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Support to cities for ODF++(FSSM)

Assessment and FSSM plan
Center for Water and Sanitation CEPT University
All India Institute of Local Self-Government, Mumbai
June 2019
Support to Khamgaon Municipal Council
for moving towards ODF++
through Faecal Sludge and Septage Management (FSSM)

Timeline of support –2018 to 2019

Concept of ODF , ODF +, ODF ++ by MoHUA

A city / ward can be notified/declared as ODF city/

ODF ward if, at any point of the day, not a single
person is found defecating in the open.

If at any point of the day, not a single person is found

defecating and/or urinating in the open, AND all
community and public toilets are functional and well

Functional and
well maintained
If, at any point of the day, not a single person is found
defecating and/ or urinating in the open, all
community and public toilets are functional and well
maintained, AND faecal sludge/septage and sewage is
safely managed and treated, with no discharging
and/or dumping of untreated faecal sludge/septage
Septage and sewage is and sewage in drains, water bodies or open areas.
safely managed and
Support for moving cities towards ODF++ (FSSM)
Support for Onsite Support in Planning & Technology selection
systems for Emptying and Treatment

1 2 3
For new toilets that are Regular desludging of septic tanks Suitable technology options for
within the city limit and exploring treatment of septage

under construction and

their usage possibility of desludging septic tanks and exploring reuse options
outside city limit

2 cities Phase 1: Wai, Sinnar

4 cities Phase 2: Chiplun, Akot, Umred, Georai

3 cities Phase 3: Khamgaon, Brahmapuri, Hingoli

June 2019 4
Executive summary
Overview of the city Administrative setup
Khamgaon is a Class ‘B’ municipal council. Located to the north of Maharashtra, in Chief officer Mr. Dhananjay Borikar
Budhana district in the Amravati division. Total municipal
Area -13.36 Sq Km The departments General Administrative,
Location - 20.24˚N , 76.34˚E PWD, Sanitation/ Birth and Death,
Population - 1,07,280 (2018) Accounts/Tax, Health, Water, Firefighting,
27 slums – 16 notified, 11 non notified Electricity, Establishment, Land and computer.
Ward density – 32 admin. wards
Demographic Details
Parameter 2011 2018
Population 94,191 1,07,280
No. of HHs 17811 25050
37277 50870
The climate is generally hot and dry. Soil
type is soft murrum and average ground
water level: 5m-10m(10ft -40 ft)

June 2019 5
Executive summary
Housing Water supply Solid waste management
• The building typology is characterized by low and Water supply coverage Segregation – 80%

medium rise buildings. D-D collection – 100%

• The central old town area has dense development Processing – 50%
with mix of independent housing and apartments. DPR for SWM prepared by MaRS

• Total 27 slum settlements identified out of which 16 Planning & Engineering Services
are notified and 11 are non notified slums. Private Limited – sanctioned by MJP
• Total slum population is 50870 and HHs are 12560 60% Collection transportation of waste

HHs with water connections undertaken by Water Grace Products

HHs dependant on other sources (groundwater Area of dumping site – 23 acre (as

sources - borewells, open wells) per ULB record*)

Area consumed by SWM waste

processing (as per DPR) – 4880 sq.

m. (1.2 acre)
Existing dumping site

• There are two source of water -

Jhamna Talav at 3 Km and Dnyanganga
which is about 40 km from Khamgaon
• Water supply is only 70 LPCD. Daily
supply of water is 7 MLD
• 40% HHs have water connections out
of which 87% are metered.
Executive summary
Existing sanitation status
Access Collection Conveyance Treatment Disposal
Pour flush latrines Septic Tanks No treatment of Emptied into
and CT/PTs Open Drains
grey water river
Solid Vacuum Emptier No treatment of Dumping into
• 90% coverage of IHHL Truck sludge open fields
• 54 CTs and 2 PTs
• Spatial coverage of PTs more or • Grey water is
less adequate, • 85% IHHLs connected to • 70% coverage of Septage is disposed
• Open defecation observed near septic tanks. open drains conveyed from at the SWM
slums. • 2-chambered tanks, most • Municipal Council (1 central nallah to kordi dumping site.
• Water shortage in the city hence in slums do not have vehicle – 2000 litres) river.
less use of constructed IHHL access covers. • 1 Pvt Operator (2 • No treatment of
• Cleaned on demand only vehicle – 3000 litres septage
when fully filled each)

No treatment
Executive summary
Conveyance Treatment
• Scheduled based desludging considering 5 years emptying cycle
• The city could be divided into 5 zones for the septic tank • City plans for independent fecal sludge treatment plant
desludging cycle. • Land available at SWM disposal site
Approx. 3995 septic tanks of individual toilets in the city needs to be • Finance available through 14th FC funds
cleaned annually.
Capacity of FSTP 95 Cu.m.
No. of tanks to 13
be emptied daily CapEx for Unplanted Sludge Drying Beds 165 (Rs in Lakhs)
OpEx for Unplanted Sludge Drying Beds 11.5 (Rs in Lakhs/ year)
Number of trucks 4 trucks with 5000 L
required capacity (assuming 4
I trips/truck per day) • Independent FSTP at SWM Site
• Unplanted sludge drying beds +ABR+ PGF Technology
• Funding through 14th FC funds
III Unplanted
sludge drying
beds +ABR+
Executive summary
Financing Proposals CapEx
Fund utilization -- Availability
Funds Utilized Fund for Available Fund for
Funds under Received available for Sanitation Sanitation
scheme (in Rs. Crore) Sanitation Amount Amount
Percent Percent
(50%) (In crore) (In Crore)
14th FC 8.14 4.07 1.54 38% 2.53 62%
Khamgaon SBM Incentive Fund 0.45 0.45 - - 0.45 100%
Sr No. Amount Sr No. Amount
Existing Proposed
Existing sanitation tax - For scheduled emptying sanitation tax Rs - 217
Rs- 1620 (15.5%
Average Existing Property Tax Rs- 1403 Property tax with scheduled emptying sanitation tax

Capital expenditure to be funded through 14th FC funds/Incentive fund

Operational expenditure from Sanitation Tax to be levied by the council

1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

June 2019 10
1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

June 2019 11
City Profile
Area -13.36 Sq Km 27 Slums
Khamgaon is a Class ‘B’ municipal council. Located to the 16 notified
north of Maharashtra, Khamgaon is a part of Buldhana 11 non notified
district in the Amravati division.
12560 households
Location - 20.24˚N , 76.34˚E
Khamgaon is well connected by National Highway 6 (NH 6)
and Central Railway’s Mumbai–Kolkata railway line. The city
13.8 %
is served by the Khamgaon railway station. It is an industrial Population Growth
town around 17 kms from the city of Shegaon which is the Demographic Details
religious centre in Amravati division.
Parameter 2011 2018 81.6%
Population - 1,07,280 (2018) Population 94,191 1,07,280 Literacy Rate
The population of Khamgaon in 2011 was 94,191 which has
increased to 1,07,280 by 2018. Khamgaon’s average gross Population Growth Rate
No. of HHs 17811 25050
density works out to be 8,030 persons per square 2001-2011 6.21%
There is no significant floating population in the town as Slum Population 37277 50870 2011-2018 13.8%
Khamgaon does not have any important tourist center.
Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18, SWM DPR, & Khamgaon October visit documentation

June 2019 12
City Profile
Climate Contour map
The climate here is generally hot and dry. The
annual temperature varies from 12-14 °C in
winter to as high as 43-46 °C in summer.
The winds are generally of light to moderate
velocity in the direction from NE to SW or SW
or SE to NW.

