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For classes 6 - 10

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Class – 6 Mathematics - 1
04 An amount of money is to be distributed among A, B
and C in the ratio 3 : 1 : 5. The difference between B’s
Questions from 1 to 30 are single answer questions, darken the correct
option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.
share and C’s share is 3600. What is the total of A’s
share and B’s share ?
01 of a number is 42. What is the number ? (A) 5400 (B) 3600
(C) 2700 (D) 1800
(A) 18 (B) 63 (C) 112 (D) 1008
05 How many millions are there in 10 crores ?
02 If the area of the shaded part of the square is 16 sq.units,
what is its perimeter ? (A) 100 (B) 10
(C) 1 (D) 1000
06 What is the hundreds digit of the product

(A) 8 units (B) 16 units (A) 2 (B) 5 (C) 9 (D) 4

(C) 32 units (D) 64 units 07 In a class, there were an equal number of boys and girls.
2 / 5 of the boys wore spectacles. What fraction of the
03 What is the least number that must be subtracted from children wore spectacles ?
each of the numbers 14, 17, 34 and 42, so that they are
proportional ? 1 1 1 2
(A) (B) (C) (D)
20 10 5 5
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 7
Space for Rough work
Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1  Paper Code : UM900M1


08 Which of the following is equal to the product 12 What is the area of a square that has the same perimeter
23 × 22 × 21 × .... × 3 × 2 × 1 ? as a rectangle whose length is 48 m which is 3 times its
(A) 27 × 26 × 25 × ..... × 10 × 9 × 8 breadth ?
(B) 26 × 25 × 24 × .... × 9 × 8 × 7 (A) 1000 m2 (B) 1024 m2
(C) 25 × 24 × 23 × .... × 8 × 7 × 6 (C) 1600 m2 (D) 1042 m2
(D) 24 × 23 × 22 × ..... × 7 × 6 × 5 13 Identify the missing value in the statement given.
09 Which point on the number line represents the least
93.651 = 93 + 3 + ? + 0.001
integer ? 5
1 0.3 2 0.1
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5 3 6 4 2 2 5 2

(A) Q (B) R (C) S (D) T 0.216 + 0.064

14 Find the value of 0.36 + 0.16 − 0.24
10 The ratio of two numbers is 3 : 4 and their H.C.F. is 4.
What is their L.C.M. ? 1 3
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) (D)
(A) 12 (B) 16 (C) 24 (D) 48 2 4
11 The H.C.F. of two numbers is 8. Which one of the 15 Find the difference between –12 and –28.
following can never be their L.C.M. ? (A) –16 (B) +16 (C) +40 (D) –40
(A) 24 (B) 48 (C) 56 (D) 60
Space for Rough work
Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1 ! " Paper Code : UM900M1


16 Lines AB and CD intersect at P. 24 is perpendicular to 18 What value of ‘p’ makes the equation true ?
∠APD = 170°. What is the measure of ∠DPB ?
)* , and m∠ p – (–4) = 8

(A) –12 (B) –4

R (C) 4 (D) 12
D 19 If ‘N’ is a prime number such that (N + 2) is also a prime
A number, which of the following is true of N(N + 2) + 1 ?
C (A) An odd integer (B) A prime number
(A) 10° (B) 20° (C) 30° (D) 40° (C) A perfect square (D) Not a perfect square
17 Which two of the points given can be joined to form a 20 If 34 68 is to be divisible by 9, what is the value of the
line perpendicular to the line AB ? missing digit ?
) - , (A) 3 (B) 6 (C) 5 (D) 9
21 Find the value of the number sequence given.
. +
1 + 2 – 3 – 4 + 5 + 6 – 7 – 8 + ...... – 2012 + 2013
/ 0
* (A) 0 (B) 1 (C) –1 (D) 2013
(A) E and F (B) D and H
Space for Rough work
(C) F and G (D) C and E

