.
But it is necessary,in order to demonstrate this Principle for
yourself,that you keep establishing yourself,your Consciousness,in cer­
tain statements of its laws.In other words,the clearer your understand­
ing of this Truth,the more substantial your mind becomes,for the One
Mind,when it is in action in your Consciousness,will thru the Univer- .
sal Law of sympathy of thought,lay hold of and manifest the Substance.
Thus,the more you become consciously aware of Him,the more successful
you will be in handling your body and your affairs. Thus, you learn to
take hold of this Universal Substance and use it whenever you need it
and thus the healthier you will be,the more prosperous you be come,and
the happier you are.Nothing comes by chance.nothing just happens ; there
are no miracle s ; all, eve ry thing, come s to you from cause and effect.You
can not say God did this or that,God does not do things this way.God
gave man the law and man puts it into operation. Those who keep the
law are therefore rewarded with its protection and security. God,there­
fore,is not here,compelling us to follow His Law,for it is left to us
to follow it or not,as we shall elect.You see now that you inherit the
power of Divine Mind,you are using it to carry out the Law that God has
established .If you carry out that Law rightsously ,you cannot help but
get righteous results;if you break the Law,then that is your choice,
and you must abide with the re suits.God cannot help that,God made the
Law and there are certain rules of that Law you must follow,Blackstone
says that Law is a rule of action.Exactly so - God’s Law is a rule of
action,and the greatest and first rule you are to learn is that God is
Good,and all His Creation is Good. If you will firmly fix that fact in
your mind,you will demonstrate good,and nothing but good will come in­
to your life.If you think of evil,or that evil is real you will certain
-ly have evil conditions.This you cannot avoid by your Affirmations a-
lone,that is by Affirmations of the lips,you must not only repeat them,
but you must think them,and try to live their meaning.making them a
part of yourself.If you can say and gradually believe "I am a Child of
Absolute Good,God is Good,and I am Good,and everything that comes into
my life is Good,and I am going to have only the Good," you will change
the patterns of thought immediately,the Inner currents will change and
will begin to develop the brain cells to an awareness of only Good,of
knowing only Good,and if you persist.everything good will be attracted
to you an’d your life will be a perpetual joy.And as Good manifests in
you,soon everybody will be seeing only Good in you.Use the above Affir­
mation daily,live it,and think it;act upon that assumption,and help
your Faith and Confidence with this,"The All-Providing Mind is my re­
source and I am secure in my Health and my Prosperity.
This will be all at this time on the new thoughts and work,for I
want you to continue to practice your exercises y ou.have had.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,
Sri Dayananda,S.C.
Lee. 25 - Pg. 1

Beloved Neophyte;
You appreciate that the communications I have been giving you
have been very heavy and require much thought and analysis. Tonight
therefore3 I am going to talk with you a little3 and thus during the
coming week you will have additional time for review.
Perhaps you have felt at times a sense of disappointment,as most
Neophytes do,that your psychic faculties have not opened widely,enab-
ling you to function on the Astral as you do physically. In answer to
any such feeling I want you to remember that your particular work in
this incarnation and for some yet to come,is to evolve the Soul and the
Personality thru material lessons and experiences.That mankind’s atten­
tion may not be diverted from these lessons3oblivion steals over the
descending Soul on its way to rebirth,that no recollection of its Cos­
mic experiences,nor the memory of its many past lives should make it
turn its attention in any degree from the lessons of this life. Thus
they will be more deeply etched, more thoroughly heeded.
You are to realize that it is only because of your progress, be­
cause of your particular need at this time}that you have been permitted
to sense a little of that other plane3 to have just once in awhile an
experience granted, that your Faith and Confidence may be upheld,that
with Courage sustained, you may turn again to the problems of Life3the
development of full Mastership,without which control,attained and
maintained,further psychic progress must be held back to keep pace with
your complete evolution. And as you learn to walk the ’’Middle Way,”
neither subject to depression as Fortune frowns, nor elation as she
smiles3 as you prove yourself unselfish and capable; more and more pow­
er is developed by you. You can appreciate the extreme precaution re­
quired when you think of reaching a point where the spoken word mani­
fests, where even each thought and passing reflection bears fruit ac­
cording to its kind,not slowly,as on the material plane,as they do even
in your life and cause so much inharmony, but with the speed of light.
Then too, this road to full comprehension is long, for there is
much to learn. The Neophyte must recognize his debt to society,for he
has been born into this life with many obligations and he must fulfill
them. He must never neglect a single one of them,even to serve God.He
must learn to master each lesson,each problem as it occurs,thus elimi­
nating perplexities and conserving time,for he must always earn the
right to leisure time, the time taken from earthly problems and devot­
ed to spiritual mastering,must be in some way earned or deserved, as
scholars who stand high,avoid homework,and may skip a class occasional­
Occult Development. is exceedingly slow. The results of time and
energy are often/per'Fëpîible and this may bring discouragement. All
Neophytes face discouragement in many forms, it is the greatest test
you will ever face on the Mystic Way, and the most insidious. It
was a rule of the Mystery Schools, a rule as old as Atlantis, that he
who could be discouraged was not worthy of encouragement. This old
rule is fortunately set aside a little today,help and encouragement
are given the Neophyte that his Faith,his Hopes,and his Courage may be
sustained,but still discouragement is the Great Temptation.In this
Western World we are so prone to lack of serious thought,of proper re­
alization, and of patience.In the Old Temple Schools,the Neophytes were
keen and earnest,a kindly word was sustaining food for arduous re­
search extending many months;one vision,one psychic experience,no mat­
ter how simple,was a marvelous thing to be remembered many years.Today
with so many Neophytes,a vision of Life Supernal breaks upon them -
for a breathless instant the Cosmic speaks in voice, or vision, a
Lee . 25 Pg « 2

glimpse of past lives}a moment of Cosmic Awareness, a moment of Soul­

shaking Awakening,and all too soon it is belittled,and new Heights are
sought before the full comprehension of all that was involved and re­
vealed in that experience has been absorbed and consciously realized.
And all this pertains largely to the Neophyte’s efforts to im­
prove life,his happiness,and understanding; to attain power and know­
ledge, and the using of them to shape Destiny to his aspirations and
But,on reaching the fork of the road,the point where the broad,
smooth way runs on the narrow path leading to conscious Immortality
turns off,yet other things are needed,yet higher Faith, yet stronger
Courage and Persistency, must be maintained. And above and beyond all
PATIENCE - for the Masters may spend years,if necessary,in testing the
hearts of those passing beyond the Neophyte stage.But as the Neophyte
now a Neophyte no longer,obeys the laws imposed upon him by the Mys­
teries and as he is faithful in attendance to his new duties which he
is assuming,he gradually unfolds,in perfect sequence,the various parts
of himself as a flower unfolds from within,out.His faculties become so
sensitized that he is able to see at each step of his growth that
which it is essential for him to see,and to sense that which it is es­
sential for him to sense. Many times the Neophyte who receives but
little thru psychic sight or hearing finds instead,the highest develop­
ment of all,Occult Cognition,dawning,thru which he receives the high­
est Occult Truths and Spiritual Verities without the aid of these
lesser psychic is indeed,the only psychic faculty the-
coming of which does not need to be watched with greatest care. While
on the other hand,the development,prematurely,of clairvoyance and psy­
chism are apt to be a serious impediment to the true growth of the
Neophyte,for he is apt to wander astray in the byways of the Astral
Plane and end in the blind alley of Transcendentalism.


The Neophyte to whom this instruction is now sent is hereby given

Formal Provisional Recognition as an Adhyapya,and is thereby privi­
leged to go to the preliminary tests and studies leading up to the
formal candidacy for the Lesser Initiation.
As such,it is his proper privelege and duty to use, in the pre­
scribed manner and no other, the Adhyapya Seal, as follows: Y? '-J /-J \
this is composed of the two Sanskrit words Sri and Usahas,meaning'the
Blessed Dawn,and has reference to the glorie" of the Era of Universali­
ty upon which the world at large is beginning to enter,and particular­
ly to the Ineffable Illumination the first rays of which touch the
brows of the Neophyte when he receives Recognition.The corresponding
Roman or English characters are Sryusahas,and the pronunciation of the
word is, ”Shree-oo-sus," nearly.
The Adhyapya Seal should be used in all correspondence that
the Adhyapya may have occasion to have with any other person whom he
knows with certainty to be at least a recognized Adhyapya in the Bro­
therhood. It should be placed at the top of the first page of each let­
ter, in the center.This Seal is not to be made known to any person
whatever,who has not already been duly authorized to make use of it.
The privlledges of being a recognized Adhyapya include the right of
being advanced by any Master of the Brotherhood possessing the requi­
site authority,in any way,along any line that he desires,provided that
further conditions regularly prescribed under such circumstances as
those existing in the particular case will have been fulfilled or of­
ficially waived.The full privileges of Adhyapyaship will not remain
Lee . 25 - Pg » 3

in force unless the Adhyapya conforms to the practice of writing or

tetherwise communicating with the Master by whom the Degree was adminis­
tered, or in special cases,to the Arch Director,at least once each six­
ty days .'A further privilege of the Recognition of Adhyapyaship is, the
one who has thus been recognized is enabled to definitely enter upon
the Sublime Ascent,the Goal of which is the very highest Destiny by any
means possible to him,both in this Terrestrial Life and in his Super­
Terrestrial Existence.Such a one,by the pursuing,in the right spirit
and with proper reverence,attentiveness and industry,of the courses of
study and training prescribed for the purpose by the Master,is enabled
to move steadily onward toward Absolute and Universal Enlightenment,
toward Universal and Ideal Perfection and toward the utmost Universali­
ty of Fellowship,of Power,of Prosperity,of Usefulness,of Life,of Love,
and of Joy.
And now,having been granted acceptance as an Adhyapya, the next
step is working towards the attainment of Carakaship. The Adhyapya who
does not aspire toward becoming,and possessing,and doing,all that he
can and should become,and possess,and do,on every plane,both interior
and exterior,and who is not willing to patiently study that which
those who know nave provided as the surest,most speedy,and most effica­
cious means,and indeed the only and indispensable means of enabling
him to attain to that end,should not aspire to Carakaship.
But the choice is now to be made The Adhyapya who is willing to
do whatever may,in his own judgment,prove to be necessary in order to
attain to all that can make his interior and exterior life satisfactory
and delightful to himself,as well as valuable to the world,must an-'
nouned his Provisional Candidacy for Carakaship and that which lies be­
yond Carakaship, in the following words, ” I ASPIRE TO INTEGRALITY.”
This announcement is to be made as follows.You are to prepare your own
Sanctum as for the 10th Lesson Experiment,that is with the mirror on a
low table or shelf and with the candle ready to light. After reading
and meditating upon this lecture,you are to light the candle, turning
out all other lights in the room.As you light the candle,you are to re­
peat the following softly, ’’Thus may the light of love shine forth
from the Inner Sanctuary.” Then,seating yourself in the chair, facing
your image in the mirror,looking yourself in the eyes you repeat the
following.,”! retire within the chamber of my thoughts,closing the door
of the senses,and enter into the thought that is within thought.Here,
in my own Inner Sanctuary,asking is receiving.Here,seeking is finding.
Here,when the door is sought at which to knock,it is found to be open­
ed.Here, time and space merge into realization of the Eternal and the
Invisible,and the Eternal and the Invisible are one.Here,all Truth -
awaits the entering into it,and all Power attends the bidding. Here,all
Being is One.” And then,still facing your image in the mirror and
looking yourself in the eyes,make the following announcement, ”1 as­
pire to Integrality,” Pause for a few moments and then say the follow­
ing prayer,used in many schools,in many ages,and very appropriate now:
"Oh wonderful,beautiful Kingdom of Light,shed upon this humble Soul a
beam of Cosmic Consciousness,reach down and touch the Soul that awaits
and stir its Mind with thoughts Divine,cast out all evil and all sin,
and take into the World of Love my Heart and Psychic Self,merged into
one,my Self shall be out Self of God.” Then relax,close your eyes and
remain quiet for a few minutes.
This ends your Initiation as an Adhyapya,and signifies your great
Aspiration for Carakaship,and I close this lesson now,congratulating
you on your attainment.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 26 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Thus I shall now address you,for whether you aspire to Carakaship
or whether that High Resolve has not yet manifested in your heart and
soul,you have passed the first gate, the Path still lies straight and
level before you, and it is time for reviewing and meditating ever the
various principles and laws that have been given you.
The first twenty-five communications contain much,there is no
fill-in material. It has been necessary thus to outstrip your Inner De­
velopment to a certain extent, that you might have most of the funda­
mentals laid before you,that a certain degree of understanding of
right principles would begin to daw upon you.You have already learned
that this Brotherhood does not teach some particular hobby,some pecu­
liar idea of its own,but that Truth,the vital principles of the Wisdom
of the Ages,no matter where found,nor in what garb,is presented to you
that you may grow and evolve, well balanced,symetrical, complete.
The Invitation extended to you in the very beginning,reads, ’’The
Brotherhood, in extending this Invitation to you,cannot by its very na­
ture resort to the modern methods of High Power Salesmanship. ’’Not only
was this apparent then,but thru these twenty-five lessons you have al­
so found it true.Regardless of the fact that many books and courses
now on the market cater entirely to what people WANT and WILL BUY,re­
gardless of whether it is entirely true or not,or even partly true,
and regardless of high powered selling methods,startling adverbs and
adjectives,and dramatic statements,this Brotherhood has never descend­
ed to such methods. It does not lay claim to reveal any startling se­
crets or mysterious incantations,by which in a few short weeks or mon­
ths you may revolutionize your entire Life.Its wonderful success lies
in the fact that it is a free,open channel thru which God can express
with as little distortion of Personality as possible,and it is the con­
stant aim and endeavor of the Brotherhood to make that contact ever
clearer,and to reflect yet more clearly Divine Love,Infinite Wisdom,and
Supreme Intelligence.
Each in turn of its cloistered Members gave themselves to God,but
the most wonderful thing of all has been the full measure in which He
has given Himself to the Brotherhood Work.
At this time,also,I want to repeat again the necessity ' for Conti­
nuity. As I have perhaps told you before,but which is even more perti­
nent right now,lack of continuity is the curse of the modern
shows in every line of endeavor,every craft,and business,and it shows
in the lives of men.As the child starts many things and finishes none,
so the child-mind in men vacillates from one activity to another.Fail­
ure in the material world,as in things spiritual,is nearly always the
In matters pertaining to things Occult and Mystic al the same is
ever true. So frantic is the wild search for the short cut that money
in vast sums is spent for books and America is recognized as the dump­
ing ground for hundreds of thousands of books from Europe which are of
practical worthlessness there,but which find a ready sale here. And
then there is the ever increasing flood of books and papers produced
in this market.Bewildered and confused,the eager Seeker presses from
one to another,and always it is the old story,another disappointment,
and the search is renewed.Yet it is all so simple,the Mystic Way is so
easy,that men and women will hardly believe it is the True Way.So ac­
customed have people become to the fanfare of trumpets,gaudy posters,
ostentation,and elocution,that the command"Be still, and Know that I
am - God,’’falls upon the hearts of but the few.The Elder Brother said
Lee. 26 - Pg. 2
"Eyes have they and they see not, ears have they but they hear not.'*
And so,you who are different ,you who are an evolved soul,ready
for the real Truth,ready for Spiritual Freedom, must constantly watch,
that you do not become diverted,discouraged, tempted to try the byways,
no matter how fascinating they may appear. For Attractive as is ever
the entrance to these side roads,yet in the end they lead to the
Sloughs of Despond,or prove to be but Blind Alleys, leading nowhere.
You must therefore,be faithful to your practice work.The visualiz­
ing of your Inner Chamber,and of retreating to it when-the storms of
Life seem to sweep over you with renewed force. Remember,the bodily
desires will always make a last frantic effort to regain their freedom
the restrained emotions will at times struggle the harder to break
loose - your whole physical body,and your whole mental world will cry
aloud for the old violent swing from one extreme to the other, the .
same eternal play of the opposites which to them had been life.
Tho you read a thousand books,tho you study from now till you lay
aside your work for this incarnation,yet never will you progress ma­
terially ,never will you gain spiritual advancement,never will you open
the beauties of that other world until you put into faithful practice
the lessons you have had. And mere lip service will not do,you must
absorb these Truths,you must become enthusiastic and fairly live in
their wonders. Zeal and enthusiasm are very necessary adjuncts, you
must not "try and see if it works” - you must fill yourself with de­
termination and say, "I will MAKE it work, I can and I will.”
I have given you some of the rough material with which to work,
now I shall go over and over it with you,smoothing it down,getting ri‘d
of the rough edges and showing you how to fit it into place.Here comes
in the individual work.You are privileged to write and ask,to bring up
the points you do not understand,that are not clear,and you will find
always a loving response,an earnest endeavor to help. It is this Di­
vine Love radiated from the hearts of each Master, in every lesson
and every letter that kindles the heart and soul of each one who re­
ceives,for Love is the great unifying element in men,and among m’en.
When your heart and Consciousness are saturated with this Divine Love
it overflows into your whole body,and into all of your affairs and
brings harmony into any discordant condition,both within and without.
There is a branch of the Law called the Court of Equity,and if
you have no recourse in the lower court,you may take your case into
Equity. It is truly a court of equity and justice,and it is a rule of
that court that he who comes seeking equity and justice,must be pre­
pared to do equity and justice. The one who seeks remedy in that
court must come with ’clean hands.” Did you ever think of the Higher
Laws of the Universe in just that way? Did you ever think that when
you prepare to invoke God’s Laws and to use them,that you too,before
you can expect loving justice,heed to your appeal,must be ready and
willing to do loving equity also? You cannot direct the first princi­
ples of this law against anyone unless you are willing that the same
Law work for or against you likewise. To pray that someone will for­
give you will be absolutely unavailing, UNLESS FIRST you have forgiven
him. You cannot pray that someone shall deal fairly with you,unless
you first have dealt fairly with him and others. If your prayer be to
remove a bad habit or trait from another's Live,be willing,also that a
similar cleansing take place within you. When you put your case into
this court of equity you must be willing and ready to be sorted out,
cleansed and purified yourself,along with the problems you have put
in to be settled.Only when you are willing to abide by the prayers and
affirmations that you make,do you become a part of the Divine Working
out of your Prayers. Your passage thru the Divine Court of Equity can
Lee. 26 - Pg. 3
bring you only good,the difficulty is in having courage enough to put
your ALL.into the hands of Divine Law with your problems,yet if you
would benefit by this Law you must expect to abide by it. Study this
over,meditate on it,and if you are willing,make this Affirmation,con­
tinuing to use it frequently: "I fearlessly place myself and ALL my
affairs in the hands of God.” ’’Father, Thy Will be done.”
The lack of manifestation in the worldly affairs of men has been
due,in part,to the fact that they have lacked a Consciousness of their
Oneness with God. Thus,now,you are to practice and learn to VIBRATE
WITH GOD.To raise the vibratory rate in which you have been living to
the High Vibratory Rate of the Cosmic,and to become Conscious that you
are ONE WITH YOUR SUPPLY.Remember the previous lessons where you learn­
ed that as you increase the rate of vibrations,things visible become
invisible.You can increase the pitch of a musical note until finally
it cannot be heard.The most powerful forces in the Universe are SILENT
because of their High Vibrations.When you become absolutely STILL,men­
tally, your Mind is taken off of Form,and thinking of the "Allness” of
God,the "Allness’’ of Spirit,you become ONE WITH GOD and meet this un­
seen Power face to face.Therefore,I am emphasizing your periods of
meditation in your Sanctum.This retreat should become very Sacred and
Holy in your work,for in the moments of High Inspiration which come to
you in it,you contact the One Actuality,as your Consciousness func­
tions in the Subconscious World,or Universal Mind.During these moments
you put away the things of sense and form and live in the Realm of
Ideas.And as your Aspirations become more intense,you live more and
more in ’’Consciousness” and less and less in "Things.” Remember that,
you are a part of God,an extension of Divine Consciousness,a Ray of
Light from the inexhaustible Source of all Light,you possess the po­
tentialities of a God.
In your present stage, of development,of mental awareness,you
are in a middle position between the Infinite and Finite,as yet with
little real knowledge of either.You have functioned largely in the
world,heretofore,awakening sensation thru outside things,changing al­
ways from one to another.Now,you find and realize that among first es­
sentials on the "Mystic Way” is the conquering of the Emotions.Having
made, the Call for Light,you have been weighed and found net wanting.
For a.moment or two the oscillations of Life are- stilled and in the
agony of aloneness you are called upon to witness the transmutation
of your emotions.During such a time you yearn for the world of illu­
sion, perhaps blame yourself for having turned your thoughts from it,
but you cannot return. The old channels of human sympathy and hope
have been closed with the stilling of the emotions and,as yet,the In­
visible offers no help. Consolation may be had in the fact that this
is the fate of every soul which longs for Light and Spiritual Attain­
ment,and hope also in the knowledge that the time will come when he
will possess KNOWLEDGE IN THE ABSOLUTE. So the soul must endure the
bruises and press on until it reaches the symbolical River of Jordan,
whose healing waters make all whole.
Thru the. Attunement with God,repeatedly spoken herein,you burn
the dross of personal conceptions out and learn to think in the Ulti­
mate Wisdom,and along with the burning out of finite understanding and
conceptions comes the detached,impersonal viewpoint towards the les­
sons of Life,making you absolutely indifferent and unresponsive to
Life’s reactions,leaving you concerned with but the one thing, - the
doing of one day’s work in the best possible manner.
In the Bonds of the Eternal, Brotherhood.
Lee. 27 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to continue with the plan of keeping my
communication along conversation lines}discussing with you different
points in an informal manner. Thus, we shall review and bring out vari­
ous ideas along the lines already given you.,and at the same time will
allow you much additional time to review past lectures and to go over
and perform the various interesting experiments previously given you.
You will find a much keener interest in them thru increased understand­
ing .
Turning for the time being to the matter of Fate and Rein­
carnation,! want especially to call your attention to remarks by one of
the foremost Astrologers,a man well balanced in all his thinking,yet
not primarily a Mystic nor is in the nature of corrobora­
tive testimony from outside my special fields.Note well and think care­
fully :
”It is held by many that the main value of Astrologie Law is the
knowledge it affords whereby the chief events of any life may be known
beforehand’.’! am not wholly in agreement with this contention.This, of
course, opens up the whole question of Fate versus Free Will,and it at
once determines the difference between the exoteric Astrologer and the
esoteric Astrologer.The former is a confirmed Fatalist who believes
himself forever under the bane of Destiny,his whole life mapped out be­
fore him, a life over which he has no control.A cruel or kind Fate, as
the case may be,has forced him into existence and imposed upon him his
present environment and until he is released there from by the same cap­
ricious power,he must abide by its decree. He cannot alter the terms
of his bond by one iota.
The esoteric Astrologer has no such creed.His faith is based
upon the belief that ”as a man sows,so must he reap” and his motto is
ever ’’Man,Know Thyself. ”He knows that man may become master of his
Destiny; that the Stars condition, they do not compel.”
Now listen as he goes on.-’’There is,in my view,no permanent
value in the study of Astrology without also a belief in the idea of
the Soul’s re-birth. Those who reject this idea as illusory or value­
less will therefore, be wasting time in trying to follow Astrological
’’Every Soul that comes into the physical world brings with it
the Web of Destiny WHICH IT SPUN in previous lives.Thus during this
present life, we are spinning the Web of the next life from the fabric
matter into which are woven those various colors and patterns which
correspond to,and hence are the natural outcome of our thoughts and de­
sires .Vie, are weak or strong, that is,we are either swayed by Outer Cir­
cumstances and molded by environment or we compel our surroundings and
environment to be molded by ourselves from within.The middle course is
to be neither wholly the one nor wholly the other,but to oscillate be­
tween the two,sometimes drifting and floating with the general Tide of
Humanity, in the main careless and indifferently lazy,yet sometimes pull­
ing ourselves together and,for the time being,dominating and molding
our conditions and circumstance.In the former class Desire is paramount;
in the latter class it is gradually brought under control and transmut­
ed into Will.
”A11 Souls are not the same age,all did not start upon their
long pilgrimage from the Divine Center at the same time .Yet,all are in
Essence one and identical in Spirit,tho each is colored differently ac­
cording to the special planetary Ray it was born under,as well as its
position in the Chain of Evolution.Each man’s life the outcome of his
former living is.The horoscope of any man is the outcome of his thoughts,
desire,and motives in previous lives.These have materialized into a
web, or a garment as it were, in which the Soul is clothed, and this
Lee. 27 P g. 2
constitutes his Karma Fate or Destiny.
«Thus you see the restless Tide of Human Evolution creeps ever
forward,carrying on to the appointed Goal,either willingly or-unwilling­
ly, every human Soul,each bound upon the Wheel of Fate,until sooner or
later,having cast away its shackles,it ascends the grand spiral stair­
way which ends at the feet of the great Architect of the Universe.Thus,
there is a ruling Destiny over all,and Providence has established the
perfect Law of Compensation,whereby each individual reaps what he has
sown and each individual sows whatever he desires in the future to re­
ap. Each man weaves his own web of destiny,thread by thread,either cons­
ciously or unconsciously,according to his development and to his iden­
tification of himself with either the Mil of God,or the formative Will
of personal ambition or desire.Thus the Will or each human Soul,polari­
zed either externally or internally,decides his every choice and his
real inner determination,either to work with the Good Law,or against it.
Thus each man is a free agent to make his future Destiny;-But over the
past weaving he has less control.The secret of Fate and Free will lies
within the motive,which prompts all thought,all feelings,and all action,
each Soul having the freedom of choice so far as motive is concerned,
but when once the incitation to a thought or action has been determined
the result is certain action,be it good or ill,pleasurable or painful.
This involves a conception of the Soul’s successive re-embodiments;that
is,reincarnations,for the purpose of working out its Destiny;and that
Destiny is guided,either by the intuition of the Personality attuning
with and obeying the Good Law,or by the Objective Mind alone seeking
the gratification of personal desires,limited to himself only,desires
which must eventually lead to pain and sorrow,or what we generally term is veritably true that there is not an accident in our li­
ves nor a mis-shapen day,nor a misfortune that cannot be traced back
to our own doings,either in this or in another life.All of our troubles
are caused by breaking the Laws of Harmony,and all our joys result from
obedience to these Laws of Life.”
And in what I have given you lies an explanation of the part
heredity,Environment,and Character play in human Destiny,for these are
the three great Factors,a right understanding of which makes clear the
most of our problems and points the way to escape from their bondage.
Character,or to use the term I use,Personality,is the inherent quality
of the Soul built up thru the ages,which it brings with it and thru
which Personality,it is either susceptible to its environment or rises
above and dominates,alters,or changes it.Heredity supplies the vehicle,
pure or impure,according to past causes in previous is the fi­
rst letter that binds the feet of all born into physical existence.We
cannot choose our parents,and we find,as soon as we become conscious
of the fact,that we have either good or bad parents,rich or poor,health-
y or diseased,and that we are,moreover,heir to various conditions which
accord or discord with our Character or Personality,as the case may be.
This Heredity constitutes part of the result of the Web of Destiny the
Soul has built up.There,there is environment,which gives conditions in
which expression may be made of the latent qualities inherent in the.
Soul. It harmonizes with the actual needs arid requirements of the Soul
in order that the latter may obtain its freedom f’om the Fate of previ­
ous live by paying off the debts it has incurred,by learning and deve­
loping those traits of Personality thru the lack of which the continued
Evolution of the Soul,at the point then reached,would be delayed.
And so,we find the Soul coming into' rebirth,bringing with it
a Personality,the fabric of which it has built up thru past incarnati­
ons, and awaiting that Soul is the physical body supplied by Heredity,
and with certain environment dso prepared.
Lee. 27 Pg. 3
Besides the various effects caused by the personality itsaLf. and
by environment and heredity, there is always, playing upon the Soui the
Symphony of Vibration from the Lords of Karma in their ever-changing
combinations as each follows its orbit.Each of these.Lords presides
over some part of Composite Man.His physical body is ruled by Saturn;
its Psychic counterpart ,by the Moon;the Life Essence flowing thru him,
by the Sun;the Objective part of Mind,by Mars;the Subjective part by
Mercury ; while the Subconscious realm is ruled by Jupiter;and the Soul,
itself,which is in essence Immortal,by Venus.
The real point to remember,is this,that the Undeveloped' Personality
is always liable to act in response to outside inf luences,is mol3e"d
and shaped in mind and feeling according to circumstances and surround­
ings.A De veloping Ego,whose Mind is less fettered,re strained by exter­
nal conditions,will not always act precisely the same during repeated
experiences; there will be some exercise of the Freedom of
will tend to break up former habits "and alter its attitude toward re­
curring events.On the other hand,the Developed Personality,which has
learned by experience control of the emotions and thoughts,will always
maintain an attitude of Calmness and Serenity when passing thru events
which it knows are merely the results of thoughts and desires set into
motion while he was yet in the undeveloped stages,but will also seek
to turn these events to a useful purpose in furthering his spiritual
unfolding and advancement.This man who is taking his personality in
hand,making strong efforts to overcome anger and jealousy,or greed and
covetousness,will not act so impulsively as those who do not know that
they are jealous or greedy,and hence in the case of this Developed Man,
unfortunate conditions resulting from two or more of the Lords of Kar­
ma combining to present a severe lesson will not prove so unfortunate
as it would if he lacked control and was swayed by emotion and impulse.
Thus,it is that I emphasize again and again the necessity for retreat
to your Sanctum,and emphasize the necessity for these periods of Attun-
ement, of quiet Contemplation,for here you can cohtact the Source of
all Knowledge and all Wisdom,here you find the Strength,the Help,the
Inspiration you need,for all that exists within the Universe came from
the First Great Source,in which we live and have our being;He is our
Fate or Destiny,our only Hope and Guide,for in essence we are but Di­
vine Fragments of himself.
Thus,in facing the conditions now accruing,the results of our own
thoughts and actions in the past,you see the necessity for exercising
Control.Judgment,and Understanding.Having developed the necessity for
these lessons,we must now accept them and strive to extract from them
all that there is to be learned,that we may become Consciously Aware
of the Truths they teach us and avoid the necessity for their repeti­
But now listen again to our Astrologer, the most startlingly drama­
tic statement of all,in accord with Mystic and Occult Teachings:
"Never should the student look upon events,as Fixed and Irrevoca­
ble at a definite time.Praye r,in some instances ,has the Power to Modi -
fy inharmonious events and to Ac centuate the favorable influence s‘whl-
le,in other cases a Strong,De termined Will can alter the course of ev­
ents indicated as probable."
I want to emphasize the necessity of reading and re-reading this
lesson,thoughtfully and carefully considering each point,and you will
find you have cleared up many points on Re incarnation,Destiny,and Fate,
and have again found that you,yourself,are the responsible factor.
Continue with various of the experiments and spend much time in
quiet waiting and thinking in your Sanctum,that the work being done for
you on the Inner Planes can be absorbed by your inner Self.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 28 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
In the lessons you have had there is one important thing that you
must remember, that is, that, in addition to the mere knowledge given
you, we have also been building FAITH. Thru understanding, thru exper­
ience, thru the various manifestations that have come to you from time
to time, there has been built up also a sense of conviction founded up­
on logic and reason as well as knowledge of the Law.
The part that FAITH, Perfect Confidence, or Expectation plays in
all things, as well as in things Occult and Mystical, is that it rel
leases the Inner Energy which has become condensed into mental images
of Sickness, Poverty, or Lack of any kind, and then your own WILL
guides the re-expre ssi on of this Energy, or Universal Mind, into New
Images more nearly like the perfection of God. It was the Essence of
the Early Christian Religion to save from sickness and poverty, as well
as from sin. We have called the Master's acts miraculous and only now
is modern Science and Religion beginning to suspect that He was demon­
strating the operation of a Principle which was, and is, Eternal. He
stated the fact plainly that we should do the same things which He did.
God placed Infinite Life here upon the earth, He made it avail­
able to all. He has given us "Free Will," as you read in your sixth
lesson,perfect freedom to take His gifts or to ignore them, as we like.
He does not punish us for failing to draw His Divine Source of Life,
any more than the Sun punishes us if we choose to live in a dark cel­
lar. We may and will suffer for lack of the Sun, but we need only come
up out of our cellar to enjoy all of its beneficent power. It does not
withhold a single ray from us because we slighted it, but instead it
radiates just as much warmth and light over us as it does over the most
faithful to it.
Just so it is with God’s Laws and Principles. We are not punished
with lack or disease when we neglect our attunement with Him, but we
do punish ourselves and the quickest and surest way out of our many
difficulties, and to obtain Peace Profound, is thru re-attunement, re­
vitalizing ourselves thru the ever present Divine Mind. The Mystics of
Old, in telling of the work in their laboratories in searching for the
Universal Solvent and in transmuting base metals into gold,were speak­
ing of the work in their Sanctums; there they found the Great Solvent
of the Universe to be Divine Love, and the Great Transmutation to be
the raising of the Consciousness to a Conception or an Awareness, a
Conscious Realization of their own Divinity. The Bible says, "Ye are
Gods"-really know this,not as a Truth told, but as a fact you have real­
ized, you are, from that moment, free from the Wheel of Life, it is a
task for the ages, but even now the first glimmerings of the Light Su­
pernal is touching your brow, the first slight Conception of that Truth
and of your own High Estate is Beginning to make itself felt, and after
that first faint beginning the hard climb on the long road back to God
will be a joy.
In the past 25 or 26 lessons, I have presented these Truths to you
in different forms and from different angles. You realize now that no
matter what viewpoint you assume, these are fundamental and basic facts.
Whether you speak in the words of Psychology, using the terms of that
Science, speaking of Thought-forms and Auto-suggestion; whether you
use the language of the devout Churchman, speaking of the redeeming
Love of the Savior, and of His Prayers to the Father; or whether you
use the terms of Metaphysics and speak of the Source of Supply, the U-
niversal Mind, manifesting according to your own Will - no matter which
form you use the Truth is the same that the Intelligent, Creative Life
of God is seeking to express thru you His Perfect Idea, not alone in
your body but in your surroundings and your work.
Lee. 28 - Pg. 2
To you,the Avators of the Nev/ Race,on whom is beginning to Dawn
something of the coming Perfection of the Race as it is to be, to you
who follow the precepts I have given, the crippled body, the defective
organ,the financial lack,the inharmonious surroundings,are no more per­
manent,nor cause for worry than the broken or imperfect casting is to
a founder.Remmelt it,is all he would say5remelt it,is all you need to
do.Even as that iron is perfect iron,only the casting wrong,so is that
life in and around you perfect,only the manifestation you have made is
wrong or inharmonious.So as you retire,and before going to sleep,throw
into the melt everything you have,everything you are,your body,your pos­
sessions,y our circumstances,and your surroundings,freely releasing the
Divine Life from the broken and inharmonious molds into which you have
in ignorance and sin,condensed and crystalized it.Visualize the imper­
fect forms in which you have shaped this Energy as melting away like
ice before a summer sun,then see it flowing into the more perfect mold,
condensing again into as close a duplicate of God’s perfect Image as
you are capable of knowing at this time.Know that you have this perfect
Image,keep knowing you have it,until you make it manifest.Start at once
to act the part.The finest theoretical knowledge in the world will do
you no good unless you have the Faith and Courage to put it into action
This, in the words of the Mystic is called. Divine As sumpt ion. Having men­
tally thrpwn the old into the melt and visualised it flowing into the
new mold,then assume that it is,so-assume it and begin to act accord­
ingly ,holding fast to the Law with perfect Faith,and it shall be so.
Of course,you are human and there will be times when your perfect
Image will waver and fadejperhaps unexpected sickness,financial loss,a
deal gone wrong,a heart’s desire broken,will mirror a different pic­
ture to your Inner Mind,throw away that imperfect picture,refuse to ac­
cept it,keep right on making others until you again have one strong
and clear which approaches the perfect Image which is in Divine Univer­
sal Mind.So,I repeat,that you may the better widerstand.If you would be­
come wealthy,what is the first thing to do?You must be rich in your
thots and your Actions,even tho you must start with the modest of plans.
You must take your life out of Images of lack and limitation and reso­
lutely put'" it into the pattern molds of opulence and plenty,and act it.
You and all your affairs are the sum total of your Thoughts reflect
ed into material is God condensed into your patterns.But
God has a Perfect Pattern for each of these expression.Each night you
should approach Him in the quiet of your Holy Sanctum and compare your
manifestations with His Perfect Pattern,then throw into the furnace all
the worn and broken imperfect molds,and rebuild, your Images,your wrong
Thought-forms,for the new day,into forms nearer to the perfection of
God.It requires Will and Determination,it is too great an effort, for
most of Humanity until driven to it by sheer necessity.They would rath­
er leave well enough alone,and patch the worn and broken form and be
on their way.They forget the original Pattern and work only on the cast­
ing they made.Is it any wonder the forms soon break down», that sickness
racks the body and money lack sets its boundaries of limitation and
But mere momentary belief or determination will not suffice,it is
riot enough.You must HOLD to that belief in spite of all approaches or
contrary evidence of any kind.You must hold to that idea as the blind
man kept calling until the Master heard and replied.First release the
imperfect Thot-form,break it up,release your Life-Energy from it,by
disowning it absolutely.Then go the Father for His Perfect Picture
of you and your affairs and as it comes to you in the Silence KNOW that
you have the Perfect Pattern and hold to that knowledge until your Sub­
jective Mind grips the Universal Substance and condenses it into the
hew expression near your Heart’s desire and nearer God’s perfect Plan.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee 29 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
So far in your journey you have had few,if any,set rules for
your progress along the "The Mystic Way," you have been learning to con
-quer the mind and emotions as well as the body and its desires.You
have learned to lay aside personal desires and accept instead the things
needed in your .progress .Now, however,you have come to a part of the Path
where you can see in the distance-three Gates of Gold,one beyond the
other,and it will soon be necessary for you to pass thru these Gates in
your Journey towards Illumination.
The First Gate,then,is the Gate of Tolerance,-a Conscious Re­
alization of Divine Love,Charity,and Toleration.Intolerance is ever a
bar to complete recognition of the Universal Brotherhood of Man.This is
the first attainment.Absolute Tolerance for other views,ideas,and under
- standing.Tolerance not alone in spoken words,but even in thé privacy
of your Inner Ideas.
The Second Gate' is that Gate called Harmony--a Conscious Re­
alization of Harmony,both within yourself and in your outer Surroundings
This is the condition which,when realized,eliminates Fear,that grim
spector that ever enthrals and binds.
And the Third Gate is Patience—the Inner Self’s waiting in
Harmony and Peace for the Divine Law to bring the Fruits of your Attain
-ment.This is,indeed,the hardest Gate so far,one that tries the Soul
for it is truly a testing period-Patience,Trust ,and Confidence are truiy
God-like Virtues.
Heed well this Message,Beloved Adhyapya,that you may learn
now the Virtues of these Gates.If these Virtues are well acquired, the
Gates will silently swing ajar as you approach,but if not heeded well,
will but bar your further progress.So,in your daily contacts with Life,
the Great School thru which you are passing,and thru which you learn
and develop,watch well that you react always with Tolerat ion,that al­
ways you maintain Harmony,even amid the swirl of surging Life,and then
proceed with the acquirement of Patience.
I want you to realize that no one thing of greater importance
has been given you since that first communication,wherein you renewed
your Faith and Confidence in the Loving Father and His Guidance,thru
His Divine Laws and His Love.Toleration,Harmony,and Patience--keep them
constantly in mind that no lack of a full appreciation of their meaning
and a full acceptance and incorporation of them into yourself,may re­
tard your steady advancement.
There is another matter I wish to take up with you now,leav­
ing the above thots with you for constant companions during the days to
come.This matter is to add yet another of the vowel sounds to those you
have used from time to time in the past.This is the sound oftthe letter
"El1 Its sound is "EH"pronounced exactly like the sound of the "E"in the
word "They."In the Sanskrit tongue the "E"was always long like this "E"
in "They."In this language and those springing from it,such as the
Avesta,each letter and sound was selected because of its Occult and
Mystical Vibratory Power.Thus,this particular letter sound of "EH" pro­
nounced as the "E"in "They" was found to have a vibratory effect upon
the water element wherever found.
In the olden days the Mystics understood water as a Sacred
Element.always having a large bowl of this element on the Altar and it
is from the Mystic’s interpretation of this element that Christian
Churches today use water in so many ceremonies,and as Holy Water .Now,as,»
I told you,each letter of the Sanskrit or Avesta Languages had a special
value and power when it was pronounced in a certain manner.The "E" is
pronounced like the "E"in the word "They"making a sound almost like the
"A"in "Hay,"but with this slight difference,you keep the lips a "little
Lee 29 Pg 2

closer together than.when you say the "A"as in "Hay. "In other wor-ds,whai
you say the sound"EH"your lips instinctively act differently,a little
practice in say the two sounds will show you what I mean.After practic­
ing both sounds,then practice the "EH"alone until you get the feel of
it and can sound it softly but clearly.
Now,as an experiment for tonight,I would like to have you
bring into your Sanctum a large basin of fresh,cool should be
some sort of vessel like a dispan or wash bas in,something of this size
and shape will hold the right amount of water and will present a large
surface to the air.It does not matter what material the vessel is made
of,whether granite ware,tin,or glass.Place the vessel containing the
water on the floor,at least ten feet away from where you are to sit.
Have the room perfectly dark and sit quiet for several minutes until
your eyes become accustomed to the darkness,then make sure that the
room is dark and that no spots of light are coming in from doors and
After you are certain your room is 1 ight-proof,take your place
in your easy chair,be sure it is easy and very comfortable,for this,a-
gain,is a Psychic Experiment,and you must become relaxed and subjective.
Avoid using your Objective Mind during the Experiment,just casually
watch,in a detached and impersonal manner,as if only rather interested.
Then,after the Experiment is over,you may reason and analyze about it
as much as you wish,but not during it.Now that you are comfortable and
relaxed,face towards where the vessel of water is,and observe it while
you softly sound the "E"like "EH"drawing it out well as you exhale 'the
breath,then breathe in again and intone the sound again,and again.This
will be three times.Sit quietly for perhaps two minutes,observing the
vessel,and sound the "EH"again clearly.This time intone it five times,
not too rapidly but with plenty of time before making the longer pause
of two minutes .Watch and relax as before,then Intone the sound again,
this time seven times.Then sit in silence and darkness for perhaps ten
or fifteen minutes.
One of the first things you should notice is the change in the
vibrations of the roomwhich will become tense and very strong.Then you
will distinctly feel the moisture in the room,a dampness for several
minutes almost like the fog of the seashore.There will be various mists
in the room,and a fragrance as of many flowers,perhaps the odor ®f In­
cense «Lights and Clouds will also form over the vessel and the water.
During the coming months you abe privileged to perform this
Experiment,for it is of great value in attuning yourself with the Inner
Planes and you will sense Peace and Love and something of the work be­
ing done on those Planes-Always be very sure to sound the vowel sound
of "EH"exactly three times,then five times then seven times.
With just' another thot I will close the lesson.You are a Cos­
mic Child of God,and I want you to show your true Spiritual Heritage in
the Courage which you maintain amid the trials of- Life,and in the Pa­
tience with, which you await the blossom and the fruit of your efforts.
Realize,please,that your Soul IS a Divine Fragment with a long past
Hi story behind it.Those Souls who now rank as great Saints or Super­
human Spiritual Intelligences have,in by-gone aeons passed thru the mud
of earth,or at least some lowly condition akin to itjand those who now
stumble and fall in the storms of temptation and in the mists of ignor­
ance will, in the future ages,stand forth in the Sunlight of the Spirit
and manifest the Wisdom they have gained thru their long p.ilgrimage
thru Matter.This,Oh Child of God,is YOUR Birthright and YOUR' Heritage —
be worthy of both and maintain your High Courage and Sustaining Faith.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 30 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I shall shift the scenes once more and turn briefly to a
subject that has not been included so far in any of the Brotherhood
work.It is,however,an important element in Spiritual Advancement3Cosmic
Illuminationjyes,and the important element which,lacking,leaves Life
flat and tasteless,and removes all the joy and happiness from it.
The subject,therefore,is Health,bodily well beingjin other words,
Inner Harmony.True,the Mystic Therapy aids and re-established harmony,
but even this cannot succeed if you persist in over-eating or wrongly is a well acknowledged fact,proven beyond all doubt, that
practically all ills are due to Toxemia,or Food Poisoning.Man,of course
poisons himself daily,but these poisons are eliminated from his system
as fast as absorbed thru the eliminative organs,including as most im­
portant,the lungs and skin. This,under normal conditions,takes care of
the matter,so long,in fact,as we do not overeat constantly and thus
gorge the blood-stream with an over-abundance of the by-products of a
perverted metabolism. So long,also,as the vitality (nerve energy) is
good, but when this becomes lowered, then the organs of el imination, which
cannot function without this nerve energy,also reduce their work, and
the body becomes flooded with the toxins which accumulate slowly but
surely.When the saturation point is reached,the body makes a supreme
effort to throw this accumulated mass of poisons out of the system,with
the result that one or more of hundreds of diseases may make their ap­
pearance and we say the man has fevers,boils,pneumonia,or whatever
name the so-called disease may have.
Thus you will see that the many diseases with different names are
in reality due to Toxemia. In other words,Toxemia is the only disease
and all so-called diseases are merely the crisis,the explosions of Tox­
emia. Therefore, in treating any form of bodily ill being,you should keep
the word Toxemia clearly before you,and in addition to the Mystic The­
rapy,realize that you must speed up and get rid of that general system­
atic Toxemia,thru the sane,common-sense methods of resting, fasting,
enemas,and dietotherapy.To merely treat locally the affected organ,be
it the liver,lungs,or brain,is but to stimulate and goad that poor or­
gan, as is usually done with drugs,until it is so crippled by such treat
ments that it becomes chronically diseased.Further,the poisonous drugs
put into the system,in addition to the already existing toxins therein,
become a very heavy load for the vitality to cope with and eliminate,
and if finally Nature gives up the struggle,the patient dies.
You must remember that all of us do not have the same power of
toleration for poisons.Some men can smoke no more than two cigars daily
without the greatest discomfort,others can smoke ten or more.This dif­
ference in the system’s resistance is just the same with Food Poisons.
Therefore,in treating any diseases in yourself,or your immediate cir­
cle, try to find out the source of the poisoning which brought on that
disease and prevent further poisoning from that cause.Meantime,proceed
with positive or negative treatments over the part where trouble is
manifesting,by contact,and at the same time continue to apply positive
treatments to the first thoracic ganglion to maintain the vitality and
strength. Only in case of severe fever should these latter be stopped
and only then when the fever is rising to its peak.If such is the case,
you should,of course,switch to negative treatments on the first thor­
acic ganglion,but on the other side of the spine,and continue these
until the fever is going down again.
I also want you to remember that it requires great experience
and skill to undertake a long fast,running many weeks, and while this
is often necessary to entirely rid the body of the poisons, it should
only be done under competent supervision,and the layman should not in-
Lee. 30 - Pg. 2

dulge in fasting only a fragmentary knowledge of the whole subject. A

long- fast is seldom necessary,a three or five day fast can be under­
taken without any fear or danger.But in breaking the fast at the end
of the time.the first two meals eaten should be quite light. To drink
water during a fast is an absolute necessity,and it is better in every
case to take -d. half glass of fruit juice ev.ery two hours,filling the
glass up with water;then taking a full glass of water in between the
glasses of fruit juice.The fruit juices should be changed so as not to
tire you - for instance3orange juice today, then tomorrow grapefruit
juice.,canned or fresh,the next day back to orange,and the next a little
juice from canned peaches or pears,as you like,and so on. It is also
very necessary that an enema be taken each night before retiring,just
plain water,nothing added,and only lukewarm. In addition to this,the
skin will become very active in throwing out the poisons,and it is ad­
visable to take two sponge baths every day,warm water only. Do not take
tub baths during this period for they are too weakening.
Don’t be afraid to fast whenever necessary for a few days, and in
case of any cold or acute disease,any disagreeable manifestation of ill-
health, stop eating at once,put yourself on the fruit juices and water,,
following the other things mentioned as a matter of course.Then start
the positive and negative treatment as you have heretofore learned.
Perhaps this communication would not be complete without reference
to the great part Mind plays in all this,the different forms of Therapy.
Learn to think right thoughts,and miracles of healing can be wrought,
as yçu already know.The late Emile Coue spent his whole ].ife expounding
his system as to the way by which we could set our Minds thinking along
right lines.He may have attracted criticism and his familiar formula of
’’Day by day,in every way,I am getting better and better" may have pro­
vided good copy for the eager satirists,but as you well know,now,the
formula is perfectly right in principle,as well as effective in prac­
tice.The Mind must be exercised and cared for,just as the body must
have exercise in moderation,and careful habits must be cultivated.
The Professions are naturally conservative,and until recently the
Medical Profession had been content to confine its line of progress
within very narrow was inclined to reject or ignore methods
of treatment which had existed before the scientific age. Therapeutic
suggestion is an outstanding example. But today there are eminent
Specialists who are employing this powerful agent of health,the Mind.
The Medical Profession as a whole now endorses its is in­
deed tragic to contemplate the ill-health,failures,wasted lives,and
premature deaths of thosewhosewhole mental outlook and physical well
being might have been transformed by the application of these simple
rules of habit and thought.
And so,Beloved Adhyapya,! repeat - KNOW THYSELF. Know and realise
all of your weaknesses and overcome them.You cannot,tho,overcome «them
until first you face your own Soul in the darkness of your Sanctum,and
analyze it and study it without bias or prejudice.! have discussed the
mental realm,your thoughts,your habits,and you ways of doing things,
the inertia you must overcome thru the Will,in forcing yourself to do
the things you should do,but have not donejnow I have been talking with
you about the physical and the care of the fine and complicated machine
which is your physical body.Perhaps no other machine in the world re­
ceives so little real care and attention,so little real study.
As you thus work,learn,and practice,remember that the Higher .Con­
sciousness is being pushed closer to the Threshold,the Great Forces
your Soul let loose with its first Invocation for Help are filling its
depths like a spring fills a reservoir ,and when the time is ripe the
water will flow into its appointed channels.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 31 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:

Tonight I am going to discuss with you in a conversational way the

directing of Projections. For the past several weeks you have been
working with the rules and principles I gavé you, and while some have
had marked success and interesting experiences, yet others have had
only broken manifestations and occasional, momentary glimpses.
The Mind is a very subtle and wonderful thing operating, on the
Cosmic Plane, nothing can be more delicate in its. sensitivity, hence
any use of the Conscious Reasoning Powers, during the experiments,
will cause you to lose the Subconscious Contacts. No matter how fleet­
ing the thought may be, it will be sufficient to negate the function­
ing of the Subconscious, so far as your Awareness is concerned.
Now let us go over the matter’ again. First, be sure your chair
for this work is very comfortable and easy - there must be no sense
of chair pressure on any part of the body, no strain on neck or back.
Obviously you cannot be this way in a straight backed chair, nor one
that is too high or too low for you. Then, after sitting in the chair
for a while in the dark - be sure there are n > stray lights coming in
thru the windows, under the shades, or under the door, or thru the
Keyhole; when you are sure of this, and you can tell by waiting in
the dark until the eyes become accustomed to it - then relax and think
for a few moments of God and His Laws and Principles as you are learn­
ing them; then drop your attention to your toes and begin the awaken­
ing of the Awareness. You will feel the tingle and glow as Conscious­
ness is directed to the various parts, coming up the body to the top
of the head. It is almost as if a warm ray of invisible power were be­
ing sent out from you and into these parts. Now, this may be done
quickly or slowly, just so you feel the awakening response from the
Mind and Psychic Form within these parts, in the form of this warmth
or tingle. Now, this done, take a deep breadth, as you were instructed,
softly intoning the vowel sound, and exhaling as you, and with
the eyes closed, just imagine and will that the real You, the Inner
You, and your Consciousness are slipping out with the exhaled air. Now
right here is an important point, a vital one. You must assume that
you are going out, that you are out, in Space, and you must not try to
see anything, or figure whether you are out or in and think anything
at all, except that you are blindfolded and cannot see, but that, in
actuality, you are just Mind and Consciousness without any body, float­
ing in Eternity. Picture this condition, assume it, and believe it,
make it real to yourself; and at this point do not worry about whether
it is true or not, or if it is all imagination; just do it and believe
it, and then, immediately you have assumed you.are out, go to work
without letting your Hind even think a flashing thought on anything
It is understood that before you started to work this evening,
you put in a moment or two deciding what you were going to do and who
you were going to reach. Of course, at this stage of your work, you
would select some friend you knew and some were familiar
with. All this should be carefully planned and clear in your Mind.
Now, as you go out, you turn your Mind immediately onto your
plan. Let me illustrate a hypothetical case: Your friend's house Is
over in another part of town - You Imagine (Remember-, the Imagination
is the Creative Mind Power of God - Creative) and picture yourself up,
as in an airplane, literally see in your mental picture the ground be­
low you, the town where you live, as if from the air. You know the ap­
proximate location of this friends house; slowly you go thru the air
towards it. Change your picture instantly, you are on the walk in
front of his house, you see it plainly in your picture (remember, now
Lee. 31 - pg. 2

you are getting lost in this picture building; not for one moment,
not even for a flashing second must your Mind go back to any thought
of your body, your room, or anything of that kind--you have no body,
no room, all is lost sight of, so intense is your interest in the real­
ness of this picture). You have seen the house from the outside, it is
real to you, you know you are there, but you do not think about that
at all, you go down the walk, onto the porch, the door is opened and
you walk in. During all this, every detail comes into your picture
just as it would in so doing--you literally walk into your picture,
so real is it. Now you go to the room where you have planned and ex­
pect to him» You picture him in bed, or at the table reading or
whatever you think his po-sition and occupation would most likely be,
and then you see him there, you picture him in full detail; all this
now has been like some of your life-like dream pictures, where you
run upstairs in that dream and wake to find yourself panting and out
of breath - that is realism - or you fall over your chair in that
dream and hurt your ankle, and wake with it so vivid that you actual­
ly look to see how bad the bruise is - that is real picturing - or
real projection, who can say?
Now as you walk into that room and see your friend, you should do
as you would in material life , you would walk up to him with joy shin­
ing from your face, just fairly radiating happiness at the visit, and
speak to him, "Hello, Frank, how are you?"
Now let us leave the picture at that point while-we go back a' lit­
tle on some other points showing what may happen by this time. Some­
time in your imagined picture work, sooner or later in the process up
to this point, there will occur, with practice, the Great Alchemical
Transmutation, the picture in your mind transmutes into an Actuality
instead of a Reality. Some place in your work to the point above, an­
other picture will flash into your Consciousness. As jnur Consciousne-iys
As you turn your Mind back to your Original picture it will reappear,
this new picture, and seem to persist. That is your cue to accept it,
allow it and watch what happens with interest, but without allowing
a momentary thought of analysis or reasoning about it. Just let the
old picture go, accept,the new, and lose yourself in it, as an inter­
ested spectator this time, letting come what will.
This new picture is the Actuality you are Psychically seeing.
Let us see for a moment what you.are likely to get. Least of all will
it be, usually what you expect - your friend. You might see him in an­
other position, in another room, doing something else entirely. While
you were working with him in the home, he might have been at the office
for some reason, working overtime, and so, as you worked, would come
flashing glimpses of him over his. desk downtown. Accept it and see fur­
ther what happens. Perhaps you contact him at home all right, but he
was thinking very deeply about his. officezand some unfinished work. You
are very apt, therefore, to have your picture change into a glimpse of
an office and a pile of work, for you would in this case, have contact­
ed his thought-form rather than himself, and if this thought-form were
very strong it would be just as real on the psychic Plane on which you
are working as he would be on the Material Plane, and much easier for
you to see and become conscious of.
Then, too, other things may happen, for you have not acquired yet,
thoro concentration, and after getting well started perhaps you lose
the thread for a moment, but, being on the Cosmic, you immediately
contact someone else’s projection. Or, perhaps, thru your vibratory
attunement you contact some phase of the Akashic Records on whose thin
Etheric Substances are recorded every thought, act, deed, or passing
reflection since the age of life first commenced on this planet. Any­
thing therefore, may come before you from this sort of work with con­
Lee. 31 - pg. 3

And again, Thought-Forms of Humanity may come to you, some very

real and some endowed with so much power and life they appear real
for this is a Plane where thoughts are indeed things, and the novice
in his first few contacts is bewildered, not knowing what he is getting
or what it is all about - but with practice comes also, discrimination,
you will learn thru practice to judge a little of what you are seeing.
Also with practice your aim will be better, you will learn to direct
and control your projection so that it will carry like an arrow to its
mark and not drift off sideways to some other contact.
All this is new to you of course and you must accept the fact
that it starts out with pure strong vivid imagination - don't worry a-
bout that, you have functioned so long on the material plane you do
not know of any other - and no matter what you have thought about it.
what others have told you, it is done in but one way - this- function­
ing on the Cosmic Plane - and all start alike in this manner at first.
Later, with trained Will and acquired Power, it is an instantaneous
matter. The deftness of eye and arm in the skilled tennis player is
not acquired in a ’few weeks, it is an art, practiced and developed.Be
content if you acquire this in a year or two, so long as slight suc­
cesses come to encourage you.
Now I want to talk to you a moment about the Dream Method of Pro­
jection as given to you in the 19th lesson. Before going into the new
details of that, however, I want to speak to you about the experience
of one of the Pupils. Instead of taking the rising Elevator or the
Airplane or the Tank of Water - as outlined in the lesson, this Neo­
phyte while practicing Meditation, conceived the idea of climbing a
ladder and visualized a ladder in front of her which she proceeded to
climb, rung by rung, rising higher and higher and higher. She kept
this up until suddenly the ladder vanished and she was floating in
space. Her subsequent Vision was very wonderful. It occurred to me
that some of you might use this Ladder Method with a great deal of
success. The secret’ of course, is to climb and continue climbing, im­
agining that' you are climbing right up into the clouds, and making it
so real you feel you are, and thru them and on higher and higher up,
and keeping at it until the Inner Consciousness opens and the Ladder
d i sappear s.
Now with regard to the Dream Method of Projection as outlined,
you realize if you have been doing the exercises as given to you,that
the difficulty to awaken Consciousness while you are out in the Psy­
chic Body. Therefore it is necessary for you now to begin to set your
Psychic Time Clock before you start your work. We'll suppose that you
are going to visualize yourself riding in an airplane and visit a
friend's house. You step into the airplane, the motor is started, and
all of the details are visualized as you skim over the ground and
then start to rise, going higher and higher and higher. And then you
quietly come down again, landing in the yard near your friend's house.
From there on you visualize just as you have in the other method of
Projection which I have given you in the forepart of this lesson, as
you take the front walk, visualizing his house and yourself going in.
There is this difference, with this Method you emphasize the rising
up in the air, and you prolong it so that you rise very high, and
then you say to yourself, "Now I am going to awake to full Conscious­
ness as I stand in front of my friend's house." You imprest this upon
your mind by repeating it over several times. Then you are ready to
visualize the airplane, yourself going up, etc.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood

Lee. 32 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:

In various letters from time to time I have stressed the dire need
for an ’All-Seeing’ Faith,a goal,an aim, a haven-born vision of the fu­
ture—something ideal to long for,to strive for and eventually to at­
tain. So I want to talk to you tonight about Visions and Ideals, for
the Mystic and the Occultist knows these dreams are the patterns thru
which material manifestation is shaped—they are the charts by which
the WILL lays hold of Universal Mind and molds it into the expression
desired. As the Visible world is sustained by the invisible,so you are
sustained thru all your trials and disappointments,thru the daily
tasks of life by the beautiful visions of your hours of solitary medi­
tation in the Silence.
The habit of these periods in your Sanctum once acquired,your hopes
and ideals can never fade or die, for you will live in them, and know
them for the Realities which one day you will see and know for the Ac­
tualities they are.Therefore I urge you—cherish your visions,cherish
your ideals,cherish the music that stirs in your heart—the beauty
that forms in your mind,all the loveliness that drapes your purest
thots for out of them will grow all the delightful conditions, the
peaceful environments of your aspirations. If you will but remain true
to these,your world as you would have it will at last be made mani­
fest—built out of your thots and ideals.To the Mystic and Occultist,
with his understanding of the Law,to desire is to obtain,to aspire is
to is not true that man’s baser desires receive the fullest
measure of gratification,while his pure and high aspirations, visions
and ideals,starve for lack of sustenance.Such is not the law—such a
condition can never prevail for the Law is, ”Ask and ye shall receive.”
Dream lofty dreams,and as you dream so shall you become.Just an­
other form of saying "As a man thinketh so is he." Your Vision is ever
the promise of what you shall one day become;your Ideal is the prophe­
cy of what you shall one day unveil.The greatest achievements were at
first and for a time,merely Drearns.The oak sleeps in the acorn—the
bird waits in the egg,and in the highest vision of your soul a waiting
angel stirs.Dreams are the realities which in turn are but the seed­
lings of the Actualities .Your circumstances may be uncongenial but
they will not remain so if,to the Ideal of your heart,you fuse the dy­
namic power of Will,thru the Alchemy of the Mystic Laws.IT IS ABSOLU­
You have known of some one,a youth perhaps,hard pressed by labor
and poverty,confined long hours in unhealthy surroundings,perhaps un­
schooled and lacking in all the arts of refinement.But he dreams of
better things,he thinks and meditates of Intelligence,of Refinement,of
Beauty.He conceives of and mentally builds up,as you have built up the
Inner Shrine within your heart, and ideal condition of life—the vis­
ion of a wider liberty and greater scope takes possession of him, un­
rest spurs him into action and he utilizes all of his spare time and
means,small tho they may be,to the development of his latent powers.
The great law is immutable;soon he has so altered his mind that the
workshop can no longer contain him.It has become so out of harmony,so
out of attunement with him and his mentality that it falls out of his
life as a garment is cast aside.With the growth of opportunities which
fit needs of his expanding powers,he passes out of it forever;years la­
ter we see this youth as a full grown man. Vie find him master of cer­
tain forces of mind which he yields with world-wide influence and al­
most unequalled might end power.In his hands he holds the reins of gi­
gantic responsibilities;!^ speaks,and behold,lives are changed; men and
women hang upon his every word and remold their characters, and sun­
like, he becomes the luminous fixed center around which innumerable
Lee. 32 - Pg. 2
destinies revolve.He has realized the vision of his youth,with All-See­
ing Faith he has remained true to his ideal and he has become one with
And so you too,beloved Adhyapya,will realize the Visions (but not
the idle wish) of your heart,for it is again the great law that you
must gravitate towards that which you love and worship in the quiet of
your Saneturn.Whatever your present environment may be,you will remain,
fall or rise,with your own thoughts,your Vision or Ideal .You will be­
come as small as your controlling desires,you will become as great as
your highest,dominant aspiration.You may be keeping accounts,a vision
of the lecture platform in your heart,and presently you shall walk out
of the door that for so long has seemed to you the barrier of your ide­
als, and shall find yourself before an audience,and then and there pour
out the torrent of your inspirations.Thus the ideal of your heart uni­
tes with you,just as when that other laid down the saw and the plane
to take upon Himself the regeneration of the world.
The thoughtless and ignorant,perhaps indolent,seeing the apparent
effect of things and not the things themselves,speak of luck,of fortune
and chance.Seeing one grow rich they say how lucky he is,observing an­
other become Intellectual they repeat,how highly favored he is,and not­
ing the saintly character and influence of another,they remark how
chance favors him at every turn.They do not see the trials and failures
and struggles which these men have voluntarily encountered in order to
gain their experience;they have no knowledge of the sacrifices they
have put forth,of the Vision and All-Seeing Faith they were true to,and
the g&parently insurmountable things they overcame,that they might re­
alize the vision of their hearts.They do not know the darkness and suf- .
ferings; they only see the light and joyousness and call it ’luck.’They
fail to see the long and arduous journey and perceive only the goal and
call it ’good fortune.’They do not understand the process nor the im­
mutable laws;they only behold the results and they call it ’chance.’
Remember,tho,that the Sanctum in which your Vision of the Heart
burns must be protected Jrom the outer fogs of fear and doubt and worry
from the violent winds of emotional storms.Calmness of mind is one of
the beautiful jewels the Mystic must acquire early in his training and is the result of long and patient effort in the art of ■
self-control.Its presence is ever the indication of ripened experience
and of a sure knowledge of the laws and principles of the Universe.The
Neophyte becomes calm in the measure that he understands himself as a
THOUGHT-EVOLVED being.As he develops RIGHT UNDERSTANDING and sees the
relation of things and understands the laws of cause and effect he cea­
ses to fuss and fume,to worry and grieve,and remains poise,steadfast
and serene.
The calm Neophyte,having learned to govern himself knows also
how to adapt himself to others and they in turn sense his spiritual
strength and feel they can learn of him and rely upon him.The more tran­
quil a man becomes,the greater his does not matter what sor­
rows or joys,what changes or disappointments come to him who has learn­
ed this lesson for he is always blessed with inner peace and poise. He
dwells in the ocean of Truth,far beneath the waves,beyond reach of the
tempests of life, in the Eternal Calm.
Humanity surges with uncontrolled passions,is tumultuous with un­
governed grief,is blown about by anxiety and doubt.Only the wise, the
few students of the Mysteries,whose thots are controlled and purified
make the winds and the storms of the Mind obey them.So,beloved Adhyap­
ya,keep your hand firmly upon the helm of thought.In the bark of your
soul reclines the sleeping Master.He does but sleep,awake Him.Self con­
trol is strength.Right thot is Mastery.Calmness is Power.Say to your
heart—’Peace,be still.*
. In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Beloved Adhyapya:
Heretofore3in the many long weeks vie have been working together I
have at no time talked with you about the Scheme of Evolution,the Di­
vine Plan,or as so many put it,"What the Brotherhood teaches.”
So,I am going to give you,tonight, a glimpse of the road you are
travelling,the Work of the Initiate,and consequently the task of an
Adhyapya,cannot be fully understood unless it be understood in connec­
tion with the Process of Evolution.The Mystic knows that the work of
the Universe is carried on by means of a Hierarchy of Consciousnesses.
These Intelligencies have been personified as Gods,Archangels, or Devas
by different Schools of Belief,and altho these Personifications have
been anthropomorphised by the unenlightened,they retain their Metaphy­
sical Significance for the Initiated.While they differ from us so much
in degree,yet they do not differ in kind from that type of Organiza­
tion and Activity of which our Human Intelligence forms one of the earl­
ier milestones,and consequently they are described as Entities or Con­
scious Beings,because such an identification with our own type of Evo­
lution serves to indicate a relationship,for what we are today,they were
in the Yesterday of Cosmic Time,and what they are today,we shall be in
the Cosmic Tomorrow.
You will understand this paragraph better,and realize that it is
not the wild phantasy of a transcendental Imagination,if I remind you
of the accepted and established teaching of Biology,concerning the Evo­
lution of Man from primitive forms of Life.Biology has established,be­
yond the slightest doubt,tjie long line of Ascent of Man. and the concept
of a Super-Humanity and an Archangelic Kingdom is but a' further contin­
uation of that line beyond the point at which Humanity now stands.When
it is remembered that the Mystery Schools taught the Doctrine of Evolu­
tion (as Historical Records will prove)when Orthodox Science taught the
theory of a special Creation,it does not seem impossible that Orthodox
Science may ultimately admit the rest of the Esoteric Teachings of the
Mysteries, now that they have admitted so much.
And so,at first a Seeker,then a Neophyte,and now an Adhyapya, you
are going along a well-marked "Way” which has been trodden by many
countless feet from Time Immemorial,for as soon as you reached a certain
stage of Inner Development,the Mystery Schools of your Race were open
to you,and to this you found your way in perhaps not so accidental a
manner as you may have thought.And the Great Esoteric Order under whose
discipline you are evolving possesses in its Cosmogonies facts of the
Unseen Worlds which surround that tiny portion perceived by your five
Objective Senses,and just as the Telescope and Microscope opened up
whole Universes of new Life which were imperceptible to man*s unaided
senses,so do little-known Powers of the Mind,when developed properly,
reveal Plane beyond Plane of Existence,unsuspected by the average man
or woman. Your School teaches the use of these Powers because they are
to you what the Microscope is to the Biologist,by the use of these Pow­
ers you can acquaint yourself with those States of Existence which e-
lude the Human Mind in its present state of development.
You have realized,however,that before your training can be carried
beyond a certain point your Lower Consciousness and Character should
have received a thr r purification and discipline that the foundations
of the groat work are laid deep and sure,that they may not shift nor
yield when the great super-structure of Occult Knowledge is raised upon
them thru the functioning of the Higher Mind.Unless this is done,dis­
aster is apt to occur,or I may say is certain to occur. Many Souls
have received Degrees of Initation in previous Lives and they soon re­
call their old knowledge when they come again in touch with their own
Lee. 33 Pg. 2
School but even these had best arouse their past memories and be sure
that they have brought them thru into waking consciousness before under­
taking the further journey.But for the soul that is coming onto the
"Path” for the first time such careful and thorough training is abso­
lutely necessary.
Right at this point I wish to emphasize that fact that Occult train­
ing must build nobility of character and balance of mind. If it fails
to do this,something is wrong--with the school or the teacher.What shall
it profit a man or woman if they see the heavens open and lose their
reason--it is far better to have five objective senses and sanity than
to have psychism and a lack of balance.Seership is an integration of the
personality and not a disintegration of the individuality.The problem is
ever the maintenance of open communication between the higher and lower
self and the translation of the abstract into the concrete that it may
be assimilable by the consciousness.And again the man who has the
courage of his convictions is more apt to win thru to the higher initi­
ations than he who is content to let another do his thinking for him.To
the initiate of the Western Schools Advice is one thing,Command another.
It is a bold teacher who will assume the responsibility of guiding an­
other soul blind-folded between Heaven and Hell.Unless he is prepared to
carry his pupil bodily into the Kingdom of Heaven,such a teacher must
see the wisdom of the Western Schools and teach his pupil to walk upon
his own feet,which he can never do if under the oaths of blind obedience.
The Western Schools require loyalty and sincerity,never blind obedience.
I have several times used the term Western Schools—The Western Eso­
teric Tradition had its origin in the third and last emigration from
Atlantis which took place immediately before the final catastrophy which
sank the Lost Continent below the sea.The Priests of the Third Emi­
gration were trained in the same traditions that had sent out the Priests
of the First and Second Traditions and possessed the secret wisdom of
these traditions in addition to that of the Third. The Western Tradition
therefore had three aspects,the Nature Aspect or Astral Initiations,the
Wisdom aspects or initiations of the Mind and the devotional and spiri­
tual aspect whose sublime Master is Jesus of Nazareth. These three great
aspects form the full Western Tradition and each without the other is
but partial. Remember that Occultism upon the planes of form is always
racial and local because it must be adapted to its environment and altho
upon the higher plane one formula is valid for all and Mystic experi­
ences of the same type,characterize all the higher degrees so that
Adepts meet upon equal footing,the systems employed in training the Neo­
phytes are totally difficult. Meditation and Asceticism will bring the
Eastern Chela to the feet of his Master,but the Western Initiator work­
ing in the denser material conditions of this civilization employ other
methods--methods that few Eastern bodies could stand.
Remember therefore,that all esoteric knowledge,has developed along
the lines of one of three Emigrations spoken of above. The first Emi­
gration was the basis of the primitive cult,and of primitive magic,and
gives..its candidates access to the lower Astral only. It is from the
Second Emigration that the wisdom religions of the East are derived,by
those methods stress is laid upon the acquisition of knowledge,and a
remarkable system of mind culture has been developed in the mountain
strongholds of its inner orders where some of the profoundest knowledge
of the World is guarded. The Western Esoteric Tradition has its origin .
in the Third Emigration embracing the nature aspect of the first, the
mind training of the second,and blossoming into the Devotional and
Spiritual aspect which is truly its own,thus it represents the highest
in the Esoteric wisdom,which can yet be comprehended by humanity. Later
I go into other phases of these things with you.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 34 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Last week I discussed with you something of the beliefs
and teachings of the Western Schools and something of the origin of the
Western Traditions in the Esoteric Understanding of Life. Tonight I am
going to talk with you further along these lines, not only will it be
interesting and constructive for you to have this understanding at this
time, but also it will afford the time so many have asked for so that
they maÿ review and re-practice some of the early exercises.
I told you there were three aspects to the Western
Tradition and these are divided into ’Aspects’ which really constitute
grades within the Traditions. These ’Aspects’ are generally named
after the colors of the Spectrum with which they are held to correlate
but the true color-notation differs from this in several respects. A
terminology has therefore been employed which names the ’Aspects’ ac­
cording to the grade or school which saw its highest development. This
subject of ’Aspects’ is very intricate but is of great importance in
Occultism, especially practical Occultism.
These ’Aspects’ originate in the periodic outpourings
of the life impulse from the Logos. These outpourings may be conceived
as cutting channels on the inner planes and the force continues to
flow in these channels after the original impulse has spent itself.
These outpourings build up the successive planes of manifestation much
as a river deposits silt in its channel, building it higher and higher.
Each of these outpourings however, must find its ingress into the plane
of matter THRU the consciousness of an incarnated Being and the Great
Masters, perfected in past evolutions come forward in turn to undertake
this task, and they are then known as Lords of the Aspects or Star
The planes of consciousness correspond with the planes
laid down by the ’Aspects’ and it is the forces of an Aspect which are
used to stimulate the corresponding plane of consciousness into active
functioning. Each soul possesses seven aspects but in any incarnation
some of these may be latent for there is seldom an even, all round de­
velopment, one person may function in his emotions and be swayed by
his feelings and yet another many concentrate on mind and his head will
rule his heart. So as each comes to the Greater Mysteries they are
separated out onto the ’Aspects’ working upon first one and then another
until they have acquired the powers of the planes to which the ’Aspects’
correspond. Then, according to his temperament, he chooses the ’Aspects’
in which he will specialize and then settles down to his work upon
that ’Aspect,’ but it is very necessary that he have the experience of
all the ’Aspects’ before he does this.
The Aspects most used at present by the Western Tradi­
tion are the ’Aspects’ of ’’Concrete Mind" and of "Concrete Spirit."
The Eastern Tradition on the other hand has brought to a high degree of
development the ’Aspect’ of "Etheric Aspect" of matter as in Hatha Yogi
and the ’Aspect’ of the "Abstract Spirit" as in Raja Yogi. Other ’As­
pects’ have had their development in different phases of the world’s
history. The Greeks, for instance, worked their initiations on the
’Aspect’ of the "Upper Astral," and so to study an ’Aspect’ you turn
to the esoteric school which specializes in that aspect.
The seventh plane, the plane of "Abstract Spirit" is
never contacted at the present stage of evolution while in the body,
the ego must withdraw from the body for that contact and the body then
goes into a very deep trance. This aspect has been most highly develop­
ed in the East and therefore this ’Aspect’ is generally known as the
"Buddhic Ray" but we have examples of it in the West. It is rare how­
Lee. 34 Pg. 2

ever, at the present day and can be developed only in retreat under as­
cetic conditions. It has no Logos in the sense in which the 'Aspects’
have, for it has not yet been brought thru into matter and therefore
has never focused thru the consciousness of an incarnate being. Its
invocations and contacts are those of the Holy Ghost or Holy Spirit
and it is never operated in waking consciousness. Concentration on
this contact before the time is ripe causes an arrest of spiritual
growth and it is the extensive development of this ’Aspect’ which has
paralized the progress of the East.
The Sixth plane, or Plane of ’’Concrete Spirit” is the
focusing point of civilization at present. Hereon are developed the
spiritual qualities of Love,Truth,Goodness,Purity and many others.This
’Aspect’ was manifested to man thru the Master Jesus who is its Logos
and is therefore known as the ’’Christian” ’Aspect.’ The Initiation of
this ’Aspect' is the highest ideal which can be achieved while remain­
ing on the human path of evolution. It is the contacts of this ’Aspect’
which gives the Saint his Vision Beautiful and which makes the Chalice
into the Grail. It is in short the hidden part of Christianity which
was secretly taught the Disciples in the Upper Room whilst the multi­
tudes received but a 'rule of life’ a rule, however, which, if faith­
fully followed would bring them to that Upper Room.
The Initiations of the ’’Plane of Abstract Mind” are
concerned with the development of intuitive thingking and the power of
deductive reasoning to extend from the known to the is of­
ten called the "Pythagorian" ’Aspect’ because it had its highest devel­
opment in the Mystery Schools of Greece. This is the true ’’Wisdom”
'Aspect' for its contacts open the door of Self and it enters into
immediate relations with the Non-Self. And so, briefly, I shall men­
tion the others — The ’Aspect’ of "Concrete Mind,” its highest devel­
opment was in the Egyptian and Cabalistic schools and Thrice Greatest
Hermes is its Logos. Its studies were kept alive during the Dark Ages
by the Jews and its Egyptian Phase was reintroduced into Europe by the
Templars after the Crusades.
The 'Aspect' of the ’’Upper Astral Plane” is known as
the Celtic ’Aspect’. It is seen in its highest manifestation in the
early Greek traditions. It is essentially elemental and deals with the
Nature side of things, its ideals are beauty and joy, not truth and
goodness, and you must keep this always in mind in judging its advo­
cates. The ’Aspect’ which corresponds with the "Lower Astral” is
known as the Norse ’Aspect because the purest contacts with this much
corrupted tradition are those of Nordic Mythology. The Lower Astral is
the plane of Primitive Instincts and the crude passions associated
with them. The time when this 'Aspect' functioned on earth is so remote
that it corresponds with the development of the cerebellum for it was
in function before the cerebrum, that part of the brain which gives the
characteristic human forehead,was developed. The 'Aspect' which corres­
ponds with the laying down of the Plane of Earth is of even greater an­
tiquity and is called the Etheric 'Aspect', its original aspect has
long since passed out of manifestation but the cycle of evolution is
again bringing it in again on a Higher Arc and we are seeing a great
development of the power of the mind over the body in such cults as
Christian Science and New Thought is of course by operat­
ing upon the etheric double that the healer obtains his results.These
Seven Aspects constitute the gamut of Initiations and no one can right­
ly be called an Adept who does not possess the degres corresponding
to them.Thus you see the "Buddhic Aspect" lies ahead of evolution,the
Etheric Aspect,its original Phase lies behind it,and the "Christian
Lee. 34 Pg. 3

Aspect” is the focusing point of the present Age. With the exception
of the "Buddhic Aspect” which does not yet belong to the Earth-Plane
the Powers of the other ’Aspects’ are recapitulations whereby man takes
possession,for himself, of that which humanity has achieved in the past
and which is part of the heritage of the race.
Another outpouring of the Christ Force will come in
due season as all religions teach but it has not yet come for the
evolutionary time is not yet at hand. Until that time the Lord of the
Purple Aspect is the Great Initiator for the West.
The Master Jesus is "an High Priest after the Order of
Melchisedec," and had, according to the Western Esoteric Tradition,
but two manifestations on this plane before He passed beyond the planes
of form after the third, last and highest manifestation which was the
completion of His work. He was never of our humanity, and is now of
the grade of Cosmic Fire in the hierarchy, and therefore the sun is
His appropriate symbol and His Church keeps the seasons of the solar
year and identifies them with the incidents of His career,thus giving
rise to the hyopthesis of the Solar Myth.
The Master Jesus is not of the same hierarchical grade
with others of the Masters with whom He has sometimes been associated
or confused. He stand upon the same degree as the Manus Krishna and
Osiris, as a Master of Masters upon His Ray, below Whom are the Great­
er Masters, Who are Regenerators, but not Redeemers, for they did not
die the Sacrificial Death. Of these are Moses, who gave the Law to
Isarael, Gautama, who gave the Law to Asia, Mohammed, who gave the Law
to Africa, and Paul, who gave the Law to Europe. The work of these is
done with the conscious minds of men, but the work of the Christs is
done with the consciousness of the race.
And now, in closing, a little suggestion — when in
need of comfort, help, strength — reach up your hands of Faith thru
the Veils of darkness and from behind the Veil you will feel them taken
by the answering hand of the Guardian of the Soul. Silently sitting in
your Sanctum, quiet and alone, raise your hands above your head in the
darkness and visualize the answering grip in the imagination, and then
it may be found after a few moments that the imagination has been trans­
formed into Actuality and a sudden Pov/er has touched the Soul, and Un­
seen Presence has been sensed in the Darkness and the Adhyapya knows
that he is not alone.
So I will close in the Bonds of the Eternal Brother­

”0 ye gifted ones, follow your calling,for however

various your talents may be, ye can have but one
calling; .. follow resolutely the one straight path
before you, it is that of your good angel; let
neither obstacles nor temptations induce you to
leave it; bound along it if you can; if not, on
hands and knees follow it, perish in it, if need­
ful, but ye need not fear that; no one ever yet
died in the true path of his calling before he had
attained the pinnacle. Turn into other paths, and
for a momentary advantage or gratification ye have
sold your inheritance, your immortality.”

