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1. You are an organization like AIIMS (All India Institute of Medical Sciences).

Very briefly discuss the application of Augmented reality, Analytics, Social networking
and block chain technologies in AIIMS with specific examples. Your answer should not
exceed 300 words per case.

Ans: All-India Institute of Medical Sciences was established as an institution of national

importance by an act of parliament with the objective of teaching in UG and PG
Medical education in al branches if medical science and provide world class patient
care. There are a total of 25 clinical departments including four super-specialty

A medical institution of such large scale certainly requires utilising the latest
technological development to augment and improve its operational, functional, and
administrative efficiency and effectiveness. The application of augmented reality,
Analytical, Social networking and Block Chain technologies are enumerated in
succeeding paragraphs.

Augmented Reality (AR). Augmented reality (AR) is the real-time use of information
in the form of text, graphics, audio and other virtual enhancements integrated with
real-world objects. It is this “real world” element that differentiates AR from virtual
reality. AR integrates and adds value to the user’s interaction with the real world,
versus a simulation.

The role of AR is to enhance the user's perception of and interaction with real
environment and make a task easier to perform. Currently vision, hearing and touch
can be satisfactorily augmented. The cardinal role of AR is in visual augmentation.
The key concepts in augmenting vision are adding computer generated graphics to
the real vision. This can be direct (optic see-through and projective) or indirect (video
see through). Thus, the computer-generated images (virtual objects) are blended to
the real environment. Preservation of real word optical resolution and 3D visualization
are the most attractive features of this technology.

3D visualization is desirable for most of the medical applications. At present

holographic display technology is leading. The scope of AR in medicine can be divided
into four basic categories: -

(a) Displaying inconspicuous details like visualization of underlying anatomy

by using radiological data.
(b) Displaying ancillary data, which includes displaying graphically
generated data or displaying textual data like patient's vitals or instructions.

(c) Enhancing the perceivable details, like enhancing the difference

between blood vessels and soft tissue in case of surgery.

(d) Hiding details, like making the superficial structures transparent while
doing a radiologically guided needle biopsy.

Most of the AR applications use a combination of the four techniques. These

applications can be utilised at AIIMS both in patient care and training of UG and PG

Analytics. Analytics is the scientific process of discovering and communicating the

meaningful patterns which can be found in data. Analytics provides us with meaningful
information which may otherwise be hidden from us within large quantities of data.

AIIMS generates a tremendous amount of data these large scale data can be analyzed
and converted into insights that improve patient outcomes and operational efficiencies.
Data analytics will help the doctors’ overcome obstacles to the widespread application
of data-derived intelligence in following ways: -

(a) Making healthcare data easier to share among colleagues and external
partners, and easier to visualize for public consumption.

(b) Providing accurate data-driven forecasts in real time to allow healthcare

providers to respond more quickly to changing healthcare requirements and

(c) Enhancing data collaboration and innovation among other AIIMS to

convert analytics-ready data into operation-ready information by automating
low-impact data management tasks.

(d) Another use can be of utilizing the data to carryout research on new
diseases and finding out the efficacy of the newly developed vaccines. For
example, the current COVID-19 pandemic the analytics may be used to
generate insights into the effectiveness of various COVID vaccines.

(e) It can optimize efforts is the administration and management of AIIMS

including management and better utilization of donations and grants.

Social Networking. The services and technologies that constitute the society of the
internet are used extensively by enterprises. Social network is a social structure made
of individuals or organizations associated with one or more types of interdependence
(friendship, common interests, work, knowledge, prestige, etc.) which are the “nodes”
of the network. Social networking sites like Facebook and LinkedIn can be extensively
used by AIIMS for providing post treatment follow-ups, remote medical care, tele-
medicine and creating medically support self-help groups.
There are three distinct emerging user groups in social networking for health care.
These three user groups are identified as follows: -

(a) Doctor to Doctor (D2D).

(b) Patient to Patient (P2P).
(c) Doctor to Patient (D2P).

Each of these distinct user groups has different objectives for using social networking
for healthcare. They also have unique benefits and issues for each type of social
networking for healthcare as well as having some in common. Social media and social
networking in health care have evolved and matured over time with many forms of
participation and contributions from the different stakeholders within health care.
Broadly, social media has been used in health care as a communication channel to
inform, educate and promote knowledge exchange among the different participants
within health care.

Firstly, AIIMS can utilise the D2D social network site for the explicit use of their
physicians. In this forum physicians’ will bring together their common knowledge along
with their individual experiences and specialized knowledge to embed and share within
the community on the Social Networking Sites (SNS). Social networking can be an
effective tool for teaching and learning for doctors. Doctors can use SNS as a medium
to consult with their colleagues on different healthcare questions or issues.

Secondly, AIIMS can utilise the Doctor to Patient (D2P) Social Network Sites (SNS) to
be used and shared by both doctors and patients as participants. Doctors have various
degrees of interaction with patients by blogging, answering general questions posted,
or having a secure private conversation with individual patients. Patients gain clinical
knowledge as well as emotional support from the community and may also have the
ability to gain social connections with other patients for various forms of support.

Block Chain Technologies. Blockchains are software that enable the creation of
what are called public ledgers that are a record of transactions mentioned on a widely
distributed clients and servers.

Blockchain's ability to keep an incorruptible, decentralized and transparent log of all

patient data makes it a technology rife for security applications. Additionally, while
blockchain is transparent it is also private, concealing the identity of any individual with
complex and secure codes that can protect the sensitivity of medical data. The
decentralized nature of the technology also allows patients, doctors and healthcare
providers to share the same information quickly and safely.

The advantages of blockchain technology, according to the National Institute of

Standards and Technology (NIST), include its tamper-resistant nature, the
decentralized nature of the digital ledgers, and the impossibility of changing a
published transaction subsequently within the user community that shares the ledger.
This technology is also called digital ledger technology (DLT).

AIIMS can utilise the Blockchain Technologies in the following areas: -

(a) Managing electronic medical record (EMR) data

(b) Protection of healthcare data
(c) Personal health record data management
(d) Point-of-care genomics management
(e) Electronics health records data management

Note: - Question number 02 is solved in next sheets.

2. Refer to the excel sheet “Grocery”. Prepare a report for the senior managers giving store specific recommendations. Your
report should not exceed two pages as senior managers do not have time to go through a lengthy report.

And. The data of month wise revenue, store, Group (milk, Ice cream, fruit and cereals) were analyzed, and the following report has
been generated.
Overall, it is analyzed that the South store is performing better than other three stores. Also, the administration needs to focus on the performance of
east and North store.

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