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1 # $ Paper Code : UM900M1


22 Identify the expression for the given phrase. 26 How is a line PQ symbolically written ?
“The product of four and a number decreased by seven.”
(A) 23 (B) 23
(A) 4(N – 7) (B) 4(7 – N)
(C) 23 (D) 23
(C) 7 – 4N (D) 4N – 7
27 The figure given shows a pizza. The shaded part shows
23 How many numerals are there in Roman numeration the part of pizza eaten. To which part of a circle is the
system ? unshaded part similar ?
(A) 10 (B) 9 (C) 8 (D) 7
24 What is the difference between the predecessor and the
successor of the greatest 5-digit number ?
(A) 2 (B) 0
(A) Chord (B) Minor sector
(C) 1 (D) 99
(C) Segment (D) Major sector
25 What is the greatest 4-digit number exactly divisible
28 How many right angles are formed in the given figure ?
by 12, 15, 20 and 35 ?
(A) 9999 (B) 9660 2 3
(C) 9832 (D) 9860

Space for Rough work 5 4

(A) 5 (B) 3 (C) 2 (D) 4

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1 % & Paper Code : UM900M1


Class – 6 Mathematics - 2
29 Between which two integers does –6 lie ?
(A) –6 and 6 (B) 7 and 5 Questions from 31 to 35 have more than one correct option, darken the correct
options as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 3 marks.
(C) –7 and –10 (D) –7 and –5
30 What fraction of the fruits on the plate are apples ? 31 Identify the false statement.
(A) (H.C.F. × L.C.M.) of a and b = a × b
(B) (H.C.F. + L.C.M.) of a and b = a + b
(C) (H.C.F. – L.C.M.) of a and b = a – b
(D) (H.C.F. ÷ L.C.M.) of a and b = a ÷ b
32 Each side of a square park measures 95 m. Find the
3 5 distance covered by a person going round the park 6
(A) (B) times.
8 8
(A) 570 m (B) 2280 m
3 5
(C) (D) (C) 6 × 4 × 95 m (D) 6 × 95 m
5 3

Space for Rough work

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1 '  Paper Code : UM900M1


33 Which of the following statements is false ? Class – 6 Reasoning

(A) Through three collinear points, we can draw three lines Questions from 36 to 45 are single answer questions, darken the correct
(B) Two intersecting lines in a plane determine a point option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.
(C) Lines belonging to the same plane are called coplanar lines
36 Find the missing number and letter in the sequence.
(D) Plane is a part of a line
" ! 2 " & ?
34 If < , then
% " Y W S ?
4 4+3 3 4 7 3
(A) < < (B) < < (A) 12, N (B) 16, K (C) 23, E (D) 13, O
7 7+4 4 7 11 4
37 Which of the following replaces the question mark in
4 4−3 3 4 4×3 3 the given series ?
(C) < < (D) < <
7 7−4 4 7 7×4 4
Z) ; * X!+ 94D ?
35 Name the geometrical figures which has atleast three
line symmetries. (A) E5V (B) E6V (C) V5E (D) V6F
(A) A circle 38 If in a certain code 67&94 is written as HDFCK and 1235
(B) An equilateral triangle as RSNL, which number will be written as FCNHR ?
(C) A regular pentagon (A) 35487 (B) 89361 (C) 89631 (D) 98613
(D) A square 39 How many letters are there in the word ‘CREATIVE’
which have as many letters between them in the word
Space for Rough work as in the alphabet ?
(A) 3 (B) 1 (C) 2 (D) 4

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1   Paper Code : UM900M1


40 Count the number of small cubes in the given figure. 43 Which is the odd one out ?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

44 Which of the following is different from the others ?

(A) 98PQ (B) 87RS
(A) 10 (B) 7 (C) 8 (D) 9 (C) 75TU (D) 65VW
41 Which option is the mirror image of the given image ? 45 Identify the shape among the options, when the shaded
parts are opened out.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

