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What helps you understand

the world around you?.........

Vocabulary............................................................................... 308
EHEE3 0 * S a d ie 's G a m e ....................................... 310
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize...............................314
Comprehension Skill: Problem and Solution 315
Genre: Realistic Fiction...........................................................316
Vocabulary Strategy: Similes and Metaphors 317
Writing: Organization.............................................................318

(t) Shelly Hehenberger; (c) James Bernardin; (b) Josee Bisaillon

E im T T T E M y B ig B ro th e r,
J o h n n y K a w ........................... 324
Comprehension Strategy: Visualize 328
Comprehension Skill: Cause and Effect 329
Genre: Tall T a le ..........................................................330
Vocabulary Strategy: Homographs................. 331
Writing: Sentence Fluency................................... 332

12 Go Digital! Find all lessons online at w w w .connected.m cgraw .

Week 3 * Inventions
Vocabulary............................................................... 336
UiHimffiE Stephanie Kwolek:
Inventor ...................................................338
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize...........................342
Comprehension Skill: Problem and Solution 343
Genre: Biography..................................................................... 344
Vocabulary Strategy: Greek Roots...................................345
Writing: Sentence Fluency...................................................346

E a r n s * Your World Up Close
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize...
Comprehension Skill: Sequence................
Genre: Expository Text....................................
Vocabulary Strategy: Antonyms................
Writing: Voice.....................................................

Week 5 * Digging Up the Past 362

Xi ME-1 Where It
All Began .............................366
Comprehension Strategy: Summarize...................... 370
Comprehension Skill: Sequence...................................371
Genre: Informational A rticle...........................................372
Vocabulary Strategy: Proverbs and Adages 373
Writing: Organization.........................................................374

The Big Idea
How can you build on what came before? 376

Meek 1* Old and New 378

Vocabulary............................................ 380
E S E E S O M Surprise Reunion 382
Comprehension Strategy: Reread.......... 386
Comprehension Skill: Theme.................... 387
Genre: Historical Fiction.............................. 388
Vocabulary Strategy: Connotation and
Denotation.......... 389
Writing: Word Choice.................................... 390

Vocabulary............................................................... 394
tmmzmm Freedom at Fort Mose 396
Comprehension Strategy: Reread...................................400
Comprehension Skill: Theme.............................................401
Genre: Historical Fiction.......................................................402
Vocabulary Strategy: Homophones...............................403
Writing: Organization.............................................................404

14 Co Digital! Find all lessons online at w w w .connected.m cgraw .

Meek 3 * Resources
im ir iT B T h e Great Energy Debate 410
Comprehension Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions.. 414
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Key Details 415
Genre: Narrative Nonfiction........................................................ 416
Vocabulary Strategy: Latin and Greek Prefixes................ 417
Writing: Word Choice.................................................................... 418

Week 4 * Money Matters

Vocabulary................................................................................... 422
n m T h e History of Money ....................... 424
Comprehension Strategy: Ask and Answer Questions.. . 428

(t) Reggie Casagrande/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images; (c) Zev Radovan/; (b) Susan Gal
Comprehension Skill: Main Idea and Key Details.......... 429
Genre: Expository Text............................................................... 430
Vocabulary Strategy: Proverbs and Adages.................... 431
Writing: Word Choice....................................................................432

Meek 5 * Finding My Place

Poetry Shared Read >Climbing Blue H ill... 438
Genre: Free Verse.....................................................................442
Comprehension Skill:Theme.............................................443
Literary Elements: Imagery and Personification — 444
Vocabulary Strategy: Metaphors.....................................445
Writing: Ideas...........................................................................446

Grammar Handbook.............................................................448

' C reative T
T h in k in g 'I \
People come up with creative and original ideas
every day. Sometimes a clever idea is the result ^
of an accident, brainstorming, or observation.
► What do you think gave the boy in this
photo the idea to build a motorcycle?

* ► What are some examples of clever ideas?

A ► Where do you get your ideas from?

A Talk; About It;
Write words that describe
Macpherson/Stone+/Getty Images; (r) Shawn Finley
how people think up ideas.
Then talk to a partner
about what helps you come Ideas
\ up with good ideas.


Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

The boys began to brainstorm ideas
for their project.
D escribe a time you had to brainstorm
some ideas.

Jess enjoyed rolling out the flattened
(t) Jonathan A. Meyers/Photolibrary; (ct) Jupiter Images/Polka Dot/Alamy; (cb) Claudius Thinet/Bios/Photolibrary; (b) Eleonora Ghioldi/MediaBakery

W hat is something else th at can be

The dog was frantically digging
up sand.
D escribe a time when you fran tically
searched fo r something.

Justin's mom is gracious and kind when
his friend comes over.
W hat is an antonym fo r gracious?

muttered Dan muttered to him self as he read
my paper.
When might you m utter something
instead of saying it loudly?

official Signing the contract will make the

sale official.
W h at is an example of an official

original jviarja's artwork was unique and original

W hat do you think m akes something

iOi M

(t) Westend61 /Getty Images; (ct) jvphoto/Alamy; (cb) ERproductions/Blend Images/Corbis; (b) Lonely Planet/SuperStock
Grandfather and Mia threw the hard,
stale bread out for the birds to eat.
W hat other kinds of food get stale?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Shared Read Genre • Fairy Tale

Essential Question
Where do good ideas come from?
Read how Liang gets a good idea.
j| |
V^>/nce upon a tim e, long before computers, baseball, or
pizza, there lived a young m an nam ed Liang. During the
day, Liang helped his father build furniture. At night, he
made unique, original toys for the children in the village.
He made birds with flapping wings. He carved dragons
with rippling, m oving scales, sharp claws, and red eyes.
Every child in the village had one of Liang's dragons.
Liang knew a lot about dragons because one lived
nearby on a mountain. A few times a year, the dragon
would swoop down on the village. He ate water buffalo,
pigs, and any people unlucky enough to be around. The
Emperor had done nothing to get rid of the dragon even
though his summ er palace was near Liang's village.
One day in May, the Emperor and his fam ily arrived to
take up residence at his sum m er palace. As the procession
passed through the village, the gracious Princess Peng
smiled kindly at Liang. He fell instantly in love.
At dinner that night, Liang told his father that he wanted
to m arry Princess Peng. His father alm ost choked on the
stale, hard rice ball he was eating.
"You're joking," his father said when he finally
could speak.
"I'm serious!" insisted Liang.
His father began laughing so hard that the old chair he
was sitting on broke. He lay on top of the flattened chair
still laughing.
Valerie Sokolova
"I'll show h im ," Liang
m uttered angrily as he stomped
out of the room.
The next morning, the
Em peror's messenger made an
official announcement.
"His M ost Noble Em peror
proclaims that w hoever gets rid o f
the dragon will marry his daughter;
Princess Peng."
W hen he heard the announcem ent, Liang raced to
the palace to be the first to sign up. Then he looked for his
friend Lee to help him brainstorm ideas for getting rid of
the dragon. Unfortunately, Lee was away. Liang sat on a
bench frowning. Nearby, children were playing w ith the toy
dragons he had made them.
"Liang, w hat's w rong?" the children asked.
"I have to get rid of the dragon on the m ountain,"
he told them.
"I have an idea," said little Ling Ling. "W hy don't you
carve a giant dragon and leave it by the cave? It will alarm
the real dragon and scare him into flying away."
Liang stared at her. "P erfect!" he shouted and rushed
home. He worked frantically for days m aking a huge,
scary dragon's head. The night he finished, he loaded it
onto a cart and went up the mountain. W hen he got near
the cave, Liang put the w ooden head on top of a big rock.
From the front, it looked like the rest of the dragon's body
was behind the rock.
Valerie Sokolova

Liang hid in the bushes and gave a loud roar. "W hat's
that noise?" growled the dragon rushing out of his cave.
Then he saw the massive dragon head glaring at him. "G o
away, or I'll eat you u p ," he commanded.
The huge dragon continued to glare at him. "H e m ust
be very strong. H e's not afraid of m e," thought the dragon,
who, like all bullies, was a coward. He decided that now
was a good time to take a long trip.
"Actually, I'm leaving now. Please m ake yourself at
hom e in m y cave," the dragon called out as he flew away.
A year later, Liang and Princess Peng were married. They
opened a toy shop together and lived happily ever after.

Make Connections
Talk about where Liang's
idea for scaring the
dragon came from.

TeJI about a time when a

friend helped you think of
a aood idea, t e x t t o s e l f

i iffu 25
i i i n
Comprehension Strategy

Make Predictions
When you read the story "The Dragon Problem," you can use
text clues and illustrations to predict what will happen next.

^Q) Find Text Evidence

As I read, I see that Liang wants to marry Princess Peng. Then
the Emperor announces that anyone who gets rid of the dragon
will marry his daughter. My prediction that Liang will try to get
rid of the dragon was correct.

" I 'll show h im ," Liang

m u tte red angrily a s h e stom ped
ou t o f the room.
' I read that Liang is going
T h e n ex t m orning, the
E m p eror's m essenger m ade an
to the palace to sign up to
o ffic ia l announcem ent.
"His M ost N oble Emperor get rid of the dragon. My
proclaim s th a t w hoever gets rid o f
the dragon w ill marry his daughter,
Princess Peng."
prediction was correct.
W hen h e heard the announcem ent, Liang raced to
the palace to b e the first to sign u p. Th en h e looked for his
friend Lee to help h im b ra in sto rm ideas for g etting rid of
the dragon. Unfortunately, L ee w as a w ay Liang sat on a
b ench frow ning. N earby, children w ere p laying w ith the toy
dragons h e h ad m ade them.
"L iang, w hat's w ron g?" the children asked.

Your Turn
Make a prediction about whether the dragon will ever
return to his cave. Tell what clues in the text led to your
prediction. As you read, remember to use the strategy
Make Predictions.
H1 B
....... Comprehension Skill cess

Sequence is the order in which the key story events take
place. Putting a story's events in sequence will help you to
understand the setting, the characters, and the plot.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread pages 23 and 24 of "The Dragon Problem," I see
that Liang wants to marry Princess Peng. The next day, the
Emperor's messenger announces that anyone who gets rid of
the dragon will marry the princess.

C h a ra c te r Put key story events

in order to help you
summarize the plot.
S ettin g

village in ancient China

B eg inn in g

Liang sees Princess Peng and

fa lls in love. The next day, the
Your Turn
Em peror sa y s anyone who gets
rid of the dragon will m arry the Reread "The Dragon Problem."
princess. Find the im portant events in
the middle and end of the
story. List them in the graphic

Co Digital!
Use the interactive graphic org an izer

Literature ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■IBH H M H i ■ M M

Fairy Tale
"The Dragon Problem" is a fairy tale.
Fairy tales:
• Have a main character who must complete
a difficult task or journey.
• Usually contain imaginary creatures.
• Include illustrations and have a happy ending.

^§), Find Text Evidence

"The Dragon Problem" is a fairy tale. The story's main character
must complete a difficult task. The story includes an imaginary
creature, a dragon.

p ag e 24

Use Illustrations Fairy tales are

"I'll show him," Liang
muttered angrily as he stomped
out of the room. usually illustrated. Illustrations
The next morning, the
Emperor's messenger made an
official announcement.
give visual clues about the
"His M ost N oble Emperor
p roclaim s th a t w h oever gets rid o f
the dragon w ill m arry his daughter,
characters, settings, and events
Princess Peng."
When he heard the announcement, Liang raced to in the story.
the palace to be the first to sign up. Then he looked for his
friend Lee to help him brainstorm ideas for getting rid of
the dragon. Unfortunately, Lee was away. Liang sat on a
bench frowning. Nearby, children were playing with the toy
dragons he had made them.
"Liang, what's wrong?" the children asked.
"I have to get rid of the dragon on the mountain,"
he told them.
"I have an idea," said little Ling Ling. "Why don't you
carve a giant dragon and leave it by the cave? It will alarm
the real dragon and scare him into flying away."
Liang stared at her. "Perfect!" he shouted and rushed
home. He worked frantically for days making a huge,
scary dragon's head. The night he finished, he loaded it
onto a cart and went up the mountain. When he got near
Yo u p Turn
the cave, Liang put the wooden head on top of a big rock.
From the front, it looked like the rest of the dragon's body
was behind the rock.
With a partner, discuss whether
the ending is surprising for a fairy
tale. Explain why or why not.

% . \\ '
% I' Vocabulary Strategy cess

As you read "The Dragon Problem," you may come across a
word that you don't know. Look at the surrounding words
and sentences for clues. Sometimes the author uses a
synonym, a word that means almost the same thing as the
unfamiliar word.

@) Find Text Evidence

When I read the third sentence on page 23 in "The Dragon
Problem," the word original helps me to figure out what the
word unique means.

At night, he made
unique, original toys
for the children in the

Look for synonyms to find the meanings of the

following words in "The Dragon Problem."
rippling, page 23
alarm, page 24
massive, page 25
Valerie Sokolova

Writers include specific, concrete, and sensory details when
writing stories. These details provide a visual picture for the
reader. Reread the excerpt below from "The Dragon Problem."

Expert Model

Descriptive Details During the day, Liang helped his

Identify the father build furniture. At night, he made
descriptive details unique, original toys for the children in
in the story. How the village. He m ade birds w ith flapping
do the details help wings. He carved dragons w ith rippling,
readers picture what m oving scales, sharp claws, and red eyes.
is happening in Every child in the village had one of
the story? Liang's dragons.
Valerie Sokolova

________ Editing Marks
l~l—l Switch order.

Writers A Add.

A Add a comma.

(V ) Add a period.

y Take out
Martin wrote a story about a prince. Read @ Check spelling.
Martin's revisions to a section of his story. = = Make a capital letter.

Student Model
Grammar^ Handbook'
THE LOcfT PR.INCE Sentences
See page 450.
in a faraway kingdom
Once^here was a prince who

always got lost. He turned left when

he meant to turn right. He walked

ten miles instead of one. He got lost

every day of his life

The king hired a wise man to

help his son. First, the wise manan
Your Turn
R on the prince's right hand and an
S ' Identify the details.
L on his left. Next, he gave him
that showed all four directions I B Did Martin use complete
a compass. Finally, he invented sentences?
B Tell how revisions
a machine to tell the prince
o improved his writing.
when he had gone too far^ X Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace
..Ill ■<»)

Have you ever heard the expression, "Actions

speak louder than words"? A broken promise is
one example of actions speaking louder than
words. Can you name another example?

► How would you feel if you were sitting next

to these two girls?

► When have your actions affected friends or

family in either a good way or a bad way?

List some of your actions

and the effects they have BS33 E S I
had on the people around
you. Then talk with a
partner about how your
actions can affect others.

Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

Sam is held accountable for washing
his dog.
How are the words accountable and
responsible sim ilar?

A coach can advise you on how to
(t) Altrendo Images/Altrendo/Getty Images; (ct) Radius Images/Alamy; (cb) Hill Street Studios/Blend Images/Getty Images; (b) Ocean/Corbis

improve your swimming.

W hat is a synonym fo r advise?

The woman was desperately trying to
remember where she had left her keys.
D escribe a time when you desperately
tried to remember something.

The dog hesitated before jum ping up
to grab the food off the counter.
When have you hesitated before doing

humiliated Sarah felt humiliated when she forgot
her lines.
How is humiliated sim ilar to
em b arrassed?

inspiration The girl found inspiration for her

drawing in nature.
When you have to write a sto ry where
does your inspiration come from ?

se esteem vvinning the soccer championship

(t) Wonderlandstock /Alamy; (ct) Keith Wood/Riser/Getty Images; (cb) Richard Hutchings/PhotoEdit; (b) LWA/Dann Tardif/Blend Images/Corbis
helped improve Billy's confidence and
W hat else builds self-esteem ?

uncomfortably Sonya s t hroat felt uncomfortably sore.

W hat are some things that can feel

uncomfortably tight?

,-^ y ,

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Realistic Fiction

Essential Question
How do your actions
affect others?

Read about how Tina's

actions affect Maura.
r jf

"Tina, there's a school talent show in three w eeks,"

I shouted to my best friend. M y older brother had been
teaching me juggling, and I knew he'd help me with
my act for the show.
Tina ran over to the bulletin board and read the poster.
"M aura, what's our act going to b e?" Tina asked me.
"O ur act?" I said, taking a tighter grip on my books.
Tina grinned, pointed to the poster
and said "It says acts can be individuals,
partners, or small groups."
M y grip on my books became
tight. "You w ant to
do an act together?"
"It'll be fun," Tina said.
for a second before y A a
continuing. "I've got an idea a n d . . . . " | ®
Tina interrupted me. "Yeah, me too; m
let's talk at lunch." ^ fl
During math, I tried to think of how
I would tell Tina that I wanted to do my own act.
After all, we are best friends; we should be able to see
eye to eye about this. The problem is Tina always takes
charge, I don't speak up, and then I end up feeling
resentful about the whole situation.
1 w a n t e d to win, but it was more than that.
I wanted to win on my own— with an act that was all mine.

At lunch, Tina started talking as
soon as we sat down. "I have it all
planned out. My came a * J S I b & I
from that new TV show, 'You've MI
Got Talent.' We can sing along
to a song and do a dance
routine, and my m other can
make us costum es." ; r^ ^ S T
"Yeah, that's good," I said. m
"B ut I had another idea." I told her j
about my juggling act. *
Tina considered it. "N ah, I don't think
I can learn to juggle in three weeks and I'd probably
drop the balls," she said. "We don't want to be
q tu m M n .i. right?"
At recess, I ran around the track a couple of times
just to let off steam.
When my grandm other picked me up after school,
she drove a few minutes and finally said, "C at got
your tongue?"
I explained about the talent show as she listened
carefully. "So, Tina is not being respectful of your ideas,
but it sounds as if you aren't either."
"W hat?" I shouted. "I told Tina her idea was good."
"N o," said my grandmother, "I said that you w eren't
respectful of your ow n ideas, or you would have spoken
up. I understand that you're friends, but you're still
accountable for your own actions."
Chris Vallo
I thought about this. "So what should I do?" I asked.
" 1 y ° u to teU th0 truth," she said. "It wouldn't
hurt to let Tina know what you want. Besides," my
grandmother added, "it will be good for your 2 5 3 2 3 2 ^ 0 !
W hen we got home, I took 12 deep breaths, called
Tina, and told her that I was going to do my juggling act
She was curt on the phone, and I spent all night
worrying she would be mad at me.
The next day, she described her act and her costume.
But the biggest surprise came at recess, when we played
a game that I chose, not Tina.
I guess standing up for myself did pay off.

Make Connections
Talk about how Maura was
affected by Tina's actions.

Tell about a time when

someone wouldn't listen
to your ideas. What did
you do? T EX T T O SELF
Comprehension Strategy

Make Predictions
When you read, use story details to make predictions about
what will happen. As you read "The Talent Show," make

^ ) Find Text Evidence

You predicted that Tina is the kind of friend who is bossy.
Reread page 37 of "The Talent Show" to find the text evidence
that confirms your prediction.

I in a, there s a sch o ol talent sh ow in three w eeks,

I sh outed to my b est friend . M y o ld er b ro th er had be
tea ch in g m e ju g g lin g , and I knew h e'd help m e w ith
my act fo r th e show.
Tina ran over to the b u lletin board and read the postc
"M a u ra, w h at's o u r act g o in g to b e ? " T in a asked me.
"O u r a ct?" I said, tak in g a tighter grip o n my books.
T in a g rin n ed , poin ted to the poster I read that Tina always
and said " I t s ay s a cts can b e in d iv id u als,
partners, or sm all gro u p s." takes charge. This
My grip on m y b o o k s b ecam e
HBBBiishi"Y°uw.ii.iin confirms my prediction
do an act to g eth er?"
" I t'll b e fu n ," T in a said .

I j j S H S S i ! fo r a second b efo re ^ A that Tina is bossy.

con tin u in g . "I 'v e got an idea a n d .. . . "
Una in terrupted me. "Y eah, m e too;
let's talk at lu n ch ."
D u ring m ath, I tried to th in k o f how
I w ould tell T in a that I w anted to do my ow n a
A fter a ll, w e are b e st frien d s; w e sh ou ld b e a t 5 i'o see
eye to ey e ab ou t th is. T h e p roblem is T in a alw ays takes
charge, I d o n 't sp eak up, and th en I end up feelin g
resen tfu l ab o u t th e w h o le situ atio n .

Using clues you find in the text, how do you predict

Maura will solve a future problem? As you read, use the
strategy Make Predictions.
Comprehension Skill

Problem and Solution

The main character in a story usually has a problem that
needs to be solved. The steps the character takes to solve the
problem make up the story's events, the plot of the story.

Find Text Evidence

As I reread pages 37 and 38 of "The Talent Show," I can see that
Maura has a problem. I will list the events in the story. Then I can
figure out how Maura finds a solution.

C h a ra c te r

M aura

S ettin g

M au ra's school

Pro blem

M aura does not want to do

an act with Tina.

E v en t

Tina tells M aura that they

Your Turn
will do a dance act together.
Reread "The Talent Show."
Ev en t
Find other im portant story
events. Use these events to
identify the solution.
S o lu tion
Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer


Realistic Fiction
The selection "The Talent Show" is realistic fiction.
Realistic Fiction:
• Is a made-up story.
• Has characters, settings, and events that could exist
in real life.
• Includes dialogue.

) Find Text Evidence

I can tell that "The Talent Show" is realistic fiction. The story
mostly takes place at school. On page 37, Maura and Tina act
and speak like real people who might go to my school.

pag e 37

Dialogue Dialogue is the exact

"T ina, there's a school talent show in three w e e k sT ^ I^ B
1 shouted to my best friend. My older brother had been words the characters say.
teaching me juggling, and I knew he'd help me w
my act for the show.
Tina ran over to the bulletin board and read the poster.
"M aura, w hat's our act going to b e?" Tina asked n
"O ur act?" I said, taking a tighter grip on my books.
Tina grinned, pointed to the poster
and said "It says acts can b e in dividuals,
partners, or sm all groups."
My grip on my books became
CBBBB8HB3Btighl-"Youivanl 10 .
do an act together?" „
"It'll be fun ," Tina said. || »l '
for a second before wy
continuing. " I ’ve got an idea and "
Tina interrupted me. "Yeah, me too;
let's talk at lunch."
During math, I tried to th ink o f how
I would tell Tina that I wanted to do my own act.
After all, w e are b est friend s; we should b e a b le to see
Your Turn
eye to eye about this. T h e problem is Tina alw ays takes
charge, I don't speak up, and then 1 end up feeling
resentful about the w hole situation.
I 2 S 3 2 S S S w anted t° w in, but it was more than that.
With a partner, list two examples
1 w anted to win on my own— w ith an act that was all mine.
from "The Talent Show" that let
you know it is realistic fiction.

Idioms are phrases that have a meaning different from the
meaning of each word in them. Sometimes context clues can
help you figure out the meaning of an idiom.

); Find Text Evidence

When I read the idiom see eye to eye on page 37 in "The Talent
Show," the words After all, we are best friends help me figure
out its meaning. To see eye to eye means to agree.

Use context clues to help you understand
the meanings of the following idioms in
"The Talent Show":
let off steam, page 38
cat got your tongue, page 38
standing up for myself, page 39
List some other idioms and their meanings.
Chris Vallo

Writers know that many small moments make up an event.
When a writer focuses on an event, he or she describes the
small moments that create the event. Reread the excerpt
from "The Talent Show" below.

Expert Model

Focus on an Event "O u r act?" I said, taking a tighter grip

Identify the event. on my books.
What small moments
Tina grinned and pointed to the poster.
help to describe the
"It says acts can be individuals,
partners, or small groups."
M y grip on my books
became uncom fortably
tight. "You want to do
an act together?" »
"It'll be fun," Tina said. ||
I hesitated for a second
before continuing. "I've
got an idea and . . . . "
Tina interrupted me. I
"Yeah, me, too! Let's talk
at lunch."

Editing Marks
<~U Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.

@ Check spelling.
Kyra wrote a story about two friends. Read = Make a capital letter.
Kyra's revisions to a section of her story.
Student Model
Subjects and
Predicates See page
and Selena
Nan needed to earn some extra

money. S elen a-nee-ded-to-earn—^

money, too.—^

“How about baby-sitting?" Nan

asked when they were trying to

come up with ideas. Selena's eyes lit

up, and she smiled. “How about ^ Your Turn

dog-walking?" Identify the event.
Find a compound
Nan frowned. "But I am
k allergic to dogs. That [*? Tell how revisions
improved Kyra's writing.
idea won't work for me.
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace
Chris Vallo

Weekly Concept Take Action

Essential Question
How do people respond to
natural disasters?
Natural disasters are events such as hurricanes,
earthquakes, floods, and forest fires. When these kinds of
events occur, it can cause a huge crisis in a community.
Luckily, there are people who are trained to respond to
natural disasters.

► How might people respond to a forest fire?

► How do you think people are rescued

during a flood?

► What are some ways that people might respond

during other kinds of natural disasters?

Talk' About; It;

Write words you have learned about
responding to natural disasters. Then
talk to a partner about what you might Natural
do to help after a natural disaster. Disasters
(cf'Oieksiy Maksymenko/Alamy
Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

The ocean waves slowly alter the

shoreline by carving away the rocks.
How can people alter their appearance?
(t) ZenShui/Yves Regaldi/PhotoAlto Agency RF Collections/Getty Images; (ct) STR/AFP/Getty Images; (cb) John P. Cleary/AP Images; (b) EPA/Larry W. Smith/Photolibrary

Flood waters caused the bridge to
W hat might cause a tent to collapse?

Rescue workers help people during an
emergency or a crisis, such as a flood.
How would you react to a crisis?

The tornado destroyed buildings and
caused a lot of other destruction.
W hat is a synonym fo r destruction?

hazard The water was a hazard to people
driving on the street.
W hat else might be a hazard to people
who are driving?

Severe weather can include very strong

winds and heavy rain.

(t) Bruce Heinemann/Photodisc/Getty Images; (ct) MikeTheiss/National Geographic/Getty Images; (cb) Ted Kinsman/Photo Researchers; (b) Erik Rank/The Image Bank/Getty Images
D escribe severe winter weather.

substantial We got a substantial amount of snow

last night.
W hat is an antonym fo r substantial?

^ p r ^ ic t a b le -p^e unprec|ictable weather turned

suddenly from sun to rain.
W hat is an antonym fo r unpredictable?


Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Shared Read k Genre • Expository

A W orld

Essential Question
How do people respond
to natural disasters?

Read about how people

prepare for natural disasters.
The Grand Canyon
Skywalk, Arizona
v arth may seem as if it is a large rock that never changes.
Actually, our planet is in a constant state of change.
Natural changes take place every day. These activities
alte 2 the surface of Earth. Some of these changes take
place slowly over m any years. Others happen in just
minutes. W hether they are slow or fast, both kinds of
changes have a great effect on our planet.

Slow and Steady

Some of Earth's biggest changes can't be seen. That
is because they are happening very slowly. Weathering,
erosion, and deposition are three natural processes that
change the surface of the world. They do it one grain of
sand at a time.
W eathering occurs w hen rain, snow, sun, and wind
break down rocks into sm aller pieces. These tiny pieces
of rock turn into soil, but they are not carried away from
the landform.
Erosion occurs when w eathered pieces of rock are
carried away by a natural force such as a river. This
causes landforms on Earth to get smaller. They may even
com pletely over time. The Grand Canyon is
an example of the effect of erosion. It was carved over
thousands of years by the Colorado River.
(bkgd) Julie Quarry/Alamy; (titles) image! 00/Corbis

After the process of erosion, dirt and rocks are

then dropped in a new location. This process is called
deposition. Over time, a large collection of deposits may
occur in one place. D eposition by w ater can build up
a beach. Deposition by wind can create a Substantial!
landform , such as a sand dune.

Although erosion is a slow process, it still creates
problems for people. Some types of erosion are
dangerous. They can be seen as a to communities
To help protect against beach erosion, people build
structures that block ocean waves from the shore. They
may also use heavy rocks to keep the land from eroding.
Others grow plants along the shore. The roots of the
plants help hold the soil and make it less likely to erode.
Unfortunately, people cannot protect the land when
fast natural processes occur.

Fast and Powerful

Fast natural processes, like slow processes, change
the surface of Earth. But fast processes are much more
powerful. They are often called natural disasters because
of the 2destruction
2 2 J 2 2 E 2 theY cause. Volcanic eruptions and
landslides are just two examples.
Volcanoes form around openings in Earth's crust.
W hen pressure builds under Earth's surface, hot
melted rock called magma is forced upwards.
It flows up through the volcano and out
through the opening. Eruptions can
occur without warning. They have - . .
the potential to cause a OTQg •* ~ " J
in a community. . * t-L / .
This diagram shows a volcano erupting
s. * '
Like volcanic eruptions,
landslides can happen without
warning. They occur when
rocks and dirt, loosened by
heavy rains, slide down a hill
or mountain. Some landslides
are small. Others can be quite
large and cause damage

Be Prepared ^ M Magma
In contrast to slow-moving Chamber
processes, people cannot prevent the
effects of fast-moving natural disasters. Instead,
scientists try to predict when these events will occur
so that they can warn people. Still, some disasters are
[ 2 3 2 S B S 3 B anc* strike without warning. It is im portant
for communities to have an em ergency plan in place so
that they can be evacuated quickly.
The surface of Earth constantly changes through
natural processes. These processes can be gradual or swift.
They help to make Earth the amazing planet that it is!

Make Connections
Talk about different ways that
people prepare for natural disasters

How can you help others who have

been in a natural disaster? t e x t t o s e l f
Comprehension Strategy

When you read an informational text, you may come across
facts and ideas that are new to you. As you read "A World of
Change,"you can reread the difficult sections to make sure
you understand them and to help you remember key details.

Find Text Evidence

You may not be sure why a volcano erupts. Reread the section
"Fast and Powerful" on page 52 of "A World of Change."

Fast and Powerful

' I read that when pressure
Fast natural p ro cesse s, lik e slo w p rocesses, ch an g e
th e su rface o f Earth. B u t fast p ro cesse s are m uch m ore
builds under Earth's
pow erful. T h e y are o ften called natural d isasters because
o f the they cau se. V o lcanic e ru p tio n s and surface, magma is forced
la n d slid e s are ju s t tw o ex am p les.
V o lcan o es fo rm around o p e n in g s in Earth's crust. upwards. From this I
W h en p ressu re b u ild s u n d er Earth's su rface , hot
m elted rock called m agm a is fo rced upw ards. can draw the inference
It flo w s up thro u g h the vo lcan o and out
thro u g h the o p e n in g . E ru p tion s can
o ccu r w ith o u t w arn in g . T h e y have
that pressure below the
the p o ten tial to cau se a
in a com m unity. surface causes a volcano
. to erupt.

Your Turn ■ k

What happens to rock during weathering? Reread the

section "Slow and Steady" on page 51 to find out. As
you read, remember to use the strategy Reread.
Comprehension Skill

Compare and Contrast

Authors use text structure to organize the information in a text.
Comparison is one kind of text structure. Authors who use this
text structure show how things are alike and different.

Find Text Evidence

Looking back at pages 51-52 of "A World of Change, "I can
reread to learn how slow natural processes and fast natural
processes are alike and different. Words such as some, but,
both, and like let me know that a comparison is being made.

D iffe re n t


Your Turn
Reread the section "Fast and Powerful." Compare and
contrast volcanoes and landslides. List the information
in the graphic organizer.

Co Digital! Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

The selection "A World of Change" is an expository text.
Expository text:
• Explains facts about a topic.
• Includes text features.

COX Find Text Evidence

"A World of Change" is an expository text. It gives many facts about
Earth's processes. Each section has a heading that tells me what the
section is about. The diagram gives me more information.

Lik e volcanic eru p tion s,

la n d slid es can hap p en w ithout
This diagram sholXis a volcano erupting.

Text Features
w arnin g . T h e y o ccu r w hen
rocks and d irt, loosen ed by Diagrams Diagrams show the parts
heavy rains, s lid e d ow n a hill
or m o u ntain. S o m e la n d slid es
are sm a ll. O th e rs can b e q u ite
of something or how a process
la rg e and ca u se dam age.
works. They have labels that tell
Be Prepared
In contrast to slow -m t'fting about their different parts.
p rocesses, p eop le can n ot prev ent the
effe c ts o f fa st-m ov in g natural d isasters. Instead,
sc ie n tists try to pred ict w hen th ese e v en ts w ill occur
so that th ey ca n w arn peop le. S till, s o m e d isa sters are
Headings Headings tell what a
2 E 5 2 H 5 3 5 E ‘,iu l w ithout w arning. It is im portant
for c o m m u n ities to hav e an em ergen cy plan in place so section of text is mostly about.
th a t they can b e e v acuated qu ickly.
T h e surface o f E arth con stan tly c h an g es throu gh
natural processes. T h e se processes can b e gradual or sw ift.
T h ey h elp to m a k e Earth th e a m azin g p lan et th at it is!

Make Connections
|Talk about different ways that
Youp Turn
people prepare for natural disasters.

How can you help others who have

been in a natural disaster? t e x t t o s e lf List three text features in "A World
of Change."Tell your partner what
information you learned from
each of the features.

Vocabulary Strategy

Multiple-Meaning Words
As you read "A World of Change," you will come across some
multiple-meaning words. These are words that have more
than one meaning. To figure out the meaning of a multiple-
meaning word, check the words and phrases near it for clues.

p Find Text Evidence

When I read page 52 of "A World of Change," I see the word
block. There are a few different meanings for block, so this is
a multiple-meaning word. The word protect and the phrase
"ocean waves from the shore" help me figure out which
meaning is being used in the sentence.

beach erosion, people

build structures that block
ocean waves from the shore.

Your Turn
Use context clues to figure out the meanings of the
following words in "A World of Change."
(be) Denis Jr. TangneyA/etta/Getty Images

place, page 51
shore, page 52
strike, page 53

Writers make sure they focus on a topic by providing a main
idea when they write expository text. They use important
details to support the main idea. Reread the first paragraph
of "A World of Change" below.

Expert Model

Focus on a Topic
Identify supporting
A World of Change
details for the main Earth may seem as if it is a large rock
idea that Earth is that never changes. Actually, our planet
in a constant state is in a constant state of change. Natural
of change. changes take place every day. These
activities alter the surface of Earth.
Some of these changes take place slowly
over m any years. Others happen in just
minutes. W hether they
are slow or fast,
both kinds of
changes have a
(I) Jim Kruger/Vetta/Getty Images; (r) the McGraw-Hill Companies

great effect on
our planet.

Editing Marks
l~LJ Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.

@ Check spelling.
Jake wrote an expository text. Read Jake's = Make a capital letter.
revision of a section of it.
rammar Han dbook
Student Model
Sentences See page
Yellowstone National Park 451.
Yellowstone National Park is
Millions of people visit this p a rk every year.
popular. People come from all over

the world.

Yellowstone is a beautiful park

to visit. People photograph the

waterfalls and the animals, and they

This famous geyser erupts every 1-2 hours. Your Turn
make sure to visit Old Faithful, too.
Identify the details that
There are lots of different Jake included.
6T Identify a compound
animals at Yellowstone, sentence.
& Tell how Jake's revisions
including elk, bison,
improved his writing.

and grizzly bears. Go Digital!

Write online in Writer's Workspace

Essential Question
How can science help you
understand how
things work?

Go Digital!
Gunter Marx/Alamy
Science can help us understand a lot of things— from how to
throw a curve ball to what happens when you ride a roller
coaster. Look at this picture. What keeps these people from
falling out? Let's use science to find out!

► How do you stay in place during the loop-the-

loops? The force created by the acceleration
presses you against the seat of the coaster.

► What kind of rides have you ridden on at an

amusement park? Why did you like them?
Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

I saw the race car accelerate, or speed
up, across the finish line.
W hat is an antonym fo r accelerate?

The father's size gave him a big
advantage over his son.
(t) David Madison/Corbis; (ct) Westend61 /SuperStock; (cb) Eightfish/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (b) Steve Craft/Riser/Getty Images

W hat is a synonym fo r advantage?

The capabilities of a potter include

strength and creativity.
W hat capabilities would an athlete need?

The friction between the tires and the
pavement slows down the airplane.
How is using the b ra k e s on a bike an
example of friction?

gravity Gravity helps pull the batter down into
the baking pan.
D escribe what would happen if there
were no gravity on Earth .

The woman showed her passport to

prove her identity.
W hy might somebody want to keep
his or her identity a secret?

in q u ir y pep0rters 35k questions at the beginning

of any inquiry or investigation.

Publishing/Purestock/Getty Images
How are the words inquiry and
investigation sim ilar?

thrilling Q 0 j n g on a ro||er coaster can be exciting

(t) Adie Bush/Cultura/Getty Images; (ct) Image Source/Getty Images; (cb) Ocean/Corbis; (b) Ingram
and thrilling.
W hat is an antonym fo r thrilling?


Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Shared Read Genre • Narrative Nonfiction

Th is race car
sim ulator is cool

Essential Question
How can science help
you understand how
things work?

Read how Alex and Liam

want to use science to
help them win a race.
lex and Liam planned to build
a car for the soap box derby. A s a
result of their inquiry into how to
build a fast car, they had com e to
the science museum today for answ ers.
Last week, A le x’s m other had called one of
the m useum ’s scientists. W hen they walked
into the museum, a wom an in a lab coat and
inline skates zoom ed up and greeted them .
“ Hi, I’m Clara. A re you the boys who
want to know what will make a car go fast?”
“Yes, I’m Alex, and th a t’s Liam ,” A lex responded.
“W hy are you wearing inline skates, C lara?” Liam asked.
“ I’m a cham pion skater!” Clara claim ed, doing a spin.
Then she w hispered, “T h a t’s not my true identity. I’m a
scientist. Skates make it easier to get around. Follow m e!”

“W elcom e to our On the Move exhibit,” Clara announced
as they entered a large room. “ So, tell me about the race.”
“There will be 20 cars in the race. W e’ll be going down
the steepest hill in tow n!” A lex said.
“Sounds thrilling! It m ust be exciting to go fast!” Clara
answ ered as she pressed buttons on a m achine. “This is a
virtual race car, and this screen show s you the virtual race
course and your speed. Speed is the distance an object
m oves in a certain am ount of tim e.”
Craig Phillips

A lex and Liam clim bed into the
m achine. Each seat had a steering
wheel and a screen in front of it.
Clara said, “Since you w ant to build
a fast car, you need to know about
forces and how they affect m otion.”
“W h at’s a fo rce?” asked Liam .
Clara continued, “A force is a push or a pull. Forces
cause things to move or cause a change in motion. W hen
I apply a big enough force on an object, like this stool,
it moves. If tw o objects are exactly the sam e, the object
that receives a bigger force will accelerate, or increase its
speed,” Clara said, pushing tw o stools at the sam e tim e.
“W hich stool received a bigger fo rce?” Clara asked.
“The one on the right. It went farther,” said Liam .
“So, giving our car a big push at the top of the hill will
cause it to accelerate and go faster,” A lex sum m arized.

1 m going ^
There's a to accelerate
sharp* curve now!
coming up!
Clara sm iled, “ Right! A nother force acting
on your car is gravity. G ravity is a pulling
force betw een tw o o b jects.” Clara took a
tennis ball out of her pocket. “W hen I drop
this ball, gravity pulls it tow ards the floor.
It’s the sam e force that pulls your car
down the hill.”
“So, a big push gives us an advantage over
other cars, and gravity will keep us going. How do we
stop?” Liam asked.
“You’ll need friction. Frictio n is a force betw een
two surfaces that slow s objects down or stops them
from moving. For exam ple, I lean back on my
skates, and the friction betw een the rubber
stoppers and the floor slow s me dow n,”
said Clara.
“Thanks, Clara! The virtual race car
w as cool! I knew we had the skills and
cap ab ilities to win the race, but now
we have scien ce on our side, too,”
Liam grinned.

Make Connections
Talk about ways that science can
help you understand how objects

How can science help you understand

your favorite activities? t e x t to s e l f
Comprehension Strategy

When you read an informational text, you often come across
information that is new to you. As you read "The Big Race,"
reread key sections of text to make sure you understand
them and remember the information they contain.

p Find Text Evidence

As you read "The Big Race," the concept of acceleration may
be new to you. Reread the "Forces at Work" section on page
66 to help you remember what accelerate means.

page 66
“What’s a force?” asked Liam.
Clara continued, “A force is a push or a pull. Forces
I read that accelerate
cause things to move or cause a change in motion. When
I apply a big enough force on an object, like this stool, means to increase the
it moves. If two objects are exactly the same, the object
that receives a bigger force will acc e le ra te , or increase its
speed,” Clara said, pushing two stools at the same time.
speed of something.
"Which stool received a bigger force?” Clara asked.
"The one on the right. It went farther,” said Liam.
Rereading will help
"So, giving our car a big push at the top of the hill will
cause it to accelerate and go faster,” Alex summarized. me to understand and
remember this concept.

Your Turn
What does gravity do? Reread the "Gravity and Friction"
section of "The Big Race" to find out. As you read,
remember to use the strategy Reread.
Comprehension Skill
is ^ "
Cause and Effect
Text structure is the way that authors organize information in
a selection. Cause and effect is one kind of text structure. The
author explains how and why something happens. A cause is
why something happens. An effect is what happens.

§)/ Find Text Evidence

I can reread "Forces at Work" in "The Big Race" on page 66 to
find actions that cause something to happen. Then I can figure
out the effects of those actions.

Cause - Effect

Clara The
applies force stool
to one stool. moves.

Clara pushes
both stools.
-* stools Your Turn
Reread each section of "The
Clara One Big Race." Find events or
applies more stool actions that cause something
force to one -►
moves to happen and their effects.
of the stools. farth er. List each cause and effect in
the graphic organizer.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Genre Informational Text

Narrative Nonfiction
The selection "The Big Race" is narrative nonfiction.
Narrative nonfiction:
• Tells a story.
• Includes facts and examples about a topic.
• Often includes text features.

j§> Find Text Evidence

Even though "The Big Race" reads like a story, I can tell that it is
an informational text because it includes facts and text features.

Text Features
Headings Headings tell what a
section of text is mostly about.
Speech Balloons Speech Balloons
tell what the characters are saying
or thinking.

Your Turn
Find two examples of text
features in "The Big Race." Tell
your partner what information
you learned from the features.

Vocabulary Strategy |

Context Clues
When you are not sure what a word means, you can look at
the other words around it to figure out the meaning. These
other words, called context clues, may be definitions,
examples, or restatements of the word's meaning.

f3)) Find Text Evidence

When I read the fourth paragraph on page 66 of "The Big Race,"
I am not sure what the word force means. The phrase "a push or
a pull" defines what the word force means.

Use context clues to figure out the meanings of the

following words in "The Big Race":
speed, page 65
friction, page 67
surfaces, page 67

Writers choose the best way to organize their information.

One way to organize information is to present events in
the order in which they happen. Reread the section from
"The Big Race" below.

Expert Model

Identify the sequence
of information in lex and Liam planned to build a car
this excerpt. What for the soap box derby. A s a result of
time-order words their inquiry into how to build a fast car,
does the author use? they had com e to the science museum
today for answ ers. Last w eek, A le x’s
m other had called one of the m useum ’s
scientists. W hen they w alked into the
m useum , a wom an in a lab coat and
inline skates zoom ed up
and greeted them.
Craig Phillips

Editing Marks
r~l—l Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

( T ) Add a period.

Take out.
Jonah wrote a narrative nonfiction piece. @ Check spelling.
Read Jonah's revision of a section of it. = = Make a capital letter.

Student Model
irammaivHan ookj
<4 <S‘ 4 6dl't

BOATI NG Complex Sentences

See page 453.

My grandfather asked me to go
boa ting today. I love to go boating,^

I was scared we would sink. First,

he told me about buoyancy force

Buoyancy force pushes an object

For example, if I drop a ball in the water it won't sink.
upward when it is in water. Buoyancy
3 ? S <S 'S b S

5 ? How does Jonah present

forces it up to the water's surface. new information?
Identify a complex
Now, I wanted to go boating!
sentence he uses.
How did the revisions
Next, he explained that the lake
improve his writing?
was not very deep.

Weekly Concept Putting Ideas to Work
How do you start a business and help people at the
same time? A woman in New York did it. She started
a bakery that includes a culinary training program for
immigrants. Not only has the training program been
successful, the bakery's breads are a big hit too.

How do you think a business can give back to the

community? What kinds of things could they do?

What kind of business would you start? How would

it help people or your community?

Write words that tell how

starting a business can help
people. Then talk about a
Starting a
business you would like to start Business
Echo/Cultura/Getty Images
p Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

I could tell she was a compassionate

and caring person by the way she
hugged her sister.
W hat is an antonym fo r compassionate?
(t) Don Hammond/DesignPics; (ct) Monkey Business/DesignPics; (cb) Elyse Lewin/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (b) Lisa Pines/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Starting a white water rafting business
was an exciting new enterprise for Tom.
W hat is the f ir s t thing a person
starting a new enterp rise might do?

