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A Thesis Outline submitted to the faculty of the College of Agriculture

Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree


(Animal Science)

CA Research Form 2
Thesis Outline



T. ARRIOLA, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF
SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE, major in Animal Science is hereby recommended for



Adviser Research Critic
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Statistician Department Chairman
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College Research Coordinator

Accepted as partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree BACHELOR OF

SCIENCE IN AGRICULTURE, major in Animal Science.



College Dean


Research Index Contribution No.______________ _______________________
Date__________________ Research MIS Coordinator

Background of the study

The gut is a basic organ system in chickens that performs two equally vital functions:

digesting and host defense. A tighter gut means a healthier bird and higher performance. This

is because the dynamic balance of the gut environment is important with a tighter gut. A

variety of factors, including diets and infectious disease agents, appear to alter this

equilibrium, and thus the health and production performance of chickens (Poultry biosecurity,


Continuous and long-term use of antibiotics for control diseases in poultry production

may lead to the presence of these compounds in poultry meat products. Since 1997, the World

Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) have paid

much attention to the potential risks of the addition of antibiotics stimulating growth in

livestock and poultry diets. Thus, use of antibiotic in specifically in Europe was banned from

2006 (Chaves et al. 2008). Therefore, it has become necessary to develop antibiotic

alternatives by using either beneficial microorganisms (probiotics) or other ingredients that

enhance microbial growth which has led to the application of non-antibiotics substances.

Subsequently, studies indicated that addition of organic acid to the drinking water in

broiler chickens helps to reduce the level of pathogens in the water and the crop or

proventriculus, to regulate gut microflora, to increase the digestion of feed and to improve

growth performance (Khan and Iqbal, 2016).

The use of probiotic and acidifier together could be more beneficial than the use of

those alone. Hence, this present study will be carried out to evaluate the effects of vinegar as
a native and inexpensive acidifier with easy access combined with probiotic on broiler

chicken performance.

Antibiotic has been used as feed additive to improve growth performance and control

disease in animals. However, the continued Antibiotic has been used as feed additive to

improve growth performance and control disease in animals. However, the continued since

very few investigations on the fermentation of broiler feed with probiotic have been done,

therefore, the present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of fermented feed and

fermented feed with probiotic on the broiler production performance, as well as the intestinal

morphology and histology.

Significance of the Study

Many factors are considered to have some positive effects on the growth performance

of broilers. The increased weight in meat of birds is considered to be the main objective of

every poultry raiser in order to have profitable production. The growth of broilers is enhanced

through vitamins, minerals, and antibiotic supplementation. The use of antibiotics in broilers

as “growth promoters” has been criticized due to its possible role in the occurrence of

antimicrobial resistance in humans (Siaboc, 2018). This calls for growing broilers by

supplementing with apple cider vinegar and probiotics in drinking water.

This study aimed to evaluate the performance attributes of broiler chickens

supplemented with different levels of apple cider vinegar and probiotics in drinking water.

Apple cider vinegar has been reported to increase microbial activities in gastrointestinal

tracts, better absorption of nutrients and hasten manure decomposition when sprayed to

animal beddings which have been also cited as a good source of protein, vitamins and

This would benefit the smallholder farmers or backyard poultry raisers to minimize

the production cost for commercial growth promoters for broilers and use a cheaper

alternative source for their production.

Objective of the study

General objective

The study will determine the production performance of broiler chickens with

different levels of apple cider as a probiotic in the drinking water.

Specific Objectives

The study will attempt to:

• Determine the effects of apple cider on the growth performance of broiler


• Determine the slaughter and carcass yields; and

• Determine economic return of using apple cider as local probiotic in the drinking

water of broiler chickens.

Time and place of the study

The study will be conducted from February 13, 2022 – March 20, 2022 at the

residence of the researcher in Barangay Balete, Diadi Nueva Vizcaya.

The scope and limitation of the study

The study will focus on the production performance of broiler chickens as affected by

the different levels of apple cider vinegar as a probiotic in the drinking water.
Operational definition of terms

Broiler. This refers to young chickens of either sex that reach their marketable Weight 0f

1.8 to than 2kilos with 28-35 days.

Brooding. This pertains to the provision of artificial heat to the chicks with the use of

electricity that will last for about two weeks

Fermentation. This refers to a food processing of converting carbohydrate to Organic acids

with the aid of microorganism under anerobic conditions

Microorganism. These refer to microscopic organisms that exist as unicellular, or cell

clusters. They are widespread in nature and are beneficial to life, but some can cause serious


Nutraceutical. This refers to some food or food ingredients that modulates the gut

microbiota and immune system which could be beneficial for livestock and poultry


Probiotics. These refer to single or mixed culture of living microorganisms which when

administered in adequate numbers exert health benefits for the host by improving the host

intestinal microbial balance.

Apple cider vinegar. Refers to the fermented juice from crushed apples then squeezing out

the juice. Bacteria and yeast are added to the liquid to start fermentation It contains acetic

Acid and nutrients such us B vitamins and vitamin C.



