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Second Edition


Research Librarian
Allen Allen & Hemsley, Sydney
Consultant, Australian Current Law



Law Librarian
University of Otago
Dunedin, New Zealand

Australian Law Librarians' Group
New South Wales Division

Published by: Australian Law Librarians' Group
New South Wales Branch
PO Box 78
St Paul's NSW 2031

Also available in and updated by Kavass, II & Prince, MM (eds) World dictionary of legal
abbreviations, Buffalo, NY, Hein, 1991 - (Looseleaf)

CF dedicates this to Karen and Hannah

AE dedicates this to Helen, Chris and Jon

National Library of Australia

Cataloguing - in - Publication entry

Fong, Colin
Australian and New Zealand legal abbreviations
2nd ed
ISBN 0 9591359 8 7

1. Law - Australia - Abbreviations. 2. Law - New Zealand - Abbreviations.

3. Law - Australia - Periodicals - Abbreviations of titles. 4. Law - New Zealand - Periodicals - Abbreviations of titles.
5. Citation of legal authorities - Australia. 6. Citation of legal authorities - New Zealand. I. Edwards, AJ (Alan J). II.
Australian Law Librarians' Group, New South Wales Division III. Title.


The University of New South Wales Law Library catalogued this work with the following Moys classification: K 112.

©Copyright. Not to be reproduced without permission of Colin Fong and Alan Edwards.

Cover design by Douglas Fong.


The list of abbreviations includes what is intended to be a comprehensive coverage of Australian and New Zealand legal
abbreviations. It began as a preliminary list in June 1979 (No. 32 ALLG Newsletter), was revised in July 1982 (No 50 ALLG
Newsletter), was separately published in 1986, and appeared with the present title in 1988. This edition represents almost a
hundred per cent increase in entries to the previous edition. Incorporated in the list are non-Australian and New Zealand
law journals which regularly carry Australian and New Zealand content and/or have Australians or New Zealanders serving
on their editorial/advisory boards or as correspondents. As well, a selected number of non-law periodicals which feature
articles of relevance to legal practice in Australia and New Zealand on a regular basis are included.

The work supplements such publications as Raistrick, D. Index to legal citations and abbreviations, 2nd ed, 1993; Bieber,
DM Dictionary of legal abbreviations used in American law books, 4th ed, 1993. This work should prove useful for
reference work and also for identifying items on publishers' invoices and union lists. Of particular interest are the small but
increasing references to electronic publications.

In most cases, the publishers' preferred abbreviations are used. In a small number of instances, where standard
abbreviations are not available, the compilers took the liberty of inventing them. However, there are now many newsletters
and other serials which have no recognised abbreviations. In some cases, more than one abbreviation is used. Ours is not
to reason why some non-standard abbreviations are used eg. Austl LJ by the Index to Legal Periodicals. Spaces have been
created between entries to allow for insertions. The majority of entries are of Australian origin. Where there is ambiguity,
New Zealand is indicated in parentheses.

The following is the accepted form of citation for unreported judgments, which are now heavily used in all kinds of legal
work and study. The generally accepted form (which enables one to order the judgment from the court registries) is:
names of parties/court name/ registry/registry filing number/
date of judgment/judge.

An example would be:

Fong v Edwards High Court, Dunedin, M320/87, 25 November 1987
Wiglet J.

This work was partly updated via regular correspondence on the Internet. We wish to acknowledge assistance from many
librarians in particular Jackie Patrick and law publishers in the preparation of this publication. Thanks to Deirdre Sutherland
and Maureen Yum of Allen Allen and Hemsley for "keying" in the text, and to the University of Otago for assistance with
Alan Edwards' contribution.

As to the next edition, we hope to publish this in the year 2000 when Sydney hosts the Summer Olympics and New Zealand
defends the America's Cup. However a 3rd edition print version may not eventuate if this work becomes available
electronically in the near future. Watch this space!

Colin Fong and Alan Edwards

14 September 1995
Page 4


Introduction iii

Publishers' abbreviations and addresses v

Abbreviations 1

Colour supplement in black and white 126



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- 9 -


Abbreviation Title Years Covered


AA Affirmative Action

AAI Australian Advocacy Institute (Established in 1991)

AAIC Australian Advertising Industry Council

AAGD Attorney-General's Dept (Australia) Lionel Murphy Library,


AALB Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt-

Found in Australian Administrative Law
Service Bulletin Volume. Bulletins No 1-44
were published 1979-1985 but were located in
Vol 1)

AAL Bull Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt-

see above for more details)

AALC Australian Army Legal Corps

AALD Australian Army Legal Department

AALR Australian Argus Law Reports (Butt - sometimes called

Argus Law Reports - cont'd as Australian Law Reports)

AANA Australian Association of National Advertisers

AANL Australian Association of Nurse Lawyers (Established

in 1994)

AAO Administrative Arrangements Order

AAR Administrative Appeals Reports (LBC) 1984-

AASE Listing Australian Associated Stock Exchanges

Manual Listing Manual (Next entry was the official
title) 1979-1987

AASE Official Australian Associated Stock Exchanges 1979-1987

Listing Official Listing Requirements. See ASX
Requirements Listing Rules for subsequent rules

AAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Cth, Vic or ACT)

- 10 -

AAT Decisions Administrative Appeals Tribunal Decisions & 1977-

& Reasons Reasons (Customs Agents' Institute of
Australia - Melbourne)

AATO Australian Taxation Office, National Office

Library, Canberra

AATR Administrative Appeals Tribunal Reports 1988-

(AAT Report (Vic) Pty Ltd)

AB Australian Business (Australian Consolidated 1980-1991

Press; succeeded by ABM; Fortnightly 1980-1987;
Weekly 1987-1991)

ABA Australian Broadcasting Authority (successor

to the ABT)

ABA Update ABA Update - Newsletter of the Australian 1992-

Broadcasting Authority

ABAG Australian Business Advisers Guide (CCH) 1991-

ABB Australian Bankruptcy Bulletin (Insolvency 1934-1988

Practitioners Association, Sydney. Changed to
Australian Insolvency Bulletin in 1989)

ABC Australian Bankruptcy Cases (LBC) 1928-1964

A'Beckett A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851

A'Beck Judg A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Victoria 1846-1851


A'Beck Res A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845


A'Beck Res A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851

A'Beck RJNSW A'Beckett, Reserved Judgments, New South Wales


A'Beck RJPP A'Beckett, Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip,

New South Wales 1846-1851

ABF Buddle Findlay (Auckland) Library

ABG Bell Gully Buddle Weir (Auckland) Library

ABK Australian Bankruptcy Legislation (CCH) 1989-

ABL Law for the Australian Businessman (CCH) 1972-1977

ABL Business Law Cases for Australians (CCH) 1978-1980

ABLD Australian Building Regulation Reporter (CCH) 1991-

- 11 -

ABLR Australian Business Law Review (LBC) 1973-

- 12 -

ABM Australian Business Monthly (Australian 1991-1995

Consolidated Press; succeeded Australian Business)

ABN Australian Bibliographic Network

(National Library of Australia)

Aborig LB Aboriginal Law Bulletin (Included with Legal

Services Bulletin. Also available as a 1981-
separate subscription)

ABR Australian Bar Review (Butt) 1985-

A'B Res A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851

Judgm (see also Shadford)

A'BRJ NSW A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845

A'BRJPP A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments, Port Phillip 1846-1851

ABS Australian Bureau of Statistics

ABSB Buying and Selling Businesses - Personal Property 1991-


ABT Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (superseded by ABA)

ABTEE ABTEE - Fortnightly Newsletter 1982-1992

(Australian Broadcasting Tribunal)

ABT Manual Australian Broadcasting Tribunal Manual 1984-1990

(AGPS; Also published in 1990 as a
monograph by the ABT)

ABUS Australian Business Law Manual (CCH) 1995-

A Bus L Rev Australian Business Law Review (LBC) 1973-

A Bus L Australian Business Lawyer (Law Council 1985-1989

of Australia)

AC Appeal Cases (UK; published Privy Council appeals 1875-

from Australia and NZ)

AC Arbitration Court (New Zealand)

ACA Australian Corporate Affairs Reporter (CCH) 1971-1982

ACA Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ)

ACAA Accident Compensation Appeal Authority (NZ)

ACAP Australian Capital Gains Tax Planner (CCH) 1989-

ACB Australian Customs Service, Library, Canberra

- 13 -

ACBL Corporate Business Law Report (CCH; formerly ACSL 1995-


ACC Australian Copyright Council

ACC Accident Compensation Corporation (formerly

Commission, NZ

ACC Australian Case Citator (LBC) 1983-

ACC Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - 1982-

See also ACLC, CCH CLC and CLC)

ACCA Australasian Current Case Annotator 1989-

(Pink Ribbon Publishing Co, Wilston, Qld)

ACCB Australian Copyright Council Bulletin 1973-

ACCC Australian Competition and Consumer Commis sion.

(Established in 1995 to succeed the Trade Practices
Commission and the Prices Surveillance Authority)

ACCG Australian Consumer Credit Law Guide (CCH) 1994-

ACCI Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry


ACCR Australian Corporations Court Rules (CCH) 1992-

ACC Report ACC Report (Accident Compensation Commission - 1976-1980

New Zealand)

ACDC Australian Commercial Disputes Centre (Sydney)

ACEL Australian Centre for Environmental Law (University

of Sydney, Australian National University, University
of Adelaide)

ACEPA Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency, Library,


ACICA Australian Centre for International Commercial

Arbitration (Melbourne)

ACILL Australian Construction Industry Law Letter (IBC; 1988-1989

changed to Australian Construction Law Bulletin 1990-)

ACIRRT Australian Centre for Industrial Relations

Research and Teaching

ACJ Alternative Criminology Journal 1975-1981

ACJ Acting Chief Justice

- 14 -

ACJ Judgments, etc, of the Arbitration Court 1979-1986

of New Zealand (Dept of Labour, continues
Judgments, etc of the Industrial Court
of New Zealand: See Ind Ct, continued
by New Zealand Industrial Law Reports)

ACL Australian Current Law (Butt - succeeded 1963-1990

by Australian Current Law Reporter and
Australian Current Law Legislation)

ACL Australian Current Law Reporter and 1991-

Legislation (Butt)

ACL Australian Companies & Securities 1987-1991

Legislation (CCH - this publication originally
issued in 1982 under the title, Australian
Companies Legislation)

ACL Australian Corporations and Securities 1992-

Legislation (CCH)

ACLA Australian Corporate Lawyers Association

ACL AT Australian Current Law Articles (Butt) 1980-1989

ACL (EP) Australian Current Law Reporter and Legislation

on Disk - Electronic Product (Butt)

ACLB Australian Construction Law Bulletin (IBC - formerly

Australian Construction Industry Law Letter

ACLB Australian Corporation Law Bulletin 1990-


ACL Bull Australian Current Law Bulletin (Butt) 1978-1990

ACLC Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - 1982-

see also ACC, CCH CLC and CLC)

ACLC Appendix to the Journals of the Legislative 1854-1950

Council (New Zealand)

ACLD Australian Current Law Digest (Butt - 1975-1990

Published with Australian Current Law)

ACL DT Australian Current Law Digest (Butt) 1975-1982

ACLF&P Australian Corporation Law - Forms and 1994-

Precedents (Butt - reprinted from the
Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms & Precedents,

ACLL Australian Corporation Law Legislation (Butt) 1991-

- 15 -

ACL Leg Australian Current Law Legislation (Butt) 1991-

- 16 -

ACLN Australian Construction Law Newsletter 1988-

(Construction Publications, Crows Nest NSW)

ACLPP Australian Corporation Law Principles and 1991-

Practice (Butt)

ACLR Australian Current Law Review (Butt) 1969-1971

ACLR Australian Company Law Reports (Butt - 1974-1989

Loose-leaf pages located in Paterson, W
and Ednie, H Australian company
law service, 2ed, Bulletin Volume, then from
1982 contained in booklets. Reprinted in
bound volumes)

ACLR Australian Construction Law Reporter (Master 1982-

Builders' Federation of Australia)

ACL Rep Australian Current Law Reporter (Butt) 1991-

ACL Rev Australian Current Law Review (Butt) 1969-1971

ACM Australians for Constitutional Monarchy

ACMB Appellate Court Minute Book (Maori Appellate

Court - NZ)

ACN Australian Company Number

ACN Australian Corporate News (CCH) 1995-

ACN Australian Customs Notice

ACNGT Advisory Committee on Novel Genetic Techniques (NZ)

ACO Australian Corporations & Securities Law 1992-

Reporter (CCH)

ACOM Arbitration Commission (NZ)

ACON Australian Contract Law Reporter (CCH) 1991-

ACON AIDS Council of New South Wales

ACP CCH Australian Company Law & Practice (CCH) 1981-1991

ACP Australian Corporation Practice (Butt) 1991-

ACPC Forum ACPC Forum: Australian Crime Prevention Council 1978-1983

Quarterly Journal (variant title Australian
Crime Prevention Council Journal)

ACPCQJ Australian Crime Prevention Council 1978-1983

Quarterly Journal (variant title Australian
Crime Prevention Council Journal)
- 17 -

ACPM Australian Corporate Practice Manual (CCH; formerly 1995-

Australian Company Secretarys Practice Manual 1978-1994)

ACR Australian Criminal Reports (LBC) 1978-

ACR Australian & New Zealand Conveyancing Report 1978-


ACRU Australian Securities Commission Releases (CCH) 1991-

A Crim R Australian Criminal Reports (LBC) 1978-

ACSCC Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Cases 1981-

(CCH - Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Consumer Sales and Credit Law Reporter)

AC & SJ Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors Journal 1948-1959


ACSL Australian Company Secretary's Letter (CCH - change 1982-1994

in title to Corporate Business Law Report 1995-)

ACSR Australian Corporations and Securities Reports 1990-

(Butt - succeeded ACLR)

ACT Australian Competition Tribunal

ACTLS Gaz Australian Capital Territory Law Society 1993-


ACTLS Australian Capital Territory Law Society 1972-1992

Newsletter Newsletter (now ACTLS Gazette)

ACTP Australian Accounts Preparation Manual (CCH) 1985-

ACTR Australian Capital Territory Reports (Butt - 1973-

published with Australian Law Reports)

ACTS Chapman Tripp Sheffield Young (Auckland)

Library & Information Centre

ACUS Australian Customs Law and Practice (CCH) 1990-

ACTU Australian Council of Trade Unions

ACV Accident Compensation Victoria 1987-

AD Australian Digest (LBC; 2ed 1963-1988;

3ed 1988-)

ADB Australian Digest Bulletin (LBC) 1982

ADB Anti-Discrimination Board

- 18 -

ADB-INK Anti-Discrimination Board Newsletter (NSW) 1980-1986

Newsletter (Change in title to Equal Time 1989-)

ADDB (LEC) Australian Drug Data Base (Law Enforcement


A Def R Australian Defamation Reports (Butt - located 1991-

in Tobin, TK & Sexton, MG Australian
Defamation Law and Practice)

Adelaide Law Adelaide Law Review 1960-


Adelaide LR Adelaide Law Review 1960-

Adel Law Rev Adelaide Law Review 1960-

Adel L R Adelaide Law Review 1960-

Adel L Rev Adelaide Law Review 1960-

ADIG CCH Tax Action Digest (CCH) 1984-

ADIR The Directors Manual (CCH) 1994-

ADIR Department of Industrial Relations (Australia)

Library, Canberra

ADJR Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth)

ADL Bull Australian Administrative Law Bulletin (Butt) 1985-

ADLS Auckland District Law Society

Admin App Administrative Appeals Tribunal (Federal, Victorian

Trib or ACT)

Admin Rev Admin Review (Administrative Review Council) 1984-

Admn Administration Appeals Tribunal Decisions 1984-1985

(CCH - Loose-leaf pages were located in
Australian Federal Administrative Law Reporter)

ADR Alternative Dispute Resolution

ADR Australian Design Rule

ADR Australian De Facto Relationships Law (CCH) 1985-

ADRJ Australian Dispute Resolution Journal (LBC) 1990-

ADRLJ Arbitration and Dispute Resolution Law Journal 1992-

(Lloyd's of London Press)

Advoc Advocate/Advocacy
- 19 -

AEB Australian Business & Estate Planning Reporter 1979-1991


AEC Australian Electoral Commission

AEC Australian Environmental Council (continued by ANZECC)

AEC Australian Electoral Office

AEFP Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt)

AEF&P Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents (Butt)

AEFPD Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

Desk Edition (Butt)

AEFPD(EP) Australian Encyclopaedia of Forms and Precedents

Desk Edition - Electronic Product (Butt)

AEG Australian Estate and Gift Duty Reporter (CCH) 1971-1980

AEGR Australian Estate and Gift Duty Cases (CCH) 1971-1980

AEL Australian Employment Legislation (CCH) 1984-

AELN Australian Environmental Law News (National 1988-

Environmental Law Association)

A&ELR Arts and Entertainment Law Review (LBC) 1992-

AEM Australian Employment Law Guide (CCH) 1984-

AENB Australian Enterprise Bargaining Manual (CCH) 1992-

AEOP Australian & New Zealand Equal Opportunity Law 1984-

& Practice (CCH)

AER Australian Environment Review (IBC - formerly 1991-

Australian Environment Management Review Newsletter

AF Federal Legislation Annotations (Butt)

AFA Advertising Federation of Australia

AFAM Australian Family Law Guide (CCH) 1985-

AFAR Australian Foreign Affairs Record (AGPS - 1973-1988

continued Current Notes on International
Affairs 1936-1972; succeeded by Backgrounder;

AFAX CCH Faxtax 1994-

AFB Australian Fringe Benefits Tax Guide for 1986-

Employers (CCH)
- 20 -
- 21 -

AFCH Australian Family Law - Court Handbook (CCH) 1989-

A Fem LJ Australian Feminist Law Journal (Australian 1993-

Feminist Law Foundation Inc, University of

AFIN Australian Finance Availability Guide (CCH) 1987-

AFIS Australian Financial Institutions Scheme (Butt) 1993-

AFIT Bulletin Australian Families Income Transfer Bulletin 1984-

(Australian Institute of Family Studies,

AFL Australian Family Law & Practice (CCH) 1975-

AFL Australian Family Lawyer (Journal of the 1985-

Family Law Section, Law Council of

AFLB Australian Family Law Bulletin (Butt) 1987-

AFLJ Australian Feminist Law Journal (Australian 1993-

Feminist Law Foundation Inc, University
of Melbourne)

AFP Australian Federal Police

AFP Australian Federal Police College, Library, Canberra

AFPD Australian Federal Police Digest (Australian

Federal Police College Library, Canberra)

AFPD Australian Federal Police Database

(the electronic version of the above via
Ozline and Austrom CD ROM)

AFR Australian Financial Review (John Fairfax 1951-

Group Pty Ltd)

AFT Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH - also 1969-

referred to as FTR)

AFTR Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH) 1969-

(The) Age The Age (newspaper) (David Syme & Co Ltd, 1855-

A-G Attorney-General

A-G Attorney-General's Newsletter (Victoria) 1985-


A-G's Attorney-General's (Department)

- 22 -

AGDD Australian Security Intelligence Organisation,

Information Resource Centre, Canberra

AGIS Attorney-General's Information Service 1974-

(Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department
Library; available on SCALE; Info-One; LEXIS;
Ozline; Kiwinet; Austrom CD ROM)

AGLA AGLA Bulletin: journal of the Australian 1986-

Government Lawyers' Association

AGLLJ Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal 1992-


AGS Australian Government Solicitors' Office

AHC High Court of Australia, Library, Canberra

AHF Australian High Court and Federal Court 1978-

Practice (or Cases) (CCH)

AHH Hesketh Henry Library (Auckland)

AHMLR Australian Health and Medical Law Reporter (CCH) 1988-

AHRM Human Resources Management (CCH - continued 1993-

Personnel Management News)

AIAL Australian Institute of Administrative Law

(Canberra, formed in 1989)

AIALF Australian Institute of Administrative Law 1993-


AIALFN Australian Institute of Administrative Law 1989-


AIB Australian Insolvency Bulletin (formerly 1989-

ABB 1934-1988)

AIC Australian Institute of Criminology (Canberra)

AIC Australian Institute of Criminology, JV Barry Library,


AIC Seminar Australian Institute of Criminology Seminar 1983-

Proceedings Proceedings

AID Australian Industrial Digest (Butt) 1994-

AIDA International Association for Insurance Law

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AIFS Australian Institute of Family Studies

- 23 -

AIFS Australian Institute of Forensic Sciences (Sydney)

AIJA Australian Institute of Judicial Administration

(Melbourne; Established in 1982)

AIL Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH since 1976) 1959-

AILA Australian Insurance Law Association (Formed in 1983)

AILN Australian International Law News (University 1984-

of Technology, Sydney, School of Law for the
International Law Association - Australian Branch)

AILR Australian Indigenous Law Reporter (IBC) 1995-

AILR Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH since 1976) 1959-

AIN Australian & New Zealand Insurance Reporter 1979-


AIPC Australian Intellectual Property Cases (CCH - 1982-

Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Industrial & Intellectual Property)

AIPJ Australian Intellectual Property Journal (LBC - 1992-

formerly Intellectual Property Journal)

AIPL Annual of Industrial Property Law (European 1975-1979

Law Centre, London)

AIPLB Australian Intellectual Property Law 1988-

Bulletin (IBC - formerly Intellectual Property)

AIPO Australian Industrial Property Organisation

(incorporating the Patent, Trade Marks and Design Offices
in 1992)

AIPO Australian Industrial Property Organisation, Library,


AIRC Australian Industrial Relations Commission

AIR Immigration Review Tribunal, Library, Canberra

Air & Space L Air and Space Law (Kluwer, Deventer, The 1976-
Netherlands, formerly Air Law 1976-1991)

Air L Air Law (Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands) 1976-1991

AISHWC Australian Industrial Safety, Health and 1979-

Welfare Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf pages
located in Australian Industrial Safety,
Health and Welfare Reporter)

AISP Australian Insolvency Management Practice (CCH) 1984-

- 24 -

AITB Australian Income Tax Bills (CCH - originally 1993-

issued in 1990 as Australian Federal Tax Reporter
Vol 11)

AITG Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH - also 1969-

referred to as ATG; ITG)

AITL & P Australian Income Tax Law and Practice (Butt - 1975-1991
replaced by Australian Tax Practice Commentary

