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Engineering Standard

SAES-L-132 2 September 2013

Material Selection for Piping Systems
Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................. 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations................................. 2
3 References..................................................... 2
4 Material Selection........................................... 4
5 Maximum and Minimum Velocities................. 6

Table 1 – Piping Materials Selection.................. 10

Table 2 – Maximum Fluid Velocity
for 90-10 Cu-Ni Piping.......................... 16
Table 3 – Alloy Material Definitions:
Common Names and UNS Numbers... 16

Previous Issue: 22 May 2013 Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015

Revised paragraphs are indicated in the right margin Page 1 of 16
Primary contact: Otaibi, Waleed Lafi on +966-13-8809531

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2013. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-L-132
Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

1 Scope

1.1 This standard covers the basic materials of construction for various piping
systems as governed by the fluid to be transported, and supplements the
requirements of piping codes ASME B31. The materials are also subject to the
further requirements and limitations regarding chemical, mechanical and
dimensional properties per specifications stated in this standard.

1.2 For gasket materials, refer to SAES-L-109. For valves, refer to SAES-L-108.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 Any conflicts between this standard and other applicable Saudi Aramco
Engineering Standards (SAESs), Materials System Specifications (SAMSSs),
Standard Drawings (SASDs), or industry standards, codes, and forms shall be
resolved in writing by the Company or Buyer Representative through the
Manager, Consulting Services Department of Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this standard in writing to the Company or
Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company procedure SAEP-302
and forward such requests to the Manager, Consulting Services Department of
Saudi Aramco, Dhahran.

3 References

The selection of material and equipment, and the design, construction, maintenance, and
repair of equipment and facilities covered by this standard shall comply with the latest
edition of the references listed below, unless otherwise noted.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Engineering Procedure

SAEP-302 Instructions for Obtaining a Waiver of a Mandatory
Saudi Aramco Engineering Requirement

Saudi Aramco Engineering Standards

SAES-H-002 Internal and External Coatings for Steel Pipelines
and Piping
SAES-L-105 Limitations on Piping Components
SAES-L-108 Selection of Valves
SAES-L-109 Selection of Flanges, Stud Bolts and Gaskets

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

SAES-L-130 Material for Low Temperature Service

SAES-L-133 Corrosion Protection Requirements for
SAES-L-610 Nonmetallic Piping
SAES-S-040 Saudi Aramco Water Systems

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

01-SAMSS-016 Qualification of Pipeline and Pressure Vessel Steels
for Resistance to Hydrogen-Induced Cracking
01-SAMSS-017 Auxiliary Piping for Mechanical Equipment
01-SAMSS-035 API Line Pipe
01-SAMSS-038 Small Direct Charge Purchases of Pipe
01-SAMSS-042 Reinforced Thermoset Resin (RTR) Pipe and
Fittings in Water and Hydrocarbon Services
01-SAMSS-332 High Frequency Welded Line Pipe, Class B
01-SAMSS-333 High Frequency Welded Line Pipe, Class C
02-SAMSS-005 Butt Welding Pipe Fittings
02-SAMSS-011 Forged Steel Weld Neck Flanges for Low and
Intermediate Temperature Service

Saudi Aramco Engineering Report

SAER-5941 Final Report and Guidelines on Crude Unit
Overhead Corrosion Control

3.2 Industrial Codes and Standards

American Petroleum Institute

API RP14E Design and Installation of Offshore Production
Platform Piping Systems (2000)
API RP571 Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in
the Refining Industry-First Edition (2003)
API RP941 Steels for Hydrogen Service at Elevated
Temperatures and Pressures in Petroleum
Refineries and Petrochemical Plants
API RP945 Avoiding Environmental Cracking in Amine Units-
Third Edition (2003)
API SPEC 5L Specification for Line Pipe

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

American Society of Mechanical Engineers

ASME B31.1 Power Piping
ASME B31.3 Process Piping
ASME B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons,
Liquid Petroleum Gas, Anhydrous Ammonia, and
ASME B31.8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

American Society for Testing and Materials

ASTM A106 Standard Specification for Seamless Carbon Steel
Pipe for High-Temperature Service
ASTM A333 Standard Specification for Seamless and Welded
Steel Pipe for Low-Temperature Service

International Organization for Standardization

NACE MR0175/ISO 15156 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries
Materials for Use in H2S-Containing
Environments in Oil and Gas Production
National Association of Corrosion Engineers
NACE Corrosion Data Survey, Metals, 5th edition, 1979
NACE Corrosion Data Survey, Non-Metals, 5th edition,
P-CR-001 Common Requirements, Process Design

4 Material Selection

4.1 Pipe and piping components in contact with the service environment shall be
made of the basic materials of construction listed in Table 1 for the fluids under
the design conditions indicated, or of an equivalent or better material subject to
the approval of the assigned Engineering Specialist in the Consulting Services
Department. For service conditions which differ from those listed in Table 1,
consult the Engineering Specialist.

