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Chris Birch
Rita Birch
Cameron Dicks
Rob Harris
Sam Webb
Jon Webb

James Sheahan
James Barry
Bryan Steele
Jason Enos
Ethan Heywood
Jono Green, Giles Nevill, Charlie Perkins,
Kieran Street
Jason Enos
Jonny La Trobe Lewis
Domingo Diaz Fermin, M. Mar Garcia,
Alexander Gargett, Gael Goumon, Tobias
Kornemann, Tom Lishman, Chris Peacey,
Ana Román Peña, Jamie Phipps, Luigi Terzi
Romeo Salbatecu, Jonny La Trobe-Lewis
James Barry, Aled Lawlor, Jon Webb
Adam Huenecke, Castle Brush Studios
Salwa Azar, Rocio Martin
Peter Grochulski
Stephen Daldry
Benn Greybeaton
Stephanie Toro Gurumendi, Richard L. Gale,
Michal E. Cross
Martin Jones
Drew Cox
Luke Gill, David Hextall, Warrick James Voyzey


Lloyd Gyan
Shaun Hocking
Panayiotis Lines
Rhys Knight
Cole Leadon
Valya Mkrtchyan

Mike Kockis and the Bethesda design team © 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media company. All Rights Reserved.
This supplement for Fallout: Wasteland Warfare will take
CAMPAIGN SEQUENCE 1 you on a journey through the Wasteland, testing your skills as a
1.1 Red Rocket Discovery 4 gamer and challenging you as a hobbyist.
1.2 Crash Site Scramble 7
The campaign and additional scenarios presented in this
1.3 Burnout 9
collection are designed to let you play Fallout on a larger scale
with plenty of interactive terrain that will bring the Wasteland
CAMPAIGN SEQUENCE 2 to life. These scenarios are designed for those who have played
2.1 Circuit Breakers 11 through the campaign book and want to delve even further
2.2 Across the Tracks 14 into the post-war ruins.
2.3 Deep Trouble 16
The games can be played in any way you’d like, however we
2.4 The End of the Line 19
strongly encourage you to include multiple terrain features, which
will really enhance your experience. We have included tips on how
CAMPAIGN SEQUENCE 3 to do this wherever possible, and themed event decks for each
3.1 The Last Watch 21 game to create a background to your narrative.
3.2 Tread Carefully 23
All scenarios have been designed to be faction neutral, but
3.3 Out with a Bang! 25
you’ll get the most out of the experience by using the same
force throughout the linked games and changing up your force
STREAM SCENARIOS composition as you go.
4.0 Stream Scenarios 27
4.1 Mechanic Panic 27
4.2 The Crane Game 29
4.3 Cargo Ship Carnage 31

5.0 Terrain Guide 33
Each scenario contains AI settings to enable Solo/Co-op
play. These will be located in a gray sidebar with the AI logo
shown above.

When allocating rewards/penalties to the AI due to the

outcomes of previous scenarios, the player must decide
Modiphius Entertainment, 39 Harwood Road, how to allocate them by choosing what would be the most
London, SW6 4QP. United Kingdom
disadvantageous for themselves. The same is true when
© 2020 Bethesda Softworks LLC. FALLOUT and related logos are the AI is using any Boost cards they may have gained.
trademarks or registered trademarks of ZeniMax Media Inc. or its
affiliates in the U.S. and/or other countries. All Rights Reserved.
The AI’s Objective and its Subject will be written as follows:
The Modiphius Entertainment logo is TM of Modiphius Entertainment.
All rights reserved to their respective owners. Objective [Subject]; for example, if the AI is to kill the
Any unauthorised use of copyrighted material is illegal. Any trademarked names enemy leader, meaning the Objective is ‘Defeat’ and the
are used in a fictional manner; no infringement is intended. This is a work of Subject is the enemy leader, then this will be written as
fiction. Any similarity with actual people and events, past or present,
is purely coincidental and unintentional except for those people and events ‘Defeat [Enemy Leader]’.
described in an historical context.
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 1.1

STORY Looting
Before a model is removed as a casualty, place a numbered Investigation
Recent destruction of a nearby highway has opened
Marker in contact with its base. Next, remove any Item cards acquired via
a large sink hole in the region, exposing a Red
the ‘Hurried Search’ rule from the unit card and place them at the side of the
Rocket Galleria as yet untouched by Wasteland
battlefield. Finally, place a matching Number Token onto the pile of Item cards.
scavengers. Once buried under 200 years of rubble
Any model may with the Investigation Marker to acquire the Item cards.
and debris, this pre-war truckstop is now a potential
treasure trove of goods, supplies, and even esoteric Any Counting Tokens awarded for collecting these items are also placed on the
weapons or equipment. side of the battlefield and are awarded to the player that picks up the dropped
Item cards.

SCENARIO AIM Game Duration: 6 rounds

Collect the most items and equipment from the area
for your force.
Both Gain 1 Counting Token for each Item Card acquired from a Galleria Store.
Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Item Card Acquired from the Red Rocket.
Red Rocket Galleria
If a Limited Use Item acquired via the Red Rocket or Galleria Store is used
The Red Rocket Galleria is comprised of two types of
during the game, discard any Counting Tokens awarded for acquiring that item.
Building, both of which count as Difficult Terrain:
The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of round 6 is awarded victory.
1. A Red Rocket: this should be Black plus Red
in length and Blue in width. If using the Red
Rocket terrain, anywhere in the building or
under the canopy is designated as inside the Red CURATED WASTELAND
Rocket. The Red Rocket is in heavy disrepair
The Curated Wasteland represents an untouched shopping mall.
and its collapsed walls and canopy will always
provide one level of cover for any models if LoS
is drawn through it.
Alcohol: Moonshine Abhorrent Smell
2. Galleria Stores: these should be Yellow in
Chems: Fury Disturbed Wildlife
length and width. Each Galleria Store begins
Chems: Mentats Unstable Ground
the game with a locked door represented by a
Lock Marker placed as shown on the deployment Food & Drink: Blood Pack Good Fortune
map. This locked door may be opened via a Food & Drink: Iguana on a Stick Hidden Fragmentation Mine
Lockpick Expertise Test OR forced open with Food & Drink: Sugar Bombs Something Stirs
a successful Melee Skill Test.
Junk: Economy Wonderglue
Junk: Gold Plated Fliplighter STRANGER
Hurried Search
Once a model is completely inside an area Weapon: Baseball Bat –
designated as the Red Rocket or a Galleria Store, it Weapon: Bolt-Action Pipe Pistol
may perform a Search Expertise Test, referring to CREATURE
Weapon: Lead Pipe
the table below to resolve it.
Weapon: Assault Rifle Scratching Sounds

RESULT CARD Mole Rat Tunnel

EVENTS Dead Bloated Glowing One
Draw 2 Item cards
Rugged Rubble Opportunistic Mongrel
Success Draw 1 Item card
Lucky Find Radroach Nest
Fail Draw a Creature card Dust Cloud
Vertibirds Overhead
Critical Fail ( X or X
) Draw a Danger card

If either of the Danger or Creature Decks should become exhausted, shuffle the
discarded cards and build a new deck.
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place a Red Rocket in the center of the STORE STORE

battlefield as shown on the deployment map.

2. Place 4 Galleria Stores on the battlefield as

shown on the deployment map.

3. In addition to the required scenery, add

additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds
cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33)
if needed. RED ROCKET

4. The player with the most models places their

entire force within a deployment zone.

5. The opposing player then places their entire

force within the opposite deployment zone.


To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest

using the Red Rocket Scenic Set for part of the
Red Rocket Galleria, and Military Barricades, DEPLOYMENT
Boston Street Scatter, and Corvega Sedans
for the terrain scattered in the parking lot NOT TO SCALE

around the Galleria.

At the start of each AI model’s actions, determine a model’s Objectives

current Objective by running down the list below and using the Objective 1: Use [Hurried Search in Red Rocket]
first criteria that matches the model’s situation.
Objective 2: Use [Hurried Search in Store]
1. The model could perform a Search Expertise Test within
Objective 3: Use [Lock]
the Red Rocket this activation: Objective 1
Ignore Locked Doors with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
2. The model could perform a Search Expertise Test within model able to Lockpick within Yellow (excluding self).
a Store that contains no other models this activation:
Objective 4: Defeat [Lock]
Objective 2
Ignore Locked Doors with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly
3. An Investigation Marker is within 2 Move actions: model able to Lockpick within Yellow (excluding self).
Objective 5
Objective 5: Use [Investigation Marker]
4. The Model can perform Lockpick Expertise Tests and a Ignore Investigation Markers with a Ready/Unready
Lock is within : Objective 3 unengaged friendly model within Yellow (excluding self).

