Assamite Assamite Antitribu Genre 2021

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Angels of Caine

Assamite Antitribu
OWBN - 2021
Portions of the materials are the copyrights
and trademarks of Paradox Interactive AB,
and are used with permission. All rights
reserved. For more information please visit
This material is not official White Wolf
material and is intended solely for use in
One World by Night.

2021. Written by Chase Jelliffe and Adam Sartori, subcoordinator for the Assamite Office
for One World by Night.
Table o f Contents
Notify/Approval/Disallow 1
History 3
The Culture 16
The Khabar 20
View on the Laws of Haqim 22
Religion and the Angels 23
Clan Structure & Prestige 25
The Castes 26
Ranks of the Unconquered 28
Locations 34
Paths of Enlightenment 36
Ritae 40
Abilities 44
Special Weapons 47
Alchemical Weapons 48
Merits & Flaws 49
Well Known Angels of Caine 51
The Hulul
Abd-Izhim Azrael
Yazid Tamari 52
Monty Coven
Reza Fatir
Joe Boot Hill 53
Lady Veradis
Shankar 55
Hilel al-Masaari 56
Combination Disciplines 58
The Warrior’s Mark 60
Printed Source Material 62
N oti fy/Approval/Disallow
This is not a comprehensive list of Assamite R&U, but only those pertaining directly to Assamite
Antitribu. Please see the OWbN Character Bylaws for a comprehensive list.
Assamite Antitribu Lore
Non-Assamite Antitribu with Assamite Antitribu Lore 4
PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Assamite
Non-Assamite Antitribu with Assamite Antitribu Lore 5
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite

Ranks of the Unconquered

PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Notify - Coordinator: Assamite
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
PC: Disallowed - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite

Combination Disciplines
Non-Assamite Antitribu with the following Combination Disciplines
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Draught of the Soul
Breath of the Sandstorm
Blood Essence
Trap of Vitae
Running With Shadows
Non-Assamite Antitribu Warriors with the following Combination Disciplines
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Tattoo of the Unconquered Blood
Tattoo of the Stolen Life

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Non-Assamite Antitribu with the following Ritae
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Tatarich mee-nel Haabar (The Way of Khabar)
Les Sem-Maana el Al Faa (Venom of the Snake)
El Raver mel al Hashishe (Taking of the Hashish)
La shay haqiqah, koulo shay’ moumkin (Nothing is an absolute reality, all
is permitted)
The Mark of Khayyin
Ealamat Alkayin
Assamite Antitribu Castes
Assamite Antitribu Sorcerers
PC: Coordinator Approval - NPC: Coordinator Approval - Coordinator: Assamite
Assamite Antitribu Viziers
PC: Coordinator Notify - NPC: Unregulated - Coordinator: Assamite

A special thank you to Adam Sartori, Kevin Bingman, Team Assamite, Team Documents, and more
importantly, the Assamite Antitribu players who made this packet possible.
-Chase Jelliffe, Assamite Coordinator 2020-2021

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H isto ry
T h e Ta l e o f t h e U n c o n q u e r e d

As told by Abd-Izhim Azrael of the Unconquered:

“For five hundred years we lived in exile. We the Unconquered who refused to
bend knee to the Tremere and their Camarilla. We are the true heirs to Haqim’s
legacy and no other. The mad god who sits on the black throne now claims to
speak with his voice. Do not be fooled. He is the father of lies. But I perhaps fear
yet that our glorious founder has fallen from Grace.
It matters not though. We have made our choice and have not looked back since.
We will not serve the Herald or Haqim if the word’s the child monster speaks are
true. Those who claim to be loyalists would see us dead. There is no mercy or re-
demption to be found. Return their insults in kind.
Know the legacy of honor that is in your blood! You are among those who refuse to
bend knee. You are in service to the Hulul who carries the very blood of the Lasom-
bra Antediluvian in his veins. We cannot be stopped, and we will not be stopped.
Know it was us who first shattered the curse and preserved the true legacy of our
clan. No other. This is why we are called the Unconquered. The schism plays at be-
ing Camarillans, the dispossessed wallow in self pity and doubt. Only we, the true
Children of Haqim can unite the clan once more and free them from the web of lies
they have been entrapped in.
It is true, when the Herald awoke many of our elders returned home. They took
this as a sign of Haqim’s return and an offer to end our self-imposed exile. When
they returned they learned the truth. All they had spoken of whispers in fear was
proven. They would not submit to the authority of another, just as they had when
the Tremere cursed our clan. In short time many returned to the Sabbat knowing
the invitation to be a lie. And with them came many more from the mountain who
would stand with us in defiance.
Spread this tale to the Angels of Caine. For many of our blood have forgotten who
we are. In with them and our brothers in the Sabbat can we reclaim our home and
in turn lead our clan back to where it is supposed to be.”

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The Birth of Angels
It was the nights of turmoil and the war of princes that the Children of Haqim earned their fear-
some reputation as Saracen assassins obsessed with the blood of their cousins. At the height
of the crusades into their holy lands, the Assamites struck back against the Christian invaders.
Spreading across Europe, the Children of Haqim hunted other Cainites for their blood and for

In this perfect storm of vengeance

the Anarch Revolt began. Start-
ing as a simple uprising of Brujah
in Spain against their elders, the
revolution and fighting quickly
spread to the rest of Europe. In
Italy many young Lasombra grew
tired of the oppression of their
elders and threw in their lot with
the Anarch Forces. Among them
was a crafty cainite by the name
of Gratiano de Veronese.

The last childe of the Lasombra

Antediluvian quietly supported
and coordinated the young an-
archs in Italy. Knowing he could
not succeed alone, Gratiano
reached out to the Assamites for aid. Willing and ready to spill Infidel blood, the Children of
Haqim in Europe were more than eager to agree to Gratiano’s alliance. The forces of the Children
of Haqim in Europe were lead by an elder Warrior by the name of Karif Al Numair. This fearsome
warrior quickly became close confident and allies with Gratiano. Together the two Cainites coor-
dinated forces in Italy and devised the most devious of plans.

As the Vaulderie finally arrived in Italy from the young Tzimisce Anarchs of Eastern Europe, Gra-
tiano and his allies were finally freed of their shackles of blood. It was at this moment that Karif Al
Numair and Gratiano enacted their final plan. The death of the Lasombra Antediluvian.

At the height of the Anarch Revolt, Gratiano, Karif Al Numair, and their forces stormed the gates
of the Castle of Shadows. The very heart of Clan Lasombra. The battle that occurred has since
passed into legend among the clan. Many Cainites of both clan Lasombra and the Anarchs met

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the final death that night in defense of their very beliefs and desires. In the end Gratiano and Karif
Al Numair made their way to the final resting place of the Lasombra Antediluvian. As promised,
Karif took the very heart’s blood of the most ancient of Lasombra into himself, finally ending the
millennia of existence of the Lasombra Clan Founder. As the ancient crumbled to ash, the Anarch
forces rejoiced in their freedom and success. On this night the Anarch cause took one step closer
to truly being free of their elder oppression. For the Assamites who followed Karif Al Numair, this
was a sign of change. Not just for the Cainites of Europe but for their clan as a whole. Karif was
now equal in blood to Haqim himself.

Shortly after the death of the Lasombra Antediluvian, the Assamites lost themselves in their suc-
cess. The clan rampaged across the whole of Europe, claiming elder blood after elder blood in
their battles. Just as it seemed nothing would stop them from accomplishing their goals, mortals
discovered the existence of vampires. The resulting Inquisition further devastated the Cainites of
Europe. Already weak from years of fighting, the Anarchs were easy targets for the witch hunt-
ers in their crusade. The elders by contrast had centuries of experience of avoiding hunters. The
forces of the Anarchs were devastated in the ensuing chaos. Facing defeat, the Anarchs decided
to accept the parlay of the newly formed and very well organized Camarilla. The Assamites, how-
ever, were not yet ready to give up on the war. So lost was the clan in its quest for blood, nothing
short of extermination of the clan itself would stop them. In the end, that is what they truly faced.

At the city of thorns the Assamites traveled with their Anarch allies to hear what this Camarilla
had to offer. In the end the Camarilla offered nothing more than a return to the status quo of the
times before the Revolt. While the Anarchs were quick to submit to the young Camarilla rather
than face complete defeat, the Assamites were determined to carry on the fight regardless.

It wasn’t until an envoy from Alamut itself arrived at the meeting was the truth revealed. An
agent of the Camarilla had discovered the location of Alamut and several of the clan’s elders were
being held hostage by them. Faced with the full might of the Camarilla to bear upon them should
they not cease, the Assamite elder Antara acting on behalf of the Eldest, accepted the surrender
offered by the Camarilla. Once the terms of the Tremere curse to be placed upon the clan were
revealed, Karif Al Numair flew into a rage. Swearing never to submit to either the Camarilla or the
weakness of Alamut he and his brothers stormed off from thorns joining those Anarchs who also
refused to, in burning the town of Silchester to the ground in an act of defiance. On this night, the
Unconquered were born.

Into the night Karif and the newly born Unconquered rode with their former Anarch allies who
quickly began to call themselves Sabbat. It was painfully obvious though that not even Karif could
spare them from the Tremere curse. As they slept, now Assamite Antitribu felt the pain and agony
of the Tremere curse fall upon them. Shocked and defeated, many of the early Assamite Antitribu

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gave into despair. Some of which chose to greet the sun rather than bear the shame of the curse.
In their moment of desperation the Ancient Izhim ur-Baal came to them. He spoke that night to
his brothers that he too would not dare bare the shame of the Tremere curse or the audacity of
the Camarilla. Instead, he came offering hope to the Unconquered. He himself was far too an-
cient to accept the curse of the Tremere, and as a grand ashipu, he offered them salvation and a
way to break the curse cast upon them. Karif and his allies rejoiced and joined with Izhim ur-Baal.
How exactly the great Izhim Ur-Baal shattered the Tremere curse as if it was nothing more than
simple glass is unknown to many. Only those who originally rode with Karif and Izhim know the
true tale. What is known is that the Assamite Antitribu rode to some forgotten city of the ancients
and invoked a great spell of their own. In the end, all those who were of the Vizier and Sorcerer
caste were no more. Sacrificing their very lives to shatter the Tremere curse. In the end, only the
Warriors of the Unconquered remained, but now free of the Usurper curse.

Fall From Grace

In the few years that followed, the Assamite Antitribu struggled to find their own identity and
way. Led by Karif, who now claimed the title as the first Hulul, and guided by the ancient Izhim
Ur-Baal, the Unconquered were organized as best they could. Following much of the ideas of
the Web of Knives, the Assamite Antitribu began to structure themselves with the Hulul as their
leader and the Shakari the greatest among them.

After shattering the Tremere Curse, the Hulul and Izhim Ur-Baal lead their brothers to India. Need-
ing time to find themselves and build anew; India provided the best of opportunities for the clan.
Izhim Ur-Baal brought them to a great mountain fortress in the jungle, seemingly prepared for
their arrival, a family of ghouls already in residence, the Marijava.

This new Alamut served as the home for the Unconquered for many years. It was here the clan
was organized by the Hulul and debates began to form as to the direction they would take. Having
turned their backs on the Mountain and becoming ever more obsessed with the very history of
both their clan and race, the Unconquered debated the very core of all they knew about them-
selves. Was Haqim truly the greatest? If so, why did he himself not intervene in their plight? The
Unconquered saw firsthand the very horror of the Antediluvians when Karif slew the Lasombra

The great debate lasted nearly a century. Izhim Ur Baal and his Thuggee allies supported the
stance it was Caine whom they most venerated, in addition to Haqim. Others preached that none
should be worshipped and they should make their own destiny. As the debate seemed that it
would go on for all time, Karif revealed that the Lasombra Ancient was stirring in his blood. In
time he would not be able to hold back the ancient and would be consumed by him. Startled by

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this revelation the Unconquered quickly tossed aside their debate for the concern of the one who
led them into their fall from grace. Izhim Ur Baal offered yet another option. The Hulul was to be
diablerized every hundred years to keep the Lasombra Antediluvian buried and dead. So that no
one Unconquered would have to bear this burden, they would as a clan. So it was decided, and
the tradition of the diablerie of the Hulul every hundred years was born. Unafraid, Karif chose his
successor and was diablerized in a grand ceremony before the whole of the clan, passing on the
mantle of the Hulul to another.

Shortly after the ascension of the second Hulul, an envoy from the Sabbat arrived at the door of
the Unconquered’s Alamut. The envoy brought an offer for any among them to join an enclave
of the Sabbat’s elders who were attempting to forge a new way for their kind. A means by which
to chain the beast that had never been done before. The Unconquered debated once again on to
who to send. Their voices were silenced by Lady Verdais, an elder of the clan and of the faction
who supported veneration of Caine. Supported by Izhim Ur-Baal, Lady Verdais was sent to the
mountains of the Black Monastery to help develop these new ways.

In the sacred Black Monastery elders of the Sabbat debated, studied, and tested new ways to
chain their pasts. Lady Vedais brought with her the knowledge of the Path of Blood. It was here
for nearly a decade these elders created what would one day become the paths of enlightenment
for the Sabbat. Lady Verdais, along with her ally Mateusz Grybowksy of the Nosferatu Antitribu,
forged the Path of Caine, and in doing so gave birth to the Angels of Caine.

Similar to the Path of Blood but with veneration of Caine, this blasphemy to the main body of the
Assamites quickly spread among the Assamite Antitribu. Though not all accepted it, the Path of
Caine developed by Lady Verdais became widely accepted, in part due to its closeness to the Path
of Blood. Something she had taken into account when creating it. To the rest of the world the As-
samite Antitribu became the An-
gels of Caine. Noddist scholar war-
riors to the Dark Father. In these
early nights many of the rites and
traditions of the clan were born
and are still kept to his night.

Shortly after, the newly christened

Angels of Caine were forced from
their home. The Ventrue and their
allies descended upon India, strik-
ing at the very heart of the Angels.
Facing extermination once again,

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and cut off from far away allies in the Sabbat, the Hulul ordered the clan to abandon their new
Alamut in order to continue on. Though many desired not to give up their home, none argued
with the Hulul; save the Marijava ghoul family. The Hulul honored their request to stay and de-
fend their Alamut, and to this night, many tales are told of the brave last defense of their Alamut
against the Ventrue invaders. In the end, their home was lost and the clan forced to spread out
across the world.

