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Amethyst III is a new high performance channel-strip released by Acustica. We offer a plugin of
the highest quality and excellence with a very affordable price! This is a complete and versatile
plugin that can be enjoyed and used by anyone.
Amethyst III is a collection of multiple sections; switchable PREAMPS , FILTER ,EQ and
We decided to offer top quality hardware modeling and versatlity, carefully choosing each com-
ponent of the plug-in. After several tests, we also opted for an EQ HOMEBREW section, thanks
to the contribution of Stefano Dall'Ora. We faithfully recreated the curves sampled from hard-
ware built exclusively by Acustica and based on the circuit diagrams of vintage devices. We are
fully satisfied and quite delighted with the results!
We implemented an alternative skin system that carefully reproduces the design of each module
of the plugin...
In this way we hope that we have been able to recreate the new/vintage look of emulated gear.
The FILTERS and EQ stages are virtually identical to those of the hardware, the traditional
EQUALIZER curves are steep-sided, providing very powerful tools.
The PREAMPS section is characterized by several choices of PREAMPS, each one with differ-
ent tonal features.
The COMPRESSOR is characterized by Classic Design, Performance and Reliability.
The inclusion of a Compressor module in this plug-in provides a much more flexible and com-
plete device which retained all of the character and musicality of the original design while incor-
porating some exciting new features that belong to the sampled device.
AMETHYST III is a perfect choice for a high-quality channel-strip to enhance and massage your music!
Amethyst3 is based on CORE X, the revolutionary upgraded multithreading technology by
Acustica. It is an optimization of Core9 in terms of high performance, it introduces new impor-
tant features allows to optimize performance of Acqua plug-ins.
Features actually supported in Core X:
. Internal saturation of the plug-in no longer exceeds +3 dB
. New algorithm for hard-clipping.
. "Multi-input system" implemented
. "Blending algorithm" to reduce the number of istances, it allows significant saving in terms of
We wanted to offer both the old and the next owners a full version, faithful to the previous one
but with important special features.
To help unleash the incredible potential of our AMETHYST3's modules, we have created a bun-
dle including each individual module of Amethyst3, enabling sound engineers to use each compo-
nent separately, with a significant saving in terms of CPU.
Amethyst3 includes:
-Amethyst3 channel-strip
-Amethyst3 standalone modules

OUTPUT GAIN knob controls plug-in output gain from -24 to +24
INPUT TRIM knob sets the input level from -24dB to +24dB, and is used to control the signal
level inside the Eq, the output level is then automatically compensated by the same amount of
gain. At the first execution of the plug-in, input is set to ensure that you feed an appropriate level
from the first stage of your signal path to the final one.
INPUT-OUTPUT STEREO METERS measure the input (LEFT position meter) and output
(RIGHT position meter) levels of the plug-in.

Preamps section
The first processing stage is the preamp section,
This plug-in is made up of 3 different switchable preamps.
Possible preamps are:
The 9098 button enables the 9098 preamp, this Pre is more clean and linear and it is derived from
the comp outboard. This preamps is called 9098C in Amethyst3 comp (standalone version).
The 9098E includes the colour of the Eq, it's implemented only in Amethyst3 Eq (standalone
The 2500 MIX button enables the 2500 MIX Preamp, it has more transient reproduction, It's
quite clean.
The 2500 BUS button activates the 2500 BUS Preamp, it is characterized by a low distortion and
harmonics are more stark. It is more colored than 9098 preamp.

Eq section
Frequency ranges differ for the bands to accommodate maximum flexibility.
Available values are:
Low & Low Mid Band: 27Hz - 1000Hz
High & High Mid Band: 0.63KHz - 20KHz
In addition For Low and High Bands there are two buttons that enable peak/shelf mode.

