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Mine surveying and
the law: A changing landscape
by Fred Cawood, Associate Professor, School of Mining Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand

Mine surveyors face a continuous challenge of adapting and applying changing technologies to the mining
environment. In addition, the legal framework within which mine surveyors operate today is very different to
that of ten years ago.

n his article in the Nov/Dec edition objective of this article is to explain the fundamentally changed over time,
of PositionIT, David Ives [1] opened impact of the new legal framework for technology and the laws that govern
his exposition with “Right now, mining on the role of the South African the profession have changed and will
there are a number of technology mega mine surveyors today. continue to change.
trends that are reshaping the future of
The legal implications on mine A recent publication [4] on the role of
business and society.” He continued,
surveying were already established the coal mine surveyor highlights the
“This is having profound implications
in the medieval times. Agricola [3] rules and principles governing the mine
for the way we live and work.”
discussed the role of the mine surveyor surveying profession today.
The heading of the very next article in great detail in 1556 and he listed
The legal impact is substantial and this
[2], “Paradigm shift in navigation lease surveys, position surveys, and
article explains the most important
industry”, also points to a changing the provision of evidence for the
pieces of legislation to mine surveyors,
landscape driven by technology. Against settling of boundary disputes as key
namely the Mine Health and Safety
this background, mine surveyors face activities of mine surveyors.
Act and the Mineral and Petroleum
a continuous challenge of adapting and
Today, accurate mine plans are still Resources Development Act, together
applying changing technologies to the
essential for the health and safety of with the relevant secondary legislation.
mining environment. Ives’ observations
mine workers and those members of
are, therefore, particularly appropriate. The Mine Health and Safety Act
the public living in close proximity to
In addition to technological innovations, mines. For multiple-level underground (MHSA) 29 of 1996
the legal framework within which mines, surveying involves the The MHSA became effective on 15
mine surveyors operate today is correlation, duplication and linkage January 1997 and replaced the
fundamentally different to that of ten of the surface survey and mapping long-standing Mines and Works
years ago. The law affects the way in system with each underground level Regulations 27 of 1956. Although
which mine surveyors collect, process, to a high degree of accuracy. Although relatively new, the Act had undergone
present, and report survey results. The the role of the mine surveyor has not substantial amendment. All the
chapters of the Regulations to the
MHSA have not yet been promulgated,
which means that the effective sections
of the Mines and Works Regulations
that were incorporated into the
Regulations of the already repealed
Minerals Act 50 of 1991 were again
reincorporated as an interim measure
into the Regulations of the MHSA.
In addition to the Regulations, the
Statutes include a detailed check-list of
questions on each Chapter of the MHSA
to assist mine staff in establishing
compliance with all provisions.

Whereas the historic legislation was

of a highly prescriptive nature to
prevent past mistakes and accidents
from recurring, the MHSA has a
forward-looking approach, and it
aims to promote a culture of health
and safety among employers and
employees through the implementation
Fig. 1: Mine surveyors taking stope measurements. of health and safety measures,

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systems, institutions, training and Surveying duties directly linked to the

monitoring (also the management MHSA are measurements required
thereof) of risks. for accident scenes; monitoring
surveys for fluid concentrations, slope
Responsibility generally lies with
stability, subsidence and pillar over- or
the employer, who is defined as the
undermining; high-risk and hazard
owner of the mine and by implication,
plans; boundary verification; mine plan
the holder of the mining right. To
updates; and correlating the surface
ensure compliance with the legislative
topography with the underground
framework, the employer has to staff
surveys for each level of the mine. The
a mine and entrust functions to a
following requirements of Chapters
manager and other persons, which
14 and 17 of the Regulations [5]
employees include those meeting
necessitate specific mine survey input:
the definition of competent, such as
the mine surveyor. Once the mine is Chapter 14 is concerned with protection
staffed with due regard to health and of the surface and the workings,
safety, the employer, who will normally ingress of water or other fluid material
delegate the health and safety function into workings and risks, such as rock
to the mine staff, must establish a falls, subsidence, cavities and collapse
health and safety policy, codes of of surface structures at mines. The
practice (COP) for high-risk activities role of the mine surveyor includes the
and training programmes and systems surveying, monitoring and reporting of
to assess and respond to risk. these risks to management;