Lee 35 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
From the very keen interest displayed by different- .
Neophytes in the history of the Western Tradition as compiled from the
Records in the Archives of the Esoteric Orders and Mystery Schools, I
decided I would talk to you again tonight upon still another phase of
the matter I have been giving you in the last two lectures.
From what I have told you,you can plainly see and
understand that the Christ is not and never has been a
is not even an individualized entity,but is simply the regenerative and
reconciling aspect of the Logoidal Force,and as such is spoken of as
the Cosmic Christ in order to distinguish it from the manifestation of
that force coming thru the channel of an Incarnated Redeemer's Con­
sciousness •It is this force which has functioned thru all the World
Saviours,Eastern or Western,but Jesus,the Star Logos,being the Saviour
of the Western Civilization phase of evolution is for us the only name
under heaven.That is to say,whereby we shall obtain the Supreme Initia­
tion available at present to us in this sphere.To -each man, his own
Master,nor may we judge another man's servant,but to the Western Races
Jesus of Nazareth was the representation of the Christ,for it is the
Christ Ideal expressing thru Him,which our Civilization is so slowly
and laborously working out.The coming world teacher concerns the next
root race,and has nothing to do with Western Civilization,which must
work out the law of love,according to the Dispensation of the Master is only the seed people of the new race who will follow the
new teacher,when he summons them,and they will not find it possible to
regenerate our civilization by the methods which they wish to inaugur­
ate,but will have to segregate themselves into colonies or communities
and live their life apart,while Western Civilization works out its own
Destiny and achieves its zenith,and then with the decay of that civili­
zation,the Souls,which it has perfected will withdraw, later to reincar­
nate in the new root race.
Below the Greater Masters spoken of last week are
the Lesser Masters,who in Christian terminology would be called the
Saints and it is these who have to do with the teaching and training of
humanity at the present time.The Attainment of Master is therefore to
the Occultist of the greatest value on the Mystic Way,for he becomes a
lens,thru which the Cosmic Power is concentrated,a symbol by which con­
sciousness is lifted to transcendent concepts,an Elder Brother who hav­
ing come by the same path,understands the human needs of the Souls com­
mitted to His care,and who with a deeper wisdom and greater power can
give council and help in those small things which seem so large to the
struggling Soul.Great Cosmic forces are used for great Cosmic purposes
but those Souls whom we call Saints or Masters can transmute and apply
these forces for the relief of human needs of those in their care,in all
things which those Souls themselves owing to the smallness of their
grasp and limitation of their ideas,cannot do so is
true that no prayer sent up to the "Father of All" falls fruitless to
the ground,but the surmounting of the temporary difficulties of human
life is not the function of the great unmanifest,anymore than the light
-ing of fires is the function of the Sun,yet if the Rays of the Sun
can be focused thru a burning glass the Fire can be lighted.
The Cosmic Christ is a world force-By Aspiration
and attunement we can open our consciousness to it,andaline ourselves
with its lines of power until consciousness is diffused by it,and Il­
lumination occurs.
So I want you to understand that the Logoidal Con­
sciousness is conceived of as formulating ideas concerning its Universe
Lee. 35 - Pg. 2
These ideas are realized as spiritual ideas by the great Star Masters
and these ideals are intellectualized as abstract ideas by the great­
er Masters,and are thereby brought down into manifestation as far as
the plane of abstract mind,beyond this plane the life of form begins
and for ideals to be brought thru into the planes of form they
be formulated by consciousness working in the terms of form,and it is
at this point that the work of the Adept begins,for he,still living
upon the plane of form but able to raise consciousness to the plane of
abstract mind,is able to contact the greater Masters and receive from
them the inspiration of the abstract ideals,which it is to be his func­
tion to bring thru into the plane of will therefore be real­
ized that the lesser Master acts as intermediary between the Adept and
humanity,that he is in fact one of the links in the chain whereby the
archetypal ideas conceived in the Logoidal Consciousness are brought
into manifestation in matter.
I want you to realize that you have been pursuing
a graded course of mental exercises,which were designed to enable you
to obtain a high degree of concentration,self-control and self-mastery.
It is said that no one is capable of real Occult Work,who cannot learn
to meditate even in a railway station while waiting for his train. In
other words,one must acquire the power to go so deeply into meditation
as to completely withdraw from the physical environment.Perfect concen­
tration is required because in the work which lies ahead of your Con­
sciousness is raised, to a given plane by inhibiting all thot of the
modes of consciousness of all planes below it.Then too you have been
evolving in the other equation of mind training,namely the work of the
imagination,the image making faculty of the mind.That which makes the
Astral Matrices.If the work of concentration has been rightly perform­
ed and learned you will have little difficulty in synchronizing it
with this.The process itself,that is the process of visualization pre­
sents no problem provided the preliminary work of concentration has
been properly carried out and developed. The only care necessary is to
build the thot forms of the visualized picture according to Cosmic Law»
For if you depart from this Law in your operations they will be either
dangerous or useless,and it is for this reason that the Initiate must
have a thoro knowledge of Esoteric Cosmology,for it is according to
the Laws of the Cosmos that he has to build,for he himself when at­
tempting this work has joined the rank of Solar Archons,Devans or
Building Spirits and the line between the Beni Elchim and the Fallen
Angels is narrow.The first step in this knowledge which it is neces­
sary for you now to acquire has been given to you in the 33rd,34th,and
this lesson.In other words,something of the vvestern Tradition and very
shortly now we shall go into a comprehensive study of the knowledge
and training required as revealed from the Inner Planes by those cer­
tain Masters of the Vvestern Tradition.Much of the work which will be
shortly given could not be so given until a certain definite process
of elimination has been effective for those who are not ready for the
higher teachings gradually lag behind,lose interest and drop out,others
discover that more than intellect and more than mere study is required
and they too fall by the wayside,but those blessed with abundant love,
power and spirituality,attunement with the Inner^Planes,and an unself­
ish desire to help humanity,overcome all obstacles and handicaps and
persist in their work,and. so before long,this work will be given to
you,tho in the meantime,a certain amount of Occult Preparation must be
made,and if you notice in the next weeks any unusual contacts with me,
I should be glad to have you tell me of them.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 36 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:

Turning aside for tonight from the purely intellect­

ual communications we have had in the last two or three lessons, I
want to turn again to the Mind, the mental powers, and their connec­
tion with the Occult Work in which you are developing.
You know if desire, emotion, or any of the feelings,
intrude into any intellectual process, they will contaminate it and
falsify its results. For intellectual processes must be carried on in
terms of reason alone, in order that the ultimate issue may be Truth.
It follows that as a preliminary to all mental processes you must ac­
quire such control of your emotions and feelings that they shall not
function involuntarily. Such control is not obtained by the compara­
tively simple expedient of repression, but by the far more difficult
process of sublimation, so that the force generated by any external
stimulus instead of producing an immediate reaction of emotion, which
might take place where it was not wanted, it is directed instead to a
more remote reaction and discharges harmlessly upon another plane.
Thus an immediate reaction of resentment can be transmuted into com­
passion and then it will have its issue or result in charity. This is
the first and hardest lesson that the Seeker of the Way has to learn,
but once mastered the powers thus acquired can be applied to overcom­
ing other difficulties.
The next task to which the Neophyte has to apply him­
self is the training of his will. You must remember that the will is
not a separate organ of the Mind, which functions either adequately
or inadequately, the will does not secrete force, for it is simply a
power to concentrate the available energy, and the strong will is
therefore really the single-pointed will. The secret of a strong will
is simply to concentrate it upon a single object, and this can be
achieved by eliminating all competing objects, which, divide the at­
tention of the will, and absorb its energies, it is for this reason
that sacrifice is said to be the first step in the Mysteries, for it
is only by sacrificing ruthlessly all irrevelant interests that the
single pointed and potent will is obtained, and this necessity for a
single pointed will is just as potent upon the material Plane as it
is upon the Spiritual Plane. The man who would succeed in the mater­
ial world today must drive to his goal with a single pointed will,
ruthlessly sacrificing all minor pleasures, all other ideas, setting
them aside temporarily at least until he has gained, his goal, he must
be possessed of indominable courage to overcome all obstacles and all
handicaps, resolutely resolved to succeed in spite of everything.
In these earlier days of your training, you are go­
ing thru an exceedingly strict discipline, for you have registered
your call upon the Schools of the Inner Planes, and every departure
from the Lav? of the Path, (the Voice of your own Conscience) meets
with immediate and severe punishment, there is but one way of safety
for you, and that is as narrow,as the edge of a sword and as straight
as its blade. No human hand metes out this discipline to you, your
Teacher under whom you are working does all in his power by counsel
and advice to save you from error, but he cannot restrain you, no
more than he can divert the consequences of the broken Cosmic Law.
Action and reaction equal and opposite upon the Path as elsewhere,
and you always have to receive the reactions of the forces your ev­
ery thought sets in motion. Guard well your thoughts, your acts and
deeds, for by these forces you are uplifted or bruised as the case
may be.
After this section of the Path has been passed, the
Lee. 36 - pg. 2
way will open up for you, and you may then safely take up again those
things which you have laid upon the altar of sacrifice, but after the
discipline of the straight and narrow Way, you will never again become
attached to external things as you were before, you will always be
their Master, able to use them without becoming obsessed by them. And
so being free from the bondage of things you can use them and enjoy
them to enriching of your consciousness, but the preliminary discip­
line on the Path is always essential.
As you go into the study of the different Cosmic Planes
you will see that viewed Metaphysically all the planes of manifestation
are different types of existence, and the different component parts of
material man, not even excepting the physical, are but different modes
of consciousness, and organizations of force.
You will see from what I have said that the equipment
of the Adhyapya is rather extensive, and that you must bring to your
work, not only a certain degree of natural'capacity, but you must be­
come inured to discipline, and you must be willing to work hard, and
to work long, and continuously. Unless men and women work at Occult­
ism with the enthusiasm and the courage with which they would work for
any other prize in the material world they cannot achieve a full suc­
cess. So for the coming week, I want you to practice upon concentra­
tion, selecting one thought, or one idea and sitting quietly in your
Sanctum, withdraw entirely from the material world and all material
thoughts and ideas, centering your attention within the center of your­
self, and there meditating upon the idea. As your concentration be­
comes perfect, you will find that the thought sets up a faint vibra­
tion within yourself, an emotion corresponding with the thought, and ‘
this you will find, as you continue with your meditation, grows and
enlarges until finally it sweeps over the entire body. Then the next
evening take another thought and continue throughout the week.

The First Meditation is the Meditation of Love in

which you so adjust your heart that you long for the weal and welfare
of all beings, including the happiness of humanity as a whole.
The Second Meditation is the Meditation of Pity in
which you think of all beings in distress, vividly representing in
your imagination their sorrows and anxieties, so as t'o arouse a deep
compassion for them in your Soul.
The Third Meditation is the Meditation of Joy in which
you think of the prosperity and happiness of others, and rejoice with
their rejoicing.
The Fourth Meditation is the Meditation of Impurity,
in which you consider the evil consequences of corruption, the effects
of sin and disease. How .trivial often is the pleasure of the moment
and how fatal its consequences.
The Fifth Meditation is the Meditation of Serenity,
in which you rise above love and hate, tyranny and oppression, wealth
and want and regard your own fate with impartial calmness and perfect
Practice faithfully and repeat from time to time.
This is an important phase of your development work.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lecture 37 - Pg..1
Beloved. Adhyapya:
You are now entering upon a section of the Path, which calls
for the greatest amount of self-discipline, self-control and self-
mastery. The soul within you must now desire enlightenment and at­
tunement to such an extent that it will continually impel and urge
you on in the faithful, practice of the work which has been, and will
be given to you. Particularly is meditation, and concentration to be
practiced faithfully, for ten or fifteen minutes each evening. In the
little book of Blavatsky ’s entitled ’’The Voice of the Silence” the
very first paragraph emphasizes what I have said. Listen to the first
of these golden precepts, ”He who would hear the Voice of the Silence,
the soundless sound, and comprehend it, he has to learn the nature of
the Dharana.” Dharana is a Sanskrit word meaning the intense and per­
fect concentration of the mind upon one interior object accompanied
by complete abstraction from everything pertaining to the external
Universe or the world of sense. Thus you find that in all schools
demonstrating methods of Occultism and Mysticism, the necessity for
perfect control of the mind is emphasized again and again. Concen­
tration is not so difficult a matter for it is really only becoming
so interested in the thought you are meditating upon that you lose
yourself in it. You have experienced this condition in at least some
degree when you have become interested or absorbed in a book. At such
a time you are living in the scenes depicted by the author and are
lost entirely to your own environment. Perhaps at such a time, even
when spoken to, you are oblivious to the sound and to all else trans­
piring around you, yet you are fully awake to all that you are read­
ing, and you are awake to the Invisible Worlds created by the author;
you are living there and feeling the heartbeats of the different char­
acters in that story. Nov/ you are to cultivate this same faculty of
becoming absorbed AT WILL in any subject you choose. Last week you
were given several Meditations, and you will find with practice that
you can lose yourself in them, creating the emotions aroused by the
thought and having it surge outward over your entire physical organism.
So for this week I want you to continue with your Medita­
tions and your Concentration exercises. I must not hurry over this
part of your work, for time is required that you may develop these
abilities. HASTE MUST BE MADE SLOWLY, and this, a very important phase
of the work, must be perfected. I also want you to practice at fre­
quent intervals, upon the consideration of the other element in your
mind training; -the work of the Imagination. The Image-Making faculty
of the mind, or Visualization, for it is this which will enable you
as a trained Occultist to make the Astral Matrices - concentration
and meditation developed and perfected will present no problem to
you. I want you during the coming week, as you practice your Visu­
alization, to call up within your mind the picture of which I am
going to give you only the Key to work upon. You are to build this
Key in your mind, making it as realistic, as life-like as the very
Actuality would be. After holding this in your mind and working upon
it until it has become real to you, and you are completely lost to all
of your surroundings and environment, due to your intense concentra­
tion and your complete meditation, then suddenly you are to DROP the
picture from your mind and leave your mind BLANK, holding your mind
steady, without any thought, and WAIT to see what comes into the
vacuum. For a long time nothing may appear and you must be careful
to guard yourself and not make visions of your own, but as you keep
Lecture 37 - Pg. 2

on faithfully and patiently, there will come a time when the moment
you have let the imaged picture drop, in a flash the surrounding
Cosmic World will open up to your inner eye. At first it may be but
a mere glimpse, but it is a glorious promise of the future, which will
later come at your own will.
You see therefore, the first thing to practice is the fix­
ing of the thought upon an Ideal and holding it there without letting
it swerve. It is an exceedingly hard task, but to some extent at
least, it must be accomplished before it is possible to make further
progress. You are also, as you practice and work, gaining control,
learning to discriminate between illusion induced by outside condi­
tions, and the TRUE IMAGINATION GENERATED by the Spirit from within.
You may have thought that all was imagination, but there is a vast
difference to the Mystic.
Now this is the key picture you are to build in your mind.
It has a connection with the meeting place of the Schools of the In­
ner Planes which are always held beyond the planes of form, and as
you, thru your Meditation and Concentration, free your consciousness
from the brain and visualize the picture, and then drop it suddenly
from your mind, after having built it in all of its details, the In­
ner Worlds will open and you will find that you have risen to this
meeting place, and have met the great Light face to face. A strange
heat will seem to vibrate around you, an Astral Fire will light up
this Inner World until every object in it is rimmed with Light, In­
cense swung in no mortal censer will be heavy on the air, and a sense
of innumerable Presences, rank on rank will press in on every side
performing the great Astral Rituals that links Spirit with Matter.
Then you will return but you will retain the memory as of a dream,
but not as you went, for now the glory of the Great Light will remain
upon your countenance.
Nov; to attune you and set into motion the forces vzhich will
gradually DRAW YOU INTO RAPPORT with this meeting place in the Inner
Planes, visualize this picture, repeat it again and again, do not ex­
pect immediate results - do not THINK of results at all, only the PER­
FECTION of your work. You must be worthy before you can be admitted,
and this worthiness you are developing. When you have really reached
a point in all of your material manifestations where you can say to
the Invisible Guardian of whatever Portal you face, ’’Let my Aura prove
my worthiness to advance," then be very sure that the first Veil will
roll aside, First, you are to visualize a Star, five pointed, bril­
liant, translucent with light. When you have created this Star, then
under that a Mountain peak, a winding way leads up that mountain peak,
and near the top the Path broadens slightly into a stone shelf, the
side of the cliff or mountain, the Path Way and the shelf are dimly
illumined by the Starlight from this one Star. Opening off from the
shelf on the side of that mountain a small door, obscure, hardly dis­
tinguishable from the face of the cliff. Then visualize yourself
walking up that mountain-side, approaching the stone shelf, standing
thereon, facing that door-way and of course as you do this, the per­
spective or the bird’s-eye view of the picture fades and you merely
see an impression of the face of that mountain wall in front of you
and the doorway — nothing else. Standing quietly in front of that
visualized doorway, speak as to an Invisible Guardian, say to him,’’Let
my Aura attest to my worthiness to proceed." But be very sure before
you do this, that you are willing to let your innermost secrets come
under the calm and inscrutable gaze of that Invisible Guardian.
Have courage, faith and persistence, even tho you climb that
mountain-side a hundred times, wait and watch and one day, lo, the
door will swing open.
Lecture 37 Pg. 3

. And now you have reached the point where I shall give to you
the word of power, it is the ’’Lost Word,” yet never lost to the Initi­
ate, a word of Power, which will protect you on the material Plane or
on your journeys thru the Invisible Worlds. On occasion, a cry for
help pronouncing three times this Sacred Word will roll back the im­
pending danger, for nothing can stand before it. The word is YAH-VEH.
In pronouncing this word, you take breath, EXHALE as you pronounce YAH,
sounding it like the German for ’yes,’ the ’a’ is short as in ’ah,’
drawing it out while the air is exhaling from your lungs; then you pro­
nounce the VEH, the ’e’ is pronounced short as in Ethel. You are to
keep Holy and Sacred this Name, revealing it to no one and using it on­
ly under dire stress or emergency.

The Spiritual Guide.

”If thou wouldst attain to a high degree of perfection
and inward peace, thou must use the weapon of confidence in the Divine
Goodness, night and day, and always when thou fallest. This humble and
loving conversation and complete confidence in the Divine Mercy, thou
must exercise in all the faults, imperfections, and failings that thou
shalt commit, either advertently or inadvertently.
’’Thou art to know then, that temptation is thy great
happiness; so that the more it besets thee, the more thou oughtest to
rejoice in peace, instead of being sad, and to thank God for the favor
He does thee. In all these temptations, and odious thoughts, the re­
medy thou must employ is to despise them with a steady neglect, because
nothing more afflict the proud Devil, than to see himself despised,and
to know that he and all the things that he suggests to us are of no ac­
count. And therefore, thou art to comport thyself as one that perceives
him not and to possess thyself in peace without anxiety and without
multiplying reasonings and answers; seeing that nothing is more danger­
ous than to vie,, in reasonings with him who is ready to deceive thee.
Finally thou art* to know that the greatest Temptation is to be without
Temptation, wherefore thou oughtest to be glad when it shall assault
thee, and with resignation, peace and constancy resist it. Because if
thou wilt serve God, and attain to the sublime region of internal Peace,
thou must pass through that rugged Path of Temptation; put on that
heavy armour, fight in that fierce and cruel war, and in that burning
furnace cleanse, purge and purify thyself.”


Listen, listen oh Disciple’.
Before you go this way or that, the voice of the Master will
ever direct thee, if thou wilt listen.
In the living stillness, He is always present and will make
known to thee hidden things.
Then wherever the true Disciple goes, he will have his Master
with Him.
Others may not see Him, but some who know will sense Him in
the vibration of a true Disciple.
The disciple may not speak, but in his atmosphere, he will
reveal his Master’s tuned instrument —
Stillness, then action.
Gentleness, yet intense strength.
Love, yet righteous hatred of all wrong.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 38 Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Before going on to the new work for tonight, I want to em­
phasize one part of the Thirty-seventh Lecture. I said in that lec­
ture that you are to build the Key Picture which I gave to you; mak­
ing it as realistic, and as life-like as the Actuality would be.After
holding this in your mind and concentrating upon it until it had act­
ually become real to you, and you were absorbed in it, then suddenly
you were to drop that picture from your mind and leave your mind bl­
ank, watching to see what would come into the vacuum. In other words
each time as you climb that mountain trail, you visualize your ascent
as you go. The deep valley on the left hand side,the sheer mountain
wall rising above you on the right hand side. The rugged, rocky Path,
and then the stone shelf or widening in the path with the little door­
way, set deep in the side of the mountain face. Then facing the door­
way, letting the rest of the picture fade from your mind, with only
the doorway and perhaps a little portion of the cliff visible as you
face it. Make your Invocation to the Unseen Guardian of the Portal
and then as you are lost in this thought, oblivious to your surround­
ings and to everything else excepting only this doorway, suddenly you
drop the picture from your mind — leaving it a complete blank. If
you are successful — it will be only a moment or two -- perhaps al­
most succeeding the other picture, when the Inner Worlds will unfold
and a vision come to you. If after a moment or two you are not suc­
cessful, it will have been because your Concentration is not yet quite
perfect, so you must dispense with the effort for that time, and try
it again another night.
I want you to realize that Visualizing, Concentration and
the Meditation Exercises are of the utmost importance in your develop­
ment. Whether you realize it : or not, it is the purpose of every hum­
an being on the Earth Plane, to develop the Creative faculty, which
is their Divine Heritage, and thus place them in a position to render
service to their Brothers and Sisters, and in serving others they
oerve themselves and put themselves in contact with the constructive
Forces of the Universe, acquire Control and Mastery and develop Char­
acter. That great Hierarchy of Spiritual Beings who are concerned
with the evolution of the Race will always aid one who seeks to de­
velop himself or his Creative Faculties and Senses, or who seeks to
serve the Race in any way. While the motive in the first case may
seem selfish, the aims are directly in accord with what we call
NATURE’S PURPOSE and never bring a negative reaction. Remember al­
ways that Inner Concentration in its various forms is one of the prin­
cipal types of exercise in the highest Paths of Spiritual Unfoldment.
Preceding Meditation, there must of course be Concentra­
tion. Concentration is the bringing of the Rays of Force -into a fo­
cal point, illuminating and enlivening the matter'you are meditating
about. Concentration, therefore, is first a mental exercise, second,
a creative process; and third in its deepest ^plication, the highest
form of self-unfoldment and development. Concentration is therefore
a prerequisite in your ascent toward objective and material gain, as
a means of acquiring health and strength, and as a means of acquiring
knowledge. It is also THE MEANS of developing the Inner Psychic
Senses, and leading endlessly toward Spiritual Unfoldment.
You have had many lessons calling for different forms of
work, but which in their final analysis were simply training you and
teaching you Concentration. The reason for this is its supreme im­
portance , for thru Concentration any end may be attained any know­
ledge gained. You will find more rapid Inner Unfoldment thru Concen­
tration and thru Meditation than thru any other endeavor. Now you may
ask how this is, and I want you to realize that Concentration may be
Lee. 38 Pg. 2
considered as a highly intensified and powerful suggestion to the Sub­
conscious; and that it may be considered as an actual Creative Force,
sending forth the vibrations exactly corresponding to the picture or
idea upon which the attention is focused - actually vibrating into
complete manifestation, exactly the Idea held, and then it may be con­
sidered as a penetration of the more subjective Planes,with endlessly
greater access to knowledge, creative and constructive ideas and power.
It may be considered as the means of weaving, spinning or projecting a
picture upon the Subjective Planes themselves, which the Hierarchies
of those realms will certainly reflect into the material world.
As you go deeper into this work and investigate the mind
impartially, and as you free yourself from the limits imposed by any
preconceived concepts, you will soon find that you are opening un as­
pects of your Consciousness of which you have never heretofore sus­
pected the existence. But you must remember that the mind being ex­
ceedingly subject to suggestion, when functioning in these Subjective
States, that if you slightingly reject the first faint manifestation
of Supernormal Consciousness or the first slight glimpses as the Veil
parts before you, these states will immediately close down and the
Mind will limit itself to what is expected of it. But if you are eag­
erly and keenly looking for the Super-Normal Realm, or States, then it
will not be long before you find them. You must remember the point of
this, however, that THEY CAN BE INHIBITED or BROUGHT FORTH, either one,
by the clearly held idea in your mind.
You are standing at the Doorway of the Inner Way - the Way
or the Path which is openly referred to in every deep philosophical
writing on earth, and is symbolically referred to in every Religious
Writing. In fact it is the basis of every Philosophy or Creed of all
times, when seen behind the Veils of Allegory. But you must always
remember, having arrived at this point, that it is not possible for
you to continue to acquire Knowledge and Inner Unfoldment and a more
complete understanding, without constantly assuming in direct ratio
therewith an ever increasing responsibility for your motives and ac­
tions with regard to others with whom you come in contact. Your res­
ponsibility ever increases in direct ratio with your knowledge. In
the physical state of consciousness, as you go on relating with and
reproducing your kind, there comes a time in the Evolutionary Grade
when you become Intellectual. Before that time you are Unconscious
or Instinctive Creators, you are in your Garden of Eden or your Para­
dise; but when you begin to use your Intellectual Faculties you be­
come Conscious Creators, and CAN CREATE just what you desire, but you
are HELD ACCOUNTABLE under Universal Law for the causes you set into
motion. It is the inharmonious, ignorant or destructive use of the
Intellect and the Creative Powers that drive you out of your Garden of
Eden and cause you to lose your Paradise. You absolutely cannot evade
this responsibility and when this particular point is discussed, remem­
ber please, to bear in mind that your Virtue and common Morality are
not immediately under consideration, but rather with your Inner Unfold­
ment, you change your position in the scale of life and become a Teach­
er. Your increased Understanding compels you to do this. You may be
serving in private life most unostentatiously, nevertheless, you take
your place with the Teachers of the Race. In all personal Unfoldment
there comes a time when along the Way you will meet one, and within
you will come an unfailing and infallible feeling that here is a new
Traveller ready for help. That person may know absolutely nothing of
Unfoldment, yet until that person removes himself from your life, he is
your especial pupil and your charge - Fail to fulfill this obligation
and you will find yourself alone in the night with no one to turn to,
for this is your first great responsibility that comes with increased
knowledge and understanding.
Lee. 38 - Pg. 3
Practice your Inner Meditation faithfully — without strain
or effort, calmly confident your good will come to you.
Now changing the subject just a' little , I want to give you
another thought on the matter of Mind Control. I want to give you a
secret of Mental Supremacy. One of the first essentials is to learn
how to govern the varying moods of the Mind which come and go, or fluc­
tuate in a manner that is so very disconcerting and discouraging at
times, When it is known that these periodic changes of the Mind are
the workings of the Law of Rhythm on the Mental Plane - you have seen
the operations of this Law on the Physical Plane in the rise and fall
of the Tides, the successions of Day and Night, the recurrence of the
Seasons, and so on - then one ceases to be disturbed by them, and in­
stead learns how to inhibit their effects by rising above them.
Moods will ebb and flow, but you can refrain from being
unduly influenced by them in the knowledge that they are never perma­
nent, and that they can have but little effect upon your Thought and
Conduct, provided you do not identify yourself with them. To be more
explicit, the real YOU, the "I am," is changeless and forever dwells
in a state of absolute Peace and perfect Harmony, it is never disturb­
ed by surface agitation, nor colored by transitory moods. The latter
are the Psychic Effects of general Mind Activity, conscious and sub­
conscious, and need not to be involved when you know that there is a
deep, still state Within, where all is Peaceful and Serene at every
moment of time, regardless of external conditions. This Immaterial or
Metaphysical State is thus defined as the Super-Conscious, and its
full development is of paramount importance in the attainment of high
and superior Powers.
Moods of Fear and Doubt, Uncertainty and Weakness, invari­
ably arise when one dwells too much in the Consciousness of the ap­
pearances and the surface of things generally. In other words, when
the Mind thinks a great deal of the Imperfection of appearances and
centers Its attention upon the Limitations and Defects of the person,
it tends to go down into conditions of confusion, gloom, impotency
and discord.
You know this is the Truth, because cold reflection will con­
vince you that no matter how much your Thoughts and Moods may change,
you are always the same, you do not change because your Thoughts chan­
ge , unless you allow those Thoughts continually to remain with you,
and then you do not change the Divine Monad, but you merely change your
Consciousness, or rather limit your Consciousness , to the kind of Thou­
ghts you are thinking, but the real YOU, the Divine Monad Within, is
the same in Consciousness, for you are Spirit, Selfless and Real. As
a center of Consciousness you are becoming more and more apparent in
Universal Spirit. The Physical Body is only your instrument, channel,
or medium of expression of the Material Plane, and will be discarded
sooner or later. You will continue to exist, an unchanged and essen­
tial Nature, in other and finer forms and in Higher Worlds. The Real
You will never be obliterated, you are Spirit., growing into Self-Con­
sciousness, -unchangeable and indestructible. You will affirm "I am"
ten thousand years hence, or at any other period of time with the same
Conscious Certainty that you do today. You, the real You, cannot cha­
nge, but of course conditions, body, and,environment will be different.
Now, is this not a sort of Strength, of Upliftment, of Peace and Power,
does it not lift you above the confusion of Doubt and Fear and the
glamor of Worldly things, into the Serene atmosphere of Eternal Thought?
Grasp this Spiritual Truth, make it a part of yourself,learn to view
things from the Standpoint of Eternity, and nothing can disturb you any
more. In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lecture 39 - Page 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
You have been practicing during the past week the ex­
periment of attuning yourself with the Inner Schoolss there has pro­
bably come to your mind one question "Am I worthy to proceed?” I know
that this question must have been in your mind,for no one can stand
before that Doorway and invoke the Presence of the Invisible Guardian,
and make that statement "Let my Aura attest to my worthiness to pro­
ceed," without pausing for a moment in keen self-analysis. Tonight I
want to talk to you of the one quality whose possession you must have,
for it is the supreme quality and a veritable passport thru whatever
portals you face henceforth.
In the Thirteenth Chapter of Paul’s First Epistle to
the Corinthians we read. "If I speak with the tongues of men and angels
and have hot Love, I am become as sounding brass or as a tinkling cym­
bal. And if I have the gift of prophecy and know all mysteries and all
knowledge,and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have
not Love, I am nothing. And if I bestow all my goods to feed the poor,
and if I give my body to be burned,but have not love it profiteth me
nothing. Love suffereth long, and is kindj love envieth not, love vaunt-
eth not itself,doth not behave itself unseemly,seeketh not its own, is
not provoked,taketh not account of evil, rejoiceth not in unrighteous­
ness, but rejoiceth with the truth, beareth all things, believeth all
things, but endureth all things. Love never faileth.
"Wen I was a child I spoke as a child, I thought
like’ a child, I sat as a child, now that I am become a man, I have put
away childish things. For now we see in a mirror darkly, but then face
to face now I know' fully even also as I was fully grown. But now abid-
eth faith,hope and love, these three, and the greatest of these is
Love is greater even than faith, greater than hope,
because the whole of anything is greater than any part of it. Life is
made up of Love, without Love we often merely exist,we are discouraged,
unsuccessful, a failure. It is taught by Metaphysicians that the great­
est force manifesting on this earth today, is Love. Because Love is a
force. It has a rate of vibration and a color. Its vibration is one of
highest vibrations on this planet and it carries a high spiritual yel­
low color.
When you send forth pure love from your subconscious
mind, it is a powerful and constructive force. The Master Jesus taught
"Love your enemies." But many people refuse to believe there is any
sense in any such teaching, because they cannot see the reason back of
it. And yet when you stop to analyze it you find that it is based on
a great truth. Material Love is a stage of Divine Love and is in con­
tact with it. Just as a separate current in the ocean is in contact
with all the water of the ocean. So our first step is to picture Divine
Love flowing into ourselves, bathing us in its strong, powerful, beauti­
ful golden yellow rays until our organism radiates this force and color.
So retiring into your Sanctum, during your meditation period, pause for
a moment, close your syes and repeat slowly, thinking all the time of
the meaning of what you are saying, I am, the Father and I are one. I
am now in conscious contact with the Father and with His Divine Love.
Divine Love is flowing into me and thru me, and I feel its powerful
force radiating from me now.
You have been taught that your conscious mind deter­
mines what your path in life shall be, you have been taught that you
are not subject to the dictates of God, the autocracy of the star’s de­
cree, or to the inevitable workings of the law of heredity you under­
stand and know that God does dictate thru inspiration,the stars do de­
cree thru tendencies,and blood does influence thru impulse, that you
Lee. 39 - Pg. 2

have been given a brain., a mind and a will to freely choose between one
impulse, one tendency or one inspiration and another9 that you have the
freedom of choice3 and the will bo direct your material and spiritual
growth, God does not work for you but only thru you. The power is there
to use,but io will not get under way by itself. It works only as your
impress it on your subjective mind, and thru your subjective mind to
the subconscious mind,which is the Divine within you. Every minute of
your life by your thoughts and actions and deeds are you creating good
or bad for yourself. For thoughts are things, thoughts have force, and
it is a Cosmic Law, that whatever your thoughts are fixed upon that is
the thing you will attract to you. If you send forth thoughts of hate
you create a thought power which you send forth that is destructive in
its nature, which contains the red disintegrating Cosmic Currents, and
thus you put yourself in direct contact with all of the hate
being manifested in the Cosmic Universe at the time, and you are natu­
rally sure to have a certain amount of it reflected back- upon your­
self. The same thing is of course true when you send out thoughts of
Love, you send a force that contacts the Cosmic force or currents carry­
ing love and having associated with this current in this way you have
love returned to you.
Eut there is one great point to remember in this res­
pect and that is that when you send forth love you surround yourself
with the most powerful protection that it is possible to create. The
Master taught, ’’Love your enemies.” Many people in the world seem’to
think that this is a foolish thing to do, yet when one has learned
something of Cosmic force they realize that in sending out loving
thoughts they ar'e surrounding themselves with a mighty wall of Divine
Love, thru whicn destructive or hateful thoughts directed toward, them
find it difficult to penetrate. Recognize now and realize that everyone
in the world is a part of the Divine Universal Mind--God is everywhere-
-God is in you and in that other person also at the same time.There is
a contact between you and the other person thru this Divine Mind. Re­
cognize that the Divine in the other is perfect and good, and send
forth spiritual love thoughts to that Divine idea,saying always,You
are an expression of the Divine Idea and as such you are spiritually
Now at this stage of your progress I want you to culti­
vate Divine Love,or Universal Compassion for cultivated and practiced
it will tinge your Aura.with Spiritual Yellow. It will radiate from
you as a mighty benediction to others and it will form an atmosphere
around you, and it will inevitably bring to you, as soon as you have
created that condition, that omnipotent Presence, which is a Shining
Light, that will guide you thru every valley of the shadow, that Pre­
sence which is a Sustaining Power, that will lead you on and on to the
very Heights.
This thirty-ninth communication ends the First part of
the Great Work. The Rules and Principles you have been given are for
your constant use. Mastership of the Mind requires vigilence and con­
stant practice. Your exercise must be reviewed, and practiced. You
must meditate and constantly keep yourself to the task in hand. Your
next communication will commence another step -- along different lines
the preliminary work of the Traditional Esoteric Teachings of the
Western Traditions.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lee. 40 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
This marks the beginning of a new stage in your work.
As you are now familiar with Transcendental Thought from your previous
lessons, you will have little difficulty in understanding the general
trend of this phase of the Brotherhood’s work. After all, we do not
bring any new Message, but simply the re-statement in terms of modern
thought of the Immemorial Traditions, the Esoteric Secret Wisdom Re­
ligion, which has been known to Initiates from the remotest antiquity,
which was at the root of the Ancient Cultures, and which has come down
to us thru the Ages. Its Symbolic Form is recorded in the Sacred Books
of the different Races, and the interpretation in the Traditions of
the various Great Mystery Schools. In Ancient Times the Teachings were
kept strictly secret, because the World was not ready for them, but the
advancement of civilization in time rendered the many able to under­
stand what had previously been comprehensible only to the few. It was,
therefore, decided by those responsible for the guardianship of this
Knowledge that a portion of it should be given to the World at this
time. Let us review for a moment some of the Esoteric Doctrines you
have already been acquainted with. A study of Comparative Religions
shows us that all the great Faiths are in agreement as to essentials,
and therefore, the Founders, while giving to the People a Lav/ which
they could use in their daily lives, also gave to an Inner Group of
chosen Followers a deeper Teaching. The Initiates of the Mystery
Schools claim that it is these Teachings handed down orally, and in
secret manuscripts, which form the basis of the Wisdom Religions.
Each of these great Teachers emphasized different As­
pects of Truth according to the needs of the people of the Age to
which he taught, and none of them were in antagonism to the others.
They all gave a noble ethical Teaching and such a conception of God as
the Age was able to understand, but there has always been a deeper pre­
sentation of the Great Spiritual Truths for those who were able to pro­
fit by it. This presentation includes a profound Philosophical con­
cept of the Universe and of the Nature of Man. This concept forms your
study now.
You have already learned that according to Esoteric
Science the Universe we perceive by means of our five Physical Senses
is but a small portion of existence, and it is this Unseen Aspect of
the Universe which provided the Invisible Framework upon which all
that we see is built. It is in the operation of the Forces of this
Unseen Domain that we must look for the Archetypal causes of every­
thing manifested in the Material. Another important Teaching of Eso­
teric Science with which you’have become familiar is that of Re-Incar­
nation, which teaches that the Noble Spirit of Man puts on many gar­
ments of flesh in the course of its Evolution, that from the experience
of each of these many Personalities the Noble Spirit extracts its es­
sence and casts away the Form. Thus there is the period of existence
between birth and death, and between death and birth, during which
man exists as Mind only. In consequence of our previous lives each
new birth is not a fresh start, but causes set into motion in the past
operate in the present. Neither is death the end of all things but
rather the beginning of a new phase. It will be seen that such a con­
cept as this leads to an entirely new attitude toward Lifej it is this
same change of Attitude which has always characterized the Initiate
and set him apart from other men.
Lee. 40 - Pg. 2
You have learned too that Esoteric Science teaches
that instead of humanity occupying the front rank of Evolution? it
comes somewhere in the middle of the column, and that there exists
types of Life as far above us in development as we are above the low­
est savages. Where they are now we shall come in due course of Evolu­
tionary development. The higher type of Consciousness which they enjoy
being latent in all of us, and you know it is possible by means of
special training to increase the rapidity of the Evolution of Con­
sciousness, and you know also that among the Beings of higher Evolu­
tion than ourselves are many who, out of compassion for Humanity, re­
main in touch with the Earth Plane. These are referred to as the Mas­
ters of Masters or Elder Brothers - it is with these that you as an
Initiate of the Mysteries will come into touch when your Higher Con­
sciousness has been sufficiently developed. You have probably sensed
before this that the Wisdom Teachings are not merely a Philosophy and
a Science, but are essentially a Mystical Religion, and unless the
Religious Aspect be developed it fails to achieve its full aim, that
is the harmonious and balanced development of a highly evolved Human
Type. The Wisdom Religions never ask a man or woman to change their
Faith, but to find the Mystical Actuality, which is the essence of
that Faith. Therefore, in Christian Countries it is' the Christian
presentation of the one Truth which is best suited to their need.
The Western Tradition looks to the Master Jesus as the Master of Mas­
ters, and finds its Supreme Goal in the deeper Mystical experiences
of His Life, interpreting these in the Light of Esoteric Philosophy
and Psychology, for it recognises that the Mind must be satisfied as
well as the Spiritual Nature, and therefore gives a Philosophical in­
terpretation to the purpose of Life, as well as a Mystical one. Reli­
gion is much more than loading Good Life; it consists of sharing in
the Divine Light, and receiving the tremendous, vital stimulant and
illumination which takes place when the human Mind is attuned to the
Divine Mind. This is a real Illumination and is the Keynote of the
work before you.
In the higher work the first requisite is a sane,
balanced and harmonious Nature, with the Emotions under control and a
disciplined and cultivated Mind. No Intellectual or Spiritual Gifts
can avail without this essential basis of stability, and one should
be capable of steady work, prepared to accept Discipline and willing
to begin at the bottom and work their way thru. The work of the
Brotherhood is always computable with the ordinary duties of Life,
provided only that there is sufficient time for a certain amount of
study. The qualities which take a man or woman to the Higher Degrees
of Initiation are the same as those which bring him to the front in
any walk of Life- Application, Intelligence, Determination and Perse­
verance. These, when dedicated to the Master’s Service, produce re­
sults. To tread the Path men and women must be true to type, normal
sound in body and mind; they must bring to their work the qualities
which would command their price in any other profession. Sound Scholar­
ship and wide Culture should be cultivated.
The Brotherhood does not advise any special regime of
life, save that it should be temperate, clean and orderly. The best
diet is one which maintains physical fitness, and that is a matter of
personal idiosyncrasy and circumstances.
It is not that which goeth in at the mouth that defil-
eth a man, but that which proceedeth from the heart. The method of
training now before you does not produce a Sensitiveness to external
Lee. 40 - Pg. 3

conditions, which so often lead to faddism and eccentricity3 but aims

rather at the production of a strength and resiliency which can rise
superior to circumstances .In the great source from which the Western-
Tradition derives its inspiration, it is taught that man should live
the life of the Race in which he finds himself, else he will become
out of touch with the Group Race Mind.. It is always recognized and em­
phasized that a citizen owes loyalty and service to the country of his
birth or adoption,and that it is his duty as a citizen to keep himself
informed concerning matters of National and Local Policy, and Adminis­
tration, and to bring his influence to bear upon these, in the cause
of Justice and Righteousness. Above all do the Mysteries seek men and
women of sane, normal, wholesome outlook to bear their part in the
work of the world in the Sacred Duty of Home Nature, and there is
little place for the crank, the extremist or the impractical dreamer.
A final word may be said as to the origin of the Brother­
hood. I have spoken of those more evolved Human Beings no longer de­
pendent on Physical Bodies, who out of compassion serve the World.
These Great Ones are organized into Orders among themselves upon the
Inner Planes,and the Mystery Schools are the Pendants of these Invisi­
ble Orders. The different Schools on the Physical Plane grow up around
the Personalities of Initiates who are able to rise in Consciousness
and make their Psychic Contacts with the Great White Brotherhood. The
Organization takes place upon the Inner Planes, and no human being has
the right to say he is head of that Order. Those Initiates who are the
heads of their Fraternities are themselves under the authority of the
Unseen Organization and are independent perhaps of each other. There
is a considerable degree of specialization among the different Mystery
Schools and Fraternities upon the Physical Planer they all agree upon
fundamentals, some stress one aspect and some another aspect of the
Ancient Wisdom. They may also differ widely, not only in efficiency but
in Purity. The Mystic Brotherhood is one of these Mystery Schools - it
is reflecting the Western Tradition, and it is working on the Christ­
ian aspect, as well as the Hermetic and Atlantean Aspects of that Tra­
dition. These three Aspects give scope for the temperamental differ­
ences amongst its members,for the Christian Aspect is Mystical and De­
votional^ the Hermetic Aspect is Occult and Intellectual, and the At­
lantean Aspect concerns the Nature Forces.
Next week I shall go a little further into the work, taking
up the Path of Attainment - ”Thou shalt show me the Path of Light”
Psalms XVI 2. And while this phase of the work is coming to you, be
very sure that you occupy your time in a review and practice of the
work that has been given to you. None of this must be slighted especial­
ly during the preliminary stages of the work.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 41 - Pg. 1’

Beloved Adhyapya:

Tonight I want to change my program just a little in

order to explain to you something of the exact nature of the process
by means of which the separation between the Ego and the Individuality
is affected. First let us consider the normal processes of the Mind.
They consist of a ceaseless streaming of images across the illuminated
screen of Consciousness, which may best be likened to the ceaseless
projection of a Moving Picture Film. It does not appear possible for
two trains of ideas to occupy the focus of Consciousness at the same
time or simultaneously, but the alteration can be so rapid that to the
superficial observer they seem to be superimposed. This ceaseless suc­
cession of ideas appears to be of the very essence of the nature of
Vie get a very interesting view of the matter if we
study the Mental Exercises of the trained Occultist, when he is en­
gaged in acquiring the facility of going into Meditation. These mental
exercises have been handed down in the Mystery Schools from time im­
memorial and they are even better known and more highly developed in
the East than they are in the West. They are found in many books on
Mind Training, especially those emanating from Mystic and Occult cir­
cles. You realize that your earlier exercises in the creation of the
Sanctum were directed to teaching you to follow a train of thought
without Mind wandering. Nov/ it is essential for you to learn to inhib­
it unwanted Thoughts, as the second essential of your training. You
can soon acquire considerable proficiency in this work and you will
soon acquire considerable ability in being able to follow a train of
thought for a considerable length of time without any intruding ideas
arising, becoming quite oblivious to your surroundings as your medita­
tion becomes deeper. The story of Newton working out mathematical for­
mulae with his papers on fire, could be told of many an Adhyapya who
has perfected concentration.
The power to follow a definite train of Thought is
thus succeeded by exercises designed to teach the student to concen­
trate on single thought and to see in it all of its implications with­
out allowing the mind to move from it. In this case the mind is cir­
cling around a fixed center, instead of proceeding forward in a
straight line. This process differs from first in that ideas are not
sought but alien images are being inhibited. So at this point in your
training for deep meditation, I want you to formulate a mental picture
of some simple form—perhaps a black circle on a white ground, and to
practice forming it mentally and holding it steadily before the mind’s
eye for a considerable period. The very first attempt at such an exer­
cise yields some very interesting results, and throws a great deal of
light upon the nature of thought. It is easy enough to formulate the
image but very difficult to make it hold stilly it will dance about
and swing like a pendulum, go far off and approach again, do anything
in fact except ’stay put’. One of the modifications of this exceedingly
difficult exercise, by means of which you approach it step by step,
consists of formulating the image and then watching it swing at the end
of a pendulum, or again the image may be seen as stationary with the
background moving behind it like the landscape sliding past a train
window. Either of these devises aids greatly in enabling the-image to
be held before the consciousness, but stand still for any length of
time, it will not, as anyone can prove for themselves by trying this
experiment. When expertness is obtained it becomes possible however to
Lee- 41 - Pg. 2
hold the image still for quite a time, and it will be found that as
LOST, and time passes unheeded. A few minutes may seem like long peri­
ods of time, or contrarily several hours may pass without any apparent
break in the continuity of consciousness.
When the constant stream of images thub1 ceases to pass
thru the mind,it seems as if the Ego was no longer bound to the body. ■
It is a maxim of Esoteric Science,that where the attention is directed
that there the Self is present. As long as the attention of Conscious­
ness is directed towards the sensations derived from the body,the Self
to put it crudely, is in the body,but as soon as the attention is cut
off from the body, the Self is no longer bound to it. It is free upon
its own Plane. The difficulty lies in withdrawing all attention from
the body,for concentration upon the visualized symbol has to be so com­
plete that no physical sensation is felt,not even that subtile sense
which tells us the position of the limbs or of the body. This requires
great powers of concentration,and one must be satisfied to work at it
slowly,gradually achieving over a period of time,but nevertheless it
is a valuable method and one which you must perfect.
I will now go on with the work,leaving you to work out
the experiment thru the coming weeks. Your training in this new work
has to be considered from different points of view;first,the subjec­
tive mind has to be trained by those of the Inner Planes,by means of
telepathy and at the same time they must train your conscious mind by
means of various experiences on the physical plane. Then the two are
put together,the conscious in touch with the subconscious. Then each
phase of the training is carried on from a different plane in the In­
visible Worlds by a different group of Entities working in different
ways. There are always two sets of influences which must be carefully
distinguished; one set are the real Spiritual Influences that can up­
lift a man or a woman and put them upon the Path; the other Influences
are those which strike a bargain and give Power in return for the use
of your vehicle. Beware of these workers of Black Magic,those who use
such powers for their own selfish ends. The Adhyapya must realize that
Wisdom is not to be gained by reading books or attending lectures. A
surfeit of either is only likely to give him mental indigestion. He
must take abstract knowledge and assimulate it in quiet meditation and
with Prayer., Just as the Fruits of the experiences of a lifetime are
absorbed by the Higher Self and form the basis of our Personality, so
our brain consciousness should select and absorb true Knowledge and
transmute it into Wisdom. Do not be too greedy in reaching out after
too much new matter and do not forget that meditation and contemplation
going quietly over the knowledge you have picked up during the day,is
more essential to the growth and development of the Soul,than cramming
your mind with book knowledge. Therefore select from these teachings
what meets your needs an$ meditate upon it.
In these matters it is a good practice to extend the
range of vision over at least three lives,the previous,the present and
the future. The present is largely the fruits of the past,and the fu­
ture will be determined by the present. There is an inevitable law of
cause and effect,and a close study of this law will satisfy you,as no
doubt it has already done,that you alone are responsible for your
Karma. You must face cheerfully the results of your own actions, and
altho you may not be conscious of those causes, it is within the
bounds of possibilities that .they will be revealed to you as you prog­
ress with the work.
To give you a better comprehension,let me say that the
Lee. 4Í - Pg. 3

true picture is given in the following words: "He will be like the
bird,which having taken wing,finds no abiding place save in the Light.,
and the Light not yet being attained, she flies back and forth coming
and going wearily over the deep}and from her wings one by one fall her
old feathers, and she sinks lower and lower as her powers of flight
fail her. But even as the old feathers fall the new ones are growing,
and presently she rises again with strong wing beat into the higher
air from whence the dawn can be seen; then perceiving the Light in the
east, she wings her way toward it, and in the glow of the rising sun
finds her Master and takes service. Now her way is plain, if she but
obey, and follow her Guide." Picture thus the Seeker taking wing,
breaking the fetters, which bound him or her to orthodoxy,wandering
from one school of thought to another, until almost on the verge of
atheism, they come in touch with something that satisfies the subcon­
scious craving, and gives promise of food for the Soul. If you will
again refer to the words quoted, you will find that in the Soul, "in
the flow of the rising sun, finds her Master and takes service," it is
the Master of the Inner Planes that I want you to contact for yourself,
--not any personality on the material plane. One personality here may
help another, but they are all travelling on the Path, some are a lit­
tle in advance of others, and can help them on the Way, but each must
tread the Path for himself, and will find his Master of the Inner
Schools, "for now the Way is plain, if the Soul will but obey and fol­
low her Guide." That is if the Adhyapya will obey the intuitions that
have guided, him, they will show him the Light shining in the darkness.
Note the words, "and take service," the first lesson
that we have to learn is humility, and the last lesson when we stand
before the Throne of Grace is humility, for what Soul would be other
than humble when he realizes his relationship to God. Humility will
be the natural outcome of such realization. Where there is no humility
there can be no realization, but humility is not servility,a slavish
deference, it is rather the negative aspect of courage, for true hu­
mility requires courage, and he who serves with courage and fidelity,
is the servant who is trusted by the Master.
Now the watchword is Practice and Meditation. Be
faithful and zealous in your work—there is to be no more "Seeking,"
for you have "found," now you are required to be one-pointed and con­
centrated, not turning to the left hand nor to the right, but heading
straight for the goal. There should be no more indecision—no more
questioning as to fate and circumstances, but just a quiet and firm
determination to tread the Path. As you are sincere the "Way" will be
made plain, for the Masters are never unreasonable. It may take a
longer or shorter time before Karmic conditions permit your full dedi­
cation,—your aspiration to Integrality, being accepted, but in this
work time is a peculiar factor, for you must think in terms of Eter­
nity, carrying on your duties on the Mundane Plane and developing
"first interest" on the Plane where it belongs.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Beloved Adhyapaya:
Lecture 42 - Page 1
Tonight we enter upon the second phase of our prepara­
tory work, leaving the work which we have been doing, but we wish you
to continue with the experiments, picking up first one and then another
so that each week you are working one or two periods on one experiment
or another. It is not to be expected that you will perfect yourself
in these experiments during the first forty weeks. Their practice
should become habitual, without straining or without effort. Sooner
or later the Faculties will unfold.
In taking
up this second phase of
the Work, remember that
the Brotherhood is fol­
lowing the Traditions of
the West, and that the
Work of this division is
advancing to a consum­
mate explanation of Cos­
mic Law. If,at times,the
Lessons seem rather tech- \
nical, the student will '
understand that a thoro '»
grounding in Principle
is necessary for one as- Jj I AÛILAM
pirint to an unprejudic­
ed development.
In discussing the matter of the Planes let us look at
the above Diagram: Here is part of the Wheel of the Mighty Cosmos one
of the segments is shown, which represents one of the twelve Houses,
Rays or Aspects; picture the Solar Logos, our God, a Travelling Nuclear
Atom, developed in the Cosmos, just as we are developed in the Cosmos,
and Who, having completed His Journey through the Twelve Rays of the
Mighty Cosmos, has returned to the Central Stillness, and now at the
New Day of Brahm, comes forth down one of the Rays, to build His Uni­
verse. The Travelling Nuclear Atoms having a complexity sufficiently
great, come down to the Seventh Plane to construct their Universe —
hence it is upon the' Outermost or Seventh Plane that our God commences
His Universe, sets up the Spinning Ring called the ’’Ring Cosmos,” and
by Induction there arises the Opposite Ring, just as it is illustrated,
called the Ring-Chaos, which circumscribes and limits His Universe.
In building this Universe
God projects the Image which
He has in His Mind and this
Image is the Image of the
Mighty Cosmos, built in his
consciousness as a result
of His Journey through its
- twelve Houses, hence each
Plane and Éhase of the
Mighty Cosmos is projected
by God into His Universe
'in the same relationship.
Refer to Diagram No. 2.
Of Course
this is a schematic draw­
ing. Our Universe, as you will see in Diagram No. 1, is constructed in
the Cosmos itself, on the Seventh Plane, but we have illustrated it
outside of the Cosmos, for the sake of clearness; we have represented
Lee. 42 - Pg. 2

the Logos as a Lens, absorbing the picture of the Cosmos on the Left,
passing it thru His Mind, projecting it into manifestation on the Right.
Thus you see that each of the influences of the Cosmos comes into our
own Universe, and supplies the Archetypal Mold by which Form is built
in the Universe, thus the nucleus of every Atom derives from the Cos­
mos, for the material of the Universe is part of the Cosmos, part of
the Seventh Plane, but the Consciousness which builds up around that
Atom, and which differentiates it according to its Plane, is built up
under the influence of the Universe. The Plan of God, the Purpose of
the Universe, is to evolve Consciousness; it is for this Purpose that
God requires a Universe. Up to the point of forming His Universe, God
is said to have evolved a state of Sub-consciousness, and in the long
process of the Evolution of the Universe, He will develop full Self­
consciousness. Therefore you see that in all the work of the Universe,
and ’’all that therein is,” of the Physical, and all of the Inner Planes,
everything that has any state of consciousness, from Mineral to Man,
the prime object is to raise and develop that Consciousness, and so
contribute to the full Self-consciousness of God, of Whom we are a part
in the same way in which the Mind of each tiny cell, in your body con­
tributes its part to the experiences of the Self, and in the same way
in wrhich it is a part of your Mind and Consciousness.
As you look at these Diagrams realize that the Planes
are not places in space, but that they are "States of Consciousness."
They exist in and through each other, in just the same way as there
may be many musical programs in your room now, each on a different wave
length, or as you might say on a different Plane — they are in and
through each other, the room is literally full of them, tho you are not
aware of them until you tune to one or the other, by means of a special
instrument, the radio receiver.
It is your purpose to be able to tune in to these dif­
ferent Planes, these different States of Existence, these different
Modes of Consciousness, not with an instrument, but by quietly sitting
in your chair, and there having Consciousness fade from an awareness
of one Plane, and become aware of another. Thus you may experience the
emotional joys of the Astral Plane, and see the visions which are there,
or you may raise Consciousness to the Mental Plane and communicate by
Telepathy, or otherwise with those whose normal State of Consciousness
is of these Planes, or possibly, though very rarely, you may get flash­
es of Consciousness from the High Spiritual Plane.
ïou will see the correspondence of what you receive,
the Television Pictures projected through Space, the Radio which brings
a distant Voice. As a matter of fact our W'ireless, or Radio Wraves, are
carried on the Etheric Sub-Plane of our Physical Plane, but your Mind
and Consciousness are capable of going outside of the Physical Plane,
when it has been properly trained, and tuning in on other Planes.
Now turning to the Planes again, they are divided
broadly into four main sections: the Spiritual, the Mental, the As­
tral or Emotional, and the Physical or Earthly Planes. The Spiritual
Plane is again divided into an Upper and a Lower; the Mental Plane is
divided into an Upper, called the Abstract Mental, and a Lower, call­
ed the Concrete Mental, The Astral or Emotional Plane is divided in­
to the Upper Astral, the Plane of the higher affections, and the Lower
Astral, the plane of the grosser passions. The Physical or Earthly
Plane is not thus divided into halves. We have now in reality, seven
Planes, three pairs of Planes, and one Earthly Plane. These pairs of
Planes and the Earth Plane correspond with the Four Elements; Fire,
Air, Water, and Earth, hut we are going to discuss this in more detail
in our next lesson.
The point novz is to understand the manner in which God
creates His Universe, and the fact that it is a replica of the Mighty
Cosmos. You can readily see too, as you study the Diagram, that while
the Spirit of God (the Monad) is the highly evolved Nuclear Atom, which
completed its Evolution in the Cosmos, and brought over from that Evo­
lution in the Cosmos the Subconscious Knowledge which God is now work­
ing out in His further Evolution through the Universe, which is His
Soul or Psychic Self. You will see, too, that our Consciousness is a
part of God, and that all Nature is a part of God, not only Nature as
we know it, but all existence of the Inner Planes, which we wrongly
call super-natural. Bear in mind that this is not Pantheism, for Pan­
theism is but one half of Truth, and requires the aspects of the Soul
and Spirit of God to complete its Teachings.
The work is now coming to a technical understanding
of the Inner Planes, and the Life of those Planes, for the purpose of
affording the Student the proper background by which he can interpret
his experiences, as well as assess them at their true value. It is
the lack of this knowledge which results in so many mistakes, so much
misunderstanding, on the part of those who contact the Inner Worlds.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lee. 43 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
If you were setting out on a long journey into a country which you
had been told was difficult of access, you would endeavor to travel as
light as possible and so it is on the ’Path.’ You must travel light, and
you should only desire sufficient for your needs and comfort and consi­
der everything else as a hindrance to your progress, for they will not
only be a burden but they will divert your attention from the work in
hand. This Involves many sacrifices,but with a change of values, sacri­
fices change their aspect. Only those things really matter which are of
value in the Master’s Service. It is for this reason that Sacrifice is
said to be the first step in the Mysteries, for it is only by sacrific­
ing ruthlessly that the single pointed and potent will is obtained. But
after the first section of the Path is safely past, the Way opens out
and the Initiate may then take up again those things which he laid upon
the Altar of Sacrifice which stands before the Gate. But after the Dis­
cipline of the Straight and Narrow Way, he will never again become at­
tached to external things as he was before. He will always be their Mas­
ter, able to use them, without becoming obsessed by them, so that, being
free from the bondage of things he can use an enjoy them to the enrich­
ing of his consciousness. But the preliminary discipline is always es­
sential .
So while you are yet in the first stage of the Path, special at­
tention should be given to Self-Control and careful observation of your
reactions, perhaps even more than to your actions,for it is by your re­
actions even more than your actions that you make your progress. Many
subtile tests will be given and it is in accordance with the way in which
you meet them that you will succeed. These tests are different for every
Adhyapya and are usually so directed that he may obtain a realization of
his weak points. If there is lack of control of the emotions and desires
for instance, the reactions to these must be closely watched. The best
reactions it may be noted, are those which are judgments of the Mind; as
the Controller of the Individuality, for thus will the Individuality be
trained not by inhibition but by control.
Now to take up the special study where I left off last week, you re­
alize that such an all inclusive doctrine gives a place to everything
and so in our studies you must try to classify your ideas and arrive at
clarity of thought on these matters. Now to proceed,remember that with
the exception of the Physical Plane,each of the Planes are divided into
two distinct sections--an upper and a lower. The Upper has an Abstract
Aspect and the Lower has a more concrete Aspect.
Let us consider the Spiritual Planes, upon which Force predominates.
The Abstract Aspect is an undifferentiated reservoir of Divine Power, not
yet enclosed in such Form as may enable it to function individually.
Hence upon the Plane--”A11 is one and One is All.” It is the Plane of
Utility from which all derive and to which all return. It is the source
and the Goal of our phase of evolution on this planet. On the Lower, or
Concrete Spiritual Plane (still a Plane of Force), it is as if a little
pipe were run from that reservoir for each individual Soul, from which
that Spiritual Power flows if the Pipe be kept clean and open. It is upon
this plane that differentiation begins. It is a very high state of
Consciousness to attain to and those who do so usually only obtain a
brief flash because of its intensity of Vibration. Such a state is often
called ’Cosmic Consciousness’ but this would appear Incorrect as it does
not refer to the Cosmos but it is a state of Consciousness belonging to
this universe.
Lee. 43 - Pg. 2
On the Mental Planes,as stated, ’Form’ predominates,and on the Upper
or Abstract Mental Plane we find the Thoughts of God taking Form as Great
Principles, such as Wisdom, Power, or Love, ensouled by the Forces of
the Spiritual Plane; Force on this Plane is more limited than upon the
two upper Planes, being cast into the form of one or the other of the de­
finite principle of quality. It is the great Abstract Principles which
are the basis and cause of the Natural Laws which are worked out in Evo­
lution. For what is Natural Law but the Abstract Mind of God ensouled by
Spiritual Power?
The Principles having been formed’ on the Upper Mental Plane, it
is necessary for those to be put into practice in detail on the Lower
Concrete Mental Plane--hence we get an enormous increase in differentia­
tion on this Plane for it is here that we contact the Brain-Conscious­
ness of Man who should, if he desires to conform to the Mind of God,mea­
sure his Concrete Thoughts by the Standards and Principles of the Plane
next above, - the Plane of Abstract Mind.
Huving made your Concrete Thought Forms clear cut and well defined,
for it is only such that are of any practical use, it is necessary to
bring them into manifestation if they are to be of service to God and
Man. This desire for Service brings that ’Form’ down to the Astral Plane
where it becomes charged with the ’Force’ of that Plane, for it requires
the forces of Will and Desire to drive a work thru to its completion. It
is not enough to draw the plan ; for the building, the work must also be
put into the hands of someone who will see it carried to completion. It
is our task upon the Astral Plane to utilize our desires and emotions
and by means of their ’force’ bring a work to completion upon the Physi­
cal Plane.
* Like the Mental and Spiritual Planes, however, the Astral Plane has
two Aspects. There is a definite cleavage between the Higher and the Low­
er, so that for all practical purposes they may be regarded as two Planes.
Some schools of thought teach that the Astral is but one Plane, but the
Western School teaches otherwise, and the reason will be readily seen as
we proceed. On both Astral Planes ’Force’ predominates, but on the Upper
Astral it is directed upward by desire for the good of Humanity general­
ly or what is known as the Universal Aspect. On the Lower Astral however,
the 'Force’ >is directed downwards, towards the personal objects of De­
sire. Both Planes have their proper use, for the Universal Aspect has
also to find expression in the Personal Aspect, but you must always de­
cide in which direction your desires shall predominate. By means of this
distinction just spoken of, it is comparatively easy to distinguish be­
tween the two Aspects of the Astral Plane.
It must be remembered that the Upper Astral Plane has a back-ground
of Spirit and the Lower Astral has a back-ground of Matter. For example,
let us take the services of the Church where desires are expressed for
the uplifting of mankind, these are typical of Upper Astral Work. Or, on
the other hand take a man whose whole ambition is for Self-Interest or
Self-Agrandizement,—such a man is active on the Lower Astral Plane. Re­
member also that the Astral Planes are Planes of Picture-Consciousness
and the Images thereon seen are very fleeting in their nature, being sub­
ject to the variations of Thought and Emotion. Hence, communications with
the Astral Planes are frequently unreliable in their results, being af­
fected by the emotional state of those who make the contacts on either
In considering the Physical Plane we must remember that matter is
largely atomic-etheric, for every material atom is actually etheric, its
electrons function in a sea of ether and comprise but a fractional part
Lee. 43 Pg. 3
of the atomic unit. Hence the Ether of the Physical Plane is the vehicle
of the Consciousness of the Plane, just as are the various Ethers which
belong to the other subtile Planes we have already discussed.
It is important that the names and numbers of the Planes, as I am
using them, be committed to memory as I shall frequently refer to them
by name or number in the intensly interesting work I am going into with
you. Try also to associate the Planes with its characteristic aspect of
Force or Form and with its corresponding element of Fire, Air, Water,and
Earth. This practice will lead to a very helpful association of ideas
which will prove very helpful in understanding the details of the Eso­
teric System.



5, &

4 air.



I also wish you to realize that ’The Path’ is a very definite

system of training, and all must tread it who seek the Light. In
this work it will be worked out in seven stages -- First, the Neophyts;
Second, the Server, or Adhyapya: Third, the Dedicand, or Caraka;
Fourth, the Enlightened; Fifth; the Stage of Power; Sixth, the
Teacher; and Seventh, the Goal. It is to be hoped that you will at­
tain to at least the first four stages of the Path in this Incarnation,
and I believe you will, but of course you must hardly hope to tread
the whole Path in one Lifetime, or to find it an easy journey, thence
you must never lose sight of the Light shining shead which never fails.
Each will reach the goal sometime but this work is helping you to
reach it more quickly than you otherwise would.
So for this week, I wish you to learn and understand the Planes
and their Correspondences as given you in the table above, then I
want to have you learn the seven stages of the Path, and to impress
them upon you it would be an excellent thing for you, to take your
Bible and trace the Life of the Master Jesus from the point of view
of these Stages, using the Aquarian Gospel Jesus the Christ, if
you have a copy, if not you will find a part of His life in the King
James version of the usual Bible. Remember that He, as a High Ini­
tiate of the Essenes, and like all who have attained, travelled this
same Path.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 44 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
At this point in your work I wish to give you this extra com­
munication covering many points that have arisen in your work and which
are bound to arise from outside sources as you read and study.
Whenever contacts are made with the Invisible World,by what­
ever means,there is needed some classification in order that one may be
able to understand the varied phenomena which he will meet.Not all such
manifestations are due to the Spirits of the departed, there are other
Denizens of the Invisible Worlds than those which once had human form.
The classification,therefore,which I will now use is drawn from Tradi­
tional Occult Sources and it will throw much light on certain of your
Of all the'inhabitants of the Invisible Worlds,the ones with
which it is easiest for us to get in touch are the Souls of Human Beings
who have shed their outer garment of flesh,either temporarily or per­
manently . Anyone familiar with Spiritualistic or Esoteric Thought soon
becomes habituated to the idea that man or woman etr'ê not changed by
Death.The Personality remains,it is only the body which is gone.
The Esoterist,in his concept of the nature of Departed Souls,
distinguishes between those who are going thru the inter-natal phase,
that is to say,those who are living in the Non-Physical Worlds between
Incarnations and those who will not reincarnate again.There is a great
difference in capacity and outlook between these two types of Souls.
Much of the present differences of opinion asæ due to a failure to re­
cognize this fact.
The Occultist does not maintain that existence is an eternal
sequence of Birth and Death - but merely that,at a certain phase of Evo­
lution, the Soul enters upon a series of material lives,and thru the de­
velopment made during these lives it finally outgrows the Mundane or
Earthly Phase of Evolution,becoming more and more Spiritual towards the
end of this period until finally it wins its freedom from Matter,and re­
incarnates no more,continuing its existence as a disembodied Spirit
with a human mind.Mentality, the Occultist asserts,can only be obtained
thru incarnation in the human form.Those beings who have not undergone
this experience have not developed Mentality as we understand the term,
with certain exceptions which I will go into later.
For the most part,it is the Souls of the Living Dead who are
contacted in the seance room or otherwise.Liberated Souls go on to their
own place and are not so easily reached.Only those return within range
of the earth-sphere who have some business there.The discussion of this
point would open up a wide field of interest but I cannot go into it àt
this time.It must suffice to say,therefore,that it is well known to
Occultists and all workers in Psychic Research,that there are Souls of
a higher type than those most commonly encountered,who are concerned
with the Evolution of Humanity and the training of those who are will­
ing to cooperate with them in their work.
We may say,therefore,that the Souls of the Departed may be
divided into three types—the Souls of the Living Dead,who will return
again to the Earth Plane;the Liberated Souls who have outgrown earth
life and gone on to another sphere of existence,and the Liberated Souls
who having gone on,return to the earth-sphere because they have work
to do therein.A recognition of these three types of Departed Souls will
serve to explain many of the discrepancies we encounter between the
statements of various writers. The Occultist aims chiefly at getting in­
to touch with the Returning Souls,the third type, for the purpose of
Lee. 44 Pg. 2

specific work which both he and they are concerned in.For the most part
he leaves the Souls of the living Dead severely alone. The Occultist
should certainly not invite the cooperation of the Living Dead as he
would that of the Returning Souls,for they have their own work to do,
nor can he place as much reliance upon their knowledge and insight as
in that of those freed from the Wheel of Birth and Death,neither has he
any right to try to use them as he would Elemental Spirits in the course
of his experiments.
The Angelic Hierarchies.

The average Protestant has a very dim notion concerning the

Angelic Hierarchies,the great Hosts of Beings of another Evolution than
ours,tho children of the same Heavenly Father.The Cabalah however, is
explicit on this point and classifies them into ten Archangels and ten
Orders of Angelic Beings.Buddhist,Hindu and Mohammedan Theology are
equally explicit.You may,therefore,believe,that in view of this agree­
ment of witnesses,there is surety of will serve best to
take for my guide that System from which Christianity rose—Mystic
I will not go into the elaborate classifications used by the
Jewish Rabbis,which have their importance for purposes of Magic but
are not necessary here;it is enough that you realize that there are
Divinely created Beings of varying degrees of Greatness,from the Mighty
Archangels whom St. John saw standing in the Sun, down to nameless
Heavenly Messengers who have from time to time visited Mankind.Beyond the
Sphere to which are assigned the Disembodied Spirits of all Humanity
dwell these Heavenly Beings, and in some high range of Spiritual Sight
the Occultists or Psychics sometimes touch them.
It is said by the Rabbis that these Beings are perfect,each
after his kind,but they do not evolve,and it is noticeable that they
are non-Intellectual. One might almost call them Divine Robots each
strictly conditioned by its own nature to perfectly fulfill the office
for which it was created,free from all struggle and inner conflict,but
changeless,therefore,unevolving.Esoterists make a fundamental distinc­
tion between Angels and the Souls of Men.They say that the Divine Sparks
which are the nuclei of the Souls of Men proceeded from the Cosmos,from
the same Plane from which the Solar Logos proceeded.They are therefore,
of the same nature as the Godhead.Angels,on the other hand, are created
by the Solar Logos as the first of His Created Beings;they neither fall
into Generation nor rise by Regeneration,but remain changeless until
the end of the Epoch.They are God’s Messengers in things of the Spirit,
but they have no direct contact with dense matter.That office is per­
formed by another Order of Beings altogether—the Elementals,who differ
in origin and nature from both Angels and Men.
Much confusion of Thought exists concerning the Order of
Beings known as Elementals.They are sometimes confused with the Spirits
of Men.Undoubtedly many happenings attributed to Spirits are to be as­
signed to these other Orders of Beings.Again,they are not to be con­
fused with the Evil Demons.Elementals are the Thought-Forms generated
by coordinated systems of reactions that have become stereotyped by
constant,unchanging repetition.Some explanation is necessary to make
this clear to you,and to do so, I shall explain how Elementals come in­
to Being.
Lee. 44 Pg. 3
Each Epoch of Evolution is constituted by the outgoing and
return of a Life-Wave of Living Souls.Each Life-Wave presents its char­
acteristic contribution to Evolution.When the Divine Sparks are with­
drawn back to the Inner Planes and reabsorbed into the Kingdom of God,
their work remains behind in that which they have builded, whether it
be the chemical element evolved by the one, the chemical reaction evolv­
ed by another or the reactions of consciousness evolved by yet another
Wave-Humanity remember is evolving the Power of coordinated Conscious­
ness,and the Lords of Humanity,therefore,hold the same relationship to
the Life-Waves which have preceded them as they hold to each other. The
three earlier waves are termed the Lords of Mind,the Lords of Flame,
and the Lords of Form.The Beings of the three earlier Life-Waves have
passed out of range of the Life of our Earth,each Group to its appro­
priate Planet,while we,the Lords of Humanity,are still absorbed in the
task of building and are not yet (save for those few who have become
Masters) escaped from the bondage of the material in which we work.And
therefore it is seldom that any Psychic Contacts those who have passed
beyond our range,save only the Higher Grades of Adepts, or Masters.
But they have left behind them,as I have said,the Forms
which they built up in the course of their Evolution.These Forms,as all
Psychics know,consist of Coordinated Systems of Magnetic Stresses.When­
ever any movement takes place an electric current is set up,and if the
System of Coordinated movements is repeated many times,these Currents
tend to make adjustments among themselves,and become coordinated on their
own accountjindependent of the Physical Forms whose activities gave rise
to them.It is out of these Coordinations that the Elementals are evolved.
I do not want to go into this subject too deeply at this
time but I do want you to understand that the ultimate product of Evo­
lution in the Angelic,the Human,and the Elemental Kingdoms is to pro­
duce Consciousness and Intelligence.The origin of the three types of
Beings is entirely different,and so is their Destiny.The Divine Sparks,
- Humanity,are the manifestation of the Great Unmanifest,the Father.
The Angels are the creations of the Solar Logos.The Elementals are the
creation of the Created,that is to say,they are developed out of the
activities of the Material Universe.
Of the Elementals thus evolved,there are many types.First
the four great Divisions of the Elemental Spirits of Earth,Air,Fire and
Water,known to the Alchemist as the Gnomes,Sylphs,Salamanders and Un­
dines. These really represent four types of activity rising out of four
types of relationships.In solids,the molecules adhere,in liquids they
are free-moving,in air or gases,they repel each other,and in fire,the
essential property is to change or transmute.The four Kingdoms of Ele­
mentals,under their Angelic Kings,represent the purpose and action of
these four properties of Matter,the Mind-side of Material Phenomena,to
be exact.This fact is known to Occultists,and they employ the Mind-side
of Matter in their Magical Work.Consequently,many of these Elemental
Systems have,as you might say,been domesticated by Adepts and thus
domesticated,become endued with Consciousness of a human type,and these
developed or initiated Elementals are oft met with by Psychics.
I am now trenching upon some of the most Sacred Aspects of
Occultism,and I cannot say a great deal,until you have gone farther,
but I leave this with you,for you to think upon until next week.Later I
shall take you into this more fully.After next week,I shall resume the
detailed instruction of the Planes and their Nature.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 45 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I shall finish the instruction concerning the Inhabitants
of the Unseen Worlds. I am giving you this at this time for I feel that
it will be helpful to pause for a while and consider the other evolu­
tions besides our own,explaining as they do something of what you may
contact in your work,as well as broadening your understanding. _Last
week I touched upon the Lords of Humanity as well as the three Life
Waves which have preceded our own, all Human in type, and told you
something of the three classes of Souls, as well as something of the
Angelic Kingdoms and the Elementals. Now I will cover the other Beings
which inhabit space.
One of these other classifications is the Nature Spirits.Whenever
any set of Natural Objects is. essentially a unit an Over-Soul is devel­
oped by the same methods I have already told you about in telling you ■
of the Elementals.But the term Elementals is usually reserved for the
Spirits of the Four Elementals and it is better to employ another term
to describe these Over-Souls I am now speaking of,for they are essen­
tially different.The Elementals evolve from elemental substances, in
other words,from the etheric existence which was the forerunner of
matter. These Nature Spirits evolve from the coordination of many com­
plex forms which have a certain factor in common.For instance,an Over­
Soul is developed by a forest or a mountain. These Over-Souls are psy­
chic units,built up out of the innumerable coordinated reactions made
by the forest as a whole,or the mountain as a whole to their respective
Not-Selves.Any Cleft in the mountain, any glade in the forest, so long
as it is sufficiently differentiated to function as a unit and have de­
finite lines of difference to the Not-Self,develops an Over-Soul also.
All who are sensitive readily sense the presence and nature of such an
Over-Soul. Each species of Living Creatures has such an Over-Soul,and
many important points which I cannot go into now arise from this point.
It is possible,however,to contact the composite Lion, the composite"
Eagle, etc., and these entities are closely related to the great psy­
chic forces, hence the use of symbolism in the Gods of Egypt, and all
countries, as well as the Christian Religion.
Then there is the question of Demons or Evil Spirits. They are
developed in the same way as the Elementals save that they originated
in the Unbalanced Force which is generated as each new phase of evolu­
tion comes into existence. For there is always a transition period to
be gone thru as each new phase is evolved. Equilibrium cannot be estab­
lished immediately and the Unbalanced force tends to run riot. As far
as possible it is balanced by the conscious action of the Angelic Hosts
as part of their work,but a complete compensation is practically impos­
sible. Especially was this case during the earlier, phases of evolution
when the Angelic Hosts themselves were not yet all in being.
These Unbalanced Forces,then,form the substance of the King­
dom of Positive Evil,as distinguished from Negative Evil, which is mere
resistance,or inertia,and as such has its uses. Into this Kingdom of
the Demons go all the Unbalanced Forces generated by man,reinforcing
the original evil. Many of these Demons have been brought under control
by the Black is these,also,which form the chief danger of
Mediumship.The trained Occultist,however,knows how to protect himself
from all unwanted intruders and once he has reached occult adulthood,
he does not fear them, for he knows how to deal with them.
Lee. 45 - Pg. 2
Another interesting subject is that of Thought-Forms.It is
difficult to know whether Thought-Forms should be designated Beings or
Objects.After all,everything which has existence is a Being and tho
the Thought-Form is one of the ’’creations” of the created,and there­
fore has no noumenal existence,nevertheless,being an actuality on its
own plane it has a phenomenal existence.! am justified,therefore, in
classifying them among the Beings of the Unseen Worlds,especially as
there are certain forms of Thought-Forms which are highly organized
and endowed with considerable intelligence.
The Thought-Form is an externalization of the mind-essence
of an intelligent being.Every thought which is formulated is,of course,
an organization or modelling of thought-substance,but for the most
part such lightly constructed forms never get beyond the aura of the
person evolving them.An influence is radiated from them,but the actu­
al Thought Form is not projected from the aura to take up an indepen­
dent existence outside. Only by a very powerful effort is a Thought-
Form projected. This may be done under the stress of emotion or deli­
berately by an effort of the will.Any person in a highly emotional
state projects Thought-Forms,but unless there is an organized idea be­
hind them they rapidly disintegrate. It is only when a little bit of
the real self is projected with them that they hold together and re­
main potent. The Occultist frequently avails himself of his knowledge
of the laws governing Thought-Forms in his work.
Thought-Forms arenas I have said,projected during intense
emotional strain.If a mental image be repeatedly visualized and brood­
ed over it tends to take up an independent existence.Such a Thought-
Form may receive ensoulment from many different sources,attracting to
itself that which is congenial to its own nature.For instance,a long
brooded thought of hate might attract to itself one from the Demon
Kingdom,while a thought of love might attract one of the higher Elemen-
tals,or even an Angelic Presence.None of these,however,except in rare
cases,when the work was done deliberately by a Magician,actually en­
ters into and embodies itself in the Thought-Form,but rather projects
a portion of its substances into it. Such a Thought-Form has a very
peculiar existence,being endowed with life by the non-human contact
and with intelligence by its human contact.Many stories you have read
have been written with this as a theme,and the invisible playmates of
children are not frequently Thought-Forms thus ensouled.
Now,I have made only a brief survey of this subject of the
Inhabitants of the Unseen World and have made no attempt to give a de­
tailed description,but- simply an innumeration for your information
and to clear up a subject about which there is so much misapprehension
and so little real truth given.What you have now been given will serve
to give some indication of the different types of Beings that may be
contacted upon the Inner Planes and will give you some idea of the ex­
ceeding variety of the Life of those regions.The planes lie one above
the other in successive spheres of consciousness,and as we rise upon
them,we contact first one and then another type of Being.
Vihile you are receiving this part of the work,be sure that •
you occupy your spare time with frequent reviews of any of the impor­
tant proceeding lectures,and be sure that you practice often the art
of meditating quietly in your Sanctum.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 45 Pg. 3

After reading the lessons of today and last week you are able to
understand something of the work of the White Magician—He who follows
the right hand ’’Path.” And in the facts that have been given you con­
cerning "Thought-Forms” there is work that you, too, can do.
Do you see now something of che value of Affirmation in creating
"Thought-Forms?" Do you catch the significance of dwelling upon them
and meditating upon them,until they become Vitalized Living Entities,
attracting to themselves the Powers of the Unseen—do you see the value
of filling your aura with such "Children of Light" as these, and do
you see how thoughts thus become things,which will in turn affect your
life? Even more,do you see how they become Beings—children of your In­
telligence, and ensouled by the Elementals of Light,or even the Angelic
Kingdom,automatically attracting Power, Success and Spiritual Growth.
• Select one short,strong affirmation,work with it for a week at
least before taking another.Work upon this thought in your Sanctum at
night. Visualize first,a misty cloud,pour your will into it,seeing it
in your mental picture becoming radiant with light,vibrating with
energy,then slowly,a word at a time see the words of your affirmation
appear upon it in letters of fire,During the day,feel and know that it
is with you,growing,getting stronger and more powerful each time that
it is with you,growing,getting stronger and more powerful each time,
you think of it,and each time you repeat.the visualizing process. Do
not attempt to send it out into space,let it remain within your aura,
attracting its kind to you,and warding off all inharmonious things.

Health Happiness Harmony Prosperity

I am -Confidence I am Harmony

I am Health I am Happiness

I am Cheerful I am Prosperity
I am Abundance I am Success

I am Fearless I am Courageous
I am Alert I am Magnetic
I am Divine Love I am Infinite Wisdom

I am one with the Father.

