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T&T Abridged Rules

The Tunnels & Trolls solitaire games provide the because these numbers could change later. Repeat the
means for you to play the part of an adventurous hero roll for each attribute listed.
in mystical, magical times. Such an adventurer seeks STRENGTH (ST) is the ability to exert force –
wealth, fame and glory in ancient citadels filled with lifting, shoving, etc. Strength limits your choice of
monsters and treasures galore. To play this game, you weapons and tells you how much you can carry. If ST
will need some rough paper, a pencil or pen, and a ever falls to 0 or below your character is dead.
number of six-sided dice (at least three). You might find INTELLIGENCE (IQ) measures a character's ability
index cards useful, and there may be occasions where to reason, solve problems, and remember.
you are asked to use an ordinary deck of cards. LUCK (LK) measures how blind chance works for
or against your character. Luck affects combat results,
Contents and is usually the attribute affecting “Saving Rolls”
(explained in its own section).
CONSTITUTION (CON) measures a character's
health. Combat damage is subtracted from
Constitution. If CON reaches 0, the character is dead.
DEXTERITY (DEX) refers to both manual dexterity
and physical agility. Marksmanship is defined by
CHARISMA (CHR) measures personal
attractiveness and leadership ability. It is not just a
measure of good looks, but most often it is treated as
SPEED (SPD) is how fleet of foot and how
responsive a character is. Speed is the only thing
standing between many adventurers and the monsters
pursuing them.
WEIGHT POSSIBLE is 100 times Strength. It
CREATING YOUR ADVENTURER measures how many “weight units” a character can
Each adventurer is defined by “Prime Attributes”: haul around. (If Mantaro the Inimitable has a ST of 15,
Strength, Intelligence, Luck, Constitution, Dexterity, he can carry 1500 weight units.) Ten weight units weigh
Charisma, and Speed. They define the character's one pound.
basic innate abilities. Other details, like the character's
name, sex, hair and eye colour, kindred, character type,
round a character out, but the “Prime Attributes” are the
The next thing you'll want to decide is whether or not
factors that make the game work.
you want your character to be a human or to be one of
Roll three six-sided dice, add up the scores and
the other ancient races which inhabit this magical
write them next to the prime attributes: use pencil
world. It is recommended that you start out with a
T&T Abridged Rules
human, but especially in some of the more difficult adventuring. Wizards can use a magic staff to reserve
adventures, you may want to create a character from their energies while casting magic.
one of the tougher kindreds until you develop a more Because wizards spent their youth learning magic,
experienced human. The Peters-McAllister Chart For they are inept at using weapons. Only small weapons
Creating Man-like Characters, below, creates some of like daggers, and appropriate weapons like
the other humanoid kindred. quarterstaves may be used by wizards. Wizards do get
IQ and DEX × 3/2, CHR × 2, CON × 2/3. combat adds, the same as any other character type,
All other attributes × 1. and may wear what Armor they choose although they
ST and CON × 2, CHR × 2/3. All other get only the Armor's listed value in protection. If IQ is
DWARVES greater than either ST or LK, the character could make
attributes × 1.
ST × ½, CON × 2, DEX × 3/2. All other a good wizard. Don't forget a wizard must have an IQ of
HOBBITS 10 or more, and a DEX of 8 or more to begin with.
attributes × 1.
As you can see, no single race is unconditionally better There are two other character types: rogues and
than any other race. Humans are often the best all- wizard warriors (they can be found in the full Tunnels &
round choice, and there is never any question about Trolls Rule Book).
whether they are the kind of adventurer accepted into a
You have determined virtually everything about your
CHARACTER TYPES character. Now it is time to buy the provisions and
The final decision needed to create your character is equipment the character will need on his or her
what kind of background and training he or she has adventures.
had. This background determines how the character Characters probably have a few possessions
makes a living and a great deal more. A character must before that first big adventure, but nothing really
fall within one of the two categories listed below. Each suitable for a serious adventurer. A character scrapes
category has advantages and disadvantages, strengths up all the money possible and starts from scratch. To
and weaknesses. Read through them all, and then determine the number of gold coins your character
decide. (A recommendation: if this is the first time you starts out with, roll 3 dice and multiply the result by 10
have played T & T, try a human warrior to begin with.) (you will get between 30 and 180 gold pieces,
WARRIOR: A warrior understands force first, abbreviated g.p.). Some things in the equipment lists
subtlety last. Warriors are trained in using weapons and you will not be able to purchase immediately, but after
Armor to their best advantage, and get twice the normal even one adventure, the character may be able to
listed protection from Armor and shields they use. purchase more and better equipment with the rewards
While warriors can use most magical artifacts they find, of success.
warriors cannot cast any magic (like being colour-blind, The basic unit of exchange is the gold piece, a
it is simply beyond their abilities). If a character's ST is simple gold coin. Prices are all listed in gold pieces.
greater than his IQ or LK, that character could make a There are also silver and copper coins. One gold piece
good warrior. = 10 silver pieces (s.p.) = 100 copper pieces (c.p.).
WIZARD: Wizards (also called magicians, mages, Every coin, regardless of value, weighs 1 weight unit.
magic-users, and sorcerers) are those individuals that This makes the basic unit of weight also equal to a gold
had the innate ability and received the training to piece. Most jewels weigh no more than 1 g.p. (and
control the psi-forces that power the arcane world of most less), although large objects like jade statues
magic. Only youngsters with a reasonably good have no standard weight.
Intelligence (IQ of 10 or better) and decent Dexterity
(DEX of 8 or better) will be trained by the elder wizards
of the all-pervasive Wizard's Guild. All the Level 1
spells (detailed later) are the basic heritage of wizard
characters. Spells beyond that level must be purchased
from the Wizard's Guild or discovered while
T&T Abridged Rules