Monica is an exceptional and talented
flute player.
How does a person become exceptional
at doing something?

Nicole's class held a bake sale to raise
funds to buy books for the library.
W hat project would you like to raise
funds fo r?

innovative Sam enjoyed trying out the new
innovative racing wheelchair.
W hat new technology do you think is

An important step in the process of

making a pie is to roll out the crust.
W hat is one step in the process of
baking cookies?

routine Brittany loved the daily routine of

! ■, <5. Li:—.__

(t) Alan Levenson/Stone/Getty Images; (ct) LWA/Taxi/Getty Images; (cb) MECKY/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (b) Fuse/Getty Images
walking her dog.
Why is it helpful to have a morning

undertaking Cleaning up Tim's messy bedroom was

going to be a big undertaking.
W hat would you consider a big


Your Turn fH P
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Essential Question 1
How can starting a business
help others?

Read about how two companies

are making a difference.
ollars and

Behind the success of these

big businesses is a desire to help others.
ood business is not alw ays “ I’m going to start a shoe
about the bottom line. A com pany, and for every pair I
com passionate com pany knows sell, I’m going to give one pair to
that m aking m oney is not the a kid in need.”
only w ay to m easure success. For this new undertaking,
Many large businesses in the M ycoskie started the business
United S tates and all over the using his own money. He named
world are finding unusual w ays it TOMS: Shoes for Tomorrow.
to help people in need. The slip-on shoes are m odeled
on shoes that are traditionally
Hearts and Soles worn by A rgentine w orkers.
A fter starting and running M ycoskie im m ediately set
four businesses, Blake M ycoskie up his innovative one-for-one
w anted a break from his usual program . TOM S gives aw ay one
routine. In 2 0 0 6 , he traveled to pair of shoes for every pair that
A rgentina, in South A m erica, and is purchased. Later that year,
while he w as there he learned to M ycoskie returned to Argentina
sail and dance. He also visited and gave aw ay 1 0 ,0 0 0 pairs
poor villages w here very few of of shoes. B y 2011, TOMS had
the children had shoes. M ycoskie donated over one million pairs.
decided he had to do som ething.
TOMS'employees unpack
shoes to give away.

The com pany has expanded One w ay the com pany raises
to sell eyeglasses. In a sim ilar funds for charity is by selling
program , one pair of eyeglasses a line of T-shirts. The process
is donated for every pair that starts with rock stars designing
is bought. the art that goes on the shirts.
M ycoskie is pleased and Then the shirts are sold on the
surprised. “ I alw ays thought Internet. Part of the m oney that
I would spend the first half of is raised from the sales of the
my life making m oney and the shirts is given to charity.
second half giving it aw ay,” Em ployees at Hard Rock Cafe
M ycoskie says. “ I never thought I locations are encouraged to
could do both at the sam e tim e.” raise m oney for their com m unity.
Eve ry store does it differently.
Giving Back Rocks!
ave you ever seen a Hard
(t) Kwaku Alston/Stockland Martel; (b) Thomas A. Kelly/CORBIS

R ock Cafe? The com pany

runs restaurants and hotels. In
1990, the com pany launched a
new enterprise; charity. Since
then, it has given aw ay millions
of dollars to different causes. Its
motto is Love All, Serve All.

Jo W V M *

Top Five Biggest Charities

Individuals as well as businesses are committed to helping people

in need. This graph shows the American charities that got the most
donations in one recent year and how much money they raised.

The restaurant in Hollywood, a profit is im portant. However,

Florida, worked with som e helping others is just as
exceptional students from two im portant as the bottom line.
Florida high schools. Together, Helping others is good business!
they put on an event to raise
money for the Make-A-Wish Make Connections
Foundation. The foundation How do the two companies
grants w ishes to children with ^ profiled in this article help
serious m edical problem s. others? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n

If you owned a business,

The Bottom Line how would you use some
very day com panies are
E thinking of innovative w ays
to give back to their com m unity.
of your profits to help
others? t e x t t o s e l f

If you own a business, m aking

Comprehension Strategy

When you read an informational text, you may come
across ideas and information that are new to you. As you
read "Dollars and Sense," reread sections to make sure you
understand the key facts and details in the text.

p Find Text Evidence

As you read, you may want to make sure you understand the
ways a business can help others. Reread the section "Hearts
and Soles" in "Dollars and Sense."

page 79
► ood business is not always
^ G Pabout
a the bottom line. A
"I’m going to start a shoe
company, and for every pair I
I read that TOMS gives
co m passionate company knows
that making money is not the
sell, I'm going to give one pair to^
a kid in need.”
one pair of shoes for
ih ly way to measure success. For this new undertaking,
M^ny large businesses in the Mycoskie started the business every pair of shoes
United States and all over the using his own money. He named
world are finding unusual ways
to help people in need.
it TOMS: Shoes for Tomorrow.
The slip-on shoes are modeled
someone buys. From this
|i on shoes that are traditionally
H earts and Soles worn by Argentine workers. text evidence, I can draw
After starting and running Mycoskie immediately set
four businesses. Blake Mycoskie
wanted a break from his usual
up his innovative one-for-one the inference that the
program. TOMS gives away one
| routine. In 2006, he traveled to
Argentina, in South America, and
pair of shoes for every pair that
is purchased. Later that year,
more shoes TOMS sells,
. while he was there he learned to Mycoskie returned to Argentina
, sail and dance. He also visited
poor villages where very few of
and gave away 10,000 pairs the more shoes can be
of shoes. By 2011, TOMS had
the children had shoes. Mycoskie
decided he had to do something.
donated over one million pairs.
given away.

Your Tara
What is another example of a company giving back to the
community? Reread page 80 to answer the question. As you
read other selections, remember to use the strategy Reread.

Comprehension Skill CCSS

Main Idea and Key Details

The main idea is the most im portant idea that an author
presents in a text or a section of text. Key details give
important information to support the main idea.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread the second paragraph in the section "Giving Back
Rocks!" on page 80 of "Dollars and Sense," I can identify the key
details. Next I can think about what the details have in common.
Then I can figure out the main idea of the section.

Main Idea

H ard Rock Cafe sells a line

of T -sh irts to raise funds
fo r charity.

D etail oovvabo* ^

Rock s ta r s design the a rt that

Your Turn
goes on the sh irts.
Reread the section "Hearts
D etail
and Soles"on pages 79-80
The s h irts a re sold on the
of "Dollars and Sense." Find
the key details in the section
D etail
and list them in your graphic
organizer. Use the details to
P a rt of the money th at is
determine the main idea.
raised from the sale s of the
sh irts is given to charity. Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

Persuasive Article
"Dollars and Sense" is a persuasive article.
A persuasive article:
• Is nonfiction.
• States the writer's opinion on a topic.
• Provides facts and examples.
• May include text features such as headings and graphs.

)) Find Text Evidence

"Dollars and Sense" is a persuasive article. It states the author's opinion
and tries to get readers to agree. It includes headings and a graph
that shows the amount of money raised by different charities.

page 81
urn. Text Features
Top Five Biggest Charities
Graph Graphs help you picture
numerical information. A bar graph
helps you compare information.
Headings Headings tell you what
the section is mostly about.
Individuals as well as businesses are committed to helping people
in need. This graph shows the American charities that got the most
donations in one recent year and how much money they raised.

The restaurant in Hollywood, a profit is important^Towever,

Florida, worked with some helping others isJ/ast as
exceptional students from two
Florida high schools. Together,
they put on an event to raise
im portant a sJJrc bottom line.
Helping oUrfers is good business! Your Turn
m oney for the Make-A-Wish Hake Connections
Foundation. The foundation j) How do the two companies
grants wishes to children with profiled in this article help
serious m edical problems^ others? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n Find and list two text features
If you owned a business,
The Bottom Line >
very d ay com panies are
how would you use some in "Dollars and Sense."Tell what
E thinking of innovative ways
of your profits to help
to give back to their community.
If you own a business, m aking
others? t e x t t o s e l f
information you learned from
each of the features.

Vocabulary Strategy

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to change its
meaning. Knowing some common suffixes can help you to figure
out the meanings of unfamiliar words. Look at the suffixes below:
-ly = done in the way of
-ive = related or belonging to
-ful = full of or characterized by

B Find Text Evidence

I see the word innovative on page 79 of "Dollars and Sense."
Looking at its word parts, I see the root word innovate. The
suffix -ive changes a word into an adjective. This will help me to
figure out what innovative means.

M ycoskie im m ediately set up his

innovative one-for-one program . TOMS
gives aw ay one pair of shoes for every
pair that is purchased.

t oVVAB0S47*

Yoar Tarn t H yp
Use suffixes and context clues to figure out the
meanings of the following words:
immediately, page 79
traditionally, page 79
successful, page 80
Writers often vary the length of their sentences. A writer
might follow a long sentence with a short sentence to draw
attention to an important idea. Reread the paragraph from
"Dollars and Sense" below.

Expert Model

Sentence Lengths A fter starting and

Identify long and running four businesses,
short sentences. Blake M ycoskie wanted
How do some of the a break from his usual
shorter sentences routine. In 2 0 0 6 , he
draw attention to traveled to A rgentina,
an idea? in South A m erica, and
while he w as there
he learned to sail and
dance. He also visited
poor villages w here very
few of the children had
shoes. M ycoskie decided
he had to do som ething.
“ I’m going to start a
shoe com pany, and
for every pair I sell, I’m
going to give one pair to
a kid in need.”
Editing Marks
f~l—l Switch order.

A Add.

Add a comma.

( T ) Add a period.

_y Take out
Courtney wrote about her favorite sport. Read Check spelling.
Courtney's revisions to a section of her essay. = = Make a capital letter.

Make a lowercase letter.

Student Model

Run-on Sentences
See page 454.
M y fa v o rite ^>port to p lay is

soccer. Soccer is a great sport to

play because action never stops!

Last year 1 joined a soccer team

that travels all over the state to
Your Turn
p lay in com petitions. M y position on
O ' Describe how Courtney's
O .
. .
sentence lengths varied.
the team is striker it s my job to
5^ Identify the run-on
score a s many goals as I can. When sentences and fragments
she corrected.
I score a goal everyone around the C ' Tell how other revisions
improved her writing.
field cheers it's such a great feeling!
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Weekly Concept Literary Lessons

Essential Question
What are some messages
in animal stories?
(bkgd) Justin Minns/Flickr/Getty Images; (inset) Keith Leighton/Alamy
1 Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

attracted brightly colored flower attracted

a butterfly.
W hat kinds of insects are attracted
to sugar?

The fireworks in the night sky were
bright and dazzling.
(t) Darlyne A. Murawski/National Geographic/Getty Images; (ct) Russell Kord/Alamy; (cb) Vstock/Getty Images; (b) Blend Images/Alamy

W hat is something else that can be

d e scrib ed as dazzling?

The girl's towel and clothes are made
from fabric.
W hat else can be made from fab ric?

It was greed that caused the boys to

grab more cookies than they needed.
W hat is an antonym fo r greed?

honest Leo was honest and told his mother the
truth about the broken window.
W hat is a synonym fo r honest?

requested The customer requested service from

the waiter.

(t) Jerry Marks Productions/UpperCut Images/Getty Images; (ct) Andersen Ross/Blend Images/Getty Images; (cb) Paul Simcock/lconica/Getty Images; (b) Thomas R. Fletcher/Alamy
W hat is something you have requested?

The seagull soared upward, high over
the ocean.
W hat is a synonym fo r soared?

trudged The tired hikers trudged slowly up

the path.
D escribe a time you trudged instead
of walked quickly.

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Shared Read Genre • Folktale

Essential Question
What are some messages
in animal stories?

Read how a poor fisherman

is helped by the Kaha bird.
I ong ago there lived an old
fisherman who made his pitiful
living catching fish. All day the old
m an sat on the riverbank waiting
for the fish to bite. But he never
had more than one or two small fish
to sell at the market. He and his wife
were always hungry.
One m orning, the tired old
fisherman trudged slowly to the
river. Suddenly a great bird w ith bright,
dazzling silver feathers settled in the tree
above him. The delighted fisherm an knew this
was the m agnificent Kaha, a glittering bird that
occasionally appeared to help the poor or the sick.
"I see you w ork for very little rew ard," the Kaha said.
"I w ish to help. Every day I will bring a large fish to your
house that you can sell at the m arket."
The old m an couldn't believe his luck. As the days
passed, the honest Kaha kept her promise. The fisherman
sold the fish and came home with plenty of food. Soon he
was bringing home clothing m ade from brightly colored
silk fabric for his wife.
At the m arket one day, the Shah's crier m ade an
announcement: "Find the great Kaha for our em inent Shah
and receive a reward of fifty bags of gold!"
The fisherman thought, "If I had fifty bags of gold,
I would be rich! But how can I betray the bird ?" He argued
with him self until, finally, his greed for gold blinded him to
the generosity of the Kaha bird.
He told the Shah's crier about the Kaha and requested
assistance in catching her. He asked for four hundred men
to help him.
That evening, four hundred servants followed the
fisherman home. They hid among the trees as the fisherman
set out a feast to tem pt the bird. W hen the Kaha landed in
a tree, the old m an said, "C om e dine w ith me, dear friend.
I wish to express m y gratitude."
The Kaha, touched by the fisherm an's kindness and
attracted to the delicious meal, flew down to join him.
Immediately, the fisherman grabbed the Kaha by the feet
and cried out to the servants to help him. The startled Kaha
spread her wings. She began to fly up w ith the fisherman
pulling at her. A servant caught the fisherm an by the feet,
but the bird rose higher. A second and third servant
grabbed onto the first until soon four hundred
servants hung by one another's feet as
Looking down, the fisherm an could just barely see the
river below. If he hadn't betrayed the Kaha, he would not
be in this predicament. There was but one thing to do. The
fisherm an let go of the great bird's feet. The servants and
the fisherm an tum bled from the sky and landed in the river.
It was m any weeks before the fisherm an had healed
enough to fish again. Every day the old fisherm an looked
up at the sky for a sign of the beautiful silver bird, but the
Kaha was never seen again.


Make Connections
Talk about the message in this

What would you tell the fisherman

to convince him not to betray the
Kaha bird? tex t to self
Amanda Hall
Comprehension Strategy

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read a story, you can ask questions before, during,
and after you read to help you understand the story. As you
read "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird," look for answers to
questions you may have about the story.

Find Text Evidence

You may want to know why the fisherman is poor. Reread the
first paragraph of "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird" on page
95 to find the answer.

page 95
I read that the fisherman
catches one or two small
I o n g ag o th e re liv e d an old
fish e rm an w h o m ad e h is p itifu l fish a dav. Therefore, he
liv in g c a tch in g fish. A ll d ay th e old
m an sa t o n the riv e rb a n k w aitin g does not make much
fo r the fish to b ite . B u t h e n ev er
h ad m o re th an o n e o r tw o sm a ll fish
to se ll a t th e m ark et. H e an d h is w ife
money when he sells
w ere alw ay s hu ngry.

O n e m o rn in g , th e tired old
fish e rm an tru d g e d slo w ly to the
river. S u d d e n ly a g re a t bird w ith b rig h t,
d a z z lin g silv e r fe ath e rs settled in the tree
ab o v e h im . T h e d e lig h te d fish e rm a n k n e w this
w a s th e m ag n ifice n t K ah a, a g litte rin g bird that
o ccasio n ally ap p eared to h elp the p o or or the sick.

Your Turn
Reread the first two pages of "The Fisherman and the
Kaha Bird"and list two questions you have about the
Kaha bird. Find the answers in the text.

Comprehension Skill [ccss

The theme is the central message or lesson that an author
wants you to understand. To identify the theme of a story,
look closely at what the characters say and do.

Q) Find Text Evidence

As I reread pages 95-96 of "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird,"
I can look for clues to the theme by looking at the characters'
words and the events of the story.

Look at the
C lu e
characters' actions
The Kaha helps for clues.
the fisherm an.

C lu e

The fisherm an is tem pted Your Turn

by 50 bags of gold.
Reread "The Fisherman and
the Kaha Bird." Find more
C lu e clues in the words and
actions of the characters that
help you identify the theme.
List them in the graphic
Them e

G re e d leads to loss. Go Digital! §

Use the interactive graphic organizer

\ Literature f ------ ■

The selection "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird" is a folktale.
• Are based on the traditions and beliefs of a people.
• Usually teach a lesson.
• Often use animal characters to symbolize or
represent a human quality.

£§» Find Text Evidence

I can tell that "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird" is a folktale.
The story takes place long ago. The people believe in the Kaha
bird, and the Kaha bird symbolizes a human quality.

page 95
Symbolism I can tell that the
human quality that the Kaha
4 on g ago there lived an old
fisherm an w h o m ade his pitiful represents is generosity. She tells
living catching fish. All day the old
m an sat on the riverbank waiting
for the fish to bite. But he never
the fisherman that she will bring
had m ore than one or two sm all fish
to sell a t the m arket. He and his w ife
w ere alw ays hungry.
him a large fish every day.
One m orning, the tired old
fisherm an trud ged slow ly to the
river. Suddenly a great bird with bright,
d a z z lin g silver feathers settled in the tree
above him. T he delighted fisherman knew this
was the m agnificent Kaha, a glittering bird that
occasionally appeared to help the poor or the sick.
"I see you w ork for very little rew ard," the Kaha said.
" I w ish to help. Every day I w ill bring a large fish to your
house that you can sell at the m arket."
The old m an couldn't believe his luck. A s the days
passed, the h o nest Kaha kept her promise. The fisherman
sold the fish and came home with plenty of food. Soon he
was bringing hom e clothing m ade from brightly colored
Your Turn
silk fa b ric for his wife.
At the m arket one day, the Shah's crier m ade an

% Think about the ending of the

announcement: "Find the great Kaha for our em inent Shah
and receive a reward o f fifty bags o f gold!"

story. Discuss whether or not this

folktale teaches a lesson.

Vocabulary Strategy

Root Words
As you read "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird," you may
come across a word that you don't know. Look for the
simplest form of the word, the root. This will help you figure
out the meaning of the longer word.

0* Find Text Evidence

On page 95 in "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird," I am not
sure what the word announcement means. I see that the word
contains the root word announce. This will help me to figure out
what the word announcement means.

At the m arket one day, the Shah's

crier m ade an announcement: "Find the
great Kaha for our eminent Shah and
receive a reward of fifty bags of gold!"

With a partner, use root words to find the meanings of

these words from "The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird":
pitiful, page 95
generosity, page 96
assistance, page 96
Write a short definition and an example sentence for
each word.
Amanda Hall


Writers include a strong opening when writing a narrative.

A strong beginning hooks the reader's attention and gives
clues about what will happen next. Reread the excerpt from
"The Fisherman and the Kaha Bird" below.

Expert Model

Strong Openings
The author creates
The Fisherman
a strong opening and the Kaha Bird
to the story. What Long ago there lived an old fisherman
details in the first who made his pitiful living catching fish.
two paragraphs All day the old man sat on the riverbank
make you want to waiting for the fish to bite. But he never
read more? had more than one or two small fish to
sell at the market. He and his wife
were always hungry.
One morning, the tired old
fisherman trudged slowly to the
river. Suddenly a great bird
with bright, dazzling silver
feathers settled in the tree
above him.
Amanda Hall

Editing Marks
F lu Switch order.

Writers A


Add a comma.

y Take out.

Check spelling.
Lina wrote a story. Read Lina's revision of the = Make a capital letter.
beginning of her story.
Student Model
Common and
Proper Nouns See
th e page 456.
long ago
Once there was a farm er named
the world's largest
Sam who grew pumpkins. One day

when sam started to the market

with his pumpkins, his wagon wheel

broke. t0vUBo*A
dazzling gold and green slithered
Just then a coiopfyPsna ke -cam^_
A A Your Turn
by. He told Sam that he would help S ' Identify the details of
Lina's strong opening.
him. The snake rolled himself into
S ' Identify a proper noun
a wheel and attached himself to she included.
Tell how Lina's revisions
the wagon. improved her writing.

Essential Question
How do animal characters
change familiar stories?
Hi, I'm a handsome prince. I just happen to be a
frog at the moment. My story is about courage and
amazing transformations. Of course it ends happily.

► There are lots of great animal stories. What are

some of your favorites?

► Not all animals are as smart or charming as me

What are some character traits of the animals
in your favorite stories?

Write some of the words

that describe traits of
animals in stories. Talk
about these traits with
your partner.
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

Having to wake up early annoyed my

father and made him grumpy.
W hat is a synonym fo r annoyed?

attitude The girls had fun working together

because they both had a good attitude.
D escribe your attitude about doing
(t)Corbis/age fotostock; (tc)Jeff Greenberg/Alamy; (bc)© Kuchera; (b)PhotoAlto/Alamy

The swans made a commotion with

their squawking and splashing.
W hat is an example of something that
can make a commotion?

Being hungry makes Neil feel cranky.

W hat m akes you feel cranky?

familiar I took a fam iliar route from the bus stop
to my house so that I would not get lost.
W hat is a fam iliar sound when you
go to the p ark?

frustrated stuc|ent was frustrated by the

difficult assignment.
W hat type of situation m akes you feel
fru stra te d ?

I £*
Se ,S The two friends were not selfish at all
and shared everything.
How would you describe a selfish

(t) Jamie Kripke/Corbis; (ct) Exactostock/SuperStock; (cb) Kevin Dodge/Corbis; (b) Thomas Tolstrup/Stone/Getty Images
specialty Understanding x-rays is a specialty that
requires training and practice.
W hat kind of specialty would require
training in how to fly a plane?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary
Genre • Drama

Essential Question
How do animal characters
change familiar stories?

Read about how an ant

teaches a grasshopper an
important lesson.

• " pa

Scene I
(It is raining heavily on the African grasslands.
On the African
Termite turns and sees the audience.)
The present. TE R M IT E : (Happily) Yipes! I didn't see you.
CHARACTERS Welcome to the great plains of Africa! We're
Termite (the narrator) soggy now because it's the rainy season.
Ant Sorry (She shrugs and smiles.) Today, w e'll
Grasshopper visit two very different friends of m ine—
An army of ants Ant and Grasshopper. M aybe you have
heard of them from other fam iliar stories.
Let's see w hat my buddies are up to!
(An army o f ants march in, carrying leaves filled with water.
They approach Grasshopper, who lounges lazily under a plant.)
ANT: (In a loud voice) Company, halt! (The ants stop.)
G R A SSH O P P E R : (Stretching and yawning) Ant, old pal!
Good to see you! I was just napping w hen I heard your feet
pounding down the way. W hat's all the commotion?

Emily Carew Woodard

ANT: (Looking annoyed) Grasshopper, have you noticed
w hat falls from the sky above you?
(Ant stands at attention and points up at a cloud. Grasshopper
sleepily rises and stands next to Ant. He looks at the sky.)
ANT: Rain, Grasshopper! Rain falls from the sky!
And w hen there is rain, there is w ork to be done.
GRASSHOPPER: (Smiling then scratching his head) Huh?
ANT: (Sighing) You should be collecting w ater for a time
when it is unavailable. Instead, you lie here w ithout a care
for the future.
GRASSHOPPER: (Laughing) Oh, don't be so serious,
ol' buddy! There is plenty of w ater now, and that's all that
matters. You need to relax! You're m uch too tense. W hy
don't you m ake napping your new specialty instead of all
this silly toil? Stop w orking so hard all the time!
ANT: (Shaking his head as he grows frustrated) The rainy
season will not last forever, Grasshopper. Your carefree
attitude will disappear w ith the water, and soon
you w ill regret being lazy and wish you had been
more energetic.
(The ants march off as Grasshopper continues to laugh.)

Scene II
(It is a few months later, and the plains are now
dusty, dry, and brown. Grasshopper, appearing
weak and sickly, knocks on Ant's door. Ant,
seeming strong and healthy, opens the door.)

■T— — m

GRASSHOPPER: (Nervously) Hi there, p al.... I was in the
neighborhood. Boy, can you believe how hot it is? S o ...
u h .. .1 was w ondering if m ay b e.. .by ch an ce.. .you m ight
have some water for your old friend.
(Ant tries to close the door, but Grasshopper quickly grabs it.)
GRASSHOPPER: (Begging wildly) PLEASE, Ant! I am so
thirsty! There isn't a drop of w ater anywhere!
ANT: (After a pause) We ants w orked hard to collect this
water, but we cannot let you suffer. (Giving Grasshopper a sip
of water) Do not think us selfish, but we can only share a few
drops w ith you. I warned you that this time would come. If
you had prepared, you would not be in this situation.
(Grasshopper walks slowly away. Termite watches him go.)
TERM ITE: A lthough A nt has done a good deed,
tired, cranky Grasshopper m ust still search for water.
Grasshopper learned an im portant lesson today. N ext time,
he w ill follow A nt's advice!

Make Connections
Talk about how Ant and
Grasshopper act like real

Explain why you are more like

Ant or more like Grasshopper.
uy f\ —
1 fy i
y \ ^

Comprehension Strategy

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read a selection, you may not understand all of it.
It helps to stop and ask yourself questions. As you read "The
Ant and the Grasshopper," ask questions about what you
don't understand. Then read to find the answers.

)) Find Text Evidence

After reading Scene I, you may ask yourself what happens in
Africa after the rainy season ends. Reread Scene II of "The Ant
and the Grasshopper" to find the answer.

page 110
seaso n w ill n o t last forever, G rasshopper. Y our carefree
attitu d e w ill d isapp ear w ith the w ater, a n d soon I read that the land is
y ou w ill regret b ein g lazy and w ish y o u h ad b een
m o re energetic.
(The ants march off as Grasshopper continues to laugh.)
"dusty, dry, and brown."
Scene II «n^ | — Grasshopper is weak. This
(It is a few months later, and the plains are now
dusty, dry, and brown. Grasshopper, appearing suggests that there are
weak and sickly, knocks on Ant's door. Ant,
seeming strong and healthy, opens the door.)
long periods of time when
no rain falls in Africa.

Your Turn
In "The Ant and the Grasshopper," what is Termite's
role? Reread to answer this question. List two other
questions you have about the story and read to find
the answers.

Comprehension Skill

The theme of a selection is the message or lesson that an
author wants to communicate to the reader. To identify the
theme, pay attention to the characters'words and actions.

Find Text Evidence

As I reread "The Ant and the Grasshopper," the different actions
of Ant and Grasshopper in the rainy season seem like important
clues to the theme. So do Ant's words about collecting water.

The fable "The Ant and the Grasshopper" is presented as a
A drama:
• Has a list of characters and is written in dialogue.
• Is divided into parts called acts or scenes.
•Includes the setting and stage directions.
Find Text Evidence
“The Ant and the Grasshopper" is a drama. It lists the characters
and setting. Stage directions tell the actors what to do. The
dialogue is the lines the actors speak in the play.

Dialogue The characters'nam es

Scene I
s e t t in g
On th e African
(It is raining heavily on the African grasslands. appear in capital letters before
Termite turns and sees the audience.)
The p re se n t T E R M IT E : (Happily) Yipes! I d id n 't see v
W elcom e to the great p lain s o f Africa^W e're
the lines they speak.
Termite (the narrator) soggy n ow b ecau se it's the r a im ^ a s o n .
Ant I Sorry. (She shrugs and sm iles.IX aay, w e'll
G rassh o p p er v isit tw o very different f r o n d s o f m ine—
An arm y of an ts A nt a nd G rasshoppei^M aybe y ou h ave
’ heard o f them fro a ro th er fa m ilia r stories.
L et's see w h a ^ f y b u d d ies are u p to!
(An army o f ants march in, c a w in g leaves filled with water.
They approach GrasshcMwpwho lounges lazily under a plant.)
AN T: (In a loud voic^B ffihpany, halt! (The ants stop.)
G R A S S H O P P E R : (Stretching and yawning) A nt, old pal!
Your Turn
G ood to see y ou! I w as ju s t n app ing w h en I h eard your feet
pou nd ing d ow n the way. W h at's a ll th e com m otion?

Find and list two other examples

that show "The Ant and the
Grasshopper" is a drama. Tell
how these features help you
understand the text.

Vocabulary Strategy

As you read "The Ant and the Grasshopper,"you may come
across a word you don't know. Sometimes the author will
use an antonym, another word or phrase that means the
opposite of the unfamiliar word.

Find Text Evidence

On page 110 of "The Ant and the Grasshopper," I'm not sure
what carefree means. I can use the word serious to help me
figure out what carefree means.

"O h, don't be so serious,

ol' buddy! There is plenty of
w ater now, and that's all that
matters. You need to relax!"

^ vvabob^

Use antonyms to figure out the meanings of the

words below in "The Ant and the Grasshopper."
tense, page 110
energetic, page 110
sickly, page 110
Writers often use an informal voice when writing a play.
They use everyday words and phrases that sound like
conversation. Reread Termite's greeting from "The Ant and
the Grasshopper" below.

Expert Model

Informal Voice The Ant and the

Identify words and
phrases that show G rassh opper
an info rm al voice. TERM ITE: (Happily) Yipes! I didn't see
What can you tell you. Welcome to the great plains of
about Termite from Africa! We're soggy now because
her words? it's the rainy season. Sorry.
(She shrugs and smiles.)
Today, we'll visit two
very different friends
of mine— Ant and
Grasshopper. Maybe you
have heard of them from other
familiar stories. Let's see what
my buddies are up to!
I t i
Editing Marks
n _ l Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out

Check spelling.
Sophie wrote a story. Read Sophie's revision ==== Make a capital letter.
of the beginning of her story.
Grammars Handbook!
Student Model
Singular and Plural

The Hare'f Zide Nouns See page 455.

guess I
1 should introduce myself first.

I am the Hare. The one that Tortoise

beat in a race. The story is that
I ^ssiST I was fast and made fun of
Tortoise. Not true! A sk all my friend^

they'll tell the real story. The whole

O S ' Identify examples
thing was a setujS I was tired that of informal voice in
Sophie's story.
day from running errands. Any other
S ' Identify two plural nouns
day. I'd have won that race no sweat. in her story.
Tell how revisions
improved her writing.

Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

The relationship between the oxpecker and the
zebra is one example of the relationships that
exist in the animal world. These birds eat ticks
and lice off zebras. They also screech loudly if
a predator is approaching.

► What are some other examples of relationships

between animals?

► How are animals and plants connected?

Write words that describe how

living things are connected.
Then talk to a partner about Connections
why these connections are
so important.
Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

The old brick wall had crumbled over
the years.
W hat is a synonym fo r crum bled?

Because of the lack of rain, farmers' crops
(t)lmage Source/Getty Images; (tc)Michael Gunther/Bios/Photolibrary; (bc)Jeff Hunter/Getty Images; (b)Mark Dierker/McGraw-Hill Education

died during the droughts.

In what p a rt of the world are there a
lot of droughts?

A reef ecosystem can be disrupted if you

remove one species that lives in it.
W hat are some other examples of
ecosystem s?

The American buffalo was hunted so

much that it almost became extinct.
Name an animal th at is now extinct.

flourished The sunflowers grew tall and flourished
in the rich soil.
W hat is a synonym fo r flourished?

Tom held the nest carefully because he

was afraid the fragile eggs might break.
W hat is an antonym fo r frag ile?


imbalance Too much algae created an imbalance

in the pond's ecosystem.

(t) Tony Craddock/Stone/Getty Images; (ct) Ajax/Corbis; (cb) Creatas/Punchstock; (b) Robert Llewellyn/Workbook Stock/Getty Images
How are the words imbalance and
inequality sim ilar?

The water ripples around the

swimming dog.
I f a flag ripples, is the a ir windy
or still?

covvabor ^
Your Turn

Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Narrative Nonfiction

Essential Question
How are all living things connected?

Read how plants and animals are

connected in a coral reef ecosystem.
Sitting on the side of the boat, the photographer fixes
her scuba tank and mask. She waves to a man in a fishing
boat. Then she dives backwards into the clear waters of the
Florida Keys. She swims, breathing through her regulator.
A large, colorful coral reef is laid out before her eyes.
Sea anemones, red hind fish, gaudy parrotfish, yellow
angelfish, and other animals ignore her as they go about
their business. Life in this reef has flourished and grown.

The photographer knows the plants and animals in a
reef ecosystem need each other to survive. Reefs are made
up of billions of tiny animals called coral polyps. Plant­
like algae live inside the coral. The algae use a process
called photosynthesis to turn energy from the sun into
food for themselves and the coral. In return, the coral
gives the algae a home and the carbon dioxide needed for
photosynthesis. Algae are a part of the food chain called
producers. Producers make their own energy.
The photographer sees a blue and I----------------1------
yellow parrotfish nibbling at the coral. _
She takes a picture. The parrotfish
breaks apart the coral to get to the algae-
filled polyps inside. In a food chain, the —
parrotfish is a consumer. Consumers
cannot produce their own energy. As the (bkgd) Stephen Frink/Corbis; (inset) Timothy Grollimund

parrotfish eats the algae, energy is passed Parrotfish

through the food chain.
In the distance, the photographer notices the long
silver body of a barracuda lurking. The sea grass
in the current, swaying back and forth. It almost hides the
hungry predator. She snaps a photo and swims on.

. - i- ’

Coral Bleaching
The photographer shoots more photos as she swims.
The reef must have looked like this hundreds of years
ago. But then she stops and stares at a big area of
bleached, white coral. Once colorful, the whitish coral
now looks like the broken pieces of a castle.
Coral depends on a natural balance to stay healthy.
Climate change and pollution can cause an
Some areas have dried up from w ^ile others
have had more rain. Too much sun and w arm er ocean
temperatures can cause coral bleaching.
If pollution gets into the w ater or the
water gets too warm, the relationship
between the coral and algae breaks v
down. The algae stop making food. >A t ,
The coral ejects the algae. The algae
A J0P*

are what give the coral its color.

The coral loses its color. It starves " n
because it needs the algae to * *v
bl) Dan Sherwood/Design Pics; (be, bkgd) Darryl Leniuk/Radius Images/Corbis; (br) Stephen Frink/Corbis

make food for it.

A food chain shows the transfer of energy from one species to another.

Energy Source Producer Consumer

M any plants and animals depend on the coral for food
and shelter. As more and more coral reefs die, many animals
and plants that live in these reefs may become extinct
The beautiful reef the photographer had seen earlier
would resemble the white, crum bling reef before her.

Balancing Act
She turned and swam back to the boat. Later today, she
would send her photographs to the Nature Conservancy.
It is an organization that works to rescue our ree^s*
Scientists there are trying to rebuild the reefs by attaching
small pieces of staghorn coral to concrete blocks. Staghorn
coral is used to grow new coral. Once the coral grows, the
blocks are planted in the reefs.
The photographer hopes her pictures will help spread
the word. They show the relationship between pollution,
climate change, and coral bleaching. She breaks through
the w ater's surface and climbs into the boat.
"I got some good shots of the healthy reef and the
sick reef!" she shouts to her partner. Once aboard, she
imm ediately begins putting her photos on her laptop.

Make Connections
Talk about how the plants and
animals that live in the coral reef are
connected, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n
<bl) Rithard Carey/Alamy

What could you do to help save the

coral reefs? t e x t to s e lf
V V*

When you summarize, you retell the most important details
in a paragraph or section of text. Summarize sections of
"Rescuing Our Reefs"to help you understand the information.

^ ) Find Text Evidence

As you read, identify the most important details. Summarize
the first paragraph of the "Connections" section on page 123
of "Rescuing Our Reefs."

In a coral reef ecosystem,

the algae and coral
polyps help each other.
The algae produces food
through photosynthesis,
and the coral provide
carbon dioxide and a
home for the algae.


Reread "Coral Bleaching"on pages 124-125. Summarize

the third paragraph. As you read, remember to use the
strategy Summarize.

Comprehension Skill

Main Idea and Details

The main idea is the most im portant idea that an author
presents in a paragraph or section of text. Key details give
important information to support the main idea.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread the section "Connections" on page 123 in
"Rescuing Our Reefs," I can reread to find the key details. Then I
can think about what those details have in common. Now I can
figure out the main idea of the section.

Main Idea

Animals and plants in the coral

reef depend on each other.

D etail

Algae produce food through the

process of photosynthesis.

D etail Your Turn

The coral provides a home and
Reread "Coral Bleaching" on
carbon dioxide fo r the algae.
pages 124-125. Find the key
D etail details and list them in your
P arro tfish eat the algae inside graphic organizer. Use the
the coral. details to find the main idea.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

' ."Xv, K ■

Informational Text

Narrative Nonfiction
"Rescuing Our Reefs" is narrative nonfiction.
Narrative nonfiction:
• Tells a story.
• Presents facts about a topic.
• Includes text features.

Find Text Evidence

"Rescuing Our Reefs" is narrative nonfiction. It tells a story while
providing facts about reefs. It also includes text features.

p ag e 124

Coral Bleaching Text Features

T h e photographer sh oots m ore photos as sh e sw im s.
T h e reef m ust have looked lik e th is hu ndreds o f years
ago. B ut then she stops and stares at a b ig area of
Headings Headings tell what a
b leached , w hite coral. O nce colorfu l, the w hitish coral
now look s lik e the brok en pieces o f a caslle- section of text is mostly about.
C oral d epen d s on a natural b alance to stay healthy.
C lim ate change and pollu tio n can cause an
Som e areas have dried up from w hile others Flow Chart A flow chart shows
have had more rain. T oo m uch sun and w arm er ocean
tem peratures can cause coral bleaching.
information from the text in a
If pollution gets in to the w ater or the
w ater gets too warm, the relatio nship 1/ visual way.
b etw een the coral and algae b reak s v
dow n. T h e algae stop m ak ing food.
T h e coral e jects the algae. T h e algae
are w hat g ive the coral its color. ^
T h e coral loses its color. It starves
b ecause it needs the algae to aj
m ake food for it. K *N*

1 A food chain shows the transfer o f energy from o

Your Turn
Find and list two examples of
* ! ■ ■St’ \
--C* t text features in "Rescuing Our
I t
Energy Source Producer Reefs."Tell your partner what
information you learned from
each of the features.

Vocabulary Strategy

Context Clues
As you read "Rescuing Our Reefs," you may come across
words you don't know. To figure out the meaning of an
unfamiliar word, use the words, phrases, and sentences near
it for clues.

^ ) Find Text Evidence

On page 123 of "Rescuing Our Reefs," I see that the narrator says,
"In a food chain, the parrotfish is a consumer." I'm not sure
what a consumer is. I read the next sentence, "Consumers cannot
produce their own energy." Now I know what consumer means.

In a food chain, the parrotfish is

a consumer. Consumers cannot
produce their own energy.

Your Turn
Use context clues to find the meanings of the
words below in "Rescuing Our Reefs."Write a short
definition and an example sentence for each word,
predator, page 123
bleached, page 124
ejects, page 124
Writers include specific details to support their main ideas.
They provide facts that tell more about the information
they want to share. Reread the excerpt from "Rescuing
Our Reefs" below.

Exp ert M odel

Supporting Details The photographer sees a blue and

Identify the yellow parrotfish nibbling at the coral.
supporting details. She takes a picture. The parrotfish
How do these details breaks apart the coral to get to the algae-
support the main idea? filled polyps inside. In a food chain, the
parrotfish is a consumer. Consumers
cannot produce their own energy. As the
parrotfish eats
the algae, energy
is passed through
the food chain. liB fc
(bkgd) Timothy Grollimund; (inset) Darryl Leniuk/Radius Images/Corbis
Editing Marks
f~l—l Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

_^ Take out.

@ Check spelling.
Carlos wrote an article. Read Carlos's = = Make a capital letter.
revisions of a section of his article.
jrammarj Handbook
S tu d en t M odel
Irregular Plural
Nouns See page 456.

Sea anemones and clown-fished

live in coral reefs. They need each

other to survive. The clown-fish

by scaring away predators
protects the sea anemone. It also
by dropping scraps of food for the anemone to eat
cleans the anemone and feeds it. In
0 Identify the supporting
return, the sea anemone gives the
details in Carlos's article.
clownfish a home in its tentacles. [ 0 Identify an irregular
The clownfish is immune to the anemone's poison. plural noun that he used.
Both the sea anemone and the 0 Tell how Carlos's
revisions help support
clownfish need the coral reef, too.

The coral reef is their ecosystem.

(bkgd)NHPA/Stephen Dalton; (tr)lngram Publishing/age fotostock; (border)C Squared Studios/Photodisc/Getty Images

Weekly Concept Adaptations
Adapting i
1 0 sv n w
Hi, I'm a chameleon. Have you ever seen
anyone quite like me? Here's how I have
adapted to survive in my environm ent.

► See my skin color? I can change it.

Changing my skin color helps to camouflage
me from predators.

► My long tail can wrap around branches.

How do you think that helps me?

• i«
Write words you have
learned about adaptation.
Then talk with a partner about
other animals and how they
have adapted to survive.

Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

It is hard to see the camouflaged insect
because it blends in with the leaf.
How are the words camouflaged and
hidden sim ilar?

Water dribbles from the leaky faucet

(t)Dave Moyer; ©Royalty-Free/Corbis; (tc)Paper Giraffe/Alamy; (bc)Frank Deschandol & Philippe Sabine/Photolibrary; (bc)Craig Churchill/Alamy

all night.
Name something else that d rib b les.

The owl has an extraordinary ability
to stare for a long time without blinking
W hat is an antonym fo r extraordinary?

Some wild mushrooms can make you
sick because they are poisonous.
W hat other thinqs are poisonous?

pounce The bobcat likes to pounce on fish in
the river.
W hat other anim als pounce?

A cheetah is a fierce predator that can
catch most animals that it hunts.
Explain why a hawk is a predator.

The venus flytrap plant traps its prey

(t) ©Royalty-Free/Corbis; (ct) Andy Rouse/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (cb); (b) Datacraft - QxQ images/Alamy
inside its sticky leaves.
W hat is an antonym fo r prey?

vibrations Eric
r- . plucked his guitar strings, causing
vibrations as the strings moved quickly
back and forth.
W hat else can m ake vibrations?

,0 V \ - A B O S ^ > ,

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.

Essential Question
What helps an animal survive?

Read about ways different animals

adapt to their environments.

W hat would you do if you saw a skunk
raise his tail? If you knew anything about
skunks, you would run in the opposite
direction! Skunks have a built-in survival
system. They can blast a p red ator with a
horrible-sm elling spray produced by the
glands under their tails.
The special ways that animals have
to survive are called adaptations. These
include physical traits such as the skunk's
spray and animals w ith bright colors and
m arkings that w arn predators that they
are poisonous. Some animals can sense
When a skunk turns and
the sm allest vib rations in the ground.
sprays a predator, the
Others hear sounds from miles away. An foul-smelling mist can
adaptation can also be a behavioral trait. travel up to 10 feet.
An example of a behavioral trait would be
birds that migrate south every w inter to
avoid harsh temperatures.

Staying Warm
Brrrr! Im agine living in a place where the average annual
temperature is an extraord inary 10 to 20° F. Welcome to
the Arctic tundra of Alaska, Canada, Greenland, and Russia,
home of the caribou. To stay warm , caribou have two layers
of fur and a thick layer of fat. They also have compact bodies.
(bkgd) blickwinkel/Alamy; (r) Comstock/PunchStock

Only 4 or 5 feet long, caribou can w eigh over 500 pounds.

The tip of the caribou's nose and mouth is called a muzzle.
It is covered in short hair. This hair helps to warm the air
before they inhale it into their lungs. It also helps to keep
them w arm as they push snow aside to find food.

Finding Food
Every day, a caribou eats over
six pounds of lichen! Caribou have
unusual stomachs. The stom ach's
four chambers are designed to digest
lichen. It is one of the few foods they Lichen can grow in
can find in the winter. Even so, caribou extreme temperatures.
still have a tough time in the coldest
part of w inter when their food sources decline. That's w hy
they travel from the tundra to a large forest area, where
food is easier to find. W hen the m elting snow dribbles into
streams, they know that it is time to return up north.

Insects in Disguise
Look closely at the photo of the tree branch. Can you
spot the insect? It is a phasmid. Some phasm ids are known
as leaf insects, or walking sticks. Phasmids look like leaves or
twigs. These insects can change colors to really blend in w ith
their surroundings. In this way, they are cam ouflaged from
predators. It's as if they disappear from sight! These insects
are nocturnal, which means that they are active at night. This
is another adaptation that helps them avoid predators. It's
hard to spot these insects in daylight, let alone at night.