Lee. 46 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
I know from what has been said to me that you are enjoying the ex­
tremely interesting and valuable knowledge of the past few weeks,and I
may say valuable,advisably,for it is not of the type usually given out.
at this stage of Occult Work.Tonight,however,while I am on these sub­
jects I want to talk to you about still another topic that is probably
one of the most important for it affects all of us sooner or later,and
that is Death.
You question,’’Have you anything to offer on this subject that is
real and that is helpful,"and I answer, "Yes,I have,” for I can offer
you knowledge and fact. Knowledge and fact from the experiences of
many souls who have crossed the great gulf and who have returned to
tell of their adventures,and from the experiences of those others of
us' fewer perhaps, in number,who can remember our past lives.
This knowledge of the hidden life of the soul earsonly give cour­
age and comfort to the doubting,but be the means of actively helping
those who are passing over. .We need no longer stand by the bedsides
of those who are dying,with empty hands,for ,tho our hands find nothing
to do,our minds should be active and we should be making ready to ac­
company our friends on the first stage of the journey. We can literal­
ly "set them op their way," as we do the departing guest. Before we
can consider exactly what may be done for the departing, we must first
understand the process of putting off the flesh.
There are two kinds of death,natural death and violent death;and
there are two kinds of passing,peaceful passing,which is normal, and
the unpeaceful one, which is pathological,for dying is no less a nor­
mal process than being born.Natural death is that which takes place
gradually,the soul loosening itself from the body before its departure
just as a child’s milk teeth become loose and fall from their sockets
painlessly. Violent death,however is like the pulling of a tooth by
the dentist,there is bound to be some wrench and some shock.Normally,
however,the Great Anaesthetist gets in his work rapidly and with the
first opening of the line of cleavage between the soul and the body the
Major Sleep descends upon us and we know no more. One should never re­
sist, but should surrender himself into the hands of the Merciful Angels
with the same confidence and gratitude that he would submit to the
help of his physician who was administering an anaesthetic which was
going to shield him from the consciousness of the surgeon’s work. As
the ether gets in its work,the pain and fear will fade and he will
sleep for a time,knowing nothing.
So it is with Death.The Dark Angel closes one by one the avenues
of consciousness and we sleep within ourselves while the process of
separating body and soul goeson. When all is over,when we are freed,of
the body,then the Angel will one by one reopen the gates of aware­
ness upon a higher plane and we shall live again,tho in another dimen­
sion. We may find it difficult to realize the kind of a life to which
we open our eyes as the day dawns once more,but you may rest assured
that when you awaken on the next Plane,it will appear as normal to you
as Earth Life to which you are now accustomed,because you will find
you are adapted to it. The soul that goes to meet Death with understand­
ing, invoking the merciful offices of the Grey Angel and welcoming his
healing ministrations,will draw out of the bounds of time and space as
quietly as a great ship putting out to sea. The changes come gradually,
there are no shock or surprises and as one shore line fades, the fur-
.ther one begins to rise above the sky-line.
Lee 46 Pg 2
Insensibly you will have drawn away from the body without., notic ing
it,the lower consciousness is now deeply anae sthe.ti sed . The higher con­
sciousness is opening and you will find yourself in what has been call­
ed by various names,but which I shall now term the Body of is
not the same as the Psychic Body,for that contained a portion of the
radiations of the physical body.This part has been left behind and the
Psychic Body without this lower element is now the deathless Body of
It is not everyone,however,who falls into a deep sleep when pass­
ing thru the Gates of Death.Souls with any degree of Psychic develop­
ment pass out in full consciousness. For,tho the physical body lapses
into unconsciousness,we should not,therefore assume the soul does so
1ikewise.With the advanced,therefore, the consciousness is transfer­
red to the soul and the soul departs to its place on the Inner Planes,
taking the consciousness with it. It may be wondered if the soul will
be lonely when it first arrives in the Heaven-World,but all who have
returned to tell us of the Pathway of Death,and they are very many,
agree that this is not the case.The Heaven-World appears familiar to •
the newcomer and for this reason--we are all accustomed to go there in
sleep every night.
There is the sleep life of the soul of which the average person is
unaware because he does not bring thru the memory upon waking. It is
beyond the realm of dreams which are purely subconscious,and the soul
of little Psychic development remains sound asleep while out of the
body, or at best is drowsy and difficult to rouse. It is the rousing of
the soul to consciousness upon this plane which produces the dreams
which are not like ordinary dreams. You have doubtless had such exper­
iences yourself.
The Psychically developed person is at a great advantage when it
comes to passing thru the Gates of Death for he goes over in full con­
sciousness. He doe.s not sleep the sleep of death,he merely loses con­
sciousness of the physical plane while retaining all his faculties-
It is well known how often dying people exclaim that they see a
Great Light and in that Light are the faces of friends and relatives
who have passed out before them. Whenever there is a strong bond of
.Love between the souls on different sides of the gulf of death those on
the far side always come to the shore to greet the newcomer. It is a
wonderful thing to know that as the physical world recedes,the coast
of the next world rises above the horizon of consciousness and that on
that shore will be awaiting you all those who have loved you and who
have gone on before you into the Unseen.
What of those who have no ties in the next world? They are met by
those who knew unrequited love upon earth and have given to the-service
of all the love which was not needed by one,and by those who have in
their own lives achieved the ideals,however dimly realized,which ap­
pealed to each soul as the highest ideal of life—and by their help
the soul goes forward on its lessons and its achievements.
In our work of investigating the Inner Planes and the Inhabitants
of thp Unseen World I shall next take up Correspondences and the Rais­
ing of Consciousness. You will find all of this intensely interesting
and broadening in its effect upon your thinking and understanding.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,


Lee. 47 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya;
You’ll, remember that I spoke to you about correspondences, and
hov/ important they were, and that you must use them frequently in con­
nection with the deduction of certain aspects of manifestation from
Cosmic Principles, or for the comparison of one set of conditions
with another. There are many figures which give clues to these cor­
respondences .For instance,two is associated with Polarity and Mani­
festation three with the aspects of a Trinity of Forces, seven with
the Seven Planes, twelve with the Houses of the Zodiac, etc.
Reasoning along these lines, you will observe, I am sure, that
there should be some correspondence between the Seven Stages of the
Path and the Seven Planes, and this is perfectly true. The first, or
Physical Plane, corresponds to the stage of the Seeker, for usually
he seeks among Material and External conditions, and in books and or­
ganizations, sometimes finding temporary satisfaction,but never com­
plete satisfaction,he is full of hope and determination to find the
’’Real Thing”, and he eventually realizes that the Light he seeks is
to be found ’’Within” and not ’’Without.” It is a State of Conscious­
ness that he desires,which cannot be bought with money,nor found by
scratching at the Scrap Heap of Materialities. This realization raises
him to the next stage of the Path, 'which corresponds to the next
Plane. He then changes his attitude to that of ’’Service,” hoping there
-by to work for the Unity and Uplifting of Mankind. Such ’’Service”
can be carried out in many different ways,but ’’Desire to Serve” has
lifted Consciousness to the Plane of Desires, and those Desires par­
take of the Driving Force of the Astral Plane, as I shall explain to
you in greater detail in subsequent lessons.
When the Server has developed and controlled his capacity for
TED, such Desires will lift him to the Third Plane, where Conscious­
ness rises to a State which has a Universal Outlook, rather than a
Personal One. On this Plane the Soul will contact its assigned Guide
of the Inner Planes and shtíuld, in time, be brought to a Realization
that, altho it is good to serve, it is better to offer that Service
to God, in full and complete dedication. If this is truly meant, Con­
sciousness will thereby be lifted to the next Plane, and that Guide
of the Inner Unseen World will be enabled to put you in contact with
one of the Masters or Servers of Humanity in the Inner Esoteric
Schools. It is quite possible that you will be unconscious of this at
first.- for that Master will watch you from His High Plane,where thots
are read, and He will test you on various points of Character, before
he allows you to advance to the Secrets of Esoteric Wisdom, and -the
unlimited power they bring, for you must be protected and proved re­
liable and worthy to be trusted not to use these Forces and Powers for
your own ends, as might one who consciously, or unconsciously, prac­
tice Black Magic.
When the ’’Server” has offered his Dedication, the question is --
’’Does he really mean it? - Will he give his first interest in selfless
single-pointed Service without reward, and in the face of many diffi­
culties?” To satisfy Himself on these points the Master, as you have
been told and as we have experienced with every Adhyapya who treads
this part of the Path, tests the Pupil, he gives sharp knocks to see
if the vessel of the Personality is flawed and will break,before he
Lee. 47 - Pg. 2

proceeds to fill it with His Wisdom,for it is better that the vessel

break and that the pupil be turned back to try again and await the re­
construction of a more staple Personality9than to risk an undiscip­
lined character which would not stand the strain of the work for which
it is required. If,however,the Soul passes the Test., tho not often
will it do so at the first attempt,then the Master will accept and
ratify that dedication,and this definite stage on the Path is the rais­
ing of Consciousness to the Fourth or Concrete Mental Plane. Usually
you will then pass out of the hands of your Guide and into a Group
attached to and taught by the Master of the Inner Esoteric Schools.
Such teachings bring with them increasing Illuminations, as you
assimilate and gain realization of Truth you never before grasped.
Many things which appear to be latent in the Subconscious Mind spring
into consciousness. Great Principles and Laws begin to take form, and
Life gradually becomes measured against them,and is entirely changed.
What used to matter very much,seems now of no account,and what might
heretofore have seemed insignificant,now becomes charged with the ut­
most importance. This change of values in the realization of the
Powers of the Mind, raises Consciousness again, and you are lifted to
the Fifth Plane of Abstract Principles and Causation.
There are not many at the present stage of Evolution who can
reach this stage on the Path in full consciousness, for it requires
that one transcends the Individuality, and lives and functions active­
ly under the guidance of the Higher Self, which has the advantage of
the Teachings of Masters of still higher degrees. This naturally
brings a sense of Power, which is the next stage on the Path,and it is
the development of this Divine Power, provided it is used for the Pur­
poses for ’which the Pupil is trained,which will lead Consciousness to
contact the Divine Source from which it comes,which transcends the
Planes of Mental Form and taps the Force of the Sixth or Spiritual
Plane - it is on this Plane that the Soul who is trained in-the West­
ern Traditions contacts his Masters,Jesus of Nazareth,Son of God and
Mediator between God and Man, for it is only thru His meditation that
you ’who are of His Ray can be lifted to the Goal of this Phase of Evo­
lution and become fully self-conscious on the Seventh Plane, living
in Unity with the Cosmic Christ.
You can consider the Planes from many Aspects, but you must en­
deavor to realize the true function of each. Let us see how they work
out on the correspondence of the three aspects of God - Wisdom, Power
and Love. This is comparatively easy,for Wisdom is the Mind of God,
or the Mental Plane; Power shows itself in the great Nature and Ele­
mental Forces of the Astral Plane; and Love, the Spiritual Love,' not
the Personal Emotions, is the Apex of the Triangle and represents
the Spiritual Plane.
Now, suppose we trace the Love of God down the Planes. It is
drawn from the Great Reservoir of the Seventh Plane of Abstract Spirit,
and takes expression in the Regenerative Force of the Solar Logos
known as the Christ, resident on the Sixth Plane, then passes on to
the Fifth Plane, taking form as great Principles and Laws for the
Good Governing of the Universe, which are taught by the Great Masters;
the Divine Love is thus passed down to Man, taking concrete form in
the Power of his Mind on the Fourth Plane, and finds expression in
the Loving Emotional Force and Aspirations of the Third or Upper As­
tral Plane, and in Personal Desire on the Lower Astral, and takes
form again in the beauty of Nature on the Physical Plane.
It is interesting and useful to note how these Planes, or States
Lee. 47 -* Page 3.

of Conscious at*e delated to one another,and in the Individuality it

should be the airti of the Rational Mind to be Master and Controller of
the Emotions and of the Physical Body.This may seem a normal condition
for any ordinary man to achieve, but as a matter of is not so,
for most people do what their desires and emotions bid them,and not
what reason dictates is be st,for the welfare of Humanity generally and
in accordance with Cosmic Law.Hence it will be seen that the majority
of mankind functions in a state of Consciousness corresponding to the
Astral Plane. There are, of course.many degrees of such a stage; some
people are particularly selfish in their de sires,while others aspire to
emotions of a highly religious nature,for religious aspirations and
prayer are related to the Upper Astral Consciousness.
To function completely and successfully on a Plane, or to achieve
a high state of consciousness without being influenced by a lower
state required the Power to inhibit consciousne ss of the lower planes.
To function normally,therefore,in the Fourth Plane state of the Nation­
al Mind,having all our thoughts and actions uninfluenced by our desires
and emotions,requires the power to inhibit these desires and emotions
at the command of the Mind.This is an advanced state of training while
in the Individual!ty,but one which it should be our aim to attain,fob
it means that you shall have complete control of your actions and your
reactions,and you will probably enjoy a good state of health,for the
Mind will control and regulate the requirements of your Physical Body,
It is not suggested that the average person does not use his Rational
Mind,but the point is - is his Individuality controlled and regulated
by it,or by his emotions and desires?
It should also be remembered,when functioning normally on a
Plane,that the Plane is ensouled by the influences of the Plane next
above. The man or woman, therefore .whose normal state of consciousness
is a Third Plane Desire for the Good of Humanity, as is usual in the
present stage of Evolution,is influenced very considerably by the Ra­
tional Mind, (Fourth Plane). But the man whose normal state is that in
which the Rational Mind takes complete control of his individuality is
influenced largely by his Abstract Mind, (Fifth Plane),which is part of
his higher self, and that man or woman will be very conscious of
those Planes wherein the Higher Self is to this state of
Consciousness that your teachings are directed, and you should observe
that it requires a complete Mastery of the Individuality to maintain
the conditions necessary, and there fore,it is because of this that con­
siderable time, plenty of patience and meditation have been, and must
continue to be given to this work.
Read this over carefully and be sure that you thoroughly under­
stand each of these steps as I take them up with you. Next week we
shall go into another phase of this work, which I am sure will be very
interesting to you.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lee. 48 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
The last lecture was rather heavy, and in order to
give you time to read it over, and to mentally digest and work out all
of the matters contained therein, I am going to talk to you tonight a
little about the Source of Occultism, and something of its Classics
and its Golden Age, and thus I will break up the monotony of too in­
tensive study, altho at this stage of your work it is necessary to
dig deeply in order to acquire the broad knowledge and complete under­
standing of the Inter-Natal Worlds and Man’s relation to them, in pre­
paration for that day when you will step out and into them, as a Con­
scious Magus of Power or Master of Destiny.
The Occultist ever seeks his inspiration in the remote-
Past, and the reason is that of the old saying that "the nearer the
Source, the purer the stream." The Wisdom of the Initiates is not so-
much a body of Doctrine that has been built up by Experimental Research
each worker handing on the fruits of his Studies to his Successors,as
it is,in large part,a revelation,received from Sources—other than
those to which Humanity normally has access. This revelation once re­
ceived is developed and applied, but in its Essence it is a gift to
Humanity, brought by the Elder Brothers, and it is firstly, the Garner­
ed Fruits of previous Evolutions; and secondly, it is the Pioneer Work
of those who have gone on ahead of Evolution; and thirdly,it is brought
down from the Planes of Existence, which Human Consciousness can not
Out of these varying Elements the body of the Doctrine
called Esoteric Science has been elaborated and adapted to the needs
of different ages and Races. All its fundamental Principles in the
present Age have been received as "The Gift of the Gods," and it is
only its practical applications that Humanity has had to work out for
itself. For a proper Understanding o.f the Wisdom Traditions, we must
therefore, know something of the means by which this Gift of Primordi­
al Wisdom was brought to Mankind.
For a Force to manifest on the Planes of Form it has
to be expressed thru a Form; otherwise there is no manifestation. The
"Christ Within" functions when we realize, even momentarily, the Per­
fect Love which makes all things one. But for the "Christ Force" to
function thru the Grovp-Mind, there has to be a Group Realization of
its nature, and therefore, it is that we have the "Christs of the
Rays," and not one manifestation of an Impersonal Force, for the whole
Universe and all Evolutions.
Each Ray manifests its Force in a Phase of Evolution,
and the Positive and Negative Aspects of the Rays are the lesser days
and nights of Brahm. The Secret Wisdom tells us that the Rays come
into action in turn, like the shining forth of Beams from one Light,
and of their dawn and dusk, the Precession of the Equinoxes is the
Cosmic Clock. Each Ray works out a Phase of Evolution, and each Phase
of Evolution recapitulates the work of its predecessors before it
commences upon its own, and in order to expedite this task, the fruits
of the previous Evolutions are brought to it by certain Entities
which are known as the "Seed Bearers," — to the Secret Traditions.The
Entities of each Life Wave, having achieved equilibrium, are stabiliz­
ed as coordinated Systems of Reactions; the Lords of Flame are the
forerunners of the Devas of the Elements. The Lords of Form range from
Building Elementals to the Geometrizing Consciousness, who "guide
Leo, 48 - Pg, 2

Arcturus with his Sons/1'’ and. the Lords of Mind are the Lords of Bio­
logy .
The ’’Seed Bearers” who come at the beginning of each
Life-Wave are drawn from the Evolution immediately preceding, but as
the Rays represent Bub-Cyclic Activities, which do not recapitulate,-
but rather manifest forth a special Aspect;; the Seed Bearers to tho
Rays are drawn from the previous Life-cave, which has a correspondence
with the work to be carried out in that particular Ray-phase of Evolu­
tion, These Seed .Bearers are known to Tradition as the Culture Gods,
and it will be noted that each of the Ancient Races had a Tradition
of a Divine Progenitor, a Priest-Emperor who gave it its Culture.
This Priest-Emperor,being a Perfected Soul of a pre­
vious Evolution, is immeasurably superior to the Rudimentary Conscious-,
ness to whom ho comes, for having completed his Evolution, he is of
the Plane of God, and Intuition,recognizing this,invariably treats
him as a Divinity,because Divinity is made manifest in him. He plants
in the Group-Soul of the Evolving Race those Archetypal Ideas which
are Faculties. This process is analogous to that whereby the Person-?
ality transmits the fruits of its Evolution to each successive Indi­
viduality in vrhich it manifests. Civilization,thus inaugurated, runs
its course to the Nadir of its material Evolution,the point further-
est out from God,metaphorically speaking. It is at this point that
it has to turn about and come back on the Evolutionary Arc,and it is
here that the Star Logos, or ’’Christ of the Ray,” comes to it upon the
Physical Plane. Before His coming,the Ray is an out-pouring of the
Divine Life governed by the Laws evolved in previous Evolutions,but
the Star Logos says, -- ”A new Law give I unto you.”
The function of the Star Logos,incarnating as Man,
is two-fold. Its Exoteric Aspect is to live the Archetypal Life, the
Life that all men of that Ray will live when they have achieved real
Perfection,and thereby,to impress that Standard of Life and Action up
on the Group Mind,and so,he is not only ’’Perfect God,” being Divine -
Divinity made manifest, but he is also ’’Perfect Man,” or the Archety­
pal Ideal of Humanity, for that phase of Evolution, and what he is,
during his brief Earthly Manifestation,all men must be when they are
’’made Perfect, even as our Father which is in Heaven is Perfect.”
The ’’Christs of the Rays” are always manifested on
the 'Physical Plane during the Sub-Cycles of the Rays,which correspond
in number and color with the Rays themselves. Thus, it was on the
Fourth Sub-Cycle of the Green Ray, in the Fourth Sub-Race, of the
Fourth Root-Race, that the Manu Narada founded the Temple of the Sun
in the City of the Golden Gates in Lost Atlantis. The Manu Narada was
a Lord of Mind, for the Atlanteans were evolving the Conscious Mind.
It was in the same way that the Archetypal ideas were
brought to Mankind by Manu Melchizedek, who was a. Lord of Mind, and
to this School it is that the most ancient Initiations of our own pre­
sent Race are Traceable and therefore it is that the Highest of our
Initiates are referred to as "High .Priests after the Order of Melchi­
zedek,” that is to say, they trace their Spiritual Lineage to an At­
lantean Initiation. The Man Melchizedek brought to his people, among
other things, wheat and the honey bee,as his Symbols in the Mysteries
indicate. Wheat is the ’’Staff of Life,” It is curious to note that all
Wheat-eaters are Christians, and where Wheat will not grow, Christian­
ity will not spread, and that from the fermentation of sugar is derived
Lee. 48 - Pg. 3

Now, Alcohol, whatever may be said of its modern use,

was originally the Western Equivalent of the Soma Juice, the means
whereby the Brain was able to respond to the Vibrations of Abstract
Mentation, which is the function of this Root-Race to develop, just as
the Atlanteans developed the Concrete Mind and bequeathed it to us.
Drunkedness is really Black Magic, the use of Occult Knowledge for Per­
sonal Ends, and is the characteristic Evil of the Western Vi or Id. What
Alcohol is to this Sub-Race.) the Knowledge of the function and manipu­
lation of the Endocrine Glands will be to the next Sub-Race. This real
Knowledge has long been the Secret of the Initiate, and forms the basis
of the foga Breathing Systems, but Exoteric Science is now rediscover­
ing these Truths on its own account, and therein are contained the
Seeds of Destruction.
It must not be thought, however, that because the Manu
of a Ray functions as a Priest-King of its Inception, and the Star
Logos of a Ray, as its Chi 1st in the Sub-Cycle, which corresponds in
its number to the number of the Ray, that Humanity is ever left with­
out Guidance. Esch Sub-Cycle of a Ray, each Sub-Race of Humanity, lias
its Great One, but these are not of the grade of the Star Logoi, who
are the perfected Humanity of previous Evolutions, but they are the
perfected Humanity of the previous Sub-Ray, which corresponds in num­
ber to the Sub-Cycle of the Ray on which they are working. These En­
tities may be distinguished from the true Star Logoi by the fact that
of the Christs it is always recorded that they manifested thru Virgin
Births and died Sacrificial Deaths, and in this, there is, indeed,
deep Occult Significance.
It may not unreasonably be asked how the foregoing state­
ment can be verified. No one who has developed Rational Consciousness
can justifiably be asked to accept any statement on Faith and there­
fore, as obliged by the Laws of his nature, he demands evidence. The
evidence is based, in these matters, on the Law of Correspondences,
”As above, so below.” What is true of the Microcosmic Man is true of
the Macrocosm, and what is true of Man is true of the Amoeba,and what
is true of the Amoeba is true of the Macrocosm. Unless the findings
of a Psychic fit in with the Cosmic System, they cannot be considered
accurate5 therefore it is that the Psychic who is not also an Initiate
is at a grave disadvantage, for he can never compare his Measures with
the Great Pyramid.
There are no exceptions in the Cosmic Law, neither do
the systems of the different Occult Schools vary, when understood in
their purity, a.nd it will be found that the outlines I set forth in
this communication, while they are derived from the Western Traditions,
do not in any way conflict, for instance, with the schemes outlined in
the Secret Doctrine, which Mme. Blavatsky wrote from the Eastern.
Next week we will take up Man and his Nature, and I will
endeavor to lighten every other week with a paper of this kind, so
that you will have time to review and study the heavier work on such
alternate weeks. In this way I am sure that you will make progress.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee 49 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight Ï am going to take up a little discussion of Man and an
analysis of his nature.It has been the aim of Sages throughout the
World's History to understand the Nature and Evolution of Man. The
Great Philosophers specialized in this study and gave great prominence
to the motto, "Man,Know Thyself." We should do well to emulate their ex-
ample.for even to those who study the esoteric side of life,man is,and
still remains a Mystery.Such questions as,"Did man descend from mon­
key s?"and"Does man survive the death of his physical body?"'are often
seriously debated even today,and therefore,it will pay us to go into
these things deeply and endeavor to throw light upon the nature of Man.
Man,as you know,consists of a Material Body,a Soul and the Real
Self,the Divine Spark.In this connection remember that the Divine
Spark emanates from the Cosmos and is of the same Nature as God,for it
is made after the Image of God.It is sometimes called the Monad,or Per­
manent Atom.You know,of course,what the Physical Body is,with its five
physical senses.Now,all that lies between this Physical Body and the
Divine Spark may be regarded as the Psychic Body,which,it will be ob­
served , includes all states of Consciousness.
It is the function of the Psychic Body to develop and evolve Con­
sciousness , which it does around the central nucleus of the Permanent
Atom,or the Cosmic Atom,which is the "God Wi thin" .Now, the ".God Within"
is not the "Christ Within",for the Former is a Living Cosmic Atom and'
the Latter is a Seventh Plane State of Consciousness,relating to the
Universe and to the Psychic Body;it is the State of Unity with "Christ
Consciousness",the state in which we live in Christ and He lives in. us.
Let me analyze the Psychic Body,remembering that it is the sum
total of all our States of Consciousness .In the Lower Self,or Indivi­
duality,it consists of our instincts,passions,desires,emotions,Will
and reasoning powers-all those states, of Consciousness of which we
are aware in our Physical Body-and also all the contents of the Sub­
jective Self,which correlates with those things.In the Higher Self, or
Personality,sometimes referred to as the Ego,we have the Unit of Evo­
lution,which is the synchronized Consciousness of the Present,and all
Past,Life and which extracts from the Individuality,and has extracted
from the Individuality of every Unit of Incarnation which it has pro­
jected into a Physical Body,thru the Ages,all the fruits of its Evo­
lutionary must not be assumed,however,that the Ego,with
its ever accumulating Wisdom is in any sense Perfect,for if it were it
would not require aeons of Evolution before it returned to those Spiri­
tual Realms from which it emanated.
It is but little realized,however,what an important Entity our
Higher Self is,especially in comparison with our Lower Self. It is in
the Personality that the full growth of the Ego is-to be found- and ac­
cording to the Wisdom and development of the Higher Self;so should its
temporary projection in a male or female body express some of the
qualities which are enfolded in that Higher Self.This may help us to
understand how the highly evolved Ego becomes our first Initiator,for'
when the Individuality gets into conscious contact with it,we become
Initiated into its Spiritual Values and Points of View,which are very
different from those of the Lower Self.States of Consciousness, then,
open out like the Gates of Heaven,and we know that we,in our. True
Higher Selves, indeed live in the abiding Presence of the Most High.
To obtain a full realization of this state of Consciousness is
your First Great Initiation,but it is strictly guarded, for unless a
Lee. 49 - Pg. 2

person,while still in the body has been tried and proved and has earn­
ed the necessary Qualifications which will admit him thru those Gates,
they will be kept closed,and that Ego must await his ordinary course
of Physical Death,and the Purification on the Higher Planes.,and normal
assimilation of the Fruits of Incarnation.In other words,he must wait
in the Fields of Heaven,mentally digesting his work and take his turn
and place in the ordinary stream of Evolution.
Great Possibilities open out before you,therefore,when you realize
that your little Individuality is only part of a much larger whole and.
that by far the major part of you lives and functions on those Higher
Planes,with Power to Initiate or not to Initiate,according to the
Karmic Results,both good, and bad,of the thoughts,desires,and actions
of the Individuality.Such realization will stimulate you to seek that
Initiation and open out those states of Consciousness,which are latent
within you,but which are submerged by your Physical Senses and the Ma­
terial Conditions in which the Individuality has to live on this Physi­
cal may be asked,”How do I know that these Powers are latent
within me?” To answer this we must trace the descent of Man from Spirit
into Matter.This is what is referred to as ’’The Fall of Man”--- for the
Spiritual Man,as a Living Monad,, starts his Evolution from the High
Spiritual Plane3being projected from that great Reservoir of Christ
Consciousness on the Seventh Plane.,down to the Sixth Plane,as an Indi­
vidual Unit of Consciousness ; and then., in the long course of Evolution,
concurrently with the Plan and Planes as they develop in direct re­
lationship, that Unit develops a Fifth Plane State of Consciousness and
becomes a Living Ego,awaiting an Individuality. It is during this pro­
cess of Involution down the Planes that the Psychic Body grows around
the nucleous of the Divine Spark,enfolding and enclosing those States
of Consciousness thru which it passes.Hence you see how High Spiritual
Qualities become latent and buried,as it were, in the Subjective.
The object of Evolution,as I have told you before,is primarily the
Development of the full self-consciousness of God.Therefore,the object
of All Creation is the Development of Consciousness,and we find various
states of Consciousness in all Forms which have Life.We trace the dawn­
ing Consciousness of Plant-Life,and the ever-increasing Development of
Consciousness in Animal Life,and we ask,”In vzhat way is man different
from the animal?” It is taught that in man,Consciousness has become so
developed in the Form which evolved from below that it has linked up
with that Consciousness w’hich has come down from the Spiritual Plane,
and so Lian is not only a Living Soul.,which can be said of an animal,
but he is,also,a Living Spiritual Soul,which cannot be said of an ani­
mal. Darwin is frequently quoted as supporting the Theory that Man des­
cended from the Monkeys,but Darwin’s conclusion was that both Man and
Monkeys sprang from a Common Origin.As Physical Forms they apparently
did,for the Evolution of Form is acuité a different matter from the Evo­
lution of Soul,and whereas Soul comes from Above,Form as previously
stated,grows from Below,with the Form of the Planet5and the Physical
Form of Man,and of the Monkey,and all other Earthly Forms,have had to
pass thru their slow Process of Evolution,from the Protoplasm of Man,
in the course of untold Ages.In Esoteric Teaching,however,it is held
that the Monkey was an off shoot from a very primitive type of Man at
a period before Man was endowed with any appreciable Mental Qualities.
The difference bet-ween evolving Planetary Consciousness and
evolving Spiritual Consciousness should be clearly understood.Man is a
Divine Being and does not become Man as we know him until his Earthly
Nature and his Spiritual Nature become One;and then Man,the Spiritual
Lee., 49 - Pg. 3
and immortal Eg©,has the advantage of the Earthly Form provided for his
use in his work for God.
Remember,as I told you before?that Human Evolution is entirely
different from Angelic Evolution,altho it is closely bound, up with it;
and the same thing may be said concerning the animals—they are as dis­
tinct from the Human as (they are from the Vegetable Kingdom. Men do
not become Angels in this Phase of Evolution any more than animals be­
come Men. All are,however,bound up together as parts of God’s Plan,and
one Evolution is dependent upon another.
Man is a very composite mechanism,and the Development of his
Physical Vehicle is the outcome of many millions of years of Evolution;
and it must not be forgotten that the true Man,like God,is Divine .and
belongs to,and functions more on,the Inner Planes than on the Physical
Plane,and that his sojourns on Earth are short in comparison with time
spent on the Inner Planes.
You will recall that in the Secret Doctrine the first Form of Man
was so described,as a globular,nebulous,androgenous creature with one
eye.He was,then,mindless,which indicates that the link was not,at that
time and period,made with his Spiritual Nature.During the Second Race,
the Physical Body of Man was still very gelatinous and unwieldy,and
was still Mindless.Hence,we have but little record of the early History
of Man,for it is not until we come to the story of the dividing of the
Sexes in the Third Race,the story dramatized in Genesis as Adam and
Eve that we get to Man as we know him,with a Mind which knows God,and
which knows Good and Evil.This evidently was the time when the link
was forged,for it is the Mind which bridges the Gulf between the High­
er and the Lower Selves.
It is only Man who has made this link,and it places him in quite
a different category from all other creations;and the Evolved Man of
the Seventh Race,Karma free,and with his fully developed Consciousness
reabsorbed into the Logoidal Consciousness from which the Spirit of
Man first emanated,will surely be a truly God-like Creature.The Con­
sciousness of Man,however,takes Aeons to develop—roughly,it takes a
whole Race to develop the State of Consciousness of the Corresponding
Plane, and we figure that Racial Development is about as follows:
Lemurian Race---- Functioned in the Instincts and Passions and
evolved the Higher Emotions.

Atlantean Race--- Functioned in the Higher Emotions and evolved

the Concrete Mind.
Aryan Race------- Functioning in the Concrete Mind and Will
evolve the Abstract Mind.

Sixth Race------- Functioning in the Abstract Mind and will

evolve the Spiritual Perception.
Seventh Race----- Functioning in the Spiritual Perceptions and
will achieve the Solar Logos Consciousness.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 50 - Pg* 1

Beloved Adhyapya;
In tracing the Devolution and Evolution of Man from
Above and Belov/,we should remember that the Spiritual Self coming down
the Planes enfolds and sinks into the Subjective, Plane by Plane, and
that this process could not continue into the Individuality of Man un­
til the link of Mind has been made. Cnee the link was made,however, it
took a long time for the Ego to build itself a suitable Individuality
by which it could grow, for it is the Experiences of the Individuality
in each Incarnation that are absorbed by the Ego. While the Individual­
ity was still in a Primitive State but little could be absorbed, for
Man had to learn by slow and painful processes the use of his Instincts
Emotions, and Mental Powers, 'and will continue so doing Life after Life
contributing to the Growth of his Ego, until the time comes when he
finds the true Balance of Spirit and Matter, and the Ego will have no
further need to send another Individuality to Earth for its further de­
velopment, but will continue on the Inner Planes alone.
During the early Development of Man as an Individual­
ity the Spiritual Nature was withheld in a Subjective State, and it
should be remembered that the Ego has not then the same accumulated
Wisdom as later, hence the crude and uncivilized state of our earliest
Progenitors; this process continued thruout the Lemurian and Atlantean
Ages and right to our Aryan Race. There comes a time, however, when
Spirit reaches the Nadir of Matter and Involution changes into Evolu­
tion and Subjectiveness slowly unfolds into Se lf-Consciousne-ss. It is
said that the Jews were the first to reach that point, that they were
also apparency the- first People to worship one God. Heretofore, men
had worshipped their many Nature Gods, the Moon, Stars, etc., and in
their state of Development then, it was right for them to do so, as
they had much closer Affinity with the Forces of Nature and their Spir­
itual Consciousness had not come to that point of Development where the
Lower Self could know God. Having passed that point, however, and gain­
ed that realization, Man has to climb the uphill Path of Evolution and
unfold his Spiritual Nature, Plane by Plane, becoming more conscious
of his God-like heritage.
In considering the Nature of Man it is important to
realize that until he is perfected on the Spiritual Plane, Man is essen­
tially a Creature of Mind. Abstract Mind,from its High Plane,should di­
rect his Rational Mind, and his Rational Mind should direct his Emotions
and Desires. When his Physical Body dies, his Mind persists, for the
Mind of Man never dies, it comes back in every Incarnation in the Ab­
stract Form of Character and Qualities, or "Gifts", as we call them,
and it develops or degenerates as we use or neglect it. It can be so
highly trained that it can communicate from'Mind to Mind with those En­
tities who have no Physical Vehicle in which to function, or it can be
neglected or abused with disastrous results, which show on the Physical
Plane as Mental Disorders and Disease. The Abstract Mind is the "Cau­
sal Mind". Causes bring about Effects, tho not always in the same
Life ,for we have to look deeper into what the fruits of the Past Lives
were, which induced those Causes, if we would understand the Causes
which produced some of the Results in this Life.
Remember, therefore, that as an Adhyapya you are to
cultivate and train your Mind, remembering that the Abstract Mind, the
Higher Self, is the "Heavenly Father" of your Individuality and that
you must try to draw into closer Rapport with that Higher Self and
with those Great Entities on those High Planes, with whom the Higher
Self may associate .
Le c. 50 - Pg. 2

In considering this matter that I have just spoken of,

that is, the drawing into closer Rapport with the Higher Self, we must
remember that altho the Ego, as a composite Thought-Form functions on
the Abstract Mental Plane and has the great advantage of drawing its
Power from the Spiritual Plane next above, it must not be regarded as a
perfected Entity,it is a Soul which is undergoing a long process of Ev­
olution,and until the purpose of its creation is achieved it cannot be
regarded as perfect, which purpose as we know is to contribute its quota
as a Cell in the Body of God to the completed State of Self-Conscious­
ness which God is working out thru every unit of Manifestation in His
Univer se .
It is a mistake to think of ourselves as Individuali­
ties, only,for the Life of the Individuality is but a day in the Long
Life of the Ego, and our Real Self is the Ego. It is the immortal Psy­
chic Body enclosing the Divine Spark, or the God Within, and therefore,
our real Natures are Spiritual and God-like and we must see ourselves
from the Real and Permanent standpoint, and not from the limitations
of the Individual!ty,with its petty desires and emotions,its pleasures
and pains, its Social ambitions and failures,its possessions and pover­
ty, its pride of knowledge and ignorance, its personal Power and Weak­
ness. What are all of these but the tools of the day's work and the
building of the Psychic Self? If the tools have to be sharpened on the
grindstone of Experience it is only to meet the necessary requirements
of a good workman, that he may attain efficiency.
See the Ego at first as a little baby son of God, born
in the Spirit on the Plane of Mind, in the same manner that Jesus was
born when He came further down to the Plane of Matter. That little Ego
has to grow by sending down to its Consciousness into Matter and wait­
ing for Mother Earth to give it a form for its further Development.
Mother Earth gives it a Form, at first a very primitive, uneducated
Form, as you have seen, but gradually the baby Ego grows, day by day,
by absorbing the results of each day's Experiences (remember that a day
in this sense is a Life of the Individuality) and it may have its good
days and its bad days. It has required much instruction and many sharp
lessons for it to accumulate sufficient Wisdom, Power and Love to act
as the "Father in Heaven" of our Individuality here on Earth, as it
should do at the present stage of our Evolution, altho by no means a
perfect Ego, any more than an earthly father is perfect.
The Egyptians' "Book of the Dead" taught for many Dy­
nasties the Doctrine of the "Weighing of the Soul in the Scales of
Justice against the Feather of Truth" in the Judgment Hall of Osiris.
This Doctrine still holds good but it need not concern only the Spiri­
tual Monad, which is but a fraction of the whole Soul of Man, It is
the Ego itself which is weighed in the Scales, The Ego, therefore, as
an independent Unit of Consciousness endowed with a certain amount of
Free Will and striving for Attainment,has to present itself for Judg­
ment, and if rejected must return and purify and perfect itself until
it has passed, worthy to offer to God the fruits of its long life, a
Perfected Consciousness.
Now, just as the affairs of the Individuality are
handled by the Individuality until we realize that we should be well
advised to give ear to the Greater Wisdom of the Higher Self, so the
affairs of the Ego are handled by the Ego, whose chief aim is to per­
fect the Higher Self and seek reunion with God. From this kind of an
argument you see that you, yourself, make your own Karma, and that the
Lords of Karma are those great Agents of God who weigh the Soul in
Lee. 50 - Fg. 3
tiie Balance in the Judgment Hall of Osiris, and that they have to deal
with the whole Psychic Self,the Ego,which is the synchronized Con­
sciousness of all Experiences and represents the full Growth and De­
velopment of the Psychic Self up to its present state.
Let us consider the point of view of an Ego who dares
not yet present itself for Judgment: During the long rest between In­
carnations, when it has no Individuality to distract its attention, it
will turn things over in its Abstract Mind in the Light of the Spirit
and will decide what its necessities as a Soul are. Has any impurity
or pride or selfishness or deadly sin been absorbed, which would weigh
down those Scales? If so, how shall it be cleared,for we are assured
that all Sin will be forgiven and quittance obtained? God is Just and
His Lords of Karma are Just and demand Justice. The Ego, also, must be
Just with itself and develop the necessary Qualities, or States of Con­
sciousness, by which it can obtain ultimate perfection.
How, then, can this be attained? One thing is fairly certain
it cannot be accomplished in one Life, the process has already spread
over probably millions of years, and it may be millions more before
the whole of Humanity reaches Perfection. It is quite possible, however
that by the right handling of Karma, and by gaining realization which
gives you. the necessary States of Consciousness, you will hasten your
own Individual Evolution, even as the Masters have done, and this is
the hope of every true Student in the Esoteric Science. He wishes to
gain time, to think things out voluntarily, and he does not put it.
off until forced to do so by some direct or indirect pressure from the
Higher Self,such as severe illness by accident. He desires to face the
consequences of his indiscretions and to pay the price of adjustment
and attain quittance, for it must be paid sooner or later, and he is
willing to pay his price of Attainment,which is selfless service. He is
not promised Eternal Rest — he is offered Service with the Masters,
who in turn serve Him, who as a son of God and Son of Man, serves and
saves the world.
So, as an example of how Karma can be worked out, sup­
pose we take an imaginary man who lived, say a hundred and forty-four
or two hundred and ninety years ago, when conditions were more crude.
He was, shall we say,very arrogant, a heavy drinker, a tyrant to his
serfs,easily provoked to kill,careless and thoughtless with regard to
his Soul, tho deep down in his heart he knew and feared God. This man
dies and his Lower Passions and Desires are gradually worked out on
the Lower Astral Plane, and then in time, his better nature rises, but
only after an impression has been left in those Lower Realms, which re­
mains as a living Memory, an influence, Astral Shell,or Track, as it is
sometimes called.
Similarly his Higher Emotions, for no man is wholly
bad,are worked out on the Upper Astral Plane,leaving there lasting im­
pressions and influences on that Plane. Concrete Mind still persists
but in time all Consciousness of the Individuality is abstracted into
the Higher Consciousness and the memory of details is lost, but the
Track of those Memories remains as a Living Influence» Thus do you see
that your Desires and Thoughts are woven together into a^Cord of Life
and form your Real Character, for the Ego is the Abstracted Essence of
all those States of Consciousness. When thi? fruits of all the Experie­
nces of the late Individuality have been gathered up, the Ego will syn­
chronize them and will meditate upon them arid decide its Course as a
result of its conclusions.
Next week we will discuss how these matters will be .
adjusted and worked out in the coming Incarnation.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,
Lecture 51 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Before I start with the message for tonight, perhaps it would
be best for you to take last week’s lesson and review briefly the story
of the man whose Incarnations we are studying. This will refresh your
memory of the main points under discussion.
You can readily see in the example I have given you that it would
be hopeless to apply to the Lords of Karma for release from the ’’Wheel
of Life and Death” which runs again and again over the same track, up
and down the Planes, and often produces such slow and poor results.
Matters cannot be left as they are, however, some decisions must be
made. The last Individuality, in a male body, was of a Positive Nature
and became too Positive and Arrogant. This contributed a certain Strength
to the Ego, but it needs to be balanced by Love and Wisdom. It is asking
too much of an Individuality to obtain perfect balance of these three
qualities in one short Life, so we may imagine the Ego’s deciding to
concentrate on Gentleness and Love, and to incarnate as a woman, or a
Negative Nature, and in circumstances where Gentleness and Love will
find opportunity for balancing the inherent cruelty and intemperance.
Conditions of Poverty may be, therefore, chosen, for it is only those
who plumb the Depths that acquire true gentleness of touch, and the
best results are often brought about by reaction rather than by di­
rect action. The lesson of deeper Wisdom which the Ego needs may, there­
fore, be deferred for a future Incarnation, for the Ego is far-seeing.
The Ego, then having decided on a plan which is calculated to
help restore the balance and to hasten Evolution,desires to put this
plan into effect. This desire will of itself project Consciousness down
again to the Plane of Desire, but, in passing down thru the various
Planes, the old Influences will be picked up from each Plane. You re­
member that I told you that when separation took place in the former
Incarnation, and the Psychic Self started up the Planes, it worked out
and left on each Plane a part of itself--the Eastern Teaching speaks
of these attributes as various bodies, and says the Soul shed its
various bodies as it proceeds up the Planes, leaving the coarser on the
Lower Plane and then the next coarser,etc.But whether you call this part
of a body, or speak of it as a Living Memory-Track, remember that some­
thing is left on each Plane, and that as the Consciousness is projected
down the Planes, it will inevitable contact these old attributes and
wrap them around itself as it sinks lower and lower, from Plane to
Plane. The first Plane, on its downward journey, is the Plane of Con­
crete Mind, for the Ego is dwelling on the Plane of Abstract Mind be­
tween .Incarnations, and the Plane of Concrete Mind is the Lower Mental
Plane. It gathers to itself the Memory Forces which were left on this
Plane on the upward journey, and which belong to it; then sinking down­
ward to the Upper Astral Plane finds there its Higher Emotions and As­
pirations, and taking these, it sinks again to the Lower Astral Plane,
and finds awaiting it there all of its Lower Nature. Those inherent De­
sires revive their influence and call again upon the Soul for quittance.
But with these old desires coming down to the new body,come also the
fresh desires of the Ego to master its faults and to make good in the
new Incarnation.
Karmic Ties often draw together those who have been linked in past
lives by the same Emotion, such as Love or Hatred, and whatever has
gone amiss has to be adjusted and balanced. This will explain cases of
’’Love at first sight,” or of Subconscious Repulsion without apparent
reason.A Karmic Debt of Cruelty, for example, is often found to be paid
by Love, and many Marriage Ties and close Relationships, such as Mother
and Child, will be found to have a Karmic origin. Karmic Ties, however,
are very complex, they certainly account for present circumstances,what­
ever they may be; but on the other hand, as some debts are cleared,
Lecture 51 - Page 2

others may be contracted, and to attempt to follow these thru in detail

is a very intricate task. At present you must know and realize that
these Karmic Influences are picked up by the Soul coming into Incarna­
tion as I have described it to you in this communication, and that
these are stored away in the Subjective Mind, rising into Consciousness
when the time is fully ripe.
Turning to our case again the one we have been considering, re­
member that conditions have been selected, not from the point of view
of the Comfort and Happiness of the Individuality, but purely and sole­
ly from the consideration of the requirements of the Ego and what is
necessary to its Evolution and Advancement. To the Ego projecting its
Consciousness into a new Individuality is more like Death than Birth,
for as it concentrates with perfect abstraction on its new task, it
loses the Contacts of its High Plane and its companions, and must be
fully occupied with its Individuality over which it is acting as the
’’Father in Heaven.”
There is one other point not often mentioned, and that is that
when the Soul takes ”Form” again on the Physical Plane, that ’’Form” is
profoundly influenced by the conditions existing during the past Life,
just as its desires and emotions and thoughts have revived their Influ­
ence on the Soul during its descent thru the Planes. What was the atti­
tude of the Individuality towards its body in the last Incarnation?Was
it a sickly, maimed body? If so, the attitude or State of Consciousness
which produced that condition will be picked up again and will work out
in Physical effect in the present life. This accounts for many of the
weakly children, the invalids. But when a Soul with a healthy happy
attitude towards Life and Death leaves a strong, healthy body, it will
form for itself a similar body on its return, and will be sent to the
parents and conditions where it can be built. This is a matter for you
to reason out fully and ponder over deeply, there is a thought here you
will do well to heed. Realization of the Law of Perfect Justice and
Balance, and the steadily controlled reactions on the Mental Plane
should go far towards relieving suffering and establishing an Attitude
of Mind and Emotion which will react on the Physical Body and bring
Health and Happiness. It is people who worry, that is, whose reactions
on the Mental Plane are not under proper control, who readily fall ill
have nervous break-downs, etc. It is those who indulge in Emotional
Upheavals, violent tempers which poison the blood, who suffer from ill­
nesses consequent thereto. It is the Professional Invalids who conscious­
ly or unconsciously take an attitude of misery and depression towards
Life and Death who are setting Causes going which will produce Chronic
results in the next Incarnation.
What a lot of people blame God for their troubles when the God in
question is themselves ! And what a different out-look they would have
if they did but realize that the little lessons and experiences of the
Individuality are but the loving corrections of their Father,their Ego
in Heaven, and that the Ego, in turn, is doing all for the Love and the
Service of its Heavenly Father, God.
Altho the foregoing finishes the work for tonight, I wish to dis­
cuss with you, informally, several points that may assist you to get a
clear understanding of this matter of Reincarnation, and the Sevenfold
First the terras used; Remember that the Beginning is God, undif­
ferentiated on the Upper Spiritual Plane, a tiny part differentiated on
the Lower Spiritual Plane is the Baby Monad, Divine Spark. This Plane
is the dwelling-place of the Monad in the long Aeons of Time before In­
Lecture 51 - Page 3

carnations commence and will be the Plane to which the Ego will return.
During the period when Earthly Incarnations are being gone thru to
develop Self-Consciousness, the Monad plus the extracted Essence of the
accumulating Experiences of it Individualities, becomes an Ego and
dwells on the Upper Mental Plane, the Plane of Abstract Mind. This Ego
as it projects its consciousness downward, builds a ”body” or Memory
Track from the Material of each Plane in turn as it passes down the
first time; after that it picks up the old influence each time; these
then, the Ego and the Plane Memories, constitute the Soul which then be­
comes wrapped or enfolded in the Subjective Mind of the Physical Body.
Consider for a moment how Consciousness becomes buried in Matter,
as if it were wrapped around with many heavy wrappings. Consider this
from the standpoint of Projections, Psychic Experiences -- in the Light
of the new Knowledge. Your endeavor is to attune yourself, raise your
Consciousness, to the High Plane where the Ego dwells. Do you see a new
meaning to the statement that ’’The Way to advance Without is to retreat
Within?” Surely. First you must draw Within and raise your Conscious­
ness, Plane by Plane, to its Heavenly Father. The Consciousness is
then back with the Ego, temporarily, and functions as part of the Ego,
seeing all from the Standpoint of that High Plane, where there is no
Time or Space, none of the limits or handicaps of the Physical World.
There too, may be met those other Egos and those Beings of other Evo­
lutions than our own.
To get the matter clear, imagine that your Consciousness is raised
as an elevator in a building. The Physical Plane is the first floor
and you can, in your Occult and Psychic Work, learn to raise the eleva­
tor to the second floor, the Lower Astral Plane, contacting its Beings,
its Desires, the Memory Tracks of those who have gone on up, all the
low, base, crude Emotions. Here is where so many Psychics stop,they
do not know and care nothing for any higher floors. And again, there
are many who try to develop, but thru lack of application and deter­
mination, really only get half-way up to this floor, just high enough
to catch glimpses once in a while of some of its activities. But if
once one understands, he soon rises to the third floor, the Upper As­
tral Plane, Here the atmosphere is purer and cleaner, it is the Force
Plane, it is true, but also the Plane of Higher Emotions and Desires,
the better things; and the Memory Tracks left here by Souls on their
upward way are not so raw and crude, the Beings are higher in the Scale
of Evolution. Pressing upwards, however, you come next to the fourth
floor the Plane of Concrete Mind, the Plane Consciousness which the
Aryan Race is evolving during this Dispensation. These Planes consti­
tute the fourfold man and are still the Lower Planes. Then comes the
Plane of Abstract Mind, the Upper Mental, with its wonderful Beings;the
Lower Spiritual; and finally the Beginning and the End, the Source so
far as this Universe is concerned, the Upper Spiritual, the Plane of
the Solar Logos. Thus, in your Projection Work you will learn how to
unfold Plane by Plane just as an elevator passes upwards.You may stop
at any floor you wish,and chat with its Inhabitants or view the scenery
before going on to another Plane or World. Of course,in your Projection,
do not think of going anywhere in Space,for we do not really do that,go
up or down or anywhere at all,we simply raise our Vibratory Rate, and
one Plane dissolves into the next as ice dissolves into water, water
into steam, steam into vapor, vapor into Hydrogen and Oxygen Elements,
these Elements into electrons, and on the Seventh Plane electrons blend
into God.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 52 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to change a little, for I do not want these
lessons to become monotonous by continually driving on difficult sub­
jects. It is necessary at this period of your growth and development
that you gradually pick up a true understanding of God’s great scheme
of Evolution in all of its various phases. This foundation knowledge
is a prerequisite to the real development work of the Schools of the
greater Mysteries,nevertheless,1 can break the routine a little by oc­
casionally giving you a lecture which still shedding its share of Light
and Knowledge upon your Mind, will prove less tiring possibly than
some of the more intricate ones.
So tonight I want to talk to you on a subject which amplifies
the lecture recently given you on Death.I have'had many inquiries as re­
gards helping or hindering the so-called dead,and I selected that sub­
ject to talk to you about tonight.
At this stage of your work you have reached a point, I am sure,
where the gross misunderstandings and misinterpretations of the people
as a whole -will no longer affect youjyou have reached the point where
you can consider all topics and all subjects from the standpoint of
Abstract Mind,uncontaminated by personal biases,or prejudices,or any­
thing of that kind.This question of communication with the Departed
has always been a vexed one. On one hand, we have those who deny its
possibility and say that all so-called communications are either fraud
delusion or credulity;and on the other hand there are those who admit
the possibility of communication with the so-called Dead,but call it
necromancy and condemn it unsparingly.Meanwhile,those who have lost
dear ones take recourse in rapidly increasing numbers to Mediums who
act, or claim to act, as Psychic telephones between this world and the
It is agreed by those who have had extended experiences in the
matter that altho communication with the Departed is by no means Univer­
sally to be condemned,it needs to be approached with caution, under
carefully chosen conditions ; and you must remember that a state of ex­
treme grief or desperate emotional upheavel is certainly not the ideal
condition under which an approach should be made. Sometimes the state
of mind of the bereaved is such that it is advisable for the dead to
return to give the desired assurance,but to do this is an act of self­
sacrifice on their part,and nothing can possibly be worse for the De­
parted Soul than to be called back repeatedly to communicate with
those left behind,that is,in the preliminary stages of its After Life
for during this stage,to hold the Soul to physical life in this way
is an act of great,tho no doubt unintentional selfishness;and it dis­
turbs the one who has entered into the Light and prevents him from set­
tling down in his new condition,for you must remember as soon as this
life ends the next life begins and the Living Dead have their work to
do. We must be content to let them do it freely and in their own way.
It is noticeable in the communications received from the Departed
that the newly dead are at first fairly accessible to communication
then after awhile they seem to go on to a further Plane where communi­
cation ceases to be possible. During the preliminary stage,if we keep
on calling them back they cannot make this transition, and become
earth-bound;the process of Death is incomplete,and they cannot enter
into their rest or their work.Thus,while it may be justifiable,or even
advisable to re-establish communication with those who have just pass­
ed over, it is in every way undesirable to keep up the communication
unduly. It should be enough for us to know that those who have pass­
ed out send us word of their safe arrival on the Other Shore, and
Lee. 52 - Pg. 2

having received that, we ought to rest content.

The state into which the Living Dead enter immediately after de­
parture is an intermediate,transitional state.Normally;the Soul Passes
swiftly thru this stage,and leaves it behind. Delay at this Stage is
very undesirable,the Soul should be speeded on its journey9and it is
for this purpose that the Catholic Church says Masses for the Dead.
Those Masses are of great value,and the principle should be re-intro­
duced into the Ritual of all Faiths. We should not think we have ren­
dered the last office when the funeral service has been said, and the
consolations of Religion should follow them right thru this transition
stage until they are well established in their New Life.
This Intermediate Stage between Life and Death is not the same as is rather a landing stage wherein the Soul steps ashore
and gathers together its baggage and greets its friends. Purgatory
might be defined as a Psychic Quarantine;it is only after a Conscious­
ness has accustomed itself to the disembodied life that the Soul goes
on to face Purification and Purgatory. Let it be clearly realized that
Purgatory is- not premanent,nor is it eternal,but it consists in forc­
ing the Soul to face its own is the reactions of the Soul to
that record which are the Cleansing Fires. Purgatory,therefore, is not
a place,but a state of Consciousness.But because,on the Inner Planes,
all those of the same outlook draw together,Purgatory,for all practi­
cal Psychic Purposes has a definite Astral Location.
It is while the Souls are going thru their Purgatory that the
threads of communication with this world are severed. All Souls must
enter into the Silence in order to pass thru the Cleansing Fires,where
they can get help from no one,they must stand upon their own feet,and
walk by such Light as they have - not otherwise can they learn their
lessons.We can no more learn for another than we can eat for another,
and we must surrender our loved Ones into the hands of the Lords of
Karma when this point is reached. We have this comfort,however,that it
is their Aim to make,and not to break the Soul,and no one is given
more than he can bear,nor even more than he can assimilate and turn
to good use.
I,as an Esoterist,would not agree with the Catholic Teachings
that Masses for the Dead can help a Soul in Purgatory. I know that the
value of the Prayers of the Priests or friends is in the influence
they have upon the Soul,during the Intermediary Period,for once the
Soul has passed that phase,it has found its place in the great Cycle
of Life on the Inner Planes, and will be cared for.
After the Soul has gone clear of Purgatory,it is not only possi­
ble but legitimate to re-establish communication with it, provided the
right methods are used. If we are able to raise Consciousness to the
Higher Psychic Planes,we can,by our own volition,come into Telepathic
touch with the Departed and hear their Voices direct,with the Inner
Ear.It is not advisable to try to see them with Psychic Vision,because
this belongs to a lower Sub-Plane of the Astral than that upon which
the Departed who have passed thru Purgatory are privileged to abide.
Clair-audience is the right method to use in communication with those
who have passed to the Heaven World. It will be noted that descriptions
of the Heaven World are nearly always second-hand.The Psychic is told
what the World is like,but does not actually see it. There are, of
course,exceptions to the general rule - in the case of an exceptional­
ly gifted Psychic or in exceptional circumstances - but generally
speaking,it will be found to hold good.We may know that if we see the
Departed with Psychic Vision they are still in the Intermediate World
and when they have arrived safely in the Heaven World we shall hear,
but not see them, when we attempt the right communication.
Lee. 52 - Pg. 3
When we are trying to get in touch with them,therefore,we should
listen,but not look,and in the Still Sma.ll Voice of the Inner Consci­
ousness we may not unreasonably expect to hear at least the word of
greeting,once the contact is established.There will be times when we
get a distinct impression of a Presence so tangible that we feel we
have only to stretch out the hand to touch it,but if we open our eyes
we find nothing there.The Dead,upon their own Plane,are Minds without
Bodies,and when they speak to our Mental and not our bodily senses,
that is,it is the Intuition that perceives them,and not the sight.
It is good that normal Intuitional Communication should be estab­
lished between the Dead and the Living,for it robs Death of its ter­
rors.We ought to look upon the Dead as living in another State of Con­
sciousness,not another place.If we can ’’tune in” to their rate of Vi­
brations we can hear them and speak/them. In fact,we can speak to them
more easily than we can hear them,for the Living Dead,being body-less
are is for this reason that we should guard our thoughts
carefully in relation to the Living Dead,and especially strive to over­
come our grief and learn to act as in ordinary departure,for our atti­
tude toward them should be the same as it would be if they had set out
to seek their fortunes in a New Land. We would expect to send an emi­
grating Son,or Lover,a word of good cheer to hearten him in his dis­
tant enterprise.If we continually sent a tale of woe,enlarging on our
sufferings in his absence,we could not expect to make our letters wel­
come. Would they not,rather,be dreaded as an ordeal?What should be our
aim,to help and encourage and hearten the Living Dead,or to indulge
our own grief and relieve our feelings at their expense? The parting
and loneliness,the loss of the Dead Protector,or a life-long Companion
are indeed hard but a grief to be bravely borne,in order that a dark­
ness may not overshadow the Loved One.We should accept our lot cheer­
fully, in order that they may be free to go thru the greatest experi­
ences of the Soul,then enter into their Rest with a quiet mind.To do
otherwise is to do as a fond mother might do who placed her child in a
boarding school and then kept sending for him and weeping over her
loneliness and lamenting the parting.What would be the state of mind
of a child who was treated like that? He would get no pleasure from his
new companions and his sports,nor any profit from his lessons.
I have taken up this Subject of Death again because the majority
of people in the Western World are Christians,that is,they have been
brought up in early childhood under the influence of the Christian
Church,and Christianity is,therefore,a thing to which they are never
neutral. They are either antagonistic or warmly embracing,but,either
way our lives are subjectively affected more than we seems
to be a strange but true fact that Christians fear death more than any
other Religious Cult, in spite of their claim to Faith,they seem
afraid to launch their Souls into the Presence of their Father.
But to you,the MyStic,has come a clear realization that this
thing we call Life is not all of Life,but merely a day in school,and
that in order to secure an education we must go,as a student,many days
back and forth to our classes.You know that day after day the Soul of
Man assumes its garments of clay and comes down into the school-room
of Life Experience,in the great Chemical Laboratory of Nature the
student Soul carries out its experiments;then,just as the tired child
gathers up his books and shuffles homeward slowly,the Soul of Man re­
turns to his home again,to rest for a little while.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Dec. 53 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Pythagoras said that the Universal Creator had form­
ed two things in His own Image: the first was the Cosmic System, with
its myriads of Suns, Moons, and Planets; and the second was Man, in
whose nature the entire Universe existed in minature.
You have learned something of yourself and your Powers
in the past lessons and you have learned that the Spirit of Man is a
scintillating force. You are learning the Mystic Process by which the
Rays build vehicles, or bodies if you prefer, around that Central
Formless Germ. You have also learned how Consciousness, going up the
Planes, lays them aside during the rest period, and on its journey
downward towards the new day’s work picks them up again; and you have
learned how the Ego, dwelling in the midst, is the Eternal Fire, the
Spark from the Infinite Wheel, where it is the birthless-deathless
Eternal Center ’which includes within itself all that has ever been,all
that is,and all that ever shall be. You have learned how this Divine
Ego, the tiny ring of Fire, dwells on the Eternal Plane, the Plane of
Abstract Mind, and how to it, time is illusionary, distance is non-ex-
istant, joy and sorrow are unknown.
This flaming ring is the Altar Fire which never goes
out, and it is to this ring of Spirit and its Service that the Wise
of all nations have devoted and consecrated themselves. The Flame mani­
fests Individualities and Personalities, but the Extracted Experiences,
the Intelligence and the Activities stored up in both the Individual­
ities and the Personalities, are finally absorbed into the Flame,
furnishing it the fuel with which it burns more brightly. From this
one Altar Fire,are lighted all the many Fires of the Human Body. Com­
pare the Flaming Spirit of Man with a candle-flame. Close to the wick
is first a glow,nearly colorless,around this is a ring of golden
light, and still further out,surrounding the flame, is a deeper orange
or reddish flame, which gives off more or less smoke and soot. These
three flames are closely related to the flame in Man; there is the
bluish center flame which is the fire of Spirit,aspiring,transcendent.
The yellow flame is the clearly burning light of Reason,illuminating
the Mind and lighting the darkness of the night, while the reddish
flame is the false Light,the fire of passion and is some­
what smoky,like the battle-field where Hate and Fear go up together
in a lurid sheet of brick-red flame.
These are the three Fires: the Fire of Divinity,the
Fire of Humanity,and the Fire of the Demons.You will note how they
correspond with the three Phases of Mind of ’which you were told in the
early lessons. These three Fires are enshrined within the Nature of
Man, whence,their radiance goes forth as the sacred triangle,the Word
by which the Heavens are created, the Earth formed,and the Works of
Evil destroyed. In truth,the Kingdom of Heaven is within Man far more
completely than he realizes; and as Heaven is within his own Nature,
so Earth and Hell are also his Constitution. Thus Man is Heaven,Earth,
and Hell in one, in a much more personal way than he may think.
The Human Body is a mass of Psychic Centers,and dur­
ing Life, is criss-crossed with endless currents of Energy,and all
thru the Form are sun-bursts of Electric Force and Magnetic Power;and
those who have developed can plainly see how Man is a Solar System of
Stars and Planets, Suns, and Moons, with Comets in irregular orbits
circling thru them.Man is,indeed, a Galaxy of Flaming Stars which
someday will be a Constellation in itself. As in the Universe there
Lee. 53 - Pg. 2

are seven major in man there are seven ductless Glands,like
unto them and each is played upon by one of the Solar Planets in the
Macrocosm. Thus the subject of the Endocrine becomes of the utmost im­
por tance, for even Science now reveals that these tiny glands,tho long
regarded as vestigial Organs,in reality shape our Destiny.By the Hyper
or Hypo-sufficiency of any of these Miniature Planets within us our
Physical Structure is affected,our Mentalism is modified,our Ethical
Concepts are altered,and even our Spiritual Vision is raised from Plane
to Plane thru the Inner Worlds,or altogether obscured.
And so Man has his tiny World as the stage upon which he acts out
his Development and Evolution. He dwells in the midst of his little
Universe as Lord and Ruler of the constituent parts of himself. Some­
times he is a wise ruler, devoting his Life to the needs of his Sub­
jects but more'often he is a tyrant imposing many forms of injustice
upon his vassals, either thru ignorance of their needs,or thoughtless­
ness concerning the ultimate disaster he is bringing upon himself.Man’s
body and his vehicles are the Living Temple of which he is the High
Priest, placed there to keep the house in order.
Thus the student,as he ascends thru the various Grades of the Mys­
teries, is gradually learning self-control,to conquer the red fires of
rashness,and the polar ice-caps of Inertia as well,for thru Strength
of Will he must rise above the play of planetary Forces interacting
thru the Solar System within himself. He is slowly cutting out a finer
character from the rough ashlar with which he commenced. He is strug­
gling to improve each day just a little,asking not so much for Power
and for Light as for Strength to shape his Destiny more truly to the
standards of Wisdom revealed to him thru the yellow flame within and
ensouled by the clear light of Spirit.
These are the labors of each student and they are your labors,the
lessons you must learn,and when you have learned them,they will vanish
to return no more.But consider for a moment the condition of the stu­
dent as he first applies for admission as a Neophyte,offering himself
to the Master’s Service,he is filled with unworthy thoughts and un­
worthy elements; behind stretch many Ages of Thoughtlessness,and per­
haps Evil; his Higher Bodies are a mass of bad Karma and he is total­
ly unfit for his labors. Before Wisdom and Power can be given him, it
is necessary that the Evil be purged, the red fires brought under con­
trol, Inertia overcome, Balance obtained. So the Masters give to each
the labor,of purifying himself as the first test of Sincerity.All that
follows depends upon how this first work is done. The Consecration may
result in years of sorrow,for everything has its price in Nature,and
the price of a cleansed Soul is Wisdom,for it is only a balanced Nature
that can honestly think of, or honestly analyze things.All the perver­
sions of the Past present their bills and demand payment, a great
Spiritual house-cleaning takes place,for all these bills must be paid,
no true Religion teaches that such Debts can be escaped. A man or woman
does not escape responsibilities by becoming Spiritual but is merely
given the privilege of paying sooner. It is in regard to this great
Truth that Christianity or Churchanity rather,has been false to its
Founder, for Churchanity as it is today is a Religion of Vicarious
Attonement and forgets that honest rnen and women shoulder their own
As a result,therefore,of this unexpiated Karma,the Path of the
Neophyte is beset with difficulty and suffering, but such things are
the tests which prove character of the Self. He will be accepted by the
Masters of the Inner Schools only if his Character survives these mis­
fortunes and comes thru them deepened and mellowed by Experience.
Lee. 53. — Fg. 3

Always must he labor,year after year,in Patience and Perfect Trust,un­

til he has so far succeeded as to be worthy of Acceptance.
You must remember,however,in all that is said,that Evil is not a
thing in itself. Evil is the abuse of Power. It is crossing of the
currents, or an interference with the Great Plan,or you may say,it is
the right thing in the wrong place. Just as I told you in a recent lec­
ture, coordinated Forces produce Elementals while the Unbalanced Impulses
produce the Demonic Kingdom. To illustrate,let me take the two so-called
greatest Evils; First, Satan,or as the Occultist knows him, Saturn.Here
is caution,prudence,and when perverted,negation.At his door are laid
the Sins of Omission. Few realize that Man is responsible for the things
he has not done - it is the Law and it is just as wrong not to do the
right things as it is to do wrong things. Thus Satan inhibits he draws
back, he holds apart; he is keyed to crystalization and his unhampered
reign would result in Cosmic Inertia, for he destroys action;he is sym­
bolized by the reaping Skeleton. The second great Evil is Lucifer, or
Mars; he is the spirit or excuse, the flaming Son of Rashness and Ru­
ler of Sense gratification. Those who fall victims to his Power do
deeds of violence, not because he wills it, but because they have this
Spirit of Energy and pervert it. Lucifer is the Light bringer; he is
transmuted by Man into the Fiery Demons of War and Hate; uncurbed,
those who come under his sway dash madly to their own distruetion. He
is the heat that incuba tes the Soul, but man uses him as a flame to
burn up reason.
Hence, between two thieves of excess Man is crucified. Between
Satan, utter coldness, and Lucifer, blazing heat, hangs the Spirit of
Man, scarred by the burning fire of the one and chilled to freezing by
the negation of the other.But suppose either Force were withdrawn from
the World — what would happen? You can readily see that if Satan
were taken out, Man would be burned up in the Fiery Passions of Mars
and the Angels of Lucifer. Without the chill,caution,and curbing of Sa­
turn he would be lost in utter debauchery. On the other hand, if Luci­
fer were withdrawn, Man would soon become stone again, incapable of
Motion,Incentive,or Emotion. Thus it is that the battle of these great
Principles tempers the blasts and blends them to the good of Man.
Satan and Lucifer, Saturn and Mars,are not Evil but are two of
the greatest Powers in Creation. Without them the Universe could not
come into being, for Mars, with the Lucifer Angels, is the Dynamo of
our Solar System, while Satan builds the Earth and Worlds by his cry­
stallization, without which we would have no solid substances to form
bodies.So you sec,it is not Force or Powei* which is Evil, but rather
the perversion of Power which constitutes the Evil. This explains one
of the very first lessons, which said, ’’There is no devil, no evil,
all is God, and all is Good,” and you see the sense in which it is
true. Not without good reason did the Priests of Old Carve over the
temple doorways, "Man, know Thyself.” And not without reason do the
Masters require as the first task of the Neophyte the purification of
Self and a demonstration thru Life’s trials of the Neophyte’s ability
to balance the Forces within himself, Action and Inertia is perfect
Harmony. Once Self-Mastery is gained the way of Power is revealed and
these words of the Comptede Cabalis come true:
"If you have sincerity and zeal,you will learn to command all Na­
ture, God alone will be your Master, and only the Sages your equal.The
Supreme Intelligences will gladly obey your commands and the Demons
will not dare approach you. Your voice will make them tremble in the
place where they reside,and all the Spirits of the four Elements will
deem themselves happy to serve you.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 54 - Pg- 1

Beloved Adhyapya;

Tonight I am going to take up several important matters,

because of the very great interest that has been displayed in the sub­
jects thru the letters I have been receiving. I realize that in tak­
ing up such a matter as the Mystical Actualities underlying the Symbol­
isms of the Christian Church, I am trenching upon a subject which most
Occultists avoid, because of the Potentialities contained therein, but'
I have come to the conclusion that a discussion and understanding of all
these things would be very beneficial, for we are living in a so-called
Christian Nation, and whether we realize it or not, it does vitally af­
fect us in almost every department of our lives, and certainly impinges
upon our Subjective Lind from many angles. Remember that whenever you
gaze upon a cross you are reminded of the sacrifice of Calvary, and yoi
are reminded of all that the Church says it stands for, if not conscio­
usly, then Subconsciously. Your thoughts are turned toward the Racial
complex of which the cross is the symbol and reminder. And remember
this,also, insensibly you are put in touch with the Forces on the Spi­
ritual Plane that were generated by the great act which the Cross re­
presents. Such a reminder stirs memories in the depths of our own hea­
rts, and if we have had a Christian upbringing, with all the associat­
ions of childhood clustering around the Church, as well as the prayers
at a mother's knee, these associations are potent. However, much our
Intellects may reject the Christian Theology when we reach the years
of Thought, our hearts remain under the Christian Influence, and we ha­
rdly ever shake it off. If we do not reect t® it with devotion,we rea­
ct with antagonism, proving equally its validity for us; we are never
merely indifferent. There has always been a controversy between those
who make use of Form in their Religious Life and those who abhor it.
More Religious Wars have been waged over this point than any other.We
cannot deny that the Powers of the Spirit flow more freely if they are
not confined to Channels of Form; but the Tide of Spiritual Emotion
does not remain for long at the flood, and we have to find some means
of maintaining, a Spiritual Irrigation after thewaters have subsided.We
/flight liken the Pure Spiritual Influx of Power to the rain from Heaven,
and the use of Forms and Ceremonies to an irrigation system.
Forms have their value,but only as Channels of Force.
Please remember this,a Channel has no value in itself,if it is dry it
is useless,The Irrigation System depends upon the rain that falls from’
the Heavens,it may maintain a water supply during the dry season,but
if the rains fail,the water channels will soon be empty.An Irrigation
System does not create the water,but equalizes the distribution of the
available water. It is in the same way that the formal side of Religion
has its value;it enables us to make contact with Heavenly things during
Spiritual drought. The psychological effect of Forms and Ceremonies is
far greater than we realize ,and we lose much if we try .to dispense with
them. On the other hand, we fall into the Sin of Idolatry if we believe
that in themselves they have any efficacy. We cannot believe that the
Ceremonial performance of the Mass is of any value to God; for God,we
know,would exist and hold all Existence in His hand,if no Priest ever
celebrated the Eucharist, but the performance of the Ceremony is of ve­
ry great value to the participants,be cause it makes a link between the­
ir minds and transcendental things,which they never could have approa­
ched is in Psychology,therefore,that we find the Key to the
value of Rituals,and it shows us that Forms and Ceremonies need not be
blind observances,but are the stairways for the Mind, whereon it may
Le c. 54 - Pg. 2

climb to Higher things than eye hath seen or ear hath heard —— y-e-s far
more than it has entered into the heart of man to conceive.
The accumulated Thoughts and Concentrated Emotions how­
ever, that have, for countless generations, been centered about a Sym­
bol such as the Cross, vitalize it with an atmosphere which influenc- .
e s us far more profoundly .than we realize. These Thought-atmospheres
are very real things,as you should know by this time. We do not, if
we are rightly instructed,conceive of them as attached specifically to
an object. The association of ideas ,-howe ver , create s emotionally-tòned
complexes in the Group-Mind of the Race, and whenever our attention is
directed to such.a complex,we are stirred by its inherent Emotional
• I want you to realize , there fore , that in the beginning,
the Christian Church was a Mystery School,and its Priests were true Ma­
sters of the Cabalistic Art, and its Symbolism and Ceremonies are the
remains of the Ritualistic Ceremonial Magic used by these Initiates in
the early days.Viewed from this standpoint,there can be seen‘in the re­
mains that have been left us,much of the Mystical Actualities underly­
ing what is now largely a prefunctory performance of so-called Religi­
ous Duties.
As the Magus of power looks at these things,he knows th­
at the Word of Power in any Ritual in the Church is the Name of the. Be­
ing to whom the participants look as the Channel of Power they are­
eking to contact. In addition to words,there are signs,or symbolic mo­
vements , which are designed to commemorate the most striking or most ty­
pical incidents of the Life of the Master they invoke. For instance,in
the Christian. Religion, in the Mass we have the Invocation of. the,. "Sacred
Name of Je sus,the sign of the Cross made by the Devout Christian,and
the Cross itself,or the Crucifix,which, when properly consecrated by
an Initiate, becomes a true Talisman. The Principles apply to all Cer­
emonies, save that different Entities are invoked. So, remember that
in the pristine "Mysteries of Jesus," as in most Religious, Esoteric
Truths were taught and men and women were prepared to meet,the great
Perhaps the keystone of Churchanity is its Doctrine of
the Atonement,at first sight contradictory to the Mystic Law of Karma,
but let us see.As we study Esoteric Science and know the Actuality of
the vital Forces of Karma, and A strolcgy,the potent Power of the Forc­
ées we have set into motion in the past,we need ever to remind ourselv­
es that these Forces are blind Forces,like the other Laws of Nature,a-
nd that just like man has harnessed the Elemental Powers to his servi­
ce , so can the enligntened and spiritualized man or woman.harness these
little understood Forces,and if they7" will not work for them in their a-
ction,so align themselves that they shall serve their ends in all their
Never fail to realize that the Christ-Force can over-ru­
le both Astrology and Karma.Now do not interpret Christ-Force in the t-
erms of Churchanity ,for your lessons have told you that the Christ is
not an Individual,but should be spoken of as the Christ-Force,the Migh­
ty Power of the Solar Logos. Remember that it was in order to break
the bondage of Darkness upon Human Souls that the Master of the Purple
Ray manifested upon the Mundane Plane. Remember,always, in the Invoca­
tion of His Name,and thru prayer to Him,you have a means of breaking
the bondage of both of these great.natural Laws,just as with a pump or
a lever you can break the Law of Gravitation.
Occult Laws are no more Inviolable than any other natu­
ral Law that Science has enabled us to abrogate. In the knowledge of
Lee. 54 - Pg. 3
Spiritual Science, we shall find the power to dominate, and turn to
our own end, even the Forces of Blind Faith; but let us never forget
that dominion over the Laws of Nature is obtained by fulfilling their
conditions and not by defying them — and so with the Laws of Karma
and Astrology. These can only affect us as there is that in our nature
which reacts to the Planetary Forces of the claims of a Karmic Debt.
If, thru Meditation and Realization, we clear up that element in our
nature, we shall no more react to the Karmic Bondage, for we shall
have paid our Karmic Debt; we shall no longer react to the Squares
and Oppositions of our Horoscope, for we shall have eliminated from
our nature those Traits which react to the Evil side of the Planetary
Forces. In other words, thru the Power of the Christ-Force, we have
dominion over the Principalities of the Stars and the Powers of the
Past, if we will but use it.
We who worship thru the Western Traditions do not believe
that the Purgatorial Experience, which balances the Karmic Account at
the end of each Incarnation, is "everlasting damnation" as one of the
lessons previously has explained to you, but we do realize sufficient­
ly the extent to which the burden of our Karmic Sins can be worked by
us during an Incarnation. I am sure that you see the deep Mystical
Truths contained in the Doctrine of Vicarious Atonement, and the Sac­
rifice of the Cross, as made by the Lord of Personality for the Human
Race; and we share in it, as we share in the Evolving Life of our
Race, but the Master .Jesus can only be our Personal Saviour, can only
regenerate our Personality, in proportion as we make Him our Exemplar,
the "Way-Shower" can only save us thru the Example he sets, and we
must tread the Way He shows.
Step by step and day by day, with the Help of the Cosmic Hi­
erarchy, working under the direction of this Lord of Personality, as
the Master Jesus is shown to Initiates, we must work out our Karma;
and the very first act of the adjustment is to realize the Truth of
the words, "we who are justly punished for our sins." This may seem
a hard saying, but it is the only possible attitude to take toward
Karma. No hand but our own can set going the causes that affect us,
and even if the mist of Death and Birth hid our previous lives, it
would not alter the fact that they form the experiences which have
made us what we are, and brought us to our present condition. There
has never been a Soul who remembered the Past who did not admit the
justice of the Present. That which the Initiate admits the Seeker
must not deny, he must turn to God and say, "I accept, teach me."
When the Soul turns thus, Karma is met on the High Planes, and it
is only a matter of time'until it is worked out on the Lower Planes.
There is no pit so deep but that we can free ourselves from
the bondage of Karma and make a ladder whereby the Soul can climb to
the Heights.
Perhaps the most important point in this whole lesson is the
statement that the Soul should turn*to God and say, "I accept, teach
me, " and the following statement that when the Soul turns thus the
Karma is met on the Higher Plane and must inevitably work out on the
Lower. In other words, the very moment you have realization of any
Trait, accept it as just, because you have created it, then turn to
the Path of Life, pointed out by the Master of Masters. Immediately
it is met in the Upper Planes and balanced, tho it may take some lit­
tle time to manifest on the Lower; yet know that from the moment of
that conception, from the moment you start to tread the Path, it is
abrogated on the Causal Plane.
In the Bonds of The Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee 55 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I shall take up another point or two and show the
connection between much of the Dogmas,the Forms, and the Blind Cere­
monies of Churchanity,and the Mystical Actualities underlying them. In
my last lecture, I discussed and correlated Karma and the Atonement,and
I am sure that if you have studied over that last lesson thru the past
week,you have had a better understanding of both.You have seen in opera­
tion the great underlying Law and in considering this matter of Karma
and the Church principle of Atonement,there has doubtless come to your
mind another question-if Reincarnation is such an important part of the
Mystery Teachings from which it and all Rejigions take their rise,why
is it that the Master Jesus did not teach it explicitly? The explana­
tion of this problem is twofold ; firstly, it lies in the nature of the
people to whom He came, and secondly, in the manner in which His work
had to be carried out..
The Master Jesus came to a people,the great majority of whom
were exclusively preoccupied,as far as their Religious Life was con­
cerned with the formal observances of the Temple,and the righteousness
inculcated by the Mosaic Law.Among these people were a small minority,
who were interested in Mystical Speculation,and of these the most not­
able body was the Essenes,men and women highly respected in Israel,some
of whom lived community lives,while others the life of the
world.They might not inaptly by called the Quakers of Judaism.The
Doctrine of Reincarnation was part of the teachings of the Essenes,and
an important part.It is believed by many that the Master Jesus as a boy
was educated in an Essene Community,after His greatness had been recog­
nized by the Elders,when He taught them in the Temple.But you must re­
member that in all His Teachings,the Master Jesus made a clear distinc­
tion between that which He would say to His chosen and trusted Disciples
in the Upper Chamber,to whom it was given to know the Mysteries of the
Kingdom,and that which He would say to the populace whose sick He heal­
ed and whose sorrowing He comforted.
The Master stood forth against a Mystical Background.He spoke
as One coming from behind the Veil.The modern Minister or Priest knows
very little about the Ancient Mysticism of Israel,the Cabalah,yet the
Cabalah is the key to the Mystical interpretation of the Old Testament,
and many passages of the New Testament.Take,for instance, the closing
passage of the Lord's Prayer,"For Thine is the Kingdom,the Power and
Glory forever and ever, Amen." What does this convey to the Cabalist?A
picture of the lower triangle of Sephirothic Tree of Life.whereon, in
their appointed pattern,are arranged the mystical stations of the Ten
Divine Emanations which form the world-Netzach,Victory or Power; Hod,
Glory; Malkuth,the Kingdom.On the Tree of Life is placed the mighty
Invocation of the Cabalistic Magic,with which every Magus seals his
Aura before commencing any magical operation, "A teh Malkuth,ve Gedulah
ve geburath,le Olahm,Amen"-in English, "for to Thee is the Kingdom and
the Power and the Glory,thru the ages,Amen."No one can hope to under­
stand Christianity who does not understand the Mysticism of the Cabalah
in which,the above quotation proves,the Master was trained; and in the
Cabalistic Doctrine we shall find almost its most important tenet to be
that of is in the Cabalah that we find the Cosmology
and the Mystical Doctrine of the Soul,and its Initiation,in which Exo­
teric Christianity is so lamentably weak as compared with the great
Eastern Faiths.An abundance of Esoteric material can be found in both
the Old and New Testament;and what there was before it underwent edit­
Lee 55 Pg 2

ing at the hands of generations of scholars,who were Churchmen,first

and last; who can say? There are many Teachings of the Master,many
passages of Scripture which can only be understood in the light of the
Doctrine of Reincarnation.John the Baptist’s Message to Jesus is a case
in point. The Master taught His Disciples/ih the Upper Chamber,a Doctrine
of which we have no direct record,but many echoes.And finally, if the
Second Coming is not Reincarnation,what is it?
Now,we have touched briefly upon the Atonement and upon the
question of Réincarnât!on ; there is still another very important thing,
and that is the celebration of the Lord's Supper,or the Eucharist. In
considering this mat ter,another of the most important tenets of the
Church you must again recall that the Master said,"I am the Good Shep­
herd,! am the Light of the World,! am the True Vine,"etc. He did not
intend,however,that these words should be taken literally ,but that they
convey a deeper meaning,that is,that He would lead His people by Love,
and give Illumination to the Minds of those who were ready to receive
it,as He did to His Disciples in the Upper Chamber.What was the meaning
then,that He wished His Followers to attach to the words, "this is my
body,which is given for you"? Let us go back and reconstruct the scene-
—-it was a large Upper Room furnished and prepared for the Feast of the
Passover;He was sitting at the table with His Twelve Disciples; they were
fulfilling the Jewish obligation to keep the Feast,"And He took the
bread and gave thanks,and brake it,and gave unto them saying,’This is my
Body which is given for you,do this in remembrance of me.'But it was
not until after the Supper that He took the Cup,saying,"This Cup is the
New Testament,my blood which is shed for you."
Now,it is obvious to any Student that the Master,in institut­
ing this Sacrifice,is functioning as a Priest after the Order of Mel­
chisedec (Hebrews, Chap 7),for He chose the same symbols as His predeces
-sor,when God sent a blessing to Abraham: "And Melchisedec King of
Salem,brought forth bread and wine,and he was the Priest of the most
High God,"(Genesis, Chap 14).What,now,is the Eucharist,therefore,dated
back to our "Father Abraham," with whom God made a covenant, "to be a
God unto Thee,and Thy Seed after Thee?"
Wheat,as bread ,evidently had a Sacramental value ,as it appears
also, in the Temple Rites as Shew Bread,.and the unleavened bread of the
Passover;but wine,be it noticed,which is the symbol of the new Covenant
was not used in the Jewish Temple,other than as an offering.
It was during this Phase of Evolution,which would appear to
correspond with the Zodiacal Sign,Aries,the Ram,or a fiery sign, that
Monotheistic Worship was developed.The fire of the Divine Spirit was
working on the Materialism of the Jew,as the fire worked upon the most
sublimated body-building food article,a special Gift to Abraham, and
produced the unleavened bread.But during the next Zodiacal Phase,Pisces
the watery or emotional sign,which was inaugurated by the Master,"He
took the bread,gave thanks,and brake it"--surely this was the symbol
that the Covenant of Abraham had been fulfilled and a new Covenant was
needed, suitable to the new era then commencing,for the old Materialistic
Laws must give way to the new,our Spiritual Commandment to "Love one
another"--for Love is the fulfilling of the Law.
So far,the Gift of Melchisedec had only been developed in re­
gard to the "Bread Aspect."The Master completed the Sacrament and into
it introduced the "Wine Aspect"Bread and Wine" therefore, would appear
to symbolize Matter and Spirit,Form and Force,and the Breaking of the
bread would suggest the breaking of "Form" of the old mold,in order
t« release the "Force" generated therein, which is symbolized by the
Lee» 55 - Pg. S

wine--the Life Blood, of the ’’True Wine” the Solar Logos.

