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21. Dres, Jamila D.
22. Enpictana, Rachell Lyka
23. Espino, Lovely P.
24. Gomez, Sunshine
25. Guerrero, Irene
26. Gulfan, Ericka Joy
27. Ignacio, Kyla
29. Lopez, Jayson
30. Macapillar, Shaina Mae – Leader


1. According to Johnson & Johnson (2010) When your ideas, opinion, information, theories or
conclusions do not jive with those of another person, that is when ________________takes

A. Concurrence Seeking
B. Various Individualistic Process
C. Social Interdependence
D. Constructive Controversy

2. __________ states that; our actions affect others.

A. Social Interdependence
B. Constructive Controversy
C. Various Individualistic Process
D. Concurrence Seeking
3. In Social Interdependence, we create better relationships through interconnectedness?


4. How many core set principles of Peace Education?

A. 5
B. 12
C. 7
D. 9

5. What are the roles of youth in peace building?

A. Youth are more open to change, youth are idealistic and innovative, youth are
courageous, young people are aware of the reality of their peers.
B. Human rights, Gender Equity, Non-violence, Valuing Diversity, Social and Economic
Justice, environmental preservation,global village.
C. Love, Freedom, Peace, Respect for Life, Justice, Equality, Faith in the Almighty God

6. "Educations" comes from the Latin word "__________" to draw or lead out

A. Educate
B. Educere
C. Educare
D. Educara

7. What are the concepts of three theories that are summarized in two?

A. Unity and Agreement

B. Peace and Harmony
C. Peace and Unity
D. Unity and Harmony
8. What are the 7 core of peace?

A. Respect for others, Gender Equality, Respect for life, Compassion, Ecological concern,
Global concern,Cooperation.
B. Love, Freedom, Peace, Respect for Life, Justice, Equality, Faith in the Almighty God.
C. Human rights, Gender Equity, Non-violence, Valuing Diversity, Social and Economic
Justice, environmental preservation,global village.

9. How many Roles of Youth in Nation Building?

A. 7
B. 5
C. 4
D. 8

10. What are the four(4) Core Values in order?

A. Makabansa, Makakalikasan, Maka-Diyos, Makatao

B. Maka-Diyos, Makatao, Makakalikasan, Makabansa
C. Maka-Diyos, Makakalikasan, Makatao, Makabansa
D. Maka- Diyos, Makatao, Makabansa, Makakalikasan

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