Despite the fact that the employer has Chapter 17 of the Regulations Fig. 2: Mine surveyor measuring from a roof
overall responsibility in terms of the deals with the statutory duties of peg.
Act, Section 22 states that employees mine surveyors with respect to
must take reasonable care of their own the appointment of the competent
health and safety and others affected surveyor; general practice relating plans, rehabilitation design plans,
by their actions. This responsibility to accuracy and standards for field infrastructure plans and check survey
includes the right to leave a dangerous surveys, map projection and survey plans.
working place. systems, processing of survey data and
mapping at mines; safety precautions, Mine surveyors must also give input to
Enforcement is through the the compilation and implementation of
procedures and reporting of risks
empowerment of an inspectorate of COP. In this regard, they are involved
requiring survey input; detailed
mine health and safety to conduct with the installation and management
requirements for the compilation,
inspections, investigations, inquiries and of monitoring systems designed to
updating and submission of statutory
give instructions to employers and mine combat rock falls. Another COP which
mine plans and departmental copies;
staff. Section 86 of the MHSA states
and the survey issues relating to mine requires survey input is that for the
that, “Any person who, by a negligent
closure. ingress of water into mine workings.
act or by a negligent omission, causes
It is also standard practice to have a
serious injury or serious illness to a All physical survey measurements that stand-alone survey COP with detailed
person at a mine, commits an offence…” are taken or observed in the workplace operating procedures to guide all
Contravention or non-compliance with need to be processed in one way or survey duties on a particular mine.
the MHSA may result in fines imposed another. Most of the measurements
required for the survey function on a Another important duty is to observe
on employers by the regional Principal
mine require error propagation and the mine plans for the identification
Inspectors of Mines. Serious cases may
calculation of accurate coordinates of risks, such as subsidence, collapse
be referred to the Attorney-General
for criminal or civil proceedings. In and heights in relation to the survey of surface buildings and structures
addition to the authority of the Principal datum. Health and safety survey resulting from the removal of
Inspectors of Mines, the minister may measurements, such as monitoring support, and risks related to mining
declare health hazards, prohibit or pillar over- or undermining, require in the proximity of other underground
restrict work for any reason relating additional calculations, such as workings. To ensure that the surveyor
to health, safety and the environment. safety factors, extraction factors and knows which parts of the mine to
This provision for closing a mine for width-to-height ratios. Coordinates and monitor, the MHSA requires the
health and safety reasons was exercised elevations are also the base data for employer to notify the surveyor
on several occasions in 2007 when further processing of areas, volumes appointed as competent person of
mine accidents resulted in the death of and mineral reserve reconciliations. all working mining faces, surface
employees. structures affected by mining, workings
As is the case with data processing,
being abandoned and safety pillars that
In terms of the MHSA mine surveyors, mapping is normally done electronically
are being or have been removed.
as employees, must assist employers using specialised mapping software.
with general health and safety The mapping duties include the Once aware of these events, it is
matters required for ensuring safe updating of statutory maps, other the mine surveyor’s responsibility
operations. The relevance for the plans and sections as required by the to implement effective compliance
competent mine surveyor becomes MHSA (e.g. mine rescue and ventilation systems and report hazards, risks and
more evident from the Regulations. plans), the compilation of reticulation any non-compliance to management.

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In addition to on-mine reporting over a period extending back to more