WEAPONS Dice + Adds ST req DEX req Cost Weight Range

*Great Sword 6+0 21 18 120 170
Broadsword 3+4 15 10 70 120
Short Sword 3+0 7 3 35 30
Falchion 4+4 12 13 75 110
Scimitar 4+0 10 11 60 100
Rapier 3+4 10 14 80 20
*Doublebitted Axe 6+3 21 10 140 220
*Heavy Mace 5+2 17 3 120 200
Bludgeon 3+0 5 2 15 50
*Quarterstaff 2+0 2 8 10 50
Baton - weighted stick 2+0 2 1 10 20
Trident 4+3 10 10 60 75 10 yds.
Common Spear 3+1 8 8 22 50 40 yds.
Sax (dagger) 2+5 7 10 30 25
Haladie (dagger) 2+4 2 4 25 10
Dirk 2+1 1 4 18 16
to throw 10 10 yds.
*Crossbow 5+0 15 10 250 180 100 yds.
*Medium Longbow 4+3 15 15 100 60 140 yds.
*Very light bow 2+0 9 15 50 30 60 yds.
Sheaf of 24 arrows 40 10
Curare (poison): 3 applications 100 1
Curare doubles effectiveness of any edged weapon than 2 dice (but any number of adds) in the Dice +
before combat adds computed. One application lasts 3 Adds column.
combat rounds only. The column labeled “Range” states the maximum
All weapons have ST and DEX requirements. A range for the weapon in missile combat. If there is no
character must meet these required minimums to use listing, the weapon may not be used as a missile.
the weapon. The “Weight” of a weapon is given in Further discussion of missile combat follows.
weight units – remember Weight Carried. Keep track of An asterisk (*) indicates a weapon that requires two
the weight of purchases and the weight of any money hands for proper use. No second weapon or shield may
the character carries. be used unless the character has more than two hands.
The column of “Dice + Adds” pertains to the Two weapons without asterisks may be used
weapons' combat effectiveness. The greater the simultaneously IF the user has the ST and DEX
numbers in these categories, the more deadly the requirements for BOTH weapons (e.g. to fight with a
weapon is. Specifics are discussed under “Conducting dirk in each hand requires a minimum ST of 2 and a
Combat”. Wizards may not use weapons with more DEX of 8).