42 A class of boys stand in a single line. One boy is

nineteenth in order from both the ends. How many boys Space for Rough work
are there in the class ?
(A) 37 (B) 50 (C) 38 (D) 55

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM900M1 ! " Paper Code : UM900M1


Class – 6 Critical Thinking Introducing Sonia, Aamir says, “She is the wife of only
nephew of only brother of my mother”. How Sonia is
Questions from 46 to 50 are single answer questions, darken the correct
related to Aamir ?
option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.
(A) Wife (B) Sister
46 16 adventurers arrived at a river bank. There was only (C) Sister-in-law (D) Data is inadequate
one boat to bring them across the river. The maximum
capacitiy of the boat was 4 people. How many trips were 50 Among Anu, Kavitha and Mahi, one of them is a teacher.
necessary to bring all the adventurers across the river ? The other two are a doctor and a policeman. Mahi is
older than the policeman. Anu and the doctor are not of
(A) 9 (B) 6 (C) 8 (D) 7 the same age. The doctor is younger than Kavitha. Who
47 Which clock is the odd one out ? is the teacher ?
(A) Mahi (B) Kavitha
  (C) Anu (D) None of these
' ! ' !
(A) & " (B) & "
% $ # % $ #
Space for Rough work

' ! ' !
(C) & " (D) & "
% $ # % $ #

48 Here are some words translated from an artificial B A A C B B D B A B

language. # "' "& "% "$ "# "" "! " "
krekinblaf means workforce " !' !& !% !$ !# !" !! ! !
dritakrekin means groundwork B D D D B B A D D B
! ' & % $ # " ! 
krekinalti means workplace B C C B A B B D B D
 ' & % $ # " !  
Which word could mean “someplace”? D C D C A A B C C C
(A)  moropalti (B) krekindrita  ' & % $ # " ! 
(C)  altiblaf (D) dritaalti

Paper Code : UM900M1 # $ Paper Code : UM900M1

Most Popular Books in India for Academic Excellence
Classes 1 - 10 Classes 1 - 10 Classes 2 - 8

Trainer Plus Unified International

Mathematics Olympiad
Conducted by
An IS0 9001 Certified organization
Price range ` 140 to 165 Price range ` 125 to 190 Each class ` 150

Classes 1 - 10 Classes 1 - 10 Classes 3 - 10 Class 6

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E = mc2

Vol. 1 & 2 Hall Ticket No.
E I Questions : 50
Time : 60 minutes

Brain Mapping Academy

Read all instructions carefully before attempting any question.
Each class ` 115 Each class ` 100 Each book ` 175 l Ensure that the ‘Class’ printed here and inside, is the same as the test
you are appearing for.
Combo Pack Classes 6 - 10 Classes 6 - 10
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l Do not open this question paper until you are permitted to.
FOUNDATION l You are not allowed to use a calculator.
l Figures herein are not to scale. Hence, you cannot depend on the
For classes 6 - 10

estimate of size or measurement. Use your knowledge of the subject.

l Rough work shall be carried out only in the space provided for the same
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l Return your answer sheet to the invigilator soon after completion and
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Class – 6 Mathematics - 1
$ The given pictograph is incomplete. It shows the
number of symbols each child has.
Questions from 1 to 30 are single answer questions, darken the correct
option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.

 The sum of a number and its reciprocal is then Anu
select the numbers. Raju
1 −1 1 −1
(A) 3, (B) 3, (C) −3, (D) −3,
3 3 3 3
Key : Each represents 2 sweets.
 A taxi charges 25 for the first kilometre, and 8 for
each kilometre there after. What would be the taxi The total number of sweets the four children have is !.
charge for a trip of  km ? How many symbols does Anu have ?

