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March 26, 2014



Pursuant to Section 7 of Republic Act No. 10592 entitled as "An Act

Amending Articles 29, 94, 97, 98 and 99 of Act No. 3815, Otherwise Known
as the Revised Penal Code, as Amended," the following Implementing Rules
and Regulations (IRR) are hereby promulgated:
General Provisions
SECTION 1. Ti t l e . — These Rules shall be referred to as the
"Implementing Rules and Regulations" of Republic Act No. 10592.
SECTION 2. Scope and Application. — These Rules shall apply to any
prisoner, whether under detention or convicted by final judgment, in a local
jail, rehabilitation or detention center or in a penal institution.
SECTION 3. Construction. — These Rules shall be construed liberally in
favor of a detained or convicted prisoner.
SECTION 4. Prospective Application. — Considering that these Rules
provide for new procedures and standards of behavior for the grant of good
conduct time allowance as provided in Section 4 of Rule V hereof and require
the creation of a Management, Screening and Evaluation Committee (MSEC)
as provided in Section 3 of the same Rule, the grant of good conduct time
allowance under Republic Act No. 10592 shall be prospective in application.
The grant of time allowance of study, teaching and mentoring and of
special time allowance for loyalty shall also be prospective in application as
these privileges are likewise subject to the management, screening and
evaluation of the MSEC.
SECTION 1. Objectives. — The credit for preventive imprisonment, as
well as the increase in the time allowance granted for good conduct and
exemplary services rendered or for loyalty, seek to:

a. redeem and uplift valuable human material towards economic

and social usefulness;TcSICH

b. level the field of opportunity by giving an increased time

allowance to motivate prisoners to pursue a productive and
law-abiding life; and
c. implement the state policy of restorative and compassionate
justice by promoting the reformation and rehabilitation of
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prisoners, strengthening their moral fiber and facilitating
their successful reintegration into the mainstream of society.
Definition of Terms
SECTION 1. Definition of Terms. — As used herein, the following terms
shall mean:

a. "Act" — shall refer to Act No. 3815, otherwise known as the

Revised Penal Code, as amended;
b. "Accused" — an offender who is under detention and against
whom a Criminal Complaint or Prosecutor's Information has
been filed in a court of law;

c. "BJMP" — Bureau of Jail Management and Penology;

d. "BUCOR" — Bureau of Corrections;
e. "Chief" — Chief of BJMP;
f. "Commitment Order" — a written order of a court of law or any
other competent authority committing a person to jail or
prison for confinement;
g. "Convicted Prisoner" — a person who has undergone trial and
who has been convicted by a final judgment by a court of law
or tribunal, for the felony or offense he committed;
h. "Correctional Facility" — a prison or jail;
i. "Counsel" — a lawyer tasked or requested to assist a detention
prisoner in explaining the provisions of Article 29 of the
Revised Penal Code regarding the benefit of credit for
preventive imprisonment;
j. "Destierro" — a penalty in which a person shall not be permitted
to enter the place or places designated in the sentence, or
within the radius therein specified, which shall not be more
than 250 and not less than 25 kilometers from the place
k. "Detainee" — an offender who is accused before a court of law
or competent authority who is under preventive
imprisonment or temporarily confined in jail or prison while
undergoing investigation or trial or awaiting final judgment;

l. "Detainee's Manifestation" — a written declaration of a detained

prisoner, with the assistance of a counsel, to abide by the
same disciplinary rules imposed upon a convicted prisoner
for the purpose of availing the full credit of the period of his
preventive imprisonment;
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m. "Detainee's Waiver" — a written declaration of a detained
prisoner, with the assistance of a counsel, stating his refusal
to abide by the same disciplinary rules imposed upon a
prisoner convicted by final judgment and thus be entitled to a
credit of four-fifths (4/5) of the time during his preventive
n. "Director" — Director of the BUCOR;
o. "Felony" — an act or omission defined and penalized under the
provisions of the Revised Penal Code, as amended;
p. "Good Conduct" — refers to the conspicuous and satisfactory
behavior of a detention or convicted prisoner consisting of
active involvement in rehabilitation programs, productive
participation in authorized work activities or accomplishment
of exemplary deeds coupled with faithful obedience to all
prison/jail rules and regulations;

q. "Good Conduct Time Allowance" (GCTA) — a privilege granted to

a prisoner, whether detained or convicted by final judgment,
entitling him to a reduction of his jail or prison term for every
month of actual detention or service of sentence as a reward
for good conduct and exemplary behavior;
r. "Habitual Delinquent" — a person who, within a period of ten
(10) years from the date of release from prison or last
conviction of the crimes of serious or less serious physical
injuries, robbery, theft, estafa, and falsification, is found
guilty of any of said crimes a third time or oftener;
s. "Jail" — a detention or correctional facility managed by the BJMP
or the local government unit mandated by law to safekeep
and rehabilitate a prisoner who is under preventive
imprisonment or who is sentenced to not more than three (3)
years of imprisonment by order of a court of law or
competent authority;

