P. Shanmugapriya, Et Al

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Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences

ISSN: 2319-7706 Volume 8 Number 01 (2019)
Journal homepage: http://www.ijcmas.com

Review Article https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.801.238

Applications of Remote Sensing in Agriculture - A Review

P. Shanmugapriya*, S. Rathika, T. Ramesh and P. Janaki

Anbil Dharmalingam Agricultural College and Research Institute,

Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Tiruchirapalli-620027, India

*Corresponding author:


Remote sensing has several advantages in the field of agronomical research purpose. The
assessment of agricultural crop canopies has provided valuable insights in the agronomic
parameters. Remote sensing play a significant role in crop classification, crop monitoring
Keywords and yield assessment. The use of remote sensing is necessary in the field of agronomical
research purpose because they are highly vulnerable to variation in soil, climate and other
Remote sensing,
Crop acreage physico- chemical changes. The monitoring of agricultural production system follows
estimation, Crop strong seasonal patterns in relation to the biological life cycle of crops. All these factors
growth monitoring, are highly variable in space and time dimensions. Moreover, the agricultural productivity
Crop stress can change within short time periods, due to unfavourable growing conditions. Monitoring
detection, Yield of agricultural systems should be followed in timely. Remote sensing are important tools
assessment, in timely monitoring and giving an accurate picture of the agricultural sector with high
Weather forecasting revisit frequency and high accuracy. For sustainable agricultural management, all the
Article Info factors which are influencing the agricultural sector need to be analysed on spatio-
temporal basis. The remote sensing along with the other advanced techniques such as
Accepted: global positioning systems and geographical information systems are playing a major role
14 December 2018 in the assessment and management of the agricultural activities. These technologies have
Available Online: many fold applications in the field of agriculture such as crop acreage estimation, crop
10 January 2019 growth monitoring, soil moisture estimation, soil fertility evaluation, crop stress detection,
detection of diseases and pest infestation, drought and flood condition monitoring, yield
estimation, weather forecasting, precision agriculture for maintaining the sustainability of
the agricultural systems and improving the economic growth of the country.

Introduction technologies in addition to ground

observations for higher precision and
Remote sensing is the art and science of accuracy. The principle behind remote sensing
gathering information about the objects or area is the use of electromagnetic spectrum
of the real world at a distance without coming (visible, infrared and microwaves) for
into direct physical contact with the object assessing the earth’s features. The typical
under study. Remote sensing is a tool to responses of the targets to these wavelength
monitor the earth’s resources using space regions are different, so that they are used for

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

distinguishing the vegetation, bare soil, water provides a cheap alternative for data
and other similar features (refer figure 1). It acquisition over large geographical areas (De
can also be used in crop growth monitoring, beurs and Townsend, 2008). In India, the
land use pattern and land cover changes, water satellite remote sensing is mainly used for the
resources mapping and water status under crop acreage and production estimation of
field condition, monitoring of diseases and agricultural crops. Remote sensing technology
pest infestation, forecasting of harvest date has the potential of revolutionizing the
and yield estimation, precision farming and detection and characterization of agricultural
weather forecasting purposes along with field productivity based on biophysical attributes of
observations. In essence, remote sensing crops and/or soils (Liaghat and Balasundram,
techniques are used for earth’s resources 2010). Data recorded by remote sensing
sensing. Remote sensing data can greatly satellites can be used for yield estimation
contribute to the monitoring of earth’s surface (Doraiswamy et al., 2005; Bernerdes et al.,
features by providing timely, synoptic, cost- 2012), crop phenological information
efficient and repetitive information about the (Sakamoto et al., 2005), detection of stress
earth’s surface (Justice et al., 2002). It also situations (Gu et al., 2007) and disturbances.
has several applications in the field of agro- Remote sensing along with GIS is highly
meteorological purpose. Remote sensing beneficial for creating spatio-temporal basic
inputs combined with crop simulation models informative layers which can be successfully
are very useful in crop yield forecasting. Since applied to diverse fields including flood plain
the ground based and air based platforms are mapping, hydrological modelling, surface
time consuming and have limited use, these energy flux, urban development, land use
space based satellite technologies are gaining changes, crop growth monitoring and stress
more importance for acquiring spatio-temporal detection (Kingra et al., 2016). The advances
meteorological and crop status information for in the use of remote sensing methods are due
complementing the traditional methods. to the introduction of narrow band or
hyperspectral sensors and increased spatial
Agricultural applications – Basic aspects resolution of aircraft or satellite mounted
sensors. Hyperspectral remote sensing has also
During the early stages of the satellite remote helped to enhance more detailed analysis of
sensing, most researchers are focused on the crop classification. Thenkabail et al., (2004)
use of data for classification of land cover performed rigorous analysis of hyperspectral
types with crop types being a major focus sensors (from 400 to 2500 nm) for crop
among those interested in agricultural classification based on data mining techniques
applications. In recent years, the work in consisting of principal components analysis,
agricultural remote sensing has focused more lambda–lambda models, stepwise discriminant
on characterization of plant biophysical analysis and derivative greenness vegetation
properties. Remote sensing has long been used indices. Many investigations have included
in monitoring and analyzing of agricultural different types of sensors which are capable of
activities. Remote sensing of agricultural providing the reliable data on a timely basis on
canopies has provided valuable insights into a fraction of the cost of traditional method of
various agronomic parameters. The advantage data gathering.
of remote sensing is its ability to provide
repeated information without destructive Monitoring of vegetation cover
sampling of the crop, which can be used for
providing valuable information for precision The science of remote sensing play a vital role
agricultural applications. Remote sensing in the area of crop classification, crop acreage
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

