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21/02/2019 Zhentarim 1 - Hatred Surfacing | GM Binder
Start the skill challenge by asking each player to describe
Hatred Surfacing how their character tries to igure out where the murderer
will strike next. Are they trying to learn how the irst
Below is a more elaborate take on the irst Zhentarim faction murders happened? What taverns are there in the Dock Ward
mission found in Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley, where the party – and which one looks like a likely spot for the next murder?
is asked to investigate a string of murders in the Dock Ward. They can be as vague ("I ask around to learn more about the
Dock Ward's taverns") or as speci ic ("I read last week's
The Mission broadsheets to learn more about the irst murder") as they
want, as long as a skill check can be assigned to the action.
You can have Davil Starsong give the party this mission the
Second, ask how much gold they spend performing the
irst time they meet with him to join up with the Zhentarim
action (on bribes, hirecoaches, materials, etc.). This
(as described in Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley). If they have
determines the DC for the skill check – spending less than 1
already joined, you can have Davil send a winged snake at
gp on an activity puts the DC at 15, 1 gp or more brings the
any point of your choosing, with a note that reads: "Got a job
DC to 13, and spending 10 gp or more makes the DC 10. If
for you. Meet me at the Portal. Bring your friends. DS."
you think a DC is too high or too low for what a character is
When the party meets with Davil, he'll tell them:
trying to do, don't be afraid to change the DC or give a
character advantage/disadvantage as you see it.
"Someone is killing elf and half-elf sailors in the Dock Ward Here are examples of actions and matching skill checks:
– three bodies so far, each decapitated by a blade in the
Asking around (factions, tavern patrons, the Watch,
dead of night. Look into it, will you? Methinks the City
etc.). Charisma (Any) or Intelligence (Investigation).
Watch could use a little help. Do a good job, and I'll make Looking around (for elves and half-elves, good
sure there's some gold in it for you." ambush spots, etc.). Wisdom (Insight or Perception).
Recalling or researching information (broadsheets,
As the mission is described in Chapter 2, the characters only libraries etc.). Intelligence (History or Investigation).
need to hang out in the Dock Ward for three nights before
Success. On page 6 of this document, you'll ind a sheet of
they spot a drunken half-elf, who leads them straight to the
'Clues and Information' relating to the murders and the
murderer, Soluun Xibrindas. While this is certainly quick and
taverns of the Dock Ward. On a successful check, the
easy, it doesn't do much to activate the party.
character learns a piece of information – either the piece of
On the following pages, we'll instead split the mission into information that best its the question they've asked (if