4.2 Refer to SAES-L-105 for complementary information on pipe classes.

4.3 Bends and welds in carbon steel piping regardless of wall thickness shall be
stress relief heat treated for one hour in the range of 595 to 650°C for certain
services as indicated in the remarks column of Table 1.

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

4.4 All material for use in wet, sour services described in SAES-L-133, paragraph
6.2.1 shall be resistant to sulfide stress cracking (SSC) in accordance with
NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.

All material for use in wet, sour services described in SAES-L-133, paragraph
6.2.2 shall be resistant to hydrogen induced cracking (HIC), as described in
SAES-L-133 paragraph 7.2.2.

4.4.1 The following components, when purchased in accordance with the

Purchase Specifications shown, are considered resistant to sulfide stress
a) Pipe purchased to 01-SAMSS-035, 01-SAMSS-038 or
b) Fittings purchased to 02-SAMSS-005.
c) Flanges purchased to 02-SAMSS-011.

4.4.2 Pipe, fittings, or flanges for use in wet, sour services where sulfide stress
cracking is a possibility and not purchased to any of the above
specifications shall meet the requirements of NACE MR0175/ISO 15156.

4.4.3 The following components, when purchased in accordance with the

Purchase Specifications shown, are considered resistant to hydrogen
induced cracking:
a) Seamless pipe purchased to 01-SAMSS-035, 01-SAMSS-038,
API SPEC 5L, ASTM A106 Grade B, or ASTM A333 Grade 6.
b) Straight submerged-arc welded pipe purchased to
01-SAMSS-035 or 01-SAMSS-038 as sour service pipe (with
annex H and annex K requirements of API SPEC 5L).
c) HFW (ERW and HFI) pipe purchased to 01-SAMSS-333 as sour
service pipe (with annex H and annex K requirements of
d) Fittings purchased to 02-SAMSS-005.
e) Flanges purchased to 02-SAMSS-011.

4.4.4 Piping, fittings, or flanges not meeting the requirements of paragraph 4.4.3
above shall not be used in wet, sour services where hydrogen induced
cracking is a possibility.

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Document Responsibility: Materials and Corrosion Control Standards Committee SAES-L-132
Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

5 Maximum and Minimum Velocities

5.1 Exceptions to the maximum velocities are proprietary piping (e.g., metering
skid, surge relief skid, etc.) or piping requiring flow balance in branch segments
(e.g., firewater spray/sprinkler systems). Where velocities are not otherwise
limited by Table 1, the maximum and minimum fluid velocity in carbon steel
piping shall be limited to the following:

5.1.1 Single-Phase Gas Lines

For in-plant piping, except during a relief and flare flow, the maximum
velocity in gas lines shall be limited to 18.3 m/s. In-plant noise may be a
problem when velocities in gas lines exceed this limit. Higher velocities
are acceptable when the piping layout configuration is relatively simple
and has a minimum number of fittings and valves subject to review and
approval of the Engineering Specialist in the Consulting Services

For cross-country pipelines, when noise is not a concern, the maximum

gas velocity is an economic balance between acceptable pressure drops,
the desired gas flow rates and other factors.

Flow velocity in gas lines shall not be less than 4.6 m/s to minimize
accumulation of water at the bottom of the pipe. This minimum velocity
limit does not apply to dry sweet gas with controlled and monitored dew
point limit.

5.1.2 Liquid Lines

Flow velocity in single-phase liquid lines for services other than shown
in Table 1 shall be limited to 4.6 m/s.

Higher flow velocity may be used in special cases or in intermittent

services subject to review and approval by the Engineering Specialist in
the Consulting Services Department.

Flow velocity shall not be less than 1 m/s to minimize deposition of

solids and accumulation of water at the bottom of the pipe.

