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Research Methodology MCQ Questions With

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Share this document 1 . _______ is referred to as "the father of research on teaching"?

A. N. L. Gage B. David Berliner

C. Egon Brunswik D. Donald T. Campbell

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Answer: A

2 . The main purpose of research in education is to _________

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Answer: D

3 . _______ refers to inferring about the whole population based on the

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A. Pseudo-inference B. Objective inference

Learn more inference

C. Inductive D. Deductive inference

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

4 . Sampling is advantageous as it ________

A. Saves time

B. Helps in capital-saving

C. Both (a) and (b)

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D.Increases accuracy

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

5 . Random sampling is helpful as it is __________.

A. Reasonably accurate

B. Free from personal biases

C. An economical method of data collection

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation
Answer: D

6 . Tippit table refers to ____________

A. Table of random digits

B. Table used in sampling methods

C. Table used in statistical investigations

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

7 . Type-I Error occurs if ___________________

A. the null hypothesis is rejected even though it is true

B. the null hypothesis is accepted even though it is false

C. both the null hypothesis as well as alternative hypothesis are rejected

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

8 . _________ is a preferred sampling method for the population with

finite size.

A. Systematic sampling B. Purposive sampling

C. Cluster sampling D. Area sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

9 . Research and Development become the index of development of

country. Which of the following reasons are true with regards to this

A. Because R&D targets the human development

Because R&D can improve the standard of living of the people in a


Because R&D reflect the true economic and social conditions prevailing
in a country

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

10 . The data of research is ______

A. Qualitative only B. Quantitative only

C. Both (a) and (b) D. Neither (a) nor (b)

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

11 . The longitudinal approach of research deals with _________.

A. Short-term researches

B. Long-term researches

C. Horizontal researches

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

12 . Dramaturgical interviewing is carried out through ________

A. Debating B. Sampling

C. Case study D. Role playing

Answer & Explanation

Answer & Explanation
Answer: D

13 . The word 'Anusandhan' implies _________

A. Goal Orientation

B. Following an aim

C. Attaining an aim

D.Praying to achieve an aim

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

14 . Survey research studies _________

A. Events B. Processes

C. Populations D. Circumstances

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

15 . Evaluation research is concerned with ___________

A. Why are we doing?

B. What are we doing?

C. How well are we doing?

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

16 . A college wants to give training in use of Statistical Package for

Social Sciences (SPSS) to researchers. For this the college should

A. Lecture B. Seminar

C. Workshop D. Conference

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

17 . Which of the following is NOT the characteristic of a research?

A. Research is systematic

B. Research is not passive

C. Research is not a process

D.Research is problem oriented

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

18 . Which of the following statement is correct?

A. Discoveries are researches

B. Researches lead to discovery

C. Invention and Research are related

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

19 . One of the following is not a quality of researcher:

A. Keenness in enquiry

B. He must be of alert mind

C. His assertion to outstrip the evidence

D.Unison with that of which he is in search

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

20 . A satisfactory statistical quantitative method should not possess one

of the following qualities

A. Flexibility B. Measurability

C. Comparability D. Appropriateness

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

21 . Books and records are the primary sources of data in:

A. clinical research

B. historical research

C. laboratory research

D.participatory research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

22 . Which of the following statement is correct?

A. objectives should be pin-pointed

B. another word for problem is variable

C. objectives can be written in statement or question form

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation
Answer: A

23 . The important pre-requisites of a researcher in sciences, social

sciences and humanities are

A. laboratory skills, records, supervisor, topic

B. supervisor, topic, critical analysis, patience

C. archives, supervisor, topic, flexibility in thinking

D.topic, supervisor, good temperament, pre-conceived notions

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

24 . Which of the following options are the main tasks of research in

modern society?

A. to discover new things

B. to keep pace with the advancement in knowledge

to systematically examine and critically analyse the

investigations/sources with objectivity

D.all of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

25 . What do you consider as the main aim of inter disciplinary research?

A. To over simplify the problem of research

B. To bring out holistic approach to research

C. To create a new trend in research methodology

D.To reduce the emphasis of single subject in research domain

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

26 . One of the aims of the scientific method in research is to:

A. confirm triangulation

B. introduce new variables

C. improve data interpretation

D.eliminate spurious relations

Answer & Explanation
Answer: D

27 . The depth of any research can be judged by:

A. title of the research

B. duration of the research

C. objectives of the research expenditure on the research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

28 . Research can be conducted by a person who:

A. is a hard worker

B. holds a postgraduate degree

C. has studied research methodology

D.possesses thinking and reasoning ability

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

29 . Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Variability is the source of problem

B. Researcher must possess analytical ability

C. Objectives of research are stated in first chapter of the thesis

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

30 . Which of the following is not the Method of Research?