three phases: a skill challenge to igure out where Soluun they've asked a speci ic question), or a piece of information
Xibrindas will strike next, a skill challenge to lay a trap for chosen at random, if their intentions were vague. You can cut
him, and inally a face-to-face encounter with the murderous these out and hand them to your players as they learn
dark elf. To set things in motion, you can have Davil also give information, or simply read them to your players. For easy
the party the following information: reference, you can also use the 'Dock Ward Taverns' table
below, which summarizes the speci ics of each tavern.
"Far as I've heard, the first murder happened a week ago Failure. A failed check doesn't necessarily mean that it
near The Sleeping Wench, the second only three days ago was impossible for a character to ind the information. Often
near The Bloody Fist, and the third just last night near The it just means that they wasted time and gold trying – failing
to convince a guard to give them the report on the irst
Thirsty Sailor. If I were a betting man, I'd wager another body
murder, getting lost while looking for a speci ic tavern, and so
will show up soon – and once again near a dockside tavern.
on. As such, a character can attempt the same skill check
Don't know the taverns well enough to say if there's a multiple times, at the cost of more gold and time. As a rough
pattern, but if you can figure out which tavern the murderers guideline, each attempt at learning more about one of the
chooses next, you might be able to lay a trap for them." three murders or broad information about all the Dock
Ward's taverns takes around half a day (information on the
left column of page 6), while attempting to learn the speci ics
Keep in mind that this is a tough challenge – a drow
of a single tavern shouldn't take more than an hour or two
gunslinger is no joke – so have Davil Starsong strongly urge
(information on the right column of page 6).
Zhentarim characters to bring their friends along for the job.
Dock Ward Taverns
Finding Soluun Xibrindas d10 Tavern Alley Open Late Elves
If the characters follow Davil's advice, they'll need to learn 1 The Sleeping Wench X X X
more about the irst three murders and the taverns in the
Dock Ward. Handle this like a skill challenge – one that works 2 The Bloody Fist X X X
a bit like a game of Cluedo. By asking the right questions and 3 The Thirsty Sailor X X X
succeeding on appropriate skill checks, the characters can
learn pieces of information, which together tells them:
4 Muleskull Tavern X X X
5 Selûne's Smile – – X
Each of the irst three murders happened late in the night
and in dark alleys near Dock Ward taverns frequented by 6 The Bearded Mermaid X – –
elves and half-elves. 7 The Hanged Man – X –
There are 10 taverns in the Dock Ward.
Only four of the 10 taverns it all the criteria: open late, 8 The Pickled Fisherman X – –
near a dark alley and popular with elves and half-elves. 9 Soaring Pegasus Tavern – X X
The murderer has already struck near three of these four
taverns, leaving only one: Muleskull Tavern on Ship Street. 10 The Skewered Dragon X X –