AITR Australian and New Zealand Income Tax Reports 1937/

(Cont'd as Australasian Tax Reports) 1940-1969

AIVLE Australian Institute of Valuers and Land Economists

AIX Australian International Tax Agreements (CCH) 1982-

AJ Acting Justice or Judge

AJAT CCH Journal of Australian Taxation (CCH) 1989-

AJ Admin L Australian Journal of Administrative Law (LBC) 1993-

AJC Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 1968-


AJCL Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Butt) 1991-

AJEM Australian Journal of Environmental Management 1994-


AJFL Australian Journal of Family Law (Butt) 1986-

AJLL Australian Journal of Labour Law (Butt) 1988-

AJFS Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences (Australian 1968-

Academy of Forensic Sciences, Sydney)

AJHR Appendix to the Journals of the House of 1858-

Representatives (New Zealand)

AJHR Australian Journal of Human Rights (Human 1994-

Rights Centre, Faculty of Law, University
of New South Wales)

AJLS Australian Journal of Law and Society 1982-

(Macquarie University)

AJNRLP Australasian Journal of Natural Resources 1994-

Law and Policy (University of Wollongong)

AJPA Australian Journal of Public Administration 1976-

(formerly Public Administration 1937-1975)

AJR Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874

- 25 -
- 26 -

AJR (NC) Australian Jurist Reports (Notes of Cases) (Vic) 1870-1874

AJSH Journal of Occupational Health and Safety - 1985-

Australia & New Zealand (CCH)

A Jur Rep Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874

AL Administrative Law Service (Butt) 1979-

AL Air Law (Kluwer, The Netherlands; change in 1975-1991

title to Air and Space Law from 1992)

AL Asia Law (Asia Law & Practice Ltd/Euromoney, HK) 1994-

AL Auckland District Law Society Library

AL News Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; 1977-1992

succeeded by Australian Lawyer 1993-)

ALAA Papers Aviation Law Association of Australia Papers 1981-

ALAB Laboratory Safety Manual (CCH) 1994-

ALC Aboriginal Legal Centre (University of New

South Wales)

ALAC Alcoholic Liquor Advisory Council (New Zealand)

ALB Aboriginal Law Bulletin (Included with Legal 1981-

Services Bulletin/Alternative Law Journal.
Also available as a separate subscription)

ALCA Arts Law Centre of Australia (Sydney)

ALCF Australian Law Council Foundation

ALCF Australian Lawyers' Christian Fellowship

ALD Administrative Law Decisions (Butt - 1976-

Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Administrative Law Service, Vol 2, from 1987
published as booklets)

ALEC Australian Industrial & Intellectual Property 1983-


ALGPED Australian Local Government Planning and 1994-

Environment Digest (Butt)

ALJ Australian Law Journal (LBC) 1927-

ALJR Australian Law Journal Reports (LBC) 1958-

All ER All England Law Reports (Butt) 1936-

ALLG Australian Law Librarians' Group (Founded in 1969)

- 27 -
- 28 -

ALLG Australian Law Librarians' Group Newsletter 1973-1992

Newsletter (Succeeded by the Australian Law Librarian)

ALLI Australasian Legal Literature Index (Monash 1985-

University also via LEXIS; AARNet; Citec; Kiwinet)

ALLR Australian Labour Law Reporter (CCH) 1978-

ALMD Australian Legal Monthly Digest (LBC) 1967-

ALMD Advance ALMD Advance (LBC) 1993-

ALN Administrative Law Notes (Butt - 1977-1986

Loose-leaf pages were located in Australian
Administrative Law Service, Vol 2. From
Vol 12 incorporated within ALD)

ALN Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; 1977-1992

succeeded by Australian Lawyer 1993-)

ALPD Australian Legal Profession Digest (Law

Council of Australia)

ALR Argus Law Reports (Butt) 1895-1959

(Cont'd by next item)

ALR Australian Argus Law Reports (Butt) 1960-1973

(Cont'd by next item)

ALR Australian Law Reports (Butt) 1973-

ALR Adelaide Law Review 1960-

ALR (CN) Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1958

ALRA Australian Lawyers for Refugees Association

ALRC Australian Law Reform Commission

ALRC DP Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion 1973-


ALRC Australian Law Reform Commission Discussion Paper 1973-


AL Rep Australian Law Reporter (Butt) 1994-

ALRM Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement

ALS Aboriginal Legal Service

ALSA Australasian Law Students Association

- 29 -

ALSA Journal Australasian Law Students Association Journal 1988-1989

(Previous conference proceedings such as 1986 -
were also known as ALSA Journal)

ALT Australian Law Times 1879-1928

ALT Australasian Law Times (Business Link, Sydney) 1993

ALTA Australasian Law Teachers Association (formerly AULSA)

ALTC Lawyers Tax Companion (CCH) 1994-

Alt LJ Alternative Law Journal (formerly Legal 1992-

Services Bulletin)

ALTS Automated Land Titles System

ALVE Australian Leave & Holidays Practice Manual 1981-


ALWG Australian Legal Workers Group (NSW) 1980-1981

Newsletter Newsletter

AMIC Australian Mining Industrial Council (change to Minerals

Council of Australia, 1995)

AMCM Marketers Compliance Manual (CCH) 1994-

AMED Australian Health & Medical Law Reporter (CCH) 1988-

AMLB Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices 1984-

Law Bulletin (IBC - previously known as
Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin 1984-86;
Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices
Advertising and Marketing Law Bulletin 1986-1990)

AMLR Australian Media Law Reporter (IBC) 1993-

AMPLA Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Association

Limited (Melbourne)

AMPLA AMPLA Bulletin (Australian Mining and 1982-

Bulletin Petroleum Law Association Bulletin)

AMPLA Journal Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal 1977-1982

(succeeded by AMPLA Yearbook)

AMPLA Australian Mining and Petroleum Law 1983-

Yearbook Association Yearbook

AMPLJ Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Journal 1977-1982

(Succeeded by AMPLA Yearbook)

AMPLY Australian Mining and Petroleum Law Association 1983-

- 30 -

AN New South Wales Statutes Annotations (Butt)

ANB Australian National Bibliography (National 1961-

Library of Australia)

ANC New South Wales Conveyancing Law & Practice 1980-


ANCP New South Wales Local Courts Civil Practice 1989-


ANDX Research Manual of Industrial Law (CCH - formerly 1995-

Australian Industrial Law Index 1978-1994)

aNiMaLs National Media Liaison Service (Canberra)

ANL National Library of Australia (Canberra)

ANLX New South Wales Land Tax (CCH) 1984-

ANMA New South Wales Motor Accidents Practitioners 1992-

Handbook (CCH)

Ann Law Annual Law Review (Continued as Univ of 1948-1959

Review West Aust Law Review)

Ann Surv of Annual Survey of Australian Law (LBC, from 1992 1981-
Aust Law published by Adelaide Law Review Association
formerly Annual Survey of Law)

Ann Surv Annual Survey of Law (LBC - Superseded by 1977-1980

of Law Annual Survey of Australian Law)

ANRU New South Wales Revenue Rulings (CCH) 1980-

ASEC Australian Corporate Practice Manual (CCH - 1995-

Formerly LSEC)

ANST New South Wales Strata and Community Titles 1979-

Law (CCH - formerly New South Wales Strata Title
Law & Practice 1986-1990)

Antitrust Antitrust Bulletin (Federal Legal Publications, 1956-

Bull Inc - USA)

ANZALS Australian and New Zealand Association of Law Schools

ANZAPPL Australian and New Zealand Association of Psychiatry,

Psychology and Law

ANZCERTA Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Relations

- Trade Agreement

ANZECC Australian and New Zealand Environment and

Conservation Council (continues AEC)
- 31 -

ANZC Hals Australian and New Zealand Commentary on 1974-1993

Halsbury's Laws of England (4th ed) (Butt)

ANZ ConvR Australian and New Zealand Conveyancing 1979-

Report (CCH)

ANZ Insurance Australian and New Zealand Insurance Cases 1979-

Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf pages located in
Australian and New Zealand Insurance
Reporter, Vol 2)

ANZJC Australian and New Zealand Journal of 1968-

Criminology (Butt)

ANZJ Crim Australian and New Zealand Journal of 1968-

Criminology (Butt)

ANZJ of Crim see ANZJ Crim

anz law - The Internet address for Australian and New

librarians Zealand university law librarians discussion lists


anz law - The Internet address for Australian and New

librarians - Zealand law librarians discussion lists
one @

ANZ Legal Australian and New Zealand Legal Speeches 1994-

Speeches (Legal Bulletin Service)

ANZLIC Australia New Zealand Land Information Council

(until 1991 as ALIC - Australian Land Information

ANZMEC Australian and New Zealand Mining and Energy


ANZSIC Australian and New Zealand Standard Industrial 1993-

Classification (ABS, Canberra)

ANZSIL Australian and New Zealand Society of International


ANZSLA Australian and New Zealand Sports Law Association


ANZSLA ANZSLA Newsletter (Australian and New 1991-

Newsletter Zealand Sports Law Association, Melbourne)

ANZUS Australia - New Zealand - United States of

America Treaty

AOJD Australian Official Journal of Designs 1987-

AOJP Australian Official Journal of Patents 1931-1987

- 32 -

Trade Marks and Designs

- 33 -

AOJP Australian Official Journal of Patents 1987-

AOJPTMD Australian Official Journal of Patents 1931-1987

Trade Marks and Designs

AOJTM Australian Official Journal of Trade Marks 1987-

AOPM Office of Parliamentary Counsel, Library, Canberra

AP Acts of the Australian Parliament (Butt - code for

their subscriptions)

APA Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993

APAD Australian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC) 1982-1993

APAIS Australian Public Affairs Information Service 1945-

(National Library of Australia; Available online
and on Austrom CD-ROM)

APAM Australian Payroll Administration Manual (CCH)

APC Australian Press Council

APCL Asian Pacific Commercial Lawyer (Oyez 1984-

Longman, UK)

APCLR Asia-Pacific Construction Law Reports 1992-

(Butt, Singapore; 1992 published 1994)

APEC Asia Pacific Economic Co-Operation (forum)

APJ Australian Police Journal 1946-

APJHR Asian Pacific Journal of Human Resources 1962-

APL Australian Pollution Law: Control Volume (CCH) 1990-

APLA Australian Plaintiff Lawyers Association

APLA Journal Asia-Pacific Lawyers Association Journal 1987-

(C/- 5th Floor, Korea Re-Insurance Building,
80, Soosong-Dong, Chongre-ku, Seoul, Korea)

APLB Australian Property Law Bulletin (IBC) 1986-

APLEC Australasian Professional Legal Education Council

APLJ Australian Property Law Journal (Butt) 1992-

APLR Asia Pacific Law Review (Longman; Hong Kong) 1992-

APLR Australian Product Liability Reporter (IBC) 1989-

APLTR Asian Pacific Law and Tax Review (Oyez 1983-1985

Longman, UK)
- 34 -
- 35 -

APM Australian Personnel Management (CCH - succeeded 1977-1993

by AHRM 1993-)

APN Australian Pollution Law: New South Wales (CCH) 1990-

A Pol J Australian Police Journal 1947-

App Ct Rep See NZCA


APPL Court of Appeal Judgments (Full text database, 1982-

available on Kiwinet)


APRCTL Asian Pacific Review of Computers Technology 1984-1985

and the Law (Longman/Prospect - Superseded by

APS Australian Protective Service

AP Tax CCH Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation 1988-1992

AP Tax & Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin 1983-

Invest (Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Research
Bull Centre, Singapore)

APTIRC Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment Bulletin 1983-

Bulletin (Asian-Pacific Tax and Investment
Research Centre, Singapore)

APV Australian Pollution Law: Victoria (CCH) 1990-

APY Australian Pay-roll Tax Manual (CCH) 1979-

AQ Australian Quarterly (Australian Institute 1929-

of Political Science)

AQ Queensland Legislation Case Annotations (Butt -

code for their subscriptions)

AQC Queensland Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH) 1982-

AR Industrial Arbitration Reports (NSW) 1902-

AR Argus Reports, Victoria 1895-1959

AR (NSW) Industrial Arbitration Reports (NSW) 1902-

Arb Ct See ACJ

Arbitrator Arbitrator (Journal of the Institute of 1981-

Arbitrators Australia, formerly known as The
Institute of Arbitrators Australia Journal)
- 36 -

ARC Administrative Review Council (Canberra)

ARC Avoidance and Resolution of Conflict Group


Arg LR Argus Law Reports 1895-1959

Arg Rep Argus Law Reports 1895-1959

Argus LR Argus Law Reports 1895-1959

Argus LR (CN) Argus Law Reports (Current Notes) 1895-1958

ARM Australian Republican Movement

ARRC Aboriginal Research and Resource Centre

(University of New South Wales)

ARTG Recruitment and Termination Guide (CCH) 1994-

ARU Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet & Co Library,


ASAL Annual Survey of Australian Law (LBC - from 1976-

1992 published by the Adelaide Law Review Association;
Formerly Annual Survey of Law 1976-1980)

ASC Australian Securities Commission. Successor to the NCSC

ASC Australian Consumer Sales and Credit Law 1978-

Reporter (or Cases) (CCH - Loose-leaf
pages in Australian Consumer Sales and
Credit Law Reporter, Vol 2)

ASC Advertising Standards Council

ASC Law Courts of the ACT, Russell Fox Library, Canberra

ASC Digest ASC Digest (Australian Securities Commission/Centre 1991-

for Professional Development)

ASCL Annual Survey of Commonwealth Law (Butt) 1965-1975

ASCO Australian Standard Classification of Occupations 1986-

(ABS, Canberra)

ASC Rel Australian Securities Commission Media Releases 1991-

(contained in the ASC Digest)

ASD Australian Sentencing Digest (LBC) 1985-

ASDL Australian Stamp Duties Law (Butt) 1993-

ASF Australian Securitisation Forum (Sydney)

ASFL Australian State Family Law Legislation (CCH) 1986-

- 37 -
- 38 -

ASH Australian Industrial Safety, Health & Welfare 1979-


ASILS Association of Student International Law Societies

ASILS Int'l LJ ASILS International Law Journal - continued 1977-1986

by ILSA Journal of International Law 1987- )

ASIO Australian Security Intelligence Organisation

ASIS Australian Security Intelligence Service

ASJB Australian Sentencing Judgments Bulletin 1989-

ASL Annual Survey of Law (LBC - Change in title 1976-1980

to Annual Survey of Australian Law. From 1992
published by the Adelaide Law Review Association)

ASLB Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin (IBC) 1990-

ASLC Australian Securities Law Cases (CCH - Loose- 1971-

leaf pages in Australian Securities Law

ASLP Australian Society of Legal Philosophy 1977-

Bulletin Bulletin (University of Sydney, Dept of
Jurisprudence and International Law)

ASLP Australian Society of Legal Philosophy (Sydney)

ASLP Australian Society of Legal Philosophy 1960-1965

Proceedings Proceedings (continued by University of Sydney.
Institute for Advanced Studies in Jurisprudence.
Materials for Post-graduate Studies 1966-1976)

ASM Australian Superannuation Source Materials (CCH) 1991-

ASMA ASMA: Official journal of the Australian Stipendiary 1978-

Magistrates' Association

ASN Australian Super News (CCH) 1995-

ASP Australian Superannuation Law & Practice 1978-

(CCH; formerly Australian Superannuation &
Employment Benefits Guide)

ASR Australian Securities Law Reporter (CCH) 1972-

ASS Australian Social Security Guide (CCH) 1984-

ASSC Australian Social Security Cases (CCH - 1984-

Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Social Security Guide, Vol 2)

Assess Ct Assessment Court (NZ)

- 39 -

ASTC Australian Sales Tax Cases (CCH - Loose- 1973-

leaf pages located in Australian Sales
Tax Guide, Vol 2)

ASTM Australian Stamp Duties (CCH - succeeded 1985-1991


ASTN New South Wales and ACT Stamp Duties (CCH) 1991-

ASTQ Queensland Stamp Duties (CCH) 1991-

ASTS South Australia & Northern Territory 1991-

Stamp Duties (CCH)

ASTV Victoria and Tasmania Stamp Duties (CCH) 1991-

ASTW Western Australia Stamp Duties (CCH) 1991-

ASX Australian Stock Exchange

ASX Listing Australian Stock Exchange Main Board Official 1987-

Rules Listing Rules

ASX Second Australian Stock Exchange (Sydney) Limited 1989-1990

Board Official Listing Rules for Second Board
Listing Companies

AT Australian Current Law Digest Articles (Butt - 1980-1989

Included in Australian Current Law)

ATAX University of New South Wales. Australian Taxation

Studies Program (Began in 1993)

ATC Australian Tax Cases (CCH - From 1986 1969-

included Administrative Appeals Tribunal

ATD Australasian Tax Decisions (LBC - reprinted 1943-1969

by CCH during 1982-83)

ATD Australian Tax Decisions (LBC - reprinted 1930-1942

by CCH during 1982-83. CCH labelled their
reprint Australian Tax Decisions, though on
the original volumes, Vol 7-15 the title
page had Australasian Tax Decisions)

ATDM Australian & New Zealand Training & Development 1992-

Management Manual (CCH)

ATF Australian Tax Forum (Monash University 1984-

Faculty of Law and Centre of Policy Studies)

ATG Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH - also 1969-

referred to as AITG; ITG)
- 40 -

ATL Australian Income Tax Legislation (CCH) 1976-

ATM Australian Tax Monitor (Prospect - formerly 1986

published as the Busy Tax Practitioners Digest)

ATN Australian Torts News (CCH - started from 1995-

service no. 108 of the Australian Torts

ATO Australian Taxation Office

ATOP Australian Taxation Office Practice (IBC) 1986-1989

ATOR Australian Torts Reporter (CCH) 1984-

ATO Rulings Australian Taxation Office Rulings & Guidelines

& Guidelines (Reproduced in Australian Income Tax Australian
Taxation Office Rulings & Guidelines - Butt
and Australian Income Tax Rulings - CCH)

ATP Australian Trade Practices Reporter (CCH) 1972-

ATP Trade Practices Commission (Australia) Library,


ATP Com Australian Tax Practice Commentary (Butt) 1991-

ATP Leg Australian Tax Practice Legislation (Butt) 1993-

ATPR Australian Trade Practices Reports (CCH - 1974-

Loose-leaf pages also included: Trade Practices
Commission. Authorisations and clearances
(up to 1977) then notifications. Prices
Justification Tribunal Decisions, ceased
in 1981. Located in Australian Trade
Practices Reporter, Vol 2)

ATPR (Com) Australian Trade Practices Reporter Commission 1974-

Decisions (CCH). See information for ATPR

ATPR (Digest) Australian Trade Practices Reports Cases and 1985-

Decisions Digest (CCH)

ATR Australasian Tax Reports (Butt - from 1987 1969-1990

included Administrative Appeal Tribunal

ATR Australian Tax Reports (Butt - formerly 1991-

Australasian Tax Reports Vols 1-20

AT Rev Australian Tax Review (LBC) 1971-

ATRF Australian Tax Research Foundation (Sydney)

- 41 -

ATRF Australian Tax Research Foundation 1983-

Conference Conference series

ATRF Tax Australian Tax Research Foundation Tax Matters 1983-

Matters Newsletter

ATRF Australian Tax Research Foundation 1983-

Occasional Occasional Paper

ATRU Australian Income Tax Rulings (CCH) 1983-

ATS Antarctic Treaty System

ATS Australian Treaty Series (Australia Dept 1948-

of Foreign Affairs & Trade)

ATSIC Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission,

Library, Canberra

ats At the suit of

ATTA Australasian Tax Teachers Association

Atty-Gen Attorney-General

ATW CCH Tax Week 1994-

AUDT Australian Audit Manual (CCH) 1993-

AUL Davis Law Library, University of Auckland

AULR Auckland University Law Review 1967-

AULSA Australian Universities Law School Association

(Succeeded by ALTA)

AULSA Australasian Universities Law Schools

Conference Association Conference Proceedings (Change
Proceedings in title to Australasian Law Teachers Association)

AUSDOC Australian Document Exchange Pty Ltd

AUSIMM Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy


Aust Acc Australian Accountant (Australian Society 1936-

of Accountants, Melbourne)

Aust Australian Accountant (Australian Society of 1936-

Acctnt Accountants, Melbourne)

Aust Bankr Australian Bankruptcy Cases (LBC) 1928-1964

- 42 -
- 43 -

Aust Bar Gaz Australian Bar Gazette (LBC - formerly, 1963-1970

The Bar Gazette 1961-1963)

Aust Bar Rev Australian Bar Review (Butt) 1985-

Aust Bus Australian Business Law Review (LBC) 1973-

L Rev

Aust Bus Australian Business Lawyer (Business Law 1985-1989

Lawyer Section of the Law Council of Australia)

Aust Bus Rev Australian Business Law Review (LBC) 1973-

Aust CL Rev Australian Current Law Review (Butt) 1969-1971

Aust Comp Law Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - ACLC 1982-
Cases preferred)

Aust Contract Australian Contract Reports (CCH - looseleaf 1991-

Reports pages contained in Australian Contract Law

Aust Conv Sol Australian Conveyancer and Solicitors' Journal 1948-1959

J (Butt - Cont'd as Australian Lawyer)

Aust Copyright Australian Copyright Council Bulletin 1973-

Aust Copyright Australian Copyright Council Bulletin 1973-

Cncl Bull

Aust Corp Law Australian Corporate Lawyer (Australian Corporate 1985-

Lawyers Association)

Aust Crim & Australian and New Zealand Journal of 1968-

NZJ Criminology (Butt)

Aust DFA Australia: Dept of Foreign Affairs. 1948-

Treaty Treaty Series

Aust Digest Australian Digest (LBC - 2nd ed 1963-88; 3rd ed 1988-)

Aust Director Australian Director (Institute of Directors 1971-1989

in Australia, Sydney)

Aust HC & Fed Australian High Court and Federal Court Practice 1978-
Ct Prac (CCH)

AUSTEL Australian Telecommunications Authority (Melbourne;

Operational from 1 July 1989)

Aust ER Australian Environment Review (IBC) 1984-

Aust Ind LR Australian Industrial Law Review (CCH) 1959-

Aust JCL Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Butt) 1991-

- 44 -
- 45 -

Aust J For Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 1968-

Sci (Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences, Sydney)

Aust J of L & Soc Australian Journal of Law and Society 1982-

(Macquarie University)

Aust Jnl of Australian Journal of Corporate Law (Butt) 1991-

Corp Law

Aust Jnl of Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences 1968-

Forensic (Australian Academy of Forensic Sciences,
Sciences Sydney)

Aust Jnl of Australian Journal of Social Issues 1961-

Social (Australian Council of Social Service,
Issues Canberra; 1961-1975 irregular then quarterly