5.1.3 Gas/Liquid Two-Phase Lines

Except for liquid relief and blowdown lines, flow velocities in flowlines
and other lines transporting gas and liquid in two-phase flow shall not
exceed the fluid erosional velocity (reference API RP14E, paragraph
2.5.a) as determined by equation (1):

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Ve = (1)
Ve : Fluid erosional velocity, feet/second
c : Empirical constant = 100 for continuous service and
= 125 for non-continuous service
(for solid-free fluids where corrosion is not anticipated or
when corrosion is controlled by inhibition or by employing
corrosion resistant alloys, values of “c” up to 150 to 200
may be used for continuous service. When “c” values
higher than 100 for continuous service are used, periodic
surveys to assess pipe wall thickness should be considered).
ρm : Density of the gas & liquid mixture at operating pressure
and temperature, lbs/ft³

12409Sl P + 2.7RSg P
ρm = (2)
198.7P + RTZ
Sl : Liquid specific gravity at standard conditions
(water = 1; use average gravity for hydrocarbon-
water mixtures)
P : Operating pressure, psia
R : Gas/liquid ratio cu-ft/barrel at standard conditions
Sg : Gas specific gravity at standard conditions
(air = 1)
T : Operating temperature, ºR
Z : Gas compressibility factor, dimensionless

Once the erosional velocity is known, the minimum cross-sectional area,

A, required to avoid fluid erosion is determined from equation (3):

9.35 +
Ve (3)
A : Minimum pipe cross-sectional flow area required, square inch per

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

1000 barrels liquid per day.

The minimum velocity in two-phase lines should be 10 ft/s (3.05 m/s) to

minimize slugging of separation equipment and accumulation of water
and solids at the bottom of the pipe. This is particularly important in
long lines with elevation changes. If the minimum velocity requirement
cannot be met, refer to SAES-L-133, paragraph 7.1.9, Table 1 -
Corrosion Control Options.

5.1.4 Steam Lines

For insulated steam lines, the velocity range for continuous service shall
be as follows:
Saturated Steam : 30 – 40 m/s (100 – 130 ft/sec)
Superheated Steam : 40 – 60 m/s (130 – 200 ft/sec)

For vent steam, the maximum velocity is limited to 60 m/s (200 ft/sec).

5.2 The maximum allowable fluid velocity in 90-10 CuNi piping varies according to
the size of the line as shown in Table 2.

5.3 For sizing of firewater systems, the maximum velocity of the water, based on
the nominal capacity of the outlets (hydrants and monitors), shall not exceed two
times the maximum velocity listed in Table 1 for the material of the pipe.

5.4 The velocity requirements of paragraphs 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 may be superseded to
allow the installation of pipeline sizes that allow through scraping with single
diameter ILI tools. This is subject to the approval of the Chairman of the
Materials and Corrosion Control Standards Committee.
Commentary Note:

An example of such a relaxation in the velocity requirement would be where a

new line is being constructed to tie-in to the upstream end of an existing pipeline
and where a smaller diameter pipe would be utilized for the new line to meet the
maximum/minimum velocity requirement of this standard. To allow single
diameter scraping tools to be used for both the new and existing sections of the
pipeline, the new section may use the same pipe diameter as the existing line,
even though the velocity minimum may not be achieved.

5.5 DGA Velocities

Based on company experience, maximum velocity limit for CS piping in rich

DGA is 1.5 m/s and 3.05 m/s for lean DGA.

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Revision Summary
20 September 2010 Revised the “Next Planned Update”. Reaffirmed the contents of the document, and
reissued with editorial changes.
26 January 2011 Minor revision to paragraph 5.1.3.
10 May 2011 Editorial revision to correct the typo error in paragraph 4.4.3(c) to read “sour service”
instead of “survive service.”
7 August 2012 Editorial revision to remove the work spiral from paragraph 4.4.3 (b).
22 May 2013 Minor revision to introduce more technically and economically viable nonmetallic pipes to
combat corrosion.
2 September 2013 Editorial revision to avoid chloride pitting especially during plant shutdown.

