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i. Introduction
 Management Information System or MIS is a term used to describe a
computer-based solution which consists of a hardware and
software component. Automation plays an important role in
any type of business.
 This will convert a complicated process into a straightforward
operation that will aid in management decision making. Veterinary and
Pet Shop Management Information System is an online platform that
will automate every transaction including the appointment scheduling,
laboratory test, clients and pet information and many more. PHP and
MySQL will be used in the Backend development while the
developers will use the Bootstrap Framework for the user interface of
the application.
 The current setup is being done manually; records management,
appointment scheduling and other transactions are based on pen,
paper and folder methods, in line with those problems, efficiency of
outputs are also affected. With the citation of the problems
encountered in the manual setup of business, the researchers and
developers decided to create an information system that will replace
the manual method of records management.
ii. Backgroud of the study

 The main objective of Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management

Information System is to design and develop an online application to
counter and eliminate problems encountered in the current manual
operation of the business. Specifically, the project will aim for the
following objectives:
1.  To establish and develop an online platform that will allow the
customers to set an appointment with the veterinary.
2. To provide an information system that will help pet owners to
know the basics on how to take good care of their pets.
3. To provide an information system that will help pet owners to
know the basics on how to take good care of their pets.
4. To provide an efficient way of storing, archiving and updating of

 This will store the information of the pet owners (name, contact,
address) stores information of pet/animal (animal name, type of
animal, breed, etc) sets an appointment and schedule of consultation
and check-up (date of appointment, message and details) The module
that will generate invoice for the customers and to record the payment
as well. The module that will allow the user to encode the products
and accessories that is available in the store and can be accessed by
the customers in the catalog section of the web application. The
module that will print-out the records such as the list of clients and
pets, reports on income and many more. Automation will be very
important in this kind of business; it will also broaden or widen their
client-base and it will result in an efficient and productive work.
Customer can now keep in touch with their veterinary and be updated
on the different ways to take good care of their pets. This will serve as
a challenge to the developers in order to enhance their skills in
systems planning and development. This will be a guide to the future
researchers and developers who want to conducts a similar study like
this one. Future researchers are free to upgrade and add more
functionality to this project.

iii. Theoretical Framework





iv. Conceptual Framework


 Client 
Information 
 Pets 
Information PET CARE 
 Consultation/ MANAGEMENT 
Treatments SYSTEM
 Medicines
 User
 Scheduling

v. Statement of the Problem

• Nowadays, people are busy in their daily life and having a lot of stress
from their working area. Pets can be their stress reliever, and will help
them to lessen the worries and problems they already have. Pets can
be their support when they feel lonely, sick or just tired of everything.
And of course, pets also needed to be cared. They should be
groomed so that they look clean and they don’t feel sad and stress.

• In this project, a web application will be developed that selling pets

products, veterinary clinic, having pets grooming services, selling
different types of pets and so on.

General Objectives

• Profit
The primary objective of any business is to make a profit, and pet
shops are no exception. This store/clinic sells different kind of
goods for the animals and will also take good care for them.
• Animal Care
There are many cases of animals that are abandoned and
unsheltered. One of the objectives of this business is to help other
animals. We’re aiming to lessen the numbers of animal abuse and
make them feel that they are loved, and also give chance to
customers to have a good pet.

Specific Objectives

• Matching Pet with Owners

Most of the customers reasons when choosing a pet is if they
match. If they feel something that they think is good for the both of
them, they tend to pick that specific pet. Some customer’s way of
picking is staring at their eyes and say that this pet is the perfect
match for them. We wanted the customers to feel ease and happy
with their preferred pet.
• Caring for animals
While the animals are under your roof they should be cared for.
Make sure they are fed regularly and always have enough water.
You can put them in a cage, but it’s not always necessary and not
all pets need to. Give them time and space to play so that they
don’t feel sad.


 The Present project highlights significance will have a great impact to

the owner, staffs, clients, patients, to the future researcher and
proponents. For instance, the project findings will provide an overview
of the service and productivity performance in order to provide quality
of service. Furthermore, the project will provide some ideas and
guidelines to owners, clients, staff, patients, researchers and future
researchers. The benefits and advantages will be discussed following:

• Owner – The process will be so beneficial and a great help for the
business through an accurate income sales report and time saving.
Medicines monitoring for stocks level and expiration, to give the client
assurance health safety of their pets in terms of medicines in takes.
• Clients – Are assured to have a correct information datas in the
records or files of their pets.
• Staff – It will improve their service, productivity and provide accurate
reports to the clients, it will also help in encoding and retrieving
patient’s records during consultation.
• Patients – It can be monitoring the health issues, diets concerns, and
vaccination monitoring and immunization schedules.
 Researchers – This project helped us in a way we realized what we
can contribute to the society and how we can apply the knowledge
that we acquired. And also, to analyze what are the needs and where
we can improve the particular business process.
 Future Researchers – This system may be a basis for the future
researchers who might come up with the same idea of the Veterinary
and Pet Shop Management Information System and will use as a
basis for their study.