Aust Jur Australian Jurist 1870-1874

Aust Jur Australian Jurist Reports (Vic) 1870-1874

Aust J Leg Hist Australian Journal of Legal History 1995-

(Adelaide Law Review Association)

Aust LJ Australian Law Journal (LBC) 1927-

Aust LL Australian Law Librarian (formerly the Australian 1993-

Law Librarians' Group Australian Newsletter 1973-92)

Austl LJ Australian Law Journal (LBC) 1927-

Aust LN Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia) 1977-1992

Aust LT (Vic) Australian Law Times (Victoria) 1879-1928

Aust Law Australian Lawyer (Butt) 1960-1969

Aust Law News Australian Law News (Law Council of Australia; 1977-
now Australian Lawyer)

Aust Lawyer Australian Lawyer (Butt) 1960-1969

Aust Lawyer Australian Lawyer (Law Council of 1993-

Australia, formerly Australian Law News)

Aust LII Australasian Legal Information Institute

(a legal research facility on the Internet jointly
established by the University of New South
Wales and the University of Technology -
Web site is:

Aust LP Australian Legal Practice (Law Council 1988-

of Australia; formerly The Legal Manager)
- 46 -

Aust & NZJ Australian and New Zealand Journal of 1968-

Crim Criminology (Butt)

Aust NZJ See ANZJ Crim


Aust Pol J Australian Police Journal 1947-

AUSTRAC Australian Transaction Reports and Analysis


AUSTRADE Australian Trade Commission

Aust Super Rev Australian Super Review (Reed Business Publishing; 1986-1994
succeeded by Super Review 1994-)

Aust Tax D Australasian/Australian Tax Decisions 1930-1969

(LBC - reprinted by CCH during 1982-83)

Aust Tax Rev Australian Tax Review (LBC) 1971-

Aust Torts Australian Torts Reports (CCH - Loose leaf 1984-

Reports pages located in Australian Torts Reporter
Vol 2)

Australasian Gay Australasian Gay and Lesbian Law Journal 1991-

& Lesbian LJ (Federation)

Australian Australian Feminist Law Journal 1993-

Feminist Law (Australian Feminist Law Foundation Inc,
Journal University of Melbourne)

Aust Yr Bk IL Australian Year Book of International Law 1965-

(formerly Butt, now Australian National

Austral Off Australian Official Journal of Patents 1904-1986

J Pat Trade Marks and Designs

(The) The Australian (newspaper) (Nationwide News 1964-

Australian Pty Ltd, Surry Hills NSW 2010)

Australian Australian Law Journal (LBC) 1927-

Law Jnl

AV Victorian Statutes Annotations (Butt)

AVC Victorian Conveyancing Law & Practice (CCH) 1981-

AVCP Victoria Civil Procedure Updater (CCH - this 1987-1988

looseleaf publication was designed for use with
the then annual bound book, Victoria Civil Procedure)

AVCP Victoria Court Practice (CCH) 1988-

AVO Apprehended Violence Order

- 47 -
- 48 -

AVST Australian Investment Planning Guide (CCH) 1985-

AVW Victorian Accident Compensation Practice Guide 1985-

(CCH - looseleaf pages include Victorian Workers
Compensation Cases and Victorian Motor Accident
Cases in Vol 2)

AWCCD Australian Workers Compensation Case Digests 1984-

(CCH - Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Workers Compensation Guide)

AWK Australian Workers Compensation Guide (CCH) 1984-

AWP Australian Legal Words and Phrases (Butt) 1993-

AXT Australian Sales Tax Guide (CCH) 1973-

AYBIL Australian Year Book of International Law 1965-

(formerly Butt, now Australian National
- 49 -


BA Book of Awards (ie Awards, Recommendations, 1894-1991

Agreements etc. Made under the Industrial
Conciliation and Arbitration Act, New
Zealand) (Department of Labour)

BAB Barristers' Admission Board

BA (JS) Bachelor of Arts in Justice Studies (Queensland

University of Technology)

Bar Gaz Bar Gazette (NSW) (Succeeded by Australian 1961-1963

Bar Gazette 1963-1970)

Bar News Bar News - journal of the NSW Bar 1985-


BASLP Bulletin of the Australian Society of Legal 1977-

Philosophy (University of Sydney, Dept of
Jurisprudence and International Law)

BBS Electronic Bulletin Boards

BC New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899

BCA Building Code of Australia

BCA Business Council of Australia (Melbourne)

BCA(EP) BCAider - Electronic Product (Butt)

BCB Business Council Bulletin (Business Council 1983-

of Australia; formerly Bulletin/Australian
Industries Development Association 1968-1983)

BCB Butterworths Conveyancing Bulletin (New 1982-


BCCB Butterworths Consumer Credit Bulletin 1994-

BCI Bureau of Criminal Intelligence

BCL Bachelor of Civil Law

BCL Bachelor of Civil Law (University of Queensland)

BCL Building and Construction Law (LBC) 1985-

BCL Butterworths Current Law (New Zealand) 1969-

BCLB Butterworths Company Law Bulletin 1986-1989

BCLB Butterworths Corporation Law Bulletin (Butt) 1990-

- 50 -
- 51 -

BCLD Butterworths Current Law Digest (New Zealand) 1979/83-

BCLR Bulletin of Comparative Labour Relations 1975-

(Kluwer, Deventer, The Netherlands; originally
annual in 1973 then Bulletin 1976-)

BCLRS Building & Construction Legal Reporting Service 1978-1988

(Australian Federation of Construction

BC (NSW) Bankruptcy Cases (NSW) 1890-1899

BCR Butterworths Company Reports (New Zealand, 1970-1990

Continued as Morison's Company Law Reports)

BDS Bills Digest Service (Australia Dept of the 1977-

Parliamentary Library, Canberra)

BDS Bills Digest Service (NSW Parliamentary 1993-

Library, Sydney)

Beor Queensland Law Reports, by Beor 1876-1878

BFLJ Butterworths Family Law Journal (Butt - NZ 1993-

continues Family Law Bulletin)

BIA Broadcasting in Australia (Australian 1988

Broadcasting Tribunal)

BIA Building Industry Authority (NZ)

BIFD Bulletin for International Fiscal 1947-

Documentation (International Bureau of
Fiscal Documentation, Amsterdam)

BITB Butterworths International Tax Bulletin 1995-

BJ Bachelor of Jurisprudence

B Juris Bachelor of Jurisprudence

BJIB & FL Butterworths Journal of International Banking 1986-

and Finance Law (UK)

Bk Aw See BA

Blackacre Blackacre (Sydney University Law Society) 1924-

BLA Bachelor of Law and Administration (University

of Newcastle)

BLB Australian Banking Law Bulletin (IBC) 1985-

BLD Bulletin of Legal Developments (British 1966-1985

Institute of International and Comparative
Law, London)
- 52 -
- 53 -

BLEC Business Law Education Centre (Melbourne)

B Leg S Bachelor of Legal Science (Macquarie University)

BLEX By-law for Export Scheme

BLR Building Law Reports (Longman, UK) 1976-

BLS Bachelor of/in Legal Studies

Board of Decisions of the Income Tax Board of Review 1925-1951

Review (Commonwealth Government Printer; Title varied
Decisions with Decisions of the Board of Review; succeeded
by TBRD (LBC) 1951-1968 and CTBR(NS) 1952-1987)

Bond LR Bond Law Review (Bond University) 1989-

BPR Butterworths Property Reports 1982-

BR Broadcasting Reports (LBC) 1979-

BRA Building Regulation Australia (Butt) 1992-

BRB Butterworths Bill of Rights Bulletin 1994-


Brief Brief (Law Society of Western Australia) 1974-

Briefnotes Briefnotes (Public Solicitor's Office, NSW) 1978-

BRMB Butterworths Resource Management Bulletin 1994-

(New Zealand)

BRMG Brooker's Resource Management Gazette 1994-

(Brooker's; New Zealand)

BRM Gazette See BRMG

BRRU Business Regulations Review Unit

BRW Business Review Weekly (BRW Group, Melbourne) 1981-

BSAB Barristers' and Solicitors Admission Board

BSB Butterworths Superannuation Bulletin 1988-

BSE Broadcasting Services (Events) Notice (Made under

Broadcasting Services Act 1992 (Cth) subsection 115(1)

BTPD Busy Tax Practitioner's Digest 1984-1985

(Longman/Prospect, renamed the Australian Tax
Monitor 1986)

BTG Butterworths Tax Guide (Butt)

- 54 -

BU&GTC Building Units and Group Titles cases (CCH - 1980-

Looseleaf pages in Queensland Unit and Group
Titles Law and Practice Vol. 3)

Build L R Building Law Reports (Longman, UK) 1976-

Bull Int Bulletin of International Fiscal Documentation 1947-

Fiscal Doc

Bus L Business and Law (NZ) 1966

Business Law Business Law Section Bulletin (Law Council 1982-

Section of Australia)

Business L Business Law Review (Graham & Trotman Ltd - 1980-

Review UK)

BWP Bulletin of Words and Phrases (Lightoir Holdings 1992-

Pty Ltd t/a Legal Bulletin Service)

BWT Bull Butterworths Weekly Tax Bulletin (Butt) 1985-

- 55 -


CA Court of Appeal

CAA Commonwealth Arbitration Awards and 1923-1936


CAA Courts Administration Authority (SA)

CAB Current Affairs Bulletin (Workers' Educational 1947-

Association of NSW, previously published by the
Department of Adult Education, University of

CAC Corporate Affairs Commission (Various States; superseded

by ASC)

CAL Copyright Agency Limited

CALD Committee of Australian Law Deans

CALS Customs Acts Legislation Service (Serendip 1984-1990

Publications; replaced by CCH Australian Customs
Law and Practice 1990-)

CAMLA Communications and Media Law Association

Canb LR Canberra Law Review (University of Canberra) 1994-

Cant LR See Canta LR

Canta LR Canterbury Law Review (University of Canterbury 1980-

Faculty of Law)

CANZLLI Current Australian and New Zealand Legal 1973-1987

Literature Index (LBC)

CAO Civil Aviation Order

Cap L See TCL

CAPLUS Centre for Asian and Pacific Law at University

of Sydney

CAR Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-

CASE Briefcase (Law Library Management, Auckland; 1986-

available on Kiwinet and as a separately purchased

CAUL Committee of Australian University Librarians

Caveat Caveat (Law Society of NSW) 1982-

- 56 -

Caveat Caveat (Victoria University Law Faculty Club, NZ) 1973-


CBLG China Business Law Guide (CCH) 1994-

CBLJ Corporate and Business Law Journal (University of 1988-


CBPA Canberra Bulletin of Public Administration 1982-

(Royal Institute of Public Administration
Australia-ACT Division; formerly Newsletter of
the Regal Institute of Public Administration,
ACT Group 1973-1982)

CBR Consolidated By-law Reference

CBS Commercial By-law System

CC Close Corporation

CC City Council

CCA Court of Criminal Appeal (NSW; Qld)

CCA Consolidated Case Annotations (Brooker's, 1983-1990

Continued as New Zealand Case Law Digest)

CCAMLR Convention on the Conservation of Antarctic Marine

Living Resources

CCCS Centre for Comparative Constitutional Studies

(University of Melbourne)

CCD Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Decisions 1974-1981

(Butt - Loose-leaf pages were located in
Australian Administrative Law Service
Vol 1, then reprinted in Vol 3 ALD bound

CCH CLC CCH Company Law Cases 1969-1981

CCH J of CCH Journal of Australian Taxation 1989-

Aust Taxn

CCH NSW New South Wales Conveyancing Law and Practice 1980-
Conv R (CCH - Loose-leaf pages of cases are located
in Vol 2)

CCH Q Conv R Queensland Conveyancing Law and Practice (CCH - 1982-

Loose-leaf pages of cases are located in
Vol 2)

CCH V Conv R Victorian Conveyancing Law and Practice (CCH - 1981-

Loose-leaf pages of cases are located in
Vol 2)
- 57 -
- 58 -

CCL Current Commercial Law (LBC) 1993-

CCL Council for Civil Liberties

CCLJ Competition and Consumer Law Journal (Butt) 1993-

CCLRC Contracts and Commercial Law Reform Committee (NZ)

CCMAU Crown Company Monitoring Advisory Unit (NZ)

CCN Commonwealth Employees' Compensation Notes 1974-1981

(Butt - Loose-leaf pages were located in
Australian Administrative Law Service,
Vol 1, then reprinted in Vol 3 ALD Bound

CCNO Compendium of Casenotes of the Ombudsmen/man 1981-

(New Zealand)

CCR New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985-

(Compensation Court of New South Wales - succeeded

CCR County Court Reports (Victoria) (Butt) 1966-1972

CD Company Director (Australian Institute of Company 1985-


CDRJ Commercial Dispute Resolution Journal 1994-


CE Cross on Evidence (Butt) 1991-

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CEPA Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency

CER Closer Economic Relations (between Australia

and New Zealand)

CFL Current Family Law (Current Family Law 1992-

Pty Ltd, Melbourne)

CFN Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings New South 1989-

Wales (Butt)

CFQ Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings Queensland


CFV Court Forms, Precedents & Pleadings Victoria (Butt)

CGT Capital Gains Tax

CGT Capital Gains Tax (Butt) 1992-

- 59 -

Char Acctnt Chartered Accountant in Australia (change in 1930-1989

Aust title to Charter in 1990)

Chartered Acc Chartered Accountant in Australia (change in 1930-1989

title to Charter in 1990)

CHBR China Laws for Foreign Business - Business

Regulation (CCH)

CHE Crown Health Enterprise (NZ)

CHTC China Laws for Foreign Business - Taxation & Customs


CHOGM Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting

CHZC China Laws for Foreign Business - Special Zones 1985-1994

& Cities (CCH) 1995-

CIB CALS Information Bulletin 1984-1990

(Serendip Publications)

CIB Criminal Investigation Branch

CICJ Current Issues in Criminal Justice 1989-

(Institute of Criminology Faculty of Law
University of Sydney, formerly Proceedings
of the Institute of Criminology 1967-1988)

CIJL Centre for the Independence of Judges and Lawyers

(Established in 1978 by the International Commission
of Jurists in Geneva)

CIJL Yearbook CIJL Yearbook (Centre for the Independence of 1992-

Judges and Lawyers, Geneva)

CIM Chief Industrial Magistrate

CINCH Computerised Information from National 1987-

Criminological Holdings (Australian Institute
of Criminology, Canberra; formerly Information
Bulletin of Australian Criminology 1977-1986.
Available via Austrom CD Rom)

CIPL Centre for International and Public Law

(Australian National University)

CIT Australian and New Zealand Citator to UK Reports 1973-


CITCM Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum 1930-81

(Australian Tax Office - largely superseded
by IT's)

C&J Crime and Justice Bulletin (NSW Attorney- 1987-

General's Department)
- 60 -
- 61 -

CJ Chief Justice or Chief Judge

CJC Community Justice Centres

CJC Criminal Justice Commission (Qld)

CJD Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

CJ in Chief Justice in the Commercial Division (NSW)

Comm Div

CJ in Eq Chief Judge in Equity (New South Wales)

CJMB Chief Judge's Minute Book (Maori Land Court,


CJQ Criminal Justice Quarterly (New Zealand 1993-

Department of Justice, continues Corrections
Quarterly: CQ, 1992-93)

CJRC Civil Justice Research Centre (Law Foundation

of New South Wales)

cl/cll clause/s

CL Canterbury District Law Society Library

CL Computers & Law (Journal for the Australian 1986-

and New Zealand Societies for Computers and
the Law)


CL Commercial List

CLAAB Commercial Law Association of Australia 1983-1986

Bulletin (Formerly Commercial Law Association
Bulletin 1968-83)

CLAB Commercial Law Association Bulletin (From 1968-1983

Vol 15 No 2 (June 1983) issued as Commercial
Law Association of Australia Bulletin)

CLA Bulletin Commercial Law Association Bulletin (From 1968-1983

Vol 15 No 2 (June 1983) issued as Commercial
Law Association of Australia Bulletin)

CLAA Bulletin Commercial Law Association of Australia 1983-1986

Bulletin (Formerly Commercial Law
Association Bulletin 1968-83. Succeeded by
Commercial Law Quarterly 1987-)

CLASS Computerised Legal Aid Services System

CLB Commonwealth Law Bulletin (Commonwealth 1975-

Secretariat - UK)
- 62 -
- 63 -

CLB Communications Law Bulletin (Australian 1981-

Communications Law Association. From 1988
the Communications and Media Law Association)

CLC Australian Company Law Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf 1971-1981

pages were located in Australian Corporate
Affairs Reporter, Vol 2 then into Transfer
Binders. Reprinted in bound volumes. Cont'd
as ACLC - Australian Company Law Cases 1982-)

CLC Communications Law Centre (University of New South


CLD CompuLaw Digest (succeeded by CompuLaw Newsletter; 1985-1994


CLE Continuing Legal Education

CLEAA Continuing Legal Education Association of


CLEA Commonwealth Legal Education Association 1975-

Newsletter Newsletter

CLE Bulletin CLE (Continuing Legal Education) Bulletin 1985-

(Queensland Law Society)

CLEO Community Legal Education Office (Victoria)

CLEW Community Legal Education Workers

CLGA Customary Law Group of Australia Newsletter 1977-


CLIP Centre for Legal Information and Publications (College

of Law, St Leonards, NSW)

CLIRS CLIRS Limited, succeeded by Info-One

CLIRS CLIRS Bulletin (CLIRS Australia, formerly 1986-1988

Bulletin CLIRS Marketing Bulletin)

CLIRS CLIRS Marketing Bulletin (CLIRS Ltd, Sydney 1985

Marketing 1985 superseded by CLIRS Bulletin)

CLIRS On Line CLIRS On Line (CLIRS Ltd, Sydney) 1984-1986

CLIRS Update CLIRS Update (CLIRS Ltd, Sydney replaced by 1984

CLIRS On Line)

CLJ See Col LJ

CLLR Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld; cont'd as 1859-1973

Queensland Land Court Reports)
- 64 -

C of IR Commissioner of Inland Revenue (NZ)

CLP Communications Law and Policy in Australia (Butt) 1991-

CL&P Computer Law and Practice (Tolley, UK) 1984-

CL (Q) Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973

CLQ Commercial Law Quarterly (Commercial Law 1987-

Association of Australia)

CLQ Carter's Criminal Law Queensland (Butt) 1988-

CLR Commonwealth Law Reports (LBC) 1903-

CLR Crown Lands Law Reports (Qld) 1859-1973

CLRC Criminal Law Reform Committee (NZ)

CLRC Copyright Law Review Committee

CL Rev Commonwealth Law Review (LBC) 1903-1909

CLS Computer Law Services Pty Ltd (trading as Diskrom


CLS Christian Lawyers' Society (Victoria)

CLSA Criminal Law South Australia (Butt)

CLSRC Company Law and Securities Review Committee

CL&SC Crime, Law and Social Change (formerly 1977-

Contemporary Crises 1977-1990)

CLSR Computer Law and Security Report (Solent 1985-

Legal Exchange Ltd, Portsmouth, Hants, UK)

CLU China Law Update (University of Melbourne, 1988-

Asian Law Centre; formerly Chinese Legal Affairs
Update; China Update 1987)

CLV Criminal Law Victoria (Butt) 1981-

CLWA Criminal Law Western Australia (Butt)

CM Canberra Income Tax Circular Memorandum 1930-81

(Australian Tax Office - largely superseded by

Cmcl Law Commercial Law Association Bulletin (From 1968-1983

Assoc Bull Vol 15 No 2 (June 1983) issued as Commercial
Law Association of Australia Bulletin)

CN Legal Costs New South Wales (Butt) 1976-

- 65 -

Co Company

CO Class Order (Australian Securities Commission)

COAG Council of Australian Governments

Co D Company Director

Code The (NZ) Code of Civil Procedure of the High Court

(Currently published as the first schedule to the
Judicature Amendment Act (No 2) 1985)

Co Law Company Lawyer (FT Law & Tax, UK) 1980-

Col LJ Colonial Law Journal (New Zealand) 1865,


COMCAS Commonwealth Cases on LEXIS (includes UK,

Australia, New Zealand ...)