Warm dry clothing and pack 5 10
Provisions for 1 day (food, drink, "matches") 10 20
Ordinary torch (lasts 10 turns) 1 s.p. 10
Hemp rope 1 s.p./ft. 5/ft.
Calf-high boots 10 40
Ordinary magic staff (may double as quarterstaff. If so, weight is 50.) 100 30
T&T Abridged Rules

ARMOR needed 5) requires a minimum ST of 17. However the

Armor lasts as long as it is being worn unless “ST needed” of the character's weapon is not added to
something is specifically stated to destroy it. Armor and this total; for example, in the case above the character
shields can take “hits” (damage in combat) every time would be able to carry any weapon to a maximum “ST
they are hit, protecting the wearer. The total “ST needed” of 17 in addition to his Armor and shield. Note
needed” of a character's Armor and shield must never that one cannot add to the “complete” suits of Armor –
exceed their personal ST. i.e. a person wearing mail the arming doublet and steel cap are for those who
(ST needed 12) and carrying a target shield (ST cannot afford complete Armor.
Hits taken ST needed Cost Weight
Complete mail (complete body, helm, gauntlets) 11 12 300 1200
Complete leather (complete body, helm, gauntlets) 6 2 50 200
Arming doublet 3 1 40 75
Steel cap 1 1 10 25
Target shield 4 5 35 300

COMBAT Your opponents will fight back, of course. Some

You know you'll probably get into a fight when fight the way you do, with weapons and adds. When
adventuring. But how good a fighter are you? The you have to fight such an opponent, you will be told the
attributes listed above tell you. The ones important in weapon(s) being used, the CON and personal adds of
fighting are ST, LK, and DEX (strength, luck and your foes, and if they are wearing any Armor.
dexterity). If you are better than average in any of those However, most monsters have a Monster Rating
attributes, you're a better fighter – you hit harder, (MR). This number reflects how well the monster fights.
control your weapon better, or are just more apt to get a When you're told a monster's MR, check this chart to
lucky shot. Since “average” is between 9 and 12, for see how many dice it gets:
each point above 12 in your ST, LK or DEX, you get 1 Monster Rating Number of Dice
point added to your “Personal Adds”. 1-9 1
If any of those attributes is below 9, you must 10-19 2
subtract 1 point from you personal adds for each point 20-29 3
any one of the three attributes is less than 9. 30-39 4
Every weapon gets a certain number of dice to etc. etc.
represent the amount of damage it can do. That plus
your personal adds reflects how well you fight. An easy way to find out how many dice a monster gets
When you get into combat, decide what weapon is to divide the Monster Rating by 10 (discarding any
you'll use. In the adventure itself, your options may be remainder), and add 1. At places in the game, you will
dictated by circumstances found there – follow those have to determine what the Monster Rating is,
instructions. If you have your own weapons available, according to the directions given in the text, before
you can use them. The shortsword gets 3 dice, and the determining the number of dice a monster gets. Simply
dagger gets 2 dice plus 5 extra “adds”. You can sue follow the instructions in the text.
both at once if you wish. Monsters also get “adds” like your personal adds:
When you enter combat, start by rolling the dice for that number is one-half its Monster Rating, rounded up.
your weapon (3 dice for the sword, 2 for the dagger). When a monster fights, you roll the number of dice
Add the pips showing (let's say you get 18 for them indicated on the chart. Add up the spots showing, then
both together). Add the weapon's extra adds, if any (the add the monster's adds. The result is the monster's hit
dagger gets 5, the sword, 0). Add all that to your point total. If you foe fights the way you do, roll dice for
personal adds. (If you have 33 personal adds, your total his weapon and add the weapon and personal adds
would be 56.) That result is your hit point total, and it noted to get your enemy's hit point total.
represents your part in a single round of fighting.
T&T Abridged Rules
After you get your hit point total, and your foe's hit You may have to fight several opponents at once. If
point total, compare the two numbers. The side that so, add together all the monsters' hit point totals before
had the higher number hurt the side that had the lower comparing the grand total with your hit point total.
number. The difference between the two numbers Follow this chart to conduct simple combat:
indicates how badly the loser was hurt.
• Pick your weapon(s).
• Roll the dice indicated, adding the pips: ___________
• Add weapon adds, if any: ___________
• Add your personal adds: ___________
This is your hit point total: ___________
• Does your foe have a Monster Rating or weapons? ___________
• Roll the dice for its MR or weapon, and total: ___________
• Add foe's weapon adds, if any: ___________
• Add half its current MR or its personal adds: ___________
This is the monster's hit point total: ___________
• Subtract the smaller hit point total from the larger hit point total. The result is the possible damage.
• If you had the larger number, then:
o Subtract the value of any Armor worn by your foe(s).
o Subtract the damage from your foe's MR or CON.
o If the result is 0 or below, the monster is dead.
o If not, use the result as the new MR or CON and continue fighting.
• If the monster had the larger number, then:
o Subtract 12 points from the damage for your leather Armor, if you're wearing it (it protects you
every turn as long as you wear it).
o Subtract any remaining damage from your CON number. That's an actual wound; you're bleeding.
o If your CON drops to 0 or below, you're dead. Sorry!
o If you aren't dead, fight again or run away!