(A) 250 (B) 180 (A) 2 (B) 4 (C) 6 (D) 8

(C) 187 (D) 197 % Operations are placed in each so that ! 5 7

! Select option correctly showing the value of 6.78 × 5 9 = 78. Listed from left to right. Identify the
(A) 6,78,00,000 (B) 6,78,000
(A) +, × + (B) +, +, ×
(C) 0.0000678 (D) 0.000000678
(C) ×, ×, – (D) ×, +, ×
" What number has to be added to !4567 in order to
make it divisible by 6 ? Space for Rough work

(A) 2 (B) 4
(C) 5 (D) 6
# A seven digit number 876p!7q is divisible by 225.
Identify the value of p and q.
(A) 9, 0 (B) 0, 0
(C) 0, 5 (D) 9, 5

Paper Code : UM9009  Paper Code : UM9009


& Identify the figure which represents .4 ?  What is the value of the expression 5(a + b) – !(b + c) if
a = 4, b = ! and c = 2 ?
(A) 20 (B) 18 (C) 14 (D) 10
(A) (B)  Which option is the line L most likely a line of symetry ?

(A) (B) L
(C) (D)
' Identify the product of (!xy) and (5x2 + 2xy + !y2) L
(A) (15N3O + 6N2O2 + 9NO3)
(B) (15N3O + 2NO + 3NO2) (C) (D)
(C) (15N2O + 6N2O2 + 9NO2)
(D) (15N2 + 5NO + 3O2) ! Cherry used a copy machine to enlarge a drawing to
 The angles of a ΔABC measure 27°, 4!° and °. What 5% of the original size. If the width of the original
kind of triangle is ΔABC ? drawing was !7 centimetres, Identify the width of the
copy of drawing.
(A) Equilateral (B) Acute
(A) 37 cm (B) 55.5 cm
(C) Obtuse (D) Right
(C) 92.5 cm (D) 23.3 cm
Space for Rough work
Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM9009 ! " Paper Code : UM9009


" Which option has the greatest value ? ' Saroja is filling numbers in Venn diagram. No number
is to be entered more then once.
5555 666 77 8
(A) (B) (C) (D) Multiples of 15 Multiples of 24
6666 777 88 9
# "
# Which is the longest rectangle ?
! "&
(A) Area = 24 cm } 2 cm (B) Area = 48 cm } 6 cm "# %

(C) Area = 100 cm } 8 cm (D) Area = 60 cm } 8 cm What is the least number than can be appropriately
place in the shaded area of the diagram ?
$ In a class of 49 students, the ratio of girls to boys is 4 : !.
If 4 girls leave the class, choose the ratio of girls to boys. (A) 360 (B) 240 (C) 120 (D) 60
(A) 11 : 7 (B) 8 : 7 (C) 6 : 5 (D) 9 : 8  If a : b = ! : 5 and b : c = 7 : 8 then identify the equivalent
ratio of 2a : !b : 7c.
N " − 6 N 3 + " N +  N (A) 42 : 105 : 320 (B) 15 : 21 : 35
% If x . then find the value of .
(C) 6 : 15 : 40 (D) 30 : 21 : 350
(A) (N – 3N + 2N + 5)
3 2
(B) (N – 6N + 4N + 5N)
3 3 2
 In the diagram, the area of the second middle ring is 6
(C) (2N – 6N + 4N + 5) (D) (2N – 6N + 4N + 5N)
3 2 4 3 2
times the area of the smallest circle. The area of the
& The base of a triangle is ! cm more than its height (h). unshaded outer ring is 2 times the area of the smallest
Select option correctly shows the area of the given circle. What is the ratio of the largest circle area and
triangle. smallest circle area ?