Com D Commercial Division (NSW Supreme Court)

Com LL Commonwealth Law Librarian (UNIFO 1992-1993

Publishers, UK)

Com LN CompuLaw Newsletter (Butt - formerly 1994-

CompuLaw Digest)

Com LQ Commercial Law Quarterly (Commercial Law 1987-

Association of Australia)

COMM Commerce Commission Database (Commerce 1977-

Commission, NZ; available on Kiwinet)

Comm AR Commonwealth Arbitration Reports 1905-

Commercial Commercial Law Association of Australia 1983-1986

Law Assoc Bulletin (Formerly Commercial Law Association
of Aust Bulletin)

Comm L Assoc Commercial Law Association Bulletin. (From 1968-1983

Bull Vol 15 No 2 (June 1983) issued as Commercial
Law Association of Australia Bulletin)

Comm Law Bull Commonwealth Law Bulletin (Commonwealth 1975-

Secretariat - UK)

Comm LQ Commercial Law Quarterly (Commercial Law 1987-

Association of Australia)

Comm LR Commonwealth Law Reports (LBC) 1903-

Commn Commission

Commr Commissioner
- 66 -
- 67 -

Comm Rec Commonwealth Record (AGPS) 1976-1987

Commu LB Communications Law Bulletin (Communications 1981-

and Media Law Association)

Comp Ct Compensation Court (NZ)

Comp & L Computers & Law (Newsletter of the Societies 1983-

for Computers and the Law in NSW, Vic, WA,
ACT and Qld)

Comp L & P Computer Law & Practice (Tolley - UK) 1984-

Compn Compensation

CompuLaw Compulaw Digest (meaning Computer Law Digest, 1985-1994

Digest succeeded by Com LN)

Computers & Computers & Law (Newsletter of the Societies 1983-

Law for Computers and the Law in New South Wales,
Victoria, Western Australia, the Australian
Capital Territory and Queensland)

CONBPR Butterworths Property Reports (Butt) 1982-

CONN Conveyancing Service New South Wales (Butt) 1981-

Consum LJ Consumer Law Journal (Sweet & Maxwell, UK) 1993-

Copy Rep Copyright Reporter (From November 1983, 1981-

Copyright Society of Australia)

Copyright Copyright : Monthly Review of the World 1965-

Intellectual Property Organisation

Copyright Copyright World (Intellectual Property 1990-

World Publishing Ltd)

Copy Soc Copyright Society of Australia 1981-1983

Aust News Newsletter (or see NCSA; succeeded by
Copyright Reporter 1981-)

corpn corporation

Corporate Corporate Lawyers Association of New South

Lawyers Wales Newsletter
of NSW

Co & Sec Company and Securities Law Journal (LBC) 1982-

Law Journal

Council Council Brief (Wellington District Law Society) 1973-

- 68 -

Coy Company

CPI Consumer Price Index (Australian Bureau of

Statistics, Canberra)

CPLI Construction Project Law (International) Pty Ltd (conference


CPLL Centre for Plain Legal Language (University

of Sydney, Faculty of Law)

CPPN Criminal Practice & Procedure New South Wales (Butt) 1989-

CPS Clerk of Petty Sessions

CPSA Civil Procedure South Australia (Butt) 1992-

CPSAR Commonwealth Public Service Arbitration Reports 1920-

CPV Civil Procedure Victoria (Butt) 1987-

CPWA Civil Procedure Western Australia (Butt) 1990-

CQ Corrections Quarterly (NZ Department of Justice; 1992-1993

succeeded by Criminal Justice Quarterly)

CR Commonwealth Record (AGPS) 1976-1987

CR Convergence Reporter (IBC) 1995

CRAMRA Convention on the Regulation of Antarctic Mineral

Resources Activities

CRI Crown Research Institute (NZ)

Crim Aust Criminology Australia (Australian Institute 1989-

of Criminology, Canberra)

Crim LF Criminal Law Forum (Rutgers University School of 1989-

Law at Camden/Society for the Reform of Criminal

Crim L Forum Criminal Law Forum (Rutgers University School of 1989-

Law at Camden/Society for the Reform of Criminal

Crim LJ Criminal Law Journal (LBC) 1977-

Crim LN Criminal Law News (Butt; Criminal Law Newsletter 1993-

for NSW and the ACT - Companion to Criminal
Practice and Procedure NSW)

CRNZ Criminal Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's) 1983-

CS Child Support Rulings (Australian Taxation 1990-

- 69 -
- 70 -

CSA Legal Costs South Australia (Butt)

CSB Companies and Securities Bulletin (Corporate 1982-

Adviser Pty Ltd, Melbourne)

CSD Commissioner of Stamp Duties

CSJ Crime and Social Justice (Institute 1974-

for the Study of Labour and Economic Crisis,
San Francisco; continued by Social Justice

CSLB Butterworths Companies and Securities Law 1994-

Bulletin (NZ)

C&SLJ Company and Securities Law Journal (LBC) 1982-

C&S L Rep Australian Corporations and Securities Law 1992-

Reporter (CCH)

CSLRC Companies and Securities Law Review Committee

CSLRC Companies and Securities Law Review Committee 1984-1990

Discussion Discussion Paper

CSLRC Companies and Securities Law Review Committee 1986-1990

Report Report

CSM Chief Stipendiary Magistrate

CSS Child Support Scheme

Ct Court

Ct App NZ See NZCA

Ct Arb Court of Arbitration (NZ)

CTBR Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review 1925-1951

Decisions (Old Series; some reprinted
by Butt)

CTBR (NS) Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review 1950-1986

Decisions (New Series; Butt). Superseded
by ATR

CTBR (NS) Victorian Taxation Board of Review Case

VTBR Case (Occasionally published in CTBR (NS) - Butt)

CTBR Reprint Commonwealth Taxation Board of Review Decisions 1968-1969

(Reprints) (Butt; Reprint of selected cases
from the 'Decisions of the Boards of Review')

Ct of Cr App Court of Criminal Appeal

- 71 -

CTH/Cth Commonwealth

Cth Lawyer Commonwealth Lawyer (Commonwealth Lawyers' 1984-

Association, London)

CTLR Computer and Telecommunications Law Review 1995-

(Sweet & Maxwell, UK)

CTR Chartac Taxation Report (Professional Information, 1983-1990

Melbourne; formerly Chartac 1982-1983; then
Chartac Tax Planning News 1991)

CTRA Cash Transaction Reports Agency

CTS Children's Television Standards, reprinted in:

Durie, R & Catterns, D Broadcasting law and
practice, LBC, 1987-

CTS Concise Tax Service (Butt) 1980-1988

CU Communications Update (Communications Law 1985-

Centre, University of New South Wales)

CUB Companies Update Bulletin (National Companies

& Securities Commission)

CUL Law Library, University of Canterbury

Review See LBC's Indust Arb Serv (Current Review)

CV Legal Costs Victoria (Butt) 1975-

CWCL Conspectus of Workers' Compensation 1969-1979

Legislation in Australia (Continued as Workers'
Compensation Legislation in Australia 1980-)

C'wealth Commonwealth

Cwlth Commonwealth

Cwth Commonwealth
- 72 -


DA Development Application

DC Deputy Commissioner

DC District Court

DC District Council

DCB District Courts Bulletin (Butterworths-NZ) 1994-

DCJ District Court Judge

DCL Doctor of Civil Law

DCM Differential Case Management

DCN Daily Commercial News 1891-

DCN District Court Procedure New South Wales (Butt) 1989-

DCP Development Control Plan

DCQ District Courts Practice Queensland (Butt)

DCR (NZ) District Court Reports (Butt - continues 1980-


DCR (NSW) District Court Reports (New South Wales) (Butt) 1963-1976

DCT Deputy Commissioner of Taxation

DD Developers Digest (Newsletter of the 1970-

Urban Development Institute of Australia, NSW


Defamed Defamed (Young Lawyers, Law Society 1994-

of NSW)

DEF Australian Defamation Law and Practice (Butt)


Dept Department

Devt Development

DFC Australian De Facto Relationship Cases (CCH - 1985-

Loose-leaf pages located in Australian De Facto
Relationships Law)

Dip Com L Diploma of Comparative Law (Deakin University)

- 73 -
- 74 -

Dip Comm Law Diploma in Commercial Law (Bond University)

Dip Corp Law Diploma in Corporate Law (Bond University)

Dip Crim Diploma of Criminology

Dip Disp Res Diploma in Dispute Resolution (Bond University)

Dip Int Com L Diploma of International and Comparative Law

Dip Int Comm Diploma in International Commercial Transactions

Trans (Bond University)

Dip J Diploma of Jurisprudence

Dip Juris Diploma in Jurisprudence

Dip L Diploma of Law

Dip L (BAB) Diploma of Law (Barristers' Admission Board)

Dip L (SAB) Diploma of Law (Solicitors' Admission Board)

Dip LS Diploma of Legal Studies

Dip Tax Diploma of Taxation (Deakin University)

Dip Tourism Diploma in Tourism Law (Bond University)


Dip Trade Prac Diploma of Trade Practices (Deakin University)

Dip Trade Law Diploma of Trade Law (Deakin University)

Dir LR Directors Law Reporter (Company Directors' 1973-1985

Association of Australia, Sydney; succeeded by
Company Director 1985-)

Diss Dissolved/Divorced

Dist Ct District Court

Divn Division

DL Direct Link (Butt) 1993-

DL Otago District Law Society Library

DLP Diploma in Legal Practice

DLR Directors Law Reporter (Company Directors' 1973-1985

Association of Australia, Sydney; succeeded by)
Company Director 1985-)

DLS Diploma in Legal Studies

- 75 -

DLS Director of Legal Services

DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid

DOC Department of Conservation (NZ)

DOPIE Department of Primary Industry and Energy (Cth)

DOSLI Department of Survey and Land Information (NZ)

Doyles DR Doyles Dispute Resolution Reports (CCH; Looseleaf 1990-1992

Reps pages in Doyles Dispute Resolution Practice)

DP Deputy President

DP Deposited Plan

DPB Domestic Purposes Benefit (NZ)

DPP Director of Public Prosecutions (Commonwealth or State)

DPSA Deputy Public Service Arbitrator

DR Dispute Resolution

DRN Debt Recovery New South Wales (Butt)

D ScL Doctor of Science of Laws

DSLP Diary of Social Legislation and Policy 1980-

(Institute of Applied Economic and Social
Research, University of Melbourne and
Institute of Family Studies, Social Welfare
Research Centre, University of New South Wales)

DTM Daily Telegraph Mirror (News Ltd) 1990-

DUL Sir Robert Stout Law Library, University of


DX Document Exchange
- 76 -


EA Enterprise Agreement/s

EARC Electoral and Administrative Review Commission


ECLR European Competition Law Review (ESC 1980-

Publishing Ltd - Oxford, UK)

ECS Employment Cases Summary (Employment Institutions 1992-

Information Centre, NZ)

EDLR Environment and Development Law Reports 1994-

(Law Society of SA/National Environmental
Law Association - SA Division)

EDX Electronic Document Exchange (A specially formed arm


EDTN CCH Electronic Daily Tax News

EE Expert Evidence: The International Digest of 1992-

Human Behaviour Science and Law (SLE
Publications Ltd, UK)

EEO Equal Employment Opportunity

EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EES Environment Effects Statement

EIPR European Intellectual Property Review (ESC 1978-

Publishing Ltd - Oxford, UK)

EIS Environmental Impact Statement

ELAW Environmental Lawyers Alliance Worldwide

E LAW E LAW - Murdoch University Electronic Journal of Law 1994-

(Available on the Internet at

ELB Environmental Law Bulletin (Environmental Law

Section of the Law Institute of Victoria)

ELB Employment Law Bulletin (Butterworths New 1993-

Zealand) (Continues Mazengarb's Industrial Law
Bulletin: See ILB)

ELM Environmental Law and Management (Chancery 1989-

Law Publishing Ltd, UK)
- 77 -

ELN Environmental Law News (formerly Environmental 1990-

Law Newsletter)

ELN Environmental Law Newsletter (National 1981-1990

Environmental Law Association of Australia,
New South Wales Division; continued by
Environmental Law News 1990-)

ELR Environmental Law Reporter of NSW 1981-

(Environmental Law Association, New South

EDMG Expert Market Development Grant

EMDGS Export Market Development Grants Scheme

EMLR Entertainment and Media Law Reports 1992-

(Sweet & Maxwell, UK)

Employee Employee Relations (MCB University Press Ltd, 1978-

Relations UK)

Ent LR Entertainment Law Review (Sweet & Maxwell, UK) 1990-

Environs Environs - Local Government, Planning & 1994-

Environmental Law NSW Newsletter (LBC)

EO Equal Opportunity

EOB Equal Opportunity Board

EOC Equal Opportunity Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf pages 1984-

located in Australian & New Zealand Equal
Opportunity Law & Practice)

EOT Equal Opportunity Tribunal (NSW; SA; WA; NZ)

EPA Environment Protection Authority (NSW; Vic)

EPA Review EPA Review (Environment Protection Authority, 1990-

Melbourne; formerly EPA News 1982-1988)

EPLJ Environmental and Planning Law Journal (LBC) 1984-

Eq Judg A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845-

Eq Equity

Eq Equity (Court of)

Equal Time Equal Time (Anti-Discrimination Board of NSW) 1989-

ERC (Vic) Employee Relations Commission, Victoria

ERDC Environment, Resources and Development Court (SA)

- 78 -

ERNZ Employment Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's, 1991-

Continues New Zealand Industrial Law Reports)

ERV Employment Relations Law Victoria (Butt)

ESTOPL Easy Search of Topical Law (Techlex Pty Ltd, 1985-

Oatley, NSW)

Estoppel Estoppel (University of Otago Law Students 1975-


EWP Electronic White Pages

Ex p Ex parte

Ex rel Ex relatione

EYP Electronic Yellow Pages

- 79 -


Fam Ct Family Court

Fam C of A Family Court of Australia

FAMILY Australian Family Studies Database (Institute 1984-1987

of Family Studies, Melbourne; succeeded in part
by Australian Family and Society Abstracts 1988-1991)

Fam IS Family Impact Seminar (Institute of Family

Studies, Melbourne)

Fam L Bull Family Law Bulletin (Butt - NZ)

Fam LN Family Law Notes (LBC - included in FLR Vols 30-35) 1976-1979

Fam LN Family Law Notes (Butt - located in Fam LR) 1976-1983

Fam LR Family Law Reports (Butt) 1976-

FAST Flexible Accelerated Security Transfer (system)

Fastlane Fastlane - the Motor Vehicle and Traffic Law 1994-

Newsletter (LBC)

FATEXT Federal Award Text Retrieval (system)

FB Full Bench

FBT Fringe Benefits Tax

FBT Fringe Benefits Tax (Butt) 1986-

FBT Bulletin Butterworths Fringe Benefits Tax Bulletin 1992-

FC Full Court

FCA Federal Court of Australia

FCBA Federal Bureau of Consumer Affairs

FCCR Family and Conciliation Courts Review (Sage 1963-

Publications, Newbury Park, CA, USA)

FCD Federal Court Digest (formerly Federal Court Reporter) 1995-

FCL Australian Family Court Legislation (Butt)

FCOIT Flight Crew Officers Industrial Tribunal

F Comm Full Commission

- 80 -

FCR Federal Court Reporter (now Federal Court 1982-1994


FCR Federal Court Reports (LBC) 1984-

FCR Federal Court Rules. Reproduced in: 1979-

Practice and Procedure of the High Court and
the Federal Court of Australia, Butt, 1978-
(Vol 2 - Federal Court) and in CCH Australian
High Court & Federal Court Practice, 1978-
(Vol 2 - Federal Court)

FCR Federal Court Reporter Information Bulletin (Issued 1982-1994

Information with Federal Court Reporter)

FCT Federal Commissioner of Taxation

Fed C of A Federal Court of Australia

Fed Ct Federal Court of Australia

Fed LR Federal Law Reports (LBC) 1956-

Fent (Fenton's) Important Judgments Delivered in 1866-1879

the Compensation Court and Native Land Court
(New Zealand)

FI ArbA Fellow of the Institute of Arbitrators Australia

FIR Freedom of Information Review (Legal Service 1986-

Bulletin Co-Operative, Clayton, Vic)

FIL Federal Industrial Legislation (Butt) 1989-

FIRB Foreign Investment Review Board

FIRRE (NZ) Foundation for Industrial Relations Research

and Education (NZ)

FIRST Future Inland Revenue Systems and Technology


FIS Fauna Impact Statement

FJB Federal Judgments Bulletin (Lightoir Holdings Pty Ltd 1995-

t/a Legal Bulletin Service)

FL Australian Family Law (Butt)

FLAG Family Law Action Group

FLAG Feminist Legal Action Group

FLB Family Law Bulletin (Butt - NZ, continued by 1985-1993

Butterworths Family Law Journal)
- 81 -
- 82 -

FLC Australian Family Law Cases (CCH - 1976-

Loose-leaf pages located in Australian
Family Law and Practice, Vol 3)

FLC Family Law Council Working Paper (AGPS) 1979-



FLR Federal Law Reports (LBC - This included a 1956-

section called Family Law Notes in Vols 30-35)

FL Rev Federal Law Review (Australian National 1964-


FLSL Australian Family Law State Legislation (Butt)

FLW FaxLaw Weekly (Butt) 1993-

FLW(EP) FaxLaw Weekly - Electronic Product (Butt)

FOI Freedom of Information

FOI Handbook Victoria: Freedom of Information Handbook, 1985-

2nd ed, 1985 (Victorian Government Printing

FOI Memo Attorney-General's Department (Cth) FOI


FoI Review Freedom of Information Review (Legal Service 1986-

Bulletin Co-operative Ltd, Monash University,
Clayton, 3168)

Forensic Forensic Linguistics: The International Journal

Linguistics of Speech Language and the Law

FRNZ Family Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's) 1983/85-

FRST Foundation of Research, Science and Technology


FSR Fleet Street Reports (European Law Centre 1975-

- UK)

FTCS Foreign Tax Credit System

FTR Australian Federal Tax Reporter (CCH - also 1969-

referred to as AFT)

Full S Full Session

FX Foreign Exchange
- 83 -


GA General Assembly (ie House of Representatives

in NZ)

Gaz Gazette

Gaz See NZ Gaz

Gazette L & J Gazette of Law and Journalism 1986-

Gaz LR See GLR

GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (succeeded

by WTO)

GBE Government Business Enterprise

GBH Grievous Bodily Harm

GCCL Graduate Certificate in Comparative Law

(University of Technology, Sydney)

GCCP Graduate Certificate in Corporate Law

(University of Technology, Sydney)

GCCR Graduate Certificate in Law for Court Referees

(University of Technology, Sydney)

GCJB Graduate Certificate in Japanese Law and

Business (University of Technology, Sydney)

GDAL Graduate Diploma in Australian Law (University

of Technology, Sydney)

GDCL Graduate Diploma in Corporate Law (University of

Technology, Sydney)

GDIP Graduate Diploma in Industrial Property

(University of Technology, Sydney)

G Dip EL Graduate Diploma in Environmental Law (Australian

National University)

GDLP Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice

GDLS Graduate Diploma in Legal Studies

GG Government Gazette (usually prefaced by jurisdiction)

GG Governor General

GL & B Global Law & Business (Global Law & 1994-

Business Ltd, UK)
- 84 -
- 85 -

GLEAM Government Lawyers Electronic Aid to Management


GL & J Gazette of Law and Journalism 1986-

GLR Gazette Law Reports (New Zealand) 1898-1953

GLR Griffith Law Review 1992-

GOSSIP Government Open Systems Inter-connection

Procurement Policy

Govt Government

Gov Gen Governor General

Govr Governor

Govt Government

GREAT Government & Related Employees Appeal Tribunal (NSW)

Grad Dip Graduate Diploma in Law (Court Policy &

CRT POL Administration) (University of Wollongong)

GradDipEnv Postgraduate Diploma in Environmental and Local

LGovLaw Government Law (Macquarie University)

Grad Dip Law Graduate Diploma of Law

Grad Dip NRL Graduate Diploma in Natural Resources Law

(University of Wollongong)

Griffith LR Griffith Law Review 1992-

GST Goods and Services Tax (NZ)

- 86 -


Hansard Parliamentary Debates, either for Commonwealth

or State

HALC Australian Commentary on Halsbury's Laws of 1974-1993

England (Butt)

HC High Court (either Australia or NZ)

HCA High Court of Australia

HC of A High Court of Australia

HCC Hazards Control Commission (NZ)

HCFCP Practice & Procedure High Court and Federal 1978-

Court of Australia (Butt)

HCJB High Court Judgments Bulletin (Legal Bulletin 1991-

Service, Eastwood, NSW)

H Ct High Court of Australia

hdgs headings

Headnote Headnote (Otago University Law Students 1979-1981


Hearsay Hearsay (Macquarie University; No 1-2 entitled 1991-


Hearsay Hearsay (Legal Aid Practice Notes and 1980-

Information Bulletin of the Legal Aid Commission
of Western Australia)

Hearsay Hearsay/University of Western Australia 1992

Blackstone Society Vol 1 No 1-4; continued
by Onyx 1993-)

Hearsay Hearsay (Federation of Community Legal Centres 1985-

(Vic) Inc)

HECS Higher Education Contribution Scheme

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HLA Halsbury's Laws of Australia (Butt) 1991-

HLB Australian Health Law Bulletin (IBC) 1992-

HM Her/His Majesty
- 87 -

HM House Magazine (for Senators and Members of 1982-

the House of Representatives)

House Mag House Magazine (for Senators and Members of 1982-

the House of Representatives)

HPDT Handicapped Persons Discrimination Tribunal (SA)

H of R House of Representatives

HR House of Representatives

HRC Health Research Council of New Zealand

HRC Human Rights Commission (Australia or New Zealand;

see HREOC for present Australian organisation)

HRC News HRC News (Human Rights Commission, Wellington 1982-1984

- succeeded by Focus 1985-1989)

HR Defender Human Rights Defender (University of New South

Wales) 1992-

HREOC Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission

HRI Reporter Human Rights Internet Reporter (University of Ottawa, 1980-


HRLB Human Resources Law Bulletin (IBC) 1995-

HRLP Human Rights Law and Practice (Brooker's) 1995

HRNZ Human Rights Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's - 1995-

Incorporates NZBORR)

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HU University of Waikato Library

Human Human Rights (Newsletter of the Human Rights 1982-1986

Rights Commission - succeeded by Human Rights Australia)

Hunt Hunter's Torrens Cases (Canada, Australia and 1865-1893

New Zealand)

Hunt Hunter's Torrens Cases (Canada, Australia and 1865-1895

Torrens New Zealand)
- 88 -


IAC Industries Assistance Commission

IALL International Association of Law Libraries

IAPJ Journal of Asian Pacific Taxation (CCH) 1989-1992

IAS Current Industrial Arbitration Service 1950-1981

Review (Current Review) (LBC - See IR for 1982-)

IB Industrial Board

IBA International Bar Association

IBAC Information Bulletin of Australian Criminology 1974-1982

(Australian Institute of Criminology) Old Series/
New Series

IBFD International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation

IBFD Bull International Bulletin of Fiscal Documentation 1947-


IBFL International Banking and Financial Law 1991-

(Pearson Professional, UK - formerly International
Banking Law 1982-1990)

IBFLB International Banking and Financial Law 1985-


IBJ International Bar Journal (International Bar 1970-1979

Association - continued by ILP and International Bar

IBL International Banking Law (Business Law 1982-1990

Communications Ltd - UK; now International Banking
and Financial Law 1991-)

IBL International Business Lawyer (Journal of the 1973-

Section on Business Law of the International
Bar Association)

IBRD International Bank for Reconstruction and Development

(commonly known as The World Bank)

IC Industrial Arbitration Cases (WA)

IC Industry Commission

ICAC Independent Commission against Corruption (NSW)

(Established in 1988)

ICAC Interstate Corporate Affairs Commission (1974-1981)

- 89 -
- 90 -

ICC International Chamber of Commerce (Australian Council

in Canberra)

IC (NSW) Industrial Court, NSW

IC (Qld) Industrial Court, Qld

IC (SA) Industrial Court, SA

IC (Tas) Industrial Commission, Tas

IC (WA) Industrial Appeal Court, WA

I Comm (SA) Industrial Commission, SA

ICCLR International Company and Commercial Law Review 1990-

(Sweet & Maxwell, UK)

ICCPR International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

ICJ Industrial Court Judgments (New Zealand) See Ind Ct

ICJ International Commission of Jurists (Geneva)

ICL International Computer Lawyer (Aspen Law & Business, 1992-

Englewood Cliffs, NJ, USA - formerly ICLA 1986)

ICL International Commercial Litigation (Euromoney, UK, 1995-

from June 1995 incorporating International Corporate Law)

ICL International Corporate Law (Euromoney, UK - 1991-

from June 1995 incorporated within International
Commercial Litigation)

