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Philippine Politics and Governance (HUMSS-124)

Week 1-10
Identify the type of government which best relates to the following
words/phrase: "rule by the people"
- democracy

Identify the type of government which best relates to the following

words/phrase: king and queen
- monarchy

Identify the type of government which best relates to the following words/phrase: Marcos and Martial
- dictatorship

This refers to a political order that maintains and perpetuates the community.
- government

Which of the following refers to the belief that traditional institutions work best and that society
should avoid radical change.
- conservatism

Which of the following is NOT TRUE about politics?

- Extrajudicial killing is a morally political act

Which of the following refers to the belief in the importance of liberty and equality?
- liberalism

Which of the following is being shared by a nation?

- all of the choices

Fill-out the blank: You are considered _______ if you do not have an opinion on any of the political
- indifferent

Politics aims to examine how human life in the aggregate is ______.

- ordered
These represent a mix of both liberal and conservative ideologies.
- Moderates

This considers the state undesirable, unnecessary and harmful.

- anarchism

A political ideology which denounces economic and social inequality and equality of opportunity is
viewed as essential.
- liberalism

This emphasizes the right of the strong to rule the weak, the inequality of individuals and "races," and
the racial superiority of White Anglo-Saxons.
- national socialism

This ideology aspires to enhance individual liberty by keeping the government small, except in the
area of national defense
- conservatism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: It sees government as the
means to eliminate inequalities while preserving civil liberties/rights and progressive values.
- liberalism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: It advocates vigorous public
policies to reduce or eliminate inequalities.
- liberalism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: This considers the state
undesirable, unnecessary, and harmful.
- anarchism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: This is an ideology based on
collective or governmental ownership and democratic management of the essential means of the
production and distribution of goods.
- socialism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: It is an ideology based on the
communal ownership of all property and a classless structure.
- communism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: This promotes a stateless
- anarchism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: This tends to celebrate
masculinity, youth, mystical unity, and the power of violence.

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: This believes that the public
policy should be egalitarian and that it is the government’s responsibility to ensure all citizens have
access to affordable healthcare, quality education, a clean environment, and social safety net
- liberalism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: All injustices and inequalities
in the world can be traced to the class struggle.
- marxism

Determine the political ideology referred to by the following statement: It has a general preference for
the existing order of society.
- conservatism

Which of the following most likely promotes racial superiority doctrines?

- fascism

Which of the following refers to the belief that traditional institutions work best and that society
should avoid radical change?
- conservatism

Which of the following embodies the interests of the community as a whole?

- communism

Which of the following believe that any legitimate government should be small?
- libertarians

Which of the following is an ideology based on the communal ownership of all property and a
classless structure?
- communism

Which of the following does NOT belong to the group?

a. Fascism
b. Communism
c. Socialism
d. Marxism

Fill-in the blank: Liberalism _____ economic and social inequality.

- condemns

There are indeed a number of similarities between _________.

- socialism and communism

Which of the following tends to celebrate masculinity, youth, mystical unity, and the power of
- fascism

Which of the following is a trait of Conservatism?

a. Believes that the public policy should be egalitarian
b. Equality of opportunity is viewed as essential
c. Denounces economic and social inequality
d. none of the choices

Fill-out the blank: A _____ party or ecologist party is a formally organized political party based on the
principles of ______ politics.
- green

Identify the type of government which best relates to the following words/phrase: Marcos and Martial
- dictatorship

Which of the following refers to the various theories of economic organization which advocate either
public or direct worker ownership and administration of the means of production and allocation of
- socialism

Which of the following refers to a political order that maintains and perpetuates the community?
- government

This ideology originated as a national movement in European countries after World War I.
- nazism
Which of the following is an an ideology based on collective or governmental ownership and
democratic management of the essential means of the production and distribution of goods?
- socialism

Famous for the 1848 political pamphlet "The Communist Manifesto".

- Karl Marx

Which of the following believe that the individual should be as free as is practically feasible from
government restraint?
- libertarians

What does the word "egalitarian" mean?

- a principle that all people are equal and deserve equal rights and opportunities.

Which of the following consists of rule by one person or a group of people?

- dictatorship

Which of the following seek to diminish or even eliminate reliance upon authority in the conduct of
human relations?
- anarchists

Fill-out the blank: Politics aims to examine how human life in the aggregate is ______.
- ordered

Which of the following denotes the existence of a viable, sovereign government exercising authority
and power in the name of the society?
- state

Which of the following is a trait of Liberalism?