This phasmid is called a walking stick

because it looks like a stick with legs.
The alligator's physical
adaptations include its log*
shaped bod^ Other a n im a ls %
have trouble shotting the
m otionlesfalligator in the water.'1

Water, Please!
In Florida's vast Everglades ecosystem , the dry season is
brutal for m any plants and animals. Alligators have found
a way to survive these dry conditions in the freshwater
marshes. They use their feet and snouts to clear dirt from
holes in the limestone bedrock. W hen the ground dries up,
the alligators can drink from their water holes.
Other species benefit from these water holes, too. Plants
grow there. Other animals find w ater to survive the dry
season. However, the animals that visit alligator holes
becom e easy prey. The norm ally m otionless alligator may
pounce on them without warning. But luckily, alligators
eat only a few times each month. M any animals take their
chances and revisit the alligator hole when they need water.
In the end, it's all about survival!

Make Connections
How do adaptations help an animal
survive? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t i o n

Describe an animal adaptation that

you have seen, t ex t to s elf
Comprehension Strategy

When you summarize, you retell the most important details
in a paragraph or section of text. Summarize sections
of"Animal Adaptations"to help you understand the

CO)} Find Text Evidence

Reread the section "Insects in Disguise" on page 138.
Identify key details to summarize the section.

page 138
In s e c ts in D isg u ise Phasmids are insects
Look closely a t the p ho to o f the tree b ran ch. C an y ou
sp ot th e insect? It is a p hasm id . Som e p hasm id s are know n
a s leaf insects, or w alkin g sticks. Phasm ids look like leaves or
that can camouflage
twigs. These in sects can chan ge c olors to really b lend in w ith
th eir surroundings. In th is w ay, th ey are camouflaged from themselves to avoid
predators. It's as if th ey d isapp ear from sight! T h ese insects
are nocturnal, w hich m eans th at they are activ e at n ight. This
is ano ther a daptation th at h elps th em a v oid p redators. It's
predators. In addition,
hard to sp ot th ese in sects in d ayligh t, let alon e at n ight.
phasmids are nocturnal,
This phasm id is called a w alking stick
because it looks like a stick w ith legs.
which makes them
difficult for predators
to spot.


Your Turn
Reread "Water, Please!" on page 139 and summarize
the section.

Comprehension Skill

Main Idea and Key Details

The main idea is the most im portant point that the author
makes in a text or a section of the text. Key details give
important information to support the main idea.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread the section "Staying Warm" in "Animal
Adaptations" on page 137,1can identify the key details. Then I
can think about what those details have in common. Now I can
figure out the main idea of the section.

Main Idea
All three key details
support the main idea.
Caribou adaptations help
them survive the cold.

D etail

Caribou have two layers of fu r

and a th ick layer of fa t.
Your Turn
D etail

S ho rt hair on their muzzles Reread the section "Insects in

Disguise"on page 138. Find
warm s the a ir th at they inhale.
the key details and list them
D etail in the graphic organizer. Use
Caribou have compact bodies these details to figure out the
th at can weigh over 500 lbs. main idea.

I Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Expository Text
"Animal Adaptations" is an expository text.
Expository text:
• Gives facts and information about a topic.
• Includes text features.

Find Text Evidence

"Animal Adaptations" is an expository text. It gives me facts
about how different animals have adapted to survive. Each
section has a heading. The text also includes photographs
and captions.

page 138

Finding Food
Text Features
Every day, a caribou eats over
six pounds of lichen! Caribou have
Photographs and Captions
unusual stomachs. The stom ach's
four cham bers are designed to digest
lichen. It is one o f the few foods they
Photographs illustrate what is
can find in the winter. Even so, caribou
still have a tough time in the coldest in the text. Captions provide
part o f w inter when their food sources decline. That's w hy
they travel from the tundra to a large forest area, where
food is easier to find. W hen the melting snow d rib b le s into
additional information.
streams, they know that it is time to return up north.

Insects in Disguise..................... ...... Headings Headings tell what a

Look closely at the photo o f the tree branch. Can you
spot the insect? It is a phasmid. Som e phasmids are known
as leaf insects, or walking sticks. Phasmids look like leaves or
section of text is mostly about.
twigs. These insects can change colors to really blend in with
their surroundings. In this way, they are cam ouflaged from
predators. It's as if they disappear from sight! T hese insects
are nocturnal, w hich m eans that they are active at night. This
is another adaptation that helps them avoid predators. It's
hard to spot these insects in daylight, let alone at night.

Your Turn
This phasmid is called a w alking stick
because it looks like a stick w ith legs.

Find and list two text features in

"Animal Adaptations." Tell your
partner what information you
learned from each of these features.

V o cab u lary Strateg y

As you read "Animal Adaptations,"you may come across a word
that you don't know. Look for word parts such as prefixes.
A prefix is added to the beginning of a word and changes the
meaning of the word. Here are some common prefixes.
un- means "not"
re- means "again"
dis- means "opposite of"

Find Text Evidence

When I read the section "Staying Warm" on page 137 in "Animal
Adaptations," I see the word extraordinary. First, I look at the
separate word parts. I know that extra is a prefix that changes the
meaning of ordinary. The prefix extra means "beyond. "

Imagine living in a place where

the average annual tem perature is
an extraordinary 10 to 20° F.

Use prefixes and context clues to figure out the meanings

of the following words in "Animal Adaptations":
unusual, page 138
disappear , page 138
revisit, page 139

Writers organize the information in expository text in a

logical way. A compare-and-contrast text structure is one
way to present information. Reread the excerpt from
"Animal Adaptations" below.

Expert Model

Logical Order The special ways that animals have to survive

Identify the are called adaptations. These include physical
logical order traits such as the skunk's spray and animals w ith
the details are bright colors and m arkings that w arn predators
presented in. that they are poisonous. Some animals can sense
Do they support the sm allest vibrations in the ground. Others hear
the main idea? sounds from miles away. An adaptation can also
be a behavioral trait. A n exam ple of a behavioral
trait would be birds that migrate south every
w inter to avoid harsh temperatures.

a -
flickr RF/Getty Images
Editing Marks
CT-J Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Sonal wrote an expository text. Read Sonal's Make a capital letter.
revisions of one section.
Student Model
Possessive Nouns
See page 457.

A porcupine has special adaptations

to help it survive in nature.
Porcupines move slow. They can't
This is unlike th at
outrun their predatorsy Rabbits can

quickly hop away. A porcupine!^

predators include coyotes and owls.

Unlike other animals, a porcupine

has a powerful defense: its

& Identify the log
that Sonal usee
quills. When an animal attacks a 5 ? Identify a poss<
,and this is painful to a pred ato r noun that she i
porcupine, it releases its quills^ Each Tell how Sonal'
improved her v
quill has a barb.

Weekly Concept Animals All Around

Essential Question
9 How are writers inspired by animals?
Writers are observers. They watch and listen
and then are inspired to create a picture of
their experiences with words. Through the centuries
animals have provided writers with inspiration for
countless stories, plays, and poems.

► What is your favorite story, play, or poem about

an animal?

► What animal would you like to write about? Why?

c O \ .U B 0sX ,'

Identify animal traits that might

inspire a writer. Then talk with a
(bkgd) Corbis Flirt/Alamy; (tr) Ingram Publishing/Alamy

partner about a favorite animal Animal

and explain what kind of story,
play, or poem you might write
about it.

cr.SS W ords to Know
W W «*P % ■» I I IfW

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

brittle The brittle, dry leaf fell apart when I

closed my hand around it.
W hat is something else that is brittle?

The florist made original and creative
flower arrangements.
(t) Esther Janssen/Flickr/Getty Images; (ct) Glow Wellness/ArtBox Images/Getty Images; (cb) PictureNet/Corbis; (b) Steve Hamblin/Alamy

D escribe a time when you were


The speaker gave a vivid, descriptive
talk about the rain forest.
Talk about your favorite activity in a
descriptive way.

The seagull glided through the air on
outstretched wings.
W hat is an antonym fo r outstretched?

Poetry Terms
metaphor rhyme
"The garbage truck is a monster" Two words rhyme when they
is a metaphor because it sound the same, such as claw
compares two unlike things. and draw.
G ive another example of W hat word rhym es with fall?
a metaphor.

simile meter
"The long grass is like hair" is a Meter is the pattern of stressed
simile because it compares two and unstressed syllables.
things using like or as. How does a strong m eter affect
G ive another example of the rhythm of a poem?
a sim ile.

Inti St Clair/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary
Genre • Poetry

A brown boomerang,
my dog flies off, arcs his way
back into my arms.
— Je ffre y Boyle

Essential Question
How are writers
inspired by animals?

Read how poets use

creative thinking to write
about animals.
He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,
Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.

The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;

He watches from his mountain walls,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
— Alfred, Lord Tennyson
From branch to branch on outstretched arms,
From tree to ground I leap.
When I want to eat a snack,
I stick a stick in termite heaps.

I use my teeth to rip off leaves

And make the branch all bare,
Then find the hole the bugs come out
And patiently wait there.

My skinny branch becomes a bridge,

As brittle bugs climb up the stick.
I pick them off one by one
And crunch them like potato chips!

Ellen Lee
Teeth like jackhammers,
I chew through concrete for fun,
bring the outdoors in!
— Rosa Sandoval

Make Connections
U Talk about the creative ways that the
poets portray animals, e s s e n t ia l q u estio n

What animal would you write a poem

about? Why? t e x t to s e lf
Lyric Poetry and Haiku
Lyric Poetry:
• Expresses the thoughts and feelings of the poet.
• Often has end rhymes and a consistent meter.
• Uses three short lines to describe a scene or a moment.
• Has a first and last line of five syllables and a second
line of seven syllables.

i iic ouyie is uiynL poembecause it tells howthepoet feels

about theeagle. It also has endrhymes and aconsistent meter.
"Dog"is ahaiku because thelines have the5-7-5syllable count.

Thepoet describes theeagle

as "close tothesun in lonely
lands."I wonder if thepoet
feels the eagle is above other
creatures in other ways.

Your Turn I* |
Reread the poem "Rat."
Explain what form the poem
is and give text evidence.

Comprehension Skill

Point of View
The voice that you hear in a poem is the speaker. The
speaker's point of view is how the speaker thinks or
feels. Sometimes the speaker is a character in the poem.
Sometimes the speaker is telling about the characters or
events in the poem.

Find Text Evidence

In "Chimpanzee," thepronouns I and me tell me that thespeaker
is thechimpanzee. I will reread thepoemonpage 152and find
the details that give me clues tothe Chimpanzee's point of view.
D e ta ils

When 1 want to eat a snack, I

s tic k a s tic k in term ite heaps.

I use my teeth to rip off


I p ick them off one by one Your Turn , fff

Reread "The Eagle" on page
151.1s the speaker a character
P o in t o f V ie w
in the poem? List important
The chimpanzee is confident
details that give clues to the
about finding food.
speaker's point of view. Then
identify the point of view.

ccss; Lite rary Elem en ts

Meter and Rhyme

Meter is the rhythm of syllables in a line of poetry. It is
created by the arrangement of accented and unaccented
syllables. Words rhyme when their endings sound the same.

p Find Text Evidence

Reread the poem "The Eagle" on page 151. Listen for the end
rhymes and to the rhythm of the meter.

page 151
Rhyme Say the last words of
each line of the first stanza.
They rhyme because their
endings sound alike.

Meter Read the second stanza

aloud.The words are placed
to make the syllables seem
to bounce. A stressed syllable
follows each unstressed syllable.
He c la s p s th e cra g w ith cro o k e d h an d s;
C lo se to th e su n in lo n e ly lan d s,
R in g ’d w ith the a zu re w o rld , he sta n d s.

Th e w rin k le d sea b e n e a th him c ra w ls ;

He w a tc h e s fro m h is m o un tain w a lls,
A n d like a th u n d e rb o lt he fa lls.
— A lfred , L ord T en n y so
^ vU bor^

Your Turn
Find other words that rhyme in
"The Eagle."Then find out if the
meter is the same in every line.

V o cab u lary Strateg y

Figurative Language
A sim ile is a comparison made using likeor as, for example,
straightas anarrow. A m etaphor is a comparison made without
likeor as, for example, thegrass was agreencarpet.
@j Find Text Evidence
When I read "Chimpanzee"on page 152,1see that thepoet uses
asimile in the last stanza todescribe howthechimpanzee is
eating the termites.

I pick them off one by one

And crunch them like potato chips!

Your Turn
Identify the metaphor in "Dog."Then
reread "The Eagle" and find a simile.
Alessandra Cimatoribus

Rewrite the simile as a metaphor.

Word Choice

Readers to.
Poets use precise language by choosing strong verbs and
descriptive adjectives to help the reader create a picture in
his or her mind. Reread "The Eagle" below.

Expert Model

Language He clasps the crag with crooked hands;
Identify the Close to the sun in lonely lands,
precise language Ring’d with the azure world, he stands.
used in"The
The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls;
Eagle"that makes
He watches from his mountain walls,
the poem vivid,
And like a thunderbolt he falls.
interesting, and
Alessandra Cimatoribus

Editing Marks
r~U Switch order.

Writers A


Add a comma.

y Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Maria wrote a descriptive essay about a = Make a capital letter.
raccoon. Read Maria's revisions to one section. Make a lowercase letter.

Student Model
Grammars Handbook
Combining Sentences
See page 457.
He corm ff through our yard at
fat green
night. He's searching for the^plastic

trash cans that he Knows will be full

delicious treats and
of stuff^He knocks down the cans>
/h e lids fall off and make a noise.

In the beam of my flashlight, his Your Turn

face looks like a robber's mask. \& Identify the precise
and then language Maria added.
He freezes for an instants
A 5 ? Identify the sentences
Maria combined.
)4e sta rts pawing
S ' Tell how revisions
through the trash improved her writing.

on the driveway. Go Digital!

Write online in Writer's Workspace


My country, ‘tis of thee,

Sw eet land of liberty,
Of thee I sing.
Land w here my fathers died,
Land of the pilgrim s’ pride,
From every m ountainside
Let freedom ring!
— Samuel F ran cis Smith
community spirit?
How can you show your

Photodisc/Getty Images; Sonda Dawes/The Image Works

Essential Question
How can you make new
friends feel welcome?
Moving to a new place can be intim idating.There
are the challenges of going to a new school, making
new friends, and learning your way around a new
neighborhood. When people are welcoming, all these
challenges become a little easier.

► What are some things that you can do to help

people feel welcome?

► What would help you the most on your first

day at a new school?

Write words that describe how you would make

somebody feel welcome. Then talk with a partner
about what somebody
has done for you
to make you
feel welcome Welcome
f Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

Joe talked to his new acquaintance

Tony in order to get to know him better.
W hat is the difference between an
acquaintance and a friend?

Eric gently and cautiously touched the
owl's feathers.
W hat is a synonym fo r cautiously?
(t) Ronnie Kaufman/Corbis; (ct) Arco Images GmbH/Alamy; (cb) Hera Food/Alamy; (b) M. Timothy O'Keefe/Alamy

jpH W W W M |iltHWHMiriwnTTiigi m i T i i w — iT ri— n — n ig — — — i— — —

Peanut butter and jelly taste good
because they are com plementary foods.
W hat two foods do you think are

A jum ble of masks and snorkels lay
tangled together in the bottom of the boat.
W hat might you find in a jumble at the
bottom of a closet?

On a multiple-choice test, the girl tried
to figure out the most logical answers.
W hat is the most logical way to arrange
books in a lib rary?

scornfully The mother spoke scornfully to her son

about his bad study habits.
When might you sp e a k scornfully
to som ebody?

scrounging Tina saw the cat scrounging through

the overflowing trash can.
D escribe what someone looks like

(t) Will & Deni Mdntyre/Corbis; (ct) BananaStock/PunchStock; (cb) Vicky Fry/Alamy; (b) Zero Creatives/Cultura/Getty Images
scrounging through a backpack.

trustworthy When you are mountain climbing, it is

good to have a trustworthy partner
to help you up a cliff.
W hat is an antonym fo r trustw orthy?


Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Shared Read Genre • Fantasy

Essential Question
How can you make new
friends feel welcome?

Read how a new librarian

and an unlikely family
become great friends.
Rick Dodson admired the pink and orange sky as he
waved good-bye to Mrs. Rio and locked the library door.
As the sun began its descent behind the Blue Ridge
Mountains, Rick started walking to his office to collect his
jacket. Seeing a jum ble of books on a reading table, he
sighed and began to gather them into a neat pile.
"N o," he stated firmly, and returned the books to the
table. "N ot tonight."
The librarian never left any books out, but today was his
birthday, which meant a brisk walk to the Cupcake Cafe for
a birthday treat before it closed at 5:30 p.m .
That evening, as he sat at home in his book-filled living
room, Rick thought about the old friends who had called
to wish him a happy birthday. If only this job had not
required him to move halfway across the country . . .
After six months here, he had made more than one new
acquaintance but no real friends yet.
"Books are m y friends," he thought, which reminded
him of the books sitting on the table at the library. "I might
as well go back tonight and shelve them," he decided.
He entered the library and flicked on the lights.
Immediately, he noticed a book, Small World, face down on
the floor. "W hat's going on?" he muttered as he bent down
and cautiou sly lifted up the book. "A hhh," he yelled and
dropped the book.
Four miniature figures scrambled out of the w ay as the
book landed on the floor with a thud.
"Mr. Dodson," exclaimed a breathless voice, "w e are
enchanted to make your acquaintance."
"W h a t. . . who . . . " Rick stammered.
"W e're the Bookers! I'm William. This is Emily and our
children, Harry and Clementine. By the way, happy birthday!"
"You know it's my birthday?"
"Naturally, we read your file when you arrived six
months ago. It's only logical that we would want to learn
about the new librarian."
"You were scrounging through m y files?" Rick said,
collapsing into a nearby chair. He rubbed his eyes, but the
tiny figures were still there— looking up at him expectantly.
Suddenly, the nimble Bookers began shimmying up the
table. "We're absolutely tru stw orth y," Emily assured him.
"H aven't you heard of Bookers?" William asked.
"Every library has Bookers!"
"We ensure everything runs smoothly/
said Emily. "Seen any mice around?
They love to gnaw on everything.'
Rick slowly shook his head.
"I do nightly rodent patrols,"
H arry stated proudly. "Those
mice run at the sight of m e,"
he added scornfully.
"Do your chairs ever squeak?"
inquired Clementine. "No! That's
because we oil them!"
Rick considered the past six months.
He hadn't seen one mouse, his chairs never
squeaked, and his pencils were never dull.
"The pencils?" he asked.
"We sharpen them nightly," William replied.
"But w hy?" asked Rick. 'V|
"Look around!" exclaimed William. "We work and
read. Bookers and libraries are complementary. We
belong together."
"To be honest, Mr. Dodson," said Emily, "w e wanted to
meet you because we thought that we could be friends."
Rick Dodson grinned. "Call me, Rick. And Td love to
be friends," he said.
Rick eventually made other new friends, but he still
spent many evenings with the Bookers. He bought a toy
car for H arry's rodent patrol, and he read scary stories
aloud to Clementine. Every year on his birthday, he
brought cupcakes for his friends to share with him.

Make Connections
Talk about how the Bookers
made Rick Dodson feel
welcome, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t i o n

How do you make new

students in your school feel
welcome? TEXT TO SELF
When you read a story, picturing the plot events, characters,
and setting in your mind can add to your understanding and
enjoyment. As you read the first paragraph of "At the Library,"
visualize what is happening.

© ) Find Text Evidence

As I read the firstparagraph onpage 167,1picture Rick Dodson
in thelibrary at the endof the day. The descriptive details help
me visualize thesunset andRick waving good-bye toMrs. Rio.
page 167
I can visualize Rick
Rick Dodson admired the pink and orange sky as he
waved good-bye to Mrs. Rio and locked the library door.
looking at thejumble of
As the sun began its descent behind the Blue Ridge
Mountains, Rick started walking to his office to collect his books on the table and
jacket. Seeing a ju m b le o f books on a reading table, he
sighed and began to gather them into a neat pile.
"N o ," he stated firmly, and returned the books to the
starting topick themup.
table. "N o t tonight."
The librarian never left any books out, but today w as his
I imagine himshaking his
birthday, which m eant a brisk walk to the Cupcake Cafe for
a birthday treat before it closed at 5:30 p.m .
head when he decides to
That evening, as he sat at hom e in his book-filled living
room, Rick thought about the old friends who had called
to wish him a happy birthday. If only this job had not
wait until thenext day.
required him to move halfway across the country . . .
A iter six months here, he had made more than one new
acqu aintance bu t no real friends yet.

What are some other story events in "At the Library"

that you can visualize? As you read, remember to use
the strategy Visualize.

Comprehension Skill

Point of View
Every story has a narrator, or a person who tells the story. The
narrator's point of view tells how the narrator feels or thinks
about the characters or events. When the narrator uses pronouns
such as he, she, or they, the story has a third-person narrator.

a Find Text Evidence

When I rereadpage 167of "At the Library,"I see that the narrator
uses thepronouns he, him and his fo describe Rick. This story
has athird-person narrator. I can usedetails fromthestory to
figure out thenarrator's point of view.
D e ta ils
Pronouns such as
Rick went out for his birthday his and him are clues
treat by himself. to the narrator.

Rick thought about his old

friends who had called to wish
him a happy birthday.
Your Turn
Reread "At the Library." Find
other details that give you
Po in t o f V ie w
clues about the narrator's
The story has a third-person point of view.
narrator who understands that
Rick misses his old friends and
Go Digital! ■
Use the interactive graphic organizer

wants new friends.

The selection "At the Library" is a fantasy.
A fa n ta sy :
• Includes invented characters and settings.
• Has elements that could not exist in real life.
• Often has illustrations.

Find Text Evidence

"At theLibrary"is a fantasy. Thestory takes place in alibrary,
which is arealistic setting, but theillustrations showthat the
Bookers are tinypeople who wouldnot exist in real life.

Use Illustrations Illustrations give

the reader visual clues about the
story's characters, setting, and
events. This illustration shows me
what size the Bookers are.

Find and list two specific

examples in the text that let you
know "At the Library" is a fantasy.

Vocabulary Strategy

Context Clues
As you read "At the Library," you may come across words you
don't know. To figure out the meaning of an unfam iliar word,
look for clues in nearby phrases and sentences.

Find Text Evidence

When I rereadthe firstparagraph onpage 167of "At the
Library,"thephrases pink and orange sky and behind the Blue
Ridge Mountains help me figure out what descent means.

Rick Dodson admired the

pink and orange sky as he waved
good-bye to Mrs. Rio and locked the
library door. As the sun began its descent
behind the Blue Ridge M ountains,
Rick started w alking to his office to
collect his jacket.


Use context clues to find the meanings

of the following words in "At the Library."
Write an example sentence for each word,
scram b led , page 167
gnaw , page 168
ro d en t, page 168
Richard Johnson

Sentence Fluency

Writers use transition words or phrases to make a sequence of

events clearer or to move from one idea to another. Reread the
excerpt from "At the Library" below.

Exp ert M odel

Transitions That evening, as he sat at home in his

Identify the
book-filled living room, Rick thought
tran sitio n s. How do
about the old friends who had called to
they organize the
wish him a happy birthday. If only this
sequence of events?
job had not required him to move halfway
across the country . . . After six months
here, he had made more than one new
acquaintance but no real friends yet.
Richard Johnson

Editing Marks
l ~ u Switch order.

Writers A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Sarah wrote a fantasy. Read Sarah's revisions = Make a capital letter.
to one section of her story. Make a lowercase letter.

Student Model
Grammar^ Handbook

rkBbid A ctio n V erbs See

page 458.

H qUBB < 3

Once a boy named Jay and his

^ On the first day
family move into an old house. Jay

explored all the rooms. He found

a talking owl living in the attic. He
Your Turn
met a talking groundhog living in the
\& Identify transition words
garden. He wanted his two fr|e[ijnds and phrases that Sarah
to meet, one evening, he held a party
enjoyed Identify an action verb
in his room. Both animals likeSTthe Sarah used.
crawled S ' Tell how other revisions
party. After the party Jay .gcSPiinto improved her writing.

bed and fell asleep. Co Digital!

Write online in Writer's Workspace
W eekly Concept Helping the Community

Essential Question
In what ways can you help your community?
People help their com m unities in different ways.
Volunteering at the library, coaching soccer, or
turning a vacant lot into a com m unity garden are
just some of the ways that people give back to
their communities.

► How do people in your com m unity help

each other?

► What are some things that you could do

to help your community?

Write words that tell how you

can help your community.
Then talk to a partner about
com m unity projects that you
would like to make happen.
fc - y i i j ||- j j t ri t j,iiiji.!U.r ! j . n y )L ii|,| i J l . \i
HIJJi j j j pH U U B J. J i

h Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

The teacher assigned the student extra
homework because he was late.
W hat project has a teacher assigned
you recently?
(t) Fancy/Alamy; (ct) Peter Dazeley/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images; (cb) MacGregor and Gordon/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (b) Rana Faure/Corbis

The man showed his generosity by putting

twenty dollars in the can for the charity.
W hat words are associated
with generosity?

The girl stepped gingerly into
the waves.
W hat is a reason why you might
step gingerly?

Tom's father said that he was mature
enough to ride the train by himself.
W hat is an antonym fo r mature?

Students signed up for information
about recycling organizations.
W hat are some organizations in
your town?

Mrs. Seals enjoyed talking with the
residents of the nursing home.
W hat town or city are your classm ates
residents of?

The sheep were scattered across the
W hat is a synonym fo r scattered ?

(t) Lifesize/Getty Images; (ct) Caterina Bernardi/Corbis; (cb) Ingram Publishing/SuperStock; (b) Ariel Skelley/Blend Images LLC
Tina was selective about choosing only
the freshest fruits and vegetables.
W hat are you selective about?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Realistic Fiction

Essential Question
In what ways can you help
your community?

Read about how Hector helps

others after Hurricane Katrina
(bkgd)Tyrone Turner/National Geographic/Getty Images, (l)Lisette Le Bon/Purestock/SuperStock, (bl)Thomas Barwick/Photodisc/Getty Images. All other images by Jeffrey Mangiat.
Leaning over my steering w heel, I watched the heavy
clouds roll in. The sky becam e a darker shade of gray,
and raindrops were soon ^ ^ 2 2 2 2 across my windshield.
A storm was coming. Glancing at the boxes of clothes
stacked in the backseat, I smiled to myself.
A torrential downpour of rain began beating against my
windshield as lightning flickered across the sky. I pulled
the car off the road until my driving visibility improved.
People on the sidewalk held purses and briefcases over
their heads in a futile effort to keep from getting wet.
Children screamed and danced around in the downpour.
The rain reminded me of another storm ten years earlier.
Hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast of the
United States when I was nine years old. The ferocious
storm caused untold amounts of damage.
One of my strongest mem ories from that time was
w atching the evening news with my aunt. A reporter
stood inside the Houston Astrodom e, surrounded by
thousands of people. They all shared the same weary
expression. M any wore torn and dirty clothes, and some
had no shoes on their feet. They slowly shuffled along,
their faces full of sadness.
"Are they here because of the hurricane?" I asked softly.
Kelly/Blend Images; Royalty-Free/Corbis; (be) Purestock/PunchStock; (bcr) IT Stock/PunchStock; All other images by Jeffrey Mangiat

Aunt Lucia nodded. "Si, Hector. These people are from

New Orleans, Louisiana. Just a few days ago, Hurricane
Katrina destroyed their homes and possessions, and they
lost everything they owned, so now they are temporary
residents of the Astrodome. It's a place for them to stay
until it's safe to go home."
I knew a lot about Katrina. The storm had formed in hot
and humid tropical weather and then traveled north. It had
come so close to Texas that I worried it would strike us in
Houston. It missed us, but other cities were not so lucky.
The TV news reporter looked around. People tried to
speak to her, but she was being selective about whom she
wanted to interview. I noticed a little boy sitting behind her
on a cot, hugging an old teddy bear. Watching him, I knew
I had to do something.
The next day, my friends joined me at our volunteer
(bkgd) FEMA Photo/Andrea Booher; (bl) Royalty-Free/Corbis; (bcl) John Lund/Drew

club— the Houston Helpers— and together we devised a

plan. We wanted to collect toys and give them to the kids at
the Astrodome because donating the toys would help bring
some happiness into the lives of these families.
Anxious to get started, we made lists of what we needed
to do. Then every one of us was assigned a specific task.
We agreed to spread the word to our schools and other
organizations. Three days later, after a Herculean effort on
our part, the donation bins were overflowing with new toys!
I'll never forget the day when we entered the Astrodome
with our gifts. Children flew toward us from all directions.
Smiles lit up their faces as we pulled toys from our bags.
Grateful parents thanked us for our generosity
and complimented our group leaders on how
thoughtful and m ature we all were.
BZZZZ. My cell phone jolted me back
to the present, and I noticed that the
storm had passed.
"H ector?"
"Si, yes, hi, Jeannie."
"Do you have the donations? A few
more families have arrived, more victims
of yesterday's tornado."
"Yes, I have the clothing donations. The
storm delayed me, but I'll be there soon!"
I gingerly eased my car into the suddenly busy traffic.
It felt good to know that I was making a difference again.

Make Connections
3 | | Talk about how Hector and
his friends make a difference
in their community.

What are some things that you

have done to help your school
or community? textto self
I Com prehension Strateg y

When you read fiction, picture the events, characters, and
setting in your mind to help you better understand the story.
As you read "Remembering Hurricane Katrina," visualize what
happens in the story.

Find Text Evidence

In thefirst twoparagraphs of "RememberingHurricaneKatrina"
onpage 181,1can use thedetails topicture thesetting. The
narratordescribes therain, thelightning, andthepeopleon the
sidewalkholding briefcases andpurses over their heads.
page 181

L e a n in g o v e r m y ste e rin g w h e el, I w atch ed th e heavy

I can use thesedescriptive
clo u d s roll in . T h e sk y b e ca m e a d a rk e r sh ad e o f gray,
and rain d ro p s w ere s o o n g 2 2 2 g 2 3 2 a cro ss m y w in d sh ie ld .
details to visualize what
A storm w as co m in g . G la n c in g at th e b o x e s o f c lo th e s
stack ed in th e b a c k se a t, I sm iled to m y se lf. thesetting looks and
A to rren tial d o w n p o u r of rain b eg an b e a tin g a g ain st my
w in d sh ie ld a s lig h tn in g flick e re d a cro ss th e sky. 1 p u lled
th e car o ff th e road u n til my d riv in g v is ib ility im p rov ed .
.sounds like.
P eo p le on th e sid ew a lk h eld p u rses and b rie fc a se s ov er
th e ir h ea d s in a fu tile e ffo rt to k e e p from g e ttin g wet.
Children scream ed and d anced around in the dow npour.
T h e rain reminded me o f an o th er storm ten years earlier.
I lurricane Katrina slammed into the G u lf Coast of th e
U n ited States when 1 was nine years old. T h e ferocious
storm caused untold amounts of d am age.
O ne o f my strongest memories from that time was
watching the evening news with my aunt. A reporter

Visualize the scene between Hector and his aunt as they

watch the news report. Describe what you "see" to a partner.
As you read, remember to use the strategy Visualize.

Comprehension Skill

Point of View
The narrator's point of view tells how the narrator thinks
or feels about characters or events in the story. When the
narrator uses the pronouns /, me, or my, the story is told by a
first-person narrator.

§ ) Find Text Evidence

When I rereadpage 151 of "Remembering Hurricane Katrina,"I
see that the narrator uses thepronouns I, me, and my. That tells
me thestory is told bya first-person narrator, Hector. I can find
clues in the text about thenarrator's point of view.
D e ta ils

Hector remembers watching

the hurricane victims slowly
shuffling along with faces full
of sadness.

Hector noticed a little boy

hugging an old teddy bear and Your Turn
realized he had to do something.
Reread "Remembering
I Hurricane Katrina." Find other
details that tell the point of
P o in t of V ie w
The narrator. Hector, thinks
Co Digital!
it is important to help the Use the interactive graphic organizer

hurricane victims.


Realistic Fiction
The selection "Remembering Hurricane Katrina" is
realistic fiction.
Realistic fiction:
• Is a made-up story.
• Includes realistic characters, events, and settings.
• Usually has dialogue.
• May include a flashback to an earlier event.

CO), Find Text Evidence

I can tell "RememberingHurricaneKatrina"isrealistic fiction.
Thecharacters, events, andsetting couldall exist inreal life.
Thestoryhas dialogue andincludes aflashback.
page 181
Flashback Sometimes authors do
L ean in g o v er m y ste e rin g w h e el, I w atched th e heavy
c lo u d s roll in . T h e sk y b ecam e a d ark er sh ad e o f gray, not present a story's events in time
and raind rops w ere soon ^ 3 2 2 3 3 acro ss m .V w in d sh ield .
A storm w as com in g . G la n c in g a t the b oxes o f c lo th es
stacked in th e b ack sea t, I sm iled to m y self.
order. Authors might take the reader
A torrential d ow n p ou r o f rain began b e a tin g again st my
w in d sh ield as lig h tn in g flick ered acro ss th e sky. I pulled / back to an event that happened in
th e car o f f th e road u n til my d riv in g v isib ility im proved.
P eo p le on th e sid ew a lk held p u rses and b rie fca se s over
th eir h ead s in a fu tile e ffo r t to keep from g ettin g wet.
the past. This is called a
Children scream ed and danced around in th e d ow npour
T h e rain reminded me o f a n o th er storm ten years earlier.
H urrican e K atrin a slam m ed in to th e G u lf C oast o f the
U nited S ta tes w hen I w as n in e years old . T h e ferociou s
storm caused untold am o u n ts o f d am age.
One of my strongest memories from that time was
watching the evening news with my aunt. A reporter
stood mside the Houston Astrodome, surrounded by

Youp Turn
thousands o f people. They all shared the same weary
expression. Many wore torn and dirty clothes, and some
had no --hoes on their feet. They slowly shuffled along,
their fa» <s full o f sadness.

Find and list two more examples in

"Remembering Hurricane Katrina"
that show it is realistic fiction.

Context Clues
As you read "Remembering Hurricane Katrina," you may come
across a word that you don't know. A definition of the word

Kelly/Blend Images; Royalty-Free/Corbis; (be) Purestock/PunchStock; (bcr) IT Stock/PunchStock; All other images by Jeffrey Mangiat
may be in the text nearby, or the word may be restated in a
simpler way. Sometimes an example may be given. You can
use these context clues to figure out the word's meaning.

J )Find Text Evidence

WhenI read the fifthparagraph onpage 182of "Remembering
Hurricane Katrina," thephrase collect toys and give them helps
me figure out what the worddonating means.

We wanted to collect toys and give them to the

kids at the Astrodome because donating the toys
would help bring some happiness
into the lives of these families.

(bkgd) FEMA Photo/Andrea Booher; (bl) Royalty-Free/Corbis; (bcl) John Lund/Drew

Use context clues to figure out the meanings of the

following words in "Remembering Hurricane Katrina."
sh u ffle d , page 181
p o ssessio n s , page 182
d e laye d , page 183

Writers use strong, concrete words and sensory details to
describe the action in a story. Reread an excerpt from the
beginning of "Remembering Hurricane Katrina" below.

Expert Model

Strong Words
A torrential dow npour of rain began
Identify strong
beating against my windshield as
words used in the
lightning flickered across the sky.
paragraph. How do
I pulled the car off the road until my
these words make
driving visibility improved. People on
the story more
the sidewalk held purses and briefcases
interesting to read?
over their heads in a futile effort to keep
from getting wet. Children screamed
and danced around in the downpour.
The rain reminded me of another storm
ten years earlier.

asr mm mm
Editing Marks
n _ l Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

@ Check spelling.
Reina wrote a story. Read Reina's revisions = M ake a capital letter.
to one section of her story.
Grammars Handbook;
Stu d en t M odel
Verb Tenses See
page 458.

shadow of the moon (y

Standing in the darkness in the ^

paced back and forth. I was

hidden by the forest, but 1 -fear that
u hunting me ^
I secret eyes were out4 hereT H arriet

stood nearby. It was my first time

passengers & Identify strong words
helping her transport^ on the
that Reina included.
worried q .
Underground Railroad. I was woppy5^ S ' Identify the verb tense
that she corrected in her
that I would fail her. I heard a loud writing.
rustling and crackling
( S 'Tell how Reina's revisions
nois^in the bushes, and I felt my
improved her writing.
whole body freeze in terror. Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Weekly Concept Liberty and Ju

Essential Question
How can one person make
a difference?
Comic book superheroes such as Superman and Batman are
famous for protecting people. However, in real life, it is the
everyday heroes— people who speak out against injustice
and inequality, people who work to help others— who are
the real superheroes.

► How has somebody made a difference in your life?

► Do you think it is possible for one person to create

change and make a difference?

► What could you do to make a difference?

Talk About It
Write words that describe how
people can make a difference. Then
talk to a partner about what you
could do to make a difference. Make a Difference
Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

boycott Joan bought apples instead of

grapes after she joined the grape
Why might a boycott help change laws?

encouragement The encouragem ent we needed to win

the game came from our fans.
W hat kind of encouragement do you
give others?
(t) Blend Images/Alamy; (ct) Sean Justice/Photonica/Getty Images; (cb) Ocean/Corbis; (b) Randy Faris/Corbis

Jules got to fulfill his dream of

performing in the school talent show.
W hat dream would you like to fulfill
one day?

The children felt that it was an injustice
that they were not allowed on the roller
coaster because they were too short.
How are injustice and justice related?

Tom felt that the dog's former owner had
harmed and mistreated her.
W hat is an antonym fo r m istreated?

protest - p ^ e c|1j|c|ren decided to protest the

destruction of the forest.
W hat is a synonym fo r protest?

qualified Doctor Smith is more qualified than the

nurse to tell what treatment the boy needs.
W hat would you need to do to be
qualified to teach math?

(t) Ocean/Corbis; (ct) Ashley Cooper/Corbis; (cb) Rubberball/Corbis; (b) Jonathan Nourok/Stone/Getty Images
registered The woman gave her address so that she
could be registered to vote.
W hy is it be im portant to be registered
to vote?

M a tm

Pick three words. Write three questions

for your partner to answer.

Co Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Biography

Essential Question
How can one person make
a difference?

Read about how one person

decided to take a stand.
Judy Bonds's six-year-old grandson stood in a creek in
West Virginia. He held up a handful of dead fish and asked,
"W h at's wrong w ith these fish?" All around him dead fish
floated belly up in the water. That day becam e a turning
point for Judy Bonds. She decided to fight back against the
coal m ining companies that were poisoning her home.

Marfork, West Virginia

The daughter of a coal miner, Julia "Ju d y " Bonds was
born in Marfork, West Virginia in 1952. The people of
M arfork had been coal m iners for generations because coal
m ining provided people w ith jobs. Coal gave people the
energy they needed to light and warm their homes.
But M arfork w asn't just a place where coal miners
lived. M arfork was hom e to a leafy green valley, or holler,
surrounded by the A ppalachian M ountains on every side.
Judy's fam ily had lived in M arfork for generations. Judy
grew up there swim m ing and fishing in the river. She raised
a daughter there.

Mountaintop Removal Mining

An energy company came to M arfork in the 1990s. It
began a process called m ountaintop removal mining. Using
dynamite, the company blew off the tops of m ountains to
get at the large amounts of coal underneath. The process
was quicker than the old m ethod of
digging for coal underground, but
it caused m any problems. W hole
forests were destroyed.

Judy Bonds spoke out

against mountaintop
removal mining.
Dust from the explosions filled the air and settled over the
towns. Coal sludge, a mixture of m ud, chem icals, and coal
dust, got into the creeks and rivers.
Pollution from the mountaintop rem oval m ining began
m aking people living in the towns below the mountains
sick. In the area where Judy lived, coal sludge flowed into
the rivers and streams. People packed up and left. Judy was
heartbroken. The land she loved was being m istreated. She
realized that the valley that had always been her home had
been poisoned. No longer a safe place to live, it had becom e
dangerous. Judy, her daughter, and her grandson had to leave.

Working for Change

Som ething had to be done about the pollution. Judy
decided it was im portant to protest against strip m ining and
demand that it be stopped. She felt that she m ust try to keep
the area safe for people. She felt qualified to talk to groups
about the injustice of whole towns being forced to m ove and
mountains and forests being destroyed, all because of strip
mining. After all, she had grown up in a mining family.
t+/Getty Images; (d)Courtesy Goldman Environmental Prize; (r)Mark Schm erling

Judy is born in Judy's family Judy is awarded Judy dies at

West Virginia. is forced to the $150,000 age 59.
leave Marfork Goldman
Hollow. Environmental
Judy worked as a volunteer for the
Coal River M ountain Watch, a group
that fought against m ountaintop
removal mining. Eventually, she became
its executive director. She registered
to take part in protests against m ining
companies. At the protests, Judy
faced a lot of anger and insults. M any
coal miners were not opposed to
Judy Bonds spoke at protests.
mountaintop rem oval mining. They
supported it because they needed the jobs to provide for their
families. Judy knew it would be im possible to boycott the
mining companies. The coal m iners could not afford to leave
their jobs. Instead, she pushed for changes to be m ade to the
mining process. Slowly, small changes were made to protect
comm unities in m ining areas. In 2003, Judy was awarded the
Goldm an Environm ental Prize for her efforts as an activist.

Rem em bering Judy

Sadly, Judy could not fulfill all of her goals. She was
diagnosed with cancer and died in January 2011. But her
success has provided en couragem en t to other activists. Judy
m ay not have been able to stay in her home, but her w ork will
help preserve and protect the A ppalachian M ountains and
help others rem ain in their homes.

Make Connections
How did Judy Bonds make a
difference? e s s e n t ia l q u estio n

What cause do you feel strongly

Com prehension Strateg y

When you read an informational text, you may come across
information and facts that are new to you. As you read
"Judy's Appalachia," reread sections of text to make sure you
understand and remember the information.

Find Text Evidence

You may not be sure what mountaintop removal mining is.
Reread page 195 of "Judy's Appalachia."

p ag e 195
surrounded by the Appalachian M ountains on every side.
Ju d y's fam ily had lived in M arfork for generations. Jud y
I read that this kind of
grew up there sw im m ing and fishing in the river. She raised
a daughter there.
mining is a wayofgetting
Mountaintop Removal Mining
coal by blowing off the
An energy com pany cam e to M arfork in
began a process called m ountaintop rem oval m ining. Using
topofamountain toget
dynam ite, the com pany blew off the tops o f m ountains to
get at the large am ounts o f coal underneath. The process
to thecoal underneath.
w as quicker than the old m ethod of
digging for coal underground, but
it caused m any problem s. W hole
forests w ere destroyed.

Ju d y B o n ds sp o ke o ut
a g a in st m o un tainto p
rem o val m in in g .

Your Turn
Why did Judy Bonds leave Marfork? Reread page 196
of "Judy's Appalachia" to answer the question. As you
read, remember to use the strategy Reread.

Author’s Point of View
Authors have a position or point of view about the topics
they write about. Look for details in the text, such as the
reasons and evidence the author chooses to present. This will
help you to figure out the author's point of view.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread the topof page 195,1can look for details that
reveal the author's point of viewaboutJudy Bonds.
D e ta ils

Judy s e e s her grandson

in a cre e k surrounded
by dead fish.

Judy d ecid es to fight the mining

companies. They are poisoning
her home.

Your Turn
Reread pages 196-197. Look
A u t h o r ’s P o in t of V ie w
for two more details that help
The author adm ires Judy Bonds support the author's point
fo r taking a stand against the of view and list them in your
coal mining companies. graphic organizer.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

The selection "Judy's Appalachia" is a biography.
• Is the story of a real person's life written
by another person.
• Usually presents events in chronological order.
• May include text features.

p Find Text Evidence

"Judy's Appalachia"is abiography. The text describes areal
person. Theevents inJudy's life arepresentedin chronological
order. There are text features.
page 196
D ust from the explosions filled the air and settled over the
tow ns. Coal sludge, a m ixture of m ud, chem icals, and coal
Text Feature
dust, g ot into the creeks and rivers.
Pollution from the m ountaintop rem oval m ining b egan Timeline A time line is a kind of
m aking people living in the tow ns below the m ountains
sick. In the area w here Judy lived, coal sludge flow ed into
the rivers and stream s. People packed up and left. Ju d y was
diagram that shows events in the
heartbroken. The land she loved w as b eing m istreated . She
realized th at the valley that had alw ays b een h er hom e had order in which they took place.
been poisoned. N o longer a safe place to live, it had becom e
dangerous. Judy, h er daughter, and h er grandson had to leave.

W orking for Change

Som ething had to b e done about the pollution. Judy
decided it w as im portant to p ro test against strip m ining and
dem and that it be stopped. She felt that she m u st try to keep
the area safe for people. She felt q u a lifie d to talk to groups
about the in ju s tic e o f w hole tow ns being forced to m ove and i
m ountains and forests being destroyed, all b ecause o f strip

Your Turn i
mining. After all, she had grown up in a m ining family.

01952 0 2001 O 2003 O2011

Judy dies at
age 59. Find and list two text features
in "Judy's Appalachia."Tell your
partner what information you
learned from each of the features.