5. The Model cannot perform Lockpick Expertise Tests and Subject priority is:
a Lock is within : Objective 4
1. Investigation Marker that can be reached in a
6. An enemy model carrying 1+ Counting Tokens is within single Move
: Objective 6 2. Nearest Investigation Marker not within two Moves
of opposing model
7. Otherwise: Objective 1
3. Nearest Investigation Marker

Objective 6: Defeat [Enemy model with 1+ Counting

While the fighting for the Galleria intensifies, the
sound of battle is interrupted by the distinctive
roar of a Vertibird flying overhead. Moments after Looks like fortune favors the We managed to scrounge a few
the aircraft is spotted in the sky it is lit up by a brave – that was one hell of a choice scraps, but missed out on
violent explosion. Engulfed in flames, the Vertibird stash that we took. It should keep the good stuff. We won’t be stopped
lurches violently, tumbling out of the sky as the our supplies stocked up for some again – let’s get to the crash site,
pilot attempts to gain control. A thick trail of smoke time. Could be that there’s plenty double time!
traces a line over the horizon to the east. No known more loot on the horizon too, if we
Scenario 1.2: Assign 1 acquired
weapon could have fired so accurately at such a fast can get to it first... Item card to a unit in addition to
moving target and have done that much damage their bought items, then discard all
Scenario 1.2: Assign up to 3 acquired
with one hit. This could change the balance of power Item cards to separate units in addition remaining.
in the Wasteland forever. to their bought items. THEN
A booming explosion rings out, audible even from OR Draw 2 Boost cards, Keep 1.
this distance; the Vertibird is down. Supplies and
Scenario 1.2: Exchange all acquired
trinkets are all very well, but any military tech that
Item cards to draw 3 Boost cards,
survived the crash would be worth more than all of
Keep 2.
the loot in the Galleria combined. It may even yield
some clues about what brought it down in the first
place. The only question is who will get there first?


FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 1.2


The clock is ticking as both parties rush to the crash The Curated Wasteland reflects an irradiated canyon, littered with the debris of
site. Before they get there, they must navigate a a crashing Vertibird.
winding, treacherous canyon. The floor of the ravine
is littered with debris and items that have been ITEMS DANGER
strewn about the Wasteland during the Vertibird’s Alcohol: Bourbon Disturbed Wildlife
descent. Whoever gets out of there first will be Chem: Jet Loose Rubble
in a prime position to loot whatever is left of the
Chem: Stimpak Glowing One Corpse
shattered airship.
Junk: Caps Stash
Weapon: Fragmentation Mine STRANGER
Weapon: Molotov Cocktail Entomologist
Race to get as many troops as possible through and
Weapon: 10mm Pistol
out of the canyon, while collecting more items than
Weapon: Combat Shotgun CREATURE
the enemy.
Glowing Bloatfly
First to the Finish A Neutral Party
At one end of the canyon is a scalable rise that leads Molerat Tunnel
towards the Vertibird crash site. Models may only
Unbearable Heat
leave the battlefield via the Canyon Exit zone, which
is Blue width. Mark out this area of the battlefield
by placing a token on both ends of the range ruler.

Markers needed:
: This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet (90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Set up the Canyon Exit zone as shown on the deployment map, with a blank
Game Duration: 6 rounds or until one force has Investigation Marker at each side.
moved all surviving models off the battlefield.
2. Place Impassable Terrain to represent the unscalable cliffs of the Canyon
VICTORY CONDITIONS as shown on the deployment map.
PLAYER DESCRIPTION 3. In addition to the required scenery, add additional terrain that breaks LoS
Both Gain X Counting Tokens for the position and adds cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33) if needed.
models are moved off the battlefield via the
4. Place the 7 Investigation Markers randomly, face down, in the positions
Canyon Exit zone.
shown on the deployment map.
1st 6 Markers needed:

2nd 5 :
3rd 4
4th 3 5. Place 3 random Searchables face down, as shown on the deployment map.
5th 2 Place the remaining 5 Searchables close to the battlefield to be used once an
Investigation Marker has been revealed.
6th 1
Both Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each Item card Markers needed:
acquired from The Wasteland moved off the
battlefield via the Canyon Exit zone. :

The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of

round 6 is awarded victory.
6. The player who won Scenario 1.1 chooses CANYON EXIT ZONE
a deployment zone and places their entire
force. If you are not playing this scenario as
part of the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ campaign,
the player with the fewest models completes IMPASSABLE IMPASSABLE

7. The opposing player then places their entire

force within the opposite deployment zone.


To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest TERRAIN
using the Radioactive Containers, Vault-Tec
Supplies and Cases and Crates for scatter
terrain around the battlefield.

Emerging from the gloom of the canyon mouth
into bright sunlight, it takes a second for the
bloodied combatants to get their bearings.

Breathing hard and wiping grime from their faces

and armor, the adversaries look up to see their
goal: the smouldering wreckage of the crashed
ship. Thick smoke billows into the air, and flames
start to lick over the twisted metal and bubbling
plastic of the fuselage. It won’t be long before
anything worth taking is engulfed in a blaze or RED ROCKET RELAUNCH OUTCOMES
reduced to molten slag.
The prize of the crashed Vertibird is within
reach – and the competition know it too. With Victory is sweet, even with the acrid We almost had them, but that
renewed vigor, everyone charges towards the taste of the burning wreck in the canyon was a maze! This is bad –
now rising flames... air. Looks like we’re ahead and that real bad. There’s gonna be nothing
crash site is now ripe for the taking. left if we don’t pick up the pace.
Time to step it up and take what’s on
Scenario 1.3: Assign 2x to
non-Heroic models after deployment. that Vertibird – one way or another.

OR Scenario 1.3: Assign 1 acquired

Item card to a unit in addition to their
IF Investigation Marker could be with Scenario 1.3: Assign up to 3 bought items.
this turn, Objective: Use [Investigation acquired Item cards to separate units
in addition to their bought items THEN
then discard remaining. Assign 1x Draw 3 Boost Cards, Keep 1 per
ELSE Objective: Go To [Canyon Exit Zone] to any model with these items. assigned to models at the beginning of
FOWW BTS-001-111 —

If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 1.3

STORY Exploding Debris

At the end of each round, roll for each piece of terrain that began the round
The once mighty war machine has been reduced
with at least one Counting Token and resolve the following;
to a burning pile of scrap, but the salvage haul
is unbelievable! What kind of weapon could have = Add Counting Token
caused this amount of damage? Anyone controlling
= Add Counting Token to closest terrain piece.
it would be one step closer to dominating the
Wasteland... the Vertibird is a scavengers dream, but = Remove all Counting Token and resolve the following damage to any
the wreck could lead them to an even larger score. model within Orange:

X + + +
SCENARIO AIM X = Number of Counting Tokens on terrain.
Salvage the wreck of the Vertibird before it takes
you with it, and look for clues about the powerful
weapon that destroyed it. Add one Counting Token to closest terrain piece.
If the terrain piece is part of the Burning Wreckage, discard the top
Searchable from the token stack.
The fuselage can be assigned a maximum of 6 Counting Tokens and every other
Burning Wreckage
terrain piece may be assigned a maximum of 4 Counting Tokens. If a piece of the
Each piece of the Burning Wreckage could conceal a
terrain ends a round with the maximum number of Counting Tokens assigned,
hidden treasure trove. Assign each piece of Burning
do not roll  , and resolve the Blast result instead.
Wreckage a token stack of 3 Searchables to
represent salvage or clues to the identity or location
Game Duration: 6 rounds
of the mysterious weapon.
Markers needed:

: Both Gain 1 Counting Token for each Item card gained via the ‘Burning
Wreckage’ rule.
Gain 2 Counting Token for each clue found via the ‘Burning Wreckage’

The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of round 6 is awarded victory.”

Each token stack should include 1 lettered CURATED WASTELAND

Searchable and 2 other random Searchables.
The Curated Wasteland reflects a crash site of a crashed Vertibird.
Randomly create these groups of tokens, then shuffle
them up and stack them face down. Place
one stack next to each piece of Burning Wreckage. ITEMS EVENTS
Armor: Sturdy Metal Armor Diamond City Radio
In order to investigate the Burning Wreckage, a
model must move into base contact with it then Chem: Radaway Boom!
. After interacting with the Burning Wreckage, Clothing: Brotherhood of Steel Hood Unbearable Heat
reveal the top Searchable of the token stack and Clothing: Assault Gas Mask Distant Gunfire
resolve as normal.
Mod: Core Assembly Lucky Find
If the revealed Searchable requires a Use Expertise Mod: Stun Pack
Test to resolve, place the Searchable in base contact DANGER
Weapon: Laser Pistol
with both the Burning Wreckage and the subject
Weapon: Gauss Rifle Rigged To Blow
model before continuing. On a failed Expertise roll,
in addition to the consequences, the unit is On Fire. Shocking
Radiation Burst
If the result is a lettered Searchable, it is a clue and
is immediately awarded to the interacting player. Containment Leak

Each model may only interact with a piece of

Burning Wreckage once per activation.
1. IF a piece of wreckage could be Searched
this round, Objective: Use [Closest

2. IF a Ready/Unready enemy model could

Use a piece of wreckage in their next
Activation, Objective: Defeat [Enemy
Model within Red of Piece of

ELSE Objective: Go To [Nearest Piece

of Wreckage, preferring ones with no
friendly models within Orange]

This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.


1. Place the fuselage (largest piece) of the
Burning Wreckage Red away from the center
of an edge of the battlefield as shown on the
deployment map.

2. Place the remaining 4 pieces of the Burning

Wreckage Black away from the fuselage and SCENARIO EPILOGUE
Yellow away from each other, as shown on the
The last of the fuel in the Vertibird’s tanks detonates, sending metal plates and
deployment map.
burning debris in all directions. and scattering the forces. While regrouping,
3. In addition to the required scenery, add discussion turns to the damage and how the ship was brought down; most agree
additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds that something blasted a huge hole in the airship’s side. Despite the Vertibird
cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33) being in a hundred different pieces, a crude icon of a face with an “X” on its
if needed. forehead can be seen through the flames. From the direction the Vertibird was
struck, it’s possible to work out a rough idea from where the shot came.
4. Assign 2 Counting Tokens to the fuselage
The race to the Vertibird is over, but the real journey has only just begun...
piece of the Burning Wreckage.