The rainy season starts from June till the end of
October. The average annual rainfall is 711.45 mm.
The maximum rainfall is received during the
month of July.

Soil Type
Soft murrum soil Khamgaon has an
average elevation of
Ground Water 323 meters (1059
Average Ground Water level: 5m-10m(10ft -40 ft)
Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18 , Khamgaon October visit documentation, SWM DPR 2017, DPR of water supply project – UIDSSMT scheme

June 2019 13
Municipal boundary and wards
Administrative ward map showing density Prabhag map

Khamgaon Municipal council

Old city area Prabhag boundary

administrative 16 Prabhags

June 2019 14
Landuse and outgrowth
Landuse map Municipal Limits and Outgrowth Areas

Name Population

Sutala 7794 Sajanpuri

Sanjivan colony
Wadi 3766
Ghatpuri 7689
Sajanpuri 4446
Januna 2830

• There area 5 villages and some patches of scattered development surrounding the
municipal jurisdiction of Khamgaon council. Sutala lies on the north west side of
Khamgaon and has an MIDC called Sutala MIDC. It has around 535 industries which
are active including bigger industries like Hindustan lever, Birla etc. Around 50
industries are shut down.
• There is also a small MIDC near Januna talao on the southern side of Khamgaon
which houses industries like Parle G and oil mills.
June 2019 15
Administrative set up The departments in the council are General Administrative, PWD, Sanitation/ Birth and Death,
Accounts/Tax, Health (NUHM), Water supply,, Firefighting, Electricity, Establishment, Law, Land and

Chief Officer

Genl Water
PWD Sanitation Fire Accounts Land Electricity Establishment
Admin. Supply

Health Department Staff

Chief officer Mr. Dhananjay Borikar
1 ENGINEER (water and sanitation)
SANITARY INSPECTOR – 3 Total municipal staff 144
WARD PEON - 24 Political set up
The general body is headed by the President followed by Vice
(road sweeping + toilet cleaning (24) +
nalla cleaning)

Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18,, Khamgaon October visit documentation & SWM DPR 2017

June 2019 16
• The building typology is characterized by low and medium rise buildings.
• The central old town area is characterized by dense development with mixed type of
independent housing and apartments.
• The northeastern side of the city is old Planned area having buildings with G to G+1
structure, majorly in RCC framework
• Semi pucca houses were observed in the slums settlements
• As per census 2011, there are total 17811 numbers of HHs in the city. As per the council by
2018 the number of HHs have gone upto 25050
• As per census 2011, there are total 2076 commercial and other establishments (offices,
institutions, markets), hotels and restaurants in the city. As per the council, this number has
gone up to 5100 by 2018.
• The rate per square feet for residential property in the city is ranging between Rs. 1000-
3000 and the average rate for commercial property is about Rs. 2500/Sq.Ft.

Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18 , Khamgaon October visit documentation

June 2019 17
Housing Typology
Amrut Nagar

• Housing typology
in the plotted area
varies from G-G+2
with buildings mostly
Tayade Colony pucca and semi-
Teacher Colony pucca structure.
• R.O.W-varies
between 4m-5.5m.
• Drains available-
covered drains
available in Amrut
nagar while Tayade
colony and Teacher
colony are mostly
covered by open
June 2019 18
Housing Typology
Millat colony

• Housing typology
Zia Colony Samata colony in the plotted areas
varies between G-
G+2 with buildings
mostly of pucca
Khate Layout structures in Khate
Layout and samata
layout while most of
the structures are
semi pucca in Millat
Drains available- Covered drains are available in Millat and Zia Colony.
colony and Khate Layout while Samata and Zia Colony are • R.O.W- varies
mostly covered by open drains. between 4m-6m.

June 2019 19
Housing Typology
Sutalpura chowk Sindhi Colony

R.O.W 5.5 meters

• Housing typology in the plotted Deshmukh Plot

areas varies between G-G+3 with
buildings mostly pucca structures.
Farshi chowk and Deshmukh plot
are developed with mixed type of
• R.O.W-varies between 4m-6.5m.
• Drains available- covered drains
available in Farshi Chowk and Farshi Chowk
partially open drains are available in
Deshmukh plot, Sindhi colony and
sutalpura respectively.

June 2019 20
Housing Typology
Mastan Chowk Mastan Chowk interior Rana Gate

• Housing typology in the plotted areas

varies between G-G+3 with buildings mostly
semi pucca in areas like Mastan chowk and
rana gate. All the plotted localities are
developed with mixed type of Land-use.
• R.O.W-varies between 2.5m-7.5m. Most of
the roads in Mastan chowk and Rana Gate
Balaji Plots are inaccessible.
• Drains available- fully covered drains
available in Balaji Plots locality while Mastan
chowk and Rana gate have both open as well
as covered drains.

June 2019 21
Housing Typology

• Housing typology in
the demarcated area
Sati Fail varies between G-
G+2 with buildings
Gopal Nagar
Barde Plot mostly pucca and
semi-pucca structure.
• R.O.W-varies from
2.5m-5m. Most of the
roads in the localities
are inaccessible
• Drains available- All
the above localities
have both open and
covered drains.

June 2019 22
Slum Details
• Total 27 slum settlements identified (Not
notified) in Khamgaon out of which 16 are
notified and 11 are non notified slums.
Slum Population
• Total slum households are 12,560

50,870 total slum population
5 PMAY DPR prepared for 893 households 4.6 %
• 1140 vacant houses from IHSDP converted to Water Connections

PMAY housing
Out of the total 12560 slum households, 4.6%
have individual water connections. Rest of the
Water Standposts in
slum dwellers are dependent on 500 stand posts
on the city. Slums

Source: Census 2011 , SLB 2017-18, Khamgaon October visit documentation

June 2019 23
Water Supply ESR
• There are two source of water - Jhamna Talav at 3 Km from Khamgaon
and Dnyanganga which is about 40 km from Khamgaon Location Ghatpuri Wamannagar Ravan Tekdi Chandmari
• Water supply is only 70 LPCD. Daily supply of water is 7 MLD 17 lakh 15 lakh Litres 21.25 lakh 21.25 lakh Litres
• 40% households have water connections. Litres Litres (Being constructed
• There are 350 handpumps and 500 standposts in the city. (Constructed under UIDSSMT
• Existing WTP located at Jalkabhadang (16.2 MLD) Capacity under 95% work
• Proposed WTP at Tembhurna (7.5 MLD) UIDSSMT completed)
• There are 4 ESRs out of which 2 are operational Non
• There is proposal for augmenting water supply and distribution scheme to functional)
26.94 MLD capacity. Project Cost – 63 Cr including entire water supply 43 Source: Census 2011, SLB 2016-17 , Khamgaon October visit documentation and Khamgaon water Supply DPR UIDSSMT -
Km pipeline,WTP, jackwell, gravity main etc.
Size Domestic Commercial
• 87% of the total water connections are metered.
Current ½ inches 1200/- 4300/-
Water supply coverage Water Tax Collection Efficiency Tariff 3/4 inches 2000/- 8500/-
1 inches 4800/- 18000/-
Total connections
HHs with water connections
Collection against current demand
Installation cost = approx. Rs. Metered connections
HHs dependant on other sources (groundwater 11,000/-
sources - borewells, open wells) Taxes not collected
Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18 , Khamgaon October visit documentation and Khamgaon water Supply DPR UIDSSMT - 2007