- Equality of opportunity is viewed as essential

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: One gained political
capital by marriage to a famous political leader.
- referent

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Can be
demonstrated by demonstration, by reputation, or by offering appropriate credentials clarifying
- expert
Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Force that is
exerted upon us to conform to traditional ways.
- tradition

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Based on the right
of some to offer tangible, social, emotional, or spiritual rewards to others for doing what is wanted or
expected of them.
- reward

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Seen as
inappropriate as it typically portends fear, distrust, and a lack of positive regard for the powerful.
- coercive

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Exists when the use
of or the threat of force is made to extract compliance from another.
- coercive

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Results from one’s
being elected, selected, or appointed to a position of authority.
- legitimate

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: A leader gets
elected because of her 20 years of experience as a governor.
- expert

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: That aura
possessed by only a few individuals.
- charismatic

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Comes as a result of
possessing knowledge that others need or want.
- information

Determine the kind or type of power referred to by the following statement/case: Seen as
inappropriate as it typically portends fear, distrust, and a lack of positive regard for the powerful.
- coercive

Any group or individual within the state's borders can use force legally without the permission of the
- False

A State can be created while a Nation is always the result of evolution.

- True
Sovereignty is the ultimate power within a territory.
- True

The Nation is limited to a fixed territory.

- False

There can be two or more Nationalities living in one State.

- True

It is essential for each State to possess a fixed territory.

- True

Determining what constitutes a nation has always been objective and impartial.
- False

The Nation is limited to a fixed territory.

- False

A state refers to a political unit that has sovereignty over a particular piece of land.
- True

State is a Political Organization while Nation is a social, cultural, psychological, emotional and political
- True

The term nation is being used to describe a collection of people with something in common.
- True

What type of power is demonstrated by demonstration, by reputation, or by offering appropriate

credentials certifying expertise?
- expert

This is essential for State but not for Nation.

- Sovereignty

It is defined as a large group of people who are linked by a similar culture, language, and history.
- Nation

Power is defined as _________.

a. both choices
b. social force that allows select persons to mobilize others
c. none of the choices
d. the ability to influence others

This is the authority of a state to govern itself or another state.
- Sovereignty

What type of power is demonstrated when a leader approves of extrajudicial killings as a solution to
societal problem?
- coercive

What type of power is demonstrated by a public servant being heralded as a hero for his courageous
- reward

This type of power is characterized by super confidence, typical physical attractiveness, social
adroitness, amiability, sharpened leadership skills, and heightened charm.
- charismatic

This type of power strongly related to the use of FORCE.

- coercive

What type of power results from one’s being elected, selected, or appointed to a position of authority?

- legitimate

What type of power is based on what one knows and what experience one has?
- expert

State is a Political Organization while Nation is a social, cultural, psychological, emotional and political
- True

What type of power stems from the affiliations being made?

- referent

It is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of
different nations.
- globalization

It is a political unit that has sovereignty over a particular piece of land.

- state

What type of power is based on the right of some to offer tangible, social, emotional, or spiritual
- reward

What type of power is based upon the lawfulness or authenticity of the leader?
- legitimate

What type of power is demonstrated by a professional who submits school transcripts to prove
discipline expertise?
- expert

What type of power exists when the use of or the threat of force is made to extract compliance from
the subordinates?
- coercive

What type of power is demonstrated by the leader's right to live in the Malacañang?
- legitimate

What type of power may involve denying others credits for failing to or refusing what is expected of
- reward

An election is a procedure by which members of communities choose persons to hold an office.

- True

By 1916, the Philippine Commission became the Senate composed of members appointed by the
- False

For de Quiros, elections are a mechanism of oppression.

- False

Jones Law, also known as the Philippine Organic Act, is passed by the US Congress in 1921.
- False

Election is considered an act of democratic practice.

- True

Elections and other democratic institutions were primarily imported into the Philippines from
Western models.
- True

In the Philippines, elections have historically served to legitimize the government and perpetuate elite
- True

Economic development ensures that economic growth also benefits the lower or poorer classes.
- True

The first election in the country was held in Baliwag, Bulacan.

- True

Corruption, poor law enforcement, and an ineffective justice system are some of the challenges of the
government under the 1987 constitution.
- True
Which of the following is within the scope of pardoning power?
- amnesty grant

Which of the following best describes "executive power"?

- Power granted to execute or enforce the laws through the inherent powers of the state.

For calling out the Armed Forces

- military

Executive power for proclamations and presidential decrees.