estimation and yield assessment. Many mapping and monitoring drought and
research experiments were done using aerial assessment of vegetation health and
photographs and digital image processing productivity (Doraiswamy et al., 2003,
techniques. But the field of remote sensing Ferencz et al., 2004, Prasad et al., 2006).
helps in reducing the amount of field data to Kogan et al., (2005) used vegetation indices
be collected and improves the higher precision from Advanced Very High Resolution
of estimates (Kingra et al., 2016). The ability Radiometer (AVHRR) data to model corn
of hyper spectral data to significantly improve yield and early drought warning in China.
the characterization, discrimination, modeling, Hadria et al., (2006) provides an example of
and mapping of crops and vegetation, when developing leaf area indices from four satellite
compared with broadband multispectral scenarios to estimate distribution of yield and
remote sensing, is well known (Thenkabail et irrigated wheat in semi-arid areas. Examples
al., 2011). This was helpful in establishing the of vegetation indices which are used
33 optimal HNBs and an equal number of specifically in agricultural purpose are listed
specific two-band normalized difference HVIs in the table 1.
are used to characterize, classify, model and
map and also to study specific biophysical and Crop condition assessment
biochemical quantities of major agricultural
crops of the world (Thenkabail et al., 2013). Remote sensing can play an important role in
In relative to the crop condition, some remote agriculture by providing timely spectral
sensing techniques are more focused on information which can be used for assessing
physical parameters of the crop system such as the Bio-physical indicators of plant health.
nutrient stress and water availability in The physiological changes that occur in a
assessing the crop health and yield. And other plant due to stress may change the spectral
researchers are focused more on synoptic reflectance/ emission characteristics resulting
perspectives of regional crop condition using in the detection of stress amenable to remote
remote sensing indices. The most commonly sensing techniques (Menon, 2012). Crop
used index to assess the vegetation condition monitoring at regular intervals of crop growth
is the Normalized Difference Vegetation is necessary to take appropriate measures and
Index proposed by Rouse et al., (1974). The also to know the probable loss of production
NDVI has become the most commonly used due to any stress factor. The crop growth
vegetation index (Calvao and Palmeirim, stages and its development are influenced by a
2004, Wallace et al., 2004) and many efforts variety of factors such as available soil
have been made aiming to develop further moisture, date of planting, air temperature,
indices that can reduce the impact of the soil day length, and soil condition. These factors
background and atmosphere on the results of are responsible for the plant conditions and
spectral measurements. An example of a their productivity. For example, corn crop
vegetation index limiting the influence of soil yields can be negatively impacted if
on remotely sensed vegetation data is SAVI temperatures are too high at the time of
(Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index) proposed by pollination. For this reason, knowing the
Huete (1988). The normalized difference temperature at the time of corn pollination
vegetation index (NDVI), vegetation condition could help forecasters better predict corn
index (VCI), leaf area index (LAI), General yields (Nellis et al., 2009). The occurrence of
Yield Unified Reference Index (GYURI), and drought also makes the land incapable for
Temperature Crop Index (TCI) are all cultivation and renders inhospitable
examples of indices that have been used for environment for human beings, livestock

