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English Olympiad Resource Book

(For Class 1 - 10)

This series of ‘English Olympiad Resource Books’ aims
at giving students, ample intensive practice they need to
prepare for any English Olympiad, through carefully
crafted ‘Multiple Choice Questions’.
It trains them to tackle different types of questions
confidently and prepares them adequately for any
International/National/Regional English Olympiad.
The prominent features of this edition are :
p Useful gist before attempting practice exercises.
p Crossword Puzzles for testing student’s ability.
p Maze/Word Search/Dialogues for joyful breaks.
Price : ` 115 for each book p Model paper provided for a mock test.
p Key to all practice exercises and model paper.

Awesome English - Vol. 1 & 2

(Useful for Classes 3 - 10)
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CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6

Crossword - 1 (Health Vocabulary)

CONTENTS Complete the crossword using the given clues.

1 2 3

1. Crossword - 1 (Health Vocabulary) ................................. 03

4 5

2. Irregular Past .................................................................. 04 6 7

3. Crossword - 2 (Parts of speech) ...................................... 05

4. Using tenses correctly ..................................................... 06 9


5. Crossword - 3 (Phrasal verbs).......................................... 07 11

6. Crossword - 4 (Idioms) .................................................... 08


7. Word Search (Homophones) ........................................... 09


8. Crossword - 5 (One word substitutes)............................. 10 1 A disease where the area 2 Your head pounds from within.
around the teeth becomes sore 3 Many children pointing at their
and swollen. abdomen, use this as an excuse
9. Compound Words (A roundabout) .................................. 11 3 You are not sent to school if to avoid school.
you are _______. 4 Doctors use a ________ to
7 An apple a day keeps the check/feel if anything is wrong
10. Crossword - 6 (Prepositions) ........................................... 12 _________ away. with your heart/breathing.
8 Short-sightedness. 5 A condition when your throat
9 You should see a dentist when hurts if you try to eat.
11. Key ......................................................................... 13 - 14 you have a ________. 6 People easily catch a ______
11 Cover your mouth with a tissue when the climate becomes damp.
when you ______. 10 Your body temperature rises high
12 Doctors use a _________ to up and you feel drained of energy
check our body temperature. if you have a _______.

2 Unified Council 3
CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6

Irregular Past Crossword - 2 (Parts of Speech)

Fill blanks using suitable past tense forms of irregular verbs. Complete the crossword using the given clues.

1. We ________ Sam at the corner and then we all went to the 1 2

mall together.
2. Mum and I ________ my favourite cake today at the cake
3. I ________ the window, as it was windy. 5

4. We ________ to the corner shop to buy some bread.

5. Mom ________ the jar of cookies on a higher shelf. 6 7

6. Harry ________ students of 10th class in this school.

7. I ________ at least 2 kms. every morning, for a year.
8. I ________ him 6-0 in the first match and then 6-3 to win
the set.
9. He ________ the doorbell several times, but there was no
10. I ________ a horse first, when I was 12.
11. After they ________ the match, the players blamed each
1 Describes a noun. 2 A word that joins two parts
12. I ________ her phone number, so I gave it to him.
5 A short exclamation. of a sentence.
13. We ________ inside a cave for the night. 7 Name of a person, place or 3 Substitutes a noun or a noun
thing. phrase.
14. Henry ________ his favourite song and so ________ very
8 A word or group of words used 4 Expresses action or state
before a noun or pronoun to of being.
15. I ________ to take my pen along so I ________ a new one show place, position, time or 6 Modifies a verb or adjective.
from that shop. method.

4 Unified Council 5
CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6

Using tenses correctly Crossword - 3 (Phrasal Verbs)

Fill the blanks below, using correct tense forms of the Complete the crossword using the correct phrasal verbs.
verbs given in brackets according to the context to other
words/phrases in that sentence.
1 2 3 4

1. I _______ [see] my mother last weekend, at her village 5

2. Jane _______ [eat] only curd and rice since last Monday. 6 7 8
3. My brother and I _____ [dine] at the same table with our
parents. 9
4. Susan _______ [say], “Late yesterday night, a snake _______
[bite] me.” 10 11
5. My sister _______ [choose] to stay home instead going for
a movie with us, yesterday.
6. From tomorrow my father _______ [train] my sister how to
drive. 12

7. It _______ [be] necessary to lock the bag when we travel

tomorrow, as it will not go in baggage.
8. I _______ [study] for this exam, since yesterday till now.
9. He _______ [tell] terrible things about his childhood to ACROSS DOWN
them, who _______ [shock] by hearing those. 1 Did you _____ up for the 2 If it continues to be so
10. John _______ [read] many books during his vacation, each course. difficult, he may _____ up.
year. 3 You may _____ cold in these 4 I was so sick I felt like I was
11. Joe and his son _______ [ride] their bikes to the park, where wet clothes. going to _____ up.
7 We've been rehearsing for 6 5 I really have to _____ up; I
they _______ [drink] soda, last sunday.
hours. Let's _____ it up. have no time to listen further.
12. Mary _______ [break] her arm when she _______ [fall] on 9 This room is a mess! _____ it 6 If the children _____ up, put
the street. up. them to bed earlier.
13. My friends _______ [eat] a lot of popcorn when they 10 When I _____ up, I want to 8 I _____ aside 30 minutes
_______ [visit] the park. be a scientist. every morning, to exercise.
14. I _______ [find] a wallet with a lot of money on the street 12 I _____ up at six every 11 We _____ up at 7 a.m. for
and I _______ [take] it to the police station. morning. the early birds.