June 2019 24
Water Supply
Handpump near Barde plot Open well in Hari fail slum ESR at Rawan Tekdi

Handpump in Amrutnagar

Open well in Natraj garden Water meter installed at Storage of water in barrels
road Zia colony

Source: Census 2011, SLB 2017-18 , Khamgaon October visit documentation and Khamgaon water Supply DPR UIDSSMT - 2007

June 2019 25
Solid Waste Management
DPR for SWM prepared by MaRS Planning & Engineering Collection transportation of

Location map of site Services Private Limited – sanctioned by MJP waste undertaken by Water
Grace Products
Waste generation– 29.29 TPD
Project Cost- Rs. 6.07 crore

INR (Lakhs) % share

CAPEX from Centre 212.54 35%

CAPEX from State 141.67 23.33%

ULB share 253.05 41.67% (through 14th FC funds)
Existing dumping site
Total project cost 607.26 100%
Area of dumping site – 23 acre
(as per ULB record*)
Area consumed by SWM waste
Current status of waste management
processing (as per DPR) – 4880
Segregation – 80%

sq. m. (1.2 acre)
D-D collection – 100%
Remaining area -
Processing – 50%
*data as per ULB Swachh Survekshan records 21. 8 acre
The tender for civil works of DPR has been
* As per Google earth, the area is around 15
floated twice but haven’t received any response. acres.
When discussed with the ULB, the actual percentage of *As per DPR, the area available is shown as
segregation, collection and processing may be less than 15.07 hectare but ULB claims that old part of
claimed in SS19 mainly due to lack of vehicles to collect dumping site which is now closed is also
segregated waste and hence low willingness from the citizens. considered in that figure.
Khamgaon October visit documentation & SWM DPR

June 2019 26
Solid Waste Disposal site at Rawan Tekdi
Site area Barren land around the site

Entrance of the site

Agricultural land

Informal material recovery

undertaken by rag pickers
Site area

Agricultural land
SWM site

June 2019 27
1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

June 2019 28
Access – Individual Toilets
Access to types of sanitation facility (2011) Access to types of sanitation facility (2018)
18% 10%
Practice OD Depend on CT
10% • As per census 2011, total IHHL
HH with IHHL coverage in the city was 72% and
Depend on CT
90% HHs resorting to OD was 18%. The
72% Satisfies the IHHL coverage increased to 90% in
HH with
GoM IHHL 2018 and the city is declared open
criteria of defecation free.
Overall city HH
Overall city HH • First QCI recertification was
HH with Depend on HH with Depend on undertaken on 22nd January 2018.
Total HH Practice OD Total HH Practice OD
• More than 90% of initial target (3250)
17811 12981 1580 3250 25050 22500 2550 0 is completed and the ULB has later
revised the target to 4850.
Progress Under SBM Subsidy given to toilets under SBM
Online /Offline(SBM
• The quality of IHHL built under SBM
Dashboard) 2016-17
is good with RCC construction at the
Applications received 5704 • The average block cost of one sample slums and residential areas
Applications verified 4114 IHHL (including septic tank) is visited.
Applications approved 4097 approximately Rs. 20,000.
Applications rejected 635 • Subsidy for IHHL was Rs. 17,000 in
2691 (online) three stages (Rs. 6000 – 6000 – 5000)
Constructed Toilets Photos Source: Census 2011, SBM Survey- 2015, SLB data 2017-18, October field visit
3190 (offline) documentation

June 2019 29
Access – Individual Toilets – snapshots of IHHLs around the city

June 2019 30
Access to toilets – slums
IHHL in slum areas Soiled CT in Hari fail slum Non Usage of toilets in certain areas
of the city
• In certain areas of the city like Balapur
fail, Hari fail, OD traces were observed
irrespective of IHHL and CTs/PTs.
These are predominantly slum areas.
• OD was observed at vacant land and
near CTs/PTs around these areas.
• While discussion with citizens, issues
stated were lack of regular cleaning of
OD traces around open area at C T in front of Balapur fail Unbuilt toilet due to rejected the toilets. This was also observed at
slum application the toilets visited.
• Some citizens also stated that some
people still use CTs even if they have
toilets at home due to habit.
• Another reason for non usage of
toilets was lack of water which
resulted in either CT use or OD.

• Some citizens also complained that

their toilet applications were rejected
with them not knowing the reasons
for rejection.
June 2019 31
Access – Community/ Public Toilets
Total number of toilet blocks 27
Total CTs 25
Total PTs 2
Total number of seats 465 Public toilets
*4 more PTs (sulabh) under construction
• Most of the community toilets are present near central and southern part of city.
• 10% (around 2550 HHs) in the city are dependent on CTs
• All the CTs and PTs are connected to Septic tanks.
• Septic tanks of the CTs and PTs are cleaned after 2 to 3 months. (These septic tanks
are cleaned only upto 1-2 trips as discussed with the truck operator of the ULB.
Cleaning of full septic tank takes 10 to 12 trips )
• All CT/PTs are free to use and O&M is done by private player (Private player is hired
recently with charges of Rs 29 charges per seat per day). The new proposed Sulabh
toilets will be pay and use.
• Most of the seats are functional but majority seats were found in unhygienic condition
and soiled.
• The toilets are cleaned once a day as per claims by ULB though residents complained
that the toilets do not get cleaned for around 5-6 days at a stretch.
• For the future: The Municipal Council intends to increase the number of IHHL in the
city and reduce dependency on CTs.
June 2019 32
Access – Community/Public Toilets Tayade colony
Shivaji Ves

Balapur fail

Talao road, Arjun Nagar

Shivalay vihar

Shivalay Vihar
June 2019 33
Access – Community Toilets Overview of CTs in the city
Functionality Seats are functional
But majority seats were found in
unhygienic condition and soiled
Opening All the CTs are open for 24 hours
Water Supply- All the blocks are provided with
common water tanks outside which
are filled by water tankers
Availability of All the CT/PT have electricity access
electricity Availability of electricity and doors Water tanks

Clogging of Some seats were clogged. Drains Septic tank cover Pans/seat
toilet pans
Frequency of Official stated that toilets are cleaned
Toilet Cleaning daily but locals complained that
toilets are not cleaned for 4-5 days.

• Dependency on community toilet in Gopalanagar and

barde plot is more as compared to other CTs as
they are congested areas.

June 2019 34
Access – Public Toilets Overview of PTs in the city
Functionality Seats are functional
But majority seats were found in Toilet pans Water tanks
unhygienic condition and soiled
Opening Timings Both the PTs are open for 24 hours

Water Supply- All the blocks are provided with

common water tanks outside which are
filled by water tankers
Availability of All the units have electricity access

Clogging of toilet Some seats were clogged.

Frequency of There are no caretakers at the public
Toilet Cleaning toilets.

• Public toilets are free to use.

