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Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)


Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005

Ph.: 011-47623456

(For XI & XII Studying Students)

Topics Covered :
Mathematics : Geometry, Trigonometry


1. A triangle ABC is right-angled at B. Point D lies on side BC such that 3(BAD) = BAC. Given AC = 2 and
CD = 1, find 32(BD).
2. In a triangle ABC, ABC is obtuse. Point D lies on side AC such that ABD = 90° and point E lies on side
AC between A and D such that BD bisects EBC. Find CE given that AC = 35, BC = 7 and BE = 5.
3. If product of integral lengths of any two sides of a triangel is 12, then how many such triangles are possible?
4. ABC is an equilateral triagnle. BC is extending to D and BA is extending to E such that AE = BD. If CD is
also extending to F such that DF = AB and CE = 6 cm, then find DE.
5. A circle of radius 10 cm has chord RS at a distance of 6 units from its centre. Chord PQ intersects with chrod
1 m
RS at T such that TS RT . If the minimum value of PQ is m, then find , where m > 0.
3 3

6. ABCD is a quadrilateral in which BAC = BCD, if AC = 7 cm, BD = 6 cm, AB = 5 cm and CD = 4 cm,

7. The three altitudes of a triangle ABC has lengths 3 units, 4 units and units. If the area of the incircle of
the triangle ABC is s square units then find the greatest integer value less than or equal to s.
8. In ABC, D is the mid-point of side BC, E is the mid-point of AD, F is the mid-point of BE, and G is the mid-
point of FC. If the ratio of ar(ABC) to ar(EFG) is p : q, where p and q are co-primes, then find p + q.
9. In the ajoining figure, O is the cnetre of the circle and OS = RS. If POQ = 105°, then what is the measure
of SRO is degrees?

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

10. A quadrilateral inscribed in the cirlce has side lengths 20, 99, 22 and 97 in the order. Taking ,

if the area of circle is where a and b are co-prime then find a – 70b.
11. As shown in the figure, triangle ABC is divided into six smaller triangles by lines drawn from the vertices through
a common interior point P. the areas of these smaller triangles are as indicated in the figure. Then find the
value of x – y.

12. A triangle ABC has incentre I. Points X, Y are located on the line segments AB, AC respectively so that BX.
AB = IB2 and CY. AC = IC2. Given that X, I, Y are collinear and the measure of angle A in degree is N then
find the greatest integer less than or equal to N.
13. A square ABCD is drawn so that its side CD is tangent at E to a circle passign through A, B and E. If the
ratio of the given circle to the square is a : b, where a and b are perfect square numbers less than 100.
Then find the value of a + b.
14. In the given figure AD = AE, then find DPB (in degrees)

15. Find the value of 4 sin70

16. ABCD is a trapezium such that AB || CD and sum of two adjacent angles of the trapezium is 90°. If AB =
24 cm, CD = 8 cm and mid-points of AB and CD be M and N respectively. Find the length MN (in cm)

3 1
17. If sin cos , then find the value of 48(sin3 – cos3)2.

18. In a quadrilateral ABCD, AC = BC and BD bisects the internal angle B of the quadrilateral. If BCD = 80°
and ACB = 20°, then find measures of BAD in degrees.
19. Consider a circle with centre O and radius 53 cm. P be an exterior point to the circle. Tangent PT (where
T lies on the circle) and diameter AB is drawn through P. If length of perpendicular from T to AB is 45 cm;
then find the length of perpendicular (in cm) from A to PT (Given that AP < BP)

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

20. C1 and C2 be the two circles touching each other externally at point P. QR be the direct common tangent
of the circles such that Q and R lie on circles C1 and C2 respectively. If PQ = 20 cm and PR = 21 cm then
find the length of QR (in cm)