Scope of the Study

 The Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System will
have the following feature. System notification, is to notify the staff
who are the clients or patients need to visit the veterinary clinic. for
critical level of stocks. Inventory, to monitor the stock in and stock
outs of the medicines. Monitoring of patients, items, medicine to used
in daily operation of the veterinary clinic. Scheduling, it is for the
management used in order to provide information about the staff and
veterinary doctors duty schedules, if they are available or not.
Records, is to keep information of clients and its pets, the records are
to keep track the patient history and reference. User accounts, are
accounts that will have an access to the system. User also have a
different level of access in the system depending on its position in the
Limitations of the Study
 The Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System is
limited only and not focusing on sales. These functions do not include
in the propose system:
 Emailing pets records thus include in the system but currently the
proponents disable it due to the system need to have a domain server
and hosting in order for it to function. No online test messaging. The
system thus not record the medical history from the other clinic.


 Automation- the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a

system operate automatically.
 Efficiency- Efficiency is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy,
efforts, money, and time in doing something or in producing a desired
result. In a more general sense, it is the ability to do things well,
successfully, and without waste. "Efficiency is thus not a goal in itself.
 Catalog- a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other
systematic order.
 Generate- to bring into existence; cause to be; produce.
 Significance- the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
 Impact- have a strong effect on someone or something.
 Productivity- the practice of being or tendency to be positive or
optimistic in attitude.
 Guidelines- a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
 Encoding- to change something into a system for sending messages
secretly, or to represent complicated information in a simple or short
 Highlights- an outstanding part of an event or period of time.


Local Studies
 Specifically designed to precisely meet the needs of veterinary clinic
and animal hospital owners. Choose from any or all of the following:

Pampermi Pet Shop

 Animal Wonders Veterinary Clinic, using Manual Management in PIS

Patient Information System. they use an application form for the pet
owner to write the pet patient information, they also use folders to
store patients files.

Animal Wonders Veterinary Clinic

 Animal Wonders Veterinary Clinic, using Offline Management. they

use microsoft office Excel Software Application in (PIS) Patient
Information System, they use this application to store details of an
animal patients.
they also use an application form for the first input of information and
the final input is to be saved to the Excel Applicationn Software

Parkview Pet Hospital

 Parkview Pet Hospital is continuously searching for new deployments
in their information technology architecture. As such, the organization
needs a centralized system for recording and tracking key business
processes and the data/metadata they create, as well as storing data
regarding the company’s inventory, employees, clients, client’s pets,
and critical organizational actions. The problem, as it stands, is that
the hospital lacks a robust system for storage of data, as well as
templates for data entry, and reporting services that reliably produce
the properly formatted data that serves both employees and clients
alike. Parkview Pet Hospital has used many practice management
software’s in the past but the cons often outweigh the pros. Therefore,
there is a need for an easy-to-use, low-cost/free, open-source
database system for operational enterprise data storage, as well as a
dependable website-hosting system and accompanying database.
Finally, there is a need for a well-designed, modern website that
allows for easier customer interaction, as well as a portal for staff to
quickly execute queries on patient and client records.
(, 2019)

Foreign Related Studies


 A web-based veterinary software for offices of all sizes and types

including mobile veterinary and equine veterinary practices. Their
features include appointment scheduling, billing & invoicing, image
storage, inventory management, prescription management and
treatment plans. VetBlue has also became the proponent’s choice for
comparison where there are features that are alike from the compared
system. (, 2019)(“VetBlue,” n.d.)


