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Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System


Management Information System or MIS is a term used to describe a computer-based solution which
consists of a hardware and software component. Automation plays an important role in any type of
business. This will convert a complicated process into a straightforward operation that will aid in
management decision making. Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System is an online
platform that will automate every transaction including the appointment scheduling, laboratory test,
clients and pet information and many more. PHP and MySQL will be used in the Backend development
while the developers will use the Bootstrap Framework for the user interface of the application. The
current setup is being done manually; records management, appointment scheduling and other
transactions are based on pen, paper and folder methods, in line with those problems, efficiency of
outputs are also affected. With the citation of the problems encountered in the manual setup of
business, the researchers and developers decided to create an information system that will replace the
manual method of records management.

Background of the Study

The main objective of Online Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System is to design and
develop an online application to counter and eliminate problems encountered in the current manual
operation of the business. Specifically, the project will aim for the following objectives:

1. To establish and develop an online platform that will allow the customers to set an appointment with
the veterinary.

2. To provide an information system that will help pet owners to know the basics on how to take good
care of their pets.

3. To provide an online catalog to display the products and accessories available in the pet shop

4. To provide an efficient way of storing, archiving and updating of records.

This will store the information of the pet owners (name, contact, address) stores information of
pet/animal (animal name, type of animal, breed, etc) sets an appointment and schedule of consultation
and check-up (date of appointment, message and details) The module that will generate invoice for the
customers and to record the payment as well. The module that will allow the user to encode the
products and accessories that is available in the store and can be accessed by the customers in the
catalog section of the web application. The module that will print-out the records such as the list of
clients and pets, reports on income and many more. Automation will be very important in this kind of
business; it will also broaden or widen their client-base and it will result in an efficient and productive
work. Customer can now keep in touch with their veterinary and be updated on the different ways to
take good care of their pets. This will serve as a challenge to the developers in order to enhance their
skills in systems planning and development. This will be a guide to the future researchers and
developers who want to conducts a similar study like this one. Future researchers are free to upgrade
and add more functionality to this project.

Theoretical Framework






Conceptual Framework


 Client Information  Client Records

 Pets Information  Pets Records
 Consultation/Trea  Medical History
tments PET CARE MANAGEMENT  Reports
 Medicines SYSTEM  Inventory
 User Information
 Scheduling

Statement of the Problem

Nowadays, people are busy in their daily life and having a lot of stress from their working area. Pets can
be their stress reliever, and will help them to lessen the worries and problems they already have. Pets
can be their support when they feel lonely, sick or just tired of everything. And of course, pets also
needed to be cared. They should be groomed so that they look clean and they don’t feel sad and stress.

In this project, a web application will be developed that selling pets products, veterinary clinic, having
pets grooming services, selling different types of pets and so on.

 General Objectives
1. Profit
The primary objective of any business is to make a profit, and pet shops are no
exception. This store/clinic sells different kind of goods for the animals and will also take
good care for them.
2. Animal Care
There are many cases of animals that are abandoned and unsheltered. One of the
objectives of this business is to help other animals. We’re aiming to lessen the numbers
of animal abuse and make them feel that they are loved, and also give chance to
customers to have a good pet.
 Specific Objectives
3. Matching Pet with Owners
Most of the customers reasons when choosing a pet is if they match. If they feel
something that they think is good for the both of them, they tend to pick that specific
pet. Some customer’s way of picking is staring at their eyes and say that this pet is the
perfect match for them. We wanted the customers to feel ease and happy with their
preferred pet.
4. Caring for animals
While the animals are under your roof they should be cared for. Make sure they are fed
regularly and always have enough water. You can put them in a cage, but it’s not always
necessary and not all pets need to. Give them time and space to play so that they don’t
feel sad.


The Present project highlights significance will have a great impact to the owner, staffs,
clients, patients, to the future researcher and proponents. For instance, the project
findings will provide an overview of the service and productivity performance in order to
provide quality of service. Furthermore, the project will provide some ideas and
guidelines to owners, clients, staff, patients, researchers and future researchers. The
benefits and advantages will be discussed following:
•Owner – The process will be so beneficial and a great help for the business through an
accurate income sales report and time saving. Medicines monitoring for stocks level and
expiration, to give the client assurance health safety of their pets in terms of medicines
in takes.
• Clients – Are assured to have a correct information datas in the records or files of their
•Staff – It will improve their service, productivity and provide accurate reports to the
clients, it will also help in encoding and retrieving patient’s records during consultation.
•Patients – It can be monitoring the health issues, diets concerns, and vaccination
monitoring and immunization schedules.
•Researchers – This project helped us in a way we realized what we can contribute to
the society and how we can apply the knowledge that we acquired. And also, to analyze
what are the needs and where we can improve the particular business process.
•Future Researchers – This system may be a basis for the future researchers who might
come up with the same idea of the Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information
System and will use as a basis for their study.


Scope of the Study
The Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System will have the following
feature. System notification, is to notify the staff who are the clients or patients need to
visit the veterinary clinic. for critical level of stocks. Inventory, to monitor the stock in
and stock outs of the medicines. Monitoring of patients, items, medicine to used in daily
operation of the veterinary clinic. Scheduling, it is for the management used in order to
provide information about the staff and veterinary doctors duty schedules, if they are
available or not. Records, is to keep information of clients and its pets, the records are
to keep track the patient history and reference. User accounts, are accounts that will
have an access to the system. User also have a different level of access in the system
depending on its position in the clinic.

Limitations of the Study

The Veterinary and Pet Shop Management Information System is limited only and not
focusing on sales. These functions do not include in the propose system:
Emailing pets records thus include in the system but currently the proponents disable it
due to the system need to have a domain server and hosting in order for it to function.
No online test messaging. The system thus not record the medical history from the
other clinic.


Automation- the technique of making an apparatus, a process, or a system operate

Efficiency- Efficiency is the ability to avoid wasting materials, energy, efforts, money, and
time in doing something or in producing a desired result. In a more general sense, it is
the ability to do things well, successfully, and without waste. "Efficiency is thus not a
goal in itself.
Catalog- a complete list of items, typically one in alphabetical or other systematic order.
Generate- to bring into existence; cause to be; produce.
Significance- the quality of being worthy of attention; importance.
Impact- have a strong effect on someone or something.
Productivity- the practice of being or tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude.
Guidelines- a general rule, principle, or piece of advice.
Encoding- to change something into a system for sending messages secretly, or to
represent complicated information in a simple or short wa
Highlights- an outstanding part of an event or period of time.

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