Probiotics are single or mixed culture of living microorganisms which when

administrated in adequate numbers exert health benefits for the host by improving the host

intestinal microbial balance, enhancing of colonization resistance against pathogens and

improving the immune responses (Kabir, 2009). The species of microorganisms currently

being used in probiotic Lactobacillus lactis, Enterococcus faecium, Enterococcus faecalis,

Bifidobacterium spp., are the most common type of bacteria used as probiotics (Khaksefidi

and Rahimi, 2005).

The definite mechanism through which probiotics may improve the defense and

performance of chickens remains unclear, but some possible mode of actions have been

proposed: (1) maintaining a healthy balance of bacteria in the gut by competitive exclusion

(the process by which beneficial bacteria exclude potential pathogenic bacteria through

competition for attachment site in the intestine and nutrients) and antagonism (inhibit the

growth of pathogenic bacteria by producing for example lactic acids), (2) promoting the gut

maturation and integrity, (3) modulating the immune system and preventing inflammation (4)

improving the metabolism by increasing digestive enzyme activity and decreasing bacterial

enzyme activity and ammonia production, (5) improving feed intake and digestion (as a result
from the improved microbial balance in the gut), and (6) neutralizing enterotoxins and

stimulating the immune system (Brisbini et al., 2010).

The effect of probiotic administration on the performance of chicken is variable. The

differences in the dose and nature of probiotics administration and variation in the

physiological state of the birds are likely the reasons (Huyghebaert et al., 2011). In terms of

immune responses, different species and/or strains of probiotics may have different

immunomodulatory activities due to the ability of probiotics to induce cytokine production,

which leads to modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses (Brisbin et al., 2010).

Most probiotics fall into the group of organisms' known as lactic acid-producing bacteria and

are normally consumed in the form of yogurt, fermented milks or other fermented foods. The

mechanisms by which probiotics exert their effects are largely unknown, but may involve

modifying gut pH, antagonizing pathogens through production of antimicrobial compounds,

competing for pathogen binding and receptor sites as well as for available nutrients and

growth factors, stimulating immunomodulatory cells, and producing lactase (P). Arvez et al.,


Probiotic application in poultry

The use of probiotic products can provide the poultry industry with an alternative

management tool that has the potential intestine composition of microbial production in the

Gi track to protect poultry folks from infectious with pathogenic bacteria and decrease

monetary. By adding product to the water, the intestine is populated with beneficial bacteria

avoiding or decreasing the extent of pathogen colonization. The efficacy of different

probiotics has been demonstrated in modern poultry system. Because anti biotic is being

removed from the routine practices. Of animal husbandry. Probiotic are now considered

promising tool to prevent pathogen from causing health disease challenge (Normi and
Rantala, 1973) preparations are varied, and LAB, i.e., Lactobacillus bulgaricus,

Lactobacillus helveticus.

The right probiotics support the immune system, the stimulation of the immune

system or immunomodulation is another theory that explains the efficacy of probiotics. The

intestinal of new born is basically sterile. Bacteria that first colonize the gut influence the

gene expression of the epithelial cells influencing in tern the subsequent bacterial

colonization of the intestine.

The chicken that has been immune stimulated with probiotics in the diet have shown

increased secretion of anti-clostridial (Hamid et al. 2006) on the hands, the intestine must

coexist with commensal bacteria and antigens of alimentary origin of (oral tolerance).

Probiotic have shown many beneficials properties with the ability to improve

immunity intestinal structure and gut barrier function in broiler. this factor can improve

digestion and absorption, which ultimately can improve performance result during HS

(Larsson et al.)

Fermented apple cider vinegar

The word vinegar comes from the Latin words for “sour wine” and has been used

for thousands of years. Most people consume it in salad dressings or sauces; however, it has

been used for many things. Apple cider vinegar is a apple that has been fermented using

yeast. The natural sugar with in the fruit is broken down by the yeast and bacteria and turned

into alcohol.

The term “apple juice” indicates the juice has been filtered to remove solids.

Fermented apple juice is called “hard cider.” In Europe, all non-fermented apple juice is
referred to as “juice”, and fermented apple juice is referred to as “cider.” Worldwide, cider

varies in alcohol content from less than 3% alcohol by volume (ABV) as found in French

cidre doux, to 8.5% ABV or above in traditional English ciders. New tax legislation passed

by Congress in December 2015 brought U.S cider definitions into alignment with content and

including pears as well as apples in the definition of (hard) cider. And the use of vinegar to

fight infections dates back to Hippocrates (circa 460-circa 377 B.Sc.) the father of the

medicine and the mother of ACV contains concentrated bacteria and enzymes that give ACV

an apple cider vinegar also has a strong history in Africa and China as an alternative

medicine. It contains vitamins C and B, as well as acetic acid which increases the body’s

absorption of important minerals from the foods we eat and slows down the rate at which the

body turns carbohydrates into sugar.


