Vol 05.Baras-SB

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Table of Contents

Volume 5. Baras Sub-Basin ............................................................................... 3

Geographic Location .................................................................................................... 3
Political and Administrative Boundary .......................................................................... 4
Land Cover .................................................................................................................. 5
Sub-basin Characterization and Properties .................................................................. 7
Drainage Network .................................................................................................... 7
Sub sub-basin properties ......................................................................................... 9
Water Quantity ........................................................................................................... 10
Stream Flow ........................................................................................................... 10
Water Balance ....................................................................................................... 10

Figure 5-1 Geographical Map .................................................................................................. 3
Figure 5-2 Political Boundary................................................................................................... 5
Figure 5-3 Land Cover Map ..................................................................................................... 6
Figure 5-4 Drainage Map ......................................................................................................... 8
Figure 5-5 Sub-sub basin Map of Baras Sub-basin................................................................. 9
Figure 5-6 Annual Stream flow (1990 – 2004) ....................................................................... 10
Figure 5-7 Water Balance Percentage (1990 – 2004) ........................................................... 11

Table 5-1 Geographic extent ................................................................................................... 4
Table 5-2 Municipalities covered ............................................................................................. 4
Table 5-3 Land cover and Area ............................................................................................... 6
Table 5-4 Drainage Properties................................................................................................. 7
Table 5-5 Baras Sub sub-basin properties .............................................................................. 9
Table 5-6 Water Balance ....................................................................................................... 10

Technical writer
Mr. Manuel V. Quinto, LLDA-PDMED

Technical editors
Ms. Adelina C. Santos-Borja Engr. Emiterio C. Hernandez
Officer-In-Charge Officer- In Charge
Resource Management and Development Officer Project Development Management and Evaluation Division

Map production
Mr. Neil V. Varcas, LLDA-PDMED
Volume 5. Baras Sub-Basin
Geographic Location
The Baras sub-basin comprises the municipality of Baras and some barangays from the
municipality of Morong and Tanay. The Marikina sub-basin bound it on the north, on the
east is the municipality of Tanay, the municipality of Morong in the west, and the Laguna
de Bay on the south (Table 5-1). The center of the sub-basin is defined by coordinates
121°16”12.63 E and 14°32”8.48” N.

Source: LLDA GIS

Figure 5-1 Geographical Map
Table 5-1 Geographic extent
Upper Left 1604140.50000 312247.81250
Upper Right 1604140.50000 316606.46875
Lower Right 1613484.75000 316606.46875
Lower Left 1613484.75000 312247.81250
Source: LLDA GIS

Political and Administrative Boundary

The Baras watershed is bounded by the municipality of Baras and parts of Morong and
Tanay as seen in Figure 5-2. The watershed has 12 barangays namely, Evangelista,
Rizal (Poblacion), San Jose, San Salvador, Concepcion, San Juan, San Miguel, Mabini,
and Pinugay in the municipality of Baras, Barangay Lagundi in Morong and Barangay
Cuyambay and Plaza Aldea in Tanay.

It has a total area of 22,143,694.74 hectares, in which around 83% is composed of the
nine barangays of Baras while 16% comprises parts of the two Barangays of Tanay and
the rest is located in parts of Barangay Lagundi of Morong. Table 5-2 shows the
summary of the barangay within the watershed with its respective area and percentage.

Table 5-2 Municipalities covered

Municipality Barangay Area (sq.m.) Percentage
Baras San Jose 2,307,719.63 10.42%
Evangelista 1,551,438.24 7.01%
Mabini 724,167.73 3.27%
San Salvador 376,500.36 1.70%
San Miguel 3,863,440.62 17.45%
Concepcion 1,804,482.99 8.15%
Rizal (Pob.) 1,943,092.80 8.77%
San Juan 1,610,566.15 7.27%
Pinugay 4,126,171.38 18.63%
Subtotal 9 18,307,579.89 82.68%
Tanay Cuyambay 2,885,567.75 13.03%
Plaza Aldea (Pob.) 641,680.35 2.90%
Subtotal 2 3,527,248.10 15.93%
Morong Lagundi 308,866.75 1.39%
Subtotal 1 308,866.75 1.39%
Total 12 22,143,694.74 100.00%
Source: LLDA GIS
Source: LLDA GIS
Figure 5-2 Political Boundary

The total population in Baras watershed was estimated by the summation of the total
population of Baras municipality, Barangay Lagundi in Morong and Barangay Tandang
Kutyo in Tanay. Baras had a population of 24,514 per the year 2000 census. Barangay
Lagundi, Morong, had a population of 6,889 or 16.21 percent of the total municipal
population during the same census year. In the Tanay portion of the watershed,
Barangay Tandang Kutyo had a population of 12,789 or 16.33 percent of the total
population of the municipality in the same census year. In the year 2000, the total
population of the watershed is 44,183.