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While the players make their skill checks, note each success
and failure and use this information to describe what
This investigation-turned-skill-challenge isn't meant to be
happens. It's a good idea to end the skill challenge on a
particularly hard, it's just meant to get the players engaged.
Perception check, since that'll be the pivotal check in most
So be lenient with your players if they're having trouble
cases – and it's also a good check to ask for, if your players
iguring out which tavern is the right one, and stay open to
are running out of ideas. See 'Example: Laying a Trap' for
any innovative or creative solutions they might present, even
inspiration on how to run this skill challenge.
if it means skipping the entire skill challenge.
Once the skill challenge has been resolved, and the party
In the same vein, there doesn't need to be any 'real'
has hopefully successfully sprung their trap and surprised
consequences (except for wasted gold) if the party can't
Soluun Xibrindas in the middle of his gruesome act, you're
igure out that Muleskull Tavern is the target quickly enough
ready to run the party's encounter with the dark elf.
– the murderer only strikes when the party have found the
right tavern. If the party continues to set up ambushes at the
wrong taverns, either because they're just guessing or are Example: Laying a Trap
convinced they've found the right one, you can always move Here's a condensed example of how this skill challenge
things along by having Soluun Xibrindas strike at whichever
might play out at the table.
tavern the party has decided on, even if it doesn't exactly it
his usual modus operandi. DM: Okay, so you're trying to set up an ambush at Muleskull
Tavern. We'll run this as a skill challenge. Tell me what you're
Trapping Soluun Xibrindas doing and we'll figure out what skill check you make. The
When the party has gathered enough clues, they'll hopefully more successes, the better your trap. Who's first?
be able to deduct that Muleskull Tavern is where the Bard: Can I try to disguise myself as a drunken half-elf?
murderer is most likely to strike next. The cozy tavern lies on DM: Yes! You want to use Deception or Performance?
Ship Street close to the harbor and caters to elf and half-elf Bard: I'll take Deception. But hey, do I automatically succeed
sailors as one of the only places in Waterdeep that sells true
if I cast disguise self?
Silverymoon Bloodwine. At all hours of the day, at least half a
DM: No, but I'll give you advantage on the check.
dozen elves and half-elves are drinking within, under the
keen eye of the sharp-eyed proprietor Alhazin Meadowsong Bard: Sweet. I do that then. Rolls dice. That's a 21.
(female high elf commoner). Rogue: I'd like to hide in an alley near the tavern, keeping my
If the party decides to set up a trap for the murderer, either eyes open for anything suspicious.
by waiting for a likely target to leave the tavern (a dead- DM: That sounds like a Stealth or Perception check.
drunk half-elf named Heldar obliges an hour or so past Rogue: Stealth it is. Rolls dice. That's an 18.
midnight), or by using themselves as bait, you can once again Fighter: Can I use Athletics to climb one of the buildings
make it into a skill challenge. Ask the players to tell you how
overlooking the alley to get a better vantage point?
each character helps setting up the trap, what they are doing
DM: Go for it.
and what skill that action uses. Some examples are:
Fighter: Rolls dice. 16!
Acting as bait. Charisma (Deception or Performance). Cleric: I'm not sure how I can help... Maybe... Can I maybe
Looking for possible victims. Wisdom (Insight) or pray to Tymora, asking her to bless our plans with luck?
Intelligence (Investigation).
DM: Good idea! I like that. Let's call that a spellcasting
Staying unseen. Dexterity (Stealth).
ability check. So your Wisdom plus your Proficiency bonus.
Watching the tavern. Wisdom (Perception).
Cleric: Great! Rolls dice. Ah, not so great. 11. That's what
At your discretion, a character might perform more than one you get for worshipping the goddess of luck.
check, such as a character keeping watch outside the tavern DM: Ouch. Okay, you have three successes and one failure.
making both a Wisdom (Perception) check and a Dexterity
Let me get a Perception check from the Fighter and the
(Stealth) check. In total, ive successful DC 13 skill checks are
needed to complete the skill challenge. The number of
failures before reaching ive successes determines how well Fighter: Rolls dice. That's 17.
the trap works (see the 'Consequences of Failure' table). Rogue: Rolls dice. And I got a 14.
DM: Great! Okay, so here's what happens. The Bard
Consequences of Failure disguises himself as a drunken half-elf, stumbling out from
Failures Result Muleskull Tavern. Outside, the Fighter has climbed to the
The party spots Soluun Xibrindas before he top of one of the smaller buildings overlooking the alley, the
makes his move, giving them a surprise round. Rogue is hiding in the nearby shadows and the Cleric is
The party spots Soluun Xibrindas just as he posted at the opposite end of the alley. Close by, the Cleric's
1 prayers go unheard and he doesn't see the shadowy figure
makes his move, going straight to initiative.
that levitates down to the ground, as the Bard is halfway
The party spots Soluun Xibrindas after he makes
2 through the alley. The stealthy approach is, however,
his move, giving him a surprise round.
spotted seconds later by both the Rogue and the Fighter,
The party doesn't spot Soluun Xibrindas at all,
giving you all time to act just as a gleaming blade is poised
3 either scaring him away before anything
happens or arriving too late to stop the murder. to strike at our disguised drunk's neck. Roll initiative!