5. Flip Luck for each other piece of the Burning

Wreckage. If unlucky, assign 1 Counting BURNOUT OUTCOMES
6. The player who won Scenario 1.2 chooses a
deployment zone and places their entire force. There’s a load of swag we can take All that hard work and little to show
If you are not playing this scenario as part of the back to base, but this might be for it. We missed out this time, but
‘Caught in the Crossfire’ campaign, the player just the start. There’s something tomorrow’s a whole new day. With
with Advantage completes this step. powerful out there that can blow that weapon we could rule the entire
enemies right out of the sky. We’ve wasteland, so let’s go get it!
7. The opposing player then places their entire
got a fix on where it came from, so
force within the opposite deployment zone. Scenario 2.1: Assign up to 3
let’s track it down and take it for acquired Item cards to separate units
ourselves. in addition to their bought items
TERRAIN PACK SUGGESTIONS Scenario 2.1: Assign up to 3 then discard remaining. Assign 1x
acquired Item cards to separate units to any model with these items.
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest
using the Crashed Vertibird for the crash site and in addition to their bought items THEN
then discard remaining. Assign 1x
Boston Street Scatter, and Cases and Crates.
to any model with these items. For each clue gained, Draw 2 Boost
We suggest using the Weapons Upgrade Pack for cards, Keep 1.
the debris that surrounds the crash site. OR

For each clue gained assign 1x

to a model after deployment.
FOWW BTS-001-111 —

If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 2.1

STORY Shuttered Tunnels

The 6 Shuttered Tunnels represent the exits of the interchange. These begin
The only way to the mystery weapon system is
the game closed and will require powering up before they will open.
through the ruins of a bombed-out city. The roads
are covered with rubble and debris, unfriendly Markers needed:
forces stalk the streets, and radioactive spills leak
from craters and pipes. Crossing it (if that’s even :
possible) would take far too long, but luckily there’s
a shortcut. An old Metro station sits on the outskirts Shuttered Tunnels will open if the correct pair of fuses are activated. If any more
of the city, and with luck the old tunnels beneath Fuses are activated or the needed Fuses are deactivated, the Shuttered Tunnels
might still be intact. will close again.


1 +
Open the way to get your force into the tunnels,
continuing your journey towards the weapon system.
2 +

In this scenario, both forces have determined that
the most direct route to their destination would 4 +
be through a pre-war Metro system. Unluckily for
them, the interchange has been in lockdown since +
the bombs fell and the way forward is closed.

6 +
Fuse Boxes
Each Fuse Box is comprised of two tokens; a
lettered Searchable face down with a Computer Once a Shuttered Tunnel has been opened, do one of two things:
Marker placed on top of it.
1. If the Shuttered Tunnel is a player Exit Tunnel, it jams open and cannot be
Markers needed: shut by activating and deactivating fuses.

2. The first time a Shuttered Tunnel is opened and is not a player Exit Tunnel,
resolve a Creature card with the closest model to the Tunnel as the subject.

: Live Rail
At the start of each round before the Event Card is drawn, check the amount of
The first time any model with a Fuse Box active Fuse Boxes. If three or more Fuse Boxes are active, the railway tracks on
during the game, reveal the Searchable. Keep this the battlefield briefly surge with a dangerous amount of electricity. Any model in
face up and close to the Computer Marker during contact with any part of the area designated as railway track when it becomes
the game as a reference. If a player wishes to move live resolves the following damage;
a model into the space that the Searchable occupies,
1+ +
move the marker out of the way.
= 3
Fuse Boxes begin the game deactivated. To
activate or deactivate a Fuse Box, a model must = 2
spend an action whilst a model is in contact with
the Computer Marker and perform an Int Test.
On a success, place a Critical Point Marker
Game Duration: 6 rounds
on top of the Computer Marker to indicate it is
currently activated. Dogs and Creatures cannot VICTORY CONDITIONS
perform this task. PLAYER DESCRIPTION
Both Escape the battlefield with more caps worth of models than the enemy
player, using the Shuttered Tunnel allocated.
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place the 6 Investigation Markers

(representing Shuttered Tunnels) face down on
the board. Each player then secretly chooses
one and notes down which number they drew;
this number becomes that player’s Exit Tunnel.
Put the drawn markers back, face down, and
shuffle them.

2. Randomly place a Shuttered Tunnel marker face

up at both ends of each Railway Track

3. Randomly place 4 Fuse Box token stacks (see

previous page) as shown on the deployment map.

4. In addition to the objects shown on the map, add

additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds RAILWAY TRACK
cover. Do not place any terrain on the Railway
Tracks. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33)
if needed.

5. Starting with the player with Advantage,

alternate placing 8 non-lettered Searchables DEPLOYMENT ZONE
on the Railway Tracks, Yellow distance away
from each other and Red distance away from the
Shuttered Tunnels and Fuse Boxes.

The Curated Wasteland reflects an underground metro interchange.

6. The Player without Advantage chooses a Clothing: Battered Fedora Unstable Ground
Deployment Zone and places all their models. Snagged
Clothing: Road Goggles
7. The opposing player then places all of their Food & Drink: Nuka Cherry Under Pressure
models in the other Deployment Zone. Food & Drink: Cave Fungus
Gear: Flashlight STRANGER
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest Gear: Stuffed Monkey
using the Military Barricades, Boston Scatter Junk: Camera CREATURE
and Boston Searchables for the terrain scattered
Weapon: Baton Rad Rabbit
around the Railway Tracks.
Weapon: Laser Pistol Radroach Nest
Disturbed Nest
With a high-pitched squeal the rusted shutters Damp Air
slowly open, revealing the dark tunnels beyond. As
Recent Prints
the firefight intensifies, each side makes a mad dash
for the openings, charging headlong into the dark Boom!
and relative safety beyond. Scouts race off ahead Rugged Rubble
while the rest of the group reload and keep an eye Mole Rat Tunnel
out for anyone trying to follow. Lost Supplies

During Battlefield Set-up, determine which Shuttered Tunnel will become Now that we’ve opened the shutters the way is
the AI’s Exit Tunnel before you determine you own. When placing the clear. We’re ready for anything that tries to get in
face up Shuttered Tunnels, place a Counting Token on top of the AI’s exit our way – let’s just hope the others can’t say the
tunnel as a reminder. same thing.

Scenario 2.2: Keep 3 Items collected for the next

In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three phases. All AI scenario.
models start the scenario at Phase 1. All AI models changes to Phase 2
once they know the location of the switches they need active, changing into OR
Phase 3 whilst their Shuttered Tunnel is open. Scenario 2.2: Keep 1 Item and trade all remaining
collected items to draw 3 boosts and keep 2.
Phase 1
Objective: Use [Fuse Box]
Prioritize Fuse Boxes without a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly model
within Yellow (excluding self). They might have slowed us down, but we’re right
behind them. They’re not out of this yet, and we’re
Phase 2 hot on their heels.
IF A Fuse Box not required by the AI to activate their Exit Tunnel is
Scenario 2.2: Keep 1 Item collected for the next
active. Attempt to turn it off. scenario.
Objective: Use [Fuse Box]
ELSE Objective: Use [Fuse Box] Trade all remaining collected items to draw 3 Boosts
Prioritize Fuse Boxes needed to activate their Exit Tunnel without a and keep 1.1
Ready/Unready unengaged friendly model within Yellow (excluding self).

Phase 3

IF Required Fuse Box has enemy model within Red within own
Awareness, Objective: Protect [Fuse Box]
Prioritize Fuse Boxes without a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly model
within Yellow (excluding self).

ELSE Objective: Go To [Exit Tunnel]


FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 2.2

STORY Generators
Blocking the exit tunnel, a Metro Train sits idle just beyond the board’s edge
Scouts have reported that the tunnel leads into a
at a Y-Junction. The forces must find a Fusion Core with sufficient energy and
much larger chamber up ahead, where the track
deposit it into the nearby Generators to power the Train.
joins up with one from another direction. Small
skylights break the gloom, casting weak light over Markers needed:
the area. There’s only one way forward, but it’s not
an easy path. The track ahead is blocked by an old Once a model interacts with a Generator whilst holding a Powered Core, found
subway train, abandoned since the war. In order to via the ‘Cold Fusion’ rule, discard the Powered Core and consider that Generator
continue, that train is going to have to be moved. activated. This can be shown by placing a Critical Token on the Generator.

SCENARIO AIM When a Generator is activated, the controls for the opposite track represented by
Move the train to clear a path to the weapons system. a Lock Marker are active. A model may test Strength when in base contact with
the active track controls to send the Metro Train down the route it is adjacent to.

SCENARIO RULES Markers needed:

In this scenario the players will need to power up
As soon as a train is successfully directed down a track, the scenario ends.
the dormant train and move it so that it’s no longer
blocking their way.
Game Duration: 6 rounds


The railway tracks are lower to the ground than PLAYER DESCRIPTION
the platforms on either side. A model whose base Both The winner is the first player to pull the level that sends the train into the
is entirely within an area designated as Railway enemy deployment zone. If neither player does so by the end of round 6,
Tracks counts as being in cover for any attacks from the first player to have activated a generator is the winner.
a model not within the same area.