Many of the Angels of Caine returned to their Sabbat allies and joined them in what little area
they controlled in Europe. Many others fled to the Netherlands with their Sabbat brothers. Still,
others searched for a new home; a small portion of the Angels of Caine traveled to Tibet and es-
tablished the Monastery of the Night, others ventured back into the middle east and reconnected
with their lost ties, some of their brethren who dwelt with the Hashashin in Mayaf and their Al-
amut. Though the Hashashin had long since been defeated and broken, a few among the Uncon-
quered kept their traditions and ways, enduring. Though separated, the Angels of Caine remained
in contact with one another, never forgetting amongst themselves they were the Unconquered.

The First Sabbat Civil War

As the Sabbat of the New World waged war over dwindling resources and the disconnect be-
tween the Old World Elders of the sect, the Angels of Caine had just begun to spread across the
world from their centuries of solitude. Though the fighting was largely viewed as one between
the Lasombra and the Tzimisce, no clan of the Sabbat was spared from the fighting. The Angels of
Caine were no different.

While the sect fought bloody battles amongst themselves, the Angels of Caine came from the
shadows of the sect to offer their services to their Brothers and Sisters for the highest bidder.
During this time, the Angels of Caine earned their fearsome reputation as the feared assassins
and warriors of the Sabbat. Though many of the Angels of Caine had joined with the Black Hand,
others chose another path. Maintaining their tradition of a seven year training period after the
embrace, the Angels of Caine bred some of the finest warriors of the sect. Much blood was spilled
by the Angels of Caine; while those among the Black Hand secured and maintained as much ter-
ritory as they could for the Sabbat within the New World.

Due to the efforts of Radu Bistri and Gorchist, the First Sabbat Civil War came to a close. Though
the sect had nearly destroyed itself, the result of the war birthed the Purchase Pact and a new
unity and direction for the Sabbat as a whole. For the Angels of Caine, the war earned them a
bloodied and terrible reputation in the Sabbat. While many outside of the Sabbat feared them,
it was in the Sabbat the Angels of Caine finally forged for themselves a name both feared and
greatly respected.

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Many of the battles of the first Sabbat Civil War were won single handedly by the blades of the
Angels of Caine. Like vengeful divine beings of the Dark Father, the clan swept across the battle-
field like a master artisan removing targets with ease. Many war leaders during the war hired the
Angels to make decisive blows during the war. Many more had been contracted to be advisors
and tacticians to the war leaders. In all the chaos and blood the Angels of Caine finally had carved
a very distinct place for themselves in the Sword of Caine.

The Tibetan and Indian branches of the clan largely avoided much of the fighting and involvement
in the war, having yet to migrate to the New World, much of the clan remained within their lands
during the Civil War. Those of the clan from North Africa and the Middle East were the first to
migrate to the New World.

The Second Sabbat Civil War

The Second Sabbat Civil War was largely accepted to have started with the assignation of Regent
Gorchist in 1863. Once again the Lasombra and Tzimisce warred with one another, and once again
the Angels of Caine offered their services to the highest bidder. The war was long and bloody last-
ing, many decades. The Black Hand remained neutral in the fighting, and instead spent their time
trying to maintain what territory it had, as to not suffer a repeat of the previous Civil War in loss
of territory to the Camarilla. With them, many of the Angels of Caine who were also of the Chosen
fought to protect what was already the Sabbat’s.

Many more tales of the sacrifice of the Angels of Caine in defending Sabbat territory from the
Camarilla were birthed during this time. Once more the Unconquered continue to reinforce their
fearsome reputation as assassins and killers of the Cainite race.

The Hulul during the time

spoke of spreading the
clan’s influence among the
Sabbat and using the war
as an opportunity to gain
many debts among the sect
as a whole. By the war’s
end, none too few mem-
bers of the Consistory owed
the Angels of Caine a great
number of favors for their
acts during the Civil War.

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While never vocal, it was during this time that the ancient Izhim-Ur Baal became more vocal
among his clan in guiding them. His voice however was not unchallenged, as his student and rival
Djuhah challenged his master’s every command and word. As a result the very voice of the Hulul
himself became drowned between the two powerful Unconquered and their rather visible rivalry
in the clan.

As the Second Sabbat Civil War raged on, the Angels of Caine had their own losses. They were
heavily involved in the fighting and while most of the clan successfully fought and killed, many
suffered the Final Death. Their names are honored by the clan even in the modern nights. If the
First Sabbat Civil War is where they gained their reputation as the Angels of Caine, it was during
the second where the clan made it crystal clear to the Sabbat as a whole.

By the year 1933 the forces and allies of Melinda Galbraith forced the Sabbat to come together
for a moment and discuss an end to the Civil War that had devastated the entire sect for decades.
With the support of the Black Hand, the Consistory met for the first time in many years. With
Izhim-Ur-Baal by her side, Melinda Galbraith forced the end of the war and the signing of the
Code of Milan. In the end, the Angels of Caine stood stronger than ever before in the Sabbat. The
clan was dominant within the Black Hand and highly respected. The Sabbat now turned to the An-
gels of Caine in times of war for their expertise and assistance. Though the cost for such a reputa-
tion and respect was not low as many of the Angels of Caine lost their lives in the fighting, the clan
needed to replenish their numbers. Embraces were encouraged and training had become less
required. Many of the Angels of Caine active tonight can trace their embrace to the time shortly
after the end of the Second Sabbat Civil War. This boom in the clan caused them to grow larger in
numbers, but at the cost of much of their traditions and history to these fledgling Angels of Caine.

The Third Sabbat Civil War

The Third Sabbat Civil War lasted only a hundred nights and had little impact outside of New
York City. Though the fighting was started by the Brujah Antitribu in an attempt to overthrow the
duopoly of the Lasombra and the Tzimisce; the Angels of Caine had little involvement in the War.
Satisfied with their current standing and reputation in the Sabbat, the Unconquered had little
to gain in the war; nor much time to act upon it. Instead the clan focused itself to continue to
embrace and replenish their ranks from the previous Civil War. Though the Shakari debated their
involvement in the war, and in the end, the Angels of Caine decided to remain uninvolved. At its
culmination, the Panders were recognized as a full clan in the Sabbat and little else truly changed.
The great coup of the Brujah Antitribu failed, and the Angels of Caine barely noticed as a whole.

To the younger Angels of Caine though, the Third Sabbat Civil war was an opportunity to cut
their teeth. The blood of the Unconquered had spread far in the years since the Second Sabbat

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Civil War and many of these young Assamite Antitribu knew little of the traditions or ways of
their clan. These so-called Young Turks rose up in the clan and became involved with many of
the younger Brujah Antitribu, Pander, and Lasombra. With stronger ties to their allies among the
younger clans, these Young Turks did fight for the Antitribu cause in the Third Sabbat Civil War.
Lending their own created and adapted style of espionage and assassination, the Young Turks
proved to be a rather effective force for Cainites of their age. It seemed the legacy of their blood
carried on with them regardless of their upbringing. In those nights the Young Turks earned the
trust and respect of many of their Antitribu brethren of the other clans. To the clan as a whole
though, they were largely ignored and forgotten. The Third Sabbat Civil War truly marked the be-
ginning of a divide in the clan. The older Unconquered who followed the traditions and legacy of
their clan in the Sabbat, and those Angels of Caine who knew neither and cared only about their
packs and the Sword of the Caine as a whole.

The Final Nights

By the time of the Final Nights
the Angels of Caine stood
strong in the Sword of Caine.
In 1999, Moncada decided to
support a grand Crusade all
along the American East Coast.
The greatly respected Cardinal
had the support of much of
the Consistory, his own clan,
and the Sabbat as a whole. For
the first time in centuries the
Sabbat created a united front
against their Camarilla enemy
and began a blitzkrieg against
their hated Camarilla enemy.
The campaign was quick and
bloody, and it was the Angels
of Caine the sect turned to be
their generals and assassins.

The campaign was swift and

devastating. The Sabbat might
T. G o r d o n

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have been more successful in the war if a couple of factors hadn’t occurred. The Angels of Caine
struck like vengeful ghosts in the night. Their blades were swift and many of the Sabbat’s battles
along the east coast were the direct result of the Unconquered removing key enemies. Together
the clan as a whole and the Black Hand annihilated any who opposed them. Just as the Angels of
Caine’s finest hour was upon them, the most terrible thing to happen to the clan occurred: Ur-
Shulgi Awoke.

The Great Betrayal

In the height of the greatest campaign in Sabbat History, the Angels of Caine suffered their great-
est shame. All within the clan felt it, even the Antitribu. Their clan’s ancient Herald of Haqim, Ur-
Shulgi, had risen. In a single night the ancient Assamite shattered the Tremere curse as if it was
a child’s toy. To the young Angels of Caine they became confused but felt what had happened in
their dreams. To the elders of the clan in the Sabbat, it was in invitation. To return home from
their self-imposed exile; back into the grace of Haqim. In one night the entire leadership of the
Unconquered and most of its elders simply vanished.

Crippled by the loss of so many of their greatest tacticians and assassins; the Sabbat’s campaign
along the East Coast collapsed. The Black Hand itself was greatly weakened and may too have col-
lapsed had it not been for its diversity and Jalan-Aajav. To the clan through the Hulul, the Shakari,
and even the great Izhim Ur-Baal simply vanished into the night. Rumors quickly spread amongst
the clan that their elders had returned to Alamut, betraying their vows to the Sabbat. Outraged,
the Angels of Caine lashed out, seeking to channel their rage and confusion into something ef-
fective. Some of the clan simply were unable to comprehend the loss. In the end, fewer than a
dozen Angels of Caine over five hundred years of age remained in the Sabbat. The majority that
remained were far younger; many of whom were embraced shortly after the Second Sabbat Civil
War. As news spread about the clan’s elders’ betrayal of the Sabbat, the remaining Angels of
Caine began to fear the retribution from the Sabbat as a whole on those that stayed. If they could
not strike at the ones who had forsaken their vows; they would surely turn on those of the clan
they could harm in their anger. It would seem the once great Angels of Caine might face total
destruction at the hands of the Sabbat.

Just as the Angels of Caine faced extinction, it was their allies among the Black Hand who came
to their aid in time of need. The Unconquered Yazid Tamari of the Black Hand quickly worked to
unite what remained of the clan under his banner. With the support of the Black Hand, Yazid was
quick to spread the clan’s message of anger at the Great Betrayal (as it would come to be known).
Acting first Seraph Jalan Aajav himself lent his support to Yazid and the Unconquered in help-
ing the clan survive any retribution they may face. Jalan-Aajav went even so far to swear upon

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the Iron Reliquary of the Grand
Inquisitor in supporting the ab-
solute loyalty of the Angels of
Caine who remained. Broken
and beaten, the Angels of Caine
survived under Yazid Tamari for
a time, and indeed escaped fac-
ing retribution for the betrayal of
their elders.

While the awakening of Ur-Shulgi

was a sign to many of the end
times, and an invitation to the
Unconquered elders to return
home, the Angels of Caine re-
ceived another surprise. Soon af-
ter, many refugees from Alamut
itself seemed to flock to the ban-
ner of the Sabbat. These refugees
brought with them stories of the
child monster who now sat on
the throne of Alamut. How he
destroyed the Eldest, Jamal, and
demanded absolute loyalty and
obedience to only Haqim. Unable
to disavow their faith, these refu-
gees fled to the corners of the world to escape the wrath of Ur-Shulgi. Some of which joined the
Sabbat. This influx of refugees brought with them elders of Alamut, and some of the first well
known Viziers and Sorcerers of the clan to the Sabbat. All but forgotten, the remaining Angels of
Caine embraced their new brothers and sisters and offered them a new home and a new path to

Though broken, the Angels of Caine were hardly beaten. Lacking direction though they were, the
clan now faced an open and exciting future. Though devastated, the clan could rebuild. Those
that betrayed the clan and have any ties with the main body of their clan in the Sabbat quickly
became known as the Fallen Angels among the clan. Something they hunt to this very night.

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The Year of Fire
In the years following the Great Betrayal, the Angels of Caine desperately sought a unity and focus
for the clan. As the new Hulul revealed himself to the clan and the Shakari council reformed, the
Angels of Caine finally started to rebuild. Still many of the younger Angels of Caine who remained
after the Great Betrayal had grown distrustful of any clan leadership. From the ranks rose one
member of the clan, The Revanchist.

This Shakari Vizier presented a new idea and path for the clan as a whole. The clan would be di-
vided among those called the Unconquered and those who call themselves the Angels of Caine.
The Unconquered would be those who sought the ways and hierarchy of the clan and the Angels
of Caine were those of the clan who did not. With his bold plan, the Revanchist quickly reached
out to his clan and attempted to implement his plan. Even more the Revanchist spoke of reach-
ing out to the Schismatics in working together against their mutual enemy in Alamut. During
this time, the voice of Al-Ashrad (the leader of the Schismatics) Jieeda Bint Zaire Ibn Nader, was
captured by the Loyalists of Alamut. It was the Revanchist and his Unconquered who were the
ones to respond. Leading a surgical strike, the Unconquered managed to rescue Jieeda from the
Loyalists and create a bridge into an alliance with the Schismatics.

Though his plan was bold, in the end the Revanchist’s plan failed. Too many of the Angels of Caine
simply turned from his plan and were unwilling to accept the Revanchist’s division in the clan. In
time the budding alliance between the Unconquered and the Schismatics collapsed and the two
sides became enemies once more. The clan demanded vengeance for the Great Betrayal and for
all ties to the core and history of clan Assamite cut. The Hunt for the Fallen had begun, and the
clan rejected the vision of the Revanchist.

The Fourth Sabbat Civil War

In the wake of the Revanchist’s failure, the Hulul decided upon a new course of action. Rather
than force a change upon the clan as a whole, the hierarchy would simply offer support to those
who would seek it, rather than force the clan along the lines of Unconquered and Angels of Caine.
Unconquered quickly came to be only the term the clan used amongst themselves, and Angels of
Caine is what all those outside of the clan called them by.

The 4th Sabbat Civil War saw the return of Cardinal Moncada from the world of the dead. His
forces quickly sought the Hulul to claim the blood of Lasombra for himself. This was made pain-
fully clear when the Hulul himself came under attack. After a brutal battle many of the Shakari
perished defending the Hulul. Afraid for the loss of their birthright, the Hulul decided the only
way to protect himself was to pass on the mantle of the Hulul once more; to make the world
believe he was indeed dead. Known only to those of the clan the Hulul passed his blood once

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more to a chosen successor. Who the new Hulul is few can say for sure. In the end the Assamite
Antitribu were devastated as a clan with the loss of their leadership. In the aftermath of the war
a new younger group of Unconquered were quickly elevated to the positions of Shakari to lead
the clan once more.