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Fighting Soluun Xibrindas Conclusion

Even if Soluun avoids death or capture at the hands of the
While the success of the party's trap will determine the exact party, his nightly escapades come to a stop, as he realizes he's
circumstances of this encounter, it'll nearly always take place been taking too big a risk (or perhaps Jarlaxle discovers his
in the same dark alley near Muleskull Tavern. Whether you extracurricular activities, and has him sent back to the
have Soluun levitate down from a dark rooftop above or Underdark). If the party successfully killed or captured
hiding in a shadowy doorway, is up to you. If the party Soluun, Davil Starsong is happy to have stopped a murderer
completed the skill challenge without any failures, they'll get while hopefully gaining some clout with the authorities. He
a surprise round against Soluun, spotting him before he spots rewards each character with 50 gold pieces, and each Zhent
them. If they failed once, just go straight to initiative. And if character gets 1 renown.
they failed twice, Soluun uses his surprise round to make an Davil's rewards aren't the only treasure the party can
attack with his scimitar against his intended victim. acquire during this quest. If they're successful, they might
Night Dock Ward Map. Using the Night Dock Ward Map, come out of the encounter with a pair of boots of elvenkind
you can place Soluun Xibrindas in the dark alley in the and a poisonous pistol with enough pistol bullets and
bottom right of the map. Many of the Dock Ward's street smokepowder for 20 shots. The pistol is powerful, dealing
lamps have been smashed, leaving most of the streets and more than 3d10 damage per shot, but because the shots are
alleys in complete darkness. The buildings overlooking the limited, it shouldn't be an issue. Still, if you're worried about
alley are 20 feet tall, requiring a DC 13 Strength (Athletics) giving the players a weapon so powerful, you can have the
check to climb. Empty crates and barrels can grant cover or poisonous effect of the bullets wear off with exposure to
hiding places to combatants. sunlight (as is often the case with items of dark elf make),
Soluun Xibrindas' tactics. Initially, Soluun eagerly removing the poison damage from the attack.
engages the party with his scimitars, but if dropped to below
half hit points, he'll use his poisonous pistol to dissuade
pursuers, before leeing towards the harbor. If surrounded or
grappled, he'll use levitate as a last resort, loating up to a
nearby rooftop. If it looks like Soluun might get away, you can
either allow him to do so, or have either the Watch or Ziraj
the Hunter arrive (see below).
If caught and interrogated, Soluun might speak to his
motivation for the murders ("these iblith are weak, cruel
traitors, who stole the surface from us, condemning us to
slave for The Spider Queen in the Underdark!"). He won't,
however, willingly reveal anything about Jarlaxle and Bregan
D'aerthe, his drow heritage making even magical charm or
torture unlikely to change his mind.
The Watch. The noise of battle will eventually alarm the
City Watch – and might do so early, if you fear that Soluun
will kill the party, or if you just want to add some tension to
the scene. When the squad of ive veteran watchmen arrive
(perhaps led by Hyustus Staget, if the party met him during
Chapter 1), they immediately move to arrest anyone still on
the scene, unless the party can convince them that they've
done nothing wrong. If the party has just saved the half-elf
Heldar from certain dead, he'll drunkenly attest to their
innocence, giving them advantage on any Charisma checks
made to convince the guards.
If party members are hauled off to jail – which is not
unlikely, if they're caught standing over one or more dead
bodies – they'll only be held for a day or two. As long as they
tell the truth (or something close to it) and don't attack the
Watch or resist arrest, witness accounts gathered from both
the dead and the living, or well-placed bribes made by Davil
(which he'll deduct from the party's reward, of course), will
eventually convince the Watch to let the characters go.
Ziraj the Hunter. The encounter with Soluun Xibrindas is
also a good opportunity to introduce another Doom Raider to
the party: Ziraj the Hunter. If Soluun is winning the encounter
or seems to be escaping, you can have a couple of oversized
arrows suddenly hit him in the back, killing the dark elf
instantly. Looking up to a nearby rooftop, the party can see
the musclebound half-orc hunter. Ziraj jumps down with a
loud thud and walks over to retrieve his arrows. If asked, he'll
give his name and a brief explanation. "I'm Ziraj, a friend of
Davil Starsong. Thanks for leading me to this cretin. You
made the hunt easier. Farewell." If the party has more
questions, Ziraj will tell them to "ask Davil" before climbing
back on the rooftops and disappearing into the night.