Experimental design and treatments

A total of 90 straight-run, day-old broiler chicks of any available strain will be purchased

from reliable Supplier in Solano, Nueva Vizcaya. The birds will be subjected immediately

upon arrival to brooding for a period of 10-14 days. After the brooding period, the

experimental birds will be grouped into four (30 birds per group) with 3 replicates (10 birds

per replicate).

Treatment 1 (control treatment) – plain water

Treatment 2 – 10 ml ACV/990 ml of drinking water

Treatment 3 – 20 ml ACV/980 ml of drinking water

Experimental layout
Three experimental broiler cages with elevated floorings and approximate dimension

of 1meter x 3 meter will be constructed out of local materials for the experimental birds. Each

cage will be divided into 3 blocks such that each block will have an approximate floor space

of 1m x 1m and would accommodate 10 birds from brooding to finishing. The experimental

layout is presented in Appendix A.

Housing Preparation

The broiler cages, feeders and waters and other materials that will be used in the

experimental procedure will be cleaned and disinfected two weeks prior to the arrival of the

day-old chicks. Dried rice straw or old newspapers will be used as litter materials or beddings

during brooding, while, empty feed sacks will be used to cover the sides of cages to prevent

draft during the brooding stage. The broiler chicks will be brooded for about two weeks after

which they will be distributed to the assigned cages at 10 birds cages or replication.

Acquisition of Apple Cider Vinegar

A total of 1 gallon finished product of organic apple cider vinegar bragg brand will be

purchased from reliable Supplier in Metro Manila. The apple cider vinegar will be packed

and handle with care upon the arrival and shipment through Ninjavan as a courier. After the

arriving period, the apple cider vinegar will be stored in a cool dry place and ready for

experimental treatment.

Care and management

Uniform care and management will be provided to the experimental birds from the

start to the termination of the experiment.

Birds will be fed ad libitum with commercial feeds following the standard feed

classification for broilers (chick booster, chick starter, broiler grower and/or finisher).

On the other hand, regular checking and refilling of feeders will be done to minimize

feed wastage and ensure continuous feeding of the experimental birds. However, fresh and

clean drinking water will be made available at all times.

Protection from any kind of stress and disturbance especially during times of extremes

of temperatures and other uncomfortable environmental conditions will be provided, likewise,

strict sanitation will be implemented throughout the duration of the study. This will include

regular and proper manure disposal, cleaning, disinfection.

Data to be gathered

The following data will be gathered during the course of the experiment and will be

recorded accordingly

Growth Performance Parameters

1. Average Initial Weight (kgs) - This refers to the average weight of the experimental

birds upon arrival.

2. Average Final Weight (kgs) - This pertains to the average weight of the birds at the

end of the experiment.

3. Average Final Gain-in-Weight (kgs) - This refers to the average total gain in weight

of the birds after 28 days experimental period. This will be determined by subtracting

the average initial weight from the average final weight of the experimental birds.
4. Average Feed and Relative Water Consumption (kgs/ml) - This pertains the

average total amount of feed and relative amount of water consumed by each bird.

5. Average Feed Conversion Ratio - This refers to the average amount of feed

consumed by each bird for every kilogram gain in weight. This will be determined by

dividing the average total feed consumed by the average total gain in weight.

Carcass Yield Parameters

1. Average Dressed Weight (kgs) - This refers to the average weight of the

representative broiler birds after slaughtering where the head, feet, and internal organs

are removed. Data on the average carcass weight of broilers are necessary from which

the average dressing percentage will be based.

2. Average Weight of Breast (kgs) - This pertains to the average weight of the breast of

representative broiler birds. This will be determined by separating the breast from the

carcass and were weighed in a weighing scale.

3. Average Weight of Thighs (kgs) - This parameter will be determined by separating

the thighs from the carcass where the average weight of the thighs will be recorded.

4. Average Weight of Drumsticks (kgs) - This parameter will be determined by

separating the drumsticks from the carcass of experimental birds where the average

weight of the drumsticks will be recorded.

5. Average Weight of Giblets (grms) - This refers to the average weight (in grams) of

combined gizzard, liver, spleen and heart which will be measured in a triple beam


6. Abdominal Fat Deposition (grms) - This refers to the amount of fat deposition

which will be needed to determine if the accretion or formation of fat in the abdomen

of the experimental birds is influenced by the experimental feeding trials. This

parameter will be measured by collecting the fat from the abdomen and weighed in a

triple beam balance.

Average Return Above Feed Cost (RAFC)

This parameter will be determined by subtracting the expenses incurred in costs of

average feed consumed and cost of fermented eggshell used in the treatment from the average

sales of live birds per treatment.

Statistical Analysis

All collected data will be collated and summarized in data form. All data totals and

means will be computed and subsequently analyzed using the analysis of variance (ANOVA).

Mean differences for the different treatments will be analyzed using the Least Significant

Difference Test (LSD). Statistical analysis will use the Sirichai Statistics software.

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Cage 1 Cage 2 Cage 3

T3R2 T1R3 T2R3

T3R1 T3R3

T1R2 T2R2 T1R1

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