If you face Armored opponents (and you might), you This is your "To hit" number.
will be told how many points their Armor is worth, and • Roll 2 dice
whether they are warriors. If they are warriors, you • If the result is a 1 and a 2, or a 1 and a 3, you have
have to double the listed protection value, according to automatically missed the saving roll.
what's written in the game text. • If there are no doubles, just add the pips.
o If the result of the dice roll is equal to or greater
SAVING ROLLS than your "To hit" number (from above), then you made
When the text of the game instructs you to “make a the saving roll. If not you missed the roll.
saving roll”, you use 2 dice to check your abilities • If the result is doubles (any pair from two 1's to two
against the hand of fate. The text will tell you on what 6's), add the pips, pick up the dice, and roll again. Keep
attribute to make the roll and at what level to make the rolling and adding as long as you roll doubles
roll. Once you know the level of the saving roll to be consecutively. When you throw the dice and do NOT
made, follow the chart below: get doubles, make a grand total for the dice throws.
• Note what number currently represents the attribute o If the grand total is equal to or greater than the “To
on which the roll is to be made. hit” number you found above, then you made the
• Subtract the attribute number from 20 (for level 1 saving roll. If not, then you missed it.
roll), from 25 (Level 2 roll), from 30 (Level 3 roll), from The text will tell you what to do if you make or miss a
35 (Level 4), or 40 (Level 5). particular saving roll, but generally it's a lot better to
• If the result is less than 5, make it equal to 5. make it than to miss!
T&T Abridged Rules