Now, Symbols are always substitutes for Actualities, they
are not the Actualities themselves, but only the Realities; they are
used, to express. The words, ’’This is my body, this is my blood,” used
in conjunction with bread and wine, are symbols, or substitutes, for
an Actuality which it is beyond the power of words to express, and if
you would understand its true meaning, you must endeavor to raise Con­
sciousness to the Spiritual Plane, upon which this Actuality is to be
found. Then, you would perceive the Spiritual Body of the Solar Logos,
which is a State of Consciousness, and the Holy Spirit, the Life-blood
of that Body and the Power by which it manifests.
In the Upper Chamber, therefore, the Master, speaking as a
Priest, and also as a Son of God and Son of Man, used His body and
blood as symbols of this Spiritual Actuality, which could not otherwise
be expressed. When we commemorate His Sacrifice we should do well to
remember that the bread and wine are merely substitutes,non-actualities
but nevertheless,useful links to enable us to focus Consciousness and
raise it to the Plane of the Actualities they are designed to represent
and herein is the Key-the Symbolism,the Rites and Ceremonies of the
Church are but the Ways and means of raising Consciousness up the
Planes. As I said, before, these Rites and Ceremonies and Symbols, in
themselves, have no value; they are only useful as Stairways by which
the Mind climbs upward.
Now, when we grasp these simple Truths, we will not trou­
ble about Theological Dogmas, all of the peculiarities of Churchanity
which .tend to reduce Spiritual Actualities to the limits of the Con­
crete Mind and neither will we argue as to the Actualities such as
’’Transsubstantiation” and the Real Presence on the Physical Plane,for
we know full well that such can only occur in our own Consciousness,
which by raising itself, partakes of the Nature of the Spiritual Body
of the Solar Logos the Christ Consciousness, and experiences the Life­
giving Power of the Holy Spirit or the Christ Force, flowing into the
I want you to read this all over carefully and study it
and understand it,then you will realize that today the Devout Orthodox
are giving lip service to Ceremonies and Symbols which are but the
empty shells of what were once Potent and Mighty Ritualistic Ceremonies
in the Mystery Schools. It is indeed unfortunate that the Rise of
Christianity saw the Decline of Learning, and that there then came
about a divorce between Learning and Religion. Metaphysics was abandon­
ed to the Philosophers, and the Christian concerns himself with Ethics
and a Dogmatic Theology, based upon an interpretation of the Sacred
Scriptures, to which the Keys were lost. In consequence, many of the
technical terms of the Philosophers of both the Cabalistic and Gnostic
Schools were passed unrecognized in the Old and Nev/ Testaments, and
have been so gravely mis-translated that they have been completely
wrested from their meaning, and whole Passages perverted or rendered
incomprehensible. It would have been a vastly different story had there
been a translation of the Scriptures by a true Initiate.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 50 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I want to talk to you about God and the Universe. I
have been endeavoring to break up those heavy lectures by giving you
two lighter ones in between, but the Path of the Occult is the Path
of Intellect, and it requires Knowledge and study on many of the funda­
mental aspects of the various manifestations with which we are sur­
rounded, in order to comprehend them and stuEyn±£^m intelligently .There
has been much speculation about God and numerous ytb describe what is
to us the Unmanifestf therefore, the Indescribable .Vie are told,"No man
hath seen God,at any time,” and also that ”God is a Spirit/’ or per­
haps it would be more correct to say,”God is Spirit,’’since God is Ab­
stract .
Now, please remember that in discussing God we are discuss­
ing the God of our Uni.verse,the God who is ”our Father.” Theology is
man’s opinion about God,and if we dared to dogmatize on the matter we
should be joining the ranks of those who attempt the impossible.There
is a method of analogy, however, by which we may obtain an idea of
things,which transcends our1 intellect,but it must be understood that
the arguments put forth are not claimed to be statements of facts, for
I am only giving you the nearest possible metaphors. You will find it
of considerable assistance,however,in clearing your mind of much which
is at present confused,and if one will but relax his hold on some of
his preconceived notions,or any remanents of dogma,he will gain valu­
able light on a difficult subject.
We are taught by the Masters, that the God of our Universe is
to us the One God,Creator,Conditioner, and Sustainer of His Universe,
which was originally, and in a sense is still, a Thought-Form in His
Mind.But how did the Thought-Form arise in His Mind? To answer this we
will have to follow the Evolution of God as described prior to the
creation of His Universe.
In the dense Ether of Inter-stellar Space, which Sir Oliver
Lodge tells us is a million times denser than air,-imagine, if you
please, an enormous Zodiac with twelve Rays or Houses,and in addition
seven concentric circles with a common center, corresponding to the
seven Planes of our Universe. That enormous sphere or Ball, which is
called the cosmos, revolves in its orbit, and also gyroscopicly within
itself, so that within its circumference there are innumerable currents
of invisible moving Ether, centrifugal,centripetal,spiral, tangential,
etc.,which cross and recross setting up innumerable vortices or whirl­
pools of is to these little vortices of Ether that we look
for the construction of the various types of atoms.Modern Science shows
that the atom and its electrons can be reduced to movement,but Esoteric
Science suggests that all movement is the basis of the Etheric-Atomic-
Substance of all Planes,and of all Manifestations,and the great tides
of movement within the Cosmos are the great Cosmic Tides which influ­
ence our Universe,which as a separate unit travels in its orbit on the
Seventh Plane of the Cosmos.The Universe,then,traces its origin and
birth to the Cosmos of which it is a part,and all Space,Time, and Sub­
stance originate in the Cosmos,where the little vortices,which lock up
the Cosmic Force and become the nucleus of all .pure Atoms, were first
made by the crossing and whirling of Cosmic Currents,differing in na­
ture according to their position on both Planes and Rays, as well as in
their combinations and their mass association.
Your own human ’’permanent atom” was drawn from the Cosmos in
this manner,and with a swarm of other such atoms, became associated
with God in His Universe.God,Himself ,originated in like manner,by being
a Cosmic Atom formed in the heart of the Cosmos,but in a period of Evo­
lution,a Cosmic Phase,ahead of us.Therefore,where God has experienced
Lecture 56 - Pg* 2
the complete circuit of Cosmic Evolution,we have experienced but a par­
tial Evolution within the Universe, thus we are of the same nature of.
God, ’’made in His image and likeness” as Cosmic Atoms} but behind Him
in Evolution as the Animals and lower kingdoms are behind us/
God, having evolved as far as it was possible as a Cosmic Atom,
then started a new evolution,and with the memory of all the Cosmic Evo­
lution infolded into His Consciousness He sought to express Himself by
Conscious development, or development of Consciousness, And that is the
key to the work of the whole of our Universe--a Development of Con­
sciousness, That is why every Plane of the Universe is to be thought
of as a State of Consciousness, and why Man as a Living Soul should be
thought of as a septenary of States of Consciousness—Physical, emo­
tional, mental and spiritual-created by the Mind of God,But as a Monad
or ’’permanent Atom,” which had no definite Consciousness,Man,like God,
dates his creation back to a little whirlpool of life caused by the
crossing of two Cosmic Currents long before the creation of the Uni­
verse ,
God,having finished His Evolution as a Cosmic Atom,and having
collected to Himself a mass of uncoordinated Cosmic-Atomic-Etheric-Sub-
stances from all the Cosmic Planes, in the course of His Evolution up
each,set Himself to build, a Universe-In His then undeveloped state of
Consciousness, He had memories of His Cosmic Evolution only, and it was
on the memory of that pattern that He cast His thought-form,and the un­
coordinated mass of Cosmic Substance being influenced thereby,eventual­
ly assumed that shape,hence the Universe is a miniature Cosmos,it has
its own Zodiac known to the Astrologers, and its procession of the
equinoxes,which are really Cosmic Currents,and its Planes,which are
differentiated states of Consciousness, because they are expressions of
the Mind of God, based on memories of His own Cosmic Experiences,
We speak of God as the Creator,the Conditioner, and the Sus-
tainer.He ’’created” by thought,hence we can see how important and crea­
tive Thought Power really is, and that it is the basis of all Occult
Science,In regard to the Conditioning and Sustaining of all of the Cos­
mic Substance; —in order that it should serve its true purpose in the
Universe,God had to adopt another Cosmic Principle dating back to the
Beginning of the formation of the Mighty Cosmos,versus the Trinity or
Three in One.For the purpose of the Actual conditioning of the Universe,
He projected three different aspects of Himself,in three different and
successive phases of Evolution,which are known as the Lords of Flame,
Form and Mind.The first two are composite powers working in group for­
mation, ensouled by the one Mind of God, but the third,the Lords of Mind,
eventually became differentiated and personified,and in due course be­
came the God-Men and Great Teachers of Humanity.
The work of the Lords of Flame,a great composite Spiritual
Force,was to create the archetypal mold,the pattern in which the cosmic
Currents should be arranged co insure their regular and habitual work­
ing as a Zodiac,and as the Planets and Planes of our Universe,after the
Manner of the Cosmos ..This pioneer work was performed by these Great
Lords,wave after wave flowing from God and returning to God,even length­
ening and working down the Planes,from the subtile Planes to the Planes
of Dense Matter.On the completion of the work of the Lords of Flame on
a Plane,and after they withdrew to work on the mold of another Plane,
the Lords of Form occupied the vacated Plane, and went to work to con­
solidate the Atomic-Etheric Framework into a Globe or Planet,thus pre­
paring the way for further Evolution.This Great Composite Group,also an
emanation of God, followed the tracks of the Lords of Flame,consoli­
dating Planet after Planet, in the building of the Universe, each ema­
nating from the Central Sun.-
Lecture 56 - Pg. 3
When the Lords of Form vacated a Planet they were followed
by the Lords of Mind,whose function it was to complete this preliminary
phase of the Evolution of the Universe, and to prepare for the next
phase, which was the development of Individual Consciousness. Thus the
Mind of God was expressed by these Great Lords, and in the long Course
of Evolution it began to function in Independent Units.As Mind is the
link which bridges the higher and lower aspects of Man,so are the Lords
of Mind the link between Mankind and God,and it is from their ranks
that the great Mediators between God and Man are drawn,those Great Re­
deemers of Divine Birth who are referred to in our teachings as the
Star Logoi,or Masters of Masters,each at the head of the various Rays,
of whom Jesus was one, "begotten of His Father, before all worlds."
The Universe being so far prepared,the next phase of Evolu­
tion of God required that Consciousness, which is developed in His Uni­
verse shall react to His own Consciousness,until it becomes reciprocal
and balanced,for it is only thus that God, Himself,can evolve, tho it
may be a new thot to you to conceive of God’s evolving.Exoteric Theo­
logy teaches that God never changes,that may refer to the fact that
there is but one God thruout the Evolution of His Universejbut Esoteric
Science teaches that God,in common with all nature,evolves with His
Universe.However,there are innumerable .Universes,each with its own God,
and each conforming to Cosmic Law,and subject to Cosmic Influences .You
will see from this that the God we are discussing is the Solar Logos,
the God of our Universe.
To carry out the further evolution of Consciousness,God call­
ed forth from the Cosmos swarms of atoms of the type which would form
the "Monads" or Divine Sparks,atoms which were stamped with His own
Image and were destined to become the nucleus of Human Souls.These fol­
lowed the tracks of the Lords of Mind,and when their Souls had. evolved
to the point where their Minds were ready to receive teachings, the
Lords of Mind were their first instructors.
Thus we conceive of God as a highly evolved Cosmic Entity,
seeking furthei' development in Consciousness by means of the Mind, His
physical form being measured by the circumference of His Kingdom, and
the measure of Life that shall endure in the full period of Evolution
which is to God as an Incarnation is to man. Life waves sent out from
God are masses of coordinated memories,complexes of the Mind of God.
We may conceive of the "Christ" as the great reservoir of the
Power of God surrounding each Planet and contacting the Consciousness
of each Planet by means of the highest of the Seven is on the
Plane of Abstract Spirit,wherein "all is one and one is all"that we con­
tact the Soul of God,and into which all Souls $111 eventually be ab­
sorbed.We may conceive of the Master Jesus,therefore,as a personal ex­
pression in "Form" of the "Christ Force" of our Planet,which is an ema­
nation of God.
I want you,as an Adhyapya, to seek a new realization of these
fundamental principles,as the Serpent said in the Garden,"Ye are Gods,"
and these Sacred Aspects of Occultism, the true wisdom of the Ages, are
now being revealed to you. I want you to realize one thing from this
lesson,that while you cannot change the phases of the Cosmic Tides by
prayer,you can draw yourself and others into their Divine Influence by
praying to God,the Father,for a realization of Truth,thru the Master
Jesus, Mediator between God and Man,for as a Lord of Mind,He is an es­
tablished link or stepping stone for raising consciousness.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 57 -Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to récapitulete the series of lessons
which you have been, having, in which the various stages of the Path
of Attainment are briefly set out, and I shall refer to some of the
difficulties which may arise,and also the advantages to be gained by
the true Seeker and Server.There is coming a time shortly when you
will be ready for yet another stage of the work in your ascent to the
Heights of Carakaship,and while that next stage may yet lie some few
weeks or even months away,I want to talk with you now and review
briefly the stages you have had,that you may think it over during the
coming weeks',for you are ever drawing nearer to the Service . of those
Esoteric Masters who in turn serve the Great Master of Masters.,whom
we know as Jesus.
You are gradually now being brought face to face with your
Higher Self .You have sought and found something,which I trust has
brought you certain realizationsyyou have served and been inspired by
the desire to continue to serve,and that desire,you may be very sure
has been noted by the Masters,who are gradually leading you to the
point where you may cooperate with them on certain conditions,and of
course,one of these conditions will include a ratification of your
complete dedication to the service of God and Man. That is to say,this
special service,upon which the Masters are engaged, must be one of
the chief interests in your life.Now do not misunderstand that sen­
tence ; I have worded it with care and precision that it may convey
exactly the idea I intended it to convey to you.This,of course,will •
involve a careful and,if necessary,prolonged training and purifica­
tion of the character,so that you may have the right basis upon which
the Higher Spiritual work may be performed,and it is for this pur­
pose that I have been instructed to request you,in preparation for
tho next phase of your work,to accept and begin to perform what is
really the beginning of a daily discipline,designed for the develop- •
ment of the Conscious and Subconsc ious Mind,in order to secure pro­
per control of the reactions, especially in times of difficulty.
I have endeavored to present a concept of the Planes of the
Universe,showing you that they are differentiated States of Conscious­
ness.It is important that you should grasp this principle thoroly,for
much .misapprehension arises from an endeavor to picture the Planes
as places.As men contact brain consciousness by means of the physical
senses,so the Planes provide certain Units of. Substance,which form
the vehicles of the various States of Consciousness,and as Conscious­
ness consists in both Form and Force,so the Planes provide different
types of' Form and Force.We have the Spiritual Forces,which cannot be
formulated by the mind;the Mental Images,which take shape as Thought-
Forms;the emotional forces which can be felt,but which have no expres­
sion other than mentally formed images5 and the physical form,which
limits the normal functioning of. Consciousness to the physical senses.
You have also ’ seen that the stages of the Path have their
corresponding States of Consciousness,and that by systematic training
you are enabled to expand and raise Consciousness and advance. on the
Path;and you have seen that,as you see your way clear to offer the de­
dication, at least a part of your first interest belongs to the Mast­
ers, so that their Service will have a prior claim over personal ambi­
tions, then the Masters will gradually trust you,sure of the genuine­
ness of your offer,and as you are proved worthy,you will be given
special work and you will enjoy an increased degree of mental illumi­
nation which in time will inevitably lead on to Spiritual Contacts
far transcending the experiences of the uninitiated.
You have studied the various aspects of Man,as Body,Soul,and
Spirit’you have learned that the Spirit has a Cosmic origin,and that
the Soul is the synthesis of all States of Consciousness;and you have
learned that the body is the physical form,which limits the function­
ing of the Spirit to Mundame Conditions.I have emphasized the two main
divisions of the seven States of Consciousness,so that you think of
man as having a Higher and Lower Self,and my object is that these
studies should shift the focus of your aims and interests to the Con­
sciousness of the Higher Self,so that your values will be entirely
changed,and personal advancement and aggrandizement will shift to the
impersonal service of God and Man,which is no easy task,for the de­
sires of the Individuality are difficult to control and the Still Small
Voice of Intuition and the Higher Self can easily be rationalized by
the Powers of the Mind and made to fit in with the desires of the In­
dividuality .By steady discipline and perseverance,however,these diffi­
culties can be overcome,and the Higher consciousness allowed greater
freedom of action.
Of course,no one achieves the Goal without sacrifice,and the
sacrifice of the desires of the Lower Self to the Higher is one of the
most difficult tasks, you have to face at any stage of the Path,and par.
ticularly at this stage;but when they have been overcome,the Path
opens out and the bay is made plain.You may then hope to cooperate con
sciously with those Perfected Beings who have been permanently freed
from the Individuality and function in their glorified? state of Men­
tal and Spiritual Illumination,and who,thru the schools connected with
them,call the Neophytes and train them,in the hope that they may use
them to transmit the Cosmic principles they desire to inculcate into
the Conscious and Subconscious Mind of the Race;
I have endeavored to trace briefly the birth and development
of the Ego with its state of Abstract Mental Consciousness "synthesiz­
ing all experiences;! have pictured the Ego projecting a Consciousness
into Individuality and into incarnation for some special purpose, in
either a male or female body,and into such circumstances and environ­
ment as may be required to contribute to the slow process of the needs
and requirements of the Soul;and I have also warned you that as' the
thoughts and emotions of past lives have earned for you your present
character and cir curas tances, so will the thoughts and emotions of the
present life mold and influence the next incarnation.
I have given you a very brief discussion ' of the formation
of the Cosmos according to the Western Traditions,constituting a phil­
osophy,which you will examine in greater detail as you advance.The
atom is shown, to be derived from movement,according to the same prin­
ciples as those, which formed the Cosmos.I have discussed the forma­
tion and purpose of the Universe,and your relationship to the God of
the Universe,especially in regard to His Trinitarian aspect of Father,
Son and Holy Spirit;and I have touched some upon the Master Jesus,as
He is Mediator between God and Man and Great Exemplar of our Race and
Period,whom we of the Western Traditions serve and work with as the
Master of Masters.
I have gone into a great deal of detail,also,regarding the
conditions and the denizens of the Astral Plane.There is much confu­
sion bound to exist in the mind's of students everywhere with regard
to the possibility of illusion and misrepresentation.It has been point
■ed out how desirable it is to be guided by the Light of Occult Know­
ledge rather than fall victim to the rest of the lower forms of Psy­
chic phenomena,with their background of matter.The source of relation­
ship of the Angelic Evolution,from the Great Archangels to the Nature
Spirits,which is quite distinct from the human,has been suggested,and
Lee. 57- Pg. 3

its various functions have been touched upon.The difference between the
real and the artificial SIementais has been shorn to be due to the for­
mer’s tracing their creation to the great Intelligences of the Angelic
Evolutions,Emanations of the Logos,and the latter to the creative pow­
ers of the Human and Superhuman Mind,whereby images may take form and
live as Entities ensouled by certain emotional forces,and then can be
seen upon the Astral Plane.
Novr, of course,having tasted some of these crumbs of Know­
ledge you must realize that you have not yet gained sufficient know­
ledge to enable you to solve the deeper problems of life,nor to pene­
trate into its Mysteries .Occultism is a Science- which requires consid­
erable study,and can be put to very practical use,and because of the
risks in the use of the Powers involved,these Poxvers are guarded and
can only be obtained by paying the price required of those who guard
them on the Inner Planes.The Price for the higher grades is merely the
complete dedication of Service,which dedication is tested and ratified
by the Masters of the Esoteric Schools,and not by any authority on the
Mundane Plane.
Thus,it is only by actually living the Life that is accept­
able to the Master that the Student is enabled to progress stage by
stage,and it rill,therefore,be seen that you have to earn that to which
you are entitled,and in a sense,you have to initiate yourself before
the Masters will ratify that initiation and pass you on to the next will also be observed that progress depends more upon charac­
ter than upon intellect.A purely intellectual Adhyapya will often ex­
hibit some fault of character end. suffer the chagrin of seeing a less
gifted but better disciplined Adhyapya making more rapid advancement.
In the next phase of the Teachings you will,therefore,again
be asked to be patient and persevering,and by means of a self-imposed
discipline,in which you will be guided,endeavor to live up to the stan­
dards required,if you desire to be chosen for special Service and to
cooperate with the masters in their work for God. and Man.There is a
great deal of work to perform for all who can do their part in what­
ever circumstances their Karma has placed them.
It is true that Modern Civilization expects a certain stand­
ard of Character,one. that much ethical training is given by the Church
and by schools and other Mundane Organizations, but altho the Adhyapya
may have enjoyed these advantages,he will probably find that there is
still much to learn if he wishes to offer himself in the Service of
the Masters,for they see below the veneer of modern civilization into
the Soul,and require a high degree of purity and stability from those
whom they accept as their pupils for special training.Now,it is true
that you have already done considerable Service to Humanity,and that
you have much to your credit,that is to say,much arising from a purely
unselfish desire to benefit others and not yourself;but still you must
realize that even so the Masters make no exceptions just as they ac­
cept no excuses.All have travelled by the same Path,and unselfish Ser­
vice will be demanded before advancement can be made,for it is by this
means that we learn humility,and patience,and selflessness in the ear­
lier stages,and Wisdom,Power and Love in the more advanced stages,and
so,as you come closer to tho stage of Carakaship,you will do well to
study closely the Teachings and recommendations given you and to have
Faith in their guidance.Obedience to any personality is not required
or desired,for it is a mutter which lies between you and the Esoteric
Masters.V;hen you are entitled to advance,the Way will be made plain.
No time limit is set for any stage,for it depends upon the Evolution
of your Soul,not upon the Individuality.Some Souls have taken high
Lee. 57 - Pg. 4

degrees in past lives end recapitulate rapidly,whereas others may have

made slower growth,and found for the first time the Path of Attain­
ment ,whereby they step out of the ordinary Path of Evolution and make
more conscious effort toward the Goal. All Humanity is making for the
some Goal,but if you. con strike the Path taken by those who have at­
tained,you will go by the beaten May instead of wandering in the Wild­
erness and perhaps losing your direction.
Now,should any question arise as to whether you can fulfill
the conditions required,you must be assured that the Masters never
ask Service beyond the strength or possibilities of the Adhyapya,and
as you gradually learn to shift your values from the Individuality
to the Higher Self,and to live in the Eternal,you will find that such
Service brings with it great happiness,and usually an increase of
health and vitality;and the closer contacts with the Divine Forces
will give you an Inner fullness of Life,and a Power to see far beyond
the death of the physical body and into those realms where the Higher
Self ever beholds the face of the Father,which is in Heaven.
You ore, "therefore,requested to conform to the following
conditions,as recommended by the Master,with a view to cultivating
self discipline: First,practice a morning Meditation; second,at Midday
give a few moments to Méditation; if engaged in business give a mental
Salutation to the Masters; third, at night make a brief review of the
day,with the object of the development of good character; fourth,re­
cord every day,whenever convenient,the subject and gist of the Morning
Meditation and the time of the Midday Salutation;you are not,tho,to
make up arrears of entries on subsequent days,if the record for the
day is missed; fifth,submit this diary at the end of the month to your
Teacher, who ’..ill take notes and return it to you.
Now,note that the Subject and Length of the Meditation is
left to the discretion of the Adhyapya.If you have no time for more
than just pausing a moment and closing the eyes,that will suffice; or
you may take an extract from the Bible,such as the Ninety-first Psalm,
or the Twenty-third; you may take passages from books by inspired Au­
thors, such as "Light on the Path," or "The Voice of the Silence;" or
you may take a little extract from your lessons. The diary,of course,
will be treated as confidential,and will be found to be a valuable
means of self-discipline.It should be very brief.You may commence now
or later when directed,just ns you prefer.
Do not hesitate to continue writing me frequently. Dis­
cuss the little intimate things that indicate your viewpoint and your
reactions,even if it is only a short lettet;! gather much data from
it to aid me in my Psychic work,and I want you to realize that the
Psychic work of the Brotherhood is a very important part of the tri­
angle, just as important as the lessons or the letters .Vliile it is
true that most of" our Psychic work is done from the standpoint of the
needs and requirements of the Soul,nevertheless the comfort and hap­
piness of the Individuality can be helped many times in material
things, and the Consciousness expanded as Spiritual progress is speed­
ed up.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee 58 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I wish to speak to you about Evolution and the
Planets-Whereas the Zodiac is a system for measuring great phases of
Evolution,the Planets are used as a system which relates to the Evolu­
tion of Consciousness-In lieu of the actual Planets which revolve
around the Sun,we will,there fore,regard the Planetary Symbols as referr­
ing to the various States of Consciousness as it is developing.
The Sun,we are told,is the symbol of the Logos as
manifesting in the 7th Plane State of Abstract Spiritual Consciousness
a state of "at-one-ment"with the Logoidal Life.Hence,for many thousands
of years, the Sun has been regarded as the Giver of Life permeating all
things,objective and subjective.
Jupiter is assigned to the 6th Plane of Spiritual
Consciousness which,unlike the Unity of the 7th Plane, is differentiated
and manifests in different Souls-It is the "Greater Benefic" and is
regarded by Astrologers as representing Morality,pure Spiritual Love
and Justice and Mercy.Its name is derived from the two Latin words,
"Jovis Pater,"meaning Heavenly Father.Hence,Jupiter is known as the
Father of the Gods-
Mercury is assigned to the 5th Plane of Abstract Mind.
Hence people who are astute and sharp-witted are referred to as of a
Mercurial Type .Astrologers regard Mercury as the "Winged Messenger of
the Gods." It is the Planet of memory—the colie ctor,reflector, and
expresser of the mind.
Saturn is assigned to the 4th Plane of the Concrete
Mind.Its state of Consciousness has to do with the creation of Thought-
Forms-It is know as the "Greater Malefic'.'and its nature is limiting,
restricting and is the sternest and hardest Teacher in the
great School of the Soul,but if the student be willing to learn its
lessons he will be amply rewarded,for it will enable him to master the
virtues of patience,faithfulness,stability,and tenacity.
Venus represents the 3rd Plane of the Abstract emotions
the state of harmony,bliss,and personal love.It is called by the Astro­
logers the "Lesser Benefic."Its corresponding State of Consciousness is
essentially the higher aspirations and emotions which urge the Individ­
uality to Seek the Light.
Mars dominates the 2nd Plane where Consciousness is
expressed in the instincts and passions.Hence,Mars is known as the
"Energiser."Its chief influence is over the physical body and its de- is known as the "Lesser Malefic,"but it is only malefic of its
powers are abused. If rightly used the Consciousness of the powers of
the 2nd Plane brings courage,strength,and endurance.
The Moon is a satellite of the Earth and. represents
its Etheric Nature or Life,for on every Plane I am dealing with Life
and Consciousness.The Moon has a profound influence over the human body
as well as over the tides and Planet Life.It is regarded by Astrologers
as representing the personal traits of character.Subjectively.having no
light of her own, she reflects thru the Soul,the Inner Man,just as ob­
jectively .having no light of her own, she reflects the light of the Sun.
Now let us trace the course of Consciousness down the
Planes from the first out-pourings of Logoidal Life to its confinement
on the Physical Plane,in matter.This is called Involution,for Conscious
-ness becomes infolded Plane by Plane,until the Soul is brought down,
subconsciously,into matter.Then,on the Path of Evolution,or unfolding
the Soul seeks to return in full Consciousness Plane by Plane, until
reabsorbed into the Logidal Consciousness, bringing with it the fruits
Lee. 58 Pg 2

of its Evolutionary experiences.

The first State of Consciousness to be Evolved was that
of pure Spirit-the 7th Plane-abstract and undifferentiated.This is sym­
bolized by the circle,which is the symbol of Infinity and of the Sun,
as I have stated.
The next expansion of Consciousness from the Logoidal
Mind to the 6th Plane was designed to limit pure Spirit so that a
portion of its Life-Force should be contained in a "Form" and so be
subject to Individualized development.Hence,we have the combined symbols
of the half circle representing the Life-Force and the cross represent­
ing the Atomic-Etheric-Form.
It will be noted that every one of these Planetary
Symbols is comprised of one or more of these three figures,and if we
combine the abstract and the concrete aspect of the three Planes- the
Spiritual,Mental,and Astral-and regard them as the three Primary Planes
we shall find these three figures represented on each Plane with vary­
ing signigicance.For instance,if we combine the dual aspect of the
Spiritual Plane,then the presence of the circle on the abstract section
(7th Planejand the half circle and cross on the concrete section ( 6th
Plane)it will indicate that pure Spirit,Life-Force,and Atomic-Ether-
Form are all represented.Meditation on the symbol and the manner of its
make-up will enable you to comprehend something of the State of Con­
sciousness thus implied.
The third expansion of Consciousness of the Logoidal
Mind evolved the 5th Plane State of abstract mind.This is the Plane of
the Ego,the synthesized Consciousness of the Immortal Soul,in which the
Soul gathers up or abstracts the fruits of all incarnations.Hence,' its
symbol,very aptly,is comprised of the synthesis of the three figures.
The two figures representing Force and Form being linked by the circle.
Before going on,we should consider these three Supreme
States of Consciousness,which we may think of as the Personality ,or the
Higher Self,in relationship to the three great emanations of Logoidal
Force of which you have learned^and which,in the Mystery teachings, are
known as the Lords of Flame,Form;and Mind,for it is these great Lords
who are the pioneers of the development of Consciousness.The Lords of
Flame we may associate with the 7th Plane State of pure Spirit-Unity.
The Lords of Form we may associate with the 6th Plane State of Individ­
ualized Form and Force-Duality,and the Lords of Mind with the 5th Plane
State of abstract Mind,with the synthesis of the three aspects-Trinity.
Thus,we have God manifesting as a Trinity of Consciousness and the
Master Jesus a Lord of Mind descending the Planes and appearing as Man
on Earth,or as the Bible says, "And the Word, or Logos,was made flesh,
and dwelt among us."
I shall now take up the conditions obtaining on the
4th Plane the concrete mind.Here we see Consciousness dipping into the
darkness of the Individuality.Hence,it is symbolized by the two figures
representing Form and force,for the cold,austere Planet Saturn contains no
symbol of Spirit.We must seek the Spirit,there fore,in its associated
Plane of the abstract mind (5th)thus implying that the concrete brain
Consciousness of the Individuality must ever seek its illumination in
the Higher Self.Moreover,it will be noted,in Jupiter,we have first,the
half circle and then the cross,and in the symbol for Saturn, we have
first the cross and then the half circle,thus implying that in Jupiter,
Life-Force will predominate and in Saturn,Form will predominate.
On the 3rd Plane,which is the fifth wave of evolving
Logoidal Consciousness,we can read from the symbol of Venus,which is
the circle above the cross,that Spirit predominates over Form,which
very truly represents the State of Consciousness of this Plane,for it is
Lee. 58 - Pg. 3

conditions in which Spirit, immersed in the Individuality, is ever as­

piring to return to its Source.
On the 2nd Plane these conditions are reversed, and we have
in Mars the attempt to dominate Spirit by Form, and to give Spirit the
last push into Matter, for its final Organization before its return on
the Arc of Evolution.
On the 1st or Physical Plane, we have the Symbol of the half
circle which, when combined with one or the other Aspect of the Astral
Plane, will complete the Triangle of Figures, for the Life side of the
physical Plane, represen ed by the half circle, is very closely asso­
ciated with the Astral plane, which is the Plane of Picture Conscious­
ness and Spiritual Power, as its Symbols of Form and Force imply. It
will be noted that, according to the Law of Opposites, we have the Sun
Symbol on the 7th Plane and its reflected Aspect, the Moon Symbol, on
the 1st, both single figures, whereas on all other Planes the figures
are combined.
In following Consciousness on the Evolutionary Arc, we must
imagine the dawning of Consciousness of a definite Type, which, as the
growth becomes organized, develops into what is called a Planetary Spi­
rit, each according to its Plane, which is of the nature of a vast,
Mind-less, Artificial Elemental, that is to say, as an Entity it is not
the direct Creation of God, but a creation of the created,it is the
result of the Life evolving in its sphere. It is, therefore, of a ve­
ry primitive type and in the Earth-sphere its influence is referred to
as the "Earth Pull." It tends to drag a Soul backward to a primitive
state.This,however,is counteracted by the great,over-shadowing Cons­
ciousness of the Logoidal Wave of Divine Spirit descending from above,
which,when organized,become-s the Archangel of its sphere. These two in­
fluences are those referred to by the Astrologers as the Maelfic and
the Benefic Influences of the Planets,for both Aspects appear in every
Planetary Influence,but one or the other will predominate,according
to the type of Consciousness of the Planetary Spirit,and its ensouling
Archangelic Power,and the relationship of the Soul thereto.
When we consider the positions of the Planets in a Horoscope,
therefore,we must take the System portrayed by the Planets and read
into it the deeper significance of their Correspondences in terms of
Consciousness,and learn to translate their Symbols accordingly.

7th (j) Abstract Spiritual Sun Í

6th ) 4- J. Concrete Spiritual Jupiter > Per.

5th + ? Ab stract Mental Mercury
JJ— -J \
4th t) Cone re te Mental Saturn


3rd Upper Astral Venus

2nd ox Lower Astral Mar s I
1st D___ Physical Moon____

Per. - Personality - 7th, 6th, 5th.

Ind. - Individuality - 4th, 3rd, 2nd, 1st.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Sri Dayananda, S. C.
Lee. 59 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya;
Tonight I am going to talk to you on the subject of Conscious­
ness,for the study of Consciousness in man is a difficult and abstract
study,and yet at the same time it is one that we ought to understand
thoroly in connection with the Planes.So I want you to read over what
I am going to say carefully ,and get as good an idea as possible of
this Subject.I am not going to consider the States of Consciousness Of
other Evolutions other than man at this time.
If we are aware of anything,no matter whether we are dimly or
actively aware of it,that awareness will bring its reaction,but this
in itself,does not constitute Consciousness,for it requires a memory
of a reaction to produce a State of Consciousness,and it is the inte­
gration of reaction,and the adjustments which are made by virtue of
the memory,that relationships are set up which are correlated into
various States of Consciousness,and give rise to what are called the
Planes.Man consists mainly of Consciousness,which can be touched from
within,as well as from without,and we must try to understand the ana­
tomy of Consciousness,in order to comprehend man and the Universe.
In the physical body of man there are specialized centers thru
which each phase of Consciousness can be manifested,but the student is
ill-advised to experiment with these centers without a thorough know­
ledge of their function,and the ability to control and particularly
to close them if they become unduly active.Our brain,which is said to
correlate with the Group Consciousness or God (for we are all cells in
that great center) has gathered up the nerve centers which transform
the physical senses into a State of Consciousness.Impressions come to
us thru the gateway of our five senses,and it will be observed that
all sensations are received by specially adapted touch contacts.Sound
is heard by a series of touches of etheric atoms on the drum of the
ear.Sight is the touch sensation caused by the impact of a particular
type of etheric particles on the retina of the eye.Taste and smell
are similar contacts on the mucous membrane.The whole body registers
various sensations.
It does not foilow,however,that the impressions received by
the Individuality are apprehended by the indwelling Spirit.The Higher
Self only registers and is modified by what the Ego is
the Monad,or Life Nucleus,which is the central Spark of Divine Spirit
around which Consciousness is built-up.
There are two broad divisions of the Consciousness; first,the
basic Consciousness of the Higher Self,wherein the Ego seeks to syn­
thesize all experiences,and to influence the Lower Self by intuition
and the Voice of Conscience; and, secondly,there is the Consciousness
of the Individuality,with its background of worldly conditions and in­
fluences.It is very disadvantageous to the Soul,however,to be too fet­
tered by the conditions of the Mundane Plane,which is frequently due
to a sense of fear of the unknown,or a desire for the good things of
this earth only.As long as the Consciousness dwells in the senses,it
will see things from the standpoint of the senses,but when it is freed
and rises to the level of the Higher Self,it will see things in rela­
tion to Evolution.
Consciousness is limited in Objective Functioning to one Plane
at a time,therefore,to raise or lower Consciousness on the Planes re­
quires a deliberate shifting of the focus of the attention.This may
be done by concentration,and it is also attended by changing Polarity
for the Polarity alternates on the Planes.The effect of another di­
mension to Consciousness also has the effect of raising it,thru ex­
pansion of Consciousness,but concentration is the usual method,and
Lee. 59 - Pg. 2
concentration requires a deliberate shifting of the focus of Conscious­
ness and deep understanding and knowledge.For if a channel is made thru
which Power may be drawn,it must be firmly supported by Wisdom and Love
if the Power is to be handled with Wisdom and Discretion.
The Power of the Planes,or the Power to function in different
States of Consciousness,is not to be regarded lightly,neither is it
necessarily attended by displays of is by raising Conscious
ness to the High Mental Planes that the Gulf dividing the Lower and
Higher Self may be bridged,and the Great Spiritual Contacts be made.
This requires much training,care,and perfection.If the physical body
be clogged or undernourished,as is so often the case with people who
are striving after Psychic Powers,the efficiency of Consciousness is
impaired.If the body is clogged,Consciousness cannot work thru it, and
if it is undernourished,Consciousness will tend to segregate from it,
and become loose and detached and difficult to control,The demands of
the Mundane World,also,will draw Consciousness away from the Unseen
and prevent the necessary learning,for it is not possible to bend both
ways at the same time,the attention must be focused on one or the oth­
To invoke the High Spiritual Potencies requires a complete con­
trol of the Content of Consciousness,and it can only be attempted at
the appropriate stage on the Path.Otherwise,there would be considera­
ble risk,and such a narrowing of focu.s would destroy the mental balance
it is necessary when much concentration is used that there be alternat­
ing periods of relaxation and expansion of life.It is therefore,good
to have a hobby of some sort to devote one’s attention to,for instance
Gardening,where certain Nature Forces are contacted and give vitality.
Long spells of concentration are apt to lead to fanaticism and loss of
balance. On the other hand,if Consciousness be focused on the lower
Astral Plane,with matter for a background,and contacts be made with
earthbound Souls who are endeavoring to draw on the etheric forces of
the physical Plane,in order to satisfy their unfulfilled desires,then
may be seen manifestations of the lower type of Magic,or Spiritualism
with all of its evil and devitalizing is such a degradation
of Consciousness that leads to obsessions,where the Individual may
be cast out and some undesirable Entity take its place.
Train the mind,learn to control the Body of Emotions,learn to
control the Physical Vehicle.A Force is in function like an Electric
current,one half of which is negative Conscious,and the other half
of which is positive or Subconscious,and the Subconscious always gives
the stimulus.If the Spiritual Nature be inhibited,therefore,Conscious­
ness will be short-circuited across the Mental Planes and focused on
the Individuality only,and the Subconscious Mind,being Positive, may
assume control.If we consider that our Egos are a synthesized Conscious
ness of all past lives,and that all that synthesis remains in our Sub-
Consciousness. we shall realize that the Subconscious plays a very im­
portant and forceful part in our lives.Now,as the Subconsciousness was
built up in the past,the past will,therefore,assume control,and the
Past,lying behind Evolution,belongs to the Left Hand Path. Man will
therefore,return to an earlier phase,while retaining the faculties of
a later form of Evolution,which will destroy his balance.
Now,remember,the Subconscious Mind of the Individuality con­
tains all those impressions which fail to penetrate Consciousness,and
by training,we may gradually push the barriers back which limit Con­
sciousness,and so have the advantage of a much wider range of know­
ledge .Per si stenc e in this method of pushing back the barriers is the
one means whereby Consciousness of past lives may best be obtained. If
our thoughts dwell too much in the Individuality we shall tend to lim-
Lee. 59 - Pg. 3
it Consciousness to the Individuality,for if we desire to contact the
Higher Stages of Consciousness,we must expand our faculties and live
more in the light of Eternity and Evolution.There is a great differ­
ence , however ,between the limitations of Consciousness and a limited
Consciousness.Let us break down the barriers of Limitations and take
every means of educating, and developing the latent Powers of the Sub­
conscious Mind .Meditation is a good practice to achieve this' result.To
meditate on such qualities as strength,foresight,and wisdom,will build
into our minds the Consciousness of Power,or to meditate on the funda­
mental Logoidal aspects of Love,Wisdom,and Power,will induce a balance
of the Spiritual,Mental,and Emotional Aspects of our Nature,which
should help our Evolution considerably.To meditate habitually has the
effect of educating the Subconscious Mind,and this,being the stimula­
tor,has much more power and plays a far greater part in our lives than
is generally realized.The Masters use the Subconscious Mind very con­
siderably in teaching their pupils,and these pupils,on the Physical
Plane,by bringing new ideas into manifestation,are able to convey
these ideas to the Conscious and the Subconscious Mind of the Race.It
is interesting to see how sensitive minds in different localities pick
up the same ideas practically simultaneously,altho quite independent
of each other. Superconsciousness,which may occur as a flash or some­
thing transcending our ordinary apprehension,is also registered in the
Subconscious Mind,where the images are impressed thereon,and may be
read by the Conscious Mind at leisure.Meditation will,therefore,be
found to modify Superconscious experiences and assist in their rela­
The relationship between Time and Consciousness on the Inner
Planes is principally that of awareness plus memory.All is registered
on the Inner Planes,whether the occurence be recent or in the remote
past.Like a register in the Mundane World all its entries are brought
to Consciousness in the Present as we look thru its pages,no matter
when the entry was made.So it is with Consciousness on the Inner Planes
a thought brings into awareness and memory a whole train of associated
ideas,irrespective of when those ideas were first formed,and therefore,
they are present in Consciousness.Also,there are many realizations we
have not yet obtained,things pertaining to the future Evolutions and
development of which we are not yet aware and have no memory;they now
exist,however,in the Consciousness of those more evolved than ourselv­
es and some day will come within the range of our own awareness.There
are States of Consciousness belonging to the Past which we have entire­
ly outgrown and forgotten,and of which we have no awareness whatever.
This is an approximate means of measuring the past,present,and future
on the Inner Planes,and from it we may gather some impression of the
continuity of the "Eternal Now" as Consciousness would probably appear
in the Mind of God.
Thus,it will soon be seen that,when dealing with States of Con­
sciousness on the Inner Planes,there is considerable risk of error in
regard to the translations of the Impressions received on the Mundane
Planes.Psychic experiences must be accepted with discrimination,and
you will see that on the Mundane Plane we will need to watch our re­
actions and train our powers of observation and memory,for these are
the principal factors which will give us the development and expansion
of Consciousness which it is our aim to achieve in order that we may
contribute our full quota to the Consciousness of God.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lee. 60 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:

Tonight I am just going to recapitulate some of the points

that have been brought out in the preceding 59 lectures, for there is
a Golden Thread running thru all of them, as it runs thru all of the
Cults, Creeds, Religions, and the various Teachings which at one time
or another have invoked the attention of Humanity. And this Golden.
Thread is Mind Power. Thought is the one Power at the disposal of
each individual, available to improve his character, unfold his g’ifts,
develop his possibilities, advance his interests, and attain his Id­
eals. It is the only Power that controls and directs all other Powers
Its importance, therefore, cannot be overestimated. This you were
taught in the early lessons, and this point has been brought out again
and again. Now, in these higher lessons you have seen that God, too,
creates by Thought and controls His Universe by Thought; and that
everything is the result of Thought. The whole World, and all it con­
tains, is patterned after an invisible realm of Ideas. The Ideal pre­
cedes the actual, as the Abstract precedes the Concrete. Every object
and thing is arr embodiment of an idea, and a product of Mind Action.
Effective Intelligence is a result of Thought,
All things in Nature, as you have seen, are in a process of
Evolution, Thought being no exception. The Power of Thought, the qual­
ity of Thought, and ■ the range of Thought embrace endless possibilities
and all Thinking, to be Scientific and true, should constantly promote
the presence of Live, the growth of Thought,and the progress of Mind.
Modern Psychological Research demonstrates that the process
of Thinking is the primary cause of much that takes place in the Life
of Man."As a man thinketh,so is he." As you deliberately improve your
Thinking,you improve your Life;you develop your thinking and you deve­
lop your Lifejperfect your Thinking and you will go far towards per­
fecting your Life.This principle forms the basis of the Golden Thread
that links these lessons. Like all other forms of activity,the process
of Thinking employs energy, and it is a natural Law that energy cannot
act without producing effect.Therefore,in the past year or more,thru
the adoption of these methods of thinking,you have improved your Life.
You realize,of course,from these lessons,that you exercise,
in a smaller degree,the same Power as your Creator,differing in degree
only,but the same in effect.And here we have a great Truth,the Power
that Man exercises is identical with His Creator.Power is the ability
to think,to create Thought,to form ideas,to express intelligence, to
consciously understand and manipulate the Elements and Forces within
and around you.This differs from Omnipotence in degree, not in kind.
In other words,Man is a God in the making.He uses the same
Power in a small,limited,and imperfect fashion,but he will ultimately
exercise it in a large , full, and more perfected measure.The real dif­
ference between Man in hi*s present stage of Evolution and the Superb,
Wonderful,and Glorious'Being he is destined to evolve into,lies solely
in the degree of his development, and that only.
Man is essentially a part of the Whole,and being a product
of aeons of Evolutionary travail,he concretes, in his Inner Being, the
Essence of all great natural principles,laws,Forces, and Intelligence
in the Universe.Therefore,Man is a natural repository of Infinite pos­
sibilities. This"extraordinary deduction has been established not only
by Philosophical Inquiry, but by Scientific Analysis.
Man is constantly thinking;he can change his Thoughts,but he
cannot stop thinking.His Power to think is inexhaustible,Mind Power
flows thru him in an increasing stream,he does not need to manufacture
it.Mind Power is Life in activity,and is Universal,like the air we
Lee. 60 - Pg. 2
breathe.All man has to do is simply to direct this Power- into consrtm-c-
tive channels and give it the proper expression.That is his prerogative
and that is the stamp of the Divine in his nature.
It is a well known Scientific fact that no degree of Power
can act without producing some kind of an effect.Of all the forms of
Energy in existence,known and unknown,Mind Power is the highest that
is conceivable.By the mere act of thinking,every individual is constan­
tly producing effects,which are automatically registered on the hidden
side of his nature,and then imperfectly into the physical Life.As a
matter of fact,Man is a center of intelligence in expression and is na­
turally taking a real, 1ive,and important part in the Evolution of Nat­
ure. And naturally in his undeveloped state he often blunders and errs
and suffers by his mistakes,also because many of Life's conditions are
rudimental and imperfect;but he learns thru experience and eventually
is able to employ his Thought Fewer to advantage,and to use it to con­
struct his Life more according to the Ideal,thus speeding up his Evo­
lution and improving and developing himself and his conditions.
As you have learned,Man is responsible to a great extent,
speaking of this Life ,and speaking of his past Life,he is entirely res­
ponsible,for the conditions in which he is placed.The mass of his con­
ditions are the outcome of his modes of thinking and acting.He is a
"natural born"Creator,using Nature's finer Forces all the time,his ex­
ternal conditions being the outward reflections of his inner creations.
Whatever the individual Mind manufactures in the "Within"will, sooner
or later,find embodiment in the "Without," in accordance with the Law
of Expression.And therefore it is that I am so constantly impressing
upon you the fact that everyone is molding Forces,shaping Life, and de­
termining most of its experiences by and thru Thought.
As you have learned in the higher lessons,the whole Universe
is a natural product of the Creative Thought of the Solar Logos,and
Man a portion of this Creative Power in his own is ex­
actly the seme jn Essence,but infinitely different in quantity.But li­
ke all other Powers he possesses it can be developed and cultivated to
an almost unlimited extent and applied in a large variety of ways.The
application of Thought as a form of Energy is a startling proposition,
but Modern Science has resolved all known forms of Energy into varying
rates of vibration.Modes of motion have one primal element,as you learn
ed in the third lesson.which,in the final analysis,is found to be Mind,
and , the re fore , Mind power is the Fundamental Energy of the Uni verse,the
Moving Force behind Creation.
Nature's most powerful Forces are those invisible to physi­
cal sight.We observe that in the Mineral Kingdom everything that appear
to be solj,d and fixed;in the Vegetable and Animal Kingdoms all is in a
state of flux and subject to perpetual change and renewal.while in the
subtler spheres there is light,heat,and electricity.Each realm becomes
finer and more ethereal as we pass from the visible to the Invisible.
So with Man,his most powerful Forces are invisible Forces.
Thought is but one of the vibrations of Infinite Spiritual Energy in,and conditions are all re suits,external
and visible effects of interior,invisible causes set into operation by
the process of thinking and the action of Mind Power.As Man grows in
the understanding that Thought is Power and learns to direct and use
it,new and rich resources will be placed at his disposal and he will
not only take a long step forward in his Evolution,but will go far to­
wards making his Life,even on Earth, the paramount of Beauty and Good.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lee. 61 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya*.

Tonight I am going to give you the first phase of the Triune

of Disciplines by which you will unlock the doors leading to the Inner is a well trodden Path into the Unseen,a trail which has
been blazed by the feet of countless multitudes thru countless ages.
Sages,philosophers,monks,and saints of every age passed this way;it is
for you,also,the "Way" by which you may open the doors to Higher Pow­
ers and to Superconscious is the beginning of the short
steep^ascent which will make you a Conscious Magus of Power,bring you
face to' face with the Greater Life,and make you One with the Heavenly
Host and the Masters of the Inner Schools of the "Western Traditions."
In the 4th chapter of St. Matthew we read of the Master Je­
sus as He went out into the Wide Wilderness to prepare Himself for the
work to come,and the Narrator tells us,"He fasted for forty days and
forty nights." In all of the old Temple Mysteries,Illumination was al­
ways preceded by Sanctification and Purification,and by days and
nights of Fasting and Prayer.These are the Divine Alchemy by which we
prepare ourselves for.Conscious Contact and Communi on,with the Masters.
I have taught you in several of the past lectures and in many of my
letters about the necessity for physical purification from the stand­
point of Health,and if there were no other reasons,Fasting would be
important from this standpoint alone.A thickened Blood-stream,charged
and sur-charged with the products of imperfect metabolism,is the basic
condition underlying most of the disorders from which Humanity suffers
and as I have told you,this condition is brought about largely by the
use of more food than the body requires,by improper kinds of food com­
binations,by improper exercising and breathing.Voluntary abstinence
from food is a method of cure of disease as old as Animal Life itself,
and the period of Fasting has also been recognized by all Development
Schools as a necessary Purification that must precede the opening of
the Inner Faculties in the Neophyte.
In past lectures you have been taught that Purification of
the Mind is also vitally important.You have been taught to unload all
negative thoughts,to clear the Mind and clean it from all thoughts of
the Lower Nature,and you have been directed to dwell upon Higher and
more Spiritual ideas.Then,too,in both of these processes there is in- •
volved another factor,and that is the factor of the Discipline which
develops Will-Power.A man or a woman who can face an array of Food and
still refrain from eating,thru the Power of his own Will,and not be- .
cause of real necessity,or one who can face a disturbing influx of ir­
ritation and sublimate it,not because he must,but because he Wills to
do so,is indeed developing Self-Control and Self-Mastery.Naturally Il­
lumination is hard to win,and the straight and narrow Pathway up the
mountainside is only for those of sustaining Faith and High Courage.
But I shall make the Way as easy for you as possible,stretch
ing it out,in fact,thruout the coming months,giving you a step at a
time and adding,to each Discipline,just a little more,that by easy
stages thru the preparation and the faithful handling of each task in
turn,you will arrive at the point where you will be able to conscious-l.’y
ly blend the Lower Self with the Higher Self,and in those periods of
Transcendent Illumination there will come to you the Vision and the
Contacts of things "not lawful to utter."
want you to realize,also,that the "way and the means" that
I am unfolding to you now is not alone the "way and the means" of Spi­
ritual Illumination for the loosening of Psychic Sight and Hearing,
for Conscious Contact with the Masters,and for proving to yourself
the Actuality of the things of which you have read,but it is also the
Lee. 61 - zPg . 2
"Way and the means" to materialize on the Earth-Plane the Harmony you
want when you want it,as well as providing you with the swift,sure
means by which to know what you should want and the work you should do.
And so we will start with the first step,the Purification of the phys­
ical organism,then we will add the Purification of the Mental Self,the
subduing of the emotions,and finally the Transcendental Cleansing that
will open the Gateways -to the Higher World.
In order that the work may not be too strenuous,you will
now take up the first step,the Purification of the physical Self, and
then afterwards resume your normal eating and your normal life,avoid­
ing however, the bad habits of both as largely as possible-At the end
of another four lessons I will give you the second step,and so on, un­
til we come to the final step.
Now,this physical reorganization is accomplished thru an
eight day partial Fast.I want you to eat only one meal every alter­
nate day.preferably from 12 to 1 O’clock,and on every alternate day
you are to stop eating entirely.This one meal that you have every oth­
er day may be composed of anything that you desire,but it must be a
light meal,that is the only qualification. During the period of Fast-,
you are to drink at least two quarts of fresh water each day,I want
you to keep track of the glasses of water that you drink,so that you
can know that you are having at least the two quarts,and more if you
wish.This is continued until the last day of the Fast.On the seventh
day you are to stop drinking all liquids,and continue to abstain from
liquids until you develop a real healthy thirst.Do not overdo the
thirst,but wait until you get a real thirst.This is all of the in­
structions for this part of the work.I would prefer to have you eat
the one meal every other day during the noon hour because it brings
into the body a change in Polarity,and if taken at night it would
tend to add to the wakefulness which is apt to be a reaction after a
few days or so of Fasting.
Now,this Fast will break up the old flesh tissues in the
body,it will remake and rebuild your entire physical organism,and it
will make you feel years younger,and just as vital as you have ever
felt before.Let me recapitulate again the things you are to do: First:
every alternate day you are to eat one meal around the noon hour of a
mixed variety of foodsbut not too great in quantity.Then you are to
take the two quarts of water each day until the seventh day,when you
are to cease drinking any liquids until you have developed a very
real thirst.In addition to this,it is necessary to take a mild cathar­
tic ,prefer'ably Sal Hepatica or one of the mild Salts,every day on
which you are fasting.Do not say you do not need this,for it is a
part of the discipline,and it is very helpful,whether you realize it
or not,I want you,during the period of the fast, to go about your
normal duties> exercising.taking long walks.doing.whatever work you
have been accustomed to doing.and if you. find that you are wakeful
during the night,do not pay any attention to it,but use the period to
meditate and to dwell upon Spiritual ideas and thoughts. The pores of
the skin will be throwing off a great deal of waste and one or two
sponge baths must be taken daily,followed by a brisk rubbing until
the skin glows.
WITH REGARD Tu YCUR DAILY DIARY: I will refer again to
the daily meditation of which I spoke to you,and which is to consti­
tute a daily discipline.Remember that the subjects recommended to be
taken for meditation are Abstract Qualities,Format!ve Ideas,or
Thoughts which are generally held to be Ennobling and Elevating or
are Universal in their application and harmonious in tendency. Such
Lee. 61 - Pg. 3
subjects,f or instance,as Adoration,Realization,Perfection,Comprehension
The Meditation should be as follows: Having quietly stilled the
mind,the first step is to define the subject of the Meditation clearly
Strip the subject of all irrelevancies and appendages that use and cus­
tom have bestowed upon it in the course of time,and seek to perceive
the subject as part of the Universal idea,playing its part in the Etern
al Economy of the Eternal Scheme of things,the very absence of which,in
the Universe,would soon distort tne Universal Pattern and make Life for
the Individuals on this Earth very difficult;this is the second step.
Then,third,come to the change of viewpoint in yourself which the Medita
tion induces.Being harmonious yourself,you tend to induce harmony in
others,and thus help in some measure to restore the various warring fac
tors to a healthy harmonious relationship.Then the fourth step is to
perceive what changes this new viewpoint would induce in your personal
contacts,for it would tend to make you refrain from doing and saying
things that previously you might have done very thoughtlessly ; try to
note,indeed,any attempt to anticipate with reasonable potence the con­
ditions that will prevail in your relationship when you manifest fully
that particular quality which at present you may lack.Now, le.t me give
you briefly a specimen of a page in your diary,one page each day,you
know,preferably a loose-leaf page so that you may take them out and
send them in on the first of each month.
June 30,1930
Time: 7:15 A.M. to 8:45 A.M.
Subject: Adoration
First, Adoration is a Spiritual function of the
Definition: Personality of every human being.

Se cond , It is a peculiar property of the human

Universal Race.Every human being,whether incar­
Aspects : nate or not has this Spiritual function;
it may be that a very few manifest this
in everyday life,but this is not because'
the Individuality has not its essential
Spiritual Cause.

Possession: In order to function more freely and fully
it must Spiritualize my Life.It is the
regeneration of Matter thru Spirit.

Fourth, The whole power of Spiritual function,

Application: thru Adoration,harmonizes all relation­
ships.Many undoubtedly mistake Aspira­
tion for Adoration.The former is of the
Astral,the Plane of emotions,the latter
is a function of Pure Spirit.

Noon, Salutation to the Masters.

12:15 P.M.

Evening Review, Realization of Spiritual Stability diffi­

10 P.M. back to 6 P.M. cult to maintain.

6 P.M. back to 2 P.M. Maintained impersonal attitude.

Lee. 61 - Pg. 4
2 P.M. back to 9 A.M. Full comprehension of underlying causé­
es of one or two personal matters.

Reading: Can I be a Mystic,by Alfreds Kilyard,

pgs. 99i-113.These pages are the record of a Mystics Meditations daily.
The stranger is experiencing dif f.ioul ty, the author is more accustomed
to it.It is a sincere record well worth reveals.the strug­
gles of a Soul to acquire the habit of Meditation,with occasional bril­
liant successes,alternating with periods of limitation.

I wish to explain that the work given in -his lesson and

the special lessons as they come from time to time is not necessarily
obiigatory ,of course.There are a great many who are very anxious to do
everything necessary to attune themselves and open their Psychic Sight
and Hearing and blend Consciousness with the Ego.To these,therefore,
the "Way" has been opened,and strict adherence to the Discipline of
the Fast,the Meditation,and daily Discipline will bring its rich re­
ward .
For those,however,who are so situated that neither the
Fast nor the Meditation can be indulged in,there is nothing to do but
lay this active phase of the work aside temporarily and set about to
create conditions and earn the leisure whereby,later' on,you may do
these few things.In the meantime,the regular lessons will go forward
and the regular contacts will be carried on as heretofore.The Discip­
line of the Fast and the Maintainance of the Daily Diary are but addi­
tional features for those who are able and willing to do those things
necessary to bring about a contact with the Unseen Masters of the In­
ner has been made very simple,there is nothing in the task
that is in any way harmful or that can result harmfully.Any conditions,
arising during the Fast,of faintness,headache,or anything unusual can
be cured in a moment by taking a glass of milk and breaking the Fast,
but you will not find this necessary.On the other hand,the Daily Diary
is triore a matter of Will,Perseverance,the arranging of Life in orderly
sequence,than anything else.The short period in the morning requires
little time,you have already the ability to drop worldly affairs and
turn your mind within,absolutely inhibiting all outside thoughts. That
is all that’is required for this brief Meditation,unless, a longer peri­
od is at your disposal.The Noon period is more a matter of remembering
it than anything else,for wherever you are you can for a moment close
your eyes, withdraw within,and offer a heartfelt and sincere saluta­
tion to the Unseen Masters,jotting down the time at which you do it.
Then in the evening there is always some time,perhaps af­
ter you have retired and are composed for sleep,in which you can
think of the hours,one by one;review what you have done,look on it im­
partially ,give yourself due credit f.or work well done,for poise and
balance well maintained,for constructive thinking,and criticize your­
self , also ,whenever you have failed.
And then during the day sometime there will be a little
raading,- you have reviewed your lessons,you have picked up a book,you
have read a magazine article,or something,just a few moments of con­
structive reading whatever it may be,
I am sure that you will read this lesson over thoroly and
that it will be plain to you,but if there are any points that are not
clear,write and ask me about it,or if there is any unusual situation,
discuss that with me also, before starting the Fast.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood
Lee. 62 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
It may not be generally known that the negative force is the
creative force. The word negative must not be confused with the word
negligible as some do. (A negative force is by no means negligible,
but it is a very definite force and it is designed to carry Just as
much current in terms of Consciousness as the positive force.) A good
example of the negative creative force is motherhood. The principle
applies to all Planes, take the relative position of Teacher and Pupil
working on the Planes of Mind, the Teacher should be a Positive Force
stimulating the mind of his Pupil, and the Pupil should, while being
taught, be a receptive and Negative Force completing the circuit of
Power, so that the current of Knowledge flows from one Mind to another.
This question of Polarity and the right handling of these Forces is
an important matter, and if properly understood will save the student
much energy, which might otherwise be wasted.
Now, I am going to tabulate the Planes in their relative as­
pects, the word Positive being used instead of the plus sign, and the
word Negative instead of the minus sign.
7 - Upper Spiritual Undifferentiated )1 UNITY

6 - Lower Spiritual Negative Positive ) ’ EGO ALTERNATING

5 - Upper Mental Positive Negative ,

Lower Mental Negative Positive ) ' ABSTRACT



Upper Astral Positive Negative ,


2 - Lower Astral Negative Positive ! CONCRETE INDIVIDUALITY

1 - Physical Male Female ,

Magnetism is a Cosmic Law and a Cosmic Law should be capable

of application to all manifestation, therefore, the principles govern­
ing magnetism should show us what happens in regard to Positive and
Negative Forces on all Planes. Vie know that like poles repel, and
that unlike poles attract, therefore, any Positive should work in rap­
port with any Negative, and no two Positives or two Negatives will har­
monize .
It will be observed that Polarity alternates up the Planes,
thus definitely dividing one Plane or State of Consciousness from an­
other. This goes to show1 where Consciousness is active or Positive on
one Plane, it is passive or Negative on the next. It will be seen al­
so that each Individual Soul will be perfectly balanced by three Posi­
tive and three Negative Aspects, and that a balance should also be
maintained within the Ego and also within the Personality, in both its
Abstract and Concrete Aspects; and this applies, too, of course, to
both sexes, and the functioning on the Planes will depend entirely on
whether the Soul has incarnated in a Male or a Female body.
Let us examine the Male, -what should be his Positive Aspect
on the Physical Plane? His body should be strong and healthy. In
his Higher Personality, called Abstract, in which the emotions are
sublimated, this Force should be strong and stimulating, in his Ego'
and it will show especially in the highly evolved man, his Higher
Mind functioning in the Plane of Principle will be active and dominat­
ing . These activities will find their contrasting and receptive
Leo, 62 - Pg. 2
aspects on those Planes marked. Negative. His lower personal nature,
his second Plane passions and instincts} as States of Consciousness,
should be held passive. It does not mean that they should be inhibi­
ted or cut out of circuit, but rather that they must be used in their
proper functioning and under control, for every plane has its func­
tioning and must take its place in the complete circuit of Divine
Spirit. It will not be conducive to full development to inhibit or dery
the Forces of any Plane. In the higher personal ’■nature of man it would
appear strange that .his Concrete Mind should be Negative and recep­
tive, but if we consider that the Aspects working on the Mind, and
realize that Mind creates the Form, and that the Negative is the cre­
ative Aspect, this will assist us to understand that the Negative is
as important for balance as the Positive Aspect. It is the cool,level­
headed man that is the most reliable, especially in an emergency,where
perhaps the hot-headed type would lose self-control. The Fourth Plane
Negative Aspect, by the lower magnetism, polarizes with the Positive
Aspect of the Fifth Plane the overshadowing intuitions; also with the
Third Plane the Higher Emotions and Desires; and with the First Plane,
for the Mind, as we have taught works in rapport with the physical
Forces. It will thus be seen that close relationship exists between
States of Consciousness.
You may work out for yourself these States when the Ego has
incarnated in a Female body. The same principles apply, the same re­
lationships exist between the Planes, but on the Mental Plane the Cre­
ative Faculties are more of a Fifth Plane intuitional type, and in a
highly evolved woman should be ensouled or overshadowed by the Posi­
tive Force of the Sixth Spiritual Plane. While emotions of the Third
Plane, also, are more receptive and will explain the more emotional
natures of many women, and undoubtedly the Negative physical body is
the recipient of more care and attention than the Male Type.
Polarity in the Individual, it will be observed, works verti­
cally up and down the Planes and in the broader sense it will be found
that the Personality of a man, being of a Positive nature, the high­
est Aspect of the Individuality will be Negative, and conversely the
Personality of a woman being Negative, the higher Aspect of the In­
dividuality will be Positive. Thus it may appear that a powerful
Personality will need the balance of a Negative Aspect in the Higher
Self, and the more Positive and Creative Personality will be more
conscious of the stimulus of the Higher Self.
Horizontal Polarity or Polarity across the Planes is affect­
ed by the harmonious functioning of two Souls of opposite temperament,
but not necessarily of opposite sexes, for if two men or two women
work together and one man is receptive and the other stimulative good
Creative results will accrue. This will all appear soon as one con­
ceiving ideas and the other working them out. The main point of this
communication, however is to show that both Forces are necessary to
each other, and if properly understood, they may be used to greater
advantage. The relative positions and the functionings will readily
be accepted and will be more give than take. The one making condi­
tions for the other, the results of which will be shared and not
claimed as the personal property of either. But if both are of a Pos­
itive nature, then there will be conflict and repulsion will result,
and if both are of a Negative nature, equally, unsatisfactory results
will be obtained.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 63 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
I want to talk to you tonight about Meditation,for I believe
that there are many important points that have not been brought out
and that would be of the greatest help to you at this period in your
work, when you are rapidly bridging the Gulf in the Unseen.
Meditation qay be defined as the practice of concentrated
and directed thinking, designed to build up an Attitude of the Mind.It
is an exceedingly important part of the Discipline that awakens the
Mind to Higher Consciousness. Without the regular practice of medita­
tion according to Sound Technique,any real achievement is almost impos­
sible. There are, of course, innumerable books upon the subject from
many different points of view, and each of these viewpoints has its
value,and usually we are inclinedto one or the other,according to the
bias of our characters and the needs of our lives.
Meditation may be considered from four different standpoints
firstly,that of the development of the Personality as such,with a view
to a happier and more successful life and the enhancement of the capa­
city ; and secondly,what may be termed generically the New Thought
Standpoint,wherein the aim is, broadly speaking,to bring the Soul in­
to harmony with God; thirdly,from the Occult or Yogi Standpoint; and
fourthly,from the Mystical Standpoint,whether Christian or Non-Christ-
ian,wherein the aim is to have the Soul make the unreserved dedication
and unite itself with the Godhead.
It. is my belief that the concentration upon any .of these to
the exclusion of all others,even tho this is strenuously recommended
by the exponents of the different systems,does not give the best re­
sults in human life is quite true that the great efficiency
in the system chosen is gained by such concentration,but the sense
of proportion is lost and the development is onesided. Consciousness
has more than one level and the development of all the levels in a har­
monious proportion is needed, for the perfection of Humanity. None of
these systems, left to itself,does this,and,therefore none of these
systems contain.a complete curriculum for the perfection of Humanity.
’’What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his
own Soul?” And would he be much better off if he opened up the Higher
Aspects of Mystical Consciousness and lost his physical health,or if
he achieved the greater Power of Yoga and sacrificed his Mental Bal­
Therefore,! want to counsel everyone who takes up the inten­
sive practice of Meditation to devise him a Discipline which shall
include all four Aspects, so that the tremendous Powers awakened by Yo­
ga Methods may be disciplined and dedicated by the Mystical Contest
and the harmonizing and soothing influence of the Nev/ Thoughtjreitera­
ted auto-suggestion,may inspire and stabilize the Mind,and the common
sense plan of plain character building and faculty development may help
to maintain a sense of just proportion.
Nov/ remember that Meditation is by no means a thing easy of
achievement,it is the callisthenics of the Soul,and leads on to its
acrobatics and athletics. When we first embark upon its practices,we
shall find that when the first enthusiasm wanes,the Mind itself will
resist the practices as if with a deliberately willed antagonism.This
corresponds to the stiffness of the muscles of an Athlete who is out
of condition.We all know,however,that the best w ay to get rid of that
painful stiffness is to move the muscles until they warm up and become-
limber.Such stiffness is best worked off; to try to rest it off is ■
worse than useless. So it is with the Mind, we must summon up all our
resources of will and perseverance to get thru the initial resistance
of the Mind. Once this has been successfully accomplished, and the
Lee 63 Pg 2
habit of Meditation accomplished, the very resistance and inertia of
the Mind that made the practice of the Discipline so difficult will
help to maintain it whenonce the habit has been acquired•We shall be
as uneasy and discomforted if we miss our Meditation time,as if we
missed a meal.
It is a very great help in the early stages if an external
Discipline helps us to carry out the resolutions we have made. It is
for this reason that we require the Brotherhood students at this stage
of their work to keep a Meditation Diary and submit it once a month.
The very knowledge that the Diary will have to be sent in with blank
pages helps to resolutely enforce the Discipline upon your Mind.
A regular Meditation period with which nothing has been al­
lowe to interfere is absolutely essential. The best time is immediate­
ly after dressing and before breakfast. The absence of food in the
stomach makes Meditation much easier, and the activity of dressing in­
sures that we are sufficiently wide awake not to drift off into dream­
land instead of following a train of thought with concentration. To
many people this early morning, before the demands of the day take too
great a hold upon them is the only time they can call their own with
surety.The Mind, fresh from sleep and undisturbed is best for the con­
templation of Inner Things.There is no better investment we can make
toward Spiritual and Mental Progress than this half hour sacrificed
from sleep.
It is not a good plan to practice Meditation lying in bed
before arising for only a superhuman will can keep you awake under
such circumstances, and you are in all probability apt to deceive your­
self as to the extent to which you are awake,tho it is a good plan to
turn your thoughts to an invocation of the Masters immediately upon
awakening, while Consciousness is still on the frontiers of Sleep.Such
a practice speedily becomes habitual,and you will find that you regu­
larly awaken to find yourself subconsciously invoking the Masters.
Such a thought, which often escapes from the limitation of waking con­
sciousness is very potent. It' is always an excellent plan to go to
sleep and contemplate, directing the Mind toward some Idea or Ideal,
and allowing the thoughts to circle gently around it until the Mind
drifts out on the tide of sleep.Concentration should not be attempted,
intruding, thoughts should be merely inhibi ted, and the Mind encouraged
to brood quietly and almost at random on the chosen Idea-. After a few
nights it will be found that almost before the thoughts are called
home and ere directed on the chosen idea,you will have sunk into the
most peaceful and refreshing sleep imaginable,and even if sleep does
not immediately supervene and you lay awake for a time, as often occurs
with highly strung people,you are, neverthe less,resting for the Mind
is at Peace and at low tension,and is not threshing itself to pieces
with the bugaboos of anxiety and an over-vivid imagination.
Now,there is no better way of going to sleep than in tran­
quil contemplation of a Spiritual Ideal,nor is there any surer way of
bringing it to birth in your nature.This should be your routine,pro­
cedure night after night,for it is helpful and healthful. It should not
be your constant practice to attempt Occult feats in sleep,such as
Telepathy ,going up thru the Halls of Initiât ion,or projecting the As­
tral Body; if you do these things too frequently the disturbance of
the function of sleep is apt to insue.These are matters for the train­
ed Initiate who is properly equipped with the necessary words of Pow­
er etc. and others should attempt them only occasionally, until their
technique is perfect.
Another useful practice is that of Mid-day Salutation, in
which the thoughts are raised to the Masters at High Noon. The Symbol
implied being the Sun in Midheavens. This practice soon attunes you to
Lee» 63 - Pg. 3
the Spiritual Forces of the Guides, and has some very important effects
upon Consciousness,it is vitalizing and joy bringing,and harmonizes the
whole Being, correlating its different aspects—mental, emotional, in­
stinctive, and spiritual, and they meet in perfect accord.
It is very advantageous,if it can be managed,always to Medi­
tate in the same place,but even if you cannot manage it always you can
have some symbol which you take out from its covers and set up as the
focus of your Meditation.You should always have such a Meditative Sym­
bol. It is the greatest possible help. The student who tries to acquire
the habit of Meditation without recourse to such extraneous aid is
giving himself much unnecessary trouble and until use is made of such
a Symbol,the effect will not be believed. Moreover,the more it is used
the more potent it grows,and Thought-Forms are building up around it,
with every Meditation that is performed.
Remember,too, for a symbol to develop in full potency, it,is
essential that it should always be kept reverently covered up when not
in use,and that you should be extremely discreet as to whom you allow
to even look upon it,and no one save the owner should ever lay a fin­
ger on it,and even he should, take it in his hands with reverence. By
these precautions the magnetism which the Symbol acquires is prevented
from dispersing,and so developes with every Meditation performed. Not
only is the chosen Symbol connected by the Lav? of Mental Association
with the Ideal of Meditation,but an actual Atmosphere is built up around
it, and this Atmosphere is even more than a Thought-Form, it is an
actual Magnetic Aura, and its influence is according to its nature.Its
inestimable value lies in its Power to recall the wandering thoughts
and attune them to the key note with which it is indued.The Meditations
you have performed in its presence, during periods of Spiritual Insight
act as mentors during periods of Spiritual dryness. It is a storage
battery of Spiritual Forces, and like a similar battery on a car, pro­
vides the spark that enables the engine to make a start.
The simplest form of Symbol for use under unfavorable condi­
tions, such as when travelling or when privacy is lacking, is a suitable
picture or postal card of -some work of art expressing the aspiration
of the Sou . or the card may be a plain one of similar size on which
such Symbols as are known to the student may be drawn, or a reproduc­
tion of one of the Paintings of the Nazarene. A little travelling Pho­
tograph frame of leather or paper or cloth with a piece of glass as a
protection to the picture,and folding flat like a pocketbook,makes an
excellent little Shrine-case. It Is a good plan to make an envelope of
black silk into which it can be fitted as this helps to preserve the
Shrine from psychic contamination and physical wear and tear.
When conditions are more favorable a more elaborate Shrine
can be constructed in your Sanctum, and the most suitable thing for
the purpose is a small medicine cabinet which can be fastened to the
wall at a convenient height for contemplation,the door of this can be
shut when not in use,and when opened reveals the interior with its
Symbolic decorations and objects hallowed by association with the
prayer and Aspirations of the Soul. Incense always is very helpful to
the making of an atmosphere which aids concentration. It can be had in
the long joss-sticks from any shop that goes in Oriental goods, or
in the small cones which are on sale everywhere. A little experimenting
will prove which kinds are useful and suitable,and which are not/There
is a very elaborate science of aromatics in connection with States of
Consciousness,but I do not want to go into that yet. For all practical
purposes any sweet substance,even if it be only smoldering pine cones,
which serve to change the physical atmosphere of the room from that to
which you are habituated vzill be of assistance in enabling the Mind to
shift its levels from the Outer to the Inner World.
Lee. 63 - Pg. 4

The Ideal Incense to use is,of course,that which is closely

blended and especially compounded of the fragrant gums.There is,tho a
drawback for its use for daily Meditation in the difficulty of its man­
ipulation, for it has to be burned upon smoldering charcoal9 and the
whole affair takes some time „to get started.,and even then,unless it is
burnt in a swinging censor,it goes out very easily.
There is one thing,however3that can be maintained before the
simplest Shrine,for where the Incense has a tendency to advertise it­
self all over the house and renders its employment inadvisable and
that is the little vase of flowers. There should be something in every
shrine that demands daily attention,whether it be the little guarded
flame or the little floral offering,there should be some small sacri­
fice offered daily to keep the Spirit of the Shrine alive.
A Meditation Robe is also a great help. It is best formed, of
thin black slik,or failing that,of some thin cotton stuff,such as mer­
cerized lawn,and should be voluminous to swathe the entire figure in
ample draperies,including long loose sleeves to fall over the hands,
and a monk’s cowl to pull over the head. When not in use it should go
iniÿ) a black silk case and be put away apart from outside clothes. The
whole idea underlying the material precautions taken to protect sacred
things from profanation,or demagnetization,which is the same thing,is
based upon the analogy of electricity,the subtile force which is woven
into intangible forms by the Power of the Mind,and which is the link
between Mind and Matter is electro-magnetic in nature. If you work by
electric analogy when dealing with its subtile manifestations you shall
not go far wrong. The most effective material for insulation is black
silk,hence, its use in protecting these things.
All this paraphernalia may seem somewhat strange to one accus­
tomed to thé simplicities of Protestant prayer, but if experimented
with?its efficiency will be soon realized. We are not under any delue
sion that it has any effect upon the disposition of God to incline him
favorably toward the user,nor upon Spiritual Forces to cause them to
flow in fanciful channels, but it does have a very marked effect upon
the Consciousness of those who employ it,and it is for this reason that
I recommend its use to those commencing upon this period of practice of
Meditation.The experienced Meditator may be independent of all such
devises,but the beginner in what is actually an art of no small diffi­
culty will find them ofevery greatest assistance.
With regard to getting these articles for the Shrine; visit
one of the better Ten Cent Stores where you will find vases for flow­
ers, little slender ones to hold just a. blossom or two, or a twig of
leaves,little bronze-like cups for burning incense; and in your book
stores you can pick up a plain cross of gold or wood,a Bible, and a
good photo copy of some inspiring scene or subject that will form a
focus in your meditation,or even a copy of one of the paintings of the
Master; in the Ten Cent Stores,too,are fine little easel frames for
your* picture for the temporary Shrine,and the case you can make easily
or have made. A little thought and study will make a permanent or tem­
porary Shrine that will be very beautiful and inspiring at little' cost.
Books written about the Inner Life are many but ’’The Practice
of the Presence of God” by Brother Lawrence, Carmelite Lay Brother,
reveals the nature of mystical life. The ’’Spiritual Guide” by Molinos,
the book for which he was sentenced to perpetual confinement for hereti­
cal utterances, ia another; and finally St. Thomas A. Kempis' ’’Imita­
tion of Christ.” Books concerning the raising of Consciousness are also
many. Evelyn Underhill’s ’’Practical Mysticism for Everyday People” is
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 64 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
One of the things I want to talk to you about tonight is the
matter of that form of deep concentration which is called the Trance.I
realize the problem of the word Trance is a very vexed pne in all Oc­
cult circles,most Schools,even the most widely known,condemning its
use.Some of these object strongly,they say that in the Trance' the Soul
is in a Passive State and to be in a Passive State on the Inner Planes
is to invite Obsession. Such a condemnation shows that there has been
no practical experience of Trance, otherwise it would be known that
there is more than one kind of Trance,and the obsessions that may just­
ly apply t-o one have no bearing on another. Passivity, under certain
conditions, is not dangerous or even harmful-
There are only two kinds of Trance which can justly be call­
ed Passive-The Trance into which the Hypnotist throws his subject and
the Trance into which a certain type of Psychics fall spontaneously.
The two other types which we will call the Trance of Vision and the
Trance of Projection,are intensely active,with full Consciousness and
Control on the Inner Planes.
Now,Hypnotic Trance,as you know,is induced by very powerful
suggestions,reinforced by Psychic manipulation of the Etheric Double,
so that Consciousness is,as it were,thrown "out of gear," the physical
and Etheric bodies are pushed slightly out of coincidence by the mani­
pulation of the. Etheric Forces of the Hypnotist. It is for this reason
that Suggestion, and Suggestion alone, (that is to say, purely mental
manipulation) is sufficient to induce these Trances-Hypnotists have to
have the Power, natural or acquired,of operating Etherically and mani­
pulating the Etheric Double of their subjects. It is not everybody who
has this Power,and therefore,it is not everybody who can hypnotize. If
the Hypnotist is incompetent.malicious,or employs an undesirable meth­
od,he can,of course,do as much damage to his patient as a bad surgeon.
The Hypnotic Trance is Plastic Surgery of the Mind,for this reason it
is very seldom used, most operators preferring to rely upon a light
Hypnosis,in which the patient is drowsy and abstracted,fully Conscious
but lulled and dreamy. This is all that is required for any manipula­
tions of the Mind that are to be performed for the benefit of the pa­
tient.The Cataleptic Trance is only induced in the course of Research
work.It does no harm in the hands of a skillful operator,but it is not
a thing to be played with and it is not a thing to undergo frequently.
The Uninitiated Psychic who goes into Spontaneous Trance is
a person whose Consciousness tends to "slip its gears." This slipping
of the gears of Consciousness tends to absent-mindedness, or even to
Catalepsy.In both Hypnosis and Psychic Trance the Soul of the Subject
is merely thrown out of coincidence with the centers in the Physical,
which are the points of contact with Consciousness. Consequently the
body is Pass!ve,possibly,rigid,because the flexor and extensor muscles
are no longer coordinated and they both contract simultaneously, there­
by immobilizing each other.
In such cases the Mind is partly Passive. It is that dreamy
state we observe in a person under light Hypnosis. Any other Mind,in­
carnate or excarnate, which comes into touch with it finds it Hyper-
suggestfble. In this state,anything may happen and it only needs some
slight knowledge of the denizens of the Astral Plane to suggest some
possibilities of unpleasantness.
It is a person with this peculiar Psychic constitution who,
when developed,becomes the Trance-Medium with which we are all famili­
ar in Spiritualistic Circles.The work is not without risks, but we
shall receive nothing outstanding in any walk of Life unless we are
(Mimeographed in U.S.A. - Non-Commercial)
Lee. 64 - Pg. 2

prepared to take risks,and in experienced and trustworthy hands the

risks of Trance-Mediumship are not undue.
If the leader of the Circle is skilled and conscientious he
will be able to take his Medium in and out of this stage without per­
muting any untoward happenings to occur. Such an operation has its
uses in the field of Psychic is not,therefore,to be
decried unreservedly and neither,on the other hand,is it to be recom­
mended, except for Research experiments in the hands of an experienced
operator who is able to command suitable conditions, the subject being
a person of good mentality and sound health, and with an intellectual
appreciation of the Metaphysics of the work in hand.
The true Occult Trance,the ’’Temple-Sleep” of the Adept is in
quite a different category from the type previously considered.The In­
itiate who,by his knowledge of the necessary technique,throws himself
deliberately into Trance is no more Passive than the diver swimming
under water. It is only by the most strenuous activity that a swimmer
can overcome the natural buoyancy of the body and descend to any depthj
so it is with the Mind,it is only by concentrated effort that you can
hold the Mind to Super-Consciousness. As soon as the effect is relaxed
it will return to normal, and trance merges into sleep and vision gives
place to dreams.
It is this tendency of Trance to merge into sleep which is
the principal difficulty with which the Occultist has to contend.There
are two weak spots in his defensive which we will call the ’’Cusps of
Sleep.” The transition from waking Consciousness to sleep, and from
sleep to Psychic Consciousness is always thru a Psychic "dead center.”
A wheel which is reversing its revolution has to stop for a moment,
however brief. When Consciousness passes from Objective to Subjective
and then out to Objective again, the Mind has to become' a complete
blank, all associations and trains of thought have to be broken and a
fresh start made in the new mode. The person who goes into either the
Hypnotic or Mediumistic Trance gets as far as this dead center and
then stops there, until pushed out of it by an excarnate Force,usually
the Will of another,whether that of an incarnate Hypnotist or an Ex­
carnate Spirit. The technique of the Occultist teaches him to swing
himself over this dead center by the means of an association of ideas,
which stretches out like a bridge-head across the abyss so that he has
only to make a comparatively small spring to alight on the far shore.
The Bridge-head thus projected out into the Unseen starts as
a pictorial imagination and passes gradually into the Trance of Vision,
and when this occurs, the attention is withdrawn from the Objective and
therefore, to all intents and purposes the Experimentor is unconscious,
tho he can be roused without any difficulty. Ho is not out of his body
and functioning on the Astral Plane, but is looking into the Astral as
thru a periscope, or what is called the ’’Astral Tube.”
In the Trance of Projection, however, the ’’Body of Light” is
forming on the Astral, and Consciousness is projected into it. The Phy­
sical Body is then in a truly Cataleptic condition, all Consciousness
being withdrawn. You will get more Light on the subject if you observe
what happens to the beginner in Occultism who is striving to master
the technique of Trance. He will achieve with comparative readiness the
Trance of Vision,for as soon as the attention is withdrawn from the
Physical, the Astral Plane of picture Consciousness opens up. You have
only to acquire sufficient Power of Concentration to be able to turn
away attention from the Physical Sensation,for the Phantasmagoria of
the Subjective Sphere to begin passing before the mental sight.
Of course, it is one thing to look into the Kaleidoscope of
the Astral,and another thing to pick out and follow any desired vision
Lee . 64 - Pg. 3
or thought, but that consideration I am not entering upon now.
Uni ess,however,by deliberate effort of Will the connection .
of dream Consciousness is maintained,bÿ either speaking aloud or writ­
ing down what is passing across the Inner Sight,the Trance of Vision
will speedily change into the Trance of Projection,and the Experimen­
ter will find that he has apparently left his body and is actually in
the midst of his vision and taking part in it, instead of seeing it as
a series of mental pictures.
However,continuing with the matter of going into the Trance:
After a considerable amount of experience you have reached the point
where you are able to close down Objective Consciousness and obtain a
clear focus of the Inner Vision. At first you will find that the Sub­
jective pictures will be merely an elaboration of what the Psycholo­
gists call Hypnogoties,a small bright picture which sometimes lies in
the back of the Mind as sleep encroaches on Consciousness,and also,tho
more rarely,in moments of abstraction'. You will have developed expert­
ness in focusing these and holding them steady,one at a time,before
the Inner Vision,and become a part of them. And then,one day, in front
of this Magic Mirror of your Vision,you sense something which is an
Actuality among all of the shadows. The Experimenter has heretofore
been perceiving Thought-Forms in the Racial Subconsciousness; what he
sees now, altho it has the same appearance as the rest,is an Actual­
ity, and you instinctively know it to be that,because you feel it to
be ensouled,as deep calls to deep and the Spark of Divine Spirit with­
in you reacts to the Spark of Divine Spirit within the appearance
that presents itself to your Inner Sight. To describe it more clearly
than that is impossible,but just as even a child will know death from
sleep, so the Seer,when he perceives that which has Life behind it,
ought to be able to distinguish it from the swarming pictures which
are,after all,but Images left upon the retina of the Planet. But,tho
he may know of the existence of such Beings as we are describing,
theoretically, if he has never actually met. one,he may mistake unus­
ually vivid Picture-Images for such an Encounter,but the Actuality
once seen, he will be very unlikely to make the mistake again,for he
will find the Real Presence has an effect upon him which is never
equalled by the Vision of Pictures.
The Initiated Occultist has methods of recognizing these
Presences and finding out who and what they are, but there is nothing
but experience which will tell the Uninitiated Experimenter whether
he is dealing with an Actuality or not, and that is where many Psy­
chic. experiences go wrong. The Occultist knows it may be the subtle
form of another Occultist functioning in the Trance of Projection; it
may be the Earth-bound Soul of a person who has passed on,but which
for some reason,which we will not go into now.has not yet gone clear
of the Material Plane;or it may be the Appearance presented by one of
those Souls of a Higher Development than the average of Humanity,who •
in the Western™expression, "has won freedom from the. Wheel of Birth
and Death," having nothing further to learn from embodiment in Matter.
It is important, in the two former.types of Entities,for
the Experimentor to be able to maintain his contacts with his physi­
cal environment and report what he sees; if,however, the Encounter is
with the third kind of Entity,the matter is on a different Plane. The
effect of such an Encounter is so to grip the attention or overmaster
the Mind of the Experimentor that the Trance of Vision immediately
changes into the Trance of Projection and he finds himself withdrawn
from the body and facing his Visitor on his own Plane of Existence.