There are 5 Fusion Cores littered around the area,
The Curated Wasteland reflects an underground metro interchange.
represented by 5 Investigation Markers. Of those,
only 3 contain the power needed to reactivate the
Armor: Damaged Hazmat Suit Loose Rubble
: Clothing: Assault Gas Mask Doubts
Food & Drink: Cave Fungus Creature
Powered Cores are represented by the Toolbox. Food & Drink: Sugar Bombs Hidden Fragmentation Mine
A model may with a Powered Core to put it in Junk: Economy Wonder Glue Rigged Stash
their inventory.
Mod: Headlamp
Models must be within Yellow to look at these Weapon: Railway Rifle STRANGER
Investigation Markers (NOT their Awareness).
Weapon: Board –
Models can share the Fusion Core using the Weapon: Fragmentation Mine
Sharing rules. If a model carrying a Powered Core CREATURE
is removed from play, the player controlling the
EVENTS Scratching Sounds
model must place the Powered Core marker in
contact with the models base before removing the Dust Cloud
model from the board. A Hidden Observer
Diamond City Radio
Rugged Rubble
Mole Rat Tunnel
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Mark out 2 areas of Red width as shown on the

deployment map. These are designated Track A

and Track B.

2. Place 2 Computer Markers (representing

Generators) as shown on the deployment map.

3. Place 2 Lock Markers (representing Switch

Track Controls) as shown on the deployment

4. Place a Counting Token next to two of the

Computer Markers and the Lock Marker it
controls. Repeat this step with the other two
Computer markers using Double Counting


5. Place 5 Investigation Markers (representing
Fusion Cores, see p.14) randomly in the locations
shown on the deployment map.

6. Randomly place 9 Searchables on the

battlefield, Green distance from any board edge
and Red distance from each other.

7. In addition to the objects shown on the map, add Phase 1: Before the correct generator is activated.
additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds 1. If carrying a Powered Core: Use [Correct Generator]
cover. Do not place any terrain on the Railway 2. If a friendly model is carrying a Powered Core within Red,
Tracks. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33) Objective [Protect Friendly Model Carrying Powered Core]
if needed. 3. If an enemy model is carrying a Powered Core within Green,
Objective [Defeat Enemy Model Carrying Powered Core]
8. The player who won Scenario 2.1 chooses a
4. Otherwise, Objective [Use Powered Core]
deployment zone.
Phase 2: After the correct generator is activated.
9. Beginning with the player who won Scenario 2.1,
5. If enemy model within Green of activating Friendly Lever,
alternate placing models in your deployment
Objective [Defend Friendly Lever]
zone until all models in a force have been placed.
6. Otherwise, Use [Correct Lever]


To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest ACROSS THE TRACKS OUTCOMES
using the Cases and Crates, Irradiated Barrels
and Vault-Tec Lockers for the debris that litters VICTORY DEFEAT
the switch track.
Well, that didn’t go as planned. At We’re losing ground with every
least we’re alive. We should get minute. We need to dig out of this
SCENARIO EPILOGUE going quickly. It’s getting crowded rubble and get out of here! No
down here and we need some room mistakes this time or we may not
With the screeching of metal on metal, the train
to breathe... get out of here alive…
lurches into motion. It seems to be working, until
the degraded tracks buckle and give out. With a Scenario 2.3: Keep 3 Items collected Scenario 2.3: Keep 1 Item collected
sudden lurch the train derails and slams into one for the next scenario. for the next scenario.
of the columns supporting the chamber’s roof. The OR THEN
pillars and struts start to give way as concrete
Scenario 2.3: Keep 1 Item and trade Trade all remaining collected items to
chunks fall from the ceiling. Both parties are caught
all remaining collected items to draw 3 draw 3 Boosts and keep 1.1
in the landslide and are blocked in, with little light
Boosts and keep 2.2
and less air by the minute…
FOWW BTS-001-111 —

If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 2.3

Once detonated, a Demolition Charge resolves the following damage:

3 + +
As the dust settles, those that survived the cave-in
feel a change in the air. Before the cave-in, there
Loose Rubble
were small skylights in the roof; now there’s only
There are 4 Loose Rubble locations located on the battlefield, represented by
darkness. There’s no longer the slight breeze from
4 Investigation Markers placed face down. These Investigation Markers do
the open tunnel entrances, and both sides realize
not function as described in the core rules, as models must be within Yellow to
that the air is growing thin. Time is running out.
look at them (NOT their Awareness).
Every breath they take could be their last; getting
out of here is all that matters, or they may never see
sunlight again. :

Each Loose Rubble location may only be damaged by a Demolition Charge and
SCENARIO AIM have   5 and   2 . When a Loose Rubble marker is revealed, add that many
Escape the airless cavern with more of your forces Armor Boost Tokens to it before resolving any damage.
than the enemy.
Once a Loose Rubble location has been reduced to 0 Health, the Investigation
Marker becomes an exit. Model’s may with this marker to leave the
SCENARIO RULES battlefield.

In this scenario, the forces have been buried

Short of Breath
within the old Metro. Fighting the enemy becomes
As the battle goes on, the oxygen trapped underground begins to run low. At the
secondary to survival. You’ll have to blast your way
start of each unit’s activation from the beginning of round 3, roll and apply
out if you’ve got any chance of staying alive and
the results as follows:
fighting on.
= No Effect
Demolition Charges
= Slowed
Scattered throughout the battlefield are a number
of Demolition Charges. These are represented by = Stunned
8 lettered Searchables.
Robots, Synths and models equipped in Power Armor are not required to perform
these checks.
Activating demolition charges does not affect this rule, as they throw up so much
dust, rubble and toxic fumes that the ‘Short of Breath’ rules still apply.

Once acquired, a model carrying a Demolition CURATED WASTELAND

charge may interact with a Loose Rubble location
The Curated Wasteland reflects a dangerous collapsed underground cavern.
to place a Demolition Charge. Once placed, put
the lettered Searchable on top of the Loose Rubble ITEMS DANGER
Investigation Marker. The Model that placed Under Pressure
Armor: Red Flight Helmet
the Demolition Charge may detonate the charge
Chem: Radaway Abhorrent Smell
as a free action at the end of their activation so
long as the model is within Blue distance of the Clothing: Assault Gas Mask Loose Rubble
Demolition Charge. Food & Drink: Sugar Bombs Creature

Any model may target a Demolition Charge Weapon: Bottlecap Mine Disturbed Wildlife
that has been placed to detonate it prematurely. Weapon: Sledgehammer
Any damage detonates a Demolition Charge. All STRANGER
Shooting Actions targeting a Demolition Charge EVENTS –
are at -6 skill penalty.
If a model carrying a Demolition Charge is removed Dust Cloud CREATURE
from play, place the Demolition Charge Marker
Heat Haze Mole Rat Tunnel
facedown in contact with the model’s base before
removing the model. If a model is carrying multiple Rugged Rubble Protective Mole Rat
Demolition Charges, place all of them in a stack. Unbearable Heat
Game Duration: 6 rounds or until victory is
claimed sooner.



Both Escape the battlefield with more caps’ worth
of models than the enemy player

This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. A border of Yellow width surrounds the

battlefield measured from all points of the
board edge. This is designated Rubble and is
Impassable Terrain.

2. Designate two opposite corners as deployment

zones. Then from each of those corners place an
Investigation Marker representing a Loose DEPLOYMENT
Rubble location Red + Blue distance as shown
on the battlefield map.

3. In addition to the required scenery, add RUBBLE

additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds
cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33) NOT TO SCALE

if needed.

4. Place 5 stacks of 3 Searchables in the

center of the battlefield as shown on the
battlefield map.

: In this scenario, the AI settings can change between three phases. All AI
models start the scenario at Phase 1. A model changes to Phase 2 while it
is carrying a Demolition Charge. A model changes to Phase 3 when within
Awareness of an exit.

Phase 1
IF A Demolition Charge is on the ground within Awareness,
Objective: Use [Demolition Charge]
5. The player with Advantage chooses a
deployment zone and the opposing player ELSE IF An enemy model is carrying a Demolition Charge within
is designated the opposite deployment zone. Awareness, Objective: Defeat [Target Enemy Model]

6. Beginning with the player without Advantage, ELSE Objective: Use [Closest Searchable]
alternate placing a model in your deployment Ignore Searchables with a Ready/Unready unengaged friendly model
zones until all models have been placed onto the within Orange (excluding self).
Phase 2
Objective: Use [Closest Investigation Marker]
TERRAIN PACK SUGGESTIONS Prioritize Investigation Markers with the least amount of enemy models
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest within Yellow.
using the Workbenches, Vault-Tec Supplies and
Radioactive Containers for the terrain scattered Phase 3
around the construction site. Objective: Use [Exit]
The Wasteland air has never tasted so good. Filthy
and injured, the parties scrabble up the sides of the
breach and into the dazzling sunlight. There are no Even a rockslide can’t stop us We’re never going underground
clear signs as to where exactly they are, but a radio getting to this weapon first! We’re again. It’s too dark and too
tower catches their attention in the distance. Maybe back in the open air, and have a head dangerous. We haven’t come out on
this will be the final piece of the puzzle, and the start too. One last push and the day top this time, but at least we’re not
weapon can finally be claimed. will be ours! dead. That weapon is still out there
– let’s go and get it.
Scenario 2.4: Keep 3 Items collected
for the next scenario. Scenario 2.4: Keep 1 Item found for
next game.
Scenario 2.4: Keep 1 Item and trade
all remaining collected items to draw 3 All models start with a token.
boosts and keep 2.2

FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 2.4

The radio tower is giving off nothing but static, AI SETTINGS
but could still be functional if tuned to the right
frequency. It stands in the middle of a small In this scenario, the AI settings can change between two phases. All AI
village, seemingly abandoned. It’s a long shot, but models start the scenario at Phase 1. The AI changes to Phase 2 while it is
the radio tower is the only lead that can be seen for controlling the Radio Tower as described in the Scenario Rules.
miles around.
Phase 1
IF Enemy force is controlling the Radio Tower,
SCENARIO AIM Objective: Defeat [Enemy Model within Yellow of Radio Tower]
Grab more information packets from the radio tower Prioritize Ready/Unready unengaged enemy models.
than your enemies to locate the weapon. ELSE Objective: Go To [Radio Tower]