Synonyms and Antonyms
As you read "Judy's Appalachia," you may come across an
unfamiliar word. Sometimes the author will use a synonym
or an antonym that will help you figure out the meaning
of the word. Synonyms are words with similar meanings.
Antonyms are words with opposite meanings.

Find Text Evidence

When I readpage 197in "Judy's Appalachia," I do not know
what the wordopposed means. The wordsupported is in the
next sentence. I knowthat supported means "infavor of."
This will help me figure out what opposed means.

Many coal miners were not opposed

to mountaintop removal mining. They
supported it because they needed the
jobs to provide for their families.

With a partner, use synonyms or antonyms to find

the meanings of the following words,
m ethod, page 195
dan g erou s , page 196
p reserve, page 197
Writers include reasons and evidence to support their
opinions about a topic. They provide facts, details, and
examples, to help prove their point of view. Reread the
paragraph from "Judy's Appalachia" below.

Exp ert M odel

Relevant Evidence Pollution from the mountaintop removal

Identify the author's mining began making people living in the
opinion of mining. towns below the mountains sick. In the
What reasons and area where Judy lived, coal sludge flowed
(bkgd)Aimin Tang/R+/Getty Images; (br)Coal River Folklife Project collection (AFC 1999/008), American Folklife Center, Library of Congress

evidence does into the rivers and streams. People packed

the author use up and left. Judy was heartbroken. The
to support that land she loved was being mistreated. She
opinion? realized that the valley that had always
been her home had been poisoned. No
longer a safe place to live, it had become
dangerous. Judy,
her daughter, and
her grandson had
to leave.

Editing Marks
C"LJ Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out
(s p ^ Check spelling.
Max wrote about his Uncle Ryan. Read Max's = = Make a capital letter.
revisions to one section of his essay.
Grammars Handbook
Stu d en t M odel
M ain and H elping
Verbs See page 460.

Uncle R yan
Uncle Ryan made a big

difference in our neighborhood. He

started a recycling program and got

People now volunteer to pick up old
newspapers, cans, and bottles.
many people involved. Before the

program, our neighborhood had too

much trash on the streets. The local

was filling m
landfilj^W£te^tfup too fast. Lots of
[© Identify the reasons
people were complaining. Uncle Ryan for Max's opinion.
©f Identify a helping verb.
did a lot of work to get the recycling © 'Tell how revisions
He went to town meetings for months! improved his writing.
program working.
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer’s Workspace


Essential Question
% How can words lead to change?

Go Digital!

* I
(bkgd) SZ Photo/The Bridgeman Art Library

20 4
The man in the photograph is Nelson Mandela.
He is a famous activist and statesman who
fought a long battle for equality in South Africa
His words have inspired people all over the
world to fight against racism and injustice.

► Read Mandela's words on page 204

What do you think he means?

► How could your words lead to change?

Write phrases that describe

how people use powerful
words to create change.
Then talk to a partner about Powerful
Mandela's words. Words

Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

address ^ In his address, the mayor urged the

citizens to take pride in their community.
W hat is a synonym fo r a d d ress?

The three interviewers were divided

about hiring the woman.
D escribe a time you fe lt divided
(t) Andrew Rich/Vetta/Getty Images; (ct) Masterfile Royalty-Free; (cb) UpperCut Images/SuperStock; (b) Aflo Sport/Masterfile

about something.

Milo had to make haste in order not to
be late for class.
W hat is a antonym fo r haste?

The catcher was opposed to the
umpire's call and wanted to protest it.
W hy might a parent be opposed to
having a pet?

20 6
If you put the lettuce in the refrigerator,
it will stay fresh and not perish as quickly.
W hat is a synonym fo r perish?

The Town Crier rang her bell before she
read the proclamation from the mayor.
How are the words proclaim and
proclamation related?

There was lightning, and then a

thunderclap shattered the silence of
the night.
W hat other things can be shattered?

(t) Radius Images/Corbis; (ct) SuperStock/Getty Images; (cb) Herbert SA House-Lank/Photolibrary; (b) RelaXimages/Corbis
tension Tony felt tension as he tried to
remember what the correct answer was
on the computer test.
W hat is an antonym fo r tension?

( .O V U B O S ,,^

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.

Co Digital! Use the online visual glossary

-Deutsch Collection/Corbis; (tr) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-48965]; (cri Division of PoliticSBjtory, National Museum

Essential Question

Read how Elizabeth Cady

about change for women.

Stanton's words helped bring
How can w ords lead to change?
Genre • Biography
Elizabeth Cady Stanton

The Early Years

In 1827, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton
was eleven, her father said: "Oh, my
daughter, I wish you were a boy." Elizabeth
was shattered. From that time on, she
became determined to prove to her father
and the whole world that women— and all
people— deserve equal treatment.
Elizabeth's father was a lawyer, judge, and
congressman. She would listen eagerly when a
woman would come see him for legal advice. But she
was often disappointed. Her father could not help them
because women did not have the same rights as men did
under the law. Married women could not own property or vote.
Elizabeth said: "The tears and complaints of the women who
came to my father for legal advice touched my heart and early
drew my attention to the injustice and cruelty of the laws."
Elizabeth began drawing lines through all the laws she
opposed in her father's law books. She planned to take a pair
of scissors and cut these pages out. Her father had a better
idea. He told her that when she was grown up, she must get
lawmakers to pass new laws. Then the unfair laws would
perish and disappear. Women's lives would be changed.

' Suffragettes march in a

parade in New York City.
Working for Change
of American History, Smithsonian Institute (b) The Library of Congress, Manuscript Division; (tr) Courtesy: CSU Archive/Everett Collection/age fotostock

Elizabeth was as passionate about the rights

of African Americans as she was about those of
women. At that time, the country was divided in two
by the issue of slavery. While working for reform, she
met her husband, the abolitionist Henry Stanton. They were
married in 1840. Elizabeth refused to use the traditional
words "promise to obey" in her wedding vows.

The Seneca Falls Convention

Elizabeth tried to settle into the role of wife and mother.
But she wanted to be an activist and work for change. She
took her father's advice and wrote a proclamation. It was
called the "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments." Modeled
after the Declaration of Independence, it stated that women
should be able to vote and have the same rights as men.
She presented this document in 1848 at America's first
women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York.
Elizabeth and her friend Lucretia
Mott organized this important
(bkgd) Hulton-Deutsch Collection/Corbis; (tc) Division of Political History, National Museum

event. In her address at the

®llr of Tbonor
convention, Elizabeth said, t l m m r e s ,0
"k BMmuci, or Seniiiuimt ••
Because women do feel
themselves... deprived o f their most ** eommon,
sacred rights, we insist that they ;
3Uly Tails, new vofk

oophronfa Tavlor
have immediate admission to all Jjy n th ia D avis
H an n a h P/ant
£ucy J„nes
l i i i r Sa;ah Whitney
the rights and privileges which i §m
Amv Post r * A. C ulvert
C atherine F . Stebhi
belong to them as citizens o f the
United States. SfnhSm ltll'"'
m - tk,
H allo well

Sarah Hoffman Ann Porter
List of attendees at the Convention aysss-
Richard P . H unt
Sam uel D T iitm . W illiam S . Dell
G vvN T L E M E N : ■-

a s-
teF&ss C ha rles L. H oskins

WHIIam G . Barker V «„T a ss. |

Susan B. Anthony and

A Winning Team Eli2abe,h Cady stanton

Three years later, Elizabeth met Susan B.
Anthony. Together, the two made an unstoppable
team. Elizabeth was a passionate speaker
and writer. Anthony was a gifted leader
and organizer. In 1869, they formed the
National Woman Suffrage Association.
This group was dedicated to helping
women gain the right to vote. Congress
showed no haste, or hurry, to change the
law. Elizabeth toured the country. She
spoke about reforms for women and a
woman's right to vote. She did not care if
her speeches caused tension and made some
people angry. She believed in her cause.

Victory At Last
Elizabeth Cady Stanton never got to cast a vote before
she died on October 26,1902. Yet her bold words had a
lasting impact. Women finally gained the right to vote on
August 18,1920 when the 19th amendment was ratified.
Elizabeth Cady Stanton's passion for equal rights paved the
way for future women's lives to be changed forever.

Make Connections
Talk about how Elizabeth Cady Stanton helped
women gain the right to vote, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n

Think about a time when you disagreed with

something or wanted to change something. What
did you say to try to change it? t ex t to self
I C o m prehension Strateg y

When you read an informational text, you will often come
across new facts and ideas that you would like to remember.
As you read "Words for Change," stop and reread key sections
to help you understand and remember the information.

Find Text Evidence

You may not be sure how the Seneca Falls Convention came
about. Reread page 210 of"Words for Change"to find out.

page 210
The Seneca Falls Convention When I reread, I learn that
Elizabeth tried to settle into the role of wife and mother.
But she wanted to be an activist and work for change. She
Elizabeth and Lucretia
took her father's advice and wrote a proclamation. It was
called the "Declaration of Rights and Sentiments." Modeled
organized this important
after the Declaration of Independence, it stated that women
should be able to vote and have the same rights as men. event. Fromthis text
She presented this document in 1848 at America's first
women's rights convention in Seneca Falls, New York.
evidence, I can infer that
Elizabeth and her friend Lucretia
Mott organized this important Elizabeth and Lucretia
event. In her address at the
convention, Elizabeth said, at
* °n or t » n„
10 weredetermined women
B ecau se w om en d o fe e l
them selves.. .deprived o f their m ost
whogot things done.
sacred rights, w e in sist th a t they
h a v e im m ed iate ad m ission to a ll H sL__£ss=.

Your Turn
Why were Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony
a good team? Reread the section "A Winning Team"
on page 211 and answer the question. As you read,
remember to use the strategy Reread.

Comprehension Skill

Author’s Point of View

The author's point of view is his or her position or attitude
about the topic of the selection. Looking closely at the
reasons and evidence presented in the text will help you
figure out how the author feels about the topic.

§ ); Find Text Evidence

When I rereadpage210 of "Words for Change,"I can look for
details that showhowtheauthor feels about Elizabeth Cady
Stanton and her fight for women's rights.

Your Turn
Reread "Words for Change."
Find more details that help
you infer the author's point
of view about Elizabeth Cady
Stanton. List the details and
the author's point of view in
the graphic organizer.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

"Words for Change" is a biography.
A biography:
• Is the story of a real person's life written by
another person.
• Usually presents events in chronological order.
• May include text features such as primary sources.

^ ) Find Text Evidence

"Words for Change" is abiography. It tells about an important
actual person, Elizabeth CadyStanton. Itincludesprimarysources.

Text Feature
Working for Change Captions Captions give additional
Elizabeth w as as p assionate about the rights
of A frican A m ericans as she w as about those o f
wom en. A t that tim e, the country w as divided in two
by the issue o f slavery. W hile w orking for reform , she
information about photographs and
m et her husband, the abolitionist H enry Stanton. They w ere
married in 1840. Elizabeth refused to u se the traditional text features.
w ords "prom ise to o b ey " in her w edding vows.

The Seneca Falls Convention Primary Source Primary sources are

Elizabeth tried to settle into the role o f w ife and mother.
But she w anted to be an activist and w ork for change,
took her fath er's advice and w rote a proclam ation. It
original works such as a diaries,
called the "D eclaration o f Rights and Sen tim ents." Mofjfeled
after the D eclaration of Independence, it stated th a j^ o m e n letters, or documents created at the
should b e able to vote and have the sam e rights
She presented this d ocum ent in 1848 at A m erica's first
w om en's rights convention in Seneca Falls, / k w York.
time of the event.
Elizabeth and h er friend Lucretia
M ott organized this im portant
event. In her address at the
convention, Elizabeth said,
®«t Ron o! t0VVABOJ?4^.
Because women do fe e l
them selves.. .deprived o f th e ir /lo s t
•'•"Ifuii. On,
sacred rights, w e insist t)
have im m ediate adm issu
the rights and p r i v i w h i c h
Your Turn
belong to them as c B Jh 's o f the
United States.
List o f attendees at the Convention
Find another primary source in
"Words for Change/'Tell your
partner what you learned from it.

V o ca b u lary Strateg y

Latin and Greek Suffixes

A suffix is a word part added to the end of a word to change
its meaning. Some suffixes come from Latin, such as:
-merit = the act or process of
-able = capable of
Other suffixes come from Greek, such as:
-ist = one who has a profession
Find Text Evidence
As I readpage 209 of "Words for Change" I amnot sure what
treatment means. I knowthe base wordtreat means behave
towards. Thesuffix -ment means the act or process of.

From that time on, she becam e

determined to prove to her father and
the whole world that women— and all
people— deserve equal treatment.

Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division [LC-USZ62-48965]

Your Turn
Use your knowledge of suffixes to find the meanings
of the following words in "Words for Change."
a c tiv ist, page 210
u n sto p p ab le, page 211
am en dm en t, page 211

An essay or article often ends with a strong conclusion that
sums up the author's ideas or opinion. Reread the concluding
paragraph from "Words for Change" below.

Expert Model
Strong Elizabeth Cady Stanton never got to cast
Conclusions a vote before she died on October 26,1902.
Identify the Yet her bold words had a lasting impact.
concluding Women finally gained the right to vote on
statem en t that August 18,1920 when the 19th amendment
sums up the author's was ratified. Elizabeth Cady Stanton's
opinion of Elizabeth passion for equal rights paved the w ay for
Cady Stanton. future women's lives to be changed forever.
Library of Congress ■Prints and Photographs Division (LC-USZ62-7S334)

Editing Marks
(“ L i Switch order.

A Add.

A /\dd a comma.

y Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Maya wrote a personal narrative. Read Maya's = Make a capital letter.
revisions to the conclusion of her narrative.
Grammars Handbook
Student Model
Lin kin g Verbs See

The True Sioru page 461.

When Anna
After my friefreNrad explained

to me why she did not come to my

party, 1 realized that 1 hav^jumped

to conclusions. It was not fair of me

to judge ^without (her/listening to her

experience Your Turn
side of the story. This whole ihwng^
Identify Maya's
has taught me an important lesson.
concluding statement.
S ' Identify a linking verb in
From now on.I
will make sure that I
her essay.
-hagnail the information before I draw © 'Tell how revisions
A improved Maya's writing.
a conclusion about a situration. (&

W eekly Concept Feeding the World

Essential Question
In what ways can advances in
science be helpful or harmful?

Co Digital.
Scientific discoveries have
led to disease-resistant types
of corn, rice, and other crops.
Some people believe these
discoveries will help solve
world hunger. Others believe
these new foods will cause
more harm than good.

Why might it be a good idea for scientists to help

farmers grow healthier crops?

Why might it be a bad idea for scientists to interfere

with nature?

Write words that describe the pros and

cons of advances in science. Then talk
with a partner about what your opinion Scientific
is on the topic. Advances
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

advancements New advancem ents in technology have

made satellite dishes more efficient.
W hat are some examples of scientific

(t) Digital Vision/PunchStock; (ct) Bruno Morandi/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (cb) F Schussler/PhotoLink/Getty Images; (b) LajosRepasi/Vetta/Getty

The farmer studied agriculture so he

could grow healthier crops.
W hat else might you learn from
studying agriculture?

Thorns and brightly colored petals are
two characteristics of a rose.
W hat ch a ra cte ristics does a cat have?

concerns The doctor shared his concerns about

his patient's health.
W hat concerns might you have if you
went to a new school?
disagreed The two girls disagreed about whose
turn it was to choose a game to play.
W hat is an antonym fo r disagreed?

inherit Shane hopes his baby will not inherit

his big feet.
W hat other ch a ra c te ristics can we

(t) altrendo images/Altrendo/Getty Images; (ct) Marili Forastieri/Photodisc/Getty Images; (cb) Antonio M. Rosario/Photographer's Choice/Getty; (b) liquidlibrary/PictureQuest
inherit from our parents?

prevalent Snowstorms are widespread and

prevalent in the North.
W hat plants are prevalent in your

resistance Drinking lots of water and exercising

builds an athlete's resistance to illness.
W hat might strengthen your resistance
to illness during the winter?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Essential Question
In what ways can advances in
science be helpful or harmful?

Read about how science has

helped to make better food crops

Is it safe to interfere with Mother Nature?
n incredible thing is make new plants with big, sw eet
A happening to our food.
Som e scien tists are using
melons. But this process does
not alw ays work. The cycle of
a technique called genetic crossbreeding can take years to
m odification to m ake superior get good results.
food crops. It involves altering But advances in gene science
a seed ’s genes. G enes are the have created am azing shortcuts.
“ instruction co d es” that all living Using new tools, scien tists can
things have inside their cells. put a gene from one living thing
A seed ’s genetic code sets w hat into another.
characteristics it will inherit
That living thing could be a
when it grow s into a plant. These
plant, a bacterium , a virus, or
could mean how big it will grow
even an anim al. These foods
and the nutrients it will contain.
are called g enetically modified
For thousands of years,
(t) Annabelle Breakey/Digital Vision/Getty Images

foods, or GM foods. The goal

farm ers m ade crops better by of GM foods is to create foods
crossbreeding plants. They that can survive insects or harsh
would add pollen from the conditions or can grow faster.
sw eetest melon plants to the But are these advancem ents in
flow ers of plants that produced agriculture good for us?
the biggest m elons. This would
Support for
cientists believe the new
(t) Peter Dazeley/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (cr) Stockbyte/Getty Images; (bl) The McGraw-Hill

techniques can create crops

with a resistance to pests and
disease. Bt corn is a genetically
Companies, lnc./Jacques Cornell photographer; (b) Digital Vision/Getty Images

modified corn.
It has an insect-killing gene Disease-resistant GM potatoes were
introduced in the 1990's.
that com es from a bacterium .
Farm ers who grow Bt corn genetically m odified with three
can use few er chem icals while different genes. One gene is a
they grow their crops. That is form of bacterium . The other
good for the farm er and the tw o are from daffodils. The new
environm ent. genes help the rice to make a
Som e superfoods are extra nutrient that prevents som e
nutritious. Golden rice has been form s of blindness.

These foods may seem common. But did you know that
the genetically modified versions have special powers?

Salm on Tom atoes

To c re a te su p e rsize d G e n e tic a lly e n g in e e re d
sa lm o n , sc ie n tists c h a n g e d to m a to e s can be p icked
th e g e n e th a t co n tro ls w h e n th e y are rip e and still
g ro w th . T h e g e n e tic a lly no t b ru ise w h e n sh ip p e d .
alte re d sa lm o n g ro w tw ic e O ne fo od c o m p a n y trie d to
Rice c o n ta in s p h ytic acid . as fa st as th e ir w ild c o u sin s. use an a rctic flo u n d e r fish
Too m u ch o f th is acid can be
g e n e to cre ate a to m ato
bad fo r p eo p le. A n e w typ e
th a t co uld su rv iv e fro st.
o f rice has b een bred w ith a
T h e fish -to m a to did not
lo w level o f p h ytic acid.
su cce e d .
T u n isia
JcW ¥W S
A lg eria
W estern
S a h ara ,

M a u rita n ia

G a m b ia -^ - 9
G u in e a - > r G u in ea
B u rkin a
F a jO j
Su d an
)jib o u ti Hunger in Africa
Bissau N ig eria
n tra l A frican So uth E th io p ia
Sie rra Leone-
R e p u b lic \ Su d an
Lib e ria '
E q u a to ria l G u in e a < Q . _ . x
S a o T o m e & P r in c ip e C 'l o D e m o cra tic
G abo " <? R e p u b lic R
O f T h e B iiru n d i \ /
C a b in d a ,C o n 3 ° l l Ta n za n ia ? S e y c h e lle s P e rc e n ta g e o f p e o p le th a t
(A n g o la )
C o m o ro s are n o t g e ttin g e n o u g h food
A n g o la

Z a m b ia
□ Over 35% □ 5-9%
.N a m ib ia M a u ritiu s

totsw at □ 20-34% □ Less than 5%

So uth
•Sw azilan d □ 10-19% □ Not enough data
A frica Leso th o

Safety Time Will Tell

Issues en etically m odified foods
any people have disagreed G have not hurt anyone. Most
M with the idea that GM
foods are a good idea. They
genetic researchers think that
if troubles do crop up, they will
w orry GM foods will hurt the be m anageable. It is im portant
environm ent and humans. One to keep researching GM foods
concern is that plants with new because these typ es of foods
genes will crossbreed with w eeds can better fight the w o rld ’s
to make pesticide-resistant chronic hunger problem s.
w eeds. A nother concern is that
GM foods m ay trigg er allergies. Make Connections
Genetically modified crops are
prevalent in the U.S. But som e * Talk about the advantages
and disadvantages of GM
people will not buy them because foods. ESSENTIAL QUESTION
of health concerns. As a result,
Would you buy GM foods?
Mapping Specialists

m any com panies avoid GM foods

although there is no physical
evidence that they are unhealthy.
Comprehension Strategy

When you read informational text you may come across facts
and details that are new to you. As you read "Food Fight,"
reread the difficult sections to make sure you understand
and remember new information in the text.

Find Text Evidence

You may not be sure you understand why genetically
modified foods are created. Reread the last two paragraphs
on page 223 in "Food Fight," which explain the goal behind
genetically modified foods.

page 223
A n incredible thing is
happening to our food.
make new plants with big, sweet
melons. But this process does
I read that thegoal is to
Some scientists are using
a technique called genetic
modification to make superior
not always work. The cycle of
crossbreeding can take years to
get good results.
create foods that can
food crops. It involves altering
a seed’s genes. Genes are the
"instruction codes" that all living
But advances in gene science
have created amazing shortcuts.
Using new tools, scientists can
survive insects and harsh
things have inside their cells.
A seed’s genetic code sets what
characteristics it will inherit
put a gene from one living thing
into another. conditions. Fromthis, I
can drawtheinference
That living thing could be a
when it grows into a plant. These
plant, a bacterium, a virus, or
could mean how big it will grow
even an animal. These foods
and the nutrients it will contain.
For thousands of years,
farmers made crops better by
are called genetically modified
foods, or GM foods. The goal
of GM foods is to create foods
that scientists are trying
tohelp farmers.
crossbreeding plants. They that can survive insects or harsh
would add pollen from the conditions or can grow faster.
sweetest melon plants to the But are these advancements in
flowers of plants that produced agriculture good for us?
the biggest melons. This would

Your Turn
Why do some people think that GM foods are not a good
idea? Reread "Safety Issues" on page 225 to answer the
question. As you read, remember to use the strategy Reread.

Comprehension Skill CCSS

Author’s Point of View

Authors have a position or point of view about the topics
they write about. Look for details in the text, such as the
reasons and evidence the author chooses to present. This wil
help you to figure out the author's point of view.

Find Text Evidence

When I rereadpage 224 of "FoodFight,"I can identify details
in the text that explain andsupport theauthor's position or
attitude. Then I can figure out the author's point of view.
D e ta ils

Farmers who grow BT corn use

fewer chemicals.

Using fewer chemicals is good

for the environment.

Some G M foods have been

Your Turn
created to be extra nutritious. Reread page 225. Find the
important details in the
section and list them in your
graphic organizer. Use the
details to determine the
author's point of view.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Persuasive Article
"Food Fight" is a persuasive article.
A persuasive article:
• Is nonfiction stating the author's opinion on a topic.
• Provides facts and examples to persuade the reader
to agree with the author's opinion.
• May include text features such as charts and maps.

Find Text Evidence

"FoodFight"is apersuasive article. It states theauthor's opinion
about GMfoods. It includes facts that support theauthor's
opinion and text features such as headings, charts, and maps.
page 225
Text Feature
Hunger in Africa
Maps Maps show geographic
locations of specific areas of the
Percentage of people-
are not getting enough world. They usually include a map
□ Over 35% D 5 -9 %
□ 20-34%
□ 10-19%
□ Less than 5%
□ Not enough data
key and a compass rose.

Safety Time Will Tell

Issues enetically m odified foods
any people have disagreed G have not hurt anyone. Most
M with the idea that GM
foods are a go o d idea. They
genetic researchers think that
if troubles do crop up, they will
worry GM foods will hurt the be m anageable. It is im portant
environment and humans. One to keep researching GM foods
concern is that plants with new because these types o f foods
genes will crossbreed with weeds
to make pesticide-resistant
weeds. Another concern is that
can better fight the w orld’s
chronic hunger problems. Your Turn
GM foods m ay trigge r allergies. Make Connections
Genetically m odified crops are Talk about the advantages
prevalent in the U.S. But some
people will not buy them because
and disadvantages of GM Find two text features in "Food
o f health concerns. A s a result,
many com panies avoid GM foods
Would you buy GM foods?
Fight/'Tell what information you
although there is no physical
evidence that they are unhealthy.
learned from each feature.

V o ca b u lary Strateg y

Greek Roots
Knowing Greek roots can help you figure out the meanings
of unfamiliar words. Here are some common Greek roots that
may help you as you read "Food Fight."
gen = race, kind
phys = nature
chron = time
Find Text Evidence
When I read the wordcycle on page 223,1knowthe Greekroot
cycl means circle. The word process also provides aclue. Cycle
means a series of events that recur regularly.

But this process does not

alw ays work. The cycle of
crossbreeding can take years
to get good results.


use Greek roots and context clues to find the

meanings of the following words from "Food Fight."
gene, page 223
John Lamb/Stone/Getty Images

p h ysical, page 225

ch ro n ic, page 225

Writers have a purpose, or reason, for what they write. They
write to entertain, inform, or persuade. Writers also think
about their audience, the people who will read their writing.
Reread the excerpt from "Food Fight."

Exp ert M odel

Purpose and
Scien tists believe the new
Audience techniques can make crops
Identify the
with a resistance to pests and
purpose and
disease. Bt corn is a genetically
audience using
m odified corn. It has an
clues from the
insect-killing gene that com es
text. Why has the
from a bacterium . Farm ers
writer written
who grow Bt corn can
this piece? Who
use few er chem icals
is the audience?
while they grow their
crops. That is good
for the farm er and
the environm ent.

Editing Marks
• I I Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.

Check spelling.
Sam wrote about science camp. Read Sam's = = Make a capital letter.
revisions to a section of his essay.
Student Model
Irregular Verbs
Hil «►i == See page 462.

Today is my last day at science
w as exciting
camp. It-i^an awesorrft? way to spend
my summer. The camp begunwith

nature week. We studied different

kinds of plants and insects in the

® r
woods. I learned that some speceis of
th e ir
Your Turn ,1
grasshoppers have ears o n# »e^ fro nt
O ' Identify Sam's audience
legs. Later in the summer we studied and purpose.
fe lt ) O ' Identify the irregular
marine biology. I fe#lea a dolphin's
A verbs he corrected.
skin at the aquarium, it was very O ' Tell how other revisions
improved his writing.
slippery and smooth.
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Space

Star light, star bright,
The first star I see tonight;
I wish I may, I wish I might,
Have the wish I wish tonight.

che/Vetta/Getty Im a g es

The justice system is an example of government at work.
Judges are appointed by elected officials or are elected
directly by the voters. Juries are made up of citizens who
listen to the evidence presented by both sides.

► What is another example of government at work?

► What services does your state government provide?

► What might happen if there were no government?

Talki About) It
Write words that describe the
different roles that government
plays. Then talk to your partner
about why we need government.
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

amendments One of the amendments to the

Constitution gave women the right
to vote.
W hy do we need amendments?

The two boys made a commitment to
practice their song for the talent show.
W hat is a commitment you have made?
(t)Jon Helgason/Alamy; (tc) fatihhoca/Vetta/Getty Images; (bc)Jose Luis Pelaez Inc/Getty Images; (b)Blend Images/SuperStock

Sam and his dad agreed to compromise
on when Sam would mow the lawn.
Describe a situation in which you felt
you had to compromise.

In a democracy, it is important for
people to vote during an election.
How is a democracy different from a
government ruled by a king?

eventually Grace knew that eventually the rain
would finally stop.
W hat is a place th at you would
like to visit eventually?

legislation Congress passed legislation protecting

workers who are injured on the job.
W hy might it be im portant to pass
new legislation?

privilege My grandm other feels that going out to

dinner with her fam ily once a week is a
privilege she deserves.
W hat is a privilege you wish you had?

version For this version of the movie Cinderella,

we had to wear 3-D glasses.
W hat are some things that may have
different versions?


-.r" HL

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.

Genre • Narrative Nonfiction

Essential Question
Why do we need government?

Read how government and laws

help to protect us every day.
You m ay som etim es w onder if rules were m ade to
keep you from having fun and to tell you w hat to do.
But w hat if we had no rules at all? N obody would tell you
w hat to do ever again! Sounds great, right? W ell, let’s
see w hat it’s like to inhabit a world w ithout rules. You just
might change your mind!

A Strange Morning
L e t’s start at home. Your alarm clo ck goes off. W hy
hurry? W ithout rules you don’t have to go to school.
E v e n tu a lly you w ander dow nstairs and find your little
brother eating cookies in the kitchen. Since there are no
rules, you can have cookies for breakfast! But you w onder
if you should have som ething sensible like a bowl of
cereal. You reach a c o m p ro m ise (KO M *pruh«m ighz) and
crum ble the cookies over your cereal. In this new world,
you will not have to brush your teeth anym ore. O f course,
the next tim e you see the dentist, you m ay have a cavity.

A Community in Confusion
Now, you step outside. You decide to go to the
playground because th ere’s no law saying you have to go
to school. No crossing guard stands at the corner to help
you across the street. W ithout traffic laws, cars zip by at
an alarm ing speed honking at each other, and there is not
a police o fficer in sight. There is no safe alternate w ay to
cross the street. Besides, once you see the playground,
you may decide it is not worth the risk of getting hit by a
car. Broken sw ings dangle from rusty chains. Trash cans
overflow with plastic bottles, snack w rap p ers, and paper
bags. A huge tree branch lies across the sliding board.
A s a result of all state and federal services being gone,
nobody is in charge of taking care of the playground.
Now think about trying to do all the other things
you love. W ant to go to the beach? The lifeguards will
not be there to keep you safe. W ant to play so ccer
in the park? Your state and local governm ents are
not around to m aintain the parks, so you’ll never find
a place to play. Feel like eating lunch outside? A s a
result of pollution, the air quality is so bad that you
will probably have to w ear a gas m ask every day.
Have you ever thought about our country being
invaded by another coun try? Rem em ber, the
governm ent runs the army. W ithout the governm ent,
there is no arm y to protect us if another country
decided to take over our country.

Back to Reality
Thankfully, that version of our world isn’t real.
W e live in a d em o cracy (di«MOK*ruh»see) where
we have the privilege (PRIV*uh»lij) of voting for the
people that we want to run the country. Our elected
governm ent passes legislation (lej*is*LA Y*shuhn),
or laws, m eant to help and protect us. If the country
outgrows an old law, then the governm ent can pass
am endm ents to the law. Com m unity w orkers such
as crossing guards, police o fficers, and lifeguards all
w ork to keep you safe, while governm ent agencies
such as the Environm ental Protection A g e n cy have
m ade a com m itm ent to inspect the air and w ater for
pollution. And don’t forget the arm ed forces, which
w ere created to protect our nation.
O ur governm ent and laws w ere designed to keep
you safe and ensure you are treated as fairly as
everyone else. W ithout them, the world would be a
different place.

Make Connections
"Talk about how government
^ helps us maintain order and
helps preserve our freedom.

What are some ways that the

government protects you
everyday? t e x t t o s e l f
Com prehension Strateg y

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read informational text, you may come across
facts and ideas that are new to you. Stop and ask yourself
questions to help you understand and remember the
information. Then read the text closely to find the answers.

Find Text Evidence

When you first read the "Back to Reality" section in a "A World
Without Rules," you may have asked yourself what role the
Environmental Protection Agency has in keeping people safe.

page 240
B a c k to R e a lit y As I readon, I found the
answer tomy question.
Thankfully, that versio n o f our w orld isn’t real.
W e live in a d e m o cra cy (di*MOK*ruh»see) where
we have the p rivileg e (PRIV-uh«lij) o f voting for the
p eople that we want to run the country. O u r elected
governm ent passes le g isla tio n (lej»is*LAY»shuhn),
The Environmental
o r laws, m eant to help and protect us. If the country
outgrow s an old law, then the governm ent can pass ProtectionAgency's role
is toinspect our air and
am e n d m en ts to the law. C om m unity w orkers such
as cro ssin g guards, police officers, and lifeguards all
w ork to keep you safe, w hile governm ent agen cies
such as the Environm ental Protection A g e n cy have
m ade a co m m itm en t to inspect the air and water for
water and makesure
pollution. A nd don’t forget the arm ed forces, which
were created to protect our nation. that theyare clean.
O ur governm ent and laws were de signe d to keep
you safe and ensure you are treated as fairly as
everyone else. W ithout them , the w orld would be a
different place.

Your Turn
Think of two questions about "A World Without Rules."
Then read to find the answers. As you read, remember
to use the strategy Ask and Answer Questions.

C o m p reh en sio n Skill cess

Cause and Effect

Authors use text structure to organize the information
in a nonfiction work. Cause and effect is one kind of text
structure. A cause is why something happens. An effect is
what happens. Signal words such as because, so, since, and as
aresult can help you identify cause-and-effect relationships.
^3) Find Text Evidence
When I rereadthesection "AStrange Morning"onpage239,
I will look for causes and effects. I will also look for signal words.
C a u se -► E ff e c t J
You don't The effect is what
Without happens as a result
-> have to go
rules of an action.
to school

You can
Without have 0VVABOIf^r
rules cookies fo r
b re a k fa st.
Your Turn
Reread "A Community in
You don't
Confusion" on pages 239-240.
have You may get
-► Identify the causes and
to brush a cavity.
effects. List them in the
your teeth.
graphic organizer.

Co Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer
Informational Text

Narrative Nonfiction
"A World Without Rules" is narrative nonfiction.
Narrative nonfiction:
• Is told in the form of a story.
• May express the author's opinion about the subject.
• Presents facts and includes text features.

Find Text Evidence

"AWorld Without Rules"is narrativenonfiction. Theauthor tells
astory andincludes text features. Theauthor also expresses an
opinion andsupports it with facts and examples.
page 239
f® |F E You m ay som etim es w onder if rules were m ade to
keep you from h aving fun and to tell you what you to do.
Text Features
But what if w e had no rules at all? N ob o dy w ould tell you
w hat to do ever again! So u n d s great, right? Well, let’s Boldface Words Boldface words show
see what it’s like to inhabit a world w ithout rules. You just
m ight ch a n ge your mind!
®: IP I key words in the text.
A Strange Morning
L e t’s start at home. Your alarm clo ck g o e s off. W h y^
hurry? W ithout rules you don ’t have to g o to s
Pronunciations Pronunciations show
E v e n tu a lly you w ander dow nstairs and find yo
b rother eating co o kie s in the kitchen. S in c g ^ e r e are no how to sound out unfamiliar words.
rules, you can have co o kie s for brealdp g ^ ut you wonder
if you should have som ething s e n s j p ^ r e a bowl of
cereal. You reach a co m p ro m ise (KO M *pruh*m ighz) and
3 crum ble the co o kie s over your cereal. In this new world,
you will not have to brush your teeth anym ore. O f course,
the next tim e you see the dentist, you m ay have a cavity.

A Community in Confusion
Now, you step outside. You d ecide to g o to the
playground b ecau se there’s no law sayin g you have to g o
to school. No cro ssin g gu ard stands at the corner to help
you acro ss the street. W ithout traffic laws, cars z ip by at
an alarm ing sp eed honking at each other, and there is not
a police o fficer in sight. There is no safe alternate w ay to
cro ss the street. Besides, once you see the playground,
you m ay decide it is not worth the risk of ge tting hit b y a
car. Broken sw in gs d an gle from rusty chains. Trash cans
overflow with p lastic bottles, sn ack w rappers, and paper Reread "A World Without Rules."
m b ags. A huge tree branch lies acro ss the sliding board.
A s a result of all state and federal se rvices b eing gone,
nob o dy is in ch a rge o f taking care o f the playground.
What is the author's opinion of
government? Find text evidence
to support your answer.

V o cab u lary Strateg y

Latin Roots
Knowing Latin roots can help you figure out the meanings
of unfamiliar words. Look for these Latin roots as you read
"A World Without Rules."

dent = tooth commun = common spect = look

& Find Text Evidence
When I read the thirdparagraph onpage 239, in thesection
"ACommunity in Confusion,"I see the wordalternate. The
Latin root alter means other. This will help me figure out what
alternate means.


Use context clues and Latin roots to figure out the

meanings of these words in "A World Without Rules."
d e n tist, page 239
com m u nity, page 240
RG Roth

in sp ect, page 240

Writers build strong paragraphs by stating the main idea in a
topic sentence. They include supporting sentences that give
more information about the main idea. Reread the excerpt
from "A World Without Rules" below.

Ex p ert M odel

Strong We live in a dem o cracy where we have

Paragraphs the privilege of voting for the people
Identify the topic that we w ant to run the country. Our
sentence and elected governm ent passes legislation,
the supporting or laws, m eant to help and protect us. If
sentences. How the country outgrow s an old law, then the
do the facts and governm ent can pass am endm ents to the
examples support law. Com m unity w orkers such as crossing
the main idea? guards, police o fficers, and lifeguards all
w ork to keep you safe,
while governm ent
agencies such as
the Environm ental
Protection A g ency
have m ade a
com m itm ent to
inspect the air and
w ater for pollution.

Editing Marks
l~ U Switch order.

Writers A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

@ Check spelling.
Stefan wrote an essay about rules. Read = M ake a capital letter.
Stefan's revisions to one section of his essay.
Grammar Handbook*
.. i,—mmi Vmu-i— r-
Stu d en t M odel
Pronouns and
Antecedents See
k s page 463.
may not be fun, but they are helpful.
Rules a re good. Rules help keep
A dan you imagine how crazy things
would get if people just did what they wanted?
our society orderly. Rules also keep

you safe. For example, pool rules

make sure kids do not slip on the

deck or hurt themselves while diving.

Your Turn
1 think there are too many rules-cfc
\& Identify Stefan's topic
pools sometime^ Finally, rules help
Identify a pronoun and
you know how i h ^ should behave. If
its antecedent.
you follow eliI^ , you'll know that you Tell how Stefan's
revisions made his
are acting the right way for a certain paragraph stronger.

place or situation.

W eekly Concept Leadership

Essential Question
Why do people run
for public office?

^Co Digital!
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During the Great Depression, there
were a number of hunger marches.
All over the country, people marched to
protest unemployment, lack of health
insurance, and the state of the
economy. This photograph was taken
in 1932 during one of the marches.

If you had been a politician running for

office in 1932, what would you have told the voters?

(bkgd) New York Times Co./Hulton Archive/Getty Images; (r) David J. & Janice L. Frent Collection/Corbis
► What qualities does a good leader need?

Write words that you have learned

about leadership. Then talk with a
partner about what would make
you want to run for public office.
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with
a partner about each word.

accompanies Jake's dog accompanies him on

car rides.
W hat is a synonym fo r accompanies?
(t) Adrian Green/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (ct) Vstock LLC/Getty Images; (cb) Blend Images/SuperStock; (b) Berndt Fischer/Oxford Scientific/Getty Images

campaign woman signed up to work on Mr.

Baker's campaign for the state senate
W hat are some activities a politician
does during a campaign?

governor g0vernor Sp0 ke at a town hall

meeting about the state budget.
W hat are some ways a governor can
help the people in his or her state?

Does the mouse intend to eat the grape?
W hat do you intend to do tomorrow?

overwhelming The number of books that Todd had to
carry was overwhelming.
W hat is a synonym fo r overwhelming?

tolerate Polar bears can tolerate extrem ely

cold water.

(t) Andersen Ross/Digital Vision/Getty Images; (ct) Randy Faris/Corbis; (cb) Geostock/Getty Images; (b) Pawel Gaul/Photodisc/Getty Images
W hat kind of animal can tolerate living
in a hot d esert clim ate?

w e a r Y The firefighter was weary and needed

to rest after fighting a fire for 10 hours.
W hy else might someone be weary?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Fantasy


essential Question
Why do people run for public office?

Read how Miguel makes a decision to

run for class president.
Dear Grandpa,

I just got back from our class field trip to Washington, D.C., and
I have a lot to tell you. Going to Washington helped me decide
to run for class president.

I owe it all to your invention, theTim eSpecs 3000! In a nutshell,

it helped me get some helpful advice about my problem.
I intend to tell you everything when I visit Saturday, but for
now I've pasted my field notes into this e-mail, so you can
understand how well your invention worked.


I use the TimeSpecs 3000 at the W ashington Monum ent.
Our guide accompanies us everywhere, and while she's
talking I put on the specs. The design needs tweaking
because my friend Ken whispered, "N erdy shades, dude!"
Immediately, I'm seeing the m onum ent in the past. I am
w atching the cerem ony when they laid the cornerstone in
1848, and everybody's w earing large hats and funny,
old-fashioned clothes. W hen I take off the TimeSpecs 3000,
I realize my class is heading to lunch so I run after them.

We're back on the National M all, which is nothing like

Brookfield's mall with all its stores. This mall is outside and
has a long reflecting pool. M y teacher is finding it hard to
tolerate some of my classm ates' immature behavior, which
includes running around throwing pebbles in the reflecting
pool. I'm getting kind of weary of all the noise, and I'd rather
learn about history on my own. So I put on the TimeSpecs
3000 and check out the Lincoln Memorial.
I see how dignified Lincoln's statue looks and wonder if
I could ever help people like he did. This starts me thinking
again about whether I should run for class president.
Suddenly, right out of the blue, I hear this voice. "Excuse me,
young man. You're thinking of running for president?" I look
up and realize that Lincoln's statue is talking to me. It's so
overwhelming that I stand there speechless for a minute.
Finally, I stammer, "P re sid e n t. . . Lincoln?"
"M aybe you should first run for m ayor of your tow n,"
the statue says. "O r perhaps for governor? Once you get the
hang of being in public office, you could run for president."
"Actually, it's for president of m y 4th grade class," I say.
The giant statue nods. "T h at's an excellent start."
I figure while I have Lincoln's ear, I should get
some advice. "I have a problem. I hate writing and giving
speeches, and my opponent, Tommy, is great at both things.'
"W hat kind of campaign w ould you run?" Lincoln asks.
"I have lots of ideas for our school," I tell him. "For
instance, I w ant our school to use fruits and vegetables from
the local farm ers' m arket in the cafeteria. I also w ant to start
a book drive for our school library."
"T here's your speech," he says. "Tell people your ideas
with honesty, integrity, and enthusiasm , and you can't
possibly go w rong."
"Thanks, Mr. President," I say. "I think I can do that!"

Grandpa, I can't wait to see you on Saturday because I have

to tell you about our visit to the Natural History Museum.

Your grandson and future class president,


P.S. I would advise not wearing the TimeSpecs 3000 while

looking at dinosaur bones.

Make Connections
Talk about why Miguel decides to run for
class president, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t i o n

What would you do for your school if

Chris Boyd

you were class president? t ex t t o self

Comprehension Strategy

Make Predictions
When you read you can use details from the story to make
predictions about what you think will happen. As you read
"The TimeSpecs 3000," make predictions about the story and
confirm or revise them.

Find Text Evidence

What kind of invention did you predict the TimeSpecs 3000
was? Go back and reread the beginning of the e-mail on
page 253. What details helped you to make your prediction?
page 253
[ « » ::
Septem ber 15
As I read page 253 of
Dear G randpa,
"The TimeSpecs 3000,"
I ju st g o t back from our class field trip to W ashington, D.C., and
have a lot to tell you. G o ing to W ashington helped me decide
to run for class president.
I predicted the invention
I owe it all to your invention, the Tim eSpecs 3000! In a nutshell,
it helped me g e t som e helpful advice about my problem .
would be a special kind
I intend to tell you everything w hen I visit Saturday, b ut for
now I've pasted m y field notes into this e-m ail, so you can of glasses because of
understand how well your invention worked.

its name.
I u se th e T im eS p ecs 3 0 0 0 a t th e W ash in g to n M o n u m en t.
O u r g u id e accom panies u s e v ery w h ere, an d w h ile s h e 's

Read page 255 of "The TimeSpecs 3000." What

clues did you find in the text that led you to
predict Abraham Lincoln's words would help
Miguel solve his problem?

Comprehension Skill

Point of View
The narrator's point of view is how the narrator thinks or feels
about characters or events in the story. A story can have a
first-person narrator or a third-person narrator.

Find Text Evidence

When I read page 253 of "The TimeSpecs 3000," I learn that a
boy is writing an e-mail to his grandfather. I see the pronouns I,
me and my so I know this story has a first-person narrator. I can
find details in the story to find the narrator's point of view.

D e ta ils

The narrator was weary of the

noise his classmates made and
wanted to learn history on his own.

The narrator wonders if he

could ever help people like
Lincoln did.