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

population, biomass potential and plant GI were found lower for stressed and higher
species (Siddiqui, 2004). The drought for non-stressed crop. The advent of micro-
monitoring through satellite based information wave remote sensing has made possible for
have been accepted in recent years and the use estimating the soil moisture availability in the
of Normalized Difference Vegetation Index field. Information on crop water demand,
(NDVI) and Vegetation Condition Index water use, soil moisture condition, related crop
(VCI) have been accepted globally for growth at different stages can be obtained
identifying agricultural drought in different through the use of remote sensing data.
regions with varying ecological conditions Bandara (2003), for example, used NOAA
(Nicholson and Farrar, 1994; Kogan, 1995; satellite data to assess the performance of
Seiler et al., 2000; Wang et al., 2001; three large irrigation projects in Sri Lanka.
Anyamba et al., 2001; Ji and Peters, 2003). Within this analysis, estimates using remote
Crop growth and its condition are often sensing of crop-water utilization were
characterized through the use of various compared to actual water availability to
vegetation indices such as reflectance ratio, determine irrigation efficiency. Das et al.,
NDVI, PVI, transformed vegetation index, and (2018) developed a soil moisture and
greenness index. Annual NDVI profiles are temperature map for India using high
extracted in operational remote sensing for 12 resolution land data assimilation system
Vegetation Phenology Metrics (VPMs), and (HRLDAS) as a computing tool which is
these metrics are used to characterize aimed at providing soil moisture and soil
agricultural vegetation response to varying temperature at 1 km spatial resolution in near
climatic and land management practices (Reed real-time (few hours’ latency) at four soil
et al., 1994; Figure 2 and Table 2). depths and vegetation root zones. With the
increase in the development of hyper spectral
Nutrient and water status bands in the thermal region, remote sensing
has been playing a major role in understanding
The most important fields where we can opt the crop soil characteristics. Such information
for application of remote sensing and GIS when linked with GPS will provide promising
through the application of precision farming results which are more helpful in precision
are nutrient and water stress management. farming. Under the conditions of wet tropical
Detecting nutrient stresses by using remote and subtropical climates, the risk of nitrogen
sensing and GIS helps us in site specific leaching is more due to spatial variability of
nutrient management through which we can soil properties, such as: SOM content (Casa et
reduce the cost of cultivation as well as al., 2011), water content (Delin and Berglund,
increase the fertilizer use efficiency for the 2005) and yield zones (Blackmore et al.,
crops. In semi-arid and arid regions judicious 2003; Bramley, 2009) which are having
use of water can be made possible through the effects on the N nutrition status of corn plants
application of precision farming technologies. in the field. This causes the failure of
For example, drip irrigation coupled with traditional single-rate N fertilization (TSF)
information from remotely sensed data such as which could over-fertilize some sites while
canopy air temperature difference can be used other sites may be under-fertilized
to increase the water use efficiency by (Bredemeier and Schmidhalter, 2005). This
reducing the runoff and percolation losses promotes the use of variable-rate nitrogen
(Das and Singh, 1989). The spectral fertilization (VRF) based on crop sensors
reflectance in the visible region was higher in which could increase the N fertilization
water stressed crop than the non-stressed. The efficiency (Singh et al., 2006; Li et al., 2010).
vegetation indices like NDVI, RVI, PVI and
Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