Phase 2
SCENARIO RULES Objective: Protect [Radio Tower]
In this scenario, players are fighting to gain as
much information as they can from the Radio
Tower to give them the best chance of finding the
mysterious weapon. CURATED WASTELAND
The Curated Wasteland reflects a shelled urban area.
Radio Tower
Situated in the center of the battlefield stands a
Radio Tower, represented by a blank Investigation ITEMS DANGER
Marker, face up. The Radio Tower is a central Clothing: Baseball Cap Disturbed Wildlife
objective. At the end of each round, count the Serrated Edge
Clothing: Eyeglasses
number of models on each side that are within
Gear: Flashlight Doubts
Yellow of the Radio Tower. Each Leader counts as
two models, and Creatures or Dogs are not counted. Junk: Gold Plated Flip Lighter
The side with the most models gains 1 Counting Junk: Telephone STRANGER
Token, representing clues that will help gain entry Weapon: Baseball Grenade Pensioner
to the missile base.
Weapon: Baton Chem Dealer
Markers needed: Weapon: .44 Revolver
EVENTS Alpha Wild Mongrel
A Neutral Party Scratching Sounds
Game Duration: 6 rounds
Super Mutant Radio
A New Presence
Eerie Mist
Both The player with more Counting Tokens at the
Lightning Storm
end of round 6 is awarded victory.

If a Limited Use Item acquired via the Red Rocket or

Galleria Store is used during the game, discard any
Counting Tokens awarded for acquiring that item.

The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of

round 6 is awarded victory.

This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet

(90cm x 90cm) table.
1. Place or mark out 6 buildings on the table in two BUILDING
rows of three as shown on the deployment map.

2. In the center of the battlefield, place a blank

Investigation Marker representing the Radio
Tower Marker, as shown on the deployment map.

3. In addition to the required scenery, add

additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds
cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33)
if needed. RADIO TOWER
4. Starting with the player with the fewest models,
alternate placing 8 non-lettered Searchables
Black + Yellow distance from the Radio Tower
and Yellow distance away from each other.



5. The player who won Scenario 2.3 chooses a
deployment zone and places their entire force. NOT TO SCALE

If you are not playing this scenario as part of the

‘Caught in the Crossfire’ campaign, the player THE END OF THE LINE OUTCOMES
with the fewest models completes this step.
6. The opposing player then places their entire
force within the opposite deployment zone. We got enough info from the radio Time to regroup, perhaps if we hang
signal. This could be the last leg. back and follow them we might still
We’ve got to be close. have a shot at claiming this weapon
TERRAIN PACK SUGGESTIONS for ourselves. It’s a long shot but
Scenario 3.1: Keep 3 Items collected
To get the most out of this scenario, we for the next scenario. there’s still a chance that we can
suggest using the Vault-Tec Cases, Military come out on top.
Barricades, Boston Searchables, and Sedans OR
Scenario 3.1: Keep 1 Item collected
to add some interesting cover to use while Scenario 3.1: Keep 1 Item and trade for the next scenario.
engaging with the enemy. all remaining collected items to draw 3
Boosts and keep 2.2 THEN

SCENARIO EPILOGUE Trade all remaining collected items to

draw 3 Boosts and keep 1.1
The tower appears to be military, and transmitting
some kind of evacuation alert. Chances are that the
weapon could be military tech! The directions for the
evacuation state there’s an army base nearby. This
must be it, the resting place of the weapon. Finally,
the end of the road is in sight.
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 3.1

STORY Models can attempt to destroy the Watchtower by 10

targeting it with Heavy Weapon, Rifle, Pistol, and
After travelling for so long, the sight of the finishing 4
Grenade attacks. Additionally, it gives a -2 penalty to
line is almost too good to be true. Especially
tests targeting it from Pistol or Rifle attacks and is 4
considering the finish line in this case is one of the X
immune to Area of Effect damage. When destroyed,
largest, meanest looking guns in the wasteland.
remove the Marker from the board and continue
It looms over everything in its vicinity, towering
the scenario without The Tower Special Rule. The
over the military base that surrounds it. Best to
Watchtower has the profile shown right:
be cautious; since it hasn’t been scrapped and still
works, it’s probably heavily defended. The only way
to find out is to pass through the security checkpoint
leading towards the base...

SCENARIO AIM IF the Watchtower has any Remaining Health

and is within its Awareness,
Deactivate the defenses to make your way through
Objective: Defeat [The Watchtower]
the base.
ELSE Objective: Defeat [Closest Enemy
The Watchtower
The Automated Defense Watchtower is represented Game Duration: 6 rounds
by a faceup blank Investigation Marker. The location
of this tower is randomized during setup. Once all
models on the battlefield have activated, before the
round ends the Watchtower will perform an attack. Both Gain 1 Counting Token for each enemy model removed from play.
Gain 2 Counting Tokens for each of your models alive at the end of
To determine the Watchtowers target, roll and
Round 6.
consult the table below.
Gain 3 Counting Tokens for destroying the Automated Defense Watchtower.
The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of turn 6 is awarded victory.
1 Closest Model with no line of cover.
2 Closest Model in LoS.
3 Second Closest Model in LoS.
4 Furthest Model in range and LoS. The Curated Wasteland reflects a pre-war military outpost.

Once a target has been determined, resolve an ITEMS DANGER

attack as if using the Missile Launcher card (shown Armor: Army Helmet Suspicious Slime
below) using a skill of  4 . Chems: Fury Unlucky stray shot
Chems: Mentats
Weapon: Baseball Grenade STRANGER
Weapon: Laser Rifle Gunners Deserter
Weapon: Missile Launcher

Low Sun
Distant Gunfire
Blustery Wind
A Neutral Party

This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Alternate placing or marking out 6 Impassible

Terrain Obstacles (Yellow x Red) no closer than IMPASSABLE
Red to a battlefield edge, Yellow to each other, TERRAIN
or Orange to the center of the battlefield.

2. In addition to the Impassible Obstacles, add

additional terrain that breaks LoS and adds
cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide (p.33)
if needed. Do not place this within Red of the IMPASSABLE
center of the battlefield. TERRAIN
3. Randomly place 8 Searchables on the
battlefield, within Yellow distance of the
Impassible Objects and Red distance from
each other.


4. The player who won Scenario 2.4 chooses a

deployment zone (A1, A2 or A3) and places
their entire force. If you are not playing this
scenario as part of the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’
campaign, the player with Advantage completes THE LAST WATCH OUTCOMES
this step.
5. The opposing player then places their entire
force within a chosen deployment zone (B1, B2 We’ve been through a lot but it’s That was unexpected. We’ve seen a
or B3). made us into a veteran fighting lot these past few days but nothing
force to be reckoned with. Total as crazy as that defense system. It
6. Flip the Advantage Token and scatter the
domination of the wasteland is may have caught us off guard but
location of the Watchtower Red from the
almost in our grasp… there’s still a chance we can pull the
center of the battlefield. Place a blank
rug out from under them...
Investigation Token face up in this location, Scenario 3.3: Keep 3 Items collected
representing the Watchtower. If the Token for the next scenario. Scenario 3.3: Keep 1 Item collected
scatters into an Impassable Obstacle, the for the next scenario.
token immediately stops and that becomes the THEN
Scenario 3.3: Keep 1 Item and trade
Watchtower’s location.
all remaining collected items to draw 3 Trade all remaining collected items to
Boosts and keep 2.2 draw 3 Boosts and keep 1.1
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest
using the Military Barricades, Junk Barricades,
Boston Searchables, Boston Scatter and
Radioactive Barrels to create the feel of an
abandoned military compound.

The battlefield is filled with the burning wreckage
of the defense weapon and the air is thick with
black smoke. With the last line of defense seemingly
removed, the forces prepare for their final assault...
FOWW BTS-001-111 —

If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 3.2

STORY The Perimeter Wall

Across the battlefield, an aged perimeter wall blocks the route into the
Fighting through the outpost wasn’t easy, and
compound. Models may leave the battlefield through one of four vulnerabilities
the base looks to have more defenses in place.
represented by face down Investigation Markers.
Worryingly, signs showing the symbol for a
minefield surround the outer walls of the base. Markers needed:
A road provides a safe haven from the explosive
threat, but leads straight into the others trying to :
break through the walls. Traversing the minefield
might be worth the risk.
These Investigation Markers each represent a different vulnerability in the
wall. A Model must move into base contact with the Investigation Marker and
SCENARIO AIM successfully perform the relevant action in order to open the way ahead.