Find other details from "The

TimeSpecs 3000"that tell you
P o in t o f V ie w the narrator's point of view.
Put the information in the
The narrator is a fourth- graphic organizer.
grader excited by history. He
Go Digital!
is unsure if he should run for Use the interactive graphic organizer
class president

"The TimeSpecs 3000" is a fantasy.
A fantasy:
• Is a type of fiction story.
• Has characters, settings, or events
that could not exist in real life.
• Usually includes illustrations.

Find Text Evidence

"The TimeSpecs 3000" is a fantasy. The character of Miguel is
realistic, but when he uses the TimeSpecs 3000 he is able to see
things that happened in the past. Also, some of the illustrations
depict events that could not happen in real life.

Illustrations Illustrations show the

September 15

Dear Grandpa, events of the story. Here we can see

I just got back from our class field trip to Washington, D.C., and
I have a lot to tell you. Going to Washington helped me decide what the world looks like viewed
to run for class president.

owe it all to your invention, the TimeSpecs 3000! In a nutshell, through the TimeSpecs 3000.
it helped me get some helpful advice about my problem.
I intend to tell you everything when I visit Saturday, but for
now I've pasted my field notes into this e-mail, so you can
understand how well your invention worked.


I u se th e T im eSp ecs 3 000 a t th e W ash ington M on u m ert

O u r g u id e a c c o m p a n ies u s e v ery w h ere, an d w h ile sheV ^
talk in g I p u t on th e sp ecs. T h e d esig n n ee d s tw eaki
b eca u se m y frien d K en w h isp ered , "N erd y sh a d e s ifiu d e !"
Im m ed iately, I'm seein g th e m o n u m en t in th ^ p ast. I am
w a tch in g th e c erem o n y w h e n th ey laid th e c o d e r s to n e in
1848, and e v e ry b o d y 's w earin g large h ats eaJa funny,
Your Turn
o ld -fa sh ion ed clothes. W h en I tak e o ff t h ^ im e S p e c s 3000,
I realize m y c la ss is h ea d in g to lun ch s ^ r run after th em .

Find two more examples in the

text that show "The TimeSpecs
3000" is a fantasy. Discuss these
examples with your partner.

Vocabulary Strategy

An idiom is a phrase or expression whose meaning cannot be
understood from the separate words in it. If you are not sure
of the meaning of an idiom, look at the surrounding phrases
and sentences to help you figure it out.

Find Text Evidence

The phrase in a nutshell on page 253 is an idiom. I know it does
not mean that something is really inside the shell of a nut. Miguel
says that his grandfather's invention helped him reach a decision.
I think that in a nutshell means to summarize or say briefly.

I owe it all to your invention,

the TimeSpecs 3000! In a nutshell,
it helped me get some helpful
advice about my problem.

Use context clues to figure out the meanings of the

following idioms in "The TimeSpecs 3000."
out of the blue, page 254
get the hang of, page 254
have Lincoln's ear, page 255
Chris Boyd

Writers use dialogue to show what a character is feeling
and thinking. Writers also pay attention to how the character
says the dialogue. Reread the excerpt from "The TimeSpecs
3000" below.

Expert Model

Develop Character
.-i . *r .. , "I have a problem. I hate writing
Identify the dialogue. r &
How do these words and SivinS sPeeches' and opponent,
, , , ^ , Tommy, is great at both things."
help you understand J & °
how Miguel feels "W hat kind of campaign would you
as he talks to m n ?" Lincoln asks.
Abraham Lincoln? " I have lots of ideas for our school,"
-------------------------------- I tell him. "For instance, I want our
school to use fruits and vegetables from
the local farmers' market in the cafeteria.
I also want to start a book drive for our
school library."
"There's your speech," he says.
"Tell people your ideas with honesty,
integrity, and enthusiasm,
and you can't
possibly go
w rong."
Chris Boyd

2 60
Editing Marks
l~ U Switch order.

Writers A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.
@ Check spelling.
Nina wrote a fantasy. Read Nina's revisions to === Make a capital letter.
a section of her story.
Grammar^ Handbook'
Student Model
Types of Pronouns
See page 463.
One day, Sally and her cat Mr.
town ^
Ja y , went to the park. Suddenly, Mr.

Jay jumped onto a stage where the

mayor was speaking. Mr. Ja^nudged

the mayor aside and said, "I'm Mr.

jay, and I am running for mayor. Cats

S ' Identify dialogue in the
are naturally superior, so vote for story. How does it help
Nina develop characters?
„ # ed
me!" Then he jump off the stage. S ' Identify the types of
pronouns that she used
"How dare you?" said the mayor. in her writing.
her Tell how the revisions
Sally looked at ih ^ t a t in disbelief.
improved Nina's writing.

"Oh, no," she said. '^ hat have *ou done?" Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

For some people, new inventions and advanced
technology provide a way to fulfill their dreams.
The man in the photo is able to compete in the
Paralympics now that he has an artificial leg that
allows him to run long distances.

► How do you think inventions and technology

help to make our lives better?

► What technology or invention do you rely on

the most? Why?

Talk About It
Write words that describe how
inventions and technology affect
your life. Then talk with a partner
about an invention that you would
like to design that would have a big
impact on your life.
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

decade The company celebrated a decade of

business, honoring ten years of work.
W hat year will it be in a decade?

The police officers are directing traffic.

I f you were a crossing guard, what
would you be directing students to do?
(t) Image Source/Getty Images; (ct) Henk Meijer/Alamy; (cb) Joseph Panzarella/Corbis; (b) Westend61 /SuperStock

I think the beautiful Golden Gate Bridge
is an amazing feat of engineering.
W hat is another structure that was built
using the science of engineering?

The shiny bar of gold lay gleaming on

the red velvet.
W hat is an antonym fo r gleaming?

The boy used binoculars as he scouted
the best place to find whales.
W hat is a synonym fo r scouted?

squirmed The pig wiggled and squirmed in the

girl's arms.
I f someone squirmed while watching a
play, how did that person probably feel?

(t) ERproductions Ltd/Blend Images/Corbis; (ct) Vicky Kasala/Photodisc/Getty Images; (cb) Science and Society/SuperStock; (b) Reynold Mainse/Design Pics
technology In the early 1900s, the telephone was
considered new technology.
W hat are some exam ples of new
technology today?

Mr. Lan likes tinkering with and fixing

old clocks.
W hat do you like tinkering with?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.

Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Historical Fiction

Essential Question
How do inventions and technology
affect your life?

Read how a telephone brings change

to the lives of Meg and her father.
"B y tomorrow afternoon there will be eight
telephones right here in Centerburg, Ohio, and
one of them will be ours!" Dr. Ericksen said to his
daughter, Meg. "I predict that before this decade
is over, in just another five years, there could be a
hundred! That's how fast I foresee this technology
will spread! W hen people need help, they'll call me
on the telephone. Envision how m any lives it will
save! Picture all the am azing benefits!"
M eg realized that not everyone thought the
telephone was an en gineering marvel. She had
heard people say that telephones were a useless
invention. A few others felt the new fangled machine
would open up a Pandora's box of troubles, causing
people to stop visiting each other and w riting letters.
Despite the concerns of some people, progress
marched on. Just w eeks earlier, Centerburg's first
telephone had been installed in Mr. Kane's
general store, another was put in at the hotel,
and yet another at the new spaper office. Mrs.
Kane was the tow n's first switchboard operator,
directing incom ing calls to the correct lines.
The next m orning, M eg wrote "O ctober 9,
1905" on the top of her slate w ith chalk while
she squirm ed in her seat, wishing that the
long school day was over.
Walking hom e that afternoon, M eg scouted the street,
looking for the tall wooden poles that were going up weekly.
Thick wire linked one pole to another, and M eg imagined how
each wire would carry the words of friends and neighbors,
their conversations zipping over the lines bringing news,
birthday wishes, and party invitations.
As M eg hurried into the house, she let the screen door slam
shut behind her. There on the wall was the gleam ing wooden
telephone box with its heavy black receiver on a hook. Her
father was smiling broadly while tinkering with the shiny
brass bells on top. "Isn 't it a beauty?" he asked. "H ave you
ever seen such m agnificence?"
Suddenly the telephone jangled loudly, causing both
Ericksens to jump.
M eg laughed as her father picked up the receiver and
shouted, "Yes, hello, this is the doctor!"
"A gain please, Mrs. Kane! There's too m uch static"
Dr. Ericksen shouted. "I didn't get the first part. Bad cough?
Turner farm ?"
"C an I go, Father?" M eg asked as Dr. Ericksen returned
the receiver to the hook.
"A bsolutely," he said, grabbing his medical kit and
heading outside where his horse and buggy waited.
When they got to the farm,
they found Mr. Turner walking
toward the bam .
Tristan Elwell

"Jake, I got here as quick as I could,"
Dr. Ericksen said. "Is it Mrs. Turner?
Little Em m a?"
"You?" Jake Turner looked confused,
but he gestured them toward the barn.
There they found a baby goat curled
near its mother. The baby snorted,
coughed, and looked miserable.
"Jake, I'm no vet!" said Dr. Ericksen.
"You need Dr. K errigan."
"I was wondering why you showed
up instead. I reckon there was a mix-up."
"A pparently so," Dr. Ericksen
laughed. "W hen I get back I'll send
Dr. Kerrigan."
As years passed the telephone
proved to be very useful to the town
of Centerburg, but there was always the
occasional mix-up. It becam e comm on
among the Ericksens to refer to a missed
comm unication as "another sick goat."

Make Connections
How did the invention of the
telephone affect the town of
Centerburg? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t i o n

Think of an invention and tell how it

has affected you r life, t e x t t o s e l f
ccsU C o m prehension Strateg y

Make Predictions
When you read, use text clues from the story to help you
make predictions about what will happen next. As you
continue to read, you can confirm or revise your predictions.

) Find Text Evidence

How did you predict the people of Centerburg would react to
the telephone? What helped you to confirm your prediction?
Reread page 267 of "A Telephone Mix-Up."

page 267
would open up a Pandora's box of troubles, causing
people to stop visiting each other and writing letters.
I had predicted that
Despite the concerns of some people, progress
marched on. Just weeks earlier, Centerburg's first
people in Centerburg
telephone had been installed in Mr. Kane's
general store, another was put in at the hotel,
would get used to
and yet another at the newspaper office. Mrs.
Kane was the town's first switchboard operator, the telephone even
directing incoming calls to the correct lines.
The next morning, Meg wrote "October 9,
though some people
would not like the idea
of it. Evidence in the
paragraph confirmed
my prediction.

Youp Turn
What text clues did you find that helped you predict
that the phone static would cause a mix-up? As you
read remember to use the strategy, Make Predictions.

C o m p reh en sio n Skill

Point of View
The narrator's point of view tells how the narrator thinks or
feels about characters or events in the story. A story can have a
first-person narrator or a third-person narrator.

^3) Find Text Evidence

When I read page 267 of "A Telephone Mix Up," I see that the
narrator uses the pronouns he and she when the narrator
tells what Meg and her father are thinking. This story has a
third-person narrator. I can find details in the story about the
narrator's point of view.

D e ta ils

The narrator tells us what

Meg's father says about the
telephone. "Picture all the
amazing benefits!"

Your Turn
The narrator states: "Despite
the concerns of some people, Reread "A Telephone Mix-Up."
progress marched on." Find other details from
the story that tell you the
narrator's point of view. Use
the graphic organizer to list
I the details.
P o in t of V ie w
Go Digital!
The narrator thinks the telephone Use the interactive graphic organizer

will be a useful invention.


Historical Fiction
"A Telephone Mix-Up" is historical fiction.
Historical fiction:
• Has realistic characters, events, and settings.
• Is set in the past and based on real events.
• Contains dialogue.

) Find Text Evidence

"A Telephone Mix-Up" is historical fiction. A family is getting a
telephone at a time in history when telephone service was first
made available to many communities. The story has realistic
characters, events, and settings, and it includes dialogue.

page 267
"B y tomorrow afternoon there will be eight Dialogue Dialogue is the
telephones right here in Centerburg, Ohio, and
one of them will be ours!" Dr. Ericksen said to h
daughter, Meg. "I predict that before this decade
conversation that takes
is over, in ju st another five years, there could be a
hundred! That's how fast I foresee this techno lo gy place between the
will spread! W hen people need help, they'll call me
on the telephone. Envision how m any lives it will
save! Picture all the amazing benefits!"
characters. Quotation
M eg realized that not everyone thought the
telephone was an en g in eerin g marvel. She had
marks enclose dialogue.
heard people say that telephones were a useless
invention. A few others felt the newfangled machine
would open up a Pandora's box of troubles, causing
people to stop visiting each other and writing letters.
Despite the concerns of some people, progress
marched on. Just weeks earlier, Centerburg's first
telephone had been installed in Mr. Kane's
general store, another was put in at the hotel,
and yet another at the newspaper office. Mrs.
Kane w as the tow n's first switchboard operator,
directing incom ing calls to the correct lines.
The next morning, Meg wrote "O ctober 9,
Your Turn
1905" on the top of her slate with chalk while
she squ irm ed in her seat, wishing that the
long school day was over.
Find three examples in the text
that show "A Telephone Mix-Up" is
historical fiction.

V o ca b u lary Strateg y cess

As you read "A Telephone Mix-Up "you may come across a
word you don't know. Sometimes the author will use another
word or phrase that has the same or a similar meaning to
the unfamiliar word. Words that have the same or similar
meanings are synonyms.

Find Text Evidence

As I read the first paragraph of "The Telephone Mix-Up" on page
267,1wasn't sure what the word envision meant. Then the word
picture in the next sentence helped me figure out the meaning.

Envision how many lives

it will save! Picture all
the amazing benefits!

Use synonyms and other context clues to find the

meanings of the following words in "A Telephone Mix-Up."
Write a synonym and example sentence for each word.
foresee, page 267
installed, page 267
magnificence, page 268

Writers develop the plot of a story by including specific
details about the story's setting. Reread the excerpt from
"A Telephone Mix-Up" below.

Exp ert M odel

Develop Plot Despite the concerns of some

Identify details people, progress marched on. Just
that give you clues weeks earlier, Centerburg's first
about the story's telephone had been installed in Mr.
setting. How do the Kane's general store, another was
setting details help put in at the hotel, and yet another
you understand the at the newspaper office. Mrs. Kane
story's plot? was the town's first switchboard
operator, directing incoming calls
to the correct lines.
The next morning, Meg wrote
"October 9 ,1 9 0 5 " on the top of her
slate with chalk while she squirmed
in her seat, wishing that the long
school day was over.
Walking home that afternoon,
Meg scouted the street, looking for
the tall wooden poles that were
going up weekly.
iristan Elwell

Editing Marks
(~ u Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

Check spelling.
Leo wrote about a boy who sees a television = Make a capital letter.
for the first time. Read Leo's revisions to one
section of his story. Grammar^ Handbook^
Student Model Pronoun-Verb
Agreement See

Mike’s First Television page 464.

M ike sat on the floor in front

of the big box with its small glass

screen, there were several Knobs

and buttons and a little dial.
1955 Your Turn
'Here it is New Year's Day and
we S ' How do the setting
I^are going to se e pictures on a
details Leo used help
television!'' M ike's dad said. "This develop the plot?
S ' Identify examples of
will be a day you will tell&your pronoun-verb agreement
that he used in his
grandchildren about!" Then he turniK
a Knob. Slowly a light 5^ Tell how the revisions
improved Leo's writing.
flickered on the screen.
\ Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Weekly Concept Wonders in the Sky

Essential Question
How do you explain what you see
in the sky?

L ig h t
S how
For centuries, people have come up with stories to
explain what they see in the night sky. This photo
shows the northern lights, which you will soon
read more about. The Inuit who lived on the lower
Yukon River believed the northern lights were
actually the spirits of animals dancing in the sky.

► If you had lived five hundred years ago, how

would you have explained the northern lights?

► What have you observed in the sky at night?

jfTalkTAb’oatlltM^ M
Write words that name or
describe things that appear
in the night sky. Then talk
to a partner about stars,
planets, comets, and eclipses.
W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

astronomer The astronomer pointed out the crater

on the planet.
What might an astronomer observe
in the night sky?

The moon tonight looks like a crescent

(t)Doug Murray/Reuters/Corbis; (tc)Doug Menuez/Photodisc/Getty Images; (bc)somchaisom/iStock/360/Getty Images; (b)Radius Images/Alamy

and is shaped like a "C."

W hat other things are shaped like
a crescent?

During one of the moon's phases, the

moon appears to be perfectly round.
Name two phases of the moon.

rotates The hamster turns and rotates his

exercise wheel.
W hat is something else that rotates?

series This series of photographs shows what
happened after I watered the flower.
Do you have a favorite se rie s of books?

sliver A thin sliver of light showed beneath

the curtains.
W hat is an antonym fo r sliver?


(t) Nigel Cattlin/Alamy; (ct) Cultura RM/Alamy; (cb) Monty Rakusen/Cultura/Getty Images; (b) B2M Productions/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images
The boy held up a specific kind of
orange that is used for making juice.
W hat is a sp ecific kind of bread that
you like best?

telescope The boy looked through the telescope

at the boats in the harbor.
W hat else can you see with a telescope?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.

Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Expository Text
A s Earth on its axis, day becom es night. Suddenly,
a g allery of lights is revealed! You m ay see a beautiful
[j m oon. Maybe yo u ’ll see one of the other
the m oon. You m ay even see a of lights spread acro ss
the sky like colored ribbons. Fo r tho usand s of years, people
have loved looking at the night sky. Fo r alm ost as long,
scien tists have been trying to explain w hat they see.

Aurora Borealis
Eve ry few years, an am azing light show is seen in the skies
near the North Pole. It is known as “ the northern lig h ts,” or
the aurora borealis (uh-R A W R-uh b aw r-ee-A L-is). B rillian t
bands of green, yellow , red, and blue lights ap p ear in the sky.
People used to believe the lights w ere caused by sunlight
reflecting o ff polar ice cap s. The th e o ry w as that when the
light bounced back from the cap s it created p attern s in the
sky. In fact, the lights happen because of m agnetic attractio n .
The sun co n stan tly gives off a stream of e le c tric a lly
charged p article s in eve ry d irectio n . These n early invisible
pieces of m atter join into a stream called a so lar w ind. As
Earth o rb its the sun, so lar w ind s reach E a rth ’s m agnetic
field. A s a result, e le ctric ch arg es o ccu r that are som etim es
strong enough to be seen from Ea rth . These e le c tric charg es
c ause th e c o lo rful ban ds of lig hts in t he sky. ____ ____

t i • -mT
| f»|" — •^ * *
The aurora borealis above f r
Picture Press/Alamy

Hammerfest, Norway

.'O L r VK mf *
Com ets
A nother kind of light you m ight see move across the
night sky is a com et. The word co m e t com es from a
G reek word that m eans, “w earing long hair.” It cam e from
the Greek philosopher Aristotle (A R -uh-stot-uhl),
who thought that com ets looked like stars with hair.
Long ago, people feared these m ysterious streaks
because they believed that they m ight bring w ar or
sickness to Earth. Today, com ets are less sca ry and
m ysterious because we know that they are a m ixture of
rock, dust, ice, and frozen gases that orbit the sun.
Com ets move around the sun in an oval-shaped orbit.
W hen a com et com es clo ser to the sun, the result is that
a “tail” of gas and dust is pushed out behind the com et.
This long tail is w hat people see from Earth.
S cien tists think com ets are som e of the oldest objects
in space. They can track sp e cific com ets and predict
when they can be seen from Earth again.
Have you ever looked up at the
sky and seen a shooting star? Those
streaks of light are not really stars
at all. W h at we call shooting stars
are usually meteors (M EE-te e-e rz).
Meteors are another name for the
The Perseid meteor shower
rocky debris and fragm ents that enter
Earth ’s atm osphere. Som etim es Earth
passes through an area in space with a lot of debris. This
is when a m eteor show er o ccurs. You m ay see hundreds
of “shooting sta rs” on the night of a m eteor shower.
These days an astronom er or anyone with a portable
telesco p e can raise new questions about space. W hat do
you see when you look up at the night sky? W hether you
look at a sliver of the moon or a fan tastic light show, you
are bound to see som ething am azing.

Galaxy Picture Library/Alamy

C o m prehension Strateg y

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read an informational text, you usually come
across new facts and ideas. Asking questions and reading to
find the answer can help you understand new information.
As you read "Wonders of the Night Sky," ask and answer
questions about the text.

P Find Text Evidence

When you first read "Wonders of the Night Sky,"you may have
asked yourself what causes the northern lights.

page 281
m o on . M ayb e y o u ’ll se e o n e o f th e o th e r
th e m o on . You m ay even se e a ° f lig h ts sp re a d a c ro s s
When I read this section
th e sk y lik e co lo re d rib b o n s. F o r th o u sa n d s o f y e a rs , p eo p le
h av e lo ved lo o k in g a t th e n ig h t sky. F o r a lm o st a s lo ng , of the text, I found the
sc ie n tis ts h ave b een try in g to e x p la in w h a t th e y se e.

Aurora B o re alis
answer to my question.
E v e r y fe w y e a rs , an a m a zin g lig h t sh o w is se en in th e sk ie s
n e a r th e N orth P o le. It is k n o w n as “ th e n o rth e rn lig h ts,” or
The northern lights are
th e a u ro ra b o re a lis (u h -R A W R -u h b a w r-e e -A L -is). B rillia n t
b a n d s o f g re e n , ye llo w , red , a nd b lu e lig h ts a p p e a r in th e sky. caused by the sun giving
P e o p le u sed to b e lie v e th e lig h ts w e re ca u se d b y su n lig h t
re fle ctin g o ff p o la r ice c a p s. T h e th e o ry w a s th a t w h en the off electrically charged
lig h t b o u n ced b a c k fro m th e c a p s it c re a te d p a tte rn s in the
sky. In fa c t, th e lig h ts h ap p e n b e c a u se o f m a g n e tic a ttra c tio n . particles.
T h e sun c o n s ta n tly g iv e s o ff a stre a m o f e le c tric a lly
ch a rg e d p a rtic le s in e v e ry d ire c tio n . T h e s e n e a rly in v isib le
p ie c e s o f m a tte r jo in in to a stre a m c a lle d a so la r w in d . A s
E a rth o rb its the sun, so la r w in d s re a ch E a rth ’s m a g n e tic


Youp Turn i 7$h-

Think of two questions you have about meteors. Reread
the section "Meteors" on page 283 and answer your own
questions. As you read, remember to use the strategy Ask
and Answer Questions.

Comprehension Skill (

Cause and Effect

Text structure is the way that authors organize information in
a selection. Cause and effect is one kind of text structure.
A cause is why something happens. An effect is what happens.

Find Text Evidence

When I reread the "Aurora Borealis" section on page 281 of
"Wonders of the Night Sky" I can look for causes and their
effects. Signal words such as cause, because, and as a result tell
me that a cause-and-effect relationship is being explained.

C a u se -> E ffe c t

Sun Particles
gives off join into a
electrically -► solar wind.
particles. C0VVAB0RATf

Your Turn
Solar winds As a result.
reach electric Reread page 282 of "Wonders
Earth's charges of the Night Sky." What
magnetic are seen happens when a comet
Held. from moves closer to the sun? Use
the graphic organizer to list
the cause and effect.

Co Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer
Genre Informational Text

Expository Text
"Wonders of the Night Sky" is an expository text.
Expository text:
• Explains facts and information about a topic.
• Includes text features.

J3)) Find Text Evidence

I know "Wonders of the Night Sky" is an expository text because
it gives many facts about the night sky and includes text
features. It has boldface words, pronunciations of unfamiliar
words, and a diagram.

page 282

Text Features
Diagrams Diagrams show the parts
of something.
Boldface Words Boldface words show
This diagram shows the parts of a comet. key words in the text.
Some comets' tails can be m illions of m iles long.

C om ets
Another kind of light you m ight s e e r o fr fe acro ss the
Pronunciations Pronunciations show
night sky is a com et. The word ^ L i ^ o m e s from a A
Greek word that means, “w e a f l^ W f g hair.” It cam
the Greek philosopher Aristotle (AR-uh-stot-uhl),
how to sound out unfamiliar words.
who thought that com ets looked like stars with hair.
Lo ng ago, people feared these m ysterious streaks
because they believed that they m ight bring war or
sickness to Earth. Today, com ets are less scary and
m ysterious because we know that they are a mixture of 0VVAB0 K a j .
rock, dust, ice, and frozen gases that orbit the sun.
Com ets move around the sun in an oval-shaped orbit.
When a com et com es closer to the sun, the result is that
a “tail” o f g as and dust is pushed out behind the comet.
This long tail is what people see from Earth.
Scientists think com ets are som e of the oldest objects
in space. They can track sp e cific com ets and predict
when they can be seen from Earth again.
Find two text features in "Wonders
of the Night Sky." Tell what you
learned from each feature.

V o ca b u lary S trateg y ? cess

Context Clues
As you read the information in "Wonders of the Night Sky,"
you may come across words that you don't know. To figure
out the meaning of an unfam iliar word, check the words or
phrases near it carefully for clues.

^ ) Find Text Evidence

When I read the third paragraph on page 281 of "Wonders of the
Night Sky," the phrase light bounced back helps me figure out
what reflecting means.

People used to believe the lights were caused

by sunlight reflecting off polar ice caps. The theory
was that when the light bounced b ack [from the
caps it created patterns in the sky.

Your Turn
Use context clues to find the meaning of the
following words in "Wonders of the Night Sky." Write a
short definition and example sentence for each word,
particles, page 281
mixture, page 282
Picture Press/Alamy

debris, page 283

Writers use figurative language such as similes and
metaphors to help the reader picture the information being
presented. Reread the beginning of page 281 from "Wonders
of the Night Sky" below.

Exp ert M odel

Figurative A s Earth rotates on its axis, day

Language becom es night. Suddenly, a g allery of
Identify figurative lights is revealed! You m ay see a beautiful
language in the cre scen t m oon. Maybe yo u ’ll see one of
text. How does the the other phases of the m oon. You m ay
author use a simile even see a series of lights spread acro ss
to help the reader the sky like colored ribbons. Fo r thousands
visualize the text? of years, people have loved looking at the
night sky. Fo r alm ost as long, scien tists
have been tryin g to explain w hat they see.

!' r - .' ’ '• ' "jT " ■' v

**’ I m, * ■ • • •. • __ ** <- ,

v i
Editing Marks
H _ l Switch order.
A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.
0 Check spelling.
Kayla wrote about constellations. Read = = Make a capital letter.
Kayla's revisions to one section of her text.

Grammar) Handbook
Possessive Pronouns
See page 465.

Tales of the Dight Shy ed

I've been interest in constellations

since I received first telescope

when I was 9 .1like to imagene my

favorite constellation, the big Ripper,

like a pitcher full of milk
Your Turn
scooping up the moon. But, to me at
0 Identify the figurative
least some constellations don't look language Kayla used.
) [ 0 Identify the possessive
like what they are supposed to be. pronouns that she used
in her writing.
Orion looks more like a row of dots
0 Tell how the revisions
improved Kayla's writing.
thet^a hunter with his belt.
IGo Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Weekly Concept Achievements

Essential Question

P How do writers look at

success in different ways?
A Little League team w inning a cham pionship is one kind
of achievem ent. A person petting a dog may not look like
an achievem ent. However, if that person has been scared of
dogs his or her w hole life, it is a huge achievem ent.

► Do you th in k success is alw ays a positive thing?

Why or w hy not?

What are some stories th at you can th in k of w here

the character attains some kind of success?

iTalkfAbout! It]
W rite words that describe w hat you
th in k about success. Then talk w ith a
partner about how you define success
W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

The climber wanted to attain the
goal of being the first person to reach
the peak.
W hat goal would you like to attain?

dangling The ripe apple was dangling from the

end of the branch.
W hat are other fru its that you might
find dangling?

The hummingbird was hovering in front
of the flower's petals.
W hat might a helicopter be
hovering over?

Winning the state soccer championship
was a triumph!
W hat is a synonym fo r triumph?

Poetry Terms
stanza denotation
A stanza is two or more lines of The denotation is the basic
poetry that together form a unit definition of a word.
of the poem. W hat is the denotation of the
Explain how you know when a word little?
stanza ends.

connotation repetition
The connotation of a word is a Poets who repeat words or
meaning suggested by a word phrases in a poem are using
in addition to its literal meaning repetition.
W hat is the connotation of the How might repetition add to
word scrawny? a poem's meani

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
Ingram Publishing/SuperStock

questions for your partner to answer.

Genre • Narrative Poetry

Essential Question
How do writers look at
success in different ways?

Read about how two poets

share stories of success.
The cool white keys stretched for miles.
How would my hands pull
and sort through the notes,
blending them into music?

I practiced
and practiced all day.
My fingers reaching for a melody
that hung dangling,
like an apple just out of reach.

I can't do this.
I can't do this.

The day ground on,

notes leaping hopefully into the air,
hovering briefly, only to crash,
an awkward jangle, a tangle of noise
before slowly fading away.

My mom found me, forehead on the keys.

She asked, "Would you like some help?
It took months for my hands to do what I wanted."
She sat down on the bench,
her slender fingers plucking notes
from the air.

I can do this.
I can do this.

She sat with me every night that week,

working my fingers until their efforts
made the keys sing to me, too.
"Go on, I dare you!" My brother's voice
mocking, a jaybird's repetitive screech
We are waiting for the bus
under our immense oak tree.

I reach for the lowest branch and find

another to pull myself up before
I lose my grip on the slippery bark
and slither down the trunk. Again.

Today, at school,
I drop my milk at lunch,
take a pop quiz,
and argue with my friends.

Today is my birthday.
When I get off the bus,
The oak tree doesn't look
any smaller or bigger.

Today, I am ten years old.

I reach for the lowest branch
and find another to pull myself up.
My hands find another and another.
Over and over among the red
outstretched leaves,
foot to branch: push!
hand to branch: pull!

My brother is rooted on the ground,

staring up at me,
until finally, I can't climb any higher,
or I will be a cloud.
Sonya Mera

Make Connections
Talk about how each poet writes
about success, essential question

Compare how the characters in each

poem feel to how you feel when you
are successful, text to self
Narrative Poem
A Narrative Poem:
• Tells a story and has characters.
• Is about fictional or real events.
• May be written in stanzas.

p Find Text Evidence

I can tell that both "Sing to Me" and "The Climb" are narrative
poems because they both tell a story and have characters.

page 295

Character The narrator

The cool white keys stretched for miles
How would my hands pull of the poem is the main
and sort through the notes,
blending them into music? character. We see the events
I practiced
and practiced all day.
My fingers reaching for a melody
from his point of view.
that hung dangling,
like an apple just out o f reach.

I can't do this.
I can't do this.

The day ground on,

notes leaping hopefully into the air,
hovering briefly, o nly to crash,
an awkward jangle, a tangle of noise
before slowly fading away.

My mom found me, forehead on the keys.

She asked, "Would you like some help?
It took m onths for my hands to do w hat I wanted
She sat down on the bench,
her slender fingers plucking notes
from the air.

I can do this.
I can do this.

She sat with me every n ight that week,

working my fingers until their efforts
made the keys sing to me, too.

— W ill M eyers
Your Turn
Reread the poem "The Climb."
Identify the elements that tell
you it is a narrative poem.

Com p reh en sion

The theme is the main message or lesson in a poem.
Identifying key details in a poem can help you determine
the theme.

® ) Find Text Evidence

I'll reread "The Climb" on pages 296-297.1will look at the
narrator's words and actions to help me identify the theme.

Stanza and Repetition
A stanza is two or more lines of poetry that together form a
unit of the poem. Stanzas can be the same length and have a
rhyme scheme, or vary in length and not rhyme.

Repetition is the use of repeated words or phrases in a

poem. Poets use repetition for rhythmic effect and emphasis.

$3) Find Text Evidence

Reread the poem "The Climb" on pages 296-297. Identify the
stanzas and listen for words or phrases that are repeated.

page 296

Stanza Each of these groups

of lines is a stanza.

Repetition The poet starts

Go on, I dare you! My brother s voice the last three stanzas on this
m ocking, a jaybird's repetitive screech
We are w aiting for the bus
under our im m ense oak tree.
page with, "Today."
I reach for the lowest branch and find
another to pull m yself up before
I lose my g rip on the slippery bark a
and slither down the trunk. A g a in ^ f l

Today, at school,
I drop my m ilk at lunch,
take a pop quiz,
and argue with m y friends

Today is my birthday.
When I get o ff the bus,
The oak tree doesn't look
Your Turn
any sm aller or bigger.

Today, I am ten years old.

I reach for the lowest branch Reread "Sing to Me."What lines
and find another to pull m yself up.
My hands find another and another
does the poet repeat in this
poem? What effect does the
repetition have on the poem?

I v o c a b u ia r v S t ^

Connotation and Denotation

Connotation is a feeling or idea associated with the word.
Denotation is the dictionary's definition of a word.

Find Text Evidence

When I read "The Climb" I know that, besides having a literal
meaning, some words make feelings come to mind. In the first
stanza, the word immense means "huge." Connotations of
immense might be overwhelm ing and intimidating.


Your Turn
Find an example of connotation and denotation
in "Sing to Me" or "The Climb." Give the
connotations of the word and its denotation.

Word C h o i c e ----

Readers t O • • •

In a poem, writers use sensory details to describe how

something looks, sounds, smells, tastes, or feels. Read the
excerpt from the poem, "The Climb" below.

Identify sensory
language in
"The Climb."
How does the
language help
you picture what “Go on, I dare you!” My b ro th er’s vo ice
is happening? m ocking, a jayb ird ’s repetitive scre ech .
W e are w aiting for the bus
under our im m ense o ak tree.

I reach for the low est branch and find

ano th er to pull m yself up before
I lose my grip on the slip p ery bark
and slither dow n the trunk. Again.

Editing Marks
r u Sw itch order.

Writers A


Add a comma

y Take out.

Check spelling.

Jack wrote a poem about the ocean. == M a k e a capital letter.

Read Jack's revisions to his poem.
f j ■ I - ***^ I f C •I *
Grammars Handbook;
S tu d en t M odel
P ro nouns and

The Ocean
H om ophones
See page 465.

My brother wears pajamas.
At night ther^ th e color

of an angry gray ocean

and howls
that yells te-hud^trashing

against the bed.

"1 don't W A N T to go to sleep!' Your Turn <1

In the morning they 0 Identify the sensory
language Jack added.
the color of a calm blue sea 0 Identify the pronoun he
that drifts ashore
A [ 0 Tell how revisions
to b reak fast improved Jack's writing.

Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Shelly Hehenberger
Long ago, the ancient Greeks told this myth to help
them understand the changing seasons.

Demeter, goddess of the harvest, had a beautiful

daughter named Persephone. The joy that Persephone
gave Demeter was so great that wherever Demeter
stepped, plants, grains, and fruit grew in abundance.

The god Hades looked up from his dark underworld

kingdom and fell in love with Persephone. One
day, he reached up and dragged Persephone to the
underworld. Eventually, he convinced her to marry him.

Demeter searched the whole world for her daughter.

She was so broken-hearted that all of the plants began
to wither and die around her.

Persephone begged Hades to let her go to her mother.

Hades agreed, but before he released her, he gave
Persephone a pomegranate. When she ate three of the
1L -/ r
% pomegranate's red seeds, she became bound to the
underworld for a part of every year.

When Persephone is with Demeter, everything blooms

and grows. But, during the part of the year when she
is with Hades, the world becomes a dark, cold place
where nothing grows.

Weekly Concept Making It Happen

Essential Question
In what ways do people show
they care about each o t h e r ?
People show that they care about each other in
different ways. Helping someone with his or her
homework, making a special card for a friend, or raking
leaves for an elderly neighbor are just some examples
of how people show they care about one another.

► How do you think the boy in the photo feels about

the man in the wheelchair? How can you tell?

► What are some ways that you show you care about
your friends and family?

Talk About It
Write words you have
learned about how to
show you care. Talk with
a partner about what you
can do to help others.
Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

bouquet I assembled the beautiful flowers into

a bouquet.
How does a bouquet look, swell,
and feel?

_ _ _ _ _ _ Surprise is such a strong emotion that
(t) John Short/DesignPics; (ct) Darren Greenwood/Design Pics; (cb) Bounce/UpperCut Images/Getty Images; (b) Monkey Business/DesignPics

people often gasp out loud.

What is an emotion you felt today?

The children held hands to encircle
the tree.
How is encircle similar to surround?

Tito made a picture to express his love

of color.
How would you express your love
of singing?

Fussy Mr. Green stood in front of the
mirror until his bow tie looked perfect.
What is a synonym for fussy?

portraits This week Ann's art class is drawing

portraits of themselves and each other.
What portraits might you see hanging
in the White House?

ft) Ranald Mackechnie/Taxi/Getty Images; (ct) Jutta Klee/ableimages/Corbis; (cb) Aaron Cobbett/Digital Vision/Getty Images; (b) Monica Rodriguez/Lifesize/Getty Images
sparkles The gold beaded curtain sparkles in
the light.
Name some other things that sparkle.

The dancers were able to whirl and twirl

without getting dizzy.
What is a synonym for whirl?

covubor ^

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Realistic Fiction

Read how a brother shows that

he cares about his little sister.
w® he referee’s w histle w ent off like a shrieking bird,
signaling S ad ie’s second foul of the gam e. It w as only the
first quarter, and Sadie had alread y collided tw ice with
another p layer’s w heelchair. Her coach w aved her off the
court for a substitution as the crow d shouted catcalls and
jeered behind her. She had never seen a crowd express
such disappointm ent before.
Sadie w atched her team m ates whirl and spin in front
of her. Her em otions w ere all over the place, and it
showed in her basketball playing. If only she and
her brother had not argued this m orning about
the gam e. “W h a t’s so im portant, Richie, that you
can ’t be at the gam e? Don’t I m atter anym ore?”
Sadie had asked. \v
Richie w as Sad ie’s whole world, and they both loved
sports, especially basketball. Sadie loved to play before
her accident, and it w as Richie who had taught her to play
again afterw ard. There had been days when she did not
want to get out of bed, and he would coax and bully her
until she got up. He even borrowed a w h eelch air him self
to help her learn to play the gam e all over again. Together
they would roll acro ss the outdoor court, zipping,
zoom ing, passing, and dribbling all day long.
But lately Richie preferred to hang out
with his new high school friends. Sadie
would w atch through the w indow as
Richie polished every little nook of his
new car. He w as as fussy as a m other
cat cleaning her kittens. W hen he drove
away, Sadie would keep staring out of
the window, tears clouding her eyes.
Mama w as her sun. Her arm s would
reach out and en circle her in a long, warm
em brace. “Sadie,” she would say, “your brother loves you.
Even though he’s got new priorities now, that doesn’t
mean he doesn’t care.” But Sadie felt hurt.
Sadie looked up and saw her coach frow ning. She
searched sadly for her mother, expecting disappointm ent
in her eyes, but instead she saw a w ide sm ile. It w as the
sam e happy face she saw in portraits of her m other at
home. Sadie followed her m other’s gaze to find Richie
jogging toward her across the gym , holding a purple and
white bouquet of flow ers w rapped tightly with a ribbon.
R ichie’s eyes sparkled, and his sm ile gleam ed. He bowed
to his sister and handed her the flow ers as though she
were a queen.

“ But w e ’re losing. How do you know w e ’re going
to w in?” she asked.
“ I don’t,” Richie said. “ It’s not im portant. W hat I know is
you’re like a w hirlw ind on the court, and there is no w ay I am
going to miss my little siste r’s big gam e!” He put his hand
on her shoulder as he said, “ It’s great to have a lot of new
friends, but I realized that yo u ’re m y best friend.”
Sadie sm iled. Those w ords m eant more to her than
“ I’m so rry ” ever could. She rested the flow ers on her lap and
went back out onto the court. Right then Sadie decided to
play the rest of the gam e w ith the bouquet in her lap.
W ith her brother watching from the sidelines, Sadie stole
the ball from an opponent and dribbled her w ay to
the net, m aking the first of w hat would be m any
am azing shots for the team .

Make Connections
Talk about how Richie shows he cares about

m his little sister, Sadie, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n

Whom do you care about in the same way

that Richie cares about Sadie? Explain how
you show you care, t e x t t o s e l f
CCSSj Comprehension Strategy

When you read, picture the characters, key events, and
setting of the story. As you read "Sadie's Game," stop and
visualize events to help you better understand the story.

£§)) Find Text Evidence

After rereadingpage 312 of "Sadie's Game,"I can use thedetails
topicture theevents that aredescribedin thestory.
page 312
R ich ie w as Sad ie’s w hole w orld, and they both loved I visualize Sadie staring
sp o rts, esp ecially basketball. Sad ie loved to play before
her accident, and it w as Richie who had taught her to play
again afterw ard. There had been days when sh e did not
out the windowas her
w an t to g et out o f bed, and he would co a x and bully her
until she g ot up. He even borrowed a w h eelchair him self
brother drives offin
to help her learn to play the gam e all over again. Together
they would roll acro ss the outdoor co urt, zipping,
zoom ing, passing, and dribbling all day long.
his car and her mother
Bu t lately Richie preferred to hang out
with his new high school friend s. Sadie
hugging her. This helps
would w atch through the w indow as
R ich ie polished every little nook o f his me tounderstand
new car. He w as as fussy as a m other
ca t cleaning her kittens. W hen he d rove '
away, Sad ie would keep staring out of
Sadie's feelings.
the window, tears clouding her eyes.
Mama w a s her sun. Her arm s would
reach out and e n circle her in a long, warm
em brace. “Sadie,” she w ould say, "your brother loves you.
Even though he’s got new priorities now, that d oesn’t
mean he d oesn’t care.” Bu t Sad ie felt hurt.

t ovUBosAre,

Reread the last paragraph on page 312 of"Sadie's
Game." Visualize how Richie looks as he jogs to Sadie.
What words in the text help you picture the scene? As
you read, remember to use the strategy Visualize.

Comprehension Skill ■CCSS

Problem and Solution

Identifying the problem and solution in a story can help
you understand the characters, setting, and plot. The
problem is what the characters want to do, change, or find
out. The solution is how the problem is solved.

Find Text Evidence

As I rereadpages 311-312,1can seeSadie has aproblem. I will
list thekey events in thestory. Then I can figure out howSadie
finds asolution.
C h a r a c te rs

Sadie, Richie, Sadie's mother

S e ttin g

A basketball court

Reread "Sadie's Game." Find

two other im portant story
events. Use these events to
identify the solution.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer


Realistic Fiction
"Sadie's Game" is realistic fiction.
Realistic fiction:
• Is a made-up story.
• Has characters, settings and events that could exist
in real life.
• May contain literary elements such as foreshadowing.

Find Text Evidence

I con tell "Sadie's Game"is realistic fiction. First ofall, Sadie is a
character who couldexist in real life. Also, thesetting and events
are believable. Thestoryincludes foreshadowing.
p ag e 312

Richie w as Sa d ie ’s w hole world, and they both loved Foreshadowing Foreshadowing hints
sports, esp e cia lly basketball. Sa d ie loved to p la y before
her accident, and it w as Richie w ho had tau gh t her to play
again afterward. There had been d ays w hen sh e d id not
at what is going to happen without
w ant to g e t o ut o f bed, and he w ould co a x and bully her
until sh e g o t up. He even borrowed a w h eelchair him self giving the action away. When Sadie
to help her learn to play the ga m e all over again. Together
they w ould roll acro ss the outdo o r court, zip p in g,
zoom ing, p assing, and d rib blin g all d ay long.
looks up at her mother and sees
But lately R ichie preferred to h ang out
with his new high sch o ol friends. Sadie her smiling, the author is giving the
w ould w atch through the w indow as
Richie polished every little n oo k o f his
new car. He w as a s fu ssy as a m other
ca t cleanin g her kittens. W hen he drove ]
away, Sa d ie w ould keep starin g o ut o f
the window, tears clo u d in g her eyes.
/ reader a clue that something good is
about to happen.
Mama w as her sun. Her arm s w ould
reach out and e n c ir c le her in a long, warm
em brace. "Sadie," she w ould say, “your brother loves you.
Even th o ugh he’s g o t new priorities now, th at d o e sn ’t
mean he d oesn ’t care.” But Sadie felt hurt.
Sa d ie looked up and saw her co a ch frow ning. She
searched sa d ly for her mother, e xp ectin g d isappointm ent
in her eyes, but instead she saw a w ide sm ile. It w as the
Your Turn
sam e h ap p y face she saw in p o rtra its o f her m other at
home. Sa d ie followed her m o th er’s g a ze to find Richie
jo g g in g tow ard her a cro ss the gym , holding a purple and
w hite b o u q u e t o f flow ers w rap ped tig h tly with a ribbon. Find and list two examples from
Richie ’s eyes sp a rkled , and his sm ile gleam ed. He bow ed
to his sister and handed her the flow ers a s th o ugh she
were a queen.
the story that show that "Sadie's
Game" is realistic fiction.

