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The Product Guide

A look at our platform’s newest advertising solutions

Contents A letter from Ray Cao

Creative Solutions Branding Solutions Commerce Solutions

7 TikTok Creator Marketplace 22 Reach & Frequency 30 TikTok Shopping
7 Open Application Campaigns 25 TikTok Brand Lift Study 31 Product Links
7 TikTok Creator Marketplace API 26 TikTok Inventory Filter 31 LIVE Shopping
9 TikTok For Business Creative Center 27 Viewability and Brand 32 Lead Generation
Safety Partnerships
10 TikTok Creative Exchange 33 Dynamic Showcase Ads
11 Branded Content Toggle 34 Collection Ads
11 Spark Ads
12 TikTok Video Editor
13 Dynamic Scene
14 Creative Partnerships
16 Innovative Formats

Product Availability

Our advertising vision
A letter from Ray Cao, Managing Director and
Global Head of Product Strategy and Operations at TikTok

Thank you for joining us at TikTok World. We’ve always thought about TikTok’s unique In this guide, you’ll read about the ways in
value as we’ve developed our products. which we enable collaboration between
We’re thrilled to announce over 35 new TopView, for instance, took advantage of advertisers and the Creator community,
advertising products and features that will the top spot in the For You page, and and how that cultivates partnerships that
help brands get started on TikTok—or Hashtag Challenges were inspired by the drive business value. You’ll also get the latest
continue their successful investments on collaboration that thrives on the platform. scoop on our brand-safe solutions and
the platform. But before we dive into the We’ve kept watching our users’ behavior measurement tools, which are essential in
specifics of these tools, I wanted to give you and listening to what they care about, and order for brands to activate and assess
some insight into how we developed them. now, we’re applying a these learnings to our their performance and impact. And last (but
latest suite of advertising solutions. not least), you’ll learn about our e-commerce
Over the last two years, we’ve seen vision when we introduce TikTok Shopping, an
TikTok become premiere destination for These tools will show brands how TikTok ecosystem of tools and solutions that enable
entertainment, all thanks to the imagination can elevate their stories, especially when discovery and purchase on the platform.
and creativity of our users. They’ve sparked they view the platform as a central part
a whole new era of storytelling, one defined of their marketing strategies. And we’re We’re so happy you’ve joined us, and I
by honesty, creativity, and participation. doing this while maintaining TikTok as a can’t wait for you to see what’s in store for
And this change has shaped the way brands place where businesses, Creators and our platform and advertising partners. We
can share their messaging on the platform. communities can exist in complete look forward to working with you in 2021
harmony. We want ads to enhance the and beyond.
content experience on TikTok—not detract
from it. After all, authentic advertising
helps our partners form meaningful
connections with their audiences.

TikTok Creator Marketplace

Open Application Campaigns

TikTok Creator Marketplace API

TikTok For Business Creative Center

TikTok Creative Exchange

Branded Content Toggle

Spark Ads

TikTok Video Editor

Dynamic Scene

So you can think like a marketer, Creative Partnerships

but act like a creator.
Innovative Formats

TikTok has been, and continues to
be, a transformative destination
for today’s entertainment.
TikTok gives Creators new ways to share their
stories—and for brands to reach consumers
through interesting and engaging content.
79% of users say TikToks are more So, how do brands create the
unique than content on any other types of videos that really resonate
platform and 7 out of 10 say TikTok with users?
of users say TikToks ads are enjoyable. This is why our
are more unique
community is more open to seeing The first is by collaborating with
than content on
any other platform* ads on our platform, compared to Creators and leveraging their
our competitors. knowledge and expertise. The
second is for advertisers to truly
It’s no surprise, then, that brands step into the role of a creator in
who have made it big on TikTok order to make native content.
are the ones that have leaned We’ve designed solutions that
into creating joyful, entertaining make both of these options easy.
content designed specifically for
the platform.