While the future for the Angels of Caine may be uncertain; what is known is the very destiny of
the Angels of Caine lies in their hands. For they are the Unconquered and will never again be

The Return of Haqim

In 2016 it is said that the Assamite Antediluvian rose and returned to Alamut. While the rest of
the blood who had fled the mountain with the rise of Ur-Shulgi took notice of the call; few among
the Unconquered did. Those among the bloodline who had already proven their disloyalty to the
Sabbat returned to Alamut with the Rise of Ur-Shulgi. As such, the Assamite Antitribu experi-
enced very little of a second betrayal; for they had already purged their ranks of traitors to Haqim.
While the Hulul have spoken very little of the matter, many of the Unconquered have voiced their
opinions on the returned Haqim. Many claim that whoever sits on the throne of Alamut is an
imposter and not Haqim himself. Still others claim even if it is Haqim, he has shown his true face.
That the ancient is no better than the rest and needs to be destroyed. Regardless of the truth, the
Unconquered remain steadfast in their opposition to Alamut and the Loyalist Assamites.

T h e Wo r d s o f H a q i m ’s F e a r s t o h i s C h i l d r e n P a r t o f t h e w r i t i n g s t a ke n f r o m
Alamut by the Unconquered

“My children, I fear that I cannot outrun the words of my brother [Salout].”
“His prophecies sting my ears, like that of a jackal” “I have seen the sky burn and the heavens rain
blood from the sky”
“Do any of us truly have a choice in the end?” “He calls it Gehenna, and says no matter how I try
I cannot avoid it”
“None of us can.”
“So it is to you, my children, I leave these words.” “Should my teachings fail, should I fall, you will
be called to do the unthinkable”
“Should I rise to enslave the world in blood and become that which I most despise, you will be
called” “It calls to you to remain pure, it falls to you to do what must be done”
“For we are the damned, and I fear I cannot avoid my destiny.”
“The only hope I find is that you, my children, shall do the right thing.”

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Th e Culture
Angels of Caine
The Angels of Caine are what all those outside of the clan call the Assamite Antitribu. The clan
has forged this name over the centuries with fire and blood. Tonight the Angels of Caine have a
wide variety of cultures and ages. Most are less than five hundred years old, and many are much
younger than that. Every single Assamite Antitribu is an Angel of Caine. With the Great Betrayal of
1999, many of the younger generations have a special hatred in their heart for their parent clan.
However, with it came the first widely known Viziers and Sorcerers the Angels of Caine had ever
known. While a few had joined over the centuries, and by no means are they common even now,
for the first time the Angels of Caine learned of their clan’s diversity. These refugees from Alamut
were surprisingly welcomed by their Sabbat brethren, unlike in the Camarilla.

Angels of Caine tend to follow modern trends in military style and mentality. Many of the younger
Angels of Caine hail from street gangs, where they flourished as enforcers and hit-men. They
often embrace the look and mentality of modern assassins, though it can vary based on their
particular culture. Only those of the Sorcerers and Viziers seem to struggle to find their own place
among these modern hitmen. Never Assassins, the Sorcerers and Viziers still seem to search to
find their own place. Many attempt to maintain the ways they lived in Alamut. Many of the An-
gels of Caine who rejected Alamut and came to the Sabbat during the Great Betrayal are some of
the strongest supporters of moving against Alamut and turning from Haqim. As they claim that if
Ur-Shulgi speaks for Haqim then he has become a monster that must be destroyed like the rest
of the ancients.

While some of the Angels of Caine still search for an identity of their own; many others continue
to carry the legacy of their clan forward in the sabbat as the feared enforcers and soldiers of the
Sword of Caine.

Young Turks
Some of the Angels of Caine find familiarity with modern mafia hitmen culture. Some take on the
styles of the Yakuza as inspiration; still others find themselves stylized after the famous hitmen
of the Mafia. All of these forms of organized crime and counter culture appeal to many young
Angels of Caine.

These Angels of Caine take their name, Young Turks, from the political party that sought to over-
throw the absolute monarch of the Ottoman Empire. Believing themselves an instrument of

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change, the Young Turks don’t view themselves as vulgar hammers or warriors, but rather they
tend to focus on stealth, espionage, and the art of assassination. Though many of the Young Turks
do tend to run with revolutionaries in the Sabbat and in mortal culture they tend to be the cold
calculating killers. Those who call themselves Young Turks tend to make up a good portion of the
Angels of Caine. Clad in stylized business suits that are untucked and are reminiscent of street cul-
ture, the Young Turks are often hard to miss. The Young Turks tend to socialize with one another
and can often be found among the Brujah Antitribu and other counter culture types in the Sabbat.

The Thuggee were an organized gang of professional assassins in India. The Thugs would join
travelers and gain their confidence. This would allow them to then surprise and strangle their
victims by pulling a handkerchief or noose tight around their necks. They would then rob their
victims of valuables and bury their bodies. This led them to also be called Phansigar, a term more
commonly used in southern India. The Angels of Caine after their self imposed exile from Alamut
settled in India and were quick to adapt the Thuggee culture into their own ways while searching
for an identity.

Many of the Angels of Caine who hail from the Thuggee culture were embraced from it, or come
from the Marijava family. In the modern nights they still carry over with them into undeath their
traditions and ways of the Thuggee. Something of a cult within the clan, those who are Thuggee
worship the Hindu goddess Kali. They have many bizarre rites and rituals centered on taking the
hearts from their victims and sacrificing them to their goddess.

Though rare outside of India, a few Angels of Caine who are of the Thuggee can be found out-
side of their homeland. It seems more and more of the Thuggee are coming forward among the
Angels of Caine in the modern world. It is even rumored that after the destruction of the Uncon-
quered Alamut, it is the Thuggee members of the clan who defended it to the last man and may
yet still hold the secrets to reclaiming it.

Many myths and legends surround the famous Hashshashin from the Middle East. Formed in the
11th century in largely Syria and Persia, the Hashshashin sect quickly spread in infamy as the pre-
mier assassins of the world. With a mixture of Islam and cult like behavior, the Hashshashin were
employed by king and peasant alike to kill. With them followed the members of Clan Assamite.

During the height of the Hashshashin, the Children of Haqim could be found among their walls
in their Alamut and Mysaf. By the time of the Anarch revolt, the Hashashin were in their decline

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as the Mongol invasion occurred. Though the sect of assassins was about to face its last days,
those who had been turned to the Children of Haqim kept their ideals and culture alive. As the
Hashashin faded into history, it was a few Children of Haqim who kept their ways alive. Forced
from their homeland, these Assamites were eager to travel west to seek the blood of European
elders, and were some of the first Assamites to join in the Anarch revolt.

As the war ended and the sects formed, those among the Hashshashin Assamites were quick to
call themselves Unconquered and join the Sabbat. Bringing with them their traditions and ways,
many of these Angels of Caine joined the Black Hand, and helped create the early structure of the
Unconquered based on their own culture. There was a time when the majority of the Angels of
Caine claimed heritage from the Hashshashin. Even going so far to reclaim Mysaf and the Hash-
shashin Alamut for the Angels of Caine.

As the centuries passed and faded, so too did the supremacy of the Hashshashin among the An-
gels of Caine. As other cultures grew within the clan, the influence of the Hashshashin Angels of
Caine began to pass. When the Great Betrayal occurred fewer than 1 in 5 Angels of Caine claimed
any ties to the Hashshashin. However, with the influx of refugees from Alamut (and thus Islam
once again), and the rise of Hilel al-Masaari in the leadership of the Angels of Caine it would seem
the Hashashin are on their way to something of a rebirth among the Angels of Caine. Many ritae
of the clan come from them and they even bring their own unique path of enlightenment with
them. While not as dominant as they once were, the number of Hashashin and their influence
among the Angels of Caine seems to be on a resurgence.

The early Angels of Caine were forced to flee their homelands after their self-imposed exile from
Alamut. A few among the Unconquered gathered their things and headed to Tibet. In that holy
land was a small group of Assamites who had long since turned from Alamut. Led by a Vizier
named Iskander Kartal, these Tibetan Assamites lived in a mountainside monastery where they
spent their years in meditation, study, and the faith of the land. When the few Unconquered ar-
rived at their doorsteps, the Tibetan Children of Haqim welcomed them into their home.

As the refugees of the Angels of Caine told their Dispossessed brethren among them of the An-
arch Revolt and curse of the Usurpers they were quick to sympathize and join with them, and thus
the Chodak and the Monastery of Night was born.

Steeped in Tibetan Buddhism, tradition, and mysticism, the Chodak are all raised and trained as
scholars first and warriors second. Those who seek to join the monastery of night are children
found by the Chodak who were orphaned by tragic events. These children are raised until adult-

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hood and then the best among them are offered the embrace. Few of the Chodak leave the mon-
astery of the night, and so many of the Angels of Caine remain unaware of their existence. Still
each is trained with full loyalty to the Sabbat and clan bred into them from the start. Rarely are
outsiders among the clan invited to the Monastery of Night, and usually only then it’s only Angels
of Caine who have great prestige among the clan. To study and train at the Monastery of Night is
considered a great honor among the clan; for those few who know about it. It is even said that
once every ten years the Shakari and Hulul gather at the Monastery to study and meditate on the
clan as a whole.

Those among the Chodak who leave the Monastery often find it to be a hard time relating to their
brothers and sisters in the Sabbat. As while they have learned greatly about the Sabbat and the
world; when they leave the monastery they lack true experience. Some find it unbearable and
simply return. Others find a place for themselves in the Sabbat and bring with them their schol-
arly and religious ways.

Among themselves the Angels of Caine refer to themselves as the Unconquered. Viewed as
their right and honor only they may address themselves as such. Just as all Assamite Antitribu
are Angels of Caine, so too are they Unconquered. Just as the general world of Kindred know
the Assamites as Assamites and amongst
themselves they refer to themselves as
the Children of Haqim; so too do the Un-
conquered amongst themselves with that

There is no division between an Angel of

Caine and an Unconquered Assamite Anti-
tribu. They are one in the same. It is simply
among the clan they refer to themselves
as Unconquered; to everyone else they
are the Angels of Caine. The only excep-
tion to this, is among the clan they are far
more often likely to refer to a clan mem-
ber who focuses on the lore and history
of the clan as Unconquered than anything
else. Other than that, it is simply a matter
of terminology.
T. G o r d o n

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The Khabar
La shay’ haqiqah, koulo shay’ moumkin
(Nothing is an absolute reality, all is permitted.)
-Code of the Hashashin and the Unconquered
The Khabar is the governing code of the Unconquered, taken from the nights of the clans intro-
duction to Islam to the rise of Ur-Shulgi. The Unconquered view the Khabar is the rightfully legacy
and correct way for their clan to work. Below you will find the seven “towers” of the Khabar most
Unconquered follow. Though the terms and their exact meaning vary from Angel of Caine to An-
gel of Caine, they all generally mean the same thing and are universal among the clan.

A s a b i y y a / Va p h ā d ā r ī / ’C h a m s P a ( L o y a l t y )

Loyalty to the Unconquered means complete devotion to the bloodline, the Shakari, the Hulul
and, more importantly these nights, to the Sabbat itself. They have chosen their place in the Jy-
had and shown the Angels of Caine tonight are some of the fiercest and most loyal members of
the sect. Loyalty means everything to a member of the Unconquered and the word of the Shakari
council and Hulul is absolute.

Ikhwan/Bradarahuḍa/Izzat (Brotherhood)

The Unconquered are a family. When a member of the blood calls for aid, all who are able are
expected to give it. Unconquered rarely if ever will leave a fallen brother on the field. While family
does fight on occasion; in the end they are of one blood.

Muruwa/Sāhaba/Pūj (Honor)

While not all of the Unconquered follow the Path of Honorable Accord; many of its concepts form
the basics of their code of honor. The word of one Unconquered to another is a sacred thing that
cannot be broken. To act with the best intentions of the bloodline and sect cannot be overstated.
The Unconquered are strong believers in the honor of Monomacy to settle all disputes among

H a d d / P r a t i ś ō d h a / B d d g - P o i S g r a ( Ve n g e a n c e )

If another Unconquered falls to treachery or outside of monomacy; it is the sworn duty of all
Unconquered to avenge their death. The bloodline seeks vengeance in particular against the Tre-
mere as a whole. Nothing short of an order from the Hulul will stop a call for vengeance.

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Ta q q i y a / G ō p a n ī y a t ā / B é y ü l ( S e c r e c y )

The internal workings of the Unconquered are not for those outside of the blood. The true history
and legacy of the bloodline are not for outsiders. The secrets of Dur-An-Ki and other secret arts
of the blood are only for those deemed worthy by the Unconquered. While those with them in
the sect should not be pursued; those found among the blood to be teaching the secrets of the
Unconquered to the outsiders can expect to be punished by the Shakari and Hulul himself if they
find the teaching not above par.

M u m i n /Ā s t h ā / D a r a n g P o ( Fa i t h )

Among the Unconquered Faith takes the form

of the Ritae and Paths of Enlightenment. In par-
ticular the Path of Caine is elevated as all other
paths in the beliefs of the Unconquered. The
Ritae are sacred and those who would abuse
them should be punished. All Unconquered
should work towards moving to a path of en-
lightenment and their own spiritual enlighten-
ment as well.

Umma/Samudāya/Rogpa (Commu-


Community comes in the form of support of the

Sabbat and one’s pack. When a leader of the
sect calls for support or action; it is expected
for all Unconquered who are able to respond.
When your Ductus or Pack Priest needs to sup-
port, you give it without question. You must
seek to further the growth of the Sabbat and
thus the Unconquered themselves.

By and large the Angels of Caine as a whole fol-

low the Khabar, Though its terminology and
meaning does vary from culture to culture.
Even young Angels of Caine are at some point
Khabar Tattoo Example by Caroline Berta
Instagram: @crow.witch at least told of Khabar and its meaning to the
Facebook: Crow Scratch clan.

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View on the Laws of Haqim
The Laws of Haqim are not universally followed among the Unconquered. They are viewed as les-
sons left down by their ancestors before his fall from grace. By and large, the Unconquered tend
to view the Khabar in a higher light then the Laws of Haqim, but most still pay them lip service at
best. Though of course this will vary from Unconquered to Unconquered.

Law of Leadership
The Hulul is our Eldest. He is our warlord. He is our counselor. He is our brother. He will guide us
in vengeance against the traitorous Herald and his ilk, and lead us in honor against the misguided
followers of the Amr and their Khayyinite allies. The Sultan is his right hand and carries out his
will. The words and actions of the Sultan are those of the Hulul whom he serves.

