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Licup, Erika Jane B.

AB English III

Stylistic Analysis of “The Nightingale and the Rose” by Oscar Wilde


Oscar Wilde (1854-1990) as an Irish writer and poet. He became known for his
involvement in the rising philosophy of aestheticism, that is why most of his stories are in
aesthetic voice. He was also know as “Master of fairytales” one of which is the Nightingae and
the Rose.


The Nightingale and the Rose is a story about a young Student who fell inlove with the
Professor’s daughter. But the complication in this story is when the young Student has no red
rose. The red rose is the Proffesor’s daughter condition for him to take her to the dance. But he
has no red rose in his garden. He started weeping and the Nightingale heard him. The
nightingale understood his burden that is why she searched the whole garden fo a red rose
until he land to the Rose-tree. Yes its roses are are red but because of the weather her veins are
chilled and its branches are broken, but there’s a single way! The Nightingale must sing her
sweetest song all night and stain the Rose-tree’s vein with her own blood. Death is the price to
pay for a single red rose. She doesn’t want to see the young Student lting in the grass, crying.
And that night, she sang her sweetest song and the thorn cut her heart and the Nightingale’s
blood flowed to the Rose-tree’s vein and there’s the reddest rose. But the Nightingale didn’t
saw it because she was dead. At noon, the young Student opened his window and there he saw
the reddest red rose he had never see. He plucked it and went right away to the Professor’s
daughter for he was so happy because his love will go to the dance with him. When he arrived
and told her the good news, she frowned and told him that it will not go with her dress and,
besides, the Chamberlain’s nephew sent her some jewels and she told him that jewel cost more
than a flower. The young Student got mad because of the ungratefulness of the Professor’s
daughter. He threw the red rose in the gutter and a cart-wheel went over it. He walked away
and in his room he pulled out a book and began studying Philosophy and Metaphysics.

A. Graphological Features:

1. The title of the story is CAPSLOCK and BOLD.

2. The author is not indicated in the selection.
3. The narration of the story is in third person.
4. The story is composed of 62 paragraphs and 2, 326 word.
The title gives emphasis that the story is about a nightingale and a rose. For me, the
author did not include his name so that the reader will have the curiousity to research about
him. The narration is in third person so thet the reader will have an omniscient view of the story
and the story is not that long so that the reader will enjoy while he/she is reading.

B. Morphological Features:

1. The use of adding –s, –es or ‘s in the story.

1.1. Adding –s or –es for pluralzation

Singular Plural Singular Plural Singular Plural

1. Rose Roses 13. musician musicians 25. dream dreams
2. eye eyes 14. instruments 26. jewel jewels
3. tear tears 15. courtier courtiers 27. flower flowers
4. thing things 16. wing wings 28. shoe shoes
5. secret secrets 17. fan fans 29. dress dresses
6. star stars 18. vein veins 30. kiss kisses
7. lip lips 19. bud buds 31. branch branches
8. arm arms 20. artist artists
9. emerald emeralds 21. other others
10. pearl pearls 22. art arts
11.pomegranat pomegranates 23. note notes
12.merchant merchants 24. sheperd sheperds

However, there are some special rules in pluralization. For instance, words ending in –f,
change –f to –v the add –es. Example: leaf to leaves. Other rule is the change of a letter or
change the word completely. Examples are man to men or is to are.

1.2. Adding –s to be in present participle or in 3rd person

Verb Present participle Verb Present participle

1. give gives 5. know knows
2. suffer suffers 6.hang hangs
3. grow grows 7.think thinks
4. sit sits
1.3 Adding ‘s to be in possessive form

Noun Possessive Noun

1. Student Sudent’s
2. Nightingale Nightingale’s
3. Professor Professor’s
4. Chamberlain Chamberlain’s
5.heart heart’s-blood (as usedin thestory)

2. Adding –d or –ed to be in past tense.

2.1 Regular Verbs that is used in the story

Verb Past Tense Verb Past Tense Verb Past Tense

1.hear heard 15.sail sailed 29.finish finished
2.cry cried 16.answer answered 30.reach reached
3.look looked 17.chill chilled 31.remain remained
4.wonder wondered 18.nip nipped pressed
5.fill filled compared 33.touch touched
6.wretch wretched 20.soar soared 34.perfect perfected
7.murmur murmured 21.color clored 35.linger lingered
8.clasp clasped 22.listen listened 36.tremble trembled
9.purchase purchased 23.whisper whispered opened
10.weigh weighed 24.pull pulled 38.pluck plucked
11.string stringed 25.deny denied 39.frown frowned
12.ask asked 26.admit admitted 40.walk walked
13.laugh laughed 27.lean leaned 41.return returned
14.pass passed 28.blossom blossomed 42.pull pulled