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DM's Cheatsheet
The Mission Soluun Xibrindas
Davil tells the party someone has killed three elves and Medium humanoid (elf), neutral evil
half-elves in the Dock Ward in the last week.
Davil explains that the irst murder happened near The Armor Class 18 (studded leather, shield)
Sleeping Wench, the second murder happened near the Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)
Bloody Fist, and the third murder happened near the Speed 30 ft.
Thirsty Sailor, all within the last week.
Davil suggests the party tries to igure out which tavern
the murderer will strike at next and lay a trap. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
13 (+1) 18 (+4) 14 (+2) 11 (+0) 13 (+1) 14 (+2)
Finding Soluun
Skill Challenge to ind the tavern Soluun will strike at.
Saving Throws Dex +6, Con +4, Wis +3
Ask each player what they want to discover, how they try
Skills Perception +3, Stealth +8
to discover it and assign a skill check to the action. Senses Darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 13
Ask each player how much gold they spend on the action. Languages Elvish, Undercommon
<1 GP = DC 15. >1 GP = DC 13. >10 GP = DC 10. Challenge 4 (1,100 XP)
1st victim: half-elf isher Sigyrna by The Sleeping Wench.
2nd victim: unnamed elf sailor by The Bloody Fist. Boots of Elvenkind. Soluun is wearing boots of
3rd victim: half-elf dancer Star by The Thirsty Sailor. elvenkind granting him advantage on Dexterity
All the murders happened near taverns popular with (Stealth) checks made to move silently.
elves and half-elves, after midnight and in dark alleys (see
page 6 or use the table below for information on taverns). Fey Ancestry. Soluun has advantage on saving
throws against being charmed, and magic can’t
Dock Ward Taverns put Soluun to sleep.
d10 Tavern Alley Open Late Elves Gunslinger. Being within 5 feet of a hostile
creature or attacking at long range doesn’t impose
1 The Sleeping Wench X X X disadvantage on Soluun’s ranged attack rolls with
2 The Bloody Fist X X X a pistol. In addition, Soluun ignores half cover and
three-quarters cover when making ranged attacks
3 The Thirsty Sailor X X X with a pistol.
4 Muleskull Tavern X X X Innate Spellcasting. Soluun’s spellcasting ability is
5 Selûne's Smile – – X Charisma (spell save DC 12). He can innately cast
the following spells, requiring no material
6 The Bearded Mermaid X – – components:
7 The Hanged Man – X – At will: dancing lights
8 The Pickled Fisherman X – – 1/day each: darkness, faerie fire, levitate (self only)
9 Soaring Pegasus Tavern – X X Sunlight Sensitivity. While in sunlight, Soluun has
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom
10 The Skewered Dragon X X – (Perception) checks that rely on sight.

Catching Soluun Actions

Muleskull Tavern is a cozy tavern on Ship Street owned by Multiattack. Soluun makes two scimitar attacks.
elf female Alhazin Meadowsong.
Skill Challenge to lay trap for Soluun. Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit,
5 skill checks against DC 13 needed to succeed. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6 + 4) piercing
0 failures = party surprises Soluun. 1 = start encounter damage.
with initiative. 2 = party is surprised. 3 = trap fails. Poisonous Pistol. Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to
hit, range 30/90 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (1d10 + 4)
Fighting Soluun piercing damage plus 11 (2d10) poison damage.
Encounter starts in or near dark alley.
Soluun attacks with his scimitars, but lees if reduced to
half hp or less and uses his pistol to dissuade pursuers.
The Watch might show up to arrest everyone.
Ziraj the Hunter might show up to kill Soluun.
Soluun says nothing if caught, but has a pair boots of
elvenkind, a poisonous pistol, four packets of gunpowder
and 20 pistol bullets.

If the party is successful, Davil rewards each character
with 50 gp and each faction member gains 1 renown.

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The Sleeping Wench

Clues and Information A small tavern on Belnimbra's Street, run by female human
Sarah Two-Knives, that keeps late hours, is a frequented by
The First Murder
sailors of all races and is near several dark alleys.
The first murder happened one week ago near The Sleeping
Wench on Belnimbra's Street. The victim was Sigyrna
Moontouched, an old half-elf fisher who regularly visited the The Bloody Fist
tavern. She had left the tavern a few hours after midnight A ramshackle tavern on Snail Street, run by male dragonborn
and was found dead in a dark alley nearby. smuggler Ethylbas, who keeps late hours, draws elves and
half-elves with exotic imports and is near several dark alleys.