Law of Protection
Is it better to die swiftly, or to live forever as a slave? We are told to ward mortals from the chil-
dren of Khayyin, not to protect them from death. The bloody rites of the Sabbat are a terror to
behold, but they are infinitely more acceptable than the Ventrue or Tremere’s ways of turning
mortals into nothing more than enslaved sycophants. Dying in excruciating ignominy is better
than living without your own will. We honor them by setting them free forever.

Law of Destruction
All those of Haqim’s blood are to be rendered unto the Shakari for judgment. They are our broth-
ers, and should be given the opportunity to join with us in battle. If they are with honor, the
Shakari will take them to the Hulul that he might introduce them to our war. If they are without
honor, then their blood is forfeit.

L a w o f t h e Wo r d
Do not lie. Deceptions are the ways of those who need to cower behind words. We are warriors,
we are the greatest that either Haqim or the Sabbat has to offer. A warrior needs no shield of
words if his sword is sharp enough.

Law of Judgment
Monomacy is to be used to settle all such judgements against Sabbat members. Do not challenge
frequently or frivolously. Judgements should be sound and warranted, and justifiable to the Sab-
bat if we are not to invite undue attention. Against all those outside the Sabbat and not of our
blood, they are already judged. Give them their sentence.

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Religi on and th e Angels
While not all Angels of Caine are extremely religious, many of the blood do feel a connection to
religion. Though many of the world’s religions can be found among the Angel’s of Caine, there are
three that stand out among the rest. Islam has always held a special place among all of the As-
samites, and among the Angels of Caine this is no different. After Islam, the next most populous
religion among the Angels of Caine is Hinduism. Blending many of that traditions and rituals of
that religion with their own clan culture, the Hindus of the Angels of Caine tend to venerate Kali
above all others. Finally the next most populous religion among the Angels of Caine is that of Bud-
dhism. As the clan spread further east, so too do the religion of the land come with them.

Islam by far is the prominent religion practiced by the Angels of Caine. Even the traditions of
the Khabar come from the Islamic members of the clan. Though they may have slightly differ-
ent meanings depending on the particular culture of an Angel of Caine, their origins remain the
same. With the ascension of Hilel al-Masaari among the Angels of Caine, the rise of Islam among
the clan has come with him. As one can imagine practicing Islam as a vampire can be quite dif-
ficult. How Cainites, and indeed all Islamic Vampires, handle their undead state and their faith is
detailed in the White Wolf book State of Grace. As for the Angels of Caine, their faith in Islam and
their ties to the Sabbat continue to blend and mix. Many of the Ritae developed by the Angels
of Caine have an influence of Islam among them. While not all Angels of Caine are Islamic, the
religion’s touch can still be seen widely among the clan.

Among the Thuggee of the Angels of Caine, their faith is a blend of Hinduism and practices of the
Assamite clan. Forged in the early nights of the Unconquered, The Hinduism practiced among
the clan has become something of cult/sect of its own. Worshipping the goddess Kali above all
others, Angels of Caine who follow Hinduism often have strange blood rites and practices. Head
hunting is common; as well as taking the heart of an enemy to offer as sacrifice to their goddess.
While not prevalent among the Angels of Caine, the Hinduism among the clan still has noticeable
presence among the clan and ties to the very history of the Assamite Antitribu as a whole. Oddly
enough it seems among the Angels of Caine a small cult has started to grow. Called the Dakini, this
cult of Hindu vampires is primarily made up of Assamite Antitribu and Ravnos Antitribu. All mem-
bers of the Dakini are female and venerate Kali like their Thuggee counterparts. Their main focus
however is to avenge the abuse of women; often recruiting them as well offer them a chance at

While not particularly large, the Buddhists of the Angels of Caine still have a place among their
brothers and sisters. Largely practiced by the Chodak of the clan, the Buddhism most often found

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among the Angels of Caine is either Tibetan Buddhism or Tantric Buddhism. A small sect of Bud-
dhist Sabbat, included among them the Assamite Antitribu, known as the Diamond Thunderbolt
practice Tantric sex and blood sharing. The Diamond Thunderbolt spend hours sharing blood
through many varying means in an attempt to experience Karma and gain enlightenment. The
Buddhists of the Angels of Caine are a varied bunch, but many have their origin in the Monastery
of Night. The Chodak of the clan bring their own unique faith in Buddhism to the Angels of Caine.
Lastly, not so much a recognized world religion, the Angels of Caine do follow another “religion”
so to speak. Among many of the gangs of the modern nights blend their traditions and culture
with their faith. Most often this gang religion is some form of Christianity mixed in with their own
rituals and faith. Resulting in an extremely religious culture, it is often not understood well by
those outside of it. Many of the Young Turks of the Angels of Caine find themselves having their
faith in this gang religion. Each being very unique and individualized, Angels of Caine who tend
to follow the modern hit-men culture tend to take these gang religions and blend them into the
traditions and rites of the clan as a whole.

T. G o r d o n

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C lan Structure & Prestige
The Assamite clan has always had a rather strict hierarchy and structure. When the Unconquered
came to be, they spent many years trying to find their own way, while still pulling upon the legacy
of their own clan. As the Angels of Caine traveled deep into India on their self-imposed exile they
merged the old ways of their clan with that of the culture of the area. For a time the Angels of
Caine were extremely well structured and ordered, having forged their own path and identity (as
varied as it is anyways). When the Great Betrayal happened that structure fell to ashes. As the
elders of the clan betrayed their vows and returned to Alamut, it was the young Angels of Caine
who remained that were left to pick up the pieces. Faced with extermination and persecution for
their elders’ actions, the Assamite Antitribu were spared by the aid of the Black Hand, an order
within the Sabbat they helped create and many of their clan have joined. Though their elders had
betrayed the Sabbat and the Angels of Caine, the clan was not entirely crippled. While their elders
fled to Alamut, many of those who only knew the ways of Alamut fled the terror of Ur-Shulgi.
Many of whom ended up seeking
solace among their Unconquered
brothers. For the first time in cen-
turies the Angels of Caine could
count in a greater number of Sor-
cerers and Viziers.

Though the Angels of Caine were

broken they were not beaten.
While most of the Unconquered
are young vampires, some elders
do yet remain or joined the Sab-
bat with the rise of Ur-Shulgi. In
the over a decade since the Great
Betrayal the Unconquered have
begun to rebuild their structure
once again. While many Angels of
Caine are unaware of their own
clan structure, the elders seek to
spread it once again. Calling upon
their roots as a Sabbat clan, the
structure of the Angels of Caine

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has been reforged and is quickly being spread to the clan as a whole. It is the hope of the Shakari
and the Hulul that they can reunite the entire clan again, and be made whole once more.
While not all Angels of Caine are members of the clan’s structure, all those of the blood are
welcome to join in unity. While many of the clan are members of the Black Hand, they can also
have membership in the structure of their own clan. Below you will find the clan structure being
pushed by the few elders of the Angels of Caine, as well as the Castes among the Unconquered.

The Castes
Wa r r i o r s ( A n g e l s o f D e a t h )

The Warriors of the clan make up the clear majority of the Unconquered. When the clan first left
Alamut for the Sabbat nearly 500 years ago, a group of Viziers and Sorcerers did indeed accom-
pany them. Legend says though, that those Viziers and Sorcerers who followed Izhim abd’Azrael
from Alamut never made it, and that they were all slain. By whom or by what is unknown to all
but the eldest members of the Unconquered. Since that night, however, the clan in the Sabbat
has only known warriors up until the rise of Ur-Shulgi. As such, the Unconquered maintained
many of the traditions and structure of the clan during the rule of the Warriors as the dominant
caste in Alamut. It is among the Unconquered where the old traditions are maintained and it is
among them that the warriors still lead the clan.

S o r c e r e r s ( A n g e l s o f Fa t e )

The Sorcerers of the Unconquered are a rare few. Up until 1999 the Sabbat as whole knew noth-
ing of either the Viziers or Sorcerers of the clan. With the rise of Ur-Shulgi, some of the fleeing
Sorcerers choose the refuge of the Sabbat over that of the Camarilla. Many could not bear the
idea of walking among those who had originally cursed them. To them the Sabbat was the lesser
of two evils. With the change in direction of the Unconquered, many of the Sorcerers rejoiced.
As many if not all the Sorcerers are deeply religious vampires, and predominantly Muslim, they
fully embraced and accepted this new direction for their clan. Tonight, the Sorcerers among the
Unconquered follow their traditional role as support for the Warriors. When not performing their
duties to aid the Warriors, many Sorcerers become the religious leaders among the Unconquered.
They lead religious services and are generally viewed as the priests among the Unconquered (this
is not to be confused with Sabbat priests, but rather those of other religions that the various Un-
conquered follow.).

Viziers (Angels of Wisdom)

If the Sorcerers of the Unconquered are rare, then the Viziers are even scarcer. Few of the Viziers
chose to fly to the Sabbat when Ur-Shulgi rose. Those that did, however, have become the stron-

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gest proponents of Clan and Sect unity. Indeed, they have grown to become those among the
clan who believe and embrace the idea that Haqim has clearly fallen and must be destroyed like
the rest of the Antediluvians. It was the Viziers who took with them the ancient writings of Haqim
from Alamut during their flight. To this night, the Viziers spend their time as scholars researching
and translating what they believe to be the final texts of Haqim to his children. They claim these
texts tell of Haqim asking to be destroyed should he fall from grace. When not scholars of the
clan, they Viziers also form a good portion of the political face and might of the Unconquered.
Though the Viziers are also under the following of the Warriors, the Warriors do not make the
best politicians. It falls to many of the Viziers to negotiate the contracts for the clan, and/or sup-
porting the clan on a political level. They are commanded by the Warriors to do so, as was tradi-
tion in the clan.

The Black Hand

The Black Hand and the Angels of Caine have always had a unique relationship. For centuries
the majority of Black Hand members were Assamite Antitribu, and the leaders of Caine’s Chosen
were almost always dominated by Assamites. As the Unconquered were betrayed so too where
the Black Hand. In their individual sorrow the two bonded and supported one another. The Black
Hand was weakened but not as badly as the Angels of Caine. The Chosen had always been diversi-
fied and not made up solely of Assamite Antitribu. Because of the efforts of Yazid Tamari and Ja-
lan-Aajav the Angels of Caine were spared persecution from the Sabbat for their elders’ betrayal.
In the years that followed the bond between the Black Hand and the Angels of Caine continued
to grow. Though not all Assamite Antitribu are among the Black Hand, a majority of the clan still
claims membership. Indeed it seems as though the Chosen have been quick to replenish their
own ranks with young Angels of Caine. Still it seems once they join their loyalty to the Hand is
tested more in-depth than those of other clans who join. For their part the Unconquered take this
in stride and wear the tests as a badge of honor.

The alliance between the Unconquered and the Black Hand remains as strong as ever. Both have
a history tied together, and seem to offer each other support and strength whenever possible.

Fa l l e n A n g e l s

The Fallen Angels of the Angels of Caine is a term used by the clan for a variety of things. Firstly
the Fallen Angels are those of the Antitribu who betrayed the clan and returned to Alamut. Sec-
ondly a Fallen Angel is an Assamite Antitribu who follows the Path or Road of Blood in the Sabbat.
The Angels of Caine hunt the Fallen fanatically for the injustice the clan suffered, and will stop at
nothing for their revenge. This secret is not shared outside the clan and there are rumors that the
Hulul has tasked a special group of Angels to hunt the Fallen.

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Ranks of the Unconquered

While not all Angels of Caine care for the clan’s structure and attempt at unity, all of the blood are
still offered to join it. The door is always considered open and encouraged by the elders for all of
the clan to join them.

The Bojha, or those who dispose of bodies, is the starting rank for those among the Unconquered
who have joined in the unity of the blood. They are taught the Khabar and the history of the clan.
Bojha undergo the ritus of La shay’ haqiqah, koulo shay’ moumkin, the proper initiation and rec-
ognition as an Unconquered. The new Bojha is sworn to the Vows of the Khabar and the Hulul.
While they may have responsibilities to other factions and parts of the sabbat; the Bojha also
swear to support the clan as a whole and its leaders.

• Requirement: Being an Assamite Antitribu and having undergone the ritus of La shay’ haqiqah,
koulo shay’ moumkin.

• Approval Level: Storyteller Approval

• Advantage: The Bojha are the locally important members of the Angels of Caine. And as such
enjoy certain benefits. Firstly they may call upon their clan mates for aid. Weapons, equipment
and other resources may be attained. Though those among the clan who abuse this will quickly
find themselves without aid when they need it most, much like crying wolf. What can be gained
and if the Assamite Antitribu has used this advantage too much is entirely decided upon by the
storyteller. Unconquered retain this advantage as they rise in the ranks.

• Disadvantage: As new members of the clan’s structure the Bojha can give no orders to other
members of the clan and must follow the orders and directions of those above them in rank.


Those among the Bojha who have proven themselves as teachers and tutors to the clan may rise
to the rank of Ustad. These are the learned members of the clan who have proven themselves in
their dedication to the clan as a whole. The Ustad may give orders to the Bojha and request their
aid. With new respect comes new responsibility as the Ustad are expected to guide the Bojha and
teach them more of the ways of the Unconquered. Ustad are expected to be involved in the clan
on a Regional level.

• Requirement: Petition the Shakari Council for advancement in rank. They set certain challeng-
es, tasks or tests that must be accomplished before being awarded the rank of Ustad.

• Approval Level: Assamite Coordinator Approval

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• Advantage: Once a month an Ustad Warrior or Vizier may call upon the Sorcerers to grant them
a use of Pebble From the Mountain. They may only benefit from this for one night a month before
it must be returned.

They may choose one path and 3 rituals from the following list they can access for that night:
Elemental Mastery: Elemental Strength, Wooden Tongues, Elemental Form
Lure of Flames: Hand of Flame
Movement of the Mind: Flight
Path of Mars: Warcry, Strike True, Wind Dance, Fearless Heart

Deflection of the Wooden Doom
Impressive Visage
Donning the Mask of Shadows
Umbral Walk
Warding Baptism
Dominoe of Life
Whispers of the Ghost

Sorcerers among the Unconquered who reach Ustad rank may purchase Rarity 2 Paths and Rituals
of Dur-An-Ki at Storyteller Approval, but must follow the same sect/group restrictions as normal
(For example, the Sorcerer would not be able to purchase Blood Calls to Blood or Ritual of Return
as those are Alamut Loyalists only Rituals).

