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9A 9B
I Reading and Use of English: Multiple matchrng :. Speaking: Vocabulary: Shopping; Coliaborative task and
(Part 7) discussion (Parts 3 and 4)
:- Language development: Conditionals .>'Listening: Multiple choice (Part 1)
"', Writing: Article (Part 2) ," Lan gu age deve o p m ent: Su bject-verb agreem ent;

it/there, Money and banks; Forming verbs

;" Reading and Use of English: Cpen cloze (?art2),
Word formation (Part 3)



1 Discuss the questions.

1 What are the benefits and drawbacks of the consuTner society?
2 Read the statement. How far do you agree with rt?
The people who do all the work don't get their fatr share of the proftts

A m¡atter nf e*nse Esmee?

Remdimg (Paper 1 Part ?)

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Shelter t1g"u*life
sl:\s' i,\-\in
Love loter ^::\ \s s:': .\ ri: {:
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**fl*¡,* g*a: r*a* 1a Which of these charities would you be most and least likely to
give to? Why?
. the homeless . the environment
. medical research . the developing world
. the elderly . disaster relref
. ch ld ren . the disabled
. anima s

b Do you think helping the needy should be the responsibility of

individuals or of the government?
{""ilii :} p ic :ss;.f n ! n4 2 Do the task. Remember to read the questions carefully before you
scan the texts to find the information.
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You are going to read an afticle in which five people talk about
contributing to charity. For questions'l-'10, choose from the people
(A-E). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

admires the efforts made to raise funds for charity? m

thinks some people support charities out of seLf jnterest? t-l
believes that giving money directly to indrvrduaLs in
need ls not the best solution? t
resents feeling pressured into giving money? EE
suspects that some charities don't make the
best use of their money? il
has mixed feelings about giving to street co ectors? m
contrrbutes to society in non-financial ways? ru
is impressed by the general public's generosity
aft-.r a disaster? m
prefers to su pport less'fash ionable' charitles? m
admits they have g ven money out of a feeling of guilt? m
T**ic erax"33r*is 3 Compare and give reasons for your answers.
F:3rs*l¿s*r*13 4 Which person in the article do you agree and disagree with most?
\.J* * ebt-ti *ry : F::,f* r ::aa} 5 Match the definitions with the underlined words and phrases in
*xpr*ssir*atx the article.
t help 5 give money
2 admire 6 very embarrassed
3 emotional 7 on the street
4 makes you reaiise B deliberately do something

The consumer society
.1 --,i-r:l: :: ffi

What motivates you to give or deny money to people in need? We hit the streets of Manchester to
find out your views.

lust a little then we wou dn't have ail these problems.

I read somewhere that the average person only gives
one percent of what they earn to chalty, which means
they spend 99 percent on themselvesl However, i do
worry that some organisattons have become so brg that
they are, perhaps spending too much on bureaucracy
instead ol sending rt directly to those in need.'

,, Jeanette (57)
'l really applald those people who actively do
something lor good causes, such as car boot sa es or
sponsored walks. Sometimes I think about tal rng part
in something lLke that but thrnking is as far as I getl To
tell the truth I think that most of us need to have a
persona [eason for getttng involved, such as now ng
someone who has a certain disease or something I do
grve money to charity collectors on the street whenever
I have change but il l'm honest, that's because I feel
4913med walking on past them when rt's cold or the
rain s pouring down.'
i: Graham (45)
'i get really annoyed wrth the charLty collectors who
stand outside shops and swoop on you, ask ng you for
money lor this cause and that cause, tryrng to make yol
leel gui ty rf you say no I also dtsapprove of all those
lunk letters you get you know, with photos of starving
chrldren or anlma s in patn or whatever I feel that they
Tom (30) are a most trying to exploit yor'] - it's a kind of emot ona
Whenever I see a fundraising event on TV to ralse blac<mar . lt's up to me, after al who I donate rnoney
rxoney for an earthquake or whatever, I always lee .o ¿-d I arru¿ll) -J e q porn olgtv ^g o otg¿n 5dfio-r
movel by the number ol people - especially the worse- that get Iess publicity rather than the trendy ones that
off - who make donations I do think the TV coverage are rnked to celebrit es'
re ps - it really brLngs it all home to )¡aU Of course, it's
rot on y about grving money, a though obviously that
,:, Laura (35)
'l wouldn't have any money at all Lf I gave money to
s a key part of rt; l've often wished that I had medical
every charrty collector on every street cornerl That's
rr engineering skl1 s to offer so that I could go out there
why I don't do rt. And l've stopped givrng myself a hard
.nd help the relLef effort l'm more unwiling though to
trme about rt because I do feel that l do my falr slple
JSt give money to people on the streets because I don't
for the commun ty in other ways. I donate blood three
.¡Lnk this helps solve the problem long-term and in lact
times a year and I worl< as a volunteer in a retirement
:ould encourage more people to sleep rough'
home. I aiso give our old clothes and toys to the local
Yvette (2ó) charrty shop. 1 thrnk that there are those who only give
can never pass af yone in the street holding a rnoney to chalty to ease their conscience rather than
-ol ection tin without asking myse f whether or not I wanting to help those they are grving rt to The
.¡ould give. I sometimes feel reluctant if it's for medica sarre goes for those celebrities who get a lot ol pr.lblclty
:search or the home ess - isn't that what pay my taxes because they are associated wrth a charity. Who
'¡r, after all? But on the other hand, if everyone gave benellrs more the celebrrty or the charity?'


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