In the Bonds of the .Eternal Brotherhood,

Sri Dayananda,

Lecture 65 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to talk to you about the Rays.
There are many, many, comparisons which can be made in discussing the
Rays, and there is frequently confusion between the Lesser and the
Greater Rays, but those which I am going to consider with you now are
the Lesser, which you must not confuse with the Greater Rays,of which
there are Twelve and which relate to the Mighty Cosmos.
I want you, therefore, to draw a circle on a piece
of plain paper, a pencil line drawn around a teacup turned upside down
will do nicely, Imagine this is a clock face, and place a dot in the
center.Draw a line from 12 straight down to the center dot, draw a
similar line from 8 min. past 12 to the center, then from 16 min. past
and 24 min. past. Then from 24 min. of 12, 16 min. of 12 and 8 min. of
12. This gives you 7 pie shaped segments. .Now, take the first section
on the left hand side of the perpendicular line marking the beginning
of the involutionary descent. Write in this space the word red, and
outside on the margin write Lords of Flame. In the next space below
this on the left hand side, write orange and in the margin Lords of
Form, in the next yellow and Lords of Minds, then in the bottom piece
green, and Lemurian, that is at the bottom of the circle.As you go up
on the right hand side the first space is to be labeled blue with Her­
metic in the margin: the next above that indigo, with Gnostic in the
margin, or Aryan; and in the remaining space on the right of the per­
pendicular line, purple, and Devotional or Christian.
When you have laid this out and compared it with the
lesson as it proceeds, it -will make the matter very much clearer to
you. I want you to conceive of the Rays as laid out upon the curves
of Involution and Evolution, with the Green Ray at the nadir. Then re­
member that viewed from another angle the curves of involution and evo­
lution are but the two sides of a spiral, so that the Rays can be met
with on the lower and higher arcs. Think, also, of the rays as success­
ive beams of light shining out, as the Logodial Consciousness turns
upon itself,and you will conceive of them as successive manifestations,
thus you will get rhe three primary and the four secondary Rays. You
will find the clue to the Rays from looking upon them as something
manifesting in an arc and not in a straight line, and if you look at
this arc with a Green Ray in its center, you will see that the Red Ray
of Personal Power is on the Involutionary side and corresponds with the
Purple Ray of Personal Meekness and Compassion, Humility and Spiritual
Power. The Magician is balanced by the Devetional Mystic; the Orange
Ray balances the Indigo Ray; the Yellow balances the Blue Ray; and
in the Green Ray the Involutionary and Evolutionary Aspects meet. The
Red end of the spectrum concerns the development of the Individuality;
the purple end is concerned -with thé development of the Group Mind,,
and. the Green Ray of Beauty connects them.
In the Red Ray you get strength of Image, strength
of Desire; in the Orange Ray you get strength of Will. The Yellow Ray
is the Ray of Wisdom, of Power thru Knowledge. The Green Ray is the
Ray of Beauty and the Lower Love; \ie call it the Mayan Ray in this
country, but it is also the Ray of Ancient Greece wherein, however, it
did not reach as high degree of perfection as it did in Ancient Maya,
for it is a Ray that needs the Sun for its higher aspects, and touches
lower aspects in the absence of the Sun.
Tho Blue Ray .is the Hermetic Ray, with its roots in
Egypt and Chaldea. It is the Ray of Concrete Mind, the Magician’s
Ray. The Indigo Ray is the Gnostics Ray, the Ray of the Abstract Mind,
Lee. 65 - Pg. 2
and of Philosophy and of Science. The Purple Ray is the Ray of Devo­
tion., the Ray of Healing., the Ray of the Master Jesus. Thus you must
always reckon the Rays.
In the Divine Nature all qualities are to be found in
perfect synthesis, but the human nature has to develop them one by one.
Each Soul in its Divine Nature contains all the Rays, but in human In­
carnation' one Ray is the Keynote, on it the others are built. It is
this that makes people instinctively feel, that they belong to one or
the other Ray. It is also a common error to conclude that a Mystic
and an Occultist must necessarily be on different Rays, whereas it is
more likely to be a case of different combinations of Ray proportions
in the individual, for the Goal is the same, tho their Paths may vary.
Let us now endeavor to trace briefly some further correla­
tions and correspondences which these Rays represent. The first Ray,
as I told you, developed under those Great Archetypal Forces known as
the Lords of Flame, the first emanation of the Great Solar Logos when
engaged on the Evolution of His Universe. These great Sources of
Dark Heat are represented to us as the Red Ray, the first primary
color, and produced those Archetypal Molds upon which all Form is
Closely connected with these are those second emanations
of the Logos known as the Lords of Form, who, amongst other things
are engaged in the solidification of the dense physical body and pro­
viding a vehicle in which the Monad on its journey from the Divine to
dense Matter can function as a human Being. These we may imagine as
being on the Orange Ray, the mixture of red and yellow, the blend of
Spiritual Archetypal Forces and Mind, remembering that Mind, in this
sense, represents Form, for Mind works thru Thought Form.
In the third Logoidal outpouring, we have those Great Lords
of 1/Visdom who galvanized and infused Life into the Forms evolved by
their predecessors thru the Etheric Double. This is the mystery of
Personality wherein the Mind takes possession of the vehicle. This we
can image as the Yellow Ray, the second primary color, being often
associated with Mind on this arc of Involution. There is also the
third primary color, blue, associated with Mind, on the arc of Evolu­
tion. The Green Ray, the blend of blue and yellow, represents the Ele­
mental and Nature Forces which gave to man his instinct, and developed
in him those primitive Forces which made him conscious of the posses­
sion of Life. These, it is said, were worked out in the Lemurian Race
thru the operation of the Forces of the Lower Astral Plane.
As the Consciousness of man becomes more and more immersed
in the Physical Senses and his Personality becomes more individualized,
so his Spiritual Consciousness became correspondingly dim. A certain
contraction and coldness then appeared, which showed itself as the
Blue Ray, which is associated with the Atlantean Race. It was during
this phase of Evolution that Great Initiates appeared and undertook
the training of Humanity, which led gradually to the development of
the Consciousness of the Higher Emotions and Aspirations which operate
thru the Forces of the Upper Astral Plane. Of these Initiates were
Melchisedek and Manu Narada.
Man, however, for the most part, will long be plu nged in
the depths of Matter before the upward arc of Evolution lifts him
again onto those High Spiritual Realms from which he came. Hence, we
have in the Dark Ages of the Aryan Race, the Kali-Yuga, represented
as the Indigo Ray, the color of the Night Sky before the Dawn. It is
in these conditions that the Personality gains strength and individuali­
zation, and concrete Mind develops its Power.
The Great Ones, who guide Evolution towards the exalted
State of Consciousness to which They have attained, are ever on the
Lecture 65 - Page 5

watch for those advanced Souls in Incarnation who are developing the
qualities of the Abstract Mind. Many there are now who are consciously
bridging the Gulf between the Personality and the Higher Self, and
they are being gathered into what is known as the Purple Ray, that
blend of the Spiritual Forces, brought into manifestation by the Lords
of Flame and balanced b^ the blue Ray of the Personality, thru the Con­
sciousness of the Concrete Mind. Here we may look for the development
of the Sixth Root Race. In this connection, it may be recalled that a
purple robe was placed on the Master Jesus, symbolizing His Spiritual
Power, and that His Mother is usually depicted as wearing a blue robe,
symbolizing**the exaltation of Matter.
As the ever-Conquering Sun dispels the shadow of the
Night, so the development of the Seventh Race will evolve the full syn­
thesis of the controlled emotions, mental illumination and spiritual
illumination, which will lead us on to the ”At-Oneness” with the Logoi­
dal Consciousness of the Seventh Plane, and the close of the cycle of
Now, in what I have written there is much between
the lines, and I am sure that you will draw many conclusions and de­
ductions,not the least of which will be the realization that the Bro­
therhood is a pendant of the Esoteric Schools of the Purple Ray on the
Inner Plane,and that you are slowly advancing, so that in time you
become nPriests after the order of Melchisadek." And I know you real­
ize further that the Masters of the Inner Planes, who are now working
with and perfecting Humanity,are contacting and teaching you thru
their selected channel.
This is the time when you should receive your in­
structions regarding the next Fast. If you have taken the previous
Fast,you may now take this additional one.If not,lay this exercise-
aside , bearing it in mind,and take it- after you have taken your first
step as outlined in Lesson 61. There are many degrees of Fasting,and
you must become accustomed to it slowly.So, when you are ready,start
your Fast by abstaining from food as you did before, following the in­
structions of that lesson exactly. In addition to this,there is a Fast
for the Mind. During the period when you are abstaining from food,you
are also to make a special,extra effort to dissociate yourself from
everything negative and destructive in your Thought-World;you must
learn to link yourself mentally with only the constructive, joyous and
happy things of Life. It is the period for general housecleaning in
your Hind, in which you are to unload and brush out all of the accumu­
lated debris that has gathered in your Mind. You are to literally take
hold of yourself and lift your Thoughts to new Heights of Transcenden­
tal thinking, of optimistic, creative Thought.Now this new thinking,at
a time when the body itself is undergoing its Fast, will have a very
marked effect upon the cells,and the Intelligence in those cells.The
cells must have their habits changed, their actions changed, and this
new special thinking of yours, at this time, is especially effective.
In addition to this, you have, also, the special par­
aphernalia for your Meditation Period, and this, too, should be given
extra attention during this Fast period. At the end of four weeks,we
will take up yet another phase and additional step for you to do.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lecture 66 Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to take up another phase of the Mental Phenom­
ena of Trance. I have deferred discussing the phenomena of Spiritual­
ism until this point, because when one mentions Spiritualism or Com­
munication with Spirits, an untrained reader is very apt to jump to
conclusions and possibly imagine that we are agitating Spiritualism or
something of that kind. The Brotherhood, as I have told you in pre­
vious lessons, does not advocate Communication with the Living Dead,
it says that this is inadvisable, useless in many ways; but at the same
time laying aside all of the trickery and misrepresentation and de­
ceit found, there is still a basis of Facts which proves that there is
something, and it is this ’'something” which I am going to discuss with
you in this lesson, so that, once for all, you may have a clear under­
standing of what it is, how Communication is brought about, and the
difference between the work you are engaged in and ordinary Spiritual­
ism. I believe that this differentiation will be valuable to you,
and I want you to study it.
Going on, therefore, where I left off in the previous lecture:
First comes the relaxation and abstraction of Consciousness from Mun-
dane things, a withdrawing within. All thought gradually slows down
to a stop, even as a fly-wheel slows down when the engine is about to
be reversed, and then it starts off again, focussed upon Subjective
Thought. It is in order to secure cessation of Conscious Thought that
it is necessary to have quietness and darkness while one is doing his
concentrating. The part played by Light is very curious, for as you
become more sensitive, you become more sensitive to Light, not only
upon the eyes, but upon the whole surface of the skin, especially the
back of the head and the nape of the neck, and it is doubtless pro­
bable that this sensitiveness would be found to extend down the spine,
were it not protected by the clothes.
As soon as the necessary slowing down of the Objective Conscious­
ness has taken place, the Subjective Consciousness increases greatly in
vividness. The Images in the Imagination become extraordinarily clear­
cut and intense. Nevertheless, they are recognizable as being the pro­
duct of the Image-making Faculty because they can be changed at will,
which is not the case with the Images evoked by an Objective Psychic
Consciousness. Then comes the dividing of the ways. Up to this point
the different types of Trance are identical. In each one the setting
down of brain Consciousness has taken place; now begins the opening up
of the Higher Consciousness.
In the case of the Trance of Projection no effort is made to keep
open the line of communication with the physical brain, for the more
complete the withdrawal, that is to say the deeper the meditation, the
more satisfactory the result. I will not take up the Trance of Projec­
tion at this time, you have had that before in earlier lessons, and
the higher phases involve many problems of the deeper aspects of Oc­
cultism which require a working knowledge of Esoteric Science, which
comes later.
The study of the Trance of Vision I will also put aside. You have
touched upon it in your early lessons, in its elementary form, and to
go into it in your lesson now more deeply would lead us too far in
Psychology, either Orthodox or Esoteric. So I will limit myself in
this lesson to the Psychology of the Trance-Mediumship of the Spirit­
ualist, a third type of Trance, and this is given merely that you may
have a clear understanding of what the Trance Medium does, or at­
tempts to do.
Lecture 66 Page 2
If a Medium,having thrown himself into a Trance, proposes neither
to project his subtle self nor to make use of Psychic Vision,then still
a third course is open to him,and this I will explain in detail, in or­
der that you may have the necessary data and knowledge. The experienced
Medium will have certain Spirit-Controls from amongst the Living Dead
with whom he is accustomed to get into touch,and it is at this point
that he begins the Invocation of his Control. Then the answering Voice
formulates itself in Consciousness and a mental conversation is exchang­
ed between the two.If it is intended to establish communication between
the two Planes of Existence, and the Spirit-Control desires to communi­
cate with those who may be present with the Medium,the Consciousness of
the Medium has,as it were,to put the Communicator thru, or hook-up.The
Control utters some phrase which the Medium hears mentally,and instructs
the Medium to repeat it aloud.In order to do this the Medium has to
re-establish contact with his own dense body.This is an intricate pro­
cess. As soon as the swoop into space takes place,which is recognized
as the sensation caused by the Ego withdrawing from his physical body,
the kinaesthetic sense,which indicates the position of the body in
space,undergoes a change so that, altho the position of the body upon
the couch may remain unaltered, the kinaesthetic sense reports the
body upright.
It will thus be perceived that the Medium is now upon the same
Plane as the Spirit-Communicator; he,too,has shed his body,altho in
his case but temporarily.In order to carry out the Control’s instruc­
tions and repeat to the Earth Plane the message given him,usually some
brief and simple formula of greeting,the Medium proceeds to take con­
trol of his own body in just the same way as the Spirit-Communicator
does,that is to say he does not re-enter it,slipping it thru the door­
way,until the subtle and dense bodies blend limb by limb,as he does
when he returns at the end of the Meditation,but he merely establishes
a contact with the Throat Centers,by projecting his Will upon them and
as it were,giving suggestion to them.With considerable effort the mus­
cles of the larynx are manipulated tho not thru their usual channels.
The words are spoken,and immediately Communication is established.
Now,it then seems as if in that period the Mind of the Communicating
Entity immediately takes over the control of the Throat Centers of
the entranced body,and the Medium stands aside.The whole process takes
place so swiftly that it is exceedingly difficult to know exactly what
happens,and the vital point seems to lie in the Medium’s effecting a
Control first,which is then taken over by the Communicator.
However,Communication once established,the body of the Medium ap­
pears to be used as a telephone by the Communicators from another
Plane of Existence.The Control and the Medium seem to have changed
places.The Medium is now standing aside and it is the Mind of the Con­
trol that is manipulating the brain and nervous system.The Medium is
fully Conscious for there is no such thing as loss of Consciousness in
Trance, it is only the Memory which is frequently obliliterated, like
the Memory of a Dream, and nothing but the most intense concentration
can keep the Medium from involuntarily slipping back into his body, a
single thought concerning the Earth Plane and he is back.All the time
he has to think of himself as being on the Inner Planes and disembod­
ied. So habitually do we think of ourselves as embodied and in terms of
our physical sensations,that only a Mind that is highly trained in
Concentration can inhibit these customary thoughts.
Now,our study of Trance would be incomplete unless we considered
the methods of Communication between the Medium and the Communicating
Entity on the Inner Plane, when use of the physical organism is not
attempted.Thru the Consciousness of the Medium the Communicating En­
tity appears as a very clear-cut picture seen with the Mind’s eye.He
visualizes the Mentality which he feels is trying to contact his own.
Lecture 66 Page 3
As soon as he is able to form a clear mental picture of it,the influence
of a Presence gives place to the formulation of words heard mentally, he
gets a distinct sense of a definite Personality. Now, it is obvious that
the Medium cannot really be seeing anything,because the corporeal form
of the Communicating Entity has long since mouldered into dust, so that
if he saw the actual physical form of the Entity it would have to appear
as a skeleton, but instead of this he sees the Communicator as he appear
ed in Life. It is obvious, therefore, that what he is seeing is that En­
tity’s natural picture of himself communicated to him telepathically.
It is the same mechanism which is employed when two living people are
trying to communicate telepathically. The Transmitter visualizes as
clearly as he can the person with whom he wishes to communicate, and
then announces himself by speaking to him. The Receiver, if he is at
all sensitive, will frequently have a clear Mental Picture of the Com­
municator and hear the words he speaks. We may reasonably conclude,
therefore, that what takes place between two embodied Minds who try
to communicate telepathically also takes place between an embodied
and a disembodied Mind when they try to communicate in the same way.
The Communicating Entity visualized himself as he was when in the body,
the Medium is able to perceive this Thought Form psychically, and it
serves as the means of Communication between them. Once this Contact
has been established, the Medium is able to get into Psychic Touch with
any Spirit-Control whom he knows by visualizing him. It has also been
found that by employing the same device Mediums can invoke each other’s
Control. We may, therefore, disabuse our minds of the idea that Con­
trol is the same thing as Obsession,as popularly understood. That is
to say that the body of one person is occupied by the Soul of another.
What we are dealing with, in this Trance-Mediumship, is the Hypnotic
Influence of the Mind of a disembodied Spirit over the Mind of the Me­
dium, and it will be found that the whole of the phenomena of Trance-
Mediumship can be explained in the terms of Psychology or Hypnosis.
All Occult Schools depend for their working on their Contacts
with those who are known to them as the Masters.Different Schools are
in touch with different Masters,and it is the portraits,names,and sym­
bols of these Masters which are among their most carefully guarded se­
crets. Of course,the Masters are,in a sense,Spirit-Controls of a high
type.Those who are familiar with Occult literature will have realized
that the Presence we have described is what is known to Occultists as
the Master,the Mystics as the Visions of a Saint,Spiritualists as a
Control,and is repeatedly described in the Bible as the ’’Visit of an
Angel,"such a one as taught the interpretation of Dreams to the Pro­
phet Daniel,and announced her Destiny to the Virgin Mary.It is note­
worthy that the Spiritualist,the Occultist,the Mystic,the Prophet,and
the Seer all bear witness to such meetings with invisible Visitants
from another Plane of Existence,and the fact that the lunatic adds
his testimony to the crowd of witnesses need not necessarily invali­
date the evidence.At any rate the Source from whence Daniel drew his
Power to impress two successive Kings of Babylon,and Joan of Arc her
influence over a King of France and his generals,cannot be dismissed
as "such stuff as dreams are made of,"unless we are prepared to ad­
mit that that "stuff" is real in its own sphere.To say that a thing
is imaginary is not to dispose of it in the Realm of Mind,where the
Imagination,or the Image-making faculty is a very important part of
our Mental functioning for Mental Images are potent things; altho
they may not actually exist on the Physical Plane,they influence it
far more than some suspect.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Beloved Adhyapya:

There has been one thing that I have wanted to talk to you about
for some little time, and that is the matter of Actuality and Reality.
I wonder when, you read that 13th lesson if you realized what a. stupen­
dous thought was presented in the one or two paragraphs in which I
spoke of Realities and Actualities. Particularly at this stage of our
work, I want you to turn again and again and question yourself about
every one of your ideas and conceptions with regard to all the mass of
ideas that have been built up in your Subjective Self, ”Is this Real­
ity to me, based on Actuality, or is it a Reality without there being
any Actuality at all? Is it false or true?’* For it is necessary now to
expand Consciousness beyond the human.beyond the range ordinarily rea­
ched by Humanityjin order to obtain this breadth of Consciousness,this
depth of comprehension, it is necessary that you watch constantly that
Realities do not appear to you as Actualities. Learn in everything to
plumb it to its depths,for its real meaning,its actual meaning,and not
either the commonly accepted or the apparent Reality, as your Individ­
uality and your habit interpret it.
Now,to make this ftore clear to you,take,for instance,the matter
of the Bible.Strange records lie in the Mystery Language of the Prehis­
toric Agesjwithout the help of Symbology no Ancient Scripture can ever
be understood correctly.Fair minded Christians cannot accept the "dead
letter" of the Bible if. they read and interpret it literally.
The Bible should be classed amongst Esoteric Books and be connect
ed in a Secret System with the Indian,Chaldean,and Egyptian Symbology.
The whole cycle of the Biblical Glyphs and Numbers is found in the In­
dian System.These figures and their symbols have been used for Ages
and Aeons and have the same is necessary to have a Numeri­
cal and Geometrical Key for a correct reading of the Bible-A correct
reading would entirely change the modern Scientific Systems of Anthro­
pology .Ethnology,Chronology, some- extent and degree Biology and
Physiology.The essential Key is,of course,the Cabalah.The Jewish Ini­
tiates ,authors of the their .Visdora from the Chaldean Hier­
ophants, just as Moses got his from Egypt.
Here,by the aid of the Cabalah.for instance,one finds a Well of
deeply concealed beauty,hidden under a strueture,the visible architec­
ture of which is unable to stand the criticism of cold Reason.There is
more Wisdom concealed in the Esoteric Fables of the Eastern Scriptures
in the Bible than in all the Exoteric facts and science in the Litera­
ture of the World.Or there is as much Esoteric Wisdom in some portions
of the Puranas and the Pentateuch as there is of nonsense and childish
fancy when they are read only in the "dead letter" and literal inter­
pretations of the great Dogmatic Religions.The Pentateuch,or first
five books of the Old Testament,is a collection of the Allegorical Leg
ends, read in the Light of the Zohar (but little less Esoteric than
the Bible) and the first four chapters of Genesis are fragments of a
highly Philosophical phase of the Worlds Cosmogony.
Ezra,1000 years after Moses.remodeled the whole of the Pentateuch
with a crude Symbology;for instance,the Glyph of Pharaoh's daughter,
the Nile,and the baby boy in the bulrushes was not composed by.Hoses,
it was anticipated in fragments found in Babylonian Tiles in the Story
of King Sargon,who lived long before Moses.The inference is that Exo­
dus was not written by Moses,but fabricated from old materials by Ezra
The Book of Job is declared to be the oldest in the Hebrew Canon and
certainly is prior to Moses.
The Allegorical descriptions of the Creation,the Fall,the Flood,
and the Tower of Babel were written before the time of Moses. These
Bible stories are another version of the Chaldean tablets.
There are two Creations in the Babylonian fragments to which Gen­
esis adheres, the Elohite and the Jehovite,which according to Occult
Teachings,refer to the formation of the Primoridal Seven Men by the
Elohim and the Seven Human Groups after the Fall.
The Jews obtained their Primordial ideas about Creation from
Moses who had them from the Egyptians,and compiled their Genesis,when
rewritten by Exra and others,from the Chaldo-Akkadian account.The God
of the first chapter is the Logos,the Lord God of the second chapter
was the Creative Elohim,the lower Powers.The first sentence in the
Bible is a mis-translation, ” In the beginning God crea-ted the heavens
and the earth,it is not the heaven and the earth,but the dual heaven,
the separation of the Upper and the Lower,the Visible and the Invisi­
ble .
Take the first portion of Genesis;there God commands another God
who does His bidding.God said,’’Let there be firmaments,” and God the
second obeyed and made the firmaments .God said,’’Let there be Light,”
and there was Light (which does not mean our Light,but Spiritual Light,
the Sephira.)That which commands is Eternal Law,they which obey are
the Elohim Forces of the One Force.
It is only the ’’Heavenly Man” of the first chapter of Genesis who
is made ”In the Image and likeness of God,” the First Adam is the syn­
thesis of the ten Sephiroth,the three upper Triad remain in the Arche­
typal World as the future Trinity,the seven lower create the Manifest­
ed Material World. The second Adam is Esoterically a septenary repre­
senting seven groups of men,and forming the first Human Root-Race.
Adam was not the first man created,especially in the face of the
evidence of the Bible itself (Gen.4: 16,17)which shows Cain going
forth into the land of Moab and buying him a wife.Man was created be­
fore the animals,they were brought unto Adam to see what he would call
them.The animals mentioned in chapter 1 are the Signs of the Zodiac
while the Man,Male and Female is not man,but the hosts of Sephiroth,or
Angels,made in God’s Image.The Adam-'Man is not so made,nor is it ever
asserted in the Bible.
The Atlanteans are found to be mentioned in the Bible, if read
Esoterically,and the Seven Keys open the Mysteries of the Seven Great
Root-Races and the Seven Kalpas.
Who,after studying the Legends of Abraham and Sarah, can doubt
that the story of Abraham is based upon that of Brahme, or that Genesis
was written upon the old lines and by every ancient nation.All in the
Ancient Scriptures is Allegorical,and all is based upon, and insepara­
bly connected with Astronomy and Cosmology. The Christian Chronologies
of the Bible,adopting the small cycle of the Jews of 4,320 year's,named
the 25th of December as the day on which all the S-olar Gods were said
to have been incarnated. What the Jews had from Egypt thru Moses and
other Initiates, was confused and distorted in later days, but what
the Church got from both is still more misrepresented. Translators in­
to Latin softened the Ideals and they were made to fit in with the
views and policies of its Christian arrangers. The Duality of Worlds
is very plainly taught in both Old and New Testaments,the Angels in
the Bible are called Morning Stars,Flaming Fires,Mighty Ones,and St.
Paul sees them in Cosmogonic Vision as Principalities and Powers.Such
names preclude the idea of Personality and we find ourselves' compelled
to think of them as impersonal existences,as an influence of Spiritual
Substance or Conscious Spirit.
Or take the story of Nicodemus,a Master of Israel,who it was stat­
ed came to the Master Jesus by night, and unfortunately for him, going
by night has been unduly stressed. You know that the explanation usual­
ly given is that he was fearful of what men might say should he seek
Lee. 67 - Fg. 3
the Master by day,and therefore,he goes by night .Thus,the motive ascri­
bed is Feah.This,you know,is the commbn interpretation of this story,
for it is a curious fact, tho by no means an Uncommon oné., that we will,
all unwittingly., look first into the imagery of our own Hearts and then
proceed to pronounce Judgment.The irony of it all is that the Judgment
we have pronounced is a Judgment upon ourselves,insofar as it is a re­
flection of our own Fears and Desires.
We should bear in mind that the Gospel of St. John is the most
deeply Esoteric of all the Gospels,and,therefore,the most difficult to
apprehend.But may we not,however,read it in the Light of Occult Know­
ledge? What do ycu see then? Not a weak Soul,obsessed with Fear,sneak­
ing in the dead of night like a wretch with felonious intent,-no,there
is a picture altogether different,two scenes present themselves to
your imagination - a physical body stretched upon its couch in deep
slumber,and elsewhere a Lofty Soul sitting at the feet of the Master.
So you see the. necessity of watching all this,whether what you
understand is an Actuality or a Reality,and how necessary it is that
one be constantly on his guard to seek always for the other viewpoint.
You see, too that when the Master of Masters taught the people in para­
bles,He was doing no new thing,but rather following the method whereby
all thru the Ages God has revealed to Lian's Finite Mind the Eternal
Truths of Life and Deathjand one who has penetrated ever so little be­
neath the surface of things will not question the fact that Divine
Truth can come to us thru channels outside the Bible.We know indeed,
that people whose Understandings are awakened can learn these Truths
of Nature in Literature,thru anything,in fact,that has within itself
the Divine Spark of Actual! ty, indefinable and will, be
noted that these Truths,thru whatever channels they come,seldom con­
flict one with another.The Divine Spark of Actuality coming from God,
carries with it Beauty of Form,.for Beauty has its place in the scheme
of things,even in modern times. Take,for instance, the Danish Mystic,
Hans Anderson,whose stories you have read and who has given to the
world a re-statement of Truths as old as the world itself, but clad in
a Form so beautiful that they have held the imagination of children
and others for more than half a century;nor does their power of fasci­
nation show signs of growing less.As to the Teaching underlying these
stories,it is plain when once you learn to look for Actualities and
not be confused by the Realities of first appearance.The lessons which
Hans Anderson has to teach us Are no other than the lessons of the
"Western Traditions,” - advancement thru sacrifice;willing reparation
for wrong done ; sympathy with human sorrow;a Mystic's intuitive know­
ledge,both of the Life beyond and grave and that of Elemental Nature;
and behind it all a realization of the all-powerful Love of the Solar
Logos. Even in the most Fairy-Like of these so-called Fairy Tales,it
would be hard to find any fundamental idea which is not in keeping
with Bible Teachings, Human Experience, and Esoteric Science.
We of the West are taught that it is by the Road of Sacrifice
that we can get to Heaven;not only we,ourselves,but all such Elemental
Beings as are evolved enough to desire Immortality.Nowhere is this
Truth more clearly or beautifully set forth than in Hans Anderson's
story of "The Mermaid." Here we see a creature of the elements who
desires to gain an immortal Soul thru the love of a human being. In
spite of the suffering she endures to win this love,she fails,thru
the ignorance of the human being, to gain her desire. Nevertheless,
she,herself ,fulfills the Law' of Sacrifice , saving him at the risk of
her own annihilation, and she is, therefore permitted in the end to
advance up the Planes to leave the sea and become a creature of the
air,where she may win an Immortal Soul,thru Service.
Lee. 67 - Pg. 4
Sacrifice includes the saving of other Souls,that is,suffering,
willingly borne,in order that others may be brought to a Spiritual re­
alization of the Plan of Salvation.This idea is treated in the rather
fantastic tales of "The Snow Queen" and "The Wild Swan." The "Snow
Queen" relates the adventures of a girl travelling thru the world to
seek and rescue her companion,a. boy who has fallen under a curse,warp­
ing his mental!ty,who has been carried off to the Snow Queen's Palace
wholly oblivious of human relationships,and is left trying to spell
the word Eternity out of blocks of ice.Guided by love,the girl spares
herself no pains and goes thru a number of harassing adventures befox’e
fulfilling her quest.In this story it is not hard to. read the experi­
ences of a Soul thru successive lives,impelled by Karmic Ties to res­
cue another. In; "The Wild Swan" we find a sister trying to lift the
Karma of her eleven brothers,which takes the form of their being
changed by day into Swans.This is only possible thru the fact of her
being free from Evil in her own nature,and willing to undergo tremen­
dous suffering and cruel slander,and even risk of death.
The theme of Willing Expiation is also treated in the story of
"Red Shoes." As a punishment for sinful pride the heroine of this sto­
ry is condemned to dance without ceasing in a pair of Red Shoes she
has coveted.Finally,as a cripple,the sense of the sin is awakened in
her and she makes atonement for it by humility and faithful service.
The idea of Salvation,thru a realization of Self, is also met
with in the less well-known story of "Anne Lisbeth." In this story,one
of the most beautiful that Hans Anderson ever wrote,we see Anne Lis­
beth trying to give rest to the Soul of her child,whom she has neglec­
ted and who has died at sea.Obsessed by remorse,she is always on the
Seashore trying to dig his grave,until at last the realization comes
to her that it is not a material grave that is wanted.
In the quaint tale of "The Travelling Companion" we learn that it
is possible to reap good Karma as well as bad,and so it begins with a
young man parting with his last penny,in order that a dead man may
have decent burial.Later he wins his way to Prosperity thru the help
of a mysterious Travelling Companion,who attaches himself to him, and
who in the end proves to be the Spirit of the dead man, returned to
reward him for his services.
But perhaps,by far the most powerful of the stories dealing with
Restitution and Redemption thru Love is the story of "The Girl who
trod the Loaf," which depicts in fantastic imagery what St. Luke de­
scribes as "The Great Gulf" fixed between the righteous and others,in.
the next life. "The Garden of paradise," too,is a story full of Eso­
teric significance,for in it the Hero,after having been given a great
opportunity, falls by his own weakness from the Upper to the Lower .As­
tral Plane .
So,you see in everything about you an opportunity to interpret
and understand the hidden,the deeper meaning,the Actuality that some­
times buried so deeply.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lee. 68 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
The question has been asked many times about Suicide and its ef­
fect on the Development and Progress of the Soul. The point that is
not taken into consideration by the Querent is the fact that suicide
does not consist merely in the quick termination of Life, but that
suicide also appertains to that other and slower cutting of Life short
thru the neglect or abuse of the body of which all of us are more or
less guilty, whether it is thru the sins of commission or by sins of
omission, the effect in the end is the same, for Life is shortened.
The human body is a machine,dependent for its working,like any other
machine,upon the integrity of its parts and the supply of its fuel.
It is a machine for the generation of energy - the energy which is em­
ployed by the Personality in the process of Spiritual Unfoldment. For
it is by means of the experiences undergone by means of the body that
the Soul gathers together the raw material which it'works upon in the
process of its Evolution.
The Occultist who knows these things is,therefore, not sentimental
over the physical body,but does endeavor to keep it in repair while he
has it, because good work cannot be done with a bad tool,and because
he realizes his own responsibility.
Vve should learn to think of Death as part of the processes of our
growth. A caterpillar dies as a worm to be reborn as a butterfly. And
in many of the lower forms of existence, the Cycle of Life goes on
under our eyes; in the higher forms, however, part of the Cycle takes
place in the Visible Sphere of Matter and part of it in the Invisible
Sphere of Mind. What we call Birth is the process of taking on a phys­
ical body, and what we call Death is the process of discarding it.And
just as the processes of Birth include more than the labor,so the pro­
cesses of Death include more than the mere passing of the breath.
If,of course,by Death we simply mean the stopping of the human
machine,then Death is an instantaneous occurence, just as it is so
popularly believed to be. But if by Death we mean the sum total of the
processes which constitute the transition from one phase of existence
to another,we are speaking of Death as the Esoterist understands it,
and it is in this sense that I want to consider it now.
There are two ways in which Death may come,naturally,or in accord­
ance with Divine Law,or unnaturally,as a breach of Divine Law, consc­
ious or unconscious. Strange as it may seem,the Esoterist does not
reckon Death by Disease as among the natural ways. Disease is due to a
breach of God’s Law,in some way violence has been done to nature,and
the breakdown of the human machine is the result.
Natural Death,the Death brought about by the workings of Divine
Law,only takes place when the Karma allotted to that Incarnation has
been worked out. Until this is done the Vital Forces will keep Old Age
at bay and retain the powers,but little abated,to an advanced age, as
is proved by many instances of men and women strong in God’s Service
far beyond the allotted term of three score years and ten.
Natural Death only takes place because of the wearing out of the
working parts of the machine,or to change the metaphor to a more exact
one,the silting up of the tissues. The machine depends for its work­
ing upon the balance of the intake and output,known as metabolism.
Intake is always in excess of the normal output in order that there
may be a reserve available for emergencies. In childhood and adoles­
cence this extra intake is absorbed in growth,that which is not absor­
bed is worked off in some emotionally satisfying pursuit,whether it
be work or play. As soon as the upbuilding phase of Life is past, the
surplus of intake or output begins to be stored in the tissues in its
most compact chemical form. Hence the saying that a man or woman is
"as old as his arteries.”
Lee. 68 - Pg. 2

There are various ways in which Natural Death may come. As time
goes ons the Heart finds it more and more difficult to pump the blood
thru the increasingly inelastic channels of the arteries;the blood sup­
plied to various organs becomes inadequate,and one or another may, in
consequence get out of order and cease to function,thus depriving the
system of some essential product or service,so stopping the machine.
One of the smaller arteries,usually in the brain may become so weak­
ened that it can no longer cope with the increasing pressure of the
blood pumped by a still adequate heart, and finally bursts, causing
the well known phenomena of a Stroke.
Equally,the Heart,on its part, may no longer be able to overcome
the resistance of the arteries,and finally stops its rhythmical drive,
at the time of lowest vitality,usually in the small hours of the night
and the person dies in his sleep.; this is the true,normal,harmonious
form of Death,it is ushered in,not by any definite disease but by
gradually increasing tendencies,revealed and compensated by the stead­
ily rising Tide of Sleep,more and more of the 24 hours being spent in
oblivion,until finally Consciousness is withdraw,never to return. It
is thus that the Soul passes when it has fulfilled its tasks and has
no more to do with the Earth-Life of that Incarnation.
The Unnatural,or Pathological Death of the body is brought about
by some external agency,either the mechanical injury of a vital part;
the poisoning of the vital processes,whether by substance taken into
the body or by the excreta of bacteria that have found, lodgement in .
the tissues;or by the deprivation of an adequate supply of some fac­
tor necessary to the refueling of the machine, whether it be food,
vitamins,water,air,or sunlight.
Every ill that flesh is heir to will find a place in one of these
three categories,and the Esoterist regards them all as forms of Patho­
logical Death,for,given different conditions, they could have been well
avoided. If the injury had not taken place,the man would have lived;
if he had not come into contact with the violent germs,trouble would
not have started;if he had had adequate supplies of the necessities
of Life,not too much so that the tissues were replete or too little so
that they were enfeebled,he would have been alive today. This casts
the responsibility surely upon this individual Soul. V.'e can always say
of these Pathological Forms of Death that if such and such'a thing had
not happened,or such and such a thing had been done,the Dead would not
have died. Therefore,we say that these deaths are all unnatural,and
are the result largely,of sins of omission and commission,and if we
were living in the Golden Age of the Earth’s Perfection,it would not
have occurred,for the Normal way of dying is to die in the sleep in
extreme old age.
But it is in the Purgatorial Experiences that the Soul faces af­
ter Death,that the real meaning and the real appreciation of what he
has lost,thru neglecting his physical body and thus cutting short the
experiences that he should have gained in the: life that he had just
passed. And of course,realization and appreciation comes still more
sharply to the one who deliberately cuts that life short,and thus
plays truant from school. They both realize that it can never be done
with impunity. In the lives to follow,whenever difficulties beset the
Path of him who chooses suicide,he will always remember the suffering
of the Purgatorial Experience which was the result of his act,and he
■will never again be willing to face it,but will cheerfully go thru
the experiences that are necessary to his Soul’s growth. The one who
has only been guilty of the sins of omission will learn likewise and
have impressed upon the Soul,the results of the acts which resulted in
shortening life. That one, too will have no desire to prolong his
next Purgatorial Experience.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Dec. 69 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
I think that one question that is asked more frequently than any
other is,what is this Kaleidoscope of picture images which is always
discerned by the student in the beginning of his Meditation Work as he
contacts or reads what is variously called the ’’Reflecting Ether,” the
’’Akashic Record,” or the ’’Memory of Nature. ” All Psychics recognize the
difference between the perception of actual Presences and the stored re­
flection of Images which can be evoked in connection with any given ob­
ject or place, and I am sure,by this time,that as you retreat Within in
your Meditation,you are able to sense the subtle difference between these
Images and the actual places or the living persons that now appear to
It appears as if that portion of Astral Ether which has once been
organized into a Thought-Form by a Being having concrete Consciousness,
acquires the same vibratory rhythm as the Being into whose Consciousness,
it is built up. Thus the Astral Ether undergoes development and organiza­
tion and we must always distinguish between the undifferentiated Akashic
Astral Ether of the Great Cosmos,and that which has undergone this modi­
fication in our Universe.This latter I propose to speak of by the term
of Astral Light,for it seems to me that this is what was described by
the early Philosophers who employed this term,so it will be clear to you
why I have discarded the term Akasha which has been loosely used by Oc­
cult writers to cover both the undeveloped and the more or less organiz­
ed Akasha.I want you further to conceive of this Astral Light as surround­
ing the Earth like an Aura, steadily extending age by age as more and
more of the undifferentiated Astral Ether of the Universe is passed thru
the vehicle of a concrete Consciousness on this Earth and becomes some­
what organized.
Now,what shall we say concerning the Forms which the Psychic sees
in this Astral Light? When a given set of actions or reactions repeat in
cyclic form they soon tend to become stereotyped. When this occurs a
’’Track in Space” is formed.This concept is one of the most recondite and
is also one of the most significant in Esoteric is exceed­
ingly difficult to conceive,but we may liken it to the Magnetic Field
set up by an electric current,which upon the Astral Plane persists after
the current is cut off because there is no loss of energy thru conductivi­
ty or friction.Motion,in the Inner Worlds,when once started,continues.
These ’’Tracks in Space” form vortices into which the Astral Atoms
are drawn and whirled about like flotsam in .an eddy.In the absence of
any Astral Atoms,these vortices are invisible to Psychic Vision.Astral
Atoms,that is to say,the Cyclic Vibrations in it of the Astral Light,do
not apparently whirl in and out of these vortices at random,but only
those are drawn in that seem to be similar in nature to that of the
vortices.Thus it will be seen how a developed Student,who employs selec­
tive Vision,picking out one set of Images from the Astral Light to the
exclusion of all others,gathers up thru his Consciousness by tuning it
to a given Key-Note or Thought the Etheric Light Atoms of a given type
and projects them into the vortex he wishes to illuminate,and they ren­
der it visible to Astral Sight,even as dust motes render a Sunbeam vis­
But there are other forms besides these Psychic Pictures which we
must consider,there are the forms which are the vehicles for those Beings
whose habitation is the Astral Plane.These apparently are specialized
out of pure Astral Ether,just as the vegetable kingdom is able to build
up its substances out of inorganic matter.This appears to be different
when the human mind,whose normal habitat is the Earth-Plane,is operating
and apparently has to operate by directing the appropriate type of Astral
Lee. 69 - Pg. 2
Light into requisite Vortices or ’’Track in Space,” or if ah entirely un­
precedented operation is in prospect to obtain the assistance of one or
more of the natural Denizens of the Astral Planes,and this point throws
much light upon the operations of Transcendental or Ceremonial Magic,for
the Ceremony is designed to create ’’Track in Space,” It is for this
reason that the more that Ceremony has been worked,(and you must remem­
ber that Rituals are also Ceremony) the more potent it also
explains why Will or Power will not manifest satisfactorily if the Cere­
mony or the Ritual is badly performed.
Altho I cannot enter into the subject in detail at the moment,it
may be mentioned here that the Tattvas are currents in the Astral Light,
not the Astral Ether, which explains why they encircle the Earth and do
not extend into Space.In conjunction with the foregoing explanation,it
will also be seen why each Tattva carries with it energies of a particu­
lar type.
I want to take up for a moment now a consideration of those three
types of Force-Substance which have variously been called "Prana," "Kun­
dalini," and "Ectoplasm." These may be assigned, Occultly speaking, to
the sphere of the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth.
Prana has always been held to be derived from the Sun,and it flows
in and out of the dense tissues like water in a sponge,strictly speaking
it is something quite apart from the Astral Light, but it must be men­
tioned in this connection because it is in the Body of Light that it
functions, being to its tissues -what the blood and lymph are to a mater­
ial organism.
Kundalini is a distinctive type of Force and there is reason to be­
lieve that it is not Sublimated Prana,but a highly concentrated Astral
Energy, distilled, metamorphically speaking, out of the Astral Light,so
that, altho it does not actually constitute the "Tracks in Space" which
give rise to Simulacra, nevertheless, it is far from being raw Astral
Matter,it contains,in Essence,the highest potentialities of Evolution,
it is a much more mental Substance than Prana.And finally I come to the
consideration of that System of Electro-Magnetic Stresses which form the
Etheric Body of living creatures.This,again, is not precisely the same
thing as would appear as if this Etheric Double,a frame­
work in which each Cell and Atom of the Material Body is supported,as in
a mesh,was formed out of the pure Astral Ether,but as none of the natu­
ral Denizens of the Astral Plane could work in pure Astral Ether,it fol­
lows that Material Beings,unaided,could not fabricate these subtile
Bodies,and the additional observations of Occultists bear out this state­
ment, for they speak of Beings called variously,"The Builders,” and "The
Nature Spirits," and many other names, whose function it is to assist
in the formation of Etheric-Forms.How far this work depends upon the
work of Intelligent Energy,and how far upon the "Tracks in Space," is a
matter to be determined in each individual instance. It seems absurd to
assume that an Intelligent Energy should be required to assist at the
construction of a set Type,say the development of a Foetal Heart in a
normal Embryo,and we can quite imagine that when the first Lines of Force
have gone out over the Ovum,the Lines of Force which are ultimately to
become the Etheric Double of an adult human being,an Intelligence assist
because the varieties of human types are too various and too well adapt­
ed within their variety to be the product of Blind-Mechanism. We know
that a set pattern can be turned out by the thousand by machinery, but
as soon aS adaptations are required,the human hand has to intervene.
Equally we may presume that in the production of the Living Sentient
Form,an Intelligence has laid a hand upon the levers of the machinery
that produces them.
The densest and most material of all subtle Substances has been cal­
Lee. 69 - Pg. 3

led Ectoplasm, and extensively investigated. It appears to consist of

particles of Dense Matter held in suspension in Astral Ether, and thus
partakes of the nature of both Planes. It does not appear to be the
same thing as the Etheric-Double, which is purely electric, nor yet is
it precisely physical, rather we may say that it is Matter in a state
of becoming.
Nov;, let me stop for a moment and attempt the classification of the
different types of Subtle Substances which we meet and deal with in our
work. First, there is the Astral Ether; second, the Astral Light; third,
Prana; fourth, Kundalini; fifth, Ectoplasm.
The innumerable forms of Supernormal Phenomena can be explained
only by the Hypothesis of one or another of these types of Sustance and
their action. There must be a form of Substance intermediate between
Mind and Matter. It is quite true that we can explain the ’’modus operand!
of many Phenomena in terms of Auto-Suggestion, but there are no forms in
the vocabulary of Auto-Suggestion which explains how Mind lays hold of
Matter and bends it to its Will. In order to arrive at an explanation of
this vital problem, which has been so consistently evaded by human thou­
ght, we must do as the Physicist has done in his sphere and predicate
a Hypothetical Substance endowed with aptitudes deduced from observation
of the Phenomena which occur in its supposed Presence.
I am sure as you think over this lesson that many new ideas will be
given to you, and that many trains of thought will be set in motion. You
not only have an explanation of how pictures come into the Consciousness
as you retreat Within, but you have an idea, also, of how the Mind create
thru the great Mediatory Power, and many other points also, will be made
clear to you.
If you have been able to follow the fast outlined heretofore, you
are now ready for the third step. First you have the physical fast, ex­
tending over eight days and then you added to it a mental fast in which
for a period of eight days you completely changed your ordianry thinking
and thought along the line of your lessons and along the lines of the
great principles you have been taught. There is still however a third
part of your triune nature which is now to be disciplined. This is the
emotional nature. After you have completed the fasts as above outlined
I want you to start again with the physical fast in accordance with the
first instructions. To this you are to add the mental fast, disciplining
the body and the mind, and at the same time you must add a third dis­
cipline, - absolute control of the emotional natúre. This does not mean
that negation or sacrifice is to be desired, but simply that during
this eight day period you are to demonstrate your complete mastery over
the multitudinous, clamoring voices of the emotional self, thru strict
If you have not performed the other facts, then lay this aside un­
til you are ready for it in your sequential development. At the end of
another four or five weeks we will take ùp the ’’sleep fast” as an added

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to change the work a little and talk to you
on'the third and last phase of the subject of Death. I have devoted
some time to the passing of the soul because of the fact that there
is so much misunderstanding and that the older services and forms all
tend to emphasize sorrow and grief, rather than the overcoming of
these things,and the seeing of matters in their proper relationship .
The way in which we face bereavement is one of the greatest tests
of our spiritual understanding. Remembet that your attitude towards
the death of the body,whether your own or that of one dear to you de­
pends entirely upon what you believe life to be and how much you have
understood of the teachings that have come to you. To one who has
merely a weak faith to lean upon it is no wonder that in their secret
innermost hearts at such a time there is doubt and fear that perhaps
the physical is the Real and all that there is—but to you there is
knowledge that the life has passed and is taking its place in the cy­
clic life of the inner worlds secure in the Christ Force of the Logos.
There is of course more than one kind of love--and bereavement
will reveal which kind it ip. The lower kind of love is more of a hun­
ger than anything else.We hunger for attention,affection and care.Sud­
denly thrown upon our own resources by bereavement,we feel the pangs
of emotional starvation.Another kind of love,but little higher than
the obviously selfish kind relieves an emotional tension by pouring
out demonstrative affection and service without stopping to inquire
what his needs really may be. This kind of love,suddenly thrown back
upon itself,by being denied its outlet, shakes the nature to its foun­
dations, and is responsible for many of the breakdowns which are seen.
It may seem strange to say that true love is not emotional in
its nature,but is an attitude of the soul towards life. True1 love is
a Spiritual radiation, like sunlight, and like the Sun it shines upon
the evil and the good, and just and the unjust, not blind to their
condition but loving them just the same. This is the noblest love and
it has healing in its wings.
True love proceeds from a loving nature, not from stimulated emo­
tions. It is the only kind which will make for happiness in marriage or
any of the other relations of life,and it is not this kind of love
that leads to mental breakdowns and the extremities of grief when the
loved one passes on.
It is true that there must always be shock and emptiness when one
upon whose love we have leant is taken from us,for the whole life must
be readjusted,but the shock should not be of such a nature as to bring
the whole structure of existence crashing down.If it does,we may know
that we have broken the Second Commandment—we have made a graven im­
age and worshipped it—instead of knowing and serving the one true
God.There can be but one true center of life,and that is God. We may
have companions and dear comrades upon the Path of Life, but life it­
self has but one center.If the hub of the wheel is anywhere save in
the exact center,the wheel is out of true, and is useless. We and our
loved ones are like spokes in the wheel of life,but for both them and
us, the hub should be God. When we try to throw the weight of our life
upon one spoke instead of the hub,we are making a radical mistake--a
mistake that throws us out of balance upon all planes.
If those we love are God-Centered,death will bring no sense of in­
ner isolation for we know they have gone on ahead of us to the goal
to which we were mutually aiming.If they were to return to us after
they have gone over,they would say as did the risen Lord to the disci­
ples who were mourning His loss--”Lo, I go before you into Galilee.”
Lee. 70 - Pg. 2
To those who are united in spirit9death is but a temporary sever­
ance. There must be loneliness and there must be burdens that were
once shared by the other,but there is not that sense of spiritual anni­
hilation which devastates those who have laid up their treasure where
moth and dust corrupt.
It is the inner certainty of an enduring bond which is the sheet­
anchor in times of bereavement.For many it is a certainty which no
materialistic philosophy can affect—they may not understand the gro­
unds upon which their certainty rests—it may be but a blind belief,
nevertheless, it is there, a fact of the inner life.
The Mystic, however, with his Knowledge of the Inner Planes is
able to explain this feeling and show that it is a true psychic intui­
tion. On the Inner Planes there is neither time nor space as we under­
stand them. We are near to those with whom we are in emotional rapport,
and far from those with whom we are emotionally out of tune.When there
is a real tuning of two souls,they are literally together on the Inner
Planes where to be in one mind is to be in one place.You know full 'well
it is possible to share bed and board and yet be as far apart as the
Stars.Equally is it true of Inner experience that if there is a true
spiritual union we remain in touch,wherever our bodies may be. If we
observe life we see how true this is. There is a subtle difference be­
tween the man or woman who is well and truly mated and the one that is
not,They need not be together for this to be apparent for it is a psy­
chological difference and separation does not affect it.The man or.wo­
man who loves and is loved retains that sense of spiritual fulfillment
even when separated for a long period of time.
The bond of physical union dissolves with the passing of youth.
The bond of emotional union is broken with the withdrawal of the per­
sonality from psysical sight,but the bond of spiritual union survives
all severance whether of time or- space and continues to inspire and
protect both of those who are held in its tie,upon whatever plane they
may be. The bone of spiritual union reveals itself in a common ideal­
ism where it exists it will endure as long as the spirit endureth.When
spiritual love is coming to us from the Inner Planes we have only to
still the outer senses for a moment to hear it purling like a brook--a
steady flow coming to us all of the time from the eternal and stead­
fast soul that has gone on into the Next Country,and we, on our side,
if we still love, may send out an equally steady flow to comfort our
beloved.Let us therefore gather up all our courage so that the brook
of love may not carry the debris of dead hopes on to the Inner Planes
to be perceived psychically by our loved ones to their distress.Let
us keep our hopes alive by working for the ideals that were dear to
both,so we make a channel thru which these ideals may still come to
fruition for our comradship with those we love can continue in the
Path of Service.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 71 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonignt I am going to Pound just a note of warning—as long
as you follow the wofk given you by the Brotherhood with all sincerity
you have,of course,the protection of the Great Schools of the Inner
Planes and in your contacts will reach only the Good, the Noble, the
True-- but --do not attempt other practices--do not experiment with
ideas you may obtain from friends—other schools or books. This may
be,and in most cases is,unnecessary advice,but a case or two has
arisen where other experiments were used,hence,the warning,for you can­
not mix systems-
The Faith of the Ancient World had their Evil Gods as well
as their Beneficent Deities and they did not call these Evil Gods Devils
In Hinduism we have Siva and Kali,in the Egyptian System we have Set,
Besz and Typhon,in the Greek Pantheon there are Pluto and Hecate.
'All other Faiths also have their Angelic Choirs,their Archons
or Builders and all the Hierarchy of Heaven.Pro testant Christianity
alone has forgotten its angelology,the Creator has to be both Architect
of the Universe and Bricklayer,forming men from the dust of the ground
without assistance.
If we refer to 'Paradise Lost' however, we shall find that
Milton was familiar with both Divine and Infernal Hierarchies ,and that
these were graded and charted according to a definite system.Anyone who
is familiar with the Cabala will recognize that in Milton he has met a
fellow Cabalist,
In the Cabala we find the Esotericism of the Old Testament.I
propose to use the Cabalistic terminology to explain the esoteric theory
of Evil because it is the one I am most familiar with and because it
forms the basis of Western Occult Thought and all Mediaeval Magic is
based upon it,together with much modern magic and because in my opinion
it is singularity lucid,coherent and comprehensive,and being a system
consecrated by antiquity , one can point to hoary tradition as the author­
ity .
In order to render my concepts clear,a brief explanation of
the Cabalistic doctrine must be given.As it is not possible to enter
into an exposition of this vast system,! am simply going to give you
certain axioms dogmatically and explain them by illustration instead of
by argument,thus obtaining the maximum of clarity with the minimum of
space.The Initiate recognizes two kinds of evil—Negative and Positive.
Negative Evil is the polarizing opposite of Good.Let me make this clear
by illustration.Every action gives rise to a reaction.The forward drive
of the bullet is equated by the recoil of the gun-Everything which
moves has to have the equivalent of a thrust-block against which to
push,something firm under its feet from which to take off.It is diffi­
cult to walk on a slippery surface because it offers no resistance. We
cannot get anything for the feet to grip and push against and so give
us the forward impulse at each step.Negative Evil is the thrust-block
of good,the principle of re si stance,of inertia that enables good to
"get a Purchase."
But Negative Evil is more than this.We might call the resist­
ance aspect the Negative Aspect of Negative Evil.For it also has a
positive aspect--the Principle of De struct!on.(Do not confuse Positive
Aspect of Negative Evil with Positive Evil.)l can best explain the
Cosmic function of the Principle of Destruction by. calling it by its
esoteric Name of " The Scavenger of the Gods." Its function is to
Lee. 71 Pg. 2

clear up behind the advancing tide of evolution,by removing that which

has become effete,so that it may not choke and clog the evolving life.
You now find the answer to the Eternal Riddle as to why God tolerates
the Devil. The Devil is the Cosmic Thrust-block and Scavenger of the
Gods.It is this aspect of Evil which has been given a more detailed
symbolism in the Pantheons of other Faiths,having its Siva or Kali,or
its Pluto and Hecate aspects. You can now see why these resistive and
destructive forces are classified as Gods and not as Demons,for they
are reactions according to Cosmic Law,not anarchial and Chaotic forces.
I now come to the consideration of Positive Evil.This again
has its negative and positive aspects.Its negative aspect is pure Chaos
—unformed substance and uncoordinated force.To drift into the sphere
of Negative Positive Evil is like being caught in a Psychic Quicksand.
With this understanding so far,you are now ready to consider the sphere
of Positive Evil in its positive phase.This is the Demons themselves,or
the Qliphoth,as they are called in the Cabala.In order to understand
their significance I must make a further excursion into the Cabalistic
The Creator is conceived of as bringing the universe into
manifestation thru a series of Divine Emanations,ten in number. These
are called the ten Holy Sephiroth and are represented in a diagram as
arranged in a particular pattern of triangles.This is the famous Tree
of Life—the Key to all symbolism.The Sephiroth were not emanated se­
parately each from the Divine Source,but overflowed,the one from the
other.As soon as one Sephira has emanated another,these two are said to
be in equilibrium,compensating each other.But there is a period during
the emanation of a sephira when the force is not yet equilibrated but
is pushing out unsupported, like an incomplete arch,.It is the uncompen­
sated force emanated during this epoch of unbalance and never subsequent
-ly absorbed after the establishment of the new sphere,which constitutes
the positive phase of Positive Evil.So there are ten kinds of positive
Evil, just as there are the ten Divine Emanations.
The ten Divine Emanations are designated as the Archangels,.,
and the ten Infernal Emanations are personified as Arch-Demons. It is
these which are the names of Power in Magic.Each Sephira then has ?ts
obverse side in the corresponding Qliphothic Demon.The Initiated Adept
always gains control over the demoniac force before he attempts to
utilize the Angelic Force which by the appropriate means can be contact
-ed in each Sephira.If he does not do so he contacts both simultaneous­
ly.Moreover the Planets,the Elements and the Signs of the Zodiac are
all intimately connected with the Sephiroth,being arranged upon the
Tree of Life in a pattern known only to the Initiated.
Naturally the Initiate is exceedingly careful what he does
when he is working with these potencies,because he knows he has the
Qliphoth in the background.The uninitiated occultist goes ahead more or
less gayly,juggling with such names of Power as he may have picked up
from many books on the subject now available,thinking that if he does
not invoke the demons,he will not get them.He forgets that every Planet
is a Jekyll and a Hyde.Of course, .the most of these experimenters in
Occultism are protected by their own ineptitude.They fail to :get result
and consequently come to no harm,but if they should succeed in getting
results they have their hands full and generally wish they hadn’t.
There is an immense amount of dabbling in Occultism going on
Lee. 71 Pg . 3

todayiMost of it is innocuous because it is totally ineffective,but

there is never any knowing when one is going-to touch a live wire when
they leave the straight and narrow path outlined by their instructor.
Take for instance the advertisers in various occult papers who offer
Charms that work.One of two things is certain,either they do not work
at all,in which case one is wasting time and money,or else they do work
by means of some power which they have contacted.What is the nature of
that power?Did the persons who make that charm really know what they
were about?Did they take the precaution to bind the baser aspect before
magnetising with the Higher Aspect?There are many more points and ques­
tions, they all are elementary precautions of the practical occultist
who has been properly trained.
Again perhaps one buys books on Magic,perhaps issued by some
school for propaganda purposes.These books are often magnetised to form
a magnetic link between the purchaser and the school which caused them
to be issued.Or one may join a school which has, thru scandal, had its
contacts debased and will come into contact, thus with the psychic con­
tagion. Good intentions are not a sufficient protection,and that is the
reason Occult work should be attempted only under supervision of a
Teacher who has demonstrated his sincerity and the purity of his motives
and then his work must be closely adhered to.
Nov/ just one other thing—an exercise for you to use once in
a while as you have a period of meditation with no special work on hand.
It is the ccontemplation of Death,the rooting out of Fear by meditating
upon the change called Death recognizing it and understanding it.It is
a Meditation given by all Masters of the Inner Planes at one time or
another, for it is very valuable. I will use the words as given.
’’Each individualised consciousness lives to die and dies to
live.It is only by death that we can reap fruits of life.We graze on
the fields of Earth,and we lie down on the fields of Heaven to chew the
cud.It has been said ’for one hour’s study do three hour’s meditation.’
To each span of life there is three spans of death.In death is the
Soul’s meditation and life its study.”
Did you but live (in the physical body only) all experience
would pass thru consciousness and leave but little impression after
the first few pictures had filled all available space. All would be
concreted,unrelated,unsynthesised;but in the meditation which is Death
the abstract essence of life is extracted,and instead of a million con­
crete images,there is the abstract concept.
It is death alone which enables you to utilize experience.
Learn to trust death.Learn to love death,learn to count upon death in'
your scheme of things,and regularly perform the exercise of visualizing
yourself dead and conceiving how you shall then be,for thus you will
learn to build the bridge between life and death,so that your feet shall
tread it with increasing ease.See yourself asdcad,and coming again . to
your beloved one.See yourself as dead,and working out your destiny. See
yourself as dead and continuing your work from the plane of the dead.
Thus shall the bridge be built that leads beyond the veil.Let the chasm
between the so-called living and the so-called dead be bridged by this
method that men may cease to fear death.Read this paragraph carefully,
to see yourself ”DEAD”means ”ALIVE”free from the death of physical life.

In the Bonds of The Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 72 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Following the discussion last week and your appreciation of
the fact that Conscious opposition to Evolution exists,and the fact
that the Occultist or the Mystic, as he raises himself,is most exposed
to contagion. I want to talk to you tonight about the Standards of
the Western Traditions by which you align your life and which,perhaps
will be of aid to you in moments of necessity. You read in the Bible
that ’’The Word was made Flesh.”
The Esoteric concept of Evolution holds infinite possibili­
ties. It agrees with the Darwinian concept in recognizing the Path by
which we have come, and the lowly types from which we arose, but it
transcends the Darwinian concept in its ideal of the future that lies
before us. And on one important point it teaches a different doctrine
for it does not consider that humanity is the highest living type yet
evolved, and believes that there are types of life that are as far in
advance of us as we are in advance of the Invertebrate. These types of
creatures have evolved beyond the need of form — they exist as pure
Consciousness on the Planes of Mind, and altho invisible to us, play
an important part in the policy of oui* Universe.
These Entities are known generically as the Elder Brethren.
Differences of grade and function are recognized among them. They are
not Gods as the term is usually understood, but they are much nearer
to God than we are, being more highly evolved. They constitute the
"Communion of the Saints,” altho the Esotericist understands much more
by that term than it connotes for the Church.
These Non-Entities constitute also what is sometimes called
the "Hierarchy of the Great White Lodge,” and many different teachings
have been given concerning their grades and functions. Altho these
teachings differ greatly one from another, these discrepances do not
necessarily'mean that they are to be discredited. For no man, not even
an Initiate, knows the whole of the Inner Planes any more than any pi­
lot knows the.whole of the sea surface and depths, in all parts of the
Globe. Each Occult School (the authorized schools, non-commercial) how­
ever, knows that particular function of the Great White Lodge under
which it works and what it has to say might be quite true of its own
inner contacts, but not applicable to any other School. As well might
we describe the United States Constitution and declare that to be the
method of government of mankind as to declare the fruits of our person­
al observation to be knowledge of the Cosmos, for we, being finite,
see but in part, and tho our field of vision be limited, our percep­
tions may nevertheless be accurate as far as they go, and tho we may
speak definitely concerning that which we have seen, we are wise to
express no opinion on that which we have not seen. "Other sheep I
have, not of this Fold,” said the Master Jesus, and concerning those
other Sheep He told us nothing. Neither have we any basis on which to
place a guess. We have, however, very definite data, both of statement
and experience, upon which to come to a conclusion concerning the Mas­
ter Jesus, in connection with those individuals and races who have ac­
cepted Him as their Saviour. And this data, leaving out of the ques­
tion the subtleties of Biblical criticism, falls into certain broad
divisions. Firstly, the statements made by the Master Himself as recor­
ded in the Gospels and the example of His Life as therein set forth.
This is the prime testimony and anything which directly conflicts with
this, even tho they be in other parts of the Scriptures, must be set
aside. Either, if they be in the Old Testament, as abrogated under
the new dispensation as the Master Himself declared, or if they be in
the Epistles as representing human concepts which, lofty tho they may
be are nevertheless human.
The Second Category of data consists of those parts of the
Lee. 72 - Pg. 2
Bible which tho believed to be inspired, are not the words of the fas­
ter Himself, and these as already said, being secondary testimony must
bow to the primary testimony of the Master Himself. Then thirdly, of
course, we have the testimony of the Saints and Seers of all Ages,who
tho they never met the Master in the Flesh, know Him well in the Spir­
Out of these three Categories of testimony we must construct
oui' concept of Christianity, and that concept will be according to our
capacity to perceive things which the Spirit reveals to us, so that
some will find satisfaction in the simple Gospel story of the Child,
while others will penetrate the Mysteries of the Risen Lord, and to
each must be given that spiritual food which meets his needs.We should
no more require the child-like Soul to penetrate the Mysteries than we
should require the cultivated intellect to feed upon the simple fare
of the Revivalist, and yet. each is true, if regarded as the symbology
rather than as an exact philosophy, and in no other light ought we to
regard any attempt to translate the infinite and transcendent in the
terms of human intellectualism. Each of us can however, understand a
practical example that deals with daily life, and the Great Ones who
come along to us from time to time have not only taught us a Cosmic
Philosophy, but have lived amongst us a man ’with men, so that we may
see how the spiritual life is lived. They have not been content to
Send out the written word from some hermitage or retreat where they
might still remain unspotted by the World, but have moved among men
and still remained unspotted, and in the record of Their Teachings
which form the Holy Books of all Races we find even more space given
to the Acts of the Master than to His Words, for the Recorders,taught
of the Master, knew the value of these acts and the transcendent human
character revealed by them.
The Masters always incarnate for the purpose of revealing hu­
man character. The teachings can be given to the clairaudient consci­
ousness without any need of incarnation. Not so, however, the charac­
ter training, and it is upon character that-all spiritual regeneration
is based. Vie are so liable to forget this when disputing over points
of Theology and aspiring after some Mystic experience. It is in char­
acter alone that the fruits of salvation are seen, and character alone
that can raise us to the heights of the Spirit. I remember hearing a
man who has had wide experience in these matters say that a man may be
a very great Psychic and a very great rascal. You have seen this dem­
onstrated time and again in this country. The more I see of Occultism
the more I know this to be true, but it is not so generally realized
that a man may be a great religious teacher and at the same time be
himself unregenerate.
The Church has always declared the touchstone of the Christ­
ian Doctrine to be the belief in the Incarnation. If we consider this
point in its psychological aspect we shall see its far reaching signif­
icance.For if we accept the Divine Life lived in Galilee as the Di­
rect expression of God upon the Physical Plane, we have therein a def­
inite standard of character and conduct from which we cannot get away.
The Consciousness soaked from childhood in the Gospel story has a
clear-cut ideal of human perfection, even if it does not choose to
live up to that ideal. There is something against which a man can be
measured and morally judged. Even if he shrugs his shoulders at the
judgment, he nevertheless admits subconsciously its validity, and ac­
counts himself a rebel against God’s Law. But if there be no such
standard, each man must judge for himself in each specific case,biased
by his personal desires and prejudiced by the group-tone of the soci­
ety of which he forms a part. He will have no definite moral code,and
will inevitably tend to follow up the line of least resistance. Won-
Lee. 72 - Pg..3
ever any attempt is made to explain away the Personality of the Mas­
ter Jesusj the external moral standard goes, and morale and morality
with it.
It is this transcendent moral character that stands out like
a rock in the weltering seas of Ethics and Theology. However the cur­
rents may set around it, that rock remains and all navigation must
take account of it. Currents veer and change with the set of the tides
and the shifts of the winds, but the rock abides. In its lee we may
find safe anchorage, on its shores we may land and find a abiding
place, but if we take no account of it in laying our course, we shall
be shipwrecked on the granite of the terrible validity of its standard.
By its Beacon we may lay our course and sail safely in and out of any
port, for it ever stands out as one great unchanging landmark, whatev­
er else shifts and veers. In times of temptation and doubt if consci­
ousness be raised to contemplate the character of the Master Jesus, we
shall make the landfall of the great rock, see it loom up over the
skyline amidst the formless waste of waters, and like the sailor who
has been steering for days by dead reckoning, we shall get our bear­
ings again and know where we stand.
It is especially necessary for the Occultist to have this ex­
ternal standard by which to adjust his life, for he of all men, is
most exposed to the temptations of Unseen Powers. Spiritual Wickedness
in high places is no idle phrase, for it is very easy to allow oursel­
ves to believe that we may do evil that good may come out of it,that
we may use Power for personal ends, whether it is greed, spite, or
lust, and to believe ourselves above the Law and therefore immune from
commonplace temptations and the Ten Commandments. It is so satisfac­
tory to be able to justify certain actions by the explanation that the
Soul needs experience and because the reaction may cause a revulsion,
a feeling against Evil, that it is right and necessary to undergo that
and to declare the law of Karma requires it, and back the assertion by
the reputed perceptions of Psychics who are better at reading the sub­
conscious Mind, than of reading the Akashic records. These ideas,plac­
ed alongside the Master’s life, show up in all their deformity, for
they are out of true, and the standards of absolute rightness reveals
the fact. The Master Jesus did not live with a Magdalene in order to
redeem her, nor drink with the Publicans in order to win their confi­
dence, nor did He ever pander to any one’s lower self, but lived as it
was His nature to live, and thereby made an irresistible appeal to the
higher self.
The psychology of -vision is too intricate for discussion now
but all save the very naive must realize the need for some system of
counterchecking, of verifying the actuality of their experiences. It
is found ih the Name and the Sign of the Master Jesus. That is the
Standard for us, of absolute truth and rightness, and because we are
accustomed from childhood to so consider Him, the subconscious Mind is
soaked in that ideal and if it be evoked, as it is evoked by 'the all
familiar Name and Sign, it will judge righteous judgment automatically
beyond the range of our conscious knowledge and perception.
The Name and Sign evoke not only an external power, but also
a Sub-Conscious reaction on our part, which depends not only on our
earlier training, but upon Racial Tradition as well. Tho the untrain­
ed Soul may not be able to maintain itself at the heights to which it
has reached, the menory remains after the spiritual influence has
died away, and it is a potent influence in the formation of a judgment.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 73 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
You know that there has been a great deal of discussion
at the present time concerning the necessity of a meatless diet for
the Occult Student. Members of many different Occult Schools have taken
part in the discussion, and it has long been argued, pro and con. The
Initiates are divided in the matter. Some, like Pythogoras, inculcated
a strict vegetarianism. Others, like Jesus, said ”It is not that which
goeth in at the mouth which defileth a man, but that which proceedeth
from the heart.” As a matter of teachers, Max Heindel was a vegetarian;
Rudolph Steiner was not. Dr. Besant was a vegetarian; Eliphas Levi was
not. The Swami, Vivekananda, a very advanced teacher of Occultism com- .
ing out of the East, throws scorn on the idea that vegetarian diet
could raise Consciousness. If this were the case, he said, then the
cow and the sheep would be the most advanced Yogis. There is evident­
ly, therefore, room for discussion in the matter of the best diet for
the Occult Path, and it should not be taken for granted that the vege­
tarian diet is either the best or the only possible diet.
Personally, I expect that I have a constitutional dis­
like of extremes of any sort. I believe that it is better to see life
steadily, and to see it whole, than attempt one-sided reform.The more
I see of the Occult world, the more I deplore the general absence of
an impartial and scientific attitude. The question of dietshould be
approached from the standpoint of physiology and psychology, as well
as from that of idealism, especially in view of the fact that differ­
ent teachers differ in their ideals.
The question of vegetarianism, from the humanitarian
aspect, is also an extremely vexed question, and not nearly so simple
as its advocates would have us believe. The whole issue must depend up­
on our attitude toward the domestication of animals, and involves the
question of whether it was wrong to domesticate them, and whether the
domestication of animals is essential to civilization. If we admit that
the exploitation of one natural kingdom by another is fundamentally
wrong, people of sensitive conscience will feel it incumbent upon them
to refrain from participating in that exploitation. But exploitation
consists of much more than flesh-eating; the wearing of leather shoes,
and bone buttons, the use of glue, sizing, hair, and a thousand other
of the by-products of animal life have to be considered. The argument
can be reduced to an absurdity, and shows that the advocacy of vegetar­
ian diet can not be safely pursued along those lines.
As long as we have the domestication of animals, we
shall have their slaughter at the hands of man, even if that slaughter
be the merciful dispatch of the aged and diseased, or the destruction
of superfluous males. However, unless we are prepared to take our
stand for the total abolition of animal domestication, we shall never
get away from the taking of animal life.
The real question is, do the Highest Principles of Eso­
teric Occultism, under which Standard all true Seekers work,require that
one should refrain from having any participation in the taking of life in
any form? We do not find that they do, altho some of the Eastern
Schools do so teach, and the Jain Priests carry a soft broom and gently
sweep the walk before them as they walk along, lest they should ac­
cidentally tread on some creeping thing and take its life. Such an at­
titude has never found favor in the West. The question then is, what
should be our attitude as practical seekers after Light, coming to it
by the Western Path. It seems to me that we can find no better model
than that of the "Master of the Purple Ray.” He was indeed the Master
of Compassion, but he was no sentimentalist, neither was he in any way
Lecture 73 Pg. 2
a crank. It has always been noteworthy that he never inculcated any ex­
treme form of humanitarianism, but rather a compassionate attitude to­
ward all things, great and small. And from such an attitude, right re­
lationship with the animal kingdom must come, just as right relation­
ship in the human kingdom must come. And just as we are not yet in
sight of the abolition of war and prisons, or the burden laid upon man
of earning his bread in the sweat of his brow, so we are not in sight
of the abolition of animal domestication, and all that inevitably goes
with it. The abolition of unnecessary suffering is undoubtedly encum­
bent upon us, but as long as domestic animals are with us it is hardly
possible to give them a greater share of the joys of life than human
beings, themselves, enjoy.
But considering all practical problems, especially those
which have to be worked out on a large scale, it is not possible always
to find out what is exactly right, and then go and do it. We often have
to be content with what is practicable at the moment, or even with the
lesser of two evils.
There will always be sensitive people who, when they
realize the suffering that goes into the production of some of the food'
we eat and the clothes we wear, will refuse to partake of that food or
wear those clothes, because they are keenly alive to the suffering. Wo
can say that this is other than a noble sacrifice that they are making,
but do the Masters require this sacrifice of their Pupils as a condi­
tion of acceptance and development. The answer lies in the fact that
not all Initiates have been abstainers from the use of animal products.
Therefore, obviously, such abstinence is not a requisition of Occult
work, even tho it may be a specific requirement of certain shcools.
As you have learned, there are two ways of obtaining the
perception of subtile vibrations, either by focusing and magnifying the
vibrations, or by increasing the sensitivity of the receiving instru­
ment. Many Occult Schools use the latter method, and therefore they
give up the use of meat in order to obtain a greater nervous sensitivity,
which a meatless diet does undoubtedly produce. Altho there is a ser­
ious reason to believe that this sensitivity is of the same type that
is produced by too long a fast, and it is really the temporarily
heightened mental activity due to malnutrition. The wise Teacher real­
izes that such a height can be but temporary, and there is a price to
be paid for the practice. He may decide, and quite legitimately, that
the game is worth the price, but there comes a point where the price
becomes extortionate, and if he be wise he will not push his abstinence
either from stimulating foods, or from food itself, beyond the point
where the price outweighs the gain. But in this case, his aim as an Oc­
cultist is an exaltation of Consciousness for the sake of the experience
not the salvation of the animal kingdom.
Summed up, my judgment in the matter would be that a re­
stricted diet is used by certain Schools of Occult Training in order to
produce enhanced sensitiveness, but it is a method that is held unsuc­
cessful in the West because the Western constitution is not easily ren­
dered sensitive. Therefore, devitalization has to be carried to consider­
able length before it becomes effective, and the line between refrain-
ment and debilitation is hard to draw. The method is also undesirable
for anyone v;ho is leading the ordinary life of the world and is obliged
to work under the pressure of modern city conditions. It is rendered
additionally difficult by the cold and variable climate in parts of our
country. However, if a person elected to enroll in an Occult School
which uses this dietetic method he would naturally have to adhere to
the discipline he has selected. I do not, therefore, advocate the use
of these methods in the West, fof I have seldom adjudged them to be
Lecture 73 - Pg. 3

satisfactory as a means of opening up the Higher Consciousness among

those of the Western World, and my advice, always, is to follow the
customs of the country in which you live, and thereby enter sympatheti­
cally into the life of its group soul. Be, however, on the abstemious
side. Do not indulge yourself, but do not restrain yourself from the
group life by eccentricities and affectations. The Occultist needs to
keep himself physically fit for his exacting work. If he prefers a vege­
tarian diet by reason of taste or conscience, by all means let him
have it. There is no objection to vegetarianism as a diet so long as
it is giving satisfactory results. The thing against which the common­
sense student of Occultism must set his face is the elevation of vege­
tarianism into a fetish and the persistence in it when, owing to either
personal idiosyncrasies or circumstances, it has proved a failure. In
view of the fact that many of our great Initiates have been flesh­
eaters, it is useless to argue that vegetarianism is an essential upon
the Path, for obviously it cannot be, or they would not have been
The person with the sensitive conscience and vivid
imagination will no doubt give up flesh foods because of his feelings
in the matter, and his scruples are entitled to respect in all sincerity
but as sane Occultists we must deny the contention that vegetarianism
is a necessary prerequisite of Occult Development. We must also draw
attention to the fact that the results of it are often entirely nega­
tive from the Occult point of view, and extremely unsatisfactory from
the health point of view. Let those who wish to be vegetarians, for-
what ever reasons, humane or dietetic, have the liberty to be vege­
tarians, and if their health under such circumstances permits, follow
any pursuit that seems good to them. But let us frankly face the fact
that Occult Development for the man or woman of the Western Race, at
any rate, is not dependent upon any particular diet so long as that
diet is healthful. And let us at once,and for all, explode the idea
that only a vegetarian can be an Initiate, for the facts show us that
this is not the case.
I hold strongly the belief that we can only base our
civilization on an ethical basis, but I hold equally strongly the be­
lief that that ethic has to be sane and practical, and that the right
way is usually about halfway between the two extremes. I deprecate the
Eastern Ascetic with his broom, and I likewise deprecate the attitude
of mind that repudiates the use of fur, but accepts the use of leather.
I also have my doubts of the idealist, who does not find the teachings
of the Gospels sufficiently lofty for his needs.However, you may be
very sure of one thing, that from the standpoint of a sound and prac­
tical Occultism, the best requisite is a sane mind in a sound body.
What ever diet produces that result is a satisfactory diet. You will
see from what I have said on this exceedingly vexed question that the
Brotherhood strikes a sane and sensible balance in the matter of diet
as it endeavors to do in everything else that it presents..