Similes and Metaphors
A sim ile compares two things by using the words like or as.
A m etaphor is the comparison of two things without using
like or as.
(§)) Find Text Evidence
I seeasimilein thefirst sentenceof "Sadie's Game"onpage311:
"Thereferee's whistle went offlikeashrieking bird...."In this
sentence, thesoundof the whistleis compared toanoisy bird.

The referee’s w histle w ent

off like a shrieking bird,
signaling S ad ie ’s second
foul of the gam e.

Find the similes and metaphors listed below. Tell what is

being compared in each and if it is a simile or a metaphor.
"He was as fussyas amother cat cleaning her kittens,"
page 312
"Mama was her sun," page 312
" though she were aqueen," page 312

Writers use strong openings, or beginnings, to grab a reader's
attention. They do this by using strong verbs and adjectives.
Reread the first paragraph from "Sadie's Game" below.

Ex p ert M odel

Strong Openings
Identify the
he referee’s w histle w ent off like a
adjectives and verbs
shrieking bird, signaling S ad ie’s second
in the story's strong
foul of the gam e. It w as only the first
o pening. What makes
quarter, and Sadie had alread y collided
you want to continue
tw ice with another p layer’s wheelchair.
reading the story?
Her coach w aved her off the court for a
substitution as the crowd shouted
catcalls and jeered behind her. She had
never seen a crowd express such
disappointm ent before.
Editing Marfcs
(~Lj Switch order.

A Add. IB
A Add a comma.

_y Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Maya wrote an opening to her personal SEE Make a capital letter.
essay. Read Maya's revisions to her opening.
Stu d en t M odel
A d je ctive s See page
Putting Other* Fir*t
VS VVt M S S ~ S '• V V S P V

W hat d o e s "success“ really mean?

ASuccess is important.9! think

success does not mean having the

most of everything. Selfish people

4hm£^success by how much money or
A . O
how many friends they haveAI measure

success by how many people 1 have Tell how Maya's opening

Teaching younger
grabs the reader's
helped. -Helpingmy sister-leapfP'to ride
A A attention.
her fnew/shiny/ bike w akes we feel Identify her correct
ordering of adjectives.
great. There are many reasons we \& Explain how Maya's
revisions made her
should help others succeed, but here
b est
opening stronger.
is the fins^sne.

W eekly Concept On the Move

Essential Question
What are some reasons
people moved west?
*1 V JPf >«*•
<■ “ • i!

All through our nation's history, people have

moved west. The pioneers moved west for w
a chance to farm and own land. Prospectors
went west to pan for gold. During the Dust
Bowl years, people moved west in search of
jobs and the hope of a better life.

► What might be some other reasons why

people decided to move west?

► What are some stories that you have read

about people moving west?

Talk About lt)y£

Write some of the words that describe why people
moved west. Talk about what people's hopes may
have been as they began their journey.

Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

(t) Tyler Stableford/The Image Bank/Getty Images; (ct) Richard Ashworth/Robert Harding World Imagery/Getty Images; (cb) Vincent Besnault/Taxi/Getty Images; (b) Jeffrey Murray/Aurora/Getty Images

We watched the dog jum p off the rock

and go plunging into the lake.
W h a t e lse m ight go plunging into
th e w a te r?

prospector prospector carefully panned for

gold in the river.
W h a t a re so m e to o ls th a t a p ro s p e c to r
m ight u se ?

scoffed Tony's sister scoffed at his dream of

becoming an Olympic athlete.
W h a t have you sc o ffe d a t?

Pioneers built many settlements as they
moved west.
W h a t k in d s of buildings m ight you find
in a se ttle m e n t?

shrivel Grapes left in the hot sun will eventually
shrivel up and turn into raisins.
What else will shrivel if it is left out in
the hot sun?

territories The pioneers were awed by the size of

the territories west of the Mississippi.
What did the territories west of the
Mississippi eventually become?

topple The line of dominoes began to topple

» imanpv frt) North Wind/North Wind Picture Archives: (cb) 0J0 Images/Getty Images: (b) Image Source/Corbis
over slowly.
What other things can topple over?

withered A whole field of sunflowers withered

and died during the drought.
In what kind of weather might
something wither?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Tall Tale

Essential Question
What are some reasons
people moved west?

Read about the Kaw family's

journey to settle in Kansas.

I was just a tadpole of a girl when my fam ily decided to

leave the crowded city life behind. My daddy said, "There
are territories out w est w ith wide open spaces. The Kaw
fam ily needs room to grow !"
He was m ostly talking about my big brother. At fifteen,
Johnny had grown so tall that w hen he stretched out in bed
at night his head hung out the front door and his feet hung
out the back door all the way into the chicken coop where
the hens laid eggs betw een his toes.
M ama loaded up the w agon w ith our belongings, and
Daddy hitched up the oxen. We began to head west, but it
w asn't long until Johnny hollered for everybody to stop.
"W e'll never get there w ith these slowpokes pulling us!"
Johnny scoffed. He unhitched the team and put one ox on
each shoulder.
"M ind you don't let them topple off!" Daddy hollered.
"Yes, sir!" Johnny said. "Tadpole can keep an eye on
'em !" He picked me up and set m e on top of his head where
I had to hang on to handfuls of Johnny's red hair to keep
Josee Basaillon

from falling off. Then Johnny grabbed hold of the hitch and
;an pulling the wagon.
He never did have much sense of direction. He pulled
that wagon one way then the other, faster and faster,
digging out the biggest gully you ever saw. The next
night a big rain came and filled it up. I hear that now
they call that crooked gully the Kaw River.
Johnny pulled our w agon to a Kansas settlem ent where
people were trying to figure out how to raise crops. "Problem
is these m ountains," one settler said. "They are in the way."
Johnny said that was no problem. He saw a big cottonwood
tree, used a saw to cut it down, and whittled it into a giant
scythe. Next, he whacked the m ountains off down near the
ground, hauled them west, and piled them up in a big row.
Today folks call them the Rocky Mountains.
Everybody in Kansas was so happy w ith the nice flat
land that they asked us to stay and hom estead w ith them.
We built a sod house and started planting wheat.
Now one summer it was mighty dry. All of
the wheat had started to shrivel up in the field.
Our neighbors came and asked for Johnny's
assistance. "M y crop has about withered
away to nothing," said one neighbor.
"W ithout rain we're done for!"
"I have got an idea," said Johnny,
looking up at some puffy clouds. He
grabbed hold of his big hoe and
commenced poking holes in the clouds.
Josee Basaillon

Down came the rain in buckets,

and the w heat w as saved!
One m orning at the riverbank, M am a was p lunging
our dirty clothes in the w ater to get them clean w hen a
p rosp ector rode up. He said he was headed to California
to find gold. "Trouble is," he said, "th ere's not one decent
trail betw een here and there."
M am a said, "L et me talk to m y son."
Johnny was happy to help. For a w eek he hiked back
and forth to all kinds of places dragging his giant bags
of w heat everywhere, clearing trails of trees, brush, and
boulders. The gold rush folks were tickled to find good
clear paths that they nam ed the Oregon Trail, the Santa Fe
Trail, and the Chisholm Trail.
I'm sure glad our fam ily ended up in Kansas. Our
neighbors tell us that this is a bad place for twisters, but so
far we haven't seen one. I can't w ait, though! Johnny plans
to lasso that twister and ride it like a bucking bronco— and
he's promised his little sister a ride!

. - - . .«• - <- -■ — —. —

Make Connections
Talk about why the Kaw family moved
to Kansas, e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n

If you could move somewhere

new, where would you go? Why?
Co m prehension Strateg y

When you visualize, you use descriptive details from the story
to picture what is happening. As you read "My Big Brother,
Johnny Kaw," visualize the characters and key events to help
you understand, enjoy, and remember the story.

j3)) Find Text Evidence

In thesecondparagraph onpage 325,1readadescription of
howtall Johnny Kawis. This reallyhelps me to visualize him.
page 325
I w as ju st a tadpole o f a girl w h en m y fam ily decided to
leave the crow ded city life behind. M y daddy said, "There
I canpictureJohnny's
are te rrito rie s out w est w ith wide open spaces. The Kaw
fam ily needs room to grow !"
headhanging out the
H e w as m ostly talking about m y big brother. A t fifteen,
Johnny had grow n so tall that w hen he stretched out in f e d
front door andhis feet
at night his head hung out the front door and his f e d ^ ^ ^ S "
out the back door all the w ay into the chicken coop where out the back door. This
helps me understandhow
the hens laid eggs betw een his toes.
M am a loaded up the w agon w ith our belongings, and
Daddy hitched up the oxen. W e began to head west, b u t it
w asn't long until Johnny hollered for everybody to stop.
bigJohnny is.
I "W e'll never get there with these slowpokes pulling us!"
Johnny sco ffe d . H e unhitched the team and put one ox on
each shoulder.
"M ind you don't let them to p p le off!" Daddy hollered.
"Yes, sir!" Johnny said. "Tadpole can keep an eye on
'e m !" He picked m e up and set m e on top o f his head where
I had to hang on to handfuls o f Johnny's red hair to keep
from falling off. Then Johnny grabbed hold o f the hitch and |
began pulling the wagon. I

Your Turn
Read page 326 of "My Big Brother, Johnny Kaw."What
story events can you visualize? As you read, remember
to use the strategy Visualize.
C o m p reh en sio n Skill

Cause and Effect

A cause is an event or action that makes something happen.
An effect is what happens because of the event or action.
Identifying the causes and effects in "My Big Brother, Johnny
Kaw" can help you understand the sequence of story events.

§)., Find Text Evidence

As I rereadpage 325of "MyBig Brother, Johnny Kaw,"I can look
for important cause-and-effect relationships. This will help me
better understand theplot of thestory.
Cause -> Effect

Johnny is The Kaws

extremely decide to
tall. -* move west,
for more
Your Turn
Johnny Johnny pulls
the wagon Reread "My Big Brother,
thinks the
Johnny Kaw." Find more
oxen are -> himself.
examples of cause-and-effect
relationships in the story.
too slowly. Add the information to the
graphic organizer.
Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer
'C C S S Li terature

Tall Tale
"My Big Brother, Johnny Kaw" is a tall tale.
A tall tale:
• Is a type of folktale.
• Features a larger-than-life hero.
• Includes hyperbole.

©y Find Text Evidence

"MyBig Brother, Johnny Kaw”is atall tale. Johnny Kawis a
larger-than-life character. Thestory includes examples of
hyperbole, such as when thenarrator describes her brother.
page 325
Hyperbole is the use of
exaggeration for emphasis. The
detail that Johnny is so tall that
his head hangs out the front
door and his feet reach out the
I w as ju st a tadpole o f a girl w hen m y fam ily decided to
leave the crowded city life behind. My daddy said, "There back door to the chicken coop
are territo ries o u t w est with w ide open spaces. T he Kaw
fam ily needs room to grow !"
H e w as m ostly talking about m y big brother. A t fifteen,
emphasizes Johnny's larger-than-
Johnny had grown so tall that w hen h e stretched out in bed
at night his head hung out the front door and his feet hung life qualities.
out the back d oor all the way into the chicken coop where
the hens laid eggs betw een his toes.
Mam a loaded up the w agon w ith our belongings, and
Daddy hitched u p the oxen. We began to head w est, b ut it
w asn't long until Johnny hollered for everybody to stop. C OVVABO KAf(,
"W e'll never g et there w ith these slow pokes pulling us!"
Johnny sc o ffed . He unhitched the team and p ut one ox on
each shoulder.
"M ind you d on't let them to p p le o ff!" Daddy hollered.
"Yes, s ir!" Johnny said. "Tadpole can keep an eye on
'em !" He picked m e up and set m e on top o f his head where
I had to hang on to handfuls o f John ny's red hair to keep
from falling off. Then Johnny grabbed hold o f the hitch and
the wagon.
Find and list two more examples
that show "My Big Brother,
Johnny Kaw" is a tall tale.

V o ca b u lary Strateg y

Homographs are words that are spelled the same but have
different meanings and origins. Use context clues to figure
out the meanings of the homographs in the story "My Big
Brother, Johnny Kaw."

) Find Text Evidence

When I read the word head in thesecondand thirdparagraphs
onpage 3251can tell it is ahomograph. Both words arespelled
thesame but have different meanings. I will use context clues to
figure out the meanings.

At fifteen, Johnny had grown

so tall that when he stretched
out in bed at night his head
hung out the front d o o r.. . .
We began to head west, but
it w asn't long unti Johnny
hollered for everybody to stop.

Your Turn
Use context clues to find the meanings of the
following homographs in "My Big Brother, Johnny Kaw."
top, page 325
ground, page 326
b ru sh , page 327
Writers vary the length of their sentences within a paragraph
or story to make the story more interesting. Reread the
excerpt from "My Big Brother, Johnny Kaw."

Ex p ert M odel

Vary Sentence One morning at the riverbank, Mama

Types was plunging our dirty clothes in the water
Identify a variety of to get them clean when a prospector rode
sentence lengths up. He said he was headed to California to
in the excerpt. How find gold. "Trouble is," he said, "there's not
does sentence variety one decent trail between here and there."
help the sentences
Mama said, "Let me talk to m y son."
flow naturally from
one to the next? Johnny was happy to help. For a week
he hiked back and forth to all kinds of
places dragging his giant bags of wheat
everywhere, clearing trails of trees, brush,
and boulders. The gold rush folks were
tickled to find good
clear paths that they
named the Oregon
Trail, the Santa Fe
Trail, and the
Chisholm Trail.
Josee Basaillon

Editing Marks
n _ l Sw itch order.

A Add.
A Add a com ma.

y Take out

(sp Check spelling.

Caleb wrote an essay about tall tales. Read E= M ake a cap ital letter.
Caleb's revisions to part of his essay.

Student Model
Grammar,) Handbook^
Articles See page

a n d c y

I love tall tales. They are funny^They

make me laugh. My favorite tall tale is

about Pecos bill because it tells how-s9'
= A
Grand Canyon was created.
Toll tales use lots of detail. For
example, a tall tale about Paul Bunyan

describes him as being so big that he

a O ' Identify the varying
used a pine tree as £ $ toothpick. sentence lengths that
these ^
Caleb included.
A lot of thi^'tall tales were told
A 5 ? Identify the articles that
moving out west
by settlers. I think they helped the Caleb used in his writing.
5 ? Tell how the revisions
settlers feel less afraid as they camped
improved his writing.
out on the wide open plains. Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Weekly Concept Inventions

Essential Question
How can inventions
solve problems?

Go Digital

Have you ever heard the proverb, "Necessity is the mother

of invention"? Inventions are created to solve problems.
For example, the rising price of gas has led auto makers to
develop smaller, more efficient cars that use less gasoline.

► What is a problem that you would like to see solved?

► What kind of invention might solve this problem?

Talk', About; It)

Write words that describe how
inventions solve problem s.Then talk
to a partner about an invention that
you admire.

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

Noah felt dizzy after spinning around

and around on the grass.
What are some things that make you
feel d iz z y ?

m r ,, -
T ...
Tony did
*. ,
an experiment in class to
(t) Ingram Publishing/SuperStock; (ct) Photosindia/Getty Images; (cb) Robert Harding Picture Library/SuperStock; (b) Image Source/SuperStock

determine the acidity of a certain liquid.

Why might scientists do experiments?

Are these two paintings in the museum

genuine or fakes?
What is a synonym for genuine?

The hilarious movie made the audience
laugh nonstop.
What is an antonym for hilarious?
mischief The dog got into mischief and chewed
apart the pillow from the couch.
What kind of mischief might a cat get
into with a ball of yarn?

nowadays Nowadays, many people drive smaller

cars to conserve gas.
Explain why nowadays many people do
not use pay phones.

politician The politician is hoping that the voters

will elect her to the state senate.
Why are voters* opinions important to a

(t) Radius Images/Alamy; (ct) imagebroker/Alamy; (cb) Exactostock/SuperStock; (b) Chris Ryan/OJO Images/Getty Images
procedure j s u r g e o n s followed the hospital
procedure for sterilizing their hands.
Why is it important to follow the steps
in a procedure?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Genre • Biography

Essential Question
How can inventions solve problems?

Read how Stephanie Kwolek invented
a super strong fiber that saves lives.
» ....
Kevlar® is used in protective

vests for police and police dogs.

f you could invent a m aterial for a superhero,

w hat would it be like? It would have to be light, strong,
bullet-resistant, and fireproof, right? Chem ist Stephanie
Kw olek actu ally invented a m aterial just like this. It’s called
Kevlar®. Superheroes don’t w ear it, but everyday heroes

(I) Michael Branscom, courtesy of the Lemelson-MIT Program; (tl) Tom Vickers/Splash/Newscom; (tr) Science & Society Picture Library/Getty Images
like police officers and firefig hters do.

B e co m in g a C h e m ist
From the tim e she was young, Stephanie was interested
in math and science. She w as not the kind of student
who caused m ischief, and she worked hard in school.
Step hanie’s teachers spotted her talent and talked to
her about careers in science. W ith their encouragem ent,
Stephanie studied ch em istry in college. She had hoped to
go on to m edical school but could not afford it.
Consequently, Stephanie took a job w orking at a textile
lab. She planned to save up enough m oney from her job
so that she could pay for m edical school. At the lab, she
discovered that she had a genuine love of chem istry.
She learned how to m ake chain-like m olecules called
polym ers that could be spun into fabrics and plastics.
Stephanie enjoyed doing experim ents so much that
she decided not to go to m edical school.
A Strange Liquid
In 1964, Stephanie’s lab su p ervisor asked her to w ork on
making a strong, stiff fiber. The United States w as facing a
possible gas shortage, and scien tists w anted to help. They
believed that if you could reinforce tires with a lightweight
fiber rather than heavy steel wire, cars and airplanes would
use less gasoline. Stephanie began experim enting by
mixing polym ers. One day, she m ade an unusual solution,
or m ixture. Polym er solutions are often thick like m olasses.
However, this solution w as cloudy and w atery.
Stephanie brought her strange liquid to the w orker
in charge of spinning liquids into fibers. He looked at
Step hanie’s solution and laughed. He thought it was
h ila rio u s that she believed it could be m ade into fiber.
It looked too much like w ater and m ight even clog the
spinning m achine. But Stephanie kept urging him to spin it
until he finally agreed. W hen he followed the p ro ce d u re ,
a strong fiber began to form . Step h an ie’s head spun, and
she felt d iz z y with excitem ent.

1923 1996 1969 1971 1995
Born in New Earned a degree Discovered Kevlar® first Inducted into
Kensington, in chem istry from the fibers m arketed the Inventor's
Pennsylvania C arnegie Mellon for Kevlar®
Stronger than Steel
Stephanie tested the fiber in the
lab and found that it w as fireproof. It
was stronger and lighter than steel,
too. W ith these qualities, she believed
that the fiber could be turned into a
useful m aterial. She w as right. The
material becam e known as Kevlar®.
A fter Stephanie’s discovery, it took
alm ost a decade of team w ork to develop Kevlar®. Som e
people spent hours on the telephone with the patent office.
Others had to think of w ays to use and sell it. Nowadays,
Kevlar® is used by alm ost everyone. The President and other
politicians w ear protective clothing made from it. So do
lum berjacks, firefighters, and police officers. Kevlar® is also
used in tires, bicycles, spacecraft, and skis. By developing
Kevlar®, Stephanie had found a w ay to make protective
clothing and equipm ent that is both light and strong.
Step hanie’s invention has saved m any lives over the
years. She w as inducted into the National Inventors Hall of
Fam e for her work, and her photograph has appeared on a
book cover and in ad vertisem ents for Kevlar®. She says that
she never expected to be an inventor but is delighted that
her w ork has helped so m any people.

Make Connections
What problems did Stephanie's
invention solve? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t io n

What would you make out of Kevlar®?

Explain why. t e x t TO SELF
Com prehension Strateg y

When you summarize, you retell the most important details
in a paragraph or section. To summarize, first identify the
key details and then retell them in your own words. Reread
"Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor" and summarize sections of the
text to make sure you understand them.

p Find Text Evidence

Reread "A Strange Liquid" on page 340. Summarize the most
important details in the section.

p ag e 340

A Strange Liquid Kwolek was asked to

In 1964, Step h anie’s lab su p erviso r asked her to w ork on
m aking a strong, stiff fiber. Th e United Sta tes w a s facing a
possible gas shortage, and scien tists w anted to help. Th ey
make astrong fiber. She
b elieved that if you could reinforce tires w ith a lightweight
fib e r rather than heavy steel w ire, ca rs and airp lanes would
ended up making an
use less gasoline. Step hanie began experim enting by
m ixing p olym ers. One day, she m ade an unusual solution, unusual waterypolymer
solution, which was then
o r m ixture. Po lym er solutions are often thick like m olasses.
However, this solution w as clo u dy and w atery.
Step hanie brought her stran ge liquid to the w orker
in ch arg e o f spinning liquids into fibers. He looked at
Step h anie’s solution and laughed. He thought it w as
spun into astrong fiber.
h ila r io u s that she believed it could be m ade into fiber.
It looked too m uch like w ater and m ight even clog the
spinning m achine. Bu t Stephanie kept urging him to spin it
until he finally agreed. W hen he followed the p ro c e d u r e ,
a strong fib e r began to form . Step hanie’s head spun, and
she felt d iz z y w ith excitem ent.

Your Turn
Reread the section "Stronger than Steel" and summarize
why Kevlar® is useful. As you read other selections,
remember to use the strategy Summarize.

Problem and Solution
Authors use text structure to organize information in a
nonfiction text. Problem and solution is one kind of text
structure. It presents a problem and then explains the steps
taken to solve the problem.

Find Text Evidence

As I reread "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor,"I will identifyproblems
and theactions taken tosolve them. I will also look for words
that signal asolution such as consequently andas a result.
P ro b le m S o lu tio n

Stephanie Consequently,
Kwolek can't she worked
afford to go at a textile
to medical lab to make
school. money.

A co-worker Stephanie
Your Turn
didn't want convinced him
to spin the to do it. Reread "Stephanie Kwolek:
solution into Inventor." Look for other
fiber. problems and solutions.
List them in the graphic

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer
Informational Text

"Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor" is a biography.
A biography:
• Is the true story of a real person's life written
by another person.
• Usually presents events in chronological order.
• May include text features.

m Find Text Evidence

"Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor"is abiography. Thekeyevents in
Stephanie's life arepresentedin theorder that they happened.
Thereare text features such as a time line andphotographs.
page 340 Text Features
A Strange Liquid Time Line Time lines show events in
In 1964, Stephanie's lab supervisor asked her to work on
m aking a strong, stiff fiber. The United States was facing a
possible g a s shortage, and scientists wanted to help. They
the order in which they took place.
believed that if you could reinforce tires with a lightweight
fiber rather than heavy steel wire, cars and airplanes would
use less gasoline. Stephanie began experim enting by Photographs and Captions
mixing polym ers. One day, she m ade an unusual solution,
or mixture. Polymer solutions are often thick like molasses.
However, this solution was cloudy and watery.
Photographs help you picture
Stephanie brought her strange liquid to the w orker^
in charge of spinning liquids into fibers. He looked § information in the text. Captions
Stephanie’s solution and laughed. He thought it v
hila rio us that she believed it could be made iaro fiber.
It looked too much like water and m ight e y m clo g the
provide more information.
spinning machine. But Stephanie kept u jgin g him to spin it
until he finally agreed. W hen he followed the procedure,
a strong fiber began to form. S^ejjranie’s head spun, and
she felt d iz z y with excitement

Your Turn
List two text features that show
that "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor"
is a biography. Explain what you
learned from the features.

____________ V o ca b u lary Strateg y

Greek Roots
Knowing Greek roots can help you figure out the meanings
of unfamiliar words. Look for words with these Greek roots as
you read "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor."
cycl = circular deca = ten
phot = light graph = write
^0)) Find Text Evidence
When I rereadpage 341 in "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor," I see
the wordtelephone. I knowthe Greekroot phon means sound
and the Greekprefix tele- means far off. This will help me figure
out the meaning of the word.

Som e people spent hours

on the telephone with the
patent office.

Your Turn
Use Greek roots to figure out the meanings of the
following words in "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor."
decade, page 341
b icycle s, page 341
p h o to g rap h , page 341

Writers use transition words or phrases to organize a sequence
of events or to move from one idea to another. Reread the
paragraph from "Stephanie Kwolek: Inventor" below.

Expert Model

A fter Stephanie’s discovery, it took
Identify tran sitio n s
alm ost a decade of team w ork to
that connect the
develop Kevlar®. Som e people
sentences. How do
spent hours on the telephone with
these words and
the patent office. Others had to think
phrases connect one
of ways to use and sell it. Nowadays,
idea to the next?
Kevlar® is used by alm ost everyone.
The President and other politicians
w ear protective clothing m ade from
it. So do lum berjacks, firefighters, and
police o fficers. Kevlar®
is also used in tires,
b icycles, sp acecraft,
and skis. By developing
Kevlar®, Stephanie had
found a w ay to make
protective clothing and

-M k equipm ent that is both

light and strong.
- J

Editing Marks
C 7 _l Sw itch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

Take out.

C heck spelling.
Brady wrote an opinion piece. Read Brady's = = M ake a cap ital letter.
revisions to one section of his text.
Grammar; Handbook
^ IH H H H Student Model
A d je ctive s That
Hill 1 == Com pare

The Inter See page 467.

There are lots of good inventions,

but the mternet is the best invention of

= th is
all. I can't imagine living without it.jt is-*'

-afP'amazing invention.
F irs t,
the Internet provides tons of
I use it to do re se a rch .
information. Second, the Internet is
Your Turn

a great communication tool. I keep in Identify transition words

with Finally, and phrases that Brady
touch oft'my cousins using e-mail, the included.
[ 0 Identify adjectives he
Internet is important to schools and
used that compare.
offices. For example, my school post 0 Tell how other revisions
improved his writing.
homework assignments online.

/Purestock/SuperStock; (tc)Nacivet/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (bc)McGraw-Hill Education

o Digitali
Essential Question
What can you discover when
you look closely at something?
Look at a peacock feather and
you see rings of color. Now look
at that same feather under a
microscope, and suddenly it
resembles a pinecone.

What do you discover when

you see an object from far away
and then close up?

► Why do scientists examine things closely?

What would you like to examine

under a microscope?


Write words that describe what

happens when you look closely at
something. Then look at an object
and tell what you see.
W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

The frog is able to cling to the tree

branch because of his long legs.
What is a synonym for cling?

dissolves The tablet dissolves quickly in water.

What does sugar look like when it
dissolves in water?
(t) Paul Bertner/Flickr/Getty Images; (ct); (cb) Gaja Snover/Alamy; (b) Chris Cheadle/Stone/Getty Images

9 r ,t t Y sanc| on t he bottom of his feet

feels gritty.
What other things feel gritty?

humid I like the tropical feeling of the moist,

humid air in the rain forest.
What is an antonym for humid?

magnify y 0(J can m ag n ify a leaf to see its details
L up close.
... How are the words magnify and
W.;* enlarge similar?

microscope j ^ s c je n t js t usec| am icroscope to study

the plant cells.
What would you like to view through
a microscope?

The three penguins like to m ingle and

socialize on the beach.
What is an synonym for mingle?

RF/Alamy; (b) William Stevenson/SuperStock

t y p ic a l
Freezing temperatures in Alaska are
\/ „ r*' m
*s' normal and ty p ic a l for part of the year.
Describe typical weather for your region.

(t) Aliaksandr Mazurkevich/Alamy; (ct) JGI/Blend Images; (cb) Corbis Premium


Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

(t) Norbert Porta Sciencedoku/ScienceFoto/Getty Images; (b)
Genre • Expository

Essential Question
What can you discover when
you look closely at something?

Read about a tool that allows us Compare these

to see everyday objects up close. grains of sugar with the
magnified sugar crystal.

& Ji oes the picture on the left show a diamond or a glass
prism? Look closer. Take a step back. You are too close.
It is a picture of a sugar crystal. This extreme close-
up was taken by an electron microscope, a tool that can
m agnify an item to thousands of times its actual size.
Pictures taken with a high-tech electron microscope are
called photomicrographs. The sugar crystal on the left may
look huge, but the word micro means small. We are seeing a
small part of the sugar crystal up close.
Photomicrography dates back to 1840 when a scientist
named Alfred Donne first photographed images through
a microscope. Around 1852, a German pharmacist made
the first version of a camera that took photomicrographs.
In 1882, Wilson "Snowflake" Bentley of Vermont became
the first person to use a camera with a built-in m icroscope
to take pictures of snowflakes. His photographs showed
that there is no such thing as a typical snowflake. Each is
unique. Nowadays, we have electron micrographs.

Bentley Digital Archives of the Jericho Historical Society/

The light microscopes you use in school are weak and do
not show much detail. An electron microscope is a much more
powerful tool, and it allows scientists to see things we can't see
with our own eyes such as skin cells or dust mites.
The picture below is a close-up of human skin and shows the
detail an electron microscope can capture. The more an image is
magnified, the more detail you will see in the photograph. The
most magnification that a photomicrograph can capture is about
2 million times the original image size.
Magnified images have helped scientists to see what causes
diseases. Over the years, scientists have learned how these
diseases behave. Looking through microscopes, we have even
learned what is inside a cell or how a snowflake dissolves into
a drop of water.
Grill/age fotostoci

This is a human
fingerprint, magnified by
an electron microscope.
(bl) Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd./Corbis; (br) Steve Gschmeissner/Photo Researchers; (b)Tom
When the mold on a strawberry is looked at under
an electron microscope, it resembles grapes.

Scientists use electron micrographs to see how objects change

over time. For example, we can look at a piece of fruit to see
how it decays. First the fruit looks fresh. After a few days it
begins to soften. Then specks of mold appear and cling to it.
Days pass and eventually the fruit is covered in mold. We can
see these changes under the microscope far earlier than we can
see them with just our eyes.
Suppose you m ingle outside on a hum id day with friends.
What would the sweat on your skin look like magnified? The
possibilities are endless if you examine your world up close.

Make Connections
How do electron microscopes help
scientists? e s s e n t ia l q u es tio n

What objects in your classroom would you like

to see under a microscope? text TO SELF
Com preh en sion Strateg y

To summarize a paragraph or a whole selection, retell the key
ideas or details in your own words. Reread "Your World Up
Close" and summarize sections of the text to make sure you
understand them.

Find Text Evidence

Reread the fourth paragraph on page 353. Identify and
summarize the key details in the paragraph.

page 353
It is a p ictu re o f a su g ar crystal. T h is ex trem e clo se-
up w as tak en b y a n electron m icro sco p e, a to ol th at can
In 1882, Wilson Bentley
m a g n ify an item to th ou san d s o f tim es its actu al size. was the firstperson to
Pictu res tak en w ith a h ig h -te ch electro n m icro sco p e are
called p h otom icrog rap h s. T h e su g a r cry stal o n th e le ft m a y
get close-uppictures
lo o k h u g e, b u t th e w o rd micro m ea n s sm all. W e a re see in g a
s m all p art o f th e su g ar cry stal up close.
ofsnowflakes. He used
P h o to m icro g rap h y d ates b ack to 1840 w h en a scien tist
n am ed A lfred D o n n e first p h o to g rap h ed im ag es th ro u g h
acamera attached
a m icrosco p e. A rou n d 1852, a G erm an p h arm a cist m ad e toamicroscope. His
th e first v ersio n o f a cam era th at to o k p h otom icrog rap h s.
In 1882, W ilson "S n o w fla k e " B en tley o f V erm o n t b e c a m ^ ^ photographs showed
th e first p e rso n to use a cam era w ith a b u ilt-in m ic r o s c o p e
to tak e p ictu res o f sn o w flak es. H is p h o to g rap h s sh ow ed each snowflake is
th at th ere is n o su ch th in g as a ty p ic a l sn ow flak e. E a ch is
u n iqu e. N ow ad ay s, w e h av e electro n m icrog rap h s.

Your Turn ■r

Reread page 354 of "Your World Up Close" and

summarize the key details. As you read, remember to
use the strategy Summarize.
C o m p reh en sio n Skill

Authors use text structure to organize information in a
nonfiction text. Sequence is one kind of text structure.
Authors who use this text structure present information in
time order and use words that signal time.

@) Find Text Evidence

Onpage 355 of "Your WorldUpClose,"I readhowfruit decays
over time. I will look for signal words such as first and after.

After a few days it softens

and then mold appears.

More days go by and the

fruit is covered in mold. Your Turn
Reread page 353 of "Your
World Up Close." Fill in your
graphic organizer with details
about the developm ent of

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

Expository Text
"Your World Up Close" is an expository text.
Expository text:
• Gives facts and information about a topic.
• Includes text features.

^0) Find Text Evidence

I can tell that "Your World Up Close"is an expository text. I see
photographs and captions. I also see aseries ofphotos that help
me to understand the text better.
page 355
Text Features
Photographs and Captions
Photographs help to illustrate
information described in the text.
Captions explain the pictures and
add other important information
Scientists use electron micrographs to see how objects change
over time. For example, we can look at a piece of fruit to see about the topic.
how it decays. First the fruit looks fresh. After a few days it
begins to soften. Then specks of mold appear and cling to it.
Days pass and eventually the fruit is covered in mold. We can
see these changes under the microscope far earlier than we can
see them with just our eyes.
Suppose you mingle outside on a humid day with friends.
What would the sweat bn your skin look like magnified? The tOVt-AB0
possibilities are endless if you examine your world up close.

1 Make Connections
How d o e le ctro n m icro sco p e s he lp I Your Turn
scie n tists? e s s e n t ia l q u e s tio n

W hat o b je cts in yo ur cla ssro o m w o u ld yo u like
to see un d er a m icro sco p e ? t e x t t o s e lf \
Find and list two text features in
"Your World Up Close." Tell your
partner what information you
learned from each of the features.

Vocabulary Strategy

As you read "Your World Up Close," you may come across a
word that you don't know. Sometimes the author will use an
anto nym , another word or phrase that means the opposite
of the unfamiliar word.

Find Text Evidence

Onpage 353 of "Your WorldUp Close,"I'mnot sure what huge
means. I can use the wordsmall tohelp me figure out what
huge means.

The sugar crystal on the left m ay look

huge, but the word micro means small.
We are seeing a [small part of the sugar
crystal up close.

Your Turn Norbert Porta Sciencedoku/ScienceFoto/Getty Images

Use context clues and antonyms to find out the

meanings of these words in "Your World Up Close."
u n iq u e, page 353
w e ak, page 354
decays, page 355


Writers use language and a voice that is appropriate for their

audience and purpose. When writing an expository text,
writers use formal language and a formal voice. Reread the
excerpt from "Your World Up Close" below.

Expert Model

Formal Voice The most magnification that a

Identify words and photomicrograph can capture is about 2
phrases that show million times the original image size.
a fo rm al voice.
Magnified images have helped scientists
What information
to see what causes diseases. Over the years,
do these words
scientists have learned how these diseases
and phrases share
behave. Through microscopes, we have
with the reader?
even learned what is inside a cell or how a
snowflake dissolves into a drop of water.
(b) Tom Grill/age fotostock/SuperStock; (br) Clouds Hill Imaging Ltd./Corbis

Editing Marks
l~ LJ Sw itch order.

Writers A


Add a comma.

Take out.

0 C heck spelling.

Leo wrote about an object. Read Leo's = = M ake a cap ital letter.
revisions to one section of his essay.

Student Model (Grammar^ Handbooks

Comparing with

MYSTtRY OBJLCt More and Most

See page 467.

When you use this 4hin$ you
should sure that the object you want

to magnify is small enough to fit

under the lens. A strand of hair or
would work well.
a piece of paper eould be awesomcr
Identify examples of
Focusing careful on the object will formal voice in Leo's
more essay.
show most1detail through the lens. 5^ Identify comparisons
that correctly use more
Some of these tools have powerful and most.
most S f Tell how Leo's revisions
lenses that show the m ere detail of
A improved his writing.
And that is an amazing feat.
all. And that's pretty coofr Co Digital!
A Write online in Writer's Workspace

W eekly Concept Digging Up the Past

Essential Question
How can learning about the past
help you understand the present?

Go Digital!

< * 9
r o w

Archaeologists search for artifacts

that will explain how people lived
long ago. These clues to the past
are a treasure trove of information
about the foundations of our
country and other countries.

► What are some places that

archaeologists look for artifacts?

► Why is learning about the past

important? How can it help us to
understand the present?

Talkj About; It
Write words that describe why the
past is important. Then talk with a
partner about a period of history
that you are interested in learning
about and explain why.

W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

^ h ^ o l° g y The graduate student in archaeology

helped to uncover the ancient temple.

A m '' ^oW does archaeology help us to learn

(t) Franz Aberham/Digital Vision/Getty Images; (ct) Whit Preston/Stone/Getty Images; (cb) David R. Scott/NASA; (b) MICHAEL DONNE/Science Photo Library RF/Getty Images

about the past?

document Helen writes in her diary so she can

document the events of her day.
How might an explorer document
her travels?

The moon landing in 1969, began a new

era of space exploration.
What invention ended the era of the
horse and buggy?

The detectives looked for evidence at
the crime scene.
Why do detectives look for evidence?

The wildlife biologist led an expedition
to explore the rain forest.
What kind of expedition would you
like to lead?

p e rm a n e n t
The pyramids were made of large
stones so they would stay fixed and
4* . d :, ,r' ^
What is a synonym for permanent?
V / J - s i / .. - i S T S S *'r iis s a iii

(t) Brian Bailey/Taxi/Getty Images; (ct) Adrian Pope/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (cb) Digital Vision/Getty Images; (b) Gianni Giansanti/Sygma/Corbis
I can see a tremendous number of stars
in the sky tonight.
What is an antonym for tremendous?

What did you uncover when you

cleaned the old painting?
What might you uncover if you lift up
a big rock by a pond?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three questions
for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Ed George/National Geographic/Getty Images

Essential Question
How can learning about the past
help you understand the present?

Read about the Jamestown settlement

The building of the Jamestown
settlement in 1607

Take a tour of Jamestown, Virginia,

the birthplace of America.
hey thought they w ere lost. first successful, permanent
T TheSusan Constant,
Godspeed, Discovery
and the
the English settlem ent in the
New W orld.
had sailed from London,
England, on D ecem ber 2 0 ,1 6 0 6 . The Struggle to Survive
The expedition was bound for There is a proverb that says,
Virginia, carrying 144 people. “ Ignorance is bliss.” In the case
Finally, on April 26,1607, the of the 104 men and boys who
ships sailed into C hesapeake cam e ashore, this w as true. They
Bay. In the w ords of one voyager, were faced w ith tremendous
they found “fair m eadow s and challenges. The w ater from the
goodly tall trees.” On an island Ja m e s R iver w as not safe to
in a river, they built a fort and drink, and food w as scarce. Two
named it after their king, Jam e s. w eeks after the settlers arrived,
Jam esto w n would becom e the 2 0 0 Indians attacked them.
John Sm ith,
an experienced
m ilitary man,
becam e head
of the colony
in 1608. He had
been in charge
of finding local
tribes willing to
sw ap food for
English copper
and beads. Smith The w estern C hesapeake
was tough with both the Indians area w as ruled by Chief
and Englishm en. “ He that will Pow hatan, who governed an
not work, shall not eat,” he told em pire of 14 ,000 Algonquian-
the colonists. Smith knew that an speaking peoples. His daughter
attitude of every man for him self Pocahontas becam e an useful
would endanger the colony. friend and ally to Jo h n Sm ith.

The Real-Life Pocahontas

rincess M atoaka was born around 1595. Her father,
P Chief Powhatan, called her Pocahontas. She saved
(t) PoodlesRock/Corbis; (b) W. Langdon Kihn/National Geographic Society/Corbis

John Sm ith's life twice, and he wrote that Pocahontas's

"w it and spirit" were unequaled.
Pocahontas married a planter named John
Rolfe, the first marriage in that era betw een an
Englishm an and a Native Am erican woman.
Rolfe, Pocahontas, and their son visited
London. She never returned h om e-
she fell ill aboard a ship bound for
Jam estown in M arch 1617 and died

laware Map of Settlement of Virginia

1 60 7 -1 7 0 0


Virginia Virginia *■■■ Immigration (English, • Village
French, Italians, Poles, ■ Fort
and Africans)
entucky Jamestown ▲ Indian
Extent of European Reservation
Settlement, 1700
★ Capital
North Carolina

Taking a Closer Look

rchaeologists digging in
A Jam esto w n have discovered
Indian artifacts along with
English ones, evidence that
Indians lived in the fort for som e
tim e. “ It must have been a very
close relationship,” says W illiam
Kelso, an expert in colonial
Am erican archaeology.
Dr. William Kelso working on the
Kelso has worked for 10 years archaeological dig in Jamestown
to document this site. His team
has m anaged to uncover more Make Connections
than 1 million artifacts and has Talk about what (t) Mapping Specialists; (cr) Courtesy of APVA Preservation Virginia

m apped out the fo rt’s shape, its archaeologists have found

foundations, and a burial ground. at the Jamestown site.
Jam esto w n left a record ESSENTIAL QUESTION
of greed and war, but it was
What would you have liked
also the start of representative
to ask John Smith about
governm ent. The settlers gave
Jamestown? t e x t t o s e l f
A m erica a solid foundation to
build upon.
Co m prehension Strategy

To summarize, retell the key ideas or details briefly in your
own words. Reread "Where It All Began"and summarize
sections of the text to make sure you understand the
important information.

Find Text Evidence

Reread the sidebar "The Real-Life Pocahontas" on page 368.
Summarize the most important details.

page 368
not work, shall not eat,” he told
the colonists. Smith knew that an
empire of 14,000 Algonquian-
speaking peoples. His daughter,
Pocahontas was afamous
attitude of every man for himself
would endanger the colony.
Pocahantas became a useful
friend and ally to John Smith. NativeAmerican woman.
The Real-Life Pocahontas She was thedaughter
rincess M ato aka w as b o m around 1595. H er father,
C h ief Pow hatan , c alled h er Pocahontas. Sh e saved
of ChiefPowhatan and
John S m ith 's life tw ice, and he w rote th at Pocah ontas's
"w it and s p irit" w ere u n equaled.
Pocah ontas m arried a plan ter n am ed John
savedJohn Smith's life
R olfe, the first m arriage in th at era b etw een an
E nglishm an a nd a N ativ e A m erican w om an.
twice. She was thefirst
R olfe, P ocah ontas, a nd th eir so n visited
Lond on. Sh e n ev er returned hom e—
sh e fell ill a board a ship b ou n d for
NativeAmerican woman
Jam estow n in M arch 1617 and died.
tomarry an Englishman.

Your Turn
Reread the section "Taking a Closer Look" on page 369
of "Where It All Began." Summarize the most important
details. As you read other selections, remember to use
the strategy Summarize.

Comprehension Skill

Text structure is the way authors organize and present
information in a selection. Sequence is one kind of text structure.
Authors present key events in the order in which they
happened. Look for dates and words that signal time.

Find Text Evidence

When I rereadpage 367of "WhereIt All Began,"I can look for
dates andsequence words such as finally, next and later, to
understand the order of theevents in the text.

Three ships sailed from Look for words

London in 1606. that signal time.

Your Turn
Reread "The Real-Life
Pocahontas" on page 368.
List the key events you find
in time order in your graphic

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

Informational Article
"Where It All Began" is an informational article.
An informational article:
• Is nonfiction.
• Provides information and facts about people,
places, and things.
• May include text features.

j§ ) Find Text Evidence

"Where ItAll Began"is an informational article. It gives facts
about the history ofJamestown and thepeople who lived there.
Thearticle also has text features including amap andasidebar.

attitude of every man for himself Pocahantas became a useful

would endanger the colony. friend and ally to John Smith.
Text Features
Sidebar Sidebars contain
_ additional information.
Map Maps show a specific
geographical area.

Reread "Where It All Began." Find

two text features and tell what
Taking a Closer Look information you learned from
A rchaeologists digging ir
Jamestown have discovered
each feature.
Indian artifacts along with
English ones, evidence that

Proverbs and Adages
Proverbs and adages are short sayings or expressions that
have been used for a long time and express a general truth
Every culture has them. Look for context clues to help you
figure out the meanings of proverbs and adages.

p Find Text Evidence

In thesection "TheStruggle toSurvive"on page 367of "Where
ItAll Began,"I see theproverb ignorance is bliss. Thephrases
tremendous challenges, food was scarce, and attacked them
help me tofigure out what theproverb means.

There is a proverb that says, “ Ignorance is blisc ”

In the case of the 104 men and boys who cam e
ashore, this w as true. They were faced with
trem endous challenges. The w ater from the
Ja m e s River w as not safe to drink, and food
w as scarce. Two w eeks after the settlers
arrived, 2 0 0 Indians attacked them.