Crop evapo-transpiration crop coefficients for obtaining actual crop

evapo-transpiration. Most of the approaches
The decline in the productivity of crops is due use simple direct correlations between remote
to irregularities in rainfall, increase in the sensed digital data and evapo-transpiration,
temperature rate etc., which causes a decrease but some combine various forms of remotely
in the soil moisture. Drought is a situation sensed data types. Remote sensing is playing a
which can be defined as a long-term average major role in the water management for
condition of the balance between precipitation agricultural system. And this can be further
and evapo-transpiration in a particular area, enhanced by the development of hyper
which also depends on the timely onset of spectral sensors and linking the remote
monsoon as well as its potency Wilhite and sensing data with other spatial data through
Glantz, (1985). In turn, vegetation indices GIS and GPS technologies.
such as CWSI (Crop Water Stress Index)
(Jackson et al., 1981), ST (Surface Weed identification and management
Temperature) (Jackson 1986), WDI (Water
Deficit Index) (Moran et al., 1994), and SI Precision weed management technique helps
(Stress Index) (Vidal et al., 1994) describe the in carrying out the better weed management
relationship existing between water stress and practices. Remote sensing coupled with
thermal characteristics of plants. Sruthi et al., precision agriculture is a promising
(2015) analyzed the vegetation stress in the technology in nowadays. Though, ground
Raichur district of Karnataka by using the surveying methods for mapping site–specific
MODIS data for calculating NDVI values of information about weeds are very time–
the particular study area and its correlation consuming and labor–intensive. However,
with the land surface temperatures (LST). The image–based remote sensing has potential
LST when correlated with the vegetation applications in weed detection for site–
index can be used to detect agricultural specific weed management (Johnson et al.,
drought of a region and provides early 1997; Moran et al., 1997; Lamb et al., 1999).
warning systems to the farmers. Estimation of Based on the difference in the spectral
evapo-transpiration is essential for assessing reflectance properties between weeds and
the irrigation scheduling, water and energy crop, remote sensing technology provides a
balance computations, determining crop water mean for identifying the weeds in the crop
stress index (CWSI), climatological and stand and further helps in the development of
meteorological purposes. The energy emitted weed maps in the field so that site specific and
from cropped area has been useful in assessing need based herbicide can be applied for the
the crop water stress as the temperature of the management of weeds. Kaur et al., (2013)
plants are mediated by the soil water reported higher radiance ratio and NDVI
availability and crop evapo-transpiration. values in solid stand or pure wheat and
Batra et al., (2006) estimated evaporative minimum under solid weed plots. It was
fraction (EF), defined as the ratio of ET and observed that by using radiance ratio and
available radiant energy, by successfully using NDVI, pure wheat can be distinguished from
AVHRR and MODIS data. Dutta et al., (2015) pure populations of Rumex spinosus beyond
used NOAA-AVHRR NDVI data for 30 DAS. Different levels of Rumex
monitoring the spatio-temporal extent of populations could be discriminated amongst
agricultural drought in Rajasthan state. Neale themselves from 60 DAS onwards. Kaur et al.,
et al., (2005) provide an historical perspective (2014) by using radiance ratio and NDVI, pure
on high resolution airborne remote sensing of wheat can be distinguished from pure