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Table 1 – Piping Materials Selection

Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #
1 - 37 0 - 55 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
1 - 37 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 HDPE
1 - 37 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 PP
Acid, hydrochloric
1 - 37 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 RTR (vinyl ester)
PTFE/PFA lined
1 - 37 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
1 - 37 0 - 82 No 0 - 1.5 Alloy B2

1 - 70 0 - 50 No 0-2 Monel 400

Post-weld heat treatment
Acid, hydrofluoric 71 - 100 0 - 40 No 0-1 Carbon steel
may be required
1 - 75 ambient No 0 - 2.4 HDPE
1 - 70 0 - 80 N/A 0-4 Type 316L S/S
71 - 95 0 - 50 N/A 0-4 Type 316L S/S
Acid, nitric PTFE/PFA lined
1 - 30 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
1 - 30 ambient No 0 - 2.4 HDPE
1 - 85 0 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
PTFE/PFA lined
Acid, phosphoric 1 - 85 ambient N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
1 - 85 0 - 70 N/A 0-4 Type 316L S/S
0 - 103 0 - 50 N/A 0-4 Alloy 20
101 - 102 0 - 50 N/A 0-1 Carbon Steel Carbon steel and type
316L S/S lines shall not
90 - 103 0 - 50 N/A 0-1 Type 316L S/S be flushed with water
1 - 50 ambient N/A 0 - 2.5 HDPE
Acid, sulfuric 1 - 50 ambient N/A 0 - 2.5 PP
0 - 100 0 - 250 N/A 0-5 High silicon iron
0 - 60 0 - 65 N/A 0 - 2.4 CPVC
e.g., for carbon steel
0 - 100 0 - 200 N/A 0 - 2.4 spools downstream of
Lined steel
sulfuric injection points
Weld with Nickel Alloy
0 - 20 0 - 93 N/A Para. 5 Alloy 20
625 filler wire
Acid, sulfamic
0 - 100 0 - 200 N/A 0 - 2.4
lined steel
No copper or aluminum
ADIP (Amino-
10 - 30 0 - 150 N/A 0 - 0.9 Carbon steel alloys.
See paragraph 4.3

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #
N/A 0 - 400 N/A N/A Carbon steel
Air, Plant N/A 0 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.5 HDPE
N/A 0 - 90 N/A 0 - 2.5 PP
Carbon steel for
Air, Instrument - 0 - 400 N/A N/A Galvanized steel
Ammonia No copper alloys.
100 0 - 50 No Para. 5 Carbon steel
anhydrous See SAES-L-130
100 0 - 400 N/A Para. 5 Carbon steel
Carbon dioxide,
Dry RTR (Epoxy
100 0 – 93 N/A
100 0 - 93 N/A Para. 5 Type 316L S/S
Carbon dioxide,
Wet RTR (vinyl ester
100 0 - 60 N/A
injection, corrosion,
100 0 - 93 N/A Para. 5 Type 316L S/S
and scale inhibitor,
boiler treatment
Chlorine, Dry 100 0 - 70 No Para. 5 Carbon steel
More than 2000 ppm
Chlorine, Wet <100 0 - 70 N/A Para. 5 Alloy C-276 water
1 - 10 1 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
1 - 10 0 - 60 N/A 0 – 2.4 HDPE

Chlorine/water 1 - 10 0 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.4 RTR (vinyl ester)

PTFE/PFA lined
1 - 10 0 - 160 N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
1 - 10 1 - 70 N/A 0 - 2.4 CPVC
Crude oil or
- - - - - See Hydrocarbons
(Diglycolamine), - 0 - 138 No 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel See paragraph 5.5
DGA, Lean - 0 - 138 No 0 - 3.05 Carbon steel See paragraph 5.5
DGA, Rich - 139 - 190 No 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel Paragraphs 4.3 and 5.5
DGA, Lean - 139 - 190 No 0 - 3.05 Carbon steel Paragraphs 4.3 and 5.5
DGA, Rich or Lean - 0 - 190 No 0-4 Type 316L S/S
DGA, Rich or Lean - 0 - 190 No 0-4 Type 316L S/S
Freons 100 0 - 70 N/A 0-3 Carbon steel See SAES-L-130
Type 316 or Type 316L S/S or
100 - N/A 0-4 316L S/S Monel 400 offshore.
316L S/S See 01-SAMSS-017.
Hydraulic oil
100 60 0-4 RTR (vinyl Ester)
PTFE/PFA lined
1 - 100 0 - 160 N/A 0-4
carbon steel

