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I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 1 (15)


1 GENERAL ............................................. 2
1.1 SV9IOC100 .................................... 2
1.2 SV9IOC101 .................................... 2
1.3 SV9IOC102 .................................... 2
1.4 SV9IOC103 .................................... 2
1.5 SV9IOC104 .................................... 3
1.6 Fieldbus boards ............................. 3
2 SPECIFICATIONS ................................ 4
3 INSTALLATION..................................... 5
3.1 General ........................................... 5
3.2 Installation ...................................... 6
4 CONTROL CONNECTIONS ............. 11
4.1 SV9IOC100 .................................. 11
4.2 SV9IOC101 .................................. 12
4.3 SV9IOC102 .................................. 13
4.4 SV9IOC103 .................................. 14
4.5 SV9IOC104 .................................. 15

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 2 (15)

Due to the compact frame size of the SV9000 series, all I/O-expander boards need
to be installed in a separate box (SV9EXPBOX), except the encoder board
(SV9IOC104). If ordered together with option board this will be preinstalled.

1.1 SV9IOC100
The available I/O can be increased by using the SV9IOC100 I/O-expander board:
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 2 analog inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog output (current programmable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor
thermistors to monitor the motor temperature)
- encoder input
Typical use: Closed Loop Vector Control
1.2 SV9IOC101
The available I/O can be increased by using the SV9IOC101 expander board:
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- relay output (standard signal)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor
thermistors to monitor the motor temperature)
Typical use: thermistor input required
1.3 SV9IOC102
The available I/O can be increased by using the SV9IOC102 expander board:
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 2 analog inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog output (voltage programmable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors to monitor
the motor temperature)
- encoder input
Typical use: Closed Loop Vector Control

1.4 SV9IOC103
The available I/O can be increased by using the SV9IOC103 expander board:
- 5 digital inputs (standard signals)
- 3 relay outputs (standard signals)
- analog output (programmable)
- thermistor input (can be directly connected to the motor thermistors to monitor
the motor temperature)
Typical use: thermistor input and additional analog output required

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 3 (15)

1.5 SV9IOC104
The available I/O can be increased by using the SV9IOC104 expander board:
- encoder input
Typical use: Closed Loop Vector Control

1.6 Fieldbus boards

SV9000 fieldbus boards can be installed in the SV9000 series as the I/O-expander
boards. The needed information to install/commission fieldbus boards can be found
in the respective SV9000 Fieldbus manual.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 4 (15)

Safety Fulfills EN50178, C-UL and EN60204-1 standards
Control Analog voltage, input 0—± 10 V, Ri ≥ 200 kW
connections Analog current, input 0(4)—20 mA, Ri = 250 W
Digital input 24 V: "0" £10 V, "1" ≥18 V, Ri > 5 kW
Aux. voltage 24 V (±20%), max. 50 mA
Reference voltage 10 V ±3 %, max. 10 mA
Analog current, output 0(4)—20 mA, R L = 500 Ω , resol. 10 bit, accuracy ≤±2%
Analog voltage, output 0(2)—10 V, RL ≥ 1 kΩ , resol. 10 bit, accuracy ≤±2%
Relay output Max. switching voltage: 300 V DC, 250 V AC
Max. switching load: 8A / 24 V DC
0,4 A / 300 V DC
2 kVA / 250 V AC
Max. continuous load: 2 A rms
Thermistor input Rtrip = 4.7 kΩ
Encoder input 24 V: "0" £10 V, "1" ³18 V, Ri = 2.2 kΩ
5 V: "0" £ 2 V, "1" ³ 3 V, Ri = 330 Ω
Table 2-1 Specifications.
(All the control connections are not found on every I/O-expander board, for more specific
information see chapters 1 and 4.)

The control connections are isolated from the utility potential and the I/O ground is
connected to the frame of the inverter via a 1-MW resistor and 4,7 nF capacitor*). The
control I/O ground can be connected directly to the frame by changing the position of
the jumper X4 (GND ON/OFF) to the ON-position. Digital inputs and relay outputs are
also isolated from the I/O ground.
*) Default value (X4 is GND OFF- position).