ICLA International Computer Law Adviser (Law & 1986

Technology Press - USA; formerly IRCTL)

ICLQ International and Comparative Law Quarterly 1952-

(British Institute of International and
Comparative Law - UK)

ICLR International Construction Law Review 1983-

(Lloyd's of London Press)

ICSID International Convention on the Settlement of

Investment Disputes

IF Industrial Law Federal (Butt) 1989-

IFA International Fiscal Association

IFD In Flagrante Delicto (University of Melbourne Law 1980-

Students Society)

IFLP Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals (American

Association of Law Libraries)
- 91 -
- 92 -

IFL Rev International Financial Law Review (Euromoney) 1982-

IFS Institute of Family Studies (Changed to Australian

Institute of Family Studies 1986)

IFS Discussion Institute of Family Studies Discussion Paper (Melbourne; 1980-1982

Paper Continued by Discussion Paper/Australian Institute of
Family Studies 1986-1987)

IFS Institute of Family Studies Newsletter (Melbourne; 1980

Newsletter Succeeded by Family Matters 1987-) 1981-1986

IFS Institute of Family Studies Occasional Paper 1983-


IFS Working Institute of Family Studies Working Paper (Melbourne; 1981-1985

Paper Continued by Working Paper/Australian Institute of
Family Studies 1986-1987)

IIB Industrial Information Bulletin (Australia. Dept of 1946-1975

Labour and its various successors, Melbourne)

IILR International Insurance Law Review (Sweet 1993-

& Maxwell, UK)

IIR Institute for International Research (conference


IJECL International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal 1986-

Law (Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff - now
called IJMCL)

IJIL International Journal of Insurance Law 1994-

(Lloyd's of London Press)

IJLF International Journal of Law and 1987-

the Family (OUP)

IJLI International Journal of Legal Information 1982-

(International Association of Law Libraries,
formerly IJLL)

IJLL International Journal of Law Libraries 1973-81

(International Association of Law Libraries;
Change in title to IJLI)

IJMCL International Journal of Marine and Coastal 1986-

Law (Graham & Trotman/Martinus Nijhoff
- formerly IJECL)

IJRL International Journal of Refugee Law 1989


IJRL&P International Journal of Regulatory Law and 1993-

Practice (Henry Stewart Publications, UK)
- 93 -
- 94 -

IJSL International Journal of the Sociology of Law 1973-

(Academic Press, London)

ILB (Mazengarb's) Industrial Law Bulletin 1981-1992

(Butt - NZ) - Ctd by Employment Law Bulletin)

ILB Australian Insurance Law Bulletin (IBC) 1989-

ILFM International Law Firm Management (Euromoney, UK) 1993-

ILJ Insurance Law Journal (Butt) 1988-

ILLB Insurance and Liability Law Bulletin (IBC) 1989-

formerly Insurance Law Bulletin 1985-1989, now
Australian Insurance Law Bulletin

ILM International Legal Materials (American 1962-

Society of International Law, Washington DC)

ILN International Law News (Journal of the 1987-

International Law Section of the Law
Council of Australia)

ILN International Lawyers' Newsletter (Kluwer, 1979-


ILO International Labour Organisation (Geneva)

ILP Index to Legal Periodicals (HW Wilson Co - also 1908-1995

available via LEXIS; Wilsondisc 1981-; now ILP&B)

ILP International Legal Practitioner (Journal of 1976-

the Section on General Practice of the
International Bar Association)

ILP&B Index to Legal Periodicals and Books (HW Wilson Co - 1995-

previously ILP)

IL & P Insolvency Law & Practice (Frank Cass & Co - 1985-


ILSA J Int'l L ILSA Journal of International Law (International 1987-

Law Students Association, Washington DC -
formerly ASILS International Law Journal 1977-1986)

ILSAC International Legal Services Advisory Committee

IM Industrial Magistrate

IMF International Monetary Fund

IML International Media Law (Pearson Professional 1982-

Ltd, UK)

IMM Australian Immigration Law (Butt) 1989-

- 95 -

Imp Imperial

Impact Impact (Environmental Defender's Office Ltd, NSW) 1986-

Imprint Imprint: Attorney-General's Newsletter (Australia 1987-1992

Attorney-General's Dept; Various titles: Attorney-
General's Newsletter; Portfolio Imprint)

IN Industrial Law New South Wales (Butt) 1977-

Inc Incorporated

In Dissent In Dissent (University of Tasmania Law Students 1988-


Ind Awards See BA

Ind Commn Industrial Commission

Ind Ct Industrial Court

Ind Ct Judgments, etc, of the Industrial Court of 1976-78

New Zealand (Continues reporting of decisions
previously published in Book of Awards. Continued
by Judgments, etc. of the Arbitration Court of New
Zealand. See ACJ)

Ind Law Bull (Mazengarb's) Industrial Law Bulletin (Butt - NZ; 1981-1992
continued by Employment Law Bulletin)

Indus Commn Industrial Commission

Indus Ct Industrial Court

Indus Relations Industrial Relations Commission


In Liq In Liquidation

In FD In Flagrante Delicto (University of Melbourne 1980-

Law Students Society)

INNZ Index New Zealand (National Library of NZ - database 1985-

available on Kiwinet)

Insolv LJ Insolvency Law Journal (LBC) 1993-

Inst of Fam Institute of Family Studies (Another

Studies abbreviation for IFS)

INT International Agreements (Butt) 1994-

Inter Bank International Banking Law (Business Law 1982-1990

Law Communications Ltd - UK); now International
Banking and Financial Law 1991-)
- 96 -

Interjection Interjection: Newsletter of the NSW Society 1984-

of Labour Lawyers

Int Encycl International Encyclopaedia of Comparative 1971-

Comp L Law (International Association of Legal
Science, Mohr, Tubingen/Martinus Nijhoff,

Internet LJ Internet Law Journal (LBC - only available on

the Internet)

INT-LAW Int - Law Foreign and International Law Librarians

- discussion group on the Internet supported
by the University of Minnesota, USA

Int Law International Law Weekly Fax (Euromoney, UK) 1995-

Weekly Fax

Int'l J International Journal of the Sociology of Law 1973-

Soc L (Academic Press Inc, London; Vols 1-6 were
International Journal of Criminology and

INT TLR International Trade Law and Regulation 1995-

(Sweet & Maxwell, UK)

IOSCO International Organisation of Securities

Commission (ASC is a member)

IP Industrial/Intellectual Property

IP Industrial Property (Monthly review of the 1962-

World Intellectual Property Organisation)

IP Intellectual Property (Prospect/IBC - change 1988-

in title to IPLB)

IPA IP Asia (Asia Law & Practice Ltd, Hong Kong) 1993-

IPAA Insolvency Practitioners Association of Australia

(incorporated in NSW)

IPAC Industrial Property Advisory Committee

IPAP Intellectual Property in Asia and the Pacific 1985-

(WIPO, Geneva) (formerly Industrial Property in
Asia and the Pacific 1983-1984)

IPC Intellectual Property: Copyright Law (Butt) 1988-

IPEBLA International Pension and Employee Benefit Lawyers


IPF Intellectual Property Forum (Intellectual 1984-

and Industrial Property Society, Melbourne)
- 97 -

IPJ Intellectual Property Journal (Carswell, Canada) 1986-

IPA Rev Institute of Public Affairs Review

IPLB Australian Intellectual Property Law Bulletin (IBC) 1988-

IPP Intellectual Property: Patents, Designs and Trade 1981-

Marks Law (Butt)

IPPs Information Privacy Principles

IPR Intellectual Property Reports (Butt) 1984-

IR South Australian Industrial Reports 1916-

IR Industrial Reports (LBC - Formerly IAS 1982-

Current Review 1950-81)

IRB Industrial Relations Bureau (repealed by Conciliation

and Arbitration Amendment Act (Cth) No 33 of 1983 s 9)

IRC of A Industrial Relations Court of Australia

IRC (Qld) Industrial Relations Commission (Qld)

IRC (NSW) Industrial Relations Commission NSW

IRC (Vic) Industrial Relations Commission (Vic)

IRCR Industrial Relations Court Reports (LBC) 1994-

IRCTL International Review of Computer Technology 1985-1986

and the Law (Longman/Prospect - Formerly Asian
Pacific Review of Computer Technology
and the Law 1984-85; continued as International
Computer Law Adviser 1986)

IRD Inland Revenue Department (NZ)

I & RLI Insurance & Reinsurance Law International 1982-


IRM Industrial Relations & Management Letter 1982-

(Ian Huntley Pty Ltd, Northbridge, NSW -
Formerly Inside Trade Unions Newsletter 1979-1982)

IRRC Industrial Relations Research Centre (Kensington, NSW)

Irr N Irregular Notes of decisions in the Supreme Court 1956-

of Tasmania and in other Tasmanian Courts
(FD Cumbrae-Stewart, Hobart)

IRT Immigration Review Tribunal

IRTD Immigration Review Tribunal Digest (Butt) 1995-

- 98 -

IRV International Review of Victimology (AB Academic 1990-

Publishers/World Society of Victimology)

ISC Insurance and Superannuation Commission

ISC Inter-State Commission

IT Taxation Rulings; Income Tax

ITAA Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 (Cth)

IT Rulings Income Tax Rulings (Australia Taxation Office -

(Also published in: Australian Income Tax -
Australian Taxation Office Rulings & Guidelines
(Butt); Australian Income Tax Rulings (CCH);
Taxation in Australia (Taxation Institute of

ITC International Tax Planning Manual - Corporations (CCH) 1986-

ITDA Income Tax Decisions of Australasia 1928-1930 (LBC) 1931

ITG Australian Income Tax Guide (CCH - also 1969-

referred to as AITG, ATG)

ITMA International Trade Marks Association

ITO International Offshore Financial Centres (CCH)

ITR International Tax Planning - Real Estate

Transactions (CCH)

ITR International Tax Review (Euromoney, UK) 1989-

ITR International Tax Report (Stonehart 1972-

Publications - London)

ITSA Insolvency and Trustee Service Australia News/

News Newsletter (Canberra)

ITX International Tax Planning - Expatriates & Migrants


IUW Industrial Union of Workers (NZ)

IWPS Workplace Health & Safety Manual (CCH)

- 99 -


J Justice or Judge

JA Judge of Appeal (as in Judge of the Court of Appeal)

JAG Judge Advocate General

JA Med LS Journal of the Auckland Medico-Legal Society 1971-

JASSA Journal of The Securities Institute of 1962-


J Aust Tax CCH Journal of Australian Taxation 1989-

JBFLP Journal of Banking and Finance Law and Practice 1990-


JBL Journal of Business Law (Stevens - UK) 1957-

JBLG Japan Business Law Guide (CCH)

JC Judicial Committee (of the Privy Council)

JCB Joint Coal Board

JCD Juris Canonici Doctor (Doctor of Canon Law)

JCJ Journal of Criminal Justice (Pergamon, USA) 1973-

JCL Journal of Child Law (Tolley, UK) 1989-

JCL Journal of Contract Law (Butt) 1988-

JCL Journals of the Legislative Council (NZ) 1854-1950

JCP Journal of Consumer Policy (D Reidel 1978-

Publishing Company, Dordrecht, Holland)

JCULR James Cook University Law Review 1994-

JD Doctor of Jurisprudence

JERL Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law 1983-

(Sweet & Maxwell - UK)

JHJ Journal of Human Justice (Human Justice 1989-

Collective, Vancouver, Canada)

JIBFL Butterworths Journal of International 1985-

Banking and Finance Law

JIBL Journal of International Banking Law (ESC 1986-

Publishing Ltd, Oxford - UK)
- 100 -
- 101 -

JIFDL Journal of International Franchising & 1986-

Distribution Law (Tolley, UK)

JIR Journal of Industrial Relations (Journal of 1959-

the Industrial Relations Society of

JIT Journal of International Taxation (Warren, 1990-

Coorham & Lamont, USA)

JJ Justices or Judges

JA/JJA Judge(s)/Justice(s) of Appeal

JJA Journal of Judicial Administration (LBC/Australian 1991-

Institute of Judicial Administration)

JLIS Journal of Law and Information Science (New 1981-

South Wales Institute of Technology, from 1986
published by the University of Tasmania Faculty
of Law)

JL & Journal of Law and Information Science 1981-

Information (published by the University of Tasmania
Science Faculty of Law)

JLM Journal of Law and Medicine (LBC) 199

JLP Journal of Legal Pluralism and Unofficial Law

(formerly African Law Studies Nos 1-18)

JLU Japan Law Update (University of Melbourne 1988-

Asian Law Centre)

J Mar L & Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 1969-

Com (Jefferson Law Book Company, Cincinnati, Ohio)

JMLP Journal of Media Law and Practice (Tolley, UK) 1980-

Jnl of Bus L Journal of Business Law (Stevens - UK) 1957-

Jnl of Journal of Industrial Relations (Journal of 1959-

Industrial the Industrial Relations Society of Australia)

JOB Judicial Officers Bulletin (Judicial Commission 1988-

of New South Wales)

J of Prof Journal of Professional Legal Education 1983-

Legal Educ

J Occ Health Journal of Occupational Health and Safety in 1985-

Safety Aust in Australia (CCH)
- 102 -

J Occup Health Journal of Occupational Health and Safety in 1985-

Safety - Aust Australia and New Zealand (CCH)

JOHS Journal of Occupational Health & Safety 1985-

Johnst (NZ) See NZCA

Journal of Journal of Energy & Natural Resources 1983-

Energy & Nat Law (Sweet & Maxwell - UK)
Res Law

Journal of Journal of Professional Legal Education 1983-

Prof Legal (Centre for Publication & Information of
Education The College of Law, Sydney, on behalf of
the Australian Professional Legal
Education Conference)

JP Justice of the Peace

JP (NSW) Justice of the Peace (NSW) 1914-1933

JP (WA) Justice of the Peace (WA) 1957-

JPLE Journal of Professional Legal Education 1983-

(Centre for Publication & Information of
The College of Law, Sydney, on behalf of
the Australian Professional Legal
Education Conference)

JR See NZ Jur

JRNS See NZ Jur (NS)

JSD Doctor of Juridical Science

JSJ Journal of Studies in Justice (succeeded by 1987-1988

JSJS 1990-)

JSJS Journal for Social Justice Studies (Charles 1990-

Sturt University, Bathurst; formerly
JSJ 1987-1988)

Judl Officers Judicial Officers Bulletin (Judicial Commission 1988-

Bull of New South Wales)

Juris Jurisprudence

Justn Justinian (Lex Publications 1979-1983, 1979-

then Rekata Pty Ltd 1983 -, Sydney)

Justinian Justinian (Lex Publications 1979-1983, 1979-

then Rekata Pty Ltd 1983 -, Sydney)
- 103 -


K & F NSW Knox and Fitzharding's Reports, NSW 1878-1879

KC Kings Counsel

KLU Korea Law Update (University of Melbourne 1988-

Asian Law Centre)

Kn Knox's Supreme Court Reports 1877-

Kn NSW Knox's Supreme Court Reports 1877-

Knox Knox's Supreme Court Reports (New South Wales) 1877-

Knox & Fitz Knox and Fitzharding's Reports, NSW 1878-1879

Knox & Supreme Court Reports (New Series) NSW 1878-1879


Knox (NSW) Knox's Supreme Court Reports 1877-

- 104 -


Lab Ind Labour and Industry (Griffith University) 1987-

LABL Australian Company Secretary's Business Law 1987-1994

Manual (CCH)

LAC Legal Aid Commission

LACB Legal Aid Clearinghouse Bulletin 1981-

(Commonwealth Attorney-General's Department)

LACC Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921

LAAMS Legal and Accounting Management Seminars

Pty Ltd (Sydney)

LABR Employment Law Database (Employment Institutions 1980-

Information Centre, NZ, available on Kiwinet)

Land App Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921

Ct Cas

Land L Serv Law Book Co's Land Laws Service (NSW) 1938-1977

LAR Lloyd's Arbitration Reports (Lloyd's, UK) 1988-

LATE Local Authority Trading Enterprise (NZ)

Laura Laura (La Trobe University Legal Studies 1980-

Students Association)

Law Alert Law Alert (CCH) 1983-1984

Lawasia Lawasia (Butt) 1966-1974

Lawasia CLB Lawasia Commercial Law Bulletin 1980-

Lawasia HRB Lawasia Human Rights Bulletin 1982-

Lawasia (NS) Lawasia (New Series) (University of 1979-

Technology, Sydney)

Lawasia Lawasia Newsletter New Series 1984-

Newsletter NS

Law Council Law Council Newsletter 1964-1977


Law in Cont Law in Context (La Trobe University) 1983-

Law Inst J Law Institute Journal (Vic - previously 1927-

included Qld)
- 105 -

Law Letter Law Letter - Newsletter of the Law Society of 1992-


Lawlink Lawlink (Lawlink Group, New Zealand) 1986-

Law and Policy Law and Policy Papers (CIPL/ANU)


Law Soc ACT Gaz Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory 1993-
Gazette (formerly the below)

Law Soc ACT Law Society of the Australian Capital 1972-1992

NL Territory Newsletter (formerly the above)

Law Soc Bull Law Society Bulletin (SA) 1979-

Law Soc J Law Society Journal (NSW) 1963-

Law Soc Tas Law Society of Tasmania Newsletter. See Law Letter

Lawtalk Lawtalk (New Zealand Law Society) 1974-

Law/Tech Law/Technology (World Peace through Law Center) 1968-

Lawyer Lawyer (Victorian Young Lawyers) 1983-

LBC Direct LBC Information Services Bulletin Board Service 1995-

(The) LBC Law Book Company Ltd Newsletter 1979-1984


(The) LBC Law Book Company (Ltd) Newsletter New Series 1985-1995
Newsletter NS

L B Co's Law Book Co's Industrial Arbitration Service 1950-1981

Indust Arb (Current Review) - (Continued by IR 1982-)

LCA Law Council of Australia (Canberra)

LCABLS Law Council of Australia Business Law Section 1982-1985

Bull Bulletin

LCC (NSW) Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921

LCCN Local Court Procedure New South Wales (Butt)

LCF Lawyers Christian Fellowship (NSW)

LCN Law Council Newsletter 1964-1977

L & Comp Law and Computer Technology 1968-

- 106 -
- 107 -

LEAC Law Enforcement Advisory Committee

LEADR Lawyers Engaged in Alternative Dispute Resolution

(Australia and NZ)

LEAN Law Enforcement Access Network

LEANZ Law and Economics Association of New Zealand

LEC Land and Environment Court (NSW)

LED Legal Education Digest (Centre for Legal Education, 1992-


Legal Educ Rev Legal Education Review 1989-

Legal Rep Legal Reporter (LBC since 1994) 1980-

Leg Rep SL Legal Reporter Special Leave Supplement

Leg Serv Bull Legal Services Bulletin, change in title to 1974-

Alt LJ

Legge Legge's Supreme Court Cases (NSW) 1825-1862

legn legislation

LEN Land and Environment Notes (Butt - Loose-leaf 1980-1992

pages located in Local Government Planning
and Environment Service Vol B)

LEP Local Environmental Plan

LEPR Law Enforcement Policy and Resources Committee

LES Licensing Executives Society - Australia

and New Zealand (Member Society of the
Licensing Executives Society International)

Les Les Nouvelles. Journal of the Licensing 1966-

Nouvelles Executives Society

LEXIS Brief LEXIS Brief (Butterworth Telepublishing, 1985



LGATR (NSW) Local Government Appeals Tribunal Reports 1972-1980

(NSW) (LBC). The final judgments of this
Tribunal were given in 1979

LGB Local Government Bulletin (Shires Association of NSW) 1946-

LGERA Local Government and Environmental Reports 1993-

of Australia (LBC; Formerly LGRA)
- 108 -

LGN Local Government Planning and Environment 1993-

New South Wales (Butt)

LGR New South Wales Local Government Reports (LBC) 1911-1956

LGR (NSW) Local Government Reports (NSW) (LBC) 1911-1956

(Cont'd in LGRA)

LGRA Local Government Reports of Australia (LBC; Change 1956-1993

in title to LGERA from 1993-)

LGLJ Local Government Law Journal (LBC) 1995-

LGRT Local Government Remuneration Tribunal (NSW)

LI Lawyer International (Lafferty Publications Ltd, 1992-


LIAC Legal Information Access Centre (State Library of NSW)

LIC Law in Context (La Trobe University) 1983-

LIJ Law Institute Journal (Victoria, though 1927-

previously a joint Queensland Victorian

L Inst J Law Institute Journal (Victoria, though 1927-

previously a joint Queensland Victorian

LIN Law Institute News (Law Institute of Victoria) 1986-

LINX Legal Index (Auckland District Law Society 1983-

Library; available on Kiwinet and as a separately
purchased database)

LIS Legal Information Service (NZ)

LIV Law Institute of Victoria

LL Looseleaf or Loose-leaf (pages/service)

LL B Bachelor of Laws

LLBR Licensing Law and Business Report (Clark

Boardman Co Ltd - New York)

LL D Doctor of Laws

LLM Master of Laws in Environmental Law (University

(Environmental) of Auckland)

LLM NRL Master of Laws (Natural Resources Law)

(University of Wollongong)

LL M Master of Laws
- 109 -
- 110 -

LLS Land Laws Service (LBC) 1938-1977

LMCLQ Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law 1974-

Quarterly (Lloyd's of London Press)

LMCS Legal Management Consultancy Services (Adelaide, Sydney)

LMCS Reports Legal Management Consultancy Services' Law 1987-

Practice Management Newsletter

LMD Legal Monthly Digest (LBC - Predecessor 1947-1966

to ALMD)

LML Lloyd's Maritime Law Newsletter


LN Licensing Laws of New South Wales (Butt) 1975-

LOIS Legal Office Information System

LPDAT Legal Practitioners' Disciplinary Appeal

Tribunal (WA)

LPDR Legal Profession Disciplinary Reports 1991-

(supplements to Law Society Journal)

LPDT Legal Profession Disciplinary Tribunal (NSW)

LPLI Lloyd's Product Liability International (Lloyd's 1979-

of London, UK)

LPU Legal Practices Update (Legal Practices Update 1987-

Pty Ltd, PO Box 330, Riverwood 2210 NSW)

LQR Law Quarterly Review (Stevens, UK) 1885-

LQUT Queensland Unit & Group Titles Law & Practice



LRANZ Legal Research in Australia and New Zealand (Australian 1994-

National University - previously Legal Research Newsletter

LRC Law Reports of the Commonwealth (Butt, UK) 1985-1992

Consisted of:-
Constitutional and Administrative Law Reports 1985-1992
Commercial Law Reports 1980-1992
Criminal Law Reports 1985-1992