• Disadvantage: With the rank of Ustad comes more responsibilities and expectations from the
clan as a whole. Ustad may be given orders and expected to follow them by those in rank above


The Shumseea are the older “Thuggee” of the Angels of Caine, who “hold the hands of their vic-
tims,” which is to say are often expert killers. Those among the Angels of Caine who achieve the
rank of Shumseea have earned a great deal of respect among the clan. They have accomplished
numerous tasks given to them, and recruited many of the clan to the structure. While not re-
quired to be an amazing killer, those of the Shumseea are expected to able to take care of them-
selves and support the Ustad and Bojha. Members of the Shumseea are known and respected
nationally among the clan and may even have been heard of outside the country they reside in.
When an Ustad or Bojha has a problem, it is the Shumseea whom they first turn to. Shumseea are
expected to be involved in the clan on a National level.

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• Requirement: Petition the Shakari Council for advancement in rank. They set certain challeng-
es, tasks or tests that must be accomplished before being awarded the rank of Shumseea.

• Approval Level: Assamite Coordinator Approval

• Advantage: Once a month a Shumseea Warrior or Vizier may call upon the Sorcerers to grant
them a use of Pebble From the Mountain.

They may only benefit from this for one night a month before it must be returned and may choose
two paths and 6 rituals from the following list they can access for that night:
Elemental Mastery: Elemental Strength, Wooden Tongues, Elemental Form
Lure of Flames: Hand of Flame
Movement of the Mind: Flight
Path of Mars: Warcry, Strike True, Wind Dance, Fearless Heart
Focused Mind: Readiness, Centering, Dual Thought, Perfect Clarity
Path of Blood: Potency of Blood
Hunter’s Wind: Scent of Deception, Chameleon’s Skin, Unassuming Pose, Whiff of Kalif,
Ghost Body
Deflection of the Wooden Doom
Impressive Visage
Donning the Mask of Shadows
Umbral Walk
Warding Baptism
Dominoe of Life
Whispers of the Ghost
Power of Invisible Flame
Bladed Hands
Eyes of the Past
Flesh of the Fiery Touch
Incorporeal Passage
Innocence of the Child’s Heart
Healing Blood
Apsu Portal
Seeing with the Skies Eyes
Principal Focus of Vitae Infusion

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Sorcerers among the Unconquered who reach Shumseea rank may purchase Rarity 2 and 3 Paths
and Rituals of Dur-An-Ki at Storyteller Approval, but must follow the same sect/group restrictions
as normal. Paths and Rituals that are not specifically listed in the Dur-An-Ki packet by name still
requires Coordinator Approval.

• Disadvantage: Shumseea are expected to be leaders among the clan. They work directly for the
Shakari and thus much is expected from them. The Assamite Coordinator may give orders to the
Shumseea via the Shakari and expect them to be followed.


The Shakari are the hands of the Hulul. They speak with his voice, carry out his will, and strike
down his enemies. They are the advisors and assassins for the Unconquered. To be among the
Shakari is to be one of the most feared and capable Children yet left to the blood of the Ancestor.
The Sultan is the first among the Shakari. He leads the council and is the right hand of the Hulul
himself. It is he who leads the night to night affairs of the clan, all in the name of the Hulul; whose
will he, in theory, makes so. The other Shakari follow the words and desire of the Sultan, as he is
appointed and supported by the Hulul. That does not mean, however, the other Shakari do not
get a voice. While the Sultan may be the first among them, he is still part of a council that over-
sees the entire clan. To become Shakari one must either be chosen by the Hulul himself or defeat
one of the current Shakari in a challenge approved by the Council of the Shakari. Such challenges
are not always combat. If the Unconquered defeats the challenged Shakari, they are accepted to
their ranks.

• Requirement: Accomplish a specific task and requirements by the Council of Shakari and Hulul
or Challenge a sitting Shakari to a challenge for his position and have it approved by the Council.

• Approval Level: Assamite Coordinator Approval

• Advantage: The benefits of being of the Shakari are determined by the Assamite Coordinator,
as they are vast in nature. Examples include not only retaining the advantages of the previous
ranks, but also gaining the aid of 8 Angels of Caine for a task each month, gaining access to a
Pebble from the Mountain from an Unconquered Sorcerer for a month with a far more diverse
list of Paths and Rituals, and having a group of Unconquered Viziers research something and gain
great insight. They may raise the ranks of those in the Unconquered as well as lower it. Finally, the
Shakari have direct communication with the Hulul himself. The Shakari and the Hulul as a whole
set the direction for the entire clan.

• Disadvantage: The Shakari are the leaders of the clan. Any failure on their part can be viewed as
weakness, and thus allow them to be subject to be challenged for their position.

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The title of Sultan is given to the first among the Shakari and the right hand of the Hulul himself.
Similar to the Caliph position of the Assamites; the Sultan is assumed to speak with the Hulul’s
voice. While the Sultan is technically equal to the other Shakari in rank; they are expected to be
the final decider in any divided decisions made by the Shakari Council. Only the Hulul may ap-
point a Sultan and only he may remove one.

The current Sultan remembers the night of old, when his clan’s views, structure, and belief had
merged with those of Islam and the Hashshashin. Hilel al-Masaari now reforges his clan in a new
direction, in the way he remembers its glory. Now the Unconquered have become more focused,
driven, and opinionated. All glory to Hilel al-Masaari, he who brought us the light of Allah and the
Hashshashin. All Glory to the Shakari, the brothers and sisters who shall lead us to victory against
Ur-Shulgi and Haqim! All glory to Hilel al-Masaari, Sultan of the Unconquered!


The Hulul is the one and su-

preme leader of the Uncon-
quered. Nothing is really
known about the current Hu-
lul. In the past it was a title
that changed hands every
century, as the previous Hulul
would be diablerized by his
successor. His badge of office
is the blood in his veins, the
blood of the Lasombra Ante-
diluvian, stolen from that an-
cient long ago. The last Hulul
vanished from the Sabbat in
the wake of the breaking of
the Tremere curse, and none
but the Shakari can claim to
have met his replacement, or
where he found the previous
Hulul to reclaim his blood.

It is believed that he is an an-

cient warrior of skill and wis- T. G o r d o n

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dom, and that he hides his identity so that the Herald cannot find him. Anonymity is the greatest
tool of an assassin, and the Hulul makes use of every tool at his disposal. While this Rank is Assa-
mite Coordinator NPC only, a PC in theory could challenge the Hulul, and should he win he would
immediately return to NPC status. Only members of the Shakari may challenge the Hulul for the
right and it is only approved by the Hulul.

• Requirement: NPC Only and Assamite Coordinator Approval. Must defeat the current Hulul and
Diablierize him. Only the Hulul himself may approve the challenge to his title

• Approval Level: Assamite Coordinator NPC only.

• Advantage: The Supreme leader of the Unconquered. The benefits of being the Hulul are de-
termined by the Assamite Coordinator as they are vast and beyond the scope of what PCs can do.

• Disadvantage: The Hulul will only exist for a maximum of 100 years and will then be diablerized
by his chosen successor.

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Lo cati ons
Hashshashin Alamut
h t t p : / / e n .w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i /A l a m u t

The Alamut used by the Hashshashin was once the base of operations for much of the clan during
the nights of the mortal assassins existence. This Alamut is not to be confused with the Alamut
of those loyal to Haqim. No, this Alamut was the legendary fortress of the Hashshashin that the
clan used for their own doing. Since the collapse of the Hashshashin, their Alamut has fallen to
disuse and wear. Not much of the great citadel remains. Though below it lies many secrets of the
Hashshashin and the Assamites who rode with them. While once used as a base of operations
by the clan in nights long past, this Alamut is much too dangerously close to the clan’s alamut.
It sits unused and forgotten, though rumors among the Unconquered is that this citadel should
be the first step taking back the clan alamut, and that the Unconquered are moving even now to
reclaim it. Soon, they whisper, the Unconquered shall be at the doors of the monster Ur-Shulgi
and reclaim the old outpost of the clan as the first staging ground and base of operations for the
Unconquered closest to their old home.

w w w.w i k i p e d i a . o r g / w i k i / M a s y a f _ C a s t l e

Another castle once controlled by the legendary Hashshashin, and once again with them followed
the clan. Though tonight, Masyaf may be devoid of the Hashshashin of old, it is not devoid of the
Unconquered. Masyaf remains the clans strong point in the middle east. Many of the Uncon-
quered are brought for training there, and many among the clan believe it is within the halls of
Masyaf they will make their next step to reclaim the Hashshashin Alamut. Tonight Masyaf holds
much of the Unconquered leadership, resources, and history. It is the single most important place
to the clan, and all of the clan would die defending it. Though much of the castle has fallen to
disuse, the Unconquered have managed to use the under levels of the castle for their needs and
have even indeed added their own recent additions to the underground. With the return of the
Unconquered Alamut, Masyaf has become a training ground and second base of operations for
the Unconquered.

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The Monastery of Night (Tibet)
Among the many mountain ranges of Tibet lies a forgotten monastery. This monastery is home to
the greatest assassins of the Unconquered. Though predominantly middle eastern, the Assamites
have always had a great deal of contact with the east. One among them was a group of assas-
sins from an age long since forgotten from what is now Tibet. These Assassins agreed to join and
train the clan in their secret arts. When the great Schism happened, the Assassins of Tibet joined
with their Unconquered brothers. To this night, the Monastery of Night remains in the hands of
the Unconquered. Many of those who prove to be exceptional assassins are sent there for their
training. Not much is known of who runs it or what that training is, but what is known is that the
Monastery produces the greatest of the clan’s assassins and it is the greatest honor to be allowed
to go there.

Unconquered Alamut
Still, there are some of the kafir wise enough to trust not in the Curse, and still they seek to en-
compass our doom. The Unconquered ones sought to establish a second Alamut in the east, and
were growing powerful when the Ventrue sent their mortal soldiers into the hills of the Northwest
Frontier, which they called
India. At last this second
Alamut was abandoned,
though great and terrible
tales were told of the Thug-
gee who defended that
place. The Marijava ghoul
family still serves Alamut
well on occasion, though
their loyalties may not be
entirely trusted.
In recent nights the Un-
conquered have reclaimed
their home of the Assamite
Antitribu Alamut in India.
The bloodline as a whole
has moved its operations
and base back to its ances-
tral home once more.

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Paths of Enlightenment
The Majority of the Unconquered follow the Path of Caine or Honorable Accord, though all the
paths of enlightenment of the Sabbat can be found among them. There are however two other
paths of enlightenment that are on the rise within the Unconquered. One of them is the distinctly
Islamic path of Shara al-Sama (See Chaining the Beast for more details). The other is the newly
adopted Path of Blood that was followed during the time when the main body of the clan was
cursed (See the Second edition Assamite clan book). The path itself was structured around the
system of beliefs and order of the Hashshashin. Distinctly different from the modern Path of
Blood, as practiced by Ur-Shulgi, it has been renamed by the Hulul to the Path of the Hashshashin.
Only members of the Unconquered may walk this path or expect to be taught it. It is not found or
taught to those outside them.

The Path of Caine

The Path of Caine has always held a special place among the Angels of Caine. Largely developed
by the Assamite Antitribu, the Path of Caine has its roots in the far more heretical Path of Blood.
Searching for their own path and to adapt the beliefs of old to a more fitting perspective for the
clan. Replacing Haqim as a central figure, Caine plays a central role in this path and among almost
all of the Angels of Caine. There in truth two versions of the Path of Caine. One that is commonly
practiced with a far more spiritual aspect. This Path of Caine tends to focus on Noddism and many
of the paths followers are priests in the sabbat. The other path, the Path of Nod, seeks to emulate
the Dark Father. Both seem to focus on Caine but through different means of doing so. The major-
ity of Angels of Caine can be found on the Path of Caine or the Path of Nod.

For more information on the Path of Caine please see the white wolf book Chaining the Beast
page 43-48. For more information on the Path of Nod see the Path of Caine entry in the white
wolf book Player’s Guide to the Sabbat page 86-88.

The Path of Honorable Accord

Second only to the Path of Caine in popularity, the Path of Honorable Accord is still a very popular
path among the Angels of Caine. Among many of the cultures in the Angels of Caine is a strong
sense of honor. Those among the clan who follow the Path of Honorable Accord tend to use the
Khabar as a basis for their path. While by no means are the knights of the Angels of Caine gentle
or nice, they do have some sense of honor, though others may not fully understand it. To the
Angels of Caine who follow this path, honor and duty to the Sabbat and Clan are among the most

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important aspects of their existence.

For more information on the Path of Honorable Accord please see the White Wolf book Chaining
the Beast page 56-61.

Shara El-Sama
A rather minor path of enlightenment, the path of Shara El-Sama has a small but strong following
among the Angels of Caine. The path devotes oneself to Islam as a means to temper the beast. By
following the strict tenets of Islam and adapting them to the ways of a Cainite, a vampire hopes
to find salvation in the eyes of Allah. Among the Angels of Caine, those among the Hashashin
are most often to follow this path. While this path is a minority among the clan, its followers are
among some of the most faithful and devout Angels of Caine. Though those who follow the path
have a hard time doing so in the structure of the Sabbat, many of the followers of Shara El-Sama
among the Angels of Caine turn to the Khabar to help guide them as well and justify their involve-
ment with the Sabbat. While they may abhor the monstrous nature of the Sabbat, those Angels
of Caine who follow this path seek to find ways to judge those in the Sabbat who are beyond

For more information on the Path of Shara El-Sama please see the White Wolf book Chaining the
beast page 106-107.

The Path of Blood

The Path created by the Assamites has little to no place in the Sabbat. The Path of Blood teaches
those who follow to emulate and worship the Assamite clan founder Haqim. As an Antediluvian
this path is heresy in the Sabbat. Indeed, many of the Angels of Caine suspect that those of their
elders involved in the Great Betrayal secretly still practiced the clan’s path while living among the
Sabbat. As a result, the Angels of Caine ruthlessly hunt those among their own clan in the Sabbat
who might even consider still following this path. Still, there is likely some among the clan who
continue to follow the path in secret. Among the Angels of Caine they refer to their Antitribu
brethren who follow the Path of Blood as the Fallen Angels. There are even tales among the clan
of a group of Angels of Caine tasked by the Hulul himself to purge the clan of individuals who may
yet still walk this path.

As for those who follow the Path of Blood outside of the Angels of Caine and the Sabbat, the clan
views them with about equal disdain. Though they are less harsh in regards to interactions. It is
not entirely uncommon for Angels of Caine who follow the Path of Caine to share noddist studies
with those who follow the Path of Blood. Promising to destroy one another later on…

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For more information on the Path of Blood, please see the White Wolf Book Chaining the Beast
page 35-39

The Road of Blood

The ancient Road of Blood was rumored to have practiced among clan Assamite in nights long
since passed. Though those who practice the Path of Blood claim to follow the true path in its
most ancient form; those who walk the Road of Blood claim it is they who follow the true version
of the Path.