Source: Nielsen Authenticity Study 2020, Kantar Study 2021 5

Here on TikTok, Creators are at
the heart of entertainment.
They’re the reason viewers keep coming to the
platform, and why they spend so much time
watching while they’re here.
One of our top priorities is to And we’ve also invested in programs
continue investing in Creators like TikTok for Black Creatives
and ensuring that we remain a and Latinx Creatives, which are
destination for them to be seen, incubators for emerging talent on
appreciated, and compensated the platform, designed to support
for their work. them in their careers. We also
launched our Instructive Accelerator
That’s why we’ve built a suite of Program, which offers publishers
tools and programs that allow hands-on support and funding as
them to get direct compensation— they create interesting, educational
like Video Gifts and Live Gifts, which content for TikTok.
are virtual rewards that users can
send to Creators through In-Feed
content and Livestreams.
Find the Creators
that align with your goals

TikTok Creator Marketplace (TTCM)
TikTok Creator Marketplace (TTCM) is the official
platform for Creator partnerships on TikTok. This self-
serve portal makes it easy to find Creators that best
aligns with your brand, thanks to its discovery tools
that identify a diverse variety of talent. When searching
on TTCM, you can filter your results based on the type
of content a Creator posts, where they’re located, their
average views, and more.

Open Application Campaigns

If you’re looking to recruit talent quickly for a specific
campaign or source brand advocates over a longer
period of time for an always-on approach, you can
also post Open Application Campaigns. These make
your campaign brief viewable to broader segments
of Creators across the Marketplace, and they can
choose to respond if they are eager to participate.
This enables advertisers to discover and partner with
Creators who love their brand and are already engaged.

TikTok Creator Marketplace API

We’ve also badged a select number of trusted partners
who have approved access to our first-party data via
our newly launched TikTok Creator Marketplace API.

See how it works

These partners are experts in the discipline of Creator
Marketing. They can provide you with additional tools
and white-glove services that complement the Creator
Marketplace, to make it easy to manage the entire
end-to-end process.

TikTok For Business Creative Center

Get inspired for

your next campaign
The TikTok For Business Creative Center helps
advertisers learn what’s working on platform in
real time. Explore a showcase of the top-performing
ads, see details on the latest big trends, and dig
through our library of case studies to get inspired
on how to make captivating ads of your own.

See how it works

TikTok Creative Exchange

Get end-to-end
creative support
Third-party partners are also a great way to elevate a
branded content campaign. That’s why we made the
TikTok Creative Exchange. It’s a self-serve portal that
matches you with vetted creative service providers that
will help you produce high-performing ads suited to
your brief and objectives. You can use the Exchange to
manage projects, feedback, approvals, and insights—
all through a streamlined process designed to help you
create impactful ads.

See how it works

Branded Content Toggle

Be transparent about
branded content
Spark Ads puls in over

We know disclosure is a crucial part of any

branded content campaign. That’s why we
as many likes and view-
developed the Branded Content Toggle, a tool that through rates that are 240%
allows Creators to mark videos as being part of a greater than other ads.
brand partnership and be transparent about the
ads they make on TikTok. In the coming months,
we’ll be adding more features, like the ability for
advertisers to see insights and measurements
related to the performance of their campaigns.
Spark Ads

See how it works

Boost the best
organic content
We also want to make sure that a brand’s TikTok
reaches as many consumers as possible. That’s
why we created Spark Ads, which enables brands
to boost organic content in a users’ feed—whether
that comes from a Creator’s account or a brand’s
Business Account. This powerful tool pulls in over
three times as many likes and view-through rates
that are 240% greater than other ads.

TikTok Video Editor

Editing videos for

TikTok, made easy
Once you’re ready to experiment with new TikTok styles
and trends, you can use tools like the TikTok Video Editor
to edit and customize your content, right from your
desktop. It provides easy access to TikTok-copyrighted
music, fonts, text colors, creative dimensions, and so
much more. And using this tool can improve
performance—we’ve seen it reduce cost per action by
as much as 46% among our performance advertisers.

See how it works

Dynamic Scene

Machine learning
that optimizes
We’re excited to give you a sneak peek at a new tool that helps
brands build creative from pre-existing videos. Dynamic Scene
uses machine learning to break apart a video into multiple
scenes. These scenes are then re-assembled into hundreds of
variations based on audience preferences. It can add elements
such as music and transition effects, keeping the creative
fresh and extending its lifespan. We then rapidly test these ad
variations with different audiences to ensure the distribution of
only the top-performing creative.

See how it works

Templates built
just for TikTok
Vimeo partnered with TikTok There are unique templates
on Vimeo Create, an AI-driven for different types of video
video production tool that styles, and you can choose
makes it easy produce and the one that works best based
publish ads directly in the on your objectives, whether
TikTok Ad Manager. that’s a tutorial, product
demo, or anything in between.
Essentially, it’s a collection of In short, it means don’t have
easy-to-use video templates to start from scratch when
that enable anyone to create creating for TikTok—and that
professional-quality video your videos are more likely to
ads—no video or marketing resonate with viewers.
experience required. The
templates have been tested
and optimized specifically
for TikTok; our teams chose
formatting techniques, fonts,
See how it works
and transitions that make
sense for the platform.