Internal components and circuit boards (except the isolated I/O terminals)
NOTE! are at utility potential when the drive is connected to the utility. This voltage
is extremely dangerous and may cause death or severe injury if contact is
made with it.

The control I/O terminals are isolated from the utility potential, but the relay
outputs and other I/O's may have dangerous voltage connected even if the
power is disconnected from the drive.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 5 (15)

3.1. General
Check that your have received all the required parts (figure 3-1):
- I/O-repeater board (1) and 10-pole shielded data cable (2)
- check that you have also received the jumper for I/O-repeater board terminal X5 (3)
- 4-pole power cable (4)
- protection foil under (5) and above (6) the I/O-reapeater board
- stand sleeve (7)
- screw for fixing the I/O-repeater board (8)
- 12-pole communication cable (9)
- option box (10)
- I/O-expander board (11) (check that the typecode matches your order)
- I/O-interface board (12)
- 10-pole data cable (13)
- 4-pole power cable (14)
- screws for I/O-expander board (15)
- screws for I/O-interface board (16)

2 6
14 13


Figure 3-1. I/O-expander board parts.

If the delivery is not what you have ordered, please contact the supplier immediately.
Only a competent electrician should carry out the electrical installation.
Before doing any commissioning actions, carefully read the safety instructions in
"USERS MANUAL, SV9000", chapter 1, SAFETY.
Disconnect the drive from the utility. Note: also the control circuits! Wait a further 5
minutes before opening the cover of the drive. Verify by measuring that the drive is
safe to touch.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 6 (15)

I/O-repeater board (1) should be installed above the control board inside the drive. The I/O-
expander board (10) and I/O-interface board (11) should be installed in the option box. Fol-
low the instructions below (see table 3-2).

Check that the jumper for I/O-repeater board (1) is in the right
1 position in terminal X5 (3). The position of the jumper must be
chosen according the I/O-expander board (11):

- If I/O-expander board SV9IOC101 or

SV9IOC103 is in use, jumper must be in
X5 position A.
- If I/O-expander board SV9IOC100 or
SV9IOC102 is in use, jumper must be in
position B.
- If one of the following fieldbus boards is in use:
jumper must be in position C.(Position D is not
in use).

Remove the control panel, control panel cover (4 screws) and the jumper X4 from the
2 control board.



Remove the fixing screw from the control board

3 and replace it with a stand sleeve (7).

Make sure that the cable of the control panel

4 cover is connected to the control board X1
terminal. Connect the 4-pole power cable (4)
to the control board X5 terminal (The power
cable can also be connected to the X6- 5
terminal, if the power cable from the power
board is connected to the X5-terminal.)
Set the protection foil (5) above the control
board as shown in the picture. Make sure
that the protection foil is correctly located, the X5
hole in the foil will must be located above the
stand sleeve.

Table 3-2. I/O-expander board installation (continues ...)

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 7 (15)

Connect the shielded data cable for

5 I/O-repeater board (2) to the control
board X14 terminal. X14

Install the control panel cover with 4

6 screws.

Set the protection foil (6) above the I/O-repeater board as shown in the picture. Make sure that
7 the protection foil is correctly located, push the "arms" of the protection foil under the control
panel cover. Fasten the I/O-repeater board and protection foil to the stand sleeve (7) with the

Connect the power cable (4) to the I/O-repeater terminal X1 and communication cable (9)
8 to the I/O-repeater terminal X3. Uncover carefully the shield of the communication cable
(max. 1,5 cm), tight up to the metal clamp (in the cable) and ground the cable to the drive
ground as shown in the picture.

Table 3-2. I/O-expander board installation (continues ...)

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 8 (15)

Check the connections and make sure that there are no foreign objects inside the drive.
Close the cover of the drive.

Install the jumper removed from the control board X4 terminal on the I/O-expander board
10 terminal X9. Note: the jumper can be connected in the ON or OFF position,see the SV9000
User's manual, chapter 6.2.2.