Gain control provides a variable cut/boost range of -12dB/+12dB for each band
The Q knob controls the sharpness of the peak or dip for each band;
LF-HF: from 0.2 to 1.7
LMF-HMF: from 0.4 to 3.5
30 60 100 150 200 300 Hz.
Cut/Boost from -9dB to +9dB.
Shelf mode: this button allows to select shelf mode. The responce curve remains flat after the
centre frequency and continues at this gain setting until the lowest freq limit is reached.
Glowy control: to change the curve shape to provide warmth of your signal to alter the overall
sound. without changing its character.
100 150 200 300 500 1K Hz.
Cut/Boost from -9dB to +9dB.
500 800 1k5 2k5 3k5 4k5 Hz.
Cut/Boost from -9dB to +9dB.
2K 4K 7K 10K 15K 21K Hz.
Cut/Boost from -9dB to +9dB.
Shelf mode: this button allows to select shelf mode. It operated in similar manner to the Lf band.
Shiny control: to balance the curve shape to provide warmth of your signal to alter the overall
Filters section
Each filter is independent from the other
HPA1 button: this HIGH-PASS 1 filter passes frequencies above its cutoff frequency and atten-
uates frequencies below its cutoff frequency.
The range is 27 Hz to 1000 Hz.
HPB1 button:
Available frequencies: 20 25 30 40 60 100 300 Hz. Slope of 18db/octave.
LPA2 button: this LOW-PASS 1 filter passes frequencies above its cutoff frequency and attenu-
ates frequencies below its cutoff frequency.
The range is 800 Hz to 33000 Hz.
LPB2 button:
Available freuencies: 4.5 6 8 12 20 30 Hz. Slope of 18db/octave.