21. In a triangle ABC, BC = 24 and A = 60°. D, M are the points on side AC and E, N are the points on side
AB such that DN and EM are the perpendicular bisectors of AC and AB respectively. If L be the mid-point
of MN then find the perimeter of ELD.
22. Consider a circle S with radius 16. A pentagon ABCDE is inscribed in this circle such that BC is parallel to
AD and AD intersects CE at M. If tangents to the circle S at B and E meet DA extended at point P such
that PE = 30 and BPD = 30°. Find the length BM.
23. A rectangle is formed by assembling 9 squares of integer side lengths as shown. If side length of square
A5 be 7 cm then find the semi perimeter of the rectangle (in cm)

24. In the given figure, ABCD is a square whose side length is unity. Draw a quadrant of a circle with A as centre
and B, D as end points of the arc. Similarly, draw a quadrant of a circle with B as centre and A, C as end
points of the arc. A circle with centre O is also inscribed touching the arc AC externally, arc BD internally
and side AD. If diameter of the circle is , where x and y are co-prime, then find x + y.

1 4 sin2 9 1 4 sin2 27
25. Find the value of

26. Let ABC be an acute angled triangle, AD be the bisector of BAC with D on BC and BE be the altitude from

B on AC. If CED where n is a natural number, then find the least value of n.

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

27. Find the smallest positive angle  (in degree) such that tan( + 100°) = tan( + 50°). tan. tan( – 50°)

28. In ABC, C is a right angle. AC and BC are each equal to 1. D is the mid-point of AC. BD is drawn and a
line perpendicular to BD at P is drawn from C. If the distance from P to the intersection of the medians of

ACB is , where p is any natural number, then find p.

2cos 40 cos20
29. Find the value of .

30. In the given figure, ABC is a right triangle, right angled at C, BD = BC, AE = AC, EF  BC and DG  AC.
Find .

  

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)


Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005

Ph.: 011-47623456

(For XI & XII Studying Students)

1. (12) 11. (40) 21. (36)
2. (10) 12. (60) 22. (17)
3. (09) 13. (89) 23. (65)
4. (06) 14. (20) 24. (04)
5. (64) 15. (02) 25. (01)
6. (22) 16. (08) 26. (04)
7. (03) 17. (24) 27. (30)
8. (09) 18. (60) 28. (15)
9. (35) 19. (25) 29. (09)
10. (47) 20. (29) 30. (01)

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)


2. Answer (10)
1. Answer (12)

3. Answer (09)

4. Answer (06)

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

5. Answer (64) 7. Answer (03)

8. Answer (09)

6. Answer (22)

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

9. Answer (35) 12. Answer (60)

10. Answer (47)

13. Answer (89)

11. Answer (40)

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

14. Answer (20) 17. Answer (24)

3 1
sin cos

 1 2 sin cos 2 3

3 1
 sin cos

Now, sin3 – cos3 = (sin - cos)3 + 3sincos

 B + C = 2 (sin – cos)
And  +  = B
3 1 3
 2 + 2 = 2B = 2 3 3 1
2 2

B C 70 30
 20
2 2 3 1 3 1 1
15. Answer (02) 2 2 2

18. Answer (60)

1 4 sin10 sin70

= 1 2 cos 60 cos80

16. Answer (08)

180 20
 BAC 80 BDC
So, ABCD is a cyclic quadrilateral
 CAD = CBD = 40°
l12 l 22 a b Hence, BAD = 80° + 40° = 120°
19. Answer (25)
a b
 AM , DN
2 2

a b 2
MN 2 PM 2 PN 2 l1 cos l1 sin
2 2

2 a b
 MN l12 l1 a b cos

a b 24 8
 MN 8 cm
2 2
ATN = ABT = NTA

Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

So, NTA and ATM are congruent

b 3b
C c, 3 c , N 2c, 0 and M ,
 AM = AN = 53 – ON 2 2

= 53 532 452 53 28 2 2
2 b 3b
So, MN 2c 4c 2 b2 2bc
= 25 cm 2 2
20. Answer (29)
2 2
BC 2 b c 3c 4c 2 b2 2bc

So, MN = BC
 MEN is right angled so
1 1
2 2
Similarly, MDN is right angled, so
Let P1PQ =  1 1
2 2
 PO1Q =  – 2
Perimeter of ELD = 36
 RQP = 90° – 
22. Answer (17)
Similarly, if O2PR = 

Then PRQ = 90° – 

So, QPR =  + 

 O1PO2 = 180° = 2( + )

  +  = 90°

Hence, QR 212 202 29 cm

21. Answer (36)

 P, B, O, E lie on a circle with diameter OP.