Get to the perimeter wall and scope it out before the INVESTIGATION
enemy does. MARKER
1 A rusty padlock, opened with a successful Shoot Action.
SCENARIO RULES 2 A boarded up window, opened with a successful Melee Action.
A gate with a terminal, opened with a successful Use Computer
Minefield Expertise Action.
A Minefield is an open area of Difficult Terrain on A well maintained door, opened with a successful Use Lockpick
the battlefield. A Minefield may contain other pieces 4
Expertise Action.
of scenery, which are not part of the Minefield and
follow the standard terrain rules. Once an Investigation Marker has been resolved, place a Critical Marker on
top of it to show that the way is clear. Any model wishing to exit the battlefield
If a model performs more than one Move Action
via this exit may with the Marker. A model cannot use an exit marker whilst
within the Minefield, they must make a Luc Test
there is an enemy model in base contact with it.
at the start of the subsequent action. In addition,
make a Luc Test every time a model enters or Game Duration: 6 rounds
leaves the Minefield. If this test is failed, resolve the
following damage:
The Curated Wasteland card options are dedicated to the military goods and
specific cards that can occur at the well-armed perimeter fence-wall of the
Perimeter Turret
military compound.
The Perimeter Turret may be represented using any
of the available turret cards following the standard
turret rules. If multiple are available, randomly ITEMS EVENTS
draw one turret card during setup. Armor: Army Helmet Diamond City Radio

If you have no turret cards use the following profile Chem: Stimpak Boom!
for the perimeter turret. Clothing: Military Fatigues Unbearable Heat
Gear: Military Grade Circuit Board Lucky Find

Weapon: 10mm Pistol Pre-War Minefield
Weapon: Baseball Grenade
Weapon: Assault Rifle DANGER

5 Weapon: Minigun Hidden Fragmentation Mine

5 Trip Grenade

Clockwork Trap
Good Fortune
    Electronic Trap
Serrated Edge


Both Gain 2 Counting Tokens for resolving an
Investigation Marker via ‘The Perimeter Wall’. MINEFIELD
Gain 1 Counting Token for each model
exiting the table via ‘The Perimeter Wall’.

The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of

round 6 is awarded victory.


This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Decide which battlefield edge will act as the

Perimeter Wall and place the 4 Investigation
Markers face down as shown on the
deployment map.

2. Place a Perimeter Turret as shown on the

deployment map. If you don’t have a turret
model, use a blank Investigation Marker, face up.
3. Mark out the 2 Minefield Areas. ZONE B
4. Place additional terrain that breaks LoS and
adds cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide NOT TO SCALE

(p.33) if needed.

5. Starting with the player with Advantage,

alternate placing 8 Searchables within the AI SETTINGS
Minefields, at least Orange from the edge of the
Minefield and Yellow distance from each other: When moving an AI model, note that Careful actions will avoid the
Minefield while Reckless actions will move through it. Additionally, AI
: models will target the Perimeter Turret with an Attack action if it is the
closest enemy model.

A model will prioritize exits in the following order.

1. If an exit from the battlefield has been opened and could be used by
6. The player who won Scenario 3.1 chooses a the end of the game, Objective: Go To [Closest Open Exit]
deployment zone and places their entire force.
2. If an exit has been revealed that could be unlocked with the required
If you are not playing this scenario as part of
Skill Test, Objective: Use [Nearest Usable Exit]
the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ campaign, the
player with Advantage completes this step. 3. Otherwise, Objective: Go To [Nearest Unrevealed Exit]

7. The opposing player then places their entire

force within the opposite deployment zone.
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest
We have secured the perimeter We’ve lost a good position now that
using the Boston Scatter, Junk Barricades,
successfully. This should make they’ve got control of the entrance
Military Barricades, and Corvega Sedan terrain
it easier to get fresh troops and gate. We are definitely going to need
packs in the are in front of the perimeter fence-wall.
supplies in while we explore this a better strategy if we want to get
base. past them.
SCENARIO EPILOGUE Scenario 3.2: Keep 3 Items collected Scenario 3.2: Keep 1 Item collected
Through the noise, explosions, and flying dirt, one for the next scenario. for the next scenario.
force seemed to be able to keep their cool finding a OR THEN
way past the perimeter wall. Just in time too; morale
Scenario 3.2: Keep 1 Item and trade Trade all remaining collected items to
and ammo are in increasingly short supply. The
all remaining collected items to draw 3 draw 3 Boosts and keep 1.1
forces are approaching the end as the final prize is
Boosts and keep 2.2
just within sight…
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


If being played in the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ Campaign, this is Scenario 3.3

STORY = Minigun

Every journey comes to an end. The road to the = Missile Launcher

factions’ destination has been littered with bodies,
bullets, and chaos. Everything so far will be worth it
once the power of this weapon is under the control of (If the Minigun attack kills its target, any remaining shots should be resolved
the victorious party. The long-term rivals who fought against the closest model within Yellow of the original target.)
so hard to get here may be in for a nasty surprise.
The fate of vast swathes of the Wasteland hangs in The Weapon
the balance. At the end of the Event Phase during Round 3 and each subsequent round,
the force that controls The Control Platform may perform an attack on the
Gunner Vertibird.
The controlling player may choose one model wholly with the Control Platform
Take control of the weapon and fight off all-comers
to fire The Weapon. Make a Heavy Weapon Skill Test or Computer
to control the skies and the Wasteland itself!
Expertise Test. The testing model is assigned a Stunned Token. If successful,
resolve the following attack:

The Control Platform The Gunner Vertibird has the following profile:
The Control Platform is a circular area centered
around a face-up blank Investigation Marker
with a radius of Red. Any model wholly within 3+1
the Control Platform counts as having cover if the If the Gunner Vertibird reaches 0 Health, no longer resolve the Strafing Run
attacking model is outside of the Control Platform. special rule at the end of the Round.

A force can control this area by having more friendly

Game Duration: 6 rounds
models wholly within it than enemy models.
At the end of Round 2 and each subsequent round, a Both Gain 5 Counting Tokens if you destroy the Vertibird via ‘The Weapon’ rule.
Gunner Vertibird will perform a strafing run on the
Gain 3 Counting Tokens if you control the Control Platform at the end of a
battlefield, firing indiscriminately at the forces on
Round and no enemy models are contesting.
the ground.
Gain 1 Counting Tokens if you control the Control Platform at the end of a
To determine the target of the strafing run, roll Round but enemy models are contesting.
and refer to the table below.
The player with more Counting Tokens at the end of round 6 is awarded victory.
1 A model on The Control Platform
The closest model to the Control
2 Platform not wholly within the Control
The closest model to the center of the
3 In this scenario, the AI settings can change between two phases. All AI
models start the scenario at Phase 1. The AI changes to Phase 2 while it is
The closest model to the edge of the
4 controlling the Control Platform as described in the Scenario Rules.

Phase 1
If the target could be multiple models, the player
IF Enemy force is controlling the Control Platform, Objective:
with Advantage determines which is targeted in the
Defeat [Enemy Model within RED of the Control Platform
same way targets are determined when shooting
Prioritize Ready/Unready unengaged enemy models.
into engaged models, nominating an equal amount
ELSE Objective: Go To [Control Platform]
of each players models where possible.

After determining a target, flip Luck and resolve the Phase 2

corresponding attack. This attack is always assumed Objective: Protect [Control Platform]
to be within short range.
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place the center of the Control Platform using
a face-up blank Investigation Marker as
shown on the deployment map.

2. Place an area of Impassable Terrain Green x

Green as shown on the deployment map. This
impassable terrain also blocks all LoS.

3. In addition to the required scenery, add

additional terrain that breaks LoS and IMPASSABLE
adds cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide
(p.33) if needed.
4. Randomly place 8 Searchables on the
battlefield, Red distance from the battlefield
edge and the Control Platform and Yellow
distance from each other. ZONE B

5. The player who won Scenario 3.2 chooses a NOT TO SCALE

deployment zone and places their entire force.

If you are not playing this scenario as part of
the ‘Caught in the Crossfire’ campaign, the
player with Advantage completes this step. The Curated Wasteland reflects a military facility. If the Event Deck is depleted,
shuffle the drawn cards into a new deck, leaving out Uninvited Guest.
6. The opposing player then places their entire
force within the opposite deployment zone.
Armor: Sturdy Metal Armor Lost Supplies
Chem: Orange Mentats Dust Cloud
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest
Chem: Overdrive Uninvited Guest
using the Cases and Crates, Desk and
Computers, Heavy Consoles Settlement Gear: Stealth Boy Rugged Rubble
Workbenches, Vault-Tec Lockers, and Military Power Armor: Power Armor Frame Unbearable Heat
Barricades. Weapon: Assault Rifle
Weapon: Gauss Rifle STRANGER
SCENARIO EPILOGUE Weapon: Gatling Laser Artillerist

With the weapon finally secured, the balance of Weapon: Baseball Bat
power has shifted. Whether this will be for the Weapon: Super Sledge
better, only time will tell. With a weapon this
powerful, the temptation to level rival settlements
may be too hard to pass up. The sudden arrival of OUT WITH A BANG! OUTCOMES
The Gunners took everyone by surprise, especially
with such a massive display of matériel. It’s a good VICTORY DEFEAT
thing that someone has a weapon that can match
The cost has been high and the Gather up the wounded and take
that kind of artillery…
journey has pushed us to our limits whatever supplies you can get, we
but now we are the ones who will need to get back home and warn
be calling the shots for some time to people about this. They cannot be
come. Is the weapon ready? Good, trusted with this weapon (we would
time to take it for a test drive. Bring have used it only for the greater
up the list of potential targets…. good of course). I just hope we are
not too late to warn others about
this development. The Wasteland
may never be the same again...
FOWW BTS-001-111 —

These 3 scenarios were previously released as The eponymous crane means victory or defeat, and
streamed content as part of our ‘Fallout Friday’ the continuing flow of destruction forces make for a
series, and they have been included due to popular tense but fun experience.
demand. The scenarios themselves are a little more
In ‘Cargo Ship Carnage’, your forces will engage
unusual than normal, and were designed to be
in a brutal dockside skirmish aboard towering
more fun than specifically balanced – they are best
and decayed pre-war tankers. Players can target
played with the standard game rather than using
each other’s ship to sink the very ground they’re
Battle Mode.
walking on!
‘Mechanic Panic’ sees one player trying to repair
All these scenarios can be used as one-off pick-
an important machine under duress, desperately
up games, or included as part of your ongoing
fending of the other player’s forces raiding their
campaign. They are the start of a series of scenarios
designed for one-off play, with less balanced, more
‘The Crane Game’ has players attempting to steal or narrative outcomes.
defend their precious scrap by any means necessary.