MISSILE WEAPONS AND COMBAT Wizards may reduce the cost of spell casting by
When a foe is big and nasty it is often best to try to kill it using a magic staff or by gaining experience. A magic
at a distance. Missile weapons, when they hit the staff reduces the cost of casting spell by the same
target, can be devastating because the damage done is number as the level of the magic-user. Thus, a first
intercepted by Armor alone, the target's Hit Point Total Level wizard using a staff may cast any first level spell
is not subtracted from the damage you have done. An for one less ST point than that listed.
arrow a day will keep the monsters away. As a wizard survives his adventures, he or she
Hitting the target is the trick. The archer must make becomes more experienced and goes up in levels.
a DEX saving roll, with the chart below providing the However, the magician will still wish to use lower level
“To hit” number. Pick the closest target size, cross spells. Because of his greater experience, a higher
reference with range and let fly! level mage casts a lower level spell for 1 ST point less
Far for each level that spell is below the caster's level. (A
Near Extreme third level magic-user subtracts 2 from the cost of a first
Pointblank 51-
Target Size 6-50 101 + level spell.)
0-5 yards 100
yds yds These reductions can be combined. A third level
Dragon 20 25 30 35 magic-user with a magic staff subtracts three points,
Troll/man 25 35 45 55 and the magician's own proficiency (being higher level
Hobbit/child 30 45 60 75 than the spell being cast) subtracts two.
Rabbit/rat 35 55 75 95 No reduction permits any spell to be cast for less
Coin 40 65 90 115 than 1 point. All spells cost a minimum of 1 ST point to
cast - there must be something to get the spell started.
There is one more thing that needs to be adjusted (The spell Detect Magic is an exception which only
when using missile weapons. A character gets to add requires that the wizard concentrate on detection.)
his DEX personal adds in again. This reflects how Strength expended in spell casting is not lost
important DEX is in missile combat. If your character forever. The magic-user replenishes lost Strength at the
has 2 adds from his DEX, for the purpose of missile rate of 1 ST point per full turn (about 10 minutes). In
combat he has 4 adds. If he has -2 adds he will, these solitaires, magicians regain ST at 1 point per
unfortunately, have -4 for missile combat. numbered paragraph unless instructed otherwise.
The last detail is this. Just as the target gets no Magic-users can cast only one spell per combat
combat roll against your arrow, if you don't kill the round, and may not fight with weapons during that
target, and it is close enough to attack you in the round same round. If a wizard is in close combat and chooses
you shot it, you will not get a combat roll. So soften to cast a spell such as a Vorpal Blade, he will have to
them up with arrows at long range, then fight hard with take the full brunt of his opponent's Hit Point Total
a sword or spear if they get close. because, while casting magic, the mage will have
generated no Hit Point Total of his own. Combat spells
such as Take That, You Fiend and Blasting Power do
create a Hit Point Total. Other spells, such as Oh-Go-
Wizardly characters use magic in combat and in more
Away, divert the foe so no comparison Hit Point Totals
ordinary situations. In this game, magic is envisioned
is needed (if the spell is successful). A careful reading
as a psi-based conjuration or creation powered by the
of the spell available should clarify your options.
magician's inner strength. A magician's Strength is
All wizards start with all the Level 1 spells. A mage
depleted when he or she casts magic. This cost is listed
may only buy more from the Wizards Guild, and only
following the spell name in The Spell Book in
after attaining the appropriate level himself.
T&T Abridged Rules


LEVEL 1: Requires minimum IQ 10, DEX 8. All beginning wizards know all these spells.
Detect Magic
Detects good and bad magic.
Lock Tight (1) Locks any door for 3 turns.
Knock Knock
Unlocks locked doors.
Lights up finger or staff in lieu of a torch. About 1 candlepower. Lasts 1 turn.
Oh There It Is Usually detects concealed or invisible things or doors by surrounding them with a purple glow that
(4) slowly fades.
Take That, Uses IQ as weapon, inflicting hits equal to caster's IQ. Must be directed at an individual foe. No effect
You Fiend (6) on inanimate objects.
Vorpal Blade
Doubles die roll for swords or daggers for one subsequent combat round.
Combines total of caster's IQ, LK and CHR to drive away foes with a lower Monster Rating or
equivalent attribute total. If spell fails, monster chases magic-user to the exclusion of his or her

LEVEL 2: Requires minimum IQ 12, DEX 9. Each spell costs 500 g.p. (payable to the Wizards' Guild).
Omnipotent Eye
Provides more information about nature and/or level of magic on persons/objects.
Makes user and his companions invisible for 3 turns. (Note: some solos treat this as a Level 1
Hidey Hole (10)
Cateyes (6) Allows one to see in the dark for 3 turns.
Impedes movement/travel of victim by ½ for 1 turn. In combat this means you get 2 combat rounds
Glue-You (8)
to opponent's one.
Little Feets (8) Rapid travel; doubles speed for 1 turn. In combat you get 2 rounds to opponent's 1.
Mirage (8) Projects visual, non-auditory image as hallucination. Destroyed by physical contact.
Poor Baby (2 ST/1
Magical healing of wounds or injuries. Cannot raise CON above original level.
Whammy (10) Triples die roll for any weapon for 1 subsequent combat round.
Changes belt or staff into small poisonous serpent with MR not greater than caster's CHR. Cannot
Magic Fangs
"communicate" with mage but will obey commands. Lasts as long as mage puts ST into it at time
(1/combat round)
of creation. Does not work on twigs or torches.