Compressor section
COMP IN BUTTON pushing this button the Compressor is activated
INSANE BUTTON This mode allows you to increase the accuracy and speed of the compressor
but is more expensive (in terms of CPU usage)
The "Hard Knee" button selects a shape to the compression curve. When not selected, compression
begins gradually as the signal exceeds the threshold. It only reaches the set ratio several dB above
the threshold. Selecting Hard Knee makes the change less gradual.
GAIN REDUCTION METER measures the reduction level applied by compressor, the meter
indicates '0' in the absence of an input signal or any gain reduction. If the signal exceeds the com-
pression threshold or limit level, the amount of gain reduction is displayed.
THRESHOLD: This knob sets the threshold of the compressor from -30dB to a minimum of
RATIO: This knob sets the compression ratio, available values range from 1.2:1 to 16:1;
ATTACK: This knob sets compressor's attack time that ranges from 0.3 ms (fast) to 300 ms (slow);
RELEASE: This knob sets compressor's release time that ranges from 0.1 ms (fast) to 10 ms (slow);
MAKEUP: this knob sets the gain compensation and is designed to boost the compressed signal
in order to match the level of uncompressed signal.
SHMODE: controls the shape of the compressor's attack curve. It allows you to fine-tune the
attack behaviour, in order to adapt it to any audio source.
A2 BUTTON: includes only in the channel-strip version, it allow to switch from new amethyst3
compressor to previous amethys2 compressor.
So we guaranteed backward compatibility of the compressor module.
Amethyst3 comp also includes the following controls:
INS button: engages the INSANE mode of the compressor. This mode has been implemented
to increase the accuracy and speed of the compressor but it's more expensive (in terms of CPU
SC button: this button enables the external side-chain of the compressor.
PINK button: inserts an high pass filterat the detector input, limiting compression response to
lower frequencies while applying additional compression to higher frequencies.
The compressors section has been updated to CORE10 and we applied ULTRAMATCH technol-
ogy to improve it so the compression times have been greatly improved and faithfully reproduc-
ing those of the original machine.
This new emulation is characterized by new CONTROLS: GLOWY for LF section and SHINY
for HF section, to change the curve shape to provide warmth (GLOWY) or in alternative balance
(SHINY) of your signal to alter the overall sound without changing its character.
The result of the GLOWY/SHINY modes is very amazing and it can be very musical.
Not very long ago in a fantasy land of audio lived a composer/en-
gineer named Jam Hawkins. He was known throughout the land as a
composer of great melodies and a grand mix engineer. His melodies
were so catchy that his stage name given to him by his fans was
“Captain of the Hook”. And as if it wasn’t enough that he was a
talented song-smith, he was also known for his clever, smooth, and
nearly perfect mixes he did in his studio, The Musica Dall'Ora.
He was, of course, also smart, humble, very attractive, and played
double-bass masterfully. The one curious thing about him was that he
had no spouse because he thought only of his music. Every relation-
ship had always run amek...or rather amuck. Always striving towards
“something more”, a better sound, a better hook, phatter beatz.
One day while taking a rare break and getting a bite to eat at the lo-
cal coffee-house/cafe, the HomeBrew, he overheard 2 men, Pino and
Roberto, excitedly talking about a magic jewel that caresses audio like
nothing they had ever heard before. “The problem”, Roberto said, “is
that the magic is created only when 3 parts of this wondrous gem are
brought together”. Pino asks “What happens?” “All things audio that
it touches will be consoled... warmed, equal, and smooth as silk...”says
To make things even more elusive, the 3 parts were spread across the
world and had to be found using a map that they had only a half of.
Jam couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He had tasted the Honey
ambrosia, he had witnessed the magic of Emeralds, and had even
experienced the scintillating Pearl (although he did not and could not
ever possess the Pearl as it is so very rare, it is said that only 100
people in the universe possess it..), so he knows that when there was
audio magic spoken of, it was likely to be true...He must find this
As if the Kings and Queens and Gods had blessed him, he saw a
small piece of paper fall from one of the men’s pockets as they were
leaving the cafe...could it be...? As Jam approached their now empty
table, he saw the crumpled napkin with small lettering on he
picked it up, he quickly realized that it indeed was the map... Actually
only half of a map, as the men had said. Now he must find a way to
locate the other half...
As Jam was walking the streets deep in thought, he heard a lovely
voice singing that had the beauty of the sirens. He followed the voice
to an open window of an apartment on a small empty street. As he
looked inside the window, he saw a woman so beautiful, a wonderful
and fair maiden with a voice as strong as iron. He knew that this
was the voice that needed to be in his next recording... He boldly
knocked on the door in anticipation. When the door opened, both he and
the maiden were taken aback, as if they had met before in another life.
Jam quickly told her what he felt and asked her if he could call her
in a day or 2 to set up a session. (The entire exchange was, sadly,
much less romantic than a story like this would suggest, but we must
remember that Jam is single for a reason and he is only thinking
about his music...and now the Amethyst...). She wrote her phone num-
ber on a small piece of scrap paper and handed it back to Jam. Jam
glanced at it and noticed the interesting yet peculiar name she wrote
on it...”Lemmi”... And he noticed that there was writing on the back
of the scrap of paper that looked very very familiar...
On the other side of the paper that Lemmi wrote her number on was
the other half of the map! Jam was on his way to finding the Ame-
thyst! Following the directions on the now completed map, Jam found
himself on a strange island called “Isle de la Preeampo”. The myth
of this island is that all things are warm and pleasant, and the deep
troubles and the high-end stress are filtered out as much or as little
as anyone needs. Jam soon saw that this was true. It did not take
him long to follow the simple cues on the map and he soon found his
first part of the Amethyst... The Preamp!
His next journey brought him to an equally wonderful and more de-
tailed land that was named “Equaland” Here the filtering was even
more elegant and precise. This was a land where the people living there
would massage their tones of actions and words when they clashed
until people fit into the mix of their society better. There was a de-
lightful frequency about them, voices lilted in and out of each other
making a compelling texture of sound. There were times, of course,
when certain people were encouraged to stand out and be noticed. These
times were special on Equaland and were officially supported by the
“Statutes Of Solo”, a basic right and law of individual freedom. As
Jam was walking the streets of Equaland he heard a song that stuck
out from the rest of sound... The song pointed him to the second part
of the Amethyst!
Feeling great after finding 2 of the 3 parts of the Amethyst, Jam
followed the map to the last of the 3 places... He found himself in
a strange but also oddly friendly place that he learned was named
“Compretugo”, translated to mean “the land of controlled dynamics”.
Here the people were all seemingly different but also had a strange
cooperative way of coexisting. There were very very tall people and
people so short that they seemed squashed. Some people walked with
very smooth and even gates, yet some people walked with an almost
pumping undulations. How fun! As Jam mingled and fraternized
with the crowd, he was swept up in a sea of dance that led him to
the one recording studio there... World Drumcode Music. Jam was
justifiably shocked when he walked into the studio and heard Lemmi,
the fair maiden form back home, singing another lovely and forceful
song as she had when he met her back home... As Jam started to get
swept up by the combination of the wonderment of finding her hear
and the exquisite song, he noticed that in her song was the clue to the
final piece of Amethyst!
After speedily finding the third piece, Jam excitedly returned home
and took out his 3 pieces of gem. As soon as the 3 pieces were laid
out on the ground near one another, they were drawn together by an
unseen force of warmth, tone, and cohesion. Newly invigorated Jam
rushed to his studio to finish his latest audio creation. And as if
it had been “meant to be”, the beatz were phattest ever, the hooks were
catchier, and most importantly, the mix was the most sublime thing
he had ever heard!
1. System Requirements And Package Contents

1.1. Sampling Process

The sampling process has been performed by Acustica. The unit was sampled with mastering
quality converters, using a method which takes considerably more time than the normal sampling
standard. This method is of benefit to the entire audio spectrum. Two sample rates are provided
with AMETHYST III; the native sample frequency was 96 kHz. The 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2
kHz frequencies were derived from the native one by a down-sampling and up-sampling process.
This method avoids any negative sample rate conversion (SRC) artifacts when matching project
different sample rates and also helps in project loading times.
1.2. System Requirements