Your Turn
Use context clues to determine the meanings of the
proverbs and adages below from "Where It All Began.'
North Wind Picture Archives

He that will not work, shall not eat, page 368

Everyman for himself, page 368

An informational article often ends with a strong conclusion
that sums up the main idea of the article. Reread the excerpt
from "Where It All Began" below.

Exp ert M odel

Jam esto w n left a record of greed
and war, but it also w as the start of
Identify the
representative governm ent. The settlers
gave A m erica a solid foundation to
statement that
build upon.
sums up the main
idea of the article.
Editing Marks
r i_ j Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Ellen wrote an article about Sybil Ludington. = Make a capital letter.
Read Ellen's revisions to a section of her article.
Grammar^ Handbook
Stu d en t M odel
Comparing with
Good and Bad
a See page 467.

You know all about Paul Revere,

but have you ever herd of Sybil

Ludington? She was only 16 years

old, but she did the same thing

and rode twice as far! many people

thought it was for a girl to

Your Turn m
A 5 ? Identify the strong
ride alone at night, but Sybil did a concluding sentence.
0 ” Identify where Ellen
good thing that night and save many
used good and bad.

lives. Sybil Ludington was

\&Tell how other revisions
improved her writing.
a true american patriot!
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Once a word leaves yout mouth, %
l\v2. i . , $/»///
you cannot chase it back
eVen with the swiftest horSe.

The Big Idea

How can you build on w hat cam e before?
W eekly Concept Old and New

Essential Question
How do traditions connect
Stories, music, and dance are all part of a person's
cultural tradition and history. Cultures preserve their
traditions by teaching them to the next generation.
Keeping cultural traditions alive helps to connect the
past to the present.

► What do you think the man in the photo is doing?

► Why is it important to preserve our traditions?

► What are some traditions that you enjoy?

Talk' About; It
Write words that describe
different traditions. Then
talk to your partner about
your favorite tradition.
W ords to Know _

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

ancestors My grandmother showed me a

picture of my great-grandparents
and other ancestors.
Who are some of your ancestors?

(t) Imagebroker/Alamy; (ct) Image Source/Corbis; (cb) U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Desiree N. Palacios; (b) Barry Austin/Digital Vision/Getty Images

Tony liked most vegetables, but he

despised carrots.
W hat is an antonym fo r d e sp ised ?

The wheelchair racers had the strength
and endurance to finish the 20 mile race.
W hy is it important fo r a marathon
runner to have endurance?

The team had to forfeit the game when
six players failed to show up.
W hat is a synonym fo r fo rfeit?

honor One way we honor our flag and country
is to say the Pledge of Allegiance.
On V e te ra n s D a y w hat a re som e w ays
th a t we honor our v e te ra n s?

intensity The lion roared loudly and with

great intensity.
D e s c r ib e a tim e when you did an activity

Publishing/SuperStock; (bc)Jamie Grill/Photographer's Choice/Getty Images; (b) Dennie Cody/Workbook Stock/Getty Images
with intensity.

irritating founc| t ^e |ouc| buzzing of the

alarm very irritating.
W h a t a r e som e th in g s th a t you m ight
d e s c r ib e a s irrita tin g ?

retreated The turtle retreated back into its shell

when it sensed danger.
W h a t is an antonym fo r re t re a t e d ?

(t)donna day/Big Cheese Photo/Corbis; (tc)©lngram

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Sh ared Read Genre • Historical Fiction

Essential Question
How do traditions connect people?

Read how a brother and sister are

reunited after many years apart.
*ww :

,hief Cam eahw ait looked with intensity across the

Shoshone cam p. The tribe prepared for the Rabbit Dance
as w arriors oiled their leather costum es. The dance was
done to honor the rabbit as an im portant food source.
The Shoshone had used traditions such as this dance
since the beginning of tim e to m ark special o ccasio n s and
rem em ber their ancestors.
In the distance laughing children were playing w ith a
ball m ade from rawhide. They rolled the ball into a circle
drawn in the dust. If the ball rolled outside the circle, the
child must forfeit his or her turn. Cam eahw ait sm iled as
he rem em bered the gam es he had played as a child.
But C am eahw ait grim aced beneath his sm ile. He felt
a dull pain in his stom ach for his little sister. She had
been snatched from the cam p during a raid long ago. He
d esp ised those who had taken her. He closed his eyes
and pictured the gam es they had played together. She
had been scraw n y and dem anding and had an irritating
habit of following him everyw here, he rem em bered. He
m issed her assertive m anner and her constant questions.
W hat had becom e of her?

“ It is tim e to ride,” Haw k-That-Soars said, interrupting
his thoughts. C am eahw ait cam e back to reality, turned, and
m ounted his horse.
A man named Captain Lew is had approached the
Shoshone days before. C am eahw ait knew that Lew is had
com e in peace, and so he welcom ed him and his party.
Lew is told the Shoshone his story. He explained that he was
part of a com pany with a m ission: he w as to explore the
land that stretched from the Missouri R iver to the great
ocean. He then asked the chief for a favor. He explained
that the rest of his party w as w aiting at the river
with a supply boat. Lew is needed the strength and
endurance of the Shoshone horses to help transport
the supplies across the difficult land. In return Lewis
offered the Shoshone food and other goods.
C am eah w ait’s party arrived at Le w is’s cam p.
There he met Captain Clark.
“ Le t’s sit and discuss how we may help each
other,” said Clark. He led the men inside a large
tent. Buffalo blankets were spread all around.
As they settled inside, Lew is addressed
the chief. “We travel with a wom an who
knows your language.”
A slender wom an with long, dark
braids entered the tent. Her eyes
adjusted to the dim light filtered
through the thick cloth. She
nodded to the chief. “ I am
S acag aw ea,” she said.
David McCall Johnston
Cam eahw ait could not believe his eyes! He exam ined the
features of her face. He w atched as her expression slow ly
changed. He im m ediately knew this w as the sam e sw eet
face of his lost sister.
Sacag aw ea q u ickly ran to him. Tears filled her dark eyes.
The pain and sadness that C am eahw ait had carried over the
years re tre a te d to a forgotten place.
“ My brother!” she cried. “ Is it really you? How long has
it been?”
Lew is and Clark w ere happy to have been unwitting
partners in this reunion. C hief C am eahw ait prom ised them
he would provide w hatever help and resources they needed.
“You have given me a great gift,” C am eahw ait told them.
“You have reunited me with m y beloved sister. Our people
will sing and tell stories so that all may rem em ber and
honor this day for generations to com e.”

Make Connections
, How do traditions and the past
connect the chief and his sister?

What traditions do you honor in

your family? t e x t t o s e l f
Comprehension Strateg y

When you read historical fiction, you may come across new
information or unfamiliar ideas. As you read "A Surprise
Reunion," stop and reread any difficult sections of the text to
make sure you understand them and remember key details.

Find Text Evidence

You may not be sure what a Rabbit Dance is and why it is
part of the Shoshone culture. Reread the first paragraph of "A
Surprise Reunion"on page 383.

p ag e 383

I readthat the Rabbit

Dance is aShoshone
Ahief Cameahwait looked with intensity across the
tradition that honors the
Shoshone camp. The tribe prepared for the Rabbit Dance
as warriors oiled their leather costumes. The dance was
done to honor the rabbit as an important food source.
rabbit as an important
The Shoshone had used traditions such as this dance
since the beginning of time to mark special occasions and
foodsource. I can infer
remember their ancestors.
In the distance laughing children were playing with a fromthis that the
ball made from rawhide. They rolled the ball into a circle
drawn in the dust. If the ball rolled outside the circle, the
child must forfeit his or her turn. Cameahwait smiled as
Shoshone have aclose
he remembered the games he had played as a child.
But Cameahwait grim aced beneath his smile. He felt
connection tonature.
a dull pain in his stomach for his little sister. She had
been snatched from the camp during a raid long ago. He

Your Turn
What do Lewis and Clark need from Chief Cameahwait?
Reread "A Surprise Reunion" to find out. As you read,
remember to use the strategy Reread.

The theme of a story is the overall message or lesson that an
author wants to communicate. To identify the theme, think
about what the characters do and say and how they change.

)) Find Text Evidence

When I readpage 383,1learn that ChiefCameahwait is thinking
about his younger sister who was snatched in araid. He misses
her. I think these details areclues to thestory's theme.
D etail
Pay attention to the
Watching the children
characters' thoughts
playing reminds Chief
and feelings.
Cameahwait of his sister.

D etail

Chief Cameahwait feels pain at

the loss of his sister. Your Turn
Reread "A Surprise Reunion."
What other details give clues
about the theme? List them
in the graphic organizer.
Use the details to figure
out the theme.

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Historical Fiction
The selection "A Surprise Reunion" is historical fiction.
H isto rical fic tio n :
• Takes place in the past.
• Includes realistic characters, events, and settings.
• May include real people and actual events.
• Includes dialogue.

§ )j Find Text Evidence

"ASurprise Reunion"is historical fiction. I knowthat Chief
Cameahwait and Sacagawea are real people. Thedialogue is
fictional since theauthor couldnot knowwhat was saidduring
themeeting between Chief Cameahwait andSacagawea.
page 385
Cameahwait could not believe his eyes! He examined the Dialogue Dialogue is the words
features of her face. He watched as her expression slowly
changed. He immediately knew this was the same sweet
face of his lost sister. the characters speak in the story.
Sacagawea quickly ran to him. Tears filled her dark eyes.
The pain and sadness that Cameahwait had carried over the Dialogue helps you understand
years retreated to a forgotten place.
“My brother!” she cried. “Is it really you? How long has
it been?”
what the characters are thinking
Lewis and Clark were happy to have been unwitting
partners in this reunion. Chief Cameahwait promised them and feeling.
he would provide whatever help and resources they needed.
“You have given me a great gift.” Cameahwait told them.
“You have reunited me with my beloved sister. Our people
will sing and tell stories so that all may remember and
honor this day for generations to come.”

Your Turn
Make Connections
How do traditions and the past Find and list two examples in
connect the chief and his sister?

What traditions do you honor in

"A Surprise Reunion" that show
your family? text to se lf
it is historical fiction.

V o cab u lary Strateg y

Connotation and Denotation

Connotation is an idea, meaning, or feeling associated with a
word. Denotation is the literal, dictionary definition of a word.

§ ) Find Text Evidence

WhenI readthewordscrawny onpage383in "ASurpriseReunion,"
I knowits connotation differs fromits denotation. Thedenotation
is very thin. The connotation is weak and vulnerable.

She had been scraw n y

and dem anding and
had an irritating habit of
following him everyw here,
he rem em bered.


Identify the connotation and denotation of the

following words from "A Surprise Reunion."
sn atch ed , page 383
a sse rtiv e , page 383
slen d er , page 384
David McCall Johnston

Writers choose strong, descriptive words to make their writing
vivid and interesting. Strong words show the action rather
than tell and help the reader picture what is happening.
Reread the excerpt from "A Surprise Reunion" below.

Ex p ert M odel

Strong Words A slender wom an with long, dark

Identify the strong braids entered the tent. Her eyes
w ords used in the adjusted to the dim light filtered through
excerpt. How do the the thick cloth. She nodded to the chief.
descriptive words “ I am S acag aw e a,” she said.
and phrases help
Cam eahw ait could not believe his
you picture what is
eyes! He exam ined the features of her
face. He watched as her expression slowly
changed. He im m ediately knew
this w as the sam e sw eet face
of his lost sister.
Sacagaw ea quickly ran
to him. Tears filled her
dark eyes. The pain and
sadness that Cam eahw ait
had carried over the
years retreated to
a forgotten place.
David McCall Johnston

Editing Marks
CT-J Switch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y Take out.

0 Check spelling.
Lara wrote about a fam ily tradition. Read = M ake a capital letter.
Lara's revision of one section of her essay.
Student Model

» ItlPEPEtlPEIKE P / I t <■ See page 468.

N Every year on Independence Day,
my fam ily and I go to the p a rk to
^ watch the fireworks display. In
g athers to gaze up at
fact, everyone in town watche#'the

light show. People bring blankets

55 A -oVVABOR^y
s and happily have a picknic under
Your Turn
the stars.
O ' Identify strong words
my family always brings a blanket and descriptions in
Lara's writing.
and some cookies and fruit. The
O ' Identify an adverb
she included.
fireworks reflect beautifuTagainst the
look fo rw ard to
O ' Tell how the revisions
lake. It's something I every year. improved Lara's writing.

Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace
W eekly Concept Notes from the Past

Essential Question
Why is it important to keep a record
of the past?

Go Digital!
For generations, people have come
to America to start a new life. We
know some of their stories through
letters, diaries, and photos that have
survived across centuries.

► What happens when there is no

record of the past?

► What do you know about your own

family history?

Talk About It
Write three words or phrases that
describe why keeping a record of the
past is important. Then talk to a partner
about what you would like somebody to
know about you 100 years from now.
• v-* *
— — —
W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

depicts This painting depicts an important

moment in our nation's history.
What is a synonym for depicts?

detested ^ S jS t e r ^as a |w a y S detested

taking medicine.
What is an antonym for detested?
(t)SuperStock/SuperStock; (tc)McGraw-Hill Education/Eclipse Studios; (bc)B.A.E. Inc./Alamy; (b)TongRo Image Stock/Fotosearch

The discarded, crumpled up paper lay
around the trash can.
What is something that you have

I am the eldest of four children.

What is an antonym for eldest?

obedience The dog had no obedience training and
did not obey his owner's commands.
How are the words obey and
obedience related?

refuge The people took refuge in the bus

shelter during the rainstorm.
What place do you think of as a refuge?

I treacherous The ice and wet snow made the

sidewalks treacherous to walk on.
What is something that could be
described as treacherous?

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Snared Read Genre • Historical Fiction

... f ", •

_ KW*
mr - , • r•*
, ^

■ ■ .^ .

Essential Question
Why is it important to keep
a record of the past?

Read how a boy uses a diary to tell about

his life of freedom in a new place.

•* V
*3 &■* #•*'
,v . *>
:1s■S S
"-'a-/ -
By September of 1754, twelve-year-old Lucius Jackson
and his family had been living at Fort Mose in St.
Augustine, Florida, for a year. They were part of a group
who had escaped from a plantation in South Carolina.
They had heard that Fort Mose was a place of refuge for
runaways. Over the years many people were willing to
endure the treacherous journey there in return for the
promise of freedom. During his time at Fort Mose, Lucius
kept a diary to record what happened there.

* 4

17th September 1754

It H a s been raining for more than a week now. This weather
reminds me o f my dags learning to read and write back in
Charleston. When the rains came we couldn't work in the fields,
and we were forced to stag in the cabins. We knew that Mr.
Slocum, the landowner, detested getting his boots wet so he
rarelg came to check on us. He thought that all we knew were
work and obedience. Miss Celia took a great risk writing letters
and words on the dirt floor of the cabin for as children to learn.
She said that, as the eldest member in our cabin, it was a risk
she was willing to take. Learning to read was easy for me because
I was so happg to learn how to turn letters into words and words
into ideas. I belieue that readiny is a gift that cannot be measured.
Mr. Samuel Canter belieues this, too. He is a farmer who (iues
near us and who yave me this fine diary. He said, "You are doiny
a good thing, Lucius. In years to come people can read about this
place and understand what we hare risked to gain our freedom."
8th October 1154
Last night I got to go on patrol with my father! My duty inuolued
walking along the wall of the fort with him looking and listening for
anything unusual. It has been a while since we came under attack, but
we cannot let down our Cjuard. We also listen for any people who may
be comincj here to seek freedom, as we did about one year ago.
IVhile on patrol I thought about the night my family came to Fort
Mose and how scared but hopeful all of us felt as we entered through
the big heauy gates.
I must stop writing now as it is my turn todaij to help gather palm
fronds, which we lay out in the sun to dry. Once they are dried, they
can be used to repair older huts and to build new ones. Each week
more people come to the fort. Our priest, Father de Las Casas, keeps
the records, and he tells us that there are almost a hundred people now.
26th October 1154
Last week a new family arrived all the way from Virginia and,
like everyone else, they arrived almost starred and weak beyond belief
My mother helped the family by gioing them clean clothes to replace
the ones they had been weariny, and their old ones were quickly
discarded. The day after they arrived, I tried to talk to the boy who
is about my age, but he iynored me.
The next day, I tried again to speak to the boy whose name is W i II.
I showed him this diary and explained that it depicts as accurately
as possible our life at Fort Mose and the people who come here, fie
seemed surprised and asked, "You know how to read and write?"
"Yes," I told him. fie looked at me without speaking, but I could see
a question in his eyes. "Do you want to learn?" I asked him.
"Is it not d a n ye ro u sf he asked quietly, looking around to see if
anyone could hear us.
I smiled, remembering how long it took me to understand freedom
and what it meant.
"Mil," I said to my new friend, "here at Fort Mose, you are free 4
to learn, and I am free to teach you."
We began our lessons right away.

Make Connections
Talk about why diaries like Lucius
Jackson's represent an important record
of the past, essential question

If you could read a diary from any era in

the past, what time period would you
Neil Shiglely

choose? Why? text to self

j C o m prehension Strateg y

When you read historical fiction, you may come across facts
and ideas that are new to you. As you read "Freedom at Fort
Mose/'stop and reread important sections of the text to make
sure you understand them and can remember key details.

^ ) Find Text Evidence

You may not understand why Lucius Jackson is at Fort Mose.
Reread the introduction on page 397.

When I reread, I learn

B y S eptem b er o f 1 754, tw elve-year-old Luciu s Jackson
that thestory takes place
and h is fam ily h ad b een liv in g a t F ort M ose in St.
A ugu stin e, F lorida, for a year. T h ey w ere p art o f a group
in 1754at Fort Mosein
w ho had escaped from a p lan tation in S ou th C arolina.
They had h eard th at F o rt M ose w as a place o f r e fu g e for
runaw ays. O v er the y ears m an y p eople w ere w illing to
St. Augustine, Florida—
endu re the tre a c h e ro u s jo u rn ey there in return fo r the
prom ise o f freedom . D uring h is tim e a t F o rt M ose, Lucius
arefuge for runaway
kep t a d iary to record w h at h app ened there.
slaves. Fromthis I can
17th September 1754 infer that Lucius andhis
It has been raining for more than a week now. This weather
rewinds we of wy days learning to read and write back in
Charleston. When the rains cawe we couldn’t work in the fields,
family came toFort Mose
and we were forced to stag in the cabins. We knew that Mr.
Slocuw, the landowner, detested getting his boots wet so he
toescape slavery.
rarely cawe to check on us. He thought that all we knew were
.M ilk wid.obedience..Miss.Celia took a aregt risk writing letters

cOVVAB0Jf4 ^

Your Turn
Why do Lucius and his father have to go on patrol? Reread
page 398 of "Freedom at Fort Mose" to find out. As you read
other selections, remember to use the strategy Reread.

Comprehension Skill

A story's theme is the main message or lesson that the author
wants to express to the reader. To identify the theme, pay
close attention to the characters'words and actions.

^5); Find Text Evidence

Onpage 397,I learn that Lucius has been keeping adiary about
life at Fort Mose. As I read the first diary entry, I learn that Lucius
feels that reading is agift. These details are clues to the theme.
D etail

Lucius had to learn to read

and write in secret.

D etail

Lucius records events at Fort

Mose in his diary.

D etail
Reread "Freedom at Fort
Lucius writes: "I believe that Mose."What other details
reading is a gift that cannot give clues about the theme?
be measured." List them in the graphic
organizer. Use the details to
i figure out the theme.
Them e

Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Historical Fiction
The selection "Freedom at Fort Mose" is historical fiction.
Historical fiction:
• Takes place in the past.
• Includes realistic characters, events, and settings.
• Usually includes real people and places and may
include events that actually happened.
• Is sometimes told as a series of diary entries.

Find Text Evidence

"Freedomat Fort Mose"is historical fiction. I knowFort Moseis a
real place that existedat that time in history. Lucius Jackson is a
fictional but realistic character who writes in his diary about his
lifeat Fort Mose.
page 398
Diary Entries The story is told
8th October 1754
Last Might I got to go om patrol with wg father! Mg dutg involved through a series of diary entries.
walking along the wall of the fort with hiw looking and listening for
angthing unusual. It has been a while since we cawe under attack, but
we cannot let down our guard. We also listen for ang people who wag
The reader sees the events of the
be cowing here to seek freedom, as we did about one gear ago.
While on patrol I thought about the night wg fawilg cawe to Fort
story through Lucius's eyes.
Mose and how scared but hopeful all of us felt as we entered through
. the big heavy gates.
I wust stop writing now as it is wg turn todag to help gather palw
fronds, which we lay out in the sun to drg. Once they are dried, theg
can be used to repair older huts and to build new ones. Each week
wore people cowe to the fort. Our priest, Father de Las Casas, keeps
the records, and he tells us that there are alwost a hundred people now.

Your Turn
Find and list two specific details
in "Freedom at Fort Mose" that
show you it is historical fiction.

V o cab u lary Strateg y

Homophones are words that sound alike but are spelled
differently and have different meanings. Homophone pairs,
such as their and there, are easily confused. Pay attention to
the way a homophone is used to help figure out its meaning.

) Find Text Evidence

The word heard in the first paragraph onpage 397is a
homophone. The word herd sounds thesame but is spelled
differently and has adifferent meaning. I knowheard means,
"learnedthrough hearing"and herd means, "agroup ofanimals!'

They had heard Ithat Fort

Mose was a piace of re fuye
for runaways.

Your Turn
Look for the following homophones in "Freedom at Fort
Mose." Tell the meaning of the word and then identify
the word's homophone, its spelling, and meaning.

knew , page 397

w e a k , page 399
th e ir, page 399
Neil Shigley

Writers organize story events in a logical way. Sequence words
and phrases help readers understand when story events occur.
Reread the introduction to "Freedom at Fort Mose" below.

Ex p ert M odel

Sequence By September of 1754, twelve-year-old

Identify the
Lucius Jackson and his family had been
sequence words
living at Fort Mose in St. Augustine, Florida,
and phrases.
for a year. They were part of a group who
Flow do these
had escaped from a plantation in South
words help you to
Carolina. They had heard that Fort Mose
understand the
was a place of refuge for runaways. Over
setting of the story?
the years many people were willing to
endure the treacherous journey there in
return for the promise of
freedom. During his time at
Fort Mose, Lucius kept a
diary to record what
happened there.
Neil Shigley

Editing Marks
I“ L J Sw itch order.

A Add.

Add a comma.

y Take out.

c h e c k spelling.

Ben wrote about his new neighbors. Read = = M a k e a capital letter.

Ben's revisions to one section of his essay. / M ak e a lowercase letter.

Student Model
Comparing with
See page 469.

When someone new moves to

the neighborhood, you should try

frien dlier
to be more friend lik^than usual.
F irst,
Introduce yourself. This always
makes someone feel better! A sk the
Your Turn
person where he or she moved from.
ask Identify words Ben used
Then him or her what sports or that show sequence.
? . ° 5 ? Identify examples of
hobbies he or she likes best After
A adverbs that compare.
o ffe r to
talking for a while, show the person 0 " Tell how other revisions
improved Ben's writing.
around the neighboorhood
Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

W eekly Concept Resources

Essential Question
How have our energy
resources changed over
the years?

Go Digital!
The building at left has three wind turbines that help
produce electricity for the building. Wind energy is one
example of a renewable energy source. Oil and gas, or
fossil fuels, are nonrenewable energy sources. Once they
are used up, they are gone forever.

► What is another example of a renewable energy source?

► Why is it important to develop new energy sources?

Write words you have learned

about energy resources. Talk
with a partner about what you
can do to help conserve energy.
Words to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

coincidence It was a coincidence that Eric bumped

into his friend Tom at the fair.
What kind of coincidence have you
(t) KidStock/Blend Images/Getty Images; (ct) Ingram Publishing; (cb) Martin Shields/Photo Researchers/Getty Images; (b) Jack Hollingsworth/Photodisc/Getty Images

consequences The consequences of too much rain can

be flooded roads and fields.
What are some consequences of not
doing your homework?

This kind of car will consume less fuel
because it uses less gas than a larger car.
What do people consume?

converted We converted the classroom into a

science lab.
What is a synonym for converted?

efficient The efficient plumber got the job done
quickly and easily.
W hat is an efficient way for you to get
to school?

incredible We saw an incredible thunderstorm .

W hat have you seen that is incredible?

(t) Andrew Howe/Photodisc/Getty Images; (ct) R. Morley/PhotoLink/Getty Images; (cb)TongRo Image Stock/Alamy; (b) SW Productions/Photodisc/Getty Images
installed The town installed new playground
equipm ent in the park.
W hat is a synonym for installed?

renewable When my library card expired, the

librarian told me it was renewable.
W hat is something that is not

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three questions
for your partner to answer.

Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

■ ■ ■ fl
Genre • Narrative Nonfiction

Essential Question
How have our energy resources
changed over the years?

Read about a classroom debate

over energy resources.
Our energy debate will be an incredible event, but I
need to study. Our teach er w on’t tell us w hich side of the
debate w e ’ll be on until the day before it happens, which
means w e ’ll have to preplan argum ents for both sides.
The debate will be next Tuesday and will include
a discussion about different energy sources. Each team
will have a m icrophone. One team will talk about the
benefits of an energy source, and the other team
will talk about its draw backs. W e’ll have to learn
about the environm ental consequences related
to each resource, as well as the costs.

(bkgd) Echo/Cultura/Getty Images; (t) Reggie Casagrande/Photographer's Choice RF/Getty Images; (b) Erik Isakson/Blend Images/Getty Images
What Is Energy? We m ay be asked to debate the
Energy is the ability future of gasoline as an energy source.
to do work or make a If so, I would say that gasoline is made
change. It also is a source
from oil, a fossil fuel. A ccording to
of power for making
electricity or doing geologists, fossil fuels form ed over
mechanical work. We use hundreds of millions of years from
the wind, the sun, fossil ancient plant and animal rem ains. But
fuels, and biofuels to
here’s the problem : we use these fuels
produce energy. Burning
coal produces heat energy far faster than it takes them to form .
that is converted into B ecause fossil fuels are nonrenewable
electrical energy. We use
resources, if we keep using them
that energy to light our
houses. Solar energy eventually there will be none left. Plus
comes from the sun. Solar burning these fuels pollutes the air!
panels convert sunlight
It is easy to be hypercritical of fossil
into electrical energy.
fuels. However, most of our cars and
facto ries use this typ e of fuel, and
therefore changing everything would
be a huge undertaking.
If we are asked to debate the use of wind energy, we
would have to know that this is a renewable energy source.
For exam ple, unlike fossil fuels, wind will never run out.
One large wind turbine could produce enough energy for
a w hole city! In addition, this m ethod do esn’t dam age the
environm ent. Turbines can be placed all over the world to
capture wind energy. Then the energy from the turbines is
converted into electrical energy. But there is a draw back.
W ind m ay not be as efficient as other energy sources. Only
about 30 or 4 0 percent of all wind energy is changed into
electricity. It would be very expensive to have wind turbines
installed all over the world.
This debate is im portant for people in the United States.
Our country m akes up only about 5 percent of the entire
w o rld ’s population. Yet we consum e about 3 0 percent of
the w o rld’s energy. It is not a coincidence that students are
asked to take part in these debates. We will probably have
to m ake these decisions when we are adults. The debate

(bkgd) Echo/Cultura/Getty Images; (b) Hal Bergman/Photodisc/Getty Images; (bl) Livio Sinibaldi/Digital Vision/Getty Images
will be difficult, but I will be ready!

Make Connections
How might our dependence on
fossil fuels change in the future?

What can you do to help save

energy resources? t e x t t o s e l f
Com prehension Strateg y

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read an informational text, you may come across
new information. Asking questions about the text and
reading to find the answer can help you to understand new
information. As you read "The Great Energy Debate," ask and
answer questions about the text.

^§) Find Text Evidence

When you first read "The Great Energy Debate," you may have
asked yourself why the narrator said on page 411 that the
students had to "preplan arguments for both sides."

page 411

Our energy debate will be an in cred ib le event, but I

The text says the teacher
need to study. Our teacher won’t tell us which side of the
debate we’ll be on until the day before it happens, which wouldn't tell which side of
means we’ll have to preplan arguments for both sides.
The debate will be next Tuesday and will include the issuestudents would
bedebating. Therefore, I
a discussion about different energy sources. Each team
will have a microphone. One team will talk about the
benefits of an energy source, and the other team
will talk about its drawbacks. We’ll have to learn
about the environmental co nseq u ences related inferred that thestudents
to each resource, as well as the costs.
had tostudypros and
cons for each side.


M M .

Reread "The Great Energy Debate" to ask and answer

questions of your own. As you read, remember to use
the strategy Ask and Answer Questions.

Comprehension Skill [ccss

Main Idea and Key Details

The main idea is the most im portant idea or point that an
author makes in a paragraph or section of text. Key details
give im portant information to support the main idea.

Find Text Evidence

When I rereadthe firstparagraph of "The Great Energy Debate"
onpage 412,1can identify the keydetails. Next I can think about
what those details have in common. Then I can figure out the
main idea of thesection.
Main Idea

If we keep using fossil

fuels, eventually there will
be none left.

D etail

Fossil fuels take hundreds of

millions of years to form.

D etail

We use fossil fuels faster than Reread the first paragraph on

it takes them to form. page 413. Find the key details
and list them in your graphic
D etail
organizer. Use the details to
Fossil fuels are nonrenewable
determine the main idea.
Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer


Narrative Nonfiction
"The Great Energy Debate" is narrative nonfiction.
Narrative nonfiction:
• Tells a story.
• Presents facts and information about a topic.
• Includes text features.

Find Text Evidence

I can tell that "The Great Energy Debate"is narrative nonfiction.
It tells astory about students preparing for adebate while
providing facts about energysources. It also has text features.
page 412

What is Energy? 3 may be asked to debate the

3 of gasoline as an energy source.
Text Features
Energy is the a b ility
to do w o rk o r m ake a
change. It also is a source
s made
I. According t
Sidebars Sidebars provide more
o f power fo r m aking
geologists, fossil fuels formed over
electricity or doing
m echanical w o rk. We use hundreds of millions of years from information to help explain the
the wind, the sun, fossil ancient plant and animal remains. But
fuels, and biofuels to
produce energy. Burning
coal produces heat energy
here’s the problem: we use these fuels
far faster than it takes them to form.
topic. Sidebars are read after the
that is converted into Because fossil fuels are nonrenewable
electrical energy. We use
th a t energy to lig ht our
resources, if we keep using them main part of the text.
houses. Solar energy eventually there will be none left. Plus
comes from the sun. Solar burning these fuels pollutes the air!
panels convert sunlight
in to e lectrical energy.
It is easy to be hypercritical of fossil
fuels. However, most of our cars and
factories use this type of fuel, and
therefore changing everything would
be a huge undertaking.

Find and list two text features

in "The Great Energy Debate."
Explain what you learned from
each feature.

V o ca b u lary Strateg y

Latin and Greek Prefixes

A prefix is a word part added to the front of a word to change
its meaning. Some prefixes come from Latin, such as:
non- = not pre- - before
Other prefixes come from Greek, such as:
hyper- = excessively bio- = life
Find Text Evidence
In "The Great Energy Debate,"I see the word biofuels onpage
412. Bio- is a Greekprefix that means "life." So biofuels are fuels
that come fromliving things.

e wind,
I fuels,
produce energy.

Your Turn
Use your knowledge of prefixes and context clues to find
the meanings of the words in "The Great Energy Debate."
p rep lan , page 411
n o n ren ew ab le, page 412
h y p e rcritica l, page 412
Word Choice

Writers use transition words to organize a sequence of events

or to move from one idea to another. Reread the excerpt
from "The Great Energy Debate" below.

Ex p ert M odel

Transitions If we are asked to debate the use of

Identify the wind energy, we would have to know that
transitions. How do this is a renewable energy source. For
the tra n sitio n w ords exam ple, unlike fossil fuels, wind will never
help the reader run out. One large wind turbine could
move from one idea produce enough energy for a w hole city!
to another? In addition, this m ethod doesn’t dam age
the environm ent. Turbines can be placed
all over the world to capture wind energy.
Then the energy from the turbines
is converted into electrical
energy. But there is a
draw back. W ind may
not be as efficient as
other energy sources.
Only about 30 or 4 0
(br) Livio Sinibaldi/Digital Vision/Getty Images

percent of all wind

energy is changed
into electricity.

Editing Marks
C "l_j Sw itch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

_^ T ake out.

Check spelling.

Kim wrote about saving energy. Read Kim's = = M a k e a capital letter.

revisions to a section of her essay. / M a k e a lowercase letter.

Student Model
Gra mmarj Hand book
N egatives See page

I can't live withoutm^electricity at

For example,
home. I need it to turn on the lights and
to run my computerJ think we should

save energy as much as possible.

In addition.
Wasting energy can be expensive. 0ur
Your Turn
resources are running out! We should
0 Identify transitions that
not still ne^be relying on fossil fuels. We
Kim included.
need to learn more about alternative 0 Identify the correct use
of a negative.
sources of energy such as solar powerA [ 0 Tell how revisions
) improved Kim's writing.
wind power, and hydropower.

W eekly Concept Money Matters

Essential Question
What has been the role of
money over time?

Go Digital!
(bkgd) Stephen Mallon/Taxi/Getty; (tr) John Lund/Blend Images LLC
L i L h # m l X #

Do you have a dollar bill? That dollar can be exchanged for

any number of things. Centuries ago, people had to barter,
or trade, for the goods and services that they wanted.

► What are the different ways that we use money?

► How do you think we will pay for things in the future?


Write words that tell how money is

used. Then discuss what you think
money will look like in the future.

' ; -- .

' -■-‘v

tv’C L
^ . r f t . ■>
W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

currency I exchanged American money for foreign

currency at the bank.
What kind of currency do we use in the
United States?
(t) Smith Collection/lconica/Getty Images; (ct) JLP/Jose L. Pelaez/Corbis; (cb) Brand X Pictures/Getty Images; (b) SHASHIN KOUBOU/amanaimagesRF/Getty Images

Bartering is a system of economics where
people trade one thing for another.
What can you learn about economics by
opening a lemonade stand?

Sarah is an entrepreneur who started
her own dog walking business.
If you became an entrepreneur, what
business would you start?

The Internet is a global electronic
network that connects people around
the world.
How is local different from global?


invest Victoria wants to invest more of her

allowance in her stamp collection.
What is another thing you might invest
money in?

marketplace | _a u r e n and her moth er visited the

marketplace to buy fresh vegetables.

(t) Vasiliki Varvaki/Photodisc/Getty Images; (ct) Randy Faris/Corbis; (cb) Picturenet/Blend Images/Getty Images; (b) Compassionate Eye Foundation/Robert Kent/Digital Vision/Getty Images
What else can people buy at a

merchandise The clothing shop's merchandise

includes dresses, skirts, and tops.
What kind of merchandise is sold in an
electronics store?

transaction The man gave his credit card as part of

the transaction to pay for his breakfast
What might someone use as money
during a transaction on the Internet?

Pick three words. Write three

questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary

Shared Read Genre • Expository

Essential Question
What has been the role of
money over time?

Read about the history of money. A painting of a

commercial center in
Beijing, China, in 1840
I w hat makes money valuable? If you think about it, a
dollar bill is only a piece of paper. You cannot eat, wear, or
live in a dollar bill. So why do people want it? Think about
the proverb, "Money doesn't grow on trees." Money is
considered valuable because it is hard to get.

Imagine you're a goat herder visiting a marketplace
in China in 1200 B.C. The merchandise being sold
around you ranges from cattle to tools. Suppose you need
to purchase a piece of rope. How will you pay for it? The
goats you own are your sole source of income so you
would not want to trade a goat for the rope. The goat is too
valuable! Instead, you might trade goat milk for the rope.
This system of economics is called bartering. But what if
the rope merchant does not want goat milk?

Early Currency
No need to cry over spilt milk. Luckily, you sold
some goat milk earlier in the day in exchange for ten
cowrie shells, the first system of currency in China.
You hand two cowrie shells to the rope merchant and put the
rest in your pocket. This is a much easier way to buy and sell
things. Cowrie shells are lightweight, durable, and easier to
take with you than a goat. The idea of currency is catching
on around the world in Thailand, India, and Africa.
You decide to save your extra shells until you have
enough to invest in another goat. You will be spending
cowries with the expectation that another goat will pay off
later since you can drink or sell the milk it produces. Taking
this type of business risk makes you an entrepreneur.
! 1
This painting
shows a scene
from a typical Li fd r -E- ■p/tA y V
T,uI ■
• i

19th century
Italian market
Writ : jljUl
tU !
Will It WmMI; iB'M:
W l|
E H0 t
"vV- SM mW

ffQ'; C..:/
W r i

G lo ssa ry o f
M o n ey T erm s
Trading by exchanging food,
services, or goods instead of
New Kinds of Currency using money.
If you were at a marketplace
CURRENCY (KUR-uhn-see)
in Rome around 900 B.C., you Any form of money that is used
might have used salt as a form of in a country.
currency. The idiom "to be worth ECONOMY (ee-KON-uh-mee)
one's salt" is still used today. A system or method of managing
the production and distribution
Another form of currency, metal of money, goods, and services.
coins, first emerged in China around MARKETPLACE (MAR-kit-plays)
1000 B.C. Coins varied in shape, A place where food and goods
size, and worth. By the 7th century are bought and sold, or the world
of business, trade,
B.C., coins made of precious metals
and economics.
such as silver and gold became
popular in Europe and the Middle
East. These coins were usually round. After being
weighed on a scale to determine their value, coins
were stamped with designs that stated their worth
Paper Money
Carrying a bag of coins can be heavy.
The weight of coins and a metal shortage
are two reasons the use of paper money
developed in China in the 10th century.
The earliest European paper money ,\$h
appeared in Sweden at the beginning
of the 17th century. Italy started to use N E W SH EQ A LIM

paper money about 90 years later. Paper

money originally represented the gold or
silver a person had in the bank. Today,
we can tell the value of paper money by
reading the numbers printed on it.

Modern Money
In today's global economy, exchanging money
electronically is common. Many people use a credit
or debit card to make a digital transaction. Numbers on a
computer screen represent dollars and cents, but no actual
paper money is exchanged.
As easy as it is to spend money
today, saving money is important.
When considering spending money,
think of the famous proverb, "A penny
saved is a penny earned." ^

Make Connections
Why did using currency replace
bartering? e s s e n t i a l q u e s t i o n

How does money affect your

daily life? tex t to self

Comprehension Strategy

Ask and Answer Questions

When you read informational text, you can ask questions
before, during, and after reading to help you understand the
text and remember the information. As you read "The History
of Money," look for answers to your questions.

0 ) Find Text Evidence

You may ask yourself why paper money was an improvement
over coins. Reread the section "Paper Money" on page 427 of
"The History of Money" to find the answer.

page 427

Paper Money I see from rereading this

C a rry in g a b a g o f c o in s ca n b e h eavy.
T h e w e ig h t o f co in s an d a m e ta l sh o rta g e section that coins can
a re tw o r e a so n s th e u se o f p a p e r m o n ey
d e v e lo p e d i n C h in a in th e 10th century.
T h e ea rlie st E u ro p e a n p a p e r m o n e y
be very heavy. From this
a p p ea red in S w e d e n a t th e b e g in n in g
o f th e 17th cen tu ry. Ita ly sta rte d to u se text evidence, I can infer
p a p e r m o n e y a b o u t 9 0 y e a r s later. P a p e r
m o n e y o rig in a lly rep resen te d th e g o ld or
silv e r a p e rso n h a d in th e b a n k . Today,
that paper money was an
w e c a n tell th e v a lu e o f p a p e r m o n e y b y
r ea d in g th e n u m b e rs p rin ted o n it. improvement because it is
Modern Money
In to d a y 's g lo b a l eco n o m y , e x ch a n g in g m o n ey
lighter and easier to carry.
elec tro n ica lly is co m m o n . M a n y p e o p le u se a cre d it


As you reread "The History of Money" ask your own

question and then read to find the answer. As you read
other selections, remember to use the strategy Ask and
Answer Questions.

Comprehension Skill "

Main Idea and Key Details

The main idea is the most im portant idea or point that an
author makes in a paragraph or section of text. Key details
give im portant information to support the main idea.

£§)) Find Text Evidence

When I reread "New Kinds of Currency" on page 426 of "The
History of Money," first I can look closely to find the key details.
Next I can think about what they have in common. Then I can
figure out the main idea of the section.

Main Idea

The fir s t metal coins varied

in shape, size, and worth.

D e tail

Coins were made of precious

m etals such a s silver and gold.

D etail
Reread the section "Paper
Coins were usually round.
Money" on page 427 of "The
D e tail History of Money." Find the
Coins were stam ped with key details and list them in
your graphic organizer. Use
designs th at stated th eir worth.
the details to determine the
main idea of the section.

1Go Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Informational Text

Expository Text
"The History of Money" is an expository text.
Expository text:
• Explains facts and information about a topic.
• Includes text features.

Find Text Evidence

I can tell "The History of Money" is an expository text. It gives me
facts and information about the kinds of money that have been
used throughout history. It includes a variety of text features.

page 426
Text Features

This painting
shows a scene
from a typical
19th century Headings Headings explain what
Italian market.
is ■ ■H kind of information is in each
section of the text.
Glossary A glossary defines
G LO SSA RY O F words that are important to the
M o n ey T erm s
Trading by exchanging food, topic of the selection. It lists the
services, or goods instead of
New Kinds of Currency
If you w ere a t a m arketplace
using money.
CURRENCY (KUR-uhn-see)
words in alphabetical order.
in Rom e around 900 B.C., you Any form of money that is used
might have used salt as a form of in a country.
currency. The idiom "to b e w orth ECONOMY (ee-KON-uh-mee)
on e's s a lt" is still used today. A system or method of managing t OVLAB0
the production and distribution
Another form o f currency, metal of money, goods, and services.
coins, first em erged in C hina around
1000 B.C. C oins varied in shape, A place where food and goods
size, and w orth. By the 7th century are bought and sold, or the world
B.C., coins m ade o f precious metals of business, trade,
and economics. Db
such as silver and gold became
popular in Europe and the Middle
East. These coins w ere usually round. After being
weighed on a scale to d eterm ine their value, coins Find and list two text features in
w ere stamped w ith designs that stated their worth.
"The History of Money/'Tell what
information you learned from
each text feature.

5 ™ cess

Proverbs and Adages

Proverbs and adages are short sayings that have been used
for a long time. They usually express a general truth or
observation. Every culture has them. Look for context clues
to help you figure out the meanings of proverbs and adages

Find Text Evidence

When I reread "Modern Money" on page 427 of "The History
of Money," I see the proverb, "A penny saved is a penny earned."
The previous sentence helps me to figure out what the
proverb means.

As easy as it is to spend money

today, saving money is important.
When considering spending money,
think of the famous proverb,
"A penny saved is a penny earned."

Jose Luis Pelaez-lnc./Blend Images/Getty Images

Use paragraph clues to determine the meanings of the

proverbs and adages below from "The History of Money."
Money doesn't grow on trees, page 425
No need to cry over spilt milk, page 425

Writers use content words to explain a topic. Content words
are specific words that relate to a topic. Reread the excerpt
from "The History of Money" below.

Expert Model

Content Words
Identify the content
words. How do the
The idea of currency is
content words help
catching on around the world in
you learn about
Thailand, India, and Africa.
the topic?
You decide to save your
extra cowrie shells until
you have enough to invest
in another goat. You will be
spending cowries with the
expectation that another goat
will pay off later since you
can drink or sell the milk it
produces. Taking this type of
business risk makes you an

Editing Marks
C T -J Sw itch order.

A Add.

A Add a comma.

y T ake out.

Check spelling.

Teddy wrote about why people work. Read == M a k e a capital letter.

Teddy's revisions to one section of his text.
Student Model

Why People Work See page 471.

to earn an income
People work so that they can
pay fo r
g^t the things they need and want.

People also work because it keeps

our economy healthy. I think earning

i money is important. When 1 wanted

a new bike my parents told me I had Your Turn

to earn it by working, after walking
S ' Identify content words
fo r three months,
the neighbor's dog 1 had enough that Teddy included.
S ' Identify a preposition
money to buy a new bike. he used.
The next day S ' Tell how Teddy's revisions
1 went to buy my new bike from improved his writing.

AIs Bike Shop. Go Digital!

Write online in Writer's Workspace ,1 :A

The people in your life help shape
who you are, yet you are unique. Think
about the people around you, such as
your fam ily and friends.

► How are you like them? How are you

different from them?

► What events in your life have

influenced you the most?

► Where do your ancestors come

from? Knowing your roots can help
you understand your identity.

Write words that

describe who you
are. Then talk with
a partner about My Identity
what has helped
Corbis Flirt/Alamy

shape who you are

W ords to Know

Use the picture and the sentences to talk with a
partner about each word.

gobble Ted saw the hungry dog gobble up his

dinner in less than a minute.
W hat other kind of animal might gobble
up its dinner?