LEVEL 3: Requires minimum IQ 14, DEX 10. Cost 1000 g.p. each.
Curses Foiled
Removes evil spells and curses of lower orders.
Slush Yuck Converts rock to mud/quicksand for 2 turns, up to 1000 cubic feet. Caster may dictate dimensions as
(15) desired, but shape must be a regular geometric solid.
Rock-a-Bye Puts monsters/foes to sleep for 1-6 turns (roll 1 die to determine) if caster's ST, IQ, and CHR total
(11) exceed MR (or foe's ST, IQ and CHR total if rated).
Dis-Spell (11) Negates magic of same or lower orders.
Blasting Power Throws bolt/fountain of fire at foes. This blast gets same number of dice as user's level number, plus
(8) caster's combat adds.
Freeze Pleeze Throws sheet of ice at foes. Blast gets same number of dice as user's level number, plus caster's
T&T Abridged Rules

(8) combat adds.

Fly Me (7) Allows user to fly (running speed) 1 turn.
Cures any kind of disease.
Feeling (14)

LEVEL 4: Requires minimum IQ 16, DEX 11. Cost 1500 g.p. each.
Cures the effect of any poison and nullifies further effects. Does not heal the wound from
Too-Bad Toxin (7)
weapon/fang that delivered the poison.
Allows one to transport oneself (only) up to 50' in direction of choice without crossing
Wink-wing (14)
intervening space.
Smog (11) Projects cloud of poison gas at goes. If foes breathe, they lose half power or more.
Dum-Dum (8) Reduces foe's IQ to 3 or, if spell fails for any reason, reduces caster's IQ to 3.
Doubles one Prime Attribute for up to 5 turns. When spell wears off, attribute is halved for same
Double-double (18)
number of turns.
Protective Pentagram
Raises a protective barrier 3' in diameter for 2 turns. No weapons or spells penetrate (in or out).
Upsidaisy (9) Permits caster to levitate and move objects or beings up to caster's own weight for 1 full turn.

LEVEL 5: Requires minimum IQ 18, DEX 12. Cost 2000 g.p. each.
Causes mental confusion; the victim cannot attack or defend. Lasts 3 turns. Can affect any number
Mind Pox (39)
of beings up to level of caster.
Dear God (30) Allows one to ask 3 yes-or-not questions of the Game Master, to be answered truthfully.
ESP (20) Detects true intent of man or monster.
Second Sight
Allows one to distinguish beween illusion and reality for 1 turn.
Breaker Causes any weapon or Armor to become so brittle it will shatter at the first impact. Any magic on that
Breaker (35) weapon or Armor will make it immune to the spell.

LEVEL 6: Requires minimum IQ 20, DEX 13. Cost 2500 g.p. each.
Wall of Fire Puts a sheet of flame up between caster and foes. Will deliver caster's IQ times his level to anyone
(26) walking through the wall, unless the person is immune to fire.
Wall of Ice
Places a wall of ice between caster and foes. Will take caster's IQ times his level in hits to breech.
Wall of Puts a wall of thorns up between caster and foe. It can be cut or burned down, but anyone walking
Thorns (14) through it must make a LK saving roll at the caster's level to avoid falling asleep for 1-6 days.
Wall of
Places an impassable wall of stone up between caster and foes. Must be chopped through to avoid.
Stone (20)
Wall of Iron
Places a wall of iron between caster and foes. Impassable unless one can melt or warp iron.
All the walls are immobile and appear within reach of the caster. The walls must be a rectangle or square and cannot
exceed 1000 cubic feet. If not dispelled or destroyed it will vanish after a day.

LEVEL 7: Requires minimum IQ 22, DEX 14. Cost 3000 g.p. each.
Zappathingum (24) Enchants any weapon to 3 times normal effectiveness. Lasts 1-6 hours.

LEVEL 8: Requires minimum IQ 24, DEX 15. Cost 3500 g.p. each.
Zapparmor (30) Enchants any Armor or shield to 3 times normal protection. Lasts 1-6 hours.
T&T Abridged Rules

Zombie Zonk Creates zombies from corpses by doubling their ST and CON or MR. Lasts for 5 turns (50 minutes).
(36) The zombies die if their master dies.

LEVEL 9: Requires minimum IQ 26, DEX 16. Cost 4000 g.p. each.
Medusa (30) Turns flesh to unliving stone.
Death Spell 9 (40) Kills the target if it cannot make a 9th level luck saving roll.