(A) h(h + 3) cm2 (B) h(h + 3)cm2
(C) h(h – 3)cm2 (D) h(h – 3)cm2
(A) 3 : 1 (B) 6 : 1 (C) 18 : 1 (D) 19 : 1
Space for Rough work
Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM9009 # $ Paper Code : UM9009


A rectangular poster is .5 m long and 9 cm wide. " There are six integers whose product is . Which of the
Select option correctly showing the ratio (in lowest following cannot be the sum of those six integers ?
terms) of the length and perimeter of the poster. (A) –6 (B) –2 (C) 0 (D) 2
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1 Select the value of (2 + 4 + 6) – ( + ! + 5).
(C) 5 : 16 (D) 7 : 11 (A) 0 (B) 3
! How many kilograms of fruits were sold during the four (C) –3 (D) –1
hours ?
$ Which integer is closest in value of ?
Sales of fruits and vegetables in a store 4
fruits (A) 11 (B) 10
45 vegetables (C) 9 (D) 8
Number of kilograms

40 38 35
35 % On subtracting 8 from –8, we get
25 26 (A) 0 (B) –16
20 20
(C) –64 (D) –1
Space for Rough work
5 p.m 6 p.m 7 p.m 8 p.m

(A) 120 kg (B) 124 kg

(C) 126 kg (D) 144 kg

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM9009 % & Paper Code : UM9009


If x : y = ! : 5 and y : z = 5 : 7 then identify the equivalent Class – 6 Mathematics - 2

ratio of (y – x) : (x + z).
Questions from 31 to 35 have more than one correct option, darken the correct
(A) 2 : 23 (B) 1 : 5 options as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 3 marks.

(C) 1 : 6 (D) 15 : 46 Which operations satisfy closure property of whole

' The HCF of two expressions p and q is . Choose option numbers ?
that correctly showing the LCM of p and q.
(A) Addition (B) Subtraction
1 (C) Multiplication (D) Division
(A) p + q (B) p – q (C) pq (D)
! Which options represent an integer ?

! Which figure shows shaded ? 1 5 12 7
(A) 1 + (B) −
2 2 17 34
1 3 ⎛ 12 ⎞
(C) −2 − + (D) 10 − ⎜⎝ − ⎟⎠
2 2 3
(B) Which of the following is an even number ?
(A) Even × odd × even (B) Even × odd × odd
(C) (C) Even × even × even (D) Odd × odd × odd
!" Which options are solids ?
(D) (A) Cube
(B) Cuboid
Space for Rough work
(C) Cylinder
(D) 6th class Mathematics text book
!# The measure of one angle of an isosceles triangle is 5°.
Identify the measure of the other angles in this triangle.
(A) 50° and 90° (B) 50° and 80°
(C) 30° and 80° (D) 65° and 65°

Paper Code : UM9009 '  Paper Code : UM9009


Class – 6 Reasoning Find the mirror image to the given figure.

Questions from 36 to 45 are single answer questions, darken the correct
option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.

!$ Which is odd one out ?

(A) PY (B) IR (C) FG (D) BK (A) (B)
!% How does the given shape look like when opened out ?

(C) (D)

!' If ‘paper’ is called ‘wood’, ‘wood’ is called ‘straw’, ‘straw’

is called ‘grass’, ‘grass’ is called ‘rubber’ and ‘rubber’ is
(A) (B) called ‘cloth’, what is furniture made up of
(A) grass (B) straw
(C) wood (D) paper
" Complete the given series.
(C) (D) 9  ! 4 7 7 ?
(A) 20 (B) 22
(C) 21 (D) 19
Space for Rough work
Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM9009   Paper Code : UM9009


" A piece of paper is folded and punched as shown below "! If 8 × 4 = 42, 6 × 6 = !!, 2 × 2 = , 4 × 6 = 2! then 2 × 8 = ?
in the question figures. Which option indicate how it will (A) 21 (B) 28
appear when opened ?
(C) 14 (D) 42
"" Which letter is two to the right of the letter immediately
to the left of the letter three to the right of the letter C ?
(A) G (B) H
(C) F (D) C
(A) (B) "# Find the matching pair.
2 : ! : : 574 : ?
(A) 23 (B) 82

(C) (D) (C) 97 (D) 113

Space for Rough work

" Rearrange the following jumbled letters and choose the

middle letter of the correct word.
(A) N (B) G
(C) M (D) A

Space for Rough work

Paper Code : UM9009 ! " Paper Code : UM9009


Class – 6 Critical Thinking Five blocks are placed one above another in a particular
sequence (as shown in figure). If a sixth block is added
Questions from 46 to 50 are single answer questions, darken the correct
to the same sequence, which would be the correct top
option as your answer in the OMR sheet provided. Each carries 1 mark.
view ?
"$ Which shape fit the given incomplete jigsaw ?