If you have the option box in which the I/O-expander (11)

11 and I/O-interface board (12) are preinstalled, jump to section
Install I/O-expander board (11) and I/O-interface board (12)
in the option box (10) with the screws.

Connect data cable (13) between terminal X14

12 on the I/O-interface board (12) and terminal X14
on the I/O-expander board (11)).
X14 X14

13 Connect power cable (14) between terminal

X6 in the I/O-interface board (12) and terminal
X6 in the I/O-expander board (11).


Table 3-2. I/O-expander board installation (continues ...)

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 9 (15)

Connect the communication cable (9) to the I/O-expander board

14 X15 terminal (12). Ground the communication cable to the option X15
box ground.

Connect the necessary control signals. If a fieldbus board is in use, see separate manual for
15 more specific information.

16 If an encoder input (closed loop control) is to

be used and the encoder works on a 5V level,
move three jumpers from terminal X5 to
terminal X8. If the encoder works on 24V, then
X8-terminal should be left free.

17 Check the connections and make sure that there are no foreign objects inside the option
box. Before connecting the utility make sure that the cover of the option box and the drive
is closed.
Set the parameters of the I/O-expander board according to the "SVReady" -application
18 manual (parameter group 3).

Table 3-2. I/O-expander board installation

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 10 (15)

Figure 3-2. Drive and external I/O-expander box installation (unit sizes M3 and M4B, Compact Nema 1).
I/O-expander box can also be installed next to the drive (unit sizes M3, M4B and M5B,
Compact Nema 1).

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 11 (15)

4.1 SV9IOC100

Terminal Signal Description

201 +10Vref Reference output Voltage for a potentiometer,etc.

202 Vin+ Analog input,voltage Not in use
range 0—10 V DC
203 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
204 Iin+ Analog input,current Not in use
205 Iin- range 0—20 mA
206 +24V Control volt. output Voltage for switches, etc. max. 50mA
207 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
208 CMC Common for DIC1-DIC5 Connect to GND or + 24 V

209 DIC1 External fault Contact open = no fault

(closing contact) Contact closed = fault
210 DIC2 Run disable Cont. open = start of motor enabled
Cont. closed= start of motor disabled
211 DIC3 Acceler./Decel. time Contact open=time 1 selected
selection Contact closed=time 2 selected
212 DIC4 Jogg. speed selection Contact open = no action
Contact closed = jogging speed
213 DIC5 Fault reset Contact open = no action
Contact closed = fault reset
214 DI6A+ Pulse input A
215 DI6A- (differential input)
Enco- 216 DI7B+ Pulse input B 90 degrees phase shift compared
217 DI7B- (differential input) to pulse input A
der 218 DI8Z+ Pulse input C one pulse per one revolution
219 DI8Z- (differential input)
220 Iout+ Analog output Programmable
0—20 mA/RL max. 500 W (Motor current as default value)
Signal from 221 TI+ Thermistor input
motor thermistors 222 TI-
*) 223 RO3/1 Relay output 3 READY
224 RO3/2
225 RO4/1 Relay output 4 RUN
226 RO4/2
227 RO5/1 Relay output 5 FAULT
228 RO5/2

Figure 4-1 Control connections of SV9IOC100.

*) NOTE! Thermistor input (terminals 221 and 222) must be shorted if not used.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 12 (15)

4.2 SV9IOC101

Terminal Signal Description

206 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, etc. max. 50 mA
207 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
208 CMC Common for DIC1-DIC5 Connect to GND or + 24 V
209 DIC1 External fault Contact open = no fault
(closing contact) Contact closed = fault
210 DIC2 Run disable Cont. open = start of motor enabled
Cont. closed= start of motor disabled
211 DIC3 Acceler. / Decel. time Contact open = time 1 selected
selection Contact closed = time 2 selected
212 DIC4 Jogging speed selection Contact open = no action
Contact closed = jogging speed
213 DIC5 Fault reset Contact open = no action
Contact closed = fault reset
214 N.C. Not connected
215 N.C. Not connected

Signal from 221 TI+ Thermistor input

motor thermistors 222 TI+

225 RO4/1 Relay output 4 RUN

226 RO4/2

Figure 4-2 Control connections of SV9IOC101.