LRC Law Reform Commission (various jurisdictions)

LRC (Crim) Law Reports of the Commonwealth Criminal Law 1985-1992

- 111 -
- 112 -

LRC (Const) Law Reports of the Commonwealth Constitutional 1985-1992

and Administrative Law Reports

LRC (Comm) Law Reports of the Commonwealth Commercial 1980-1992

Law Reports


LRF Legal Research Foundation (NZ)

LR NSW New South Wales Law Reports* 1880-1900

LR (NSW) New South Wales Law Reports* 1880-1900

LR (NSW) New South Wales Law Reports, Bankruptcy and 1880-1900

Probate (NSW)*

LR (NSW) D New South Wales Law Reports, Divorce* 1800-1900

LR (NSW) Eq New South Wales Law Reports, Equity* 1880-1900

LR (NSW) New South Wales Law Reports, Vice-Admiralty* 1880-1900


LRSA South Australian Law Reports 1865-1892



LSB Legal Services Bulletin (changed title to Alt LJ 1974-1991

from 1992)

LSB (SA) Law Society Bulletin (SA) 1979-

LSEC Australian Company Secretary's Practice Manual 1978-1994

(CCH; changed title to Australian Corporate
Practice Manual from 1995)

LSG Legal Services Group

LSJ Law Society Journal (NSW) 1963-

LSJS Law Society Judgment Scheme (SA) 1947-

LS Judg Sch Law Society Judgment Scheme (SA) 1947-

LSPP Step-by-Step Precedents & Procedures 1980-

- Companies, Trusts, Superannuation Funds (CCH)

* Alternatively these may be spelt out as Law Reports New South Wales

L/T/C Law/Text/Culture (Editors, Law/Text/Culture, 1994-

c/- English Department, University of Wollongong)

Ltd Limited
- 113 -

LTO Land Titles Office

LTO Land Titles Office (NZ)

LTPE Taxation Precedents, Procedures & Elections 1988-


LT Rulings Land Tax Rulings (CCH - published in New 1986-

South Wales Revenue Rulings)

LV Liquor Laws Victoria (Butt) 1982-

LVCB Land and Valuation Case Book, JP McVeagh (ed)

Wellington, Butterworths, 1967. Includes a
number of otherwise unreported decisions

LV Ct Land Valuation Court (NZ)

LVR Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970

LVR (NSW) Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970

- 114 -


MA (Law) Master of Arts majoring in Law (Macquarie


MA NRL Master of Arts (Natural Resources Law)

(University of Wollongong)

M&A Mergers and Acquisitions

Mac See Macassey

MAC Motor Accidents Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf pages 1981-

located in Victorian Workers Compensation
Practice Guide)

MAC Maori Appellate Court (NZ)

Macas See Macassey

Macassey Macassey's Reports of Cases (NZ) 1861-1872

MAF Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (NZ)

MAID Profound Market Analysis & Information Database Profound

Maori LR Maori Law Review (Esoteric Publications; also 1993-

available on the Internet)

MAR Municipal Association Reports (or Record) 1886-1911

MARK New Zealand Trade Marks (NZ Patent Office; 1968-

database available on Kiwinet)

MARPOL Convention for the Prevention of Pollution

from Ships

MB Minute Book (Maori Land Court, NZ)

MC Magistrates' Court

MC Municipal Council

MCA Media Council of Australia

MCA Minerals Council of Australia (formerly AMIC)

MCD Magistrates' Court Decisions (Incorporated 1939-1979

MCR from 1953; superseded by DCR, NZ)

MCL Master of Comparative Law (University of

Technology, Sydney; University of Queensland)

MCLE Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

- 115 -
- 116 -

MCLR Morison's Company Law Reports (Continued 1991-1994

Butterworths Company Reports, Butt- NZ)

MCR Magistrate's Court Reports (Absorbed by MCD; 1906-1953



M Crim Master of Criminology (University of Sydney)

MDR Master of Dispute Resolution (University

of Technology, Sydney)

MDU Medical Defence Union Ltd (UK and Australia)

Medico-Legal Medico-Legal Society of New South Wales, 1960-

Soc NSW Proc Proceedings of

Medico-Legal Medico-Legal Society of Victoria, Proceedings 1931-1984

Soc Vic Proc of

Med LR Medical Law Reports (OUP, UK) 1989-

MEL Master of Environmental Law (University of Sydney,

Australian National University)

Melb Univ Melbourne University Law Review 1957-

L Rev

MEnvL Gov Law Master of Environmental and Local Government Law

(Macquarie University)

Merchandising Merchandising Reporter (Pennfair 1982-

Reporter Communications, Inc - USA)

MERT Ministry of External Relations and Trade (NZ; 1988-1994)

MFAT Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (NZ; 1994)

MHA Member of the House of Assembly (South Australia,

Tasmania and Australian Capital Territory)

MHL Mental Health and the Law (Butt - NZ) 1994-

MHR Member of the House of Representatives

MIA Media Information Australia (Australian Film, 1976-

Television and Radio School)

MIC Metropolitan Industrial Court (Vic)

MIP Managing Intellectual Property (Euromoney, UK) 1991-

M Jur Master of Jurisprudence (University of Sydney)

M Juris Master of Jurisprudence (Bond University)

- 117 -
- 118 -

Mktng & L Marketing and the Law: National Information 1981-

Bulletin (Commercial, Economic, Advisory Service
of Australia, St Leonards, NSW)

MLA Member of the Legislative Assembly (New South Wales,

Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia and
Northern Territory)

MLAANZ Maritime Law Association of Australia and New Zealand

MLAANZ MLAANZ Journal (Maritime Law Association of 1983-

Journal Australia and New Zealand - formerly MLAANZ
Newsletter 1978-1982)

MLAANZ MLAANZ Newsletter (Maritime Law Association 1978-1982

Newsletter of Australia and New Zealand; Succeeded by MLAANZ
Journal 1983- )

MLAANZ Maritime Law Association of Australia and New 1979-

Papers Zealand Papers

MLC Member of the Legislative Council (New South Wales,

Victoria, South Australia, Western Australia
and Tasmania)

MLM Master of Law and Management (University of

New South Wales)

MLLR Masters of Labour Relations and the Law

(University of Sydney)

MLP Master of Legal Practice (Queensland University

of Technology)

MLR Australian Media Law Reporter (IBC) 1993-

MLR Maori Law Review (Esoteric Publications - also available 1993-

on the Internet at

MLR Modern Law Review (Stevens - UK) 1937-

MLS Master of Legal Studies (University of Technology,


MLSJ Macquarie Law Students' Journal 1989-

Mod L R Modern Law Review (Stevens - UK) 1937-

Mon LR Monash University Law Review 1974-

Monash LR Monash University Law Review 1974-

MOT Ministry of Transport (NZ)

MOW Ministry of Works (NZ)

- 119 -
- 120 -

MOWD Ministry of Works and Development (NZ)

MP Member of Parliament

MPC Matrimonial Property Act Cases (NZ) 1978-1982

MSIs Migration Services Instructions (Dept of

Immigration and Ethnic Affairs - formerly PAM/s)

M Tax Master of Taxation

M Tax Law Master of Taxation Law (Deakin University)

MTGU Australian Master Tax Guide Updater (CCH 1984-

this looseleaf publication is designed for use
with the annual bound book, Australian Master
Tax Guide)

M Trade L Master of Trade Law (Deakin University)

MT Rulings Miscellaneous Tax Rulings (Published in: Australian

Income Tax. Australian Taxation Office Rulings
& Guidelines (Butt); Australian Income Tax Rulings
(CCH). Occasionally in Tolhurst et al Australian
revenue duties service - stamp duties (Butt).
Also available from the Australian Taxation Office)

MTV Motor and Traffic Law Victoria (Butt) 1981-

MULR Melbourne University Law Review 1957-

MVR Motor Vehicle Reports (Butt) 1984-

MWD Ministry of Works and Development (NZ)

- 121 -


NAALAS Northern Australian Aboriginal Legal Aid Service

NADB Anti-Discrimination Board, Library, Sydney

NAGD Attorney-General's Dept (New South Wales), Library,


NAILS National Aboriginal and Islander Legal Service

NATOS Australian Taxation Office, Library, Sydney

NBR National Business Review (Fourth Estate; NZ) 1970-

NCA National Crime Authority

NCC National Competition Council (established in 1995)

NCJC Community Justice Centre, Library, Sydney

NCSA Newsletter of the Copyright Society of Australia 1981-1983

(Succeeded by Copyright Reporter 1981-)

NCSC National Companies and Securities Commission

(Melbourne - succeeded by the ASC)

NCSC National Comp anies and Securities 1981-1990

Manual Commission Manual (VGPO)

NDIC District Court Library, Sydney

NED Non-executive Director

NEJOEQ Negotiation Journal (Plenum Press, NY/London) 1985-

NELA National Environmental Law Association

NELA Bulletin NELA Bulletin (National Environmental Law 1992-

Association, Canberra)

NEPA Environment Protection Authority (New South Wales),

Library, Sydney

Newc LR Newcastle Law Review (University of Newcastle) 1994-

NFCA Family Court of Australia, Elizabeth Evatt Library

NFHP Freehill, Hollingdale & Page (Solicitors) Library,


NGO Non-Government Organisation

- 122 -

NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council


NH&MRC National Health and Medical Research Council


NHRE Human Rights & Equal Opportunity Commission, Library,


NILEPA National Institute for Law, Ethics and Public Affairs

(Griffith University)

NIND Industrial Court of New South Wales, Library, Sydney

NIFS National Institute of Forensic Science Library

NINX Newspaper Index (Parliamentary Library, NZ - 1990-

database available on Kiwinet)

NL No liability

NLAAC National Legal Aid Advisory Committee

NLARC National Legal Aid Representative Council

NLAWS Law Society of New South Wales, Library, Sydney

NLB Nuclear Law Bulletin (Nuclear Energy Agency, 1968-

Organisation for Economic Co-operation
and Development or OECD)

NLEC Land & Environment Court (New South Wales), Library, Sydney

NLRC Law Reform Commission of NSW, Library, Sydney

NMST Mallesons Stephen Jaques, Library, Sydney

NNTT National Native Title Tribunal

NOHSC National Occupational Health and Safety Commission

Northern Northern News (Auckland District Law Society) 1972?-


Northern Northern News Review (Auckland District Law 1975?-

News Review Society)

NPAR New South Wales Parliamentary Library, Sydney

NPRO Dept of Courts Administration (New South Wales), Library,


NRES Residential Tenancies Tribunal, Library, Sydney

N&S Nicholls & Stops Reports (Tas) 1897-1904

- 123 -

NSC Supreme Court of New South Wales, Law Courts Library,


NSEC Australian Securities Commission, Chairman's Office -

Sydney Library

NSL:L Legal Information Access Centre, State Library of NSW,


NSW Ad Law Reports. Vice-Admiralty (NSW) 1880-1900

NSW Adm Law Reports. Vice-Admiralty (NSW) 1880-1900

NSW AR Industrial Arbitration Reports, NSW 1902-

NSWB New South Wales Bankruptcy Cases 1890-1899

NSW Bkptcy Bankruptcy Cases (NSW) 1890-1899


NSW BLR New South Wales Building Licensing Reports 1992-

(LBC - Looseleaf pages in Desiatnik, RJ
Building Licensing Laws, 1992-)

NSW CA New South Wales Court of Appeal

NSW CAC New South Wales Corporate Affairs Commission 1972-1985

Report Report of the Commissioner for Corporation
Affairs (Annual Report)

NSW CCR New South Wales Compensation Court Reports 1985-

NSW Ct of App New South Wales Court of Appeal

NSW CR NSW Courts Review (Butt - formerly 1993-

Petty Sessions Review 1967-93; published in
Butterworths Direct Link - NSW District and
Local Courts Practice Newsletter)

NSW Conv R New South Wales Conveyancing Reports (CCH - 1980-

located in NSW Conveyancing Law and

NSW CRD NSW Court of Review Decisions (Butt - 1994-

published in Butterworths Direct Link - NSW District
and Local Courts Practice Newsletter)

NSW Eq Law Reports. Equity (NSW) 1880-1900

NSW GG New South Wales Government Gazette 1832-1900


NSWIC New South Wales Industrial Commission

NSWIC, Ct S New South Wales Industrial Commission in Court Session

- 124 -

NSW Ind Industrial Arbitration Reports, NSW 1902-

Arbtn Cas

NSWJB New South Wales Judgments Bulletin (Legal 1984-

Bulletin Service, Eastwood, NSW)

NSW Land App Land Appeal Court Cases (NSW) 1890-1921


NSW Law Soc J Law Society Journal 1963-

NSWLR Law Reports, New South Wales 1880-1900

NSWLR New South Wales Law Reports (LBC) 1971-

NSWLRC New South Wales Law Reform Commission

NSW LVR Land and Valuation Court Reports (NSW) 1922-1970

NSWIG New South Wales Industrial Gazette 1912-

NSWR New South Wales Reports (Butt) 1960-1970

NSWR Industrial Arbitration Reports, NSW 1902-

NSW Priv Com New South Wales Privacy Committee Papers 1975-

NSWSCL New South Wales Society for Computers and the 1983-
Proceedings Law, Proceedings of (Sydney)

NSW SCR New South Wales Supreme Court Reports 1862-1976

NSW SCR (Eq) Supreme Court Reports, Equity (NSW) 1862-1876

NSW SCR (L) Supreme Court Reports, Law (NSW) 1862-1876

NSW SCR NS Supreme Court Reports (New Series) NSW 1878-1879

NSW Soc for New South Wales Society for Computers 1983-
Computers & and the Law, Proceedings of (Sydney)
the Law,
Proceedings of

NSW SR State Reports (NSW) 1901-1970

NSW St R New South Wales State Reports 1901-1970

NSW WCR Workers' Compensation Reports (NSW) 1926-1980

NSW WN Weekly Notes (NSW) 1884-1970

NTJ Northern Territory Supreme Court Judgments 1951-1976


NTLR Northern Territory Law Reports (LBC) 1992-

- 125 -
- 126 -

NTN Native Title News (Butt) 1994-

NTR Northern Territory Reports (Butt, published 1979-

with Australian Law Reports)

NTT Native Title Tribunal. See NNTT for proper name

NU:L University of Sydney Law School Library, Sydney

NUN:L University of New South Wales Law Library, Kensington

NZACR New Zealand Accident Compensation Reports 1981-1983

NZAR New Zealand Administrative Reports (Butt - NZ) 1976-

NZBLC New Zealand Business Law Cases (CCH - Included 1984-

separately paginated section of Commerce
Commission Decisions but this ceased in 1993;
For current pages see New Zealand Business Law
Guide, Vol 2)

NZBLC (Com) See NZBLC 1984-1993

NZBLQ New Zealand Business Law Quarterly (Brooker's/ 1995-

University of Auckland Research Centre for
Business Law)

NZBN New Zealand Bibliographic Network (National

Library of NZ)

NZBORR New Zealand Bill of Rights Reports (OUP; 1990-1992

Incorporated in HRNZ)

NZ Bus Bull New Zealand Business Bulletin (CCH - NZ) 1988-

NZCA New Zealand Court of Appeal Reports 1867-1877

NZCLC New Zealand Company Law Cases (CCH - NZ - for 1981-

current pages see New Zealand Company Law
and Practice, Vol 2)

NZCLD New Zealand Case Law Digest (Brooker's - 1990-

continues Consolidated Cases Annotations)

NZ Conv C New Zealand Conveyancing Cases (CCH - NZ - 1989/91-

For current pages see NZ Conveyancing Law and

NZCPR New Zealand Conveyancing and Property Reports 1959-1982

(Butt - NZ) -1982/86

NZCPS New Zealand Coastal Policy Statement

NZCT New Zealand Current Taxation (Butt - NZ) 1956-

NZ Current Tax New Zealand Current Taxation (Butt - NZ) 1956-

- 127 -
- 128 -

NZDSC New Zealand Duties and Sales Tax Cases 1983-1984

(CCH - NZ - First published in looseleaf form in New
Zealand Duties and Sales Tax Guide. Cases
republished in bound volumes of NZTC)

NZELC New Zealand Employment Law Cases (CCH - NZ - for 1986-

current pages see New Zealand Employment Law

NZELR New Zealand Environmental Law Reporter 1994-

(Environmental Law Centre)

NZFLR New Zealand Family Law Reports (Butt - NZ - 1981-

Vols 1-2 included separately paged sequence,
Family Law Notes)

NZ Gaz New Zealand Gazette (Government Printer) 1853-


NZILR New Zealand Industrial Law Reports (Department 1987-1990

of Labour - Continues Judgments, etc of the
Arbitration Court of NZ; Continued by Employment
Reports of NZ)

NZJIR New Zealand Journal of Industrial Relations 1976-

(New Zealand Institute of Industrial Relations

NZJPA New Zealand Journal of Public Administration 1938-1977

(Continued by Public Administration, 1978 then
by Public Sector, 1978-)

NZJTLP New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 1994-


NZ Jur New Zealand Jurist Reports 1873-1875

NZ Jur Mining See NZ Jur (NS)


NZ Jur (NS) New Zealand Jurist Reports, New Series 1875-1879

(The addition of "SC", "CA", or "ML" distinguishes
the separate pagination for Supreme Court,
Court of Appeal, and Mining Law decisions)

NZ Law Review New Zealand Law Review (Legal Research Foundation 1995-
Continues NZRLRev)

NZLC Law Commission (NZ)

NZLC PP Law Commission (NZ) Preliminary Paper 1987-

NZLC R Law Commission (NZ) Report 1987-

- 129 -

NZLGR New Zealand Local Government Reports 1935-1971

(Reprinted decisions from NZLR)

NZLJ New Zealand Law Journal (Butt - NZ - To Vol 3 1925-

(1927/8) called Butterworth's Fortnightly Notes)

NZLL New Zealand Law Librarian (NZ Law Librarians' 1995-

Group - continues NZLLG Newsletter)

NZLLG New Zealand Law Librarians' Group Newsletter 1977-1994

Newsletter (Continued by NZLL)

NZLR New Zealand Law Reports (Butt - NZ) 1883-

(Vols 1-5 require addition of "SC" or "CA" to
distinguish separate pagination for Supreme
Court and Court of Appeal decisions)

NZLS New Zealand Law Society

NZMEA New Zealand Mining and Exploration Association

NZ Med J New Zealand Medical Journal (Medical 1900-

Association of New Zealand)

NZNB New Zealand National Bibliography (National 1966-

Library of NZ)

NZPCC New Zealand Privy Council Cases 1840-1932

NZPD New Zealand Parliamentary Debates (Government 1854-


NZPTD New Zealand Planning Tribunal Digest (Data 1993-

Services Ltd)

NZRE New Zealand Real Estate (Real Estate Institute

of NZ - continues Real Estate)

NZRL New Zealand Recent Law (Legal Research 1966-1988

Foundation - to 1974 titled Recent Law; continued
by NZRL Rev)

NZRL Rev New Zealand Recent Law Review (Legal Research 1989-1994
Foundation, continued NZRL; continued by NZ
Law Review)

NZRMA New Zealand Resource Management Appeals (Butt - NZ, 1992-

Continues New Zealand Town Planning Appeals)

NZS New Zealand Standard Specification

NZSC New Zealand Superannuation Cases (CCH) 1982-

NZSS New Zealand Standard Specification

- 130 -

NZTBR New Zealand Taxation Board of Review Decisions 1961-74

(Continued by TRNZ)

NZTC New Zealand Tax Cases (CCH - NZ) 1973-

NZTCPA Town and Country Planning Appeals (Butt - NZ - 1955-1971

Continued by NZTPA)

NZTPA New Zealand Town Planning Appeals (Butt - NZ - 1971-

Continues NZTCPA, continued by NZRMA)

NZTPR New Zealand Tax Planning Report (CCH) 1979-

NZTS New Zealand Treaty Series (Government Printer) 1943-

NZULR New Zealand Universities Law Review (Oxford 1963-

University Press)

NZ Val New Zealand Valuer (Continued by New Zealand 1942-1986

Valuers' Journal)

NZ Val New Zealand Valuers' Journal (continues 1987-

New Zealand Valuer)

NZWCC New Zealand Workers' Compensation Cases 1901-1940?

(title varies before 1916)
- 131 -


O Order (as in delegated/subordinate legislation)

O Order (Rules of Court)

O Order (as in Order of the Supreme Court Rules)

OB & F Ollivier, Bell and Fitzgerald's Reports of 1878-1880

Cases (The addition of "SC" or "CA" distinguishes
the separate pagination for Supreme Court and
Court of Appeal decisions) (NZ)

OB & F (CA) See OB & F

OB & F (SC) See OB & F

Obiter Obiter (University of Canterbury Law Students 1981-


Obiter Obiter (Journal of the University of Queensland 1985?