(A) (B)

(A) (B)

(C) (D)

"% In the number sequence, , , 2, !, 5, 8, ! .....

What is the 4th term ? (C) (D)

(A) 144 (B) 377 (C) 199 (D) 233

"& Today is 2st August. The day of the week is Monday. # You are living in a school hostel. The dal served to you in
This is a leap year. What will be the day of the week on the mess has a lot of stones. What would you do ?
this day after three years ? (A) Leave eating the dal altogether.
(A) Monday (B) Thursday (B) Bring the matter to the notice of mess incharge.
(C) Wednesday (D) Saturday (C) Speak to the cook about changing the dal.
Space for Rough work (D) Buy your own dal and cook it in your room.

Paper Code : UM9009 # $ Paper Code : UM9009

A n I SO 9 0 0 1 : 2015 Ce r t i f i e d Or g a n i sa t i o n


Question Paper Code : UM9009


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


MATHEMATICS - 1 (MCQ) 3. (B) 6.78 × 105 = 6.78 × 100000 = 678000

4. (A) Sum of digits of 345670 = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6
1 10 + 7 + 0 = 25
1. (A) 3 
3 3
‘2’ to be added to 345670 to divided by 3
2. (C) Charge for first km = 25 345672 is divisible by 3 & an even number

Charge of each next km = 18 345672 is divisible by 6

 Total charge of a trip of 10 km 5. (C) The required number is divisible by 25
= 25 + 18 × 9 and 9
= 25 + 162  8760375 is divisible by 9 & 25
= 187  p=o&q=5
website :
30 19. (C) LCM of 15 & 24 is 120
6. (A) Total =  15
2 20. (C) Given a : b = 3 : 5 and b : c = 7 : 8

Anu’s = 15 - 13 = 2  a : b : c = 3 × 7 : 5 × 7 : 5 × 8 = 21 : 35 : 40
= 21x : 35x : 40 x
7. (D) 3 × 5 + 7 × 9 = 15 + 63 = 78
 a = 21x & b = 35x & c = 40 x.
8. (A) Option ‘A’ represents the shaded region
 2a : 3b : 7c = 2 × 21x : 3 × 35x : 7 × 40x.
of 0.4
9. (A) (3xy)(5x2 + 2xy + 3y2) = 15x3y + 6x2y2 + = 6 : 15 : 40
9xy3 21. (D) Largest circle area = small circle area +
10. (C) 90o < 110o < 180o  Given triangle is an shaded ring area + outer right area
obtuse angled triangle = 19 times to small circle area
11. (A) 5(4 + 3) – 3(3 + 2) = 35 – 15 = 20  Area ratio of largest circle and smallest
12. (D) Option ‘D’ is having a line symmetry circle = 19 : 1