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #
100 0 - 280 No Para. 5 Carbon steel
1 ¼ Cr ½ Mo Select based on
Hydrocarbons 100 280 - 340 No Para. 5
5 Cr ½ Mo McConomy curves
Sweet & Sour
100 0 - 93 No 2.4 RTR (Epoxy) See 01-SAMSS-042
100 - N/A Para. 5 Type 316L S/S

Hydrocarbons, 100 130 N/A 22.8 max Carbon steel See SAER-5941
Naphtha (Crude Alloy C-276 clad
Unit overhead line) 100 130 N/A 45.7 max See SAER-5941
carbon steel
Hydrocarbon gas
- - No Para. 5 Per Nelson Chart See API RP941
plus hydrogen
Hydrogen 100 - No Para. 5 Per Nelson Chart See API RP941
Hydrogen sulfide,
100 0 - 260 No Para. 5 Carbon steel See paragraph 4.4
Use 316L for high
Hydrogen sulfide, Carbon steel
100 0 - 260 No Para. 5 velocity and erosion
Wet Type 316L S/S
5 0 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 CPVC
See SAES-L-610.
Hypochlorite 5 0 - 49 N/A 0-5 RTRP (FRP) Clear solutions, without
(sodium or suspended solids
calcium) 5 0 - 49 N/A 0-4 Alloy C-276
PTFE/PFA lined
15 0 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.4 15% free Chlorine
carbon steel
100 Above 0 No 0-4 Carbon steel See SAES-L-130
100 Ambient 0 - 2.4 PVC
100 0 - 93 No 0 - 2.4 RTR (Epoxy)
100 0 - 50 0 - 2.4 HDPE

Lube oil 100 - N/A 0-6 Type 316/316L See 01-SAMSS-017

and Seal oil 100 - N/A 0-6 Type 316/316L See 01-SAMSS-017
7 0 - 75 N/A 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel
7 76 - 100 N/A 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel Paragraph 4.3
20 0 - 50 N/A 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel
50 15 - 49 N/A 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel
Sodium hydroxide
(Caustic soda) 50 50 - 80 N/A 0 - 1.5 Carbon steel Paragraph 4.3
50 50 - 150 N/A 0-4 Alloy 600
50 50 - 150 N/A 0-4 Monel 400
PTFE/PFA lined
35 0 - 160 N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
100 100 - 400 No Para. 5 Carbon steel
1-¼ Cr ½ Mo
Steam 100 400 - 480 No Para. 5
Alloy steel
2-¼ Cr 1 Mo
100 480 - 560 No Para. 5
Alloy steel

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #

Steam - - No 0 - 2.25 Carbon steel

condensate - - N/A 0-4 Type 316L S/S CO2 contaminated
Keep dry, moisture
100 MP - 150 N/A 0 - 2.25 Carbon steel causes corrosion. MP
Sulfur, molten denotes melting point.
100 MP - 295 N/A 0-4 Type 316L S/S
Water, boiler feed - 1 - 200 No 0 - 2.25 Carbon steel
- 1 - 99 N/A 0 - 2.25 Carbon steel Inhibited against
- 1 - 99 N/A 0 - 2.25 Galvanized steel corrosion of steel
Water, cooling
(inhibited) 1 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.25 RTR (vinyl ester)

1 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.25 HDPE

- Above 0 No 0 - 2.25 Steel

- Above 0 No 0 - 2.25 Galvanized steel
Water, chilled - 1 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
-20 - 50 N/A 0 - 2.4 HDPE
-30 - 50 N/A 0 - 2.4 RTR (Polyester)
- 1 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
- 1 - 71 N/A 0 - 2.4 CPVC
demineralized or - 1 - 200 N/A 0-4 Type 316 S/S
1 - 60 N/A 0 - 2.4 HDPE
1 - 50 N/A 0 - 2.4 RTR (Polyester)
Cement lined See SAES-H-002,
- 0 - 120 N/A 0-3
steel ACPS-103 for limitations
- 1 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.3 PVC
- 50 - 70 N/A 0 - 2.3 CPVC
See SAES-L-610.
Clear solutions, without
Water, drinking suspended solids. RTRP
(sweet) - 1 - 80 N/A 0-5 is to be based on Epoxy
Resin if temperature
exceeds 70ºC with max
limit up to 80ºC
Ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 HDPE SAES-S-040
Ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 PP
- 1 - 99 N/A 0 - 2.4 Copper
See paragraph 5.3
Steel, cement or
- Ambient N/A 0-3 and SAES-H-002,
Water, fire control FBE lined
(sea), above
- Ambient N/A Table 2 90-10 Cu-Ni Alloy C70600
ground piping
Weld with Nickel Alloy
- Ambient N/A 0 - 10 254 SMO S/S
625 filler wire