FOWW BTS-001-111 —

It’s been a tough few months for the settlement In this scenario, the defender must salvage enough
– improvements have been falling apart, walls spare parts to fully repair the damaged machinery.
are little more than wind-traps, and shelters are The attacker must sabotage this process, and stop
leaking and rusted. Scrap and parts have been the machine being repaired.
in short supply, but efforts to shore up the power
generator are almost complete. That means running Piles of Spare Parts
water, light and heat, and working gun turrets! All These piles are represented by Blank Tokens, as
that’s needed is a few more spare parts and it’ll be shown on the Deployment Map. A model may spend
up and running. The problem is, other locals don’t a Use Expertise Action to make a Search Test
like the idea of the settlement up and running on when in contact with one of these tokens. On a
it’s own power… success, the model gains a Spare Part, represented
by assigning a Counting Token to the model. Only
one Counting Token can be gained from each pile
SCENARIO AIM once per turn.
Fix a broken-down piece of machinery for a
settlement before the other player runs interference Broken Machinery
and wreaks havoc on your plans. This is represented by a Blank Token, as shown on
the Deployment Map. A model that is carrying a
Spare Part may transfer the Counting Token from
themselves onto the token representing the Broken
Machinery, as long as they are within Orange of the
token. When the Broken Machinery has 5 Counting
Tokens assigned to it, it is considered to be fixed
and activated.

Game Duration: 6 Rounds


Defenders Activate the Broken Machinery

End the game with the Broken Machinery
This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place 1 Blank Token face up, Red from the

center of a Defender’s deployment edge. This
token represents the Broken Machinery.

2. Place 2 Blank Tokens, Green from the Broken

Machinery, as shown on the Deployment Map.
These represent the piles of Spare Parts.

3. The Defender may place 3 Mine Markers.

These markers represent Fragmentation
Mines, and must be placed at least Green from
deployment zones and each other.
4. Players alternate deploying models, starting
with the player with Advantage, in their
deployment zones.

5. Players alternate randomly placing

6 non-blank, non-letter Searchables on BROKEN
the battlefield Green away from any deployment MACHINERY
edge and Red away from each other.


To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest
using the Boston Street Scatter, Boston
Searchables, Vault-Tec Lockers and Junk CURATED WASTELAND
Barricades to recreate the atmosphere of a
The Curated Wasteland reflects a Wasteland junkyard near a settlement.

Clothing: Eyeglasses Unstable Fusion Core
Food & Drink: Nuka Cola Cherry Gasoline Leak
Food & Drink: Radstag Meat Unusual Noises
Junk: Caps Stash Serrated Edge
Weapon: Sledgehammer
Weapon: 10mm Pistol STRANGER

Recruitment Beacon CREATURE
Unbearable Heat Digging Dog
Lucky Find
Dust Cloud
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


STORY The Crane
There are 4 large, crane-like grabbers linked to a
Whilst exploring an old robot factory, the
series of interchanges running across the ceiling.
reconnaissance party comes across a strange hole in
the center of the facility. Scouts return having found These remain face down until the first player has
a bounty of loot at the bottom, but it’s a little hard activated a Terminal, revealing which of the four
to get to. Investigating the area reveals a rusty old cranes is the working one amongst them and
crane system which could probably pick it out. It’s so moving it in the direction the player operating
simple: just use the crane to pick loot out of the hole. the crane stated. Once revealed, it is represented
How hard could it be? by a .

Once the crane is over the hole it will

SCENARIO AIM automatically reach down and extract the Loot
at the end of the round. The crane cannot move
The crane must be operated by the Extraction Force
through Impassable Terrain.
via the terminals to pick up the Loot from the hole
and then export it to an extraction point as marked
Where do they keep coming from?
on the map. The Destruction Force need to destroy
A Destruction Force may include up to 2 Super
the crane terminals and prevent their loot from
Mutant Suiciders and 2 Dog/Hound-type
being seized.
models in their force list, even if they are not from
that faction. These models will respawn at the
SCENARIO RULES beginning of a new round if they are removed as
casualties following these special rules;
Destruction Force
n Number the deployment zones 1–4
Destruction Force should be 100 caps less than the
n Select a model to redeploy
Extraction Force as they are able to respawn (see
n Roll
rule ‘Where do they keep coming from?’).
n Place the model in contact with the numbered
zones edge
The Terminals
There are four Terminals which operate the crane; We can be heroes
two which move it horizontally (represented by The first unit on the Extraction Force that takes
2 Lock Markers), two which move it vertically a direct detonation from a mini nuke immediately
(represented by 2 Computer Markers). An becomes Heroic if they survive the blast.
unengaged model in base contact with a terminal
places the Scatter Token pointing in the direction VICTORY CONDITIONS
they intend the crane to move, then spends an Extraction Force needs to retrieve the Loot from the hole and
Action to move the crane Red in the direction the transport it outside.
player specified. Major Victory Extract Loot from hole via any door on the boards edge
Once a Terminal has been successfully activated, it Minor Victory Extract Loot from hole into outer facility
cannot be used again for the remainder of the round. Minor Loss Extract Loot from hole
Place a Critical Token on top of a Terminal to show
Major Loss Fail to Extract Loot from hole
when it has been used.
Destruction Force needs to destroy the terminal to prevent their object
The Terminals have the following statistics: from leaving.
Major Victory Destroy all terminals whilst Loot is inside the hole
Minor Victory Destroy all terminals whilst Loot is inside inner facility
Minor Loss Destroy 3 or fewer terminals whilst Loot is inside inner facility
X Major Loss Destroy 0 terminals

Once a terminal is destroyed it may not be activated.


This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet

(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Randomly place 4 Investigation Markers

face down Red x Red away from each corner
of the battlefield as the map suggests, to
represent the cranes:


2. Place 8 blank Searchables Black away
from each corner along the edge of each side
of the battlefield as the map suggests. These
represent the doors the Extraction team need DEPLOYMENT ZONE
to get the Loot to.

3. Place 4 Orange-sized pieces of terrain as the

map suggests to form the inner facility walls.
These are Impassable.

4. Place 6 random non-blank, non-letter

Searchables inside the inner facility walls at
least Yellow away from each other and Orange
away from any deployment zone.
5. On the inside edge of each of these inner facility
walls, place 2 Computer Markers and 2 Lock NOT TO SCALE

Markers. These represent the terminals.

6. Place the H Searchable in the center of the
The Curated Wasteland reflects an abandoned robot factory.
battlefield to represent the hole.

7. Mark a Green x Green deployment zone ITEMS DANGER

for the Extraction Force in the center of the Armor: Sturdy Metal Armor Trip Grenade
battlefield, around the hole. Deploy fully inside
Gear: Fusion Core Doubts
the zone.
Gear: Mr Handy Fuel Something Stirs
8. Mark 4 Black deployment edges for the
Gear: Robot Repair Kit
Destruction Force to deploy on and then spread
Weapon: Laser Pistol STRANGER
the models equally amongst all 4 edges.
Weapon: Stun Baton –
9. In addition to the objects shown on the map,
place additional terrain that breaks LoS and
adds cover. Refer to the F:WW Terrain Guide EVENTS CREATURE
(p.33) if needed. Distant Gunfire Glowing Bloatfly
Passing Swarm

To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest A Predator’s Roar

using the Military Barricades, Vault-Tec Eerie Mist
Lockers, and Terrain Expansion – Terminals.
We suggest using the Weapons Upgrade Pack
for the debris that surrounds the crash site.
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


STORY the removed section or any connected walkways are also removed as a casualty.
Any section adjacent to a section that was just sunk loses 1 Health.
Word has gotten around the surrounding
settlements that the old harbor on the outskirts Each section of the cargo ship confers a bonus to a model placed on it. At the end
of town is a veritable treasure trove of untapped of each round, one model per section may gain this bonus. Models can only gain
resources, rumor has it that there are remnants of the bonus if there are no enemy models on the same section.
pre-war ships and ordnance there.
The Bow: The controlling model is not counted towards the total number
While the harbor has seen better days, the potential of models in an army when determining which player has advantage in the
gain in resources and weapons cannot be ignored. following round.
Clearly visible in the bay is a solitary gun battery.
The Hold: The controlling model may draw an Item card. Creatures, Dogs and
Although birds have nested at the top and a patina
Robots cannot gain this bonus.
of rust tells you it’s seen better days, you wonder if
the cannons are still functioning and could be put to The Helm: The controlling model gains , which can only be used on a Ranged
good use. Attack. Creatures, Dogs and Robots cannot gain this bonus.