t. "Offense" — a criminal act defined and penalized by special laws;

u. "Operations Manual" — also referred to as "Manual of
Operations", a document of all pertinent issuances and laws
which deal with the administration and management of jail or
prison and the treatment and discipline of a prisoner in a
detention or correctional facility;
v. "Preventive Imprisonment" — is a temporary confinement in jail
or prison while undergoing investigation or trial or awaiting
final judgment; ACcHIa

w. "Prison" — any correctional facility managed by the BUCOR to

safekeep and rehabilitate a prisoner convicted by the final
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judgment, whose sentence exceeds three (3) years, or who is
sentenced to serve two (2) or more prison terms and whose
aggregated sentences exceed three (3) years;

x. "Proper Authority" — shall refer either to:

1. The Secretary of the Department of Justice (for the
BUCOR), or

2. The Secretary of the Department of the Interior and Local

Government (for the BJMP), or

3. The Provincial Governor (for the Provincial Jails).

y. "Recidivist" — a person who, at the time of his trial for one
crime, shall have been previously convicted by final
judgment of another crime embraced in the same title of the
Revised Penal Code, as amended.

z. "Special Time Allowance for Loyalty" (STAL) — a privilege

granted to a prisoner, whether detained or convicted by final
judgment, who has evaded preventive imprisonment or
service of sentence under the circumstances cited in Article
158 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and surrendered
to the authorities within forty-eight (48) hours following the
proclamation announcing the passing away of the calamity or
catastrophe referred to in the said article in the form of a
deduction of one-fifth (1/5) from his preventive imprisonment
or service of sentence or a deduction of two-fifths (2/5) if the
prisoner opted to stay in jail or prison during the calamity;
aa. "Time Allowance for Study, Teaching and Mentoring" (TASTM)
— a privilege granted to a prisoner, whether detained or
convicted by final judgment, as a reward for having earned a
post-graduate degree or college degree, a certificate of
completion of a vocational or technical skills or values
development course, a high school or elementary diploma or
to one serving his fellow prisoner as teacher or mentor while
incarcerated, equivalent to a deduction of a maximum of
fifteen (15) days for every month of study or mentoring
services; and
ab. "Warden" — the head of the district, municipal and city jails
under the BJMP or of the provincial and sub-provincial jails
under the Office of the Provincial Governor. IcTEaC

The Benefit of Credit for Preventive Imprisonment (CPI)
SECTION 1. Duty to Inform Detainees of the Credit for Preventive
Imprisonment. — It shall be the duty of the Chief of the BJMP, Jail Warden or
Director of the BUCOR having custody of the detention prisoner to inform
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him that the period of his preventive imprisonment shall be deducted from
the term of his imprisonment in accordance with Article 29 of the Revised
Penal Code, as amended.
SECTION 2. Who are Entitled. — An accused who has undergone
preventive imprisonment shall be credited, either full or four-fifths (4/5)
term, for his actual detention or service of his sentence, provided he is not
disqualified under Article 29 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and
under the following section.
SECTION 3. Who are Disqualified. — The grant of credit of preventive
imprisonment shall not apply to the following:

a. An accused who is a recidivist as defined under Article 14 (9),

Chapter III, Book I of the Revised Penal Code;
b. An accused who has been convicted previously twice or more
times of any crime; and
c. An accused who, upon being summoned for the execution of his
sentence, has failed to surrender voluntarily before a court of
SECTION 4. Effect of Detainee's Manifestation. — An accused who has
undergone preventive imprisonment shall be credited with the full time
during which he has undergone preventive imprisonment if:

a. He agrees voluntarily, in writing, to abide by the same

disciplinary rules imposed upon convicted prisoners; and

b. Such undertaking is executed with the assistance of a counsel.