• Council has proposed 4 additional public toilets in the city,
civil work for which is under process.

Availability of electricity and doors

June 2019 35
Septic tanks in residential areas
HHs connected to septic tanks
with independent houses (avg.
15% Total No of HHs (current G+1)
HHs connected to Approx. No. of septic tanks
septic tanks 85% 19125
(current year)
HHs connected to pits

85% of HHs are connected to Septic tanks in the city

which are generally two chambered. 15% are connected
to pits which are scattered in the old city area.
(As per discussion with HHs with newly constructed toilets, masons, and city
engineer. Exact location of pits are not known)

Septic Tank Average size

Though sizes of the tanks vary a lot throughout the city,
average sizes can be considered as below:
• Individual Household septic tank - 1.5 x 2.1 x 1.8 m
(depth around 5-6 feet depending on strata)
• CT/PTs septic tank - 4.5 m x 6 m x 2.5 m Open septic tank at Krishna Kamal
• Apartments septic tank – 4.5 x 3 x 3 m Apartment in north of the city near civil
lines area
The tanks are RCC constructed, since precast tank sizes are (tank last desludged around 2 years ago)
Most of the septic tanks in the visited
small and hence not preferred by people. residential areas had access.
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

June 2019 36
Collection - slums
Septic tanks of IHHL in slum areas

• It was observed that most of the septic tanks in slums visited did not have access covers.
• The septic tanks were constructed right below the toilet due to lack of space.
• Areas of pathakpura in Mastan chowk, Juna hari fail, Boripura were inaccessible due to small road widths.

June 2019 37
Inaccessible areas in slums and old city area
Juna hari fail slum Areas with internal road widths less than 3 m Phatakpura in old city area


Balapur Fail slum

Shivaji Ves and Boripura

June 2019 38
Conveyance of septage
Desludging capacity
• The ULB owns 1 vacuum truck of capacity 2000 liters and pipe length of 70 feet
(can vacuum upto 100 feet) and is operated by the ULB staff itself.
• 1 Private Operator also operates in the city since June 2018. The operator
provides services in Khamgaon, Amravati and Nandura.
• The private operator has 2 vehicles of 3000 litres each and pipe of the vehicle is
around 200 feet.
• As per the private operator, it takes around 1.5 – 2 trips for cleaning of septic

Mechanism for desludging of septic tanks

• HHs writes an application to the CO for cleaning of septic tank or calls the ULB.
• Once the ULB received 2-3 requests, the tanks are cleaned. The tanks are cleaned
2-3 days after the request is received.
• The HH is notified one day prior and has to be ready the next day. The ULB or
the private contractor does not take responsibility of opening or breaking open
the septic tank for cleaning.
• The HHs call private operator directly for desludging
User charges
• The charges for desludging within ULB limit are Rs. 500 per trip.
• The charges outside ULB limit are Rs. 3000 – 5000 per trip depending on distance
from the city (Rs. 25 per kilometer).
• Private operator charges Rs. 3000 per trip.
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand for desludging
• As per the log book records
14 provided by ULB,
Monthly trips of ULB vehicle approximately 5 trips are
12 undertaken per month.
1 out of 2 trips 1 out of 3 and 5 trips • The households septic tanks
outside ULB to outside ULB to are cleaned as per demand
10 Nandura (charges Nandura (charges – whenever the tanks get filled
– Rs. 5540) Rs. 5540)
and overflow. Many sample
8 HHs (more than 15-20 year
old) visited had not cleaned
6 their tanks even once.
• The tanks of CT/PTs are
cleaned once in 2 months.

July August September October November December January February March April May June
Actual 12 2 7 6 3 6 3 5 2
Average 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
Actual Average
More number of trips in July due to 1 out of 2 trips • Vehicle not operational due
outside ULB to
monsoon and commencement of vehicle Ghatpuri (charges to pending repairs work.
after repairs (as per discussion with ULB) – Rs. 4740) • No records of private
operator during this period
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Septage Disposal
Photos of location at site where septage is Septage collected through the suctions truck is dumped at the
dumped SWM dumping site.
PC: Khamgaon council

The ULB claims that there are pits made at the site for septage disposal.
The site was inaccessible during the visit due toSource:
burning of waste.
SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation
Grey water conveyance and disposal
• The grey water from kitchen and bathrooms and waste water from septic tanks are
connected to roadside open drains.
• Most of these drains are pucca RCC construction.
• These drains flow to nallahs, that flow into the river.

HHs waste water

open nallahs

Central nallah
Kordi river

Coverage of
drains – 70%
No greywater
projects as of now

Grey water conveyance and disposal – central nallah
Junction where central nallah meets kordi river Mahakal Chowk Mastan Chowk Masjid

Sati fail Sindhi camp


Khamgaon Budget

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Opening Balance 44.2 49.45 50.74 42.68
Revenue account
Revenue Receipt 30.9 32.21 40.09 42.65

Revenue Expenditure 28.53 30.21 40.41 44.77

Capital Account
Capital Receipt 15.6 24.43 65.41 63.11

Capital Expenditure 12.72 17.1 73.15 76.24

Total Receipt 46.5 56.64 105.51 105.77

Total Receipt with 90.7 106.1 156.25 148.46

previous balance
Total Expenditure 4.12 47.32 113.56 121.02

End balance 49.45 58.78 42.68 27.43


Revenue Expenditures are mostly parallel to Revenue Income
50 1.06
45 1.04
40.09 40.41 44.77
40 42.65 1.02

32.21 30.21 1.01 1.00
30 28.53 0.98

25 0.96

20 0.94 0.94

15 0.92
10 0.90

5 0.88

0 0.86
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-2019
Revenue Receipt Revenue Expenditure Operating Ratio

Operating ratio over the years is less than and equal to 1, which implies that financial health is good
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Capital receipts and expenditure


80 76.24
70 65.41



30 24.43
20 15.6 17.1

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-2019
Capital Receipt Capital Expenditure

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Property tax slabs
SN Type of construction Zone Yearly tax/per square meter
Residential (in Commercial (in
r Rs.) Rs.)
1 RCC framed structure 1 257 514
2 220 440
3 182 364
2 Loadbearing structure 1 222 444
(brick/stone/cement walls and slab
2 189 378
3 155 310
3 brick/stone/cement walls and 1 143 286
tin/manglore tiles roof
2 122 244
3 100 200
4 Mud walls and tin roof 1 100 200
2 86 172
3 70 140
5 Temporary walls/cloth roof/ 1 46 92
temporary type of construction
2 40 80
3 33 66
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand Collection for water tax in last 3 years
160 120%
120 82% 96% Total collection
70% 80% efficiency
80 60%
2015 – 16 70%
2016 – 17 82%
2017 – 18 96%
0 0%
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Demand Collection Percentage

Year Demand (in Lakhs) Collection (in Lakhs) %

Arrears Current Total Arrears Curren Total
2015-16 58.42 88.05 146.47 39.49 63.37 10.22 70.23
2016-17 58.22 87.85 146.07 56.45 63.8 120.25 82.32
2017-18 26.70 52.26 78.96 36.91 38.61 75.53 95.65 Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand Collection for property tax in last 3 years
600 92% 100%
67% Total collection
63% efficiency
300 50%
40% 2015 – 16 67%
30% 2016 – 17 92%
10% 2017 – 18 63%
0 0%
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
Demand Collection Percentage