(t) Photodisc/Getty Images; (ct) trbfoto/Brand X Pictures/Jupiterimages; (cb) Reed Kaestner/Corbis; (b) Jeffrey Coolidge/The Image Bank/Getty Images

Sara expressed her individuality by

wearing a unique pair of slippers.
How are the words originality and
individuality sim ilar?

The spray from the sprinklers created

a wet mist.
W hat things can you sp ray that produce
a m ist?

My fam ily has roots in California, but
most of our fam ily lives in Florida.
W hat have you learned about
your roots?

Poetry Terms
metaphor personification
A metaphor compares two Personification is when human
unlike things without the use of characteristics are given to
like or as. anything that is not human.
U se a metaphor to describe a W hat would be an example
school bus. of personification?

imagery free verse

Imagery is the use of words Free verse poems do not have
to create a picture in the a consistent metrical pattern or
reader's mind. rhyme scheme.
How would using sensory details W hy might a poet choose to
help to create imagery in a poem? write in fre e verse?

McGraw-Hill Companies lnc./Ken Karp, photographer

Your Turn
Pick three words. Write three
questions for your partner to answer.
Go Digital! Use the online visual glossary
Genre • Poetry

Essential Question
What shapes a person's identity?

Read how poets talk about

important experiences.
When the yellow leaves begin to
glimmer among the green ones,
we hike up Blue Hill
through an early morning mist. .\ i

“It’s not much farther, boys!”

My grandfather bellows happily,
his words an echo of all the other times
he’s had to urge us up a steep trail.

I hear the comforting squeak of his boots

as the ground’s chill breath whispers
against our ankles and the overgrown
branches tug curiously at my hair.

Abruptly, the trail spits us out,

onto gray rock, into blue sky and sunlight.
My brother shouts, shoves me aside,
races to the low bushes huddled against the wind,

His fingers tug at the tiny leaves.

“Look! Blueberries!” He yells.
And we gobble the blue sweetness up,
my brother, my grandfather, and me. yflj

— Andrew Feher ffil

“Why did I name you after a plant?

Look, this is ivy,” my m other explains,

pointing at an intricate fan

of glossy green heart-shaped leaves

decorating the side
of our house.
“Ivy will grip onto anything,
will grow where it wants to go
Will use its long skinny fingers
to find a way over
brick walls, up stone walls,
will climb a roof and keep on
going until it touches
the stars.”

Bryce Neale
Grandma gave me her eyes.
“Eyes of a panther,” Grandpa whispers.

Grandpa gave me his nose.

“A bumpy, rocky road of a nose,” Grandma scoffs

Dad gave me his long skinny toes.

“My roots reach back to the lemurs,” he jokes.

Mama gave me her lopsided smile.

“Don’t ever lose it,” she warns.


Maria Diaz

Make Connections
What do these poets think shapes
a person's individuality?

What has influenced y ou ? texttoself


Free Verse
Free Verse:
• Does not have a rhyme scheme or a metrical pattern.
• May have irregular lines.

& Find Text Evidence

I con tell that "My Name Is Ivy" is a free verse poem because
it does not have a rhyme scheme or a metrical pattern.

f/mMm page 440

I wonder why the lines are
all spread out. The lines in
My this poem are not the same
Name / length. The poet chose to give

Is Ivy r / A the lines a zigzag pattern.

‘W h y d id I n a m e y o u a f t e r a p la n t?

L o o k , t h is is iv y,” m y m o t h e r e x p la in s ,
p o in tin g a t a n i n t r i c a t e fa n

o f g lo s s y g r e e n h e a r t-s h a p e d le a v e s
d e c o r a tin g t h e sid e
o f o u r h o u se . A
“Iv y w ill g r ip o n t o a n y t h in g ,
w ill g r o w w h e re it w a n t s t o go.
W ill u se i t s lo n g s k in n y fin g e r s
t o fin d a w ay o v e r
b r ic k w a lls , u p s t o n e w a lls ,
w ill c lim b a r o o f a n d k e e p o n
g o in g u n til i t to u c h e s
th e s ta r s .”

.«./. ff M
— B ry c e N eale

.......... • -- JL A
Your Turn
Reread the poem "Collage."
Explain why it is a free
verse poem.

C o m p reh en sio n Skill

The theme is the main message or lesson in a poem.
Identifying the key details in a poem can help you determine
the theme.

^3) Find Text Evidence

All of the poems in this lesson are about identity, but each poem
has a different theme. I'll reread "Collage" on page 44 7 and look
for key details to determine the theme of the poem.

D etail

Grandma gave me
her eyes.

Your Turn
Reread "My Name Is Ivy" on
page 440. Find the key details
and list them in the graphic
organizer. Use the details
to determine the theme of
the poem.

Co Digital!
Use the interactive graphic organizer

Lite rary Elem en ts

Imagery and Personification

Imagery is the use of specific language to create a picture in
a reader's mind. Personification is giving human qualities to
a non-human thing such as an animal or object.

Find Text Evidence

I can find examples of imagery and personification when I
reread the poem "Climbing Blue Hill" on page 439.

Imagery The lines When

the yellow leaves begin to/
glimmer among the green
ones are an example of
W hen the yellow leaves begin to Jy S r/}
glim m er am ong the green ones, _ imagery.
we hike up Blue Hill
through an early m orning mist.

“It’s n o t much farther, boys!”

M y grandfather bellows happily, Personification The
his words an echo o f all th e o th er tim es
h e’s had to urge u s up a steep trail.
lines as the ground's chill
I h ear th e com forting squeak o f his boots
as the ground’s chill breath whispers
against our ankles and the overgrown
breath whispers/against our
branches tug curiously a t m y hair.

Abruptly, th e trail spits us out,

ankles are an example of
onto gray rock, into blue sky and sunlight.
M y b rother shouts, shoves m e aside,
races to th e low bushes huddled again st th e wind.

His fingers tug a t th e tiny leaves. |

"Look! Blueberries!” He yells.
And we gobble th e blue sw eetness up,
my brother, my grandfather, and me.

— A n d re w F e h e r fijjj

Your Turn
Find an example of imagery
and personification in the
poem "My Name Is Ivy."

V o cab u lary Strateg y

Figurative Language
A metaphor is a comparison of two unlike things without the
use of like or as.

J3) Find Text Evidence

To find a metaphor, I need to look for two unlike things that
are being compared. In the poem "Collage," on page 441, the
grandmother compares the grandfather's nose to a road.

Reread "My Name Is Ivy" on page 440.

What is the central metaphor in
the poem?
Susan Gal

Writers use descriptive and concrete details to help the
readers build a picture in their minds. Reread the first two
stanzas of"Clim bing Blue Hill."

Expert Model

Supporting Details
When the yellow leaves begin to
Identify the
glimmer among the green ones,
supporting details.
we hike up Blue Hill
How do these details
through an early morning mist.
help the reader picture
what is happening? “It’s not much farther, boys!”
My grandfather bellows happily,
his words an echo of all the other times
he’s had to urge us up a steep trail.
Susan Gal

Editing Marks
n _ j switch order.

Writers A


Add a comma.

y Take out.

Check spelling.
Tina wrote a free verse poem. Read Tina's = Make a capital letter.
revisions to her poem.
Student Model
Sentences Using
See page 471.

My cat -iii on my bed.
under my blue quilt
My arms^

go around him.

He lays there purring

a solid mound )
Your Turn j
warmth and calm.
0 Identify the descriptive
details Tina added.
0 Identify the sentences
He is an island.
with prepositions.
My arms are the river 10 Tell how the revisions
improved her writing.
that £uns0'on either side.
A Go Digital!
Write online in Writer's Workspace

Sentences and Sentence Fragm ents............................................................450
Sentence T y p e s .......................................................................................................450
K "■» Simple and Compound Sentences..................................................................451
Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates......................................... 451
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates.....................................................452
Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates.................................. 452
Complex S en ten ces..............................................................................................453
Run-On Sentences...................................................................................................454
V Z S Nouns
Singular and Plural Nouns...................................................................................455
More Plural Nouns.................................................................................................. 455
Common and Proper Nouns..............................................................................456
Concrete and Abstract N ouns......................................................................... 456
Collective N ouns.....................................................................................................456
Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns......................................................... 457
Combining Sentences: N ouns......................................................................... 457
Action V e rb s..............................................................................................................458
Verb Tenses................................................................................................................ 458
Subject-Verb Agreement.....................................................................................459
Spelling Present-and Past-Tense Verbs.......................................................459
Main Verbs and Helping Verbs......................................................................... 460
Helping Verbs: has, have, h a d ............................................................................460
Helping Verbs: can, may, m u s t ......................................................................... 461
Linking V e rb s............................................................................................................461
Irregular V e rb s......................................................................................................... 462
Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement.................................................................. 463
Reflexive Pronouns................................................................................................ 464
Pronoun-Verb Agreement.................................................................................. 464
Possessive Pronouns..............................................................................................465
Pronouns and Hom ophones............................................................................465

Table of Contents
A d jectives...................................................................................................................466
A rticles..........................................................................................................................466
This, That, These, and Those ................................................................................ 466
Adjectives That C o m p are...................................................................................467
Comparing: More and Most, Good and B a d .............................................. 467
A d verb s........................................................................................................................468
Using Good and Well.............................................................................................. 468
Adverbs That C o m p are....................................................................................... 469
Comparing with Irregular Adverbs................................................................ 469
Negatives and Negative Contractions..........................................................470
Double N egatives...................................................................................................470
Prepositions.............................................................................................................. 471
Prepositional Phrases............................................................................................ 471
M echanics: A bbreviations
Titles and Names..................................................................................................... 472
Days and Months.................................. 473
Addresses..................................................................................................................... 473
M echanics: Capitalization
First Words in Sentences..................................................................................... 474
Letter Greetings and Closings..........................................................................474
Proper Nouns: Names and Titles of P e o p le .............................................. 475
Titles of W o rk s..........................................................................................................475
Other Proper Nouns and Adjectives.............................................................. 476
M echanics: Punctuation
End Punctuation..................................................................................................... 477
Colons and Sem icolons....................................................................................... 478
Apostrophes.............................................................................................................. 478
Quotation M arks..................................................................................................... 480
Italics (U nderlining).............................................................................................. 480

Sentences and Sentence Fragments
A sentence expresses a complete thought. A sentence fragment
does not express a complete thought.
Al writes about the storm, (complete sentence)
The heavy rains, (needs a predicate)
YquiyTurn) Write each group of words. Write sentence or
fragment next to it to identify each item. Then rewrite each
fragment to make a complete sentence.
1. We listened to the news reports.
2. The strong winds.

Sentence Types
Each of the four types of sentences begins with a capital letter
and ends with an end mark.

A declarative sentence makes Scott rode a horse last week.

a statement. It ends with a
An interrogative sentence Did you see him on the trail?
asks a question. It ends with a
question mark.
A imperative sentence tells or Take a picture o f the group.
asks someone to do something.
It ends with a period.
An exclamatory sentence We had a great time riding!
shows strong feeling. It ends
with an exclamation mark.

YomyTiirn) Write each sentence. Add the correct punctuation.

Then write what kind of sentence it is.
1 . 1 had never been on a horse
2. Do you know how to ride a horse
Simple and Compound Sentences
A simple sentence has only one complete thought. A compound
sentence has two or more complete thoughts. The coordinating
conjunctions and, but, and or connect the complete thoughts in
a compound sentence.
My mother works in the city, (simple sentence)
My mother works in the city, but my father works at home,
(compound sentence)
YouiyTurin, Write each sentence. Then tell whether the
sentence is simple or compound. If it is a compound sentence,
circle the coordinating conjunction.
1. My brother volunteers at the library.
2. He works on Saturdays, and Mom drives him there.
3 . 1would join him, but my team practices that day.
4. You can walk home, or Dad can pick you up.
5. Some days everyone is doing different things.

Complete Subjects and Complete Predicates

Every sentence has two important parts: the subject and the
The subject tells whom or what the sentence is about. The
complete subject is all the words in the subject part.
The woman next door works in her garden.
The predicate tells what the subject does or is. The complete
predicate is all the words in the predicate.
The woman next door works in her garden.
YoufrTurn) Write each sentence. Underline the complete
subject. Circle the complete predicate.
1. Our neighbor grows his own vegetables.
2. He plants three different gardens.
3. My sister and I help.
4. Will he invite us to dinner?
5. His recipe for tomato soup is the best!
Simple Subjects and Simple Predicates
The simple subject is the main word in the complete subject.
Our vacation in Boston starts on Saturday.
The simple predicate is the main word in the complete
Our vacation in Boston starts on Saturday.
YomyTtirnj Write each sentence. Underline the simple subject.
Circle the simple predicate.
1. The dog charged after the rabbit.
2. The dog's owner then chased after him.

Compound Subjects and Compound Predicates

A compound subject contains two or more simple subjects that
have the same predicate.
The cat and dog ran outside.
A compound predicate contains two more simple predicates
that have the same subject.
The cat sat and meowed at the door.
Use the conjunction and or or to combine sentences and create
compound subjects or compound predicates. When you combine
three or more simple subjects or simple predicates, use commas
to separate them.
Jan stepped outside. Jan turned left. Jan headed home.
Jan stepped outside, turned left, and headed home.
(compound predicate)
YomyTupni Combine the sentence pairs to form one sentence.
Then write whether the new sentence has a compound
subject or a compound predicate.
1. Dad raked the yard. Mom raked the yard.
2. Mom mowed the lawn. Mom washed the car.
Complex Sentences
A complex sentence contains an independent clause and one or
more dependent clauses.
We pitched our tent where the ground was flat and dry.
An independent clause can stand alone as a sentence.
We pitched our tent.
A dependent clause cannot stand alone as a sentence and
begins with a subordinating conjunction. Some common
subordinating conjunctions are after, although, before, because,
during, if, since, until, when, where, and while.
where the ground was flat and dry
Use a comma after the dependent clause when it comes at the
beginning of a sentence.
After the sun went down, we heard an owl.
YouiyTurni Write each sentence. Underline the independent
clause. Circle the dependent clause.
1. We looked up at the sky after it got dark.
2. You might see a shooting star if you wait long enough.
3. While we were watching, the Moon rose above the trees.
4. When I grow up, I might become an astronaut.
5. We talked until our parents told us to go to sleep.
Run-On Sentences
A run-on sentence contains two or more independent clauses
without the proper conjunctions or punctuation.
I dropped a book my cot got scared it ran away.
You can correct run-on sentences using one or more strategies.

Break the independent clauses 1dropped a book. My cat got

into separate sentences. scared. It ran away.
Create a compound subject or 1dropped a book. My cat got
compound predicate. scared and ran away.
Create a compound sentence 1dropped a book, and my cat got
using coordinating conjunctions. scared and ran away.
Create a complex sentence using Because 1dropped a book, my cat
subordinating conjunctions. got scared and ran away.

Your Turn Correct each run-on sentence using one or more of

the strategies described above.
1. My alarm didn't go off I missed the bus.
2. Mom was already at work I had to walk.
3. The sun was out it was really chilly.
4 . 1got to school I raced up to the door.
5 . 1was so embarrassed it was closed it was Saturday!

Singular and Plural Nouns V
A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea. It can be a single
word or a group of words used together. A singular noun names
one person, place, thing, or idea. A plural noun names more than
one. Add -s to form the plural of most nouns. Add -es to form the
plural of nouns ending in s, x, ch, or sh.
Singular nouns: boy school home run joy
Plural nouns: girls stores churches beliefs
YoutyTupn) Write each sentence. Underline each noun and
write whether it is singular or plural.
1. The actor needed to learn his lines.
2. His friend read from the script.

More Plural Nouns

If a noun ends in a consonant ladies, berries, skies, libraries
+ y, change y to / and add -es.
If a noun ends in a vowel +y, boys, monkeys, days, essays
add -s.
If a noun ends in -f, you may chefs, roofs, leaves, hooves, knives
need to change fto vand add -es.
Some nouns have the same deer, sheep, moose, fish
singular and plural forms.
Some nouns have special men, women, children, teeth, feet
plural forms.

YoutyTurni Write each sentence. Change the singular noun in

parentheses () into a plural noun.
1. The park is crowded on (holiday).
2. Many (child) visit with their parents.
3. If there are sunny (sky), they play outside.
Nouns Common and Proper Nouns
A common noun names any person, place, or thing. A proper
noun names a particular person, place, or thing. A proper noun
always begins with a capital letter.
The student looked at the map. (common)
Brittany located Ohio, (proper)

Your/Turni Write each sentence. Underline each noun and

write whether it is common or proper.
1. Anna has a map of the world on her wall.
2. There are pins placed in several countries.

Concrete and Abstract Nouns

A concrete noun names a person, place, or thing that physically
exists and can be perceived with the senses. An abstract noun
names a quality, concept, or idea that does not physically exist.
Many abstract nouns have no plural form.
Ellen set the sheet music on the piano, (concrete)
M usic fills the soul with happiness, (abstract)

Collective Nouns
A collective noun names a group acting as a single unit.
Collective nouns can also have plural forms.
Our team plays three other teams next week.
Your/Turn; Write each sentence. Underline each noun
and write whether it is concrete or abstract. Circle any
collective nouns.
1.The road crew stopped traffic on our street.
2. My sisters wanted to go to the shopping mall.
3. Their car was stopped for a long time.

Singular and Plural Possessive Nouns
A possessive noun is a noun that shows who or what owns or
has something.
A singular possessive noun is formed by adding an apostrophe
(') + s to the end of a singular noun.
The car's alarm made the boy's ears hurt.
Most plural nouns ending in -s become possessive by adding an
apostrophe to the end. Irregular plural nouns that don't end in -s
add an apostrophe + s.
The visitors' center hosted a children's reception.
Y6uPf>Turn) Write each sentence. Change the word in
parentheses into a possessive noun.
1. My (brother) band practices in the garage.
2. The (group) poster shows their lead singers.
3. The two (singers) voices sound alike.
4. They played at our (school) fall festival.
5. All of the (newspapers) reviews were good.

Combining Sentences: Nouns

You can combine nouns in the subject.
Sean went inside. Cora went inside.
Sean and Cora went inside.
You can combine nouns in the predicate.
Mom likes checkers. Mom likes chess.
Mom likes checkers and chess.
YoutvTurn) Combine the nouns in the sentence pairs to form
one sentence.
1. Chet went to the shore. Emily went to the shore.
2. They saw sea gulls. They saw pelicans.
3. A boy swam nearby. An older woman swam nearby.
4. The snack bar sold juice. The snack bar sold fruit.
5. Were your friends there? Were your parents there?
Action Verbs
An action verb is a word that expresses action. It tells what the
subject does or did.
The pitcher threw the ball over the plate.
You#Turn) Write each sentence. Underline the action verb(s).
1. Volunteers gathered in the city park.
2. They painted the information booth.
3. One crew repaired all the picnic tables.

Verb Tenses
A present-tense verb shows action that happens now.
Today, the lifeguard watches the weather.
A past-tense verb shows action that has already happened.
Yesterday, the lifeguard listened for thunder.
A future-tense verb shows action that may or will happen.
At the first sign of lightning, he will close the pool.
A progressive tense shows action that continues over time.
Use the verb be with the -ing form of another verb to create the
present progressive, past progressive, or future progressive
I am watching you. (present progressive)
I was watching you. (past progressive)
I will be watching you. (future progressive)
YouryTurnj Write each sentence. Underline the verb and tell
what tense it is.
1. Next summer I will attend space camp.
2 . 1received a brochure in the mail last week.
3. My mother helps me with the registration process.
4 . 1will be checking the camp's Web site every day now.
5 . 1am counting the days until the start of the program.
Subject-Verb Agreement
A present-tense verb must agree with the subject of the
sentence. Add -s to most verbs if the subject is singular. Add -es
to verbs that end in s, ch, sh, x, or z. Do not add -s or -es if the
subject is plural or I or you.
Cristen watches the race. Her friends cheer for her sister.
Youn Turni Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the
verb(s) in parentheses.
1. The racers (crouch) at the starting line.
2. The clock (count) down the seconds.
3. Cristen's sister (rush) off to a great start.
4. She (take) the lead right away.
5. Another runner (catch) up and (challenge) her.

Spelling Present- and Past-Tense Verbs

The spelling of some verbs changes when -es or -ed is added. For
verbs ending in a consonant + y, change the y to / before adding
-es or -ed. For verbs ending in one vowel and one consonant,
double the final consonant before adding -ed. For verbs ending
in e, drop the e before adding -ed.
Josh cried when the music stopped. He truly loved that song.
Your, Turnj Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the
verb in parentheses.
1. Now Josh (carry) his guitar upstairs.
2. Fie (try) to remember the song.
3. Yesterday he (practice) all day.
4. Fie (step) up to the challenge and worked hard.
5. Who (worry) that he may forget the words?
Main Verbs and Helping Verbs
The main verb in a sentence tells what the subject does or is.
A helping verb helps the main verb show an action or make a
statement. The verb be is often used as a helping verb.
Carol is running for class president.
Use a contraction to combine a helping verb with the subject
or with the word not. An apostrophe (') takes the place of the
missing letters.
Carol's feeling sad. Her friends aren't helping much.

YoutyTurni Write each sentence. Underline the main verbs and

circle the helping verbs. If there is a contraction, tell which
two words have been combined.
1. Many students are making posters.
2. Carol is preparing a speech.
3. Her school is holding a debate tomorrow.
4. Reporters were writing about it last week.
5. Carol's hoping that she will win the election.

Helping Verbs: has, have, had

The helping verbs has, have, and had can be used with the
past-tense form of a verb to show an action that has already
happened. When has or have is used, the entire verb forms the
present perfect tense. When had is used, the entire verb forms
the past perfect tense.
She has eaten all of the bread he had baked.
Your,;Turin) Write each sentence. Choose the correct form of
has, have, or had to complete the sentence.
1. He (have, had) cooked every day last week.
2. Today she (has, had) watched him make dried fruit.
3. (Have, Has) you ever tasted anything so delicious?
Helping Verbs: can, may, must
The verbs can, may, and must can be used as helping verbs with
a main verb.
They may wait until someone can help them.
Your/Turni Write each sentence. Underline each main verb and
circle each helping verb.
1. We may buy a gift for our parents.
2. What can we afford?
3. There must be something good here!
4. "Can I borrow some money?" I ask.
5. You reply, "We must stay within our budget."

Unking Verbs
A linking verb links the subject to a noun or adjective in the
predicate. It must agree with the subject. A linking verb does not
express action. Some common present-tense linking verbs are
am, are, and is. Some common past-tense linking verbs are was
and were.
Carlos is an artist. His exhibits last year were beautiful.
You# Turn j Write each sentence. Underline each linking verb.
1. This painting is my favorite.
2. The colors are bright and joyful.
3. Carlos is proud of his most recent work.
4 . 1 am anxious to see it.
5. Was he happy with the review on the Web?
Irregular Verbs
An irregular verb is a verb that does not end in -ed to form the
past tense. Some also have special spellings when used with the
helping verb have.

Present Past With Have

begin began begun

bring brought brought

come came come

do did done

draw drew drawn

eat ate eaten

give gave given

go w ent gone

grow grew grown

hide hid hidden

run ran run

say said said

see saw seen

sing sang sung

sit sat sat

take took taken

tell told told

think thought thought

write wrote written

Your Turn Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the
verb in parentheses.
1. Last night I (go) to a spelling bee.
2 . 1(tell) my friend to meet me there.
3. We have (see) several spelling bees together.
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns.
A subject pronoun is used as the subject of a verb. It tells who or
what does the action. The pronouns I, you, he, she, it, we, and they
can be used as subject pronouns.
An object pronoun is used as the object of a verb. It tells whom
or what received the action of the verb. The pronouns me, you,
him, her, it, us, and them can be used as object pronouns.
An object pronoun may come after prepositions such as for, at,
of, with, or to.
I gave him the hammer. He used it to build a shelf for her.

Your/Turin) Write each sentence. Underline each subject

pronoun. Circle each object pronoun.
1. She took the little statues out of the boxes.
2. Then she placed them on the new shelves.
3. They looked much better to her.
4. We went over to see what she had done.
5. You and he should invite her to dinner.

Pronoun-Antecedent Agreement
A pronoun must match its antecedent, the noun to which it
refers. The antecedent may or may not be in the same sentence.
Mom said she knew what to do. She called my brother and gave
him advice.

Your/Turn) Write each sentence. Underline each pronoun.

Circle each antecedent.
1. My brother asked Mom to drive him to work.
2. Dad printed the directions and gave them to Mom.
3. Dad was worried about my brother. He asked to go along.
4. Dad and Mom told my brother to expect them soon.

Pronouns Reflexive Pronouns
A reflexive pronoun tells about an action that a subject does for
or to itself. A reflexive pronoun is based on an object pronoun
because it receives the action of the verb. The ending -self is
added for singular pronouns. The ending -selves is added for
plural pronouns.
The girl wrote herself o note. We drove ourselves to the city.
Y6uivTur;n, Write each sentence. Underline only the reflexive
1. We got ourselves lost in the city.
2 . 1asked myself how it happened.
3. You never expect to find yourself in trouble.
4. Trouble can find you all by itself.
5. My sister cheered for herself when she found a map.

Pronoun-Verb Agreement
A present-tense verb must agree with its subject, even if the
subject is a pronoun.
I am thirsty. She is thirsty. We are thirsty.
YouiyTurn) Write each sentence. Use the correct present-tense
form of the verb in parentheses.
1. He (look) for a water fountain.
2. She (find) one over by the tennis courts.
3. We (proceed) from there to the parking lot.
4. Our parents beep the horn when they (see) us.
5. She (climb) into the front seat and (say), "Let's go!"

Possessive Pronouns
A possessive pronoun takes the place of a possessive noun. It
shows who or what owns something. My, your, her, his, its, our, and
their are possessive pronouns.
I gave my order to our waiter. He wrote it on his pad.
Some possessive pronouns can stand on their own. Mine, yours,
hers, his, its, ours, and theirs can be used alone.
We order lunch. I won't eat mine until yours is here.
Yourf'Tiirn, Write each sentence. Replace the words in
parentheses with a possessive pronoun.
1. (My friend Lauren's) sandwich looked very tasty.
2. Hers had more peppers than (the sandwich belonging
to me).
3. "Can I have a bite of (the sandwich belonging to you)?"
she asked.

Pronouns and Homophones

Some possessive pronouns sound like pronoun-verb contractions
but are spelled differently. A possessive pronoun does not
contain an apostrophe because no letters are missing.
It's time for the class to take its test. (It's = It + is; its is a
possessive pronoun)
You're proud of your grade. (You're = You + are; you r is a
possessive pronoun)
They're not pleased with their grades. (They're = They + are;
their is a possessive pronoun)
There's no excuse for theirs. (There's = There + is; theirs is a
possessive pronoun)
Your Turnj Write each sentence. Choose the correct word in
parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. "You're not going to believe (you're, your) eyes," I said.
2. "(Theirs, There's) a B on my report card."
3. "Is it moving (it's, its) wings?"you asked.
Adjectives Adjectives
An adjective describes a noun. Adjectives can tell what kind or
how many. Most adjectives come directly before the nouns they
describe. When an adjective comes after the noun it describes,
the noun and adjective are connected by a linking verb.
A proper adjective is formed from a proper noun.
My two favorite players on the team are Brazilian.
YourpTur.n) Write each sentence. Circle each adjective and
underline the noun being described.
1. We can't play on the wet fields.
2. The grass is slippery.

The words the, a, and an are special adjectives called articles.
Use a before words that begin with consonant sounds. Use an
before words that begin with vowel sounds.
A squirrel dropped the acorns from an oak tree.
YowyTtirn) Write the sentence. Circle each article.
1. The acorns clattered on the tin roof of an old garage.

This, That, Theseand Those

This, that, these and those are special adjectives that tell how
many and how near or far away something or someone is. This
(near) and that (far) are used with singular nouns. These (near)
and those (far) are used with plural nouns.
These apples in my hand came from that tree by the fence.

Y6urf'Turn; Write the sentence. Choose the correct word in

parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. We picked (that, these) apples from (this, those) tree.
Adjectives That Compare
Add -er to an adjective to compare two nouns. Add -est to
compare more than two nouns.
If an adjective ends in a consonant and y, then change the y to /'
before adding -er or -est.
If an adjective ends in e, then drop the e before adding -er or -est.
If an adjective has a single vowel before a final consonant, then
double the final consonant before adding -er or -est.
I take the lighter, tinier box. The other box is the thinnest of all.
You#Turn} Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the
adjective in parentheses.
1. My room is (big) than my sister's room.
2. "It's the (messy) room in the house!" Mom said.

Comparing: Moreand Most, Goodand Bad

Use more, better, and worse to compare two people, places, or
Use most, best, and worst to compare more than two people,
places, or things.
I have m any coins. You have m ore coins than I do. He has the
m ost coins of all.
Eli is a g o od chef. Pam is a better chef than Eli. Chad is the best
chef of all.
She had a bad day. He had a worse day than she did. I had the
worst day of all.
Use m ore and m ost with longer adjectives instead of adding the
endings -er and -est.
Mom had a m ore pleasant trip than I did. Dad had the m ost
exciting trip of all.

YomyTurni Write each sentence. Use the correct form of the

adjective in parentheses.
1. This restaurant has the (good) soup in town.
2. There were (many) choices today than yesterday.
Adverbs Adverbs
An adverb is a word that tells more about a verb. Adverbs often
tell how, when, or where. Many adverbs end in -ly.
You nervously looked up. The storm would start soon.

Your Turni Write each sentence. Circle each adverb and draw a
line under the verb that each adverb describes.
1. Clouds gathered overhead.
2. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled loudly.
3. We quickly raced inside.
4. "Is everyone here?" our father asked.
5. You quietly hoped the storm would go away.

Using Goodand Well

Good is an adjective that tells more about a noun. Well is an
adverb that is tells more about a verb.
The good nurse treated us well.

Your, Turn) Write each sentence. Choose good or well to

complete the sentence. Underline the word that is being
1. There is a (good, well) chance that we will miss the play.
2. My mother did not sleep (good, well).
3. When I am sick, I can't perform (good, well).
4. Do you have any (good, well) suggestions?
5. A (good, well) actor might pretend to be healthy.

Adverbs That Compare
Adverbs can be used to compare two or more actions. Use more
before most adverbs to compare two actions. Use most before
most adverbs to compare more than two actions. Add the ending
-er or -est to shorter adverbs to compare actions.
Gil danced longer and m ore gracefully than Wendy.
Shawna danced longest and m ost gracefully of all.
Y6ufrTurn) Write each sentence. Choose the correct form of
the adverb in parentheses.
1. Gil can move (swiftly) than Wendy.
2. Shawna works (hard) than Wendy.
3. Wendy learns new dances (fast) of all.
4. Have you danced (recently) than Gil?
5. Shawna has performed (consistently) of all the dancers.

Comparing with Irregular Adverbs

With the adverb well, use better to compare two actions. Use
best to compare more than two actions.
With the adverb badly, use worse to compare two actions. Use
worst to compare more than two actions.
He and I played worse than yesterday, but you played best of all.
Your/Turn) Write each sentence. Choose the correct form of
the adverb in parentheses.
1 . 1ran (well) at this race than the last one.
2. You had prepared (well) of all.
3. He reacted (badly) to the score than I did.
4. Their coach behaved (badly) of all.
5. Our coach understands the game (well) than any
other coach.
Negatives and Negative Contractions
A negative is a word that means no. Many negatives contain the
word no within them. Some negatives use the contraction n't,
which is short for not.
Nobody wants to go first. I can't understand why.

You# Turn; Write each sentence. Underline the negative word

in each one.
1. We could not see anything inside the room.
2. There was no light switch on the wall.
3 . 1don't like going into a dark room.
4 . 1never enter a room that isn't lit brightly.
5. The lamps were nowhere to be found.

Double Negatives
Do not use two negatives in one sentence.
Don't you (ever, never) talk to me like that!
I don't think (no one, anyone) should behave that way.
You#Turn) Write each sentence. Choose the correct word
in parentheses to complete the sentence.
1. No one has (never, ever) won an argument with
my mother.
2. We didn't have (no, any) idea what to say to her.
3. She won't take (any, none) of our advice.
4. Nothing (will, won't) make her change her mind.
5. Won't she trust (no one, anyone) other than herself?
A preposition comes before a noun or a pronoun. A preposition
shows how the noun or pronoun is linked to another word in the
sentence. Some common prepositions are in, at, of, from, with, to,
and by.
The conductor on the train waved at the boy.
You#Turn) Write each sentence. Circle each preposition.
1. He gave his ticket to the conductor.
2. The train left from the station at noon.
3. He sat by the window with his mother.
4. The motion of the train shook his belongings.
5. The book with the blue cover fell from his backpack.

Prepositional Phrases
A prepositional phrase is a group of words that begins with
a preposition and ends with a noun or pronoun. The noun or
pronoun is the object of the preposition. A prepositional phrase
can be used as an adjective or an adverb in a sentence.
The girl in the park (adjective) hit the ball over the net (adverb).
You#Turn) Write each sentence. Underline each prepositional
ph rase and circle each preposition. Then place an "O" above
the object of the preposition.
1. The ball bounced at her feet.
2. The girl with the long hair kept score.
3. They played for three hours.
4. My friend and I cheered from the bleachers.
5. My favorite one of the players scored the last point.

Mechanics: Abbreviations
Mechanics: Abbreviations
Titles and Names
Some titles are abbreviations, or shortened forms of words.
Other titles, like Ms. and Mrs., don't have longer forms. An initial
is the first letter of a name. Titles and initials are capitalized and
are followed by a period. When abbreviations are used at the end
of an Internet address, they are not capitalized or followed by a
Dr. A. J. Moreno will post Sen. Paulsen's speech on our state's .gov
Web site.
YoufrTurn Write each sentence. Change the word(s) in
parentheses into an abbreviation or initial.
1 . 1sent an e-mail to (Mister) Elish.
2. (Governor) Slater also wrote a response.
3. Ms. (Carol Jane) Stein will speak to our class next week.
4 . 1posted the news at www.ourschool.(educational) today.
5. Let's give a warm welcome to (Doctor) and (his wife) Yee.

Use abbreviations to indicate time before noon (A.M. for "ante
meridiem") and after noon (P.M. for"post meridiem"). These
abbreviations are capitalized with periods after each letter.
Our car wash will go from 10 A.M. to 2 P.M. on Saturday.
YomyTupn; Write each sentence. Use the correct abbreviation
to replace the words in parentheses.
1. We will take a break for lunch at 12:30 (after noon).
2 . 1don't have to be there until 11:00 (before noon).
3. The dog usually waits until 7:30 (in the morning) to wake
me up.
4. Mom will pick us up at 2:30 (in the afternoon).
5. I'll be able to walk the dog at 8:00 (in the evening).

Mechanics: Abbreviations
Days and Months
When you abbreviate the days of the week or the months of the
year, begin with a capital letter and end with a period. Do not
abbreviate May, June, or July.
Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Your/Turn) Write each sentence. Use the correct
abbreviation(s) to replace the word(s) in parentheses.
1 . 1 have a piano lesson each (Tuesday) in July.
2. Soccer practice only goes until (November) this year.
3. The drama club uses the theater each (Monday) in (March)
for rehearsals.
4. The final production begins in (April) and runs until (June).
5. I've blocked out (Wednesday) through (Friday) for vacation.

Address abbreviations are capitalized and followed by a period.
Some common address abbreviations are St. (Street), Rd. (Road),
Ave. (Avenue), Dr. (Drive), Blvd. (Boulevard), Ln. (Lane), Apt.
(Apartment), and P. O. (Post Office), When you write an address,
you may use United States Postal Service abbreviations for the
names of states. All of these abbreviations are two capital letters
with no period at the end. When using these state abbreviations,
no comma is needed after the name of the city or town.
She mailed the postcard to 28 Irving Dr., Apt. 4B, Canton OH.
Your/Turni Write each address. Use the correct abbreviation(s)
whenever possible.
1. 6 Main Street
2. Post Office Box 1023
3. Providence, Rhode Island
4. 532 Jefferson Street, Los Angeles, California
5 . 104 7th Avenue, Apartment 8C, New York, New York

Mechanics: Capitalization Mechanics: Capitalization
First Words in Sentences
Capitalize the first word of a sentence. Capitalize the first word
of a direct quotation. Do not capitalize the second part of an
interrupted quotation. When the second part of a quotation is a
new sentence, put a period after the interrupting expression and
capitalize the first word of the new sentence.
"Finish your homework," my mother said, "and come down for
Dinner smelled great. "I'll be right there," I replied. "I'm almost
Write each sentence. Use capital letters correctly.
1. the final problem was taking a long time to answer.
2. "did you hear what I said?" asked my mother.
3. without looking up, I replied, "yes, I did."
4. "don't wait too long," Mom said, "or it will get cold."
5. "this is too hard," I said, "maybe I can finish it later."

Letter Greetings and Closings

All of the words in a letter's greeting begin with a capital letter.
Only the first word in the closing of a letter begins with a capital
Dear Dr. Watkins, Sincerely yours,
YomvTorn Write each part of a letter with the correct
1. dear uncle floyd,
2. best wishes
3. with all my love,
4. dear ladies and gentlemen,
5. to whom it may concern:

Mechanics: Capitalization
Proper Nouns: Names and Titles of People
Capitalize the names of people and the initials that stand for
their names. Capitalize titles or abbreviations of titles when they
come before or after the names of people. Capitalize words that
show family relationships when used as titles or as substitutes
for a person's name. Do not capitalize words that show family
relationships when they are preceded by a possessive noun or
pronoun. Capitalize the pronoun /.
Dean's father and I talked to Mom about his visit to
Dr. T. J. Hunter, Jr.
Your Turn Write each sentence. Use capital letters correctly.
1. mr. weston worried about Dean's swollen knee.
2. "I'll ask dad what to do about it," Dean had told me.
3. "What did dr. hunter tell him?" i asked my mother.
4. "He was sent to another doctor," mom explained.

Titles of Works
Capitalize the first, last, and all important words in the title
of a book, play, short story, poem, movie, article, newspaper,
magazine, TV series, chapter of a book, or song.
My father sang "Moon River" while I watched "Alice in
Wonderland" again.
The book Give Us a Chance was reviewed in today's
Tarrvtown Tribune.
YourTurn; Write each sentence. Use capital letters correctly.
1. We sang "america the beautiful" at the start of the game.
2. A reporter from the hometown herald wrote about it.
3. He compared the victory to the movie "the miracle team."
4 . 1wrote a poem about it called "winning by the book."

Mechanics: Capitalization Other Proper Nouns and Adjectives
Capitalize the names of cities, states, countries, and continents.
Do not capitalize articles or prepositions that are part of the
names. Capitalize the names of bodies of water and geographical
features. Capitalize the names of sections of the country. Do not
capitalize compass points when they just show direction.
Portland, Oregon California is south of the Pacific Northwest.
Capitalize the names of streets and highways. Capitalize the
names of buildings, bridges, and monuments.
Mackinaw Bridge Empire State Building
Capitalize the names of stars and planets. Capitalize Earth when
it refers to the planet. Do not capitalize earth when it is preceded
by the article the. Do not capitalize sun or moon.
The planet next closest to the sun from the earth is Venus.
Capitalize the names of schools, clubs, teams, businesses, and
Junior Debate Club at Westwood Senior High School
Capitalize the names of historic events, periods of time, and
the Battle of Bunker Hill the Declaration of Independence
Capitalize the days of the week, months of the year, and holidays.
Labor Day is the first Monday in September.
Capitalize the names of ethnic groups, nationalities, and
languages. Capitalize proper adjectives that are formed from the
names of ethnic groups and nationalities.
The official languages of the Swiss include German and French.
Capitalize the first word of each main topic and subtopic in an
1. Products and exports
A. Natural resources

Mechanics: Punctuation
Mechanics: Punctuation
End Punctuation
A declarative sentence makes a statement. It ends with
a period (.).
An interrogative sentence asks a question. It ends with a
question mark (?).
An imperative sentence makes a command or a request. It ends
with a period (.) or an exclamation mark (!).
An exclamatory sentence expresses strong emotion. It ends
with an exclamation mark (!).
Do you like trapeze artists? Watch how daring they are! I'm afraid
of heights like that.
You#Turn) Write each sentence. Use the correct capitalization
and end punctuation.
1. When is the next performance
2. Get tickets now before they sell out
3 . 1can't wait to see the fire-breathing acrobats
4. Her plane flies east from Chicago on valentine's day.

Use a period at the end of an abbreviation. Use a period in
abbreviations for time. Use a period after initials. Use a period
after numbers and letters in an outline.
Dr. E. J. Simmons will see us at 4:45 P.M. on Feb. 23.
YouiyTurni Write each sentence. Insert periods where needed.
1 . 1would prefer an appointment at 10:00 AM.
2. Ms Etchells has scheduled the test for Oct 5.
3. My best friend, B D Shea, will park at Elm St and wait.
4. Is 7:30 PM too late for Dr West to see you?

Mechanics: Punctuation Colons and Semicolons
Use a colon to separate the hour and minute when you write the
time of day. Use a colon after the greeting of a business letter.
Use a semicolon to combine two related independent clauses
that are not connected by a conjunction such as or, and, or but.
Dear Professor Cooper:
I cannot make your 10:30 class today; our cat is sick.
YouiyTurin) Write each sentence. Insert the proper punctuation
where it is needed.
1. Dear Mr. Kirov
2 . 1tried to call you this morning no one answered the phone.

Use an apostrophe (') and an s to form the possessive of a
singular noun. Use an apostrophe and an s to form the possessive
of a plural noun that does not end in s. Use an apostrophe alone
to form the possessive of a plural noun that ends in s. Do not use
an apostrophe in a possessive pronoun. Use an apostrophe in a
contraction to show where a letter or letters are missing.
My friend's family didn't borrow a car because theirs was fixed.

Use parentheses to set off information that is not essential in a
sentence, such as unnecessary details, clarifications, or examples.
Jim (winner of last year's contest) didn't register for this year.
Youiy Turin) Write each sentence. Insert apostrophes and
parentheses where needed.
1. This years entry fee $25 last year shouldnt increase.
2. Our familys car over 10 years old is very reliable.

Mechanics: Punctuation
Use a comma (,) between the name of a city and the complete
name of a state. Use a comma after the name of a state or a
country when it is used with the name of a city in a sentence.
Do not use a comma between the name of a city and the postal
service abbreviation for a state.
We drove from Houston, Texas, to Toronto, Canada, in one week.
Use a comma between the day and the year in a date. Use a
comma before and after the year when it is used with both the
month and the day in a sentence. Do not use a comma if only the
month and the year are given.
We gathered on August 5, 1987, for our last reunion.
Use a comma after the greeting in a friendly letter and after the
closing in all letters.
Dear Aunt Jo, Very truly yours,
Use a comma before and, but, or or when it joins simple
sentences to form a compound sentence. Use a comma to
separate two or more subjects in a compound subject. Use a
comma to separate two or more predicates in a compound
predicate and after a dependent clause at the start of a sentence.
After the bell rang, Liz, Jack, and Chris left, but I remained.
Use a comma to set off a direct quotation.
"When you heard the bell," she asked, "hadyou finished the test?"
Use commas to separate three or more items in a series.
She photographed the roses, lilies, and orchids on display.
Use a comma after the words yes or no or other introductory
words at the beginning of a sentence. Use a comma with nouns
in a direct address.
Yes, I know Brady. By the way, Donna, have you talked to him ?
Your,*Turn) Write each sentence. Add commas where needed.
1. The residents of Smith South Carolina wanted a town flag.
2 . 1submitted six drawings but none of them were chosen.

Mechanics: Punctuation Quotation Marks
Use quotation marks before and after the exact words that a
speaker says or writes. Use a comma or commas to separate
a clause, such as he said, from the quotation itself. Place the
comma outside the opening quotation marks but inside the
closing quotation marks. Place a period inside closing quotation
marks. Place a question mark or exclamation mark inside the
quotation marks when it is part of the quotation.
"Did you finish your assignment?" my mother asked.
"I started it," I replied, "but my baby brother interrupted me."
Use quotation marks around the title of a short story, song,
short poem, print or online article, or chapter of a book.
I wrote a poem called "My Bratty Baby Brother."
YoutyTurn Write each sentence. Add quotation marks
where needed.
1. Our school journal published My Bratty Baby Brother.
2. What gave you the idea for that poem? my teacher asked.
3. It can be so frustrating at home sometimes! I said.

Italics (Underlining)
Use italics or underlining for the title of a book, movie, television
series, play, stage production, magazine, or newspaper.
We had tickets to see The Lion King in August.
Your^Turn) Write each sentence. Underline titles where needed.
1 . 1 borrowed The Big Book of Ballet from the library.
2. We had just watched The Company on television.


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