SECTION 5. Effect of Detainee's Waiver. — An accused who has
undergone preventive imprisonment and who does not agree to abide by the
same disciplinary rules imposed upon prisoners convicted by final judgment
shall be credited in the service of his sentence with four-fifths (4/5) of the
time during which he has undergone preventive imprisonment if:

a. He shall do so in writing; and

b. With the assistance of counsel.
SECTION 6. Provisional Release While under Preventive Imprisonment.

a. Whenever an accused has undergone preventive imprisonment
for a period equal to the imposable maximum imprisonment
of the offense charged to which he may be sentenced and his
case is not yet decided, he shall be released immediately
without prejudice to the continuation of the trial thereof or
the proceeding on appeal, if the same is under review,
except for the following: ETDaIC

1. Recidivist
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2. Habitual Delinquent
3. Escapee

4. Person charged with heinous crimes

b. If the maximum penalty to which the accused may be sentenced
is destierro, he shall be released after thirty (30) days of
preventive imprisonment.
The computation of preventive imprisonment for purposes of
immediate release shall be the actual period of detention with good conduct
time allowance: provided, however, that if the accused is absent without
justifiable cause at any stage of the trial, the court may motu proprio order
the re-arrest of the accused. CHDaAE

SECTION 7. GCTA of an Accused Qualified for CPI. — An accused who is

qualified for credit for preventive imprisonment shall also be qualified to
avail of the benefit of good conduct time allowance provided for under
Article 97 of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and pursuant to the
procedures laid down in Rule V hereof.
SECTION 8. Deduction for Credit for Preventive Imprisonment when
Imposable Penalty is Reclusion Perpetua. — Credit for preventive
imprisonment for the penalty of reclusion perpetua shall be deducted from
thirty (30) years.
Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA)
SECTION 1. Who are Entitled. — The good conduct for the following
shall entitle them to the deductions described in Section 2 hereunder from
their sentence as good conduct time allowance (GCTA) pursuant to Article 29
of the Revised Penal Code, as amended, and to Sections 2 to 8 hereof:

a. A detention prisoner qualified for credit for preventive

imprisonment for his good conduct and exemplary behavior;

b. A prisoner convicted by the final judgment in any penal

institution, rehabilitation or detention center or any other
local jail for his good conduct and exemplary behavior.

SECTION 2. Deductible Good Conduct Time Allowance. — A qualified

prisoner, whether detained or convicted by final judgment, shall be entitled
to the following deductions from his sentence for good conduct:
a. During the first two years of imprisonment, he shall be allowed a
deduction of twenty days for each month of good behavior
during detention; first 2yrs: 20d /month

b. During the third to the fifth year, inclusive, of his imprisonment,

he shall be allowed a reduction of twenty-three days for each
month of good behavior during detention; 3rd to 5th yr: 23d /month
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c. During the following years until the tenth year, inclusive of his
imprisonment he shall be allowed a reduction of twenty-five
days for each month of good behavior during detention; and
6th to 10th yr: 25d /month
d. During the eleventh and successive years of his imprisonment,
he shall be allowed a deduction of thirty days for each month
of good behavior during detention. 11th year onwards: 30d /month

SECTION 3. Management, Screening and Evaluation Committee

(MSEC). —
a. The Director of the BUCOR, Chief of the BJMP and Wardens of
various provinces, cities, districts and municipalities are
mandated to assess, evaluate and grant time deduction to a
deserving prisoner, whether detained or convicted by final
judgment, in the form of GCTA, STAL and TASTM as
prescribed by these Rules through the creation of the MSEC.

c. * The composition of the MSEC shall be determined by the

Director of the BUCOR, Chief of the BJMP or Wardens of
Provincial and Sub-Provincial, District, City and Municipal
Jails, respectively. Membership shall not be less than five (5)
and shall include a Probation and Parole Officer, and if
available, a psychologist and a social worker.
d. The MSEC shall prepare minutes of every meeting to record each
SECTION 4. Procedures for the Grant of Good Conduct Time Allowance.
— The following procedures shall be followed in the grant of GCTA:

a. The BUCOR, BJMP and Provincial Jails shall give special

considerations to satisfactory behavior of a detention or
convicted prisoner consisting of active involvement in
rehabilitation programs, productive participation in
authorized work activities or accomplishment of exemplary
deeds. It is understood that in all instances, the detained or
convicted prisoner must faithfully obey all prison/jail rules
and regulations;
b. The BUCOR, BJMP and Provincial Jails shall each create the MSEC
or such appropriate number of MSECs tasked to manage,
screen and evaluate the behavior or conduct of a detention
or convicted prisoner;

c. After due consideration of the behavior or conduct shown by a

detained or convicted prisoner, the MSEC shall then
recommend to the appropriate official the appropriate GCTA
that may be credited in favor of said prisoner ranging from
the minimum of the allowable credit to the maximum credit

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d. Acting on the recommendation of the MSEC, the appropriate
official named in Section 1 of Rule VIII hereof shall either;
1. Approve the recommendation and issue a certification
granting GCTA to the prisoner for the particular period;