Year Demand (in Lakhs) Collection (in Lakhs) %

Arrears Current Total Arrears Curren Total
2015-16 175.59 300.85 476.45 125 196.41 321.42 67.46
2016-17 199.59 308.85 508.45 174.03 292.89 466.92 91.83
2017-18 108.58 214.11 322.70 101.62 101.09 202.71 69.74 Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand Collection for Demand Collection for
property tax arrears in last 4 years property tax current in last 4 years

250 100% 350 100%

94% 95% 90%
87% 90%
200 80% 80%
71% 70% 250 70%
150 60% 200 60%
50% 47% 50%
150 40%
100 40%
30% 100 30%
50 20% 20%
10% 10%
0 0% 0 0%
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Demand Collection Percentage Demand Collection Percentage

2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Demand 175.59 199.59 108.58 Demand 300.85 308.85 214.11
Collection 125 174.03 101.62 Collection 196.41 292.89 101.09
Percentage 71% 87% 94% Percentage 65% 95% 47%
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Total Demand Collection for taxes in last 3 years
900 70% 90% 69%
800 Total collection efficiency
2015 – 16 70%
400 2016 – 17 90%
2017 – 18 69%
0 Demand Collection
2015-16 2016-17 2017-18
(in Lakhs) (in Lakhs)
Demand Collection Arrears Arrears Arrears
2015-16 297.05 212.7 72
Year Demand (in Lakhs) Collection (in Lakhs) % 2016-17 330.47 296.73 90
2017-18 289.1 175.18 61
Arrears Current Total Arrears Current Total
Demand Collection
2015-16 297.05 492.79 789.85 212.70 338.83 551.54 69.83 %
(in Lakhs) (in Lakhs)
2016-17 330.47 493.53 824 296.73 443.8 741.53 89.99 Current Current Current
2015-16 492.79 338.83 69
2017-18 289.10 480.60 769.71 175.18 352.85 528.04 68.60 2016-17 493.53 443.8 90
2017-18 480.6 352.85 73
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Funds received and utilized under 14th FC and ODF incentive grants
Year Total funds Total funds utilised Funds utilised under Balance funds
received sanitation
2015-16 5,27,52,481 5,27,52,481 2,28,31,000 0

2016-17 12,05,59,076 6,03,01,831 1,84,04,748 6,29,57,245

2017-18 8,14,66,446 NA 1,54,85,392 6,59,81,054

14th FC funds utilized for sanitation activities (in Rs.)

SN 2014 - 2015 – 2016 – 17 2017 - 18 Total
15 16 utilization
1 SWM (purchase of Ghantagadis) 36,94,749 Khamgaon
2 Subsidiary for IHHL 1,32,50,000 Municipal Council
3 SWM (collection, 14,59,999 1,28,73,487 has also received
transportation) - - Incentive grant of
4 Suction vehicle repair 21,46,232 Rs. 45 lakh
5 Mobile toilets repair 3,16,940
6 CT/PT repair 4,33,979
Total 1,84,04,748 1,54,85,392 3,38,90,140

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Other projects
Projects Funding Source Cost of Project Status
Funding by Centre – 35%
By state – 23.33% of Centres
DPR Sanctioned.Work to be
1 SWM DPR share 6.07 Cr
Rest by ULB through 14th
FCC funds
Water Supply augmentation to
26.94 MLD under UIDSSMT
Scheme including -43 km
2 pipeline, proposed WTP at UIDSSMT scheme 63 Cr Work under implementation
Tembhurna, jackwell and all
components of Water supply
3 PMAY (893 beneficiaries) PMAY mission fund NA DPR Submitted to MHADA
Source: October field visit documentation, SWM DPR, Water supply DPR
Other Stakeholders
• 10 active NGOs in the city
• 43 Self-help Groups identified
• 26 ganesh mandal groups
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

Summary: Sanitation service chain
Access Containment Conveyance Treatment Reuse/Disposal

Pour flush latrines No treatment Emptied into

Septic Tanks Liquid Open Drains
and CT/PTs of grey water river
Bathroom/ Kitchen
water Greywater
Solid Vacuum No treatment Dumping into
• 90% coverage of IHHL
• 54 CTs and 2 CT Emptier Truck of sludge open fields
• Spatial coverage of PTs more
or less adequate, • 85% IHHLs connected to • 70% coverage of
• Open defecation observed septic tanks. open drains • Grey water is
near slums. • 2-chambered tanks, most conveyed from Septage is disposed at
• Municipal Council (1
• Water shortage in the city in slums do not have central nallah to kordi the SWM dumping site.
hence less use of constructed
vehicle – 2000 litres)
access covers. • 1 Pvt Operator (2 river.
• Cleaned on demand only vehicle – 3000 litres • No treatment of
when fully filled each) septage

No treatment

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

Why is septage management important!!
1 truck of Faecal Sludge and Septage
carelessly dumped
= 5,000 people shitting in the open!

1 Gram of Feaces may


100 parasites eggs

1000 Protozoa
1,000,000 Bacteria
10,000,000 Virus
Recognition of Septage Management at National level
• National Policy on FSSM by MoHUA, GoI

• National declaration on Septage Management by


• One of the major thrust areas of AMRUT

• Primer on septage Management and Rapid

Assessment tool for estimating budget requirements
for FSSM

• Septage Management Advisory of Government of India

provides references to CPHEEO guidelines, BIS standards,
and other resources for preparing SMP / FSSM plan. Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Swachh Survekshan (2019) and ODF+/++ protocol
ODF+ and ODF++ Protocol by MoHUA Components under Sustainable Sanitation –
500/2000 Marks (25%)
ODF+ 1 SLB : 360/1250 Marks (28.8%)
A city / ward / work circle can be notified/declared
as SBM ODF+ city/ SBM ODF+ ward/SBM ODF+ FSSM Plan has been notified Notified fines for open
work circle if, at any point of the day, not a
single person is found defecating and/or Closed containment
urinating in the open, AND all Reuse/Recycling of waste
Percentage of FS treated
community and public toilets are water
functional and well maintained. Capacity of FSTP/STP to
PT location on portal
treat FS
Safety training of operators CT/PT open from 6AM to
ODF++ FSTP and trucks O&M Cost
A city / ward / work circle can be notified/ declared as SBM ODF++ city/ recovery CT/PT O&M Cost recovery
SBM ODF++ ward/ SBM ODF++ work circle if, at any point of the day, not
a single person is found defecating and/ or urinating in the open, all 4 Citizen Validation250/1250 Marks(20%)
community and public toilets are functional and well maintained,
AND faecal sludge/septage and sewage is safely managed and
Do you find Community/Public Toilets of your cities are well
treated, with no discharging and/or dumping of untreated faecal
sludge/septage and sewage in drains, water bodies or open areas.
Do you use google map to locate CT/PT
Support for moving cities towards ODF++

Planning for emptying of septic tanks and

conveyance of septage

Planning for regular desludging of septic tanks


within the city limit and infrastructure

requirement and system for conveyance

• Exploring scheduled v/s demand based desludging

• Deciding type & number of vacuum emptier

• Deciding the model of operation (ULB v/s Private)

• Support in development of contract for emptying ( if required)

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand v/s scheduled emptying
Current practice – Demand based emptying
(Complaint redressal mode)

• Cleaning is done on-call by the household who raises a complaint regarding this
with either the ULB or Private when the tank is full
• A fee is charged by the ULB or Private for provision of these services
• Leads to low toilet usage due to the fear of tanks filling up and high cost of emptying

Proposed practice – Scheduled based emptying

( Regular service mode)
Zone 1

• Septic tanks are cleaned on a pre-determined schedule.