The Road of Blood has far less emphasis upon Haqim (though it still exists, he isn’t worshipped
by the path followers). Rather the Road of Blood focuses on being the Judges of the Cainite race.
Seeking to consume the souls of those they judge unworthy under cainite law. These self imposed
martyrs take the burden of another’s soul to cleanse it for salvation in the afterlife.

Among the Angels of Caine this path is still viewed with great suspicion and malice. The Road still
contains ancient ties to their clan as a whole. The Hulul has decreed the Road of Blood must be
cut from the clan, as the Inquisition is unlikely to see it in any light other than heresy. Still, even
with being lumped in with the Fallen Angels, it is far more likely there are members of the Angels
of Caine who follow the old road then those that do the Path of Blood.

The Road is much easier to conceal within the sabbat; and thus harder for the clan to route out
and cleanse.

For more information on the Road of Blood please see the White Wolf book Dark Ages: Vampire
Storyteller’s Companion page 22-23.

Path of the Hashshashin

The Hashshashin of the Angels of Caine have developed their own path of enlightenment among
the clan and the Sabbat. Though unknown to the sect as a whole, the Path of the Hashshashin
was developed around the precepts of the Path of Blood and the ways of the Hashshashin. The
clan founder was removed from the Path of Blood and replaced with the concepts of being the
perfect Assassin. Those who follow the path often take contracts from their fellow Sabbat for As-
sassinations. Indeed, there are many parallels to the Path and the Path of Blood practiced by the
clan as a whole when they were cursed by clan Tremere.

The Path of the Hashshashin is unknown outside of the Angels of Caine, and they do not reveal
it to outsiders. Only those of the clan who follow their ways may be given a chance to follow the

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Path of the Hashshashin hierarchy of Sins (Conviction/Self-Control):

Failing to assist or avenge a clanmate.
Revealing clan information to outsiders.

Not killing a non-Assamite vampire when there is need to do so.
Placing personal desires or ambition over other matters.

Failing to execute an assassination contract and surviving.
Failing to pursue blood or knowledge in the face of minor danger.

Failing to pursue Kindred blood or knowledge of Caine when there is moderate danger.
Being disrespectful to clan elders.

Failing to obtain Kindred Blood of a more potent generation than your own, though it may
cost you your unlife.
Succumbing to frenzy.

The Path of Hashshashin was developed around the White Wolf book Clanbook: Assamite Second
edition page 25 Path of Blood.

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Tatarich mee-nel Haabar
( T h e Wa y o f K h a b a r )

The priest gathers the Unconquered to him and in prayer he reminds them of their faith and dedi-
cation to the Khabar above all else. Each Unconquered follows the priest in prayer, pledging their
life to the Unconquered, the Shakari, and the Hulul. It is a reminder of their vows and training.

• Effect: For the remainder of the night, the Unconquered who partake in this ritae gain a free
retest on any challenge that would cause them to violate the Khabar.

Les Sem-Maana el Al Faa

( Ve n o m o f t h e S n a ke )

The art of poison and venom is synonymous with the Assassins. The Unconquered have adapted
their rites and rituals when making poisons for their tasks. The Unconquered spends nights in
prayer to whatever god he believes in and Caine, all the while preparing the proper mixtures for
the poison he wishes to make and how it is to be delivered.

• System: Many of the Alchemical Weapons listed on page 26 are created this way, but that is not
all that may be made. What poisons are allowed to be created and their effects are to be decided
upon by the player and storyteller. It is encouraged to be creative and not an excuse to power
game poisons.

El Raver mel al Hashishe

( Ta k i n g o f t h e H a s h i s h )
The Hashshashin were well known for their love of Hashish, as well as their use as a spiritual guide
and aid. The Unconquered have taken this ancient art and adapted it into an Ignoblis Ritae. While
not as potent as Khalif, it is far more common. Most are expected to smoke the plant, rather than
feed off mortals to get the effect. It is often viewed as a form of weakness if an Unconquered can-
not have the focus to control the circulation of his blood to gain the effect.

• Effect: The Hashish grants visions and insights to those who partake of it. It is not to be confused
with Khalif, which is much more mystical in nature. What visions or insight the Unconquered vam-
pire gets from this are largely left to the Storyteller to decide.

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“La shay’ haqiqah, koulo shay’ moumkin”
( “ N o t h i n g i s a n a b s o l u t e r e a l i t y, a l l i s p e r m i t t e d ” )
This ritus is the Unconquered ritual to officially induct someone in their ranks. Once an Angel of
Caine achieves the rank of Bojha he undergoes this ceremony. This ritual is only performed by an
Ustad or higher. The new Unconquered who has completed his training is summoned to a secret
ceremony. All of the Bojha and higher of the area gather in this ceremony. As the initiate is called
forth, they stand around a fire pit. The Ustad makes the new Bojha recite the Khabar. As he recites
each, the Ustad performs an act to remind him of his oath. For Asabiyya the innate is branded on
his hand with the symbol of the Hashshashin from the fire pit. For Ikhwan the initiate bleeds his
blood into a great chalice as do all others who are there. Together this is used in the recreation of
a symbolic Heartsblood of the clan. For Muruwa the initiate undergoes a series of tattooing upon,
which varies from group to group but always includes the words of the Khabar itself. For Hadd
the initiate Slices his hand with a sacred blade, spilling his blood upon the ground. For Taqqiya the
initiate carves out his own tongue and tosses it into the fire. For Mumin the initiate must pray to
his god while bowing before the fire pit and dips his arms in. He must not break his prayers and
maintain control for this. And finally, for Umma The initiate follows his new brothers and sisters
as they perform the vaulderie. After the Vaulderie is performed the new Bojha and those gath-
ered perform a sun dance in unison. There are no real mechanics for this ritual, other than the
individual trials themselves. It is largely for roleplay purposes.

The Mark of Khayyin

Many of the Angels of Caine are also followers of the Path of Caine. As such this rite was adopted
into the clan as a means marking oneself of their accomplishments. The Angels of Caine who un-
dergoes this rite marks his flesh with ceremonial tattoos cataloguing his kills upon his body. These
tattoos take the form of tribal patterns and images and is only understandable by other Angels of
Caine. The more tattoos an Angel of Caine has, the more prestige he is showing in his skills.

• Effect: These Tattoos are permanent and may not be removed except by the use of Ealamat Al-
kayin. Additionally only Assamite Antitribu or those with the appropriate lore (Assamite Antitribu
Lore x4) may understand and read their meaning.

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Cakrasamvara Tantra
In Vajrayana or Tibetan Buddhism, Tantra is believed to be the path to Enlightenment, a focus of
mind found through meditation, whether physical or mental. The highest forms of Tantra trans-
forms sensual pleasure to a form of meditation. The Cakrasamvara Tantra (or “the Wheel of Great
Bliss”, the quintessential of the “Mother” or physical Tantras of this class, takes the act of sex
and the pleasure derived from it as the focal point of meditation. By focusing on the pleasure in
the act of sex, participants achieve clarity of mind and an experience close to Nirvana. This ritual
takes these principles and puts them into practice for Cainites. The priest first finds a partner who
must be willing before proceeding in engaging in sexual activity which must also culminate in
sexual union. They must engage in this activity for no less than half an hour. Due to the mystical
nature of ritae, the participants experience sex as mortals would, their dead flesh able to experi-
ence physical pleasure again, regardless of whether they walk a Path of Enlightenment or not.
Participants focus their minds and attention on this pleasure and, at the point of orgasm, experi-
ence a clarity of mind so powerful that they enter into a state of supreme calm.

• Effect: For the remainder of the night, participants in this ritual are +1 to all Self-Control or
Instinct Challenges.

This Thuggee developed ritae comes from the rituals of their sect. Worship of the Hindu goddess
Kali is a large focus among the Thuggee and this rite was developed to pay homage to their god-
dess. To be initiated among the Thuggee requires this ritae, as a victim is hunted down and his
heart removed. Once removed the heart is cast into a fire while the priest recites prayer in Hindi
to the death goddess. After Initiation Thuggee Angels of Caine still often perform this rite after
any kill they can in worship to their goddess.

• Effect: This ritae allows a heart to be removed from any victim regardless of creature type.
Meaning while removing the heart from a vampire does cause final death to the victim, the heart
is preserved instead of turning to ash as normal. After casting the heart into a fire to their goddess
the Thuggee Angel of Caine gains two bonus traits in all combats to the death for the remainder
of the night.

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Ealamat Alkayin
This Ignoblis ritae is known only to the Hulul and Shakari. It is only ever performed when a mem-
ber of the Unconquered has betrayed the bloodline or brought great shame upon the bloodline
as a whole. When needed though, the Shakari drags the individual, bound, before the entire Sha-
kari Council to perform it. The Shakari ritualistically take a dagger and flay off any other tattoos
the Assamite Antitribu may have. After, using a mixture of blood and tattoo ink, they place a mark
on the palm of the one to be cast out of the clan. This new tattoo takes the form of a broken dag-
ger. After this ritus has been performed, all Assamite Antitribu will shun the Cainite that has been
cast out of the clan. This ritae is never used trivially. It is only for extreme cases where a member
of the bloodline needs to be ejected from the clan and has no hope for redemption.

• Effect: This ritae will only function on Cainite’s who have had “La shay’ haqiqah, koulo shay’
moumkin” cast upon them to be in the Unconquered hierarchy and only may be performed with
the consent of the entire Shakari Council or the Hulul himself. Thereafter the tattoos that were
flayed never return, the broken dagger tattoo is permanent, and all Assamite Antitribu who are in
the presence of those who receive this ritae instinctively know they have been cast out from the
bloodline and are not to be trusted. There is no way to reverse this ritae.

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Abi liti es
Clan Impersonation
(Clanbook: Assamite Second Edition page 30)

With a successful Social challenge against a target, retested with Clan Impersonation, the vampire
may convince his target that he is a member of another clan. Otherwise use as printed.

(Clanbook: Assamite Second Edition page 30)

Use as printed

(Clanbook: Assamite Second Edition page 30)

This is the ability retest for using the Garrotte Weapon.

Lore: Assamite Antitribu

This Version of the Lore: Assamite Antitribu ability overrides that of the main Assamite Genre
Packet. Outsiders learning Assamite Antitribu Lore can learn levels 1 through 4; however, the 5th
level must be taught to them by an Elder of the Clan (Coord Approval). Appropriately approved
converts are privy to the full range of levels 1-5, but level 5 must also be taught to them by an
Elder of the Clan (Coord Approval). Assamites Antitribu are privy to one stage higher, meaning
level 1 is 1 and 2, level 2 is 3, etc. As a note: Assamite Antitribu PC’s who have Assamite Antitribu
Lore can glean knowledge of known members of the clan appropriate to their lore level. Mean-
ing if you want to know if “X” Assamite Antitribu has “Y” rank, you should be able to learn that
information. Faction-specific information of a different Faction is considered one level higher. As-
samites learn Assamite Antitribu Lore at Out of Clan ratings, and likewise Assamite Antitribu learn
Assamite Lore at Out of Clan ratings.
Assamite Antitribu Lore x1:

• Assamites can blend into any surrounding and are masters of stealth.
• Assamites work only for the blood of other vampires.
• All Assamites are addicted to diablerie.
• All Assamites in the Sabbat are “Feared”.

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Assamite Antitribu Lore x2:

• You know that the primary Assamite Disciplines are Celerity, Quietus, and Obfuscate, and that
Quietus is unique to their Clan.
• You know that the Assamite Antitribu are called the “Angels of Caine” and the “Unconquered”,
though you do not know the difference.
• The common Paths of Enlightenment for Assamite Antitribu are Honorable Accord and Path of
• You know that the Assamite Antitribu make up the core of assassins in the Sabbat as well as a
good chunk of the Black Hand.
• You know Assamite Antitribu will embrace anyone from any ethnicity, if they feel they fit the
cause. This is in stark contrast to the core clan, who tend to only embrace those of Middle-Eastern
descent and often males only.

Assamite Antitribu Lore x3:

• You know the names of several famous Assamite Antitribu: Izhim Ur-Baal (Was one of the As-
samites at the Convention of Thorns and rumored to have been a Seraphim of the Black Hand),
Lady Verdais (Helped create the Sabbat paths of Enlightenment), Karif al-Numair (one of the first
Assamite Antitribu, also at the convention of thorns and member of the Black Hand), Joe “Boot”
Hill (Black Hand and Ductus of the Boot Hill Gang), Djuhah (rumored Black Hand Seraph and leg-
endary warrior), Yazid Tamari (Black Hand, former temporary Seraphim who is viewed as one of
the modern leaders of the Assamite Antitribu.)
• You know that the Assamite Antitribu never suffered from the Tremere curse laid upon their
• You understand that there are different types of Assamites.
• You know that many Assamite Antitribu follow a code known as the Khabar.

Assamite Antitribu Lore x4:

• You know the Sabbat Assamites are tied to the Black Hand in some way. Either they helped cre-
ate it or they took it over at one point.
• You know the Unconquered views on the Laws of Haqim.
• You have heard that the recent surge of Unconquered to the Sword of Caine has come from
some horror at Alamut.
• You know of a group of well-respected Angels of Caine called the Shakari that other Angels seek
guidance from.
• You are aware that there are, in fact, multiple bloodlines of Assamites: Warriors, Viziers and
Sorcerers, and you are aware that most Assamites which outsiders encounter are Warriors as
Sorcerers are rare and Viziers even more uncommon.

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• You have heard of the legendary home of the Assamites, known as Alamut.
• You know the seven towers of the Khabar.

Assamite Antitribu Lore x5:

• You know the rank structure of the Unconquered (including the Angel positions).
• You know that the Angels of Caine are the descendants of the original Unconquered, never
educated in the history of their clan and therefore are devoted far more to their sect than their
• You know it was Yazid Tamari who held the Assamite Antitribu together (the remaining few
Unconquered, the Angels of Caine, and the Black Hand Assamite Antitribu) and rallied them once
more. You also know that Yazid is the Childe or grandchilde of Djuhah.
• You are further aware that Assamite Disciplines listed in the first level of Lore apply only to the
Warrior caste. You know that the Viziers possess Auspex instead of Obfuscate, and the Sorcerers
possess Sorcery rather than Celerity.
• You have heard rumor that Dastur Anosh (one of the Seraphim of the Black Hand) is an Assamite
• You have heard of an Assamite Bloodline that uses Animalism.
• You have heard of an Assamite Bloodline that uses Presence.

