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Prepared by: Meriam M. Quinto

I. Objectives;

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to;

a. define what is sepak takraw;

b. demonstrate the basic skills in sepak takraw; and

c. value the importance of sport sepak takraw

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: The 7 skills in epak takraw

b. Reference:

c. Materials Concept: PowerPoint presentation, video presentation, Laptop

d. Skill: To perform each basic skills in a correct and safe manner

e. Values: Appreciation for and Acceptance of one’s physical ability

f. Time allotment: 1 hour

g. Methods: Demonstrative methods & Discussion

III. Procedure/ Learning activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activity

“Good morning class” “Good morning ma’am”

“Who wants to lead the prayer? ( A volunteer from the class leads
Any volunteer from the class?” the prayer)

“Please be seated, and let me

check your attendance first
before we go to our topic.”

“Class who is absent today?” “ Only Christian is absent ma’am”

b. Review

“So class do you still remember “Yes ma’am”

what our topic yesterday?”
“Our topic yesterday is all about
equipments of sepak takraw”.

“What are the equipments of sepak "Ma'am!"

“The equipment used in Sepak Takraw
“Yes Bea”. are mostly comprised of the net and
the hand woven rattan ball. Besides
these two, other equipment such as
playing jersey, shoes and protective
“Very good Bea”. guards are also used.

c. Motivation

“Before we proceed to our lesson,

let us first play a game. The game is
called “Act N’ Guess” are you
familiar with that game?”

"Okay good"
“Yes ma’am”
“Here are the mechanics: In the box
you will pick a paper, and you will
act what inside of the paper, then
your classmates need to guess what
they did. Did you get it?”

“Okay let’s start. I need two

volunteer students to act on what is “Yes ma’am! We get it”
written on the paper. And for the
rest, all you have to do is guess what
they are doing okay?".

"Who wants to volunteer?"

"Yes Bea and Vincent, go here to the



(The game ended happily)

Answer:Kicking, Jumping, Running,

Balancing, Catching.
D. Lesson Proper

“What can you say about the “I think the activity shows an
activity? Yes Alex” example of basic skills ma’am”.

“Good idea Alex”.

"Now that you have mentioned the basic skills
that related to our lesson we will proceed to our
next topic."

"Can anyone read what is sepak takraw?”

“Yes Layla. “Ma’am!”

“Very Good Layla”

“Sepak takraw or kick volleyball,
is a sport native to Southeast
Asia. Sepak takraw differs from
the similar sport of foovolley in it
“Now I will discuss the 7 skills of sepak takraw
use of a rattan ball and only
and after I discuss one skill I will play the video so
allowing players to use their feet,
you can see how to do it okay?”
knee and head to touch the ball”.

“The first skill is inside kick.”

Regarded as the most common and basic kick in
sepak takraw, the inside kick is used for
controlling the ball. This is done with the inside of
the foot, as its name implies. Stand with your feet
apart, and bend your supporting leg a little. Hit
the ball with the inside of your other foot.
"So this is the video how to do the inside kick". “Yes ma’am!”
(Playing the video)
"The next one is outside kick. If there is inside
there is also outside."

Not very commonly used, the outside kick is a

defensive kick that propels the ball upwards. To
execute an outside kick, the outside of your foot
must make contact with the ball as your knee
bends inwards. The entire kicking leg should
make a right angle at the knee, with the calf and ( The all class is listening )
foot pointing outwards.
(Playing the video) So this is how to do the
outside kick.
"Do you follow?"
"The third skill is Knee kick, please read Leo"
(Playing video about knee kick)
"The next skill is Header. What is header, Klea?"

(Playing video about Header)

"Next is Horse kick serve."
A horse kick serve is difficult to accomplish, and
requires a high level of skill and flexibility. The "Yes ma'am"
horse kick actually refers to a high kick; kick as
high as you need the ball to go, and, using your
foot, hit the ball backwards over your shoulder or
(Leo stood up and read)
So this is how to do Horse kick (Playing the video)
The knee kick actually utilises the
thigh - the ball is hit with the part of
The second to the last is Sunback spike
the thigh that is just above your
A sunback spike is similar to the horse kick, but
knee. The stance is reminiscent of
done in a jump. To master this, take off on one
marching, but your knees would
leg and and kick the other up (a scissor kick) while
have to be raised as high as possible.
still in the air. Before finishing the jump-kick, hit
This kick is usually done by players
the ball over your shoulder or head with your
receiving a serve.
other leg.
(Playing video about Sunback spike)
"Can you do that sunback spike?"
"Whoa relax, I'm just asking haha"
"So what is the last one, Freya?
( Klea stood up and read)

Header- Not unlike a football header,

a header spike in sepak takraw
involves the use of the forehead to
make the ball fly, especially when it’s
too high in the air for your kick to
reach it. This technique is used for
both serving and striking.

(Playing video about Roll spike)

"Okay class so this is the 7 skills in sepak takraw. I

hope you learn something about our discussion".

“Do you understand the topic?”

“Very good”
E. Generalization

“Can anyone repeat what are the 7 skills in sepak


"Yes Jessa"

"Very good Jessa"

(The student's shouted) "Nooooooo
"What did you learn? maaaammmmm"

"Yes Bella"

"Very good"
(Freya stood up and read)
"What is the importance of knowing the sport
sepak takraw?" Roll spike- A simple roll spike refers
to jumping on one leg and flipping in
"Yes Janine" the direction that you want your ball
to move, all while remaining
airborne. Using the other foot, kick
the ball over your opposite shoulder.
You should perform the entire spike
while still in the air, only landing
after you have made contact with
"Very good Janine" the ball.

"Yes ma'am"
"Since we're done in our class, I will group you in
a four member and then I will give you twenty
minutes to practice the basic skill in sepak takraw.
And after that you will have a team fight"
V. Assignment
And for your assignment search the history of

"Inside kick, Outside kick, Knee kick,

Header, Horse kick, Sunback spike
and Roll spike ma'am"


"I learned that sepak takraw is a

good sport and its seems very


"It is important to be aware of the

sports that belong to our country
because sepak takraw is one of the
sport here in Philippines. And it is
important to know how to play the
sport sepak takraw."
"Yes ma'am"

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