- veto

Which of the following public officials can be appointed by the President?

a. heads of executive departments
b. Ambassadors
c. all of the choices
d. Regular members of the Judicial and Bar Council

Which of the following is within the scope of executive function?

- removal of Cabinet secretaties

Fill-in the blank: The appointments made by the acting president will remain effective unless revoked
by the elected president within _____ days from his assumption.
- 90

Executes the instructions of Congress when it declares war or make rules for the military.
- pardoning

Which kind of presidential appointment is made while the congress is in session? |

- regular appointment

Represents the state in the international community and foreign affairs.

- diplomatic

True or False: Poor law enforcement and an ineffective justice system still challenges the Philippine
- True

This believes that the public policy should be egalitarian and that it is the government's responsibility
to ensure all citizens have access to affordable healthcare, quality education, a clean environment,
and social safety net programs.
- liberalism

Miss Amish Oriental rewarded her staff with sacks of fertilizer after the staff had met the company's
set quota. What leadership power is exercised by Miss Oriental in this scenario?
- reward

Miss Murakami believes that strictly following traditions work best for any society. What practice is
best shown by Miss Murakami?
- Conservatism

Fill-in the blank: You are considered _____ if you do not have an opinion on any of the political views.
- indiffirent

True or False:Regular Appointments refer to those appointments made by the president while the
congress is not in session.
- False

Exists when the use of or the threat of force is made to extract compliance from another.
- coercive

The aura possessed by only a few individuals.

- Charismatic

Which of the following refers to the belief that traditional institutions work best and that society
should avoid a radical change?
- Conservatism

Ressa is empowered with the wealth of knowledge she posts via social media. What leadership power
is shown in this scenario?
- information

True or False: The Nation is limited to a fixed territory.

- False

True or False: A state refers to a political unit that has sovereignty over a particular piece of land.
- True

Which kind of presidential appointment is made while the Congress is in session?

- Regular appointment

True or False: In the Philippines, elections have historically served to legitimize the government and
perpetuate elite rule.
- True

True or False:Sovereignty is the ultimate power within a territory. 

- True

True or False: Philippine Commission is a body created by the Americans in 1899, composed of
persons appointed by the US president and working in an advisory capacity to the governor- general.
- True
True or False: By studying political science, we become more aware of our dependence on the
political system and better equipped to determine when to favor and when to oppose change. 
- True

True or False:Any group or individual within the state's borders can use force legally without the
permission of the state.
- False

True or False: Charismatic Power can also have dark and sinister overtones.
- True

Results from one's being elected, selected, or appointed to a position of authority.

- legitimate

True or False: A Green party or ecologist party is a formally organized political party based on the
principles of Green politics.
- True

A president of an organization views that civil liberties shall be preserved to eliminate equalities.
Which of the following ideologies is shown by this view?
- Liberalism

Miss Ericordiam got elected as the organization's president because of her skills' alignment with the
organizational tasks. What leadership power is observed in this scenario?
- Expert

True or False: Martial Law is usually employed under emergency conditions and declared only
- True

Former President GMA called out the Armed Forces for a special occasion. Which trait of executive
power is used in this scenario?
- military

True or False: Martial Law is a condition whereby the president and the military would have wide-
ranging executive as well as legislative powers.
- True

The following statements can be considered TRUE about politics EXCEPT:

- It is mainly concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth.

True or False: The first election in the country was held in Baliwag, Bulacan.
- True

True or False: A State can be created while a Nation is always the result of evolution.
- True
Fill-in the blank: The appointments made by the acting president will remain effective unless revoked
by the elected president within ____ days from his assumption.
- 90

Which of the following refers to a political unit that has sovereignty over a particular piece of land?
- State

True or False: Expert Power is based on the right of some to offer tangible, social, emotional, or
spiritual rewards to others for doing what is wanted or expected of them.
- False

True or False: Election is considered an act of democratic practice.

- True

True or False: Jones Law, also known as the Philippine Organic Act, is passed by the US Congress in
- False

Complete the statement: Executive Power is _____________

- granted to execute or enforce the laws through the inherent powers of the state.

Which type of government is believed to be ruled by the majority of the people?

- democracy

Which of the following is said to be the type of government during the Martial Law period?
- dictatorship

True or False:The term nation is being used to describe a collection of people with something in
- True

True or False: Politics is determining who gets what, where, when, and how.
- True

True or False:Determining what constitutes a nation has always been objective and impartial.
- False

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