Also, BPM = QBC ( BC || AD) and QBC

= MEB = 30°

So, B, M, E, P are also concyclic.

 ED BC 12
Which means P, B, O, M and E lie on the same
Consider the ABC on coordinate plane such circle.

b c 3c  OP OE 2 PE 2 34
that A(0, 0), B(b, 0), E 2 , 0 , D 2 , 2

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Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

So, circum radius of BPM = 17 then BM =

2Rsin30° = 17 cos27 cos81
cos9 cos 27
23. Answer (65) tan9

Let l A4 x and l A9 y
= 1
Then l A6 7 y , l A8 7 2y , l A7 7 3y
26. Answer (04)
l A3 7 x 3 y , A1 7 2x 3 y and A2 = 14 + y

 (7 + 2x + 3y) + (14 + y) = (7 + x + 3y) + (7 A

+ 3y) + (7 + 2y)
x = 4y
c b
 y<x<7 E
So, y = 1 and x = 4 
Sides of the rectangle will be 33 and 32.
24. Answer (04) D
Let CED = 

b c
CE = a cosC
Let r be the radius of the circle Draw OP  AD In CED,
and OQ  AB Using sine rule,
OP = r CD CE
OQ2 = OA2 – r2 sin sin C

(1 – r)2 – r2 = 1 – 2r (b + c)sin cosC = b sinC cos + b cosC sin

OB = 1 + r and BQ = 1 – r  C sin cosC = b sinC cos

(1 + r)2 = (1 – r)2 + 1 – 2r b sin C

c cos C
 r
6 sin B sin B
= cos C sin C
2 1 x 2
 Diameter =
6 3 y
Since ABC is acute angled triangle
=4 A
25. Answer (01)

4 cos2 9 3 4 cos2 27 3 Hence, B C or B C

2 2

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Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

1 1 1 1
 sin B sin C DG DB 5 5
2 3 3 2 6

 tan > 1 In DCB

CP is the altitude drawn upon hypotenuse

n=4 DC DP
27. Answer (30)
1 1
sin 100 .cos sin2 2
sin 50 2 2
2 1 DP
cos 100 sin cos sin2 50

sin 2 100 sin100 sin2 sin2 50

 5
sin 2 100 sin100 cos2 sin2 50  DP
Thus, PG = DG – DP
sin 2 100 cos100

sin100 cos 2 1 1 1
= 5 5 5
 –2sin(2 + 100°). cos2 = 2sin100°. Cos100° 6 10 15

 sin(4 + 100°) + sin100° = – sin100°  P = 15

 sin(4 + 100°) = sin20° – sin100° 29. Answer (09)
 sin(4 + 100°) = sin40° 2cos 40 – cos30
  = 30° sin20

28. Answer (15) cos 40 – 2 sin30 .sin10

sin 20
cos 40 – cos80
G 2sin60 .sin20

C B = 3

30. Answer (01)


(DC)2 + (CB)2 = (DB)2 C

1 3
 1 DB 2 6 7
1 2
4 9

5 G
 DB
5 4
Since centroid of a triangle trisects each of the A D B

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Class XI & XII O-Caps -4 : (IOQM)

Draw CP  AB 9 + 7 + 6 = 90°

Joint C to E and C to D 9 + 7 = 5

 3 + 1 + 2 = 90°  5 + 6 = 90°

3 + 1 = 4 In right CPD

 4 + 2 = 90° 5 + 7 + 90°

In right CPE, 6 = 7

4 + 1 = 90°  CPD  CGD

1 =2 DP = DG

 CPE  CFE Since, DE = DP + PE

PE = EF  DE = DG + EF

Similarly, DE

  

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