150 3 111cm
22. (C) Perimeter = 2(l + b) = 2 (1.5 + 0.9)m =
13. (B) 37cm   37cm    55.5cm 4.8 m
100 2 2
 The ratio of length and perimeter
5555 5
14. (D)   0.83 = 1.5 m : 4.8 m
6666 6
666 6 = 15 : 48
  0.8571....
777 7 = 5 : 16
77 7 23. (C) Number of fruits were sold
  0.875
88 8
= (35 + 26 + 45 + 20) kg
 0.8888 = 126 kg
8 24. (C) Given All the ‘E’ integers whose product
 has greast value =1
15. (C) Option ‘C’ is longest rectangle because Case i :- All can be -1. then sum can be
–b & product is 1.
100 cm2
 12.5 cm
8 cm Case ii :- Each of integers are four -1 and
each of the two integers are 1.
16. (B) The ratio of girl & boys = 4 : 3 = 4x : 3x
 Product is 1 & sum = –1
 Girls = 4x & boys = 3x
Case iii :- If sum is zeros Three equal
Given 4x + 3x = 49
integers shoud be negative and three
7x = 49 equal integer should be negative
x=7 (–1) + (–1) + (–1) + (1) + (1) + (1) = 0
 Number of girls = 4x = 28 & number of But product = –1 × 1 × –1 × 1 × 1 = 1
boys = 3x = 21
Case iv :- Four equal integers each is 1
New ratio of girls & boys = 28 - 4 : 21 = & remaining equal integers each is –1
24 : 21 = 8 : 7
 Product = 1 & sum = 2
4 3 2 3 2
2x  6x  4x  10x 2x (x  3x  2x  5)
17. (A)  25. (B) (2 + 4 + 6) – (1 + 3 + 5) = 12 – 9 = 3
2x 2x
18. (B) Given b = (h + 3) cm 26. (A)  10.75  11
1 1 
Area of the triangle = bh  h(h  3)cm 27. (B) – 8 – 8 = –16
2 2
website :
28. (B) Given x : y = 3 : 5 & y = z = 5 : 7 REASONING
 x : y : z = 3 : 5 : 7 (or) 36. (C) BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY
 x : y : z = 3 × 5 : 5 × 5 : 7 × 5 = 15 : 25 : ‘Y’ is 9th letter from P.
35 = 3 : 5 : 7
‘R’ is 9th letter from I.
= 3a : 5a : 7a
‘K’ is 9th letter from B.
 y – x : x + z = 5a – 3a : 3a + 7a = 2a :
But ‘G’ is next letter to ‘F’.
10a = 1 : 5
Hence FG is odd one out.
29. (C) LCM × HCF = Product of the given two
 LCM × 1 = pq
37. (A) =
LCM = pq
30. (B) Option ‘B’ has 4 shaded parts of total 12
38. (B)
4 1
 Shaded part = 
12 3
39. (B) Furniture is made of wood. But in
MATHEMATICS - 2 (MAQ) this context, ‘wood’ is called as
‘straw’. So Furniture is made of straw.
31. (A, C) Addition of whole number and
40. (C) Alternate numbers added 4
multiplication of whole numbers
follow closure property 9 + 4 = 13
1 5 3 5 3 5 8 13 + 4 = 17
32. (A, C, D) 1       4 z
2 2 5 2 2 2 17 + 4 = 21
12 7 24  7 17 1 41. (C)
    z
17 34 34 34 2 42. (A) MANGO
1 3 4  1  3 2 84
2      1  z, 8×4= = 42
2 2 2 2 43. (C)
 12  66
10      10  4  14  z 6×6= = 33
 3 2
33. (A, B, C) Even × odd × odd = even & Even × 22
even × even = even 2×2= = 11
Even × odd × even = even 46
4×6= = 23
34. (A,B,C,D) All options are solids 2
35. (B, D) If one angle of a triangle is 50o then 28
2×8= = 14
orther angle can be 50o 2
 Third angle = 180o – 50o – 50o = 80o 44. (A) ABCDEFGH
(OR) 3rd right to C is F
If one angle of a triangle is 50 then E is immediatle left to F
the other two angle are equal
G is two to the right of letter E.
 50o + x + x = 180o
So, the answer is ‘G’.
 2x = 130o  x = 65o
45. (B) = 82
website :

46 (D)
47. (B) 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144,
233, 377
48. (B) 21st August  Monday..
21st Next year  Tuesday..
21st Next year  Wednesday..
21st Next year  Thursday..
49. (C)
50. (B) Bring the matter to the notice of mess

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