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

populations of Malva neglecta after 30 DAS that canopy characteristics and spectral
and remain distinguished up to 120 DAS and reflectance differences between insect
different levels of weed population can be infestation damage and disease infection
discriminated amongst themselves from 60 damage can be measured in oat crop canopies
DAS onwards. Weed prescription maps can be by remote sensing. Mirik et al., (2012)
prepared with Geographic Information System reported that the Landasat 5 TM image can be
(GIS), on the basis of which farmers can be used to accurately detect and quantify disease
advised to take the preventive control for site-specific Wheat Streak Mosaic disease
measures. management in the wheat crop. Franke et al.,
(2007) concluded that high resolution multi-
Pest and disease infestation spectral remote sensing data hold the potential
for monitoring of fungal wheat diseases.
Remote sensing has become an essential tool
for monitoring and quantifying crop stress due Crop yield and production forecasting
to biotic and abiotic factors. Remote sensing
methodologies need to be perfected for Remote sensing has been used to forecast crop
identification of insect breeding grounds for yields primarily based upon statistical–
developing strategies to prevent their spread empirical relationships between yield and
and taking effective control measures. The vegetation indices (Thenkabail et al., 2002,
remote sensing approach in assessing and Casa and Jones 2005).The information on
monitoring insect defoliation has been used to production of crops before the harvest is
relate differences in spectral responses to important for national food policy planning.
chlorosis, yellowing of leaves and foliage Reliable crop yield is an important component
reduction over a given time period assuming of crop production forecasting purpose.
that these differences can be correlated,
classified and interpreted (Franklin, 2001). The crop yield is dependent on many factors
The range of remote sensing applications has such as crop variety, water and nutrient status
included detecting and mapping defoliation, of field, influence by weeds, pest and disease
characterization of pattern disturbances etc. infestation, weather parameters. The spectral
and providing data to pest management response curve is dependent on these factors.
decision support system (Lee et al., 2010). The growth and decay in the spectral response
William et al., (1979) evaluated different curve indicates the crop condition and its
types of vegetation indices on Landsat performance. By using IRS P3 WiFS (Wide
imagery acquired before and after defoliation Field Sensor) and IRS-1C WiFS and LISS3
to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy which have a good periodicity, it may be
vegetation cover. De beurs and Townsend possible to construct growth profiles and
(2008) concluded that MODIS data represent retrieve yield related parameters at region
an important tool for insect damaged level (Menon, 2012).
defoliation and determination of vegetation
indices in plot scale. Riedell et al., (2004) Precision agriculture
reported remote sensing technology as an
effective and inexpensive method to identify Remote sensing technology is a key
pest infested and diseased plants. They used component of precision farming and is being
remote sensing techniques to detect specific used by an increasing number of scientists,
insect pests and to distinguish between insect engineers and large-scale crop growers
and disease damage on oat. They suggested (Liaghat and Balasundram, 2010).

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

Table.1 Some examples of vegetation indices having specific applications in agricultural sector.
(Marek et al., 2016)

Index Formula Level/ sensor Application References

Spectral bands or wavelengths (nm)
Advanced Airborne (RMK Mapping Pena-
Normalised TOP 15 camera) Ridolfia Barragan et
Vegetation segetum al. (2006)
Index BLUE: 400-500 patches in
NIR: 700-900 sunflower

Aphid Index Ground based Identification Kumar et

(ASD of aphid al. (2010)
FieldSpec3 infestation in
spectrometer) mustard
RED1: 712 RED2: 719
NIR1: 761 NIR2: 908

Chlorophyll Groundbased Plant nitrogen Bausch and

Index (Exotech status Khosla
radiometrr) estimates (2010)
GREEN: 520-600 Satellite
NIR: 760-900 (QuickBird)

Effective Groundbased Winter oilseed Wojtowicz et

Leaf Area (CIMEL 313 rape yield al., (2005)
Index radiometer) prediction
RED: 610-680
NIR: 780-890

Normalised Airborne Corn yield Chang et al.,
Difference GREEN : 557-582 (Multispectral predictions (2003)
Vegetation NIR: 720-920 and/ or Digital
Index GREEN: 520-600 Camera)
NIR: 760-900
Green Red Groundbased Estimation of Ranjitha et
Vegetation (GER 1500 Damage al., (2014)
Index Spectroradio caused by
GREEN : 520-590 meter) thrips
RED: 620-680
Healthy Airborne Early Calderon
Index (MCA-6 and detection of et al., (2013)
Micro- Verticillium
GREEN : 534 Hyperspec wilt of olive

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

RED1: 698 Tetracam)

RED2: 704

Modified Satellite (Terra Prediction of Bagheri et

Soil ASTER) corn canopy al., (2012)
Adjusted nitrogen
Vegetation RED: 630-690 content
Index NIR: 760-860
Normalised Airborne Detection of Cheng et al.,
Difference (MASTER) Diurnal (2013)
Infrared orchard
Index NIR1: 845-885 canopy water
NIR2: 1650-170 content
Normalised Satellite Estimation of Zarco-
Difference (MODIS) plant water Tejada et al.,
Water Index content (2003)
NIR1: 841-876
NIR2: 1230-1250
Normalised Groundbased Estimation of Hatfield
Pigment (Exotech and Leaf And Prueger
Chlorophyll CropScan chlorophyll (2010)
Ratio Index BLUE: 460 radio-meters) content
RED: 660
Relative Groundbased Indication of Mogensen
Reflectance (quantum drought of et al., (1996)
Index sensor LI-190s field grown
and LI-220S) oilseed rape
VIS: 400-700
NIR: 740-820
Short wave Satellite Indication of Fensholt
Infrared (MODIS) canopy water and
Water Stress content Sandholt
Index (2003)