Create engaging
videos, fast
Canva created a library of more than
50 TikTok ad templates that make it fast
and effortless for brands to make videos.
This means advertisers don’t These templates, coupled with
have to spend the time and the Publish End Points tool,
money required to design will bring ease and simplicity
creative from square one. They to businesses who can publish
can focus on making more visually compelling content
content, thereby bolstering directly to TikTok and engage
an “always-on” approach to their audiences in a natural,
their TikTok campaigns. authentic way.

Here’s how it works: Select a

template, then use our drag-
and-drop tools to add photos
or videos. You can upload and
use your own, or choose from
the millions of free images,
graphics, music, and videos.
Plus, you can even add text or
animated stickers.

Taking engagement
to the next level
Once a TikTok is posted, we want to ensure
users are able to interact and participate with
that content. Our newest suite of innovative ad
formats, which will be available in 2022, facilitate
this engagement and help users connect with the
brands they love. And they were designed in a way
that allows advertisers to embody the creativity
and fun that people expect when they open TikTok.

Customized Instant Pages

landing pages
Customized Instant Pages are landing pages
that load in seconds—11x faster than standard
mobile pages. This eliminates any wait time from
the moment a user taps on a CTA to the moment
they start receiving information from the brand.
On these Customized Instant Pages, users can
diver deeper into a brand’s message by
watching videos or swiping through different
content without having to leave the app.

See how it works

Pop-out Showcase

Dynamic, illustrative
calls to action
The Pop-out Showcase tool provides a way for
brands to superimpose pop-out elements onto
videos, emphasizing anything from featured
products to key story elements. And the pop-out
elements are clickable, meaning they can drive
users to take action.

See how it works

Super Like 2.0
Gesture Super Like 2.0 displays icons on users’
Gesture unveils rewards or screens when they like a video, giving
information to users who slide or them even more of a reason to react to the
tap on content—giving them direct content. And when they do like the video, it
incentive to engage with your videos. invites them to a landing page, where they

Rewards for
can learn more about what they just saw.

users who
See how it works

Story Selection

A choose-
adventure tool
Story Selection invites users to dictate how content
unfolds. Our users love being a part of storytelling
on TikTok, and this product lets them shape and
personalize the outcome of a brand’s video.

See how it works

Reach & Frequency

TikTok Brand Lift Study

TikTok Inventory Filter

Viewability and Brand

Safety Partnerships

So you can control and see the

success—and efficiency—of
your campaign.

Helping brands make the
most of their investment We’re creating
products that bolster
things like
Creative tools are essential to a good TikTok
campaign, but they’re not the only thing that brands
need in order to thrive. We’ve also been developing
ways to meet our partner’s expectations for the
campaign life cycle in an efficient, streamlined
way. That means creating products that bolster
things like reach, impact and measurability—the
quantifiable, data-driven aspects of advertising
that are an important part of optimizing campaigns.

These solutions give our partners control over

how advertisers buy inventory on TikTok, how they
measure success, and how they can scale the
tactics that are working—all in a brand-safe space.

Reach & Frequency
Ad-buying that’s Brand advertisers want R&F also provides advanced
access to more transparent reporting in the TikTok Ads
media planning and Manager. That means brands
predictable delivery on their can review how their ads are
campaigns. That’s why we’re performing all while they’re
rolling out Reach & Frequency still running on TikTok. In short,
(R&F), a buying type that R&F buying brings a whole
provides exactly those new level of clarity, peace of
benefits to our advertisers. mind, and efficiency to buying
ad space on TikTok. That’s why
When using this buying type, 82% of CMOs reported in a
advertisers can choose to Nielsen study that the reach &
target a higher volume of frequency buying type is the
users through extended top way to limit advertising
reach. Or, they can get more waste on digital platforms.
impressions with the same
number of users by opting
into higher frequency for their
ad placements. And since
R&F enables brands to lock in
a CPM in advance, it allows
our partners to plan ahead
and ensure more predictable
pricing and delivery.
of CMOs reported that the
reach & frequency buying type
is the top way to limit advertising
waste on digital platforms.*

See how it works

Source: The Nielsen CMO Report 23

We see Reach & Frequency
as a powerful tool because it
provides transparency while
building the most effective
go-to-market strategies, and
maximizes value for our clients.
The more predictive the planning, the more effective campaigns will be.
Over time that’ll turn into greater confidence for brands and advertisers
to try out new things, and go even bigger on TikTok, which is already
such a promising environment.