A. Survey B. Historical

C. Observation D. Philosophical

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

31 . Research can be classified as:

A. Basic, Applied and Action Research

B. Quantitative and Qualitative Research

C. Philosophical, Historical, Survey and Experimental Research

D.All the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

32 . The first step of research is:

A. Finding a problem
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B. Selecting a problem

C. Searching a problem

D.Identifying a problem

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

33 . To test null hypothesis, a researcher uses:

A. B. t test

C. ANOVA D. factorial analysis

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

34 . A research problem is feasible only when:

A. it is researchable

B. it has utility and relevance

C. it is new and adds something to knowledge

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

35 . Bibliography given in a research report:

A. has no relevance to research

B. shows vast knowledge of the researcher

C. helps those interested in further research

D.all the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

36 . Fundamental research reflects the ability to:

A. Expound new principles

B. Synthesize new ideals

C. Evaluate the existing material concerning research

D.Study the existing literature regarding various topics

Answer & Explanation
Answer: A

37 . The study in which the investigators attempt to trace an effect is

known as:

A. Survey Research

B. Historical Research

C. Summative Research

D.'Ex-post Facto' Research

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

38 . A ratio represents the relation between:

A. Part and Part B. Part and Whole

C. Whole and Whole D. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

39 . Circle graphs are used to show:

A. How one part is related to other parts?

B. How various sections share in the whole?

C. How one whole is related to other whole?

D.How various parts are related to the whole?

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

40 . Which of the following methods will you choose to prepare choropleth

map of India showing urban density of population:

A. Quintiles B. Quartiles

C. Break - point D. Mean and SD

Answer & Explanation
Answer: B

41 . Which of the following methods is best suited to show on a map the

types of crops being grown in a region?

A. Isopleth B. Choropleth

C. Chorochromatic D. Choroschematic

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

42 . Generalised conclusion on the basis of a sample is technically known


A. Statistical inference

B. Parameter inference

C. Data analysis and interpretation

D.All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

43 . The experimental study is based on:

A. Survey of literature

B. Conceptual parameters

C. Replication of research

D.The manipulation of variables

Answer & Explanation
Answer: D

44 . The main characteristic of scientific research is:

A. empirical B. theoretical

C. experimental D. all of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

45 . Authenticity of a research finding is its:

A. Validity B. Objectivity

C. Originality D. All of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

46 . Which technique is generally followed when the population is finite?

A. Systematic Sampling Technique

B. Purposive Sampling Technique

C. Area Sampling Technique

D.None of the above

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

47 . Research problem is selected from the stand point of:

A. Social relevance

B. Financial support

C. Researcher's interest

D.Availability of relevant literature

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

48 . Which one is called non-probability sampling?

A. Quota sampling

B. Cluster sampling

C. Systematic sampling

D.Stratified random sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

49 . Formulation of hypothesis may NOT be required in:

A. Survey method B. Historical studies

C. Normative studies D. Experimental studies

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

50 . Field-work based research is classified as:

A. Historical B. Empirical

C. Biographical D. Experimental

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

51 . Which of the following sampling method is appropriate to study the

prevalence of AIDS amongst male and female in India in 1976, 1986,
1996 and 2006?

A. Quota sampling

B. Cluster sampling
B. Cluster sampling

C. Systematic sampling

D.Stratified random sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

52 . A statistical measure based upon the entire population is called

parameter while measure based upon a sample is known as:

A. Inference B. Statistics

C. Sample parameter D. None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

53 . The importance of the correlation co-efficient lies in the fact that:

A. It is one of the most valid measure of statistics.

B. It is a non-parametric method of statistical analysis.

C. There is a linear relationship between the correlated variables.

It allows one to determine the degree or strength of the association

between two variables.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

54 . The F-test:

A. is essentially a two tailed test.

B. is essentially a one tailed test.

C. can be one tailed as well as two tailed depending on the hypothesis.

D.can never be a one tailed test.

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

55 . Which one of the following is the most comprehensive source of

population data?

A. Census

B. National Sample Surveys

C. Demographic Health Surveys

D.National Family Health Surveys

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

56 . Which one of the following principles is not applicable to sampling?

A. Sample units must be clearly defined

B. Sample units must be dependent on each other

C. Same units of sample should be used throughout the study

D.Sample units must be chosen in a systematic and objective manner

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

57 . The research is always -

A. exploring new knowledge

B. verifying the old knowledge

C. filling the gap between knowledge

D.all of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: D

58 . The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw
more and more clear ideas about the problem is:

A. Experimental research

B. Applied research

C. Action research

D.None of these

Answer & Explanation

Answer: A

59 . When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the

most suitable sampling method is

A. Lottery Method B. Cluster Sampling

C. Stratified Sampling D. Convenient Sampling

Answer & Explanation

Answer: C

60 . The process not needed in experimental research is:

A. Controlling

B. Observation

C. Reference collection

D.Manipulation and replication

Answer & Explanation

Answer: B

61 . A research problem is not feasible only when:

61 . A research problem is not feasible only when:

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