Minimum Recommended Minimum Recommended

Operating Windows 7 Windows 10 OSX 10.8 OSX 10.11

CPU Dual Core Latest multicore Dual Core Latest multicore

CPU (1) CPU (1)

RAM 16 GB 16 GB
4 GB to 128 GB 4 GB to 128 GB

HDD/SDD 1000 MB 1000 MB 1000 MB 1000 MB

Screen 1024 x 768 1920x1080 1024 x 768 1920x1080

Resolution (XGA) (HDTV) (2) (XGA) (HDTV) (2)


32 bits 64 bits 32 bits 64 bits

(1) Intel i7 generation 6 or newer is recommended.

(2) 3840x2160 UHDTV is also supported.

1.3. Sampling rate

- 44,1 kHz
- 48 kHz
- 88,2 kHz
- 96 kHz
2. Product Installation

2.1 Introduction
Acqua Effects plug-ins are build in an installer setup for Windows and OSX. Installer setup con-
tain plug-in files and system files. Run OS X (1) or Windows (2) installer depending on your OS
and your audio host plug-in formats supported. During the installation, use a true administrator
account or make your OS understand you have a user account with full administrator privilege.
If you don't understand what we are talking about, please contact your system administrator for
more information.
. In VST-AU OSX installer, Skin and Vector files are shared between AU and VST format and
are installed in Acustica (VST 32 bits) folder.
. In AAX OSX installer, Skin and Vector files are not shared with other formats and/or archi-
tectures due a limitation of the AAX format. Co-installation of Pro Tools 10 (32 bits) and Pro
Tools 11/12 (64 bits) it is not possible.
. In VST Windows installers, Skin and Vector files are not shared between VST 32 bits and VST
64 bits.
. In AAX OSX installer, Skin and Vector files are not shared with other formats and/or archi-
tectures due a limitation of the AAX format. Co-installation of Pro Tools 10 (32 bits) and Pro
Tools 11/12 (64 bits) it is not possible.

3. Product Offline Authorization
3.1 Introduction
Acustica Audio products use a protection based into challenge-response authentication system that
need to main steps: computer identification creation and Computer Identification on-line request.
3.2. Computer Identification creation
Run your audio/video host and create a new session (avoid templates). Your Acqua Effect plug-in
should be scanned, detected, and added into the available list of plug-ins. Load your Acqua Ef-
fect plug-in and you will see a message asking for authorization. A computer Intensification file
(AMETH.SER) will be created into your Acustica/Acustica64 or Components folder depend-
ing which format are you using in your audio/video host application.
If your audio/video host refuse to create Acqua Effect plug-in Computer Identification file, try
it again running it as true administrator with administrator privilege. If you don't understand what
we are talking about, please contact your system administrator for more information.
3.3 Computer Identification file path in OS X
- VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica (fixed path)

- VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica64 (fixed path)

- AU plug-in folder 32 and 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)

- AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/(fixed path)

- AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/ (fixed path)

3.4 Computer Identificacion file path in Windows
VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\ (not fixed path)

VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\ (not fixed path)

AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)

AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)

File name: depends on the product or bundle.

Extension: .SER.

3.5 Computer Identification on-line request

Go to Acustica Audio website, Customer Area, Dashboard, Authorize Products. Browse to your
Computer Identification file (AMETH.SER for example) and select to upload. Our Global Key
Generator will create your authorization in three minutes and you will receive an email with your
authorization attached, also Global Key Generator will deposit a copy of your (authorization)
into My Licenses section in your Dashboard as an on-line backup.

4. Authorization Request

Browse to your computer ID file (AMETH.SER) created in Acustica/Acustica64 folder(s),

Components folder, AAX Plug-ins folder, depending which format are you using, and upload it
in Acustica Audio website, Customer Area, Dashboard, Authorize Products.
Our Global Key Generator will create your personal key in three minutes and you will receive
an email with your personal key and also GKG (Global Key Generator) will add a copy of your
license into My Licenses section in your Dasboard as an on-line backup.
IMPORTANT: Try with different browsers if you have any trouble with computer ID file up-
load .
NOTE: Do not try multiple uploads of your computer ID file (AMETH.SER) after each re-
quest, wait at least 3 minutes.

