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BDA Examination Policy in iEvolve

Version v1.0
TCS Business Domain Academy

Published Date: June 2017

TCS Internal

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Examination Policy TCS Business Domain Academy

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Examination Policy TCS Business Domain Academy


Examination Policy ............................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Foreword ............................................................................................................... 4
1.2 Quizzes ................................................................................................................. 4
1.3 Scoring System ..................................................................................................... 4

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Examination Policy TCS Business Domain Academy

Examination Policy
1.1 Foreword

Each certificate course from Business Domain Academy (BDA) is of about 25 study hours.
Every course has about 10-15 chapters. This document details the policy followed by BDA
for conducting examination in iEvolve, for these certificate courses, to the participants.

1.2 Quizzes

For each course, after going through all the chapters, the participant will be evaluated
through a Final Quiz.
Final Quiz:
 Final quiz consists of 50 randomly generated multiple choice questions from
the entire course. Time limit - 25 minutes.
 The course will be active for 90 days and participant will be given a maximum of
three attempts to clear the final quiz.

1.3 Scoring System

The Minimum Pass Percentage for any course has been set as 60%.
The scoring is done as per the below mentioned process:
Pass Percentage = (Total Marks obtained in Final Quiz/ 50) * 100
Associates should not indulge in any kind of malpractice while appearing for the quizzes.
Associates should strictly adhere to Tata Code of Conduct. Academy will not tolerate any kind
of malpractices and strict action will be taken in this regard.


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