The Second Murder

The second murder happened three weeks ago near The The Thirsty Sailor
Bloody Fist on Snail Street. The victim was an unnamed A noisy tavern on Fish Street, run by half-elf couple Jens and
elven sailor from out-of-town, who apparently visited The Petra, that closes late, has a popular troupe of elf and half-elf
Bloody Fist for its Myth Drannor Palefey Ale. He was found dancers and is near several dark alleys.
dead in an alley in the early morning.

Muleskull Tavern
The Third Murder A cozy tavern on Ship Street, run by female elf Alhazin
The third murder happened last night near The Thirsty Sailor Meadowsong, that attracts elves and half-elves with
on Fish Street. The victim was a young moon elf dancer Silverymoon Bloodwine, keeps late hours and is near a dark
named simply Star, who was one of The Thirsty Sailor's alley leading to the docks.
popular elf and half-elf dancers. His shift ended two bells
after midnight, and he was found dead in an alley soon after
by one of his coworkers. Selûne's Smile
A small tavern on Deepwater Street, run by male elf singer
Canthillon, who draws in elves with his serene singing, but
Dock Ward Taverns closes early and isn't near any alleys.
There are 10 taverns in the Dock Ward: The Sleeping
Wench, The Bloody Fist, The Thirsty Sailor, Muleskull Tavern,
Selûne's Smile, The Bearded Mermaid, The Hanged Man, The The Bearded Mermaid
Pickled Fisherman, Soaring Pegasus Tavern and The A rowdy tavern on The Way of the Dragon, run by a male
Skewered Dragon. shield dwarf Kyrril, which keeps late hours and is near allies,
but is more popular with dwarves than elves.

Dock Ward Taverns near alleys

Seven of the Dock Ward's taverns have alleys nearby: The The Hanged Man
Sleeping Wench, The Bloody Fist, The Thirsty Sailor, A nearly empty tavern on Net Street, run by male human
Muleskull Tavern, The Bearded Mermaid, The Pickled drunkard Utarrek, which keeps late hours, but doesn't have
Fisherman and The Skewered Dragon. many guests (of any races) and isn't near any alleys.

Dock Ward Taverns that close late The Pickled Fisherman

Seven of the Dock Ward's taverns are open past midnight: A large tavern on Boat Street, run by female halfling
The Sleeping Wench, The Bloody Fist, The Thirsty Sailor, Antonetta, that serves pickled foods particularly popular
Muleskull Tavern, The Hanged Man, Soaring Pegasus Tavern with halflings, is near several dark alleys, but close early.
and The Skewered Dragon.

Soaring Pegasus Tavern

Dock Ward Taverns that cater to elves A beautifully decorated tavern on The Way of the Dragon,
Six taverns are popular with elves: The Sleeping Wench, The run by male human Peregrin, that draws in the finer crowds
Bloody Fist, The Thirsty Sailor, Muleskull Tavern, Selûne's – including elves and half-elves – of the Dock Ward and
Smile and Soaring Pegasus Tavern. keeps open late, but isn't near any dark allies.

The Skewered Dragon

A dark, bawdy tavern on the corner of Fillet Lane, run by
half-orc Denk the Backbreaker, that keeps open late and is
near several dark alleys, but is mostly frequented by humans.

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A Valeur RPG
DM's Resource
This document was made with GM Binder.

We hope you have fun playing through this

mission. If there's anything missing, let us
know at Valeur RPG. Also, don't forget to leave
a comment and a review, if you liked it!

A big thank you to everyone who purchased

this product on the DM's Guild. You are
helping adventures become real and dreams
come true. Our other work for Waterdeep:
Dragon Heist includes:

Chapter 1: A Friend in Need

Chapter 2: Trollskull Alley

Chapter 3: Fireball

Chapter 4: Dragon Season

Gray Hands - Faction Missions 7/7

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