• Households / property owners pay a local tax and get this services on regular intervals
Zone 2
• Scheduled emptying is being used in Wai, Sinnar, Malaysia,Vietnam and Indonesia Zone
Zone 4

From a Consumer complaint system to Regular service . . .

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Demand v/s scheduled emptying
• Equitable services - all households / properties are covered by services

• Pricing – Services are offered at lower prices, due to efficiency gains

• Behavior change - Contribution to ODF sustainability as toilet usage can increase

• Eradicate Manual scavenging - Removal of need for manual scavenging due to regular emptying
• Infrastructure optimization - More predictable loads for treatment facility and route optimization of trucks
• Environmental benefits - Likely reduction in BOD and coliform in septic tank effluent, as well as lower
likelihood of septic tank overflows

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Conveyance mechanism
City Scheduled Desludging
Demand Desludging (Existing)
(5 year cycle)
No. of tanks emptied at Number of trucks No. of tanks to be Number of trucks required *
present emptied daily

4 trucks with 5000 L capacity

1 – 2000 L (ULB owned)
Khamgaon 2-3 daily 13 (assuming 4 trips per truck
2 – 3000 L (Private)
per day)

Support in
• Setting up Monitoring mechanism to monitor ULB / Private sector operations
• Support in development of contract for emptying ( if required)
• Plan for creating awareness for regular desludging of septic tanks
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Examples of Wai and Sinnar

3 trucks to desludge ~ Scheduled

4000 septic tanks emptying is
annually implemented in a
3 year cycle
Zone 2
Zone 3

Zone 1

Zone 3
Zone 2
2 trucks to desludge
~ 2000 septic tanks
annually Zone 1

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Emptying service - zoning
• The city could be divided into 5 zones for the septic tank
desludging cycle. The septic tanks of each zone will be cleaned
in turn every year during the 5 year cycle.

• The zones have been divided based on the distribution of

households. The zones have been approximately delineated.

Zones Ward
I 1,2,3,6,7,8,9
II II 10,20,21,22,23,24
Approx. 3995 septic
IV tanks of individual toilets in
III 25,32,31,26,27,28 the city needs to be cleaned
IV 11,12,13,17,18,19
V 4,5,14,15,16,29,30

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Support for moving cities towards ODF++ (FSSM)

Planning & Technology selection

for Treatment

Suitable technology options for treatment

of septage
• Carrying out septage quality tests to assess quality of septage
to be treated.

• Carrying out Ground /river water quality tests

• Identification of suitable treatment technology based on

technical and financial assessment and requirement of the

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Selecting and operationalizing treatment systems

Demand Desludging Scheduled Desludging

Septage load cum/day Septage load cum/day

Khamgaon 17 95

Support in
• Identification of suitable septage treatment option
• Carrying out Wastewater quality tests

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services

Options for cities without STP

a. Co-treatment at nearby STP at Shegaon STP
22.5 kms

b. Independent FSTP

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

GR on co-treatment at nearby STP
As per GR issued on 15th December 2018, cities who have
STPs in the radius of 20 kms. Can co-treat their septage
in these STPs

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
1 Scenario 1: Co-treatment at Shegaon STP
Factors for consideration:

1. Septage input into the STP:

• Nearest manhole upstream of the STP for dilution of the septage.
• At the upstream of the screening and grit removal processes at the STP
• Septage addition to sludge digesters/sludge drying beds.

2. Procurement of land for construction of a transfer station if required.

3. Decision on whether Scheduled emptying V/S Demand based emptying for septage quantity calculation

4. Cost Assessment regarding feasibility in terms of number of trucks to be purchased, number of trips to
the STP V/S Independent FSTP

5. Agreement with Shegaon Municipal Council regarding quantity of septage that could be discharged,
location of input, upcoming STPs etc.

6. Identifying private operators for transferring septage from Transfer station to STP
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Scenario 1: Co-treatment at Shegaon STP

• Location of nearest Sewage treatment

plant from Khamgaon is in Shegaon in
Indira Nagar area.
• Distance from Khamgaon city to
the STP is around 23 km

• Installed treatment plant capacity – 7

• Additional proposed Capacity - 2 MLD

Septage would be
• 0.2 %: If demand based
• 1.3 % : If Scheduled based
of total treatment plant capacity at Shegaon

(This is within prescribed range of 1-2%)

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Cost assessment
Scenario 1: Co-treatment at Shegaon STP

Factors for consideration of CAPEX: Factors for consideration of OPEX:

1. Trucks purchasing cost 1. Fuel cost

2. Manpower cost
3. Repair and maintenance cost
4. Overheads cost (15%)

Scheduled Emptying Demand Emptying

(95 cum/day; 5 year cleaning cycle) (17 cum/day)
Capital cost (Rs.) 60,00,000 = 60 L 20,00,000 = 20 L

O&M cost (Rs./year) 41,40,000 = 41.4 L 11,04,000 = 11.04 L

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
2 Scenario 2: Independent FSTP
Criteria for selection of technology
1. Land availability
• If sufficient land is available then non-mechanized technology can be adopted; while if there is shortage of land, a mechanized
treatment technology with less footprint may be preferred.

2. Quantity of septage (scheduled/demand based desludging)

• Calculation of quantity generation is done for designing of FSTP based on scheduled or demand based desludging.

3. Quality of septage
• Assessment of characteristics of septage (BOD/COD) for preparation of tender document or technology selection.

4. Reliability of electricity
• Non-availability or erratic supply of electricity will render mechanized treatment a difficult option.

5. Climatic conditions
• Assessment of existing climatic conditions on site like rainfall pattern, temperature, water table, flooding is done as it affects
choice of technology.

6. Financial viability
• Assessment of estimated cost of project is essential to understand the financial viability of a project.
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Non – Mechanical options - Planted sludge drying bed

Reuse /
Screen/ Anaerobic Baffle Collection
Planted Gravel
tank +
Grit Reactor (ABR) filter
Platform for Reuse /
Septage Planted Sludge
Drying Bed Solid
Drying Disposal
from septic
Horizontal Collection
tank + Reuse/
ABR Planted Gravel
chlorination Disposal
Screen/ Planted filter
Septage from
Grit Sludge
septic tank
removal Drying Bed
Platform for Reuse/
drying Disposal

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Non – Mechanical options - Planted sludge drying bed

• Large land requirement
• Simple operation
• Not Favorable in regions of high rainfall or
• No energy is requirement
required sheds during rainy season which
increase capital cost

Examples: Leh FSTP

Capacity: 12 cum/day Capital cost: Rs 52 lakhs
Land: 720 O&M: Rs 10 lakh/year
Commissioned: 2017

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Non – Mechanical options - Unplanted sludge drying bed

Liquid Reuse /
Horizontal Planted Polishing
Settling Anaerobic Baffle Gravel filter pond
tank with Reactor (ABR)
Platform for Reuse /
Septage Unplanted
Sludge Drying Solid
Drying Disposal
from septic

Horizontal Polishing Reuse/

ABR Planted Pond Disposal
Septage Screen/ Unplanted Gravel filter
from septic Grit Sludge
tank removal Drying Bed
Platform for Reuse/
drying Disposal

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Non – Mechanical options - Unplanted sludge drying bed
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

• Capacity : 75 KLD
• Capex: INR 2.85 crores
• O&M : INR 19.25 lakhs/annum
• Land Area: 10117 Sq m.
• Year of commissioning: June-2018
• Operated by: Private Operator
SDB: 10 No.

