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Anamika Shakya(18785)- Section 652 to Section 655

Section 652-Reasonable costs to be paid for saving property in times

of disaster:
The section 652 of Chapter 15-Part V of the National Civil Act, 2017

describes that if any person or individual protects any kind of property during the

time of natural disaster like landslide, flood, storm, earthquake without the owner

being aware about such act of protection of that person then in that case the owner

is liable to reimburse or repay all the expenses incurred during the protection of

such property to the person who saved or protected the property.

For example

If A protected the livestock of B in the farm during flood without B ’s

awareness about such protection of his property and during the process of

protection of livestock of B by A, A got injured during his act of protection as well

as A took care of the animals by feeding and caring them then in such case B is

liable to pay the health expenses of A as well as other expenses incurred during the

protection of the livestock since A is the one who protected B’s property during the

Section 653: Right to claim reimbursement

The sub section 1 of the section 653 of chapter 15 -Part 5 explains that if a

person who is liable to pay the obligation, fulfills any kind of the obligation in

his/her own expenses but if the other person gets any kind of benefit from the

fulfillment of such obligation then the person paying the obligation has the right to

claim the reimbursement of the amount from the person who got the benefit.

For example if Krish and Ram are two partners who runs a business. The

electricity bill has to paid to the government on time by Krish and Ram equally but

Ram refuses to pay half of the rent due to some financial issues at present. So, if

Krish paid the electricity bill for the office then Ram is also getting benefit from it

without paying anything then in such case Krish can claim reimbursement of the

expense incurred from Ram. He can ask for the equal division of the expense from

Ram in such case.

Another example is If Roshil is a landlord and he has leased his land to

Rozan , a farmer. However, if Roshil, the landlord fails to pay the amount due on

the land to the bank. Even after sending notice and not receiving the amount from

Roshil, the bank publishes the advertisement to sell the land. But according to the

law once the land is sold , Rozan’s lease agreement is annulled. In the meantime,
Rozan does not want the land to be sold as he has worked hard on the land and the

land is also producing crops well. So, Rozan paid the amount due on the land to the

bank so as to prevent the land from being sold. Here , the land got saved from

being sold without the contribution of the land owner, Roshil. Therefore ,a quasi-

contract is initiated where Roshil the land owner is obligated to repay the said

amount to Rozan.

But notwithstanding anything contained in sub-section (1) if a person fulfills

any obligation for any illegal purpose then is such case a person shall not be

entitled to claim reimbursement from the same. For example If A promises B to

supply illegal drugs to B in exchange of B paying certain amount of money in

advance to A and if B paid the full amount to A in advance but A didn’t keep the

promise and ran away with the money from B then in such case B cannot reclaim

such reimbursement as the activity was illegal.

Section 654: Right to claim for maintenance:

The section 654 describes that in the case where a person rears and

maintains another person without the awareness of the person who is actually

obliged to rear and maintain the other person then the person who actually is
taking care and rearing the person has the right to claim the amount for such

rearing and maintenance from the person under obligation.

For example :Suppose let us assume that in a case a child named Harry went

missing and if a person ,Peter found him and if Peter took care of that child until

he found the identity of the Harry’s parent .So when Peter finds the true parents of

Harry ,at that time Peter has the right to claim the expenses incurred while rearing

and caring of Harry from Harry’s parents.

But in the case where the person is taking care and maintaining another

person due to his compassion, intention or gratification then in such case he/she

shall not be entitled to claim such amount.

Similarly another example can be taken like if there is a situation where

John’s pet dog ran away from the house into the road but John is unaware about

the fact that his pet is missing from the house and in the meantime if Olive found

the dog injured in the road so, Olive took the dog in his house where Olive took

care of John’s pet. Olive fed and treated the dog with medicines. Later when John

found out that his pet is fine and is under the care of Olive. Now, Olive can claim

the expenses incurred while taking care of John’s dog from John ,if Olive wants

the reimbursement.
But if Olive decides to bear all the expenses of the dog as he decided to

maintain the dog by way of compassion or gratification or with intention to do so

gratuitously, then in such case, John is not obliged to pay the expenses incurred to

Olive as it was done with his good intention , compassion and gratification.

Section 655 -Successor to reimburse expenses incurred in obsequies

of deceased:

The section 655 of Part V of the National Civil act, 2017 explains that in the

situation like the death of a person, if any individual performs the funeral and

obsequies acts of the deceased in accordance to his or her rituals and traditions

without providing the information about it to the successor or the close relative of

the deceased then in such situation the person who performed the funeral has the

right to claim the expenses which is incurred in the performance of such funeral

and obsequies acts from either the closest heir or in absence of the heir , the

relative of the deceased one.

For example if Ram, whose children are living in abroad, got into an

accident and he dies on the spot and in such case Hari,a friend of Ram decided to

conduct the funeral according to his tradition in absence of Ram’s children

awareness about their father’s death. In such case Hari, can claim the expenses
incurred during the funeral of Ram either from Ram’s children or from Ram’s

closed relatives.

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