2. Disapprove the recommendation if the prisoner

recommended is not qualified to be granted the benefit
or that errors or irregularities attended the evaluation
of the prisoner; or
3. Return the recommendation, without action, for corrections
as regards the name, prison number or other clerical or
inadvertent errors, or for the further evaluation of the
conduct or behavior of the prisoner concerned.
e. The appropriate official concerned shall ensure that GCTAs are
processed each month and that there is proper recording of a
prisoner's good behavior in the jail or prison records. cAHDES

SECTION 5. Computer Template and Manual. — The BUCOR, BJMP and

Provincial Jails shall design and use a computer-generated or automated
template to monitor the progress of detainees or prisoners convicted by final
judgment capable of incorporating time allowances that may be granted to
each of them. In addition, a written computation table or manual of
preventive imprisonment or service of sentence incorporating time
allowances shall be prepared and used as the primary official reference by
the BUCOR, BJMP and Provincial Jails.
SECTION 6. Time Allowance for Study, Teaching and Mentoring
(TASTM). — At any time during the period of imprisonment, an accused or
prisoner convicted by final judgment shall be allowed, in addition to the
benefits provided for under Section 2, Rule V, another deduction of fifteen
(15) days, for each month of his time rendered for —
a. Study;

b. Teaching; or

c. Mentoring service.
SECTION 7. Procedures for the Grant of TASTM. —

a. The BUCOR, BJMP and Provincial Jails shall each keep a master
list of detainees or prisoners convicted by final judgment,
who have been allowed, subject to their respective jail or
prison rules, to study, teach or perform mentoring activities
within their respective detention or prison facility;
b. The MSEC shall be tasked to monitor and certify whether said
prisoner, for the period covered, has actually studied, taught
or performed mentoring duties;

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c. If the prisoner is qualified, the MSEC shall recommend to the
concerned officials the grant of TASTM who shall approve the
same by issuing a corresponding certification.
SECTION 8. Effect When Case of an Accused is on Appeal. — An appeal
by the accused shall not deprive him of his entitlement to the time
Special Time Allowance for Loyalty (STAL)
SECTION 1. Special Time Allowance for Loyalty. —
a. A deduction of one-fifth (1/5) of the period of his sentence shall
be granted to any prisoner who, having evaded his
preventive imprisonment or the service of his sentence under
the circumstances mentioned in Article 158 of the Revised
Penal Code, gives himself up to the authorities within forty-
eight (48) hours following the issuance of a proclamation
announcing the passing away of the calamity or catastrophe
referred to in said article. AEIDTc

b. A deduction of two-fifths (2/5) of the period of his sentence shall

be granted in case said prisoner chose to stay in the place of
his confinement notwithstanding the existence of a calamity
or catastrophe enumerated in Article 158 of the Revised
Penal Code.
Provided, that he has not committed other offense or any act in
violation of the law or the Act.
Partial Extinction of Criminal Liability
SECTION 1. Partial Extinction of Criminal Liability. — Criminal liability is
extinguished partially:
a. By conditional pardon;

b. By commutation of sentence; and

c. For good conduct allowances which the culprit may earn while
he is undergoing preventive imprisonment or serving
Officials Authorized to Grant Time Allowances
SECTION 1. Who Grants Time Allowances. — Whenever lawfully
justified, the following officials shall grant allowances for good conduct:
a. Director of the Bureau of Corrections;
b. Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology; and/or
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c. Warden of a Provincial, District, City or Municipal Jail.
SECTION 2. Irrevocability of Time Allowances. — Allowances such as
GCTA, TASTM and STAL, once granted by the authorized official, shall not be
Operations Manual
SECTION 1. Manual. — The BUCOR, the BJMP and the Provincial Jails
shall provide and each have their own new manual to guide them in the
effective implementation and carry out the mandate of Republic Act No.
10592 and these Rules.
Final Provisions
SECTION 1. Penal Clause. — Faithful compliance with the provisions of
Republic Act No. 10592 and these Rules is mandated. The penalty of one (1)
year imprisonment, a fine of One Hundred Thousand Pesos (P100,000.00)
and perpetual disqualification to hold office shall be imposed against any
public officer or employee who violates the provisions of this Rule.
SECTION 2. Separability Clause. — If any provision of these Rules shall
be declared invalid or unconstitutional, the remaining provisions not
otherwise affected shall remain valid and subsisting.
SECTION 3. Repealing Clause. — All policies, issuances, rules and
regulations inconsistent with these Rules are hereby modified or repealed
SECTION 4. Effectivity Clause. — These Rules shall take effect fifteen
(15) days after the date of its publication in a newspaper of general
circulation in the Philippines. EADCHS

Done this 26th of March 2014 at Quezon City, Philippines.


Secretary of Justice


Secretary of Interior and Local Government

Published in The Philippine Daily Inquirer on April 3, 2014.

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