2.2 Irregular Verbs used in the story.

Verb Past Tense Past Verb Past Tense Past Participle

1. bring brought brought 8. give gave
2. go went 9. wake woke
3. sing sang sung 10. see seen
4. fly flew 11. write written
5. shake shook 12. tell told told
6. build built built 13. fling flung flung
7. begin begun 14. light lit lit
3. Present Progressive words used in the story

Verb Present Progressive Verb Present Proggresive

1. weep weeping 7. choke choking
2. flutter fluttering 8. sleep sleeping
3. stand standing 9. sit sitting
4. grow growing 10. tell telling
5. say saying 11. go going
6. follow following 12. make making

4. Different degrees of adjectives are used in the story. Examples are:

Adjective Comparative Superlative

1. dear dearer
2. white whiter
3. yellow yellower
4. wise wiser
5. mighty mightier
6. deep deeper
7. close closer
8. loud louder
9. wild wilder
10. faint fainter
11. red redder reddest
12. sweet sweetest

5. Prefixes and suffixes are used in the story to form new words.

1. happy (adj.) + -ness = happiness (n.)

2. love (n.) + -er = lover (n.)
3. sure (adj.) + -ly = surely (adv.)
4. wonder (v.) + -ful = wonderful (adj.)
5. sudden (adj.) + -ly = suddenly (adv.)
6. mow (v.) + -er = mower (n.)
7. sincere (adj.) + -ty= sincerity (n.)
8. un- + grate (v.) + -ful = ungrateful (adj.)
9. angry (adj.) + -ly – angrily (adv.)
10. use (n.) + -ful = useful (adj.)
11. art (n.) + -ist = artist (n.)
The author used different word formation to give tha exact emotion needed in the
story. He also used simple words that can easily be understand by the reader. The words used
gave dimension to the story.

C. Semantic Features

1. Unfamiliar Words and their meanings

a.heed – to pay attention

b. throng – crowd

2. Figures of speech
a. Personification
- the Nightingale, the Lizard, the Butterfly, the Moon and the other characters
have human characterisrics.
1. “the tree shook its head.”
2.” the tree cried to the Nightingale to press closer against the thorn”
3. “the white Moon heard it, and she forgot the dawn”

b. Simile
1. “His hair is dark as the hyacinth-blossom, and his lips are red as the rose of his desire;
but passion has made his face like pale ivory, and sorrow has set her seal upon his brow."
2. “It is more precious than emeralds, and dearer than fine opals.”
3. “She passed through the grove like a shadow, and like a shadow she sailed across the
4. "My roses are white," it answered; "as white as the foam of the sea, and whiter than
the snow upon the mountain. But go to my brother who grows round the old sun-dial, and
perhaps he will give you what you want."
5. "My roses are yellow," it answered; "as yellow as the hair of the mermaiden who sits
upon an amber throne, and yellower than the daffodil that blooms in the meadow before the
mower comes with his scythe. But go to my brother who grows beneath the Student's window,
and perhaps he will give you what you want."
6. "My roses are red," it answered, "as red as the feet of the dove, and redder than the
great fans of coral that wave and wave in the ocean-cavern. But the winter has chilled my veins,
and the frost has nipped my buds, and the storm has broken my branches, and I shall have no
roses at all this year."
c. Repititions
1. But the Tree shook its head.
2. "Give me a red rose," she cried, "and I will sing you my sweetest song."
3. . She passed through the grove like a shadow, and like a shadow she sailed across the
4. "Press closer, little Nightingale," cried the Tree, "or the Day will come before the rose
is finished."

The author used different rehotoric devices. This rhetoruc devices gives an imaginable
picture to the reader so that they can enjoy the story more.

D. Syntactic Features
The author used different kind of sentences in the story. Such as simple sentences e.g
“The musicians will sit in the gallery.”. he also used compound sentences e.g “Each bore it to
her purple cavern in the hills. And woke the sleeping shepers from thei dreams.”
The author alson used interogative sentences such as “Why is he weeping?”.
Exclamatory sentences e.g “No red rose in all my garden!”

The author used variety of entences to express the thought he wanted to bring to the
readers. He did used simple form of sentences because he does not want the readers to get
confuse while reading the selection/

The author is committted to aestheticismthat is why the story is in aesthetic voice. He
also used his knowledge in this field to give color and more understanding in the selections.
Though the words he used in this story they were well executed that is why the reader in this
selection is interested to read it.

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