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Lesson plan

LESSON: Module 6 Lesson 6 School: №12

Time for CLIL Help the planet 1

Date: Teacher name:Nogayeva A.K.

CLASS: Number present: absent:

Learning 4.L3 understand the main points of short supported talk on an increasing
objectives(s) that range of general and some curricular topics
this lesson is 4.L4 understand a limited range of short supported questions on general and
contributing to some curricular topics
4.S6 take turns when speaking with others in a growing range of short, basic
4.R2 read and understand with some support short simple fiction and non-
fiction texts
4.UE12 use adverbs of time and frequency: sometimes, often,
always, never to indicate when and how often begin to use simple adverbs of
manner e.g. well, badly, use common –ly manner adverbs to describe actions
e/g/ slowly, quickly
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
recognise and use some target language correctly and show comprehension
of some written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To explore
other subject areas (Geography); to 8 I talk about endangered animals; to
make a I | poster for the protection of the rainforests.
Most learners will be able to:
recognise and use most target language correctly and show comprehension of
most written and spoken familiar words in simple sentences To explore other
subject areas (Geography); to 8 I talk about endangered animals; to make a I |
poster for the protection of the rainforests.
Some learners will be able to:
recognise and use target language correctly with clear pronunciation and
good comprehension of written and spoken familiar words in simple
sentences To explore other subject areas (Geography); to 8 I talk about
endangered animals; to make a I | poster for the protection of the rainforests.
Previous learning Learners will need to be familiar with/reminded of subject, object and
demonstrative pronouns, the use of adjectives in describing objects and
feelings, and the formation of Language in use: Why did you put mustard
on your sausage? Because it's tastier this way. Can I have a packet of
biscuits and a can of cola, please? Here you are! How much is that?
£1.70. Target vocabulary snack, slice, dip, sliced, cheese dip, on the side
Cross-curricular Food and containers:
ICT skills Using videos & pictures, working with URLs

Planned timings Planned activities Smiles Teacher
Resources Notes
Beginning the (An activity to revise the language of
lesson the previous lesson.)
(An activity to introduce the topic
of the lesson.)
Read the title of the lesson. Ask the
pupils if they have heard about
endangered animals, and what they
mean to them. Explain to the pupils,
in LI if necessary, that some animals
are in danger of becoming extinct for
various reasons. Some animals are
hunted by men. Other animals lose
their homes and some others cannot
find food any more. Ask the pupils
to think about what we can do to
protect endangered animals.

PRESENTATION Step 1 What animal am I? Read and (Track 10 CD2) Answer key
AND PRACTICE write. Pupils book p 88 rhino 3 dolphin
Explain the activity. The pupils look 5 panda
at the pictures, read the sentences and gorilla4 polar
say the names of the animals. Allow bear
the pupils some time to complete the Then individual
activity. Check their answers. pupils read out
the texts.
Step 2 Listen and read. Then act out Pupils book p 89
similar dialogues. (Track 24 CD2) Answer key
Refer the pupils to the dialogue. Play cold 4 oxygen
the CD.The pupils listen and follow South America
along. Pause the CD for the pupils to 5
repeat, chorally and/or individually. smaller
Refer the pupils to the pictures and
elicit the names of the animals and
what the pupils know about them.
Read aloud the fact files.The pupils,
in pairs, act out similar dialogues
using the information in the fact files.
Go around the classroom providing
any necessary help. Ask some pairs to
come to the front of the classroom
and act out their dialogues. If you
wish, write the following on the board
so the pupils can refer to it while they
are completing the activity.
A: Look at these amazing .... Where
do ... live?
B: They live in .... Did you know they
are in danger? A: Really? Why?
B: Because....
A: That's a shame. We must do
something to protect them!
Suggested answer key
A: Look at these amazing
chimpanzees. Where do chimpanzees
B: They live in the jungle. Did you
know they are in danger?
A: Really? Why?
B: Because people hunt them or sell
them as pets. A: That's a shame. We
must do something to protect them!
Read and circle. Then listen and
check. (Track 25 CD2)
Explain the activity. Go through the
sentences and elicit/explain any
unknown words. Play the CD. The
pupils listen and circle the correct
words. Check their answers.
So that was the news at five o'clock.
Anyway, I hope you are all listening
because here are some rainforest
More than 50% of the world's
animals live in rainforests. That's a
There aren't any rainforests in
Antarctica because it's always very
The largest rainforest is the Amazon
rainforest in South America.
Rainforests give us oxygen. That's
why we must protect them.
Today, rainforests are slowly getting
smaller because people are cutting
down the trees.
We must save our rainforests...
Extension activity (Optional)
Ask the pupils to write guestions
based on sentences 1 -5.Then the
pupils, in pairs, ask and answer
questions. Go around the class
providing any necessary help. Ask
some pairs to report back to the class.
Read aloud the title of the poster and
have a class discussion about why we
must save the rainforests. Read the
instructions and explain the activity.
Allow the pupils some time to prepare
their posters. Ask individual pupils to
present their poster to the class.
Design your own Save the
rainforests! poster. Present it to the
Save the rainforests!
Rainforests give us oxygen and many
of the v animals live there. We must
do something to p them!
Ending the lesson (An activity to consolidate the ACTIVITY Suggested answer
language of the lesson). BOOK key (An activity to consolidate the (Optional) Pupil 1: It's in language of fhe le danger. It lives in
Tell the pupils to look at the animals warm seas. It's g
on pp. 88- a minute. Have them close Team A: Green
their books. Divid class into two turtle! etc
teams. A pupil from each team c to
the front of the classroom and talks
abo animal (what it looks like, where
it lives, if it's in dc etc) without
naming it. Each correct answer v
point.The team with the most points
wins the g
Additional information
Differentiation – how do you Assessment – how are you Cross-curricular links
plan to give more support? How planning to check learners’ Health and safety check
do you plan to challenge the learning? ICT links
more able learners? Values links

 support weaker learners with  check pronunciation of new  cross curricular links:
further modelling and drilling in language through group and Music
their pairs individual drilling

 stronger learners who complete  check comprehension of

activities quickly should spell listening and reading text
new words aloud for others to through follow-up questions
copy in their notebooks

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