Assamite Antitribu Lore x6:

• You know it was Seraphim Jalan-Aajav who supported and spared the Assamite Antitribu de-
struction in the Sabbat when the elders of the clan defected in mass back to Alamut.
• You have heard rumor that the original Sorcerers and Viziers of the Sabbat that fled Alamut
were destroyed at Charozin by the actions of Izhim Ur Baal to toss off the Curse of the Tremere.
• You know that Izhim Ur-Baal and Djuhah have not been heard from in over ten years. Many
suspect they have returned to Alamut and serve Ur-Shulgi now.
• You know that the Black Hand, as it is known today, was created by the Assamite Antitribu. That
is to say its structure and training was taken from the skills of the Assamites. (Time to buy some
Black Hand Lore)
• You know that the Unconquered and the Black Hand share a strong alliance. That after the mass
defection of the Assamite Antitribu elders of the Black Hand, the current Shakari and Hulul have
formed an agreement with the Seraphim and the Regent of the Sabbat. It is even rumored that
due to the defection in the first place, some sort of agreement was struck to earn this trust and
support by the consistory.
• You know the details of Assamite Bloodlines.
• You know who the Sultan is.
• You know about the ritualistic diablerie of the Hulul.

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Special Weapons

Bonus: 2
Negative Traits: Fragile
Concealability: Jacket
Damage: 1 Lethal (May use Poison or Drugs)

Bonus: 1
Negative Traits: Fragile
Concealability: Pocket
Damage: 1 Lethal
Special: Suffocation: Those grappled with a Garrotte will lose their ability to speak or breathe as
long as they are trapped by it.

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Punch Dagger (Katar)

Bonus: 2
Negative Traits: Short
Concealability: Jacket
Damage: 2 Lethal
Special: Armor Piercing

T i g e r ’s C l a w s ( B a k h N a g h )

Bonus: 2
Negative Traits: Short
Concealability: Pocket
Damage: 2 Lethal
Special: Speed

Alchemi cal Weapons

(Clanbook: Assamite Second edition page 26)

Plague Dust

The target loses three physical traits for the remainder of a scene or hour.

Bitter Dust

Use as Printed, though replace “Blood Agony” with Baal’s Caress

Bloodwater Dust

Those affected by this dust must make a static physical challenge for each blood trait they possess
currently in their system. On a loss, they lose that blood trait.

Accursed Dust

Those affected must make a static physical challenge for each blood trait they possess currently
in their system. On a loss they lose that blood trait, and take 1 level of aggravated damage. This is
the rarest of the alchemical weapons, and is not often handed out by the clan.

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Merits & Flaws
Marijava Contact (1pt Merit)

See Clanbook Assamite Second Edition page 26. It requires Assamite Coordinator Approval to
take this merit.
Schismatic Ally (2pt Merit)

Same as the Merit Unconquered Ally found in Clanbook Assamite Second edition page 26. Just
replace the Word Unconquered with Schismatic.
S e v e n Ye a r Tr a i n i n g ( 2 p t

Though once a common prac-

tice among the Assamite Anti-
tribu, the art of training their
childer for seven years has fall-
en to the wayside. You however
are one of those rare few. A sign
of prestige among the clan, As-
samite Antitribu with this merit
are up two Social Traits on all
challenges with other Assamite
Thuggee (3pt Merit)

You were once a member of the Marijava revenant family, but were embraced into the Assamite
Antitribu. As a quirk of the embrace you retained your Disciplines and weaknesses. Assamite
Antitribu who possess the Thuggee Merit have the In-Clan Disciplines (Celerity, Obfuscate, and
Presence) of the Marijava Revenant Family. Additionally they also suffer the Marijava weakness
instead of their normal clan weakness.
The Sanguine Thirst (5pt Merit)

The power of the Blood Curse flows stronger in your veins than others. Though it might be con-
sidered a detriment, you have mastered this curse to a benefit. Pulling upon the uncontrollable
desire and need for the blood of vampires it grants you a great focus and ferocity. Assamite An-
titribu with this merit must work themselves just to the edge of a blood frenzy and at the last
minute restrain their beast and use its power to strengthen them

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Once the Assamite Antitribu has properly invoked his clan curse, he may make an immediate Self
Control/Instinct Challenge at a difficulty of 5. Success results in the Assamite taking on a state
known as the Sanguine Thirst. In this state the Assamite Antitribu gains several benefits. Firstly for
the remainder of time he may not enter any frenzy via normal or supernatural means. Secondly,
while in the Black Rage the Assamite Antitribu gains the following Physical Traits: Deadly, Vicious,
and Ferocious.

While in the state of the Sanguine Thirst, an Assamite Antitribu may not use any shape shifting
powers. Doing so immediately results in the Assamite Antitribu entering Frenzy. Additionally, to
remain in the state of the Sanguine Thirst requires the Assamite Antitribu player throw a Self-Con-
trol/Instinct Challenge every round to maintain it at a difficulty of 5. Failure results in the immedi-
ate Frenzy of the Assamite. Finally if a non-Warrior Assamite takes this merit, they also gain the
Warrior weakness permanently. A character may not have this merit and the merit True Berserk
Schismatic Enemy (1pt Flaw)

Same as the Flaw Unconquered Enemy found in Clanbook Assamite Second edition page 26. Just
replace the Word Unconquered with Schismatic. You also must bid one additional social trait in
all challenges with members of the Schism.

Disgraced (2pt Flaw)

See Clanbook Assamite Second edition page 27. You must bid one additional trait in all social chal-
lenges among the Unconquered.
Sabbat Enemy (2pt Flaw)

Same as the Flaw Silsila Enemy found in Clanbook Assamite Second edition page 27. Just replace
the Word Silsila with Sabbat.
Shakari Enemy (4pt Flaw)

Same as the Flaw Du’at Enemy found in Clanbook Assamite Second edition page 27. However,
instead of the Du’at, it is one of the Shakari leaders of the Unconquered. It requires Assamite
Coordinator Approval to take this flaw.
B r o ke n A n t i t r i b u ( 5 p t F l a w )

For whatever reason the Tremere Curse still holds strong over you. Perhaps you simply didn’t
have the will or potency of blood to shatter the curse and become Unconquered. Regardless of
the reason, Assamite Antitribu with this flaw still suffer the curse of the Tremere. Meaning any
Cainite blood they imbibe causes aggravated damage to them on a one for one basis. Making it
extremely difficult in the Sabbat to say the least. On the positive side, this does override the As-
samite Antitribu base weakness.

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Well K nown Angels o f Cai n e
The Hulul
Nothing is really known about the current Hulul. When the Unconquered attempted to return
to Alamut the then Hulul was Nizzam al-Latif, the right hand of Izhim-ur Baal. In one night Izhim-
ur Baal, first of the Unconquered, disappeared and so did the Hulul. When the Unconquered
who would not bow before Ur-Shulgi returned, with them came a new cainite no one knew. He
claimed to be the new Hulul, having drained Nizzam al-Latif on the foothills of Alamut so Ur-Shulgi
could not claim the blood in his veins. None knew who this obscure warrior was or even what his
name was. He simply said it no longer mattered and he was the Hulul. With the crown of their
clan returned, the reorganization of the Unconquered began under the guidance of the Hulul.
Those few have seen the Hulul claim he is a simple man who carries the weight of vast age and
power about him. His thoughts seem very calculating and precise, as if he were a true master of
the Jyhad.

With the threat of Moncada, the Hulul was forced to pass his mantle once again to another to
avoid losing the blood of Lasombra to the enemy. If little was known of the previous Hulul, even
less is known about the current one. He speaks only to the Shakari he has appointed to guide the
clan into a new era.

Abd-Izhim Azrael, The Thrice Beloved

“There comes a time, Ventrue, when the game plays the players.” These are the legendary words
of Abd Izhim Azrael (known to a few as Izhim Ur-Baal) first of the Unconquered said at the treaty
of Tyre. Since those nights, Abd-Izhim Azrael was second only to the Hulul in the Unconquered
and was a Seraphim of the Black Hand. His name alone could bring fear to the enemies of the
Assamites and undying respect among his own clan. Then in 1999 he simply vanished. None have
heard or seen the legendary Abd-Izhim Azrael since. Many wonder what could have happened to
the ancient. Surely he would not have returned to Alamut, for Ur-Shulgi would have slain him. If
he wasn’t with Alamut then where has he disappeared to? Some of the Unconquered say he is
hiding among them, waiting for the time to reveal himself again and make his move in the Jyhad.

Though he would have much to answer for among the Chosen of Caine.

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Yazid Tamari, Savior of the Unconquered
The one time temporary Seraph of the Black Hand, Yazid was the Assamite Antitribu the clan
rallied behind when the elders left the Sabbat. It was due to the efforts of Yazid that the clan sur-
vived any backlash from the Sabbat for the defection of their elders. Working with Seraph Jalan-
Aajav, Yazid saw to his clan’s survival and growth. Tonight, with the return of Dastur Anosh, Yazid
serves as a Seraph’s second in the Black Hand. But his efforts and works are not forgotten by the
Unconquered. Yazid remains the main contact between the Unconquered and the Black Hand.

Monty Coven, The Once and Forever Prince

Born as the son of Jamaican immigrants, Monty lived in the Hammersmith ghetto and came soon
to despise everyone around him, the whites as well as every other immigrant. He joined gangs as
soon as he hit puberty and his ruthlessness quickly ensured his rise to positions of leadership. He
enjoyed the freedom of his work and continued until the local Sabbat paid attention to him. The
Sabbat was establishing a beachhead in Coven’s slum, and the young hoodlum seemed a perfect
candidate for the Creation Rites. Monty rose from the earth and assumed a position in a pack,
but proved an indifferent Sabbat member. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t enjoy the power - he
did- or that he couldn’t stomach the violence - he most certainly could. It was more the fact that
a particularly tepid Vaulderie, combined with Coven’s innate cynicism, left him cold to Sabbat ide-
ology, despising the fact that now others told him what to do and when to do it (and not getting
caught by humans).

When his pack was in London and stumbled across the severely weakened prince of the city (who
had fought against an entire pack of Lupines before, despite awakening from Torpor only a few
hours ago) he didn’t hesitate. He hurled himself at the far older vampire and began to siphon
his vitae. Since that time Monty Coven has grown in reputation and prestige among the sect. He
quickly began to lead victory after victory for the Sabbat across Europe towards the Middle East.
Until eventually he was awarded the position of Cardinal of the Middle East.

Reza Fatir, the Dark Angel

A skilled assassin who once served the forces of Alamut, Reza Fatir came to the Sabbat under
very interesting circumstances. Sent to assassinate the ductus of 25:17, Ezekiel, the two Cainites
fought for hours. In the end, Reza was so impressed by Ezekiel’s fervor and prowess he swore al-
legiance to him. In doing so Ezekiel showed Reza the light of the Sabbat. Since that time, the Dark
Angel has been one of the most fervent members of the Sabbat and eventually rose within the
ranks of the Black Hand itself.

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Tonight Reza Fatir still resides in Montreal with his pack. He leads the Black Hand of Montreal and
is one of the paragons of the Path of Honorable Accord of the area. Always willing to speak to
clanmates, Reza Fatir warns them of the lies and treachery of Alamut, and that one day they will
have to return home to cleanse the blight of the Loyalists.

Joe Boot Hill, The Slayer of Wolves

Originally a texan gunslinger from the Wild West, Joe met his sire on a road, where he was so an-
noyed by him and his constant tries to involve him into an argument that he shot him. After his
sire rose again and chided Joe for shooting at unarmed people in the middle of a conversation,
Joe lost his temper and proceeded on shooting the strange man in front of him, until Bernad del
Gabo lost his temper and tied Joe behind his horse and dragged him about half a mile through the
landscape. After that, he fed him with his vitae, telling him that he would return after his wounds
would have been healed. Afterwards, he embraced Joe and gave him the Creation Rites. Today,
Joe acts as a Black Hand Dominion, having fought his way up in the Sabbat. He believes in the old
laws of the West and still maintains a ghouled horse retainer. The Sabbat within Mexico fears his
wrath (the moniker “Boot” is a result of his admirable use of his own against troublemakers) and
he is very fond of hunting werewolves.

Lady Veradis, The Dagger of Caine

One of the original warriors of Clan Assamite in the Anarch Revolt and a member of the Black
Hand, Veradis was shocked and disgusted when she learned that Alamut would bend the knee
before the Blood Curse and the Camarilla. In her anger, she cut away her ties with the Clan and
joined the first Sabbat packs. Veradis also became one of the first agents of the reformed Black
Hand, the sub-sect within the Sabbat that evolved from the Anarch Revolt. As she was well-versed
in the doctrines of Alamut and the Black Hand, her knowledge of Noddism made her one of the
teachers in the Black Monastery. She is perhaps the most famous and greatest paragons of the
Path of Caine in the Sabbat.

Mitra, The Warden of the Covenant

Born a Prince and priest of Ancient India, the vampire known as Mitra is as much a mystery to
the vampire world as to clan Assamite. Born during the campaigns of Alexander the Great, the
boy Mitra was raised to be a leader both politically and spiritually. When Alexander’s forces rode
into India to claim the lands for his vast empire, the natives of the land rose to meet him. Mitra’s
father perished fighting off the invaders and his young heir lay wounded and dying. With Alexan-
der’s armies rode Cainites, one in particular a general named Tegyrius. The Assamite watched as

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Mitra fought bravely and wisely. His natural skill and instinct to motivate his people and strategy
intrigued the vampire. As he watched this boy lay dying on the field of battle with the Greeks,
Tegyrius sought to preserve the boy and not let his skill fall to the wastes of war. And in doing so
brought forth Mitra into the children of the night.

Horrified by what he had become, the young Mitra fled his sire into the wilds of India. Though
he debated simply ending his existence he believed there had to be some purpose to his new
found curse. So the young child vampire watched and learned. Living in the jungles Mitra became
a great hunter and always from the shadows watched the society of the dead, learning what he
could about what he had become.

For centuries Mitra spent his nights watching and learning; plotting his revenge against his own
sire for what he had done to him. His legacy and destiny were stripped from him, and forced to
live his existence as one of the Rakshasa. It was not until the late 18th century that Mitra did fi-
nally decide to reveal himself to any large gathering of Cainites.

Having fled their homelands in self-imposed exile; unwilling to accept the shame of thorns, the
young Unconquered traveled to India to find a new place to call home. In time they created their
own Alamut and lived in relative peace while trying to find their own path and way in the world.
In this Mitra saw himself, and the desire in his own blood began to speak of wanting to be with
his own after so many centuries of self-isolation.