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee 74 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight,instead of the regular lecture on some one topic
I am going to go back and review some of the talks on the formation of
the Cosmos,and the division of the Planes,and various other little sub­
jects that possibly will gather up and present to your mind a more com­
plete whole. I am going to talk for a moment about the origin of matter.
Esoteric Science promises the existence of the Great Un­
manifest ,whi ch may be conceived of as a sea of limitless but latent
Force which underlies all things,and whence all things derive their
substance and draw their life.. This concept corresponds to the Exoteric
concept of God (the Absolute,not .the God of our Universe).Secondly, it
conceives the outpouring of this ocean in a directed, but limited stre­
am. This corresponds to the Exoteric conception of Energy. And thirdly,
it conceives this un-manifested Energy, by the interception of its lines
of Force,forming whirlpools which,by the opposition of Forces,lead to
Stability.These whirlpools of locked-up Forces, girating about their
own Centers,instead of driving straight through Space, are the Units of
Stability which, in various combinations, form the different kinds of
Esoteric Science recognizes more forms of Matter than
are known-to Physics and Chemistry. It distinguishes, firstly, the or­
iginal Vortices of Stability; secondly,their combination into seven dif
-ferent types of molecules; and thirdly, it conceives the combinations
of these molecules into denser and more complex structures; and then
fourthly, the further combinations of these relatively complex struc­
tures, forming into Units. In other words, it distinguishes the Prime
Atom of Manifestation arising from the Great Un-Manifest, and the seven
types of Molecules,and these great divisions of matter are known to’
Esoteric Science as the Seven Planes of Manifestation, of which the
matter that composes our Material World, and which alone is known to
the Exoteric Science, forms the densest and most inert sub-division,
and the latest one to be formed in Evolutionary time. Thus it will be
seen that the Esoteric Scientist has for his studies a Manifested Uni­
verse, seven times as great as that cognized by the Exoteric Scientist.
These Seven Planes,while all arising from the Unmani­
fested as a first cause, are conceived of as having immediate causual
relations amongst themselves. The first Plane to develop gives rise to
the second and determines its manifestation; and the second to the
third and so on down to the final Plane of Physical Matter, which may
be called the Plane of Effects, whereon the results of activities on
subtler Planes may be observed and their consequences are finally reap­
ed. It will thus be seen that the Esoteric Scientist,acquainted with
the Laws of one of the Higher Planes,could control conditions on all
Planes lying below it,being in his turn,controlled by anyone who is
Master of a Plane superior to his own. The final control is regarded
as verted in the inherent nature of the Prime Manifestation. It is
the aim of that branch of Esoteric Science which is popularly called
"Magic" to obtain control of conditions upon one Plane by acting upon
the Forces of the Plane immediately above it, which acts as a causual
Plane to the lower*one.
Esoteric Science,again, having conceived the first or
atomic outpouring of Force of which the Unit of Manifestation is the
Primal Vortex, or so-called Atom, whose development forms the matter­
substance of each Plane of Manifestat ion,next conceives a second, or
Monadic outpouring of which the Unit of Manifestation is the Monad, a
Lee. 74 - pg. 2

spark of Divine'Consciousness, whose evolutioh leads to the develop­

ment of the Human Soul and the heights of Spiritual Grandeur that lies
beyond it. This Monad, or Spark of Spiritual Consciousness is conceiv­
ed as forming about itself, a body built out of the Atoms of the Plane
lying below that upon which it comes into manifestation. This Body is
formed upon the lines of Force inherent in the Spiritual Monad in the
same way that the particles of a crystalline substance in solution
build themselves up along the lines of Force of the Prime Crystal, for
the ensouling life determines the configuration of the Body.
Each Plane is,comparatively speaking,a Plane of free-
flowing life force, as compared to the relative density of the Plane
below, out of which it builds' a vehicle in which to confine its en­
ergies so that they may be directed to its specific end. The Monad
then, as an unconditioned life builds itself a vehicle of the matter
of the Plane below that of its own substance. This vehicle, however,
tho material when compared to the density of the Plane of its unfold­
ing life, is non-material when compared with the Plane below it, and
this newly formed two-matter Unit can build itself another and yet
more conditioning body of manifestation on the next lower Plane, and
so the building up of vehicles goes on, giving a greater definiteness
to the expression of the indwelling life. Each laid down, metaphor­
ically speaking, in concentric layers of accretion about the nucleus
of the Spiritual Monad, until the final form is developed upon the ma­
terial Plane, the Physical Body as we know it. A Human Being, therefore
is regarded by Esoteric Science as a seven-fold Creature; not merely a
duality of Mind and Body; he is considered to have a vehicle built out
of the Matter of each Plane of Manifestation, subject to the Laws and
conditions of that Plane, and capable of functioning thereon and no­
where else. Each vehicle is built about and controlled by the vehicle
of the Plane above and the core of all, the Monad, derives its sub­
stance from the Unmanifest as an Infinite Reservoir of constant pres­
sure .
Now you have seen that the Monad builds up its bodies
out of the matter developed upon each lower Plane in the course of
the first outpouring. We have next to see how it learns to use those
bodies. At the beginning of its Evolution it grows by accretion, as
the mineral kingdom does,adding body to body until the last Plane is
reached and it has a seven-fold form. Afterward, it adds no more
bodies, but grows in complexity, body by body, beginning with the
organization of the last to be developed, the Physical Body, and the
latter is therefore brought to perfection which the secular vehicles
are still undeveloped and mere potentialities.
The Monad, as you see, is a Spark of Divine Conscious­
ness, sensitive to the conditions upon its Plane of Manifestation; as
soon as it gathers about itself a vehicle of Matter from the plane be­
low its own, it obscures its Consciousness of its own Plane,but extends
its Consciousness to its vehicle,and so it proceeds down the Planes un­
til the Physical Body is developed. Therein the buried Monad has direct
Consciousness of one Plane only,dim at first in the primitive organiza­
tion of the earliest cycle of Evolution,but growing in clearness as
sense organs were evolved until we have the wonderful capacities of the
human eye and ear.Next we begin to see another and more wonderful sense
developing sporadically,but in a constantly increasing number of indi­
viduals,we find people who are aware of subtilities which escape the
physical senses.They are sensitive to the emotional states of their fel­
lows, they may even be able to read their thots.This means that Evolu-
Lee 74 Pg 3

tion is bringing about the organization of the next body to be develop­

ed and that its sense organs are beginning to cognize the conditions of
the Plane to which they correspond. In this way,Evolution will continue
to bring body after body into function until all seven bodies are or­
ganized and correlated and the Monad has complete expression over al?,
of them.
Now let me just briefly touch the Planes of Manifesta­
tion again. You will recall that they are commonly designated numerical
-ly. They are not numbered from above downward in the order in which
they came into Manifestation and in which order they have, for clear­
ness sake been presented, but they are numbered from below upward,in
the order in which they become preceptible to the Esoteric who is de­
veloping clairvoyance.
The Seventh Plane,known as the Upper Spiritual, the
Plane of Pure Spirit, or the Plane of Abstract Spirit, is the first
phase of Manifestation. It draws its substance and energy direct from
the Great Unmanifest which, using the pictorial method, the only me­
thod by which I can present the picture to you, may be conceived as ly­
ing immediately above the Seventh Plane, and as being a Reservoir of
potential Force, which when it becomes actual, is referred to as being
upon the Seventh Plane of Manifestation. Upon this Plane there is no
differentiation whatever, and it is the Plane upon which all are one
and one is all. It has two characteristics: the first is absolute
Harmony, and the second a tendency toward combination amongst its part­
icles.. Upon this Plane at the beginning of an Evolution, issues into
Manifestation the Monadic Essence in which may be conceived as floating
those innumerable nuclei of Life,the Monads, which eventually develop
into individualized Human Lives.
The Sixth Plane,or lower Spiritual, is the Plane of Con­
crete Spirit as you recall. In the course of Ages of Cosmic Time,Evol
-ution brings the organization of the Monadic Essence to the phase of
the Sixth Plane. Here it is found to diverge into seven different tend
-encies, seven currents of outflowing, which are called the Seven Rays
and are designated by color names, and it is held that the Monad, which
may be conceived of as floating in each of these streams of Spiritual
tendency, will evolve to their ultimate perfection by means of a dif­
ferent type of activity. This partiality does not imply a one­
sided development, but that, altho all all elements must be present,one
will predominate to give the keynote. The Prime characteristic of the
Sixth Plane is Tendency.
Now I am going to leave this with you to study over very
carefully, for I want you to review it and to make sure that you under­
stand it, I am presenting it to you briefly, but in a little different
aspect. Many thoughts will come to your mind, and many trains of thot
will be set into motion. Next week I am going to continue the story of
Evolution,recapitulated briefly, as I have in this lecture.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lecture 75, Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya
Continuing where I left off last week. I will recapitulate
the remainder of the planes briefly. The Fifth Plane or Upper Mental
or Plahe of Abstract Mind, sees the development of qualities in the
Monadic 'Essence, a differentiation into types. From this point on, it
would no longer be justifiable to speak of the Monadic Essence, for
upon this Plane, the Life Nuclei come into function, and life becomes
The Fourth Plane, the Lower Mental, or Plane of Concrete'1
Mind is characterized by Finiteness which while it limits, gives a de­
finiteness which is lacking upon the Higher Plane. It is the memory of
concrete thought and is characterized by.Memory.
The Third Plane, or Upper Astral, is the Plane of the Emo­
tions and is characterized by response to attraction, the desire for
The Second Plane or Lower Astral, the Psychic Plane, is the
Plane of the Instincts and Passions, and is characterized by its pow­
er to attract, or possess.
And, lastly, the First, or Physical Plane, which is the Mat­
erial World known by human beings incarnated in bodies of flesh and
Now it is obvious from what I have said in previous lessons
that Man is composed of substances .formed from each of the Seven Pla­
nes of Existence. By means of these seven elements in his nature, he
contacts these Planes and if he were without an element proper to any
particular Plane he could not perform the functions appertaining to
that Plane. Of course, if Man were lacking in substance derived from
the Third Plane, he would be devoid of tender affections, incapable
equally of feeling them in himself, or understanding them in others.
Each of the substances proper to the Seven Planes is organ-*
ized according to the Laws of its own Plane, and of course you know it
is referred to in the Esoteric Literature of the East as a Body, but
the expression,‘'state of Consciousness" conveys a more exact impress­
ion of the Esoteric meaning of the term, for instead of having Seven
bodies, we say that a man has seven states of Consciousness, not all
of which, of course, are developed. Now I want you, in order to grasp
the implications of .this Doctrine to conceive of yourself as having,
in addition to your physical body which is the Matter of the First
Plane and responds to the conditions of the Physical World, also, an
organized system of instincts and the passions to ’which they give rise.
I want you also to conceive of yourself by means of a sympathetic in­
duction of these feelings in yourself, as able to perceive the feel­
ings of others. Then call this aspect of your nature, your Psychic Bo­
dy, or Body of the Grosser Passions, and conceive’of it as functioning
upon the Second,or Lower Astral Plane.Then I want you to conceive of
your emotional nature as similarly organized and related to its own
Plane of Existence. Likewise your reasoning faculties, and your Power
of Abstract Thought and finally, your Spiritual Nature and that ulti­
mate Spark of.Divine Life which forms the nucleus about which your in­
dividualized existence is built up.
This will impress you again with the fact that you have Sev­
en different aspects to your nature, seven states c'f ’Consciousness, or
seven bodies, as the Easterners teach.
The Monad in the course of its evolution is conceived of as
gathering about itself the matter of each Plane and long Ages of Ex­
perience and development have been acquired before the masses of Mat­
ter concerned become organized into definite bodies, capable of func­
tioning both Subjectively and Objectively.In other words, Ages pass be-.
Lecture 75 - Pg. 2

fore the forming bodies are sufficiently evolved to carry on the func­
tions of their respective states of existence, and to be aware of ex­
ternal conditions on their own Planes of Manifestation.
The Physical Body both functions and is aware of its envi­
ronment by means of direct Consciousness y but in the average man, this
is the only body that has yet attained its dual development. In him,how-
every the Seconds Third, and very often in Civilized races, the Fourth
Plane bodies are sufficiently developed to be capable of functioning
subjectively.But it is not common to find a Fourth Plane Body develop­
ed, carrying with it the power of Abstract Thought, and still rarer is
it to find a true development of the Spiritual Nature as distinguished
from emotional ideals appertaining to the Third Plane, which are quite
frequently mistaken for true Spirituality.
In a more evolved man, however, we may get a development of
one or more of the subtler bodies which enables them to perceive their
environment by means of direct Consciousness, in contrast to Sub-con­
scious impressions as is the case in the unevolved man. Thus instead of
merely being influenced subconsciously by the emotional state of his
fellows, without knowing what is the matter with him, as is usually
the case, the Evolved man is fully conscious of the feelings of his
companions. Evolution is steadily developing the subtler bodies, as is
proved by the fact that what is called ’’Psychism” is increasingly com­
mon in minor manifestations.
It is a little understood fact concerning man’s nature that
altho a synthesis of all the states of consciousness is the highest
form of existence, it is possible by concentrating upon any one state
of Consciousness to limit attention to that state alone, and by this
means to- perceive as a world of its own that particular Plane of Mani­
festation to which it corresponds. When he does this,the man is said
to be functioning in his Astral Body upon the Third Plane, or if in
Concrete Mind upon the Fourth Plane, and while he is so engaged the
Physical Form, owing to the detachment of Consciousness from its Ner­
vous System is found to be in a state of trance, as I explained in a
previous lesson.
There are those who have the necessary knowledge deliberately
to entrance themselves or go into this deep meditation in order to ob­
tain Extension of Consciousness upon Planes which they are otherwise
unable to contact in the state of development to which they have at­
tained but it is little realized the extent to which the expansion of
Consciousness takes place involuntarily in sleep amongst persons who
are evolved a little beyond the average.The true aim of Evolution,how­
ever,and I want you to mark this-point carefully, is not to segregate
Consciousness, but to correlate it, and the Trance Method of transcend­
ing Physical Consciousness is merely a temporary expedient until your
development can be brought up to its higher and fuller work.
Now having gone this far with the development of Evolution,!
want you to realize what Esoteric Science asserts regarding Eternity
of Life. Its central concept is conveyed in the word ’’Reincarnation,”
which implies an enduring Unit of Existence, ensouled in a succession
of transient bodies. In order to render this concept clear, it must be
marked that the Individuality and the Personality constitute two dis­
tinct aspects of man. The Personality is composed of the three highest
bodies, the Spark of Pure Spirit of the Seventh Plane, the Concreted
Spiritual Nature of the Sixth Plane5and the Abstract Mind of the Fifth
Plane. These once they have been evolved, are conceived of as enduring
for an Evolution, and then being absorbed back into the Infinite as or­
ganized Centers of Radiation.The four lower bodies, the concrete men­
tality, the emotional nature, the desire nature and the physical body
Lecture 75 Pg 3

are regarded as temporary accretions of the Matter of their-r^’pe-c'tive

Planes which the Personality employs as a vehicle, and which collect-
evely are said to compose the Individuality.
The Individuality is thus built up in order to enable the
Personality which is formless, to acquire experience in the world of
form, for it is discarded as it wears out and its usefulness dimini­
shes. The experiences thru which it passed being absorbed by the Per­
sonality as food for its development. Thus it is the Personality which
undergoes evolution in the courses of the Ages, whereas the many Indiv­
idualities related to it merely develop, function, age and die.But as
each Individuality is built up from a Personality which has progressed,
it is of a more evolved type than its predecessor.The Personality then
is said to be the Unit of Evolution and Individuality is the Unit of
Incarnation.In the Doctrine of Reincarnation arises the Esoteric The­
ory of Destiny.The term 'Destiny1, it may be mentioned, is synonymous
with the term "Karma" of the Eastern Schools.A man's Destiny or Karma
ià. held to represent the sum total of the causes he has set going in
paè't lives, which determine the conditions of the present, but fresh
causes are constantly being introduced by the modifying action of the
Will. Therefore Fate is not the inevitability which Exoteric Thought
conceives it to be, but is a conditioning, rather than a determining,
influence.True, some causes set going in the past may be so strong th­
at no effort of the Will avails to stay their course and they have to
work themselves out until their force is spent, but by his Will, a man
may determine the reaction he will make to them, whether he will be
crushed or purified, exalted by opportunity well used, or degraded by
its abuse-Esoteric Science teaches therefore, that altho man has to
work out his problems in the conditions in which he finds himself in
any given Life, and in the Limited sense of this short section of time
he has not Free Will, yet he can so determine the causes that■go for­
ward into a future life, that he can make of himself, whatsoever he de­
Now you will see that Esoteric Science conceives of man as e-
volving from the subman to the human and then on to the superhuman, to
the states of Consciousness of the Psychic, the Inspired and the Elimi­
nated. The great Tides of Evolution will take even the most debased on
to the Heights of Spirit in the course of Time, but as great length of
Time must elapse for the consummation of +his process, as has already
served to bring man to his present state of development.There is howev­
er a method of quickening Evolution, which is known as Initiation.For
by the deliberate use of his Will and Reason, a man can do for himself
rapidly what Evolution is doing slowly for all existence.
It is held that life did not issue forth simultaneously from
the great Unmanifest but rather in a stream or procession, so that they
will all go by the same Path, some ahead of others, and therefore re­
ach High States of Development while their brethren are either await­
ing Manifestation or are at a low degree of Evolution.These Elder Bro­
thers, whether in the flesh or advanced beyond the stage where the Phy­
sical body is worn, may if actuated by the same philanthropy that makes'
us care for the weak and ignorant upon the physical Plane, instruct and
help those who are worthy of, and capable of benefiting by such assist­
ance. Next week I shall discuss Love and Marriage.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 7G - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
I promised to talk to you about Love and Marriage. I told
you that the previous lessons had been leading up to this point, for in
order to understand the Esoteric Philosopher’s conception of Polarity on
the Physical Plane we have to remember that the World as known to him is
seven times as complex as that known to the Exoteric Philosopher. Of
course to the former, the Physical World is but one of seven Planes of
Manifestation!the physical phenomena which we will call polarity is but
one aspect of a Force that functions upon all Seven Planes. Even Exoter­
ic Science is beginning to recognize Polarity as an emotional as well as
a physical aspect. Science declares that it has mental and spiritual as­
pects in addition to those under which it is usually recognized and that
upon each Plane it expresses itself differently, functioning according
to the Laws of that Plane, for all the elements of Polarity found on the
Seven Planes, blent in right proportions, are essential to the highest
form of mated life.
Moreover, it is on the subtler Plane that the forces of Polar­
ity originate and are controlled,and it is only by understanding the
manifestation of Polarity and the Laws that govern them upon these
Planes that we can hope to control their action in ourselves and society.
The Esotericist does not use the term ’Polarity;’ he speaks of Life For­
ce,which he conceives to be an energy of electrical hydraulic type,radi­
ating and magnetising vibratory activity,similar to electricity. This
Force he conceives to radiate from the Great First Cause, and therefore
to be Divine in its nature,expressing itself thru the vehicles which the
Monads had built upon the different Planes,and therefore conditioned by
the nature of the Plane upon which it works,and further limited by the
type of imperfections of each individual vehicle,so that altho Life
Force may undergo many transmutations and even be put to uses far remov­
ed from its original impulse,it is nevertheless,Divine in its origin and
nature,and to be revered as sacred,and to be held by the Individual thru
whom it is functioning as a sacred trust,which he has to administer un­
der the direction of the Divine Life itself,with the entire species, of
which he is a member, aS beneficiary.
The Life Force maintains in existence all that it is,and pre­
serves all living forms from precipitating Forces that constantly seek
to reduce all specialized substance to its common root,this is the first
function of the Life Force,to maintain in manifestation that which has
achieved form,and to hold it at the level to which it is evolved. In
functioning thus,it is known as Life,the Preserver,and is conceived of
as a Unity. It has a second task,however in the creation of new form.
Thus it has to function in Polarity as a Duality with a Positive and a
Negative Aspect,and it is to this phase of life activity that the Exo­
teric concept of Polarity is related.
For the maintainencc of Life,a single Force is sufficient but
for any form of Creation two forces are necessary,one of which is Actual
and the other Potential. The first force shall be of velocity, and the
second shall be a Force locked up in a form,which shall be set free by
the stimulus of the Velocity. These two Forces are spoken of by the Eso­
tericist as being Positive and Negative. The Positive,or masculine, is
the stimulator,and the Negative,or feminine,performing the actual work
of Creation.
It was said,too,that in the Kingdom of Heaven there is "no
marrying,nor giving in marriage. ’’This is erroneously supposed to mean
that the Spiritual Man is without Polarity, Esoteric Science,however,
conceives him not to be without Polarity,but on the contrary,Bi-polar-
ized,and therefore complete in himself.Personality is two sided, posi­
tive and negative,a kinetic aspect and a static aspect, and is there­
Lecture 76 - Page 2

fore masculine or feminine according to the relation of form to force.

The Individuality is one-sided and therefore has a definite Polarity.
Personality may be thought of as a magnet having a Positive and a Nega­
tive Pole,one of which at a time is inserted in dense matter,and the na­
ture of the Pole inserted determines the Polarity of the Body that is
being built around it.
The Personality whose life is in evolution has both aspects
to its nature,but the Individuality whose life is in Incarnation has but
one aspect in function,the other being latent or undeveloped. This is
well illustrated in the honey bee, where the manner of feeding determines
which Polarity shall be developed.
While Polarity is strictly determined on the Physical Plane
by structural form,on the subtler Planes it depends upon relative Force,
which is constantly varying. A man and a woman, for instance, might be
constantly shifting their Polarity in their relations on the Inner
Planes. Thus if they be dealing in a matter in which the man is pre­
eminent,he will lead and she will follow,but should conditions change
and the pair should be working in a sphere in which she is preeminent,
then the Polarity will shift and the woman will assume the mastery.For
instance,the one who feels the deepest will be the masculine Polarity
on the Plane of the Emotions; the one who knows the most will be the
masculine Polarity on the Plane of Mind,regardless of the body in
which each happens to be incarnated on the Physical Plane.
As,however,the masculine body is better fitted for the ex­
pression of a Positive type of Force,the man will generally be mascu­
line on the subtler Planes as well as on the Physical Plane, but if
there is any considerable inequality of Force, then the woman may be
relatively masculine to her mate upon the Inner Plane. It must never
be forgotten that Positiveness and Negativeness are always relative
upon the Inner Planes and as the physical vigor of the individuals of
a pair shift about, so will the relative Polarity shift with it.
Upon the Seventh Plane all are one and one is all. This is
the oft repeated axiom of Esoteric Philosophy. Upon this Plane exist en­
tities of two types, those that have as yet progressed but little beyond
their origin and are upon the downward or outgoing current of Evolution
and those who having completed their Evolution have risen up to the
levels of Source. This Plane,we are told,is entirely Formless ; entities
of the former type have not yet achieved form,while those of the second,
having learned all that form can teach them,have cast it aside,together
with its limitations and attained perfect freedom within the limits of
the Universe to which they belong.
All are one upon this Plane,we are told. The relationship ex­
isting between each Unit and the rest of the Planes far exceeds in inti­
macy and completeness the highest that is ever attained by earthly mates
in their most exalted moments. This state is the permanent,normal condi­
tion of the Seventh Plane,which may well be called the Kingdom of Heaven
for it is the state of perfect love and perfect harmony. Humanity need
never fear that they will lose their loved ones in what they conceive to
be a vacant, formless Nirvana. On the contrary, the perfection of union
which has heretofore only been possible at rare moments, now becomes the
normal state of the whole of Creation. Upon the Seventh Plane,and on the
Seventh Plane only, there is no differentiation into Positive and Nega­
tive Force. This Plane has sometimes been called the Plane of Pure Pres­
sure. On the Sixth Plane occurs the first differentiation, or beginning
of separateness. The Universal Pressure of the Seventh Plane causes
Force to flow forth in all directions, the streams diverge as they pro­
ceed. Those streams are called in Esoteric terminology, the Rays, and
each Ray is conceived to be a special aspect of the Divine Nature.Each
Monad as it comes into being upon the Sixth Plane, is found to have
Lecture 76 - Pg. 3

issued forth into Manifestation thru one Ray or another,and this Primal
environment determines the type of a Monad for ever after. It will work
with the forces of other Rays,but the color tone of its own Ray will
form the keynote of its nature and by the gates thru which it issued
forth must it return when its cycle of Evolution is completed.
It is well known that for electricity to become active, it
must flow in a circuit. A man who is completely insulated from all earth
contacts can touch a live wire with impunity because he offers no chan­
nel for its force. So it is with the Life Force. It flows into each Mon­
ad from the Divine Source,and having passed thru that Monad and energiz­
ed it, flows forth into circumambient Space,then having made a circuit
which is only bounded by the limits of the manifested Universe,and in
the course of this circuit has been reduced to its lowest form of mani­
festation, is finally reabsorbed by the Divine as unorganized Cosmic
Force. If, however,it is designed to perform any work with this Force,it
must not be allowed to radiate into Space and so become unavailable. It
must be concentrated into a definite channel,and by being limited and
defined,be converted into pressure and thus made a source of energy.
This is achieved by causing it to flow and return in the channel of in­
dividualized form. In the path of outgoing it makes its own channel
thru each and all individualized Monads then in existence, but a path
of return for it has to be made if its wasteful diffusion is to be
The methods of achieving this flow and return are in princi­
ple the same upon all the Planes, but the exact device employed differs
according to the manner in which it is carried out. In effect it is
this: the Monad of the type inclined to pass forward into manifestation
or individualization,cooperates with a Monad of a type inclined to pass
forward towards a union with the Divine, towards a Universalization.
If these two can meet and form a continuity of substance, the Life
Force that is flowing out of the Divine thru the Positively Polarized
Individual, instead of radiating into Free Space after its work in this
body has been accomplished, will flow’ back into the Divine thru the
Negatively Polarized form, and at the point of junction between the two
Units, the force can be tapped and rendered available for creation in
the matter of the Plane upon which the union is effected. This is the
essence of the Esoteric teachings concerning the Polarity Function
between Individuals.
For instance, this Law of Cosmic Polarity is resorted to
upon the Sixth Plane. Firstly,in order to induce a strong flow of
force from a Seventh into a Sixth Plane form; and secondly, in order
to maintain this force upon a high level, and avoid the degradation
and diffusion it will undergo if it were to follow its normal course
down the Planes and diffuse in Co-p.. c Space before returning to the
Divine. In our next lesson I will give an example that will make the
matter clear.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Adhyapya;
In the last lecture I told you that I would give you an
example of the way the Law of Cosmic Polarity operates,for instance up­
on the Sixth Plane.Let us take the example of a man of lofty Spiritual
Character, who has felt himself called to a Spiritual Mission, that of
regenerating mankind. In the parlance of Esoteric Science it would be
said that such a man, in order to be a channel of lofty Spiritual For­
ces must have a Sixth Plane body highly developed,because he is work­
ing with the Forces of that Plane,and they could only achieve adequate
expression thru a highly organized vehicle. If that man is content to
remain a solitary devotee he may raise his life to a very high degree
of Evolution by communing with Divine Life. He will make no mark on
his Race or Age. The outside world will be uninfluenced by him. Should
he,however,choose to perform work in the outside world,to influence
the spiritual life of his fellows,it will be observed that he immedi­
ately gathers about himself a group of disciples who stand in a differ­
ent relation to him than do the rank and file of his followers. To his
followers he gives,and neither asks nor receives any return,but on his
disciples he depends in some peculiar and intimate way but little un­
derstood by the outside world. Tho they are of lesser Spiritual stat­
ure than himself, yet he leans upon them and is deeply affected by any
defection on their part.
These disciples may be of either Polarity - it matters
not. All that is required of them is that they should be of intimate
sympathetic union with their leader,and that there be a spiritual de­
velopment approximating his own,and then it will be seen that the lit­
tle group functions as a Unit at the core of the spiritual movement.
Furthermore, should missionaries be sent out to spread the Master’s
teachings it will be observed that they are sent in pairs in order
that they may assist each other. Now,in this interaction between a
strong Positive nature which acts as a channel for a powerful spirit­
ualizing force, and the less vigorous,relatively Negative natures
which receive this force,the Esoteric Scientist would see the Divine
Life Force functioning in Polarity.
The action of Polarity can be clearly traced in the two
aspects of man functioning as Abstract and Concrete Thought. Upon the
Sixth Plane,or Plane of Abstract Thought,the great Rays that represent
the activities of the Sixth Plane are further elaborated in the quali­
ties and abstract principles. Being entirely Abstract,this Plane can
only be conceived of with the help of simile,and its nature can be lit­
tle more than indicated. A practical illustration may assist,however,
in showing the nature and activities of this Plane. There are two ty­
pes of logical thought.In the first,or Deductive type,from a general
principle,particular instances of its operation are inferred; and in
the second,or Inductive type of reasoning,a general law is inferred
from particular instances.While everybody makes use of both of these
methods in mental work,it will be found that one or the other type
predominates in the logical thought of each individual sufficiently
evolved to make use of this Plane of Mentation.The great bulk of hu­
manity, as can be readily observed,has not reached this state of evolu­
tion but proceeds by the rule of thumb,depending upon Memory for guid­
ance and unable to draw more than the most obvious conclusions from
Individuals upon the Upper Plane can be,therefore,divi­
ded into two types; those who are in possession of the great abstract
principles of this Plane,and are aiming at their application to denser
forms of existence,and,conscious of their Source in the Divine, are
anxious to pass on down the stages of evolution bearing the Divine
Lee. 77 - Pg. 2

Light with them.And the other type which,conscious of its goal in the
Divine is ever anxious to synthesize all experience into spiritual
type. The one is the Diffuser; the other, the Unifier; the one func­
tions as the Positive Polarity,and the oth.r as the Negative Polarity.
What will be the expression of these two types of natural
life? The one will be a Philosopher,enunciating general principles and
from them inferring their consequences,the other will be a Scientist,
collecting masses of data and deducing general laws from his observa­
tions. Of course,in actual process,each thinker should employ both
methods. Were he merely a collector of thoughts,tho such exist,or were
he merely an enunciator of unverified principles,tho such exist also,
(altho our modern education tends to stamp them out) he would achieve
little eminence in the world of thought. 'Our greatest contributions to
human knowledge have been made by the Philosophic Scientist, or the
Scientific Philosopher.
In general practice,however, one type of man collects the da­
ta,and the next type philosophizes from that data,and only in the most
eminent do the two activities act together.In this cooperation,the Es­
oteric Philosopher sees the activity of the two types of Polarity, and
would declare that these two methods of activity are as necessary for
creation upon the Plane of Abstract Thought,as upon the Plane of Dense
Matter. The one without the other being sterile.while the two function­
ing together bear the fruit of knowledge.
Upon the Fourth Plane,the Plane of Concrete Mind,the princi­
ple of Polarity again applies. How weary and difficult is intellectual
work performed in solitude without appreciation or sympathy,but mind
responds to mind with a renewed stimulation and activity when there is
a mutual fund of knowledge. All brain workers know well the sudden
bound forward of inspired effort after a conversation,a correspondence,
or even the reading of a thesis upon the subject in which they are in­
terested. The stimulative reaction of one upon another can be clearly
seen upon this Plane. Whether you understand its implications or not,
brain workers know it well from experience,and make great use of it as
can be observed in the record of their lives. The Esotericist,likewise,
knows this principle and avails himself of it. He sees, for certain
types of work,he has to wait for his counterpart,and cannot proceed
Now with regard to the Astral Planes. The Planes of the Emo­
tions and Lower Passions are known to Esoteric Scientists as the Upper
and Lower Astral,respectively.And here you can trace the form of Polar­
ity as it is ordinarily understood on the Physical Plane. On the Third
Plane, or Upper Astral, the Plane of the Tender Affections,we se»e the
emotional side of the nature desiring an object for the expression of
its feelings,or the fulfilling of its needs. These two aspects of
feeling,the Esotericist would regard as Emotion in Polarity. Upon the
Third Plane there i» still no fixity of Polarity; the mode of function­
ing determines whether the force in question is Positive or Negative
That which has a need of emotional expression is regarded as Positive
Polarity,and that which has need of emotional satisfaction is regarded
as Negative Polarity. These modes of functioning can,however,occur in
rapid sequence,or even simultaneously in respect to different aspects
of the nature,and the Polarity is therefore constantly fluctuating.
This fluctuation of Polarity upon the Upper Astral is a very important
factor in the practical application of these principles to human af­
fairs .
Now so far I have been talking about the facts of Polarity
between Units of opposite type functioning upon the different Planes,
and I have briefly explained it. There is however,a secondary force of
Polarity known to Esoteric Science.which occurs within the individual
Lee. 77 - Pg. 3

itself. The Seven Bodies of Man are relatively Positive and Negative
in their relations to each other, the more subtle being Positive in
its relation to the denser body below it. Thus the Psychic Body the
Body of Instincts and Passions,is Positive toward the Negative Physi­
cal Body,stimulates it to activity and determines its condition sub­
ject of course to the Laws of Physics and Chemistry that control the
Material Plane; each body in the series then,is controlled by the one
above it and has to await the stimulus of this subtler body before it-
can function. Likewise,it acts as controller to and stimulator of,the
body below it in the line of is therefore Positive in
relation to its denser vehicle and. Negative in relation to subtler mat­
ter that enfolds itself.
The Seventh Plane Monad,or Spark of Spiritual Life,is the
Prime Determinent of the whole Septenary. It gives Life and Individual­
ization, without which there would be no Unit at all. The Sixth Plane
Ray conditions determine the type,and the Fifth Plane Abstract quali­
ties in combination with the Ray type,determine the Individualized na­
ture of fundamental traits,and the Fourth Plane downwards,the Individu­
ality is built up by means of experience,for it is upon the Fourth
Plane of Concrete Mind that Memory begins. The Personality of the
three Upper Planes,however,entirely determines the original direction
of the path pursued in Evolution.Whatever manifestations may occur as
a result of circumstances,the Personality will always tend to revert
to its original line of advance as soon as opposition is removed. The
Memory collected in the Concrete Mind naturally determines the emotion­
al reactions an Individual makes to his environment upon the Third
Plane,and his feelings will equally depend upon the force of the ac­
tivities ,upon the Second Plane,making him seek that which is pleasant
and avoid that which is unpleasant. The Fourth Plane,as you have al­
ready seen,is regulated by the emotions playing upon the endocrine
glands,and the influences given to the nervous system.
We may then say,to sum up,that each body is governed by the
Laws of its own Plane and its functions are regulated by the body of
the Plane immediately above its own; thus, the Physical Body being con­
trolled by the psychic body,we would seek to influence that body if
the control of the physical body should go amiss. This we do from the
Third Plane,which is the Plane of Picture Consciousness,by causing it
to dwell upon images of Health and Perfect Functioning.These pictures,
if they arise with sufficient clearness and persistency in the picture
Consciousness of the Third Plane,will pull the Second Plane Body into
line,and cause it to send corresponding impulses to the denser vehicle
whence as soon as the poisonous chemical combination arising from faul­
ty functionings can be expelled from the system,and providing there
are no organic changes taking place,will then revert to conditions of
perfect health.
This remedial process has been popularized by the system
known as Auto-suggestion,or affirmations,and a more elaborate and far
reaching application of it has been made by Christian Science,where in
the Fifth Plane aspect of the Mind is induced to dwell upon abstract
principles of Harmony,and control is assumed from that point.When- true
Spiritual Healing occurs as contrasted with so-called Spiritual Heal­
ing arising from the auto-suggestion of religious Faith,it takes place
in the Seventh Plane itself,the Monad assuming control of all bodies
below it and determining their condition, - an exceedingly rare occur­
rence. Next week your lesson will take up the work from this point.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lect’are 78 - Pg, 1
Belovea Adhyapya:
Continuing again with our discussion of Polarity,and the
actions and interactions upon the various Planes,you must remember
that in the ordinary course of Nature,the mutual control of the series
of vehicles goes steadily on,and the man who wishes to raise the forces
of any particular body to high potentiality, can deliberately avail
himself of it. Supposing the man we are considering is a creative
artist. He can raise the potentiality of his Astral Body (for it is
upon the Third Plane that imaginative art is carried on) by bringing
to bear upon it his intellect in addition to his imagination, and he
will find that the application of Concrete Hind to a problem of a half­
visualized work will cause his emotion to concrete itself into an ob­
jective form.A concretion that would not have taken place had nothing
beyond the emotional forces of the Third Plane fired him with enthusi­
Equally upon the Fourth, the Plane of Concrete Thought,
he must bring into function his power of abstract mentation if he is
to see the implication of the facts he is considering. Abstract
Thought must derive its stimulus from Spirit itself.
This action and interaction between two of a man’s vehi­
cles which is necessary for creative work,for that externalization of
the force within an individual by providing it with a vehicle in the
matter of one or two of the Planes, 'whether the vehicle be in the form
of the written word upon the Mental Plane,or of sound or color upon
the-Astral,it is regarded by the Esoteric Scientist as an example of
the everlasting principles of Polarity underlying all creative
A reverse flow of the current,however,is sometimes
achieved;man may seek to stimulate a particular vehicle by means of
the one below instead of the one above. Thus he may cause his con­
crete mind to throw his abstract mind into a state of activity.In this
case we get the man who uses abstract principles in the service of
particular instances,who demands that the Laws of the Universe ’.will
fall in with his standards of right and wrong. He reads his own in­
terpretations into the utterances of minds greater than his own, and
then presents them as justifications of his views. He is one-sided,
unamenable to argument,and unable to see any other side of the case
than that which he has predetermined. Thus,the nature of the Lower
Plane limits the inspiration available thru the contact with the high­
er .
Equally,the man whose emotions prompt him to intellectu­
al work is inclined to seek to prove the case rather than to discover
the truth,and where the emotions are. controlled by the appetites
rather than the reason,we have the unstable,inconsistent,violent indi­
vidual, ’’all things in turn,and nothing long.” The mere sentimentalist
lacking the driving force and intelligence necessary to give effect
to his dreams.
When the instincts are controlled by the physical sen­
sations rather than the tender affections which humanize them into
love,we have the sensualist,cruel or voluptuous,as his passions fluctu
ate with his endocrines. Alcohol is one of the most potent factors in
reversing the Polarity of the body. Absorbed by the physical body, it
speeds up the vital processes so that the dense vehicle is more active
ly energized than the subtle . body,and therefore becomes Positive in
its relations to them,as well as giving the stimulus that sets them
creating. When,however,the urge of the alcohol slackens,there is a
period of slack water,as the flow of the vital current comes to a stop
Lecture 78 - Pg. 2
before it can reverse its motion ano. resuiw !its. natural course. This
constitutes one aspect of the reactions ’.veil known to follow the use
of alcohol.
Now we come to the Physical Plane,and the discussion of
the ideal marriage as given by the Western Tradition is
very seldom that an ideal marriage is seen,and yet each human being
who enters upon that state does so in hopes that it will yield him the
highest earthly happiness.Intuitively,he knows that only in union with
another being of an opposite Polarity to himself can the full possi­
bilities of human evolution bo realized^ and in the hopes of attaining
the highest evolution of which he is capable,ho embarks upon a life of
interaction with one of opposite Polarity.He stakes all upon a single
venture,as a rule, and, seldom obtains thereby his Soul’s desire. Many
marriages rest upon no other basis than mutual toleration.' Many couples
are only held together by the pressure of public opinion. Some are
bound. to each other by no higher bond than that of mutual convenience>
and yet each one of them was l^d into the marriage state thru a sense
of need which only union with another could fulfill.
Tliis, then, is at the base of a desire for union achieved
a need,whether for the expression of an overflowing Life Force,or a re­
ception of that Polarity lacking in the nature. And only that union
fulfills its purpose in which these needs are met,in which each of the
pair finds in the other a demand for that which he craves to give,and
a fulfillment of his own desires. If this consummation upon all Seven
Planes be not achieved,then the craving for union will continue as an
unsatisfied and tormenting hunger,or else will turn elsewhere for its
satisfaction,causing misery and social disorder.The aleniation may be
partial or totals the individual,as a whole,may withdraw from the union
and. seek another,or he may turn away with but a part of his nature,
seeking companionship and emotional sympathy alone.
The laws of mating,as understood by Esoteric Philosophy,
embrace much more than the mere union on the Physical Plane,either re­
cognized as seven bodies of man and Polarity upon each of the Seven
Planes,according to their several conditions.Esoteric Philosophy,there­
fore,teaches that unless a man or a roman mate each of their bodies
which has arrived at a functional state,the union will be incomplete,
and he or she will still be in a state out of equilibrium,and continu­
ally seeking a. completion of that union on the particular Plane or
body that is not mated.
All men and women,however,are not equally evolved.In the
average man at the present day.only the first three.bodies are capable
of mating5 the physical vehicle,the body of the instincts,and the body
of the emotions.That is to say,he is capable of physical congress, of
instinctive desire and tender affections for his mate,but has little
conception of intellectual companionship. The evolved man,however,will
have this latter ideal if his mental body be in function,and will seek
for a wife,one with interests like to his own.While a more primitive
type,on the other hand,will demand of his mate nothing but the gratifi­
cation of the senses,and will be quite indifferent to her at all other
Thus it will be seen that if a man who has three bodies
in function and is capable of a tender affection,marries a woman who
has but two in function and has no concept of married life beyond the
physical senses,disaster will occur.Or should he have four bodies in
function and marries a woman who can only love and is not capable of
being a companion to him,sorrow will also occur.The woman will derive
from her husband all that she requires,for she is functioning up to her
full Plane, capacity,but he will have an unmated mental body which wil.l
assuredly seek a mate,and possibly find it in an intellectual woman
capable of functioning upon the Fourth Plane. Then there will be
Lecture 7õ - Pg. 3
seen one of those Platonic friendships of which everyone is instinctive­
ly suspicious } even tho no one can convict them of any offense against
the laws of the country.
It will be found that no matter how loyal a man may be in
will and action toward his wife,a union upon the higher Planes will
tend to divert the flow of the Life Current so that it will shunt
across the Fourth Plane,instead of passing down the vehicles,and so
flow to his intellectual companion on the Higher Planes in the form of
intellectual force,and his feelings toward his wife will become as
empty as the bed of a stream below the closed sluice gates that have
turned the water into another course.And,of course,there is always the
question of whether Platonic friends can.keep to their High Planes,or
whether their Platonism develops a pressure like the dammed-up waters
of a river broke loose,in which, case the Life Forces will break bounds
and follow the line of their natural flow that runs down thru the
Now let us consider the case of a highly evolved person who
is seeking to mate and lay down the ideal conditions for such a union.
Of course,you will have to remember that different bodies reach maturi­
ty at difierent ages.The physical body is practically complete in all
its parts at birth;the desire body does not come into function until
the becoming of age which marks the completion of the desire body.The
tender affections develop during the late teens,-the concrete mental
body during the twenties. A very strict septenary reckoning is employ­
ed by some schools of Esoteric Science,but individuals vary in their
development,and the foregoing rough division will serve.The abstract
mind develops during the thirties,and the spiritual nature will not
have reached its full unfoldment until the late forties.Therefore,the
highly evolved individual should delay his mating until well on in life,
when it can be seen which way his evolution is tending.Many people,un­
fortunately, are hurried into permanent mating by the activities of the
desire body,while other hasty people mistake emotional surgings for the
rapport of true union,not yet realizing the capacities of their own
nature which may continue to develop after marriage.Nell it is for a
married pair if their growth be even and simultaneous. They will find
in married life a deepening and enrichening of their affection for each
other as body after body comes into function,and meets its mate within
the home that is reaching up toward tho Heaven Land. On the contrary,if
one has reached full stature while the other is still capable of grow­
th, the marriage that started happily will end in compromise or failure,
and the more highly evolved of the two will be conscious of needs that
the other cannot comprehend nor satisfy.
In perfect marriage,however,the same pair mates with each
higher body as it cones into function,experiencing with each body the
true depths of life.Physical union gives harmony and poise to the ner­
vous system that will blend aims and desires into one,and bind the Per­
sonalities together.The acquisition of a common fund of knowledge will
make the companionship closer^beliefs in common concepts and principles
vzill direct their lives into the same channel;spiritual aims and ideals
of the same order complete their union until Consciousness,having riser
to the level of Pure Spirit,a great love is engendered between two
Souls that will overflow all limitations,and draw the whole Universe
into the bounds of their union. When this is achieved,it is held by Eso­
teric Philosophers that the greatest stimulus it is possible to give
from, the Physical Plane has been applied to Evolution.These two,thus
mated upon all Planes,enter into the Light and go not forth again as
separate individual s’, but become one individual with a two-sided nature
complete in itself,and self-fulfilling.Such beings,however,having pass­
ed to a Higher Order of Life than ours,are uncognizable by our senses.-
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lecture 79 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
I am going to talk to you this evening about Twin
Souls and also some of the common ties that draw Souls together giving
you some of the most sacred aspects of the Esoteric teachings in this is well known to all observers of human nature,that certain
people seem to bring out the best in each other., that, when they are
together, each nature seems to blossom and. to become capable of great­
er heights of development than could be reached alone, and at the same
time, a wonderful joy and radiance pervades them. If they be parted
from each other they droop and wither, and tho times serves to alevi-
ate the bitterness of severance,neither Soul rises to its full stature
id solitude. There may be no mournful and self-pitying brooding over
the past,no morbid refusal to transfer interest to fresh objects,but
there is an abiding sense of life lived below its normal level.
Such people may even fancy that they are not two sepa­
rate entities,but the halves of a single whole.The close sympathy and
perfect rapport between two such minds causes their mood to find its
reflection in the other,so that grief of one will blend both in sorrow,
and joy rejoice them equally. Popular thought is well aware of these
conditions and the hope of their attainment is hidden in every heart.
However much experience may teach the unlikelihood of its realization
yet the hope ever springs up anew, so deep rooted among the instincts
is it. But tho the hope is universal, its realization is rare,for a
complete union with anothei* demands complete abnegation of self,and
those capable of such selflessness are few. For such a union, two
equally selfless Souls must join; it is not enough that one should
give completely,and the other merely receive. It is not even enough
that each give his or her all; each must give what the other needs,
otherwise the sacrifice is unavailing, and therein lies the key to
many problems, of unrequited love.
A good comradship is the best that most men and women
can expect, after the first heat of the emotions has cooled with famili
arity and the lessening of the physical, beauty. Altho such a comrad­
ship is one of the noblest and most beautiful things on earth,yet it
is not that close mating to which we refer.Popular thought is well
aware of this and has designated such mates as ’’Twin Souls” and knows
that the bonds far surpass that which is known as married love,Beauti­
ful and profound as it is. The close and lifelong bond of married life
is built of a thousand mutual needs, tenderness, memories and sympa­
thies arising out of companionship.This other feeling we are speaking
of is born full grow, and transcends all other ties, or should the
ties be maintained,breaks the Soul.Wen such a strong bond springs in­
to mature being,it cannot be regarded as a new is rather, the
Reincarnation of a feeling that was developed in passed lives.Tho the
Conscious mind is ignorant,the Subconscious remembers and claims its
The phenomenon of this feeling in physical beings is
extremely rare,tho commonplace feelings and sudden emotional sympa­
thies are easily exaggerated by hungry Souls into something higher
than their actuality.Individuals of lowly evolution,and these are most
liable to sudden or uncontrolled passions,are too egocentric,too bound
up with their limitations and appetites to be capable of a lasting and
harmonious union with any creature. Still less can they realize the
ideal of supreme sacrifice and service which is implied in the concept
of another,who shall be as one’s very self.They have but little to be­
stow in return for the satisfaction of their desires,and the one who
undertakes to administer to these,soon grows wreary of the unrequited
task. The great majority of people are capable of a perfect­
Lecture 79 - Pg. 2
ly harmonious and satisfactory union with any member of a given type.,
or in the language of Esoteric Science, with any one who is upon the
same Ray as themselves. As was remarked in a previous lecture,spiritual
mating can only take place between those who are of the same Ray color.
Whenever you meet one of your/Ray,there is a sense of fundamental har­
mony, because the line of Evolution and the spiritual qualities are the
same. Whether these qualities be highly developed, or rudimentary, it
is ohly upon fundamental harmony that a lasting and satisfying union
can be built. It is useless to expect that development will strengthen
a tie, when that very development is taking place in different direct­
ions. If a man should devote his life to a military career and attain
eminence therein, it would be unlikely to draw him nearer to his wife,
if she were devoting her life to the cause of peace between Nations.
It may be stated that,altho Esoteric Science recogni­
zes the existence of Twin Souls,it does not hold that every case of sud­
den and' violent emotion between individuals is such as indissoluble un­
ion. It may be just what its name implies and nothing more, dying down as
quickly as it sprung up and capable of renewal at the stimulus of a
fresh object. Neither does Esoteric Science teach that the meeting of
Twin Souls, even if this supposed tie actually existed between them,is
justification for any failure to discharge existing obligations.Rather
the Esotericist would hold that as a single life is but as a stage upon
the Soul’s journey thru Evolution, we had best sacrifice one short day
of our own existence in the honorable performance of a bargain, so that
future lives might be free from past debts, and a great love harmonious­
ly attained.
Esoteric Science recognizes two types of ties that
can draw Souls together and bind them in a common fate. These binding
ties, which originate upon the Inner Planes where the unseen causes
arise,must be carefully distinguished from the mutual attraction that
arises upon the Plane of Effects, cognized by the physical senses. The
commonest type of bond is known as the Karmic tie, and the term is bor­
rowed from the Eastern Esoteric Souls and is used for convenience sake
to denote the forces,good and bad,set going in previous incarnations.
The Karmic tie between Souls has its root in attrac­
tion experienced in past lives. Attraction may occur upon any of the
six Planes of individualized existence,and be of a nature appropriate
to that Plane. The attraction exercised upon the Physical Plane is sim­
ply a matter of Physics; gravitation, capillary attraction, absorption,
and similar processes which take place upon the sub-planes of dense mat­
ter, and magnetic attraction, chemical affinities, etc., manifest upon
the etheric sub-planes of our world. Emotional attraction does not
exist below the Second Plane, where it makes itself felt in the urge
of the instincts,therefore,no tie is formed by mere propinquity.and phy­
sical and emotional action, and reaction has to occur before any bond
is established.
It is reaction which is the essence of the bond.The
fact that one person feels an emotion toward another does not link them
together. It is only.when the object of the emotions reacts toward it
that the bond if formed because he is then, as'it were,taking into his
own nature the force proceeding from the other and so forms a contin­
uity of substance, however etherial, and it is by means of this imper­
ceptible current that much of the work of practical Occultism is per­
Should one person love another and the love be reci­
procated, a bond is formed; should one person love another and the love
be returned with hate or loathing, or any form of resentment or unkind­
ness a bond will also be formed, and for the rest of their incarnation
rapports will influence the lives of those whom they unite in degrees
Lecture 7S - Pg. 3
proportionate with the intensity of the emotions that are experienced'.
It is only complete indifference that prevents a tie from being con •
tracked. Any emotional reaction whatever, sets up a rapport.
An action and its answering reaction upon any Plane set up a
rapport,whether the instincts be aroused on the Second Plane, or the
emotions on the Third. The relationship of teacher and pupil, or of fel­
low students upon the Plane of Mind;or of priest or spiritual guide, and
the worshipper on the Sixth Planejupon whatever Plane an action and re­
action takes place, a bond is formed between the two interacting units.
These bonds may set up the most intimate relationship,or be a momentary
contact immediately forgotten by those concerned,but as long as any emo­
tion in relation to the memory exists,the rapport will remain.Should
emotion toward a particular person still be shown at the time of death,
this emotion having no means of gratification in the subjective state ■
that follows on death, is stored up until objective existence having
been resumed in a new incarnation, the conditions for its expression
are again available. It is this unexhausted emotion that forms the Kar­
mic tie, and tho it wait for hundreds of years as time is reckoned in
revolutions of earth, it loses none of its force, but reacts to the
same objects that previously stimulated it, whenever those objects
shall again become present. Thus, the sudden outlet of love at first
sight, and the sense of enduring intimacy which Twin Souls experience.
The pull of a Karmic tie increases its strength,and tho it may start
as the merest carnal attraction in the childhood of the Race, as body
after body comes into function in the course of Evolution,, the rapport
will spread from one. to another until a great spiritual mating is
achieved. The Karmic tie, however, only develops great strength when
all the forces of the nature are concentrated upon a single object' with
great intensity of feeling. If those who love be parted, either by cir­
cumstances err by death, then the unfulfilled love remains as a bond up­
on the Third Plane, and for a long time is unaffected by the death of
the body. If the parting be by death, and if the survivor, either in
sleep or as often happens, by means of Psychic development, becomes con­
scious even momentarily, of the Third Plane of existence, the bond that
exists thereon will draw the two Souls into contact again. This is the
true means of communication with the departed. We build Consciousness
so that we become aware of their existence, not to recall them to an
awareness of our mundane condition by means of a medium. A medium
should only be resorted to in case a Soul is earthbound, and cannot pro­
ceed to its own sphere, and then only for the purpose of giving it
The Third Plane is the sphere of existence referred to as
the Heaven World, but before the outgoing Soul released from its body,
can attain to this state, it has to pass thru a phase of Second Plane
existence, known as Purgatory, as I explained to you previously, where
the arrears of evil are paid off in the suffering brought about by
subjective realization.
As soon as the Soul of the new comer has risen above the
Purgatorial experience, it enters the Heaven World, and is then upon
the same Plane as its mate. No barrier of different states of existence
now keeps them apart. Natural love and natural attraction draws them
together. They can then pass the rest of their time between incarnation
in companionship, and the bond between them will tend to draw them to
incarnation again at the same time, and under similar conditions.Then
upon meeting will come that same surge of subconscious memory, so in­
comprehensible to those whose Philosophy does not extend beyond the sin­
gle life on a single Plane, but is readily explicable in terms of the
Esoteric Doctrine.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lecture 80 -Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to talk to you again on the matter
that vie have been discussing in the previous lessons, for I consider
that it is a very important matter, and one which it is necessary for
every student to have a thorough knowledge of. You will notice that
in the preceding lessons I have said much about the mating of Soul.s,
but little about marriage. I use the term ’marriage’ infrequently
for the reason that ’mating’ and ’marriage.’ are in fact two different
things. The matter of mating is a matter of functioning in Polarity;
marriage is a legal contract. Mating is an actual fact, - man is
either mated or not mated, just as an electric light is turned either
on or off, but marriage is a fluctuating convention, and incidentally,
marriage is a great deal more than mating, for it is a partnership in
the business of life, and the marriage laws are society’s attempt to
standardize the treatment which the different members of the home are
to receive from each other. First, there are the duties of the husband
and wife toward each other, and secondly, there are the obligations
they undertake toward society thru their children. These duties and
obligations have to be considered in the framing of marriage laws;
those laws are best which most closely approximate a codification
of Natural Laws. Unfortunately, the laws of marriage are very far from
approaching to the perfection possible in such instruments, and under
these laws we have to live, and the needs of human nature are obliged
to achieve a compromise with the demands of the State.
The Esotericist, therefore, considers marriage laws
and the keeping or breaking of them from the point of view of Karma.
It is his aim to set no Forces into motion save those which are in
harmony with the Divine Law. If the marriage laws of his Country are
at variance with Natural Law, and he abides by them, he will suffer
from his disregard of Natural Law, but at the same time, he will lay
up for himself no causes potent for evil in the future. On the other
hand, if he disregards the social code, tho he may enhance his own
comfort, he will cause suffering to others, and that suffering,accord­
ing to the Laws of Karma, will return upon his head and delay his pro­
gress. Whether the marriage laws of a Country are sound or not, we
cannot get away from the fact that the marriage contract is a bargain,
and that the breaker of promises forfeits his honor.
Should, however one party to the bargain fail to meet
his obligations, then according to the laws of contract, the other
party is released. It is only in regard to the marriage contract that
the lav/ instructed by Theologians retains the aggrieved person in
bondage, tho it is contrary to equity to do so. The Esotericist be­
lieves that failures to fulfill the obligations of marriage by one
party leaves the other morally, if not legally, free. Free, that is to
say, from his obligations to his partner, but not free to enter into
unlegalized relations with another, because by so doing, great suffer­
ing is caused, exposing themselves to the rigors of the social code,
and a terrible wrong may be done to a Soul by causing it to incarnate
under circumstances in which no proper home can be afforded. People
have the right to sacrifice their own lives, but not others,'and the
Occultist, believing a Soul to be no less alive and personalized be­
cause for the moment it is unattached to a physical body, takes an
even more serious view of the situation than does the world at large.
Esoteric Science, of course, does not regard each child
born into the world as a newly created Soul. Tho the body is newly
made, the life that ensouls it was individualized many thousands of
years ago. The experiences thru which that life has passed determine
Lecture 80 - Pg . 2

the character and traits of the new individuality, just as the causes
set going in past lives determine the conditions into which it is re­
born. If the parents make a good environment for the children they
hope to have, Souls of a high type can reincarnate thru them. This,
then, is the essence of the Esotericist’s concept of the relation of
parent and child. The parents open a channel whereby a Soul can rein­
carnate and so advance in its evolution, and. this deed stands to the
credit of parents in the great account of the Karmic Lords.
A point arises out of this concept which must be touched
upon in order to render the concept clear. As each affects the lives
of those with whom he is brought in contact, bringing them good or
evil, each is, therefore, the agent of Fate which, allots the dues earn­
ed in past existences. If one brings good to another, he thereby,
under the law of cause and effect, lays up good for himself which he
shall reap in the next life, if not in this one, and if he does evil,
he shall likewise be repaid in his own coin. It may be argued that it
is each person’s fate that brings them good or evil, and therefore the
agent of fate is not responsible for his actions toward them. But the
answer to the problem is, that tho each person draws toward himself
the condition that he has earned, one's merit may cause one to be the
vehicle of the good he has earned, and not of the evil. If one has
laid up a store of evil causations, it may be one’s punishment to be
the channel thru which the suffering has come, and so pay compound in­
terest on wrong-doing. It must be that ’’evil comes, but woe unto him
thru whom it comes.”
Even the best of parents may sometimes have to be the
channel of suffering to their children thru financial losses, or any
of many other causes. In order to get such happenings into their true
perspective, they must look at them from the standpoint of Evolution,
and not of a single incarnation. They must train their children to
make the best possible reaction to their environment, thus converting
evil into good. But it must also be remembered that suffering is not
necessarily synonymous with evil, and that some valuable experiences
only come thru pain and trial. Parents, however, should carefully re­
frain from the deliberate admission of Souls into poverty-striken
homes, or of enfeebled or diseased bodies, thereby piling up further
evil for themselves in the future, but of course, out of this arises
another question, which I will deal with some time later.
Vfe will now consider what happens when a Soul, having
contemplated its sins in Purgatory, and its good deeds in a state
equivalent to the ordinary concepts of Heaven, prepares to return
once more to the Earth Plane in order to undergo further experiences.
Thru the operation of certain Laws, too complex for consideration at
this time, that Soul is brought to the time and place where the con­
ditions of birth are about to occur, under such circumstances that
the body so made will come into an environment suitable for the work­
ing out of Karma due to the incarnating Soul.
When the opposite Polarities are blended, the subtle
forces of the two natures rush together and, as in the case of two
currents of water in collision, a whirlpool, or vortex, is set up.
This vortex extends up the Planes as far as the mating of the corres­
ponding bodies takes place. If they should be two people who idolize
each other, and whose love has the elements of a Spiritual Nature in
its composition, and they blend the Polarity of their nature, then
the vortex so created will extend on to one of the Higher Planes.
If, however, two people whose concepts of love is confined to the
Physical Plane, set up such a vortex of ingress, the vortex extends
no higher than the Second Plane of the Lower Astral. Souls await
Lecture SO - Pg

incarnation upon Planes of the Inner World appropriate to their Con­

sciousness 3 just as immediately in passing out of incarnation, they
think themselves into their own place- It is by means of the vortex
of ingress that Souls are enabled to pass down the Planes and make
contact with the molecules of dense matter, and gain foothold upon
the Plane of Manifestation.
•It therefore follows that the higher the Vortex of
Ingress extends up the Planes, the loftier will be the type of Soul
which is drawn thru it into incarnation. A very different type of
Soul awaits its time upon the Upper Mental Plane from that which finds
its appropriate conditions upon the Lower Astral. When two people
wish to call into incarnation a Soul which is worthy of the services
they are prepared to render it as parents, and who, this boon having
been granted are prepared to stand aside selflessly so that that Soul
having attained adulthood, may be free to serve the world unfettered
by the bonds of a personal love drawn too close, then they should
preface their call by meditation upon the highest ideals that they can
conceive, and they should, thruout their lives together, maintain
the very highest ideals. Then it will be found, thru the Vortex they
thus open, Souls of a very lofty character can come into incarnation.
It must be remembered that Souls so conceived will never belong to
them in the way that children of a more personal union belong to the
family into which they come. The greater the Soul that so incarnates,
the greater the demand upon those who nurture it. Different standards,
different ideals, different ways of life, and even different conditions
of physical health, will make a great demand upon the wisdom and for­
bearance upon those who assay such a task, and I want to sound a
warning that such an undertaking is no light burden. The greatest
qualities of mind and character are necessary for its successful com­
pletion. If they be uneven in their development so that, altho they
can envisage great ideals, and yet the lower nature is still strong
enough to turn them from their course, then the discipline that will
surround them will prove hard and exacting, for the lower will be
sacrificed to the higher, and the parents to the child, if there should
be a conflict of interest between the two. If, however, the parents
prove worthy of the trust imposed in them, they will find that the
Path to the Higher Planes, whereby their child came to them, still
stands open for their own advancement. So you see that to the .Esoteri-
cist, Polarity in its seven-fold scope is of far greater significance
than to the generality of mankind, to whom it is a temptation rather
than a force of energy. He sees the Life Forces functioning in Polar­
ity upon every Plane of existence, no less sacred upon the Lower than
upon the Higher. He approaches it with a fearlessness, and even a .
familiarity, that is seldom Seen amongst his fellows, .and he controls
it with a strictness that is even more rare.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lecture 81 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
In accordance with the policy of thé Brotherhood of
every once in awhile discussing the various phases c/f Transition that
you may become familiar with them and learn to view them as an essen­
tial of Evolutionary Progresss I am going to talk to you tonight on
the Hidden Side of Death, The processes, even at physical death, are
not nearly so simple as popular imagination ..believes. It is the know­
ledge of the subtler aspects of Death that gave rise to many of the
practices of the Ancients which we., today, look upon as pure supersti­
tion. With the passing of the breath of life, the Soul itself is gone,
no more concerned with the cast off body than the chick with the egg­
shell. Only those who remain are concerned with it, and certain of
the subtler.problems of the shock of bereavement are due to the little
understood processes of disposing of the discarded clay.
We have two tasks to perform before our service to our
loved ones if finished. We must see to it that dust returns to dust as.
quickly and harmoniously as.possible, and we ought to follow up. the
departed Soul with the right kind of telepathic communication until it
is safely established on the other side and takes up its life on the
Cyclic phases of the Inner Planes, and thus enters Into its work for
a period. These two aspects of the last services to the Departed are
of very great importance, We ought to give them our serious attention.
Moreover, there is nothing that will help us in our own loss-so much-
as to feel that there is still something to be done for those who have
gone over, and that we are not free to let ourselves go unreservedly
in a paroxysm of emotion, as we might do if we felt that.we had noth­
ing but ourselves to consider. Let us study, then, first what happens
to the discarded and empty body after the departure of the Soul,for
this will guide us in our attitude toward it and' our manner of dealing
with it. In the first place,the departure of the Soul only means the
death of the great central nervous system.There is still a great deal
of organic life left in the body itself. It does not die all in one
piece. Indeed,for several days before death,or' ever longer, the Soul
may have been out of the body,floating at the end of the Silver Cord a
few feet above the bed, and clearly visible to any Psychic. If that
condition prevails, there is a deep unconsciousness upon all Planes,
and no suffering It is only when the Silver Cord is severed that the
Soul finally departs and actual Transition occurs.. The rally and re­
turn of Consciousness at the end is caused by the Soul, which recovers
Consciousness on its own Plane as the Transition period approaches,
and makes a last effort to return to the body in order that the pro­
cess known to Occultist as the ’’Etching of the Seed Atom” may take
place effectively.
This Seed Atom is a Nucleus of Force, of the same type
as the Physical Plane, which is retained by the Soul thruout its Evo­
lution and plays an important part in the process of rebirth.The term .
’etching’ of course, is metaphorical, and represents the tuning of
this Nucleus to a certain type of vibration, impressed with certain
images. If this has already been done, the Soul is ripe for Transition
and the rally may not take place.Therefore,the absence of the rally
does not mean that the processes of Transition are not going on as
they should. And on the other hand, when violent death takes place,
or the body is so shattered that death is instantaneous, no etching
of the Seed Atom is possible, therefore it is held by Esotericists
that the Soul immediately seeks rebirth, the second death takes place,
and equally rapidly the Soul passes out again, having merely assumed
the physical form long enough to enable it to make its exodus from
life in due form. You have frequently been told that the periodicity
Lecture 81 - Pg. 2

of the Soul.’s Reincarnation was one hundred and fourty-four years.

That is, if the Soul passes over to the Inner World at the age of
fifty, then ninety-four years must be spent . on the Inner Planes be­
fore reincarnation. Or, if it passes over at eighty years of ago, it
has sixty-four years to spend on the Inner Planes. The question, how­
ever has been frequently asked, ’’What of children, dying immediately
or shortly after birth?” And this point is now explained to you. It
has often been remarked by mothers and doctors that the new-born child
which has an extraordinary appearance of intelligence and maturity in
its eyes is not going to live. It is the eyes of the adult soul that
they see looking at them, and all the service that Soul requires at
their hands is the rites of burial according to its Faith. It is not
meant to live, but it is only meant to die adequately.
It might seem that this inflicts a hardship on the.
mother who has made her great sacrifice to bring it into the world
only to lose it. If we examine the Karmic Records of the case,and no
Occultist should judge the matter in the light of a single incarnation
we shall find either that there is a Karmic debt owing which is set­
tled in this, way, or if no such debt can be traced, then Karmic credit
has been given. This Karmic credit is a point often forgotten. Some­
times the Lords of Karma owe us a debt which entitles us to one of
those sudden strokes of apparently pure luck, which we cpn explain by
no other hypothesis, to take the count of one life. The Good Samaritan
the complete stranger who renders us a totally unexpected service, may
be a Soul for whom we have opened the Gates of Birth in a previous
lif e.
Once the Soul has safely withdrawn, however, there is
an immediate change. Any sensitive person can fe-el the difference be­
tween the atmosphere of the Chamber of Transition, however peaceful,
and the atmosphere of the chamber which the Soul has left. During life
a man or woman is under the Lordship of the Archangel of his Race and
the Saviour of his Religion. After Transition, this dominion is with­
drawn, or rather, it follows the Soul and leaves the body to its own
devices as no longer of any concern. The clay then passes under the
dominion of the Regents of the Elements, and the Elemental Forces of
Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, each withdraw that which belongs to them
and restores it to its own kingdom. The curious feel of the Chamber
of Transition, and the fear that most people have of the dead body
are caused b^ this opening of the Gates of the Elemental Kingdom.
The Forces of the Elements are present and active when organic matter
has to be disintegrated and returned to its respective sphere. Sensi­
tive people feel their presence, because they belong to a very primi­
tive form of life. There are, however, four mighty Archangels who are
called the Lords of the Elements, because they rule the Elemental King­
doms as Overlords in the name of God, - they are Raphael, Michael,
Gabriel and Uriel, and they equate with the four Evangelists ’of Chris­
tian Tradition. Remember the childhood prayer:
’’Four Angels ’round my bed,
Two at the foot,
Two at the head,
Matthew, Mark, Luke and. John
Guard the bed that I lie on.”
Every rite for the dea.d ought to commit the clay into the care of
these four Great Spirits before the Throne. When they are invoked, it
will be found that the somewhat sinister atmosphere, which is some­
times felt after the Transition, will immediately lift and clear.
It is the withdrawal of the Etheric Double which is
another body equally physical, equally mortal, and which is some-
Lecture 81 - Pg. 3