E V P, G L O B A L D I G I TA L P A R T N E R S H I P S & M E D I A R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y, M A G N A

TikTok Brand Lift Study

Measuring your impact

TikTok Campaign

How can I be sure I’m When brands run an ad with TikTok, they
have common questions about what kind
building brand equity? of influence that advertisement is having.
Did not see
content content

To answer these questions and more,

How can I see whether TikTok Brand Lift Study uses a survey-based
I’m shaping the way approach to measure how TikTok users feel
about the advertisements they see. We
audiences perceive send questionnaires to people who’ve seen
my brand? a specific ad from a brand, as well as users Answered
who haven’t seen that ad—that way, we can the survey
get a real sense of how content is affecting
people’s perception of a brand.
How can I use learnings Brand Lift
+ x%
to optimize future A
advertisements B
and improve ROI?

TikTok Brand Lift Study

Our Brand Lift Study was

created with the TikTok
experience in mind
Each survey is served in a Plus, Brand Lift Study can
native, In-Feed format, which give advertisers a chance to
includes music and motion fine-tune their campaigns
graphics. That way, they have on TikTok. That’s because it
the same look and feel that provides them with insights
people expect while scrolling and optimization suggestions
through their For You page based on survey results. We’re
(FYP). The surveys aren’t excited that our Brand Lift
disruptive, and users have Study can also be verified
more of a reason to engage by Kantar and Nielsen—so
with them. In the long run, this partners can rest assured that
boosts participation in Brand it matches industry standards
Lift Studies and improves for effectiveness and reliability.
our ability to better serve See how it works
our partners.

Viewability Partners Brand Safety Partners
Partnerships with MOAT and DoubleVerify By working with IAS and Zefr, we’ll

Even more
help answer a critical question on the be able to further ensure that brand
minds of many brands: Do my ads have campaigns run adjacent to verified
a chance to be seen by real people? content.
We provide these partners with campaign
information, which they then analyze Plus, our partnership with OpenSlate,

to ensure it meets industry standards which began in 2020, gives us the tools
or viewability. we need to keep TikTok as a safe place
for brand partners. And this year, that
partnership will expand to additional
countries and buying types, including

& brand
Auction and Reach & Frequency.

safety tools
TikTok Inventory Filter
TikTok Inventory Filter is a proprietary
solution built on machine-learning
technology that classifies video, text,
audio and more based on the level of risk.
This allows advertisers to make decisions
The TikTok Brand Lift Study just scratches the surface
about which kind of inventory they’d like
of the ways in which we’re giving brand advertisers
to run adjacent to. And to further ensure
insights about media effectiveness on TikTok.
that we’re meeting global, industry-
wide expectations, we have aligned the
Inventory Filter with the GARM Brand
Safety and Suitability Framework.

TikTok Shopping

Product Links

LIVE Shopping

Lead Generation

Dynamic Showcase Ads

Collection Ads

So users can discover (and buy)

your products on TikTok

The evolution of
Over the years, we’ve seen TikTok become a place where
users “shop and tell”—they flock to their communities to share
thoughts and points of view on their favorite things to buy.
Users are

We’ve seen this behavior in action within the hashtag

#TikTokMadeMeBuyIt, which people use to share reviews,
hauls, and other content featuring products and brands
they discovered and love on TikTok. Videos posted to that
more likely to have discovered
hashtag have over 4.6 billion views, proving that TikTok’s
the products they purchase
take on digital word-of-mouth marketing is here to stay. on TikTok, compared
to competitors*
So it’s really no surprise that users are 1.7x more likely to
have discovered the products they purchase on TikTok,
as compared to competitors—creating a one of-a-kind
e-commerce opportunity for brands.

Source: TikTok Marketing Science Global Retail Path To Purchase conducted by Material, August 2021 29
TikTok Shopping

Unleashing TikTok’s
e-commerce potential
The future of commerce on TikTok is a native shopping
experience that allows brands of all sizes to bring users
from discovery to purchase in a matter of moments.
Available now
We’re excited to bring this vision to life We’re excited to have Shopify, Square, Square, Ecwid,
PrestaShop, Shopify
with TikTok Shopping, a suite of solutions, Ecwid, PrestaShop now available on
features, and advertising tools that give the platform and we expect Wix, Available soon
businesses the opportunity to tap into the SHOPLINE, OpenCart, and Base to Wix, SHOPLINE,
power of commerce on TikTok. be available soon. OpenCart, Base

With TikTok Shopping, brands have the No partner? No problem. You can work
opportunity to create a full shopping directly with TikTok on a full-service
experience directly through their TikTok e-commerce partnership, where
Business Account. By adding a shopping we manage your entire catalog and
tab to their profiles, brands can sync their experience including your shipping,
product catalogues to create fulfillment, and point of purchase.
a product showcase tab that links directly Essentially, you can make TikTok your
to their online store for checkout. merchant of record.