Effluent Effluent

Horizontal Planted Gravel Polishing Pond: 1

Filter: 2 No. No.
Settling thickening tank Effluent
Anaerobic Baffled
with screening : 2 No. Reactor: 2 No.

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Mechanical options - UASB - conventional STP

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Mechanical options - MBBR – co-composting with SWM

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Mechanical options - UASB/MBBR/SBR - examples

Sinnar, Maharashtra Cochin, Kerala

Capacity: 70 cum/day Capital cost: Rs 1.63 cr Capacity: 100 cum/day Capital cost: Rs 2.75 cr
Land: 1547 O&M: Rs 8.3 lakh/year Land: 1200 sq mt O&M: 24-30 lakh/year
Commissioned: 2015

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment options for FSSM services
Factors for consideration of CAPEX: Factors for consideration of OPEX:
1. Civil work for FSTP 1. Energy cost
2. Mechanical components in FSTP 2. Manpower cost
3. Ancillary units 3. Repair and maintenance cost
4. Overheads + other miscellaneous costs 4. Overheads + insurance + other miscellaneous
Technologies vetted by NEERI for 4 cities in Maharashtra

Land requirement Capital cost Per Capital cost for

Land requirement
Technology per KLD KLD Khamgaon
for Khamgaon
(Sq. m) (In lakhs) (In lakhs)
Planted sludge drying bed(PDB) +
14.50 1384 1.43 137
ABR+ PGF for liquid treatment
MBBR+SDB 4.25 406 2.22 212

Unplanted Sludge drying bed (SDB)

11.10 1060 1.70 162
+ ABR+ PGF for liquid treatment
Clarrifloculator+ UASB + ABR +
5 475 2.18 208
SDB Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Comparative cost assessment of scenario 1 and 2
Scenario 1: Co -Treatment at Shegaon STP Scenario 2 : Independent FSTP - Unplanted SDB
Scheduled emptying Demand
(5 year cycle) emptying
emptying (5 year Demand
95 cum/day 17 cum/day
cycle) emptying
95 cum/day 17 cum/day
Capital cost 2,07,10,000 28,90,000 Rs.

Capital cost 60,00,000 20,00,000 Rs. O&M cost 33,01,200 1,44,500 Rs./year
Total cost
(Capex + 327 36 Rs. in lakhs
O&M cost 41,40,000 11,04,000 Rs./year
Total cost
Rs. in Scenario 2 : Independent FSTP - UASB/MBBR/SBR*
(Capex + 267 75
Opex) Scheduled emptying Demand
(5 year cycle) emptying
95 cum/day 17 cum/day

Capital cost 2,07,10,000 34,00,000 Rs.

City decided to implement independent FSTP
with Unplanted sludge drying beds +ABR+ PGF O&M cost 40,57,200 1,70,000 Rs./year
Technology Total cost
(Capex + 410 43 Rs. in lakhs
Opex) Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Fecal sludge treatment service through DBOT Tender
• Bidder responsible for planning and designing,
constructing as well as operation and maintenance for
the first few years before the responsibility of the facility is
transferred to the ULB

• Technology neutral tender; Performance based contracts

• Sinnar and Umred have rolled out for a DBOT tender for
their septage treatment facility

• Can be rolled out easily and quickly with sample tender DBOT Tender document

This has been done for
- 76 FSTPs in AP
• Many bidders have shown interest; competitive prices, - 71 FSTPs in Telengana
innovative technologies - 2 FSTPs in Maharashtra
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Fecal sludge treatment service through DPR based Tender

• A Detailed Project Report (DPR) that entails initial assessment, planning and finalized

design and details of financing the project for FSSM in the city prepared by an


• The DPR is sent for technical and financial approval to MJP

• Once the DPR is approved, a tender for implementation of the project is then floated

which includes construction and preferably operation and maintenance for fixed


Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Support for moving cities towards ODF+
Support in Planning & Technology selection
Support for Onsite systems
for Emptying & Treatment

1 2 3
For new toilets that are Regular desludging of septic tanks Suitable technology options for
under construction: within the city limit and exploring treatment of septage
Ensuring suitable possibility of desludging septic tanks
technology option outside city limit
• Exploring scheduled v/s demand based • Carrying out septage quality tests to


• Dos and Don’ts Flyer desludging assess quality of septage to be treated.

• • Deciding type & number of vacuum emptier • Carrying out Ground /river water quality
Training to masons
• Deciding the model of operation (ULB v/s

Private) • Identification of suitable treatment

of FSSM services
technology based on technical and
• Support in development of contract for financial assessment and requirement of
emptying ( if required) the ULB

• Support in development of monitoring • Support in development of monitoring

process / awareness programs process

• Market assessment for byproducts /reuse

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Options for financing of Capex
GoM resolution on use of 50% of GoM resolution asking city to move towards ODF+ and to utilize incentive grant
funds for SBM and sanitation and
activities 14th FC funds for ODF+ activities

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Case study- Sinnar funded Capex and Opex through 14th FC funds

Sinnar Municipal Council has passed resolution to fund FSTP

project cost through 14th FC funds.

The project cost includes:

 Capex

 Opex for 3 years

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Sources of funding - Capex
Fund utilization -- Availability
Funds Utilized Fund for Available Fund for
Funds under Received available for Sanitation Sanitation
scheme (in Rs. Crore) Sanitation Amount Amount
Percent Percent
(50%) (In crore) (In Crore)
14th FC 8.14 4.07 1.54 38% 2.53 62%
Khamgaon SBM Incentive Fund 0.45 0.45 - - 0.45 100%

14th FC funds utilized for (in Rs.)

SN 2014 -15 2015 – 16 2016 – 17 2017 - 18 Total utilization
1 SWM (purchase of Ghantagadis) 36,94,749
2 Subsidiary for IHHL 1,32,50,000
3 SWM (collection, transportation) 14,59,999 1,28,73,487
- -
4 Suction vehicle repair 21,46,232
5 Mobile toilets repair 3,16,940
6 CT/PT repair 4,33,979
Total 1,84,04,748 1,54,85,392 3,38,90,140

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Sources of funding
Funding – Opex (Including tax ,user charges, fines and so on)

Sr No. Amount Sanitation Tax

Existing sanitation tax - -

Average Existing Property Tax Rs-1403 -

For scheduled emptying

Rs -217/266 -
sanitation tax
Property tax with scheduled 15.5% / 19 % of modified
emptying sanitation tax property tax

Only 15.5% / 19% increase in property tax will finance the scheduled desludging services
Taxation can be done as per the Maharashtra Municipal Councils, Nagar Panchayats and Industrial
Townships Act, 1965, Chapter IX : Municipal taxation, Section 108 only if it is provided as a service

Also revenue from sale of septage compost under HARIT can partly finance O&M of services
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Case study: Sinnar levied differential tax on all properties for financing FSSM
City level resolution for taxation

Differential taxation rates

Residential Properties with / without toilets–

Rs. 300 / annum

Non Residential Properties with toilets –

Rs. 300 / annum

Non-residential properties without toilets–

Rs. 100 / annum

Wai has levied tax on all properties for financing FSSM services
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Stakeholder engagement for FSSM
Potential stakeholders
1. Elected and administrative wing
To initiate FSSM and to plan and sustain the project, active involvement and support from elected and administrative wing will
be required.

