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Cricket Team for Ganesh Festival-2010

1] S. Chincholikar

2] Kunal Asar

3] Yogesh Khadkikar

4] Vishal Kadgaonkar

5] Ankur Kapoor

6] Chaitanya Waghade

7] Mohd. Hasan

8] Amol Patil

9] Narendra Paithankar

10] Prashant Joshi

11] Shripad Amate

12] Suchit Awalgaonkar

Team Building Games (Strictly Outbound)

1] Acid River
- You are given few objects like
A] 2 Bamboo sticks

B] 2 Bricks

C] Two chairs

D] Two Cold drink bottle plastic container

D] 2 wooden flat sticks

What you have to do is Pick up any one combination of objects from above & cross the
acid river i.e. distance between two lines drawn on both the ends of the ground

Problem is 2 players at a time 

Once you cross the river one player will stay on the other side & one will bring back
the objects for other player & process continues till last player reaches other side

2] Spider Web
Tie web shaped thread between two poles and you have to pass each player in the
team to other side without touching the ropes through the holes of the web

You have to lift the player and throw him/her on the other side of the web one after

3] Mind Freak
Similar concept of Minesweeper, 9X9 square web is laid on the ground. Coordinators
have their map ready and participants have to remember the route till the end one by
one walking down to other end

If a participant steps on the mine, he/she have to return to the end of the queue of
that particular group outside the structure and then next one to try

No talking or showing the directions is allowed, See the fig below


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4] Build the structure

5 - 7 Bamboos and strings are hidden around the ground, after blowing the whistle all
teams need to find those sets at the earliest

Once found they have to think & build a structure in such a way that all the members
of the team should be able to stand on the structure at least 2 feet above the ground
at the same time for at least 2 minutes

Soon you will come to know that nothing is impossible once you have a proper fully
functional team.

Whistle blown to stop the game and team with maximum people on the structure wins

5] Blind Square
All the members of the team are blind folded and given a long string, members of the
team have to form an exact square out of it how to do it, well it’s the team work

6] Dance in the rain

Video Required

7] Soil skiing
All the members of the team [Max 6] have to stand on the wooden ski with strings tied
to it with one foot on one ski and other on 2nd one, have to slide it to the other end
without touching the ground.

8] A shape
Form an A shape with the help of 3 bamboos and string and carry the members of the
team towards other side without touching the ground.

One thing for sure, you cannot imagine the fun in these games unless you
actually do it and while playing it you will actually know the difference
between working alone and working with a team.

All the management fundas are actually practiced and lot of physical
work / strength required

Trust me I have experienced it at Pinewood resorts with Strawberry

outbound for corporate

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