Although there is likely to be plenty of unclaimed The Stern: The controlling model is not counted towards the total number
cargo aboard the ships, they look like they could of models in an army when determining which player has advantage in the
break apart any minute. You’ll either need total following round.
control of the area to loot at your ease, or to grab as
When a section of a player’s ship is destroyed, their opponent gains VPs depending
much as you can and scupper them.
on what token has been placed on that section, as shown in the table below:
Your thoughts of dominating the surrounding area
with your new-found firepower are interrupted as Token Set 1
it becomes apparent that you are not alone – you’ll
have to sink one ship to save your bounty…
Token Set 2

SCENARIO AIM VPs Gained 1 2 4 5

Destroy the enemy ship while defending your own,

Demolition Charges
using powerful weapons and explosives.
Once per activation, before or after an action, an unengaged model may place
a demolition charge. Place a Counting Token on the battlefield touching the
SCENARIO RULES model’s base (and not on another model’s base) to show the demolition charge.
After placing a demolition charge, roll the Skill Dice: a result of an X means
Open Water
the charge will detonate immediately, but any other result means the charge
If a model ever has over half of its base on terrain
will detonate at the end of the round. Creatures, Dogs and Robots cannot place
designated as water, they are immediately removed
demolition charges. A charge may only be placed on the deck of a cargo ship.
from play.
When a demolition charge detonates, resolve the following attack, centered on
the Counting Token:
Cargo Ships
A cargo ship is made up of four sections; the Bow
(front), Hold, Helm, and Stern (back). These four
sections must be placed in this specific order, but After the explosion is resolved, remove the Counting Token.
the ship can be orientated to be facing either way
Placing a Demolition Charge counts as a Trigger for Reactions.
alongside the dock.

Each of these four sections has the following Harbor

statistics: The Computer Marker at the end of the harbor is the control panel for the
harbor defenses. When a model with it, place an AI Marker ( ) onto one
6 Immune to
of the Investigation Markers on a section of Cargo Ship of the interacting
If a model on a Cargo Ship is
3+1 model’s choice. At the end of the round, resolve the firing of the Harbor
attacked by a model not on either
4 Defense Gun centered on the targeted Investigation Marker. If another
Cargo Ship, the model being
X model with the Computer Marker before the end of the round, the AI
attacked is considered in cover, in
Marker can be moved to a different Investigation Marker of the interacting
addition to the normal cover rules.
model’s choice.
Once the Health of a section of a cargo ship is
The automated defenses reset to No Target at the beginning of every round.
reduced to 0, the section sinks. When a section sinks.
Remove the AI Marker from the board.
remove it from the table, any models currently on
The Harbor Defense Gun has the following attack:


Game Duration: 6 rounds WALKWAYS

The game ends immediately if any of the following
are true:

n Either cargo ship has all four of its sections sunk.

n One player has no models remaining on the


Have gained more VPs from destroying

enemy boat sections than your opponent

This scenario is played on a 3 feet x 3 feet WALKWAYS
(90cm x 90cm) table.

1. Place a cargo ship in contact and parallel with BOW BOW

a board edge. Place a second cargo ship in the
same manner on the opposite board edge so OPEN WATER
that both ships are parallel with one another.
The ships are comprised of 4 sections: the Bow, NOT TO SCALE

Hold, Helm and Stern. These must be placed

in the specific order listed. Each section is Red x FORCE COMPOSITION
Red, except the Hold which is Red x Green long.
Each force should be composed of 750 caps’ worth of models and equipment.
2. Between these ships add a harbor along the Models may not take any equipment of the Heavy Weapon type unless required
center line of the board that is Black and Blue by their unit card.
in length, and Red width, this should also be
parallel with the cargo ships.
3. At the end of the walkway, place a Computer
To get the most out of this scenario, we suggest using the Corvegas, Vault-Tec
Lockers, and Boston Scatter to litter the pier or float around in the water.
4. Finally. place some walkways between parts
of the center sections of the cargo ship and
the harbor.

5. Place 4 Searchable Markers on a piece

of terrain representing the harbor, at least
Yellow apart from each other. Any part of the
Battlefield not designated as terrain by this The Curated Wasteland reflects an abandoned robot factory.
point becomes Open Water.
6. The player with Advantage deploys their first
Chem: Day Tripper Dust Cloud
model, then the other player deploys a model.
Players alternate until all models are deployed. Chem: Stimpack Super Mutant Broadcast
Players must deploy models throughout the Clothing: Baseball Cap Cleansing Rain
cargo ship. To do this, before a model may be Gear: Rope Relentless Rain
placed on a section that already contains a
Gear: Stealth Boy Wet Ground
model, all other sections must already contain
one model. Weapon: Baseball Grenade Clear
Weapon: Cryo Grenade
7. One player takes Token Set 1 (see previous
page) and secretly places one token face down in Weapon: Fragmentation Grenade
the center of each of their Cargo Ship sections. Weapon: Junk Jet
The other player repeats this using Token Set Weapon: Gatling Laser
2. These are not normal Investigation Markers,
Weapon: Missile Launcher
and are only revealed once the section they are
Weapon: Molotov Cocktail
on is sunk. Otherwise, they are ignored.
FOWW BTS-001-111 —


The battlefields of post-war America are diverse. terrain setup, make sure to leave fast routes to
Inhabitants all over the Wasteland find themselves the center of the playing area.
battling in dense urban ruins, thriving settlements,
n Be sure to not place a combination of terrain
blasted rural wastes and everything in-between.
pieces that make an area of the battlefield
This Terrain guide will explain how to set up
unreachable due to Impassable Terrain. If you
different gaming tables for the multitude of
intend to lock away a section of the battlefield,
environments for the best possible Fallout:
make sure you don’t place any Searchable,
Wasteland Warfare experience.
Investigation Marker or any other miscellaneous
The following conventions apply to all gaming markers in this location.
n Once all terrain has been placed, make sure any
n Fallout: Wasteland Warfare is best played on gaps between terrain that you want models to
a 3 feet x 3 feet (90cm x 90cm) square playing traverse are large enough for even the largest-
area, although feel free to increase or decrease sized models. For example, gaps of 60mm allow
the playing area if you are playing a larger or large models such as the Behemoth and Sentry
smaller game. Bot to move through, whereas a gap of 40mm
would only allow Human and Super Mutant
n Before placing any terrain, make sure to set up
sized models to pass.
any terrain pieces the scenario you have chosen
to play requires first, then use this guide to set n Finally, before beginning your game, talk to
up additional wasteland terrain around that. your opponent and decide what pieces of terrain
count as cover and what does not. This can vary
n Make sure not to set up terrain to be more
depending on what models you bring, i.e. a wall
advantageous for either player, and all players
that blocks LoS for a settler may only be cover
should have input on the placement of terrain.
for a Behemoth.
n When choosing where to put a terrain piece, be
sure to avoid placing them within Orange of the
board edge. When placed closer to the edge of the
battlefield, terrain pieces generally do not have
any impact on the game and can block lanes for
the largest models.

n Larger terrain pieces are more impactful on the

battle the closer they are to the centerline of the
gaming space. This way they can block LoS or
provide a height advantage to models that dare
to climb them.

n Having a variety of terrain pieces at differing

heights for your forces to traverse is more
interesting than a flat playing area.

n All of the forces in Fallout: Wasteland

Warfare behave differently; a gaming board
barren of terrain and cover will benefit a long-
range shooting army while a melee-focused army
will have a hard time. On the other hand, a very
dense terrain setup allows melee armies to move
across the board outside LoS while the shooting
army is now at a huge disadvantage.

n Cover is very important for some factions. Once

initial setup of the terrain pieces is done, be sure
to add in some barricades or other miscellaneous
scatter terrain for models to hide behind.

n Most scenarios last for around 6 rounds, be

careful not to set up terrain pieces that require
models to spend over 2 rounds to get into the
action. Unless the scenario requires a maze-like
If you have chosen to play Battle mode most of the n In Battle Mode games, make sure to leave
previous tips still apply, although you may wish to more open areas than you would in a narrative
consider the following: game of Fallout: Wasteland Warfare. These
could be a cover-free area along the center line
n Battle Mode should promote more competitive
of the battlefield or firing lanes between LoS-
play, as such terrain placement should be
blocking terrain.
advantageous to neither player. In this case a
more symmetrical setup may be used to make
sure each player has the same opportunity for
cover and firing lines, etc.

If you wish to theme your battlefield to a specific n Add in dumps of abandoned irradiated barrels.
location, follow the guides below to best represent
n Manmade features such as chain-link fences,
those environments.
wooden shacks, or abandoned/wrecked vehicles.

Urban Ruin
Underground Cavern
Urban Ruin environments could represent the
Underground cavern environments could represent
many pre-war towns and cities of the Wasteland.
the vast network of caves inhabited by Wasteland
These could be densely packed skyscrapers or quiet
creatures, metro tunnels, or even fallout shelters.
residential neighborhoods.
n Change the size or shape of the battlefield (e.g. a
n Include densely arranged groups of buildings;
long but narrow battlefield).
these should be accessible through collapsed
walls or doorways. n Include areas of Impassable Terrain to represent
rock piles or support columns.
n Add in areas of Impassable Terrain represented
by collapsed walls and piles of rubble. n Add in dumps of abandoned irradiated barrels or
creature nests.
Blasted Waste
Blasted Waste environments could represent areas
Wasteland Road
of irradiated wasteland, blighted swampland or
Wasteland Road environments could represent
petrified forests.
trails or routes between important locations in
n Include areas of Difficult Terrain such as the Wasteland, filled with raiders and Wasteland
swampland or forested areas of dead trees. creatures.

n Include a long, open gap from one edge of the

map to another to represent a railway or road.

n Include a sparse group of buildings to represent

a truck stop or roadside motel.

n Add in groups of abandoned vehicles or a

military checkpoint.

Thriving Settlement
Thriving Settlement environments could represent
areas of the Wasteland where Survivors have
banded together for economic benefit or even
for safety. Other types of settlements exist, such
as Raider hideouts or Super Mutant dens. This
environment could be mixed into any of the above

n Include sparsely grouped buildings, possibly

surrounded by a fence or guard towers.

n Super Mutant settlements could include piles of

scrap metal and meat bags.

n Raider Settlements could include cages of

ALL MANNER OF CHARACTERS AND CREATURES Wasteland animals or captured survivors.

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