LEVEL 10: Requires minimum IQ 29, DEX 17. Cost 4500 g.p. each.
Hellbomb Bursts (36) Disintegrates up to 100 cubic feet of anything.

LEVEL 11: Requires minimum IQ 30, DEX 18. Cost 5000 g.p. each.
Bigger is Better Enlarges any creature. Roll one die and add one. Use that number to multiply the MR or and CON of
(33) the creature. The effect lasts for one day.

There are other spells available to the wizards of the GM (Game Master) will state what the award is. The
world, but those listed above will allow you to work minimum a.p.'s for any adventure in the solos will be
through the solo adventures the best. For other spells 100 a.p.'s unless otherwise stated in the solo.
and more detailed descriptions of the spells above, All characters start at 1st level and, as they collect
check the Tunnels & Trolls Rule Book. a.p.'s, progress up in levels. Below are the totals of
a.p.'s needed to reach the first 11 levels:
TIME Level XP to Reach
Regular turns in Tunnels & Trolls, non-combat 1 0
paragraphs in the solo adventures, are 10 minutes in 2 1,000
length. Combat rounds are 2 minutes in length. Wizards 3 3,000
recover one Strength point per 10 minutes, and may 4 7,000
cast one spell per Combat Round. It is easy for a 5 15,000
wizard to tire himself out very quickly. Warriors may 6 25,000
attack once, either hand to hand or with missile 7 45,000
weapons, per combat round. Damage to a character's 8 70,000
CON is recovered at one point per day unless magic is 9 100,000
used to speed the healing process. 10 140,000
11 200,000
Unlike other solo adventures, Tunnels & Trolls allows Points needed to reach these levels are cumulative
characters to grow and pass from one adventure to Once a character has garnered enough points to
another. To do that characters earn experience points, pass up to a new level he can modify one of his "prime
also known as adventure points. Adventure points are attributes". Below are the options he may use to modify
earned for the following: his attributes.
COMBAT: points equal to the MR or totalled IQ, Add the new level number to either ST or CON, or
CON and of the vanquished foe. A.
½ of level number to both.
SAVING ROLLS: points equal to the dice roll times Add ½ the number to IQ or DEX or CHR
the level of the roll. (A 2nd level roll where the dice B.
(exclusive, not inclusive).
yielded a total of 14 would give the character 28 a.p.'s). Add 2× the number to Luck. All fractions round
CASTING MAGIC: points equal to the actual C.
strength used in spell casting.
GM AWARDS: Successfully completing a mission By upping the attributes, through encounters in the solo
or achieving a similar feat will be worth points and the adventures and level raises, your character will have a
T&T Abridged Rules
whole host of spells and weapons made available to 2: Emerald (base value 18 gold pieces)
him. Money will allow him to buy Armor or those 3: Sapphire (base value 16 gold pieces
weapons and spells, making him better able to face the 4: Pearl (base value 14 gold pieces)
trials and tribulations of the solo adventures. Your 5: Topaz (base value 5 gold pieces)
characters can pass from one solo to the next, earning 6: Aquamarine (base value 11 gold pieces)
titles and treasure in a never ending heroic career. 7: Amethyst (base value 6 gold pieces)
8: Opal (base value 8 gold pieces)
A Short Table to Randomly Generate Treasure 9: Garnet (base value 4 gold pieces)
(abridged from the T & T Rule Book) 10: Jade (base value 12 gold pieces)
When you are told to roll on the jewel generation table, 11: Ruby (base value 15 gold pieces)
start by rolling 1 die to find out how big it is: 12: Diamond (base value 17 gold pieces)
1 or 2: small (5× base value; 1 weight unit)
3 or 4: average (10× base value; 2 weight units) Multiply the gem's base value by its size multiplier to
5 or 6: large (20× base value; 4 weight units) get the jewel's value, the number of gold pieces it is
To find out what kind of gem it is, roll 2 dice:

The rules above are condensed from the Tunnels & Trolls Rule Book. The Rule Book itself contains more weapons,
spells, character types, character races and other details that will enhance your play. We hope you will enjoy the
coming adventures, and we look forward to entertaining your character through the rest of the series.

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