Law Society)

OCN Compendium of Casenotes of the Ombudsmen/man 1981-


OGLTR Oil & Gas Law and Taxation Review (ESC 1982-
Publishing Ltd, UK)

OHS Occupational Health & Safety

OHSA Occupational Health and Safety Authority (Victoria)

OLAA Office of Legal Aid Administration

OLAFS Office of Legal Aid and Family Services

OHSN Occupational Health and Safety NSW (Butt)

Oll B & F See OB & F

OLR Otago Law Review (University of Otago) 1953-57;


OOS Occupational Overuse Syndrome

OPC Office of Parliamentary Counsel

Oracle Oracle (Monash University Law Society)

Ord Ordinance

OSC Occupational Superannuation Commissioner

- 132 -

OSR Office of State Revenue in New South Wales

OSWomen OSWomen (Office of the Status of Women, Dept of 1989-1994

the Prime Minister and Cabinet; OSWomen
Newsletter 1989)

OTS Office of Treaty Settlements (NZ)

- 133 -


P President (as in President of the Court of Appeal)

PA Professional Administrator (Official journal 1949-

of the Australian Division of the Institute
of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators)

PAB Planning Appeals Board (Victoria, defunct since 1987)

PABR Planning Appeals Board Reports (Victoria) 1983-87

PABR Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting

Tribunal (reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D
Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987-1995)

PALRC Public and Administrative Law Reform Committee (NZ)

PAM/s Procedures Advice Manual/s (Dept of Immigration

and Ethnic Affairs - superseded by MSIs)

PANZ Public Access New Zealand

Parl Parliamentarian (Journal of the Parliaments of 1920-

the Commonwealth)

PAT Purchasing Appeals Tribunal

PATA Pacific Association of Tax Administrators

PAYE Pay As You Earn

PC Privy Council/Privy Councillor

PCA Papua New Guinea Companies Legislation (CCH) 1990-

PCA Proscribed Concentration of Alcohol

PCT Patent Co-operation Treaty


PDBS Parliamentary Database System

PEANZ Petroleum Exploration Association of New Zealand

PEC Planning and Environment Court (Qld)

Pelham Pelham's Reports (South Australia) 1865-1866

PENDC Australian Corporation Law Pending Legislation (Butt - 1992-

contained within Australian Corporation Law Legislation
Vol 2)
- 134 -

PENDT Australian Tax Practice Pending Legislation (Butt - 1987-1993

Renamed Australian Tax Practice Bills Explanatory
Memoranda 1994)

PEPAT Protocol on Environmental Protection to the Antarctic Treaty


PERIN Penalty Enforcement Registration of Infringement Notice

(Victoria from 1985)

Petty SR Petty Sessions Review (superseded by NSW CR) 1967-1993

PEV Planning and Environment Victoria (Butt) 1984-

PF&P Practical Forms & Precedents - NSW (LBC) 1990-

PGDipLegalPrac Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Practice

PGDipLS Postgraduate Diploma in Legal Studies

PGDipTaxStud Postgraduate Diploma in Taxation Studies

(University of Western Australia)

Ph D Doctor of Philosophy

PIAC Public Interest Advocacy Centre (Sydney)

PIB Public Information Bulletin (Inland Revenue 1963-1985

Department, NZ)

PIB Public Information Bulletin (Australian Taxation 1965-1966

Office - Reproduced in: Australian Tax Practice
Rulings & Guidelines Vol 4 under the Tab "other
guidelines" - Butt)

PILCH Public Interest Law Clearing House (Sydney;

Joint Venture between PIAC, NSW law firms and
the Law Society of NSW)

PILOM Pacific Island Law Officers Meetings

PJT Prices Justification Tribunal (now defunct)

P/L Proprietary Limited

PLA Product Liability Australia (Butt) 1995-

Planner Planner - Local Government Court Decisions 1967-1981

(Royal Australia Planning Institute, Queensland Division;
succeeded by QPLR 1981-)

PLAN Planning Tribunal Decisions (Data Services Ltd, 1984-

NZ; database, including decision summaries, available
on Kiwinet and as a separately purchased database)

PLERC Property Law and Equity Law Reform Committee (NZ)

- 135 -
- 136 -

PLI Product Liability International Law (Lloyd's 1979-

of London Press, UK)

PLL Papua New Guinea Labour Law (CCH)

PLPR Privacy Law & Policy Reporter (IBC) 1994-

PLR Public Law Review (LBC) 1990-

PLR Public Lending Right

PLR Pensions Law Reports (Incomes Data Services/ 1989

Hammond Suddards, UK)

PM Prime Minister

PM Police Magistrate

PMC Passenger Movement Charge (from 1 July 1995, formerly

called Departure Tax)

PN Professional Negligence (Tolley, UK) 1985-

POS Policy Statements, of the Australian 1985-

Broadcasting Tribunal (LBC - reprinted in: Durie, R
& Catterns, D Broadcasting law and practice,
LBC, 1987-1994)

PP Parliamentary Paper

PPL Psychiatry, Psychology and Law (Australian Academic 1994-

Press, Brisbane)

PRAC Pacific Rim Advisory Council (an association of

law firms from Pacific Rim countries)

Practice Practice Decisions (Butt - in: Ritchie, AV 1974-

Decisions Supreme Court Procedure - New South Wales,
Vol 2)

Practice Practice Decisions (Butt - in: Williams NJ 1987-

Decisions Civil Procedure - Victoria, Vol 3)

Practice Practice Decisions (Butt - in: Ryan, KW 1984-

Decisions et al Queensland Supreme Court Practice)

Practice Practice Decisions (Butt - in: Morahan, TJ 1990-

Decisions District Court Procedure - New South Wales)

Precedent Law Bulletin of the James Cook University

Law School Inc

Pres President

Pres Mem Presidential Member

- 137 -

Privacy Privacy Bulletin (Privacy Committee, Sydney) 1985-


PRN Practice Notes, of the Australian Broadcasting

Tribunal) LBC; reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D
Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987-1995)

PRNZ Procedure Reports of New Zealand (Brooker's) 1983/89-

proc/s proclamation/s

Proc Medico- Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of 1960-

Legal Soc New South Wales

Proc Medico- Proceedings of the Medico-Legal Society of 1931-

Legal Soc Victoria

(The) Proctor The Proctor - Newsletter of the Queensland 1982-

Law Society

Prof Admin Professional Administrator

PRS Political Reference Service Pty Ltd (Canberra

& Sydney)

PS Public Service

PSA Prices Surveillance Authority (Superseded by ACCC)

PSA Public Service Association

PSB Public Service Board

PSO Planning Scheme Ordinance

PSR Petty Sessions Review (continued by NSWCR 1994-) 1967-1993

PT Rulings Payroll Tax Rulings (CCH - published in 1985-

New South Wales Revenue Rulings)

PTX Papua New Guinea Income Tax Legislation (CCH) 1976-

Pty Proprietary

Pty Ltd Proprietary Limited

PVR Plant Variety Rights

- 138 -


QA Queensland Acts (Butt - code for their subscriptions)

QA Queens Attorney

QAAT Administrative Appeals Tribunal, Principal Registry

Library, Brisbane

QAG Dept of the Attorney-General (Qld) Library, Brisbane

QALR Queensland Annual Law Review (Queensland Law 1991-

Society/Queensland University of Technology)

QANGO Originally Quasi Autonomous Non-Governmental

Organisation now Quasi-Autonomous National
Government Organisation

QAR Queensland Administrative Reports (Looseleaf 1994-

pages in Gilbert, CD & Lane, WB Queensland
Administrative Law, LBC, 1994-)

QATOB Australian Taxation Office Library & Information Services,


Q Bar News Queensland Bar News (Queensland Bar 1980-

Association; Now called Refresher)

QBON:L Bond University Law Library, Gold Coast, Queensland

Q CAR Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907

Q Case Note Queensland Law Reporter Case Note

QC Queens Counsel

QCLE Queensland Continuing Legal Education

QCLJ Queensland Criminal Law Journal (Office 1992

of Director of Prosecutions, Dept of Justice
and Attorney-General)

QCLLR Crown Lands Law Reports (Queensland Land Court) 1859-1973

QCLR Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907

QCMT Corrs Chambers Westgarth, Library, Brisbane

Q ConvR Queensland Conveyancing Reports (CCH - 1982-

Loose-leaf pages located in Queensland
Law and Practice, Vol 2)

QCR Queensland Criminal Reports 1860-1907

- 139 -

Q Ct of Cr Queensland Court of Criminal Appeal


Qd L Queensland Lawyer (LBC) 1973-

Qd R Queensland Reports (LBC) 1958-

QGG Queensland Government Gazette 1859-

QGIG Queensland Government Industrial Gazette 1961-

(formerly Queensland Industrial Gazette

Q Gov Indus Queensland Government Industrial Gazette


QIC Queensland Industrial Commission

QI Ct Queensland Industrial Court

QIL Quality in Law Inc (Sydney)

QIT Law Queensland Institute of Technology Law 1985-1987

Journal Journal (Queensland Institute of Technology
School of Law, Brisbane - succeeded by QUTLJ)

QIT School Queensland Institute of Technology School of Law,

of Law now QUT School of Law

QITLJ Queensland Institute of Technology 1985-1987

Law Journal (Queensland Institute of
Technology School of Law, Brisbane -
Changed from 1988 to QUTLJ)

QJPR Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports 1907-1972

(LBC - Superseded by QL)

QJP Queensland Justice of the Peace (LBC) 1907-1972

QJP (Mag Queensland Justice of the Peace, Magisterial 1907-1972

Cas) Cases

QJPR Queensland Justice of the Peace Reports 1907-1972

QL Queensland Lawyer (LBC) 1973-

QLA Queensland Legislation Annotations (Butt - code for

their subscriptions)

Q Law Soc J Queensland Law Society Journal 1971-

Qld Lawyer Reps Queensland Lawyer Reports (LBC - cited as 1973-

such since 1988, prior to this cases were
cited as QL)

QL Beor Beor's Queensland Law Reports 1876-1878

- 140 -
- 141 -

QLCR Queensland Land Court Reports 1974-

Qld Institute Queensland Institute of Technology Law Journal 1985-

of Technology
Law Journal

QLJ Queensland Law Journal 1878-1901

QLJ (NC) Queensland Law Journal (Notes of Cases) 1878-1901

QLR Queensland Legislation Reprints (Butt - code

for their subscriptions)

QLR Queensland Law Reports by Beor 1876-1878

QLR Queensland Law Reporter 1902-1957


QLR Queensland Legislation Reprints (Butt - code 1992-

for their subscriptions)

QLR (Beor) Queensland Law Reports by Beor 1876-1878

QLSJ Queensland Law Society Journal 1971-

QNTJB Queensland and Northern Territory Judgments 1987-

Bulletin (Legal Bulletin Service, Eastwood, NSW)

QPH Queensland Police Service, Library, Brisbane

QPLR Queensland Planning Law Reports (Particular 1981-

Printing and Publishing, Macgregor, Qld)

QPCAI Queensland Parliamentary Commissioner for 1975-

Report Administrative Investigations Report

QPR Queensland Practice Reports

QSCR Queensland Supreme Court Reports 1860-1881

QSCR Supreme Court Reports (Queensland) 1860-1881

QSR Queensland State Reports (LBC) 1902-1957

QSR State Reports (Queensland) (LBC) 1902-1957

QSW Sly & Weigall Cannan & Peterson, Brisbane

Quadrant Quadrant (Australian Association for Cultural 1956-

Freedom, Sydney)

QUANGO Originally Quasi Autonomous Non-Governmental

Organisation now Quasi-Autonomous National
Government Organisation
- 142 -

Queensland Queensland Unit Group Title Law & Practice 1980-

Unit & Group (CCH)
Titles Law &

Queens LJ Queensland Law Journal and Reports 1879-1901

Queens LR Queensland Law Reports by Beor 1876-1878

QULJ Queensland University Law Journal (now UQLJ) 1948-

QUT School Queensland University of Technology School of Law

of Law

QUTLJ Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 1988-

(formerly QITLJ 1985-1987)

QUT Law Queensland University of Technology Law Journal 1988-

Journal (formerly QITLJ 1985-1987)

QWN Weekly Notes (Queensland) 1908-1972

QWN Queensland Weekly Notes (LBC, published 1908-1972

with Qd R)
- 143 -


R Regina or Rex or The Queen or The King (meaning the Crown)

r/rr rule/s

R Rule

R Restricted

Ratio Juris Ratio Juris (Blackwell, Oxford) 1987-

RATS Reform of the Australian Taxation System (Statement

by the Treasurer the Hon Paul Keating, September
1985, Canberra, AGPS, 1985)

Rec L See NZRL

RED A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845

Reform Reform (Australian Law Reform Commission) 1976-

reg/s regulation/s

R & McG Income Tax Decisions of Australasia, 1891-1930

by Ratcliffe & McGrath (LBC)

R & McG Ct NSW Court of Review Decisions 1913-1927 1927

by Ratcliffe & McGrath (New South Wales) (LBC)

rep repealed

REP Regional Environmental Plan

Rep in CA See NZLR

Reporter Reporter - Australian Institute of Criminology 1979-1988


Reporter (The) The Reporter (Australasian Law Student's 1993-


Rept on Reports on Bankruptcy by the Minister for 1968-

Bkptcy Business and Consumer Affairs

Res & EJ A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845-

Res & Eq J Reserved and Equity Judgments (New South Wales)


Res & Eq A'Beckett's Reserved Judgments (NSW) 1845-


Res Jud Res Judicatae (University of Melbourne) 1935-1957

- 144 -
- 145 -

Revenue LJ Revenue Law Journal (Bond University) 1990-

R&G Rulings and Guidelines (Taxation) (Butt)

RHA Regional Health Authority (NZ)

RJ Judgments of the Supreme Court of New South 1846-1851

Wales for the District of Port Phillip -

R & McG Income Tax Decisions by Ratcliffe & McGrath 1891-1930

(Australia and New Zealand)

R & McG Ct NSW Court of Review Decisions 1913-1927 1927

by Ratcliffe and McGrath (LBC)


RMPAT Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal (Tas)

RPC Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884-

(popularly known as Reports of Patent Cases)

RPD Repatriation Pension Decisions (Australia. 1985-1987

Veterans' Review Board/AGPS)

RPDTMC Reports of Patent, Design and Trade Mark Cases 1884-

RRT Repatriation Review Tribunal. Superseded by the

Veterans' Review Board, established by the
Repatriation Legislation Amendment Act 1983 (Cth)

RRT Refugee Review Tribunal

RRT (Petroleum) Resource Rent Tax

RS Reprinted Statutes of New Zealand (Government 1979-

Print Legislative Services)

RSC Rules of the Supreme Court

RSI Repetitive Strain Injury

RT Round Table: The Commonwealth Journal of 1910-

International Affairs (Carfax Publishing
Co, Abingdon, UK)
- 146 -


SAA Standards Association of Australia

SAB Solicitor's Admission Board

SAIC South Australian Industrial Commission

SABREnet South Australian Business and Regional

Expansion Network

SAGG South Australian Government Gazette (precursor 1839-

to South Australian Gazette and Colonial
Register 1836-1839)

SAICt South Australian Industrial Court

S&B Av Shawcross & Beaumont Aviation Reports (Butt) 1977-

S&CMLR Securities & Capital Markets Law Report 1994-

(Euromoney, UK)

SA Dept of South Australia. Department of the Attorney - 1969-1987

A-G LRC General Law Reform Committee Reports

SAIG South Australian Industrial Gazette 1977-1991

SAIR South Australian Industrial Reports 1916-

SALCR South Australian Licensing Court Reports 1967-1978

Sales Tax Sales Tax Cases (CCH - published in Australian

Cases Sales Tax Guide, Vol 2)

SALLB South Australian Law Librarians Bulletin 1986-

(South Australian Law Librarians Group)

SALLG South Australian Law Librarians Group

SALR South Australian Law Reports 1865-1892


SA Law Soc South Australia Law Society Bulletin 1979-

Bull (Titled Law Society Bulletin)

SAPD South Australian Planning Decisions (University 1989-1993

of Adelaide, Adelaide Law Review Association -
superseded by SAPED)

SAPED South Australian Planning and Environment 1994-

Decisions (University of Adelaide, Adelaide Law
Review Association - formerly SAPD)
- 147 -

SAPR South Australian Planning Reports (Butt was 1967-1981

associated with this 1969-1974)

SAR South Australian Industrial Reports 1916-

SART Student Assistance Review Tribunal

SASC Australian Securities Commission, SA Regional Office,

Library, Adelaide

SASR South Australian State Reports (LBC) 1921-1971

SASR South Australian State Reports 1971-

SATOP Australian Taxation Office, Library, Adelaide

SAWAJB South Australian and Western Australian 1988-

Judgments Bulletin (Legal Bulletin Service,
Eastwood, NSW)

SC Senior Counsel

SC Supreme Court

SC Shire Council

SC (State) Supreme Court of (State)

SCAG Standing Committee of Attorney-Generals

SCALE Statutes and Cases Automated Legal Enquiry

(Federal Attorney-General's Department database
available via Info-One, LINK or LEXIS)

Sch Schedule

Sch/s Schedule/s

SCL New South Wales Society for Computers and the Law

SCR (NSW) Supreme Court Reports (New South Wales) 1862-1876

SCR (NSW) Eq Supreme Court Reports (New South Wales), Equity 1862-1879

SCR (L) Supreme Court Reports Law (NSW) 1862-1879

SCR (NS) Supreme Court Reports (New South Wales), (New 1878-1879
(NSW) Series)

SCR (Q) Queensland Supreme Court Reports 1860-1881

SDB Sex Discrimination Board (SA)

SDL Stamp Duties Law (Butt) 1993-

- 148 -

SD Rulings Stamp Duties Rulings (CCH - published in 1985-

New South Wales Revenue Rulings)

SEOC Equal Opportunity Commission (South Australia)

Library, Adelaide

SEPP State Environmental Planning Policy

SFCA Family Court of Australia, Adelaide Registry, Library

Sh Shadforth's Reserved Judgments 1846-1851

Shad Shadforth's Reports, Victoria 1846-1851

SIA Securities Institute of Australia

SJD Doctor of Juristic Science

SJD Doctor of Legal Science (Bond University)

SJD Doctor of Juridical Science (University of

Technology, Sydney)

SJD Doctor of Juridical Studies (University of

New South Wales)

SL Subordinate Law/Legislation (ACT & Qld)

SLAC Suburban Law Association Convention (Victoria)

SLAPP Suits Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation


SLB Australian Superannuation Law Bulletin (IBC - 1989-

Formerly Superannuation Law Bulletin 1989-1990)

SLG Special leave granted

SLR Special leave refused

SLR Sydney Law Review (University of Sydney) 1953-

SLSR Sydney Law School Reports 1990

SM Stipendiary Magistrate

SMART Sydney Maritime Arbitration Rules and Terms 1991

(Sydney Maritime Arbitration Committee)

SMH Sydney Morning Herald (John Fairfax Group Pty Ltd; 1831-
at one stage featured law reports)

SMLL Law Society of South Australia, Murray Law Library, Adelaide

SMN New South Wales Solicitors Manual (Butt) 1987-

- 149 -

S&M Record Shire and Municipal Record (LBC) 1908-1991

So Aus LR South Australian Law Reports 1865-1892

Social Justice Social Justice (Global Options, San Francisco, 1974-

USA; formerly Crime and Social Justice)

Socio-Legal Socio-Legal Bulletin (National Centre for 1991-

Bulletin Socio-Legal Studies, La Trobe University -
formerly Socio-Legal Newsletter 1990-1991)

SOE State Owned Enterprise (NZ)

Soc Sec Rep Social Security Reporter 1981-

SPAR Parliamentary Library of South Australia, Adelaide

SPJ Senior Puisne Judge (Queensland)

SPLR South Pacific Law Reports (OUP, New Zealand) 1987-

SPN Ritchie's Supreme Court Procedure New South Wales 1972-


SPQ Queensland Supreme Court Practice (Butt) 1984-

SQR State Reports Queensland 1905-

SR Statutory Rules

SR Statutory Regulations (Government Print 1936-

Legislative Services, NZ)

SR Statutory Rules (Commonwealth of Australia) 1901-

SRB Superannuation and Retirement Benefits in 1988-

Australia (Butt)

SREP Sydney Regional Environmental Plan

SR (NSW) State Reports (New South Wales) (LBC) 1901-1970

SR (NSW) State Reports (New South Wales), Bankruptcy 1901-1970

B&P & Probate

SR (NSW) Eq State Reports (New South Wales), Equity 1901-1970

SRQ State Reports Queensland 1905-

SR (WA) State Reports (Western Australia) (LBC) 1980-

SSAT Social Security Appeals/Administrative Tribunal

SSC State Services Commission (NZ)

SSC Supreme Court of South Australia, Library, Adelaide

- 150 -
- 151 -

SSR Social Security Reporter (Legal Service 1981-

Bulletin Co-operative Ltd, Monash University,

Stat Dec Statutory Declaration

STC Sales Tax Cases (CCH - looseleaf pages in

Australian Sales Tax Guide Vol 3)

Stop Press New South Wales Bar Association Monthly Newsletter

St RQ State Reports Queensland 1902-1957

St R Qd State Reports Queensland 1902-1957

ST Rulings Sales Tax Rulings (Australian Taxation Office

Reproduced in Australian Sales Tax Guide,
CCH, Vol 2)

sub-s/s subsection/s

SULSAA Sydney University Law School Alumni Association

Sup Ct Supreme Court

SUU University of the South Pacific Library

Syd Inst Crim University of Sydney Faculty of Law 1967-1988

Proc Proceedings of the Institute of Criminology
(succeeded by Current Issues in Criminal Justice)

Syd LR Sydney Law Review (University of Sydney) 1953-

Syd L Rev Sydney Law Review (University of Sydney) 1953-

- 152 -


T Circular Letters, of the Australian Broadcasting

Tribunal (LBC; reprinted in: Durie, R & Catterns, D
Broadcasting law and practice, LBC, 1987-1994)

T/A Trading as

Table Table (journal of the Society of Clerks-at- 1933-

the-Table in Commonwealth Parliament)

TACSLR Taylor's Australian Corporations & Securities 1992

Law Review. Only one issue published.

TAD Tax Action Digest

TAR Chartac Tax Action Report (Chartac Australia, 1982-1883


Tarl Tarleton Term Reports (New South Wales) 1881-1883

Tarl Term R Tarleton; Term Reports (NSW) 1881-1883

Tas Bldg Tasmanian Building Appeal Reports (Local 1967-

APP R Government Office, Hobart)

Tas Irreg Tasmanian Irregular Notes of decisions in the 1956-

Notes Supreme Court of Tasmania and in other
Tasmanian Courts (FD Cumbrae - Stewart,

Tas LN Tasmanian Law Newsletter (Law Society 1981-1991

of Tasmania, Hobart - succeeded by Law
Letter 1992-)

Tas LR Tasmanian Law Reports (LBC) 1904-1940

Tas L Rev University of Tasmania Law Review 1958-

Tas R Tasmanian Reports (LBC - from 1992 1979-

published in 1994, the mode of citation changed
from square to round brackets)

Tas SR Tasmanian State Reports (LBC), 1941-1978

Tas Univ L See Univ Tas L R 1958-


TATO Australian Taxation Office, Library, Hobart

Tax Essays Tax Essays (Butt) 1979

Tax in Aust Taxation in Australia (Taxation Institute 1963-1992

of Australia - succeeded by red and blue editions)
- 153 -
- 154 -

Taxn in Aust Taxation in Australia (Taxation Institute 1963-1992

of Australia - succeeded by red and blue
editions of Australia)

Taxation Taxation Journal (Taxation Research Publishing 1992-

Journal Bondi Junction, NSW)

TBDF Transborder Data Flows

TBRD Taxation Board of Review Decisions 1925-1951

(Commonwealth Government Printer)

TBRD (NS) Taxation Board of Review Decisions, New Series 1950-1969


TCL The Capital Letter (NZ - Financial Press 1978-


TCLR Trade and Competition Law Reports (Brooker's, 1978/86-

(NZ, to be continued by Brooker's
Commercial Law Reports) 1994?