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #
Ambient 0 - 2.4 PSX
Water, fire control Ambient 0 - 2.4 HDPE SAES-S-040
(sea), underground
piping Ambient 0 - 2.4 RTR (Epoxy)
See paragraph 5.3
Steel, cement or
- Ambient N/A 0-3 and SAES-H-002,
FBE lined
- Ambient N/A 0 - 1.2 Copper
Water, fire control - Ambient N/A Table 2 90-10 Cu-Ni Alloy C70600
(utility), above
Ambient No 0 - 2.25 Steel Only for dedicated alarm
ground piping
Ambient No 0 - 2.25 Galvanized steel systems with no flow
Weld with Nickel Alloy
Ambient N/A 0 - 10 254 SMO S/S
625 filler wire
Ambient N/A PSX

Water, fire control Ambient N/A 0-3 HDPE SAES-S-040

(utility), See SAES-L-610.
underground - Ambient N/A 0-5 RTRP (Epoxy) Clear solutions, without
piping suspended solids
- 1 - 49 N/A 0 - 2.4 PVC
- 50 - 70 N/A 0 - 2.4 CPVC
Clear solutions, without
- 1 - 70 N/A 0-5 RTRP (Epoxy)
suspended solids
Water, utility (raw)
1 - 60 N/A 0 – 2.4 HDPE SAES-S-040
Cement-lined See SAES-H-002,
- 0 - 120 N/A 0-3
steel APCS-103 for limitations
- 1 - 99 N/A 0 - 1.2 Copper
Cement-lined See SAES-H-002,
- 0 - 120 N/A 0-3
steel APCS-103 for limitations
See SAES-L-610.
- 0 - 50 N/A 0-5 Clear solutions, without
suspended solids
Ambient N/A 0 - 2.4 HDPE SAES-S-040
PTFE/PFA lined
Ambient N/A 0 - 2.4
carbon steel
Water, sea/saline - 0 – 50 N/A Table 2 90-10 Cu-Ni Alloy C70600
Weld with Nickel Alloy l
- 0 - 50 N/A 0 - 10 254 SMO S/S
625 filler wire
Chlorinated, deaerated,
- 0 - 50 No 0 - 3.6 Steel and inhibited against
corrosion of steel
Steel internally
Sand can cause
- 0 - 50 N/A 0-6 coated with APCS-
100 or APCS-102
50 N/A RTR (Polyester)
Sewage water

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Temp. Air Velocity

Environment Conc. % Basic Material Remarks
(°C) Present (m/s) #
Steel internally
coated with Filtered, deoxygenated
Water, sea water - 0 - 50 No 0-6
APCS-100 or and dechlorinated
injection APCS-102
93 0 - 2.4 RTR (Epoxy)
See SAES-H-002
- 0 - 120 N/A 0-3 APCS-103 for
Steel internally
Water, aerated coated with Sand can cause
- 0 - 80 N/A 0-6
aquifer, APCS-100 or erosion
desalination brine, APCS-102
produced water, Weld with Nickel Alloy
- 1 - 80 N/A 0 - 10 254 SMO S/S
disposal salt, 625 filler wire
water brine 1 – 60 N/A 0-3 HDPE
PTFE/PFA lined
0 - 160 N/A 0-3
carbon steel
1 - 93 N/A 0-3 RTR (Epoxy)

# Maximum (also see paragraph 5)

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Issue Date: 2 September 2013
Next Planned Update: 20 September 2015 Material Selection for Piping Systems

Table 2 – Maximum Fluid Velocity for 90-10 Cu-Ni Piping

Nominal Pipe Size Velocity

(inch) (m/s)
1 1.4
2 2.2
3 2.8
4 & larger 3.4

Table 3 – Alloy Material Definitions: Common Names and UNS Numbers

Material UNS Number

Alloy B2 N10665
Alloy 600 N06600
Monel 400 N04400
Alloy 20 N08020
Alloy C-276 N10276
Alloy 254SMO S31254
Nickel Alloy 625 N06625
 UNS means (Unified Numbering System for Metals and Alloys)

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