protocols, the Regulations than 100 years, is the conversion
(Chapter 23) include a guideline of coordinates to the current map
document on the reporting of accidents projection and survey system. The
and dangerous occurrences. Other original systems range from being
statutes of relevance to mine surveyors localised in Cape roods, Cape feet,
include separate guideline documents English feet or metres to the current
on the compilation of COP. Hartebeesthoek land survey datum.
The mineral royalties stipulated in the
A further duty is the observation and
original contracts will remain effective
management of the mine boundary
during the transition phase. Where
lines and pillars. The mine surveyor
these royalties were based on units,
must indicate boundary pillars on the
the mine surveyor remains responsible
mine plan, follow instructions from
for the measurement and calculation of
the mine manager and communicate
the royalty amount.
events on both sides of the boundary
line. When working faces approach the The MTRA deals with the registration
Fig. 3: Surveyor using peg at mine entrance of mining and prospecting rights
boundary pillar, the surveyor must give
as a reference point.
adequate warning and continuously that are granted in terms of the
monitor the situation. MPRDA as limited real (property)
The mine surveyor is responsible for the rights in the Mineral and Petroleum
The mine surveyor also gives input preparation of tenure and other legal Titles Registration Office (MPRTO).
to the rehabilitation plan and has to plans, which include regional plans, Regulation 3 [6] defines a surveyor
investigate community complaints locality plans, mining rights plans, as a person registered at PLATO [7]
registered at the mine. Examples plotting land survey diagram (farm in the category of either Professional
of such input and investigation information) on mine plans, surface right Land Surveyor or Professional
would include the survey of ground plans indicating agricultural lease areas Mine Surveyor [8]. Chapter IV
movement in the form of cracks, on plans and keeping the necessary of the Regulations deals with the
subsidence and sinkholes by records on their status, rezoning and requirements for diagrams and plans,
establishing the distance from the servitudes, and finally, plans and which must accompany applications
mine, correlating the incident with information required for the relocation of for rights, permissions, permits and
the surface and underground mine graves. reservations. All plans must be signed
workings and establishing the scale of The primary role is the preparation and certified by a qualified (registered
the problem. and signature of maps, plans and in the professional category) surveyor.
diagrams when applying for mining There are specific requirements
The Mineral and Petroleum (Regulation 42 of MTRA) for the
rights and the registration of such
Resources Development Act information and details that must
rights and permissions. There are
(MPRDA) 50 of 2002 appear on plans for this purpose.
many different rights that could
The role of the mine surveyor in terms be applied for, all of which require Additional requirements for the plans
plans, diagrams and areas for both that must accompany the original
of the MPRDA varies from company
application and registration purposes. application appear in Regulation 2 of
to company and the qualifications of
In addition to the plans and diagrams, the MPRDA.
the surveyor. The MPRDA is a new Act
and can be considered a paradigm the mine surveyor must give input
International influence
shift from its predecessor, i.e. the to work programmes and mine
Minerals Act 50 of 1991. The MPRDA rehabilitation plans, which include the In addition to legal compliance issues,
was promulgated on 30 April 2004, and determination of areas and volumes national and international standards
it affects all historic rights issued over to determine the financial provision are increasingly playing an important
the past 100 years, with the associated for the remediation of environmental role in what is expected from mine
plans and diagrams compiled on many damage (Section 41). surveyors today. The mining industry
different survey datums and units of In terms of Section 48 of the MPRDA, in South Africa has undergone dramatic
length. Its impact is significant and is mining and prospecting is prohibited changes in the past two decades.
reflected in first, the many different on land comprising a public cemetery. Where local mining companies only had
Acts it repealed or caused to be However, for surface mines wishing national assets before the 1990s, today
amended and second, the allowance of to mine in areas where there are these are international with assets
a five-year transition phase (Schedule family or traditional burial sites and around the globe.
II of MPRDA) to fully implement all the cemeteries, it is possible to mine such International standards are applicable
new provisions. areas under strict rules governing
to South African surveyors working
the relocation of the graves. Such
Although a stand-alone Act with its for multinational mining companies,
relocations have implications for
own Regulations, the Mining Titles e.g. BHP Billiton, the Anglo group
the mine surveyor, who has specific
Registration Act (MTRA) 24 of 2003, of companies and Goldfields. These
surveying and mapping duties to
which is an amendment of the Mining multinationals have operations in
ensure compliance.
Titles Registration Act 16 of 1967, different parts of the world and have
provides for security of tenure during A particular problem for mine or are in the process of standardising
mining and prospecting and is classified surveyors during the transitional mine survey practices across the
as secondary legislation to the MPRDA. period, when all the rights granted group through guideline documents.

26 PositionIT - Mar/Apr 2008

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A final international influence is the and measures to continue to add value to [2] Jentro Technologies: Paradigm Shift
requirement for additional reports and their employing or client companies. in Navigation Industry, PositionIT,
recordkeeping when the mine has ISO Nov/Dec 2007, p. 11.
The role of the mine surveyor is [3] G Agricola: De Re Metallica (as
9000 accreditation. ISO compliance
not only of a technical nature. Both translated by HC Hoover and
makes it easier to comply with the legal
the MHSA and the MPRDA require LH Hoover), From the first Latin
framework because of the overlaps in Edition of 1556 in 1950, Denver
reporting measurements far in
the requirements and the fact that ISO Publications, New York, 1950.
excess of their predecessors. These
currently describes international leading [4] FT Cawood and WJA Richards: A
requirements leave the profession
practice. Review of the Coal Mine Surveyor in
and providers of education with a South Africa, South African Institute
Conclusion specific challenge: First, to deepen the of Mining and Metallurgy, Vol. 107
understanding of the application and No. 2, pp. 109 – 114, Johannesburg,
This article demonstrates that, as in South Africa, February 2007.
impact of the new legal framework
the past and now in the present, the
on the role of the mine surveyor; [5] Government Gazette 26963 of 12
future role of the mine surveyor will be November 2004.
second, to anticipate future business
principally driven by legal requirements.
risks to their employing companies [6] Regulation Gazette No 7965 Vol
Along with society, the legal framework 467, 14/05/2004 No 26352.
or clients and thereby add value
is still evolving. It is, therefore, essential
to the greater business; and third, [7] The South African Council for
for mine surveyors to know the legal Professional and Technical
framework that affects them. to improve reporting skills so that
survey communications effectively
The mine surveyor has a particular [8] See requirements of (PLATO) Act 40
demonstrate compliance with the law. of 1984, as amended.
challenge to keep current with
qualifications and applied technologies. A References Contact Frederick Cawood, University
measure of their contribution is the extent [1] D Ives: Trends, Innovation and of the Witwatersrand,
to which they adapt to the changing Skills Development in South Africa, Tel 011 717-7418,
landscape and implement new systems PositionIT, Nov/Dec, 2007, p. 9. [email protected]

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