times called, the tody of electricity, which marks the critical moment
of Transition when the breath is seen to pass. The Soul remains in
it in an unconscious condition for a brief period., at the appointed
time the magnetic forces of this second body of electricity will have
been exhausted, and it will be like a battery that has run down, then
the Soul will slip out of its meshes and no longer have any link with
matter. You see thus why it is unwise to try and get in touch with the
Soul immediately after it has passed over., for it is the waking of the
Soul to semi-consciousness while it is still in its Etheric Double
which, in popular phrase, ’’causes its Ghost to walk.” Thru such a con­
tact, the tenancy of the Etheric Body by the Soul is prolonged beyond
the usual time, and the Soul wakes up. Thus one of the Pathologies of
death has occurred. But do not let it be thought by this that I con­
demn communication with the departed - it ^s simply that there is a
right and a wrong way of effecting the communication,and there are
times when it may be safely and healthfully done and times when it had
better be let alone,and we need to know of these things if we are to
deal with death rightly. Our modern system of thought places man in
the same position in relation to the mysteries of Death that children
endure in relation to the mysteries of Birth..There is a conspiracy of
silence which confuses the issue and places us in a grave disadvantage
in dealing with our problems.
Further Notes on the Fast.
The fourth and last phase of the fasts is a fast in
which you abstain from food, emotional stimulus, water and sleep. You
have been practising abstinence from food, from emotional stimulus,and
the conscious regeneration of thought, and by this time you should be
fairly well accustomed to pausing once in awhile in the daily routine
of life and taking up a voluntary period, of abstinence. You should not,
however, take this last fast unless you are in good physical condition,
and have practised at least once, and preferably two or three times,
the complete routine of the previous fasts, commencing with one and
running thru up to three, and then repeating the third every month or
two until you have become thoroughly accustomed to the technique. You
had best commence this new fast at such a time that your seventh day
will fall upon a Saturday, then take the fast as outlined in the pre­
vious communication, being very careful to abstain from all emotional
stimulus during the period, and particularly to keep your thoughts
attuned to the highest ideals, and literally live on the Higher Plane
for this period. During the last two days of the fast you are to
abstain from drinking water as nearly as possible, for it is desirable
that the flesh be thoroughly drained of all fluid, so that a new blood
stream and a quickened Consciousness will be yours. Then on the last
of the seven days, which will be Saturday night, you are to abstain
from sleep.
Nov; I do not want you to feel that you are in any way
obligated, nor is it necessary for you to hurry and force this fast of
Illumination. Eternity is a long time, and there is no necessity for
you to hurry unless you do so desire. In the abstinence you will find
Spiritual Regeneration, and will know of things, ’’not lawful to utter'.'
In this fast, when perfected, you will be bathed in the White Light of
Actuality, you will commune, not with the familiar Spirits of the
Earth Plane, but with the Heavenly Hosts and the Masters of the Spheres
Thru your own transcendency you will become aware of the Consciousness
of Nature, the Masters of the Solar System and the Solar Gods.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 82 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
In the discipline of writing the diary,many questions
have been asked regarding the review at the end of the day. I want to
repeat that this review should be in inverse order, reversing the order
in which the events occured. I want to explain to you why this is,and
to do so, I am going to have to take up the subject of Purgatory in
more detail, and give you a glimpse of the Life Beyond, and the
things that you will experience.
I have already told you of the merciful work of the
great Anaesthetist which causes a deep sleep to fall upon the Soul as
it passes out of the flesh. I have told you how the Etheric Double
fades and falls away from it unnoticed; how that Soul sleeps on in
that state of Consciousness which Occultists call the Astral Plane.But
presently it begins to dream. The memories of its Earth Life are still
present with it, tho faint and far away, like the memories of early
childhood. It does not dream of these happenings as they appear to us
who shared them, but it reviews them, instead, from the point of view
of its present state of existence. It is in the World of Desire, and
it sees them from the standpoint of fulfilled or frustrated desires,
as the case may be.
But the brain, no longer clouding Consciousness, the
Soul is not only conscious upon the Plane of its present existence,but
the Higher Consciousness is also awake and active, and all the time
that this phantasmagoria of dream is going on, the Higher Self is hold­
ing up the mirror of Truth to Consciousness, and bidding the Soul look
therein upon its own Image, all the time the inexorable Spiritual Stan­
dards are kept before its eyes, and the Soul, forced to contemplate
these, undergoes a struggle, severe in proportion to its deviation
from the Spiritual Standard.Nothing explains these states so well as
the terminology of Analytical Psychology. The Soul is in the throes of
a conflict between its Higher and Lower Aspects. This conflict is Sub­
jective and expresses Itself in the imagery of the Astral Dream, and
the Soul is said to be in Purgatory, for Purgatory is simply the
forced realization of the significance of our own misdeeds. Its scen­
ery, so often described by Saints and Psychics, in such stuff as
dreams are made of, the dreams of Souls forced to face the truth.This
scenery, therefore, is by no means idly phazitastic. It has definite
symbolical relationship to the problems of the Soul, of Evolution, and
of the Cosmic reaction, and every Soul has its personal symbolism de­
rived from the experiences of its own history, even as we find in the
psycho-analysis of dreams. In addition to this, it has a symbolism of
the types of its own particular religious Faith, which it shares with
all the members of its Faith. Therefore, the Hell of the Christian
will differ in many ways with the Hell of the Moslem; on the other
hand, it will have much in common, because there are certain types sym­
bols which are common to all sentient human beings, being formed out
of their common human experiences, such as the pain of burning, and
the torture of thirst.
Each individual Soul is taught by these dream pictures
that sin brings inevitable suffering, for it is shown the consequences
of its wickedness or folly, and may not turn away its eyes. It feels
in imagination as it would if it had actually come to the state
which its dreams depict. Thus, Sysyphus the Ambitious, rolled his eter­
nal stone up the hill and may not rest; Tantalus the Drunkard, sees
the cup recede from his lips. Thus each learns the vanity of his weak­
ness. The Initiate has never believed in -the appaling Doctrine of Eter­
nal Punishment. Np Psychic has ever confirmed this belief; no Spirit
returned from beyond the grave, has ever reported it.
Lecture 82 Pg. 2
What is there that any man could do in the brief spell between birth
and death to deserve it?
On the other hand every Spirit reports Purgatory', and
has a wholesome respect for it. But these are not the flames of eternal
torment, but the cleansing fires that purify the Soul, as gold is tried
in the furnace, until all its dross is burned away, and it is pure and is not maintained,however, that the dross of an Evolution
can all be burnt away in the purgation of a single death. Few souls
are so pure and strong that they could endure so severe a trial with­
out their fibres being disintegrated. Therefore,we are shown no more
at a single purgation that we can bear and profit by. We are permit­
ted to wipe out a certain proportion of our Karma, and then come back
to earth with the rest still bound about our neck, and it is this un­
expiated Karma which causes our sufferings in the next life. So,
gradually, with what we realize while in Purgatory, and what we make
amends for while on Earth, we compensate our Kama and adjust the bal­
ance. Thus does the Soul make its growth, and I want you to read that
line again "with what we make amends for while on earth" - that is
very important.
Altho Purgatory is primarily a Subjective experience
it is not wholly subjective. The vivid dreams and feelings of the Soul
going thru this experience, creates a very definite atmosphere about
it. On the Astral Plane there is no time and Space as we understand
them, but there a mood is a place, and those who are in the same emo­
tional state are drawn together. Can we not readily understand how the
atmosphere made by all the Souls at present out of Incarnation, who
are struggling with thwarted hate, or unsatiated lust, would mold the
scenery of Hell out of the Plastic Astral Ethers.
All those who hate, all those who lust, congregate to­
gether and it is largely the accumulative atmosphere that they make
between them which causes the abreaction of the Higher Type of Soul
the Soul that has possibilities of redemption. The minor transgression,
which appears venial to us in ourselves, looks very different when we
find ourselves in the midst of a sphere where innumerable Souls are
carrying it to all extremes, and we have to live in its atmosphere.
Indulgence in the Sins of the Flesh which may not appear so bad when
it is being done by a single person in an otherwise clean environment,
will soon nauseate even its most hardened habitue when he is compelled
to practice his chosen vice in company with thousands of other who
are doing exactly the same thing, and he is not allowed to stop when
he has had enough, because the irresistible momentum carries him on,
whether he will or not. This is the most effectual way to cure the sins
of the flesh, and the Lords of Karma make full use of it. If, however,
a Soul has largely risen above its weaknesses during life, or if it is
not very deeply imbued with them, its visit to the Purgatorial Firey
Whirlpool will soon cause it to be thrown out upon the bands, free.
None, however, may escape the experience of facing their own weaknesses
in the company of those like-minded to themselves. No amount of Masses
and Candles and Prayers is going to spare them this, but remember that
you can, however, concentrate upon these Souls a telepathic current
which will focus Spiritual Forces upon them, and thus cause them to
win to a realization and reaction more quickly. In brief, you can
apply Spiritual Healing to those in Purgatory.
Now the Occult Discipline which I gave you consists in
reviewing each night the events of the day, in a reverse order..That
is to say, from the evening backward to the morning. Altho this may be
Lee. 82 - Pg. 3
a little confusing at first, for the mind naturally tends to follow
its natural sequence of cause and effect, one soon becomes habituated
to it, and experiences no difficulty. There is a twofold reason for
this operation. The first is to accustom your mind to work out of
normal sequence, and so penetrate the Veil of Spirit, and recover
memories of past incarnations. The other reason is to keep the Karmic
debt within bounds. By abregating each night any errors we have made
during the day, we prevent our Purgatorial debt from accumulating. But
if we merely abreact them each day, and repeat them the next, we are
not doing ourselves very much good, for while we may have neutralized
that particular portion of Karma, we are acquiring plenty more of an
even more unpleasant nature, we are making sure of a place for ourselves
in the particular Hell reserved for hypocrites, and anything more
painful than the unmasking of the Soul under those circumstances, is
hard to imagine. The Mills of the Gods grind exceedingly small, and
not so slowly, either all things considered.
Let us always bear in mind, therefore, that Purgatory is
neither punitive nor retributive, but essential healing to the Soul.
The cautery of hell fire clears up the septic wounds that Life has
left us. There is clean healing after that burning. Let us, therefore
during our lifetime, clear up all we can of those things we have done
amiss, whether in wickedness, error or weakness. If ve can cure our­
selves of our evil tendencies, Hell will not have to teach us our
lesson, for we shall already have learned it before then. And,finally
when our time has come to pass over,let us go with courage, knowing
that our Evil Dream will not last long.We should go to our Purgatory
as we would go to the Dentist, knowing that is going to be more or
less painful, but not more than flesh and blood can bear, and that we
will be none the worse for it. And let us, above all realize that we
are in skillful hands, and that the magnetic connections which have
been built thru the associations with the Brotherhood, and thru them
with those Inner Esoteric Schools, assures you that, if you are faith­
ful, you will never lack for help and guidance, and it is for this
reason that maintenance of such tangible connections with an Occult
Organization which is a real Spiritual Association, and one which
maintains a pure and unsullied contact with the Fountain Streams of
the Inner Planes, is of so very great importance, and should be
maintained and the ties built ever stronger at every opportunity.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lee. 83 - Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
A critical comparison of the teachings which character­
ize the various Faiths brings to light a startling discovery. Under­
neath the violent religious differences which set them apart, one from
another, they are astonishingly alike, both in fundamental principles,
and frequently in their ways of presentation. Rama, Zoroaster, Krishna
Lao-Tse, Buddha, Jesus, did not teach separate ways of reaching rival
Gods. They taught practically one and the same thing, how people can
direct their activities in accordance with certain unchanging basic
truths, in such a manner as to live a healthier, happier and a more
normal and more successful life on earth.
Unfortunately, the records of various religions since
the dawn of time show that those in charge of those religions, for
selfish purposes of their own, were far more interested in maintaining
the prestige of their respective systems of worship, and the manufactur­
ed creeds, and the Deities they made central in them; than they were in
promoting the welfare of their fellow men. In vivid contrast to them, ’
the Great Redeemers knew that the Laws of the Universe are immutable
beyond any human power to modify or arrest in their operation, and
therefore, they devoted all their efforts to teaching mankind how to
adapt himself consciously and intelligently to those Laws. These
others endeavored to represent those Laws as merely the will of a Dei­
ty whom they could influence to fit His whim to mortal needs, by peti­
tioning Him in proper form. Their religions, creeds and doctrines were
designed to protect this belief, keeping man in ignorance of that
changeless Universal Plan to which he must conform in ordei' to progress.
Based upon this, the task which confronted every Re­
deemer and Saviour was to liberate humanity from the condition of ut­
ter Ignorance, darkness, superstition, limitations of every sort, un­
der which the creeds and dogmas of their respective religions, for
selfish ends, had plunged them. Their task was to restore to mankind
that original sense of Dignity, that birthright of Free Will and Self-
Determination, of which a few greedy, clever and unscrupulous indivi­
duals had deprived them. Alone they were to stand up against those vzho,
posing as interpreters of the Will of God, had imposed their own ambi­
tious will on credulous humanity, diverting people from the straight
course of their Evolutionary Progress, separating them from the natural
way of thinking and living, tangling them in the bonds of a fear-ridden
servitude, which was rivited securely on them by promising to bring
them near to the very Power for which their hearts yearned.
Having dedicated wealth, fame, friends, talents and
life itself to this one Magnificent Purpose—the liberation of the
Human Race, their emancipation from wrong Influences, the awakening
of man’s true self, his success and happiness in Life—the Great Re­
deemers and Masters set out in the most logical and systematic way to
achieve the quickest and best results. They knew that the dominating
influences on the heart of man, the die thru which a certain character
is stamped on the raw metal of his Life, is his Faith—Faith in Good,
Faith in Ideals, and Faith in Perfection. The creeds and dogmas of the
various religions, by intruding upon man’s belief a false idea of the
dominating, wilful, capricious, vengeful, Universal Power, which was
in reality but the pictured image of their own ambitious natures, have
imparted to him the complementary insignia and worth of a slave which
they exploited for their own profit.
Lee. 83 - Pg. 2
The Great Redeemers determined to clear away this de­
grading substitution, to turn Man thru his Faith to the real Supreme
Ruling Power while it impressed a nobler value upon his life. So they
endeavored, first of all, to give him a right concept of that Supreme
Ruling Power which the religions of the world called God, but which
the Redeemers called the Father. Thus dawned upon the human understand­
ing the perfect Ideal of the Father, not remote, not stern, not venge­
ful, not unjust nor indifferent, but One vitally interested in the
welfare of His children, always to be looked up to, trusted and fol­
lowed as the Guiding Star in the Dark Night of Human Ignorance, during
mankind’s further uncertain steps along the Way of their Evolution.
Thus, the Redeemers established, thru the mists of
wrong teachings, a clear and simple conduct of life, finding first
man's proper relation to the Supreme Ruling Power, considering it as
the Father of mankind, and next, his relation and attitude toward Him­
self, and at the same time, the attitude and relation which should
exist between him and his fellow beings. The solution of these three
main and logical relations which underlie man’s whole being, and whose
fair observance cannot be termed duty, because it is natural to every
normal and free-minded individual, formed the plain fundamental prin­
ciples on which were built the teachings of all the true Redeemers
and Saviours, the Great Masters.
Jesus, the latest, and perhaps the least understood of
all these Masters, openly recognized the impossibility of giving peo­
ple a more adequate idea of that which He conveyed to them in a form
suited to their mental capacity at that time. He declared that He spoke
to them in parables veiled, but that the time would come when the
teachings would be'given to Humanity which would explain everything
clearly and scientifically. Even to His immediate followers, His
friends, and His Disciples who stood close to Him, and who were pre­
sumably most fitted to understand them, He said "Many things have I
to tell you, but you cannot bear them now."
There were two obvious reasons why the Teachers always
referred to God as the Father. First, because the Supreme Ruling Power,
the original Source from which all forms of being, man included,
sprang into existence, is, in its truest sense, the actual Cause, the
Invisible Heavenly Father of Mankind. Second, because they wished to
impress upon man’s consciousness the realization of his kinship with
that Power, his nearness to it, bringing him again to the once natural
state of unhampered communion with It, from which he had been warped
by the many perverted doctrines. They wanted to make him feel that in­
timacy, friendliness and trust, in his relation with It, which normal­
ly exists between father and child. In this way, they indicated as
forcibly as possible that just as there was no need of a go-between
in the relations of parent and children, so on the larger scale there
was no need of any intermediaries between man and the Supreme Ruling
Thereby, they wrecked the first Great Wall which closed
in man’s mind, and by so doing, they automatically did away with the
other walls, buttressed by the institutions, creeds and dogmas. They
taught human beings to commune with their Heavenly Father, to pray to
Him within the secret chambers of their own hearts, away from all
other people. The Teachers made it clear that they did not advocate
nommnnion with the Supreme Ruling Power merely as a means of obtaining
satisfaction of material human wants; their vision extended far beyond
Lee. 83 - Pg. 3
the grudging limits of daily life. Man’s aim, therefore, should be to
identify himself as completely as possible with the Great Universal
Forces and Laws whose product and embodiment he is, and in whose rul­
ing embrace he conducts his life.
These Laws, tho they never yield, also do not bear any
grudge or revenge against those who violate them. They are as ready to
help the most persistent transgressor, just as if he had never offend­
ed at all, once he acts in accord with them. That is the reason man
was told to forgive his offenders seventy-times seventy if necessary,
and never to bear any grudge or revengement in his heart, but to keep
the opportunity always open for his enemies to make matters right. The
more an individual expresses in his own nature the Laws which rule the
Universe itself, and the higher he rises in his moral development, thru
the continual use of Love, the greatest Power of the Universe, in one’s
daily activities, this quality of Love can be so developed as to final­
ly offer an impenetrable barrier to anything negative from outside.
The individual achieves a Poise which renders him immune without effort
on his part, to any destructive influence that may be directed against
him. There is no flaw, no weakness left in his nature to make him vul­
nerable to the evil intents of others.
In all civilizations, and all progress, these Great Mas­
ters taught the foundation stones of Truth, Honesty, Good Will and Love.
These qualities call for collaboration and cooperation amongst human
beings, the mutual adjustment of activities without which there is no
great constructive effort. Such a plan of life gave to humanity all
they could need to make them strong in body, clear in mind, and happy
in Soul. It placed in their power the means to remove every obstacle
to their unfoldment, and to develop into good husbands and wives, in­
telligent parents, loving children, true friends, broad minded and pro­
gressive citizens, faithful assets to their own community and country
In particular, and to the human race in general. It enabled man to
control not only his destiny and his earthly career, but to shape the
course he will pursue in the life that will be his in the future steps
of Evolution, and if human beings had been left alone to practice these
teachings so superlatively direct, simple and complete, there is no
question but the improvement bound to follow at once would have exceed­
ed the most lofty expectations; but no sooner did these Great Teachers
depart from the earth, often with the assistance of those supporters
of the creeds and dogmas they had fought, than once again these Ruling
Powers stepped into their former station as intermediaries between man
and the Supreme Being. Busily they mended the Broken Walls of creeds,
dogmas and rites which the Teachers had trampled to ruin. Cunningly
they built up around the unsuspecting human mind the same old dogmas,
and the structures which had shut out the light of Truth for many ages.
Cleverly they warped the Truths which the Teachers had brought, mis­
interpreted them, loaned more authority to their own creed, then, every­
where, those in power became the implacable enemies of the Teachers
and the Great Masters in whom they recognized the greatest menace to
their hold on human minds, and they left no stone unturned to stop the
progress of those teachings, and finally, they derüSlgd those Great
Teachers, themselves, whose sole aim in life had been to further the
welfare of their fellow beings, in whom humanity had learned to place
their trust, their confidence, their love, and who were, above all,
Men among men, and finally made them to appear as Gods, the central
Lee. 83 - Pg. 4
figures of a new worship, again betraying their followers into that
very system from which they had been rescued.
But now a new day is dawning. Mankind is beginning to
recognize the Power which has been shut against him. He is fighting
pestilences with sanitary measures, instead of supplications; He is
mastering plagues by scientific means; He is averting floods by his
handling of the water ways; and he is entering upon his heritage, and
is starting to draw substantial interest from the Talents entrusted to
him to be invested, not buried. He is coming to understand the true
nature of the Universe he inhabits; he finds the needless burdens and
powers to which his ignorant blunderings have exposed him in the past,
and he sees that they will cease to trouble him now. He is daring to
claim as his ally, every force and power of nature; he is subduing the
running waters,the tides,the winds, the sun,the moon, to the service
of mankind. He is learning to be AT ONE with nature, with its Supreme
Ruling Power,with its Supreme Life Energy,and its marvelous Laws. He
finds that this means a successful, happy,ever-unfolding, more inter­
esting, more thrilling, more infinitely abundant life on earth, and
that he is now beginning to fulfill to some extent the Great Purpose
for which his mortal experience was designed.
Today,as never before,the world is splitting into two
factors, as distinct and as apart as day and night. The strife is draw­
ing close, the battle is already raging. On one side is the Army of
Light, its ranks recruited from those energetic, fearless, enlightened
and noble men and women who fight for knowledge, for freedom and pro­
gress. Their aim is to make possible a better, richer, finer, happier
life for all people without distinction of Race,class or creed,right
here on earth, and now. Their Emblem,the Light of Knowledge, is dis­
pelling the night of ignorance and superstition. Under those Standards
are enrolled the rapidly increasing numbers of all who contribute in
some measure to the advancement and well being of the humankind.
But arrayed against them is the Great Army of
is formed of those who battle for the perpetuation of ignorance, of
superstition,of outgrown religions and dead Faiths. Their aim is to
keep man enslaved, full of fear, a serf chained forever in the thrall
of a divinely ordained servitude which he is not supposed to alter,the
worship of a capricious and unrelenting God. However dense the ranks
of darkness may now appear to be, they are crumbling, slowly but sure­
ly, before the lancing rays of Light which dart forth from the labor­
atories of study and field, and which puncture their obscurity. As the
glow of new knowledge floods ever more brightly over the world thru
minds which have caught a spark of the Universal Fire, the Shadows of
Ignorance pale and recede,and dwindle toward that Limbo into which
they must eventually vanish before the glorious dawn of a New Day, a
Day of Freedom Happiness and Justice on Earth. \
The"truths these Teachers are giving to every man and
woman are helping them to meet the problem of Life. They are more than
ever breathing,daring with optimistic confidence and enlightenment, and
they are determined to emerge victorious by overcoming all difficulties
and unveiling all secrets,dispelling all mysteries,asking all ques­
tions and venturing all things.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lecture 84 Pg. 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
In our last talk I spoke to you about something of
the new day that is dawning; of humanity’s attempt to break the
shackles that have so long fettered the Race and kept it in the darkest
depths of superstition, and I pointed out to you that at last this long
tyranny is drawing to an end, and that Humanity, swept by the tide of
Knowledge which has borne down upon it of late, is awakening from the
hypnotic spell cast upon it by dogmatic creeds and rituals. The mod­
ern youth, buoyant, irresistible, uncontrollable, lifted on the crest
of that on-rushing Wave, dash from their Path the old Traditions, the
time-worn concepts which are too far out-grown for their eager and
growing minds, like the mountain stream swollen with the mountain snows
of Spring sweeps the collected rubbish out of its way to the sea. By
the time the younger generation leaps forward in the Springtime of our
Human Race, gathering might, and energy and activity long frozen in the
grip of bleak Religious Doctrines, Humanity will be released at last
from the Winter's sleep by the warm Suns of Knowledge, are ready to
stand out and break the barriers of Belief considered impregnable be­
cause consecrated by the Ages, and in a comparative sense, they shall
sweep into oblivion also, those three greatest obstacles which have
ever blocked the Progress, and forbidden the happiness of Mankind.The
triple laws of Organized Creeds, their Representatives and their Dogmas.
Since the light of modern Science and Scientists are
beginning to perceive for the first time that the endless procession of
false concepts of God which they have worshipped in the past, was but
the ghostly shadows, projected upon the Screen of the Human Mind, have
come to the realization of how many times the Human Mind has been pur­
posely baffled, that the Image projected by it could be more enslaving.
So in the revealing radiance of Knowledge shadows fade and vanish, to­
gether with the panoply of Doctrines which lent an illusion of Life to
their splendor and their terror. What of those Principles taught by
the Saviours and Redeemers? Those Friends of Mankind, and the Truths
which They gave us? Surely, these Principles also are not doomed to
take flight, or to dissolve under the blinding blare of Scientific
Discoveries and compared with facts and covered by modern Research? We
know that they will not, but will be confirmed in but greater majesty.
Science has lately opened the eyes of Mankind upon a
Universe which transcends anything that the boldest intellect could
ever conceive. Apparently boundless in its Immensity, without begin­
ning or end in any direction, extending itself thruout Infinity and
Eternity, this Universe, nevertheless, manifests itself in countless
agglomerations of Celestial Bodies, no two of which are alike. All
varying in size and aspect, and yet each forming a perfect link in the
delicately balanced scheme of the whole. Having its proper place, its
appointed course, its own unique character and destiny. Each Unit so
colossal that it baffles the power of mathematics to express them,
distances so vast that the Human Mind, no matter how hard and deeply it
may ponder, can never hope to grasp them, characterize this Universe
which has no limit, so far as Science can see, and whose confines could
never be reached if one were to flash thru it with the speed of light,
yet so exact, so nicely synchronized, so minutely ordered are the ac­
tivities of all its individual members, that if an error of seconds is
detected in the centuries long orbit of a Comet, it is a debatable
point, whether the Universe or the Scientist is wrong.
This Universe, expanding itself in every direction.en­
rolling new vistas ever greater, more varied and more wonderful than
the old, with neither beginning nor end of time, having always existed,
as it will always exist, complete, perfect, immutable is the whole,
Le Co 84 Pgo 2
yet constantly changing in its component parts; immovable as a funda­
mental fact, yet moving without a pause in its expressed activities, re­
veals in its very texture, a miraculous wealth of qualities and laws
which upset the firmly rooted ideas of former days, and spell our mar­
velous lessons to the groping eye of the investigator»
First amongst these qualities apparent is that the physical
structure of the Universe is Life„ Everything, without exception, is
full of energy, moves, and lives, from the largest Celestial Body
floating in the Deeps of Space to the smallest particles of matter
there is nothing where motion, unceasing, dynamic, is for a moment ab­
sent. Ponderous Planets, hurtling on their course, manifest that mo­
tion on the greater scale, while Electrons, darting about within their
atomic walls at a speed beyond our ability to imagine, manifest it on
the smallest scale. Nowhere can be discovered a condition where mo­
tion is not, a state of utter Inertia where activity in one form or a-
nother is completely suspended. Perpetual motion, eternal life, is the
basis of all existence, the very essence of that Universal Substance
from which all forms of Matter are created thruout Infinity and thruout
E ternity.
The quality of Motion, therefore, permeates even those things
which appear to be motionless, things which are called dead. Specifi­
cally, there is no dead. There is continual change, continual transi­
tion from one form of life to another in that endless Cycle of the Life
of Motion, and only human ignorance could admit that the false concept
of death could be applied to those changes in forms of life. All is
perpetual motion, eternal life, indestructible, of which not one vibra­
tion, not one movement ever can or ever will be lost.
Because of that life, that irresistible energy, new worlds
are forever coming into existence, colossal nebulae, the dust of old
worlds that have crumbled away, gathering together in inter stellar
vacancies to become the nucleus of future Planetary Systems. Because
of it, all Celestial Bodies hold unerringly on their respective orbits
thru the Infinite Space. Electrons, the foundation of matter, dash and
spin within the precincts of their atoms, making even so-called inani­
mate matter a living, moving substance. Seeds germinate, plants grow,
animals exist. Unnumbered Aeons ago life molded the blazing Sun, the
Planets, our Earth, the Moon, the Stars, and breathed into them the
glow of its palpitating presence. Clothed this Globe with an atmos­
phere of air, and ensouled in it iron and treasures as yet unknown to
man within its rocky ribs, dressed it with many waters, polished it
with winds, and running thru it as in a prism, emerges its countless
twisting and glending forms, which in the end it will dissolve into the
elements from which they came.
Because of that Life we Human Beings also live and progress
thru the mounting Cycles of our Evolution. By it the smallest and re­
motest cells in our body can perform their function properly, contri­
buting their individual activities to the gerneral activities on the
whole, and forming that unified life which is but the aggregate, the
totality, of all of the millions of separate lives of organs, of cells,
and the myriads of electrons which go to form the atoms of those cells
of which it is made. Every form of life reduced to its original con­
stituents, splits into countless individual units of life. All units
of life, incalculable in number, unceasing in activity, taken together
thruout Infinity and Eternity, comprise the sum total of all lives, the
One, Eternal, and Boundless Life of the Solar Logoi from which every­
thing is derived. Human Beings come from the Outer Cosmos at the be­
ginning of the Formation of the System, and are made an integral part
of the Body of the Solar Logos, as has been explained.
LeCo 84 pg» 3
This Universality and Supremacy of Life is a stupendous fact
revealed by Science to the Humanity of today» The greatest and most
far reaching of discoveries established life as the fundamental and all
pervading power of the Universe.
In such a fullness of life, there is no factor of time; life
is ageless, only man’s concept of life is subject to the yardstick of
years, months and days. Life itself has no past or future; it is in a
condition of perpetual NOW.
That is why, when health abounds, and living is a joy, there
is no room for time. Days flash by unnoticed, because the individual,
by identifying himself completely with the original Life from which he
sprang, has left no empty margins in his being for calendars to record.
To him, dead pasts and unborn futures are dissolved in the living pre­
sent. One vital moment embracing all, expressing all which Life itself
knows. It is a man’s reason for being, to live now, as best he can
right here on the earth whose inhabitant he is for the time being.
There has been given to him thoughts, tribute and esteem and Life de­
mands of all of us, that we use it to the uttermost, enjoy it to the
fullest, live 100 per cent of it, put the most we can into it, and to
get the most we can out of it. If we so honor that priceless Gift, the
magnificent Power of Life itself, and attune ourselves to the demand it
makes upon us, we shall find that it never fails to come to our aid in
meeting the ever more difficult requirements of Progress. Everything
in the Universe is of one flesh, so to say, with the Universal Life it
came from, Nature has made provision for each expressed form of Life, to
maintain its free contact with the original Life Current on which its
continued existence depends. The radio principles whose marvels man­
kind has just begun to discover and apply mechanically, has been in
operation from the time when Primal Energy first gathered together to
form a physical body, whether of a gas, a mineral, or any other element
or creature. The Principle, being an integral part of Nature, is built
into the very structure of every individual member in the entire Scale
of Being, equipping it with the means to contact, directly or indirect­
ly, thru the wireless sets, the life vibrations, and tho power and
knowledge besides, which it can draw in and apply to its particular
uses. Human beings, like other beings in Nature, are furnished with
such a wireless set, and you are learning the art of sending and re­
ceiving and struggling with the code.
Such Progress is the goal toward which Humanity has been
struggling blindly thru millions of years of slow and painful endeavor
on Earth. Tho evolved from Eternal and Universal Life itself, people
have until recently subsisted only on the outer margin of that Power
unaware of its vitalizing Presence, ignorant of its properties to bring
out in them all their wonderful latent forces and qualities of body,
mind and Soul.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood
Lee 85 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Well, the last two lessons were more in the nature of
a talk together over conditions thru -wh? eh Humanity has passed in the
ages gone by. Tonight. I am going to take up a little deeper topic, so
I am going to talk to you about the Heaven World.
We hear a great deal about the Heaven World in Spiri­
tualistic Communications, and many people are repulsed by the idea, for
they feel that everything is represented as being so material. They
read about Brother George smoking cigars and drinking champagne, and
feel that Veaven falls far short of their expectations. Cr again they
read of Golden floors and perpetual Harping, and feel that this would
not appeal to them either. A rather higher type of Heaven is described
by the Spirits who tell us that the artist paints marvelous pictures
upon illimitable aanvasses, or that the Scientist penetrates the Se­
crets of Nature by merely loo ring at them. Delightful as everything is
made to sound, we instinctively feel that there is something wrong, for
all this does not ring true. Moreover, we feel that we should be tho-
roly bored, even if it were true, for there is no pleasure in the age-
long effortless procession. So much of our joy in Achievement lies in
the triumph of difficulties overcome. There can be no real joy in an
effortless Heaven-
And then many people, too, feel that there could be no
joy in a Heaven that did not include their loved ones.
Now, what are we to say to all these contradictory
statements which do violence to our deepest instincts? They cannot all
be righ^ but neither are they all wrong. How are we to understand
them? In the light of the lessons and the instruction that has come to
you thru these Western Traditions, you first of all, realize that Hea­
ven must be a State of Consciousness and not a place. Your Mind is in­
dependent of Time and Space, as we know by our dreams, whether the
dream of sleep or the day dream.You can fantasy yourself to be in An­
cient Egypt or far Carthage and for all the purposes of Consciousness,
you are there for the moment, you see the sights, you hear the sounds
of those times and places in proportion to the vividness of your ima­
When we are first dead, we are simply disembodied
Mind, and obey the Laws of Dream Consciousness. Purgatory is our
dream of remorse and purification; and the Heaven World is our wish­
fulfillment. Freud tells the story of the little boy whose ration of
cherries was limited by a careful mother, and who on awakening the next
morning announced, "Herman has eahen all the cherries.” His dream had,
fulfilled the ungratified wish of the previous day. So, in the Sleep
of Death *the dreams that come to us during our Heaven World phase are
wish-fulfillments. But they are something more than the idle gratifi­
cation of fancy, they arise from the deep Breedings of the Mind upon
its Hopes and Ideals- These may not seem to us very lofty, but they
represent the phase of Experience thru which that particular Soul is
going in its Evolution, and it is necessary for that Soul to go thru
the Realization of its Hopes in order to profit by the lessons.
The Mohammedan Heaven with its Dancers, may not appeal
to the Westerner, but it has been potent to send thousands of fanati­
cal devotees to a sacrificial death in order that their Faith might
be spread amongst the Infidels, and that Faith has been a great Force
for Good among tribes so primitive that they could not respond to a
more sophisticated appeal. We must not judge another man's Heaven by
Lee. 85 Pg

our own Standard. His Heaven is his wish-fulfillment, not ours. We

must face the fact that the Heaven of the burglar, adept in porch­
climbing, must necessarily be a Heaven that is full of easily climbed
■. hen we call back the Spirits of the Departed to tell us
of their experiences in the Heaven World whither they have gone, we are
listening to the account of their dreams in the Sleep of Death. It is
only when we are fortunate enough to get hold of one of the Souls that
are freed from the t'heel of Birth and Death, and are continuing their
beneficent work for Humanity upon the Inner Planes instead of entering
their rest-in other words, it is only when we get into touch with a
Waster, that we shall hear an account of the Heaven 'world that shall
give us a real understanding of its Nature, and the relation of its
parts to the whole.
The account given by a person recently passed over is
comparable to the account that is given of the workings of a great
Hospital by one of the patients in its beds. He sees only a very small
portion of the whole, and has no means of assessing its significance.
The account which is given by the Guides, ministering Spirits, Friends,
and others whose task is to assist the departed, is equivalent to that
which v.e might receive from the Probationer Nurses of the same Hospital.
It is not until we hear the Doctors lecturing to the Students that ’.ve
begin to grasp the significance and the scope of the great Institution
re are investigating.
Purgatory is a Hospital for sick Souls, where they are
operated upon. The Heaven ’ crld is first, a Convalescent Home and
then a School,-for some few it may also be a college. In the lower
Fields of Heaven, so often described in Communications from the Inner
Planes Souls rest and recuperate, dreaming pleasant dreams meanwhile,
that soothe them and make them happy. But this phase, having fulfilled
its Purpose, passes on and gives Place to the next.
In order to understand the significance of these Inter­
Incarnation phases, ;;e must enter somewhat deeply into the Philosophy
of the subject. As I have already noted, Heaven and Hell are States of
Consciousness, not places, but if you realize the actual facts of the
matter, you will find that Earth is also a State of Consciousness.
Modern Physics is showing conclusively that Matter is simply a Form of
Force, which owing to the fact that it is in equilibrium, appears to
us to be static and solid. There is no such thing as Dense Matter as
popularly understood. You learn this in the third lesson, and you know
that when you stumble over a chair you are really falling over Electri­
cal resiseancies. Incarnation is the State of Consciousness which per­
ceives these Forms of Force. Dis-incarnation, or Death, is a State of
Consciousness which no longer perceives them, but has become Subjective
and is only aware of the content of its own Consciousness.
In Death, the gates of the senses are closed; otherwise,
the man is unchanged. In fact, we might say that viewed from the
standpoint of the Soul, Death is simply the closing of the gates of the
senses. If a man's Consciousness is entirely limited to the Five Phy­
sical Senses, tho such men are rare, he is as much shut in with his own
thoughts and is as inaccessible as the sleeper lying oblivious upon a be
But does the sleep of Death yield nothing but pleasant
dreams and rest? No, it is much more than this. Anyone who is famil­
iar with the practice of Mental Cork and Meditation knows how powerful
is the concentrated Brooding of the Bind upon some Spiritual Idea.
The Highlands of Heaven are the Mounts of Meditation. The Soul, with­
Lee 85 Pg 3

drawn from sense impressions is building Thought-Forms and giving its-

self auto-suggestions. These processes play an important part in form­
ulating the vehicles of embodiment when it reincarnates, when the time
The artist who dreams his Dream of Cosmic canvasses is
building Faculty. On Earth, the Realization of his vision was limited
by lack of skill of the hand and the eye. In the Heaven World he is
under no such limitations and embodies his Vision as he sees it, this
changes Faculty, and when he reincarnates, he will have gone some way
towards building himself a Physical Vehicle in which hand and eye will
cooperate with the Inner Vision and give it Form.
Life after life of effort, together with the interven­
ing periods of Meditation on the Inner Plane, gradually makes the Soul
that which it wishes to be• If its wishes are unworthy or untrue, the
regularly recurring phases of Purgatory neutralize its efforts. Those
things which in our Earth Life we have realized but failed to attain,
are achieved in Heaven, and this Subjective Achievement builds Faculty,
and we return to Incarnation with the Power to achieve, latent in us.
Life has done its work for us when it brings realization, even if we
are unable to attain our realizations for in the next life these will
be within our grasp.

"He who would understand the Plains must

ascend the Eternal Hills, where man's
eyes scan Infinity.
But he who would make use of understand­
ing must descend on to the Plains where
Past and Future meet and men have need
of him."

From Sayings of Tsiang Samdup

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood


Lecture 86 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight I am going to talk with you in an informal
manner about many things, including Prayer. If you will follow me
closely I am sure that you will see not only this point on Prayer,but
many, many others.
In the first place you have learned of the Power of
human mind, and the fact that it is really the Creative Mind of God.
You know something of its abilities and capacities. You know that
this Mind can work on the Akasa, the basic, subtile matter of the In­
ner Planes, by manipulating the Forces and Powers of those Planes.
You know that Human Mind has control over many of the Entities and Ele-
mentals and Forces of the Inner Planes, and that thru working on these
Planes it not only manipulates these things, but sets up stressed con­
ditions of Power, very much as stressed magnetic centers occur in an
electrical field, and you know that two thunder clouds approaching
each other,creating a stressed condition between them, or a vacuum,
cause a discharge from one to the other, and you see the flash of
lightening with all of its power and capacities for harm or good.
Now, then, take the combined thoughts of countless
millions of people ovex’ many, many ages, all working along a certain
line, a certain Ritual, a certain Formula, as for instance the Chris­
tian Faith, as performed every Sunday in countless churches in many
lands, and continued from generation to generation — do you see that
such an Organized Religion builds up on the Inner Planes an Ovex’ Soul?
An Elemental if you like, endowed with Life, combining within its’ or­
ganization, not only the Blind Forces of that particular plane, but al­
so countless Entitles working with that Force and the whole represent­
ing a tremendous Force, comparable perhaps to an electric storage bat­
tery, being over charged with Power, being ever filled with new Power,
thru the thoughts and practices of the countless worshippers and fol­
lowers of the System.
This same Christ tan Religion — and I am speaking of
all of the different sects, whe 1er Catholic or Protestant — have in
their Ceremonies and Symbolism any of an Evocative Nature, a Nature
designed along the lines of Cer monial Magic, or Ritualistic Magic,
for the purpose of bringing tha Power down the Planes to the material:
such for instance as the Catholic'Mass, a purely Evocative Ceremony.
Orthodox persons should be careful, how they condemn the Laws of Magic,
for they unwittingly conform to many of them whenever they go to church.
All Religion is saturated with Magic; it seems to possess an inexting­
uishable Life, and the Christian Church has founded an External Sys­
tem on Sacraments and Symbols, and Rhythmic Invocations and Ceremonial
Acts of Praise, insisting on the power of the pure and self-denying
Will, and to the Magic chain of Congregational Worship, but she does
not join hands with the Occultist, with those Magi whose gold, frank­
incense and myrrh were the first gifts that she received.
But I am getting into another phase of the question.
Now, I want you to conceive of this Power, as I said, stored up on
the Planes, and I want you to think of it as an immense Storage Bat­
tery which can be tapped and which can be used. Now this Christian
Religion in its Purity, was the highest and latest aspect of the Solar
Logos, as transmitted thru the Consciousness of the Master Jesus. It
is probably the most powerful of these Groups, these Over Souls, or
Power Complexes on the Inner Planes, and it is also the highest, be­
cause it is closest to the Spiritual Plane.
Lee. 86 Pg. 2
But now as you turn and go back down the ages you
find that each preceding Religion built up on the Planes was a degree
lower in nature. For instance, the great Mind Religions of the Hima­
layas, and of India, those great Religious Systems which belonged to
the Planes of Mind, rather than the Spiritual Plane, and then before
them there are the Systems of the Astral thru the various degrees of
the Astral Plane, until you come to the terrible Blood Religions of the
Kali Yugi, purely Lower Astral Systems or Organizations, built up thru
the blood worship and human sacrifice of countless millions of people,
ensouling Thought Forms of the very lowest type, and holding in their
organization also the Lower Elementals, almost dynamic storage batter­
ies of potential Positive Evil. Now these latter Religions and Organi­
zations on the Inner Planes are gradually shriveling up and dying; they
are no longer being used; their Ceremonies and their Magic Rituals are
no longer being worked. Humanity has advanced in its Evolution, and it
is concentrating its attention on the Higher Forms, the latest of which
is the Christian Aspect. But nevertheless these old Potencies are
there, and while it may possibly be running down somewhat, it is still
dynamic with latent Power.
Now do you see that the Path lying behind Evolution
belongs to the Left-hand Path. In other words, do you see that these
Potencies built up in the remote ages of the past were essentially
Black Magic, Invocations, Blood Sacrifices, and that the Power which
has been built up, and which fed upon this Human Blood, and all of the
lower practices of the Cults of those past ages belong to the Left-hand
Path, the Path of Positive Evil, and the Occultist today who contacts
those Systems and makes it a practice to work those formulae and those
Religious Symbolisms, those Cults and taps that Power and brings it
down to this Plane, is tapping a Source of Positive Evil, of Degrada­
tion, and he is therefore a Black Magician of the Left-Hand Path, while
one who taps the Christian Aspect, or the later and Higher Aspect of
the Power Forces which reside on those Planes, is a White Magician,
bringing down Spiritual Forces of high caliber.
Now as you read that all over do you see what Prayer
is, do you see what the Mass and the Communion are, do you see where
Ceremonial Magic comes in, do you see all the degrees between the
Christian as the latest Aspect of Force to be built up and the earlier
forms in the dim distant day when Human Reason was first evolving, and
do you see another point, that when man becomes a Conscious, Spiritual
Master, such as the Master Jesus, he rises above the necessity for tap­
ping and of these Force Forms or storage batteries of Power, and goes
directly above and to the Source of all, the High Spiritual Plane of
the Christ Force, representing the full power of the Solar Logos, and
sends it directly thru the Planes to the Earth Plane, — that thought
analyzed will show you the difference between the lesser Masters and
the Great Masters.
I would like to be able to sit down and talk to you
about these subjects and really give you an idea of the vastness of Oc­
cult knowledge, the tremendous depths of it, and the awe-inspiring gran­
deur of the picture as it gradually unfolds to our enlarging Conscious­
I trust that something I have said in the above will
be helpful, and I rather expect it will stir up a multitude of quest­
ions in your mind, because there are so many aspects to this question
that it will well pay you to spend many a quiet evening meditating over
this and drawing your own analogies. For instance, stop and think for
a moment of the old Jewish Jehova, an Entity of the Lower Astral, think
Lecture 86 - Page 5
of what the worship of this Being has built up on that Astral Plane.
Read over the Old Testament, and see how He was endowed with the ability
to commit all the crimes in the calendar, and fed with ideas of hate and
vengeance, and imagine what these combined thoughts did thru the ages in
organizing the Forces of unbalanced Stresses, as well as the Powers, if
not of Positive Evil as some Cults did, at least of the grosser passions
and Emotions.
Of course I do not want you to think of any of these
Cults, Creeds or Organized Religions as having only one Aspect. I want
you rather to think of each of them as extending up the Planes, and cov­
ering either one, or more Planes, or a certain number of Sub-Planes in
one of the Planes, thus having a Higher Aspect, and a Lower Aspect; for
instance in the old Religion of Jehovah, the grosser passions, the hate
and vengeance aspect would be on the lowest Astral Plane, and on the
other hand, there would be built up thru Worshippers who were of a lit­
tle more evolved nature, a higher aspect of Jehovah, and this Group of
Organized Resistances would therefore extend up into the Upper Astral.
With the latest Aspect, the Christian Religion, you will find that in
its lower Aspect it is practically an Organization on the Concrete Men­
tal Plane, extending also into the Abstract Mental Plane, and possibly,
at its very summit, touching the Lower Spiritual Plane. I am speaking
now of Organized Christianity as it is today. In the beginning, as the
Master Jesus taught it, and as the early Followers built up, it was
an Organization of the Upper Mental and Lower Spiritual Planes wholly,
but a lower part has been added to it, and it now extends down into the
Concrete Mental, and the lower two-thirds, the Concrete Mental and Upper
Mental are more potent today than the Lower Spiritual contact, which is
drying up from lack, of sufficient use.
So, in thinking of any of these things, think always
of the fact that such Organizations of Power spread over several Sub­
Planes, or possibly several Planes, depending upon their Force and size.
And remember always there is a Lower and Upper Aspect.
There is another point involved in this -- it is the
fact that I speak of this Organization on the Inner Planes as a Storage
Battery -- let us analyze that thought a moment. A storage battery is
filled with Power, but it is static Povzer, not dynamic. In other words,
the Power is there waiting to be used, but it cannot move of itself un­
less the conditions are right; you must tap the Negative and Positive
Poles and bring the two ends of the wire together in order to utilize
the Force or produce a manifestation, such as an electric light or a ian.
So it is with these great Organizations and Systems of Force on the In­
ner Planes; they must be contacted thru Ritual, Symbolism or Formula;
they must be approached in order that the Power may then pour down the
Channel afforded and become operative in you and your affairs.
You can very readily see that if one prays, using one
of the Orthodox Prayers of the usual type, he is contacting the Lower
Aspects of the Forces of the great Christian Organization, and that it
is pouring down, uplifting him, vitalizing him, changing his viewpoint,
and endowing him with the Potentiality of correcting his conditions and
affairs. Suppose that he is using the Lord’s Prayer, as outlined by the
Master Jesus -- you see that he is tapping the Middle Belt of this
great Organization of Action and Reaction, and that that Force or that
part of the Force is pouring down to him. And if he is using a form of
prayer, such as some of the modern New Thought, or simply, "Father, Thy
Will be done," he is tapping the higher Belt, or the Spiritual Top of
this great System. These Forces are lying there potent, vital with ener­
gy and growing stronger and.larger, many of them, as the months and year:
Lee. 86 - Pg. 4

go by, yet they do not move in your affairs until you contact them, un­
til you provide the channel thru which they can descend to the Earth
Plane, for they can only operate on the Earth Plane thru Minds incarna­
ted in human form. When it becomes necessary, as it does occasionally
in Evolutionary periods, for a great Truth to be brought to the people
which is beyond their comprehension, as a means of raising their Cons­
ciousness to a new and higher Standard, it is necessary that an incar­
nated Redeemer come amongst them, for if there is no member of the Race
whose Consciousness is developed enough to serve, then, one freed of
the wheel of Death and Birth is the only Channel in that particular age
and epoch which can be used to present the Truths.
And so you see that the Adhyapya should develop cer­
tain Powers and Abilities. If he does not develop them, after a reason­
able period of work, his training has failed in its Purpose. I have no
patience with Schools of Occultism which declare that they are purely
ethical and speculative, for it is only in the practical application of
Occult Teachers that Illumination may be had, and this of course is
brought about thru the meditative study and analysis, thru turning with­
in in the quiet of the Sanctum, and forming the habit of communing with
You will see from what I have said also that of the
greatest importance to the Adhyapya, later on in the work, is what is
called his ’Contacts.’ You see that these Contacts have nothing analo­
gous with the Controls of the Spiritualist, and you see that the Adhya­
pya who holds such Contacts and has developed them will not be merely in
touch with those Souls who are members of his own School in the Inner
Planes, the Great Western Traditions, but with the Forces which these
Souls thru the ages have concentrated, by means of their Mystic Attune-
ment, Service and Devotion, and hence the Western Traditions is a great
Organization of Forces on the Planes, strong and potent, and awaiting
your contact.
You will understand this I am sure, for you see that
the devout Catholic does not pray to the Saints for their own sake, nor
the Protestant to the Master Jesus, but in order that thru the interven­
tion of these the Petitioner may come into touch with the Powers behind
the Christian Church, or as we should say, - above the Christian Church,
that is to say with the Christ Force of the Seventh Plane, and thru this
Plane with the Solar Logos Himself. But of course this Principle, while
it applies to all Occult Contacts, is more lofty than most of them.
You will see also why I have stressed so frequently
the Invocation of the Name of the Master Jesus, and spoken of the Power
that is in His Sign, for the word of Power in any Ritual is the Name of
the Being to whom the participants look as the Channel of the Power
they are seeking, and in evoking the Sacred Name and utilizing the Sign,
you are calling upon the highest of the potent Forces in the Inner World
today, for having been Himself a Redeemer and having experienced the
Sacrificial Death, the Master Jesus has become the Head of the Hierar­
chies for this Dispensation, and His Name is the Name of Power above all
other names, during His Age. I want you to realize that the Powers thus
handled are very high Potencies, and you must be careful that they are
not used for unworthy purposes.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.
Lee. 87 - Page 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
I want to talk to you a few moments tonight in answer
to the question that is so frequently propounded — why is it that there
is no Teaching concerning Reincarnation in the Christian Doctrine, is
there not even implied denial of this fundamental Doctrine of Esoteric
Philosophy? These questions are frequently asked,and it is exceedingly
important that they be satisfactorily answered. If Reincarnation is
such an important part of the Mystery Teachings, from which it is
claimed that our Religions take their rise; why was it that the Master
did not teach it explicitly? The explanation of this problem is two­
fold; firstly, it lies in the nature of the people to whom He came,and
secondly in the manner in which His work had to be carried out.
He came to a people,.the great majority of whom were
exclusively preoccupied, as far as their Religious Life was concerned,
with the formal observances of the Temple, and the Righteousness incul-
.cated by the Mosaic Law. Among these people were a small minority who
were interested in Mystical speculation. Of these the most notable body
were the Essenes, men and women highly respected in Israel,some of whom
lived Community lives,while others shared in the Life of the World.
They might not inaptly be called the Quakers of Judaism. The Doctrine
of Reincarnation was part of the Teachings of the Essenes and an impor­
tant part. It is believed by many that Jesus was educated in an Essene
Community,after His greatness had been recognized by the Elders when He
taught in the Temple. Schure, in his very interesting book, ’’The Great
Initiates,” has gathered together some evidence in support of this view
But at any rate,in all His teachings,the Master makes a clear distinc­
tion between that which He would say to His chosen trustéd Disciples in
the Upper Chamber,to whom it was given to know the Mysteries of/the
Kingdom, and the populace, whose sick He healed, and the sorrows He
You must remember that the Master Jesus stood forth
in His time against a Mystical background; He spoke always as One
coming from behind the Veil. The Modern Divine knows very little about
the Ancient Mysticism of Israel, the Cabala, but the Cabala is the Key
to the Mystical Interpretation of the Old Testament, and many passages
in the New Testament. Take for instance the closing passage of the
Lord’s Prayer, ”For thine is the Kingdom, the Power and Glory ever and
ever, Amen.” What does this convey to the Cabalist? Purely a picture
of the lower triangle of the Sephirothic Tree of Life, whereon in their
appointed pattern are arranged the Mystical stations of the ten Divine
Emanations that formed the Worlds - Ketzach, victory or power - Hod,
glory - Malkuth, the kingdom. On the Tree of Life is based the Mighty
Invocation of Cabalistic Magic,.with which every Magus seals his Aura
before commencing any Magical operation, ”A teh Malknth, ve Gedulah,
ve Geburah, le Olahm. Amen.”
No one can hope to understand Christianity who does not
understand the Mysticism of the Cabala, in which the above quotation
proves that the Master vias trained. And in the Cabalistic Doctrine we
shall find amongst its most important tenets - that of
is in the Cabala we find the Cosmology and Mystical Doctrine of the Sou.
and its Initiation,in which Exoteric Christianity is so lamentably weak
as compared with the great Eastern Faiths. An abundance of Exoteric ma­
terial can be found in both the Old and Nev/ Testament, and what there
was before it underwent editing in the hands of generations of Scholars
who were Churchmen first and last,who can say? There are many teach­
ings of the Master, many passages of Scripture, which can only be under
stood in the Light of the Doctrine of Reincarnation, and John, the
Baptist’s, message to Jesus is a case in point.
Lecture 87 - Page 2

The Master taught to His Disciples in the Upper Chamber,

the Doctrine of which we have no direct record, but many echoes.
From the Esoteric Point of view, however, it is readily
seen why the Master did not stress the Doctrine of Reincarnation in His
Mission. Each Christos who comes to the World has a special mission to
fulfill in relation to the Evolution of Humanity. Osiris taught his
people the Arts of CivilizationjKrishna taught them Philosophy; Buddha
taught the way of Escape from the Bondage of Matter; Abdual Baha taught
Social Morality. And if there be those who object to these great ones
being ranked with the Master Jesus,as Manifestations of God, and Sa­
viours of Mankind, then Esoteric Science must agree to differ with them
for it is always taught that all these be brethren,the elder Sons of
God, showing forth His Glory in human form for the guidance of Mankind.
On the other hand, Initiates of the Western Traditions will not agree
to the Master being swept aside as merely a good man,and who taught ac­
cording to His Light,nor yet a Medium who was used by the Christ Force.
The Anti-Christian bias of Madam Blavatsky is regrettable, for it has
led to a belittling of Christianity amongst students of Occultism,which
is not justified by the facts, and leads to disastrous results in
No man who reads History without prejudice can escape
from the fact that there has never been any Truth ’once for all,’ de­
livered to mankind. This Doctrine went its' way, together with the
catastrophic concept of Geology. It is the Doctrine of Evolution alone
which has stood the test of Time and Facts, and we shall be wise if we
apply the conclusion that the Law of Evolution applies to the Spiritual
Life of Mankind, as well as the Physical Life.
The Master built upon the foundations of His predeces­
sors and brought to the Temple His own specific contribution. He had a
particular task to do in the Cosmic Polarity,and He is called in the Mys
teries the Lord of Individuality. The older Faiths,which also had
their Divine Founders, each had for his task the Development and Illu­
mination of a different layer of Consciousness.
The very primitive Cults, such as Voodooism were Initia­
tors of the Sub-consciousness. Loftier Cults, such as Hinduism, were
Initiators of the Higher Self. The Masters task was to bring regener­
ation within reach of the common man, and to initiate the Individuality
using that work in its technical Esoteric sense as the aspect of Con­
sciousness, which is built up out of the experiences that fall to our
lot between birth and death. It was this lower Temporal Self that He
had to bring into line with Spiritual Life, and link it up with the
Eternal Self. The Lower Self is not immortal;no one who is adequately
informed in Esoteric Philosophy believes in the Reincarnation of the
present Individuality, nor in any Historic Individuality in the past.
The Higher Self alone, which is immortal, and which survives bodily
death., is a vehicle of Karma. The Master therefore, having for His
task as a Saviour to His epoch, the making of a Way of Salvation for
the Individuality, naturally did not teach Reincarnation as part of His
Mission,because it did not apply to the Individuality. The Illumaniti
of his epoch knew this doctrine, whether they were the Essenian Mystics
of Israel, or the Initiates of the Greek,or Egyptian Mysteries; they
needed no instruction on this point, being already familiar with it.
But the common man needed to be told that he was a Son of God,and that
God loved him,for this was a thing that had never been known to the
World before.
It has been said that the Master was well content to al­
low the Doctrine of Reincarnation to be forgotten during His epoch, be-
Lecture 87 - Page 3
cause when overstressed it is productive of much evil,for it tends to
inculcate a condition of ''laissez-faire," which is disastrous to human
progress.The Doctrine of Reincarnation is the most illuminative of
Teachings,when rightly understood,but it is a disastrous Doctrine for
the ignorant, for unless it is used as a means of Evolution it becomes
a "folding of the hands in sleep," and the bankruptcy of all physical
things comes as a thief in the night.
So, summing up the Esoteric Attitude concerning the Doc­
trine of Reincarnation in Christianity may be defined as follows:--
Reincarnation was a part of the Mystery Teachings of Israel, of which
the Master and His inner group of Disciples were Initiates. It was part
of the Inner Teachings of the Christian Faith, until Mysticism became
divorced from Orthodoxy. It is not repudiated by the Roman Catholic
Church. The Master did not enlarge upon the . Doctrine of Reincarnation
in His public mission, because that mission concerned the salvation of
the Individuality which does not reincarnate.

"One of the noblest fruits of Christian discretion is a

perfectly ordered and oriented Spiritual Life. The discreet Soul has
an unfailing sense of proportion; the result is a beautiful Harmony
that comes from a clear appreciation of relative values. It excludes
all false emphasis upon the mere trappings and fringes of Life. It se­
cures a due reward for the small hidden things that are truly
gives recreation and wholesome merriment their rightful place as a
means to a Holy End.It sets a stern foot upon Spiritual eccentrici­
ties and extravagances, depressing moods and feverish straining for
Heights for which the Soul is not yet ready.
"Yet another fruit of discretion is Stabilityinstabi­
lity is the besetting danger of Spiritual genius. It is the distemper
of generous, enthusiastic Souls. 'Great harm is done,’ says a penetra­
tive writer, 'by the indiscreet fervor which overloads the boat,' and
in the great book of Spiritual Wisdom, the Imitation of Christ,we are
reminded how "some unadvised persons, to gain the Grace of Devotion,
have overthrown themselves," a dictum which we can endorse from our
own observations. Souls of Prophetic Insight and Soaring Aspiration,
evert, pay for golden moments of Vision with leaden hours of reaction.
Repression is the world's clumsy method with its Great Ones, - but Holy
Discretion adds to the Prophet's fiery endowment, a stability born,not
of inertia, but of the perfect equilibrium of God-Centered energies."

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee 88 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Usually it is well to check up a little on the Writings of the
past and compare them with the knowledge that one is receiving.! am go­
ing to discuss with you,therefore,the "Secret Doctrine",or at least
study it a little in its presentation of the Atom.
Atoms are called 'vibrations ’ in Occultism;al so "sound" collect
-ively.The waves and undulations of Sciences are all produced by Atoms
propelling their molecules from within.Atoms fill the immensity of
space and by their vibrations are that motion which keeps the wheels of
Life perpetually going. (I want you to study this now as we go along and
see the multitude of thots that arise from what I give you from this
study of the Secret Doctrine,and how they correlate with the things
which you have been learning.)lt is this inner work that produces the
natural phenomenon called the Correlation of Forces.As described by
Seers,they are dazzling like specks of virgin snow in radiant sunlight.
Their velocity is swifter than thotjtheir motion is circular;the whole
atmosphere seems ablaze with them.At times the intensity of their mo­
tion produces flashes like the Aurora Borealis.The Light is marvellous
and the Seer is filled with awe at the that of other,still Greater Mys­
teries that lie beyond and within the radiant ocean.
No finite mind can conceive what power it is that gives to
each etheric Atom its inconceivable velocity of rotation.The area of
such an Atom presents,in the attractive or magnetic stresses,all the
receptive forces and all the antagonistic forces that characterise a
planet of the largest magnitude ; the perfect equation remains the same.
When this minute centre has once been fixed,the power to rend it from
its position would necessarily have to be so great as to displace a
planet.When this atomic centre is displaced,the planet must go with it.
The law of vertical movement in primordial matter is one of
the oldest conceptions of Greek philosophy,whose first historical Sages
were nearly all Initiates of the Mysteries*
The old Initiates taught the Evolution of the Atoms on our
physical plane and their first differentiation from Laya into Protyle.
The Vendantins taught that,before Evolution began,Nature was in-a con­
dition of Laya or monogeneity,as matter exists in two conditions-latent
and differentiated.Then it became teaches of a substance not
subject to the qualities of matter and of which the bodies of the Gods
are formed,-that every particle or atom of divine Energy contains the
Divine Life and is the body of that Divine Life.
The term protyle means pre-matter,the primordial and homogen­
eous substance,suspected,if not actually yet found,by Science in the
ultimate conception of the Atom.The incipient segregation of primordial
matter into atoms and molecules takes its rise subsequent to the Evolu­
tion of the seven protyles.
Primordial matter,before it emerges from the plane of the
never-manifesting and awakens to the thrill of action under the impulse
of Spirit,is but a cool radiance,colorless,formless,tasteless and devoid
of every quality and aspect.Some of the seven primal 'Centers of Force’
or Atoms,develop later into the Great Cosmic Elements,(Akashic,Etherial
Watery and Fiery)now divided into the Sub-Elements known to Science.
It is an inherent law,not only in the Primordial,but also in
manifested matter,that there is no rest or cessation of motion in na­
ture,that which seems rest is only the change from one form into an­
other; change of substance going hand-in-hand with that of form.
Lee Ô8 Pg 2

No physical intellect can limit the laws which govern the

changes in the conditions and 'being* in the atoms of primordial chaos,
or know anything certain about the capabilities and potency of the atom
and molecule.They may differ in their constitution along the lines of
the planes of existence,as the soul-substance differs from the body.
Each atom has seven phases of being,or existence.Each phase is governed
by its specific laws of evolution and absorption.
An atom,as represented by Science,is not a particle of Some­
thing , animated by a psychic Some thing,destined to become a Man,but a
concrete manifestation of the Universal Energy.Wherever there is an
Atom of matter,even in its most gaseous condition,there is life in it,
however latent and unconscious.
Primordial matter,separating and differentiating under the im
-pulse of Cosmic law,divides itself into a septenary gradation of sub­
stance which generates ’Divine Essences1,whose principles are the ’Pri­
mary Elementsthe Sub-Elements,the Physical Energies and Subjective
and Objective Matter.
Esoteric doctrine teaches the existence of an antecedent form
of energy having periodic Cycles of ebb and swell,rest and activity.
Science teaches that the first-born element,most nearly allied to pro-
tyle,would be hydrogen.Old Science would call hydrogen (and oxygenjthe
’Spirit’: the Noumenon of that which becomes,in its grossest form,hy­
drogen ,oxygen and nitrogen on earth.Nitrogen being of no dense origin,
but merely an earth-born cement for uniting other gases and fluids and
serving as a Sponge to carry in itself the ’Breath of Life’—pure air.
Before these gases and fluids became what they are in our atmosphere,
they are interstellar Ether;still earlier,and on a deeper plane,some­
thing else and so on infinitum.
Draw a deep line in your thot between the ever incognizable
‘Essence’ and the invisible,yet comprehensible ’Presence* from beyond
and-thru which vibrates the sound of the ’Verbum’and from' which evolve
the numberless Hierarchies of conscious and semi-conscious Beings whose
essence is spiritual Force,whose substance is the elements and whose
bodies (when needed) are the atoms.These may be separated into three
distinct ‘Hosts’. (1) Gods,or conscious Spiritual Egos,who work after
the plan in the Divine Mind. (2)Elementals or Monads,who form collect­
ively and unconsciously the universal mirrors of everything connected
with these respective realms. (3)Atoms,or material molecules which are
informed in their turn by their perceptive Monads,just as every cell on
the human body is so informed.There are shoals of such informed atoms,
which in their turn inform the molecules.Atoms and monads,associated
or dissociated,simple or compound,are ,from the moment of the first dif­
ferentiation,but the ’principles’,corporeal ,psychic and spiritual, of
the ’Gods'* , themselves the radiation of primordeal nature.
Thus to the eye of the Seer,the higher planetary Ppwers ap­
pear under two aspects: (a) the subjective,as influences, (b)the ob­
jectiveras mystic forms,which under Karmic Law become a ’Presence’-
Spirit and Matter being one.
Our globe has its own special laboratory on the far away out­
skirts of our atmosphere,crossing which every atom and molecule changes
and differentiates according to its primordial nature.The noumenon of
the Atom is the Conscious Cause.
The Atom,being elastic,is divisible and must consist of part­
icles and sub-atoms.Infinite divisibility of atoms resolves matter into
simple centers of force and precludes the possibility of conceiving
Lee 88 x-g 3

matter as an objective substance .Accept the teachings of Occultism,and

(the blind inertia of physical Science being replaced by the intelli­
gent active Powers behind the veil of matter),motion and inertia be­
come subservient to those is on the doctrine of the illusive
nature of matter that the whole Science of Occultism is built.
The Atoms,emanated from the central point,emanate in their
turn new1 centers of energy,which under the potential breath of Spirit,
begin their work: from within and multiply other minor centers. These,
in the course of involution and evolution form in their turn the roots
and developing causes of new effects,from worlds down to general spe­
cies and classes of all the seven Kingdoms,of which we know only four.
The Atom theory kills materialism.

"....Whatever makes the past glorious and memorable is

the result of a mastering enthusiasm.
Nothing of worth ever came of vanity or apathy.
The Souls that have headed every noble advance, have
been fully awakened Souls.
Those who have given the world its highest art,its
noblest liberty;who have discovered its new continents’
or its new planets,or have reformed its religion,have
been those who were strangers to all indifference,and
were completely enthralled by the beauty or necessity
of the thing to be done.
Everywhere victory awaits earne stne ss .L£an is never
more joyous than when he is under subjection to the sub­
tle influences.Then he is capable of his highest acts;
then he is most fearle ss , then most self-sacrif ic ing ; then
most ready to undertake every difficult,noble task,and
to scout the very idea of impossibility."
(From the Hidden Way Across the Threshold.)

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood,

Lecture 89 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
Tonight marks a new step on the Path to Power. Know­
ledge and Development, and the first of the great Secrets of the Ini­
tiates to be from time to time revealed to you is that of Psychic De­
fense, and our text will be the great systems of the Western Tradition.
I want you to approach the work to be given you with a
full realization of the seriousness of the tasks involved,for as a pre­
paration for further advancement without it is indeed necessary that
you become proficient in the art of self defense, and the ability of
calling to your aid,help when needed from those secret Watchers of the
Inner Realms termed the Occult Police. As later your work, the first in­
trusted to you by the Masters will be a term of service with these
Mundane Branches of the Occult Police known thruout the world of Ini­
tiates as the Hunting Lodges, your first work will include the calling
of these to your aid when you are in need, facing a situation you feel
you cannot handle. Spiritual wickedness in High Places is mostly a
matter of the Astral planes and these you can even now handle when you
have been taught the approved methods, but you may perhaps meet a rare
case of attack in the realms of Mind or in the Fiery Regions of Spirit
and for these you need the help qf the Silent Watchers.
Psychic attack in one form or another is far commoner
than may be generally realized and the general public has no idea of
the things that are done by the people who have a knowledge of the Pow­
ers of Mind, and set to work to exploit them. Mrs. Eddy stumbled onto
these methods in founding Christian Science without ever acquiring any
rational knowledge as to their modus operand!. She endeavoured to tea­
ch them in such a way that they could be used only for good and that
their power for evil should be concealed, but that she was well aware
of the possibilities if abused is witnessed by her dread of what she
termed Malicious Animal Magnetism, which shadowed her whole life.
Her methods without her strict discipline and careful
organization were developed and exploited by innumerable schools in
which the religious aspect was lost sight of and they became a method
of mental manipulation for purely personal ends. Today you read in a
hundred magazines,these people teaching the art of salesmanship,of mak­
ing oneself popular and dominant in society,of attracting the opposite
sex, of transferring your thoughts to others or Mental Radio, Hypno­
tism, would you possess that strange mysterious power which charms
and fascinates men and women. You can hypnotise people instantly,quick
as a flash, our free book tells the secrets, etc, etc. These all con­
stitute psychic or Mental Attacks on the mundane plane and there are
many others more deliberate in their evil intent, where the man or firm
deliberately commence a psychic attack for their purposes as well as
using the baits with which you are familiar if you read, advertisements.
Now consider for a moment how a Psychic attack opera­
tes- In realms of Mind there is neither time nor space as men under­
stand them, as you have learned. If you think of a person you are in
touch with that person, if you picture that person clearly it is as tho
you were face to face with them. If you picture them vaguely it is as
if you saw them far away. Being in the mental vicinity of a person you
can create a thought atmosphere by dwelling upon certain thoughts in
connection with that person. This is how Spiritual Healing is done. Af­
firmations are used in order to get the mind of the healer into a cer­
tain emotional state and his mind effectually influences the mind of the
patient with whom he has put himself into rapport. This power can be
used for evil as well as good and the founder of that Science was wise
enough to put her Teachings in such a way that students would not read­
Lecture 89 - Page 2
ily discern the second edge to the sword. Remember that any message to
the subconscious mind must be in very simple terms, because subcon­
scious thought is a very primitive form of mentation developed before
spoken language was known to mankind. The primary aim of the suggestion
is to create a mental atmosphere about the psychic self of the person
whether that person is to be attacked or healed until there is set up a
sympathetic reaction, once this reaction is attained the battle is half
over for the gates of the city have been opened from within and there is
free ingress. The telepathic suggestion of definite ideas can then be
speeded up rapidly.
It is this point which is the critical one in any occult
attack. Up to this point the defender has the advantage. If you have
sufficient knowledge, the knowledge I am about to give you in the next
several lessons, you can without undue exertion retain that advantage
In the next lecture I will continue this discussion,buÿ
now I will leave it with you to think over and because I wish to give
you one of the Ancient Formulae that you may practice it during the com­
ing week until you have learned it well and have become proficient in
building this defense. Then slowly we will go in further work, with dis­
cussions in between until the entire art of protection is yours, whether
the attack comes from malicious occultists of various orders on this
plane and many do not hesitate to use their knowledge in this way, or
whether it comes in psychic form from human intelligences on the Planes,
or if it be the attacks due to unconscious attunements with the lower
life of the Astral, the nonhuman bacteriological-electrical forms of
living things of these regions.
Remember in the story of Faust that if Margarita had
not responded to the lure of the Jewel Song she would not have fallen a
victim. The weak spot in the defense was, after all, her own nature.

—Instructions for Formulating the Magic Circle—

In making the magic circle the operator stands upright,

facing East, in the room selected. Before starting work, make sure you
know which is east,west,north,south. You are to face East because the
magnetic currents on which you operate run east to west. Standing thus,
facing East,your first task is to steady your vibrations and purify
your aura. Meditate for a moment upon the highest thoughts, steady
your aura by thinking of your own Divinity.There is naught in Heaven
or Earth higher than your own awakened Soul. Become calm, fearless,
Then,to further steady your vibrations and your aura,
make the Cabalistic Cross on breast and ’ brow.(This is not the Calvary
Cross but the equidistant or square cross).Thus: Right hand,first two
fingers extended, others folded into the palm of hand,thumb crossed
over or touching their nails.Thus with the two extended fingers touch
the brow and say ’To Thee,Oh God.(touch the solar plexus)Be the King­
dom, (touch the right shoulder) and the Power(touch the left shoulder)
and the Glory,(clasp the hands together) Unto the Ages of Ages,Amen’.
By this formula you affirm the Power of God as sole
Creator and Supreme law of the Universe to which all things must bow
and you establish this formula magnetically in your aura in making this
sign of the cross upon yourself. As I said before this is not the Chris­
tian Cross but the equi-limbed cross of Nature - it refers to the four
quarters of the globe and the four elements associated with them and
proclaims the dominion of God over these and thereby formulates His
Kingdom within the sphere of the Occultist, yourself.
Lecture 89 - page 3.

Next you are to vividly imagine yourself to be holding in

your right hand a large cross handled sword such as is depicted in the
pictures of the Crusaders,or such as Joan of Arc used. Hold this,point
up-right(as you stand the eyes may be closed or open, perhaps you vis­
ualize better with them closed.) Now with the sword held do the point
is up,say firmly 'In the name of God I take in hand the sword of Power
for defense against evil and aggression', and you imagine yourself to
be towering up double your usual height,a tremendous armed and mailed
figure, vibrating with the force of the Power of God with which you
have been charged by your formulation of the Sword of Power. Imagine
it vividly,thrill to Power,feel it surge into and thru you.Every cell
of your body is now Power,the Power of God,for you have invoked the
Most’High.You now proceed to visualize or imagine yourself drawing upon
the floor with the point of the sword you ho Id,a magic circle six or
eight feet across and with yourself in the center(don't bend over or
move,just turn slowly and point). Here will come into use the practice
of visualizing jour Sanctum, turning around in it and so forth. Draw
the Circle thus with the Sword of Power and see it as a line of little
flames as if it were traced with burning alcohol only the flames of a
pale golden color. With a little practice you can keep on going around
the circle (mentally) until it is formulated in your Mind clearly and
plainly. Always draw the circle deosil, that is, Past to South,West to
North in the same way the hands of a clock move were the clock to lay
upon the floor,face up. The contrary way is widdershins, the way the
witches dance,the way of Black Magic.
The deosil movement affirms God’s rule over Nature because it
is the way of the Sun. In resisting an Occult attack your whole formula
should be tuned to the key-note of asserting God's dominion over all ex­
istance ,your aim being to align yourself with Cosmic Law and cause the
Power of God to deal with your interference,be it human or non-human.
Now the Circle being formulated you stop visualizing the Sword
but still visualize the flaming circle and clasp your hands in Prayer,
holding them clasped above your head, facing East and pray, 'May the
Mighty Archangel Raphael protect me from all evil approaching me.from
the East'. Turning to the South you repeat the same formula in prayer
to Gabriel 'May the Mighty Archangel Gabriel protect me from all harm
approaching me from the South’,then to the West you invoke Michael and
turning to the North you invoke Uriel.Face the East again,thus complet­
ing the circle and repeat the Cabalistic Cross as in the beginning.
This,the magic circle will protect you until the tides change-
that is,if performed after sundown,it will hold you safe until after
sunrise,repeating it after sunrise will hold you safe until after sun­
set. It is very potent in. protecting the sleeping place ,drawing the
circle around the bed. It is not necessary to move about the room or
move the furniture--it will be formulated in the ethers wherever you
visualize it.
You will see that you are now in need of what you acquired
in your visualizing, your concentration and the other work you have
been doing, it will now come into good use and aid you in performing
the work easily and quickly.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 90 Pg 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
. I presume it is with mixed impressions that you have
read over the lesson of the past week-T do not wish to be charged with
having revived the superstitions of the middle ages,but if I am I must
put forth the counter-claim that there could not be so much smoke with­
out some fire and that these so-called superstitions may repay examina­
tion in the light of recent discoveries concerning the Psychology of
subconsciousness. Whoever is familiar with the literature of Psychic
Research,abnormal psychology and the baser aspects of,?.that movement
which took its rise from the inspiration of Christian Science and
spread into a hundred uncontrolled cults cannot fail to be struck by
the fact that the old superstitions were getting the same results that
we meet today in all these different fields of thought and these dif­
ferent has also been said that History repeats, itself and
at the present time we are seeing a great revival of,interest in psy­
chic and occult subjects-So let us approach the subject of Occult and
Psychic attack in its modern phases neither in a spirit of incredulity
nor superstition but from the standpoint of the Mystic, seeking to un­
derstand the workings of these things and the proper defense against
many things which have heretofore passed unsuspected except'by the I-
There are of course two types of practical psychic work
which may be used separately or in combination, the later method,which
is the new method these lessons are giving you,will give you stronger
and quicker help than the first.which is the one you have been taught
tc use thus far.
The methods you have been using,unconscious perhaps of
its purpose as a defense is the meditative method and consists of med­
itation upon abstract qualities such as Peace.Harmony and the Love of
the Father.Its value lies in the harmonizing effect it has upon the e-
motional state and its counteracting of harmful auto-suggestions. This
new method is called the Invocative and consists in the invocation of
external potencies and the employment of formal methods for the focus­
ing of their Forces.
This method has many gradations of complexity and an
infinite variety of ranges from the simplest prayer which
calls upon the Christ Force with the Sign of the Cross to the most ela­
borate ritual performed with bell,book and candle.The essence of the
system lies in the attempt to dissect out of the general force the part­
icular aspect of energy that is needed and the use of the symbol to act
as the Magical Vehicle of that Force upon the Plane of Form.This symbol
may be the action of making the Sign of the Cross,it may be the sprink­
ling of the consecrated water as a token'of cleansing or it may be some
object specially magnetised to act as a talisman.In the Invocative me­
thods the aim is to concentrate the Force, and therefore some symbol
has to be employed.In ttíe meditative method the aim is to escape beyond
the bounds of form into the pure atmosphere of Spirit,too exalted for
Evil to enter and therefore no form or formula is used for it would
prevent the Soul rising into this pure atmosphere.I want you to realize
that the use of forms and symbols is merely a psychological device to
enable the mind to get a grip upon the intangible and when you study
what I have just said you will realize it,and you will not fall into
any error of mere superstitious observance.
Superstition is defined as. the blind use of a form
whose significance has been forgotten.
On the other hand I do not want you to rely entirely
upon the new methods and I do want you to continue to use and perfect
the Meditative Methods in order to purify and harmonize your own Con-
S'Cinusness • If this purification is neglected one soon re-infects by
Leû'RCÎ Pg 2

their own vibrations, the magic circle as soon as they have cleared it.
It is not much use to seal the circle with the protective Names if one
allows, a panic stricken imagination to run riot,picturing every kind of
evil.Equally you will find a wonderful power if you perform your medi­
tative work within the Magic Circle and it's protect ion.So while you
practice the building of the circle, have it formed as you stand in
front of your meditation chair, and after you have created this circle,
sealed it with the Names of Power and thus cleared it of evil,sit down
and relax, going thru one of your meditative formulae practicing the
mental work,or merely watching quietly for whatever may come to you--
you will notice a great difference in the vibrations as you work within
the cleared circle and it affords a condition wherein you may establish
higher contacts than you may have been able to heretofore.
Now the next formula of Protection concerns attacks from blind
forces but nevertheless living ones of the Inner Planes which we know
as Electrical-Bacteriological forms of Life and with which one conscious
ly or unconsciously so-metimes comes into rapport .Remember that any act
performed with intention ,becomes a rite.We can take a bath with no more
in mind than physical cleanliness in which case the bath will cleanse
your bodies and no more.Or we can take a bath with a view to ritual
cleansing in which case its efficacy will extend beyond the physical
plane.We perform certain acts physically not only as a means of clear­
ing etheric conditions but as a means of definately affecting astral
ones thru the imagination,which is a very potent weapon in all magical
After all, we have very little knowledge of those subtile forces
which are the basis of both occult attack and spiritual healing. They
have in their nature something akin to life,tho of a low type and if,
you think of them as combining the qualities of both electricity and will understand them better.Water has peculiar qualities
as you know, if you have seen its effect upon a divining rod in the
hands of a sensitive person.Water also throws hounds off the scent and
water is a vehicle of purification used alike by the church and ;by the
occultist to clear a place when he is about to work or perform a cere­
mony .
Now for the formula for Consecrated Water.Prepare yourself there­
fore with a teacupful of fresh,spring,clear water, in an earthen vessel
or china dish,and a tablespoonful of salt in another vessel .As far as
the Occultist is concerned,salt to him is the Emblem of Earth;it is al­
so a crystalline substance, and crystalline substances in different
forms, receive and hold Etheric Magnetism better than anything else,
while water on the other hand,is the Emblem of the Psychic Sphere. The
two Realms between them contain by far the~greater part of Occult Evil,
for it is very rare indeed that Spiritual Wickednes's in High Places wild
reach up as far as the Airy Realms of Mind, or the Fiery Realms of Spi­
At any rate prepare yourself by having the articles in the ves­
sels,as stated.Use the following prayer for the blessing of the salt
and water.(Pointing the first and second fingers at the salt). "I exor­
cise Thee,Creature of Earth,by the Living God,(S.C.)by the Omnipotent
God,(S.C.)by the Holy God,(S.C.) that Thou mayest be purified of all
Evil Influences in the Name of Adonai,who is Lord of Angels and of Men".
(Extending the hand over the salt)"Creature of Earth, adore
Thy Creator in the Name of God,the Father Almighty,Maker of Heaven and
Earth, and of Jesus Christ,His Son our Saviour, I consecrate thee (S.C.'
to the Service of God, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of
the Holy Ghost, Amen".
(Pointing the first and second’ fingers at the water) "I exor­
cise Thee Creature of Water by the Living God,(S.C.) by the Holy God,
Lee 90 Pg. 3
(3.C.) by the Omnipotent God,(S.C.) that Thou mayest by purified of all
Evil Influences in the Name of Elchim Sabbaoth, who is Lord of Angels
and of men”.
(Extending the hand over the water) ’’Creature of Water adore Thy
Creator in the Name of God, the Father Almighty,who decreed a Firmament
in the Midst of the Waters, and of Jesus Christ, His Son, our Saviour,!
consecrate Thee (S.C.) to the Service of God, in the Name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen”.
(Casting the salt into the water) ”We pray Thee,oh God, Lord of
Heaven and Earth, and of all that is them is,both visible and invisible,
that Thou Mayest extend forth the right hand of Thy Power upon these
Creatures of the Element, and hallow them in Thy Holy Name; grant that
this salt may make for health in body, and this water for health in Soul
and that there may be banished from the place where they are used, every
power of adversity,and every illusion and artifice of Evil,in the name
of Christ Jesus, our Saviour, Amen”.
And now after you have consecrated the water, it may be used for
sprinkling around, and when using it you may use the following prayer:
”In the Name which is above every other Name,and in the Power of
the Father,and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost,I exercise all influenc
es that lead to evil,and I lay upon them the spell of Christ’s Holy
Church that they may be bound fast in chains and cast is outer darkness,
that they trouble not the Servants of God”.
Nov/ remember that in making the Sign of the Cross (S.C.) the first
and second fingers of the right hand are extended, and the third and
fourth are bent toward the palm of the hand, with the thumb laid across
their nails as far as possible.When the hand is extended in blessing
over the salt and water the right hand is flat, fingers together, and
parallel, and the thumb extended at right angle to the fore-finger.
After you have prepared the Consecrated Water,place it in a clean
bottle, corked and placed in or near your Shrine in your Sanctum.Use it
at any time to sprinkle about any room or the Sanctum.Or the Water may
be used in the Bath, or for making the Sign of the Cross upon the fore­
head. Whenever used the Prayer given for its use must be said.
Remember in performing any Occult Formula to speak firmly and com­
mand i ng ly.
In connection with this Ritual I want you to realize that it has
nothing whatever to do with the Orthodox Church,—the Occultist as a
Magus of Power, holds the Keys to all doorways which give entrance to
those Corridors built up thru the Ages, leading to the Inner Planes,and
the Forces and Powers available there. He selects whichever Key and
whichever Doorway may be most convenient to his purpose, and he recog -
nizes the vast Potencies and Hierarchies 'assembled on the Inner Planes,
under the Group Heading of Christianity and frequently uses the Key to
that Doorway, rather than one of the older Religions, but as I said be­
fore it all depends upon the Ceremony used, and the purpose desired.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood


Lecture 91 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
The work I am giving you is necessarily condensed but
you will find it advantageous to copy off the instructions of each ritu­
al or formula with a few brief words as to its use and purpose which
you can pick up each time you work one of the contacts for quick refer­
ence , or if you are filing the lessons you can make a memorandum of the
page and paragraph so you can quickly refer to it.Practice each of them
each week taking one or more at a time,but if you follow one with an­
other wait for at least several minutes before starting and do not hold
any thought of the other in mind as you take up a new one. ’
In dealing with the elementals or non-human entities,
the Pentagram or Pentalapha is best for it is a powerful weapon. This
is the five-pointed star drawn in a particular way. Point the first
and second fingers of the right hand,others folded into the palm with
the thumb across or touching the nails or tips with it, proceed to
draw the Pentagram in the air,keeping the elbow stiff and swing the
arm full length.
Start with the right arm across the body the hand about
the level of the left hip,the extended fingers pointing outward and
downward. Swing it upwards as if drawing a straight line upwards above
the head at. arms length. Now sweep it downwards until the hand occupies
a corresponding position on the right side that it did on the left side.
You have now drawn a gigantic ’V* upside down.Next swing the hand
across the body on a rising incline until it is stretched on a level
with the left shoulder,pointing to the left.Bring it across the body
horizontally until it is in the same position on the right,fingers
pointing out. Now swing it downwards across the body until the hand
has come back to the point by the left hip from which it started.This
is an exceedingly potent sign. The value of the Five-pointed Star,the
symbol of Humanity is known to every Occultist.As an illustration a
member was working with a teacher,one of the many who are working pri­
vately for their own purposes when he became suspicious that all was
not well,there seemed to be a well marked effort to impress him and to
inject subtle thots of the Teachers power and authority and to incul­
cate the idea that what he said should be accepted without question.
He determined to watch and if his suspicions were confirmed to have an
expose. A few days later he was sitting in his Sanctum meditating when
he became aware of an oval sphere of misty yellow light and readily
perceived the subtle form of the teacher. Sensing that the visit was
none too friendly he at once made use of the Pentegram saying ’By the
Power of the Christ of God ’whom I serve I command thee to depart.’
Immediately the Presence in the room disappeared shattering and vanish­
ing as a loud crack was heard.Upon examination the panel of the door
in front of wrhich the form had been standing was found to be cracked
from top to bottom.
When it is inconvenient to seal the room with the Magic
Circle it will be found very useful to seal your own aura. Stand up­
right and cross yourself by touching with the two fingers as heretofore,
first the forehead the center breast the right shoulder and the left
shoulder,using the words of the old Monkish formula ’By the power of
the Christ of God within me,whom I serve with all my heart and all my
soul and all my strength.’ (Now extend, your hands forward together as
far as they will reach at the level of the Solar Plexus,finger tips
touching and then swing them around to the back and touch the finger
tips behind you saying) ’I encompass myself about with the Divine Cir­
cle of His Protection across which no mortal error dares to set foot.’
This is very effectual but its potency lasts only about four hours.
Lecture 91 - Page 2
There are other devices which are very useful not only in
dealing with Psychic attacks but in any case of undue influence or
domination. If for instance you have to talk to persons whose influence
you find overwhelming? imagine that they are separated from you by a
sheet of plate-glass. You can see them and hear them,but their magne­
tism cannot reach you. Visualize this' sheet of glass until it appears
to you to be absolutely tanigble or real to you. If you have to associ­
ate with persons who distress you but do not have to actually talk to
them,then imagine them as separated from you by a brick wall and say
to yourself ’You just are not there,1 can't hear you or see you, and
you simply don't exist.’
When dealing with a person who ’saps your vitality’ interlace
your fingers and lay your folded hands upon your solar plexus keeping
the elbows against the sides and keep your feet touching each other.You
have then contacted all your own terminals and made of your body a
closed circuit. No magnetism will flow from you while you maintain this
position. You will also note the other party will probably complain at
your lack of sympathy regardless of how kindly you speak.
If at any time anyone tries to dominate you by gazing intent­
ly at your eyes,do not attempt to return gaze for gaze,for this only
leads to a struggle,instead,look steadily at the spot just above the
root of the nose between the inner ends of their eyebrows and then wait
for the other to weary of his fruitless attempt for you will have the
upper hand.
Now,going just another step further,you realize that Psychic
trouble frequently arises from undersirable contacts being established.
In order to understand the nature of the problem we must consider the
whole subject of contacts or’rapport.’ I have already spoken of tele- •
pathic suggestion. Rapport might be considered as the passive aspect
of that which telepathic suggestion is the positive aspect,it forms in
fact the basic condition necessary for telepathic suggestion to take
place. Two people who are in rapport might be described as Astral Twins.
Altho the physical bodies are independent units the Astral Bodies are
linked in such a manner that there is free circulation of Astral force
between them. This fact explains many important occult phenomena. It is
the real Key to marriage,explains many facts in the relationship of
Parents and Children and accounts for some important aspects of the re­
lation of Teacher and Pupil.
But not only is it possible for a rapport to be established
between two individuals but between an individual and a group. This
fact plays an important part in all Fraternities and Occult organi­
zations and is the reason the individual promptly feels the contami­
nation of his Group if it be an Occult one and becomes contaminated
thru the work of those in charge. It is of course also possible to es
tablish a rapport between a human being and other kingdoms of nature,
with excarnate entities superhuman beings,in fact with any form of life
with which an individual can form a sympathetic understanding.There
must be some ground of sympathy as a basis for the formation of the
rapport,but once formed it can be developed almost indefinitely. It is
a somewhat curious fact that if a rapport is long continued the persons
thus united come to resemble each other.
When two human beings are in rapport the less positive of the
two tends to lose his individuality and becomes a pale reflection of
the other. It is for this reason that the highly advanced Occultist of
the Western Traditions does not take personal pupils as does the East­
ern Guru for the Westerner values individuality and prefers to work by
ritual thru a group of students.
Because,while the letters personalizes the work,the Methods
Lecture 91 - Page 3

are a great deal more impersonal than the other way,but even: so,the In­
dividual members of the group,undergo certain changes whereby they are
tuned to the Group-tone,so that there will be a common denominator
which all possess. Who cannot recognize the Sign Manuel of the Chris­
tian Scientists,the Theosophists,the Quakers?Any System such as these
which have group Meditation rapidly puts its mark upon its members.
In this fact,of course,lies much of the value of association
with a worthy group.In it,equally,lies the detriment of association
with an unworthy group.Let us consider what happens when a person of
ordinary good character becomes associated with a group of degenerates
in Moral Tone.He will either find himself at such sharp antagonism with
the Croup-Mind that he will have no. option but to withdraw,or he will
rapidly but unconsciously be tuned to the Key-note of his nev/ associ­
ates.Without his being aware of the fact,his Moral Sense will have be­
come blunted and he will accept as a matter of course that which he
would originally have turned away from in disgust.The Rapport once es­
tablished other things beside the general-feeling Tone can be shared,
ideas can be transferred from one mind to another,as in Telepathy,and
in the same way vital Forces can be is this fact that
is the explanation of certain types of Spiritual Healing.When the
Etheric Vitality is being transmitted,it is necessary for the persons
concerned to be within the immediate Magnetic Field of each other,but
when Astral Force is in question,this is not necessary,the transmission
is independent of space.
But I am not now considering the legitimate use of these
Forces for healing or for teaching and Developing Neophytes,so I will
not consider its modus operand! along these lines.Enough has been said
to show you in what way it works. Now, I want to take up a consider­
ation of the practical methods,of breaking such a rapport,if for any
reason it is desired to discontinue its use.
The Astral Vision,telepathically,appears as a Ray of Light,a
Shining Cord,or some similar Thought-Form,because it is in this form
that it is usually formulated by the person who is making the magnetic
link.It sometimes happens,however,if the operator is of a high grade of
Initiation,that instead of connecting the Ray direct to the person with
whom he desires to be in touch,he will formulate an Astral animal at
the end of it to which he transfers a modicum of his own Consciousness.
This Animal-Form is called a Watcher-it does not act upon its own In­
itiative unless attacked,when it defends itself according to the nature
of the species in whose likeness it is made. The use of the Watcher is
to obtain a record of what is transpiring,without the necesssity of fo­
cusing Consciousness thereon..The Psychic Substance of the Watcher is
reabsorbed by the Adept who becomes aware of the content of the Watch­
er’s Consciousness.The disadvantage of this method lies in the vulner­
ableness of the Watcher to Psychic Attack,and the fact that its Pro­
jector is affected if it is injured or disintegrated.
But in dealing with a Thought-Form,always bear in mind that
it is a product of the imagination,and it is in no sense self-existing.
What the imagination has made the imagination can unmake.If the maker
of a Thought-Form has thought it into existence by picturing it imagi­
natively,he can equally well think it out of existence by picturing it
clearly and imagining it bursting into a thousand fragments and going
up in flame,or dissolving into water,and being absorbed by the soil.
That which is thought into existence by the imagination can be thought
out of existence by the imagination.
I will take this up with you,however,in the next lesson.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 92 - Pg. 1