TCLRS The Complete Legal Research System (LBC -

Consists of The Laws of Australia on CD;
Australian Digest 3rd ed on CD; Australian
Legal Monthly Digest on CD; Australian Case
Citator on CD)

TCO Tariff Concession Orders

TEO Tax Education Officer (NZ)

TEO Newsletter TEO Newsletter (NZ Tax Education Office) 1988-

Terr LJ Territory Law Journal (NT Law Society) 1975-

TFM Testators Family Maintenance (Largely replaced

in Australia by Family Provision legislation)

TGACC Therapeutic Goods Advertising Code Council

TGA News TGA News (Therapeutic Goods Administration, Canberra)

TIA Taxation Institute of Australia (Sydney)

TIA Taxation in Australia (Taxation Institute 1963-1992

of Australia - succeeded by red and blue editions)

TIA Taxation in Australia (red edition) 1993-

Taxation in Australia (blue edition) 1993-

TIA Taxation Institute of Australia: Convention 1945-

Convention Papers

TI-A Transparency International Australia Ltd

- 155 -
- 156 -

TIC Tasmanian Industrial Commission

Ticket of Ticket of Leave (Macquarie University Law 1984-

Leave Society)

TIND Tasmanian Industrial Commission, Library, Hobart

TJR The Judicial Review (Judicial Commission 1992-

of NSW)

TLA Dept of Justice (Tasmania), DM Chambers Library, Hobart

TLA Taxation Laws of Australia - Legislation 1990-1995

and Official Explanations 1936-1990 (Butt)

TLA The Laws of Australia (LBC) 1993-

TLF:B Law Foundation of Tasmania, North West Law Library,


TLF:H Law Foundation of Tasmania, Southern Law Library,


TLF:L Law Foundation of Tasmania, Launceston Law Library,


TLJ Torts Law Journal (Butt) 1993-

TLN Tasmanian Law Newsletter 1981-

TL&P Trust Law & Practice (Tolley, UK - now Trust 1986-1990

Law International 1990-)

TLPR Australian Telecommunications Law & Policy Review 1992-


TL&PR Telecommunications Law & Policy Review (IBC) 1992-

TLR Tasmanian Law Reports 1905-1940

TMN Tax Matters Newsletter (Australian Tax 1981-

Research Foundation)

TNI Tax Notes - International (Tax Analysts, 1985-

Virginia, USA - available on LEXIS; Dialog;

TNS Tax News Service (International Bureau of

Fiscal Documentation, Amsterdam)

TOL Ticket of Leave (Macquarie University Law 1984-


TOM Ombudsman (Tasmania) Law Library, Hobart

Tort L Rev Tort Law Review (LBC) 1993-

- 157 -
- 158 -

Toxic Toxic (Ecol Data Pty Ltd, Everton Park, Qld) 1988-

TP Trade Practices

TPA Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth)

TPAT Town Planning Appeals Tribunal (WA)

TPC Trade Practices Commission (Canberra, 1974-1995;

Succeeded by the ACCC)

TPC Trade Practices Cases (Butt) 1977-1982

TPC Bulletin Trade Practices Commission Bulletin 1982-1995

TPCD Trade Practices Commission Decisions and 1977-1982

Determinations (Butt)

TPCDD Trade Practices Commissions Decisions and 1977-1982

Determinations (Butt)

TPD Police Dept (Tasmania) Library, Rokeby

TPG Town Planning and Local Government Guide (LBC) 1956-

TPLB Trade Practices Law Bulletin (IBC) - continued 1984-

Australian and New Zealand Trade Practices
Advertising & Marketing Law Bulletin; known
now as AMLB)

TPLGG Town Planning and Local Government Guide (LBC) 1956-

TPLJ Trade Practices Law Journal (LBC) 1993-

TPP Australian Tenancy Practice and Precedents (Butt) 1987-

TPR Trade Practices Reports (LBC) 1982-1983

TPRS Trade Practices Reporting Service (LBC) 1976-1982

TPS Television Program Standard

TQM Total Quality Management

TR Tax Rulings (Australian Tax Office; available in

looseleaf services and on CD Rom)

TRA Takeovers and Reconstructions in Australia (Butt)

TRA Taxation Review Authority (NZ)

Trademark Trademark World (Intellectual Property 1987-

World Publishing Ltd)

Trib Tribunal
- 159 -
- 160 -

TRIPS The GATT Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects

of Intellectual Property Rights

TRSS Technical Reference Support Service (Inland

Revenue Department, NZ)

TRNZ Tax Reports (Butt - NZ; Continues NZTBR) 1974-

Tru LI Trust Law International (Tolley, UK - formerly 1990-

Trust Law & Practice 1986-1990)

TSCJ Supreme Court of Tasmania, Judges' Library

TTR Tourism and Travel Review (IBC) 1992-

TU:L University of Tasmania, Law Library, Sandy Bay

TWU Transport Workers' Union of Australia

- 161 -


UCA Uniform Companies Act (1961)

UCLA UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal (University 1982-

PBLJ of California, Los Angeles)

UCLA Pac UCLA Pacific Basin Law Journal (University 1982-

Basin LJ of California, Los Angeles)

UN United Nations

UNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International

Trade Law

UNHCR United Nations Human Rights Commission

UMLS University of Melbourne Law Society

Univ of University of New South Wales Law Journal 1975-


UNSW Law UNSW Law School Bulletin (University 1991-

School Bulletin of New South Wales)

UNSWLJ University of New South Wales Law Journal 1975-

Univ QLJ University of Queensland Law Journal 1948-

Univ S University of Sydney Faculty of Law 1967-1988

Inst of Crim Institute of Criminology Proceedings (succeeded
Proceedings by Current Issues in Criminal Justice)

Univ of Tas University of Tasmania Law Review 1958-


Univ WA Ann Annual Law Review (WA - Cont'd as Univ WAL Rev) 1948-1959
L Rev

Univ WAL Rev University of Western Australia Law Review 1948-

Unrep Unreported Judgment

Uneptd Unreported Judgment

UQLJ University of Queensland Law Journal 1948-

U/r Unreported Judgment

Unrep Unreported Judgment

U Tas LR University of Tasmania Law Review 1958-

U Tas L Rev University of Tasmania Law Review 1958-

- 162 -
- 163 -

UTLR University of Tasmania Law Review 1958-

UW Austl L University of Western Australia Law Review 1948-


UWALR University of Western Australia Law Review 1948-

UWAL Rev University of Western Australia Law Review 1948-

- 164 -


v versus

VACR Accident Compensation Reports (CCH - Looseleaf 1990-

pages in Victorian Accident Compensation Guide,

Valuer Valuer (Australia Institute of Valuers) 1945-

VAR Victorian Administrative Reports (LBC - 1985-

Loose-leaf pages located in Kyrou, EJ
Victorian Administrative Law)

VATO Australian Taxation Office, Melbourne Branch, Library

VBN Victorian Bar News (The Victorian Bar) 1971-

VCCR Corrs Chambers Westgarth Solicitors, Library, Melbourne

V Conv R Victorian Conveyancing Reports (CCH - 1981-

Loose-leaf pages located in Victorian
Conveyancing Law and Practice, Vol 2)

VeRBosity VeRBosity: a bulletin of current events from 1985-

the Veterans' Review Board

VGPO Victorian Government Publishing Office

VIAC Victorian Industrial Appeals Court

Vic ACR Accident Compensation Reports/Accident 1985-

Compensation Tribunal Reports (Butt -
looseleaf pages in Boyes, LR & O'Loughlin, M
Accident Compensation Victoria)

Vic Bar News Victorian Bar News (The Victorian Bar) 1977-

Vic CCR See CCR (Vic)

Vic Legal
Exec Victorian Legal Executive

Vic Sup Ct FC Victorian Supreme Court Full Court

Victimology Victimology: An International Journal 1976-

Vict LJ Victorian Law Journal 1932-1933

Vict LT Victorian Law Times 1856-1857

- 165 -

Victorian Victorian Motor Accident Cases (CCH - 1981-

Motor Loose-leaf pages located in Victorian Workers
Accident Compensation Practice Guide)

Vic Rep Webb, A'Beckett and Williams Reports 1870-1872

Victorian Victorian Workers Compensation Cases (CCH - 1976-

Workers Loose-leaf pages located in Victorian
Compensation Workers Compensation Practice Guide)

Vic WCR Victorian Workers Compensation Reports/Workers 1982-

Compensation Board Decisions (Vic) (Butt -
Looseleaf pages in Boyes, LR & O'Loughlin,
M Accident Compensation Victoria, 1987-)

VIN Victorian Industrial Notes (Butt - 1982-

Looseleaf pages in Alley's Industrial Law
Victoria, 2nd ed, 1981-)

VINS Australian Securities Commission, Victorian Regional Office,


VIR Victorian Industrial Reports (Butt - 1982-

Looseleaf pages in Alley's Industrial Law
Victoria, 2nd ed, 1981-)

VISCOPY An Australian visual artists' copyright collecting

society. Established in 1995

VJB Victorian Judgments Bulletin (Legal Bulletin 1985-

Service, Eastwood, NSW)

VLD Victorian Licensing Decisions (Butt - 1976-

in: Bourke's Liquor Laws of Victoria,
5ed, 1982-)

VLE Valuer and Land Economist (formerly The Valuer 1992-


VLE Victorian Legal Executive 1965-

VLIV Law Institute of Victoria, Library, Melbourne

VLLG Victorian Law Librarians Group

VLR Victorian Law Reports. Please note different 1875-1956

pagination from VLR's listed below.

VLR (Adm) Victorian Law Reports (Admiralty) 1875-1884

VLRC Victorian Law Reform Commission (Disbanded in 1993)

VLRC Working Victorian Law Reform Commission Working Paper

- 166 -

- 167 -

VLR (E) Victorian Law Reports (Equity) 1875-1884

VLR (Eq) Victorian Law Reports (Equity) 1875-1884

VLR (IP & M) Victorian Law Reports (Insolvency, Probate & 1875-1884

VLR (L) Victorian Law Reports (Law) 1875-1884

VLR (M) Victorian Law Reports (Mining) 1875-1884

VLR (P & M) Victorian Law Reports (Probate & Matrimonial) 1875-1884

VLT Victorian Law Times 1856-1857

VMOU L Monash University, Clayton Campus, Law Library

VP Vice President

VPA Victorian Planning Appeal Decisions (LBC - 1969-1982

the mode of citation between 1969-1974 was
[year] VPA, then for 1975 onwards Vol No VPA.
Continued by Australian Planning Appeal Decisions)

VPAR Parliament of Victoria Library

VPDC Victoria Police College, Library, South Yarra

VR Victorian Reports (Butt) 1957-

VR Victorian Reports 1870-1872

VRB Veterans' Review Board

VR (E) Victorian Reports (Equity) 1869-1872

VR (Eq) Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Reports (Equity) 1869-1872

VR (IE & M) Victorian Reports (Insolvency, Ecclesiastical 1869-1872

& Matrimonial)

VR(M) Victorian Reports (Mining) 1869-1872

VR (L) Victorian Reports (Law) 1869-1872

VSC Supreme Court of Victoria, Law Courts, Library, Melbourne

VSEC Australian Securities Commission, Office of the Chairman,

Library, Melbourne

VTAC Transport Accident Cases (CCH - Looseleaf 1985-

pages in Victorian Accident Compensation
Practice Guide Vol 2)

VTBR Case Victorian Taxation Board of Review Case (Butt -

Occasionally published in CTBR (NS)
- 168 -
- 169 -

VU:L University of Melbourne, Law Library, Carlton

VUWLR Victoria University of Wellington Law Review 1953-

(Victoria University of Wellington)
- 170 -


WAAR Western Australia Arbitration Reports 1901-1920

WA Arb R Western Australia Arbitration Reports 1901-1920

W A'B & W Webb, A'Beckett and Williams Reports 1870-1872

W A'B & W Eq Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Equity Reports 1870-1872

W A'B & W IE Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Insolvency, 1870-1872

&M Ecclesiastical and Matrimonal Reports

W A'B & W Min Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Mining Cases 1870-1872

WAGG Western Australia Government Gazette

Wai See WTR

WAIA Ct Western Australian Industrial Appeal Court

WAIG Western Australian Industrial Gazette 1921-

WAIRC Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission

WA Indus Gaz Western Australian Industrial Gazette 1921-

WALR Western Australian Law Reports 1899-1959

WALRC Western Australia Law Reform Commission

Bull Bulletin

WALRC Western Australia Law Reform Commission

Working Working Paper

WAR Western Australian Reports (Butt 1960-1982; 1960-

LBC 1983-)

WATO Australian Taxation Office, Cannington, Library

& Information Service, WA

WBAL Baldwin Son & Carey Library (Wellington)

WBF Buddle Findlay (Wellington) Library

WBG Bell Gully Buddle Weir (Wellington) Library

WCATR Workers Compensation Appeal Tribunal Reports 1988-

(Registrar of Review Authorities, South Australia)

WCBD (Vic) Workers' Compensation Board Decisions (Vic) 1938-

WCBD (WA) Workers' Compensation Board Decisions (WA) 1950-

- 171 -
- 172 -

WCC Workers' Compensation Cases (CCH - Loose-leaf 1981-

pages located in Victorian Workers
Compensation Practice Guide)


WCED Environmental Protection Authority (Western Australia),

Library, Perth

WCLA Workers' Compensation Legislation in Australia 1980-

(continues: Conspectus of Workers'
Compensation Legislation)

WCN Mills Workers Compensation New South Wales (Butt) 1987-

WCOM Commerce Commission Library (Wellington)

WCR Worker's Compensation Reports (New South Wales) 1926-1980

WCR Crown Law Office Library (Wellington)

WCR (NSW) Workers' Compensation Reports (New South Wales) 1926-1980

WCR (Qld) Workers' Compensation Reports (Queensland) 1919-

WCR (WA) Workers Compensation Reports (Western Australia) 1981-

WCTQ Chapman Tripp Sheffield Young (Wellington) Library

& Information Centre

Webb A'B & W Webb, A'Beckett and Williams Reports 1870-1872

Webb A'B & Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Equity Reports 1870-1872
W Eq

Webb A'B & W Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Insolvency, 1870-1872

IE & M Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial Reports

Webb A'B B & Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Insolvency, 1870-1872

W IP & M Probate and Matrimonial Reports

Webb A'B & Webb, A'Beckett and Williams' Mining Cases 1870-1872
W Min

WEL Womens Electoral Lobby

WERY Ernst & Young (Wellington) Information Centre

WEX Ministry of Foreign Affairs & Trade Library


WGA Parliamentary Library (Wellington)

Whiteacre Whiteacre (Newsletter of the Sydney University 1967-1975

Law Graduates' Association)
- 173 -

WIND Western Australian Industrial Relations Commission, Library,


WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization (Geneva)

WIPR World Intellectual Property Report (BNA 1987-

International, UK)

WIR Weekly Industrial Register (LBC - formerly 1995-

Workforce 1974-1994)

WJ Department of Justice Library (Wellington)

WL Wellington District Law Society Library

WLAC Legal Aid Commission of WA, Library, Perth

WLC Law Commission Library (Wellington)

WLR Weekly Law Reports (Incorporated Council 1953-

of Law Reporting for England and Wales, UK)

WN Interloans, National Library of New Zealand

WN (NSW) Weekly Notes (New South Wales) (LBC) 1884-1970

WORLD 1 WORLD 1 (Brand name for the service being

developed by the National Document and Information
Service Project - National Library of Australia)

WPA Patent Office Library (Lower Hutt)

WPAR Parliamentary Library (Western Australia), Perth

WPD Police Dept (Western Australia) Library & Resource

Centre, Maylands

WPN Wills, Probate and Administration Service New 1985-

South Wales (Butt)

WPOL NZ Police Library

WRU Russell McVeagh McKenzie Bartleet & Co, Auckland

WRWS Rudd Watts & Stone Library and Information Centre

WSC Supreme Court of Western Australia, Law Library,


WSE Australian Securities Commission, WA Regional Office

Library, Perth

WSGB Simpson Grierson (Wellington) Library

WSLR World Securities Law Report (BNA International 1995-

Inc, London)
- 174 -
- 175 -

WTB Weekly Tax Bulletin (Butt) 1985-

WTO World Trade Organisation (successor to GATT)

WTR Waitangi Tribunal Reports (Brooker's NZ) 1987-

WTR World Tax Report (Financial Times, London) 1984-

WUL Law Library, Victoria University of Wellington

W&W Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Victorian) 1864-1869

W&W Wyatt and Webb's Reports 1861-1863

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports 1864-1869

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Equity) 1864-1869

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Equity) 1864-1869

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Insolvency

(IE & M) Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial) Vic

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Mining) 1864-1869

W & W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports Mining 1864-1869

W & W (E) Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Victorian) (Equity) 1861-1863

W & W (Eq) Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Equity) 1861-1863

W & W (IE Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Victorian) 1861-1863

&M (Insolvency, Ecclesiastical & Matrimonial)

W & W (L) Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Victorian) (Law) 1861-1863

WW & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports 1864-1869

WW & A'B (E) Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Equity)

WW & A'B (IE Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Insolvency,

& M) Ecclesiastical & Matrimonial)

WW & A'B (M) Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports (Mining)

Wyatt & W Wyatt and Webb's Reports 1861-1863

Wyatt & Webb Wyatt and Webb's Reports 1861-1863

Wyatt & W Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Equity) 1861-1863

- 176 -
- 177 -

Wyatt & W Wyatt and Webb's Reports (Insolvency, 1861-1863

(IE & M) Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial

Wyatt & WIP Wyatt and Webb's Reports, Insolvency, Probate 1861-1863
&M and Matrimonial

Wyatt W & A'B Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports Equity 1864-1869

Wyatt, W & Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports Insolvency 1864-1869

A'B IE & M Ecclesiastical and Matrimonial

Wyatt, W & Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Victorian 1864-1869

A'B IP & M Insolvency, Probate and Matrimonial Reports

Wyatt, W & Wyatt, Webb and A'Beckett's Reports Mining 1864-1869

A'B Min

WYS Kensington Swan Library & Information Centre (Wellington)

- 178 -


XCLC Central Land Council Information Services, Alice Springs

XLAW Dept of Law (Northern Territory) Library, Darwin

XPAR Parliamentary Library (Northern Territory) Darwin

XSC Supreme Court (Northern Territory) Library, Darwin

- 179 -


YLCT Yearbook of Law Computers and Technology 1984

(Leicester Polytechnic School of Law)

YLN Young Lawyers News (Law Society of NSW - formerly 1987-


YLSN Young Lawyers Section Newsletter (Law Society 1982-1986

of NSW succeeded by YNL)
- 180 -

Further sources:

Australian Interlibrary Resource Sharing Directory, 3rd ed, Canberra, National Library of Australia, 1994

Australian periodicals in print, (latest edition), Melbourne, Thorpe

Bieber, DM Dictionary of legal abbreviations used in American law books, 4th ed, Buffalo, NY, Hein, 1993

Coppell, WG Dictionary of abbreviations and acronyms, Melbourne, Wilkinson Books, 1993

Harrington, M AGAAA/Australian government acronyms and abbreviations, Canberra, Australian Government Publishing
Service, 1993

Jones, DJ Australian dictionary of acronyms and abbreviations, 4th ed, Canberra, ALIA Press, 1995

Kavass, II & Prince, MM (eds) World dictionary of legal abbreviations, Buffalo, NY, Hein, 1991- (Looseleaf)

Rais trick, D Index to legal citations and abbreviations, 2nd ed, London, Bowker-Saur, 1993

Serials in Australian libraries CD ROM, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology/National Library of Australia

Trew, JL Federal industrial law, Sydney, Butterworths, 1989 - (Looseleaf). List of abbreviations of organisations,
- 181 -


Some local and overseas law books are colloquially named by the colour of the binding. No attempt is made to be
comprehensive and the following are but a few examples.

Black binder: Probably a CCH looseleaf service

Black statutes: NSW reprinted statutes and sessional acts in black binders, likewise for WA

Blue book: The blue book - A uniform system of citation, 15ed, Cambridge, Mass, Harvard Law Review
Association, 1991

Blue book: Australia. Dept of Treasury. Australia's foreign

investment policy - a guide for investors, Canberra,
AGPS, 1992. The name may not survive the next edition

Blue book: The Blue Book: The Directory of the Law Society of Scotland, Edinburgh, Butterworths (Annual)

Blue book: Legal Profession Disciplinary Reports, published as

a supplement to Law Society Journal, since 1990

Red book: The various Butterworths procedure looseleaf services ie Ritchie (NSW); Williams (Vic); Ryan
(Qld); Lunn (SA); Seaman (WA); Refshauge (ACT)
Source: (1995) 69 ALJ 417

Maroon book: The University of Chicago Manual of legal citation, Lawyer's Co-Operative Publishing
Co/Bankcroft-Whitney Co/Mead Data Central, Inc, 1989
Source: Posner, R A The maroon book (1988) 101 Harvard Law Review 1323

Red statutes: NSW statutes 1824-1957 (LBC)

Silver service: Armstrong, M et al Communications law and policy in Australia, Sydney, Butterworths, 19992 -

White book: Supreme Court Practice, London, Sweet & Maxwell (latest edition or on CD-ROM)
Source: Minister administering the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 v Carson
(1994) 35 NSWLR 342 at 348

Yellow book: Admission of Securities to Listing, London, Council of The International Stock Exchange
Source: Atkinson, N et al Practitioner's guide to the Stock Exchange Yellow Book, Woking,
Surrey, Westminster Management Consultants, 1993




From the Introduction:

It evolved as a preliminary list in June 1979 (No 32 ALLG Newsletter) and revised in July 1982 (No 50 ALLG Newsletter) then
as a separate publication in 1986. Also incorporated in the list are non-Australian and New Zealand law journals which
regularly carry Australian and New Zealand content and/or have Australians or New Zealanders serving on their editorial /
advisory boards or as correspondents. The last point explains why JBL and MLR are in whilst LQR is out, though they are
all of UK origin. As well, a selected number of non-law periodicals which feature on a regular basis articles of relevance to
legal practice in Australia and New Zealand are included."

This publication was compiled by Colin Fong, Research Librarian with Allen Allen & Hemsley and Alan Edwards, the Law
Librarian with the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Cost: $25.00 (including postage).

$20.00 for four or more copies (including postage); overseas airmail extra.
Cheques payable to: Australian Law Librarians' Group
Forward: Australian Law Librarians' Group
NSW Division
PO Box 78
St Paul's NSW 2031

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