*) NOTE! Thermistor input (terminals 221 and 222) must be shorted if not used.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 13 (15)

4.3 SV9IOC102

Terminal Signal Description

201 +10Vref Reference output Voltage for a potentiometer, etc.

202 Vin+ Analog input, voltage Not in use
range 0—10 V DC
203 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
204 Vin+ Analog input, voltage Not in use
205 V in- range 0—10 V DC
206 +24V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, etc. max. 50 mA
207 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls
208 CMC Common for DIC1-DIC5 Connect to GND or + 24 V
209 DIC1 External fault Contact open = no fault
(closing contact) Contact closed = fault
210 DIC2 Run disable = start of motor enabled
Cont.closed=start of motor disabled
211 DIC3 Acceler./Decel. time Contact open = time 1 selected
selection Contact closed = time 2 selected
212 DIC4 Jogg.speed selection Contact open=no action
Contact closed=jogging speed
213 DIC5 Fault reset Contact open = no action
Contact closed = fault reset
214 DI6A+ Pulse input A
Enco- 215 DI6A- (differential input)
der 216 DI7B+ Pulse input B 90 degrees phase shift compared
217 DI7B- (differential input) to pulse input A
218 DO1 Encoder direction output
219 DO2 Encoder div. 1/64 output
220 Uout+ Analog output Programmable
0—10 V DC/RL ≥ 1 kΩ (Motor voltage as default value)
Signal from 221 TI+ Thermistor input
motor thermistors 222 TI-
*) 223 RO3/1 Relay output 3 READY
224 RO3/2
225 RO4/1 Relay output 4 RUN
226 RO4/2
227 RO5/1 Relay output 5 FAULT
228 RO5/2

Figure 4-3 Control connections of SV9IOC102.

*) NOTE! Thermistor input (terminals 221 and 222) must be shorted if not used.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 14 (15)

4.4 Vacon CX103OPT

Terminal Signal Description

206 +24V Control voltage output Volt. for switches, etc. max. 50 mA

207 GND I/O ground Ground for reference and controls

208 CMC Common for DIC1-DIC5 Connect to GND or + 24 V

209 DIC1 External fault Contact open = no fault
(closing contact) Contact closed = fault
210 DIC2 Run disable = start of motor enabled
Cont.closed= start of motor disabled
211 DIC3 Acceler./Decel. time Contact open = time 1 selected
selection Contact closed = time 2 selected
212 DIC4 Jogg. speed selection Contact open = no action
Contact closed=jogging speed
213 DIC5 Fault reset Contact open = no action
Contact closed = fault reset
214 GND I/O ground
215 Iout+ Analog output Programmable
0—20 mA/RL max. 500W (Motor current as default value)

Signal from 221 TI+ Thermistor input

motor thermistors 222 TI-
*) 223 RO3/1 Relay output 3 READY
224 RO3/2
225 RO4/1 Relay output 4 RUN
226 RO4/2
227 RO5/1 Relay output 5 FAULT
228 RO5/2

Figure 4-4 Control connections of SV9IOC103.

*) NOTE! Thermistor input (terminals 221 and 222) must be shorted if not used.

I/O-expander board installation (SV9000) Page 15 (15)

4.5 SV9IOC104

Terminal Signal Description

201 +5V Control voltage output Voltage for switches, max load 100-150

203 GND I/O ground Ground for controls

206 +24V Control voltage output

207 GND I/O ground Ground for controls

214 DI6A+ Pulse input A
Enco- 215 DI6A- (differential input)
der 216 DI7B+ Pulse input B
217 DI7B- (differential input)

218 DIR Encoder direction

219 DIV Encoder divider 1/1024

Figure 4-5 Control connections of SV9IOC104.


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