 Digitail is a dedicated software platform for veterinary clinics, small

practices and pharmacies, containing multiple modules that increase
efficiency and effectiveness in any veterinary business. Its key
features are, Appointment Reminders, Billing & Invoicing, Boarding
Management, Image Storage, Inventory Management, and Patient
Records. Prescription Management, Treatment Plan. Digitail is also
the choice of proponents for comparison of features, however, there is
one feature that is Digitail doesn’t have which is the Immunization
monitoring which is why the proponents decided to create a system
that is unique from other systems that are being compared. (“Digitail,”

Cycle (SDLC) 
 The traditional system development methods used most
byorganizations today, is a framework that provides a structured
sequential processes in the development of information systems. The
stages of the SDLC begin with planning, requirement analysis,
designing, programming / coding, testing and maintenance. Each
stage of the SDLC involves a number of personnel who have special
competencies such as in the stage of requirement analysis and
design required Systems Analyst personnel, designing stages
required programmer and so on. [12]. The prototyping model is a
systems development method in which a prototype is built and tested.
In the prototype model, the working programs are prepared quickly
[12]. UML is a modeling language which helps to simplify the process
of software design. UML includes a flexible graphical notification to
create visual models of basically object-oriented software systems.
[13]. Hypertext Preprocessor is a general-purpose programming
language originally designed for web development. PHP is open
source software that anyone can inspect, modify, and enhance [14].
MySQL is an open-source relational database management system
(RDBMS) that can be used for developing web application [15]. (J T
Purba et al, 2020).

Internet / Mobile Pet Care 

 Internet or mobile pet care refers to pet merchandises retailing online

via the Internet or mobile applications. Consumers purchase pet care
good or service through the internet by ordering or appointing. Then,
the ordered products would be delivered with package via shipping to
delivery address. Online payment may be required to complete the
transaction of online purchase, debit or credit card, PayPal, etc. are
the common methods to pay online. As the coverage of Internet
access keeps growing and fast development of electronic commerce
(e-commerce), consumers are feeling more comfortable with online
purchasing. According to an article from Euromonitor, a survey
conducted by Eurostat found that 65 percent of consumers, who are
between 16 and 74 years-old and living in the European Union, had
bought products or services online within the last 12 months before
the survey. 6 Moreover, the proportion of smartphone users is
increasing. In 2015, 68 percent of adults had a smartphone in the
United States and 86 percent of US citizen aged between 18 and 29
years-old had a smartphone.6 By comparing to the data found in
2011, there was only 35 percent of US adults had a smartphone; the
number of smartphone users is rapidly growing. (Association for Pet
Obesity Prevention. (n.d.), 2017).

 This synthesis focusses on the functions in the system and discusses
the results of the articles appearing in this study. The discussion
concerns the role of the system and its functions, the value of system
function for foreign and local system development, the constitutive
effects of its functionality. The proposed Veterinary and Pet Shop
Management Information System will ensure the reliability and
efficiency of the system. Whereas, non-automated procedure means
that the proponents are relying on a current process that cause of
inefficient in data gathering, storing, and processing.   Furthermore,
the related literature discuss in local and foreign studies are related to
the present system study. Researching on related system give inputs
to the proponents. The ideas collected from the related system helps
a lot the researcher to create the additional functions that is lacking.
The related system also gave information to this study as basis for
developing it. The proponents took the missing functions and propose
a system to make it more efficient and user friendly.


a) Research Design
 This study will employ the use of descriptive style of research to
determine the current state of veterinary and pet shop information
management system. Descriptive research aims to accurately and
systematically describe a population, situation. It can answer what
when, where, what how questions, but not why questions. This is also
a mixed method where both survey and interview will be utilized to
describe veterinary and pet shop information management system.

b) Source of Data
b.1 Population / Participants
 This study shall employ the use of Convenience sampling, it is the
easiest method of sampling because participants are selected based
on availability and willingness to take part. Useful result can be
obtained, but the result is prone to significant bias, because those
who volunteer to take part may be different from those who choose
not to (volunteer bias), and the sample may not be representative of
the other characteristics, such us age or sex (PHAST 2020). Since the
study is intended to ascertain the implications the implications of
veterinary and pet shop information management system, the
researchers choose to do the research to the available participants
since the current situation nowadays is the new normal.
The population of the study will be comprised of 1 employee of Animal
Wonder and 1 employee of Pampermi Pet Shop.

b. 2 Locale of the study

 This study was conducted at Animal Wonders Veterinary Clinic
located at 513 A. Mabini St. Caloocan City and Pampermi Pet Shop
located 132 Samson Road, Sangandaan Caloocan City. These two
veterinary clinics have many consulting pet owners for their pets.
Both veterinary clinics have great location to be seen immediately for
emergency pet patients, have clean facilities, approachable staff, and
veterinarian always on duty.

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