2. SHGs/NGOs
43 SHGs and 10 active NGOs are active in the city and can undertake various activities for ODF sustainability and ODF+.

3. Citizens
Citizens participation is essential for effecting planning and implantation of scheme. Also, active citizen groups (26 Ganesh
mandal groups already active in the city) can be involved for implementation of this plan.

4. Private sector providers

Role of private sector for emptying can be explored.

5. Outgrowth areas
Local authorities of outgrowth areas should be considered before making the FSSM plan

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

1 Khamgaon – City Profile

2 Existing Sanitation Situation

3 Summary

4 FSSM Proposal options for discussion

5 FSSM Plan for Khamgaon

Approach for FSSM
Resolution passed by city to initiate FSSM

Schedule based desludging

• Independent FSTP at SWM Site
• Unplanted sludge drying beds +ABR+
PGF Technology
• Treatment plant for 95 Cu.M capacity to
be designed

Funding through 14th FC funds

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Emptying service - zoning City Scheduled Desludging
(5 year cycle)
No. of tanks to be Number of trucks required *
emptied daily

4 trucks with 5000 L capacity

Khamgaon 13 (assuming 4 trips per truck
per day)

I • The city could be divided into 5 zones for the septic tank desludging
cycle. The septic tanks of each zone will be cleaned in turn every year
during the 5 year cycle.

• The zones have been divided based on the distribution of households.

II The zones have been approximately delineated.
Zones Ward
V I 1,2,3,6,7,8,9
III II 10,20,21,22,23,24
Approx. 3995 septic
tanks of individual toilets in
III 25,32,31,26,27,28 the city needs to be cleaned
IV 11,12,13,17,18,19
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation
V 4,5,14,15,16,29,30 94
Selecting and operationalizing treatment systems
City Scheduled Desludging

Septage load cum/day

Khamgaon 95

Independent FSTP
• The Fecal sludge treatment plant would be constructed at the existing solid waste dump Site.
• In the existing solid waste dump site, 21.8 acre land is available for setting up of FSTP.
• Hence non-mechanised treatment technologies which may require large land but less O&M
wasconsidered for the Khamgoan city.
• Based on discussion with ULB officials, city has informed that they have adequate funds
available for financing of FSTP.
• Considering above factors, proposed unplanted sludge drying bed treatment technology for
FSTP was selected.
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Treatment capacity and cost
For schedule based desludging daily 13 tanks will have to be emptied and the septage load is considered based
on 13 tanks/day


Capacity of FSTP 95 Cu.m.

CapEx for Unplanted Sludge 165

Drying Beds (Rs in Lakhs)

OpEx for Unplanted Sludge 11.5

Drying Beds (Rs in Lakhs/year)

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

FSTP at SWM site
Site Details
Site area

SWM site

Entrance of the site Site area

Area of dumping site – 23 acre (as per ULB record) Area consumed 4880 sq. m. (1.2 acre)
Area available - 21. 8 acre
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Emptying of septic Technology selection
tanks and conveyance and Treatment of
of septage septage

of FSSM services

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Funding for CapEx and OpEx
Fund utilization -- Availability
Funds Utilized Fund for Available Fund for
Funds under Received available for Sanitation Sanitation
scheme (in Rs. Crore) Sanitation Amount Amount
Percent Percent
(50%) (In crore) (In Crore)
14th FC 8.14 4.07 1.54 38% 2.53 62%
Khamgaon SBM Incentive Fund 0.45 0.45 - - 0.45 100%
Sr No. Amount Sr No. Amount
Existing Proposed
Existing sanitation tax - For scheduled emptying sanitation tax Rs - 217
Rs- 1620 (15.5%
Average Existing Property Tax Rs- 1403 Property tax with scheduled emptying sanitation tax

Capital expenditure to be funded through 14th FC funds/Incentive fund

Operational expenditure from Sanitation Tax to be levied by the council
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Operating mechanism
Sanitation Tax Emptying done
desludging with Disposal at
for conveyance by ULB/private
5 year FSTP
OpEx operator

IEC for regular Private operator to

desludging be licensed by ULB

• Planning for five year annual cycle for desludging of septic

tanks in the city. Scheduled emptying contract with private sector
• Purchase of desludging vehicles as per requirement • Performance linked annuity payment
• Contracting of Private Operators to be involved in • Private sector to involve their own trucks
conveyance • payment against number of septic tanks emptied
• Levy sanitation tax for recovering operational cost of • Provision of safety equipment to the staff
conveyance • GPS system on the truck for monitoring
• ULB to instruct private operator to install GPS on trucks • No damage to septic tanks and spillage while
for monitoring. emptying
• IEC to be conducted for awareness among citizens to • Emptying of septage at dedicated treatment facility
desludge regularly. • Fines for non-compliance
Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Summary: Proposals across sanitation value chain
Access Containment Conveyance Treatment Reuse/Disposal

Pour flush latrines Septic Tanks Liquid Open Drains Emptied into
and CT/PTs river
Bathroom/ Kitchen
water Greywater
Solid Vacuum Treatment of Reuse as
Emptier Truck sludge compost/energy
• Achieve atleast 95% • Ensure new septic tanks • Implement scheduled
septic tank emptying in • FSTP plant • Improved quality of
coverage of IHHLs. built are of adequate size
entire town for a 5 year construction to water in nallahs, saving
• Improve conditions of and specifications with
cycle. treat septage. contamination of river.
PTs. covers.
Council can • Reuse of manure after
• Close or modify • Clean IHHL septic of • • Quality of effluent
operate/hire operator emptying into drains treatment creating a
underused PTs. entire town once every
service with new fleet of will be better better environment,
five years.
trucks. and may bring
additional income for
M.Cl. In the long run.

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Annexure- Key highlights of discussion with CO
• Preference of independent FSTP in Khamgoan instead
of Co-Treatment at Shegaon STP
• SWM site (21.8 acres) available for construction of FSTP
• Availability of 14th FC funds for FSSM activities
• Willingness for scheduled emptying by citizens to be
• Need to decide the financial structure of O&M activities
(sanitation tax or user charges)
• Can increase the number of their own vacuum trucks
instead of involving private sector and paying them
(monitoring by ULB in this case is not defined)

Source: SLB data 2017-18, October field visit documentation

Thank you
Center for Water and Sanitation CEPT University
All India Institute of Local Self-Government, Mumbai

[email protected]
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The Center for Water and Sanitation (C-WAS) at CEPT University
carries out various activities – action research, training, advocacy to pas_project
enable state and local governments to improve delivery of services.

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