The best part? It’s easy to get started. And later this year, we’re launching a
Brands who already work with an TikTok Shopping API, which will allow
e-commerce partner can connect businesses to integrate their product
their product catalog through our catalogs directly into TikTok and include
partnerships. products into organic content.

Making organic
content easier
to shop
Product Links
These allow merchants to highlight the
products they feature in their videos,
so users can purchase what they see in
organic content.

LIVE Shopping
LIVE lets merchants connect with their
audiences in real time and LIVE Shopping
tools help users buy what they discover
while watching a brand’s stream.

See how it works

Discover and
buy, right in Lead Generation

the FYP
For products that may have a longer
sales lead time, Lead Generation
helps build, grow, and convert a
brand’s customer base. Users provide
contact information to brands in a
secure and frictionless way through
“sign up” buttons that appear in In-Feed
The For You page is prime real estate on TikTok,
video ads. To ensure that it’s as fast
so we’ve developed In-Feed ad solutions that
and frictionless for advertisers as it is
allow users to discover products and shop from
for users, we are partnering with
brands right in the FYP.
companies like Zapier and Leadsbridge,
which connect a brand’s CRM to their
TikTok Lead Generation campaign.

See how it works

Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)
DSA generates video ads that speak to
audiences’ interests based on their activity,
such as adding to cart or viewing a product.
This creates the kind of customized content
experience that our community has come to
know and love on TikTok. And thanks to new
partnerships such as Productsup, it’s easier
than ever for brands to integrate their product
catalogs to create Dynamic Showcase Ads.

While many brands have used tools similar to

DSA, at TikTok, content only performs well when
it feels native to our community—which means
audio, text overlays, and visually engaging clips
that all work together to tell an entertaining
product story.

To make the most out of DSA, brands need

to create content that’s built specifically for
the platform, which is why we have we have
designed a suite of DSA templates that follow
these creative principles on TikTok and we’re
excited to partner with third-party partners like
Shakr to get even more input on these formats.

With these new formats, we can keep improving

our DSA offering to be as creative and
entertaining as the content we see from our
creators while ensuring brands get the success
and performance they deserve.

See how it works

Collection Ads
Collection Ads allow brands to include product cards
in their In-Feed Videos. When a user taps on an item
featured in a card, they’re brought to a fast-loading
Instant Gallery Page, where they can browse through
more products—and make a purchase.

This is a great way for our partners to drive traffic

to their site, feature seasonal deals, share limited-
time offers, showcase top items, and promote recent
launches in their collections.

See how it works

Product Availability
02 03 04
Creative Solutions Branding Solutions Commerce Solutions
TikTok Creator Marketplace Reach & Frequency TikTok Shopping
Available in Select Markets Available Globally on TikTok Ads Manager Available in Select Markets

Open Application Campaigns TikTok Brand Lift Study Product Links

Available in Select Markets Available Globally; Thresholds & Quotas Apply Available in Select Markets

TikTok Creator Marketplace API TikTok Inventory Filter LIVE Shopping

Available in Select Markets Available Soon Available in Select Markets

TikTok For Business Creative Center Viewability Partnerships: MOAT Lead Generation
Available Globally Available Globally
and DoubleVerify
Available in Select Markets
TikTok Creative Exchange Dynamic Showcase Ads (DSA)
Available in Select Markets Available Globally for Managed Accounts
Brand Safety Partnership: IAS
Available in Select Markets
Branded Content Toggle Collection Ads
Available Globallys Available in Select Markets
Brand Safety Partnership: OpenSlate
Available in Select Markets
Spark Ads
Available Globally
Brand Safety Partnership: Zefr
Available Soon
TikTok Video Editor
Available Globally

Dynamic Scene
Available Soon

Creative Partnerships
Available Globally
For more information on any of the products listed, please reach out
Innovative Formats to your local TikTok representative or email [email protected].
Available Soon

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