6 Unified Council 7
CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6

Crossword - 4 (Idioms) Word Search (Homophones)

Complete the crossword using the given clues. Fill the blanks by picking up homophones from the grid.

1 2

3 4

6 7

8 9


4 It's going to happen, it's only 1 Time to accept what I did
a _________ of time, when. and face the _________.
5 I'm great. I feel like a 2 I don't know, let's get to the 1. Meet = __________ 7. So = __________
_________ bucks! _________ of it.
8 I definitely agree, you can say 3 The _________ is on the wall, 2. Steal = __________ 8. Plain = __________
that _________ ! we have to shut down the
9 I'm so mad, I need to blow off company.
3. Way = __________ 9. Course = __________
_________. 6 Stop bothering me. Get off 4. Flower = __________ 10. Sell = __________
10 Arun broke ______ his my _________ !
smoking habit. 7 I've had a change of 5. Deer = __________ 11. Hair = __________
_________, I don't like it.
6. Sweet = __________ 12. To = __________

8 Unified Council 9
CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6

Crossword - 5 (One word substitutes) Compound words (A roundabout)

Complete the crossword using the given clues. Each clue below suggests a compound word. Write such compound
words in the snail puzzle. The last letter of the first compound word
1 forms the first letter of the next.

3 1 2

4 5 6
5 6
7 8

9 10 11
8 10

4 3

ACROSS DOWN 1. A mark your foot leaves on a soft/wet surface.
2 A person who introduces 1 Gift left to one through a 'Will'. 2. These fall from your eyes when you cry.
performers, speakers, etc. 3 A traditional story that teaches 3. At night we have moonlight; in the day we have ____.
4 A person with no religious a moral lesson. 4. A natural disaster that shakes the ground.
beliefs. 5 An old unmarried woman.
5. The skin that covers your eye.
7 Being married to more than 6 Internal telephonic system.
one person simultaneously. 7 A funny imitation of a poem.
6. You turn this to open a door.
9 The time of day when the light 8 From another country or 7. A sport played using a bat and a ball.
has almost gone, but it is yet society. 8. All the years that a person lives.
not dark. 10 The short remain of a cigarette; 9. The hard covering of an egg.
11 A substance that relaxes and the fag-end of a cigar. 10. A house that warns ships of danger.
induces sleep.
11. A piece of jewellery you wear on your ear.

10 Unified Council 11
CLASS : 6 English Success English Success CLASS : 6
----- KEY -----
Crossword - 6 (Prepositions)
Complete the crossword using prepositions as suggested by the Crossword - 1 (Health Vocabulary) ...Page: 03
given clues.
Across: (1) Pyorrhoea (3) Sick (7) Doctor (8) Myopia (9) Toothache
(11) Cough (12) Thermometer.
1 2 3
Down: (2) Headache (3) Stomachache (4) Stethoscope (5)
4 Sorethroat (6) Cold (10) Fever.

5 Irregular past ...Page: 04

6 (1) met (2) ate (3) shut (4) went (5) kept (6) taught (7) ran (8)
beat (9) rang (10) rode (11) lost (12) knew (13) hid (14) heard,
7 8
became/was (15) forgot, bought.
9 10
Crossword - 2 (Parts of speech) ...Page: 05
Across: (1) Adjective (5) Interjection (7) Noun (8) Preposition.

Down: (2) Conjunction (3) Pronoun (4) Verb (6) Adverb.

Using tenses correctly ...Page: 06

(1) saw (2) has been eating (3) dine (4) said, bit (5) chose (6)
4 November comes ______ 1 I don't want to go______ will train (7) won’t be (8) have been studying (9) told, were
December. the club now. shocked (10) reads (11) rode, drank (12) broke, fell (13) eat,
5 Our class starts ______ 7 a.m. 2 What's _____ the curtain? visit (14) found, took.
6 The Nile is the longest river 3 I'll be back _____ an hour.
______the world. 4 Come and sit _____ me. Crossword - 3 (Phrasal Verbs) ...Page: 07
8 He was born ____ 2nd of May. 7 Where do you come _____ ?
9 Which way should we go, up 10 Who did you go to the Across: (1) sign (3) catch (7) wrap (9) clean (10) grow (12) get.
or ______the elevator ? movies _____ ?
11 The temperature is______ 11 They want to travel _____
Down: (2) give (4) throw (5) hang (6) act (8) put (11) open.
zero today; the river has frozen. plane

12 Unified Council 13
CLASS : 6 English Success
Crossword - 4 (Idioms) ...Page: 08

Across: (4) question (5) million (8) again (9) steam (10) with.

Down: (1) music (2) bottom (3) writing (6) back (7) heart.

Word Search (Homophones) ...Page: 09

(1) Meat (2) Steel (3) Weigh (4) Flour (5) Dear (6) Suite (7) Sow
(8) Plane (9) Coarse (10) Cell (11) Heir (12) Two

Crossword - 5 (One word substitutes) ...Page: 10

Across: (3) Dusk (7) Alien (8) Stub (10) Polygamy (11) Compere
(12) Parody.

Down: (1) Narcotic (2) Intercom (4) Spinster (5) Fable (6) Pagan
(9) Legacy.

Compound words (A roundabout) ...Page: 11

(1) Footprint (2) Teardrops (3) Sunshine (4) Earthquake (5) Eyelid
(6) Doorknob (7) Baseball (8) Lifetime (9) Eggshell (10) Light-
house (11) Earring.

Crossword - 6 (Prepositions) ...Page: 12

Across: (4) before (5) at (6) in (8) on (9) down (11) below.

Down: (1) to (2) behind (3) within (4) beside (7) from (10) with
(11) by.

14 Unified Council

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