Land Cover
There are six classes of land cover in Baras sub-basin (urban, arable, plantation, grass,
brush and marsh), as a result of the land cover validation conducted by LLDA. Brush
and grassland dominates the whole sub-basin with area of 8,438,384.14 square meters
and 6,905,956.95 square meters, respectively, is seen in the northern to mid-portion of
the sub-basin while marshland has the smallest area with area of 464,970.76 square
meters found near the lake shore area. The urban area makes up 6% of the watershed
with area of 1,313,696.52 square meters which is found in the southern portion of the
watershed (Figure 5-3 and Table 5-3).

Table 5-3 Land cover and Area

Land cover Area (sq.m.) Percentage
urban 1,313,696.52 6%
arable 2,445,685.11 11%
plantation 3,154,600.19 14%
grass 6,905,956.95 30%
brush 8,438,384.14 37%
marsh 464,970.76 2%
Total 22,723,293.67 100%
Source: LLDA GIS

Source: LLDA GIS

Figure 5-3 Land Cover Map
Sub-basin Characterization and Properties

Drainage Network
The drainage properties of the Baras Sub-basin which is elongated in shape is
presented and summarized in Table 5-4.

Table 5-4 Drainage Properties

Parameters Values
Area (ha) 2270.629
Perimeter (m) 25649.063
Total number of streams 5
Total length of streams (m) 18257.546
Stream Density (stream/ha) 0.00220
Drainage Density (m/ha) 8.0407
Constance of Channel Maintenance (ha/m) 0.1244
Length of Overland Flow (m) 4.0203718
Source: LLDA GIS
Source: LLDA GIS
Figure 5-4 Drainage Map
Sub sub-basin properties

Source: LLDA GIS

Figure 5-5 Sub-sub basin Map of Baras Sub-basin

Table 5-5 Baras Sub sub-basin properties

Sub-sub basin ID Area (Ha) Perimeter (m)
SSB-5A 1810.221 26351.760
SSB-5B 460.408 9795.825
Source: LLDA GIS
Water Quantity

Stream Flow
The annual stream flow of the Baras sub-basin is presented in Figure 5-6. The
maximum and minimum stream flow is in the year 2000 and 1997 amounting to
1.758615 m3 per second and 0.729353 m3 per second, respectively,


Stream Flow 1
(m 3/sec) 0.8









Figure 5-6 Annual Stream flow (1990 – 2004)

Water Balance
Based on the Sacramento Soil Moisture Accounting (SAC SMA) Hydrologic Model, the
summary of the 15-year water balance of the Baras sub-basin is presented in Table 5-6.
The average rainfall is 2,188, 31.12% of this turn as the actual evapotranspiration while
more than half becomes direct runoff. Base flow of the total runoff accounts to 13.35%
of rainfall and the rest is stored as groundwater and moisture in soil.

Table 5-6 Water Balance

Actual Evapo- Direct Change in
YEAR Rainfall Baseflow
transpiration Runoff Storage
1990 2,389 690 1,384 403 (87)
1991 2,387 584 1,512 255 36
1992 2,117 571 1,210 217 119
1993 1,906 549 920 256 182
1994 2,098 744 1,067 310 (24)
1995 2,180 621 1,067 301 190
1996 1,918 764 877 290 (13)
1997 1,530 649 693 251 (62)
1998 2,107 576 1,042 189 301
1999 2,798 764 1,594 386 53
2000 2,880 789 1,594 365 131
Actual Evapo- Direct Change in
YEAR Rainfall Baseflow
transpiration Runoff Storage
2001 2,185 803 1,023 342 16
2002 2,323 737 1,226 288 71
2003 1,923 673 961 260 28
2004 2,077 702 992 267 115
Average 2,188 681 1,144 292 70

Water Balance of Baras Watershed



Actual Evapo-transpiration Direct Runoff Baseflow Change in Storage


Figure 5-7 Water Balance Percentage (1990 – 2004)

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