4.1 License installation
After creating your license file, our Global Key Generator will send you an message to your reg-
istered email address with your license file compressed in zip format attached. Decompress your
license file and move to the corresponding path depending the format you might use. Product will
unlock after you move the license file to the correct folder.
4.2 License file path in OS X
VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica (fixed path)
VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica64 (fixed path)
AU plug-in folder 32 and 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/ (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins/(fixed path)

4.3 License file path in Windows

VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\ (not fixed path)
VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\ (not fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path).

File name: depends on the product or bundle.

Extension: .AUT.
Note: our Global Key Generator will deposit a copy of your Computer Identification and of your
License in your Dashboard, My Licenses section as an on-line backup.
4.4 Installations paths
4.4.1 OS X paths:
VST plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica (fixed path)
VST plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/VST/Acustica64 (fixed path)
AU plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)
AU plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Audio/Plug-ins/Components (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: OSX HD/Library/Application Support/Avid/Audio/Plug-ins (fixed path)

4.4.2 Windows paths:

VST plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica\ (recommended path)
VST plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\VSTPlug-ins\Acustica64\ (recommended path)
AAX plug-in folder 32 bits: C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)
AAX plug-in folder 64 bits: C:\Program Files\Common Files\Avid\Audio\Plug-Ins\ (fixed path)

It also recommend
- Do not resume downloads.
- Disable any anti-virus and/or anti-malware.
- Disable OSX gatekeeper.
- Disable Windows smart screen.

5. Product Online Authorization: AQUARIUS

Aquarius Lite is a brand new application from Acustica Audio. Its purpose is to simplify author-
ization process for your purchased Acustica products (ACQUA plugins, N4 etc.). With future
updates, this application will be covering product overview, download, installation, authorization,
updates and more.
Aquarius Lite runs on Windows as 32 bit (64 bit optional) and OSX 64 bit application. You will
need a working internet connection in order to run the application.
Off-line mode is not available yet.
Current version of the application offers an overview and (re)authorization of the purchased
Acustica products installed on your computer(s).
Important note: Because this application needs access to system protected folders, you should
always run it as administrator on Windows (mouse right-click on the icon / Run as administra-
tor). On OSX you'll be prompted to enter your OSX user password for every operation which
involves system protected folders.
When started, application will scan your computer for installed products (see "Settings" chapter
for additional explanation about scanning process).
Each product strip consists of:
- image
- name and category
- information about used / available licenses
- colored info button
- action button
As image, name and category are pretty much self explanatory, let's talk more about license infor-
mation and possible actions which can be taken, depending on the situation.
Under the product's name and category you can see the number of used licenses and the total
number of purchased/available licenses. Of course, you can not use more licenses than you own,
you would then need to buy additional licenses. Depending of those two numbers and computers
involved in the authorization process, info and action buttons can have different colors,
labels and functions (they are context sensitive).
Let's first look at the small, colored info button, it is the main sign, which shows the status of
product in question. By clicking on this button, you can see a hint about its status.

So what the different colors mean?

Everything is OK - your product is properly authorized and you don't need to do anything. Still,
the action button on the right (labeled "RE-AUTHORIZE") is available. You should use the
action button only if you experience unexpected problems with the product, despite it is properly

Your existing license slot will be used and used licenses count will NOT increase.
Note, if you've already used all your available licenses, the action button will not be available at
all, in such case, please contact technical support.
Authorize product - product hasn't yet been authorized on this computer and the action button on
the right is labeled "AUTHORIZE". By clicking on the action button, you will authorize product
in question on this particular computer. Note, that new license slot will be used, so used licenses
count WILL increase.
There is one exception, though. If product is already marked as authorized on this computer, but
license file can not be found (corrupted, deleted), clicking on the action button will fix this situ-
ation using existing license slot (used licenses count will NOT increase).
Contact technical support - no further action is possible (action button is not available).
When clicking on the icon at the top right corner of the program, a pop-up menu will show.
Menu contains following options:
- Logout (will disconnect you from the server and the log in window will pop up again)
- Settings (settings window will pop up, see bellow)
- Exit (application will terminate)
You can click on the Aquarius image at the top left to force a re-scan of the products and refresh
the product strips.

Settings window contains two main sections. The upper section shows factory defined plugin
paths. All standard paths are covered, so if you've installed your plug-ins in standard places, they
all will be found at the scan process. Factory list can not be changed.
In case you have some or all of your plugins installed in non-standard folders, you can use the bot-
tom section. There you can add additional folders, which will then be included in product scanning
stage as well.


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