On a cold summer night, Mitra ventured forth into the Unconquered Alamut. This unknown
slipped past the guards and spoke only directly to the Hulul himself. What the two spoke of dur-
ing that time remains unknown. But for a time Mitra was seen at the side of the Hulul and the
Shakari guiding them and teaching them the history and ways of India. Some suspect that were
it not for Mitra, the young Unconquered may not have survived. It is even said that it was Mitra
who brought the Marijava into the ranks and service of the Unconquered. Regardless of the truth,
what little is known is his name is carved into the records of those who chose to stay behind to
defend the Alamut of the Unconquered until the bitter end from the Ventrue invaders.

In truth, when the Unconquered’s Alamut fell, Mitra was brought into torpor by the final battle.
He stayed and would have died, believing the Ventrue forces were sent and aided by his sire, but
the Marijava intervened. Once he fell into torpor, the Marijava hid the body of Mitra in the lowest
depths of the Unconquered Alamut. There he remained until being awoken.

Mitra is a young Indian boy perhaps in his late teenage years. His head and body are completely
bare of hair; a mark of his divinity and royalty. His skin has blackened some from the curse of his
clan, but not as much as most his age. He is often found in simple, flowing pants and loose tops,
and often wears little to no jewelry.

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The Thuggee assassin was a legend among the clan. Rumors consisted of his disloyalty to Alamut
for years, and that he in fact was Unconquered or Black Hand. With the reformation of the uncon-
quered, Shankar proved their fears correct. He was one of the first to leave Alamut for the Sabbat.
His many ties and contact among the Sabbat Assamites, and indeed the Black Hand help provide
for safe transportation of those seeking refuge. Tonight he sits on the Shakari council. Shankar
maintains the role of Assassin, and was the first of many to support Hilel al-Masaari’s change of
direction for the clan. As many among the Shakari are Muslim and supported the Hashashin in the
nights long ago, many felt it natural to support what Hilel was preaching. Hilel spends most of his
nights in conference with the rest of the Shakari, and rumors abound he is working on a project
to bring in a family of Thuggee ghouls to the Unconquered. Many young Unconquered, who as-
pire to be great Hashashin turn to Shankar for advice, as the wise Thuggee has much wisdom to
impart to those who will listen.

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Hilel al-Masaari, Sultan of the Unconquered
Many centuries have passed since Hilel al-Masaari ruled over parts of the Iberia peninsula as
Sultan. Stories among the clan claim him to be the first Child of Haqim to embrace Islam, and
to spread its teachings among the clan. Others tell that it was he who embraced the Hashashin
ways and adopted them into the clan during the long night. His name has since fallen to legend
and myth since he slipped away from the world. With the fall of Iberia, Hilel al-Masaari’s last
command was to help guard Alamut. Not the Alamut the Children of Haqim had called home, but
rather the Alamut of the Hashshashin. This was to be the last post of a Sultan who had begun to
lose his faith. Just as quickly as his star had risen, he faded from history. Then in 1999 the herald

Hilel al-Masaari rose from Torpor during those early nights of the purge of his clan. He awoke to
find everything he had worked for and everything he had helped build destroyed. He, like many
others, saw the horror of Ur-Shulgi. Hilel al-Masaari knew that if this was Haqim’s Herald, then
Haqim had become a monster that must be destroyed. Like many elders, it took him many years
to decide to act and leave his home, the Alamut of the Hashashin. Hilel ventured out into the
world, to find those who had fled Alamut and Ur-Shulgi. Using the ways of the Hashashin, he
hid among those who called themselves the Schismatics for a time. Hoping that this is where his
Islamic brethren had fled, brothers against the nightmare that is Ur-Shulgi. Hilel would be disap-
pointed. He watched as his brothers and sisters among the Schismatics lost their way. They had
fallen to the Jyhad and embraced the ways of the Camarilla. They too had all but abandoned Islam
or the ideals they claimed to preach. It seemed his brothers no longer wished to return home, to
see the clan returned to the glory that it once claimed. Broken once more Hilel began to accept
his fate. The clan he loved was no more, and the faith he so devotedly served seemed all but lost
to him.

As Hilel made his way back to Alamut to die a martyr’s death, faith or Allah himself intervened.
On his stop in Damascus he met the most curious Cainite. He knew him to be a Child of Haqim,
though he wasn’t operating like any he had ever met. This Child was working with and running
around with other vampires clearly not of his own clan. Vampires who didn’t hide what they
were. Intrigued, one night he confronted the young Assamite. He quickly learned of these so-
called Unconquered. Those of the clan who had turned their back on Alamut not once, but twice.
In them he saw devotion, hope, and most importantly faith. For a time he traveled with this As-
samite and his pack, learning more of the Unconquered and the Sabbat. Though many of their
ways disgusted his Islamic heart, they managed to get one thing right. The Antediluvians were
coming and had to be destroyed, including Haqim himself. In the Unconquered he saw the spark
of a fire. One that if he knew he tended to would erupt into a blaze like few others had ever seen.

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Hilel bided his time among the Unconquered. Like the Schismatics, he hid among them, to learn
about their claimed legacy and history. Over time he began to formulate a plan, and in the winter
of 2020 he executed it. In one night Hilel al Masaari revealed himself to the Shakari and the Hulul
himself. Rejoiced to have such a legendary Cainite join their cause, they were shocked at his next
move. Immediately after making his presence known, Hilel challenged the current leader of the
Shakari for the leadership of the clan. Forced to accept due the prestige of Hilel’s name, the Sha-
kari never stood a chance. The previous Sultan (aka the First among the Shakari) had been rushed
to be given his title and burden, and was never entirely prepared for it. Though mighty, the Sultan
had yet to understand the true power he wielded, nor did he have the age and experience of
Hilel. And in one fell swoop Hilel al-Masaari fell upon the Sultan claiming the title for himself, and
thus the leadership of the entire Unconquered as the will of the Hulul.

Since then, Hilel has quickly begun to reorganize the clan into his vision, into the ways he helped
bring in to the clan in the first place during the birth of Islam.

The restructure of the clan has focused on the ways of the Hashashin. The Unconquered were to
become the dread assassins they were once legendary for. Though Hilel makes sure that Islam is
the dominant religion of the Unconquered, he allows for religious freedom in his clan. Much as
the Children of Haqim once did. With the Black Hand, he sees the potential for a powerful ally,
though those Angels of Caine who have turned their back upon the Unconquered are viewed
with distrust at best and hatred at worse. Hilel drew a clear line in the sand, if you were a Child of
Haqim you were either with the Unconquered or not. Though he did not stop those who chose
to turn away, he demanded that his clan treat them no better than they would of any of those
who were not of the Children of Haqim. Hilel’s views and beliefs shape the direction of the Un-
conquered. He truly believes that it is the destiny of the Unconquered to retake their home and
destroy Ur-Shulgi. Hilel also believes that the final nights are here and there is precious little time
left. Though the Unconquered represent what he believes is the only pure form of his clan left, it
is in the Sabbat he has placed his most faith. Though they are monstrous and disorganized, Hilel
truly believes the sect is the best hope to defeating Haqim and the other Antediluvians. For now,
Hilel manages the Shakari and his clan, the Unconquered, in a new direction. One that he truly
believes is the correct way for the clan as a whole. Rumors persist that Hilel has devised a plan to
use the various factions of the Children of Haqim in a united strike to take the war to Alamut, and
that his first target is to retake his old home of the Hashashin Alamut. For now, Heliel restructures
his clan and plans his next move in the Jyhad as the new Sultan of the Unconquered.

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Combi nati on Disci pli nes
Below you will find the example of Assamite Antitribu created combination Disciplines. Chroni-
cles are free to allow these or not for use by their players.

Assamite Antitribu PCs are free to purchase them with storyteller approval and an appropriate
learning method.

Non-Assamite Antitribu with these Combination Disciplines requires Assamite Coordinator Ap-

Breath of the Sandstorm

(Quietus 5, Celerity 5)

Developed by the Unconquered of the Sabbat, this art allowed its user to quickly turn into a
desert storm and pass upon the winds. The Assamites, lacking a natural form changing power for
fleeing or infiltration, created this power to aid in their assassinations and stealth missions. The
vampire focuses his Vitae to shift very quickly and change. The thin layer of vitae covers the vam-
pire, breaking down his form to a smaller sand level and then with his powers of celerity causing
the wind to quickly pick up and carry it away.

System: The vampire spends 1

Blood Trait, and the transforma-
tion takes three turns to com-
plete. Additional Vitae can re-
duce this time by one turn per
blood point spent. After such
time the vampire turns into a
sandstorm of sorts. They become
immune to all physical attacks,
being only vulnerable to sunlight
itself. Additionally, the vampire
may travel in this form, roughly
at the speed of a strong wind.
The form may enter or travel into
a place sand could get into during
a sandstorm.

XP Cost: 9

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Blood of Essence
(Quietus 5, Willpower 6)

In ancient times the mastery of the powers of Quietus were much different than during the mod-
ern nights. Before the refinement of Quietus and the creation of the Taste of Death, Assamites
had the ability to store a Kindreds soul in a vessel to allow it to be later consumed by themselves
or someone else. Though this art was lost to most of the clan, the art was preserved by the Un-
conquered as a means to both support the clan, and have a soul to interrogate later on for more

System: This power functions as per the Quietus Level 5 power found in Faith and Fire named
Blood Essence.

XP Cost: 9

Trap of Vitae
(Obfuscate 5, Quietus 3)

During an assignment, an Assamite Antitribu often strews his escape route with tripwires, cal-
trops and other traps. The Assamite who has developed this power can leave far worse traps
-- pools of his own acidic vitae, concealed by powerful Obfuscation powers.

System: The Assamite Antitribu places a pool of vitae (1-3 Blood Points worth) in a chosen spot
and makes a Static Mental Challenge retested with Stealth at a difficulty of 10 to conceal the pool.
Anyone stepping into the pool takes 1-3 Aggravated wounds, depending on the amount of vitae
put into the pool. If the victim steps into it and is able to soak any of the damage, the amount
of blood remains equal to the original spent,
to damage others who happen into the Trap.
(Example: Farid creates a 3 pt. Trap, which
Geoffrey stumbles into. The Ventrue, man-
ages to win his soak challenge, leaving 3 pts
for his unfortunate lackeys to stumble into.)
A trap remains potent until sunrise. Despite
the level of Obfuscate used, anyone with an
Auspex equal to or greater than the Assamite
Antitribu’s level of Obfuscate spot the trap
with a successful Investigation challenge.

XP Cost: 8

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Running With Shadows
(Obfuscate 2, Celerity 2)

One of the most hindering parts of the discipline Obfuscate is the inability to run while maintain-
ing the art. Normally Obfuscate fails when a Cainite moves faster than a walking pace, but the
Assamite Antitribu have developed this technique to overcome this weakness. Combining the
arts of Celerity and Obfuscate, the Assamite Antitribu have refined the art to a science and may
remain hidden while running or moving at any speed.

System: This power costs 1 blood to activate for a scene or an hour. During that time the Assamite
Antitribu’s Obfuscate will not break if he is running, using celerity, or moving at any speed.

XP Cost: 6

The Warri o r’s Mark

With a cultural heritage focused on the art of Tattooing among the Assamite Antitribu Warriors;
the bloodline has developed unique combination disciplines to generate these effects. Firstly the
Unconquered Warrior must petition one among the blood who knows the ability to craft tattoos
into undead flesh. This takes the form of the The Mark of Khayyin Ritus. Once obtained the Un-
conquered Warrior may be instructed in the various Tattoo Combination Disciplines by those who
know them. Below are two examples of Tattoo Combination Disciplines. All other Tattoo Combi-
nation Disciplines require Assamite Coordinator Approval.

Tattoo of the Unconquered Blood

(Quietus 5, Vicissitude 2)
The first Warrior Mark Tattoo developed by the Assamite Antitribu is the Tattoo of Unconquered
Blood. With it, the Unconquered Assamite may call upon the defiance of their own blood to shrug
off supernatural effects of the mind for a time.

System: Those so marked may call upon the power of this tattoo once per night and spend 1
Blood and 1 Temporary Willpower and in doing so completely end one mind or emotion manipu-
lating effect that they are currently under the effects of. This does not provide immunity to such
powers, however in most cases the person using the power will be none the wiser. In the case of
powers with an extended effect such as Majesty or Blood Bond, you may instead ignore the effect
for one full turn. When that turn is up, you return to the control of any permanent effects, but
temporary effects will require a new series of tests to reapply.

XP Cost: 10

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Tattoo of the Stolen Life
(Quietus 5, Vicissitude 2)

The second among the Unconquered Tattoo Combination Disciplines teaches the vampire how to
hold off devouring a soul. Instead of consuming the soul of another vampire, the Unconquered
Assamite stores the soul within his tattoo for a time. Thereafter that soul may be destroyed to
grant the Assamite Antitribu a slight chance in the face of certain death.

System: When the bearer of this mark commits Diablerie, they may opt to forgo the usual power
struggle and abandon the normal listed benefits for diablerie. If they do, they instead draw the
soul into their mark and hold it there in suspended agony. The tattoo will narratively adjust and
adopt qualities of the claimed soul appearing chained or bound. From then on if the Assamite
were to lose a challenge that would result in their death, they may call upon this soul for a one
time retest, similar to the Merit, Nine Lives (Laws of the Night Revised, pg 120). The Assamite may
have multiple retests on this challenge from multiple souls. Once consumed in this manner, the
tattoo reverts to normal and the Assamite must hunt once again. The Assamite may only claim
and hold as many souls in this way equal to half their Permanent Willpower.XP Cost: 10

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Graeme D. (1995) - C l a n b o o k : A s s a m i t e - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Clayton O. (2000) - C l a n b o o k : A s s a m i t e R e v i s e d - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Jason L., Michael B. L., Clayton O. (2000) - Va m p i r e t h e M a s q u e r a d e , D a r k A g e s : L i -

b e l l u s S a n g u i n i s I I I , Wo l v e s a t t h e D o o r - Clarkston, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Justin A., Bruce B., Clayton O., Ree S. (2000). - Mind’s Eye Theatre - L a w s o f t h e N i g h t -
S a b b a t G u i d e - Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Chris B., Matthew H., Alan K., Edward M., Duncan W. (2003). Mind’s Eye Theatre - Fa i t h a n d
F i r e . Stone Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Sarah R., C.A. Suleiman and Janet T. (2003) - C a i n e ’s C h o s e n : T h e B l a c k H a n d - Stone

Mountain, GA: White Wolf Publishing

Writers: Chase Jelliffe & Adam Sartori
Edited by: 2021 OWbN Team Documents
Layout Design: Marion Birdsell
Artwork: Caroline Berta, Tom Gordon & Royalty Free

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