NIR1: 841-876
NIR2: 1230-1250
SWIR: 1628-1652

Triangular Ground based Crop nitrogen Hunt et al.,

Greenness TGI=-0.5[(RED-BLUE)(RED- (ASD requirements (2013)
Index GREEN)-(RED-GREEN)(RED- FieldSpec detection
BLUE)] spectrometer),
BLUE: 450-520 Airborne
GREEN: 520-600 (AVIRIS),
RED: 630-690 Satellite
(Landsat TM)

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

Table.2 Vegetation phenology metrics characterize vegetation phenology and are used to
develop summary regional data for research on agro-ecosystem attributes
(after Reed et al., 1994)

Type Metric Interpretation

Temporal 1 Time of onset of greenness Beginning of photosynthetic activity
2 Time of end of greenness End of photosynthetic activity
3 Duration of greenness Length of photosynthetic activity
4 Time of maximum greenness Time when photosynthesis at maximum
NDVI-value 5 Value of onset of greenness Level of photosynthesis at start
6 Value of end of greenness Level of photosynthesis at end
7 Value of maximum NDVI Level of photosynthesis at maximum
8 Range of NDVI Range of measurable photosynthesis
Derived 9 Accumulated NDVI Net Primary Production (NPP)
10 Rate of green –up Acceleration of increasing photosynthetic activity
11Rate of senescence Acceleration of decreasing photosynthetic activity
12 Mean daily NDVI Mean daily photosynthetic activity

Fig.1 Typical Spectral Reflectance curves for vegetation, dry bare soil and water

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

Fig.2 A twelve month, hypothetical NDVI temporal response curve for vegetation. Additionally,
the vegetation metrics are displayed to show their relation to both NDVI values and time
(after Reed et al., 1994)

The main aim of precision farming is reduced conditions. Meteorological satellites are
cost of cultivation, improved control and designed to measure the atmospheric
improved resource use efficiency with the temperature, wind, moisture and cloud cover.
help of information received by the sensors The variations in the canopy temperature
fitted in the farm machineries. Variable rate could indicate the areas of adequate and
technology (VRT) is the most advanced inadequate water in the field condition. The
component of precision farming. Sensors are canopy temperature variability (CTV) is used
mounted on the moving farm machineries in irrigation management and canopy air
containing a computer which provides input temperature difference (CATD) might be used
recommendation maps and thereby controls as an indicator of crop water stress (Menon,
the application of inputs based on the 2012). Drought assessment playing a major
information received from GPS receiver role in the field of agriculture, wherein remote
(NRC, 1997). The advantage of precision sensing data has been used for taking
farming is the acquisition of information on management decisions. The district level
crops at temporal frequency and spatial drought assessment and monitoring using
resolution required for making management NDVI generated from NOAA-AVHRR data
decisions. Remote sensing is a no doubt helps in taking timely preventive and
valuable tool for providing such informations. corrective measures for combating drought.
Bagheri et al., (2013) used multispectral
remote sensing for site‑ specific nitrogen Future prospects
fertilizer management. Satellite imagery from
the advanced spaceborne thermal emission Remote sensing is highly useful in assessing
and reflection radiometer (Aster) was various abiotic and biotic stresses in different
acquired in a 23 ha corn‑ planted area in Iran. crop and also very useful in detecting and
management of various crop issues even at
Atmospheric dynamics small farm holdings. To effectively utilize the
information on crops for improvement of
Among the other applications through remote economy there is a need to develop state or
sensing, meteorological satellites are playing district level information system based on
an important role in the forecasting of weather available information on various crops

Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci (2019) 8(1): 2270-2283

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How to cite this article:

Shanmugapriya, P., S. Rathika, T. Ramesh and Janaki, P. 2019. Applications of Remote

Sensing in Agriculture - A Review. Int.J.Curr.Microbiol.App.Sci. 8(01): 2270-2283.
doi: https://doi.org/10.20546/ijcmas.2019.801.238


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