Beloved Adhyapya:
I ended the last lecture with a very significant state­
ment, ’’That which is thought into existence by the Imagination can be
thought out of existence by the Imagination.” You will always find
that this is true, and if what was taken for a Thought-Form resists
destruction by this method, you will then know that it is probably an
artificial Elemental. There are two such kinds of Elementals: one kind
being ensouled by the Invocation of Elemental Essence into a Thought-
Form, and the other by the projection of the Magician’s own nature into
it. If it is ensouled by Elemental Essence the use of a Pentagram will
serve to banish it, but if it is of the kind ensouled by the Magician’s
own Force, then another method must be used, known as Absorption.
Absorption is a very high-grade method and its success­
ful use depends upon the state of Consciousness of the user. Each in­
dividual has to decide for himself whether in any given case, at a given
time, he is in a fit state to attempt it. Unless he can completely
steady his own Vibrations and arrive at a state of perfect Serenity and
freedom from all sense of effort, he should not make the attempt. I am
going, however, to describe the method for the benefit of those who feel
themselves competent to try it:
First, you are to harmonize yourself by Meditation upon
the Christ-Force, and as soon as you are satisfied that your own vibra­
tions are steady and you have that feeling of absolute Power and Inner
Poise, you then proceed to call up before your Astral Vision the Image
of the Form you intend to destroy. You see it clearly in all its detail
and you seek to divine its nature, whether it is a vehicle for malice,
or lust, or vampiric action; these are the three most common and it can
almost certainly be assigned to one or the other of these classes. Now
having discerned the type of the Force with which you have to deal, you
proceed to meditate upon its opposite, concentrating upon purity and
selflessness if the Force be lust; compassion and love, if it be malice;
and upon God as the Creator and Sustainer of all Life if it be vampiric.
You then continue this Meditation until you feel your­
self suffused with the qualities upon which you have meditated, until
you feel yourself so imbued with the purity and selflessness that lust
causes you nothing but a feeling of pity, malice causes you nothing but
compassion, and with regard to vampirism, you are so assured that your
Life is blended with the Christ-Force that nothing can disturb you. In
fact, you v.rho propose to perform a Magical Absorption have to reach the
point where you have clearly realized the nothingness of Evil, and par­
ticularly the nothingness of that Evil you propose to absorb. No longer
do you have any feeling toward it other than pity for its ignorance in
thinking that it can gain any good for itself in this way. Not until
you have arrived at the point where you have no other feeling toward
this which is persecuting you is it at all safe for you to attempt the
Nov:, I have reiterated that several times, for it is a
very important point in this process. When you have fully satisfied
yourself that you are ready for the attempt, you proceed to draw the
Thought-Form toward you by pulling in the Silver Cord that connects it-
with your Solar Plexus, if it be a vampiric Thought-Form, or by opening
your Aura to, and. enfolding it, if it be one of the other two types.
You literally draw it in. This process must be done very slowly and
gradually, taking several minut&s in the doing. If it be done suddenly
Lee. 92 - Pg. 2

you may not find it possible to keep your own Vibrations steady, and
then you will be in an unpleasant situation. But as the Thought-Form
is absorbed, you will feel a Reaction in your own nature, corresponding
to the type of the Thought-Form. If it is a lust Form, you will find
desire rising within you; if it is a malicious Force, you will feel
anger; if it is a vampire you will feel blood-lust. You must immediate­
ly overcome this feeling and revert to your Meditation upon the opposite
qualities, maintaining it until your Vibrations are once more fully har­
monious. You will then know that the Evil Force has been neutralized
and that there is that much less Evil in the world. You will immediate­
ly thereafter feel a great access of vigor and a sense of Spiritual
Power, as if you had said to the mountain, ”Be ye cast into the Sea,”
and it had been done. It is this sense of Spiritual Exaltation and
Power which tells you that the work has been successfully accomplished.
It is, however, advisable to repeat the Meditation at intervals for two
or three days, to make sure that any other Thought-Forms are not formu­
lated and sent after the first,
As for the sender of the Thought-Form, when the Absorp­
tion takes place, he will feel that ’’Virtue has gone out from him,” and
may even be reduced, temporarily, to a state of semi-collapse. He will
soon revive, however, but with his Power for Evil of this particular
type considerably reduced for some time to come.And if he have the possi­
bilities of reform in his Nature, it may even be that he will be perma­
nently freed from this type of Evil.
One great advantage of this method is that it actually
destroys the Evil, root and branch, whereas the mere destruction of a
Thought-Form, by the methods I have previously given you, is like just
cutting off the top of the weed. On the other hand, of course, this
method of Psychic Absorption can only be used by an advanced student,
keyed to the highest pitch. If one is disturbed or harassed, or has in
any degree lost his nerve, one dare not attempt it.
If the rapport is perceived as a line of Light, a cord,
or any similar form, attached to the Solar Plexus or the forehead, or
any other part of the body, the best way of severing the Rapport is to
forge a Magical Weapon, and cut it. In fact, if the Rapport is felt,
the first thing to do is to visualize the Cord and try to see where it
attaches. The Solar Plexus is the commonest place. Then formulate the
cross-handled Sword, as already described, and invoke God’s Blessing on
it; then visualize a Flaming Torch and invoke the Power of the Holy
Ghost, whose Symbol it is; then, with the Sword hack thru the Cord or
Ray until every thread is severed; then, sear the stuff with the Con­
secrated Fire of the Torch, until it shrivels up and falls of from its
point of Attachment. After such a severing, one must, of course, take
the ordinary human precautions to prevent the link’s being re-formed.
Refuse to meet the person responsible for its formation, or to read any
letters or answer letters from him. In fact, cut off the Physical Com­
munications as thoroly and resolutely as the Astral one has been cut
off, for a period of some months, at least.
There are occasions, however, when a person is so com­
pletely overshadowed and dominated that he cannot perform the operation
for himself. The Magical operation of Substitution can then be perform­
ed, if he can find a friend ready to undertake the risk. In order to
perform the Operation, the two friends agree that it shall be done, but
the one who is to become the substitute does not tell the original vic-
Lee. 92 - Pg. 3

tira, when he proposes to undertake it, unless that latter should be so

completely in the hands of the Dominator that he should give the se­
cret away involuntarily. Choosing a time, therefore, when he is sure
his friend is asleep, the substitute concentrates upon him and ima­
gines himself to then be standing beside him, visualizing the Cord
or Ray of the Rapport as stretching from his friend out into Space.
If he can visualize its other point of Attachment in the Dominator,
so much the better. He then proceeds to formulate the Swcrd and the
Torch as above described* with these in his hand, he imagines himself
stepping right thru the line of Rapport, so as to break it with his
body. He must not use either Torch or Sword for this process, but
must break it with his own flesh, as it were. Having thus severed it
from his friend, he can then go at it with the Sword and Torch, with
all his strength, as it tries to enwrap him as the tentacles of an
Octopus. He should do the best he can, making up in Zeal what he may
lack in real Knowledge, until it has had enough and begins to curl up
and withdraw. The Combat, of course, takes place in the Imagination,
but if a clear and vivid Image is produced, it will be effectual.
In thinking over this matter of Psychic Attack and De­
fense, I want you to realize how much there is in the stories of. the
appearance of Guardian Angels in moments of crisis. Now, even the very
most skeptical must admit that there is a case to be answered. By re­
ferring again to the Ancient Wisdom of the Qabalah, the store-house
of Occult Knowledge, we learn of the Good Angel and the Evil Angel in
the Soul of Han, vmo stand behind his right and left shoulders, one
tempting him, and the other inspiring him.
Translate the Dark Angel into the terms of modern
Thought and we have the Freudian Subconsciousness. But the Freudians
fail to realize that there is, also, a Bright Angel who stands behind
the right shoulder of every man* this is the Mystic Superconscious­
ness, or, in other words, the Higher Self, the Holy Guardian Angel
whom Abramelin fought with such ardor and effort. We all know that
when caught off our guard, there comes a dark temptation from the
depthsÃof our Lower Self, tempting and urging us. When we think
thoughts, or even do deeds of which we would never have believed our­
selves capable, we have heard the Voice of the Dark Angel speaking.
But equally, in times of dire distress, when we have our backs to the
wall and are fighting for more than our Physical lives, another Voice
makes itself heard, the Voice of the Bright Angel.
In the next lecture I am going to talk to you about
these two, more in detail.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Lecture 93 - Page 1
Beloved Adhyapya:
In my last talk with you, I told you that we would dis­
cuss further the Good Angel and the Evil Angel which stand at the side
of Man. In times of dire distress, when we have our backs to the wall
and we are fighting for more than our Physical lives, a Voice makes it­
self heard, the Voice of the Bright Angel. I have never known this to
occur when a man or a woman was fighting simply for Physical life. To
those who see beyond the Veil, Death is no very great Evil, but in the
times of Spiritual crisis, when the very Self is being swept away, then
it is that the Cry of the Soul is heard, and ’’Something” manifests out
of the Mists of the Unseen, manifests in a form comprehensible to the
one who calls. Whether intense stress induces a temporary expansion of
Consciousness, or whether a Being, of its own volition, passes thru the
Veil and manifests is debatable. There are never many details available
of these incidents, they take place only in times of dire stress, and go
as quickly as they came, leaving no trace except upon the Soul. But you
will learn that even as the Lower Self can rise up in moments of tempta­
tion, so can the Higher Self descend in moments of Spiritual crisis. It
is the alm of the Mystic to live almost exclusively in the Higher Self,
it is the aim of the Occultist to bring this Higher Self thru into Mani­
festation in brain Consciousness. Just as truly as the Lower Self can
rise up and perhaps betray us into some deed which we regret, so can the
Higher Self come to the rescue, ’’terrible as an Army with banners.”
The Occultist does not ignore the Christ-Force,however.
We recognizes it as among the Hierarchies of Supreme Forces of the Uni­
verse, altho he may not be prepared to assign it the exclusive position
which it occupies in the heart of the Christian Mystic. In the Western
Traditions it is symbolized by Tiphareth, the central Sephira of the Ten
Holy Sephiroth of the Cabalistic Tree of Life. The Christ-Force is the
equilibrlating, compensating, healing, redeeming, purifying factor of
the Universe. It should be invoked in every Operation of Psychic Self­
Defense, where any Human Element, incarnate or discarnate, is concerned.
Where Non-Human Elements, such as Elementals, Thought-Forms, or the De­
mons have to be dealt with, it is the Power of God, the Father, as the
Creator of the Universe, that is invoked, His Supremacy over all of the
Kingdoms of Nature, visible and invisible, being affirmed and asserted
as you will note in the formulae I have given you. God, the Holy Ghost,
or the Holy Spirit, is the Force that is invoked in Initiation, and it
should not be invoked during times of Psychic difficulty, as its influ­
ence will tend to intensify the condition and render the Veil thinner.
Now, in discussing these things in the series of Lectures
we have had on the Pathologies of the Mystic Life, I am giving them to
you as a serious contribution to a little understood Aspect of Abnormal
Psychology. I don’t want you to misunderstand, it certainly is not well
that everybody should indulge, for instance, in Textbooks of Pathology.
A vivid Imagination and a weakly trained Mind are a disastrous combina­
tion. You remember that one-time best seller, ’’Three Men in a Boat,”
you remember the fate of the individual who spent a wet Sunday afternoon
reading a Medical Textbook. At the finish, he was firmly convinced that
he had every disease described therein, with the single exception of
"Housemaid’s Knee." But it is necessary that we consider the outward
and visible signs of Psychic Attack before we are in a position to 1a-
lyze the Nature of such Attack and indicate its Source of Origin, fur it
is always a fundamental rule that Diagnosis must precede Treatment.
There are many different kinds of Psychic Attack and the
Methods that will dispose of one will be Ineffectual against the others.
Lecture 93 - Page 2
A prominent form of Psychic Attack is that which proceeds from the igno­
rant and maglignant mind of our fellow Human Beings. We say ignorant as
well as maglignant, for all Attacks are not deliberately motivated, the
injury may be as accidental as that inflicted by a skidding automobile.
This must always be borne in mind and we must not impute malice or wick­
edness as a matter of course when we feel we are being victimized. Our
persecutor may himself be a victim. We would not accuse a man of malice
if we had linked hands with him and he had stepped on a live wire, but
nevertheless we would receive at his hands a severe shock. So, many
times, it is in Psychic Attack. More commonly, however, if there is a
definite Psychic Attack of sufficient Force to make itself noticeable,
there will begin to appear characteristic dreams - these may include a
sense of weight upon the chest, as if someone were kneeling on the sleep­
er; a sense of fear and oppression is very characteristic of Occult
Attack, and one of the surest signs that herald it. It is extremely rare
for Attack to make itself manifest ’’out of the blue,” as it were.
We are not in our normal state of mind, body, and circum­
stance, and then we find ourselves Suddenly in the midst of an invisible
battle; an approaching Occult Influence casts its shadow on Conscious­
ness before it makes itself apparent to the non-Psychic. The reason for
this is that we perceive Subconsciously before we realize Consciously
and a line of creeping shade indicates the penetrating of the Subcon­
scious Censor from below upward. As the Attack progresses, nervous ex­
haustion becomes increasingly marked and there may, under certain condi­
tions, be a real wasting of tissues, altho no definite disease can be
demonstrated. Nervous exhaustion and Mental breakdown are the commoner
results of Astral Attack, in the Western World at any rate, and there
are many other indications depending upon the Form. But these will suf­
fice, and I am sure that you will be able to diagnose them at any time,
should you be brought into Contact with them, so that you can use the
proper formula which I have given you.
Of course, it is upon the Mundane Plane that a great deal
of the Power of Mind is utilized, for the purpose of personal gain. These
Forms are very much more common than those cases where the Operators use
Psychic Astral Attack. You may not notice these subtile Insinuations
until your attention is called to them, but when once .you begin to think
about it, analyze and study it, then you will see the subtile way in
which some of these Attacks are conducted. One well-known Occult Organi­
zation has scattered thru its articles, and frequently in its lectures,
a brief line or two asking the student not to sever his association, and
saying that someway or other it seems as if Harm always came to those
who resigned, and that the only safe way was to keep up the association
by retaining the membership. Such a subtile suggestion as this, repeated
from time to time, has an effect upon the Subconscious Mind, engendering
Fear - Fear of the Unknown - and is, in effect, a type of Black Magic
along the lines of Mental Control.
You have all seen, probably felt, something of the ef­
fects of the Chain-letter which was so popular a few years ago. You
received a communication and were told to copy it and send six copies to
friends within six or seven days; there was the promise of a blessing,
and of some Good Thing happening to you, if you did so; and usually the
threat that he who broke the Chain brought dire consequences upon him­
self. You can very easily see how one hundred such letters, or one thou­
sand, sent out to one hundred or one thousand students, and sent by each
of them to six friends, and sent by the six friends to six more, would
run the total up into hundreds of thousands who were contacted for the
purpose of Publicity and of making them familiar with the Organization
Lecture 93 - Page 3

back of it. Such a letter is frequently used by Occult Organizations be­

cause they know the Power of Mind and of Subtile Suggestion, and they
know that it requires Courage for the average person to break the Chain.
Another way in which the Power of Mind is used commer­
cially is illustrated by the paragraphs I am giving you which are copied
from a circular recently sent out.


WHY MAGIC? Because you DID SOMETHING recently which showed me that you
want something, and this little envelope AND ITS CONTENTS are going to
help you get what you want — maybe without a penny of expense to you.
Please do not look inside the envelope yet, but others just like you,
with the very same problems, did what you will be asked to do when you
look inside the envelope in a minute — and —


Mail your MAGIC ENVELOPE to me and I will send you, without charge, my
first set of explanations and instructions, together with a lot of in­
tensely interesting and helpful information. One man who had finished a
$40.00 course of lessons in Applied Psychology insisted that he received
more real, practical help from these free instructions than he did from
the other ENTIRE COURSE. In my work I make the Laws of Applied Psycho­
logy so simple and clear that another man wrote, ’’ANY REALLY INTELLIGENT
ners will find it clear and simple. --

Begin self-protection now by being on your guard against

all such attempts to influence you. Then watch for subtile propaganda
in News items in Magazine articles, etc., and realize how great influ­
ences mold Public Opinion in such ways. Learn not to accept blindly but
to dig out Truth, or if that ig not possible, accept it with a qualifi­
cation, and thus not bias judgment by accepted facts that are not facts
but merely influence - influence exerted to mold your ideas for a pur­
pose - merely Mind Powers, used and recognized as a means to pursuade
you to buy or to believe.
In the order of their frequency you must watch for these
Mental Influences, first, with the Psychic Attacks second, for it is
only once in awhile that you contact some Occult Teacher or Student who
deliberately uses the Psychic Planes as a means of deliberate Attack -
more frequently they merely threaten, thus accomplishing their work thru
the subtile Forms of Fear which, when planted, begin to prey upon your
Peace of Mind. Still less frequently will an Unconscious Rapport be made
with the Lower Life of the Inner Worlds, resulting in anything more than
rappings or crackling sounds. When, however, Manifestation begins to
manifest as furniture moving about, dishes being dashed to the floor,
or odors noticed, then it is time to act.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Adhyapya:
In the past several weeks we have been dwelling upon a sub­
ject that I know is intensely interesting to you. Now, there comes a
time when we must turn to other topics, temporarily at least, thus af­
fording you plenty of time to practice and meditate over the Work of
Psychic Defense which has been given to you, and then, later, we will
take up some of these higher phases again.
Tonight, therefore, I am going to talk to you about the real
meaning of Ritual as we see it in the Church,whether it be in the sim­
ple Forms of the Protestant Faith,or in the more elaborate Rituals of
the High Church. Remember always that Ritual is Meditation expressed
in action, and while these Ceremonies have largely lost, in the minds
of most people, at least, their underlying Mystical Actuality,there are
however,wonderful Depths to Ritual when iu is understood. But unless
we understand the Esoteric Psychology of Meditation, we shall not un­
derstand Ritual. To those accustomed to meditate, it may seem a simple
thing to think about something for a given time, and so it may be if
the thing thought about is well within the range of our experience,and
if it interests us, but if the object of our Meditation is below the
horizon of our experience(dimly sensed as the flow of a hidden thought)
if it is just beyond the range of Consciousness and we see the Light
it reflects, but not itself, then Meditation is a different matter,and
the Subject of our Concentration is but an Illusion and ever stays be­
yond our reach. This alone is true Mystic Meditation,the out-reaching
of the Mind, at fullest stretch, from the Known into the Unknown.
Now, The Occultist, not blessed with the winged Mind of the
Mystic, has his own devices for securing these illusive things of Vi­
sion. He takes for his Meditation, not the illusive Light reflected
like the Auroric Aureola, but a Landmark which has a definite bearing
in relation to place whence the Light arises, he can’t see the Light,
from where he stands, but he knows that if he directs his steps towards
the chosen Landmark,from that spot,when he arrives there,he will see
the Light itself. The Symbols upon which he meditates are, for him,
the Caverns of the Hill of Vision,and he finds that when he has iden­
tified himself with the chosen Symbols,wrhen, in other words,he stands
beside the Landmark which he has used to guide his steps,he will then
see the Light of the Uncreated Actuality, which was the real object of
his worship.
For the Occultist, therefore, Meditation is performed by
means of Symbols, each of which is ultimately resolved into its Essence.
For the Ceremonialist, Ritual is a series of Active Symbols, by means
of which he causes the Congregation who witness the Rite to accompany
him in his Meditation,until they,too, all and severally, stand beside
the landmark and see the Light,and to them,also,the Symbols shall be
resolved into their Essence. In this manner, those who could not of
themselves perform any deep and coherent Mystical Meditation are led
in Thought, thru the Astral Corridors, to the Mount of Illumination.
The Celebrant exalts the Consciousness of the Congregation by enabling
them to travel upon the Wings of Imaginâtion,while they cannot walk up­
on the Feet of Reason, setting one foot before the other, logically.
In order to secure a focussed instead of a diffused exalta­
tion of Consciousness,the Occultist uses certain conventional Symbols
when he performs a Ritual, he uses certain conventional Gestures corie-
sponding to these Symbols,this is the Ancient Language which came be­
fore Speech,which is used by the animals and even by the forms in which
Nature, herself,delineates Spiritual Types. Ritual is a Cosmic Lan­
guage in which Ideals are expressed by Gestures, just as in the Classi­
cal Schools of the Ballet.These are not arbitrary but are the natural
Lecture 94 - Page 2

Attitudes that the Human Form assumes, and anyone who uses the Pictoral
Methods of the Composition of Place in Meditation finds that he sponta­
neously pictures himself as assuming these Attitudes so Universal that
they are enshrined in Sacred Sculpture in all parts of the World. But
not only are these Symbolic Gestures but also Symbolic Objects, and
these Objects are the natural counterparts of the Gestures and arise as
spontaneously, for they are the instruments of the Gestures.
The Rod, the Sword, and the Cup, all these.things are'the
products of the Gesturing Hand. Were there a Magician who could petrify
like Gordon’s Head, the Power of the Aspirations and the Strivings of
the Soul, v;e should see rendered visible before us the furniture of the
Lodge or the Decorations of the Sanctuary. Cathedrals have been called
Prayers in Stone, and the Writer spoke more truly than he knew who said
that they might be more truly called Souls in Stone, for the Ancient
Cruciform Shape is the type of the Crucified.
Phase by Phase, the Ritual unrolls itself, passing from
the preliminary Invocation, which is the preparation of the Place,thru
the Purification, to the Prayer for Grace and Help in human things,
hence, to the Summoning of Power into the V/orld of Form, the Priest or
Minister functioning as a Magician in materializing in his own Soul,and
in the Group-Mind of the Congregation thé living sense of a Contact with
Invisible and Awe-ful Potencies. Out of the Majesty of this Invocation
arises the Mighty Ritual of the Mass and the Power to perform it. The
Mass itself is the Ritual of the Cup, as is, of course, the Communion
of the Protestant Churches - it is the calling down of Power into a Re-
ceptable, that Receptable being the Soul of Man. It is not the Raying
Forth of Power,as in the Rituals in which the Rod takes part,nor is it
the Cut and Clash of the Sword Ritual,nor the Bludgeoning of the Hammer
of Thor, these are Positive Rituals,and the Cup,or Communion,is a Nega­
tive, Receptive Ritual. The Cup is lifted on high and the down-pouring
Force fills it. Macrocosmically, the Minister uplifts the Cup and Micro-
cosmically the hearts of the Participants are lifted up with it, for in
the Macrocosm the heart center is the Cup, but the Cup is no ordinary
Cup that is thus uplifted, for it is Sacred and Sacred in a special way.
It is not the Cup of Dionysus, consecrated to a Divine Inebriation, and
it is not the Cupof Hemlock that ends all in an Aeon, it is the Cup of
which the Master first prayed that it might pass from Him, and of which,
ultimately, He drank; it is the Cup of the Last Supper.
The Ritual, as it advances, in its Traditional Majesty,
builds before the Inner Eye an Image of the Table spread in the Upper
Chamber. The Scene, familiar from our earliest memories of things Sac­
red, appears before us. The Disciples rejoicing that the Bridegroom is
still with them, the Master overshadowed and yet illumined by His Knowl­
edge of the impending crisis. He holds out the Cup and says, ’’Drink ye
all of this,” they think He means the wine, but we know He meant the
experience. And again He gives them the broken bread and says, ’’This
is my body.” It is the Immemorial Symbol of the Sacrificed God, slain
that people may live. In the atmosphere of earth is built up a Mighty
Image of the Sacrificed God, Osiris, Balder, Qetzlcoatl, Prometheus,
all held out that Cup in turn. Into that vast Image centered the Master,
representing the latest Aspect of the Cosmic Christ, the Messiah, the
Anointed One, and identified Himself with it; thus did He become a Sav­
iour whose Sacrifice had Power to save His People from their sins,taken,
of course, in the sense that He is a Personal Saviour only to the ex­
tent that we tread the Path that he outlines.
And as this Image forms before the eyes of the Imagina­
tion we too enter into that Vast and. Mighty Presence,the Presence of
Lecture 94 - Page 3

the Great Eternal Christ-Force, co-ezistant with the Father from the
Beginning of Life,the Cup is formulated in our midst, the Power de- ■
scends,the Atmosphere of the Sanctuary is charged to the highest ten­
sion, then at the summons of the Celebrant, the Congregation steps up to
the Altar Rail and partakes; the Minister reaches out to them across
the Invisible Barrier between the Inner and the Outer which is marked
by the Threshold of the Sanctuary,and they receive,each one his owrn
modicum of Power, conveyed magically and imaginatively in the Bread and
Wine; the Bread which is the Negative Aspect of that Power and the Wine
which is its Postive and Dynamic Aspect; the Bread which sustains and
the Wine which is the Soma Juice which consecrates the Vision of the
Initiate. The Roman Church gives the Bread to the people and reserves
the Wine for the Priest, in order that he, and he alone, may function
with Power, but at the Reformation, Martin Luther said, "Every man
shall be his own Priest," and gave the Wine to the people.
In the Ideal Church,therefore, from the standpoint of the Oc­
cultist, the people should have the Wine and they should be called on to
participate in the Invisible Aspects of the Ceremony,and with this end
in view the Ritual of such a Church would be worked by two people in­
stead of by one,and the two are not Chief and Subordinate but the Pos­
itive and Negative Poles of the Dynamism of the Communion or Mass. The
Ministrant workc with the Invisible Forces and forms the Channel of
their Manifestation; the Reader work: with the Group-Mind of the Con­
gregation and leads them out thru the Astral Corridors into the heights
of the Mount of Vision. Throughout the Ceremony they make no movement
save to rise when they arrive at the points where they enter into the
action of the Ritual. He leads them, too, in their Responses, where
the Group-Mind of the Congregation links up with the Force that is be­
ing formulated on the other side of the Altar Rail. He is, in fact,the
bellwether of the Flock, he is the Archetypal Penitant, the Archetypal
Communicant; in him are'exemplified the Aspirations of the whole Con­
gregation when he reads the words of Holy Scripture which form the body
of his Ritual.
Vie do not worship Graven Images with a superstitious obser­
vance, but we invoke the Forms not made with hands, Eternal in the
Heavens of the Imagination, which are the Channels of Manifestation to
us of the Powers of the Great Unmanifest. These are the Rainbow7 Rays
of the Invisible Light which blinds us in its whiteness; these are the
Powers of the Ineffable Brightness which are revealed and displayed by
the Image-making Faculty, the Mind, working beyond the Threshold of
Consciousness according to its Immemorial fashion, building those Great
Palaces of Heaven and peopling them with Celestial Forms which are the
Spiritual Heritage of every Race. By these means do we invoke the
Astral Images which represent to our Mind the Eternal Uncreated Actual­
ity which we can only hope to see "as in a glass, darkly," while we yet
dwell in the Tabernacle of the Flesh. There are times and seasons when
the Soul unlatches the Door of its Dwelling and slips forth into the
Starry Depths of Unconsciousness and sees God face to face. It steps
forth in Sleep, in Trance, and in Death, but for the most part it takes
no pitcher to the Vaters of Life and returns empty-handed. Symbolical
Expression of Scripture and Ritual is the Pitcher in which the Waters
of Life are brought back to the World of Men and shown to their Mortal
eyes, that they may see, and seeing, believe, and believing, drink and ♦
thirst no more.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Lee. 95 - Pg. i

Beloved Adhyapya:
Heretofore, in our studies, we have been considering
the normal course of Transition, but if we are to understand the real
nature of Death and its problems, we must also consider what takes
place if the Processes of Death do not run their normal course, and
the Soul fails to obtain release from the bonds of Matter and lingers
in the intermediate state. The Pathologies of the Death Process can
occur at two points, the state of the mind of the person about to
depart may be such as to prevent him from falling into Sleep of
Death, or, having passed out safely, he may either refuse or be un­
able to pass on to the Second Death and lingers indefinitely in the
intermediate state, becoming more and more abnormal as time-goes on.
There are a number of different forms of each of these Pathologies
which I must consider in detail in order to explain the subject to
you. It is not particularly a pleasant or cheerful subject, but it
is necessary, for you are students, learning, and the best way to
learn to overcome fear is to face it. We never know when we may be
brought.face to face with these problems. The understanding of their
nature robs them of the superstitious terror with which they are in­
vested in popular thought, and brings them within the sphere of those
things which we know we can take and deal with.
The spirit in which a person faces Death is all-impo'r-
tant in determining the harmony, or otherwise, of the Death Processes.
Just as the unborn child "presents" at the Gate of Life, that is, the
bony girdle of the Pelvic Arch, and its birth is normal or abnormal,
according to the manner of its presentation, so does the outgoing Soul
"present" at the Gates of Death, and just as he should enter Life head
first, so should he, also go out of it with the Higher Levels of Con­
sciousness detached from earthly things and drawing the Lower Centers
after them. For the Lower Consciousness to be forced out by the old,
collapsing body before the Higher Consciousness has gained a foothold
in the Unseen is a rather trying experience. Psychics frequently meet
Souls upon the Inner Planes who have gone thru this experience, and
they are invariably confused and distressed, more or less lost in
their Mental Conception of things, until they are enabled to make -
their adjustments and take hold upon the New Life. A large proportion
of the Service that is given upon the Inner Planes is directed to
rounding up these Wandering Souls and helping them to find their own
place. It is for this reason that the Church prays that we may be
saved from sudden Death, for the Soul needs to make its preparations
before withdrawing from the body.
The Soul of the man who is killed instantaneously, oi?
who dies without recovering Consciousness has certain difficulties to
overcome which do not beset the person who dies naturally and gradually.
There are tho'se on the Inner Planes, however, whose work it is to deal
with Innocent Souls thus flung violently out of Life and to minimize
their distress. Psychics tell us that these "Watchers"hover like
hawks in the hither hereafter, watching for out-coming Souls and then
go on the swift wings of Thought to those who show any sign of such '
distress. It is rare that a Soul will come out into the next Life who
has not found some friend who has already passed over to welcome him,
but if he has been ejected violently, as it were, from the Plane of
Earth and is thrust out backward, struggling or resisting, his face
is turned toward the Plane which he has left, and he cannot be induced
to turn around and look toward the Plane upon which he is entering.
Lee. 95 - Pg. 2
It is a case of mal-presentation upon the Plane of Death, and skillful
care is needed to restore normality.
The man who fears Death greatly is liable to thus mal-
present and he is born into the next Life with suffering, difficulty,
and danger. If he fights up to his last breath, the Great Anaesthetist
may be unable to get in his merciful work and that Soul goes thru the
Death Processes in full Consciousness. Such souls generally fail to
realize that they have died, they are accustomed to look upon Death as
synonymous with the extinction of Consciousness, and if they find them­
selves still conscious and still retain, in their own Imagination, at
any rate, the same body they have always had, tho devoid of sensation
or weight, it takes some persuasion to convince them that they have
passed thru the Gates of Death and are disembodied, they see them­
selves still as having their accustomed form and cannot be made to
realize that it is only a Thought-Form in their Imagination, and that
nobody else can see it unless he is Psychic. They naturally associate
this Form with their familiar haunts, and because they think of them­
selves as being there, they are there and can be perceived by Psychics,
and hence, by any of their friends who are at all Sensitive, often with
very unfortunate results.
The person who sees Death coming knows, however, what to
expect, and when he awakes from the Sleep of Death, he is well prepared
to find himself without the Physical Body, and so has no difficulty in
making his adjustment. In fact, people who have been on the very verge
of Death and returned again have often reported that when they recover­
ed Consciousness they were amazed to find that they were alive, that
at first they could not be convinced that they had not died.
But the man who does not know that he is dead naturally
receives a shock when he finds that he is impalpable to those with
whom he expects to be able to get into touch. He may speak to the
Watchers at the bedside and they do not answer him, to him they are
ghosts and he is overwhelmed with confusion. He may wander from place
to place in his familiar haunts, seeking to reach those he knows, but
they turn a deaf ear to him. Presently, however, he may find one who,
being Psychic is aware of his presence, and now we come to an important
question, especially important to readers of this lecture, who, being
interested in the subject and giving these subjects their attention,
are in possession of some degree, at least, of Awareness of the Unseen,
often, in fact, more than you may realize.
Naturally, one who is Psychic must be extremely careful
how he deals with the panic-stricken disembodied Souls, for they may
find themselves in the same situation as the would-be-rescuer in a
drowning. The wisest thing to do, perhaps, until you have more experi­
ence is to refuse to attempt a rescue for which you may be ill-equipped,
and too, rather, go quickly and bring help, asking the services of one
who is equipped with the necessary knowledge and who will take the Wan­
dering Soul in hand and help him to adjust himself and go on with
Death’s Journey into the Fuller Life, for remember this, once the Soul
has crossed the ’’Great Divide,” the way of Life lies ahead, not behind.
The one thing to do is to thrust the Soul off from the
Earth-Plane and by all means in our Power try to prevent him from ob­
taining a foothold upon that dark and slippery Shore that leads down
into the Waters of Lethe, and make him turn around and push to the othe:
bank, whether he likes it or not. It is the kindest thing to do however
Lee. 95 - Pg. 3

he may fight against it; and that swim is well within his own Powers,
if he will but try. With each stroke that takes him from the dark
shores of Death in Life, he is nearer to the Life after Death, he is
struggling from Darkness to Dawn, and the Way becomes brighter as he
advances upon it.
Do not let us fear the Dead when they come to us, but do
not let us allow a panic-stricken disembodied Entity to clutch us
around the neck like a drowning man in his efforts to remain on the
Plane of Form. Such is really only cowardice, and while it may evoke
our Pity, it cannot command our Sympathy, and we ought not to pander
to it. To do so is not to help him, but to condemn him to a much more
terrible fate, the fate of the Earth-Bound. At all costs, he must be
made to let go his hold on the Plane of Form and induced to set out
upon his Journey to the ’’Great Light," which shall enlighten even his
darkened Consciousness.
The man who dies an accidental Death, passing out very
suddenly from Life, in full possession of his Faculties, is usually
dazed but not distressed, because Death has come so quickly. He feels
nothing and his Mind is more or less a blank, or working very slowly
and disconnectedly. The newspapers often remark upon the extraordinary
fortitude of those who have been severely injured in an accident. Of
course, anyone who has ever been in an accident knows that the shock
is its own anasthetic and the pain and collapse do not come until some
time later. Often people do not know that they are injured until some­
one draws their attention to the fact. The severity of the injuries is
almost invariably in inverse ratio to the screaming. In some cases of
head injury, a person will linger for days or even sometimes weeks be­
fore finally passing out. In such cases, they are, for the most part,
as deeply unconscious upon the Inner Planes as they are upon the Phy­
sical Plane, but towards the end of the time, when the body is getting
ready to set the Soul free, there may be brief periods in which they
sense the Inner Planes more or less dimly.
In a case of this kind, the out-going Soul can be very
greatly helped by the Rites of the Dying, even if unconscious, and
there should be Prayer at the bedside, if possible. Even when there
is deep Unconsciousness, this should be kept until they breathe their
last breath. If unable to be present at the bedside in the Flesh —.
imagine yourself to be there in the Spirit, and you will be present in
the Spirit. The out-going Soul, waking to Psychic Consciousness, will
see you, even if the by-standers do not. A great deal of help can be
given in this way, and the Soul is prepared Subconsciously for depart­
ure, even when there is no conscious direct preparation.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

Beloved Companion:

With this lecture you enter into the third stage of

your Brotherhood study work, This is the stage wherein you will
touch upon the Inner Secrets of the Western Traditions; you will be
given the explanation of the Cabalistic Doctrine, and will also re­
ceive enlightenment as to the fundamentals relative to the Higher
Mysteries. The processes of White Magic will be discussed, that you
may an understanding of the fundamentals governing them.

So you may look upon this promotion as the beginning

of a new Occult cycle. You have worked and striven for many months,
covering the preliminary instruction material, preparing for the
higher lectures. In conscientiously applying yourself to the pro­
blems which have beset your Pathway, just as they do the Pathway of
every Seeker, you are comprehending gradually that the Way is nar­
row as is the edge of a sword and as straight as its blade. Let your
creed and standard always be ”To live to benefit and serve Mankind.”

One of the Masters has explained this Ideal in these

words: ’’This step may be taken at any time, in any condition of mind,
and under any conceivable circumstances; one thing only is essential,
the Ideal of human service must really appeal to the man or woman
who thus dedicates their life. They must have a sincere desire to
serve their fellowmen if they desire to help mankind to a higher and
happier, more intellectual and self-reliant condition; they may
pledge themselves to this Ideal of human betterment and so doing
they will take the first step toward the Supreme Wisdom; they must
be willing to work for the Ideal of human well-being as they them­
selves conceive it; to sacrifice personal aims and pleasures to some
extent, in the Cause.”
There is one peculiar thing about this admonition. The
Master has stated that it is ’’the first step.” As a matter of fact it
is a portion of the Aspirant’s obligation that never ceases; the first
step is prolonged for it is the very basis of the Higher Attainment
toward which he aspires. Service and Universal Love are the two rudi­
mentary factors which have stimulated and guided every true Seeker in
each stage of Initiation. So it is fitting that we renew our re­
cognition of these basic requirements at this juncture as we stand on
the threshold of a new cycle of study, and that we consider once more
the purposes to which our faculties have been consecrated.

You will remember the two previous dedications which

have taken place one at the beginning of the Neophyte work, and
later one at the beginning of the Adhyapya grade. We would like
you to renew spiritually and mentally these high Ideals and Intentions,
realizing at the same time that the further you travel along the Path­
way the more serious are your responsibilities to yourself and to
your fellowman.
Nov; these responsibilities do not manifest for each
individual in the same way; we do not mean that each student must
necessarily prepare for active, personal service work in the way of
Lecture 96 - Page 2

teaching or lecturing to a band of followers - that is the Path for

certain individuals who are particularly trained for that work, and
who have those particular qualities which make leadership of that na­
ture a field in which they can work with effect. But there are other
ways of serving than those of direct teaching. We also serve God and
man thru making our own lives as harmonious and understanding as pos­
sible, that we may, thru our own thoughts and deeds, reflect the pure
Christ Consciousness and God qualities within; so live that any ob­
serving us may see clearly the mark of the Aspirant in all things that
we do and say.

In the East those following the Pathway of the highest

Ideals bear the caste mark of the Brahmin. This mark is an inherited
privilege, and sets them apart from other castes devoted to other
endeavors and other aspirations. In following the Western Traditions
we do not inherit the privileges which we enjoy in the study of Oc­
cult Philosophy, but each one of us, thru our own lives, qualifies to
engage in Esoteric Research. Unlike the Brahmin, we do not have^com-
mon caste mark the dots on the forehead so proudly displayed and re­
cognized by all as the symbol of a Seeker and aspiring Adept, but we
have a more effectual one -- the testimony of our daily lives.

•Our numbers are fewer and fewer as we grow and develop -

just as in the East there are untold thousands of Sudras (the laboring
classes) to one of the Brahmin caste, so in the West there are thou­
sands of beginners who might be classified as ’’dabbling” in Occult
work to one seriously intentioned student.

We speak of the increasing responsibility....unless

there be some misunderstanding regarding that statement let us analyze
it a little more definitely. Naturally the responsibility invested
in us is controlled, and governed by our talents, our opportunities
and the environment^/hich we live. These responsibilities may diver­
sify our interests or they may specialize them according to our own
natures. In addition to the responsibility which is ours in regard
to our Fellowman, we have also a responsibility to ourselves. We
have proven our sincerity and ability thru the work which has been
completed. That has offered us the opportunity to continue further.
The very fact that we have mastered the preliminary grades of the
work qualifies us to continue. These qualifications are granted to
very few travelling the Pathway; perhaps it would be a fair estimate
to say that at least one half or even a larger percentage of those
who enter into Occult studies drop by the wayside at various stages
of advancement. Influenced by one reason or another, they flag in
their original intentions and are diverted to a state of mental and
Spiritual stagnation, with an apathetic resignation to circumstances.

But there is great work to be done in the future;that

work demands trained thinkers, those who understand the workings of
Cosmic Law, who are versed in the Esoteric Sciences, and who will be
prepared to take up their share of the burden when the time for using
their faculties arrives. Those who have wavered, hesitated and stopped
are not qualified to continue with these higher Ideals. Certainly
their reaction to the opportunity of upliftment and enlightenment has
not been of such a nature as to recommend them for future responsi­
Lecture 96 - Page 3
bilities. Thus it behooves those who have continued steadfastly to
observe the thinning of their ranks as they proceed, that they may
value their progress more and look toward the future with a deeper
realization of that which lies ahead and the part which they are to
play in it.

So arrange your Sanctum as in one of the very early

lectures of the Neophyte grade when you were given instructions as
to the performance of the mirror experiment. Seat yourself quietly
in front of the mirror with no light save the single flickering flame
of a candle stationed toward the right hand. Then repeat audibly or
silently, as you choose, the following: ”1 here and now, with all
that 1 am of weakness and strength offer myself and my thoughts,
emotions, aspirations and actions to the service of my Fellowman in
whatever capacity it may be deemed fitting that I should serve. May
this Ideal from this moment guide and direct me, mold and educate
me, that may life become an embodiment of it. May all of my forces,
capacities and inherent possibilities be developed to this end. I
will to give myself wholly to the Ideal of Human Well-being.”

Extinguish your candle and remain for ten minutes in

quiet concentration of the words you have just used as a pledge.

Meditate upon the comments of this lecture very care­

fully. It is given $0 you at this stage of your progress as a sum­
mary of the ultimate goal toward which every Adept is working. I do
not mean of course that this Goal is to be literally fulfilled here
and now, immediately, nor perhaps may it be entirely satisfied in
this incarnation, but the good qualities and the accomplishments
which you realize in this incarnation will be recorded in the credit
ledger to your account with the Higher Self on the Inner Planes.

The question df choosing your Way will be more pertinent

to your progress now than at any time in the past. We have alluded to
the aspects of development which may be roughly classified as the Way
of the Mystic and the Way of the Occultist. The Brotherhood of course
blends the two, but it is well that we have a thorough understanding
of each one.

The Mystic Way is well known; it is the one which

leads to Divine Union thru the renunciation of the world and the ab­
negation of self. The Mystic seeks to worship God in Essence, but
because of the fact that the Essence or Root of God is unmanifest, a
realization of its qualities eludes human understanding. The Mystic,
then, recognizing these facts, seeks to transcend human consciousness,
a matter which requires the subjugation of the human form which is
a barrier between his consciousness and the Absolute. The Mystical
Way is renunciation, wherein the limitations of the lower nature are
forcefully eradicated, the higher consciousness freed that it may
soar upward, entering into a state of God-like suspension. All that
is human is renounced; in an effort to prematurely realize Seventh
Plane At-Oneness.

The Way of the Occultist is one of fulfillment, not

renunciation. The Path of human destiny is not negated, despised and
Lecture 96 - Page 4
avoided, but it is realized and fulfilled for all that it may mean in
the Great Cosmic Plan. The Occultist seeks not to flee from that as­
pect of the God-head which is manifested in form, but he seeks to
manifest a mastery over these aspects^ he seeks to become a complete
master of himself and of his faculties. This mastery is not the
domination which the slave owner has over his slaves, but rather it
is the inspired control and complete attunement manifested by the
virtuoso who extracts from his instrument majestic melodies.

It is the Occultist, in the final analysis, who is

valuable to the Cosmic Plan. In one sense of the word the Mystic
has discarded his talents and returned empty-handed to his Maker. He
has nothing to offer but his sublime love for the Absolute. The Oc­
cultist, on the other hand, has an equal love for the Absolute, and
in addition he has to offer the trained, and capable faculties which
the experience of mastership has given to him. The servant who sits
in adoration at the foot of his master is beloved, surely, but he is
of less value to his master than the servant who shows his devotion
by actively attending to his master’s affairs. He goes about the work
of the establishment zealously attending to the duties entrusted to
his care, and developing his own faculties of leadership and understand­
ing. The Occult Adept is verily a servant of Evolution, and it is part
of his task to bring order out of chaos, harmony out of discord and
equilibrium out of unbalanced force.

With this lecture we salute you as a Companion in the

Higher Studies. You have left the elementary aspects of apprentice­
ship behind, and are approaching the adult stage of your endeavors.

Abide in peace and harmony, diligent unto the privileges

which await you.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood


Beloved Companion:

Now that you are going to venture into the realms be­
yond Orthodox Theology and Orthodox Science it is well that a clear
distinction between them be made that you may have these principles
in mind when considering your future work.

No doubt you are already keenly aware of the criticism

to which Occult Science is subjected by those who are following a
purely materialistic attitude toward life. This criticism arises
from two factors. First? the average individual’s complete lack of
knowledge concerning Occult practices? and second? his misunderstand­
ing of the fragmentary ideas which he may have concerning certain
elementary principles. By now you realize too that the man of small
understanding criticizes Occultism a great deal more than the Occult­
ist criticizes the man of small understanding. Vie who are engaged in
this work have, above all else, a tolerant viewpoint toward life;
then too we have a deeper realization of the Life Forces and we know
beyond the shadow of a doubt that all things are connected and linked
together under the Divine Plan. We do not criticize any branch of
that Plan? for we recognize that it is fulfilling a Divine Purpose,
although that purpose may not be the one toward which we ourselves
are working.
But to turn to our original topic of Occultism and
Science -- the average Scientist of a decade ago? when he was ex­
ploring the atom? when he was delving into the new field of Electri­
city, imagined that he had dispensed with the necessity of acknow­
ledging a Divine Force for earth plane manifestation. His findings
actively sponsored a new School of Atheism; for he discovered a few
fragmentary aspects of God’s Law and immediately, à propos de rien,
concluded that the Laws alone were responsible for earth plane mani­
festation? and that there was no God associated with them. He mistook
the nature of these laws and drew an illogical conclusion without an­
alysis or thought. After all there is no real conflict between Oc­
cultism and Science. The Occultist does not dispute the findings of
Science, but he points out that even though Science has discovered
that there are laws governing the Cosmos, that does not discredit the
Omnipotence and Supreme Deity of a Vital Force which conditions those
laws, We contest the Scientists’ findings only when the latter at­
tributes all things to the blind matter of the physical plane, and
refuses to acknowledge that there is a higher source from whence is­
sue the initial creative spark.

The work of the Scientist is to classify? to organize?

and to discover earth plane manifestations? whereas the work of the
Esotericist is to explain that which they find in light of the First
Cause, which originated all things.

The work of the Scientists’ laboratories is useless,

just as the work of the Inventor is useless, unless their discoveries
bring a broadening of vision and an awakening of further consciousness
of the Supreme Influences which work in and thru all of their efforts.
If the modern inventions of the 20th century? for instance, are the
Lecture 97 - Page 2

product of nothing more than accident, chance, or earth plane coin­

cidence, they have no intrinsic value; if they are only that they are
futile and useless except for momentary profit. This inventive age has
been continued for a number of years; accident could not have sustain­
ed the creation of these ideas, any more than the resources of the
material plane could have alone produced them in the first place. The
very fact that Science and mechanical genius has been able to expand
itself at this time like it has never been able to do in previous
ages, verifies the fact that some agency is at work permitting this
expansion and promoting these new ideas. The mind of the Ancient
Philosopher was certainly keen and alert, and yet Bacon for instance,
for all of his brilliance, did not explore the atom nor did he in­
vent a telescope to reach millions of light years beyond the nearest
stars; he did not discover the uses of radium, nor did he understand
that voices could be transmitted thru vibration over vast spaces
without wires or other communcative connection. His mind was bril­
liant, as was the abiTity of others of his age and previous ages,
and yet it was specialized to certain things necessary to that age;
it did not touch upon those things which are common to this genera­

The Occultist, when he analyzes these things, per­

ceives that a great flood of Creative Force of a particular mechan­
ical type is being made available for the modern scientist and
engineer. It is as though special purveyance from a vast Divine
Storehouse were being made ready for use, supplies that were with­
held from previous ages and of which they had no knowledge.

Simultaneously we very often find people contacting

the same ’’original” idea. Machines will be invented by two parties
who are totally unaware of the work of each other, and offered for
patenting at the same moment. There is nothing strange in that; the
two minds were simply attuned to the same Creative Vibration, and
this attunement made it possible for them to manifest the same
vibration of Creative Thought. They did not create the idea them­
selves, they simply attuned their Thought Daves to it.

So even in mechanics we find the Divine Influence

at work. This age, rather than drawing us farther away from the
Logos, is drawing us closer it It, because of the marvels of its
opportunities. Science seeks to discover the reason and meaning
of all of this thru matter alone; it confines itself deliberately
to the physical plane, and attempts to explain existence from that
basis. The Occultist acknowledges no such limitations, it perceives
consciousness in its full stature of seven planes and is thus able
to understand much that is unintelligible to the Scientist.

Perhaps this period in which Science is divorced

from Occultism is only one phase after all. There was a time when
the two were closely allied as one great.and harmonious Science. At
that time the theory of Phlogiston was the accentuated one in
research, and perhaps it was more accurate than the present theories
of Oxygenation. Here and there we still find a brilliant new
Lecture 97 - Page 3
Scientist who cleaves to original principles, and who perhaps may be
part of the van of research leaders to unite the Esotericist and the
Exotericist once more again in solid flanks. Einstein., for instance,
with his theories, has pointed to a force more vast and omnipotent
than any acknowledged by Science the last 50 years. The closer he
draws to actual Truth the more undeniable the existence of such a
force becomes.

In time Ectoplasm will receive as much enthusiastic

scientific attention as the Strastophere; the art of projection will
be taught as a part of the curriculum of the average school; chemistry
will again be alchemy, for they cannot progress very much further
without remembering and utilizing the Truths that have been retained,
repeated and emphasized thruout the ages by the Mystery Schools. At
the present they are simply skirting along the banks of Truth. A
knowledge of Symbolism, Astrology and the Zodiac are necessary if
Science is to proceed beyond the barriers of the material. They are
now reaching out into the unknown regions; the rarefied atmospheres,
seeking the identity of the Rays, delving into the Abstract. To
them it is all an uncharted, unknown Way, whereas to the Occultist
this is familiar territory. The latter sees what the Scientist does
not perceive, that all things are One, that specialization in Science
is futile and impossible, unless attention is diversified to include
the Science of Occultism, which had made a study of the Abstract
since the beginning of time. In the field of controlling the material
plane the Scientist is a Master; when he goes beyond that point he is
as a child in the kindergarten of school years, -- troubled, uncertain
and indefinite. it is pride more than anything else which
keeps the Scientist from seeking the help, the advice and the counsel
of Esoteric Masters. Once they have as a body, however, risen in
cooperation with the leadership of a chosen few who have embraced the
Standards of Esotericism they will -find their further research to be
very much more understandable and productive of helpful results.

For your extra-curriculum study of this week, if you

have an opportunity for so doing, find a few moments for reading a
bit of current literature on the subject of Scientific research. I am
not going to suggest any particular source of Scientific information,
as the reading matter at your service will depend largely upon the re­
search resources at your command. If you will go to your public lib­
rary you no doubt can find current periodicals devoted to Scientific
study, and these will give you a conception of what Science is doing
today. Keep in mind the instructions and the suggestions which we
have given you in this lecture. As you read of these new inventions,
of these new attempts at explaining Cosmic Forces, remember the in­
struction which has been given you prior to this, concerning Evolution,
Polarity, Karma, and all of the kindred Principles of the Western
Traditions. Learn to modernize these ideas, learn to read and associate
what you read with Occult Thought. Certainly if this modern world is
not based upon Occult Principles we should become aware of it; if our
principles can be bombarded and shattered by the first question pre­
sented by a Scientific discovery, then we had best find, that out im­
mediately and discard Occult Principles entirely.
Lecture 97 - Page 4
But as you study, as you observe life, as. you investi­
gate the nevi things being done in Science you are going to find, that
instead of having these discoveries plant doubt and question in your
consciousness, that they will do just the opposite for you. They
will give you a broader understanding of life and of these principles,
and will stimulate you to further endeavor, giving you not only the
courage to go forward, but also giving you a very real sense of
pride in being identified with this age holding such rare opportunities
for progress and service.

The Scientist.' is demonstrating in a tangible way the

teachings of the Abstract philosophies. ..keeping abreast of the times
is part of the duty of every practicing Occultist. Each new dis­
covery or invention adds to the Divine stature of Universal Mind and
gives us a new conception of the magnitude of its Power.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Companion:
Re are soon to start on the study of the Cabalistic
Doctrine, and in preparation for it shall deal with certain prelim­
inary issues of great importance.

It has been found that one of the most difficult as­

pects of higher study is. that which refers to an analysis of Divinity.
The various ideas about God are so diversified, so capriciously
governed by creed, church, environment, experience and private
opinion that those engaged in the study of this subject each con­
sider God in a way different from that in which He is regarded by
someone else. Therefore, in order to facilitate the absorption of
fanther instruction in the deeper Mysteries, study well the explanations
given here.

When the term "God" is used it is commonly understood

as referring to the Force responsible for the creation of the ter­
restrial Universe. The average person understands Him as a super­
man, who decreed that the Universe come into manifestation and who
has, in support of that Decree, subsequently controlled life and ex­
istence in that Universe. This idea includes an active Force, vital,
directly concerned, with the affairs and conditions of this plane.How­
ever such a conception of God takes no cognizance of the Divine Force,
the First Cause, the Absolute, the creator of Spirit.

It is to an understanding of this Principle that Oc­

cultism is directed. The Deity concerned with the functioning of the
Universe is lesser in Power and in jurisdiction than that represent­
ing the Absolute. In all things there is a central stillness which
knows nothing of motion or change. The idea of the Absolute should
be without restriction, boundless, impersonal, infinite. It must in­
clude the All in All which cannot be divided.... the Spirit and the
Soul, the suspended synthesis of the Seventh Plane aspect.The fact
that God (as He is commonly represented) is depicted as active, as
manifesting, restricts His Powers, conditions his consciousness by
imposing duty and responsibility. Therefore the exoteric conception
of Deity is not the highest understanding of Divine Force, but is
imperfect, incomplete. If he is to know7 awakening, it is necessary
that Man expand his consciousness to include an appreciation of'Powers
superior to Osiris or Jehovah.

It is true that a governing, working force exists,

else the Universe would remain in Essence, not manifesting in sub­
stance. Such a working force is not the Source, but a reflection of
a higher pattern. The influence of the Seventh Plane is simulated on
lower planes, but the Seventh Plane itself is entirely divorced from
matter. In almost every religion there seems to be at least a waver­
ing gesture toward understanding the Unmanifest, or at least some
attempt is made toward intimating the qualities of the Absolute. For
instance, in Genesis, altho the conception of Deity portrayed is that
of a manifesting agency, the Book does not describe the method by
which His Universe is brought into being. It does not picture Je­
hovah as a God who fashions with His own hands a world of matter.He
is, rather, pictured as a Master Builder, directing, not laboring.By
Lecture 98 - Page 2
expanding consciousness one step further, we can approach an under­
standing of the primordial Cause, the Absolute, superior to and above
In addition to personal opinion and theological doc­
trine, race has a great deal to do vrith an individual’s understanding
of God. Various tribal anthropomorphic Gods are worshipped, each
differing from the other because of the racial traditions of the
several tribes. Because of the fact that the God Force is so diver­
sified in its aspects and faculties, one type of mentality is capable
of grasping one aspect and excluding others. Thus it is that each
race supports a certain theological principle which may not entirely
agree with the principles of other sects. Yet each belief is begotten
of the Logos, but none wholly encompasses the composite qualities of
the Logoidal consciousness. To the Egyptian, the god force was Osiris,
later Hermes. To the Jews, it was Jehovah, to the Hindus, Brahma.
All is the same force, partially realized by various tribes.

The soul of the world,the Anima Mundi, changes period­

ically. It is permanent and changeless in its inner Essence, but on
the Lower Planes alters with evolving conditions.

It is thru the intervention of the Seven-Fold Rays of

the Sun bringing Light into Darkness that Man is drawn into rapport
with the Logoidal Force. The species of Man may be considered as a
third Logos, the second being the Christ Force. The Absolute on the
Seventh Plane is passive Wisdom, the Christ Force is conscious, active
Wisdom, with man as the direct issue of the inter-play and sympathetic
association of the two influences.

In Cabalistic study you will have explained to you the

Veils of Negativity, that is, the Higher phases of consciousness be­
yond even the Absolute.... to a full comprehension of these, the human
mind cannot reach, but as all things have an Archetypal mold upon
which they are patterned, intuition tells us that even the Absolute
is a reflection of a still more remote force. Therefore, the Logos
(the Word) born of Mind, is the rendering as in a mirror, of still
higher forces. Just as a photograph depicts a likeness in shadow of
the original subject, so do we find that the Logos mirrors the focused
vibrations from the Veils of negativity. Similarly, man reflects the
Logos.... thus we have the great mystery of the Macrocosmic and Micro-
cosmic Worlds.
Every great world teacher has been a simulacrum of
Logoidal power,more intensified and direct than that which is manifest­
ed in the consciousness of less developed individuals. In the majority
of cases, they have passed through a series of incarnations, each one
as an Avatar during which time their powers of leadership were matured.
They bring the Divine Message to each succeeding Age, couching it in
phraseology suitable for the understanding of that Age, sacrificing
themselves for the good of Humanity, and being reborn in various
guises as instructors and sages.

They are part of the great Divine Hierarchy, thru which

the powers of the Logos manifest. The Universe is controlled by an
order of Spiritual beings whose faculties and responsibilities are as
Lecture 98 - Page 3
accurately judged and disciplined as those of the officiers of a great
army. Each of the Spiritual Beings manifests a separate personality,
segregated from the whole and devoted to certain duties. The Saviors
in bringing a revised statement of the permanent and enduring Divine
Message, "save” their followers from a Hell of darkness,ignorance and
And novz I want to give you a little Ceremony which is
to be performed with a reverential appreciation of its Mystical
meaning, and actuated by a real desire for the influx of that Power
which descended upon the Apostles at Pentecost and which is described
as the Tongues of Fire which ”sat upon their heads,” It is to be per­
formed twice each month in the Quiet of your Sanctum.If the time for
using this ceremony falls on a regular Sanctum night,it may be used
as a substitute for the usual opening ceremony.
First, there is the opening Service, the little period
of Quiet Meditation, dwelling upon the Ceremony about to take place,
attuning your Mind with the Divine - for a few moments thus preparing
yourself for the performance of this great Rite.

Then, secondly, you are to rise from the chair in which

you are sitting, and you are to draw about yourself the Magic Circle,
imagining it keenly, and invoking the Names of Power with command and
Third,standing by your chair,you are to raise your hands
in the Sign of the Chalice,which consists in lifting the arms above the
head with the hands cupped, as if about to catch something falling
from above.In this position the head involuntarily thrown back and the
face turned upward the whole Attitude is that of one who awaits the
Descent of Power.You must realize that these Symbolic Attitudes are
called in Esoteric Terminology "Signs,” and that they are very im­
portant,for they render, in the Universal language of Gesture.the idea
which should have been inwardly formulated.(If you are particularly
interested in traditional significance of posture and gesture, see
Raymond’s ’’Principles of Aesthetics.") Even in the case of one who is
perhaps not so highly advanced as to fully understand all the Sign­
ificance of the Inner Processes and Ceremonials,the very assumption
of such an Attitude tends to induce the corresponding State of Con­
sciousness and automatically renders him an adequate Celibrant, apart
from the perfection of his Methods.You have only to experiment with
this Attitude of the Sign of the Chalice and note its effect upon
Consciousness to be in a position to understand something of what goes
on in the Consciousness of one going thru this Ceremony.

Now,holding this attitude,you are to make the following

Prayer to the Master of Masters,whose Name is the Name of Power in the
Heavens: "Master of Love and Compassion, I am dedicated to Thy Service,
I approach Thee in Faith, in the Christ-Force,the Unseen Companion of
the Heart.Prepare me, 0 Lord, to drink of the Living waters of Life
soon to be made manifest unto me.Open my eyes that I may see,and my
Heart that I may understand; make the Way plain, 0 Lord, that I fail
not in Thy Service.May I be a Channel whereby Thy Holy Ones may ap­
proach the World! May I be a Center of Radiation of Thy Power! And
teach me to ’travel light’ as do all who travel on the Path, to give
Lecture 98 - Page 4
myself entirely to Thy Service, to attune myself to Thy Will, to
suffer gladly for Thy Sake, to lay down at once the small personal
Life for the Great Cosmic Life, to love with the Love of God.”

This Ceremony is to be performed on the night of the

Full Moon, and on the night of the New Moon, twice each Lunar Per­
iod. After it has been performed, you may quietly leave the Sanctum,
or you may remain to read your lesson, or review any of the lessons
or the experiments which you choose. After you have thought this
over carefully, I will discuss it a little further in the next
lesson, before going on with the new work.

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Companion:
I have at various times discussed with you the many
phases of the groat Religion of the West, Christianity, and I have
from time to time also brought out its many benefits and fine
points. However, as Occultists and Mystics we cannot but regret
that the whole beauty of Western Religion has been denied to the
people at large. Only portions of the esoteric teachings are taught,
so that we must agree that Christianity as it is practiced today,
is one-sided and is not, therefore, a satisfactory source of Spirit­
ual Inspiration. The truth of that statement is to be found in the
thousands leaving the Orthodox Church for some more satisfying as­
sociation. The Church of today has forgotten the Cabala, wherein
are its roots, and the Gnosis which was its flower. Those who alter­
ed the original principles of the Church and made it a political
force were not Initiates. The true Initiates and illuminated ones
were in the persecuted sects who were driven from power by fire and
sword. If we are content with Mysticism alone, then we are content
with a half-truth. '’By their fruits, ye shall know them’.' That cer­
tainly applies to the modern Church, for since the Gnosis was elimin­
ated Christianity has borne little fruit. It is stagnating and by
its lack of Spiritual food is driving its followers away from its
Think over the accomplishments of the Orthodox
Christian Churches for the past two thousand years; think of the
present system organized on a strictly financial basis, as the modern
Church competes with the theatre, the race track and the dance hall
for patronage. Consider the advertising, the extensive social or­
ganization of a modern Church, and consider, also, how little of
pure Spiritual attraction exists. It was hardly for such a mani­
festation of Christianity that the blood of the martyrs was poured
out in times past. The fervor of worship is not there, for it has
been driven out, because of leadership being invested in those who
are not Adepts. There has been no contact with the Inner Plane
sources to renew the Spiritual force of the group Soul. Ritual has
been discarded in favor of entertaining, and even humorous lectures
on politics, on finance and an occasional reference to the vague ac­
complishments of foreign missions.

We can ask ourselves just where the fault lies: why

is it there is no holding power in the modern Church? Does the
fault lie in the message of the Master Jesus, to which these Churches
are ostensibly dedicated? Or does it lie in the misinterpretation of
that message and the commercialization of its promulgation? The
latter, of course.

If we can look upon Christianity as it is practiced

today, as a dying remnant of an esoteric system of former ages, then
we can understand its practices as those associated with its de­
cadence. The original inspiration has been lost and instead of the
Church automatically attracting all who sincerely wish to fill their
consciousness with the blessings of Spirit, it seeks to draw by out­
landish attractions the curious and the inquisitive to an empty ser­
vice. It is not the purpose, it would seem, of a Church to attract;
Lecture 99 - Page 2
the purpose of the Church is to serve and. to satisfy. It should, be
as a fountain head, of seventh plane force, which is approached,
freely and happily with a deep gratefulness for the opportunities
of Spiritual fulfilment which it offers. It should be sacred ground;
it should be recognized as a Temple of the Most High, dispensing
not only Spiritual peace, but Divine know-ledge and instruction as
well; it should be a representative of God-Consciousness on earth,
not a meeting house for social activities, nor the polite bickering
about the outer concepts of the Law, but a Holy of Holies, impre­
gnated with unremitting, indefatigable Celestial power.

It is lamentable that there are not thousands delving

deeply into the philosophy of the Master’s message, absorbing its
deeply hidden truths. The Church is largely responsible for this
suppression of the message, for it has been satisified with crumbs
from the banquet of truth and has ignored all else. It has even de­
nied the existence of the banquet, preferring to remain an exoteric
representative, refusing to acknowledge anything but the most ob­
vious, the most trite and least satisfying aspects of the Christ is not so with Buddhism, nor is it so with Mohammedism.
The followers of these two influential and inspired leaders appre­
ciate the significance of the teaching which they receive;. They
understand it, they study it, they explore its more obscure recesses,
they think in terms of the Divine guidance which has been given to
them, they look upon their religious philosophy as a source of enlight­
enment and learning,theÿi take all things to this abiding source of
counsel and are never unsatisfied.
Through the building of false pretenses, the Christ­
ianity of the Nazarene has been presented in a warped and bungled
fashion.No word is spoken concerning the association of the Celestial
Spheres with life.No word is spoken concerning the method of the
creation of the avoids,as it were a plague that most
vital subject of human relationship,Polarity.It timidly hesitates to
apply its teachings to internation relationships.

Are we to believe that this message of the West is de­

void of counsel on these topics?Are we to believe that His message is
faulty,incomplete and inconsistent when compared with the demand of
Life and with other philosophies? No.We assert that these truths are a-
vailable, this conception is prepared for our use,although it has been
suppressed either through ignorance or the desire to keep the intel­
ligence and the development of the Western Mind subservient to a min­
ority of self-appointed Spiritual guides.
With surprising inconsistency, the modern Church has
pointed a finger at its followers,accusing them of hypocrisy and lack
of faith in their neglect of the Church.Had the Church anything to of­
fer of genuinely transmitted Inner Plane force there would be no need
to harangue empty pews, for there would be nothing that could keep the
throngs away from the Eternal Source of Supply. Their championing of an
empty, crude, insignificant Cause is pitiable in its ineffectuality
and its futility, especially so as the esoteric truths have not been
lost and could be again revived were it not for the misplaced prejudice
Lecture 99 - Page 3
of Orthodox leaders. Their cause could, be rejuvenated v.Tere they to
illuminate their efforts with the distinct and elevated teaching rest­
ing at their finger tips. But they quarrel over their dry crumbs, re­
fusing the sustenance of the heavily laden and richly endowed table
of supply.
The proper religions of the day are designed for the
most illiterate minds, the most unresponsive, unthinking,indolent,
unquestioning, uninquisitive states of consciousness.For a young Soul
fumbling for a knowledge of higher consciousness their trite teachings
are aptly fitted,but they offer nothing for the Twentieth Century in­
telligence, alert and eager for answers to eadh and every one of its
Another breach of the trust placed in them is the
Church’s dogmatic stand of authority and their 'bigotted self-centered ­
ness. Not only do they uphold their own importance above all other
sects,but they label all other creeds not only as unauthorized but
as actually damning to the Soul.This attitude alone is seriously
deleterious to their accomplishments, for any in their group who man­
ifest enough courage to investigate other religions for themselves are
astonished to find how closely associated each and every one of them
It appears that churches if they be reflecting Inner
Plane Law should be cooperative,they should be enveloped in the invest­
igation and the enlightenment of their own doctrines and principles,
gladly accepting the contributions which other religious sects.make to
the revelation of God-Consciousness.It is not to be wondered at that
those Souls who stray from the confines of the modern Church discover
in Occult Christianity the • assimilation and the harmony which they had
sought, but never found, is with gratitude and with a sense
of completion that they note that after all the Christ’s message was
not piecemeal,garbled and constraining,but that it does apply to the
Twentieth Century and does meet their every need,their every question
and their every demand. They who have sought to look upon their
brothers in truth, those following a different Pathway than themselves,
as heathens and lost souls see them as they actually are in the light
of companions striving toward the same Goal.Christ’s message is dign­
ified by observing it in its relationship to other messages. From the
Christian text book,the Bible,the dust of many ages is cast aside.In­
stead of having the Bible pointed out to them as a Book of Guidance
its pages are actually opened and they are taught how to see,how to
study and how to understand its meaning.

There may develop a change in the Church,or the needs of

the people may automatically refute its claims,destroying its present
false principles to institute a world-wide movement for esotericism.Thip
will come about gradually in response to the unshackling of the Soul of
Man.Here and there are those who are aligned with esoteric orders,who
appreciate the Inner truths.They are preserving the ancient teachings,
preparing themselves to serve in a larger capacity when their talents
and their faculties are required.Verily,it has been written for us,
"For now we see through a glass darklyjbut then face to face:now I know
in partjbut then shall I know even as also I am known."

In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.


Beloved Companion:

Tonight ve are going to enter into work which will pre­

pare you for the deeper Cabalistic Studies lying just ahead. In those
studies you are going to touch upon topics not otherwise discussed in
the lessons} and are going to delve deeply into the abstractions of

In previous lessons we have told you of the Planes? we

have spoken of the conditions involving the Solar Logos and the Uni­
verse and I think that we have together learned to expand .conscious­
ness far beyond that point at which it was restricted when you en­
tered into your study work.

Our immediate subject for consideration is that touch­

ing upon the root cause, the root source of Being. Relax in your
chair and let your mind expand to the magnificence of Cosmic Conscious­
ness. For the time being let us think upon those great factors in­
volving creation. Consider the planetary group of which the earth
is a part -- for all intents and purposes our Solar System is a clos­
ed, segregated unit. It is affected, of course, by outer influences
from the Cosmos, but these are so remotely distant from us as individ­
uals that we can hardly comprehend their nature. Not all of us are
consciously aware of the influences of this Solar System, so it is
surpassingly difficult to apprehend the nature of influences beyond
We know, however, the method involved in the creation
of the Universe, we know7 that conditions in the Cosmos are changing
constantly, but the period of each cycle is so vast and so slow-mov­
ing, as far as solar years are concerned, that the conscious mind is
quite incapable of understanding them. The Solar System arose from
a star cluster, which we will term a nebula, the Planets being dis­
charged from the Sun and in turn discharging satellites such as the
Moon 'which now circles about the earth. Fe see, therefore, that the
beginning, as far as the Moon is concerned, is the earth; the beginn­
ing as far as the earth is concerned is the Sun, and the beginning as
far as the Solar System is concerned was a nebula.

But we are going deeper than that; we rightly ask,"From

whence came the nebula?" That it was composed out of matter found in
outer space is not quite definition enough. So we naturally inquire
from whence came space?

This procedure from space to the earth means Evolution,

it means development and unfolding, but the very term "Evolution" it­
self implies its companion and preceding process, Involution. Nothing
can unfold that has never been in-folded. The Evolutionary process
taking place beyond the nadir is a completing cycle. Luther Burbank
did not develop or evolve his new species of plant-life out of ether;
he combined forms which were already in existence, remade them,select­
ed certain qualities that he wished to predominate and evolved some­
thing nevi out of something old. It is obvious, then, that our Uni­
verse has evolved from something which preceded it, that space itself
issued from a source.
Lecture 100 - Page 2

Burbank combined several varieties of desert plants

and produced an edible, spineless cacti for the use of cattle in arid
regions. The qualities of food and resistance to arid conditions were
inherent in the inedible plant. He isolated the desired qualities,
combined them, and produced a new variety out of their latent ele­
ments. Evolution follows the same process on a larger scale. It pro­
duced the Manifest Universe out of the Unmanifest by utilizing latent
Herbert Spencer was incorrect when he said that the
’’Great Unknown is also the Great Unknowable.” It is true that our
minds are not at this time capable of fathoming the Great Unknown,the
great Involution which preceded Evolution, but it exists, it is, and
will be made known when our minds have reached the capacity for under­
standing it.
The Great Unknown, therefore, is not an absolute state
in itself; it is a comparative state, it varies in its expanse of Un­
known Truths in comparison with one’s attainment. The Mysteries of
business and finance are, for instance, a part of the Great Unknown
for a child, but they are familiar and understandable to his father,
whose life has reached a more mature stage. So shall we, as we mature
Spiritually, fathom that Unknown Region, finding it just as comprehen­
sive, just as possible of analysis, just as rich in opportunity as any
part of the world and the world’s knowledge is for us today.

The Eastern Teachings are perhaps more acutely aware of

the urge for knowing something of the Unmanifest than are the Teach­
ings of the West. So let us turn to their attempt at describing that
which is not describable. From the texts of Taoism comes this thought;
’’Was that which was produced before Heaven and earth a
thing? That which made things and gave to each its
character was not itself a thing.”

And again from the same source;

’’The Tao cannot be heard; what can be heard is not It.
The Tao cannot be seen; what can be seen is not It.
Tne Tao cannot be expressed in words; what can be ex­
pressed in words is not It. Do we know the Formless
which gave form to Form? In the same way the Tao does
not admit of being named.”
And from the Upanishads we glean this thought:
’’Not in the sight abides His form, none beholds Him by
the eye; those who know Him dwelling in the heart (in
the ether of the heart) by the heart (pure intellect)
and the mind, become immortal.”

And from the Bhagavad Gita this;

’’But verily thou art not able to behold Me with these
thine eyes; the Divine Eye I give unto thee.”
So gradually we approach to a better understanding of
that which is beyond thought; we perceive that which belongs to the
Involutionary arc of Cosmic unfolding, that which we sometimes name
as Brahm is not non-existent; it is, and it becomes knowable as we
ourselves approach it.
Lercture 100 - Page 3

The more deeply we delve into this subject of the Un­

manifest the more closely are we coming into attunement with the Inner
Planes. The more awakened and vitalized our Higher Faculties of Mind
become as we learn to appreciate the actuality of those things beyond
the dense material plane. Too long we have considered that nothing
existed save that which is apprehended by the five physical plane
senses. Too long has that conclusion prevented us from true Life
understanding. We are advancing to the place where it is no longer
necessary for us to think of the Unmanifest in terms of weight, size,
color and appearance; we think of the Unmanifest in terms of force,
of potency, and of vibration - these are gradually becoming just as
actual to us as the objects of sensory experience.

The average man is content to completely disregard

everything except the commonplaces of every-day existence. He sees
no reason for expanding consciousness beyond the minimum necessary for
the maintenance of the physical organism, and if he is questioned as
to that which lies beyond the physical he will say that he does not
understand the necessity for metaphysical investigation. He will say
that it is not practical, and yet that same man will enthuse over his
new radio and marvel at the wonders it performs. He uses the very de­
velopments which abstract thought has made possible and which employ an
abstract means of operation but at the same time, thru sheer ignorance,
ridicules that which makes his pleasure possible.

After all the inventor is a Metaphysician, whether he

realizes it or not. More and more modern Science is delving into the
abstract for its inspiration and for its guidance in the development
of remedial contrivances, such as the ray machines, electrical treat­
ments, and so on. They no longer scoff at the abstract, but are en­
deavoring to employ, to understand, and to use those principles known
to the Metaphysician for many centuries.

So the Occultist, when he reaches this stage of develop­

ment, must learn to conquer, to overcome that attitude of mind which
perceives Actuality on the physical plane and on the physical plane
alone. He must learn to develop the viewpoint of the Adept, for whom
Inner Plane conditions are just as understandable as earth plane con­
ditions. Not only does Science employ in increasing measure the re­
sources of the Abstract, but these are the means thru which the
Practitioner and the Mental Healer effect their cures; they use the
abstract, or in other words one phase of Mind Power in their opera­
tions; they are using a quantity of consciousness which is entirely
’’unknown” to those lesser developed. Out of the Unmanifest they are
collecting positive forces to eradicate a condition pf inharmony in
the physical organism. In a minor way we see, therefore, that they
are following the same process which brought about the manifestation
of the Universe from space to density. Thus the Unmanifest becomes
practical, usable, workable, and vital in human affairs. In the same
way our study in future lessons of abstract principles can be trans­
formed thru intelligence into workable, usable principles, applicable
to every-day problems.

As an example of the use of the Unmanifest I am going

to speak with you about advanced use of affirmations. There is per­
Lecture 100 - Page 4
haps some aspiration which you have, which is as yet unrealized, or
in other words Unmanifest; it is actual and in existence for you,
just as surely as the Moon or the Earth were in existence in the
great void and Unmanifest era preceding Evolution. Your faculties
of intelligence and determination are to effect the same creation of
this condition that was brought about by the Logos in the production
of the Universe.

"He spoke the Word and it was.”

In other words, he focused the forces of the Unmani­

fest, his attention acting as the nadir of the Involutionary Arc, and
He originated the processes making for unfoldment or evolution.

In the use of affirmations in this way let us employ

the term ''Decreeing. ” It is the use of the Creative Powers which are
your natural birth right. Effective use of the Word or effective use
of the Decree depends upon your ability of concentration, upon the
effectiveness of your thought, the clarity of your inner vision and
the persistency of your desire. Think upon that one ambition ’which
may.ce unfulfilled in your life, and which is vitally important to
you. As yet it is in that great void of the Unmanifest, it has not
been focused at a nadir for development -- Why? Something is pre­
venting that manifestation which your idle wish, or even your in­
tense desire has not overcome. First of all you must find that
cause of restriction and eliminate it, find that fundamental obstruc­
tion which needs to be changed. It may be something in yourself, or
it may be something in your affairs or the affairs of someone else.
Usually one will find that the first condition is the real offender.
Remove that cause and you will then be ready to expect the fulfill­
ment of your desire. Do not expect the removal of the cause to bring
about the manifestation,. however ; it does no more than the releasing
of the brake in your automobile when it is stationary on a level road.
The automobile will not move; it needs power behind it to turn the
wheels forward. Our desires are not like a rushing vortex, seeking
to change our entire lives, but their force is an inert, latent po­
tency which must be stimulated after blockades have been removed and
brought into manifestation thru a guiding force. That force rests
within your own mind.

After discovering and annihilating that underlying dif­

ficulty plan the words of the decree as carefully as you would fashion
a vitally important telegram; express in those few simple words of
Decree exactly what you want, and nothing more. Let there be no con­
fusion at the reception end, (your subconscious mind) as to the in­
tention; then deliver your command with assurance, confidence and
Have no fear as to.the telegram to the subconsciousness
going astray,its message is going to be apprehended when it is deliver--
ed correctly from your Thought World,and will begin its focusing force
and its manifestation of power immediately.Then go about your affairs
in confidence and faith, seeking for daily signs of that manifestation
coming into prominence. Be alert for each evidence of helpful change,
and cooperate with these movements with every ounce of intelligent
strength, moral courage and fortitude which you have.
In the Bonds of the Eternal Brotherhood.

A table for the interpretation of Auric colors is given below:

Red: fire red, growth of Love in the Soul. Crimson, Ambition
and a love of order. Scarlet, Anger.
Orange: signifies pride, but is seldom constant, being subject
to varied changes and will be judged by the colors mixed with it.
Yellow: usually implies high intellectual attainment with spirit­
ual aspirations. Sometimes considered the color of youthful, uncon­
taminated ideals.
Green: one of the most difficult colors to interpret, there be­
ing so many varieties of it. Slate-green denotes cunning, and a ten­
dency to deceive. Emerald-green is the color of understanding, of
culture and friendship as well as of versatility and ingeniousness
without the unpleasant or evil intent of slate-green. Clear, vibrant
green denotes sympathy, kindness and other fine qualities of the spir­
itual aspirant.
Blue: Pale, sky-blue indicates Truth and the elevation of the
Lower nature of man, as well as consideration of higher ideals. Tur­
quoise-blue shows a change of mind and heart. Dark pure blue, (the
Prussian-blue of the artist’s palette) denotes religious feeling, and
is sometimes termed the color of mystical contemplation. Blue also is
a variable color, its shade changing with the thought-content of the
mind and according to the intensity and hue the color may indicate
every extreme of religious feeling from mere curiosity on one hand
thru pure devotion, to religious fanaticism on the other.
Violet: Being a mixture of red and blue, violet would naturally
partake of the qualities of both colors. A strong medium shade of
deep purple denotes strength and the will to rule, whereas a pure vio­
let signifies a rapport with the highest of spiritual and intellectual
Brown: A dull rust-color brown indicates selfishness and avarice.
A brown aura flecked with angry red denotes jealousy. A pleasing med­
ium brown is the color of strength, and offers protection for the more
rarefied qualities of the mind and spirit. A sultry, yellow-brown be­
tokens fear and a lower plane intellect.
Black: A heavy, murky black denotes hatred and malice and is
sometimes seen to coil thru the aura like a gross serpent; but a clean,
lustrous black may denote deep meditation and a profound mind.
Grey: If heavy and mottled, deep depression, and should this be
the habitual frame of mind for the individual, the aura will reflect a
decided gloomy, stagnant, and negative appearance.
White: Construction, nobility and power.
Silver: Active perception, mental brilliance.
Gold: This is the color of the Holy City and indicates a vibra­
tion of spiritual splendor, of growing enlightenment, and power of
Metallic rays: Great oratory,magnetism,imparting of knowledge.
In studying the Aura the student will find that it varies greatly:
pure color is seldom found, for it would mean that the individual was
focusing upon one, unmixed emotion, and unless he is possessed of great
concentrative powers, this is not likely to occur.
Colors may be found to be arranged in spiral bands of contrasting
shades encircling the Aura; in spots,,or in vertical or horizontal
stripes, as well as in the form of a diffused radiance. It is observed
too, that rather than using the color-chart as a means of judging
character, the color of the aura should be employed only to judge the
emotion of the moment and the nature of transient thoughts.

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